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Friday, June 30, 2023

This Is Easy Enough To Do

     Hey, friends!  Here late today.  1:08 P.M.!  Had to wait around two hours for the super market order to come.  IT CAME.  We.  Got.  KIWIFRUIT.  Didn't ask for it.  Don't want it.  BUT WE'VE GOT IT.  I ordered and received more root beer soda pop than I wanted to get.  Good News Is soda Don't Go Bad.  Just get less next week.  Soda gonna last me into the post apocalypse.  If you have soda that was produced pre-apocalypse you'll surely still have some soda covered for post-apocalypse.  Anyway.  The 2 dollar pipe I'd been using broke.  Glass just chipped off.   Cannot Be Used in the meantime.  Went to a store that I could tell would sell Decent Stock Of Pipes on Walk I.  They were closed.  They had a sign that specifically said Open.  Said Open on one line and Push on the second line.  Tried pushing.  NOTHIN.  Tried pulling.  NOTHIN.  Tried knocking!  No one there.  I could see through the window there was no one there.  Stores can be telling untruths to you by saying they're open when they're closed so BE SAFE OUT THERE.
Try again next walk.  Either go to that place or take a walk in another direction and get a pipe from a place that should be open but will have less of a variety.  I DON'T WANT A GLASS PIPE.  For a variety of reasons.  (1) bad associations.  (2) worse connotations.   (3) not GREAT.  (4) NO THANK YOU.  (5) the glass chips easily apparently.  One reason I might get a glass pipe is to support local artisan who glassblew the glasspipe.  Someone made this.  I SUPPORT THE ARTS.  Whatever.  Got to take upcoming walk real soon.  I'm not gonna write 10 paragraphs before then.  This is great news for Everybody Who Hates These Paragraphs.  You won't have to suffer long.  Well you will.  LIFE is suffering.  But a good portion of your suffering in life WON'T be my fault so don't blame it on me.  Anyway.  At this rate I'm probably having lunch today.  What, "RATE."  E-tar.  Rate backwards.  Sounds like some sort of INTERNET instrument you hang over your profile like a guitar.   Like a guitar or a keytar.  Strap around your torso.  Are there any, "tars," besides GEE and KEY.  I tried looking it up online.  It was dumb to look up.  I got no answers.  That's good.  I got a good streak of Classical Ignorance going for me.  Let's keep it going.
    Anyway.  No movie today.  Maybe later on in the weekend.  Anyway.  Started watching Bruce Springsteen On Broadway on Netflix on my TV.  The show were he performs in front of an audience ON THE BROADWAY AVENUE.  With his guitar.  Got a piano set up.  Talks a lot and tells stories.  So far so good.  He was a KID at some point.  Was enchanted by MUSIC.  And we all know how that goes.  He becomes A MEMBER of MUSIC.  One of the main members.  TOP 200 members of music I'd say.  Lemme Look Up Right Quick THE Rolling Stone list of Top Members Of Music.  Okay.  Rolling Stone has him as #47 as The Top Member of Music Of The 20th Century.  HE DID IT.  And now he's made it to Broadway.  How do you get to broadway.  You TAKE THE BUS.  Just kidding.  PRACTISIMO, PRACTISMO, PRACTISMO!  I've Spent a lot of time on Broadway myself.  Different part of Broadway.  ENTIRELY different part of Broadway.
   Sweet.  What's the new Terrible Things The Supreme Court did today.  Cancelled Student Debt Relief.  That negatively impacts people I know, people I don't know, and people in general!  Seems like LEGISLATING FROM THE BENCH to me.  Let's go to the video show on whether that's allowed.  A wedding website is allowed to refuse service to Gay Marriage weddings.  Something along those lines.  LOOK is THIS SPECIFIC COUPLE that this case is based on better off not getting married?  I don't know.  I HAVEN'T MET THEM.  I read these specific cases are based on Bogus Nonsense that means nothing and they just used it as an excuse to make these rulinging.  I READ THAT ANALYSIS.  Now you've read it vicariously.  What else. DID I MENTION I'm likely to have lunch today?  Because I AM for whatever reason.  Feels like it's in the cards.
Fifth paragraph.  Down to one or two episodes of The Critic left.  And one of them is a CLIP show.  I should have gotten more out of Watching The Critic the last two weeks.  It was a great opportunity to get lots of it.  INSTEAD I only got a little out of it.  I guess I'm set up well for getting Lots out of it the next time I watch it during post-apocalypse.  WITH MY DIET ROOT BEER.  Whatever.  I ordered buffalo wings again this week but this time around I intend to eat the majority of them for lunch!  Or half of them!  The point is I will devote most of The Premise Of The Wings to lunch instead of snacks.  I don't need to snack on wings anymore.  I'm PAST that.  Anyway.  Five paragraphs down.  Still got some time to write some more paragraphs.  I WILL write some more paragraphs.  EXPECT TWO.  That's what I'm doing.  IT'S FUN to expect two.  JOIN ME wouldn't you.
WOW The Mets are doing so poorly in Baseball they should probably trade some players for prospects at the Seasonal Deadline For Trading Coming Up In Two Months instead of STANDING PAT or DOING THE OPPOSITE.  That's The Mets for ya.  Better luck next year.  Next Year they'll have all the luck in the world.  Got Bad Luck out of the way this year.  LOOK they still will win their fair share of games in 2023 NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.  It just won't be enough.  Maybe we have fun watching some of the youngsters mature.  Baseballwise.  I don't care if they can now grow better facial or body hair.  I want to see them become Baseball Stars.  Maybe we even have fun watching veterans Do Their Thing.  Team just ain't gonna Play-em-off.  TAKE SOLACE in individual victories though, though.  Maybe they make the playoffs.  Crazier things have happened.  Off the top of my head THAT YOUNG 7 YEAR OLD WHO WANTED TO GIVE UP ON THE GUITAR AFTER TWO WEEKS turned into none other than #47 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN.  If THAT craziness can happen surely the Mets can make the playoffs.  Well not really but you get the idea.




i don't know, what's going on

     Hey, friends!  I bought a new 12 dollar pipe.  Thought it was plastic or something at the time.  Turns out it's RUBBER.  Not sure it's safe Burning Rubber.  Let's ask DRAG RACERS from the 1950's through 1960's: The Heyday of Drag Racing.  Not so much drag racing in the 30's!  NOT SO MUCH DRAG RACING these days.  Anyway I'll give it a shot later on in the day.  The pipe, not drag racing.  Possibly I will!  I can't say for sure.  Drag Racing may not have been in style by the 1960's.  Or it may have been in style into the 1980's.  The important thing is BY THE BEGINNING OF MY LIFE Drag Racing Was Already Abandoned As A Social Recreational Activity.  Drag Racing.  What's that supposed to mean some sort of pun with Drag Performers?  Yes.  That's what it's supposed to mean.  Drag Race is when white people do black face.  They're performing in DRAG but FOR RACE instead of gender.
    I guess.
  Black people doing black face is a Minstrel show.  White people doing white face is called Clowning. 
What's wrong with that.  Selling out cultural heritage.  Clowning IS cultural heritage.  CLOWNING is the main cultural contribution white people have made to the world.  The modern Clown.  With face paint.  Who does balloon animals.  And is friends with many more clowns inside a small car.  Possibly bottles of seltzer are employed several times throughout a Clown's Day whether he's on or off the clock.  ...Always frowning.  I always picture a clown frowning.  I can't picture Any Really Happy But Also Not Evil Clowns.  Anyway.  I just tried out the new pipe.  It is rubber.  YOU ARE GLUE.  Everything you say... etc..  Anyway, using fire near rubber did NOT cause any kind of physics explosion or chemistry breakdown.  Went okay!  What's the design.  All pipes have to look like other things.  Well this one looks like an astronaut standing on a dark gray sphere.  THE SPHERE is a metaphor for EARTH OR MOON I'm gonna guess Moon.  Why would an astronaut be especially standing on Earth.  WE ALL DO THAT WITHOUT MOON SUITS ON.  Anywhat.  Wait.  Does clown face paint always imply a frown or a smile.  I think clowns frown mouthedly and smile paintedly.  Either way I think it's uniform one way or another.  I better LTURQ.
    ALRIGHT Face Paint of clowns is uniform smiles.  Good.  Makes sense.  Without it they'd be frowning all the time!  Kids wouldn't like that.  Adults neither.  Adults might get a kick out of a clown who frowns while he's clowning around.  I think kids would feel empathy for the clown but the adults can enjoy a nice laugh at the clown's expense.  Anyway.  Wearing a frown doesn't mean the clown feels down.  Maybe clown is smiling through another part of his face.  EAR, NOSE, OR THROAT can betray your positive feelings about Something At The Time.  Maybe you're smiling through one or all of those!  The point is we don't know how clowns feel all the time because Nobody Knows Any Clowns. There's no famous clown that we know intimately behind the scenes of his clowning around.  There's no famous clowns PERIOD.
   Hmm.  No famous REAL LIFE clown.  We got fictional clowns up the ying-yang.  I've known people named Ying, and I've known people named Yang.  However, they did NOT marry each other to have a Ying-Yang Wedding.  Not to my knowledge.  Guess anything is possible.  I don't remember either of them so I can't say for sure whether they'd get along.  Don't remember their personality.  Don't remember their first name.  Don't remember what they look or sound like!  Sounds like they're a match made in Heaven then.  Neither of them are Remembered By Me so they've got that in common.  Maybe I've been waiting for them to get together so I can remember them as a single unit.  Doesn't sound fair.  Not on account of It Probably Not Happening!  Then I'll just never remember them 99.9% of the time.  I don't think they mind.  They hardly even exist.  I just said There's People Named Ying and There's People Named Yang.  Am I thinking of two specific people?  Yes, probably, but they're common last names so Who Cares I COULD BE TALKING ABOUT ANY YING OR ANY YANG.
    What else is up.  WHAT ELSE.  Is.  UP.  I forgot.  To get.  POP TARTS.  Now I GOT iced cream sandwiches for Classic Breakfasts but no Pop Tarts to pair them with.  Are there any Savory Pop Tarts.  Feels like there should be some Chicken Beef Or Shrimp Pop Tarts.  Pork, too.  My only Savory references are ON PAR with what you'd see in a Chinese Menu.  The point is I'd eat a Burrito where their outside is a Pop Tart but the filling is some thin meat paste.  It'd have to be thin, though!  The meat paste must be pretty thin for the Pop Tart to fit in the toaster.  THEN AGAIN Half a bagel is toasted all the time, and that's thicker than what a Pop Tart With Meat Paste would be so it definitely CAN be done.  We just don't know if there's a market for it.
   One more paragraph I guess.  Had a beer last night!  I told you that.  It was fun.  Next time I do that will be Next Week.  Not NOW.  Not this weekend.  Not next week beginnings but Next Week The Mid to Late Part Of The Week.  Well, anyway, I'm gonna get back to Bruce Springstein show from roughly 2018.  He plays instruments, talks, AND STANDS THERE AS WELL.  All the three main skills you're gonna want from a performer at the top of his game.  He even sat down at a piano at least once already.  It's a long show.  He'll probably do it again.  I SEE WHAT'S AT THE CORE OF THIS SHOW.  Back and forth between standing and sitting.  Mostly standing but then he also throws in some sitting.  High Quality Standing Sitting Man. 





Great It's Okay

     Hello friends.  Just ate delicious dinner of Kids Chicken Parm followed up by Any And All Ages saltines.  What did we feed birds before we invented crackers.  BIRD FEED?  WHOM did invent The Cracker.  Which civilization Chopped the First Cracker.  Looks like it might have been Americans.  Probably white Americans.  ON account of the racial epithet we currently enjoy.  We still associate crackers with white people to this day and it's probably because ESPECIALLY WHITE PEOPLE invented the cracker.  White people invented Clowning AND THE CRACKER.  Invented DRAG RACING, too.  NOW people of all colors enjoy drag racing but I think starting off that was a White Guy Thing.  REAL DUMB.  ONLY WHITE PEOPLE COULD COME UP WITH THIS NONSENSE. 
Huh.  Made some more progress into Bruce Bringsteen documentary.  No Spoilers but He Bringsteens THE HOUSE DOWN in this one.  Whatever.  I'm only two hours into the 2.5 hour program!  Maybe HE LOSES THE HOUSE thus retroactively canceling Him Bringing It Down In the first place.  #47 In Rolling Stone, #1 In Our Hearts.   IF YOU ASK ME I know all about who Bruce Springsteen is.  I KNOW THE BORN TO RUN, THE BORN IN THE USA, ALL the songs about Being Born.  I wouldn't be surprised if there's even more songs with Born in the title in the Bruce Springsteen catalogue that I'm yet to be aware about!  Let me do a quick Internet Sweep of his catalogue to see what I find.  Hmm don't have the Quick Internet Sweet tool at my disposal. Just gonna have to take it for granted there's a greater than 50% chance there's more Bruce Springsteen Born Songs.
I like the sound of that!  Well, anyway, I dunno.  What kind of Poltergeist Film do I have in store for tonight.  Just watched III.  I guess logically that means I'm going down to II.  TRYING TO WATCH POLTERGEIST II What's the worst that could happen.  I don't enjoy the experience?  That's Every Experience.  I CAN ENDURE NOT ENJOYING AN EXPERIENCE.  I do it all the time.  I ENJOY NOT ENJOYING EXPERIENCES 75% OF THE TIME.  One of my most common activities.  I did not have lunch for today.  I had a delicious replacement snack, though.  I'll tell you that much!  AND MUCH MORE.  Just stick around and Anything I Haven't Told You Yet I'll probably get around to in the next two paragraphs.  Replacement Snack is Iced Cream Sandwich.  That's what it was today at least.  Is.  Was. Will be.  Whatever.
    Well whatever I got to write two more paragraphs now.  Am I going to go to see a movie tomorrow afternoon?  I don't know!  I don't particularly feel like it, but I do feel like Doing Something.  Seeing Hollywood Production definitely falls into the Doing Something column.  I HAUL MY ASS OVER TO THEATER AND JUST WATCH.  And listen.  And FEEL ALL THAT'S TO BE FELT.  Gotta be something to it I guess.  Not in the market for Feeling A Movie though.  That's a mark against it.  I'll Just Watch and listen quietly to a film.  DON'T GET ME STARTED ON FEEL though.  You get me started on Feeling Films and I'll never stop!  I CAN'T DEAL WITH all that feeling.  Oh.  Good.  Then it's agreed.  No one will make me Feel A Film.  For the next 48 hours.
     Last paragraph of the night.  Then I gotta re-read Act III.  Make some edits.  I feel like I've been OVER-EDITING the last few days.  Oh well you do what comes naturally I guess.  Sometimes it won't be good.  But as long as you Edit Naturally HOW BAD CAN IT BE REALLY.  Possibly a lot worse than it would be otherwise.  DANGIT I WAS WORRIED that would be the case.   Well anyway what can ya do.  Do yer best.  Wonderful.  I guess if I see a movie one day I probably will write less that day.  Sounds like my time would be compromised on account of I can't do both seeing a movie and writing the full amount.  Only 24 hours in a day.  And most of those are for REST.  That's been my experience at least.  Over half the day is devoted to Rest.  WELL it's a winning formula what can I say.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:24 P.M.




Thursday, June 29, 2023

This'll Be A Chortle

     Hey, Friends!  I just got back from a  trip to the Laundromat/Dunkin-Donuts.  Those are two separate stores.  There is not a combination Laundromat/Dunkin-Donuts in my neighborhood.  I Picked myself up an iced coffee FOR NOW as well as a chocolate frosted donut FOR LATER.  I asked for a Large Iced Coffee but I saw them give an iced coffee to someone right before me and I could SWEAR they got a larger cup.  I don't think they're selling Xtra-Larges.  I THINK it was an Optical Illusion I was faced with and not a Mistake Medium I was given.  I'm gonna give Society Credit for giving everyone the same large iced coffee and I just Looked At Mine Wrong.  Anyway.  I started watching Raiders Of The Lost Ark today.  I was instantly reminded I don't really like Indiana Jones movies.  I'm gonna love the new one, though.  Look at the huge House Of Moving Motion Picture Movie Theater Screen.  That's the biggest screen there is.  Kinda feels like we should be building bigger screens.  I don't know for what yet.  NO one does.  We won't know UNTIL WE BUILD IT.
    Steven Spielberg is definitely the name of Steven Spielberg but if you told me it was Stephen Spielberg you would be able to wear me down and convince me of it within a matter of dozens of seconds.  That's about how long it would take for me to give up my core beliefs to entertain someone else's thoughts.  Was watching Poltergeist III last night.  I like that film.  Solidly one of the top three Poltergeist films.  Out of the original three.  Solidly in the top three even including the Reboot in 2015!  Even in the top three if you include the UN-existent fifth one in 2018!  MAYBE if you include the FAR OUT one from 2022.  The point is Poltergeist III is one of the top hypothetical six films in the Poltergeist Franchise. 
    I have yet to see Indiana Jones IV: Shia Labeouf Begins.  WOULD IT BE considered canon in the framework of Indiana Jones V: Shia Labeouf Is Probably Not Involved?  Let's see.  Okay I read a little bit ON GOOGLE about it.  Looks like if I read any further that'd involve spoilers.  ALREADY kind of spoiled just to know that!  Anyway.  WHAT HAS HAPPENED to Shia Labeouf.  He was a likable enough guy.  Hollywood has turned their back on Shia Labeouf!  I dunno.  Just looked up Shia Labeouf on google.  Now he looks like Adult Leading Man Actor in photoes.  Used to look like Likable Leading Kid in photoes.  WHO DOES HOLLY WOOD THINK IT IS TO TURN HIS BACK ON HIM.  Shaming PEOPLE GROWING UP as they get older?  I NEVER HEARD of such idiocy.
  I feel like one day myself I'm gonna become an adult all of a sudden.  Gonna grow from Sixteen to Thirty Six within a matter of hours at some point!  Possibly even before turning 36.
Age is just a number.  Numbers are just squiggles.  Squiggles are just PRINT.  All the news that's fit to print.  Pretty sure numbers are more than just squiggles.  Well, I dunno.  Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.  HEY Don't touch that dial we got DESTINY coming up.  Destiny is when Destiny's Child wanted to re-form but Beyonce wasn't going for it.  Is Indiana Jones a rip-off of Tenacious D In The Pick Of Destiny?  Well that's how it seems to appear.  Good.  You don't mess with a successful blueprint.  Tenacious D in The Pick Of Destiny GOT EVERYTHING RIGHT.  Indiana Jones V might have looked towards Tenacious D Movie for inspiration is the point.
   Got about at most fifty minutes before I take my next walk.  What have I gotten out of Raiders Of The Lost Ark so far.  Indiana Jones replaces artifact with similar weight Pouch.  Indiana Jones writes on chalk board.  Indiana Jones knows about history.  ...Lady beats other person in drinking contest.  Indiana Jones meets up with lady.  WOW HOW WHIMSICAL AND ENCHANTING.  I don't know.  ON THE BIG SCREEN writing on chalk boards and knowing about history has got to be pretty exciting!!  This is the first act.  Excitement comes LATER.  Also I was PRETTY excited about the time he replaced the artifact with the similar weight pouch!  What if it didn't work!  Then there would have been booby traps afoot.  Pretty high stakes to that situation!  Anyway.  I don't get it!
    My feeling is they should be trying to make history exciting by showing REAL History in Indiana Jones..  Why can't the magical inexistent artifact Indiana Jones is looking for be REAL.  That should be the underlying premise of Indiana Jones.  But it's too Fictional for my tastes.  A lot of this stuff doesn't even EXIST.  Could be wrong. I'm not a crypto-archeologist like Indiana Jones.  And at this rate I probably never will be!  Either way it's not my world so I don't know.  I finished my iced coffee, though!  Only ice is left.  Not good ice.  I've had better Iced Coffee ice experiences in my life as recently as a week or two ago.  Well three or four weeks ago maybe.  Well, that's good, I guess.  Starting to appear to be a gap between my specific Starbucks experience and Dunkin Donuts experience.  Starbucks goes quicker and has Good Ice.  Dunkin Donuts goes slower and has Bad Ice.  That's not to say that's how it is and always will be.  Also I don't know if my limited experience is representative of larger trends.
Up to three paragraphs to go.  I guess.  How many walks am I getting in today ultimately?  Four or five!  That should be good.  I just poured myself some diet coke.  Now to pour the leftover ice into the diet coke glass!  I should drink glasses of soda with ice more often.  No ice maker in the Freezer, though.  It CAN'T be done.  But if it could That'd Be Living Large.  It's like living at a diner what with the glasses of diet coke with ice!  Awesome!  Anyway.  What else is going on.  Got half an hour left now to write the next 2.33 paragraphs.  I can't wait to put on Poltergeist III.  I'll spell Poltergeist III correctly all day if I have to.  Every time I type out Poltergeist III I spell it right on the first shot.  Nothing to it.  What if I had to say the letters to Poltergeist III quickly out loud.  Probably would have problem spelling out loud.  I wouldn't do well in a spelling bee at all.  Even with simple words I know.  I'd be all like I can't spell right here right now UNDER THESE CONDITIONS.
Hmm.  Let's see.  Two paragraphs to go.  Should shave myself and/or do the laundry today.  I just went to Laundromat for other people's clothes.  I'm stuck doing my own laundry.  I guess that's fair.  I don't have a problem with it.  Anyway.  Any interesting flourishes or crescendos to John Williams score for Indiana Jones V.  Wonder if he came up with some interesting LICKS out of the box.  Not sure there's, "Licks," in the Indiana Jones music.  I'd have to listen to it more carefully.  If I had to guess I'd say there are no Licks.  Hmm.  I think I saw people walking cats on my last walk the first walk of the day.  Two people together each walking one animal.  Could have been dogs!  Only took a passing glance.  Seemed like they were cats, though!  WHY NOT.  Why NOT walk cats.  Because they don't like it or get anything out of it.  How do you know they wouldn't like it.  Have you ever asked them?  Maybe your cat would love a walk.



hey it's possible

     Hey friends.  Guess I got five more paragraphs to write now.  They should be pretty good!  Gotta start from scratch though.  Got NOTHING to start off with.  Hmm.  Supreme Court cancelled Affirmative Action.  That sounds like an Unaffirmative Action.  Kinda feels like universities can still do it, right.  Whose gonna know.  That's the point!  I guess they can't ASK about race.  SO JUST GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO TELL THEM.  If you just write BLACK in caps on the top of your College Application THEY'LL GET THE MESSAGE and there's nothing anyone can do about it if they decide to admit you.  What would stop white people from writing, "BLACK," though. The same thing that stopped them from Claiming Blackness already in College Applications.  Which I don't know what it is.  Seems like white people COULD HAVE been getting away with Claiming Blackness this whole time?  Who exactly had been checking up on this. 
Maybe it's gonna be like PROHIBITION for Affirmative Action.  NOT SUPPOSED TO DO IT.  Gonna be an underground railroad of Affirmative Action though.  Figure out a way to admit blacks and Latinos into universities at as close to appropriate levels as possible EVEN IF IT KILLS US.  Which it might.  Might be criminal sentencing for doing Affirmative Actions.  With consequences up to and including the death penalty.  I don't know!  Anyway.  Three and a half paragraphs to go I THINK.  Then I take a walk.  Then I eat some lunch.  What will it be?  Possibly the thing you least expect.  Going to have to go pick up laundry from the Laundromat in about two to three hours.  THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN.  I'm not gonna have the lasagna for lunch.  That'll be dinner.  Leaving lunch A COMPLETE AND TOTAL WILD CARD.
Okay.  Considering the possibility I actually make a friend or friends at the Improve Class.  It's possible.  I'm not gonna get ahead of myself.  But it's POSSIBLE I meet a likeminded person or two!  IT REALLY IS.  And then I'VE GOT IT MADE LIKE WADE.  Wade is a character I'm working on.  YOU'LL KNOW HIM WHEN YOU SEE HIM.  I don't know him yet.  But one day I'll see him And I'll Know Him just like you will.  I think I'd enjoy a bagel later for lunch.  Maybe I take it out of the freezer to defrost right now.  I'VE JUST SAID A MOUTHFUL.  I'M GOING TO DO THAT IN FACT.  HERE I GO, OUT MY ROOM, DOWN THE HALL AND DOWN THE STAIRS.  INTO THE FRIDGE but NOT BEFORE going THROUGH THE LIVING ROOM and THROUGH THE KITCHEN.  Okay I think I can do all those things in a pretty similar order to which I've just stated.  Okay. 
Two paragraphs to go!  Should I butter my bagel or Cream Cheese it?  That's an easy question.  I could see going either way.  BUTTER OR CREAM CHEESE, you've heard it here first.  If I don't know which to have, sounds like a difficult question, then.  NOPE.  Easy question!  Easy Answer!  I realized it Could Go Either Way IMMEDIATELY. Nothing difficult about it!  Butter or cream cheese I'm having fun either way.  Anyway.  Am I continuing Poltergeist III from last night, or Indiana Jones from this morning when I watch TV STARTING IMMEDIATELY after upcoming walk.  My impression is that I'd be more entertained by Poltergeist III.  It's. Got.  MIRRORS.  No spoilers but ALL THE TIME with the mirrors in Poltegergeist III.  Mirrors keep coming up in sequence after sequence.  YOU'D LOVE IT.
  Last paragraph of the act.  Whatever.  I can't count on Poltergeist III entertaining me for my entire life, though!  SURELY I will have to think of HUNDREDS of things to watch after Poltergeist III.  That's going to be NEXT to IMPOSSIBLE.  What else in the meantime though.  At least After Poltergeist III won't happen for 2, 2.5 hours.  I got let's say TWO HOURS AND TWENTY SEVEN MINUTES before I have to think of what to do next.  I gotta remember that amount of time.  Must be funny if I used it.  I guess it's hilarious.  Whew.  That's a relief.  Improve Classes are three hours.  Even just TWO HOURS AND TWENTY SEVEN MINUTES would be a long time to be doing Bad Improve.  We'll see how that goes.  I'll be back tonight.           




You Can Read Right

     Hey, friends.  Just cracked open a beer for the first time in Oh I Don't Know ten days.  I do know.  I didn't know for the several syllables it took for me to say, "Oh I Don't Know," though.  Saying those syllables helped me kill time until I was able to get to the end of the sentence.  Anyway, the point is I had a had bagel with creamt cheese for lunch.  I toasted it at a solid 3.25 on the toaster.  I creamt cheest it up to a reasonable degree that would plenty un-offend anybody.  I even cut the bagel in half at some point that must have been before even I toasted it.  EVENTUALLY I had lunch prepared and I then ate that lunch!  Now some time has passed.  I WILL be having dinner soon.  That'd be the end of the afternoon in THEORY if not IN PRACTICE.  Or maybe IN PRACTICE if not IN THEORY.
   Anyway.  I finished watching The Poltgergeist III: The Thirdening!  I enjoyed it.  Was Carlanne the Gifted Child really a Poltergeist?  I don't know!  Was the Lady With The Smallish Frame REALLY a III?  I think so!  I'd say there's good odds the actress who played the Lady With The Small Physique is named Something Someone The Third.  LET'S SEE.  Zelda Rubenstein. Yep NAILED IT.  STEIN means THREE in German.  Let's LTURQ.  Nope.  It means stone.  Stein means Stone.  Have I known a Stein in my past?  Sure.  Do I know a Stone? NO!  Whatever.  Do I know a Steinstone.  What IS a Steinstone.  I feel like there's such a thing as a Stein Stone.  No that's an inaccuracy.  There's Steins and then there's Stones but THAT'S IT!  And if Stein is Three, why would you need THREE STONES anyway.  What three stones you got.  Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Brian Jones?  I hope so.  Because those are the only names I know.  DID I WIN THE GUESSING GAME?
    I know I did.  I nailed it.  I looked up Brian Jones to be sure and I was right as rain. 
Just heard some Pre-Thundering in the distance.  That might lead to rain.  The SOUND of thunder makes RAIN happen.   DID I WIN THE TRIVIA GAME?  Hmm.  I'm not convinced Zelda Rubenstein's name is what they say it is.  I think it sounds like a character she's played name.  Not an actress's name.  I have a knack for these kinds of things.  What kind of things.  KNOWING the difference between good names for characters and good names for people.  Oh good that must come in handy.  You'd think so but no.  Comes up often enough but nobody else seems to care.  Anyway.  Got lasagna left.  That's what I got for dinner.  I'll have it Post Act III and Pre Editing Act III.  I bet I edit the last few sentences heavily.  Last Few Sentences need a whole lot of work.  I'm not happy with any sentences in a long time.  ALL THESE SENTENCES GOT TO GO.  Or you read them instead.  And now we're stuck with them.
Penultimate paragraph.  That'll be good.  Finally-- I get to write the final paragraph!  AFTER the Penultimate Paragraph.  I'm at Bated Breath.  I just looked up what bated means.  I'm carefully considering what I read.  And it's not making sense to me.  I feel like I'm heavily in favor of giving up on understanding this definition.  Wait. I just read the definition again.  Now I get it it seems like it's very sensical I was just coming at it from a strange angle earlier.  So that's all good I guess.  The point is my breath is bated.  Bated till the cows come home.  Bated like you wouldn't believe.  You're gonna wanna look up the definition of bated yourself, that's how Bated My Breath gonna be.  WELL I'm not doing great in my Fantasy Baseball League.  BASEBALL HAS LET ME DOWN.
   Last paragraph of the night.
  Got to accept some super market delivery in the morning.  That will go great.  Food --> Me = Handshake Emoji ForOneWeek Emoji.  GOTTA START thinking in emojis.  Occurred to me recently that Everyone In The World thinks and speaks in emojis for the last decade.  Not completely.  But STRONGLY.  And I can either get on board or NEVER THINK OR SPEAK TO PEOPLE AGAIN.  That sounds extreme.  Maybe I can just choose to respond in text and not use emojis myself.  I'd still have to learn how to READ emojis.  And once I read 'em it's just a slippery slope till I'm using 'em!  I DUNNO sounds easier to just never Think Or Speak To People Again. FALSEHOOD.  I feel the REVERSE way.  I said it this way FOR HUMOUR.  Oh.  Anyway that's it for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-7:57 P.M. 





Wednesday, June 28, 2023

I'm On Top Of It

     Hey, friends!  I Got Time to write some paragraphs now!  NEW ACTIVITIES ALERT-- had some coffee Right Out Of The Box!  I'm drinking it as we speak.  IT MATTERS.  Now I'll be buzzed for the first paragraph or two whereas I wouldn't have been if I hadn't drank it. 1 for 1 It Matters.  Set up most of my super market order for Friday.  IT MATTERS.  Now I don't have to do most of it later today or tomorrow.  2 for 2 It Matters.  Helped my Dad out with moving some boxes.  THEY MATTERED.  I did something concrete to help someone else. THREE FOR THREE IT MATTERS.  That's not bad at all!  I can handle Things That Matter at this rate.  What More That Matters do I have in store.  The website.  Oh, right, this matters.  Almost more than Moving Boxes!  On par with pouring myself coffee though.  Couldn't have gotten to Mattering The Website without the Mattering The Coffee.
    Anyway.  I figure I got a great day in store today.  Why wouldn't I.  I Might have a bad day because I had some high quality dreams last night.  Normally I have good days despite having negative dreams.  Last night I had good dreams!  Feels like I'm due for a bad day then to compensate for a good dream.  WELL I THREW OUT another shirt today.  The shirt I wore yesterday.  Had a hole in the back.  My Mom said I look like a crazy person wearing it.  Of all the insults she could lob, Crazy person was in the Top Five that would make me think oh I really should get rid of it.  I disagree in principle, though!  I don't think anyone would notice the hole.  And Me Looking Like A Crazy Person is incidental.  But she's got a point.  The hole doesn't help.  Could be a Style Of Shirt at some point.  Shirt with bunch of circular holes criss-crossing all over it.  I like it.  It hasn't been done before.  If no one's done it before IT MUST be a good idea.
Huh.  I watched some of Batman Returns last night.  I would like to make some more mix-em-ups with the title Batman Returns.  EVEN JUST ONE WOULD BE FINE.  Batman Reruns.  What's a rerun.  It's when you race around tracks You've Already Run Before.  Anyway.  Gotta take my next walk SOON.  Within an hour from now.  Rewalk.  Lots of Rewalks.  My life is just a series of Rewalks.  You can Talk The Talk but can you Rewalk the Walk.  Reebok.  That's my pitch for their Ad Campaign.  Either that or making a knock off movie about Reebok like AIR but its just SAD.  Maybe about them signing some sort of JOKE player.  Some sort of UNFORTUNATE version of AIR that's NOT IMPRESSIVE is the point. GROUND, Maybe.  That's one way to go with it.  What else is up.  SKY they'd call it.  They're trying to remain positive.  SKY.
Hmm. FRESH OFF THE PRESSES the water in my sink sunk.  Sink.  Sunk.  I never thought about that before.  They call it a sink because water is supposed to sink from it.  That must be right.  What about before plumbing?  If you had a RESERVOIR of water that you washed your hands in, but then were just supposed to dump the leftover water out in the street, is that still a sink?  People washed their hands with water in bowls at some point, right?  THOSE WERE SINKS.  Possibly they wouldn't have been sinks, then.  Words Must Mean Things.  Anyway.  Today would be a good opportunity to Shove Myself.  Seeing as how the sink has just opened up for paper toweling.  Gotta get in on this shoving action while I can. 
    Last paragraph of the act!  Then it's time to take a Walk.  How strong is the, "L," in walk.  I say it to some degree.  I think some people might just say, "Wak!"  Fine.  No one is gonna notice.  Everyone gets along despite how minutely different you might pronounce, "Walk."  Maybe I say Wak.  I don't know.  I'd like to think I pronounce all the letters But I Don't Know What I Say Really.  I'm too busy talking to be listening to myself.  Huh.  Indiana Jones and The Mediocre Rotten Tomatoe Score?  Is THAT what I want to Rethurn To Theaters for after 3.5 years?  Looks like it's still in the lead!  Oh.  It's up to 66%.  I think a week or two ago it was in the 50's%.  Looks like They Did It.  They got up to the appropriate score to Excite people.  Well done.  I'm gonna go take a walk now.




is that what that means

     Hey, friends!  I figure it's time to write five more paragraphs.  It's been done before.  I'll do it again right now.  Got coffee #2 and Diet Coke #Somewhere From 1-4.  I THINK I Might indulge in having lunch today!  That doesn't sound like an indulgence.  Sounds like it should be standard.  Well what do I know.  It's Supper Summer .87.  The SUPPER in Supper Summer means SUPPER IS THE MAIN COURSE OF LIFE not lunch.  We can still sometimes HAVE lunch.  But SUPPER IS THE STAR.  I dunno.  For the Supper to be The star sounds like we'd want to Never Have Lunch.  Sometimes having lunch would be enough to detract or distract from Supper Stardom.  Well I guess It Depends On The Sometimes.  It all comes down to What Sometimes Means. 
    Yeah!  Haven't done any sit-up/push-up For My Rights lately.  It'd be pretty easy to do five sets a day!  Too hard for me apparently.  UNLESS... If I Just Resume Doing It, I can change it all around IN ONE DAY. As long as it carries over into the next day.  And the day after that.  Also all the rest of Supper Summer .87.  Then we'll re-evaluate My Entire Life I guess.  GREAT!  I got an entire Supper Summer .87 to not evaluate my life.  I'LL get around to Re-Calibrating My Life in 2 months to prepare for Fun Fall 20/23.  That sort of thing.  Maybe Fun Fall 20/23 I'm taking Improvement Class II: Finding The Game I believe it's called.  Oh-- "The Game Of The Scene."  Interesting.  Game probably means some sort of playfulling while Scene could mean some sort of Part Of An Act.  Could easily be wrong on both counts.
    Three paragraphs to go! 
I guess.  I got a lot of Supper Summer .87 to go.  Let's figure out Doing That Great.  Alright.  Maybe I'll start about a week ago.  Good.  I threw out the shirt my Mom wanted me to throw out.  See you IN HELL shirt.  That might be what Hell is.  Engulfed and Suffocated by all my old shirts.  Not sure why.  Until right now I never had a huge problem with my old shirts.  Now that I think about it though I don't LOVE them.  There's always My Current Shirts.  That's all you need!  All You Need Is Love.  That was an old shirt I had.  Had a shirt with that phrase on the front.  I don't think I'd see it in Hell or anything.  I have no strong feelings about the shirt at the moment one way or the other.  Maybe it's good.  Maybe it's bad.  IT'S SERVED IT'S PURPOSE.  I had the shirt a long time!  I got sixteen, seventeen years out of that shirt.  That's a good shirt.
Okay.  What else is good that I don't have anymore.  MY YOUTH.  I have my youth.  I'm SPRITE.  That word doesn't mean what I think it means.  What word am I thinking of. SPRY!  I'm SPRY.  Sprite is An Elf Or Fairy.  Can't discount the idea that I'm Sort Of An Elf.  With POSITIVE connotations.  I have high self-esteem.  If I'm saying I'm an elf we're talking Positive Elf.  Besides being Positive Elfs, what do Sprites do exactly.  Might not even be Positive Elfs.  I'm gonna say a Sprite is Positive just because I need positive role models to identify with.  Anyway.  I don't want to be an elf.  I'm a Man.  Person one might say.  SOME GUY even.  Great.  Spry.  I'm really not very spry.  I can get tired after 40 seconds Of Just Talking To Someone.  But IN SPIRIT I'm With You Whoever I'm Talking To At The Time.
Okay time to write the last paragraph for now.   I MUST be SPRY but not A SPRITE in Improve Class.  Being spry would work to my advantage.  Being a sprite would be TOO MUCH TO HANDLE for the other students.  How do I get to be spry.  Maybe by wearing Reeboks.  Spry rhymes with the movie Sky which was about Reeboks.  Wearing some Reeboks will put some Pep In Your Step.  The point is I have Nike.  I will continue to have Nike.  And the rest of the Improve Class will just have to deal with it.  Hmm.  Nikes will get some wear and tear during improve class.  Always running back and forth out of The Line In The Back.  If I go through enough wear and tear through Improvement Classes I can justify buying some Reeboks!  Not sure I'm looking forward to The Running.  I guess I can be The One Guy Who Walks.  I think I'd get repeated criticism if I chose to deliberately walk each time I join and/or exit a scene.  But what could they do really.  Shame me 1/10th of a second into their First Telling Me Not To Do It.  That is something they can do.



Now I Can Relax

     Hey friends. Got some gum going on right now.  Not sure why it's important to tell you about it.  Everything is important to tell you about.  No detail is too minor.  No chord is too minor.  Aminor.  Dminor.  Eminor.    Maybe some of the other chords are too minor.  B Flat Minor might be too minor.  I'd have to hear it.  Let's see.  [Picking Up The Guitar, checking tuning, playing it]  Yeah, that is pretty minor.  F sharp minor I didn't love though.  Maybe F sharp minor wasn't minor enough.   [Picking Up The Guitar, playing it] No F# seems to be pretty minor as well.  Anyway.  I had a delicious breakfast burrito for Lunch.  That's going in the song I just started working on.  Just had lunch, a breakfast burrito.  It was more than enough... no more lyrics I DON'T NEED TO  
Four more paragraphs to go.  Stop making that character WRITE SONGS.  Leave Him BE. 
He just wants to TEST OUT MINOR CHORDS one at a time.  Double check that THEY ARE INDEED MINOR.  His name is TROY.  From now on EVERYBODY'S GETTING NAMES.  I may have to edit that name.  That's what his name is for now!  OR that's the name I changed it to later.  Either way I've been watching a Those Beatles documentary today.  It's good stuff.  You take those Beatles.  You add people to listen to and watch them Beatles.  And You Get MAGIC.   Would you get magic if you took away the people to listen to and watch them?  My guess is no of course not Magic Doesn't Even EXIST.  It only appears Magical in the first place JUST BECAUSE THEY PERFORM BETTER AT MUSIC AND THE REST OF ENTERTAINING MORE THAN THE OTHER BANDS.
What the hell.  The Beatles were magic because they played instruments.  CASE CLOSED.  Got three more paragraphs to write.  Got some gum going on right now.  It's the same gum as before!  I chew gum worse than most people.  I feel like I go through long stretches of time where I just forget to chew the gum.  Sort of just sticks between my closed teeth for seven minutes and then I realize Oh Right I Was Supposed To Be Chewing This.  Well, sucking on gum is gonna give you some flavor.  Just won't be as rewarding as actively chewing.  Might try to gargle with my gum.  See if I can make it go up and down at all.  I think I can get it bouncing 3-4 times just by Gargle Muscles Alone.  WELL I tried it.  I FAILED.  I couldn't gargle my gum.  But the important thing is that I'm trying new things.
    Sweet!  Sweet Potatoe.  Broccoli.  Chicken that's been herbed chemically in a lab somewhere.  That AND NO MORE is going to be what I eat for dinner soon.  Still going to see some Film on Friday or Saturday.  Probably The Film Made Out Of Golden Hues: Indie Año Jones.  Good deal.  I can't wait to see what kind of hat he wears.  His trademark Sombrero maybe.  Ugh.  Cowboy hat.  Same thing.  Cowboy hats are BORN from Sombreros.  I checked the internet.  Now I'm WISE.  The journey of knowing The Two Million Things I'm Supposed To Know begins with knowing Cowboy Hats Are Born From Sombreros.  LOOK I know thousands of the things I'm Supposed To Know already.  This isn't THE FIRST thing.  It just Relatively Rounds Off To Be The First.
    Last paragraph of the night!  I guess it could be relatively fun.  No reason not to have some relative fun with it.  Thought of a few more podcasts I can listen to during my walks!  I think I'll be JUST fine taking walks.  Or I'll trip and break my spine.  I don't know.  You take a walk, you risk breaking stuff.  Not really.  Nobody gets hurt from Walking Around.  EVERYONE can stand walking.  If you can't stand walking get out of the bike path.  That's my philosophy.  SUCH IS LIFE FOR YA.  You say things that make no sense and then you say, "That's my philosophy."  Oh okay that's good.  As long as That's Life For Ya I'm on board I suppose apparently.  WELL that'll do it for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow. 

-8:08 P.M.      





Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Great News Is You've Already Read It

     Hey, friends!  Time to write some paragraphs completely sober.  It's okay.  They'll be okay.  I like introducing the entry Boring And Sober because it weeds out the lollygaggers.  Interesting word.  But we can't get distracted by that now.   THE POINT IS If you're not serious about reading the entry and can't get on board with it at its worst, maybe it's best you drop out now.  Good.  HAVE YOU DROPPED OUT YET?  Great now it's time for me to continue.  Actually, I'm gonna smoke a little bit.  It's all good! That's part of being someone who smokes marijuana.  You smoke it again and again.  Once more after the last time.  At some point, at least.  Maybe not immediately.  But you get around to it eventually.  That's the deal.  Well, today is Tuesday.  I got nothing to look forward to.  I enjoyed having the Family Gathering to look forward to.   Especially that it gave my Intermediate Days &/v Weeks beforehand structure!  Now what do I got.  Long Wait and Unknown Exact Start to Improvement Class beginning.  I'm waiting here forever and I don't know how exactly how long forever will take.  At least I know what I'm waiting for, though.  THAT IMPROVE CLASS IN A MONTH FROM NOW.  I'll wait for that ALL DAY if I have to. Possibly the next roughly twenty eight days as well.  All day and ALL OF the night.  Olive Oyl.  Friend of Popeye.  How did Popeye ever make friends.  I Don't Like Popeye.
   10:35 A.M.
  Took a walk earlier.  Listening to some podcasts.  That'll get the job done.  Podcasting is what's going on in CULTURE.  Possibly.  Maybe to a small amount of people bigger than Just Me.  Other people listen to these things!  Kind of a supplemental to straight up culture, though.  You don't want these podcasts to be your Main Coulture Course.  Then what SHOULD my Main Culture Course be.  I'm not sure!  Society hasn't agreed upon that!  Everyone is different!  Yeah but ME.  What am I supposed to care about and pay attention to.  Hmm.  I was re-watching Batman from 1989 last night.  Is THAT what I'm supposed to care about and pay attention to?  The Batman Is Back This Summer '23.  No Spoilers but THAT BATMAN IS BACK WE KNOW THIS MUCH.
Am I supposed to see That Batman Being Back?  Cause I WILL.  I mean, I won't.  But I would.  Ah.  BOOKS.  That's a kind of culture that works for people.  Worked for me in the past.  Also, reading increases your reading abilities.  Now you've got more greater experience reading.  The more experience you have reading the better you'll read in the future.  And the better you read in the future The More Satisfied You'll Be When You Die.  You Read The Best.  Now Enjoy What Comes next.  Anyway.  I got nothin' going on Immediate Intermediate Next!  If I had something to do This Sunday I'd be on EASY STREET.  I don't think there's a street called Easy Street.  But with something Sunday I'd be on The EZIST Street!  Hmm.  Maybe I should see THE FLASH this Sunday.  THAT sounds like a Home Run idea.  Home run is the best thing that could happen in a baseball game Besides It Ending.
    SLAM.  Slam the baseball.  Just like a HOMERUN with three men on base.  That one's referred to as a GRAND slam.  The slam is no grander than a regular homerun.  The hitter just got LUCKY that there were three men on base.  There should be a band with just bassists called, "Men On Base."  I enjoyed the process of editing yesterday.  It took up time that otherwise I'm not sure how I would have taken up!  Well, today I can Watch Batman II: Batman's Returned.  Still have the last fourty five minutes of Batman I: Nothing II Return II left, though.  So obviously I'm going to watch that first.  I'M returning to it!  In Batman '89 Batman is First Starting Out himself but I've seen it before!  I'm returning!  AND IT'S GREAT.  ROBERT WUHL.  Does he wear glasses in this film?  I'm 90% sure he doesn't.  I'm actually 95% sure he doesn't, but if I had to bet on it, I would Tamper My Sureness.  DON'T WANNA OVERSELL MY CONFIDENCE.  Not if gambling is involved.  Play it SAFE with my bets.
    Makes sense.  So that's good.  Going to take a walk after this paragraph!  So let me Walk You Through This Paragraph.  What to listen to on the walk.  I have not enough of current podcast to finish the walk.  Then, after that, I don't have an obvious podcast to put on!  Hmm.  I have 2-4 obvious secondary back-up Overall Podcast Enterprise options that I wouldn't really need to think too hard about going with moving forwards, though!  SOUNDS LIKE EASY ENOUGH DECISION MAKING.  Gots to do some laundry later this week.  I have one more clean shirt after today, Tuesday.  So basically by the weekend I should do the laundry.  Anyway.  bad news!  Sink water is backed up again.  Worse than ever!  Still pooled up from 2 or 3 days ago.  I wanted to SHOVE.  I can't lay paper down covering the sink from getting Shoving Hairs if its filled with water!  I CAN'T SHOVE MYSELF AT ALL UNDER CURRENT CONDITIONS  Anyway.  I'll be back in a little bit.




i got more titles in store for tomorrow

     CHUM.  FISH SLOP.  It's called CHUM.  Chum also means friend?  I'd like to make some chums.  Take a sledgehammer to filet of fish then!  Easiest way in the world to make chums.  The hammer I'm imagining can only hit One Filet At A Time, though.  You can't hammer an entire platter of filet o'fish soles!  Whatever.  Chum Much?  Whatever.  Not sure the point I was trying to make there.  How vital is Batman in The Flash.  I get the sense he's an older gentleman based on how time works.  I kind of assumed he would be treated as Useless Because He's Old.  HE'S STILL BATMAN THOUGH.  Probably VERY USEFUL.  He's BATMAN.  I assume Batman got a utility belt for some reason.  Yeah either for some reason or it's just a meaningless accessory.  Batman uses his Bat-Stars a lot.  I SEEN 'IM.
    Time for
Another paragraph time.  Michael Keaton is a quality Michael out there.  I'm a fan of Michael Keaton Being A Michael.  I'm a fan of MOST Michaels Being Michaels.  What's a Michael that I feel is really dragging down Michaels.  Hmm.  Nothing comes to mind off the top of my head.  I'm sure there's 5-10 but why go down that road of Bad Michaels.  Focus on the Good.  Then again I wanna see a bad Michael in case this topic comes up again.  What The Hell.  ALL MICHAELS ARE REALLY GOOD.  I read 30 Michaels just now and not a bad one in the bunch!  Now I have to do a deeper dive.  Ah.  Michael Jackson.  VERY famous Terrible Michael.  Okay that's true.  Never molested ME though.  I'm just saying!  Michael Buble.  I don't think I PERSONALLY care for his music.  I'm sure it's great music and I just never got into the genre!  I'm sure he's a fine person!  So for now we'll put him in the pile with Michael Jackson.  That doesn't seem right.  Oh!  Michael Vick.  He fought dogs.  Again, though-- Never Fought ME!  Never Fought me Against Dogs OR People.  Just saying!
    Three paragraphs to go.  Nine out of Ten Michaels are good.  Great success rate.  That's all I'm saying.  I think I'm one of them.  In the sense that I'm Not A Flat Out Terrible Person And/Or Michael Buble.  I'm a Middle Michael.  In the middle of the front.  Well.  Anyway.  Maybe I think I will see The Flash!  Roughly this weekend. There's a lot of movies I might enjoy.  The Flesh.  The Indian Jones.  The Spidervoice.  Three is a lot of films to see.  I could see one a week.   Probably would have to see Spiderman first.  MIGHT be the first movie to be Dropped from being shown.  I THINK it was released first out of these three.  Anyway.  DO I really want to go to see movies?  I don't know.  I will consider it carefully and... carefully.  Thoroughly even!  Perhaps STRONGLY.   And I like Films!  And I'd like those films.  Why would I CHOOSE Not To Like A Film?  Seems weird!  Anyway.  I can go see films now that I'm LOOSENING UP about Pandemic Quarantining.  AS ONE DOES.  Years later than everyone else.  I'm probably a little bit late about it.  Months?  Years?  On Time?  Too soon?  The important thing is I'm Moving Forward At Some Point Right Around Now.
    Gotta take a walk in An Amount Of Twenty Minutes.
  Who cares.  ORIGINALISTS.  Or CONTEXTUALISTS.  I'm not sure exactly.  Gotta imagine there's Originalists and Contextualists for Reading The Website.  Originalists believe their beliefs.  Contextualists got their idea.  The important thing is The Website is A LIVING DOCUMENT.  It's going on RIGHT NOW.  AS I WRITE IT AND EDIT IT AND READ IT IT IS LIVING.  Maybe not when you read it.  Maybe you read it Dead.  I can't speak to that experience.  I think the point I'm trying to make is The Website Is On Par With The Constitution In How Seriously It Should Be Taken.  Well, .5% as serious anyway.  Which is still pretty serious!  Because it's Very Serious To Me.  That's how you get to .5%!  Not serious to any one else.  That's how I likes it!  I'm gonna go take a walk now!  See ya later.   




Wow They've Thought Of Everything

     I hope they haven't thought of everything.  I still gotta think of stuff!  I got some time with this website left.  If All Of Everything has been Thought Of this website is gonna be REALLY boring.  No one thought to Make The Website though.  That alone is New.  I Win!  But I gotta come up with new, "Have you heard about thises," and, "What's the deal with whatcrap," and, "Where did they come up with this and/or that's."  Ok.  THEN DO IT.  COME UP WITH NEW ONE.  Put up or shut up!  Have you Heard about this website.  What's the Deal with this website.  Where did they Come Up with this website. Well Here's Some Answers-- I heard about this website from Myself Starting It.  The deal with this website is it's for Entertaining.  I came up with this website in My Room.  Probably should be living in three or four rooms at this point in my life.  Anyway.  My room is on the second floor.  Below the sky and above the first floor.  That's where I hang my hat.
Anyway.  Gonna see a movie this End Of Week Into Weekend.  One of the movies previously discussed.  I may decide based on which film I want to see the most.  So that's good.  What's stopping me from seeing Indiana Jones.  It seems to be the most interesting of the three films based on the color scheme.  Mostly RUST colors.  Been watching The Simpsons.  They're yellow.  I RESPOND TO RUST.
    What COLORS are The Flush and SPIDERvorse.
  I'm assuming The Flash is just the color of the flash in Old Timey Camera Flash Photography.  And Spiderverse is Black because of the universe and presumably the multiverse being mostly black.  Either that or Spiderman wears black costumes in the poster.  Or it's because Space is Vast And Empty.  Maybe Spiderman is Vast and Empty.  Maybe that means nothing.  I got no problems with Spiderman's content and character.  Anyway.  Spiderman's Spiderwebs are vast and empty.  He can create some large wide webs but they're Mostly filled of nothing! Maybe 10% silly string!  Just barely being held together.  But Spiderman The Man himself is a Deep and Full character.  I don't know if I agree with that.  Look Spiderman loves his aunt and his uncle and either Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane Watson.  One at a time.  Not both at once.  What more do you want from him.  Love a third girl.  He probably does.  Let's see.  Someone named, "Black Cat."  Sounds like bad luck.  MIGHT BE Spiderman should stick with Gwen or Mary Jane.
  I have three options for dinner tonight.  Could be the HERBED chicken with Sweet Potatoe.  Could be the Wild Fetish-ennie Al Fredo Dish.  LASAGNA is in the lead!  It's not good or bad that lasagna is in the lead.  It just is.  Should I put on Batman II: Nothing II Return II when I'm done here?  It's possible I should.  It's possible I shouldn't.  There's So Many Things I shouldn't do.  How many things are there that I should do.  And is watching Batman II: Batman Comes Back Again right now one of them?  It's what's occurring to me!  Well, anyway.  I took five walks today.  Probably will take another one.  It's possible I only took four walks today.  Possibly will take another one.  I think now we're all brought up to speed.  One of my cousins is now a guitar teacher.  Said a teaching slogan I liked.  Playing Fast is just playing slow Sped Up.  Something along those lines.  I don't know what it means exactly but it sounds clever.  I think it means that if you learn how to play riffs slowly you will learn how to play them quicker.  Oh Okay Good. 
    Maybe I want to have the Wild Alfredo Meal for Lunch.  It's got Cream to it, I'll say that much!  Made a good decision on How To Listen To Podcasting.  Went backwards one season with Main Podcast I listen to.  Now we're at Penultimate season.  This can go on for a long time.  Time stretches out in reversed directions.  COULD BE TRIPPY.  Or I could give up on it next episode.  TRIPPINESS COULD BE CANCELLED.  I think I'm happy with this podcast.  Is it the best podcast in the world?  Apparently it Might Be.  Otherwise why wouldn't I be listening to the best podcast in the world instead?  Well because I heard of this one first.  Oh.  Well.  EVEN STILL.  Got 2-5 OTHER podcasts going strong.  Just listening to New Eps for those at the moment.  I have a Vast and deep variety of voices clanging around in my head is the point.  I guess that's it for now.  See ya later tonight and/or tomorrow. 

-7:47 P.M.




Monday, June 26, 2023

Crazy Is The Name, Sheet Is The Game

     Hey, friends!  I took the day off from writing the Website yesterday So I could visit family in New Jersey.  It was A Great Time.  Six Flags Great Adventure!  Amusement Park in New Joursey.  Plus, I accomplished a little bit of Creativity anyway!  Music!  PRE- The Afternoon Get Together.  I was inspired by watching Netflix domcomentaries about drummers and/or Miles Davis.  The DRUMMING in the Drummer Romcomentry was inspiring because I didn't pay attention at all just like every other show but I HEARD the drumming in the background and IT GOT ME GOING.  Keith Moon.  THERE'S A WILD MAN FOR YA.  John Bonham.  VERY TALENTED PROFICIENTLY.  Possibly a third drummer.  Ringo Starr.  MEMBER OF THE BEATLES--  MAYBE YOU'VE HEARD OF THEM.  Also, were drummers in the 1980's terrified of Drum Machine Technology.  The machines are here to replace us and whatknot.  My guess is Sure To Some Extent.  Did drum machines take jobs away from drummers?  Only time can tell.  Time has told.  Still lots of drummers with drummer equipment out there.  I saw an entire show about it.  Ok the show might not have been about, "So Many Drummers!"  Could have been a SUPPLEMENTARY POINT they were making.  I'm SORRY if I didn't HONE IN on their THESIS STATEMENT.
 OKAY NOW BE PREPARED FOR BORING CONTINUATION OF MY LIFE UPDATE.  I'm up pretty early today!  It's 10:14 AM!  I already took my first walk.  Listened to music for the first seven minutes.  Listened to a podcast for the last... twenty... eight minutes.  Picked up my Dad two boxes of cereal on the way.  I FEEL THE FUNNY part of the story was when I said, "Twenty... eight minutes."  It's specific!  When nobody cares!  Why be specific with minutes when nobody cares.  I SECOND THAT MOTION.  Also I'm considering Making an Executive Decision to stand on my toes either partially or completely all the time in Improve Class.  And not even hide it.  Just do it.  And if people notice I'll be like oh I just wanna be taller.  Get off my back about it.  In 2023 PEOPLE WOULD BE LIKE, "Oh okay he wants to just stand on his toes in regular sneakers all the time All The More Power To Him."  Would that hurt after 90 seconds?  Possibly.  Is that the main reason I wouldn't want to do it?  No.  It's because it's a SIGN OF A UNHEALTHY BODY IMAGE.  I don't want to give SIGNS of my Unhealthy Body Image.  THAT'S PRIVATE.
Should be able to fit in 3 walks in early part of day, bringing me to 6 walks overall most likely!  Should be able to smoke twice today again.  Early afternoon/late morning Smoke plausibly with Act II, late afternoon/evening Smoke possibability with Act III.  Anyway.  How was Family Excursion yesterday?  Fine!  Family is doing fine.  Everyone's doing great.  HOWEVER
What's most important is how do they make me feel about How I'm Doing.  Fine.  I'm doing about a 5 out of 10!  Sure it's a weighted scale.  I get that.  I get points just for effort.  Anyway.  Cousins are doing good.  Got to see uncle and aunt.  Cousins's kids also qualify as cousins.  Not sure how to quantify The Quality Of How Kids Are Doing.  What do I measure them based on.  Whatever it is I'm sure they're knocking it out of the park.
 I won my speculation baseball week last week 5-4-1.  This week I am facing the last place team Dicks Dingers.  However, although they're in last place, at least they're one of the 2/3rds of teams that Bothered To Make A Unique Team Name.  So they're taking this league somewhat seriously.  Which means they're a force to be reckoned with!  I SAY Dicks Dingers got what it takes to climb out of the cellar.  Make it all the way to seventh place by the end of the season. They got Bo Bichette.  IF NOTHING ELSE Dicks Dingers got Bo Bichette.  Real Life Son of SURPRISINGLY USELESS Dante Bichette.  In the 1990's he was a star player for the Colorado Rockies.  NOW if you look up his Analytic Stats, which show how useful a player really was, turns out he DID NOT REALLY CONTRIBUTE AT ALL to his teams winning.  IT WAS ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS to Dante Bichette's baseball career.  Mostly because he was ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE at defense.  Well that's base ball for you.  Bo Bichette is good though.  He's totally fine at defense and very good at offense too!  BO BICHETTE.  Funny name.  Sounds like Boba Fett.  Star Wars name.
   Fifth paragraph.  Ate a hamburger and a hot dog yesterday at Family Get Together.  They were fine.  Great one would argue!  Nothing fancy about it.  Great in its Adequacy!  I can't get ENOUGH of Adequacy.  Anyway.  What do I got in store for Eatings today.  Should have some of the stuffed shrimp.  Probably two meals out of that.  Time to get one out of the way.  Will I eat lunch?  Remains to be seen!  Took the extra step and recorded some of the musical notes I made yesterday.  Was simple enough to make the recording.  I can do that easily moving forward.  In the past I sometimes felt AH what a hassle just to record How To Play This Thing I Thought Of.  Just write down the chords and tabs (and then forget how I actually play it exactly).  WRONG.  Easy enough to record things.  So that works out good.  NOTHING SPECIAL YET.  But a journey of a ten thousand steps begins with two hundred steps.  DAMNIT I'M NEVER GONNA MAKE TWO HUNDRED STEPS.  Looks like the journey of a ten thousand steps Is Cancelled.  SORRY GUYS.
Sixth paragraph.  I chose not to wear masks during Family Event yesterday.  Will I get sick?  Sure, maybe, I dunno, anything can AND WILL happen.  Even if it's just Regular Sickness.  My ANTIBODIES and whatknot must be very low after not being exposed to SICKNESS for over three years.  Well that's good.  GET THAT OUT OF THE WAY.  Get ill once and then you're healthy for the rest of your life.  That might be
how Living works.  Anyway, I'm definitely not going to buy new marijuana tomorrow, a week after getting the first gram and a half.  Won't have to get it until the end of the week or the weekend.  Good deal.  Gonna have to buy a better Apparatus for smoking.  This 2 dollar pipe is fine.  I'd just like a better one than this one.  Also I'd prefer a good un-glass pipe.  Glass pipe seems to be the standard these days.  I just FEEL LIKE the kind of one I'm thinking of is clay.  Could be wooden.  Maybe something else. Gonna have to look into that.  Gonna have to write four more paragraphs.  Gonna have to look into that.
Okay!  Dad was just on the phone on my behalf with Contact Lense People.  I PARTICIPATED AS WELL.  Set up appointment!  Not as soon as I would have liked.  Gotta wait until July 11th.  I can show up before then but they're not gonne entertain me at all.  Only if I show up during the appointment will they give me any attention at all!  July 11th Contact Lense appt sets up Improvement Class for I guess late July.  I guess a month'll pass by LIKE IT WAS NOTHIN.  I go through months LIKE THEY WERE NOTHIN.  So, great!  NOTHIN.  It's possible I can set up a class for THE EARLY July 20's even.  I don't know what kind of situation I'm presented with ON JULY 11th.  AMAZING.  Also maybe on July 11th the Late July classes are full.  Gotta wait for August classes.  Hmm.  Could I sign up for Late July Classes NOW based on WHAT I KNOW NOW.  Interesting.  Probably.  Might risk A SINGLE class without contact lenses.  MOST IMPORTANT CLASS.  Intodructory Improvement Class.  Not sure I wanna take that chance!  Well, anyway, right now they only have classes scheduled up to July 24th.  So I should be okay planning-wise.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Maybe I watch more Music Documentaries.  How come they're not about My Exact Favorite Bands and Musicianes though.  Oh well.  I guess I can watch music documentaries about other people's favorite bands and musicianes.  ALSO these bands and musicianes are other people's non-favorite bands and musicianes but they still enjoy them.  And maybe I can reach that level of fandom with these bands and musicianes if I watch the dimcomentaries.  Probably not.  Unless that's the mission statement of the documentary.  Maybe the goal of dumbcumentary is to turn people onto the band.  I guess that's one way to go with it.  However, more likely you're trying to make points about drummers.  Or ALTERNATIVELY something about Miles Davis as it were.  Hard to say because I wasn't paying attention as much as I should have been.  Definitely heard some drums in the background.  And some jazz in the foreground.  Does Lisa Simpson like Miles Davis?  Or mainly just Bleeding Gums Murphy.  I think she might just be a fan of Bleeding Gums Murphy and not know anything about jazz beyond that.  POSER.  HOSER.  Canadians get to make that rhyme.
    Two paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  If I want to fine-tune the exact days of the week and/or times of the day I want to take the UCB class, that also could postpone when I'm taking the class a week or two.  That's good.  GREAT one might say.  Let's see.  August.  I was really picturing a nice July class.  August, though.  Hmm.  It'll do!  It will bleed into September.  Interesting.  Anyway.  What kind of stuff am I gonna watch on the idiot box today.  It's not an idiot box it's a SMART TV.  You couldn't be MORE WRONG.  Either way I got a few The Critics to go.  Got more Documentaries I can watch.  Probably end up working my way around to something I've seen before that I'll enjoy watching again.  That's the way to go in life.  Watch the same things over and over.  Or maybe that's the wrong way to go in life.  I'll have to think about that one and/or look into it.
   Last paragraph of the act.  What else is going on with my life that I can get out of the way before The Fun Begins later on soon.  FUN BETTER BEGIN LATER ON SOON.  I'm BANKING MY ENTIRE... BANK..  ON IT.  It'll be fun to see whether I have lunch or not!  My guess is I WILL NOT.  That would be fun.  If I string together some weeks of Usually Not Having Lunch I'm in Ideal Weight Territory Again.  Suffice to say I only would do it if I DON'T WANT lunch.  I'm not gonna starve myself.  But sometimes lately I DON'T WANT lunch.  That's where THAT comes from.  IS Lisa Simpson good at jazz.  I think I always took it for granted that she was good at jazz.  But it's possible there are people who know jazz music and they know better than me and they know Lisa Simpson Really Isn't Great At Jazz.  Well, she's eight.  I'm not DUMPING on her for not being a virtuoso.  I just wanna know HOW GOOD IS SHE REALLY.  Hmm.  I think I pondered that earlier this year.  Still don't know.  I get no answers to any questions I ask.  That's how that goes.



crazy means crazy and sheet means shit

     Hello friends.  Got back from walk #2 and smoked weed #1!  Got coffee #2 and diet coke #1.5!  I, myself, am #1.  1 out of 1.  Maybe 1 out of 2.  I can hold one other imaginary person That I'm Ahead Of in my mind at a time.  At some point let's bump that number up to three.  Then, at some point I assume I'll Figure Out Four.  The point is, no matter how many imaginary people I can entertain at a time, I'm #1.  Everyone is #1!  All Imaginary Audience Members are tied for #1, at least.  I can't speak for real audience members, though.  You're probably #1, too!  Whatever number you wanna be.  One to Whatever, it doesn't matter, it's up to you!  THEY'RE ALL GREAT NUMBERS.  Maybe you don't want to be a number.  That's cool!  You probably have a sick name.  Maybe you got real lucky and your name has a number in it.  That's like hitting the jackpot.
Mostly young kids with numbers in their names.  THE GREATEST GENERATION never named kids with numbers. Only THE GENERATIONS THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED did.  Baby Boomers or Generation X.  Gotta assume people at the time assumed The Kids With Dumb Names would grow up ashamed and embarrassed of their names.  I SAY KIDS with numbers in their names LOVE THEIR NAMES.  They know no better.  They grew up with their name.  Also ALL kids these days have dumb names.  I don't like ANY of these names. ALL Popular names 0-70.  They're way off.  BUT KIDS THESE DAYS GOT NO PROBLEM WITH THEIR DUMB NAMES.  Maybe dumb names build character.  Anyway.  Maybe all names are dumb until you grow into them.  Maybe Dumb Names Gonna Get Kids Jobs.  You see a kid with the digits 13 or 14 in their name YOU WANT THIS GUY ON YOUR TEAM.  Anyway.  I got lucky that I never had a problem with my name.  Michael.  Great.  WHAT'S WRONG ABOUT IT.  Mike.  Good.  EVEN BETTER.  A shorter abbreviation of Mike.  NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT.  What about a longer version of Mike, but still shorter than Michael.  Michael.  That's shorter than Michael.  That's not true.  They're the exact same seven characters I typed out.  Exactly the same!
    Whatever.  Got a nice middle name.  "Adam."  Don't think about it all the time!  Most of my associations with, "Adam," are with other people named Adam!  Can't think of hardly any things about me and my middle name.  Hmm.  (1) I like the initials it gives me, MAK.  (2) When I WRITE THINGS I often name characters Adam.  Because Sure I'd like to see myself up on the Big Smart Television but I'm not gonna go flat out with Michael.  Why would I want charters named Michael out there in things I write that will never be close to being written or made!  I'm #1 Michael.  1 out of 1.  Only Michael!  Apparently I'm okay with using Middle Name ADAM though.  No one knows my middle name from Adam.  PUN ALERT Close enough to making sense.  Everyone in my real life just knows Michael and/or Last Name which I've said before but choose not to say again!  I don't need getting Doxxed.  I don't need Anything.   Solidly 3 million things I Don't Need.  Well the journey of a thousand steps begins with Several Things You Don't Need.

  Just took a walk!  Now I get to write two more paragraphs!  What subject are we talking about.  I'm fine with my last name.  Kornblum.  Sounds fine.  Feels okay.  I'm Not a fan with how it looks though.  How about smell or taste?  Not sure.  Never smelled or tasted my last name!  Hard to smell or taste yourself, be it your name or your physical body.  From what I could gather, I never registered anything wrong with sensing either!  Tongue tastes fine and the nostrils smell fine!  For now.  Anyway.  Got gums I can try to taste.  Can't taste bleeding gums like one Bleeding Gums Murphy could.  Not yet.  I guess my gums can always bleed from playing too much JAZZ GUITAR guitar at some point later in life.  That's what happened on The Simpsons.  Wait-- no it isn't.  He says he got Bleeding Gums from never going to the dentist.  Not from playing too much Sax.  Well playing an instrument surely didn't help at least.  Instruments can be bad for your health!  Any and all instruments!  Hmm.  You strum a guitar.  In Strum Ents.  Guitar can give you wrist burn!  Also there's an ins-trumpet.  Not sure I like the sound of trumpets or any horn instruments. I wasn't gonna say anything about the saxophone earlier because why kick a man, said Bleeding Gums Murphy, when he's down (Passed away), but I just don't like the horns!  The first syllable of my last name rhymes with Horn.  Is that relevant.  HORNS.  I'm not sure I like the sound of that.  I'M GETTING INFORMATION that Saxophone might be some sort of a Woodwind Instrument and not a Brass.  Is that relevant.  I'M GETTING INFORMATION it probably is not.
   Last paragraph.
  Then I get to take some sort of break.  I guess I'll put on more of this Miles Davis documentary.  I was only halfway through it!  I feel like I'm Half-Empty Halfway Through It.  Consider that BOTH OF THESE CAN BE TRUE-- I was enjoying it and I feel bad there's not enough left AND I was not enjoying it and I still consider there being too much left to get through.  That's good.  The important thing is what if I was a Half-FULL Halfway Through It kind of guy.  Then I'd be enjoying it and also appreciate how much I have left.  Oh.  That's not funny.  WHERE'S THE JOKE.  It's around there somewhere.  Can't pinpoint it exactly but it's in there don't worry.  Whatever.  That's it for now!  I'll see ya later.   



Don't Think Too Hard About It

     Hey, friends!  It is currently the Beginning of the Evening but I have not smoked yet!  Maybe I don't need to smoke every time I write!  Maybe I do!  I guess we'll find out!  Smoking slows down my mind.  And I need shorter, more succinct sentences.  Or, wait, does Smoking speed up my mind.  And I need longer, more elaborate sentences.  The point is my sentences of Indeterminate Intermediate length have Nothing Going For Them.  I can't make SENSE out of this amount of words in a sentence.  Maybe I better smoke.  No.  This paragraph so far IS WHAT IT IS.  ANYWAYS I did a Good Thing and edited Acts I and II.  I enjoyed the 30% of the Editing where it was me erasing and/or replacing things that were GOOD with things that are BAD.  THAT'S THE KIND OF THING I CAN GET ON BOARD WITH.  TAKING WHAT'S ALREADY BAD AND MAKING IT WORSE.  That's how THE PROS do it.  Look-- to improve two thirds of the thing, you have to change the other one third too Just So It Makes Sense.  That's Where That Comes From.  I LEARNT A LOT in the last five paragraphs.  I AM NOW QUALIFIED TO MAKE BLANKET EDITING STATEMENTS.
Watched some more of Miles Davis: The Documentary.  One thing I appreciate about this documentary is good for Miles Davis.  We're gonna get the Miles Davis Miles Davis would want us to get.  Focus on his music growth and what HE wanted to do instead of maybe just HIS GREATEST HITS.  What was his greatest hit.  Should I be able to whistle a Miles Davis tune on demand.  IF you said, Michael, Miles Davis tune, GO-- I may have to fail at that.  I do have one guess though.  One wrong guess.  And then I lose the chance for 10,000$ or a Trip To The Mystery Island.  That's the new game show going on.  Mystery Island.  Also I get the sense Miles Davis APPROVES of this documentary.  He never says anything bad about the dumbcomentary in any of the clips I've seen so far THUS TACITLY ENDORSING it.  Yes he's been dead since 1991 but that's no excuse.  IF HE HAD A PROBLEM he should have come back to life to comment on this.
    Three paragraphs to go.  I guess.  Gonna start the oven for my dinner soon!  Stuffed shrimp and Crescent Shaped Potatoes.  What Would YOU have me eating.  FISH SLOP FROM A TROUGH?  A Nice Filet OF SOLE?  Or perhaps The KING OF ALL LOBSTERS?  What I Will Be Eating Is two stuffed shrimp and crescent shaped bits of potatoes.  So Between Sole and The King Of All Lobsters on the degree of Spectrum Of Fish.  I've never eaten the King Of All Lobsters.  No one has.  Maybe one person has.  OR MAYBE NO ONE HAS.  WHAT DO THEY CALL FISH SLOP AGAIN.  I can't think of the word.  Good!  Everyone hates people who know the words for things.  It's kind of pretentious!  Here in America we say FISH SLOP.  Well, anyway.  I got only 2 more episodes of Latest Season If The Simpsons to watch.  Then it's on to bigger and better things!  Everything on TV is the same size.  They all fill up the TV screen exactly.  Nothing goes over, obviously.  But interestingly no shows choose to be a sixteenth of the screen either.
Yeah.  Since the 1990's remotes have promised me PIP.  Picture in Picture technology.  Watch one thing while the other thing goes on, too!  In thirty years THAT PROMISE HAS NEVER BEEN DELIVERED.  Could be for the best!  Who needs it!  Watch one thing!  PAY ATTENTION TO IT.  THERE MAY BE A QUIZ LATER.  Graded on a scale from You Watched It to You REALLY Watched It Wow.  You're gonna wanna be prepared for that!  Got my dinner coming up in twenty five minutes.  I probably finish writing around then!  Not done with editing, though.  Also, for dinner, I put in all 4-5 stuffed shrimp.  I thought only 2 would be appropriate!  For some reason I was imagining SOME SERIOUSLY BIG SHRIMP.  Turns out THAT WAS WRONG which makes sense upon further introspection as Shrimp Do Not Grow To Be That Size. ... It's not GUMBO.  THAT'S NOT THE WORD I'M THINKING OF.  Gumbo can incorporate Fish but it's not even Slop At Essence and it's not always Fish.  What AM I THINKING OF.  And what should I google.  Google, "STANDARD FISH." Google, "fish paste."  Google, "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN WHAT AM I THINKING OF"   
    One more paragraph to go.  I smoked a bit of weed a paragraph or two ago!  I'll admit it.  Good.  Googled Fish Mush.  That didn't help.  I can't think of it.  Internet can't think of it.  IF ONLY THERE WERE OTHER PEOPLE ON EARTH.  They'd tell me what word I'm thinking of.  That's mainly what I would get out of being around other people.  "WHAT WORD AM I THINKING OF?  OH RIGHT that's fish slop exactly.  Well WHAT ELSE is going on.  Nothing.  Right.  Good.  See ya around."  That's one possible negative version of how that conversaion might go.  What's a positive way it might go.  "What's the word for Fish Slop?  OH RIGHT.  That's the word I'm thinking of.  Hmm.  Well WHAT ELSE is going on.  Oh THAT?  Good.  Anyway.  Right. Good.  See ya around."  Still doesn't sound like a great interaction to me.  Maybe it never will UNTIL I GET THE RIGHT WORD.  Anyway.  That's it.  I'll see ya later.

-7:37 P.M.      




Saturday, June 24, 2023

Wrote It!  Read It!  That's It!

     Hello, friends!  11:24 A.M.  Somewhat decent time to start the day Post Walk I.  I GUESS starting Act I is sort of the start of the day.  YES it's not Finally Getting Out Of Bed.  That's the REAL start of the day.  But Starting The Act I is officially CLOCKING IN so to speak  Anyway.  Just occurred to me that I'm gonna have to confess to my psychiatrist and therapist I've been smoking marijuana.  They'll give me negative reactions.  But I don't think they can stop me!  It's legal and whatknot.  Also they're not cops.  Maybe if it was illegal they'd kick the information up to cops.  I don't think they'd do that.  But you never know when it comes to authority figures.  These people are authority figures in my life.  I have to do what they say.  I generally WANT to do what they say.  I want to be healthy.  I'm on board with doing what they say!  But also I HAVE to.  So they're trusted and FRIENDLIKE authority figures.  I don't have to do what they say.  But it's a hassle if I don't.
    Sure.  Coffee time.  I don't know right now how long this act will be!  It probably doesn't matter!  You're better off skipping it!  Either way I could probably fit in a full ten paragraphs if I want timewise.  We'll see if I want to, though!  I got coffee after the first paragraph.  That suggests 5 paragraphs.  I get coffee 20% into the act.  Anyway.  The plan is to smoke before Act II again.  Yeah.  I finished DISC II of The Critic last night.  Now all that's left is DISC III. 
I think.  The order of episodes is slightly different than on Wikipedia.  ALERT THE PRESSES.  People Must Know.  That's what I'm doing with the website.  ALERTING THE MASSES.  Anyway I'm going to Family Outing tomorrow.  I will ALERT THE FAMILY of my Relative Good Doings.  Right?  That's what I gotta do.  Haven't thought about it consciously but that's what I'm gonna have to do.  Gotta convince them OF MY RELATIVE GOOD DOINGS.
Hopefully it's reciprocal.  I wanna hear about their relative good goings.  That'll be GREAT.  Wear a nice shirt.  I got TWO SHIRTS I can go with.  Nice regular t-shirt.  Nice corduroy shirt.  Think I'm gonna go with the regular t-shirt!  It's a BARBQUE let's go CASUAL.  Anyway.  Starting to look forward more to UCB Improve Class.  Kind of want to meet people.  It's weird.  I want to be around people though.  It could be a BUST.  Maybe I HATE people.  But I want to give it a shot.  Anyway.  Listened to podcast on last walk.  Getting ALL CAUGHT ON on podcasts.  Last month, month and a half I listened to a bunch of podcasts.  Several of my favorite podcats of the past!  I started on Listening To Their Recent Episodes.  Now I'm getting to be all caught up.  I can listen to other of my Old Favorite podcasts, though!  Or do DEEPER DIVES into podcasts I've Been Listening To.  Or go back to Music Or Silence!  OR try new podcasts.
Fourth paragraph.  Might do similar Working Backwards with Simpsons.  Watch latest season.  Then watch penultimate season.  That might work.  Or Do Something Else Entirely.  HMM.  It's possible I stopped liking The Simpsons AT THE SAME TIME I started watching Ads with them.  I didn't think I'd mind.  Maybe I do mind.  COULD BE that Watching Ads sucks.  I thought WHAT'S THE HARM.  I WAS WRONG.  IT'S A CHORE.  But I'm POT COMMITTED NOW.  Am I.  Maybe I can easily Upgrade to No Ads with LITTLE HASSLE.  Hmm maybe I should look into that.  If it's LITTLE HASSLE what's the harm.  If it's LOT OF HASSLE that's a lot of harm.  Let's see how much Hassle it'll be.  They'd probably make it Little Hassle.  They want people to upgrade, right?  Hmm.  Well, that's good I guess.  Four paragraphs down already.  That's REAL good I guess.  I think I accomplished a lot.  Four paragraphs being down already.  Of undeterminable quality. Poor.  In entertainment at least.  Oh.  It was determinable.  DANGIT.
Fifth paragraph.  Fair.  In Me Working Life Things Out at least.  Oh.  YES!  How many walks am I presumably taking today.  Five.  Anyway.  STILL haven't put on Rocksmith at all for smoking.  Which was the #1 main thing I wanted to try.  I guess I'm scared it won't go well.  It probably won't!  I'm gonna let you in on a little secret-- I can't play guitar that well.  Maybe in fits and bursts I could over the course of my life.  It depends on how you define Guitar.  Or Well.  Or THAT.  But anyway.  Well gotta start from scratch I guess.  Makes sense.  I could start from scratch.  Cat Scratch Fever.  Sounds easy enough.  It's just POWER CHORDS right.  SLOW power chords.  THAT'S RIGHT UP MY ALLEY.  IS Cat Scratch Fever a real disease.  SHOULD I be concerned about contracting Cat Scratch Fever.
   Halfway through the act!  Ted Nugent was on SUPERGROUP.  I'd watch that show again.  Why don't they stream shows like that.  People would PAY GOOD MONEY for that kind of Streamer.  Is it a good show?  No probably not.  But I'd spend The Entire Time It Takes To Watch It to find out!  Hmm.  Had a black and white cookie for breakfast.  Reasonable breakfast time.  Only about an hour before I actually got up For Good.  Not bad.  In the last few months I've been having breakfast Many Hours before I actually get up for good.  What kind of meals do I have in store for today.  Let's see.  I'm not gonna list all the meals I have.  But I will tell you the NUMBER of meals I can choose from.  Looks like six or seven.  Okay.  Will I skip lunch today?  I don't know!  I skipped lunch yesterday because I didn't feel like I was particularly hungry!  I was still high from marijuana smoke from a little bit earlier!  WILL THAT MANIFEST THUSLY TODAY?  Nobody knows!
   Seventh paragraph.  I think the next four paragraphs MIGHT BE DECENT.  Nobody knows!  Starting after this paragraph.  This paragraph will be a continuation of The Poor Quality Of the last few paragraph.  But THEN the last three paragraphs will be good.  We're going into the penultimate day of Speculation Baseball week.  Not looking great for me!  I'm currently down 2-7-1!  I have room for improvement, yes!  It's possible I can come from behind in a few categories!  That remains to be seen.  Anyway.  I guess today I can try RockSmith.  IF Xbox lets it work.  Solid 75% chance I can get it working.  Might take a few minutes.  But there's a 3 out of 4 chance It'll start working AT LEAST after a few minutes.  I don't love those odds, but that's the world we live in.  I'm gonna riff on Cat Scratch fever later.  I feel like I'm gonna come up with a JOKE about it.  Don't give up on me yet.  By joke I mean Word Play.  That's probably all I got for now.  Sorry.
Three paragraphs to go.  COVERED IT WITH MY MOM.  I'm going with REGULAR T-SHIRT for tomorrow.  But I'm to wear a different pair of pants.  So that's where I'm At In Life.  Socks are at my discretion.  Underwear as well.  Hmm.  I think I have all three kinds of underwear.  Boxers.  Boxer briefs.  Briefs.  I cover the gamut.  And I legitimately go back and forth between them all!  It's fun.  It keeps my days fresh and new.  What am I wearing right now.  Lemme take a look.  These appear to be boxer-briefs.  Pretty much boxers though.  SOME brief to them though.  Very much leaning into Boxer Territory though.  Perfect.  I think these kinds of underwear are perfect!  What else is going on and crap.  How poorly are The Mets doing these days.  Oh.  That Poorly.  Even more poorly than I anticipated.  No Spoilers folks but The Mets are doing Very Poorly Even More Poorly Than You Might Anticipate.
Penultimate paragraph.  We're about halfway through the season.  75 games into 162!  Still got plenty of time to turn it around!  Can they pull off some METS MAGIC?  My guess is no of course not Magic Doesn't Exist.  can they pull off some Mets NON-MAGIC JUST PUT IN THE WORK AND GET BETTER AND DO BETTER BECAUSE THEY PERFORM BETTER AT BASEBALL THAN THE OTHER TEAMS OVER THE NEXT 87 GAMES?  Yeah sure that might happen!  IT WOULD FEEL pretty magical though.  Also MAYBE BASEBALL IS MAGIC.  I was never good at baseball but maybe it's NOT because I was short and scrawny and unathletic and uncoordinated and didn't put in the work.  JUST NOT MAGICAL.  That was my problem.  I PUT IN THE WORK.  I showed up to every Little League Practice just as much as the next guy.  I PLAYED THE CATCH.  Just didn't catch the ball half the time.  It's HARD.  Throwing the ball back is even harder.  You try throwing the ball such that the other person can catch it.  It's Next To IMPOSSIBLE.
    Last paragraph.  What to listen to on the upcoming walk.  I've got so many options.  The best option is what I was listening to previously.  Ultimately that's Always the best option.  Hmm.  I didn't want to Bore You with my lunch options.
  But it's about time I BORE MYSELF with them.  Here's one interesting thing-- I took a look at Stuffed Shrimp-- looks like enough for two dinners.  It's interesting because I didn't see that development coming.  Here's another interesting thing-- Might Have Light Chicken Ceasar Salad for lunch.  Keep it simple.  What are some other good options.  Got some nice pasta based options.  Got herbed chicken based option.  Good.  Always nice to have options.  The best option is what I was listening to previously.  WHAT LUNCH was I listening to previously.  Ugh.  Hmm.  I saw Marge eating a salad for lunch yesterday on an episode of the Simpsons.  I guess  I was listening to THAT previously.  Anyway.  I'll be back in a little bit.




i deleted the original title and now i'm never going to get it back

     Hey, friends!  Got a solid hour and a half until I take my next walk.  Made an executive decision to not tell anyone at Improve Class about crazyshet.  That's the kind of thing that might come up!  Unless it gets better over the next few weeks.  If it gets better makes sense to share it with people.  If it stays worse makes sense to keep it to myself.  Sounds like I have incentive to do better, then.  If I share crazyshet with people, and it's better, that's a GREAT way to build relationships!  I DON'T KNOW ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS.  Might have to settle for CONTACTS.  Waiting for my Dad to SET UP MY CONTACTS.  That's a different kind of Contacts.  SO IT SEEMS I need contacts before I can make contacts.  Why is that.  So no one will know I wear glasses.  Trying to protect my secret identity as a glasses wearer.  You can understand that can't you.
     Four paragraphs to go.
  I'm not wearing glasses right now.  Maybe I should be.  Let's see how that effects OR AFFECTS my vision.  Hey it makes my vision better.  More or less.  Smudge on the left Lens.  That can easily be corrected.  I don't have the tools available to me right now, though.  So I will live with it indefinitely until I get contact lenses!  Should be pretty soon!  Could be any week now. Except for the upcoming week.  That's too soon.  Anyway.  Ideal class time for UCB is LATE AFTERNOON.  That was the conclusion I came to on a walk.  HEY that's happens to be the most common class time they have.  Must have seen that earlier.  I wonder if I came to that conclusion because I SAW THAT'S HOW IT IS or if it's because I UNIQUELY came to the conclusion based on personal preference.  Anyway.  Interacting with MANY people.  How will it go?  Only time will tell!  AND OH WILL IT.
Three paragraphs to go.  How many people are in a class.  It's not, "MANY."  It's A DOZEN.  A dozen is an amount you can keep track of.  HENCE the sensemaking movies THE DIRTY DOZEN, THOSE MOVIES ABOUT JURIES, THIRTEEN GHOSTS, THIRTEEN DAYS, A MIDSUMMER'S NIGHTS DREAM, and ALL THE SPIDERMEN COMBINED when you count The Same Spidermen who show up in Other Spidermen multiple times.  I AM not sure how many people there are in an Improvement Class.  It may be 14 or 16.  I WOULD GUESS 12, then 16, then I'm Not Comfortable with any other guesses.  Could it be 15.  Sure.  Had a hunch it was EVEN though.  Fifteen is a Pretty Even Odd Number though.  Now that I think about it.  Lots of Evenness to 15.  Halfway to thirty.  Quarter ways to sixty.  15% of 100.  You tip 15% I assume and I actually assume you tip 20+%.  Well anyway.  I guess this paragraph is closing in on being over!  Why do I think everyone is always excited about paragraphs being over.
Two paragraphs to go.  It's no fun being halfway through A Block Of Words That Makes No Sense and HAVING TO CONTINUE.  With nowhere to go!  And nothing to fall back on!  However there is always THE SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT that I'm a REAL WRITER.  Putting in the work.  Writing Nonsense, feeling exhausted, and then Writing More Nonsense.  Just too bad that I get exhausted writing 2/3rds of a paragraph!  I wouldn't say, "EXHAUSTED."  I'd say, "FRUSTRATED."  The fact that I'm Writing fairly frustrates me every few sentences.  Well there's an easy solution for that, just write better.  Oh.  Write better.  That's what I was already thinking of doing.  Whew I don't need to change my plans at all.  What else is up.  What am I going to watch on the televusion set when this is over.  Sounds like it could be just about anything.  No it can't.  It can be one of 1.5 things.  IT REALLY HAS TO BE THE ONE THING.
   Last paragraph.  Not one to brag, but I wrote a three chord chord progression yesterday.   Garbage Ega Brag.  Do you need the, "E?"  No!  Do you WANT the, "E?"  It's a trick question, You don't want the palindrome at all!  Am I 100% sure that's a palindrome.  I AM MILDLY high after all.  Can't drive that point home enough.  Mild high.  Nice CALM.  "CHILL," the kids say."  Chili Davis, First Baseman and DH for The San Francisco Giants, The California Angels, and Several Other Teams I choose not to repeat because he was only on them for one to two years so the pay off for you learning which those teams were would not be worth how long it would take for me to repeat which of those two teams he played for.  They were the Yankees, the Twins, and the Kansas City Royals.  His best year was in 1994 when he went 122-394.  It was a strike shortened season, keep in mind.  Lots of parallels between that MLB Season and THIS YEAR'S writer's strike.  I assume.  I really have no idea.  See ya later!




I'll Start Reading Starting With The Next Act

     Sister Act III: The Next Act is a spec script I'm working on.  I've never seen the first two films which might make it hard to write the third one.  To be honest, when I said it was a spec script I'm working on, all I really had was The Title.  I figure there's a Younger More FRESH Sister Act other than Whoopi Goldberg.  Is Whoopi Goldberg involved as a hands off Executive Producer?  That seems appropriate.  Why does she have to be hands off.  WELL I just assumed she wasn't a Hands On Executive Producer for the first two films, so why would she be for Part III?  Maybe she should have been, though.  Maybe that's just the missing ingredient that Sister Act III: The Next Act needs.  What am I doing.  I started off making a pun with, "Act."  Would it have been funnier if I was talking about... what's another movie with Act... ACT TON: THE MOVIE ABOUT NAZIS DEMANDING ATTENTION.  That's a pun.  Not a movie though.  Apt Pupil is, though.  Apt.  Act.  One letter off.  Pretty close.
Just smoked a bit.  Fair amount.  Small amount.  A fair, small amount!  Gotta be at least some amount.  Here are the amounts of weed I can smoke--  Micro, small, fair, more than fair, 2x more, 3x more, Ultra.  And I went from small to fair.  IS THERE WORRY about escalating drug use?  TO BE FAIR-- let's be fair, friends--  there's no need to worry about escalating drug use.  I find it very unlikely I will ever go from Fair to Two Times as fair.  And if I'm ever at two times WHAT FOOL WOULD GO TO THREE TIMES As Fair.  And then who could OR WOULD ever go Ultra Fair.  The point is I'm satisfied with what I got out of fair this 1 out of 1 times I tried it just now.  So that should last forever. 
    Let's be fair friends-- I'll be guy who throws things at ducks and you can be the guy who climbs the ferris wheel.  Throws things at Bottles trying to WIN ducks.  Stuffed duck.  Not a real duck.  But I'm mostly in the game for the failing at winning.  It's good practice for what I do with the rest of my life Failing At Everything.  Gotta learn in carnival games.  Microsoft FrontPage does not recognize the validity of the word, "Ferris," except for just now because they accept a capital, "F," but not a lowercase, "F."  They will not accept, "ferris," as a word, but they will however accept, "Ferris," with a Capital, "F," as a word.  Ferris is of course we all know a combination of the words Fair and Ass. 
     And Wheel is a combination of a few syllables as well.  I can identify some of them off the top of my head.  I bet you figured out Way More Than Me though!  MAYBE You DROPPED EVERYTHING to think about the syllables in wheel.  And now you have the answers.  To God's Stupidest Questions.  That's a Game Show I'm working on a spec script for.  QUIZ game.  That's actually a pretty good idea.  I'd like to see God's Stupidest Questions.  How many words can you make out of the unique syllables in the word, "Wheel?"  You have thirty seconds to Mars.  What's my answer for Wheel.  Eight.  I think there's eight syllables in Wheel that are NOT WORDS but are Legitimate Sounds.  Whee.  Not a word, but I'd count that sound as a Meaningful Noise.  Someone says, "Whee," You Understand They're Having Fun.  Ull is the left over syllable.  TRACY ULLMAN GAVE BIRTH TO THE SIMPSONS.  I bet she gets credit for that by 1 out of 200.000 people.  What do people know.  I'm a Person and I Don't Know.
    Last paragraph.
  God's Stupidest Questions.  For most of human history MAN HAS PONDERED QUESTIONS TO GOD.  NOW, EXCLUSIVELY FOR THIS SHOW, IT IS GOD ASKING US THE QUESTIONS.  Most of his questions were soul searching and thought provoking and personally brought me to tears but WE JUNKED ALL THOSE so we could ask you God's Stupidest Questions.  Stupid Question Make Man Feel Smart.  Thanks God.  What else is going on and crap.  So close to being done with the entry!  Not sure what I should eat for dinner.  Let's Crowdsource this.  I don't know what that means but I am sitting at a computer which has the internet and crowdsource is an internet thing!  So basically I just crowdsourced.  Just crowdsourced the concept of Deciding To Crowdsource and I decided Not To Crowdsource becuase I don't know what crowdsourcing is.  WHAT IS CROWDSOURCING.  Oh.  IT'S EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT IT WAS.  That makes sense upon further introspection.  Yeesh.
Last paragraph!  I'm writing a bonus paragraph.  Then I'm gonna eat dinner.  There are still no results from the crowdsourcing because IT IS UNEXISTANT.  Maybe one day I'll Crowdsource The Web!  That sounds like a good idea.  Wait no I'm thinking of CrowdSURFING The Web.  That sounds like a good idea.  Sorry Got Confused.  Where are people CrowdSURFING the web these days.  What's a good website.  Probably websites Better than this website.  That doesn't narrow it down at all.  Hmm.  Probably websites ULTRA better than this website.  Micro through 3x Fair Amount Better Than This Website NOT gonna cut it in being CrowfSURFable.  Gotta be Ultra Better.  Ultra Butter.  That's the opposite of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.  Instead of making mock Butter they BUTTER UP THE BUTTER.  Now that's Ultra Butter.  I guess that's it for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-7:30 P.M.




Friday, June 23, 2023

Alright I Wanna Nice Clean Act

     Hey, friends!  10:12 A.M.  Super Market window of delivery time is presumably between 10:00 and 12:00!  Could easily be interrupted here.  That would be unpleasant in the sense that it would disturb my flow.!  HOWEVER it would be nice to get it out of the way.  Whatever.  Did not fit in a walk beforehand.  Did eat a breakfast burrito just now.  Will watch the Evil Dead movie later on while high.  Will smoke a little bit more for the rest of the week.  Figure I can make 1.5 grams per week the standard.  Actually I could make 7 grams per four weeks the standard.  That's paying about as much as I have been on alcohol.  AND in doing so I could smoke a reasonable, fair, JUST amount.  Pretty good!  In fact I think it might be a lot more than I have been.  I dunno.  Maybe too much more.  Gonna have to see how This Week goes. Maybe I have A LOT left over.  Not sure.  Coffee time.
    Dad was telling me that voting is coming up next week.  I told him I might vote if nothing else for the sticker.  I think he thought I was serious.  HE THINKS I'M AN IDIOT.  Then again I WAS SERIOUS.  I AM AN IDIOT.  Hmm this isn't good.  How can we fix this situation.  SPOILER ALERT I wasn't serious.  I WOULD dig a sticker.  But the main reason I would vote is because IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.  Just wanna know I researched the Right People To Vote and I Did the Civic Duty and voted for them.  Right now I don't know the right people to vote for.  But it shouldn't be that hard to figure out.  Who am I letting decide for me the right people to vote.  HMM.  I'll let an amalgamation of people decide for me.  EASY.  Not just ONE person.  A SCHOMOREGESBOARD of people.  DUH.  What am I having for lunch and dinner today.  SO MANY OPTIONS.
Should I dive Straight Into Steak tonight?  I don't know!  We'll see.  My guess is no.  Got the new Evil Dead movie available to me today.  That should be fun to watch.  Probably smoke for that.  Might be stressful though.  Lots of Scares in it.  LOOK if I didn't want Some Scares I shouldn't have chosen to be on Planet Earth.  Full of Frights and Terrors.  Especially in FILMIC versions of Horror Films.  Well that's good.  I think I made some progress in getting my point across to my dad Hey, C'mon.  Just set up an appointment for me with Contact Lense Doctor.  I'd do it but you're the one wit the Contact.  Name and phone number.  GETTING CLOSER to the appointment being set up is the point.  And once that happens IMPROVE 101 here I COME.  And once that happens OH BOY LIFE will progress a little bit in a half a dozen ways.
Penultimate paragraph!  I dunno about half a dozen ways.  Maybe THREE.  Life will progress a bit in THREE ways.  Which is still pretty good.  I dunno about progress.  Life will Seem Better in three ways.  And then when Improve Class ends life will go back to normal in three ways.  Whatever.  Let's see.  What else do I got going on for me.  Smoke in the afternoon today!  I got the marijuana stored up.  No reason not to smoke a bit.  Maybe even smoke for act II, right?  Why not!  I GOT THE MARIJUANA.  It's RESERVE is built up because I've been STINGY with the amount I've allowt myself.  So that's pretty good.  What else is good.  I like this strain but I THINK I have to go back and forth between strains Moving Forward.  That's how they sell them!  They don't have CONSISTENCY with what they offer!  ONE MORE PARAGRAPH.
    Last paragraph.
  Hmm.  Tried adjusting the Speaker Sound System.  Still having found Levels I Like.  Should be able to find Levels I Like.  I can adjust it to my liking so why shouldn't I be able to find Levels I Like.  What else is up.  Hey did you actually read this.  Gotta imagine that was an huge waste of Time And Effort.  Man.  That sucks for you.  Either way WORKED FOR ME.  Got me from Point A to Point B in my life!  SO FOR ME IT WAS GREAT.  Wonderful.  What else is going on and crap.  Just got a text message saying we're next for super market.  YES.  Probably should be able to fit in five walks today at this rate.  YES.  Anyway what else is going on with you.  None of this was going on with You.  Well that's good.  So what IS going on with you.  Hmm.  You got a lot going on with you.  I'm GLAD to hear it.  That's good.  I'll see ya soon! 




sure i don't know what i'm doing

     Hello, friends!  I just smoked some marijuana!  Slightly larger amount than I had been smoking.  Feels wrong to do it before noon.  During Act II.  Act II in early afternoon (or MORNING as it were) is my job.  I'm indulging in psychoactive drugs during my WorkTime.  Look I know it's not a job.  But it's my routine I make for myself that I take very seriously.  Job is an appropriate word!  That's what Job was suffering from!  A job.  That's the REAL Ultimate Torture.  Amazing.  Mazes aren't amazing.  They're pedestrian.  Yeah. Pedestrians walk.  You WALK in mazes.  Corn mazes.  Which are the mazes NO ONE IN REAL LIFE EVER ACTUALLY GOES THROUGH.  See em on TV all the time, sure.  BUT WHO HERE has walked in a corn maze.  Maybe lots of people.  NOT ME THOUGH.  I've seen 'em in THE SHINING, I've seen 'em in THE SIMPSONS a day or two ago, I've seen 'em ALL OVER TV.  Just Not In Person.
    Four paragraphs to go! What more is there to say other than how long do I have to write here Oh Right four paragraph minus one line.  Think I'm gonna take a break now.  I'll be back in a bit! ... .. . I am back.  Was it wrong of me to take a break Three sentences into a paragraph?  Yeah, my instinct is that it was.  That's why I bothered asking the rhetorical question!  If I didn't partially believe in the validity of the Question, WHY would it even OCCUR to me.  Something about me WAS CONCERNED about the morality behind Taking A Break Three Sentences Into A Paragraph.  Ultimately it worked out fine, though, right?  No one got hurt.  Then again I wouldn't wanna do it again.  Let's see.  I think I'm gonna end up taking a walk before I finish five paragraphs here.  Oh well.  I can experiment with Different Ways Of Writing The Day.  I dunno.  Gonna take another break now.

    Hey!  I accomplished taking a silence walk.  I really heard next to nothing.  Not a bad name for a song.  Surely there's been 2 dozen songs called Next To Nothing.  Maybe there should be three dozen and one, though!  And I should be bestowed the honor of writing THE ONE AFTER THE OTHER EXTRA DOZEN.  OR ONE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIRST EXTRA DOZEN.  Matters LITTLE to me where I land in The Next Thirteen Next To Nothings chronologically.  As long as someone else writes the song for me I'm GLAD I got to participate in the long line of Popular Music Culture Traditions.  I can't be trusted to write a song!  I'm here WRITING THIS.  How do you suggest I write a song.  I CAN'T be two places AT ONCE.  What if I did it during a different time of day.  What the HELL is that supposed to mean.
   Fourth paragraph of the act.  Started watching Evil Dead Rise earlier.  Maybe this movie will be scary.  I went through a period right around Quarantine where I was into horror films.  I wasn't SCARED AT ALL.  Now I'm worried about the terrors and frights.  What if they spook me good.  Spook me so bad I Would Rather Do Something Else BUT WHAT WOULD BE BETTER.  Only so many activities out there and they're all mediocre.  Hmm what's a good Activity.  HOW ABOUT A CORN MAZE.  Do it yourself OR WITH FRIENDS.  People on TV always seem to have fun in those!  E.G. THE SHINING.  What else is going on.  What else is a good corn maze.  Google TOP 11 movies with corn maze.  Why would I ACTUALLY want to look that up.  I was about to do it.  Good chance there's people or algorithms who made lists of movies with corn mazes.  HOWEVER if I ACTUALLY looked it up and read the list WOULD THAT MAKE ME HAPPY?  Or would I feel depressed that YEP I ACTUALLY LOOKED UP THE LIST OF CORN MAZES IN TV AND FILM.  THAT's what my life has come to.  I'll tell you one thing not the first one.
Last paragraph of the act.  Let's see.  Got to write another paragraph now.  Wait a second.  Corn Maze.  MAIZE IS CORN in some American Indian language.  MEANS CORN CORN.  I'm not happy with Not Remembering Hearing That One Before.  Seems pretty obvious.  Amazing.  Well, anyway, I got to write one more paragraph!  Then I get to do whatever I want.  Again, all options I have are mediocre.  But I get to choose the first one that comes to mind!  And if that doesn't work out work my way down the list of activities.  First activity I thought of was watch Television.  The rest of activities are also watch Telvision but pick different shows or movies.  I could also Not Watch Television.  I suppose I could read a book.  That's something I've done in the past.  Anyway I'll be back later.




But The Nonsense Makes Sense

     It sure does.  Just smoked a little bit again!  I smoked a little bit Pre Act II.  Now I smoked a little bit Pre Act III.  That's what happened today!  IS TODAY A GOOD DAY.  We don't know yet.  My feelings as of now are Today Was Solid.  Kind of a Think-Em-Up day!  Lots of THINKING.  You know how that goes.  I walked around and laid around ALL THE WHILE thinking thoughts in my head.  I'm not happy about The Time Spent Laying.  I should be sitting.  Moving forward I MIGHT make me way over to the chair and SIT while watch Television.  As one does.  Could I compromise and sit on my bed?  It could be done but WHY MUST I COMPROMISE.  WHO is making the case for Me To Continue Staying In Bed.  WHAT ENTITY wants that when I could just as easily be in a chair.  Someone who doesn't have my best interests at heart, THAT'S WHOM.
Okay.  What did I watch on the Television Set today.  Well I'LL TELL YOU what I watched on the Television Set today.  I put on the latest season of The Simpsons.  Season 34!  So far It's very interesting.  I LIKE that it's the same thing as before but slightly different.  THAT PART I LIKE.  Everything else I HATE.  What else is going on.  Partially listening to The Simpsons, partially putting music on over it, partially just Living In Silence.  Silence of the Lambs.  I JUST GOT THAT.  Wait I lost it.  My bad.  The word, "Silence," seems to be a metaphor for SILENCE.  And, "Lamb," seems to mean some sot of Lamb.  Conor Lamb.  A Democrat from either Pennsylvania or Not Pennsylvania.  Is it relevant whether his Pennsylvania origins are, "Not," or not?  Probably.  Pennsylvania is one of the United States Of America.
Now I'm down to three paragraphs to go.  Let's see.  I skipped eating lunch today.  I ate steak plus some potatoes for dinner.  Those are stories.  From my life.  Now they're part of your life.  And you can tell them to the people in your life on your website.   Probably shouldn't, though.  The relevancy of the stories HAS ALREADY EXPIRED.  We had a moment where it somewhat mattered what I had for lunch and dinner but it's over now.  ALSO It was steak for dinner.  Nothing for lunch.  BTW.  YOU SHOULD know.  I took five walks today.  Because of that I will... HAVE HAD THE JOY... of WALKING.  Fly is still flying around my room.  There's never any GOOD flies.  Every other animal you sometimes come across Cool ones, sometimes Jerk ones.  NEVER A REAL COOL FLY.  Flies are always just gonna fuck your shit up. All in your face and whatknot.  Which is ironic because FLY means COOL.  But in real life FLIES are the opposite of COOL.  They're the most annoying things in the world.  Flies are the OPPOSITE of Rad is the point.
    Penultimate paragraph.
  Let's see.  You know what I should write about?  Of course you don't.  Maybe I do though.  Let me consult my notes.  I don't write about things in my notes but I write about what I could write about.  Let's see.  Hmm those are some Odd Notes.  Not sure I want to take those notes seriously.  I'm going to put those notes aside for now.  I don't trust their validity or their potential.  Neither accurate on WHAT I WAS FEELING when I wrote them NOR promising in terms of WHERE THEY WOULD LEAD for actual creative endeavors.  THESE NOTES WERE THE WORST.  Glad no one is ever gonna read those notes.  Wait lemme take a second look maybe they're good.  Yeah they're fine.  Great several dozens words overall.  Done me good words.  Done me real good.
Last paragraph of the night!  Got to decide what do I want to talk about.  Wait a second no I don't.  I have one paragraph left.  Now is the time for a conclusion!  I have a whole paragraph to write.  Conclusion is the final sentence.  This paragraph is just the DENOUEMENT.  Wait does that mean I should write a DENOUEMENT for real?  No of course not.  This isn't a narrative.  ... .. .AND IF IT IS. .. ... Great.  Well I think I'm gonna put on some NON Simpsons crap tonight.  There's a right amount of Simpsons and it's not All The Time.  Is it zero?  Yes, probably.  But that bridge has sailed.  So, what else is good?  That's about it for today.  Such is life.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:34 P.M. 




Thursday, June 22, 2023

All I Write Is Junk

     Hello, friends!  Don't expect much out of these five paragraphs!  It's 12:06 P.M.  I got a great night's sleep last night!  Smoked a bit before going to bed.  Wonderful.  Slept through the night.  Did I wake up once or twice?  Sure.  Did I eat once or twice?  Yeah!  I don't mind.  I didn't have breakfast today per say.  It's possible the thing I ate was a small, very early breakfast.  Anyway, I had deep, pleasant sleep.  However, I kept snoozing when I wanted to get up.  Thing that finally got me to get up was Fly Buzzing Around My Head.  I can't sleep with Fly Vibrating Around My Ear.  This Is Terrible.  Worked out for the best, though!  Woke up Early Enough that I could fit in two walks in early part of day!  Instead of one!  Sure it means I only write five paragraphs instead of 10!  Ultimately that's for the best, too!  I'm gonna get coffee now!  20% into act.  Amazing. 
    Maybe what I do is write the middle act in actual middle part of the day.  With or without marijuana.  And then write the last act in the last part of the day.  With or without marijuana.  Not sure.  The point is one of the upcoming acts should be with marijuana.  But now that I think about it, NOT BOTH.  Seems like a scam.  I should be writing 10 out of 15 paragraphs with marijuana, NOT FIVE out of 15.  That's an interesting conclusion I just came to.  Also I write 20 paragraphs a day, not 15.  That's ANOTHER interesting conclusion I just came to.  So I should be writing TEN paragraphs out of 20 with marijuana, not 5.  That's an interesting conclusion I just came to.  OKAY.  How would that work exactly.  5/5/10?  5/10/5?  Hmm.  Let's see.  Still haven't tried Rocksmith at all with marijuana.  I'm building up to it.  Nice clean surfaces in my room.  Desk.  Computer desk.  Night table.  Dresser.  No sticky stuff or anything.  All clean.
    Accepting amazon fresh delivery this afternoon between 3 and 5 presumably.  Am I getting anything exciting there?  I don't think so!  Lemme LTURQ.  Breakfast burritos and Breakfast Treat Cookies.  Breakfast burritos aren't THAT great but pretty okay.  The breakfast treat cookies as well.  Sugar cookies more or less.  Long sugar cookies.  So that'll do just fine.  Got Family Excursion coming up on Sunday.  Wonder what kind of food they'll serve.  My Italian Aunt gonna be handling the food per my understanding.  Some sort of LASAGNA is my guess.  That's all they do over there in Ytaly.  Possible some sort of spaghetti.  Not pizza, though. You idiot.  You think all they do is pizza?  You need some sensitivity training.  I have two meals leftover from this week's super market order.  Other super market.  The kind I'm re-upping with tomorrow.  Herbed chicken and salmon.  So that's lunch and dinner.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Not re-upping with beer this week.  Didn't drink beer yesterday or Tuesday. Going forward not sure how often I'm gonna drink beer.  Maybe once or twice a week.  No plans exactly to drink it imminently though.  Got 3-6 cans in fridge right now.  That would solve Entry Problem though.  Smoke for middle act.  Drink for third act.  THAT'S INSPIRATION DOWN.  WRONG AGAIN JERK.  I'm not drinking ev ery day.  Just not gonna do it.  So there's that.  Think I'm gonna go with Rib Eye Steak for this week.  Cheap one.  You can get thirty dollar rib eye steak.  I'm getting 15 dollar rib eye steak.  Seems cheap for a rib eye steak in 2023.  How bad can it be though.  It's a steak.  Guess it's not that cheap.  Doesn't come with anything.  Makes sense I guess.  That reminds me I gotta get the sides.  POTATO sides one might say.  Ya know what.  Instead of half spheres, gonna go with crescents.  Half the amount though.  Is that enough for Steak AND Fish meals?  That means I'm using Frozen Tater tots TOO?
   Last paragraph. Oh but instead of Double Salmon meal I'm getting probably single Stuffed Shrimp.  Whew.  That might be two meals too!  Hmm.  Anyway.  Had my 8 track set up at desk facing North.  Now I have it set up NOWHERE but it's at easy access at Computer Desk facing East.  I will play and sing guitar DIFFERENTLY facing Different Direction.  So if I ever record more music IT'LL BE DIFFERENT (better).  Wonderful.  That makes sense.  Not my fault the music I made in the past wasn't good.  I WAS LOOKING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION.  Sounds fair.  Anyway.  Listened to podcast on Walk I.  Guess I'm listening to it again on Walk II.  Got lunch coming up in about 2.25 hours I think.  Sounds about right.  Herbed chicken with sweet potatoe and broccoli.  I like it.  Usually.  When am I doing my two SMALL MARIJUANAS today?  Not sure!  Probably not then, though.  Maybe!  I'll see ya in a little bit. 




you need to understand something

     Hey!  Is this a joke-- Titanic Sinks.  People die.  Boat goes after titanic sinks.  People die.  Then they send boat after that and it sinks.  And then they send boat after that.  IT BORDERS ON BEING A JOKE but it's not funny. 3 out of 10.  THREE POINTS FOR EFFORT.  Anyway.  Found out Family Excursion IS INDEED a BarBQ!  YES.  Grill.  HAMBURGERS. Possibly HOT DOGS.  Possibly Grilled chicken sandwiches!  Gonna have to PACE myself though.  HOWEVER I've been alerted it might rain that day.  Not just by LOGIC.  LOGIC tells us it might rain any day.  I've been alerted SPECIFICALLY there's reason to believe it might SPECIFICALLY rain Upcoming Sunday MORE LIKELY than a Random Day.  Anyway.  Another thing.  We're talking about flies.  Rhyme with, "Shoo fly, don't bother me...."  When I was a kid I used to think a Shoofly was a kind of fly.  Thought it was more spelled Shoefly though.
Okay.  WHAT THE HELL.  BREAKING NEWS.  There is a thing called a, "Shoofly."  It's a kind of PIE.  Pastry Pie.  Made with Molasses.  Get the MOLASSES out.  You can't get the molasses out.  THEN it's just like any other pie.  You can't spell molasses without asses.  ANYWAY I ate some bread.  We had Italian Style Restaurant Delivery last night.  My mom got an all out meal.  We had some Italian Bread left!  I just ate some of it!  It was fine.  What else is going on in my life.  In My Life is a great song.  I play the riff to it all the time on my guitar.  Just one of those things that comes up lately.  Got two or three dozen things that come up lately.  That's one of them!  Not HAPPY about only having 3 dozen things that come up lately and it's just bland generic things.  But that's the world we live in.  FOR NOW.  We could be on the verge of a Guitar Playing Renaissance for all we know.
Three paragraphs.  Smoked Four times so far. Of varying amounts!  PRETTY similar amounts.  But varying from MICRO to Very Small amounts.  And it makes a difference.  So that's good.  Very much too soon to say this will last, but in general I feel pretty good during periods of time NOT high.  However I DO kind of Count The Moments till when I can get high. So it cancels out.  I feel in good spirits but I also feel high anticipation to smoke.  So there's Plusses and Minuses for When I'm Not Actively high.  We'll see how that goes.  THAT MIGHT BE A POTENTIAL PROBLEM.  Or a potential SOLUTION.  Whatever.  In the meantime halfway through the act.  Great.  I think I'm gonna smell the marijuana right now.  That's fun.  Let's go do that.  Yep.  It was pretty fun.  I'll do that again later I think.  What a great story.
   What should I watch later on.  I guess I could watch the Simpsons and their annoying voices.  God Damn Dan Castellenata.  What's his real last name.  Maybe if I knew his last name his voice wouldn't be so annoying. Castellaneta.  I was almost there.  Just mix up the a certain, "e," with a certain, "a."  IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE.  BUG DIFFERENCE.  By which I mean BIG difference.  I assume I pronounce it Cast-eel-a-netta.  That's how a double, "L," is pronounced in certain cases.  Hmm.  I can't watch the Simpsons and their annoying voices.  YOU CAN'T WATCH ANNOYING VOICES.  Gotta listen to them.  That's An Accuracy I guess.  I'll look into that later on just to be sure though.  Anyway.  That's one of my half dozen main conclusions from being high the last 2 days.  I have an annoying voice in my songs!  Kind of knew it.  Kind of was leaning into it when recording songs the last decade!  IN A WAY, I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING.  IN A WAY I FORGOT THOUGH. 
Last paragraph.  Got some time between this paragraph and next walk.  Should I try to put on The Critic?  Sounds like a Slam Dunk of an idea.  My memory of BarBQ is that the hamburgers and grilled chicken sandwiches are LIGHT.  So that you can consume multiple ones.  Not huge jumbo sandwiches.  Kind of seems like Everyone Gonna Do BarBqs differently.  No uniform way to do it.  But that DOES seem like an ideal standard way to go into it.  You're gonna wanna get the most out of your Grillings and having people eat multiple Grilled Items is the way to do it.  Anyway.  I don't know.  Probably take five walks today.  Might it be six?  It's possible.  Might it be four?  It's possible?  Will it be five?  Yes, definitely.  That's NOT FACTUAL.  I'm sticking with MIGHT BE FOUR OR SIX.  Anyway, I'll be back later!



So Much I Don't Want To Read

     Hello, friends.  I just ate an iced cream sandwich.  When I said before the surfaces in my room might be sticky, ice cream is presumably the culprit.  But you don't want to hear about my experiences with iced cream.  You've already heard 20 such stories in the last what's a good amount of time to say that I probably went through a solid score of ice cream stories within.  I'm gonna say two to three years!  Could I go as far as four years?  Yes?  Could I go FURTHER THAN FOUR IN MY GUESS ON HOW LONG WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO SEE 20 ICED CREAM STORIES?  I can guess whatever I want!  There's no stakes!  YOU KNOW WHAT Guess what-- no one is guessing against me.  I get to keep guessing against myself instead.  I MAY NOT WIN OR LOSE ANYTHING, NO, but I CAN DAMN WELL GUESS EVERYTHING time willing.
Yeah!  Four paragraphs to go.  I enjoyed lunch!  I enjoyed dinner!  I watched Sarah Silverman's stant up special earlier and I re-watched The Simpsons movie later.  Trying to adjust the levels on my Mid-shelve Speaker.  Not doing well.  I don't like to admit it but maybe I'd have been better off Not Fiddling With The Levels In The First Plave.  SHOULD HAVE JUST KEPT TOSHIBA'S NATURAL AUDIO SYSTEM.  Do I have a Toshiba Television.  That would be interesting.  I might just get out of my chair, walk over, and look.  Well, I did that, and I have a Samsung.  Yes.  Samsung.  I didn't remember I had a Samsung TV after months or years ACTUALLY remembering I had A Samsung.  I knew I didn't have a Toshiba.  I think my last TV was a Toshiba.  Do I miss it?  No.  Why would I miss a piece of product.
  BREAKING NEWS His name is Skiba not Shiba.  WELL I got three more paragraphs to write.  I took five walks today.  I HAD A PRETTY GOOD FEELING GOING INTO IT SO I'M NOT SURPRISED.  Had to accept the Amazon Fresh delivery in the middle of the day BUT I KNEW I COULD PULL IT OFF IN THE END.  Solid 2 hours and 20 minutes of walking.  WHAT DID YOU ACCOMPLISH TODAY.  Really.  WHO ARE YOU.  HOW THE HELL DO YOU ACCOMPLISH THINGS BESIDES THIS WEBSITE WHEN READING THIS WOULD TAKE TWO DAYS A DAY.  I KNOW I CAN'T MAKE IT THROUGH IT.  HOW IS IT DONE.  Hmm.  Can't be that bad.  YEAH.  IT'S GOT TO BE GREAT.  IF NOT WHY WOULD LIFE BE THUSLY.
Two paragraphs to go.  Let's see.  Was surprised by how quickly The Simpsons Movie went.  Surprised and SHOCKED.  Shocked and AWWWWWWWed by the movie stealing 8 year old COLIN who has a supporting role playing Lisa's Love interest.  That's close to making sense.  You make the noise, "Aww," when you convey Aww.  You don't say you were AWWED by him.  I don't... wait... CAN YOU SAY YOU WERE AWWED BY A KID.  SURE IT'S WHEN A KID SAYS YOU'RE ODD.  Ah.  Gahd.  Let's see.  Anyway THIS AFTERNOON I didn't get the two batteries I really needed to put in the X-Box Controller so I can watch more of The Critic.  WELL.  I guess I'M STUCK WITH TELEVISION SET AND STREAMING CHANNELS FOR TONIGHT.
Last paragraph!  Just ate a second of the... I don't like saying this... Breakfast Treats.  Not a fan of saying, "I EAT TREATS."  Specifically Specific Treats.  For some reason adding an adjective to the treats it makes it worse.  DRIVES THE POINT HOME that These Treats are SERIOUS and a BIG PART OF YOUR LIFE.  THESE PARTICULAR TREATS MEAN SOMETHING TO YOU ABOVE ALL OTHER TREATS.  What was I talking about.  Don't wanna Brag About My Positive Experience With  STEALL DOOR BREAKFAST TREATS but HERE I AM ANYWAY.  BRAGGING.  About Breakfast Treats.  WITH ALL THAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD.  Yeah!  Not sure what to do for the rest of the night.  I had a very good experience with The Simpsons Movie.  Makes me want to STOP ON A HIGH NOTE and watch something else now.  That'll be good.  Real good!  See ya tomorrow!

-8:56 P.M.




Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The Introduction

     Hey, friends.  Today is the first day of Supper Summer .87!  Remember that phrase.  It will be on the test later.  What did Michael call The Thing He Did For Some Reason.  It'll pay off down the line.  Also it will turn out to be relevant and apropos phrasing.  Going to make a ton of sense in retrospect.  How do I know this?  Because I'm intelligent.  What time is it.  10:52 A.M.  How do I know this?  Because I own a clock.  It lives in the bottom of right of my computer monitor.  Isn't a Monitor a kind of snake.  Also Paul Molitor.  Of 1980's into early 1990's Baseball.  Hall Monitor.  WHAT THE HELL IS A HALL MONITOR.  Is a hall monitor supposed to be a student with Accelerated Powers.  Because Shuoldn't student be IN CLASS THEMSELVES.  What the hell is a Martin Prince FOR INSTANCE doing roaming the halls all day Monitoring it up.  HE NEEDS TO LEARN TOO.  He belongs in class!  And if Hall Monitor is adult, SHOULDN'T ADULT HAVE A REAL JOB.  If we're continuing Simpsons analogy, an adult hall monitor would be like Principal Skinner demoting Willie to Hall Monitor from already demeaning job of Groundskeeper.  The point is I don't remember ANY hall monitors in my real life.  No Such Thing.  NEVER EXISTED in my life.  Only on TV.
    Anyway.  I figure I'll only fit in four walks today.  Possibly five.  HMM.  Smoked the tiniest amount last night.  Worked uot okay.  Not smoking now.  Will smoke later in the afternoon.  Probably pre-lunch.  Not sure when that will be exactly, though.  What do I have liend up for meals today?  The Fresh meals I have left for Today & Tomorrow are SALMON and Herbed Chicken.  Makes sense to have hot pockets, too.  Maybe I have delicious hot pockets for lunch today.  Sounds good.  Also monitor is a kind of lizard.  Not a kind of snake.  Also Paul Molitor is a kind of Blue Jay.  Hmm.  Had the same unpleasantness overnight that I did the night before.  Didn't really get into any deep sleep.  Kept getting up every Oh I Don't Know Fifty Minutes.  Not happy about it.  It DOES lend itself to Getting Up On Time Though.  Because there's no incentive to staying in bed to Sleep Longer.  Cause there's no Longer To Sleep With.  Coffee time! 
    Okay.  Hmm.  What else did I enjoy yesterday with marijuana.  Enjoyed some LAUGHS with the Simpsons.  Enjoyed some MUSIC.  Mostly not my own.  I enjoyed SOME of my own music.  MOSTLY I found my own music abrasive.  But most of it has ASPECTS going for it.  That's all you can ask for from anything.  You look at life and ANY PART OF LIFE is gonna be 80% shitty and 20% joyful.  THAT'S LIFE IN GENERAL, I'm just holding up a mirror to the world.  Makes sense.  Anyway.  If I smoke 1-3 times a day, this 1.5 grams shuold pretty easily last me a week.  That's PRETTY GOOD.  And that's smoking MUCH MORE than I was anticipating.  Hmm.  High lasts about 2.5 hours.  Or at least it did first times.  Second time I smoked a MICRO amount and it lasted about 40 minutes.  Hmm.  Might be able to fit in five walks today after all!  Just talked to Dad.  He's taking his walk slightly later today.  That happens to make a Key Difference.  That I can fit in a Bonus Walk Beforehand.
Fourth paragraph.  What else is up.  Nice ALLEVIATION of PAIN from marijuana.  Pain from what.  ALL the pains.  You got pain?  THIS GONNA ALLEVIATE IT.  AND trust me YOU GOT PAIN.  You got pain in TWO DOZEN WAYS you just don't know it.  THIS GONNA TOUCH ON IT IN A SLIGHTLY ALLEVIATING WAY you'll see.  I know what I'm talking about it I SMOKED A TINY AMOUNT OF IT 1 AND A HALF TIMES.  So that's good.  Doesn't LOCALIZE IN on your one main pain.  It spreads out and touches All Your Pains.  Wonderful.  What am I talking about again.  It's not that hard to understand.  Maybe.  Maybe this paragraph is Readable, maybe it Isn't!  I have NO IDEA.  I understand the message I'm conveying Right Now In The Moment.  But I'm not a good writer. I don't use good grammar or sentence structure or other things!  It's something I MUST CHANGE.  IMMEDIATELY.  I can't put it off.  There's no, "Oh I'll get around to it, but in the meantime..." THERE IS NO, "IN TE MEANTIME," of wasting time Being Unreadable.  BEING UNREADABLE IS 100% POINTLESS AND WORTHLESS why do it at all.
   Fifth paragraph.  The premise I'm working under is that I'm Easing Myself Into Writing Better but that never works.  Maybe one day it'll work.  Maybe one day it will work Slightly and the next day It Will Work Slightly More. We can't count anything out at this point.  Anyway.  Whatelse is up.  Possibly write Act III in afternoon with marijuana.  I can't wait to get to Writing With Marijuana.  And I'm not doing it this morning.  So there's that.  Good deal!  Am I writing paragraphs 6-10 for Act I.  Or cutting it short after this paragraph.  I guess I'm GOING FORWARD with more.  Sure.  I'm pretty happy with the strain of marijuana I ended up with.  Based on how it went and what I've read on the internet about it I think it's RIGHT UP MY ALLEY.  Could be EXACTLY what I needed.  What else is up.  THAT WAS A NON SEQUITOR.  Just a warning.  Be prepared for that non sequitor.  I hope it doesn't confuse you or anything.
Okay.  Listened to podcast on first of half of my first walk.  Then I listened to music on the second half of the walk.  Huh.  I don't see why I should write Five Paragraphs Of This.  Let's write ONE paragraph and see where that takes me.  Also what's One Paragraph Of, "THIS."  THIS IS THAT.  I JUST WROTE THAT.  NO MORE THAT.  NOW MORE THIS.  Annoying fly in my room last night going into this morning.  It's possible it was even annoying me during moments I was awake between Waking Ups during Being Asleeps.  Very Aggravating.  Kinda feel like I want TO KILL IT.  I never thought I was That Kind Of Monster Before.  But yes.  I want to KILL a LIVING THING.  Weird.  It's an insect.  We're allowed to kill them with no remourse for some reason.  THEY'RE SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT from other animals somehow so it's okay.  I DON'T HAVE ALL THE DETAILS
   Seventh paragraph.
  For instance if it was a CAT buzzing around my room all night then the rest of humanity would NOT be on board with me going YA KNOW WHAT I TINK I'M GONNA KILL TAHT CAT.  Fly, though, everyone is on board with though.  Good deal.  Such is life.  YOU think insects have it had, TRY BEING A flower.  People could GIVE A FUCK if you kill a plant or tree.  I don't think I'm covering any new ground here.  AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON GROUND.  Oh right I'm not covering any new ground so I WILL MOVE ON with my life.  Yes!  the point is I brought it up Relevantly.  That's fine!  That makes sense.  BUT I CAN'T RIFF ON IT INDEFINITELY because IT'S NOT A NEW JOKE.  SUCH IS LIFE.  Really makes ya think.  What if I riff on it and ADD SOMETHING NEW to the mix.  Hmm.  Mix backwards is Xim.  Is that relevant to this situation.  I'd pronounce Xim as Zim.  That's my first instinct at least.  Is that relevant to this situation.
    Three paragraphs to go.  Good deal.  What should I listen to on the next walk.  Podcast or music.  You could make just as solid a case AGAINST either thing as you could FOR either thing.  That's the nature of life.  I don't like it.  Hmm.  Paul Molitor was only on the Blue Jays for three years.  He was in Milwalkee for most of his career.  Well I guess I'm just some sort of an idiot then aren't I.  Hmm.  Yep That Checks Out.  Anyway.  Just tried reading the last paragraph.  MAN is My Brain not great.  WELL all that means to me is Room For Improvement.  I like it!  Time for some Brain Improvement Journey Supper Summer .87!  WORLD APARTS HEARTS BROKEN IN TWO.  How we touched and went our sep uh rate ways you get the idea.  That's the kind of thing I won't say by the time we reach October.  Kinda feels like I should get to the point where I'm Not Saying That By THIS AFTERNOON.  By the time I get to this afternoon I AM NO LONGER quoting irrelevant song lyrics just because I used the name of the band in a different context a sentence ago.
    Penultimate paragraph. PROGRESS.  Gonna have to make progress with Eye Contact Lenses and then UCB Class.  Feels right.  Anyway.  Let's see. Just caught a glimpse of the fly.  Still hanging around.  Good for it.  I'm not a fan but I can't knock the fly for doing it's thing.  I think I'll put on a podcat for Walk II.  Then write 5 paragraphs when I get home.  Then take a walk III.  Then got some free time.  Not gonna immediately smoke or anything.  MAYBE JUST RELAX without ULTIMTATE RELAXMENT for a little while.  BUILD UP to Ultimate Mild Relaxment.  So that's good.  Anyway had no lunch yesterday.  I was out on my mariujana excursion for over 2 hours!  It was great.  Gonna have lunch today though.  This is the Lunch Paragraph.  No It isn't.  That means nothing.  It means something.  But it's wrong.  And also The Something Is Nothing.  Basically this paragraph Like The Rest Of My Life IS WRONG.
   Okay, friends!  Time to wrap up the Act!  Are there people that get something Out Of The Crazy.  When I make No Sense.  That's what they respond to?  Never really considered that before.  Either way that's probably wrong of them.  Wrong of me to not make sense.  Wrong of others to respond to nonsense.  That's my general feeling.  Also yeah I know The Whole Thing is crazy.  I MEAN IN TERMS OF RELATIVITY.  MY THEORY OF RELATIVITY.  TE ONE EINSTEIN STOLE FROM ME.  Fine BORROWED.  Anyway.  Closing in on the end of the act.  I accomplished something!  I did it.  I went into the activity having done ZERO of it.  Now I'm coming out at the end of it having done ALL of it.  Not all of it GREAT though.  Can't really say I did ALL of it.  Cause I didn't do it ALL THAT GREAT.  Let's say I did 78.98% of it.  Gotta do a better job at things if you wanna feel better about Having Done It!  That's the nature of the beast!  Anyway I'll be back soon.




supremely skippable

     Hello, friends.  Not 100% sure what the point of writing another five paragraphs here is.  But I'm gonna give it a shot nonetheless.  Fly has migrated from my room to my parents' bedroom.  They are unhappy about it. So I'm unhappy about it.  Selfishly I should be happy about it.  But I can't be!  If they're unhappy, I'm unhappy.  A little bit.  I dunno.  It's pretty even!  I FEEL APPROPRIATELY, OKAY?  I feel exactly as how I'm supposed to feel!  Anyway, I think I'm aiming to eat Them Hot Pockets.  Put them in Oven before Fourth Walk around 2:30.  Eat them around 3:30.  Be high at that time for my High Of The Day.  Probably get 2 highs of the day.  Small high.  2.5 hour highs.  HMM.  STILL haven't tried Rocksmith yet while high.  Played guitar A LITTLE BIT but not extensively.  Probably should be OKAY.
What else is up.  Nice paragraph.  It offered Nothing To Nobody But Myself.  Got me from Point A To Point B in life.  That's an interesting Use Of Website.  Not entertainment at all.  Nothing CLOSE to Entertainment.  Just helps me live my life.  INTERESTING.  Maybe I can KEEP that part of it.  BUT ABANDON PARAGRAPHS where it's JUST that.  NO LONGER will I force you to read JUST PARAGRAPHS FOR ME.  Yes Website will be Very Useful For My Life.  But IF IT AIN'T ENTERTAINING then I AIN'T HAPPY.  Also I ain't happy.  BUT THAT'S A story for another time.  Probably get to Me Not Being Happy in BEGINNING OF AUGUST.  Sounds about right.  What else do I got going for me.  Three more paragraphs to go.  That's fine.  Oh.  Right.  I STILL CAN CHOOSE to write Good Things for those paragraphs.  It's not SET IN STONE that it's pointless.  Indiana Jones and the SET IN STONES.  It's an upcoming movie you wouldn't understand.
I SHOULD be able to sign up for a UCB Class within the next few days.  But for some reason my Dad is dragging his heels on giving me info needed to Set up appointment with Contact Lense Doctor.  HMM.  I presumably still have Old Prescription somewhere.  I could probably set up a Re-Up with 4 year old prescription over the internet.  NOT SURE I'M HAPPY ABOUT THAT.  It'd be interesting to see Super Clearly all of a sudden.  My eyes haven't had a new prescription in over four years!  I HAVEN'T BEEN SEEING SUPER CLEARLY IN A LONG TIME.  THIS COULD BE THE GAME CHANGER I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR.  I'm not waiting for a game changer.  I'M MORE OR LESS FINE WIT THE GAME.  It's not GREAT but I'm not one to make a fuss.  HOT FUSS.  The Killers. IT'S A MUSIC ALVBUM look it up.  Anyway.  Only two more paragraphs to go.  Wow.  And then the next act is with marijuana.  THUS making it Interesting.
Okay.  JUST HAD A FLY BUZZ BY.  I gotta figure there's more than one fly we're dealing with.  Fly ain't gonna migrate between my bedroom and my parents SO QUICKLY.  Anyway.  Now I know how Mike Pence felt in his Vice Presidential Debate in October 2020.  COULD IT HAVE BEEN SEPTEMBER?  SURE.  VERY EASILY COULD HAVE BEEN SEPTEMBER.  The point is Fly was basically treating him as if he was A Corpse.  Lifeless body.  Piece of crap.  NOW FLY IS DOING THE SAME TO ME.  Not giving me the proper respect I deserve.  I'M ALIVE it should be LEAVING ME ALONE not buzzing RIGHT AROUND ME OVER AND OVER AGAIN even threatening to LAND ON ME. I think fly actually DID land on Mike Pence.  So far Fly has not landed on me.  BUT IT CIRCLED ME a few times.  NOT HAPPY with fly circling me.  FLY is getting too comfortable with me AND I DON'T LIKE IT.  I'M A LIVING HUMAN BEING and fly should respect that.  What's going on again.
    Last paragraph.  Paul Molitor isn't in the hall of fame?  With a career of 75 WINS ABOVE REPLACEMENT?  Sounds like a scam to me.  Turns out Paul Molitor was elected into the Hall Of Fame in 2004.  HMM it was a scam it turns out.  HE IS IN TEH HALL OF GAME.  Jeez.  Not sure I'm happy with the commercials I see over and over with Disney Plus.  YEAH I GET IT.  Carnival Cruise.  WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME.  Doordash.  OKAY.  WONDERFUL.  Tide Pods.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION.  So that's good.  Makes me wonder how I ever made it through The Sampsons WITHOUT the ads before.  Only started seeing the ads the last 2 weeks!  Hmm.  HOW DID I EVER LIVE WITHOUT THEM.  The point is the act is over.  Not sure when I will write Act III but I Will!  See ya soon.




Try Reading Differently

     Hey friends.  Time to write the last act of the entry.  I wrote a few sentences and then I was like WOAH what if I just use those few sentences for something else MAN.  Then I realized HEY what if THAT MAKES NO SENSE why would I start something NEW dude.  I already HAVE THIS HERE jerk.  YOU'RE A MORONICAL FOOL jerk.  I don't like the sound of that.  That sounds cruel.  ANYWAY I'M here!  It’s post dinner.  Dinner was super.  Got communal Italy-style restaurant.  I assume they flew the Ityln Flag while cooking the meal and/or dishes.   I Thank You Lerry Nuch. I’ll T(alk) (to) (you) (Lar)y N(uch) L(ater).  That makes sense.  WRONG.  The math is off.  The math.   IS.  OFF.  Anyway spent an hour cleaning my room a few hours ago.  Cleaned THE HELL off surfaces.  Room is more or less As Clean As It's Gonna Be!  NEXT STOP, CONTACT LENSES.
Smoked a small amount of marijuana 10 minutes before dinner.  Good for me!  I could have gone right for the marijuana first thing out of the day.  I didn't, though!  ACTIVITY AFTER ACTIVITY I decided I'd enjoy JUST AS MUCH without marijuana as with with.  I KNEW the remnants of YESTERDAY'S HIGH and the promise of LATER'S HIGH would get me through the Activities JUST AS WELL as any ACTIVE HIGH could.  That's Wonderful.  You know what I think?  I TINK I GOT THREE AND A HALF PARAGRAPHS TO GO.  I'm gonna pitch a prequel to Two and a Half Men called ONE MAN and it's called Young Sheldon.  IT'S ABOUT A PERSON is the point.  It's FUNNY because it's SITUATIONAL comedy.  Anyway that's television talk for you.  Saw there's a cheap movie about DevilSpawn called 12/12/12.  It's EVIL because it was born on 12/12 on a 12-like year too.  YOU ASSHOLES I WAS BORN ON 12/12 and in a 12 like year the nineteen eighty eight.  ONLY good thing is they made a 11/11/11 beforehand so THAT LIGHTENS THE BLOW A LITTLE BIT.  Turns out SOMEONE BEFORE ME was evil too.  I also see a 13/13/13.  Someone after me gonna be evil as well.  So that's good.  Also I was not born in 12/12/12.  EXACTLY I'M ONLY 2/3 EVIL THAT'S WHAT I KEEP TRYING TO TELL YOU.
Three paragarphs to go.  I guess that's good.  My first instinct is, "ONLY 2/3rds Evil?  THAT'S SAINT LEVEL GOODNESS."  Being 67% evil is EXCEEDINGLY good compared to Average People.  That's my guess.  Also I don't really think I'm that evil.  If anything, let's say it's the exact opposite!  Breaking News-- Michael Consider Myself A Good Man.    Seems fair.  IS today the longest day of the year?  I'm going to ask google EXPLICITLY in that sort of phrasing.  Google seems on board.  Today is Summer Solstice.  Sunset at 8:30 PM.  Greatville.  Took six walks today overall!  It went okay.  Going forward I anticipate taking five or six walks indefinitely for the rest of my short-to-mid-term life.  How long do I have to blah blah blah something about pregnancy terms which is something I think about because of THAT ISSUE OF ABORTION really makes ya think.  FOUR months.  TWO.  Just one.  ONE MONTH is the big Pregnancy Term.  Nine months is the other one.  BOTH big players in Pregnancy Terms.  Not sure what a good THIRD pregnancy length is.  I ONLY KNOW A LITTLE BIT HOW BABIES WORK
    I AM NOTHING ELSE IF NOT A BABY MYSELF  Sounds fair.  Hmm.  Two more paragraphs to go!  Maggie gonna feature heavily in upcoming Simpsons episodes.  SHE'S a baby.  They show her a lot of attention.  The Simpsons themselves, not so much.  But The Simpsons WRITERS make Maggie out to be The Best Baby That Ever Lived.  Some sort of ultra genius.  According to Simpsons writers MAGGIE IS TEH SECOND COMING.  Maggie is kind of the second coming of Lisa.  THERE WAS LISA.  AND NOW THERE'S A BABY LISA.  Probably just gonna turn into ULTRA LISA.  That's the impression I'M getting.  The point is nobody likes Maggie becauyse Maggie gets SO MUCH LOVE and Doesn't (CAN'T) reciprocate it!  Very unsympathetic character Maggie is.  That's how everyone watches The Simpsons.  Certainly Can't be personal feelings I'm projecting at all.
Last paragraph.  Why can't Maggie Reciprocate Love.  TOO YOUNG TO HAVE SMART FEELINGS.  Babies CAN'T FEEL LOVE. Eveyrone knows that.  I dunno.  Not sure I'm enjoying Going Further Into New Simpsons.  I thought it might be fun.  INSTEAD IT'S KIND OF ANNOYING.  I don't know exactly what to do!  I got options!  Let's see.  I can write anything I want to finish the rest of this paragraph.  Wow.  The possibilities are endless.  Literally DOZENS of phrases or sentences I could employ.  Wonderful.  IF I were to find something Other Than The Simpsons to watch, Not sure Anything New would be better than the Simpsons.  The main contender of an option would be watch things I've seen before.  Including The Simpsons.  THOSE are the options I'm dealing with.  New Simpsons or old Simpsons.  OR SOMETHING NEW WHAT DO I KNOW MAYBE THE GODS FAVOR ME AND LET ME ESCAPE FROM THE SIMPSON FRANCHISE SOON.  Nah.  It would be PRETTY COOL to be the guy who actually Watched the second half of the Simpsons.  I wanna see what happens with that!  Anyway.  That's it.  I'll see ya tomorrow.


-9:01 P.M. 




Tuesday, June 20, 2023

I Know How This Sounds

     Hey friends.  Up at reasonable time today.  10:29 AM!  Back from first walk.  Fit in 3 walks for First Part Of Day.  Go to get Mariijuana when I would normally take Fourth Walk!  YEAH.  Gonna buy METRO CARD.  Gonna be expensive.  Gotta buy a MINMUM FOUR RIDE CARD.  What the hell kinda scam is that.  The BAD kind of scam.  Not one of those GOOD scams we've been hearing so much about lately.  Anyway.  Feels like I might as well Give The Marijuana A Shot rght when I get home.  NOW the thought turns to WHAT ACTIVITY TO DO.  Here are the top contenders -- Nothing (lay in bed), Nothing (sit down), Watch TV, listen to music, play guitar, play guitar (Rocksmith), write, TABLET, write (write not type which is what I meant when I first said write).  Hmm.  Top contender I THOUGHT was Nothing (lay in bed).  I kind of like the idea of Nothing (side down) though.  DON'T DO THAT THAT MUCH AT ALL.  Just sit down doing nothing indefinitely.  SOUNDS INTERESTING THOUGH.
   Hmm.  Also THINKING.
  When I say Do Nothing THINKING is what I'm doing.  Slowly getting acclimated to Being High THOUGHTWISE in my BRAINCOMPARTMENT.  Anyway.  We'll see what happens!  Hmm.  Didn't sleep well last night.  Kept waking up every OH I DON'T KNOW 75 minutes.  I guess I normally wake up every now and then.  But I feel like I wasn't getting into Deep Sleeps last night.  I dunno.  I was reaching DREAM STATES.  I was dreaming.  I think if you're dreaming that's relatively deep sleep. BUT I still felt like I was only half asleep.  I DAY DREAM ALL THE TIME when I'm ZERO ASLEEP.  OF COURSEI COULD BE SLEEP DREAMING WHLIE I'M ONLY HALF ASLEEP.  Either way happy about getting up Close To On Time.  THAT part worked out!  HEY got second part of Chinese Food for today.  Oh right.  LUNCH when I get back from Marijuana Store.  That's hwo things line up today.  THAT'S INTERESTING.  First thing I do On Marijauna is eat PORK EGG FOO YOUNG. Coffee time.
   Hamazing.  Not sure how long I can stretch out marijuanas for ultimately if I smoke it reguarly.  My best very rough guess is probably roughly TWO GRAM A WEEK?  WHO KNOW.  THAT SOUNDS PRETTY INDULGANT compared to how much I smoked when I was a kid.  I feel like I smoked a lot in college.  I would have LOVED to have 2 grams a week.  BUT I feel like people who smoke a lot CAN GO THROUGH two grams quickly.  So IT'S CONFUSING.  I dunno.  PERHAPS I Smoked As Non Stop As Possible BUT when I smoked I just smoked a little bit at a time?  NOT SURE.  BEEN A DECADE AND A HALF.  Which is A LIFE TIME for some people.  TEENAGERS MOSTLY.  GET A LOAD OF THOSE JERKS.  Hmm.  Let's see.  Good thing I tought to buy a metrocard.  It's POSSIBLE even if my old metrocards had rides left on them they expired roughly several decades ago.  Which is a LIFE TIME for some people.  MILLENIALS MOSTLY.  Anyway. WE NEVER GOT TO DECIDE BEING MILLENNIALS.  THAT SOUNDS LIKE SLANDER.  YOU CAN'T CALL ME THAT I CALL YOU THAT.
    Fourth paragraph.  Do people EVER use the term millenial in a positive context.  Hey those millenials are at it again... IN A GOOD WAY.  NEVER.  Always someting TERRIBLE.  LOOK YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.  If anything our generation being a bust is EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT when you really think about it.  What else is up.  Probably Do Nothing & Listen To music & Watch The Simpsons & Eat Egg Foo Young & Doodle On My Tablet when I Get High For The First Time.  Sounds like a reasonable way to go about my life.  I MIGHT AS WELL GET THE MOST OUT OF THAT 2 OR SO HOURS.  Internet said this strain lasts 2 hours.  LOOK WAS I IMAGINING A MARIJUANA HIGH LASTING ME THREE HOURS?  SURE.  Then again for the amount I'm gonna smoke 2 hours probably would be LONG.  The point is WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS.  What's my GAME PLAN for if I smoke, it wears off, and I wanna smoke again.  GOTTA HAVE A PLAN IN PLACE.  I guess my plan is Don't Smoke More until the next day.  YEAH.
    Fifth paragraph!  I DO want to try writing crazyshet with marijuana though.  Not IMMEDIATELY though.  Let myself build up some Marijuana Tolerance first.  Maybe in a FEW DAY or so.  Hmm.  Let's see.  Is it possible I can't fit in 3 walks in Early Part Of Day.  SURE THAT IS POSSIBLE.  We'll see what happens.  What else.  Always wanted to call myself Generation Y.  NEVER CAUGHT ON.  I blame The Rest Of Society.  Either that or MYSELF for not PUSHING HARD ENOUGH.  Anyway.  Had a black and white cookie for breakfast.  I feel like generation that came about with Brack Obama becoming president shuold be Generation Black.  IF WE'RE GENERATION OF MILLENIA CHANGING they should be GENERATION OF COLORBLINDNESS.  That's the DIFFERENCE MAKER of the 8 year difference.  BLACK isn't synonmous with colorblindness.  IN FACT IT'S VERY CLEARLY A SINGULAR COLOR and NOT color blindness.  YEAH WELL let's let GENERATION08 FIGURE THAT ONE OUT.  GENERATION Y IS BUSY WITH BEING MILLENIA TIRED dealing with your DIGIT ISSUES.  Generatino08'll figure out your COLOR PROBLEMS
   YEAH.  I don't KNOW what hat means.
  What's important is that SOME ONE ELSE does.  Whew.  Halfway through the act.  Not sure what any of anything means.  Hopefully I forget about it by the time I smoke marijuana.  I GOT BETTER THINGS TO THINK ABOUT WHAT THEY MEAN.  That might get old.  In my mind I'm gonna smoke a little bit of marijuana then be CONSUMED by WHAT DO THINGS MEAN for 3 hours and it'll be Mostly Unpleasant But Kind Of Fun.  PERHAPS things go slightly better than that.  ANd I can just have a Nice Good Ol Time watching tv listening to music on my tablet Stoned A Little Bit.  Either way.  WHAT DO THINGS MEAN is what My Life Is.  It's just an ongoing changing SPECTRUM of HOW MUCH DO I CARE and HOW MUCH DO I KNOW.  It'd be NICE to NOT CARE THAT MUCH and also it'd be nice TO KNOW SO MUCH.  Maybe when I'm high I KNOW SO MUCH about what things mean AND ODDLY I DON'T CARE AT ALL.  HOLY CRAP IMAGINE THAT IDEAL SCENARIO.
Seventh paragraph.  Four paragraphs to go!  HAMAZING.  Egg Foo YOung probably owuld be good in the oven.  MIGHT JUST DO THAT later on.  Could be the FIRST TIME EVER I put takeaway chinese food into the oven.  Hmm.  Probably won't do that.  ALmost definitely won't do that.  But it'd be Smarts to do so.  Got SALMON LEFT.  Have salmon for dinner.  EASY decision.  I'm in the mood for FISH.  Fish is a homonym of the band Phish.  Means something slightly different.  HMM maybe I try listening to the band Phish.  IF NOT NOW WHEN.  Interesting.  Anyway.  Already brought up to my Dad this morning that I'm gonna go get marijuana today.  So it's already set into motion!  Amazing.  Didn't mention I'M TAKING THE BUS though.  So that's good.  Probably shuold tell him I need to Buy Expensive Metro Card.  Use HUGE amoutn of My Reserves Of Cash to do it.  The important thing is Oh Right Lunch Coming Up Soon.
Maternal Grandfather liked Egg Foo Young.  Now I will relate to him As My First Act of Marijuana.  Interesting.  His name was Benjamin.  Hmm. I can name my kid Benjamin.  JEWISH TRADITION.  Ya name your kids Names from yuor family.  Relatively Nearby Deceased Names.  Roughly Nearby Family Names SUCH THAT Benjiman would be Very Appropriate Distanced name for A SON O' MINE.  Also I like it.  Ben.  Batman Benjamins.  Can't get ENOUGH of the name Benjamin all of a sudden.  Gotta remember that one.  What else is up.  Been Jammin'.   Bin Jamin.  Whatever.  Let's see.  Got two paragraphs and change to go.  Gonna get metrocard on TRID walk.  Not second.  Don't be an idiot.  I can't get a metro card on my second walk.  IT'S JUST NOT IN TEH CARDS.  SPeaking of The Cards that's a phrase that means something.  Benjamin Marley.  That's a phrase that means nothing.  It has the HINT of Bob Marley.  That means A Person.  Benjamin Marley is his brother.  I can't name my kid Bob.  My BROTHER is Robert.  He's ALIVE.  You don't name your kid LIVING relatives.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Seems like I should be able to fit in three walks in early part of day.  It'll be pretty close though.  We're talkin DOWN TO the Fives Of Minutes.  Anyway.  What musicians names ARE Ben.  Ben Gibbard from Death Cab For Cutie and Postal Service.  Hmm.  Who else.  OH RIGHT PLENTY.  The BENS.  Ben Folds, Ben Kweller, Ben Lee.  HOW COULD I speculate WHAT MUSICIANS ARE NAMED BEN when there were TWO Musical Artists Starting with BEN in my LIST OF MUSICAL ARTISTS back when I had Downloaded Browsable Musical Artists.  THREE if you included, "The Bens."  Right?  I think on ONE mp3 player in high school I had a thing called THE BENS which was Ben Folds, Ben Kweller, and Ben Lee (WHOM I had nothing of INDIVIDUALLY and STILL DON'T).  Hmm.  Maybe I give Ben Lee a try.  I konw nothing of Ben Lee.  Except that he must be more or less in SIMILAR MORE OR LESS genre to The other 66.7% of The bens. 
    Last paragraph of the act!  YES.  Anyway.  Still gotta figure out exactly how to get to Marijuana Store.  I know more or less where it is.  And I know more or less where the bus stop is to Get On The Bus.  BUT NOT 100%.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Maybe I decide to HOLD OFF on marijuana until tonight.  I want everything to be JUST RIGHT.  Seems like something I should do.  What else is up.  I THOUGHT I was planning on smoking in Middle Of The Day USUALLY if I do end up smoking regularly.  I DUNNO!  WHO KNOWS.  I dunno what this'll be like at all.  I'm trying to plan ahead but I DON'T KNOW HOW IT'LL GO.  Gotta go into all of this with an open mind!  OPEN MIND?  SOUNDS GREAT.  ALSO NOT SO GREAT.  DON'T WANT MIND TO BE TOO OPEN SUCH THAT ANYTING CAN GET IN.  In fact I want a CLOSED MIND but Free Range.  If you're already IN the mind Feel Free to Roam Around but if you're outside the mind you need special permission to get in.  Huh.  It's not HARD to get special permission.  BUT STILL.  I'm gonna go take a walk now.  See ya soon. 




it'll do for the moment

     Hey friends.  Got back from Walk II!  Got about FOURTY MINUTES to write this act.  Should be enough.  Debated with Father more about marijuana.  Still a SORE SUBJECT.  Will continue being an AGGREVATED TOPIC indefinitely.  Not as bad as It Could Have Been!  But not as pleasant as Absolut Ideal World.  But I'm still ON TRACK to get it in a couple of hours is the point.  Hmm.  Still gotta figure I try marijuana and it don't work for me.  The more My Dad Gives Me Grief THE MORE LIKELY it'll manifest that it Doesn't work for me.  Maybe he knows this.  WANTS me in a bad mood.  So when I try it I don't like it so I don't use it.  I don't think he's that Conciously Clever. Either way.  SURE HE IS.  He's Conciously Clever.  He's got an IQ of 128.  I dunno where I came up with that number.  JUST MY BEST GUESS off the top of my head.  I think I'm smarter than him BUT HE'S STILL PRETTY SMART TOO.  He just never really displays Intelligence Brilliance.  Displays lots of other AMAZING qualities though.  Good guy.  You'd like him.
Four paragraphs to go.  Let's see.  Dad looked up marijuana on google.  Then reported back to me what he heard.  CONFUSION.  Could be worse.  Google could have given him worse ammunition against me than Confusion! I LAUGH AT CONFUSION.  CONFUSION AIN'T BUT A THING.  Anyway.  I bet I'm all Amped Up by the time I get home from Marijuana Excursion.  Don't wanna smoke when I'm amped up.  How can I ever NOT be amped up with marijuana in my posession and permission from myself to smoke it.  HOW TO CALM DOWN.  Hmm.  Maybe if I smoked a bit to take the edge off I'd cool down.  BUT HOW TO GET TO THAT POINT WITHOUT SMOKING.  Oh right drink a beer.  I CAN'T DO BOTH I'm not gonna be THAT INDULGANCE.  I made A POINT to myself to NOT BE.  Anyway.  Hmm.  Let's see.  I got a couple of metrocards that plausibly have a ride or two.  WHEN DO THEY EXPIRE.  July 2020 and October 2020.  ALRIGHT.  Sounds like I DON'T NEED EM anymore.
    Three paragraphs to go.  Could be good for flossing.  Off the top of my head.  Could be used for jimmying doors open.  Could be good for flossing.  Could be good for Pretending To Try Them As Metrocards on Busses and then hoping Bus Driver Lets Me On Without Paying.  Happens about 1 out of 4 times.  BUS DRIVER just gonna WAVE YOU ON 30% of the time if you try 2+ times with a metrocard that doesn't work.  Maybe that's just on the lines I'd been tending to use in the past.  Can't be universal across ALL BUSSES IN TE UNIVERSE.  Maybe I was just lucky to be taking Blessed Bus Lines.  Or maybe I just got one of those faces.  They WANT ME on their bus.  Either way.  Huh.  Maybe just aim to Wait Until Tonight for marijauna.  Post Entry.  Maybe Post Last walk.  Maybe during dinner.  Maybe durring entry Act III.  Maybe when I go to sleep.  LOTS of good options.  TIMING options.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Let's see.  Is it HARD to STUNT the burning of a joint.  Not sure.  It's burning thusly and then I decide I'VE HAD ENOUGH and I want it to stop.  Can't be too difficult.  Hmm.  Let's see.  Starting Supper Summer .87 off RIGHT.  Try marijuana tonight as test run.  If I like it then Start it in Afternoon Regularville tomorrow.  Sounds reasonable.  That could be the way to go.  Tonight is POP UP STORE for marijuana.  DRY RUN.  If it works then TOMORROW IS THE start of the Real Deal Routine.  I dunno.  SOULD CHANCE tonight I have mixed feeligns.  Partly like it partly have mixed feeligns about it!  That's life I guess.  Seems like I should partially dislike it as well.  YEP.  That'll happen probably.  THEN AGAIN MAYBE it bottoms out at mixed feeligns.  THAT WOULD BE HAMAZING.  Hmm.  What else is up.  How much IS a metrocard these days.  I bet internet DOES know.  I don't have to wait to find out.  HEY still 2.75.  That's what it was a few years ago.  I was ready for it to be MORE than that.  Amazing.  Sounds like four rides would be Eleven Dollars.  I can live with that math ALL DAY.
Last paragraph!  Got plenty of time to write this paragraph.  Twuenty minutes.  So much time.  Go figure!  Taking regular walk after this.  Then an hour.   THEN MARIJUANA JOURNEY.  Oh boy oh boy.  Wonder how today'll pan out.  Think I'm gonna stick with Not Smoking Today Before I See Ya Next though.  Unless I feel like it.  MAYBE IT TURNS OUT I FEEL LIKE IT.  If that happens GUESS WHAT I'LL GO WIT HMY FEELINGS.  Sounds like one way to go about my life.  Let's see.  What else do I got going on for me.  Watch some Simpsons I guess in the meantime. Can't go wrong there.  Or maybe I can go very wrong.  What do I know.  Not 100% familiar with these episodes.  I BET THEY LEAN INTO MOE HEAVILY.  Just a hunch I got.  LOTS OF MOE in the second half of the franchise.  Possibly Marge.  MARGE AND MOE.  Could have some LISA too.  Skinner?  No.  Not so much Skinner.  Who else might they have.  Really just MOE that's the point I really wanted to make originally.  ANYWAY I'll see ya later.




I Can Deal With That

     Hello, friends!  There is one thing I must say before all other things-- a First Things First if you will.  In order to write better I MUST WRITE BETTER.  And that starts with NO MORE ITALICS, BOLD, CAPS, ETCETERA and perhaps Most Importantantly comedy mispellings of words.  Not sure I wanna let go of Comedy Mispellings.  Either way-- I stuck with italics, comedy mispellings, and too many caps in the LAST time I Wanted to convey info to you because it was convinient.  OH I GET IT.  YOU CONVEY DUMB UNIMPORTANT INFO IN WAYS THARE ARE UNFUN TO READ.  CAUSE IT'S ULTIMATELY UNFUN INFO.  You Literally CAN'T project it in a Fun Way because IT CAN NEVER BE FUN CONTENT.  EVER.  I WANT to tell you I'm Turning over A NEW LEAF with writing better IN A READABLE WAY but I AM FAILYING because I'm trying to do it TOO QUICKLY with SHORT CUTS like CAPS and italics and run on sentences.  Also INSTEAD OF deleting my Failure I am trying A FAILURE 2.0.  YES Failure At Conveying I Will Give Up ShortCutEmphasisWays 2.0 is a slight imporvement on Failure 1.0 BUT NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW because they never made it through FAILURE 1.0.  AND THUS no one will ever read this thing Add-On-COMMENT 1.0.
    HEY THERE's another way I have to be less-than-generous with using emphasizers-- skipping spaces between words.  "ShortCutEmphasisWays," from last paragraph.  IT WORKS because It emphasizes the phrase because your eyes are drawn to it.  EYES DART from ACROSS THE ROOM towards your iMac because they want to see what, "ShortCutEmphasisWays," is talking about.  Needless to say it's talking about nothing.  Just like the cast of Seinfeld every time they got together.  To shoot an episode of Seinfeld.  Surely they talked about Big Issues when congregating privately, who wouldn't?  What else.  Anyway.  I smoked a tiny nugget of marijuana about 2 hours ago.  Great!  Seems to be working out for me pretty well.  Gonna do it again tomorrow afternoon.  Been a pretty steady high!  Still am high a bit!  Probably cooling down.  I think that's partially do to Me Writing Bad Entry.  FINISHING UP OLD ERA CRAZYSHET.  SAY your goodbies to italics, bold, caps, etc.  THIS IS IT.  Going forward I will be thinking much better.  I won't need all those exciting ways to accentuate words or phrases AT ALL.
Three paragraphs to go.  Anyway.  Ended up buying RAW marijuana instead of preroll.  ENTIRE 1.5 gram for GOOD DEAL 25.00 dollars. Turnt out to be the right move.  Caus I will finish it.  WHAT STRAIN IS IT?  WHY IT'S ONLY SOMA TOG.  Not sure I'm happy with SOMA.  It's a reference to a drug from a novel.  Novels make me uncomfortable.  Always having themes.  And you know what I Hate about themes is that half the time they're dystopian.  I don't need dystopian themes.  Hmm maybe I find me a novel with a good ol topian theme.  This is Soma TOG.  I don't know what TOG means.  Maybe it's  a positive thing.  That tracks with everything on Earth.  I don't know what everythign on Earth means.  Except for the 65% I'm familiar with.  I walk around and I see stuff I more or less Get The Deal.  Walk through the park.  It's like nature.  THere was a forest, then they cut down the forest, changed their mind, planted some trees back up, and now it's a park.
Penultimate paragraph.  WHY can't these trees be from Original Forest.  I guess they might be.  Could be a healthy mix of Original Forest Trees and NEWER man-made-decided-it-to-be-fake-nature-after-the-fact Trees.  Is there a , "What Else," to say.  Going forward into the night as a man of my nature shall, I THINK I may put on a Film.  It's up to me whether I want it to be a COMEDYDY.  A DRAMADA.  A marriage of Comedydy and Dramadada.  Oh right I know what film to watch WHITE MAN CAN'T JUMP.  Hey now it's a film taking place on an American Indian Reservation.  Change the, "E," to an, "A," and now we got a whole new setting!  That's a joke.  Put it up on the big board!  NOT a bad name for myself if I were given an American Indian name, too.  White Man Can't Jump. TRACKS pretty well. ...Wait... possible that means nothing.
Hey what else is going on and crap.  Pretty pleasant high!  Just kind of able to BREATHE a bit.  Zone in and out Focusing on what I wanna focus on.  And then the next thing I focus on is FUN and EXCITING.  THAT'S THE MILDISH HIGH FOR ME.  TRY TO IMAGINE This website BUT GOOD.  Just going from One Thing Thing To The Next but it's GOOD THINGS 80% of the time instead of Usually Not.  Well.  We'll see what I do tomorrow.  Write Morning without marijuana.  Then what do I do in the daytime?  I dunno!  Might wanna correspond Writing With Marijuana again.  Not necessarily DOING THIS though.  This is NOT necessarily the best use of my creative time.  I DO HAVE AUDIENC THOUGH.  you google crazyshet IT UPDATES every few days.  I have responsibliity to myself to WRITE GOOD THING FOR AUDINCE.  Now I just have tofigure out WHAT IS GOOD THING.  Huh.  Lemme think about it.  I'll be back tomorrow.

-8:03 P.M.




Monday, June 19, 2023

Real Good Stuff Coming Up In The Distant Future

     Hey friends.  Up late again today.  1:26 PM.  Didn't even Wake Up Slightly Early to watch TV!  Just got up, played with myself, took a walk, and now I'm here! It's FUN because it's PERSONAL INFORMATION.  Now you KNOW intimate details about someone.  You know how TINGS REALLY WORK in the World. Anyway.  Listened to some music on the walk.  Back and forth between Recent 2023 msic and Classic Music Michael Likes.  Good.  Not gonna go get marijuana today.  THINK I'm aiming to get it tomorrow though.  Then the goal is to EXPERIMENT WITH IT tomorrow night.  YEAH.  Bubble Gum Strain presumably.  Internet says the smallest amount of PRE ROLL I can get is either GORILLA GLUE or BUBBLE GUM.  TINK I'M GONNA GO WIT BUBBLE GUM.  HMM!  I'm a little excited but if I WERE ME from 10 years ago I'd be OVER TE MOON EXCITED.  Me from 2007-200... I dunno... A LONG LONG TIME... for along time I wanted nothing more than to GET BACK ON MARIJUANA.  And obviously I still do.  But for along time it was a preoccupation!
    SURE.  I finished 3-7-0 in Speculation Baseball last week.  I am now in NINTH PLACE.  By which I mean SEVENTH PLACE.  I am in seventh place.  Not ninth place.  Let me make that clear.  SEVENTH.  ANyway this week I am facing, "Buxton Yer Mom."  I think Buxton is the last name of a Baseball player.  And I think Yer Mom is a reference to My Mom.  HUH.  What kinda meals do I got today.  NOT SURE if I still have kids chicken parm left or not.  HERBED CHICKEN FOR SURE I STILL HAVE.  Still got a salmon.  COULD ALWAYS GET A DELIVERY.  Today might be a good day for a delivery.  MEH.  HEY Marijuana Dispenciary is closed Today anyway for Juneteenth!  THATWORKEDOUTGREAT.  Well not for people who wanted to celebrate June Teenth by Kick Back Relaxing.  Or ENERGETIC marijuana high.  Didn't work out great for them.  ANyway.  Today Juneteenth.  Happy Birthday to Those Who CElebrate.  I think I count myself amongst thouse who celebrate!  WHY WOULDN'T I?  I celebrated the last few years here.  I'm doing it again RIGHT NOW.  COFFEE TIME
   Is Juneteenth EVER in the 20's of June.  I hope not.  I'd guess not!  Lemem LTURQ.  I think it's ALWAYS on June19th.  Oh. Okay.  THAT SOUNDS CONVINIENT.  Good deal.  Hmm.  What if you FORGET to celebrate it on the 19th and only rememebr on the 20th.  THEN WHAT DO YOU DO.  Hmm.  Probably taking five walks today.  OFF the top of my head that's the way to go.  Anyway.  Any reason I shouldn't just write 5 paragraphs for Act I.  ANY REASON to push myself further.  I'm not doing anything Especially Worthwhile right now.  WHY BOTHRE.  Some lawnmowing or something going on outside my window.  I don't like it.  If I were A LESSER MAN it'd be causing me a headache!  AS IT IS just bothering me a little bit.  Am I gonna have lunch today.  Feels like I'd get a kick out of it.  But I'd also get a kick out of saving the calories.  So you could see the pickle I'm in.  How many pickles have I eaten in my life time.  I'm gonna say around 8-12.
   Fourth paragraph.
  YEAH!  I dunno.  Fourth paragraph.  Pretty sure I have rides on some sort of metrocard.  Gonna TAKE A CHANCE and not buy a metrocard Going Into Bus Ride.  Maybe take some quarters with me.  Gonna TAKE A CHANCE and assume busses still accept quarters as back-up if you don't have metrocards.  Maybe they abandonded quarters.  That can't be.  BUSSES must still take change as Transportation Currency.  That's THE WHOLE PREMISE OF BUSSES.  Hmm.  I assume I have surplus of quarters somewhere.  Anyway.  I dunno.  So if I'm buying a one gram Pre Roll... is that ONE joint.  That's one gram?  I GUESS SO.  They'd SPECIFY if it was multiple joints of lesser grams that adds up to one gram.  Huh.  Not gonna smoke the entire thing at once. NOT BY A LONG SHOT.  Not sure how small amount though.  First instinct is MICRO amount.  But I don't wanna do TOO micro amount.  Wanna try a LEGITIMATE amount to get a FAIR IMPRESSION of what I'm dealign with.
   Why not try Micro amount in Afternoon and then FAIR IMPRESSION at night.  YEAH.  Or Micro amount at night and then FAIR IMPRESSION next day.  YEAH.  Fifth paragraph.  LAWN MOWER MAN still going on outside.  I assume it's a man.  LAWN MOWER IS NO ACTIVITY FOR A WOMAN.  Okay.  Watching a Simpsons or two that I have no recollection of at all.  GOOD STUFF.  I realize I kind of like watching Simpsons while listening to music over it.  IT'S A TOUGH CALL.  Obviously Simpsons Voice Actors deserve all the KUDOS in the world and are great.  BUT if I had to choose I PREFER THE WRITING TO TE ACTING.  So if I listen to music over it I'M APPRECIATING TE WRITING OVER TEH ACTING whereas otherwise I'm leaning towards appreciating the acting over the writing.  SO I LIKE GETTING INTO TEH GROOVE of watching Simpsons CLosed Captioning with music over it.  IT'S CONTROVERSIAL STANCE FOR SURE.  NO QUESTION.  NOT SUSTAINABLE WAY TO WATCH SIMPSONS RESPONSIBLY.  NO DOUBT.
Sixth paragraph.  Maybe I get Chinese Food for lunch and/or dinner.  Seems reasonable.  I can see myself getting into a meal that's Half Rice.  Also get myself some BBarQ Ribs as SUPPLEMENTAL MEAL perhaps.  That'd be an INDULGANCE I CAN LIVE WIT.  Probably WON'T do that but I could SEE MYSELF LOVING IT.  Anyway I dunno.  If I have lunch Good Chance I SHOULD have it PRE ACT II.  But I dunno if I WILL.  Whatever.  I dnuno.  Maybe just have Easy Herbed Chicken POST WALK II pre ACT II.  We're talkin AROUND 3 PM.  Sounds EASY.  OBVIOUSLY CHINESE FOOD WOULD BE BETTER but it's hrad to COORDINATE that happening Then And There.  So SHUT UP ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  HOT POCKETS.  That'd be a good lunch.  I'd enjoy that for lunch.  Not sure what kind I have.  Either a Pepperoni Pizza I'D SAY or a BREAKFAST pockets.  That'd be my guess.  Hmm.  SHOULD I SET UP Hot Pockets for 3 PM or so.  Lemme think.  Got some time to think about it.  A FEW MINTUES.
Whatever.  Four paragraphs to go.  Probably have it Oh I Don't Know 3:15, 3:30!!!  FIVING ME MORE TAN A FEW MINUTES.  Amazing.  What else is up.  Sounds like a good idea for how to proceed with the day.  Amazing.  ACTUALLY YEAH.  Set it up so that I eat hot pockets around 3:30 which is POST ACT II instead of PRE ACT II.  Good deal.  Means I put em in oven POST Act I instead of PRE BEING DONE WITH ACT I.  SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES.  Hmm.  I dunno.  Not a great entry today.  Haven't been a great entry in a LONG LONG TIME.  A COUPLE OF DAYS.  A couple of days is a long time.  THE LONGEST TIME I CAN PICTURE.  So that's good I guess.  Halfway into the seventh paragraph.  THAT'S THE LONGEST TIME I CAN PICTURE re: Being Into Ten Paragraphs.  What about being into the eighth or ninth paragraphs.  I CAN'T PICTURE THAT.  SEVENTH PARAGRAPH IS THE LONGEST I CAN PICTURE.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Gonna go back to podcast for Walk II. 
   Should be good!
  Three paragraphs to go for now.  I can't imagine myself smoking more than 20% of a joint for First Go Around.  Probably around 10% should be about right.  BEEN A WHLIE.  Might not be picturing it correctly.  Also joints can be of VARYIGN SIZES.  PROBABLY around 10% of OneGramJoint is what I'm smoking First Thigns First.  I think.  Sounds about right in my head.  Even that might be a bit much.  SHOULD BE 8%.  80% of 10% IS PROBABLY ENOUGH and might take the edge off a bit.  So that's something to take into account.  Hmm sounds like I might need an ASHTRAY of sorts. YES.  Hmm.  Never had an ashtray when I smoked weed before.  Never used ashtray until I smoked Tobacco Cigarettes.  Interesting.  VERY interesting.  In fact I'm gonna SCRAP THE ENTIRE ENTRY UP TO THLIS POINT just so we can FOCUS ON THIS TOPIC RIGHT NOW.  SO INTERESTING we should devote ALL OF OUR LIVES to This One Topic.  Past present and future.  WE MUST DEVOTE OUR ENTIRE LIVELIEHOODS TO IT.  Or not.  Whatever.
   Two paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Not sure what to do about lunch.  I think I WILL have lunch. I think it WILL be hot pockets. I think it WILL be post Act III around 3:30.  I thi... hmm I guess I am Sure what to do about lunch.  I covered all the variables.  NOT SURE WHAT I'M NOT SURE ABOUT.  What else is going on.  I'm gonna guess I have pepperoni pizza hot pockets. AM I HAPPY about that?  I dunno.  Kinda indifferent.  FOR TODAY SPECIFICALLY not particularly excited for one flavor over another.  THEN AGAIN maybe if I look at the box when I take it out of freezer I suddenly get some sort of positive or negative feeligns.  We'll see about that I Guess.  Could easily happen.  Hmm.  Not that hungry right now.  Maybe I don't wanna SET LUNCH INTO MOTION if I'm Not That Hungry!  OR MAYBE I DO WHAT DO I KNOW.  The point is I gotta write another paragraph.  Then I might have a cuople of minutes of free time or so before Dad gets back from his walk.  THEN I TAKE Y WALK.  Then I write 5 paragraphs.  THEN I GOT THE WHOLE DAY BEFORE ME.  Or after me.  EITER WAY
Last paragraph.  OR maybe Dad gets back befor I finish.  WHATEER HAPPENS it'll be for the best.  That's not necessarily true.  I'm sure things happen For The Worst ALL THE TIME.  Who knows.  What else is going on and crap.  Don't have much IF ANY experience smoking joints Solitarywise.  If I was smoking joints it was as part of A TEAM.  If I was smoking alone IT WAS NOT IN JOINT FORM.  So that's something to consider.  Hmm.  I'll admit it I WAS TERRIBLE AT SMOKING JOINTS.  Got lots of saliva on it!  Ruined it for everyone else.  Probably wasn't great at inhaling joints compared to other methods of marijuana inhalation either.  Not sure WHY.  Just a feeling I get. Or got.  Get. Got.  Get.  What else is up.  I guess that's it for now.  I'll be back in a little bit!




no way this title has never been used before

     Hey friends.  Think I'll have lasagna instead of pepperoni pizza hot pocket.  WHICH IS the kind of pot hocket I have in frozer.  So that's good.  Think I'll have that in about an hour.  POST Walk III POST Act II.  Listen to some codpast on walk iii.  JUST finished one as I finished walk II.  START ANEW one later on.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe I indulge in onion roll with lasagna.  Less Hearty than indulging in Corn Bread Roll but mor DELICIOUS indulging.  So that's pretty good.  Let's aim for doing that.  Delightful.  What should I watch on the television set today.  Feels like I'm due to watch some sort of Film.  Probably FICTION.  Non Fiction I dunno.  CERTAINLY NOT A DOCUMENTRY.  Non Fiction Drama MAYBE.  Maybe.  Lemme think about it.  WELL NOT THINK ABOUT IT.  Lemme BROWSE about it.  I won't be actively thinking in my brain.  I will be LOOKING at what my options are.
   So that's good.  Buxton Your Mom is currently in Fourth Place.  Not exactly the least formidable opponent but also not the Best Of The Best either.  I know I'm several places behind him BUT I FEEL like we're evenly matched.  I BELIEVE IN MY TEAM several places Above Their Actual Place.  Not sure if that's true.  I HAVE TO SAY IT THOUGH.  If I don't show my team I Believe In Them THEY'LL lose all Beliefment in themselves AND TEN THEY'LL GET EVEN WORSE.  We can't be having that!  Huh.  Let's see.  Three and a half paragraphs to go!  DElightful.  HEY is there still a chance I get Chinese Food for dinner?  YEAH SURE WHY NOT.  IF ANYTHING THERE'S AN ABOVE 50% CHANCE.  THAT SHOULD BE VERY EXCITING.  What kinda stuff am I anticipating aiming for.  TOO EXCITING TO THINK ABOUT RIGHT NOW. Let's just say IT WILL BE AIDED BY PORK FRIED RICE and move on for now.  SOUNDS GOOD.  THREE PARAGRAPH TO GO.
Okay.  CHICKEN.  Indulgance Chicken or Health Chicken I CAN'T SAY.  But CHICKEN BASED I think is a safe bet.  Okay.  What else is up.  HMM.  Shuold check my weight soon.  Probably gained a couple of pounds over the last few weeks.  Hmm sounds like I SHOULDN'T check my weight then.  I WOULDN'T like what I see.  WHY SHOULD I DO IT TEN.  So I KNOW what I'm dealing with.  Huh.  Sounds like a BRAIN TEASER.  WHAT SHOULD I DO.  Interesting.  Gonna have to WRESTLE with that a little bit.  Probably just Bite That Bullet and check it at some point.  Makes sense.  IDEALLY go a week or so with dieting to a reasonable extent.  Not ALL OUT DIET.  But go a week with FAIR AMOUNT OF REASONABLE DIET and then check weight. THAT'S TEH WAY TO GO.  Let's see if I can manage doing that.  Makes sense on MANY levels.  Well SURE if IT'S AN ATTAINABLE thing to do OBVIOUSLY that's a good thing to do.  What else is up.  WHO CARES
   Penultimate paragraph.  Okay.
  Let's see.  I dunno.  Maybe I don't NEED All Out Onion Roll with lasagana.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT I NEED YET.  WHY DO I NEED TO PLAN FOR THE FUTURE TODAY.  Focus on THE NOW.  One Hour Future Lunch IS The Now.  THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS NOW.  More or LESS.  I guess.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Only gotta write a paragraph and a half left.  Then THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS THEN for when I got Act III coming up.  Sounds good.  I enjoy Act III.  Nothing wrong with Act III's!  Let's see what else is up.  Gotta have some sort of bread with lasagna.  BUT WHAT KIND.  Slice of white bread is appropriate amount SIZEWISE but I dunne JUST FEELS WRONG.  Might have to go with the onion roll.  It'd be FINE.  JUST DON'T LIKE WASTING the onion roll.  GOTTA treasure Each And Every Onion Roll.  ONLY GET SIX OF EM A WEEK.  That's ONE LESS THAN ONE A DAY PER WEEK. ...YEAH?
   Last paragraph of daytime day!  Hmm.  Is Chinese Restuarant closed for Juneteenth?  My guess is no of course not.  That's a pretty good guess.  I'm gonna stick with that guess LONG into Checking The Internet For Confirmation.  I checked the internet for confirmation.  It was confirmed.  STILL THOUGH I am sticking with My Hypothesis.  Makes sensee to me.  CHICKEN FOO YOUNG.  Perhaps I try that.  PERHAPS I TRY LOTS OF THINGS.  Perhaps I don't get Chinese Food.  WHAT THE HELL IS IT TO YOU.  Huh.  THEY Got something new called, "Spicy & Tangy Chicken."  Wonder what kinda vegetables and whatknot that comes with.  Maybe I give taht a shot.  OBVIOUSLY The Bits Of Chicken can't be that far off from the other dozen Chicken based dishes that border on BEING SPICY and/or BEING TANGY.  IT's ALL TE SAME.  But each dish comes with VARIOUS MISCELLANEA.  That's THE DIFFERENCE MAKER.  What does Spicy and Tangy Chicken Dish COME WITH that makes it different.  MAYBE I TRY THAT just to find out.  Hmm.  Anyway I'll be back tonight.  SEE YA THEN.




Let Me Think About It

     Hey friends!  Tried delicious Egg Foo Young from Chinese Restuarant!  Egg Foo young is essentially Latke.  Potato Pancake.  It's the same thing!  DELIGHTFUL.  Had HALVE of that for tonight.  Gonna have HALVE of that tomorrow.  LUNCH?  DINNER?  I DUNNO.  Either way THAT COVERS THAT.  Got PORK Egg Foo Young.  I know I told you I was 100% gonna get a chicken based meal UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH if I were to be TurntOutLying.  But I REFUSE to colmbine chicken and egg.  They OFFER IT.  I refuse to accept it.  IT JUST FEELS WRONG.  So that's how that goes.  Anyway.  Took five walks today!  Some more Podcast, some more music! ...Is what I listened to.  Sure.  Still aiming for MARIJUANA EXCURSION tomorrow.  Get up EARLY.  Do morning Walks and ACts I and II. Then in The Early Afternoon OFF I GO on A LIFE CHANGING EXPEDITION to get A JOINT.  Should be interesting.  A TRIP ON THE WAY TO A TRIP.  Hehehahe.  Watched more Simpsons today. HAEHheaeh.  Got no better idea for tonight. OAOHAO
What else.  ADD MUSIC to The Simpsons for tonight.  THAT'S An interesting 10% better idea.  I liked listening to THE VOICE ACTORS for The Simpsons during the day.  AT NIGHT is when the WRITING comes alive to THE POPULAR MUSIC of the 20th and 21st century though.  VOICE ACTORS TAKE A BREAK. INTERESTING.  Any popular music of the 19th century.  WE HAVE THE GRAMMARPHONE before 1900.  WHY ARE TEHRE NO POPULAR MUSIC OF THE 19th CENTURY.  Doesn't seem right is all I'm saying.  HOW Pleased was I with Egg Foo Young?  IT GETS A PASSING GRADE.  It wasn't a bust.  Will I get it again?  AT SOME POINT IN MY LIFE?  YES.  I will forget Having GOtten It And What It's Like.  BUT I DON'T PARTICULARLY LOVE IT such that I NEED IT OVER OTEHR TINGS.  ANYWAY.  Was thinking about DITCHING Chinese Food for tonight altogether. Get some MCDONALDS.  Figured this was VERY SLIGHTLY HEALTIER.  So I went with my VERY SLIGHTLY healthier instinct.  I TINK IT PAID OFF IN DIVIDENDS.  WHAT'S A DIVIDEND.
Hmm.  TRY SOME CRAB STUFFED SHRIMP.  That's the SUPER Wild Card Super Market New Fresh Meal Thing I'm gonna give a shot this week!  Also a Dif(ferent) kind of steak.  Possibly less indulgant.  Might just get a cheaper kind of steak.  WHY NOT I DON'T NEED ANYTHING SPECIAL. ON THE OTHER HAND WHY NOT NOT I've had Good Steak I SHUOLD ONLY GO UP and not down in terms of quality.  Makes sense.  UGH.  What else do I got going on for me.  Halfway through The Act III.  Sweet!  Let's see.  What kind of music whill I listen to during The Simpsons of ~2007.  COULD BE PRACTICALLY ANYTHING.  ONE thought just occurred to me though-- possibly music from The Year 2007.  You know like uhhh what kinda music.  Well PERSONALLY I was listening to Oh I Don't Know DASHBOARD by Modest Mouse.  They had a MUSIC VIDEO on MTVU: the MTV channel EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE on College Television Circuits.  ALSO THAT SONG By the guy from System Of A Down.  ...  OTEHR SONGS.  WHAT A YEAR FOR MUSIC.
Hmm.  That sounds like sarcasm but WHY.  Dashboard is a great song.  That song by the guy from System Of a Down is a POWERFUL song.  THE OTHER SONGS contain some good songs too.  IT WAS A SOLID YEAR FOR MUSIC SURE WHYNOT.  I bet ON AVERAGE Every Year For Music is PRETTY CLOSE to Every Other Year For Music.  IT ALL AVERAGES OUT pretty much More Or Less WOULD BE MY GUESS.  Anyway.  Pretty sure they don't offer MTVU to REGULAR Cable Subsribers.  IF THEY DO I FEEL CHEATED.  I SUBSCRIBED TO GOING TO NYU FOR NOTHING IN RETROSPECT.  WHAT A WASTE OF A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS OVER 3 years.  Anyway.  I GOT A GOOD DEAL because of PARTIAL SCHOLASTICORHIP.  I think.  I forget if it was based on Academic or Economic or some sort of combo.  POSSIBLE they were just feelign generous.  They picked me at random and said YA KNOW WHAT THIS GUY we'll charge 80% of the normal fee.  GOT A GOOD HUNCH TIS GUY IS WORTH IT.  BOY WERE THEY OFF.
    Last paragraph!  Anyway.  Hmm.  Well ONE THING'S FOR SURE-- Solid 60% chance I listen to Dashboard by Modest Mouse at some point tonight.  What else is going on.  Kinda feel like I could DO BETTER.  Listen to a song I've listened to SEVERAL TIMES LESS.  Plenty of good songs by Modest Mouse I've listneed to less.  Or songs with Dashboard in the title by other bands.  Dashboard Confessional for instance.  I may have NEVER listened to a song by Dashboard Confessional.  It's possible!  Are they an EMO band.  Sounds like an Emotional Band.  Well now I kinda wanna find out what they sound like.  Now I DEFINITELY wanna find out what they sound like.  So that's good.  AMAZING.  I guess that's it for now.  Another successful entry in the sense that I finished it.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-9:04 P.M!




Sunday, June 18, 2023

Why Not Do This

     Hey friends.  Up late again today!  1:12 P.M.  Got Bakery for family today.  Particularly Dad.  Happy Pauper's Day.  That's not what Pauper means. POP means dad. ER is the end of FATHER which meand Dad.  PAUPER means DAD.  Anyway.  Got my Dad TWO CHocolate Dot cookies.  Got him TOO MANY-- halve a dozen!-- small LINDZER TART cookies.  He likes scraping off the jelly and eating the cookie parts.  So basicaly he just likes plain cookies WITH THE HINT OF JELLY.  Yep.  IT'S HIS SPECIAL DAY WHY NOT.  Anyway.  Got myself SCONE.  Got MOM BROWNIE and Slice Of Red Velvet Cake.  GOT THE FAMILY two slices of Quarter Dollars back.  BAKERY GOT a ten dollar bill, a five dollar bill, and five single dollar bills.  I think that covers everything in this transaction.  We got some bags and boxes too.  Possibly a string.  Hmm.  I TRANSPORTED all the stuff as well.  THAT'S WHAT I DID.  I did the Transaction as did Bakery Person.
    Huh.  Got some CRITIC working last night.  Good stuff.  Anyway.  Gonna be having HEAT coffee today.  At the end of this paragraph I will GO DOWN to retrieve it.  Hmm.  What kinda meals I got in store for today.  Not that many options really EVEN THOUGH It's only Sunday.  Re-upped with meals on Friday.  NOT THAT MANY OPTIONS LEFT only 2 days in.  WILD ALFREDO  THAT I COULD HAVE.  Do I have kids chicken parm? I think I ate that.  Do I have herbed chicken?  I DON'T think I ate that.  LASAGNA I COULD AHVE.  BUFFALO WINGS I COULD HAVE.  I could get a delivery.  HMM.  What to get.  Not in mood for Chinese Food.  AM I EVEN HAVING lunch today.  Not sure.  Probably!  But NOT RIGHT NOW OR ANYTHING.  Anyway.  Is there a risk if I start with marijuana I lose Regular Orderly Days. I just start Doing Nothing All Day.  That sounds FUN.  That's not a risk THAT'S A BENEFIT.  That would be a WHOLE NEW LIFE that could be AMAZING IN MANY WAYS.  Just lay in bed listen to music on midshelf speakers.  IN FACT get into HUNDREDS OF BANDS I never heard of.  EXPAND MY TASTES in a way that I haven't yet.  That's something I'VE YET TO DO IN LIFE.  That I' SHOULD DO.  GE TINTO GOOD MUSIC.  COFFEE TIME.
I DO wanna get into Good Music I Don't Know.  But I DON'T wanna lose ORDER in life.  I could keep order of life AND geet into music.  I could GAIN order in life and get into music.  Let's talk about it.  Last day of Imagination Baseball Week.  Still tied 5-5!  More likely I lose ground than gain.  Hmm.  What else is up.  How are THE METS doing.  About as good as I am in MY league.  Still got chance to reach WILDCARD aka 3rd place.  But right now NOT ON TRACK for it.  That sort of thing.  Anyway.  Think I'll bring up Marijuana to Dad TODAY or TOMORROW.  HOW and in WHAT CONTEXT I'm not sure yet.  But I feel like I don't wanna put it off BEYOND tomorrow.  Let's get the ball rolling on this crap.  Anyway.  If I buy a gram of pre-roll marijuana from Recreation Dispencary to Try It Out the STRAINS I can choose from are Bubble Gum and Gorilla Glue.  HMM.  Gonna look into that!  Gonna buy a pre-roll.  Don't wanna buy edible.  Don't have another way to smoke it!
   Anyway.  FOURTH paragraph.  MAIN thing I guess is RELAXATION.  Guess there's a dozen things where you can determine which one makes me feel more THIS OR THAT.  RELAXATION may be the KEY METRIC I want to be the DETERMINENT I want to Try.  WHICH ONE IS MORE RELAXING IN GENERAL.  I think that information is on The Internet more or less.  Relaxment is SUBJECTIVE.  Also it can mean DIFFERENT THINGS.  Hmm.  What else is up.  What other options do I have Besides Chinese Food if I wanna get a delivery.  Don't want Chipotle.  Don't want diner.  Don't want Create Your Own Salad Place.  Don't want Hamburger Type Fast Food Places.  Don't want pizza places.  Don't want CHICKEN fast food places.  I think I've mentioned everything at this point.  Hmm.  Probably would ENJOY SOMETHING from ANY of those places.  I just don't particularly EXCEEDINGLY want something EXTREMELY from any of those places EXCELLINGLY.
   Fifth paragraph.  Let's see.  Didn't really need to get the SCONE.  I got the Ancient Roman Corn Bread.  Not the saem thing really but COVERS CLOSE ENOUGH GROUND that I didn't need the scone.  Well I'm AN Idiot.  What else is up.  Must got some wildcard meals in the house.  Bagel For once.  NOPE NOT INTERESTED. Enjoying lots of bread as SNACKS.  Not interested in bread for MEAL.  Hot pockets.  Frozen Pizza.  Cuop no noodles.  Okay.  Sounds good.  We'll see what happens.  In the meantime let's keep it going.  Am I taking five walks today.  Probably.  Gonna have some time off between Act I and Walk II probably.  Dad gonna be on his walk probably.  Huh.  Go figure on that one.  Anyway.  How's this act so far.  NOTHING.  It's NOTHING so far. Good.  How YOU doin with that.  YOU OKAY WIT THAT?  You must be okay with that!  I can't imagine you're NOT USED to unexciting entries.  WHAT KINDA WORLD would you be like WAIT A SECOND I'M CONDITIONINED TO ONLY GOOD CRAZYSHET.  BORING CRAZYSHET IS A SHOCK AND AWE TO ME.  THIS ISN'T RIGHT. 
    Nope.  You're on board with Boring from the start.  Must be.  So that's good I guess!  Sixth paragraph.  Halfway through the act!  Time to SHOCK AND AWE with some relative quality.  Also Relative Quality in this context would be RELATIVE RELATIVE quality.  C- would be RELATIVE quality at this point.  We'd be on board with that FOR NOW. ...Huh.  What did I listen to on Walk I.  SOME MUSIC for once!  Some podcast at first. Then I put on some music.  OLD CLASSIC MUSIC.  Music Michael Knows And Loves.  Hmm.  Good deal.  Gonna go with PODCAST for walk II.  That's not relative quality.  That's NOTHING.  I can't say that's even a, "D."  WHY WOULD ANYONE WANNA READ THAT AT ALL.  It adds NOTHING to NO ONE's life.  IT ONLY DETRACTS.  You had some sort of LIFE GOING ON.  Then you had to read, "Michael listened to music on his walk."  NOW YOU LOST PORTIONS OF YOU LIFE YOU PREVIOUSLY HAD OPEN TO ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES.  THAT's an F.  I FAILED.
   Hmm.  Such is life I guess!  Go figure!  Seventh paragraph.  I don't KNW WHEN I'll be bale to take my next walk.  Dad has yet to leave on his walk yet!  THIS IS NO GOOD.  And The F Continues.  So that's good.  What else is up.  Is there any sort of Advancement On Alarm Clocks where they Do Better at getting you out of bed if you don't really NEED to.  Say you set alarm clock for FUN and you don't necessarily NEED to use it.  IS THERE TECHNOLOGOICAL ACHIEVEMENTS THEY'VE MADE where I can ADD ON to my alarm clock going forward that I can actually get up at 8 am every morning.  I think my life would be better getting up at 8 am instead of snoozing for four and a half hours.  Just a hunch I have.  Hmm.  Probably will have a hunch at some point soon.  IN LIFE.  Wonder when.  Maybe I already do.  Better look at my profile at some point in the mirror.  I try to avoid looking in the mirror.  Just a hunch I have.  Probably wouldn't enjoy what I see.
Eighth paragraph.  Great!  Let's see.  I dunno.  What is SCONE short for.  Nothing.  What does that mean.  Why would I think scone is short for something.  Not SHORT FOR.  That's NOT WHAT I MEANT.  I meant what does S'CONE mean.  What does it mean S'CONE wise when you add the, "'" between the S and the C.  Huh.  What else do I got going on for me.  Let's see.  Maybe I'd enjoy something from Diner today.  HAMBURGER EVEN.  Been a while since I had that.  FOUR DAYS or so.  I LOVE HUMBUERGER.  What else is up.  Guess we're making progress INTO THE DAY.  75% into the Act already.  That's pretty good.  Spune.  THREE QUARTERS into Spune.  18/30.  Let's see.  .6.  60%.  60% is PRETTY CLOSE TO 3 quarters.  No it isn't.  It's far off!  TERRIBLY FAR OFF.  I don't like how far off it is.  I'm unhappy with my Math Estimations.  Very  embarasssed.  I hope I make up for it somehow later on in my life down the line.
Penultimate paragraph.  If weeks were 6 days instead of 7 there'd be 5 weeks a month and this would be exactly 3 weeks into the month.  I TINK THAT CLEARS THINGS UP A BIT.  Hmm.  Let's see.  Maybe put on The Critic when this is over.  But MORE LIKELY just put on The Simpsons.  See how that goes.  Probably will go decently.  I THINK I'm at a point where I wanna watch The Simpsons more attentively because I don't wanna miss the jokes I've never seen before.  I may have only seen these episodes 0-3 times in my life.  If I don't pay attention to the jokes NOW then I'M NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE JOKE EVER.  It seems RUDE to not watch jokes I'm not familiar with At All.  NOT RIGHT.  Anyway that sort of thing.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Anyway.  Is there a small chance I can take a walk after the next paragraph BEFORE my Dad takes his walk?  Perhaps.  UNLIKELY though.  OH OKAY FORGET IT.  Dad is going NOW.
   YEAH.  Cause he was talking to my BROTHER.  On the PHONE.  FATHER'S DAY talk.  Anyway.  Might talk to my brother SOON.  MAY INTERUPT ME WRITING HERE.  He's talking to my MOTHER.  INTERESTING.  Hmm.  Mayeb I bring up my WEED situation.  Anyway.  Maybe he's got some good input on that.  He's a smart guy.  That'd be good.  I phrase it in a way that it's not awkward!  And I'm not imposing on him at all AT ALL.  And he'd feel 100% COMFORTABLE and everything.  Should be FUN.  Maybe I don't talk to him at all!  What else is up.  Guess I'll be hanging around for an hour befor taking Walk II.  FINE.  I'll survive.  Watch some Television. Maybe take a shower in the meantime.  OH.  SHAVE.  I can do some SHOVING I guess.  That's GOOD.  What eslse is up.  I guess that's it for now.  I'll see ya's soon!




good deal go for it

     Hey friends.  Down to 4-6 in Imagination Baseball!  SURE THAT'S OKAY.  An hour ago I was down 2-8!  4-6 ISN'T SO BAD.  Anyway.  Talkt to Brother!  He had reasonable input on Marijuana.  Turns out he's gone back and forth with marijuana over the years.  Didn't completely register if he's on it these days or not.  Either way He seems to understand my general premise of GIVE IT A SHOT AND IF IT WORKS FOR ME GREAT IF IT DOESN'T GREAT DON'T DO IT.  That's good!  I TOHUGHT IT WAS AN UNDERSTANDABLE GENERAL PREMISE.  The more people that understand it the better!  Anyway.  Guess next step is Bring it Up to dad Tonight or tomorrow.  THINK first time I try it will be at A NIGHTTIME.  Let myself acclimate it IN A GOING TO SLEEP context?  Or maybe several hours before going to sleep context?  Hmm.  WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT.  Yes.  Yes we will.  HEY I think I'm gonna skip lunch today.  OR have a SMALL lunch of 2 WINGS and a CORNT BREAD.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Let's see.  What else is up.  Probably have LASAGNA today.  I was taking my WALK II in the park and I walked by people eating some sort of LUNCH in a bench and I don't know what it was but whatever it was SMELLT like something and whatever it smelt like ACTIVATED some sense memory of TACO BELL in my brain.  And I WANTED TACO BELL.  Nice generic Hard Shell basic taco.  The generic one.  Where it's just Nothing To It. Shredded Beef in small taco.  The point is I'm not gonna get that but lasagna has SIMILAR KIND OF BEEF TO IT so that's how THAT came into play.  Hmm Maybe I SHOULD get Taco Bell IF THAT'S WHAT MY LITTLE HEART desires.  Hmm.  What would I get as SECOND meal.  Three racos for tonight.  ONE BIG BURRITO for tomorrow or something.  That'd be FUN to figure out.  Hmm.  Maybe it's a Marijuana Thing.  I'm thinking about weed.  Taco Bell has sumbliminal Marijuana Advertisiment Campaignins.  NO I TOLD YOU IT WAS THE BENCH PEOPLE.  I SWEAR IT. 
Three paragraphs to go.  Let's see.  I dunno.  I've been alerted by my Brother that the New Evil Dead movie may be available on MAX soon.  What's it called.  MAX.  Is it just MAX.  Gotta be more to it than JUST MAX. Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE.  JUST MAX.  Okay.  FINE.  Hbo is called MAX.  Anyway I can Watch it on MAX soon.  That's a good story.  MY BROTHER THOUGHT SO AT LEAST.  He relayed it TO ME.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine I got something CLOSE to tortilla to add to Lasagna.  I WISH I had straight up Tortilla Chips.  THAT WOULD BE PERECT.  Tostidos.  I DO NOT.  What's the closest thing I got.  Hmm.  CHEEZ ITS.  SALTINES.  TRISCUITS.  I GOTS TO TELL YOU I GUESS CHEEZ ITS MAY BE THE BEZT OPTION TO PAIR WITH LASAGNA.  It LEANS INTO the Cheez part.  Adds EVEN MORE.  I LIKE that.  What else is up.  Not sure.  Could buy tostidos on m ywalk.  What kind of idiot am I that I do things like that.  That'd be dumb.  Or smart.  Or not on the sprectrum of intelligence.  SOME OTHER SPECTRUM.  IF I go ahead and buy tortilla chips to pair with lasagna tonight because I Thought About Enjoynig Beef Tacos THAT LANDS ME ON SOME SORT OF NEW SPECTRUM ALTOGETHER COMPLETELY.
Penultimate paragraph.  Hmm.  Let's see.  SHAVE myself today.  That'll be good.  Real good!  I dunno.  Two paragraphs to write in the meantime. I can knock that out real easily.  Probably.  I do it all the time.  Then again 20% of the time It's REAL HARD to write two paragraphs.  So there's that to consider as well.  Whatelseisup.  Gotta set up appointment to update eye contact lense perscription.  Why not.  That should be good.  Real good.  Could eat bread with lasagna instead of chips.  IF I'M NOT eating ALL OUT TOSTIDOS I may wanna go in an ENTIRELY different direction and EAT BREAD.  ARE YOU ON BOARD WIT THAT.  I think you probably could see my point of view with that.  I could see my point of view.  OBVIOUSLY.  So if I were you I'd be able to see my point of view too.  That makes sense.  Tons of sense.
Last paragraph.  What's up.  Hmm.  Gonna skip lunch at this point!  EAT SOMETHING BEFORE DINNER SHURE.  But not full fledged lunch.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Anyway.  When I was cooking salmon in the oven yesterday Still smelt like I was cooking steak.  Guess some steak remnants stuck around in oven from when I made steak!  THE SALMON OVENING STILL PRODUCED STEAK SMELLS.  Which was VERY PLEASANT olfactorywise but was obviously CONCERNING because wait that's not supposed to happen.  So presumably everything's okay but who knows for sure.  What else is up.  Good ol' factory.  Sure.  Let's see.  Possible tonight will be a good act.  THIS Weekend has been the pits.  AND IT'S ONLY SATURDAY.  Pretty sure today is Sunday.  WELL THAT'S A RELIEF.  Whew.  Anyway I'LL BE BACK tonight!




Try As I Might

     Hey friends.  Had productive day!  Did Father's Day Activity of bringing up Me Smoking Marijuana to my Dad!  Went as good as it could have gone!  So that's good.  Didn't specifically say it to him BUT I feel like I'm gonna Go To Get It tomorrow (Monday) or the day after that (Tuesday).  THAT'S HOW DAYS WORK.  So that's good.  Also shove myself!  PRODUCTION DAY COMPLETED.  Anyway.  Ate scone in middle part of day.  Had WILDE ALFREDO for dinner paired with Ancient Roman Corn Bread.  My two Pre-roll marijuana strain options I can purchase are Bubble Gum or Gorilla Glue.  HUH.  Gotta lean towards Gorilla Glue in ONE respect but I'm leaning towrads Bubble Gum in ANOTEHR respect.  LIFE IS VERY DIFFICULT IT TURNS OUT.  I lost this week of Imagination Baseball 3-7.  I WILL NOE BE BELOW .500 overall for the season tomorrow.  I'm not happy about it.  KIND OF AM.  NOW I CAN RELATE TO THE REST OF AMERICA'S UNDERACHIEVERS.  I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE
Four paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  What to do with the rest of tonight.  For some reason I feel like going to Marijauna Store on Tuesday but WHAT'S MY LOGIC for NOT going tomorrow.  Hmm.  NO REASON to not GET ON TOP OF TINGS RIGHT AWAY.  PLAUSIBLY get CRACKIN.  Marijuana isn't gonna smoke itself.  What's that supposed to mean.  Not sure exactly.  Whatever.  Let's see.  Try some edibles for FIRST DELIVERY if I choose to CONTINUE MY MARIJUANA JOURNEY after First Purchase.  ALONG WIT BUYING, "FLOWER," buy the smallest amount possible of edible TO GIVE IT A SHOT.  THAT'S HOW I FEEL.  YEAH.  ALSO ENROLL IN SUNY PURCHASE.  POSSIBLY THEIR FILM PROGRAM.  PERHAPS SCREEN WRITING.  NOT SURE IF SCREEN WRITING IS TECHNICALLY IN THE FILM DEPARTMENT OR IF IT'S SOME SORT OF SISTER DEPARTMENT.  What else is up.  Did I shave off my bottom lip a little bit?  SURE.  IT WAS CUTTING WELL SPENT.
Whatever.  Let's see.  What ELSE IS LIFE.  What ISN'T life.  What's stopping me from Taking Bus Tomorrow To Get Weed.  Hmm.  Beer and Weed both FOUR LETTER WORDS with DOUBLE E in the middle.  Both VERY SIMILARLY important substances in my life.  I wonder what that's all about.  Should I BOTTLE UP that question and wait to ask The First Person I See Who Might Have The Answer OR SHOULD I SPECULATE WILDLY Myself.  WHAT KIND OF SPECULATION could I be making.  There's some sort of GRAND CO-ORDINANCE that exists there?  SURE.  Either way.  Weed IS MY FAVORITE WEED but Beer ISN'T MY FAVORITE ALCOHOL.  So that's an interesting COMPLICATION of that thought.  Possibly.  Anyway.  I PARTLY feel like I shuold be celebrated today on Father's Day.  Truly.  I have no children but I ENDEAVOR TO one day.  I feel like its NEVER TOO EARLY to start giving me My Due for My Presumptive Future Kids.  IT'S ABOUT TIME I FEEL.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Ate no cheez its with my lasagana tonight.  Ate no lasagna with my lasagna!  I ATE THE WILD AL FREDO dish instead.  IT'S A FATHER'S LIFE FOR ME.  What else is going on.  Parents were just watching Road To Perdition.  Good Father's Day movie.  Before that was on they were watching HANNIBAL.  Not sure what statement Television Channel is making there.  GO FIGURE ON THAT ONE.  Can that be my catchphrase when I am a comeidan.  GO FIGURE ON THAT ONE.  I think it can be.  Gotta remember that one.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Watch some film when this is over.  Not in the mood for cartoons.  Let's watch some HORROR FILM or something.  I can figure something out in that spirit I think.  Why not.  Anyway.  I always finish up shaving by shaving upside down.  I shave 95% THE RIGHT WAY.  Then I figure JUST TO MIX THINGS UP I'm gonna shave In the reverse direction with the electric razor in the way they say you shouldn't.  JUST TO CUT HAIRS the way that WOULDN'T BE CUT The Rgiht Way. 
   AMazing.  Last paragraph.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Not sure when or how much ow how or when or how much I would be smoking marijuana IF it becomes a PARManent part of my life.  I guess we'll have to wait and see.  Hmm Chicken parmasean is that relevant.  Sure it is.  Obviously I'd like to eat chicken parmeasan if I were high.  WON'T DO IT TOHUGH.  That's NOT why I'm getting into it.  Of all the things to be improved by getting high FOOD is NOT WHAT I'M IN IT FOR.  Then again WHY NOT.  It WOULD be improved.  WHY NOT INDULGE IN IMPROVINGIT THUSLY AS WELL.  Hmm GOTTA LOOK OUT FOR TAT COMPLICATION.  Would wanna improve my live 24/7?  I'll be okay I think.  Easy for me to drink only one portion of the day. I can smoke one portion of the day THUSLY TOO.  YOU'LL SEE.  YOU'LL ALL SEE.  I'LL SHOW EVERYONE.  Anyway I guess that's it.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:30 P.M.




Saturday, June 17, 2023

I Wouldn't Bother Reading This If I Were Me

     Hey friends.  Up late today.  1:25 PM!  Woke up a little bit earlier and watched A Single Simpsons before taking a walk.  Got iced coffee on walk.  Listened to Old Favories Music on walk.  Interestimg mix-em-up.  High School type of music I like.  We're talking ALKALIEN TRIO.  We're talking WEEZER.  We're talking THE HIGH SCHOOL ERA version.  Good stuff.  I CAN GET USED TO THIS.  For a couple of days.  Then I've cycled through it.  Then I can easily cycle through it again indefintely OR I can decide well I'm done with that now I CAN'T GET USED TO IT IT APPEARS.  Either way IT WAS A SOLID 32 MINUTES.  REGULAR WALK IS 30 MINUTES.  TIS TIME I GOT COFFEE.  I WASN'T LISTENING TO MUSIC FOR ENTIRE TIME I WAS GETTING COFFEE.  TURNED IT OFF DURING ORDER.  Anyway.  DREAMT UP part of a song overnight.  Wrote the main lyric couplet I remmebered when i woke up.  Played PART of the melody on the guitar when I woke up but now I don't remember how it goes exactly.  I remember the notes.  But I don't rememebr how it goes really.
DANGIT.  Important thing is It Was Just 5 seconds anyway.  Was NOT a complete song.  And it didn't SUGGEST a complete song.  It's not like I heard the five seconds and I could INSTANTLY EXTRAPOLATE the complete song.  So don't worry about me.  Didn't CHEAT MYSELF out of a complete Inspiration Song.  Maybe if I remembered the complete 5 seconds I could EVENTUALLY extrapolate the complete song.  I DON'T KNOW.  Anyway.  Also when I said I wrote down the main lyric couplet KIND OF DIDN'T.  Definitely wrote down The Correct First Line.  KINDA wrote down a back-up second line. THE RHYME wasn't the IDEALr hyme I came up with.  KINDA forgot the actual rhyme.  Came up with a halfway decent back-up rhyme instead.  TRUE STORY.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Am I having lunch today.  Not sure.  Maybe I have halfway lunch of breakfast sandwich. I dunno.  Normally I'm getting Hot Coffee right now.  INSTEAD I'm 77.85% done with ICED COFFEE.
   Okay.  Hmm.  The Critid DVD-ROM worked last night!  Watched 2 or 3 episodes.  I don't have all these episodes committed to memory!  How many times have I seem The Critic episodes?  I dunno.  I guess between 6-12 times probably.  Possible I've seen THE MOST COMON episodes more than 12 times.  Possible I've seen THE LEAST COMMON episodes less than 6 times.  LET'S AMMEND IT to between 2-13 times.  GOOD.  Think I'll try to Take Next Marijuana Step: Bring It Up To Dad TODAY.  THAT'S TEH GOAL.  Anyway.  SIMPSON CHARACTER MID-LONG TERM RELATIONSHPI ARC DEVELOPMENTS will be interesting.  There may be some STORIES that I don't know about!  Off the top of my head PRINCTIPAL SKINNER AND EDNAT KRAPPABAL.  For the next 20 years what's their relationship gonna be like.  YES OR NO.  Should be interesting.  Anyway.  I didn't BUILD UP to that Question properly.  Just asked it OUT OF NOWHERE.  SORRY about that.
Fourth paragraph!  What kinda meal(s) AM I having today.  Don't think I want salmon tonight.  I just had a Halve Sphere Potato Based meal LAST night.  One solid choice is Wilde Alfredo.  SURE like the sound of that.  Lasagna.  Let's go with those two options.  Why CONSIDER FURTHER.  You don't mess with good options like those.  ALREADY DECIDED.  ANyway.  I had a dream last night that Recreational Marijuana Dispencary offered a service where they had an option BETWEEN Pre-rolls and Flower where they would ROLL JOINTS FOR YOU.  Basically you would buy the regular marijuana that way BUT they'd go ahead and to the labor for ya.  SOUNDS REASONABLE.  I AM A VISIONARY IT TURNS OUT.  Hmm.  Amazing.  Might violate some safety codes or something though.  So that's why that might not be IN THE CARDS.  But still though VERY CREATIVE.  NOT A BAD IDEA.  VERY IMAGINATIVE.  WHAT A GENIUS and whatknot.
    Fifth paragraph.  FINISHING UP MY ICED COFFEE.  Good deal.  What to watch on the television set today.  I think I saw a FILM I was interested in watching yesterday but didn't feel like putting on quite yet.  Hmm.  WHAT WAS IT.  Possible THAT IS INCORRECT.  Either way DEEP INTO THE ACT already.  CLOSE TO HALFWAY THRU.  Anyway.  OH RIGHT.  Got those steamed chicken dumplings. Maybe have those as a HALFWAY lunch.  That sounds like fun.  What else is up.  I guess FIVE WALKS today.  Lemme crunch those numbers.  YEP THOSE NUMBERS ARE CRUNCHWORTHY.  Anyway.  Steak was Steakworthy.  Probably get it again next week.  Probably SAME steak.  Then again maybe find one that's 90% the size.  This was one CLOSE TO PERECT for me.  One that's 90% the size would be JUST PERECT though.  Anyway.  HALFWAY THROUGH THE ACT for once.  IT'S ABOUCT TIME.
What else is up.  Today OR TOMORROW.  Or MONDAY.  At some point I'll gather the courage to Bring Up Weed to dad.  WONDERFUL.  Probably.  What else is up.  Hmm.  I DO NOT think I'm going to continue listening to HIgh School Music going forward.  Gonna go back to podcasts in Immediate FUture.  But IT WAS A FUN RESPITE.  I only listened to high school music Long Enough to make sure I Forgot The Oringinal Song I Dreamt Of.  CAN'T BE HAVING me Doing Something Creatively Productive with myself.  MAKE SURE I BURY THAT COMPLETELY.  So that's good.  Still remember TWO of the notes in the dream song.  I remember TWO of the musical notes and 1.5 of the lines of the rhyming couplet. So basically I still remember MOST of the song I dreamt IN SIPRIT.  What else is up.  Sixth paragraph.  Not anymore.  Not after THIS sentence.
   Seventh paragraph.  Fuor paragraphs to go before Walk II!  Really should shave and do laundry today.  Or one of them.  Or none of them and Make Weed Progress.  DO SOMETHING.  I dunno.  We'll see what happens!  SHOULD BE INTERSTING.  Gotta DO SOMETHING.  One way or another TODAY WILL PASS and I gotta figure SOMETHING'LL HAPPEN.  Right?  Gotta make Progressions ONE WAY or another.  Whatever.  Should I consider Chinese Food for lunch or dinner today.  Lemme think.  Probably not really.  Well it couldn't hurt.  I got plenty of Open Meals this week relative to How Much I Got from SUPER MARKET.  Hmm.  LEMME THINK ON IT.  What else is up and shit.  Right now I think I may wanna have lunch.  BUT IT'D HAVE TO BE A LATE LUNCH.  Busy Not Even Being Close To Being Done With Writing This.  GOTTA FINISH TIS BEFORE LUNCH IS IN THE CARDS.  Yesterday I ate lunch before I was done with Acts I and II.  That was THE ACCEPTANCE THAT PROVES THE RULES.
Three paragraphs to go.  Think I'll stick with the steamed chicken dumplings as a relatively small lunch.  Pair em with a relatively large BREAD ROLL.  I got some sort of ROLL this week.  BESIDES the onion roll.  The kind I got THE WEEK BEFOR the Sour Dough Roll.  I FORGET WHAT IT'S CALLED>  Anyway.  That's a fair lunch.  I'LL HAVE THAT GOOD.  What else is up in the meantime.  Today entry was NOT GOOD.  Then again PLENTY OF ENTRY LEFT some of which will border on being FAIR.  So that's pretty good.  What else is up.  Two and a half paragraphs to go!  I dunno.  THREE THIGNS to accomplish this weekend-- SHAVE, LAUNDRY, GET BALL ROLLIGN ON WEED.  Okay!  LET'S GO FOR IT.  HOW HARD IS TAHT.  Fourth thing-- FATHER APPRECIATION.  SURE LET'S SEE IF THAT'S IN TEH CARDS AS WELL.  Anything is possible!
   Penultimate paragraph.  Let's see.  Hmm.  Should be able to take a walk roughly when I finish this act.  Dad is NOT back from his walk yet.  Won't be for about 10-20 minutes.  THAT SHOULD line up with when I'm done here.  SHOULD BE OKAY.  What else is up.  Not sure.  Probably Gotta Be Something Else Up AT LEAST.  Probaly MORE than One Thing Else Up.  3-6 other things I would assume.  Not sure exactly.  Not exactly any RUSH to bring up weed to my Dad.  No reason I can't just wait until it feels right.  Maybe that's HALF AN HOUR maybe that's A WEEK.  Whatever IS RIGHT SHALL BE RIGHT I dunno.  How important is it TO ME is The Real Deal I guess.  How about that.  Anyway whatever what else is going on and crap.  How about that.  Hmm.  Let's see.  One more paragraph to go!  Then I'm done FOREVER.  By which I mean 25 minutes or so.
Sure.  Loks like super market sells a nice RYB EYE steak.  That might be in the cards to try for next week.  SOLIDLY IN THE CARDS TO TRY.  EASY.  What else is up and shit.  Maybe eat lunch when I get back from upcoming walk.  PROBABLY wait until I get back from upcoming upcoming walk after upcoming Act II.  WE SHALL SEE I guess.  Either way hmm.  Got some gum from super market yesterday.  Good deal.  Now I have enough gum to last me until the next time I get gum.  THOUGHT THAT THROUGH to an adequate extent.  Good for me.  Pretty smart guy.  Sounds like I know what I'm doing in life.  Got all the bases covered and whatknot.  Good for me.  What else is up.  DAD isn't back yet but he'll be back with 5-10 minutes.  THAT'S FINE.  I don't mind taking a 5-10 minute MASTODON break.  CATCH UP ON THE MASTODON news.  I STILL CHECK THAT TEHRE SOCIAL MEDIA SERVICE.  I'll be back soon is the point!




don't worry happens all the time

     Hey friends.  Just got back from Walk II: Podcast Walk!  Ate two triscuits!  Gonna have Smallish Lunch most likely after Walk III after Act II!  Good deal.  What else is up.  Startbucks Coffee Maker starting to know me.  KNOWS I like a straw with my iced coffee.  Not necessary really.  In olden days you normally use straw for these enterprises.  NOWadays its a sippycup.  In general I SIP from cup too.  BUT I like a straw as well so I have optoins.  Not good for environment to Take Extra Things If I Don't Really Use Em.  So I guess I'm An Asshole.  So tehre's that.  Hmm.  I did use it a little bit.  Today even.  Definitely on way home I SUP from it 2-4 times.  Possibly even UPON arriving home I used straw once or twice!  The point is I used it to some extent so MISSION ACCOMPLASHED.
Hmm.  What to have for dinner.  Probably Wild Alfredo or Lasagna.  Kundpao Chicken Dumplings with Bread for lunch.  Sounds fair Projections As Of Now.  Amazing!  Penultimate Day of Speculation Baseball Week.  I am tied 5-5 with Opponent Team.  We'll see how it goes.  Stat Categories I'm ahead in are tenuous.  Stat categories HE'S ahead in are tenuous.  I COULD TAKE TEH LEAD OR I COULD FALL BEHIND.  WE JUST.  DON'T.  KNOW.  HEY super market sells some nice MAIN COURSE seafood that I've been neglecting trying. BUFFALO SHRIMP?  I COULD WASTE 13 DOLLARS ON A DOZEN AND A HALF PIECE OF BUFFALO SHRIMP.  THEY LOOK BIG IN TE PICTURE EVEN THOUGH I KNOW LOGICALLY THEY'RE SMALL.  ALT IDEA-- Crab Stuffed Shrimp.  That looks like LEGIT Mai nCourse Idea.  PAYIN LEGIT MAIN COURT PRICES THOUGH. Good.  SOUNDS GREAT TO ME>  What else is up and Crap.  The paragraph is over.  Hmm.  I feel like Website Quality has decreased since Marijuana has been brought up.  IS THERE CAUSATION THERE?  Would smoking marijuana make Me Write Worse?
   One can only ASSUME YES!  It would be FUN to see if assumptions would be pronven Correct or Incorrect!  NICE ONE MAN COSIAL experiment.  We've seen what crazy . sheet is.  NOW let's see what it is if I start smoking weed.  It.  SEEMS.  INTERESTING.  Even if it's not Me Writing while high and just Me Writing while Being High At Other parts Of the day.  THAT ALONE IS INTERESTING.  Hmm.  Me writing crazy . sheet while high sounds too stressful.  I don't wanna, "Go There!"  Although I guess that's something that woulud have to be considered First Things First.  Hmm.  Presumably Decide Second Things Second to NOT do it.  EASY.  That's EASY.  What else is up.  Gotta accomplish AT LEAST TWO THINGS today.  Laundry, shave, Marijuana Progress.  EASY.  EASY.  Ugh.  Anyway what else is up.  HEY paragraph is over already.  I LOVE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS most of the time.  In what scenario am I NOT happy about paragraphs ending?  HMM.
Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Even if I'm IN A GROOVE with the paragraph and the paragraph ends-- GREAT!  I get to start a new Continution Paragraph.  CONTINUATION PARAGRAPHS ARE FUN.  Nothing wrong there.  Hmm.  TIME TO CONSIDER if I'm 100% committed to what to have for lunch.  Sure.  WHY NOT.  ANY LUNCH IS GOOD but I see no reason to abandon what I was considering for lunch Just Earlier.  HUH.  What else is up.  The point is furthest I could push back Bringing Up Marijuana is ONE WEEK.  When my brother comes over THAT MAKES IT EASIER TO BRING IT UP.  It's a NATURAL ICE BREAKER.  UNLESS he doesn't come over.  Which I'm gonna say is roughly, I dunno, 33% chance as of now.  So that's good.  ANYWAY.  OH RIGHT.  GOTTA GET BALL ROLLING IN CONTACT LENSE AS WELL.  That's good.  LIFE IS REALLY SHAPING UP TO BE INTERESTING.  HAVE 1-3 THINGS GOING ON FOR ME OVER TE SOURCE OF SUPPER SUMMER .87.  SOURCE?  COURSE?  WHO KNOWS WHAT I MEAN TO SAY.
Last paragraph.  Good deal.  Take a shower today, too!  Been doing that EVERY DAY again.  Don't mean to brag.  For a week or two I stopped showering every day. I FORGET WHY.  I think I had some sort of good reason.  FORGET WHAT IT WAS.  Might have just Fell Into A Laziness Sand Trap for a couple of weeks.  OR maybe something legitimate happened with Extraneous Circumstances that I forget.  Hmm.  What kind of bread roll did I get.  What's it CALLED and whatknot.  What does Super market describe as it's circumstances.  Foccacina Romana.  THE GENESIS OF ALL DOUGH.  BORN IN ANCIENT TIMES.  According to Super Market website at least.  Seem to be suggesting THIS IS THE ULTIMATE HSITORY OF BREAD.  Wow.  I AM A LIVING PART OF HISTORY.  Romana must mean ROLL.  What does Foccacina mean.  CORNBREAD.  Delightful!  Anyway.  I'll be back tonight.  TONIGHT MIGHT BE GOOD.  IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR.  TONIGHT MIGHT BE GOOD.  DON'T WORRY.  COULD BE DECENT.  We'll see!  NO PROMISES.




I Forget The Point

     Hey friends!  Just had delicious 5 Saltines POST having delicious SALMOND dinner!  Had delicious Steamed Kundpao chicken dumpling lunch.  Took five walks.  Did laundry, showered, WAS gonna shave BUT DIDN'T.  THAT'S where WE'RE AT.  Did NOT bring up marijuana To CURRENT FATHER FIGURE (Dad).  Feels like I will within the next couple of days though!  Wahtever.  I was just about ready to PAPER THE SINK so I could shave BUT there was pooled up water.  Wanted to paper it up so that the facial hair wouldn't go down the drain.  Can't PAPER IT UP if there's pooled up water in the reservoir NOW CAN I.  Guess I'll have to shave tomorrow.  Okay I can handle that.  Had slice of TOAST with Steamed Dumplings.  Maybe have delicious Ancient Roman Corned Bread as upcoming Dessert Snack IMMINENTLY.
    SURE.  What else is up.  Just watched The Simpsons for Today's Entertainment.  WAS FINE.  Nothing that great.  WHEW.  That's okay.  I think they're building up to A REALLY GREAT SEASON.  SEASON EIGHTEEN OR SO.  GONNA BE REALLY GOOD.  And if not THEN SEASON NINETEEN.  And if not then PERHAPS NEVER.  But WE'LL SEE I guess.  What else is up.  I MIGHT EAT SLIGHTLY LESS INDULGANT ONION ROLL.  I know it's delicious.  I know it's less hearty.  MAYBE THAT'S WHAT I WANT FOR TONIGHT.  Okay Good Great What Else Is Up.  Hmm.  GO INTO NEXT Super Market order with Marijuana in mind.  FRIDAY is the re-uppance.  DON'T RE-UP THEN because I wanna try marijuana.  TRY IT AHEAD OF TIME TO SEE IF THAT'S IN THE CARDS.  That's the time line I'm dealing with in my head.  Hey what else is up and crap.  I'm gonna go eat a roll.  Probably.  I could eat practically anything.  ROll, crackers, WHATEVER.  I HOLD ALL TEH CARDS.  Wonderful.
Huh.  ALRIGHT trying Roman Empire Bread. After being stored in FRIDGE.  Put it in microwave for FIVE SECONDS anyway.  Probably coulda stood to put it in microwave for TEN SECONDS.  Anyway pretty good.  Translation of words said CORNBREAD. I guess I can see it.  I could imagine MORE All Out Cornt Bread but I COULD SEE THIS being corn bread SURE why not.  Anyway DELICIOUS.  HEARTY.  VERY HEARTY.  More calories than I'd like.  BUT if it's Only The Amount Of Calories They Say It Is VERY HEARTY for That Amount Of Calories.  So that's something to KEEP IN MIND.  What else is up to Keep In Mind.  Maybe try to watch some THE CRITIC when this is over.  I cant IMAGINE that being a negative experience.  Well WATCHING IT.  I can imagine TRYING wo watch it being a negative experience.  THAT COULD GO and REMAIN south very quickly... and very indefinitely.
Penultimate paragraph.  Let's see.  What else is going on and crap!  Could be practically anything.  Could be practically NOTHING.  Or somewhere in the middle what do I know.  Let's see.  Not sure.  OH RIGHT. I was gonna put on Nicolas Cage Western.  Not sure why.  There's a very small chance that will be an enjoyable movie.  I DUNNO.  It'll be WORTH SOMETHING.  Gotta be better than staring at a blank screen.  ANYTHING IS BARELY BETTER THAN NOTHING.  That's my philosophy.  Barely in a positive way though.  Very positive!  Also I'm a Nicolas Cage fan!  I'm PRETTY EASILY a Nicolas Cage Is Half Full guy I feel.  So we'll see how that turns out.  Watch 10 minutes.  THEN IF I WANNA CHANGE THE CHANNEL I can do that.  "CHANGE THE CHANNEL."  WHAT IS THIS THE ANCIENT ROMAN EMPIRE?  No one changes the channels anymore!  THAT'S NOT HOW THINGS WORK.  You get the idea though.
    Hmm.  Channels are some sort of Architecture Thing.  IN THE ANCIENT ROMAN EMPIRE.  Right?  Some sort of WATER Architecture thing.  Lemme LTURQ.  Seems like channel is just a synonym for ACEQUEDUCT.  SAME THING.  GOOD.  THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS HOPING FOR.  I was THINKING when I was thinking of channels AM I JUST TINKING OF ACEQUDUCTS.  COULD BE THE SAME THING.  OR RELATED THING. Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Let's see.  Pretty shitty entry today!  I obviously AMN'T going back and re-reading any of it but I'm pretty confident in proclaiming TODAY SUCKT.  SUCH IS LIFE.  Tomorrow might be better!  I LIKE THOSE ODDS.  Huh.  Current HOPING is that DAD LOVES Fathers' Day Weekend.  Gets up on Monday in good mood.  Feels FESTIVE.  I go YA KNOW WHAT I think I wanna try marijuana instead of beer IT'S HEALTHIER and if It DOES INDEED Works For Me IT'S HEALTHIER.  And he's in good mood so he's like HEY WHY NOT GOOD FOR YOU.  So we'll see how that goes.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:15 P.M.




Friday, June 16, 2023

That Sounds Familiar

     Hey friends.!  Here pretty late today.  Got up pretty late, watched some TV, accepted super market order, took walk, now I'm here!  12:57 PM.  Gonna have lunch later on.  NORMALLY don't eat lunch until POST WALK III POST ACT II.  This time I might fit in a LUNCH before hitting those bunch markcs.  Pretty hungry.  Hmm.  For some reason I MAY be in the mood for Kids Chicken Parm for lunch.  I could have ANYTHING I WANT.  I think it might be that.  Anyway.  STEAK PACKAGE seemed to suggest it was .9 LB.  WITH THE BONE.  TBONE.  Half of that is kinda low.  Maybe have like 2/3rds of 3/4ths of that as a dinner.  Rest as a snack.  So that all worked out pretty good.  Lisa Bonet.  L is a T Bone.  We take Famous People's Names and re-arrange the letters to describe them.  Wasn't the best anagram.  I moved A SINGLE LETTER.  ONE LETTER.  Hardly the most impressive anagram ever.  ACTUALLY maybe that's WHAT MAKES IT IMPRESSIVE.  Now that I think about it YEAH.  I've come around on it.
   Hmm. WAIT, BUT WHO IS, "L."  L RON HUBBARB.  Anyone else named, "L?" ELROY from THE JETSON.  Anyone else.  LL COOL J???  Halfway there at least.  Anyway.  Closing in on the end of the podcast I was listening to all day yesterday.  HMM.  Today was a REFRESHMENT of Apple Music. Friday! They add new music.  Nothing particularly exciting to me.  I could try listening to New In Alternative or something.  But no new ALBUMS by FAVORITE ARTISTS or anything.  Lemme LURQ to see what other meals I might have to pick from for lunch.  Wide alfredo.  SALMON FOR SOME REASON.  Hmm.  Maybe I decide to eat WINGS as a lunch instead of as Snacks.  These are good options.  I guess.  Anyway.  Next Marijuana Step is perhaps the toughest-- bring it up to my Father.  Should I Go For It today?  Possibly.  We'll see what happens Naturally.  In the meantime I'm gonna go get some coffee.  Put it in a mug. Drink it outta there.
   HUH.  The way today is working out IT MAKES A LOT OF SENSE to eat lunch POST ACT I pre walk II.  Cause my Dad is taking his walk halfway through My Act I.  So I'm gonna have TIME OFF between Act I and When I Talk Walk II.  GOOD.  Anyway.  Treat Williams eh. I  think I was talking about him here a couple of months ago before he died.  SPECULATING on WHOM HE WAS.  I THINK I decided he was from THE SUBSTITUTE II or something.  Lemme LTURQ.  DID I ever see that movie?  Possible!  It's pretty much equally possible I saw NONE of the film, a small amount, a fair amount, or all.  I could REALLY easily see all four of those options having roughly the same amount of odds.  WOW.  VERY INTRIGUING STORY.  Anyway.  What WOULD I recognize him in.  Looks like Very Possibly NOTHING.  Well.  I knew his name.  I recognized him in HIS CREDITS.  Something like that.  Good for him.  Anyway let's ANAGRAM some Treat Williams.  FIRST NAME FIRST.  T T R E A.  A R T that's a good start WHAT LETTERS WE GOT LEFT.  T E.  I'll get back to you on this.
   Fourth paragraph.  I SURE HOPE HE WAS IN ET: THE EXTRA TERRISTERIAL.  BOY OH BOY would that be convinient.  Doesn't appear to be the case.  Oh well.  Anyway.  Gotta do some laundry today ONCE AND FOR ALL.  Well ONCE anyway.  Probably not For All.  Anyway.  I think I'm up to Season XVII of Simpsons!  WOW we're gettin' there.  Makin' some decented progress!  The episode I just watched was released THE DAY BEFORE my 17th birthday.  I don't think I'll ever forget THAT birthday.  It was the time I... uh... well you get the idea.  No you don't.  WHAT IDEA.  HMM.  Anyway.  GOOD TIMES.  Simpsons movie was relesaed July 27 2007 which occurred between Seasons 17 and 18!  I GUESS I will aim to watch it Thusly!  Hmm.  I don't recall liking The Simpsons movie that much!  But it's FINE.  It'll do.  I'm sure I'll watch it and IT'LL TAKE ME BACK to A SIMPLER PLACE. 2008.  Sounds like it should take me back to 2007.  NOPE.  GGONNA TAKE ME BACK TO 2008 FOR SOME REASON.  NOT SURE WHY.  HMM WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT
    Fifth paragraph!  Let's see.  Figure once I set up Contact Lenses I can then go straight for setting up Improve Class.  Nothing stopping me at that point.  Pretty much pot committed In My Head to Going Through With Doing That I Think.  Will it be GOOD?  HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW.  Will it be bad?  YES.  But I'll give it a shot anyway.  I get to ride the train.  IN MY HEAD that's kind of what I'm imagining enjoying.  CLASS May or may not be good. IT MAY!  I'M NOT CONUTING THAT OUT COMPLETELY.  But I'm intermittently fantastisizing about riding on the train back and forth (MASKEDUP) and that FEELS DEFINITE FUN.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Can't go wrong there.  Anyway.  Am I MISSING OUT by not getting covid.  IN THE END am I gonna look back on my life either going YEP I EXPERIENCED COVID like everyone else or going NOPE I MISSED OUT ON COVID UNILKE MOST PEOPLE.  Huh.  HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE and/or ULTIMATELY WILL HAEV HAD covid.  WHAT'S TOHSE STATS.  Man this is tougher to determine than I thought.  Internet has some numbers every couple of months but nothing from RIGHT NOW.  Also numbers VARY.  Could be between maybe A THIRD OF ADULTS to I DUNNO TWO THIRDS OF ADULTS.  MAYBE OUTSIDE THE RANGE TOO I DUNNO.
   I DON'T KNOW.  Internet suggests lower than I think it really is.  Internet seems to suggest it's between 1/3 and 2/3rds have had covid.  BUT ON THE OTHER HAND I think it's between 1/2 and 4/5ths for some reason.  Not sure.  Either way I'm done with looking it up.  IN THE END all I can say is I TINK it's a good thing I don't have it.  SURE it'd be nice to RELATE to the Majority of people who have had it but I'M GLAD to ne Healthy.  Being UN-Covid is better than being Popular.  Hmm.  Does having Covid make you popular?  That's the impression I'm under.  Anyway.  Not 100% I have lunch when the act is over.  WE SHALL SEE.  Hmm.  Right now I am not 100% aiming for STEAK tonight.  Don't think I NEED IT yet.  But it's a plausibility.  What else is up.  Treat Williams died in a motorcycle accident.  SHOW OFF.  What is he trying to impress us.  TAKE A BREAK from being HOLLYWOOD for a second.  Sorry.  I'M VERY SORRY. Now I have to find something of his I can watch and appreciaet TO MAKE UP FOR INSENSITIVITY.
   Hmm.  Well I wasn't that insensitive.  I don't think it warrants me having to find something to watch.  IF I COULD WATCH THE SUBSTITUTE I MIGHT WATCH IT.  Seems like somethign I'd get something out of.  It's a dumb fulm.  WHY NOT.  I'd watch The Subsittute I first though.  WHY NOT START OFF THERE.  Hmm.  Seventh paragraph!  Good deal.  Was Greg Brady named BARRY Williams.  Gred Bary must have been a Williams.  Why do I keep wanna say Treat Williams was a Greag Brady.  YEP.  BARRY WILLIAMS.  There ya go.  What else is up.  Got side of Kung Pao steamed dumplings from super market.  Those are MORE side dish snacks.  HAVE ONE AT A TIME.  I eat weird thigns as snacks.  SUPPER SUMMER .87.  Amazing.  I wanna get a half gram and buy some sort of PIPE.  That's MY PREFERENCE to smoke.  Rather than get a pre-roll.  AMAZING. Is this act any good so far.  Lemme look at THREE random points in Previous Paragraphs.  If ONE of the random points is worthwhile I'll be relatively happy.  HERE.  WE. GO.  OKAY.  One of the points was halfway worthwhile. NOT REALLY HAPPY ABOUT IT TO BE HONEST.
   Okay.  Three paragraphs to go.  I KNOW.  I shuold shave DEFINITELY this weekend.  So I'm READY to shave again next weekend PRE-Family Gathering on Sunday.  I can shave every week.  If I shave TODAY though for example sahving Tomorrow might be TOO SOON.  Wouldn't have much to shave!  BUT if I shave Tomorrow Saturday I'd be all ligned up to shave again Next Week Tomorrow Saturday.  So that should be good.  What else is up.  Enjoyed the 3 Vodka Vodka last night.  Good amount.  Just right.  Slightly indulgant I guess!  Not too much.  Fair!  Was fine.  I am losing interest in kids chicken parm.  What am I GAINING interest in.  Hmm.  Lemme read Lunch Titles to see.  Maybe Wild Alfredo.  MAYBE.  Anyway.  What am I watching on the television set today.  Possibly just more Simpsons.  Possibly MORE IN ADDITION to more Simpsons.  Tried loading up some The Critic last night and/or This Morning.  FAILED.  Wouldn't load.  WE'LL TRY AGAIN LATER.
  Two paragraphs to go.  Wonder what I'll talk about here.  Possibly SOMETHING.  Very unlikely though.  ALSO if I wanna try marijuana I obviously don't wanna smoke a whole joint or even half a joint or even a quarter of a joint.  WANNA TRY JUST ONE PUFF LET'S BE HONEST at first.  ActuallY SCRATCH TAHT LETS BE HONEST.  Wanna try two or three small puffs at first LET'S BE HONEST I WANNA INDULGE LET'S BE HONEST.  BUT REALLY NOT MORE THAN TWO OR THREE FOR REAL HONESTLY LET'S BE HONEST.  See how that goes.  What else is up.  What to watch when this is over.  NOT gonna eat lunch now that I think about it.  Just not hugnry!  SORRY FRIENDS.  Find SOMEONE ELSE to eat lunch right now.  Guess I'll try to put on The Critic.  If that fails Guess I'll TRY to.. uh... Simpsons I guess... uh... What else is up. 
   Last paragraph!  Started to rain just now.  Lemme LTURQ.  Looks like it's gonna be raining pretty moderately-hardly for the next hour 15 minutes!  WILL I TAKE A WALK TUHSLY when I can?  I guess not.  I guess I'll open the front door, see what I'm dealking with, and PROBABLY DECIDE TO NOT.  Not sure though.  OLD MICHAEL wouold have taken a walk.  NEW MICHAEL NOT SO SURE.  What changged from Old Michael To New Michael.  HARD TO SAY.  I think it was when I talked about Wanting To Get Hit By Lightening a few weeks ago.  I was walking out in ThunderStorm a day or two ago and I was thinking about how I talked about how It'd be cool to be the kid who got hit by lightening and then I worried I MIGHT HAVE TEMPTED FATE by talking thusly and now I'm worried that I'D BRUNG IT UPON MYSELF.  So now I'm scared to take walks in Lightening STorms.  TOO WORRIED I'D BE THUNDERSTRUCK.  Anyway.  I'll be back in a little bit.




word up & whatknot

     Hey friends. Just had lunch.  Kidz Chicken Parm.  WEnt well!  Anyway.  Watched Simpsons for 15 minutes after Act II.  Then took RainWalk.  Wast raining a bit too hard for my liking for 9 minutes.  THEN was raining TO MY LIKING for the rest!  Was FINE.  Then I ate lunch.  Now I'm here!  SHOULD BE FINE rest of the day.  Dinner gonna be steak or salmon.  Wonderful use of OVEN either way.  BROIL or Bake.  Idunno!  Can't go wrong either way.  Also gonna have halve spheres of potato either way.  THE POINT IS I probably just have salmon because I KNOW WHAT I'M DEALING WITH but now that I think about it PROBABLY HAVE STEAK because I WANNA SEE WHAT I'M DEALIGN WITH.  Hmm.  What kind of crackers did I get for this week?  SALTINES, TRISCUITS, and/or CHEEZ ITS.  SHOULD BE A VERY PLEASDANT WEEK.  Gonna get started with Wild Card CHEEZ ITS this afternoon I think.  I THINK VERY STRONGLY.  This paragraph wasn't very good.  7/10. 
What else is up.  I believe the rain is done for now.  It may rain a small amount later.  I'll let ya know.  Four paragraphs to go!  Let's see.  Not sure what kinda basic premise we're dealign with with Marijuana Recreation Dispensary Delivery.  Is it like ordering DOORDASH?  It comes within fourty five minutes?  Or is it like ordering AMAZON or SUPERMARKET.  It comes with BUSINESS DAYS.  The important thing is I Jus Told You I Don't Know I'll Figure It Out I Guess Though.  Hmm.  Looks like minimum delivery charge is seventy five dollars.  That's not INSANELY high.  I think PERSONALLY that's reasonable.  And if my parents were On Board From The Start with me smoking I think they'd ACQUIESCE about that.  But if I'm TRYING marijuana without knowing whether I'd even able to smoke it safely because of MENTAL HEALTH problems I CANT BE SPENDING EIGHTY PLUS DOLLARS ON IT.  ...What if I spent between 75-79.99 dollars on it.  HMM THAT SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD COMPROMISE.
Hmm.  That's A PICKLE.  Maybe I ask my brother to bring over a tiny bit of marijuana when he comes over in a week.  In the past I've been VERY VERY reluctant to press my brother to share marijuana with me because I know it would make him VERY VERY uncomfortable.  But in this scenario might be my only option.  Might not make him that uncomfortable because he'd see the logic and reason In This Exact Circumstance.  HMM.  Gonna have to think about that one.  Anyway.  Can't put it off too long though.  I only got LIMITED TIME OFFER to ask my Brother about it before I see him in Nine Days.  And there's always a chance something happens and I DON'T see him in nine days.  OH NO I'M SCARED.  THIS THROWS WRENCH INTO ALL OF MY BIG BIG PLANS.  Then again I can always fall back on my BACK UP PLANS of NOT SMOKING MARIJAUNA AND DOIN OTHER CRAP INSTEAD.  Sounds reasonable.  Anyway.  Two paragraphs to go!
    Anyway.  Gotta start a new podcast soon.  One I'm on JUST ABOUT WINDING DOWN.  So that'll be good.  Anyway.  Brother comes over for Family Gathering.  Brings me tiny amount of weed.  I don't smoke it THEN.  Don't get high FOR GATHERING.  I hold onto it.  Smoke it THE NEXT DAY.  That makes sense.  Hopefully he's on board for that.  I think LOGICALLY he'd be on board.  But I dunno.  WE SHALL SEE.  What else is up.  Do some laundry when I get back from Walk III I think.  Why not.  Let's have fun with it.  Gotta put some more groceries away.  Why not.  Let's have fun with it.  Should be pretty good.  Probably just hit five walks today.  Should be pretty good.  BROTHER would probably just tell me GO INTO LITERALLY ANY CORNER STORE AND BUY MYSELF SMALL AMOUNT OF MARIJUANA ILLEGALLY.  That's definitely what he'd say now that I think about it.  Hmm.  Not sure if he'd INSIST 100% that'd be The Outcome Of Our Conversation OR if he'd agree WE TRY IT MY WAY.  Hmm.  Lemme ponder on that one.
   Last paragraph!  Hmm.  The good news is Almost Done Here For Now.  Wonderful.  Let's see.  Should be able to buy illegal marijuana from store if I need to.  What's stopping me exactly.  I dunno!  Either way what else is up.  Upcoming Act III SHUOLD BE GOOD.  Due for some goodness I think.  That'd be my guess.  Anyway.  How long do I put steak in oven. My guess is fourty to sixty minutes.  Not even a guess.  That's HOW LONG I'LL DO IT if I do it.  Hmm.  It's FATHER'S DAY.  Father doesn't wanna hear about me smoking weed.  ON TEH OTHER HAND it activates his FATHERHOOD glands in his brain and organmeats.  It's not PLEASANT for him but IT GETS HIM GOING.  So in a sense it's GOOD FOR HIS FATHERHOODDITY.  So that's something I should keep in mind.  ANyway I'll be back tonight.




I Don't Get It

     Hey friends.  Just ate delicious Large Steak & Half Spheres of potatoe.  Was pretty good.  Not the best steak I ever ate.  Was OKAY.  Solid Steak.  Didn't cook it to perection!  Made it more well done than I prefer. STILL was fine.  I Enjoed the Experience.  I'd DO IT AGAIN I WOULD.  I'm having some Cheez-em-its right now to top it off.  Anyway that's great.  Now I'm done.  NOW I SHOULDN'T EAT ANYTHING FOR A FEW PARAGRPHS, that's where I'M AT in life.  What else.  Took five walks today.  WAS OKAY.  ALL IN ALL WHAT MORE TO SAY.  Last act was possibly worst act in a long time.  We're talking possibly UP TO A WEEK.  A week is a long time.  A WEEK IS TE LONGEST TIME IN UP TO A MONTH.  Gave NOT MUCH TOHUGHT to Progress I Can Make with mariajuana.  WHATEVER IT IS I should make theNext Step of Progress tomorrow or Sunday.  WHY PUT OFF ANY LONGER.  GOTTA KEEP IT MOVING.  TIME IS PRECIOUS.  OR PRECIOUS-ESQUE at least.
Okay.  I guess Next Step is a combination of Bringing It Up To Dad and/or Asking Brother for Pity Pittance Of Weed.  And if he isn't going for it buying illegal bodega weed somewhere.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  OR I CAN FEASIBLY take the bus to Recreational Dispensary JUST FOR FUN to buy it legally.  I guess if for some reason Buying It Legally is a STICKING POINT I CAN TAKE THAT THERE BUS.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Now that I think about it THAT OPTION MAKES SOME SENSE TOO.  Interesting.  How far away is this DISPENSE exactly.  HEY THAT'S NOT SO FAR.  WHAT BUS WOULD GET ME TO AND FRO THERE THOUGH I DO NOT KNOW.  I'll look that up IN A CONTEXT WHERE IT'S NOT ME WRITING MY WEBSITE though.  That's a good idea.  Huh.  What else is up.  LOOKS LIKE THE Q46 SHOULD DO IT.  NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT THE Q46 COULD BE TEH ANSWER TO ALL MY PROBLEMS.  TAKE THE Q46 TO BUY A DIME BAG.  SEE IF IT WORKS FOR ME.  THEN IF SO I CAN DO DELIVERIES FOR THE REST OF MY UNNATURAL LIFE.  Hey this paragraph is over!  THAT'S GREAT
Okay.  I could be TAKING THAT BUS as soon as MONDAY?  TUESDAY?  Why not tomorrow.  TOO SOON.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Maybe I watch a movie when this is over.  Is that in the cards perhaps.  Probably shuold be.  I LIKE CARDS.  Mets are playing the Cardinals tonight.  Is that relevant.  CLEARLY IT IS.  I JUST SAID IT.  Why would I, "Go There," if it weren't relatively relevant.  I dunno.  Important thing is I just ate some more cheez-it-ups.  Pretty good stuff!  Maybe watch some Tales In The Crypts.  Some of them are FILM QUALITY.  Like Season I Episode I.  PILOT EPISODE of Tales In The Crypt is HIGH QUALITY ART.  I can't say For Certainties Sake William Sadler episode of Tales In The Crypt was a Pilot Episode.  But I CAN SAY that episode of Tales From The Crypt IS INDEED HIGH QUALITY CHECK IT OUT IN YOUTUBUE.
    What else is up.  I think I'd enjoy some Season I Tales In The Crypt BUT NOT EPISODE ONE. I watched it as recently as MAYBE LAST WEEKEND.  A little too soon to be watching it again already.  Maybe Season I Episove V though.  I COULD SEE GETTING INTO THAT BOY CAN I.  Episode VI.  Those episodes could be GOOD WATCHINS.  What else is up.  I DUNNO.  Wake up in the appropriate early part of the morning tomorrow maybe.  Seems reasonable.  Eat delicious black and white cookie probably.  Maybe a health frozen breakfast sandwich.  Shuold be pretty good.  I'm not looking forward to Going To Sleep Tonight though.  Lay in bed for 75 minutes trying to fall asleep WITH NOTHIN GOIN FOR ME THE ENTIRE TIME.  Ugh.  TERRIBLE.  I hate it.  On the other hand gotta pay the piper. You wanna enjoy being asleep?  GOTTA GO TO SLEEP.  One hand washes the other.
Last paragraph of the night.  Eat some triscuits when this is over.  Possibly as much as FIVE.  Possibly as few as FOUR.  I was thinking four but now that I wrote five KINDA FEEL LIKE I'M CHEATING MYSELF IF I DON'T EAT FIVE.  So that's where I'm at I Guess.  Huh.  WHAT ELSE is going on.  I dunno.  I'd have to be some kind of idiot to not watch Talkes from the Crypt going forward after this entry. ALSO I'd have to be some kind of idiot to not stay up FOUR HOURS LATER than usual.  I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED.  It's DUMB.  JUST STAY UP AND EAT metaphorical POPCORN.  What IS metaphorical popcorn.  NOTHING.  The stand in for metaphorical popcorn is Just Nothing.  That's weird.  Feels like I should be consuming SOMETHING even if it's not something physical to stand in for Popcorn in this metaphor.  OH WELL.  I DON'T MAKE TGHE RULES but I don't break the rules.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:35 P.M.




Thursday, June 15, 2023

I Wish This Were Better

     Hey friends.  Feel OVERWHELMED for some reason.  Like I can't DO things.  WRITE or anything. I  just wanna lay down.  Gonna try to write and see if I can make it a paragraph or two.  THEN I'M POT COMMITTED.  If I can't then no one would be the wiser.  Anyway here at a Relatively Reasonable Time.  11:31 AM!  Woke up at Good Time.  Watched some Simpsons.  Then went back to sleep for an hour.  Then took a walk.  NOW I'M HERE LIKE I SAID.  You probably could have reasonably Deduced That I'm Here whether I told you or not.  Huh.  That'd suck if you had a job and Felt Like I feel Now.  YOU HAVE TO SIT DOWN WHEN YOU WANT TO LAY DOWN.  SOUNDS OUNPLEASANT.  BE UP when you want so Be SLEEP.  Hmm.  NO REASON I HAVE TO DO THIS.  I have Flexibility.  I can write these paragraphs whenever I want.  Huh.  I LIKE TEH STANDARD REGIMEN OF DOING IT EXACTLY LIKE I ALWAYS DO IT TOHUGH.  It's PLEASANT doing it Exactly The Same Every Day.
    Having cookies 'n cream Quest Bar.  Maybe that will give me the energy I need.  Or maybe it willl give me a stomach ache.  Maybe both.  ANYWY I started a new brand of MASK for walk today that I never had before.  Feels like slightly different CLOTH around the mouth area!  INTERESTING.  Certainly different COLOR cloth.  DARKER.  Is it black or DARK BLUE.  Let's see.  Could be some sort of dark blue or dark purple.  What other dark colors are there.  Wouldn't say it's dark red or dark yellow.  OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD those are the other dark colors I could come up with.  Hmm.  WHAT DOES Dark Yellow look like.  I can't imagine In My Head A Dark Yellow.  Better Google that.  Then again I DON'T WANNA END UP ON A LIST SOMEWHERE.  Some guy who wants to see Dark Yellows.  Huh.  Oh ORANGE.  Orange seems to be a dark yellow.  NOPE WRONG MUSTARD.  Internet is in forming me Dark Yellos is called MUSTARD.  COFFEE TIME.
    Sure.  Stomach hurts.  Still have LOW, "E."  Energy.  Low energy.  Hungry still.  I'M NOT IN A GOOD PHYSICAL MOOD right now.  Hmm.  Not happy about mustard.  What else is up.  Maybe I should go see THE FLASH.  That'd be an interesting MIX EM UP.  And I am a HUGE MICHAEL KEASTON BATMAN FAN.  That's UNTRUE.  But I could see PRETENDING TO MSYELF I AM FOR TE WEEKEND. I could get a KICK OUT OF IT for 2 hours at least.  Anyway. Teenage Super Heroes from 6 years ago IN SEQUEL FORM THIS YEAR are noe very old.  Go figure.  They grow up IN A FLASH one might say.  Hamburger for lunch or herbed chicken for lunch. I DON'T KNOW.  I wish I didn't have Quest Bar and Onion Roll both within the last half hour.  I JUST GAINED CLOSE TO A TENTH OF A POUND FOR NO GOOD REASON.  JUST BECAUSE I WAS HUNGRY AND FED MYSELF THUSLY.  Hmm.  Three paragraphs in!  Starting to get into groove.  At this point I AM POT COMMITTED TO ENTRY!
  Halfway into June.  Is there June 31st.  Lemme think.  April First and nuvember.  All the rest of thirty one... YEAH BUT HOW DOEWS THE RHYME START.  Anyway I just clicked the Calendar in the bottom right of the computer and there's no June 31st OKAY.  Hmm.  Marijuana could be in the cards SOON.  I could bring it up to my Mom pretty much ANY MOMENT.  And then once I bring it up it could be discussed and executed within days!  PRESUMABLY.  I dunno! It'd be a HUGE HUGE Lifestyle Mix-em-up.  I dunno what would happen. IT'S WEIRD.  Would it make my Mom's life better if she tried it?  Probably!  It'd make my Dad's life better too!  If My Mom is happier my Dad will be happier too!  IN FACT my Mom smoking weed would probably make my Dad's life even better than it makes my Mom's life better!  THE POINT IS this is extremely hard to imagine.  It would be a huge LIFESTYLE change and a huge HOW I IMAGINE MY PARENTS change.
   Hmm.  HOW would I ideally consume marijuana?  I have VERY fond memory of Water Pipe.  But if I remember correctly Vaporizor is most COST EFFECTIVE?  If you user vaporizor you get MOST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK?  Anyway.  I never learnt how to roll joints.  That'd be fun to learn.  I'm not very good with MANUAL LABOR.  Not very good with any labor.  What's the opposite of manual.  Automatic!  Anyway.  Never had no edible!  Would TRY IT.  Wouldn't wanna do that as The Regular Thing.  But TRY IT SURE.  Ugh.  Let's move on.  Fifth paragraph.  Should probably take six walks today.  Five walks is possible.  Probably end up taking six though!  ANYWAY.  Got entire HOUR to write the rest of the Act!  THAT'S WAY MORE TAHN TOO MUCH TIME.  Hwo do you get To Orange From Yellow if not JUST DARKER YELLOW.  Let's see.  Oh.  Red.  YOU ADD RED TO YELLOW.  That sounds VERY reasonable.  Let's move on with our lives for now though.
Halfway through the act!  I feel like Red and Yellow are friends already.  Not sure why.  Just seems like they have a lot in common.  Could be imagining Nature and/or THE SUN.  Seems like they just share lots of similiar interests THAT'S ALL.  What else is up.  How terribly are the Mets doing these days.  They won YESTERDAY.  But besides that PRETTY TERRIBLY.  Looks like the Oakland Atheletics keep progressing in their move to NEVADA.  Interesting.  I think I like it!  I LIKE IT WHEN THINGS HAPPEN.  WHY NOT.  SOUNDS LIKE FUN.  Las Vegas is pretty good.  They had decent advertising campaign when I was young in the 2000's.  WORKED ON ME.  I HAVE UNCONCIOUS GOOD WILL TOWARDS LAS VEGAS.  I guess it's CONCIOUS apparently.  SORT OF.  I can't conciously say why or HOW I like Las Vegas.  IT'S ALL BASED ON SUBCONCIOUS FEELING.  Well I like POKER.  Las Vegas is where THE POKER LIVES.  If I ever have GREAT Job with LOTTA Income SURE I'd indulge with World Series Of Poker Vacations.
In fact I'll do that RIGHT NOW.  wait but I don't have great job with lotta incolme.  Oh right never mind then.  Hmm.  Seventh paragraph!  I DON'T like the part where Nevada is putting up 380 Million of their own money for Baseball Stadium.  Let Baseball Team pay for stadium.  That's how I feel.  But you get the idea.  HMM Gotta buy alcohol today.  Finished weekly super market beer last night.  CONSIDERING buying mini liquor bottles to mix things up!  THREE.  Not sure.  Either way I got some time to consider that further.  How much money do I have on me.  My guess is FIFTEEN PLUS DOLLARS.  I got TWENTY SIX PLUS DOLLARS.  By which I mena twenty six dollars.  Also got change laying around elsewhere.  Let's say twenty six dollars though.  Okay Good.  Got good podcast going on thusfar today.  Amazing.  HMM.  In 2 or 3 seasons when I reach it chronologically I THINK I should consider watching The Simpsons Movie.  Ya know.  While I'm wathcing The Simpsons TV Show.  WHEN I HIT THE TIME I HIT THE SIMPSONS MOVIE RELEASE DATE.
Three paragraphs to go.  FOURTY MINUTES TO WRITE EM.  PLENTY 'o TIME.  Good deal.  Got Six and a half hours to finalize super market delivery order.  Plenty o' time.  Also-- gonna be honest-- Got 11 minutes more than that.  I WAS JUST ROUNDING OFF ESTIMATING.  What else is up.  Hmm.  Would people actually care about Nevada Athletics.  Or.. what's the city called.. Las Vegas Athletics.  WOULD they have a fan base in this scenario.  I dunno.  I think THE PREMISE IS they would make more money if they did it this way.  NORMALLY in business if you mix things up for some reason the goal is to make more money.  That's my guess.  Well Make More Money doesn't necessarily mean Bigger Fan Base.  I dunno what kinda complicated intricasies moving To Nevada can make ya more money without promising a bigger fan base.  HMM.  The important thing is IT WORKS OUT FOR BASEBALL LOVERS. Which I Don'T Know What That Means Exactly.  Oh Okay Good.
   Penultimate paragraph!  YEAH.  How will I decide which meal to have for lunch and which to have for dinner.  PROBABLY based on which one I feel like having for lunch.  When Lunchtime Comes I will GO WIT MY GUT.  I don't wanna say I'll have whichever one I want most.  Cause that's not necessarily true.  What if I want hamburger most but I ALSO CALCULATE I'd want it most at dinner too and SOMEHOW I'D APPRECIATE IT MOST AT DINNER TOO and decide to save it for dinner appreciation.  I dunno what's gonna happen is the point.  GREAT WHAT A STORY.  The point is this act wasn't great BUT I WROTE IT ANYWAY.  So that's pretty good!  Hope they change the name of Athletics Baseball Team if they move the team.  Nothing WRONG with Athletics.  But it's always fun to MIX THINGS UP.  Start a new name.  THIS IS YOUR CHANCE.  TAKE IT.
Last paragraph.  Is there a good tertiary comic book franchise after Marvel and D.C.  Gotta imagine there's creative comic book people who didn't sign onto One Of Two companies.  Then again I GUESS NOT GO FIGURE.  Hmm.  Reached a point in the Simpsons where I'm seeing an episode or two which I'm not familiar with.  Seen em MAYBE BARELY 3-6 times in my life.  HARDLY REGISTERED AT ALL.  And that feelign will only INCREASE coming up.  Fun!  What else is up.  Charles Napier voice KEEP COMING UP.  Wikipedia implies he only showed up four times.  Maybe they meant he does only four voiceS.  I read it as if he only did voices four TIMES.  Anyway. WARDEN.  COP.  AUTHORITY FIGURE.  He did THOSE type voices before his untimely death I wanna say from being whacked to death in piñata accident.  Anyway.  I'll be back in a little bit.   




too bad its not

     Hey friends.  Back from walk II!  Delightful.  More Podcast Progression.  Great.  At some point I'm gonna catch up on podcasts and then I'll have NO CHOICE but to... uh... listen to something else!  Presumably music.  Music is good.  BETTER than before now that I cleaned up my earbuds a bit.  Also we got SPAITIAL AUDIO going on.  Not sure what that means but IT CAN'T BE BAD.  It's something they have now they didn't have before.  If it's NEW it MUST BE GOOD.  So that's great.  Probably do the laundry or shave today.  Gonna CALL IT.  Do at least one of 'em.  Not really CALLIN IT.  Gonna PREDICT IT.  Some difference there.  Let's see.  Gonna have slightly later lunch.  3:00-3:30 PM! NOT 2:00 PM.  Probably not.  That's my CALLING right now.  Not gonna predict it though.  Slight difference there.  CALLING IS STRONGER.
Okay.  POINT IS I can't take a walk directly after this act.  Won't be able to take a walk for like AN HOUR after this act.  So that's good.  Take a shower or something.  Catch up on some TV.  CATCH UP ON TELEVISION is a DEIETFUL PHRASE-CONCEPT.  You can NEVER be caught up.  BECAUSE IT KEEPS GOING.  Unless Writers Stirke Never Ends and they stop producing television completely.  THEN ONE DAY WE CAN ALL BE CAUGHT UP.  Presumably at some pointe they start producing Television with Lesser Writers Or Something though.  The point is YOU CAN NEVER CATCH TELEVISION IN FULL, NO ONE CAN.  Couldn't hurt to try though.  Well it could.  TRYING could be a huge waste of your entire life.  Probably hurts ya in other ways too.  Now that I think about it Read a book or something.  OKAY.  Maybe later.  Probably not though.  Huh.
Third paragraph.  How much is single shot bottle of alcohol these days.  EIGHT YEARS AGO it woulda been, what, THREE DOLLARS?  FOUR DOLLARS?  Now gotta be up to, what.  FOUR DOLLARS?  FOUR DOLLARS?  I rounded it up from three or four dollars to Four Or Four Dollars.  THAT'S HOW THAT ESTIMATION WENT.  Anyway what else is up.  Halfway through the act!  Good deal.  Maybe pop in The Critic Digital Versitile Disc TWO and watch some of that If It Works.  OR STICK WITH TE SIMPSONS.  Watch some episodes I AM NOT familiar with.  Seems intriguing.  I don't know WHAT IT'LL HAVE GOING FOR IT.  I can't IMAGINE.  There's some part of my brain that unconsciously projected I WILL GET X, Y, AND Z EVENTUALLY out of watching Unseen Simpson Episodes and now that I am finally going to see them WE WILL SEE IF THOSE UNCONSCIOUSLY THOUGHT OUT X, Y and Z things ARE ACCURATELY WHAT I GET OUT OF NEWER SIMPSONS.  Huh.  ARE THOSE LAST FEW SENTENCES LEGIBLE?
Two paragaphs to go.  Also TO BE FAIR XYZ has HUGE CHANCE OF ACCURACY SUCCESS on account of I have seen MANY episode here and there.  Now that I think about it.  Got a lot of episodes Here And There for context.  So GO FIGURE on that one.  The point is I'll get SOME out of it that I cannot foresee and I'll get A LOT out of it that's more or less what I expect.  IT'LL BE RELATIVELY INTRIGUING HMM YES VERY GOOD.  Huh. What else is going on and crap.  Just realized I could just buy A STEAK from super market.  I can just put that in the oven to cook it, right?  THAT EASY?  I CAN DO THAT EASY.  I'm gonna give that a shot.  TBONE.  That's a good steak!  What else do I got going on for me.  Not sure how many OZ the steak is.  I know the INCHES it is.  .75.  VERTICLE I ASSUME.  Good deal.  Sounds reasonable.
   Last pragraph!  Hmm. SERVING SIZE IS 4oz.  AMOUNT OF SERVINGS is unspecified.  So there's that.  Also NO I am NOT under the impression that implies this is 4 oz.  What else is up.  I'd be OKAY if its 4 oz.  PROBABLY PREFER IF IT WAS 6 OZ though.  I'd PREFER if it was more than 6 oz to get MOR BANG FOR MY DOLLAR BUCK.  EATING WISE I'd like to EAT EAXACTLY 6 OZ MAYBE.  That's wher I'M AT in my life.  What else is going on and crap.  Another day of Television Set Watching in store!  Sounds pretty good.  I was gonna eat grilled chicken meal for lunch Coming Up but now that I got STEAK on the mind now I'm thinking about HAMBURGER instead.  THINKING ABOUT HAVING THE BEEF IN 2 hours instead of 6.  HMM INTRIGUING.  Ugh.  Point is another crappy entry!  What can ya do!  WRITE CRAPPY ENTRIES apparently.  That's What I Am Capable Of.  I am NOT capable of NOT writing crappy entries.  Can't write good entries.  Can't write NO entries.  Beyond the scope of my abilities for Spjune!  We'll see how that works out going forwrad into Supper Summer .87.  I'll see ya tonight.




Nighttime TIme

     Hey friends.  Just had delicious FINAL sourdough roll after having herbed chicken for dinner. Ya know what?  THIS TIME AROUND the sour dough was okay.  Now that I know I will never have to have it again I can finally appreciate it.  Got some vodka.  Three miniature bottles.  I think each bottle was around $1.20 or so.  I poured one tiny bottle into a glass with Oranged Soda.  You know MUSTARD color.  If I learnt anything from this morning it's that Orange is another word for Mustard.  Anyway.  Time to take SIP of alcohol for first time in I DON'T KNOW how long.  Possibly just a month or two.  Possibly did something like this maybe 2 months ago or something I DUNNO.  Either way delicious.  Brought up Marijuana2Mother.  She was NOT on board.  But by the end of the discussion she was CLOSE ENOUGH to being on board that the process of Me Eventually Getting It was Moved Along!  VERY solid progression from start of conversation to finish.  It was a PRODUCTION 4 minute Debatversation.  Also I'm thirty four year old man I can do what I want IT TURNS OUT
HMM VERY INTERESTING.  It is Father's money and Parent's household.  I VALUE THEIR INPUT TO THE EXTENT THAT IT MATTERS TO AN x-treme DEGREE.  What else is up.  I CONCIEVABLY HAVE MY OWN MONEY.  IN SOEM RESPECTS that's an Valid Truth.  HARD TO SAY EXACTLY.  I use credit card for almost everything and my Dad pays that bill.  So I dunno!  YOU COULD HAVE A REASOMABLE CONVERBATION whether I have ANY of my own money or not.  What else is up.  Also any CASH I use I got from my Dad too.  Coins too.  CHECKS TOUGH ARE ALL FUNDED BY MY OWN MERIT.  Huh.  Hamburger for lunch was great.  Very hearty and delicious.  I can't say enough about it.  Well I just said enough.  But you get the idea.  What else is up and crap.  Also however hard a nut my Mom was to crack my Dad is TEN TIMES as tough.  EXCEPT for the BIT about how weakening up my Mom helps with cracking my Dad.  Because my mom being softened will go towards making my Dad GIVE IN because IT'S EASIER TO GIVE IN when Maritial Partner HAS ALSO ALREADY GIVEN IN.  You know that sort of thing.
    Ugh.  Anyway.  A week from today I could ALREADY be SWIMMING in the marijuana.  WOW. IMAGINE. ...I can't imagine.  OR CAN I.  What else is up.  I guess.  I just realized I got VODKA BRAND VODKA.  WHAT THE HELL KINDA OFFBRAND BULLSHIT... wait no it's VODA. VODA brand Vodka.  STILL THOUGH the premise is MORE OR LESS the same thing.  Either way I couldn't taste the vodka in DRINK #1 at all.  BUT THAT MIGHT BE ON ME.  Might have poured too much orange soda in proportion to the Vodka Vodka.  I'LL GO AHEAD AND ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT sure why not.  Delicious.  Hmm.  Solid chance I have another Quest bar soon.  IF I DO I would be the NON- Birthday Cake bar which is the 'Smore one.  Yeah.  I could see enjoying that.  Why not.  I like things.  SOME things.  I like LOTTA things.  I THINK BACK over the course of my life.  I've liked 15-20 things.  EASY.  Well 5-10 things.  Probably 15-20.  Anyway.
    More paragraphs.
  When is Father's Day.  Is it UPCOMING Sunday?  Or week after.  It's upcoming Sunday.  JULNE 18th.  Probably should wish my Dad Happy Father's Day and SOMEHOW SOMEWAY sort of VAGUELY imply that I really do mean it to an INTERMEDIATE extent.  That's how I DO TINGS.  I dunno about you.  You probably DON'T.  But I'm ACTUALLY gonna MEAN IT.  He's gonna get the sense yeah he had to say it BUT TIS GUY VAGUELY INTENDS TRUTH when he says Happy Father's Day.  NOT A LOT. HE's not INSANE.  But JUST A LITTLE.  Just The Right Amount.  That's what MY DAD WILL TINK.  I guess.  Hmm.  Should I aim to get up Real Early tomorrow to take a walk before super market delivery window of 10 AM to 12 PM?  I think I'd like to!  I most likely will not.  But I THINK I would like to.  So that's good.  Anyway what kind of Excitement Products am I getting from super market.  STEAK.  What else.  BREAD.   What else.  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU.  I just told you STEAK AND BREAD.  And you dare to say, "What else?"  YOU CAN BUILD A LIFE and AFTERLIFE AROUND STEAK AND BREAD.  THAT'S ALL YOU NEED.
 Fifth paragraph!  Amazing.  Well GOOD cause there's NOT a third thing that's PARTICULARLY exciting.  Lots of OTHER things that are un-particle exciting.  But sure what else is going on.  Let's see.  I COULDN'T watch The Blind Side last night.  Believe me, I tried!  However once I failed at that I GAVE UP on trying to watch a Precious-eqsue film.  Now I realize I could try to find A DIFFERENT Precious Film.  So that's good.  HEY I was just 1.66 drinks in and in the process of finishing the 2.0 drink AND NOW I AM 2.0 drinks in and I am now vaguely drunk.  I never feel drunk when I drink 2 or 3 beers every night.  But I feel buzzed now that I drink Vodka Vodka.  It makes a difference!  I like it.  What Fun.  Hmm.  I should eat something to balance things out.  Balance what out.  My LIFE.  Take My Life.... PLEASE.  Wait don't do that.  I need it For Living.  Without my life I'd be busy Being Dead.
   Gonna write some more.  I hope.  I may CRAP OUT at any moment.
  It's SCARY.  If I don't NEED to write that means at any moment my brain myght decide Well if I don'tneed to be writing this WHY AM I WRITING THIS I guess I'LL JUST STOP.  Hmm.  Probably won't go any more than This Last Paragraph.  Seeing as how I'm already Fantastasizing about Stopping.  Hmm.  Let's see.  Try to figure out a film to watch when this is over.  If it involves African Americans ALL THE BETTER.  And if it's not target audienced at Liberals ALL THE BETTER.  Damn Liberals.  Why can't they be more like Progressives.  ONE DAY THEY'LL LEARN.  Presumably.  I guess!  I don't know what things mean anymore and/or what they meant in the first place.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  The important thing is the entry is over.  I guess I'll see ya tomorrow!  See ya tomorrow.

-8:43 P.M. 




Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What A Great Title

     Hey friends.  Up early today!  Woke up real early, watched some YOUNG ADULT cartoons, slept for fourty fivem inutes, went to get blood work done, took a walk, NOW I'M HERE, and it's 10:15 AM.  PICKED UP QUEST BARS along the way.  I forget which ones.  One was Birthday Cake Bar.  I Believe one was Cookies 'N Cream.  Another one might have been 'Smore.  I'll let you know next time I go down stairs and come back up stairs.  So that's good.  Six walks is easy today!  I could take seven.  SHOULD Quit At Six.  Why push myself.  Wouldn't make sense.  Anyway.  Got herbed chicken, lasagna, chicken ceasar salad, and WILDCARD for next four meals.  WILDCARD could be turkey sandwich.  ALT most likely option is PIZZA.  What will LUNCH BE?  Hmm.  I dunno.  PIZZA is exciting.  Probbaly should have LASAGNA if I want PIZZA.  DON'T GO WITH WILDCARD but have the cheese part of Exciting Excitement Excite.
Okay.   Knocked some temperature out of the park.  97.9 degrees.  Kinda low.  I feel like you wanna be in the 98's  Farenheits Body Temperatures ideally.  Not particularly unhappy about Body Temperature.  I feel like people can obsess over pretty much EVERY number and metric of things in their body but NOBODY CARE about Body Temperature.  Unless they're RUNNING A FEVER.  But I'm NOT.  So it DON'T BOTER BE NONE.  What else is up.  Had possibly too low blood pressure.  Body needs to be told it's in too high a state of relaxation.  NEEDS TO PREPARE FOR more excitement.  What if I twere to have PIZZA for lunch.  BODY ISN'T READY FOR THAT.  Not sure that makes sense. GOOD.  Anyway.  I probably COULD get contact lense order based on 4+ year old perscriptoin. THAT wouldn't be ideal.  But could be easier!  What else is up.  NOW I'm gonna have coffee
Gonna get cracking on Friday's super market delivery order soon.  At some point during This Act.  THAT REMINDS ME I think I wanna start working in Tales In The Crypt today again!  ACT reminded me of SISTER ACT.  Sister Act reminded me of Thespian Whoopford Goldberg.  SHE APPEARED in a Tales From The Crypt.  Tales From The Crypt reminded me of Tales In The Crypt.  Tales In The Crypt reminded me of whatever I'm typing Right Now AS WE SPEAK.  Huh.  Anyway I dunno.  I just went downstairs and upstairs to get AND BRING BACK coffee but I forgot to check about Quest Bar Flavors.  Hmm.  I dunno.  Herbed chicken is pretty exciting lunch too.  HERBS are Not as exciting as CHEESE but still pretty intriguing.  FLAG DAY EVERYBODY.  HAPPY FLAG DAY ONCE AND FOR ALL.  This COULD.  BE.  IT.  FIRST FLAG DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.  I'm gonna guess most of you never went all out for FlagDay before but Flag Day 20/23 is the day we change all that!
   What the hell is 20/23 supposed to mean.  I think it means 2023.  What kinda duty is the Dash doing though.  I think THE WORD DASH is supposed to be a substitute for the word SLASH and the word SLASH is a subtitute for the symbol, "/" and the symbol, "/" is there just because it's a BREAK IN SYLLABLES when you pronounce the compound word, Twenty Twenty Three.  OH OKAY WELL THEN I GUESS WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE.  Huh.  I think I saw the nearest Recreatoinal Marijuana Shop DELIVERS to my Home Address.  HOWEVER there are several obstacles.  (1) may have been a dream AND (2) didn't confirm it just sort of entered in my address to the DELIVERY TO window and clicked ENTER and it DID take me to the next page BUT THAT CONFIRMS NOTHING.  SO THERE'S THAT.  Anyway.  Also (3) too SHY to bring it up to Mother that HEY LET'S GET ON BAORD WITH SOME OF THIS.  It MAY come up naturally next time I see Brother.  IF I had this INFO last time I saw brother IT WOULD HAVE COME UP.  So next time I see him IT SHOULD come up.
   Fifth paragraph.  Good deal.  Maybe if I was HIGH I'd be good at improve.  WELL IT'D MIX-EM-Up THings Up AT LEAST I DUNNO.  Not even get high DURING Improve PERSAYETH.  If I was getting high THE DAY BEFORE Improve Classes it'd MIX EM UP Things too.  OR THE DAYETH AFTER. Whatever.  I think I could get my Dad on board by giving up Alcohol 100% to smoke weed.  NOT FOR REST OF LIFE.  But in SHORT MIDTERM.  Unless FRIENDS want to drink.  I HAVE FRIENDS IN THIS STRANGE ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE.  Hmm.  Sounds like an INTERESTING SUMMER would be shaping up.  TIS IS A STRANGE ALTERNATIVE SUMMER UNIVERSE with Improve Classes and Weed and being Kicked Off with THE FIRST FLAG DAY OFF TEH REST OF MY LIFE as well as A SUPER MARKER ORDER AT SOME POINT OVER THE NEXT 5.25 PARAGRAPHS.  SO MUCH IS HAPPENING SO QUICKLY I don't know how to feel.  OVERWHELMED.  That's how I feel.  Oh Okay Good Makes Sense.  What else is up.
   halfway through act!  Hmm.  I just went to the Nearby Marijuana Store ON COMPUTER instead of on phone.  Entered in address ON COMPUTER.  Hit ENTER.  It specifically said, "SUCCESS WE DELIVER TO THAT ADDRESS!"  HOLY CRAP.  Things just got real!  Probably will Get More Real later on.  NOT RIGHT NOW.  I dunno WHEN or HOW it will get Further Real't!  We'll see I guess.  Hmm.  Do I really wanna smoke weed?  NOT THIS SECOND.  Maybe LATER ON when things are More Or Less Real.  Thinking about enjoying PLAYING ROCKSMITH while high.  GETTING USED TO THE LAG.  That's what I'm fantastasizing about.  I think if I was Properly TOASTED If I may use a phrase either My Generation Never Used or NO GENERATION ever used I might be able to get into a Lag Groove and then I CAN LEARN GUITAR LAGGED and IT'D BE INTERESTING.  So that's good.  They say Toasted ON TELEVISION.  Therefore someone said it.  ON TELEVISION.
   Seventh paragraph.  Hmm.  Hey what else do I got going on for me.  Not necessarily doing very well in Imagination Baseball this week.  I am AHEAD 8-0-2 HOWEVER it's a MIRAGE.  I'm ahead in the Pitching Categories TENOUSLY.  I could go into further detail but WHY BOTHER.  Hmm.  I'm tellin yall IT'S SABOTAGE.  Sorry that was a couple of sentences late.  It was a reeaction to me saying it's a MIRAGE.  What else.  Is it possible I can work Really Really Hard and join the Beastie Boys and we make more Beastie Boys records?  My guess is no but It'd be COOL if we did. I'd have to DO THE HARD WORK OF MY LIFE but IF I DID I think society would APPRECIATE IT.  MORE BEASTIE BOY ALBUMS?  WOW.  And if Not Me WHO ELSE WOULD DO IT.  Either way I don't think we're gonna be getting any mor Beastie Boy albums over rthe course of the 21st century.  Probably future centuries either.  I HOPE SO AT LEAST.
Hmm.  Look I'm not DELUSIONAL.  I know I'd have to work SIXTEEN HOUR DAYS four days a week FOR A LONG LONG TIME to get up to snuff.  I'M NOT SOME SORT OF CRAZY PERSON.  What else is up.  What's a sixteen hour day.  I'm gonan say SEVEN AM TO 11 PM.  That's MY GUESS FOR A STANDARD 16.  Good.  Nothing wrong with that.  Anyway I dunno.  I can't replace MCA.  If I had to replace someone it'd probably be MIKE D.  LET'S FACE FACTS.  Anyway.  How many skills would I need to master that I do not currently have to be able to Be A Beastie Boy.  Off the top of my head roughly SIXTY Full Fledged Macro Skills and Four Thousand Micro Skills.  Something along those lines.  I can't say FOR CERTAINTIES SAKE what that means EXACTLY but it sounds about right.  Anyway.  I dunno.  MAY NOT get around to super market order before ACT I ends.  GREAT.  GET TO DO IT LATER. WHAHT FUN.
Penultimate paragraph.  I dunno.  Let's see.  Got some podcast going on that I just started on Walk I.  SHOULD I CONTINUE THAT for walk II?  See no reason to mix it up.  Then again I enjoy MUSIC.  Now that I think about it I'm a pretty big fan of Music and all that which entails.  Hmm.  Just checked Quest Bar Flavors.  THEY WERE INDEED WAHT I SUGGESTED THEY WERE.  Amazing.  Not sure whatta do about lunch.  What's important is that all lunches taste good and will generally feel good going down my gullet.  Hmm.  One and a half paragraphs to go!  Writing this pretty much at about the rate I was aiming for and/or expecting.  Nothing Wrong There.  Maybe lean towards herbed chicken for lunch.  I WNANA HAVE a chicken for lunch.  So I can have a lasagana or pizza for dinner.  I MUST have one of the chickens today.  I can't have BOTH OF TEM TOMORROW.  Gotta split em up I CAN'T BE HAVING REDUNDANCIES now can I.
   Last paragraph!  That's good.  Sounds good to me at least.  Hey gonna have a lot of Television Set Watching Time today!  PERK of Getting Up At Appropriate Time!  So that's good.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO EAT FOR LUNCH ACTUALLY I'M SORRY BUT THAT'S THE TRUTH. Anyway.  Let's move on for now.  What else is up and crap.  IF I smoke weed and play guitar-- gonna be honest-- gonna NOT be drinking beer and writing entry!  Would continue writing here TO SOME DEGREE.  But marijuana days would Cut Into It to a large extent definitely!  That'd probably be for the best for everybody.  Everybody meaning me.  And everybody else.  Oh That's A Good Definition Of Everybody.  I DON'T KNOW what will happen yet.  I don't even KNOW what to call This Upcoming Period Of Time For Fun.  SUMMER.  THE SEASON IS SUMMER.  JUNE 21 to SEPTEMBER 2...0... MORE OR LESS.  BEYOND THAT I DUNNO WHEEL SEE I HAVE KNOW IDEA.  I'll go take a walk now. See ya soon!  Internet says summer ends September 23rd this year.  ALRIGHT SUPPER SUMMER 2023!!!!!  See ya soon




have you heard about this

     Hey friends.  Got back from Walk II.  Continued podcast from Walk I.  THE GUEST SHOWED UP no spoilers.  Very exciting stuff.  Anyway got a solid FIFTY MINUTES to write these five paragraphs.  LOTTA TIME.  Good deal.  Now that I think about it I can imagine working Marijuana into conversation with MOM before I see BROTHER. We'll see how that goes.  HMM.  What else is up.  Nice day outside.  Like inside but without walls and Ceiling Walls.  By which I mean CEILINGS.   What else is up.  Think it's either LASAGNA or HERBED CHICKEN for lunch today.  Should be good either way.  Should be pretty good!  MAN If I cut out beer from diet DIET SUDDENLY OPENS UP to lose weight and/or maintain weight a lot easier.  Now we're talking.  I WAS TALKING BEFORE but you may not have noticed.  NOW THOUGH YOU HAVE ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO JUMP IN AND JOIN THE FUN.  Just did 2/3rds of my super market order.  THEN I GOT BORED.
   Anyway.  Four more paragraphs to write.  Now I have Solidly Less Time to write them.  Compared to the time I had to write the Five Paragraphs EARLIER.  Hmm.  Gonna have a lot of time to watch Television Coming Up Though.  HUH.  The important thing is IF I SMOKE WEED I can get up in the morning, take mostly walks in the morning, smoke weed and play guitar in the afternoon, and then write a bit at night.  IS TAHT A GOOD FANTASY SCHEDULE?  Skip ACTS I AND II.  That's TV Watchign time.  Take a bunch of walks though.  Then LEARN LAGGING GUITAR Slowly But Surely. Not that slowly.  LEARN LAG GUITAR RELATIVELY QUICKLY AND SURELY.  Write A Bit At Night.  SOUNDS LIKE A FANTASY SUPPER SUMMER???  Let's not commit to anything IT'S ONLY SPJUNE.  Hmm already halfway into SPJUNE and this is possibly THE FIRST TIME I'M USING THE WORD, "SPJUNE," WHLIE IT'S ACTUALLY SPJUNE.  Forgot about SPJUNE.  JUST LIKE HISTORY WILL.  Sounds fair.  WILL HISTORY REMEMBR SUPPER SUMMER?  I dunno.  IS THE MAIN THING ABOUT SUPPER SUMMER the Dinners?  WELL DUH.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Someone propsed a trade to me in Public Fantasy Baseball League.  The one I'm not in with My Brother.  I REJECTED IT.  No Thanks.  I GOT A GOOD THING GOING I'm in 10th out of 12ve.  WHY MESS WITH TEAM CHEMISTRY THAT IS APPARENTLY CLICKING.  CLIQUING.  It's a pun.  TEAM CHEMISTRY PUN.  YEAH.  What else is up.  Oh. Right.  Do improve class over summer too!  That make summer even bettor!  Also I see THROUGH MY EYE BALLS WITHOUT BEING FRAMED BY FRAMES and/or ALL OUT glass lenses.  We're talking MERE CONTACT lenses.  SUMMER COULD BE GOOD.  Could be real good.  Or it could be a bust.  OR None of this could pan out and by tomorrow I'm Back To Where I Was Yesterday.  NONE OF THIS PANS OUT AT ALL.  NONE OF THIS PANS OUT AT ALL.  NONE OF IT. NONE OF IT.  You get the idea though.  Hmm.  I COULD MAKE MARGINAL PROGRESS IN THE ARTS WHILE MAKING DEFINITIVE PROGRESS IN MARIJUANA.  ALL OVER THE COURSE OF THREE MONTHS.  THAT'S BASICALLY WHAT I'M PROPOSING TO YOU
Two paragraphs to go.  "The Arts," are IMPROV 101 and LAG GUITAR.  THOSE ARE TEH ARTS I'M PROPOSING TO YOU.  Also POSSIBLY CONTINUING Nighttime Act III's.  WHICH I WILL STILL CONSIDER TO BE ACT III'S even if I stop writing Act I's and II's.  WHAT ELSE TOUGH is going on.  Let's see. I dunno.  Lunch will be WHEN exactly.  Theoretically THIS WHOLE TIME the aim was for it to be in about 1.5 hours from now.  RIGHT NOW I don't need it.  BUT 1.5 HOURS IS ALONG TIME.  I'd say 80+% chance I have it 1.5 hours from now. GOODDEAL.  Hamazing.  Should I be smoking ONCE a day, TWICE a day, AS NEEDED, or ALWAYS.  Probably should LIMIT IT to SOMETHING.  That'd be MY guess on What To Do.  I'd say Twice AT MHOST.  Probably once!  DO IT ONCE A DAY and then drink once or twice a week RIGHT? that sounds like a RESPONSIBLE ADULT.  WOW I get to be a Responsible Adult in THSI SCENARIO GOING FORWARD?  YES I DO.  I GET TO BE A RESPONSIBLE ADULT IN THIS SCENARIO GOING FORWARD.  GO FIGURE
Lat paragraph of the day.  I dunno what's gonna happen.  But either way SUPPER SUMMER 20/23 may as well stick.  WE DO KNOW Summer is going to happen.  We DO KNOW it will be super in length!  Summer is gonna last until September 23rd.  September 24TH ONE MIGHT SAY.  That's when the next thing STARTS. So it lasts up until THE BARRIER OF THAT.  Good deal.  Look I know I talk a big game about enjoying Lunches but Supper is really where the high stakes are, right?  Lunch is all well and good but everyone knows SUPPER IS WHAT REALLY COUNTS.  Hmm.  What else is up.  LASGANA for lunch.  GRILLED CHICKEN and/or SALAD for dinner.  THAT'S HOW TODAY might go for me.  Amazing.  Hmm.  What IN DECIMALS is 20 over 23.  Gonna say in the high .8's. ~.87.  Hmm.  Go Figure!  SUPPER SUMMER .87  Go Figure! Whatever I Dunno I think I'm done here for now.  SEE YA TONIGHT.




That Doesn't Sound Very Promising

     Hey friends!  Just had delicious Chicken Caesar Salad for dinner with TEN OR SO Freedom Fries.  MOM GOT DINER DINNER DELIVERY SURPRISE.  Went with Mashroom and Union Burger De-lux!  Had halve the fries with salad for dinner.  I'll have the burger Tomorrfow night.  HOW and THE FIVE, "W's," did I fit in an, "F," into TOMORROW.  I DUNNO BUT I LIKE IT.  Anyway took six walks today.  IT WAS FINE.  Watched Creed III.  IT WAS FINE.  The moral of the story is Once You've Reached A Certain Level Of Success HELP NO ONE.  Gotta remember that one for when I reach a certain level of success.  FOR SOME REASON I'M HAVING TROUBLE FINDING PEOPLE TO HELP ME GET THERE THOUGH.  Possibly because I Know No One To Start With.  EITHER THAT OR BECAUSE CREED III IS IMPARTING BAD MORALS ON PEOPLE WITH CERTAIN LEVELS OF SUCCESS.  Once you've reached the top take up the ladder with you SO NO ONE ELSE CAN FOLLOW YOU UP.  Makes sense.  I KNOW DEFINITELY IF I REACH CERTAIN LEVEL OF SUCCESS THAT'S MY MOVE SURE WHY NOT
Anyway.  Was there ANY thought to stylizing Creed III as, "CrIIId."  And COULD I have made the same joke about Creed II, "CrIId."  My feeling on both counts is YES.  At some point SOMEONE suggested Criiid and they were either instantly promoted or demoted.  My guess is they were not All Out Instantly Fired but rather Instantly Given A Slightly Worse Job.  MAYBE TRANSFERRED LINEARLLY INTO A DIFFERENT DEPARTMENT.  What else is up.  Had the Lasagna for lunch.  So tomorrow I got Herbed Chicken AND mushroom and onion burger.  Probably in that order but NOT FOR SURE.  We'll see!  Anyway.  I think III looks like like EE somehow so it makes sense for Creed III to look like Creed such that Creed II wouldn't look like Creed.  IT MAKES SENSE.  POSSIBLY.  I'M NOT 100% SURE IT MAKES SENSE.  BUT IT'S POSSIBLE IT MAKES SENSE MORE THAN YOU MIGHT INITIALLY ASSUME YOU'D THINK.  Anyway.  Three paragraphs to go!
   Amazing.  I'm eating some wheat thins and this is reminding me of one of another time I was eating wheat thins relatively recently WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN CHEEZ ITS and it was when I was watching PRECIOUS and ya know what I'D WATCH A PRECIOUS-ESQUE film when this entry is over tonight.  What PART of Precious is ESQUING IT UP?  I dunno!  I can look into SEVERAL genres I HAVEN'T DECIDED YET.  Maybe THE BLIND SIGHT.  That's Precious-esque in that It involved a black character YET IT'S A FILM ENJOYED BY WHITE POEPLE.  Also I'm being told it's called The Blind Side.  By me.  I'm the perosn telling myself that.  Just wanted to clear that up.  DON'T WORRY.  I'M THE ONLY ONE HERE.  ONLY ME IN MY HEAD.  Sure SEVERAL ME'S but in the end They're All Me.  Probably.  More or less!  TREAT WILLIAMS HAD PASSED AWAY.  More or less!  Not sure what that implies.  GOOD I like to leave things OPEN FOR INTERPRETAION.  Hmm.  STEVEN WRIGHT voice-- "I saw a diner run by poets the other night.  The sign in front said, "Open to interpretation."  It's a joke that DOESN'T HAVE SENSE IN IT'S PREMISE.  TOO BAD ABOUT THAT.  FUNNY VOICE THOUGH.  THAT PART I ENJOYED
What else is up.  Two paragraphs to go.  I guess.  I don't think I'll be re-upping with wheat thins.  I still like them.  I just don't REALLY like them.  Gona re-up with saltines and triscuits.  NO MORE LAYS EITHER.  HMM sounds like I'm gonna run out of Salt-i-Snacks FOR SURSIES then.  Definitely gonna need a third thing.  BUT WHAT SHOULD IT BE.  Here's an idea ANOTEHR BOX OF SALTINES.  That won't happen but it probably is the rhight move. Huh.  What else is up.  Not sure what to do BREAD WISE.  Should just get another six pack of onion rolls.  WON'T DO THAT EITHER.  Well no That I Shouldn't Do.  I don't want Twelve Onion Rolls. I 'd like EIGHT THOUGH.  Maybe even NINE.  More than that is too much though.  Much too much!  Also-- just occurred to me-- these onion rolls are just rolls.  I DO like them.  Nice size and heartiness to the roll.  JUST VAGUELY oniony.  NOT THAT ONIONY.  I really don't get that much ONION out of these onion rolls that I gotta hype them up so much.  REALLY JUST EATING YOUR STANDARD BREAD OF BREADS.  I could stand to make them as much as 66.67% More Oniony.
   Last paragraph. WELL I could make them 300% More Oniony BUT THAT"S JUST ME I LOVE ME SOM ONION BREAD.  But even your Standard Average American who has NOT EVEN JUST INDIFFERENCE TO ONION BUT SLIGHT MISTRUST AND DISTASTE-- EVEN THAT JERK COULD ENJJOY A ROLL LIKE THIS BUT WITH 2/3rds MORE ONION THAN THESE ROLLS.  THAT'S HOW MUCH THAT THING THAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT OR SOMETHING.  Hmm.  Anyway.  I think I owe it to myself to watch The Blight Sight when this is over.  See it with FRESH EYES.  From a new perspective.  The RIGHT perspective FINALLY FOR ONCE.  We'll see if that's in the cards or not.  Pretty sure it's available to me.  Anyway.  Let's see.  Saltines gonna last me AT THE VERY LEAST to the penultimate day of the super marker week.  I RE-UP FRIDAY MORNING.  I GOT PLENTY TO LAST ME FOR THE REST OF TONIGHT-- WEDNESDAY NIGHT.  I'll be okay.  I'll see ya tomorrow and whatknot.  I wrote the, "And whatknot," because paragraph needed LITERALLY to be just FOUR WORDS longer. THAT'S IT.  Well WE DID IT.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:20 P.M.




Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Let Me Do The Talking

     Hey friend.  Up at reasonable time!  It's 11:13 AM now BUT I was up earlier watching TV for an hour or two.  FINISHED DISC ONE of The Critic.  Watched some LAST NIGHT.  Watched an episode or two THIS MORNING.  I believe I am now EIGHT episodes in.  Good deal.  I am UNABLE to read Closed Captioning.  They DO NOT OFFER IT on these Digital... V... Discs.  Video probably.  NAH PROBABLY NOT.  I'm gonna guess DVD is not Digital Video Discs.  Let's SEE.  Digital VERSATILE DISC.  That's RIGHT.  Anyway gonna have delicious lunch today Probably!  Not sure when.  2 PM?  3 PM?  3 30 PM?  NOT SURE WHEN but odds are heavily in Lunches Favor For Existing.  Good deal!  Finished chips over night.  WENT THROUGH TE CHIPS A LOT QUICKER THAN I WANTED TOO.  AT LEAT 2x as fast as I wanted to.  PROBABLY 3-5x as fast. OH NO'S and whatknot.  WAIT A SECOND I just realized I got them on Sunday and not on Friday.  I went through them like FIVE TIMES as fast as I wanted to.  DANGIT I went through them chips fast.  Well at leat I'm done Going Through Them now.  Huh.  That's not good.  JEEZ.
Hmm.  That's not good.  JEEZ.  Probably take six walks today.  Anyway.  Re-sched'd an appointment this morning.  ONE MORE THING I HAD TO DO down.  Good deal.  HMM SHUT UP ABOUT IT.  Think I dreamt I checked my weight and was either pretty upset about it or pretty happy about it.  Interesting TALE I jsut told.  ELATED .  DE TALE.  Whatever.  Hmm almost logged into Facebook for the first time in five years.  Looked at a page on Facebook for first time in FOUR years and somehow they had my username and presumably correct password READY TO GO and all I had to do was hit LOG IN.  I COULDA BEEN RIGHT BACK IN THE ACTION.  COULD ABEEN CRAZY.  MIGHT HAVE HAD UPWARDS OF TWO messages logjammed up over the time I was gone.  I CHOSE NOT TO ENGAGE with whatever is going on with that nonsense.  Doesn't exist to me as far as I can tell.  FOREIGN WORLD to my experience.  Good.  I'm gonna get coffee now.  UNFROEIGN WORLD.  I KNOW COFFEE.  KNOW AND LOVE.
I think it's the kind of thing where if yuo log in it Tangibly Changes Things.  PEOPLE CAN SEE YOU LOG IN FOR ONE POSSIBLY.  NOW ITS DIFFERENT.  I don't need tat kind of hassle.  Whatever.  Maybe eat deliciolus turkey meatloaf with health spghatetti for lunch.  GREAT.  Anyway.  I wanna see RED if I log into Facebook.  Nice RED ALERT of I GOT MESSAGES.  If you got some posts on your timeline or something you'll see a circle with a RED NUMBER THREE or something if you have three posts.  WHAT A HIGH.  PEOPLE ARE TALKING TO ME.  TIS COULD MAKE OR BREAK MY WEEK.  Anyway.  That'd be interesting.  Oh well such is life.  What else is up and crap.  Would I be justified at all in getting Delivery for lunch? NOPE NOT REALLY. Got too much stuff in house.  NO DELIVERY TODAHY.  Okay.  Fourth paragraph coming up.  TODAYS ENTRY IS A TERRIBLE.  But you've made it this far.  I OFFER YOU MY CONGRATULATIONS AND MY CONDOLENCES
SURE!  I dunno.  I've pointed out Facebook RED high before.  IT'S IMPORTANT.  What else is up.  I got TIME to write 10 paragraphs for Act I today.  Just don't have the inspiration.  Hmm.  Let's see.  Tomorrow is FLAG DAY.  How are we supposed to celebrate Flag Day. Both tangibly AND in spirit.  Are we supposed to BUY THINGS or GET TOGETHER or EAT CRAP or what.  AND/or PRIVATELY in our mind are we supposed to consider for several minutes GREAT LIL' FLAG, I LOVE IT SO MUCH.  LEMME CONTEMPLATE ON THAT FLAG FOR HALF AN HOUR OF MY TIME.  WHAT A FLAG.  I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF IT.  GOTTA APPRECIATE IT A BUNCH TO LAST UNTIL NEXT FLAG DAY.  Either way YEAH.  FLAG DAY.  What else is up.  It's a flag.  We're MORE THAN HALF HEARTEDLY devoting an entire day towards celebrating a piece of CLOTH.  And/or THE DESIGN for the cloth.  I GET IT SURE WHY NOT makes sense TO ME.
    Fifth paragraph.  Tradtionally what is Flag made out of.  My guess is  Supposed To Be Made Out Of Exact Same Thing TRADITIONALLY.  Polyster, Nylon, or Cotton.  That's GENERALIZATIONS not Specificals.  Hmm good.  I'm gonna cross out cotton.  IT'S A SLAVE TRADE CROP.  NOT A FAN OF SALVE TRADES.  I want my flags made out of the Polyster and the NYLON.  Pretty sure we can use Cotton amongst Friends now that slavery is outlawed.  THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH PRODUCING AND USING COTTON RESPONSIBLY.  Sure makes sense.  Huh.  What is cotton again.  Cotton is the thing that's like the outside of Poodles, right?  COTTON COMES FROM POODLES correct?  Pretty sure that's accurate.  Oh yes OF COURSE I KNOW TIS.  Just imagine a COTTON BALL.  EXACTLY duh I know this.  Hmm.  Five paragraphs in.  I can legally stop now.  Not really.  I CAN'T STOP for one reason or another.  I WILL Continue.  Can't define HOW OR WHY.  BUT I WILL SO apparently I CAN'T legally stop.
Oh okay Good.  Hmm.  Maybe Bag Of Chips wasn't So Big.  Possible it had like THREE serving sizes and not ELEVEN.  Not gonna look it up though!  BEST LEFT to the imagination.  So that's good.  Think I'm goin' to get some blood work tmoorrow morning. GOOD DEAL.  Another morning where I'm gettin' up OnTime.  Sweet.  THIRTEEN serving sizes.  Bag of Chip had THRITEEN serving sizes.  Well I never told you how much was in a Serving Size so that doesn't give you much context.  Well it KIND OF DOES.  I wasn't giving you context for ACTUAL INFORMATION.  I was giving you context for TAG ON THE JOKE.  So that's good.  Anyway that's RIGHT AROUND what I was expecting.  MAYBE RIGHT AROUND 1-2 serving size more than I was hoping for.  GOD DANGIT.  What else is up.  They're good for you though for some reason.  TASTED kinda healthy.  Not sure why.  SOMETHING ABOUT IT tasted healthier PROBABLY JUST RELATIVE to Having Something Else Instead.
   Seventh paragraph!  Four to go!  WOW getting deep into the Entry. Huh.  I don't wanna suddenly see what Everyone I Knew From Ages 5-21 is up to The Past Five Years by logging onto Facebook.  A FLOOD of suddenly Seeing Where Everyone Is At In Life.  I'M VERY comfortable not knowing any of these people anymore.  VERY comfortbale.  I don't wanna be thrust into being updated on their dumb existances.  I'm HAPPY Seperate But Equal to these jerks I used to know.  Not sure I'm equal.  Not sure I'm Seperate.  I'm BEYOND Seperate.  Seperate implies A DEGREE a closeness that isn't even there.  I'M BEYOND SEPARATE but equal with my Childhood Chums.  I'm on DIFFERENT EXISTENCE PLANE but equal With Old Friends.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Possibly not Equal either.  I CALL EM LIKE I SEE EM.  Three paragraphs to go.
  OKAY!  Hmm.  I'm unequal IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION though.  Wanna make that clear.  Good.  Three paragraphs to go.  Whatever.  I dunno.  Let's see.  Three paragraphs IS NOT that much to write.  I can do it.  Only negative thing is I'm not good at writing paragraphs.  And by only negative thing I mean MOST IMMEDIATE negative thing.  There's SCORES AND SCORES of negative things.  To understand how many negative things there are, Imagine ALL The things.  Now remember ALMOST ALL THINGS ARE NEGATIVE.  NOW You've got a good idea of How Many Negative Things There Are.  Huh.  Just finishing up podcast on last walk.  Gotta start a new one for next walk.  OR MUSIC.  Probably podcast though.  OR MUSIC.  Huh.  Gonna look into that one.  What else do I got going on and crap.  Only two more paragraphs to write before I get to take delightful walk with some sort of Audible Assist In Entertaining Me!
   Okay.  Huh.  TUESDAY.  I can, "Dig," that!  Probably eat lunch POST Walk III at around 3 PM instea dof PRE Walk III at around 2 pm.  OKAY what else is going on and crap.  TWO PARAGRAPH to go.  watch some Sampsons today is my best idea.  Not really my BEST idea s much as it is my FIRST idea.  Also my BEST idea for now becuse it is still my only idea.  Going forward I plan on coming up with more ideas.  In the process of typing these sentences I have come up with the idea of Trying To Load The DVDs of The Critic.  NOW I have also come up with watching The Rest Of The Heat.  WOW those are sold The Ideas too.  Sounds like I got a lot going for me both IN LIFE and IN THE BRAIN AREA such that I could come up with Such Great Ideas.  Hmm.  There's a fly flying around me.  I can both SEE IT intermittendly and HEAR IT.  You know how somtimes you can HEAR a fly.  Really annoying sound.  Oh right BUZZING.  That's the word.
Ugh.  Last paragraph.  Buzzing wouldn't be so bad if it werent for the physical VIBRATION when it's near you.  You FEEL the buzzing when its flying RIGHT BY YOU.  Specially your EARLOBES right?  THAT HAPPENS, right?  Huh.  Let's see.  Dunno what happened exactly but the last day or two EARBUDS GOT BALANCED.  I think the audio is shifted to the left A BIT.  I still hear things LOUDER ON TE LEFT SIDE somewhat but NOT THAT BAD AT ALL.  So that's good.  I don't think it's a Earbud Problem thing now.  I think it's a MY EAR PROBLEM thing.  The problem lays within MY EARS and not within the accessories IS MY CURRENT THEORY.  Hmm. Gonna have to look into that.  Well I SHOULD.  I probably WON'T unless it gets worse over the course of the rest of my life.  But for now just gonna live with it.  Anyway.  That's it!  I'll be back in a little bit! 




what more can i say

     Hey friends.  Here to write 5 more paragraphs.  Presumably eat lunch in about an hour as opposed to in about 2 hours.  Turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti is MY goal.  PUT ON next episode of podcast.  Is podcast one word or two.  Better LTURQ.  YEP.  Podcast is one word.  Good.  THAT'S A HUGE RELIEF or something.  Anyway.  Asked my NON-blood relative parent what Cousin died of.  We don't know.  WEREN'T TOLD.  Apparently MAIN THING he was suffering from last few years was Dementia.  Not sure you can DIE of dementia.  How do you DIE of confusion.  You get SO CONFUSED your brain explodes?  Idunno I'm sure Dementia has Physical Things in brain that can lead to Injury And Death.  But anyway DOESN'T SOUND PROMISING FOR HIS MEMOIRS.  You can't Do MEMOIRS if you got DEMENTIA.  Sounds like his memoirs were just a PIPE DREAM and that he may NEVER have gotten them off the ground.  Sounds like something Someone In My Bloodline Would Do.
Huh.  What else is up.  Maybe have salmon for dinner tonight.  ALT best option is salad.  HAMAZING.  What's the Flag Day Song.  Also gotta look up images of FLAG DAY Greeting Cards.  And then RELAY TO YOU the Messages Contained Within.  DANGIT nothing that rhymes.  I was mainly looking for Flag Day Greeting Cards with NICE PUNCHY ABAB RHYME SCHEME.  Nope.  NO RHYME SCHEMES AT ALL.  Still kinda funny there's Flag Day Greeting Cards at all though, right?  THAT'S AN AMUSEMENT in and of itself!  Good deal.  Also I BEAT THE SYSTEM by looking up images of them on google!  WOULDA COST ME 14 DOLLARS TO LOOK AT ONE IN PERSON.  I JUST GOT TO SEE ONE FOR FREE on the internet.  SO that's pretty good.  What else is up.  CAN'T take a walk after this act is over even if I wanted to.  Dad is gonna take a walk RIGHT AROUND when that happens.  I'm not taking a walk for another HOUR or so afterwards.  What else is up.  Three paragraphs to go.
   Huh.  Bought GUM MANUALLY yesterday.  Two packs.  PEPPERIMENT and WINTERGREEN.  Each pack is $2.50.  Five dollars for GUM.  WHAT THE HELL IS THIS.  Yeah but that's two packs.  What if I bought eight packs.  Then would I be complaiining, "TWENTY DOLLARS FOR GUM??!?!"  Yep I WOULD be compaining thatI guess.  Hmm.  Anyway that should hold me over till I re-up over the internet with super market.  Hmm.  YA KNOW WHAT.  I think I try to put on THE CRITIC First Things First when I'm done here.  WELL take a shower First Things First.  But then when I'm done with that THEN I put on The Critic first things first.  Hmm.  Probably pair a small roll with Turkey Meatloaf with Health Spaghetti.  EITHER THAT OR SLICE OF WHITE BREAD.  FOr some reason now that I think about it maybe I want slice of white bread.  For some reason!  WOW WHAT A REASON.  I don't know what it is but I KNOW I LIKE IT FOR SOME REASON.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Good deal
!  Let's see.  TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR GUM?  WHAT THE HELL?  Today is Tuesday eh.  Maybe there's a FILM that I can watch somewhere somehow.  Gotta imagine I have access to 4-6 films one way or another.  MAYBE I shuold watch a film when I'm done with shower now that I Think about it I TINK I MIGHT ENJOY THAT.  AS LONG AS IT'S IN THE, "THE HILLS HAVE EYES," FRANCHISE I DON'T SEE WHY I WOULDN'T ENJOY IT.  Hmm.  Whjat else is going on.  I SAY in geography or topography or cartography HILLS CAN HAVE EYES.  One scientist of one of those disciplines can describe A Hill As Having Eyes AND IT MEANS SOMETHING.  That wouldn't SHOCK or AWE me.  Anyway.  What else is going on.  NIPPLES ARE TEH EYES OF THE HILLS THAT ARE BREASTS.  IS THAT THE POINT I'M POSSIBLY TRYING TO MAKE.  No I don't think so that sounds pretty stupid even for me.  Well I dunno about even for me.  It sounds stupid IN LINE WITH FOR ME let's put it that way.
   Last paragraph.  I dunno.  Hot water been ENHANCED the last few days or so.  HOTTER and HOTTER FOR LONGER.  Not sure why.  Might be related to when they did Kitchen Floor or something.  Somehow that effected Heat Level of water.  I don't know why it would but Ya Know What I DON"T KNOW WHY IT WOULDN'T.  So that's good.  What does, "The Last Few Days Or So," mean.  Not sure what, "Or So," Adds OR SUBTRACTS to that estimation.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Put some crushed red pepper on the turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti.  I think I got some of that stored up somewhere.  Sounds like an interesting LOW STAKES move to make to make things SLIGHTLY MORE INTERESTING.  Amazing.  What else is up.  I guess that's it for now!  I will see you tonight IN A SENSE.  I'll just see What I Was Just Typing literally but IN SPIRIT I WILL SEE YOU THERE AS WELL!




How Does The Rest Of This Go

     Hey friends.  Another Successful Day down.  MORE OR LESS.  Took a solid four to eight walks.  SIX.  Had a solid Lunch and dinner.  Turkey Mheatloaf with Health Spaghetti for LUNCH.  Delicious salmon with Halve Sphere of Potato for dinner!  IT WAS GREAT.  Caught up with some SIMPSONS.  It's gonna be interesting in a few weeks once I start getting to episodes I have never seen before.  Might take me a solid four to eight weeks before I start getting to episodes I've never seen before.  But I WILL get to that point at some point.  Should be interesting though.  If there were Justice in the world.  WHich there is sometimes!  SOLIDLY JUSTICE IN THE WOULRD A PLURALITY AMOUNT OF THE TIME!  LOVE IT.  What else is up.  Let's see.  Saw some smoke on my most recent walk, for a small portion of it.  DON'T THINK IT was a Canada Wildfire Enterprise.  Not sure what it was.  COULD HAVE BEEN FOG.  I MAY be telling you a Fun Story about how I EXPEREINCED FOG.  Fascinating.
    Okay.  Getting up tomorrow morning to Go Get Blood Work Done.  Then I'm getting my Mom CIGARETTES.  GETTING MYSELF QUEST BARS at the same time.  Will it be two?  Will it be three?  IT WILL BE THREE.  No reason not to go ALL OUT and get three.  Not particularly EXCITED about The Quest Bar, no.  But over the course of the month SOLID CHANCE I will be Generally PRIMED to eat a Quest Bar 1-3 times.  MIGHT AS WELL have 3 Bar available JUST IN CASE.  OK GOOD.  What else is up.  Never did any laundry today.  NORE did I shave myself.  DID get the ball rolling on Setting Up Appointment with Guy Who Gives Me Script for Contact Lenses.  By which I mean I said to my Dad HEY DAD, REMEMBER, I WANNA SEE TAHT CONTACT LENSE GUY.  LET'S SET THAT UP, YEAH?  That's what I did.  My dad is the guy with THE CONNECTIONS.  I guess I could find out Contact Lense Guy name and number and set it up myself.  We'll see if that's necessary or not.  I'M A JERK AND I SHOULDN'T RELY ON DAD TO DO THING FOR ME.
    Huh.  What else.  Huh.  Then again my Dad shouldn't RELY ON ME to be able to do things for myself! IT GOES BOTH WAYS.  What else is going on.  Eating some Wheat Things.  Delicious AND Nutritious.  I think I went through periods of my life where I thought Wheat Thins were healthy. I CAN'T JUSTIFY THOSE THOUGHTS but I'M HERE TO BE HONEST so THERE YA GO.  Halfway through Act III!  I CAN'T JUSTIFY MAKING YOU READ TIS but THERE YA GO.  Are you supposed to eat ONE Wheat Thin in a bite or two.  MORE THAN TWO seems excessive.  I guess it's UP TO YOU though.  I wouldn't go with more than two though.  That'd be prety Slobbish.  You don't wanna become UNHEALTHY or anything do you?  You don't wanna BE unhealthy OR LOOK unhealthy.  EITEHR WAY it's not good.  Can't say for sure WHICH IS WORSE.  Probably LOOK.  That sounds MORE SERIOUS to me.  I'm not PROUD of feeling that that's more important but THERE YA GO.  YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST.
   Sure.  What else do I got going on for me.  More SIMPSONS tonight?  Odds are high.  Should I try something else?  Odds are ALSO high.  Great news is I got two whole paragraphs To Write Some Worthwhildness.  Try And Faile.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Can always read a nice book.  What the HELL.  That partly sounds like the best idea I ever came up with but also at the same time EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO MANIFEST and also WHO WANTS TO HAVE TO READ WORD AFTER WORD presumably DOZENS OF TIMES IN A ROW.  Hmm.  First thought would be to read Jeff Tweedy SongWriting Book even though I have no interest in Writing Songs.  Stil sounds like a good book to read.  I WANNA READ IT RIGHT NOW NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT>  Sure.  I can Put That Book On while I'm reading the Simpsons.  Put The Simpsons on when this is done.  BREEZE THROUGH the Jeff Tweedy SongWriting Book while that's going on.  IT COULD HAPPEN.  TONIGHT.  I COULD BE READING A BOOK EIGHTEEN MINUTES FROM NOW. 
   Okay.  What else is up.  I shuold find someone to listen to all my songs, LIKE all my songs, then RANK all my songs.  Ya know what?  They can STOP at just LIKE all my songs.  I'd pretty much be able to Die Happy if I could just get someone to LIKE all my songs.  But if I could get someone to RANK all my songs and share that with me That'd Be Fun Too!  Just a thought that just occurred to me Is All!  I wouldn't literally die happy if someone liked all my songs.  IT'S EXHAGGERATION for humour.  I'd Die RELATIVELY pleased though OKAY?  Hmm. Wouldn't last LONG.  VERY quickly into my Death I'd LOSE my General Contentment that I got just from Some Jerk Liking My CATALOGUE.  BUT THAT'S THE NATURE OF THE BEAST.  I guess.  What else is up.  I guess that's it for now. I'll see you tomorrow.  Shuold be a good one!  I feel if you study The Ebb And Flow of crazy . sheet YOU'D CALCULATE I'm due for a good one tomorrow! YEAH.  See ya soon!


-8:29 P.M.




Monday, June 12, 2023

You Have My Undivided Attention

     Hey friends.  Up late today.  1:33 PM!  Just got back from Walk I.  Listened to some podcat.  NOT HAPPY ABOUT getting up late.  But such is life.  Had classic breakfast earlier with Brown Cinnamon Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart.  Pop Tart.  Pod Cast.  SIMILAR WORD-PHRASES.  SAME AMOUNT OF LETTERS AND SIMILAR PETTERS OVERALL.  Anyway.  Looks like I'm gonna go get Point Five Bakery on next walk.  Think I had a dream I went to the bakery.  In the dream I got something for myself.  OR AT LEAST I went into hte bakery with THE PLAN to get something for myself.  Not sure if they had IN STOCK the thing I wanted for myself.  Hmm.  We'll see how that plays out in Waking Life.  Is that a good movie.  Waking Life.  Or is it just a movie I thought was good when I was an INTELLECTUAL THIRTEEN YEAR OLD.
   I wish I was a Intellectuctual Thirty Four Year Old.  IMAGINE HOW COOL IT WOULD BE to be an Intellectual Adult.  Reading BOOKS and Shit.  KNOWLEDGE AND THE PERSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE.  Sounds like a blast and some shalves.  Anyway.  Lost Imagination Baseball last week 4-6.  THIS WEEK I am facing off against the team known as DAUIS.  Wonder ifthat's realted to DAOISM.  Hmm.  I'm gonna DO AN INTELLECTUALISM and look into DAOISM for bordering on TEN SECONDS.  Ah they're the ones who belive in General Dao's Spirit.  I got it.  Anyawy.  Normally when I get up at this time of day lately I skip lunch.  Today I'm pretty hungry!  Probably eat a late lunch in 1.5-2 hours WHEN I CAN when I'm back from ACTS I AND II and WALKS ! and @ and #!  Hmm what kind of delicious lunch will it be.  Could be turkey sandwich, salad, kids chicken parm, turkey meatloaf lasagna, herbed chicken, or I GUESS salmon.  NOT SALMON.  SALMON IS DFINNER.  COFFEEE Time
  Maybe have lunch with Beginning Of Act II post WALK II.  Maybe delicious Turkey Sandwich with CHIPS.  I JUST HAD SANDWICH Last Meal and SANDWICHES ARE SNOOZES.  But SandwichSide to Act II makes sense.  SALADSIDE would be good side for Act II too.  Italy Style Lunch doesn't make as much sense In my HUMBLEST opinion for some reason.  NOT SURE WHY.  I'm some sort of LUNCH IDIOT though.  I'm not imagining it Very Well.  NO REASON you can't eat a small PERSONALIZED Lozenge-Uh with a Five Paragraph Act II just as much as you can eat a Turkey Sandwich.  Anyway.  Indulged in beer last night!  I BELIEVE I went with a FULL FIVE beers.  If not that then four.  BELIEVE IT WAS FIVE.  VERY ENJOYABLE.  Hey I should shave myself today.  Very enjoyable. Nice No Facial hair.
Fourth paragraph.  Wanna BUMP talking about my cousin from TOP OF THE WEBSITE.  Part of my felt like skipping writing an entry today but I realized I DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO READ ME DEAD COUSIN BASHING.  Gotta write a more recent entry to put some distance between Toppest Of The Month and me RAZZING my deceased relative.  I didn't razz him.  Basically just said didn't much enjoy his company.  Why would I.  We're SIXTY YEARS APART.  Not a lot of common ground we can relate to each other with.  SO WHAT if we're not the best of friends.  IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL.  Anyway.  I"M JUST DIGGING MYSELF FURTHER INTO THE HOLE.  I had an opportunity to move on and NOW I'M GOING AFTER HIM FURTHER.  Not My Fault he's CONTINUING being AN ADVERSARY to me.  Anyway.  I think he was presumably writing some sort of memoir the last few years.  Coulda been ALL TALK.  But he was tellig people he wanted to write MEMOIRS of his life particularly IN THE WHARS I belive.  I'd read that.  SIGN ME UP WITH SOME OF THAT.  Maybe.
   Fifth paragraph.  As long as it's LEGIBLE and in ENGLISH.  If I can COMPREHEND IT sure I'd read this jerk's life.  I BET I CAN RELATE TO IT TOO.  Must turn out He's Just Some Regular NON Jerk Guy Most Of The Time!  NOW I WANNA READ WHATEVER HE GOT WRITTEN DOWN now that I think about it.  Hmm.  What else is up.  YEAH I KNOW it's not Brown Cinnamon Sugar.  I know it's Brown Sugar Cinnamon.  I'm not an IDIOT.  I was just JOKING.  Are YOU an idiot for thinking I'M an idiot?  I don't know.  Can't say for sure One Way Or Another.  I dunno whether to give you the benefit of th doubt or the DOUBT OF TE BENEFIT.  Either way maybe watch some more HEAT later today.  Finally watched Main Sequence with AL PACINE talking to Robert De NINO.  Man.  I'M SPEECHLESS.  I dunno what HITS HARDER the written dialogue or the acting or directing but WHATEVER IT IS WHAT A SEQUENCE I'M BLOWN AWAY I can't wait to see how the rest of the film turns out.
   Halfway through  the act I guess!  Hmm.  I dunno about the DIRECTING in this sequence.  I mean ABSTRACTLY yes The Directing incorporates all of it.  But if we mean Directing in terms of STORYBOARDING or CINEMETORGRAPHY this scene is just them sitting in a diner and the shot is just back and forth between them sitting at alternate sides of a booth.  SO NOT THE DIRECTING for this scene.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  What else is up.  Probably take five walks today.  Lemme think for a second.  Hmm.  YEP.  Five seems like the logical way to go.  I CAN SOLIDLY LIVE WIT HTAKING FIVE WALKS TODAY.  Hmm.  Gotta do some laundry today.  Do some shoving.  Make a couple of phone calls re: Medications and/or Doctors appointments.  Nonthing too intense but a couple of things THAT ADD UP to I Dunno 10-15 minutes when you put them all together BACK TO BACK if you were doing them BACK TO BACK which we're not because THAT'D BE INSANE.
   Seventh PARAGRAPH.
  Huh.  Let's see, I dunno.  i could presumably skip lunch today.  But It'd be FOOLISH. Four paragraphs to go for Act I!  YEAH.  If I keep watching The Simpsons at the rate I have been AROUND WHAT TIME do I finally catch up to Present Day.  Hmm.  Maye around THE FALL.  Maybe a few months!  Sounds about a vaguely good reasonable estimation off the top of my head. Maybe August or September let's GUESS.  August is like the Fall.  I know PERSONALLY I associate AUgust with HEAT because it's DOG DAYS of August but when you think about it I CAN IMAGINE associating August the word with coolness.  Not sure WHY or WHAT THAT MEANS.  But August can easily be COOL in an IDEAL world.  TAHT means nothing.  It means something.  But it means nothing.  It's just dumb and crazy nonesense.  So I got that going for me.  What else is up and crap.  Hey I only gotta write three more paragraphs to go.  Running a solid D/D+.
  Let's see.  Pretty happy I didn't go into Social Studies Education when I look at what Chapt GPT can do.  Chapt GPT is pretty much EXACTLY the tone and content What Which A High School Social Studies Student would use.  So basically I don't know what my job would be RE: giving homework.  I guess I'd figure it out.  I guess they've quickly figured out SOMETHING to do to have homework such that it makes sure Jerk Does The Reading.  Not that hard now that I think about it.  Anyway I don't relate to people but when I see CHAP GPT do its thing I SEE A KINDRED SPIRIT.  YEP. THAT'S ME.  Pretty much Working at an Relative Intelligence Eleventh Grade Level.  I assume within years or months Chat GPT will soon exceed what I was and/or am capable of but I'd say AT THIS moment in time that's pretty much where we're at.  NICE TO HAVE PEERS in the meantime.  Hey I only gotta write 2 more paragraphs.  YOU IDIOTS
   Look I'm sure CHAPT PT is exceeding me already.
  I have not AND WILL NOT engage Chat GPT IT SCARES ME.  But you get the idea.  ON the other hand I'm sure I ALSO EXCEED ME ALREADY.  I have not AND WILL NOT engagte myself I SCARE MYSELF.  That's partially true to some extent!  What else is up!  I dunno.  Not sure what to do about lunch!  Maybe I skip lunch after all! Could go either way I suppose.  I could always skip lunch and eat an early dinner.  That's an intriguing plausibility.  More or less I suppose.  Hmm.  Let's see.  I dunno.  Nice HALF BIRTHDAY I got going on.  Probably celebrate it by Doing What I Just Did.  Pointing it out just now.  That's the extent to which anyone should celebrate their half birthday.  I think it's Fairly Reasonable to point it out Thusly!  That's not INSANE.  IS kind of insane to celebrate it ANY FURTHER though.  Anything more than that IS KIND OF SOMEWHAT CRAZY.
Last paragraph!  Amazing.  I wanna celebrate Half Birthdays instead of Full Birthdays sometimes.  I WISH I COULD CELEBRATE a JUNE CELEBRATION sometimes.  Nice SUMMER Celebration.  Not LIteral Summer but FEELINGS SUMMER.  You get the idea.  Hmm.  Neighborhood Complex has pool.  Pool is presumably open this year PANDEMIC B. DAMNED.  I probably will not utilize it Pandemic IS NOT DAMNED WE ARE CONSIDERING PANDEMIC PERSONALLY.  BUt it'd be fun to get in there for 15 minutes at a time here and there.  Huh.  What else is up and crap.  Pandumbic.  Is that some sort of Mockery we can make of something.  Some sort of SPOOF.  CAN I USE THE PHRASE, "PANDUMBIC," EVER IN TEH COMPANY OF OTHERS.  Hmm.  What else is up.  In the dream I thought to get the Biscuity Scone but then decided not to.  IN REAL LIFE I just thought to get the biscuity scone and Decide TO.  If its possible.  Anyway.  I'll be back in a little bit!




first come first serve

     Hey friends.  Just got myself a plain Crescant!  Nothing else.  Gonna eat it by ripping off pieces of 1/8th to 1/12th the sizes Here and There!  ALREADY HEAD ONE PIECE ALREADY.  How bigwas it?  I dunno.  I don't think it was  1/8th.  Let's say 1/9th to 1/11th.  Hmm.  Think I'm gonna skip lunch today.  Gonna EAT before dinner.  Maybe as much as a whole crescant!  I just told you I WOULDN'T eat a whole crescant in a sitting.  I dunno maybe I lied I dunno waht's gonna happen!  Eitehr way let's write some paragraphs.  Dinner gonna be in 3.5 hours probably.  I can HOLD OFF eating An Entire Thing until then pretty easily.  Let's go with that.  Ugh let's just GET STARTED on Writing An Entire Thing.  Watch Simpsons VERY SOON.  In about an hour.  It's really creeping up!  WOW I CAINNOT WAIT more or less.  This shirt is too warm.  I'M UNCOMFORTABLE.  I have to write too much four more paragraphs I DON'T LIKE IT.
Huh.  Halfway to, what, 79 years old?  Good.  I have LIVED A LIFE boy.  Gonna have to re-up with alcohol on Thursday before I get super market re-uppance.  Only got 8 cans of beer!  THAT will last me the next THREE nights not FOUR nights.  Hmm.  What ELSE is up.  You know.  STUFF that will take up LIENS to say.  I could fit in six walks today.  Probably won't.  Just take five walks.  Probably will.  Anyway.  Will widow of Dead Cousin be at Family Gathering in 2 weeks?  I dunno.  Might be TOO SOON.  It would be a BUMMER.  Then again it's a BUMMER anyway.  We're not the CLOSEST Extended Family I feel.  At least MY immediate family.  My Immediate Family are WEIRDOES we don't relate to the Next Immediate Immediate Family IMO.  Maybe The other 2 or 4 immediate immediate familes that are involved Feel Properly Engaged.  But MY immediate immediate family I FEEL ARE KINDA OPERATING FROM A DISTANCE at these gatherings.
  Hmm. Three paragraphs to go.  Possible that's the General Feeeling, though!  ALL 3-5 Immediate Families at these Extented Gatherings ALL aren't Getting That Much Out Of These Gatherings.  COMPARED TO OTHER FAMILIES WHOM GATHER IN THE WORLD either in Real Life Or Fiction.  Hmm.  Oh well what can ya do.  Halfway through the act.  Can't remember the last Extended Family Thing I did that wasn't Christmas time.  Is it possible THERE'S A GRILL GOING ON.  Could be HAMBURGER and/or HOT DOG ENTERPRISE GOING ON? THAT'S A VERY EXCITING PROPOSITION.  THE HAMBURGER THING.  My interest is PROPERLY PIQUED.  I dunno I don't think there's a GRILL on.  Might be SOMEWHAT more GRILLISH FOODS.  Not STRAIGHT UP grillish foods but COMPARED TO CHRISTMAS it'd be CLOSER to the grillish spectrum.  Either way it's SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT so it's VERY EXCITING.  I think it's to celebrate one of my cousin's graduation from one of the schools.  Elementary or middle.  WOW THEY DID IT.  Presumably.  AS OF TODAY might still have a week or so left to go.  LET'S NOT COUNT OUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY HATCH.
Penultimate paragraph.  Let's see. I dunno.  Makes sense.  Whatever they're graduating from THEY GOT MORE SCHOOL COMING UP IN THE FALL. IT NEVER ENDS.  What else is up.  Right now I'm considering kids chicken parm for dinner.  It's pretty delicious!  Not the most filling thing.  I don't know WHY.  It appears hearty.  It IS pretty substantial if you look at it.  HOWEVER in the end it just GOES pretty quickly when you eat it.  I don't know!  CAN'T rightly say what's going on there!  Either way sounds like a fun way to go for Tonight.  Good deal.  I could easily fit in SIX walks today but I could easily deduce it's the WRONG thing to do.  I know EASILY I should determine that I should take Final Walk of the day POST dinner StANDARDLY but I LIKE the idea of being DONE for the walks by the time I get home for dinner.  WHAT'S GOING ON AGAIN.  MY LIFE ISN'T TE MOST IMPORTANT TING TO READ ABOUT IN TE WORLD?  THAT SOUNDS LIKE A LIE
Last paragraph of the act.  Hmm.  I dunno.  I can't be getting potato chips again after this week.  I went through em to oquickly. Too irresponsibly. It was the WRONG movie.  Wrong MOVE too.  But also THE WRONG MOVIE as well.  What else is going on.  Good CHOICE of chips though.  LAYS is healthy because it's not ruffled.  Sour Cream and onion is delicious. You put those two together and you get The Right Choice Of Chip If You Have To Eat A Chip.  JUST SOMETHING TO CONSIDER if you're gonna Eat A Chip.  Hmm.  OH.  Right.  Get crackin' on Improv Class. FIRST STEP is contact lenses.  ONce I know I have contact lesnses available to me I can start scheduling When I Wanna Start An Improv Class.  Good deal.  That'll be A Relative Good Time.  Probably.  Be around people my own age.  From 8-80.  More or less my own age.  I'm right in the middle!  I can relate to anyone in those brackets sure why not.  ANyway I'll be back tonight.  See ya then!




Everything Is Crazy These Days

     Hey friends.  Took five and a half walks today. Just got back from Point Five walk.  Was raining Lightly Moderately through it.  Decided to cut it short!  Anyway.  Ate crescant Mostly in the form of 2 Eatings of about 40% sized portion each.  HUH.  Ate delicious chicken parm for dinner.  THAT WAS A POSITIVE (Non-Negative) experience.  Watched more The Sampsons today.  Or was it The Simpsons.  Wait.  Today I was watching THE SIMPSONS I think.  Anyway probably continue on with that.  NEVER got around to doing laundry.  OR shove myself.  DID do a few other things I had to do though.  ALL IN ALL I... uh... ehswhwhatever.  How many MEALS do I have for Tuesday Thru Thursday.  NOT HAPPY about the succession of words Thru Thursday.  SEEMS LIKE IT MIGHT CONFUSE people Thru Thurs thusly.  Anyway.  Turkey meatloaf, herbed chicken, lasagana, salad, and salmon.  THREE DEFINITE DINNERS.  Three possible lunches.  I GONNA AIM FOR THREE LUNCHES is my general spirit feeling
Wonderbar.  Let's see.  Got some Wheat Thins going on.  Busted the box open for the first time in I DON'T KNOW how long.  Oh I just re-upped with them on Friday.  I wanna say today is MONDAY. Could easily be Sunday.  No way today is NO CHANCE OF BEING SUNDAY.  Could be Tuesday though.  I wouldn't DROP DEAD OF SHOCK if it were Tuesday.  Might be TAKEN ABACK OF SHOCK if it was Tuesday.  But I'd probably survive.  Anyway IT'S MONDAY OKAY?  FINE!  GOOD.  What time do I set up my alarm clock for tomorrow.  9 AM seems reasomable.  Try to get up within the first hour.  If I get up within the 9 AM's THAT'S A PERTTY GOOD achievement all in all.  All in all is all we are.  All alone is all we are.  I dunno.  ONE WAY OR ANOTHER it's lyrics to a song.  You have no way of knowing that's what I'm referencing.  You do now.  You have ALL WAYS of knowing. I'm being very explicit about it at this point!
   Three paragraphs to go.  Not sure I've EVER registered Homer Simpson as A Bald Man.  I mean, I don't conicously picture him with any sort of Active Hair Cut.  But being bald when you're in your mid 30's would be NOTICIBLE in a Live Action Family Sitcom.  AND I DON'T NOTICE THAT in The Simpsons.  They REFERENCE IT a fair amount.  Especially in the early seasons.  It's pointed out in several episodes IMPORTANTLY.  But in general when yo uwatch the Simpsons you don't feel like you're watching A BALDY MAN DOING THINGS.  FAT MAN YES.  HOMER SIMPSON IS INESCAPBLY FAT.  BALD?  I TINK THEY FORGET TEH CHARACTER IS BALD.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Then again maybe its for the best.  TEACHES SOCIETY it doesn't MATTER what's going on Up Top. WHAT Matters is what's going on In Waist Circumfrance.  Good.  ALso that doesn't matter that much either.  So WHAT DOES MATTER?  I'm not 100% sure what does matter.  MAYBE THE NEXT EPISODE WILL TELL ME WHAT MATTERS
    Penultimate paragraph.
  Huh.  I don't KONW exactly waht Cousin died of.  It occurred to me two ro three times to ASK but then it immediately occurred after that nah I'm gonna conseve my energy and not say those half dozen words that would be involved with me having to Talk Out Loud.  I DO REMEMBER going back 2 or so months He Was Not Doing Well.  I FORGET WHY.  Anyway.  Such is life.  Or DEATH AS IT TWERE.  Possible it's He Was Not Doing Well 2 or so YEARS.  Possible We're All Dying the moment we're born I don't know get off my back about it.  Got an election coming up in 2 or so weeks.  I probably should vote.  It's within my philosophy that HEY YOU GOT A VOTE TO VOTE IN?  PROBABLY SHOULD VOTE WHY NOT.  GO FOR IT.  First gotta figure out WHOM to vote for though.  Hmm.  That's tough.  What if no one is deserving of my vote?  WHAT IF this is one of those cases where all TWO TO SEVEN CANDIDATES ARE IRREDEEMABLY TERRIBLE PEOPLE which I wouldn't want to even TACITLY endorse.
Last paragraph. HOLY SHIZZ what if I try AND SUCCEED at getting THE CRITIC working for Tonight.  I could get an entire THREE PLUS episode ARC of The Critic working.  YOU'D LIKE TAT WOULDN'T YOU.  Hmm.  That'd be cool!  It'd mean YOU'RE ON MY SIDE.  That'd be a Welcome Deveopment.  WOW Generic Website Audience is ROOTING for me to be entertained by Watching The Critic.  THEY"RE ON MY SIDE.  WANT WHATS BEST FOR ME.  THAT'S GREAT JUST GREAT I SAY WITHOUT A TINGEMENT OF SARCASM.  What else is up.  Who does Duke Phillips voice.  I know whoever does it does BUNCH OF OTHER voices.  Hmm.  He only does FOUR voices on The Simpsons.  It FELT like a BUNCH of other voices.  But nope.  ONLY FOURVETH.  Charles Napier.  He's Dead Now.  That'll happen from time to time when you talk about people from the 90's and early 00's!  I'm sure THEY'RE not happy about their peers dying all the time BUT THAT'S THE EARTH WE LIVE ON.
Cool!  WHEN YOU LIVE OVER TE COURSE OF 25 YEARS YOU'RE GONNA HAVE SOME DEATHS.  Sounds fair.  I JUST SUFFERED ONE YESTERDAY.  Not me perosnally.  My extended family.  MORE OR LESS.  What did he die of.  I DON'T think it was a BRAIN thing.  I don't think it was a BLADDER thing.  Don't think it was a LEG thing. I can keep going On And On but I won't.  If you SAID what it was THE POINT IS I think I would be like YEP TAHT'S IT, THAT'S WHAT HIS PROBLEM MAY HAVE BEEN.  Anyway.  Coulda been a brain thing.  There goes that entire premise.  Hmm.  Never gonna watch The Critic if I just keep writing this.  BEST wrap it up I guess.  What else is up.  Gonna take out some sort of recylables tonight.  NOT GARBAAGE.  Recycle-ables!  THERE'S A DIFFERENCE.  Outside people don't empty out communal garbage Monday Nights but THEY DO Recycle-ables.  What a wonderful story.  I'l ltell it to you again in a few months. Anyway that's it. I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:48 P.M.




Sunday, June 11, 2023

Read This Now

     Hey friends.  12:24 PM!  Woke up relatively early a few hours ago.  Watched some TV while waiting for Super Market Mini-Make-up Delivery.  GOT SOME POTATO CHIPS.  I sampled them.  Taste pretty good!  Also got a couple of other Make-Up Items.  Haven't sampled them.  I DON'T sample every single thing I Always Get From Super Market Each Time I Get It.  There's a level of TRUST involved when I buy products from Grocery Store!  Good.  Anyway.  Gonna aim for 5 paragraphs for Act I unless I get in a groove!  Solid 40% chance I get in a groove.  Maybe 33.3%.  MAYBE EVEN ROUND UP TO 33.4% somehow for some strange reason.  We'll see how it goes.  Anyway no Iced Coffee today!  Making regular what's the opposite of ice.  HEAT CUBES.  Making some LAVACUBE Coffee.  There's no lava cube.  Maybe there is.  I don't know what's going on ON A SUBATOMIC level.  Maybe I do.  I don't konw What I Know ON A SUBATOMIC LEVEL.
Okay.  Had delicious black and white cookie a few hours ago.  Listened to delightful podcast on Walk I.  Enjoying Season XV of Simpsons.  I still know these episodes. Occurred to me OH you know Those Episodes Of The Simpsons that I know But I Don't really particularly like?  THOSE ARE THE EPISODES FROM SEASON FIFTEEN.  Possibly turns out they will also be from season sixteen. BUT FROM NOW that's what sesaon fifteen minutes.  ANyway these episodes have redeeming qualities too.  NOT SUPER GREAT but they got JOKES and whatknot too!  NOTHING WRONG WITH THEM.  Just incase John Frink is reading this paragraph I want him to know HIS LIFE'S WORK ISN'T POINTLESS.  Season FIFTEEN ONWARD is still a WORTHY ENTERPRISE probably I Would Assume At Least Several Episodes In.  What else is up.  COFFEE TIME.
    Potato Chips were a WRONG decision.  Just stood there eating potato chips for 90 seconds.  90 seconds is a long time to be eating potato chips!  Not THE LONGEST time.  But it's a medium amount of time that'll RUN YA a fair amount of potato chips!  WHAT IF Writer John Frink isn't a Nerd at all.  I'M ALMOST SCARED to look up what Simpsons Writer John Frink THE REAL WORLD Professor Frink looks like.  OH GOOD he looks like a nerd.  WHAT A HUGE RELIEF it was seeing his photo on google images. ...WAIT A SECOND there are pictures of him without him wearing his glasses AND NOW I'M NOT SO SURE.  WITH HIS GLASSES ON he looks like a nerd but without his glasses he looks like a jerk.  Now I don't know WHAT to think.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  WAIT A SECOND I'VE BEEN PUNKED.  The picture that comes up on Google for him IS ACTUALLY OF HIS WRITER PARTNER.  It's also the picture ON HIS OWN WIKIPEDIA page.  His profilie pic on his own wikipedia page IF YOU READ TE FINE PRINT it says identifies DON PAYNE HIS WRITING PARTNER.  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON
   Fourth paragraph.  I assume there's nefarious things afoot.  John Frink looks like a jock, they're trying to hide it, and it's all on purpose.  Don Payne is dead though AS OF 2013 according to wikipedia.  That's probably part of the Evil Plot that's going on though.  I'm not gonna let That Piece of Info further manipulate me ONE BIT.  What else is up.  Pretty sure Professor Frink was a character years befoer John Frink joined the writing staff.  NONE OF THIS IS RELEVANT AT ALL.  WRONG ASSHOLE.  TIME IS FLUID.  Just cause one thing happened before the other TIMEWISE doesn't mean that it happened before it timewise LINESARLLY.  JOHN FRINK joining writing staff in 2000 CAUSED A RIPPLE IN TIME BACKWARDS that inspired Professor Frink in 1993. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE I went sidewinding in time and inspired Salvador Dali's Melting Clock Painting I THINK I KNOW A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT okay?  Hmm.  Might know A LITTLE bit about what I'm tlaking about! Maybe roughly 12.55%.
Fifth paragraph!  Hamazing.  Should I take a walk after this paragraph.  SOlid chance I SHOULD and solid chance I WON'T.  Maybe I will.  Extra walk will burn off roughly 8-10 potato chips.  That's roughly Fourty Seconds of eating potato chips.  I GUESS.  Hmm.  Gonna have to do some laundry soon.  Got a clean shirt that I'm wearing as of now.  Well I guess not really.  No longer clean.  But you get the idea.  I got a clean shirt to wear tomorrow.  THEN I gotta start over again.  So that's good.  Hmm.  How many walks am I taking today.  Five or six!  Sounds reasonable.  SHOULD just take five.  MIGHT end up taking six.  POSSIBLY who gives a crap.  Maybe write TEN paragraph Act II to make up FIVE paragraph Act I.  KIND OF have 10 paragraph Act inspiration Today BUT I wanna fit in a walk now.  Gotta fit in the walk NOW though.  So there's THAT.  ANyway.  I'll be back in JUSSA LIL BIT.  See ya soon!




sure sounds fine

     Hey friends.  Gonna fit in six walks today I think!  IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER.  I should read some book today.  Doesn't need to be a ton.  Maybe as little as 10-20 minutes.  Even THAT'S a nice chunk.  When's the last time you read a book for 10 minutes.  THIS doesn't count.  I mean PAPER book.  If you print this out and read it on paper THIS DOES COUNT.  BOY WOULD IT.  I'd like to read that.  If someone did the work for me I'd Read This Printed Out DAY IN DAY OUT all the time every day of my life!  Much rather do that than WRITE IT probably.  Hmm.  Sounds like an interesting MIX EM UP.  Is there anyway I CAN DO THAT for a month.  Probably not.  There's no way I can both Write It Normally AND Read It Thusly.  CAN'T do both.  Anyway.  HOw many paragraphs will Act II be?  Plausibly just 5!  Plausibly more!  I like the word plausibly so much I USE IT WHEN I SHOULDN'T.  It's a fun word.  YOU'RE ON BOARD WITH THAT AREN'T YOU?
    Hmm.  Not very hungry right now.  Will I be hungry for lunch in 1.5-2 hours for a Late Lunch?  Plausibly!  If I am FINALLY FINISH HAM.  If not I'd say throw out ham!  Ham is getting VERY OLD.  Not sure why Today It'd Be Fresh but Tomorrow It Wouldn't be but at SOME POINT one lunch it'd be fresh and one lunch it wouldn't be.  WHY NOT have the threshold be Tonights.  Hmm.  There appears to be some more pictures of Possible John Frink online.  Middle Aged Guy.  Not STRAIGHT UP nerd.  Not exactly the ANTI Nerd.  Just not exactly on the IMMEDIATE NERD spectrum.  Maybe if we put some Glasses on him I'd feel DIFFERENTLY.  Well sure OBVIOUSLY.  You can say that about 4 out of 5 of the population.  Put glasses on 'em and you'd feel they'r Instantly Nerded.  ANyway.  Just some middle aged guy.  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WIT THIS GUY.  I DIDN'T SEE THAT TWIST OF FATE COMING.  Hmm.  Probably misses his writing partner assuming it's not a false flag.  And if it is a flase flag WHAT EXACTLY IS YOUR MOTIVE FOR CONFUSING ME ABOUT ALL OF THIS I DON'T GET IT WHAT'S THE LONG GAME
Huh.  What to watch during the daytime day today.  Possibly more SIMPSONS.  Fifteenth season.  I believe they just finished the 34th season.  Sure sounds like I got roughly twenty more seasons to go.  NOT AN ENTIRE TWENTY.  But CLOSE.  I didnt' do the EXACT MATH.  A little too complicated to do off the top of my head.  Sounds like ADDITION.  Anyway.  Not a fan of ORDER OF OPERATIONS.  Addition and Subtraction ARE THE SAME THINGS NOT DIFFERENT.  JUST ONE OF THEM IS IN THE OTHER DIRECTION.  WHY SEPERATE THEM.  Anyway.  15.  34.  Hmm.  WHAT'S THE MISSING PUZZLE PIECE?  Gonna say 19 off the top of my head.  MORE OR LESS 19 is the missing puzzle piece.  But in CASES LIKE THIS sometimes you GIVE OR TAKE a ONE for one reason or another.  DON'T ASK ME WHY I'M BUSY WRITING AN ENTRY I can't EXPLAIN WHY You'd Give Or Take A ONE.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Entering final day of Imagination Baseball Week.  Down 3-6-1.  We'll see how it goes.  Still Competiting Several Stat Categories!
    Sure.  NOT SURE whatta do about lunch.  Whammazing.  Apparently there's a Big Fly in the house downstairs and that's a Big Deal.  Been brought up to me 8 to 10 times since Getting Up In The Middle Of The Night.  If I can Catch It I've been told I Should.  Not sure why my Dad thinks I Can Catch A Fly.  My first QUIP was WHAT AM I MR. MIYAGI.  But that's WRONG because Mr Miyagi FAMOUSLY COULDN'T Catch a fly.  DANIEL LA RUSSO could.  Mr Myagi is HELPLESS when it comes go flies.  PATEHTIC.  What else is going on.  Anyway.  DO flies come in different sizes.  Or is this Just Some Other Sort of Flying Flyer or something.  Nah I guess there's probably different sorts of Flies I Guess.  Also I'm trying to remember... was I told to CATCH the fly or KILL the fly.  I believe I was told to CATCH the fly.  Dad probably meant for me to kill and/or GET RID of the fly.  BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT WAS INTIMATED TO ME.
Anyway.  Did see the fly on one occasion!  While I was hanging around waiting for Super Market to unload Groceries from back of truck (their) to Front Of Door (My).  So that's good.  Anyway.  Hey FIFTH paragraph already.  That's pretty good.  What else is up.  What kinda meals do I got in store for today.  Don't see why I'd need to get any Delivery of Pick-Em-Up.  So what do I got IN HOUSE.  Chicken Ceasar Salad, turkey meatloaf, health chicken parm, lasagna, herbed chicken, and salmon.  Hmm.  Several interesting options.  Several options that are VERY UNINTERESTING.  TURKEY MEATLOAF FOR INSTANCE HAS NOTHING GOING FOR IT.  GET OUT OF HERE WITH TAHT BULLSHIT.  Not sure why.  Just not even on my Radar!  What else is up.  Listenin' to some Podcast for Walks I and II.  Probably continue on with that for Upcoming Walks.  Anyway.  Gonna continue Act II after this paragraph.  Presumably aim for full 10 paragraphs but WE'LL SEE!
Okay.  Wearing button down shirt today.  Got another one for tomorrow.  THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS when you're too lazy to wear button down shirts.  They all got bunched up At The End Of Your Rotation.  To be fair is it that I'm LAZY or is it that they're HEAVY and it's WarmTime outside.  Could be lazy to button up. Could be that they're made of heavier material and it's Springtime!  COULD BE a third thing that just occurred to me, then I lost, then I remembered and thought actually that reason is dumb and I REMEMBER THE REASON BUT ISN'T A VERY GOOD REASON anyway.  So there's that.  Anyway.  HOW DO I FEEL about the Simpsons Characters Voices ACtors who DON'T do voices outside of their Family Voices.  Like LISA.  She does no one else.  Or MARGE.  Lemme LTURQ.  I feel like they get left out of the fun.  Lemme LTURQ to see EXACTLY what we're dealing with.  JULIE KAVNER more or less just does Marge MORE OR LESS.  YEARDLEY SMITH more or less just does Lisa.  Hmm.  INTERESTING.
   Anyway. Seventh paragraph!  Hey what else is up and crap.  Haven't eaten any potato chips in Oh I Don't Know oh I don't know.  Gotta think.  I have to devote BRAIN POWER to use MEMORY SKILLS to remember it.  Not just memory skills be CALCULATION and DEDUCTION REASONING or something.  Anyway let's say Around an hour and a half okay? Good.  What else is up.  Sunday.  Is that important at all.  It's the LORDS day.  One of em.  Jesus prefers Sunday at least.  What about Muhhamed.  Is HE and HIS version of Lord partial to Sunday.  Better LTURQ.  ISLAM GOT FRIDAY.  AMAZING.  I think STRAIGHT UP FRIDAY. Not like how Jewish People got Friday Night into Saturday.  WOW SPENDING STRAIGHT UP FRIDAY TO WORKSHIP NOW I'VE HEARD OF EVERYTHING.  I don't think they take time off PROPER like other religion do.  Anyway.  The important thing is IT TAKES ALL KINDS.  To do what. 
   Three paragraphs to go!  Wow.  Lots of television in my very near future.  Presumably I got some episodes of Simpsons where I'm like hey these ring lots of bells because I saw them a bunch from when I was 15 To Perhaps In My 20's and I Dunno Perhaps In My 30's so that shuold be pretty good.  Hmm.  Two and a half paragraphs to go.  I guess I shuold be excited about ham sandwich because I getto have delicious potato chips with them.  HOW MANY POTATO CHPIS.  Let's say perhaps delicious 1.5 dozen.  Amazing.  That's in the cards I guess.  Don't really want a ham sandwich.  I PROPOSE I EAT A LUNCH I JUST STRAIGHT UP WANT.  Maybe a salad.  It's LIGHT which is good because I'M NOT TAT HUNGRY.  On the other hand what else is going on and crap I guess I'll start a new paragraph now. 
  Hmm.  Two paragraphs to go.  Let's see.  I dunno.  There's really nothing contractually holding me to writing 2 more paragraphs.  It's an ACT II.  WHEN DO I EVER write 10 paragraphs for Act II.  HARDLY NEVER.  However I think I'm gonna do it none theless.  So that's good.  How has today's entry been.  PRETTY INOFFENSIVE.  Solid D+ entry.  It didn't HURT anybody so why should I take away points from it being a D+ right.  Maybe it hurt the family of John Frink and/or John Prine his writing partner.  David Payne.  What's his name again.  Don Payne.  Well.  He's in pain no longer.  Unless he's in pain forever.  It's possible being dead hurts.  THAT WOULD SUCK.  Cause it'd be FOREVER.  Hmm.  Even if there's only a 1 out of 10 chance Just Laying Around Being Dead Hurts MAN OH MAN would that be a Bust.  10% chance WE'RE IN PAIN FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS.  I don't like the sound of that AT ALL.  Such is life though.
    You heard it here first.  POSSIBLE AFTERLIFE IS BAD-- wouldn't be good.
  Last paragraph of daytime day!  We disintigrate PRETTY QUICKLY all things considered.  How long would it take to disintigrate.  Can't be in pain THAT LONG before we disintigrate completely.  Once we're gone we can't very well be in pain when WE ARE BUT DUST can we be?  Anyway.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Hmm.  Potato chips gonna make it real easy to not go crazy with the saltines.  I can go back and forth between saltines and potato chips now!  PROBABLY WON'T FINISH OFF BOTH OF THEM by the end of the week!  This is great.  I even got wheat thins as a double-back-em-up if I need em!  AND BOY WHILL I.  So that's good.  Probably got a Further Back Em Up.  Who knows.  Got cauliflower bites.  Got half sphere of potatoes.  I GOT LOTS GOING FOR ME for the next 4-6 days.  Probably can determine exactly how many days it will be until I re-up with super market next Friday Morning.  Let's see.  It's Sunday afternoon now.  ..Hmm...  One day will be Monday... SOUNDS LIKE ABOUT 5 days.  I"LL BE BACK TONIGHT.




Feels Like A Title

     HEY just got some relatively sad news!  My Mother's elderly cousin passed away.  91 years old!  Main connection to me is He used to be vetenarian and I got my Childhood Cat from him.  Cat was a Young Stray.  Dunno about ALL OUT KITTEN.  Maybe a couple month old Stray.  Vetenerian somehow got a hold of cat.  We were in market for cat and somehow we hooked up with each other AND TEH REST IS HISTORY.  Anyway.  CAT is Long Dead.  Now Cousin is dead, too.  Seemed like a nice guy.  In his own way. Came off like a JERK TO ME but One Man's Jerk is Another Man's Great Guy.  I'm sure I came off like a jerk to him.  I come off like a Jerk to MYSELF as well.  The point is EVERYONE IS A JERK AND I ASSUME WE ALL GO TO HELL THUSLY for being jerks that's my take away from My Elderly Cousin Dying.  Anyway I skipped lunch today!  Ate ham sandwich with Hot & Sour soup and Chips for dinner though!  IT WAS PRETTY GOOD.
Took six walks today.  Good stuff!  Listened to Ben Folds album again.  Roughly fourth time through it.  VERY GOOD ALBUM.  I can't WAIT to hear the bonus tracks once they, "Hit," the internet.  Assuming they exist.  Could be a FALSE FLAG that there's bonus tracks at all!  GOD DAMN FALSE FLAGS.  I'm not convinced there ARE such things as false flags.  Only time I've used the phrase false flags is IN JEST.  POSSIBLE FALSE FLAGS ARE FALSE FLAGS.  No such thing as false flags in real life IT'S ALL JUST MISDIRECTION AND WHATKNOT.  Anyway.  WAIT A SECOND what war is this jerk a veteran of WARLD WAR II or Korean War.  Let's see.  He was 91.  Let's do some MATH to determine. What math.  It's counting.  That's the extent of the MATH we'd have to do to determine what War he was in.  COUNTING IS MATH.  ANyway.  If he's 91 he was born in roughly 1932 or something.  That'd put him in KOREA.  HE WAS NOT VIETNAM VETERAN GET THAT OUT OF YOUR HEAD RIGHT NOW.  Fair thought though.  YOU COULD BE IN WAR when you're in your thirties.  YOU COULD BE AT WAR WHENEVER YOU WANT.  I'M AT WAR RIGHT NOW IN SPIRIT
Third paragraph.  Looks like I'm finishing this week of Speculation Baseball LOSING 4-6.  HEY THAT'S LIFE.  YA LOSE 4-6.  IF I COULD SUM UP MY LIFE ANY BETTER I DON'T THINK I COULD SUM MY LIFE UP ANY BETTER.  I LOSE 4-6 OUT OF TEN.  Such is life.  HEY for some people to win 6 out of 10 OTHER PEOPLE GOTTA LOSE 4 OUT OF 10.  YEP.  IT JUST.  MAKES.  SENSE.  What else is going on and crap.  Let's see what else is up.  Halfway through the act.  What to watch on the television set when this is over.  Think I'll put on some major motion picture instead of The Sampsons.  Perhaps HEAT.  That's a decent enough film to have on In The Background.  Not really the background.  WOULDN'T go so far as to say The Foreground though.  What's between the background and the foreground.  Cause THAT'S where I'd be watching The Heat.  Hmm.  Cousin was Ninety One years old.  Pretty good age to die.  If we Family Fueded HOW OLD DO YOU WANNA BE WHEN YOU DIE Ninety One MIGHT Be Up On The BigBoard.
  Hmm.  Never asked him whether he was happy about dying or not.  I knew the last few months or even years his health was getting worse.  NEVER TALKED TO HIM ABOUT IT. Didn't have a close relationship with him at all!  I DIDN'T ENJOY THE JERK'S COMPANY and I'm sure it was reciprocal GET OFF OUR RESPECTIVE BACKS ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  Good thing he's a Korean War Veteran and not WWII.  I think LEGALLY I could be in some hot water by saying I didn't enjoy a Greatest Generation Member's company.  He's JUST of the age though that I'm Allowed To Point Out He's Just Another Asshole though.  Anyway.  CAT was good. I enjoyed the cat we got from his enterprise.  Ya know what?  He was a veterinarian.  Probably liked animals.  People who like animals are probably Good People At Heart. He was probably a GOOD PERSON if I got to know him. I NEVER GOT TO KNOW HIM.  Oh well.  Now that I think about it MAYBE GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT!  Might have been a GOOD PERSON for a fair amount of the time!
   Anyway.  Shuold have asked him every Get Together HOW MUCH IS being a veterinarian like Pet Semetery Two.  INSTEAD I only asked him that ZERO times.  I am neither the kind of person to ask that nor is he the kind of person to receive that question.  I WISH i was in that kind of relationship with someone though where That Questoin Would Occur.  I WISH I LIVED IN and/or on THAT EARTH.  Well I still got more time ON Earth.  I CAN DO MY BEST to build relationships where I CAN ASK DUMB QUESTIONS.  Anyway.  What else is up. MILES.  Without giving away any other parts of his name-- Dead Guy's first name was MILES. ...Do I KNOW the rest of his name?  Now that I think about it I DON'T.  NOT SURE WHAT HIS COMPLETE NAME IS.  Name is MILES though.  Fun name though.  WISH MY NAME WAS MILES.
Huh.  Gotta go get some bloodwork done this week.  Not a big deal.  If anything These Days I TINK I WELCOME IT.  Makes SURE I get up EarlyOnTime EOT if you will.  Anyway.  That won't be tomorrow.  Or Tuesday!  Could be Wednesday or Thursday, though!  Won't be Friday.  Anyway.  Writing a bonus paragraph it appears.   Probably will be the only one!  I'm not 100% sure why I started this one!  I apparently thought it would be worthwhile.  I WAS WRONG.  Hmm.  Let's see.  Got some decent amount of time to watch Television left for tonight.  AT LEAST an hour and a half I'd say.  Probably AT LEAT two hours.  HOPEFULY MORE the later I stay up to watch telvision THE BETTER.  Not sure what I'm basing that on.  Just a feeling I have.  So that's good I guess.  That's it for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:17 P.M.




Saturday, June 10, 2023

A Little Titling Never Killed Nobody

     Hey friends.  11:25 AM!  Between when I wanted to get up and when I didn't wanna get up.  Relatively decent time to get up I think!  EARLY enuogh that Having Lunch Later On is VERY PRETTY WELL JUSTIFIED.  Anyway.  Computer Monitor Screen seems dark.  I think cause it wasn't being charged overnight for some reason.  Battery is low.  So to conserve battery it's not Lighting Up Completely.  Even though NOW it is plugged in.  Tried to figure out how to Light It Up completely.  Either way I'M DOING MY BEST OKAY.  Got Startbucks again today.  Gonna stop after today.  Workers are here again today so I couldn't make myself coffee.  But assuming they're done after today I'M DONE with start bucks.  Well maybe ONCE A WEEK or something.  But not every day.  ANYWAY what else is General Upkeep.  If we get DINER I might get BURGER again.  What else is General Upkeep.  Anyone ever been named Upkeep before.  IS TEHRE a General Upkeep out there.
   NOPE.  I didn't PHYSICALLY look it up on google but I feel like if I did I'd get NO HITS for a General Upkeep.  Anyway.  Either 5 or 6 walks today.  I dunno!  What else is up.  Had Freezer Breakfast sandwich earlier before Workers came.  Got up early to eat it! Then went back to bed.  WHAT ELSE is importnat to talk about.  This next thing can MAKE OR BREAK this entry.  Nothing good has happened yet.  WILL TE NEXT THING BE GOOD?  If it's not then THAT MEANS THIS ENTIRE ENTRY IS WORTHLESS.  If it is then THAT MEANS THIS ENTRY SHOWS PROMISE.  Hmm.  Computer battery charging RAPIDLY.  Increasing about 3-5 percentage points a minute.  Will be fully charged soon.  THAT DOESN'T COUNT.  THAT WAS JUST AN ASIDE.  DISREGARD THAT.  IRREGARD THAT.  UNREGARD. DON'T REGARD THAT IS THE POINT.  Also that's even WITH making the Display as BRIGHT AS POSSIBLE.
    What's up and crap.
  I dunno how many paragraphs to write for Act I.  TIMEWISE I can fit in 10 paragraphs easy.  But INSPIRATIONWISE no way nohow.  Hmm.  Let's see, what else is crap and shit.  I don't mind listening to music and podcast Shifted to the left side of my head.  It's like being in a car.  DRIVERS SEAT is in the left.  MAKES SENSE TO ME.  It's SAFE and RESPONSIBLE to be 80% to the left.  Or 20% to the left.  Depends on whether you're starting from the left or the right.  I think we start from the left.  20% to the right.  That's how that goes.  Huh.  MAYBE GET TOPPING on burger this tiem around.  Mushroom and onion.  I think we can all agree.  Agree on what.  Probably.  Anyway what else is up.  Not a fan of Starbucks asking my name when I order something in person.  YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE ME FROM FOURTY FIVE SECONDS AGO.  I'LL LOOK PRETTY SIMILAR.  YOU WON'T NEED ANOTHER IDENTIFYING PROPERTY.
  Anyway.  Just finished coffee!  Amazing.  WAS IT REALLY THOUGH.  Sure it was okay I guess.  HMM I just realized what was missing.  CIGARETTE.  Last few days I was drinking coffee and feeling buzzed and felt HMM there's SOMETHING ELSE to be had.  Now I realize.  CIGARETTE.  I don't need it though.  I'm fine without it.  But IN TE PAST when I'd be getting ExtraHouse Iced coffees daily sure I'd be pairing that with cigaretes.  So that's good.  Anyway.  What else is up and crap.  Hmm.  Quit cigarettes pretty close to when Pandemic hit.  Pandemic was March 2020.  Cigarettes as April 2019!  Only half a year of No Cigarettes before Pandemic Quarantine started.  INTRA-ESTING.  I guess.  Anyway.  Oh I know what I have to do besides smoke a cigarette. Gotta fart.  There we go.
   FIfth paragraph.  Not happy about that.  What can ya do.  Get Meatloaf sandwich or something instead of hamburger.  Can't get an APPETIZER.  Nothing special about that.  Not in the mood for a FRENCH TOAST.  What am I supposed to do.  I HAVE to get hamburger.  I LIKE HAMBURGER it's nto a chore.  But I'd LIKE to get something else exciting.  BUT THERE'S NO GOOD OPTION.  Hmm what else is up. WHAT ABOUT A FILET O FISH TYPE SANDWICH.  I bet I can get a sole sandwich!  NAH that'd be a bust.  I bet it'd be really thin.  NOT HEARTY AT ALL.  I wouldn't like it ONE BITE.  AH LAMB GYRO THAT'S PERECT. I CAN GET THAT.  Gonna go with that.  Try the lamb gyro deluxe.  SEE HOW TAHT GOES.  Not sure X-ACTLY what to expect.  Lamb Gyro with pita bread and french fries.  Oh sounds like I AM exure x-actly what to expect.  Also lettuce tomatoe and onions.  WOW I AM SURE EHURE what to x-pect.  GOOD ON ME.
MAZING.  What else is up.  Not sure how much of a meal that is.  1+.  I know that much.  WE'LL SEE.  Maybe I'm in mood for hamburger anyway GOD DANGIT.  Anyway this entry is THE PHITS.  Such is LHIFE.  What else is up and crap.  Halfway through the ACT.  Which means I'm VERY MUCH PROGRESSED thourgh the Worst Part of the day.  BOTH OF US.  We made it through the Crappiest Of the Crap!  We've got the best of the best STILL IN STORE later on.  Not IMMEDIATE though.  Don't get PRIMED for it JUST YET.  Won't be for A WHLIE.  But TAKE SOLACE in the fact that THE WORST is over.  I CANNOT definitively say that.  LOTS OF TERRIBLENESS has yet to occur yet.  Some of it may be less good than stuff that has already ahppeneed. OH NO we'll have to wait and see.  Anyway I dunno.  Computer is CLOSE to 100% charged.  GoTTA LOOK AT THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS.  Monitor still isn't Fully Bright to my liking.  I guess IT NEVER WILL BE.
   Seventh paragraph. 
Maybe try NEW YORKER WRAP.  Grilled London Broil with melted mozzarella and grilled onions.  Comes with SIDE POTATO which I wuld probably SAVE.  Eat entire wrap, save side.  THAT SOUNDS LIKE A VERY INTERESTING MIXEMUP.  Good deal let's go with that.  HOW COME TEHER'S NO WEST COAST RAP.  SOUNDS LIKE A SCAM.  1990's POP CULTURE CONTROVERSY DEBATES WOULD BE VERY UPSET there's New Yorker Wrap and not L.A. WRAP.  ALso RAP.  MUSIC RAP.  EAST COAST WEST COAST.  ALSO I'M MAKING PUNS.  ALSO GET IT IT's a joke.  GET IT.  DO YOU GET IT.  Anyway lots of DECENT options for lunch NO OPTIONS TAHT ARE head and/or shoulders above the rest.  BUT THE TIME FOR ORDERING is closing in.  This is tough!  Gonna get some sortof sandwich with some sort of red meat I think though.  I TINK.  Probably.  Anyway this entry is a solid D with no Accent to make the D any better.  OH NO.
   Three paragraphs to go.
  HEY GREAT NEWS workers wanted CHINESE FOOD.  Just spent half an hour working on THAT.  Why did it take 30 minutes?  Not 100% sure.  But it DID.  And it's STILL not 100% done.  But anyway GREAT I'm LOTS more excited about that.  Also THEY HAD their own place in mind.  NEARBY PLACE.  MAY have gotten it before but I'M NOT SURE.  Maybe it's good.  ANYWAY.  Beef with broccoli and/or garlic sauce LUNCHEON SPECIAL with PORK FRIED RICE and/or HOT AND SOUR SOUP and/or STEAMED SHRIMP DUMPLINGS.  They said they aren't DOING BEEEF with garlic sauce on the phone.  But they said they'll put my beef with broccoli in garlic sauce OR SOMETING.  So that'll be good.  Figure I'll eat half of that for lunch today.  HALF FOR LUNCH TOMORROW.  Should be pretty good I'M VERY EXCITED AOBUT THIS ENTERPRISE in the end it'll all work uot for the Very Excinting Best!
Penultimate paragraph.  I dunno.  Whatta do on Walk II.  Probably continue podcast I was listneing to on Walk I.  BASICALLY CONTINUE THE CRAPPY START to today I started.  Today is a real piece of mediocrity.  FEELS RIGHT TO ME.  Amazing.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  I guess I got more SImpsons in store for today.  I doubt I get Critic DVD-ROM working.  WHAT ARE TEH ODDS I get it working today after AN ENTIRE DAY of not working 2 days ago and AN ENTIRE DAY of Me Not Attempting To Get It To Work yesterday.  I DUNNO those odds.  I didn't even ATTEMPT to calculate them yet.  I'LL LET YOU KNOW TE ODDS noce I"m done calculating them.  Possibly.  OR MAYBE I keep that information to myself I DON'T KNOW.  Anyway.  Take walk after food gets here.  Write 5 more paragraphs.  Take walk.  EAT LUNCH.  Then the fun begins.  Somethign along those liens.  I dunno.  Whats YOUR LIFE about.
Last paragraph!  HAMAZING.  Let's see. OH THAT'S THIS PLACE.  Just looked it up on google maps.  I WALK BY THIS CHINESE PLACE PLENTY O' TIMES A DAY.  Great.  Now I can put a FACE to THE NAME.  Or a NAME to the FACE.  You get THE IDEA.  Now I get to see what That Part Of The Street TASTES LIKE.  Walked by it thousands of times withuot knowing the taste.  HMM.  What else is up.  Feels like I'll bring my lunch up to my room with me when it gets here.  THEN LEAVE IT UNTOUCHED.  Then bring it down to microwave it in 2 hours.  THAT'S GOOD, JUST GOOD.  Huh.  NO SOUP today.  Have soup for NEXT Session of lunch.  I THINK.  MAYBE SHANGE MY MIND.  HUH.  Today's entry is an INTERESTING one.  Possibly the worst Entry ever.  It's not MAGNITUDES worse than many other entries.  But I can see you easily making the case that it Edges Out other entries by Several Hairs.  INTERESTING VERY INTERESTING.  I LIKE IT.  NOTABLE ENTRY.  TERRIBLE.  SOUNDS LIKE FUN.  Be back ya soon!




let's make some noise

     Hey!  Got the Chinese Food and then took a walk.  ATE the five small shrimp dumplings already.  They were fine.  SAMPLED the rice and the beef.  It was fine.  Not a whole lot of that either.  Probably FINISH IT when I ahve lunch later on in about Oh I Don't Know 70 Minutes.  Leave over the soup.  WHAT to have the soup with.  That's a tough one.  Lemme LOOK OVER what meals I got from super market this week that I could pair soup with.  OH I GOT HAM SANDWICH I SHUOLD EAT. I COULD EAT SOUP WITH THAT.  GREAT.  GOT CAN OF DIET COKE TO DRINK.  Came with one the lunches.  Drinking that.  Anyway.  Let's write 4 more paragraphs and then move on with my life for a while.  Just occurred to me I can't access microwave at all for lunch.  Gonna eat it at room temperature.  OH WELL could be worse.
At least I'm not REQUIRED to make use of room temperature soup.  I can stand room temperature beef with broccoli.  WOULDN'T wanna eat room temperature hot n sour soup though.  So that's OKAY I guess.  What else is up.  Bumps up the time I'm gonna have lunch though by about five minutes.  ACTUALLY by about fifteen minutes.  I WAS OVERESTIMATING how much time Prepping Lunch would take.  NOW the time I get to eat lunch is MOVED UP A BUNCH.  Anyway what else is up.  Wasn't thrilled with quality of This Chinese Food.  LIVE AND LEARN.  Was it CHARMINGLY bad?  I dunno.  Not quite.  It had SOMETHING for it.  It was OKAY in its uniquieness. Or UNIQUE in its okayness.  SOMETHING ABOUT IT was okay and SOMETHING ABOUT IT was unique.  Not sure I'd go out of my way to try it again.  I'd rather ROLL THE DICE and try something else unique and see if its okay in a different way again though!
   Three paragraphs to go.  What else is up.  Probably take six walks today.  Seems like the way to go.  What am I having for dinner today.  Let's see what my non- salmon, non- ham sandwich options are.  HMM got some interesting optoins.  Off the top of my head most interesting MAY BE Chicken Ceasar Salad or Wilde Alfredo meal.  ALSO could have HERBED CHICKEN, kids chicken parm, or turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti.  ALSO could have lasagna or buffalo wings.  SOUNDS LIKE I GOT A LOT GOING FOR ME OR SOMETHING I DUNNO what else is up and crap.  Chinese Food ain't terrible.  Just ain't exceptional.  Terrible.  Exceptional. I SAY THERE'S A SLANT RHYME THERE.  I feel it maybe not IN MY BONES but in my MUSCLES or something.  NOT AS GOOD as in my bones but NOT AS BAD as in my skin or nails or something.
   Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Part Of Day!  WOW.  Close to being up to NightTiem Night!  DELIGHFUL.  I dunno.  SIMPSONS.  Lots of Simpsons in store for today.  BETWEEN the amount of Simpsons I'd be able to watch IF I GOT UP ON TIME and the amount of Simpsons I'd be able to watch IF I GOT UP LATE. SOMEWHERE IN TEH MIDDLE that's where I'M AT in life.  Sounds good.  SOUNDS HALFWAY GOODAT LEAST.  Halfway bad.  Gonna choose to look at the glass as halfwaygood.  I came up with that expression.  If a glass is halffull you look at it as half full because you're a Positive Person.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  WAIT A SECOND do I have enough gum to last me this week.  I DIDN'T RE-UP WITH GUM YESTERDAY.  I MIGHT JUST SHOULDVE.  Gonna have to look into that.  GUM IS HALF EMPTY.  But that's not just a PERSPECTIVE STATEMENT that's a TANGIBLE CONCLUSION.  I MAY CONCLUSIVELY not have enough gum to last me.  OH NO.
   Last paragraph of the act.  Anyway.  Might enjoy a basic salad for dinner tonight.  NICE AND EASY.  Simple.  Wonderful.  I WANNA TAKE A BITE OF RICE RIGHT ABOUT NOW but then again I don't wanna have to move my body.  I've have to SWIVEL from sitting in front of Computer to sitting in front of Other Work Station where the Chinese Foot is set up.  Not gonna do that right now.  So anyway what else is up.  THEN AGAIN I THINK I MIGHT DO IT NOW THOUGH.  HEY I did it.  That was pretty good.  Gonna enjoy eating the rest of this in about FOURTY minutes.  What else is up.  Gotta figure I'm hitting Six Walks today.  WOW I like the sound of that Figurement.  Configurement.  That's a word.  Actually no it isn't.  RECONFIGUREMENT is though.  Wait no it isn't either.  Somewhere along the line IF I KEEP ADDING PREFIXES figurement becomes a word.  I don't know WHEN OR WHERE but at some point it'll Manifest Into A Legitimate Word.  Anyway I'll be back tonight.




Best Believe I'm Doing Decent

     Hey friends!  Ate the delicious Wilde Alfredo for dinner.  Enjoyed the Chinese Food for lunch well enough.  NEW UPDATE ON FRIDGERATOR.  When they put it back into place they put it back SLIGHTLY DIFFERENTLY OR SOMETHING.  Now it's on A TILT or something.  SLANTED.  Perhaps ENCHANTED as well.  But the point is I know because if you open the fridge, the door STARTS CLOSING by itself because of GRAVITY rather than just STAY AJAR.  Shouldn't mean anyting tanjibly different.  Just something I'm Gonna Have TO Get Used To.  Anyway that's good I guess.  Look the point is it's FUN and EXCITING.  I'm gnoona get used to ENJOYING THIS not just Get Used to Getting Used to this.  Anyway I belive they are Done For GOOD now.  FLOOR IS FLOORED UP WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT.  Now super market is coming tomorrow morning with Items that were mucked up by Exploding Sodae yesterday.  THEN MY LIFE IS COMPLETE indefinitely for the next couple of hours.
Yeah!  Finished Season XIV of Simpsons.  At this point I'm OVER being done with Classic Episodes of Simpsons and KIND OF intrigued by getting into episodes of Simpsons I've never seen.  Still several seasons away from that though.  I think when I was a teenager (AND I AM ALWAYS THE EXACT AGE AS EACH SIMPSON EPISODE SEASON WHEN IT WAS RELEASED is there an easy way where I can highlight that phrase and UNcapitalize it without having to re-type it.  No.  There's no NONeasy way either.  IT JUST CAN'T BE DONE).  I kept up with The Simpsons for the most part.  50-80% of the time INTO MY 17-19 Year Old Years I WAS STILL SEEIN THEM NEW 'SODES.  People can call episodes of TV 'sodes right?  I GOTTA REMEMBER THAT.  Gonna have to use that MANY MANY TIMES over the course of the rest of my life.  'Sodes.  I'm gonna be a TV WRITER in a future life.  Gonna say 'sodes tens of thousands of times Annoying As Many Peiple As Possible.
By FUTURE LIFE I mean REINCARNATION.  Not gonna get to it as MICHAEL.  But AFTER I DIE.  NEXT TIME. Seems fair.  What do I do THIS TIME AROUND as Michael.  Hrmm.  Gonna go eat some Saltines.  I'll let ya know if I come up with anything On The Way There.  Or on the way back.  Brb.  Hrmmm.  Low level drug dealer.  Sell dime bags to high school kids and stuff.  Not really enough to be able to support myself let alone a family.  Not sure why I wanna do that.  PROBABLY wouldn't be good at it.  NOT OFF TO A GREAT START by advertising that I'm Presumably Doing It over the internet.  NOT THE KINDA THING You wanna be doing IF YOU WERE a Low Level Drug Dealer.  Either way GOTTA DO SOMETHING.  ANything is better than nothing.  LOWEST LEVEL DRUG DEALER is SOMETHING at least.  Hmm.  HalfBirthday is coming up on Monday.  TURNING 34.5.  WOW sequential digits.  THE PRESS WOULD HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THAT NUMERICAL ORDER OF DIGITS IF IT EVER GOT OUT.  OH NO I JUST SAID IT
Penultimate paragraph!  Let's see.  Gotta figure I eat 1-4 more things over the next 1-3 more hours.  JUST ate several gobfuls of Frosted Flakes.  FIRST TIME IN A LONGWAYS since I had Frosted Flakes.  I enjoyed it.  So that's good!  Try to wake up early enough tomorrow to take a WALK before the Super Market delivery window time.  Anyway.  Listened to Jenny Louis album Last walk.  The half of the album I hadn't heard that was Previously Available.  It's OKAY.  Not as Up My Alley as Rilo Kiley was.  BOTH slightly different genre of music and I'm slightly different genre of PERSON than I was 18 years ago.  Just Not The Same Thing At All!  Oh well what can ya do.  Give it a shot none theless.  Maybe listen to the album In Completition from start to finish instead of Seperately in terms of Songs Released Previous To Album Releasion and then songs released On Day Of Album Realization.
   Huh.  What else is up and crap.  Pretty much the same GENRE of person I was 18 years ago.  Not the same person.  SAME GENRE.  JERK.  THE GENRE OF JERK.  What else is up.  What to watch when this is over maybe some more HEAT.  How can you watch a TEMPERATURE.  I dunno but I can TRY at least.  Well that's good I guess.  What else is up.  Not happy PERSAY with this entry.  The quality is low.  But on the other hand it's a palate cleanser from the recent past entries.  LAST FEW WEEKS of Website have been SO SO.  Today's Entry is WORSE.  Whipes the slate clean.  NOW TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY.  Not sure what any of that is supposed to mean at all.  BUT IT SURE EXISTS.  So that's good I guess.  Also I feel that way every day.  EVERY DAY the last few weeks have been crappy But Today Is Worse.  DATING BACK TO 2015.  THAT'S LIFE IN TE MODERN WORLD FOR YOU.  ANyway I guess I'm done for now!  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-9:01 P.M. 




Friday, June 9, 2023

Snoozin & Loosin

     Hey friends.  Slept through the morning today.  Watched a bit of The Simpsons.  Then took a walk!  Now I'm here. Turnt out the Floor People mucked things up in several ways.  Not sure what's gonna happen.  They may have to come back and do some more work.  I WILL KEEP YOU UPDATED on this situation IF it progresses OR if it REGRESSES.  Anyway.  Dreamt up a bit of a Simpsons episode.  Not a great one.  A D+ one.  But it was a NEW UNIQUE episode with a relatively sensical plot with jokes and whatknot.  I obviously remember none of it.  And I remember thinking in the dream I will obviously remember none of this and IT'S FINE because ultimately it's Not Good Enough To Be Real. But STILL I wish I'd have it FOR MY RECORDS.  DANGIT.  Anyway.  IF I had a dollar for every time I dreamt up something that was relatively sensical that I forgot I'D HAVE ROUGHLY FIVE DOLLARS.  And if I had roughly five dollars I'D SPEND IT ON A 7 11 BURRITO OR SOMETHING off the top off my head.
    May or may not skip lunch.
  I'd ENJOY lunch.  But I ate a good amount over night.  Not sure if it's responsible to eat lunch.  Seems like I could probably afford TWO burritos.  Amazing.  Got Super Market coming in Late Afternoon.  Dangit.  Might limit my walkings more.  Dangit.  What are my options for dinner tonight.  Gonna have something I'm getting from super marekt.  Maybe go with SALMON.  Sounds like the way to go!  HAVE SOME SALMON. Delightcious.  No Iced Coffee today.  Wonderful, let's do something else instead.  Write some Quality Content.  WEBSITE content.  Wait is it 7 11  or is it 9 11.  Now I'm confused.  No it is 7 11.  Definitely 7 11.  Good.  WHAT if I wanna getta breakfast burrito on my way to work at 6:30 AM.  I think that's perfectly reasonable.  YOU'RE TELLING ME they won't be open then?  That sounds like a lie.  Pretty sure I would go to LIRR pre-7:00 AM and there's a 7-11 there and I could go in there thusly.  YEAH.
   Turd paragraph.
  Turd was never part of my vocabulary growing up.  Or Growed up.  VERY happy about that.  Just used the word twice and I can safely say I've used it NO MORE than a dozen times here and there in the last 34.5 years.  Good.  Also when I say I've used it a dozen times I just mean THINK IT a dozen times.  I don't think I've typed it or spoken it more than FIVE times.  I've GONE AS FAR AS THOUGHT IT at most 12 times.  That's how THAT goes.  Anyway I dunno.  Let's see.  I'd enjoy a ham sanwdich with some home fries.  That'd run me about a seventh of a pound.  I'd weigh about a sixth of a pound more if I ate a that as compared to if I ate Absolutely Nothing compared to that.  Hmm.  INTRA-ESTING.  KEEP IN MIND though that shut up who cares leave me alone about.  It.
   Fourrth paragraph.  D entry so far.  D/D+ if we wanna be generous about it!  WE DON'T.  Not sure why.  WE DON'T FEEL IN GENEROUS MOOD THIS MOMENT.  Not UN-generous mood.  Just not ACTIVELY PRO-generous mood.  NEUTRA-generous mood.  That's fair.  Hmm.  Maybe I cut ACT I short at five paragraphs.  I feel in a generous mood. I will be kind by limiting your exposure to POOR QUALITY PARAGRAPHS.  Sounds fair.  Huh.  Maybe then I write a longer ACT II when I get into a groove with THAT.  That would be an interesting mix-em-up you idiot.  Uh-huh.  Hmm.  Most exciting non Salmon dinner would be LOZENGE-UH.  IN FACT it's the most eciting dinner even including Salmon because it exceeds salmon in excitement.  So there's that.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Possibly get iced coffee on NEXT walk.  Maybe do things THAT way today.  I like it because it's a thing I can do.  I like doing thangs.  Hamazing. 
    Fiftht paragraph.
  Let's see.  I guess it's possible I take a walk after this paragraph IF my Dad hasn't left for his walk yet.  We'll see how that goes.  I dunno!  SO MUCH RIDES ON A LITTLE RED WHEELBARROW or something.  That's a thing.  Little Baby Sneakers Never Worn.  That's another thing.  I KNOW LOTS OF THINGS.  Anyway.  I gotta get me a little red wheelbarrow.  IS IT POSSIBLE William Carlos Williams was doing some Ad Campaigningning for Red Wheelbarrows.  We didn't realize it was an AD CAMPAIGN.  Either way GOTTA GET ME ONE OF THOSE.  Good deal.  Hmm.  Gotta get me some Baby Sneakers too!  THEY'VE NEVER BEEN USED.  Sure I don't have any babies NOW.  But baby sneakres can be used IN MYRIAD OF WAYS.  IS THERE ANY BABY SNEAKRES STILL IN STOCK.  I'LL BUY THREE HUNDRED.  ANyway.  What else is up and crap.  I guess I could go take a walk now.  I'll be back in a little bit!




what the what the what

     Hey friends.  Got back from Walk II with iced coffee!  Gonna go take a walk when my Dad gets back from his Current walk.  Gotta go immediately because super market delivery is coming SOON AFTER.  wanna get in my walk as soon as possible.  So I'll cut off Act II pretty much Whenever Dad Gets Back.  Will I reach 5 paragraphs by that point?  Probably!  We'll see how far I get!  I DUNNO!  Anyway workers coming back all day tomorrow.  Sounds like fun.  FRIDGE AND TABLE might be coming back into Newly Minted Dining Room.  GOOD DEAL.  I think there's a small chance if my parents die I STAY in this house indefinitely for myself.  Makes little sense because it's a FAMILY RESIDENCE and I'M A ONE MAN PERSON.  But if we DO DO THAT I'm keeping DINING ROOM.  That's my feeling.  Anyway.  At this point makes little sense to have lunch.  Maybe makes sense to have ham sandwich with homes fries for dinner!  Not gonna enjoy the cham.  BUT I gotta have it anyway!
   Good deal.  Lots of updates for Trump Indictment. Looks like he committed lots of concurrent crimes.  What an asshole.  Well we'll see how that works out for him ultimately I guess.  What else is up.  Hopefully I can get some Critic DVD working today.  That should work out for ME pretty good.  Anyway.  What's Trump's favorite film.  Better LTURQ.  Sunset Boulevard.  That sounds like a lie.  Seems to be true though.  I read the synopsis of the film on google AND YEP I CAN SEE TRUMP IDENTIFYING WITH TIS FILM.  Lots of people can identify with this film.  It was a BLOCKBUSTER HIT with all of America!  NOT ME THOUGH.  I never seen it.  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  Anyway.  Probably end up with Five Walks today.  Possibly just four.  PROBABLY FIVE.  How do you like THEM apples.  Sunset Boulevard is an ACADEMIA film. INTELLIGENCE film to watch. It's in BLACK AND WHITE.  If you watch this film you're LEARNING something.
   Hmm.  What else is up.  Getting cauliflower bites again.  They were good enough!  Nice things to snack on here and there over and over again.  Possibly.  Could be less healthy than I'm imagining.  Not imagining they're Healthy.  Lemme rephrase that.  Could be MORE UNhealthy than I imagine.  Either way fun stuff right.  Sick of Joe Biden giving NO COMMENT on Trump Being Indicted And Stuff like that.  Say SOMETING.  "Don't Do The Crime If You Can't Do The Time!" or something.  You don't need to GLOAT or osmething.  But this is PRETTY BIG NEWS.  You ought to have SOME sort of comment.  Saying, "I have no comment," sort of implies, Well this isn't PARTICULARLY NEWS WORTHY so I haven't had the the time to come up with a take.  I know it doesn't LITERALLY imply that.  We KNOW you don't MEAN that.  But that's how I read the SUBSUBtext.  YEAH.
Penultimate paragraph.  Let's see.  Two paragraphs to go I guess.  I should be able to do that in time before my next walk.  I should be comfortable Stopping There and not wanting to write more.  Why not.  Maybe I whrite more than 5 paragraphs at night.  Who nkows what happens exactly.  Anyway I just finished the iced coffee.  That's okay.  I feel kinda BUZZED now that I think about it.  I wasn't thinking about it BEFORE.  I probably won't think about it AGAIN.  But I'm thinking about it RIGHT NOW.  Good stuff.  ALSO probably shouldn't do the Crime even if you CAN do the Time.  It's BAD for SOCIETY.  Just the WRONG thing to do in general.  C'mon.  What else is up.  What kind of bread do I have this week. WHITE bread.  That sounds good.  Maybe I heat up ham in microwave.  Either that or eat it up cold from the Fridgerator.  I THINK those are my two options.  Good deal!
    Last paragraph of daytime day.  Sweet.  Hmm.  VERY possible I SETTLE FOR SIMPSONS after Walk III instead of EVEN ATTEMPTING Critic DVD.  I guess.  Should be pretty good.  I guess.  Let's see.  Dinner isn't that far away!  I HAVE NO LUNCH but I still have a meal creeping up for me NONETHELESS.  We're talking 3.5-4 hours.  Maybe later if I wanna push it back I DUNNO WE'LL HAVE TO WEIGHT AND SEE.  ugh.  Ham sandwich won't be good but the medium amount of home fries WILL be decent.  DO I GO OUT OF MY WAY TO OVENIZE IT.  That'd be good.  Might just Not Go Out Of My Way and microwize it.  THAT'D BE FINE I GUESS TOO I SUPPOSE.  ANYWAY.  Huh.  Got more buffalo wings this week.  AIM IS to have 'em as Here-And-There snacks and not as meal.  Then again That's pretty Dumb probably SHOULDN'T do that. Hmm that's a good UPDATED aim.  DON'T NOT Should do that.  GOOD UPDATE.  I LIKE THAT UPDATE.  I'll see ya tonight.




Great Just What I Need

     Hey friends.  Just got back from Walk V.  POST-dinner walk.  That's what I WANT to become Standard.  A POS DINNER WLAK.  We'll see if that pans out, I dunno!  Anyway I had salmon and halve spheres of potatoe for dinner.  Finished the Home Fries as a snack during the day.  STILL have Old Ham in fridge.  Presumably have it at some point over the weekend.  Not tomorrow!  Workers gonna be here tomorrow.  UNconvinient to make myself a sandwich for lunch.  NONconvinient to have a ham sandwich for DINNER when they're gone.  Not sure what's nonconvinient about a sandwich for dinner.  It's convenient.  Just not FHUN.  Anyway we'll see what happens.  Watched some Simpsons today.  Watched the first half hour of HEAT. The Michael Mann film.  I've seen it before a year or two back.  IT's a CRIME film but WHOA RE THE REAL CRIMINALS in American Society I POSIT THAT QUESTION TO YOU.  Can you," Posit That Question," at people.  Or is that grammar WAY OFF BASE.
Hmm.  Super Market delivery came MINUS several items.  One bottle of soda EXPLODED or something and ruined the entire bag.  PERSONAL ITEMS LOST included wheat thins and POTATOE CHIPS.  I was gonna get STRAIGHT UP POTATO CHPIS.  Sour creem and/or onion LAYS chips.  NOW I am getting them on SUNDAY.  Should be interesting.  SUre it's no Sour cream and/or onion RUFFLED chips but they're still pretty exciting to be having them and/or whatknot.  Anyway.  Cleaned out the earwax in my earbuds and now the right earbud is a lot softer than the left earbud.  I guess there's some innate gunk in the right earbud I CAN'T get out so now I don't know what to do.  Figure out a way to DEPOSIT some earwax BACK INTO the left earbud so that it MUTES the left ear BACK UP ABIT to even it out.  I DIDN'T SAVE any of the earwax though.  WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GET EARWAX.  I need some mucus or something to coat left earbud with to EVEN OUT THE VOLUME.  HUH.
Hmm.  OR get used to hearing things on the left side of my head!  WHY NOT.  THAT'S ONE WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE.  People have Lived Worse Lives.  I CAN GET USED TO THIS.  I'm over halfway through the 14th season of The Simpsons and I'M WORRIED I may NEVER SEE A CLASSIC EPISODE AGAIN. ...Well I mean I can go back and watch earlier episodes I suppose there's always that FORGOT THAT COULD BE IN THE CARDS.  But you get the idea.  If I go FORWARD in time from this episode thusward I don't think I have any Favorite Episodes left.  Maybe there's a couple I DON'T KNOW.  Anyway.  Halfway through the act.  Good stuff.  Tomorrow is another opportunity to try a Wake Up Wrap.  DUNKIN DONUTS HAS GONE WOKE NOW TOO.  WOKE UP WRAP.  WHY CAN'T I JUST BE ALLOWED TO SLEEP FOREVER IN PREJUDICE.  GOD DAMN COMPANIES AND THEIR TOKEN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS THEY MAKE ME SO MAD FOR REASONS THAT DEFINITELY EXIST AND I CAN EXPLAIN.
Penultimate paragraph.  Pretty sure I get CHOICES in Wake Up Wrap.  Choices of Cheese? Egg?  Meat?  Not sure Better LTURQ RIGHT NOW ahead of time.  Might get to choose between BACON, TAUSESE, AND SUAUCU TUKERY SAUGE.  Might get to choose between American and WHITE CHEDDAR cheese.  Huh.  This is tough.  I'll have to ask my Personalized Dunkin Donuts what my exact choices are.  We'll see I GUESS.  Huhm.  Erg.  Could get a more indulgant Full Sized Breakfast Sandwich.  WHOW.  Anyway let's see getting close toe nding this website for the night.  Maybe I try watching some more HEAT.  Seemed like a good movie.  Got ACTORS.  Got SCRIPT.  Wouldn't be schocked if it got DIRECTING.  Basically it's got everything you want from a movie from the mid 1990's. HELL ANY mid part of ANY mid decade.
Last paragraph!  ARE WE IN the mid 2020's?  LUKE WARM TAKE-- as of last month WE ARE NOW IN THE MID 2020's.  WOW VERY EXCITING.  What else is up.  Hmm.  ANY interesting breakfast type sandwich type breakfast I can get from STARTBUCKS instead of Dunk 'n Do 'nuts.  I like their service better based on this past week alone.  OH WELL NO WAY OF POSSIBLY KNOWING.  GODDANSHGIT.  Hmm.  Let's see.  If I had potato chips LIKE I SHOULD I'd probably go ahead and indulge in half a dozen or eight now.  Feels like it would be fun!  BUT WE DON'T HAVE THAT OPTION.  So instead I'M GONNA NOT DO THAT.  Good stury.  THAT was a good stury I just told.  Anyway.  Hope I get up on time tomorrow.  Not a fan of Getting Up at 1:30 PM these days.  Not the best way to live Your Bet Life.  ANyway that's it for tonight.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-9:22 P.M.




Thursday, June 8, 2023

Today Is A New Thing

     Hey friends.  Up at good time today!  Got up around 8 AM and stayed up!  SNUCK IN microwaved breakfast sandwich before workers got here.  Not sure why workers needed to be italicized.  If we HAVE to italicse work I'd say we do it when it's VERB and not plural noun.  Either way, I ate delicious sandwich, watched some TV, took a walk, got iced coffee from Startbucks, and now I'm here!  Startbucks got my order right.  Probably.  They GAVE THE IMPRESSION like they understood what I was saying at least which I appreciated.  The important thing is I'm drinking this coffee A LOT QUICKER than the one yesterday and I'M CHEWING UP THE ICE while drinking it today.  Gonna be done with it in no time at all.  Huh.  Both Startbucks and Dunkin Donuts seem to be cutting down on their garbage receptables.  I REMEMBER there being 6 to 10 garbages per Franchise in places like these when I used to go.  NOW I'm lucky to find HALF OF ONE.  I don't get it.
    Living room converted into DINING ROOM yesterday and today.  BETTER THIS WAY.  Kitchen table and fridge are now in dining room.  I still took my food and crap up to eat To My Room BUT I LIKE THE AESTETIC BETTER with the table in This Room.  WE SHOULD HAVE HAD IT SET UP THIS WAY THIS ENTIRE TIME.  Except for the Fridgerator.  Leave that in the kitchen.  But HAVE TE TABLE IN THE LIVING/DINING ROOM.  What a BUST Of 3.5 decades.  COULD HAVE HAD A DINING ROOM TIS ENTIRE TIME INSTEEAD OF A ZERO NOTHINGBURGER OF A LIVING ROOM.  I've told you we've done literally .0001 NOTHING WITH THE LIVING ROOM.  Could ahve had a dining room.  WOULDA BEEN HAMAZING.  I'm not joking IF I could go back in time and Only Change Minor Things TIS might be on my top 50 list of relatively minor things I should change.  Hmm. 
    Okay.  As long as you make 50 500 and list SCROLL.  Anyway.  Should be able to take six walks today.  Maybe seven. Probably six.  That'd be my guess.  WHATTADO for lunch?  My guess is DINER.  My guess is maybe consider hamburger again it was such a blast and seven nineteenths.  HEY STEAK AND EGGS would be the PERECT thing to get to slpit into TWINE meals.  But workers might judge me.  THIS ADULT MAN KID is getting steak and eggs for lunch?  SEEMS EXTRAVAGENT they might think.  Hmm.  Not TAT crazy I guess.  ANyway.  The point is when's the next time I have opportunity to get steak.  I TINK I SHOULD GET STEAK AND EGGS HAMS DOWN.  Ok good deal.  What kinda eggs.  Only time will tell.  Not 100% sure I am getting diner for lunch.  Only time will tell.  Overtell Overture.  William.  What's going on.  D+ entry so far.  How bad does an entry have to be to be UNDER a D+.  Pretty bad THAT'S how bad.
   Fourth paragraph.  Just spend 5 minutes working on super market order.  That's good.  Didn't contrinute any D Plussedness Or Worse to the entry! Didn't get it on the right track either.  Maybe it did.  Hmm.  Almost done with my iced coffee.  Not sure I'm happy about that.  Yesterday iced coffee lasted me into the mid to late afternoon.  TODAY IT LASTED ME INTO TEH FOURT PARAGRAPH.  That's STARTBUCKS for you.  Anyway.  Kitchen People might be done today.  Might be done tomorrow.  Either way THEN my Mom can, "Deal!" with talking about me taking Improve class.  Figure out what that's supposed to mean.  FIRST STEP is CONTACT LENSES.  If I can't SEE then I can't PERFORM.  And if I can't PERFORM then I can't REAP THE BENEFITS of performance.  Hmm.  What's the benefits of performance.  Not sure about that.  What do I ultimately get out of Improve Class when it's done.  NOTHING.  I get to take NEXT improve class.  I DON'T LIKE TE SOUND OF THAT.
    Fifth paragraph. 
Watch some The Critic today.  What do I ultimatley get out of watching The Critic when it's done.  NOTHING.  I get to watch MORE television.  I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT.  I'll have greater CONTEXT to watch more television.  That's what real life CRITIC is all about.  YOU WATCH TV AND FILM CRITIC so you can watch TV AND FILM with greater context.  Makes sense.  Fried eggs.  Home Fries.  What KIND of fried eggs.  Most Generical Fried Eggs tehre are.  What's that.  Just, "FRIED," "EGG."  I guess.  Whatever.  I guess I'd have to eat it COLD if I'm eating it for lunch while they're working.  Huh.  TIS IS ALL SPECULATION I dunno what's gonna happen If We're Getting Them Lunch Again Or What.  ANYWAY fifth paragraph.  Act I so far running a solid D/D+/D+.  JUST FINISHED MY ICED COFFEE.  Just gonna have some Water from Bathroom Sink even thouth Fridgerator IS accessible downstairs.
    Fifve paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  I DON'T KNOW if I'm accepting Lunch Delivery this RoughlyNoonTime.  IT MAY IMPACT if I take 2 or 3 walks In Early Part Of Day.  Anyway.  Didn't notice any smell on Walk I today.  Didn't look particularly smoky outside either.  Good deal.  Imagination Baseball not going Great.  I'm behind 2-6-4.  CLOSER than those numbers imply though.  Still anyones ball game.  Other team isn't RUNNING AWAY WITH IT in the categoires he's ahead in.  Hmm.  Super Market webpage updated their format.  Nice new INTERFACE.  I like it.  Seems to be running smoother, too!  Not just more pleasing to the eye but also I THINK it's less clunky and loading quicker.  Could just be my imagination.  Could be YOUR imagination too.  Can't count out anything at this point.
   Seventh paragraph.
  Hmm.  My mom told me she bought me a new sweatshirt jacket over the internet.  I DON'T NEED A NEW JACKET.  I GOT PLENTY OF JACKETS.  TWO OR THREE.  I don't like this new development one bit.  Anyway.  Now she owes ME a favor though.  So I can't wait TO CASH THAT IN.  Hmm. D/D+/D+/D/D+ entry right now.  Not not NOT happy about it as of now.  So taht's good.  Anyway.  Closing in on the end of a podcast episode!  THAT'LL HAPPEN from time to time.  Gotta think about what to do when that's over.  First instinct is the next episode of That Same Podcast Enterprise.  Hmm.  I wonder what kind of guest they'll have.  My guess is someone they're friends with. Or PROFESSIONALLY friends with.  It works out best for EERYONE that they give the impression they're friends even if It's A Stretch Of The Truth!  FASCINATING.  THREE PARAGRAPHS TO GO AFTER THIS ONE.
Hmm.  Maybe workers want Chinese Food as a Variation On A Lunch Theme.  THEY EAT IN THEIR TRUCK OR WHATEVER.  THEY CAN KEEP THEIR OWN HOUSE CLEAN.  No reason we can't get Chinese Food COMMUNALLY today.  Hmm.  ANyway.  I dunno.  Why do I think Chinese Food would be Too Messy.  OH NO RICE.  NO ONE CAN PLAUSIBLY STOP RICE FROM GETTING ALL OVER THE PLACE IT'S IMPOSSIBLE.  I do it all the time.  LITERALLY THREE OUT OF FIVE TIMES I eat Chinese Food I don't leave Rice all over the place when I'm done.  It's easy!  Anyway I dunno.  Hmm.  Oh right gotta reschedule my Zoom Therapy APPT I just set up yesterday for next month.  Set it up for a day after my Zoom Pshytirary APPT.  REDUNDANCY.  I don't need them one after another.  SEPERATE THEM by a week at least.  That's how I operate.  ALSO WITH UTENSILS.  Like knife and scalpal.  Possibly some sort of lobster fork.
    Penultimate paragraph.  IS Lobster Fork a thing.  Tiny fork.  That thing.  Hmm.  I've eaten AN Lobster maybe ten or twelve times in my life.  I DON'T THINK lobster fork is a thing.  I don't recall Tiny Fork being of use for lobster.  Wouldn't help with CLAWS.  Might help with MIDDLE part of lobster I guess, but you could use regular fork there.  CLAWS is real part you'd need help with lobster.  And you'd need some OTEHR kinda help I think.  I dunno.  Maybe LOBSTER FORK now that I think about it.  The important thing is I need EXTRA Help one way or another.  MORE than your average person.  Huh.  Wha else.  Gotta about ten minutes to get out the door for next walk before I'm cajoled into staying around to accept a Lunch Deilvery!  Gotta finish one more paragraph and GE TOUTTA HERE!  Hmm.  Let's do that.
Amazing.  Get a ROLL as bread for the steak * eggs.  I dunno what kinda ROLL they're offerring.  But I wanna mix it up from Sliced Bread.  So we'll take a chance on ROLL.  Hmm.  LOOK MAYBE WE GET NO DINER I DUNNO.  SOLID CHERNCE GERT NOR DERNER.  What else is up.  Let's see.  What do I watch when I'm back from Walk Post Act II in a little bit.  Was watching The Simpsons most lately.  Can watch THAT.  Can watch THE CRITIC.  Can watch SOMETHING ELSE.  LOTTA goot opdions.  Hmm.  I dunno.  My favorite character on the Critic HAS GOT to be a toss up between THE CRITIC, The Critic's FATHER, possibly The Critic's... uhh... HMMM... maybe... huh... Hmm... Critic's SON isn't HILARIOUS BUT HE'S GOT HEART... what was I talking about again.  I dunno.  DUKE PHILLIPS. He's funny!  HE'S THE CRITIC'S BOSS.  YEAH.  HE'S PERHAPS the funniest character.  LET'S CONTEMPLATE THAT.  ANyway I'll be back in alittle bit.




if you liked that you'll hate this

     Hi friends.  What's up and shit.  Time to write some 5 paragraphs.  Got a good feeling I can MATCH or EXCEED the quality of Last Ten Paragraphs.  Because THEY WERE SHITSBURGH.  Not very good.  Also I got DELICIOUS WATER to aid me instead of COMPLICATED coffee and ice cubes.  KEEP IT SIMPLE.  Flat Bathroom Sink Water.  DECENT.  New York City Sewer Water.  BEST SEWER WATER IN TE WORLD.  Sewer Water isn't the right phrase.  You know what I mean. Utility Water.  Whatever.  The important thing is IT'S REALLY NOT BAD WATER AT ALL I THINK I'LL TOP MYSELF OFF RIGHT NOW.  Well that's good I guess.  IF we get Chinese Food THINK I'M GONNA GO WITH BEEF WITH GARLIC SAUCE.  New York City has THE BEST Sewer Beef With Garlic Sauce IN THE WORLD.  So that's pretty good I guess.  Hmm. 
    If WORKERS get no lnuch I PROBABLY GET MYSELF diner later on.  SURE SEEMS LIKE THE WAY TO GO.  Four paragraphs to go sure seems like the way to go.  WAY TO GO.  Genius.  Think I'm aiming for enjoying The Cricket for today.  In the HalfwayThroughTheBack of my mind enjoying The Critic is what I'm looking forward to for today.  Besides the meals.  And being done with the first two acts of the entry.  That's what I'M getting off on for now.  Huh.  Too bad SUBWAY is still closed.  I'd POP IN for a sandwich I think for lunch.  That'd be a VERY NICE low stakes ONE OFF lunch.  HOWEVER local SubwayShop is still ON THE MEND.  Which may or may may not be an expression that does not apply here.  Either way HMM what other kinda one off sandwich can I get somewhere.  I have ham in my fridge.  As well as bread.  I CAN MAKE A ONE OFF SANDWICH.  Yeah but it's INCONVINIENT.  PEOPLE ARE HANGING AROUND TEH FRIDGE.
They're presumably haivng lunch THEMESLVES at some point.  WHLIE THEY'RE INDISPOSED I SNEAK IN AND MAKE MYSELF A SANDWICH.  I don't even need to have it then.  I could make myself the sandwich, bring it up to my room, THEN AHVE IT WHENEVER I WANT.  It's not DELICIOUS like a Subway Sandwich BUT IT'S PROBABLY THE RIGHT THING TO DO.  WAIT NO I HAVE NO GOOD SANDWICHSIDE.  FORGET IT.  No good sandwichside.  FORGET IT I SAID.  Huh.  Where's the NEXT closest Subway.  Gotta be several other subways relatively close.  WELL.  WHERE'S TE NEXT CLOSEST SUBWAY.  WHAT'S TEH ANSWER.  I thought AI was supposed to be getting smarter.  I'M NOT GETTING ANY ANYSWERS AT ALL.  I'm not impressed with New Wave Of AI AT ALL.  Hasn't been doing much for me AT ALL.  Huh.  Two more paragraphs to go!
    Amazing.  Let's see.  Take a nice walk when this is over.  Possibly order diner as soon as I get back!  Wow!  Lunch is really shaping up to be exciting.  EAT IT NICE AND FRESH.  Exactly what I want.  Huh.  I guess.  Maybe.  Eating dumb sourdough roll.  I really dough NOT like the sourgh doughness to it.  TOO SOURGH.  I don't see the appeal of sour bread.  And if I can't see the appeal I don't see why ANYONE would see the appeal.  IF I CAN'T RELATE NO ONE CAN.  HMM sounds like we're getting Diner Delivery now afterall.  MY DAD might be okay with accepting delivery though.  So I can take walk.  WELL we're ordering RIGHT NOW.  Dad wants me to go take my walk now so I can presumably likely be back to accept delivery WHEN IT GETS HERE.  GOTTA FINISH TIS PARAGRAPH NOW.  OH NO ONE PARAGRAPH SHORT better make up for it WITH SUPER DUPER ACT III.  See ya then!



What If I Entitled Thusly

     Hi Friends!  Time to write at least six paragraphs.  Only four paragraphs in Act II!  Ented up eating ENTIRE amount of steak and ENTIRE amount of egg whites for lunch.  No roll or potato though.  Had roll later on betwine lunch and dinner though. They buttered it!  DIDN'T EVEN ENJOY TEH BUTTER THOUGH.  It had congealed and I couldn't really enjoy it one way or the other.  Either way DELICIOUS!  Had delicious herbed chicken meal for dinner just now.  Re-upping with super market tomorrow Late Afternoon.  GOT HAM SANDWICH FOR LUNCH TOMORROW.  Then we're STARTING OVER for the week after that.  HUH.  Workers are NOT coming back tomorrow.  They're all done.  Kitchen Floor is GOOD.  TO.  GO.  Pretty amazed with how much Egg Whites I got.  I was ready to get about a third of the amount of egg I'd normally get with steak and eggs if it were just Scrambled or Fried.  Instead I got about Two Times The Amount.  WHAT A TWIST-EM-UP.
    Took six walks today.  Tried to watch the CRITIC.  COULDN'T.  DVD wouldn't load.  Watched a lot of The Simpsons though. THEY seem fine.  Anyway Donald Trump has been indicted for CRIMES.  FEDERAL CRIMES.  I believe this is related to CRIMES he may or may not have done.  That's where we're at AT THIS VERY SECOND.  Donald Trump is some jerk who was president for a while.  PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.  THREATENING TO BE PRESIDENT AGAIN TOO at this very moment as well.  If it were up to him I TINK HE WOULD become President again.  THAT'S JUST THE VIBE I GET from this guy.  Anyway.  ISN'T UP TO HIM.  UP TO THE VOTERS OF THE AMERICA.  Possibly more complicated than that.  Might have to read THE BILL OF RIGHS.  I bet it's IN THE BILL OF RIGHTS SOMEWERE.  First Ten Ammendments.  RIGHT IN TE MIDDLE TO TEH END SOMEWHERE who gets decide whose presidency.  Is it AMERICAN VOTERS or SLIGHTLY MORE COMPLICATED than Just American Voters.
  Anyway.  He may be in JAIL while he's running for presidency.  IF YOU'RE LEGALLY required to be in a room whree you can't PHYSICALLY run then maybe you shouldn't be allowed to METAPHORICALLY RUN for office.  JUST ONE THOUGHT.  I dunno.  THERE SHOULD BE LAWS ON THE BOOKS that every jail cell is big enough that you can do A DECENT CIRCLEWALK.  THat sounds like an interesting PASSION PROJECT of my own.  SURE I'M for prisoner's rights and whatknot.  Even White Collar Slobs like Donald Trump.  I'd want jerks like him to be able to CircleWalk several hours a day if they want to.  I TINK EVERY PRISONER SHOULD BE ABLE TO CIRCLE WALK IF THEY WANT TO and I think I should make it my goal in life TO MAKE SURE THEY CAN. Except I have no background in LAW or SOCIAL SCIENCES or ANYTHING LIKE THAT such that I'd be able to make a dent in that sort of Field Of Work to make an impact thusly.  BUT YOU GE TTHE IDEA. 
   Sweet.  Three paragraphs to go.  What to watch when this is over.  Probably more Simpsons!  I can appreciate The Simpsons.  Probably more than most people.  MORE THAN 3 out of 5 people I'd say.  Not bad!  Looks like I'm getting ginger ale this upcoming week instead of sprite.  Not sure why.  Just felt like time to Mix Things Up.  I think ultimately I should get a kick out of that or something I dunno.  Eat the home fries with the ham sandwich for lunch tomorrow.  Wonderful.  Hopefully get up in the morning tomorrow.  Write Morning ACts I and II.  WELL ACT II will probably be around THE NOONISH TIME.  That should be good.  I anticipate having fun with that.  Got a bunch of fun new meals from super market for next week but NONE NEW DELI SANDWICH MEAT.  Parents getting turkey.  I CAN have turkey sandwich if I want it.  PROBABLY WILL.  Probably have A SHINGLE TURKEY SANDWICH if I want it.
   Penultimate paragraph.
  ANyway.  Hey we're getting close to StraightUpSummer 2023.  Gonna be Just Regular Summer By Academia's Measurements in 2 weeks.  Interesting.  I hope it works out great foreverybody.  Probably will!  Gonna lead to fall.  I like fall.  All them TREES with leaves.  Everyone knows that's the best part of autumn.  THE TREES WIT THE LEAVES.  Not the EVERGREEN trees. The NON-EverGreen Trees.  The leaves FALL TO THE GROUND just like the name of the season suggests.  That's where it COMES FROM.  It's SUCH A NOTABLE THING that they NAMED THE ENTIRE SEASON AFTER IT.  Leaves Falling Off Of Trees Onto The Ground is SUCH A HUGE FUCKING THING in the Human Experience WE NAME AN ENTIRE 25% OF OUR LIVES AFTER IT.  IT'S IMPORTANT.  Kinda seems irrelevant now that I think about it.  Really makes VERY little difference on my life What's Going On With Leaves in September and October.  Hmm.  NOT SURE HOW TO FEEL now that I think about it.
    YEAH.  Really makes ya think.  Last paragraph!  What else is up.  I guess I got some limited choices for breakfast tomorrow.  TWO POP TARTS or HEALTH BREAKFAST SANDWICH.  Pretty much all I got.  Hmm that reminds me I gotta re-up with Pop Tarts with Super market.  Thanks for reminding me The Way The Universe Worked Out Eventwise Sequentially.  Hmm.  GOOD just did it Brown Sugar Cinnamon 10-30 calories MORE than you'd like from a Pop Tart but AS DELICIOUS as you'd like so IN TE END I"m happy with how it'll turn out ULTIMATELY.  GOOD.  What makes ultimate frisbee MORE than frisbee.  WHY.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Huh.  Maybe I try watching The Cricket again tonight.  If I can CLOSE OUT tonight watching a Crictic or two MAYBE I LOVE TODAY A LOT.  Sounds reasonable.  Anyway I'll see ya tomorrow!

-9:04 P.M.




Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Could I have a Moment of Your Time

     Hey friends!  Up relatively pretty early today!  Had seven minute zoom therapy appointment at 9 am.  Took a walk.  Was on line in Dunkin Donuts to get ICED-Em-Up coffee for roughly Several Hours.  Now I'm here writing an entry!  Got some people working on Kitchen Floor.  That's why I went with Iced Coffee instead of House Coffee.  Solid 2/3rds chance they got my iced coffee more or less right.  I repeated how I wnated it 4-6 times.  Skim milk and 5 splenda.  I WILL ACCEPT any amount of skim milk and any amount of artificial sweetener as long as they put Nothing Else In.  That's An Accuracy Order if that's what they gave me.  On the sticker on the cup it says 1 Sugar 1 Skim.  THAT would be wrong.  I don't taste the sugar.  Then again if it was JSUT ONE SUGAR I wouldn't taste it.  Either way I'm gonna say Glass Is Half Full it's not really sugar in it.  Anyway.  Forgot to make myself breakfsat sandwich before Kitchen People came.  Wanted to get something from D&D.  Then I was FULL when I was there.  NOW I WANT SOMETHING AGAIN.  DANGIT.
Hmm.  Three to five people here in the house.  Besides me and my parents.  I'm gonna guess THREE.  Ya know what NOT FIVE.  Gonan ammend my estimation to TWO TO FOUR people.  Gonna say three.  If I have access to fridge for lunch probably have chicken roll.  Cold.  Don't microwave it or anything.  Just eat it  WORKING CLASS LIKE.  BLUE COLLAR SLUBS EAT THINGS WITHOUT COOKINGLIKE APARATUS PROCESSES.  Anyway.  Watched the first half of The Babadook last night.  NOT SURE if I've ever seen this before. If they made a re-make of it I saw that. IF NOT then I've see nit.  I've seen A Babadook.  Either way pretty good movie.  MOTHER AND SON.  Classic Recipe for Horror!  I can relate to the son because I WAS ONCE A SON and I had a mother.  I had a father too.  OR DID I.  Hmm.  I did.  Yep.  That checks out.  Anyway.  Gonna take an Easy Six Walks today probably.  Amazing. Dad might want me to tahng around downstairs entire time he's on his walk.  Hmm.  Might get some Quality Television Watching Time on PARENTS TV.  That sounds like a fun Holiday.
Okay.  Got a Imaginatoin Baseball trade proposal!  I REJECTED IT.  Not really close to anything worth considering at all.  NOT VERY CLOSE AT ALL.  Anyway.  Therapist was unsurprisingly onboard with me taking Improve class.  EVERYONE is unsurprisingly onboard with me  takign Improve Class whether it's my brother or my therapist.  Everyone.  2 for 2.  3 for 3 if you include You.  YOU'RE ON BOARD.  Probably.  Anyway.  Could be fun!  IT MIGHT JUST COULD BE FUN right?  Wear several masks TRAVELING and then take em off when I get to the class.  REVERSELIKE of what's the logical way to do it HEALTHWISE.  Anyway.  I feel like I'm due for a booster.  I don't think I've gotten a 2023 booster!  IT'S ABOUT TIME I'M INOCULATED or something close to inoculated.  Anyway.  Mets hovering around .500 all season.  NOT knocking out out of the park.  I think they need to see some therapist.  Clearly struggling with some issues.
Hmm.  IS IT mind issues.  Could be PHYSICAL issues.  Can't HIT the baseball hard enough because of MUSCLES.  I dunno I assumed it was MIND issues.  The talent is there.  THEY'VE GOT LINDOR AND THE REST OF TE SUPERSTARS.  THEYVE'S GOT THE SKILLS.  JUST PUT THEM TOGETHER.  What else is up.  Oh.  Right.  If we're getting Super Fun Lunch for Our Special Workers I can get HOT LUNCH with them.  That's good.  Amazing.  What should I watch on television that Workers will know I'm watching.  WELL is there anything wrong with the Simpsons.  Hmm.  Well let's start a MAYBE PILE.  What's my next idea.  Hmm.  What kind of impression am I TRYING to give the workers with my Television Choice.  THAT I'M A GOOD KITCHEN FLOOR GUY.  Kinda kitchen floor they're installign for a family is a family that will APPRECIATE a good kitchen floor and that kind of family is REFLECTED in their large-small adult son's Den Adult Time Television Choices.  Huh.
I really should know more about the WORKERS if I wanna know how to impress upon them that I'm a Good Floor Guy.  WHAT THEY GET OUT OF MY TV CHOICES says more about THEM than it does about ME really.  Hmm.  What else is up.  OH RIGHT.  I don't think my Mom gets DisneyPlus on her TV.  She's complained about not being able to figure out.  That doesn't mean I can't figure it out.  But it DOES mean I might not wanna BOTHER trying to figure it out.  So that's good.  Hmm.  WHAT TO WATCH THEN.  She also don't get HULU I think.  She's also complained about that. So there's TAHT.  Hmm.  Dad had me half-way hide the beer in the fridge because he thought if workers wanted a drink and saw the beer they'd be like HEY I WANT ONE.  I'm not LIFTING ANOTHER FINGER until I GET A BEER.  I don't know if he really thought that would DEFINITELY happen.  As much as he entertainined the idea it MIGHT happen.
   Huh.  What else is up.  OH RIGHT.  Last day or two it's occurred to me HEY I SHOULD START UP WIT HSOME READING AGAIN.  Makes sense.  Especially if I start getting up Earlier again.  That way I can work in some Afternoon Time Between Walks again like I wanted to a month or two ago.  READ.  I think it could work.  I'm ENVISIONING a routine RIGHT NOW.  Wake up AND GET UP around 9 AM.  Take around six walks.  Get some reading in in the afternoon.  IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER.  LUNCHES.  POSSIBLY signifnicantly cut down on the snacks!  Anyway.  I dunno about 9 am.  VERY LOOSE TIME OFF TEH TOP OF MY EHAD.  Maybe it's TEN AM.  What else is up.  I don't understand how I can say CLEARLY to D&D worker Skim Milk and 5 splenda and I even lower my masks COMPLETELY the last 2 times and ENUNCIATE COMPLETELY and then when they repeat it back to me they repeat back the wrong thing.  YOU WORK HERE.  TIS IS WHAT YOU DO OVER AND OVER DAY IN DAY OUT.  YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO PARROT BACK MY BASIC ORDER.
ROSS PARROT.  IT'S POLITICS YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND.  What if I insisted in pronouncing the bird parrots like the name Ross Perot.  So what.  What if.  NO one would care.  Oh.  GOOD.  Well, I'm glad we got that covered then.  How many people dying from Covid-19 these days.  Let's see.  HMM.  Looked up DATA FOR MY ZIP CODE IN SPECIFIC. NYC.GOV says overall 111 Deaths.  Since the beginning of time.  For covid 19.  They also say 1 out of every 3 peple was diagnosed.  Overall I assume.  Since the beginning of time.  That seems pretty low!  NOT BAD.  GOOD FOR MY NEIGHBORHOOD.  I dunno how comprehensive this website is.  IS IT REAL ACCURATE?  I have no idea.  Anyway.  What else is up and crap.  Seventh paragraph already.  That's pretty good.  I wanna move on from Simpsons IN GENERAL.  Not just because of Downstairs Television Set.  Hmm what'd be an INTELLIGENT thing to watch.  HEY I'M AN ADULT MAN what'd be a RESPONSIBLE thing for me to watch on the Television Set.
Oh I know DOCU SERIES.  LIKE WAHT THOUGH.  LITTLE PEOPLE OF ATLANTA.  Oh ok that sound about right.  Three paragraphs to go.  Probably could fit in seven walks today but probably don't wanna!  Anyway.  I dunno if I CAN watch TV.  They're busy Doing LOUD stuff to work on kitchen floor. If I PUMP UP the volume on TV that might distract them.  Might just have to sit there and look at my phone.  Oh.  Okay.  Huh.  What else is up.  Let's see.  Not a great entry so far.  Solid D+/C-.  It's no FUNNIER or MORE ENTERTAINING than a Plain D+ but I feel like it's FLOWING EASIER.  I'm writing it QUICKER.  Bumps it up to D+/C-.  Doesn't seem fair FROM YOUR VANTAGE POINT but THEMS THE BREAKS.  Anyway.  If I knew WHAT TO ASK FOR from Dunkin Donuts I might have gotten it even though I wasn't hungry at the moment.  IT MIGHT have been a, "Wake Up Wrap," but that might have been MacDonaulds.  I wasn't wearing my glasses so I didn't know waht their menu was.  DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO ASK FOR. COULDN'T GET IT.
Penultimaet paragraph of the act!  Huh.  Let's see.  What else is up and crap.  HEY GREAT NEWS they're getting DINER for workers now.  TOO EARLY FOR ME to have lunch.  But I'm gonna get my lunch NOW and ahve it LATER.  PLAINT HAMBURGER.  WITH FRIES.  I assume I'm getting lettuce and tomatoe as well.  TAT'S HOW IT GOES when ya get the D-Lux most of the time From Places Like This.  THROW OUT THAT TOMATOE.  Probably eat the lettuce either As an ASIDE or on top of the burger.  OR HALFWAY.  Maybe put ONE slice of lettuce on the burger and eat the rest as AN ASIDE.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Possibly have that for DINNER and have the chicken roll for LUNCH.  Might appreciate the burger OVENIZED more for dinner and the chicken roll COLD for lunch more rather than REVERSEDWISE.  Hmm.  We'll see I Guess I AM NOT SURE.  This was a good paragraph though.  NOW YOU KNOW WHAT I PLANNA DO WITH THATTUM LETTUCE.  Also eat a third to half the fries.  SAVE A THIRD TO HALF FOR ANOTHER ENTERPRISE.  PROBABLY END UP EATING ENTIRE HALF.
Last paragraph.  CRAP just realized my Dad's gonna want me to hang around to accept delivery.  Huh.  That's not so bad.  Anyway.  Probably should have asked to get something ON the burger like mushrooms and onions.  Too late now.  BURGER PROBABLY WON'T BE TOO HEARTY.  OH WELL LIFE IS SUCH THAT IT IS.  JUST HEARD MY DAD PUTTING IN ORDER.  SOUNDS LIKE FOUR WORKERS and they're all getting GRILLED CHICKEN SANDWICHES.  LOVE IT.  These are MY KINDA WORKERS.  VERY ECUMENICAL.  I'm NOT SURE THAT'S TEH WORD I'M LOOKING FOR.  Oh.  Well.  For some reason that's the word that came out.  Huh.  WELL.  There's SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME THEN.  Apparently.  What word am I looking for.  Economical?  CLOSER.  Anyway.  I WISH I WAS GETTING A GRILLED CHICKEN SANDWICH.  Anyway.  I guess I'll be back a little bit later.  Later than I wanted to be! Gotta wait around to accept Lunch and then take a walk and TEN I'll be back.  BONUS TIME WAITING AROUND before I can come back here.  I'LL BE BACK HERE SOON ANYWAY YOU'LL SEE.  See ya soon.




oh we're still on that

     Hey friends.  Good shot I won't have to Sit Around Downstairs at all.  We'll see what happens!  Anyway!  What else is up.  Probably finish Babadook when this is done THEN TRANSITION into the Simpsons.  Not PHYSICALLY.  In terms of what I watch on Television Time.  Possibly Physically.  Can't count out anything completely. I HOPE I won't.  Although that would garner me al ot of attention.  POSSIBLY BAD ATTENTION.  Possibly good!  I COULD MAKE TE MOST out of attention I would get if I physically turned into The Simpsons in real life.  ON ITS OWN MERIT it's a bad thing but I think I could turn it into a positive.  What else is up and crap.  Probably gonna have lunch in about an hour and a half.  Probably just COLD chicken roll MAYBE WITH FREEDOM FRIES.  The good news is hey got a whole lotta day left in store for me WIT LOTS OF TELEVISION TIME TO ENJOY.  Should be pretty good.  Started day off RIGHT WITH ICED COFFEE too.
Huh.  Let's see.  What else is up.  Huh.  Four paragraphs to go!  I'll enjoy being done with them.  Probably.  Maybe I get into a groove and I ENJOY writing by the time I'm closing out the fifth paragraph and I think HMM I have conflicting feeligns about Stopping Now.  Part of me wants to continue.  That sounds like One Of Them GOOD Problems!  Probably won't happen.  So that's good.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Probably have some fries with chicken roll.  Seems like I'm hungry enough to justify that.  Maybe have lunch in as soon as AN HOUR.  YEAH SEEMS LIKE GREAT IDEA.  What else is up.  Haven't checked my weight in a week or two.  HOPEFULLY haven't gained weight.  Wouldn't be surprised if I'm The Same WEight.  Also wouldn't surprise me if I gained a poind or two.  Wouldn't surprise me if I lost a pound or two.  NOTHING WOULD SHOCK AND/or AWE me to be perectly honest.  Been a while since I said, "perect."  HELLO OLD FRIEND.
   Third paragraph.  Probably WOULD enjoy hamburger with fries actually.  Even if its cold.  MAYBE THAT'S TEH WAY TO GO.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Is there any way I can heat up hamburger with Super Powers or something.  Do I have FIRE EYES.  Maybe fire HANDS or something.  FIRE ANYTHING.  I don't think I can create fire with ANY part of my body.  How about RADIATION.  Can I RADIATE at all.  Hmm.  Not sure about that.  NO MORE THAN TE NEXT PERSON AT LEAST.  And obviously OTEHR PEOPLE aren't microwaving burgers by just being themselves.  Or else We'd Be Doing It All The Time.  So that's not in the cards.  Huh.  MIGHT COULD JUST EAT TEH CHICKEN ROLL with some fries.  DO TE RIGHT RIGHT THING.  EAT COLD CHICKEN ROLL.  Hmm.  Gonna drop myself down from D+/C- down to D/D+.  For rating This Entry I mean. Skipping PLAIN D+ entirely.  DOWN TO D/D+.  Go figure.  That's how life goes sometimes.  NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT BUT THAT'S TE WAY THE APPLE TREE SHAKES.
    Fourth paragraph. 
What else is up.  CAN YOU EAT TREE.  Not fruit of tree.  TREE ITSELF.  What's the worst that could happen From Eating Tree.  I could think of several things.  LIE.  I CAN THINK OF ABOUT ONE THING.  I HAVE LIMITED IMAGINATION.  IT'S A PROBLEM OF MINE.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Maybe I can fit in another walk before Lunch.  I dunno.  We'll see I gues.  What else is up and crap.  What's the one thing I CAN imagine.  I LIED.  Can't even imagine a full thing.  Sort of imagine Tree getting STUCK in your digestive system.  I guess CONSTIPATION.  That's what I'm imagining but even that could be TEH OPPOSITE of the truth.  Maybe tree gives you diarrhea what do I know about tree.  I like how they make diarrhea impossible to know how to spell off the top of your head to discourage you from ever wanting to use the word.  VERY CLEVER.  Hmm.  Common word!  JUST OCCURRED TO ME I have NO CLUE how to actually spell it.  Wonder if I'll remember it after today.  No I don't.  I DON'T WONDER IT AT ALL.  I KNOW I WON'T.
Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Got about 15 minutes to write this paragraph if I wanna fit in another walk PRE-LUNCH.  Sounds like enough time to me!  Good deal.  What else is up.  Diarrhea LOOKS like its just a combination of letters that came out when the Dictionary Had Some Loose Shit.  NOT SURE WHAT THAT MEANS EXACTLY.  That's a lie.  I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IT MEANS and I NEVER FELT ANYTHING SO INTENSELY.  Something wrong with me though.  You probably can't shouldn't be able to relate.  What else is going on and crap.  Hmm.  Workers haven't been working the last fourty five minutes.  Been SILENT.  Haven't even been in the house.  Guess they're eating their chicken sandwiches.  In a TRUCK or something outside.  I guess.  Good for them.  THEY EARNT THEM SANDWICH.  WELL here we are at the end of 5th paragraph and I AM IN NO SUCH GROOVE.  HOWEVER I am gonna bump myself up to a Plain D+ for today's entry.  YES.  I'll see ya tonight. 




Might Just Could Maybe Be Good

     Hey friends!  Here to close with a STRONG to FAIRLY SURPASSING MEDIOCRE Act III tonight.  Had a solid day today.  Nice meals.  Cold Ungrilled Chicken Roll was a BLAST and two sevenths.  Hamurger with fourty percent of the fries and a little bit of cheap lettuce was good.  LOVED the cheap lettuce.  No crunchy High Quality Lettuce.  NICE GOOD CHEAP SOGGY LETTUCE.  COULDN'T ASK FOR MORE.  Soft thin lettuce.  Ate it separate from the burger.  Burger was of High Quality.  Took Seven walks overall today!  One more than I wanted to take.  Watched I believe FOUR Critic episodes.  LOVE IT.  I can relate to The Critic because I have unhealthy body image and still think of myself as overweight.  ALSO I AM SHORT and still think of myself as short but its fair becuse I AM INDEED short.  And I'm REALLY short so The Extra Shortness makes up for the Not Really Overweightness.  SO MY UNHEALTYH BODY IMAGE is actually JUSTIFIED.  I DO have a Poor Body Image TO OTHER PEOPLE.  It's ACCURATE Body Image Appearance Judgment.  Poor but CORRECT.  So I got that going for me!  I'm just jorshing around My Body Is fine IT'S JOKES.
    Hmm.  HARD TO SAY WHERE MIKE REISS ENDS AND AL JEAN BEGINS.  That's MY takeaway from The Critic.  Anyway.  Turns out the air was full of Canada Wildfire Smoke (CWS) today.  In the middle of the day the sky was I WANNA SAY ORANGE.  I forget.  I remember it looking weird.  Didn't occur to me to TAKE NOTE of exactly HOW weird.  Also smelled weird.  GOOD weird.  Didn't take note of HOW good weird.  Possibly like the smell of Fireplace.  Either way VERY PLEASANT.  Did I breathe in TOXIN FLUMES?  Possible.  But was it worth it?  PLAUSIBLE.  Double masked the last few walks once it occurred to me to start doing that!  Good deal.  Anyway Sorry to Canada for benefiting off their fire.  I consider this whole enterprise a Net Gain.  I got to Smell Goodness outside!  IT WAS A PLUS FOR ME.  I LIKED IT.  MAYBE IT HURT OTHER PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T WEARING MASKS AND MAYBE IT EVEN HURT ME.  YA TAKE YUOR LUMPS WITH YOUR... waht's the alternative to lumps that's positive.  Lumps can be positive.  Very much so.  You take your lumps with your Positive Lumps.
    Third paragraph.
  Kitchen floor appears to be about half done.  I don't have a problem with it PERSAY.  I don't have a problem with it Alternative TO Persay.  WHY would I have a problem with it At All.  Huh.  OH RIGHT gotta put in stuff for upcoming Super market order.  Comin' in on Saturday Morning this week.  EH computer isn't working that great this moment.  Maybe later.  AH.  Having the rest of my fries now.  Not 60%.  About 25%.  I HAD 40% with dinner.  I have 25% now. I had the rest at ODD POINTS throughout the day AT OTHER POINTS.  Delicious.  HEY I bet I get more food tomorrow for lunch.  PROBABLY FROM DINER again.  Should I get grilled chicken sandwich?  Nah.  Besides Ham Sandwich, the one meal I STILL GOT in house is a herbed grilled chicken meal.  MAYBE I EAT MEATLOAF sandwich instead of hambruger.  Maybe MEATBALL sandwich.  WIDE VARIETY of MEAT sandwich I can eat.  Ugh. 
   What else is up.  Is there such a thing as a chopped steak sandwich. Or is that just idiocy.  Possibly both and/or none of the above.  Dumb.  Gonna try to get up early enough tomorrow to comfortably make myself a frozen breakfast sandwich in the microwave.  SUCH THAT IT'S BEFORE WORKERS GET HERE.  ANyway.  Maybe hold off on More The Critic until tomorrow.  Only a finite amount of The Critic!  UNLIKE OTHER THINGS IN THIS UNIVERSE in which there are UNLIMITED amounts of.  Critic we gotta CONSERVE.  Hmm.  Maybe watch WE WILL BE BLOOD.  Was thinking about things we DON'T need to conserve.  OIL came to mind.  LET'S GO NUTS drilling for that crap what's the harm never hurt nobody no how.  Not IMMEDIATELY at least.  Sure it did.  I'm sure drilling for oil killed plenty of people Immediately.  Oh that's good NOT WASTING ANYONE'S TIME get RIGHT TO THE POINT I LIKE THAT.
   Last paragraph of the night!
  What's the harm of breathing Wildfire Smoke from Canada.  (A) it's all natural because it's FROM THE FOREST-- NATURE.  (B) it's from CANADA which is one of the cleanest countries IN TEH WORLD.  (C) -- LUNGS COULD USE SOME TOUGHENING UP  (D) GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT it just feels like a Health Enterprise and not a Risk Adversity Problem overall.  That's just HOW IT SMELT.  IT SOMETHING SMELLS GOOD that's a clue that its good for you.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Let's see.  Hmm.  Finished watching the Babadook.  THE BABADOOK DID IT.  I think.  I THINK that's An Accuracy Statement.  Hmm.  Anyway let's see what else and crap, what else and crap...  MAYBE I don't get up early and get a WAKE UP WRAP tomorrow or whatever it's called.  THIS COULD BE MY BIG CHANCE to get delicious D & D breakfast for first time since all people knew about were Covids I through Covid 18.  YEAH THEY GOT WAKE UP WRAP.  Amazing that's great my life is complete now for some reason I guess.  That's good news for me.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:44 P.M.




Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Try To Look At It My Way

     Hey friends.  Up a few hours earlier than The Usual Usual.  12:34 PM right now!  Took a walk before starting this act!  Watched TV for an hour or two Also before taking walk!  Anyway.  Probably gonna indulge in Chinese Food for lunch after Walk III after Act II!  PROBABLY INDULGE IN GENERAL GAO'S CHICKEN.  Is GAO an acceptable variation of Tso. I feel like I've seen GAO before but it might be a SEPERATE dish.  Anyway.  I feel like if I add on shrimp dumplings I can spread General Tso into THREE meals.  I wanna try that.  Anyway that's INDULGANCE lunch for ya.  Could be good.  OH NO 6/6.  SIGN OF TE DEVIL.  MORE OR LESS.  HALFWAY THERE.  Devil isn't fully manifested but THE SUGGESTION OF THE DEVIL IS TEHRE.  Not happy about that.  Anyway.  Devil was fully manifested 17 years ago.  WE'RE STILL SUFFERING THE CONSEQUENCES OF THAT.  Oh well such is life I guess.  Anyway.  I think I can stop wat ching Season XIII Simpsons.  NOT getting much out of it.  DAMN DEVIL.
    Anyway.  Listneed to some Podcast on Walk I.  Probably take JUST FIVE walks today.  Easy five walks.  Huh.  Maybe eat lunch BEFORE walk III now that I think about it.  THAT CUOLD WORK NOT SURE WHATTADO the important thing is lets move on.  ACTUALLY the way my Afternoon is shaping up Maybe even eaet lunch before ACT II/WALK II.  I dunno.  THIS IS CONFUSING.  Not sure whattado.  Maybe hold off on Chinese Food for DINNER.  THIS IS FREAKIN CONFUSING.  Yeah.  I dunno.  I'm STILL confused but I DON'T TINK I'm getting CHiense Food For Lunch now that I think about it.  NOT SURE when and what I'm doing for lunch BUT NOT CHINESE FOOD.  DANGIT THAT WAS EXCITING.  Anyway MOVING ON TIME.  Eat herbed grilled chicken with sweet potatoe and broccoli instead possibly.  OR eat salami sandwich and then have CHinese food for Dinner.  HUH COFFEE TIME
Okay HERE'S THE DEAL and then we'll move on.  Gonna have lunch of either Salami Sandwich or Herbed Chicken POST ACT I but PRE Walk II at around 2:00 PM.  Then have DINNER of THE OTHER ONE or Chinese Food!  AMAZING.  Possible I get a NON chicken Based Chinese Food for dinner IF I have herbed chicken for lunch.  OK TIME TO MOVE ON WIT MY LIFE BRIEFLY.  Anyway.  WHY can't I still just get Chinese Food for lunch?  NOT comfortable INDULGING SO PRE ACT II and Walks II and III.  ALSO can't plan exactly WHEN it would arrive.  THEN AGAIN WHY NOT JUST INDULGE SO.  It'd be FUN.  Huh.  Life is full of Hard Decisions.  YOU HAVE NO REASON NOT TO INDULGE SO IN CHINESE FOOD BUT ON TE OTHER HAND you have ALL THE REASONS ON TEH WORLD Not TO Indulge So.  Anyway.  Watched some crappy Horror Film from Oh I Don't Know The 1970 last night.  Nothing to it.  It was ON the Television Set for an hour and twenty three minutes though!
   Okay.  Something about Satanist Hippies got rabies.   Not sure why they had to be Satanist.  At first I thought it was gonna be Them Being Satanist that was importnat.  NOPE.  Turnt out that They Got Rabies and that was the main Antagonismisms for the main charaters.  THEM BEING SATANISTS was just superfluous. Why would hippies be satanist.  SATAN AND HIP DON'T MIX.  Maybe if you mix up your interpretation of WHAT'S HIP just so I GUESS it could work.  And your interpretation of WHAT'S SATAN.  I dunno.  I DON"T SEE IT THOUGH.  SATAN'S A MAJOR COME DOWN MAN.  LIKE WOAH DUDE.  I think my instinct in general is to identify with hippies.  Never thought about it conciously before.  But if I had to gravitate TOWARDS hippies or AGAINST hippie probably would be TOWARDS hippies?  Not in ALL aspects.  But if I had to FIGHT or FLIGHT I... wait no that's not the analogy I want.  If I had to IDENTIFY WITH or IDENTIFY FIGHTING AGAINST I'd Identify WITH 7 out of 10 cases.
   If I had to fight or flight Hippies HMM that's a tough one too  Depends on a hippie by hippie basis AND A FLIGHT BY FLIGHT basis.  What kind of FLIGHT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT.  What else is up.  Is the origin of term, "Hippie," just, "HEY I'M HIP ABOUT THINGS I'M A HIPPIE KIND-A-GUY.  Probably!  Oh well such is life.  Also 1 out of 10 cases I'M ABSTAINING FROM FIGHTING COMPLETELY.  And then 2 out of 10 cases I'M CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSING TO FIGHT AGAINST HIPPIES.  That's how Those Ten Fights are panning out.  What else is up and crap.  If I eat salami sandwich probably gonna pair it with Wheat Thins.  If I have grilled chicken meal DO I PAIR IT WITH ANYTHING?  Might have a dinner roll with it!  Seems plausible.  HEY almost done with half of the act already!  I feel like vaguely A BIT OF IT has been vaguely GOOD ENOUGH.  IT'S A STRETCH but why not stretch it out and say that. Amazing.
    Lisa becomes a BUDDHIST in the episode I'm in the middle of.  Felt like that happened earlier in the series.  I must be thinking of her becoming a Vegeterian.  Or a jazz musician.  Or comfortable with being depressed.  BASICALLY every season Lisa becomes comfortable with being an Outsider In SOme Form IT ALL BLENDS TOGETHER.  Being A Jazz Musician is being THE ULTIMATE OUTSIDER.  Anyway.  What are the numbers on popularity of Jazz amongst millenials.  MY GUESS is no higher than amongst Generation Hexers.  SIMPSONS TRIED TO TRAIN US TO APPRECIATE JAZZ.  TRIED AND FAILED.  WHAT MORE CAN THEY DO.  I mean SURE they COULD have done more but anything more would have been SUPERFLUOUS if I may try to use a word SUPERFOULOUSLY.  What else.  Possible we would have liked Jazz MORE if there weren't the Simpsons.  Maybe I'd have NO reference point for Jazz for the first 18 years of my life and then in college I hear Jazz and am BLOWN AWAY and LOVE JAZZ.  HOWEVER NOPE.  In THIS universe with THE SIMSONS I hear Jazz as a child and then never get the chance to be BLOWN AWAY being exposed to it in college.  LISA SIMPSON RUINED JAZZ way to go.
   Seventh paragraph!   Wait does Lisa Simpson play jazz.  Kinda feels like it might be the BLUES.  I SAY LISA SIMPSON PLAYS THE BLUES.  Gonna have to look into that.  What kinda Simpsons Video Games are they making these days.  I don't mean CHEAP 99 cent video games you might find at THE APPLE store.  I wanna know what games they're making for THE PS5.  NONE.  THAT'S WHAT.  Seems like an oversight. I FOR ONE would PAY GOOD MONEY to... well... I wouldn't LITERALLY pay good money... but I would THEORETICALLY IMAGINE people pay good money to be interested in Simpson Video Games existing in the 2020's.  JUST IMAGINE THEM BRIGHT CRAZY COLORS.  YELLOWS.  ALL THE HUES OF THE RAINBOW.  It could work.  Anyway.  Do the other residents of Springfield recognize that The Simpsons are the main residents.  Is it kind of accepted that The Simpsons are The Stars.  I think that's like 5% of the premise of the Simpsons.  95% of the time it's just Normal Town but a solid 5-10% of it everyone is like HEY IT'S THE SIMPSONS THE FAMILY THE ENTIRE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND
   Three paragraphs to go!
  Probably aim for salami sandwich.  MAYEB with triscuits.  UP TO SIX.  SIX FULL ON TRISCUITS.  What else is up.  Not gonna be hearty.  Not a lot of salami.  BUT WILL BE DELICIOUS.  Nothing wrong there.  HEY I still got time to load up some tater tots.  I THINK SHOULD DO TAHT.  GONNA GO FOR IT.  WHY NOT.  BRB.  YEAH.  YEAH.  Instead of 50-60 minutes at 350 degrees, gonna have em in for 40-45 minutes at 400 degrees.  AMAZING.  Well anyway guess I'm pot committed to having salami sandwich now!  Huh.  Guess I'll have it on white bread.  Shuold be good.  NO TOASTING.  Cut it in half I guess.  VERTICALLY.  Amazing.  What else is up.  What am I watching on The Television Set today.  Huh.  How about some INTERVENTION.  That could work.  Maybe some sort of FILM.  Think I wanna take a RESPITE from The Simpsons.  Maybe keep watching The Simpsons until I REALLY get to a point whree I'd REALLY appreciate a respite.  Each episode gets slightly less pleasant.  So at some point I'm gonna reach a point where the respite is REALLY needed.  I CAN'T WAIT.
   Penultimate paragraph.   Huh.  Not sure that's how TV works.  NOT SURE Quality Works Linearly Exactly.  IT MIGHT!  Huh.  Eat delicious HALFWAY HEALTHY Chinese Food tonight maybe.  THAT'D COULD WORK.  Huh.  What else is up and shit.  What exactly are my Heart Attack Odds incresaed when I salt my Tater Tots.  I want EXACT numbers.  .000003% or whatever PER EACH SALTING.  Either way gonna go out of m yway to salt Tater Tots.  I'm sure they put salt in them when they make them themselves.  Why wouldn't they.  Everyone puts salt in everything.  I WILL ADD BONUS SALT MYSELF.  That's how I operate.  Anyway.  I WILL incrase my Heart Attack Odds BY SOME AMOUNT.  There IS a number out there that I Will Now Have A Heart Attack because of this Salting that I wouldn't have had If I Didn't.  Gotta spend money to make money and whatknot
   Last paragraph of the act!
  Good deal.  Is that hte bad thing from salt.  Heart attack?  I think it's one of the top three or five bad things.  Huh.  Ya know what.  Maybe just DON'T DO THAT.  Maybe not.  I guess not.  Huh.  I'lll think abuot it.  Keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  We'll see!  We all gotta go sometime.  Might as well eat a lot of table salt while we're here!  DON'T Wanna be lying on my deathbed thinking I DIDN'T EAT ALL THE TABLE SALT I COULD HAVE.  Wanna know I experienced life to its fullest.  HAVING EATEN FREEDOM TOTS TO THEIR FULLEST.  Makes sense.  Meh.  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Looking forward to the rest of the day I guess.  Maybe just some Chicken with Garlic Sauce tonight.  That'd be pleasant Chinese Food!  I'd ENJOY THAT!  WHY NOT.  I'll be back in a little bit.   




i literally can't do that

     Hey friends.  Just got back from walk II. Was raining hte last ten minutes.  Was raining hard the last 4 minutes!  SHOULD BE STOPPING before next walk.  Hamazing.  ANYWAY had delicious vegetable burger with Tater Freedoms for lunch.  THINK I'm gonna aim for chicken with garlic sauce with Oh I Don't Know SHRIMP DUMPLING for dinner tonight.  Amazing.  Add an, "H," in there.  Maybe a, "W."  If you can add even another letter I'd be really impressed with that as well too.  Anyway.  Rain REALLY WEIGHING ME DOWN.  PUMMELLING ME INTO THE EARTH.  I don't like it.  Then again fills me with humility.  Reminds me I'm Not Such A Big Man As I Sometimes Think I Am. I'm just like any of you Whom Can Get Rained Upon.  So that's good.  Gonan TRY REALLY TRY to watch something other than The Simpsons after upcoming walk.  Great!
    Okay.  I dunno.  SOUNDS like the sun is out!  I just heard a bird chirp.  Birds wouldn't be chirping if the sun wasn't out.  Too risky.  What else is going on.  Bird chriping is their way of signalling to one another that the rain is over.  How come the chirper knows it but the bird chirping HEARER needs to HEAR the chirping to realize it.  Cause birds are IDIOTS thats why.  Maybe I get delicious white rice with dinner tonight.  STICKY WHITE RICE.  Not sure what sticky white rice is.  I've seen and/or heard the phrace sticky rice before. IT MAY be in this context or it may be in another context.  I can IMAGINE white rice in this context sticking together though so IT MAY be in this context.  SOUNDS GOOD.  Also my FLASH First Instinct is not good if white rice is sticky but then if you think about it JUST A LITTLE BIT it's ok if rice is A LITTLE BIT sticky.  Really not that bad if rice is sticking together A LITTLE BIT.
    AMAZING.  I didn't put any bonus salt on the tate tots.  Good for me.  Now if I have a heart attack LIFE IS UNFAIR.  You can point to this entry IF I HAVE A HEART ATTACK IN FOUR DECADES and be like AH PROOF THERE IS NO GOD.  So that's good.  FOUR DECADES?  NICE.  74.  I CAN DIG HEART ATTACK AT 74.  Means I'm alive when I'm 74 and very plausibly PAST 74.  Could be worse.  I'd have to crunch those numbers more carefully to see whether I wanna Accept Those Terms but overall Being Guarenteed You're Alive At 74 To Have A Heart Attack Then sounds PRETTY good.  We don't even know how serious a heart attack this'll be.  ALL WE KNOW IS (1) alive at 74 and (2) some sort of heart attack.  PRETTY GOOD TERMS I TINK.  SO GOOD I think I'm gonna go ahead and ACCEPT without further consideration.  BOOM I ACCEPT YOUR TERMS.  DONE.  RIGHT NOW. Mich ael Korn .bl um I SIGN MY NAME.  heart attack at 74.  I ACCEPT.  Huh.  It's done.  Over.  I accepted.  No going back.  Welp.  What's new with you.  What else is up and crap.
Still feels like a pretty great deal.  People have mild heart attacks all the time.  I LIKE THOSE ODDS.  UH OH I probably should have CEMENTED THE FACT that it'd be mild.  THE WAY THESE DEALS WORK is that it probably WON'T BE MILD.  THAT'S TEH WAY THESE THINGS ALWAYS WORK FUCK.  WHAT AM I SOME SORT OF FUCKING IDIOT.  HOLY SHIT I'M A FUCKING MORON.  I FUCKING FUCKED MYSELF.  Well.  Great.  Well Serious Heart Attack At 74... STILL could be worse I guess.  IMPLIES it's not a DEATH Heart Attack.  That's SOLIDLY implied.  Not bad!  REALLY ISN'T.  REALLY ISN'T NOT THAT BAD.  What am I talking about again.  Anyway.  I tihnk the rain has stopped by now but I could be wrong.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Let's see.  Hmm.  Normally getting Super market on Friday Morning.  TIS WEEK probably delayed!  Due to work on kitchen.
   OKay.  Anyway.  Gotta admit I'm pretty psyched to have Living Another Fourty Years GUARANTEED.  This is JUST TE BREAK I've been looking for.  TIME TO KICK MY FEET UP AND RELAX SOME.  Then again maybe splitting up my Signature into several segments Such That People Googlign It Won't Come Across This Website Hopefully NEGATES THE DEAL.  Originally Iw as gonna sign my name PROPER but then I DON'T WANT PEOPLE GOOGLIGN MY NAME AND COMING HERE.  SO I MUCKED UP ME SIGNING MY NAME A BIT.  So I dunno if that dirties the deal.  Huh.  Guess I'll just have to live my life to find out what happens.  DAMNIT THAT'S GONNA TAKE FOREVER.  ALSO BY THE TIME I'M 74 I'LL HAVE FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT THIS ENTRY FOR MONTHS BY THEN.  Huh.  Anyway I guess that's about it for now!  I'll be back tonight!




You Seem Confused

     Hey friends.  Eating disgusting sourdough roll!  Just got back from watching 1/3rd of a Simpsons after getting back from taking a walk after getting back from eating dinner.  Ate pizza.  Mom wanted wild-card pasta!  WENT WITH Italy-Style Restuarant.  Got pizza for tonight and NON-Grilled Chicken Roll for tomorrow.  LUNCH OR DINNER?  I DUNNO.  Whatever it is I DUNNO what the NON lunch-or dinner will be.  CAN'T JUST BE TE HERBED CHICKEN MEAL.  TOO MUCH OVERLAP WITH THE CHICKEN ROLL.  BOTH ARE CHICKEN.  Anyway.  Took five walks today.  Just watched Simpsons.  BASICALLY NOTHING TO WRITE HOLMES ABOUT.  Listneed to some more Foo Fighters album.  I LIKE THIS A LOT.  COHESIVE album just like the Ben Folds one.  Good songs indivbidually.  Good album TOGETHER.  I don't wanna ruin anyone's secrets or anything but These Musical Acts MAY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING!
Hmm.  Garlic and Eggplant.  That's the toppings I had for pizza today!  Delicious, delicious eggplant.  Been a while and BOY DID I GET KICKED OUT OF IT if I may speak incorrectly for a while.  I DO NOTING BUT speak incorrectly.  I've built MY ENTIRE LIFE out of Speaking Incorrectly.  As long as you include TYPING incorrectly and THINKING incorrectly.  Which I think you would.  I think it's VERY FAIR to include those.  Huh.  What time do I got APPT tomorrow. 9 AM.  Are we supposed to pronounce the band MGMT as the word, "Management," or as the letters.  I was inspired because of the similar assortment of letters APPT.  Get off my back about it.  Anyway most of my adult life I DIDN'T KNOW it meant Management so obviously I still am inclined to call it By The Letter.  THAT'S A PHRASE.  DO IT BY THE LETTER.  LET'S GET INTO IT.  OKAY.  LET'S GET INTO IT SOME MORE NOW.
Huh.  Maybe I get Chinese Food TOMORROW in addition to Non-Grilled Chicken Roll.  THAT'D BE INTERESTING.  A BEEF WITH GARLIC SAUCE TYPE SITUATOIN MAYBE.  Huh.  What else is up and crap.  Three paragraphs to go.  WILL IT BE GOOD?  ANything is possible!  It could BORDER ON COMING CLOSE TO GOOD.  I truly feel thusly so.  Hmm.  OH RIGHT Possible my parents do a MITZFAH and order LUNCH for worker(s) who are helping with Kitchen Floor tomorrow.  EVERYTHING BUT THE KITCHEN FLOOR AM I RIGHT.  That's the kind of thing my parents worry about.  WILL THEY WANT LUNCH.  ARE WE PREPARED TO DONATE LUNCH TO THEM.  Anyway I AM PREPARED I GUESS to piggy bank on their lunch.  Gotta imagine that would be DINER.  GET THEMSELVES SOME CHEESE BURGERS.  CHiense Food is too messy. YOU DON'T WANNA GET PORK FRIED RICE all over the floor OR LACK THEREOEF.  Eat a HAMBRUGER YOUR CHOICE OF CHEESE.  Go with Swiss!  IT SOUNDS EXTRAVAGENT BUT IT'S TE SAME PRICE AS AMERICAN OR SWISS.
Huh.  Anyway.  What will I want for lunch from diner.  MAYBE I WANT A CHEESE BURGER with INVISA-Cheese.  The healthiest cheese there is!  NONE.  Been a long time since I had a hamburger.  Whether you include Bison or not.  HAVEN'T HAD A NON- VEGETABLE BURGER BURGER IN A LOT TIME.  Sounds like fun.  FUN TIMES TO BE HAD BY ALL.  By all I mean me.  Hmm.  I am all things to all men.  More or less.  Gonna have to look into that.  I am two or three things to several people.  That sounds like a safer thing to say.  Let's stick with that!  Maybe get D-LUX hamburger tomorrow.  TRICK THEM INTO GIVING ME FRENCH FRIES.  Man.  Typing out French Fries after a decade of saying Freedom Fries feels THE MOST INDULGANT thing ever.  WHEN YOU'VE GONE A LIFETIME without French Fries but only with sporadic Freedom Fries and then YOU RETURN TO FRENCH FRIES?  WOW WHATTA HOMECOMING or something I dunno this premise is FAULTY.
    Last paragraph!  NOTHING WRONG WITH FREEDOM FRIES.  Just nothing WRIGHT with them either.  ANyway.  WRIGHT BROTHERS.  They invented THE AEROPLANE OVER THE SEA.  GET OFF THEIR BACK ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  It does bring up the question WHO DID invent the aeroplane Over The Sea NOT JUST OVER THE HLAND.  Whatever.  I dunno.  Got some good amount of time to wtch some Television Time tonight.  Maybe I figure out a FLIM to watch.  LOOK if I ever saw Freedom Fries on a menu I WOULD ORDER THEM IN A SECOND.  I've never had the pleasure of seeing and/or ordering Freedom Fries so I CAN'T SPEAK to whether they'd be Great Or Not.  I'd LOVE to give it a shot though!  I BET IT'D BE ONE OF THE BEST EXPERIENCES PLANET EARTH HAS TO OFFER if it ever comes up.  Hmm.  Probably won't ever come up.  NO DINER would never call Fries, "Freedom Fries!"  Diner would have to pay royalties to America every time someone ordered them.  SURE I KNOW HOW TINGS WORK.  ANyway.  I'll be back tomorrow I guess.  See ya later.

-8:25 P.M.




Monday, June 5, 2023

Hey I Can Dig It

     Hey friends.  Up late again today.  Not early!  Woke up, watched some Simpsons, took a walk, now I'm here!  Realized NEW DisneyPlus subscriptions INCLUDES ADS.  That might be annoying.  Not sure HOW MUCH adds.  It might be as much adds as EVERY 8 minutes of Simpsons.  That would get annoying.  Either way I'll survive.  Maybe the ads will be pretty good.  Not sure exactly what kinda ads we're talking about.  Probably will be pretty boring ads.  Any Ads on DISNEY will be your standard ads.   Not NICHE ads that are notable for their notability but GENERIC ads that aren't notable in any way.  So that's terrible.  Not good at all.  Maybe I can start pooling the 5 dollars I'm saving every month and put that TANGIBLY towards Something Solid.  Like what.  Hmm. Buy something from one of the ads.  LIKE WHAT.  I dunno CAR INSURANCE.  I don't own a car.  GREAT THEN I SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET A REAL GREAT DEAL ON CAR INSURANCE.
    Huh.  Coffee time.  Also had a slice of bread.  Delicious.  Not sure I'm gonna write any more than five paragraphs for Act I.  Just GET IN, GET OUT, and get it over with.  Anyway.  Got people coming in tomorrow and Wednesday all day to muck up kitchen floor.  KITCHEN FLOOR gonna be EXCEPTIONAL though afterwards.  Gonna be looking down and it's gonna be AMAZING for a few months.  WOW WHATTAFLOOR am I gonna be thinking for several weeks.  Then the novelty will wear off.  But FOR A WHLIE IT'LL BE GREAT.  Anyway watched the first act of AIR last night.  The movie about NIKE and Michael Jordan.  Or at least that's what the first act SUGGESTS teh film will be about.  GOOD MOVIE.  I like how the soundtrack reminds you of Songs From The 1980's You Probably Knew And Loved In The 1980's If You Were Alive And Well In The 1980's.  I WASN'T ALIVE AND WELL IN THE 1980's.  BUT I BET IF I WAS I would get a kick out of this film and soundtrack.  I GET A KICK OUT IT VICARIOUSLY through those who WERE alive and well in the 1980's.  Also good movie anyway.  It's PLEASANT.  I LOVE ME SOME PLEASANT.  Can't GET ENOUGH of it.
Anyway.  Feels weird that George H.W. Bush was president for an entire term.  REALLY.  ENTIRE SEMESTER OF PRESIDENCY?  ARE YOU SURE?  GONNA HAVE TO LOOK INTO THAT.  Feels like it might have been transitional period of about 9 months.  He was president when it turned from 1980s to 1990s and then it became Clinton.  I WAS A TODDLER AT THE TIME I think I know A LITTLE BIT about what was going on in the world.  Do Chuck Todd Fans call them Chuck Toddlers.  Are there such things as Chuck Todd fans.  I think that's a fair question.  I'm sure there are people who THINK they like Chuck Todd fans.  But EVEN THEM might not go out of their way to CONGREGATE and be Chuck Toddlers ACTIVELY.  I dunno gonna have to look into that one.  Anyway.  Gonna skip lunch today.  WHAT will I have for dinner.  Options are Vegetable Burger, Ham Sandwich, Salami Sandwich, and herbed chicekn.  HMM.  Gonna aim for maybe Vegetable Burger or Salami Sandwich.  DO I HAVE FREEDOM TOTS IN FREEZER?  I TINK I DO.
Fourth paragraph. Amazing.  Finished last Speculation Baseball week 6-4.  I am tied in fifth overall in the league now WITH MY BROTHER.  HUH.  What kinda superstars does Slingin' Wood got.  MATT OLSON?  I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHO THAT IS.  Lots of homeruns though. GOOD FOR MATT OLSON.  Got all the dozens of latest Inteverntions available to me on HULU.  A lot of those I DEFINITELY haven't seen.  Good deal.  Hmm.  Not a fan of fear mongering about Fentanyl.  Not sure where I picked that up.  SOMEWHERE along the line of my lifetime I started thinking ENOUGH WITH THE FENTANYL. LEAVE FENTANYL ALONE.  Maybe I'm wrong.  COULD BE WRONG.  Maybe THEY'RE right about Fentanyl and I'M wrong about it.  Maybe EVERYTHING has fentanyl in it.  I DOUBTS IT TOHUGH.  I SAY THEY'RE TRYING TO SPOOK US.  Anyawy.  Watch some more AIR today I guess.  All is AIR in life and war.  Several things wrong with that sentence.
Fifth paragraph!  I feel like in my past I've generally worn NIKE sneakers.  What kinda sneakers have I been wearing lately?  Probably Nike!  Not sure exactly though.  The important thing is It Matters A Lot To Me and generally because of basketball and specifically because of Air Jordan and ULTRApsecifically because of Michael, "Air," Jordan.  Anyway.  Ben Affleck is a very imposing figure having gained 30 or so pounds apparently.  COULD IT BE 20 POUNDS?  COULD IT BE FIFTY POUNDS?  I DON'T KONW.  LOOKS LIKE HE GAINED A BIT OF WEIGHT THOUGH.  NOW HE LOOKS IMPOSING THOUGH.  GOOD FOR HIM.  I THINK IT WORKS.  He could always gain some more and join a sideshow freakshow as the 7000 pound man.  IF that's teh direction he wanted his life to go in.  HE HAS OPTIONS.  STAY IMPOSING ACTOR or GO EVEN FURTHER if he wants.  Balls are in his court.  Not sure waht that's supposed to mean.
   Sixth paragraph.
  Guess I am going more than five paragraphs.  Good FEELS RIGHT.  Feels wrong but FEELS right.  Anyway.  HE MIGHT be in a fat suit.  POSSIBLE HE'S NOT EVEN OVERWEIGHT IN THE MOVIE.  Hmm.  The important thing is pleasant film!  Matt Damon has a gambling problem I LOVE IT.  But he's GOOD AT IT.  We don't know that.  But I think it's implied he's PROBABLY good at it. I dunno about that.  He bets on Basketball Gambling and we think he's good at that but then he also goes StraightupGamblingGambling and we're like OH THAT'S NOT WISE so that cancels that out.  Anyway.  Huh.  What else is up.  Probably 5 walks today.  That's been the standard the last week or two when I'm On This Relative Schedule.  YEP.  What's my favorite song in AIR soundtrack so far.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOTHING GREAT YET.  Browsed through the songs I've Heard So Far.  I enjoyed hearing these songs.  But none of them are MY, "FAVES."  Didn't browse ahead.  NO SPOILERS.
    Seventh paragraph.  Is it possible I order Chinese Food tonight?  Guess it's vaguely possible.  Probably shouldn't though.  Good deal.  What else is up.  What kind of EGG FOO YOUNG is there.  CHICKEN Egg Foo Young sounds weird.  PORK and BEEF sound RIGHT.  Shrimp sounds vaguely reasonable.  They got shrimp, chicken, and pork.  NOT beef.  Interesting.  What else is up and crap.  I dunno.  Listened to podcast on Walk I.  What to do on Walk II.  Best idea is Continue Podcast I was listening to on Walk I.  That's a very easy decision to make.  When you're in the midst of a podcast continuing that podcast is a pretty simple decision to make for Next Walk.  USUALLY.  Doesn't mean You HAVE to do that.  But it's a pretty OBVIOUS way to go most of the time!  Huh.  Gladly listen to Ben Folds and/or Egg Foo Young Fighters albums again.  Amazing.  Figure out a way to listen to Ben Folds BONUS tracks.  Haven't listened to them yet.  Probably on YOUTUVE somewhere.
   Hmm.  Not on youtube yet!  Three or four bonus tracks.  ONE OF WHICH might be on youtube and even that one is probably a FALSE FLAG.  I'm betting the youtube link is probably NOT REALLY A HIT.  Anyway.  For bonus tracks.  Not three or four.  SHOULD BE FOUR from what I read.  But the fourth is a COVER.  STILL THOUGH a bonus track nonetheless.  Anyway what else is up.  Not sure whether I'll take Ultimate Fifth walk POST dinner or PRE dinner.  Only time shall tell.  Hmm.  One of the Foo Fighters tracks is ten minutes long.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I'm pretty sure I don't like it!  But on the other hand I GIVE THEM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT that they know what they're doing.  Anyway.  MONDAY, right?  Oh.  That reminds me.  Gotta put in a phone call to re-up with a medication.  Gonna do that right now!  Might as well.  Hmm.  OKAY DID THAT.
Hmm.  Sounds like I was Real Responsible there, right?  WELL I really should have made that call a week and a half ago.  First realized I needed to Make That Re-Up 2 Thursdays ago.  I WON'T RUN OUT of the medication.  I got enough to last me.  BUT STILL I shouldn't have put it off this long.  Anyway.  HUH got Zoom Therapy appointment Wednesday Morning.  5-10 minute therpay.  That sort of therapy.  Hmm.  That's good, though!  Probably means I STAY UP that morning.  Do the kind of Daily Schedule I LIKE.  EAT LUNCH AND EVERYTHING.  What else is up.  Only a paragraph and a half to go for Act I!  Not bad!  Making some decent progress into the day!  Hmm.  Haven't been doing any sit-up/push-ups for my rights the last couple of days.  TIME TO CHANGE THAT SITUATION.  I gotta get in SHAPE for the big IMPROVE CLASS.  Probably.  Sounds like something I should have to do.  Gotta have to do something that's my Philosophy.
Hmm.  Only one more episode of Season XII of Simpsons left.  What kinda season is Season XIII.  Any classic episodes there?  Or are we starting to get into territory of UH OH NOT REALLY MANY CLASSIC EPISODES LEFT REALLY.  Huh.  A lot of episodes I remember well but nothing that great.  Huh.  At this point time to start thinking about Watching The Critic instead.  I think there's 25 Critic Episodes.  That should last me 3 days roughly I think!  At the rate I watch Simpsons.  That's either 2 or 3 days solidly.  I forget.  Depends on whether I'm Living Mornings as well.  Huh Wikipedia says TWENTY THREE episodes.  Upon further introspection that appears to be correct.  AMAZING.  Anyway. How good is this entry so far.  Depends on your perspective.  Could range from A SOLID D+ to A SOLID C-.  What a wonderful varied world we live in.  I'll be back in a little bit!




think about that for a while

     Hey friends.  Ended up listening to first 2/3rds of Ben Folds album on Walk II!  STILL good stuff.  I like it!  Gonna hold up as solid album.  Not just Good Listenings but HIGH QUALITY PIECE OF WORK ART ALBUM.  Anyway.  Gonna pick up Bakery on next walk.  That'll be good.  Maybe lean towards getting Chinese Food for dinner.  I don't NEED to.  But it'd be a fun mix-em-up.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Might be very loud in my house during late morning tomorrow.  That might inspire me to Be Awake.  I say I could probably Sleep Through Loudness between 10:00 and 12:00.  But HEY if it MIGHT help me Be Awake GREAT ALL TE BETTER.  Hmm.  Watched trailer for Newest Jackass Film.  Never really watched The Jackass Program or Film.  Wasn't my cup of tea!  But maybe I GIVE IT A SHOT.  DRINK SOMEONE ELSES CUP OF TEA BEFORE THEY CAN GET TO IT.
    Amazing.  Off the top of my head get myself Biscuit pretending to be scone.  Possibly small-medium rainbow sprinkle cookie.  Don't particularly NEED chocolate doot cookie.  OKay.  What else is up.  Final episode of The Critic is a clip show.  IF I Know My The Critic as well as I think I do it's 90+% Old Material THAT EPISODE IS.  Hmm.  Anyway.  High School High.  Do we need to talk about High School High.  OR HAVE we spoken about it before.  My guess is possibly NEITHER.  What else is going on and crap.  June Fifth.  605.  Amazing.  Hopefully workers tomorrow have access to Downstairs Bathroom and don't need to use mine.  Because mine is UNAPPEALING.  Visually.  And Healthwise.  TEXTURALLY TOO. If you were FEELING your way around because you were blind you'd probably come up against some muck and mire.  So that's no good for them.  Anyway.  Hey probably take a shower after upcoming walk.  Did I take a shower yesterday.  I forget.  Pretty much about a 50% chance I take a shower the last week or two.  NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT.
  What else is up.  Cleant up my room yesterday for 10 minutes just like I said I would.  I said it wuold take TWENTY minutes.  Really only took 4 minutes.  Why did I say 10 minutes just now.  TO SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE.  I thuoght I was making a grand compromise.  Turns out I was just lying errantly.  Not sure what purpose that served ultimately especially since I RECANTED ummediately.  Oh well such is life.  What else is up and crap.  Don't think I'm SOLD that Egg Foo Young is THE ULTIMATE for tonight.  It sounds interesting but I think I could figure out something EXCITING if I really wanted to get something from Chinese Resturant tonight.  So that's something to consider.  Probably!  AMAZING.  Could always just get your standard dumb indulgant general tso chicken.  YEAH THE GOOD NEWS IS NO ONE CARES EXACEPT FOR 25% OF PEOPLE WHO ARE VERY STRANGE.
    Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day.
  Huh.  What more is there to say for now.  Looking forward to LONG BREAK between Acts II and III coming up.  Roughly four hours or so.  Several walks in that amount of time. Several Simpsons episodes.  Possibly some AIR.  You know all that crap.  Dinner.  WILL I INDULGE IN CHINESE FOOD.  WILL I EAT A RESPONSIBLE VEGETABLE BURGER.  I REALLY DON'T KNOW but whatever it is IT WILL BE GOOD ON AT LEAST ONE OR TWO LEVELS.  IN ONE OR TWO WAYS AT LEAST IT WILL BE THE RIGHT WAY TO GO.  Very exciting.  Anyway.  Jennifer Lewis album is coming out in a few days.  Not a huge fan of Jennifer Lewis!  I enjoyed the Rilo Kiley 2 main albums in high school!  Maybe some supplemental songs at some point!  BUT I have Good Assosiations with Jenny Lewis More Or Less!  Probably have some bad associations.  LOTS of bad associations.  NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT THIS IS GONNA BE HORRIBLE.
Last paragraph of daytime day.  Looks like they had three main albums when I was in high school.  OKAY.  I LISTENED TO THE TWO MAIN ONES OUT OF THE THREE.  Which one didn't make the cut? I DUNNO IF IT WOULD BE OBVIOUS OR NOT.  I HAVE NO IDEA.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Good news is I NOW KNOW 3 or 5 of these songs on this Unknown Album To Me In High School NOW 2 decades later AFTER THE FACT.  So I MADE UP FOR LOST TIME at some point AFTER THE FACT.  Good deal.  Actually now 2 decades later I MIGHT HAVE FORGOTTEN 1 or 2 of the 3 or 5 songs.  But 1 decade later I knew 3 or 5 of those songs.  NOW 2 decades later let's drop it down to 1 or 3 songs.  Huh.  Is that An Accuracy Statement?  I dunno.  I probably can still remember all 3-5 songs' HOOKS more or less.  Not sure what A HOOK is.  SOUNDS INTERESTING THOUGH.  Anyway.  I'll be back tonight! 




That's Very Kind Of You

     Hey friends!  Done with Dinner.  Then watched last third of Simpsons Halloween episode.  Now I'm here to write this bullshit.  GREAT.  Had vegetable burger with plenty 'o Tots for dinner.  GOOD STUFF.  Got myself a plain crossaint from .5 Bakery that I had as Main Snack over the course of the day.  Hearty crossaint.  Had bits of it here and there over the afternoon.  IT WAS FINE JUST FINE.  Kitchen People NOT coming tomorrow.  Now they are coming Wednesday and Thursday.  THAT'S OKAY.  I'll be here tomorrow anyway.  I LIVE HERE.  POT COMMITTED TO BEING HERE NONETHELESS ALLTHEMORE.  Anyway finished AIR.  Okay movie!  Upon further introspection Ben Affleck didn't really look overweight!  Not sure what made my brain MISINTERPRET some signals that made me think he looked overweight In Early Scene last night.  He's probably a couple of inches taller than Matt Damon.  Is that it?  HE HAS A BEARD. MAYBE THAT'S IT.  BEARD MAKES YOUR FACE HEARTIER THAN NON BEARDED PEOPLE.
Okay.  Anyway.  Fine movie.  I have nothing against it and probably THREE THINGS for it.  3-0!  Sounds like a, "Slam Dunk," if you will.  Took five walks today.  Amazing.  They had no scones in .5 Bakery.  Otherwise I would have gotten delcious Biscuit.  OH Whell.  Figure out a good FILM to watch maybe.  I think I can figure out a horror film I'd like to put on.  Maybe stay up LATE tonight.  ALWAYS a good night to contemplate staying up Real Late.  The later you stay up the less you May Have To Lay In Bed With No One But Yourself While Not Falling Asleep.  I don't wanna be with no one but myself.  Or... uh... I'd rather be with NO ONE INCLUDING myself.  I'd just rather be With Aboslutly Zero People Which Includes Myself As A Person.  Something along those liens.  Just be ABSENT FROM ENTITIES.  Is thata  thing.
Whatever.  HEY I just ate a couple of Triscuits just now and JUST NOW, JUST THIS MOMENT-- triscuits GOOD.  Triscuits starting to grow on me.  Crossed a threshhold where it went from being hey they're a nice generic snack where it's good just to eat anything into HEY TRISCUITS ARE GOOD ON THEIR OWN MERIT.  I LIKE THE PREMISE OF TRISCUITS IN AND OF ITSELF.  I LIKE TRISCUIT.  THERE I SAID IT.  Hmm.  IF you pronounce things wrong COULD Triscuit be a portmanteau of the VERY QUICKLY saying the words TRY IT ITS GOOD.  Try-it-its-good.  TRIITSGOOD.  TISTIDIIT.  TRISCIT.  TRISCUIT.  TRISCUIT.  CRACKED THAT CODE.  CRACKED TEH CRACKER CODE.  I'm great at codes.  Amazing.  What paragraph are we in.  Third.  That'll happen!  Anyway.  Got ham sandwich, salami sandwich, and herbed chicken left.  SOLID chance I get OUTSIDE FOOD tomorrow.  Probably Chinese Food.  YES!
Amazing.  Maybe watch INTERVENTION tonight.  If I can't figure out a film to watch, I think I'd prefer to watch some INTERVENTION over SIMPSONS.  So that's one thought.  WOW THOUGHT.  I can't believe it.  Thinking!  Whonderful.  Maybe.  Not sure what the TEAU in portmanteau is carrying.  What does that mean.  I don't know what the PORT or MAN is doing either.  Also WHY DO I TINK PORTMANTEAU is a portmanteau in the first place.  UPON FURTER INTERVENTION I don't know why That Is The Word It Is At All!  Either way what can ya do.  What else is bullshit and crap.  I dunno.  Let's see.  Michael Jordan SOUNDS like he probably has a lot of moeny at this point.  PROBABLY accumulated a fair amount by 2023.  Good for him.  What's Michael Jordan spending money on.  MY GUESS IS YOU GOTTA SPEND MONEY TO MAKE MONEY so he's spending money to make money anyway I gotta write one more paragraph
    Last paragraph!
  Amazing.  Wonder what else is up and crap.  Gotta imagine this entry is a D+/C-.  BIG difference between a D+ and a C-.  Oh.  Too bad.  Cause I'm gonna say this is COMFORTABLY a D+ and not a C-. I can COMFORTABLY SAY I'm COMFORTABLY COMEFORTABLE saying I cannot in good conscience give myself a C- For Today.  SUCH IS LIFE that's just the way the cookie crumbles.  D+!  HAMAZING.  Ugh.  What else is up.  I could get started on an entry THAT MIGHT EVEN BE AS GOOD AS AN EVEN, "C," IN 14 HOURS.  I've written C+ entries before.  Don't mean to brag.  But I'VE DONE IT and I'LL DO IT AGAIN PLAUSIBLY EVEN TOMORROW.  Anyway.  Huh.  Let's see.  Wonder what kinda bullshit I'll figure out to watch going forward tonight.  Hopefully it's something pleasurable.  That's all I got.  Sorry.  I'll see ya tomorrow.  Later.

-8:55 P.M.




Sunday, June 4, 2023

Oh Yeah Make Me

     Hey friends!  Up relatively early!  Was up STRAIGHT UP relatively early earlier 2 hours ago.  Watched some television.  Then took a walk.  Now I'm here!  11:02 AM.  Possible I eat lunch today.  We'll see.  If I can go the next three hours with eating Let's Say 1 or less small snacks I'm probably eating lunch.  If I eat 2 small snacks I'm probably eating lunch.  MORE THAN 2 small snacks over the next 3 hours?  GONNA TRY TO NOT EAT LUNCH IN THAT SCENARIO.  What lunch am I eating.  Do I have anything with RICE.  Guess I could get Chinese Food even though I have food In The House  IN THE HOUSE do people still say that.  What was the context for that 30 years ago again.  GOOD.  If something is, "In The House!" that means it's GOOD or EXCEPTIONAL.  Ah.  When there was LIVE Hip-Hop acts as opposed to being played DIGITALLY.  THE MUSIC ACT WAS actually, "IN DA HOUSE."  That's whaere the phrase comes from.  There's not a dry eye IN DA HOUSE.  That's also whre the phrase comes from.
    Okay.  Nurse is here downstairs infusing my Dad's blood with something.  Good deal.  Huh.  JUNE FOURTH.  6/4.  What's 64 mean again.  64 is relevant for some reason.  better LTURQ. Oh right Sixty Four Bottles Of Beer On The Wall.  wait no that can't be it.  WHAT IS sixty four.  GOOGLED 64.  First hit was Nintendo 64.  NOT what I was thinking but that SURE IS a good 64.  8 squared.  ALSO a good 64 but not what I was thinking.  Huh.  Possible something in MUSIC LYRICS?  I'm not seeing anything.  NOT SEEING ANYTHING AT ALL.  Maybe at some point I write something with the number 64 and I HAVEN'T DONE IT YET but THAT'S what I'm thinking of.  Oh good that makes sense.  Oh I know Could be A HISTORY THING. 1964.  Something happened IN HISTORY.  Probably.  CIVIL RIGHTS LEGISLATION.  That's the dumbest thing I ever heard.  EVERYONE KNOWS CIVIL RIGHTS LEGISLATION HAPPENED IN 1963.  GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT I'M GONNA GO GET SOME COFFEE.
  What kinda Chinese Food would I be getting.  Chicken with garlic sauce is the obvious answer.  Wat's the unobvious answer.  Huh.  EGG FOO YOUNG or something.  That's not an UNOBVIOUS answer.  IN FACT that's the 2nd most obvious answer.  It's just THE NEXT THING that came to mind.  I may have tried an EGG FOO OUNG a year or two ago.  I definitely ENTERTAINED trying it.  I wanna try it IF I never tried it.  Hmm THEY"RE CLSOED on Sundays.  Other places be open on Sundays I guess.  Or I could just eat LASAGNA or osmething.  Interesting.  VERY interesting.  EXTREMELY interesting.  Asburdly Interesting.  Prepostrously intersting.  Upsettingly interesting.  Well what else is up.  Wanted to work in, "Unsettlingly interesting," in there as well but not sure where to put it in.  Oh well such is life.  Hey third paragraph is over already.  That's some decent progress all in all!
    Huh.  Why doesn't ChineseFood think we won't want Chinese Food on Sundays.  I want Chinese Food for lunch on Sundays MOST OF ALL.  THEY'RE BEING DUMB.  NOT A FAN.  Anyway probably take six walks today.  Seems like the way to go based on how Recent Schedhules have been matched up with Where I'm At Today Right Now.  Huh.  How many paragraphs am I writing for Act I.  HMM.  PENDING TRADE in my Imagination Baseball League.  I don't think it's all that fair!  Close enough that I will not PROTEST the trade.  Not gonna cause a stink about it.  I GUESS I can see it from the the guy who I think is Losing's point of view I GUESS.  TO BE FAIR I DON'T KNOW NOTHING ABOUT BASEBALL and am just GUESSING OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD whose winning this trade.  But to be UNFAIR I'M 100% SURE THIS OTEHR GUY IS WINNING THE TRADE.  The point is huh ONE of these players is a SECOND BASEBAN while the others an OUTFIELDER.  Second Maseman is MORE VALUABLE POSITION. Gotta TAKE TAHT INTO CONSIDERATION.
   Fifth paragraph!  Amazing.  Watch some good Television Today.  Simpsons either Primarily or Simpsons Exclusively!  Should be interesting to see how that pans out.  WOW GUESS WHAT someone just proposed a trade TO ME in Fantasy Baseball.  I WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING but it was very exciting nonetheless.  Vaguely bordering on semi-considerably fair trade.  I WOULDN'T come close to consider considering it BUT OTHERS might.  Anyway.  What's sixty four.  SOMETHING IS 64.  Gotta clean up my room.  Not a disaster area or anything BUT I gotta spend like 20 minutes cleaning up my room.  Should take about 20 minutes to spend that 20 minutes or so.  Commodore 64.  That's in the same spirit as Nintendo 64.  Presumable EXACT same spirit.  RAM.  Or ROM.  64 RAM OR ROM. ONE OR THE ORTHER.  What HIT were the Commodores known for.  AH those half dozen songs.  THEY WERE KNOWN FOR HALVE DOZEN HITS GOOD FOR THE COMMANDANTS
    Anyway.  Huh.  POPEYES would be a good lunch.  Too indulgant though.  DELICIOUS though.  I did like that blueberry scone that was like a biscuit though a few days ago.  Gotta imagine I could get a good biscuit from Popeyes.  Doordash seems to say One Biscuit is $1.93.  Seems like a high price for one biscuit!  Maybe the biscuits are bigger than my imagination.  How big is my imagination.  About 6 inch by 8.5 inch.  Is that accurate.  I dunno just what I came up with off the top of my head.  ALSO gotta imagine My Imagination is FOUR DIMENENSIONAL.  AT LEAST THREE one would imagine.  Actually.  No.  NOPE.  Imagination is two dimensinoal.  That's accurate now that I think about it.  NOT HAPPY about it. But YEP.  MY IMAGINATION is Length By Width.  SUCH IS LIFE.
   Seventh paragraph.  At some point I can add some depth to imagination sure NOT RIGHT NOW.  Huh.  Also could always just get more blueberry scone from Bakery if I wanna eat more delicious salty biscuits going forward.  Presumably.  Not sure if they have them in stock all the time.  First time I noticed it was the last time I went.  Maybe they have em all the time MAYBE THEY DON'T.  We'll see!  WITHOUT looking it up WHAT dose Three Times A Lady mean.  I'm sure if I looked it up I will see definitively what it means.  WITHOUT looking it up I can only speculate.  First guess is it's a Making Love thing.  Each time you have sex It Increases The Amount Of Times You've Been A Lady.  Not HAPPY about that definition.  I REALLY dislike it but it's the only thing that immediately comes to mind.  Anyway. 
   Three paragraphs to go!
  Amazing.  Interesting mixemup lunch would be Double Health Breakfast Frozen Egg Sandwich.  Not sure WHY.  It's not GREAT really in any regards.  Not particularly exciting or delicious or healthy or hearty or convinient or low calorie or great in anyway.  But it's GOOD in lots of ways. It's DECENT in ALL those ways.  It's OKAY in lots of ways.  So that's one way to go.  Also EGG.  EGG IS GOOD I THINK I'D LIKE SOME EGG how does that strike you.  Huh.  Actually DOUBE Health Frozen sandwich IS pretty indulgant for lunch.  I dunno.  DEPENDS WHAT YOUR REFERENCE POINT IS.  Amazing.  What time am I ahving lunch presumably.  In about 2 hours.  Seems about right.  Seems like I could probably make it without eating anything in that amount of time!  HAMAZING.
Penultimate paragraph of Act!  What was I talking about.  Probably just have Hlasagna, right.  Why not just have lasagna.  BECAUSE then I'd have to decide whether to have some sort of HBREAD side to have with or not.  That's a tough one.  HUH.  NURSE JUST LEFT.  GOOD.  GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH.  What's BAD Rubbish.  I think BAD Rubbish would be stuff that YOU WANT to keep around.  Bad Garbage is STUFF YOU WANNA KEEP.  OTHERWISE IT'D BE GOOD GARBAGE.  Bad Rubbish is stuff you want and GOOD GARBAGE IS STUFF THAT'S Good At Being Garbage THIS ISN'T COMPLICATED.  Hmm.  Anyway.  LASAGNA is in the lead for lunch.  Let's face facts.  Okay!  OH I saw the new Shazam was on MAX! yesterday.  Guess I could watch that today. And if not today sometime over the next week.  When was it released in Theatres.  MARCH 17th?  WHY THAT'S HARDLY THREE MONTHS AGO.
It ISN'T three months ago.  It is NOT hardly three months ago.  Oh okay good.  Kinda holding out hope that Max! changed their name back to HBOMAX in the coming weeks.  STILL got a small window of time where they can credibly say YA KNOW WHAT WE TRIED IT, WE WERE WRONG, WE'RE GOING BACK TO HBOMAX.  After a point they're stuck with MAX!.  Also THEY DO NOT USE ANY EXCLAMATION MARK.  THAT'S ALL ME maybe they should though.  MAX! is better than Max.  Anything is better than Max.  That's how I feel.  What else is up and crap.  IS TEHRE a 3-4 figure number of people that saw they changed from HBOMAX to MAX and BASED ON THAT INFO ALONE CONCIOUSLY decided WELL I'M DONE I'm not gonna watch that Streaming Service anymore.  They checked out because of that decision 100% KNOWINGLY.  NOTHING ELSE came into play.  HBOMAX --> MAX?  DELETE THE APP FROM MY TV.  Possible about 45,000 Users went through that.  ANYWAY I'll be back in a little bit.



took you long enough

     Hey friends.  Ate chicken wing!  Should last me up until Lasagna lunch after next walk. Should be good!  Should be able to fit in SixWalks today.  Amazing.  Anyway, gonna write 5 paragraphs now.  Should be good!  By which I mean... well, not sure what I mean.  I didn't mean ANYTHING by it.  Just WROTE IT.  I had no Grand Intentions.  Just Say Things To Say Things, that's my grand intentions generally.  Hmm.  Anyway.  They gave a seperate packet of seasame seeds with the buffalo wings.  I guess I had to sprinkle them on myself for some reason.  I NEVER DID.  Just ate the chicken wings sans buffalo seeds.  NOT SURE what the seasame seeds would have added exactly.  COULD the seeds have been seeped in some sort of flavor?  Probably not, but maybe there's a chance there's SOMETHING to these sesame seeds beyond Them Just Being Sesame Seeds!
    Okay.  What else is up.  Hmm gonna have a lot of time to watch some Television Today.  Last week or two I'm JUST getting up out of bed around Now.  INSTEAD today I'm closing in on DayTimePortion Of Chore Of Entry Twriting.  ONLY FOUR PARAGRAPH TO GO.  Probably around half an hour.  Cuold be less, could be more.  COULD BE AROUND HALF AN HOUR.  We'llsee.  Looks like Chuck Todd is on the outs of Meet The Press.  THSI IS DEVESTATING for Chuck Todd Fans.  Gotta imagine a lot of Chuck Todd Fans out there.  PROBABLY. I can imagine strange subsets of humanity that are passionate about Chuck Todd.  Passionately IN FAVOR of him.  SURE I can, "RIFF," on what those strange subsets of humanity might look like BUT THAT DOES NO ONE ANY GOOD.  Let's just MOVE ON.  WHY KICK A MAN WHEN HE'S DOWN.  Kick who.  Whose down.  WHAT MAN.  Anyway what else is up.  if Chuck Todd never existed and you read the name Chuck Todd you might imagine it in a Hillbilly voice.  IF YUO KNEW NOTHING OF CHUCK TODD and you saw the name Chuck Todd you'd read it in a HILL BILLY VOICE.  Yes I said it twice in a row NOW ARE YOU STARTING TO PICTURE IT AUDIBLY ACCURATELY.
Three paragraphs to go.  Lots of different KINDS of Hillbilly Chuck Todd could be, too.  Hmm.  Really makes ya think.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Gotta be something though.  Always something up.  Maybe have HALF of Sourdough S.F. roll with lasagna.  Don't want the whole rig-a-ma-roll.  MAYBE HALF THE RIGAMAROLL.  What does rigmarole mean exactly.  OH TAHT'S WHAT IT MEANS.  I looked it up online but the definition is too long and confusing for me to go into it here.  YEAH.  Watched a crappy infomercial MASQURADIANG as a documentry on Free-Straming Channel about Top 13 Haunted Places in America.  THESE PLACES AIN'T HAUNTED.  If I was ever DUMB and organized A FAMILY TRIP because I was like HEY MAYBE ONE OF THESE PLACES IS PLAUSIBLY HAUNTED LETS HAVE FUN HOLIDAY BASED ON IF HAUNTS WERE A THING only PLAUSIBLE place I could go is GETTYSBURG.  ANd that's mostly because I got WARM FEELIGNS from watching GHOSTS OF GETTYSBRUGH on History Channel with my OLD Family Unit in the living room as a kid.  Take my NEW family unit in a decade to GHOSTS of gettysburgh to capture OLD family unit magic that was in front of TelevisionSet. YEAH.
SPOILER ALERT we didnt' watch TV in Living Room.  We watched TV in DEN.  We spent 0 out of 100 time in Living Room.  ZERO.  We DIT lite Menorah and did Chanukah in Living Room for those years I guess!  I guess the other Odd Thing TOO in Living Room!  BUT TV WAS IN DEN and thus ALMOST ALL ACTIVITY WAS IN DEN get it straight.  What else is up.  I guess my main memory of Living room is LOOKING INTO LIVING ROOM while I was watching TV!  You look a little bit to the right while you're watching the TV you're gonna see into the living room.  Fascinating.  What else is up.  Oh.  The hotel that Stephen King stayed at which inspired The Shining.  That's vaguely interesting, too!  I don't got any problems with that vacation destination.  Hmm.  I'd be spooked to stay there.  I don't even know if it's supposed to have had a HorrorHistory before he stayed there.  He could have made it up Completely 100%.  I DON'T CARE.  STILL spooky hotel premise to begin with.  ALSO 1408 I wouldn't wanna stay there ONE BIT.
Last paragraph of DayTimeDay!  Good deal.  If I eat lasagna for lunch, what am I eating for dinner.  Possibly vegetable burger.  Might as well get vegetable burger out of the way.  Other options are salami sandwich or herbed chicken.  MAYBE fnish the salmon.  Instead of delaying it for another week and a half and tempt fate by having Old Fish maybe just eat fish 2 out of 3 knights.  That sounds like a responsible thing to do.  Huh.  Old Fish.  Huh.  Might actually do that instead of just vaguely consider it idly!  WOW.  Eat lunch around 2:30.  Eat dinner around 7:30.  Makes sense.  I guess lots of things make sense when it comes down to it.  I dunno.  Let's see.  I was pleased with how little my salmon and potatoe hurt the environment on Friday.  Felt like it had a reasonably small impact all in all.  Should be okay again tonight!  Anyway I'll see ya later.




Says You

     Hey friends.  Just ate a bunch of saltines.  More than I intended to!  I was Under Pressure.  Just Unsubscribed and REsubscribed to DisneyPlus.  IN A SESNE lost all my progress watching The Simpsons the last several years!  IN ANOTHER SENSE didn't lose any of that progress.  IN A GREATER SENSE No Progress Was Made.  I didn't THINK SO at least.  Not at the time.  NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT THOUGH I really feel like I accomplished something Watching The Simpsons Here And There Lo These Last Fhew Years.  Anyway.  NOW Disney+ is added on with HULU account instead of Seperate thing GETTALOAD OF THAT.  NOW my avatar is some sort of Blue YODA-ish guy instead of I BELIEVE Mikey Mouse.  USED TO BE MIKEY MOUSE.  Now I'm some sort of Star Wars Muppet.  I FEEL COMFORTABLE GOING FORWARD with this type of arrangement.  Anyway.  Took six walks today.  Had lasagna for lunch and salmon for dinner.  YEAH.
Watched SHAZALM in the middle part of the day.  Not sure what made this a movie.  NOT MUCH HAPPENED AT ALL.  Kidna similar to the Antman movie.  WHAT EXACTLY made these Films movies.  Can't quite put my finger on it.  Coulda been worse though.  COULD STILL BE WATCHING THE MOVIE.  I'm not!  Over and done with it.  Whew.  Hmm.  NOT HAPPY with the rankings of Gender when I created an avatar.  They put FEMALE before MALE.  WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY SMOKING WHEN TEY CAME UP WITH THAT ONE.  Default gender was female.  WHAT IS THIS Scientific Genetics how embryos start off female.  Alt take WHAT IS THIS Jurassic Park.  Alt Take WHAT IS THIS Based on statistics on there being more females than males in the world.  Anyway I HAD TO SCROLL DOWN AND DOWN AND DOWN like a SUCKER until I finally got to Male.  NOT A FAN.  Also had to enter in my Date Of Birth like a CHUMP.  WHAT THE HELL.
   Why does Disney NEED to know.  I can understand them ASKING my gender and Birthday if I WANNA tell them for Avatar Profile.  BUT THEY REQUIRED ANSWERS.  Why does DISNEY PLUS NEED to know what I identify my Date Of Birth to be.  FOR ADVERTISING INFO.  Oh right.  But that's not fair.  I'm giving them enough money through the avenue of Paying For The Content.  I don't need to be giving them BONUS VALUE through Them Knowing My Birthday And Sex and Extrapolating Value Somehow Thru That.  Anyway.  ARE THEY SHARING TIS INFO WITH THE REST OF HULU.  DOES INTERVENTION NOW KNOW I'M SAGITTARIUS.  What else is going on.  Intervention is NO WAY a Hulu show.  It's an Ol' Timey Regular TV show.  A & E most likely.  It's just on HULU NOWAEDAYS THESEADAYS.  Good deal.  What else is up.  The point is DOES Disney Algorithm recognize that it's ME continuing on the progress I was making from watching The Simpsons the last months.  HONEST INQUIRY.  MY BET is they won't realize it right away but over the course of a week or two THEY'LL FIGURE IT OUT somehow someway.
Fourth paragraph.  Looks like I'm gonna end the week of Speculation Baseball winning 6-4.  Pretty good!  Not bad at least.  Solid Week I guess.  Huh.  Gonna try to wake up early tomorrow.  And by early I mean I dunno, around 9-10:00 AM.  Seems pretty reasonable!  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for today.  Possible I have that Sourdough S.F. roll a little bit later.  Not delicious!  More indulgant than I'd like.  BUT IT'D BE NICE TO GET ONE OF THOSE OUT OF THE WAY.  Good reasonable thing to eat.  LOOK IF I HAD ALL ONION ROLLS I'd just have an onion roll BUT I DON'T HAVE ALL ONION ROLLS I have Some Onion Rolls and Some San Fransisco Rolls.  Maybe watch some HULU when this is over.  I think it's ABOUT TIME that I watch some HULU FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE.  Not sure what that's supposed to mean exactly.  GOOD.
Let's see what Imagination Baseball team am I facing starting tomorrow.  "Slingin Wood."  Is that some sort of penile joke.  Seems like it would be.  THAT'S MY GUESS.  The good news is they are 37-38-5 (not including this weelk).  BELOW .500 in STAT CATEGORIES.  I SHOULD MAKE QUICK WORK OF THIS TEAM AND TEN GO ON WITH MY WAY.  Pretty sure "Go On With My Way," is not a phrase but what can ya do.  Hmm.  Watch some sort of FILM tonight maybe.  Let's see if I can access Computer Shutter on TV tonight.  Nope doesn't seem accessible.  So that's no good.  Oh well such is life.  What else is no good.  Bob Dylan song.  "You're No Good," I believe it goes.  Bob Dylan song or album 1964 Revisited or something like that.  You know THAT THING.  Anyway.  Was that Bob Dylan's first track on his first album.  I think it MAY HAVE BEEN.  YEAH.  IT WAS.  Fastinating.
Sure.  Bonus paragraph!  Probably just one.  POSSIBLY TWO and/or more.  What's Bob Dylan's final track on final album.  Guess we have to wait for his death.  And then we might have to consider post-humousuous albums.  Anyway.  I HOPE his final track is something along the liens of, "I Take It Back (You're Pretty Good)," and then in retrospect We Super Fans put two and two together and are like WOAH IT CONNECTS BACK TO THE FIRST THING HE WROTE.  Man that sour dough is really unpleasant.  I thought it would be kinda groovy to eat but NOPE just kinda crappy.  It's SOUR dough.  NOTHING COMPLICATED ABOUT WHAT IT TASTES LIKE.  JUST STRAIGHT UP SOUR DOUGH.  It's NOT Good.  Huh.  What else is up.  Can always wash it down with some more saltines.  I GUESS.  Gonna be putting on some weight with all these saltines.  You know like a twentieth of a pound.  THAT KINDA WEIGHT.  IT ADDS UP AT SOME POINT.  Well that's it.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-9:13 P.M.



Saturday, June 3, 2023

You're Always Welcome Here

     Hey friends.  Just got back from Walk I!  Watched a little bit of TelevisionTime between waking up and Walk I.  Good stuff.  Let's see.  Gonna not commit to a whole 10 paragraphs for Act I.  MAYBE I just write 5 paragraph I DUNNO.  Anyway.  I ate a lot over the last Period Of Time since Going To Bed.  Not happy about it.  Not a crazy amount.  Just not a good amount.  Not a happy about it amount.  Hmm.  Wanted to listen to music on Walk I but it was a Park Walk.  Woulda risked it Crappening Out On Me halfway through.  INSTEAD listened to Single File Podcast which had no risk of crappening out on me.  Listen to music on Walk II on Street Walk which WON'T crap out on me.  Godo stuff.  I could make myself clearer with that anecdote.  I CHOOSE NOT TO.  Huh.  WHA ELSE is up.  Saturday Day today.  Huh.  Saturdays are EXCITING.  New films premiere on the Premium Channels at night.  That's been my experience in the late 1990s' into the 2000's and possibly into the 2010's.  Pretty sure that's where we're at In My Life.  This paragraph was THE WHERST.
  Maybe try putting on Rocksmith.  PROBABLY NOT.  And if I do probably will be THE WHERST.  I think I'd get contact lenses ahead of Improv Class if that's what it came to.  Wouldn't be that much of an inconvinience.  Probably would need to see Ophthalmologist ONCE.  Last saw him in 2019.  Presumably COULD get perscrition based on last perscription, right?  They're not gonna STOP ME from getting out of date contact lenses.  But I probably could get new lenses based on JUST ONE visit.  Right?  Huh.  Might take me AS MUCH AS A MONTH from DAY ZERO until I have New Contact Lenses IN MY HANDS though.  Huh.  Interesting.  And then I gotta get them into my eyes from my hands.  That might take a few days.  Also am I using the word ophthalmologist errantly?  SURE why not.  WOULDN'T YOU?
   I know it's not just Optomotrist.  THAT MUCH I registered from Past Life Experience.  It's someone else other than jsut Regulat Optometrist.  But apparently ophthalmologist is Guy Who Does Surgery And Stuff on eyes.  THSI GUY AIN'T THAT.  Maybe he is.  I dunno.  Whatever.  Could always just go to class with blurry vision.  USE IT.  Put that INTO the characters I'm playing.  That's dumb.  REAL DUMB.  How will I know which building to go into if I can't MAKE OUT what the address is on the side of the building.  Huh.  Wonderful.  Am I due for coercing my Dad into cutting my hair right before Class Starts.  I dunno.  Seems like it might be a bit too soon.  Hmm.  Maybe I can coerce Contact Lense Doctor into cutting my hair.  Make it worth his while.  How much would I have to pay him for him to do it.  NOT AS MUCH as I'd pay barber but MORE than I'd have to pay my Dad.  Not sure what that means.
Fourth paragraph.  Why would he accept less money than a barber would accept.  BECAUSE HE'S DESPERATE THESE ARE TOUGH TIMES.  Hmm.  Barber of Seville.  Waht's the premise of that again.  Seville is a place.  And there's only one barber of there.  Ah okay makes sense.  WHAT else is up and crap.  What do I got going on for dinner tonight.  PROBABLY should have ham sandwich.  Or sandwich of some sort.  Also got vegetable burger and salami sandwich.  OTHER options are lasagana and grilled herbed chicken.  Have Ham Sandwich is the way to go.  Amazing.  Not much good has happened this entry yet HOWEVER I am relatively pleased with being close to done with the fourth paragraph.  NOT SO BAD.  Relatively deep into the Act I!  Hmm.  What to eat as side for ham sandwich.  EXCITING Thing would be to put tater tots in oven ahead of time.  Less exciting thing would be delicious half spheres of potato.  Fun thing would be some sort of cracker.  Huh.
   Fifth paragraph!
  Huh.  I like the 12th season of the Simpsons.  Still solidly into sentimentality season!  I remember lots of these jokes fondly.  MAYBE NOT SUPERFOND NO.  But I RECALL lots of these bits and whatknot.  So that's good.  Maybe just cut off the Act I after this paragraph.  Couldn't hurt.  Could HELP.  I don't think anyone is gonna mess the Phantom Last Five Paragraphs that much.  Maybe they woulda been good!  Coulda been much better than the paragraphs that DO/WILL exist!  I DUNNO.  But I'm gonna ROLL THE DICE and offer you Some Terrible Paragraphs and NOT WRITE the paragraphs That Might Have Been Good.  FEELS LIKE THE WAY TO GO for today.  Huh.  What else is up.  Time to take a walk in a minute I guess.  That shuold be pretty good.  Gotta wrap up a podcast.  Then wrap up Ben Folds album.  Then somethin' else!  See ya soon.




on the real though

     Hey friends.  Finished Ben Folds album.  I believe there are 2 or 3 bonus tracks I have yet to listen to!  Made some progress with Food Fighters album.  Still MORE progress to be made there too!  Good deal.  Made progress with Improve Class Bringing Up To Parents About.  Now I've covered both Father AND Mother.  Anyway.  That's DONE with now.  Get to forget about that for a while.  Next step I BELIEVE is contact lenses.  GOOD now we can put our minds onto more important things.  Like ARTIFICIAL AI.  I HATE ARTIFICIAL AI.  HUMAN INTELLIGENCE IS BETTER because I RELATE to Humans.  Wait no I don't.  I don't relate to humans at all.  YEAH BUT I GOT THE SAME MEATS AS HUMAN.  ON A POUND FOR POUND BASIS I can stack up against humans in a way I JUST CAN'T with algorithms.  DON'T LIKE IT.
Huh.  Mom's reaction to Improve Class is, "I just can't deal with it right now."  Not sure what that means.  What does Dealing With It look like.  NOT SURE WHAT THAT MEANS AT ALL.  Oh well such is life.  What else is up.  Presumably watch more Simpsons today.  Any high quality episodes I got coming my way in the immediate future.  Bart Becomes A Boy Band.  That's a relatively classic episode!  I GOT THAT COMING MY WAY.  Probably doesn't fully warrant it's Relative Classic Status.  But I got it coming my way nonetheless.  Allthemore.  Same thing.  IF they made artificial intelligence Live In Human Meat WOULD THAT MAKE PEOPLE ACCEPT IT MORE.  I dunno.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Mom did some laundry for her and/or Dad.  So she put my clean clothes that were in the dryer on hangers for me!  WOW TALK ABOUT LIVING LARGE.  THEN GET BACK TO ME AND COMPARE NOTES WITH ME ON THIS SCENARIO.  THEN we'll see whose living large.
    Okay.  Cauliflower Bites weren't so bad.
  Are IN PROGRESS not being so bad.  Just had a couple!  Still have more left!  I kinda like them.  Probably would be Actively GOOD if I had them Ovenized.  But the whole premise of enjoying them is Having Them Here And There Idly.  Huh.  I suppose.  Forgot what I was talking about. Gonna st art a new podcast episode after The Food Fighters album.  HMM which podcast podcast to listen to.  I THINK I KNOW WHAT DIRECTION TO GO IN. ... WEST.  Wait no SOUTH.  Yes.  SOUTH, THEN WEST, THEN NORT, THEN EAST.  Then re-calibrate. Could try new San Francisco Sour Dough Roll for ham sandwich.  The ham might be hanging out off of the roll because the roll is Somewhat2Small BUT it could be a fun way to go nonetheless.  So that's good ALSO this paragraph is over which is REALLY good.
    Penultimate paragraph!  Yes!  What else is up and crap.  Maybe I motivate myself to DO SOMETHING WITH MY LIFE today and WATCH THE CRITIC.  Put it IN TEH DVD PLAYER.  Really ACCOMPLISH something.  Anyway.  THE CRITIC?  What is this some sort of SOCIAL COMMENTARY?  Some sort of PHILOSOPHICAL INQUIRY?  I feel like a show about a TV Critic is SOME SORT OF STATEMENT.  I don't know why I feel that way more than any other possible job.  JUST FEELS LIKE THAT WAY.  The Critic.  HE'S CRITIQUING LIFE ITSELF.  IT'S AN INTELLIGENCE SHOW ABOUT THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE GET OUT OF THE WAY.  Homer Simpson working as safety inspector at Nuclear Powerplant sure seems like it coulda been super-relevant.  Ya'd think so at least.  Probably.  They probably thought from like 1991-1992 it was relevant then they were like eh too complicated and they stopped bothering thinking it was relevant.  I AGREE too much of a hassle.
Last paragraph of DaytimeDay!  Probably have the half sphere of potato with ham sandwich tonight.  PROBABLY but not definitely.  Probably have em microwaved.  PROBABLY but not definitely.  Hmm.  IS IT POSSIBLE Dustin Hoffman's best work was in The Simpsons.  My feeling?  SURE WHY NOT.  Most culturally relevant work probably for My Generation.  You guys Talkin' 'bout my generation?  Sure it was only MICRO-relevant.  Just one small episode.  Also it never really resonated THAT MUCH with me.  It was FINE.  It was OKAY.  It's CLASSIC episode but not MY favorite or anything.  But ON THE OTHER HAND what movie has he made that was relevant for millennials.  SPHERE?  SURE there's a lot of SPHERE-heads out there but they're cancelled out by all the ANTI-Sphere Heads out there.  Anyway I'll be back tonight!  See ya soon!




Offer Ends At Midnight

     Hi friends.  Just got back from eating onion roll.  Delicious.  At ham sandwich on San Fransisco Roll for dinner slightly earlier before then.  TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE.  It was FINE but I expecter better expeeriences out of my dinners.  There was nothing wrong with it but gotta be MORE GOOD if dinner wanna be pulling its weight!  So tehre's THAT.  WELL I got eating some of the ham out of the way.  BEST PART about it.  That's good.  LOT LESS HALM I have to eat now Going FORWARD In Life.  Anyway.  Took five walks today.  Listened to some more podcast.  Finished the rest of The Food Fighters album.  Good stuff!  Might have to go back and listen to Old Foo Fighter Albums in Completion because this one was The Topz.  Really liked it.  Either that or might have to go back and Eat More Onion Rolls.  Not sure how that works exactly but SOUNDS like a good way to go about my life.
Yeah!  NEW Amityville movie. Produced exclusively for The Free Streaming Service Channel.  POSSIBLY produced on a budget of UP TO SIX FIGURES.  Either way watched about seven minutes of it.  INTERESTING.  These characters are REALLY INTERESTING.  Seem to be played by actors.  And if these aren't actors THE PEOPLE PRETENDING TO BE THE CHARACTERS ARE DOING A REALLY GOOD JOB ACTING LIKE ACTORS PRETENDING TO BE ACTORS.  Realy makes ya think.  What else makes me think.  Probably parts of my brain.  Parts of your brain ARE thinking.  And then there's SUB-parts ofyour brain that are MAKING the parts of your brain think think.  Hmm.  Gonna have to look into that.  I'LL ADMIT IT I don't know how the brain works exactly.  IT'S CRAZY TO ADMIT IT cause I know everyone else knows HOW THE BRAIN WORKS EXACTLY and now everyones gonna tink I'm an idiot FOR KNOT knowing. Oh well tis better to be non-silent and known as an idiot than to... uh... The point is... uh...
Tis better To Be Vocal And Accepted An Idiot Than Waste Everyone's Time And Be Considered Wise.  YEAH LET'S GO WITH THAT.  I'm SAVING everyone TIME.  I'm A HERO.  Lost track of what I was talking about.  THAT'LL HAPPEN.  NOT SURE how I feel about Triscuits the last day and a half.  RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE. I've enjoyed it to some extent, found it indulgant-caloriewise to some extent, found it a CHORE to eat to some extent... I DUNNO.  lots of GOOD aspects to triscuits, some BAD aspects to triscuits.  NOT SURE WHERE I FALL YET.  On the plus side though I'm leaning towards I'd Probably Rather Be Eating Some Other Kind Of SaltSide.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me today.  Stay up LATE tonight.  Get some good nighttime going on tonight for some reason.  Not sure how or why.  Hmm.  Maybe some HORROR FILM.  See what ACTORS are up to in THE AMITYVILLE CURSE.  THEY SEEM ON THE BHAAL.
    Penultimate paragraph.
  How many miles away is Amityville.  I'm gonna guess huh between 7 and 20.  IT'S FOURTY MILES AWAY.  I was relatively far off.  You could argue PRETTY far off. But not INSANELY far off.  If you wanted to make A Grand Argument that I was, "Insanely Far Off," you would be making An Uphill Argument on that one!  You'd PROBABLY be losing that argument unless You're GREAT at arguing.  Anyway.  GHOSTS can't travel 40 miles can they.  I mean they COULD.  But they WOULDN'T.  Would they.  Uhh... I mean.... Uh-oh.  UH OH.  What else is going on and crap.  Why would ghosts travel 40 miles Just To Haunt Me.  I haven't been TAUNTING THEM or anything.  What have I done specifically to incure their wrath.  Possibly SOMETING.  VERY possible I HAD taunted Amityville Horror Ghosts in the past now that I think about it.  SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING I'D DO.  Oh well live and learn. Huh.  Sounds like a joke I'd have made 5 times before.  Huh.
Last paragraph To Go!  AMAZING.  Were saltines designed to be LONG LASTING, tasty, HEARTY, nutritious, OR WHAT.  Cause saltines I SAY are knocking it out of the park in many respects.  Saltines are really checking A LOT OF BOXES.  WHAT WAS THEIR ORIGINAL MISSION STATEMENT because whatever it was THEY'RE EARNING THEIR KEEP MANY TIMES OVER beyond that not many people appreciate this.  Huh.  What does amity mean.  Does it mean PEACEFUL.  Let's see.  A FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIP.  Good for them. Good for WHO.  The people who are in Amity.  Ah I see.  Also it's ironic because the Amityville Horror house ISN'T VERY FRIENDLY AT ALL.  Exact OPPOSITE of friendly, that's how you could Define The House if you wanted to.  KINDA STANDOFFISH.  BOORISH.  RUDE.  OTHER WORDS THAT AREN'T REALLY THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF FRIENDLY NOW TAT I THINK ABOUT IT.  Anyway I'm done for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow. Could be slightly better than today.  Probably will be!  I'll see ya then!

-8:33 P.M.




Friday, June 2, 2023

I Mean Well

     Hey friends!  Got up at pretty reasonable time today.  Aroudn 9:45 AM!  Super market delivery came shortly thereafter.  Then I watched some SIMPSONS.  Then I took a walk. Then I finsihed A SIMPSONS episode.  Then I'M HERE.  YEAH.  Probably will eat a lunch today.  Not 100% sure yet.  TRIED A CAULIFLOWER BITE.  It was OKAY.  About what I would have expected if I had bothered attempting to expect something.  Listened to PODCAST on Walk I!  Good deal.  Whell I guess we're all about caught up.  San Francisco Sourdough Rolls are FREEZERED like bagels on FRIDGERATED like dinner rolls.  Didn't see that twist of fate coming.  I guess it shouldn't be a huge deal.  Wonder what kind of implications it will have on my life.  I dunno.  HMM I can use one of those for ham sandwich for lunch today.  THAT's an interesting way to combine TRYING ONE with HAVING HAMMED SANDWICH.  Are they big enough for a ham sandwich.  Not sure.  CAN'T PICTUR it in mind. PARAGRAPH.
Okayay.  Not really.  Not really large enough!  Anyway.  Watched a couple of Tales In The Crypt last night before going to bed.  It was okay.  I didn't hate it!  Still took me over an hour to fall asleep afterwards.  BUT less than 2 hours.  Progress.  I guess.  Maybe I skip lunch today.  I wanna have lunch. I'LL ALLOW myself lunch on account of getting up early.  BUT IF I SKIP IT all the better!  Huh. What else do I got going on for me.  Lot of exciting things from the super market but nothing that comes into play IMMEDIATELY.  If the cauliflower bites were 40% more exciting then I'd consider that IMMEDIATELY.  Being more exciting doesn't increase their immediacy NO.  BUT they are KIND OF ALREADY IMMEDIATE.  And being more exciting I'd LOOK THE OTHER WAY on their Not So Immediate AND CONSIDER TEM MORE IMMEDIATE because they're more exciting.  THAT'S THE WAY I OPERATE.
  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Only TWO paragraphs down.  That's bad.  Only THREE paragraphs to go.  That's good!  Amazing.  I guess.  Probably take five walks today.  Kinda like taking six walks.  Just ONE LESS.  Makes sense.  HEY just talked to my brother on the phone for half an hour.  Pretty good stuff!  Was talking to him about UCB Class.  He's very enthusiasticly for it!  I coulda seen that coming.  I appreciate his encouragement.  Makes sense!  Also I FEED off of it.  Maybe he's right, too!  Gonna bring it up to my parents I guess as the next step.  Then the next step after that is signing up for a class!  Looks like right now they have 9 classes starting in June.  Hmm.  One of them starts tomorrow.  Another of them starts Sunday.  Another of them is an INTENSIVE which doesn't seem ideal.  Huh.  Looks like I'm starting to NARROW IT DOWN.  Anyway.  Once a week for 3 hours. 8 classes!  Sounds like a reasonable commitment.
Fourth paragraph.  Good deal.  I dunno.  We'll see!  At this point it looks PRETTY LIKELY I do that though.  Why not.  Gotta do something once a week for 8 weeks three hours at a time.  Going into FRIDAY I am winning Weekly Speculation Baseball Battle 7-3.  Not bad!  Doing pretty good!  Also more likely I make upground to do better than I lose ground and do worse.  AMAZING.  Hmm.  I dunno.  My brother's approval is a pretty good Kick.  He's on the ball in a lot of respects.  He's got that kind of energy.  Seems like a responsible guy.  Not sure why.  Might just be because of COMPARED TO ME.  Because I'm WAY OFF IN THE POLAR OPPOSITE of that.  That might be it.  LUCKY summofabitch.  Because I'm way in opposite of On The Ball And Responsible NOW HE SEEMS SUPER BALLY.  Oh well I guess I'm partly responsble for him being responsible ULTIMATELY.  GOOD FOR ME.  Huh.  I'm imagining I'm not wearing any masks during Improve Class.  Is it possible I can FIT IN a booster shot before then?  I feel like I should be able to Booster Myself within the next 2 weeks.
Huh.  Might find it very cool to wear masks.  Might find it LIBERATING to IMPROV while wearing a mask.  I dunno.  Either way what can ya do.  Uniform Charlie Bravo.  I feel like I brought this up eight years ago BUT in UCB talk WHAT DO THE REST OF TE LETTERS STAND FOR.  IF UCB stands for Upright Citizens Brigade I GOTTA KNOW what the other 23 letters stand for.  IF YOU SHOW ME A LIST of what all 26 letters stand for for This Comedy Troupe/Training Center/Organization I'M GONNA UNDERSTAND WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THIS ENTERPRISE SO SO MUCH MORE and I'm gonna LOVE IT.  I wanna know what Amy Poehler and Horatio Sanz and whatknot AGREE A and G and R and THE REST mean parallel to the U, C, and the B's.  I NEED TO KNOW.  IF I KNEW THAT I'D KNOW EVERYTHING.  You know like a CHEAT SHEET for translations.  That sort of thing.
   Sixth paragraph.  Will I hit 10 paragraphs for Act I?  Not sure.  But apparently I'm hitting More Than Five Paragraphs. Good deal.  Gonna SLEEP ON IT at least one more night for UCB.  NO FINAL DECISION TODAY.  I'm putting MY FOOT DOWN ON IT.  UCB BUCKS.  Where it's like you can exchange Paper Money when you enter the UCB building for Fun Money.  Huh.  HOW MANY PEOPLE are familiar with that UCB building where you take the UCB 101 class.  Gotta imagine aroubd 2 out of 5 people on Earth know that building.  You can imagine taht building floor where you takat the UCB 101 class.  ARound 40% of Earth knows that building.  OR maybe 1 out of 1,000,000 what do I know.  Hmm.  I KNOW IT.  That's 1 out of 1 for People Who Are Me.  ALso EVERYONE ELSE I SAW IN THE BUILDING KNEW IT.  That's EVERYONE OUT OF EVERYONE THERE.   Maybe some of them have mental health issues where it didn't register for them ultimately.  I dunno.
Hmm.  Seventh paragraph.  Ideally was gonna eat salmon today but maybe I'm not in mood.  NEXT ideally is eat ham sandwich because I SHOULD HAVE ate it last week. GOOD DEAL maybe I'm in the mood to do THAT ideally.  How much of a pyramid scheme is UCB.   Somewhat, Total, or Not Really.  ARE the Founding Members making a ton of money.  I really don't know!  Someone's making a lot of money.  Maybe it's being spread around EVENLY though!  That sounds fair.  I LIKE TE SOUND OF EVEN MONEY MAKING.  Good deal.  Anyway Father's Day is in 2 weeks and 2 days.  Can I celebrate it PRE-EMPTIVELY because I hope to be a father one day.  Probably not.  What if it never works out for me.  Then I can be held legally accountable AFTER THE FACT.  Also you can't celebrate something FOR YOURSELF.  That defeats the purpose.  Other people celebrate it AT YOU.  That's the FUN of the thing.  People do it FOR YOUR SAKE IN YOUR DIRECTION.
   Eighth paragraph.
  Amazing.  Anyway.  It would also be a discussion JUST IN GENERAL that I want to take Class IN COVID.  My parents would ultimately relent but would be privately and or PUBLICALLY unhappy about it.  So there's that.  Hell I would be privately and or PUBLICALLY unhappy about it.  But I gotta move on with life at some point.  Presumably.  Feels like something I'd have to do probably.  Then again PERSONALLY you could make the argument I should wait to move on with life until I'm not living with Elderly and/or immunocompromised parents.  Because I could spread sickness to thems who are particularly at risk while I am living with them.  SOLID ARGUMENT.  BUT HOW WILL I EVER MOVE OUT FROM UNDER 'EM unless I TRY DOING THINGS to get life moving.  Nothing gonna just happen on its own to make me Stop Living With Them.  ...UNLESS... Huh. 
    Penultimate paragraph of act!  Huh.  What else is up.  Then again in 3 months I could get covid and in 4 months I can die and then you can read this and be like HMM PROBABLY MADE THE WRONG DECISION IN RETROSPECT.  In which case HEY WAY TO GO READING THIS WEBSITE IN RETROSPECT.  LOOKS LIKE I MADE IT TO TE BIG TIME.  Death.  That's too bad.  But on the plus side I HAVE AB AUDIENCE MEMBER.  HEY HEY HOW'S IT GOING AND WHATKNOT.  Hmm looks like I defaulted into Krusty-Mode.  Makes sense TO ME.  Does it make sense to you?  EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE TO YOU, you're the smartest person ON.  THE.  PLANET.  Anyway.  What else is up and crap.  I guess I got some more podcast to go on upcoming walk.  Should be pretty good.  Don't see myself eating lunch today.  Should be pretty good.  Don't see myself eating ham sandwich today.  Why would I eat slices of ham.  Doesn't seem exciting. WHY WOULD I EAT UNEXCITING SUPPER.
   Last paragraph of the act!  Hamazing.  Wow.  Gotta figure I do some laundry today.  FINALLY got some answers on what to do with items that are currently in washing machine.  Take them out of washine machine for when I do My Laundry.  CHECK.  GOTCHA.  Now I know what to do.  Amazing.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Anyway.  What do I watch today if not Just The Simpsons.  Not particularly excited about continuing on with Tale In The Crypt.  Maybe figure out a FILM though.  FILM could be good.  I like the idea of FILM.  Maybe SPORTS documentary.  I like Sport.  Wait THAT'S how you spell DOCUMENTRY?!  NOT A FAN.  I'd be a lot happier if the end of the word DOCUMENTRY ended with, "TRY."  JUST FEELS A LOT BETTER TO ME!  Not sure why not sure WHY IT WOULDN'T.  Huh.  I guess that's it for now.  I'll be back in a little bit!




say it don't spray it

     Hey friends.  What's up!  Time to write 5 more paragraphs.  THEN I GOT A NICE BREAK.  Watch some Television Set.  Should be pretty good.  Listened to some more podcast on walk ii.  It was okay.  They sure are talking about things.  SEMI-scriptedly!  That'd be my guess.  I bet it's somewhere between 40-80% scriptedly!  THIS SPECIFIC PORTION OF THIS SPECIFIC EPISODE OF THIS SPECIFIC PODCAST  If we're talking about Podcasts in general I'd say it's... uh... I can't say that for podcats overall in general TOO WIDE A NET.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Lost enthusaism for UCB Class over the last half hour.  THAT'LL HAPPEN.  So we'll see how that goes.  Maybe I can meet someone to start a podcast with at UCB Class.  THEN SHUT THEM OUT and do it myself.  I DON'T NEED THEM.  I DON'T NEED ANYONE.
Sure.  Think I might switchover to watching The Critic today from The Simpsons.  These episodes I'm up to SEEM REALLY FAMILIAR.  I can't place it exactly BUT I TINK I'VE SEEN THESE BEFORE.  Recently!  Anyway Lemme Make sure I got THE CRITIC DVDS available at my disposal.  WHY WOULD I DISPOSE THEM.  They are OF VALUE to me.  YEP I got all thre DISCS.  They're called Discs because they are DVDS.  Oh okay I get it.  Probably available on YouTube even if the DVDS don't worry.  And if not PROBABLY CAN RECALL jokes in my brain here and there.  Hmm.  Probably not that much.  Wait. I'm remembering something. ...Jay Sherman has A SON.  He's visiting his SON at his school. ....There were jokes that involved that sequence.  IT'S ALL COMING BACK TO ME.  Man I can't wait to watch THAT episode.  IT SOUNDS LIKE A LAUGH A MINUTE.  Wow I like THOSE ODDS.  I'd sign up for A Laff A Minute.  22 laughs an episode.  WOW!
Three paragraphs to go.  Leaning towards SALMON for dinner tonight.  It sounds GOOD. SoundTaste Good.  Huh.  Hmm maybe I should shave myself today.  I think I have long enough facial hair that it justifies shaving.  Then again I COULD StAND FOR IT TO GROW A FEW MORE DAYSWORTH too.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  DO I REALLY wanna risk taking Rocksmith out of the DVD Player to put The Critic in?  THEN I TAKE A CHANCE that I lose ROcksmith again PERHAPS PERMANENTLY this time.  Possibly can make sure to put Rocksmith CD-ROM inside the Rocksmith DC-ROM Case where it would be the first place I look in the future when I want to retrieve it.  Well sure in an IDEAL world.  WE DON'T LIVE IN AN IDEAL WORLD THOUGH.  We live roughly SEVEN OR EIGHT LEVELS DOWN from the ideal world.  NOT THE WORST but not the best either.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Hmm.  Why don't we just live in the ideal world.  WHY BOTHER TOO COMPLICATED TOO MUCH UPKEEP TO HAVE IT STAY IDEAL.  Makes more sense to just live in a mediocre world.  Oh that's good.  What else is up and crap.  Haven't listened to delightful new Music Albums which dropped today yet.  WILL I GET TO TEM TODAY AT ALL?  I don't know!  Probably will get to ONE today but not MOST OR ALL.  I guess.  What else is up.  Figure I could put salmon and halve sphere of poatoe in oven.  No reason not to ovenize it instead of mirowave it.  OVEN IS THE SERIOUS way to cook things.  Ask any chef he'll tell ya.  Which is better for the environment.  Huh.  My guess off the top of my head is microwave?  I would assume microwaving uses less energy but I could EASILY be wrong.  I'd say 75% chance microwaving my dinner is better for environment other than ovenizing it!  OH NO TE PRESSURE IS ON TO ASSUME CORRECTLY.
Last paragraph.  I ASSUME microwaving my dinner isn't adding any radiation or anything to the world.  Probably not at least.  Beyond USING ENERGY I don't think using microwave is harming World at all.  CAUSE IF IT IS... what else is up.  Anyway.  Think I'm gonna go out of my way to eat the gross skin that's at the bottom of salmon filets.  Some people don't think about it.  Some people go out of their way not to eat it.  I'M GONNA GO OUT OF MY WAY TO MAKE SURE I EAT IT.  NICE WEIRD FILM TO EAT.  Good deal.  At first I started saying that as a joke but NOW I REALLY WANNA EAT IT.  Nice Fatty Substance or something.  Should be pleasingly disgusting now that I think about it.  Hmm.  Also I'm imagining just eating it seperate from the filet.  JUST A BITE OF THE FILM SEPERATE FROM THE FILET.  Amazing.  I'll be back tonight I guess!  See ya then!




Probably Should Be Okay

     Hello firneds.  Time to write some 5 paragraphs.  POSSIBLY MORE.  I can envision a future where I write more than five paragraphs over the course of the rest of my life!  Huh.  Had delicious salmon for dinner.  It was pretty good.  Had delicious plenty of saltines between Then and Now as well.  THAT WAS THE TOPZ as well.  Took a total of 5 walks today.  MOstly podcast.  Also listened to majority of new Ben Folds album.  IT'S GREAT.  I LOVE IT.  I've already heard 3 or so of the songs but YA KNOW WHAT?  If I may borrow a phrase from McDonalds commercial I'M LOVIN IT.  I feel like I should be able to borrow the phrase from McDonalds commercial because THEY borrowed it from Greek... uh... HOMER.  What's a good reference that I wanna make.  MCDONALDS borrowed I'M LOVIN IT from some Greek Playwright.  GONNA GO WITH HOMER.  I'M LOVIN' IT.  HMM I'D LIKE SOME FREEDOM FRIES.  Half for the taste HALVE for the opportunity to prove my patriotism and call them Freedom Fries.
    ONLY 1 out of 3 things in life are opportunities to prove our Patriotism.  GOTTA MAKE THOSE THINGS COUNT.  Make Patriotism Puns and whatknot.  Anyway I decided to stick with SIMPSONS for TelevisionTime today but I skipped ahead a few seasons.  SEASON 12!  Should be pretty good.  Sounds like that's roughly Fall 2000 I wanna guess. Hmm.  Sounds like WE'RE SAFE from Y2K FOR SURE at this point.  Been 9 months.  AT THIS POINT we can start letting our guard down.  NOTHINGS GONNA HAPPEN.  Pretty sure about it.  Hmm.  What else is there to talk about.  Cauliflower Bites are NOT good.  I can tolerate eating them but NOTHIN to write home about.  What's the last thing I had that was something to write home about.  Hmm possibly a The Get Up Kids album.  Never OWNED THAT though really did I.  I had the MP3 FILES on an mp3 player.  Had them on a computer.  BUT DID I REALLY OWN THEM IN A SOLID PHYSICAL FASHION?  Not sure I really did. NOT SURE AT ALL.  ALso may never even have had that album on my mp3 player or computer.  THESE SONGS DON'T SOUND FAMILIAR TO ME.
O-kay.  H-uh.  H-ow about that.  What else is crap and shit.  Triscuit is a hearty cracker.  Slightly too hearty. I would reduce their heartiness by 10, 15% if it were up to me.  IS IT UP TO ME.  I feel like it probably isn't.  BUT JUST IN CASE IT IS... reduce it by 10, 15%. That's Dumb.  THAT WAS A DUMB TING TO SAY. EVEN IF IT IS UP TO ME it's not gonna be UP TO ME IN THIS PARAGRAPH.  I'm still gonna have to GO IN TO WORK NEXT WEEK and Have It Up To Me THERE. THIS IS JUST A PERSONAL INDULGANCE WEBSITE.  It's gonna be up to me FORMALLY in WORKPLACE next week. Gonna have to OFFICIALLY SUBMIT THAT THOUGHT AT THE OFFICE that they reduce the cracker heartiness 10, 15% NEXT WEEK.  DON'T JUST TYPE IT HERE idly LIKE SOME IDIOT.  What am I SOME IDIOT.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Did laundry today.  POSSIBLE it is still in the process of DRYING in the dryer.  BUT YOU GE TTEH IDEA.
Fourth paragraph!  Mentioned UCB class to my Father.  He seemed open to the idea.  So there's THAT.  WONDERFUL.  Gotta do something.  Anything is better than nothing!  That's MY Philosophy of the Moment.  For some reason.  Can't argue with FACTS.  Possibly my philosophy of Forever.  I can't recall HOW FAR BACK this philosophy goes for me!  And obviously I can't predict HOW LONG this philosophy will last me.  GUESS we'll have to wait and see.  Could just be My Forever Philosophy.  YEAH.  What else is up.  Got DELICIOUS LOW STAKES iced cream bar going on.  Fifty calories chocolate iced cream pop.  WONDERFUL.  The highest stakes part of it is tehre's only four of em to last me one week.  GOTTA MAKE IT COUNT.  I could have bought TWO packs instead of one.  YEAH BUT I DIDN'T.  So shut up about it.
   Fifth paragraph.
  Clothes is done in dryer.  Amazing!  I'm gonna be wearing CLEAN ASS CLOTHES tomorrow.  For the most part.  Kidna.  I guess.  Wonderful.  Had broccoli with the salmon and halve sphere of potatoe.  Parents had mirowavable broccolie left over from Previous Week.  It was okay.  I ATE FOUR OR SO PIECES.  LARGE PIECES OF BROCCOLI.  Good deal.  HMM next song I write gonna have a couplet where I rhyme E Coli with Broccoli.  Amazing now I have Inspiration to write a new song.  What's the best DAY and TIME OF DAY to do a UCB Class.  What's THE SCIENCE on that.  Gonna have to see some PEER REVIEWED studies on that.  If it's not peer reviewed don't waste my time with it.  Anyway.  GUESS that's about it for now.  I'll be back here tomorrow.  In fact I will pretty much Be Here The Whole Time from NOW til THEN.  Just gonna be here Starting From The Beginning and Lasting Til The End.  So that's good. See ya later!

-8:35 P.M. 




Thursday, June 1, 2023

No One's Doing Better

     Hey friends!  Here starting my day pretty late!  2:23 PM!  Just got back from WALK I.  And before that I had watched a The Simpsons or two.  SURE.  That's what today has been.  I'm not sure why that SURE needs to be in ITALICS and CAPITALS.  Why do I need to DRIVE THAT POINT HOME so much.  Huh.  Anyway.  Got ham sandwich in store for dinner tonight.  Not sure what to pair with it.  I think I have cheez its.  Otherwise I'm not sure.  Got no other good ideas.  I THINK I have a personalized snack bag of Pretzels.  That'd do the trick.  Might have a privitized snack bag of pretzels.  FOR THE PRIVATE SECTOR.  Hmm.  Today is the start of a new month.  Spjune!  Gonna be a solid C- month.  And I say that HAPPILY.  PROUDLY. GLADILY.  DIGILY.  BOGILY.  STOOGILY.  EGOGLY.  VROB.  What's going on again.  Gotta turn the page on Physical Calendar.  Let's see.  Theme of June 23 is EATING HEALTHY MADE EASIER.  First sentence of paragraph blurb describing the theme is AN INCOMPLETE SENTENCE.  WHAT BULLSHIT.
    On the plus side Wednesday the 14th is FLAG DAY.
  FLAG DAY FLAG DAY FLAG DAY.  Also the 24th day is Fete Nationale du Quebec.  Which I believe is some sort of Japanese Holiday.  Doesn't say exactly what International holiday that day is but I'm gonna guess JAPAN.  Fathers Day is the 18th.  I'm gonna be a father one day!  Probably.  I wanna trick some jerk into being my son.  THAT'LL keep the ball rolling.  I had to be my DAD's SON.  Only seems fair that some asshole has to be MY son. My Dad might appreciate a grandson, too.  Something along those lines.  Huh.  MAYBE I can have kids chicken parm tonight.  NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT no harm done having that instead of ham sandwich.  WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPEN.  Is there any element to Candada where it's like THE UNITED STATES OF CANADA.  Lemme see.  It has TEN PROVINCES.  But I'm pretty sure IT'S JUST CANADA.  Canada 2nd largest country in terms of AREA WOW!
   OKAY I don't have any more cheez its.
  NO BUENO.  Huh.  What else is up and crap.  How come Canada isn't as good as America.  If you looked at Canada SIDE BY SIDE with America you'd be like WELL WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE.  Not sure what that means.  Not sure what it means at all.  I know EXACTLY what it means. I  just don't know what it means ULTIMATELY.  Huh.  What else is up and crap.  Probaby can fit in five walks today.  IF NOT then four.  ANYWAY maybe I only hit 5 paragraphs for ACT I.  DANGIT I just realized EVEN IF I ONLY WRITE A SHORT 5 paragraphs for ACT I... I still gotta IMMEDIATELY WRITE another 5 paragraphs for ACT II shortly thereafter!  IT NEVER ENDS.  Also I gotta write 2.5 paragraphs RIGHT NOW no matter what.  I gotta write RIGHT NOW irregardless OF ANYTHING.  UGH.  What else is upa nd crap.
Hmm.  Two more paragraphs I guess.  That should be good.  Anything good happen yet today.  Not sure. Pretty confident NOPE.  IT'S OSCARSTALK in podcast this morning!  SOUNDS LIKE AROUND MARCH OR SO.  I dunno.  I don't think PodcastListening is the greatest inspiration for WebsiteWriting.  I'd say it's LESS inspiring than listening to nothing which is LESS inspirining than listening to music.  HOWEVER it's more inspiring than Being Dead.  So that's pretty good.  Actually Being Dead would be INSPIRING AS FUCK.  I bet being dead would give you LOTS of great material for WebsiteFodder.  HOWEVER can't write any entries because NOT ALIVE.  So there's that.  Oscar Stalk.  Not a happy camper about that.  WE SHOULD go out of our way to NOT STALK those involved in the Oscars.  OF all the people involved in humanity who Need Not Be Stalked, the people involved in Film Award Ceremonies ARE AT THE TOP OF TE LIST who shouldn't be being stalked.
Last paragraph of the act!  TRUE OR FALSE Betsy Ross designed the flag.  I'm gonna say TRUE.  TRUE.  Wonderful.  Trying a different kind of ROLL from super market tomorrow.  ONION ROLL as usual.  Then a different supplemental roll.  SOURDOUGH.  Should be interesting.  Probably.  I don't have any super positive associations with Sourdough Bread.  I'm not particularly fond of it!  I don't think I'll DISLIKE IT.  I'll probably be like HEY THIS IS A KICK for a ONCE IN A WHILE thing.  So that's good I guess.  Huh.  Oven Ready San Fransisco Sour Dough Style Rolls.  LAST WEEK the supplemental Rolls I described as San Fransisco for some reason.  ERRONOUSLY.  It had NOTHING to do with San Fransisco.  I dunno WHY I brought up San Fransisco.  THIS WEEK IT ACTUALLY HAS TO DO witH San Franasisco.  WEIRD STUFF.  Maybe I saw San Fransisco while Browsing last week and it registered with me or somethign I DON'T KNOW I'm gonna take a walk now GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT




genious on many many levels

     Hey friends. What's up and crap.  Finished a podcast JUST as my walk ended.  YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS I start ANEW as the next walk begins.  I got JUST THE ONE in mind.  A FRESH one.  One from THIS WEEK.  Should be intesting.  Add an, "ER," to that combination of letters if you feel like it.  APPARENTLY I DIDN'T.  Anyway.  Probably watch Just Simpsons Generally on TV today.  I'm gonna guess I fit in OH I DON'T KNOW fourty minutes of something else AND THAT'S about it.  Hmm.  I like the Bart Gets An Elephant episdoe I just watched a few hours ago.  Dunno why.  Several of the jokes about Them Selling Stampy To Ivory Dealer just CONNECT with me HEAVILY. Stampy is safer with him than with someone whose ivory supplies are low. CONNECT. I'm sure he'll make a GRAND piano.  CONNECT.  Who wouldn't want to be part of the music scene.  CONNECT.  Something about that collection of jokes IN ALL OF SIMPSONIA have tickled me FOR THE LAST FEW MONTHS OR EVEN YEARS.  Been entertaining me for a while now THEY"VE BEEN.
Anyway.  What else is up.  What the WHAT there's a new kind of Buffalo Wing on Super Market website.  Spicy Seasame Garlic Wings.  Is that like Seasame Chicken from Chinese Restuarants?  One can only guess YES.  ALSO they got something new Buffalo Cauliflower Bites that I'm impulse trying buying.  Low in calories.  LOOKS LIKE A GOOD THING TO SNACK ON.  HOW BAD CAN IT BE.  What's it filled with?  CHEESE?  WHO KNOWS.  Who CARES.  Filled with SOMETHING.  Even if it's filled with HOLLOW even HOLLOW is something.  Anyway what else is up and crap.  Not a great entry today.  HOWEVER we're getting close to being done with the DayTimeDay part of it.  CLOSE to only 3 more paragraphsworth.  NOT BAD.  How many provinces can I name of Canada.  Quebec, Toronto... ugh... I should know more... ALBERTA...  ugh... OH RIGHT ALL TOHSE OTHER ONES.  I WRONGLY looked it up right quick WHEN I SHOULD HAVE tried to remembered it more.  OH WELL TOO LATE NOW.  Also Toronto is CAPITAL CITY of Ontario.
Also Whatever.  There MAY be 13 provinces of Canada.  Internet NOW says TECHNICALLY there's 10 provinces, 3 Territories.  HMM SOUNDS LIKE SOME CONTROVERSY A-BREWIN'.  Canada Province Talk got some BITE to it.  huh.  What else is up.  HEY JUST HAD GREAT IDEA.  Get some BBQ SALMON and Roasted Half Sphere Potatoe from super market.  For DINNERS.  That'd be fresh for two weeks.  Two filets and some half spheres ONCE A WEEK two weeks in a row.  SALMON GONNA BE FRESH for 10-14 days I feel.  Maybe it won't be BUT I'LL EAT IT 14 days later ANYWAY.  BODY WILL HAVE TO TOLERATE IT NONETHELESS.  Also I'm gonna have all this bonus Hlaf SPhere Of Roast Potatoe to snack on and I'm gonna get huge kicks out of that!  Gonna be real interesting mix-em-up.  Amazing.  Should I get some BROCCOLI to go along with it.  My first thought was Hmm shuold I do that I'd liek that NAH NOT WORTH THE HASSLE.  Then 2 minutes later when I though tof it just now WHAT HASSLE.  There's no hassle.  JUST ADD IT TO TE CART.  And then when it comes time to eat it JUST EAT IT.  THERE'S NO HASSLE JUST DO IT.
    I think my parents have broccoli in the fridge from last week.  THIS MIGHT CONFUSE THEM.
  Might hold off on adding new broccoli to the cart BEFORE CHECKING WITH THEM.  Huh.  Bears eat salmon.  FRESH FROM TEH WATERFALL I can picture it in my imagnation.  Just picture a waterfall.  A bear standing at waterfall.  Bear puts his paw out in front of waterfall.  JUST GRABS SALMON RIGHT OUT OF THIN AIR.  LUCKY BEAR.  HOW IS THIS SO EASY FOR BEAR.  What else is going on and crap.  Not sure.  What do I got going on for me in terms of When Will I Eat Dinner.  I GUESS we're talking 2-3 hours.  Seems about right.  GUESS we're tlaking kids chicken parm!  PROBABLY WITH SLICE OF BREAD.  I like the sound of that.  Sounds like ASMR.  Something like that.  Enjoyed nice piece of toast with salad yesterday.  NICE WELL TOASTED TOAST.  Not burnt!  BUT WELL TOASTED!  I thought it was pretty well toasted.  HOW DID YOU FEEL about how well toasted my toast was last night.
Last paragraph of Daytime Portion Of Day.  NEW MONTH of the website.  Wonderful.  How many days of Entry will there be this month.  I'M GONNA GUESS 22.  GONNA AIM for 22.  I think that's the way to go!  That's a nice amount of days off for SPHUNE if I write 22 entries.  Good deal.  HOW CAN SALMON be swimming down a a waterfall.  HOW WOULD THEY EVER MAKE THEIR WAY BACK UP.  They swim down the waterfall how do they ever go back up IT'S ONLY A ONE WAY STREET.  Makes no sense.  What are the odds taht you're GRABBING salmon from the waterfall there's not an ENDLESS SUPPLY of OneWaySalmon.  I don't get it.  Maybe if the salmon swam in a circle SURE you can grab CircleSalmon.  But this is ONE WAY SALMON.  Huh.  What else do I got going for me.  Maybe there's some sort of RAMPS the salmon can swim back up some other route to get back up the waterfall SOME OTHER WAY.  Obviously they can't go back up THIS waterfall but they can get back up to the top of the waterfall SOME OTHER WAY FROM SOME OTHER DIRECTION.  Huh.  I'll be back tonight.




Maybe Not Maybe So

     Hi frineds.  Time to write roughly five more paragraphs.  Had delicious chicken parmeasan for dinner. Kidz version.  Wrote the Kids version of the word, "Kids," just then.  When I wrote, "Kidz."  It was fun.  Parents got Outside Communal Dinner Delivery for first time in roughly three weeks and I was tempted to get something BUT NOTHING MADE SENSE.  Should have gotten something anyway.  Oh well.  Shoulda gotten HAMBURGER.  That's what SHOULD HAVE happened in a JUST world.  We don't live in a Just world.  We live in a JAST world.  Off the top of my head that's main Alternative to Just.  Huh.  Took five walks today.  It was okay!  Had amount of snacks I thouhgt I would.  A WHOLE LOT.  No saltines.  Lotta slices of bread but no great ROLLS.  DIDN'T HAVE ANY LEFT HAD TO SETTLE FOR SLICES OF WHOTE BREAD.  Watched some Simpsons, finisehd the CRACK documentry.
    Okay.  Got some workers comin' over next week to Replace Floor Of Kitchen.  Two day activity.  WHole new kitchen floor.  I believe WOOD.  Or MOCK wood. But if its Mock Wood it's AS CLOSE TO THE REAL THING AS POSSIBLE.  I THINK we're getting REAL WOOD.  Gonna have to look into that.  Either way that's gonna muck up my schedule for two days.  WELL as bad as it is for me EVEN WORSE FOR TE KITCHEN IN PARTICULAR.  Kitchen doesn't care IT'S A ROOM.  What does ROOM give a shit about things IT HAS NO CONSCIOUSNESS.  Poor room.  Hasn't achieved sentience.  Not like US people.  At least me.  CAN't SPEAK FOR YOU.  I dunno if you're self-aware that's YOUR problem not mine.  Apparently Biden FELL DOWN TODAY.  HAH.  THAT'LL SHOW HIM FOR STANDING UP AND PRESUMABLY WALKING AROUND OFT TIMES.  THINKS HE'S A BIG MAN MOVING FROM POINT A TO POINT B WHLIE TRYING TO NOT LOOK THE FOOL.  WELL WE'LL SEE HOW TAHT GOES I GUESS.  Anyway I haven't seen that yet.  Haven't seen any news in a while.  THE WRITERS ARE ON STRIKE.
  I can't imagine enjoying a clip of President Biden falling down.  There's gotta be two dozen Kinds Of Trips there could be and maybe THREE OR FOUR of them I'd be like HEH THAT WAS A GOOD ONE I ENJOYED THAT.  But 85% of them I'M BETTER OFF NOT SEEING.  So that's good.  When there's no crackers and rolls main snack Ihave left that I enjoy these days is WHITE BREAD.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  I got lots of SWEETS and crap but THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M IN THE MOD FOR THESE DAYS.  I don't LIKE it.  Ugh.  My Dad got some mini saltines.  Like them kinda stuf fyou see sometimes IN SOUPS. MICRO-CRACKERS.  I tried em I DON'T LIKE EM.  Get outta here with that bullshit.  Not sure WHY I don't like them.  They are presumably the exact same thing as the things I was eating but smaller.  NOPE JUST DON'T LIKE EM CAN'T SAY FOR SURESAKE WHY THOUGH.  Huh.  Last few days been taking me a long time to fall asleep.  Maybe as much as last week.  2+ hours to fall asleep!  I DON'T LIKE IT.  I don't wanna be alone with my thoughts at night.  MY THOUGHTS ARE THE WORST.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Ugh.  LUCKILY these barely qualify as thgouhts.  NOT VERY DEEP THINKING.  Doesn't get Very Deep.  Still though NOT A FAN OF WHAT GOES ON IN MY HEAD these days.  What else is up.  OH I got 2 pieces of sushi left. PERECT snack to have in a couple of minutes when I go downstairs to take out the garbage.  ALSO lines up perfectly to have it before I wash my hands after taking out the garbage.  That way I get to stick filfth down my throat.  What does that mean.  Not sure. NOT SURE AT ALL.  Either way what else is up.  Didn't get sushi this week from super market!  POSSIBLY the first time since I s tarted getting sushi months and months ago that I PURPOSELY didn't get sushi even if they had it!  JUST NOT ON MY RADAR FOR THIS WEEK.  Felt more like getting B-BAR-Q Salmon with Halve Sphere Potatoes.  Anyway. Gonna go do that garbage sushi thing.  Those TWO things.  I guess NOW they're combined INTO ONE ACTIVITY though NOW.
  Turnt out I had already finished the sushi at some point earlier this week.  I guess yesterday.  ALSO turnt out my Dad isn't ready for me to take out the garbage.  I guess I"ll do it in 5 or 10 minutes.  GREAT.  What else is up and crap.  JUEN eh. So far not the worst entry I've ever seen! Just ONE OF the worse entries I've ever seen!  Not so bad at all.  Hmm.  No shower or laundry again today.  NUTS. NUTS TO THAT.  Knuts.  I guess I got some SIMPSONS in store for when this is over.  MAybe I TRY AGAIN to stay up late watching Television tonight so I won't be staying up late with my Brain tonight.  BRAIN IS TE WORST.  From what I can gather.  NOT 100% familiar with brain but the little I know about it NOT A FAN.  NOT REALLY GIVING ME A LOT TO WORK WITH lately at least.  ANyway. I'll be back tomorrow.

-9:03 P.M.







Contact: mankindguy@gmail.com