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Monday, February 28, 2022

this is going as well as possible

    HELLO FRIENDS!  Closer to being on schedule today.  Whatever that means.  Just means I got up and woke up and took first walk slightly earlier.  Means nothing!  Anyway yesterday diet schedule went well until MightNight Snacking.  Which happened!  Which I will make up for with smaller brunch and lunch.  Which means I WON'T complete making up for BANGE with smaller brunch and lunch.  Oh well close enough.  Back to having snacks today, though!  So that's fun.  Okay covered all the important bases and whatnot.  Wearing a nice SHIRT today.  When you're cutting it close on Laundry several times in a row, not knowing if you'll have a clean shirt the next day, then you really start to appreciate shirts.  I got a dozen clean shirts now and every day I get a blast and a half out of wearing them.  Great just great.  Tomorrow we flip the page on World Travel Calendar.  I hope they don't tell me to go to Ukraine.  Sounds dangerous!
     What else is up.  Communal BBQ Grilled Chicken Patties for dinner tonight!  Me and my Mom and Not My Dad.  TWO PEOPLE = COMMUNAL.  So there's that.  What kinda stuff do I got going on before that that isn't eating or Not Going To Ukraine.  Oh sure walking and taking a shower.  Amazing.  My father's father died on Leap Day.  SO the good news is he's only been dead 12 or 13 years.  Not 50 years.  Still fresh in our hearts and minds.  Not mine.  Never met the man!  Dunno what he looked like.  I should ask to see a picture or something.  I have no clue.  Either way what else is going on.  Also PREFERABLY not a picture of Him Dying.  That'd be a bummer.  I want to see a picture of him Being Alive.  Like he was For Most Of His Life.  Anyway great just great.  Will Brunch be Snack Brunch or some sort of low calorie Meal Brunch.  Like a Frozen Health Breakfast Sandwich.  I DON'T KNOW WHO CARES BESIDES ME I CARE A LOT.
Hmm.  BIG DECISION do I get Dumb No Redeeming Quality Cookies from any Super Market order.  Ideally 2-3 as a side for Health Brunch Sandwich.  OR I can have a bunch of em AS ENTIRE BRUNCH.  OR LUNCH.  Get this how about this.  Brunch is big enough to be a small lunch.  Then I got dinner 8 hours later.  Lunch can be a DECENT SIZED BINGE.  Not a big one.  Not even half a big one.  But a DECENT ONE.  Gotta remember that that sounds like the best time one could have.  Anyway what else is up and crapola.  National Food Of The Tomorrow Is... ELEVEN THINGS.  Half MONTH celebrations, half day.  Either way UGH.  I'm not gonna go through them all.  I can't.  All I'll say is one jumped out at me and I was NATIONAL FLOUR MONTH.  Yeah.  Let's celebrate eating flour.  YOU IDIOT.  MAY try Amazon Fresh made Chocolate Chip Muffins.  Perfect size for Brunch.  WOW MUFFIN I HAVEN'T HAD THAT IN A DOG'S AGE.  And Chocolate Chip just SEALS THE DEAL.
What else is crap.  WAIT NO I can't get it.  Still have Chocolate Babka.  GOD DAMNIT CHOCOLATE BABKA.  Why are you so delicious but so Too Much For One Serving If I Wanna Get Anywhere Near Satisfied With It.  YOU IDIOT.  I like calling food Idiots. Because they can't defend themselves!  I WIN in this scenario every time.  What else is going on and crap.  I got a good idea for upcoming snack.  Tastes good.  Small snack.  Won't LAST very long eating it.  It's called a Quaker Oats Granola Bar and it's all the rage.  Sure.  Anyway!  Turns out my favorite breakfast is just 2 indulgent lowercase snacks.  That's been what I've been having and I LOVE IT NO REGRETS.  Works out great.  I have three real full meals in the day.  Then there's also a Wake Up BIG SNACK to get me started.  Sounds reasonable.  I can tell people about that.  Oh I eat three meals like normal.  I do have a snack when I get up!  Don't judge me!  IT'S REASONABLE YOU IDIOT.  Also now YOU'RE an idiot, too, not just the food.  IDIOT.
Hmm.  If I was into Peanut Butter that'd open up a whole new door to LOTS of granola and/or other kinds of Food Bars.  But I'm not!  So forget it!  What else is going on in the wide world of sports.  Russia Invading Ukraine War still going on.  Off the top of my head that's what I'm comfortable calling it FOR NOW.  Doesn't roll off the tongue but it's relatively brief phrase and covers the main bases I feel.  I'd like to donate all the Peanut Butter Granola Bars to Ukraine.  Look in trying times you take what you can get.  They'd be happy with em even if they do have to eat disgusting peanut butter.  Also NONE FOR THE RUSSIANS.  Sorry guys!  You're stuck with whatever rations Russia gives you.  I assume Russia gives you rations.  Hmm gotta wonder what these Russians are eating.  Better LTURQ.  Nah I won't LTURQ now.  Maybe later!  I'm interested in it but NOW'S NOT THE TIME.  So there's that.  Coffee time!
    Sure.  What do I got in store for me today on the Television Set.  More Tales From That Crypt in Surround Sound.  Maybe if I'm lucky I convince myself to play some ROCKSMITH.  Maybe a fillum or two is in the cards.  What else is up.  Look I WISH I wanted to know what Ukrainian Forces/Civilians were eating these days for meals.  I think it'd bum me out though.  I wanna read about people eating full satisfying meals.  Not desperate people eating whatever they can get their hands on up to and including Peanut Butter Granola Bars.  It's sad!  Hmm maybe there's some subset of Ukrainian Population that's eating good meals.  Maybe they're giving Military Good Meals to increase morale.  In fact that might be the game changer that's gonna tilt this war in Ukraine's favor!  What am I talking about again.  I forget.  Oh right I was finishing up this paragraph.  Now it's all coming back to me!
     What else.  DO I DARE TRY the other kind of Veggie Burger from Fresh Direct next week?  I've loved kale burger.  Carrot and Parsnip?  A) different.  B) more calories.  C) WHY NOT LIVE A LITTLE GIVE IT A SHOT.  I dunno.  A and B are significant arguments but C may be the winner.  I can always go back to Kale for next week.  Presumably.  Maybe they sign me up permanently for Carrot and Parsnip.  I hope not.  Would hardly seem fair!  But anyway what else is going on and crap.  Hmm.  Delicious sides for BBQ Grilled Chicken are Crescent Potatoes and Broccoli.  PROVE ME WRONG.  I dunno maybe you can prove me wrong by the time this has come to pass.  There's a non-zero percent chance that doesn't end up being my dinner.  And THUS the evidence is there if you want it to prove me wrong.  Now the ball is in your court!  You could come out of this situation A WINNER by proving me wrong.  GOOD LUCK A THOUSAND WISHES IN YOUR FAVOR.  That can't be a phrase.  A thousand wishes in your favor.  But if it is I'M DEVOTING IT TO UKRAINE NOT YOU.  DEAL WITH IT.
     Eighth paragraph!  Ya know what?  I dunno why NOW as opposed to other times I really wanted to do it but didn't, but I just added six pack of HERSHEY BARS to cart.  With ALMONDS.  I dunno why.  I'm not thinking right now of a perfect time to eat them.  But it just FEELS right.  A THOUSAND WISHES IN YOUR FAVOR.  Hmm.  That could be a breakfast.  Entire Hershey Bar w/ Almond and a 2nd thing.  POSSIBLY EVEN JUST 1.5 HERSHEY BAR WITH ALMONDS.  HOLY CRAP I'M SCARED THAT SOUNDS TOO DELICIOUS.  Anyway now I figured out what to do with these dumb bars.  What else is going on and crap.  Still on eighth paragraph.  Snack time creeping up!  SEVEN MINUTES AWAY.  This snacks won't be satisfying PER SAY.  But it'll be relatively delicious.  And HEY I GET TO EAT AGAIN IN 2 HOURS THAT'S NOTHIN'.  What a wonderful world I live in.  Presumably.  My personal Bubble Of A World is pretty decent.  Outside the bubble is horrors unable to comprehend.  But IN the bubble HEY THIS IS KIND OF FUN.  So I got that going for me is the point.
Penultimate paragraph of the act presumably!  What else is up.  Hershey Bar with almonds is same amount of calories as without almonds.  I guess almonds = same amount of calories as Chocolate Bar they're replacing in those little pellets of pockets.  Makes sense.  What else makes sense.  State of the union coming up.  When is that exactly.  TOMORROW?!?!  I hope the state of the union is strong.  Otherwise I'd be disappointed.  What else is going on and crap.  One and a half more paragraphs to go for the act!  Eat delicious snack at the end of this paragraph.  Life is good.  Presumably.  I feel like when I was eating every 4-6 hours over the lat 2 days I was less hungry.  Now knowing I'm eating every 2 hours I'm hungrier looking forward to it.  OH WELL IT'S FUN ANYWAY.  I get a real kick out of it is the point.  What else is the point.  Now I'm just looking forward to having 1.5 Chocolate Bars for breakfast.  Can't get it out of my head!  Hmm better think of something EVEN BETTER to replace it in my head.  Or worse.  If I think of something REALLY BAD that might also get the job done.
     Maybe just write this last paragraph then eat Granola Bar. Then take walk.  Then come back here.  WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE I LEAD.  PRESENT TENSE.  Not a wonderful life I LED.  It's still going on!  That's a relief.  For a second there I was worried that I Was Dead.  Or at the very least Leading Some New Sort Of Life that wasn't what I was leading before.  Which would be a hassle and a half.  I'm used to the life I've been LEED-ing.  KIND OF.  Wouldn't mind mixing it up though.  Worth a shot!  Anyway what else is the wide world of sports.  WANNA do the right thing and eat frozen breakfast health egg sandwich for brunch.  Only time will tell.  Anyway.  Last day of the month!  MARCH is coming up.  Still not 100% happy with the year being /22.  I don't know if I necessarily DISlike it.  I'm just never gonna get used to it.  I might even KINDA LIKE IT despite not liking it.  Anyway great just great.  Time to take a walk.  Be back soon!




oh no that's not good

    HEY!  I can feel good about the rest of the day.  Lots of surround sound!  Also lots of Feeding Times.  FOOD IS LOVE.  That's the conclusion I'm coming to.  Sounds about right.  Not an unhealthy way to live yer life.  Especially if you can watch/hear things in surround sound.  FOOD & SURROUND SOUND?  You're living the life!  The point is Great Just Great.  Leaning towards TRYING to convince myself to have breakfast sandwich for brunch.  It's tough!  I don't think I'll be able to do it!  But I'm leaning towards putting up a bit of a Mental Fight.  So there's that.  What else is going on and crap.  Interested to see Professional Scale Weight Presumably when I see Internist Physician for General Check Up.  If it's 118 or lower when accounting for clothes & whatnot, I'm happy.  Maybe just be happy there.  Maybe stick with going without snacks (or a FRACTION of the snacks) once a week but besides that JUST AIM TO BE ON TARGET.  AMAZING.  Food is love.  You heard it here first!
     Cool.  Could put Breakfast Sandwich in oven before next walk and eat it when I get back.  That's a great way to go.  Also the dumb things I wanna eat for Brunch I can eat as Upcoming Snacks instead.  I'll get around to them either way!  Let's do that and whatnot.  Anyway.  I'm a little worried the Republicans won't show Joe Biden enough respect at the state of the union.  I dunno where I'm getting that idea.  But I have a sneaking suspicion they're gonna be the biggest jerks in the world and not support him.  Hmm.  As long as he has OUR support that's what counts.  The AMERICAN PEOPLE.  His poll numbers are very low.  BEFORE Ukraine.  Maybe people rightly see he handled this one like a PRO so far and give him credit.  I give him credit!  And I'm part of the American Public.  So there's that.  The point is will I have a Hershey Bar with Almonds in time for tomorrow night?  I dunno!  It's possible I will but I'd guess more likely I won't.  That's part of life I guess.
Sure.  What else is part of life.  HAVING THOSE SNACKS AS BRUNCH SCREW FROZEN SANDWICH.  That COULD be part of life we'll have to wait and see.  There's still the mystery of HOW DID MY PHONE PLASTIC/GLASS SCREEN COVER GET CLEAN.  It was sticky as crap for a day or two.  Couldn't scratch anything off easily.  Then one day I woke up and it was more or less perect.  Did I replace the screen?  Did I clean it?  Did it clean itself?  I don't know what happened but maybe I should look that up.  I don't know what to call this screen protector thing though.  Hard to google something when you don't know what it is.  NOT TOO HARD but hard enough I don't wanna do it.  So there's that!  What else is up.  Nice day ahead of me.  Nice surround sounds.  Perect!  What else is up.  HMM haven't had coffee #2 with this act.  Guess I get to have it with act #3!  Interesting mix-em-up.  Wonder if that turns into something I do semi-regularly.  GREAT JUST GREAT.
Anyway what else is up.  Gonna take a reading news/twitter-news break RIGHT NOW.  Be back in a few minutes.  Could be three.  COULD BE 20.  I dunno!  We'll see TOGETHER.  WAR STILL GOING ON.  Apparently TALKS have started.  Apparently no one is taking these talks that seriously.  I could be wrong, though.  By no one I mean the 6 twitter personalities some algorithm recommended to me long ago that I'm stuck with now.  Anyway gonna put Breakfast Sandwich in Oven before next walk and then eat that sucker when I get back.  Maybe 10 minutes after I get back.  I LIKE IT GOOD AND WELL DONE.  YOU IDIOTS.  I get to have those snacks I wanna eat later in the day AS ACTUALLY SNACKS you idiots.  This makes a ton of sense and I wouldn't have gotten there if it weren't for algorithm induced twitter personalities and their takes on War and Rubles.  My take on Ruble?  Kinda funny name for currency.  Fun to say, fun to read.  Not so much fun to have all your finances in these days!  Pretty sure I got NONE of my money in rubles.  Not even a little bit.
What else is up and crap.  Gonna finish this act way ahead of schedule.  Maybe stick breakfast sandwich in oven and tell my Dad to start oven at a certain point.  So it will be ready WHEN I WANT IT TO BE READY when I'm home.  YEAH YOU IDIOTS I CAN DO THAT.  Hmm.  WAIT A SECOND.  All I need to do is last another 10 minutes in the house FROM NOW to put food in oven so it's ready at 12:00 PM.  I can do that EASY.  I'll put it in myself then take walk then guess what it's ready 10 minutes after I get home WELL DONE LIKE I LIKE IT.  YOU IDIOTS WOULD NEVER HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT ONE.  The theme of this entry is me calling everybody and everything an Idiot.  It's because I'm The Real Idiot.  I project my negative feelings outward!  Makes sense.  People should do it more often.  Been working very well for me!  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit.




you remind me of someone

    HEY!  Got coffee and sprite going on.  Will have delicious breakfast sandwich in a few minutes.  I didn't appreciate how delicious this will be because the last few times I've had Frozen Breakfast Sandwich over the last few months it's been LOOSE ONES from YEARS ago.  This is from a box ONLY MONTHS AGO.  Fresh!  So there's that.  Anyway I got a lot going for me in the rest of the day.  Lots of Surround Sound Tales From That Crypt.  I can't get enough of this stuff!  I wish I could! But I can't.  That's part of life I guess.  The point is I Finish This Paragraph Then I Get Sandwich.  WOW I DON'T BELIEVE IT.  I hope snapping Hershey Bar with Almonds is easy.  It's not the standard 4x5 or 6 or whatever rectangles of Hershey Bar.  It's just a solid thing.  Sure it's easy to snap but getting it right 50/50?  I dunno if I could get something that close!  EGG SANDWICH TIME.
  Not a chore to eat at all.  A pleasure!  Would be a chore to have it as real breakfast because it tastes best after being in oven 45 minutes.  But I COULD do that.  I SHOULD do that.  I've known I SHOULD do that for a long time but haven't been motivating myself TO do it.  Maybe now that I realize how delicious it is when it's only been in the freezer for months as opposed to years I'm more motivated to do it!  Also maybe it's more delicious because it's a different brand and/or flavor.  This is still a HEALTH version.  Not even an indulgent flavor.  But the point is I got this going for me and maybe this can be a semi-standard brunch even if its less calories than I anticipated.  ESPECIALLY BECAUSE.  I need to lose another 2 pounds IF IT KILLS ME.  Well not if it kills me.  Then overall that's a net negative for my life.  Death is the worst thing that can happen to your life I feel.  No comin' back from that!
     Anyway.  Maybe take a short break after finishing entry and taking next walk.  Watch a solid entire Tales From That Crypt.  I got time.  I got all the time in the world.  Well, a lot of it.  Some of it.  It's relative I guess.  YET STILL I GET HERSHEY BARS WITH ALMONDS.  Look it's a pack of six.  Gotta imagine my Mom will have 1-2.  It's not a huge commitment one way or the other.  What's the other way.  I forget.  The point is what else is going on.  Now I'm PUMPED UP about future meals.  For most of the day so far I was underwhelmed by today's meals and counting on enjoying snacks.  Now I realize MEALS ARE GREAT EVEN IF YOU DON'T THINK THEY WILL BE AT FIRST.  This is great news!  Meals are where I get most of my nutrition!  Well most of my GOOD nutrition.  It's very possible I get over 50% of my Bad Nutrition from my Snacks.  Ya know SUGAR and the like.  Oh well that's part of life.
Penultimate paragraph.  What else is there to say to close up the entry.  I just finished the sandwich.  That's something to say.  I really enjoyed the parts where it was sliding down my gullet.  Anyway now transition to consuming last 40% of second cup of coffee.  And I still got a lot of coke zero.  FOOD IS LOVE and BEVERAGES ARE LIKE.  What else is great.  Last entry of the month.  It's about time.  Next month has gotta be better than this month, right?  AT least in term of Quality Of Website Entry.  Can't get much worse.  Can't get ANY worse.  I can't think of any scenario where we're all like yep February was bad but March is worse.  WHAT WOULD THAT ENTAIL.  The point is what else is going on.  Am I satisfied hungerwise from breakfast sandwich?  I dunno?  Hard to say!  Kinda feel full-ish but also kinda feel like eating more-ish.  Gonna need a few more threes of minutes to determine the answer to this question.
     Last paragraph of the month!  Wonderful.  Thank God my Dad likes the chocolate babka and has been eating it.  This is terrible for me.  I try to cut myself a small piece with appropriate number of calories for me.  IT ends up being two times as big as I intended.  And it STILL doesn't satisfy me.  HMM tomorrow if I'm having a normal calorie lunch HAVE NICE CHUNK OF THAT.  INTERESTING VERY INTERESTING.  Then again IT'S DUMB AND YOU'RE DUMB.  IDIOTS.  THE FOOD AND YOU ARE BOTH IDIOTS.  We've COVERED this.  Anyway.  I don't know much about Ukrainian Population themselves.  Maybe they're jerks!  But if they elected Jewish Comedian president HOW JERKY CAN THEY BE.  That speaks volumes of how great Ukrainian Population must be in terms of on the Jerk Spectrum.  Anyway.  Hey the entry is over!  I'll be back tomorrow.

-12:13 P.M.




Sunday, February 27, 2022

my idea of a good time

    HEY!  Successfully didn't eat any snacks yesterday except for small mightnight snacks and made up 50% of Binge all in one day.  Today I plan on transitioning to Every Four Hour Meal, Every 2 Hour SOMETHIN' routine, only eat the meals, and make up another 33%!  Then make up the last sixth over the next day or two.  So basically everything in the world is going pretty good.  I LIKE this new diet schedule thing.  I haven't done it yet.  But sounds good!  Also only time will tell but it doesn't seem SO hard to not snack with 4 meals a day.  I'm thinkin' if I can do it today, maybe do it once a week regularly.  No snacks one day a week adds up to possibly as much as half a pound of weight over a month!  WOW THIS IS GOOD NEWS.  Also KIEV is still standing.  Also I pronounced it wrong VERY BRIEFLY in my head at first before correcting it ALMOST IMMEDIATELY.  So get off my back about it is the point.
Entertained my brother yesterday.  Seems like a good guy all in all!  I don't hate him!  Showed him some ROCKSMITH and he got to see how terrible I am at guitar by me practicing a song.  We are the champions.  I ain't no champion playing guitar this bad!  ZING.  Anyway.  Lunch gonna be salad, dinner gonna be part II of Seafood Parade.  NOT A LOT OF PARADE TO IT.  Pretty good amount of filet of sole.  Then two small-medium shrimps and 4 small-medium scallops.  LOOK I could just say small but they're not TINY MICRO.  Sometimes you can get a tiny shrimp.  This ain't that.  But it's not a big one.  YOU GET THE IDEA.  But the point is Amazing My Brother Saw My Sandwich Thins Bread And Said He Gets The Same Thing.  Tried TOASTING IT for the first time today and it was great.  I figure half the time brunch'll just be a sandwich and a side.  Could be turkey, could be ham, could be veggie burger, could be sawdust dogs.  AMAZING.
Yeah!  Maybe not QUITE half the time.  Let' say roughly THRICE A WEEK.  Anyway what else is going on.  LOOK is it very possible I have 2 Blueberry Bars as Brunch?  Sure!  Falls in line with having smaller meals today to make up Binge Calories.  Falls in line with being delicious.  So I got that to look forward to.  Anyway today is my Dad's birthday now.  Mom I hugged.  Dad I shook his hand.  PROVE ME WRONG.  Not a lot of physical affection in my life.  Now or ever.  That's just not how I do things!  PROVE ME WRONG.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Chocolate Souffle Day.  SOUNDS GOOD but I better LTURQ to see what a Souffle is exactly.  Some sort of baked dish.  Well that narrows it down.  My breakfast bars are presumably baked at some point.  Are THOSE souffles?  My guess?  YES.  EXACTLY.  THEY ARE SOUFFLES MOVING ON.  Huh.  Hey the National Food Of Tomorrow tomorrow will be MARCH.  Amazing.
Cool.  Brother was recommending JACKASS to me.  I guess I'll give it a shot.  Always seemed mean spirited to me but now I see it from a different angle.  It's the opposite of mean spirited!  WOW that IS a different angle.  What else.  Still taking 7 walks a day as the plan, but I think I'm pushing my last walk all the way to NINE PM.  And the walk before is FOUR THIRTY PM.  So even though it's 7 walks a day I get a NICE BREAK 5-9 PM.  Which makes sense.  AH GETTING HOME FROM THE WORK DAY 5 PM NICE.   Somehow I get home right when work ends.  And then I get to relax all evening. OOP NINE PM TIME FOR MY EVENING WALK.  Then I get back and either plan for an early NightTime or enjoy an hour or two of LATE NIGHT ENJOYMENT.  Perfect.  OR-- alternate-- first six walks are the same and I just take last walk at my discretion.  AH I GET HOME FROM WORK DAY AT 5 PM.  GOTTA TAKE ONE WALK AS PART OF THE PLAN.  WE'LL SEE HOW IT GOES.  That sort of thing.
     Anyway.  Gonna push back shower until AFTER entry nowadays.  This may help line up BRUNCH more appropriately with where I am with the entry in the day.  Also WONDERFUL what else is going on.  I think I can have all the croutons for salad.  Not a huge amount.  I'm trying to make up for BANGE but I still think I can have All The Croutons.  What else is going on and crap.  If my parents were comfortable with me going into stores YES a Subway sandwich would be A GREAT Brunch.  With a small side of course.  Trusting they're halfway honest with their calorie counts.  Well, halfway isn't good enough.  Gotta be 85% honest.  So there's that.  Freakin' have a slice and a third of pizza.  Totally reasonable amount of calories there.  Sure I'll divide pizza into thirds.  I'd be an idiot NOT to.  What else is going on and crap.  Freakin' have a chocolate chip pancake and a third.  You get the idea.  Brunch I can have single things plus a third of the single things.  Coffee time.  WAIT EDITORS NOTE.  Chocolate chip pancake would be and a FOURTH of a pancake.  OK COFFEE TIME.
    Anyway.  Could be CYBER attacks because of War.  Hopefully my website isn't compromised.  That'd be a shame.  Anyway.  Back down to two cups of coffee per day.  Three was fun while it lasted.  But now I just can't afford it anymore.  Also don't need it.  GOt brunch with act III!  Don't need coffee.  Some people might have coffee WITH brunch.  Okay but I'm not as indulgent as them.  So get off my back about it!  Get to watch SNL later today.  I like that most of the time.  Not most episodes and dislike some episodes.  I like each episode most of the time and not some of the time.  NOT depending on quality of sketch and/or jokes.  Just based on HOW I FEEL.  Great.  What else is up.  This Jewish Ukrainian Comedian President is sure a World Hero and it's kind of gonna suck if he's assassinated????  Maybe he won't be assassinated.  Maybe he'll just be killed indiscrimaitely.  Not quite at the level of assassination.  Oh No I'm Scared Hold Me.
     What else is going on.  Would normally have a snack right around now.  INSTEAD I have to wait JUST TWO HOURS to eat something.  YOU IDIOTS.  I feel like it shouldn't be impossible to have a cyber attack that makes your computer explode.  Somehow the code overheats your hardware and your computer explodes.  That'd be an interesting development in cyber attacking.  And at first it sounds like nonsense but YA KNOW WHAT if you think about it WHY NOT.  Overheat the harddrive or whatever to the extreme.  So basically be on the look out for that.  What else is up.  Maybe I can think of a better snack-brunch (Brunch downgraded to snack because of BANGE) than 2 Blueberry Bars.  Also thought of 1.5 pop tarts.  Maybe think of something TOTALLY different.  Oh you mean like one pop tart and one blueberry bar.  NO THAT CAN'T BE IT.  That's slightly TOO MUCH.  YOU IDIOT.  What else is going on and crap.  Hey the paragraph is over.  I LOVE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS.
    Sure.  Eighth paragraph!  Figure I'll get in touch with customer support or something and figure out how to get Apple Music on my TV.  It shouldn't be too hard.  Should be POSSIBLE.  Anyway so there's that.  I've settled on pretty much having the Special Effect of PRIORITIZED surround sound as the standard for when watching TV.  That's what I go with AS DEFAULT now.  It's FUN.  I might get bored or upset about it at some point and go with THEIR standard of small surround sound and mostly coming from the sound bar.  WE'LL SEE.  Huh.  These are the important issues of the day.  YEAH!  Hmm.  The point is eating is fun so today won't be fun.  But if I can get through today-- which will be still more fun than yesterday-- tomorrow we're back to having fun!  Basically my BANGE was around 2000-2500 calories.  Between yesterday and today I'll have made up around 2000-2200 calories.  TOMORROW BACK TO NORMAL MORE OR LESS.  Maybe for the next two days have slightly smaller Feeding Times when I can.  YEAH.  FUN.  LIKE I SAID.  STUFFING MY GULLET WITH CRAP.
What else is crap.  OH.  Last night I was thinking about having frozen breakfast sandwich as brunch.  Makes sense on a lot of fronts.  Won't be as indulgent.  But it's something to SERIOUSLY consider.  By which I mean consider a little bit, but seriously.  Don't consider it Seriously as in A LOT.  But hey don't just joke about considering it.  Seriously consider it!  Just a bit!  Wonderful.  I got that going for me is the point.  Another good Brunch idea.  Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches.  AMAZING.  What else is AMAZING.  Before leaving my Brother gave me words of encouragement re: me taking walks.  He said KEEP AT IT I UNDERSTAND YOU I DO THE SAME THING.  DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU YOU'RE WRONG.  I already wasn't.  Maybe I kind of was?  Maybe part of me felt judged by parents and/or anonymous internet?   But mostly I'M COMFORTABLE WITH MY INSANE AMOUNT OF WALKINGS.  I guess maybe I shouldn't be?  But my Brother says it's okay.  So there's that!
     Last paragraph before A WALK.  What else is up.  Brunch can be just like 5-10 dumb cookies.  The amount depends upon how dumb they are.  Sounds fun to me.  Sounds REAL fun.  Then again it might set me up for a BANGE down the line.  Seems like the kind of thing that gets my body metabolism cravings working in the wrong direction.  HMM gonna have to think about that one.  Anyway crap and crap.  YA KNOW WHAT.  MAYBE, JUST MAYBE I'm kind of in the mood for Seafood for 4 PM Lunch and Salad for 8 PM Dinner.  Right now we don't need to think about it at all.  It just occurred to me just now, that's all!  We'll see.  UGH.  What else is going on and crap.  At this rate I'll have brunch with Act III but it'll be maybe 15 or so minutes later than scheduled.  Maybe not!  Maybe on schedule or 30 minutes off.  GREAT.  CLOSE ENOUGH AMAZING.  The point is my Mom is telling me she got me a new CORDUROY button down shirt.  Don't know where it came from.  But great I'll take a look at that why not I Like New Shirts.  I'll be back in a little bit.




let's get you in on this

    Hey!  People on the west coast are dumb.  Russia can nuke them easy.  I live on the EAST COAST.  That's 3000 miles of which we can intercept nuclear weapon.  So I got that going for me is the point.  Anyway got coffee #2 going for me.  Let's write a quick Act II, take a walk, SUDDENLY WE GOT A SMALL BRUNCH GOING ON.  Maybe a GOOD INDULGENT Fiber Bar as well as ICE CREAM POP.  I'd do slightly larger ice cream sandwich but I only have 2 left.  Feel like saving it for now.  Hold onto it for a better time.  Ice cream pop'll do the trick I feel.  Anyway so I got all that going for me is the point.  What else is great.  Maybe try to get better at guitar today.  Seems like a worthwhile pursuit.  Then again I'd be immediately confronted by my own inadequacy.  That's not fun.  I want to be confronted by my own inadequacy GRADUALLY.  OVER TIME.  Starts off small and then I get used to the idea slowly I'm inadequate so by the time it's 100% crystal clear I'm used to the idea!
     Hmm.  What else is up.  Digging these Tales From That Crypt in surround sound!  Digging them anyway!  Digging other things in surround sound!  I dig and I dig and I dig.  That's my life!  Could be worse.  Lots of worse fates in life than to be constantly Digging.  Also maybe it pays off in the end.  After all that digging you must have one of the greatest holes in the world.  You spent SO MUCH time and effort on it.  Gotta be a great hole.  WHO SAID YOU'RE DIGGING IN THE SAME PLACE EACH TIME.  No one said it but I'm saying it now.  OH OKAY.  What else is up.  I should be excited for the rest of the day.  Off the top of my head nothing exciting about chicken caesar salad but ya know what?  When I'm eating it?  I'll enjoy it just fine!  NICE AMOUNT OF CROUTONS.  Not too much.  I'll enjoy them good though.  Didn't really check how much chicken there is.  Hopefully JUST THE RIGHT AMOUNT.  That's my position on how much of anything there should be.  Call me crazy but no matter what it is I hope everything is Just The Right Amount.
    Yeah!  Look Seafood Parade TASTED fine.  And for the purposes of this weekend having small portion of fish WORKS OUT.  So that's not bad at all.  GREAT.  Look I know it's been a long way around to say this, but right now I'm just leaning towards two blue berry breakfast bars for Brunch.  Get this though.  After next two days of finishing making up for Bange-- I GET TO HAVE MUCH LARGER BRUNCH.  This is like 275 calories for the next three days.  After that?  BUMP THAT UP TO 400-450 CALORIES.  PERMANENTLY.  THAT'S BRUNCH FROM NOW ON.  OH MAN OH MAN THIS IS GONNA BE A BRUNCH EXPERIENCE TIME PERIOD TO REMEMBER.  What else is going on and crap.  Sandwich with something like Three Dumb Regular Cookies.  Not fiber or granola or protein or health in anyway.  Just three dumb cookies.  PROBABLY mass produced and marketed.  MAYBE from a Super Market brand.  Maybe BOTH I DUNNO.  The point is DELICIOUS. 
     Penultimate paragraph of the Act.  Wonder if this act would have been any better if I showered before hand.  My guess?  Nah it seems about on par with what we'd be getting anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  I WISH I had more Sandwich thins for this week.  I got 1.5 sandwich thin 2 piece rolls.  That's enough for ONE Sandwich.  And then there's ONE LONE SLICE?  Dunno what to do about that.  It's better than NOTHING.  I can make an open face sandwich or something.  Maybe that'd be good with a single hot sawdust dog if I think of something ELSE to pair it with.  I DON'T KNOW I DON'T HAVE ALL THE DETAILS.  I'll figure out a good way to put it to use over the week.  Lots of days left in the week to figure it out.  Maybe Steak and Eggs Purchase.  Comes with 2 slices of bread but I split it into 3 meals.  That's how I ended up with a loose slice in the first place!  Only makes sense to do it again AND FINISH THE JOB.
     Last paragraph of the act.  Amazing.  What's the next thing I have to do.  Maybe REALLY contact Apple Support today.  Instead of putting it off until Never.  Next time I gotta leave the house is a week from Wednesday to see Physical Internist Doctor.  See what's up with My Ball.  Not just see what's up with it but maybe get some sort of solution.  There's no PAIN really.  Not sure if it's effecting me somehow-- maybe it is, I dunno!  But all in all I feel like I'd rather have my ball stay solidly deep into the scrotum instead of sometimes ascending JUST A BIT.  So there's that.  Maybe it's good for me what do I know.  Ball is more effective in that position.  Doctor'll know all about that.  What else is going on and crap.  Brunch will end up being about 10-15 minutes late.  That'd hardly anything!  Time worked out pretty good today.  The point is I'll be back in a little bit.




i'm sorry did you say something

    HEY!  Time to write the last act.  Five paragraphs.  With brunch.  How does that work.  Do I just eat brunch stuffing it down my gullet and then am done a few sentences into paragraph one?  Well with SMALL Brunches like today that might be the way to go.  Maybe I even hold off until Paragraph II to even START brunch.  Like I would do with a coffee.  Anyway.  Finish entry, take walk, shower, take walk, THEN THE FUN BEGINS.  Wait what makes That Next Period Of Time more fun than previous periods of time or future periods of time.  I FORGET EXACTLY.  It's the period between walks I HAVE LUNCH.  3:00 -- 4:30 PM presumably if I'm on schedule and I don't see why I wouldn't be.  LUNCH at 4?  Basically YES that's why the fun begins.  Also first time I get a solid block of time to Do Something Relaxing.  I can relax A LITTLE BIT here and there beforehand but now it's time to really Decompress and Re-calibrate.  SO there's that!
    Sure.  Let's take a bite out of delicious breakfast bar.  Which is what I settled on for today.  Two of 'em!  Why not.  Go with what works that's what I say.  Now I only have two left until I re-up with them.  GREAT go with what works.  Maybe take small bites.  Let me chew it a lot.  Get a lot out of it this time.  I feel like the last 4-6 times I tried these bars I just scarfed down down because that's the most fun way to eat anything.  Anyway.  Delicious!  Pastry part is good.  Blueberry part is good.  The part where it's 80% Pure Sugar is good.  Basically lots of things are good in my life and presumably Not In Yours or In The World In General but hey what can ya do.  Eat every 2 hours.  Have some fun with your life.  Ya only live once.  Probably.  I don't even know if that's a probably.  What do I know.  I can't say Probably one way or another.  I have NO CLUE.  Either way the point is I Forget but the paragraph is over so that's pretty good.
    The INSANE THING is for full future brunches I can have an ENTIRE SANDWICH-- not even HALF a sandwich-- AND an entire Blue Berry Bar.  That's INSANE.  Going one day a week without snacks makes it easier, though.  What Brilliance.  Do I do it on Sundays?  Today is a Sunday and is the day I'm doing it for other reasons.  Maybe stick with Sundays.  No reason not to.  There probably is reasons not to.  But I don't know them right now so get off my back about it!  What was my small MightNight Snacks last night.  Two tootsie pops.  Forget if I had them in succession.  I think it was PRETTY close to one after another.  But I may or may not have had a little bit of sleep between them.  A LITTLE BIT.  This is good stuff let's keep it going.  Anyway.  Figure I'll have second bar WITH LAST PARAGRAPH OF THE ENTRY.  Which is only one paragraph away more or less.  So basically even though it's Small Brunch LASTED ME ENTIRE ACT!!!  Also in the future maybe write longer acts.  Today I don't feel like it!  And I'm guessing you don't feel like reading it!  Totally worthless entry!
    Penultimate paragraph!  I got a text from my brother saying it was good to see me and recommending a couple of YouTube channels where they talk about/show horror movies.  NOT BUYING IT.  Cyber Attack.  Very clever and targeted cyber attack.  I said COOL I'LL CHECK IT OUT.  But I'm not clicking those links.  Maybe I can search YouTube with the KEYWORDS to see if its real.  But the hyperlinks themselves?  You're gonna have to find another idiot to click those links!  Also I like how on phone if you start typing cool one of the three words it recommends is the emoji who wears sunglasses.  I've never used that emoji before on this phone.  I've never used ANY emoji.  Still they recommend it.  No wonder I see this emoji all over the place.  Phone Auto Complete is PUSHING THIS EMOJI.  So that's something to think about I guess.  SHIT maybe even save 2nd Bar until AFTER THE ENTRY HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL.
Cool.  This is gonna be it!  I guess.  Then I take a walk.  Then that Home-Time-Period is devoted to Shower and Having Fun After Shower.  No spoilers on how I have fun.  But it could take anywhere from 5 minutes to 45 minutes.  AT that point I get bored.  What else is going on and crap.  I truly believe that one day soon-- possibly even with the diet-schedule-routine I'm planning for after today's course correction for bange-- I will settle into a routine that works AND the entries will get EXPONENTIALLY better.  Because the routine becomes second nature-- A GREAT Second Nature-- and I'm freed up to write yukk-em-ups and think-about-it's and nonsenses-but-funners.  It could happen.  Presumably.  Anyway what Tales From That Crypt am I up to.  OH THAT ONE.  I don't hate that one.  First dozen or 2 times through Tales From That Crypt thought it was a real snooze.  Then it started to grow on me.  GOOD STUFF.  Once I get diet-routine-schedule down it'll ALL be my brief opinions of Tales From The Crypt episodes.  Anyway.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-12:38 P.M.




Saturday, February 26, 2022

oh now it all makes sense

    BANGE ATE a shit ton last night.  Gonna try to NOT EAT AT ALL TODAY to make up for it.  Am I crazy?  Well, yes.  But in this instance I feel it's a mission that is reasonable.  And a mission that SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED.  People go days without eating all the time.  Why can't I do it.  Also UKRAINE.  They got bigger problems than skipping food for a day.  If they can do whatever it is they're doing why can't I do this dumb thing that I'm doing.  Anyway.  Clearly diet I was working on isn't the greatest!  BUT maybe it's not the diet-schedule that was wrong, but rather the diet-components.  Either way I started this paragraph THE NIGHT BEFORE.  To get on the right track.  10:00 PM FRIDAY NIGHT right now.  Figure I'll eat at Oh I Don't Know 8 AM Sunday Morning.  THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN NOW.  I'll be back Real Tomorrow (or Real Today depending on how you look at it!)  See ya soon!  MAN am I really gonna enjoy eating again on Sunday.
    NEW PLAN--
eat half the amount of what I'd normally eat 2 days in a row.  We're talking small Regular 3 Meals as well as Misc Calories!  Wonderful.  NEW PLAN-- maybe eat something during 2 or 3 regular feeding times for consistency's sake.  Which would make this take 3-4 days!  That's not so bad.  I can live with making this up in 4 days.  The point is I'm full right now so AS OF NOW I feel like I can skip upcoming Snack Time.  Btu SHOULD I.  Yes if I don't need to eat.  OH OKAY.  Anyway I wrote the first paragraph last night in preparation for today.  Ate an extremely big slice of Chocolate Babka.  That was roughly half of the binge.  BIG slice.  Can't even call it a slice.  I dunno what to call it.  SUNKIST?  The point is my brother is coming over today!  I figure I won't go out of my way to interrupt my daily schedule to entertain him.  My parents will entertain him.  They know card tricks and whatnot!  No they don't.  Maybe they do.  The greatest trick of all is never letting on to the fact you know the trick.
     Cool!  Got JUST THE RIGHT meals over this weekend to be conducive to making up calorie ground.  Two Part'r of Seafood Parade for lunch.  KALE BURGER for dinner one night and CHICKEN CAESAR SALAD W/O DRESSING the other night.  Delicious and low calorie.  The point is DO I REGRET THE BINGING?  Sure at the time.  I woke up today not really regretting it.  I have a plan to cancel it out and it's FUN to follow through on plans.  Presumably.  Anyway pretty sure no MightNight snacks last night.  So the diet is working is what I'm trying to say.  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Kahlua Day, National Strawberry Day, and National Pasty WEEK.  First things first KAHLUA.  Is that that alcohol drink.  Lemme LTURQ.  Coffee flavored rum.  SIGN ME UP.  IMMEDIATELY.  I WANNA BE AT THE TOP OF THE LIST.  Anyway STRAWBERRY?  Sure as a flavor in a BREAKFAST PASTRY why not.  Just alone, though?  No way!  Pasty.  I don't know what that is.  I don't want to know what that is!  Better LTURQ what it is.  PASTRY WITH MEAT and/or VEGETABLES???  SIGN ME UP.  Even more than Kahlua.  For now.  Maybe if I wanna party sign me up for Kahlua higher up.
     Hmm.  War in Ukraine still going on.  I GET OFF on seeing Ukrainiacs be like YEAH WE'RE GONNA FIGHT NOT SURRENDER I'M PUTTING MY LIFE ON THE LINE.  Good for ME.  Not sure how it'll work out FOR YOU.  But in the end you're doing the lord's work.  How come people always be doing the lord's work.  Lord can do his own work.  He didn't get to be the lord for nothing.  HE PUT IN THE WORK.  AND CAN CONTINUE DOING SO.  That's my philosophy.  Anyway.  Feeding time in half an hour.  Maybe have something.  That'd be KIND OF the right move?  Stick to getting body tuned to schedule even with insane binge last night.  Also it means I get to eat something delicious.  Sounds about right.  What else is going on.  If it's so easy to make up this amount of calories in 3-4 days why don't I just always do that and lose the last 2 or so pounds in like 2 weeks.  Cause I'm an IDIOT that's why.  Oh okay.   WAIT NO.  I am an idiot but that doesn't apply here.  If you say so you IDIOT.
What else is up.  Maybe brother can help me get onto Apple Music on TV.  Probably not.  But maybe!  I assume that's why he's coming to visit.  To help me do things.  Sounds about right.  Anyway.  If I eat vaguely substantial snacks at feeding times and do my best with smaller meals, I'd make up the ground in FOUR DAYS.  That's nothin.  I shouldn't feel bad about having Feeding Time Snacks with that type of thing.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Anyway what triggered the binge.  I forget.  Oh well that's life.  OH I KNOW.  I liked dumb sweet snacks I had just gotten from Super Market too much.  Breakfast Pastry and Chocolate Babka.  Felt better eat as much of this as possible now JUST TO GET IT OUT OF THE WAY.  I'm trying to be HEALTHY.  If I eat it now I'll have to eat less LATER.  Why put off to tomorrow what you can do today HEALTHWISE.  The point is it's time to get coffee right now.
Normally snack would be in 15 minutes.  Not very hungry now.  Maybe I do the lord's work and skip this snack.  OH NO TIME IS CLOSING IN I GOTTA MAKE A DECISION.  Whatever.  WHAT A GREAT ENTRY SO FAR.  I will eat 50-75% of my daily calorie intake over 3-4 days.  WHAT GENIUS.  Good thing we spent FIVE PARAGRAPHS on it.  The point is what else is crap.  HMM.  Before binge-- not even thinking about doing it, just speculating-- I was like hey that chocolate babka would be GREAT to binge on.  Just take a whole huge chunk of it and go nuts.  Then it came to pass.  I HAVE NO REGRETS.  I have lots of regrets.  Well, just one.  THAT.  But it's a relatively BIG regret.  Eh.  In scheme of things not really.  I think the reason I didn't feel SO bad about it then or now is hey look at Ukraine.  They'd KILL to be in my situation.  They'd also KILL to not GET KILLED presumably.  That makes sense.  I don't like killing people but if it prevents me from being killed I'd have to consider it!  Assuming the person I'm killing is responsible for and actively trying to kill me.  And not like is some innocent person and it's a game show and it's like either you die or he dies MAKE A CHOICE.  THAT COMPLICATES THINGS.
     What else is up.  Probably gonna have the snack soon.  Breakfast Pastry!  I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THIS STUFF.  What else is up.  Wasn't planning on having Kale Burger as a meal but rather as a... Midday Meal.  Which I guess we're calling A Meal Now.  But you get the idea.  But now it makes sense to make up a couple of hundred calories.  YEAH.  MAKE SENSE GOOD.  Anyway this is KALE veggie burger.  Super Market also sells Carrot and Parsnip veggie burger!  Maybe try that at some point.  I'm happy with Kale.  Probably gonna prefer it overall even if I try the other kind.  THIS IS GOOD STUFF.  I don't know what Kale is but I'm guessing some kind of vegetable.  Anyway.  Is meat a vegetable.  That way you can have a hamburger that's a veggie burger.  Gonna have to look into that.  Not sure the last time I had a hamburger.  Been months that's for sure.  Lots of BISON burgers!  I had one last night.  GOD DAMN BISON BURGER.  That led me to binging a couple of hours later even though it satisfied me.  I BLAME THE BURGER.
     What else is crap.  Eighth paragraph!  Wonderful.  LOOK will I take out HALF the croutons in salad and leave half there?  Best idea off the top of my head.  Treat myself to some croutons.  Maybe I don't need them all.  MAYBE I DO NEED THEM ALL GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Huh.  Anyway.  Just occurred to me I'm quite behind schedule today.  And that might influence when and if I wanna adhere to feeding times!  HMM This complicates things.  No it doesn't.  JUST EAT OR SOMETHING EVERY NOW AND THEN.  If only it were that easy for me.  IT IS JUST DO IT.  I CAN'T I'VE GOT PROBLEMS.  What else is up.  I feel like new Supreme Court Justice Nominee wears glasses.  Better LTURQ.  When I picture her she's got spectacles on.  YEP GLASSES NAILED IT.  How many bespectacled people on the court right now.  Better LTURQ.  GOOGLE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES WITH GLASSES.  Not seeing any easy results right away.  Oh well that's life. 
    Maybe hold off on Smallish But Substantial Breakfast Pastry (or PASTY???) until after upcoming walk.  THEN RE-ASSESS.  As of now I wanna eat that sucker.  We'll see!  Ninth paragraph!  Got delicious Coke Zero going on.  I had been getting Pepsi for a week weeks.  I MIX IT UP REAL GOOD.  What else is crap.  What did I accomplish yesterday.  Can't really say I had a PRODUCTIVE Binging.  It tells me that the diet I had been trying isn't 100% great.  Need to tweak it if not start over completely.  So that's good.  We got that out of the way!  ALSO I kind of blame it on having big sweet meal as Midday Meal.  Maybe that sets me on a dangerous path of eating lotta sweetness.  Stick to a sandwich or something and maybe a small Side Of Sweet.  YEAH MAYBE LOTS OF THINGS.  INCLUDING THAT.  WHY NOT.  GOTTA MAYBE SOMETHING.  Hmm.
     Last paragraph of the act!  Wonderful.  At this point if I wanna have lunch at 2 PM that's in jeopardy of entry not being done by then!  Without my brother coming it'd be cutting it pretty close but PROBABLY finishing by then.  With my brother coming?  I'll entertain him more later in the day but I might have to entertain him a bit earlier, too.  GREAT I CAN HAVE LUNCH AT 2:30, 3:00.  WORKS OUT GREAT.  Then I can have even an earlier dinner and that helps me skip midday meal/snack.  YEAH LET'S GO WITH THAT OR SOMETHING I DUNNO.  What else is going on or something I dunno.  The good news is I get to have a whole half a potato.  I'm so used to splitting dinners into thirds.  Having thirds of potatoes.  This time A FULL HALF?  Don't worry it won't break the bank for me calorie wise.  Not a lot of actual main course seafood to this parade!  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit see ya later.




i doubt that very much

    Hmm.  HEY PRODUCTIVE BINGE.  Was thinking about a new diet-schedule on my walk just now and came up with some good one.  We're talkin' 4 meals a day-- 8 AM/12 PM/4/8.  IN ASCENDING ORDER of size.  I had been hesitant to have a lunch around 12 because I don't want it to interrupt entry.  But a BRUNCH?  I can have a BRUNCH while writing and/or putting off entry for 10-15 minutes.  ALSO lowercase snacks at 10/2/6/10!  It makes so much sense it's scary.  This is the 10,750th plan I've had over the last few months but THIS TIME It's a real game changer.  Also Brunch can be savory or sweet.  It's BRUNCH.  DO WHAT YA WANT.  Finally a REAL brunch.  I've tried calling snacks brunch and I knew it was wrong.  Then I abandoned brunch.  Now brunch is back and IT'S REAL.  Plus I eat something delicious EVERY 2 HOURS.  How do I do it???  I DUNNO BUT I DID THE CALCULATIONS AND IT WORKED.
    Start that tomorrow.  Maybe do it without the lowercase snacks for 2-4 days.  I guess I could start today.  But the meals will all be smaller than normal.  Starting with brunch.  Which is any minute now.  NAH I'll wait until tomorrow.  Keep trying to do today as just TWO MORE SMALL MEALS.  See how well I can do.  It's A GAME.  Can I WIN the game of eating less just for one day?  And then slightly less for the next few days but pretty comfortable?  NOW I'VE GOT MY ATTENTION.  A game?  I LOVE winning those.  Not really.  Kinda unenthusiastic about games.  Who needs em.  Sure if I'm playing a game I'll vaguely try to win.  But all things considered don't care that much.  What else is going on and crap.  Normally will have taken a shower before this act but washing machine is finishing up.  At this point probably finished.  But I'd still have to wait a while before Hot Water Comes Back.  So maybe later in the day or before next act?  I dunno!
     Wonderful.  Pssh. P hysitriact said eat every 3 hours.  Get that bullshit outta here!  2 hours is fun.  Productive.  HEALTHY.  Or at least one of those three things.  BUT WHICH ONE.  I dunno it could be ANY.  What else is up.  Brother should be here any minute.  Or in tens or twenties of minutes.  That's HIS BODY HIS CHOICE.  What else is up.  I enjoyed the black and white cookie that made up a portion of my binge.  I think it's the right size for a brunch.  Not the most nutritious.  But delicious!  I can see myself getting into act III and being like MM Hold off for a second gotta take a bite outta this delicious cookie OKAY I'M BACK but I'm gonna have to take a break PRETTY SOON to take another delicious bite STICK WITH ME HERE.  Basically that's what I'm fantasizing about for the immediate future.  I can't get these specific black and whites until next Friday.  Fine for the INTERMEDIATE future.  Does that make you happy?  Probably!
Wonderful.  What else is up.  HEY forgot about coffee for this act.  I guess hold onto it for later in the day.  Or skip it!   Trying to conserve calories.  Why not skip a coffee.  YEAH.  SKIP COFFEE HARDCORE.  Or have it later.  Brother has coffee all day.  I can share an extra coffee with him sure why not.  Fourth paragraph of Act II.  It'd be GREAT to finish this act before my Brother comes.  ENTRY UNINTERRUPTED.  I'd end up starting Act III later but all in all it won't be a big complicated disruption.  So there's that.  If I stick to schedule from yesterday, I'm having lunch at 2 and dinner at 8.  But nothing else.  HMM maybe kale burger FOR LUNCH.  Makes a lot of sense on many levels.  Most levels.  Solid 70, 75% of levels does it make sense to have kale burger for lunch and part I of seafood parade for dinner.  WOW.  2 PM?  That's in But 2 Hours.  That sounds delicious and whatnot.
    Anyway.  Might just take a walk after this paragraph.  Hasn't been very long at all since last walk.  But whose gonna stop me?!?!  Nobody that's who.  They say calories of this black and white is 290.  I'm estimating it at 400.  And even that might be low.  But whatever.  What else is going on and crap.  IF I was having brunch today it'd be RIGHT NOW.  Then again IN ENTRY TERMS It'd be later in the entry most of the time cause today I started off my day quite late.  But even if it is at this time of entry WORKS FOR ME.  Almost done with Act II?  Stuff myself with some junk.  OR MAYBE EVEN A HEALTHY SANDWICH OR SOMETHING.  I can go lots of ways with brunch.  A BAGEL IDEALLY.  Man oh man if only I had bagels that were 270-300 calories like they should be and not 380 calories.  I could have a bagel with some sort of butter or cream cheese or maybe make Egg White topping.  380 for bagel?  TOO HIGH.  WAIT A SECOND AS A ONCE IN A WHILE I CAN DO THAT.  Only 50 calories more.  The point is WOW WHAT AN ENTRY I'LL BE BACK WITH MORE SOON.




never mind it's not important

    HEY GAME CHANGER.  Just occurred to me that if I'm eating brunch with Act III, I don't need a third coffee to have then.  DONATE that 50 calories to brunch.  Suddenly I can have Indulgent Bagel with Egg Whites I've been fantastisizing about!  So basically GREAT.  Today we knock out 50% of making up for yesterdays binge.  Then do 30% tomorrow.  Then 20% the next day.  THEN WE'RE DONE YOU IDIOT TIME TO ENJOY NEW AMAZING DIET SCHEDULE.  Anyway my brother is here.  Took a walk right when he got here.  Talked to him for a few minutes when I got back!  Came here to finish up the entry.  Presumably put Kale Burger in oven when the entry is over.  WOW OVER A THIRD OF THE DAY WITHOUT ANY SNACKING.  I'm knocking today out of the park and whatnot.  Also the good news is I forget I covered the good news.  Brunch is BIG BABY.  I'm making up Binge by END OF MONDAY BABY.  Why am I saying BABY BABY.
     Sure.  What else is up.  WORST ENTRY EVER.  Or is it THE BEST entry ever?  Let's say in the bottom 20% of entries over the last few years and in the bottom 50% of entries since 2012.  That's fair.  What else is up.  Gonna have SOME side with Kale Burger.  Probably POPPED CHIPS.  Seems like the most reasonable way to go.  What else is up.  I'm a little concerned new diet with Big Ol Brunch is TOO good.  Not very concerned because it's good if it's too good.  But also it's bad if it's too good because LEAVE SOME ROOM FOR NOT GREATNESS.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Basically no lowercase snacks for the next two days.  And tomorrow at least the brunches, lunches, and dinners are solidly on the small side.  WHAT A WONDERFUL PARAGRAPH.  IT IS.  Very much in line with the essay I've been writing all day.  No strange sharp turns.  Follows the same pattern of what's been going on!  Amazing!
     What else.  HEY maybe have a delicious semi-indulgent Fiber One Oatmeal Raisin Cookie as side for Kale Burger.  GOOD STUFF.  The best stuff about it is that HEY THE ENTRY IS GETTING PRETTY CLOSE TO BEING OVER.  Then I got the whole day ahead of me!  Wonderful.  Did I really think last night the best thing to do was Not Eat Anything Today?  That wasn't a great idea.  Kinda dumb!  Then again I woke up kinda feeling just continue eating as I have been LIVE WITH IT.  Maybe make up the calories over the course of 2-3 weeks BY NATURE.  NOPE.  Settled by doing half of it in one day, and the rest over 2-3 more days.  KIND OF GENIUS IF YOU ASK ME.  Don't ask me.  I don't stand by that stance.  I'll tell you it's kind of genius because that's what I said I'd do but in reality I don't think it's too genius.  Makes SENSE.  But not GENIUS.
     Penultimate paragraph.  When this is over OFF TO TWITTER to see THE NEWS about Ukraine.  The twitter characters that I vaguely appreciate and trust.  Good stuff!  Also what else is going on.  How's that truck caravan going.  Also who owns a truck.  DUMB PEOPLE.  I get that organizations and companies and industries have lots of trucks.  How dyou have a Personal Truck.  And not an SUV or something.  Just a regular ol' truck truck.  THESE PEOPLE apparently.  Or they're breaking the employer-employee contract and using their work trucks for nefarious purposes!  Oh no I'm scared hold me.  Whatta do with the rest of my day.  Still gotta take a shower at some point.  That's fun.  I get to clean myself more than I would be before.  That's how that goes.  GREAT.  THIS IS GOOD STUFF.  HEY can I TOAST these, "Sandwich Thins."  That are kind of like Thin Pita bread.  I DUNNO NEVER TRIED.  Why mess with a good thing.  Good untoasted.  THEN AGAIN SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO TAKE RISKS IN LIFE TO DO YOUR LIFE GOOD AND MAKE IT EVEN BETTER.
Last paragraph of the day.  What else is crap.  HMM.  Take a nice walk after Lunch-- maybe a good time to shower is after that walk.  AMAZING WHAT GREAT STUFF.  I dunno.  OR I could start oven with Burger then take shower then have plenty of time until Burger is ready.  Gonna run that by my FATHER.  It's up to him.  The concern being that if I'm showering and oven goes haywire someone is around to take care of it.  So the point is that's not a bad idea.  I get to take care of business nicely at neatly and whatnot.  Apparently the little I read from sources I'm not 100% on is Ukraine Putting Up Quite A Fight.  That might just be what I want to believe and what these sources want me to believe.  Or it may be true!  Ukraine could be defying all expectations and really stickin' it to them Russian Military Apparatus.  Great.  I'll be back tomorrow.  Great.  See ya later.  Great.

-1:11 P.M.




Friday, February 25, 2022

crazy enough it just might work

    HEY FRIENDS!  Friday entry.  You know what that means!  Could be interrupted by Super Market Delivery.  So there's that.  What else.  Pretty good job with MightNight.  Had one small snack equivalent to the 1/2 of Dessert I skipped soon after sleeping.  Woke up a few more times over the night really wanting a snack and STOPPING MYSELF.  WOW THIS IS GREAT.  I get to eat twice as much breakfast dessert!  The point is I got that going for me.  What's going on in Ukraine.  I dunno.  I'm not there.  My guess off the top of my head is Bad Things Up To And Including Lots Of Death.  I don't like the sound of that.  Apparently Ukraine population is around 44 million people.  That's a lot of people!  Apparently Ukraine is about the size of Texas.  That's a nice chunk of land!  THUS CONCLUDES MY REPORT ON UKRAINE.  My next report will be on how the new brand of sawdust dogs I got were actually quite good!  Tasted like real decent hot dogs!
     So there's that.  I think my body is getting used to this 3 Hour Feeding Time Separation Thing.  It's less FUN.  It's FUN to eat dumb snacks all the time.  But I'm training my body to Not Be Hungry All The Time with this new schedule.  Healthy!  Let's me enjoy other aspects of life.  Like watching Tales From That Crypt with enhanced Surround Sound so I'm in the middle of the action.  Anyway.  I still get to eat a lot.  It's still fun!  So there's that.  Today is my Mom's birthday.  She is calibrating... calibrating... 74.  We talked about this.  Okay hot shot how about my Dad's birthday?  You may know this because I've talked about it before.  Two days after Mom's.  Same year born.  Ok Hot shot how about my Brother's birthday.  YA DON'T KNOW THAT ONE DO YA.  Ya freakin' IDIOT.  Wait a second holy shit I just thought about and realized my brother's age turning this year.  That is OLD.  I'm Scared Hold Me.  SHCSHIT my age this year is gonna be OLD too.  I'm VERY Scared, VERY Hold Me.
Hmm.  I'm not scared.  I have a solid EIGHT AND A HALF MONTHS until I turn That Old.  Whew that's a relief.  Lotta months!  What else is up.  HMM another way to conceptualize size of Ukraine-- second largest country in area after Russia.  WOW.  That's a BIG PLACE.  How come News isn't talking about this.  Cause they're dumb that's why.  HEY here's an interesting idea that could presumably never come to pass but is interesting all the less-- well first let me clarify Interesting TO ME.  You won't give a shit.  But anyway-- skip eating after dinner.  Not supposed to eat before bed anyway!  Also they say it's smart to limit eating to a 12 hour period of the day.  But anyway, donate those calories to snack between breakfast and lunch.  So now I have 5 feeding times-- 2 full meals and 3 roughly equivalent smaller meals of Breakfast, Midday Meal, and now Brunchish Meal.  IT COULD NEVER WORK but man oh man I like that symmetry.
So I got that going for me.  Good thing I'm focused on what matters.  Diet-schedule-symmetry.  It's IMPORTANT.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Pistachio Day.  Okay.  I've had SOME pistachios in my life.  Not a lot.  But I've gone through VERY short periods of eating pistachios.  Maybe 4-6 times in my life have I gone through several days to several weeks of having pistachios as random snacks.  WOW GOOD STUFF.  Maybe I CAN try out 5 Meal A Day And That's It Schedule.  Also room for Coffee/gum calories.  But anyway.  Maybe tonight try not to eat anything after dinner and see how that goes.  I'd have to start with that to see if it works.  Then the next day try out larger brunch if I feel like it!  AMAZING.  I checked my weight again today.  Same as yesterday.  AMAZING.  What kind of awesome CULTURE have we gotten from Ukraine.  Let's look that up right quick.  WOW lots of famous Hollywood Film People are Ukrainian in descent.  Descent?  That can't be right.  Oh well what can ya do.
     Coffee after this paragraph.  What else is up.  Ukraine likes SPORTS.  Can't fault 'em there!  Sports are great.  You'll get no argument from me there.  Privately I think sports are stupid.  But I'll keep that to myself especially in these trying times.  Also baseball is fun.  But the sports I don't know much about are stupid.  One day I'll know about them.  Then they'll be less stupid.  Sounds about right.  Gonna have a nice dumb dessert midday meal today.  Most likely big ol' slice of Chocolate Babka I'm presumably getting from Super Market today.  To Toast To Ukraine.  They like Babka.  Russians do, too, though.  Everyone likes Babka.  That's the slogan of Earth.  WE LIKE BABKA.  What else is up and crap.  If I lived in Ukraine what would I do.  Hmm.  I guess it depends on other circumstances in my life.  What if I somehow had EXACTLY the same life.  Same living arrangements.  Same education, hobbies, experiences, family, financial situation, etc.  What would I do.  I dunno.  I'm scared hold me.  That's about right THAT'S what I'd do.  Coffee time.
    HEY!  Biden picked Kitanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court!  Who apparently is A GOOD Pick.  Amazing.  Also I just said her name ONCE which gets me started on the lifelong pursuit of remembering how to spell her first name.  KIT like Kat.  AN like AN.  JI like JI.  This is easy!  Also last two names?  VERY easy.  And Jackson is presumably the main one we need to remember.  Judge Jackson.  Great!  Anyway.  NOW I'm thinking about a modified diet where I have dessert 2 hours after dinner instead of 3 while bedtime is going on, AND I make 2 snacks 2 hours apart from each other and meals between breakfast and lunch.  A MODIFIED Diet-schedule.  Part 2 hour part 3.  I get the Fullness in the Bulk Of The Day from 3 nice sized meals but THE FUN of eating snacks in the morning.   Seems reasonable.  No reason I can't go ahead and try this.  Sounds like I'm just adding an extra snack.  WHERE THEM CALORIES COMING FROM.  Subtracting them from OTHER areas you idiot.  OH OKAY I GET IT.
Anyway what else is going on.  OR continue idea to not eat after dinner and have 2 NICE SIZED SNACKS between breakfast and lunch.  The possibilities are endless!  UGH.  Anyway.  Presumably next lowercase snack I have will be BLUEBERRY breakfast bar.  Gotta try that sucker right away.  Blue?  DELICIOUS.  Apparently Judge Jackson is 51.  NOT TOO YOUNG NOT TOO OLD.  Would a 31 year old be better?  IN RETROSPECT NO.  Too young!  But I'd prefer someone more along the lines of 48, 49.  Oh well.  Gotta make compromises in life.  What else is going on.  Circlewalking today while waiting for Super Market order?  Nah that's dumb.  Almost as dumb as you.  Also I might do it anyway.  Because I'M dumb.  Almost as dumb as you.  Sure.  I think for today I'll try to stick to Regular 3 Hour Feeding Time schedule.  Give it the good ol' college try!  Ugh.  How are SANCTIONS coming along.  I think well!  Not 100% what they are and I'm not even as dumb as you.  But I THINK they're going well based on I Forget.
     Eighth paragraph!  Whatever!  I read the mayor of Kyiv is a famous extremely successfully heavyweight boxer.  Great!  He won't go down without a fight.  On account of Boxing.  This is War.  Hmm.  I feel guilty for wanting there to be an insurgency and fighting and more war.  I want Ukraine to put up a fight!  But that means more death.  And I'm sitting here DRINKING MY LATTES adjusting my SPECTACLES from the safety of my own HOME feeling that way.  While it would just mean more death.  STILL THOUGH I LIKE TO SEE GOOD GUYS WIN.  I dunno.  What else is crappening.  I'll drink a latte.  I think it was Latte Day a week ago.  Better LTURQ.  YEP FEBRUARY 11th.  I guess I have to wait almost an entire year to drink a latte again.  By which time what will be happening in Ukraine?  I don't know!!!  I know very little because I'm not an expert on anything INCLUDING this.  So there's that to consider.
Sure!  Loaded up ROCKSMITH yesterday and only played actual guitar for about 60 seconds but I played long enough to determine nope pretty much ZERO lag.  It's there to play and learn if I want it!  So there's that.  Lots of fun stuff I can do to adjust schedule.  Bigger brunch-time meal.  Split brunch-time into two meals.  Two fun things I can do.  That's a lot!  What else is going on and crap.  I think I might know a way to get Apple Music on TV.  I have to take a picture of a CODE that shows up on my TV.  Sure I covered phone cameras with masking tape but I can remove the type for special occasions like this one.  That might get the ball rolling!  A ball rolling tends to stay rolling.  That's just science, that's all that is.  Figure I'll stop this act after 10 paragraphs.  Or before if somehow Super Market delivery comes very soon.  I don't like those odds!  But it could happen.  I like those odds!  There ARE odds is the point.  And I like ALL OF THEM.
     Last paragraph of the act!  Interesting way to motivate myself not to eat at MightNight times-- check the time.  Gives ya context.  Oh it's this much into the night let's keep it going see how much further I can get without MightNight Snacks.  Wonderful.  Maybe try bigger brunch today.  Just to see what happens.  And if I NEED to eat after dinner Great Not A Big Deal It Wouldn't Need To Be That Much.  DELICIOUS.  Gonna have to think about that one though.  Think long and hard.  Or at least long.  Also not that long.  Definitely not that hard.  It's hard to think, sure, but I'm not thinking hard.  Hey buddy THINKING HARD or HARD TIME THINKING.  That sort of thing.  The good news is The Supreme Court is about to get... uh... I can't say BLACKER.  MORE LADY-ISH?  That's no good either.  Supreme Court is about to get more... uhh.. is it 100% we get this lady appointened?  Or are Manchin and Sinema gonna be like NOPE.  I hope not.  Because that'd be insane of them.  Anyway GREAT time to take a break.  I'll be back soon!




it's worth a shot

    I don't know how it happened but the stickiness somehow disappeared from my phone plastic-glass screen protector.  Did I fix it in my sleep?  Did I replace it with back-up screen protector in my sleep?  Either way I'm not necessarily Complaining but I AM complaining because I Don't Understand And I'd Like To Understand!  HEY!  Was thinking about it and I think I AM gonna make 11 AM Brunch-Time Feeding Time as big as the Breakfast and Midday Meals.  I WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS by subtracting from Dessert so it's only 1 small thing AND by doing 1 more walk each day Back Up To Seven At Least Until I get to Target Weight.  I think if I do this right I'd not gain weight.  But the 1 more walk until I get to desired weight GETS ME THERE GOOD.  So I got all that going for me.  No time like the present to start!  Start off with TWO Blueberry Bars.  AGAIN HERE'S THE THING that's not the entire calorie allotment.  That's why it works!  Every calorie allotment I'm comfortable hitting but more often than not I'm going under!  AMAZING.  SHOWER TIME.
  These Blueberry Breakfast bars are pretty good.  Much more in the same category as Pop Tarts compared to Granola-type bars.  But not bad!  Also I eat two of them right now because that's the kind of guy I am today.  What else am the kind of guy I is today.  Save the second one for AFTER THIS PARAGRAPH.  Amazing.  So sticking with feeding times every 3 hours.  But now, save for midnight snack (11 PM Snack), everything is more or less at least a small meal.  300 Calories and up!  Which means the 300 calories are more often gonna be less than 300 calories but ALLOTMENT for 300 calories and up!  Man oh man I wish this paragraph was over so I could stuff this Sugar Blueberry Bar down my gullet.  I'm gonna get a real kick out of it!  Also I was considering dropping back down to 2 coffees a day from 3 but UNNECESSARY.  Going right back up to 7 walks takes care of business.  ALSO I wanted to do it anyway.  I went 2 or three days with a slightly larger period of time at home in the middle of the day and I had no idea what to do.  DIDN'T LIKE IT.
     Coffee after next paragraph.  Does this kind of feel like it's a start of a binge?  YES.  Tastewise I've been conditioned havin two poptartish things in a row (although they're only 2/3rds the size) is part of BINGE eating.  So we'll see how I feel by the end of this Blueberry Breakfast Bar.  Anyway.  Steak and Eggs Part III of III for dinner.  Not sure about Midday Meal or Dinner Meal.  If I'm goin' with Some Sweet for Midday Meal then YEAH Chocolate Babka.  MAN these blueberry bars DID serve a nutritional purpose.  They're loaded with sugar, and after two of them, I'm kind of like well ya know what?  Kinda got my fair share of sugar for now.  Time to move on to something more reasonable.  LOOK I'm sure I'll want more sugar in 5 minutes.  But for now I think I'm all Sugared out!  So there's that.  Anyway.  Breakfast and now Brunch allotment is 300 calories while Midday Meal was 400.  AT THIS POINT maybe make it more fluid.  The slightly larger meal can come at Breakfast or Brunch instead!  PLAY IT BY EAR.  Well sure IN THEORY that sounds great.  GOOD LUCK making it work IN PRACTICE though.  Coffee time.
    VERY possible I'll stick with high quality sawdust dogs for Midday Meal.  Ya don't fix what isn't broken!  They tasted great and I need all the red meat I can get.  So I don't need to eat as much in the future.  I load up on red meat NOW in life then when it comes time to take my diet-health seriously and not eat red meat I'll be all Red-Meat'd-Out!  So that's the plan for now.  Also not sure how much Red Sawdust is.  Either way what's up in the wide world of sports.  The BIG QUESTION on EVERYONE'S MINDS is how many paragraphs this act will be.  Five is the least.  The most?  Well, for today, I can't see myself going above 7 or 8.  And almost definitely it'll be 5 or 6.  RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE MY MIND THOUGH.  Don't HOLD ME to anything.  Why bother you got better things to do than take action to hold me to how many paragraphs I'm writing.  Presumably.  I don't know how you live your life!  Maybe you don't have anything better to do!
     Sure.  Also got a single large Black & White Cookie.  Small Large.  It's certainly in the large category compared to small cookie and medium sized cookies. But it's about the smallest large you can get.  What do I know maybe it's about the largest medium you can get.  The point is THAT'S GONNA BE A TON OF FUN.  I like the part where you take bites of black and then white and then BOTH at the same time and then suddenly you're done but it's an experience you'll remember for a life time.  See I already remembered it THIS FAR.  And I'm pretty deep into my life time!  No spoilers but the age I'm turning in 8.5 months AIN'T PRETTY.  Gettin' older!  DANGIT.  Re-upped with some Fiji Apples.  They've done me good lo these past 3 weeks or so.  No complaints there.  Maybe my favorite apple!  Sure apples are apples but these apples are certainly quite good apples.
    Hey!  Sixth paragraph.  If you had five paragraphs on your bingo card SORRY!  SORRY THAT YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY BINGO.  You're doing it wrong!  Hmm.  I FINISHED THE CRUMBS OF BBQ POP CHIPS.  Now it's onto Sour Cream &/v onion pop chips to side with Hot Sawdust Dogs.  MAYBE EVEN SOME WHEAT THINS.  I've been having a blast and a half with the reduced fat wheat thins lately.  I've gotten 'em in the past.  And my Dad used to get them regularly for himself where I'd have some here and there.  Sometimes I like it, sometimes I can do without it.  This time?  BLAST AND A HALF.  Delicious.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  What else is the point.  Not sure what I'm gonna have for dinner.  Kinda feel like my top choice is Bison Burger.  But I'm having steak for lunch.  Hot dog for midday meal.  Bison for dinner?  Well at that point they must all cancel each other out.  At some point it's SO MUCH red meat that the consequences get folded over into itself and nothing bad happens.  YEP THAT'S HOW THINGS WORK.  EXACTLY.
One more paragraph for the act or so!  Amazing.  YA KNOW WHAT.  What I'd really like is some Pizza.  I'm imagining some Eggplant on the pizza.  Maybe a 2nd size.  Eggplant and anchovie is too complicated.  Maybe eggplant and garlic.  That sounds pretty good to me.  GREAT JUST GREAT.  What else is the wide world of sports.  I feel moderately full.  Not physically full.  But mentally I'm not thinking hey I gotta eat more.  Then again I'm drinking coffee.  Coffee is food.  And if not, the low fat cream I put into it has gotta be food.  So there's that.  The point is I FORGET.  I wonder if it turns out we've all been pronouncing Ukraine wrong and it's not YOU-CRANE but rather YUKE-RAIN.  Gonna have to look into that at some point WHY NOT NOW.  Well internet says it's Yoo-Crane.  But internet has been wrong in the past once or twice.  So who can say for sure.  The point is Hey Act Is Over.  Be back soon.




i'm not getting my hopes up

    HEY!  Bigger brunch Feeding Time MAY JUST BE A GAME CHANGER.  Following these 3 hour feeding times where I eat a legit amount each time, I literally feel FULL half the time.  Which is a lot more than the Hardly Ever Amount Of Time I felt full the last few months.  It's about time we reached a game changer.  I thought I was reaching all sorts of game changers but in the end the game didn't change much.  This time around though maybe it's different!  Anyway.  Got coffee #3 going.  Got lunch coming up in about an hour and a half.  I enjoyed the breakfast biscuits.  All in all life ain't bad!  Alternate to Eggplant Pizza is SEAFOOD COMBINATION PARADE from Other Place.  WOW A PARADE.  We're talking scallop, shrimp and sole.  What order do they come in during the parade.  Either way that's a solid 2 Meal'r.  And it's healthy because I'm not pairing delicious seafood with delicious steak this time around.  All Seafood All The Time!  Maybe I should get the Fried version just to make it somewhat unhealthy.  Life is all about compromises.
    Sure.  What else is up.  Probably go straight to some Tales From That Crypt when this is over.  YES I know I'm dumb.  But it works for me so get off my back about it.  The point is the good news is I Get To Go Straight To Some Tales From That Crypt When This Is Over.  Nice comfort TV Food. Also It's SCARY.  I wonder what it'd be like if that were happening TO ME.  I'd be SPOOKED OUT OF MY BOOTS.  Also sure I wore my boots today.  Kinda icy outside!  I don't wanna trip and fall.  Not only would it be embarrassing but I might break my back which would be even more embarrassing.  I might even die which is the most embarrassing thing of all.  Hey that kid couldn't even KEEP LIVING.  What a joke.  That sort of thing.  I'm not gonna be a kid in 8.5 months.  We can argue I'm in my early 30's now.  In 8.5 months we would be LOSING that argument in favor of the argument I'd be in my mid 30's.  GOT DAMN IT.  I CAN'T STAND LOSING ARGUMENTS.  Maybe I should just adapt my position so I'm on the winning side of the argument.  NEVER!!!
What else is crap.  Probably gonna go with the Chocolate Babka as Midday Meal today and not re-doing Sawdust Dogs.  I gotta get a kick out of this IMMEDIATELY.  Sounds about right.  Who came up with the word Eggplant.  And why didn't some other guy go ya know Eggs are already a thing.  And then the guy is like yeah but this is eggPLANT.  Then again, which came first, the Egg or the Eggplant.  Eggs are more standard and ubiquitous but maybe eggplants were named first.  I don't know HISTORY.  And THANK GOD.  If I knew history PRETTY SURE they could throw me in some sort of re-education camp at this point.  WHEW that's a relief.  Also not sure they're interested in re-educating at this camp.  It's more just a Jail Camp.  You don't learn anything new.  Whew that's a relief.  I was hoping we wouldn't be Graded On This Nonsense.  Now all I have to do is Show Up Each Day and I'm doing okay at re-education camp.  EASY.
     Penultimate paragraph.  I guess.  Day is gonna be fine, just fine.  Lots of walks.  But I like doing that!  Nice solid ~3 hour break at the end of the day where I can accumulate all my gained knowledge about life and experience living life to make the most of that time.  Presumably by watching more Tales From That Crypt.  HEY if that's what life is telling me is the way to go with what to do with my time HOW COULD LIFE BE WRONG?  That sort of thing.  Need new batteries for XBOX 360 controller.  THAT'S why I haven't been making enough progress playing/learning Rocksmith.  Controller keeps crapping out.  It's not MY fault for not having motivation.  It's DOUBLE A BATTERIES' FAULTS.  The point is great just great.  I can't wait to read more about how this supreme court nomina-- Kitanji Brown Jackson... lemme LTURQ to see if I got it 100% off the top of my head... CLOSE.  KET not KIT.  Either way wanna read more about how She's The Tops.
     Last paragraph of the day!  She LOOKS like a cool lady.  Finally some COOLNESS ON THE COURT.  What else is crappening.  Looking forward to being done with this.  I think that's probably universal.  We're all looking forward to being done with this.  Except for some of us.  Possibly including me.  Great that narrows it down pretty well.  Huh.  I think we got some pistachios somewhere.  In fact I know we do.  I came across them a week ago and had 3 or 4.  So basically I'm ready to celebrate tomorrow the only way I know how-- by eating what the internet tells me to celebrate.  I don't think they're even telling us to Eat That Thing That Day.  They just want us to spend the day APPRECIATING it.  That's all!  I don't do things that way.  Maybe I'll eat it, maybe I won't.  But don't count on me to appreciate anything!  Not my style!  Anyway that's it for today.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-1:01 P.M.




Thursday, February 24, 2022

random acts of titleness

    HEY BAD NEWS.  There's a WAR going on!  Right now it doesn't effect me personally but it may escalate and KILL EVEN ME.  But for now the main effect on me is Hey this is what's in the news right now.  The news I consume.  Cause I'm a jerk.  I FEEL for Ukraine but what can ya do.  They're not a small country.  They got a military.  They can kill some dirty dirty Russians, too.  It's like RISK.  You roll the dice-- sometimes you kill them and sometimes they kill you.  IN THE END an even amount of people get killed more or less SO IT WORKS OUT FOR THE BEST.  Wait a second I'm gonna have to look into that.  Anyway.  Thoughts and prayers!  Well, thoughts at least.  Haven't done any prayers AS OF YET.  Checked my weight this morning for first time in roughly 2 weeks.  Right on the border of being relatively happy about it and being kinda nonplussed!  Amazing.  Did some MightNight snacking last night.  Great just great.
     What else is going on and crap.  Not sure Russia's position on why they're at war.  UKRAINE IS PART OF RUSSIA.  THAT'S WHY WE MUST KILL THEM.  Hmm.  Well Mike they have to kill SOME OF THEM so the REST OF THEM accept being part of Russia.  Oh okay now it makes sense.  Anyway what culinary specialties are unique to Ukraine that we can celebrate in these dark times.  CHICKEN KIEV.  Which is chicken with butter.  Uh... hmm... that sounds.. INTERESTING.  I'll try it out to show my support.  Also I'd presumably KIND OF like it?  Butter tastes good because it's dumb.  Chicken is okay.  Look in the spirit of camaraderie let's try putting some butter on chicken.  What else is going on in the wide world of sports.  Not a lot of sports going on in UKRAINE probably.  They got more important things to do.  THEN AGAIN maybe some sports will take their minds off The Being Invaded And Whatnot.  They need sports more than ever!  What kind of sports do they like in Ukraine.  Better LTURQ.  SOCCER IS BY FAR THE FAVORITE SPORT.  Great.  I'll even call it FOOTBALL in the spirit of CAMARADERIE.
    Whatever.  Ok we've heard about Ukraine but NATIONAL Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Chocolate Covered Nut Day, National Clam Chowder Day, and National New England Clam Chowder Day.  Wonder which one came first.  New England Clam Chowder or ALL Clam Chowder.  Was it an ALL CLAM CHOWDERS MATTER type thing.  And New England was celebrated first and then other clam chowders felt jealous.  OR was it all clam chowders were being celebrated first and then New England was like YEAH but WE'RE The Best.  Either way not sure I've ever liked a clam chowder.  Not sure I've ever tried a clam chowder!  I like clam.  Don't think I'd like the chowder!  What else is going on and crap.  Stuck to Every 3 Hours Feeding Time diet yesterday.  Some of it was pretty good.  FOR EXAMPLE after UPPERcase snack in middle of the day I was quite full going into dinner.  That was a highlight.  But then by the time dinner came I was KIND OF hungry and just enough hungry for dinner to satisfy me perect.  GREAT.
What else is going on and crap.  If my scale is accurate I wanna lose 1.5 pounds and then it's perfect multiple of 5 at 115 pounds.  If it's UN-accurate then I need to lose another 1-2 pounds on top of that!  THEN AGAIN I can say I'm 115 as long as ANY Scale says it.  I might REALLY be 116 but if my scale says I'm 115 I can tell people that and that's all that matters in the end.  Huh?  What's going on?  Wha?  Great.  Cycled back around to Tales From That Crypt.  Cause I'm an idiot!  BUT I'm experimenting with the TV Super Speakers effect where it's leaning very heavily into the surround sound.  And it's practically 100% surround sound.  It's FUN.  I'm IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ACTION.  The great news is what else is going on.  STILL not personally effected by Ukraine war and it's been 20 minutes or so since I last said that.  Also what do we call this war.  I dunno yet.  Ukraine War doesn't sound right.  I guess we'll have to see how far it expands.  Might end up calling it World War III.  So let's let it play out and see what happens!
Yeah!  Might end up calling it World War IV.  Time travel makes a world war between World War II and now!  At this point we can't rule anything out!  Anyway woke up/got up/took first walk late again today but at this point It's Whenever I Want More Or Less.  So is it really late?  YEAH KIND OF.  I WANT to be on schedule in theory.  But then also in theory I'm more okay with not being on schedule than in the past.  YEAH KIND OF.  The point is I put some sort of sticky thing from MightNight Snack on my phone and now it's permanently stickified.  Luckily I had the plastic and/or glass shield on the phone so THAT'S stickified.  And when I bought it it came with a back-up!  So I can go to the back-up.  OR save it.  I dunno.  Maybe I can live with this stickified.  Maybe I can unstickify it.  I don't know anything as of now.  I know what meals I'm having today.  That's pretty good.  I like meals and whatnot.  Not bad!  Coffee time.
     Is it possible Ukraine gets really lucky while rolling the Risk Dice that they end up taking over Russia?  I don't think they WANT to take over Russia.  But I guess it couldn't HURT.  What else is up.  The point is I haven't seen it pointed out but I think a big premise of this war is PICK ON SOMEONE YOU'RE OWN SIZE.  Ukraine is a nice medium sized place but Russia is way bigger.  Then again Ukraine might be more motivated and knock the crap out of Russia.  We'll have to see what happens.  Either way I'm rooting for PEACE.  Peace Love and Understanding.  Well Peace and Love at least.  Understanding I can live with or without.  What else is going on and crap.  Hey tomorrow is my Mom's birthday.  And then 2 days later is my Dad's birthday.  Wonder which one came first.  My Mom's.  Oh that explains that.  Anyway.  I got nice snack coming up soon.  Probably fit it in before upcoming walk instead of afterwards.  Even if it's a little bit early.  WE'LL SEE.  There's more important things in the world to talk about.  Yeah but stick to what you know.  Sure.
Anyway.  Had nice Ham Sandwich with granola bar as Midday MEAL?  I think we're past the point of calling it an Uppercase Snack.  It's SOMETHING.  Midday Meal.  Either way DELICIOUS.  I wasn't happy going into it cause I kinda wanted SOME SWEET but felt compelled to eat some ham before it goes bad.  But it was filling-- I'll give it that!  YEAH.  Amazing.  Presumably I settle into a routine FOR THE MOST PART where if I have a sweetish dinner I go with a savoryish Midday Snack.  We're talkin' cream based, breakfast based, stuff like that-- that's a savory midday meal.  Otherwise go with a sweetish one.  IT'S GOOD TO ALTERNATE between Sweet and Savory.  I'm no dummy.  I figured that out quickly.  Then again NOT NECESSARY 100% OF THE TIME.  Just a good general premise.  ALSO what the Hell is going on.  Most people hardly ever have Sweetish Dinners.  Probably.  I do it all the time.  Because I'm SMART.
    What else is up.  Eighth paragraph!  Tried to log onto Apple Music on TV.  Made some progress then hit a wall that I don't know how to break through.  I logged in with e-mail and password accurately.  Then they're like we sent a verification code to one of your devices.  Enter that now please.  I didn't get no code on any device.  WHAT THE HELL.  Guess I'll have to figure some other way to listen to music.  Also-- listening to my own music in surround sound-- GREAT!  This is the way I was MEANT to listen to my own music.  It's almost like the music is in the room with me!  Huh.  Maybe save SNACK for after walk.  It's GOOD because it's RESPONSIBLE.  It shows I have control over my hunger and whatnot.  Anyway.  Possibly make it a BIG OL SNACK.  Freakin' single pop tart big.  It's POSSIBLE.  Wouldn't be IN-reasonable.  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  Presumably I will take a walk soon and I will not be under attack.  Hardly any gunfire or bombs or anything at all!  Well, that's my GUESS at least. 
     Anyway.  They're sayin' they're just gonna cancel games in Major League Baseball if a settlement isn't reached to start season on time.  As opposed to delaying games.  GREAT.  Good for them.  Bad for us!  But presumably good for them.  Otherwise they wouldn't do it!  SOUNDS LIKE A PLOY OR SOMETHING.  They're trying to call the other guy's bluff.  Something like that.  Anyway is TONY CLARK still in charge of Players Union.  Better LTURQ.  YEP TONY CLARK.  He was a PRETTY GOOD player in the 1990's.  Fist Baseman.  Some power to his game.  Better LTURQ to be sure.  YEP CHECKS OUT.  Not as good as I thought.  Career WAR of 12.3.  Not BAD.  But not great either.  The point is ALL JAIL TONY CLARK.  I mean ALL HAIL TONY CLARK.  SORRY FREUDIAN SLIP.  What else is up and crap.  We can have Freudian Slips while Typing and/or Writing, right?  Seems reasonable.  No reason we shouldn't be able to.  HEY GREAT WHAT ELSE IS UP.
     Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Gonna eat snack when I get back but before shower.  Let's do that.  Do it hardcore!  I've narrowed it down between Nice Sized Granola Bar, Nice Sized Ice Cream Sandwich, or Small Fiber One Brownie and Smallish Ice Cream Bar AT THE SAME TIME.  WOW SO MANY GREAT CHOICES.  THREE.  What else is up and crap.  Gonna be any trench warfare in Current War.  I feel like we're due for some Trench Warfare.  Anyway.  Sure I can think of puns with the word UKRAINE with the separate syllables of U and KRAINE.  NOW'S NOT THE TIME THOUGH.  Maybe in the future we can circle back around to this but for now IT'S IN-APPROPRIATE.  Great.  Lot colder today than last couple of days.  Might snow a bit later.  STILL not too cold, though.  Presumably gets warmer tomorrow.  GREAT WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP ON WEATHER.  I'll be back soon.




get out of here with that bullshit

    HeY!  Got delicious APPLE going on as snack.  Because I'm a genius.  It makes sense on so many levels that I can't even get into it here because it would take too long.  Anyway do I like Fiji Apples?  Turns out-- YES A LOT.  Also I assume Fuji is gonna be the next country Russia invades.  What else is going on and crap.  Lunch gonna be PART II of III of Steak and Egg Whites and Broccoli and Toast and Three Pieces of Half Spheres Of Potato.  Wait Mike wasn't Part II gonna be YESTERDAY?  YES.  But instead I got CHALLAH FRENCHED TOAST for dinner and pushed this back a day.  So now I will have part III TOMORROW whereas otherwise I would be done today.  PROVE ME WRONG.  Also I got Belgian Waffle for dinner tonight.  I LIKE SOME SWEET MEALS.  Sandwich Midday Meal.  Sweet Dinner Meal.  Kind of seems like if I was Groundhog Day that'd be the kind of routine I'd settle on by the end.
   Also if I was ALONE maybe my sweet meal would be binging cookies or something.  But RESPONSIBLY.  As part of THE PLAN.  The good news is I'm ordering Chocolate Babka which would be a great indulgent Midday Meal.  Also gotta imagine they have Babka in Ukraine.  Or they USED TO, at least.  Maybe Russian Forces are eating up all the Babka.  Jus tlike Settlers and The Buffalo.  And by Settlers I mean Pioneer PeaceKeepers.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna have coffee after this paragraph I guess.  No reason not to.  Lots of reasons To To.  Nice Sawdust Dogs as Midday Meal.  Never had this brand of Sawdust Dogs before!  Maybe they're great.  So I got 2 of them and some sort of SNACK.  UNDECIDED ON THE SNACK.  I WILL NOT KEEP YOU UPDATED ON THIS SITUATION AS IT PROGRESSES.  Our time together for the day will be long over.  And for tomorrow who cares it's a new day let's talk about New Day Things.  Hmm.  LOOK was this apple a bit late?  So that lunch would be more like 2.5 hours after it and not 3?  YES. THIS IS THE LIFE I CHOSE TODAY.
     Wonderful.  Coffee!  I like that.  Anyway.  Took six walks today.  Worked out okay!  I didn't crap out during any walk And... uh.. Look I took six walks and I lived to tell the tale.  What else is going on.  What kind of fun stuff do I have in store for the rest of the day.  Listening to Super TV Speakers while watching something dumb on the television.  It could be anything!  Hmm I haven't watched FUTURAMA with speakers yet.  Not sure about that.  The few days I was watching Futurama corresponded with a low point in terms of binging.  I'm not saying it's BECAUSE of Futurama.  But I'm also not saying it's NOT because of Futurama.  More research and experiments are needed to make a conclusion one way or another.  And even then I won't be 100%.  I can get a much better idea with some scientific study but I'm not prepared to do so much that I'm 100% confident.  HEY GREAT.  The point is A BIG PIECE of Chocolate Babka is more or less the ideal indulgent Midday Meal in my mind.  Cause I'm dumb.   YOU IDIOT.
  What else is going on.  Saw pepsi is going with a NITROGEN beverage.  Like how cold brew coffee has trendy nitrogen.  Foamy and whatnot.  Well sure I'd try that because I like cola but I don't think it comes in diet.  YA LOST ME.  What else is up.  Current plans plan for final walk of day to be BEFORE dinner.  Nice block of time after dinner to do something if I ever think of anything to do.  I've thought of things to do.  Play Rocksmith.  There.  That's a thing to do!  I just don't actually do it.  WHY NOT I LIKE GUITAR.  Yeah but I DON'T like doing things.  I mean I wish I was doing things.  I like the premise of doing things.  A Lot!  But when push comes to shove I don't wanna do anything.  Such is life I guess.  Trying a nutragrain breakfast bar.  Such is life.  Not sure why I never tried this before.  Seems like a brand I'd heard of even BEFORE getting into Snack Bars.  Reasonable amount of calories and reasonably sized.  Flavor looks okay.  Something was holding me back from getting it before that I've now forgotten.  GREAT I GET TO TRY IT GREAT.
     Last paragraph of the act!  What else is up.  Probably save Coffee #3 until later in the day.  By the time I'm done with Act III I'll be pretty close to LUNCH.  Can't have coffee and then lunch.  They don't agree with each other!  Unless lunch IS coffee.  Then coffee makes sense leading into lunch because it gets you ready for even more coffee.  GREAT.  Lemme look at a map.  I'm not sure exactly WHAT Ukraine is On The Map.  OH THAT SORT OF THING.  Interesting.  The point is I don't know what will happen but I hope whatever happens is the Least Worst Case Scenario.  Or I'd even settle for the penultimate least worst case scenario.  It's gonna be on the spectrum of Worst Case Scenario and PLEASE let it be WAY on the side of Least Worst Case.  That's MY Hot Take.  Worst case for who.  FOR ME?  Well sure ME matters.  I want a least worst case scenario for this effecting MY LIFE.  But for UKRAINE is the most important.  Which I guess means War Ending As Imminently As Possible.  And not them losing.  If it ends tomorrow and it's Ukraine tapping out NOT A GREAT CASE SCENARIO.  Hmm.  I'm gonna take a walk now.  Be back soon.




i think i get the idea

    I'VE GOT IT.  Perect side for 2 Sawdust Midday Meal Dogs is finishing crumbs of BBQ Pop Chips and starting bag of Sour Cream &/V Onion Pop Chips.  GREAT NOW I'M ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THIS ENTERPRISE.  Anyway the good news is I get to start the oven in Oh I Don't Know THIRTY FIVE MINUTES.  For lunch!  Amazing.  Watching Tales From That Crypt with Enhanced Prioritized Surround Sound is amazing.  I'm right in the middle of the action somehow!  Even though surround sound speakers aren't behind me.  I think they're supposed to be literally behind you to get the full effect.  I'm getting a pretty good effect with them NOT behind me.  THERE IS NO BEHIND ME.  There's a wall behind me.  Guess I could hang them up on otherside of the wall like Christmas decorations.  That's no good WALL WILL STOP THE SOUND FROM ENTERING MY ROOM.  Hmm.  Has Ukraine thought about building a wall.  Well sure in retrospect that would be a great idea but too late now.  What else is going on and crap.  Only four more paragraphs for the day!  Amazing.
    Sure.  Steak and Eggs is great because society would accept you having it for lunch without being like OH MR RICH FANCY GUY STEAK FOR LUNCH EH.  It has EGGS.  That's food for the first half of the day.  What about a steak sandwich.  You could have that for lunch.  Good point.  That's an acceptable Middle Class Lunch too!  I lost track of what I was talking about.  The point is Steak alone is too fancy for lunch.  If you ADD things to steak it makes it LESS fancy.  Presumably you might be having LESS STEAK to make room for the OTHER STUFF.  Maybe that's why it's suddenly acceptable.  OR maybe it's presumably lower quality steak!  Steak sandwich steak is probably lesser steak ON AVERAGE than a dinner Steak.  YES it often comes from Philadelphia.  Not fancy at all.  Not to disparage Philadelphia.  They've got enough bad press as it is, they don't need me ragging on them!  Huh.  THREE more paragraphs to go now.
Yeah!  LOOK does Nutra Grain Breakfast Soft Baked Bars come in five different flavors?  YES.  All fruit based.  Am I going with Blueberry?  YES.  I dunno why but I feel comfortable saying, all things being equal, in situations like this, I'm gonna go with Blueberry!  EGGOS.  That comes to mind.  Dating back years and years, if I'm getting Eggos, might as well get Blueberry Eggos.  I don't know if I even particularly like blueberry.  I don't know lots of things and this is one example of it.  Nah I think I like blueberry more than other fruit flavored products.  I'd be happy with a cherry or a strawberry or a mixed berry.  I'm not AGAINST them.  I just think blueberry is the standard way to go!  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  LOOK should the standard way to go actually be to MIX IT UP and divide my purchases relatively evenly between these flavors?  Sure!  But easier said than done!  TWO MORE PARAGRAPHS TO GO.
Huh.  HMM I spend a total of 5 minutes trying out Rocksmith with new speakers over 3 sessions but I don't think I've tried it with the specific Enhanced Surround Sound Setting of TV Speakers.  THAT MIGHT BE A GAME CHANGER.  Gonna have to try that out at some point over the next few months.  I'll get to it eventually one would imagine!  The point is yes terrible war and killing going on BUT I am ON THE VERGE of watching the Tales From That Crypt episode directed by Arnold Schwar..eg..ne... you know that guy.  What's his stance on what's going on in Ukraine.  PRO?  AGAINST?  I'm gonna guess Against.  That's more in line with his public image.  Also most reasonable people are against!  By most reasonable people I mean practically everyone around the world presumably.  I haven't looked at polls but I feel comfortable guessing things off the top of my head!  My website my rules.  I'm Gonna Guess Things!  ONE MORE PARAGRAPH.
Anyway what else is going on.  Gonna start oven soon after the entry is over. We're talking anywhere from IMMEDIATELY to maybe FIVE MINUTES.  This is good stuff let's keep it going.  For another few sentences.  Then I'm done for the day.  Cool!  Had a blast and a half with that apple.  Maybe I can always have an apple as that snack.  Not indulgent in calories, delicious, takes a while to eat it, healthy, fills ya up, GOOD FOR YA.  So it's healthy AND Good For Ya?  YEP! Good for ya doesn't need to mean healthy.  It's just good for your general constitution and premise that you're eating this apple.  What else is going on and crap.  LOOK I have no grand ideas of eating apple every day.  I'm just speaking theoretically in theory.  It'll work every now and then and that's all that really matters.  Still get to eat dumb granola chocolate sugar fiber or protein bars most of the time, don't you worry about me!  Well, worry about me.  Couldn't hurt!  But the point is the entry is over.  Be back tomorrow!

-1:09 P.M.




Wednesday, February 23, 2022

you're gonna want to read this

    HELLO.  What's going on in the wide world of sports.  Three Hour Separation of Feeding Times went OKAY.  Coulda been better, coulda been worse!  But didn't succeed in ultimate goal of stopping MightNight Snacking.  Still did that!  Gotta give it more than one day, right?  It takes TIME for body to adjust and course correct.  NAH I think I'll abandon it RIGHT NOW.  Go with a hybrid today.  Two hour separation in morning.  Three hour in afternoon.  Then ONE POINT TWENTY FIVE at night.  The point is What The Hell Is Going On.  MAYBE I SHOULD GIVE THREE HOUR ANOTHER TRY.  Probably.  On the one hand if I DON'T I get to eat sooner Right Now.  On the other hand if I DO I'm giving it a legitimate Ol' College Try.  HMM I LIKE COLLEGE.  Not sure how I feel about Trying.  OL' is wonderful.  YEAH let's try.  The, "Ol'," CLINCHED THE DEAL.  Not sure what to do at night though.  3 hours after dinner is when I'm about to fall asleep.  Also I'd rather split up desserts into smaller ones than one relatively big one.  THAT'S WHERE THE 1 POINT TWENTY FIVE COMES IN.
Okay fine I dunno we'll see.  What did I watch yesterday on the television set.  More SPACE FORCE.  Down to the last episode now.  What a decent show.  I don't mind watching it!  The point is I dunno if I'm behind schedule or not anymore.  Now that I'm having Breakfasts at 8 LIKE GOD INTENDED walking schedule is a little different.  THUS entry schedule is a little different.  SCHEDULES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN.  Not sure about that.  HOWEVER NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW IS... UGH FOUR THINGS.  Fine.  I'll go through four things.  I Hate Coriander Day, National Chili Day, National Toast Day, and National Tortilla Chip Day.  First things first TOAST DELICIOUS.  Second things second I WONDER IF CHILI AND TORTILLA CHIP ARE FRIENDS AND THAT'S WHY.  Third things third WHAT'S CORIANDER, WHY DO YOU HATE IT, WHY MUST YOU CELEBRATE YOUR HATRED ONCE A YEAR.  Fourth things fifth lemme LTURQ.  Some sort of dumb international herb.  YOU'RE some sort of dumb international herb.  Touche!
     Anyway.  Been getting healthy meals from Super Market because they taste fine and are presumably healthy and/or low calorie.  NOW I REALIZE the err'r of my ways.  I'm not looking forward to eating these meals as much as I might be looking forward to eating other meals.  That means I look forward to snacks more.  That means NOT SURE IF IT HAS TANGIBLE EFFECT.  Either way what else is going on.  Let's get into some yukk-em-ups.  Anyone DIE recently.  Not sure why that's what immediately came to mind when I said yukk-em-ups.  It's GALLOWS humor.  Wallows.  That's a word.  And backwards it's Swallow.  What does Wallows mean.  Oh like the action of WALLOWING.  Wallow is a word we all know and appreciate as a real word that means things.  Where am I.  What's going on.  Anyway.  Snack is either in half an hour or an hour and a half.  Let's do it.  Make it an hour and a half.  OL COLLEGE TRY.  I never tried that much in college.  In fact I tried as little as humanly possible.  INCORRECT SOMETIMES I TRIED.  Touche!
     What else is up.  58 degrees on walk.  Will get above 60 later today.  Presumably.  Nothing is 100%.  Except for some things.  Some things are 100%.  Hmm.  Brother is coming to visit over the weekend.  I will impress him with my TV Speakers and then we will send him on his way.  Something along those lines.  HEY I need laundry done again.  That's what happens when you only get six shirts done in a wash.  Gotta have it done again pretty soon!  DANGIT.  Ya know what YEAH.  Let's stick with trying every 3 hours.  It felt right yesterday.  I didn't LOVE IT but I spent most of the day thinking YEAH this may be the way to go let's do it.  SO LET'S DO IT THEN.  Ugh.  What else is crap.  What Uppercase Snack did I have yesterday at The 5 PM Feeding Time?  Why it was only 3/4ths of a chocolate chip pancake and 1/2 of a Breakfast Treat.  What the Hell is wrong with me.  Lots of things!  I'm glad you asked!  I'd get into it specifically but you know already.  Most wrong things about me have been made abundantly apparent.
Coffee after this paragraph.  Delicious.  What a fun gang of people at Space Force.  They each are fun!  I like the part where I dunno this show is more than adequate.  SUPER ADEQUATE.  Not sure I'm laughing my head off but it's pleasurable to watch and whatnot.  And these days that's not bad at all!  ANY DAY it wouldn't be bad at all.  Also I'd never laugh my head off.  Even if I laugh a lot, the way I laugh, just not the kind of laugh that would lead to my head coming off.  Everyone has different laughing motions.  Maybe depending on how deep they're laughing.  I DON'T LAUGH THAT WAY and I NEVER WILL.  Maybe one day I will.  BUT NOT TODAY.  Maybe today.  BUT NOT YESTERDAY.  That's 100%.  One of the things that's 100% that I alluded to last paragraph.  This Thing!  Huh.  Looks like I'll be setting up appointment with General Physician for Check Up.  First things first WHAT'S GOING ON WITH MY BALL.  Coffee time!
   HEY!  Maybe have dumb Super Market meal for lunch today and save delicious Part II of III Steak and Eggs for dinner.  THIS SUPER MARKET MEAL ISN'T HEALTH.  It's wide pasta alfredo with mushrooms.  Also gotta have some Ham Sandwich!  It's not gonna be fresh forever and I'm due to have some.  Half ham sandwich and supplementary lowercase snack for uppercase snack.  HMM.  What else is going on and crap.  Got some Sweet N Low going today.  Wonderful.  I'll make the most of it while I can.  It's less healthy so presumably it tastes better.  YEP.  I can really taste the, "N."  And I detect subtle hints of LOW.  Sweet is VERY understated.  But in a good way!  WHAT ELSE IS UP.  3 Hour Diet Schedule!  It sounds reasonable.  At first I thought doctor was INSANE.  TWO HOURS IS OBVIOUSLY THE WAY TO GO.  WHAT'S THIS THREE HOUR CRAP?  MAKES NO SENSE.  Then over the day I was like WAIT A SECOND I'VE BEEN WRONG FOR TOO LONG.  Three Hours DOES make sense.
Whatever.  What else is up!  Are the cookies that are advertised to have with coffee, are we literally supposed to dunk them in the coffee?  I think half the time they're like YUP GO FOR IT.  I don't like the sound of that, though.  I probably tried it once or twice and I was like well this is dumb.  Now I got soggy cookie.  Also I got crumbs in my coffee.  Why did I do this and who can I contact about building a time machine to go back in time and warn myself not to do this.  Also who can I contact to tell me who to contact.  As of now I'm just talking to myself and I have ZERO Contacts either way.  Anyway what else is going on.  So that's how I feel in those situations.  Seventh paragraph!  I thought maybe having Protein Bar AND Fiber Bar as co-mini-desserts might help with MightNight.  Cause that'd fill me up at night.  ALSO they're delicious and make sense in that space-time anyway.  NOPE.
     Sure!  What else is up.  HMM HEY YOU IDIOTS makes more sense for ham sandwich to lead into cream-ish pasta dish than steak and eggs dish.  Maybe have them regular meals in reverse order than I said earlier.  WOW WHAT ELSE IS UP.  REAL MEAL times are kind of unchanged from the diet I was doing for a week before yesterday.  Instead of 9/3/9 it's 8/2/8.  SAME THING BUT BETTER.  Also now the meals are SET IN STONE.  No moving them around FLEX TIME.  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  SURROUND SOUND SPEAKERS LOOK LIKE CUP OF COFFEE.  I saw a MONOLITH type black thing on the desk surface and first thought is hey there' my cup of coffee.  These are the important issues of the day.  What else.  Have I considered going RIGHT BACK to Tales From That Crypt?  YES.  Will I?  IT's DEFINITELY POSSIBLE.  They start off well.  Nice Pilot Episode with that guy.  What's his name.  William Sadler.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP THAT'S EXACTLY HIS NAME.  Amazing.
    Huh.  HEY just had an idea.  Buy new XBOX game.  WHOSE GOT THE TIME.  Both to buy it and to play it.  I've got the time to BUY it.  I got the time to play it, too!  I can play it in 1 hour to 1.5 hour bursts between Midday walks.  Certainly can play it during 3-4 hour period after last walk of the day.  Hmm what's a good one.  Is the DEADWOOD GAME available on Xbox 360.  Lemme LTURQ.  HMM.  The original one is on XBOX 360.  Not the sequel that was the one everyone knows all about.  DANGIT.  Then again that's a lot of buttons that I won't have to press.  Who needs the hassle of pressing controller buttons.  Not me!  What else is up and crap.  Ninth paragraph!  Who knows how long this Act will be.  You do if you skip ahead JUST A LITTLE.  I envy you.  Hmm. My Dad saw me doing push ups and was like ya know I think it's better for you if you do them SLOWLY.  Cause I do them RAPIDLY.  GREAT NOW YA TELL ME.  Also WHO CARES still gonna do them rapidly.  I GOT THINGS TO DO I can't be doing slow push ups all day!
    What else is crap.  Gotta good idea of what to have as upcoming SNACK in an hour.  Mocha Granola Bar that I tried out for first time yesterday or day before!  DELICIOUS.  I forget exactly how great it was and what it tasted like but DELICIOUS comes to mind immediately.  What else is up.  MAN OH MAN what kind of snack for half ham sandwich.  WILDCARD.  Could be pretty much ANYTHING.  Ugh.  Still probably gonna check my weight tomorrow.  And the next day.  And the day after that.  THEN NOT AGAIN FOR A WHILE.  Makes sense to me!  BOY OH BOY I hope it's a number I like.  IN THIS CONTEXT.  Not just a number I like IN GENERAL.  That's practically totally irrelevant to this situation.   Well it's kind of relevant I guess now that I think about it.  The point is I'm gonna stop this Act right now.  Just in the mood to move on to the next part of my life-- Walk in Warm Weather.  Delicious.  I'll be back soon.




i'm presumably doing my best

    HEY!  Depending on how much progress (if any) I've made losing some weight back, I MAY drop back down to SIX walks.  Not FIVE.  SIX.  ALSO I think I will try to have Dessert as One Thing 3 Hours After Dinner.  Right before bedtime.  THEN donate the extra calories I'm saving towards Midday Uppercase Snack.  Which at this point is BORDERING ON A MEAL OF ITS OWN.  Interesting pitch for a movie no pun intended.  A Meal Of Its Own.  Anyway I got lots of ideas.  Some of them may pan out.  Probably not though.  In the end probably All Of Them won't pan out.  The point is I gotta take a shower before writing this act but I wanted to get this information to you as soon as possible.  It's important!  Also I would still presumably be losing weight on a six walk schedule with current diet.  Just SLOWER.  WE'LL SEE HOW IT GOES SHOWER TIME.  Wait a second this paragraph isn't quite long enough yet.  OKAY NOW IT IS.  SHOWER TIME.
    UPPERCASE SNACK isn't something to DREAD.  Oh will I eat entire sandwich will that satisfy me anymore than half a sandwich what do I really need.  Now it's something to CELEBRATE.  I can have frreakin' entire sandwich AND A SNACK?  NOW MY DAY IS AMAZING.  This may just be the game changer that... well, ya know, changes the game!  In a positive way.  Hey anythings possible.  HMM six walk schedule would work out Fine Just Fine with current Diet Schedule.  Maybe it's even in the cards ANY DAY NOW.  I may be happy enough with weight later this week that I can do it iMMINENTLY.  I guess we'll have to WEIGHT and SEE.  Yeah.  What else is crap.  Man oh man some indulgent Four Meals a day.  On the internet when they give specific recommendations of meals you can eat four a Lots Of Feeding Times Diet they're always tiny.  Because they're like okay ya eat seven times a day with 3 meals and it adds up to 1400 calories.  There's not a lot of good information guidelines of eating the same amount often and proportionally but it adds up to 2400 calories.  It's up TO ME to figure this one out.  GREAT ME.  I can rely on myself.  More or less.  More than other people.  LESS than other other people.  Hmm.  Coffee after the next paragraph.
Sure.  I can have FULL SANDWICH with snack.  FULL VEGGIE BURGER with snack.  A dessert snack the size of TWO POPTARTS or so.  Plus it's only 3 hours after Real Meal and only 3 hours before ANOTHER Real Meal.  Basically my entire day is AMAZING now and I owe it all to.. hmm.  I guess Physiatrist got the ball rolling.  But I made necessary switch-em-ups and adjustments and extrapolating.  Solid chance this current diet works.  It's the 725th one I've tried over the last 2 months but THIS TIME IT'S FOR REAL.  Man oh man and once I'm down to six walks I got nice blocks of the day where I could DO THINGS if any thing to do ever occurs to me.  I like planning for a life where I do things.  I don't know WHAT things as of now but it seems reasonable to leave space in Indefinite Schedule where I can do things.  REAL REASONABLE.  What else is crappening.  OH COFFEE TIME.  I'll be right back.  For you it will be instantaneous.  Not for me!  It'll take a solid minute or so.  MORE if I gotta microwave it.  BE BACK VERY VERY SOON.
  Seven walks was JUST RIGHT.  But six walks may be JUST RIGHT in giving me blocks of time to Do Things.  Look I got no problem with seven walks.  But at some point I MUST HAVE A LIFE WHERE THINGS ARE DONE.  I feel very strongly about this.  Anyway set up appointment with General Physician for 2 weeks from now!  GREAT.  First thought-- hey they'll check my weight in a professional type setting gotta consider that while doing my diet schedule for the next two weeks.  Second thought-- I gotta think of better things to think about.  Maybe I will soon.  Not SOON soon.  But at some point THIS YEAR maybe I start thinking about different things.  Can't hurt to dream.  What else is up and crap.  I realized I had to microwave coffee either way!  Coffee machine was still ON and keeping coffee hot.  JUST ONE PROBLEM-- I had a third of a cup left from First Cup.  COLD CUP AT THAT POINT.  Luckily I have a microwave so this situation was solved and whatnot.
Sure!  Maybe a CUP O NOODLES or something as a REAL UPPERcase Snack.  Even with a side.  What kinda side is good for cup o noodles.  Sweet side doesn't make sense really.  Maybe a SALT snack.  THAT MAKES SOME SENSE.  Especially crackers.  We got saltines at all?  I know my Dad gets mini tiny saltines.  I don't want that.  Get out of here with that bullshit.  I'll have some regular saltines though, sure.  Delicious!  What else is going on.  Maybe just go straight to Six Walks TODAY.  And hope for the best.  HMM.  Sounds fine.  I think I'd still be losing weight with a Six Walk'r Schedul'r.  Gotta get back down to 115 IF IT KILLS ME.  Wait no not that last part.  That's NOT an acceptable result.  What paragraph we at for Act II.  FIFTH?!?!  Wow we're done here if I feel like it.  BUT I DON'T.  I will write another paragraph or two IF IT KILLS ME.  Wait. No.  I gotta stop saying I'll do things even if it kills me.  I SHOULDN'T do pretty much anything if it kills me.  Well.  If it's really altruistic or something.  If I could save 1,000 lives by doing something that kills me I'd have to consider it, right?  Not sure I'd DO it.  But I'd give it some thought!
    Wonderful.  What else is going on and crap.  Right now aiming for Pasta Creamish Dish for LUNCH.  Gotta go with my gut on this one.  And my gut will probably change it's mind once or twice but still.  If it changes it's mind AN ODD amount of times it's teak and eggs.  EVEN amount of times we're still at Creamish Pasta Dish.  That's how that goes.  What else is crap.  I haven't had an UNDER SEVEN WALK SCHEDULE since getting TV Speakers.  Now I have time to LISTEN TO NOSTALGIA MUSIC.  Or PLAY GUITAR ON THE VIDEO GAME.  Interesting.  Whole new world has opened up to me since last time I was taking less than seven walks a day.  The point is Huh?  What else is crap.  The point is theoretically where I am right now exactly in weight is FINE.  I just wanna lose another pound or two BECAUSE IT'S AESTHETICALLY ORE PLEASING NUMBER.  Not even my body being more aesthetically pleasing. I  just want the amount of pounds to be ROUNDED OFF TO A MULTIPLE OF 5.  My life my choice deal with it or get off my website.  HEY I think I'm gonna get off my website now.  But I'll be back soon.  See ya then!




no one ever said it'd be good

    HMM.  Maybe give current diet-schedule-routine the ol' college try and if I MightNight Snack DON'T accommodate for it by eating smaller breakfast.  Target Breakfast is there for a reason!  That's part of the Diet Schedule Routine!  Give it about a week.  If I'm still MightNight Snacking after a week then we'll re-calibrate.  AMAZING.  THIS IS GOOD STUFF.  RELEVANT TO WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD TODAY.  Who cares.  Why am I supposed to be relevant.  I don't remember ever signing up to be relevant!  Hmm.  Got coffee #3 going on RIGHT NOW.  Delicious!  Anyway new Schedule is DELICIOUS.  Start off the day with a great breakfast.  FULL breakfast.  Got TWO snacks in store that are relatively big lowercase snacks.  Got freakin THREE MEALS AHEAD OF ME.  The Uppercase snack is more or less a lowercase meal let's talk about it.  SIX WALKS SOUNDS REASONABLE.  Time TO DO STUFF if that's the direction I want my life to go in.  This is the 1,128th routine I've tried over the past 2 months but THIS TIME IT'LL STICK.
     Great.  What else is going on and crap.  Lunch in an hour and a half.  Pretty hungry right now!  My guess is that'll dissipate over the next TENS OF MINUTES.  And I'll be okay for most of the time before lunch actually happening.  What else is great in the world.  Hmm that's a tough one.  First things first WHAT CAN I WATCH ON THE TV.  Oh right.  I don't know.  Hmm.  I had a great idea for a big lowercase snack.  A FIBER ONE BROWNIE AND A PROTEIN ONE BAR AT SAME TIME.  Right around where I want snack to be calorie-wise.  10 or 20 calories over but more or less on target.  WOW THIS IS GREAT.  LIFE KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER.  Then soon it will get WORSE AND WORSE AND BETTER AND WORSE AND WORSE AND WORSE AND BETTER.  In the end will the Betters outnumber the Worses?  I DON'T KNOW.  Life'll be life.  Who can say how great or ungreat it will be.  I've only been around 33 years not enough time to decide if life is good or not!  Still undecided.  Hmm.  Crap and crap.  What to do SPECIFICALLY when the entry is over and I haven't had lunch yet.  DANGIT.  I'm seriously seriously considering Tales From That Crypt.  WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME.  Besides the obvious things.  What's wrong with me that's causing this Tales From That Crypt thing specifically.
Hmm.  What else is crap.  Almost all of these episodes haven't been watched with TV Speaker Super Sound.  I feel like it's about time I watch all the Tales From That Crypt with TV Speaker Super Sound.  Probably won't make a difference.  These are bootleg versions.  Audio can't be that reliable to be made the most of from TV Super Sound Speakers.  Only one way to find out.  ASK JEEVES.  What else is up.  Three and a half paragraphs to go!  Wonderful.  What else is going on and crap.  I finished my coffee already!  This act of entry is going slower.  Both because No Inspiration and also working on Super Market order and also Just Kinda DONE with the whole thing.  I mean I'll get back INTO IT.  Not to worry!  The next three paragraphs I'll be active and alert and giving you the best I could possibly give.  That sentence is about 30% an accurate portrayal of the next three paragraphs.  What else is going on.  Making some CHANGES this Super Market delivery.  Getting TURKEY CHILI and YELLOW, "SPANISH," RICE.  I've gotten regular chili from them before and it was good.  Dunno why I stopped getting it!  Didn't wanna commit to having it 2 or 3 times I guess.  NOW I'LL COMMIT.  I'M READY TO COMMIT.
     Yeah!  What else is up.  Super Market has a habit of saying Turkey Based Versions Of Food is more calories than Beef Based Versions.  Said it here.  Said it in at least one other thing I've checked lately.  PROBABLY THREE OR FOUR OTHER ONES.  The point is I didn't trust their calorie estimates before and now I really think they're just making it up as they go along.  I was giving them credit for being sneaky about it and cutting corners and basing it on something.  Now I think they just come up with a number for each thing and are like yeah that'll sell.  People will be on board with buying this product with this calorie number attached to it.  Those ASSHOLES.  The point is Great What Else.  Took a look at Pasta Creamish Dish.  This time around it's pretty packed!  The amount you get in these individual portion sized meals vary from time to time.  This time around it's a lot.  NOT SURE HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT.  Negatively is my first instinct!  Okay sure let's stick with that.  No reason to over think things.  Feel negatively about it.  Wonderful.
Penultimate paragraph!  Sure.  The point is Great Just Great.  Current walking/meal schedule will have me ON TARGET to watch HOME GAME NIGHTTIME BASEBALL pretty well.  I'd be getting home from last walk around the 2nd or 3rd inning.  Can watch the first two or three innings by fast forwarding between pitches.  Catch up to Live Baseball Game pretty quickly!  Also I feel like I can EASILY be awake for almost all HOME GAME NIGHT TIME GAMES for the duration.  West coast games?  NO WAY.  I'll be asleep long before the seventh inning stretch.  And then presumably corresponding with Los Angeles Seven Inning Stretch I will get up to eat some MightNight Snacks.  NO THAT MIGHT BE TOO EARLY.  It'll line up more with THE END OF THE GAME SEVERAL TENS OF MINUTES LATER.  The point is I'm thinking ahead.  What else is going on.  Hey the Mets got STERLING MARTE.  This dude STEALS BASES.  Not just a little.  A LOT.  I could get used to some guy stealing bases.  Get used to it REAL GOOD.
     Last paragraph of the day.  What a wonderful first third of the day or so.  I accomplished a lot!  I was tempted to abandon 3 hour meal separation schedule and I DIDN'T and I feel like I made the right decision BY FAR so far.  So there's that.  What else is crap.  Just about an hour between entry and lunch.  Gotta figure that'll be pretty standard as an average amount of time based on when I got up today and took first walk.  Also taking into account the times I zoned out and just sat here for TWOS OF MINUTES.  What else is crappening.  Mom is gonna do my laundry today or tomorrow!  Not all of it!  More than enough though.  Thanks Mom.  She'll never read this.  Because she doesn't know how to read.  Maybe someone will dictate it to her.  Presumably she understands words and language if she's hearing it and doesn't have to read it.  I don't know, I don't have all the details in front of me!  I'll be back tomorrow.

-12:58 P.M.




Tuesday, February 22, 2022

show the website some respect

    HEY!  Had the tiniest binge.  We're talkin' I had appropriate breakfast, then 20 minutes later I tried new large-ish granola bar and then a pop tart.  Then I stopped!  If I stay on track for the rest of the day I end up at NET ZERO calories lost/gained.  Also behind schedule a lot today!  Woke up late, had late appointment with ZOOM Psychiatrist!  But we'll make do.  HMM.  Not very hungry right now.  If that lasts, maybe skip next LowerCase Snack and that makes up for 40% of it right there!  NO COMMITMENTS THOUGH.  If I wanna stay on schedule for the rest of the day, that's the healthiest thing to do!  Anyway what's going on in the wide world of sports.  Big game of RISK going on.  What with Ukraine Crisis.  I've got my money on Australia.  They can slowly build up a lot of troops because they control an entire content.  Then over time THE REST OF ASIA IS THEIRS.  South America is a relatively close second.
What else is up.  Haven't actually had ZOOM Appointment yet.  It's comin in 5 minutes.  Figured I'd get started in the mean time.  So there's that!  Anyway new Granola Bar was great!  You could taste the mocha presumably.  I forget.  I was too busy stuffing it down my gullet to appreciate the intricacies of it.  Anyway.  Had some MightNight snacks last night but that was cancelled out by not having any Regular Planned late night snacks last night.  Instead of having to cancel it out with smaller breakfast toady.  We're talking BREAKFAST TREATS.  Too delicious!  I'm going through them way too quickly.  Anyway.  Gotta finish this paragraph in 3 minutes to responsibly leave myself enough time to start opening Zoom and whatnot.  The good news is HEY I'M ALREADY THERE SORT OF.  Not the longest paragraph.  BUT LONG ENOUGH.  What the hell. I'll be back soon.
.  I'm back!  Told doctor about the waking up in night for MightNight Snacks.  I didn't use the phrase MightNight.  I'm not INSANE.  I only say it on my INSANE website.  Anyway she thought it was because of my eat-every-2-hours-diet.  Maybe she's right.  Bu she thought I was insane for doing this diet.  I didn't come up with it!  Eating every 2-3 hours is ALL OVER THE INTRANET.  Anyway maybe she's right but ore likely SHE'S DUMB AND WRONG.  The point is that went okay I guess.  What else is going on in the wide world of sports.  I LOVE making 4 week appointments in February.  Because it's the same day in March that it was in February.  I get a real kick out of that!  If only I were joking.  I feel that way all the time every year.  Amazing.  Maybe have delicious breakfast treat as upcoming snack.  DANGIT I'm gonna be done with these in 2-3 days.  And I may never get them again!  Always out of stock!  OR I can buy a pack of 12 or something from Regular Amazon.  WHATEVER.
     Sure.  Maybe try some ROCKSMITH today.  I finished Tales From That Crypt.  I dunno.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Banana Bread Day.  PERFECT.  Hook me up with some banana bread.  I feel like I've had banana pound cake more than a few times in the past.  That's good!  This is like that but not as good.  But still pretty good ONE WOULD GUESS.  Also it's a classic line in the Simpsons!  Apu has 8 babies and they're a hassle Marge brings Banana bread to support him and Apu is indignant and Marge is like sorry but Apu is like I got problems taking care of octopluts and BANANA BREAD is supposed to help me what's the deal with that have you heard about this.  EXACT DIALOGUE.  What else is going on and crap.  If it's such a classic line why did I need to say it.  For the people who don't know.  They won't appreciate it.  Only the people who do know would appreciate it.  And they don't need to hear it.  SHUT UP YOU IDIOT.
Coffee after this paragraph!  Wonderful.  I know WHAT meals I'm having but I don't know at which feeding times.  Steak and Egg Whites and Broccoli and Piece Of Bread and maybe A Few Half Roast Sphere Of Potato for lunch.  Health Fresh Direct Meal for dinner.  ANYWAY that's why I'm on track for NET ZERO calories today.  Both meals combined are a couple of hundred calories less than allowed for lunch and dinner.  WOW HOLY SHIT WHAT A GREAT DAY.  I ate THE TINIEST BINGE and I LIVED TO TELL THE TALE.  Cool.  Doctor talking to me like I'm insane and out of control with my diet.  FUCK YOU.  I'm SANE and IN CONTROL with this crap.  You IDIOT.  Then again you're a nice lady all in all I don't wanna Fuck You.  Say Fuck You.  Nor do I wanna VERB Fuck you.  Not my type!  Then again I probably WOULD if I had to.  I could think of worse things to do I guess.  But I'm not gonna go out of my way for it to happen is the point.  Coffee time.
  Not enough Truvia to last me.  I could stretch it out for it to last the day uncomfortably.  But trying to stretch it out into tomorrow or later is TOO MUCH.  Can put the order in for more today.  But a lot of good that does me for tomorrow!  Maybe it gets here tomorrow.  Does me good for tomorrow.  I DON'T KNOW.  Just spent 10-15 minutes going over with Dad how we can order new stuff from Amazon/Amazon Fresh.  So I get artificial sweetener.  And so he gets stuff!  Either way hopefully that can come tomorrow.  Also GETTING 2 MORE BREAKFAST TREATS.  I'm gonna get to eat THE SHIT out of these suckers.  Also online they say each one is 90 calories.  IN PERSON?  They say 80 calories.  HOLY SHIT I'M GONNA BE HEALTHY AS FUCK STUFFING THESE DOWN MY GULLET.  Anyway.  Gonna go with Sweet n' Low instead of Truvia.  Because that's what Amazon Fresh sells.  I'll survive!  Most likely!
     Cool.  Oh right Banana Bread Day.  Gotta look into getting banana bread.  Maybe it's on Amazon Fresh.  There's banana bread MIX.  I ain't making my own bread.  I'd do it wrong!  Also I just don't want to!  What else is up.  Seventh paragraph!  Feeding time coming up.  Lookin' like a nice Single Breakfast Treat'll do the trick.  Amazing!  What else is Amazing!  Getting a tub of ice cream.  Very low calorie ice cream.  Probably is mostly just Ice.  But possibly DELICIOUS and I can stuff it down my gullet all I want.  HEY just put in Amazon Fresh order to arrive TODAY.  We're talkin' I got 2 more packs of Breakfast Treats.  Partially because I'm goin' through them quickly and partially because they're rarely in stock so while they are Let's Get Em.  The good news is THAT.  That's the good news.  Maybe there's other good news, I don't know!  I don't wanna know!  Why push my luck re: Knowing Good News. 
     Anyway what else.  Sweet n Low?  Instead of Truvia?  IF YOU SAY SO.  FEEDING TIME.  Do I go crazy and try to skip it to make up for The Tiniest Binge.  Do I eat Breakfast Treat.  Do I eat some sort of Ice Cream Bar.  GRANOLA BAR.  A PORTION OF LEFT OVER FREEDOM CHIP PANCAKES.  Oh no too many good options.  I can't fail!  Each of these options are great!  The point is Wonderful Just Wonderful.  France helped broker possible SUMMIT between America and Russia.  Then it turned out Russia went crazy and is acting crazy now.  But for a while it looked like things were looking up.  Maybe summit will still happen.  And then France will have REDEEMED itself from not supporting Iraq War.  WE'RE ALLOWED TO CALL THINGS FRENCH AGAIN.  Whew.  It's about time.  That was weighing heavily on me for the last Almost 20 Years.  What else is going on and crap.  If I DO eat something I could eat it now On Track or maybe wait until after upcoming walk.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.  DANGIT.
     Ninth paragraph!
  Probably leaning towards having something before walk.  Possibly Breakfast Treat!  WHAT THE HELL IS THIS BULLSHIT.  Hmm.  Coffee with 4 Sweeteners instead of 8 STILL IS NOT BAD.  In fact it tastes more like coffee.  INTERESTING.  Very interesting.  Also insanely low calorie ice cream is COFFEE Flavored.  FINALLY an ice cream that tastes like coffee vaguely.  What else is up.  Got some dumb wafer cones to put that in.  Delicious.  That's the best part.  I could live with or without ice cream.  But if we're putting it into a cone NOW WE'RE TALKIN'.  The process sucks. A nd I'm bad at it.  But if you just HANDED me an ice cream cone that was made with tender love and care and it's filled appropriately and not lopsided-ly, GREAT.  So there's that.  IN FACT I'd have that RIGHT NOW if that was available to me.  DANGIT.  What else is up.  Think I'll have granola bar before taking upcoming walk.  And I know JUST THE GRANOLA BAR to have.  Delicious.
Great.  Way behind schedule today.  I'll survive!  Gonna have to be around mid-day to accept order.  I'll survive!  I'll get all my walks in one way or another, don't worry about me.  Well, worry about me.  Lots of stuff to worry about.  Not this, though!  Not a huge issue one way or another.  What else is up.  TUESDAY huh.  I can live with that.  I've been living with  it ALMOST THE ENTIRE DAY.  We're talkin' over 11 hours into a 24 hour day.  This day is practically half over!  GREAT.  SEE YOU IN HELL TUESDAY.  WEDNESDAY IS WHERE IT'S AT.  Huh.  How's My BALL been.  So far so good.  Haven't noticed any sort of descending into further upper pubic region lately.  Right where it should be.  You're welcome for keeping you updated.  Either way gotta ask a doctor about that at some point if I ever see a doctor again.  An APPROPRIATE doctor.  Hey great I'm gonna take a walk now.  Be back soon.




i'm all about writing entries

    SOMEWHAT VAGUELY POSSIBLE I may have lunch between Walk III and Act III.  Interesting very interesting.  Doctor was like what if instead of every 2 hours you ate every 3 hours.  And I was like WHAT ARE YOU INSANE?!?!  Then I was thinking about it on my walk and I was like HEY MAYBE THAT'LL WORK.  I CAN TRY THAT.  WHY NOT.  LET'S SEE.  WHO AM I TALKING TO.  OH RIGHT ME.  BUT since I'm losing one Feeding Time I get FLOATER SNACKS.  200 CAL OF FLOATER SNACKS.  2-3 things all in all.  Maybe 1 thing if I wanna go crazy.  THAT'S THE KEY TO MAKING THIS APPEALING TO ME.  Sounds fun.  Feeding times at 8/11/2/5/8/11.  I think the meals are obvious.  Also that overlaps with some walks but they're both relatively flexible so one gets pushed back 15, 20 minutes for the other?  No big deal!  THIS COULD WORK.  Also if it works my opinion of how much Doctor Helps me SKYROCKETS.  From not really but I hold nothing against the process to this helped me but also I'll forget about it too so there's that.  What else is up.
     Sure.  Thinking about different permutations of Eating Every 3 Hours Diet Schedule.  There's some plusses I can see!  Some slightly different ways to do it that might work.  The point is GREAT I LOVE TRYING NEW THINGS.  What else is up.  Had enough Truvia left over after only using half of normal dose for 1st cup for 2nd cup.  Knowing I don't need to save any for 3rd cup.  So this cup is GREAT.  Amazing.  Lunch'll end up a little bit later than 2 PM probably based on when this entry ends.  It was delayed for many reasons get off my back about it!  IN GENERAL 2 PM is even BETTER than 1 PM if I'm eating it after entry.  Because I'm regularly not ending entries until after 1 PM.  So that's how YOU KNOW this diet'll work.  That's the key that holds it all together!  Keys don't hold things together.  Key CHAINS do.  They hold your keys together.  Interesting.  Very interesting.  One permutation of New Diet Schedule is COMMIT to Uppercase Snack at 5 PM.  So basically most of the day is I'M EATING BIG TIME.  Lunch at 2.  Next thing is uppercase snack.  Next thing is DINNER.  Next thing is 2-3 SMALLISH Desserts over time.  Possibly NONE.  Possibly ALL THREE.  PLAY THAT SHIT BY EAR.
     What else is up.  Also breakfast is great especially if I stop MightNight Snacking.  Then the next snack may not be the most indulgent but it's a WILDCARD.  It could be anything INCLUDING semi-indulgent things.  Then next is LUNCH and HEY WE'RE ALREADY INTO THE INDULGENT PART OF THE DAY.  WOW THIS DIET SCHEDULE IS GREAT.  Apparently my days start at lunch and end at Entry Ending.  That's my religion.  Day starts with the lunch!  Seems reasonable.  Then again I don't feel like Right Now is the end of the day at all.  So it seems reasonable but is a terrible portrayal of how I really feel.  Oh well that's life.  Terrible portrayals of how I really feel.  Yep that checks out pretty well.  Anyway what else is up.  Gonna have to be around from 3-5 PM to accept Amazon Fresh delivery.  Hopefully they deliver quickly so I can get on track with my Walkings.  YEAH.  GOOD STUFF.  GETTING ON TRACK WITH WALKINGS.  I LIKE THIS BIT.  HMM.  If I'm eating dinner at 8-- am I having last walk of the day BEFORE or after.  It's general estimate schedule IS ALSO 8.  I think the goal is to have it BEFOREhand.  Maybe in practice I won't have time.  But off the top of my head that sounds like the way to aim for.  SOUNDS GREAT.
What else SOUNDS GREAT.  Music.  I like a lot of it.  Even more of it that I don't like!  But I avoid that.  I feel like over 50% of the time I hear music I like it.  And if you narrow it down to music I'M IN CONTROL OF that I chose to listen to more or less that number SKYROCKETS to over 70%.  WOW SKYROCKET.  So much better than those ground level and/or subterranean rockets.  WE DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF SUBTERRANEAN ROCKETS.  Don't like it!  Gonna be hard to commit myself to Uppercase Snack.  I'm always like well can't I just have an indulgent lowercase snack.  ISN'T THAT ENOUGH.  NOPE!  I carefully planned out this diet schedule routine with an uppercase snack SO YOU BETTER FOLLOW THAT ROUTINE BUSTER.  Also I'm talking to myself.  And calling myself Buster.  Also I have a hard time listening to myself apparently.  Go figure!  Hey Michael what if I split up Uppercase Snack into TWO OR THREE lowercase snacks between lunch and dinner.  It WOULD WORK THEORETICALLY but TOO COMPLICATED.  We can't complicate things.  KEEP IT SIMPLE.  STICK TO THE PLAN.  That's how I feel today.  OH YEAH.  The entire premise was 3 hours separation.  I start eating smaller snacks THEN THERE GOES THE ENTIRE PREMISE.  Oh right now I see.  That can't happen.  What else is up.
    Fifth paragraph!  Amazing.  The day is progressing like clockwork.  Not sure what that means.  I mean I 80% understand what the saying means in general.  But I only 66.7% understand what it means in this context.  That's a lie I SEVENTY FIVE percent understand what it means in this context.  I just think it means the relatively wrong thing.  What else is going on and crap.  WHAT TO WATCH today.  Maybe there's DOCUMENTARIES or something.  OH RIGHT.  Started watching season II of SPACE FORCE.  I don't wanna watch that now.  I'll watch it LATER.  It's good.  But not RIGHT NOW good.  I gotta watch a horror and/or documentary.  That's my general life premise.  Also NOT AND.  A horror AND documentary (real life documentary-- not fiction fake horror documentary)-- sounds too scary!  WAIT A SECOND NO.  If it's about horror FILM that's okay.  Not scary.  But a documentary about real life horror might be too scary because it's like MAYBE THE HORROR IS REAL AND MAYBE IT'S COMING AFTER YOU FOR WATCHING THIS HORROR DOCUMENTARY.  So we gotta look out for that.
     Anyway.  One or two more paragraphs for the act.  Probably just this one!  Amazing!  Great uppercase snack today would be 1/4th of 3 chocolate chip pancakes.  Hmm sounds like 3/4ths of a chocolate chip pancake.  Wow!  You must be some sort of genius!  It was me who did the calculations.  The guy whose me.  Well in that case I'm the genius apparently.  WOW!  LOOK I started off the day having to make up some calories.  TOO BAD.  Gonna try to stick to new diet for rest of day.  And reach NET ZERO calories on account of MEALS being slightly smaller.  YEAH.  LET'S DO THAT.  IS ANYONE STILL HERE READING THIS.  WOW HOW DID YOU GET TO THIS POINT.  YOU MUST BE SOME SORT OF GENIUS.  Hmm.  Gettin' back on schedule slowly but surely.  Also not all that slowly.  Getting back on schedule moderately quickly AND surely.  Wonderful.  I'll be back in a little bit.




feel free to leave at any time

    I CAN'T BE HAVING FLOATER SNACKS.  That defeats the whole purpose.  HOWEVER dessert snack scheduled for 11, the one after dinner-- that makes most sense as 2-3 smaller snacks over that time period.  It's the exception that proves the rule!  Anyway came up with a great premise for a healthy Uppercase Midday snack-- half a sandwich and a banana.  Not gonna have a Health Uppercase snack EVERY day.  But probably aim for every other one to be healthy.  Or maybe every third one to be healthy.  Every third one to be healthyish.  Every third one to be Dumb Fun Food.  YEAH.  The point is I got Steak and Egg Whites and Broccoli and Half Roast Spheres of Potato in oven AND ALSO A SLICE OF BREAD waiting in the wings to be eaten.  And I'll have it right around 2:00 LIKE THE PLAN.  I'll be done with this entry by then.  Sure.  Amazing.  LIFE IS GREAT SOMEHOW FOR SOME REASON NO ONE IS REALLY SURE OF.
Cool.  I was WONDERING how I could fit Fruit into the diet if I'm mainly having semi-indulgent snacks.  Now I know!  Pair it with half a sandwich.  Works for the fruit, WORKS FOR THE SANDWICH.  Great just great.  Gonna be able to fit in a walk after lunch so I'll be home by Three.  PERECT.  Amazon Fresh Delivery supposed to be between 3-5.  I'll be here, no problem, wonderful.  Okay great so we got Today down.  Then the next day starts.  Well that's close to the Jewish way of doing days.  Starting at sundown.  Getting delivery from 3-5 isn't quite sundown but it's close.  Anyway if I'm doing Jewish Days better get in the spirit of Being Jewish.  Hmm.  What can I do.  I don't wanna wear a yarmulke.  I'd have to go looking for one.  Gotta be a couple stashed away some place.  Then again maybe it couldn't hurt.  UNLESS I GO OUT IN PUBLIC IN IT.  Then I'm just ASKING for a hate crime.
     Sure.  What else is up.  We hear about Hate Crimes but we don't hear about LOVE CRIMES.  I bet half of domestic violence is actually Love Crimes.  One of them loves the other one so much they have to hurt them to prove their love!  LET'S GET IT RIGHT.  What else is going on.  Three hours isn't so far off from 2 hours.  Intranet was telling me it takes 2-3 hours for stomach to digest food or something.  So instead of doing it on one end of the Digesting Food spectrum it's the other end.  But STILL THE SAME PREMISE.  Let's see how it goes.  Great.  What else is great.  Probably things and crap.  WOW NICE BREAK AT THE END OF DAY.  Home by 8 PM for good.  Under current schedule premise, that means I'm up and about for 2 hour 45 minutes.  THEN IT'S TIME TO GET TO BED in time for my 11 PM Bed Time.  YEAH.
  Anyway.  Got a lot of good thoughts on 3 Hour Between Things Diet but it's only been percolating for a few hours.  God only knows what kind of ideas I'll come up with that incorporate this basic premise over the next few days and/or years.  I LOOK FORWARD TO FIGURING THESE THINGS OUT.  KEEPING YOU UPDATED AS IT PROGRESSES.  ALL IN ALL WONDERFUL LIFE I GOT IN STORE FOR ME IS THE POINT.  Also I get to share a special connection with Physiatrist.  FINALLY something worthwhile comes out of our relationship.  That's pretty cool!  What else is crappening.  Gotta figure out what to put on the TV immediately after entry/during lunch.  HMM.  Better think of it NOW so I'm prepared.  THIS IS TOUGH.  Let's take a quick survey of my DVDs.  Gotta be quick, though!  I'm on a time schedule because lunch will be ready in 20 minutes.  Gotta be done here and everything for that!  Thems the breaks!  OKAY DVD SCANNING COMMENCE.  WHY DON'T I HAVE THE FRIGHTENERS ON DVD.  WHAT AM I AN IDIOT.  I don't think I'd wanna watch it right now.  But I should have it anyway.  OK DVD SCANNING CONTINUE.  ALL THESE MOVIES SUCK.
     Penultimate paragraph.  Might have to leave lunch in oven a bonus 5-10 minutes.  Which is PERECT because I was gonna be taking it out A LITTLE early to accommodate eating it when I really wanted.  The point is I'll Think Of Something.  Maybe the Television will be playing something I'd like to watch.  I guess.  At the very least HOARDING will be on.  There's 4-6 channels HOARDING may or may not be on but it will be on ONE OF THEM at any given moment.  So I got that to look forward to.  What else is crap.  Started a new bar of soap for my shower.  Amazing.  Where do I come up with this stuff.  Here.  The place where I am.  That does ME no good I dunno where you are!  In my house.  The one I share with my parents.  Well, they share it with me.  Anyway I live in a specific room where I spend most of my time.  That's where I am right now.  Oh okay Gotcha.
     Last paragraph!
  On schedule and everything.  Wonderful.  I like THE START of trying out new diets.  Everything is rosy and golden and will work out amazing in perpetuity.  WHEW THAT'S A RELIEF.  I was HOPING something like that would happen and now it appears it actually will so I'm happy as a clam.  HOW COME I HAVEN'T HAD BAKED/STUFFED CLAMS IN A LONG TIME.  THOSE ARE DELICIOUS.  SEEMS LIKE A PRETTY BIG OVERSIGHT.  What else is going on and crap.  I COULD watch Space Force.  Not in the mood.  I'd rather watch Something Else.  Great.  What else is going on.  Solid TUESDAY today.  For a while it felt more like a Wednesday.  Nope!  Tuesday!  GREAT.  AN EXTRA DAY TO MAKE THIS WEEK GOOD.  Then again the extra day could make the week worse.  NAH I DON'T THINK SO.  THIS WEEK IS TRENDING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.  The point is the entry is over.  I'll see you guys tomorrow presumably.

-1:48 P.M.




Monday, February 21, 2022

why do i always have to write the entry

    HELLO.  Had some MightNight snacks last night.  Made up for it mostly with smaller breakfast.  That's the standard more or less.  Breakfast becomes a lowercase snack to 80% make up for MightNight Snacks on average.  DANGIT.  Imagine how great the start of the day would be if Breakfast was an UPPERCASE snack.  Huh?  Oh, okay.  Monday entry!  Start of the week.  Or so I've been led to believe.  Accepting Amazon Fresh delivery this afternoon.  May muck up my walking schedule!  May not!  May kind of be inconveniencing but mostly I can work around it!  YEAH.  The point is I feel like I'm gonna check my weight soon.  Later in the week.  A few days in a row so I get a good idea of what it really is and not just what it happens to be based on how the scale is feeling That One Day.  I HOPE IT'S A NUMBER I'D BE HAPPY WITH.  Makes sense!  What else have I accomplished lately.  ENJOYING British Season of Tales From That Crypt this time around.  Cant' say for certain why.  TV Speakers?  MAYBE!
    British Tales From That Crypt really lean into SUBWOOFER for entertainment.  Other seasons rely on image but the Brits go all in on SOUND.  Oh I see that makes a lot of sense.  Or-- more likely but kind of related-- I can HEAR the dialogue better.  I only 40% pay attention to these episodes, BRIT OR NOT, but with TV Speakers I absorb the dialogue more so I'm more into the episode so I like it better!  Oh okay wonderful.  The point is another Late Day Getting Up today.  I'll be back on Walking Schedule by the middle of the day.  And then by the end of the day I'll be ahead of walking schedule.  And then tomorrow Who Knows.  Anyway I'm doing something irresponsible and thinking about standard snacks to have every day at specific times.  NO GOOD.  That can only lead to BADNESS.  Even if the snacks are timed perfectly for health, taste, variety, and hunger satisfaction reasons.  STILL.  Best way is to go into each snack as a Wildcard.  Play it by ear!  Sounds tough.  Most things ya play you really should be seeing, too.
Amazing.  Probably aim for a 1 PM Lunch and a 7 PM Dinner today.  You could make a good case for 3 PM lunches and 9 PM Dinners (although they don't even need to align such that it's 6 hours between them each day).  But I THINK this is the way to go for both today and IN PERPETUITY.  Just feels right!  Then again the other ways feel right too.  Also everything feels wrong.  Basically I Get All The Feels.  Mostly about meals and other assorted feeding times.  What else is up.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Cook A Sweet Potato Day and National Margarita Day.  Don't tell me what to cook!  I'll EAT a sweet potato.  Get off my back about preparing it, though.  Where do you get off.  Also not sure if I've ever had a margarita.  Seems like it's alcohol, though.  Maybe I should try it.  Let's consult Wikipedia to see what it is exactly.  HEY THAT LOOKS DELICIOUS.  Why aren't I having one RIGHT NOW.  Seems like kind of an oversight.
     Sure.  What else is up!  Probably CRAP and stuff am I right.  Huh.  Cleant up my room yesterday.  Put wires and plastic pieces and whatnot away from TV Speakers and Phone.  Threw out all cardboard and styrofoam and assorted other garbage.  Cleant up my room in all other aspects.  AMAZING.  What else is up.  What do I got in store for the rest of the day.  Three episodes of Tales From That Crypt left.  That won't last me very long!  I wonder what else I can watch that is Playing On My TV Today.  Maybe some sort of Digital Video Disc.  HEY I wonder if the sound on DVDs from 20 years ago is Great with speakers.  Solid chance these DVDs were designed to be good with speakers.  Maybe not as good as CURRENT FOUR THOUSAND DVDS are.  But possibly better than Live TV!  And almost definitely better than fan-uploaded bootleg youtube content.  So I got that going for me?  Right.  First I need to pick a DVD.  HMM.
Coffee after this paragraph!  Amazing!  THEN AGAIN if I'm having lunch at 1 PM Feeding Time it ends up being PAST THAT especially if I continue getting up late.  FOR EXAMPLE my current timing would have entry ending around 1:30 PM off the top of my head.  Can't eat lunch while entry is almost over.  It makes no sense!  Just wait until entry is over.  If it was a snack SURE.  You can have snacks while doing other things because it's not a big deal.  DANGIT.  What's going on and crap.  Still having MightNight snacks, but I think since I started Walking on even hours and Eating on odd hours about a week ago, no binging at all!  Sometimes I eat something I don't NEED to.  At a time I hadn't pre-planned.  But it's no binge.  Not even close!  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT IS THE POINT.  Huh.  Was about to go into what I'm trying out from Amazon Fresh.  Realized we covered that extensively yesterday.  I'm always one step ahead!  Coffee time.
   HEY.  Gotta work it out with my Dad that it's okay for me to turn oven on before first walk.  I WANT to eat frozen breakfast meals.  But if I gotta wait till I get back to turn on the oven-- very inconvenient timing wise!  ALSO sure I can microwave it like a chump.  But I'm no chump!  Maybe I am!  I probably am!  But I STRIVE to be less like a chump.  And more like a... uh... what's the opposite of a chump EXACTLY.  Lemme LTURQ.  I dunno.  Maybe I will maybe I won't.  I could type into google what is the exact opposite of a chump.  Or I could NOT do it.  At this point I have to do it, right?  Ok lets go.  HMM there was a GREAT webpage that popped up and gave opposites for all definitions of chumps.  Way too much to say here.  But really pleasantly surprised at this page that exists that really goes in depth on opposites of Chump.  wordhippo.com.  Check it out!  I know I will!  I just did.  Amazing!
     Seventh paragraph!  Whatever.  I like using words that have various relatively different meanings because they COMBINE INTO ONE when you use it without further context.  I just say I'm No Chump and ALL DEFINITIONS come together at once.  FASCINATING.  Anyway.  Great!  Also SURE I'm on the Chump spectrum.  Well, everyone is.  Even if they're all the way to Not Being A Chump.  Still on the spectrum from Chump to Not A Chump.  What's going on again.  I lost track.  Hmm.  Parents both turning 74 by the end of the week.  I feel like 74 is a thing.  Not sure why.  Hmm.  Maybe a local middle school was a 74.  That might be what I'm thinking of.  I went to ONE FIFTY EIGHT.  M. S.  Gotta imagine M.S. stands for middle school.  I think the 74-- should it exist-- was an I.S.  Intermediate School?  I dunno!  Either way gotta be better more universal and reasonable associations with the number 74.  Better LTURQ.  THE ATOMIC NUMBER OF TUNGSTEN.  What the HELL?  There's an element called TUNGSTEN?  I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THAT BEFORE.  I took Chemistry several times and TUNGSTEN rings absolutely NO bells.
    Anyway there's that.  Eighth paragraph!  Not sure what to have for lunch.  Got 5 choices more or less.  There's one choice that is probably a majority possibility.  Not even plurality.  Solid over 50% Chance!  We're talking KIDS MEAL CHICKEN PARM.  They say it's for kids but I'm an adult and I like it.  I feel like I should be able to sue them for this.  I can sue them for anything.  That's my prerogative.  It'll probably get thrown out before I make any progress with the suit but I can TRY is the point.  What else is up.  OH HERE'S SOMETHING NEW from the Amazon Fresh order.  Trying a new brand of HOT DOG which is very low calorie.  Not sure why or how.  I dunno what it is.  But presumably it tastes vaguely like a hot dog at least.  And is low calorie!  We're talkin' it could play a nice roll in a MidCase Snack.  WITH A ROLL IF YOU CATCH MY DRIFT.  Bread!  Well not a roll per say.  But BREAD definitely.
What the hell.  Ninth paragraph!  What else is up.  I like the part where it's CHICKEN.  I like the part where it's CHEESE.  I like the part where it's PASTA.  None of it is high quality and actually each of them is kind of gross.  Pasta gets hard half of the time in the cooking.  Chicken patty is kinda very cheap and carboardy.  Cheese leaves something to be desired.  But all together DELICIOUS I GET SOMETHING OUT OF THIS.  Over 50% chance for each ingredient that it will be pretty good.  Lots of possibilities that it won't be.  And the odds are for each meal at least one aspect of it is off.  BUT I'LL TAKE THOSE CHANCES.  I got nothing better to do than take chances.  No community chests around!  Not that I know about at least.  Maybe there's a community chest down the street.  Not safe, though!  Covid!  Hmm.  Already very much caught up halfway around now.  And I only have to write one more paragraph this Act.  Which is good because this act is THE PITS and maybe the next act will be when I turn things around!
     Yeah!  MAYBE HAD MIDCASE SNACK AT 1, LUNCH AT 3, FRUITBASED SNACK AT 5, DINNER AT 7.  These are the days of my lives.  Potentially.  I LIKE the idea of trying this out but I may or may not follow through.  Gotta imagine I can come up with some dumb shit to say to finish this paragraph pretty quickly and then move on with my life!  Imagine it hardcore.  Anyway.  Fancy cookies I got last week where it's like high quality dark chocolate candy bar on top of high quality butter cookie is a FRENCH NAME brand.  But my Mom insists these are British cookies.  And m yDad has GONE OVER TO THE DARK SIDE and refers to them as British Cookies.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  They both KNOW it's a French Title.  I've made that clear to them.  They still feel it's representative of a British Cookie.  And maybe they're right!  I don't know!  It's possible.  BUT IT PISSES ME OFF ALL THE SAME.  I'll be back in a little bit.




it's no big deal

    HEY!  Lowercase snack ins indulgent Brit-Frenchy Cookies.  Reasonably satisfying.  And definitely delicious.  I'm not just saying that!  I'm not looking at the price and packaging and fancy name and being like well it must be delicious.  I'm not looking a the ingredients separately and thinking well it must be delicious.  I'm not going by Internet Posters and/r My Mom's opinion and thinking well it must be delicious.  IT IS GOOD.  And if I CAN have 2 at a time as a lowercase snack WHY NOT RE-UP WITH IT.  I've given myself a lot to think about.  I think I'll have lunch when this entry is done.  The chicken parn.  I've given myself a lot to think about.  WAIT NO with that one I've REMOVED the potential for having to think a lot.  I'm making decisions!  Thinking is Yesterday's NEWS.  Today is all about DOING STUFF with minimal thinking.  So I got that going for me.  DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES FOR DINNER TONIGHT.  You idiot this is the best news since I Wanna Say November.  Which is weird because I've gotten it plenty of times since November.  But tonight I feel really good about it!
     What else is crap.  Many Saints of Newark was okay.  Not sure why a lot of this stuff happened.  Yeah I GET there has to be some sort of plot and action and narrative.  But also WHO CARES.  So there's that.  Interested in trying new granola bar from Amazon Fresh.  DARK MOCHA ALMOND?  I like a solid 90% of those things.  Dark is great.  Mocha, wonderful!  Almond?  I like it more than 50% but I'm not gonna say I'm 100% on board with almonds.  I MAY be in this micro situation.  But overall?  Almonds haven't reached the point with me that I'm 100% on board with em yet.  GO FIGURE.  What else is up.  OH RIGHT I get to have coffee.  Finish this paragraph and then go get that.  Last couple of days I've left over coffee #3.  WONDERFUL.  I'm losing weight at a rate no one could have imagined.  Because one less coffee.  AMAZING.  Huh.  OH RIGHT I'm also getting the Breakfast Cookies.  HOPEFULLY no MightNight snacks tonight so I can have an entire THREE OF THEM for tomorrow's breakfast.  I don't wanna have MightNight Snacks and then be like well I can only afford to have one, maybe one and a half. NO.  I WANNA DO IT RIGHT.  Hey great here come the coffee.
  At this rate I can probably have lunch by 1:30 PM.  That's pretty reasonable.  Pretty VERY Reasonable.  What else is crap.  Gotta figure out what to watch on The Television Set today.  Must be some decent options out there!  That's what I'm counting on.  Presumably there's room for me to try New Granola Bar later today.  Seems reasonable that I can work it in as a snack.  VERY reasonable.  MOCHA?  That's like Chocolate AND like indulgent Coffee.  You put the two together and you get MOCHA.  I LIKE IT.  Also I May not know what what Mocha means.  Better LTURQ.  It's a COFFEE THING through and through.  Just in recent history it's associated with coffee with an addition of chocolate or cocoa or something.  HEY YOU GOT MY ATTENTION NEVERTHELESS.  Maybe a little bit the less.  Maybe ALWAYSTHELESS.  Most likely Sometimestheless and lets move on with our lives.  Great.  What else is up.  Feeling like I kinda wanna mix things up with Eating Schedule.  Walking schedule is great.  I'm flexible about it but more or less it's great.  Eating?  Part of me wants to mix it up!  But MOST OF ME sees its working more or less and DOESN'T wanna mix it up.  Wow MOST OF ME?  That sounds like the way to go.  If you're putting Part of Me against Most Of Me it stands to reason I should side with Most Of Me 9 times out of 10.  And that 10th time IS A MISTAKE.
     Sure.  What else is up!  The point is maybe I should cook sweet potato today.  Wait.  No.  TOMORROW.  But I guess I gotta prepare today.  Get some sweet potato TODAY.  AND COOKING MATERIALS.  Either way am I supposed to eat it when it's done?  Feed it to other people?  Or is it just the process itself that is the reward.  Hmm.  Once Super Market starts selling that Even Lighter Beer SOLID chance I try it out despite it causing a ruckus with my parental units.  I liked the part where The Commercial Told Me What To Do.  Makes sense to me!  What else.  One back-up lunch idea that's been gaining steam in my mind is the one where it's like shredded pieces of chicken with cauliflower rice and bits of egg and carrot and mushrooms.  And peas.  DISGUSTING PEAS.  I'll take out half the peas manually and then get bored and just try to eat around the rest.  The point is interesting dark horse candidate.  Presumably HEALTHIER.  But I'll eat both at some point so which one is healthier doesn't really matter.  YEAH.  So there's that to think about and whatnot.  Also thinking about getting STEAK and EGG WHITES and BROCCOLI and TOAST and LEFT OVER HALF ROASTED SPHERE POTATOES for next 3 lunches.  AMAZING IT'S GONNA BE A BLAST AND A HALF.
Fifth paragraph of the act!  Aim for six at this point.  Seems about right.  Pretty much made my way onto schedule after starting out an hour behind just a couple of hours ago.  Looks like normal schedule is way too accommodating.  YEAH!  What else is up.  Picture of meal on website shows more of a chicken patty.  If I remember correctly it was more shredded than anything when I got it.  NO judgments!  Shredded chicken is fine.  Even ENCOURAGED.  Most times I get chicken in these meals it's patty.  I LIKED the mix-em-up.  WONDERFUL.  THIS IS GREAT STUFF.  I'm Reading It At Least.  So that's not great news for anybody but it's the life we live for some reason.  Cool.  Not sure why it turned out this way exactly but the diet over the last week or two accommodates as big lower case snacks as I want.  I'm still having the same amount of slightly smaller snacks as before.  Sometimes I want them based on taste, sometimes I want them based on calories, sometimes I want them based on health appropriateness at that time of the day.  BUT pretty much any snack I can go with whatever I want!  IT'S AMAZING.  GAME CHANGER.  WHAT'S GOING ON AGAIN.
Last paragraph of the act.  What a great entry this has been.  I said the same stuff as before.  COMFORTING.  Gotta imagine, assuming one or more people read this every day, they get something out of it.  Otherwise they'd stop.  The comfort in the routine might be it!  Seems like one possible positive aspect.  I can think of more.  Maybe people like SCHADENFRUEDE and like to see me embarrass myself on the internet.  Good for them.  I hope everything works out in their lives too.  The point is I am ON SCHEDULE now.  Next walk will be just about Noon.  Started off the day with a walk at 9-- an hour behind schedule.  IN THREE SHORT HOURS I MADE UP AN ENTIRE HOUR.  Hmm wonder how that happened.  And DON'T SAY writing nonsense dumbness too quickly because I don't care how good it is and also it's not very good.  Don't say it because why bother I'm already thinking it.  No need to be redundant!  Anyway I'll be back soon.




i hope you're happy

    MAYBE JUST MAYBE have lunch at 3 PM and not 1.  I'm not that hungry right now!  I know it's not 1 yet but We'll Play It By Sight.  The point is I'm gonna have an apple when this is over and then lunch 2 hours after that.  Then I got EVEN MORE PLANS but No Spoilers.  Maybe I'll keep you updated on this situation tomorrow.  Maybe I won't.  We'll have to see how it all plays out in Real Time.  Got coffee #3 going on now, though.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Wanna get back to 115 pounds.  Then it's time to Try Again With Maintenance Diet.  This time around I know DON'T DROP WALKS as a way to make calories line up.  I LIKE THE WALKS.  Also walks help prevent me from eating more.  So basically figure out a way to eat a bit more that won't drive me towards eating too much more.  I CAN DO IT.  LEMME AT IT.  I'm Ready.  Figure I'll get to that point in 1-3 months.  AMAZING.  MONTHS.  NUMBERS OF MONTHS.  I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THIS STUFF.
What else is going on.  HMM got those way too low calorie hot dogs.  That'll get me in BASEBALL spirit.  Hey I'm having Sawdust Dogs in a piece of white bread JUST LIKE AT THE BALL PARK.  That sort of thing.  Also I think hot dog buns are GREAT.  I dunno why we don't have other kinds of sandwiches in hot dog buns.  It's convenient for stuffing things down your gullet, it tastes good, and it's healthy!  ONE OR TWO OF THOSE THINGS MIGHT BE A LIE.  But the point remains.  The point is I've always felt this way but never ACTED on it.  Maybe once or twice ACTED on it but then forgot.  Now I know next time I'm getting myself bread for sandwiches?  GET ME SOME HOT DOG BUNS. It's MY LIFE I get to do things the way I WANT.  Sometimes.  If it's within the law.  I don't wanna go to JAIL or anything based on my sandwich choices.  Unless they serve good meals in jail.  Three hots and a cot!  Sounds good to me!  Just don't eat the cot by accident.  Unless if its delicious.  THen go nuts!  Good luck finding a better place to sleep then though.
    What else.
  MAN OH MAN am I gonna figure out something adequate to watch on TV today.  Finish last 3 episodes of Tales From That Crypt.  Then there'll be something that occurs to me and I'm like HEY THAT'S RELATIVELY PERFECT.  It will entertain me a solid SIX OUT OF TEN.  Which is GREAT.  It's above average entertaining to me!  Five is average!  Prove me wrong!  The point is just had some Cauliflower crackers and I have no problem with them at this point.  I like the Cauliflower Kick somehow!  Also back leaning towards Chicken Parm meal and not Shredded Chicken with Cauliflower Rice among other things meal.  Gotta go with my gut on this one.  Usually I go with other organs but today it's the gut's turn to dictate my life.  Tomorrow is Spleen.  Then Wednesday is Pancreas.  So I got the week planned out at least.  Or half of it at least.  Hey great I just need to write three more paragraphs!
What else.  Not sure if I wanna shave at this point.  Closing in on 3 weeks without shaving.  At this point kinda wanna see how far I can go with this.  Sure in past I've gone through YEARS without shaving except for the random times I would get haircuts 3 or 4 times a year.  But this time around it's different!  Not sure how!  The point is LET'S SEE WHERE THIS GOES.  What else is going on and crap.  Now my face is more protected from the cold.  That's what hair is for, right?  Keeps ya warm in cold climates.  Well Winter is another month presumably.  THEN we'll re-assess what I wanna do with facial hair.  Ugh.  How's the entry going.  Almost done.  I like that.  That's my favorite part of the entry!  Well, second favorite.  That sort of thing.  What else is up.  OH NO current snack plans for today may not leave room for trying delicious new MOCHA BASED Granola Bar.  WAIT A SECOND.  If I move things around a little bit just right, change my interpretation a bit... YES.  IT COULD WORK.  We could make this happen.
Penultimate paragraph.  Or save it for tomorrow.  Who gives a fig.  I GIVE A FIG.  I gotta try this.  It might be the best thing I've ever tasted.  At this point we can't rule that out at all.  What else is going on and crap.  Let's wrap up the entry.  Gotta fit in the next 2 walks quicker than usual cause I gotta be home during the window of time the Amazon Fresh delivery is supposed to get here.  LOOK some of this stuff needs to be Fridgerated or Freezered.  I gotta be around to make sure that happens!  It's important!  Can't someone else do it.  You'd Think So But No.  What else is going on and crap.  LOOK would it be great to have a dessert, preferably chocolate based Snack imminently?  Sure!  But apple is the way to go for SEVERAL reasons.  Most of all I bet while I'm having it I don't regret it at all.  SECOND who cares the first reason is more than enough.
Last paragraph.  Had delicious Salmon last night.  No BBQ Sauce.  It was very bland.  But hey what can ya do.  That's salmon for ya!  Tasted okay I guess.  I liked the part where it was okay.  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  OR I could go in another direction and have half a sandwich for upcoming snack.  SPOILER ALERT That messes up Future Part Of Day.  Currently planning on having half a sandwich with some leftover crumb BBQ Pop Chips as MidCase Snack between Lunch and Dinner.  The point is Jesus Christ is this entry over yet?  I wanna decompress for 10 minutes then eat an apple then take a walk and stick to the schedule.  And the rest of my day will be mostly pretty good presumably, too!  Anyway.  Been PRETTY good with my chewing gum.  For the most part I chew one piece at a time instead of two.  Those 2nd pieces each time ADD UP QUICKLY in the calorie category.  Still not perfect!  Do two pieces sometimes.  But I'm TRENDING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-1:02 P.M.




Sunday, February 20, 2022

it's an honor to be here

    HEY!  Pretty behind schedule today.  But not really.  Cause it was planned!  I woke up on schedule, was not only like well I wanna sleep more, but was CONSCIOUSLY like well I wanna sleep more AND it doesn't matter if I'm behind schedule by a period of several FIFTEEN MINUTES. In this case it turned out to be THREE OR FOUR 15 minute Periods.  But either way the good news is I took a nap last night which transitioned to just sleeping for the night.  It was fun!  Had a couple of CONSCIOUS MightNight Snacks which were made up for this morning with Smaller Breakfast.  Which is the routine at this point.  MightNight Snacks and Smaller Breakfast.  Man oh man if I ever stop MightNight Snacks I can have a larger breakfast.  Can't hurt to dream.  The point is I SKIPPED MY LAST WALK?  But for a good cause!  Taking a nap!
     Cool.  Look, does being behind schedule muck up Walking Schedule?  Sure.  A bit!  But at some point in the day I will catch up.  So there's that!  Does it influence feeding schedule?  MIGHT A BIT.  But I can live with having a Feeding Time Snack 15 minutes late or something.  Live with it HARDCORE.  Anyway looks like I might have communal salmon for dinner tonight.  Wasn't my first choice!  But I can live with it.  GREAT.  Got delicious Chicken Sandwich for lunch today.  GREAT.  That time the Great was NOT SARCASTIC.  It is great!  GOTTA SNACK LEFT OF BONUS LEFTOVER FREEDOM TOAST.  That's great, too!  A lot of things are great.  In fact EVERYTHING is Great.  Some things are sarcastically Great and some things are genuinely great.  And some things are passively neutrally great.  That covers about all the bases.  Anyway.  National Food of The Tomorrow is... National Sticky Bun Day.  Sounds good.  Is that like a cinnamon roll?  Better LTURQ.  YES THEY'RE VERY SIMILAR.  One difference is sticky buns contain NUTS.  Another is OTHER THINGS.
     What else is going on.  I'd eat a cinnamon roll. I'd eat lots of things.  Let's face facts I'd eat I Dunno 85% Of Things.  Probably should be even higher.  OH ALSO when I say things I mean edible things that are socially acceptable and encouraged in at least one culture to be eaten.  YEAH.  Probably 95% of the unhealthy food and maybe 70% of the healthy food.  That's what I'd be happy to eat!  Maybe more like 50% of the healthy food.  Healthy Food?  DISGUSTING.  Anyway.  Watched The The Sopranos Movie again yesterday.  Liked it better this time around!  Knowing what I was gonna be getting going into it made it better.  Also I like the part where stuff happens.  Anyway.  Maybe I get lucky and my Mom doesn't want salmon for tonight.  It's possible!  We'll have to wait and see.  What else is going on and crap.  Looking at Amazon Fresh.  Gonna be putting in an order tonight.  I want to add things I would want to receive from them.  Makes sense.
Cool!  Is it an HONOR to be here or a PLEASURE to be here.  You could make a case for PLEASURE.  But I think I've done phrase-synonyms of It Being A Pleasure To Be Here already a few times in the past few weeks.  Haven't really drawn attention to it being an HONOR yet.  It's about time I do!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Probably have leftover Freedom Toast as upcoming snack.  It's just a few bitesworth.  Just about enough for a lowercase snack.  I planned it that way!  WOW I'M SMART or something.  What else is crap.  Hmm.  If I'm having salmon tonight that'd be around 7 PM cause I'm making it for my parents too.  Does that mean I have to have lunch at 1 PM  for Spacing Reasons?  NOPE.  3 PM would be fine.  Four hours between lunch and dinner is reasonable!  I'll have to keep an eye on this situation as it develop. S.  Oh okay.  The point is Great Just Great.  Did we go over National Food for tomorrow.  Oh right Sticky Buns.  Gimme a stuck bun.  I'll do something to it.  Presumably stuff it down my gullet.  OR MAYBE SOMETHING ELSE.
Coffee after this paragraph.  HMM.  Add indulgent mini pieces of indulgent ice cream bar.  I THINK I might be able to have those responsibly and not have them instigate a binge.  Each mini one is 60 calories.  I CAN SEE myself having two and only two as a lowercase snack and it being satisfying.  LET'S GIVE IT A SHOT.  Wonderful just wonderful.  Actually no gonna delete it.  Not ready yet.  Maybe later on in diet.  When I'm on more solid ground.  Not counting MightNight Snacks I've been good with my diet for roughly a week.  But let's get settled in more before we start loosening up.  YEAH SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT.  Okay calm down.  SURE IF YOU SAY SO.  Huh.  Been taking very shower showers lately.  We're talkin' maybe 2 minutes.  Water ain't so hot so what's the point.  Just get in and get out!  Anyway.  Good for the environment!  Water is part of environment.  I can't be using all of the water (all of the environment).  Then that's less water (environment) for the Inuits!  That's no good!  Coffee time!
    THEN AGAIN MAYBE I DO WANNA CHANCE IT.  I can have 2 of these mini indulgent ice cream things as a lower case snack.  I can have 3-5 as an uppercase snack.  I can have 1 as a RARE IDLE lower lowercase snack that SHOULDN'T be allowed BUT IS.  If only I could get my parents on board to try it.  So it will slowly disappear even if I'm not eating it.  Oh well that's life.  Gotta Go For The Gold even if it means breaking your legs.  In this case eating ice cream is the gold.  And eating too much of it is breaking my legs.  Oh great analogy.  Sure it is!  OR I could have ALL OF IT as a dinner.  That's too big a dinner.  14 pieces of 860 calories.  I can have TEN pieces as a dinner.  WOW LET'S DO THAT.  Hmm.  I've said it before, I'll say it again-- if I lived alone and no one was judging me, I'd eat dessert snack crap for regular meals.  So I got that to look forward to eventually.  ABOUT TIME.  I was wondering when I'd think of something to look forward to eventually.
     Yeah!  While we're going crazy, get some small wafer cookies.  EIGHT COOKIES IS 140 CALORIES?  AND ONE CAN ONLY ASSUME EACH COOKIE IS HUGE?  I'd be an idiot NOT to try this.  What else is going on and crap.  Like me some wafer cookies!  These must be pretty thin.  That would explain how low calorie they are.  And also explain why on the box the picture of them makes them look thin.  Hmm.  Anyway what else is going on.  HMM not only did I miss last walk of the day yesterday I missed some sit-up/push-up/push-up-for-your-rights last night that I would have done normally.  Oh well.  That's part of life.  Doing things!  And/or Missing Doing Things.  WONDERFUL.  I gotta take more naps.  Different times of day.  It's a blast and a half.  Also I was very impressed with my body that I was able to transition from nap into regular sleep.  I was worried I'd be up all night because nap satisfied me.  NOPE.  I was able to sleep over the night like a PRO.  YEAH.  Let's talk about it.  Oh we just did.  Let's talk about something else, then!
Cool.  Eighth paragraph!  ALSO these aren't the wafer cookies I binged on a few weeks ago that one time.  Different brand!  So I should be okay.  These ARE the ice cream Things I INCORPORATED into a binge once or twice a few weeks ago.  But that could hardly be blamed on them.  They were just a bit player in the overall binge.  Can't place blame there!  What else is up.  Look I should just stick to the relatively healthy Fiber and Protein and Granola Bars.  And the relatively healthy Healthy-ish ice cream bars and sandwiches.  And the relatively healthy crackers and chips and whatnot.  NOPE!  Gonna push my luck and get cookies and ice cream.  ALSO trying out BREAKFAST TREATS from The Stella Doro Corporation.  I've wanted to try these for months and it looks like they might finally be in stock for when I get it.  Gotta see what they're all about!  Even if I don't want them.  I MUST KNOW what I've been missing out on!  Might be out of stock by the time I place the order.  DANGIT.
     Yeah!  What else is up.  Already made up some ground in schedule.  Schedule gives me more than enough time for Entry Writing Between Walks.  So I can make up ground regularly during first third of day.  YEAH.  What else is up.  Ninth paragraph!  Amazing.  Said it was 21 degrees 2 hours ago.  It was cold but didn't feel too cold!  It'll get warmer over the day I'm assured.  I trust weather website.  Even if I don't trust it.  The more I don't trust it the more I trust it.  Go figure.  Anyway.  I've abandoned having Uppercase Snack in middle of the day but my Body really seems to want it.  I'm okay 80% of the day in terms of not being too hungry but it kicks in right around the middle of the day.  If I had uppercase snack that might fix it!  YEAH.  LET'S TRY THAT, REALLY TRY.  Don't be like well for today I can do regular snack why not save me some calories.  JUST EAT UPPERCASE SNACK.  SEE HOW IT GOES.  BODY MIGHT THANK YA FOR IT BY NOT BEING A JERK AND MAKING YA FEEL HUNGRY.  So there's that to think about.
Last paragraph of the act!  Probably!  Amazing!  Hmm.  Just have something in-between as MidDay Snack.  Like a pop tart or something.  That sounds pretty good for today.  Amazing.  What else is up.  Enjoyed my special Freedom Toast last night.  It was solidly on the side of Good!  Both in terms of hey this is pretty good as an isolated experience AND in terms of hey this is good in terms of I'm getting what I hoped I'd get out of this situation circumstance.  Amazing!  What else is up.  Let's wrap up this paragraph so I can move on with my life.  I can see myself enjoying the upcoming walk.  I get to listen to music AND I get to Make Progress In The Day at the same time.  Good to make progress in the day.  Gets me closer to The Next Thing I Have To Do.  Very convenient!  PLAIN Salmon tonight.  Dad doesn't like the BBQ.  Got the plain.  I got BBQ Sauce.  Will I try putting it on the salmon?  I dunno!  Until JUST NOW I was thinking NOPE.  Now I'm thinking HEY WHY NOT LET'S TRY THAT.  What a productive paragraph this turned out to be!  I'll be back in a little bit.




let me get that for you

    HEY!  Finished Freedom Toast as a snack.  Leaning towards having Delicious Chicken Sandwich after Entry is over.  We're talkin CIABATTA BREAD.  We're talkin GRILLED CHICKEN.  We're talkin Sauteed Mushroom and Onion I'm not SURE why they didn't get italicized.  We're talkin BBQ Sauce.  Wonderful.  The point is what else is going on.  Gonna BBQ up my plain salmon tonight.  Put it on BEFORE cooking it.  That seems like the way the pros might do it.  And the pros do things right.  That's how they got to be pros.  Amateurs don't know what they're doing.  If they did, they'd be pros!  Maybe they know what they're doing but they lack the natural talent and abilities required to making it pro.  But they got the fundamentals down pretty good.  I don't know why you're an amaeatur and not a pro.  That's your business, not mine!  What else is going on and crap.  Going with NOT getting snacks that can't masquerade as vaguely healthy.  I got a good thing going with vaguely healthy snacks.  I'm gonna do what THE PROS DO and not mess with that!
    Coffee after this paragraph.  Amazing!  Before Dad brought up Salmon was I kinda fantastisizing about Freedom Chip Pancakes for dinner?  Sure!  But it's for the best.  Not very nutritious!  Also I can always have that tomorrow or something.  The world won't end because I'm not eating a GriddleCentric Dinner tonight.  Maybe it will COINCIDENTLY.  At AROUND THE SAME TIME.  But correlation doesn't prove causation!  So there's that.  OH I did add one indulgent thing.  Entenmann's Donuts.  FOR BREAKFAST.  On target calories (maybe even a little less!)  for a breakfast.  Maybe they're smaller than I'm hoping for and I won't like having to settle for that amount of food.  Maybe they'll be appropriate size and I'll be like WOW THIS WORKED OUT GREAT.  Only time will tell.  The point is Only Time Will Tell Apparently.  That was the last thing I said before the point is.  So it stands to reason that was the point.  Hey coffee time!
   Donut would be a nice Uppercase Snack food.  Real nice.  I like the sound of that.  Taste of it would hopefully be a close second.  Anyway.  In the past AS A CHILD we would get chocolate frosted Entenmann's Donuts regularly.  NOW I'm looking at a VARIETY PACK.  Chocolate frosted (MOST INDULGENT), plan, and sugar frosted.  THE NON CHOCOLATE ONES ARE SMALLER BUT LESS CALORIES.  I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT.  SMELL WOULD BE A CLOSE SECOND.  Anyway.  Do I eat entire Chicken Sandwich?  Do I take off Let's Say half of the bread.  Make one half open faced?  Do I take off slightly more?  I DUNNO.  Gonna play it by ear (play it by touch as a close second).  Also do I microwave it?  I think it's best for the INNARDS to be microwaved but you can get away without doing it.  But it'd be hard to separate innards from bread.  I can microwave bread.  NOT IDEAL THOUGH.  These are the days of My Lunches.  Hey great what else is up.
Hmm.  Fourth paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  This entry is pretty indisguishable from other recent entries yet I somehow feel it's by far the worst.  Hmm.  That doesn't sound good.  Doesn't LOOK good either as a close second.  Oh well that's life.  Things don't sound good a lot and also don't look good as a close second.  PROVE ME WRONG!  YES I do realize BBQ Sauce may play a roll in both main meals of the day.  I can live with that.  It tastes good!  That's the premise I've been operating under.  What else is Crap.  The point is great just great.  Hmm.  Almost definitely gonna be a 5 or 6 paragraph'r of an act right now.  Which will it be?  I DON'T KNOW.  STOP PRESSING ME YOU IDIOT.  Let me do it my way.  Look I KNOW Doing It My Way has been shitty for most of my life.  Both for you and even especially for me.  Also presumably Everyone Else.  But I'll never get better unless I learn to do it better myself.  Hardly seems fair for Everyone Else.  Me doing shitty effecting myself, fine.  Effecting You?  Well you signed up for this, too!  Everyone Else?  I'M SORRY.  I'M SO SO SORRY.
     Fifth paragraph of the act.  What else is going on and crap.  I took a quick glance at sandwich last night.  Had to open WRAPPER a bit.  It was worth it!  Now I know what I'm dealing with!  And I probably CAN eat the entire sandwich guilt free.  OR I can make it half a half sandwich.  HALF OF IT IS BOTH SIDES OF BREAD, HALF IS ONE SIDE.  That'll be JUST The difference maker (Or, "Game Changer," if you will) that gets me over the edge towards not feeling bad about this lunch at all.  Whatever.  I dunno.  Leaning towards microwaving it.  BREAD AND ALL.  What happens happens!  That's part of life.  What happens happening.  What happens happening in life happens in life all the time, one of the main things even that life is all about.  Ugh.  The point is I'll write a sixth paragraph of the act.  Why not.  Let's go crazy.  A bonus paragraph of crazy.  Which MAY lead to A SECOND Bonus Paragraph of crazy because I like to keep acts symmetrical.  So if I write six in act II more likely I'll write six and not 5 in act III.  WOW THIS IS WORKING OUT GREAT FOR YOU.
Amazing!  Got used to TV Speakers pretty quickly.  Main thing that's difference is the Subwoofer.  Great!  If I turn up the volume a bit I can annoy my neighborhood with that.  Nice to have that option in my back pocket.  My neighborhood has had it good for too long!  They could use a little bit of life on the WILD SIDE.  By which I mean DEEP BASS VIBRATIONS while watching The Television Set.  What else is going on and crap.  I dunno.  Pretty often I have a meal and/or snack past the Odd Hour Feeding Time.  Finding out the best way to course correct for that is DON'T.  Eat lunch at 3:45 instead of 3?  Have snack at 5:00 anyway!  Don't get cute and have it a little after 5 up to 5:45 itself.  DEFINITELY don't get cute and try to consolidate next two feeding times into one in the middle.  Just treat the Late Feeding as a blip and get RIGHT BACK ON SCHEDULE NEXT FEEDLING TIME.  Now you know my tricks.  You can use this.  This is good stuff!  I'll be back soon.




no reason not to

    DELETED the donuts because I was told they will only last 1, 1.5 weeks.  And I don't wanna eat a donut a day!  ADDED BACK the indulgent mini ice creams because my Mom said she would eat some.  I know FROZEN it lasts forever, but if it's GONE after a week or two that helps!  I can eat it once or twice or thrice responsibly and then it goes away on its own!  DAD might even try some.  AMAZING THIS IS GREAT NEWS.  The point is let's write this Act then have lunch.  Also no coffee this act!  Save appetite for lunch.  Delicious, delicious, half open faced sandwich, half closed face sandwich.  Presumably.  SUBJECT TO CHANGE.  But probably won't!  Anyway what else is great.  THESE STELLA DORO BREAKFAST TREATS BETTER BE IN STOCK WHEN WE PLACE THE ORDER.  I've added them to cart a dozen times, not counting the three dozen times they're unavailable when I want to add them to cart, and every time by the time we place order they're GONE.  I WAN THEM because Breakfast is when I will be having cookie treats AND they call themselves treats which strikes a chord with me because I AM A DOG MAN and deserve a treat.
So there's that.  Also right amount of calories for a breakfast treat.  NINETY.  That makes three treats PERECT for the breakfast I wanna eat.  Assuming no MightNight Snacks the night before I have to course correct for.  And that's a BIG assumption.  Wow, BIG!  That's one of my favorite sizes.  Possibly only second to SMALL.  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta clean up my room a bit.  Too much junk laying around from TV Speakers and When I Got My Phone and stuff like that.  I can put this away!  Don't need it clunking up my room anymore.  Anyway.  HEY YA KNOW WHAT.  Gonna try a new Granola Bar.  KASHI brand.  I've seen that while browsing around.  Don't think I ever tried it for some reason.  This looks like Good Taste and Good Size in terms of satisfaction and in terms of not too many calories.  I WILL KEEP YOU UPDATED ON THIS SITUATION AS IT PROGRESSES UNLESS I FORGET WHICH I PROBABLY WILL BUT I'LL PROBABLY KEEP YOU UPDATED ANYWAY EVEN THOUGH I FORGOT BECAUSE THAT'S JUST THE KIND OF THING I WOULD SAY EITHER WAY WHETHER I REMEMBER I WAS SUPPOSED TO OR NOT.  Also the flavor is DARK CHOCOLATE MOCHA???  You got my attention with THAT shit!
     Hmm.  SORRY.  The flavor is Dark Mocha Almond.  STILL PRETTY GOOD.  The point is I'm gonna eat in half an hour.  Probably done with entry by then.  But for some reason I feel like taking a small break after entry before eating.  To RE-CALIBRATE things.  And maybe I won't be so much done with entry by then!  We'll have to see how it shakes out.  HEY.  Just took another look at sandwich.  Not so big a sandwich.  Just gonna eat entire sandwich.  Could probably even get a way with having a small side.  Maybe like EIGHT wheat thins or something.  Not gonna break the bank!  I'll have to see what it looks like AFTER microwaving it.  The point is I have that to look forward to.  Also maybe have a MiddleCase snack of Pop Tart around 5 PM.  I Probably have that to look forward to!  Right now I feel that's definitely the way to go.  And how I feel Right Now is probably correct because if it wasn't I'd feel some other way.  Makes sense.
Three paragraphs to go!  I don't believe it.  Make it completely open faced and then add lots of wheat thins.  Let's not get CUTE about it.  NO LET'S GET CUTE.  Being cute is GOOD.  I dunno I've given myself a lot to think about.  LUNCHTIME is creeping up.  May end up being just setting up lunch to eat lunch and then eating lunch right after the entry is over.  Anyway.  I spilled some soda on upstairs hallway carpet LIKE A CHUMP.  I can't sop this up completely immediately.  I tried sopping it up a bit.  All I can do now is leave towel on top of it indefinitely and hope for the best.  EVENTUALLY it will evaporate and/or get soaked into the carpet in such a way that Oh well that solves that problem I guess.  SOMEHOW it won't be visible or feel-able.  But GETTING to that point is gonna be a WILD RIDE that I'M UNCOMFORTABLE WITH.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna get cute with things.  Make open faced sandwich with plenty o' wheat thins.  ALRIGHT.  CUTE TIME.
Penultimate paragraph!  Wonderful.  Maybe have pop chips instead of wheat thins.  Maybe lots of things.  MORE IN THE MOOD FOR WHEAT THINS.  JESUS CHRIST GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  What else is up.  What do I got in store for the rest of the day re: WATCHING TV.  British Season of Tales From That Crypt.  Gotta imagine some sort of HORRORIFIC movies or something.  Maybe something new or a blast and a half from the past.  Maybe some sort of OTHER THING.  Hmm.  That's a lot of choices right there.  I don't need to think of anything else.  I'm all covered for now!  What else is up.  The point is I slept in my clothes all night!  Only changed my shirt today.  Same underwear and socks.  Same pants.  But that's not a big deal.  People wear the same pants all the time DEAL WITH IT!  DEAL WITH IT.  Anyway what's the point I was trying to make.  Oh.  Last season of Tales From That Crypt for today.  GREAT.  Life could be worse!  Presumably.  That's been my main point of contention while watching Tales From Those Crypts.  HEY LIFE COULD BE WORSE THAN THIS ALL IN ALL.
Last paragraph!  Amazing.  Lunch is getting delayed Hardcore.  OH WELL.  The snack feeding time afterwards will be on schedule!  No getting around that.  Maybe I can have a SMALLER snack.  But gonna eat it at the feeding time.  If we don't feed at feeding times all the time then what's the point?  More convenient for the people feeding me during feeding time.  Feeding Times ain't for the animals feeding it's for the humans feeding them.  Makes it a more streamlined and easier job.  Yeah but I'm doing  that for myself.  So it's not much of a consideration!  Hmm.  What else is going on.  Maybe Feeding Times ARE for the benefit of the animal.  We've seen how good it is FOR ME.  I've given myself a lot to think about is the point.  DO ZOO ANIMALS GET HANGRY-- LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  Anyway what else is up.  That's it!  I'll be back tomorrow.

-1:38 P.M.




Saturday, February 19, 2022

i wouldn't worry about it

    HEY!  First things first, I had one small fancy cookie as a MightNight Snack and that probably was it!  Haven't seen any evidence of any unconscious snacking.  Usually evidence for that.  Most common MightNight snacking is tootsie pops and/or ice cream bars.  EACH LEAVES EVIDENCE OF STICK.  The point is already made up for Fancy Cookie in breakfast today.  AMAZING.  I'm gettin' real thin.  I feel like since I started this current diet-schedule-regimen I've probably made up enough calories for an ENTIRE half binge.  OR half an ENTIRE binge.  WOW PROGRESS IS JUST FLYING BY.  The point is I Forget.  I thought I had ordered Chicken Caesar Salad from Super Market but it never came and wasn't on the receipt.  Possible I added it to cart but never SAVED IT.  Gotta save it!  This may be on me and not them.  Either way GREAT I'LL SURVIVE.  What else is up.  ELECTRONICS are all working.  Phone.  Speakers.  Whatever I'm writing this on.  I wanna say Etch a Sketch?  Anyway.  Gotta imagine there' new versions of etch a sketch that are the exact same thing but let you save your etches.  It's digital and whatnot but mimics exactly the classic etch a sketch.  But you can save your etches because it's a computer!  SIGN ME UP FOR THAT.  Eh.  Not really.  WHOSE GOT THE TIME TO ETCH A SKETCH.
     What else is up.  Gotta imagine they make Rubics Cube that are 2% the difficulty.  Let's give the dummies (me & you) something we can feel good about.  Also I assume if you beat a Rubics Cube it's a Hellraiser type scenario and you get transported to Hell where you get tortured for the rest of time?  Hmm now I'm GLAD I never solved it.  That would be a really bad scenario.  Maybe even WORST CASE scenario.  That's what you get for trying to be clever and Solving A Cube.  What else is up.  How do they sell Rubics Cube.  I don't remember.  Does it start off Solved and then you move things around yourself at random to get started.  That can't be it.  But is it an EXACT randomness it starts out at?  Or is it a free-for-all every time you buy one is A Different Random.  Gonna have to look into that.  IN THEORY.  In practice I Do NOT have to look into that and I thusly WON'T!
Okay.  Had half breakfast early before walk, had half breakfast late after walk!  Seems reasonable.  Also it means I took a late 1st walk.  Seems reasonable.  Whose gonna stop me YOU?  What else.  Brother is visiting next weekend.  If I haven't solved it by then he can presumably help me get onto Apple Music on my TV on account of its his account.  I'd have to do some preliminary work to get us to that point.  And the preliminary work may prove to be enough that I don't need his help!  AMAZING.  Still haven't listened to a Non-Me song on TV.  Still feel it's gotta be from Poodle Hat.  Maybe not the whole album but I feel like I wanna stick by my plans and listen to a song.  Well the lead single COUCH POTATO-- the parody of Lose Yourself-- is the obvious choice.  But there's other great choices, too.  HMM.  I've given myself a lot to think about.  I'll get around to thinking about it later.  I've got NOT THINKING ABOUT THINGS to do right now!
    Hmm.  HMM.  Okay.  HEY Minor League spring training and/or just Baseball Preparation IS going on.  WOW I CAN GET INTO THAT.  These players WORK for The Mets organization and it's possible a handful of them will MAKE THE MAJOR LEAGUES.  WOW.  I CAN GET INTO THAT.  Watched the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre yesterday.  It was okay!  I didn't hate it, I didn't love it.  But I err'd on the side of enjoying it.  Not sure I liked how long it was.  An hour 20 minutes presumably with credits.  You're PUSHING IT with that time.  Really cutting it close in terms of being a complete major motion picture.  Not impressed!  Add another 20 minutes you idiots.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe learn some guitar today.  Seems reasonable.  I used to like playing guitar and I might like it again if I was getting better at it!  SEEMS REASONABLE.  I already said that.  AND I MEANT IT.  Oh okay great.
     National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Cherry Pie Day and National Muffin Day.  Never had cherry pie.  I believe it's the pie that is a supporting character in AMERICAN PIE.  Not sure why I think it was Cherry.  Either way I'd try cherry pie.  I LOVE pie in terms of loving pastry.  Just never had most pies!  Lemme at 'em I'll try.  Anyway.  Muffins!  Great!  When diet isn't something you consider at all GO NUTS EAT MUFFINS ALL THE TIME.  LOOK did I used to sometimes get donuts from Dunkin Donuts?  Sure!  Marble Frosted was my favorite!  But was getting Chocolate Chip Muffin EVEN BETTER?  YOU BET.  And you'd WIN that bet.  Because it's ACCURATE.  Blueberry muffin very solid back-up.  Any other kind of muffin also very solid back-back-up.  The point is hmm maybe I can get a muffin from somewhere.  A big very indulgent muffin.  Split it up into 2 breakfasts.  That sounds like a reasonable amount for breakfast.  Hmm.  Super Market made muffins are about the size of Too Big For Breakfast But Just Barely So I Could Do It Once In A While.  3.5 Oz!  Can't picture if that'd be satisfying or not.  But I HAVE given myself a lot to think about.  Well one thing to think about.  But I can think about that One Thing A LOT!
Sure.  Coffee time!  Do minor league baseball seasons go on even if Major League is stalled?  My guess?  PROBABLY NOT.  Either way what else is up.  Putting A LOT of thought into what my upcoming snack should be.  Wonderful.  Think I'll have lunch again at 3 PM instead of 1 PM. Been working out MOSTLY.  Not hungry for it until 3 pm.  More reasonable amount of distance between lunch and dinner-- 6 hours instead of 8.  BUT I find myself not being satisfied with snack at 5.  BUT I haven't been having Upper Case Snack quite like I planned to.  Maybe if I go back to Upper Case Snack-- even if it directly follows a Meal-- the day will all come together.  AMAZING.  Maybe somewhere between Uppercase snack and Lowercase Snack.  There's certainly room in-between.  Lower case is 70-140 calories.  Uppercase is like 250-350 calories.  THAT MEANS 150-250 is IN BETWEEN AND THAT'S A SWEET SPOT I THINK I CAN TRY OUT FOR TODAY.  Get off my back about it is the point!
     Sure.  Cooler today than yesterday but presumably it gets warmer throughout the day.  PRESUMABLY.  I feel like checking weather is VERY interesting because I TRUST IT and YOU PROBABLY TRUST IT.  There's no segment of America that's like HMM THE DAY TO DAY WEATHER?  IT'S RIGGED.  SCAM.  FAKE NEWS.  Sure MACRO-weather in terms of climate change is a big contentious issue.  That's not weather, though.  It has its own word.  That's a word everyone knows.  That I can't think of.  The point is we're all on board with trusting the 7 day weather report.  So that's a good place to start if we wanna figure out a way to all get along.  Also I don't trust this weather 100%.  Often it says it's raining when its not.  And they've got my EXACT zipcode.  But I trust them anyway.  I know they're wrong a lot.  But they're right EVEN MORE.
     What else is up.  Fiber Oatmeal Raisin cookie.  Sounds good.  I only have one left and it'll be at least a few days until I get to re-up with them.  But it sounds PERECT for upcoming snack.  YEAH.  Anyway.  No Spoilers but Here's A Spoiler this Texas Chainsaw Massacre REALLY LIVED UP to being a massacre.  In retrospect the massacres aren't really massacres.  Maybe half a dozen people get killed.  This time around YEAH MASSACRE LEVEL FOR SURE.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Eighth paragraph.  Wonderful!  Lots of choices for meals today.  Think I'm gonna go with the Kids Version of Turkey Bolognese for lunch.  Dinner?  I DUNNO!  Maybe get a delivery.  Of Family Unwanted Diner.  Get some FRENCH TOAST for tonight and CHICKEN SANDWICH for tomorrow.  WHY NOT.  Treat myself.  By eating dinner and then lunch tomorrow?  YEP.  TREAT.  Okay sure why not.  What else is Okay Sure Why Not.  They got small muffins for sale.  I can eat as many as I want.  Something to think about.
Sure!  I see trucks which the entire sides of the truck are advertisements for Mini Muffins.  What company makes those.  Lemme LTURQ.  Entenmann's.  Look they're a big company.  Lots of good products that have name recognition.  But they're REALLY leaning into the Mini Muffins.  Again delicious.  When I was a kid and didn't care about a diet I'd have those pouches of mini-muffins sure.  That was part of my regular balanced diet sometimes!  What else is up.  HMM maybe I should get those again.  It'd be right on the edge of Very Indulgent lowercase snack and Pretty Light uppercase snack.  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME.  Also, YOU.  YOU chose to read this.  This is all partly your fault!  YOU IDIOTS.  Ninth paragraph.  YOU IDIOTS.  I could easily see this only being 10, or I can easily see it being more than 10!  EASY SEE MUCH OF EVERYTHING.  Huh.  Presumably I set the EQ Preset to GAME while playing ROCKSMITH.  But then again it's also kind of MUSIC isn't it.  Also it's a FILM.  Wait no scratch that.  DIRECT THOUGH THAT'S SOMETHING TO CONSIDER.  Ugh.
What else is great.  I believe speakers came with a 1 year warranty.  ALRIGHT!  That means I can throw them around a bit with no consequences.  Now I hold all the cards!  Huh.  How many binges have I done since January that I didn't make up for mostly by circle walking and/or fasting.  Somewhere between four and eight I wanna say.  4 or 6 seems accurate but at the same time 7 or 8 seems possible.  The point is GREAT.  I feel I'm making up ground the last few days.  Depends on if I've been unconsciously eating a lot at night.  That's a kicker!  Also depends on other stuff!  Those are kickers, too!  Sure.  Half the time I wanna use the bathroom at Starbucks the doors are locked and they're closed for whatever reason.  Even though it's during a time of day they'd presumably be open under normal circumstances.  And I'm always like THANKS FOR BEING STRONG FOR THE BOTH OF US.  I was WEAK and would have SUCCUMBED to using their bathroom but they made that impossible and THANKS FOR THAT.  YOU IDIOTS.
Huh.  Probably another bathroom or two on that city street that is for the public and they don't have a problem with you using it without buying anything or anything.  Gonna have to look into that.  I can't look into that.  I'd have to go into All The Stores.  COVID IS AROUND I CAN'T BE DOING THAT.  What is this.  11th paragraph.  Let's keep it going and hopefully get to 12 overall.  Sounds like a nice even number.  I think it's weird that they can push back spring training and then presumably still be like we can start the season on time though who really needs spring training.  THEN WHY DO THEY DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?  FOR FUN?  I DIDN'T SEE ANYONE HAVING FUN!!!  Then again I'd watch some Spring Training on the TV I'd be having fun.  And now I can't do that.  THANKS A LOT MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL OWNERS.  Just give the players 75% what they want.  Everybody wins in that scenario.  Right?  Probably!
     Last paragraph of the act!  Not too far behind schedule considering where I started off this act.  Amazing!  I dunno whatta do with Diet-Schedule for today.  What snacks to have.  When to have meals.  It's all up in the air as of right now AS IT SHOULD BE.  I SHOULDN'T have it all planned out.  Go with my gut, that's what I say!  I'll start saying it now, at least!  As long as I remember to say it more.  Which I won't.  What else is up.  Got about 4 clean shirts left now at this point.  Presumably I'll get my mom to do more laundry some time soon.  She likes to help out around the house when she can.  I assume.  She DOES it.  Why would she do it if she didn't like it.  Her responsibility.  Yeah I guess who cares what else is up.  Gotta clean up my room and bathroom.  Well, clean up my room.  And clean up my bathroom 4% as much as it needs.  START OFF with the overflowing trash cans in each room.  I can do that easy.  YEAH.  I'll be back in a little bit.




nothing can stop me now

    HEY!  Current plan is have ice cream bar for current snack (ALREADY UNDERWAY), have turkey Bolognese kids meal when entry is over (1:00-1:30 PM), and have dinner of Freedom Toast around 7:00 or 7:30!  OKAY GREAT NOW WE CAN GET DOWN TO THE IMPORTANT STUFF.  That WAS the important stuff.  Oh.  Okay.  Well now we can get down to the unimportant stuff!  Great.  I feel pretty confident I didn't do any unconscious snacking last night.  There'd be EVIDENCE.  Even the night before I found graham cracker crumbs in my bed.  Everything can leave a little bit of evidence.  The good news is I got that to look forward to.  What, evidence?  No.  The thing before.  Talking about planned meals.  Also don't even get me started on planned snacks.  Those are great too!  Dunno what they will be yet but I know there WILL BE SNACKS and that alone makes me happy.  There will be blood.  Oh.  I get it.  Oil is like blood.  Genius.
What else is up.  Solid 60% chance I load up ROCKSMITH for 2 minutes PLUS of using it.  Solid 40% chance I load it up and use it for AT LEAST TEN MINUTES.  WOW.  Those are pretty good odds.  I like 'em, sure.  Anyway how are Olympics going.  All I hear is bad news.  Black people disqualified for drugs and white people not disqualifies.  Teams LOSING in their competitions.  It going on in CHINA (our new worst enemy!)  NOBODY CARING.  You add it all up and this is one of the worst olympics in recent memory.  My recent memory goes all the way back to last year's olympics in Japan.  I feel like there was an Olympics in Australia when I was younger.  Better LTURQ.  YEP 2000.  I CAN REMEMBER BACK 22 YEARS?!?!  That's good news.  Presumably something happened that made it register with me.  It was no NAGANO olympics which had a Nintendo 64 Game.  Maybe it DID have a Nintendo 64 game.  Something about it struck a chord with me!  Oh right Who Cares.
     Hmm.  It makes the most sense to have Sandwich as Uppercase (or half as a lowercase!) snack before having a Sweet Breakfast Centric Meal Dinner.  But I DON'T WANT TO today.  DEAL WITH THAT.  Maybe I'll have it I can't predict the future.  Maybe I can.  Never really tried.  If I put my mind to it there's no telling how much future I can predict.  Maybe later I'll try. Got better things to do for now.  Like COFFEE after this paragraph!  HMM I dunno why I committed so early to Kids Meal Turkey Bolognese.  I got other options!  Like WONDERFUL WIDE FETTUCCINI ALFREDO WITH MUSHROOMS.  Most indulgent meal I get from Super Market but also Delicious!  Also the serving size varies!  Sometimes it's a very reasonable serving size such that it's not too indulgent at all.  Sometimes it's twice the size and too much but I'll eat it anyway cause that's the kind of guy I am.  WOW.  WHAT A STORY.  I'm gonna get coffee now if that's alright with you.
Wonderful.  Of course I could really mix things up and get delivery for lunch.  Not sure I'm READY for the Freedom Toast, though.  Still marinating in my mind in terms of building it up to look forward to it.  Hmm I might end up looking forward to it TOO MUCH and it will be a definite letdown.  I feel like as of now haven't looked forward to it enough, though.  A little bit more looking forward to it is necessary!  Also 2nd meal of Grilled Chicken Sandwich with mushrooms and light BBQ Sauce for tomorrow?  ALSO DELICIOUS.  I'll look forward to that, too!  What if I get it for lunch, have sandwich for lunch and Freedom Toast for dinner.  Put off Super Market meals until tomorrow.  THAT'S NOT HOW I DO THINGS.  I don't know WHY.  I could do it.  I'm just not gonna!  Feels WRONG.  Wonderful.   Hey great what else is going on.  First act was 12 paragraphs.  Figure this'll be 5-8.  PROBABLY NOT 8.  PROBABLY 5-7.  AMAZING!!!
What else is crap.  Is it warmer yet.  Let's LTURQ.  HMM supposed to be some light snow coming up VERY SOON.  Soon in terms of DURING IMMINENT WALK.  Then again I Don't Trust The Weather And Neither Should You.  Either way I'ma take my walk I can live with some snow.  I'm a big man no snow gonna slow me down.  Well lots of times snow can slow me down.  This time though  I think I'll be able to live my life uninterrupted.  So there's that.  The TEMPERATURE is 9 degrees warmer than my first walk.  So there's hat.  It can't be snowing at 40 degrees.  It'd melt before it even happens.  Apparently that's incorrect.  OR apparently today isn't following the laws of physics.  One or the other.  Can't say for sure exactly right now!  Don't have all the facts and figures in front of me.  One more paragraph for the act then Off I Go!
     Sure.  Probably have kids meal for lunch.  Not very indulgent, not very big portion.  But it sure is food.  And qualifies as a meal EASILY.  So I got all that going for me.  Also this way if I wanna have an Uppercase Snack at some point I've got wiggle room to justify it to myself.  I DON'T NEED TO JUSTIFY IT TO MYSELF.  IT'S PART OF THE ORIGINAL PLAN.  JUST DO IT THAT'S THE PLAN.  Nope.  Gotta justify it to myself.  HMM SEEMS LIKE I'M IN THE WRONG THERE.  Sure.  I'm in the wrong all over the place.  No one dares to stop me though so I'm just gonna keep being in the wrong all over the place!  SOUNDS FAIR.  Anyway.  Gotta imagine there's more movies I can watch today, too.  Finished Jurassic Park III.  I liked the part where I sure hope those CGI Nerds had fun with these dinosaurs.  That's the only saving grace.  The jerks who made the movie had fun doing their jobs.  Someone must have had fun with the movie and it sure wasn't the audience!  Anyway I'll be back soon.




i'll keep an eye on that

    Hey!  Probably gonna have lunch within 15 minutes of finishing entry.  Probably gonna... wait.. there was another thing.. OH RIGHT.  Probably NOT gonna have 3rd cup of coffee now.  Save it for later!  Or skip it!  Or have it now!  Either way delicious.  BRIEFLY considered having Kids Meal Chicken Parm for lunch but I'm back onto the Kids Meal Turkey Bolognese.  AMAZING.  Getting Diner Delivery for 7 PM.  They might not be open a 9 PM!  And besides it's ABOUT TIME I experimented with a 7 PM dinner since making this new diet schedule of eating every 2 hours on the odd hour.  7 PM IS THE MOST REASONABLE TIME FOR DINNER OF THE BUNCH.  Hmm.  My Mom might want a smoothie.  I feel that'll be a let down.  But if my mom wants it, that's what she's gonna get!  Maybe now she'll do more laundry for me.  Give a little, get a little!
Cool.  MAYBE experiment with listening to some Real Music on TV Speakers today.  Hadn't really thought about that since I got them even though that was the #1 main premise of why I wanted them originally.  I NEED APPLE MUSIC TO DO IT.  Listening to songs on youtube?  The quality of the Audio File might not be 100%!  I won't get all I should be getting out of it.  GOD DAMN YOUTUBE.  I wish it was never divinely created.  Anyway.  Pretty sure there's a way to hook up--wirelessly!-- speakers to phone.  And play music from phone onto speakers.  I'd have to take a look at instruction manual to figure that out.  And that could take upwards of FIVE MINUTES.  Hmm.  I got lots of five minutes to spare.  I can't even contextualize How Many 5 Minute Periods I Have over the course of the day that are free for such an exercise.  Probably like 50-75! off the top of my head!  Anyway presumably four more paragraphs to go!
     Wonderful.  Gotta start a new bar of soap for tomorrow shower.  I'm down to a real untenable sliver.  No one gonna replace the soap for me.  It's ALL ON ME for this.  The good news is I have the entire day ahead of me.  And for some reason the last few days I've been interpreting that as a good thing.  Not 100% sure why.  I don't get much out of the days.  But I KIND OF do?  I think the diet-schedule and/or the walking-schedule is part of it.  I get a kick out of those routines and they're spaced apart and often enough that it all works out for the best.  ALSO part of it is HEY WARM WEATHER LET'S ENJOY THIS WHETHER WE'RE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE.  Warm weather means God Is Smiling On Us.  Cold weather means He's Frowning.  WHY GOD SAD.  WHAT GOD GOTTA BE SAD ABOUT.  THIS DUDE IS GOD HE'S GOT EVERYTHING ANYONE COULD EVER ASK FOR.  Maybe God has Human Envy.  Wishes he was human.  Oh well that's his problem not ours.  Just shut up and live with it and be god.  DO YOUR JOB.
     Three more paragraphs to go!  NO SNOW last walk.  See?  I don't trust weather.  Yet I still trust weather.  I know they're wrong all the time but still every time I give them the benefit of the doubt.  Because I'm that kind of guy this year in this specific situation.  Great just great.  Whatta put on TV when this is over.  Up to the final season of Tales From That Crypt which is the English Season.  Not sure how o feel about that.  Oh.  Wait.  NEGATIVELY.  That sounds about right.  Gotcha.  Sopranos movie is back on HBOMax.  Maybe watch that again.  I feel like I might enjoy it more this time.  Based on nothing.  Not sure why.  Maybe now I know exactly what to expect.  Maybe I went into it at first not knowing what to expect at all but kind of vaguely hoping for MORE.  Now I know to vaguely expect it to be adequate and thus it will surprise me by being ACTUALLY much more than adequate and KIND OF PRETTY GOOD.  Sounds about plausible.
Penultimate paragraph!  Also this time around I can SURROUND SOUND IT.  As long as I stand in the middle of my room.  Laying in my bed the extra surround sound speakers do little for me.  I sit on he floor in the middle of my room?  WOW It's like being in the theaters!  Sitting on the floor!  The theaters I go to can't afford seats!  Get off their back about it!  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe I'll pay more attention this time.  Very solid chance I was looking at my phone while watching That Sopranos Movie.  This time around I MAY NOT be doing that.  We'll have to see how it all shakes out.  The point is GREAT I have a pretty decent idea of what to watch when this is over and I'm happy about it instead of just Resigned To Do It Cause There's Nothing Better.  YEAH.  A STEP ABOVE RESIGNED TO DO SOMETHING.  VERY exciting stuff.  Hey I'm writing one more paragraph here then that's it!
     Amazing.  Cauliflower crackers are okay!  Not sure when and where to have them.  I have 2-4 here and there as Random Unconsidered Grazing.  Which isn't gonna break the bank.  But I'm not really sure what I'm getting out of it is the point.  HEY THAT REMINDS ME I WANT SOME SOUP AT SOME POINT.  Today's not the day.  OR IS IT.  I can get soup and split Chicken Sandwiches into two.  And each half gets a soup.  HMM LEMME LTURQ TO SEE IF THAT COULD BE IN THE CARDS LOGISTICALLY.  WAIT NO.  I like chicken noodle and/or matzoh ball soup.  I can't have a chicken sandwich with a chicken soup.  The chicken in the soup would get jealous of the chicken in the sandwich and vice versa.  Unless they're he same chicken.  In which case I'm not sure I'm happy about that either!  Anyway.  Entry is over.  Take a 15 minute break.  Eat me some LUNCH.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-12:52 P.M.




Friday, February 18, 2022

that sounds good to me

    HEY!  I was all excited to be able to report I successfully skipped MightNight snacking last night.  Woke up 2 or 3 times, HAD THE URGE, even thought oh I can have a fudgesicle that's the smallest thing possible.  But I DIDN'T.  But then I just noticed a tootsie pop stick on my night table and then another one in my bed.  So that's not gonna break the bank calorie wise but it's a dangerous new phase if I'm eating and don't even realize it!  That has LOTS of bad implications.  But the good news is THAT'S OVER NOW WE'RE SAFE.  Also successfully didn't eat Breakfast when I woke up and waited until The Odd Hour-- right now!  That's good.  Expecting Super Market delivery this morning which may interrupt the entry.  At the very least my walking schedule.  Hey that's life.  Right?  It's not DEATH.  So we can narrow it down to being Life.
   Got and hooked up speakers!  We're talkin' A SOUND BAR.  We're talkin' a SUBWOOFER.  We're talkin' TWO SURROUND SOUND SPEAKERS.  Anyway it's 90% done.  Everything is hooked up but I'm not 100% sure how to fine-tune the sound to my likings.  ALSO it did correct lag with Rocksmith Game!  I think!  There might still be a small lag.  Hard to tell.  Also now the guitar kind of cuts in and out.  Gotta figure that out.  But overall I'm happy with how this is going.  And by this I mean LIFE.  Not death.  My death hasn't started yet.  Well maybe it has.  It hasn't ENDED yet.  I haven't reached the conclusion of death: Dying.  But I guess in theory I have definitely started on the path TOWARDS Ultimate Death.  So my death has started and I got that to be happy about because I'm already starting to get it out of the way.  Great.  Parents aren't home.  Mom had a check-up with eye doctor.  Dad drove her.  AMAZING.
What else.  Breakfast was fun.  SMALL ice cream sandwich and SEMI INDULGENT Fiber One Brownie.  PROVE ME WRONG.  I get to eat again in less than 2 hours.  PROVE ME WRONG.  I dunno.  Speakers are good for horror movies.  I didn't appreciate how much of Horror Movies is BASS.  You see a film in the theater you're taking your cues from the audio specifically the BASS.  Now I can get a sense of that while watching my TV!  Pretty good stuff.  Also by coincidence the Tales From That Crypt episode I was just staring when speakers came and remained on while I was hooking it up was IN THE GROOVE, the episode about THE RADIO.  RADIO.  AUDIO.  HEARING THINGS WITH SPEAKERS.  WHAT ARE THE ODDS.  Roughly one in five.  How did I come to that conclusion.  I didn't I just said it off the top of my head.  Not the conclusion of a thought.  Not even a thought at all!  So there's that.  What else is going on.
Hmm.  Had delicious Chickened Pot Pie last night.  Amazing!  Got a lot of choices for lunch today but the responsible thing is Super Market Meal from last week I never got around to eating.  Get that one out of the way First Things First.  YEAH.  I better not be eating MightNight snacks without realizing it regularly.  OR ELSE.  The point is the only music I tried out so far on TV Speakers is My Own and that sounded better!  So that's good.  I like being able to pretend I'm talented at something.  Makes me feel good about things and whatnot.  HEY.  National Food Meal Food Of The Tomorrow World is... National Chocolate Mint Day.  Sounds great.  Dunno if they mean literally a Mint that's like a small mouth freshness treat that's Chocolate.  Or a Chocolate Product that's mint flavored.  Either way I'm happy sign me up.  Also either way what else is going on.   First choice is a Mint that's chocolate.  That sounds better for right now in my life.
     Sure.  Can I KIND OF remember eating Tootsie Pop last night?  I dunno.  I don't THINK so.  I'm trying.  If I can remember it a little that'd be good.  Maybe SORT OF???  What else is going on.  Not sure if I really need the surround sound speakers.  I set up one on my nightstand and the other on the desk-surface on the other side of my bed.  Who cares.  Not me!  What else is going on and crap.  Possibly do some circlewalking while waiting for Super Market delivery.  I dunno gonna have to think about that one!  Or come to a conclusion without thinking.  Which we've already decided isn't really a conclusion.  Not concluding anything.  The good news is what else is going on.  DANGIT.  Dumb tootsie pops I don't remember.  I was all happy this morning about being able to control myself.  This is even WORSE than if I did it consciously by a lot!  YEAH.  WORSE.  I CAN, "Dig," THAT!  Huh.  I'm trying to remember doing it and MAYBE I can.  If I force myself to remember it I can kind of remember it!
     Coffee after this paragraph.  Amazing.  Presumably nothing missing in upcoming Super Market order.  At this point I can View Receipt and usually if something is out of stock and/or they're not sending it I'd know.  HOWEVER I asked for half a pound of Ham and I'm getting .92 of half a pound.  OKAY GREAT.  I'm only PAYING for it.  Not paying for what I'm not getting I mean.  My sandwiches will be a little lighter FINE GREAT NOT A BIG DEAL.  What else isn't a big deal.  Oh.  Gotta figure out how to get to Apple Music on my TV.  If I can.  Assuming I can.  If I can I will.  Amazing.  Kinda pot committed to listening to Poodle Hat first.  Did I say in jest it was the best album ever in history?  Kind of!  But there's half a dozen songs there that I really Dig and it's easily in my top 100 favorite albums.  PROBABLY top 50.  AMAZING.  This is the Weird Al for when I started liking music.  I liked Weird Al BEFORE I started liking music.  I liked Weird Al AFTER I started liking music.  But this album is right in the sweet spot of WHEN I started liking music.  Amazing.  Coffee time. 
     Ate about a third of a graham cracker.  I happened to notice that besides 2 full pieces, there was about a third of a piece, and figured that would hit the spot, and was like well when again will exactly a third hit the spot.  Better have it now to do the right thing.  That sort of thing.  Is it possible I'm getting subliminal messages (from a ghost?) through new speakers to eat tootsie pops unconsciously in my sleep?  Sure.  I don't think it's very likely.  But we can't rule out anything at this point.  Subliminal isn't the right word there.  You know what I mean.  Like messages at a frequency we can't HEAR but we can ABSORB or something.  That sort of thing.  Do I have to be worried about that now.  NOPE.  It may be the case but WHY WORRY.  Just accept it as part of life and we'll all be a lot happier.  Hmm.  Eighth paragraph comin' up!
     Amazing.  I feel like guitar works well enough with program that I can start playing it.  I think it'll be even better once I fine tune EQ Settings and whatnot.  The good news is I Forget.  All I Remember Is Mediocre News.  Hey mediocre news is a HUGE STEP UP from the news I've been absorbing at All Frequencies for I dunno A LONG TIME?  Can't remember the last time News Wasn't Terrible.  Oh NEVER.  News is always the worst.  The point is what else is going on.  As of now think I'm gonna have lunch at 1 PM LIKE WAS THE DEAL.  I can, "Dig," that.  I dig lots of things.  And I'm always putting Dig in quotations!  What will I think of next.  Hmm.  Gotta think of something now.  It's Next Already!  DANGIT just realized that waiting for Super market delivery will probably delay the entry and I don't wanna have lunch while entry is still going on.  I don't know WHY.  It just feels WRONG.  The point is Great What Else Feels Wrong.  MOST THINGS.  Can't remember the last time things didn't eel wrong.  Oh NEVER.  Feeling was always The Wrong.
    Cool.  Gonna try out some Rocksmith today.  I think despite me drawing attention to a couple of problems it really does work well enough.  We'll see!  Also SOUNDS BETTER.  I didn't even put 2 and 2 together that'd be the case.  I knew speakers would hopefully correct lag.  Now I realize Oh of course it also makes the guitar and/or SONGS and/or LESSONS sound better.  This is great.  I'm gonna have a blast and a half with this assuming the problems I drew attention to aren't too problematic.  That'd be a GREAT development in life.  Learning how to play guitar!  Sounds good.  What else sounds good.  I can't remember the last time things sounded good.  Oh wait yes I can yesterday.  I was watching a horror movie and I got into it because of the subwoofer.  Oh right now that rings a bell.  Set up subwoofer on surface right next to my TV.  Made the most sense for lots of reasons I don't have time to get into right now.  Gotta move on with my life!  Onto the next paragraph!
     Amazing.  10th paragraph!  Let's see how it goes.  Probably no circlewalking today.  Maybe load up Rocksmith in my free time after Act I to see how problematic it is.  Or watch TV or something I dunno!  Cool.  Freakin' 61 degrees outside.  Windy.  But still!  Doesn't seem right.  I'd like to donate some degrees to the Inuits IF THEY WANT IT.  I don't need all these degrees.  Spread the wealth, that's what I say.  Also maybe they wanna gift me something in return.  That's how Inuits work.  Give a little, get a little!  Huh.  Inuits aren't SNOWMEN are they?  They won't melt in warm weather.  THAT JOKE IS PROBLEMATIC.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  What else is going on.  Maybe I do some circle walking.  Just for fun.  I got nothing better to do.  ALSO I get to see how Them Sampsons sound in SURROUND SOUND.  I haven't seen that since I saw the movie in 2007.  Presumably.  I must have seen that in the theaters.  I can kind of remember it.  More than eating Tootsie Pops last night at least.  Well that's saying very little.  I'll be back in a little bit!




why didn't you say so

    Did circle walking, accepted Super Market, took regular walk, tested out GuitarSmith again, took shower, now I'm here!  I don't think there is any lag anymore with Rocksmith.  I think I just play guitar wrong and kind of expect to hear the music too soon.  That's ON ME.  So basically I am kind of looking forward to trying this out.  Not just randomly practicing songs.  Following along with their LESSONS and whatnot.  YEAH Let's do that later.  Not now.  I got other stuff to do now.  Like this!  They didn't send me my chocolate covered pretzels!  Which was for the best because over 50% of me Didn't Want Them.  Probably not worth it calorie wise.  And maybe wouldn't even enjoy them.  So the point is Super Market is somehow looking out for my best interests.  Maybe they have an algorithm that KNEW I was better off without them.  In which case I owe them big time.  I'll get around to paying them back later.  Possibly with whatever Inuits give me in exchange for me giving them several degrees.  Keep the line moving.  As soon as I get something I Give it away.  Sounds reasonable. 
    Instead tried the other new thing I got which is a fancy cookie.  It's like a cookie but with Chocolate-Bar-esque dark chocolate on it.  Delicious!  And I only had one.  Delicious!  Maybe in an ideal world I will have 10 of them for dinner tonight.  We are WAY WAY FAR OFF from that ideal world.  Oh well it can't hurt to dream.  What else is up.  Coffee after this paragraph!  Anyway did some circlewalking but that won't apply to any regular walking.  Still doing all the regular walking, I'm just behind schedule for the next few walks before eventually catching up.  YEAH.  I like those odds!  The point is because I'm behind on walks and entry I'm gonna have lunch at 3 PM and not 1 PM.  Also because hey not really in the mood for lunch yet.  Also because hey I get to try Other New Thing I got for 1 PM Snack.  Why it's only a lowish calorie ice cream bar.  DELICIOUS.  I've enjoyed many of these over the years and half of them I continue to get because they not only passed the test of being relatively good enough but passed the test of being I'd like to eat more of this crap.  YEAH.  Coffee time.
Simpsons sounded okay.  I realized surround sound is being lost on me with current set up.  It works when the Surrounding Sound Speakers are BEHIND you.  There's no room for me to put them behind me.  I'm on bed most of the time I'm watching TV and bed is all the way in the back of the room.  So the point is I forget but I'm sure there was a point at some point.  Probably not THIS point. But at a point there were points.  Huh.  Oh.  Surround sound works when you're circle walking!  You in the center of the shit now!  So there's that.  What else is So There's That.  No Communal Food Delivery for tonight so I got a lot of choices for tonight from INSIDE THE HOUSE.  Or a delivery for myself.  I like the cheaper diner I get for myself sometimes that other family members don't like.  Great FRENCHED TOAST.  Good CHICKEN SANDWICHES.  Probably play it safe and just eat something in the house though.  Why is the other way Not Safe.  It's SAFE it's just not the WISE move.  But it is safe.  As far as we know yes.
     Sure!  Anyway what else is going on.  Pepsi instead of coke this week.  IT'S ABOUT TIME.  Pepsi is better all in all.  I go through Coke Phases but easily Pepsi is the tops.  They sponsored the halftime show!  If it wasn't for Pepsi they wouldn't know what to do while the players are taking a break.  Pepsi gave that block of time MEANING.  What else is going on.  Presumably finally getting Free Covid Tests From Government today.  Not sure what my parents wanna do with that.  I don't think it's wise to just blow them right now and test ourselves.  Gotta save it For Strategy, right?  That's my instinct.  I'll go with what my Dad and/or Mom wants, though.  They're the boss!  I HATE THEM SO MUCH.  One day I'LL be the boss and THEN WHOSE LAUGHING.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe have Veggie Kale Burger for dinner.  That's the other thing that's left over from last week.  For some reason I felt I didn't have to have it immediately.  But now I'm thinking BETTER HAVE IT IMMEDIATELY.  Now SIDES SIDES that's the question the question becomes WHAT KIND OF SIDES.  Whatever.  Why is this my life.  I could have worse lives I guess.  But why ME getting stuck with THIS ONE.  Oh well that's life.
Yeah!  I can adjust bass and treble and subwoofer and all that stuff to fine tune, but there are several standard settings.  Setting ideal for MOVIE.  Setting ideal for MUSIC.  Setting ideal for DIRECT [not sure what that means].  Setting ideal for GAME [kind of know what that means?].  So there's all that.  Not sure what to make of all that.  Pretty self explanatory.  Except for this Direct business.  What does it mean like I'M THE DIRECTOR.  If you're directing something, anything, this is the kind of sound EQ Level configuration you're gonna wanna be tuned to.  I don't think that's what direct means.  Maybe it's THE SOUND IS COMING DIRECTLY AT YOU.  No fuckin' around with getting cute.  Just HERE'S SOME SOUND RIGHT ATCHA CAN YA DEAL WITH IT I HOPE SO YOU CHOSE THIS SETTING NOW YOU GOTTA LIVE WITH IT.  So there's that kind of thing and whatnot.  Anyway what other kind of things are things and whatnots.  I had been assuming for TV Show they want me to go with Movie.  Maybe I was wrong.  Maybe TV show is Direct.  DIRECTV.  That used to be a company 20 years ago.  Very possibly still is!  I think it was Satellite TV.  Better LTURQ.  Looks like they're still around in some form.  Well done.  Good for them.  Sure they REALLY need another, "T," in their name but I guess letters cost money.  Saving a fortune every time they have to put out their company name in print.  Sure.
Yeah!  New brand of Ice Cream Bar is called SIMPLY INDULGENT.  I CAN'T SAY NO TO THAT.  Indulgent is a word I use ALL THE TIME to describe food.  I know because I spell it wrong every single time.  So when I'm spell checking each entry there's literally 12 times an entry I need to correct the word INDULGENT.  By the way that time I spelled it right from the start because I figured if my instinct is always wrong that's the back-up idea I had which was right.  E instead of an A.  That's where I've been running into trouble!  Anyway what else.  One more paragraph after this one for the act.  Then move on with my life and whatnot.  Either have snack before walk or after walk.  Maybe save it for after walk.  GO CRAZY with saving things.  THE INUITS WOULD BE PROUD.  Anyway.  Kinda wanna befriend some Inuits now!  Too bad they're all the way on the other side of Canada.  New York borders Canada.  Then Inuits border THE WAY WAY OTHER SIDE.  Probably some Inuits in Canada, too.  Gonna have to look into that.  WHY.  Interesting counterpoint.
     Last paragraph of the act!  I don't believe it!  Got a nice day ahead of me.  Watch some nice TV and Movies and GET A LOT OUT OF THEM specifically Horror Movies.  THE SUBWOOFER TELLS ME WHEN TO BE SCARED.  Gotta imagine Action movies are similarly enhanced.  Either way What A Wonderful World We Live In where the audio of the entertainment we consume is slightly more comprehensive.  YEAH.  SLIGHTLY MORE.  I like that.  Huh.  Apparently the MLB Owners and MLB Players Association are gonna start meeting every day.  GREAT.  Let's get into it.  Make some real progress in terms of HASHING IT OUT.  I like baseball and if I get to see it happen soon that's all the better.  HMM how would subwoofer improve watching baseball.  Gotta imagine IT WILL.  I can't quite pinpoint HOW yet.  Will it make me feel like I'm at the ball park?  That sounds interesting.  I'd say most of the times I've been at the ball park it's been a relatively positive experience.  Great.  I'll be back in a little bit.




let me stop you right there

    HEY!  Tried new kind of Ice Cream Bar.  Delicious!  Solidly on the positive end of the spectrum in terms of what I was expecting.  I was kind of expecting at the baseline expectation I wouldn't like it.  But I figured I'd give it a shot anyway.  Turns out Great I Like It so basically My Life Is GOOD for right now???  What else is going on.  Lunch in about an hour 45.  I like those odds.  Think I know what side to go with Kale Burger tonight.  WHEAT THINS.  Got me some wheat thins.  NOWS THE TIME FOR THEM TO SHINE.  Also are they reduced fat?  YOU KNOW IT!  Well you do now.  You didn't know it before.  Presumably you got the message when I said You Know It! because colloquially that's a way to confirm whatever it was we were just talking about.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  Tried these dumb small crackers that are Cauliflower Based and 2 calories per cracker.  First one I had was gross.  Then I had 2 more and I IMMEDIATELY got acclimated to the Cauliflowerness and was like yeah these ain't so bad.  SMALL.  Not sure what kind of purpose they'll serve.  Put em in soup or something.  I don't eat soup.  I LIKE soup.  Wonder why I haven't eaten it much lately.  The moral of the story is figure out a way to work soup back into my diet.  Without cauliflower crackers.  Look I can tolerate them on their own but I don't wanna risk ruining my soup with this Cauliflowerness Nonsense!
     Coffee after this paragraph.  Amazing!  What can I say in the meantime.  Almost done with Tales From That Crypt cycle.  Then onto bigger and better things.  Well, not bigger things.  Other things'll be the same size.  Not better things.  I obviously think the world of Tales From The Crypt so what are the odds I find something better.  The point is ONTO OTHER THINGS.  Possibly NEWER things you'd think.  I can go back to Other Stuff I've Done And Watched That Are Also Worse.  In fact it's almost guaranteed that's what will happen!  AMAZING.  Delicious meal from last week's Super Market order is delicious grilled chicken patty and broccoli and sweet potato.  I think that's it.  Also HERBS on the chicken and possibly other ingredients.  Also it comes in a MICROWAVEABLE PLASTIC BOWL.  With some sort of plastic wrapping on top of it that keeps the freshness in while you cook it.  THANK GOD.  I was worried THE FRESHNESS WOULD GET OUT.  What a waste of freshness in that scenario.  Hey time for coffee!
  Got delicious coffee going.  I don't have a problem with hat.  If I did why would I do it.  Interesting counterpoint.  Let's look up what DIRECT EQ setting means.  And it better not just be The Sounds Are Coming DIRECTLY At You!  Hmm.  Something about No Sound From Rear Speakers and/or it's meant to be as accurate a portrayal of how the audio sound makers MEANT the sound to be heard.  Man, you can't like, MEAN a sound to be heard.  What else is going on.  Kale burger could be an uppercase Snack.  But the last few days I've abandoned Uppercase Snacks in favor of having whatever snack I want when it's snack time even if it's as big a Lowercase Snack can get.  ALSO WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON FOR THE REST OF THE ENTRY.  Hmm.  Gotta think of what to watch after this entry.  HEY you know what movie I'd REALLY appreciate with new Speakers set to MOVIE EQ?  Why it's only Jurassic Park III: The Movie They Never Bothered To Give A Specific Title.  It has William H Macy so how bad a movie can it really be?  Talented cast!  Talented dinosaurs!  Must be KIND OF good!
     It isn't but don't let that throw you.  Still kinda feel it's good even with all the evidence in the contrary.  Hmm.  Fourth paragraph of the act!  What else is up.  There's a BIRD dinosaur that gets some action screen time in Jurassic Part III.  Amazing!  VERY Amazing.  What else is up.  Pretty much have lunch soon after next walk.  Amazing!  Do some stuff before next walk.  Then do some stuff after lunch.  That covers the rest of my life more or less!  I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH BONUS WIRES AND CORDS that came with Speakers.  There's like 4 or 5 wires I don't think I need but they gave me.  Maybe it couldn't HURT to use them in some way.  But right now I think I'm getting everything I need to get out of these speakers with the wires and cords I'm currently using.  AMAZING.  Hey I can do some quick browsing of Instruction Guide.  I feel there's some good stuff in there that might help me with fine tuning the sound and whatnot.  I have to write one more paragraph.  That's life I guess.
Sure.  YA KNOW WHAT I kind of like these cauliflower crackers.  The taste that turned me off on my first try has turned into a KICK I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT.  I need MORE AND MORE.  And then that's enough.  No third through sixth mores.  Two mores is great, thanks!  Multiple mores.  What is this SOMEMORES.  AKA S'MORES.  Perfect.  I can have a S'more Pop Tart as a halfway between lowercase snack and uppercase snack.  Let's do that at some point.  I don't see why not.  Tough to pinpoint when I'd get the most out of it.  Still though can't let that stop me.  Pick a Feeding Time and just go for it!  That's how I feel!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Sure I'm actually gonna watch Jurassic Park III next because I'm an idiot and lack any imagination.  My imagination is just think of something dumb and then settle for following through with that dumb thing I thought of at first.  Great!  Worse ways to live your life all things considered.  I'll be back tomorrow.

-2:20 P.M.




Thursday, February 17, 2022

that's not the way i do things

    Hey!  Right now I'm about 45 minutes behind schedule today.  Woke up late and then had to drop off clothes at LAUNDROMAT afterwards.  None of my clothes!  All my Dad's.  No clean shirts again for me today!  Mom said she'll do my shirts in HOME LAUNDROMAT ENTERPRISE for tomorrow.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  How is DIET SCHEDULE working out.  Moved lunch and lowercase snack around yesterday.  Worked okay!  Maybe this is something I'll consider for the future.  Seems reasonable to take it on a daily basis.  BUT still eat SOMETHING at the same scheduled times.  WOW CONSISTENCY AND FLEXIBILITY AT ONCE.  Love it!  The point is I'm presumably getting my speakers today.  All of 'em!  Not sure how many there are.  Somewhere between one and five.  Including the SUBWOOFER.  That would be the ultimate fifth in a most-speakers-it-comes-with scenario.  Isn't this something I should know.  Seems like that kind of information I'd have absorbed before buying it.  You'd think so wouldn't you.
     What else is going on.  I feel like once I have a dirty shirt on it becomes less dirty.  Looks and feels dirty laying on the floor and/or in hamper.  Then I put it on and magically I'm like HEY THIS IS JUST ABOUT RIGHT.  Nothin' wrong here.  So I got that going for me.  Finished Jurassic Park II: The Lost World.  Will I watch Jurassic Park III: Not Good Enough For A Title Beyond III?  I dunno.  I hope not.  It's not a great movie!  Then again what else is going on.  Had another early breakfast today.  It's hard to wait to eat breakfast when you're hungry when you wake up.  Also kind of intuitive to eat breakfast when you're hungry when you wake up.  ALSO not sure if I MightNight snacked last night.  I don't remember doing it but then when I woke up there were bits of GRAHAM CRACKER in my bed.  Which could have come from the day before???  But I don't think so!  So either it was from the day before OR my MightNight snacking has reached a dangerous new level where I'm not doing it consciously.  COOL!
Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day and National Drink Wine Day.  First of all FINE.  You're being direct and imposing kind of to say DRINK WINE but if you insist I'll give it a shot!  I should drink wine more.  At some point I'll have an experience drinking wine where I like it.  I like the buzz you can get from it, sure.  But I feel like at some point I should enjoy the flavor and/or experience of Just Drinking It Alone Without The Drunkening Effects.  So there's that.  Crab stuffed flounder.  Gonna have part III of crab stuffed file of sole today.  So there's that.  Why is this a paragraph.  Who cares.  HEY THIS IS GOOD STUFF.  For some reason we're all invested in National Foods Of The Tomorrows.  It's Important.  I'm not making this stuff up off the top of my head.  Neither is this website.  This is all REAL STUFF that PEOPLE DECIDED.  And you WILL see it in the news once in a while.  Oh and by the way today is national Eat Fudge Day.  Now you just know about it every day consistently.  AND I GET NO THANKS FOR IT AT ALL.
Anyway.  Lemme LTURQ.  Search, "Fudge," on this page.  FIVE HITS FOR FUDGE.  Five days with fudge in the National Food Day Title.  Different kinds of fudge!  No spoilers!  Anyway I'll eat some fudge sure.  I'll also NOT eat some fudge sure.  That's part of life.  Sometimes you eat fudge sure sometimes you sure don't eat fudge!  What else is up.  Gotta pick up LAUNDROMAT CLOTHED later today.  FINE.  We're already creeping up in time that I can have lowercase snack.  So it turns out Early Breakfast didn't muck up my Diet Schedule too much at all!  What else is up.  WARM today.  Wore winter jacket on walk just to be safe and it was too warm!  Switched to sweatshirt jacket for Laundromat.  Gonna stick with that.  Amazing.  Global Warming to the rescue!  At what point do we start seeing those takes for real.  Global Warming may exist but its not all bad whose to say that it being warmer makes things worse maybe it makes some things better TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY.  Seems like SOMEONE will make that argument SOMEWHERE.  MAYBE MULTIPLE PEOPLE.  IN MULTIPLE PLACES.
Hey I get to have coffee after this paragraph.  Amazing.  People LIKE IT when its warm.  I'd say most civilization cultures prefer summer and warmer weather to winter and colder weather.  I guess part of it is GOOD FOR CROPS and whatnot.  But part of it seems to just be Human Comfort Level.  We're happier when it's on the warmer side than the colder side!  AMAZING.  Maybe Inuits feel differently.  It gets warm and they're like WHAT THE HELL IS THIS BULLSHIT.  Good for them.  Can I say INUIT.  Or is that  THEIR word.  Pretty sure I can say it.  Ok great.  Pretty sure I've said EVERYTHING I said this entry already before.  Fudge.  Inuits.  Global Warming.  Lost World.  Scenario.  5 Speakers.  Multiple places.  Good stuff.  MightNight Dangerous New Level.  What's going on again.  Just tried some new animal crackers.  They're the brand that makes the micro-animal crackers but these are regular animal crackers.  GOOD but more calories.  I dunno if I ever wanna have these again!  TOO MUCH ENERGY.
    HEY Screw this dumb pointless entry.  Today gonna be a good day!  SPEAKERS.  Maybe JUST MAYBE I try Guitar Program and there's no lag.  Maybe JUST MAYBE I listen to music and it sounds great and I wanna listen to MORE music.  Maybe JUST MAYBE I'm like HEY DIALOGUE IN THIS TV SHOW SOUNDS CRISPER.  NOW I LIKE IT BETTER.  LET'S GET CRISPIN GLOVER IN ON THIS DIALOGUE.  Maybe some Rice Crispies.  I don't want rice crispies.  In some sense a Rice Crispy Treat seems like something I'd like but I find it disgusting but NOW ACTUALLY I HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT IT IN YEARS AND NOW ACTUALLY MAYBE I WANNA TRY IT?!?!  So that's what I got in store for the rest of the day.  NAH I DON'T WANNA TRY THAT.  I looked at image and TOO RICE CRISPY.  I was imagining it just now maybe the rice crispy is secondary and it's not really the star of the treat.  NOPE IT'S THE STAR AND NO THANK YOU I CAN DO BETTER WITH MY TREATS.
     Okay.  The point is I BINGED on eating the little bits of graham cracker I found in my bed upon waking.  Look they were sizable enough that they were full sized pieces to eat.  Not bits of crumb.  I have no regrets.  Except for how I didn't need to eat them and I did.  That's 20 calories I'm never getting back.  Maybe I will get them back.  I probably will at some point.  Gonna have to think about that one.  Seventh paragraph!  Ate only half of Ultimate Turkey Sandwich Uppercase Snack Of The Week yesterday.  So it turned into a lowercase snack.  THIS IS THE LIFE I CHOSE.  What else is up.  Best Buy sayin' my delivery will arrive by 10 PM.  I was imagining it would arrive at some point in the day where I had a lot of the day to mess around with installing it and trying it out.  Maybe I will.  Maybe I won't.  Maybe I will to some extent.  Maybe I WON'T to some extent.  Maybe lots of things and maybe other things.
     Sure!  I still wish I was having healthier breakfasts and I plan on making that transition still but I'm happy with the kind of Dessert Breakfasts I've been having.  I MIX AND MATCH.  Have 2-3 DIFFERENT THINGS which add up to 1 dessert breakfast.  It's like a mini-binge to start my day.  I NEED A LITTLE OF THIS.  NOW A LITTLE OF THAT.  NOW A HALF OF A LITTLE OF A THIRD THING.  BOOM GREAT WAY TO START THE DAY.  Amazing.  Eighth paragraph.  I can, "Dig," that!  What's going on in the wide world of sports.  Judging from what my parents are talking about the story of the day is the kids who got in the fight and then the cops came and joined in on the white kids side but took him to the side because he wasn't doing a good enough job of fighting the black kid.  That's no good.  What else.  Never been in a fight myself.  Wait.  Yes I have.  I think?  Not really.  It's been TENSE and PRE-FIGHT atmosphere a couple of times.  But I DE-ESCALATED with my charm and also RUNNING AWAY.  HEY THINGS ARE GETTING TENSE.  I'M OUT OF HERE!  Run away at full speed.  Sounds reasonable.  Everyone talks about fight or flight like fight is the good manly thing to do.  FLIGHT IS THE BEST.  Let's GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE.
     Anyway.  What else is up.  Right now feels like lunch'll be 1 PM.  Regular scheduled lunch.  The point is I haven't shaved in two weeks and I think I'll go another week just to see what happens.  My prediction is facial and upper-neck hair will continue to grow a little bit.  Ninth paragraph.  HMM.  Do I eat lowercase snack when I get back from walk OR when I'm done with shower after getting back from walk.  THIS IS A DIFFERENT OF 10-30 MINUTES DEPENDING ON HOW THINGS SHAKE OUT.  Amazing.  Just had to reschedule Endocrine Appointment.  Push it back a week.  Which is important because I was considering my diet in terms of Wanting To Hit A Goal for that appointment.  Because they take my weight professionally AND she's the one who's considering my weight the most outside of Me.  So it's a mile goalpost Thing.  GREAT ANOTHER WEEK TO GET SOME POSITIVE DONE IN THE POSITIVE DIRECTION.  DONE.  One more paragraph here.
Done!  What else is up.  Also why not Fight AND Flight.  Run RIGHT INTO 'EM.  Or fly as the case may be.  Best of both worlds.  The point is Hey Great.  The point is if I knew I could antagonize black people and fight them with no consequences and actually have them fought by stronger adult people who are armed instead of me then I would have done things in my teenage years A LITTLE BIT DIFFERENTLY.  Not sure what that means.  Pretty sure it's not good to say.  HEY I CAN GET AWAY WITH BEING A JERK.  SOMETHING THREE LEVELS ABOVE BEING A JERK.  IF YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT PRESUMABLY YOU SHOULD DO IT.  That's the premise!  Getting away with things is The American Dream.  What else is going on and crap.  Trying Chocolate Covered Pretzels for next week.  Hopefully they're big and/or filling enough for a snack.  A lowercase snack of a few but a HEAVY lowercase snack.  What the hell Is My Life.  I'll be back soon.




what do you have to say for yourself

    Hey!  Having delicious protein bar right now.  You might picture it as Granola-y and nutty and stuff like that.  Nope!  Chocolate bar.  But with protein.  Gonna have Lunch as next Feeding Time.  Maybe 15-45 minutes late because I wanna set it up so I eat AFTER finishing entry.  But that's fine, just fine.  The point is what else is fine, just fine.  I got a nice day in store for me today.  I don't care what happens.  It's gonna be nice!  The weather is nice thus the day is nice.  I feel very strongly about this!  Anyway.  Been unconsciously and unreasonably feeling more CAVALIER about going into Starbucks for restroom breaks.  I think my Dad having FOUR shots now is part of it, but also part of is just that the micro-culture that's on my radar is telling me to move on.  Key part is Brother.  He's moving on!  Lotta influence he has over me in this kinda stuff.  But anyway.  Mom still at risk person and she's only had three shots.  So the point is I SHOULDN'T be letting up but I AM A LITTLE BIT.  In terms of Kavalierly going to bathrooms.  Other than that still playing it pretty safe!
     What else is up.  Oh.  Coffee time.  I'll be right back!  My cousin got covid and apparently so did his child-age daughter and she had to go to HOSPITAL.  Seemed to be as un-serious as it could be in terms of having to go to hospital but even the lowest level of seriousity for going to hospital is pretty serious!  So there's that.  Pretty sure if there is Studying History in the future people will universally take covid seriously in retrospect.  Hmm A MILLION AMERICANS DIED FROM IT.  Sounds like a lot.  So we got that to look forward to!  I hope Studying History is still around.  Also there's not much STUDYING to that.  Studying history is a few steps beyond that.  This is just LEARNING history.  EASY.  EVERYONE CAN DO IT.  The point is we got that to look forward to.  Thinking about getting a delicious Chicken Pot Pie for dinner.  Not the healthiest thing.  Not the least healthiest thing!  Very much on the heavier side of things in terms of Size/Calories I like to consume at a meal but still totally reasonable.  The point is IT'S ABOUT TIME I ATE A POT PIE AND IF YOU'RE PUTTING CHICKEN IN IT ALL THE BETTER.  Too bad I have to maneuver around corn and peas.  That's life!  Gotta take the good with the bad.  The chicken and potato with the corn and the peas.  There's potato-ish bits right.  Or am I just imagining that.  I forget now.
Yeah!  Anyway.  What else is going on.  Got enough Beverage to last me through tomorrow.  Non-water beverage.  Amazing.  Third paragraph of Act II.  Presumably it will be 5-6 overall.  That's my goal for today.  Well, for the next half an hour at least.  GREAT!  I could get two Heated Dogs for lunch tomorrow.  BUT I GOT STUFF FOR LUNCH TOMORROW.  Also Oh Well What Can Ya Do.  Hot dogs cost a lot nowadays!  One hot dog from deli is 6 dollars.  I feel like when I was a kid it'd be like 3 dollars.  And if you get hot dogs from Cart it'd be like 1 dollar or 1.50.  HMM.  Any hot dog carts on door dash.  SIGN ME UP WITH THAT.  Then again it'd be terribly unhealthy in pretty much every aspect something can be unhealthy.  But if I wanted to eat 5 hot dogs in a row it'd be the best birthday ever is the point.  And if they came from hot dog cart that's THREE TIMES as good as from Professional Deli.  Also KNOCKOFF CART.  Look if you're in the city there are some semi-semi professional organization collective carts.  Those are PRETTY good.  But the best are the carts striking it out on their own.  They're not beholden to COMPANY STANDARDS or anything. 
     What else is great.  You can make lots of small adjustments to sound with this Speakers to accommodate YOUR needs and desires.  EQ ADJUSTMENTS AND WHATNOT.  GREAT.  I have mixed feelings.  On the one hand wonderful I can tune it to the way my ears like it best.  But on the other hand hmm but then I wouldn't be getting the exact same universal experience as most other people listening to this music.  And on THE OTHER HAND this is gonna take a while and a lot of work to figure out WHAT I WANT exactly.  It's not as easy as ONE-TWO-THREE.  Gotta experiment with things and whatnot.  All I know is HOOK ME UP WITH SOME TREBLE.  Also I don't know that.  In the past I've been a Treble-Boy.  Maybe I've grown out of it!  Maybe that's better for earphones and not for speakers.  Maybe lots of things!  What is this the fourth paragraph of the act?  Great.  I can, "Dig," that!  Too bad it's already over.  As soon as I started, "Digging," it it ended!  Hardly seems fair.
     Yeah!  What else is going on.  HEY I'm right on schedule already.  That happened quick.  Made up a lot of ground in a short amount of time.  HMM maybe do fantasy baseball draft today.  Today feels RIGHT.  Maybe cause of the warmer weather.  HEY SPRING IS IN THE AIR LET'S GET IN THE MOOD WITH BASEBALL AND WHATNOT DO SOME DRAFT.  It feels about right.  Also maybe do first draft relatively blind and then wait a few weeks and do a 2nd draft/league more prepared.  And that's it!  Two leagues for the year!  AMAZING THIS IS GREAT STUFF.  Sure is.  What else is Great Stuff.  Gotta imagine a solid 25% of this entry hasn't been said before.  WOW.  Anything is better than nothing.  Fifth paragraph of the act!  Looks like it's gonna be a six'r.  A seventy six'r.  They're basketball players.  Also if you work for the Seventy Sixer organization are you considered part of the team.  I guess it depends what level you work as.  If you're a stadium custodian or something Nope you don't qualify.  If you're a high level executive maybe you can call yourself that and no one would bother caring.  If you're a coach or something yep you can probably get away with saying you're a 76'r.
Last paragraph of the act.  Amazing!  Will I have third cup of coffee with Act III?  Only time will tell!  Right now PROBABLY.  Anyway.  HEY any good new movies on Shutter: The Screaming Service?  HEY THERE'S A NEW ONE THAT LOOKS INTERESTING.  I dunno if I wanna watch an interesting movie.  Too much!  Uninteresting isn't great either.  I wanna watch a movie that's vaguely interesting.  Something ON THE CUSP.  What else is going on.  Deli makes good chicken fingers.  Is hat something I should consider?  NO.  I'm getting new meals from Super Market tomorrow.  Gotta get started on them IMMEDIATELY.  No overflow from Dinner Order tonight.  So I got that going for me is the point.  Hmm.  Reviews said These Speakers were EXTREMELY easy to set up.  THEY BETTER BE RIGHT.  I don't wanna have to DO anything.  I don't remember signing up for having to DO THINGS in life.  And if I never signed up for something why should I have to suffer doing it.  Doesn't seem fair!  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit.




i didn't know you felt that way

    Probably gonna push back lunch today till 3 PM.  Maybe that becomes the standard.  Even better, I choose on a day-by-day basis, like I said!  Lunch can be 1 PM, 3 PM, EVEN 5 PM! (EVEN 11 AM!!!).  Dinner can be 7 PM or 9 PM (EVEN 5 PM!!!).  But I still eat SOMETHING at more or less the same times.  WOW THIS COULD BE, I DON'T WANNA JINX IT, BUT THIS COULD BE A GAME CHANGER.  The point is Great Just Great.  If I had lunch at 3 PM and dinner at 9 PM then 3 meals are equi-distant eliminating need for uppercase Snack to make this symmetrical.  So basically I'd just have a FLOATER uppercase Snack among the lowercase Snacks.  INTERESTING, VERY INTERESTING.  This is shaping up to be... well, yeah, like I said, VERY INTERESTING.  What else is going on and crap.  OR just stick with what I've done the last 3 days.  I already had lunch at 3 PM yesterday.  That old routine is Dead And Gone.  Hey great just great.  Now I get to have coffee because there's no imminent meal.  WHAT A PARAGRAPH.  This is good stuff!  You could adapt it to your own life.  I dunno how much your life needs something like this.  Maybe not at all, maybe a lot!  I DON'T KNOW YOU.
Hey great just great.  Today's uppercase Snack will be NEXT SNACK!  Half a small turkey sandwich and a Fiber Brownie.  AMAZING.  I cracked the code of how to finish this sandwich before the turkey goes bad completely.  I WIN!  Maybe get HAM for uppercase Snack Sandwiches for next week.  I was thinking about different kind of DINNERS I could split into 2 or 3 lunches and a nice Turkey Dinner with Stuffing sounds like a great mix-em-up.  But I don't want TOO MUCH TURKEY.  CRACKED THIS CODE JUST NOW, GET SOME HEALTHY HAM INSTEAD.  I'm cracking codes left and right!  TWO.  HMM.  Maybe keep the same equi-distant meal symmetry with an uppercase snack, just move lunch and uppercase snack around.  1 PM to 5 PM and vice versa.  WHAT AM I INSANE.  No I'm the opposite I am very sane I'm cracking the codes for best lunch diet schedules.  Why did I use the word lunch beforehand.  I dunno why does any great writer use ANY word?
    Hey you idiot maybe just have the half a sandwich without the bonus brownie.  Maybe a bonus half a graham cracker.  I DON'T KNOW YET.  But this is a great opportunity to finish that sandwich that's all I know.  That's all I've ever known.  My entire life.  Wow today is a pivotal point in life.  If all I've ever known Comes Down To Today's Lunch and/or Uppercase Snack.  Interesting very interesting.  What else is going on.  Non diet related.  Let's get into it!  What's the first thing to listen to once speakers are hooked up and I'm happy with how they sound and everything.  Gotta have a good album or something.  This is tough.  HMM.  What's my favorite album in the world.  HMM.  Maybe I'll never listen to anything.  Can't commit completely to an album and/or song.  Yeah this song or album that just came to mind is PRETTY good but I'm sure I could think of better.  Maybe I should just wait to listen to anything until I know THE BEST thing to listen to.  That could take THE REST OF MY LIFE.  Oh well that's life.
Yeah!  Oh I know WEIRD AL POODLE HAT.  There we go.  That's the best album.  Even though half the songs are a snooze.  What else is going on and crap.  Get to watch a lot of TV when this is over.  Presumably good stuff.  HEY there's the Shutter film I can watch.  I like the sound of that.  Or at least I will once Fancy Speakers come.  I dunno if they're fancy.  They're 217 dollars with taxes and fees.  That doesn't sound that fancy.  If anything it kinda sounds like a STEP DOWN from the speakers that came attached to the TV.  Either way I guess we'll have to wait and see how it all shakes out.  The point is this half of the sandwich is really more like 60+% of the sandwich.  More meat on this side than the side I ate yesterday.  That's KEY in the calculus of Everything We've Discussed For Today.  Forgot to tell you about it.  Oh well I did now.  Better late than never!  I GUESS.
Penultimate paragraph.  I GUESS.  Still got some good Tales From That Crypt to watch.  Probably do that imminently.  Not sure I'm ready to watch a film I have to pay attention to.  I'll get around to that LATER in the day.  Maybe save that for FIRST THING I WATCH with new speakers.  What film is this film called.  Made exclusively for Shutter The Screaming Service.  They Live In The Grey.  Perfect.  An English language film.  I'll REALLY appreciate the speakers then.  Because they're talking in the language I like.  I'm not just READING the dialogue which speakers wouldn't help make better at all!  GREAT JUST GREAT WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON.  I'm not sure about this ham I'm getting.  Is it good SANDWICH ham is the point.  I know it's low calorie ham.  I know it's special somehow one way or another.  SO they claim.  But I want a good SANDWICH ham.  Oh well no way of knowing.
Last paragraph of the day!  It's about time.  Previous paragraphs were about space.  Next entry will be about Continuum.  So we got all the bases covered.  Anyway great just great.  Turn on some Tales From That Crypt up next.  Lay in bed for 45 minutes.  Take a walk.  Do other stuff.  Fall asleep at some point.  Get up and fall asleep over and over and over many times.  Then I'm dead!  Got it all planned out.  Good for me.  What else is good for me.  That I'm almost done here.  I like those odds.  Next Tales From That Crypt episode is a classic for me.  Main one I remember from my childhood.  All in all who cares how good the entry is it's NOSTALGIA and you can't argue with nostalgia.  Also it's got R LEE ERMEY.  Can't argue with R LEE ERMEY.  You can I guess but he's very intimidating so I don't think I'd want to get on his bad side if I was you!  Not sure what he'd DO.  I know he can be kind of an asshole and yell at you but I've never seen him physically attack someone.  Anyway.  That's it for today.  See ya tomorrow.

-1:08 P.M.




Wednesday, February 16, 2022

i don't know what to say

    HEY!  Just had zoom appointment with therapist.  Everything went okay.  We talked for 10 minutes successfully without any of us having a stroke or something and being unable to continue talking.  Had a small MightNight snack last night but pretty negligible.  Got delicious meals planned for today.  WAFFLE as one meal and Part II of III of STEAK and STUFFED FILET OF SOLE and FREEDOM FRIES and BROCCOLI as other meal.  WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.  The point is Great Just Great.  I like the smell of the Birthday Cake flavored Fiber One Brownie.  Taste is okay.  Does taste like it smells.  But the smell is really perect.  Plus its zero calories to smell it!  I think!  Maybe smelling something gives you .000001 calories.  I don't have the numbers in front of me.  The point is my Mom never did laundry today so I'm wearing unclean shirt.  Great!  Wore a sweatshirt jacket over it for ZOOM appointment.  WOW I MUST BE SOME SORT OF SMARTY PANTS.
Sure.  In the process of getting warmer today.  Not warm yet!  But we're getting there.  Delicious.  Spent yesterday's TV Consumption watching more Tales From That Crypt.  I like the part where Great Wonderful.  Also I know what speakers I'ma get.  Nice standard set of Speakers that seem to be the obvious way to go for my budget and what I want out of 'em.  No reason I can't put in the order for them sometime this working week.  Gotta work SOMEHOW during the week.  Zoom appointment is work.  I have to pretend I'm relatively sane and have things relatively under control.  I AM relatively sane and things ARE relatively under control.  Yeah but I have to pretend it's 10% MORE for each thing.  We both know I'm lying but it's the routine to PRETEND.  Anyway I think I have to decide WHERE TO PUT THE SUBWOOFER.  Which produces BASS.  I can put it strategically somewhere.  HMM.  Not sure I like bass.  SIGN ME UP WITH SOME TREBLE.
     Okay.  A little bit behind schedule on account of ZOOM appointment.  That's okay.  Life is all about being behind schedule.  And we're all always trying to catch up.  That doesn't sound accurate.  Oh well I said it anyway.  So there's that.  Anyway.  Had breakfast an hour early today and thus I had a bonus snack between breakfast and planned lowercase snack.  70 cal Fiber One Brownie Bar!  Not too bad.  Not gonna BREAK THE BANK.  And guess what it smelled great.  Ya know what?  BIRTHDAY CAKE FLAVORED.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Cabbage Day and National Cafe au Lait Day.  CABBAGE?  WHAT THE HELL?  WHO THE HELL IS LIKING CABBAGE.  There Cabbage Riff down.  CAFE AU LAIT?  I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS.  There Cafe Au Laut riff down.  Let's LTURQ.  Oh.  It's a LATTE.  Different ratio than what you'd get normally if you order a latte.  But that's what it is!  Sure I'll have a latte.  Give me a latte right now, I'll drink it instead of coffee.  GIVEN THAT CALORIES AREN'T GONNA BREAK THE BANK.
Where is this bank and why is it in constant danger of being broken.  Also who is concerned about physical structures getting broken.  Maybe it's a piggy bank.  THAT I can see you're upset and worried about it being broken.  That's the whole thing.  But a Bank Building-- whose gonna break it and how and WHY.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Even if I can't figure out how to get to Apple Music on my TV, which I probably can, I think I can easily get music on these TV Speakers through controlling it with my phone.  AMAZING.  I'm gonna listen to THE SHIT out of some music.  It's about time!  Haven't listened to classic nostalgia music hardly ever lately.  Amazing.  What else is up.  Also the price of these speakers aren't' gonna BREAK THE BANK.  Around 200-250 dollars.  REASONABLE.  VERY REASONABLE.  Unless they turn out to suck.  Then UNREASONABLE.  Or they turn out to be AMAZING.  Then UNREASONABLE but IN MY FAVOR.  Sure.  Great.  What else is up.
     Yeah!  Maybe think of a new way to refer to MightNight Snacks.  Almost makes em sound appealing.  MIGHT is good.  We should all hope to be MIGHTY.  Maybe it's might like I MIGHT have it or I MIGHT NOT.  Either way whatever it means it clearly hasn't been working so its time to come up with a new title.  How about DUMBSNACKING.  It's dumb.  That's what comes to me off the top of my head.  Let's go with that I guess.  Why bother thinking of something better when I've already thought of something that may or may not be worse.  That's Life Philosophy for you.  Coffee after this paragraph.  CABBAGE?  That's even worse than LETTUCE.  And I have mixed feelings about LETTUCE already.  What else.  Gotta shave today.  My hair.  Facial hair!  I guess neck hair too.  There's some hair directly below my face on my neck.  You might consider it facial hair but let's be honest This Isn't My Face.  Hmm.  I'll be right back.
    Did I watch a little bit more of Jurassic Park II: The Lost World?  WHO CARES.  Why are you even asking me that.  Or more accurately why am I asking myself that.  Because YES I DID and THE WORLD SHOULD KNOW ABOUT IT.  I like the part where great dinosaurs wonderful I get the idea.  The point is is it possible there were dinosaurs that were boneless that we know nothing about?  Are there other ways to discover Lost Dinosaurs besides their bones.  Suer through the way they get DINO DNA through Sappified Mosquitoes.  I guess.  Gotta imagine there being no bones though makes it extra hard!  You don't know what you're looking for!  Anyway was there ever any talk in Jurassic Park look we all love dinosaurs but maybe we can have a NON DINO JURASSIC SECTION for long extinct cool animals that aren't Dinos.  Because let's face it SHIT LOAD OF AMAZING ANIMALS from the past that aren't dinosaurs!  WE HARDLY EVER TALK ABOUT THEM.  Seems wrong.
Cool.  What else seems wrong.  Most things.  I don't like the sound of that!  Anyway.  I think it's very cathartic for Jeff Goldblum to be a hero again in Jurassic Park II: The Lost World.  Not for him.  For his character.  Which may spill over Into Him, I dunno how deep he gets into character when acting.  Either way he got over his fear of dinosaurs and his fear of not being able to save those close to him.  Great!  SPOILER ALERT.  Maybe.  Maybe Jeff Goldblum gets over his fear of dinosaurs, and he saves people, but in the end he gets eaten anyway.  No spoilers!  Possible that happens and I don't know.  It might happen in a bonus scene after the credits.  Never stuck around that long to watch!  Oh well such is life.  Pitch for horror movie where Ian Malcolm is stalked by Killer and the killer kills those around him one by own.  And the tagline is DEATH finds a way.  Just an idea!
     What else is going on.  Also is the killer a velociraptor?  I hope not!  I don't like the way they're portrayed.  I'd like velociraptor if they were quick agile dangerous killing machines that are just average intelligence for an animal.  You start making them super smart I DON'T CARE.  Anyone can kill someone by using logic.  Only a DINOSAUR can kill ya by... ya know... being a dinosaur.  Running right up at ya and taking a bite out of ya.  Don't complicate things by adding more to the story!  Hmm.  Eighth paragraph.  I think I know what I'm gonna have for upcoming snack.  No spoilers.  But it's delicious, in the middle of where I want my snacks to be calorie wise, and what more do you need.  TWO FOR TWO.  Delicious and reasonable calories.  I WIN.  Presumably there must be other qualifications that are important.  HEALTH.  Ok this doesn't really give much Health Properties.  TWO FOR THREE.  I STILL WIN. 
    Yeah!  Great.  What else is up.  This is a tough one.  What to have for lunch.  One key sticking point MAY be that I had the Steak & Seafood for DINNER last night.  So do I want it for two Full Meals In A Row?  HOWEVER that's not really a big deal.  And besides that, they both are pretty much equally matched in terms of WHAT DO I WANT TO EAT.  DANGIT.  This is gonna be a tough one.  A DELICIOUS tough one.  I win either way is the point!  YEAH.  WAFFLES.  I like the sound of that.  Stuff em down my gullet and whatnot.  Whose gonna stop me YOU.  What would be YOUR MOTIVE.  Only motive off the top of my head for trying to stop me from eating waffles is YOU want my waffles.  Otherwise why would you care?  Anyway.  Maybe we could work out a deal where I'll give you my waffles but you're gonna have to give me something equally valuable or more in return.  Let's say OR MORE.  If it's just equal Why Bother let's stick with what we have.
    Ugh.  What else is going on.  Gotta good feeling about next act of entry.  I purposefully wrote a crappy act to LEAD INTO a good act.  Just when you least expect it, you get some HEY THIS IS HALFWAY ENTERTAINING.  Thanks for sticking with me on this journey to get there!  Wonderful.  Take a walk.  Take a shower.  Take a snack.  Write an act.  Take a walk.  Write an act.  Eat a lunch.  Then comes THE REST OF THE DAY. You can argue that Eating The Lunc his THE REAL start of The Rest Of The Day.  And finishing the act is the conclusion of the first third of the day.  HEY LET'S HAVE THAT ARGUMENT.  I WANNA GET INTO IT.  I'll take the position that Entry concludes the first part of day and lunch starts the rest of the day.  YOU take the other position whether you believe it or not.  THAT'S HOW SPEECH AND DEBATE WORKS.  You gotta argue whatever side they give you.  It's good practice if you ever wanna be a Speech & Debater when you grow up!  Anyway I'll be back soon.




now that i think about it

    HEY!  Big news!  Gonna have extravagant Steak Meal for lunch and waffle for dinner.  My reasoning is that I wanna have Turkey Sandwich as uppercase Snack and that leads better into the contrasting meal of Waffle than a Protein Meal.  This is great!  My day is shaping up to be one for the ages.  Maybe commit to getting Speakers today.  Gonna have to look around for Best Price from Reliable Source but that seems reasonable accomplishable!  The point is coffee after this paragraph.  Mini-snack of FUDGESCIECLE maybe after the next paragraph.  Then all the pieces are finally falling into place.  What pieces.  And WHAT PLACE.  And WHAT FINALLY FALLING.  Wait no that part makes sense.  If we accept there's pieces and places Finally Falling makes all the sense in the world!  Anyway what else is going on.  Time for coffee already.  That was fast. 
    Jeez.  Another productive day of Falling Into Schedule.  This time around it actually seems like it's gonna stick.  Walk every Even Hour and Feeding Time every odd hour.  It's EASY it' INTUITIVE and it WORKS.  I can't write a book about it and sell it to other people though.  Other people can't walk every other hour.  That's pretty unique to my situation.  Also I don't wanna write a book.  Sounds like a lot of work!  And I'm generally against work for the most part everything else being equal.  What else is going on.  Also if other people lose weight then ME being thinner isn't as good.  THE MORE FAT AROUND ME, THE MORE BETTER MY THINNESS IS.  That's just math.  Anyway.  I was kind of picturing I'd get so much stuffed filet of sole I'd make this meal into FOUR meals instead of three.  Then when I got it I was like OH YEAH WAIT.  I was imagining the portion they give when IT'S JUST THAT AS THE DINNER and not a combination of steak.  Honest mistake!  Still can make it into three meals!  Honestly decent result conclusion!  Still Delicious!
    Anyway.  HEY Fudgesicle.  I dunno how they do it!  Make fudge ice cream pop only 40 calories with no added sugar.  Oh I know how they do it THEY LIE.  It's all a lie.  Oh well if Everything Is A Lie then it all cancels each other out and it becomes truth.  If everything is a lie, then nothing is truth, so by default the lies become truth.  That's how things work I guess.  Hey great just great.  Halfway through the entry in term of Raw Paragraphs.  I can deal with that.  Wait a second MORE than halfway through.  I'm halfway through the entry in terms of Raw ACTS.  But we all know Act I is twice as big as Acts II and III or close to it!  WE ALL KNOW LOTS OF THINGS.  Amazing.  My Dad was concerned I'm getting speakers to listen to music loud.  And he was like we have neighbors you can't go nuts listening to loud music.  I can see where he's coming from.  I can imagine some real Kid Rock N Rollers being like we gonna get the best speakers and turn it UP.  PARTY LIKE IT'S 1989!  Not me!  Maybe turn up the TREBLE but that's less annoying to neighbors than BASS.  So it's a very good thing I'm a Treble Man and not a Bass Man because that's better for the neighbors.  I assume I have neighbors on this side of my house.  Never seen em.  See the neighbors on other side of the house half a dozen times a day cause they're always out and about when I'm walking.
Jeez.  What else is going on.  I'd party like it's 1989.  You'd need to help guide me, though.  I don't know what it was like in 1989.  I was Zero Years Old for almost all of it.  Anyway.  For me partying like it's 1989 is Wearing A Diaper and KIND OF, OVER TIME, GRADUALLY thinking about learning how to walk.  Sounds like a party to me.  Fourth paragraph of the act.  Amazing!  At first I wanted to eat turkey sandwich today because it's almost 2 weeks old so I figure I got only a day or two left with it definitely being fresh.  Then once I started putting the pieces together, and thinking about it leading into Waffle Dinner... I REALLY am on board.  Sounds like a great way to set up that part of my day.  It's gonna be a blast and a half.  DO I EAT FULL SANDWICH OR HALF SANDWICH WITH CHIPS.  I'm thinkin' Full Sandwich.  If I have half a sandwich then I'M BACK TO WHERE I STARTED, still got half a turkey sandwich's worth of turkey to finish and now we're even one day closer to the end of everything.  Huh?  Oh.  Okay.
Wonderful.  Anyway.  If I'm walking every Even Hour from 8 AM to 8 PM, not really a nice block of time to listen to TV SPEAKER MUSIC there.  Well, I can fit in two albums theoretically in breaks.  But it doesn't FEEL RIGHT.  It DOES seem like a reasonable thing to listen to music for 2 hours or something after final walk.  HMM.  I can listen to ALBUMS or SHUFFLES or BROWSE-AROUND-Em-UPS.  PLAYLISTS.  I got lots of options in terms of this crap.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  THERE BETTER BE SOME SORT OF VISUALIZER THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY.  Also never been entertained by a Visualizer.  Never.  They might not even exist anymore.  That's when you would play an mp3 player on your computer in the early 2000's and they're like hey we're gonna make some moving shapes and patterns and graphics that presumably is ADAPTED to the music you're listening to for you to look at.  And the premise is it's not just random visualizations but some sort of visual representation of music.  FIRST OF ALL THAT'S A LIE.  This is just random visualation. I'M ONTO YOUR LIES.  Second of all WHO CARES.  Third of all I HATE THIS.  Fourth of all HOW DARE YOU.
     Another paragraph or two for the act.  Amazing.  Probably just one.  Amazing.  Anyway.  Parents' birthdays coming up.  February 25th and February 27th.  Which is which?  I'll never tell!  Well if you're really interested I'll tell ya.  But that's up to you if you're interested enough to press the issue.  What else is going on.  HEY if baseball DOES ever happen this year METS GOT EXCITING TEAM.  They got the Classic Mets Players we know and love from years past.  Mainly last year.  Years before that I wasn't paying attention.  They got NEW players some of which should be fun and exciting to watch.  This would be entertaining if it ever happens!  Too bad I can't look forward to it because it may never happen.  That's something I'd be able to enjoy!  Oh well such is life.  Can't look forward to things that may never happen.  It'd be a waste of your time.  Hey great just great.  I'll be back in a little bit.




still drawing a blank

    HEY!  Ordered Speakers!  Coming tomorrow.  Reasonably sure I got the best price from a 100% reliable place.  Reasonably sure I got The Right Thing That I Wanted.  Reasonably sure it'll work out for the best.  Amazing!  Anyway.  Think I'm gonna switch upcoming feeding times.  Push lunch back one feeding time and have lowercase snack upcoming feeding time instead.  NOT SO HUNGRY.  Kinda GASSY.  In a good way!  The gas makes my hunger less because bloating and whatnot.  GREAT I LIKE THIS I'M BEING FLEXIBLE AND WHATNOT.  Anyway.  Could have gotten it for free delivery for TODAY.  I don't want it today.  Too soon.  I need time to GET USED TO THE IDEA of accepting the delivery.  Tomorrow I'll be ready.  Anyway the point is Gotta imagine that I'm reasonably sure it'll work out for the best.  Hey coffee after NEXT paragraph.  Gotta refill my COLD beverage right now.
    What else is going on.  I have mixed feelings about buying things.  It's FUN to be like hey now I'm DEFINITELY gonna get something soon!  Pretty much set in stone.  But I also hate the constant feeling of SHIT WHAT IF I'M BUYING THE WRONG PRODUCT.  I'm either getting something I didn't intend to, or the one I intend to is incompatible with my set-up, or SOMETHIN is gonna make this product The Wrong Thing To Do.  Gotta take the good with the bad.  If you wanna buy new things.  Which you do!  That's what America is all about.  I think we can all agree on that.  I don't agree with that.  And I'm the guy who what said it!  I'm the exception that proves the rule!  Anyway what else is going on.  JURASSIC PARK II: THE LOST WORLD or TALES FROM THAT CRYPT.  This is gonna be a tough one.  They both are very mediocre options considering how often and how recently I've watched them in the past.  But if they were brand new to me WOW THESE ARE GREAT.  Both sides of the same coin!
     HEY upcoming snack could be a delicious GRAHAM CRACKER.  I was craving some CINNAMON and was like well I'll have a Cinnamon Coffee Cake Fiber One Brownie.  NOPE.  Now's the time to have a Super Market Baked Graham Cracker.  WOW LIFE KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER AND THEN WORSE AND THEN A LOT WORSE AND THEN A LITTLE BIT BETTER AND THEN THE SAME FOR A WHILE AND THEN SLIGHTLY BETTER AGAIN.  I like those odds.  Coffee time.  Third paragraph of Act III.  Figure I got 3.5 paragraphs left to write and then the whole day is ahead of me.  Amazing!  I get to enjoy it and whatnot.  Anyway.  Maybe move around UpperCase Snack with the following lowercase snack to accommodate the pushing back Lunch one Feeding Time.  Look I sound insane I KNOW THIS but also it makes all the sense in the world to me.  So get off my back about it and whatnot.  Figure I'll have Graham Cracker after entry.  Reward!  Reward for doing something I do every day and in and of itself doesn't really merit a reward.  If anything kinda feels like maybe I should be punished for it?
What else.  My Dad said are you going to be listening to this with your earphones.  Not sure he's 100% grasping the concept of what I'm buying.  Oh well that's his problem not mine.  I got my own problems anyway.  We don't have to share problems.  We DO.  Lots of shared problems between me and my Dad.  Great what fun.  What else is going on.  Solid 50% chance I will find that just hooking up these speakers generically will solve Guitar Lag for Rocksmith Program.  That's my guess.  Very even odds it immediately helps without me having to do anything else or it not helping.  And then if it doesn't help immediately there's a 75% chance it won't help at all and a 33% chance it will ultimately help but I gotta make adjustments.  SURE I KNOW HOW TO DO MATH.  You're an idiot if you doubt my mathings.  REAL BIG IDIOT.  That's you!  Hmm this is another paragraph in the book.  WELL DONE, ME!
Penultimate paragraph!  I guess.  I'll be playing guitar solos in no time!  Not sure if I've ever played a guitar solo.  Seems too complicated.  Gotta figure at some point I'll play a guitar solo if this program guitar-lag is solved.  What else is going on.  Just updated my order for upcoming Super Market delivery.  I'm accomplishing things left and right today!  Not really.  If I SHAVE today that gets me into accomplishing a lot territory.  Just gets me over the hump into Accomplishing A Lot range.  Wow that sounds pretty easy.  I should do that.  You'd think so wouldn't you.  Anyway.  Lunch is soon even if it's not Right Now.  Two hours is still pretty soon!  I got that to look forward to is the point.  In the mean time though I guess I'll PROBABLY put on Tales From That Crypt when this is over.  I can see myself doing that.  And vaguely enjoying it.  To some extent.  I think the rest of today will be a relatively positive experience all told!  All told.  What does that mean.  It's an expression I think.  Probably applies here accurately.  Oh well what can ya do.
Last paragraph!  DO A FANTASY BASEBALL DRAFT.  That's accomplishing something.  Not something worthwhile per say.  But it accomplishes Taking Up A Block Of Time With Something.  Which is halfway there to being productive.  I got lots of blocks of time with nothing to do.  I do a Fantasy Baseball Draft for an hour and a half?  THAT'S SOMETHING TO DO.  Also maybe do some RESEARCH beforehand.  I've given myself a lot to think about.  Huh.  Anyway.  Do I need a full graham cracker?  Probably not.  But I'm not gonna eat 80% of a graham cracker just to eat 80% of a graham cracker.  Let's get real.  That's not healthy.  We're gonna eat 100% of the graham cracker and that's just the way we're gonna do things.  Also for the second half of this paragraph we're referring to ourselves as, "We."  This will expire at the end of the paragraph.  Which is now!  Wonderful!  I'll see you guys tomorrow.

-1:12 P.M.




Tuesday, February 15, 2022

i've got lots of thoughts

    Hey!  Got up about 30, 45 minutes late today.  You know what that means!  That's what it means.  Another successful day yesterday of schedule and/or diet-schedule.  Except for continuing to have MightNight Snacks.  Which were made up for by having smaller breakfast today and NOT having after-dinner-before-bed snack BeforeHand Of MightNight Snacks.  So the point is I'm happy with how things are going more or less.  Anyway.  Oh right I'm HERE.  Gotta write yukk-em-ups.  I'll get to that in a moment.  First things first-- my life is the same as yesterday.  I can't think of a single new thing.  Other than planning out meals for the upcoming future NOT INCLUDING YESTERDAY.  Already done!  But also presumably ALSO INCLUDING A DAY INTO THE FUTURE THAT IS PAST WHAT I WAS CONSIDERING YESTERDAY.  Hmm.  Gonna have to be home for either a small or medium sized chunk in the middle of the day to accept Amazon Fresh order.  Great!  CIRCLEWALKING MAYBE??? I DUNNO!!!
     Jeez.  Down to no clean shirts after today.  My Mom said she is doing laundry of Towels.  All towels, all the time.  Towels from all over the house.  I feel like if she does do that as she said she would, I could get her to accept half a dozen shirts, too.  Why not.  Let's make the most of this laundering enterprise.  The point is National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Almond Day and Tim Tam Day.  Well you've got my attention.  What the Hell is a Tim Tam.  Ya know what?  Maybe I don't wanna know.  Maybe this is one of those things where Not Knowing is much more fun than knowing.  Nah it's not that fun.  Let's LTURQ.  Australian Cookie/Candy Bar.  It looks delicious.  And I wish we had it in America.  BUT WE DON'T.  It's very clear that it's Australian and also I've never heard of it or seen it in America.  How IN THE HELL did they make it to America National Food Day.  Something's AMISS about that.
     Sure.  CAN I GET TIM TAMS FROM AMAZON?  BETTER LTURQ.  YEP YOU CAN.  Gotta try to remember that.  Well done National Food Of The Tomorrows.  It's been a few months but we finally hit something where it's relatively possible I buy that food when I wouldn't have anyway.  GREAT.  At first I had trouble picturing Americans saying TIM TAMS in any context let alone for a cookie candy-ish bar.  But once you say Australia it makes sense.  I can picture some dumb Australian Accent Guy going I gotta get me tim tams.  Anyway.  My main association with Australia is Mad Max Franchise.  I assume that's what it's like in Australia.  WAIT NO.  Going back in time my main association with Australia is The Simpsons episode that takes place there for half the episode.  Oh right that makes more sense.  I think it's weird that no matter how you cut it Australia is in the corner of the map.  Wonder if they see things that way.  Maybe they think they're in the center.  I'd like to see that map sounds interesting.
Anyway what else is going on.  Most Americans still think of Map centered around Europe.  I've seen it shifted over so America is center which is great for Rallying Patriotism but for the most part we've stuck with Europe.  WELL IT'S ONLY BEEN 500 YEARS GIVE US SOME TIME TO COURSE CORRECT.  Anyway.  What kind of delicious meals do I got in store for today.  Lunch'll be a Super Market prepared meal I haven't had yet.  Chicken based!  But what's supplemental to the chicken makes all the difference and it's stuff I haven't had yet.  Also Chicken Dressing and/or Cooking is different!  The point is GREAT JUST GREAT.  Thinking about having a nice Breakfastcentric Meal for dinner.  Because I like fun!  Huh.  Fourth paragraph huh.  Amazing!  It's possible I end up having Lunch before act III of entry.  I don't want to as of this moment.  But it's possible nonetheless.  Anyway only 25 minutes into Jurassic Park II: The Lost World.  Got a whole different take on Jeff Goldblum's character this time!  The first 275 times I watched the film I thought he was just the same wise-cracking irreverent guy he started out as in Jurassic Park I.  Now I think he's been severely traumatized by the experience and has been very haunted by it for the years between the films.  WHY NOT BOTH.  Sure let's go with that.
     Anyway.  It's hard to see that point of view because Who Cares They're Just Animals.  Lots of animals out there that'll eat you if they had a chance.  What difference does it make if its a dinosaur or not.  These dinosaurs are BIG.  MORE DANGEROUS than ALMOST ALL animals out there.  Fair enough.  Anyway.  Could do a fantasy baseball draft at some point but it feels wrong without knowing if and when season will start in real life.  Anyway.  Successfully stopped micro-binging throughout the macro-day on micro-animal crackers.  Because I finished a box and never opened another one!  DONE.  Also my Dad eats these too so it's not like we have boxes in store that I have to eat.  I'm done with it!  YEAH.  That'll show 'em.  I could always cut up my Tim Tams into 20ths and eat those.  I dunno probably can't cut up tim tams evenly.  They'll come apart or something. Crumble.  That's what cookies do.  The point is it's time for coffee.
    What was the other thing I'm supposed to celebrate tomorrow?  Almonds?  Sure.  I like almonds in a candy bar.  I wouldn't just eat a handful of almonds.  Maybe I would.  I never have.  Sometimes I see in Searching Super Market chocolate covered almonds.  That sounds interesting.  I like the part where it's chocolate.  Delicious!  I'd like to see a worldwide poll of Favorite Foods and see if Chocolate is #1.  Also the worldwide poll have Australia in a corner.  That's where I draw the line!  Anyway I'm sure that poll has been done.  Lemme LTURQ.  I GOT TIRED OF THIS.  I looked up one top 10 list and Chocolate wasn't on it.  But then again it was all REAL food.  Chocolate is an ancillary supplementary food.  Not really a NUTRITION food.  Also maybe half the world has never had chocolate.  WEIRD.  How the other half lives.  The point is yesterday my uppercase Snack was no different than a lowercase Snack.  That'd be a fun mix-em-up to do sometimes!  Saves calories!  BUT STILL most of the time AIM for UPPERCASE.
     Wonderful!  Seventh paragraph.  I don't believe it.  Got my eye set on what to eat for next snack.  I don't believe it!  I can eat it slightly early before next walk or slightly late after next walk.  Presumably.  If walk happens when I think it will happen.  Actually lemme amend that.  I think walk will happen slightly sooner than I was just thinking.  So I'd eat snack afterwards.  WHAT THE HELL IS THIS.  I lost track.  Oh, right.  What a treat it would be to wake up tomorrow and have half a dozen clean shirts to choose from.  Hmm.  Running low on GUM.  I got way more than I needed a few weeks ago then stopped getting it completely.  Now I have enough to last me but I'm not happy about it all being Tropical Flavor and Original Flavor.  Tropical Flavor is the worst most of the time.  Original flavor is FINE I guess but kind of a snooze.  I WANT ME SOME PEPPERMINT.  Hook me up WITH SOME OF THAT. 
     Huh.  On my walk there was some guy walking his dog in front of me and he wouldn't let his dog pee!  Dog kept trying to stop to pee but the guy kept on walking.  Dog even STARTED PEEING and the guy was like NOPE WE'RE GONNA WALK MORE.  I'm no expert on dogs and walking dogs and dogs peeing but I think the point of walking the dog is for the dog to pee.  ALSO this was an area where it's the best you're gonna get for it to be acceptable for a dog to pee there.  So the dog started peeing and the owner wasn't phased at all.  Didn't miss a step.  Just kept on going.  I don't know much about these things but it seemed wrong to me.  Also not sure why we're in italics.  But as long as we are lets make the most of it.  Hmm.  How would we accomplish that.  I'm gonna have to think about that one.  Hey this paragraph is over!
Amazing.  Just cause he was walking with his dog doesn't mean he was Walking His Dog.  He might have been on the move, had his dog with him, and be like WE GOT NO TIME TO STOP TO PEE.  I dunno.  Either way it's a story I would remember for tens of minutes.  Anyway.  Look more into TV Speakers.  Why not!  Totally reasonable that I could look into it for a total of 1-2 hours over the course of this working week and have it ordered by Friday.  EASY.  REASONABLE.  It would IMPROVE MY LIFE somehow.  The point is what else is going on and crap.  Would better speakers make watching TV better?  I dunno.  I'm sure the sound would be, "Better," but what does that even mean.  Dialogue is more crisp.  Special effect sounds sound more real.  I guess I can sort of picture it making the experience better.  SORT OF.  Can't be WORSE right?  Maybe it can.  Uncanny Valley type situation.  I make a reference to Uncanny Valley once every month.  I like it.  It's a fun concept!
      Sure.  If I end at this paragraph I'm not very far behind schedule at all!  We'll see how it goes.  UNCANNY VALLEY IS WHAT I CALL MY... you fill in the blank.  Cause I'm not sure how to fill it in.  Maybe you know.  What else is up.  I must have an uncanny valley or two somewhere.  Butt cheeks?  That's the main thing I can think of.  Lady Pun-- unCUNNY valley.  They use that word in Boardwalk Empire.  Cunny.  Which I'm sure is a derivative of the C word.  But ya don't hear that derivative that much anymore!  Ya don't hear the C word that much anymore.  At least I don't.  Because my main companion is Television.  And they avoid that word on television.  Or at least I don't hear it.  Maybe new speakers will elevate some background sound where they say that word in the background.  I'm gonna write another paragraph now!  But first I have to finish this paragraph.   Which I will have done at the end of this sentence (including the period mark).
     Okay!  Today's a fine day to shave.  Fine, just fine.  Is it possible speakers make the image slightly better?  I know it's not their MAIN function.  Audio is.  But it's possible they make the image SLIGHTLY better.  Not sure what that bit accomplishes.  Maybe if the sound is better it tricks our brains into watching the moving images better, too!  Well that's definitely not the case but at least it kind of makes sense.  More sense than the bit was making without it.  Anyway hey great what else is going on.  Restocking lots of flavors of Fiber Brownie and Protein Bar today.  Will restock with the other half of the flavors on Friday.  So by Saturday by my count I'll have 4 flavors of Fiber Brownie and 3 flavors of Protein Bar.  Also 1 Flavor of more indulgent Fiber Brownie and 1 flavor of more indulgent Fiber Bar.  Well that's my life.  Now we're all on the same page and whatnot.  I'll be back soon! [EDITOR'S NOTE-- also the indulgent Fiber Cheese Cake]




tell me something i don't know

    Hello.  Had a blast and a half with three lunches of Steak and Egg Whites and Broccoli and Toast in a row.  Think I'm gonna go with Steak and Stuffed Filet Of Sole with Broccoli and FREEDOM FRIES for FOUR days in a row starting tomorrow.  I feel like I'm barking up the right tree.  Also is barking up the wrong tree supposed to be a pun?  I assume it's a dog barking.  And Trees Have Bark.  So there's that to consider.  Anyway having delicious granola bar as snack.  Not that healthy but low in calories and delicious!  And healthy than whatever dumb snack YOU'RE eating you idiot.  Hmm what kinda snacks are You Idiots eating.  I know the kind of snacks my Mom and Dad eat.  I'm around them a lot so I get a good sense.  What about YOU.  You can tell a lot about a person by the snacks they eat.  Presumably.  I wouldn't be able to extrapolate much because I'm an idiot but presumably some people can figure ya out.
     Coffee after this paragraph!  Gonna end up on schedule by the end of this act.  Have lunch after the end of the entry!  Right on time more or less.  Anyway get back into Jurassic Park II: The Lost World.  I like the part where Jeff Goldblum is an UNFAZEABLE HERO.  Nothin gets under his skin.  He's also very wise cracking which I like in a hero.  ALSO he just seems like kind of a nerd so I can relate to him as a hero.  ALSO he's very tall but they don't really call attention to that which I like.  If they filmed him to portray him as a giant that'd be a mark against him.  Also we're BLUM BUDDIES.  Can't get more special than that I feel.  Also does he pronounce his first name as DJEFFF or as CHEFFF.  I've heard it both ways so what does he prefer.  Huh.  Breakfastcentric meal tonight'll probably be COMPLETE BELGIAN WAFFLE.  And you idiots doubted me.  Huh?  Anyway.  I feel like today is Canadian Flag Day.  Better consult my World Travel Calendar.  YEP.  I think I can picture Canada Flag.  Red on either side, white in the middle, with a maple leaf.  Right?  Let's look that up right quick.  DANG I NAILED IT.  I'm some sort of GENIUS!!!
Amazing.  Is there A RIGHT tree to bark up?  Sure.  A tree with some sort of annoying-to-a-dog animal or something.  Gotta bark up that tree to Annoy That Animal Right Back.  That's why dogs bark.  Some sort of animal is annoying them.  I don't know dogs that well.  The point is Great Just Great.  Mom accepted my challenge to wash half a dozen of my shirts today.  Perect!  Act I was 11 paragraphs.  What does that mean for Act II.  What should it be Symmetrically.  Well I dunno about symmetrically but off the top of my head 5-7 paragraphs is what it WILL be.  So I got that going for me.  Too bad I can't have 1/4th of Delicious Dinner Meal I laid out for you earlier TODAY.  It's gonna be a nice lunch to look forward to during first third of day and appreciate during 2nd 2 thirds of the day from Wednesday Through Saturday, sure.  Good things come to those who wait!  Not sure that's the message we should be sending people.  If you want good things GET OUT THERE AND WORK FOR 'EM.  YEAH.
Okay.  What else is up.  Having coffee with Act III has been in flux since I started regularly eating lunch right after entry.  Either I skip it or I only have half a cup or something.  INTERESTING.  VERY VERY INTERESTING.  It's so interesting I'm comfortable not letting go of this topic and continuing it for some reason.  Huh.  Jeff Goldblum is unlucky with mutant animals made with Weird DNA Complications.  First he becomes The Fly and NOW THIS?  DINOSAURS?  I'm sure there's a third AND FOURTH example in his Film Discography you might call it a Filmography or maybe you call it something else I'm sure there's half a dozen good words.  Either way let's do a quick LTURQ to see if anything jumps out at me.  EH NOTHING JUMPED OUT AT ME.  Such is life.  Probably for the best.  Why would I WANT something to jump out at me.  Seems like it'd be startling in the least (uncomfortable to be startled) and THREATENING in the... not least (now my life is in danger).
     Okay.  Maybe last paragraph of the act.  I can live with that.  I guess.  Griddlecentric Dinner leaves the door wide open for a nice savory uppercase Snack.  Seven chicken nuggets (appropriate portion and also happens to be how many I have.)  TURKEY Sandwich (I have turkey AND BREAD.)  Somehow we're down to only 2 slices of bread.  We're actually finishing this loaf!  Rare special occasion.  But either way that's all ya need!  Anyway I've given myself a lot to think about.  VERY solid chance I put chicken nuggets in microwave and they're some weird consistency and pretty much inedible.  On account of being there for too long.  So don't think I'm not taking that into consideration.  CAUSE I AM.  I'd hate for you to think Wrong Things.  One wrong things leads to another wrong things.  You're wrong about whether I'm taking nuggets-not-being-edible into consideration, that's just gonna lead you down a rabbit hole of being wrong about thing after thing after that thing.  Okay I'll write one more paragraph now.
    SURE!  If you're gonna have nuts in a chocolate bar I'm glad they're almonds.  That's all I can say.  Peanuts?  Terrible.  Cashews?  Terrible.  A third thing?  Better LTURQ.  Pecans.  Not sure about pecans.  Probably against it but I can't say for sure.  The point is What else is going on in the wide world of sports.  HEY I just ate a few nuts yesterday.  We had a bag of pistachios from At Least Before The Pandemic and I cracked open a few.  And then ate the delicious innards.  That was the main purpose of the cracking.  I wasn't just doing it for the Hell of it!  Anyway I gotta think of some better or at least equal ideas to finishing Jurassic Park II: The Lost World for the rest of the day.  I can SETTLE for doing that when the entry is over.  And I guess we can take the next logical step and conclude I can SETTLE for doing something equally entertaining for the rest of the day.  Better would be better!  Either way I'm stuck with Tales From That Crypt again aren't I.  Wonderful.  I'll be back soon!




oh i get it

    HEY!  Maybe have part I of III or IV of current Steak/Seafood idea for DINNER tonight.  That makes a lot of sense!  First of all I WANT TO EAT IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that covers that.  Second of all it's more socially acceptable to have a fancy meal for dinner rather than lunch.  I can't say for certain why.  I also can't say for certain NOT why.  I can't say anything for certain.  That's philosophy for ya.  Nothing is for certain.  And even if there is Who Am I To Say?  Anyway gonna have nice lunch on schedule when this entry is over.  Gotta decide between the two mediocre entertainment options of Jurassic Park II: The Lost World and Tales From That Crypt.  I don't see YOU suggesting any better ideas.  This is YOUR ONE JOB.  Suggest better ideas for what I can consume on Television Entertainment. AND YOU'RE GIVING ME NOTHIN'!  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna save coffee #3 for later.  Or skip it.  Or save it for later.  I like the idea of saving it for later but in the future for today I might change my mind and like the idea of skipping it better.  FINE GREAT LET'S MOVE ON WITH OUT LIVES.
Yeah!  ACT II WAS SIX PARAGRAPHS?!?!  Guess I gotta aim for the same for act III.  DANGIT.  IF ONLY I HAD COFFEE.  Hey Yeah!  I kind of DO want coffee.  I'm gonna go pour some because that's the kind of thing I'm doing right now at this very moment!  What else is going on and crap.  Leaning towards going back to Tales From That Crypt.  I like the part where it's vaguely different experience every time I watch an episode every 3 weeks!  Hmm seeing it from a slightly different POV.  POV stands for Point of View.  Why would I need to say that to myself in my inner monologue.  Oh well.  That's life.  Anyway that's life.  I think I might enjoy a nice Uppercase Snack today.  Either way.  Top two choices are nuggets or sandwich.  I can picture myself GETTING A KICK out of either of them.  Also that's not even the best part.  I have TWO FULL MEALS also today.  That's not even the best part.  I have TWO TO THREE MORE LOWERCASE SNACKS FOR TODAY.  Wait let me rewind.  The two full meals WAS the best part.  Specifically the 1/4th of a steak plus 1/4th of a stuffed filet of sole plus 1/4th of a broccoli plus POSSIBLY 1/4th of Freedom Fries if they give too much OR just let's say 8-14 if I don't wanna commit to an entire 1/4th because they gave more than I needed.  So that's where my head is at.
     Amazing.  Lunch'll come right after this entry.  Amazing!  Gotta pick the peas out sure but it'll be fine.  Never got this meal before.  Lemme give you some details on what it is.  SOY GINGER CHICKEN WITH CAULIFLOWER RICE WITH SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS, CARROTS, EGGS, PEAS, AND BROCCOLI FLORETS.  And somehow it's a very smallish reasonable portion with all that stuff.  Anyway all that stuff sounds AMAZING.  I love it!   EXCEPT THE PEAS.  Go out of my way to pick 'em out if possible rather than just bite the bullet and eat them.  If I don't wanna bite into a pea and I can avoid it I'm gonna do everything within my power to avoid biting into a pea!  DISGUSTING.  The egg part intrigues me.  I like the idea of scrambled egg mixed into the side of something.  Ya see that in Chinese Food sometimes.  Hmm is it too late to throw out This Dish and order Chinese Food where there's egg mixed in with rice or something.  YES MUCH TOO LATE.  Oh okay just an idea not a big deal.
Fourth paragraph of the act!  HMM.  If I'm getting GriddleCentric meal for Actual Meal and not to split between breakfasts/Uppercase Snacks, I'm thinking about getting a REAL DESSERT as that sort of thing.  Maybe a Black and White Cookie.  They sold 'em before pandemic.  Seems standard enough that they'd sell them again!  Per my recollections they're big enough that I can split them into threes and it'd be filling appropriately and calorie appropriate and certainly delicious appropriate.  And if they're smaller, GREAT, split it into TWO.  Or two and a half.  EITHER WAY I'm confident I can figure out a way to split it appropriately that I enjoy having it to a good degree AND don't feel guilty about it or anything.  WOW.  I like the part with the icing.  Don't sleep on the part that's a cookie, though!  I also like the implied Line separating black and white icing.  They don't make any specific line, although that'd be interesting.  You just sort of see the line in your mind's eye.  My mind doesn't have an eye.  I hope not.  That sounds like it'd be some sort of very very dangerous tumor if that was the case.
Penultimate paragraph!  What else is going on.  OR just wait until next Super Market order on Friday and get mini black and whites so I can eat exactly as much as I want.  OR JUST ABANDON THIS COMPLETELY.  Black and whites are probably more calories than I've been imagining this Act Of Entry.  Everything is more calories than I imagine and what they say.  Every single product they sell and estimate the calories is a lie.  That's been my experience.  PROVE ME WRONG.  That's a great way to lose weight, though.  Just constantly overestimate the calories you're consuming GENUINELY and IN EARNEST.  I dunno how you could accomplish that without it coming naturally, but it works for me!  Came naturally though for me.  Such is life!  Maybe take a 10 minute decompression period after entry before lunch.  10 minutes isn't a lot.  It goes very quickly!  YEAH.  PLUS I get to watch the Tales From That Crypt with ERNIE HUDSON.  I GUESS LIFE IS GOOD.  Also the Superbowl winner they interviewed after he won the superbowl said God Is Good.  Is that a dog whistle for Musliministry?  I dunno!  Either way GOOD FOR HIM.  Muslim phrase or universal religious phrase, I dunno.  Either way WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON.
     Yeah!  Maybe I DO wanna save Big Meal for lunches tomorrow and for the next few days.  Thinking about eating a turkey sandwich for Uppercase Snack-- I think I'd get more out of that with the Breakfastcentric Dinner than with a Savory Dinner.  And I'd get more out of Big Meal as LUNCH for tomorrow.  ALSO I kinda DO wanna eat Griddle Meal for dinner tonight.  DANGIT.  Except it's a GOOD Dangit.  I don't know what to do, but my options are all GREAT instead of being all CRAP.  The point is what else is going on and crap.  I've accomplished nothing this entry.  I mean, sure.  There's 23 more paragraphs in the world that there weren't before.  But once you cut out all the Repeat Topics we're left with, what, six paragraphs?  And even that is pretty generous?  Still though a generous six paragraphs is better than nothing.  It rounds down to a Probable 3 Paragraphs.  3 paragraphs in the world that didn't exist before?  WE ALL COME OUT ON TOP IN THIS SITUATION.  The point is I'll see ya tomorrow.

-1:03 P.M.




Monday, February 14, 2022

no way is this title original

    HEY!  Finishing the last 1.5 slices of cinnamon babka.  That'll tide me over until an hour forty five from now when I get to eat lowercase Snack.  Then why did I just Uppercase it.  For CLARITY'S sake.  Anyway I watched some of the superbowl yesterday!  It was okay.  Saw some commercials.  Saw some halftime show.  All in all I SAW SOME OF IT AMAZING.  What do I got in store for today.  Thought of another good uppercase 5pm Snack.  Why it's only 6-9 chicken nuggets!  Or a hot pocket or something.  Lots of good options because the more I think about it the more I realize that a late afternoon Savory Snack is actually relatively socially acceptable.  Like I said, for kids mostly.  But I'm A Kid Mostly!  That's what my behavior has led me to believe at least!  What else is up.  Had nice APPLE yesterday.  Delicious!  Banana and apple back to back as lowercase snacks.  LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE IS A HEALTHY ADULT.
Wonderful.  Been having some trouble with my earbuds but so far I've been able to correct the trouble.  Right earbud stops working from time to time.  But after SELF-TROUBLESHOOTING I've been able to Course Correct it.  And now I think I know what to do if it happens again.  GREAT.  Now I can listen to music on my walks instead of being alone with my thoughts.  My, sick, sick thoughts.  If only society knew what I was thinking about.  They'd... well... do what they're already doing to me.  Keeping me at arms length!  Sounds about right.  Anyway Monday Morning.  You know what that means!  I wish I did, too.  I envy you and whatnot!  Got distracted while making coffee.  So I either put in too many scoops of coffee compared to water or too few.  I THINK too many.  AMAZING.  This will be a blast and a half to drink and see what happens.  The point is the way I chose to enjoy Eminem doing Lose Yourself for 50 seconds was try to put myself back in High School when I was 14 or 15 listening to it when it first came out.  FUN.
    Not listening to it in COMMERCIALS or the movie itself.  Putting myself in the mindset of listening to it on MP3 PLAYER while in and/or on the way to and/or on the way from high school.  WHAT A GREAT 50 SECONDS.  THANKS FOR THAT.  I really lost myself in the music.  Go figure.  Also I enjoyed some of the other rap.  Not the choreography.  I could have done without the choreography but I understand why it was necessary.  Don't know why ANYONE would like it.  But I understand why they had to do it.  GREAT.  Watched Jurassic Park I.  Laura Dern IS kind of cute.  I always saw her as a mother type figure because I saw the film first when I was five or six.  Wasn't interested in ladies sexually quite yet!  WAS interested in ladies to be my mother though.  HEY THAT LADY WOULD MAKE A GREAT MOTHER.  BREAK ME OFF A PIECE OF THAT.  MATERNALLY AND WHATNOT.  That sort of thing.  What else is going on and crap.
     Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Gum Drop Day and National I Want Butterscotch Day.  First of all I DON'T want butterscotch was my first instinct.  Then I realized I may have never had butterscotch.  I DO want butterscotch.  Gotta try it.  Also I'm picturing SOMETHING I might have had once or twice that could have been butterscotch and I didn't particularly like it.  STILL THOUGH I WANT TO TRY IT AGAIN.  Also Gum Drop Day.  Not sure what that is.  Gum or drop?  Better LTURQ.  OH THOSE THINGS.  I see in the Picture what they are.  Sure I'd eat some of Those Things.  I don't have a problem with Those Things really.  Anyway.  Had 1.5 small mightnight snacks again last night.  But, like the night before, I had skipped my Final Snack Of The Night.  I allot myself a snack after Dinner.  Skipped em, had 1.5 of em during MightNight instead.  Not such a bad deal!  Could be worse.  GREAT STUFF.
Anyway.  Coffee after this paragraph!  I don't believe it.  Starting out today about half an hour behind schedule.  Not a big deal.  I'll catch up and if I don't who cares not me.  Still no response from UBISOFT about my Guitar Lag Speakers Question.  They said give em 48 hours.  Been about 48 or 72 hours now.  Can't remember.  But maybe they meant business hours.  Or maybe they're jerks and aren't answering me.  I'll give em another day or two before I GO TO THEIR SUPERIOR.  What's more superior than Ubisoft.  THE PRESIDENT.  Any of you know how to get in touch with The President.  Gotta be SOME way.  I'm a constituent and I demand to be heard!  About him intervening in this TV Speakers Guitar Lag Video Game Program Correction Experience Enterprise.  I dunno.  What else is going on.  WOW so many choices for upcoming snack.  WOW!  Time for coffee and whatnot.
    Nice Fiber One Big Bar.  Of the Fiber one bars, this one I'm thinking of is the most hearty.   Maybe a nice slightly more indulgent ice cream sandwich that's also slightly less indulgent than the most indulgent it can be because it's no sugar added version of slightly more indulgent.  WOW.  The point is Great so far 2 days in new schedule has been working.  Simple.  Eat every 2 hours on the Odds and walk every 2 hours on the Evens.  With room for flexibility!  AMAZING.  Now all I need is to keep it up and see if it works ANOTHER 2 days.  Then re-calibrate again.  What else is up.  Anything interesting in Superbowl commercials that made me like I GOTTA BUY THAT.  The new Jordan Peele movie looked interesting.  The title at least.  NOPE.  Great title!  I feel like I'm not speaking too soon to say this guy got great titles.  We're about 3 or 4 major motion pictures in and his titles have been wonderful.  TV show title wasn't that amazing.  Key & Peele.  Yep.  That's you guys's names.  Well done!  Then again YA KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING.  So it's not a BAD title.  Just not EXTRA GOOD.
     Sure.  Any PRODUCTS I have to buy.  No carb Beer.  Gotta LTURQ to see if its also low calorie.  HEY GREAT IT IS SLIGHTLY LOWER CALORIES.  Sign me up WITH THAT.  I was thinking that if I lose back the 2 or 3 pounds I presumably gained over the last month or two, and I wanna keep walking this much because I like it, hey drink 2 beers a day or something.  And this would be great for that!  Amazing.  NOT BEING SOLD AT ONLINE SUPERMARKET.  YET.  Well they DO say NEXT.  Kind of implies NOT YET.  It's coming up NEXT.  It's not here PRESENTLY.  Ugh.  What else is up.  Seventh paragraph.  Amazing!  What else is Amazing.  Gonna have caught up on schedule to some degree by the time this Act is over and I'm taking walk #2.  To what degree remains to be seen.  Also the last song I was listening to on Current Music Alternative Playlist Apple Music was called degree.  About college though.  Not about the degree I'm behind schedule and catching up.  Although that WOULD make an interesting song.
     Eighth paragraph.  Running low on clean shirts again.  This seems to happen once Every Cycle Of Shirts I have.  Weird how that keeps happening.  Anyway gonna shave today or tomorrow.  Brought up to my Dad I'm interested in cutting my hair and by extension him doing 90% of the cutting of my hair.  He's on board with it!  Whatta guy.  The point is what else is crap.  I have seven chicken nuggets in a plastic bag in freezer.  Gotta be from at least a year ago.  I WILL try microwaving them for Snack and maybe they'll be okay and maybe they'll be some sort of weird inedible consistency and I'll have to figure out something else.  HMM I should plan ahead a Something Else.  I dunno.  I also got some Loose Burrito Things also in plastic bags.  Not sure what they are exactly or where they're from.  But I'm GUESSING they're burrito type thing and that they're roughly the amount of calories I'm looking for.
     Sure!  Could be inedible, too.  Who knows for sure.  No one.  Anyway I think the Rams won the super bowl.  Good for them.  I don't get why they're so happy.  It's just a game!  Means nothing in the end.  They're gonna wake up tomorrow morning with Winner's Remorse.  Don't I mean THIS morning.  NOPE.  TOMORROW'S MORNING.  They get an extra day after winning the superbowl to enjoy it.  THEN, the morning after THAT DAY, they get The Winner's Remorse.  What are they remorseful about.  Winning?  Caring that they won?  Partying too hard?  I dunno but what goes up must come down.  Except for superman.  He can go up into the air and if he never feels like coming down that's up to him he's superman.  Can do what he wants!  NEXT beer is SLIGHTLY less alcohol than Light beer.  4.0% alcohol instead of 4.2%.  I CAN DEAL WITH THAT.  SIGN ME UP FOR TRYING THAT OH YEAH LET'S DO IT.  Also don't just sign me up.  GET ME IT.  Whether I'm on a list somewhere to get it or not, who knows if that'll ever pay off.  Lists are made to be broken!
     Walk after this paragraph.  Not too far behind schedule at all!  Amazing.  Gonna try some Entenmann's Donuts.  I've had them in the past.  When I a kid we got the chocolate frosted ones.  GOOD STORY.  TRUE STORY.  That's what makes it good.  It's fascinating because it's a snack I had when I was a kid.  Oh I get it.  Anyway looking forward to taking a walk and not having to spend much time at all trying to get Right Ear Bud to work.  It'll be working the whole time without any effort presumably hopefully!  The point is while trying to get it to work I cleaned out all the earwax gunk.  Didn't fix the problem but it DID clean it up a bit.  Pretty gunky before I started course correcting it!  Anyway what else is going on and whatnot.  I remember watching the commercial for NOPE but I don't remember anything that happened.  I remember a scene where one or two people were Up In The Air or something.  Better LTURQ to see what its about.  RESIDENTS OF A TOWN WHO WITNESS AN ABNORMAL EVENT.  WOW.  The point is I'm not behind schedule at all more or less.  Be back soon!




i'd like to read more

    HEY!  Got delicious ice cream sandwich now.  Gonna have delicious part III of III of Steak and Egg Whites and Broccoli and TOAST IS GONE SO I WILL HAVE HALF A PIECE OF GARLIC BREAD FROM LAST NIGHT'S CENTRE PIZZA. ... For Lunch.  Salmon probably for dinner.  What else is going on in the wide world of sports.  I feel like the superbowl was exciting at the end because it was still very much in play.  But we were all burnt out from all the supplemenry entertainment and advertisements that we were too tired to care.  And besides after a few minutes of presumable excitement content it ended anyway.  And I realized I had no investment in the outcome either way so who cares.  Anyway.  Maybe have delicious breakfast burrito as midday Snack.  I CAN DO WHAT I WANT I HOLD ALL THE CARDS.  Anyway coffee after next paragraph.  Placed delicious order with Amazon FRESH to reup with several things, primarily Fiber One and Protein One products.  AMAZING.  That's my pitch for Amazon Ad Campaign.  AMAZON... OR AMAZE-i... oon... well you get the point.
Wonderful.  HAVING INDULGENT BREAKFAST BURRITO INSTEAD OF CHICKEN NUGGETS FOR sNACK MIGHT JUST BE THE GAMECHANGER THAT GIVES TODAY THE KICK IN THE PANTS IT NEEDS.  Makes today an Okay Day into a WONDERFUL OKAY Day.  So I got that to consider.  Anyway Breaking News the winner from tonight's game is Whatever Company Is Making That Next Beer because I can see myself getting into that!  I wanna lose a pound or two presumably to get to an even 115 LB presumably but THEN I can see myself getting TWO NEXT BEERS A DAY.  By which I mean I'd get it WEEKLY or EVERY OTHER WEEKLY and ration it out that I'd have 2 a day.  Then the question becomes drink during morning entry or drink during nighttime like a regular person.  The point is OKAY WE FIGURED OUT THE WINNER.  It's whatever company is making that.  Maybe by the time this happens in a month or two ALL companies will be making it.  So there is time for other beer companies to catch up.  Still though BEER is the big winner.  Well Done, Beer!  Well I haven't bought it yet.  Lots of time to either change my mind or Just Even Forget All About It.  Amazing!
     Coffee time.  Just made an executive decision to have one piece of salmon with dinner for tonight instead of two.  It's made In Stone because I set it up with my Dad that he'd have last piece!  So basically the window is WIDE OPEN for me to have a delicious Breakfast Burrito as Snack.  Amazing!  Today is gonna be a real game changer.  Game changing from what to what.  From yesterday to tomorrow.  Oh okay.  Anyway what else is going on.  Also I could use another ancillary sorta snack with dinner.  One piece of salmon.  Big piece of broccoli.  A few half roasted spheres of potato.  PIECE OF BREAD OR SOMETHING?  Maybe get another half a piece of garlic bread in there or something.  THE WINDOW IS WIDE OPEN for half pieces of garlic bread sticks.  They're sort of sticks in terms of shape but they're not cylendric or crunchy like sticks.  They're sticks, though.  No doubting that!  I DOUBT THAT.  Oh well.
     Great!  JUST GOT RESPONSE FROM UBISOFT.  They gave me NO HELP.  They were like we dunno if that'll help the issue!  Look at this page for troubleshooting.  More stuff like this.  Not helpful at all.  Maybe you can respond back to this and it will eventually help you but right now we're offering ya NOTHING.  So basically I'll return to this e-mail and respond back LATER.  But right now DANGIT I was hoping for just a quick, "YEP THIS'LL SOLVE THAT PROBLEM GO FOR IT."  Oh well life is never Quick Results.  Presumably.  I dunno a lot about life.  But my experience has been Not Much Quick Results.  Huh.  What else is going on and crap.  Is today still Monday.  Kinda seems like over the past couple of hours it should have somehow turned into Tuesday.  Maybe I think the week should all be compressed in a day.  By the time I go to sleep it's Thursday or Sunday or something.  I dunno when the day-week ends exactly.  Midnight?  When I fall asleep?  When I WAKE UP the next morning?
     Sure.  Take a walk after this and/or next paragraph!  Amazing.  I think I just skipped 3rd cup of coffee yesterday.  Probably will do the same thing today IN ESSENCE.  I poured only half a cup for 2nd cup cause there was still 1st cup left over.  By next entry, if I want more coffee, I still will have half a cup left over, so in the end, YA DO THE MATH, turns out to be about 2 cups overall SHOULD THIS SITUATION PLAY OUT THE WAY I'M VAGUELY ANTICIPATING.  Huh.  How about that.  Situations playing out.  How I vaguely anticipate.  Huh.  How about that Huh How About That.  Huh.  Huh.  What else is going on.  What kinda stuff can I watch on the television set today.  It's a MONDAY let's keep that in mind.  That might come into play.  I don't think it will.  Now that I think about it further.  Hmm.  I KNOW watch some movie on Shutter: The Screaming Service!  Okay great.  Time to take a walk now.  Be back soon!




oh good the end

    Hey!  Based on the resources available to me, I can easily figure out if this TV Speaker will correct Guitar Lag myself.  ALSO if External Speakers do correct guitar lag, 95% chance this would do it, as it's  a standard one!  ALSO even if it doesn't, just get it anyway, I wanna listen to music is the main thing.  So basically I COULD JUST GET IT and hope for the best and SETTLE FOR THE SECOND BEST if need be!  Or I could use resources available to me for half an hour and more or less confirm in my head whether it would work.  The point is I can make moves re: this situation even though Ubisoft didn't help me at all!  Anyway gonna pour coffee in a few sentences.  Have lunch after this entry.  Amazing!  Getting back into healthy eating with this new diet-schedule.  Realized the key part of my success with diet.  Little decisions add up quickly.  We're all confronted all the time with little decisions re-diet.  Just get in the habit of making the right decision!  You get in the habit of making the wrong decisions, you won't lose weight.  You get in the habit of making the right decisions, you will!  THIS HELPS NOBODY.  Doesn't even help me.  It just sums up how IN MY MIND it tends to work.
Coffee time!  Also sure this diet can go off the rails by the end of the week.   And REMEMBER The Week is TODAY.  But I feel that general rule of thumb is relevant whether it continues to work for me or not.  Also it doesn't help people SUCCESSFULLY DO IT.  I can say that to you and you're like great that makes sense logically sure but what good does that to me.  Sure!  I agree!  All I'm saying is it makes sense logically.  Oh right coffee time.  What else is going on and crap.  I got in the habit of making it a habit to make the wrong decisions habitually under the premise that they were right decisions.  Well I wanna hit these calories if I go UNDER for each decision I'm being too restrictive I shouldn't deny myself making reasonable decisions.  LOOK sure you wanna hit the sweet spot IN THEORY.  But FOR ME it doesn't work!  Gotta commit one way or the other!  That's why 2 beers a day is good!  I hit the sweet spot Going Under For The Most Part and make it up with A NICE TREAT that won't get me wanting to eat more because it's delicious.
     YEAH.  Still probably won't do that, though.  I don't need the hassle of dealing with my parents dealing with me drinking beer.  I don't need any hassles!  I mean sure life is full of hassles.  But the goal is to cut down on the hassles-- not cut.. UP... on... them!  What else is up.  I finished Jurassic Park I.  I can EASILY put on Jurassic Park II: The Lost World.  I can see myself zoning out to watching Jurassic Park II: The Lost World for the ninth time in 18 months and the 45th time in my life.  The point is what else is going on.  Halfway through Act III!  Got lunch to look forward to.  PART III OF III?!?!  THAT MEANS TOMORROW LUNCH IS SOMETHING NEW.  I can hardly wait.  SURE I CAN WAIT. I'm even enthusiastic about TODAY LUNCH.  It might be part III of III but I still get a kick out of it!  I like the part where it provides me nourishment theoretically.  Solid 85, 90% chance this food is providing me nourishment.
    Penultimate paragraph!  What else is up.  HMM.  Valentine's Day Entry.  Who was Valentine's Valentine.  He/She must have had someone to share this day with.  Better LTURQ.  Saint Valentine musta been a man, right?  Do they make women saints?  Maybe THESE DAYS what with WOKENESS and all.  Lemme LTURQ.  Saint Valentine is ALSO the patron saint of EPILEPSY and BEE KEEPERS.  That was on his 1 paragraph Wikipedia  blurb on google.  ANYAWY.  Just took a 15 minute break helping my Dad shovel the little bit of snow on either side of our car.  WELL WHICH SIDE WAS IT.  Either means both in this context.  NOT SURE THAT'S HOW WORDS WORK.  Anyway GREAT A CHORE.  THANKS A LOT WOKENESS.  The point is the patron saint of epilepsy hilarious.  Patron saint of bee keepers also hilarious but if I was pitching this joke I'd have bee keepers first and then epilepsy it's more hilarious in that order.  What else is going on.  One more paragraph to write!
     Amazing.  Figure I'll give myself about 10, 15 minutes to decompress before having lunch.  WOW LUNCH IS GONNA BE HALF AN HOUR LATE.  FLEXIBILITY MEANS IT'S OKAY.  Whew that's a relief.  What else is going on and crap.  Let's say 10 minutes.  Or 5, 10 minutes.  Let's say 2, 10 minutes.  Okay 2-10 minutes.  FINAL.  Starting when I close my computer.  Anyway I'm assuming St. Valentine was a looker.  You can't have a Romance Day where the guy it's dedicated to looks like a chump.  No one would buy it!  What else is going on.  Hey I got some garlic bread I get to eat.  It's not gonna be a big portion by any stretch of the imagination but I'll get a few bites in, sure!  I like the sound of that.  No sound to it.  Not crunchy.  I guess if you microphoned my chewing you could hear SOMETHING.  I don't recommend it though.  Also hey entry is done.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-1:09 P.M.




Sunday, February 13, 2022

it's great to hear from you

    Hello friends.  Had delicious Cinnamon Babka for breakfast.  So don't you worry about me!  Actually WORRY.  Worry if I liked it so much I want to eat more.  Well sure I WANT to eat more.  But I won't.  That's just not how I do things!  Anyway BIG PLANS for dinner tonight.  Normally when I get pizza I get one topping on one slice and a different topping on the 2nd slice.  This time?  BOTH TOPPINGS ON BOTH SLICES.  I know it sounds Crazy Indulgent but sometimes we just gotta treat ourselves.  Like Treat Williams.  That's his name for some reason.  No one is really 100% sure why!  Anyway Dad's Nurse is coming today to give him blood infusion.  Nice!  I'm wearing a nice shirt to impress her.  Hey this adult man who lives with his parents is wearing a shirt.  NOW I'M INTERESTED.  That sort of thing.  Snowing outside!  Not too bad!  That sort of thing!
    Anyway I was looking at Upcoming Weather Schedule and after a day or two relatively cold we're going RIGHT BACK TO THE WARM.  I liked walking in the winter already but now I realize walking in the Comfortable is AMAZING.  Also, that coupled with thinking about doing circlewalking, I came to a better conclusion-- just go back to more Regular Walking.  Back to 6 or 7 regular walks a day.  Walks every Even Hour On The Hour, Feeding Times every Odd Hour On The Hour.  Very flexible.  But that's the framework.  It worked yesterday pretty good!  WOW ONE DAY.  The good news is HEY midday snack-meal can be something like a SANDWICH.  It could be a nice sized snack, but an alternative is hey have a nice reasonable turkey sandwich with no side.  Maybe a frozen relative-health burrito.  Lots of good options.  WOW!  Lots of good options!  I just said that.  Yeah but I wanted to drive the point home.
     Cool!  Watched 1408 yesterday.  Either the 2nd or 5th time I've seen that movie.  Could it have been 3rd or 4th?  I'll never tell!  Anyway pretty good movie.  Well put together.  Nicely scary.  Good production values!  I enjoyed it sure.  Still trying to figure out why the number 1408 was picked.  I realized they make a reference to there being no 13th floor in buildings so it's really on the thirteenth floor which is a Frightening Number.  But there's gotta be more to it than that.  LOTS MORE.  THE DIGITS ADD UP TO 13.  That's a Frightening Number.  Still, no!  We're only scratching the surface of what 1408 means.  Not even 10% there.  Hmm.  Sent a message to Ubi-soft to see if the speakers I'm looking at would eliminate guitar lag!  Now the ball is in their court.  You can't have balls in court.  People would be playing the whole time.  There's a TRIAL going on THIS IS SERIOUS.  That sort of thing.
     Hmm.  Look WALKINGS are flexible.  But FEEDINGS I try to stay on track.  As of the last 22 hours.  Hmm.  National Food Of Tomorrow is... National Cream Filled Chocolates Day.  For Valentine's Day.  Makes sense to me.  Also if Valentine's Day is about appreciating your lover so much seems like Chocolates are kind of stealing the show.  People are gonna be to focused on enjoying chocolates that their lover will be an afterthought.  Sure I know how relationships work.  They're when you have someone who buys you chocolate because they like you so much.  What else is going on.  Had ONE small MightNight snack last night.  I can live with that.  I HAVE NO CHOICE.  I did wake up once or twice MORE where I was tempted but was able to stop myself.  PROGRESS.  Anyway a character from MONEYBALL killed himself.  The character.  Guess he wasn't happy about his portrayal.  And it ate him up inside for 12 years.  Hmm who played him.  Wasn't Chris Pratt.  Must have been one of the Helmsworth brothers.  Lemme LTURQ. NICK PORRAZZO.  I'd be tempted to Suicide Myself if Nick Porrazzo played me in a major motion picture, too.  TERRIBLE.  LOOK does Nick Porrazzo not have a wikipedia page?  Sure.  I'm just ASSUMING he's a jackass or something.
     Yeah!  If I felt I could trust what they say the calories is in Cinnamon Babka I'd definitely be interested in re-upping with it.  Kinda don't trust it!  Kinda not sure if I wanna re-up with it!  OH WELL THAT'S LIFE.  What else is going on.  Now that I think about it, I've mentioned SEVERAL TIMES in the past about nurse coming and I was wearing a shirt and thought that would impress her.  This has gotta be the fifth or sixth time.  LOOK it's not just wearing A shirt.  It's THE shirt.  The shirt right now today is good!  Hopefully different than the other shirts.  She might think I only have a limited number of shirts.  Which is accurate!  But she might imagine it's more limited than it is!  LOOK if I ever good good speakers I might wanna CircleWalk to that instead of bonus RegularWalks.  I can't think that far ahead.  I can't think ANY ahead.  I can only think present.  With my present head.  Coffee time.
I don't like how they filmed three endings for 1408.  Look if EVERYTHING is an ending then NOTHING is an ending.  This whole thing was pointless because you can't agree on and finalize a pay-off.  It was all for naught!  Look just go with the Theatrical ending that is the ending on the DVD and most times they show it on TV.  And was the ending I just saw.  NEVER.  I'll go with NOTHING.  Get off of my website!  Huh.  What else is going on.  ANCHOVIE AND GARLIC.  Garlic is hardly a topping.  It's just shreds of garlic.  Nothin'!  Anchovies is a topping.  No one's arguing that.  You won't hear any disagreement from me there!  Also what else is going on.  Probably should have a banana for upcoming snack for several reasons.  We got a lot of them.  Too much!  Better eat all the bananas we can.  Then again a delicious Fiber or Protein Bar would be more delicious.  On account of chocolate incorporated into it.
     Yeah!  Is there some sort of gun that shoots mini chocolate chips into food and then it gets stuck in the middle of the food.  So I could fire this gun at a banana (presumably peeled) and then I can take a bite out of banana and there's just chocolate chips evenly incorporated inside the banana.  Because that sounds pretty good to me!  Also you can rig it with BULLETS to kill YOUR ENEMIES.  Now we're talkin'!  What else.  Seventh paragraph.  Amazing.  How's the Alec Baldwin murder case going.  Haven't heard anything about that since the day or two after it happened.  Sounds like a cover up.  YES they covered up the corpses that's common sense.  With a sheet or something.  Oh okay.  Maybe they didn't.  Maybe they left the corpses there.  I don't know how they do things in Hollywood!  I think this happened in Arizona.  Somewhere in the southwest.  I don't know how they do things in Arizona, either!  Hmm.
If Nick Porrazzo is such a great actor and wants to make a name for himself he'd kill himself, too.  People would definitely remember that!  I dunno if that's something he places a  lot of importance on.  If being remembered as a committed actor is a priority for him.  But if it is, that's one way to accomplish that.  Probably his only way.  He don't even have a Wikipedia Page he's well behind the game as of now without killing himself.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Eighth paragraph.  Let's see, words, words...  Hmm.  What else do I got in store for today.  Same stuff as yesterday hopefully.  Yesterday was nice!  Throwback to simpler times last year when I was taking 7 walks a day.  It's FUN.  Also I'm home OVER 75% of the time.  If I'm taking walks every 2 hours for most of the day, and each walk is 25-30 minutes... That means FOR MOST OF THE DAY I'm 75% home and THE REST OF THE DAY I'm 100% HOME.  Look I'm home ALL THE TIME even with taking all these walks.  So get off my back about it!
     Huh.  Probably just write the standard 10 paragraphs for Act I.  Got no reason to write more.  It's not like I'm in a groove or anything.  Maybe a sub-mediocre groove.  I'm in a groove that's not great.  Also not even in that.  Oh well such is life.  HEY nurse just rang bell.  Wonderful.  Now I know the bell works!  I was wondering about that.  Huh.  What's going on in the wide world of sports.  Any other character in films kill themselves.  Sure plenty.  I just can't think of them right now off the top of my head.  Well let's work backwards.  Who are people who killed themselves and THEN think of which of them were characters in films.  This is harder than I thought.  Also I don't care.  So those two things combined mean maybe it's time to move on with my life.  Huh.  Hey I bookended this paragraph with HUHS.  I did a Huh to start it and a Huh to finish it.  Wait.  Nope.  Now I'm finishing it with this.  HEY I can add a Huh after the last sentence of this bit.  That's easy.  That'll make this all make sense!
HEY what else is going on.  Gonna take shower after upcoming walk.  Gonna eat something after shower.  What remains to be seen.  Some sort of pun with Remains To Be Seen and There Being A Wake.  Have I said that yet on this website?  What?  Only three or four times?  GREAT!  Still very fresh.  Some sort of pun with there being a wake and there's a banner above the body that says STILL VERY FRESH.  Because they haven't been dead TOO long.  Hey great what else is up.  Walking a lot is a blast from the past.  Walking in pleasant weather is a blast from the past.  Having dinner very late is a blast from the past.  I LIKE ALL THESE THINGS.  They make me happy for some reason.  The past had a lot of blasts that I wasn't fully appreciating but now I appreciate them slightly more for at least the next 12 hours or so!  Wonderful.  I'm gonna take a walk now!  I'll be back in a little bit later and whatnot!




if only that were the case

    Hello friends and idiots.  Took a walk, shower, eating a banana, writing act II!  That's life.  Gotta think of some good entertainment to consume today.  I WILL be home a solid 80% of the rest of the day before going to sleep.  Which I will be home for 100%!  Unless I'm a very sneaky werewolf and get out at night to stalk victims.  And then eat them or something.  Why stalk something if that's just your ultimate goal.  You gotta be stalking with the intention of doing something once you confront the subject you're stalking.  Maybe you just get off on stalking, I dunno your deal.  Anyway I'm glad I went with the banana.  Hit the spot!  Was the right thing to do adult-wise because we have lots of them AND it was the right thing to do taste-wise.  Wonderful.  Who cares.  I might have a veggie burger as mid-day snack.  Who cares.  Someone.  Someone out there cares.  I envy them.  Or something.
     Coffee after this paragraph!  Amazing.  No cookies today from nurse!  I thought every holiday she'd be bringing cookies.  Valentines' Day Eve is a holiday.  Where are my cookies.  Gotta have some sort of cookies in the house.  Tate's cookies.  My mom likes those.  I don't!  Thin and crispy.  NO and NO.  I want thick and chewy chocolate chip cookies you idiots.  I got graham crackers.  Those are like cookies.  Even though they're called Graham Crackers.  Lots of discourse on how animal crackers are really cookies.  It was a plot point in the movie Armageddon.  No one seems to care that graham crackers are also cookies.  Actually I dunno they do have crackerish properties.  SO DO I ACCORDING TO AN AFRICAN AMERICAN AM I RIGHT.  Probably.  I'm right about 75-80% of things!  LOOK I'm sure very few Anybody uses the phrase cracker anymore.  But when it was used I don't think anybody else used it other than African Americans, right?  Either way Graham Cracker-- cookie but I could see both sides of the issue.
     Coffee time!  Ya know what?  I may even have another banana today!  Well let's not go crazy.   Hmm.  Go crazy.  Bananas.  Is the banana a cracker or a cookie.  Hmm.  I'd have banana crackers or banana cookies.  Well, banana cookies at least.  I'd try a banana cracker.  If they're making banana crackers clearly there must be SOME appeal to them.  Banana.  A peel.  Hmm.  Anyway YES if they were making banana crackers and/or banana cookies I'd try either one and I'm sure there are banana cookies in places.  You can get banana pancakes.  Pancakes are cookies but pancakes instead of cookies.  Hmm.  There are bananafish.  I assume there's not really.  It's just the name of a Nine Stories.  It's 1/9th of the titles.  Better LTURQ just to be sure.  NOPE not a real fish.  Then again if there was banana fish, again, there must be some draw to it that God Made This Fish, so I'd try eating that, too!  Maybe over pizza!
     What else is up.  I ALSO like the part of recent walks where I don't need to use the bathroom AS much.  Still an issue but there was a period of a few weeks where it really got bad.  AMAZING.  LIFE IS WORKING OUT GREAT.  HOW APPEALING.  Hmm.  A peeling.  HMM.  Anyway great just great.  Got part II of III of Steak and Egg Whites and Broccoli and Toast for Lunch today.  I don't even need to say Lunch 1 or Lunch 2 anymore.  Now there's just Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, and Snack equidistant as if it were one of them between lunch and dinner.  And there ARE 3-4 other snacks but this Specific Snack is Quite Bigger.  And even though it's a, "Snack," it might be a sandwich or something.  I DON'T CARE IT'S A SNACK.  It's like in elementary school.  You get home and your mom makes you a sandwich to tide you over.  So basically I'm trying to replicate the life of an eight year old.  YES FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT.
     Amazing.  8 Year olds don't take 7 walks a day.  They hardly take any walks.  What idiots.  What else is going on.  The odd hours that are between meals are, "snacks," with a LOWERCASE, "S."  The snack 4 hours after lunch and 4 hours before dinner is an UPPERCASE, "Snack."  I think I've made my point adequately at this point.  Anyway.  I used to see online they would estimate Adult Woman needs 1800 calories and Adult Man needs 2000 calories.  On average.  Presumably for healthy weights at average heights.  Now I've noticed they bumped it up.  I've seen across different websites and whatnot it says stuff like 2000 calories for Adult Woman and 2500 for Adult Man.  I think SOMEONE'S GOTTEN TO THEM from BIG FOOD.  Hey eat more calories to maintain your Fatty Fat Fat Self.  If you need 2500 cal as an adult man at average height you're probably obese but HEY THAT'S NORMAL YOU NEED 2500 CALORIES TO STAY THERE and You WANNA STAY THERE You Fat Tub Of Lard.  That's my hypothesis.  Big Food has gotten to Health Websites!
     Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  This may be the last paragraph of the act!  Probably will write another one or two though.  Possibly not.  I HOLD ALL THE CARDS.  That's not a very fun game.  There's nothing to do.  If I hold all the cards you apparently hold nothing and I don't know what kind of game we can play.  I can do magic tricks.  I don't know any magic tricks. YOU could do a magic trick.  But you have no cards.  AHHH BUT THAT'S WHERE THE MAGIC COMES INTO PLAY.  Anyway jeez.  Also in a scenario where I have all the cards-- have I WON or LOST.  I'm not sure.  Either way what else is going on.  The way Morning Schedule shakes out may lead to Lunch being 15-30 minutes later than Right On Schedule regularly.  Probably 50+% of the time it'd able to be eaten right on schedule easily.  But I could see it being relatively often that it's pushed back a bit.  Assuming I wait until after entry to eat.  WHICH I WILL.  YEAH.
Wow!  Is the sequel to 1408 called 1409?  My guess?  Probably never gonna be a sequel.  MAN that's a good guess.  I wish I had thought of it first.  That's one of the best guesses that you could make re: This Situation.  What else is up.  Walk after this paragraph!  Wonder if it's still snowing lightly.  I can look out my window!  That's probably what windows are for!  Looking out of!  Or maybe we're just so used to windows that no one would wanna buy a house without windows just because it looks dumb from the outside.  Aesthetically we need windows-- from the outside in-- so pedestrians won't be like WAIT A SECOND THAT HOUSE... SOMETHING'S WRONG... I KNOW... NO WINDOWS.  Anyway time to look out the window.  Looks like no snow.  But there's a solid 40% chance I'm wrong.  Also there is snow.  It's just not in the process of falling from the sky!  Except for that 40% chance I'm wrong!  I'm gonna write one more paragraph now!
    Sure.  Not sure why planes need windows.  Oh.  It's the sky.  I get it.  What fun.  Then again LEMME AT THE WINDOW SEAT.  I WANNA LOOK OUT THE WINDOW.  I NEVER SEE THE SKY FROM THIS ANGLE-- HORIZONTAL.  Then again I'd be pumped to have the window seat IN A CAR.  WOW GROUND LEVEL.  I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THIS STUFF.  What else is going on.  What do I got in store for this week.  At least one Zoom Appointment with therapist and/or physiatrist.  Possibly both.  YEP THAT ABOUT COVERS IT.  Hmm still gotta shave.  Missed my shaving experience this past week so I gotta get back on track next week.  At this point it's CRAZY to shave in the immediate future, might as well wait until the weekly shaving time for upcoming week.  I missed a week!  Too late to do anything about it!  THEN AGAIN WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON.  Oh the act is over.  I'll be back soon!




i don't have to tell you

    Hey!  Gonna write this Act Of Entry and then eat lunch.  Unless I really hit a wall and have to stop very quickly.  ALSO think I'm gonna save coffee #3 for later.  Why spoil my appetite.  You can't spoil your appetite.  If your appetite is satisfied CONGRATULATIONS YOU WIN.  Yeah but you might be called upon to eat again soon-- and won't be hungry-- and also will be overeating which is bad for health.  DON'T let anyone tell you when you have to eat.  You wanna spoil your appetite you go ahead!  Then when you're being asked to eat, just politely decline!  And if they insist YOU CAN FIGHT THEM.  You have to stand up for what you believe in in this world.  Which is why it's so difficult for differently abled people who are confined to wheelchairs.  I pity them in a way.  Well, more than in a way.  I just pity them.  HEY DON'T PITY THEM.  They're differently abled!  OH so how are they abled differently in a positive sense.  I'LL HAVE TO GET BACK TO ME ON THAT.
Sure.  What else is going on.  It was snowing when I took a walk.  Looking out the window lied to me!  Also I would guess OVER 50% of the time I'm gonna have lunch about 15 minutes or so later than O nTarget.  ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN THOUGH.  I don't know routinely when I'm gonna be waking up the next Segment of life.  Will it be 7:45?  Will it be 8:30?  ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.  HEY is Superbowl today?  I'd watch that but, ya know.  Don't wanna watch all those commercials.  Also-- not a big fan of football!  Either way if it looks exciting on the internet telling me how exciting it may or may not be sure I'll check it out.  YA KNOW WHAT MAYBE WATCH IT FROM THE START.  I can see myself doing that today for fun.  Sports is fun!  Also is superbowl today or next week.  Better LTURQ.  YEP today.  Gotta pick a team to root for.  LOOK LIKE EVERYONE ELSE I have mixed feelings about Los Angeles.  And LIKE EVERYONE ELSE I never think of Cincinnati if I don't really have to.  But, ya know what?  Off the top of my head?  SCREW CINCINNATI.  Los Angeles is the way to go in this MicroSituation.  Don't hold me to it past today!  But for today LOS ANGELES IS THE WAY TO GO.
     Anyway.  I dunno.  I don't like all the SIN in Cincinnati.  THERE'S AT LEAST TWO OF THEM BY MY COUNT.  What else is up.  Also I hope the color commentator says something like See this is like baseball, but it's going on this year.  That'll stick it to Big Baseball.  Also that's kind of why I'm interested in this.  I wanna like sports to some degree this year.  And baseball is in limbo.  Gotta go with footballs!  Is it possible Jeremy Giambi was doing a Buddhist Monk Sacrifice Thing and he killed himself in protest of the Major League Owner's most recent proposal.  He looked at it and was like THIS IS NOWHERE NEAR WHAT WE WOULD ACCEPT.  I GOTTA THINK OF A WAY TO SEND A MESSAGE--- AND FAST!!!  Hmm maybe I can fast.  NO THAT'S NOT ENOUGH, THAT WON'T GET THE JOB DONE.  Gotta think, THINK GIAMBI, THINK...  That's how that might have gone.  Anyway.  Huh.
     Cool!  SUPERBOWL?  THIS IS FOOTBALL NOT BOWLING.  Anyway.  There's that retired football player who pushes Campbells Soup.  Do they ever use the pun Football Game, "Bowls," with, "Bowls of soup?"  Gotta imagine they've at least CONSIDERED it.  And if not I DEMAND ROYALTIES every time they consider doing it.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna have lunch at 1:15 either way today whether it means I'm waiting a few minutes after entry ends or not.  Just feels like the right time to eat today!  Gotta go with feelings.  Anyway after finishing this steak and egg whites and broccoli and toast 3 parter, I'm thinkin about going with some CHINESE FOOD UNHEALTHY 3 PARTER.  If only I could start tomorrow.  I guess I'll have to settle for tomorrow tomorrow.  Which in this case is TUESDAY.  Hmm Tuesday as a Part I of III of Chinese Food Lunches pretty unhealthy but reasonable portions.  I CAN DIG THAT.  It's a Chinese Food Week.  That's how it shakes out!  AMAZING SHAKES.
     Anyway.  First act was 10 paragraphs.  Second act was 8.  Pretty clear that this act could be anywhere from 5-12.  Pretty clear that I'm aiming for 7.  Sounds about right.  Three more to go!  Nurse is still here.  Sitting at my kitchen table like she owns the place.  THAT'S MY CHAIR YOU'RE SITTING ON.  That's my table you're set up on.  THAT'S MY KITCHEN YOU'RE EXISTING IN.  Anyway she's a nice pleasant person plus she gave me cookies so I got nothing against her at all.  THEN AGAIN THAT'S MY KITCHEN SHE'S EXISTING IN.  This kitchen isn't big enough for the both of us!  Well it is but JUST BARELY.  The kitchen USED to have a lot more room when I was a kid.  Then we did a complete renovation when I was about 14 and for some reason we installed cabinets and stuff like that that took up way too much room and now the kitchen is cramped.  So this kitchen is big enough for the both of us barely but I wouldn't go higher than 4 people being in the kitchen comfortably.
Penultimate paragraph!  Amazing.  Maybe have breakfast burrito for Snack today.  Dunno why I wouldn't have it at breakfast.  But it feels right NOW.  And by now I mean it feels right NOW for LATER.  Maybe leave a bit of the SHELL over.  Calories is a little bit more than I want.  If I just leave A BIT of the shell over we're more in territory I'm very comfortable with.  Huh.  What else and crap is going on.  Los Angeles Rams.  Trams.  Smart backwards.  Haven't seen that in any complete phrase palindromes.  Trams and Smart!  GET CRACKING... guys who write... palindromes... for a living... also I demand royalties once you figure a phrase out.  What else is going on.  Gotta figure out what to watch for lunch/after lunch FIRST before I start eating lunch.  Kinda been thinking about going through the Jurassic Parks again.  I went through them as recently as maybe early January or late November.  Kinda feel like doing it again!  I LIKE THE DINOSAUR PART.
Last paragraph of the day.  Amazing!  In the meantime though let's write it.  GOOD OL' FOOTBALL.  Might be an exciting game.  I feel like every time I try to watch A Football it's not a very close game by halfway through the game.  Gotta imagine at some point there'll be a football game that's very close going all the way to the end of the game.  WOW!  Anyway.  LAURA DERN?  SIGN ME UP FOR SOME OF THAT.  Huh.  Wonderful.  That's how everyone in the film feels.  Obviously Dr. Grant.  Obviously Jeff Goldblum.  And we can only assume All Other Characters feel attracted to Laura Dern but are suppressing their feelings such that they're not overtly displaying those desires.  Also Dr Grant is the character's name, and Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern are the actors' names.  Go figure!  Laura Doone cookies.  What are those called Laura... Dern.  Laura Dern.  Wait what's this actresses' name again?  YEAH.  That's HER name.  The cookies are LORNA DOONE.  Okay.  Well finally we accomplished something this entry.  I guess.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-12:55 P.M.




Saturday, February 12, 2022

i kind of like it here

    Hey!  Bad news!  Did some impulse binge eating last night!  About half of what my Impulse Binges have been lately but still quite bad!  Gonna take 4-6 days of current rate of CircleWalking to make up for that.  GREAT JUT GREAT.  Now that circle walking won't be going towards making progress.  Just going towards getting me back to zero based on yesterday.  ALSO now I have to do more circle walking.  I was considering vaguely maybe I should stop or cut it in half or something.  NOPE.  ON the bright side, I woke up in the MightNight once or twice to eat as nack AND DIDN'T.  So that's good.  Hmm all I have to do to avoid mightnight snacks is eat 4 or 5x the amount that they would be BEFORE going to sleep.  Cracked that code.  Anyway HEY LIFE GOES ON.  Also anyway HEY THIS BABKA IS TOO GOOD.  I get a lot out of it.  The point is I don't HAVE to circlewalk to The Simpsons.  That was just my first idea.  Maybe I'd be happy with something else.  Maybe lots of things!
     Cool.  Another nice day outside today.  Three in a row!  That's not good.  Good for me. Bad for the world.  Global Warming IS AFOOT.  Anyway.  Today is Saturday.  What do I got going for me for today.  Delicious meals planned.  Some good snack ideas.  Gonna avoid impulse binge eating probably.  Based on the last month and a half I have a solid I dunno 85%? chance of not having a very significant binge today.  WOW.  85%.  That sounds like a nice relevant round number but isn't really.  Well it's 17 out of 20.  That's not so bad Round Number.  But it could be better is the point I'm trying to make.  Oh I know why I like 85%.  It's a B in school.  Right?  B's are good.  They're like A's but you presumably didn't try as hard on them so you're quite happy with what you get based on what you put into it.  Hmm.  Last time I got a grade.  Oh right when I opened up that take out Chinese Restaurant and the health department gave me a D-.  Look I should be getting F's.  D-'s I can live with!
     How many small take-up/delivery Chinese Restaurants are owned and operated by white people.  My guess?  SOME!  I feel lied to and violated.  Not so much violated.  That's too far.  But lied to, sure. Anyway.  That was the main crux of impulse binge last night.  Two full slices of Cinnamon Babka.  They say each slice is only 230 calories but I feel gotta be at least 300.  And anyway that was about half, 40% of the entire binge.  HALF OF PREVIOUS BINGES.  STILL NOT GOOD.  Oh well.  CIRCLE WALKING TO THE RESCUE.  Cool.  Woke up pretty on time today.  Last few days I've either woken up late or my day had been complicated by waiting for Delivery.  Let's see how today goes!  Today goes hardcore!  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Cheddar Day and National Tortellini Day.  Kinda tired about all these national days that are clearly from other countries cultures.  But I'm burnt out on calling attention to it.  I guess this is the world we live in and we just have to accept it.  Either way cheddar FIN GREAT.  Tortellini OKAY SURE.  Nice color commentary, Mike!
     What else.  Gotta be a good film or two franchise I haven't seen yet that's available to me that lends itself to circlewalking To It for a few days.  HMM.  Well how about binge watching TV Shows.  There's gotta be hundreds of those.  And dozens of which presumably there are SOME people out there that are like oh you gotta watch Stranger Things it's great.  That's one of DOZENS which some people would argue I should watch.  Hmm.  Why not.  Given myself lots to think about.  Also if that's the one that I came up with off the top of my head maybe that's the one I should start with!  YEAH.  Not sure if I'm ready for Kid Protagonists.  Then again maybe I'm VERY ready for it.  Adults had their time and they failed.  Now it's KIDS turn to run the show.  Hmm.  Where does that do The Streaming.  Netflix.  I have that.  Presumably.  Unless it's a Neflix Plus or Netflix Prime or something.
     Sure.  It's like Scooby Doo, right?  They go around solving mysteries?  Not in a van though?  Not old enough to drive?  Maybe they drive anyway and that's part of the excitement of the show?  It's only a matter of time they get into an accident?  Hmm.  Not sure if I've ever seen an episode of Scooby Doo.  I could identify the characters and generic plot and dialogue from bits and pieces I've seen in other Film and TV.  But I don't think I saw a full episode.  COULD BE WRONG.  Could be right.  THAT NARROWS I DOWN QUITE WELL.  HMM.  Only 25 episodes of Strangest Thangs.  Not sure how long they are.  Better LTURQ.  Between 45 minute and an hour.  YA LOST ME.  TOO LONG TO PAY ATTENTION TO.  Gonna have to think of something else now!  Anyway gonna get coffee after the next sentence because that's the way I do things today.  THIS IS THAT SENTENCE.
    Anyway.  Stranger Things seems too spooky for me but I owe it to myself to give it a try.  I LIKE watching ALL OUT HORROR MOVIES.  How could a show about children on Netflix be too spooky.  In uncanny valley of spooky!  That's a phrase I'll use all the time because I kind of understand what it means and if it means what I kind of understand what I means What A Fun Thing To Talk About Or Refer To!  Anyway.  At some point maybe think about doing The Open Mics again.  Either for The Music or to Come Up With Some Comedy.  Not safe yet.  Maybe if I left alone and not with elderly Compromised People.  But at some point that might be a productive Next Step in life.  Similar to the Last Steps.  Yeah but I'm getting back on the stairmaster so to speak after a couple of years off it.  Also can we all agree Stairmasters are the worst.  No fun.  Lots of work.  Probably doesn't burn too many calories.  Gets REALLY old REALLY fast when doing it.  Stairmasters are the worst.  Now if we're just talking about going up and down REAL stairs, now we're talking.  If we're talking about MATT STAIRS, the baseball player from the 1990's, now we're talking.  I'm gonna guess he had a Career War of 28.  Let's LTURQ.  ONLY 14.1.  Okay.  That's not TERRIBLE.  He can tell his kids I was more or less a productive major leaguer presumably with a couple of pretty good years.  Good for Matt Stairs. 
     Huh?  Oh.  Okay.  Thinking about what to eat as upcoming snack.  I feel like I've promised my Dad I'll have a banana soon and I wanna banana in theory when it's not actually time to eat snack but when it's time to eat snack I can think of better things I want.  HEY MY LIFE MY CHOICE.  I think the next step after banning abortion is legalizing it but it's up to the husband (also hast o be a married couple).  And the phrase is HEY MY WIFE MY CHOICE.  That sort of thing sounds like a fair compromise I think!  If you as a lady really want an abortion you should have no problem convincing your husband it's the right thing to do.  EASY.  What else is up.  Seventh paragraph of the act.  Amazing!  Got myself Steak & Egg Whites.  That's three Lunches.  Lunches #1s presumably.  I dunno.  EACH MEAL INCREASES IN HOW BIG THEY ARE.  Average calories per meal are 300, 400, 500, 600.  Either in terms of what they actually are on average OR near the top end of what they end up being if I'm eating the portions I wanna eat.  FLEXIBLE.  Penultimate meal could easily be 600+ calories.  But let's say 1st meal can also easily be 150 calories.  I NEED CONSISTENCY CONTEXT AND THEN I NEED THE WILLPOWER TO BREAK THAT CONSISTENCY CONTEXT AND THEN I NEED THE WILL POWER TO GO BACK TO THE CONSISTENCY CONTEXT THE NEXT DAY.
Great!  Sure there's BREAD to be had with the steak and egg whites.  No potato though.  Substituted BROCCOLI for it.  SEE I GOT IT ALL FIGURED OUT YOU DUMMIES.  Not sure why the 1990's trend of books WHATEVER For Dummies was so popular.  Like there would be a COMPUTERS FOR DUMMIES and it was a thick book presumably teaching dummies about how to operate a computer.  Look I've been insulted by books before.  LOTS OF TIMES.  But this has got to take the cake.  Good.  I don't need cake.  That's one indulgence I'm able to avoid.  Babka is kind of like cake.  I like it for the NON cake part of it though.  GET WITH THE DEAL.  Huh.  MATT STAIRS DIDN'T MAKE ONE ALL STAR TEAM.  His biggest accolade is finishing 17th in the American League MVP voting in 1999.  Maybe I thought he was better because he was a relatively serviceable player when doing Baseball Drafts on Nintendo 64 Baseball Game.
What else is great.  OH I SEE.  He was a very decent hitter.  Average of 2 WAR a year ON OFFENSE over a 20 year career.  VERY respectable career.  Except he also averaged -1.5 WAR a year on DEFENSE.  VERY irresponsible to have him on your baseball diamond fielding.  Oh well that's his problem.  Gotta deal with it the rest of his life.  Just hope it doesn't drive him to suicide.  Probably would have happened already if it was gonna happen.  I dunno the longer it percolates how terrible fielder he was the more likely it becomes.  So basically YES Matt Stairs is on Suicide Watch.  You heard it here first!  What kind of genre is Stranger Things other than Spooky.  Is it FUNNY at all.  I could use some LAUGHS.  Better LTURQ.  SCIENCE FICTION HORROR DRAMA?!?!?!  That's HORRIFYING.  Horror is fine.  Science Fiction Horror sounds TOO scary for me.  DRAMA?  BUT IT'S ABOUT KIDS.  WHAT THEY GOTTA BE DRAMATIC ABOUT.
Anyway I could give that the old college try sure.  But I should also be thinking of good alternatives as well.  What else is up.  Also giving something the old college try is strange phrasing.  When I was in College the last that I was doing was Trying.  Spend all of high school trying to get into college.  Spend post-college trying to be a legitimate adult.  College was just for fun per my recollections.  Hmm.  What paragraph is this.  Ninth?  Amazing!  It's the tenth.  MORE AMAZING!  Cool.  I SKIPPED TO THE CRITICAL RESPONSE SECTION OF STRANGER THINGS WIKIPEDIA.  Just browed it VERY quickly with My Eyes and someone said something about A SPLASH (my phrasing) of humor.  NOW WE'RE TALKING.  I LOVE TO LAUGH.  It's one of my top 20 favorite things.  Also I rarely laugh.  Only times I laugh are at something I said myself.  I'm entertained to the point of comical amusement a lot.  But for the most part, only times I audibly laugh is when I think back to something halfway decent I just said and I get a kick out of that and whatnot.
     Sure!  Also in Stranger Things are the things in this show The Stranger Things?  Or is it there are stranger things than Even This Show.  How Strange Do Things Get Overall In Life, Fact Or Fiction, is the question I'm asking.  What else.  Not gonna re-up with mini-cancer animal crackers.  For the first month or two I was eating them responsibly.  Then the last few weeks started eating them too much!  Only solution I can think of is stuff the remainder down my gullet and then not get more.  Seems like it could work without stuffing my gullet with them and eating the remnants responsibly.  You'd think so wouldn't you.  Well maybe I would IF YOU GAVE ME THE CHANCE.  I don't have TIME to think.  You and me both, brother.  YOU AND ME BOTH.  Huh.  Nice regular diet planned for today.  No Gotta Skip This Or Something To Make Up For Something.  Sure I binged last night but I'll make up for that with OTHER ways.
     Sure.  Twelfth Paragraph.  Twelfth Night.  That's a Shakespeare play that I'm not sure what the Hell it's about.  Better LTURQ.  My guess is it's a COMEDY.  Based on the title.  TWELFTH NIGHT?  I'M LAUGHING ALREADY.  SILENTLY.  I didn't come up with it so it doesn't make me FULLY laugh.  Hmm that seems like a weird plot.  Not sure I like it.  Then again I don't like any Shakespeare.  Not one Shakespeare I've read or seen and been like WOW THAT WAS GREAT.  No thanks re: Shakespeare keep it to yourself.  Anyway.  Maybe take a walk after this paragraph.  Pretty ahead of schedule today.  Wonderful.  Not sure how lunch #1 is gonna line up with my schedule.  Can't have it while taking a walk or shower.  Don't really wanna have it while writing entry.  Eh it'll work one way or another 15 or 30 minutes at most in either direction around where I ideally want it.  GREAT.  I'll be back in a bit!




this just might work

    Hey.  Planning out weekend meals and I should be able to Get Back To Zero before Last Night Impulse Binge in THREE DAYS.  WOW THAT'S HARDLY ANYTHING.  Also playing around with diet-schedule.  Current idea is MIX UP LUNCH AND DINNER.  Make Lunch #2 (Real Lunch) the SLIGHTLY bigger meal and Dinner (Real Dinner) slightly smaller.  SOUNDS AMAZING LET'S PUT IT UP ON THE BIG BOARD.  What big board.  THE BIGGEST BOARD YOU'VE GOT.  Anyway.  In the end though what's the difference.  Whether I make up this ground in 3 days or 6.  There IS a difference about what order to have meals.  First breakfast is the smallest meal.  That's definite.  Right now I feel like I wanna try having Final Meal as second biggest meal.  Which equates for the most part to Super Market prepared meals.  Then RIGHT NOW I think Biggest Meal of the day MAYBE SECOND MEAL?  EAT AFTER ENTRIES ARE FINISHED???  And then second smallest meal in the middle of the day.  THIS IS IMPORTANT THINGS and if you feel bored by them YOU'RE WRONG.  Your problem not mine.
Cool!  Just had that banana I've been teasing you and/or my dad that I'd be having.  Delicious!  Dunno why I kept putting it off.  Maybe it'd have been less delicious 2 days ago.  Different level of ripeness.  Maybe, maybe not, we don't know, we don't have a time machine.  Maybe we will in the future.  And if we will we may as well jut have it 5 minute from now.  I can't INVENT a time machine in 5 minutes but if it takes me 50 years I can show up in 5 minutes and give it to me.  So I got that going for me at least.  Anyway what else is going on.  Right now not very enthusiastic about Stranger Things.  STRANGER THAN WHAT?  YOU NEED TO BE MORE SPECIFIC.  If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times.  ENTERTAINMENT TITLES NEED TO BE MORE SPECIFIC.  We need to know what we're getting.  ALSO they need to be specific in such a way it's relevant to the content.  A specific title that is a LIE is no good, either!  INTERESTING but no good.
Coffee after this paragraph.  I can, "Dig," that.  Watched TALES FROM THE HOOD last night.  I've seen it before but it wasn't the horror anthology I was confusing it with.  Either way OKAY?  I didn't not not hate it.  Some good elements to it, some boring elements.  Ya take the good with the bad.  And then load up on the neutral.  SIGN ME UP WITH SOME NEUTRAL.  I'm ALL ABOUT The Neutral.  Hmm.  Current order I'm thinking of kinda becomes Small Breakfast, Big Lunch, Big snack, Smallish Dinner.  WOW THAT'S HOW THEY DO IT IN THE MEDDTERERARITIAIIAN.  Something like that.  I also might be thinking of Other Parts Of Europe.  Also I might be thinking of that's about 20% accurate in terms of one element of that is accurate.  And the other 80% I jut sorta tacked on for fun.  Either way now it's time to have some coffee!  ALSO Big Snack in middle of day can be SAVORY.  HEARTY EVEN.  The point is I'm up to the 235th diet-schedule idea over the past 2 months.  THIS TIME I THINK I'M ON TO SOMETHING.
  Think I gotta schedule-up with CircleWalking if I wanna do it.  Otherwise what do things even mean.  2 Episodes of Simpsons after Final Dinner Meal Lunch #2 Big Meal To Remember and before going to sleep.  Three episodes sometime between Lunch and Penultimate Walk.  ALRIGHT THERE WE GO.  Cracked that code.  Now schedule is set, diet is set, and one can only assuming this will last me months with no problems and not only no problems but many blessed returns.  ABOUT TIME I'm getting some blessed returns.  Also it's pronounced Bless-EDD.  Not bless'd.  Get on board with how things are pronounced you idiot.  Anyway.  Probably write 2.5 more paragraphs for the act!  Wonderbar.  What do I got in store for me after lunch and before SimpsonWalk.  HMM.  How about some TALES FROM THAT CRYPT.  That'll get the blood going.  Which one am I up to.  HMM.  GREAT IT'S THE ONE WITH THE KIDS.  If I wanted to watch Spooky Stuff With Kids I'd watch Stranger Things.  Not really.  I'll watch this episode.  Pot committed to it.  I like the kid who I assumed was Joseph Gordon Levvitt the first 20 times I watched it until I looked it up and it's not Joseph Gordon Levvit.  Good times!
     Hey great what else.  Getting to the point I could use a haircut.  I'd have to rope my Dad into 90% doing it for me, though.  I don't wanna rope my Dad into having to do stuff for me.  He's got enough on his plate as it is.  Which is a bad thing.  I HAVE A PLATE WITH THINGS ON IT.  PRESUMABLY A MEAL PLATE.  WITH THINGS TO EAT.  GREAT JUST MY LUCK.  I HAVE TO CONSUME NOURISHMENT.  THIS IS GONNA TAKE FOREVER AND ALSO IT WILL BE AN UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE.  What was I talking about.  Oh, haircut!  Great.  Put it off for another month or so.  Maybe then I'll rope my dad in and whatnot.  LOOK I ate the banana for my Dad.  He's been getting extra bananas because I told him I'd be eating them.  So every time I eat a banana I'm doing my Dad a big favor.  SEVEN BANANAS EQUALS ONE HAIRCUT.  That's the equation conclusion I came up with after careful thought presumably off the top of my head.  To ME it seemed off the top of my head but I'm sure underneath in other layers of my head it was carefully percolating such that when it occurred to me it was all checked out as accurate and whatnot.
     Great.  Last paragraph of the act!  What else is up.  Been pretty good about not having to pee my pants lately.  Not only have I not had to pee my pants but it hasn't even been very close!  I'm getting home with ample time to empty my bladder responsibly and without too much of a hassle.  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off in the long run.  Wait.  No I don't.  That doesn't apply here at all!  You'd think so wouldn't you.  Anyway NO MIGHTNIGHT SNACKING AT ALL last night.  Woke up once for sure and thought about it and then was like nah I'm okay.  Maybe I woke up another time or two and the same thing happened.  Maybe I woke up another time or two and ate something and can't remember.  I don't have all the details in front of me!  The only thing we can say for certain as of now is I'll Be Back In A Little Bit.




you know that sort of thing

    ALRIGHT CHECK IT OUT.  Walks at 8, 10, 12, 4, and 8.  Meals at 9, 1, 5, 9.  The meal at 5 is really just Big Snack.  And the Lunch is slightly bigger than the Dinner.  And the breakfast is Health or Relatively-Health Breakfast.  AND about an hour of circle walking between Lunch and Next Walk and 45 minutes of circle walking after dinner.  WOW I LIKE THIS.  THE NUMBERS ARE EVEN AND WHATNOT.  Even numbers?!?!  AMAZING.  Also having breakfast 30 minutes after getting home from walk?  GIVES ME TIME TO USE OVEN or even MAKE EGGS MYSELF.  THIS IS GREAT I HOPE IT LASTS INTO TOMORROW.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  ALSO room for 1 snack between each 2 meals as well as 1 snack after last meal (4 snacks overall).  We're talking FRUIT, FIBER ONE BROWNIE, PROTEIN ONE BAR, and WILDCARD Snack.  See?  This seems indulgent and variety-inducing and delicious and sustainable.  And it hits the calories I wanna consume each day for maintenance ON THE MARK.  This paragraph MAY GO DOWN IN HISTORY.  Being a pivotal moment in time in MY LIFE THIS MONTH.  WOW.
Sure.  I was gonna have lunch after this entry but waiting until 1 PM is even better!  I CAN'T WAIT BUT IN A GOOD WAY.  Normally if I can't wait to eat it's in a bad way.  Like I NEED TO EAT NOW.  Now I can't wait in a positive way!  Wow I'm looking forward to that But Not In Any Hunger Pain Either.  Gotta imagine that'll last for the rest of my life.  The point is I'm gonna get coffee after this paragraph.  ALSO got time to Oven-ize Lunch and/or Dinner if need be!  WHILE BEING HOME.  No more hassle of being like I'm turning on the oven and taking a walk.  YOU STAY HERE to make sure the house doesn't blow up.  And if it does YOUR PROBLEM NOT MINE.  I'll be safe BLOCKS AWAY taking my walk.  NOW WHOSE THE IDIOT.  Anyway what else is going on.  Also I can think of some other good Big Snacks but for now I'm keeping the same idea as when they were a Breakfast #2 -- a chocolate chip pancake or a big slice of French Toast or half a Belgian Waffle or something.  Or I could have GET THIS TWO POP TARTS AT ONCE AND THAT'S JUST TOTALLY ALLOWED.  Dunno if that's sustainable.  I'd go down some sort of Negative Rabbit Hole or something.  Coffee time!
     Maybe stay up later as part of this schedule.  If I'm circle-walking past 10 PM part of me is gonna be like well I don't wanna get cheated out of nighttime relaxation.  Maybe push back bedtime a half an hour or EVEN AN HOUR.  Got some nice Steak and Egg Whites and Broccoli and Piece of Toast for Lunch.  We could specifically say BIG LUNCH but LUNCH covers it.  Besides compared to most people's lunch this isn't that big.  But compared to OLD lunches which are now NEW DINNERS there is a SLIGHT difference in size and IT'S BIGGER.  WE'VE COVERED THIS.  I'm just reminding you.  It will all be on the mid-term next week.  MIDTERM?  IT'S THE WINTER SEMESTER.  AND WE SHOULD BE UP TO THE FINAL FOR NEXT WEEK.  Oh I guess this entry doesn't make sense anymore.  ENTRY DON'T MAKE SENSE?  NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO HAVE FAITH IN IN LIFE.  Presumably something else.  Yeah.  Let's go with that!  Anyway three more paragraph.
     Sure.  If I wanna have snacks at set times-- AND I DO AS OF THIS HALF HOUR-- why it's only 11/3/7/11.  Except the last 11 is before 11 UNLESS I put back bedtime.  Because it's PAST bedtime in current bedtime.  HMM ANOTHER GOOD REASON TO DELAY BEDTIME.  TO KEEP SYMMETRY.  Wow life is great now I know what to do because keeping symmetry is a priority so I should arrange all aspects of my life around keeping symmetry that's just intuitively the obvious and correct way of doing things.  Hmm interesting.  I guess watch a Tales From the Crypt or 1.5 before having lunch.  Sounds fun to me.  I can relax-rest while doing it, too.  Not a full Nap-Rest but a nice solid Relax-Rest.  Wow life is pretty good. FIRST I figured out how to schedule my life and diet for the rest of my days and NOW I GET A NICE 40 MINUTE RELAX-REST?!?!
Penultimate paragraph!  Let's get it over with.  I don't see myself going to Stranger Things today.  I don't see myself figuring out anything to watch other than Simpsons For Now.  Ya don't fix what isn't broken.  You do fix what is broken.  This is broken.  But I don't know how to fix it.  And even if I did I don't have the time or willpower to fix it as of this moment.  So I'm just gonna go ahead and live with this broken element of my symmetrical life and hope at some point I course correct and it all works out eventually for the best.  Cool!  I HAVE TIME TO PUT STEAK MEAL IN OVEN.  I normally would.  For some reason I feel like microwaving it today though.  WRONG MOVE.  DO THE OVEN.  YOU STILL GOT TIME TO MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION.  Oh well such is life.  I like making the wrong decisions sometimes.  Keeps me guessing!  Keeps me on my feet.  Keeps things INTERESTING is the point I'm trying to make.
     Last paragraph of the day.  Amazing.  So basically I'm just having a late supper.  That's it.  Three meals a day but a late supper.  GOTCHA.  YEAH but there's the BIG SNACK in the middle of the day.  Sure.  Three meals a day with a snack at some point.  Brilliant.  THANK YOU IT IS BRILLIANT.  You IDIOT.  I timed it out GREAT and it's symmetric with walking schedules and my wake up/go to bed schedules too YOU IDIOT.  The point is who else is an idiot.  Besides you.  The other people LIKE YOU.  Oh okay.  This new diet schedule calls for HEALTH breakfasts most of the time instead of 50/50 or even USUALLY having Sweet Dessert Breakfast.  I LIKE IT.  Health breakfast is healthier PER MY UNDERSTANDING.  I could easily see it turning out oh these frozen egg sandwiches, even the healthy versions, somehow worse for you than anything else.  We'll have to wait and see!  Anyway I'll be back tomorrow.  See ya later.

-12:09 P.M.




Friday, February 11, 2022

hi i didn't see you there

    Hello friends!  Another Friday entry which means Act I can be interrupted by Super Market delivery.  Never is!  Always can be.  Very much within reason it will be.  The point is Hey What Else Do I Got Going On.  Did some more circlewalking to The Simpsons last night.  Did some more following schedule-diet.  We're talking I followed yesterdays plan ALL OF YESTERDAY.  Went pretty good.  Except for still waking up in MightNight and eating a bit.  And presumably making up for it by having Even Smaller First Breakfast today.  But enough about me.  What's going on WITH YOU.  Reading this.  That's all I know.  I can say with certainty that if you are reading this You Are Reading This.  I THINK???  Maybe there's a way that's not the case.  Maybe someone cut out the last 2 sentences as a blurb and you read those sentences but In The Spirit Of Things you're not reading the ENTIRE This.  Hmm.  I envy you.  Got nice friends!  Well done.
     Sure.  Maybe have second half of breakfast part I at some point instead of saving it to make up for MightNight snacks.  WE'LL SEE.  The point is I had a nightmare they checked my weight and I gained 20 pounds.  OH NO.  I was still in the healthy BMI range.  Hey that's where the dream came from.  Why it was JUST YESTERDAY it occurred to me if I gain 20 pounds I'm right on the edge of healthy BMI Range.  So that's pretty cool.  There's healthy, then there's TWENTY POUNDS LESS, and that's where I'm at RIGHT NOW SORT OF.  MAYBE A POUND OR TWO HIGHER.  MORE LIKE 18 POUNDS FOR ME.  The point is That'll Show Em That'll Show All Of Em.  The point is what's the main reason of dieting.  Appearance?  Health?  Just being productive in general?  Showing off to people that I'm Great And Can Do Adult Things?  NOT SURE.  Probably all those things in order from most reason to least.  Sounds about right.  Or maybe the other way.  The point is I DON'T KNOW.
     Cool!  Another day with a shit ton of Push Up Sit Up Push Up For Your Life.  Circle walking brings it out of me.  Seems like every five minutes AT MOST I'm like well I might as well Get Down There and Knock Some Push Up Sit Up out.  Couldn't hurt.  The point is great whatever who cares.  Went with the cinnamon babka instead of donuts.  Only time will tell if it was the right decision.  The point is DELICIOUS.  I thought I was gonna stop saying things are delicious.  Not a great framework for life!  More important good qualities for things in life than being Delish.  Presumably.  Cool!  Anyway National Food Day for tomorrow is... National Plum Pudding Day.  Good luck trying to enjoy that.  Sounds like the dumbest food to celebrate.  Who likes a Plum.  Plum backwards is Mulp!  Mulp sounds gross, so why would you eat National Plum Pudding.  To show support for your nation.  Or just wait a day and ea the National Food for that day.  Hmm.
     Okay!  Didn't contact Ubisofr yesterday.  TODAY IS THE DAY.  I've got a good feeling about it.  No I don't.  I've got a good feeling this will either NEVER happen or happen at some point.  That's true.  Very confident in that statement!  Huh.  Probably can last until Lunch #1 to eat again.  Might move it up a bit in time though.  It's flexible okay we can do what feels right!  Anyway lunch #2 today'll probably be The Turkish Meatloaf as well as Healthary Spaghetti.  Also Spaghettios-- disgusting or VERY disgusting.  I never had them because they seemed I'll Say It VERY DISGUSTING.  Cool.  Also when I was a kid I didn't even want non-disgusting pasta in tomato sauce.  That was disgusting to me, too!  If I was gonna have spaghetti, and I didn't want that anyway, it'd be PLAIN.  WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON AND CRAP.  Hmm.  The bad part about being the same age as the Simpsons is I'm always thinking okay this is season 19.  I was 19 at the time this was happening.  DAMNIT I DON'T LIKE REMEMEBRING MY PAST.  I don't need to be reminded every season of each year of my life.  My life was the pits!
     What else is up.  ACTUALLY in the dream I was more like 15 pounds higher than I probably am now.  Because they were weighing me with my clothes and accessories on.  Hmm.  Also Spaghetti-o's aren't spaghetti.  They're O shaped.  Spaghetti is very specifically NOTHING LIKE THAT.  Yeah but they're both made of same thing.  ALL PASTA IS THE SAME BUT DIFFERENT SHAPES.  Mostly?  Maybe I'm wrong.  I'm sure SOME pasta is different stuff.  But I think the main pastas are the same stuff.  Now that I think about it I'm probably wrong.  Oh well live and learn.  I taught myself something!  How about that.  Maybe the dream was a premonition that I'll gain 15 pounds of muscle from all the sit up push ups for my life.  I HOPE NOT.  That's WAY TOO MUCH.  Maybe the dream was a premonition that I'd wake up and talk about the dream?  Huh?  Coffee time!
    Sure.  Anyway.  Starting to feel like maybe keeping to schedule is dumb.  I can do things in more or less the same ORDER, sure.  But if I wanna lay in bed an extra ENTIRE HOUR or something GO FOR IT.  If I wanna take a 30 minute nap-rest or something halfway through entry WHY NOT.  I dunno.  I'm gonna have to think about this one!  Later. Too busy NOT THINKING right now to think.  Cool!  Hmm.  There was a part in my dream I was playing guitar.  In a college type setting.  I had a roommate and we got along good and I played my acoustic guitar to practice and it wasn't awkward and he didn't mind and I didn't mind.  HMM maybe it's a premonition I'm going back to college.  It's about time.  I could use another degree.  I could get a graduate degree.  Nah I think I'll just get another regular degree.  Sounds easier!  Anyway any colleges out there want to give me full scholarship?  I'd sign up for that sure.  Hmm.
Also I'm a legacy case.  I can't prove that but you can assume I'm telling the truth if you feel like it.  YEAH.  Also the song I was playing was 2:45 AM by Elliott Smith.  Also at some point I started singing it but THAT was terrible and was awkward all around.  Also it's POSSIBLE my roommate was Jack Black.  Hmm wonder what it all means.  Oh I know.  Jack Black was in one of the Simpsons I watched yesterday.  And the dream may have taken place at 2:45 AM.  And I'm a bad singer in real life so that's why I'm a bad singer in my dream.  Oh okay now I understand all of it.  Sure.  Seventh paragraph!  Figure I'll do some circlewalking before delivery get here probably.  But it just counts towards Bonus Circlewalking and not a substitute for a regular walk.  So there's that.  There's that HARDCORE.  I dunno why I'm sticking to Circlewalking for DisneyPlus and nothing else.  Seems VERY arbitrary.  I think I wanna circlewalk tonight to Horror Movie from Shutter: The Screaming Service.  I've given myself a lot to think about.
     Wow!  A few days until Valentines Day.  If anyone wants to send me a physical valentine, my address is Something I Won't Tell You Because That's Private.  But you can e-mail me that you were willing to send me a physical valentine day because it's the thought that counts.  Also Dracula counts.  That's what he is, so that's what he does.  It's called METHOD ACTING or something.  I don't have all the details.  Also I've heard the term Method Acting for a long time and then I found out what it was recently and I was like that's not what I was imagining Method Acting was.  Now I forget what it is.  But either way I DON'T LIKE IT.  Too much actors and acting in the world.  We need more of OTHER things.  C'mon.  What else is going on.  Look if there was someone out there that legitimately wanted to send me chocolate we could figure out how to arrange that.  NO NIGERIAN PRINCES THOUGH.  That's where I draw the line!  Then again NOT ALL NIGERIAN PRINCES.
Okay.  If you poll America how many would say Wakanda is a real place.  My guess?  40% of Americans wouldn't understand your question and/or have the ability to answer you intelligibly.  They'd be like WHAAWAO WORDS I DON'T GET IT UNDERSTAND NO HUH I'M AN IDIOT.  That's America for ya!  Ninth paragraph of the act.  What else is going on.  Maybe just take a Relax-Rest after this act and before delivery gets here.  That sounds fun, too!  Also I remember how to play 2:45 AM by Elliott Smith.  I remembered in the dream.  And now I remember in real life.  Probably remembered before the dream, too.  If I felt the urge yesterday say to play it I think I would have known what to do.  So there's that.  Huh.  I like putting artificial sweetener on Breakfast Centric FROM THE GRIDDLE foods before putting it in microwave.  It SINKS IN to the Griddle Specialty and the sweetness is absorbed.  Delicious!  Hey one more paragraph.
Sure.  Possibly my roommate was some other kid for 90% of the time and then it was Jack Black just for 10% of the time.  Some other kid?  I'm 33.  I'm no kid.  Sure I am.  Interesting counterpoint.  Anyway I wanna finish this paragraph and take Relax-Rest for a while and then if there's time do some Simpsons CircleWalking.  But the point is I wanna lay down and do nothing for at least 10 minutes.  WHAT A GLORIOUS TEN MINUTES IT'LL BE.  Why maybe I wanna do it for TWENTY MINUTES.  THIRTY MINUTES!  LET'S GO CRAZY.  I already am crazy.  LET'S GO CRAZIER.  I don't like the sound of that.  There's a responsible level of crazy and then there's an irresponsible level of crazy.  Gotta stay on the responsible side of the fence!  Hmm.  Anyway.  5 PM.  E-MAIL ROCKSMITH PEOPLE ABOUT SPEAKERS.  Sounds about right.  I'll be back soon!




this is where i come to say things

    took a look at babka and it looks delicious and filling.  Took a small bite out of one piece that I will have later with LUNCH #2 TURKEY SANDWICH SIDE and it was delicious!  And filling!  Anyway that's the plan for the next 3 days.  Slice of babka as Breakfast Snack.  Then get a STEAK AND EGG WHITES AND SUBSTITUTE BROCCOLI FOR POTATO AND HAVE A SLICE OF BREAD EACH TIME for the next 3 days Lunch #1.  AMAZING.  I guess I got it all figured out then.  YUP.  For the most part.  It'd be nice to have other parts of my life figured out but hey ya take what you can get!  Anyway.  Now that I think about I think I've dreamt before about Jack Black + College + Elliott Smith.  Yeah.  Sure I did.  It's called LAST NIGHT.  No but I feel EVEN BEFORE THEN.  Oh well I Don't keep Dream Log so we'll never know.  Maybe I dreamt logged it into website.  Oh well too much website to go through Guess We'll Never Know.  Hey that's great.  I feel like I've seen on youtube Jack Black covering Elliott Smith's Say Yes.  And guess what song PRECEDES Say Yes on that album.  THE SONG I WAS PLAYING IN THE DREAM.  All the pieces are coming together.  No they're not.  They're all separate and meaningless together.  Even meaningless separately.  Now that I think about it everything is meaningless.  This is an upsetting turn of events!
  Finished 2 episodes of Simpsons Circle Walking for the day while waiting for Super Market.  AMAZING.  Only 3 more to hit my quota.  I can do that EASILY in one burst rather than having to do several Bursts over the day.  So the point is my life is going great.  Also I'm gonna have turkey sandwich with a very hearty side of Babka for Lunch #2.  I know I told you before.  I'll tell you again.  Well.  I probably won't.  But I'm not gonna go out of my to NOT do it.  I just naturally might no do it.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Huh.  Calories on Cinnamon Babka are slightly more than they said it'd be online.  But it's still low enough that I feel actually it's probably even more than this.  But I BELIEVE THEM this time because they admitted they were trying to fool me online.  Why would they go for a Double-Fooling.  Lots of good reasons.  FINE get off my back about it!  Anyway.  Jeez.  Coffee after the next paragraph.  I know Jerry Seinfeld's entire career is based around the premise that People like to say SALSA but what if I told you people would like to say BABKA even more.  If they were aware of it.  My guess is the majority of Americans aren't aware of Babka yet.  OH NO IT'S A COVER UP.  I'm scared.  Also I don't fuck with salsa.  I don't wanna say salsa, either.  It means something I don't like.  Why should I like saying it.  Doesn't add up!
     Sure.  I'm just really heavily not a condiment guy.  No ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, salad dressing, relish, guacamole if that counts... LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  Hot sauce maybe.  But that's a SAUCE not a condiment.  Get it straight.  Also I can tolerate mustard.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  BBQ Sauce is okay.  Look SAUCES could be fine.  Condiments are always for chumps.  Eh.  What else is going on.  I've talked about this before.  I'm closing in on 10 years of crazysheet.net after 3-4 years of crazysheet.com.  I've talked about everything before.  If only I had new experiences to talk about.  Beggars can't be choosers.  Sure hey can.  They're choosing to beg.  The alternative is just accepting your lot in life and taking what small blessings come to you naturally.  I think you're being a jerk by begging.  LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE.  It's bad enough your life is ruined.  DON'T BRING THE REST OF SOCIETY DOWN WITH YOU!  Huh.  Coffee time.
  A savory Breakfast II/Lunch I is great and would work wonderful but what about when I have a more lunch Breakfast II and a more Breakfast Lunch II!  I could have Small Portion Steak & Egg White FIRST and then some sort of CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKE 1.5 LATER???  I dunno if that's the right move.  COULD BE.  Could not be.  I've narrowed it down to those two things.  What else is going on.  APPETIZER SAMPLR FOR TONIGHT.  I'll sample all the appetizers.  Even the mozzarella sticks.  I don't like em.  I don't appreciate them re: how many calorie they are.  But I LIKE that I don't like them.  I'm really treating myself by eating a dumb unhealthy thing even though I hardly even like it.  LIVING THE LIFE AM I RIGHT.  So there's that.  Also look the more I eat mozzarella stick the more I appreciate it.  It's a stick of fried breading.  Sometimes there's cheese inside.  Which can be hot and/or gooey and/or kind of non-existent and it's just hollow.  Either way HEY I CAN APPRECIATE THIS SLIGHTLY MORE THAN THE LAST TIME.
     Sure.  Let' be honest though Mozzarella Sticks are NO ONION RINGS.  Anyway.  Fifth paragraph of the act.  Figure I should at least keep writing until I wanna stop writing.  Well, yeah, sure.  That's what I would have assumed I would be doing.  GOOD THEN IT'S SETTLED.  SURE walks are pushed back today on account of Super Market delivery.  Not so much that it'll cause a huge problem.  Many LOTS OF MINOR PROBLEMS.  Dozens.  Can't keep track of all these minor problems!  Can't even name ONE off the top of my head, that's how many there are!  Huh.  Who ARE WE when we're watching Tales From The Crypt.  Cryptkeeper is talking to us individually/as a group.  As far as I can tell the channel HBO exists in this universe and that's who we're playing.  People who subscribe to HBO in the 1990's.  If you asked the Crypt Keeper whom he was talking to that's more or less the answer he'd give.  Probably with a pun or two.  Or maybe no puns.  This is his time off.  He doesn't need to be, "ON," for this conversation.  Anyway what else is going on.
     Sixth paragraph of the act!  That's fine, just fine.  Was gonna say delicious.  Trying to ween myself off of contextualizing on the Delicious Spectrum.  Oh well.  Hey it' 2022.  Just occurred to me.  I guess I KIND OF got the sense that we were done with 2021.  But now it occurs to me that we're in 2022.  Wonder what THAT'S all about.  Only time will tell.  I dunno we're already like six weeks into it.  We should be starting to get a pretty good picture.  You'd think so wouldn't you.  I dunno maybe.  Hmm.  Second slice of Frenched Toast for Lunch #1 today went over pretty good.  I liked it!  Now it's time to mix it up though and have sweet breakfast and savory Breakfast II for a few days.  SWITCH EM UPS keep my life interesting.  THAT and all the Tales From The Crypt.  Oh THIS TIME I'm really getting into the spirit of things watching it.  It's about time.  That sort of thing and whatnot.  My dad is warming up the car and my Mom wants me to hang around until he's done.  GREAT.  I have to write roughly ONE MORE PARAGRAPH than I wanted.  And then I'm gonna wanna write an extra paragraph Next Act for symmetry.  WHEN WILL THE INJUSTICES EVER END.
    My guess is NEVER.
  Not only will injustices never end but more brand new injustices will pop up roughly every 2 or 3 months.  Hey that's life I guess deal with it.  Anyway.  I had bison burger from microwave last night and it occurred to me possibly for the first time ever hey this is pretty good but now that I think about it's NOT the same or exactly as good as a hamburger.  There really IS a difference.  And hamburger would probably be a little bit better!  Doesn't mean I'm gonna switch over to hamburgers.  But now I know and knowledge is half the battle.  What battle.  The one that knowledge is half of.  Oh okay I guess I get it.  Gonna start my break after this paragraph even if I can't take my walk for another 5 or 15 minutes.  So I got that going for me.  When was the last time I had Hamburger.  I wanna say NOVEMBER???  October?  Probably was from Bens: The Deli That... Is... Ben's The Deli.  Good stuff.  REAL Good Stuff.  I'll be back soon.




not all titles are good

    Hey!  Just had a delicious handful and a half of cereal.  Gonna have a wonderful banana when this act is over.  Then an entire Lunch #2 an hour and a half after that.  WOW EATING CONSTANTLY SOUNDS GREAT.  Wait, no it doesn't.  Gonna take a break now from eating.  Unless you count coffee as eating.  Which you might.  I do chew up the coffee pretty good.  Don't judge me for how I chew my coffee.  My body my choice.  Whatever happened to them outlawing abortion.  Is that still in the works.  GREAT.  Anyway from this point on the last 2 walks of the day are gonna be on schedule.  Whatever that means.  Schedule says 4 PM and 8 PM.  I can use my discretion though, sure.  Also I'm expecting a delivery between 5-7.  If it is late I might be delaying walk for that.  It has stuff that must be FRIDGERATED or FREEZERED.  I need to HELP with those things for some reason I don't fully understand.  Either way coffee after next paragraph.
     Whattado after this entry.  Maybe watch a Shutter Movie.  While laying in bed.  And not walking in a circle.  Sounds like a nice Relaxation Block Of Life.  There's AFRICAN AMERICAN THEMED horror anthologies TALES FROM THE HOOD and TALES FROM THE HOOD II.  I feel like I probably saw both of them but it's about time I see them again.  Black history month!  Also hood is short for neighborhood.  Or it's a re-appropriation of KKK hoods.  They took the N word and made it their own and now they're taking HOODS for themselves!  GOOD.  All I ask if that I also can wear hoods.  Not white cloth KKK hoods.  Like if I'm wearing a sweatshirt jacket.  I can put my hood on.  That's what I'm asking for.  I think that's fair???  Also what else is going on.  WOW THE ORIGINAL WAS FROM 1994.  NOW We're talking.  I'd watch a horror anthology from 1994 WAY more enthusiastically than from 2024.  Well let's say 2014.  2024 I also wouldn't watch enthusiastically because that's TOO scary.  FUTURE?  NO THANKS.  Still scared of the present.  Future is even worse!  Time for coffee.
     What else is going on.  Three to five more paragraphs.  Starting... well, starting a couple of sentences ago.  Amazing.  LOOK am I happy that my turkey sandwich is only gonna be 4oz of turkey instead of 6oz?  Based on the logistics of how much turkey I have and how long it will last?  YES.  HOWEVER if not for that I might not have room for the Cinnamon Babka.  So maybe it's working out for the best.  ALSO the film 1408 is available on Youtube for free so maybe it's working out for the best.  I REMEMBER ENJOYING THAT MOVIE.  I like the part where it's a number.  1408.  HMM really makes ya think.  What does it mean.  They never explain it in the movie.  It's the number of the hotel room where spooky stuff happens.  NO I DON'T THINK SO I think he's staying in 1326.  Anyway what else is going on.  As of this minute we are exactly halfway through Lunch 1 and Lunch 2.  That means as of this mo.. WAIT NEVERMIND THE MINUTE JUST CHANGED.  Either way you'd think I'd be having that banana RIGHT ABOUT NOW.  WRONG.  Holding it off until entry is over.  Only 2 more paragraphs to go!
    Also I ate some snack of CEREAL and micro animal crackers.  So I NEED a bit of a longer break is the point.  Anyway.  Only about an hour of circlewaling left in the day!  ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED ROUGHLY 40 MINUTES OF IT.  Wow I'm way ahead of the game today.  Is that possible to Routine?  Circlewalking in first third of the day?  NOPE.  NOT POSSIBLE.  I don't care how well it works out and how happy it makes me.  It's UNINTUITIVE and thusly WRONG.  Anyway is the Super Bowl this weekend?  Better LTURQ.  YEP.  Los Angeles Rams versus the Cincinnati Bengals.  Well just based on the names of the cities and the names of the teams I haven't come to an obvious conclusion of who to root for.  I might need to do further research to figure that one out.  WHICH TEAM HAS MORE INNER CITY COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAMS.  That's what I'd like to know.  Gonna have to look into that at some point.  SOON, too.  Superbowl is in a little bit more than 48 hours!
Last paragraph of the day.  Also it's not enough to have MORE inner city community outreach programs.  It's also BETTER inner city community outreach programs.  The size and extensiveness of the programs means nothing if they're CRAPPY PROGRAMS FROM THE START.  Huh.  What else is going on that can wrap up this entry.  Is this the film where the first act is about a graffiti artist.  BECAUSE IF IT IS... that's fine!  Because I forget what happens with that exactly.  Amazing.  Anyway I took a look at these bananas.  A couple of them are pretty ripe.  Not quite OVERLY ripe.  But close!  GREAT AS LONG AS IT'S BANANA I'M OKAY WITH IT.  I unpeel that banana and it turns out to be ANYTHING ELSE and I'm NOT gonna be happy about that.  INTRIGUED sure.  But I was really counting on it being a banana.  Anyway.  Wonderful.  I'll be back tomorrow.

-2:38 P.M.




Thursday, February 10, 2022

quiet everyone paragraphs are happening

    HEY!  Successfully fasted for rest of day yesterday after morning Impulse Binge!  Well, I didn't have lunch or dinner, but I had a snack or two at end of day.  But either way I WIN.  Also came out of the situation with a new schedule and/or diet-schedule!  Amazing.  Woke up today on time and then just didn't get up ON PURPOSE for a while.  Look it makes NO DIFFERENCE whether I get my main first third of the day routine going a little bit later.  WHO CARES.  So I got that going for me.  So far got new 4-meals-a-day going for me kind of.  First meal is just a small indulgence snack.  Today!  Future days it might be Slightly Bigger Indulgence Snack.  The point is I really wanna make some progress on TV Speakers.  Lemme give myself the green light to go ahead and actually do that at some point today because Why Not.  YEAH.  Gotta shave today, too!  YEAH.  Wonderful.  YEAH.
    Toy Story IV didn't get me going.
  Maybe it's my fault.  Wasn't paying enough attention.  Not 100% sure what happened.  I know the toys get lost or something.  New character which is a spork which they call a fork which is a huge distraction.  THIS IS CLEARLY A SPORK.  WHY DO THEY KEEP CALLING IT A FORK.  YA LOST ME, NOW THIS MOVIE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.  Also is it safe to give Kindergarten children sporks?  I guess so.  Otherwise they wouldn't do it.  But it seems like you could stab yourself with sporks and break the skin.  So there's that.  Anyway what else is up.  Amazon Fresh delivery that was supposed to come yesterday never came.  Now they comin' tomorrow they claim.  Sure.  Amazing.  Got Frenched Toast for Breakfast #2/Lunch #1/Brunch.  LOOK each of the four meals increases in size and scope in chronological order.  I know what to call Lunch and Dinner.  Not sure how to refer to first two meals, though.  DANGIT.  Now if I ever have a conversation with someone WHAT WILL I SAY.
    Hmm.  Maybe breakfast #2 is Just Breakfast and the thing I eat before is just some dumb sweet indulgence snack that isn't a meal even if its slightly relatively KIND OF not really but SORT OF large.  So there's that.  Getting ENTENMANNS DONUTS.  One of them donuts will make a FINE Breakfast #1.  Anyway National Food Of The Day is... National Cream Cheese Brownie day.  RIGHT.  It's all coming back to me.  We talked about this yesterday before we figured out it was actually for today.  Hmm.  I wonder what the day for tomorrow is.  We should be a day ahead anyway.  So you can PREPARE.  You need to know the national food of the day for TOMORROW today.  So for TOMORROW National Food Of The Day is... National Latte Day.  Prepare accordingly!  Hmm what's a latte.  Some sort of coffee and milk PROBABLY STEAMED.  In some sort of order possibly MILK ON TOP.  let's lturq.  Steamed milk over espresso.  Well I was halfway there.  More than halfway.  I was like 85% there!
     Sure.  Into watching The Simpsons again.  Watched about 3 or 4 episodes last night.  Good stuff!  I like the part where HEY IT'S ALL MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS.  There's Homer Simpson.  What a character he is!  Hmm.  Today schedule is messed up a little bit.  But Schedules Are Made To Be Broken.  Also who came up with Rules Are Made To Be Broken and WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY'S PROBLEM.  Rules are DEFINITELY made to be followed.  And anyone who truly feels the other way is some sort of deranged sociopath.  Like THE JOKER.  Hey I think we're due for A New Joker at some point, right?  Feel like current The Batman franchise'll give us a joker if it lasts more than the current film.  IT'S BEEN TOO LONG.  Also the joker BETTER BE GOOD.  OR ELSE.  Then again good jokers are made to be broken.  Maybe we need a bad joker.  That's just the kind of mix-em-up we need or something!  I dunno.  Coffee after next paragraph!  I know that much!
     Sure.  Gotta nice day ahead of me.  Especially if I do productive things like getting ball rolling on TV Speakers.  And adhering to new diet idea in a positive way that is natural and fun and great.  We're already past adhering to schedule.  I can adhere to it IN SPIRIT by doing everything in the same order more or less.  But the timings all off!  Ugh.  Valentine's Day is coming up.  Is it a thing where you can get yourself a box of chocolates.  I feel like I've proposed that to you before in Oh I Don't Know 2014.  Either way it's a great idea.  Those chocolates are amazing.  Nice variety and nice uniqueness and deliciousness.  I WANT EM RIGHT NOW.  I assume I can save money by them giving it to me in a paper bag shaped like a heart instead of a nice container shaped like a heart.  As long as it's shaped like a heart I'M ON BOARD.  Coffee time.
     How did I ever eat this candy.  I never had a valentine.  Besides usually these candies would be going from Man --> Woman.
  I guess my Dad got my Mom it once or twice while they were still on good terms more or less.  And she shared with me.  THEY'RE ON GOOD TERMS MORE OR LESS THESE DAYS.  As long as I use the qualification More Or Less.  Anyway coffee time.  Figure I'll write 10-12 paragraphs this act.  Anything can happen these days.  Gotta with my gut!  DANGIT gut has been very unreliable in the past.  What organ should I go with.  Heart is no good.  My heart isn't very trustworthy.  Brain is out of the question.  Brain is the worst of them all.  OH I KNOW I'LL GO WITH MY CALVES.  Still not sure what calves are.  I KIND of think I have a good idea but I'm not 100% positive.  Hmm.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  I haven't had a donut in a long time.  Not sure if these are mini donuts or full sized donuts.  Probably halfway in the middle.  GREAT.  THAT MIGHT BE FILLING ENOUGH.  ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT.  Gotta be more than one way to find out.  NOPE ONLY ONE.  AND ALSO I AIN'T TELLING ME WHAT IT IS!!!
Oh no.  Anyway.  Breakfast #2 or Lunch #1 or Brunch is Nice Big Hearty slice of french toast.  ONE SLICE?  THAT'S NO MEAL MICHAEL.  IT'S BIG AND HEARTY what don't you understand about this.  Also you may be over-estimating how big breakfast #2 or lunch #1 is.  Maybe you're RIGHT.  Maybe it COULD be slightly bigger.  That SOUNDS nice if I could accommodate it calorie wise by moving things around.  WE'LL SEE HOW IT ALL SHAKES OUT.  Jeez.  I like taking nap-rests.  It's amazing.  Not only is it fun and relaxing but it just really drives the point home I HAVE LITTLE RESPONSIBILITIES AND CAN AND THUSLY SHOULD RELAX MOST OF THE TIME.  I'm an idiot to think I shouldn't relax.  I'm an idiot to think most things I think but this is also one example of my thinking indicating my idiocy!  Huh.  Oddly even though I nap-rested some yesterday, I blew my old record of sit-up/push-up sets out of the water.  I assume.  I dunno what my old record was but what I got to yesterday was very high and presumably a new world record for me specifically in my corner of the world.  Corner of the world?  That expression doesn't sound right.  No corners to the world.
Let's talk about it!  Eighth paragraph.  Let's talk about it!  I dunno.  SURE I marked my territory by taking a bite out of this slice of Frenched Toast.  I needed to see what it tasted like cold!  Just in case I wanted to eat it cold.  I don't.  Revenge is a dish best served cold.  That sounds wrong.  You want your revenge hot. If its cold that hardly qualifies as revenge.  You're apparently getting not much emotion out of it.  And revenge is ALL emotion.  I think you may not 100% know what revenge means.  Or maybe I don't know what revenge means.  Also don't know what dishes, coldness, and serving means.  In fact all of these words are nonsense to me.  I' just typing letters one after another by instinct and hoping for the best.  Look I'm gonna give it the old college try but I think it's unlikely a 4 meal a day thing works.  FIRST THING ISN'T REALLY A MEAL YA SEE.  JUST AN INDULGENCE WAKING SNACK.  FINE GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.
     Okay.  Also with four meals a day there are NO, ZERO, NOTHIN', scheduled snacks.  There still WILL BE snacks.  But they're ALL impulse snacks which is the best kind of snack.  That's what makes a snack fun.  Ya do it impulsively.  Gotta trust Your Calves to only do it responsibly but if your calves can be trusted then it will all work out for the best.  YEAH.  Ya know what.  Instead of getting ENTENMANN'S DONUTS I will get Super Market made Sliced Cinnamon Babka.  LOOKS GOOD TO ME.  Delicious!  WAIT A SECOND WHAT IF I GET BOTH.  No.  That'd be crazy!  I can't do that.  Crazy.  And I'm a crazy guy.  But I don't do crazy things.  That'd be too crazy.  In life you can either Be Crazy or Do Crazy Things.  One or the other.  Can't have both!  Anyway with this size slice of Babka Breakfast #1, Breakfast #2 CAN be a little bit bigger.  SEE IT ALL WORkS OUT.
Last paragraph before walk.  Amazing.  Will have Lunch #1 roughly with Act III it looks like it might shake out for today.  Or maybe before starting act III.  I DON'T KNOW IT'S TOO EARLY TO SAY.  Jeez.  I like the sound of babka.  Both in terms of yeah I wanna eat that I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT and also in terms of HEY WHAT A FUN WORD TO SAY AND HEAR.  BABKA.  GREAT SOUND.  The point is THIS ENTRY SO FAR IS THE PITS.  I feel like there's a LEGIT chance that I salvage the rest of this entry and it's halfway entertaining or something.  A REALLL blast and a half.  I might have to take a nap-rest to get my mind focused though.  I DUNNO ABOUT THAT IDEA WE'LL SEE.  Maybe I just take a nice long nap rest until Brunch and then write act II post-brunch.  Hmm I've given myself a lot to think about.  I won't think about it though. I got better things to do than think about things.  Even if the thing is really dumb.  I'll be back soon.



it's good to be here

    Sure all these titles have been used before.  In the grand scheme of things ALL titles have been used before.  That's part of life!  Having to make sure enough time has passed that you can recycle titles.  Anyway.  Took a walk, took a shower, now I'm here.  Will have Big Breakfast after this act.  Then take aw alk.  The nwrite Act III!  WONDERFUL.  Also let's just call it Breakfast.  Thing before that presumably will settle into just being a relatively medium indulgence snack.  GREAT.  THREE SUBSTANTIAL MEALS A DAY. AND A NICE SNACK TO GET ME STARTED INITIALLY.  I LIKE IT.  It could work is the point.  The other point is what else is the point.  I can get coffee after this paragraph!  Or after next paragraph.  I can do whatever I want.  There's so many different ways I could be living my life, yet I choose to do the same dumb things over and over.  WHAT AN IDIOT.  Yep that checks out pretty well.
     Amazing!  Thinking about some nice great Big Breakfast ideas I can do.  No Spoilers!  Anyway.  Let's see if Super Market delivers Special Super Fun Chocolates In A Box.  HEY THEY DO.  And it's only 30 dollars for 12 small pieces of chocolates.  I'd be a fool NO... wait, no, lemme amend what I was about to say.  I'd be a fool to get it.  Yep.  That checks out.  What else is going on and crap.  Figure if I DO keep circle walking, maybe aiming for a solid hour 45 a day is ALOT but also REASONABLE TO AIM FOR.  That's Oh I Don't Know FIVE EPISODES OF THE SIMPSONS?!?!  Amazing.  Not only am I making progress with getting weight back down to where I want it to be when it was at its lowest, but I'm watching The Simpsons.  I assume if you watch all the simpsons you get a prize at the end.  Not sure what it is.  NO one has ever watched all the Simpsons so we don't know yet.  I'll let ya know when I get there in 45,000 years.  Oh you'll be dead.  Sucks to be you!  Coffee time.
  Watch some Tales From Tha Crypt tonight.  That's a nice routine I'm getting into.  Hmm meals are done, circle walking is done, walks are done, let's get cozy and watch 2-3 Tales From That Crypt.  SPOOKY WAY TO END THE NIGHT.  FUN.  I LIKE IT.  The point is I like routines that last 2 days and then they stop lasting but it can't hurt to dream that they last and become a beloved routine by me and those around me.  Except for those around me.  I couldn't care less about those around me.  I mean, sure, I hope they find their own beloved routines.  But they don't need my routine and my routine doesn't need them!  Huh.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe do FANTASY BASEBALL DRAFT today or some time soon.  Don't think it'll be today.  But sometime soon seems in the cards.  Maybe I make a PACT with myself to not do it until I make progress on TV MUSIC SPEAKERS.  PACTS are fun.  Off the top of my head most pacts I've made with my life are non-aggression pacts while playing RISK.  Those are fun. Presumably.  I like Risk.  The part where you win after several hours of playing.  Or lose and then go do something else.  Either way you're a winner!
     Hmm.  It's RISKY because a lot of it depends on THE ROLL OF THE DICE.  Just like Real World Domination Wars.  ONE SEGMENT OF THREE SIMPSONS EPISODES, ONE SEGMENT OF TWO.  How hard is that.  Not very hard!  Presumably entertaining, too.  I like the part where Homer Simpson makes crack-em-ups.  On account of his buffoonery.  I can't get enough of this stuff!  Figure I'll write 2 and a half more paragraphs for this act.  HEY GREAT WHAT ELSE.  When the entry overall is over I can do WHATEVER I WANT.  I'd have but 2 walks in the day left over A LONG period of time.  And I'd gotta make an e-mail about TV Music Speakers.  Maybe Shove myself in the present tense.  Watch Simpsons while walking in a circle JUST A BIT.  Enjoy some Tales From That Crypt FOR FUN.  The point is EVERYTHING I JUST SAID IS GREAT.  I can't wait to do all of it and then do other stuff too that I can't even CONTEMPLATE as of now!
     Wonderful.  HEY in less than 2 months there might be Baseball Back.  I can totally watch METS FUCKIN' PLAY BASEBALL GAMES.  Hear them wonderful color commentary by the Gary Cohen Keith Hernandez and Ron Darling.  Nice SPRING weather.  In real life and on TV.  I go outside I'm enjoying spring weather for myself.  Then even better I turn on the TV and there's some nice baseball going on in spring weather and everyone is having a blast and a half.  WOW WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD I GUESS IF YOU IGNORE ALL THOSE TERRIBLE AND HORRIFYING AND DYSTOPIAN THINGS.  Yeah there's all that but ALSO there's Spring time that might be a degree  higher than it should be already because of global warming.  ALRIGHT that sounds pleasant in this Micro-Situation of the world.  Sure macro- the world is ending but for 2022 New York City Spring I feel like it couldn't hurt too much.  Sure it could but I'm betting on it NOT.  Well when I put it that way why would we EVER want to solve global warming.  Cracked that code.
     The point is I've been brainwashed by Spring Training.  Something like that.  Not sure what that means exactly.  That's part of the brainwashing!  If I knew what it meant exactly then That Wasn't A Very Good Brainwashing Now Was It.  Hmm.  Last paragraph of the act?  NAH I'll write one more after this one.  Delicious!  That means Hearty Slice Of Freedom Toast is imminent as well.  I can live with that!  It's great because then I have Lunch #2 in just 4 hours from that.  Or in the case of today maybe more like THREE HOURS FOURTY FIVE MINUTES.  Wow I don't believe it.  Also so far this diet routine is working.  Very very early to say but I'm not getting hunger pangs or desperately consciously fretting all the time about having/wanting to eat.  I know this Big Breakfast #2 is coming and I know it's gonna be good and I know more meals come soon after.  And I got a sweet snack earlier to get me going.  Also VARIETY OF MEALS to look forward to.  FOUR MEALS A DAY THAT ARE DIFFERENT/  EACH DAY IS DIFFERENT now something like 33 or 100% more.  Somewhere between those numbers.
     Yeah!  What else is going on.  Use them microwavings to heat up this slice of Freedom Toast.  YEAH.  What else is up.  Maybe I should set up a time to contact UBISOFT about hey is this speaker I'm looking at compatible with Guitarsmith in such a way that it would eliminate lag?  THANKS!  That's all I need to say.  EASY.  Hmm what's a good time.  Off the top of my head WHAT'S WRONG WITH 5 PM.  Not a lot is wrong with it.  But a lot is RIGHT with it.  Let's put it in the books.  FIVE PM.  Amazing.  STEVE GELBS.  Not sure I like Steve Gelbs.  He's done nothing wrong to incur my wrath.  HE just kinda comes off as kind of needy.  Like he's the sidekick and he wants to make the most of his screen time.  Also Steve Gelps is part of the Mets broadcast team and they throw it over to Steve Gelbs a few times a game and he gives further insight on players or situations or stuff like that.  LOOK I'm sure he's a responsible professional about it, and I'm just PROJECTING these feelings, but it feels like he's like OK THIS IS MY MOMENT GOTTA MAKE THE MOST OF IT LETS DO IT C'MON STEVE C'MON GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME.  What else.  I'll be back in a little bit!



let me finish

    HEY!  Frenched Toast was relatively filling enough.  Will have Game Changer Snack after this entry of Brownie + Fudgesicle.  So far today is shaping up to be WONDERFUL.  Firing on all Cones.  The point is maybe watch some Tales From That Crypt after this entry.  Or at least just finish the episode I started during Breakfast-Lunch.  Not my favorite episode but SOMEONE'S gotta watch it.  The point is wow it's nice outside today.  I like the part where it feels comfortable to the touch and to the feel.  Really makes a man wanna e-mail ubisoft to see is the speakers he's looking at on amazon will eliminate guitar lag with their video game program designed to teach guitar.  Maybe that's unique to me.  Or maybe it's universal among all peoples.  Hard to tell at this point.  Who in their right mind WOULDN'T wanna learn guitar from a video game and want to buy special speakers to eliminate lag.  Seems pretty intuitive for ANYONE.
     Coffee going on!  Amazing.  Will have lunch-lunch after next walk in a couple of hours.  Amazing.  I think lunch-lunch is getting lost in the shuffle here a bit but it's the key to holding the whole day together!  Not sure what I'm talking about.  At some point I got in the groove of writing where I just SAY THINGS not just without them being entertaining but also without them being something I believe or truly mean.  Oh well that's life.  Maybe even take a nice nest-rap before or after this 16 minutes left of Crappy Tales From The Crypt.  Even better DURING.  Now we're talking my language!  Anyway.  Think I'll skip the circle walking for This Period Of Day.  Pretty much three main periods of day for circle walking.  Between walks 3 and 4, between walks 4 and 5, and after walk 5.  Several hours give or take a bit for each time.  THIS PERIOD, BETWEEN WALKS 3 and 4, FOR TODAY, FEBRUARY 20, IN THE MONTH OF OUR LORD FEBRUARY-- no ricle walking!  Ricle.  How about that.  MEANS NOTHING.
Yeah!  Maybe just have the brownie.  Maybe just have the fudgeiscle!  Maybe split the difference and have something else.  Not sure how that is splitting the difference.  Maybe DOUBLE DOWN on the difference and have nothing.  I've given myself a lot-- A LOT-- to think about.  I'll get around to it later.  I'm busy writing without thinking right now.  DON'T MESS UP MY GROOVE IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO GET INTO IT.  Anyway.  Man oh man I know we're gonna go back to Winter Weather for roughly 2 three week periods or so but when spring comes IT'S GONNA BE A CROWD PLEASER.  I'm gonna be on board and so are you presumably.  This is gonna be the greatest thing that ever happened this February in the year of our lord February but only once we're Deep Into March and or maybe even Start Of April.  You know SPRING?
Ugh.  Not a bad day to do Fantasy Baseball Draft.  Feels like Spring.  Baseball is Spring.  Let's talk about it!  We just did.  Let's talk about something else then!  We've already talked about everything!  Let's take a nap then!  Can't, gotta finish the entry.  Let's do that then.  I'm TRYING.  I'm REALLY REALLY Trying.  Anyway.  Hey we're already into the fourth paragraph of the act.  All I need to do is write another paragraph and a half.  I can do that with my hands tied behind my back.  As long as I could dictate to someone what to write.  And even that wouldn't be great.  I'd have to hear myself saying this out loud and be like Is THAT WHAT I'VE BEEN SOUNDING LIKE THIS ENTIRE TIME?!?!  OH NO THIS IS TERRIBLE.  UNTIE ME YOU FOOL I NEED TO GET AS FAR AWAY FROM THIS SITUATION AS POSSIBLE.  Which I'd need my hands to be maneuvering.  Gotta move your hands when you walk away from things.  Otherwise you look weird.  Moving hands and arms appropriately is a BIG part of walking.  Wha?
Last paragraph of the day!  I don't believe it.  Maybe hold off on snack for half an hour so it's right in middle of Breakfast-Lunch and Lunch-Lunch.  Gotta keep things RUNNING ON TIME.  Mussolini had the right idea.  WITH TRAINS.  Not with his other ideas.  YOU DIDN'T LET ME FINISH.  Anyway.  Anyway that was some pretty good political messaging Mussolini did at some point that even NOW, 80 years later, and with the hindsight that Nazi/Fascism is bad, we STILL remember Oh Right Mussolini Made The Trains Run On Time.  That's a big win for his PR Marketing Firm.  They knocked that one out of the park!  What else is going on.  Why shouldn't trains run on time.  I mean, I know they DON'T a lot of the time.  But WHY or HOW.  Are some trains just taking breaks halfway through stops and are like gotta rest a while, enjoy the scenery.  We'll get moving in a bit.  Let's just TAKE A BREAK.  They're trains.  They have nothing to do but go from station to station.  How hard is it to just keep doing that in the time allotted?  VERY HARD apparently.  I'll be back tomorrow.

-1:57 P.M.




Wednesday, February 9, 2022

what can i do you for

    Hey friends.  What's going on and crap.  Today's schedule is a little bit different!  Had to go get blood work done.  Walks are similar to where they would be but entry acts got pushed back a segment of time.  Doing some binge eating right now.  Because it's FUN.  Let's stop calling it binge eating.  Let's call it IMPULSE eating.  That sounds better.  Or worse.  I forget.  Anyway what else is going on.  Watched Toy Story III yesterday,  That was fun.  I liked the part where things happened.  Why am I doing this.  They just checked my weight.  They're not gonna check my weight for another 4 weeks!  Now's the time to add to it so I can presumably subtract to it while Circle Walking.  Oh now it makes sense.  Anyway.  I'm gonna go back to not being thin.  That's what's gonna happen.  I still won't be fat.  I'll be in the middle like a CHUMP.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.
     I'm ruining my life.  FINALLY I HOLD ALL THE CARDS.  Before this my life was RUINED passively.  Now I'M ruining it ACTIVELY.  Wonderful.  This isn't reversible.  I can't finish this and be like oh that was a mistake lemme undo that.  Can't be undone!  LET'S KEEP DOING IT.  Just ate entire box of six medium Fiber One Chocolate Chunk cookies.  Okay I think I'm good for now.  OH NO LIFE IS RUINED.  OH well that was bound to happen sooner or later for one reason or another.  Maybe I should eat more to delay having to come to terms with Life Being Ruined just A LITTLE BIT LONGER.  Anyway.  Maybe I fast for the rest of the day.  I could do that!  I fast for the rest of the day I'm Right On Target for being back at zero tomorrow.  ALRIGHT NOW WE'RE TALKING.  I just gave myself a mission for today.  No more eating.  NOW IT MAKES SENSE.  I know what to do today to have fun and be productive.  WOW THIS IS ALL WORKING OUT GREAT FOR ME.  And all I have to do is not eat for 12 hours.  EASY.  HOLY SHIT THIS IS GONNA BE FUN.
Hey my life is amazing!  I didn't see that twist of fate coming.  Gotta order dinner tonight.  But I don't have to eat it.  I don't even need to go out of my way to PRETEND to eat it.  I can get it and then sort of never eat it but not have my parents notice I'm not eating dinner.  I DON'T LIKE THIS PART OF IT.  I don't like LYING or HIDING THINGS.  But the point is it's a necessary part of Today's Mission: No More Eating FOR JUST 12 HOURS C'MON EASY AS FUCK.  Also I just had 3000% of my weekly fiber intake so I should be PRETTY full.  What else is going on.  Still got coffee I made.  I'll drink that.  Add the same amount of cream as usual.  Also chew some gum but keep in mind to not chew too much gum.  Maybe have 1-2 tiny snacks to just get me through the day.  START BACK AT ZERO TOMORROW.  Wow what a wonderful idiot I am.  Also GREAT NEWS these dumb cookies that I can't stop eating once I start eating them ARE GONE FOR GOOD.  Until the next time I get them because I'm an idiot.  YEAH!
What else is going on.  They took my waist measurement circumference at blood work done at a different level of my belly than usual and I feel it was a smaller circumference level.  ALRIGHT.  NOW IT LOOKS LIKE MY CIRCUMFERENCE HAS LOST WEIGHT.  This is GREAT news.  They took my weight weight but I didn't check.  I DON'T PLAY THOSE GAMES.  I play other games.  LIKE LIFE THE BOARD GAME.  WHO WANTS TO PLAY LIFE THE BOARD GAME.  Let's get a game going C'MON.  That's one nice thing about having kids.  Excuse to play kids' games again!  They're FUN because they're EASY TO UNDERSTAND.  Just like kids presumably.  HEY THIS IS MY KID.  HE'S FUN BECAUSE HE'S EASY TO UNDERSAND.  Not sure if that checks out or not but it seems like a best case scenario for when you have a kid.  Anyway.  Wait a second it might be hard to not eat for the rest of the day.  NO IT WON'T.  Hmm interesting counterpoint.  Let's try to convince myself of that so it will manifest itself thusly.
Yeah!  Also is frustrating how every night I eat MightNight snacks despite not wanting to every night before falling asleep.  We're not talking BINGES.  That happened once or twice at first.  But now it's just like 2-3 tootsie pops over the night.  Not crazy but it all adds up to me not being able to get a good groove going in controlling my calories.  YEAH.  Man oh man today is gonna be fun.  Why don't I binge EVERY morning.  Probably because I'm an idiot I guess!  That's gotta be a legitimate diet people try, right?  And by legitimate I mean illegitable in Science's Eyes but something hucksters and shills will try to convince people is legitimate.  Just one big meal per day.  SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.  GET ME IN TOUCH WITH THESE HUCKSTERS AND SHILLS I'D LIKE TO HEAR MORE ABOUT THEIR SCAM DIET.  And purchase things from them to HELP ME with scam diet.  Hmm I'm getting sleepy.  First my stomach started hurting.  Then 2 seconds later I started getting sleepy.  GREAT Lemme take a nap until tomorrow.  Oh right gotta do this and stuff.  Walking.  GREAT.
Coffee after this paragraph.  I think I'lll just... take a rest... while sitting here... and writing... ahh there I go.  What else is going on.  The point is I GUESS DIET SCHEDULE FROM YESTERDAY WASN'T SUSTAINABLE.  Back to the drawing board!  Hmm I need to buy a drawing board.  Hopefully an erasable one.  If I draw on the board once and it doesn't come off Not Much Of A Drawing Board Now Is It.  Hmm.  It's a good thing I ate all of that.  If I ate slightly less I might be tempted to eat more throughout the day.  I ate JUST ENOUGH to keep my strength up the entire day without eating more.  Basically everything I do is perect and pays off in the long run.  Otherwise why would I do it.  I'm not an IDIOT.  Everything always works out which is a relief and a half because I was worried NOTHING works out.  Now just let me... rest my eyes... I'll keep writing, don't worry... just sleep sort of...
Coffee time!  I need it, boy do I.  The point is while I was getting blood work done the radio was playing a rap song from 2000 that I recognized and I impressed the nurse taking my blood by identifying it.  Presumably.  I impressed myself.  I was very pleased with myself that I recognized Song From My Youth in Genre You Might Not Expect Me To Know.  WOW.  No wonder I just ate 1400 calories.  I needed to reward myself for recognizing song!  Yep 1400 sounds about right.  Off the top of my head that's what came out and now in the 2nd and 3rd parts from the top of my head I'm crunching the numbers in the background and I feel that's about accurate.  AMAZING.  Anyway how far into the 12 hours are we.  Fifteen minutes?  Twenty minutes?  Well that's halfway there, right?  Gotta imagine I'll make it successfully and easily and the time will just fly by without hunger pains.  Or hunger pangs?  What's the expression?  Oh.  Right.  Hunger Planes.
     What else is up.  NATIONAL FOOD OF THE DAY IS... National Cream Cheese Brownie Day.  Not my favorite things.  But I'd try it.  Brownies can be good but generally not my favorite.  Cream cheese can be good but CAN BE BAD TOO.  The point is I'd stuff it down my gullet sure but NOT TODAY.  Not tomorrow, either!  One reason I'm hesitant about brownies is that they taste fine but are more calories where you're not getting some good bang for your buck.  And I'm a DIET HEALTH GUY.  I count calories because I'M GREAT AT DIETING.  Get off my back about it and whatnot.  I am great at dieting.  I make mistakes AND THEN I TRY TO UNHEALTHILY COURSE CORRECT.  You show me a better way to diet.  I'd like to see it!  Oh just following a diet and living your life easily.  I DON'T PLAY THAT GAME.  I did for 9 months while losing weight.  But then I guess my body got tired of playing that game!  Hmm.
What else is up.  Ninth paragraph.  What else is up.  ANOTHER THREE MINUTES that I didn't eat.  Oh no.  I feel this would be easier if I was laying in bed all day.  But I gotta take my routine walks!  Otherwise I LOSE CALORIE DEFICIT.  DANGIT.  I was gonna have delicious Bison Burger for dinner tonight.  And somewhat delicious Childrens' Chicken Parm Meal from Super Market for lunch.  Guess I'll just have to push everything back 24 hours and eat it then.  GREAT.  THAT'S NOTHING.  I've lived 24 hour periods in my life ALL THE TIME like it was NOTHING.  Wonderful.  The point is My Body Will Survive Without Food.  Why not just NOT BE A JERK ABOUT IT.  Listen body JUST WAIT TO EAT MORE THAN USUAL FOR THE REST OF THE DAY.  How hard is that.  You'll get your energy intake soon enough.  YOU'LL SURVIVE.  Just SHUT UP and BE A SPORT ABOUT IT THIS ONE TIME.  I'll reward you however you want.  What you want.  C'mon body tell me what you want for this transaction to be fair.  Hmm.  Body isn't answering.  DAMN BODY.
Tenth paragraph!  OH NO.  TODAY is national chocolate day & pizza.  And TOMORROW is brownie day.  You know why I got confused?  THERE WAS NO NATIONAL FOOD DAY FOR FEBRUARY 8th.  So when I saw the next thing after February 7th I assumed it was Yesterday's.  So TOMORROW is Cream Cheese Brownie Day.  TODAY is pizza and chocolate.  Yesterday in retrospect was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Okay I think we're all caught up now.  Amazing.  Still KINDA sleepy.  I feel like... ya know what... now that I mention it... I COULD USE A MICRONAP... oh well what can ya do.  Maybe I can take a nap during upcoming walk.  I feel like I've walked this route a thousand times over the past 9 months.  Roughly.  I can do it in my sleep so maybe I can LITERALLY do it in my sleep.  Gonna have to see if that works out.  Gotta imagine some Yoga Monks Or Something have trained their bodies to be asleep while they do things.  Are they conscious in this situation or not.  Up to them!  Them Yoga Monks can make it work ALL THE WAYS.
     Yeah!  I did yoga once.  I remember one of the poses.  IT's when you pray or something.  Put your hands together in a praying motion.  EASY pose.  I'll do it right now if I wasn't busy typing.  Also, too tired to do it.  I can't do stuff with my body.  I'm SLEEPY from eating TOO MUCH CRAP.  Anyway.  I'm kind of impressed with my stomach for not exploding.  Look I just stuffed my gullet with A LOT of food.  But REAL FATTIES and/or competitive eaters can stuff their gullet with 3-10x the amount of food in similar time frames.  And their stomachs don't explode either!  It's a testament to the stomach that it doesn't explode.  Food probably isn't even IN stomach yet.  Fine then I'm happy my ESOPHAGUS didn't explode.  Doest that please you SMART GUY.  Anyway.  Maybe I have a tape worm.  IF ONLY I WAS SO LUCKY.  Ya eat and eat and don't gain weight.  Sounds like a wonderful symbiotic relationship.  Like VENOM!  I wish I had VENOM.  It'd work out for me AND VENOM.  Not sure how it works out for me.  Take revenge on my enemies or something.  That's usually how it goes.
What else is up.  Write another paragraph or two and then take a walk.  Delicious.  MAN at this point it's been like HALF AN HOUR, FOURTY MINUTES since I said I just had to last another 12 hours.  I dunno how the time is flying by this fast.  LUCKY ME.  Maybe my tape worm is warping the fabric of time-- IN MY FAVOR.  How lucky can ya get.  Anyway maybe just take walk after this paragraph.  I feel like my body can stand taking a walk just about now and I wanna get that walk in before I start feeling very sleepy again.  Hmm.  WHY IS MY LIFE.  That's what it comes down to, right.  Why Is My Life.  I guess we won't get to the bottom of this anytime soon.  Anyway.  Haven't drank since last year.  Maybe alcohol will solve my problems!  Couldn't HURT.  Well sure I could.  Couldn't hurt THAT MUCH.  Probably not.  Either way nah I'm not gonna do that.  Either way time to take a walk.  Be back soon!




i'll be here all entry

    Hey you idiots.  Took a nice, refreshing rap-nest.  By which I mean Nap-rest.  We're talkin laid in bed for an hour 45.  We're talkin' took another walk.  Now I'm back here.  Anyway.  New schedule idea.  Walks-- 8, 10, 12, 4, 8.  Meals-- 8:30, 12:30, 4:30, 8:30.  First breakfast is something small (for a meal) and sweet.  Second breakfast is something slightly larger and more HEARTY.  Lunch and dinner are lunch and dinner.  Still got room for snacks but they go unplanned.  The main fun of a snack is that it's NOT planned.  Gotta go with your gut on if and when to snack.  And if your gut is telling you to snack too much then you gotta have a conversation with your gut and figure things out because that's just not sustainable.  Either way, every meal is directly after a walk.  AT FIRST I had it so that every meal directly PRECEDED a walk.  Makes more sense TIME-WISE, but makes less sense ROUTINE-wise.  I feel I'd, "Dig," eating AFTER walks more than BEFORE walks.  WELL THAT'S ABOUT IT.
Gonna at least skip lunch today.  Dinner, I'm not sure about!  We'll have to wait and see.  Anyway I feel like four meals a day might work for me.  It'll be tough, I'll give ya that.  But if I can make it work I will be hailed as a visionary and in the end that's kind of what I'm going for when making my diet-schedule.  Whether it works for me or not is incidental.  Will it qualify me as a visionary in the public's eye is really what's at stake.  Anyway.  Got some coffee going on right now.  Delicious!  STOP SAYING THINGS ARE DELICIOUS.  If something is delicious or not is great, wonderful, but NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING.  Besides EVERYTHING IS DELICIOUS.  You name me one thing you can stuff down your gullet that qualifies as nutrition that ISN'T delicious.  FINE there's plenty of stuff.  But MOST things are delicious so we can just put that qualification aside and move on with our lives! 
     Anyway.  Figure I'll at least watch Toy Story IV today and circle-walk to that.  That's one thing I got in store for today/tonight.  Take a shower after this act and then write an act III.  I'm REAL RESTED AND READY TO Go.  It was delic-- it was wonderful.  Wonderful nap-rest.  Anyway what else is going on.  OR maybe take another, smaller rest-nap after this act.  Waiting on a delivery right now that's THREE STOPS AWAY.  I can't take a shower now.  I need to be ready to get delivery if it comes!  So if I'm still waiting after 5 paragraphs here I will take NAP-REST in the mean time and then take shower when nap-rest is over.  EITHER WAY.  I feel like another NAPREST maybe a third or half the size as the last one.  LOOK Breakfast #1 is like a 150-300 calorie Sweet Dessert Breakfast.  Whereas Breakfast #2 is a 250-400 calorie HEARTY SUBSTANTIAL oft-SAVORY breakfast.  If you can't tell the difference between breakfast 1 and 2, and why it's GREAT and HEALTHY and SUSTAINABLE to have both of them, then I don't know what to tell you!
     Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Amazing!  I wonder what Toy Story III is about and I wonder how many of the main character voices are dead.  I'm sure Jim Varney died by 2019.  Don Rickles may have just made it but I don't think so.  I believe Tom Hanks is dead.  Tim Allen, dead.  Hmm Everyone Is Dead.  That's the conclusion I'm coming to.  Anyway I enjoy this franchise so I'm looking forward to this.  ALSO I've seen ON SOCIAL MEDIA that there's a new Toy Story Installment coming out.  Not sure if it's a movie or a mini-series or just a SHORT.  Better LTURQ.  HMM IT'S AN ENTIRE MOVIE.  About Buzz Lightyear.  I THOUGHT WE CANCELLED TIM ALLEN.  Didn't we cancel him at some point?  Something about cocaine, or being too for Trump, or some sort of arrest.  Maybe just being a jerk.  I kinda think he's kinda hacky, too.  Can we cancel him for that.  Too late he's got a major motion picture out now.  Can't very well cancel him now.  Wouldn't be fair to the studio!
    Look Tim Allen is fine I'm sure.  Well, I'm not sure.  I'm sure he's a jerk.  But it takes all kinds is the point.  Anyway.  Not seeing Toy Story my entire life, I kinda always imagined that Buzz and Woody were co-stars.  I kinda absorbed that the original film was about Tom Hanks being threatened by Tim Allen in doll form in terms of challenging his Star Status.  And it's accurate!  But Woody/Tom Hanks, in that film and future films, is still clearly the star by far.  I thought they would legit be co-stars.  So basically my entire life I've been under Wrong Impression.  This one.  Everything else in my entire life I was right on target 100% Understanding Things Completely.  Oh well that's life.  WHAT THE HELL CHRIS EVANS IS REPLACING TIM ALLEN AS BOZZ LUGHTYAR?  I'M NOT OKAY WITH THIS.  WE WANT TIM ALLEN.  I DON"T CARE HOW BIG A JERK HE IS.  ALSO WHO THE HELL IS CHRIS EVANS.  Is that the same thing as one of the Hemsworth brothers?  Whatever.  I'm gonna take my shower now.




this is very entertaining

    It's fun to eat AFTER taking walks because you can PLAY PRETEND that you picked up your food on the walk.  Yep big man around town picking up food to eat when I get home.  Even if it was really home the entire time!  I'm an idiot and this being how I strongly and truly feel about things is one piece of evidence.  I'm gonna do a Spoiler Alert 4 Myself and read the blurb for Toy Story IV.  Let's see.  WOW WHAT A BLURB.  NOW I KNOW SLIGHTLY MORE THAN I DID BEFORE.  So I got that going for me is the point.  Anyway hey today turned out to be a pretty good day.  And it will end up being A GREAT DAY if I actually follow through and Fast for rest of day after binging.  I've made it pretty far so far!  Wonderful.  DELICIOUS.  Look I can't get rid of Delicious Completely.  Everything is still delicious and I will Take Note of that at times.  It just doesn't have to be the ONLY thing I take note of in life!
     Anyway.  Better LTURQ who Chris Evans is.  I feel he was in a World War movie probably World War II.  WAIT NO HE'S AN AVENGER THAT'S WHAT I'M THINKING OF.  Right?  Let's see.  YEP PUT THOSE TWO TOGETHER AND I KNOW WHO CHRIS EVANS IS.  Captain America.  Amazing!  Anyway NOT A FAN.  I liked Captain America before he got Super Special Super Hero Powers.  When he was a little kid just like me.  Why can't we have a little guy Super Hero.  We got lots of diversity Super Heroes these days but off the top of my head we don't have a 5'2 Super Great Guy Hero Person.  We probably do but I DON'T KNOW HIM.  Gotta imagine somewhere in the spiderverse Peter Parker is that short.  We know he's nerdy and not the most physical guy to start off.  But I don't think he's supposed to be THAT short.  Hmm.  I guess we'll have to wait for the Spiderverse to expand far enough to get to that point.  Spiderverse will continue to expand at the same rate as our universe right?  For the rest of time?
Anyway.  Possibly watch Toy Story directly after this entry.  Possibly not!  I don't need to commit one way or the other right now.  Do I?  Maybe I do.  No, I don't.  Someone would have let me know by now.  HEY I can pour myself some more coffee.  Let's do that after this paragraph.  The point is my entire time dieting I was having great success with very late lunches and dinners.  Then when I was lifting diet I figured it made sense to have them meals at more normal times.  Now I realize HEY WHY.  I WAS DOING GOOD WITH THAT.  Maybe this is the, "GAME CHANGER," my new diet-routine needed!  Anyway what else is going on.  Maybe writing entry into mid-to-late-now afternoon is the, "GAME CHANGER," this website needed!  I feel it's gotten STALE lately.  And I've felt this way FOR YEARS.  Fine I was exaggerating for humor.  I've felt this way for months.  I can't remember the last time I wrote an entry that was worthwhile is the point.  Maybe every entry is and I just don't see it.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that's halfway true!  Probably is about a quarter-way true!  Which is halfway there more or less.  COFFEE TIME.
Yeah!  Look this entry isn't halfway great either.  But it might be a third-way great.  Which I think is some sort of Moderate Democrat Think Tank or something?  A Third Way?  Either way I don't care enough to care.  What else.  Circlewalking to Toy Story IV will help occupy for some of the rest of the day.  Need to occupy myself instead of eating!  If I can, "Follow through," and not eat anymore today it'll be a big win for me.  Anyway.  I feel like I saw more than my fair share of Home Improvement as a child.  Musta been on before or after The Simpsons at some point.  Either way Sure I have nostalgia for that show probably.  I remember WILSON.  Some guy with a beard.  He was the comic relief.  Comic relief?  It was a comedy in completion!  I didn't get that sense.  Anyway what else is going on.  TOM HANKS-- Wilson -- Tim Allen.  Hmm interesting VERY interesting.  Sometimes things in The Spiderverse just somehow sort of connect like that!  Wait a second Wilson was the guy behind the fence.  Guy with a beard was some other jerk.  Either way very good period drama.
What else is going on.  Nice completely new schedule to try out tomorrow.  Wonder how that'll go.  I came up with it during a Nap-Rest so it feels kind of oddly natural and intuitive.  That's how Nap-Rest Inspiration usually goes.  I gotta nap-rest more often.  I have nothing to do My Entire Life so you'd think I'd have lots of time for Nap-Rests.  I do!  I should make use of that time thusly.  Wonderful.  Buzz because it's a real astronaut.  Lightyear because it's a distance used in space.  I GET IT.  Gotta imagine Buzz Aldrin gets some sort of royalties from this film.  If he's still alive.  Well even if he's not alive he will always live on through this franchise.  He can tell his kids THEY GOT THE NAME FOR THAT GUY FROM ME!!! YOUR GRANDPA.  THE GUY WHO PRESUMABLY IS TALKING TO HIS KIDS BUT THEN REFERRED TO THEM AS HIS GRANDCHILDREN.  NOT A LOT OF CONTINUITY PERFECTION IN THIS DIALOGUE I'M DOING TO SOME CHILDREN OR SOMETHING.  ME, BUZZ ALDRIN.  That sort of thing.
     Last paragraph possibly!  Let's see, things, things...  Got one more walk in store for today.  Tonight!  Maybe I continue not doing Strict Times For Entry Writing for upcoming period drama of life.  Keep the same walk schedule that lends itself intuitively to Act Writing.  But just be more free about it!  I DUNNO.  Given myself a lot to think about, etc.  The point is I gotta nap-rest more.  I got the time, I got the opportunity, might as well capitalize on it!  Jeez.  Look I've talked about wanting a super hero Like Me before.  By which I mean 5'2 Guy.  That's Who I Am.   Is it important I'm white and/or Jewish?  Maybe!  Couldn't hurt in terms of me identifying with This Guy.  But I think the key thing is the height for me to be like FINALLY REPRESENTATION IN SUPER HEROE WORLD.  Anyway.  How's baseball going.  Still not going.  Hmm.  Hmm.  Anyway that's about it for now!  See ya tomorrow!

-4:37 P.M.




Tuesday, February 8, 2022

nobody talks that way to me

    Hey friends!  What's going on in the wide world of sports.  Olympics.  Yeah but what's going on in the wide world of sports that people care about.  YEAH.  I never care about the Olympics and I feel that each Olympics that passes more and more people agree with me.  Especially this one.  It's the second year in a row we got Olympics.  People are BURNT OUT.  Also are there any two-way-phenoms that compete in both Summer Olympic and Winter Olympic events?  My guess?  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  They need to devote all their training to One Thing.  Yeah!  Anyway trying out a brand new schedule today.  Walks, diet, routine, everything.  All mix-em-up'd!  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Try to give it a day or two to see how well it works.  Then update ya!  YEAH.  Maybe drop some CLUES this entry as to SOME changes.  YEAH.  First clue-- gonna just take a shower between acts II and III and no walk.  WOW WHAT A CLUE.
Also I feel like I'd be really bad at the game Clue.  I don't know the rules off the top of my head!  Never had that growing up.  What children's game would I be good at.  Hmm.  We played WAR a lot.  For some reason that was the standard card game between me and my brother and/or friends I don't remember how far it extended towards friends and not just me and my brother.  No skill in that game.  Bu that was pretty much the only game we knew.  I wonder how universal that is.  Do YOU know how to play war.  Was it THE ONLY GAME you knew how to play?  I was just taking for granted everyone had the same WAR experience I did as a child!  Oh well that's life.  Gotta go get bloodwork done tomorrow.  Oh well that's death.  Potentially.  Anyway my Dad got BOOSTER yesterday.  Good for him.  I hope he survives as long as possible more or less.  Unless he's alive so long he wants to die.  Then the ball is in his court.
     Sure.  Had salmon yesterday for dinner.  Amazing!  I liked the part where I ate it at a reasonable time at a reasonable amount and it filled me up reasonably.  Wonderful.  Anyway watched Toy Stories I and II.  Good stuff!  Was circlewalking during them.  Good stuff! Here's A CLUE one possible New Routine is DO SOME C IRCLEWALKING.  Here's the premise-- do it ONLY WHILE WATCHING DISNEY PLUS.  No set time in the day, no set amount.  WHEN WATCHING DISNEY PLUS.  Presumably there's another franchise or two I could watch as well as several Random Movies.  And there's also ALL THE SIMPSONS.  So basically that could be anywhere from 0-3 hours a day.  SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.  Anyway those movies are pretty good.  I never played with toys the way this kid does though.  NEVER.  I guess I had half a dozen action figure type things.  No dolls or anything really.  Never USED THEM.  They just SAT THERE.  I GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO.
Well I guess there was stuff I PLAYED WITH.  Just no humanoid figures and made them act out and do stuff.  Nothin' like that.  Too busy practicing War playing against myself.  I gotta get good at this for when I play my brother!  SO MUCH IS AT STAKE EACH GAME.  Huh.  Still got 5 walks a day.  Still got 3 acts of entry a day-- although the time allotment for each one might be slightly different than before.  I DUNNO.  I've got a good feeling about this schedule, though.  THIS TIME AROUND I'm golden.  Also DIET SCHEDULE allows space for me to actually have Healthy Breakfast of egg and/or frozen egg sandwich and/or something relatively healthy like that.  NO SPOILERS.  I'll let you know how that works in a few days if it.. well... works... for a few days... at least.  NATIONAL FOOD OF THE DAY IS... Chocolate Day and National Pizza Day.  WELL THEY KNOCKED THIS DAY OUT OF THE PARK.  Today has got to be the envy of ALL NATIONAL FOOD DAYS?  Chocolate and pizza.  Simple.  Delicious.  Perfect!  This is the best day I've seen yet and I don't see anything topping it.  GET IT?  TOPPING.  LIKE PIZZA>  LL!
Coffee after this paragraph.  I also like the part where the names of the days are simple.  Straight to the point.  WELL DONE.  What else is going on.  Hmm gonna have a nice banana or apple in the middle of the day.  THERE'S ANOTHER CLUE.  Anyway delicious.  I don't need toys to activate my imagination.  I can imagine a lot of stuff all by myself.  Presumably.  I don't remember.  I know I can't NOW.  But that's not relevant.  We're talking about when I was a kid.  I could use my imagination like a champ back then.  PROBABLY.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna have breakfast sandwich AFTER Act I is done and BEFORE going on next walk.  CLUE.  Look you're getting a lot of pieces to the puzzle but you're not seeing the whole picture yet.  We gotta wait a day or two to see if it is even close to working at all!  Time to get coffee!
     I think it's weird that toys have any self esteem at all.  They're just being used all the time.  How are they happy with their existence.  What else is going on.  What choices do I got for lunch and dinner.  No delivery tonight unless I get something for myself from doordash which I could but I have enough stuff from Super Market that I should just have 2 things in the house for both lunch and/or dinner.  AMAZING.  Nice veggie burger for dinner.  Not very filling but somehow seems appropriate anyway.  YEAH BUT WHAT SIDES WILL I HAVE WITH IT.  That's for me to know and you to find out!  I don't even know it yet!  But once I do you'll find out in a timely fashion don't worry I'm not gonna forget about you and your desire to find out.  The point is what else is going on.  The point is I'm onto a good thing with circlewalking and I shouldn't let imagined societal disapproval stop me from doing it.  I'M RIGHT to do it and anyone who makes me feel wrong is wrong.  IDIOTS.
Cool!  It's called DISNEY PLUS because it's your Standard Classic Disney PLUS the other things that Disney owns that we don't think of as Classic Disney.  ALSO THEY LOVE ADDITION.  What else is going on.  STOP making me feel bad about circlewalking.  WHY ARE YOU SHAMING ME.  It's perfectly natural to do.  Other people are just dumb and haven't figured it out yet.  Ugh.  Put breakfast sandwich in oven.  That'll be ready at some point one would imagine.  HMM Chocolate Day.  I'll have some chocolate today!  I got chocolate every day in my diet no matter how responsibly I'm eating.  Pizza?  It would be great for dinner but I'd have to order enough for more than one night.  NOT GONNA DO THAT SORRY.  What else is going on.  SORRY is another game I'd be bad at.  I have no idea how that game works.  I'm not even 100% that there' a game called SORRY.  Better LTURQ.  YEP IT'S A GAME.  Hey that board looks KIND OF familiar.  I think we had that at day camp I went to as a child.  Wasn't a real camp.  Just 9 AM to 1 PM at local elementary school for the month of July and ya played board games and stuff.  DIDN'T LIKE IT.  NO FRIENDS THERE.  But I was good at connect four so it was worth it. 
     Amazing!  Today is gonna be good even if entry is the pits.  I got lots of fun stuff planned like trying out new schedule-and-or-diet.  Nice circle walking while watching Fun Franchises.  Maybe finally get the ball rolling on TV Music Speakers.  AMAZING.  NICE outside today.  Relatively not as cold as it has been.  Delicious!  I've been thinking about how in less than 2 months the weather will be PLEASANT taking walks outside.  That's weird.  It'd go from being unpleasant to pleasant?  WOW LIFE HAS JUST TAKEN A TURN FOR THE BETTER.  Also not as many constant turns as circlewalking.  I'm turning a lot in OutsideWalking but not CONSTANTLY PERMANENTLY.  What else is up.  Eighth paragraph.  Amazing.  Are we supposed to believe that these toys are really alive.  Or is it just a fantasy.  Are we to imagine this film actually argues This Sort Of Thing Happens.  Hmm.
     YEAH.  Anyway.  Anything new or worthwhile in this entry.  So far NOPE.  There's a lot left to go, though.  What else is going on in my life.  I TOLD YOU.  NO SPOILERS.  I'm trying out a new schedule-diet.  I DON'T KNOW how it'll work!  There's nothing to say as of now because I DON'T KNOW.  Hmm maybe I should be writing things other than talking about my schedule-diets.  I don't know WHAT though.  Easier said than done.  Not even that easy to say!  So you can imagine how hard it might be to have it done.  Maybe have Veggie Burger for lunch.  Out of the things I have to eat that's the one I wanna eat most imminently.  Go figure!  SIDES THOUGH WHAT'S THEM SIDE.  LOOK I DON'T KNOW I'LL HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT.  WELL GO NO ONE'S STOPPING YOU.  I didn't SIGN UP TO THINK with this time period.  I signed up TO WRITE WITHOUT THINKING.  Under the premise SOMETHING INTERESTING BETTER HAPPEN ORGANICALLY... OR ELSE!!!  Also that rarely happens these days.  OR ELSE!!!
Huh.  Something organically will happen IN MY LIFE.  It might not be interesting or new or fun or great.  But my life will unfold slowly over time and SOMETHINGS will happen.  So we got that going for us.  Got 7 or 8 tater tots in the freezer.  That's a side for Veggie Burger.  Probably would need a 2nd Side though too.  AMAZING.  What else is going on.  I like board games that apologize to us up front.  I think more games should do that.  Hey let's play MY BAD.  What else is up.  Not sure what kind of breakfast sandwich this is.  It was just a loose one not in a box.  It was wrapped up sure.  But not sure what flavor or what brand or anything.  The shell LOOKED un-indulgent.  Don't think it was Croissant or Biscuit shell.  Nice healthy shell.  Which is what I'd like!  But I'll just have to eat it and deal with the consequences either way.  The point is I'm gonna write 1 or 2 more paragraphs for the act.
     Anyway.  Not gonna look at weight tomorrow when they take it with bloodwork.  NO THANKS I'M GOOD FOR NOW.  I'll check my own weight in a few weeks after some circle walking melts some poundage off!  Also new schedule-diet'll keep me on track.  This time around!  What else is up.  Getting some POP CHIPS tomorrow.  Doesn't help me with my Veggie Burger Problem Today.  But better late than never.  BBQ FLAVOR.  HOW INDULGENT.  We're talking slightly more calories than SOUR CREAM AND ONION which is also good.  A CALORIE MORE PER CHIP.  6.5 calories per chip instead of 5.5.  ROUGHLY.  WELL I GUESS THAT'S A JUDGMENT CALL I'M GONNA HAVE TO MAKE.  What else is up.  Finish this paragraph.  Eat Breakfast Sandwich Breakfast.  Take a walk!  Life goes on despite my not-even-mediocrity.  How about that.  I would have thought life would have a way to stop me from being mediocre.  Throw in some elements throughout the days to keep me adequate.  You'd think so wouldn't you.  I'll be back in a little bit.




let me tell you something

    HEY!  Just got back from walk #2.  Will write act #2.  Then take shower #1 And Final.  Then write act #3.  THAT'S ALL YOUR GETTING OUT OF ME FOR NOW.  QUIT TRYIN' TO FIND OUT MORE.  Loose lips sink ships!  Not sure how that works.  You'd think there'd be some logic behind that parable.  I can't think of any scenario where loose lips-- metaphor or not-- will sink a ship-- a real tangible boating ship.  I guess it's just cause it rhymes.  Sure it rhymes but it should also make sense!  That's my position on rhymes.  Anyway gonna have coffee #2 after this paragraph.  Delicious!  Just had breakfast #2 before last walk.  That's a key mix-em-up in this new schedule.  I let myself have dessert breakfast when I wake up.  THEN HAVE BREAKFAST #2 A FEW HOURS LATER WHICH IS HEALTH BREAKFAST.  I CAN ACCOMMODATE THE CALORIES IF I MOVE THINGS AROUND JUST SO.  Amazing.
     You idiots.  It's brilliant.  This new schedule diet will last me the rest of my days.  And this is just ONE element of it that's amazing.  Cool.  The point is I forgot to pour coffee before starting this paragraph so I guess I have to wait until the next paragraph.  I can't leave my seat mid paragraph.  Unless if its to do a set of push-up and sit-up.  I can't LEAVE THE ROOM mid-paragraph, let's put it that way.  Unless it's to refill my soda.  But I can't GET COFFEE mid-paragraph.  Unless I feel like it.  Which I do very often.  But NOT NOW.  Oh okay.  How's my Ball doing.  I dunno.  Haven't checked yet today.  95% of the time I think its where it's supposed to be.  But that 5% is a problem area.  I THINK I KNOW WHAT SNACK I WANT SOON FOR SNACK #1.  No spoilers but it will be with Act #3 and I'll let you know then.  Hey now I get to pour coffee.  AFTER A SET UP SIT UP PUSH UP.  That's my re-imagining of Bob Marley's Get Up Stand Up.  My song is Sit Up Push Up.  I'll be back in a second.
     Also that song title is misleading.  I so Push Ups THEN Sit Ups.  I know the song doesn't specifically specify the order but it's kind of implied and the implication is MISLEADING.  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta good idea for Side for Veggie Burger.  BETTER idea than Tater Tots which I may or may not have told you about.  We're talkin TWO FIBER ONE COOKIES.  The kind that are delicious but never satisfy me and even with 2 still won't satisfy me and even with meal still won't satisfy me.  If anything they'll make me less satisfied with the meal than I would be without any side.  But I still will have them because I have to have them at some point WHY NOT NOW.  Maybe they'll surprise me and satisfy me.  They're DUE for providing me satisfaction.  Huh.  What else is going on.  LOOK is the current plan to eat every 2 hours and 15 minutes?  SURE.  It might be the winning formula that solves all my problems.  LOOK is the current plan to not eat exactly every 2 hours and 15 minutes and eat at my discretion through actually very loose windows of time.  SURE.  You'd think these two things would contradict each other.  You'd be right!  Right now the plan is to eat at my discretion and my discretion is to eat at those strict times.  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off in the long run.
What else is up.  LOOK is the plan also to time eatings around other parts of the schedule like My Walks and other stuff like When We Get Dinner Deliveries Naturally.  YES.  IT'S ALL PART OF THE PLAN.  SEE THIS IS HARD.  I've spent a lot of time on this and I feel like I'm further back than when I started.  Not really.  Whatever I got going for me today is gonna be permanent.  IN A GOOD WAY.  Well that's a relief.  I wouldn't like to imagine a world where I get a permanent schedule and/or diet-schedule and it's not good.  What are the implications in that.  Someone's forcing me to live in a way I don't want to.  I don't like the sound of that!  Anyway what else is up.  Shower in about 10-20 minutes.  I can live with that.  Probably.  It hasn't happened yet and I guess it's possible it might kill me but the odds are very much heavily against it.  So there's that.  What else is up.  STATUS UPDATE HOW IS MY BALL???--- RIGHT WHERE IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE.
Amazing.  Breakfast and Breakfast II-- before walks 1 and 2 respectively.  Snack 1-- during Act III of entry.  Lunch, snack, dinner, snack-- AT DISCRETION.  EASY.  DONE.  PUT IT IN THE BOOKS.  I JUST DID.  PUT IT IN SOME MORE BOOKS.  PUT IT IN ALL THE BOOKS.  We're gonna need more books now that they're banning a lot of them.  Gotta replace them with SOMETHING right.  Books about this, why not.  Anyway.  What are GOOD books that they can teach.  Not sure they've considered that yet.  Pretty sure they can't think of any good books.  Maybe Where's Waldo.  Let's train all our kids to spot people in crowds.  Oh well that's life I guess.  Shower after this paragraph.  Amazing.  Probably will CircleWalk to both Toy Stories left today.  Gotta be at least one, right?  I like those odds!  I'll be back in a little bit.




wonderful that's great

    Hey!  Think I'm looking forward to Toy Story III!  Might get right on that after walk III.  WOW BOTH ARE THREE'S.  WHAT ARE THE ODDS.  Roughly ONE IN EIGHT if you pressed me to answer immediately.  What's going on and crap.  Took a quick shower.  Got plenty of time to write this act re: current ideas of when I will take walks.  8:30, 10:30, 1:00, 4:00, 8:00.  WOW WHAT GREAT CURRENT IDEAS.  And you can take that TO THE BANK.  Also walks like feeding times are presumably FLEXIBLE but I CHOOSE to adhere to them strictly FOR AT LEAST A DAY until I realize NAH THIS ISN'T WORKING PERFECTLY THE WAY I WANTED.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  I might finish act before taking walk #3.  That's a new thing.  Normally I'd just take walk right after I finish.  NOPE.  If I finish early GUESS WHAT I'M JUST HANGING AROUND FOR A LITTLE BIT.  I dunno I didn't think that through ahead of time.  I just said it on the spot.  Not sure how strongly I really feel about it.  Anyway took a shower and BALL IS RIGHT WHERE IT SHOULD BE.  YEAH.
What else is going on and crap.  Coffee #3 after this paragraph.  WOW ANOTHER #3.  WHAT ARE THE ODDS.  One in I Dunno Eleven.  WOW.  WATCH TOY STORIE III THEN EAT LUNCH.  PERECT.  Everything's firing on all cylinders.  Circular Prisms.  Cones.  I like cones. No I don't.  I like them IN PRACTICE but not IN THEORY.  The math behind cones is probably more complicated than cyeldnars and who needs to do more complicated math NOT ME.  Then again the more complicated math I do the more people will like me.  Hey this guy can do all the math for us lets like him.  I dunno.  I'm sure it involves RADIUS.  That's all I know off the top of my head.  Not very helpful at all I guess.  I guess no one gonna like me.  Such is life!  Also it should go without saying I'M CIRCLEWALKING DURING TOY STORIE III.  Hmm Circlewalking sounds like it'd involve Radius.  PI r squared.  That's gotta be area or circumference.  Probably area.  Let's go to google.  YEP AREA.  No wonder I'm so great at circle walking.  I KNOW THE FORMULA FOR THE AREA WHICH I'M MARKING AS MY OWN.
     Coffee time.  HMM.  I thought I was onto a good thing a few days ago when it looked like a lot of my Feeding Times would be right after walks.  NOW in practice pretty much every feeding time equates to BEFORE walks.  INTERESTING.  WONDER HOW THAT'LL WORK OUT.  Gotta give it a few days to see if it sticks.  ONE DAY AIN'T ENOUGH.  The point is what else is going on.  Figured out a great idea for Snack.  I should be having Fiber One Brownies because they're delicious and healthy but they're A LITTLE BIT on the light side in terms of even a small-medium snack.  PAIR EACH BROWNIE WITH A 40 CAL FUDGESICLE.  HOLY SHIT.  Now it's the same amount of calories as most other small-medium snacks, lasts a long time eating it, is healthy, is something I can look forward to... THIS COULD BE A GAME CHANGER.  What the Hell is wrong with me.  WHERE DO I BEGIN.  Anyway what else is going on.  Figure I'll keep writing this for a few more paragraphs!
     Anyway.  You think I'm joking around.  This IS a game changer.  This little idea is the missing piece of the entire puzzle!  This is how I will continue to truly feel for the next 20 minutes.  Amazing.  20th paragraph of the entry overall.  That's great.  I dunno what to aim for.  Just keep writing until I'm very sure that I can stop legally.  What else is up.  I can stop legally after this paragraph.  20 Boom That's Enough.  Either way what else is going on and crap.  I wonder what Toy Story III will be about.  I dunno!  I like it because somehow it feels like time flies by when you're watching A Toy Story.  Which is good because I'm EXERCISING while I'm watching A Toy Story.  Burning some calories AND QUICK.  Gotta hope that extends to ALL Disney Plus Franchises and Individuals.  What else is going on and crap.  Oh the paragraph is over?  GREAT.  THANKS.
Cool!  Figure I'll have delicious tandem of 40 calorie Fudge ice cream Pop and 70 calorie PICK ANY FLAVOR I WANT OF FIBER ONE BROWNIE when the entry is over.  Then take walk.  THEN WATCH TOY STORY III.  AMAZING.  It's FUN because it's about TOYS.  Toys are FOR FUN.  LIFE IS FUN.  Yep that all checks out wonderful.  Whatever lets just make this the last paragraph.  I did a SPOILER and looked up when Toy Stories were released.  For some reason this franchise is beyond my ability to Know Exactly What Year They Came Out.  INTERESTING 2010 for next one.  And the last one was as recent as 2019?  VERY INTERESTING.  WONDER HOW THAT'LL PLAY OUT IN REGARDS TO IMPACTING MY VIEWING PLEASURE.  Also Spoiler Alert I told myself I'd circle walk for Toy Story Franchise to make up for yesterday morning binging.  Once that's done I CAN LEGALLY stop circle walking regularly.  But I feel like I'll continue.  WHEW NOW WE COVERED EVERYTHING FOR TODAY.  I'll be back tomorrow for some reason.

-12:35 P.M.




Monday, February 7, 2022

i spoke too soon

    GREAT NEWS.  Going through a binge right now.  Live streaming it!  I dunno why I'm doing it.  Just feels right as of now.  We're talkin POP TARTS.  Maybe this is my lunch.  If this turns out to be my Early Early Lunch then it's no binge at all.  Let's see if that pans out in the long run.  I told myself before this started ya know what why not go for it and have 3 pop tarts for lunch.  So I'm doing that.  Just IMMEDIATELY and not at lunch time.  Wonderful.  I think I'm eating because I'm a good boy and deserve a treat.  I'm not sure what I'm basing that on but it seems about right.  Speaking of Good Boy and Deserving Treats I watched WOLF yesterday.  The movie where Jack Nicholson turns into a werewolf.  He's appreciate this Pop Tart thing.  He goes all out as a werewolf.  He's a role model for all of us who want to eat stuff whenever we want on full moons.  Also I don't think he waits for full moons to turn into werewolf.  I think he turns into werewolf THE MOST during full moons but ANY MOON'LL DO.
     Okay.  I can have Veggie Burger for lunch and it ends up being a reasonable calorie day.  Let's do that.  The truck is GETTING to lunch.  Once I get to lunch, have veggie burger, I'm good.  I've Won The Day.  I need to get to that point without eating more!  Delicious.  It CAN be done.  I can have gone through this with very limited consequences!  Good for me!  What else is going on.  How come I haven' made love to Michelle Pfeiffer.  She hasn't been in so many movies lately.  I can only make love to her if and when I see her on the TV Set.  Oh okay I see.  Anyway finally starting to get full.  I was hoping that might happen!  Anyway drinking sprite.  What else.  Snacks don't satisfy ya.  They just taste good.  Sometimes you can TRICK yourself into being satisfied by snacks.  And not just on a one time basis.  You can get into a groove where for months you're tricking yourself that you're not satisfied, then you eat a snack, then you're satisfied.  But it's all in the mind!  Not sure what I'm basing that on.  Most likely Nothing.
What else is going on.  Delicious Salmon for tonight.  That's healthy.  Except for the part with the mercury.  But I guess a little bit of mercury is part of a balanced breakfast.  OOP there goes the Fullness.  Now we're talking!  Don't have to have disgusting Vinegar Chips with Veggie Burger.  Delicious!  Not having something not delicious is delicious.  That's just math!  Ya know what I can have a side for Veggie Burger?  Why it's only a delicious Pop Tart!  I dunno.  NO SIDES.  Let's do it for real.  Actually try to even calories out as much as possible.  Take things SERIOUSLY for once.  I take things seriously all the time.  Too much.  Everything is serious.  There's no relief.  Anyway National Food Of The Day is... National Fettuccine Alfredo Day.  That seems wrong.  Also before all the morning binging I was considering having my Wide Alfredo dish for lunch.  Now it doesn't seem appropriate.  So there's that!
     Okay.  Still no progress on Music TV Speakers Front.  Or back.  I dunno where they go in relation to the TV.  Maybe on the sides.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Still can watch All The Stories Based On Toys.  Gonna have to look into that one.  I know Toy Story kicked things off but when I think of the beginning of Family Film Kids 3-D Animation Movies I think of the competition movies of ANTZ and A BUGS LIFE.  I think I threw down for ANTZ.  Don't remember liking it.  Never saw A BUGS LIFE.  Probably similar to a human's life but more Getting Stepped On At The End.  Maybe that's how I'll die.  Something steps on me.  Not entirely impossible.  We don't know what the future will bring.  Maybe it will bring a species that will step on us.  We can't say for certain at this time!  HEY YOU KNOW WHAT EVERYONE FINDS ADORABLES?  DISGUSTING CREEPY INSECTS.  Makes sense to me!  Anyway.
     Coffee after this paragraph!  Pretty behind schedule today.  But by the end of things I'll be on schedule.  That's how schedule flexibility works.  Anyway.  Took penultimate walk 2 hours early yesterday so I'd definitely be around for Salmon Delivery.  Kinda liked it at points!  Having a huge chunk in the afternoon and evening without walk.  Will I try it again?  I DUNNO I'll play it by ear.  Which means I'll LISTEN for someone to TELL ME what to do.  Probably won't happen but it can't hurt to be ready for something.  Hmm.  Good side for Veggie Burger is the micro animal crackers.  I can get some good bitefuls of that, it's delicious, and it willn't add too much to the calories.  YEAH.  Amazing.  The point is I think my body is getting confused with this breakfast before and/or after walks.  Doesn't know how to address it re: me being hungry whether I eat or not.  Gonna have to figure this one out!
    Poured coffee.  Doing some more binge eating.  Cause I'm a WOLF like Jack Nicholson.  Nothing to be ashamed of.  I see what I want and I take it!  And I want chocolate for now.  Main thing I have available to me that I really want!  Anyway I dunno.  Compared to killing people because you can't control yourself, eating chocolate because you can't control yourself really is on the other end of the Destructive Spectrum.  Unless gaining 60% of a pound in one day kills me.  Then it's destructive against myself.  But I only have myself to blame.  Well I'm sure I could figure out a way to blame you.  That sounds fair.  In a way this is all your fault.   Oh well.  Just live the rest of the day like this didn't happen.  Don't try to make up for it.  Just go on as if it never happened!  Sounds about right.  The real trick is NOT CONTINUING IT.
Fascinating.  Sure.  Now my stomach hurts.  Who could have seen that development coming.  My life sucks.  This is what I gotta deal with.  And for what.  What's the ultimate payoff.  Get to watch Horror Documentaries on TV... SOMETIMES.  Once I finish them I have nothing else to watch again.  GOD DAMN LIFE.  WHY YA GOTTA SUCK IT UP.  I need a better life is the point I'm starting to circle around.  Hmm have I heard the good news about purging.  Nah I don't think I'm gonna do that.  Too much trouble.  If I could just press a button and I throw it all up sure.  But I'd need to go through the motions and whatnot.  Hmm.  I can LTURQ.  HOW TO PURGE.  Nah I don't feel like it.  Get off my back about it and whatnot.  Look if I HAD to throw up GREAT ALL THE BETTER.  But I don't.  So there's that!  SEE I'M BEING HEALTHY TODAY.  BY NOT PURGING.  AMAZING.  I'm proud of myself.  That's the main thing I get out of life.  Being proud of myself.  And today I've given myself reason to be SHAMED for myself.  No good!
    Oh well that's life.  I'm proud of myself because I ate all that junk food.  Not everybody could tolerate eating so much.  I have a voracious appetite and that's enviable to all those who come in contact with me.  Also MY STOMACH HURTS.  I could still eat more sure but MY STOMACH HURTS ALL THE SAME.  Eighth paragraph ALL THE SAME.  Maybe I don't eat anything today.  Pot committed to eating salmon tonight.  It's COMMUNAL.  Maybe I fast until then.  Still would be signifantly more calories today than there should be.  DAMNIT.  Maybe I fast anyway.  If stomach hurts all day GREAT I won't wanna eat!  This is turning out to be MY LUCKY DAY.  Huh.  Do some dumb circle walking.  Do an extra regular walk.  Lots of options to trick myself into not being quite as ashamed for myself as I should be other otherwise wise.  I'M TIRED.  I WANNA TAKE A NAP.  All those sweets made me sleepy.  DAMNIT THERE'S NOTHING I CAN DO.  I'd have to fast ALL DAY to make a difference.  And we're pot committed to communal salmon!
Oh well that's life.  Just live the rest of the day like it didn't happen.  BUT MY STOMACH HURTS THERE'S A STARK REMINDER.  Ugh.  Is it possible we can blame this all on waking up half an hour too late.  And that confused me?  Sure we can blame this all on anything.  For example YOU.  This is all YOUR fault specifically.  Sounds about right.  I feel like I could legitimately wait until Dinner to eat next.  And maybe do an extra walk or something.  UGH.  I know it's unhealthy.  I know the right thing is just move on with my day.  IT'S HARD TO DO THE RIGHT THINGS SOMETIMES.  LOOK I can take salmon up to my room like I normally would and just not eat it.  We'll see how that goes.  Right now I truly don't feel like eating anything any time soon.  BECAUSE I'M AN IDIOT.  Wait no because my body is stuffed to the brim.  But that happened BECAUSE I'M AN IDIOT.  Oh right that checks out pretty well.  Amazing.
What else is up.  Man oh man does that provide me with some spark.  If I don't eat lunch or dinner, maybe have a tiny amount of food at some point, today could end up being no worse for wear.  WHAT AN IDIOT.  Anyway let's see how can I finish this act.  Hmm if my stomach hurts JUST A BIT MORE I might be on the verge of purging naturally.  We're not there yet but I could see how we could get there.  ALRIGHT STOMACH KEEP IT GOING I LIKE WHERE YOUR MIND IS AT.  Anyway.  I don't get purging.  I gotta imagine you absorb a lot of calories through chewing and saliva glands and whatnot.  Just throwing up the dumb solids of the food leftover can't be all the calories you would have consumed.  Or maybe it can because that's what people do and it seems to work for them.  Oh well I was wrong.  I'm wrong a lot!  Most of the time even.  OW MY STOMACH WHY GOD WHY.  I specifically ate so my stomach would be HAPPY.  This isn't fair at all!  Anyway I'm gonna take a walk now.  Be back soon!




you didn't hear it from me

    HEY!  Good/Bad News!  I'm gonna do the unhealthy/healthy thing and try to do a lot of circle walk and/or fast/semi-fast for the rest of the day.  Not sure whether that's the right move or not but I'm gonna try!  So hopefully that pans out and today is a chore but tomorrow I start over back at zero more or less.  More like ZERO MOSTEL AM I RIGHT.  He was Fiddler On Roof.  Anyway.  Stomach still hurts!  Possible my brain just interprets Being Full as My Stomach Hurting.  Anyway.  Right now seems like 3-4 hours of CircleWalking split into threes, zero lunch and half dinner.  And I don't think that quite gets me to Zero but it gets me close enough.  Womderful!  More behind schedule now.  Took a short little rest after shower I just took.  It feels good to be full.  I get to RELAX and REST.  Except for having to do circlewalking.  I can do that in my sleep.  Maybe.  I can try!
     Okay.  Also now I get to save Veggie Bruger for another day.  Which is good healthwise and deliciouswise.  For that other day, I mean.  Good for that.  Anyway it'd be weird to live a life where you're just full most of the time.  I feel like I've lived that life before.  Just not recently.  Maybe even recently.  Just not recently recently.  The point is huh how will I entertain myself today.  I already watched WOLF.  Are there any other major motion pictures other than WOLF.  Pretty sure they developed the picture and audio capturing technology exclusively to make the film WOLF and then called it a day.  Oh well it was a fine movie so I can't complain.  I've seen worse movies!  I can't think of any off the top of my head but just take my word for it.  Anyway guess I'll get some coffee after this paragraph.  I don't need to fast with coffee.  I could!  Forego the fat free creamer.  But I won't.  Because Get Off My Back About It That's Why.  This has become the worst entry in a long time and that is saying A LOT.  Or a little.  Depending on how you look at it.  But it's the worse way.  Either way you look at it It's Bad.
    HEY!  I realized I never took a Ritalin today.  I had run out in my normal bottle a few days ago, so instead of replacing it I was just taking it from my Bonus Bottle for now.  Today I forgot!  That explains the Being Tired.  I WAS WONDERING WHAT THAT WAS ALL ABOUT.  Also KIND OF PLEASANT.  It's nice being tired and then resting awake in bed.  I'd love to do it more today but ya know.  Circle walking calls!  That's life.  I can make a good dent in making up my calorie surplus just by skipping lunch, halving dinner, and knocking out Rest Of Snacks.  NOT ENOUGH.  CIRCLEWALK MUST BE INCLUDED AND THAT'S FINAL.  No it isn't.  FINE IT'S NOT FINAL BUT PROBABLY SHOULD DO IT RIGHT.  Okay.  My Dad is out WARMING UP THE CAR.  Not sure that's a thing. Every winter he insists its a thing that every other day he has to turn the car on for a while to warm it up so it doesn't freeze or something.  I've been taking his word for it that it's a thing but now that I think about it NOT SO SURE IT'S A THING.
     Wonderful.  I could take the Ritalin now. OR I could enjoy being tired some more.  Just like how I'm enjoying my stomach hurting.  It's good to MIX THINGS UP.  Even if it means feeling sick.  New news is good news!  What else is up.  Also by eating half of salmon dinner I don't need to be like OKAY HERE I GO I'M GONNA EAT THIS and then just throw it in the trash.  I can make what I want to eat and not make what I don't want to eat.  No wasting food here!  Anyway.  I did that with a bison burger a couple of weeks ago.  When I was watching BRINGING OUT THE DEAD.  I brought it up to my room thinking I might just never eat it and throw it out.  Instead I put it away in the cabinet and then ate it at room temperature a few hours later and it was the best thing I ever ate.  I need to eat more things stored in room cabinets at temperature all the time more.  Huh.  Gotta come up with something good to watch for Circle Walking.  Toy Story: The Franchise might fit the bill pretty well!
    Okay.  If it's so easy to make up this amount of calories just through semi-fasting and circlewalking, I could get back to Zero within a week or two at most from all the binge eating I've done this year.  I can't semi-fast this much EVERY day.  That'd quickly become pretty unhealthy!  YOU IDIOT!  Anyway.  Noticed a thing I should really see a doctor about or at least tell google.  My right ball sort of DESCENDS into my body a little bit.  It's still completely in my scrotum most of the time.  But sometimes I can sort of push down a little bit above the scrotum in Pubic Area and I can feel it sort of HIGHER UP than it should be and pushing down in the pubic area pushes it further deeper into the scrotum.  Maybe it's still technically in the scrotum all the time but sometimes it's just a little bit Not As DEEP? as it should be?  Well I'm glad I got that off my chest.  I was too embarrassed to ask google.  But now that I've said it here I can EASILY tell google.  So I got that going for me???
What else.  Glad I got that off my scrotum.  I mean chest.  Anyway maybe this is the last paragraph of the act!  Maybe lots of things.  Is it possible I could rest in bed while my legs walk around in a circle in my room.  Just sorta cut me in half horizontally at the torso.  Could that be in the cards.  What else is going on.  That's no good then only my lower half would burn calories.  And my parents told me the way to judge someone's weight appearance is THE FACE.  No one's judging you how fat you are by looking at your calves usually although I guess sometimes sure for certain sports or dancers or something.  The point is I'm not 100% sure what calves are but I know enough to know their in the lower half of your body.  Anyway.  The point is I'm gonna take a regular walk now.  I'll be back soon!




what was i saying

    Hey!  Just took a LONG rest-nap after last walk before writing this act.  Wonderful!  I want to take rest-naps every day.  Really improved the quality of my life.  Either way now I'm here and gotta write a few more paragraph.  My Dad went to get his 4th shot.  Switching from Michelle Phizer to Moderna.  I hope it all works out for him because I'm personally invested in his health and whatnot.  Anyway.  Figured out what to do with CircleWalking.  Do it for the duration of Toy Story Franchise.  So some today, some tomorrow.  Probably some the next day.  The point is between that and semi-fasting for today I'll be back to Zero.  Plus I'll have watched Toy Story Franchise while Circlewalking!  So I win in every facet of how you look at it!  Let's see how long each of the four movies is.  Also let's see if I have to watch any miscellaneous shorts there are.  My guess is I DON'T HAVE TO.  On average a bit longer than an hour and a half.  THAT'S PERFECT.
     My dick is a bit longer than an hour and a half.  THAT'S PERFECT.  Anyway what else is going on.  The point is gotta wonder how productive my right ball has been if its regularly hiding away a little bit more into my body than it should be.  I'm guessing my left ball has been pulling double duty because right ball is slacking off and not showing up for work.  Anyway.  I fully expect the doctor to be like each of us has a rubber band type RING around the edge of the scrotum.  Your RING has lot elasticity so your right ball has been going through where that ring should be tightened and restricting.  The point is GREAT EASY now I know the solution is just wrap a rubber band around my scrotum.  EASY.  FUN.  PRODUCTIVE!  I might have to loop it around several times so it fits.  Depends on the rubber band!  Anyway man oh man do I like a life where I'm taking nice nap-rests.  I gotta stop taking Ritalin in the future so I'm tired more so I gotta just lay in bed for a while each day.  It's FUN!!!
     Cool.  Coffee time.  Just finishing coffee #2.  Ended up only having 1/3rd of it last Act.  Didn't even top it off, that's how much was left!  AMAZING STUFF.  What else is going on.  Successfully didn't have lunch today.  Successfully DID have an 80 calorie HEALTH ICE CREAM POP to get me through.  No problem there!  All part of the plan!  The point is I dunno.  On schedule to take a walk about an hour from now.  Man oh man rest nap really lets me BLOW THROUGH the time periods between walks.  Which is good.  Because IT'S WORK to just live your life.  BUT NOT WHILE YOU'RE REST-NAPPING.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Maybe it's not because I didn't take Ritalin.  Maybe it's just because I ate myself silly which made me sleepy.  DANGIT that's unsustainable.  Anyway in the meantime what else is going on.  Toy Story.  Figure the way things are going I can watch the complete Toy Story I today and into Toy Story II.  HMM.
What else is up.  I'd like a spin off film where it's about kids.  WHILE THE TOYS ARE AWAY, THE CHILDREN PLAY.  It will capture the imagination of a generation.  Multiple generations!  ALL GENERATIONS.  PAST AND PRESENT.  And future presumably.  Not sure how past generations will get to appreciate it.  That's for THE STUDIOS to figure out.  What else is up.  Really like these assorted cookies.  Even more than the pop tarts.  These assorted cookies are amazing.  I like the part where they lie about how many calories they are so the cookies taste better because I can pretend they're less calories.  Wonderful!  They will capture the imagination of a generation.  Well they SHOULD.  On amazon they got relatively mediocre reviews.  That might be from a different generation, though.  Anyway.  My generation is the best.  Based on me specifically.  Without me the generation wouldn't even be in the middle.  But WITH ME we jump all the way to the top.  I don't make the rules and I don't break the rules.
Penultimate paragraph.  Gonna have a relatively early dinner tonight.  Communal dinner means around 6:45, 7:00.  Which isn't that early!  But usually on the early side for me although WHO KNOWS what schedule-regimen tomorrow will bring.  The good news is great I get to eat it will be delicious and nutritious and filling.  PLUS I like the part where I stuff food down my gullet.  There's no BBQ on the salmon but I'll survive.  I have my own BBQ Sauce.  Which I probably won't use.  But I'll appreciate the food all the same!  Ugh.  At this rate looks like I'll have a nice 30 minute rest-nap before taking next walk.  And getting the mail.  My dad entrusted me to get the mail on my next walk.  Sure, I'll do that, I like helping out around the house.  Or around the mailbox as the situation may call for.  As long as I get first dibs on the best mail.  FINE SECOND DIBS.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.
     Yeah!  Not a fan of having to put on boots instead of shoes.  Takes me an extra 10 seconds to fit my feet into the boots.  Not a fan!  Also kind of painful sometimes cause sometimes the bottom of some of my feet is crusty.  Jammin' 'em into the boot STRETCHES THE CRUST in such a way that is vaguely painful!  That's the life of an old man like me, though.  Crusty feet can cause some pain when ya put boots on.  What else is up.  I'm vaguely excited about Toy Story.  The franchise is very well respected by all generations including the World War II Generation Presumably.  I call them The Greatest Generation because I Came Up With That.  Also are Nazis and Japanese part of the Greatest Generation?  I mean-- they're definitely part of the same generation.  They're the same age and the same species of human.  But how can both sides be great if their main objective was kill the other side.  Seems like a continuity error or something.  Hmm.  I'm gonna go now for now.  Be back tomorrow!

-3:43 P.M.




Sunday, February 6, 2022

you'll appreciate this

    LIFE IS GOOD.  Had delicious Assorted Cookies for after-walk breakfast.  Have pop tart for Indulgence Snack some time today-- possibly next snack.  Have CCP for lunch.  WOW.  Life IS good huh.  The point is Hey here we are for another day.  Feel like I wanna check my weight in about a week.  Dunno how I came to that conclusion.  But it FEELS right.  And I know what number I'm gonna be looking for which over it would be upsetting and under it would be pretty good enough.  118.  Of Absolute Ideal Weight Numbers I read on the internet for my specifics, that's the lowest ideal one.  So sounds like the perfect one to aim for!  EVEN IF IT AIN'T DIVISIBLE BY THE NUMBER FIVE.  Anyway great just great now we get into some yukk-em-ups.  Have you heard the good news about Sunday.  Because if you have tell me.  I could use some good news in my life!  This whole paragraph is about how my life is good.  Yeah I guess but I'm not sure how much I BELIEVE it.
     Anyway.  A little bit behind schedule today!  Woke up/got up 15-20 minutes late.  Interesting wonder how that'll pan out in the long run.  Anyway.  Tried Strawyberry & Cream protein bar.  Not bad!  I didn't not not hate it.  Threw out disgusting Vinegar Chips.  My Dad tried them and unprovoked went on and on to me about how disgusting they were.  And he said he didn't mind if I threw them out because he understands how terrible they are.  So I did!  What kinda salt snack do I got for now.  Hmm.  Nothin'.  Guess I'll have to survive without a Salt Snack.  WAIT my Dad got HINT OF SALT Wheat Thins.  Well that's more of a HINT OF SALT Snack.  Yeah but when I say salt snack it's a general CATEGORY of snack it's not so much the salt that defines it, it' the premise of the snack.  And wheat thins-- even if there's only a hint of salt-- make the cut for that category!  WOW.  Another paragraph that was terrible.  WOW.
     National Food Of The Day is... British Yorkshire Pudding Day, National Frozen Yogurt Day, and Pork Rind Appreciation Day.  Let's work backwards.  I'd appreciate Pork Rinds.  I feel like if I grew up with a different more accepting family I'd eat pork rinds.  Also if I didn't care about health.  Seems like the gross kinda thing I'd like.  But my parents would explicitly be heavily against pork rinds.  I dunno why.  Probably because they're disgusting.  And anyway I don't always take my parent's advice but in this case I would be persuaded yeah I guess it is kind of TOO disgusting.  Anyway.  Frozen Yogurt Day?  Great!  As long as its designed to taste like ice cream.  If it mimics ice cream, wonderful.  If it tastes like yogurt, disgusting.  I don't want yogurt, frozen or not.  Unless it's made to taste like something else.  Yorkshire pudding day.  Well great.  Now I have to LTURQ.  Will the injustices never end?!?!  I dunno what it is but I looked at the picture and it looks okay.  More SOLID than I would have thought.  I like a solid food.
    Amazing.  Did some MightNight eating last night but it's only exactly what I would have eaten between dinner and dessert but had successfully skipped.  So there's that.  Successfully had breakfast AFTER first walk today.  Feels like that might continue to be the way to go!  That's great just great.  Gonna have to take my penultimate walk earlier today so I'm definitely home for when they deliver Lone Make-Up Salmon.  Great just great.  What else is great just great.  Also I skipped complaining about how British Yorkshire Pudding is a national food day because we both know it.  I didn't even need to say it.  You figured it out on your own and you figured out this must piss Michael off even without him explicitly saying it.  So there's that.  Then I wrote the last few sentences anyway.  So there's that.  The point is I played my acoustic guitar for 10 minutes last night.  So there's that.
    WOW I like the tuning it's at right now.  More than a step down.  Not sure exactly how Down it is but it sounds interesting to me.  Amazing.  I like the parts where I have several songs I can cycle through.  Makes me feel like a big man.  What else is going on.  Coffee after this paragraph presumably!  Delicious.  Got part III of III of S&SM dinner tonight.  Been enjoying that to a fair degree the first two times.  Amazing!  I feel like a third of the time I enjoy my meals, a third I'm okay with them, and a third I'm like okay I'm eating this and it's providing me nourishment but if I really think about it I woulda been better off getting something else.  That's life for ya!  MEALS.  With varying degrees of satisfaction.  The point is I like enjoying meals.  Because it's the best Life Alternative to enjoying snacks.  You're getting what you want outta meals you don't need to get what you want outta snacks!
    Sure.  Had delicious banana yesterday.  No problems there!  Part of it was brown.  I guess that's a problem.  I chose not to eat the brown part.  Personal decision!  Anyway.  Very possible I have Popped Tart as next snack.  Breakfast was light.  Not a huge amount of Assorted Cookies!  Delicious all the same.  Gotta remember that for future breakfasts.  Normally a number of smallish cookies breakfast just doesn't work for various reasons.  This one did!  Possibly on account of just being assorted, possibly on account of it just so happens these specific cookies just WORK.  Possibly because it was Afterwalk.  Possibly because it was unique to just today and this moment in breakfast time.  I don't KNOW.  Either way what else is going on.  I like the part where they say it's a certain amount of calories and I 80% believe them and 20% these have gotta be more calories.  These cookies are small sure but they sure seem hearty.
Whatever.  Also the 20% is MUCH stronger than the 80%!  I think the 20% MORE than that 80%.  Not sure how that works but it IS ACCURATE.  Amazing.  Gotta get blood work done this week.  Hopefully I don't get covid.  And if I do hopefully I only spread it to my enemies.  That's where the phrase comes Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.  Because they're assuming you have a deadly transmissible disease.  Oh I was wondering why that phrase presumably made some sort of sense.  Now I get it!  Anyway seventh paragraph.  I can end up right on time by the end of this act/taking next walk.  I can do lots of things.  Get off my back about it!  HEY I CAN LOOK INTO GETTING TV MUSIC SPEAKERS.  That's a REAL THING that could happen if I just had A LITTLE BIT of will power.  That'd improve my life.  Amazing.  Improved life!  Sounds better than before to me.
     Okay.  Thought about turning breakfast into just another indulgence snack.  Every time I eat after taking walks other than breakfast are My Snacks and not my meals.  Just think of Breakfast as another snack albeit the biggest one presumably.  HMM.  NOPE.  It'd definitely help me lose the pound or two I wanna lose over the next couple of months but it's WRONG.  I can't be cutting down in breakfasts it's NOT THE HEALTH THING TO DO.  Anyway I've given myself a lot to think about.  Even though I already decided against it.  I'll think about it some more anyway.  Whose gonna stop me YOU?  I'd like to see you try!  Not really.  Even if you ultimately fail most of the time it'd be better off for me if you don't even try.  So DON'T BOTHER is the point!  Anyway.  OH here's a real problem with the Assorted Cookies.  Maybe some cookies are less calories than others.  And ON AVERAGE they're telling the truth about how much 3 cookies translates into calories.  But the main cookie I LIKE is the most indulgent one and is more calories than the others.  OH NO I'M SCARED.
Anyway.  What else is going on.  Veggie burger yesterday wasn't bad!  The Vinegar chips I ate with it were terrible.  The half a pancake I ate with it was pretty good.  And the veggie burger WASN'T BAD.  I don't have a problem eating the 2nd one at some point and I don't have a problem potentially re-upping with it in the future.  Kinda came apart easily, though.  Just moving it onto Oven Tray it broke in half.  But I was able to work with it without it coming apart completely.  AMAZING.  What else is up.  Ninth paragraph!  Amazing.  If I save pop tart for future snack in the day, what'd be a good choice for the next one.  HMM.  AMAZING.  They're all good options!  Life is GOOD.  More assorted cookies.  I was joking at first but ya know what SURE WHY NOT.  Let's go nuts.  Nah there's no Health Benefit to that.  I like having snacks that are presumably halfway healthy for the most part.  Then again For The Most Part leaves room for doing stuff For The Other Part Of The Part That Isn't The Most.  INTERESTING COUNTERPOINT.
     Ugh.  What else is up.  Thinking ahead, it's no definite I'd have a pop tart today at all!  We'll see how it, "Shakes," out.  Anyway.  Joe Rogan.  TOPICAL.  Where did I know Joe Rogan from before he became Famous Podcaster.  I know he was Comedian but what specifically was His Thing.  Lemme LTURQ.  HE WAS ON NEWS RADIO?!!?  I remember watching that Once At Least.  Good show!  That's something I'd watch again for sure.  I don't remember it at all except for presumably Joe Rogan was on it.  Also there's that but I think the main thing I'd remember him for that I forgot about was Fear Factor.  Go figure.  Better LTURQ.  Any place to watch Newsradioes???  It's on FUBOTV.  I don't like the sound of that.  Not one bit.  Maybe one bit.  But if it's one bit I like the sound of it it's like 13 bits relatively I don't like the sound of it.  AMAZING.  Also what else is going on.  Oh right Paragraphs.
    Sure!  Something sweet for upcoming snack.  That much I know.  But it means barely anything.  Over 90% of snacks are sweet to some extent.  HEY HOW ABOUT A GRAHAMED CRACKER.  I got those.  That sounds like a fair compromise.  Compromise between what.  Compromise between not knowing what to eat and knowing the perfect thing to eat.  It's knowing SOMETHING to eat which is in the middle of those two extremes.  Fascinating.  Anyway all caught up and on schedule now more or less.  Not AHEAD of schedule which is the normal schedule.  On schedule which is the ideal schedule.  That's why it's the schedule!  Amazing.  What else is up.  One more paragraph after this one it feels like.  Feels good to me.  Been wearing boots.  No slippage for me lately!  I've conquered icy sidewalks once and for all.  Now I'M the winner and not the sidewalks!
     Cool.  Anyway.  Saw the Democrats have a chance at holding onto the House because a lot of the gerrymandering doings by Republicans are being struck down in courts and the like.  Still underdogs per my understanding but at least there's a chance!  And we're still pretty far out.  Anything can happen.  AMAZING.  There's hope that THE WORST THINGS IN THE WORLD might not happen quite yet.  I LIKE those odds.  Anyway so there's that.  Also let's not forget about how I have one and a half chocolate chip pancakes for lunch in just a few hours.  That's amazing in and of itself.  I like the part where I put it in the oven and it becomes SLIGHTLY crispy.  Don't want it TOO crispy.  Don't want it not crispy at all.  Well, sure I do.  That's still fine.  But IDEALLY slightly crispy.  So there's that glimmer of hope.  That I could have not just Chocolate Chip Pancakes but IDEALLY COOKED ones.  Amazing.  I'll be back in a little bit.




maybe you're right

    Hey!  Had delicious Graham'd Cracker.  Gonna have some sort of delicious snack in an hour and 45 minutes roughly.  Not gonna commit to one thing or another as of now.  The point is Great.  These assorted cookies would be great to binge on.  I'm not saying I'm gonna do but I'm saying if I did do it I can kind of look forward to it?  I don't normally look forward to impulse binging.  That's why it's Impulse.  But if I take three step backwards in Dieting and start looking forward to binging, these assorted cookies ARE ON THE LIST of what to do.  Huh.  The point is let's try to avoid that for various reasons including Health and Aesthetic Body Image reasons.  Sounds about right.  I like the cookies with ICING.  WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE ICING?!?!  Oh you've been around for a good part of it but then disappeared lately?  There's icing on Pop Tarts.  YEAH.  Icing is the best.
What else is the best.  What do I got in store for Entertainment Television TV today.  Maybe some more Horror Documentaries.  I like the part where it's about horror films and I get a different perspective from other kinds of ways to enjoy horror films.  I've become a horror fan a bit but there's all sorts of ways to approach horror relative-nerddom and I'm learning to be open to other ideas than the ways I've been doing it.  I don't think I'm gonna CHANGE my ways.  But it's nice to be accepting of other people's ways.  Because I'm a great person and whatnot.  Anyway.  Presumably some of my weight is muscle.  Been doing a lot of sit ups and push ups for month.  I can KIND OF see some definition of muscle where you'd think there'd be in those areas.  Not a muscle man by any means but maybe it's slightly more than there would be otherwise.  YEAH.  MUSCLEMAN.  NO one gonna mess with a muscle man.  No one messes with me anyway.  I don't give them the opportunity!  Rarely interact with them.  YEAH.
Coffee after this paragraph!  Amazing.  Snacks have been every 2 hours apart following walks, but lunch is a little bit more time tacked on and dinner is a little bit more than that.  That's the routine as its been shaping up for as long as it's been-- Two Days!  I LIKE IT.  It's working out great if you don't count the slight MightNight snacks and even if you do count the slight MightNight snacks it's working a lot better than what I had going for me previously.  I might have cracked the code.  All this random nonsense with symmetries in contexts and equivalent distances in-between stuffs and whatnot.  Simple!  Every 2 hours, after walks.  Amazing.  Then again I should start crunching the numbers and calculating the inherent contexts that are thusly entailed.  I'm sure there's contexts going on here that I haven't considered and it's about time I start considering them.  FOR FUN.  Coffee time.
I've been thinking heavily about Pop Tarts for at least a month or two.  I'd be an idiot not to just get it out of the way and have one today.  Also I'd be an idiot to eat Pop Tarts all the time.  EXACTLY.  Get it out of the way right now and then I can RELAX UP A BIT and move on with my life a little.  Cool!  I got that going for me in an hour and 20 minutes or so.  What else is great.  Gonna go with SMORE flavor and not a fruit flavor.  Gotta do what the heart wants.  My heart wants to continue pumping blood.  That's what it's doing.  If it wants to stop doing that and/or do anything different it's got a funny way of showing it!  What else is up.  I dunno.  There's not as many Horror Documentaries left that I had thought there were.  Oh well that's life!  Less horror documentaries than you think there are!  Universal experience we all go through time and time again.  What else is up.
     Okay.  My dad didn't like the Sea Salt & Vinegar chips so much he thought we should contact the company and demand our money back.  For making a chip that no one could possibly like.  I tried telling him look SOME people must like it.  They wouldn't make it if NO ONE liked it but he wasn't having any of it.  He thought it was a scam chip.  Just there to be sold to unsuspecting people.  Either way whatever it's in the garbage now that's the end of that.  I can share in my dad's wheat thins.  I like wheat thins!  I should have them more often.  Delicious.  We eat thins.  We eat thicks too but NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THAT???  Anyway.  Figure at this point I'm pretty much ahead of schedule.  Who knows how many paragraphs this act will end up being.  When was the last good entry.  Let's think about this.  I feel like it's probably been WITHIN the last week.  Not today or yesterday or anything close to that.  But probably 5-7 days ago I wrote a decent entry.  Let's see if I can work my way back into that groove.  It's gonna be tough!
What else is going on.  Main argument against having Pop Tart for upcoming Indulgence Snack is that the next thing I eat is Chocolate Chip Pancakes.  Maybe have a less indulgent snack because it's leading up into an Indulgence Meal.  Well I dunno what's gonna happen.  Either way IT'S A BIG DEAL and THE REST OF MY LIFE HANGS ON IT.  Or HINGES ON IT.  HINGES sounds better but at the same time not 100% sure its a word!  What else is great.  Sixth paragraph of the act.  Figure I'll go for 7 or 8 or possibly 9 but let's say probably eight.  Amazing.  I feel like close to 3 weeks ago I was imagining a three week period ending in Today, 2/6/22.  Definitely within the context of dieting/scheduling/checking weight.  So much has changed since then that it's irrelevant now to check my weight in context of whatever I was thinking 3 weeks ago.  THEMS THE BREAKS.  Maybe 3 week periods aren't all they're cracked up to be!
     Anyway what else is going on.  I dunno.  Today is a good day to send an e-mail to ubisoft with a link to the Speakers I'm looking at and just being like would these work to eliminate lag THANKS THAT'S IT GET BACK TO ME IN A TIMELY FASHION OR NOT JUST GET BACK TO ME AT SOME POINT THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT NOW.  That would take NOTHIN.  Ten minutes at most from start to finish.  Let's just DO IT you idiot.  Me.  I'm the idiot.  Talking to myself to motivate myself.  Not sure why I called me an idiot.  That would just turn me off from myself.  I don't respond to that sort of thing from anyone else, why should I take it from myself.  I dunno.  What else is going on.  Today could be a good day.  I got good meals.  I can get the ball rolling significantly on Speakers.  There's presumably stuff to watch on the television set.  Why SHOULDN'T it be a good day.  Track record of most days being kinda crappy.  Well sure if you look at TRACK RECORDS EVERYTHING seems kind of crappy. 
    Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Thinking about a delicious ice cream bar for upcoming snack.  Delicious.  Good treat.  Less calories than pop tart.  Leads nicely into Pancakes a couple of hours later.  I GOT IT ALL FIGURED OUT IT LOOKS LIKE.  That was the main thing I had to figure out this entire act if not this entire entry.  And am I 100% committed to it?  No.  But am I currently 100% committed to being vaguely committed to it and 100% consider if the best idea as of this very moment?  YEP 85% SO THAT'S THE 100% CASE.  What else is going on and crap.  Ended up someone way ahead of schedule now.  Took a quick shower and not much downtime before or after it.  That's part of the allowance in the scheduling of the first third of the day!  AMAZING.  What else is going on.  HEY the act is over.  Good shot the last act will be better than the first two.  Because that's not saying much!  Amazing.  I'll be back soon.




now we're getting somewhere

    Hey!  Time to write last act of the entry.  With the aid of delicious Coffee Chocolate Chip Frozen Yogurt bar and Coffee... just coffee.  Delicious.  Gonna take the next walk early so I'm definitely home for when they deliver Lone Salmon.  Well it's four pieces of salmon.  They have each other to keep company.  But nothing else besides salmon is coming.  Unless they throw in a cookie or something.  They probably should.  I and We LIKE cookies.  Also on Friday they threw in a candle.  Not sure what we're supposed to do with that.  We have electricity so we can create light through lightbulbs.  But I guess it's the thought that counts!  Are we supposed to eat it.  I guess it couldn't hurt.  People have been eating wax all throughout the ages.  Huh.  Maybe some nice DRAMA movie I can watch today.  I like drama.  Stuff happens in dramas and you can take that to the bank.
     What else.  Looked in on Chocolate Chip Pancake Left and it's not that much!  Possibly enough to satisfy.  Possibly not enough to satisfy my urges to be like YA KNOW WHAT ADDING A GRAHAM CRACKER TO THE MEAL.  Either way I figure will work out for the best.  I know what's good for me.  Whatever decisions I make will ultimately be the ones that are good for me in the end.  Seems reasonable!  Coffee after this paragraph.  Seems reasonable!  You know what.  REALLY feel like contacting the Guitarsmith People about whether this speaker I'm looking at will work with their program.  Let's put that in Ink.  I'm GONNA DO IT TODAY.  And that's all there is to it!  Is that a phrase.  You wanna do something for sure.  That can't be taken back.  Ya put it in ink.  Ink isn't THAT permanent but it's certainly more permanent compared to some of the alternatives Like Pencil.  Wonderful.  My pencils are usually permanent because erasers are a joke.  Wonderful.
What else.  Oh Right Coffee.  Anyway.  Gonna take next walk before lunch.  Right before lunch!  Delicious.  Delicious lunch, delicious walk, delicious time.  It's all great when it come to Taking My Next Walk Before Lunch.  Ugh.  What kind of Dramas can I watch.  First thing that popped into my head was Toy Story 3.  I've never seen any of the Toy Stories.  Gotta imagine they're available somewhere and gotta imagine they'd be a more than halfway decent use of my Entertainment Consumption Time!  It's not the worst idea I've ever had.  Hmm.  What's THE WORST IDEA I've ever had.  There is something that, when you crunch all the numbers, is THE WORST.  Then again there's also something that's the best.  Oh well I guess we'll never know for sure.  Maybe when we die we can see the tallies and statistics and facts and figures of how we lived our life and those are some of the things we can see.  Wow I wish I was dead NOW in that case.  I wanna see those analysises of how I lived my life!
Anyway.  What else is going on.  Gotta imagine if Toy Story is available anywhere, 90% shot it's Disney Plus.  Let's check that out.  HEY GREAT NEWS I CAN WATCH THEM.  Now the question becomes I Dunno Do I Really Wanna Do That I Wasn't Really Thinking Too Hard About It.  Seems like a pretty fair thing to do, though.  I don't think I'd get a lot of arguments out of you.  You probably like Toy Story.  It's a beloved franchise even with Tim Allen featuring heavily in it!  What else is going on.  SALMON HAS LEFT THE FACTORY AS IN TRANSIT.  The general window they're givin' me is between 4-6 PM.  FINE WITH ME.  I'm takin' that early walk so whatever I'LL BE HERE!!!  Ugh.  If I could just figure out how to cut out MightNight snacks completely, with the current groove I'm getting into with diet-schedule, I could be back to where I was Poundwise when they checked me Last Time at Endocrine Appointment.  That's a lot of ifs, though!  And also I'm pretty sure both of those ifs (or more than both-- I forget how many there were!) won't happen.  But the point is I can see myself being in a healthy routine more or less starting as of a day or two ago.
    GREAT.  Last paragraph possibly.  What else is going on as of a day or two ago.  Hmm.  It's the weekend.  That started two days ago.  Two and a half days ago if you consider Thursday Night the weekend as College Kids might.  Look it's not crazy to have classes on Fridays.  But I'd say if you have 3-5 classes in college a regular semester, 50% shot or so that you're going to class only Monday Thru Thursdays.  WOW FOUR DAY WEEKEND ALL THE TIME?  I WANNA GO BACK TO COLLEGE.  Right now I have a seven day weekend.  TOO LONG.  FOUR DAY WEEKEND IS THE SWEET SPOT.  Sounds fair.  Also college is unsafe.  Too much covid!  Once covid is done and there's no replacement covid which may never happen we can come back to this and see if I wanna go back to college.  I already DID THAT.  I GRADUATED.  I GOT A DIPLOMA AND EVERYTHING.  Oh, right.  Almost forgot.  Gotta do something else I guess!  That's life!
    One more paragraph at least!  Wonderful.  I'm PRETTY sure I got a diploma.  I never went to any ceremony where they hand off the diploma to me on stage or anything.  I think they mailed me something, though.  What else is going on.  Don't think I'll turn on Toy Story right after the entry.  Probably go for it after walk when I start lunch.  In the meantime I think I'll figure something out.  Wonder what it'll be.  I know one thing for sure-- it will get me through time without killing me.  I assume.  Look might I die in the next 75 minutes?  I guess so!  But I'm pretty confident betting it all on me NOT dying.  If I lose and die who cares if I Lose It All I'm dead what do I care.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Entry is over.  I'll be back tomorrow!  Assuming I'm still alive!  Even if I'm not alive there's a decent chance I'll be back!  SEE YA SOON.

-1:32 P.M.




Saturday, February 5, 2022

let's try this again

    Hello friends.  Saturday morning entry.  Saturday morning is when they play cartoon.  Sure they play cartoon all day all the time but I feel like in Generations Past Saturday Morning Cartoons was a thing.  Not sure I'm happy about that!  Never particularly enjoyed the cartoons from Generations Past.  Looney Toons didn't seem fresh and current to me.  It's like watching black and white films.  It's WEIRD because it's OLD.  Anyway yesterday schedule of eating after walks went pretty good!  Thusly today I had breakfast before walk.  It was a CCP.  I had to put it in oven.  If I waited until after walk I'd have to wait an extra half hour for it to warm up in oven when I got back.  I made an executive decision to have it before walk but otherwise continue the day eating after walks.  The point is my last walk last night I was vaguely confident that I was gonna slip and break my back and/or something else.  Literally was slipping every 10 seconds for half the walk.  Somehow always caught my balance.  Oh well ya win some ya lose some.
Okay.  I did have 2 MightNight Snacks last night totaling 120 calories.  Not a huge difference but if I wanna start losing a pound or two I'll never get there if my gains are constantly wiped out by small amounts of Mightnight snacking.  Oh well I guess I'll never get there then.  Sounds fair.  Real fair!  What else sounds fair.  Finished Documentary on Shutter The Screaming Service.  There's more to watch!  Halfway through a Stephen King/George Romero movie I had never seen or heard of before.  It's about AN AUTHOR.  Go figure.  HEY Just unfortunately felt the need for an impulse snack of a 40 cal fudgesicle and there was one in the box with the individual serving plastic wrapper open and the fudgesicle was half broken off.  NOT MELTED THOUGH.  I stuffed it down my gullet sure.  But it was exposed to the real world and that's unhealthy.  Makes it all the more delicious though.  I'm getting away with something.  This fudgesicle SHOULD have been compromised.  Instead I ate it.  YEAH.
Cool!  National Food Of The Day is... NOPE FOUR THINGS TOO MANY.  That's where I draw the line.  I'll tell you about three things.  Four things?  NOPE.  Sorry.  You've all cancelled each other out.  And you only have yourselves to blame.  Well not really.  You have the other things to blame.  This isn't your fault.  How could you have known.  What else is up.  Had a nice reasonably delayed dinner last night so that there was more than 4 hours separating lunch and dinner.  We're talking 4 hours AND FORTY FIVE MINUTES OH MY GOD.  Also had Apple yesterday.  Delicious!  I dunno if I'll have it again, though.  Too healthy.  It was a real positive experience eating it but I don't trust it because it's healthy so there must be something amiss.  The point is delicious.  Also I spent so much time fretting over what kind of apple to get.  Look.  It's an apple.  They're all the same.  Well, apples made for eating.  I get there's apples designed for eating whole and then some designed for other culinary purposes.  But all apples made for eating whole are apples.  Who cares.  Same thing!
     Sure.  CCP Pancake was too indulgent for a breakfast.  Better have 1.5 of the 2 left for lunch today.  So I don't have to have them as too indulgent breakfasts.  Also so I get to have CCP VERY VERY SOON AGAIN.  DELICIOUS.  BUT MICHAEL THAT LEAVES HALF A PANCAKE WHAT TO DO WITH THAT.  I got ideas.  Like splitting that into 2 1/4ths of a pancake and having each one as a snack.  OR having the entire half a pancake as SUPER SNACK.  Wow michael You've got it all figured out haven't you.  YEP FOR THE MOST PART.  Anyway this film is creepy.  It's about a writer!  I'M a writer!  In the general sense.  I spend a lot of time writing.  Vaguely.  Not sure what I'm writing exactly which you'd think a writer should know but it's SOMETHING I suppose.  I don't like the part where I'm supposed to rinse off the apple before I eat it.  I like to live dangerously!  I wanna eat this apple, virus blemishes and all!
     What else is up.  Got some nice snacks coming today in Amazon Fresh order.  Pop Tarts.  Assorted Stella Doro Cookies.  The point is I can think of a lot of interesting sweet breakfasts for tomorrow without having CCP.  Delicious.  New kind of Protein One Protein Bar.  NON CHOCOLATE BASED?!?!  I'll give it a shot.  Strawberries and Cream.  I'll give it a shot.  I like the part where it's a candy bar but also has protein and fiber.  Which are good for you.  Also it's a candy bar which is good for you.  Not health wise but Hey you're eating a delicious candy bar GOOD FOR YOU.  Okay.  IS IT FLAG DAY YET.  I know the answer to that.  NO.  I think it might be on the 15th.  Better LTURQ.  That's weird Internet says it's in June.  Lemme look at this World Travel Calendar again.  OH.  It says Flag Day (CAN).  Weird.  Canada Flag Day.  They tricked me!  Anyway time to get some coffee.  AMERICAN Coffee.  GET IT STRAIGHT.
    Anyway.  Been days since I got into a groove of writing where I was writing ABOUT something.  I can't remember what it was.  Like I said-- days ago!  I can hardly remember yesterday which was only roughly ONE DAY ago.  Not plural in the least!  Anyway apparently my Dad is eligible for 4th Booster Shot.  Or 2nd or 3rd booster shot technically.  Either way it's a booster shot and it's the 4th shot overall.  ALRIGHT.  He's gonna be way more protected than you idiots.  Well, way less, because he still is immunocompromised no matter how many shots he gets.  But at least he's getting some nice shots.  Can't hurt!  Maybe it can.  They haven't specifically looked into that per my understanding.  Of course.  Anyway.  Like I said, for a single day, yesterday routine of eating after walks worked PRETTY good.  Gonna try to do it again today, breakfast not counting.  I ate a bonus snack today after walk to get in the spirit of things.  PROVE ME WRONG.
     Okay.  FINE.  Four things?  I'll fuckin' tell ya the four National Food Days.  You jerks.  INTERNATIONAL Pisco Sour Day, NATIONAL Chocolate Fondue Day, National Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day, and WORLD Nuttella Day.  Well great.  2 out of 4 national food days are worldwide.  Anyway.  What is fondue exactly.  All I know is It Is A Thing.  Better LTURQ.  MELTED CHEESE?  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  What exactly is Pisco Sour.  MELTED CHEESE?  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  Wait no lemme LTURQ for real.  PISCO is a Peruvian Liquor.   I'll try that.  Even if it does bring to mind PISS.  I'll try that, too!  I've never drank piss but it's certainly on my bucket list.  Anyway Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast I am so obviously on board with that I don't even need to say anything but I apparently am anyway. Nuttella.  I think that has to do with peanut butter or something.  Lemme LTURQ.  HMM HAZELNUT COCOA SPREAD.  No peanut butter at all.  I've been dismissing Nuttella my entire life but maybe I'd like it.  SEE WE ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING IN THIS PARAGRAPH.  That I want to drink urine at least once.
Not sure how accurate that really is.  But it's more accurate than it should be, let's say that.  Not 100% accurate!  But I'd say even 5% accurate is Too Accurate For The Subject Matter.  COOL.  Seventh paragraph... was the last paragraph.  Eighth paragraph!  Is the current one.  Delicious.  Not hungry right now!  Amazing.  All I had to do was eat 1.5 bonus snacks after walk to make up for breakfast before walk.  DELICIOUS.  TWO TABLE SPOONS OF NUTTELLA IS 200 CALORIES???!!  ...If only I knew what a table spoon was.  DUH the kind of spoon that goes on a table.  As opposed to those other spoons you keep on the floor.  Anyway I was totally willing to think about trying it but now it appears it's an insane amount of calories.  I DUNNO Maybe a table spoon is AS BIG AS A TABLE. ...A LARGE TABLE.  Better LTURQ in a little bit.  Also WHAT DO YOU DO WITH IT.  Make it a sandwich or something?  Better LTURQ.  Oh okay all those things.  I looked it up for myself.  Look it up for yourself if you wanna!
    Okay.  Maybe ask around the house to see if anyone else would be interested in trying nuttella.  Probably no one is.  I don't think we've ever had it in store in the house in my life.  OH WELL That's LIFE.  I guess.  What else.  Taking walk last night and slipping every 10 seconds (but ALWAYS catching my balance!!!) I legitimately had the thought well maybe this is how I die.  Interesting.  I was WONDERING how that was gonna happen.  Okay.  Still time to die from it today.  Almost slipped a good 10 or 12 times on 1st walk this morning.  The opportunity is still there so I got that to look forward to.  I can imagine LOTS of worse ways to die than slipping on ice.  It even sounds kinda fun.  Also that probably wouldn't kill me.  Worse case scenario, and I mean WORST WORST, is I break my back or something.  I could survive that!  What if I slip in the street and car runs over me.  Not gonna happen!  The street somehow is a lot less icy than sidewalks!  Not gonna slip in the street!  What if I slip at the end of the sidewalk INTO the street.  Well sure that's the worst case scenario I guess.
     Hmm.  Legitimate films to watch.  More horror documentaries to watch.  CARTOONS to watch.  Amazing.  Hmm.  When I was watching Looney Tunes in the mid 1990's, that's the same amount of Time Difference as a kid watching the Simpsons this decade.  WEIRD.  WAIT NO MOST LOONEY TUNES WERE LEGIT OLDER.  They always FELT older.  I kinda assumed as a kid that they were older.  But somewhere along the line MORE RECENTLY I felt like they were from the 1960's.   And they are partly!  But also partly older.  The point is WEIRD STUFF I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT LOONEY TUNES.  I'd watch it every now and then if it was all that was on or if I was too lazy to change the channel.  Not sure if I ever-- EVER-- enjoyed it.  What else is going on and crap.  Also I'm sure I Was Wrong.  I'm sure it was great.  Get off my back about it!
     Okay.  11th paragraph of the act!  Figure I'll go for 12 off the top of my head right now.  I could tolerate some characters more than others.  I didn't like the skunk that was a sexual predator.  I didn't like any of them but he's one that I really didn't like off the top of my head.  Anyway.  I liked TINY TOONS.  They were from the 1990's, though.  They spoke TO MY GENERATION.  Good stuff!  The point is great cartoons amazing wonderful.  I dunno.  Gotta keep taking walks even though I'm risking my life.  I feel like each walk I take, the risk is a little bit less.  Ice dissipates a little bit over time.  Gotta live my life!  Some sort of joke where I connect me taking walks on ice with people who are like GOTTA LIVE YOUR LIFE EVEN WITH COVID.  Not sure there's a joke there.  There's no jokes ANYWHERE this entry why should I start making jokes now.  Interesting Counterpoint.  I'll have to think about that one!
     Okay.  Possibly do Baseball Draft today or something.  I feel like I'm getting in the mood for that.  Will I do some research before hand?  I wasn't thinking I would but I could see myself doing an hour or two of research.  Why not.  It's FUN.  Also if I get in a draft now and they end up canceling the season I assume they'll refund me in some respect.  I'm paying nothing for them to refund me OTHER THAN MY TIME.  They owe me money for the time I spent!  THOSE JERKS.  What else is up.  Did end up getting S&SM for dinner last night.  Delicious!  Gonna have Part II of III for dinner tonight.  That's how that goes.  I GUESS.  Also it doesn't seem fair that if you step on a crack it breaks your mother's back.  What does your mother have to do with this at all.  She and her back shouldn't be penalized for you stepping on a crack.
     Last paragraph before Walk!  I can, "Dig," that!  What else is up.  Two main top seeded contenders for lunch today are Veggie Burger + Side(s)??? and CCP 1.5 Pancake Version.  This is gonna be a tough one!  I guess.  I dunno what the Hell is going on.  Considering just throwing out some Salt & Vinegar Chips discreetly here and there until there's none of left.  Because I don't wanna eat them.  But I also don't want my parents to know I'm just discarding them.  So there's that.  I won't do that.  I'll eat em get off my back about it.  Okay.  My parents sometimes have the chips I get.  Gotta imagine they'll come to the same conclusion as me that these are terrible, though, and wouldn't help me finish 'em.  Those jerks!  The point is hey this act is over.  I'll be back in a little bit!




it's the principle of the thing

    Hey!  I've talked about most of that stuff before.  It's good because now you're reminded of Classic Subjects like I don't like looney tunes.  Maybe one day I'll like looney tunes and I'll tell you and it will be an interesting development!  Anyway.  From this point on gonna try to hit yesterday's schedule's marks.  It went okay all things considered!  Also I like the idea of rewarding myself for taking walks with a treat.  Seems like those two things should go hand in hand.  I generally like walks anyway but let's re-inforce the idea that I like both walks and treats.  Lean INTO IT soda speak.  Sprite.  Anyway I thought I was gonna make these 4 apples last two weeks.  THEY MAY ONLY LAST ONE.  This is crazy I like apples who would have thunk it.  I feel like I've reacted this way to apples before.  That I was surprised how much I liked them.  Never made a habit of it, though.  Always feel like there's gotta be some catch.
     Sure.  Coffee after this paragraph.  Sure!  Wore my boots on last walk.  Negated any sort of slippage.  SO that's one problem down.  Or one problem up.  I thought I had figured out how I was gonna die which was oddly satisfying.  Now I'm back to not knowing.  DANGIT.  It could be anything!  Now I don't know how to live my life.  If ya know how to die you know HOW TO LIVE.  Ya know life a life relevant to how it ultimately ends.  Makes sense to me.  The point is heavily leaning towards CCP for lunch.  DELICIOUS.  Nutritious.  Except for that last part.  It's all those adjectives except for the very last one.  The point is what else.  Took quick shower today.  Normally it's 5-7 minutes.  This was 2-4 minutes!  Dad had taken shower earlier and there was less hot water!  There's never hot water!  There was less luke warm water!  THAT'S OKAY I got everything I needed out of the shower.  We're talking SHAMPOO and SOAP.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Not in that order.  What kind of person puts on shampoo and then soap.  Gotta go with soap first.  More important!  I can't be alone with this impression.
    HEY the entry isn't great but I have AN ENTIRE DAY TO LIVE.  Gotta imagine I'll enjoy some Television Set.  I like the part where the images and the sounds match up to convey some sort of narrative.  That's what I get out of it for the most part.  Third paragraph of the act.  Figure I'll aim for six as of now.  Delicious.  Still feel it would be good for my life to get Good Audio Speakers For TV.  Still can't motivate myself to make a move, though.  Still feel like it is IMMINENT though.  I don't think oh well I guess I'm resigned to never doing it.  I think I can do it sometime in the immediate future.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  What if music sounds TOO good.  That could be scary.  Wait a second I don't remember signing up for liking music this much!  It makes me uncomfortable!  So there's that to worry about.  Anyway what else is there to worry about.  Lots of stuff!
COOL.  Today feels like a BANANA DAY.  Not sure I wanna have apples 2 days in a row no matter how good they are.  I can also go a day without fruit.  But today BANANA.  I reserve the right to change my mind.  I reserve lots of rights.  It's good strategy. If I don't explicitly reserve them then someone can LEGALLY take them away from me.  Gonna have to look into that one.  What else is up.  Really enjoyed Mountain Of Egg Whites with 2 Blue Berry Eggos as a lunch yesterday.  Low in calorie.  Presumably healthy.  Took a long time to eat.  Was relatively delicious!  I felt Adult for cooking half of it as a Cooksman.  Gotta do this for a lunch every week or somehtin', right?  Seems like one way to go about things.  Maybe I like veggie burgers and do that every week.  Maybe I settle into a routine where lunches MORE OFTEN THAN NOT are actually signifantly smaller than potential dinner which is signicantly smaller than YOUR potential dumb dinners cause I PORTION CONTROL MEALS LIKE A PRO.  Then eat lots of snacks.  But the Meals Oh Boy Are They Very Reasonable Portions.  Not too small.  Just right.  SATISFYING AND CONTROLLED SETTING.  What else is up.
Anyway.  LOOK most of me wants to lose the 2-3 pounds I gained from lots of binge eating over the last 1-2 months.  But also some of me wants to Just Let It Go and maintain where I am now.  And the most relevant part of me DOESN'T GIVE A CRAP AND IS GONNA BINGE SOME MORE INTERMITTENTLY.  GOD DAMNIT I HATE THAT RELEVANT PART OF ME.  Where does it get off mucking it up for The Other Parts Of Me.  Hardly seems fair.  Oh well.  Fifth paragraph of the act.  I'm gonna go over six it feels like.  So I got that going for me.  Or against me.  I can't tell whether things are going for me or against me anymore.  Kinda feels like NOTHIN.  My life doesn't go in any direction in reality.  Feels like I'm making progressions and setbacks day to day but in essence this is pretty much the same thing OVERALL.  So I got that going... against me?  Tough call, For or Against.  Gonna have to think about that one.
Sure!  I feel like I should go to Toronto and wave around the American Flag on the 15th this month.  Really get under their skin.  See how Canadians react to that kind of hostility.  My guess is POLITELY and WITH CLASS.  What else is up.  I'd go to Toronto why not.  I think my Dad went to MONTREAL on his honeymoon either with my Mother or his 1st Wife.  WOW WHAT A PLAYER.  He has had TWO WIVES IN HIS LIFE.  That's pretty impressive.  I haven't even had HALF OF A SINGLE WIFE.  Not to my knowledge at least.  And I'm pretty deep into Wife Having Years already so it's not looking great for me!  Then again if it means I don't have to go to MONTREAL maybe it's for the best.  The MONTREAL WORLD.  Is that a thing.  I hope not.  Because then it means I thought of it and now own the copyright to it by virtue of posting it to the internet.  NOW I HOLD ALL THE CARDS, MTV!!!  Cool!  Wonder what the next paragraph will be like.
     What else is up.  Feel like I wanna continue trying breakfast after Walk I.  And thusly continue the general schedule of All Future Snacks lining up with after All Future Walks.  WORKED YESTERDAY MORE OR LESS.  I have a good feeling about this one.  LET IT RIDE.  Anyway.  Didn't even need to have the 11 PM snack!  Sure I ended up having it by having a small amount of MightNight Snacks but that's the price you pay FOR GREATNESS.  Huh?  Oh okay.  What else is Great.  Watching TV comes to mind.  Haven't watched some good New TV since roughly Cobra Kai off the top of my head.  Lots of good new TV out there.  Ya know how I know?  Because there's lots of new TV out there!  Odds are some of it must be good!  Just by blind luck if nothing else!  YEAH.  Anyway.  I think The Real World is gaslighting because that is NOT what the real world is like!  Also I don't know what the real world is like.  Relatively certain NOT THAT though.
     Amazing.  What else is Amazing.  I can make this act last however long as I want.  I know I got the set Walk times but they're FLEXIBLE.  Easily flexible enough for it to be 15 minutes either way.  Possibly more flexible?  I dunno!  15 minutes EASY though I'm comfortable with that.  Look is that actually a HALF HOUR FLEXIBILITY WINDOW?  Sure!  COMFORTABLE WITH THAT.  Get off my back about it.  Now I know how to beat Ice.  Wear boots.  Kinda feels like it should have been harder.  I thought ice was my mortal foe.  Literally.  I thought it was going to kill me.  Looks like I'm back on top and ice is hardly a threat at all!  Until I run into Mr. Freeze.  Well that's easy DON'T RUN INTO MR. FREEZE.  How hard could that be.  Doesn't even exist in real life!  Yet!  Who knows what the future will bring.  What else is up.  Gotta draft some STOLEN BASE GUYS this season.  Last season I had no SBs!  And my team suffered thusly.
    Whatever.  Maybe call it an act after this paragraph.  Sounds reasonable!  Then again STOLEN BASE GUYS only get you so far.  Yeah they run up your total in STOLEN BASES but they might not be helping much at all in the other categories.  You wanna get someone whose gonna help ya in ALL the categories for a well rounded Baseball Fantasy.  Team.  These are the basics!  What else is up.  Gonna have delicious iced cream sandwich for upcoming snack.  I like the indulgence of going from ice cream sandwich straight to CCP.  Reasonable portions!  But man oh man is that 1-2 punch something that might hit all my pleasure area spots or something.  I dunno.  SOUNDS fun.  One might imagine I get SOME enjoyment out of it.  Or maybe I hate it.  Who knows.  Not me!  I hardly know anything.  The point is hey act is over.  I'll be back in a little bit.




where did you get that idea

    Hey I know what I'm supposed to have for lunch!  Veggie burger with that bonus .5 CCP I would have leftover if I have the rest leftover as a lunch.  Throw in some dumb vinegar chips for good measure!  All the pieces are finally coming together.  Now my life has meaning.  For this lunch at least.  Then it's back to Zero.  Oh well that's life.  Anyway.  My Dad bought boots online that are too big on him.  Very upsetting stuff!  We want to go to shoe store but can't because of Covid.  Why has life left us in this terrible situation.  Probably because Life Is An Asshole.  I always suspected that was the case.  Anyway having delicious Ice Cream Sandwich now.  Feel guilty!  Dad is having half an existential crisis that he needs boots but can't get boots and here I am enjoying a delicious frozen treat.  Oh well.  At least I'm sharing his pain with the world without his approval.  Gotta imagine that helps him out somehow existentially-wise!
     Okay.  Coffee after this paragraph.  Guess the first thing I'll watch on The TV after this entry is finishing that movie I was talking about.  The Stephen King George Romero one.  The one that isn't that other one or two that there were.  Anyway.  Dad got SHOES a week or two ago that were a problem, too.  They were supposed to be New Balance but were knock-offs.  Ended up getting them for free and keeping them and just wearing the free knock-offs.  So that worked out okay in the end.  This boots thing, I dunno!  Not sure how it will be resolved.  Hopefully generally well for all parties involved.  Mainly My Party.  It's a plus if other parties come out of this situation feeling they got their fair shake but lets be honest My Party Is The Main Party That Must Be Placated.  Anyway what else is going on.  Oh right coffee time.
     HEY good news it's 5 minutes later and my Dad is pretty much over it.  Still an inconvenience!  Still not sure exactly what to do.  But he's pulled himself together (although not by his bootstraps unfortunately) and we're moving on with our lives!  Anyway got coffee now.  Got lunch in Oh I Don't Know an hour and fourty five minutes?  I can live with that.  I can live with lots of things.  Very flexible in regards to Continuing To Live.  Not a lot of situations where I'm like NOPE I'm drawing the line I REFUSE TO LIVE UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES.  Although I guess there are situations like that out there.  I just can't think of many right now off the top of my head.  What else is going on.  25th paragraph of the Day.  Wonder how long this'll go!  At least 27!  Gotta have at least 5 paragraphs per act.  That's just a given.  What else is going on and crap.  I dunno.  Entirely plausible-- likely even-- I have a pop tart at some point tomorrow.  Possibly 1.5 as breakfast.  Possibly 1.0 as Most Indulgent Snack Of The Day.  Possibly well those are the main possibilities.  I know I've been talking a big game about having a lunch or dinner of 3.5 pop tarts but I'm too chickenshit to actually do it.  OR AM I.  Maybe.  OR AM I.  Maybe.  OR AMI I.
What else is up.  Some BODY BIZZARES that were made in 2018 or 2019 that I have recorded that I don't think I've ever seen.  One of them involved a tooth in an eye.  Sounds new to me.  WOW I CAN WATCH THAT FOR A FEW HOURS.  I like the part where it's weird.  My life is weird but I don't got teeth in my eyes or anything.  Maybe I do.  That might explain a lot.  Or a little.  What do I know.  Not much.  Crap and crap.  I DO like the idea of watching some sort of documentary after this is over.  Easier to decompress for the early afternoon with a documentary.  Or a docu-series.  Or some sort of DocuSomething.  The point is I got lots of options if that's the route I wanna go.  Don't worry about me.  I'm all good re: things to watch for at least a week or so!  Which is the longest amount of time someone can think ahead per my understanding.  Anyway.  Personally, if I can think ahead past 12 hours I'm doing pretty good for myself.  Usually after 12 hours things get very hazy.  Great.  One more paragraph.
Sure!  I don't know why I'm imagining the veggie burger will taste good.  Maybe it will. But my first guess SHOULD be that it'll taste bad.  I guess I'm an optimist.  Wait, no.  I'm an optometrist.  Wait, no.  I'm an Octopus.  Hmm.  Still got tape covering up The Time On The Cable Box.  I wonder how different my life would have been if the last 6 months I had that clock constantly within my eyesight all day.  We can only speculate.  Actually we can't even do that.  Maybe you can.  I'm just drawing a blank.  Can't speculate nothing.  Oh well that's life I suppose.  So far today has been pretty reasonably on track re:Diet & Diet Schedule.  Still a lot of time for things to go wrong though.  Lotta time for things to go right.  Just Lotta Time In General.  Wonderful.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-1:31 P.M.




Friday, February 4, 2022

are you kidding me

    Hey!  Friday morning entry.  Means Act I may possibly be interrupted by Super Market delivery.  More likely than in the past as I'm roughly half an hour further into the day in general.  Anyway.  Had an interesting General Eating Schedule Idea (GESA).  Eat directly after every walk!  Which rounds of to every 2 hours.  Instead of having breakfast before 1st walk, have it after for symmetry.  Than all my snacks come right after each walk with Lunch & Dinner being Not After Walks But Still 2 Hours Apart From Things.  YEAH.  I like this idea.  Because it might work.  Who knows.  I've come up with 293 ideas so far that haven't worked completely so I'm due for something that will work!  FOUR HOURS BETWEEN LUNCH AND DINNER?!?!  IF YOU SAY SO.  Anyway did some binge eating last night.  Because I needed to make some productive.  Only way I know how!  That's how I came up with current eat every 2 hour and generally after walks idea!
     Cool.  Finally made eggs last night!  Didn't have them for breakfast this morning!  Finished pizza instead.  Get off my back about it.  Is it time to take a walk yet.  Wanna eat some more.  Also time to take a walk doesn't help me at all.  Is it time to get home from a walk yet.  Also that doesn't help me at all.  Is it 3 minutes after getting home from a walk yet.  NOW WE'RE TALKING.  That's the sweet spot of when I get to hit my sweet spots.  The point is the internet websites that say it's very healthy to eat every 2-3 hours BETTER be telling the truth.  And the other ones that say NO DON'T DO THAT BETTER be lying.  Otherwise I'm way off in terms of what I'm doing and should be doing.  THINK I'LL HAVE SOME EGGO WITH EGG WHITES WHEN I FINALLY HAVE THEM.  Sounds good because eggo is presumably somewhat sweet.  I like he sound of that.  Also the presumed taste.  That's even better than the sound.  What's the sound of Eggo.  Popping up from the toaster.  That's the sound I'd associate with Eggo!
     Also these eggos are 3 years old so they might not be great.  Only one way to find out!  Stuff them down my gullet.  Anyway never went into watching a FILM yesterday but continued watching Horror Documentaries.  Which is fine!  I enjoy them for now so why not continue enjoying them.  HEY HERE COMES CHRIS JERICHO TO BE A TALKING HEAD.  He does that a lot.  Is it cause he does it for free or something?  Why always him.  Maybe he's just got great material on everything.  I guess.  What else do I guess.  National Food Of The Day is... Bubble Gum Day, National Homemade Soup Day, and National Stuffed Mushroom Day.  Ugh.  I don't CARE.  I'm tired of it.  Bubble Gum FINE.  Homemade Soup WHATEVER.  Stuffed Mushroom IF YOU SAY SO.  I've had it up to here with National Foods Of The Day.  HOWEVER this might have been the first day I consumed the food of the day on the day beforehand.  Chewed some gum already today-- BUBBLE GUM FLAVORED.  So there's that!
     Okay.  Wonder if Today will be any good.  So far I'm hungry after eating "Breakfast," so that's not good!  My main goal is to Not Be Hungry And Thinking About Wanting Food all the time.  Why can't I just eat three meals a day and be satisfied with them.  What am I an idiot.  Well YES apparently.  Dangit!  Anyway I'm an idiot because for some reason I poured a tiny amount of BBQ sauce into the egg white mixture.  Very little!  But still WHY.  I ruined the eggs slightly for no good reason!  Oh well that's life.  Live and learn.  Probably won't learn.  I'll do similar things again.  Probably WILL live for a while though.  So that's not so bad.  Gotta look at the bright side of things.  I'M STILL ALIVE.  And you all doubted me.  How sure am I that I'm alive.  PRETTY sure.  Anyway.  Gonna pour coffee after next paragraph.  I like the smell of that!
     Sure!  What else isn't going on.  Dumb Super Market didn't have the communal main course BQQ SALMON in stock.  But we're still getting the sides we ordered for it.  That hardly seems fair.  Sounds fair BARELY.  JUST HARDLY.  Anyway.  POSSIBLE the next thing I eat will be a pop tart.  That's actually one of the healthiest immediate outcomes.  Because that means I don't snack between Now and Next Walk.  WOW.  This is gr... WAIT A SECOND POP TARTS ARE WITH OTHER DELIVERY.  I'm not getting pop tarts today at all.  Hmm.  Maybe maybe 2 eggos or something.  That sounds good.  Even 1 eggo!  Maybe an eggo and a half.  Maybe 1.725 eggoes.  I've given myself a lot to think about.  What am I getting from this order that would be exciting to eat.  GRAHAM CRACKERS.  That's one.  Main one.  Right now eggoes excite me more.  COFFEE TIME!!!!!
Holy moley.  Anyway.  First Super Market delivery in a long time where I'm not even considering doing any circlewalking.  Not necessary!  Not wanted!  I haven't done it for a few days and I've never been happier!  About THAT.  I'm unhappy in lots of other respects.  Like WHAT THE HELL IS MY LIFE EVEN.  OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD JUST TRYING TO ENJOY EATING BECAUSE I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  But ALSO there's hmm no real desire to do any circlewalking.  Which is GOOD?  Okay.  GET INTO LISTENING TO MUSIC AGAIN.  That'll get me going.  Play guitar again.  Learn guitar without LAG.  That' a life thing I can do that would get me not even thinking about food.  HEY GOTTA INCREASE MY PERCENTAGE OF HITTING ALL THE RIGHT NOTES ON SAY IT AIN'T SO.  I DON'T HAVE TIME TO THINK ABOUT FIBER ONE CHOCOLATE CHUNK COOKIES AND HOW DELICIOUS THEY ARE BUT ALSO HOW THEY ARE SO DESIGNED TO MAKE ME NEED TO HAVE MORE AFTER HAVING ONE.
Anyway.  Put plastic rubber case around phone as well as glass glass thing over screen.  So I got that going for me.  Not sure how I feel about those things!  It's nice for it to be protected from things.  And functionally it changes nothing.  But something just doesn't sit right!  Especially with the thing I put over the screen.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS AND I DON'T LIKE IT.  Also when I put it on I didn't align it up exactly 100% on target.  So that's my fault but STILL it looks UNPROFESSIONAL and there's nothing I can do about it!  I just gotta LIVE with me not doing things exactly 100% on target and it looking unprofessional.  Then again I am not a professional so get off my back about it!  Huh.  Eating every 2 hours is healthy but ya gotta imagine eating every 20 minutes is even healthier.  Sounds good to me.
What else.  I could see myself getting excited about eating a hearty graham cracker.  I could see myself getting excited about walking around my room in a circle 2 hours a day.  I can see myself in the mirror because I'm Not A Dracula.  More or less.  I do try to avoid eye contact with myself in the mirror because I Don't Like The Looks Of This Guy. Not sure I wanna engage This Guy With Eye Contact.  Either way what else is going on.  The point is right now I cannot say I weigh 115 pounds in good faith but I also don't wanna drop all the way back to 120 pounds.  So the goal is to try to not gain anymore and tell people I weigh 115, 120.  Also this will NEVER come up.  If I ever have to tell someone how much I weigh in life it might be DECADES AWAY.  But it's still good to be prepared with a good answer just in case.  I'm a weird guy.  We already knew that.  Now we just have more evidence piling up by the paragraph!
     Sure.  Nonth paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  My Dad got some sort of message from Super Market that they may be sending a replacement for BQQ Salmon they're not sending.  My guess is it'd be some other kind of salmon.  In which case OKAY I CAN WORK WITH THAT.  I can work with lots of things.  Very flexible.  Hire me to work with your things!  Huh.  Right now I'm not starving.  I could eat sure but it's dropped to a tolerable level.  I guess it was tolerable before.  Because I lived through it.  But now it's even more tolerable!  I don't want my life to be tolerable.  I want it to be HOLLERABLE.  Holla!  That's a good thing.  I feel like 20 years ago Holla or Holler meant Good or something.  It rings SOME sort of bell but at the same time feels wrong.  So I dunno for now.  Also fun idea I had for snacks was WILDCARD EVERY SINGLE SNACK.  I had been thinking for a week or longer in terms of setting up standard times for SOME snacks and wildcards for other times.  Now I'm thinking EVERY SNACK IS A WILDCARD.
   Sounds obvious but its not!  Some snacks are better healthwise at certain times.  For example I read it's good to have protein before bed.  Because your body makes muscles better or something when you sleep.  And also caloriewise, you don't wanna eat indulgent snacks every snacktime.  Gotta plan out the day with some indulgent and some less indulgent!  NOPE YA DON'T.  WILDCARD SNACKS ALL DAY.  WHATEVER FEELS RIGHT.  Let's see how that goes.  Still don't eat snacks whenever I want!  Gotta limit it to 4-6 snacks, right?  Maybe 7 if we're talking some small snacks.  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON.  Hey how's Star Wars Senator doing.  Better LTURQ.  Also all 4 characters his name includes are Big Protagonists.  Not an evil person in the bunch.  Let's see if he's still alive.  UH OH.  Looks like he's still alive but may be unable to vote for several weeks.  DAMN DOCTOR TELLING HIM NOT TO VOTE.  LET THE MAN VOTE HIS BODY CAN HANDLE IT.  What else is going on.  I've written enough for Act I!  If Super Market comes then I just call it an act instead of having to resume afterwards!
     Okay.  If anything he should get to vote TWO TIMES on each thing for having a stroke.  Not sure how that works but it seems PRETTY intuitive don't you think.  It just occurred to me I have a HUGE WIDE ARRAY of options for dinner tonight.  WOW.  This is unique.  I feel like most of the time lately I've been pot committed to something for meals.  Either because I got it from Super Market or it's part II or III of something I got from Regular Delivery.  Tonight CAN BE ANYTHING.  HEY EVEN LUNCH can be a lot of different things.  This is a blast and a half.  Maybe that'd stop me from eating.  Spending time fantastizing about eating whatever I want LATER.  Sounds healthy and productive to me.  Cool!  The point is my day will probably be delayed half an hour or an hour because of waiting for Super Market but that's not so bad.  Might not even be that bad.  Wonderful.  Any good World Travel Days This Month.  Better Consult Calendar.  TUESDAY THE 15TH IS FLAG DAY.  Not sure which flag.  Maybe we get to choose!
     Okay.  12th paragraph of the act!  This turned out to be a nice solid length act.  Wonderful.  Also a solid D/D+ in quality.  WOW I PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS.  Also not sure what flying colors are but they sound scary at first but then fun and interesting and I wanna see/feel what they're all about now that I think about it.  Anyway.  My Dad got a text from Super Market saying YOU ARE NEXT.  So better finish this paragraph and be ready for that.  It could be FIVE MINUTES.  Could be FIFTY Five minutes what do I know NOTHIN.  Either way Flying Colors right that sounds great sign me up with experiencing flying colors.  But let me opt out whenever I want!  If I feel uncomfortable with Flying Colors don't make me experience it any longer than I want to.  I NEED TO OPT OUT OF FLYING COLORS IF I FEEL LIKE IT.  Anyway that paragraph just finished itself, didn't it.  I'll be back in a little bit!




get out of town

    Hey!  Accepted Super Market delivery.  Had graham cracker, too.  Ya know what?  GREAT.  I'm fine with these.  Taste good, reasonable amount of size/bites for the calories, reasonably filling.  I'll eat another one tomorrow like it was nothin'!  I'd eat another next snack if society would accept such a thing.  Society doesn't have to know.  It can be yours and mine little secret.  NO DEAL.  You're too close to society!  If I let you in on this then sooner or later All Of Society will know.  The point is I can also have an Eggo which I was thinking about earlier and now am thinking about again.  Sounds good to me!  Anyway what else is going on.  Thinking about trying VEGGIE BURGER for lunch.  It's delicious because Hey It Might Be Delicious What Do I Know.  Also ya know what's a great side?  GRAHAM CRACKERS.  Or is it?  I dunno!  I ain't sayin'!!!
Okay.  A little bit behind schedule because of Super Market order but not too much.  The point is I'm still on track with Eating After Every Walk.  So far I DUNNO.  I sense some potential positives about this routine and some negatives.  But I wanna give it the good ol' college try.  A solid TWO or even THREE days.  I've been giving routine efforts maybe a day at most lately.  You'll never get a good impression of how good a routine is if you never get to the routine part!  Gotta give it 2-3 days.  ALSO I had the alternate idea where hey here's an obvious mix-em-up-- instead of eating right after getting home from walks, eat right before walks!  Or 15-30 minutes standardly before walks.  I dunno how stomach digests stuff and metabolism works and how it might work mentally or in my mind, but presumably Some Eating Routine Centered With Walks MAY make sense.  Go figure.
Yeah!  Gonna pour coffee after this paragraph.  With the premise being I drink it soon after pouring it.  Some of it.  Then intermittently drink slightly more until it's gone.  That's the plan!  What else is the plan.  Just took a look at KALE Veggie Burgers.  Look good!  Nice decent size.  Says these burgers are 3.75 Oz.  IF THIS IS WHAT 3.75 OZ IS I'VE BEEN OVER-ESTIMATING AMOUNT OF OZ I'M GENERALLY EATING IN BURGERS.  Exciting stuff.  Less calories than I thought!  Or maybe this isn't 3.75 Oz and they're lying.  Dunno why they would lie.  It's generally good to tell the truth.  That's what I learned as a child.  Presumably.  Rings some sort of bell at least.  What else is up.  Sure the bread will be white bread.  I'm okay with that.  If you're not okay with having white bread as the bun for your kale veggie burgers than you gotta join us in the real world where we have to make compromises.  Also you can cut corners so it looks more symmetrical.  Make the bread a circle if you must.  Maybe that will make you feel better.  I dunno!  That's your problem not mine!
    Sure.  DANGIT I made a wrong decision.  Decided to try Sea Salt & Vinegar Pop Chips for some reason.  I must have tried Vinegar potato chips at some point as a lark.  Never sounded good but I felt I wanna try this even though I musta tried this at some point.  Either way just tried one and It Didn't Do Nothin' For Me!  I guess I don't MIND eating them but it's gonna be a relative chore as opposed to a regular joy.  Well there that settles it that's a great side then for veggie burger.  Lotta Chore Pop Chips.  Get rid of a good amount of 'em quick.  Makes sense to me.  Maybe I can figure out how to make these chips better.  Is there some sort of condiment I have that is a thing to put on a chip.  Nope.  Maybe salt.  Just pour a lot of extra table salt on the chips.  That way when I eat them I'd be like this is way too salty as opposed to this is just a general slight chore.  Gotta figure somethin' out.
    Cool!  What else is up.  The good news is it's a huge bag and it's about 1/9th full with chips.  That's nothin.  I can eat these chips with veggie burgers in like 4 servings.  I got 2 veggie burgers.  I can get another 2 next week.  BOOM that's taking care of all these chips.  Now we're talkin'!  What else is up.  So basically I'm excited for being able to eat anything I want for the first time in DAYS and I'm eating a dumb veggie burger with even dumber chips.  Yep!  Get it out of the way!  It's called BEING RESPONSIBLE ever hear of it?  What else.  The point is it's reasonable to have lunch with upcoming Food After Walk or it's also reasonable to have it 2 hours from then with upcoming Food Without Walk Cause There's A Break In The Walking For That 2 Hour Interval.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  What else is progressing as a situation.  Was raining heavily lightly last walk.  Or lightly moderately.  Either way it was pretty tolerable.  But I want my walks to be HOLLERABLE.
     Okay.  One to three more paragraphs for the act.  I reserve the right for it to be anything I want.  And I want it within that range for now is all I know.  LOOK am I thinking heavily about Chocolate Chip Pancakes for dinner SURE I AM.  That's the default Best Thing I Can Think Of in general these days.  However it's got a strong rival in Steak & Stuffed Mushrooms Dinner.  Main negative to that besides it being fancy and pricey is that I gotta commit to having it three times.  Whereas I can't finish CCP in one meal either, but I can divide the remnants after The One Meal into 2 breakfasts or something which is great. It's not a chore to eat leftover CCP as future breakfasts it's A JOY.  Maybe I just get S&SM for dinner, bite the bullet and eat it again 2 times over the weekend, and get CCP to have for lunch tomorrow and 2 breakfasts over the next few days.  NO DEAL.  I want CCP TONIGHT.  Well this is a tough situation.  I'd say I'd keep you updated on this situation as it progresses BUT I CAN'T.  I'll keep you updated on this situation after it's done progressing in tomorrow's entry.
  Also sure there's the Health Factor.  There's the Calorie Factor.  There's the How To Heat It Up And How Long It Takes Factor.  LOTS OF FACTORS.  Also LOTS OF DIVIDENDS.  Those words are related right.  I don't know math but I do know one thing.  I forget.  But it's not math!  What paragraph are we into.  Seventh of the act.  Let's say one more and then I take a nice walk to remember.  Anyway.  Kill two birds with one stone and have Kale Veggie Burger with Eggo Waffles As Bun.  That sounds strangely delicious.  I must be an idiot because I'm actually considering it.  Hmm.  Maybe I'm no idiot maybe I'm GENIUS.  They're both circles so already they got that symmetry going for them.  Also I think the blueberry in the waffle will pair well with the vegetable in the burger.  Interesting.  What else is going on and crap.  More or less on schedule now.  A little bit behind.  But that's only because generally I give myself so much leeway in schedule time that I'm usually always ahead.  Huh?  Oh.  Right.  Schedule.  Gotcha.
Last paragraph of the act!  I don't believe it.  Still got more Horror Documentary to watch.  How much left to this Part II of This Current Doc.  Oh only three and a fourth more hours.  Almost done with it relatively.  That makes me happy in real life though having a lot of it left.  It was good entertaining enough and whatnots the last 2 days.  I like the idea of it entertaining me more today what's wrong with that get off my back about it and whatnots.  Huh.  Looks like Super Market is gonna send us Salmon By Itself on Sunday.  NOT BBQ SALMON THOUGH.  Plain Salmon.  FINE I CAN WORK WITH THAT.  It's from a 4-6 PM period though.  I AIM TO TAKE WALK IN THE MIDDLE THERE.  FINE I CAN WORK WITH THAT TAKE THE WALK EARLIER OR SOMETHING WHY NOT.  That's why we have flexible schedules.  So we can be flexible with them should the moment demand it.  Yep that makes sense.  Lots of sense!  I'll be back soon.




you're pulling my leg

    HEY I figured out what I'm really supposed to have for lunch!  2 Eggos and all them Egg Whites.  It's a lot of egg whites!  Nice good lunch.  I like the part where there's blue dots in the eggos.  Reminds me of blueberry.  Delicious.  Also think I figured out Don't Have CCP tonight OR EVER.  I can have Popped Tarts for breakfast if I feel like eating something dumb.  Just go with S&SM for tonight and the next 2 nights.  DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS.  The point is I got delicious and nutritious coffee and granola bar for right now.  Lunch is pretty soon!  LIFE IS LOOKIN' UP!  Big question if this diet schedule pans out is whether I need Final Snack Or Not.  I'm goin' to bed around 11.  There's an after dinner snack at 9.  WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO.  If I can stop eating at 9 that'd be Healthy AS FUCK.  One less snack which is healthy.  They say don't eat before going to bed which is healthy.  NINE O CLOCK WHICH IS HEALTHY.  Huh?
Okay.  Then again the heart wants what the heart wants.  Maybe my heart wants to eat something at 11 PM most days of the week.  Can't deny the heart!  It'll stop working out of spite.  Then where would you be.  DEAD THAT'S WHO.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe I take a Documentary Break and watch a FILM instead.  I like FILMS.  FILMS BACKWARDS IS ALMOST SMILE.  It's also S MILF.  I've given myself a lot to think about.  Anyway.  Even though there's a lot of Egg White I'm totally justified in adding Oh I Don't Know A GRAHAM CRACKER to the lunch.  I could add two if I felt like it!  ONE SHOULD GET THE JOB DONE.  What job.  THE JOB OF MAKING ME HAPPY FOR AN EXTRA 20 SECONDS WITH NO REAL HEALTH OR HUNGER FULFILLMENT PAYOFF.  I dunno about that.  I don't think I'd even be happy for an extra 20 seconds.  Kind of UNHAPPY if anything.  Oh well what can ya do that's life.  What else is life.  That movie.  And then there was another movie.  Possibly even a movie before the original That Movie.
Okay.  Maybe sprinkle some artificial sweetener over the eggs.  Take the edge off from that tiny miniscule amount of BBQ Sauce I poured into the mixture while cooking it.  Look compared to the amount of egg it was a tiny amount.  But this tiny amount makes a BIG difference.  Also I'm dumb so putting AS (Artificial Sweetener) on eggs sounds like it could be good for some reason.  Pretty dumb guy I am today in regards to combining sweetness with savory-ness!  Oh well that's Today For Ya!  Cool.  The point is I ACTUALLY MADE THE EGG WHITES.  Been sitting there since, what, November?  October?  That's a long time ago.  Roughly MONTHS off the top of my head.  Yep those are months.  But how long has it been.  A MATTER OF MONTHS.  Yes this subject matter that we're currently talking about Is Months.  But how long ago were these months IN TIME.  Huh.  What an idiot.  The point is I got Coke Zero this week and not Diet Pepsi.  PROVE ME WRONG.
  Anyway.  Let's call this the penultimate paragraph.  And then write an appropriate amount of paragraphs from this point on such that we were being accurate in retrospect.  Amazing!  Still gotta find out about TV Speakers re: Guitar Lag re: Video Game Program.  I dunno that's a lot of Re:'s.  Not sure if I feel up to getting around to all of those Re:'s.  Oh well for now I get to finish entry, watch FILM for a bit, eat lunch, CONTINUE WATCHING FILM, then take a walk, eat a snack!  THAT SNACK MIGHT BE APPLE.  I finally got Apple!  Not sure I'd in the mood for it today.  Not in the mood for it right now!  But I don't need to be!  I just need to be in the mood for it 3 or 4 hours from now!  Which I may or may not be!  Point is I GOT APPLE AND I'LL TRY IT AT SOME POINT.  So I got that going for me.  Been really enjoying Banana now that I know it's less calorie than I was estimating.  Also DELICIOUS.
Last paragraph.  What have we accomplished today.  Day One of Trying New Routine.  I'm gonna try to start a new routine of trying new routines and give the attempted new routine at least 2 days such that the routine-ness is adequately tested.  Sounds about right.  Also what else is going on.  Here's a problem ya run into when trying a new routine-- you reach the point where it's time to eat and you're like HEY YA KNOW WHAT I CAN WAIT A WHILE.  I'M GONNA WAIT A WHILE BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE GREAT.  But then that ends up biting you in the ass PLUS it means you're testing of the routine is thrown off completely and unrepairably.  So ya CAN'T.  Gotta follow routine no matter how much I'm at 3:00 PM and like I CAN WAIT UNTIL 3:20 PM EASY TO HAVE LUNCH.  TOO BAD EAT LUNCH IT'S 3:00 PM THAT'S THE ROUTINE.  Anyway hey great the entry is over.  Then again 3:15 Lunch SOUNDS LIKE A FAIR COMPROMISE.  Whatta world.  I'll be back tomorrow. [EDITOR'S NOTE-- 3:15 PM IS NO GOOD.  TRY TO STICK TO ROUTINE AND THAT'S THE FINAL WORD BECAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO] <EDITOR TO THE EDITOR'S NOTE-- YA KNOW WHAT 15 MINUTES IN EITHER DIRECTION IS FAIR.  ROUTINE SHOULD BE THUSLY FLEXIBLE.  WE CAN ARGUE WHETHER HALF AN HOUR IN EITHER DIRECTION IS FAIR GAME BUT 15 MINUES SHOULD BE.  AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE BECAUSE STOLE COLD SAID SO?

-1:50 P.M.




Thursday, February 3, 2022

this is taking forever

    Oh I get it.  Hey!  Set out to accomplish three things since last entry.  Find out about speaker/guitar-lag-correcting-- NOPE.  SHOVE-- YUP.  Make egg whites-- NOPE.  One out of three things accomplished.  That's a passing grade!  66%!  I 66% failed not passed.  Open to interpretation!  Anyway ate according to diet yesterday but then ate some during MightNight.  Maybe I gotta start calling it something else.  Since I started saying Mightnight Snacking I've not gotten any better at stopping it.  Time for a new name.  Mood Knit Snacking.  Ok.  Sure.  Let's see if that catches on!  The point is I had delicious a few impulse snacks last afternoon but then made up for it with a delicious impulse Saving half a slice of the sicilian pizza for later.  Anyway.  Got plenty of laundered shirts.  We're talking 10-12!  Well at this point it's 9-11.  Cause I'm wearing one.  Never forget.  Half a slice of sicilian pizza with The Eggplant would be a good brunch to experiment with for today.  YEAH.  Anyway what else is YEAH.
National Food Of The Day is... National Carrot Cake Day.  My first instinct was disgusting.  Then I immediately was like NOW WAIT A SECOND.  It's CAKE.  How bad can it be.  I'd try a Carrot Cake.  I'd try a parrot cake.  We should eat parrots all the time.  That'll SHUT EM UP.  Huh.  Finished Friday 13 Documentary.  Now onto a 2 part over-all 9 hour documentary about 80's horror movies in general.  AMAZING DOCUMENRY.  They go through horror movies chronologically and spend a solid 45 seconds on each one.  Hey this is the title.  This is what happened.  Onto the next movie.  Let's do this for 9 hours.  SPOILER ALERT entertaining enough.  Also a lot of these I haven't seen!  I thought I was seeing All The Horror Movies with Shutter: The Screaming Service.  Nope!  Still a whole lot that are out there in the world that I gotta see.  You know the stuff with special effects and whatnot.  HOW DO THEY DO IT.
Yeah!  Not ahead of schedule today.  We're talkin' took my first walk at 8:30 AM!  Now you know the terrible secret of when I take my walks.  So I don't have to hide it anymore.  Anyway.  Yesterday took penultimate walk about 15 minutes early.  Took ultimate walk about 45 minutes early!  Still working out the kinks.  MAYBE ultimate walk isn't so much aim for 8:30 PM as much as soon after finishing dinner P.M.  I'll definitely keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Definitely HARDCORE.  Anyway.  Looks like I'll have just enough soda to last me through this week of Super Market Delivery.  And way more than enough snapple.  SO even if I run out of soda I got snapple!  YEAH.  Snapple isn't telling me any repeat World Travel Facts but at least it gives me nourishment presumably.  Gotta imagine someone could survive on snapple for a week at least.  I envy them.
Yeah!  Also I'm still getting Pop Tarts but NOT BROWN SUGAR CINNAMON.  I'm able to get them from Other Place where I can get S'mores which is THE BEST FLAVOR so why not get that.  ALSO getting a pack which is a variety of three fruit flavors.  Lemme LTURQ.  Frosted Strawberry, Frosted Blueberry, Frosted Cherry.  OH NO I HAVE SO MUCH VARIETY WHICH WE ALL KNOW IS THE SPICE OF LIFE.  This is gonna be great.  I'm very excited about it is the point.  Also can I secretly have a lunch or something of 3.5 pop tarts without my parents catching wind of it?  Possibly!  It all depends on if catching wind is actually a phrase or not.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP IT EXISTS.  So there's that.  Anyway.  One positive diet thing is I'm dropping down from my Dad's somewhat more relatively more indulgent ice cream sandwich back to the ice cream sandwich/bars I'd been getting for months.  We're talking DOWN TO 100 CALORIES ON AVERAGE INSTEAD OF 150.  We all have to make sacrificies.  Probably.  Once we make Sacrificies a word we all have to do it.  Thems the breaks!
     Okay.  What else is going on in the wide world of sports.  I feel like there's been progress made between MLB Owners and players.  I am basing this on reading either 2 headlines or maybe 1 paragraph total somewhere.  They're MEETING with each other at an accelerated rate!  First they went a month or two without meeting.  Then they met once.  Then they met again 2 weeks later.  Now they're meeting for the twice or third time in a week!  SOUNDS GREAT I'M FEELING GOOD ABOUT IT.  Anyway.  What other kind of dumb meals would I be having if there was no one to judge me.  Obviously a 3-4 pop tart meal would be great.  Hmm.  I shouldn't bother thinking about it.  It would just make me sad that I can't do it.  Look I can do it.  Dinner would be a bit trickier to hide from my parents what I'm doing for it but lunch is possible.  WAIT A SECOND.  YEAH.  I REALLY CAN DO THIS ONE DAY FOR LUNCH.  Gonna have to SERIOUSLY consider that.  Also 3.5 pop tarts is the way to go, right?  That's in the calorie range I aim for for lunches.
     Amazing.  That CAN HAPPEN.  I can eat 3.5 pop tarts in a row and it would be totally fine!  Ugh.  Let's move on.  Otherwise I'd be thinking about this all day.  Anyway gonna pour coffee after this paragraph.  Into a mug!  Not just on the floor.  That wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.  Look lets try to avoid the 3.5 pop tart experience.  And if I MUST do it lets set it up some time in the future where I can look forward to it and really prepare mentally and physically to endure such an experience.  What else is up.  Gonna have to think about that.  Not a lot is up.  Anyway they're banning books in places.  Maybe I should start reading books.  Presumably starting with 2nd half of Carrie Brownenstein book.  I liked that book.  But I just finished one session of reading 30 or so pages and then never returned somehow for some reason.  I don't remember anything specifically turning me off.  Hmm.  Not a bad idea.  Also relatively likely I can trick myself into doing it!
    YEAH.  I don't wanna have pop tarts for lunch.  I wanna have poptarts for DINNER.  Wait no I don't.  I wanna have pop tarts inbetween lunch and dinner.  I can SKIP a lunch or dinner to make up for it.  But I want it to be in the mid to late afternoon for some reason.  Can't argue with that.  Hmm.  Got coffee going!  Delicious.  This leftover pizza with The Eggplant is probably close to 2/3rds a slice than half.  Not sure if I'm in the mood for such a hearty brunch today.  Still got time to think about it!  Anyway.  Doing some deep thinking about ice cream products.  Mini indulgent products, specifically.  Right now I'm not adding any of them to any cart but the temptation is there!  Also what was the first temptation of Christ through the penultimate temptation of Christ.  Also  the last one.  All I know is the title of that production.  Dunno what it actually was about.  The point is I guess I don't know much about Christ.  GOOD.  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.
Anyway.  So far the last few days I've been pretty good about holding in urine.  No Going Into Bathrooms over the past few days and CERTAINLY no peeing my pants.  Let's see how long I can keep that up.  Seems like the longer I can go without peeing my pants the better.  Those are my general thoughts on that matter.  Also sure I've thought metaphorically about what kind of guy pees his pants.  Not a guy whose got it all together!  Oh well that's life.  The body wants what the body wants.  And my body wants to urinate uncontrollably all the time.  It's not GOOD and it's not BAD.  It just IS.  I gotta add ONE of these mini indulgent ice cream enterprises.  I can imagine myself eating them responsibly.  Can also theoretically imagine eating them irresponsibly.  DAMNIT THIS IS A TOUGH ONE!!
    Cool.  Nonth paragraph.
  Nonth.  I like that word!  Let's keep it going.  Maybe do Baseball Draft today.  I can do some research and whatnot and then do draft.  Not sure.  I feel like I know enough that I'm not  gonna be the dumbest person in the draft.  But I'm certainly not on the up and up anywhere near completely.  Good.  Fair!  I'm starting out in the middle of the pack anything can happen.  I know probably less than the median drafter but I'm CLEVER and SMART in GENERAL so that helps make up for it a bit.  Hey I bet the next act of the entry will be halfway worthwhile.  Less than the median worthwhile but I'll be clever and smart about it in GENERAL.  What else is up and crap.  I dunno.  Guess I got more Horror Documentary to watch.  This is like those VH1 Shows with the talking heads presumably heavily featuring Doug Benson.  It's fine but it's not a great in depth documentary.  Also I haven't seen Doug Benson yet!  Either in this documentary or In Person.  Hmm.
Anyway.  10th paragraph!  After this one I'm legally allowed to take a walk and whatnot.  Also even if I don't finish this one, I'm legally allowed to take a walk at 10:30 AM anyway because That's The Schedule.  YEAH.  Right now getting one indulgent ice cream thing I shouldn't be getting.  We're talking a KLONDIKE BAR which is a nice indulgent brand but this is relatively low in calorie and No Added Sugar.  WOW.  I'll probably have some feelings about this once I try it.  Either positive or negative!  Or probably somewhere in the median.  Huh.  Today is up to the mid 40's.  In temperature.  Presumably Farenheit.  By which I presumably mean Fahrenheit.  Anyway.  Probably gonna get one of the following -- Super Market Made graham crackers, mini chocolate chip cookies, or mini black and whites.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.  I'd flip a coin but you try finding a coin with three sides genius.  Hmm genius idea.  Coin with three sides. Nah that would never work.  Still though pretty outside the box!  Yes because it would never work.  GENIUS.  I'll be back soon.  Spoiler alert I deleted Klondike Thing.  I want ice cream sandwich.  This was more of a sandwich shaped BAR.  With chocolate candyish coating an not sandwichish outside.  NO THANKS.  Be back soon.




really that's okay

    Oh I get it.  Hey what's going on and crap.  Took a shower and crap.  Started a new bottle of shampoo.  We're talkin' we got a six pack of shampoo and I started I of VI.  WOW.  These six will last me about two years.  I gotta remember today as it is a big day in my life because of this.  Huh.  Put in Amazon Fresh order without any indulgant mini ice creams.  Just a regular non-indulgant-but-delicious ice cream!  Probably not exactly ice cream.  It's an Ice Product made of Creamish Materials.  But still good!  The point is I used Starbucks bathroom past walk and I'm not happy about it.  As I was approaching bathroom two teenagers of opposite sex presumably came out of it laughing.  Not sure what they were up to in there.  But whatever it was I'm sure Spreading Covid was part of it.  They were wearing masks.  But that might have just been to Hide Their Shame.  Either way Works For Me!  Huh.  I was already there.  I went into the bathroom anyway.  Too late.  Pot committed to doing this at this point!  Time to get coffee after next paragraph.
    Sure!  Gonna get a mini ice cream sandwich with coffee.  Delicious!  Gonna finish Chipotle for lunch.  Amazing.  Gonna have herbed chicken with some sweet potatoe and broccoli for dinner.  Fasicnating!  Gonna do other stuff presumably over the course o the day.  Outstanding!  OH I KNOW.  Have a banana.  That's great.  Oh boy.  That's an Afternoon snack.  I suppose you can easily have it in the morning.  Even in the evening.  But for me, you're having a banana, you're aiming for the afternoon.  Where your parents are most likely to be around.  Which is important because you wanna make sure it's okay with them you're having a banana.  Because there's only a limitted amount!  And also to impress the that you're eating fruit.  At this point it doesn't impress them they're used to it.  And also at this point they know that I'm having bananas relatively often so they planned accordingly when buying Bunches Of Bananas.  Still though Afternoon just WORKS.
    Yeah!  LOOK am I okay with spending most of the day watching Horror Documentary?  Sure!  But I think I wanna watch a nice FILM FILM when the entry is over.  Some real nice entertainment.  Presumably there's films out there to watch.  I wanna see one of them!  I don't think that's asking too much.  Anyway ice cream sandwich NOW, coffee after this paragraph.  Delicious.  I'm not getting Fresh Direct Graham Crackers, Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies, OR Mini Black and whites.  I'm getting STELLA DORO BREAKFAT COOKIES FROM AMAZON FRESH.  Similar thing in terms of size and calories and Being A Cookie More Or Less.  Never got these before.  But I love cookies for breakfast and now you're telling me there's a cookie DESIGNED for breakfast?  And it's DESIGNED for you to have 2-4?  PERECT.  Sign me up.  I've been seeing this for months but they never have it in stock when we put in order.  I THINK THIS TIME I'M GETTING IT FOR REAL.
     Wow!  I finished that paragraph too quickly.  Now I have to write another one without coffee yet.  I guess I just got excited about Breakfast Cookies.  Look does that mean they'll probably be pretty bland?  Maybe!  Maybe I like a pretty bland cookie.  Don't tell me what kind of cookies I can and cannot like.  If anything it'll only drive me towards the cookies you're telling me not to like.  THEN AGAIN you might be consciously using reverse psychology on me!  In which case I'm Helpless You Win. Ya got me!  Huh.  I'm giving myself one more day to try to make the eggs.  They expired today.  HMM.  Maybe I should make them today-- easier to motivate myself not first thing in morning-- and also this way I JUST MAKE THE EXPIRATION DATE TOO.  And then just heat it up tomorrow.  YEAH.  Let's do that.  Presumably.  Let's do lots of things and that's one of the presumable things that should be done.  Coffee time!
    I RESERVE THE RIGHT to change the order of what I'm having for lunch and/or dinner.  However I think I'm pretty much 98.75% definitely going to have those two things for upcoming two meals in SOME order.  YEAH.  SOME LESS THAN 100% DEFINITE.  THAT'S GOOD MATH ENGLISH.  What else is up.  Fifth paragraph of the act.  I guess.  HEY new film on Shutter: The Streaming Service available.  I can watch that directly after entry.  With Lunch!  And then with Afternoon Free Time!  WOW I gotta plan.  That'll get me solidly deep into Almost Time To Have A Banana Time.  I'm a little concerned I won't be able to identify which fruit flavor of Poptart I'm opening.  Pop tarts come in sleeves of two at a time.  And the sleeves are universal regardless of flavor.  I'm gonna have to open them all to see what I'm dealing with!  And that's even assuming I can tell based on looking at the outside frosting.  I feel like the outside frosting is universal for these fruit flavors at least BUT there may be some clues in terms of colored faux-sprinkles or something.  Either way can always rip em open to see the flavor inside.  That's a worst case scenario though.
Actually a worst case scenario is never having a pop tart again.  Or a best case scenario.  I can't tell.  What else is up  JUST LOOKED AT PICTURE ON BOX.  Frosted Cherry is pretty distinct.  Frosted Strawberry and Frosted Blueberry look very similar but I think I can tell some slight difference.  Oddly the inside looks the same.  GO FIGURE.  Also boxes could be lying.  There's no oversight in this country on whether boxes are lying to us or not.  We have no system in place to hold boxes accountable for telling truthes.  Hmm.  Anyway.  All I know for baseball draft is if possible overdraft Mets Players.  I wanna root for them already.  Now I'm rooting for them even more!  FIRST THINGS FIRST lets see if baseball happens this year.  That can't be a first things first.  We may not know for DAYS if not SEVERAL DAYS OF DAYS.  I need to do a draft ASAP.  No I don't.  The point is Hey One Or Two More Paragraphs This Act.
     What else is up.  Probably things and crap.  Dunno whether to get healthy deli meat for making sandwichcentric meals over the next two weeks or unhealthy.  I've been getting healthy turkey and ham the last 2 or 3 deli meat purchases.  NOW'S THE TIME to get Corned Beef or Pastrami to mix things up.  OR IS IT.  This is the dilemma I'm facing this Noontime Period of 8 hours in either direction of Noon.  What else is going on.  Didn't smell drugs when I went into bathroom.  So the masked teenagers weren't doing Smelling Drugs.  What smells other than marijuana.  Hmm.  I feel like I could smell alcohol if they poured it all over the place just to get in the spirit of things.  Off the top of my head I'm sure there's other drugs I could smell but I can't think right now.  Of them.  I can think of other things.  To some extent!  I'll be back in a little bit.




i'm all good for now

    Oh I get it.  Hey!  Time to write the last few paragraphs of the entry.  It's great because I'm already looking forward to The Next Thing which is lunch and/or watching Documentary.  YES I identified a movie to watch next but I think I'm gonna watch some documentary while decompressing from Entry and/or Eating Lunch.  Prove me wrong!  Also you KNOW you're gonna be writing good stuff when your mind is already elsewhere.  That's just math.  Chipotle for lunch!  That's just math.  Also math was involved in determining these portions.  Not sure how much I have left exactly.  But the premise was going into it it'd be roughly 2/3rds what they gave me for a single bowl.  DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS.  And filling!  ALL THEM PINTO BEANS.  BEAN IS GOOD FOR FILLINGS.  Both in terms of burrito bowl filling and Fillings You Up.  I don't think I have any teeth fillings.  ONLY A MATTER OF TIME THOUGH.
Sure.  Not sure what the purpose of Gold Teeth is.  Why flaunt your gold.  You're just asking for someone to reach in your mouth and steel your Valuable Teeth.  Maybe for whatever reason Gold is great for teeth.  It's for CHEWING and PRACTICAL purposes not for aesthetic ones.  Hmm.  Gonna have to look into that at some point.  Also if you lose a gold tooth does the tooth fairy give you something of equal or greater value?  Seems like that'd only be fair.  But I don't think that'll happen.  I think Tooth Fairy will take it as a Rare Win and come out of this situation better off than before.  Maybe that's what funds the tooth fairy in general.  It affords tiny tiny amounts of gifts for kids losing baby teeth by the Rare Win of getting someone's gold teeth.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  If I deem remaining Chipotle as not enough, I shall add some Bite Size Tortilla Chips to the mix.  Sounds fair.
Okay.  GREAT we didn't get the order in on time and now Breakfast Cookies are out of stock.  Well I guess I'll add Graham Crackers to OTHER order as a fair substitute.  Maybe it's for the best.  I'll never know because I'll never eat these breakfast cookies at this rate.  Dangit.  What else is going on and crap.  Drinking coffee with this act.  That's not a given!  Nothing is a given at this point!  Only givens are the 5 walks roughly around the same time.  As well as a breakfast, lunch, and dinner at some point of something.  And I will eat other things throughout the day to varying degrees of Healthitude.  Also get a good amount of sleep each night Amountwise.  That sounds like that's about it.  Oh well.  Not so bad.  I got a lot of things to count on in there.  Solidly 8 or 10 things that I can roughly rely on to some degree.  WOW we're talking more than half a dozen almost definitely.  If I say 8 or 10 things I feel like the lowest amount of things that could actually be is six.  Anything less than six and I'm way off by saying 8 or 10.
     Yeah!  Fourth paragraph of the act!  Pretty good shot I settle into a diet where I stop overeating completely and either maintain where I'm at almost exactly or maintain where I'm at almost exactly AND lose a pound or two.  EITHER ONE IS FINE WITH ME.  So I got that going for me.  Will I settle on having Pop Tart Brunches?  Most likely I SHOULDN'T.  But maybe I CAN and it WORKS.  But it probably WON'T and even if it did probably NOT HEALTHY.  However maybe it motivates me to eat HEALTHY BREAKFAST so it is HEALTHY.  Also I LOST track of which word TO capitalize.  Anyway getting close to ending the entry.  Then take some time to decompress and put on Documentary.  THEN eat lunch after However Long It Takes To Decompress I Dunno This Is All New To Me Today.  Kinda similar to yesterday.  Which was pretty similar to the day before.  But not quite exactly the same thing.
     Last paragraph of the day!  Amazing.  One day I'll get a Breakfast Cookie.  Not today.  Maybe tomorrow.  No not tomorrow either.  Maybe some time next month.  That sounds reasonable.  What else is going on.  FORGET GRAHAM CRACKERS.  Replacing Stella Doro Breakfast Cookies with Stella Doro ASSORTED cookies.  These cookies look delicious and indulgent and for the most part I should avoid getting that kind of thing but I'm thinkin hey I could have like 8 of these as a breakfast.  8 is a big number.  They're all relatively small but 8 of anything is PRETTY GOOD.  HEY GREAT NEWS.  I never actually added the graham crackers to The Other Order.  So I don't need to delete them!  WOW that saves me a lot of time.  That I already Spent And Then Some writing these sentences.  So I got that going for me.  The point is hey the entry is over in let's say three sentences.  Lunch in let's say 30-60 minutes.  Half Sicilian Slice With The Eggplant in Let's Say Possibly 21 or 22 hours if I decide to go in that direction.  Hey great I'll be back tomorrow.

-1:26 P.M.




Wednesday, February 2, 2022

how do i do it

    Hello friends.  Wide world of sports!  What's going on today.  NOTHING.  Today just started.  OKAY THEN GENIUS what's going on yesterday.  GLAD YOU ASKED.  Also I am talking to myself but not being consistent with who is in italics and who isn't.  The point is kept to my diet and schedule yesterday!  Really tough in the middle of the day.  When I SHOULD have been circlewalking.  But I resisted binging and then later in the day wasn't so bad.  Ate 100 calories of MightNight snacking but that isn't so bad.  Also ate too much MICROSNACKS over the day but that can be course-corrected.  The point is the WALKING SCHEDULE WAS AMAZING.  I think we got a winner!  We're talkin I wake up at around 8:00 AM.  Walks at 8:30, 10:30, 12:30, 4:30, and 8:30!  I feel confident this schedule will stick so I'm letting you in on it.  Also I give myself a 15-30 minute window either way in terms of when to take the walk.  But mostly try to stay exact.  FOR FUN.
     Sure.  NOW YOU KNOW THE AWFUL TRUTH OF WHEN I TAKE MY WALKS.  Each walk is 25-30 minutes long.  NOW YOU KNOW THE AWFUL TRUTH OF HOW LONG MY WALKS ARE.  You already knew that.  I've mentioned it before.  And I assume you remember everything I say.  I hope not.  I Myself remember maybe .5% of things I say.  Which is for the best.  Because only .25% of the things I say are worth remembering.  AND A LOT OF THAT I DON'T REMEMBER.  Huh.  National Food Of The Day is.. Crepe Day, National Heavenly Hash Day, and National Tater Tot Day.  Let's work backwards.  Tater Tots are amazing.  When I was a kid I was grossed out by them for some reason.  I liked Frenched Fries and whatnot.  But if I get HOT LUNCH with tater tots in elementary school I don't like it.  Then at some point I grew up and realized oh these are actually great.  TATER TOT IMPRESSION STORY DOWN.  Heavenly Hash Day.  Well I don't know what that means.  No one knows what it means.  It means nothing!  Better LTURQ what it means.  Some sort of weird dessert combining a lot of things.  NO THANKS.  YOU LOST ME AT HEAVENLY.  You found me at Hash.  Then you LOST ME AGAIN when I realized it's not hash browns based.  Anyway Crepe Day.  Great.  Freedom... what's a Crepe exactly?  Oh.  Okay.  Freedom Pancakes.  Well now I'm on board with trying that for sure.
What else is up.  Unhealthy breakfast today!  Granola bar and ice cream sandwich.  DELICIOUS but unhealthy.  Any breakfast is healthy.  That's the impression I got when I first started eating breakfast.  Just eating SOMETHIN is better than NOTHIN.  May or may not be accurate.  Probably 80% accurate.  Just don't eat something REALLY bad or REALLY too much.  A Granola bar and a low calorie ice cream sandwich for breakfast probably IS better than nothing.  AND YOU ALL DOUBTED ME.  Huh.  What's going on.  Talked about nothing for 2.5 paragraphs.  Time to get into SOMETHING.  WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS.  ADDED GRAHAM CRACKERS TO SUPER MARKET ORDER.  That qualifies as something somehow.  What else.  ALMOST DONE WITH FRIDAY THE 13TH DOCUMENTARY!!!  Six hours down, 40 minutes to go.  I like the part where I'm starting to get the appeal of the franchise.  I still don't like it.  But I sort of get it now better than I did before.
    WONDERFUL.  We need to learn to be accepting and welcoming of other people's impressions re: Horror Movie Franchises.  I don't know WHY.  Seems like it couldn't hurt, though.  Maybe lean into having unhealthy breakfast and just get croissants.  I wanna see what their croissants are like.  If I could just get 1 that'd be a no brainer.  Gotta get 4.  That's a brainer.  DAMNIT I HATE BRAINERS.  I hate lots of things and brainers is one of them!  I COULD ALSO GET CHOCOLATE CROISSANT.  They say it's only 20 calories more than regular!  Why would they lie?  So we would buy more products from them through their deceit?  THAT MAKES SENSE.  DAMNIT WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO.  Maybe ask my Mom and/or my Dad if they would be interested in trying 1 of these.  Then it's down to only THREE I gotta eat.  Wasn't I gonna start talking about Something a paragraph and a half ago.  Oh well live and learn.
     Sure.  Could always cut croissants into halves.  Or thirds!  Or just THROW EM OUT DISCREETLY.  The balls are in my scrotum.  I dunno.  AM I COMFORTABLE WITH YOU KNOWING MY WALKING SCHEDULE.  I dunno.  Part of it is uncomfortable because now you know when I'm not home and can come and rape my parents.  Part of it is some things are better left to the imagination.  Part of it is I could very very easily decide that this isn't the ultimate best schedule so it becomes erroneous to say.  HOWEVER part of it is I'M PROUD OF THIS WALKING SCHEDULE AND I WANT TO SHARE MY PRIDE AND JOY WITH THE WORLD.  You are the world.  Not you specifically.  You IN GENERAL.  Huh.  Get coffee after next paragraph.  Wonderful!  Got part III of III of Chipotle for lunch.  Probably WILDCARD DINNER for dinner.  Some sort of delivery.  I HOPE IT'S PIZZA.  I like the part where I'll eat it fresh tonight as a change.
Sure!  Wonder how this afternoon will go.  Wonder how ALL afternoons will go.  Well specifically this one for now.  Huh.  DAMNIT still gotta contact You Be Soft about potential speakers working with guitar program.  UNLESS I can outsource that responsibility to one of you.  What's the point.  It'd take 20 times as long figuring out how to do that than just doing the original job myself.  STILL THOUGH it gets you involved.  What fun for you and whatnot!  Anyway.  GOOD NEWS.  Been overestimating how big bananas are.  I always looked t bananas we got and was like well these are all extra large.  Super large bananas meaning the most amount of calories.  Yesterday I took a ruler to what I assumed was an extra large banana.  THIS IS A MEDIUM TO LARGE BANANA BY SCIENTIFIC MEASURING INCHES.  Roughly 15-25 less calories than I thought PER BANANA.  Could be a game changer!  Anyway I chose not to eat the peel.  Live and let die!
    What else.  I bingewatched most of the Friday The XIII's some time last year and while watching this documentary they show all the clips for all the movies and I didn't remember a single scene.  It was ALL new to me.  I WATCHED MOST OF THESE MOVIES.  Okay fine 5-10% seemed familiar.  Let's be fair.  Okay what else is going on.  Got coffee.  Delicious!  Look if you wanted to rape my parents even while I was home I dunno if I could stop you.  Depends on a potential elderly parent rapist-by-potential elderly parent rapist basis!  Anyway.  Successfully stopped taking meticulous count of calories consumed and/or times of day I was eating.  Either on EXCEL or in SPIRAL NOTEBOOK.  For close to a week I've just been winging it!  Keeping rough track in my head SURE.  SURE.  Sure.
Okay.  HEY Fantasy Baseball is back on YAHOO.  I can do a draft!  Wonderful.  I'll do that.  Probably.  And with the premise that I will actually follow the league and not just do drafting for no reason.  Maybe do TWO leagues this year.  One drafted some time soon.  One drafted right before season.  TWO LEAGUES.  This could be a game changer.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Not a great entry so far!  Not a Better Than Great, either!  I didn't mean to get your hopes up.  You may have been like it's not great BECAUSE IT'S BETTER THAN GREAT?!?!?  WRONG.  Not great because It's No Good.  Huh.  Eighth paragraph.  Wonderful.  You're welcome to try a similar walking schedule to me.  I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how great I am at making universal walking schedules.  Ugh. 
     Yeah!  Lunch is presumably within an hour or two of getting home from third walk, which since I started this has usually been about 15 minutes ahead of schedule.  Dinner is presumably within an hour or two before taking final walk.  NOW YOU KNOW EVEN MORE THINGS.  Probably coulda guessed those things yourself.  But YOU DIDN'T.  Also Breakfast is BEFORE WALK 1!!!  WHAT A NOVEL IDEA.  Anyway.  What are the odds I've had covid.  That's something I've been thinking about while trying to justify going into Starbucks Bathrooms.  Gotta be at least a double digit chance I've had covid, right?  So using the bathroom is a NO BRAINER.  Oh well no way of knowing.  Is there?  I dunno.  I know there are covid tests.  If you currently have covid.  I don't think there's a have-you-ever-had-covid test.  Sounds like something I should LURQ.  HMM Maybe that test does exist.  Glad we finally settled that once and for all.
Sure.  Very much ahead of schedule today.  We're talkin I started my first walk at 8:05 AM!!?!!?!?!  Oh no I'm scared.  And I already usually get around to finishing Acts of Entry with time to spare before the walk which would follow it.  Oh no I'm scared.  Scared easily is the point.  10th paragraph.  Hey a Democratic Senator had a stroke!  That's not good.  The only strokes that are good are the ones that play Last Nite.  Sure WE KNOW that it's spelled Night but THEY DON'T.  Maybe they meant to say Knight.  Maybe lots of things.  We don't have all the details as of now.  Seems like we should be getting those details soon.  Song has been around for 20 years.  Wow.  Anyway I wish that Stroke Senator all the best.  I'll donate three Chocolate Croissants to his recovery.  JUST TAKE EM I DON'T WANT EM.
What else.  Maybe learn this Stroke Senator's name.  I owe him that much!  Let's LTURQ.  GOOGLE "STROKE SENATOR."  Ben Ray Lujan.  GOOD NAME.  I gotta remember that one.  Very solid name.  Also He Is Of New Mexico.  I guess that's a pretty good name for a state.  I could think of worse state names.  Anyway.  11th paragraph!  I told my dad about today being 2/2/22 and in 200 years it being 2/2/2222.  He was more interested in countering with what about when it's 2/3/45?  Not sure why he cares about that.  Who cares about that date.  It's dumb!  I don't care about it.  Also what about in 200 years and 20 days.  Seems like we should hold out a solid Almost 3 Week Period to get even another 2.  Makes sense to me.  Now we play the waiting game.  Sure I THOUGHT pizza sounded like the ideal dinner for tonight but have I heard the good news about Getting An Appetizer Sampler?  Also look we've all had these appetizers before.  We're not SAMPLING anything like it was for the first time!  No one is getting an appetizer sampler and is like I WONDER WHAT CHICKEN FINGERS ARE LIKE.
     Anyway.  Guess I'll take a walk after this paragraph.  Might be slightly MORE than half an hour ahead of walk.  Oh well FLEXIBILITY.  Also I can draw things out just an extra minute or two so it's just about half an hour.  PERECT.  It looks like Ben Ray Lujan is gonna be okay but that's also what they would say if he wasn't gonna be okay!  I choose to trust them though.  For now!  What else is up.  BEN RAY LUJAN IS A COMBINATION OF SAR WARS NAME.  Ben is someone.  Ray is someone.  HAN IS SOMEONE.  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN NEW MEXICO.  Is Lou anyone in Starbucks.  By which I mean Star Wars.  Cause IF THERE IS A LOU... better LTURQ.  OH RIGHT LUE..KE.  Kind of an idiot for not seeing that right away.  Anyway WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN NEW MEXICO?!?!  Also I believe Star Wars takes place in New Mexico.  At the beginning of the movie there's the introduction summary A LONG LONG TIME AGO, IN NEW MEXICO...  Anyway I'm gonna take a walk now.  Be back soon.




actually that sounds great

    Hey!  My carton of egg whites expires tomorrow.  Figure I'll make the 4/5ths of it I have left with a bagel for lunch today.  Also think I'm gonna lobby for PIZZA for tonight and not DINER.  Pizza is one meal.  Appetizer Sampler bleeds into two meals.  I don't wanna commit to having 2 meals.  So that's that.  THEN AGAIN I reserve the right to change my mind.  I reserve all sorts of rights.  Why are you trying to take my rights away.  What's your problem with my right to change my mind re: Unhealthy BUT REASONABLE PORTIONS of Dinners.  Anyway having delicious Fiber One Brownie right now.  The more indulgent kind!  Most of em are 70 calories.  THIS ONE IS  130.  LET'S GO CRAZY WITH IT WHY NOT.  NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH BAGEL FOR LUNCH WHY NOT.  I've been very upfront with fantastisizing about just ripping into a plain bagel untoasted and uncut.  NOW's my chance to live out the fantastasy!  Sounds great.  SIGN ME UP.
Okay.  I should sign myself up.  Dunno why I'm outsourcing this to you.  The point is lunch will presumably follow entry.  I like those odds!  There's more Shutter: The Screaming Service documentaries I can watch.  Some of them with subject matter I'm invested in.  Hey some of these films I ENJOYED.  Gotta imagine that'd be exponentially more entertaining.  Not really.  I don't see how exponents are getting involved.  I guess it's possible.  I spoke too soon.  At first I spoke too soon talking about exponents.  Then I spoke to soon negating my talk about exponents.  Now I don't know what to do or think about anything.  Oh well that's life.  Coffee after this paragraph.  Also what else is going on.  HEY  Wednesday.  That's the day I shave.  Could be any time of day.  Could be soon.  Could be later.  Could be later than the later I was previously considering which in retrospect wasn't the latest that it could potentially be.  Well that's one way to end a paragraph so I can get to coffee.
Hey this can be a nice general thing I go through each day.  Gotta get entry done quick so I can get to lunch lol lunch is the best right gotta get to lunch.  Also I can have lunch with the Act III of entry but WHY.  Makes more sense to have something to look forward to.  Also if I'm cooking eggs that clunks up the entire enterprise.  Best to wait until entry is over.  IT'S LIKE HAVING A JOB YOU IDIOTS.  Sort of.  Anyway what else is going on sort of.  Mom agreed to Launder 10-12 of m yshirts.  Which is great because I have Zero clean shirts left.  Which rounds down to Zero.  Huh.  Let's see what Whoopi Goldberg said.  About the Holocaust. That got her in trouble.  Not EVERYTHING she's ever said.  That'd take forever!  Lemme LTURQ.  Said it wasn't about race.  Said it was white people versus white people.  I THINK SHE'S WRONG.  I CHALLENGE HER TO A LINCOLN/DOUGLAS STYLE DEBATE.  I WIN.  She already recanted and disowned her statements.  I AM THE DEBATE CHAMPION!
  I CAN GET SICILIAN STYLE PIZZA.  I like it as a mix-em-up my entire life but the last few years it effected me that each slice was probably generally depending on where you get it from 15-50 calories more than a regular slice.  YA KENO WHAT?  I'M GONNA THROW CAUTION TO THE WIND.  Now caution is THE WIND'S problem.  Also I feel like this specific Pizza Place, Sicilians are kinda smallish.  I wouldn't be surprised if they're no more calories than the regular slices at all!  DELICIOUS.  RECTANGLES.  As a mix-em-up!  I THINK AS A CONSEQUENCE WHOOPI MUST CHANGE HER LAST NAME FROM GOLDBERG TO SOMETHING MORE ANGLO.  It's the only way she'll ever learn.  What else is going on.  Although lets be honest if Whoopi was changing her name she should probably start with Whoopi.  Anyway.  Fourth paragraph of Act II.  That's interesting.  It's fun to keep track of things.  Dunno what else to do with my time other than Keep Track.  Is it problematic to say I've never understood the appeal of Whoopi Goldberg?  I feel like everything is problematic.  Most of all This.
     Huh.  I like shopping for apples where there's THIS KIND OF APPLES and then right next to it there's ORGANIC THIS KIND OF APPLES.  Well this is a no brainer.  I'm gonna get the organic.  I have no idea what it means or why its better.  But I'm 100% sure it IS better and only an idiot is looking at apples and is like HMM  Organic... Not organic... Organic... Not org... I'M GONNA WITH THE NOT ORGANIC.  Unless the not organic is a dollar cheaper.  In which case you're probably smarter than the rest of us saving that dollar.  WE'RE the idiots blowing our dollars on, "Organic," things.  Anyway what else is up.  I feel like I could experiment having third cup of coffee WITH lunch today.  Bagel and eggs?  I can see having a cup of coffee with that as a lunch.  Definitely if it was a breakfast.  That makes all the sense in the world.  If I transpose all the same things onto lunch suddenly it's questionable but still probably definitely okay.  I don't wanna do that.  But I wanna have THE RIGHT to do that.  STOP Telling ME WHEN AND WHERE TO DRINK MY THIRD CUPS OF COFFEES.
Okay.  THE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM IS NOW THE WASHINGTON COMMANDERS.  Not sure how I feel about that.  Oh, wait, I know.  I hardly care at all.  I want to care.  I wish I cared.  But I don't!  Anyway.  Kinda too reminiscent of Washington Generals.  Generals can be commanders.  And commanders can be generals.  That's my input.  HMM.  What if I had healthy breakfast.  But single snack between breakfast and lunch.  And it's a Fuckin POP TART.  I've considered this on and off in the past as a random consideration and not something I spent too much time on.  Right now it POPPED into my head and excited me.  I can't tell you every single consideration that comes to me.  I told you the walks.  I told you the wide time frame for lunches and dinners.  That's enough for now!  I'll get around to giving you more updates as things settle but for now just be happy with what you already got outta me for today!
     Wonderfu.  L.  I dunno.  Seventh paragraph of the act.  Maybe the final one!  Which is good because I could use a break.  I'm burnt out on all these paragraphs I'm vaguely writing.  I'm not ready to do a Fantasy Baseball Draft today.  Too short notice.  I just learned hours ago it was even a possibility.  I need A WEEK or so to fully process this.  Anyway what else is going on.  I dunno.  Spent 10 minutes going down a rabbit hole of IF I DID HAVE STANDARD POP TART BETWEEN BREAKFAST AND LUNCH WHAT WOULD THAT ENTAIL FOR THE REST OF MY DAY.  This is how I spend my time.  My body, my choice!  Anyway.  Gonna take a walk in just a few sentences.  Looking forward to finishing this carton of egg whites.  Looking forward to eating bagel.  Looking forward to that's about it for now.  But there's not necessarily much I'm dreading either.  So ya take what you can get.  I'll be back in a little bit!




don't you think so

    HEY!  I think I'm gonna try once more to make the egg whites for breakfast.  They expire tomorrow.  Tomorrow is tomorrow.  They're ok for tomorrow!  Gonna make em with the bagel and divide it into TWO instead of dividing it into ONE.  This way I can finish off my SandwichCentric Materials for the week.  Finish off the turkey and ham and combine them into some sort of super sandwich.  Eat the penultimate Bread Pita Thins I have.  ALRIGHT.  Now we're talking!  We were talking before but now we're REALLY talking!  I'd be very excited to see if a Pop Tart Brunch is feasible tomorrow-- but I have no pop tarts.  I won't until FRIDAY.  In which case they may arrive AFTER BRUNCH TIME.  WELL THIS IS GREAT JUST GREAT.  I HAVE TO WAIT A COUPLE OF DAYS TO TRY HAVING A POP TART BRUNCH.  WHERE IS JUSTICE IN THIS WORLD.
Coffee after this paragraph!  LOOK I loved the bread thing I got for sandwiches but I'm gonna go back to white bread for the next 2 weeksworth of sandwich bread.  I like mixing things up.  Can't get too attached to one kind of Outer Layer Of Sandwiches.  That's my general philosophy on life.  Also WHY NOT.  Makes sense to me.  Think I'm gonna save coffee for later.  Makes sense to me.  Maybe that'll make Afternoon Easier.  Get some coffee in me.  See what happens.  My best guess is it will somehow impact me physiologically to some pretty small but vaguely somewhat relevant degree.  That's life for ya.  Everything ya do!  IMPACTS YA to some pretty small but vaguely somewhat relevant degree.  All them things add up and suddenly everything ya do is impacting you a lot!  Makes sense to me.  Guess what I gotta decide on delicious sides to sandwichcentric meal.  This is a tough one!  Gotta lotta wiggle room for sides in calories.  Hmm.
Hmm.  What else is up.  Whole day ahead of me!  Off the top of my head finish watching the Friday 13 Documentary.  Which is relevant because roughly 6 or 8 times throughout the franchise someone gets their head chopped off.  That's an accurate estimate.  I didn't lowball it and I'm not exaggerating it.  I believe someone getting their head lopped off somehow happens around 6-8 times.  Which is relevant because my Mom told me to bring down 10-12 shirts for laundry.  Which is a very similar number and the exact same RANGE of numbers-- THREE.  What else is going on.  Not sure if I'm wearing my current shirt backwards or not.  Pretty comfortable saying its not inside out.  But there's no clue as to which side of this shirt is the front and which side is the back.  Usually ya got several clues.  I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS ONE.
     What else is up.  HMM just had a good idea for Side(s) for sandwich.  This one is SO CRAZY it just might work.  It's no crazier than any other idea I came up with.  Totally reasonable.  But it's crazy in the sense that it makes a lot of sense.  Most ideas I come up with make no sense.  So when something does make sense it seems crazy at first!  Huh.  23rd paragraph overall.  Figure 25 is the thing to aim for.  Figure lots of things.  That's one of 'em!  What else do I figure?  Gotta keep reading to find out!  Hmm.  Maybe I should experiment with heating up deli meat.  I've hate up deli meat in the past sure.  But not the last few times.  INTERESTING.  VERY INTERESTING.  I'm interested!  But then again it effects me greatly.  You probably aren't interested because it doesn't impact your life nearly as much as it impacts mine.  Fine.  Great.  Get off my website if you have a problem with it.
Penultimate paragraph!  I don't believe it.  If I had to pick an ideal time for lunch as of the past few days contextualizinging, it would be right around when this entry ends.  Eatin' at around 1:45 PM.  IT LINES UP WITH A LOT OF CONTEXTS.  Deal with it!  Sure next week I might have different contexts that I wanna align with.  But for now this is great!  What a wonderful world my life is.  Let's make a real effort to do three things over the next 18 hours.  CONTACT UBISOFT to see if Speakers I'm looking at would cancel out guitar lag with program.  SHAVE.  Make eggs tomorrow morning.  Not a lot of stuff all in all.  I should be able to do those three things.  Now we play the waiting game.  I guess.  I WONDER when my next walk will be.  I think 4:30 should be a fun time to take a walk.  Get home at 5PM.  Then again there's room for me to experiment.  Half an hour either way!  Can go with anywhere between 4 PM and 5 PM for today.  Then re-calibrate to see if I like those changes.  WHAT A TERRIBLE WORLD MY LIFE IS.
Almost done!  Great!  I lost track of what I was talking about.  I was too busy adding TWO KALE VEGGIE BURGER PATTIES to Super Market order.  It comes in orders of 2.  I can't get just 1!  Either way solid 50/50 shot this pays off.  I've enjoyed veggie burgers in the past.  I've not enjoyed them.  The time is right to give it another shot.  Also I'm not sure what KALE is but something tells me it's in the category of Vegetable.  Or maybe in the category of Burger.  Either way I could eat a double patty burger and it's still healthy because it's KALE.  Not sure I need to, though.  We'll see how big these burgers are when they get here!  The point is Delicious.  Anyway.  Just about time to have lunch.  I like that.  Presumably I'm hungry and then eat lunch and then I'm like ya know what LESS HUNGRY NOW.  Especially if I wait 15-30 minutes.  Then I'm even LESS hungry.  That's what I've been led to believe will happen.  Well great just great.  I'll be back tomorrow.

-1:37 P.M.




Tuesday, February 1, 2022

this got old fast

    Hey!  Had a healthy breakfast for first time since last year!  We're talkin' my Mom got Lox Eggs & Onion omelet yesterday and I had some of that.  Some OMELET.  Some HASH BROWNS.  A PIECE OF TOAST.  WOW.  I feel great.  I gotta eat healthy every day.  And by healthy I mean Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches.  Anyway.  Did some binging last night!  Not as bad as previous recent times but still notable!  WAS IT PRODUCTIVE BINGING???  I dunno!  My main question was DEAR BINGING, should I continue doing circle walking in the middle of the day or just do good diet from now on and move on with my life.  Binging hasn't given me an answer!  Still not sure!  Either way gotta move on with my life IN GENERAL.  But that might include circlewalking or it might not include circlewalking.  What else is up!  HEY NEW MONTH.  New place from World Travel Calendar.  Let's see. 
  Not sure I like that.  Sounds like its for rich people.  I could be wrong.  Could be for poor people.  But the point is at least there's no monsters there presumably.  Well there are monsters everywhere.  It's called MAN and we're the worst species on the planet.  BY FAR.  Let's consider that for a moment.  In the history of the world, millions and millions of species, right?  By FAR we're the worst.  Not even close!  Albright handshakes all around.  At least we're the best at something.  Best at being worst!  Ya know what?  Let's be fair.  Also Best at BEING BEST.  Sure we're the worst but in other areas we're by far the best!  Gotta take the good with the bad.  Anyway.  Saw some fireworks last night in neighborhood.  Now I see today is Chinese New Year.  ALL THE PIECES ARE STARTING TO COME TOGETHER.  You know.  Those two pieces.  Fireworks piece and New Year piece.  What else is going on.
     Okay!  Today!  Contact UBISOFT about speakers.  Let's get this moving.  I don't have a second to spare!  Sure.  DEAR BINGING HOW CAN YOU BE PRODUCTIVE AGAIN.  Anyway National Food Of The Day is... NOPE.  There's ELEVEN THINGS listed for today.  Sorry!  I'm not reading 11 things.  I'm certainly not writing 11 things.  I don't even wanna READ 11 things.  FINE I'LL READ 'EM.  If that'll shut you up!  HMM.  If only there were 2 of these things.  I'd tell you and we'd all have fun and be like GREAT AMERICAN PIE DAY WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ALL ABOUT.  Also that was one of them.  Great American Pie Day.  WAIT.  NO. LEMME CORRECT THAT.  Great American Pie MONTH.  Sorry pies that aren't great.  Better luck in March.  Also outside of songs and teenager films what exactly is American Pie.  Is that a legit kind of pie?  Better LTURQ.  I don't think so.
Cool!  Got part II of III of Chipotle for lunch.  Kind of a let down yesterday!  Too spicy!  I was distracted from tasting the fun ingredients because the spicitude was too much.  Look my tastebuds are very sensitive these days.  Get off my back about it.  Anyway.  GOOGLE SHOULD I CIRCLEWALK TODAY.  I guess I'll just have to decide in the moment.  SURE.  Anyway I mentioned it yesterday but a great alternative to circlewalkign is lying in bed and resting.  I can circlewalk IN MY HEAD while resting.  It's called THINKING PRIVATELY TO ONESELF AND RELAXING ABOUT IT.  But it goes around in a counterclockwise circle???  Okay sure.  If that's the way it is who am I to argue.  What else is going on.  I think it's possible American Pie is the premise that pie is American in general.  Like we invented pie.  Which I have to believe is Very Wrong.  I can imagine German Pie.  Hell, I can imagine any kind of Old Country Pie.  But Germany came to mind immediately.  Go figure.  Also there's pie like things EVERYWHERE in the world.  Old countries, new countries.  Countries that have been around in the middle.  Whatever.
Yeah!  DEAR BINGE EATING how seriously should I take when and what snacks to have every day.  WHY WON'T YOU ANSWER ME.  Look Binge Eating DID give me some answers last night.  Let's be fair.  Only problem is I woke up today with alternative answers.  I don't know what answers to put stock in!  Huh.  Is this similar IN ANY WAY to other people's lives.  Not a bad question.  I could see it being either way.  Huh.  Anything else I have to look up.  Got Calendar.  Got National Food.  Used to give ya World Travel and/or Patriotism Iced Tea Facts.  No longer!  Don't get them individual bottles anymore.  Maybe I should.  They were fun!  Can't very well justify that to my Dad, though.  Hey lemme pay 1.25x the cost for Snapple because I gotta have individual portion bottles.  No way would that go down well!  Anyway hey what else is going on coffee after next paragraph lets say.
    AND lets DO.  First we say it. Then we DO it.  That's how I feel!  What else is up.  I feel like spicy might have evaporated from chipotle for upcoming lunch.  It's POSSIBLE.  Also for some reason there were bits of tomato in my burrito bowl!  Is that part of the FAJITA VEGETABLES now?  Either way DISGUSTING.  I had to eat those first.  So the rest of the burrito bowl wasn't ruined by them.  Could have just taken them out individually instead of eating them first.  NOW YOU TELL ME.  Hey that's not bad I can still make good use of this knowledge for today and tomorrow.  THANKS for telling me now.  You really made a difference in my life and I can't show my appreciation enough!  Okay that's enough.  Moving on.  Huh.  Watching a seven hour documentary on Friday The 13th Franchise.  Which is interesting because I don't like that franchise.  And this documentary isn't particularly good.  WOW I GOT SIX HOURS LEFT OF THIS TO WATCH LUCKY ME.  Hey let's get coffee lucky me.  Probably talked about humans being the best and the worst before.  GOOD POINT.  More people should make it more often.
What else.  Got coffee.  What else.  Oh right I don't know yet.  Gotta start typing before I find out what else there is to say and/or write!  My life would be better if I had a third fruit to alternate between with apples and bananas every day.  Look let's not count our apples before they hatch.  I haven't even had a single apple in months.  Who knows if they ever send them even if I buy them.  Anyway ORANGE???  I could eat an orange I guess.  Too much work though.  Not sure what to do to peel it.  Seems a little too difficult so why even try!  Anyway gonna have to think about that one.  What else are ones I have to think about.  Hmm.  Tuesday eh.  I can live with that.  I do it all the time!  Eh.  Not sure why I'm still wearing gloves every day.  I don't need them.  I went through almost my entire life feeling I don't like gloves.  If I don't absolutely have to wear gloves I'm not wearing them.  Now I'm wearing them when I don't absolutely have to.  This is the most relatable story I've ever told.
Huh.  I hate wearing gloves so much I only have unprotected sex!  Sure.  If that's the direction I wanna go in with that, fine, what can ya do.  Anyway.  Eighth paragraph.  Wonderful!  I feel good about having relatively healthy breakfast.  Just a way better start to my day.  Gotta wonder if I can build a streak out of this.  Next healthy breakfast I should have is Single Serving Breakfast Bowl Frozen Thing I Have.  Got some frozen breakfast sandwiches, too.  But first things first.  Wanna try this bowl.  OH NO I HAVE BOWLS FOR LUNCH ALL WEEK.  Better save the bowl.  Have a sandwich.  How many bowls can one man eat?  I dunno gonna have to look that up on the intranet if I wanna find out for sure.  Also intranet is accepted as a word.  Gonna have to look up on the intranet to see what it means exactly.  Oh it means what you'd think it means.  Like a private internet.  Like LAN?  SURE LIKE LAN.  WHATEVER.
     Whatever.  I should be okay with being the weight I am now but it doesn't round off to 5!  It's EXACTLY or even 1 pound less than what I was aiming for-- what internet says is the ideal weight for my height and age and gender-- BUT IT DOESN'T ROUND OFF TO THE NEAREST FIVE.  Also internet had like 8 formulas for calculating EXACT ideal weight.  I'm presumably worst case scenario based on recent binging right at or right under the lowest ideal weight they have for me.  We're talking I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CORRECT BMI RANGE BUT ON THE LOWER PART OF THE MIDDLE.  Just be happy where I'm at.  NEVER.  I refuse to be happy where I'm at!  Both in weight and all arenas in life.  Once you're happy, that's when they GETCHA.  Okay.  Feel like I had the correct amount of Chipotle yesterday.  2 Burrito bowls for 3 meals?  Did I had 2/3rds of one bowl?  PRETTY MUCH.  And when putting it away I ALREADY TOOK CARE OF taking out some of the other bowl and adding to the bowl I was eating such that they're roughly equal now.  All taken care of now!  Just eat what's left in bowls for lunches today and tomorrow!
    That's something to be happy about.  Not really.  If anything I feel bad about it.  That's my problem I guess.  Need to come up with some new good WILDCARD snacks.  Right now I got about 3 Definite Snacks per day.  A Fiber Brownie, A Protein Bar, and IDEALLY a piece of fruit.  I got some great floater snacks to have at other designated snack times (OR UNDESIGNATED, maybe future binge will tell me to designate roughly or not), but I could use even MORE options.  But HEALTHY options.  That are REASONABLE in calories and REASONABLY taste good and fill ya up.  That's a lot of categories to hit.  Oh well that's life.  Gotta hit a lot of categories to be reasonable overall!  Why bother.  Sounds like too much of a hassle.  Great.  I think today I'll probably do some circlewalking.  As of now seems like an 80% chance that happens.  WOW.  I DON'T like those odds.  Cause I don't wanna do it.  OH WELL CAN'T ARGUE WITH CITY HALL.  It's a BUILDING.  You'd get NOWHERE.
Huh.  Possible best case scenario is do circlewalking but in other facets loosen up on caring about diet and schedule and exercise.  In general whether I circlewalk or night would be an ancillary move related to the diet and schedule and exercise obsessing about.  Doesn't have to be!  I feel like if I do circle walking while not caring that much I'd be happy.  VERY HAPPY.  Possibly TOO HAPPY.  My parents would whisper to each other MICHAEL IS TOO HAPPY LATELY.  SOMETHING DOESN'T ADD UP.  Anyway great just great.  11th paragraph.  Hey what else is going on and crap.  My parents wouldn't whisper to each other.  They just don't have that kind of relationship with each other!  Either talking to each other or NOTHIN.  Or yelling at each other.  Maybe they whisper to each other and I don't hear it!  That would explain that.  What else is going on and crap.  Neither of them ever whisper TO ME.  I just don't think they're whisperers!
     Wonderful.  Great!  What are the odds I buy more candy bars over the next upcoming weeks.  Kinda hope I do.  Sounds like fun.  Then again I hope I don't in general.  But I can see myself enjoying that for a few minutes.  Huh.  I COULD add 6 pack of Original Hershey Bars to Super Market order for Friday.  I don't think that would upset anyone.  And it's a reasonable thing to have as a dessert.  THEN AGAIN I'm gonna have to do several binge eatings to figure out how I REALLY feel about doing this.  What else is up.  12th paragraph.  Let's see.  Pretty much ahead of schedule today.  Got enough paragraphs to end this act.  Also got a lot of time to add on to the act before taking Walk.  THE BALLS ARE IN MY COURT.  Also my scrotum is what I call My Court.  AND COURT IS IN SESSION. If you catch my meaning.  Also if you do please tell me what it means.  I'm kind of concerned.  Okay.  That's enough for now!  Walk time.



what else is there to do

    Hey!  I can't do circlewalking.  If I do it now, when do I stop?  I don't NEED to lose any more pounds.  So why would doing Circlewalking TODAY be any different from doing it FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.  Gotta figure out life without CircleWalking at some point.  LET'S START NOW.  On the other hand I'm gonna be lying in bed and being like well I can do whatever I'm doing right now--nothing-- BUT WHILE WALKING IN A CIRCLE.  Look I'm trying to lay down the law with myself.  JUST DON'T DO IT.  Let's see how that pans out.  Also it occurred to me since having weight checked and made an issue a month ago, my Dad has said on several occasions I could stand to gain 2 or 3 pounds.  I didn't take him seriously CONSCIOUSLY.  But maybe my binging was SUBCONSCIOUSLY to please him and/or because I subconsciously respect his opinion and outlook on things re: My Weight.  Either way NO MORE CIRCLE WALKING.  LAYING DOWN THE LAW.  LITERALLY.  CAUSE THE MAIN ALTERNATIVE TO CIRCLEWALKING IS LAYING DOWN. 
Okay.  What else is up.  Maybe save Chipotle Lunch for another time.  I could skip a day and finish it within a reasonable time period.  Or I can not have it for lunch and be like HEY I'MA HAVE IT FOR DINNER ACTUALLY.  I got OPTIONS is the point.  Don't let anyone take that away from me.  I can CIRCLEWALK OR NOT.  I can DECIDE WHAT ORDER TO HAVE MY MEALS OR NOT.  Lots of options.  Probably will just eat Chipotle for lunch.  WHAT WOULD MY DAD SUGGEST.  Probably eat it.  Okay great then it's settled.  NO IT AIN'T.  I RESERVE RIGHTS.  RIGHTS TO CHANGE MY MIND.  Good.  What else is up.  Pour myself some coffee soon.  Maybe after the next paragraph.  Not sure why this would be a thing, but one thing that occurred to me was okay continue circlewalking until I get new speakers.  Kinda makes sense!  Once I get new speakers I can enjoy Resting during that 80 minute time period listening to nostalgia music or something.  But I can easily do that while walking, too!  I can also presumably enjoy whatever I'm enjoying PRE-New Speakers while resting instead of circlewalking, either, too, in addition, instead, at the same time!  I FORGET WHAT I'M SAYING.
     Huh.  I might like Chipotle better because I'm not estimating how much I should eat.  Divided it already!  Know what I'm gonna be eating exactly going into the meal.  WONDERFUL.  Also what else is WONDERFUL.  Presumably Stuff-- And Crap!  Huh.  Still got 5 hours of Friday The XIII documentary.  Still got some HEAT left.  So basically I'm gonna be okay for today don't worry about me.  DAMNIT FRIDAY THE 13 DOCUMENTARY IS GREAT CIRCLEWALKING MATERIAL.  Oh well.  Can't do it!  I'm not gonna do it FOREVER.  So why should I do it now.  Gotta get used to a life without it and there's no time like the present.  TRUE STORY.  Past is dumb.  Future is probably gonna be the pits.  PRESENT IS WHERE IT'S AT.  What else is going on.  Look just like the rest of you I wonder WHEN I will have my lunch today.  Could be any time!  Could be as early as 12:30 PM.  For TODAY I'd say could be as late as Oh I Don't Know THREE PM?  THIS IS EXCITING.  ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.  WITHIN A TWO AND A HALF HOUR PERIMETER.   Coffee time!
    I told my Mom I needed laundry done AND that I need new bottles of shampoo.  So I accomplished something already today!  Sorry-- SomethingS.  Okay.  HMM.  Ordered stuff last night for today and tomorrow cause my Dad is teaching tonight so won't be getting a delivery.  Took a look at nice BISON BURGER I got in fridge.  THAT LOOKS GREAT.  I WANNA EAT THAT.  Let's do it.  Now I'm excited.  I like the part where I stopped getting jalepeno peppers because these days I don't like Spicy Things.  Am I less of a man because Lightly Spicy Things are too spicy for me?  No!  I'm less of a man for other reasons.  Also for this reason.  Also I'm more of a man for other reasons, too!  All evens out in the end.  What else is up.  DO I HAVE TORTILLA CHIPS WITH BURGER?  I DON'T THINK I NEED TO.  But society would frown on me if I don't.  HAVE THEM CHIPS WHEN YOU EAT A BURGER C'MON BE A MAN.  God damn Society.  I hate them so much!
     Wonderful.  Fifth paragraph of the act!  Figure this act'll be 6-8 paragraphs.  I LIKE those odds.  Huh.  I had some HASH BROWN and/or HOME FRIES with breakfast.  That counts as having french fries with lunch.  THERE SETTLED.  What else is up.  Gotta get into a good groove.  Can't be circlewalking!  I can see myself getting into a good groove without circle walking.  I forget all about circle walking within a week!  If I continue circlewalking though I WON'T forget about it and I'll have to re-think it every day ALL DAY should I continue doing this tomorrow.  I can't think about circle walking all day every day.  So many other things I can be thinking and re-thinking about!  Presumably.  Off the top of my head I GOT NOTHIN' but I'm sure I can figure something else out to constantly be re-calibrating.  Hmm.  I've given myself a lot to think about.  PERECT THAT'S JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED.
Okay.  Sure.  I dunno!  FUTURAMA EH.  That show is amusing.  Not sure I'm a fan of all the bright colors but sometimes you have to make compromises re: Entertainment You Consume.  I WANNA HAVE CHIPOTLE FOR LUNCH.  That's some entertainment I can consume.  Anyway.  I DUNNO.  How my walking schedule holding up.  That been good?  Yeah I think I'm in a good place with my 5 Regular Walks.  FOR NOW.  I reserve the right to calibrate and/or re-calibrate EVERYTHING including this.  Nothing is set in stone!  Except for things set in stone.  Why would you set something in stone.  I can see you setting stone in something.  That makes a lot of sense.  Not sure how the opposite would work, though.  Just took a seven minute break adding stuff to Super Market cart.  It's important I told you that.  Now you know for the rest of time what just happened.  Oh okay great.  One more paragraph then a walk.
Huh.  No Hershey Bars this week!  Now's not the time to be experimenting with eating chocolate bars as part of a maintenance diet.  Ultimately it can easily be done but now's not the time!  Huh.  Now's the time to get Fresh Baked Super Market GRAHAM CRACKERS.  Very obviously now is the time to do that.  I wish I had one right now!  I'd eat it like it was nobody's business.  Then I'd eat another one.  Then I'd eat the plastic container it came in.  Just to make sure I get as much out of this purchase as possible.  Huh.  Sounds like I'm leaving over 10 graham crackers.  I went straight from one graham cracker to a second graham cracker to the plastic container.  Left over the other ~10 graham crackers!  Well now I feel like a FOOL.  Thanks a lot.  Hey I'm gonna write at least one more paragraph now before walk.  Wonderful!  Now's not the time to experiment with graham crackers either.  Pity.  They're appropriate for a regular average snack.  Calorie wise, size wise, filling wise.  But I don't trust myself to not eat them all at one point!  And even if I DID trust myself not to do that, I don't trust myself to not THINK about doing it all the time.  I can't be thinking about doing that all the time!  I GOT SEVENTEEN MORE MONTHS OF WATCHING THIS FRIDAY THE XIII TO THINK ABOUT.
     Huh.  HEY THIS MONTH HAS A FRIDAY THE 13th!!!  By which I mean there's a Friday the 11th and a Sunday the 13th.  CLOSE ENOUGH IN MY BOOK.  What else is up.  Just spent another 4 minutes looking up granola bars on Super Market website.  Gonna re-up with one that I got a month ago and then didn't re-up with.  NOW'S THE TIME.  Fascinating.  What else is going on.  Take a walk.  Write some more paragraphs.  Have delicious lunch.  DO NOTHING FOR A LONG TIME.  Then do the next thing which I believe is taking another walk.  Sounds good to me.  Well part of it does.  75% of it sounds 85% good.  And the other 25% of it sounds like about roughly 35% good.  I didn't crunch the numbers explicitly, these are rough estimates off the top of my head.  Best I could do on such short notice.  NO SHORT NOTICE.  TAKE YOUR TIME.  WE'LL WAIT.  No!  I won't wait for myself to do ANYTHING.  I never have and I never will!  Huh.  I'll be back soon.



any good titles left

    Hey!  I realized today is the first day with this walking schedule.  I came up with it Musta Been Friday!  Then weekend happened with snow and circlewalk.  Then Monday with just circle walk.  So today is the first day of the rest of my life until next week when presumably my life starts going in reverse.  But either way YEAH!  Also either way MAYBE I GO BACK TO SCHEDULING EATING SUCH THAT I EAT EVERY 1 HOUR 45 MINUTES EXACTLY THROUGHOUT THE DAY ITS A GOOD SCHEDULE I HIT ALL THE MARKS LOGISTICALLY AND DIETARILY.  Anyway the point is I'm gonna have coffee now even though I'm kinda hungry.  Wanna EAT at the end of the entry.  Will coffee ruin my appetite?  I DUNNO NEVER TRIED IT BEFORE RECENTLY.  Let's find out and whatnot.  Also I could schedule it exactly an hour 45 minutes-- which works pretty well!-- but feel VERY Comfortable being flexible with it.  WOW BEING VERY FLEXIBLE WITH A VERY REGIMENTED SCHEDULE?  THAT'S THE SWEET SPOT.  THAT SOUNDS LIKE A WONDERFUL LIFE.  So far it's been working.  As of the last 15 minutes.
Cool!  Coffee delicious.  Looked at my bison burger again while getting the fat free coffee creamer.  Looks good!  I think I'll have that!  WRAP IT UP!  It's in one of those hamburger containers.  AMAZING.  Look a styrofoam hamburger container would be the ultimate dream, but a plastic one is halfway there.  I'm not gonna eat the container.  What kind of person do you take me for.  I don't eat containers of things.  I just like them aesthetically.  Sometimes!  On a container by container basis!  Hmm maybe styrofoam isn't good for the environment though.  Can't be any worse than plastic.  Nothing is worse than plastic!  Except for maybe styrofoam.  Gonna have to look into that.  Huh.  I guess I'm watching more Friday The IIIIIIIIIIIII Documentary when this is over.  I don't HATE it.  I just don't LIKE IT.  Good enough for me!  What else is up.  Just had to add stuff to Super Market order again.  Didn't register the first time!  I feel like it did this time.  Wonderful.
     What else is crap.  Hmm.  Not gonna take another walk for another 3.5-4 hours.  I could watch an entire HALF of a documentary I don't like about a film franchise I don't like in that time!  Well in that context today is gonna be GREAT.  Everything I watch that I don't like gets me one step closer to watching something that I will like.  Gotta look at the bright side of things!  What else is going on.  Maybe just eat the burger cold.  I dunno why.  Feels fun.  Like I really wanna eat this burger or something!  Hey I don't have time to heat this up I wanna stuff this burger down my gullet NOW.  Then again, I can microwave it for 2 minutes.  THAT SOUNDS GOOD TOO.  Possibly better.  MUCH Possibly Better.  Anyway.  Oh I gotta finish watching HEAT.  That's a long movie, too!  I dunno.  I got lots of options in life!  You know-- Two!  Cool.  I'm gonna take a big risk.  I'm gonna add Pop Tarts to my order.  Wish me luck.
Cool!  Let's say 2-3 more paragraphs.  Then let's fulfill the promise that phrase implies.  Anyway.  Not sure about the pop tarts but I'm gonna leave them in the order as the generic position.  Whereas I'm still not sure about the graham crackers but have them NOT in the order as the generic position.  So there's that.  BROWN SUGAR CINNAMON.  Pop Tarts.  In case you were wondering.  You were probably wondering.  Wonder no longer!  I just told ya.  Anyway.  Finished coffee #2.8.  We're talkin' I had 2 cups of coffee earlier and all that was left was enough for .8 cup.  What else.  Gonna have lunch in about a half an hour I guess.  It's not exactly on a 1.75 hour by 1.75 hour basis but WE'RE BEING FLEXIBLE.  That's the key!  What's going on again.  Oh right Pop Tarts.  I can have 1.5 Pop Tarts as part of a balanced breakfast.  It's balanced by nothing else.  Or, even better, more pop tarts.  Let's do THAT.
Wonderful.  Let's call this the last paragraph.  And then stop writing paragraphs after it.  So we called it the last paragraph accurately upon further introspection.  What else is up.  Just poured myself some sprite and looked at my burger and took a bite out of it to test it out cold.  Was pretty good!  Think I'm gonna microwave it though!  Also pretty big burger.  Relatively small bite!  I'm not gonna go into the meal feeling cheated like well great now there's a big part of this missing already.  I'll never be satisfied.  I'll be satisfied!  Not a huge part missing all in all!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  25th paragraph of the entry.  Maybe I write a bonus one.  Why would it be bonus.  Because 25 is divisible by 5.  And thus we should take it more seriously than 80% of the other integers out there.  Oh okay I see.  LOOK everything is divisible by 5.  Go ahead and do it IT'S MATH.  But you might have to dip into fractions and/or decimals!  Fair warning!
     Last paragraph of the day.  Anyway.  Gonna try to get Fiji Apples again this week.  And if that fails I'll try to get Fuji Apples which seems more likely on account of them being a real thing.  And if that fails NO APPLES FOR THE WEEK AGAIN SORRY MICHAEL.  Wonderful.  Told my Dad to plan on me having 2-4 bananas upcoming week and possibly ALL upcoming weeks.  He'll have to make adjustments to his Banana Order so I warned him ahead of time.  So I got that going for me.  LOOK there's lots of contexts to think about when and how many times I wanna eat over the day.  Every 1.75 hours is JUST ONE.  I obviously can't hit every context at once but I can estimate and work around and be flexible so that it roughly translates into being vaguely on target for most contexts any given day.  Right?  Sounds about right.  FOR EXAMPLE look if I'm eating 1.75 hours that would most often translate to 5.25 hours between lunch and dinner.  But there's also HEY 5 HOURS IS A CLEAN AMOUNT OF TIME FOR THAT.  OR MAYBE 5.5 or 6 HOURS.  So be flexible!  You'll hit your target in SOME context if not the other.  Great.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-1:51 P.M.



Contact: mankindguy@gmail.com