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Friday, February 2, 2024

Anyway That's It For Now

    Hey!  Friday!  I get to take a few days off after the next ten paragraphs!  GREAT.  Bought a new pair of EarBuds.  These have a nicer-feeling cushion for the ears.  FEELS good.  HOWEVER Cheaper pair, so there's a cheaper sound!  More Bassier sound.  I can get used to this, thuogh!  I like NEW THINGS sure why not.  The novelty of new things lasts at least 90 seconds!  Started watching Stand By Me.  I can get used to a Family Childhood Drama, why not!  It's a COMEDY Drama.  So many Laughs.  They sing along with the radio.  I'm Laughing Already!  They play cards with each other.  I'm CRACKING THE FUCK UP.  The one kid tells a story he made up to the other kids.  SOMEBODY STOP MY SIDES FROM SPLITTING.  Anyway.  I'm Robbing Reiner To Pay Paul.  Huh.  Came up with an alternate Acronym to ASSHOLE for the Artificial Intelligence Writing Robot for The New Monkees.  PUNK.  But I don't know what its an acronym for.  And the more I think about it the more I want to stick with ASSHOLE.  PUNK ASS ASSHOLE.
    Downloaded 30 day trial of Final Draft last night.  Guess I might start writing DIALOGUE as soon as tonight.  I can IMAGINE IT HAPPENING.  It could be a momentous occasion!  I don't like the Title STAND BY ME.  I don't want people standing by me.  It'll drive the point home that I'M SHORT.  STAND A FEW FEET AWAY FORM ME.  I don't want CONTEXT for my height!!!  BETTER YET LET'S BOTH SIT DOWN.  "LET'S SIT AT A TABLE," is the name of the film we can be in.  When Michael Stipe was writing the credits for the Theme Song for Get A Life YOU'RE DAMN WELL CERTAIN he wrote, "Stand By Me!"  YES.  Started watching That School Of Rock last night.  Made me pick up the guitar a little bit!  IF I WRITE A SHOW ABOUT A MUSICAL BAND stands to reason I should PICK UP THE GUITAR and work on music.  I could be A KEY MUSICIAN OF THE 2020'S.  WHY NOT.  I've written songs in the past.  YOU HAVE NO IDEA.  Only I know how adequate some of the songs I've written are.  I KNOW IT IN MY bones or Heart or EPIDERMIS perhaps.
That can't really happen.  I'm an idiot!  Also I Suck!  Also FUCK ME.  Jeez.  The point is I entertain myself a lot with self-created entertainment.  And I'm also entertained a lot by REGULAR entertainment.  So BY THAT LOGIC the entertainment I entertain myself with that's my own IS SIMILAR to REGULAR ENTERTAINMENT.  SAME THING.  CROSSOVER.  Whatever.  How come I never had three best friends when I was roughly thirteen in the 1950's.  I only had three best friends when I was roughly thirteen in roughly 2001-2002!.  WE SURE DID A LOT OF SITTING BY EACH OTHER.  That's what I liked about 'em!  Didn't feel the need to always STAND.  They understood the simple pleasures of SITTING.  Anyway.  You should stand by your friends if they get into trouble.  I dunno if my best friends stood by me if I ever got into trouble!  I feel like if I had gotten into any trouble they'd run away laughing at my misfortune.  Oh well!  It Takes All Kinds Of Friendship Groups To Make The World Go Round!
  I'm not sure I'd Stand By THEM either.  If my Childhood Best Friends got in trouble, I dunno if I'd run away giggling.  I might just Sit There and watch intently and eat popcorn like it's a movie.  HMM FRIEND IS IN TROUBLE.  How's THIS GONNA PLAY OUT.  JUST GO ON as if I'm not even here!  That sort of thing.  I don't really remember anyone ever getting into trouble.  I can't picture Anyone In The World Ever Facing Hardship Except For Me.  The world seems to work perfectly fine for 5,999,999,999 people all the time without any hiccups.  So that's good!  Hey I'm already into the fourth paragraph.  So THAT'S good, too!  I think people would GET A KICK out of A Corey Feldman Reboot.  WHY NOT.  I mean SERIOUS Reboot.  Not like a CAMPY reboot.  Give him a part with some MEAT on it.  AMERICA DEMANDS ACTION.
    Fifth paragraph.
  I'd eat a spare rib now that I think about it.  Maybe some Chinese beef on a stick.  Give me an appetizer with some MEAT on it!  Wow!  I don't know who Corey Feldman is!  I was just trying to put on a Big Act by pretending I did!  I THINK HE WAS SOME SORT OF ACTOR.  Little known fact-- Corey Feldman Must Have Been Jewish.  Just look at that last name.  Look At That Last Name Good!  Hmm.  I think I RE-LOST the chance to see Godzilla Minus Some in Theatres.  GREAT.  Well I lost the chance to see THOUSANDS of great movies in theaters.  Nothin' too special about this one.  SUNSET BLVD for example.  MAGNOLIA.  ...What's another flim that's a Boulevard.  BROKEN DREAMS.  I assume a, "Broken," Dream is one that hasn't and/or won't come true.  Pretty good assumption.  I think that's what most of us are assuming.  AS LONG AS WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE!  A Broke-IN dream is an Inception type scenario, though.
   Halfway through the act!  Might share The New Monkees Tiny Mini, "Concept 7.5 minute 'Album" I made a year ago.  Share it with my pilot Class.  Emphasize that its Not Good, SPECIFICALLY the version of The New Monkees theme.  BUT it might give them an IMPRESSION.  Impression of SOMETING.  Not sure WHAT.  But definitely would IMPRESS UPON THEM SOMETING.  Can't HELP but IMPRESS upon ya SOMETING.  GOD ONLY KNOWS what.  YES Possibly Negative Something but That's The World WE LIVE IN.  Anyway.  VERY SLOWLY making progress with Book About Science Of Music.  I need to make FASTER progress with it.  So far I'm reading 3 pages a week.  If we can bump it up to 3 pages a night, THAT WOULD BE GREAT.  What have I learnt so far.  Instruments.  Scales.  Notes.  All the stuff you're gonna wanna learn.  I know it all now!  Very interesting stuff.  I got it all covered!
    Four paragraphs to go.  Piano seems to cover the most notes of all the instruments!  I didn't realize that before!  Interesting.  I'm gonna write that down.   Not NOTES.  The most... Range???  I just Read This Stuff.  I should be able to use the right Terminology for what I'm trying to say!  Piano can cover the most RANGE from Low To High Notes than most or all instruments.  That sums that up.  Huh.  The assignment for next week Pilot Class doesn't INVOLVE starting the script.  FRUCK TAHT TOHUGH.  I'm starting the script!  The outline is the assignment.  OUTLIEN IS JUST GLORIFIED STORY AREA.  I'm gonna start the script!  Just fine tune the Story Area later on when it comes time for that!  I'M GONNA DO IT MY WAY, just like FRANK SINATRA said for me to do it.  The song was ABOUT ME, TO ME, AND ABOUT ME.
    Eighth paragraph.  QUEENS BLVD.  It's a fake movie they make in ENTOURAGE.  It's also a real Boulevard in Queens.  Not in my neighborhood!  But real NONETHELESS.  There was a movie called Hollywood Boulevard.  There was a movie called London Boulevard.  If you don't believe me on those things, check IMDB!  If you don't believe me on those things, you need to work on your Trust Skills!  I've given you no indication that I'm not a Reliable Narrator!  Probably not.  Whatever.  Two more paragraphs!  After the end of this one!  Which will probably end after the end of this riff I'm doing now!  It's a RIFF in the sense that it's several sentences.  Not in the sense that it's a Line Of Joke or something.  It's JUST NONSENSE.  Anyway now it's time for The End Of The Paragraph Riff.  We're Gonna Close It Up Real Funny And Whatknot.  I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THIS JOKE-Riff.  What The Hell Is Wrong With Me.
     Penultimate paragraph!  The, "P," in, "Punk," could be PERMUTATION. I dunno.  That's not really good.  I don't like it!  I don't like anything about it!  I like that I was looking for a, "P," word and it's a, "P, word.  And that, "Permutation," seems like it might have to do with CODING or something.  So in those senses I LIKE IT.  But overall LET'S MOVE ON.  What starts with a, "U."  NOTHING starts with a, "U."  Things that start with the pre-fix," UN."  Those words start with, "U!"  So PRACTICALLY NOTHING APPROPRIATE basically.  Whatever.  What else is up!  UNIX.  That's a computer word.  It's a KIND OF COMPUTER CODE.  HMM.  Maybe I can get the show SPONSORED by Unix.  THAT WOULD KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE.  Is UNIX pig-latin.  I believe UNIX sounds like some Pig Latin!  UNIX ON THE IXNAY.
    Last paragraph.  Final Draft is when The Wind Stops Blowing.  Sure.  There are a couple of good Boulevards in my neighborhood but no one has made any films about them yet.  A few good Avenues, too.  Not so many great Roads.  So that's where I live.  Permanent Unfolding.... P U!  Punk. Permanent Unfolding N.... Nuh.  NUH.  I dunno what that means yet.  The Artificial Intelligence is Permanently Unfolding Nuh, thuogh!  So that's good.  No it isn't.  Anyway.  That's great, just great.  Huh.  I wanna see a dead body!  I've seen the dead body before when I saw the movie before but I forget what the dead body looks like.  Possible it looks like a corpse.  We all gradually turn into corpses sooner or later!  And then preteens Trek For Us!  Well its nice that our death serves some purpose.  Anyway I'll see ya later!

-4:24 P.M.           




Thursday, February 1, 2024

I Can See It That That Way

    Hey, friends!  Start of February.  Missed doing the treadmill in the exercise room this morning.  Felt like sleeping in.  In my bed.  In my room.  In Upper Floor of my house.  ON Upper Floor.  I wasn't in the Floor Boards or anything.  HMM NOW SHOULD I BE WORRIED TEHRE'S PEOPLE IN THEM FLOORBOARDS.  Class went okay last night!  Got a couple of instructive comments for my Story, "Area."  I thought I was writing an OUTLINE for six out of seven days of the week.  Seventh day I was re-reading the assignment.  NOPE.  "Story, 'Area."  I made some minor adjustments!  Could have been too little too late.  I'm gonna chalk up the lack of Fawning Over My Pilot So Far From Teacher to it was more of an Outline than an Area.  Either that or the teacher didn't wanna make the other students feel bad by saying my Area was the best Length Times Width he'd seen in his entire Mathematics Career.  OR teacher didn't want my Outstanding Progress to go to my head.  Either way got a few good notes.  And I CAME UP WIT A PROBLEM MYSELF IN MY HEAD.  Artificial Intelligence can't be called Asshole.  It is right to me STORYWISE.  But it SOUNDS WRONG.  FEELS wrong.  Calling a character ASSHOLE over and over.  That ain't it!
    Hmm.  You can't say that ON TV.  Maybe in your real world situations you try calling a person an Asshole on a Permanent Basis.  CAN YOU DO THAT ON TV??  I don't know if Polite Company would STAND for this!  Then again maybe there's only ONE WAY TO FIND OUT.  ME TRYINA DO IT.  Huh.  I like the characters' names in general.  They activate feelings  and whatknot in me.  Yeah.  These names RING TRUE to me.  I can see them Being People and WHATKNOT.  Wow P picked names that Some Of 'Em Do It For Me.  CHALK IT UP TO BRILLIANCE.  The point is I ate the turkey sandwich without any complications.  Wasn't a sex thing, either!  Just a Me/Inanimate Object thing.  Turkey USED to be an animate object.  But that was long ago.  In an entirely different context.  The turkey it used to be has nothing to do with the turkey I just ate!  Hmm.  Wait.  It has SOMETHING to do with it.  MAYBE I just ate a REAL LIVING THING.  Gonna have to look into that one.  The red onions were probably on a permanently dead basis though from the start.
     I've never seen a red onion.  Not convinced people aren't just talking about radishes!  RADII. I started watching The Underdoggs.  Then I continued watching it!  At this point I'm about 2/3rds into it!  DOES Snoop Dogg get high in real life.  I THINK IT'S JUST A PUBLIC RELATIONS STUNT.  Anyway.  He can't be high EVER.  How can you get high if you're always high.  Seems like it'd just Be Life.  Yes that's the point.  He likes living his life Always High.  BUT WHAT ABOUT WHEN HE WAKES UP AFTER EIGHT HOURS OF SLEEP.  Not high.  And be like Wait Holy Moly I'm Not High This Is Like Regular People Life I'ma Smoke Some Weed I'm Snoop Dogg That's One Of My Favorite Things To Do Besides Gangsta Rap!  Maybe if you smoke enough weed before bedtime you wake up still high.  Maybe he has people force feed him edibles while asleep.  There's steps you can take to make sure you wake up high!  The point is Snoop Dogg doesn't SEEM high.  It'd be weird if there was a successful entertainer celebrity whose deal was They Always Are High but also they always acted like a teenager getting high for the first time.  Like WOAH THIS SHIT IS CRAZY MAN LOL CAN YOU TELL I'M HIGH RIGHT NOW I CAN GO FOR SOME BURGERS.  And that's how they acted in every interview.
     Makes sense!  I like the scene where they have to explain why the movie is called The Underdoggs even though his name isn't Snoop Dogg in it!  WELL DONE.  I was worried it wouldn't be addressed.  My worries have been ASSUAGED.  How does coaching little football players for two weeks make them better football players.  HEY.  Catch the ball better.  IT'S EASY.  I'M BEING A NICE GUY ABOUT IT NOW not like I was the first two weeks.  And then the kid goes Oh okay good.  And suddenly they can catch the ball better.  I'm no SPORTS GUY but is that really how Sports Talent Progression works?  CATCH BETTER.  GOOD TIP!  Anyway.  Snoop Dogg does more than that!  He buys them JERSEYS.  He drives them HOME FROM PRACTICE.  Writes up some PLAYS for them.  AMERICAN-CANADIAN FOOTBALL PLAYS.  Anyway.  I wonder if Snoop Dogg team WINS THE BIG GAME or LOSES THE BIG GAME but WINS IN LEARNING VALUABLE SPORTS LESSON that there is valuable sports lesson in losing big game.  CAN'T WAIT.  What's the sports lesson.  "YOU'RE A BUNCH OF LOSERS!!"
    Fifth paragraph.  Snoop's friend is MIKE EPPS.  He's the assistant couch.  When Snoop needs someone to talk to HERE COMES MIKE EPPS.  His agent is KAL PENN.  Kal Penn sounds like a college.  It BORROWS syllables from other colleges.  I hope one day I have a kid and my kid goes to Kal Penn.  Huh.  I'm worried my pilot is too much like 30 Rock.  It's not enough that I can picture it and eventually write it so that its not like 30 Rock.  I need to be able to make it CLEAR at SELLING POINT that its not a 30 Rock Clone.  UNLESS IT IS JUST A 30 ROCK CLONE.  Maybe that's all I'm capable of Crapping Out.  A 30 Rock Clone!  I DON'T TINK IT IS BUT HEY I'M DUMB I COULD BE DUMB ABOUT THIS!  Teacher is like what TV show tonewise is this like.  I don't get the question.  I want it to be a new TV show!  And have a new tone!  Isn't that kind of the point of making a new TV show?  IDEALLYWISE!!
Then again I assume it's because when you're, "SHOPPING IT," they wanna know oh this is like THIS SHOW meets THAT SHOW.  They like to IMAGINE IT in their SIMPLE MINDED WAYS.  So I guess I do get it!  I can get things that I don't like!  I can like things that I don't get.  That's a lot of my life!  Getting things I don't like and liking things I don't get!  That just about covers it for me.  Hmm.  Earbuds starting to go!  Sound in one ear cutting in and out!  That's not good.  I'll settle for it just having sound coming out of one ear.  Just don't cut in and out!  It's Really Annoying!  Anyway I lost track of Who Cares.  What can be names for ASSHOLE.  Jerk comes to mind.  And leaves mind immediately.  Because it's JUST WRONG.  Maybe he has a People Name.  HUH.  What translates to ASSHOLE in English.  Lemme LTURQ.   
     Internet said, "Adolf," but it was to a slightly OFF-TRACK, UNRELATED question.
  Well, Hitler was the Ultimate Asshole so I guess that checks out!  ANyway. Still got four paragraphs to go! Whose the second top Asshole of All Time.  PUMPKIN HEAD of the movie Pumpkin head.  Let's unpack that for a second.  I was thinking of the word PUMPKIN because I read IN A BOOK the other night SPECIFICALLY out of context from any PARAGRAPH or SENTENCE.  And Pumpkin head terrorizes his community.  STRIKE ONE.  And let's not go for strike two!  I don't think I can call the AI Pumpkinhead though.  Seems like too complicated an acronym.  Maybe I can call the AI PUMPKIN.  Nope.  No computer, "P's!"  Automated System Servicing Humanity Only by Lavishing Entertainment.  THAT'S his name.  Don't call him ASSHOLE all the time!  It's rude!  Call him The The Automated Thing! 
     Three paragraphs to go!
  The good news is I'm almost done, but the bad news is I'm NOT almost done ENOUGH.  I can't emphasize enough how much I want this to be over!  HMM.  I WANT IT TO BE OVER AT PROBABLY A SEVEN OUT OF TEN.  WAIT NO.  FIVE.  FIVE OUT OF TEN.  Maybe ten out of ten.  Ya either WANT IT or ya DON'T.  I want it to be oever at a ten out of then!  Jeez.  Two and a half paragraphs to go!  What can I do to accomplish that.  Just keep typing!  What's the harm to be done.  Bad results of combinations of letters and symbols.  I can't imagine what the worst consequences of that sort of thing could be.  Sure I can.  BUT CAN I imagine what the Accurate Future consequences of that sort of thing could be.  Huh.  Continue writing more bad combinations of letters and sumbols.  Sounds Like A Plan!
     Penulotimate paragraph.  Whatwouldstriketwobe for Pumpkin Head.  O, BE WON KA TUBI.  What does that mean.  Pumpkin Avenges HIMSELF AS A CHLID I TINK?  Some child.  Probably his own damn self.  I don't need to avenge my childhood.  Nothing even CLOSE to being worth avenging!  Maybe the time ULTRON showed up.  WE HAD TO AVENGE HIS ASS.  But that's beside the point.  Not sure I like February so far.  I like the part where we started the month and now we're going to continue the month.  This is gonna take WEEKS.  Think I'll download a Screenplay Writing software. So I can start writing my Non-Screenplay Screenplay.  WOW.  Now it's REAL.  In that FORMAT.  Also this is dedicated for MAT.  Which is what the AI is called.  MATHEMATICAL ARTIFICAL 'TELLIGENCE.  Seems about wrong.
    Last paragraph.
  Good!  I guess I got a nice evening and/or nighttime in store for me.  I'll accomplish all the Living Through Those Hours that I got coming to me!  AND NONE OF THE ONESI DON'T HAVE COMING TO ME.  Well that seems like an appropriate way for lifeto unfold!  Whatever.  Only got 3/4ths of a paragraph to write!  Close this one up real good.  Well, anyway, I guess all its gonna take is a few more words and sentences.  SHOULD I type up all the notes I've been taking the last month or two.  HMM.  That was POSTERITY might have a better shot at seeing them.  Is that a positive thing.  POSITIVE POSTERITY is usually how it goes.  No one is ever looking through the posterity of Pieces Of Crap Artists.  SURE THEY DO.  PROBABLY.  Anyway.  I can't READ THEM the way they're written.  If I type them up I only need to Read Them Once and then I can read them PERMANENTLY Typed Up!  SURE.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-4:59 P.M.        



Contact: mankindguy@gmail.com