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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

This Is A Wonderful Opportunity To Website

    Hey friends!  9:50 AM!  Should be able to fit in everything I wanna fit in BUT Act I might be cut short a paragraph or two.  I got a solid hour and five minutes to write Act I.  NORMALLY that's plenty enough for 10 paragraphs.  NOT A GUARANTEE though.  Anyway.  Took Topiramate last night!  For the immediate 15 minutes after taking it I convinced myself I felt less hungry.  Then I went to sleep and ate lotta NightMight.  Relatively normal amount compared to last week.  Slightly more!  Either way can't REASONABLY expect it to kick in immediately.  I could UNREASONABLY hope.  But that didn't work out so well.  Anyway.  Figure I'll aim for nine walks today.  No Communal Dinner Delivery tonight so I don't need to be home from 6:00-7:00 PM.  Giving me more room to spread out 2nd half of day Walks.  I got a good idea of when all them walks are gonna take place already.  Anyway.  Finished cake for breakfast.  Sushi, chicken parm, or ham sandwich for lunch.  Freedom Steak * Freedom Mushroom for dinner!
   YEAH.  More Twilight Zone (2002) today I guess.  Probably some other stuff.  Wanna watch a Simpsons or two.  Reasonable I get started on JUSTICE LEAGUE.  How much is a league.  You know.  20,000 leagues under the sea.  WHAT is a league in that context.  ON LAND a league is Three Miles and at sea a league is Three NAUTICAL MILES (3.452 Miles).  What the HELL.  Why are there nautical miles.  That are CLOSE but slightly different.  THAT MAKES NO SENSE.  Oh.  A Mile is how big a Land King's Foot is. A nautical mile is how big Aquaman's foot is.  I SEE NOW.  Anyone use Miles besides Americans.  Do even BRITISH use Miles?  U.S, Liberia, and Myanmar.  Only three countries that use miles.  WELL WE'RE IN GOOD COMPANY AT LEAST.  No one ever has a bad word to say about Liberia or Myanmar.  Maybe they do.  No one talks to me about it though.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Probably aim for sushi today is my first instinct but then second instinct is maybe kids chicken parm if I'm hungry.  Third instinct is Ham Sandwich JUST TO BALANCE OUT ALL THE INSTINCTS.
Okay.  OH NO pen ran out of ink.  Pen which I use to keep tally of sit-up/push-ups.  I DO 20 sets a day.  ALL in first half of day.  Mark em off one by one as I do em.  USING PENCIL NOW.  Maybe pen didn't run out of ink.  Maybe stopped working for some other reason.  Either way the important thing is I'LL CONTINUE TRYING TO USE IT FOR A LONG TIME to see if it comes back to life.  It might!  That kinda stuff happens now and again.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Fifty five minutes left to go for Act I IF I WANNA go the distance.  Obviously possible I finish ahead of time.  Either with complete 10 paragraphs OR maybe I'm at nine paragraphs with THREE minutes to spare and figure I don't wanna eat into OverTime by writing a tenth paragraph.  So that's good.  I guess.  Hmm.  Lemme LURQ if I wanna sign up for Yahoo Fantasy Baseball Draft as of now.  Hmm.  When I checked a few days ago they had Live Drafts starting January 30th.  NOW the earliest they have is February sixth.  SHOULD I SIGN UP NOW to make sure I get a spot.  MAYBE.  Not NOW now.  LATER now.  Say in a few hours.
   Okay.  Normally I do ROTISSERIE league but maybe a Head To Head League would be more exciting.  Hmm.  The point is I gotta write a few more paragraphs.  Good news is I'll be able to fit in all I wanna fit in for the day, though!  YEAH.  I THINK if I am able to stop NightMight and start losing weight again, I drop down to EIGHT walks as a standard amount per day.  Same Five in early day crunch time.  ONE at night presumably Usually Directly After Dinner.  TWO in middle of the day.  EIGHT WALKS.  Could be good!  COULD BE REAL GOOD.  Anyway.  I guess I'm retrieving coffee in a few sentences.  That's pretty good.  Enjoying delightful packets of truvia.  No problem having as much as I like there.  EASY proposition and whatknot.  Anyway.  Looks like water never sank completely in bathtub from yesterday's shower.  That's not good.  Gonna have to reach down in drain to see if I can recover any sort of blockage.  Hopefully I can!  I WANT SOLUTIONS. Ok time for coffee.
  What do I got going on for me and crap.  I don't THINK I want a ham sandwich.  But if I did what would the side be.  I dunno.  DON'T REALLY WANT A HAM SANDWICH.  Get off my back about it.  I could always have a side for sushi.  I've had WHEATED thins as a Sushi Side in the recent past.  So that's good.  Anyway, I dunno.  What playlist am I putting on for next walk.  Gotta put on SOME playlist.  Get back into New In Alternative Playlist I guess.  Makes sense.  ALRIGHT.  Shutter just uploaded a continuation of their Documentry Series of 1980's Horrror.  Part III.  AND IT'S FREAKIN 342 MINUTES LONG.  DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY HOURS TAHT IS.  CAUSE I DON'T.  SOUNDS LIKE 5.5.  SIX TIMES SIX IS THIRTY SIX.  SO THIS IS 16 MINUTES LESS THAN SIX HOURS.  Anyway.  That'll be fun.  I vaguely remember watching the first two parts of this and enjoying it.  I vaguely remember lots of things ONCE the memory has been PROMPTED.  So that's good.  Got about fourty five minutes to write 5 paragraphs.  EASY.
   Yeah!  What else is up.  Phone charged well last night.  Woke up at 100%.  I WOKE UP and THE PHONE was at 100%.  I DIDN'T WAKE UP AT 100% nor did THE PHONE WAKE UP AT 100%.  I woke up at 70% and the phone never went to sleep at all.  Anyway.  Been enjoying some Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars lately.  Not just OKAY.  Been KNOCKING IT OUT OF TE PARK THEY HAVE.  So that's good I guess.  I dunno.  My dad is thankfully eating some of the cookie crisp here and there.  GREAT. I don't like it.  He said he thought it tastes like cinnamon toast crunch but without cinnamon.  HE COULDN'T BE MORE WRONG.  But if he wants to LIE TO HIMSELF and say cereal is decent GOOD.  Anyway. Dad has problem with taste last couple of years.  Doesn't taste things completely.  I get the sense maybe his taste level is around 5-30% Normal Being Able To Taste.  NOT SURE WHERE EXACTLY.  Big difference between 5% and 30%!  AND FOR ALL I KNOW IT COULD BE 50%.  The good news is PARAGRAPH DONE.
   Seventh paragraph already!  Amazing.  Anyway.  Topiramate pill is VERY small.  MAY have never seen a smaller pill than this.  Hard to say.  I've seen lots of pills.  Either way, great!  Taking one 25 Unit pill for a week.  Then taking TWO 25 Unit pills for I BELIEVE three weeks.  THEN I BELIEVE re-assessment and MOST LIKELY going up.  Presumably to 100 unit overall?  I think 100 unit is a THRESHOLD.  At 100 unit you're more or less getting a pretty good amount.  SO THAT SHOULD BE EXCITING.  What else is up.   What # story am I up to in Twilight Zone (2002).  I think there was one episode I saw that was a full 40 minutes but ONLY ONE LONG STORY.  So it doesn't translate to 2 stories/1 long episode 100%.  UP TO STORY 28 out of 43.  Good.  Solid amount of stories left.  Amazing.  WOW the star of this story is TODD WILLIAMS???  I don't know who that is!  Maybe if I click his name I recognize his picture and/or his credits.  NOPE don't recognize him.  Oh well.  THIS COULD BE HIS BIG BREAK.  Kinda feels like if it was it woulda happened for him 21 years ago.  Maybe LOTS of people are just getting around to Twilight Zone (2002) right now.  I can't be alone on this!
   Three paragraphs to go!  Plenty of time to write 'em!  Good deal.  Anyway.  Tuesday.  Already creeping up on time to start putting together order for next Super market delivery.  WEDNESDAY.  That's when I start putting together order.  FRIDAY is when it happens.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Gotta figure out something to listen to AND ENJOY.  It's not enough to just pick something and then stick with it.  I wanna pick something I'll ENJOY sticking with.  Hmm.  I got good options.  I guess.  Anyway.  THIS episode was aired February 2003.  NOT EVEN 20 years since it was aired.  He's still got PLENTY of time for His Big Break to manifest itself.  SO that's good.  Anyway.  Gotta finish this Act.  Can't take any Thinking Breaks.  Gotta jusT WRITE TWO PARAGRAPHS AND CHANGE.  Anyway.  Probably should aim for sushi?  Or maybe chicken parm?  LIFE IS HARD.  We'll see how hungry I am AT THE MOMENT. The way to go MAY BE make NO DECISION literally up until RIGHT BEFORE I eat lunch.  See how hungry I am then.  I CAN'T DO TAT. I'm NATURALLY INCLINED to decide things ahead of time.
Penultimate paragraph of act I!  Good.  PEN still not working. PENCIL still is working.  So that's good.  Superman can't see through lead.  As far as I know it's one of his TWO limitations.  ONE-- can't see through lead.  TWO-- Kryptonite weakens and/or kills him.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Must be another weakness or two.  HIS PERSONAL FEELIGNS FOR LOIS LANE.  Gotta imagine those can be exploited against him.  Hmm.  HIS DESIRE to remain anonymous.  That might be utilized against him as well.  Maybe he doesn't care that much.  He doesn't particularly WANT to be outed as Clark Kent but if he did he'd be like Yeah sure that's me so what.  Who cares.  What else is up.  Lemme LURQ on internet Superman's Weaknesses.  That might get me on A LIST somewhere though.  Get visited by homeland security looking up Superman's Weaknesses.  ONLY NEFARIOUS REASONS why someone would be interested in that.  So I better not look it up afterall.  Anyway.  I ERRONEOUSLY saw Superman is resurrected and shows up in Justice League.  I TINK.  Unless that was in a dream.  Probably real.  I'd like to imagine I have better things to dream about.
   Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Superman Vulnerable to, "Red Solar Radiation," and, "MAGIC."  Not sure what that means.  EITHER of those things.  But specifically MAGIC.  Does that mean Penn and Teller could defeat Superman?  Anyway.  A dozen things have been used to work against Superman here and there internet seems to say.  I stopped paying attention to what they were.  Oh well, such is life.  Anyway.  I dunno HOW I dropped down from originally taking an hour and a half to write 10 paragraphs, then more like an hour and fifteen minutes, then like an hour, and now it's like fourty five minutes.  OVER TIME.  Hasn't gone down that much IN A WEEK.  More like in A YEAR OR A YEAR OR TWO.  Either way.  Efficient!  I guess.  What else do I got going for me.  STILL got no Diet Coke in fridge BUT I got delicious Diet Dr Pepper.  Wonder if there's any pepper in this.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP THERE SURE IS.  Well there's pepper in dr pepper IN GENERAL.  I may have gotten A Freak Batch of Diet Dr Pepper with no pepper.  GREAT JUST MY LUCK.  Anyway.  I'll be back in a little bit!




still the morning more or less

    Hey friends.  Got about an entire fourty five minutes to write 5 paragraphs.  I'll probably do it in Oh I Don't Know TWENTY SIX MINUTES.  We'll see I guess!  Thinking about chicken parm for today.  IS IT more indulgent than other possible lunches?  SURE.  Do I know AS OF NOW that I'd APPRECIATE a more indulgent lunch?  Not really!  BUT I FEEL like it's time to eat Chicken Parm for OTHER reasons.  TASTE and COMPOSITION for instance.  So that should be pretty good.  PENCIL STILL WORKING.  Not bad.  Anyway.  Unless Superman's eyelids are made of lead kinda feels like he'd have trouble sleeping.  He can see through his eye lids!  Does Superman sleep.  Maybe he doesn't need to sleep.  Either way get himself one of those eye masks but made of lead.  Problem solved.  Superman VERSUS Led Zeppelin.  THAT'S A PITCH I'M PITCHING.  Superman can easily yDESTROY lead I think.  Just can't see through it.  FINE.  Anytime he sees some lead, just destroy it, problem solved.  He can see EVERYTHING now.  Anyway.  Replaced finished bottle of Diet Dr Pepper with SECOND bottle of Diet Dr Pepper.  THEN after THIS ONE I go back to Diet Coke.  YEAH.
Four paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  What to watch on the Television Set today First Things First.  Might wanna build up to The Twilight Zone (2002).  Watch a Simpsons or something first.  Could make sense.  What else is up.  Presumably aim to put Steak * Stuffed Mushroom in OVEN for dinner.  Better that way as compared to microwave.  FOR TE MOST PART.   Might have to have OVEN ON while I'm taking walk Before Supper though.  PLUS My Dad is teaching tonight.  It's not a HUGE deal but I don't wanna have Oven On with Me Out Of The House and My Dad Teaching.  And my Mom indisposed as well.  Someone gotta be ready and able to act in case Oven Malfunctions or something.  I dunno.  Either way I'll figure something out I guess.  Should I drop down to eight walks NOW.  Nah.  I think I'll go with Nine Walks A Day As Standard for the immediate future.  I guess that should be pretty good.  Watched the first three minutes of As Ye Sow Tales In The Crypt last night before deciding to go to sleep.  Presumably I should finish that up First Things First.
   Three paragraphs to go for DayTime Day!  Put on ALT CNTRL playlist for last walk.  It's good.  SO FAR I'm happy with how it's going!  Anyway.  Re-upped with some Chocolate/Caramel/Pretzel Fiber bar for first time in many months.  Hasn't been available for a long time!  Those are good.  AND only 70 calories.  AND good.  I'M GONNA SOLIDLY ENJOY ONE TODAY PRESUMABLY AT SOME POINT.  Maybe even have it INSTEAD OF having a 100 calorie Thing which I may have had otherwise.  THAT'S HOW EXCITED I AM ABOUT HAVING IT MORE OR LESS.  Good deal.  Hmm. ALSO got a similarly flavored CHOCOALTE bar.  Same Fiber One Product.  Same LINE of product.  But it's Chocolate instead of Chocolate/Caramel/Pretzel.  I MAY have never have this one before.  THIS SHOULD BE GOOD TOO.  Haven't gotten this one yet.  GONNA ARRIVE WITHIN THE NEXT DAY OR TWO THOUGH.  Very exciting stuff.  Huh.  What else do I got going for me.  ONLY GOTTA WRITE 2 MORE DAYTIME DAY PARAGRAPHS.  That's pretty good!
   What else.  Hmm.  Maybe I'd like SUSHI for lunch.  JUST OCCURRED TO ME.  Might ENJOY the process of EATING SOME SUSHI as opposed to the pr ocess of eating CHICKEN PATTY with cheese and pasta and chopped up bits of carrots.  BOTH ARE GOOD.  COULD GO EITER WAY.  WE'LL SEE WHAT I DECIDE IS BEST FOR ME TODAY.   Hmm.  Nice to have one more pill I'm taking at nights.  The more the merrier.  Can't HURT to take more pills, right?  MIGHT BE WRONG THERE.  Either way huh.  When I typed in topiramate into google one of the Auto Completes was something like Topiramate Ruined My Life.  And there were SEVERAL DISTINCT accounts of DIFFERENT PEOPLE who not only had bad experiences with topiramate but SPECIFICALLY PHRASED IT as Ruining Their Life.  Hmm.  Hope that doesn't happen to me.  Sounds like an EXTREME.  I mean I can imagine it not working.  DIDN'T REALLY CONTEMPLATE IT RUINING MY LIFE.  Oh well.  We'll see what happens.  Gotta roll the dice sometimes!
   Last paragraph.  Good deal!  What else is up.  Happy with the KIND of sushi I got.  I got something else FIRST TIME sushi was available.  Forget what. The 5 or so times since then though I've gotten Spicy Shrimp Roll and it's caused me NOTHING BUT JOY.  No reason to mix it up.  I'M HAPPY WITH IT. Maybe there will be reason to mix it up in several weeks or months For Fun, I DON'T KNOW.  AS OF NOW I'm fine with continuing enjoying Spicy Shrimp Roll!  Huh.  What if you're measuring miles PARTIALLY Nautical PARTIALLY UN-NAUTICAL.  You wanna start measuring something half a mile above sealevel but then DIP DOWN INTO THE SEALEVEL AS WELL.  You gotta pick Miles or Nautical Miles, right?  Can't use BOTH in SAME EQUATION.  Hmm.  What else is up that I can say to finish this paragraph.  At this point I can finish this paragraph without saying much of anything.  I'd have to write several sentences, YES, but they don't have to CONVEY any INFORMATION or anything like that.  ALSO I JUST DID IT.  Wonderful.  See ya tonight!




Now It's The Evening

    Hey, friends!  Gonna have a GRAPE choco pop soon.  Think I might start it either after this paragraph or the next one.  Had delightful steak * stuffed mushroom for dinner and chicken freedom for lunch!  THAT'S ABOUT WHAT I ACCOMPLISHED TODAY.  Watched a lot of Twilight Zone (2002).  I'm starting to feel more and more like this is a HIDDEN GEM OF A SHOW.  Is it Cheesy and Corny MORE OFTEN TAN NOT (>50%)? SURE.  But it's YA KNOW WHAT IT'S NOT BAD Quality.  I recommend it to all my friends.  NOT my enemies.  WHY SHOULD I GIVE TEM THE PLEASURE.  I shouldn't.  I recommend they SIT ON IT.  Anyway.  Dad is teaching downstairs right now.  LOCATION WHERE HE IS TEACHING.  Not SUBJECT.  Maybe he's teaching Downstairs lessons I'M NOT PAYING THAT CLOSE ATTENTION.  Anyway probably watch more Twilight Zone (2002) after this and then close up the night with a Tales In The Crypt or 2.  TAKE EXCITING PILL THAT MAY OR MAY NOT ULTIMATELY RUIN MY LIFE for the second time.  WOW.  TWO TIMES.  Now it's BOUND to kick in.  Kick In Good!
   Got no special cookie or cake for breakfasts.  Tomorrow either gonna be Classic Breakfast or Balanced Breakfast!  I THINK.  Maybe have Frozen Frittata or something I guess.  Maybe lots of things!  WAIT. NO.  LEMME AMEND THAT. Maybe LIMITED THINGS.  Ya know like classic breakfast, balanced breakfast, or frozen frittata or something.  Those things MAINLY.  Huh.  Tomorrow LUNCH gonna be exciting ham sandwich or sushi.  WOW I'M ALREADY GETTING READY TO ENJOY THAT.  Sort of.  I'm getting ready to LOOK FORWARD to enjoying it, to put it more accurately.  I'm preparing myself to anticipate it.  THAT'S ALL as of now.  So that's good.  The point is I wear no pants right now but I will have to resume wearing pants in about two hours to take out garbage.  BECAUSE TAHT'S TEH GUY KINDA I AM.  Wears PANTS when he takes out garbage.  NO INDECENCY CHARGES AGAINST ME.  And if there are I CAN ASSURE YOU THEY'RE ERRANT.
Three paragraphs to go.  Facing NORTH while writing this Act.  It's fun!  I guess.  Solid chance I have QUEST bar today.  Maybe a BIRTHDAY BAR of a day it is.  MAYBE NOT.  Good.  MAY have had TOO MUCH stuffed mushroom.  They gave me TWO of em to divide into threes.  FOR TODAY I may have had like 80% of a single one of em.  TOO MUCH.  Oh well.  Tomorrow if I wanna add stuff to pad out Dinner I CAN ADD WHEATED THINS or something, I dunno.  ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.  So that's good.  Gonna aim to take pills at around 10:30 or 11:00.  I WANNA aim for 11:00 but I might be SO EXCITED to take Ruination Of Life Pill that I take it half an hour earlier.  Either way whatever happens'll work out pretty good for me I assume.  Was snowing a little bit today.  NONE OF IT STUCK. But it was SNOW nonetheless.  Stepped on some dog shit.  Then I got it on my hand.  Because it was on LEAF which stuck to my shoe.  Didn't realize it was STUCK BY DOG SHIT.  I thought I noticed leaf stuck to my shoe so I used hand to get it off ONLY TO COVER HAND IN DOG SHIT.  WIPED IT OFF with some Plastic Sandwich Bag I had in my jacket.  Only thing I could figure out!  Plastic sandwich bag isn't the most LOGICAL thing to wipe off dog shit with BUT I HAD NO BETTER CHOICES.  AND IT DID get the job done.
Either way.  THEN I LITTERED THE PLASTIC BAG.  Didn't put that back in my jacket.  Figured I'd break the law in this one instance.  PAID OFF BIG TIME.  I didn't invite More Dog Shit into my jacket.  WORKED OUT GREAT.  Anyway.  CHANCE it was just mud.  I dunno.  Didn't smell that bad.  SURE I LIFTED MESSY HAND TO NOSE TO SMELL.  I WANNA SEE WHAT THIS SMELLS LIKE.  Couldn't smell anything!  So that's either GOOD NEWS or bad news. It's GOOD NEWS my hand doesn't smell like dog shit but it's BAD NEWS THE MYSTERY OF WHAT THIS IS CONTINUES as smelling it LED TO NO ANSWERS.  So that's good I guess.  Maybe start working on Zachardy Snyder's Justice League tomorrow.  AS OF NOW I'm interested in The Twilight Zone (2002) but I'll be finishing that up at some point tomorrow presumably.  Also got the SEVENTEEN HOUR Shutter Documentry Part III on 80's Horror Movies.  So that MAY come before Justice League.  OR BE INTERSPERSED THROUGHOUT.  That's the MICHAEL Justice League CUT.  IT'S THE DIRECTOR'S CUT PLUS there's a Shutter 80's Horror Documentry Weaved In throughout.  I LIKE IT.
   Last paragraph.  Amazing.  Just finished chewing up delicious lollipop.  LOOK do I MISS EATING TE LOLLIPOP YES.  But that's part of life.  MISSING THINGS.  I guess.  What else do I got going on for me. I TINK going forward I'm only gonna wanna have 2 snacks Post Dinner (and 3 overall in the day) but FOR NOW I may continue aiming for three AS LONG AS ONE OF TEM is Small ChocoPop Snack.  GOING FORWARD if I want a Choco Pop Snack THAT COUNTS AS ONE OF TWO.  But for today WHO CARES WE'LL SEE WHAT FEELS RIGHT.  WHAT FEELS RIGHT IS TO EAT LESS.  Oh.  In that case PROBABLY GONNA GO WITH WHAT FEELS WRONG.  Gotta go with my gut on this one!  Anyway.  I dunno.  MAYBE I'd enjoy going into some Shutter Documentary tonight.  I think I WOULD enjoy that.  What else.  Figured out my Growing OCD is probably related to overeating.  Last few months I start doubling (AND OR TRIPLING) back to refridgerator after I use it to make sure I closed it.  NOW, ESPECIALLY AT NIGHTMIGHT, if I double back to fridge I'M GONNA GET SOMETING NEW TO EAT like a CANDY or A COOKIE.  Also I CAN'T JUST NOT DOUBLE BACK.  OBVIOUSLY the one time I Actually Don't Close The Fridge All The Way would be EXACTLY THE TIME I convince myself I Don't Really Need To Go Back To Make Sure It's Closed.  DANGIT.  Anyway.  that's good.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:02 P.M.




Monday, January 30, 2023

This Is The Title We Deserve

    Hey friends!  Behind schedule today by an hour.  10:40 AM!  Gonna either take only eight walks OR have a bonus walk in afternoon and/or evening.  DANGIT.  Oh well.  Had a small amount of NightMight after having a large amount of Pre-NightMight.  So it evens out!  IS Pre-NightMight becoming UNCONTROLLABLE too?  Or am I just not being as careful as I theoretically could be.  I THINK I COULD CONTROL MYSELF MORE PRE-NIGHTMIGHT.  Hmm.  OTHERWISE maybe I start taking NightMight Medication EARLIER in the night.  To help PRE-NIGHTMIGHT.  WHAT TE HELL.  That sounds weird.  Either way, I dunno.  Still on New In Alternative music playlist!  Got plenty of time to fit in Activities today besides having one less walk.  Hmm.  Had Classic Breakfast today.  GONNA have a lunch with egg either today or tomorrow I think.  Balanced Breakfast or Bagel.  I MUST start making progress on Egg.  Probably bagel with egg.  MORE EXCITING.
   Could be today!  I'd like to get started on Egg today.  ON TE OTHER HAND I'd also like Sushi today I feel.  So we'll see how it shakes out.  Watched some more Twilight Zone (20002) last night.  It's pretty good.  Not only does it have high quality Hollywood actors a lot, but I RECOGNIZE names of writers and directors of episodes.  From OTHER TV series.  Not sure WHICH.  But the names ring lots of bells.  So that's good.  Today is MONDAY.  It turns into February ON WEDNESDAY.  Hmm.  Not sure how I feel about February.  Pretty sure it's black history month.  ...Kinda feels like Republican politicians should be criticizing black history months these days?  Pretty much directly in line with what they're all about!  BLACK HISTORY IS CRT.  So we'll see how that goes.  Anyway.  I celebrate black history month ALL THE TIME but now that I think about it I KNOW NO MORE BLACK HISTORY TAN I DID IN JANUARY.
So that's not good.  Dad brought up that he might want me to throw in one or two of his things next time I do laundry.  That just might be the motivation I need to do the laundry!  IT WON'T BE.  But it Just MIGHT be.  Wait no. MIGHT implies it's possible.  WHILE IT ISN'T.  So that's good.  Probably in line to start a steak * stuffed mushroom dinner tonight.  Been a while since I had that.  Delicious!  WOULD I enjoy a one-off bison burger and another one-off thing for tomorrow?  Possibly.  But I'm DUE for the Delicious Dinner.  The time has come!  Hmm.  SUPERBOWL will be between Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles.  I'm under the impression Philadelphia sports fans are obnoxious and whatknot.  Better root for the Kansas City Chiefs.  THEY BETTER BE IN MISSOURI OR ELSE.  What else.  Missouri doesn't have a lot going on for it as a state.  Not sure many people are passionate one way or the other about missouri.  THAT'S ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE.
Fourth paragraph.  Gonna get coffee after this one.  So that's good!  Hmm.  Usually when I get up late I do so after several rounds of Snoozes.  Today I just legitimately woke up for the first time late!  GO FIGURE.  Then come back.  GOT SOME MORE STUFF FOR YOU TO FIGURE LATER ON IN A LITTLE BIT.  Hmm.  Haven't watched any DC Extension Universe film since finishing Wonderwoman Oh I Don't Know Saturday Afternoon.  GUESS I'M IN LINE FOR JUSTICE LEAGUE.  Guess I'm gonna SKIP original Justice League and just watch RECUT.  Sounds like fun.  BETTER BE IN COLOR THOUGH.  The poster on HBO Browsing is in black and white and it says something like JUSTICE IS GRAY.  LOOK I like gray as much as the next guy but... I dunno!  I like movies that are colorful.  I guess.  How much time do I have to write the rest of the act.  I dunno.  About an hour.  Maybe a few minutes more.  I'll be fine there.  Good deal.  Gonna go get coffee now.
   Not sure justice is gray.  I'm not sure what that's referring to.  When I FIRST read it I thought oh yeah I get it.  Now I DON'T.  I know justice is BLIND.  Justice being gray is COLOR BLIND I guess.  Makes a little bit of sense.  WOW.  Got an official e-mail from Yahoo saying FANTASY BASEBALL IS BACK.  I figured that out MYSELF over the weekend but now I know THEY'RE SERIOUS about it being back as well.  Not just a SOFT LAUNCHING or something.  IT'S BACK FOR GOOD.  What else is up.  I GUESS I'm aiming to take nine walks?  Gotta do crunch time in middle of the day AND gotta take 2 walks at night.  LATELY I've been doing Relative Crunch Time in middle of day but ONE walk at night. IT'S FUN.  Also relative crunch time is better than STRAIGHT UP crunch time.  I can do Relative Crunch Time when I'm not accepting any Communal Delivery between 6:00 and 7:00.  I COULD BE TAKING WALKS THEN.  HOWEVER days like today GOTTA BE HOME that block of time meaning I gotta CRUNCH MORE TIME BEFOREHAND to fit in afternoon walks.  WOW.
Sixth paragraph.  Got lotta time to write upcoming five paragraphs.  Gonna be good.  Think I'm leaning towards bagel with egg white.  HIGHER CALORIE LUNCH.  I should save it for when I'm HUNGRIER.  But I dunno!  I feel like it's more calories BUT ABOUT THE SAME AMOUNT OF HEARTY.  SO JUST IGNORE THAT when deciding.  Hmm.  Doing work on the street today again BUT a little bit down the block.  JUST A LITTLE BIT.  But enough that it makes a difference.  What else.  Already enjoyed some chocolate breakfast biscuits and some Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars last night.  I LIKE BOTH OF EM.  Can't go wrong there.  HMM.  I have entire order of Egg White from last week.  I dunno,  TUEDSAY?  THURSDAY?  Either way I COULD have normal ONE THIRD of them with bagel OR I COULD HAVE HALF.  Make an even BIGGER dent in my Egg White Supply.  Not sure that's necessary.  STICK WITH A THIRD.  That's how I feel!  Hmm.  OR EAT SUSHI.  Amazing.
   Four paragraphs to go!  Taking a shower about an hour later today because of Time Being Pushed Back.  That COULD impact whether I do laundry or not.  OR I COULD JUST DO LAUNDRY LATER.  Hmm.  How long is Better Cut Of Justice League.  I'm gonna guess THREE HOURS and FOURTEEN MINUTES.  242 minutes.  WHAT TE HELL.  That sounds like FOUR hours.  AMAZING.  How long was original cut.  120 minutes.  WOW TWICE TE MOVIE.  Twice the justice.  And/or twice the league.  So that's good I guess.  I dunno.  Is there ANY value in watching Original Cut and then getting around to watching Director's Cut Chronologically such that I watch it between films AS OTHER PEOPLE WOULD HAVE if they watched it when they first were able to.  I DUNNO.  Probably not but it's POSSIBLE. I'll look into that because I got nothing better to do with my life.  Hmm.  I dunno.  LITTLE WORRIED I've been eating more potato with dinner than I thought.  Always assumed large baked potato was 300 calories.  With Steak * Stuffed Mushroom they tend to give VERY large potato.  With newer perspective THIS POTATO MIGHT BE 400, 450 calories.  WOW.  Better get Frenched Fries to be healthy.  EAT REASONABLE PORTION OF TEM OF COURSE.
   Eighth paragraph.  Three to go.  Amazing.  Probably donate soup and/or salad to father.  IF I'm splitting it into 3 meals AS I WILL I could have soup as substitute for Starch Potato.  OR I could just have More Potato WHATEVER FORM IT TAKES.  Hmm.  If I'm splitting 450 calorie potato into three THAT EQUALS two 300 calorie potato portions.  YOU FOOLS.  What else is going on and crap.  ARE the Kansas City Chiefs a reference to American Indian Chiefs.  Chiefs don't have to be American Indians.  But IN THIS CONTEXT I'd say over 50% chance they are.  Lemme LTURQ. Name comes from former Kansas City Mayor HAROLD ROE BARTLE who nicknamed himself, "Chief," when he created a group related to BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA called, "Tribe Of Mic-O-Say," that used fake Native American imagery, stories, and ceremonies.  So it's like Boy Scouts but they pretend to be Indians but it's all completely made up. SURE.  WHO WOULDN'T WANNA HONOR TAHT LEGACY IN SPORTS.  Hmm.  Two paragraphs to go.
   Yeah!  At least in Philadelphia the Boy Scouts Affiliate teaches kids imagery stories and ceremonies that EAGLES FOLLOW FOR REAL.  This is the real deal.  THIS IS HOW EAGLES REALLY LIVED IN TE WILD.  Whatever.  Supposed to get into the low 50's today.  WEATHERWISE.  Degree wise.  YEAH.  Hope I get RELATIVELY Small portion of steak today.  NOT THE SMALLEST.  Not the largest.  RELATIVELY SMALL.  ANYWAY door bell just rang and I accepted Medication Delivery.  Including Topheramate!  Guess I'm taking that sucker in no more then 12 hours.  Amazing. Hope I get THREE stuffed mushrooms though and not two.  9 out of 10 times I get three.  I'M DIVIDING THIS INTO THREE.  MAKE IT EASY ON ME.  DIVIDE IT INTO THREE FOR ME ALREADY.  So that's good.  ARROWHEAD STADIUM OF THE CHIEFS is in Guinness World Book Of Records for LOUDEST OUTDOOR STADIUM.  At some point they registered a DECIBEL level that EXCEEDED ANYWHERE ELSE.  Not bad.
Last paragraph of Act I!  Amazing.  Leaning towards sushi.  Amazing.  Got GENERIC version of medication.  GOOD.  Save some money.  I'm down with that.  I'd like to see some Kansas City CHEFS.  Kansas City is known for BARBEQUE I believe.  They got their own style. Can't be that bad!  I like BBQ.  My guess is its on the SWEET SIDE of BBQ.  Lemme LTURQ. KANSAS CITY STYLE SAUCE IS THICK AND SWEET.  I KNEW IT.  I just KNEW IT.  Anyway.  I'd probably watch some of the Superbowl.  I like games.  That should be a good one!  Did the original Twilight Zone always end with bad news for the main characters.  Cause I feel like most of these end on a downer.  NOT ALL.  But more often than not the Wrap Up of the episode is This Guy had a chance for his life to be better or something.  He failed.  NOW HE'S DOOMED... In The Twilight Zone.  Sounds reasonable.  That's probably how life goes on IN REAL LIFE most of the time.  WE'RE DOOMED but Just Not In The Twilight Zone But Rather RealityVille.  Anyway that's good.  I'll be back in a little bit.




one of them at least

    Hey friends.  Think I'll have bagel with 1/3rd of egg white for lunch.  Think I'll have steak * stuffed mushroom for dinner!  MAYBE GET CURLY FRIES.  They're like fries but less healthy!  More surface area that's being fried or something.  I dunno.  Not happy with how I'm spelling, "Curly."  No better alternative but I'm still not happy with it!  Anyway.  How long do I have to write this act.  Let's say UP TO FIFTY MINUTES.  Let's say IT'LL TAKE 25 MINUTES OR SO.  Okay.  Amazing!  Good shot I'd be having the 3 parts of Steak * stuffed mushroom IN THREE CONSECUTIVE DINNERS without taking a single break.  So that's good.  I GUESS IT'S GOOD.  NOT BAD.  Think I'm gonna watch Twilight Zone (2002) first things first when I start watching TV today.  TINK I'm gonna aim to take Total Nine Walks even though it means crunchtime in both afternoon and night.  Not so much CRUNCH TIME at night.  But It'd eat into my Nighttime is the point.  Wonderful.  What else do I got going on for me.  I ONLY need to write four paragraphs for DayTime Day.  That's not bad!
   Okay.  How many curly fries am I having with each portion of dinner.  FIVE OR SIX, right?  If they're what I'm imagining.  Five or six is a responsible way to go.  I guess!  WOW BAGEL WIT HEGG WHITE gonna be good.  Probably should take it out of freezer to defrost at room temperature NOW. But I think I'm gonna wait until leaving before my next walk.  It'll be out for OVER AN HOUR at that point by the time I wanna Cut It In Half.  MAKES SENSE.  HMM should I err on the side of Toasting That Bagel Good or Toasting That Bagel Light.  I THINK Toasting That Bagel Good.  Don't wanna burn it.  BUT I WANT IT TOASTED PRETTY heavily.  Like a seven or eight out of ten.  STANDARD 10.  Amazing.  Hmm.  Not expecting to see results from Topherimate for four weeks or so.  Maybe I get lucky and it kicks in sooner!  Maybe I get unlucky and it never kicks in.  MAYBE REAL SOON THOUGH ya never know for sure.
EYAH.  HEY gotta put some beer in the fridge.  Finished Previous Week's round of beer.  Now I'm putting in CURRENT WEEK.  WOW. I got plenty of time to do that for it to be cold by NightTime.  Might as well take my time with it.  NO USE rushing and making a mistake.  PLAY THIS ONE RIGHT.  Good.  ANyway.  Taking a shower after next walk.  Then DryingOff/TVTime.  THEN LUNCH before taking another walk.  BOTH SHOWER ACTIVITY AND LUNCH ACTIVITY in ONE SINGLE SEGMENT OF DAY between walks.  Should be interesting.  Wait are you not supposed to eat After Getting Into The Pool. I think it's the other way around.  Not supposed to eat BEFORE getting into the pool.  WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN POOLS like Aquaman.  When are they SUPPOSED to eat.  Anyway.  Wonder who is in Justice League besides Batman and Wonderful Woman.  I THINK there might be a THE FLASH but I know VERY LITTLE about it.  Pretty sure Superman is Dead.  Not IN REAL LIFE.  In the MOVIE.
Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day!  Good deal.  I COULD look up Justice League Heroes but I'd rather be surprised.  MAYBE THERE'S A REAL EXCITING ONE that gets me going.  Don't wanna ruin that surprise.  Hmm.  Pretty sure Justice League was inspired by Real Life Algonquin Round Table.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna try not to eat more than I aim for tonight.  I feel like I could do that.  Only reason I've messed up 2 or 3 times in the last week is because I have HOPE of MiracleDrug fixing my nightmight.  Which means overeating at night CAN BE MADE UP FOR pretty soon AND PRETTY FAST.  ALSO because when it happens I seem to eat less at NightMight so it just evens out.  EITHER WAY gonna stop doing that either way.  What ELSE is up.  Is SuperBowl upcoming Sunday or Sunday after upcoming Sunday.  Hmm.  Guess we'll have to wait to find out.  OR I can check.  Looks like it's Sunday After Next Sunday.
   Last paragraph of daytime day.  Amazing.  Time to get started on Enjoyable DayTimeDay without Entrying.  SURE there'll be lots of walks but ALSO LOTS OF FUN.  TV Time and crap.  That sort of thing!  Good enjoyable MEALS.  Starting exciting Miracle Drug tonight.  Wow.  Up to the 20th Twilight Zone (2002) story out of 43.  WOW THIS ONE HAS GOT FRANK WHALEY and SOFIA MILOS.  Gotta imagine if I look them up I WILL RECOGNIZE one of them.  Hmm.  AH.  The lady is the person who played the Italian Mob Boss who meets with Anthony Soprano in the eponymous THE SOPRANOS.  I can picture her kind of!  VOLUPTUOUS Italian Lady.  More or less.  Sounds good to me!  What else is up.  Maybe have delicious sweet potato fries instead of curly fries. They're an exciting MIXEMUP Fry but LESS FRIED SURFACE AREA.  So that's good.  Consider that good.  I will.  Hmm.  I guess that's it for now.  I'll see ya tonight!




Okay Let's Go With That

    Hi friends.  Just got back from eighth walk.  Probably will take NINTH walk after the entry.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  Had two Mini Assorted Cookies ERRONEOUSLY.  Which is a word I used ERRONEOUSLY.  Either way had delicious bagel with HALF OF ALL THE EGG WHITE for lunch and one third of steak * stuffed mushroom * broccoli * baked potato for dinner.  SMALL AMOUNTS ON ALL ACCOUNTS.  EXCEPT BROCCOLI.  DECENT AMOUNT OF BROCCOLI.  The good news is delicious.  Got delicious Citrusy Light beer going on for the first time since a few weeks ago.  NOW it's time to write 4.5 paragraphs and then Move On With My Life Some More.  Hmm.  Watched a lot of That Twilight Zone (2002) as well as a couple of Tales In The Crypt episodes.  IS THIS PARAGRAPH DONE YET.  I dunno.  Kinda feels like I should write 2-4 good sentences in this paragraph so it can hold its own when being ranked against other paragraphs.  Hmm.  That' a tough one!  ALL I can think of talking about is future breakfasts and lunches.  And THAT'S NOT gonna put this paragraph Over The Top in quality!  WELL couldn't hurt to try.  Future breakfasts will be A COUPLE OF CLASSIC BREAKFSATS, A BALANCED BREAKFAST, and a CAKE Breakfast.  ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED.  Oh.  You're NOT entertained?  WELL THAT SUCKS.
   Hmm.  WILL I have lollipop with Act III?  I dunno!  Probably.  Maybe after this paragraph.  Delightful.  I WAS AROUND IN 2002.  WHY WAS I NOT AWARE there was a Twilight Zone reboot PULLING OUT ALL THE STOPS in its Castings.  SO MANY GREAT CASTINGS yet WE HAD NO IDEA what was going on.  TO BE FAIR I was only 13 in Most Of 2002.  BUT TO BE UNFAIR THAT'S OLD ENOUGH that I should have been aware about this.  Anyway.  I dunno.  I guess it all works out in the end because HERE I AM WATCHING IT ALL IN 2023.  Not sure WHOM that's working out for.  ME I suppose.  I'm GAINING entertainment.  TUBI: TEH APP.  They're broadcasting advertisements to me and presumably the other viewers.  People who own rights to The Show.  Maybe even cast members getting royalties.  The good news is THAT'S IN TEH PAST NOW.  THAT SHOW CAN'T HURT US ANYMORE.  If we seek it out we can enjoy it but otherwise NO ONE ELSE WILL BE BOTHERED.
YEAH.  What else is up.  I probably could have legitimately split the steak * stuffed mushroom into Half Meals instead of Thirds and been more or less on target with what I like for a dinner.  NOPE.  Did thirds!  Figure I'm gonna indulge in NightTime snacking anyway.  Might as well make it REASONABLE and WORTH IT.  So that's good I guess.  Huh.  ABANDONED New In Alternative Playlist.  GOT DISTRACTED and put on some album or two and/or random songs.  OH WELL I CAN RETURN TO HE PLAYLIST WHENEVER I WANT.  Assuming I can remember which song I left off at.  I TINK I COULD FIGURE THAT OUT.  MORE OR LESS.  Within the range of 2 or 3 songs EITHER ON TE SIDE OF re-listening to 2 or 3 songs or SKIPPING 2 or 3 songs that I NEVER heard.  Whatever.  The good news is this paragraph is moving along quite nicely.  VERY solid chance I'm having Quest Bar tonight.  I think I still got that One Off White Chocolate Raspberry Bar.  Maybe go with that one!  OR COOKIES and/or Cream.
Penultimate paragraph!  Looks like I'm skipping lollipop.  AMAZING.  Finally things are going MY WAY.  Things have been going my way for a while.  Or at least one explicitly ANTI-My-Way.  Things have been running more or less parallel to my way so I really can't complain about much.  WAIT maybe I want things PERPENDICULAR to my way for one reason or another.  That sounds kinda fun actually.  I WANT SOME PERPENDICULAR.  PROVE ME WRONG.  Anyway.  Bagel was burnt pretty bad for lunch but SURPRISINGLY JUST Not Bad Enough.  It looked quite burnt and tasted unpleasant the first bite.  BUT AS I CONTINUED ON it was actually still a decent, fun experience.  Also I had HALF all the egg white instead of a third.  A DECENT FUN EXPERIENCE ALL AROUND.  So that's good.  What am I watching for the rest of the night.  Probably more That Twilight Zone (2002).  Maybe CLOSE OUT the night with a Tales In The Crypt or two.  WAIT A SECOND.  STOP FOR A MOMENT. ...AM I UP TO Death Of Some Salesman in Tales In The Crypt.  Because THAT'S ONE OF TE HIGHEST QUALITY EPISODES AROUND.  YEP I AM UP TO THAT EPISODE.  Well I'm gonna watch THAT ONE tonight AT THE VERY LEAST.
YEAH.  Last paragraph of the nighttime night.  STARTING TOPER GRACE Meds tonight.  Amazing.  Wonder if I'll have any unpleasant side effects.  Wonder if I'll have any pleasant side effects.  Not a lot of those.  Sounds like a scam!  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Got DIET DR PEPPER in fridge but NO DIET COKE.  Didn't quite have room for both of them among the rest of the sodas.  Figured they're closer to a redundancy than other flavors.  SO I replaced what WAS a diet coke with what IS a diet dry pepper.  IT SHOULDN'T BE TOO BAD. I still got lots of options overall.  Anyway, I dunno.  Might have delicious Quest BAR RIGHT when I get back from Final Walk.  Probably have delicious Low Calorie Iced Cream Bar 2 hours after that.  HOPEFULLY LIMIT NightTime Eating at that.  I think I can do it.  Sounds pretty good to me.  ANyway.  I guess that's it for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:06 P.M.



Sunday, January 29, 2023

This Must Be A Beautiful Dream

    Hey friends!  Here a little late today.  9:55 AM!  Should be able to fit in all the walks I want and everything BUT I may cut Act I short by a paragraph or two.  We're talking 8-10 paragraphs isntead of 10-10 paragraphs!  WHAT IF ITS SEVEN PARAGRAPHS.  I don't think that's very likely.  I got a solid hour to work with!  I'm gonna BLOW past seven paragraphs!  Anyway.  I THINK I had half the normal amount of NightMight calories last night BUT I had the other half PRE-NightMight. I DEFINITELY did that.  Had about half a Normal NightMight PRE-going to sleep.  AND I TINK I accommodated for it somehow with NightMight!  So that's good!  Had delicious Third Of Cake for breakfast.  I KNOW I gotta get started on egg white.  I'M SORRY.  Please FORGIVE ME.  Either way this third of it actually was a Smaller Third.  I feel first Third was big, this third was small, and the last third I still have left over is in the middle.  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE.  Ham sandwich, turkey sandwich, or sushi for lunch.  Huh.  Sushi makes a lot of sense I guess.  THEN AGAIN SO DO SANDWICH.
  Watched the first 15 or 20 minutes of SNL before going to sleep last night.  SOLIDLY watched it through the monologue.  That might have been it.  Hmm.  Phone is charged completely.  That's good.  I think.  Well I KNOW it's good.  The, "I think," was actually a LATE, "I Think," in relation to Phone Being Charged Completely.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  98% right now.  That rounds up to 98.5%!  WHICH IS PRETTY GOOD.  Anyway.  Gonna get started on Packets of Truvia today.  AMAZING.  I'll know exactly how much I'm putting in!  I DON'T KNOW what I've been putting in lately.  Equivalent of three packs?  Equivalent of seven packs?  EITHER WAY THAT'S ALMOST OVER AND DONE WITH.  Still a little bit of Truvia in Reservoir Basin Cup but I'll finish it on FIRST CUP today.  FIRST CUP.  Is that a sports thing.  Golf or soccor?  You WIN First Cup.  Sounds about right. Then again also sounds Pretty Wrong.  So it's hard to say.  What else.  NICENESS.  Got up to take walk early enough such that I'll take normal walks normal time.  That's an accomplishment!
   Third paragraph.  Huh.  Watched some more 2002 Twilight Zone.  Turns out A LOT of actors doing parts in this series.  I thought Jason Alexander was gonna be the exception that proves the rule.  NOPE. LOTTA solid cast members!  Not A LIST but LOTS OF PEOPLE WHOM WE KNOW AND LOVE.  Interesting.  Got plenty episodes left, too.  Also Forest Whitaker is PRETTY GOOD at doing the Introductions and Conclusions.  He does the conclusion ...blah blah blah blah.... such that... IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE pretty good.  HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING.  Anyway.  LOOK is it a step or two above BEYOND BELIEF: FACT OR FICTION?  Yeah!  But is it a step or two below JUST BEING A LEGITIMATELY GOOD SHOW?  Sure!  Anyway.  What am I watching on TV today.  MORE OF THAT.  Finish SNL.  All the good stuff. Maybe do some laundry today.  That'd be the Dream, right?  WHOM is my favorite Guest Star in Twilight Zone so far.  LEMME LTURQ.  I dunno.  Credits say Series Created by Rod Serlign.  Meanwhile Rod Serling died in 1975.  I guess LEGALLY this is an actual continuation of original series.  CAUSE he couldn't have created a new series.  WHAT WIT BEING DEAD AND WHATKNOT.
Fourth paragraph.  Coffee after this one!  Got fifty minutes to write the rest of the act.  Seems plausible.  Hmm.  If I have no current lunch meals for dinner AND I get no further deliveries for MORE lunches, I got FOUR LUNCHES planned for next FIVE days.  I should consider having Balanced Breakfast as a lunch on account of I NEED TO START TEM EGG WHITES.  The problem is I got TWO CEREALS and I dislike both of them!  More or less!  Cookie Crisp is gross.  Chocolate Frosted Flakes ain't great.  But I GOTTA EAT EM AT SOME POINT.  Might as well be WHEN I HAVE FRESH EGG.  DANGIT.  Hmm.  The point is HOLLYWOOD was convinced 2002 Twilight Zone would be a hit.  I guess they were wrong.  Such is life.  2002.  Sounds like 21 years ago.  Yep.  ACCURATE.  Not sure why it was necessary to point out.  But certainly TRUE.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Gonna go get coffee now I guess.
   YEAH.  Got fourty five minutes to write rest of act.  MAY cut it short at fourty minutes.  That should get me 9 or 10 paragraphs.  Anyway.  Looks like we're putting in order for Amazon FRESH.  For it to be delivered TODAY or TOMORROW.  I'LL UPDATE YOU ON WHEN in a little bit WHEN IT'S FINALIZED.  AM I getting anything exciting?  SURE.  Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars.  Chocolate Breakfast Biscuits.  IRRESPONSIBLE CHOCOLATE CHUNK COOKIES.  Anyway I dunno.  Had practically none Truvia Basin left.  Less than a packsworth.  So I poured out what I could then added five packsworth!  TASTES DELICIOUS.  You can really taste the It Being Stored In Individual Fancy Pack instead of Dumb Cheap Basin With Neighboring Truvia Deposits.  So that's good.  What else is up.  About 8 or 9 The New Rock songs left.  What playlist do I put on next?  PERHAPS New In Alternative.  Perhaps ALT CNTRL.  I think one of those is probably the way to go!  WAY TO GO.  That sort of thing.
   Five paragraphs to go?  Fourty Minutes still?  Look 2 or 3 minutes have passed since LAST I Have Fourty Minutes Left.  But ROUNDING THINGS OFF still rounds off to I Have Fourty Minutes Left.  So that should be pretty good I guess.  I think I'd enjoy Chocolate Flakes over Cookie Crisp for cereal.  The good news is I dunno.  Looks like we put in Amazon Fresh order to arrive today at 3:00 to 5:00.  COULD THAT Disrupt my walking schedule?  SURE.  Lemme think.  ODDS are I could fit in normal amount of walks but with more CrunchTime.  Possible I miss a walk I guess.  PROBABLY NOT THOUGH. Good.  Anyway.  Realized last night I still got Lucky Sherm bars.  Forgot about those.  Hmm.  I probably had one last NightMight.  Was that PART of the NightMight I remembered having.  Or was it BONUS.  I dunno.  The good news is who cares.  The bad news is I CARE.  Oh well.  If No News Is Good News can we extrapolate that All News Is Bad News?  My guess?  NOPE.  But it'd be fun to pretend to extrapolate it nonetheless.
Seventh paragraph!  IF I have a sandwich which one would I like.  Probably turkey I guess.  IF I had a turkey sandwich which snadwichside would I like.  I DUNNO.  Saltside, sweetside.  Who knows.  The point is turkey sandwich sounds pretty decent for Today Lunch.  Probably STANDARD SIDE is a SaltSide.  Hmm.  Finished deliciosu chocolate chip cookies last night.  PRE-Night Might.  Lasted me a solid 2 days more or less.  FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. I got em Friday Morning and finished them Saturday Night.  IN ONE REGARDS thats two days. IN ANOTHER it's 1.5 days.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TINK.  Anyway.  I feel like I saw a trailer for Creed III roughly seven years ago.  NOW I see it's being released NOW, SOON.  But seeing the commercial for it again definitely brings back Old Memories of seeing it in the past.  POSSIBLY HONESTLY in Movie Theater.  Which would have been at least 3 years ago.  That can't be right.  Lemme LTURQ on internet WHEN IT WAS MADE.  Filming ended in April 2022.  Huh.  I guess I saw the trailer a couple months ago and it felt like a longer time.  I DUNNO.
   Three paragraphs to go!  GOT HALF AN HOUR TO WRITE EM?  That's gonna be enough time I feel!  I'm not gonna CALL IT in terms of I Will Write Complete Ten Paragraphs For Act I but the odds are DEFINITELY in its favor.  So that's good.  I guess.  The point is SURE I'd see Creed III all things being equal.  ALL THINGS AREN'T EQUAL THOUGH.  I shall CONTINUE not going to movies in theater for immediate future.  Even though they're enjoyable.  Anyway.  Wonder if Rod Serlign got a, "Created By," credit for Creed III.  Probably not.  I don't think they normally GIVE Created By Credits for major motion pictures. IF THEY DID sure Rod Serlign would be a leading contender but THEY DON'T.  Hmm.  Not many great sweet sides that are exciting.  GOOD.  Sandwichside doesn't NEED to be exciting.  LET SANDWICH SHINE.  You're playing A SUPPORTING ROLE here.  So that's good.  Wonder if I'll do laundry today.  I should flip a coin.  HEADS I continue not doing laundry.  TAILS I force myself to do it.  OKAY let's go.  Just got a dime.  Let's do that.  WAIT NO.  I WANNA FLIP IT.  THE PREMISE NOT THE COIN.  HEADS I WON'T do laundry.  TAILS I WILL. WAIT THAT'S NOT FLIPPING IT. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I FIRST SAID.  Okay lets stick with that then.  TAILS.  I'm doing laundry today I guess!  Probably not still.  But you get the idea.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  In addition to a few extra hundred food calories last night, also had a third beer!  Good stuff.  I guess.  TWILIGHT ZONES are 21 episodes of 2 episodes each.  2 COMMERCIAL AMENDED half hour episodes.  About 20, 21 minutes each Story.  Amazing.  ETHAN EMBRY IS IN ONE OF TESE EPISODES? WOW.  Next you'll be telling me YOU GOT KATHERINE HEIGL.  WAHT?  YOU DID? THIS IS GREAT.  Anyway what else is crap and shit.  No work on street outside today.  I THINK my Dad got message somehow one way or the other that work will continue for another 2 or 3 weeks.  Oh well.  Doesn't bother me that much!  Could be worse I guess.  Anyway what else do I got going for me and crap.  Probably stuff and things.  That'd be my assumption.  I COULD HAVE A THIRD OF the third of the loaf of cake I have left as Sandwichside.  I don't think that'd be very hearty at all though.  NOT AT ALL.
   Last paragraph of act!  With PLENTIES of time.  Twenty minutes and whatknot.  I'm gonna write it in Oh I Don't Know Let's Say Six Or Eight Minutes.  Okay.  What else is up.  Not gonna be SEVEN minutes.  Lemme put that to rest RIGHT NOW.  Hmm.  Maybe I should give more careful thought to Next Playlist To Listen To.  Not sure ALT would be the best possible thing.  BUT it seems like the best option I have out of Actual Options.  It's not GREAT but it might be MY BEST CHOICE.  So that's good.  COULD BE PRETTY GOOD.  I dunno.  Hmm.  Could always get back into listening to Good Artists That I'm Not Too Familiar With discographies.  Either ones I went through once a year or two ago OR ENTIRELY new ones.  Hmm.  Good Indie Rock or Punk Rock or Rap artists that I could go through that with.  OR OTHER GENRE OF ROCK EVEN.  Lots of good genre of rock out there.  AT LEAST FOUR I'd say off the top of my head.  So that's good.  I guess I'm done here for now!  AMAZING.  Knocked it out of the park real fast.  IN TERMS OF SPEED.  Not quality.  AMAZING.  See ina  little bit. 




i've already said most things

    Hey, friends!  Time to write five more paragraphs.  Got up to fourty five minutes to write 'em!  My guess is I'll SUCCEED within 23-32 minutes.  I was gonna say 25-30.  Then I was gonna say 23-30.  Then I went with 23-32.  I FEEL pretty happy with that range.  Anyway.  Started New In Alternative playlist.  KICKED OFF with a new The Fall Out Boy song.  WONDERFUL.  I think I'm gonna enjoy these songs!  Hmm.  Leaning towards turkey sandwich for lunch.  I don't KNOW what to do for SandwichSide.  IT'S CONFUSING ME.  Possibly Fiber One product.  A 70-120 calorie range depending on WHICH Fiber One Product.  So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  What do I watch FIRST on the television set today.  Presumably wanna watch The SNL first. Get that out of the way so I can enjoy a lot of Tales In The Twilight Zones for the rest of the day.  I TINK I'm upto FIFTH OR SIXTH Double Episode out of 22 or so.  Lemme LTURQ.  HALFWAY THROUGH the 11th MINI STORY.  Which is, what, the first half of Episode SIX?  Lemme COUNT THY NUMBERS.  1 2 is one, 3 4 is two, 5 6 is three, 7 8 is four, 9 10 is five...  YEP.  Also this one stars JEREMY PIVEN.  Doesn't get much better than that!
   Okay.  Four paragraphs to go.  Delightful.  Anyway.  IF I was stylizing Creed III: The Title would I suggest, "CRIIID?"  I hope not.  I'd probably lose my job Stylizing Titles based on that blunder.  OR maybe people would APPRECIATE that I'm trying to do something new and exciting even if it didn't work out perfectly for this specific title.  Hard to say how that would play out exactly.  The point is NO ROCKY BALBOA in Creed III.  I READ IT ON THE INTERNET.  Oh well.  Hmm.  I like Creeds and Rockies.  I DON'T particularly like real life Professional Boxing. Never really gave it a chance, though.  GIVE FIGHTING A CHANCE.  That's my feeling.  The point is huh what else is going on and crap.  Got delicious WHITE BREAD for turkey sandwich.  Think I'll NOT Toast it but MIGHT cut it in half for fun.  Haven't cut sandwiches in halves the last dozen or so sandwiches TINKING BACK.  But I think TODAY it might be fun.  TURKEY SANDWICH ON WHITE BREAD.  Cuts in Half NICELY.
   Three paragraphs to go!  So that's good.  Pretty sure I've read that Jeremy Piven is some sort of Jerk in real life.  Could be wrong.  He ACTS like a decent person.  EVEN WHEN HE'S A JERK he's a Decent Person Jerk.  THAT COULD ALL JUST BE FOR SHOW though.  Anyway.  WOULD I ENJOY binging Entourage.  I feel like I watched the first few seasons AS IT WAS RELEASED.  Always thought it was kind of stupid.  PROBABLY IS kind of stupid.  Maybe I'd enjoy it though.  I DUNNO.  I'll Flip A Coin on it later.  Probably.  Hmm COIN said I'm To Do Laundry today.  I guess I can do that.  Otherwise coin will be upset.  Not sure what coin could DO ABOUT IT PRACTICALLY.  But it wouldn't be happy.  So that's good.  HEY presumably tomorrow night I start TOPHERMAX medication.  I guess that might work out for me.  Solid chance it works out for me pretty good.  Anyway.  Coming in on the start of February.  What does that mean FOR ME.  I dunno.  February.  Same as it means for everyone else.  WHYS IT GOTTA MEAN SOMETHING FOR ME in particularl.
Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day!  So that's good I guess.  Delicious Freedom Chicken Roll for dinner.  WILL I leave over some of the Bread Part?  Certainly possible!  I got a look at this grilled Freedom Roll last night and it looked pretty big.  THEN AGAIN eating the entire thing is DEFINITELY not only IN THE CARDS but presumably FAVORED.  Huh.  What else is up and crap.  What if had some sort of Iced Cream Concoction as SandwichSide.  Guess top choice would be Smaller Iced Cream Sandwich.  THAT COULD WORK.  Do I TAKE ICED CREAM SANDWICH up with me WITH REGULAR SANDWICH to eat afterwards?  Or do I finish regular sandwich, THEN go get iced cream sandwich from fridge.  OR Do I Start iced cream sandwich BEFORE FINISHING regular sandwich.  I dunno.  This is all too complicated!  I SHOULDN'T HAVE ICED CREAM SIDE FOR SANDWICH SIDE.  Too chaotic.  NOT A FAN.  CHAOS is too chaotic for me. 
Last paragraph of the Daytime Day.  So taht's good.  BBQ Pop Chips.  That's the most obvious SandwichSide and FOR GOOD REASON.  It's the most LOGICAL and perhaps the BEST sandwichside option there is.  What else is up.  I THINK with the turkey we're operating with SLIGHTLY MORE turkey than I had ordered.  We're talkin I'd be having SLIGHTLY OVER a quarter of an oz with the sandwich.  Lemme LTURQ ON THE INTERNET.  Yep.  Got .53 LB.  SANDWICH WILL BE Oh I Don't Know .265 LB.  Sounds Vaguely Accurate.  Hmm.  Anyway.  I dunno.  I wonder if there will be a BOXING sketch in SNL.  It makes sense because the actor has a lot of experience portraying Boxers in the past.  Might as well go with what ya know!  What else is up.  .265 LB?  THAT SOUNDS LIKE A LOT.  GOOD.  It's turkey.  IT'S GOOD FOR YA. Ya SHOULD eat a lotta turkey.  Hmm.  How long am I putting Freedom Roll in oven for tonight.  HMM.  Might wanna leave it in a relatively long time.  Let's say 45, 50 minutes.  THEN LETS FOLLOW THROUGH on that.  Huh.  I'll be back tonight.




I See Where You're Coming From

    Hey, friends!  Just got back from ninth and final walk.  WELL WHICH ONE IS IT.  The NINTH WALK or THE FINAL WALK.  IT'S BOTH!  I SWEAR IT!  Anyway.  Had delicious Freedom Chicken Roll for dinner and turkey sandwich with wheated thins for lunch.  Will have deliciosu Choco Pop in a paragraph or two.  ANOTEHR DESSERT OR TWO later on in night.  GONNA BE A BLAST and several halves.  Possibly even More Than One Ones.  So that's good.  Made a lot of progress with 2002 Twilight Zone.  Pretty good stuff.  Not GOOD good but either MEDIOCRE Good or GOOD Mediocre.  WAIT.  NO.  It's GOOD Mediocre.  That's an easy determination now that I think about it.  So that's good.  Mediocre.  Gotta exercise your Media Core muscles.  That's a thing.  Core curriculum.  Hmm.  In middle school we had CORE which was a 2 or 3x period class compared to other classes and was ENGLISH AND HISTORY COMBINED.  I REMEMBER WE READ CHARLES' DICKENS in it.  So that's good I guess. 
   YEAH.  Will continue more Twilight Zone (2002) tonight!  Right now I'm several minutes into an episode for J'aime Pressley plays some sort of Computer Dream Girl.  For Sex Purposes.  COMPUTER DREAM SEX.  AMAZING.  What else is up.  Accepted Super market order this afternoon.  I got everything I wanted. Not REALLY.  I wanted TONS of stuff I didn't get.  COMPUTER DREAM SEX for one.  I wasn't necessarily EXPECTING it.  But in retrospect Sure, I Would Have Wanted It.  Anyway.  What kinda lunch I got coming my way tomorrow.  Ham sandwich, kids chicken parm, or sushi.  SEEMS LIKE IT'S ANYBODY'S GAME.  Probably not chicken parm.  And probably Sushi.  SOUNDS LIKE IT'S SUSHI'S GAME.  Amazing.  OH it's also possible I have WildCard lunch like Balanced Breakfast or Bagel With Egg White from Balanced Breakfast Fame.  ANYWAY I think I'm gonna start the choco pop HALFWAY THROUGH the next paragraph.  I don't know why.  Who knows why things happen.  POSSIBLY Philosophers.  IF ANYONE KNOWS it's gotta be philosophers.  That's my gut feeling.
   YEAH.  Philosophers have to be SMART because it's one of the most intellectually demanding disciplines.  But Philosophers gotta be DUMB because it's one of the most pointless disciplines AS WELL AS LEAST FINANCIALLY REWARDED.  SO WHICH ONE IS IT.  ARE YA SMART OR DUMB.  MAKE UP YOUR MINDS ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  You don't have to be smart to be a philosopher.  Anyone can understand this.  Oh.  Kierkeegard.  I get it.  His name is Kierkeegard.  MORE OR LESS.  May not be nailing every letter, no, but I GET THE BASIC PREMISE OF IT.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Got chocolate choco pop going.  First chocolate in a lil' bit!  I re-upped with Assorted Flavor Bags without re-upping with choco bags so I've been leaning heavily on the Other Flavors.  TODAY I WAS DUE FOR A CHOCO FLAVOR.  So that's good.  HOLY SHIT this is chocolate.  It just occurred to me.  Sucking on some delicious chocolate candy.  Amazing.
Penultimate paragraph of the night.  Finished watching SNL.  I feel like I watched PART of CrIIId because Creed appears as Creed in Weekend Update.  Gotta assume that counts as Canon.  I dunno.  Solid chance I'm eating a Quest bar tonight.  Not 100%.  Maybe a 50% shot as of now. I can EASILY see it DEFINITELY HAPPENING BUT ALSO AT THE SAME TIME I can see it DEFINITELY NOT HAPPENING.  So there's a 100% chance it will happen OR it won't happen.  NO 50% CHANCE IT MIGHT HAPPEN if we look at things philosophically though now that I think about it.  0% chance It Might Happen.  100% chance It Will Or Won't happen.  SEE PHILOSOPHY ENGAGES ALL THE MUSCLES OF THE MIND.  It's DIFFICULT to follow. Did no laundry today. Oh well.  Maybe I'll do it tomrorow.  At some point something will change in my Early Afternoon Schedule which would open the door for Doing Laundry To Become Logical.  I GUESS.
Last paragraph.  Hmm.  Do I wanna take a break from That Twilight Zone (2002) tonight?  Maybe!  Maybe just watch a few Tales In The Crypt.  NO PRESSURE of Having To Watch It Good.  I can watch it as good or as bad as comes naturally.  So that's good. Or bad.  Sounds good to me.  Hmm.  BETTER have balanced breakfast tomorrow.  It's REALLY in the cards that It Really Should Happen.  What else is going on in the cards.  Bit down on lollipop.  Am in the process of chewing it up good.  Anyway.  Planning on taking pills around 11:00 PM.  RESTING MY EYES TO GO TO SLUMBER probably around 11:15-11:30.  FALLING ASLEEP THUSLY SOON AFTER.  Gonna be good.  I guess.  If I have Quest Bar gotta be Cookies N Cream Bar I feel.  Maybe I'd prefer something other than Quest Bar for tonight though.  EVER TINK ABOUT THAT.  Probably not. Not sure WHY or HOW you'd even GET AROUND to thinking about that.  NOT EVEN ON YOUR RADAR.  Anyway.  Maybe I'd enjoy a POP TART.  Put it in TOASTER for once.  YEAH.  I'll be back tomorrow.  BE BACK GOOD.  See ya.

-8:02 P.M.




Saturday, January 28, 2023

Sure Seems That Way To Me

    Hey friends!  9:42 AM!  Presumably got enough time to fit in everything I wanna fit in today.  SOLID HOUR AND TEN or more minutes for Act I.  Acts I take ABOUT AN HOUR the last month or two.  Anyway.  Phone didn't charge all night!  When I  woke up it was at only 44%!  NOW IT'S AT 43%.  BUT I got it charging right now.  So hopefully over the next hour I might gain as much as OVER 5 PERCENTAGE POINTS.  Imagine even hitting 50%.  WHAT A THRILL that would be.  Low 50 percents feels A LOT Glass Is Half Charged more than mid 40s.  That's how I feel.  Anyway, did standard amount of Too Much NightMight eating last night.  Mostly those chocolate chip cookies I had!  The GOOD NEWS IS the night before I actually ate less than I planned.  ALSO I had delicious One Third of Banana Chocolate Chip Pound Cake for lunch and it was delicious and hearty!  Certainly hearty enough for breakfast.  Certainly pretty delicious!
   YEAH.  Nine paragraphs to go.  Was able to listen to music during all of Park Walk! Last week or so maybe one out of four park walks Intnernet Connection Breaks for 15 minutes.  IN THE PARK PART OF WALK.  Not this time.  Totally able to continue listening to playlist THE NEW ROCK I believe.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  ALSO good news is we're already back up to 44%.  Amazing.  What else do I got going on.  Possibly get Dumb Bland Chicken lunch out of the way today.  OR possibly ENJOY my lunch and eat something else.  Hmm.  Not sure what dinner is.  COULD be a communal dinner, could NOT be.  If NOT I can either make another dent in Future Lunches OR I could have a Home Wildcard like Hot Pockets (BREAKFAST?) OR I could get door dash OR I could get Empanada or pizza on walk.  WOW.  Sounds good to me.  I guess.  Not bad.  What kinda crap am I watching today.  I guess I'm finishing WonderWoman.  I SAW THIS MOVIE BEFORE I think.  It rings bells.  OH WELL what can ya do.
Third paragraph!  Could always have a Balanced Breakfast for lunch or dinner today.  Or a bagel with egg.  Anyway.  Could always do laundry today!  Ya never know.  Today might be the day!  IT'S EASY.  JUST DO IT.  I guess.  Any good CELEB birthdays for tomorrow, January 29th, 2023?  I'm gonna look up celebs who had their irthday LAST YEAR on January 29th. Just to mix things up.  For some reason THAT FASCINATES ME.  THOMAS PAINE AND ANTON CHEKHOV?  GET TE HELL OUT OF HERE.  Anyway.  I like looking up Celeb Birthdays because a couple of the top hit webpages that keep track have YOUTUBE STAR as half their celebrities' professions.  LOTTA Professional YouTube Stars out there.  AND WE KNOW WHEN THEY CELEBRATE THEIR BIRTHDAYS.  We could use this information AGAINST THEM for our own gain.  Good deal.  Anyway.  When I WAS A KID we didn't have YouTube.  YOUTUBE STARTED in 2006 for me at least.  MAYBE YOU WERE HIP TO IT in 2005.  Maybe you didn't get hip to it until 2007.  THE POINT IS I WAS SOLIDLY a Freshman in College when I first found YouTube AND I DIDN'T USE IT MUCH UNTIL EVEN AFTER.  WIKIPEDIA TOO.  Might not have even been until 2007 until I figured out what Wikipedia is.  MAYBE 2008!
   WOW.  What the hell websites did I visit as a kid.  YOU KNOW YAHOO FANTASY BASEBALL LEAGUES AND WHATKNOT.  That was the prime Social Media of the time.  Fantasy Baseball.  AND WE WERE HAPPIER TAT WAY.  Hmm.  HOW DID WE WATCH VIDEOS BEFORE YOU TUBE.  We didn't! Unless was porn.  In which case LIFE FINDS A WAY.  Anyway how long do I have to write the rest of the act.  Solidly an entire hour.  That's good.  I like being able to fit in things I wanna do and crap.  Huh.  Presumably taking 9 walks today.  Presumably NOT SURE EXACTLY how its gonna look.  POSSIBLY spread out a bit more in the middle of the day AND the final walk ends up being a little bit earlier in the night.  FIGURE OUT A WAY TO ACCOMPLISH BOTH.  So that's good.  What Tales In The Crypt am I up to.  I FEEL I just finished Maniac At Large and watched it the most intently I EVER HAVE WATCHED IT.  It was okay now that I pay attention.  NEXT I Believe is Split Personality.  It's a PUN because they cut a guy in half with a chainsaw at the end of the episode.  Not like when they cut people in half with chainsaws in SPLIT SECOND the season before.  In SPLIT SECOND they cut the people in half with chainsaw HORIZONTALLY.  In SPLIT PERSONALITY they cut the guy in half with a chainsaw VERTICALLY (Symmetrically)
YEAH. Coffee time.  I think I was pretty close cutting a third off Cake.  Didn't feel like I was erring on the side of Slightly Smaller Piece OR Slightly Larger Piece.  So that's good I guess.  Anyway.  DID I prepare a fork and knife to eat it?  Sure!  Did I end up just holding the chunk of cake and biting pieces off without utensils?  You bet!  Anyway.  Fifth paragraph.  LOOK there are other Celeb Birthdays a Year before tomorrow that you'd be interested in but I can't go through ALL OF THEM can I? I guess I could.  Can't be more than half a dozen.  FINE WE'LL TRY IT YOUR WAY.  Tom Selleck.  Oprah Winfrey.  Heather Graham.  Adam Lambert.  FORMER PRESIDENT MCKINLEY.  Also a few others but I CAN'T GO ON. FINE I'LL GO ON.  Sara Gilbert.  I CAN'T DO ANYMORE PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME.  Ugh.  Anyway.  What percent is phone up to now.  If it's 47% or more I'd be OVER THE MOON.  or UNDER IT.  The point is I'd be orbiting the moon.  WOW!  I just saw it turn from 47% to 48% in the several seconds I had it lit up.  MOON TIME.
Sixth paragraph I feel.  That's good.  Got lunch in about four hours.  I wanna enjoy lunch today.  What would that entail.  MAYBE I WOULD enjoy bland chicken.  I dunno. It gets me a lot of Fridge space.  I'm finishing chicken broccoli and rice ALL IN ONE MEAL.  THAT'D DO THE TRICK.  Hmm.  I LIKE that the Mets signed Jeffrey McNeil to a 4 year contract at 50 million dollars a year.  I LIKE THE PLAYERS ON THIS TEAM.  Lockin' em up for the next half decade is FUN because WE GET TO ROOT FOR TE SAME PEOPLE IN PERPETUITY.  Also Jeff McNeil looks like a jerk but A GOOD JERK.  For some reason I TAKE NOTICE when he strikes out or something and he looks upset in his facial behaviors.  I SYMPATSIAZE WITH HIM.  Very HUMAN reaction shots to Jeff McNeil.  ALSO HE GOOD AT BASEBALL.  What else is up.  Is JUSTICE LEAGUE after Wonder Woman.  And am I skipping Original Justice League and just watching RE-CUT JUSTICE LEAGUE?  Probably.  PROBABLY ON BOTH COUNTS.
   I'm not sure just how I'm supposed to enjoy an Aquaman.
  Why are people living underwater anyway.  Nothin' goin on underwater.  Come join us on the surface!  IT'S FUN and there's plenty to do!  Hmm.  Four paragraphs to go for Act I.  Amazing.  I should finish second half of Season II of CHUCKY if its still available to me.  I enjoyed that show I guess.  I like the Franchise.  Feels like there's a WWE wrestler whose nickname is The Franchise.  AND/OR a baseball player POSSIBLY RONALD ACUNA JR?  Lemme LTURQ.  Oh.  Wait.  I came up with that name for Francisco Lindor 2 years ago I think.  IT WAS ME WHO DID IT.  UNLESS it also exists in real life too.  Lemme LTURQ.  TWO WRESTLERS, TOM SEAVER THE BASEBALL PLAYER, SEVERAL OTHER BASEBALL PLAYERS, and some more people and/or organizations. GOOD.  I guess.  What else is up.  Lots of real life news figures show up in BATMAN VS SUPERMAN.  KIND OF doing parodies of themselves?  Maybe that's my own interpretation that its a parody.  THEY Thought they were playing it straight!
   Eighth paragraph.  Huh.  First thing I remember seeing on YouTube is Elliott Smith appearing on unaired (OR AIRED BUT NEVER CONTINUED) pilot for Jon Brion's show.  And Jon Brion was apparently some musician and/or other entertainer.  EITHER WAY that was a blast and a half.  AND THE LOVE AFFAIR WIT YOU TUBE HAS ONLY CONTINUED.  Presumably.  I remember watching POKERSTARS FINAL TABLES on Youtube for a year or two in the middle of the 2010's.  FINAL TABLE TO HIGH STAKES TOURNAMENT.  WE CAN SEE EVERYONE'S HOLE CARDS AS THE ACTION PLAYS.  It's fun.  I'd watch that some more Going Forward In Life!  With TV on in background of course.  Anyway what else is up.  NEXT KEY FOR METS is locking up Petrovich Alonso.  I'd like to see that happen!  He's a good player even if he doesn't look like that much of a jerk when things don't go his way in Baseball.  What else is up.  Haven't used TabletTime at all lately.  Oh.
Penultimate paragraph of the act. Amazing!  Anyway.  Vegetable Burger on white bread wasn't so bad yesterday.  Chose not to toast white bread.  The only bad part (OR A GOOD PART?) was the corners of the bread that didn't adhere to the circular vegetable burger.  JUST bits of bread that had NO SANDWICH FILLING in it.  I ATE TE BREAD NONETHELESS.  Maybe some people would peel off that bread and flush it down the toilet.  NOT ME.  MICHAEL EATS THE BREAD HE PREPARES FOR HIMSELF.  Huh.  PHONE HAS REACHED 50% THRESHOLD.  I consider that a win.  Hmm.  Gonna have to have phone charging during periods between walks some more today.  I guess I'll figure out a way to make that work.  Good deal.  WOW Looks like I can start signing up for Yahoo Fantasy Baseball!  WITH DRAFTS AVAILABLE as soon as Monday January 30th.  NOT GONNA SIGN UP JUST YET.  NOT READY.  Maybe in a week or three I'll do a draft.
   Last paragraph of the Act!  How long did it take me to write this so far.  WOW 38 MINUTES since I Said 9:42 AM.  Good deal.  I like the part where I get it over with pretty quickly.  Anyway.  Yesterday I took 9 walks but SIX were Longer City Street Walks.  PARTIALLY because one walk DEFINITELY should have been Park but I figured I DON'T WANNA RISK NOT HAVing MUSIC THIS WALK.  JUST GONNA DO CITY STREET.  And also partially because I took one more walk in evening that I didn't anticipate.  WOW WHAT A GREAT STORY.  MAYBE I'LL TELL IT AGAIN SOME DAY.  Maybe YOU can tell it to people now.  Pay It Forward, that's what I say!  HMM.  I was considering signing up for a Draft sooner BUT I realized I don't know WHEN IN THE DAY to schedule a draft.  DANGIT.  That's hard.  Gonna have to think LONG AND HARD about it.  Or at least Long.  OR Maybe just hard.  Either way HEY act is over.  I'll be back in a little bit.




this is close to being somehing

    Hey friends!  Phone is charged at 50% right now after walk II.  Didn't bother trying to charge it.  Gonna only be in the house roughly half an hour.  Why waste 90 seconds trying to get only 1-4% Charging Bonus Percentage Points.  SO I COULD GET THE VALUABLE 1-4% CHARGING BONUS PERCENTAGE POINTS.  Oh.  That sounds reasonable!  TOO LATE NOW THOUGH.  I made my choice and I'm gonna live with it.  Anyway.  I think I will get final Bland Chicken Lunch out of the way today.  AS FOR DINNER, I DUNNO.  I'd say it's roughly 50% I'm not getting Communal Dinner.  In which case I AM CONSIDERING DOUBLE BREAKFAST POCKET.  Assuming I have breakfast pocket.  I think I got SOME hot pocket.  I think it's breakfast!  DELIGHTFUL.  Got coffee #2 and sprite going.  DELIGHTFUL.  Hmm.  No workin' on street today.  Guess they got the weekend off.  OR THEY'RE ON STRIKE.  I HOPE THEY'RE ON STRAKE.  I wish them the boost of luck.  Anyway if you're digging up a street I can only assume you're doing a Ghost Busters II.  I forget why they had to dig up the street. I KNOW they had to go down into the sewers and/or old subway tunnels to find ghosts.  I FORGET why they had to dig up street to get there though.  Or to funnel equipment or something.  HMM guess I'll have to watch the film again.
   Four paragraphs to go for DayTime Day!  What else is up.  How much time do I have to write four paragraphs.  LOTS AND LOTS.  So that's good I guess. Lunch at this point is in a mere SLIGHTLY LESS THAN THREE HOURS.  I think I'll enjoy bland chicken with rice.  Rice part at least.  Broccoli art isn't bad either!  BLAND CHICKEN IS EDIBLE too.  Good.  I MAY have seen a Start Up that delivers Marijuana all across the 5 boroughs that is NOW UP AND RUNNING. Not sure.  Either way I guess it's put up or shut up time IF IT IS AVAIABLE.  DO I CROSS THE THRESHOLD and go ahead and try to get marijuana?  I'M NOT READY YET.  I wanna wait till a BRICK AND MOTOR store is available nearby that may or may not deliver.  GIVE ME A COUPLE OF WEEKS.  OPEN THAT SUCKER UP in 2 or 3 weeks AND I'M ON BOARD.  GOTTA ADDRESS NIGHTMIGHT EATING FIRST.  So that Periods Of My Life are LINED UP EVENLY.  This period right now is NightMight with NoMarijuana.  NEXT PERIOD IS MARIJUANA WIT NONIGHTMIGHT.  IT MAKES SENSE.  Anyway what else do I got going on for me.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Today would be a good day to do laundry.  Got an extra dozen or two minutes in Late-Early Part Of Day.  That could translate to LaundryTime REAL GREAT.  Amazing.  JUST DO IT that's how I feel.  I was inspired by a sneaker.  Or a pair of sneakers.  ONE SNEAKER isn't gonna make a dent in accomplishing anything.  Gotta have TWO AT A TIME.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Water pooling up in bathtub after a shower.  And doesn't go down unless I really go out of my way to loosen up the drain.  The plug.  The plug in the drain.  Gotta loosen it up to oblivion for the water to go down.  SO TAHT'S NOT GOOD.  But it could be worse I guess.  Just gotta figure out a way to have it loosened up to oblivion but also Ready To Be Plugged just in case I need to plug it AND FAST.  Hmm.  Bathroom already gettin' UNCLEAN.  Pools of hair collecting in corners of the room.  Not sure how.  Where is hair coming from?  ME I ASSUME.  No one else with hair showing up.  BUT I DIDN'T REALIZE I WAS SHEDDING AT ALL.  Doesn't seem good.
   Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day!  Sweet.  I MEAN I know I'd be home and awake definitely from AT THE LATEST 9:15 PM to AT LEAST 11:00 PM.  I can set up draft for then.  But I DON'T WANNA DO DRAFT TEN.  I wanna do draft in DAYTIME.  CAN'T I JUST SIGN UP FOR A DRAFT 10 MINUTES BEFORE IT HAPPENS.  Maybe.  MAYBE I CAN.  We'll see.  The point is maybe I can DRAFT FROM MY SMART PHONE on walk.  That doesn't sound safe.  You can't SAFELY WALK while drafting NOR CAN YOU SAFELY DRAFT while walking.  Might draft the wrong person because you were distracted by almost getting hit by a car.  Now your entire Fantasy Baseball League is RUINED.  Anyway.  Could always get up at 7 AM just to do a draft for an hour and a half or two hours before continuing my day.  NOW we're talkin' Good Ideas.  That's certainly one way to go.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  9 walks I guess today.  Park walks are presumably 1/3/5/6!  WHICH MEANS CITY STREETS are 2/4/7/8/9.  WOW.
   Last paragraph!  Huh.  I accomplished the first part of the day already!  Almost!  More or less!  THAT'S PRETTY GOOD.  First instinct of what to watch today is get to work on Wonder Woman.  See if I can watch the rest of that film between the next few walks.  Probably can!  All I have to do is put it on the television and then the rest takes care of itself!  Hmm.  Is Wonder Woman related to Wonder Wall.  Because that's a song.  Hmm.  Anyway.  HEY get to flip the page on ...Not Patriosm Calendar... Not World Travel Calendar... What's the theme of this 2023 calendar again?  Something about PERSONAL HEALTH I think?  Lemme LTURQ. ... soon.  I FINISHED THE SENTENCE I STARTED OUT TO FINISH with the, "... soon."  YOU MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THE START OF TEH SENTENCE by the time the, "Soon," came around BUT I DIDN'T.  Anyway.  LIVING HEALTHY.  That's the theme they say.  Good.  Better than living unhealthy.  That wouldn't work out for you so well at all!  YEP.  That's it for todayday.  See ya tonightnight.





No Way Of Telling

    Hey friends!  Just got back from Ninth and/or Final Walk.  Let's go with, "And."  On account of its accuracy.  Anyway had delicious 2 Sicily-Style slices of pizza with garlic for dinner.  Had delicious Bland Chicken for lunch.  BOTH WERE GOOD.  I HAD A BLAST EATING THE MEALS.  Plus I absorbed ENERGY.  Then I SPENT energy. Possibly STORED some energy inbetween Absorbing it and spending it.  THAT'S NOT GOOD FOR ME.  Good IN GENERAL that we store energy.  Pretty helpful EVOLUTIONARYILIY.  But I AIN'T TRYING TO EVOLVE today or anything.  Not even THIS MONTH.  Just trying to GET BY.  Anyway got beer #1 going as well as diet rootish beer.  Hmm.  Should I try to watch some Saturday Knight Live tonight?  SURE.  Maybe aim to watch FIRST HALF HOUR and then see how I feel.  ANYWAY THE IMPORTANT THING IS I got some sort of Flavored Choco Pop coming my way in a paragraph or two.  EVERYTHING is flavored.  You could stick a rusty nail in your mouth and the flavor is METAL.  I dunno.  I'm sure that LOTS OF THINGS taste like Nothing.  FINE.  Then, "Nothing," is the most common flavor there is!  SO IT'S SETTLED THEN.
   Four paragraphs to go!
  Hmm.  Finished Wonderful Woman today.  It was okay!  Not the greatest film I've ever seen, but what is!  THE GREEN MILE.  I don't Stand By that opinion.  Sure I CHERISH the film as one of m yfavorite films for reasons I don't understand but I WOULD ABANDON that Feeling-Premise in any sort of conversation or debate where it had to hold up under close scrutiny.  DON'T FEEL STRONGLY ENOUGH to support it publicly.  Gotta go with my gut on that one.  Hmm.  There's a ~2002 Twilight Zone Franchise Series hosted by Forest Whittaker.  I watched first two episodes of that!  IT's SURPRISINGLY Completely Unsurprisingly Close To Mediocre Enough.  It was a SURPRISE to see how UNSURPRISED I was.  I was expected to not be un Surprised/Unsurprised Spectrum at all somehow.  YOU COULD IMAGINE MY SHOCK TO FIND OUT THE QUALITY OF TE SHOW WAS TOTALLY EXPECTED.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Skipped taking my phone out with me for one of the Middle Of The Day walks so I could have it charging a Long Amount of time.  Got from around 23% to 41%.  After FINAL WALK just now it was down to 17%.  GOT IT CHARGING.  I feel like it should be at 20% or so by the time I Resume Phone Use.  I'M GONNA GO POUR MYSELF CARBONATED BEVERAGE.  Hopefully not NOTHING FLAVORED.  CAUSE I DON'T OWN ANY OF THAT.  So for it to happen would be PRETTY UNSETTLING.
   Opened up new Tootsie Pop Bag.
  First two pops I came across were Orange Flavor and Choco Flavor.  TOOK THE ORANGE ONE.  PUT CHOCO ONE BACK.  Am sucking on Orange right now.  It's delicious because its like eating an orange BUT HEALTHY.  So that's good I guess.  Got that going on for me!  Let's see.  8:16 PM right now.  If I wanna have two Dessert Snacks BESIDES this pop tonight we're looking at around 9:30 PM and around 11:30 PM I think.  THAT'S THE WAY TO GO for some reason, I dunno exactly Why Or What!  Anyway how's it going in the wide world of sports.  REALLY should be eating Balanced Breakfast tomorrow morning. I've had these egg whites FOR TOO LONG to not even have had ONE balanced breakfast yet.  SURE CAKE WOULD BE DELICIOUS but sometimes we have to make sacrifices.  Like when QZIKCOTAL DEMANDS IT.  Let's look up That God's REAL name.  Quetzalcoatl.  Not sure if that's the God who demands sacrifices.  Could be an unrelated God.  Couldn't HURT to sacrifice to this god.  Not like Quetzalcoatl is gonna TURN AWAY sacrifice.
Penultimate paragraph of NightTime Night.  Possibly watch some more 2002 Tales Of The Twilight Zone. JASON ALEXANDER of Friends With Seinfeld Fame WAS IN ONE.  Gotta wonder how that worked out for him ultimately.  PROBABLY NOT A HUGE EFFECT ON HIS CAREER ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.  This is KIND OF IN LINE with what he's in line to do for Career.  So that's good.  FOREST WHITTAKER IS NEITHER A FOREST NOR A WHITAKER.  WELL HE'S KIND OF A WHITAKER.  That's his last name.  So we can say He Is One Of Them.  NO FOREST THOUGH.  Well then again MAYBE?  I dunno?  What else is up.  Got the Grilled Chicken Roll for tomorrow dinner!  Lunch gonna be Ham or turkey sandwich, OR kids chicken parm, OR sushi.  WOW I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO AS OF NOW.  Except probably not chicken parm.  Let's say NOT CHICKEN PARM.  AND LET'S MEAN IT WHEN WE SAY IT.  Otherwise what would be the point of saying it.  FOR MISDIRECTION?  WHAT'S to be gained from that.
Last paragraph!  Good deal.  Still got a mere 3 chocolate chip cookies leftover.  POSSIBLY have 2 or 3 of them as One Upcoming Snack.  POSSIBLY end up finishing them almost as a slam dunk for part of NightMight IF I don't finish them PRE-NightMight.  So that's good.  I think I'm gonna chow down on tootsie pop soon.  NOT QUITE YET though.  Hmm.  ALRIGHT just bit down into it.  Now I'm chewing it up good.  What else do I got going on for me.  THREE HOURS until SNL begins.  Got a lot of TV to watch A LOT OF WHICH will have to be Without Phone.  PHONE WON'T BE CHARGED FOR THREE HOURS.  Not sure how I'm gonna figure out how to have leisure time of TV without phone.  POSSIBLY SIT AT COMPUTER INSTEAD.  I can browse COMPUTER the way a normal person might browse phone.  Hmm Sounds vaguely Premisable.  Huh.  I guess I'm done here for now.  I'd like to write another 3 sentences but OH WELL.  What can ya do!  See ya tomorrow.

-8:30 P.M.




Friday, January 27, 2023

What This Supposed To Be

    Hey friends!  On schedule!  9:25 AM!  However, I am getting SUPER market delivery this morning!  Which may clunk my day up.  MIGHT mean I have to skip a walk and drop down to EIGHT or do an extra walk in second half of the day.  Hmm.  Also means Act I may be interrupted!  Hmm.  Did New Medium amount of NightMight snacking last night BUT I did like 300-500 BONUS PRENightMight Snacking.  IN ADDITION to what was already allotted!  So that's not good.  But the good news is I HAD A BACKWARDS Classic Breakfast today.  Had comprehensive iced cream sandwich BEFORE the pop tart.  It was pretty good.  Not that different an experience overall.  Anyway.  Got half a Root Beer and half a Diet Coke left in fridge to tide me over until Super Market comes!  Worked out pretty well I feel.  Looks like we may not get Communal Dinner tonight.  WOW.  Maybe either pick of pizza on a walk OR have what was SPOSED to be a lunch from super market but could slide into dinner pretty well LIKE A VEGETABLE BURGER.  Leaving me more room for wildcard lunches LATER ON in the week.
   Yeah!  Doing lots of work on the street outside my house.  I hope Fresh Direct figures out a way to park CLOSE to the house and transport groceries appropriately.  Could be a hassle for them!  What else do I got going for me today.  Watched Shutter film last night.  Took place in MEDIEVAL times.  It wasn't that great a movie but I solidly paid attention to it and didn't hate the experience.  So that's not bad.  Not bad for THEM, not bad for ME.  Hmm.  I could use Non-communal dinner as an opportunity to get a DOOR DASH that only I like.  Chipotle or Chinese Food, which would normally be TOP CHOICE, are out.  ALREADY GOT one or two Rice Meals this week.  Not sure I'd APPRECIATE a 2 or 3 part Burger Fast Food Joint.  ALL IN ALL probably just eat delicious veggie burger and open up Wild Card Room for future lunches.  THEN WAHT IS FOR LUNCH TODAY.  Hmm.  TOP CHOICES are sushi or get Dumplings + Rice + Broccoli out of the way.  NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO TAT ONE.  Might as well get it out of that there way.
YEAH.  New playlist updated today!  Started New In Rock.  WAIT NO.  Started The New Rock.  I dunno if there is a NEW IN ROCK as well-- there may be!  But this is different!  NEW IN ROCK can have OLD ROCK THAT'S NOW.  The New Rock CAN'T but may have NEW ROCK THAT'S OLD.  Hmm.  Today is another day I should do some laundry.  Feels like I'm DUE.  Hmm.  Putting together order for OTHER super market Amazon Fresh.  Think I'm gonna go with some FIG NEWTONS.  The TIME IS RIGHT.  So that's good.  What else do I got going on for me.  FRIDAY already.  End of the week.  Some week.  Working Week!  Hmm.  Figure I'll watch some DC Extended Universe today.  Presumably definitely finish SUICIDE SQUID.  What's after that.  Wonderful Woman?  YEP.  Wonder how that'll be.  I'm not a woman so HOW CAN I ENJOY a narrative where the hero is a woman?  THE PIECES JUST DON'T ADD UP.  Then again I guess we'll see how it goes.  Wonderful Woman's power is LASSO.  I think. Supernatural Lasso.  ENTRAPS villains.  Sounds about right.  Anyway.  I THINK I confuse Wonderwoman with Marvel Super Lady.  One of em.  Which one.  Hmm.  Maybe not.  Only one that's CLOSE to confusing is Captain Marvel.  But I don't think I'm making that confusion.  I think I'm just confusing Wonderwoman in DC with Thinking Wonderwoman shows up in Marvel as well.
   Fourth paragraph!  Coffee after this one.  Good deal.  If I miss a walk in morning I'd say for today ODDS ARE I make it up later in the day.  WHAT IF I MISS TWO WALKS.  Then I probably make up ONE WALK and not the other.  So that's good I guess.  Anyway.  Get dumb Dumpling meal out of the way for lunch.  I could enjoy getting that out of the way!  Anyway presumably NOT using Soy Sauce or whatever sauce they give me on the side.  NEVER USE CHINESE FOOD SAUCE AT ALL.  Unless it's already CLOAKED in the sauce when I get it.  Then great I LOVE CHINESE FOOD SAUCE that's NECESSARY.  But I do not put on BONUS sauces.  That's how I roll!  Hmm.  I may continue taking 9 walks indefinitely instead of dropping down to 7 or so If And When I stop NightMighting.  I FEEL like I can enjoy the days well enough with 9 walks WHILE making more progress in losing weight compared to 7 walks.  SUBJECT TO CHANGE THOUGH.  Subject to change REAL good.  Also have you heard the good news about EIGHT WALKS?  Alright coffee time.
   Been a while since I had a delicious Subway sandwich.  Doesn't make much sense when I can make delicious sandwiches at home with Super Market ingredients.  BUT STILL.  There's something to be said for a Dumb Subway Sandwich.  Lots of toppings for example.  That's one and/or several things to be said for it!  Anyway.  Maybe I have a balanced breakfast at dinner.  That'd be an interesting mix-em-up.  Give me a chance to try some Cookie Crisp.  WOW.  Getting .48 LB of Ham and .53 LB of Turkey.  Pretty close to exactly what I wanted.  I got no problem with that.  BLACK FORST HAMPLE. MAPLE ROAST TURMKEY.  Anyway.  This is the fifth paragraph I feel.  What do I do IF AND WHEN I finish Act I and haven't accepted Super Market delivery yet.  Don't feel like getting started on Suicide Squad.  Maybe put on a The Simpsons or something.  That'd be a high quality experience.  Maybe I have delicious Sushi for lunch. Get THAT out of the way.  Instead of Dreaming On eating it for lunch indefinitely EAT IT NOW and put the Future Speculation Of When I Am To Eat It to rest.
   Sixth paragraph.  Had Cookies and Cream Bar last night RESPONSIBLY. It was good. Then had a Birthday Bar an hour later IRRESPONSIBLY.  That was good too!  EDGE goes to Cookies and Cream Bar for last night.  Enjoyed that slightly more.  Also, HEARTY AS ALWAYS.  Even though I had to  eat again an hour later.  EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE.  Hmm.  I really get the sense that Superman Died in the DC Extended Universe but I kinda feel like WE HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF SUPERMAN.  He's SUPER he can do whatever he wants.  Anyway.  I LIKE how Superman/Clark Kent just falls in love with the first lady he meets and That's That.  RELATABLE.  That's how my life would go if I were to ever meet a lady.  What else is going on and crap.  Random Batmen Animation Movies on HBOMax GOT GOOD CASTS.  MARK HAMMILL as The Joker for example.  I KNOW HIM FROM STAR WARS FAME.  Not PERSONALLY. I Know OF HIM From Star Wars Fame.
   Four paragraphs to go presumably.
  I don't think I'll write Act II before Super Market comes UNLESS I get SPECIFIC WORD they're running late AND won't be coming for at least half an hour AFTER WE RECEIVE SPECIFIC WORD. Which is possible I guess.  Anyway.  Hmm.  Maybe I try EMPANADA SPOT for dinner.  Pick THAT UP.  I'd like to try that once and for all.  TWO empanadas.  Look up menu online beforehand to see which empanadas to get.  IS TWO EMPANADAS slightly too indulgent for a dinner?  I DUNNO how big these empanadas are!  I can always have one and a half. Either way that'd be a fun mixem up to get ONCE AND FOR ALL.  I like That kinda crap.  What else is up and bullshit.  Turns out Batman and Superman have more in common than the thought.  Both their mothers' names were Martha.  IT'S A KEY PLOT POINT  I FEEL.  Unless I wasn't paying close enough attention and misinterpreted the scene.  I THINK they both got Mom Named Martha.  Mothra.  That sort of thing.
Eighth paragraph!  Good deal.  Anyway.  Gettin' further into The '23.  I guess I'm STARTING to get used to The Number What The Year Is.  Not sure I LIKE IT.  But I could see STARTING to get on board with it.  WIT HPLENTY OF TIME to still appreciate it While I Like It!  So that's good.  Gonna have to have vegetable burger on White Bread.  I made that choice consciously and I guess I stand by it.  SURE I made it for other reasons.  Because I preferred OTEHR sandwiches for white bread.  But I guess I'll Make Do with what I got.  Can't be THAT BAD on White Bread.  MAYBE IT'LL EVEN BE FINE JUST FINE.  Huh.  Anything good happen this entry yet.  SURE.  I built the bridge that got us from Not Reading The Entry to Getting To The Part Of The Entry That's Halfway Entertaining.  That's PROGRESS.  Without these 8 paragraphs we'd be 8 Further Paragraphs Away from Potential Entertainment.  Hmm.  Sounds good to me!
   Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Amazing!  RE-UPPING with some nice GUM today.  Almost ran out.  Only about I Dunno 20 pieces left BEFORE Re-Uppance.  ACROSS different flavors.  Anyway re-upping with MOST IMPORTANTLY Peppermint and Wintermint but ALSO Tropical Twist.  That's a Secondary Flavor IF NOT TERTIARY.  But it's good to have a Tertiary Flavor around JUST IN CASE I wanna mix things up.  So that's good.  NO ELDERLY super hero.  Well no PROMINENT one at least.  I wanna see a 90 year old YOUNG AT HEARTMAN.  See what they're capable of.  They'd presumably use skills embedded in your Standard Elderly TO FIGHT CRIME.  You know like KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE.  What else is up.  Oh right, I'm sure lots of super heroes are hundreds or thousands of years old.  But they don't APPEAR as elderly or have Elderlyish bodies or personas.  So that's good.  What else is up.  Get started on BBQ Pop Chips with veggie burger for dinner.  That's probably the way to go!
   Huh.  What else do I got going on for me.  Hopefully get Oh I Don't Know FIFTEEN MINUTES of relaxation time when this act is done AND THEN AND ONLY THEN Super Market comes.  That'd be ideal!  I don't want MORE relaxation time and Super Market makes me drop a walk.  I could SETTLE for LESS relaxation time if it means everything happens on schedule.  But the point is I wanna finish this paragraph First Things First.  Hmm.  Any good CELEB birthdays for tomorrow. DIRECTOR FRANK DARABONT.  You've got MY attention.  A YOUNG 63!  That's not too old at all.  He was in HIS THIRTIES when making Classic 1990's Movies.  NOT BAD AT ALL.  Being thirty thirty years ago.  Probably worked out great for him.  What else is going on.  Maybe I put on Suicide Squad when this is over.  Make some progress there.  Sounds reasonable.  Anyway.  That's it for now!  I'll be back in a little bit presumably!




i feel like this isn't much

    Hey!  Took about a fourty five minute break and super market hasn't arrived yet.  Figured I'd get started on an Act II even if the odds are it will be interrupted!  Got BORED of watching Suicide Squad And Waiting.  Anyway.  Now it seems I won't be getting TOPAMAX until MONDAY.  GOD DAMN IT.  Three more days!  THREE DAYS IS A LONG TIME.  It's the amount of time Jesus Was Dead.  Then he became undead.  Then I GUESS he became Dead again.  But probably Differently Dead than the first time around.  That'd be my guess.  Anyway, what else is up and crap.  Definitely gonna have to take ONE less walk and/or ONE MORE WALK IN MIDDLE OF THE DAY.  AT this point I just gotta hope THAT'S IT. It could end up being MORE.  Probably not.  But possibly!  Anyway what else is up and crap.  Re-upping with Belvita Chocolate Breakfast Biscuits from Amazon Fresh.  I ENJOYED EM REAL GOOD.  Not sure the best avenue to eat em.  Maybe 2 of them (HALF A PERSONAL SIZED BAG) as a single Regular Normal Snack.  EITEHR WAY it'll work out because Delicious.
Yeah!  What else is up.  Guess I'm aiming for dumpling + rice + broccoli for lunch and vegetable burger + sandwichside for dinner.  GET TEM BOTH OUT OF THE WAY UPFRONT.  Neither is the most exciting meal but it's EXCITING to be Less Them going forward in the week.  So that's good!  Thinking about getting Sliced Cheese for sandwiches.  I CAME ACROSS one Mainstream Brand that's a mere sixty calories per slice.  I ADD A SLICE OF CHEESE TO A SANDWICH that's not that much.  Then again this is a sixteen pack.  If I do that for sixteen sandwiches which would take about 2 months SOUNDS A LOT LIKE 60 x 16 Bonus Calories WHICH IS A LOT.  Sounds a lot like around 1000 off the top of my head.  Lemme LTURQ.  960 calories.  THAT'S MORE TAN A QUARTER OF A POUND GAINED compared to not eating it. Then again the more cheese I eat with sandwich THE LESS FOOD I EAT ELSEWHERE OTHERWISE.  Oh. Okay.  That sounds good. I'm not gonna do this.
Third paragraph!  Lemme check outside to see if Fresh Direct truck is here.  NOPE NOT THERE.  At least they weren't there fourty five seconds ago.  Maybe they're there now.  DANGIT. They CAN'T be there.  Too much work being done on street.  They'd have to park around the corner or something.  I dunno.  FLY IN FROM THE SKY.  They'll figure out something I guess.  Anyway.  Re-upping with 100 calorie Cinnamon Toast Crunch bars instead of 130 Golden Graham bars.  IN GENERAL the extra 30 calories is worth it.  IN GENERAL.  But IN SPECIFICS I think I might be making the right move by having Less Exciting But Still Good Breakfast Cereal Bar.  Huh.  Watched some more Suicide Squad.  Pretty boring.  But the good news is I am not about 25 minutes further into it than before.  GOT THE UNPLEASANTNESS OUT OF TE WAY.  Just like Acts I and II of Entry.  And today's lunch and dinner.  And presumably Some Other Things Or Something I Dunno.  TWO MORE PARAGRAPHS TO GO FOR DAYTIME DAY.
Yeah!  When is February.  Gotta be in around 5 days.  YEP NAILED IT.  FIVE DAYS EXACTLY.  That's good. I can see February being pretty decent.   Hmm.  Looked up Empanada Menu.  Empanadas are all 2 dollars!  I'd probably need THREE to even remotely satisfy me based on those prices.  Presumably prices lien up with Size Of Empanada.  Smaller empanadas than if they were six dollars each.  Anyway.  Just eat Vegetable Burger tonight.  HEY BELL RANG I TINK THEY'RE HERE.  YEAH they were here.  Put stuff away.  Had a single Chocolate Chip Cookie for INDULGENCE SAKE.  Figure I'll write the last 1.5 paragraphs here now before taking second walk.  OVERALL end up at What I Expected.  Either eight walks or Nine Walks With Bonus Walk Later.  Probably That.  Anyway.  CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE was delicious.  I wasn't picturing much.  Thought it'd be a 5 or 6 out of 10.  FOR WHAT IT IS?  THIS WAS A 8 or 9 OUT OF TEN.  Which is pretty good!  HIGHER than the other number that we were previously discussing!  So that's good!
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day.  I could have two cookies with vegetable burger!  MAYBE I DO TAT FOR LUNCH EVEN.  So I get to the cookies as soon as possible.  WOW sounds interesting.  Anyway.  ONE OF THESE COOKIES is presumably same amount of calorie as lowest calorie Normal Cheese Slice I found.  SIXTY CALORIES.  WOW.  The point is I will be keeping them in fridge BUT the cookie I just had was a bit softer than it would be after being Constantly Fridgerated.  So THIS MIGHT BE THE TOPS of experience I have with it.  OH WELL at least I had this moment for myself.  Hmm.  It's EASY to indulge in cookies and crap because MAGIC PILL TO STOP NIGHTMIGHT is coming soon and will DEFINITELY work WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS THAT CAUSE ME TO NOT WANNA TAKE IT OVERALL.  Yeah!  Huh.  What else do I got going on for me.  Gonna be SOME TIME before I can make up for Crappy Acts I and II.  I won't be able to get started on Marginally Better Act III for like EIGHT HOURS.  Oh well.  I'll have to do the best I can With Today FOR MYSELF.  Anyway.  I'll see ya later.




So That's What I Think

    Hey.  Dinner was surprisingly great!  Spanish Rice + Kung Pao Chicken Dumpling + Some Broccoli.  ALL QUALITY, all cooked to Perection, and perect size dinner for my tastes.  ANYWAY tried the Cookie Crisp.  DOESN'T TASTE GOOD YET I STILL CANNOT STOP EATING IT.  I think PARTIALLY what's going on in my head is I DON'T LIKE TEH TASTE OF TIS.  Better get Eating it out of the way as soon as possible.  Just get gobs and gobs of it.  Something along those lines.  Anyway.  Got delicious Orange Choco Pop going right now.  Had delicious Vegetable Burger and BBQ Pop Chips for lunch.  MAY have 2 or 3 Exciting Chocolate Chip Cookies coming up after NINTH AND FINAL WALK later on.  THAT'S RIGHT I FIT IN 8 walks already AND WILL HIT THE GOAL OF 9 after this entry.  THAT'S WRONG THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT I JUST SAID.  Something like that.  Finished Suicide Squad and watched 20 minutes of Wonder Woman.  I TINK I've seen Wonder Woman before.  HARD TO SAY as nothing very memorable ever happens.
   Watched all of STEPHEN KING'S SILVER BULLET and now am about half an hour into STEPHEN KING'S THINNER.  Saw it before.  I'll see it again!  It's solidly Barely Good Enough To Leave On The Television Set For A While.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Gonna have to divide Chocolate Chip Banana pound Cake into THIRDS for breakfasts.  But it'll be pretty decently filling as thirds.  ESPECIALLY considering It's CAKE.  So that's good.  Does Stephen King ever throw out stories that are too scary.  He writes something and just goes NOPE.  Society wouldn't be able to cope with this.  INTO THE FIRE PLACE IT GOES.  FIRE CURES ALL.  Gotta imagine Stephen King HAS to be altruistic and doesn't want to Scare Us Too Bad beyond our capabilities.  Anyway.  Guess for tonight I'm finishing Thinner AND PERHAPS some Tales In The Crypt.  That's the best plan I can come up with on such short notice.  WAHT SHORT NOTICE.  I've had LONG NOTICE.  I've had NOTICE this ENTIRE TIME.  Notice of what.  What to watch for tonight.  THAT KINDA NOTICE. Oh Okay Good.
   YEAH.  Solidly aiming for cake Breakfast tomorrow.  No reason NOT to.  What about lunch.  HUH.  HAM OR TURKEY SANDWICH OR SUSHI OR KIDS CHICKEN PARM presumably.  YEAH.  Lots of good options.  PLUS COMMUNAL DINNER in the evening.  WOW I MIGHT BE ON TRACK TO GET SOMETHING REALE XCITING.  I got a couple of ideas percolating in the bottom of my head but NO SPOILERS on 'em.  OK FINE SPOILERS.  Multi Part steak * stuffed mushroom.  PIZZA.  THOSE ARE TE MAIN PERCOLATION IDEAS.  Don't really need any more.  That covers ALL THE POSSIBLE PERMUTATIONS of Places I get Deliveries From.  TWO.  Very Complicated Stuff crunching those numbers.  Anyway.  THEY SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN A FAT GUY TO PLAY THINNER.  Instead they got a regular sized guy who they DOLLED UP to look fat in the first couple of sequences.  SHOULD HAVE FIGURED OUT A WAY TO DO IT TE OTHER WAY.  This GUY at HEART is fat.  The character I mean.  WHILE TE ACTOR ISN'T.  MAKES TE ENTIRE MOVIE 2000x Worse.
Oh well.  I guess they didn't WANT to make a good movie.  They went into it thinking LET'S JUST MAKE A MEDIOCRE MOVIE.  WE KNOW FROM THE START WHAT TO AIM FOR SO WE CAN HIT THAT TARGET SOLIDLY EASILY.  Makes sense.  Hmm.  Any other exciting thing I got going for me.  Gonna be biting into delicious tootsie pop soon.  Got about 275 calories left for the rest of the night between Probably Cookies and Health Iced Cream Bar.  WHY NOT let's have fun.  I like fun.  I think.  May not know for sure what FUN is but it sounds like something worth aspiring to.  Hmm.  Still got rice + broccoli + rest of bland chicken.  I can have that tomorrow for lunch if I really wanna do Myself A Solid and get it out of the way.  MORE LIKELY I hold onto it for a while.  The point is I'm gonna bite down into lollipop soon so at least I got that going for me.  MMM deliicous.  I'm glad I have that going for me right now!  WON'T LAST MUCH LONGER but for now I'M LIVING THE DREAM.
Last paragraph of the Day.  Slash Night.  Both Day and Night, this is the last of it.  Anyway.  IF I HAVE only 2 cookies that leaves me room to have More Comprehensive Iced Cream Sandwich 2 hours after that.  HOWEVER if I have slightly less caloried Health Iced Cream Bar later I CAN HAVE THREE CHOCOLATED CHIP COOKIES COMING UP AFTER FINAL WALK.  Also solid chance I just Overeat a few hundred calories randomly LIKE I DID LAST NIGHT.  For MONTHS I've been pretty good about not eating more than I want to besides NightMight.  Last couple of days been losing some of that control.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Done chewing up lollipop.  That's good I guess.  I dunno.  Just got back from last walk to write this act 20 minutes ago.  GUESS it's time to take another walk REGARDLESS. Or IRREGARDLESS. I FORGOT WHAT WORDS MEAN BRIEFLY.  Still Do, too!  SO that's good.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:11 P.M.




Thursday, January 26, 2023

I Can't Do This

    Hey friends!  Behind schedule today.  10:04 AM!  Gonna fit in normal stuff in early part of the day by writing a shorter Act I!  OR I could do New Normal amount of walks but do Old Amount in middle of the day and skip One I Miss in early part of day.  NOPE.  Gonna write shorter Act I.  Got about fifty, fifty five minutes.  THEORETICALLY I COULD write an entire 10 paragraphs in that amount of time.  I'd say there's about a 15, 20% chance of that.  WOW that's BEYOND Theoretically.  15, 20%?  THAT'S PRACTICALLY.  Anyway, just aiming for 7-9 paragraphs.  And if I decide to stop a little early I can add a bonus paragraph or two to ACT II later in morning.  AND anything left over beyond that gets tacked onto Act III!  AMAZING.  Had a lot of nightmight snacking again last night.  I TINK I made it halfway through the night with NONE and I remember being encouraged about it.  But I ALSO remember AFTER THAT eating a lot.  Black and white for breakfast.  Salami sandwich for lunch.  Freedom Pot Pie for dinner.
Wow!  Finished my supply of Golden Graham Bars.  Those are high quality snacks for NightMight.  Which is LOW QUALITY for me.  Such that I'm eating them irresonponsibly. BUT IN TE MOMENT I get a kick out of it vaguely.  Anyway.  Gonna be some crunch time with soda.  AS OF NOW I have no back up sodas to anything besides what I got in the fridge.  ALREADY ran out of Sprite.  Jeez.  Sounds like I'm gonna need to drink some water.  MOSTLY soda for the next 12-14 hours.  But probably should work in some water.  Huh.  What else is going on for me.  Listening to New In Alternative on first walk.  Good stuff.  When am I pouring coffee.  Let's say after third paragraph.  AT THIS RATE it may not even be ready until then.  Huh.  WOW added Cookie Crisp to Super Market order.  NEWLY available on the Super Market.  Wasn't there until this week.  Figure I'd probably get a kick out of cookie crisp cereal.  Wow that was a good story.
YEAH.  I should really do the laundry today.  Wait.  That's not what I meant to say.  What I meant to say was, "I should REALLY do the laundry today."  EMPHASIS makes a difference. I forget in what way though.  The point is I THINK as of now there's a solid 2/3rds chance I do some laundry!  I FEEL like it's accomplishable.  So that's good.  Anyway watched Shutter Horror Film from Ireland.  GOOD one!  Kind of a take off of ALIEN.  Which is another good horror film.  That I've never paid attention to!  HEY that's Film Franchise I can watch next.  ALIEN Franchise.  NEVER HAVE I EVER really paid attention to any Alien film.  I guess as of now I'm on DC Extended Universe.  And maybe when I finish wrap back around and finally ONCE AND FOR ALL watch FIRST FILM IN IT Man Of Steel.  Hmm.  I don't KNOW if I have all the films available to me. You'd think I would!  I got the Main Streamers.  Gotta be available SOMEWHERE These Films Be.  Anyway.  I LIKE BATMAN VERSUS SUPERMAN.  Extended Version.  Three hour version.  Good deal!  Coffee tiem!
   Got solid fourty minutes easy to write rest of Act.  My guess is I end up with nine paragraphs!  Amazing!  I enjoyed some Lex Luthor in DC Extended Universe.  MORE in lie with what I expect from a Lex Luthor than Geneathy Hackman's version.  SURE Gene Hackman PLAYED IT like a regular competent Lex Luthor but HE WASN'T THAT competent.  Like a B+ in competency.  Which in some sense is good but for a SUPER VILLAIN especially one against a Super Hero as powerful as Superman you really need to be an A, A+ in Competence.  Oh well such is life.  Not sure if this is the first Ben Affleck Batman we see.  His introduction in the movie isn't that comprehensive.  We just sorta get thrown into the action of Batman existing. WHICH IS FINE I GUESS.  YEP I think this is first time Ben Affleck Batman shows up.  Hmm.  Do people like Ben Affleck?   I feel like Ben Affleck is a punchline.  Doesn't seem fair to Ben Affleck. Nothing is wrong with Ben Affleck!
Yeah!  Fifth paragraph.  Good deal.  Anyway.  Irish Horror Film was solidly Irish.  Opening Credits say it was made by Ireland.  I think some sort of QUASI Public Agency.  Film Tourism Board or something.  I dunno!  Either way LOVE IT.  I want more publically funded movies.  Public knows what Public wants!  Huh.  Major League Baseball spring training coming up in a few weeks.  HEY Fantasy Baseball drafts probably starting in about a month as well!  THINK I'll do a Fantasy Baseball league or two this year.  And keep track of it and whatknot.  Maybe TWO leagues.  More than two isn't on my radar for now.  ONE OR TWO would be good.  WOW I can't wait to draft people who steal bases.  NOT A BIG part of today's game.  You really gotta make sure you get a Stolen Baseman or two because they're pretty rare!  I WANNA GET FRANSISCO LINDOR.  He plays on METS.  I root for Mets ALREADY so it's very convenient.
   Sixth paragraph!  With up to thirty five minutes to go.  I can write 5 paragraphs in that amount of time.  I do it plenty.  Anyway.  Possible if I push time that Act I takes maybe I get distracted during Act II and lose a paragraph there.  Hmm.  What else is up.  No rain or snow today.  Not THUS far.  Anyway.  Probably could have put more Truvia into Current Coffee but oh well.  Not gonna go back downstairs to pour MORE in.  That'd be insane.  Hmm.  What am I watching on TV today besides DC EXTENSION UNIVERSE.  Probably Tales In The Crypt AT NIGHT at least.  Hmm.  Might put on DC Universe first things first after Upcoming Shower soon.  WOW.  Do I got a good sandwichside to look forward to today.  Probably standard SaltSide.  Perhaps Sour Cream and Onion Pop Chips.  Haven't had that as a sandwich side in a while EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE TE BEST ONE OF ALL.  Tasty and low calorie!  You can have plenty for Low Amount of Calorie!
   Seventh paragraph.
  Yeah!  Wrote six paragraphs REAL QUICK but at the expense of not saying anything worthwhile yet.  Hmm.  Anyway.  HOW DEEP am I into New In Alternative music playlist.  Think I'm about halfway through.  That's good.  HEY playlists generally get updated tomorrow.  Not ALL Tomorrow's.  But tomorrow happens to be FRIDAY.  And I meant Generally Updated on All FRIDAYS.  HEY LET'S GO TO TGI FRIDAYS.  That sounds like fun.  Probably got some real solid Entrees and Appetizers.  I could IMAGINE them having good Complementry Bread.  I know OTHER Chain Restaurants excel in Side Orders Of Bread.  OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE for once.  Hmm.  Nice combination of syllables there.  Out/Back/Steak/House.  Really rolls off the tongue real well.  I think they did a good job there.  Except for how it makes me think of OutHouse.  That's where people use bathroom.  Without being in Regular House.  A Small house devoted to Toileting.  Huh.  Three paragraphs to go.
I think I'll finish all 10 paragraphs in Act I it turns out.  That's pretty good.  Except for the fact that its Not Great!  Hmm.  I'M WITH BATMAN for first quarter of film.  I DON'T TRUST SUPERMAN.  Seems too powerful.  THEN AGAIN for second quarter of film we get the sense Superman is pretty trustworthy.  SO NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK.  Anyway.  Christopher Reeve Superman I got the sense that his main identity was Superman.  And he was just Clark Kent now and again for fun or something.  THIS SUPERMAN I feel like he's Actually Clark Kent more of the time.  That's his main persona.  COULD BE WRONG.  Limited sample size to base that impression on!  Either way MAKES SENSE.  I trust a Clark Kent Superman to be a good person more than a Superman Superman.  Cause Clark Kent is a Regular Person whereas Superman Superman IRREGULAR PERSON.  So that's good.  HENRY CAVILL.  That's the name of the guy who plays Superman AND Clark Kent at once.  BECAUSE THEY ARE ONE AND TE SAME in reality.  And by reality I mean the film.
Penultimate paragraph.  Wow!  Wrote 8 paragraphs in less than half an hour.  WOW.  Maybe Future Acts in the day will be more worthwhile.  Certainly possible!  Especially Act III.  By tonight I might be ready to write some real good paragraphs!  Hmm.  I dunno.  Still got chocolate chip banana pound cake in Super market order.  Is it the right move?  I really don't know!  My instinct is to give it a shot but my back-up instinct is to get something else instead.  DANGIT.  Back-up instinct DESPITE BEING BACK-UP is MOST UP TO DATE instinct so it's worth considering as much as Front-Down Instinct even though THAT WAS STRONGER.  So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  I like Lois Lane.  Amy Adams as Lois Lane.  GOOD REPORTER.  I like Laurence Fishburne as Newspaper Cheif.  NOT the best Newspaper Chief out there but WHO IS.  SOMEONE.  Gotta be someone who is the best.  Either in fiction  AND/OR reality.
Yeah!  Last paragraph of the act.  Good deal.  I'll enjoy Middle of the day REAL GOOD with just 2 walks between 2:45 and 6:00 instead of 3.  MORE OR LESS.  One Less Walk could manifest SLIGHTLY differently but that's more or less how it manifests.  NICE CHUNK OF TIME in middle of the day.  It doesn't sound that way TO YOU.  But TO ME having periods of over an hour in middle of the day instead of HALF AN HOUR is a big difference!  So that's good.  Kinda hard to watch DC Extended Universe because of all the different version of Films!  WHAT'S THE CANON WAY TO WATCH IT.  GOOD CANON.  My instinct AS A YOUTH would be best way to watch it is LONGEST VERSION POSSIBLE.  Wanna get THE ABSOLUTE MOST out of it.  Now that I'm a bit more mature I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WASTE ON DUMB BONUS SCENES and/or SEQUENCES.  Best way to watch it ISN'T NECESSARILY LONGEST AT ALL.  So that's good.  Either way.  What else.  That's it for now.  WOW.  With as much as 15 minutes to spare!  be back in a little bit.




got something going on

    Anyway.  Confused Ned Beatty with Warren Beatty.  I went into SUPERMAN thinking that the Beatty in it was HIGH QUALITY Respected Actor.  I WAS WRONG.  IT WAS CHARACTER ACTOR NED BEATTY.  Oh well such is life.  Have I seen ANY of DC Universe Films I got coming my way the next few days?  I DON'T TINK I SAW ANY OF THESE.  Might have seen 20 minutes of a The Suicide Squad.  Not sure.  I know the PREMISE.  They're a squad.  SUICIDE is an adjective that describes their Squad.  So that's good.  How much time do I have to write this act.  Let's say up to Fourty Minutes left.  WOW that's more than enough time!  SO MUCH TIME I MIGHT EVEN BOTHER TO WRITE SOMETHING WORTHWHILE.  Well probably not TAHT much time.  Either way Got coffee going on.  Amazing.  Of the Dr Pepper, Coca Cola, Orange Soda, and Root Beer bottles I have in fridge, they're OVERALL about I dunno 85% full.  TWO OR THREE ARE COMPLETELY FULL and the other one or two MOSTLY full.  So I got that going for me.  ALSO GOT AN ENTIRE SNAPPLE now that I think about it.  WITH SNAPPLE I won't have to drink disgusting water AT ALL.
   Whatever.  DIET SNAPPLE is indulgent though.  FIVE CALORIES PER 8 OZ is my impression.  I drink 8 8 ozes WHICH IS WHAT BOTTLE IS that sounds A LOT like 40 calories.  Which rounds up A LOT like 50 calories.  Huh.  Guess I'm looking forward to Freedom Pot Pie tonight a bit.  Salami Sandwich for lunch NOT THAT ENTHUSIASTIC about.  BUT when it comes I feel I'll enjoy it.  Do some Popping Chip with it.  Good deal.  Huh.  Pretty sure the COOKIE in COOKIE CRISP is Chocolate Chip Cookie.  That was my assumption GOING INTO IT and if you look at graphic on box The Crisps Of Cookie look like tiny chocolate chip cookies.  So that's good.  What's 2nd place on Most Popular Cookie.  SUGAR cookie?  HOW ARE WE RANKING COOKIES EXACTLY.  I dunno.  Not by Popularity PERSAY.  We're ranking them on just HOW IMPORTANT THE COOKIE IS TO SOCIETY ALL IN ALL.  Hmm.  I dunno.  The point is cookies are great.  I'm a cookie guy!  Big fan!
   Three paragraphs to go.  Amazing.  GENERALLY I feel like Superman is too powerful but then EVERY NOW AND AGAIN I'M REMINDED OF KRYPTONITE.  As long as there's Kryptonite out there Superman HAS SOME WEAKNESS.  Which I generally think is good!  THERE SHOULD BE BALANCE in the universe.  Guess I'm a BATMAN in this regard.  Anyway.  SUPERMAN IS NEITEHR SUPER NOR A MAN.  WELL HE'S KIND OF SUPER.  I GUESS KIND OF A MAN TOO.  IN SOME RESPECTS.  YOU COULD CALL HIM A MAN BY SOME DEFINITIONS OF MAN AND SOME DEFINITIONS OF WHO HE IS.  MAKES SENSE.  Anyway.  Halfway through Act II.  How much time do I have NOW leftover.  Up to an entire thirty minutes if I feel like it.  GOOD. I don't feel like it.  I feel like getting this done with!  For most of Act I I was unhappy with quality of entry and it bothered me.  I HAVE NOW reached a point where I just wanna get it over with and then I'll be happy.  PARTIALLY because of the premise ACT III might solidly be pretty good!  So if we just get Acts I and II over with WE GOT QUALITY ACT coming our way as REWARD.
Two paragraphs to go!  What else is going on and crap.  Kinda feels like Jessie Esienberg's Lex Luthor is a continuation of his other characters such as Mark Zuckerberg.  That's how I feel.  He's a GOOD ACTOR because he PLAYS SIMILAR ROLES but IN A HIGH QUALITY WAY.  AND LET'S NOT FORGET THE SQUID AND THE WHALE.  Okay.  Huh.  Anyway.  Digging up street good across the street!  It's THE STREET adjacent to my house but AS OF NOW it's the other side of the street.  GOOD.  It's ABOUT TIME.  That street needed to be Diggen Up FOR A GOOD LONG WHILE for one reason or another presumably.  Hmm.  WE GOT SPECIAL PARKING SPOT behind house for car.  Right now we just got one car.  ALMOST ALL of my life we had two.  EXCEPT FOR LAST YEAR OR TWO.  Don't really need two anymore!  Nobody Goin' Nowhere!  Either way GOOD DEAL.  What else is up and crap.  Looks like tomorrow I may be starting TOPIRAMATE.  I wonder if I'm getting GENERIC or BRAND NAME.  CAN'T GO WRONG EITHER WAY!
Last paragraph of Daytime Day.  Sweet!  Might turn out that one way or another I KIND OF am taking one less walk at night instead of one less in afternoon.  Kinda just SPREADS OUT MORE between Late Afternoon and Night.  BASICALLY I got the standard 5 walks in First Part Of Day that are more or less the same time.  THEN more or less Now I got 4 more walks after that instead of 5.  CAN MANIFEST DIFFERENTLY.  So that's good.  Anyway that's a good tagline or slogan for some sort of Commercial Product.  MANIFEST DIFFERENTLY. Some sort of FASHION product.  Or OTHER kind of product but it's premise is IT HELPS YOU MANIFEST YOURSELF IN A UNIQUE WAY.  Manifest Differently. Good.  I like it!  What else is up.  Differently SOUNDS like Destiny.  Both start with a DUH sound and end in a EEY sound.  Both three syllables.  I LIKE IT.  Anyway.  Taking FINAL walk a little bit earlier is good because it means MORE OF THE TIME Starbucks is still open during that walk for me to do BATHROOM break.  YEAH.  Anyway I'll be back tonight.  YEAH.




Try To Keep Up

    Hey friends!  I forgot to tell you I had delicious Blueberry Muffin Quest Bar last night and it was pretty good!  Probably should have Fridgerated it.  But its taste REACHED and/or EXCEEDED my expectations.  SOLID 7.5/10.  Which IN PERCENTAGE POINTS is a 75% out of the Total Absolute Highest Value Amount.  Anyway. Received Birthday Barrs and Cookies and Cream Barrs today!  PLUS still got White Chocolate Raspberry one-off.  I WILL MOST LIKELY have ONE of those tonight.  Perhaps BIRTHDAY bar.  PERHAPS COOKIES AND CREAM.  PROBABLY NOT WHITE CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY. Might have a RASPBERRY TOOTSIE POP soon.  THAT'S HOW I ROLL.  Tootsie Roll.  Inside the pop.  DOTS.  Anyway took ninth and final walk already!  Ate Freedom Pot Pie BEFORE then.  It was good!  Finished Superman and/or Batman movie and am about Oh I Don't Know A THIRD OR 40% into Suicide Squad.  So far WOW THEY PAID FOR TE RIGHTS TO PLAY A LOT OF SONGS.  This movie is just Generic Popular Song That's In Movies A Lot AFTER Generic Popular Song That's In Movies A Lot.  My guess is they got Financial Freedom to spend all the money in the world on the film and they realized they didn't need all that money but figured they might as well spend it anyway.
   YEAH.  Also somehow THEY FAIL at utilizing these Popular Songs.  THESE ARE GREAT SONGS.  It should be SLAM Dunk after SLAM DUNK in Fun They Elicit from the Listener-Viewer.  NOPE.  It's a CLUNKER after CLUNKER.  What a MESS UP.  Anyway.  Figure I COULD watch the rest of that film tonight.  OR save it for tomorrow.  I WANNA WATCH HORROR at night.  Suicide Squad is KIND OF a horror film.  It involves THE JOKER.  SCARY.  Anyway.  Settled on the Banana Chocolate Chip Pound Cake as upcoming Week Delicious Breakfasts.  NOT SURE if the cake is divided into four breakfasts or three.  A FOURTH of the loaf would be a Reasonable but small amount of calories while A TIRD would be a Reasonable but large amount of calories.  GONNA PLAY THIS ONE BY EAR.  See what it SOUNDS like I should do when I SEE TE LOAF IN PERSON.  Okay.  Figure I'll aim to not take pills until either 11:00 or 11:30.  FIGURE I forgot to do Laundry today.  Maybe do it tomorrow.  HEY I'M DUE for tootsie pop Right Now.
OKAY.  CHERRY IT IS.  What else is up.  Either Classic Breakfast or Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.  SHOULD BE GOOD.  Hopefully a nice balanced breakfast would be delicious.  What am I talking about again.  I think the plan is I am able to start taking Topher Grace Medication tomorrow night.  Should be good.  NO REASON NOT TO HOPE that I can start seeing results within 3-4 days.  ODDS ARE I won't but I can EASILY Imagine HOPING to see results that soon and THAT HOPE being vaguely justified.  WOW Hope.  EPOCH.  That's HOPE Backwards WITH ONE BONUS LETTER THROWN IN. It also means like GEOLOGICAL PHASE OF TIME.  Something like that.  We live in different EPOCHS.  Like ICE AGES and crap.  Something along those lines.  So that's good.  Got ALL Quest bars in Fridge right now.  Birthday Bar DEFINITELY gotta be fridge.  Figured I'd just be consistent and do it ACROSS TE BOARD as of now.  Anyway looks like I have enough soda to last me through Tomorrow Morning Re-Uppance.  Down to Diet Coke, Diet Root, and Diet Orange.  But I THINK between the three I have OVER 2 BOTTLES OF SODASWORTH.  Ya know ON AVERAGE each has more than 2/3rds left in the bottle?  GET ON BOARD.
   Last paragraph before the last paragraph.  Good. Hmm interesting 1970's British Horror film available on Shutter.  GREAT user reviews.  WHAT DO I KNOW maybe some of these reviews were GHOSTWRITTEN by people WHO AREN'T USERS.  Either way I can watch that.  Seems like a productive use of my time!  AH.  Bit down into tootsie pop.  In the process of chewing that sucker up real good.  Anyway.  So far my favorite part of Suicide Scott is HARLEY QUINN.  JUST LOOK AT HER.  WHAT A CHARACTER THIS ONE IS.  Anyway. PROBABLY A PRETTY POPULAR TAKEAWAY from the film.  Then again I'M GETTING SOMETHING out of Will Smith character.  HE'S SOLIDLY WILL SMITH.  Not sure why Will Smith had to take a Secondary Supporting Roll in Super Hero Universe.  Seems like Will Smith is a bigger star than ANY of these Supermen or Batmen jerks.  WHY HE IS RELEGATED to Secondary Status.  I dunno maybe they explain that later in the movie.  Anyway.
    Last paragraph that IS the last paragraph.  Amazing.  Anything exciting coming tomorrow.  Got the Pound Cake.  Got the cookie crisp.  That might be it.  OH.  Getting Fresh Direct Small Chocolate Chip Cookies.  I USED TO GET THEM IN THE PAST.  Now I am getting them again.  NICE SOLID DEPENDABLE COOKIE.  Getting delicious BBQ Pop Chips.  To replace Sour Cream Pop Chips I JUST FINISHED TODAY with my Salamish Sandwich.  Microwaved the salami.  Sorta PERKED UP like some pepperoni you see.  Became a Semi-sphere instead of flat.  Formed some cleavage in a sense.  Not sure what words mean EXACTLY.  HEY what lunch am I on track to eat for tomorrow.  Let's say SANDWICH is Probably A No GO.  Could be SUSHI.  Could be Kids Chicken Parm.  THOSE are the most exciting things off the top of my head!  YEAH.  Could have the DUMPLINGS plus RICE and Broccoli.  THAT'D BE FUN to knock out of the park.  Anyway I guess that's it.  I'll see ya tomorrow presumably!

-8:01 P.M.




Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Okay Sure I Follow

    Hey friends!  About on time today.  9:43 AM. Should be able to fit in everything I wanna fit in!  Gonna aim for 9 walks instead of 10 today.  AND/OR from now on For A While.  Drop one of the middle-of-the-day walks.  Take only TWO walks between Walk Arriving Home At 2:45 PM and Walk Leaving Home Around 6:45 - 7:15 PM.  Not THREE.  Missing one walk for FOURTY DAYS or so adds up to about a pound.  I can sacrifice that!  Because I'm pretty confident Topamax will help!  I READ THE RESULTS OF A STUDY they did with Topamax for people with NES and a different sleep-eating disorder and it had VERY good results.  Anyway.  Had more NightMight eating last night than the last few days. I guess cause I was thinking WHO CARES IN A FEW WEEKS TIS MAY STOP.  Anyway.  Had half a classic breakfast. Just comprehensive iced cream sandwich!  NO POP TART.  Gonna have delicious HAM or SALAMI sandwich for lunch.  EITEHR PIZZARIA or DELI for dinner.  Not the establishment itself.  Something they COOK and PREPARE for me.
Yeah!  Realized I forgot to do laundry yesterday.  Will I do it today?  It's possible.  So that's good.  Anyway.  ULTIMATELY when I stop eating NightMight and start losing weight hopefully I drop down to SEVEN walks.  And then when I'm done dieting to lose weight drop down to FOUR OR FIVE walks.  Sounds good.  I like it!  STUDY I READ showed people had good results of Topamax at HIGHER doses.  I'm not gonna see results for A MONTH AT LEAST.  GOD DAMNIT.  Maybe I see PROGRESS.  Start off with SOME results.  That'd be fun.  Anyway.  What kinda crap am I watching on the TV today.  Watch Irish Shutter film tonight.  Some Tales In The Crypt.  Maybe a Simpsons.  DANGIT I wish I could eat some cookie or something right now.  Hmm.  How long do I have to write this act.  About an hour and five minutes at most.  I can do that.  Possible I CAN'T do that if I get distracted or something.  I'd have to be PRETTY distracted to be So Distracted It Interrupts Entry.  Normally I'm distracted All The Time anyway.  RIGHT NOW for instance I AM DISTRACTED but neither you nor me are None The Wiser.
   Third paragraph.  That's good.  I Think.  If I'm only taking nine out of ten walks for the day I SHOULD ONLY WRITE NINE OUT OF TEN PARAGRAPHS FOR ACT I.  That'd be weird!  Hmm.  I could consider amending Entry Writing Routine AS I re-calibrate Walking Routine.  It'd be weird to not write NightTime Act III's!  GET THIS DONE WITH IN TE MORNING.  That leaves REST OF TEH DAY to do something else productive completely.  Instead of knowing day will be Bookended by entry again at night.  THEN AGAIN NIGHTTIME ENTRY IS only halfway decent part PER MY UNDERSTANDING.  Anyway.  What playlist am I listening to right now on Walks.  I THINK New In Alternative.  Not gonna get up to check just now though.  Maybe when I get up soon in the natural course of things I'll check that out.  Maybe I won't!  IT'S UP TO ME.  Hmm.  Went to bed a little bit earlier last night.  IF I stop NightMight, no pressure to stay up later at all!  Probably end up going to be around 11:00, 11:30 ideally in the end.
Coffee after this paragraph!  I RECEIVED packets of Truvia box but I guess I'm finishing Bowl Basin Reservoir of Truvia first.  So that's good.  What kinda sandwichside we looking at today.  Could be A SWEET.  Golden graham bar for instance.  Those are pretty good.  I like the part where they taste good.  Can't discount the part where I UNWRAP THEM.  That's fun.  It's like OPENING A CHANUKAH PRESENT.  It's just one Medium Sized Snack BUT IT'S A CHANUKAH PRESENT NONETHELESS.  Something like that.  I dunno.  The point is YES Golden Graham bars are KOSHER for Chanukah.  KOSHER for Ramadan, too, for that matter.  Anyway.  Not enjoying Having TO Get Up And Start Doing Things In The Morning today BUT I'm getting close to a period of time where I'M SOLIDLY INTO THE Doing Things and have made GOOD PROGRESS.  LIKE AFTER THIS PARAGRAPH for instance.  40% into act ONE.  Already so much into the entry I'm at coffee.  Basically IT'S GREAT.
  Had delicious Stella Doro cookie just now when retrieving my coffee.  It's GOOD because I didn't eat a POP TART at Classic Breakfast.  I COULD HAVE THREE of these cookies to EQUAL a pop tart.  Anyway.  I dunno.  HOW DOES medication to make me eat less work.  OVER HALF OF TE FUN OF WANTING TO EAT is JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT.  How can a medication change my thinking such that I'm thinking oh would having a quest bar be fun?  Nah not so much.  Who gives a fig about delicious Sweets.  I GUESS IT COULD happen.  But I can't IMAGINE it.  I can't imagine ANYTHING.  Who knows how Brain Chemistry works.  POSSIBLY SOME BRAIN CHEMISTS but only them.  NO ONE ELSE.  Hmm.  How long do I have to write upcoming five paragraphs.  SOLIDLY ENOUGH that I don't really need to worry about it.  YEHA.  GREAT.  Somehow there are no cars parked on the street.  They're doing work there, sure, great.  BUT HOW did the cars know not to be there.  AND WHERE ARE THEY ISNTEAD.
Five paragraphs to go for Act I!  Good deal.  If I take 5 walks in Ultimate Routine Maintenance Diet Schedule that'd be great.  Five walks SOUNDS like a lot to your LAYPERSON.  BUT I can fit in 4 walks before 1:30 PM and then take just one more walk in evening POST-DINNER.  LOADS OF TIME IN AFTERNOON without walk and LOADS OF TIME AT NIGHT without walk.  PLUS the time period WITH walks I am accomplishing ENTRYING and SHOWER and DRINKING COFFEE and whatknot.  LIFE COULD BE GOOD.  Probably could be even better.  I'D SETTLE FOR LIFE BEING THUSLY GOOD.  Why press my luck hoping it'd be better.  GOOD IS GREAT.  That's what Muslims say.  SURE they subtract one of the, "O's," but YOU GET TE BASIC IDEA.  DOC BROWN says Great Scott.  What is this obsession with Scotts in the past, is there some sort of GREAT SCOTT that existed in the 1950's?  Hmm.  Whose the greatest Scott ever.  What Scotts ARE THERE.  Francis Scott Key.  He wrote America: The Song I believe.  That's about it.  Michael Scott: The Character from The Office.  NOT A LOT OF GREAT SCOTTS OUT THERE.
   Hmm.  My brother had a childhood friend named Scott.  he was OKAY I guess.  Don't really remember.  Oh.  Right.  HALL OF FAMER SCOTT ROCKIN' ROLEN.  HOW COULD I FORGET.  It happened LASt NIGHT.  Anyway.  DID I have an MP3 file of the song that goes ROCKIN ROBIN, TWEET ELDY TWEET?  Sure I did!  Not sure why.  I guess my Mom downloaded it at some point.  But I don't know WHY ABOUT TAHT EITHER.  The point is F SCOTT FITZGERALD.  Hmm.  Are we into the seventh paragraph?  That'd be, "KEY!"  Sounds like good slang.  When something is Good we say it's KEY.  Let's go with that.  Anyway.  3.5 paragraphs to go for Act I!  Scottie Pippin.  Sounds like an Charles Dickens character.  MAINLY THE PIPPIN PART.  What else do I got going for me.  I could presumably decide myself whether to get Deli or Italy Restaurant for tonight.  WHICH WOULD I PREFER?  First instinct was Pizza and then second instinct was deli.  WOW.  Looks like we're not gonna figure this one out Just Yet.
   Hmm.  DELI would probably mean Hearty Grandmother's Soup for tonight and Chickened Pot Pie for tomorrow.  While ITALY Restaurant would mean Pizza for one night and Grilled Chicken Roll for the other.  PRESUMABLY.  Maybe I mix things up and get multi part ENTREE from Italian Restaurant.  Been a LONG time since I did that.  Got SINGLE PORTION Italian Restaurant Entree from SUPER market plenty.  But been A LONG time since I got one that isn't the 2 or 3 things from Super.  Also ITALY RESTAURANT is higher quality.  ALSO WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Could get a hero. Potato and egg hero or something.  Delightful.  What else is up.  Could be raining throughout the day.  Hopefully LIGHTLY.  I don't need A Hard Rain A-Fallin' On Me.  Might snow My dad said.  I DON'T NEED THAT EITHER.  OH WELL such is life.  I guess.  What else is up.  Got plenty of time to write 2 more paragraphs.  You know like HALF AN HOUR EVEN.
Okay.  Over the last week PHONE has not connected to INTERNET while in Park walk 2 or 4 times.  WHAT THE HELL.  I have to walk for about 10, 15 minutes WITHUOT LISTENING TO MUSIC like some sort of PLEAB?  Don't like it!  Could always make my own music in my head. NO I CAN'T.  If I could do that I'D DO IT FOR PRODUCTION PURPOSES and not just self entertainment purposes.  So that's good.  What else is up.  THEY RELEASED ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS RECENTLY.  I didn't look it up because I Don't Know Any Of These Films.  And why would I want to read a list of things where I don't know the things Listed?  I WOULDN'T that's why.  Huh.  I assume they will have an empty chair somewhere near the front where Will Smith would have Sat and it's closed off.  And every now and then during the broadcast the Live Feed cuts to the empty chair for Reaction Shots.  Which are just shots of Empty Chair.  WOW I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS.
   Last paragraph of the act.  Amazing.  What else is up.  GOOGLE People Named Scott.  SCOTT JOPLIN.   That doesn't sound right.  Ragtime Piano Player.  Joplin.  I KNOW HAT MUCH.  SCOTT?  I GUESS it SORT OF sounds right.  Huh.  Mainly sounds right BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT and for no other reson primarily.  So that's good.  HEY WHEN TE HELL IS TE STATE OF TE UNION.  We're solidly into the new year and I HAVE YET TO SEE a State Of The Union.  IT BETTER BE STRONG, or ELSE.  Hmm.  Coming Febtuary 7th.  TWO WEEKS.  Good.  What else is up.  Only 455 babies named Scott in 2021.  Not sure if that's America or The World.  Probably America.  But either way WOW sounds like people aren't naming their kids Scott TO A VERY LARGE DEGREE.  I guess that's good.  Huh.  I'd name my kid Scott.  Why not. I could think of plenty of worse names than Scott.  Nothing wrong with Scott.  Anyway.  I guess that's about it for now.  I'll be back in a little bit.




please just continue reading

    Hey friends.  Time to write Some Five Paragraphs.  How long do I have.  Let's say all the way up to fourty five minutes!  Anyway.  Got some coffee #2 going.  Got some diet coke.  Got reasonably good confidence that NightMight will be fixed!  I TINK in the study I read, of the four or five people with Sleep Eating Disorders, EVERYONE saw some improvement and 2 of them saw COMPLETE ERADICATION of it.  WAIT A SECOND how happy amI with SOME Improvement.  If I level off at eating 200 calories a night I GUESS I could work with that.  MAY need to take an extra walk or two.  MAY not.  Could be I'm being CONSERVATIVE with how much walks I need to take to Burn Certain Amount of daily calories.  I COULD DO IT AT A BETTER LEVEL THAN I'M APPROXIMATING.  Anyway the good news is hey I could learn to live with 200 Wasted Calories A Day.  I guess.  Especially if it makes me less prone to eating during day!  WOW GOOD POINT.
Four paragraphs to go.  Anyway.  Gotta start putting together Super market order for Friday.  Today!  GREAT I JUST ADDED THE SODA.  That's the easy part.  Hmm.  Got lunch coming up in about 2.5 hours.  Delicious salami sandwich with delicious yet-to-be-determined Sandwichside.  Not sure why I needed the Dashes for yet-to-be-determined.  You'd have gotten the same idea with just SPACES between the words and not dashes.  I'm not UPSET I did dashes.  I ENJOYED IT. I'm just not sure WHY.  Anyway.  Scott is short for Prescott.  I guess.  That's what I've been led to believe based on The Internet Roughly Fourty Five Minutes Ago.  Anyway.  Wonder if I'll waste TV Time watching baseball this upcoming Major League Baseball Season.  Probably will!  That's fun.  Some nice COLORS there.  GREEN GRASS and whatknot.  BROWN DIRT.  Nice contrast between The GREENS and THE BROWNS.  Real fun stuff to watch on the television set.  And that doesn't even begin to mention the Baseball Action!  PITCHES.  HITS.  THROWS.  RUNNING.  It's gonna be a ton of fun.
   Three paragraphs to go for the DayTime Day.  Amazing.  HOW MUCH more eating did I do over night than what had been Regular-Break-Even the past week?  I dunno.  Off the top of my head I'll guess maybe about 500 calories OVER Breaking Even.  DANGIT.  That's TWO 250 calories.  CRUNCH THE NUMBERS ALONGSIDE ME AND YOU'LL SEE I'M CORRECT.  Hmm.  Probably figure out a flim to watch during the day today.  BUT WHAT.  Super Hero movie would be consistent with Recent Days.  Some sort of SCI-FI-ACTION-Fantasy at least.  Maybe it's not about a Super Hero.  Maybe it's about a Super ZERO.  NOTE TO SELF, write Film Called SUPER ZERO about a super hero who is a loser.  Or starts out a loser.  Or maybe we think he starts out as a loser but we learn eventually in retrospect that He Was A Winner All Along. NOTE TO SELF End Communication.  What else is up.  SUPPER.  ITALY.  Deli is the way to go HEALTHwise for the next two days as opposed to Pizzeria.  But pizzeria is the way to go TASTEwise.  MAN.  Maybe I should flip a coin.  That's fun.  DON'T SEE HOW IT WOULD HELP THOUGH.
Penultimate paragraph.  Maybe I get delicious two part omelette from deli.  BEEN considering that FOR WEEKS.  Maybe NOW IS TE TIME.  Okay that's worth holding onto for Consideration.  Might not be the most likely thing as of now BUT IT COULD BE IN THE MIX FOR SURE.  Great.  They have DRINKING edibles for marijuana apparently.  Some sort of beverage that gets you high.  I'M NOT SURE IF I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT.  Anyway.  Never had any edibles IN MY LIFETIME.  Not sure I've ever used VAPORIZOR either.  I BOUGHT one once but I may NEVER have figured out how to use it.  OH WELL.  It's not MY fault. It was cheaply made piece of garbage!  IT MAY have just been a pencil sharpener that they told me was a vaporizer.  TAHT WOULD EXPLAIN how it sharpened all my pencils.  Either way oh well what can ya do.  Probably stuff, and whatknot.  MAYBE get delicious 2 Part Breakfast Rainbow Cookie from super market.  I LIKED IT.  WHY SHOULDN'T I GET IT AGAIN.
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  WOW. Sounds like I've made some real good progress Into The Day.  Sounds like I got some RELAX time coming up.  Sounds like I got some BONUS RELAX time in a few hours because of One Less Walk.  Hmm.  IS IT POSSIBLE I end up taking the extra walk anyway because I SHRUG MY SHOULDERS AND THINK, "WHY NOT?"  I GUESS but I'd like to AVOID that if possible.  I guess.  WOW will I take one less PARK WALK or one less CITY STREET walk today.  THAT'S A TOUGH ONE.  Gonna play this hand as its dealt.  Not beforehand.  No hand beforehand to speak of.  Good.  GOD DAMN IT.  I gotta wait an extra couple of days before starting Topamax so we get it delivered with Other Medication.  So we SAVE MONEY on giving them a TIP for the delivery.  DAMNIT EVERY DAY IS VERY PRECIOUS.  Three or five bonus days without it MAKES THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE IN TEH WORLD not counting Seven Or Nine Days Without It.  Welp that's it for now.  I'll see ya tonight!




That's Not My Problem

    Hey friends!  Facing NORTH for There Here ACT III!  Did some further research on Topher Grace Medication and Sleep-Eating Disorders.  Another study found that a lot of people had Success Results BUT ALSO dropped out of taking it for SIDE EFFECTS.  It worked but THEY DECIDED side effects made is NOT WORTH IT. WHAT SIDE EFFECT?  The Medical term for PINS AND NEEDLES.  Musta been really unpleasant sensation happening really often!  Cause that doesn't sound like a big deal.  BUT NOW I'M CONCERNED about it.  Either way.  Took eight of nine walks already!  Taking last one after Entry!  Writing this DIRECTLY after delicious Grandmother's Soup with Side of Matzoht Bahl.  Matzoht. Mozart.  Huh.  EITHER WAY gonna start tootsie pop nonetheless.  EITHER WAY finished SPRITE SUPPLY more than a day and a half until Re-Uppance with Super Market.  Anyway.  Halfway through ULTIMATE CUT Of Batman Vs Superman DAWN OF JUSTICE.  Didn't realize until FOUR MINUTES IN that this was indeed the SECOND Film in DC Extended Universe and I missed watching the first one.  ALREADY four minutes into it SO I DECIDED TO JUST START HERE.  Either way SURPRISINGLY NOT SO BAD.
YEAH.  I GET that the first film must have involved Super-Man in someway.  Possibly AS A MAIN OR SUPPORTING CHARACTER.  SO that's good.  Anyway I got surplus of Variety Flavor Tootsie Pops and not of Choco Pops.  SO I GUESS I WILL HAVE A VARIETY FLAVOR TONIGHT.  Presumably Cherry or Raspberry.  That's what they mostly are.  Let's put our hand into The magic Bag and see what comes out.  ALRIGHT got a delicious Cherry.  ANyway.  Still haven't had Blueberry Muffin or White Chocolate Raspberry Quest Bars.  MIGHT have one later tonight.  PUT IN ORDER for Amazon for Birthday and/or Cookies and Cream Quest Bars.  SO THAT'S GOOD I GUESS.  It's not Bad.  What else is up.  SNOWED a bit today.  For one or two walks it was SNOW.  Light snow!  Didn't stick or anything.  I'll Fuck With some Light Snow That Doesn't Stick To Ground OR ME MYSELF.  I don't have a big problem with That Kind Of Level Of Snow.  Hmm.
Three paragraphs to go!  Put on Tales In The Crypt.  Save Superman And/or Batman Film for tomorrow DAYTIME.  Good deal.  Maybe watch IRISH film tonight.  Not sure if it's an IRISH FILM.  Takes PLACE in Ireland.  STANDS TO REASON that Irish Film Makers have the biggest vested interest in making films that take place in Ireland.  OR MAYBE ENGLISH FILM MAKERS DO as part of some sort of Colonial Enterprise.  THOSE JERKS, I HATE TEM SO MUCH.  What else is up.  Tomorrow breakfast gonna be Black and White cookie OR balanced breakfast.  PROBABLY Black and white cookie.  No real reason to have a Classic Breakfast.  IF I WANT AN INDULGENCE BREAKFAST GO WITH TEH COOKIE.  RIGHT?  Seems like that would be the way to go.  Anyway.  Had delicious HAM sanwdich for lunch today.  With CheezIts.  SALAMI SANDWICH is the Last Lunch Standing for Weekly Lunches.  Which is AMAZING because I STARTED OFF THE WEEK wanting The Salami Sandwich the most.  Just kept getting pushed back for one reason or another.  Or one reason AND another.  REASONS WORKING AT THE SAME TIME either by coincidence OR ACTIVELY IN TANDEM.
Penultimate paragraph.  Getting Topher Grace Medication on FRIDAY.  That's not so bad!  Pretty soon all things considered.  Even just HALF or MOST things considered.  Maybe as low as A THIRD, what do I know.  Hmm.  Not sure if it's gonna be raining on Final Upcoming Walk.  Internet SAYS it's raining now.  I don't hear it.  No way of knowing without going outside.  Or Listening HARDER.  My ear to the train tracks, see if any rain is coming on down the pipe.  Huh.  If I don't HUNGERWISE want the Quest Bar make sense to hold onto it EVEN IF it means I'm accumulating Too Many Quest Bars.  So that's good.  Maybe have quest bar.  I CAN SEE IT WORKING OUT FOREVER IN MY FAVOR.  Anyway.  BIT into tootsie pop.  In the process of chewing that sucker up right now real good.  So I got that going for me.  Hmm.  Maybe I'd enjoy a delicious Comprehensive Iced Cream Sandwich instead.  I like eating that kinda crap real good.
   Last paragraph of the Night.  Amazing.  What else do I got going for me.  Maybe not make it to 12:00 AM Pill taking time.  But I say I can wait AT LEAST until 11:00 PM.  Maybe even aim for 11:30 PM.  SOUNDS REASONABLE.  LIKE YOU COULD REASON WITH IT.  THAT SORT OF TING.  Nine walks in a day is pretty much a breeze compared to ten.  What a joy it is to only take 2 walks in middle of the day instead of three.  REALLY OPENS TINGS UP.  Gives me longer portions of TV Watching Time and Whatknot.  Huh.  RIGHT NOW Breakfast Indulgence Breakfast plan for upcoming super market week is MINI CHOCOLATE CHIP BANANA BREAD CAKE.  And THAT'S IT.  Probably the WRONG move but it's still A MOVE WORTH MAKING.  Sometimes you gotta SHAKE THINGS UP and this shakes it up REAL good.  AH.  "Banana chocolate chip pound cake."  SOUNDS EVEN BETTER than whatever dumb words I was using to refer to it.  The POUND CAKE part in particular is pretty exciting.  Well.  Great!  That's it!  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-7:33 P.M.



Tuesday, January 24, 2023

This May Be Alright

    Hey friends!  On schedule today.  9:28 AM!  Gonna fit in everything I wanna fit in for early part of day.  And middle part of day!  Nighttime part of day, too!  NOT SURE what nighttime will look like exactly, what with ZOOM Psychiatry appointment at 8 PM.  But it'll work out!  Anyway.  Had what's become standard amount of NightMight snacking.  Had delicious Amazon Fresh brownie for breakfast.  It was pretty good!  Pretty hearty!  If their Nutritional Info is to believed on target for breakfast!  Hmm.  Dinner will be WAFFLE.  Lunch will be ham or salami sandwich OR Bland chicken with Spanish Rice.  Getting close to the point I'm interested in having the bland chicken.  BECAUSE of the rice.  But I think today leaning towards sandwich. In which case leaning towards salami.  So that's good.  Went to bed when I wanted to yesterday!  Drifted off into sleep once or twice BEFOREHAND but then got back up and didn't do Final Drifting until past 12:00 AM!
   Sure, that's great.  Hopefully Doctor is on board with letting me try Topher Grace medication to combat NightMight Eating Disorder.  OR she somehow came up with a better idea herself.  Not counting on that.  She's not a very IMAGINATIVE person.  That's not fair.  What do I know about her imagination.  Not much.  Anyway.  They're doing work across the street from my house now.  LOUD but not disrupting my walks in any way.  So that's good.  I'm hearing it from the reverse direction.  They're doing the work SOUTH from my house but I'm hearing it outside my NORTH bedroom window.  Unless they're doing work in both directions.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Some more mass shootings been going on lately.  In the news!  If only we lived in a society that valued Stopping daily mass shootings.  That'd be weird.  Not sure I'm comfortable with that.  BUTTERFLY effect.  Suddenly our society doesn't tolerate needless death and who knows WHAT ELSE is gonna change. 
   Third paragraph.  Solid chance I actually do some laundry today.  It's time I start wearing laundered shirts again and I HAVE the motivation somehow for some reason to actually do it now.  Doesn't take that much effort.  But the payoff is EXTRAORDINARY.  BEYOND ORDINARY.  SUPER ORDINARY.  Wait a second.  Extra Ordinary sounds like it's just EXTREMELY ORDINARY, not SUPRA ordinary.  Hmm.  Gonna have to loook into that one.  Haven't been talking about National Foods Of The Tomorrow for like a month.  IT'S MISSED.  I guess.  Any good Celeb Birthdays for Tomorrow.  WOW VOLODYMYR Zelenskyy!  Turning THE BIG FOUR FIVE tomorrow.  What a great guy.  What does the extra y at the end  of his last name accomplish.  WHAT are we getting out of Zelenskyy that we wouldn't get out of Zelensky.  OH WELL he's the birthday boy he can spell his name however he wants.  Huh.  How do I pronounce my last name.  Last syllable is Blum.  I THINK we pronounce it Bloom!  That's been my experience.  I'd respond to Bl' UMM though.  FIRST CHOICE IS BLOOM.
   Fourth paragraph.  Delightful.  Re-upping with PACKETS of Truvia today.  Guess I'm finishing the Basin Reservoir first though.  BUT no pressure to go Light on the amount.  Just pour in all I want till my heart's content.  BASIN RESERVOIR?  RESERVOIR DOGS?  Huh.  Not sure I've ever seen Reservoir Dogs more than once.  Probably saw it once.  That might have been it!  I REMEMEBR watching the opening sequence at some point in the last year or two.  BUT TAT'S IT.  Think I got that sucker on DVD.  I can watch it at my leisure more or less.  Hmm.  One song away from finishing Superbloom playlist on Apple Music.  WHAT playlist to put on next?  I dunno!  Maybe New In Alternative or New In Rock.  Sounds about right.  How much time do I have to write the next six paragraphs.  Like an hour and ten minutes.  WOW I got plenty more than enough time and whatknot.  What sandwichside we talkin for lunch.  Could be a SWEET. Golden Graham Bar maybe.  COULD BE.
   Fifth paragraph!  Gonna get coffee NOW after fourth paragraph.  That's been working well for me lately!  Anyway. I dunno.  What am I watching on the television today.  Presumably some Tales In The Crypt.  Probably Superman IV.  Perhaps new Shutter film.  How much time do I have NOW to write rest of Act I.  ENOUGH.  Hmm.  Should start getting back into reading.  LIGHT reading.  I can read more of Jeff Tweedy songwriting book.  OR I could save it until I enter period of life where I Wanna Write More Songs.  Presumably when Marijuana is introduced into the mix.  Anyway, I dunno.  Is it POSSIBLE I have waffle for lunch?  Sure.  But I don't see WHY I'd CHOOSE to go that route.  Hmm.  Today is TUESDAY.  Gonna start setting up Friday Super market delivery TOMORROW.  NOW'S the time to prepare for tomorrow.  OR wait until tomorrow.  Tomorrow Tomorrow will be more relevant than it is today so I'd have a better idea of what to do.
   Hmm.  Not sure if I have another pair of pants.  I threw out a really ripped up pair a couple of weeks ago.  I SAY I have a pair of jeans that aren't Ripped Up Beyond Recognition that I can still wear SOMEWHERE.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Pants aren't ripped beyond RECOGNITION.  No matter what I can still pretty much recognize They Are (OR WERE) Pants.  So that's good I guess.  Can always order more pants off the internet.  I think David Letterman has some sort of Pants Company.  I'd like to buy from him.  Huh.  How's Late Night Talk Shows going.  Haven't watched them in a long time.  But when I was younger I WATCHED THE SHIT out of em.  For example in the MID 2000's.  ALWAYS watched Daily Show, Colbert Report, Conan O Brian Variety Hour.  AND OTHERS pretty often.  POSSIBLY into the LATE 2000's.  Possibly starting with WHAT YOU MIGHT CALL the early 2000's.  The point is THAT WAS A LIFETIME AGO if you were born Then Exactly.
Seventh paragraph.  Good deal.  Presumably starting laundry I GUESS after fourth walk, PRE-Lunch.  I can do that.  No problem.  Hmm.  What other celeb birthdays are tomorrow. I saw Zelenskyy and was so excited I forgot to Read On.  CHEMICIST ROBERT BOYLE.  That name rings a bell.  Maybe some sort of UNIT in chemistry called The Boyle.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE not seeing any Boyle Units.  Still though WELL DONE.  I've been thinking almost exclusively about SALAMI if I have a sandwich today but what about HAM?  I dunno sounds kinda stupid.  Why would I have ham sandwich if I could have salami sandwich.  NO good reason That's Why.  Hmm.  12 OZ of Spanish Rice.  Am I having A FULL 6 OZ Half Of That?  Maybe A THIRD (4.0 OZ) would be enough.  Hmm.  Internet is saying 6 OZ of Spanish Rice isn't that much calories at all!  THEN IT'S SETTLED.  I'll eat half the Spanish Rice and half the bland chicken and presumably SOME of Whatever Sauce Packet I got.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Amazing!  What's going on with you.  Maybe just have dumb chicken and rice for lunch.  I'm not excited about it but it would be exciting to get it out of the way for the week!  Then I still have 2nd half of it for NEXT week.  But ANY progress is GOOD progress.  YEAH.  We'll see how I feel.  I wanna leave Zoom Appointment tonight with SOME sort of hope and/or plan to address Night Eating Syndrome.  SOMETHING where I'm thinking okay now I have a CHANCE of Something Working to fix this.  We'll see how that goes I guess.  Hmm.  OH RIGHT got broccoli for Chicken and rice too.  That's okay.  Not exciting.  But it makes the meal HEARTIER.  Good deal!  What else is up.  Gettin relatively cold these days.  Yesterday night walks I had to wear sweatshirt jacket under winter jacket.  DON'T LIKE IT.  Don't like Global Heating but I also don't like it when I PERSONALLY am Too Cold On Occasion. I'd easily trade my inconvenience for Less Global Heating though.  IF you made me that offer.  I'd do the right thing!
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  WOW.  What's up.  WOW I get to decide how to heat up waffle tonight.  Oven or microwave!  PROBABLY OVEN.  But the microwave is not without its charms.  Get to decide whether to sprinkle Artificial Sweetener on it!  PROBABLY... hmm.. I dunno.  Close to 50/50 odds I'd do it and/or not do it.  AND/or Should doit and/or/or/and/or Shouldn't not and/or not do it.  YEAH.  Anyway.  Probably leaning towards NEW IN ALTERNATIVE playlist coming up.  Unless something else catches my eye.  Or EAR as it may be.  Nope, EYE.  Can't catch my EAR cause I'm not Being Caught based on SOUND of the music but rather what THE TITLE of the playlist and/or songs on the playlist are.  Maybe THE SOUND of the Sight of the titles IN MY HEAD though.  Hmm.  Interesting.  NO IT ISN'T.  Interesting counterpoint.  Chicken might be halfway good if I cook it right.  Possible I did a half-assed job cooking it the first time and that's why it tasted shitty.  Hmm.  Follow their directions better.  I MAY have followed their directions TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY the first time around but maybe this time MY ABILITIES HAVE INCREASED and now I can do better!
   Last paragraph of Act I.  Sweet!  What's up.  Lots of time in the morning.  It's great.  Can't argue with 15 more minutes than usual!  SOLID BLOCK OF TIME.  A quarter of an hour.  HALF a HALF an hour.  Fifteen minutes got a lot going for it.  If a song is 3 minutes long you can listen to FIVE in EXACTLY fifteen minutes.  IF.  That's a BIG IF, granted.  What else is up.  I think I enjoyed brownie for breakfast!  If calories are to believed I'd be happy getting it again!  STILL GOT large black and white for future upcoming breakfasts AS WELL as Egged White.  AMAZING.  Still got two quest bars.  Decent chance I have one tonight.  DUNNO what tonights gonna look like but it MIGHT look like Something That'd Be Improved With Quest Bar.  Hmm.  Looks like it'll mostly be in the mid 40's for the next week.  SOUNDS warm to me.  Which is GOOD for me BUT BAD for planet.  Unless for This Area Specifically At this time of year specifically this year specifically SOMEHOW it's better for it to be slightly warmer for the OVERALL picture.  Hard to say.  VERY complicated.  Huh. I'll be back in a little bit.




i'm real sorry about that

    Hey!  Think I'm gonna knock out bland chicken lunch today.  Have HALF of bland chicken.  A THIRD of rice.  Either A THIRD or HALF of broccoli.  Maybe AN EIGHTH of Sauce.  We'll see how that goes.  Maybe pour some sauce over rice!  It could happen.  Either way these are all Super market meals that are individually wrapped and have explicit instructions on how to microwave IN THEIR SEALED PACKAGE.  FUCK THAT.  Gonna set up my plate BEFOREHAND and then microwave it ALL TOGETHER.  I don't wanna have to microwave everything in its original package because then I'm microwaving the portions I'm not eating.  Which is A WASTE of Microwave Power.  Presumably this could work decently enough.  I guess.  Anyway.  Started New In Alternative playlist.  Good stuff.  I like ALT music.  Can't stand STANDARD music.  What's the antonym to alternative.  Standard has gotta be in the top four or five Antonym Words, right?  Hmm.  Internet giving me some good words.  Trational, Orthodox, Conventional, Customary.  ALL GOOD WORDS.  They don't have Standard.  I STAND BY STANDARD TOHUGH.
   Four paragraphs to go for DayTimeDay!
  Amazing.  Presumably there's ANY NUMBER of ways I can use the 1/3rd of Rice that is neither to be used with TIS portion of Bland Chicken or NEXT WEEKS.  Could be a SANDWICHSIDE. ...ANYTHING.  Hmm.  Maybe this is good opportunity to try Fresh Direct DUMPLINGS.  Pair that with rice.  AND A THIRD OF THE BROCCOLI I GOT RIGHT NOW?  Sounds reasonable way to go about things.  THEY HAVE SEVERAL KIND OF DUMPLING.  KUNG PAO CHICKEN DUMPLING sounds most exciting.  Good.  That could be in the cards for next week I suppose.  Hmm.  Wonder if I got box of Tootsie Roll DOTS in any other Tootsie Roll Bags I recently got.  I TINK when I got The Bag With Dots I ALSO got a 2nd SAME Bag in that delivery.  MAYBE TERE'S ONE IN THERE.  Good.  I liked it.  Kinda weirdly Too Chewy but GOOD in a way.  HAD TO PUT UP SOME EFFORT to chew it.  I LIKE being challenged on occasion.  Huh.  Into second half of Tales In The Crypt.  Finished season three last night.  There are SEVEN seasons.  But I feel comfortable saying First half is the first three seasons, second half is the last three seasons.  Hmm.  Episode amount in seasons is variable.  Lemme LTURQ.  38 episodes in first 3 seasons.  55 episodes in last 4 seasons.  I STAND BY MY CALCULATIONS.
   Not so much CALCULATION opinion but a FEELING opinion.  First three seasons are EARLY Tales Of The Crypt and last four are LAT Tales Of The Crypt.  IT'S NOT NUMBERS but FEELINGS I'm talking about.  Good.  WOW.  Upcoming super market order I PICK NEW SANDWICHES.  I'm gettin presumably three Kinds of sandwiches for one sandwich a week for two weeks.  NO MEAT IS SAFE.  Turkey, salami, veggie burger, ham... I DUNNO!  Could always go with an indulgent WILDCARD like PASTRAMI.  Good I'll think about it later.  Hmm.  MAYBE GET MINI BANANA CHOCOLATE CHIP POUNDCAKE.  Not sure if I ever tried that.  Anyway, though, the way I would divide that up is it's 3 breakfasts.  Could be good.  I LIKE CAKE but relatively rarely indulge.  THIS COULD WORK OUT GREAT.  What else is going on.  What was I talking about.  NEW SNL this week with Michael B Jordan.  YEAH.  He directed his new Creed Film. WAY TO GO.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act II!  When is lunch.  About 2.5 hours.  Oh okay sounds good.  Wearing some  quality socks today.  NO HOLES AT ALL.  Except for where I stick feet in.  WOW this is the life.  What's the plot of Superman IV.  Probably involves Superman.  That'd be my guess.  HOW LONG IS IT.  Gonna take The UNDER for 2 hours.  Gonna say ONE HOUR FIFTY FOUR MINUTES.  Running Time 90 Minutes.  EXACTLY just as I suspected.  Well I got the UNDER 2 hours part right at least.  Sounds like this is a mere 75% the movie the first 3 ones were.  Amazing.  What else is up.  Apparently Superman IV is considered one of the worst films ever made.  Not sure why I'm in italics right now.  Gimme a second ok that's better.  Ranked FOURTY on EMPIRE MAGAZINE'S list of 50 worst movies ever.  WOW now it sounds like it might be some fun.  GOOD.  I LIKE FUN.  USUALLY.  Now that I think about it NOT ALL THE TIME.
Last paragraph of DayTime Day. Good deal.  Anyway.  How am I retrieving rice from Rice Basin It Came In.  Maybe SPOON.  Or I could use fingers.  FORK might get the job done.  SPOON would be TOPS but DO I WANNA WASTE A SPOON USE JUST ON THIS.  Anyway.  Gonna be tough to try to hit 1/3rd of rice EXACTLY.  But I figure I can get close to it.  Within 80-120% of the amount of rice IS WHAT I'LL HIT.  NOT SO BAD.  ERR on the side of less maybe.  OR NOT.  We'll see.  Haven't watched much The Simpsons lately.  ABOUT TIME I watch some The Simpsons I feel.  THEN AGAIN Or Not.  We'll see.  Maybe I should shave before ZOOM appointment.  The more impressive I appear to Pshyciatrist the more likely she'll agree to give me whatever medicine I want to try.  Sounds about right at least.  Hmm.  I know the stereotype is marijuana makes you wanna eat but I can EASILY imagine them designing a strain that makes you NOT wanna eat.  FUN TO IMAGINE STUFF.  IT CAN GO ANYWHERE.  That's how imagination works.  WELP that's it for now.  Be back tonight.




That Makes A Ton Of Sense To Me

    Hey friends!  Just had Doctor Zoom appointment.  Not an appointment with a Doctor Zoom.  But now I kinda want a Doctor named Zoom.  Not even KINDA.  I FLAT OUT WANT IT BAD.  Either way I brought up Topher Grace medication and she has experience prescribing it to people for food/weight issues!  And she was ON BOARD with prescribing it to me WITH NO HESITATION.  GONNA START THAT SUCKER WITHIN DAYS.  Low dose at first.  MAYBE ENOUGH.  MAYBE I GET BRAIN FOG.  Sometimes FOG IS GOOD.  I feel like if you're out and about IN THE WORLD and it's Considerably Foggy THAT'S KIND OF PLEASANT.  I LIKE A NICE FOG.  Unless there's Pirate Ghosts.  Or Ghost Pirates.  Like in that movie.  I don't think the ghosts were PIRATES Per Say.  Just Shipboaters.  Either way WOW.  My feeling is I really wanna drop from 10 walks to seven.  FIVE walks in first part of day.  ONE walk in middle part of day.  ONE walk in late part of day.  Giving me NICE BLOCKS in middle and late parts of day for RELAXATION.  WOW THIS IS GREAT I'M GONNA GET BRAIN FOG Hopefully.
   Gotta spend money to make money.
  If I want POSITIVE results with Late Night Appetite Suppressant Or Something GOTTA GIVE UP some Brain Function.  When god opens up a window he pushes you down a laundry chute.  Something like that.  Anyway.  Already took all 10 walks today.  Had delicious Waffle for dinner and bland chicken with rice and broccoli for lunch.  Didn't use ANY sauce with that.  It was Okay Enough.  Chicken was Bland as all Hell BUT THE IMPORTANT TING IS I ATE IT.  Hmm.  What kinda snack do I got coming my way for the rest of tonight.  COULD BE ANYTHING.  I DUNNO.  We'll see.  Will Topher Grace medication effect me eating During Day?  I DUNNO.  Could make following DayDiet especially easy.  YEAH.  Might also even speed up metabolism.  THE POINT IS WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE TAKE THIS.  Brain Fog.  WHO CARES.  Most people are dumb.  FOG OR NOT.  Makes no difference.  Nice pleasant mix-em-up to have Psychiatry appointment at 8 PM.  Brings me back to Good Old Days when I was Pre-teen and saw psychiatrist for a year or two.  And had Nighttime appointments.  That was an ALL OUT Psychiatry.  HOUR LONG SESSIONS.  DEEP TALK THERAPY.  THIS IS JUST NOT THAT.
YEAH.  Three paragraphs to go.  Watched Superman IIIIIIX.  Not sure there was anything worthwhile or NOT worthwhile about that movie.  I don't get 100% why it's one of the worst movies ever.  Kinda seemed like the other Supermans but maybe especially mediocre.  But Especially Mediocre isn't EQUITABLE to WORST MOVIE EVER.  Hmm.  Watched HALF of Stephen King's The GRAVEYEARD SHIFT.  Watched it entirely a year or two ago without paying attention.  This time I'm paying MARGINALLY more attention.  BRAD DOURIF is in it.  I PAID ATTENTION TO THAT.  He EARNT attention.  YOU GOTTA EARN YOUR ATTENTION WITH ME, that's how the game is played or something.  Hmm.  Could watch SHUTTER film tonight.  FOREIGN FILM from IRELAND.  WOW.  I have recurring dream about Holidaying in Ireland.  Sort of.  It's more complicated than that I think.  I THINK.  Possible it's some sort of Study Abroad thing, too.  But IN IRELAND.  I don't get it either!
    Penultimate paragraph.  SCOTT ROCKIN' ROLEN made it to the Major League baseball Hall of fame.  NOW IF ONLY I could figure out where I got Scott Rockin' Rolen from.  Could have just been something I heard my brother say once.  COULD have been from the television.  Lemme LTURQ.  Well the internet isn't saying anything about my brother.  Oh well.  What else is up.  Doctor asked me whether I wanted to start off with the low dose of 25 units or 50 units.  And I WANTED to say GIVE ME ALL TEH UNITS POSSIBLE, LET'S GET THIS GOING HARDCORE.  But I said you're the doctor!  And she is starting me off on 25 units.  WHAT A WASTE OF TIME.  I'M GONNA NEED 50 UNITS EASY.  NOW I'M JUST LOSING PRECIOUS WEEKS WHERE I COULD BE EATING LESS AT NIGHT BECAUSE OF THESE DAMN MERE 25 UNITS.  Hmm.  Oh.  I guess I should finish Graveyeard Shift when this is over.  THAT MAKES TONS OF SENSE.  Good deal.  What else is a good deal.  LOTS OF GOOD DEALS OUT THERE if you know where to look.
Amazing.  Last paragraph of the night.  I guess!  I WANT to start taking a mere 7 walks a day tomorrow but it's IRRESPONSIBLE to do it as long as I'm eating 700+ calories a night.  I dont' want to GAIN WEIGHT YOU FOOL.  Huh.  What else is up.  FOREIGN EXCHANGE program.  That's one of the contexts for Ireland Holiday that may be going on in Dream.  Hard to say for sure.  Either way Sure I'd go foreign exchange myself Into Ireland in real life, why not.  What's the worst that could happen.  THEY HAVE ABORTION LEGAL THERE AND EVERYTHING.  They had a REFERENDUM about it or something.  WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN.  Huh.  Topamax can also be used to treat alcohol addiction.  Which Doctor was excited about!  I guess it couldn't HURT if I no longer want to drink two beers a night.  SURE if that's how things shake out WHY NOT.  I DOUBT IT'S HOW THINGS SHAKE OUT.  Huh.  What's the next Super Hero Movie to watch.  I can presumably watch an Andrew Garfield Spiderman SOMEWHERE.  Dunno WHERE.  But that might be The Move To Make.  GREAT.  Done here for now.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-8:41 P.M.




Monday, January 23, 2023

Morning, Is It

    Hey friends.  10:54 AM!  Took early walk, had bloodwork, took second walk, and now I'm here!  I can fit in normal amount of walks for Early Part Of Day but THING BETWEEN WALKS pushed back a segment.  Also it's possible I only write 8 or 9 paragraphs for Act I!  ALSO I'm accepting super market delivery this afternoon.  Meaning I will have anywhere between 8 and 10 walks inteast of between 10 and Unlikely 11 Walks.  So that's good.  Had bonus snack last night and went to bed I THINK when I wanted to.  Past 11:30 PM.  Close enough to 12:00.  Ended up having medium amount of NightMight. If you combine NightMight with Bonus NightNight it is roughly equal to what I've been doing EVERY NIGHT for close to a week.  Which is BREAKING EVEN OVERALL FOR THE DAY.  Which isn't so bad BUT I'D LIKE TO SEE PROGRESS.  Had classic breakfast for breakfast.  MAY have balanced breakfast for lunch. I PROBABLY WILL.  Maybe Hotted Dogs for dinner and then Chicken pot pie for tomorrow dinner.  WELL THAT'S IT.
   NO IT ISN'T.  I got an entire HOUR and whatknot to write more Act I.  Good!  Watched half of a film on SHUTTER last night.  BILL PAXTON Supporting Actor Vampire Movie.  GOOD STUFF.  I'll enjoy finishing that either TONIGHT or BEFORE TONIGHT.  Hmm.  Had to sit around for fifty minutes waiting for blood work to be taken.  Wasn't so bad.  Coulda been worse.  Sometimes that kinda waiting would really bother me.  Today I survived.  GO FIGURE.  Superbloom Apple Music Playlist first two walks.  GO FIGURE.  I like it.  Lunch is in a mere 3 hours.  LOOK I might not have an entire cupsworth of Cinnamon Toast Crunch left.  Still got Several Years Old WIDE MINI WHEATS.  I could add that to some Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Maybe have a bonus EGGO or something.  I dunno.  I feel like I probably got around .75 cupsworth of Cinnamon Toast Crunch at least.  That might just ROUND UP to Normal Cup and I eat what I got right there.  EITHER WAY I forget.  1.6 MILLION dollar Robotics Lab in Stuyvesant.  I got a Alumni Newsletter and I READ ALL ABOUT IT.  That's not so much.  Then again I have no context for How Much Money Is.  A million, a billion, a trillion.  VERY ABSTRACT.  I feel like that's the way TE ELITES want us feeling.  Makes it impossible to comprehend how much they're stealing from us.
Oh okay as long as there's a good reason.  Hmm.  Also ENJOYED some Tales In The Crypt last night.  EMPHASIS MINE.  I wanna make it clear I didn't just put it on and endure it.  I had a positive experience Halfway Paying Attention to it.  Hmm.  Third paragraph.  DO I HAVE AN ENTIRE HOUR LEFT IF I WANT IT.  Sure.  We could round it off that way.  Why not.  The point is am I a little worried Stuy Robots will rise up in arms against both student and teacher bodies?  Sure! You'd have to be a fool NOT to worry about it.  But they've brought this upon themselves.  They've WELCOMED Robotics into their home and now they gotta face the consequences.  Hmm.  Guess I got coffee going for me soon.  Let's say after fourth paragraph.  WHY NOT.  Also let's DO IT after fourth paragraph. REALLY FOLLOW THROUGH ON WHAT I SAY.  That's the way to go!  Anyway.  They checked my weight at Bloodwork.   I SUCCESSFULLY said I don't wanna know and THEY successfully said yeah you always say that.  IT'S TRUE.  THEY GOT ME THERE.  Well done.
   Fourth paragraph.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Taking SHORTER walks this morning.  Instead of alternating between the 25 minute walks and 30 minute walks I'M TAKING ALL 25 MINUTE WALKS until I'm satisfied I have enough time.  THEN GOING FORWARD IN THE DAY I will take 30 minute walks WHENEVER POSSIBLE.  IT WILL ROUND OFF IN THE END I FEEL.  Round off REAL good.  Hmm.  Got two Quest Bars from store where I got my mom cigarettes.  WHITE CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY BAR and... uh... AN EVEN MORE EXCITING ONE.  Lemme look ONLINE.  I can look downstairs to see EXACTLY but I feel like if I look at Flavor List Online WITHOUT GETTING UP I'll remember which one I got just by seeing its Flavor Name.  BLUEBERRY MUFFIN.  Wow THAT IS exciting. I don't think I've gotten this before.  I've gotten NO BLUEBERRY Quest Bar and NO MUFFIN Quest Bar LET ALONE BLUEBERRY MUFFIN Quest Bar.  Hmm.  Is there a way I can have Quest Bar or Quest Bars as lunch?  SURE TEHRE IS.  REAL GOOD WAY.  HAVE 'EM.  Makes sense.  MAKES A LOT OF SENSE. Coffee time.
  Just tried a Miniature Wheat.
  Stale as FUCK.  I'm throwing these suckers out!  AFTER BALANCED BREAKFAST LUNCH.  Jut in case I wanna eat some Stale As Fuck crap that tastes shitty.  Hmm.  Right now got Quest Bars in Cabinet AT ROOM TEMPERATURE LEVEL TEMPERATURE.  Feels like STANDARDLY Quest Bars MORE OFTEN THAN NOT are better room temperature.  Birthday Bar for instance DEFINITELY NOT.  Maybe other ones are up for debate too.  But if I had to GUESS I'd say odds are lets keep this at room temperature you idiot.  Anyway.  Coffee!  Was relatively liberal with the Artificial Sweetener.  So that's good.  Gonna enjoy that a lot.  Why not.  Hmm.  Taking shower after FOURTH WALK pre LUNCH.  I will be following up Shower Activity with Lunch Activity WIT NO WALK OR ANYTHING Inbetwixt.  Some amount of time to Dry Off and whatknot though.  Either way.  I dunno.  Got ham and salami sandwiches and Bland Chicken with Rice for 3 lunches for upcoming four days.  TODAY LOOKS LIKE the ALTERNATE lunch WHATEVER IT IS HOPEFULLY BALANCED BREAKFAST.
   Five paragraphs to go.  And I got entire fourty five minutes to write em!  WOW I'M GONNA DO IT, I'M REALLY GONNA DO IT!  Amazing stuff.  Anyway.  I don't know what I'm doing for dinner actually!  ODDS ARE it's Deli in which case I'm considering WHAT I TOLD You.  All about the Heated Dogs and the Chickened Pot Pie.  BUT maybe we get DINER again.  I get a Freedom Toast with Future Balanced Breakfast Egg Whites AND a Bison Burger.  MAYBE WE GET PIZZERIA EVEN, IT'S POSSIBLE.  I get two slices of pizza and a chicken roll I WANNA SAY GRILLED?  So no matter what happens I WIN because I eat.  Keeps my energy levels above Depleted.  So that's good.  Wow.  ALL of those sound good.  Not very often that you get a TRIFECTA of possible Communal Dinner Deliveries that are all CLOSE to equally exciting.  MAYBE TWO OR THREE TIMES A MONTH.  Huh.  Hmm.  OH.  Maybe I watch some Superman III today.  I wanna see Rychard Prior in action.  YES I saw this film several years ago but I wasn't INVESTED in it like I would be now.
Seventh paragraph.  Good deal.  Have HALF A DOZEN animal crackers to compliment Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  If I need to stretch it out.  That's one way to go.  I LIKE ANIMAL CRACKERS.  TWO AT ATIME.  You really wanna go with two at a time if you want a nice HEARTY CRUNCHTACULAR experience.  That's how I feel at least.  Maybe I just have a bowl of animal crackers as the cereal itself.  Hmm.  That'd be like 20 animal crackers. 20 animal crackers calories is JUST ABOUT one cup of cinmaon toast crunch.  WOW how has no one ever figured out Animal Crackers As Breakfast Cereal before.  POSSIBLY because there are breakfast cereals out there that are more or less animal crackers that aren't occurring to me now.  POSSIBLY because it doesn't work with milk.  POSSIBLY anything I dunno.  WE LIVE IN A WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS where practically ANYTHING is possible.  That's OUR BLESSING.  Hmm.  Is it possible I take 30 minute walk for upcoming walk?  YA KNOW WHAT?  SURE IT IS.  AS OF NOW at least.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  I'm GLAD Bill Paxton got top billing in this vampire movie despite AS OF HALF WAY THROUGH IT being maybe the 3rd leading person.  HE EARNT IT.  He's putting on AN ACTING CLINIC and taking everyone else to... THE CLINIC.  So that's good.  What else is up.  I have Single Large Black and White.  I'd say Large at least.  There's MINI, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, JUMBO, AND HUGE.  This one is LARGE.  Also NOT 100% whether there are Separate Jumbos and Huge.  There may just be ONE thing larger than large which is either Jumbo or Huge.  EITHER WAY I dunno.  I'd enjoy that for sure.  FEELS like I wanna hold onto it for now though.  Feels STRONGLY like that.  Then again, hmm, what else is up.  Haven't gotten Freedom Chip Pancakes in a long time.  Maybe I should get THAT for next GriddleCentric meal.  SPLIT IT INTO TWO regular meals.  1.5 pancakes per lunch and/or dinner.  TAHT'S HOW I WORK IT OUT this time around.
Sounds reasonable.  VERY reasonable.  Then again NOT SO REASONABLE.  I don't wanna commit to entire two meals.  FINE. 1.5 as a meal, 1 as a breakfast, .5 as a Indulgence Snack.  FINE IF YOU INSIST BUT AT THIS POINT IT'S BECOMING A HASSLE and THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I DON'T GET IT VERY OFTEN ANYMORE.  Hmm.  What else is up.   1.5 is 2 breakfasts instead of 1 breakfast and 1 indulgence snack maybe.  What the Hell.  Anyway.  Based on where I'm at right now WALK III gonna be 30 Minute Walk.  FINALLY.  I've gone a LONG LONG time without taking a 30 minuet walk.  Walk III instead of Walk II.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Then again huh.  WANTED to get BBQ Pop Chips with super market order but IT NEVER CAME IN STOCK.  Wanted to get Mini Entenmanns Donuts but THEY NEVER CAME IN STOCK.  I GUESS TEHRE'S ALWAYS NEXT YEAR.  Or next week.  YEAH. THAT'S EVEN BETTER!  It comes WAY before next year AND EVERYTHING.  Wonderful.  Looks like National Football League SUPERBOWL is coming up soon.  From what I can tell they're at PRE-SUPERBOWL LEVEL in playoffs.  TWO face-offs to see which teams will succeed in making it TO the SUperbowl.  WOW.  WHOM TO ROOT FOR.  Maybe Cincinnati.  Makes sense.
   Last paragraph of the Act.  Sweet!  What else is up.  Whom is performing at the superbowl.  Let's LTURQ ONCE AND FOR ALL and perhaps once or twice again later.  WOW.  RIHANNA.  I know her from appearing on songs that aren't exclusively hers!  Like EMINEM songs.  And that FOURFIVE SECONDS thing from a while back.  I PROBABLY KNOW 2 or 5 of her Exclusive Songs.  Just isn't occurring to me IMMEDIATELY.  NET WORTH 1.4 BILLION?  I don't know what that means but my FIRST INSTINCT is hey that's a lot it feels like.  What else is up.  The point is I will be Cinnamon Toast Crunchless for AT LEAST several days and probably for at least a week or so after that.  It's SAFE not to re-up with it because that's something I eat not Between meals but BETWIXT SNACKS.  If I can enjoy balanced breakfasts with something else THAT'S THE SAFE WAY TO GO.  In other words I WILL RE-UP WITH CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH IN ABOUT A WEEK AND A HALF when I decide it's worth the problems it causes.  So that's good.  I'm gonna go take a walk now.  TRTY MINUTE walk.  YEAH!




let's have a good time

    Hey friends!  Got an entire fourty five minutes to write these 5 paragraphs.  Took 30 minute walk Just Now.  PROBABLY take another one Upcoming Walk. It'll be great.  Anyway.  IF I get a griddlecentric meal tonight I TINK I'LL GO with Freedom Chip Pancake.  But have it tomorrow night.  As well as possibly tomorrow morning.  BUT I DON'T TINK tonight.  Anyway.  Waht do I got going for me today.  Odds are I should continue watching Vampire Movie as Next Thing BUT the Odds ALSO are that I won't and I will save it for TONIGHT and the odds are IN THE END good odds I enjoy it that way, too!  So that's good.  Superman III seems pretty likely.  WOW.  I GOT A LOT OF FREE TIME COMING UP.  Gonna be a blast and a half no matter WHAT happens.  Well SOME Matter What Happens.  But ODDS ARE GOOD something blast and halfworthy will happen one way or another.   Huh.  Raining moderately lightly these last few walks.  NOT BAD.  Not a Hassle amount of rain at all.  Enough rain to be Noticeable but NO BIG DEAL.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Huh.  Hopefully I can fit in at least nine walks today.  TEN would be the goal SURE but eight would be a let down SO I TINK I'll be satisfied with nine.  YEAH.  Anyway. I ERRONEOUSLY said 20 animal crackers is equal to one bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in calories.  WRONG.  22.  ALSO 22 animal crackers is IF BOTH NUTRITIONAL INFOS ARE 100% ACCURATE AND TO BE TRUSTED 5 calories LESS than a bowl of Cinnamon toast crunch.  ANIMAL CRACKER IS 7.5 calories.  YOU COULD ROUND UP and say a bowl of cereal of animal crackers is Twenty THREE of 'em.  Wow.  Now I REALLY wanna... uh... eat a bowl of animal crackers?  I guess!  Seems reasonably productive use of my time and efforts.  What else is up.  How much time do I have NOW to write the rest of the act.  IDEALLY within 35 minutes.  FOURTY minutes back up.  Oh okay that seems EMMINENTLY doable.  Is Lexington Luthor in Superman III.  SCRATCH TAT I DON'T WANNA KNOW.  Which will make watching the film later VERY difficult.  Gonna be tough to watch a film and Continue Not Knowing if a character is in it.  But I'll figure out a way to pull it off somehow I suppose!
   Three paragraphs to go.  Between chocolate accentuated eggos and chocolate frosted flakes BALANCED BREAKFAST GONNA BE REAL CHOCOLATE BASED.  Oh well maybe it's good.  My guess is it'll be pretty good!  Hmm.  What do watch first when it's time to start watching things.  GO STRAIGHT TO SUPERMAN.  Or get myself geared up for the day with A Tales In The Crypt and/or a The Simpsons.  Hmm.  I'm halfway through a Tales In The Crypt.  Maybe FINISH TAHT SUCKER between shower and lunch and THEN put on Superman III.  Vaguely sounds like one way to go for some reason.  Great!  The good news is I'd like this Act to be over with and I'm about halfway through it!  That's pretty good.  A mere 2.5 paragraphs to shit out can't be THAT difficult.  Hmm.  Only got a couple of working batteries which I need to share between Xbox 360 Controller and TV CableBox Remote Control.  GOOD NEWS IS most days I use NEITHER.  However YES several times a week I am exchanging the batteries FROM ONE TO ANOTHER because that's all I got.  Seems like I have unused batteries elsewhere In House.  Hmm.  Maybe I should RETRIEVE two of them.  Makes sense.
Penultimate paragraph.  How much time do I have to write.  A LOT.  Enough time to COMFORTABLY predict I can take upcoming walk as 30 minute walk.  Gonna be great I suppose.  NO WORK being done outside my house today.  Thought it might be starting.  NOPE.  Barricades still up on the street where cars are parked.  But STILL some cars parked there REGARDLESS.  Possible cars outdate the barricades.  Passable barricades aren't a DEAL BREAKER for legally parking cars On The Side OF The Road Near Them.  The point is good I guess.  Hmm.  Still got 2 or so Blueberry Eggos left.  When I'm having chocolate Frosted Flakes I can use THOSE.  TWICE OR SO AT LEAST.  Hmm.  Bad news or GOOD NEWS IF YOU LOOK AT IT THAT WAY is one of these two NONworking batteries MIGHT BE WORKING WELL ENOUGH.  All I know is that AS A PAIR 2 of these batteries aren't getting the job done. HMm.  Guess I gotta experiment further with these batteries.
Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  Wow.  Lunch coming up in about Oh I Don't Know an hour and Twenty Five Minutes.  Not sure why TFM got capitalized but not the, "H,' in, "Hour."  Such is life!  Hmm.  ZOOM appointment at 8 PM tomorrow.  Just realized I WILL HAVE TO ADJUST NightTime Schedule to accommodate for that.  Hmm.  Can't say for SURE what I'm accomplishing Directly Beforehand and Directly Afterhand.  SURELY I'll be done with Dinner and Ninth Walk At Some Point One Way Or Another By Then.  MOST LIKELY I'm not writing Act III until AFterhand.  Huh.  We'll see how it all, "Shakes," out I guess!  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  I wonder how long Superman III is.  My guess is actually UNDER 2 hours.  Let's say an hour and fifty one minutes.  I'm going WAY OUT ON A LIMB by taking the UNDER for 2 hours but LET'S SEE.  YEP 2 hours 5 mintues JUST AS I PREDICTED.  Great.  Well that's it for now.  See ya tonight!




Nah Let's Just Do This

    WHAT THE HELL.  I was just emptying out current Mixed Flavor bag of tootsie pops-- THERE WERE FOUR LEFT-- and this small BOX of OTHER CANDY fell out. Tootsie Roll brand, YES.  "DOTS."  I ate em because I didn't know what else to do about it!  Kind of mini tootsie rolls that are also slightly different and more GUMMIER.  Also FRUIT FLAVOR.  Also VERY VERY hard to chew but KIND OF FUN.  Anyway.  I guess 75% chance they meant to put it in there as a Bonus and a 25% I HIT TE JACKPOT MOTHERLOAD SWEEPSTAKES.  Anyway.  Gonna have a tootsie pop anyway even though I just had five, "DOTS."  Go figure.  Just got done eating dinner of Freedom Burger.  With three freedom toppings-- sauteed mushroom and onion and jalapeno pepper!  Had delicious balanced breakfast for lunch.  THAT'S WHAT I ACCOMPLISHED TODAY.  Watched Superman III.  More or less.  Wasn't paying too close attention but I think I got the gist of it.  GUY IS A MAN.  WHOSE SUPER.  And there's THREE OF HIM.
Took standard 9 walks already!  WILL TAKE STANDARD 10th when this is done.  Amazing.  Gonna aim to take pills at Midnight AKA The Bewitching Hour.  Hmm.  Got WAFFLE for dinner tomorrow night.  Re-upped with the Egg White as well.  Got black and white cookie as potential breakfast AS WELL AS Single Serving Brownie I'm trying from Amazon Fresh.  Also ACCEPTED Amazon Fresh delivery.  Everything worked out more or less.  LET THE JERK delivering it take his special little photograph of the groceries before I retrieved them form The Ground Outside My Door.  CAUSE I'M CONSIDERATE of other peoples' feelings.  I CONSIDER THEM and THEN DISMISS THEM.  More or less.  Hmm.  Probably not gonna have Quest Bar tonight.  Maybe I decide I'm hungry enough for it!  BUT AS OF NOW think I'll have slightly less comprehensive Dessert Snack later on after Ultimate Walk.  GOLDEN GRAHAM BAR definitely in the mix for that.
YEAH.  Chewing up tootsie pop real good.  Had small 40 calorie fudgesicle as only snack during DayTime Day Of the Day.  Which means ME EATING DOTS was totally reasonable.  What else is up.  Closing in on the end of SUPERBLOOM playlist.  Don't think I'll finish it Upcoming Walk but I might be on track to finish it First or Second walk of Tomorrow.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  If I take pills at 12 that sets me up for 7.5 hours of sleep if I wake up when Alarm Is Set for around 8:00 or 8:15.  SEVEN POINT FIVE is MULTIPLE of ONE Point Five.  WHICH IS the CYCLE OF SLEEP amount of time.  IT'S GOOD TO SLEEP IN MULTIPLES OF SINGLE SLEEP CYCLE I don't think I need to tell YOU.  Anyway.  Maybe I have Iced Cream Dessert Snack after walk INSTEAD of two hours later Closer To Bedford Time.  Anyway.  Period in Superman III where Superman turns into a Jerk for a while but I didn't register WHY.  As far as I could tell things just weren't clicking in Superman's life for about 20 minutes so He Briefly Became A Jerk.  TURNS BACK INTO NONJERK Though.  WHEW that's a relief.
Penultimate paragraph.  Put on Vampiro Movie when I get back from ultimate walk I guess.  Then maybe some Tales In The Crypt, I dunno!  HMM new film uploaded to SHUTTER which got GREAT user Comment Reviews.  2006 Film.  Sounds like about half my lifetime ago.  Also when I graduated higher school.  ALSO WHEN I FIRST STARTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook.  Not sure that THIRD one is a good way to measure my life.  ACCURATE but not GOOD.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Tried some of the chocolate Frosted Flakes.  Which really are more accurately Chocolate Corn Flakes I think.  I don't think there's ANY carryover from what makes the Corn Flakes Frosted into what makes them Chocolate.  Either way NOT TERRIBLE but also NOT GOOD.  Not gonna be a problem eating them.  I think it could be HALFWAY enjoyable.  But at the same time NOTHING THRILLING ABOUT IT.  Oh well SUCH is life.  Hmm.  Had just about a cupsworth of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for balanced breakfast lunch.  Maybe it was 1.05, 1.15 cupsworth that I finished off.  MORE OR LESS.
Last paragraph of the NightTime Night.  Wonder how NightMight will go tonight.  I will be doing both Slightly More Indulgant NightNight eating AND not going to sleep until TOMORROW MORNING.  So that should be pretty good I guess.  Hmm.  Forgot to throw out Mini Wheats from roughly 2018.  NOW I REMEMBERED AGAIN.  Perhaps Remembered For THE FIRST TIME.  First time I Thought It wasn't a memory.  Possible I had memories of it 2 or 3 times throughout the day.  HARD TO SAY FOR CERTAIN.  Hmm.  NO CLUE what breakfast is gonna be like tomorrow.  Half a dozen good options.  HMM.  What else do I got going for me.  Might enjoy comprehensive fiber bar instead of golden graham bar more.  This is a tough one.  The good news is I WIN EITEHR WAY.  Stuff SOMETHIN down my gullet one way or another.  Hmm.  I guess that's it for tonight.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:15 P.M.




Sunday, January 22, 2023

It's That Time Of The Day

    Hey friends!  8:50 AM!  Here ahead of schedule.  Theoretically if there's some REAL CrunchTime I could fit in Bonus Walk in early part of day.  That's dumb.  Don't do that.  Unless it happens naturally.  Hmm.  Had negative but possibly encouraging NightMight experience lsat night!  Ate about the amount of NightMight I'd been eating the last few Nightmights BEFORE going to sleep.  Just eating at night!  BUT with the kind of hunger pangs similar BUT NOT EXACT to NightMight.  Then I MAY have not eaten anything while asleep.  Then ate delicious Hearty brownie for breakfast PLUS a couple chocolates.  So overall it was MORE Than I like.  BUT there's a 50% chance I DID NO Actual NightMight.  50% chance I did SOME but less.  Either way, went to bed later than ever!  Watched first half hour of The Saturday Night Live.  Started going to slumber at around 12:00 AM.  MAYBE THAT'S THE TRICK.  If I can make it to MIDNIGHT before going to bed THAT MIGHT CURE WHAT AILS ME.
   Hmm.  How was first half of SNL.  WEIRD.  They were performing it for Saturaday Night watching purposes, not Sunday Mroning.  Interesting mix-em-up.  I liked it!  What else is up.  Presumably I watch some Superman II.  Hmm.  NOT impressed with Lex Luthor at all in Superman I.  And the less said about his Team the better.  TOTALLY INCOMPETENT.  Are we supposed to be WORRIED about these criminals?  They seem harmless.  Anyway.  Turkey Dinner for tonight.  LUNCH?  Hmm.  Ham or salami sandwich, wide al fredo, or bland chicken with rice.  Right now leaning towards A SANDWICH.  Al Fredo would be good if I get hungry.  WHICH I MIGHT.  Pretty far away from LUNCH right now on account to being ahead of schedule.  Lots of time to build up Hunger and Desire for Hearty AlFredo meal.  Anyawy.  No more laundered shirts.  Only thing left in dryer is a pair of sucks and a pair of underwear.  YEAH.  SUCKS.  It's like says SOCKS but it implies I DON"T LIKE EM cause the SUCK.
   Okay.  Possible I indulge in a Wildcard Lunch like a bagel with egg white or a balanced breakfast with egg white.  I got FOUR fresh lunches for the rest of the week.  I got FIVE lunches to eat for the rest of the week.  Hmm.  Started up on standard ALT CNTRL playlist on recent walk.  Good stuff.  Not sure about the CNTRL part but the ALT part I'm on board with.  Lyric in Weird Al's All About The Pentiums where he goes if I ever meet you/I'll Control Alt Delete You.  YEAH.  LOVE IT.  Also it's the CLIMACTIC LYRIC OF TE SONG.  It's the CODA.  LAST LYRIC besides chorus.  PERHAPS EVEN NO CHORUS AFTER IT and last lyric overall.  Either way I GET IT that it implies HE'S GONNA FUCK SOMEONE UP but it LITERALLY means he's gonna Reboot someone.  Right?  I dunno. Not necessarily.  I TINK one Cntrl Alt Delete gets you to TASK MANAGER.  If you do it TWICE IN A ROW that's a reboot.  But just ONCE is task manager.  I'm gonna try it out right now!  YEP MORE OR LESS ACCURATE.
Huh.  Weird Al hasn't released a proper album in nine years.  Imagine how much better the world would be if he HAS.  SLIGHTLY.  That'd be my instinct on what to guess.  Anyway.  Probably just gonna pour Truvia into coffee mug directly from Truvia Basin Reservoir.  No middleman spoon or anything.  Just go with the flow.  Hmm.  What am I watching today besides 2/3rds of SNL.  Presumably I'd enjoy some TELEVISION.  Can't go wrong there!  Well you can easily go wrong but I recommend you don't.  Could have other wildcard lunches.  2 Breakfast Hot Pockets.  Cup O Noodles.  FRITTATA or something.  The point is I am not hungry right now.  Why speculate on eating something when I have no dog in the fight.  You shouldn't fight dogs.  Teach dogs to work together.  Give em some sort of puzzle and encourage teamwork.  Huh.  How come there's CLERLY totally different types of dogs but they can all mate.  THESE DOGS ARE NOTHING ALIKE.  YOU'RE TELLING ME GENETICS ALLOWS THEM TO COMBINE AND CREATE A NEW EVEN STRANGER DOG?  I DON'T BUY IT.
   Okay.  Fifth paragraph.
  Gonna pour some coffee after this one!  Hmm.  Could theoretically have turkey dinner as Wildcard Lunch and get something new for dinner.  TOO BIG FOR LUNCH THOUGH.  SO that's good.  UNLESS I have a LunchSized Dinner.  Huh.  Gonna go get bloodwork done tomorrow morning.  That's a CHORE.  That messes up my schedule.  Such is life I guess.  Hopefully I can avoid seeing Scale Results.  I don't think I wanna go out of my way to say I DON"T WANNA KNOW but hopefully the odds are they have no motive to just SAY IT if I'm not looking.  THEY HAVE BEFORE.  I dunno why.  JUST LOOK AT IT YOURSESLF AND WRITE IT DOWN.  No reason to say it out loud.  The point is huh I kinda forget what the point is.  Down to the last pack or two of Breakfast Cookies.  Good!  They were good but there's no real good time to have them responsibly.  ESPECIALLY because you gotta open a pack of FOUR to have TWO at a time.  COFFEE TIME.
  Poured Truvia directly from Basin Reservoir into mug.  MAYBE NOT ENOUGH.  I poured ONE pouring and it wasn't enough.  I poured ANOTHER pouring and it didn't SEEM like enough but I stopped there anyway.  Don't wanna overdo it.  Huh.  NEW New Pornographers album coming out in March!  The TITLES aren't particularly thrilling but maybe once I hear the songs the titles will fall into place and make sense.  Either way Hey that's good I like music.  I'd see A MUSIC CONCERT if it was in the cards.  Huh.  AM I Up-To-Date Boostered?  I haven't gotten a booster in several month!  Off the top of my head last booster may  have been SEPTEMBER?  OCTOBER?  BEFORE THEN?  The point is I'm at FOUR or FIVE booster shots overall I think.  Doing PRETTY GOOD but there's always room for improvement.  APPARENTLY they had shot 75% of Superman II with Superman I.  THEN TEY SHUT IT DOWN.  Wonder how much of what ultimately ACTUALLY BECAME SuperMan II was part of that.
My guess is SOME.  Anyway.  I may not have grown up with Superman BUT I grew up with Superman Theme Music From The Film.  Not 100% on whether the Film Theme Music was a remnant of previous iterations of Superman.  POSSIBLE it was inspired by past Superman music but I BELIEVE it's new.  New as of 1978.  Either way sure Dad whistled that a lot and I IN TURN learnt to whistle it back.  So that's good.  Seventh paragraph!  What else is up.  If I had sandwich what kinda sandwich side we talkin?  I DUNNO.  Huh.  Not sure about Marlon Brando.  I GET he's a well respected Actor but he ALSO became a bit of a punchline in his later years.  I THINK.  Maybe I'm thinking of some other punchline.  Oh.  Right.  ORSON WELLES.  No I think I'm thinking of Marlon Brando.  ALSO APPLIES TO ORSON WELLES but I'm thinking of BRando alright.  Because he TALKS weird.  I think Brando must have started out talking normal, otherwise nobody would like him.  But IN THE END he talked weird AND THAT'S THAT.
   Three paragraphs to go!  At this rate I could probably fit in Bonus Walk but WHY.  WHY BOTHER and whatknot. DON'T MAKE SENSE.  Good.  HEY Major League Baseball is starting up relatively soon, right?  We're a month away from SPRINGED TRAINING GAMES.  If I remember correctly they start FEBRUARY 25.  YEP.  That's in a mere LESS THAN FIVE WEEKS.  YOU KNOW Four weeks and 6/7ths?  Wonderful.  Gonna be fun to see METS play together.  I guess.  In the meantime what else do I got going on today.  SOLIDLY into Chinese New Year.  What year do they consider it.  I assume They're Counting.  I TINK it looks like 4721.  NOT BAD.  Not as long as Hebrew Years have been around BUT NOT BAD.  What else is up.  I bet Chinese and Jews would get along good.  Both got RICH Traditions.  Both have LUNAR New Years.  Is Judaism Calendar Lunar.  I'm not sure.  Internet says LUNA-SOLAR.  SOME SORT OF CROSSOVER.  LOVE IT.
Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  So that's good I guess.  If I remain Not So Hungry, maybe just have balanced breakfast for lunch.  LUNCH ISN'T FOUR 4.5 HOURS THOUGH.  Lots of time to get hungry.  Hmm.  People LOVE The Moon.  Look up in the sky and see the moon and people can't get enough of it.  We've even LANDED on the moon.  OR SO IT WOULD SEEM.  Anyway.  Presumably we had technology to build a telescope to aim at the moon to see the people on the moon from Earth.  WHEN MEN FIRST WALK ON MOON in I Wanna Say 1969.  MUST HAVE HAD telescope technology to CHECK IT OUT directly from Earth AND SEE TEIR FACES.  THAT WOULD be bonus confirmation it happened.  Too bad no one thought of it.  Such is life.  Anyway.  At this rate I could probably fit in bonus walk but I DON"T WANT TO.  I mean I DO WANT TO but I don't wanna have TO CRUNCHTIME IT in my head in order to make it possible.  BUT THE CRUNCHTIME HAPPENS NATURALLY because I go through things as quickly as possible anyway.
Last paragraph of the Act.  The point is that'd bring me up to an easy 11 walks for the day.  IN TE PAST I've taken 11 walks without this once or twice.  Which would get me to twelve walks.  Ugh.  At this point  calories burnt from walking basically are just wash with MightNight calories.  Maybe a COUPLE hundred bonus calories Banked from walking.  But if I could do NO WALK and then NO NIGHTMIGHT that's a WASH and plus I'm not wasting all day walking.  DOESN'T WORK TAHT WAY.  Maybe it odes.  NO WAY OF KNOWING THOUGH.  Either way what else is up.  Gonna continue with ALT CNTRL playlist.  A FALL OUT BOY SONG was the Headliner of the playlist.  WOW.  They might have a new album coming out.  Good for them.  Never was a fan of Fall Out Boy but ON OCCASION I've enjoyed their song(s).  So that's good.  Anyway.  Gonna go take a walk now.  be back soon!




no more foolin around

    Hey friends.  IF all it took was eating 200 calorie more at night to stop eating All NightMight I COULD reach ULTIMATE LOW GOAL WEIGHT in 11 weeks roughly for when I have Official Weigh In.  THAT COULD WORK.  Requires me to continue taking 10 walks a day for 7 more weeks but WHY NOT.  If I could accomplish reaching Ultimate Goal Weight reasonably then ALL OF A SUDDEN after less than 3 months DROP DOWN TO, what, FIVE WALKS? SIX?  FOUR?  Either way this is all wishful thinking.  NightMight ain't gonna go away that easy!  It's turned out to be a formidable foe.  SO that's good.  Anyway.  Looks like I will have bonus walk in Early Part Of The Day today.  Why not.  NOW the question is HOW DOES TIS EFFECT my schedule of City Street Walks vs. Park Walks.  Presumably if I KNOW I'm gonna have 11 I go into it with THE GOAL of six city street walks CAUSE THAT'S A BONUS 5 MINUTE CALORIE BURNING TIME.  I dunno.  We'll see!
   Four paragraphs to go.  Got coffee.  Poured Artificial Sweetener from Basin Reservoir slightly more liberally this time!  Made sure I had enough to my liking.  Didn't go OVERBOARD but wasn't stingy either.  So that's good.  What kinda lunch we talking about for today.  I dunno.  If I get hungry ALFREDO.  If I don't maybe SALAMI SANDWICH.  YEAH.  The point is Adjusted Diet where I eat more at night ESSENTIALLY equates to What I've Been Doing PLUS A QUEST BAR Plus a little bit more wiggle room for up to 100 calories in terms of RANDOM GRAZING and crap.  THAT SOUNDS GREAT.  I LIKE QUEST BAR.  It sounds like ONE QUEST BAR couldn't make a big difference in life but MAYBE IT'S TEH GLUE that holds it all together.  TERE WAS period of a couple of months in FALL or so where I was having Quest Bar every night and I was losing weight at that period of life.  WOW.  I'D LIKE TO DO THAT AGAIN.  Couldn't hurt presumably.  What else is up.
    Three paragraphs to go!  Huh.  I'd LIKE to get bland chicken out of the way BUT I have turkey for dinner tonight.  TURKEY AND CHICKEN a bit too Redundancy for me.  Hmm.  I don't KNOW if I'm getting Communal Dinner delivery tonight with family.  I have dinner for tonight.  BUT if they're getting something I'd probably be getting something for tomorrow.  PRESUMABLY Chickened Pot Pie.  Can't have bland chicken tomorrow then either.  Chicken and Chicken is DEFINITELY a redundancy.  So that's good.  Huh.  Marijuana might be creeping up as a possibility for Life.  I TINK I read an article a day or two ago that seemed to say over the next couple months dispensaries will be popping up here and there.  As opposed to just ONE SCHEDULED ONE every month.  Seems like there's progress being made on DOZENS of Marijuana Fronts.  So we'll see where that goes.  I was originally planning on Dropping Walks once I start with marijuana.  I don't necessarily have to do that!  Not gonna smoke marijuana for Walkings BUT I can smoke marijuana AFTER FINAL WALK especially now that I'm going to sleep later.
   YEAH.  The real question now is Wonder if I will enjoy marijuana or not.  I BETTER ENJOY IT or else.  Therey'll be HELL to pay.  Two more paragraphs to go. Good deal!  Got plenty of time for 11 walks today.  GOOD.  Also IT'S POSSIBLE I didn't even skip NightMight last night.  Which makes Hopeful Planning of Diet Schedule With No NightMight EXTREMELY inappropriate.  SUCH IS LIFE I guess.  TOPAMAX might save me.  TOPAMAX IS A MIRACLE DRUG potentially For Me At Least Specifically.  Good.  Guess I should do the laundry at some point.  Today wouldn't be Too Soon.  I doubt I WILL do it today but if I DID it'd be a good thing.  Anyway, I dunno.  GOT BONUS PERIOD OF TIME TODAY.  BETWEEN WALKS. BECAUSE OF BONUS WALK.  I CAN USE THAT TIME TO WORK ON LAUNDRY.  You'd think so wouldn't you.  You'd be wrong though.  DEAD WRONG.  The point is there was a THIRD Tales In The Crypt Movie that was perhaps DIRECT TO VHS and/or DVD that I HAVE NEVER SEEN.  But it opens with a CryptKeeper Segment AND EVERYTHING.  Wait THAT'S TE POINT?  Turns out, yeah!
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day.  Amazing.  So far THE WORST OF WINTER hasn't manifested.  Last winter or two it was ON ME to dig car out of snow.  Or snow out of car.  Either way I had to do some MANUEL Labor three or five times a season.  SO FAR NONE.  And we're a solid THIRD into Winter.  AMAZING.  Just gotta knock out several more couple of weeks and I'll be golden.  Hmm.  Anyway.  HEAT RAY TAHT MELTS SNOW.  Is that a product we could sell.  Sounds like a product that we could MAKE.  No reason we CAN'T design Heat Rays that could melt snow quickly just by aiming it.  I guess the concern with this product is that it's very dangerous in the wrong hands.  Or the right BUT UNSTEADY hands.  You may have the best of intentions PERSONALLY with your heatray but ANYTHING CAN GO WRONG AT ANY TIME very easily.  Hmm.  That's it for now.  I'll be back tonight!




I'll Finish This Good

    Hi friends.  Got delicious Raspberry choco pop going.  Beer!  I started a third beer last night which I never finished.  I AM CONTINUING IT NOW.  Thusly I will have a total of 2.5 beer Tonight PRESUMPTIVELY.  Anyway just had delicious Turkey Dinner after 10th Walk.  Will have 1 more walk after this.  HAD DELICIOUS Wide Al Fredo for lunch because Internet Flipped Me a Tail.  Decided HEADS salami sandwich TAILS Al Fredo.  WORKED OUT PRETTY GOOD.  I ate the lunch and everything and nothing catastrophic happened.  Maybe it will.  Maybe it happened somewhere else in the world.  Maybe it hasn't happened YET.  Either way Delicious Bonus Snack tonight to see if that COMBINED WITH GOING TO SLEEP LATE will cure me of NightMight.  Gotta get up real early tomorrow.  Gettin' Blood work done at 9 AM.  GOTTA BE TEHRE at 9 AM.  Wanna take a walk PRE-that.  Pre-even-LEAVING-For-That.  Pree or something.  Watched Superman II today.  Not that great.  No spoilers but Superman is Cuck Cunt.  THAT'LL LEARN HIM FOR HAVING A NAME.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Finished watching Aubrey Plaza SNL.  It was okay.  Gotta wonder if there's a new episode next week though.  Guess I'll figure that out at some point.  FINISHED BEER #.5.  In all honesty probably closer to ONLY A TIRD left.  Gonna go retrieve a BRAND New Beer (BNB).  NO Quest Bar to have tonight.  Could have indulgent fiber bar, comprehensive iced cream sandwich, 3 or 4 Breakfast Biscuits, a Pop Tart... POINT IS LOTS OF VERY GOOD OPTIONS of things I can chow down on.  Wat else do I got going for me. VERY possible I just watch a ton of Tales In The Crypt tonight.  Anyway.  Goal is I THINK to take pills at 11:30 PM -- 12:00 AM.  Gotta figure out WHEN EXACTLY.  Half hour window is no good.  I need a SIXTY SECOND window.  Thatll get me on track and whatknot.  Anyway.  Presumably I can pick up with Superman III tomorrow.  That'd be my assumption.  Anyway.  ZOD kind of a dick.  ALWAYS with the Kneeling Before Zod.  HE NEEDS TO LOOK INWARD FOR CONTENTMENT.  If the only way he can be happy is by having everyone Kneel Before Him HE'S NEVER GONNA BE SATISFIED IN TEH END.
Three more paragraphs.  Still got Raspberry Choco Pop going.  I like how that is working out for me and whatknot.  I just bit into it and am in the process of Chewing it Up.  I NO LONGER like how that is working out for me and whatknot.  I mean sure FOR NOW TIS IS THE BEST.  Even better then when I was just sucking on it.  BUT THIS WILL LAST no more than a dozen more seconds or so.  Good news is MAYBE HAVE MULTIPLE TOOTSIE POP as Indulgent Snack.  Maybe LOTS of things.  Got Amazon Fresh order tomorrow afternoon.  Gonna have to ACCEPT IT and everything.  Am I getting anything exciting there?  Hmm.  CHOCOLATE FROSTED FLAKES.  Figured I couldn't pass that up.  I wonder JUST HOW CHOCOLATE we're talking.  It's 150 calorie a cup compared to 130 calorie for your standard NON Chocolate Frosted Flake.  Can't be THAT indulgent chocolate at that rate CAN IT.  Hmm.  The good news is WHAT ELSE DID I GET THAT'S EXCITING.  Oatmeal Raisin Fiber One Cookies.  THOARE ARE FINE.  JUST FINE.  Possibly SURPASS Just Fineness into HIGH QUALITY.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Finishing ALT CNTRL playlist on this Final Walk I got going oin for me soon.  THEN WHAT?  I dunno!  Life finds a way I guess.  What way.  WHAT LIFE.  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  Trying Amazon Fresh FRESHLY BAKED BROWNIE.  Perfect size for a breakfast.  SINGLE SERVING.  Didn't need to get FOUR or SIX or EIGHT of them.  JUST ONE for a mere 96 cents.  CAN"T WAIT TO SEE HOW TAHT GOES.  Probably WELL would be my first guess.  Hmm.  Guess tomorrow breakfast'll AIM FOR BEING Balanced.  I mean, I'LL AIM for having that as breakfast.  The breakfast isn't aiming itself!  THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE.  Anyway Black and White Cookie and/or Classic Breakfast are very high likelihoods as well.  GOOD I'm GLAD.  Maybe.  Not particularly UN-glad about it.  Had a gym teacher named Mr. Gladstone in I BELIEVE The Elementary School.  GREAT NOW HE'S DOXXED.  Such is life.  Sounds like it's raining a bit.  It WAS raining a bit the last walk or two.  BUT JUST ABIT. Not bothersome.  NOT BOTHERSOME @ ALL.
   Last paragraph of day.  Amazing.  What else is good.  Salami sandwich is in the early lead for Next Lunch.  On account of being a Main Contender for previous two lunches!  NOTHING HAS CHANGED.  I STILL LOOK FORWARD TO IT mostly.  Huh.  NO Communal Dinner tonight.  Didn't have to get NOTHIN a day in advance.  YEAH.  Hmm.  Could EASILY have a less indulgent Solid Snack when I get back from walk but that's FUN anyway.  KETO BROWNIE off the top of my head.  THAT MIGHT BE QUALITY FUN TIME TO BE HAD.  Great.  Maybe I can figure out a great movie to watch when I get back from walk.  Seems like that might be a solid way to live my life over the course of the next couple hours.  Better than THE ALTERNATIVE.  What alternative.  ANY Alternative.  Huh.  What else do I got going on for me.  I dunno, what was the FIRST thing I had going on for me again?  Hmm.  Get to eat some crap tonight.  SOLIDLY up to THREE HUNDRED CALORIES betweeen Now And Sleep.  Probably TWO HUNDRED FIFTY is more responsible.  WOW.  The point is I'M DONE.  See ya tomorrow

-7:37 P.M.




Saturday, January 21, 2023

Oh So I'm Still Here

    Hey friends!  9:35 AM!  More or less right on schedule.  Should be able to fit in everything I wanna fit in today!  Took off my pants for some reason.  Got home from first walk.  Made coffee.  Got ready to start writing entry.  Took off pants.  I'm not UNHAPPY about it.  It's fun to not wear pants.  Just kinda CURIOUS about what my purpose was thuogh.  Anyway.  Leveled off at a Large Medium amount of NightMight Snacking!  Around the same last night as the previous three nights!  AROUND 700 Calories or so.  Which gets me at about Breaking Even overall each day.  Maybe gain or lose 100 or 200 calories.  HARD TO SAY WHICH.  Possibly in the WRONG direction.  YEP.  Anyway.  Had delicious black and white cookie for breakfast.  DUNNO about upcoming meals.  Ham sandwich, salami sandwich, wide al fredo, sushi, or bland chicken with Spanish rice.  DUNNO about dinner!  DELI OR DINER.  Man.  This could be GOOD that I could have practically anything but right now I DON'T LIKE IT.  Can't think of something I particularly want.
   Huh.  Gotta get started on Measuring Truvia today.  Lemme consult internet ONCE MORE to see if I can determine how much was in a packet.  DANGIT.  I thought I saw an answer.  3 grams!  Was pretty clear.  Then consulted a different website for confirmation and they gave me .07 oz WHICH ISN'T 3 grams.  Then I consulted a third website and they said A THIRD amount which wasn't 3 grams OR .07 OZ OR THE EQUIVALENT OF EITHER IN THE OTHER MEASUREMENT FORMAT.  Guess I'll just pick something at random for First Try with Spoonful.  Figure out how much I like based on that.  Hmm.  Still not wearing pants.  Still going pretty good for me!  Anyway, what else is up.  Didn't stay up as late as I wanted to last night.  IF ONLY I STAYED UP an hour and a half later I might have had A Better Life Somehow.  Hmm.  I guess I have a little bit of CrunchTime.  Gotta write 8 paragraphs in about an hour.
  Sure!  Guess I'm leaning towards sushi for lunch all in all.  AGAIN the thing with sushi is I LIKE IT.  Wanna save it for when I'll REALLY like it.  Maybe I should get Bland Chicken with rice out of the way.  I DUNNO.  Might be too hearty.  Lotta rice!  Don't have to eat all the rice.  But if I don't eat the rice BIRDS MIGHT and then they explode.  Is that a real thing.  Birds explode from eating rice.  Better LTURQ now before I get into trouble feeding birds rice later.  NOT SEEING a consistent answer.  Similar to how many grams are in Truvia packets.  NO ONE AGREES.  I'm sure lots of people agree.  People agree on one side, people agree on the other!  People agree in the middle!  NO MATTER how you feel SOMEONE is bound to agree with you.  So that's good.  The point is Not that much Truvia in this Truvia Container.  Won't be long till I'm back at Packets.  BY THEN I'll have grown acclimated to This Way Of Having It.  Hmm.
   Fourth paragraph.  Got about an hour to write SEVEN paragraphs now.  Wrote the last one in three minutes.  I REALLY had an hour and three minutes EARLIER when I FIRST SAID I only had an hour.  So that's good.  Using promotional beer glass for soda today.  Working out okay.  Hmm.  Closing in on the end of New In Rock playlist.  WHAT playlist will I put on next?  I could think of one or two decent ideas!  Maybe I go wit HTODAY'S HITS.  LOTTA POPULAR music and whatknot.  Good.  HEY 1/21.  About 1/3rd into Winter.  GOOD DEAL.  After the next several weeks IN TE TAIL END OF WINTER already.  Good.  Next official Weigh In is April 13th.  11 weeks.  I guess THAT might be the Time Period I live in.  I was considering different kinds of SuperWinters going into winter but none of that panned out into anything.  Guess I have Official Weigh In Deadline as a possible Time Threshold or something.  Huh.  Wearing a laundered shirt.  BLUE shirt.  Good blue shirt.  Like me some blue shirts!  Huh.  Coffee time I guess.
  Hey.  Used three spoonfulls.  NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT.  I think one spoonfull might be one packet.  OR maybe a packet is 3/4ths of a spoonful.  Those are my two best guesses.  The point is THREE SPOONFULL AIN'T ENOUGH.  And I only got 80 in this package.  THIS AIN"T GONNA LAST ME BARELY A WEEK.  Assuming I start using the amount I enjoy instead of topping off at three.  Anyway.  Six paragraphs to go!  FIFTY minutes to do it in.  Amazing.  OH NO I had TWO recent walks including this morning where MUSIC stopped working while In Park.  Presumably because internet stopped working.  Couldn't get to the music because the internet didn't provide me access thusly!  I have nothing to listen to not on the internet.  I could download songs to my phone.  Sort of as a BACK UP.  Have one or two albums saved in case I face a situation like this again.  Huh.  What else is up. Any better ideas on lunch or dinner.  NOPE.  Think I'm leaning towards preferring Steak * Stuffed Mushroom for dinner but I JUST DON'T KNOW.
   Halfway through Act I!  Amazing.  No work going on across the street at Entrance To Park today.  SATURDAY.  These jerks are taking a day off AND THEY EARNT IT.  Kinda concerned they're gonna start working on my street in front of my house soon. THEY GOT BARRICADES up there.  UNNECESSARY now.  But they're presumably PLANNING AHEAD.  Either way not sure how that negatively effects me.  It's LOUD.  Maybe they're working ON SIDEWALK TOO so when I'm taking my ten walks I bother them and/or they bother me.  Either way oh well what can ya do.  New SNL tonight.  Gonna watch that sucker tomorrow!  What will I watch Today and/or Tonight?  I DUNNO.  Feels like I'm due for some The Simpsons.  Why are we throwing rice at weddings anyway.  There are people starving in China.  Probably elsewhere, too.  But CHINA is my main concern.  Not 100% sure why.  Hmm any good Anagrams with China.  A Chin.  There's one. Achin Achin Heart.  What was I talking about again.  On the sixth paragraph right now.  OF THIS MUCH I am pretty confident.
   Yeah!  When's the next time I can enjoy delicious chocolate breakfast biscuits.  I can have two as Midday Snack.  I can have two as potential SandwichSide.  I think I'd be okay with a sandwich for lunch.  BUT I JUST HAD ONE yesterday.  DON'T I WANNA SPREAD THE SANDWICHES AROUND?  You'd think so! I can always flip a five sided coin to figure out what to have for lunch.  Or arrange some sort of Tournament Round Robin.  Use a Regular 2 sided coin but SOMEHOW use it to narrow it down from FIVE THINGS.  I think I can figure that out somehow.  Hmm.  Lots of Batman villains become villains after being burnt and or scarred oe melted.  TWO FACE.  JOKER.  POSSIBLY OTHERS.  Look I know none of them ALWAYS become that way after being scarred.  But it's a RECURRING THEME in Batman amongst VARIOUS Criminals.  Oh. I got to that because of Coin.  Two Face.  Flips coin.  Two sided coin! Call it Frendo!  That sort of thing.
Three paragraphs to go.  Plenty of time.  Good deal.  Maybe just have 2 packets of Chocolate Breakfast Biscuits for lunch.  2 Packets is EIGHT Breakfast Biscuits.  I'd enjoy that because I'm dumb. But I'm even MORE DUMB because I WON'T DO IT even though I'D ENJOY THAT.  Huh.  If I don't particularly want anything maybe I should just get Bland Chicken out of the way.  Seems like a reasonable way to go.  Also gotta figure out if I can microwave HALF OF IT.  Do I have to microwave entire packet as is or can I separate the amount I'm eating today and only microwave that amount.  These are questions that have no answers.  Huh.  What else is up.  Phone charged overnight.  100%!  Well at this point it may no longer be 100%.  But I remember seeing it saying 100% earlier this morning!  AMAZING. However I LIKE MY PHONES TO GIVE 110%.  So far haven't found a phone that pleases me.  TE SEARCH CONTINUES.
Penultimate paragraph.  Thought about checking my weight this morning.  But I didn't!  I feel like I made the right move.  The good news is SUSHI IS STILL IN THE LEAD FOR LUNCH all in all.  PLURALITY LEAD.  Hmm.  Any good celeb birthdays tomorrow.  LINDA BLAIR.  The EXORCYST.  Well the exorCEE.  Either way presumably she's been cured of her devil affliction by now.  Also THAT WAS JUST A MOVIE.  You know A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE?  NOT REAL LIFE.  Anyway.  I gotta think LONG AND HARD about what to do for DINNER as well as lunch.  Not necessarily LONG.  HARD would cover it.  I could think HARD for a relatively brief amount of time and accomplish what I need to right there!  Huh.  Guess coffee with 3 spoons wasn't so bad.  Also NOT SURE what kinda spoon.  Tea spoon?  Table spoon?  I THINK it's a table spoon.  OFTEN I use this spoon ON TOP OF A TABLE but NEVER on top of tea BUT TEN AGAIN I DON'T EAT TEA.  Either way next cup gonna try FOUR.  That might do the trick!
   Last paragraph of the act.  AMAZING.  The Act just FLEW by.  IN A BAD WAY.  Such is life.  HEY I know a good dinner.  A 2 or 3 part ENTREE that ISN'T Steak and/or Stuffed Mushroom.  SOME MIX EM UP.  Probably from Diner.  POSSIBLY FROM DELI.  Probably BEEF BASED.  Not sea food.  POSSIBLY CHICKEN OR TURKEY.  Hmm.  DINER MENU SPECIAL FOR SATURADY has POT ROAST. I CAN SEE MIXING TINGS UP AND TRYING OUT SOME POT ROAST.  Good.  WELL WHICH IS IT.  POT or ROAST.  Both at once I suppose.  Wonderful.  Anyway.  Or something simple like TWO HOT DOGS from Deli.  Which chicken pot pie for tomorrow.  THAT'S the first thing I thought of that I dismissed quickly BUT I WRAPPED BACK AROUND TO IT and now it sounds FINE JUST FINE.  ugh.  A THRID through winter.  EVEN MORE if that groundhog KNOWS WHAT'S GOOD FOR HIM.  Hmm.  Gotta remember to put on pants before going on my next walk.  GREAT I just remembered and NOW IT"S TIME TO DO IT.  I'll be back in a bit!




didn't see that coming

    Hey!  Made a lot of progress thinking about meals.  LUNCH I'm pretty excited about either Salami Sandwich or Sushi.  I'm PASSIONATE about either one.  Salami SandwishSide would be SWEET.  Either two Breakfast Biscuits or one Golden Graham Barr.  As for dinner I AM STRONGLY CONSIDERING Turkey Dinner!  VERY STRONGLY.  So strongly I'M PAST CONSIDERING IT and upto WANTING IT IN GENERAL.  Anyway.  Could get that from Deli or Diner.  DINER comes with stuffing though.  ALSO when I'm done with this I TINK I'd wanna get stuff from DELI next, not Diner.  So If I get it from DINER NOW that means DELI would be on Deck in a day or two.  SO IT'S ALL WORKING OUT PRETTY GOOD.  Anyway.  Didn't measure how much Truvia I put into coffee #2.  Just poured in some directly from Container Bowl.  IT WAS FAIR AMOUNT.  I'M OKAY WIT IT.  Anyway.  Re-upping with 400 packets on TUESDAY it looks like.  SO I'LL BE OKAY more or less.  HOPEFULLY MORE.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Got all the time in the world to write them!  You know FOURTY FIVE MINUTES and stuff?  Huh.  Presumably I am finishing Potato and Turkey but NOT stuffing.  MIGHT NOT EVEN FINISH TURKEY.  Now that I think about it MIGHT NOT EVEN FINISH POTATO.  The point is it's gonna be TWO DINNERS.  THAT'S IT.  What else is up.  Finished New In Rock playlist.  Started on TODAY'S HITS.  This sucker is 2.75 hours.  If I listen to it STRAIGHT WITOUHT INTERUPTIONS I'll finish it today EASY.  WHICH IS GOOD cause it's Todays Hits.  NO PROMISE they'll be applicable for TOMORROW.  They're VERY specific about pointing out it's TODAY.  Anyway.  Huh.  Lunch time is creeping up!  2.75 hours or so!  WOW I could put on playlist now and then when it runs out TIME TO EAT LUNCH.  Not exactly.  I'M A MINUTE AND A HALF INTO THE FIRST SONG ALREADY.  That means playlist leftovers are SHORTER than playlist overall.  So that's good.  Anyway.  AM I doing anything productive today other than MAKE PROGRESS IN WATCHING TV?  I DOUBT IT.
Three paragraphs to go for DayTime Day!  Huh.  Ate new brand/flavor of Low Calorie Iced Cream Bar last night.  GOOD STUFF.  Same calorie as bars that are bigger.  This bar is about 85% as big as YOUR STANDARD This Calorie Iced Cream Bar.  But it IS MORE INDULGENT tasting and/or whatknot.  So it evens out.  I'D GET IT AGAIN PRESUMABLY.  I'd EAT IT AGAIN TOO.  I CAN EAT IT NEXT SNACK NOW TAT I TINK ABOUT IT.  Next snack coming up in OH I DON'T KNOW 5 hours.  GIVE OR TAKE A HALF AN HOUR.  That should be exciting.  Hmm.  Got Psychiatrist appointment on Tuesday.  THEN is when I bring up Topher Grace Medicine that JUST MIGHT help me with my Eating Disorder.  NIGHTMIGHT STUFF.  Hopefully she's on board with perscribing it.  I dunno what the odds are on that.  LOGICALLY it couldn't HURT.  SURE it's FIRST PLACE MAIN USE is for treating seizures.  GOOD.  Then I won't get seizures etiehr.  IT'S A DOUBLE WIN.  No doctor ever TOLD ME I have an eating disorder.  I never THOUGHT OF IT until just a few sentences ago.  But I DO.  Not sure what else to call it.
Penultimate paragraph of the day.  Saw a trailer for a new SCREAM movie.  Looks like A WEIRD ONE.  POSSIBLY some sort of SUPERNATURAL Scream.  GREAT I LIKE THAT FRANCHISE MORE OR LESS.  Trailer didn't seem up my alley exactly but I'D GIVE IT A STAB.  I was gonna say SHOT but I decided to GET INTO TE SIPRIT OF THINGS.  Anyway.  Should I consider a Mix-em-up POTATO for Turkey Dinner.  Either Sweet Potato or a FRENCHED FRY or a FANCY FRENCHED FRY like Curly or Sweet Potato or Waffle.  I dunno.  Sounds like it could be exciting to have a Frenched Fry!  And I can have reasonable amount of Frenched Fry to equate to half a potato.  LIKE TEN OR FOURTEEN.  I MAY JUST GO WITH FRENCHED FRY.  Amazing.  Leftover fries can be side for UPCOMING SANDWICH LUNCH later on in week.  AMAZING.  Huh.  Have I made any progress on Salami Sandwich VERSUS Sushi?  Nope. Not yet.  Hmm.  This is a tough one.  MAYBE slightly leaning towards sushi AT THIS EXACT MOMENT.
YEAH.  What else is up. No SushiSide.  I feel like in the past I have had WHEATED THINS as a SushiSide once or twice.  TODAY I don't think a side would be necessary BUT THEN AGAIN IT'S STILL EARLY.  Hmm.  If I could have it WITHOUT A SIDE I should have it then!  THEN I'M SAVING CALORIES opposed to having it LATER IN WEEK WITH SIDE.  Makes sense.  I'll keep this new information in mind when making my Final Decision.  Good.  I was reading Wikipedia Page about SCREAM Franchise and apparently there's been A LOT of killings and/or stabbings where they at least partially chalk it up to being inspired by Scream.  To the point where it concerns me!  If it was just once or twice we can brush it off as a coincidence.  But at some point we have to acknowledge that maybe SCREAM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SEVERAL DEATH. And keep that in mind GOING FORWARD with the franchise.  Maybe make the rest of the future franchise more POSITIVE.  Inspire GOOD things. You can keep the same basic premise but instead of Killing maybe Ghostface is GIVING GIFTS.  Anyway.  I'll be back tonight.




Ain't That Some Crap Similar To Before

    Hello, friends!  Have a delicious cherry choco pop going on.  Just had delicious turkey with stuffing and freedom fries AND OH I DON'T KNOW BROCCOLI.  Had delightful sushi for lunch.  TINK WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP.  HMM just heard some Firework going on in neighborhood.  Or LIGHT gun fire.  Pretty SOFT sounding Fireworks.  Can't be ALL OUT gun fire.  Anyway, delightful.  PLAN on having delicious New Iced Cream Bar later on.  I ERRONEOUSLY said it was 85% the size of Other Normal Ones.  NOT QUITE.  This is 2.5 oz while other ones are OFT 3.5 oz.  YOU CRUNCH THE NUMBERS and I think you'll see it's about 5/7 the size off the top of my head.  Sounds like a good OffTheTopOfMyHead.  Presumably TOTALLY ACCURATE.  Well done I did!  Anyway.  Took penultimate walk PRE-dinner.  Gonna take PostPenUltimateWalk aka Tha Ultimate POST Entry.  So that's good.  What kinda crap did I watch today.  SUPERMAN.  1978 Superman.  IT WAS FINE.  Kinda weird cause I associate Superman with My Dad Likes Superman.  Really TINTS my experience Thusly. THUSLY HOW.  Thusly Thusly.  Whatever happened Thusly, THAT'S WHATS THUSLY.
Huh.  Got more Supermen to watch I guess.  Anyway.  Gets kind of RISQUE.  Superman and Lois Lane talk about Superman looking through her pants into her underwear.  THAT'S NOT APPROPRIATE FOR MY DAD"S VIEWING WHEN IT FIRST CAME OUT.  He was only THIRTY YEARS OLD.  NOT MATURE ENOUGH FOR UNDERWEAR TALK.  Anyway.  Kinda weird the Super Man and Lois Lane are IntraSpecies Romantically Linked. OR IS IT.  Maybe I should be more accepting of their Sexual Relationship.  IF IT WORKS FOR THEM, IT WORKS FOR ME.  That's my general stance I guess.  What else do I got going on tonight.  Presumably REALLY try to not take pills until 11:30 PM.  I WANNA FALL ASLEEP Post-MidNight.  Not PRE-Midnight.  CERTAINLY NOT @ Midnight.  Hey that's a TV show.  NOT ANYMORE IT ISN'T.  Interesting.  Got more turkey dinner for tomorrow night.  I TINK I'm gonna aim for Balanced Breakfast tomorrow UNLESS I eat NO NightMight and thusly reward myself with Delicious Hearty Small Brownie.  THAT'S IT I'M DONE WITH THIS PARAGRAPH TAKE IT AWAY
Huh.  Still got lollipop going.  That's pretty good!  It's not BAD at least.  Also IT IS Pretty Good NO DEBATE.  There's NOTHING about me having the lollipop that makes me question it being Past Neutral and Solidly On Positive End Of The Spectrum.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Gonna finish TODAY'S HITS playlist on Ultimate Walk.  Then I have half a walk with no playlist commitments.  MAYBE do some D.J.ing.  YOU KNOW play the youngest child on ROSEANNE?  I dunno.  The good news is that I got SOMETHING out of watching Superman.  Wasn't a total bust!  Not sure which parts I liked.  STUFF ABOUT LOIS LANE UNDERWEAR.  That got me going.  I THINK I'LL WATCH THAT SCENE AGAIN.  Or skip ahead to Superman II.  WHICHEVER.  Anyway.  Tomorrow lunch!  Let's start thinking about TAHT.  Salami or Ham Sandwich.  Wide Al Fredo or BlandChickenWithRice.  HMM.  Sounds like I might like SALAMI SANDWICH IF TODAY IS ANY SIGN.  CAUSE I WANTED THAT TODAY TOO YA SEE.  Whatever.
Penultimate paragraph.  I'd like to take a detour Down Lois Lane MYSELF.  If ya know what I mean!  YOU MAY KNOW WHAT I MEAN. I know what I mean.  And if I can figure out what I mean surely you can as well.  Abra Cadavar is the next Tales In the Cropt episode.  Hmm.  Maybe I watch some sort of Horror Film when I get back.  That's LIKE watching Tales In The Crypt but it lasts FIVE TIMES AS LONG.  WOW.  Next Amazon delivery I'M RE-UPPIN with Quest bars.  DOZEN Birthday Bars, DOZEN Cookies N Cream Bar.  GREAT MY TWO FAVORITES.  I might have ONE A WEEK or so.  MAYBE MORE IF I CAN FIGURE OUT THE LOGISTICS.  Huh.  WAIT A SECOND it might be around LUNAR NEW YEAR. Firework might relate to that.  Lemme LTURQ.  YES Chinese New Year begins January 22nd.  THAT'S IN MERE HOURS in MY Time Zone.  Well GREAT.  I guess the odds that it was Light Gunfire have REDUCED CONSIDERABLY per my calculations.  So that's good.  What YEAR OF TE ANIMAL are we entering.  I HOPE IT'S The EAGLE.  The most PATRIOTIC one.  Let's see.  AH the Year Of The Rabbit.  TAHT SOUNDS INTERESTING.  I LIKE RABBIT.  They are associated with SEX.
Last paragraph of the day.  Amazing.  I BELIEVE I was born in either Year Of The Dragon or Year Of The Rat.  Forget which one.  Let's see.  DRAGON.  Wow.  An animal that doesn't exist.  Are there OTHER Years that celebrate Mythical beasts?  Nope.  Just Dragon and Rats in terms of ones that are mythical beasts.  Huh.  What else do I got going on for me.  Superman has a lot of good male role models.  His DAD.  His EARTH DAD.  HIS BOSS AT THE DAILY PLANET.  Good for him.  What else is up.  Not 100% why they call the city Metropolis but everything else is very specifically Accurate New York names.  They got Trains leading out of Metropolis to BUFFALO and NEW ROCHELLE and all that crap.  THOSE ARE REAL NAME PLACES.  WHY ISN'T METROPOLIS.  COULD THEY NOT AFFORD TE RIGHTS To New York?  Anyway.  Guess that's it for today.  Tomorrow should be good.  IN comparison To Bad.  Huh.  See ya later.

-8:30 P.M.




Friday, January 20, 2023

What's That Noise

    Hey friends!  9:20 AM.  First super market delivery window is presumably between 10-12.  Second super market delivery window is between 3-5.  So we'll see how that goes.  Had largish medium amount of NightMight snacks again.  About the same amount three nights in a row!  About the amount that gets me to a Calorie Wash over the course of the day.  Had delicious Balanced Breakfast for breakfast.  NO CLUE what I'm doing for lunch or dinner.  I can have ALMOST LITERALLY ANYTHING for lunch.  Ham, salami, vegetable burger sandwich.  Wide Al Fredo, Sushi, steamed chicken with rice.  Right now kinda thinking about going with the Darkhorse VEGETABLE BURGER.  Also DINNER I DUNNO.  Could legit be from ANY OF THE THREE communal dinner delivery places.  Deli, Diner, or Pizzaria Restaurant.  WOW WHAT A BLESSING.  My guess is DELI.  HUH.  I was GOING INTO today thinking I'd have rice and steamed chicken.  RIGHT NOW not appealing to me.
   What else is up.  I'd say over 50% chance I finish Act I before being interrupted by Super market.  But ya never know.  May end up with 8 or so walks overall today.  But ya never know.  Listening to NEW IN ROCK playlist again today even though it's UPDATED since I started it yesterday. UPDATES ON FRIDAY.   Where I was in the playlist yesterday is now OBSOLETE.  THE PLAYLIST I WAS LISTENING TO YESTERDAY IS DEAD AND GONE.  NOW IT'S A NEW PLAYLIST.  POSSIBLY similar.   Not sure.  Could be COMPLETELY BRAND NEW order and everything.  MAYBE they kept the same thing 60% and just mixed things up a bit.  NO WAY OF KNOWING without remembering what it was like yesterday.  SO that's good.  Anyway.  I MAY run out of soda this morning it turns out.  I have a full glass of SPRITE right now and I got one glassworth left of another soda in fridge, I TINK DIET DR PEPPER.  We'll see.  Dad just got a TEXT from Super Market saying We're Next.  That is usually pretty reliable!  Probably means it'll be here 20-45 minutes or so I TINK.
   Amazing.  THIS IS THE TINKING MAN'S BLOG.  HEY THAT's GREAT NEWS.  If super market comes early enough I'm not wasting time laying around after Act I waiting for it THEN I WON'T MISS ANY WALKS BECAUSE OF IT.  Then it's down to just Possibly Missing Walks from AFTERNOON delivery.  Which would only be one walk probably.  NINE WALKS in the day is a lot better than EIGHT.  ONE.  Huh.  What kinda side we thinking about for vegetable burger.  I was thinking about Wheated Thins. Dunno about what YOU were thinking about.  Probably Wheat Thins.  WE'RE SIMPATICO and/or whatknot.  The truth is YES I'd play Sim City 2000 if it was easy for me to access.  NO DISASTERS THOUGH.  Earthquake, Alien Invasion, whatever... TOO MUCH STRESS.  I was having A NICE TIME designing a REAL WORLD CITY AND NOW THERE'S AN EARTHQUAKE?  THAT CAN'T HAPPEN IN REALITY! ...THIS CITY WASN'T BUILT ON ANY FAULT LINES.
Fourth paragraph.  At this point do I wait to drink coffee #1 until after managing super market delivery?  I dunno!  We'll see I suppose.  Sushi would be a good lunch but NOT QUITE GOOD ENOUGH.  I think I'd enjoy sushi MORE if I save it for a future lunch where I want it Slightly More.  It'd probably be my top choice for lunch today ALL IN ALL BUT I'm playing TE LONG GAME and holding onto it for when I'd like it EVEN MORE.  Or maybe I'll have it today.  I DUNNO.  What else is up.  I wouldn't mind some pizza tonight.  Gonna be honest!  I just don't think we're DUE to get Italian Restaurant.  Huh.  LAST TIME I got JUST GRILLED CHICKEN ROLL.  THE TIME FOR PIZZA NOW HAS COME though.  Anyway.  At what point do I need to leave for my next walk to be on schedule for the morning.  Got about an hour and twenty five minutes.  That's way more than enough time as long as delivery doesn't come in... an hour and... ten minutes.
   YEAH.  Maybe get coffee EARLY now.  I think that's the way to go.  Great.  Poured about 85% of the amount I normally pour.  On account of having 50% of the amount of Truvia I normally have.  Sounds about right.  Best I can do!  Anyway David Crosby died yesterday.  I'LL ADMIT IT I have no idea about any of his music.  I know he was ALMOST DEFINITELY the Crosby in Crosby Stills Nash and/or Young.  POSSIBLE he's teh guy who looks like a walrus.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP he's the Walrus Looking Guy.  Or A walrus looking guy at least.  I'm sure there's plenty of them out there!  Anyway what song is he SOLELY or MOSTLY responsible for.  WHAT CAN I ATTRIBUTE TO HIM EXACTLY.  AH he was in The Byrds.  Which I BELIEVE is a reference to THE ANIMAL The Bird but they spelled it differently because Birds already owned the copyright to the name Birds.
   Sixth paragraph!  Huh.  Am I creeping up to lunchtime yet.  I don't think so.  Still over four hours away.  Good news is Vegetable Burger would require using OVEN while I'm on Previous Walk.  That's BAD news.  Oh.  Anyway.  The truth is I mostly hold all the cards for deciding where to get dinner from.  But 85% of the time I try to coax out an opinion from my Dad or my Mom as opposed to picking myself.  PARTLY because I've already decided IN MY MIND what their opinion would be and I have already made plans to enjoy THEIR PRESUMPTIVE OPINION.  Anyway.  I guess IN MY HEART OF HEARTS I want pizza tonight.  Not sure about that though.  I'd enjoy starting a steak * stuffed mushroom!  I might enjoy A TANDEM of Grandmother's Soup tonight with Chickened Pot Pie tomorrow night.  LIFE IS HARD.  That's another good reason to coax opinion out of parents.  MAKE THEM DECIDE TOUGH DECISIONS.  That sort of thing.
   Seventh paragraph.  Hmm.  Re-upping with TWO individual portion black and whites and ONE Very Hearty Brownie.  ALL for breakfast purposes.  WOW THIS WEEK BREAKFAST GONNA BE GREAT.  Unless I eat them all during a NightMght.  TEN THIS WEEK BREAKFAST GONNA BE A BUST.  So that's good.  I'm gonna go check to see if Super market truck is set up outside!  HEY IT WAS.  Then I waited at front door for A MERE THREE MINUTES.  Then I accepted delivery and put stuff away.  NOW I'M HERE.  Got lots of time this morning to fit in everything!  Not so much time I can fit in AN EXTRA walk in the next few hours.  But so much time I HAVE AN EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES OF TIME.  So that's good.  I think I got everything I wanted from super market.  My Dad didn't get his bananas.  BUT TAT'S ON HIM.  FORGOT TO PUT IT IN ORDER.  Can't expect bananas when you never even asked for them!  That's RULE ONE of Life.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Huh. HATED UP coffee before returning to entry just now.  Good deal.  MADE IT THE WEEK WITHOUT RUNNING OUT OF SODA.  By ONE AND A HALF glass.  I had a mostly full glass of sprite AND ONE GLASSWORTH of Diet Dr Pepper in the fridge.  WHEW.  Anyway.  Watched some Tales In The Crypt last night.  Made it to around 11:05, 11:10 before taking pills.  Been having good success with going to sleep with Tales In The Crypt in the background last few nights.  PLEASURABLE and QUICK.  Only thing I don't like is having Youtube run Suggested Video after Suggested Video IN MY SLEEP.  Until they stop at some point.  I think AT SOME POINT they get the message that no one is really watching it.  Huh.  Phone didn't charge all the way last night.  RIGHT NOW it's at a mere 63%.  That's not SO bad.  Could be worse.  COULD BE 33%.  That's ONE example of how it could be worse.  Hmm.  Figure I'll watch more The That 90's Show today.  Not 100% sure why.  OH WELL.  When ya get an idea of what to watch on TV YA DON'T QUESTION IT, ya just GO WIT THE FLOW.
   Penultimate paragraph of act.  Huh.  They are doing work still near entrance of park today BUT the enterenaceisn't blocked off.  I CAN WALK BY TEM DOING WORK going into park and whatknot.  Anyway.  Mom and Dad have already BOTH said INDEPENDENTLY to me that they're flexible for dinner tonight.  IF I WANT PIZZA I got my window open to get it.  IT'S ALL ON ME now.  Wearing a laundered shirt today.  May be done with laundered shirts now!  I TINK there's one or two laundered shirts still hanging around in the dryer.  Either way guess I gotta start MENTALLY PREPARING At Least to do some laundry.  Ron Laundry.  Gaundry.  Daundry.  SOME BASEBALL PLAYER with that sorta name.  Might be thinking of Ron Guidry.  Might be thinking of Ron Darling.  Oh well what can ya do. Look forward to trying chocolate Breakfast Biscuits.  Off the top of my head that's what I could look forward to.  Not sure WHY.  Just gonna be some dumb cookie.  NO BETTER THAN ANY OTHER COOKIE.  I dunno.  Any NEW cookie is BETTER because I'VE NOT EXPERIENCED IT BEFORE.  IT WILL BE GOOD at least once!
   Last paragraph of the act.  Huh.  Guess odds are I'll hit 9 walks today.  8 or 10 is still possible.  What else is up.  Trying a new brand/flavor of Low Calorie Ice Cream Bar.  I THINK it's slightly smaller than similarly caloried iced cream bars but HOPEFULLY THAT MEANS its slightly more delightful.  Seems like it would mean that.  Cool.  How many episodes of 90 Show do I have left.  SIX?  SEVEN?  Probably SIX?  Oh only five.  HALFWAY THROUGH.  That's good.  Guess I'm up to 1995 or so.  Yep.  1990-1994 is 5 year years.  Sixth year is '95!  THAT'S HOW IT WORKS WHEN YOU START WITH A ZERO.  Hmm.  I wonder how much money original NON-Red-and-Kitty cat got for doing cameos on this show.  I hope A LOT.  For THEIR sake.  WAIT A SECOND ECONOMICS IS ZERO SUM GAME. If they're getting a lot THAT'S LESS MONEY FOR ME AND MY COHORTS.  Unless I've got a setup where SPECIFICALLY Original Cast Members of That 70's Show Salaries TRICKLE DOWN TO ME.  Not sure how that would work exactly.  Either way TIME for a walk.  Be back in a little bit.




must have been the wind

    If Nash and Young are still alive, they should stylize further tours and releases under the name STILL Nash & Young.  Not sure if STILL needs to be alive for that.  The point is AT LEAST CROSBY IS GONE BUT NASH AND YOUNG ARE STILL here.  So that's good.  Brought up Pizzaria Leanings towards Dad.  Looks like at this point PIZZA is a slam dunk for dinner.  Also VEGETABLE BURGER for lunch.  PLUS since I'm ahead of time I don't need to start Ovening Vegetable Burger on my Previous Walk.  I CAN START IT after my fourth walk and STILL BE AROUND to eat it when I want to Oh I Don't Know FIFTY MINUTES LATER.  Not sure of Side.  THINK I'm leaning towards Wheated Thins or Animaled Crackers.  So that's good.  WHAT KIDNA PIZZA am I contemplating?  JUST GARLIC.  Two NON-Sicily-Style Slices with MERE GERLIC on 'em.  SO that's good.  Finishing Dr Pepper that was in fridge.  Turns out I DIDN'T HAVE surplus soda, I had just enough.  Cause if I didn't have this Dr Pepper for right now I'd have to be drinking soda THAT ISN'T QUITE CHILLED ENOUGH.  Might be somewhat cold loaded in super market truck but not A FULL FRIDGE colded, NOT FOR BOTTLES OF SODA at least.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  Lunch IS creeping up.  A MERE 3 HOURS away.  I can do that standing on my head.  If someone set it up for me.  I can't stand on my head ON MY OWN.  But presumably there are people who can get me set up that way and then give me some tips of What To Do and What Not To Do to make sure I STAY that way.  Not sure what I get out of this situation.  Hmm.  Should be able to have HALF A PACK of Chocolate Breakfast Biscuits as MIDDAY snack.  SUPPOSED TO ARRIVE between 3-5?  I'D LIKE TO EAT IT Oh I Don't Know AROUND 4:00 or 4:45 DEPENDING on whether I project to have dinner PRE Penultimate Walk or POST Penultimate Walk.  RIGHT NOW thinking PRE.  Which would make me wanna have snack slightly earlier.  THIS IS GOOD STUFF let's keep it going.  What else is up.  The point is I BELIEVE animal cracker and wheat thin ARE EXACT same amount of calories.  Not only exactly the same but SAME SUGGESTED SERVING SIZE.  Both say 16 Units/120 calorries.  They don't say UNITS.  That was MY addition.
   Three paragraphs to go for DayTime Day.  Good deal.  ALSO for either Wheated Thin or Animalt Cracker I'm considering having TWELVE UNITS to go with Vegetable Burger.  WOW.  Nice path for me cleared to walk into Park on my walks BUT the work they're doing AROUND TAT AREA is very loud.  DISTURBING ME SOME right now WHILE inside my house.  Hmm maybe I can figure out a way to enjoy it.  Probably not.  My best bet is to try to ignore it and/or encourage them to stop.  Probably the Ignore It part.  I can't interfere with CITY business.  This MIGHT be city business.  Not sure.  Could be PRIVATE business.  Could be PUBLIC business.  COULD BE SOMEWHERE BETWIXT THE TWO.  What else is going on and crap.  Hmm.  No time like the present to figure out how many spoonfulls of Truvia I will be using instead of six packets PER COFFEE. THIS IS HARDER THAN I THOUGHT IT'D BE.  I've been on the internet A SOLID FIVE MINUTES and I STILL DUNNO.  I got a RANGE that looks likely.  Between 1 and 3.5 G. Is 1 Packet.  BUT I DUNNO WHAT EXACTLY.
Oh well.  I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point.  Seems like I would!  Hmm.  What kinda time do I wanna give myself for 2 paragraphs.  I dunno.   PLENTY.  Whatever.  Makes no difference.  Probably'll be 12.5-20 minutes WHICH IS GREAT that's fine with me.  Huh.  Haven't done anything particularly productive lately.  Other than FAIL at making progress with diet.  Been SUCCEEDING the last several days at not GAINING more weight.  Either way.  Should read or somethin.  Maybe do a session in Bathroom Cleaning.  Hmm.  Sounds like reading is the lesser of those two evils.  So that's good.  SHOULD I consider having Frozen Freedom Fries with Vegetable Burger?  Couldn't hurt just to CONSIDER it.  Sure it can.  THAT'S TIME I'M NOT CONSIDERING BETTER THINGS.  Hmm.  Maybe consider it RIGHT NOW once and for all.  THAT'S NO GOOD.  I'm considering it AS WE SPEAK and my Consideration is such that I feel Warrants Further Consideration.  NO DECISION PRO OR CON.  MORE CONSIDERATION.  The WORST OF ALL WORLDS.
Last paragraph.  Huh.  I'm a little concerned about Kitty and Red's health in That 90's Show.  They started off relatively old in that 70's show.  AT this point they are On Death's Door.  Huh.  Let's see how old ACTORS ARE in Real Life.  KITTY IS A MERE 71 and RED IS A MERE 74.  By which I mean 79.  For some reason I felt like typing What Red Is Merely without knowing and ventured NOT SO MUCH A GUESS but a RANDOM NUMBER GUESS. I didn't CAREFULLY guess 74.  Just off the top of my head the first number to come out.  Either way IF THEY COMBINED INTO ONE PERSON they'd be a mere 75 years old.  So that's not SO bad.  Hmm.  The point is when I was a kid the That 70's Show Gang was AN OLDER GENERATION than me.  I was a mere POSSIBLY NOT EVEN PRE-TEEN when it first came out and they were GROWN PEOPLE more or less.  Now we're all in our mid 30's.  Funny how things work out!  Well. That's inaccurate.  They SAID Topher Grace'sc haracter was 38 in the show.  Turns out Actor's Age is 44.  NOT GONNA BOTHER looking up other cast members.  SUFFICE TO SAY they are STILLS an older generation it turns out.  Such is life.  Anyway I'll be back.  Tonight and whatknot!  See ya.




So That's It Again

    Hey friends!  Just ate delicious pizzaria pizza.  We're talkin 1 slice Garlic &/V Anchovie, 1 slice Garlic &/V onion.  We're talkin I put it in OVEN for half an hour or so.  MAYBE JUST 29 MINUTES if we're being honest with each other.  Or if I'm Being Honest With You.  You're neither being honest NOR dishonest with me in this equation.  WELL DONE.  Anyway tried some of the Chocolate Breakfast Biscuits.  PRETTY GOOD.  Kinda bland.  I LIKE ME SOME VAGUELY BLAND cookies.  You APPRECIATE the flavor THAT IS THERE All The More because there's less of it!  GONNA TRY new Fudge Low Cal Iced Cream Bar A LITTLE BIT LATER.  After 10th walk.  Already tooken 9 walks.  I WILL MAKE IT TO TEN.  SO that's good.  Watched the rest of That There 90's Show.  DONE WITH THAT NOW.  It's about TIME.  THE 1990's specifically.  Anyway.  Then I watched 90% of THE GATE.  I like that Horror Film.  It's got KIDS in it so it's GOOD for kids which is good cause I WATCHED IT when I was a kid ORIGINALLY.  ANyway.  Huh.  One paragraph down.
Yeah!  Breakfast tomorrow could be PRACTICALLY ANYTHING.  I should try setting up I WILL HAVE HEARTY BROWNIE for Breakfast THE FIRST BREAKFAST I can get to with doing ZERO NightMight snacking before.  MOTIVATE MYSELF with EXTRAVAGANT breakfasts.  Seems reasonable.  Balanced Breakfast is still in the cards at some point, too.  GOTTA TRY TEM FROZEN FRITTATAS as well.  YOU IDIOT.  Huh.  Continuing to listen to New In Rock playlist.  NOT ALLL THESE SONGS ARE NEW.  Or, "IN ROCK."  oh well.  Who am I to object.  Some Guy or something.  Presumably watch a Tales In The Crypt or two tonight.  OR SIX.  Sounds reasonable.  Wouldn't be SHOCKED if I had sushi for lunch tomorrow.  Unless if the sushi was hooked up to an electrical current while I was eating it.  Gonna try to see to it such that that doesn't happen though.  SOUNDS LIKE A REAL Net Negative TO ME. Huh.  Anyway.  Forgot to tell you about how last night I CAME CLOSE to purposely peeing my pants.  I HAD NO AVENUE TO USE TOILET but I NEEDED TO Make Water.  Tried 2 or 3 times to just let it flow OH and also it was raining hard so the pee would blend in with the rain.  BUT ANYWAY didn't happen!  I tried going for HALF A DOZEN SECONDS and it didn't come easily so I was just like OH WELL I GUESS I CAN HOLD IT IN APPARENTLY.  If anything I Can't NOT HOLD IT in.  Or... CAN not... the ponit is my pants remained Pee Free.
Three paragraphs to go.  I could finish the second half of Breakfast Biscuit Pack tonight OR I can have lower calorie tootsie pop AS OTHER DESSERT COMPLIMENT TO HEALTH ICED CREAM BAR.  Sure the cookie is delicious but it's more CALORIES you idiot.  Then again what else is up. These breakfsat biscuits would be GREAT NightMight Biscuits.  Gotta wonder what the Belvita People are doing wrong that they haven't relaized they shuold market this as a NightMight Product.  Possibly A LOT.  Huh.  I could have HALF of the HALF of the packet of Breakfast Chocolate Cookie left.  That EQUATES to tootsie pop calories MORE OR LESS.  LESS.  5 CALORIE LESS.  The point is the biscuit CRUMBLED very easily but a CLEAN CRUMBLE.  It split evenly more or less IN HALF when I picked it up.  Not a COMPLETE turning into dust.  That'd be TERRIBLE.  Breaking into half IF ANYTHING WAS KIND OF FUN.  YEAH.  I'm gonna go pour some soda.  Not sure why I had to tell you that.  We're being honest with each other In the Direction of from Me To You Specifically.
   Penultimate paragraph of the day.  Amazing.  Lookin like I might go get bloodwork done Upcoming Monday.  Which is EXCITING because that's when I get my Mom cigarettes which is EXCITING because that's when I get myself Quest Bars.  HAVEN'T HAD A QUEST BAR IN LIKE A MONTH.  Current Iteration of Diet LEAVES NOT MUCH ROOM FOR QUEST BAR.  Main time I can have a Quest Bar is as part of a MODIFIED Classic Breakfast OR as a REPLACEMENT for a lunch if I did a lot of NightMight the NightMightBefore.  STILL THOUGH if I figure out a way to justify eating a Quest Bar I'M GONNA HAVE A BLAST AND A HALF WITH IT no doubt about it.  SO that's good.  Real good!  Anyway. I dunno.  ABOSOLUTELY NO REASON AT ALL except for that it's stupid TO NOT DIVIDE QUEST BARS INTO HALVES and have them as Regular Snacks that way.  WAIT TAHT'S NOT STUPID.  That's the smartest thing I've come up with IN HOURS.  Probably. 
   Last paragraph.  Good deal.  THIRTEEN STEPS to a Quest Bar.  The Heroes' Journey.  THAT SORT OF THING.  Ugh.  What else is up.  I finished soda, sure, but at this point it doesn't pay to pour myself any more.  It would pay off in THE WRONG direction.  Main thing I'd get out of it is More Pressure To Use Bathroom on the upcoming walk.  I DON'T NEED THAT BONUS HASSLE.  So that's good.  No dinner set up for tomorrow.  Presumably will be DINER DINNER or DELI DINNER.  Not the ENTIRE Diner or Deli.  FOOD.  From ONE OF THEM.  I won't eat the establishments WHAT KIND OF JERK DO YOU TAKE ME FOR.  Still gotta write a few more sentences.  I PUT CRUSHED RED PEPPER on my slices of pizza today.  There THAT took up three or four sentences RIGHT THERE.  May not be very good at counting.  The point is hey I'm done!  See ya tomorrow.

-8:40 P.M.




Thursday, January 19, 2023

Gonna Get Goin

    Hey friends!  9:48 AM right now.  A little bit later than I'd like.  I'll be able to fit in everything for sure BUT Act I MAY be cut down by a paragraph or two.  So that's good!  Had another largish medium amount of NightMight snacking last night.  OVERALL today will be about a wash calorie wise again.  COULD BE WORSE.  Had delicious two small doughnuts for breakfast.  LUNCH AND DINNER will be Ham Sandwich and Chicken Parm BUT IN WHAT ORDER and with WHAT SANDWICHSIDE for the Ham Sandwich.  I DUNNO.  The good news is I watched the first half of RAINDEER GAMES last night.  Figured I'd mix it up.  Looked at the CRIME Genre Browsing Films on HBOMax.  The point is I saw this film Oh I Don't Know 23 Years Ago and KIND OF remember ONE of the twists.  Either way WOW Ben AFfleck WHAT AN ACTOR.  I totally BELIEVE he is This Guy.  And not some other guy.  Who Is Him.  Huh.  Leaning towards chicken parm for lunch.  Huh.
Nine paragraphs to go presumably!  Got about an hour to write em.  WHATEVER this Act is, I got about an hour to do it with.  FROM NOW.  Took ritalin again today.  That's the standard now.  It's GOOD because I feel different somehow.  Can't really QUANTIFY it.  But I guess I feel more ALERT in some way.  ALERT huh.  Sounds like I can make an anagram with those leters.  ARTEL.  TARLE.  TRALE.  REALT.  I'll come back to this later.  Probably gonna do standard 10 walks today.  No reason not to!  I got no time from 6 to 7 PM I'm gonna have to Definitely Be Home to accept a communal food delivery.  IN THE RECENT PAST during those days I SOMETIMES MAKE IT To 11 WALKS.  Not gonna aim for that.  Just gonna aim for a comfortable ten.  Huh what play list am I listening to. I TINK it's ALT CNTRL 2022.  TOP ALT CNTRL SONGS of the past year not including the last 19 days but also including the 19 days before the last year.
So that's good.  Wearing a laundered shirt.  Retrieved this shirt from Dryer.  So that's good I suppose.  Should have enough soda to get me through till tomorrow morning.  Right now I have NO BACK UP BOTTLES OF ANYTING besides what's in the fridge.  BUT I have SOME of EVERYTHING in the fridge.  Huh.  Sounds like I MIGHT run out if I drink to my best ability.  Then maybe I WON'T smart guy!  Guess I'll get coffee after next paragraph.  Guess a lot of things.  Over the course of my life.  Not so much this morning in particular.  Haven't gotten around to lots of Guessing Situations!  Not sure what to do about Super Market Chili and Rice.  COULD BE too big a commitment.  Also TURKEY CHILI OR REGULAR BEEF CHILI.  Website says turkey chili is more calories.  I DON"T TRUST THAT FOR A SECOND.  But if its true THEN SLAM DUNK CASE FOR REGULAR CHILI.  Also WHAT THE HELL ELSE IS GOING ON.  Not sure why I'm yelling.  I got briefly Very Angry about not knowing What The Hell Else Is Going On!
   Huh.   Think my Dad is giving a test today.  Not really teaching.  But spending a few minutes Introducing Test or something, I dunno.  God damn BARRICADES blacking entrance to park.  Got to walk Half A Small Block AROUND he barricades to get INTO or OUT OF the park.  Normally it'd be where I'm going INTO park.  But on FIRST WALK JUST NOW I saw the barricades, decided to wrap around the other direction, and then have to walk around the barricades for Half A Small Block WHILE GETTING BACK TO MY HOUSE.  They're doin' WORK and shit.  I can't just ignore the barricades as if there was nothing else to em.  Also YES Barricades makes methink of The Miserables the musical.  I HAD A SOLO in the sound about The Barricades.  AT LEAST FOR A WHILE.  Started out with LOTS of solos.  Then I was sick one day AND I LOST MOST OF TEM.  YA SNOOZE YA LOSE.  Possibly for the best.  VAGUELY remember being laughed at while I was performing Solo during Actual Performance.  Hmm that should have scarred me for life.  Instead I sort of just forgot and brushed it off.  Oh well what can ya do.
  Don't think I have any exciting quality SweetSide as potential SandwichSide for Ham Sandwich.  Lucky Charm Bar is the best I could come up with.  Huh.  It'd be good to eat ham sandwich for lunch.  It's the less hearty meal!  UNLESS I pack on the SandwichSide.  With enough SandwichSide suddenly it's THE MORE HEARTY meal.  I DON'T WANNA PACK ON TEH SANDWICHSIDE.  What kind of person do you take me for.  The point is I AM RE-UPPING with both Fresh Direct and Amazon Fresh tomorrow.  DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE BREAKFAST BISCUITS.  Can't wait to see what thems are all about.  FOUR OF THEM IN ONE POUCH are 220 Calories?  Sounds like ONE of them is 55 calories.  I DON'T KNOW what the best context for eating them will be in terms of How Many At A Time.  I guess 5 or 6 of them would be One Dumb Breakfast.  Two of them would be a SandwichSide or general snack.  I GUESS I can have one as mini snack.  AND TEN TEHRE"S NIGHTMIGHT wher I can eat ALL OF EM.
   Sixth paragraph.  And I got a solid Fourty, Fourty Five minutes to write the next 5.  Fourty Five is pushing it.  Let's say Fourty minutes.  OKAY I'll say it in a little bit.  In the mean time what else is going on.  Using FOUR Truvia for current coffee instead of SIX.  I MIGHT have been able to do Standard Six and fit in all I want before re-upping with Truvia tomorrow AFTERNOON.  (AFTER TOMORROW'S COFFEES).  But I was TOO LAZY to count the dozen or so I have left.  MAYBE I'LL COUNT WHAT I GOT for coffee #2 later on in the morning.  Could happen!  Anyway.  Lunch is in Oh I Don't Know 3.75 hours presumably.  I could make it!  If I could make it here I can make it anywhere!  HERE IS NYC.  AND IT'S A PHRASE.  Where does NYC rank POPULATIONWISE in world.  NOT including suburbs. What about QUASI-Suburbs. There's LEVEL of suburb.  INNER SUBURB might be city but OUTER SUBURB might not be.  Hmm.  In light of that confusion I HAVE DECIDED NOT TO LOOK UP POPULATION LEVELS OF CITIES COMPLETELY.  Why BOTHER.
   Four paragraphs to go I guess.  The bad news is I guess I'm planning on having leftover KevinsMeal upcoming week.  Gotta have it at some point!  I can't just throw it out.  PEOPLE ARE STARVING IN CHINA.  I NEED TO EAT MORE FOOD to prove a point to them or something.  Anyway, I dunno.  Presumably if I get chili and rice that's the first thing I'm eating Tomorrow Lunch.  GET THAT EXCITEMENT OUT OF THE WAY IMMEDIATELY.  Huh.  If I wanna watch more BATMEN movies and I don't wanna watch JUSTICE LEAGUE era Batman OR animated Batman OR 1968 Batman Film GUESS I COULD WATCH recent The Batman.  I saw it ONCE BEFORE.  MONTH AGO.  I guess I could watch it again.  Not sure I want to.  It was a FINE Major Motion Picture but I don't remember having that much fun.  KINDA MOODY if I remember correctly.  PERK UP BATMAN.  And friends of Batman.  And Gotham City in general.  LET'S PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE.  Oh so TAHT'S where the Joker comes from and why he's important.  Batman and Batman's friends and Gotham City in general is ALWAYS SO MOODY.  THEY NEED JOKERS to balance things out.
Makes sense.  Three paragraphs to go!  Should be able to do them with plenty of time.  Huh.  Then how come in this film there's THE RIDDLER and not the joker.  I guess they needed a Riddler even more than a Joker this film.  TOO INTELLECTUALLY UNSTIMILATED AND BORED.  They NEEDED a few riddles over the course of a movie.  Could have done without the death and destruction BUT TE RIDDLES WERE GOOD.  I don't remember much about the death and destruction.  OR The riddles to tell the truth.  I don't remember much at all.  GOOD.  What else do I got going for me.  New Spiderman movie coming out this year.  ANIMATED ONE.  Spiderverse one.  Which may connect to Other Spidermen movies now as well.  Now that the LIVE ACTION ones all connect I TINK they teased connecting this one to them in the trailer I saw.  COULD BE WRONG. WOW only 2 more paragraphs to go.
   Huh.  Not looking forward to my 3rd and 5th and sixth and seventh walks overall when I walk by the barricades and the workers are like WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KEEP SHOWING UP ERE FOR.  WE'RE BUSY.  WE GOT NO TIME TO ENTERTAIN YOU WALKING BY.  The good news is by the sixth or seventh walk PROBABLY DONE FOR THE DAY.  HOWEVER I'd say for the 3rd overall walk and probably the 5th STILL AT WORK.  Ya never know though.  Maybe they move on to something else before 3rd walk even.  GO FIGURE.  IF ONLY I HAD CHOCOLATE BREAKFAST BISCUITS NOW.  I could have had 2 of them-- HALF A POUCH-- with Ham Sandwich.  DANGIT.  Animal Crackers or somethign.  That could be a sandwichside. Regular animal Crackers.  Not mini cancer animal crackers.  Not the worst idea I've ever heard.  Not the best one.  Best idea I've ever heard was Reinventing The Wheel.  Look wheel has done a very good job for us but I think it's time we made some improvements.
Last paragraph of the Act!  AMAZING.  Leaning towards TREATING MYSELF and eating Chicken Parm for lunch.  WHY NOT.  I like the part where it's a chicken patty.  Got some cheese on it.  UNDER IT are tiny little bits of carrot.  Not sure why.  Maybe you should put the carrot over it.  Or to the side!  NOPE.  Ya got these tiny bits of carrot stuck onto the bottom of the patty.  I USUALLY SCRAPE TEM OFF and eat em separately TO TE BEST OF MY ABILITY.  CARROT AND CHICKEN PARM PATTY don't go together well TEXTUALLY.  huh.  What else is up. Maybe make up one or two hundred calories today in the right direction.  HARD TO SAY for sure.  The good news is whatever.  Might need to re-up with GUM tomorrow.  Better look into that soon.  I HAVE PRECIOUS FEW HOURS to finalize Super market order.  You know like EIGHT AND A HALF.  WELP that's it for Act I.  I'll be back in a bit!




no reason to stop now

    Hey friends!  Figured out what to do re: Super Market chili.  Don't get the chili, but get the rice, and pair that sucker with the leftover KevinsMeal Bland Steamed Chicken.  SPLIT EM EACH IN HALF for TWO MEALS.  Presumably eat the exciting first one ASAP tomorrow lunch.  THEN WAIT A WEEK for the next round. So that's good.  Also, I think I'll enjoy delicious ham sandwich for lunch today!  Pair it with some leftover fried calamari.  Not ALL of it.  Probably around 2/3rds to 3/4ths of leftover.  THEN throw DoubleLeftOver away.  Into the trash.  WHERE IT BECOMES ONE WIT THE TRASH and is now Trash Itself.  So that should be good.  Chicken parm to look forward to for The Dinner.  Also gettin' side of broccoli from Super Market. NOW it's a real exciting meal.  Bland steamed chicken, possibly with Part of the 20 pound bag of Some Sauce, as well as the SPANISH RICE as well as now A FEW BROCCOLI.  Hmm.  I might be happier with white rice (or MORE ACCURATELY what they make JASMINE RICE).  But I'm gonna go with my gut and try to have some fun with Spanish Rice.
   YEAH.  Four paragraphs to go.  How long do I have to write them.  Let's say aim for thirty five minutes at most.  I COULD make it to fourty minutes but I'd rather not!  Anyway.  Counted out how many Truvia I have. I had NINE going into cup #2 today.  Meaning I have an average of THREE for the next three cups (INCLUDING RIGHT NOW) before I re-up.  Which means IN ALL LIKELIHOOD I'll wanna be EVEN and have three each cup.  SO THAT'S WHAT I DID FOR THIS CUP.  JUST THREE.  Huh.  I usually don't finish cups of coffee.  I could pour smaller cups and then the three Truvia will go A LONGER WAY.  Oh well what can ya do.  That.  The thing I just said.  Ya Can Do That with good results.  Hmm sounds interesting.  Anyway, I dunno.  Back up option is DORITO or CHICKEN CRACKERS if I decide I don't want calamari.  Also Calamari NOT GONNA BE WARMED UP.  That's just how I feel about it!  Don't even try arguing with me!  IT'D BE POINTLESS.
Three paragraphs to go.  What kinda TV am I watching today.  Got the 2nd half of Reindeer Games.  I don't wanna watch that.  Save that for THE NIGHT.  I'd appreciate it MORE when I am 1.5 Beers In.  What else is going on.  Not sure what Reindeer Games means excactly. I can EXTRAPOLATE a GENERAL IDEA of the premise of the phrase based on What The Movie Is and also When Gary Sinese Says It In Dialogue 20 Minutes In.  But I don't get it EXACTLY.  Let's see.  I DON'T GET IT.  I looked at the internet for a solid fourty five seconds, browsing through a few pages, and a few different definitions on the same page once or twice, and I'm NOT SURE WHAT IT MEANS. In a way I'M MORE CONFUSED THAN EVER.  Oh well what can ya do.  Move on with your life!  Hmm.  I wish I could have delicious bland steamed chicken with rice TODAY.  But I can't.  I guess I COULD.  There's any number of ways to retrieve Rice for myself to pair with the chicken I already have.  NOT GONNA THOUGH.  That'd be STUPID.  And if there's one thing I am IT'S STUPID.
   Two paragraphs to go for DayTime Day.  Amazing!  WHAT TO WATCH when I'm done with upcoming shower.  I TINK I'd enjoy some The Simpsons but DO I WANNA COMMIT myself to it?  I DUNNO.  This is gonna be a tough one.  Anyway, I dunno.  The important thing is I finish this first.  Used TABLET for the first time in a couple of weeks yesterday. Not a lot.  JUST A COUPLE of hand written Notes.  I forget WHAT.  Couldn't have been that important.  OH WELL.  Once inspiration starts striking again I'll be writing Hand Written Notes on my Tablet like it was nobody's business!  So that's something to look forward to I guess.  Not something to NOT look forward to.  Huh.  What Tales In The Crypt am I up to.  Fell asleep 2/3rds into Korman's Kalamity last night.  What's next.  TELEVISION TERROR?  TELEVISION TERROR IS 3 episodes away!  NEXT IS LOWER BERTH.  Man do I feel like some sort of IDIOT now.  Also before. A nd presumably In The Future.
Last paragraph for now.  Think I'm gonna walk AT the barricades upcoming walk.  Get it out of the way at first part of walk so Id on't need to fret all walk about walking around the barricades on my way home.  So that's good.  Looks like Alec Baldwin is being charged with involuntary manslaughter.  For some reason I'm hoping for the best for him.  Not sure why!  MAYBE HE IS APPROPRIATELY GUILTY OF INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER and should face consequences.  My first instinct is for him to beat the charge though!  GO FIGURE.  What else do I got going on for me today.  NOT facing any charges of involuntary manslaughter.  Not facing any manslaughter charges AT ALL.  So that's not so bad I guess.  Anyway.  Was raining lightly on last walk and SOUNDS like it still is.  THAT'S OKAY. I can walk and get rained on at the same time.  I  CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYHING if I put my mind to it!  Welp that's it for TodayDay.  See ya TonightNight.




What Else Isn't Happening

    Hey friends!  Just got back from tenth walk.  Gonna take an eleventh after the entry! TOMORROW BEING FRIDAY SEALED TEH DEAL.  Got morning Super market delivery to accept AND an afternoon Super market delivery to accept.  I MAY MISS A WALK OR THREE.  Since I have the opportunity to take bonus walk tonight I'd be some sort of MORON not to do it!  Anyway.  Raining all day.  Two of my middle walks I LISTENED TO NOTHING.  Sometimes when it rains moderately or harder PHONE STARTS ACTING UP.  Every 20 seconds it thinks I'm trying to talk to it.  Starts with some WHAT DID YOU WANT TO SAY or crap.  KEEPS INTERRUPTING MUSIC and there's nothing I can do about it.  LUCKILY the last 2 or 3 walks THOUGH IT WAS STILL RAINING that problem went away.  VERY lucky.  Possibly the luckiest moment of my life!  Can't be.  It's TWO OR THREE moments.  How can TWO OR THREE moments be The Luckiest Moment.  BECAUSE THEY WERE MORE OR LESS CONSECUTIVE MOMENTS.  Group Consecutive Moments into One Big Moment.  SEEMS PRETTY REASONABLE.  I'M GONNA START A CHOCO CHOCO POP AFTER TE NEXT PARAGRAPH.
Yeah!  Had delicious ham sandwich with cold fried calamari bits for lunch.  Delicious Kids Chicken Parm for dinner.  CRACKED TEH CODE on how to microwave it properly.  Most of the time the PASTA ends up HARD and unappealing.  TIS TIME I experimented with following their directions on how to microwave it that they have on the package.  IT WAS CRAZY ENOUGH THAT IT JUST MIGHT WORK and then it WAS CRAZY ENOUGH MANIFESTED THAT IT DID JUST WORK.  So that worked out pretty well.  Balanced breakfast is ideal for tomorrow breakfast.  Only other thing I can think of is Two Pop Tarts.  OH.  I can have FRITTATA.  Makes sense.  TOO MUCH SENSE.  Gotta dial down The Sense It Makes to make myself more comfortable!  Anyway.  Finished Reindeer Games.  Watched the first three or four of The That 90's Show.  Not sure WHY.  Nostalgia?  Sure!  I was never a FAN of The That 70's Show.  But I SAW IT A BUNCH.  It didn't inspire NEGATIVE feelings in me.  Was more or less neutral on it WHICH IS GOOD.  I'm a very CRITICY person so if something registers as neutral IT SHOULD BE SATISFIED WITH THAT.  CHOCO CHOCO POP time.
  Yeah!  I had to use Walk Bathroom LIKE SEVEN TIMES today.  I think I went into Starbucks for bathroom THREE TIMES and used it twice.  The other time I waited for a couple of minutes THEN GOT FED UP AND LEFT.  I ALSO went into Park Bathroom 2 or 3 times SUCCESSFULLY.  Last time there were three kids smoking marijuana in there.  I DON'T TINK this is the safe space where NO ONE COULD POSSIBLY FIND THEM OUT that they think it is.  Good news is GOOD I'M HAPPY FOR THEM.  I hope all their Marijuana Dreams Come true.  Anyway.  Could have entire Fiber One Brownie AND entire Oh I Don't Know Sea Salt Caramel Health Iced Cram Bar left in the tank for tonight.  Huh.  Think I wanna watch a HORROR FILM when I get back from Ultimate Walk.  PERHAPS ONE I'VE SEEN BEFORE?  I've seen most of the good ones!  Can't go wrong with A Good One Even If I've Seen It Before.  The good news is I could watch the rest of The That's What I Call The 90'S Show.  That's scary, too.  TEENAGERS.  Creeps me out.  WHAT ARE THEY UP TO?  No Good would be my guess.  AND NOT FUN NO GOOD.  THEY'RE UP TO NO GOOD NO GOOD.
Penultimate paragraph.  Reindeer Games wasn't so bad.  I'd watch a similar movie to that, sure!  Anyway.  I wanna bite down into choco pop already but it's far too early for that.  Anyway.  It's FUNNY because it's about THE NINETEEN NINETIES.  IN ONE EPISODE THEY'RE AT A VIDEO STORE.  Another episode THEY HAVE A PERSONAL COMPUTER INSTALLED IN THEIR HOUSE.  Forget what the 1990's thing that happened in the 3rd and/or 4th episode I watched NOT NECESSARILY IN THAT ORDER.  Either way I just bit down into lollipop.  I could always have SECOND lollipop instead of Health Iced Cream or Fiber One Brownie.  IT'D BE 10-20 calories LESS so not only CAN I but I'M ENCOURAGED to do so By Myself.  So that's good and crap.  I realized I forgot to account for Gum Calories the last couple of months I've been estimating Dietary Routines.  Especially now that I'm up to ten walks a day.  That's like 35 calorie of gum a day.  OVER A HUNDRED DAYS that's a pound.  OVER SEVEN HUNDRED DAYS that's seven pounds.  OVER A MILLINO POUNDS is roughtly 15,000 days.
Huh.  Last paragraph!  Looks like I have/had enough soda to last me through till Re-Up tomorrow morning.  Went to New In Rock playlist after finishing ALT CNTRL 2022 playlist.  SO FAR SO GOOD.  A lot of OVERLAP with the New In AlternativeType Playlsits.  GOOD OVERLAP.  I like ROCK ALT. ROCK SALT.  Huh.  Cracked that code.  Anyway, I dunno.  Aiming to have delicious New Rice with bland steamed chicken tomorrow for lunch.  The RICE SEALS TEH DEAL-- IT'S GONNA BE GREAT.  Not sure i fthis rice is fried or not.  Better LTURQ.  DOESN'T SAY.  Good.  I LIKE some mystery when it comes to my rice.  HMM gotta be some good Anagram for Rice.  Icer.  That's one.  SOMETHING THAT ICES, that's what it means.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Wonder if I can Not Eat Anything OverNight.  That'd be a WEIRD change of pace.  Pace of change.  What's going on again.  Huh.  WELL I guess that's enoufh for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:24 P.M.




Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Oh Right Titles Almost Forgot

    Hey friends!  About an hour behind schedule today.  10:37 AM right now.  MEANING I will take one less walk than Otherwise.  Which presumably gets me to NINE for the day.  Had a medium-large amount of NightMight snacking last night.  BEFORE the last few weeks would have been LARGE.  Compared to the last couple of weeks MORE LIKE MEDIUM.  The point is PLANNING AHEAD I can make today A WASH calorie wise.  Finished cookie for breakfast (NO ICED CREAM).  Two meals today will be Kids Chicken Parm and Ham Sandwich.  Two beers, normal amount of snack... gets me to Right Abuot Breaking Even.  YES I am sacrificing some Joy and Heartiness by having Super Market ham sandwich PRESUMABLY TONIGHT instead of delicious DELI meal (HOTTED DOGS?).  But that nets me 150-200 calories!  ALSO sets me up for BAGEL with egg white for lunch tomorrow.  WHICH IS ALSO DELICIOUS.  Chickened Pot Pie for dinner tomorrow.  IT'S ALL COMING INTO PLACE.
   Or something.  I dunno!  Maybe I have bagel with egg white for dinner!  Ham sandwich with sandwichside for lunch tomorrow.  The point is SMALL SANDWICH.  I ask for .5 LB of HAM?  THESE BASTARDS gave me .42.  DIVIDE TAT IN HALF and I think you'll agree it's .21 OZ per sandwich.  WOW.  21?  THAT'S EXATLY three times seven.  GOTTA IMAGINE THAT'S RELEVANT in this situation.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Today should be okay.  Calorie'll be an ACCEPTABLE wash.  Generally I need to make up ground in the right direction but FOR NOW I'll take a Wash.  ALSO ONE LESS WALK?  FINE.  I'll survive!  Might survive EVEN BETTER with the walk but I guess I'll Survive Worse.  Huh.  What shirt am I wearing.  Did I retrieve it from HAMPER or from DRYING MACHINE.  I think Hamper.  This shirt IS NOT LAUNDERED AT ALL.  And WROSE it's been hanging out with OTHER dirty clothes FOR WEEKS.  Oh well.  So far it's getting the job done.  What job.  Shirt job!  Keeps me decent outside!  I WEAR JACKET ANYWAY I'd be decent ANYWAY.  NOT TO MYSELF.  IF I WORE NO SHIRT UNDER JACKET I'D KNOW I'm not decent AND TAT'S WHAT MATTERS.
Also, I'm NOT Decent!  IT"S A TRUE STORY.  Huh.  How much time do I have to write this act.  Plenty of time.  No crunch time based on where I'm at more or less.  I wanna have balanced breakfast tomorrow.  Any ALT alternative lunch I can have besides bagel with egg.  How about bagel with creamed cheese or butter.  NAH I ain't gonna do that. ...UNLESS... HEY maybe I have balanced breakfast for lunch tomorrow.  BUT WHEN WHAT AM I HAVING FOR BREAKFAST.  Got no iced cream sandwiches for CLASSIC breakfast.  Still got 3 small donuts.  THAT could be a breakfast.  Huh.  I don't wanna plan A DAY IN ADVANCE having a Balanced Breakfast for lunch.  Also if I'm having the donuts for breakfast THAT SOLVES TE PROBLEM of having the egg whites available with Bagel for lunch.  MAN life is confusing.
   Fourth paragraph!  I don't believe it.  Let's get into some goofballs and funnybones.  YES I will have Sandwichside for ham sandwich.  Presumably SALT sandwichside.  Wheat thins are in the lead for sure.  Pop chips are in the conversation AS ARE cheez its and doritos.  Huh.  I don't know WHY but I feel like I"m letting my Dad down if I only get food for tomorrow from Deli and not for tonight.  WE STILL got enough to order.  It's GOOD to not order more than you need.  I DUNNO.  Just feels like I should make the most of This Deli.  It's not so much I'm worried about letting my Dad down.  I don't wanna LET MYSELF DOWN.  I'd LOVE 2 hot Dog instead of Ham Sandwich but THEY'RE SIMILAR PREMISES and THE CALORIE DIFFERENCE is too significant.  Huh.  These hot dogs are ALL BEEF though.  No ham here.  It's a DELI.  JEWISH DELI.  HEBREW DELI.  The point is I forget.  What am I watching on TV today.  Finished the Main 3 Spiderman I like.  I presumably could re-watch GARFIELD Spidermen as well as... HOLLAND? Spidermen.  What's that jerks name.  TOM COLLINS.  Let's see.  Tom Holland.  I KNEW IT.
OR I could watch some THE SIMPSONS.  I've been neglecting the Simpsons for GOING ON 2 OR 3 DAYS.  So that's no good.  What if I had BAGEL for lunch today.  Then I'd have to have chicken parm for dinner TONIGHT and ham sandwich tomorrow.  I AM HVING chickened pot pie tomorrow night FOR SURE.  Can't have BOT chicken meals tomorrow.  That'd be DUMB.  Hmm.  I could consider doing that.  ON TE OTHER HAND who the Hell gives a shit.  Good news about being an hour behind schedule is I'm an hour closer to lunch!  Maybe get Jam Sandwich out of the way for LUNCH.  I dunno.  This is a tough one!  Gonna have to devote all my time and energy to thinking about this one.  Anyway JANUARY 18th?  WHAT TE HELL?  Solidly into LATE JANUARY.  Well I dunno about LATE.  We're solidly PAST HALFWAY.  That sounds LATE to me.  Compared to THE MAJORITY of January 2023 Days WE'RE LATER THAN THEM.  Sounds pretty late to me.  Anyway.  Pretty sure there's 31 days in January but let's round it down to 30.  18?  THAT'S 60% into the month.  DO SOME MATH, C'MON.  6 x 5 = 30.  6 x 3 = 18.  18 / 30 =  3 / 5.  3/5= 60%.  NEED I SAY MORE.  YES MUCH MORE BUT ON DIFFERENT TOPICS.
Coffee time!  Yeesh.  I COULD figure out a way to do it so I have Grandmother's Soup tonight.  Either by ACCEPTING having 2 chicken meals in one day OR getting started on NEXT WEEK Lunch Sandwiches Tomorrow and PUSHING BACK Chicken Parm to next week.  Not sure I even WANT that though.  MAN LIFE IS HARD.  The good news is I only have about 2 dozen TRUVIA packets left.  Not sure how quickly I can re-up with them.  Normally I put SIX per coffee cup.  JUST NOW I DID FOUR.  FOUR INTO 24 SOUNDS A LOT LIKE 6.  SOUNDS A LOT LIKE 3 days of coffee if I have 2 cups per day.  MATH IS FUN FOR EVERYONE.  Anyway just finished New In Alternative playlist on last walk.  Time to start up a new playlist.  POSSIBLY the same playlist.  PROBABLY PICK A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT ONE.  I've had good success with this playlist and it's 101 songs long so it's not like I'm just playing the same song on repeat by repeating the playlist.  TEN AGAIN this is the end of the paragraph.
Seventh paragraph!  Jeez.  Maybe I just have the two hot dogs I'd have tonight if I wasn't trying to make up any ground for NightMight.  I DUNNO.  LIKE I KEEP SAYING, LIFE IS HARD.  Maybe if I say it enough Life Will GET THE MESSAGE and Become Easlier.  Huh.  Maybe I have delicious bagel with egg white for lunch TODAY so I'm open to having more egg white for balanced breakfast tomorrow.  PRESUMABLY having Chicken Parm for dinner then.  WHAT TE HELL EVEN IS THIS WEBSITE.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Then again oh well what can ya do.  NOT MUCH.  Hmm.  Still got some Paragraph to go for Act I.  3.5!  TAHT'S RIGHT I'm BARELY just about close to 2/3rds into Act I.  On the other hand ONLY ABOUT HALF OF WHAT I"VE ALREADY WRITTEN.... HAS TO BE WRITTEN... GOING FORWARD.  Hmm.  HOLY CARP METS AGREE TO TERMS WITH TOMMY PHAM.  I know NOTING ABOUT him but THIS IS EXCITING.  I assume TERMS are related to Him Playing Baseball For Them.  And in exchange they supply him with SALARY.  Lemme LURQ what kinda player this jerk is.  WOW he came in 11th MVP Voting for National League in 2017.  The point is HE'S GOT SOME POP (Homer Runs) and some SPEED (Stealing The bases). OLD MAN now.  We'll see what he's got left in TANK.
YEAH.  HE APPEARS to WALK at a respectable rate.  I wanted to say a D-word Something Rate.  But then I forget the word. A DISTINGUISHABLE rate?  Nope.  A DISTINCT rate?  Nope.  A DELIBERATE rate?  Nope.  A DEPENDABLE rate?  Nope.  Looks like we'll never figure this one out.  DECENT.  THAT MAY HAVE BEEN IT. Not sure.  About 50% chance it was Decent.  WHAT ELSE IS UP. HMM.  They should have a thing where they aim a camera at some guys stomach and he stands there for 12 months RIGHT IN PLACE and does Some Diet. And then we can see SPED UP exactly how stomach DECREASES or EXPANDS for CONTEXT.  WE CAN ACTUALLY SEE WITH OUR OWN EYES what's going on and how long it takes for it to happen.  NOW WE JUST GOTTA DECIDE ON TEH DIET.  We can't decide on ONE diet.  People will want this information for HUNDREDS of diets.  FINE get HUNDREDS of guys then.  We're gonna need hundreds of cameras ten too FINE MAKE IT HAPPEN.  Also we need to take HUNDREDS of people OUT OF TE WORK FORCE so they can stay in front of a camera 24/7.  DO THEY HAVE TO SLEEP STANDING UP.  I guess so.  UNLESS you carefully LAY THE CAMERA DOWN WIT THEM when they lie down to sleep.  So that it stays EVEN.
   Ninth paragraph.  Huh.  Solid chance I have bagel with egg for lunch today, I think!  Could be pretty good!  Maybe I have ham sandwich for dinner anyway.  MAYBE I DOUBLE UP WITH CHICKEN PARM AND CHICKEN PIE tomorrow.  MAYBE ANY NUMBER OF THINGS HAPPEN.  Hopefully just ONE.  I don't want MORE THAN ONE THING TO HAPPEN.  That'd be TOO MUCH things.  Anyway what else is up.  Got plenty of time and crap to fit in the 9 walks today.  Should be pretty good.  Nah.  I should have chicken parm for dinner.  And lunches today and tomorrow are bagel and ham sandwich. GOOD THEN IT'S SETTLED.  I don't remember Settling It.  ...BUT MAYBE I'M OKAY WIT HSETTLING IT NOW.  GOOD TEN IT'S SETTLED.  What else is up.  I dunno.  MAYBE I have Half the egg white I have with bagel instead of a third.  It wouldn't be INSANE.  Could be INSANELY GOOD though.  THE POINT IS I FORGET.
   Hmm.  I don't mean to alarm you but I STILL HAVE the left over White Bread from close to three weeks ago!  I HAVE NO INTENTION OF FINISHING IT.  I NEVER DID.  I knew GOING INTO IT I'd only have 2/3rds of it.  BUT NOWS THE TIME TO THROW IT OUT.  I don't want it CORRUPTING other things in my fridge with SICKNESS.  Then again WHO CARES.  Let it stay there.  Maybe it's GOOD.  Huh.   Maybe I'd be more excited about ham sandwich if I used Old White Bread.  IT'S CERTAINLY POSSIBLE.  Ugh.  TOMMY PHAM HAS 16.4 CAREER WAR.  That means OVER HIS Career (LOOKIN LIKE 9 YEARS) he's ACCUMULATED the Advanced Sabermetric Statistics that ESTIMATE he was good for ACHIEVING 16.4 BONUS WINS for the team he played on COMPARED TO A MEDIOCRE, "REPLACEMENT LEVEL," PLAYER.  SO ON AVERAGE he was good for, what, roughly TWO wins per year?  OF COURSE it wasn't spread out evenly across his career.  OF COURSE.  The point is YOU GET IT.  Not sure why.  Maybe you know.  Huh.  That's it for now.  Be back in a bit!




as long as we're in agreement

    Hey friends!  Got about up to fourty five minutes to write these 5 paragraphs.  Should be more than enough!  Thinking about having Balanced Breakfast for lunch.  POSSIBLY finish what I have left of Frosted Flakes OR go to the Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  LEANIN' TOWARDS FROSTED FLAKES.  I feel like I got JUST ABOUT the right amount-- A CUP-- for balanced breakfsat.  PROBABLY with crumbs left over.  THROW OUT THE CRUMBS.  Unless there's Big Crumbs.  Crumbs so big I should save!  I DUNNO.  Either way MAY NOT get Communal Deli Dinner tonight at all!  Which frees me up from having to do Complicated Planning for upcoming half dozen meals.  IF I have nothing committed to for tomorrow, i can have either ham sandwich or chicken parm for dinner tonight!  WOW finally things are working in my favor.  I MEAN THEY WERE BEFORE or something but now WOW.  Anyway.  Gettin' some TRUVIA from Amazon Fresh.  NOT PACKET.  BOWL.  Gotta SPOON IT OUT Myself.  Sounds exciting.  FINALLY I'm gonna be doing something PRODUCTIVE with my life.  SPOONING OUT TRUVIA.
   Four paragraphs to go.
  Just lost 10 minutes talking about Upcoming New Amazon Fresh Delivery.  HOW I only have THIRTY FIVE minutes to finish this act. Oh well such is life.  The good news is now I'm re-upping with Golden Graham Bars in a way that I WASN"T 15 minutes ago.  ALSO DELICIOUS PROTEIN ONE BAR.  Haven't had those in a while.  COMBO of I lost interest in them and Website Lost Interest in selling them.  TIME HAS COME TO GIVE IT ANOTHER SHOT THOUGH.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Presumably I have balanced breakfast at normal lunch time.  Maybe I can push it back an hour!  NOT NECESSARILY NECESSARY THOUGH.  Huh.  THE POINT IS with balanced breakfast and Less Snack and Presumably Smaller Dinner I AM HAVING A PRODUCTION DAY in calories.  PROBABLY a SURPLUS.  Or DEFICIT.  WE GO THROUGH TIS ALL TE TIME and I still don't know Which One would mean The Good Thing in this context.  WELL GREAT.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Delightful.  Maybe I have regular Cinnamon Toast Crunch for balanced breakfast lunch.  THE GOOD NEWS IS I can't lost.  WHATEVER HAPPENS I WILL EAT SOMETING.  Which will give my body ENERGY.  Maybe not as much as Energy Flavored Vitamin Water but STILL A DECENT AMOUNT.  Hmm.  What's the rate that Tommy Pham Earns Walks.  I guess we're stuck at, "Decent," for now.  STILL.  The good news is I'm halfway through Act II!  And Act II goes by quick already.  Having to do only half of it makes it HALF AS QUICK.  I mean TWICE AS QUICK.  So that's good.  TOMMY PHAM.  HE'S FAM.  That sort of thing.  Took Ritalin today.  I guess at this point I'm just back to taking it every day.  Can't imagine a scenario where I'd stop all of a sudden again EXCEPT for running out of it OR not completely running out of it but finishing one bottle and being too lazy to retrieve the back-up bottle FOR SEVERAL WEEKS.
  Also took a CENTRUM for the first time in a week or so.  FINALLY.  Vitamins are being REPLENISHED.  It's been tough without these vitamins but now everything is looking up.  If I have Balanced Breakfast at standard lunch time THAT'S AN HOUR TWENTY MINUTES.  If I have Balanced Breakfast at ONE HOUR PAST standard lunch time THAT'S... I'll let you figure that one out on your own.  I can't be doing ALL your math for you.  TIME FOR YOU TO STEP UP AND DO YOUR PART.  Anyway the point is I don't KNOW if I'll take Penultimate Walk before dinner or after dinner.  That's the main Variation in days I've had the last week or three.  WILL TE WALKS PAN OUT IN A WAY where the walk around dinner is Before or After.  I DON'T KNOW which one I like best.  I think it depends on LOTS of different variables.  You know like FIVE?  Huh.  Gotta imagine I'd be excited about Chocolatey Eggo.  You'd think so wouldn't you.
Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  Hmm.  Got walk #3 coming up.  TODAY walks 1/3/5/6 will be PARK and 2/4/7/8/9 will be CITY STREET.  SHOULD BE INTERESTING.  Anyway.  Pretty happy I haven't gotten hit by a car yet.  Gotta imagine What With All The Times I Cross The Street I'd have been hitten by cars half a dozen times at this point over the last 2 years.  SO FAR I'VE GOTTEN LUCKY but that doesn't mean I'll STAY lucky.  Kinda IMPLIES IT though.  Presumably if I've gotten lucky Thus Far I MUST HAVE SOME SORT OF LUCKY CHARM giving me the luck.  And no reason to think Lucky Charm will RUN OUT or STOP WORKING NOW.  NO EVIDENCE OF LUCK SLOWLING DOWN AT ALL.  TIS IS GOING GREAT FOR ME.  Might aim to have Balanced Breakfast lunch an hour later!  I'm just NOT THAT HUNGRY right now.  We'll see how I feel IN AN HOUR TOUGH.  YEAH.  The point is That's It for now.  I'll be back in a little bit by which I mean a moderate bit!




Sounds Familiar

    Hi friends.  Evening!  Gonna suck on choco chocolate pop right now because I like the taste of it.  Maybe some other reasons I'm not fully comprehending.  Off the top of my head, though, first guess is I like the taste.  Had delicious balanced breakfast featuring Frosted Flakes featuring Lots Of Frosted Flakes Mostly Crumbs for lunch.  Had surprise DINER DINNER for dinner why it was only Fried Calamari.  Tomorrow meals will be HAMMED SNADWICH and Chicken Parm PROBABLY IN THAT ORDER or alternatively IN THE OTHER ORDER.  Breakfast gonna be Balanced Breakfast or Doughnut Breakfast PROBS.  The point is what else did I accomplish today besides Eating Food To Keep My Energy Going. Huh.  Watched There's Something About Mary 20 minutes at a time between walks.  It was okay!  Nothing that great.  Maybe if it was the first time I watched the film I'd be doubled over in laughter.  Maybe if it was the NEGATIVE first time I watched the film I'd be TRIPLED OVER in laughter.
The point is What IS the matter with Mary.  I mean What IS THE SOMETHING about Mary.  For a second I got confused and thought the title of the film was What's The Matter With Mary.  In which case NOT SURE exactly.  Anyway.  Put on a Tales In The Crypt to watch while I was eating delicious calamari dinner.  I had warmed it up in OVEN for half an hour after it came.  WRONG MOVE.  Wasn't TERRIBLE but I woulda liked it better Microwaved or Room Temperatured.  The good news is I got UP TO 2 SNACKS FURTHER tonight.  If there is two, ONE MUST BE 40 Cal Fudgesicle.  BUT STILL, two things IS TWO THINGS.  Per my calculations.  Anyway.  Eight walks into the day.  Will take Ninth and FINAL when this is over.  Huh I should watch some sort of major motion picture when I get back from walk.  After I finish 2nd half of this Tales episode.  BUT WHICH major motion picture.  HEY here's a good Two Snacks coming up.  TWO MORE Tootsie pops.  THAT COULD WORK.  Doesn't solve my Motion Picture Problem though.
Huh.  I can watch HALL PASS: The Farelly Bros movie from I Wanna Say 2011 that I never registered as a Faralley Bros movie IN TE MOMENT and thought it was just one out of 120 Other Similar Comedy Movies From that decade.  WHILE IN REALITY IT WAS DIRECTED BY A FARELLY AND/OR HIS BROTHER.  So that makes it worth a shot to watch, right?  Probably.  Doesn't rate high in Reviews on INTERNET is my assumption.  Not sure why I made that assumption and then shared it with you as if it were a relevant impression.  I'M NOT SURE I'M EXCITED ABOUT WATCHING TIS MOVIE BECAUSE IA SSUME IT GOT BAD REVIEWS ON THE INTERNET isn't the most COGENT argument one could make! COGENT HUH.  SONUDS LIKE A GOOD WORD.  I'm glad I used it IN TE END.  The point is I'm halfway through Act III but the bad news is pretty soon I'm gonna be done with Lollipop completely.  OH NO I gotta write two paragraph UN-POPPED.  Or something like that.
Huh.  Accepting standard Fresh Direct on Friday Morning.  Accepting Amazon Fresh on Friday Afternoon.  Anything particularly exciting?  OH YEAH.  Trying Belvita Breakfast cookies from Amazon FRESH.  CHOCOLATE FLAVORED.  I assume it's just a chocolate cookie more or less BUT IT MAY BE A GOOD ONE ALL IN ALL.  The point is YES THAT'S EXCITING.  Might try some CHILI from Fresh Direct.  I got it WAY BACK IN THE PAST when Quarantine was IN FULL GEAR.  2 cups of Chili (I CAN'T GET IT IN ANY SMALLER DENOMINATION YOU FOOL) and 1 cup of rice (DIFFERENT RICES TO CHOOSE FROM-- right now I'm looking at SPANISH YELLOW RICE).  The point is IN PAST I think I'd make that 2 meals but IN PRESENT I may see if I can stretch it into THREE.  Maybe by adding slice of break to each of the three meals.  NOW ALL I NEED TO DO Is eat the bread I've had for going on 3 weeks over the next three weeks ONCE A WEEK.  Can't KILL ME.  Might make me sick.  But IN TEH END I'LL PERSEVERE.
   The point is I never bit down on tootsie pop yet but I think the time has come!  Delicious.  Anyway.  Don't wanna go to bed too early tonight.  EARLIEST I can take my pills and thus BE PREPARED TO GO TO BED I'm gonna set at 11:00 PM.  Hmm.  That used to be when I would wake up in high school.  Dad got home at 11:00 PM from second job teaching at college.  THEN HE'D SPEND an hour with me on Math Homework.  Not EVERY night.   Maybe two times a week.  Not EVERY semester.  Maybe Several Semesters.  The point is WHAT A GREAT GUY.  Him and/or Me.  CAN'T GO WRONG with calling Me and/or My Dad a Great Guy!  Anyway, what else is going on and crap.  NOT MUCH.  There was that thing that was going on eighteen years ago What With My Dad Teaching Me Math and then after that NOT MUCH HAS HAPPENED.  So that's good.  Guess I'm done now.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:07 P.M.




Tuesday, January 17, 2023

You Look Like You Could Use A Title

    Hey friends!  9:52 AM.  Shuold be able to fit in everything into the day I wanna!  Guess it's POSSIBLE I cut Act I short a paragraph or two.  Anyway, what's up.  Had medium amount of NightMight eating last night!  But I skipped breakfast.  OR I had early breakfast as part of NightMight.  I had SMALL AMOUNT for first several parts of night.  Then I had BITS OF JUMBO COOKIE here and there in Later Part Of Night totalling half the cookie.  HALF THE COOKIE is what breakfast woulda been.  Possibly with Iced Cream Sandwich. The point is THAT'S ALL BEHIND ME NOW.  Guess my lunch and dinner today will be two out of-- Freedom Toast, Chicken Parm, Ham Sandwich, Vegetable Burger.  I think I'm aiming for Freedom Toast for lunch.  Dinner'll probably be Chicken Parm or Vegetable Burger!  VEGEtABLE BURGER is good as a dinner.  Could be, at least!  I think I took Ritalin today.  Could have, at least!
   Anyway, I dunno.  Instead of rewarding myself with future beer to stop myself from eating at NightMight, I could just reward myself with future calories.  If I stop myself from eating This Time Getting Up I GET 25 CALORIES applied ANYWHERE I WANT in the future.  If I stop myself from eating at One Point In NightMight that saves me HUNDREDS of calories.  Probably ON AVERAGE MORETAN 1000% MORE than 25.  So that might have worked last night a bit.  I DID write down 25 calories or something once.  So it worked once!  AND OVERALL IT WAS ONLY MEDIUM amount.  And that is SORT OF only small amount.  YEAH what else is going on and crap.  January 17th.  Wearing a laundered shirt.  Button down shirt!  IN OTHER NEWS I finished Spiderman II yesterday.  It's a FINE movie.  Not sure I was happy about the Astronaut's name.  The guy Kirsten Dunst is engaged to marry and is the son of Newspaper MAGNET J Jonah Jameson.  For some reason I thought his name was Mike.  NOPE. Name is John.  Not sure why I thought and/or wanted his name to be Mike.  It's MY NAME.  He's an ASTRONAUT.  The world is his OYSTERETTE.
Okay.  Started coffee today.  New coffee grounds!  The newest in new!  Possible I mix things up today and eat an early lunch.  Or have a legit snack before lunch.  NOT SURE.  The point is I think I took a Ritalin and I think I feel better because of it.  CAN'T SAY FOR CERTAINS THOUGH.  That's Certains For me Kiddies.  Huh.  Tales Crypter said it once.  I think it's a phrase though.  Not the kiddies part.  That's Curtains For Me is a phrase.  ONLY THE KIDKEEPER could add Kiddies.  Huh.  How much time do I have to write the rest of the act.  I guess around 50, 55 minutes at most.  I can do that.  I WILL do that.  Not sure if I'll make it to the entire Ten Paragraphs BUT I'LL TRY.  We discussed this already.  Oh.  I FORGOT.  Get off my back about it!  Huh.  What am I watching today.  Presumably Spiderman III one would imagine.  I dunno!  After watching and/or enjoying The Batmen, Spidermen don't seem so great.  I'm sure in the future I'll prefer Spidermen to Batmen at times in my life.  GO BACK AND FORT.  THAT'S LIFE.
Fourth paragraph.  Figure I'll pour coffee after this one.  Makes sense.  90% of the time when I have coffee with 2nd half of Act I, after paragraph 5, I never finish the cup before finishing the Act.  MAKES ALL TEH SENSE IN THE WORLD to start it earlier then.  I dunno about ALL the sense in the world.  Gotta save Some Sense In The World for other, MORE IMPORTANT things.  Listening to New In Alternative playlist on walk.  That's good.  I like a lot of these songs.  I wish a lot of these bands most of the success in the world.  Even if they've got dumb Band Names.  Maybe I'm a jerk but I am VERY harshly judgmental of Band Names I see.  JUST DON"T LIKE ANY OF EM.  I guess the only ones I don't have a problem with are When They're Just Someone's Name.  Can't hardly fault someone for their name being dumb.  And also YA KNOW WHAT TIS NAME SIN'T DUMB.  I think this band-and-or-person's Person Name HAPPENS TO BE GREAT.  Wow Coffee time.  AND I GOT 45 MINUTES OR SO to write 6 paragraphs.
   Wow delicious.
  Think I'm gonna but Freedom Toast in the oven.  HOW LONG Though.  Presumably 20-25 minutes.  PRESUMPTIVELY 20-25 minutes.  Anyway huh.  I think I took my pills around 11:00 PM last night.  I forget.  Seems like a decent GENERAL guess but not EXACT guess.  I say it was either 10:45 PM or 11:15 PM.  NOT 11:00 PM.  But if I had to guess something AND GET POINTS FOR BEING CLOSE I'd guess 11:00.  BUT if I only had one guess and had to get it EXACTLY RIGHT I'd guess one of the other two numbers.  WHICH ONE?  I DUNNO.  First instinct is to guess 11:15 PM but SECOND AND THIRD instincts are to guess 10:45 PM.  I CAN'T WAIT to get to the instinct where I'M ALL LIKE Ya Know What I'm Gonna Guess 11:00 PM AND NOT ERRANTLY but because IT MIGHT BE ACCURATE.  What's going on again.  Hmm.  Today should be an okay day I think.  NOT SURE HOW I REACHED TAT CONCLUSION from talking about Guessing Times I Took Pills Eaxactly.
   Sixth paragraph.
  And I got fourty minutes to write 5 pargraphs.  THAT SHOULD DO IT.  Hmm.  Speaking of SIXTH there's that new M Night Shyamalan movie coming out soon.  I TRUST him to make good films for some reason.  Even though I don't like AND/or don't like so much I haven't even bother see-ing 40% of his films.  The point is YES Dave Bautista looks VERY creepy.  I'm not one to judge people on their appearance HOWEVERI can JUDGE THEIR APPEARANCES WITHOUT JUDGING THE PERSON.  He's a fine person I'm sure I'M NOT MAKING ANY COMMENT ON THAT.  But his APPEARANCE is Strange.  Anyway.  Brought up my Dad helping me cut my hair to my Dad a few weeks ago.  Then I forgot about it.  THEN HE REMINDED ME.  NOW IT MAY BE IN THE CARDS at some point over the next couple of weeks.  That's fine I guess.  CAN'T GO WRONG WIT HAIR.  Short, long, in-between!  AS LONG AS you don't look like David Bautistia should be fine!
   Wait lemme look at some pictures of David Bautaistia.  Maybe he's not that weird looking.  Huh.  I guess he doesn't look that weird.  Not sure what FILM or TV I was basing Him Looking Weird To Me on.  I mean LOOK he doesn't look like RANDOM REGULAR GUY.  But when you put it all together FINE HE LOOKS LIKE A PERSON I GUESS.  NOTHING ThAT CRAZY WHEN IT'S ALL TAKEN IN CONTEXT WITH ITSELF.  What am I talking about again?  Oh, right.  3.5 paragraphs to go.  THE POINT IS I also gave myself 25 calorie for skipping breakfast.  NOW I'M AT 50.  Presumably I can get another 50 over Upcoming Night.  SPEND THAT 100 CALORIE on a Bonus Beer tomorrow night or somethin, I DUNNO.  What else is up and crap.  Maybe I start going to movies in theater this year.  Probably not.  It'd be fun though!  If I could WALK to theater that might make it a little bit more likely.  But I'd have to take BUS.  WITH OTHER PEOPLE.  Unless I rent out my own PARTY BUS.  NOW WE'RE TALKING.
   Three paragraphs to go.
  Plenties of Time!  IT'S ALWAYS A PARTY when Bus Is Involved.  Good.  Think I'll sprinkle some AS (Artificial Sweetener) on Freedom Toast.  BEFORE heating it up.  Unless I heat it up in toaster.  THEN IT WILL ALL DROP DOWN TO INSIDE OF TOASTER AND RUIN TOASTER.  But if I put it in OVEN or MICROWAVE I can SAFELY put Artificial Sweetener (AS) on it AND IT WILL REMAIN STEADY.  Huh.  Three slices of french toast isn't that hearty.  But I guess I'll Make Do With What I Can Do Make Do Out Of With.  So that's good.  What else do I have going on for me.  What do I put on TV First Things First for today.  For the period of time between SHOWER and WALK IV.  Ya know 10-40 minutes.  Presumably I can enjoy a The Simpsons IF I WANNA GO THAT ROUTE.  PAPER ROUTE.  How come no one ever gave me PAPER ROUTE as a kid.  I feel like at some point I wanted a Paper Route BUT I DIDN"T KNOW HOW TO GO ABOUT GETTING ONE.  Oh well such is life.
Grandfather used to deliver papers!  IN A TRUCK though.  It was his REAL job.  ADULT job. REGULAR job.  Dad's Dad.  Something like that at least.  Never occurred to me until JUST NOW that that's hilarious.  Dad's Dad was a Paper Boy.  AMAZING.  Anyway I never met that jerk.  Died long before I was CONCEIVED AND THUS BECAME A FULL PERSON.  Ugh.  If I wanna have snack before lunch MAYBE an Iced Cream Thing.  Perhaps one of those SELF MADE mini cones with WATERED DOWN ICED CREAM.  ALSO if I do that MAYBE PUSH BACK LUNCH AN HOUR OR SOMETIN I DUNNO.  Or Don't Do That.  IDON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.  The good news is I GOT PLENTY OF TIME TO DO IT IN.  Figure out a way to watch Something With Mary today.  THAT could be a WINNER of an idea.  Anyway.  The good news is I almost only have one more paragraph to write for this act.  The bad news is I DON'T QUITE have that small amount to do.  GOT A LITTTLE BIT MORE.  Wait a second NO.
Last paragraph!  Got ALL TE TIME IN TEH WORLD. Presumably I should give some time back to the world.  World needs it a lot more than me.   I'd save THE TINIEST FRACTION for myself.  .00001% or something.  I typed that WITHOUT TINKING AT RANDOM.  How much of a fraction did I give myself Of Time on instinct.  Probably was STILL WAY too much time for one person.  1/100,000.  I get ONE one hundredth thousand Of time.  AND I'M ONE OUT OF 6 or 7 BILLION PEOPLE?  ALSO other parts of the world BESIDES PEOPLE need time too?  Sounds like I'm hoarding WAY too much time.  I COULD MAKE DO WITH A LOT LESS TIME.  Let's say I'LL HOLD ON TO 1 MILLIONTH of time.  That's WAY more than enough for me even still.  Wait a second... DO I EVEN WANT TIME?  Now that I think about it MAYBE GIVE ALL THE TIME AWAY.  SEE YOU IN HELL TIME.  Anyway that'll do it for now.  I'll be back in a little bit!




what do i know

    Hey!  Time to write 5 more paragraphs. Got up to FOURTY minutes to write em.  That should be enough.  Not an INSANE amount of More Than Enough but GENERALLY it's more than enough.  HMM Think I'm gonna err on the side of OVERCOOKING Freedom Toast in Oven.  I don't want anything to Catch Aflame BUT I think I'd be interested in some Real Well Done freedom toast.  I don't need to capitalize the, "F," in, "Freedom," like I would if I had used the standard word, "French."  WHICH SAVES ME ALL SORTS OF TIME AND EFFORT.  So that's good.  Figure I'd take it out of Oven at 30 minutes.  Maybe I'd even like it for longer than that though  The good news is what else is going on and crap.  KEVINSMEAL getting pushed back another week. KEVIN SMELLS.  Probably.  Anyway, I dunno.  Presumably do the Total Ten walks today.  Make up some ground Caloriewise for Daily Surplus and-or Defecit.  IN TEH RIGHT DIRECTION is the point.
Four paragraphs to go for DayTime Day!  THEN I get to relax some.  Take a breather and/or whatknot.  I'd buy some Black Market Oxygen.  Call 'em Breathers.  Not sure why I can't have an oxygen tank RIGHT NOW LEGALLY.  I probably can.  Oh Okay Good.  Got the tiniest of Sore Throats.  I noticed it ONCE for 30 seconds earlier this morning and JUST NOW I remembered it POSSIBLY BECAUSE IT BOTHERED ME for another 30 seconds To Mars.  The point is COULD BE COVID.  Could be NOTHING.  Might not even have any Sore Throat at all.  I MAY NOT HAVE ANY THROAT TO SPEAK OF IN TEH FIRST PLACE.  Probably Do, though.  I've lived the life of a man With A Throat.  IF I HAD NO THROAT I wouldn't be the man I am today.  So that's good.  Huh.  Chicken Parm is more exciting than vegetable burger.  We can all agree on that.  HOWEVER for tonight I DON'T KNOW what's the right decision.  MAYBE I GET LUCKY and get into a Headspace where VEGETABLE BURGER is more exciting.  WELL GREAT BUT THEN I DON'T WANNA WASTE VEGETABLE BURGER.  Once I start thinking of Vegetable Burger as more exciting THEN I GOTTA START CONSIDERING EATING CHICKEN PARM to save SPECIAL NEWLY EXCITING VEGETABLE BURGER.
  Three paragraphs to go.  How much time do I have to write em?  TIRTY FIVE MINUTES is more than enough all told.  Anyway I PAUSED watching Tales In The Crypt last night about halfway through THE SACRIFICE.  I can pick right back up there today.  Maybe not FIRST thing I watch.  But I'll get around to it.  Maybe LAST THING I watch.  Good news is what else.  Do I wanna reward myself All Throughout The Day somehow by NOT GRAZING on cereal or chips.  WHAT WOULD TE REWARD BE.  Give myself 5 Future calories to stop myself from eating 5-30 calorie of CHIP or CEREAL over and over again?  I GUESS that 5 future calorie adds up and whatknot.  BUT WHAT'S THE POINT.  WHAT AM I REALLY SAVING. HUH.  It's more to GET INTO GOOD HABITS.  EVEN if I end up NOT SAVING ANY CALORIES and just replacing EATING TEM IN TE MOMENT with SAVING IT FOR LATER, I'm LEARNING how to NOT eat in the moment over and over throughout the day.  A FEW DAYS without that AND TEN I'LL BE CURED.  Oh okay.  CUrated.  Like apple music playlists.  Gotcha.
Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day!  AMAZING.  Lookin like Lunch will be at NORMAL TIME.  WOW.  I like Normal Time so much more than Abnormal Time.  REALLY DISTURBING, Abnormal Time is.  Good.  What Simpsons episode am I up to.  Maybe knowing the episode will help me decide whether to watch it after shower!  AH THE STONECUTTERS episode.  I remember several jokes from that episode off the top of my head.  Don't feel very strongly about it one way or the other.  Not THRILLING to watch it.  But at the same time NOT A TOTAL BUST in my head.  Whatever.  Huh.  CHOCOLATEY EGGO.  THAT'S what I had for Midday Snack yesterday.  IT TOOK ME A LONG TIME TO REMEMBER IT back then AND NOW I WANNA MAKE SURE I NEVER FORGET AGAIN.  So that's good.  Huh.  If I Vegetable Burger for dinner I could have NOT JUST A SALTYSIDE but I could INSTEAD CHOOSE TO HAVE SWEETSIDE.  And that could be a CHOCOLATEY EGGO.  IT SOUNDS WEIRD but SO DOES EVERYTING ELSE I SAY so WHAT OF IT.
Last paragraph of Daytime Day!  Spiderman III should be okay.  Everyone likes Spiderman III!  GOOD.  I could have Vegetable Burger WITH Chocolatey Eggoes.  BURGER IS BETWEEN TWO EGGOS.  THAT SOUNDS DELICIOUS and if no one was around to POSSIBLY find out about it and judge me I MIGHT ACTUALLY CONSIDER DOING IT.  Why not.  I SHOULD DO IT.  I LIKE FUN.  Huh.  Nah.  Just try to eat Balanced Breakfast tomorrow morning Featuring Chocolatey Eggo.  THAT'S MY BEST BET on how to PROPERLY enjoy an upcoming chocolatey eggo.  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me and whatknot.  Scoop out Dots of Chocolate from frozen eggo and sprinkle them on Freedom Toast.  Makes sense. NO IT DOESN'T.  Interesting Counterpoint.  Huh.  MAYBE watch Me Myself and Something About Mary by which I mean Just Something About Mary as FIRST AND MAINLIEST thing for the daytime day TV watching experience.  Sure.  WELP that's it for now.  See ya tonight!




I'm Not, "Going," There!

    Hey friends.  Today was pretty good!!  Already took 10 walks.  Gonna take an eleventh after this!  PROVE ME WRONG, YOU CAN'T.  Adds up to right around 5 hours of walking for the day.  That's nothing. I spent WAY MORE of the day NOT walking.  Including Sleep.  And parts of the day that haven't happened yet.  The point is ya gotta spend money to make money.  Not sure who COINED that phrase but I bet they wish they had a chance for a do-over CAUSE I"M PRETTY SURE THEY'RE WRONG.  YEAH.  Had delicious Freedom Toast for lunch.  Had it in oven for an entire Thirty Five minutes!  WAS PRETTY WELL DONE.  Not overly!  KINDA got the sense I'd have liked it better after 30 minutes though.  SPIDERY SENSE if you will.  Watched most of Spider Man III today.  Got about 15 minutes left.  BUT THAT WAS IT for TV watching today.  Had delightful vegetable burger with frozen Freedom fries for dinner.  GONNA HAVE ORANGO CHOCO POP in about a paragraph.  PROBABLY an iced cream latero n.
   SURE THAT COVERS ALL THE BASES.  IF I CAN I may watch There's Something With Mary after finishing Spiderman III.  NICE CHANGE OF PACE. TOO MUCH SUSPENSE IN Spiderman III.  MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE.  I could use a nice LIGHT LAUGH with Something's Up With Mary.  Huh.  Anyway.  I didn't notice until yesterday that in This Spiderman Trilogy Dr. Connors is missing an arm.  DR CONNORS is a TEACHER of Petrovich Parker in Spiderman II and III.  HE MISSING ARM.  Which I NOW REALIZE, putting two and two together, that he BECOMES THE LIZARD because he tried to use SCIENCE to grow an arm but in the books MAKES HIM TURN INTO A LIZARD I FEEL.  Either way I'm sure Dr. Connors would get a kick out of that.  Took me half a dozen or more times seeing him Out And About without realizing he's missing an arm.  HE'S JUST LIKE REGULAR PEOPLE according to My Powers Of Perception.  So that's good-- GOOD FOR HIM.  BAD FOR ME and my powers of perception.
Three paragraphs to go.  Delicious.  The orange choco pop I mean.  Anyway, I dunno.  Did good not eating any Grazing today, too!  I think I have ONE Pop chip at one point and ONE OR TWO Half Handfuls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  THAT'S IT.  NORMAL Grazing Day would be 3, 4 times that amount.  PROGRESS.  The point is What else is going on.  Maybe I wanna watch TV EPISODES after Spiderman is done.  A FEW SIMPSONS, a few TALES IN TEH CRYPT, call it a night THAT way!  Huh.  What Tales In The Crypt do I got coming my way.  Oh wow those are some good episodes.  I can see myself enjoying doing that or something.  Hmm.  Gonna have to think about that one. ANYAWY.  Next two lunches are gonna be Hammed Sandwich and Kids Chicken Parm.  WHICH WILL WIN OUT for Tomrorow's Lunch?  I DUNNO.  I'd say HAM SANDWICH has got the inside track OR SOMETHING if something like that is a phrase.  COULD BE.  Balanced Breakfast would be TOP breakfast but Finishing Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookie with Small Iced Cream Sandwich is a STRONG back up.  Because if I don't finish it THAT'S TE KINDA THING I'd NIGHTMIGHT eat.
   Gotta get it out of the picture before I can eat it irresponsibly.  YEAH.  Go with same thing tonight.  Everytime I get up and wanna eat something WRITE DOWN a future I.O.U. of 25 calories.  COULD ADD UP TO 100, 125 calories over the night.  BUT IT'D BE WORTH IT, OH BOY WOULD IT.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Look I'm gonna be completely honest with you and let you in on the fact I had 2 small pieces of broccoli with vegetable burger with freedom fries.  A few days ago Mom wanted a side of communal broccoli from Diner.  JUST TO DO IT.  We had some left over people forgot about.  I HAD TWO PIECES.  WHEW I'm glad I got that off my chest.  The other good news is I just bit down into lollipop and I'm chewing it up good and it's a great experience all around.  The ORANGE candy compliments to CHOCO innards PERHAPS THE BEST of MOST of the tootsie pop flavors.  THE GOOD NEWS IS ONLY ONE MORE PARAGRAPH.
  Had ZERO full fledged snacks today, either!  Besides this one. And upcoming futhre 1 or 2.  It's been fun.  Feels like I should wait until 11:00 PM at least before taking pills and/or going to sleep.  11:30 would be even better.  YEAH.  HOW MANY PEOPLE OUT THERE have, LIKE ME, read about how Sleep is divided into 1.5 Hour segments and it's healthy to sleep within that context AND THUSLY always WANT their sleep routine to be ideally 6 or 7.5 or 9 or 10.5 hours.  BECAUSE I FEEL THAT WAY.  Never really makes me sleep better, trying to do it right.  IF ANYTHING it makes me OVERTINK sleep and I sleep worse.  GO FIGURE I GUESS.  Huh.  Maybe nice dependable granola bar when I get back from Final Walk. I t's GOOD because IT'S BEEN IN TEH FRIDGE lately.  Huh.  That's it I guess.  Not HAPPY about that being it.  But on the other hand HAPPY about my Responsibilities being done.  For a few waking hours at least.  So that's good!  YEAH.  See ya later.

-8:05 P.M.




Monday, January 16, 2023

I Too Find It Odd

    Hey friends!  9:48 AM!  A bit behind schedule.  By a matter of MINUTES.  I'll be able to fit in everything I want BUT maybe IT'S POSSIBLE I cut Act I short a paragraph or two. We're talking maybt 8-10 paragraphs instead of definitely 10-10 paragraphs!  Anyway had a lot of NightMight snacking last night DESPITE going to be relatively late.  TOOK MY PILLS closing in on 11:30 PM!  WAS ASLEEP AROUND NIGHTTIME NOON.  Hmm.  3-4 Units of Nightmight if that's still a relevant context.  IDON'T THINK IT IS.  Gonna stop keeping track every night what kinda Surplus and/or Deficit of NightMight Units I'm running. Not gonna keep track of every snack I eat in terms of Surplus or Deficit of weekly snack calories.  JUST DO TEH RIGHT THING DAY BY DAY.  Not counting NightMight.  IN THAT CASE do the WRONG thing day by day.  SO that's good.  RAN OUT OF COFFEE grounds today.  I GUESS I had enough for this mornings coffee. I had already poured in WATER portion.  Around 7 Cupsworth.  All in all I was able to accumulate probably 5-6 coffee groundcupsworth.  SHOULD BE FINE.  Pick up some coffee grounds on one of my walks.  By going into the store.  Can't do it while walking on the sidewalk.  NO COFFE GROUND stands on the isdewalk.  I guess I can still do it on my walk if my walk involves GOING INTO STORE.  I'd have to PAUSE walking at times though.  TO Accumulate Coffee grounds for purchasing and then for WAITING to purchase and then DURING purchase.
   Huh.  Good news is whatever.  No Ritalin today.  Not sure why!  I'd probably be happier and do better with Ritalin in the morning.  I just like mixing things up I suppose.  Huh.  Finished The Dark Knight Rises last night.  As well as a The Simpsons episode.  BOTH good movies.  Huh.  Had classic breakfast today.  Leaning towards turkey meatloaf with WHAT Spaghetti.  Either cauliflower or buttersquash.  ONE IS RIGHT, ONE IS WRONG.  Wanna say buttersquash is right.  Huh.  YEAH.  Also they hide ZUCCHINI in the moodles as well.  WOW. I've had zucchini sticks.  ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL I'd have 'em again!  Ugh. Was close to skipping breakfast today GIVING ME BACK one NightMight unit.  I FAILED TOUGH.  Susch is live!  Wearing unlaundered shirt.  At this point think I just need to start the laundry from Step One up again.  Such is live.  Some sort of PAIN on my bottom right foot.  Probably comes from scratching at the skin.  PICKING AT IT one might say.  TEARING PIECES OFF with Fingernails and occasionally TEETH.
   YEAH.  Huh.  Can't wait to be done with Acts I and II.  Wanna move on with my day.  ONTO The next thing.  Not exactly sure what that's supposed to be.  Television Set probably.  BUT WHAT to watch.  Not sure I wanna watch Newer Batman/Justice Leagues/Washington D.C. Comics films I have never seen.  Presumably I watch them at SOME point.  But they seem boring. ONE OF THEM WAS RE-RELEASED IN GRAY OR SOMETHING.  Black and white.  I DON'T HAVE ALL THE DETAILS.  I'm a COLOR person myself.  Hook me up with some major motion pictures that AREN'T just on the gray scale but have LEGIT colors going on for them.  Huh.  Still 2023 and still haven't gotten it used to being 2023.  NOR just '23.  I think I'll get used to 2023 before I get used to just 23.  But BOTH might take some time!  Huh.  2nd most likely lunch is ham sandwich.  THAT DOESN'T SOUND LIKELY.  What about delicious kids chicken parm.  HUH.  THAT WOULD BE GREAT.  PERHAPS TOO HEARTY.
Fourth paragraph.  Amazing.  Got about 50 minutes to write the res tof the act.  PROBABLY can write 7 paragraphs in that amount of time.  NOTHING is for certain though.  Huh.  LAST EPISODE of Simpsons was MARGE'S FEAR OF FLYING.  Lots of laughs in that episode.  I can think is AT LEAST SEVERAL.  THAT DOG HAS A PUFFY TAIL is alwaysa crowd pleaser.  Anyway.  Lotta Grandpa Simpson the last season and a half I've been watching the last week or two or whatever. Shows up as a bit player in more or less every episode!  AND SOMETIMES he's more than a bit player.  The point is I THINK they phase him out OR MAYBE for some reason we just never really register how he's there all the time.  MAYBE YOU REGISTER IT, I dunno what your problem is.  Either way The Dark Knight Rises is a STRONG movie.  I spoke ERRANTLY after re-watching just the first 20 or 30 minutes and complaining that it seemed kinda formulaic and offered not much new to the franchise.  OVERALL IT HAS LOTTA STUFF GOING FOR IT.  Like BANE.  What's HIS problem.
Should I get coffee now or after this paragraph.  Let's go with NOW.  OH hey good news Dad is ordering me coffee from THE INTERNET to arrive TODAY.  2-6 PM!  HOW TEH HELL are the ygonna manage getting me coffee from ACROSS THE WORLD within 4-8 hours.  POSSIBLY by not getting me coffee that starts off accross the world.  Probably can find me some in my neck of the woods already.  Either way YEP this coffee I'm drinking now IS A BIT WATERY.  I'll survive though.  ONE WOULD IMAGINE.  Good deal.  A WATERY GRAVE.  That's what happens when you die at sea.  UNLESS You die ON THE BOAT and STAY IN TE BOAT.  You could have HAPPENED to die ON SHIP, then the ship crashes and sinks, but then you ALSO HAPPEN to somehow stay WITHIN the general wreckage of the ship instead of floating off on your own.  What am I talking baout again.
Huh.  Fourty minutes to write rest of Act I!  SURE SEEMS like I can normally write 5 paragraphs within that amount of time and whatknot!  Huh.  Not sure about dinner tonight.  I'd say 75% chance I'm getting DELI in which case I get XTRA LEAN Corne Beef Omelet with FREEDOM FRIES and DRY RYE BREAD.  Sure I like some Fatty Cornt Beef but I'm trying to CONSERVE CALORIES HERE.  Anyway.  IfI get DINER I guess maybe get WESTERN Omelette and/or Whatknot.  Huh. I can AND SHOULD make myself egg whites.  YEAH.  Made myself that Iced Cream Cone last night.  IT WAS GOOD.  I can see HOW it's so low calories despite being regular vanilla iced cream.  I'ts like they just mixed it with water.  It's REGULAR GOOD ICED CREAM just Diluted With Nothingness.  BUT STILL GOOD.  I LIKE IT.  I'd order it AGAIN and AGAIN.  The point is I FORGET EXACTLY.  I was hoping you not only knew BUT WILL SHARE TE POINT WITH ME.
Seventh paragraph!  Solid chance I'd enjoy watching The Spidermen as Next Upcoming Film Franchises to watch.  Wow.  I've been watching Batmen FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK.  More or less.  I watched SEVEN Batmen movie.   I'm gonna guess it took me SIX days.  YOU KNOW LIKE TAHT MAJOR MOTION PICTURE SEVEN DAYS SIX NIGHTS.  WOW that makes me want to Go On Holiday at a Hotel.  SIGN UP how many days and/or nights you'll be staying.  SOUNDS LIKE FUN.  I deserve a vacation.  WHERE'S MY VACATION.  Huh.  What else do I got going on.  I don't think I'll EVER get used to it being January '23.  I will have FAILED getting used to it by the time it's February.  WILL I ever get used to it being February when it's February?  I DON'T KNOW.  I have NO IDEA what Getting Used To February is gonna look like.  YOU FOOLS.  Huh.  Still got one of the KevinsMeals.  Guess I gotta eat that at SOME point.  Maybe next week.  HUH.  SURE HAD AN APPLE YESTERDAY.  NO FOOLIN.  My Dad was having an apple of mine and I was like ya know what LET'S DO IT.  The ROYAL Let's.  I had the apple FOR ME AND MYSELF AND IRAN.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Plenty of time.  Amazing.  What was I listening to on first walk.  Oh, right.  Myself!  Not RECENT myself.  CLASSIC myself. Good ol' The Uppers.  It's ME.  I know it implies PLURALITY but IT'S ALL ONLY ME.  The ROYAL ME I guess.  Ugh.  I'd SOLIDLY enjoy turkey meatloaf or kids chicken parm for lunch today.  EITHER WAY ya can't go wrong.  Leaning towards the turkey meatloaf right now!  Wonderful!  Two and a half paragraphs to go for Act I.  Then a mere FIVE PARAGRAPHS and I can move on with my life.  DANGIT just occurred to me based on LAST NIGHT ALONE I'm 1/3rd of a pound more than otherwise.  And those kinds of nights ARE CONSTANTLY HAPPENING.  A LOT.  It's increased relatively slowly but VERY surely THE AMONUT OF NIGHTMIGHT EATING I'M OING.  IT'S REALLY ADDING UP AT TIS POINT that I can't just bite the bullet and continue tryingto ignore it.  IT'S A PROBLEM.  AND IT'S MY PROBLEM.  Even though it's YOUR fault.
Penultimate paragraph.  Got promotional beer glass going on today for soda.  I FORGET how clean it is.  It's POSSIBLE-- VERY POSSIBLE-- I just started it Clean this morning.  Very possible I carried it over into today from YESTERDAY though.  I forget.  I DON'T TINK it goes past BEYOND yesterday being clean and/or dirty or whatever though.  So that's good!  1/16?  WHAT A FRACTION.  The point is people would GO CRAZY if they make a new installment in Christopher and/or Brother Nolan Batman Universe.  AND WITH GOOD REASON.  It'd be VERY hard to comprehend logically and would PUSH ALREADY MENTALLY VULNERABLE PEOPLE OVER THE EDGE.  Anyway.  Huh.  Takin a look at my closet.  See two board games prominently featured.  MONOPOLY BOX on top of STRATEGO Box.  Some sort of Special Monopoly.  Not special in terms of Special Names And Pieces And/Or Rules and whatknot.  Not SURE how it's special.  BUT IT IS.  STRATEGO HUH.  That's special in and of itself.  Anyway. 
Last paragraph of the Act!  Amazing.  If we get DINER posssible I skip the omelet and get Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  YEAH.  What else do I got going on for me.  Presumably can fit in 10 walks today.  NOW I got Amazon Coffee Delivery coming but I don't need to hang around in the house waiting for it to come.  Doesn't need to be FREEZERED or FRIDGERATED.  If it arrives and I accept it 20 minutes late with them leaving it at front door SO WHAT NO BIG DEAL.  I don't think anyone's gonna STEAL our coffee.  They MIGHT.  I'D DO IT IF I WERE THEM.  But luckily FOR ME I'M NOT THEM.  Huh.  What's the Other Nolan's name.  Christopher is one.  Hmm.  I wanna figure this out without looking it up. I don't THINK it starts with a, "J."  Let's go letter by letter.  STOP ME when you think his name starts with one of these letters!  abcdefghijOKAYMAYBEJklmnopqrstuvwxyz.  Let's See.  Can't be JOSH can it?  NO WAY.  Oh.  Jonathan Nolan.  That settle that! SEE YA IN A BIT..




still though even so

    Hey friends.  Time to write 5 more paragraphs.  How long do I have to write them?  Huh.  Let's say ALL THE WAY UP TO 45 MINUTES.  Beyond then is TOO MUCH though.  Either way lookin very solid like I'll have turkey meatloaf for lunch and some sort of Omelette for dinner.  Listening to some BECK on the recent walk.  Those songs are fun!  Well half a dozen of them at least.  Then a lot of the rest of the songs are GOOD SONGS and FUN IN SOME REGARDS but not in the Main Real Fun Fun Regard.  So that's good and crap.  Anyway.  I MAY only have Original 2002 Spiderman on DVD.  Other Spidermen MAY NOT be immediately available to me.  OH NO I'M SCARED.  At least now i know what to watch if I can!  I KNOW TO APPRECIATE the opportunity to watch Spidermen so IF I CAN watch them IT'S THE RIGHT MOVE TO WATCH THEM.  I MAY have gone to see Spiderman (2002) by myself for the first time.  I remember seeing it in theaters TWICE.  AT LEAST ONCE was by my lonesome.  Which is ODD cause I had friends in 2002!  SEEING MOVIES friends.  But either way LOVED IT.  Thems Were The Days.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Lunch in about 2.5 hours.  I'll make it!  Sure thing.  OTHER MOVIES around the same time I may have seen by myself-- LILO * Stitch, THE IRON GIANT, About A BOY.  Of which I ENJOY(ED) About A Boy.  I'd watch that movie RIGHT NOW if I could.  I probably can.  Gotta imagine About A Boy is available somewhere.  It's FUNNY because HUGH GRANT is the man BUT HE BEHAVES like a boy IN SOME REGARDS.  IMMATURE and whatknot.  Not real, "Grown," Up.  I BELIEVE THIS IRONY Is what inspired 2.5 Men.  WHICH ONE IS TE HALF MAN.  The guy whose like Hugh Grant in About A Boy, THAT'S FOR SURE.  What else is up.  I think maybe tomorrow I'll take Ritalin during Morning.  I LIKE the way not taking Ritalin in morning sets me up for MIDDLE AND END of day.  BUT I think I feel Not So Hot during the mornings without it.  Hmm.  Sounds like I should take it then.  YEAH makes sense.  HEY what else do I got going on for me.  Only three more paragraphs to write for now!  THAT'S A PRETTY GOOD THING TO HAVE GOING FOR ME.
Okay.  Phone been charging pretty good lately.  NO COMPLAINTS.  As of now I don't feel pressure to buy a new phone.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  Sure.  Anyway WHAT TO PUT ON FIRST when I'm done with upcoming shower.  MAYBE a Tales In The Crypt.  SIMPSONS would be good BUT I AIN'T IN TE MOOD.  Watch a Tales In The Crypt-- THREE'S A CROWD-- while thinking about what to do going forward. OH HEY how about There's Something With Mary.  I like that film.  Probably seen it plenty of times in my adolescence.  Depending on what adolescence means.  I Believe it was released IN THEATERS when I was 8.  VERY POSSIBLE I saw it in theaters despite it presumably being rated R.  Coulda bee PG-13!  BUT IT CAN'T BE.  TOO MUCH STUFF that they don't want kids to see.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP RATED R.  BUT HERE'S TEH RUB-- it was released in 1998, not 1997.  WHICH MEANS I would have most likely been NINE when I saw in theaters.  WOW I'm mature enough at NINE in a way I wasn't when I was EIGHT. Either way also had it on THE VHS for the several years after that where I Watched VHS films.
YEAH.  MAY NOT have seen it in theaters.  I'd say 60/40 odds are I did.  PENULTIMAET PARAGRAPH TOUHG, that's good.  Ideally write the next 2 paragraphs within about 15 minutes.  I COULD go as high as 20, 25 minutes but I WOULDN'T LIKE THE CRUNCH TIME that leads to between Walks III and IV.  So let's just get this over with in Oh I Don't Know FOURTEEN MINUTES HOW ABOUT THAT for an updated goal.  Hmm.  Probably would like kids chicken parm more than turkey meatloaf.  Gonna look through the Saran-ish-Wrap that has the meals VACUUM LOCKED to see PORTION SIZE.  If it looks like Kids Chicken Parm isn't that much bigger a portion than Turkey Meatloaf-- which would lead me to wanting to SAVE IT-- then I GO WITH WITH KID CHICKEN PARM.  HOWEVER if it looks like Kids Chicken Parm IS INDEED more hearty than turkey meatloaf PROBABLY STICK WITH THE TURKEY MEATLOAF FOR TODAY.  The good news is I WROTE TIS PARAGRAPH IN TWO MINUTES.
Sure!  What else is up.  Is Regular Meatlaof still alive.  Oh.  He died a year ago.  1/20/22.  COMING UP on one year anniversary of his death.  That's too bad.  He was a good Musican and/or Actor and presumably and/or person. Not sure WHY I'd give him the benefit of the doubt of being a good person.  I'm NOT COMPLETELY.  But if I had to ERR on the side of thinking Meatloaf is good or not I'D ERR ON TE SIDE OF HIM BEING GOOD.  JUST A HUNCH.  MALE'S INTUITION.  That sort of thing.  What else do I got going on for me.  SHOULD I GET OMELET tonight I presumably have HALF of omelet, one slice of bread (TOASTED???) and OH I Don't know 8-12 Freedom Fries.  ALL IN ALL it should hit some spots.  Good.  Anyway.  Getting close to Long Enough Removed from Excessive NightMight Snacks.  Getting to the point where I ACCEPT IT as a part of my past and MOVE ON with the rest of the day and making THE REST OF TEH DAY as Positive As Possible.  Without trying.  I want rest of the day to be GOOD but I don't wanna put any EFFORT into making it good.  THAT WOULD CANCEL ITSELF OUT.  Having to put in effort is BAD.  If I'm putting in effort for it to be good and then it's good THAT'S JUST A WASH.  Anyway.  I'll be back tonight!




Find This To Be Decent

    Hi friends!  About halfway through Sam Raimi Spidermen.  We're talkin I watched ENTIRE SPIDERMAN. We're talkin I'm about 40% into SPIDERMAN II.  WE'RE TALKIN a Spiderman III EXISTS and ONLY a Spiderman III.  THEN AGAIN if my memory serves me Accurately lat Spiderman, Spider Man III, is LONGER than first two.  So I'm A LITTLE BIT further away from Halfway through Spidermen I -- III than I'd be otherwise.  Huh.  The point is SPIDERMAN is good movie in some regards!  Not as good as I remember it though.  POSSIBLY because I am not Teenager.  Spiderman is Teenage Super Hero.  I can't relate to that.  I AM NOT NOR HAVE I EVER BEEN Teen Ager.  Possible I was a Teenager for a while but doesn't really ring a bell.  Anyway.  Ended up having delicious Bison burger for dinner.  And got delicious Freedom Toast for dinner tomorrow!  OR LUNCH TOMORROW.  And somethin else FROM HOUSE for dinner tomorrow.  ALSO JUMBO CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE.  Not the Jumbo-ist I've ever seen!  TOO MUCH for one breakfast but might be a bit of a let down if I only have half of it as a breakfast.  MAYBE PAIR half Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookie with SMALLER LEFT OVER ICED CREAM SANDWICHES that aren't as comprehensive.  YEAH now that I think about it THAT SOUNDS GREAT.
   I CAN'T WAIT TO DO THAT is the point.  Anyway.  Trying to figure out ways to INCENTIVIZE myself to not eat NightMight.  I NEED both the Carrot and the stick.  One thought was every day I don't start by eating ANYTHING pre-Getting Up In The Morning, I reward myself with ONE or TWO or somehow ONE ANDA  HALF Beers THAT UPCOMING NIGHT.  That seems like a interesting STICK.  SOME PEOPLE PREFER STICKS TO CARROTS.  Also the carrot IS A PUNISHMENT.  That's how I feel.  YOU TINK CARROT IS REWARD and Stick is punishment BUT MAN OH MAN ARE YOU WRONG.  Either way.  I can't do that indefinitely!  I'd run out of beer to Reward Myself With.  I could try it FOR FUN though at least once.  Huh.  Already tooken 9 walks.  Will take tenth after the end of the entry.  Gotta imagine there's a film called Tooken written by either the Wayans Bros or th... WAIT A SECOND I DON'T HAVE TO IMAGINE ANYTHING.  Get out of here with that bullshit!  Anyway probably got 2 snacks left for tonight.  ONE iced cream based ONE solid based.  Can't wait to see how that all, "Shakes," out.
  I think I'll watch something ELSE when I get back from Ultimate Walk.  TIME TO MIX TINGS UP.  Been watching NOTHING BUT SPIDERMAN all day.  LOOK did delicious bison burger have sauteed mushroom and onion AS WELL AS Jalapeno Pepper as toppings YES YES IT DID.  And it worked out.  Sometimes I regret the jalapeno pepper BUT TONIGHT WAS NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES.  If anything I REGRET REGRETTING IT IN THE PAST.  And also regretfully will regret it IN TEH FUTURE if we're being honest with ourselves.  YEAH.  Had some wheated thins too. YEAH.  What do I got for tomorrow's meals exactly.  Balanced Breakfast or Chocolate Chip Cookie-Based Breakfast.  POSSIBLE Half the cookie itself is enough for breakfast.  REAL possible.  Anyway.  Had the Turkish Meatloaf for lunch today.  TOMORROW may be time to go directly towards the kids chicken parm.  WHY PUT OFF TILL WEDNESDAY BEFORE YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU THINK YOU MAY BE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH LAST WEEK OR SOMETHING.
Ugh.  Will solid snack be Lucky Sherm bar?  Possibly!  I feel like I had a solid snack MIDDAY today.  REAL midday.  Not NOON.  The MID between NOON and Regular Night say 9:00 PM. What did I eat then.  Huh.  Hmm.  Hmm.  Hmm.  Hmm.  Hmm.  Hmm.  Hmm.  Hmm.  I can't think of it.  Hmm.  Hmm.  Hmm.  Hmm.  This is hard, WHAT WAS IT.  Hmm.  Huh.  Huh.  WHAT THE HELL WAS IT.  Hmm.  LIFE IS HARD SOMETIMES. Man. This is IMPOSSIBLE.  Oh well.  Guess it's time to give up and move on with my life.  Good chance it'll occur to me at some point through the natural course of things.  I couldn't have Skipped Snack.  I remember anticipating enjoying it real early on POST LUNCH.  Hmm.  I wish I could figure this out but I also wish I could move on Either Way.  So let's do that.  Hmm only about a paragraph left to go.  That's okay.  Hmm.  Don't think it wa.. OH OK I GOT IT.  Chocoately Eggo. WHEW.  Cracked that code.  Hmm.  I WISH I HAD ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE RIGHT NOW.
Lat paragraph.  I have VERY UNFORTUNATE patience discipline for Waiting For Eggos.  I POP them up to eat them LONG before they're properly Crisped in toaster.  BUT I FEEL like the amount of time I put them in for WAS a significant amount and SHOULD be enough.  IT JUST ISN'T.  Maybe chocolatey eggo IN PARTICULAR needs more time in toaster I DON'T KNOW.  I DON"T KNOW much of anything to be honest with ourselves.  Huh.  So what am I putting on the Television Set when I get back from walk.  Am I upto an Enjoyable Tales In The Crypt.  My guess is NO.  AH The Thing From The Grave.  I was right!  A nice Snoozer of an episode.  STILL THUOGH GOTTA WATCH IT AT SOME POINT.  Maybe watch ONE tales In the crypt tonight-- THAT ONE-- as the LAST THING I EVER WATCH. Tonight.  Huh.  Well.  I guess that's it!  I'll see ya tomorrow hopefully.

-8:27 P.M.




Sunday, January 15, 2023

Don't Take It From Me

    Hey friends!  Right on target for what Normal Schedule would be.  9:40 AM!  HOWEVER Brother is coming today.  Should be able to to DO normal Morning and Night activities at normal time, but DAYTIME will probably be a walk or two less.  So that's good! Had a lot of EatingTheNightBeforeMight last night.  That's bad! We're talkin FOUR NightMightUnits.  Adding a surplus of THREE. I think I'm gonna try keeping LESSE XPLICIT TRACK of these things. DAY BY DAY keep in mind more or less what calories I'm at in Eating and Burning BUT stop writingit down EXACTLY to keep track EXACTLY and for POSTERITY and to keep RUNNING TOTALS over the course of several days or weeks.  I dunno, might work!  Good odds I'm having SUSHI for lunch today.  That's healthy.  Right now my tummy is full.  JUST OCCURRED TO ME.  Didn't feel Full Tummy RIGHT UP UNTIL I mentioned Sushi.  Huh.  NURSE is here.  That's HIS business not mine.
    Anyway.  Wearing unlaundered shirt.  Think I wore this shirt UNLAUNDERED BEFORE a few days ago.  After having worn it Laundered weeks ago.  AND POSSIBLY a bonus Unlaundered time BETWEEN the Laundered Weeks Ago and THE TWO UNLAUNDERED TIMES this week.  SO that's good.  Didn't make any progress in Other Franchises after The Dark Knight.  Went right to The Dark Knight Rises!  Also, I gotta say-- pretty formulaic.  It's still a good movie because TEH FORMULA is good.  But it basically just follows the same general blue print re PLOT and DIALOGUE and CHARACTERS AND THEMES as the first two movies.  IT"S GOOD but I'd FIGHT PEOPLE to debate them whether it's better than Batman Begins.  I guess.  Also BANE KINDA OUT OF SHAPE.  Yeah he's a big guy and I definitely buy he's strong and powerful.  But I'M NO FOOL, I CAN SEE HIS BELLY.  This is VERY MUCH FAT and not muscle.  Sure LOTS of muscle.  BUT MORE FAT than you're giving him credit for.  
    Anyway.  What's BANE'S PROBLEM.  That's my main critique of the movie so far.  CALM DOWN for a second Bane.  THINK THINGS THROUGH.  Take a breath and maybe you'll realize YOU'RE HURTING PEOPLE AND FOR WHAT.  It won't make you feel any better!  YOU'LL JUST FEEL WORSE.  Anyway, I dunno.  25% into Act I more or less.  Slightly Less.  Not so much MORE in ANY respects.  Had some doritos as my last portion of NightMight last night which took up about an entire NightMight Unit itself.  Which is INTERESTING because it's EXTREMELY rare a NightMight Eating isn't a Sweet.  Hmm.  Maybe I should make myself pre-made sandwiches for NightMight eating.  A turkey or ham sandwich with no side rounds UP to 1 Complete NightMight.  NOT EVEN the whole thing!  No guarantee if I have sandwich as nightmight, though, that I wouldn't feel compelled to have ANOTHER nightmight later on.  BUT if I could be satisfied with COMPLETE SANDWICH as only thing over night THAT'S AN INTERESTING WAY TO GO.
   YEAH.  ANNE HATHAWAY?  IF YOU SAY SO.  And You DO Say Sao.  Anyway.  I think I'd be in mood for Omelet tonight.  No matter from Diner or Deli!  WHAT KIND remains to be seen.  And eaten.  Possibly smelled. You'd assume I could HEAR IT as well but I guess we'll see.  If my tummy no longer hurts and I wanna eat a slightly larger lunch, what kinda SushiSide are we looking at.  Presumably Wheated thins would be good.  It's good for clumps of rice that fall Off Of Sushi.  Scoop em up with Wheat thin.  Nice little open faced rice sandwich.  Huh.  Not a lot of Rice Sandwiches out there.  Can GYRO have rice in it?  Lemme LTURQ.  DOESN'T LOOK LIKE IT.  I mean I'm sure SOME JERK, SOMEWHERE put Rice in what would otherwise be a gyro.  And I'm sure SIXTY OTHER JERKS SIXTY OTHER PLACES did the same thing.  BUT IT'S STILL NOT ENOUGH to qualify as a thing I feel.  Huh.  Anyway.  HEY lunch in just about four hours.  Amazing.  Tummy ache already starting to clear up.  IWANNA HAVE that sushi.
Last paragraph PRE-COFFEE.  Also last paragraph before I'm halfway done with Act I.  After this paragraph I WILL MORE OR LESS be OVER 50% done with Act I.  I'd have LESS TO WRITE compared to WHAT'S BEEN WRITTEN directly have THE MERE FIRST CHARACTER of Act 6.  So that's good.  DAMNIT I just remembered I'm 1000 calories more than I should be JUST BASED ONT ODAY'S NOTMIGHTS.  And that happens LIKE THREE OR FOUR TIMES A WEEK.  MOTER FUCKER.  IN 2022 we learnt about Productive Banges.  I've had a DAYTIME Conscious Bange Eating which would change the context of my life and what's goin on in my mind and MAKE MY LIFE BETTER somehow.  CAN NIGHTMIGHTS be Productive Banges without me realizing it?  THEY BETTER BE.  OR ELSE THERE'LL BE HELL TO PAY.  Anyway.  JUST STOP FUCKING DO IT WHAT TEH FUCK.  It's like I'M SOMEONE ELSE.  I have DIFFERENT LIFE GOALS AND PRIORITIES in those small moments of consciousness Between Sleeps over night.  SOME JERK WHO IS INCONSIDERATE ABOUT MY DAYTIME LIFE GOALS AND PRIORITIES I Hate Him So Much.  Coffee time.
   Pretty sure Nurse will be long gone by Lunchtime.  Not sure about LONG.  Pretty sure about Gone.  QUITE POSITIVE about Lunchtime.  Anway TOPAMAX WILL SAVE ME. Or TOPAMINE. Whatever it's called.  The medication I never heard of before that has RESULTS dealing with Night Eating Syndrome.  Psychiatrist probably never heard of it either but if I bring it up SHE HAS to look into it AND GIVE IT A SHOT, right?  WHAT KIND OF DOCTOR would she be if she doesn't prescribe pateints things they read blurbs about on the internet.  I READ MORE THAN A BLURB.  A blurb is one paragraph.  A SHORT paragraph.  I read probably TEN paragraphs WITH some STATS and/or CHARTS.  I'M ON TE UP AND UP re: Topamax NOT INCLUDING possibly it's name.  PRETTY SURE it's Topamax and Topamine as Brand name and Generic Name (THOUGH NOT NECESSARILY in that order).  Let's see.  NOPE.  TOPIRAMATE.  No Topamine.  TOPAMAX is brand and TOPIRAMATE is generic. ALSO this looks like a VAGUELY popular drug for conditions I Don't Necessarily Have.  POSSIBLE Doctor has heard of this drug before.  PROBABLY wouldn't be familiar with it IN TIS CONTEXT but HEY MAYBE I LUCK OUT and Doctor has experience using this drug for similar thing.
   SEVENTH paragraph.  Amazing.  Ides of January.  IT'S ABOUT TIME.  Sort of.  Calendars are time.  LONGTERM time.  You might think of time as Minutes and Hours BUT WEEKS AND MONTHS is time All The Same.  PERHAPS eVEN MORE IMPORTANT TIME.  Not sure what that means.  Anyway.  Topamax might work. Who knows.  Even if it's only a 20% chance I BOTH START IT AND IT HELPS that's still a relatively relevant possibility It'll Cure What Ails Me.  The point is what else is up.  How much time do I have to write 3.5 paragraphs.  LOTS OF TIME.  MORE TAN ENOUGH.  Let's say AIM FOR TIRTY MINUTES would be fine all around.  Huh.  What am I listening to today.  Some Current Music Playlist.  POSSIBLY SuperBloom, possibly ALT CNTRL, possibly NEW IN ALT.  Can't go wrong with any of those!  Unless you pick 66.8% of the wrong one.  LOGICALLY we can conclude there is ONE answer of the three that HAS to be best case scenario.  LOGICALLY we con conclude that 66.666Forever rounds up to 66.8.
  Three paragraphs to go.  THE POINT IS Pshyatry Zoom appointment is in 9 days.  Guess I'll just have to do my best until then.  And then for several weeks until Topamax kicks in and CURES WHAT AILS YA.  And by YA I mean MA.  And by MA I mean ME.  Can't go from YA to ME immediately.  NEED AN INTERMEDIARY.  WHICH IN TIS CASE WAS MA.  Could it have been YE?  Nope.  Had to be MA.  What else is up.  NIGHTTIME Zoom appointment with Pshyaitry.  8:00 PM.  SPOOKY.  PSHYAITRY AFTER DARK.  I LIKE IT.  Whatever.  There's no pshyary!  THIS IS MAINTENANCE APPOINTMNETS.  Nothing deep covered.  The good news is Anyway What Else Is Up.  I'd LIKE a meat based omelet but IS IT WORTH IT.  For example from Diner WESTERN OMELET of Ham and peppers could be good.  And it's not AN INSANE amount of ham anyway.  DELI, can't have HAM.  I like salami but I HAD SLAMAI SNAWICH yesterday.  Corned beef omelet would be great but could be TOO MUCH corned beef.  I DUNNO THAT SONUDS GOOD.  Let's aim for that IF WE GET Deli Dinner YOU FOOLS.
   Penultimate paragraph before Walk II.  Amazing!  Shoulda skipped Breakfast.  BREAKFAST EQUAETS to 1 NightMight Unit.  OH WELL.  At least I lost about 5% of the Chocolate Icing Fondant.  STUCK to wrapper of cookie.  Didn't BOTHER scraping it off.  SOUNDS LIKE I'M KNOCKING SOME HEALTH OUT OF TEH PARK.  Oh No.  Wha.  TOPAMAX COULD DO THE TRICK.  The more I read about it the more I feel like it's a LEGIT COMMON drug and also that it has RELEVANT AMOUNT OF TRACK RECORD AND SUCCESS treating THINGS LIKE THIS.  IT COULD WORK.  Le'ts cross several fingers.  POSSIBLY an odd number.  Sounds like even number would be easier to cross.  BUT one crossing of fingers could include AN ODD NUMBER.  Figure out how to cross three fingers together in one crossing.  Not 100% What Crossing Fingers LITERALLY means.  I THOUGHT I knew but now that I'm thinking about it and Trying It Out In Practice I confused myself.  NOT SURE WHAT IT MEANS to cross fingers.
   Last paragraph!  Of Act I!  Amazing.  Probably gonna end up at 8 or 9 walks today.  That's my guess.  Two walks at night POST DINNER. Four walks in morning PRE LUNCH.  Two to four walks between lunch and dinner WHILE BROTHER is presumably here.  Huh.  WRAP FIST AROUND PINKY.  That's crossing 5 fingers.  Right?  Try it out yourself!  Make a fist but then take your pinkie and hide it between the rest of your FistedFingers.  Wrap your thumb all the way around the other 3 fingers.  YOU'RE CROSSING FIVE FINGERS IN FEEL TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY.  OH WAIT I FIGURED OUT Regular Crossing Fingers. Pointer and middle finger.  Wrap middle finger around pointer.  NOT THE OTEHR WAY AROUND.  Maybe you do it the other way around.  I dunno!  Just always assumed I was doing it right even though I don't remember anyone EXPLICITLY teaching me how to do it!  Hmmm.  Time to take a walk.



or do what you want, whatever

    Hey!  Getting kinda pumped up about TOPAMAX.  Not sure WHY.  But for some reason Nowadays I'm feeling vaguely positive ANDOR CONFIDENT that it might help me.  Huh.  If I convince Doctor to prescribe it to me in 9 days, IT MIGHT START KICKING IN around Oh I Don't Know A MONTH FROM NOW.  You know TE IDES OF FEBRUARY?  31 days!  AMAZING.  IF that pans out then I can presumably meet my goal of reaching Absolute Bottom Lowest Weight Goal of 115 LB by the end of SuperWinter on May 1st.  Do the best I can for the next month.  Then KICK INTO GEAR for 2.5 months.  IT COULD WORK.  Probably WON'T.  But if we're being honest YA KNOW WHAT IT COULD.  Why wouldn't we be honest.  I can think of several reasons.  I'm keeping them to myself though.  PLAYING THIS ONE A LITTLE CLOSE TO THE VEST.  Anyway got coffee #2 going on right now.  That's great just great.  What am I watching on the television today.  Finishing the second half of Batman Rises.  Probably watch something Communal with brother.  Dunno what!  Last time he was over we watched Youtube Personality Who Binge Eats.  ONE OF EM at least.  Pretty sure there's roughly 200 POPULAR channels that do that.  NOT TO MENTION THE 200,000 WHO DO IT BUT HAVEN'T ACHIEVED POPULARITY.
Hmm.  What else is up and shit.  CAN'T STOP TINKING OF TOPHER GRACE.  In relation to, "Topamax."  Not just IN GENERAL for NO GOOD REASON.  The point is HE SURE WAS VENOM FOR A WHILE.  I'd like to watch that film again.  WHEN I'M DONE WIT BATMAN I can watch THE SPIDERMEN.  Do I still wanna watch the animated Batmen I never seen. O r just go to Spidermen after finishing Batmen.  Oh.  Do I have to watch JUSTICE LEAGUE and whatknot Batmen?  I've NEVER seen ANY of those movies.  Seems like a pretty big oversight.  I LIKE MOVIES.  Haven't seen A LOT of Super Hero movies now that I think about it.  THEN AGAIN what else is going on and crap.  Is there a good alternative to OMELET for tonight.  Nice HEARTY dinner alternative.  Hmm.  Maybe I WOULD like starting a Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  THIS IS A TOUGH ONE I'm gonna have to devote a lot of time AND EFFORT today to figure this one out and whatknot.
Three paragraphs to go for DayTime Day!  I'd say maybe 3:1 odds my brother would be interested in trying a Lucky Sherms Bar.  Not sure what that means percentagewise.  Not even sure if it means a High Percentage or a Low Percentage.  The point is IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY this sucker liked Lucky Charms Breakfast Cereal back in the day.  I REMEMBER because I specifically DIDN'T like it.  TO BE FAIR I disliked cereal in general but also to be UNFAIR I DID specifically find Lucky Charm gross.  EITHER WAY SNACK BAR IS FINE JUST FINE.  Good.  Anyway.  Shower after walk after act!  HMM.  If I had to make an accurate prediction, WOULD I be having SushiSide with lunch today.  HMM.  I GOT TOPAMAX COMING MY WAY SOON.  I CAN EAT ANYTHING I WANT, it'll all come out in the wash once I stop eating at night COMPLETELY ONCE AND FOR ALL.  WOW THIS IS GREAT NEWS.  MAYBE I'LL HAVE SOME CHICKEN BISCUITS.  They're called Chicken Biscuits on the box but I like saying Chicken Crackers.  Chicken Biscuits TO ME just sounds like Regular Biscuits You Eat Along With Chicken.  Like from your Kentucky Fried Chicken.  Or your Popeyes.  You buy delicious Regular Biscuits on the side to compliment your regular Chicken.  I FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT THIS.  Also NOW I WANT KFC at some point SOON.  I CAN AFFORD IT CALORIEWISE; TOPAMAX.
Penultimate paragraph of Day.  I LIKE USING SEMI COLONS.  SO WHAT IF IT'S NOT JUSTIFIED.  Hmm.  HMM I remember roughly 2008 McDonalds had the Southern Style Chicken Sandwich on a Biscuit.  POSSIBLY a SPICY Chicken Sandwich.  MMMM that was a good sandwich.  Those were the days I suppose.  What else is up.  Checked McDonalds on DoorDash.  They DO NOT have a Southern Style Chicken Sandwich AS WE SPEAK but they do have a Spicy Chicken Sandwich.  THAT SOUNDS GOOD.  Let's Not Get That.  Sounds like a plan!  What else is up and crap.  Not sure if my Dad is taking his normal walk around the normal time today.  On account of his Blood Infusion.  IF that walk doesn't exist I MIGHT fit in a 5th walk before Lunch.  NOT SURE, WE'LL SEE.  PRIMAVERA OMELET.  Broccoli, Onions, Green Pepper, and Tomato.  That'd be good if I drop the tomato!  MAYBE I GIVE THAT A SHOT.  Also menu says FRESH Broccoli.  WOW THAT'S LIVIN'!
Last paragraph of Daytime Day!  Huh.  Maybe brother doesn't come today.  I dunno!  Stranger things have happened.  In which case it's NEGATIVE that I don't get to see my brother but POSITIVE I get to do Regular CrunchTimeCrap in middle of the day what with All The Walking And Whatknot.  GREAT.  Huh.  Primavera huh.  IT COULD WORK.  I like broccoli.  I don't imagine liking it in omelet context but it's worth A SHOT.  THEN AGAIN what else is up.  Almost done with BigChore of the day AKA FIRST TWO ACTS. Also GETTING OUT OF BED FOR GOOD IN MORNING.  IN THEORY the BIGGEST CHORE OF TEH DAY TEHRE IS in some respects in some theories.  ALSO I DID IT GOOD.  Got up early enough to do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE.  The good news is what else is up and crap.  Still on SUPERBLOOM I guess but maybe I should think about switching that up. JUST GET WESTERN OMELET.  IN MY MIND it's what I'd like the most and IT'S WORTH IT.  THEM PIECES OF HAM AIN'T BIG, C'MON.  ANyway that'll do it.  See ya tonight!




Oh Yeah Seems Fine

    Hey friends.  Just had delicious Grilled Chicken Roll.  THIS SUCKER WAS SPLIT NOT IN HALVES BUT IN a 2/3rds and a 1/3rds.  I WENT BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN THEM while eating.  ALSO for MOST of the 2/3rd Part I PEELED OFF A THIRD OF THE BREAD-ROLL ITSELF.  Ended up eating A THIRD of what I peeled off after I finished The Rest Of It.  NOW I AM PROPERLY SATIATED.  More or less.  Anyway already took 9th walk, GETTING BACK BEFORE DINNER.  I will take 10th walk ToNight after this!  OH my Brother didn't come today.  I had a feeling.  CALL IT MALE'S INTUITION if you will.  Either way fit in All Them Walks it turns out.  Anyway.  Kept trying to watch Dumb and Dumber WIDE SCREEN and it wouldn't work.  Figured I'd give a shot turning DVD around to see if it works on Standard... Screen.  IT DID.  And I watched it 20-25 minutes at a time during the middle of the day.  A FINE movie.  Not the greatest but it had some laughs.  YOU MAY HAVE SEEN IT BEFORE YOURSELF.  Probaly.  What were you up to in 1994 that you WEREN'T seeing Dumb and Dumber?  BEING SOME SORT OF IDIOT?
Anyway.  Also watched a Simpsons or two.  ALSO watched a Tales In The Crypt or two.  ALSO I will watch rest of BATHMAN RISES when I get back from Ultimate Walk later on.  Huh.  Might have delicious SELF MADE iced cream cone tonight.  Got this great low calorie Vanilla'd Iced Cream, got these great 20 calorie small CAKE CONES.  ICED CREAM CONE seems like its in the cards.  ANyway.  Had delicious sushi for lunch.  TOMORROW LUNCH will be interesting.  Could be ham or vegetable burger sandwich.  COULD BE kids chicken parm.  Could be turkey meatloaf.  I'm gonna say probably HAM SANDWICH or Turkey Meatloaf.  JUST CALL IT A HUNCH.  MAN'S INTUITION IF YOU WILL CONTINUING WILLING from last paragraph.  Not 100% sure why Mary Swanson is keeping on going out on dates with men when she has a not-so-secret husband.  TE MOVIE ISN'T VERY REALISITIC IT TURNS OUT.  Anyway.  Think I'm gonna try to wait till 11:30 PM nowadays to take evening pills.  And then can start going to bed FROM THAT TIME ON.  That might limit sleep enough that I will eat less in sleep.  HUH.
   What's IDEAL breakfast for tomorrow.  CLASSIC BREAKFAST is certainly way up on the list.  Still got some Mini Donuts.  Could have three of those suckers.  YOU FOOLS.  Huh.  Anyother Sweets Breakfast possibility. I can always try the Frozen Frittata but that has CHEESE in it and I just enjoyed CHEESE in Grilled Chicken Role.  I CAN'T HAVE TWO MEALS IN A ROW WITH CHEEZ.  Huh.  Solid 1/3 chance No Cheese In A Frittata.  Solid 1/3 chance The Froze Breakfast Food I have Is NOT A Frittata.  Solid 1/3 chance THE REST.  We just talked about 2 out of 3.  THE LAST 1/3 CHANCE Is WHATEVER IS LEFT OVER.  OH OKAY MAKES SENSE.  Don't have any Current Egg Whites.  IS TERE A WAY I can figure out Chocolatey Eggos without a Balanced Breakfast Context?  SURE.  Have three chocolatey eggoes.  THAT'S IT.  THAT'S THE BREAKFAST.  Makes sense.  I can heat up ONE in toaster and then heat up the second two WHILE EATING THE FIRST ONE.  THAT'S LOGIC FOR YA.
Penultimate paragraph.  I ONLY HAVE ONE comprehensive iced cream sandwich left for Classic Breakfasts.  I only have ENOUGH mini donuts for one breakfast.  I HAVE NO EGG WHITE for balanced breakfasts.  I CAN RE-UP WIT HEGG WHITE and/or make it myself tomorrow.  BUT THE REST will have to wait until POST Friday Breakfast.  HUH.  Gonna have to think CREATIVELY about breakfasts.  Not really.  Just have like 3 small things.  Three Lucky Sherm Bars or something.  That's It.  That's The breakfast.  Stop Saying that.  NEVER.  Anyway.  TWO POP TARTS.  A bit bigger a breakfast than I traditinally like but as a ONCE IN A WHLIE type deal NOT GONNA BREAK TE BANK.  Huh.  Anyway the plan is to eat NOTHING upcoming Night.  And CONTINUE eating nothing at Nights for a couple of weeks until I start taking TOPHERMAX.  And the once that kicks in and makes it easy to not eat at Nights at all REALLY KEEP CONTINUING NOT EATING AT NIGHTS AT ALL THIS TIME FOR KEEPS.  So that's good.  GOOD to have plans.
   Last paragraph of the day.  Amazing.  Probably got 2 snacks left in me for tonight.  Iced Cream Cone and a SOLID snack.  Perhaps Fiber One Brownie or KETO Brownie or perhaps Lucky Sherm Bar or a leftover Cinnamon Toast Crunk Bar I DON'T KNOW it's still premature to, "Call It."  Hmm.  I could get DESSERT from upcoming Communal Dinner Delivery.  If it's DELI I could get multi-part Big Slice of Chocolate Babka OR PERHAPS 2 or so breakfastsworth of ASSORTED COOKIES.  If it's DINER I could get BIG OL JUMBO Chocolate Chip Cookie HAVEN'T HAD THAT SUCKER IN A WHLIE>  YOU IDIOT.  Anyway what else do I got going for me tonight.  Listen to some HIGH OCTANE INDIE ROCK SUPERCHUNK on final walk.  THE SECOND HALF OF THE ESSENTIALLS PLAYLIST.  Most band essential playlist is 2, 3 hours.  THEY ONLY HAVE AN 18 SONG 1 HOUR 4 MINUTE ESSENTIAL Apple Music PLAYLIST.  GOOD I get it over with FASTER.  AND SOONER.  Who cares how fast it happens on a Moment by Moment basis.  What I care about is getting it over with SOON.  YEAH.  Welp that's it.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:13 P.M.




Saturday, January 14, 2023

That's Not What I Think

    Hey friends.  9:45 AM!  Should be able to fit in 4 walks in early part of day pretty easily.  MAY cut Act I by 1 or 2 paragraphs to get there I guess!  Probably not necessary!  Anyway.  Was going for zero NightMight eating last night but I had a reasonable ONE UNIT of it.  Coulda been worse!  I REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT THOUGH.  If I did 1 NightMight Unit every night going forward FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE I may take that compromise BUT OVERALL I wanna ROLL TEH DICE and gamble that I WANNA NOT MAKE THAT DEAL.  Try to go for ZERO NIGHTMIGHTS going forward even if it means I risk sliding back into MULTIPLE ones.  That's how I feel!  Had delicious black and white cookie for breakfast.  No way is this as low calorie and OZ it says it is.  OH WELL WHAT CAN YA DO, eat it anyway.  I think I started off mostly on the chocolate side, then made some progress with the vanilla, then ate more evenly until it was all done completely.
   HUH.  Dinner today is Freedom Pot Pie.  Sandwich would be good for lunch!  Salami, ham, or Vegetable Burger.  MAYBE SALAMI.  Those things are great.  Anyway I went to bed a bit earlier last night.  More than an hour later than had been standard for months.  But close to an hour earlier than I had been aiming for the last several nights.  ALL IN ALL no big consequences.  SO that's good.  Finished watching Batman Begins.  STANDS TO REASON I will watch The Dark Night tonight.  STANDS TO REASON, what's that supposed to mean.  It means IF YOU EMPLOY REASON re: This Topic, THAT Hypothesis or statement or guess will STAND.  Reason WILL NOT STRIKE IT DOWN.  Reason will only CONFIRM IT, leaving it STANDING.  Oh okay makes sense.  Hmm.  Probably gonna aim for 9 or 10 walks today.  Gotta Amazon Fresh delivery in the middle of the afternoon.  ODDS ARE that mucks me up for probably one walk IF NOT TWO.
   Anyway.  Got a laundered shirt from the Drying Machine.  Been there for close to OR AT TWO two weeks.  Hmm.  I like Batman.  IN A WAY aren't we all like Batman.  IT'S NOT WHO WE ARE INSIDE, IT'S WHAT WE DO TAHT DEFINES US.  Makes sense.  Then again who are are defines us too.  You know like TEETH and FINGER PRINTS.  That's how the authorities can identify our lifeless bodies.  NOT BY WHAT WE DO.  Not by what we did when we were alive, and DEFINITELY not by what we're doing when we're lying they're dead.  AIN'T DOIN SHIT.  Just HANGING AROUND INDEFINITELY.  WHat else is up.  Been listening to some Immortal Technique the last few days.  This jerk is a good LYRICIST.  I don't care who knows it!  Also he came up in the Gifted New York City Public School Education Systems Tracks SO WE COME FROM THE SAME PLACE.  I LIKE PEOPLE WHO COME FROM SAME PLACE AS ME.  WHICH IS WEIRD because I didn't like them Back When We Were In The Same Place.  But IN RETROSPECT I like it.
Yeah.  When I have running surplus of NightMight snacks written in spiral notebook I have it written right now as 14 NM.  NM can also mean New Monkee, not just NightMight!  ALSO it's the word NAME without the vowels.  NUMBER is close too.  WOW both Name AND Number.  Two concepts that CLASH.  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  Guess I'm pouring some coffee in about a paragraph and a half.  That should be a blast.  Lunch is probably in about 4 hours without eating anything till them.  Huh.  DORITOS would be good side for Sandwich.  Lemme think.  12 of YOUR BIGGEST DORITOS are 150 calories.  AIM FOR 9 or 10 doritos then, that's the way to go!  Delightful.  Also it's a PARTY BAG.  So SOMEHOW these doritos are DOWN TO PARTY.  I think party bag means It's Just a bigger bag with more room for doritos with perhaps several more doritos. EITHER THAT or these doritos ARE READY TO HAVE A BALL.  PARTY BALL.  Baal.
   Fifth paragraph.  It'd be nice to get into some reading some more.  But current schedule of 10 walks a day doesn't leave me much time!  Got 2 or 3 hours after final walk before Wanting To Go To Sleep.  That's RELAXATION time.  FINALLY it's the ime of the day where I can watch TV IN UNBROKEN BLOCKS instead of taking TV Breaks every 25 minutes into Watching TV.  So that's good I guess.  HMM What is Immortal Technique's real name.  I'd bet once I find out I'll be like oh right I read that once before.  Let's see.  Felipe Andres Coronel.  NOPE.  I don't think I've EVER heard that name.  I TINK I'd remember if I learnt about someone named Felipe.  That's not the kind of thing one forgets!  HIS CLASSMATES INCLUDED CHRIS HAYES AND LIN MANUEL MIRANDA *who he bullied but they later became friends*.  That's WIKIPEDIA'S assessment NOT MINE.  I'd like to see a COLLAB between Techinuqe and Lin Manuel.  PUT TE BAD FEELIGNS BEHIND THEM.  Or, EVEN BETTER, hold on to the bad feelings and SET TEM TO MUSIC AND TEACH THE WORLD ABOUT THE EVILS OF BULLYING and/or THE JOYS OF UN-BULLIFYING RELATIONSHIPS.  Coffee time.
   Stands up for reason that I have Dumb and Dumber and There'S Somethign ABotu Mary on DVD available to me.  I can continue watching them Farelly Bros movies.  They have HEART because THERE'S ALWAYS A ROAD TRIP and there's a SOUNDTRACK.  Cracked that code.  ROAD TRIP WITH CURATED MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND?  Sounds like you got a good movie there.  How long do I have to write the next 4.5 paragraphs.  Presumably fourty minutes would be plenty.  So I can do that and whatknot.  Got coffee going.  Got 1/3rd of DayTiem Day Writing done with already.  LESS THAN 2 MORE of what I've already done AND SUDDENLY CHORE FOR TE DAY IS OVER kind of more or less.  AN IDIOT OR TWO OF THOSE HUNGER CHOLLEGE HIGHSCHOOL KIDS may have overlapped with my Brother.  My brother went to that sucker PROBABLY right around 4 or 5 years before them.  AH BUT KEEP IN MIND it's s SIX YEAR high school.  Seventhed Grade through 12th!  SO THAT'S MORE ROOM for them to be around Late and him to be around Early.  Seven to twelve sounds like six years.  Right? I've counted it several times at this point for verification.  Maybe I need to come back to it later wit ha fresh mind and see if I get the same results THEN.
   Seventh paragraph.  What else do I got going on for myself.  As far as I know I'm the greatest lyricist from Stuyvesant IN A GENERATION.  NO COMPETITION.  I don't know very far though.  Anyway what else do I got going for me. Didn't take Ritalin again today.  Been not taking 2 or 3 OTHER Pills the last week or so, neither!  For both laziness and experimentation reasons.   I wanna see if I can survive without 'em anti-depressants AND I APPARENTLY CAN.  But also I WAS TOO LAZY TO RETRIEVE FULL BOTTLES TO START TAKING THEM.  And apparently I STILL AM.  Not gonna TELL Doctor about that.  Might go over with Doctor PLANS to stop taking one or two of em COMPLICITY.  And then I START BACK UP taking the ones I'M NOT STOPPING. IT'S ALL VERY CONFUSING but I gonna imagine in the end it will work out for the best.  That's my instinct.  Huh.  I remember when I was a kid the feeling re: Anti Depressants and the like was IT WILL CHANGE WHO I AM.  I don't wanna change who I am.  I AM WHO I AM and I Kinda like Being Me IN SOME RESPECTS even if Being me SUCKS in other respects.  Probably a generally common feeling.  BUT I'M HERE TO TELL YOU is YOU WON"T REALIZE YOU'RE BEING CHANGED AT ALL.   You will be!  BUT IT'LL GO WAY OVER YOUR HEAD.
   SUCKER.  Three paragraphs to go.  It's a PHILOSOPHY thing.  You mess with your mental operations YOU'RE MESSING WITH YOURSELF.  You ARE the way your brain works.  The good news is eh might as well ROLL THEM DICE and see if you can become someone vaguely better.  TAKE A CAHNCE why not THIS IS AMERICA.  THE LAND OF THE CHANCE TAKING.  Something like that.  I dunno.  What else do I got going on for me.  Possible I might like to get Vegetable Burger out of the way by eating it for lunch today.  I dunno.  How long do I put that sucker in the oven in for again.  FOURTY MINUTES?  Can't hurt!  Probably would take less than that, but I'd say Fourty Minutes wouldn't BURN IT and it also CAN'T be signifantly TOO little time.  Let's say FOURTY MINUTES.  Also one day I will become a writer and I will continue always spelling it Fourty and AT SOME POINT it will begin to catch on with Society AND I WILL BE A HERO.  Gonna take a while for that all to play out BUT IT'S GOOD TO HAVE PLANS.  Huh.  Only two more paragraphs to go for Act I!  Plenty o' Time!
   PLENTY o' TIME?  That reminds me of FILET o' FISH.  Why can't I have Filet O Fish for lunch.  DOESN'T SEEM RIGHT.  Huh.  I had ONE Fish Incorporated meal from Super market this week but I ate it FIRST THINGS FIRST for yesterdays lunch.  THE SPICY SHRIMP ROLL.  Delicious.  I think I could do worse for myself than getting TWO Sushi Meals from Super Markets for a week from now on.  Huh.  What do I watch FIRST on Television today.  The Sampsons is a strong contender.  You could certainly make a case for Tales In The Crypt. NOT SURE I'm READY to get started on The Dark Night.  Anyway YES salami sandwich is same amount of calories as standard ham or turkey or vegetable burger sandwich but with less Ounces YES WE KNOW TAT.  But it's enough that I don't feel CHEATED by eating a NOT SO HEARTY AT ALL sandwich.  PRETTY MUCH HEARTY ENOUGH especially when ya got a sandwichside WHICH I WILL and whatknot.
Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Still got another black and white cookie for the week.  That'll be fun.  NO EGG WHITE though.  I bought a tiny carton of egg white I THINK 2 weeks ago.  BUT I think next time I start having egg white it will be BOUGHT egg white from DINER as a side with GriddleCentric.  Tomorrow or the night after.  When I get DINER again.  Get a griddle centric meal with egg white.  PLUS another thing.  POSSIBLY three part steak * stuffed mushroom?  NAH.  Don't think I wanna commit to that.  Just a ONE OFF thing.  Maybe a bison burger again.  HUH THIS IS A TOUGH ONE ACTUALLY.  Gonna have to think about this one.  I'd consider OMELET for the first time in a while but I can'get OMELET and something ELSE with egg whites.  PEOPLE WOULD TINK I'M SOME SORT OF DUMMY.  Whatever.  WALK TIME.  See ya in a little bit.




i hear that

    Hey!  Seeing some dust and/or hair particles accumulate into blobs on my bathroom floor.  Guess I gotta do a quick 10 minute cleaning session at some point.  A LOT OF IT probably due to shaving a few days back.  Guess that could be my new routine.  I do a CleaningUp every time I shave.  Which is once every 2 or so months more or less.  GREAT.  Think I should be able to fit in 9 walks today.  GREAT.  Think then ext meal I get, from DINER OR DELI, will be OMELET.  SCREW getting griddlecentric meal with egg whites.  Just gonna have delicious REGULAR EGG 2 Part'r Omelet. Lox eggs and onion?  SALAMI?  WESTERN?  Not sure!  But it'll be fun.  Presumably I get HASHED BROWNS or HOME FRIES as side.  Been a long time since I had that.  ALSO I GET A SLICE OF BREAD which they MAY POSSIBLY ERRANTLY BUTTER with each half.  THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT.  Gonna have salami SANDWICH today.  Maybe err on the side of LOX EGGS AN' ONION for upcoming omelet tomorrow or Monday.  BOTH Deli and Diner sell THAT variety of omelet.  ALSO IT'S DELICIOUS AND HEALTHY.  WOW.
What else is up.  SHOULD I eat more chicken biscuits as side with Salami Sandwich?  YOU COULD MAKE THAT ARGUMENT.  But not as strongly as the Dorito Argument.  I just bought doritos.  This is an opportune time to eat them.  That's It.  That's The Argument.  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  Got plenty of time to write 3.5 more paragraphs.  HOW MUCH EXACTLY?  Let's say FOURTY MINUTES is more than enough.  Partly because it's accurately the best estimation time IN TE MIDDLE of what's more than enough for WHAT I HAVE TO WRITE and HOW MUCH TIME I'LL HAVE AFTERWARDS.  And PARTLY because I OF COURSE SAY, "FOURTY," AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE.  Huh.  What CELEB birthdays are there today.  I bet there's TWO where I'm like hmm hey that's a pretty good birthday I'm glad I read about this.  DAVE GROHL AND CARL WEATHERS?  I've heard enough!  SHUT IT DOWN.  THEY'RE THE TWO I'M INVESTED IN ENJOYING THEIR BIRTHDAYS.
   Yeah.  What else do I got going on for me.  Hmm.  Presumably 2.5 hours out from Lunch.  Should be a good one!  I STILL HAVE White Bread that's presumably fresh BUT it's time to transition to the ARNOLD'S SANDWICH THINS.  I think.  MAYBE I'd enjoy white bread more today and in that case there's no REAL reason I shouldn't have it.  Either way Two slices of ONE OF TOSE KINDA BREAD will be eaten and two WON'T BE.  I won't be SAVING or LOSING any TANGIBLE amount of food either way.  Huh.  Gonna have to really think about this strongly. Hmm.  Maybe I have white bread for sandwich today, and then when I get OMELET later on in the week, instead of having one slice of THEIR bread with each Half Of Omelet Meal I USE A SANDWICH THIN OF MY OWN.  SO IT DON'T GO TO WASTE.  BUT WHY I LIKE TEIR BREAD.  OR DO I.  I'm confused.  NOT REALLY.  I mean, yeah, sure, really.  I'm confused all the time about everything.  BUT THIS ISN'T THAT CONFUSING.  I'm following along with ALL the Bread Logic.  Also spoiler alert MAY STICK WI THE OLD WHITE BREAD FOR TODAY LUNCH NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT. ...THEN AGAIN...
Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day.  No GOOD reason not to spend 10 minutes cleaning up bathroom today as opposed to putting it off for later on in the week.  Clean up clumps of dirt and dust and hair on floor.  Give Sink and Surrounding Surface a nice WHETTED WHIPE DOWN.  As well as toilet parts PARTICULARLY TOP AND SEAT.  Should be able to accomplish it superficially in less than 5 minutes and/or Completely In Earnest in no more than 15, 20 minutes.  So that's good.  What else is up and crap.  SHOULD WIPE DOWN TUB A BIT TOO.  Not to CLEAN IT.  Not a WHETTED wipe down.  A wipe down to SCOOP UP any bits of dirt or hair or whatever that are HANGING AROUND in the inside of the tub.  DON'T WAN THEM SUCKERS DOWN TEH DRAIN.  Huh.  Make my own egg white over the next few days.  Probably not today.  Probably not tomorrow.  Probably not any other day I can immediately think of.  But POSSIBLY At Some Point.  That's how I feel!
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  Hmm.  WHAT TO WATCH starting after Upcoming Shower.  IN OTER WORDS about an hour from now, WHAT WILL I BE WATCHING at that point For TE PSAT 10 MINUTES. PSAT?  THAT'S TE P SAT.  Pre SAT.  I dunno WHY it's important in highschool/college admissions BUT IT IS.  We have the SAT. I get it.  GOOD.  Solid universal standardized test to help College Admissions Judgments.  WHY DO WE NEED A PRE- SAT TOO.  I'M NOT COMPLAINING.  I DID PRETTY GOOD ON IT.  I hit high mark that I qualified As Some Sort Of Title.  I forget what it is.  You hit a high enough PSAT score and YOU'RE SOMETHING.  Lemme LTURQ.  NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP. I didn't GET any scholarship.  Not sure my Merit was really given and/or appreciated, I DUNNO WHAT IT MEANS.  But I was TECHNICALLY THAT.  On the PSAT.  Which is important.  For some reason.  Oh well what can ya do.  I might just be a THAT FINALIST.  Which in and of itself IS A TITLE TO PUT ON YOUR COLLEGE APPLICATION.  Just say National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist, THAT'S ENOUGH for them.  Ugh.  See ya later tonight.




That's That For Ya

    Hey friend!  Facing NORTH to write Act III. And moved my computer to a different surface where it is THUSLY FACING ME (South).  Not gonna Face North while writing paragraphs EAST.  THAT'D BE DUMB.  Anyway got about 20 minutes left of The Dark Night: Batman to watch tonight.  After that MAY just put on a Simpsons or two and then a Tales In The Crypt or two.  BUT THAT'S ALL AFTER WALK X.  Already took Walks I through IX.  AMAZON FRESH DELIVERY CAME 15 minutes into it's Delivery Window SO I DID NOT HAVE TO WAIT AROUND FOR IT.  Already had delicious 90 Minute Fridgerated Lucky Sherms Bar.  It was great!  Had wonderful Freedom Pot Pie for dinner and Salami Sandwich with Dorito for lunch.  I REALIZED pre-Lunch I still had SUSHI.  Cause I had BALANCED BREAKFAST for lunch yesterday instead of sushi.  I WAS ENTHUSIASTIC about eating sushi but i ERRED ON TE SIDE OF SALAMI NONETHELESS.  Sushi a STRONG STRONG contender for Tomorrow Lunch.  TOMORROW BREAKFAST could be Classic Breakfast, Black and white, or FRITTATA.  THEMS MY BEST GUESSES.  Maybe a REAL MIX EM UP and 3 Lucky Sherm bars IF I FEEL LIKE BEING DUMB.  I still have some Small Doughnuts too.  THAT'S IT.  THAT'S THE POTENTIAL BREAKFAST.
   Huh. Got 2 snacks left for tonight PROBS.  Iced Cream based snack and perhaps ANOTHER SHERM bar.  I dunno.  I DUNNO MUCH OF ANYTHING.  SURE I DO.  I just told you PLENTY of things A MERE ONE PARAGRAPH AGO.  ALL THAT STUFF IS STUFF I KNOW.  Lunches, Breakfasts, Mostly Relating To This Weekend For Me in particular.  GOT A LOT OF THAT SUBJECT really down pat.  Anyway.  WENT WITH SANDWICH THINS for salami sandwich.  FELT GOOD ABOUT IT.  I enjoyed it and whatnot YOU FOOLS.  Ugh.  Feels like I might mix things up and REALLY TRY THIS TIME not to have ANY NightMight Snacks.  Just watched the Dark Night.  Night means Knight.  MAYBE TAT WILL provide INSPIRO for not eating over night.  Also DON'T HAVE TIME TO SAY TEH WORD, "INSPIRATION."  Shortened it to Inspiro.  Not happy about it BUT TAHT'S THE WORLD WE LIVE IN.  Huh.  Any other Fun Re-Up with Amazon Fresh.  Got more SMORE Pop Tarts.  I think I'd REALLY enjoy a Classic Breakfast of Pop Tart and Iced Cream Sandwich.  MOST OF TE TIME I have classic breakfast it's THE WRONG choice.  TMORROW if I have it IT MIGHT BE THE WAY TO GO FROM THE GITMO.
   Sure why not.  Tried 30 times opening and closing and re-opening and closing DVD Tray so Dumb * Dumber would work but it never worked.  It'll work one day.  Just not today.  Not gonna try this evening!  THIS EVENING IS FOR SAMPSONS AND TALES.  Huh.  What else is up.  Chicken Pot Pie knocked it out of the park.  Everything was real well done real well done.  Totally lots of Potato and Chicken Bits instead of GROSS Pea and or bean.  OR CORN.  CORN IS TE WORST, "Pea and or bean," OF THEM ALL.  Huh.  NOT SURE about dinner tomorrow night.  If we get Deli I WILL GO AHEAD with starting a 2 part Omelet.  BUT if we get DINER maybe I DO wanna get GriddleCentricMeal and have them give me egg white Real Bonuslike.  OR maybe omelet anyway.  I DUNNO.  THE GOOD NEWS IS I was definitely leaning towards LEO omelet but if I have shrimp roll tomorrow THAT'S REPETITION with LOX in the evening.  BOTH ARE FISH.  MORE OR LESS.  Shrimp is fish DESPITE being warm blooded.  And Lox is fish EVEN THOUGH it swims upstream.  So that's something to consider.
Penultimate paragraph!  Amazing.  Ya know what?  I'lll err on the side of The Dark Knight being the best Batman film like any normal person, but Batman Begins has stuff going for it that The Dark Knight Has DIFFERENT STUFF GOING FOR IT INSTEAD.  Same can presumably be said about The Dark Knight Rises.  PRESUMABLY.  No one has ever said it yet and perhaps no one ever will but there exists THE POSSIBILITY that something COULD be said about it IN A COMPLETELY THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK.  Just PHILOSOPHICALLY it COULD be done SOMEHOW.  Ugh.  Also KATIE HOLMES BETTER RACHEL DAWES THAN MARGARET GYLLANHALL.  That's PERHAPS what Batman Begins has going for it instead of Batman The Dark Knight.  Katie Holmes.  WOW.  What else is going on and crap.  I GOT the Katie Holmes was into Batman.  I NEVER really felt Maggie Gyllanhaal was into Batman as MORE TAN A FRIEND.  Which SHE WASN'T.  She was with HARVEY DENT at the time.  But because it was a different actress there was no RESIDUAL clues that MaggieGyllanhallDawes was into Batman EVER.  THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING.
Last paragraph.  Huh.  Just checked my comprehensive iced cream sandwich supply.  Got TWO left.  One chocolate iced cream middled and one vanilla iced cream middled.  Presumably I can have BOTH of them as Classic Breakfasts before re-upping with them POST NEXT FRIDAY MORNING BREAKFAST.  But decent chance I have one as a snack.  PROBABLY would bea NightMight Eatings.  Lately These comprehensive iced cream sandwiches DON'T FIT IN with what I'm looking for for PLANNED snacks.  But the point is I BETTER GET AT LEAST ONE CLASSIC BREAKFAST THIS WEEK OUT OF THE DEAL.  Huh.  That's ONE of the points at least.  Anyway.  Aiming to have delicious Fridgerated Lucky Sherm Bar again after upcoming Final Walk.  WHY NOT.  I LIKE EATING JUNK.  It's FUN.  Anyway.  Hmm.  Nurse is coming to INFUSE my Dad's Blood with Health tomorrow morning.  Tomorrow afternoon AND OR EVENING my brother is presumably showing up. TIS  DUDE HAD COVID LESS TAN A WEEK AGO.  Not 100% why my parents are on board with him coming.  SEEMS OUT OF CHARACTER.  Anyway.  That'll do it. See ya tomorrow!

-8:01 P.M.




Friday, January 13, 2023

Thanks For Showing Up

    Hey!  Shitty EatingTheNightBefore last night!  We're talkin I had 6.5-7 units of alloted NightMight Snacks.  SKIPPED LUNCH which compensated for ONE unit.  Round it down the LOWER of 6.5 or 7 overall.  Not countin the One Unit I'm Alloted to eat, I OVER ATE BY 4.5 UNITS.  And if I round up to 5 THAT'S ENTIRE HALF A POUND I GAINED IF I HAD JUST DONE EVERYTHING ON TARGET.  OVERALL I estimate I gain maybe a third of a pund today all in all.  MAYBE Even A BIT LESS.  Either way.  Got Super market coming this morning.  AND I got up a little bit later than usual.  BASICALLY I'd be surprised if I could fit in more than 9 walks.  8 or 9 walks is decent, though.  NINE BEING EVEN MORE DESCENT.  Went to bed a little bit earlier last night.  Took pills and went to Try To Sleep about half an hour earlier compared to previous days.  COULD TAT HAVE LED TO ME LACK OF SUCCESS WITH EATING? SURE.  ANYTHING COULD HAVE.  I think I took a Ritalin today.  I'm NOT SURE.  I  remember taking my pills in general and either leaning towards taking the ritalin or leaning towards to taking it.  THEN I can't remember with whether I went with What I Was Leaning Towards OR if I went with WILDCARD doing it the UNintiutive way!
   YEAH.  Just about running out of soft drinks.  Got about a third of a bottle of diet coke and some diet snapple to tide me over What shouldn't be longer than ZERO to TWO HOURS.  AND ANOTHER THING I'm not wearing a laundered shirt.  So that's good I guess.  WHAT THE HELL WAS I EATING THAT ADDED UP TO 7 units of 350 calories.  THAT'S LIKE 2500 calories.  WHAT TE HELL WAS IT.  I know I had some mini donuts.  I had an iced cream or two.   golden grahambar here or there. Some chocolate candies.  STILL not seeing how it adds up THAT MUCH.  But I TRUST my calculations in the moment.  I have  a hard time keeping track of WHAT and WHEN I'm eating but I'm PRETTY focused on keeping vague running total on calories consumed.  Huh.  Had delicious chocolate eggo as snack last night!  I WAS Gonna do Egg White O nTost.  But toast MALFUNCITONED somehow and got super burnt and CONDESCEND for some reason.  I PUT IT IN TOASTER, 2 minutes later I realize SMOKE IS EMANATING from toaster in a BAD WAY, I stop toaster, THIS PIECE OF TOAST IS TOASTED TO OBLIVION and in the end it suffered SHRINKAGE.  I don't know what I did wrong.  PROBABLY SOMEONE ELSES FAULT.
ALSO I microwaved half the egg white I had left and that turned out gross!  THAT I'm chalking up to egg white just isn't fresh anymore.  Should probably thusly throw out the rest of it.  Huh.  SURPRISE part of enjoying eggo was it was VERY lightly toasted.  LIGHT TOASTED chocolatey egoo you actually taste the chocoately SOMEWHAT MORE.  Anyway.  Today could be a good day.  Started off crap with a lot of Negative Momentum in dieting.  BUT GOOD THINGS CAN HAPPEN.  Also IN PAST during Fridays where I have to accept Super Market, might limit my walks to 5 or 6.  THE WAY I DO THINGS I can hit an entire 8 or 9 NO PROBLEM.  NOW HE BALLS ARE IN MY COURT>  A KID IN KING'S ARTHUR'S COURT.  I BET THERE WERE KIDS THERE ALREADY.  SERVANT KIDS.  SURELY King Arthur got some servants and I'd bet dollars to donuts some of them were teenage kids.  NOT SEX SERVANTS THOUGH.  Stuff like They Feed Him and Whatknot.  Also POSSIBLE King Arthur is a work of fiction.  WHO ISN'T THESE DAYS am I right.
   Fourth paragraph.  Anyway.  Over the last week, I gave myself 2500 non NightMight snack calories to eat.  AND for 9ths and 10th walks I added 100 calories to the running total.  PROBABLY COULDA DONE SAME WITH 8th WALK because originally when Last Sweek Started I didn't even think I'd be taking EIGHT walks.  The point is between snacks and bonus walks I ended up at a 1925 calorie surplus.  Which is great!  If it weren't for last night I'd have ended up the week having gained maybe a quarter of a point which woulda been great because of all the Night Might.  NOW I guess it's closer to a half or 3/4ths of a pound.  But the good news is if I can ever address NightMight ALL THE OTHER PIECES fall into place to help me lose weight pretty rapidly.  Huh.  My mom used the phrase Itchy And Scratchy last night. ON A WHIM I asked if we had any spare blankets I could try using.  She said we had one that was very itchy and scratchy.  I KNOW A SIMPSONS FAN WHEN I SEE ONE. ...AND SHE IS NO SIMPOSINS FAN.
   Gotta imagine she caught Some Simpsons here and there and didn't hate it.  I even remember her kind of liking The South Park when that first came out.  First instinct was presumably AGAINST IT because profanity and adult situations and an OFFENSIVE BENT.  But I remember her laughing SPECIFICALLY at Starvin' Marvin episode.  Not sure why that's relevant.  Oh. Blanket.  Maybe if I make my bed it will help with NightMight.  Gotta try LOTS OF THINGS to see i they will help.  Just throw crap at a wall and see what sticks.  NOT LITREALLY.  I don't have that much crap on me.  I CAN PRODUCE MY OWN CRAP.  Yeah but that would take a while.  Anyway.  Good lunch today is possibly Kids Chicken Parm.  DINNER could be DELI Dinner.  Meaning TWO OUT OF THREE of Hearty Soup, Hot Dogs, and Chicken Pot Pie.  AMAZING.  THIS WAS TEH FIFTH PARAGRAPH.  I AM GOING TO GET COFFEE NOW AND WHATNKOT and nobody can stop me.
  WHAT IF what I was estimating as a NightMightUnit last night was HALF of one.
  I actually ate 3.5 NightMight Units instead of 7.  I dunno. It's POSSIBLE.  Would explain how I reached that amount of calories when OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD I can't figure it out.  Maybe I want delicious sushi today for lunch.  Depends on how hungry I am.  Probably gonna be pretty hungry!  NO BREAKFAST and whatknot.  SO that's good.  ANYAWY Fresh Direct just came.  Looks like I'll be able to fit in standard 8-9 walks today!  Huh.  What am I doing BATMANWISE.  I BELIEVE I can watch Batman Begins.  I guess only time will tell though.  Huh.  I could see myself enjoying Spicy Sushi Roll with maybe a 8-12 Wheat Thins as a side to PAD OUT THE MEAL.  You know like PAD THAI.  I TINK THERFORE THAI I AM.  That sort of thing. NO Rainbow Sprinkle cookie.  However TWO full sized black and whites.  If they were telling the turth and I BELIEVED each was 290 calories I'd be eating those MORE OFTHAN THAN NOTS for breakfasts.  My guess is it's roughly 100 calories more.  COULD BE MORE COULD BE LESS.  Let's split the difference and estimate they're Oh I Don't Know NINETY CALORIES MORE.
So that's good I guess.  THEN AGAIN, HMM, if I trusted remaining Egg White was edible TODAY might be a good opportunity for a balanced breakfast.  EVEN THOUGH I just re-upped with Lots Of Meals Tht Need eating.  I CULD SEE MYSELF ENJOYING TE BALANCED BREAKFAST plus it makes up for HALF A NIGHT MIGHT UNIT.  So it's all good.  Also I ENJOY Lightly Toasted Chocoatey Eggo.  PLUS just re-upped with Cinnamon Toast Crunch to have as part of balanced breakfast.  Maybe have Frosted Flakes anyways.  Just to DO THE RIGHT THINGS.  What else do I got going on for me.  SEVENT HPARAGRAPH I believe.  ON TRACK FOR 9 WALKS TODAY I BELIEVE.  UGH Bonus half a pound over Nightmight.  I WAS FEELING GENERALLY PRETTY GOOD that in the last week of diet, despite all the nightmighting, I probably gained about a quarter of a pound.  NOT IT'S INCREADED ALL THE WAY TO CLOSE TO 3 QUARTERS.  AND ALL BECAUSE THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WIT ME.  That no doctor seems WILLING to help me address.  They just shrug their shoulders and say I DUNNO.  YOU'RE A DOCTOR.  HELP ME.  THIS IS A VERY DEMORALIZING CONDITION I HAVE. I START OFF EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE IN A HOLE.  AND NOT A GOOD HOLE.
Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  WAIT if I take a walk now does that mean I can fit in FOUR walks for early part of the day leading to a possible TEN overall.  Lemme crunch thy numbers quick.  YES IT DOES.  I'm gonna do that. What was this, seven paragraphs?  Guess I'll add on a paragraphs or two for Acts II and/or III.  SEE YA IN A BIT.  WAIT I STARTED THIS PARAGRAPH.  Better finish it.  I can finish it within 3 minutes or so if I just type real dumb stuff.  Huh.  Already off to a pretty good start.  ALICIA SILVERSTONE IS BAT GIRL AND I DON'T NECESSARILY LIKE IT.  What motivation does SHE have to fight crime.  BATMAN AND ROBIN LOST FAMILY LOVED ONES to CRIMINAL KILLS.  ALICIA SILVERSTONE GOT KICKED OUT OF OXBRIDGE FOR RIDING MOTORCYCLES OR SOMETHING.  IT'S JUST NOT THE SAME.  Anywy EIGHT paragraphs for Act I.  ONLY TWO bonus paragraphs moving forward for rest of the day!  SEE YA TEN.




without yuo this is nothing

    Eight paragraph Act I IT WAS.  Act II gonna be four or five.  THEN Act III will probably make up the difference to make it 20 paragraphs for the day overall.  SO that's good!  Got a bit of crunch time right now but ESPECIALLY if I settle for four paragraphs, should be able to fit in everything normally!  ANYWAY strongly considering ATTEMPTING a balanced breakfast for lunch.  See if egg white can be cooked and/or NOT COOKED in a way that makes it more or less reasonably edible.  ALSO have Cinnamon Toast Crunch even though it's somewhat more calories than Frosted Flakes.  HAVE LESS OF IT.  Have 3/4ths of a cup measurement of cereal instead of 1 cup.  THAT EVENS TINGS OUT.  Aiming for I BELIEVE Hearty Frandmother's SOUP THIS TIME THEY GIVE ME TEH KREPLACHS for dinner.  With chickened pot pie for tomorrow dinner!  BACK UP LUNCH should egg white not pan out I GUESS is sushi.  Gotta remember to prepare Balanced Breakfast Lunch in such a way I don't commit myself to the cereal or eggo before knowing whether egg white could be eat-able.
   Anyway.  WILL IT be weird jumping from Batman * Robin to Batman Begins.
  I know for the last 2 decades well all love Nolan Batman Films as Best Cinema Movies Ever.  BUT AT SOME POINT I feel like society will wrap back around to oh these are just SOME MORE BATMAN MOVIES.  Maybe a little bit more serious.  BUT IN THE END it's really still 90% the same movie.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  What else do I got going for me today.  STAY UP A BIT LATER today.  Take pills between 11:30 PM and 12:00 AM.  I FEEL of the things I've tried, staying up later has had SLIGHT SUCCESS so far in regards to combating EatingTheNightBefore.  SO that's good.  The point is one day I'll live on my own and not buy All The Groceries so I'll just be in a situation I CAN'T NightMight unless I leave the apartment to get something off the street WHICH I DON'T TINK I WILL.  So in hypothetical situation where I support myself and live alone I CAN SOLVE THIS NO PROBLEM.
Also YES I could make PROGRESS RIGHT NOW by buying less snacks for me to eat in general.  BUT still got the snacks my MOM and/or DAD eat.  Not gonna make it perfect is the point.  We talked about this a day or two ago.  GOOD I'M GLAD.  At this rate how many minutes do I have to write 2.75 paragraphs.  ABOUT TWENTY FIVE MINUTES.  Oh okay.  That's certainly pretty plausible.  THE POINT IS the coffee I got is almost entirely FIRST coffee.  Only drink about a third of the first cup!  TOPPED 'ER OFF when I got back from walk and put it in MICRO-WAVE.  That solves that problem.  Huh.  SUSHI isn't that far off in calories from Balanced Breakfast.  COULD BE ABLOUT EVEN.  I'd say it's between zero and 150 calories MORE.  THE POINT IS SHUT UP ABOUT IT let me do things the best way I can.  I'M TRYING MY BEST and you getting on my case ISN'T HELPING.
   Penultimate paragraph of the act!  20+ minutes to write 2 paragraphs.  EASY.  Seven paragraphs at Act I.  Hmm.  Starting MICHELOB ULTRA tonight beer.  That should be fun.  I like the part where hey great how about that.  What am I listening to on upcoming walk.  Listened to some Immortal Technique the last 2 days.  Good music!  Makes ya THINK.  But NOW it's time for music that won't make ya think.  Won't even SUGGEST ya think.  YOU THINKING isn't even something on this music's radar AT ALL.  If anything it actively would be a proponent of you NOT thinking!  Wait that's too far.  I WANT TINKING NEUTRAL.  Not ANTI-THINKING. That's where I draw some line.  Anyway when is lunch.  Creepin' up I guess!  About 2.25 hours PRESUMABLY.  Makes sense.  What else is going on and crap. Shower after next walk.  That's how that goes.  Then take a walk SOON after shower.  NO TIME TO DILLY DALLY TODAY after showering.  Gotta get Right BACK UP and RIGHT BACK AT IT in regards to Continuing Walk.  HEY ONLY MORE PARAGRAPH TO WRITE this is great.
Huh.  Based on egg white not looking edible last night, I'd say it's a 50/50 shot it'll be edible today.  Certainly last night SUGGESTS it won't be.  But I've got a good feeling TAT WAS A FLUKE and this time around I CAN MAKE IT WORK.  Huh.  Friday the 13th.  It's UNLUCKY because it's a MAJOR MOTION PICTURE FRANCHISE.  Winter jacket still pretty moist from walking in the rain last night.  DON'T LIKE IT.  Slightly uncomfortable.  WHY SHOULD I SUFFER with slightly uncomfortable coats!  Doesn't add up.  Huh.  Guess I'm aiming for 10 paragraphs today.  Gonna have to crunch the numbers to see exactly how that'll shake out.  TODAY I gotta be home between 6:00 and possibly 7:00 to accept a Dinner Delivery.  The 50% of days where that happens makes it a little more CRUNCHTIME and DIFFICULT to fit in that bonus walk.  ALSO either way I always have to decide whether it makes sense to EAT dinner PRE Penultimate Walk or POST Penultimate Walk.  YEAH I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses because IT'S IMOPRTANT TO EVERYONE.  ANyway that's it.  See ya tonight.




Time To Write Some Paragraphs!

    DANGIT just remembered I have to write an extra 2 paragraphs.  SEVEN OVERALL.  Pretty do-able but I won't quite BREEZE through the act in the way I was imagining I will.  Anyway.  Just had delicious fudgesicle.  I TINK I'm gonna try REAL GOOD from now on to stop doing NightMight eating.  I know IN TE PAST I THOUGHT I TRIED HARD but my HEART JUST WASN'T IN IT.  This time around IT WILL END.  Thinking about putting Chair in front of bedroom door.  BONUS OBSTACLE.  I think I tried that before with less success.  Either that or HAMPER from bathroom instead of chair from Room.  Either way TIS TIME MY HEART IS IN IT and IT'S BOUND TO WORK.  HOW COULD FOLLOWING YOUR HEART BE WRONG? It can't!  Unless in all those scenarios and circumstances Where Following Your Heart Might End Up With Negative Consequences.  EXCEPTIONS THAT DISPROVE SOME RULE.
   Did I watch Batman * Robin today or yesterday.  I can't even remember.  I KNOW I'm halfway through Batman Begins now.  Huh.  LUCKILY I HAVE A LOG of all the TV and Film I watch day-in-day-out.  SO I CAN SEE when I watched Batman and Robin.  GOOGLE get me CNTRL + F and Search "Robin."  TAKE OUT THE GOOGLE PART THOUGH.  I can do it with my EXTERNAL KEYBOARD HARDWARE, not some INTERNET SEARCH ENGINE.  OK I talked about it some in Previous Act Today.  SO I THINK I probably watched all of it yesterday. THEN WHAT DID I WATCH TODAY.  I dunno.  A couple of The Simpsons and then Batman.  LOTS OF WALKS.  Took 10 already and am gonna take an eleventh tonight!  WOW.  Once I stop doing NightMight Eating LIKE I WILL BEGIN NOT DOING OVER THE UPCOMING NIGHT-MORNING I think I'm gonna stop keeping careful track of calories and eatings and whatknot.  Just continue doing ALL TEH WALKS, continue doing QUITE LIMITED SNACKING.  Don't start loosening up snacking and having an Indulgence Snack 2 or 3 times in the day Just Cause I Can.  NO STICK TO LIMITED WHATEVER until I hit Goal Weight.
   THERE THAT'S TWO PARAGRAPHS.  Now only FIVE to go.  Got one more snack EITHER WAY tonight. It's not an INDULGENCE SNACK I DON'T NEED.  It's an Evening Moderate snack.  TOTALLY WITHIN REASON TO CONSUME.  Huh.  KATIE HOLMES IS FINE RACHEL DAWES.  Not sure why they had to replace her.  Kinda seems weird to do if she wasn't THAT bad at it.  AND SHE WAS NOT.  Anyway.  I think I have A SINGLE semi-indulgent Golden Graham Bar left.  MIGHT FINISH IT as upcoming snack.  NO TIME LIKE TE PRESENT TO FINISH GOLDEN GRAHAM BARS.  Anyway.  For UPCOMING Amazon Fresh order I will FOREGO re-upping with Golden Graham Barrs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars ( STILL GOT 3 or 4 of those anyway) BUT I MAY re-up with Lucky Charm Barrs.  WHICH are 100 calorie like CTC but not 130 like GGB.  Either way I can see getting a kick out of those.  I DID IT ONCE BEFORE. If you Got Kicks out something IN PAST stands to reason that'll carry over into future.  STANDS TO REASON You Eating It In The Future, When It Finally Arrives, BecomesThe Present, AND YOU ENJOY EATING IT IN THE PRESENT.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Huh.  Had delicious Grandmother's Soup for dinner with LOTS of Kreplach.  They gave me FOUR of em. Very thin steamed dumplings with not a lot of Chopped Liver in it. NOT HEARTY but FOUR OF EM is a GREAT amount.  Not too much!  But decent!  Anyway had delicious Balanced Breakfast for lunch.  REST OF EGG WHITE hated up properly in microwave.  Had chocoately eggo WHICH I'M REALLY GETTING SEVERAL KICKS OUT OF THESE DAYS and had Frosted Flake Cereal.  HUH MAYBE I'D ENJOY A CHOCOLATE EGGO AS UPCOMING SNACK.  It's teh gift that keeps giving!  AS LONG AS YOU KEEP EATING NEW ITERATIONS OF IT.  If you just had it once THE GIFT WILL CEASE TO GIVE.  But if you have SIMILAR Circular Prisms they will continue to satisfy you.  That's not the phrase I'm looking for. DISCS.  THAT'S WHAT AN EGGO IS.  Nice Disc.  EAT SOME CHOCOALTEY DISC.  Kinda tastes like chocolate chip pancake!
   YEAH.  Three paragraphs to go.  Breakfast tomorrow is probably gonna be black and white cookie.  OTHER GOOD OPTION is trying out FRITTATA.  Gotta imagine those are the top teo options.  DINNER tomorrow night is Freedom Pot Pie.  LUNCH?  Not gonna be kids chicken parm.  OTHER OPTIONS are veggie burger, ham sandwich, lean salami sandwich, and turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti.  HMM TURKEY MEATLOAF WIT HEALTH SPAGHETTI sounds good but SO DOES SOME SORT OF SANDED WHICH.  Sandwich.  WOW.  So many ALTERNATE homonyms and spelling for WHICH but in the word sandwich THEY UTILIZE NONE OF THEM AND JUST MAKE UP TEIR OWN SYLLABLE.  I DON'T LIKE IT, I DON'T LIKE IT ONE BIT.  Wich.  Huh.  Presumably I'm finishing Batman Begins.  AKA BATMAN BEGINS ENDS.  What else am I watching tonight.  SOME MORE TALES.  Left off last night after THE SWITCH.  Is Cutting Cards the next episode?  We can only assume it is.  We can also only BET OUR LIVES on it.  THINK OF WHAT WE STAND TO WIN if we're betting our lives. It'd have to be something CLOSE TO EQUALLY VALUABLE.  Assuming I'm right and the next episode is Cutting Cards I'M WINNING TEH EQUIVALENT OF THE REST OF MY LIFE.  By the way I just checked it out and the next episode Is Cutting Cards.  WHEW.  That was a CLOSE ONE.
Last paragraph?  Nope.  Gotta write two more.  I believe my brother is stopping by on Sunday.  That's good.  He's a good 'un. I consider him a friend.  CLOSE friend.  Close PERSONAL friend.  Also he sounds a lot like me In terms of Voice so I could probably exploit that one way or another in some sort of CRIME or CAPER or maybe just MISDIRECTION on the police while they're investigating me for something.  Haven't crunched the numbers of how that would work out exactly quite yet.  What else do I got going for me and whatknot.  ANY GOOD ALTS to breakfast.  Classic Breakfast is ALWAYS in the cards.  Only pop tarts I got right now are frosted blueberry.  But that'd still be good.  I THINK I have more than enough Small Donuts to have 3 Small Doughnut Breakfast.  HUH.  Got some sort of Frozen Breakfast Scramble Dish YA EAT WITH FORK instead of by Holding Sandwich THAT I'VE HAD FOR A LONG TIME BUT NEVER ATE. 
  It's about TIME.  PARTIALLY.  Also about space.  WEB Space.  What else is up.  What am I thinking in terms of when to go to bed.  Don't take pills before 11:00 PM.  Don't Go To GoingIntoSleepMode before 11:30 PM.  SOUNDS ABOUT REASONABLE.  Huh.  Gotta have to accept Amazon Fresh delivery now tomorrow afternoon PRESUMABLY between 3 and 5 PM. Could that interrupt my Walkings?  PROBABLY.  But it'd only impact ONE I'd say.  It'd have to Go Real Wrong to make me miss more than one walk.  Also pretty presumably possible I don't miss ANY walk.  YEAH.  What else is up.  NOT HAVING EATEN ANY NIGHTMIGHT SNACK UPCOMING NIGHTTIME, missing one walk Would Be A LAUGH of a hassle.  I WOULD HARDLY CARE AT ALL.  Huh.  Then again I got BROTHER coming on Sunday.  That'll make me miss a couple of walks.  AGAIN I WILL LAUGH AT THE HASSLE because at that point I'll have gone TWO nights in a row without NightMight Snacking.  Which is just the START of a streak that may last SEVERAL WEEKS.  And then when that streak ends A NEW WEEKSLONG STREAK BEGINS.  THAT'S HOW TAHT GOES.  Presumably.  Huh.  I'm gonna go now.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:09 P.M.




Thursday, January 12, 2023

Not Falling For That One Again

    Hey friends!  Behind schedule today.  10:53 AM.  Only gonna fit in 3 walks in early part of the day instead of 4.  End up at 8 or 9 walks overall instead of 9 or 10!  ALSO possible Act I is cut short. IF SO I would either add on to act II or III!  YEAH.  Had a lot of EatingTheNightBefore last NightMight.  About 3.5x NightMightUnits.  Already skipped breakfast No Problem and will probably have Balanced Breakfast for lunch.  Between those two things, that makes up about 1.5 NightMightUnit.  WHICH MEANS overall I just had a surplus of ONE NightMight Unit.  Which is certainly RELEVANT in the WRONG DIRECTION but it's not that bd.  OVERALL I'm still losing weight OVERALL today.  Not sure I've ever worn OVERALLS.  Kinda seems like an oversight.  Also YES I want the one with easy access to the butt.  Unbutton the butt part of the overalls for using the bathroom.  I CAN'T TAKE MY PANTS OFF COMPLETELY, I GOT PLACES TO BE.  LEMME JUST UNBUTTON MY BUTT.
Sure.  FINALLY make a dent in these Egg Whites AS WELL AS have delicious Chocolatey Eggo.  Only got Freedom Flakes for the cereal portion.  I can deal with that!  HMM I think it'll be smaller pieces, too.  I THINK I'm near the bottom of the box.  NOT FULL FLEDGED FLAKES.  Closer to CRUMBS.  I mean sure I think what's left will mostly qualify as flakes.  But it's not your STANDARD HEARTY Flakes that you're dealing with when you first open the box.  Huh.  What am I doing for dinner.  Ham sandwich or fried calamari?  Guess probably the fried calamari.  WOW.  One of the three sandwich meats from upcoming super market order is Veggie Burger.  SO I can still have 3 Super market sandwiches over the week but have that bonus vegetable burger as some dinner at some point.  IT ALL IS GONNA WORK OUT DON'T WORRY.  Or worry, wat do I care.   Anyway.  Watched the first 2/3rds or so of Me * Myself * Irene.  It was on ON DEMAND Television.  On the IFC network.  It's FUNNY because I pronounced it as a syllable.  IFK.  GET IT?
   YEAH.  That's a good movie.  Lotta heart to that movie, lotta laughs.  It's not Kingpin but WHO IS.  Not sure whether I'll write Act II between walks II and III and then shower after walk III or the other way around.  Way schedule is different this morning MAKES THAT A QUESTION.  Anyway beer I'm getting tomorrow is MICHELOB ULTRA.  LOW END of calories for light beer.  HIGH END of alcohol content for Light Beer.  LOW END of price because it's not Craft Beer.  HIGH END OF QUALITY because JUST LOOK AT IT the design of the can and The Name Of The Name REEK Classiness.  So that's good I guess.  Lunch isn't so far away at all!  A mere 3 hours presumably.  THE POINT IS do I have enough soda to last me the next 24 hour?  Probably! And if not THAT'S WHEN WATER COMES INTO PLAY.  Isn't the original premise of IFC INDEPENDENT FILM.  Pretty sure a 2000 comedy starring Jim Carrey directed by Farrelly Bros is as main stream and/or big budget For What It Is as it gets.  NOT A FAN of television channels that abandon their original premises.  Which is probably like 2/3rds of television channels!
   IT'S NOT TV IT'S HBO?  WRONG BUDDY.  AT TIS POINT IT'S WRAPPED BACK AROUND TO BEING TV.  That's how I feel and crap!  Anyway, gonna get coffee after this paragraph.  Then write for Oh I Don't Know another 35-45 minutes.  COULD BE GOOD.  Solid chance I finish 10 paragraphs AND take the walk II early enough that I feel comfortable committing to the Slightly Longer Writing Act II instead of the Slightly Shorter Taking Shower I.  Hmm.  IT OCCURRED TO ME while watching Batman Forever that JIM CARREY IS A GOOD ACTOR.  I think we take for granted that it's Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey... BUT IT'S NOT.  It's JIM CARREY BEING THE RIDDLER.  We have NO IDEA how Jim Carrey would REALLY act and behave if he was an underling in Bruce Wayne's R & D department designing morally questionable but immensely profitable and powerful products AND WHATKNOT.  THIS IS ALL WHAT RIDDLER WOULD SAY AND DO.  Same thing with Me Myself and Irene.  EXCEPT FOR THE THE RIDDLER PART.
there was a point last night I tried to play some Call Of Duty II.  Me Myself * Irene wasn't working on XBOX so I tried CALL OF DUTY for 5 minutes.  Opening and closing the disc drive tray.  NEVER LOADED.  But GOING FORWARD it's possible I REALIZE hey Video Game Would Be Fun and whatknot.  Huh.  Wait a second.  One BONUS SURPLUS NightMightUnit MIGHT not have me losing weight overall for the day.  ESPECIALLY considering I'm only taking a mere 8 or 9 walks instead of 9 or 10!  MY GUESS is it's pretty close but I end up 100 or 200 calories IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION in terms of losing weight.  BUT IT'S PRETTY CLOSE and/or WHATKNOT.  Hmm.  Don't wanna write past 40 more minutes. I can write 5+ paragraphs in fourty minutes though. I do it all the time.  EVEN MORE OFTEN I DON'T DO IT.  SO MUCH OF MY LIFE is consisted of NOT writing over 5 paragraphs inside of fourty minutes.  LIKE SLEEP.  I was sleeping earlier.  WASN'T DOING THAT AT ALL.
Anyway.  Four paragraphs to go though at least though right?  SURE.  Wearing an unlaundered shirt I retrieved from Bathroom Hamper.  Hamper is CAN where you put dirty laundry in.  DIRTY LAUNDRY IS OXYMORON.  Either it's laundry-- BEEN LAUNDERED-- or its dirty!  EITHER THAT OR IT'S REPETITION.  It's possible I got Laundry ALL WRONG.  Maybe Laundry IS INHERENTLY Not Laundered Yet.  In which case YES I WOULD EXPECT ALL LAUNDRY TO BE ON TEH DIRTY SPECTRUM.  Either why HEY an entire month since my birthday.  THIS SUCKER WITH TWO THUMBS IS 34 and 1/12th years old.  MAN OH MAN am I gonna be eligble to run for president next year.  Unless there's a height requirement.  SOLID chance you gotta be 5'9 to run for president.  OFFICIALLY.  IN PRACTICE people who are 5'6 EASILY sneak their way in.  MAKES SENSE.  SHORTER PEOPLE GOTTA BE SNEAKY.  THAT'S HOW THEY COMPENSATE.  LOOK I know there've been president or two who are like 5'4.  Like what's his name.  James Madison BUT NOT James Madison.  Name KINDA LIKE James Madison.  Maybe it is James Madison.  What else is up.
   Seventh paragraph.  FOUR PARAGRAPHS in 35 minutes seems EMINENTLY doable.  DOABLE gotta be a confusing word to read if you're not the one writing it.  I KNOW I mean Do-able.  Able To Be Done.  But if you just Read It Out Of Nowhere you gotta be like DOABLE WHAT TE HELL IS THAT WORD.  SOUNDS LIKE A MISSPELLING OF DOUBLE.  Not only a misspellign but also a MISUSE.  It's neither DOUBLE SPELLED CORRECTLY or DOUBLE USED CORRECTLY.  Or maybe you have NO PROBLEM reading me use the word doable at all.  I don't know what's going on on your end of this.  YOUR PROBLEM not mine.  Anyway, what else is up.  At this rate probably gonna have Standard Act II between walks II and III and then shower after walk III.  YOU KNOW THAT SORT OF THING.  Presumably lunch after Shower.  OR push it back a bit if I feel like it.  PROBABLY NOT.  YOU KNOW TAT SORT OF THING.  Got delicious Nacho Cheese Doritos in upcoming Super market order.  Not individual pouches.  Big PARTY bag.  It's ALWAYS A PARTY when DORITOS are in the room.
Huh.  Three paragraphs to go.  EASY.  Great.  Solid Chance I hit at least A LITTLE BIT of all four things-- Me * Myself and/or Irene, Batman and Robin, Tales In The Crypt, The Simpsons.  FINISHING Irene and Robin sounds like a slam dunk.  Watching a SIMPSONS or two seems VERY plausible.  A tales In the crypt is QUITE REASONABLE!  ANYWAY IT'S ALL GONNA BE FINE JUST FINE.  Not sure Batman has love interest in Batman And Robin.  I know there's Poison Ivy.  But they never have any REAL connection.  SEXUAL ATTRACTION and/or USING SEXUAL ATTRACTION for NEFARIOUS PURPOSES.  There's no subtext of they really care about each other at all.  Hmm.  Is there another lady.  OH RIGHT.  Alicia Silverstone and Robin.  But that's not Batman.  NEITHER OF TEM are Batman.  MAYBE THEY'RE ALL BATMAN.  Oh okay I see that makes sense.  Anyway.  AT FIRST I thought I'd finish Batman and Irene for the first thing.  By which I mean FORGET BATMAN I MEAN THE IRENE MOVIE.  But now I think MIGHT LIKE A SIMPSONS EPISODE FIRST.
YEAH.  I hope I don't have to start from beginning on Me Myself * Irene.  SOMETIMES On Demand you can't fast-forward at all.  So they may have Reset me back to the start WITH NO CHOICE but to play it from start.  GOOD.  I can start it up, watch some Simpsons, and then resume Film when I hit the point where its playing at BACK ON THE LIVE TV SIDE OF THE TELEVISION EQUATION.  Anyway.  Hmm.  WOULD eating ham sandwich without sndwichside be a reasonable lunch option as well?  I GUESS.  Wouldn't save me as many calories, though!  Balanced Breakfast would save me 50-200 calories more than SidelessSandwich DEPENDING on how you interpret crunching the numbers.  ALSO it makes sense to finally make some progress with Egg White YOU FOOLS.  Huh.  What else do I got going for me today.  Thought today was gonna SUCK.  Thought I had fucked up big time with the NIghtMight, thought I was gonna miss an entire 2 or 3 walks... IN THE END it's still a Progress Day.  More or less!  YEAH.
Last paragraph of the act.  Good deal.  What else is going on and crap.  KINDA THINK IRENE IS INTO HANK A LITTLE BIT.  Not Hank for Hank's Sake.  She RECOGNIZED that Hank should be OH I Don't Know 25% of TheEntire Person. So when Hank comes around she doesn't wanna shut down Hank Completely.  You know that sort of thing.  Maybe this was all obvious to you in 2000 BUT IT WASN'T TO ME.  OBVIOUSLY both Hank and Charlie are into Irene.  WHO WOULDN'T BE.  Anyway, I dunno.  Is it POSSIBLE I have ham sandwich tonight and calamari OH I DON'T KNOW tomorrow lunch? Sure but I dunno WHY exactly.  Unless I particularly go into tonight Wanting Ham Sandwich.  Which isn't impossible!  Stranger things have happened!  Ham Sandwiches are pretty good!  I'd just say the odds ARE NOT in its favor.  Unless you're a Glass is One Fifth Full type of guy.  HEY THERE'S a 20% CHANCE I WILL WANT AND WILL CONSUME HAM SANWDICH FOR DINNER TONIGHT.  THOSE ODDS AREN'T BAD.  GOTTA LOOK AT BRIGHT SIDE OF THE GLASS.  WOW.  Finished 10 paragraphs in Oh I Don't Know 43 minutes.  I WIN.  See ya in a little bit for more! 



What Good Is That

    Hey friends!  Got a solid fourty five minutes to write 5 paragraphs.  PROBABLY'll take 2/3rds that.  So that's good I guess.  Lookin' forward to some TVTime today.  RIGHT NOW I'm picturing enjoying The Sampsons.  Maybe delay Myself and/or Irene's Self all the way til TONIGHT.  THAT COULD WORK.  What Simpsons episode am I up to.  HOLY SHIT it's CLASSIC Treehouse Of Horror.  The WillyGetsKilled one.  That's what ties all segments together.  WILLY (Character From Simpsons-- Scottish Groundskeeper) gets killed with Ax each of three segments.  Or maybe it's an Axe.  About 75% sure it's Axe.  Could be Ax, what do I know. Anyway.  HOW OFFENSIVE.  Yeah a stereotypical Scotting Groundskeeper WE GET IT.  TRY PUNCHING, "UP," FOR A CHANGE.  I dunno what that means.  The point is WILLY has a good work ethic I think.  Takes groundskeeping duties pretty seriously.  I SEE HIM TENDING TO THE GROUND ALL TE TIME.
   Okay.  I DON'T KNOW how to eat calamari tonight.  Maybe try one piece cold and make a snap decision whether to continue eating it cold.  IT'D BE GOOD CHLILED.  Or room temperature.  Or Hated Up WHAT DO I KNOW you can't go wrong.  Anyway looks like a good collection of calmari!  SOMETIMES over 50% of the calamari are WEIRD TENTACLE SHAPES. From what I can tell THIS LOOKS LIKE A HUGE MAJORITY OF Solid Circles and whatknot.  Should be pertty good.  Probably leaving some over.  Gonna aim to eat 30-35 pieces.  MY GUESS IS that'll be a mere 75-90% of it.  Guess I could have the rest as a SNACK or SANDWICHSIDE at some point.  Sounds reasonable.  THAT COULD WORK and/or whatknot.  Hmm.  PROBABLY have balanced breakfast lunch at right around 2:00.  WHAT A GREAT STORY.  HERE'S THE SEQUEL-- back up is have it at right around 3:00.  Not so much a BACK UP as it is an ALTERNATE IDEA OF HOW TO GO ABOUT THINGS. 
   Huh.  HOLY SHIT I just realized I could get giant rainbow sprinkle cookie from Super market responsibly.  SPLIT IT INTO HALVES for breakfast.  I got it once or twice and liked it but then it fell to the wayside in terms of I FORGOT HOW TO HAVE IT RESPONSIBLY.  NOW IT'S ALL COMING BACK TO ME.  May or may not Go Ahead And Get It then!  I'll think about it some more.  It's not THAT good, is it?  It can't be!  It's just a black and white cookie but with lots of sprinkles instead of Black Or White.  Also bigger.  The point is huh what else is up.  Probably gonna make an entire 9 walks tonight.  Been pretty good at Hitting All The Walks the last few days.  Been fun!  I saw they announced the next New York Marijuana Shop that's opening.  Unino Square.  WAHTTA GYP.  That's like a third of a mile away FROM THE FIRST SHOP.  WHAT THE BIG IDEA and whatknot.  YES I KNOW YOU WANT NYU STUDENTS TO SMOKE MARIJUANA WE GET IT.  Now give SOMEONE ELSE a try.
Penultimate paragraph.  HMM.  Based on how hungry I am right now (I'm Not) 3:00 Lunch seems like it's a got a solid chance at pulling off an upset!  Not MUCH of an upset.  I got out of bed about an hour later than usual.  MAKES SENSE I eat lunch an hour later than usual.  THEN AGAIN I HAD NO BREAKFAST.  Either way whatever.  Later lunch SPELLS plausible Eating Dinner POST Penultimate Walk instead of PREPEN.  So that's good.  Anyway.  It took me UNTIL YESTERDAY to make the connection between George Santos and Santos L Halper.  ONE IS A CURRENT EVENTS story and one is a SIMPSONS reference.  If you're familiar enough with BOTH references YOU TOO WILL BE AMUSED.  BOTH INVOLVE SOME SORT OF CONNING AND MAKING UP A PERSON.  VERY INTERESTING.  Let's Laugh About It Privately To Ourselves About It For A Little Bit. ...I dunno, give yourself about 90 seconds to consider it.  THEN get started on next paragraph.
  Maybe I watch Tales From The Myself And Irene FIRST TINGS FIRST today on the TV.  FINISH WHAT I STARTED.  Why let it hang over my head when I could accomplish watching it completely.  Hmm.  GOT Ritalin prescription earlier this morning.  Still haven't taken it.  Kinda feel like I don't need it right now!  WILL RE-EVALUATE these circumstances tomorrow morning I guess.  If I feel like hey now that I haven't taken it for a few days and am doing fine without it PRESUMABLY should go ahead and NOT TAKE SOMETHING I DON'T REALLY NEED then maybe I will.. follow through... on that... conclusion.  Makes sense to me.  Either way what else do I got going on. That's a tough one!  I don't have so much going on STRONGLY.  Got a good amount of things going PRETTY decently.  No complaints overall or anything!  Huh.  I guess that's it for now! See ya tonight.  WAIT A SECOND IS TIS PARAGRAPH LONG ENOUGH.  Oh.  Yeah.  It is!  ESPECIALLY NOW.




Thank God You're Here

    Hey friends! Considering a delicious slice of toast and Half The Egg Whites I Have as upcoming Nighttime snack.  REAL MIX EM UP.  Not a sweet thing.  NOT EVEN A SALTY THING.  Vaguely a savory thing.  NOT REALLY EVEN THAT.  But it'll be good.  Had delicious ham sandwich with no sandwichside for lunch and Microwaved Fried Calamari with HALF A DOZEN less pieces I'd normally have to make up for HAVING TEH HAM SANDWICH INSTEAD OF BALANCED BREAKFAST.  GOOD NEWS IS I FORGET but everything seemed to work out today anyway.  GONNA somehow fit in the entire 10 walks.  Still gotta take one more when this is over.  I'LL BE BACK IN TIME to watch The Equivalent Amount Of TV As One Long Complete Movie.  WON'T BE one Long Complete Movie.  I got Half Of Batman and Robin left ( I GUESS THE ROBIN HALF ).  Other than that, presumably get started on Season II of Tales In The Crypt.  FINISHED MYSELF AND IRENE AND A TIRD PERSON OH YES IT WAS ME.  Watched an episode of two of The Sampsons.  ONE OF TE WALKS was in HEAVY rain.  I SURVIVED somehow.
  Anyway that covers all that.  Made some last minute adjustments to super market order.  NO RAINBOW COOKIE.  But what EXCITING thing did I Last Minute decide UPON getting.  AH.  A carton or tub or something of some sort of very low calorie vanilla Iced Cream which may not be iced cream.  AS WELL AS 20 calorie Cake Cones.  IT'S GONNA BE EXCITING when I start putting that into play.  Presumably each cone is around 100 calories PER MY CURRENT ESTIMATIONS for how many calorie ICED CREAM is.  Decided to get HAM instead of TURKEY.  Normally I ge tboth.  BUT THIS WEEK I was committed to both Kale Veggie Burgers and Hebrew National Lean Salami.  LEAVING ME ONLY ONE OTHER KINDA SANDWICHES.  Went with HAM over Turkey as A LAST MINUTE SUBSTITUTION on the idea hey I like getting A TURKEY DINNER now and again from Diners or Delis.  NEVER GONNA GET A HAM DINNER THOUGH.  So that might happen.  Might happen HARDCORE.  More likely Softcore though.  Not 100% what could happen in that scenario that would make it qualify as Hardcore BUT I CAN SAY I don't necessarily think I'D WANT it to be hardcore.
   Anyway.  Thinking about making a point to try Frozen Frittata for Breakfast tomorrow.  WOW I GET TWO OF EM.  Didn't realize.  They're slightly smaller than I imagined BUT OVERALL It's MORE OVERALL that I'd be eating for 260 calorie that I imagined SO THIS WAS GREAT NEWS.  Anyway.  Very reasonable I have a 40 calorie fudgesicle or a 60 calorie tootsie pop tonight IN ADDITION to Toast and Small Egg White Portion.  NOT NECESSARY PROBABLY but we'll see how it, "SHAKES," out.  Anyway.  I watched the FIRST of my Myself*Irene viewing today ON IFC ONDEMAND some more.  But then I paused it AGAIN to resume it AGAIN later on and THAT TIME it lost my place in the movie and took me back to the beginning WITHOUT THE ABILITY TO FAST FORWARD.  LUCKILY then the DVD started working when I tried it again.  THE GOOD NEWS IS I'm vaguely certain the DVD version has SEVERAL MORE SCENES mostly relating to the B-Plot of Jim Carrey trying to kill a cow to put it out of its misery but failing AND SOME OFTHAT shows up at the end of the movie SO I SAW MORE ABOUT IT than I would have if IFC didn't Lose My Place.
   ...YEAH.  Two paragraphs to go.  Anyway.  If I wake up early on time tomorrow no reason I can't fit in 9 OR EVEN TEN walks despite Possibly Having To Hang Around For A While In Morning For Super Market.  Anyway THIS TOAST IS ALL BONUS TOAST.  Had this white bread for 2 weeks and it's being replaced by SNADWICH THINS for next two weeks of sandwiches.  EITEHR I EAT BONUS TOAST NOW or it's going to waste.  Sounds good.  REAL good.  Huh.  Maybe do ZERO NightMight eating tonight WHAT DO YO UTHINK ABOUT THAT.  You're probably PRO-me.  You want what's best for me.  Neutral to positive feelings on how my life should go.  I dunno maybe you wish the worst on me.  I guess that's your right.  Gonna have to disagree, though!  I've put more thought into How My Life Should, "Shake," Out more than possibly anyone else and when I Crunched the numbers I DETERMINED MY LIFE SHOULD BE GOOD.  Makes sense.  Cut delicious ham sandwich in half diagonally.  WENT PRETTY GOOD.
Yuh.  One more paragraph to go!  I'm eating Fritatta with fork, right?  Perhaps even for and knife?  But I'm not just picking it up and taking bites out of it like that.  CORRECT?  I guess we'll just have to wait here ALL NIGHT for you to answer.  I GOT NOWHERE ELSE TO BE.  This is only going to hurt you more than it hurts me.  Huh.  What else.  Presumably more Fun Funny and HEARTFUL Farelly Bros movies I can watch.  THAT MOVIE WHERE THERE WAS SOMETHING ABOUT MARY.  Perhaps a Dumb and Dumber.  EVEN A SHALLOW HAL.  What else.  I could TOLERATE a Stuck On You.  What else do I got going on for me.  Got some Fried Calamari left.  Mostly Tentacle Pieces or just Small Clusters of Friedness that may or may not have any sort of calamari inside at all.  STILL WOULD BE DELICIOUS TO EAT.  Not user I can picture myself working it in any way one way or another though.  THE GOOD NEWS IS the entry is over!  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:21 P.M.




Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Sure Seems That Way To me

    Hey!  A little bit later today.  9:51 AM.  SHOULD be able to fit in 4 walks in early part of the day LIKE I LIKE.  Might cut off Act I at 8 or 9 paragarphs, though!  COULD IT BE Seven?  VERY UNLIKELY.  Likely 10, though, too!  ANYWAY EatingTheNightBefore went pretty good last night!  I BELIEVE I had just one unit of NightMight over the night PLUS I had smaller breakfast of JUST ONE mini donut instead of THREE.  MEANING I MADE UP A .5 NightMight Unit DEFICIT.  Assuming I remember The Night correctly.  Definitely didn't REGISTER that I ate PAST 1 NIGHT MIGHT.  Guess it's pretty plausible I did.  I DON'T THINK SO THOUGH.  Anyway.  Lunch today either gonna be ham sandwich with sandwichside of Grilled Chicken Roll with Perhaps 1/3rd of the Roll Itself being thrown out.  I DON'T KNOW what dinner is gonna look like.  Could be DELI.  Could be DINER.  HMM THAT'S A TOUGH ONE IF IT'S DINER.  I just figure I JUST FINISHED steak * stuffed mushroom.  Don't NEED a griddlecentric meal to re-up with Egg Whites cause I GOT EGG WHITES that NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT might be legit spoiled by now.  I'M ONE to eat things PAST when I should eat them but NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT Egg White may be TOO FAR PAST.  Huh.  Think I'm gonna give myself some more days to eat egg whites.  Let's say THROUGH THE FOUR DAY WEEKEND.  Or the regular weekend PLUS THE END OF THE REGULAR WEEK.  GO FIGURE.
Bison burger would be good but feels REPETITIVE too.  I eat lotta sandwiches and whatknot.  I DUNNO.  Maybe a FRIED CALAMARI.  Haven't had that in a while.  That could be good!  Bison burger or fried calamari tonight.  IF I MAKE A CASE FOR DINER.  OH WAIT Dad is teaching tomorrow night.  NO communal dinner then.  GREAT Bison Burger AND Fried Calamari.  I TINK I CRACKED TEH CODE of The Mystery Of The Upcoming Two Dinner Enterprises.  So that's good I guess.  Anyway.  Couldn't get Me Myself * Irene DVD working after trying for about 5 minutes.  Searched TWO OR THREE Streaming places to see if they offer it THEN I GOT BORED.  Then I stopped checking Streamers.  TEN I WATCHED 5 out of the 6 Season I Tales In The Crypt episodes before going to sleep.  SLIGHTLY earlier than the 2 nights before.  Took pills at around 11:00 PM and went to bed around 11:20 PM.  ABOUT 15 minutes earlier than the 2 nights before.  AND APPARENTLY WITH SUCCESS.
   Sure.  When do I got lunch coming my way.  AN ENTIRE FOUR HOURS.  Maybe I have some sort of dumb snack before then I DUNNO WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN.  OH RIGHT start coffee after paragraph FOUR.  THAT'S what's gonna happen in this context.  Am using CLEAN promotional Beer Glass.  Cigarette Store gave me two of them!  I AM NOW USING THE ONE that's been sitting in Cabinet JUST IDLING BY.  SO that's good.  SPREAD THE LOVE I FEEL.  I think I learnt it from a Margarine Commercial.  PERHAPS JAM.  Hard to say at this moment.  When I was a kid WE WERE A MARGARINE HOUSEHOLD.  I PERSONALLY never used butter or margarine on toast or anything.  POSSIBLY My brother or my Dad didn't either.  BUT I TINK my Mom did.  I just REMEMBER margarine Being Around and/or it Being Around In SuperMarket Cart while at SuperMarket.  GO FIGURE.  It's fun to figure!  That's my hot take!  Huh. Started listening to Best ALT SONGS 2021 playlist this past walk.  50 songs?  ABOUT 2.5 HOURS?  WOW YOU'VE GOT MY ATTENTION.
NOW WOW ME.  You got my attention MAKE TE MOST OF IT YOU FOOL.  Anyway.  Got about 45 minutes left for Act I I guess.  That's pretty cool.  If I get DELI for dinner I will get TWO out of three meals-- 2 hot dogs, Hearty Grandmother's Soup with Kreplah or Matzoh Ball, Chicken Pot Pie.  It could be ANY PERMUTATION of that.  What's that overall.  Four or six possibilities.  POSSIBLY JUST THREE.  IF it doesn't matter WHAT ORDER they're on.  Then it might become six.  pick 2 numbers out of 1 2 and 3.  What are the choices.  1 and 2, 1 and 3, and 2 and 3.  THAT'S IT, right?  And then DOUBLE IT if it makes a difference if you do it backwards?  Off the top of my head that's the best MathGuess I can make.  Hmm.  HARD TO SAY what I should do for lunch today though.  CHICKEN ROLL and Ham Sandwich Sandwich HAVE EACH got a lot going for them.  HMM SANDWICHSIDE WHAT'D TAT BE.  SOME SORT OF CHIP OR CRACKER OR WHEATED THIN.  Maybe 10 Chicken Crackers or something THAT COULD BE GREAT hey coffee time WOW.
   Anyway.  IF I have sanck between now and lunch IN TE MOOD FOR SOME SALTSIDE.  Maybe something like a dozen wheat thins could do the trick.  WOULD TAHT PUSH BACK LUNCH AN HOUR NO NOT NECESSARILY. You IDIOT.  Gonna aim for 9 walks today.  That's the plan!  Maybe catch up on The Simpsons.  See what they're up to.  I'm on Season SIX.  Otherwise known as HALFWAY THROUGH the first dozen seasons MORE OR LESS.  Or Exact.  Possibly neither more NOR less.  Go figure IN THAT CASE.  Anyway gonna take my walk in 30-40 minutes.  IMAGINE all the paragraphs I could write in that time period.  Possibly FIVE. That'd hit the spot or something, I dunno, the important thing is I have coffee to drink as well as delicious sprite.  Huh.  Skipped 2nd beer LAST night.  So I have enough for 2 beer Knights GOING FORWARD in life until something goes terribly wrong to disrupt that routine.  Huh.  Some awards show yesterday I BELIEVE THE EMERALDS.  Pretty sure both film AND TV were honored in this ceremony.  GO FIGURE.  Two mortal enemies FORCED TO SHARE SPACE WIT ONE ANOTHER.
I like IMMORTAL Enemies.  REALLY LOWERS THE STAKES OF THEM BEING ENEMIES.  Can't even KILL each other.  What's the point about Worrying About An Enemy WHEN THEY'RE DEFINITELY NOT EVEN GONNA KILL YOU.  Or you kill them.  WHY EVEN BOTHER being enemies if there's no Death involved.  Anyway, what is this, the sixth paragraph?  YEAH.  Amazing.  What Simpsons episode am I up to.  I HOPE IT'S THE ONE WHERE BART STEALS CHRISTMAS.  Let's see.  Oh.  Another Simpsons Clip Show.  Where they talk about their Love Lives.  Well that's one of the worst possible episodes out of the 5000 episodes they made.  I don't need to see a CLIP SHOW.  I'm watching ALL THE SHOWS ALREADY.  I SEEN THIS CRAP IN TE PAST or in the future.  Probably not the future.  If I'm watching it chronologically, and I see a clip show, and there's clips from episodes I haven't seen, SOMETHING HAS GONE HORRIBLY WRONG.  ANyway.  WHEN DOES BART STEAL CHRISTMAS.  SEASON 9 EPISODE 10. SURE Bart probably, "STOLE," Christmas in several other episodes BUT THIS IS TE ONE I WAS TINKING OF.
   YEAH.  Seventh paragraph.  THIRTY MINUTES TO WRITE FOUR PARAGRAPHS?  I can DO IT.  Especially since I can REALLY go as high as 35 minutes.  THAT'S CRAZY.  I have owned ham for longer-- close to 2 weeks!-- but the grilled chicken roll was MADE SPECIAL and presumably IF I GOT TEM ON THE SAME DATE I'd wanna eat first as it would go bad quicker.  BUT the 1.5 weeks I got Ham sandwich before Chicken Roll PROBABLY evens things out.  So that's good and crap.  I guess!  What else do I got going for me.  Today should be a pretty good day!  No responsibilities per say.  MADE UP a bit of ground for OverTheNightEating.  I AM WEARING A SHRIT THAT HAS NOT BEEN LAUNDERED but I'm fine with it anyway.  Nice purpose shirt.  Like THE JOKER.  When I think Purple and I think Fashion I think SEVERAL OF THE JOKERS perhaps even MOST of THEM.  Anyway.  Mets didn't get Carlos Correa!  That's okay.  The good news is they still have several dozen other players to play baseball for them.  ALL OF TEM relatively good.  If you saw ANY of these jerks play baseball in your neighborhood Rec Center you'd be BLOWN AWAY by the quality of their play!
   Three paragraphs to go presumably.  Should have enough time for that.  So that's good.  Do you have a neighborhood Rec Center.  I dunno if I do.  I HOPE I DO now that I think about it.  I just picture a big room with an Air Hockey table in the middle of it.  AND IT'S FREE.  This ain't no arcade where you gotta be pumping quarters over and over for Air Hockey.  WE THE COMMUNITY OWN THE AIR HOCKEY TABLE AND THUSLY WE DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.  Gotta imagine there's a long line to Air Hockey though.  WRONG AGAIN.  Who THE HELL actually goes to their Community Rec Center.  Just gonna be you and two other losers.  YOU EACH CAN TAKE TURNS PLAYING AIR HOCKEY 2 OUT OF  EVERY 3 GAMES. DO TE MATH.  IF YOU ALL WANNA PLAY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE AND ONLY TWO CAN PLAY AIR HOCKEY AT A TIME AND THERE'S THREE OF YOU I THINK THE NUMBERS SPEAK FOR TEMSELVES.  Anyway.  I'm SURE I'm terrible at airhockey and I can certainly see the appeal of playing it anyway.  Even KNOCK HOCKEY.  THE ANCIENT MAN'S AIRHOCKEY.  THAT could be fun too.
   Penultimate paragraph.  YEAH gonna fit in 10 paragraphs I DID IT presumably In The Near Term Future.  Hmm.  If there's there of you and you all wanna play air hockey, somehow two of you will play and the third will be like I GET WINNER.  THAT GUY IS GETTING SCREWED MULTIPLE WAYS.  Not only is he missing .5 of a game each time, not only is he having TO WAIT for his first game, but also NOW HE'S GOTTA PLAY A WINNER.  He's got his work cut out for him.  THEY'VE ALREADY NARROWED IT DOWN that his opponent will be THE TOUGHEST ONE POSSIBLE out of the other two people.  Then again the Raised Stakes could make it more fun.  Now HE'S THE BOSS from THEIR perspective even though he's done nothing to earn it.  He can win 2 round Championchip of Air Hockey BY JUST WINNING ONE GAME unlike the other 2 who would need to win both games.  SO THERE IS SOME UPSIDE it appears.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Do I have enough soda to last me the next 48 Hours? Probably!  Not gonna be SO MUCH OVERBOARD but I'd say I should get there!
   Last paragraph of the act.  WOW!  Hmm.  Maybe I wanna try eating Grilled Chicken Roll cold.  I don't THINK I do.  But maybe I do somehow, somewhere!  I could see ENJOYING THAT.  But I don't really see ENJOYING IT MORE than Just Normal Heating It Up In Oven.  So that's good.  What else is up.  Ham sandwich would probably consist of Fridgerated Ham and Toasted White Bread.  Not lightly toasted.  Not heavily toasted!  Moderately Toasted I'd say!  COULD BE HEAVIER, COULD BE LIGHTER, just like I said.  What else do I got going on for me and crap.  Wasn't planning on cutting sandwich in half at all but now that I think about it MAYBE I could get a kick out of it.  VERTICAL cut.  Not diagonal.  CERTAINLY NOT HORIZONTAL.  Maybe Perimeter Cut.  CUT A ROUGH CIRCLE inside the sandwich.  And the SURFACE AREA of the circle part of sandwich is roughly equal to the Surrounding Frame of the samdwich.  THAT SOUNDS GREAT.  I'LL BE BACK IN A LITTLE BIT.




you're reading this no doubt

    Hey!  Had delicious 2 Chicken Crackers just now.  Think I'm gonna enjoy delicious 85, 90% of Grilled Chicken roll in Oh I Don't Know 2 hours fourty minutes.  Have wonderful Bison burger for dinner PERHAPS WITH OH I DON'T KNOW 6-10 POP CHPIS.  HAM SANDWICH IN OH I DON'T KNOW TOMORROW LUNCH.  Fried Calamari I WANNA SAY TOmorrowDinner.  The point is I GOT PLANS.  GOOD PLANS.  These plans, SHOULD THEY BE PROPERLY SEEN THROUGH, will pay of IN A BIG WAY for me.  So that's good!  Remembered I had a pouch of mini oreos last night.  COULD have been part of what I remembered I ate in terms of The 1 Night Might Unit I estimated I ate!  COULD HAVE BEEN a bonus Close To Half A Unit.  I TINK IT WAS PART OF TE MEMORIED SINGLE UNIT. So that's good.  REAL good.  LET'S NOT GO OVER BOARD IT's not REAL Good.  Anyway.  Figure I'll put grilled chicken roll in oven for Oh I Don't Know THIRTY FIVE MINUTES.  Yeah!  How much time do I have to write four more paragraphs.  AS MUCH AS HALF AN HOUR.  Oh okay good.
   YEAH. OKAY one half of chicken roll is COMPLETELY eaten. Other half, I'm eating MOST of the innards.  Maybe leave over a glob of cheese or two if that's how things turn out.  LEAVE OVER maybe 25-40% of the Roll part of SECOND HALF.  ALL IN ALL I CAN PICTURE WHAT I'M EATING AND IT'll be good.  Also SAVE THE COMPLETE HALF for last.  WHY bust my nut eating Wonderful Complete Grilled Chicken Roll for 60% of the meal and then be confronted with TERRIBLE HASSLE-AND-A-HALF Eating Partial Half Grilled Chicken Roll.  NO I eat limited Half Chicken Roll, then eat rest of it, THEN IF I WANT I can PICK AT what was left over FROM THE START.  So that's good I guess.  What kinda toppings we talking for bison burger.  Perhaps sauteed mushroom and onion.  That was standard for VERY long time.  It evolved out of Previous Standard of THAT plus Jalapeno Peppers.  BUT TEN the last 3 or so times I got it TWICE WAS JUST RAW Onion, ONCE was just jalapeno peppers.  THINK I MIGHT GO WITH STANDARD SAUTEE MUSHROOM AND/OR ONION TONIGHT.
  What else do I got going for me.  Any kind Chore Responsibilities today?  I dunno.  I don't think so.  Another morning I haven't taken my Ritalin.  So far GREAT WHY NOT.  WHAT IF I get jalapeno peppers to MIX IN with the calamari.  It's not the most INTUITIVE mixing SUBSTANCE WISE.  Jalapeno peppers AREN'T Japeno POPPERS.  You're not SUPPOSEDA eat one at a time like that!  But I can sort of see THE FLAVOR being good, mixing Fried Calamari with jalapeno pepper.  Get one of each in each mouthful.  COULD BE GOOD. DOESN'T MATTER how Calamari is prepared.  ROOM TEMPERATURE, FRIDGERATED, MICROWAVED, OVENED... IT WORKS NO MATTER WHAT.  I might actually try that.  BUT i'd probably do it by getting jalapeno peppers on burger and then just moving them myself. I don't think diner would UNDERSTAND if I asked for jalapeno peppers on the side either BY ITSELF or SPECIFICALLY IN RELATION to appetizer.  Might sort of understand it as a By Itself.  They wouldn't be used to it but the'd be like oh okay that's interesting Sure I'll Sell That to Ya ME THE DINER.  But if I ask for it with Appetizer  THEY'LL GET ANGRY.  I don't wanna UPSET anyone.  SURE I DO, bad people.  TEY DESERVE IT.
   Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Amazign!  OH I KNOW.  My chore is making it through Teh Simpsons Clip Show.  After that it's ALLLL On Steady Hill.  Love me some plataeu!  Doesn't get much more fun than Walking A Plateau.  Huh.  I'd say there's a solid Oh I Don't Know 1 out of 3 chance I end up eating Entire Grilled Chicken Roll.  WHICH IS FINE.  THAT'S HOW LIFE GOES 1 out of 3 TIMES.  Hmm.  Gonna have to re-up with gum on Friday!  I have just enough to comfortably last me up till then.  Don't have MY PICK of ANY OF THE FLAVORS.  All I got is about one and a half packs of BOTH Wintermint and Original Flavor.  To last me 2 days.  GREAT.  That'll do the trick.  I guess.  HOLY SHIT GET OUT OF THE WAY THE EPISODE AFTER SIMPSONS CLIP SHOW IS Itchy and Scratchy Land.  WHAT A SOLID EPISODE.  I can't WAIT to BUST A GUT laughing to that one.  What else do I got going on for me.  Probably 9 walks today.  PROBABLY get crackin' on Batman Forever.  HBOMax has a ton of Animated Batmans that I have never seen and am STRONGLY CONSIDERING giving a shot.  ALSO considering giving Christopher Reeve Supermen a shot.  BUT NOT AS STRONGLY.
Last paragraph of the Daytime Day.  What else do I got going on for me and crap.  Maybe I want calamari tonight.  BUT that would make a ham sandwich tomorrow lunch pair with a hamburger tomorrow dinner!  Which I DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU IS REPETATIVE.  I chose to tell you anyway.  For AESTHETIC reasons.  Somethin' like that, I dunno.  Anyway.  LOTS OF DEBATE EVERY YEAR on whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie.  NOT ANY DEBATE on whether Batman Returns is a Christmas Movie.  What's WRONG with people.  Doesn't lean into Christmas THAT much.  It specifically takes place at Christmas and CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING is part of the plot.  And it being Winter is important.  ALSO Michael Keaton goes to Michelle Phieffer HEY HAVE YOU GOT THE HOLIDAY BLUES at some point.  ALL IN ALL A Christmas Story.  Not THE Christmas Story. BUT ONE OF EM.  ONE OF SEVERAL DOZEN.  I feel like in Humanity's Stories since Christmas was invented A SOLID 60 or SO CHRISTMAS STORIES.  WOW!  Welp that'll do it for now.  See ya tonight




Welp I Think I Covered Everything

    Hi friends!  Got delicious cherry Choco Pop going on right now.  Just got back from ninth walk.  WILL TAKE A TENTH after the entry.  Had delicious 95% of grilled chicken roll for lunch as well as 100% of bison burger and 10 cheez its and 2 small pieces of broccoli AND BREAD CRUMB FROM BURGER BUN for dinner.  Not so much CRUMB.  Little tiny SLICET of bun got stuck to the plate one way or another.  Through microwaving process?  I DIDN'T MICROWAVE BUN though.  Maybe it stuck to burger when I microwaved burger.  EITHER WAY there was little slicet of bun on plate AND I EAT IT because why not THAT'S GOOD BUN.  Anyway.  Got delicious beer #1 going on!  Gonna watch Me * Myself * Irene after tenth walk!  Decided ON A WHIM to see if it would work Just Now Earlier and it did!  So when walk 10 is over I WATCH THIS SUCKER OF A MOVIE, then the last 9 minutes of Tales In The Crypt Collection Completed and then time to Bed Time.
    YEAH.   Watched a couple of Simpsons.  Watched Batman Forever.  NOT AS BAD as I imagined it would be.  I watched it a on the VHS plenty of time when I was a kid but I didn't actually EXPECT it to be halfway good for Adults.  IT WAS.  I LIKED HE PART WHERE ROBIN DID SOME GOOD.  I was under the impression Robin was completely useless.  WRONG.  When he steals the Batmobile to fight crime HE DOES SAVE SOME GIRL from Assault PERHAPS SEXUAL ASSAULT.  Then the Assaulters start beating up on him and he needs to be saved by Batman.  BUT EVEN BEFORE BATMAN he helped the Assaultee HIMSELF regardless of whether he just substituted her as a Target For Assault Who Needed Further Saving.  So that's good for him.  Also I never really GOT that Robin is a child.  I STILL don't really GET it.  He's presumably under 18 because he says he shacked up with Bruce Wayne in the first place to avoid Foster Care.  But the way Batman takes him on as a Crime Fighting Partner KINDA SEEMS LIKE AN IRRESPONSIBLE WAY TO DEAL with someone who is 15-17 years old.  HE SHOULD BE IN HIGH SCHOOL not KILLING people.
   Oh well.  He rides motorcycles.  IF YOU CAN RIDE A Cycle YOU CAN FIGHT CRIME RISKING BOTH YOUR LIFE AND CRIME'S LIFE.  I guess.  Figure I'm due to watch Batman * Robin tomorrow.  Sounds about right.  Also KINDA LIKED Chase Meridian this time around.  Is she kind of a blank slate and an empty shell of a character?  MAYBE A BIT.  But there's SLIGHTLY more to her than I got when I was Oh I Don't Know EIGHT YEARS OLD.  Pooor Tommy Lee Jones though. HE'S ACTING HARDER THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THIS MOVIE and is a COMPLETE after thought.  Oh well what can ya do.  HE'S A PRO.  He doesn't mind not getting credit for what he broughto Batman * Forever because ALL THAT MATTERS IS HE DID GOOD.  Getting RESPECT or ACCOLADES for it is SECONDARY.  PERHAPS EVEN TERTIARY.  But if its tertiary then what's Secondary.  FINANCIAL COMPENSATION.  Oh okay that makes sense.  Anyway WOULD YOU BELIEVE I still got Cherry Choco Pop going?  BECAUSE IF YOU WOULD BELIEVE IT you'd be in a Great Situation because YOU'D BE BELIEVING THE TRUTH.  Which is something we should all aspire towards.
Penultimate paragraph.  PROBABLY just one more snack tonight.  Perhaps a delicious Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Health Iced Cream Bar.  By HEALTH I mean it's FROZEN YOGURT or something.  SOME sort of Iced Cream that isn't Iced Cream.  Anyway I had it last night and it was The Tops!  Also-- YES-- Tommy Lee Jones is Acting more than Jimmy Lee Carrey.  IT'S CLOSE but I'm gonna err on the side of Tommy Lee Jones AS WE ALL SHOULD in most situations.  So that's good.  Think I'm gonna bite into tootsie pop soon.  Probably would pay off big time.  get to chew up on the Choco Innards.  DELICIOUS doing it right now.  Huh.  Really should have balanced breakfast tomorrow.  Hmm.  Should I go into Going TO Sleep AIMING HARD for 0 NightMight snacking OR drifting into sleep ACCEPTING that I Should Settle for 1 Unit of NightMight snacking.  I dunno!  I'LL TINK ABOUT IT I GUESS.  The point is I will be chewing up this Choco Innard INTO THE FINAL PARAGRAPH.
There we go.  What else is up.  Lunch tomorrow is ham sandwich and Dinner tomorrow is Fried Calamari!  It's gonna be a blast and a half.  Both of them.  Each of them will be 75% of a blast.  IN A GOOD WAY.  Anything above Zero is GOOD.  You may think oh well if something is a tenth of a blast sounds like a NEGATIVE thing.  WRONG.  ANYTHING ABOVE ZERO BLAST is in the positive spectrum.  So that's goood.  what else do I got going on for me.  Hmm.  Guess it's getting to be close to the end of the entry.  Probably accomplished a laugh or two someone one way or another.  IS there any chance I have calamari for lunch and ham sandwich for dinner.  YOU'D TINK it'd be the dumbest idea possible HOWEVER it might be a decent idea that I should keep in mind Going Forward In Life!  Hmm.  Could have 40 calorie fudgesicle PLUS another tootsie pop or 70 calorie fiber brownie instead of 100 calorie Iced Cream Snack.  WOW.  I CAN'T GO WRONG.  Unless I do Any Number Of Wrong Things I Could Do That I Didn't Explicitly Cover The Last Three Sentences.  Huh.  That's it for now.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:16 P.M.




Tuesday, January 10, 2023

This Is Going To Suck

    Hey!  A bit behind schedule today.  9:58 AM right now.  SHOULD be able to fit in all EarlyWalks and thus ALL WALKS, but Act I might be truncated.  We're talkin' between 8 and 10 paragraphs!  MAYBE A MERE SEVEN. I don't see HOW that could happen but I could see WHY it might happen Or Something.  End up at 8 or 9 walks overall.  GREAT.  Had allotted amount of NightMight Calories.  ONE UNIT OF NIGHTMIGHT OVER NIGHT.  You know what that means.  I AM MAKING PROGRES IN WEIGHT today as opposed to Losing Progress and/or StandStill.  I feel like if Progress is the End Goal overall, StandStill IS losing progress.  You SHOULD be making progress during stand still and you're going BACKWARDS not in relatio to where you were but in relation to WHERE YOU SHOULD BE.  So that's good.  Had delicious FINAL CRESCANT for breakfast.  Probably gonna have pizza with Some Side for lunch.  The Sicily Style slice with mushroom and onion and OH I DON'T KNOW 16 or 18 Wheat Thins.  SHOULD I PUT PIZZA IN OVEN? YEAH SURE.  Get em nice and toasty LIKE TE WHEAT THINS.  "Toasty," ins't in the JOB DESCRIPTION for Wheat Thins EXPLICITLY but I'm pretty sure reasonable people can agree Wheat Thins should feel moderately toasty.
   YEAH.  DINNER probably be grilled chicken roll.  Is that a little repetitive with pizza?  SURE.  Each got cheese and bread.  Either the Roll or finish Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Huh.  Finished KINGED PIN last night as well as the final 4 or so Tales In The Crypt.  Wow.  What a great movie.  Sometimes I watch Kingpin and just feel why would I EVER want to stop watching this.  Just watch this for the rest of my life.  NOT OFTEN do I feel that way explicitly.   But KIND OF what I was feeling last night.  IT WAS A GOOD 'OL TIME watching it this time around.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Odds are Batman will, "Return," tonight.  Michael KEY TON?  KEY IS SHORT FOR KILO. TON IS SHORT FOR TON.  BOTH big measurements of things HOPEFULLY DRUGS.  If you got, "KEYS," or, "TONS," of HEROIN FOR INSTANCE you're doing pretty good for yourselves.  At what point did you become multiple people in this scenario.  MAYBE YOU STARTED OFF THAT WAY.  That's YOUR problem not mine.
  I feel comfortable strongly considering Going To Bed Later is helping with NightMight.  Went to bed around the same time as the night before.  Maybe about 10-15 minutes EARLIER.  Either way what a joy.  Might have snack around NOON.  Blood sugar dips there per my understanding.  Lots of good options there.  Half a dozen chicken biscuits is a nice SMALL but delicious and FUN snack.  Dependable Granola bar.  I dunno.  COULD BE ANYTHING that's how I feel.  Maybe have EARLY LUNCH to mix things up.  Lunch at around 12:30 PM.  I LIKE THE IDEA because mixing things up sounds like fun.  It's REMINISCENT of phases in my life with more VARIATION and EXCITEMENT.  Ya go have lunch WHEREVER, WHENEVER, and whatknot.  You know like I Wanna Say the SHAKIRA song.  Either way I probably won't do that BUT I COULD.  Breakfast was around 8:30 AM.  A 12:30 PM lunch is certainly reasonable with that Input Factor!  YOU KNOW TAT SORT OF THING.
How many minutes do I have to write the rest of the act.  Let's say around fourty would be ideal not to go over.  Got seven paragraphs to write IF I TWERE to hit all 10 paragraphs.  COULD HAPPEN.  Would be some CRUNCH TIME.  That's for sure.  The point is I STILL HAVE NOT HAD CHOCOLATEY EGGO since OhI Don't Know SATURDAY?  Now that I think about it that wasn't so long ago at all!  UNLESS IT WAS the Saturday BEFORE Saturday ago.  WHICH IS VERY POSSIBLE NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT.  But now that I think about THAT now I think it was BETWEEN the last two Saturdays.  The point is it was BEFORE last Re-up with Super Markets on LAST Friday.  Huh.  PREQUEL in Friday franchise Last Friday.  I dunno.  That's too confusing.  LAST FRIDAY could also mean This is THE FINAL CONCLUSION TO THE FRANCHISE WE SWEAR IT..  ALL LOOSE ENDS GONNA GET TIED UP IN, "LAST FRIDAY."  Oh well what can ya do.  And if IT IS Last in terms of It Being The Latest Previous Friday.. WE STILL DON'T KNOW, "LAST," COMPARED TO WAHT.  Is it LAST FRIDAY compared to THE ORIGINAL FRIDAY.  Is it LAST FRIDAY compared To  FRIDAY AFTER NEXT.  Because if it's TAT ONE Sure sounds just like NEXT FRIDAY which was ALREADY a movie.
   YEAH.  Guess I'll get coffee now a paragraph early and whatknot.  Sounds vaguely reasonable.  Current thinking for Current Period Of Life is just RegulaarWinter.  Back in December and or even NOVEMBER I thought I'd do some SUPERWINTER.  LONG period of time where I'm productive with working Creatively, perhaps reading books and playing rocksmith, as well as continuing to lose weight.  NOW I THINK I'LL JUST WRAP UP WHERE I'M AT WITH Regular Winter.  A solid 10 weeks left.  NOT SO MUCH working creatively.  NOT SO MUCH playing Rocksmith or reading.  HOPEFULLY lose a reasonable amount of weight over 10 weeks if I can keep at 1 or Less NightMight Units a Night.  BUT CREATIVITY may spark at some point!  10 weeks is a long time!  Probably won't start reading again until after I drop down from 8 or 9 walks to 6 or 7 walks.  And probably won't do that until MARIJUANAGE becomes part of my life.  OR I hit Absolute Lowest Target of weight.  ANyway.  REGULARWINTER.  10 weeks left.  THIS IS MY LIFE FOR NOW until I come up with better framework later in the week.
Sixth paragraph!  THIRTY+ minutes to write the rest!  BY WHICH I MEAN thirty one exactly but LET'S BE REASONABLE 34 minutes wouldn't be terrible either.  So that's good.  WHAT WOULD HAPPEN if they made enough progress in Friday Franchise that they made it to a thirteenth installment.  You could EASILY argue it'd be Friday The 13th.  Sounds like a HUGE COURT LITIGATION CASE would be a brewing between two different Movie Franchise Title Holders.  I can't wait to see how that all shakes out.  Anyway, what was I listening to on my walk today.  Hmm.  EMINEM.  Go figure.  Not sure I'm gonna stick much more with tht going through the day.  Wasn't listening to ALBUM TRACK BY TRACK. I was CURATING Personal Playlist JUMPING AROUND from track to track.  JUMP FROM TRACK TO TRACK?  SOUNDS LIKE YOU GOT SOME THINGS CONFUSED.  Track is for running.  If you wanna be jumping Go Join Hurdles Class or something.  Whatever the class is that teaches you how to jump over hurdles. ...While running.  YOU GET THE IDEA IS TE POINT.
   Seventh paragraph.  What's up.  Guess I'll hit 9 or 10 paragraphs for the act it looks like.  Don't see how I'd be able to miss at least nine.  UNLESS I GET DISTRACTED.  Which sounds like a best case scenario anyway.  Being distracted sounds GREAT.  This HYPOTHETICAL DISTRACTION sounds real interesting.  I wanna see MORE about what's going on with hypothetical distraction.  LEMME SET THIS ASIDE FOR NOW so I can learn more.   Huh.  No more Cinnamon Toast Crunch!  Finished off the box during NightMight.  Not like I ate HALF A BOX then and there.  I finished off the 1/15th of the box or whatever.  Let's say between 1/12th and 1/24th.  Either way GUESS Balanced Breakfasts will be Frosted Flakes based!  Not as exciting but slightly less calorie and MORE RESPONSIBLE.  I TAKE CEREAL SERIOUSLY.  Not gonna eat KIDS cinnamon toast crunch.  I'm an ADULT.  I eat FROSTED FLAKES.  There's a TIGER n the box.  An ADULT Tiger.
Anyway.  Non-Balanced Breakfasts going forward are gonna be 3 Small Donuts or Classic Breakfast.  Been a while since I had a classic breakfast!  Huh.  I think I LEGIT HAD A DREAM I had a semi-comprehensive iced cream sandwich last night.  It's possible I ate it errantly and forgot about it.  I can sort of PLACE some sort of Thought-Memory of doing it.  Pretty sure it wasn't in real life though.  I HOPE not.  Ugh.  I COULD BE WRONG.  OH NO.  Anyway 2.5 paragraphs to go for the act in OH I DON'T KNOW I can allotmsyelf an entire 25 minutes?  EASY.  YEAH 25 minutes from now leads me to SOME crunch time going forward over the next few Phases Of Life (walks 2, 3, and 4 as well as ACT II and SHOWER between those periods) but IT'S WORTH IT SOMEHOW OR SOMETHING.  Also PROBABLY WON'T take an entire 24 minutes now.
  TWO to go.  Huh.  Grilled chicken roll gonna be good OVENIZED.  Last several times I had it over the last month or two I HAD IT AS IT CAME.  Which is GOOD.  But I'd say CRISPIER an HOTTER and whatknot is better.  I TINK ONE of the times I got it I put it in oven for 20 minutes after it came.  THAT SOUNDS GOOD.  Let's do THAT for tonight.  I can't do that.  It isn't coming today Such That I can Put It In 20 Minutes After.  Huh.  Okay.  How about I heat it up so it reaches the same level of Cookedness it does When They First Made it.  Then I wait AS LONG AS IT'D TAKE for them to deliver it-- 20 minutes? I Dunno? THEN I put it in oven for 20 minutes.  DO MY BEST TO DUPLICATE te process of WHAT WORKED BACK THEN.  Sounds good.  Hey got plenty of time right now it looks like.  For act one  I mean.  ALSO for Future Grilled Chicken Roll.  Sounds good.
   YEAH.  What else is up.  Took a laundered but nonfolded or hung shirt to wear today.  Works out okay!  I guess.  Pretty sure cheese was overflowing a bit of Sicily Slice.  SICILY SLICE?  SOUNDS LIKE TOO CLOSE TO ANAGRAM for comfort.  Or VERY comfort.  I forget whether it explicitly BOTHERS ME or PLEASES me.  The point is not an ABSURD amount of cheese.  But it's also not NEATLY CONFINED CHEESE TO WHERE IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE.  Somewhere in the middle!  LOOK I LIKE CHEESE ON PIZZA but all things being equal I'm not a huge fan of MUCH cheese.  Rather there'd be more bread or something.  THAT'S not something you see every day!  Pizza but with 6x the amount of Crust.  Kinda wanna see it now.  JUST TO LAUGH AT IT.  Sure I'd eat it AND ENJOY IT too but mostly I just wanna make the pizza feel bad about itself because it's different.  Hmm sounds reasonable.  Anyway AMAZING made great time this act.  I'll be back in a little bit!




just an educated guess

    Hey friends!  Time to write 5 paragraphs.  How much time do I have.  I'd say let's aim for thirty five minutes as enough time.   It can get as high as FOURTY FIVE minutes though and not ruin my schedule if that's how life shakes out.  Anyway had TWO chicken crackers just now.  Gonna have Oh I Don't Know 9 or 10 of them wit PIZZA in about 2.75 hours presumably.  I AM KINDA HUNGRY NOW.  That seems like an unreasonable amount of time to arbitrarily wait if you're already hungry.  HOWEVER based on past experience in situations JUST LIKE THIS ONE I think the hunger will more or less mostly go away.  QUiCKLY, SLOWLY, I DUNNO.  But I'm not gonna be actively hungry for the next 2 and a half hours.  HUNGER PANGS AND WHATKNOT.  IN TE BACKGROUND Sure I Could Eat but it's not A HASSLE is the point.  Hmm.  Put pizza in oven for 25 minutes, right?  That sounds about right.  Should be good.  SHOULDA GOTTEN EGGPLANT.  I wanted Hearty Topping because it's only one slice (at least it's SICILY STYLE THOUGH) and mushroom and onion is PRETTY hearty but eggplant woulda been a difference maker.  Game changer.  Whatever you wanna call it.
   Four paragraphs to go. Listened to more Eminem on 2nd walk.  I FEEL going forward I will listen to OTHERWISE on upcoming walks though.  Hmm. Guess I'm aiming for 9 walks again today.  It's HEALTHY because IN CAVEMAN TIMES ALL MAN DID WAS WALK.  I dunno.  Probably sat around on rocks or up in the air on branches of trees.  But IN GENERAL they accomplish very little NOT WALKING so why bother Not Walking.  Also gotta imagine lots of TRIBES in caveman times were PERMANENT WALKERS.  Didn't just walk around here and there all day but stay in generally same place.  PEOPLE WERE CROSSING CONTINENTS over the course of MERE generations One Would Assume.  Your GREAT GRANDPARENTS could have started in ALASKA and then YOUR GRAND KIDS could be INTO OH I DON'T KNOW MEXICO.  I dunno.  That's five generations to make it that far?  WHY NOT.  I say it's DOABLE.  I say WE SHOULD DO IT RIGHT NOW.   WHOSE WITH ME.  I need a TRIBE to join me.  Or at the very least a woman to Create A Personal Family Unit Tribe EVEN IF ITS JUST US GOING FORWARD.
   From where to where are we walking.  I dunno I'm already in Bayside Queens so we can start there.  By the time it's my grandkid's grandkids I dunno OHIO?  What else is going on and crap.  There should be more HISTORY video games.  My first thought was ERA of people migrating. A nd the game play is you have to Walk A Lot and Feed Yourselves and Avoid Predators (Veliocoraptors?).  THAT could be a game BUT WHY STOP TEHRE.  There's DOZENS AND FOZENS of great video games out there based on different times in Mankind and whatknot.  Think OREGON TRAIL.  Oregon Trail is A DUMB LEARNING GAME BUT IT'S STILL TONS OF FUN.  Think of how much more fun a game could be if it WAS DESIGNED to be fun.  Also YA TRICK PEOPLE INTO LEARNING.  What idiots.  They fell for Learning Something like a ton of bricks!  Not sure that's an expression.  Vaguely confident it IS an expression but applies in SOME OTHER context.
   Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Huh.  Dad is teaching tonight.  Good.  I don't think I've ever related to my Dad more than Here And There when I see he's watching/listening to video of previous classes he taught online.  I mean, I'm sure he's doing it for PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC reasons.  To fine tune upcoming lesson or for some other real reason.  But FOR ME I just interpret it as YEAH I LOVE LISTENING TO STUFF I DID INTHE PAST.  It's a real blast and a half to watch Yourself Having Done Things.  You know, that sort of thing.  Presumably eating pizza with my hands.  I've gone through phases where I ERR ON TE SIDE of eating pizza with fork and knife.  I dunno.  Now that I mention it I KINDA DO WANNA GIVE THAT A SHOT TODAY FOR SOME REASON.  Possibly DUMB reason.  If I MICROWAVE IT instead of OVEN then Fork and Knife becomes VERY reasonable.  So maybe I should do that TO JUSTIFY my Fork And Knifing.  DON't bring a knife to a gun fight.  Or avoid gun fights altogether. I think I made that joke in oh I don't know 2015.  WHAT'S THE DEAL with going to gun fights in the first place?!!  THAT JOKE.  Hey it happened again, though, that's good!
   Last paragraph of the DayTime Day!  PLENTY of time it, "Shook," out!  What am I watching on the television set going forward.  Probably The Simpsons.  PROBABLY watch An Entire The Batman Returns today PRESUMABLY would be a good NightTime activity.  POST 9th walk, PRE going to bed.  I LIKED watching Batman I 2 days ago.  I GOT SEVERAL THINGS OUT OF IT.  Wasn't PERECT but there's stuff there to like!  ALSO I think of ALL THE SIX OR SO times I've watched the film at least seeing 60% of it and at least 20% paying attention THIS MAY HAVE BEEN THE MOST ATTENTION PAID TO TE ENTIRE THING.  Amazing.  NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO George Clooney Batman.  GEORGE CLOONEY IS NO BATMAN.  WHERE DID THEY COME UP WITH THAT CLUNKER OF AN IDEA.  LOOK George Clooney is FINE in other roles!  GOOD even.  But as a BATMAN I JUST DON'T SEE IT.  DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON VAL KILMER.  BECAUSE I HAVEN'T FORMULATEd MY THOUGHTS ON IT YET.  Give me some time to CONSIDER how Ifeel about Val Kilmer as Batman TEN GET ME STARTED ON IT.  Huh.  ANYWAY that's it for now.  See ya tonight!




Pretty Sure That's All I Got

    Hey!  Time to write 5 more paragraphs.  PRESUMABLY within 25-50 minutes.  YER DAYTIME Act II 5 paragraphs runs ya around 30 minutes STANDARDLY.  I'm gonna estimate AN EXTRA 5 MINUTES for NightTime ones off the top of my dome.  Anyway.  Took 9 walks already.  Gonna take a tenth after this.  THEN SUPREME RELAXATION FOR 3 HOURS.  THE LATTER 15 or so minutes of Supreme Relaxation INCLUDES Going To Bed.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  It's not BAD.  Anything that isn't bad IS GOOD.  Unless it's worse than bad.  Anything that Isn't Bad Or Worse is GOOD.  LIKE THAT old saying NOT BAD NEWS IS GOOD NEWS.  Anyway.  Watched a Simpsons or two.  Watched all of The Batman Returns.  It was okay!  I didn't get much from The Penguin but I got SOMETHING out of Selena Kyle aka THE CATWOMAN.  She was regular lady who became corrupted by Cats somehow.  Not 100% on all the details but that seems to be more or less what we're dealing with.  Had delicious Pizza with a dozen Wheated Thins for lunch.  Had delicious Rest of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom for dinner!
   I TINK tomorrow morning I'm gonna MAKE A POINT to really MAKE A STRONG POINT to eat Balanced Breakfast.  BEEN A LONG TIME since Egg White sitting there in Fridgerator SLOWLY GOING BAD.  Or QUICKLY going bad in the long scheme of things, I DUNNO.  The point is IT'S GOING BAD AT SOME RATE and that's something we can all learn from.  EGG WHITE isn't so different from UNIVERSE ITSELF.  IT'S GOING BAD we just have some trouble contextualizing At Exactly What Rate.  AND I GUESS Exactly How Bad.  LEAVE THE EGG WHITES ALONE LONG ENOUGH and eventually they'll hit Rock Bottom Bad.  That's just how Science works.  Anyway.  Gonna have 2 beers tonight.  I MAY either only have 1 beer Wednesday or Thursday night OR I could always Buy Bonus Beer on one of my walks to keep things even.  SOUNDS GOOD. REAL GOOD.  ANYTHING ThAT DOESN'T SOUND BAD OR WORSE SOUND GOOD.  We learnt that SEVERAL SENTENCES AGO.  Maybe as much as Last Paragraph.  In which case I can excuse you for not remembering.  A PARAGRAPH BEFORE THIS ONE is a pretty long while ago.
What to watch after 10th walk?  Thinking about popping on the Me Myself And Irene Digital Video Disc.  I enjoyed KINGPIN a night or two ago.  NO reason to doubt I would and/or wouldn't enjoy Me Myself With Irene!  Anyway.  TIMEWISE I'd watch that, then ONE Tales In The Crypt (WRAPPIN BACK AROUND to 1st episode-- WHICH IS A GREAT EPISODE).  Might even have time for ANOTHER thing possibly a Tales From The Crypt Episode II (WHICH IS A FINE EPISODE IN MANY RESPECTS).  Anyway.  I dunno.  Got one or two small snacks coming my way tonight.  TINK I'll have Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Iced Cream Bar as ONE of em at least.  HAVEN'T HAD IT.  I WANNA SEE WHAT IT TASTES LIKE.  ON THE PICTURE ON THE BOX I THINK there's designs of Rainbow Sprinkles on it.  I don't think it LITERALLY has rainbow sprinkles on it BUT JUST IMAGINE if it has MOCK RAINBOW SPRINKLE TASTE.  It'd be AMAZING.  Also now that I think about it I think I'm imagining the Dots that are Mock Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bits.  NOT RAINBOW SPRINKLES AT ALL.  OH WELL TAT'S LIFE.  The main part.
Two paragraphs to go.  Wrote 3 paragraphs in about 10 minutes.  LET'S BE FAIR it's possibly as much as 11-12.  Anyway.  Good chance I'll PUT OFF having the 2nd Chicken Kevin'sMeals past This Super Market Week.  I got HAM SANDWICH and Grilled Chicken Roll as 2 meals left.  I COULD HAVE EACH OF EM AS LUNCHES FOR UPCOMING TWO MEALS instead of one of them as A DINNER tomorrow.  I DUNNO.  Grilled Chicken Roll is a bigger lunch than I'd normally like, yes.  But MAYBE I get a SMALLER DINNER than I'd normally like for DINNER or something. I don't KNOW.  I'm CONFUSED.  I don't know WHERE I'd be getting dinner from AT ALL.  The good news is Huh what else do I got going for me.  Chance DVD and/or DVD Player Malfunctions tonight LEAVING ME with a Hole In My Heart where Watching Me Myself * Irene should have been.  Oh well what can ya do.  Hope that doesn't happen!  Huh.  What if I had HALF   FULL CHICKEN ROLL, and then HALF JUST FILLING of chicken roll.  Scoop out the small bits of chicken, the medium amount of broccoli, and the Lots of Cheese for HALF OF IT while discarding the shell.  SUDDENLY that's right on target for Lunch Calories and YA KNOW WHAT NO REASON I COULDN'T ACCOMPLISH GETTING ENOUGH OUT OF THAT AS A LUNCH.  Maybe even have Oh I Don't Know A THIRD of the HALF of the ROLL of the grilled chicken roll.  Only not having A THIRD of the ENTIRE of the Grilled Chicken ROLL ITSELF.  What's going on again.
   Hey that's great just great.  Dad is teaching right now.  That's good.  I don't hold it against him!  Dads gotta do stuff too!  I can relate to and understand that.  Hmm.  DO I want a solid snack tonight instead of Interesting Iced Cream Bar?  YOU COULD MAKE THAT ARGUMENT FOR SURE, sure.  SURE you can make an argument I HAVE BOTH.  BUT if I have TIS iced cream bar, then the solid thing would probabably be SMALLER Calorie'd Fiber Brownie.  Ugh.  What else is up and crap.  Some new NY Marijuana Article today that had VERY vague new information that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE predicts oh new dispensaries now may show up Late January, Early February.  Could it easily be someone talking out of the back of their ass?  SURE.  But I'll accept as GOSPEL and now THAT'S WHAT MY CURRENT LIFE SCHEDULE ROUTINE is gonna Work Its Way Up To.  ONCE marijuana shows up TIME TO WORK ON A NEW LIFE ROUTINE SCHEDULE.  So that's good.  I'm done now.  With this!  Here.  Good!  See ya tomorrow!

-7:53 P.M.




Monday, January 9, 2023

Okay That Doesn't Bother Me So Much

    Hey friend!  A little bit behind schedule today.  10:02 AM right now. Gonna cut ACT I short a paragraph or three!  With that I should be able to take standard 8 or 9 walks.  Huh.  Had delicious chocolate croissant for breakfast.  Turns out I had TWO LEFT, not just one.  Meaning I had around 350 calories LESS a NightMight or two ago than I was estimating.  ALSO MEANS I GOT ANOTEHR CHOCOLATE CROSSAINT at some point if I want it WITOHUT HAVING TO BUY MORE.  Anyway.  Took pills around 11:20 PM.  Started TRYING to sleep 10 minutes later.  FELL ASLEEP around 12:10, 12:15 AM!  STILL DID A LOT OF NIGHTMIGHT snacking.  But for some reason it didn't BOTHER ME as much in the moment.  Last week or two as its increased I REALLY feel the frustration During NightMight and then going into the next day.  TODAY I don't LIKE IT but overall not killin' me.  Had A BIT less than the last few days.  2, 2.5x Nightmight Units instead of 3+!  ALONG with Crossaint thing, I estimate I ONLY ADDED ONE SURPLUS NIGHTMIGHT to my running tally!  NINE I WANNA SAY surplus Units instead of 8.  Maybe it's 8 instead of 9.  Oh well what can ya do.
Watched BATMAN last night.  It was good!  No complaints from me re: Bathman.  Do grown men have baths.  Seems kinda weird. How come kids bath and not shower.  TOO RISKY to shower.  They can SLIP AND FALL.  Kids can skip and fall anywhere.  They can't LIVE THEIR LIFE laying down ALL THE TIME.  Gotta learn to face their fears re: Slipping and falling.  Or Skipping and falling as the case may be.  Depends on if we're using The Right Word or The Typo Word.  So that's good.  Put CROSSAINT in microwave for OH I DON'T KNOW 22 SECONDS.  It was pretty good.  THE PASTRY NOT TE MICROWAVE.  I can't EAT the microwave.  THEN I WOULDN'T HAVE IT FOR FUTURE Microwaving Things purposes. ...OR FUTURE one-off Eating The Microwave Purposes AS THE CASE MAY BE.  Huh.  NightMight snack was almost exclusively a lot of those Fudge Sticks.  Ya know.  They're like KIT KATS.  But KEEBLER HEALTH cookies.  The point is I had like 12-18 of them, sure.  That'd do the truck!
   Third paragraphs.  Got about 40, 45 minutes left to write this Act.  Amazing.  Presumably add on Lost Paragraphs to ACT III.  Unless I got some super time during Act II somehow for some reason.  Huh.  Gonna make an effort to LIMIT snack purchases from Super Markets.  If it was JUST ME that alone could SOLVE NightMight snacking.  Just don't give myself 10 choices for each Regular Snack I Plan For.  Then I can't eat them all at night.  ONLY HAVE WHAT I NEED.  UNFORTUNATELY my mom and dad get Some Sweet all the time too and TAHT'D still be there.  Hmm.  Threw out some chocolate candy last night!  We got MILK CHOCOLATE and DARK CHOCOLATE Dove Candies.  NOT ANYMORE.  Now just Milk Chocolate.  Some sort of News Consumer Reports that DARK CHOCOLATE right now is UNHEALTHY and they SPECIFICALLY named this brand.  SEE YOU IN HELL DARK CHOCOLATE.  That doesn't sound like Hell.  SURE IT DOES.  It's TAINTED.  That's why it's Hell.  YOU GO TO HELL, YOU EAT TAINTED CHOCOLATE, TEN AT SOME POINT YOU MIGHT START SHOWING SOME SYMPTOMS.
Huh.  LUNCH eh.  Ham sandwich sounds pretty good.  I THINK odds are we get Pizzaria tonight BUT I save the pizza for TOMORROW night.  ALSO solid chance I get a grilled chicken roll for Upcoming Lunch.  We got, INCLUDING TODAY, four more lunches till next Super Market re-up.  I got turkey and ham sandwiches and Weird Steamed Chicken dish.  SOUNDS LIKE GRILLED CHICKEN ROLL WILL FIT RIGHT IN.  So that's good.  What kinda sandwichside are we looking at for today.  Hmm.  Maybe have Some Sweet.  Get ONE PORTION of My Sweet out of the way responsibly at least!  Huh.  What am I watching today on the television set.  Five or six Tales In The Crypt left.  Let's see.  YEP FIVE.  Stands to reason I can finish those five INCLUDING Long NightTime.  Then again Long NIghtTime would be good for Batman Returns. HuH I'm gonna go pour my coffee right now.
   SURE.  The way SupraJanuary is going, I can have 2 units of EatingTheNightBefore at around 700 calories overall and COME OUT ABOUT EVEN day-to-day.  Accounting for how many walks I'm talking as well as how much I'm eating in meals and DaySancks.  Maybe that's why eating 700-900 calories didn't REALLY upset me the way it might have if it was 300+ calories more This PAST NIGHT.  I'll PROBABLY, I TINK, not gain any weight today.  I WANNA LOSE WEIGHT.  Especially in terms of MAKING UP for some of these bonus NightMight Units WHICH I ACTUALLY ADDED ONTO TODAY WHICH IS EXTRA DEMORALIZING.  So that's good I guess.  What else.  Am I fitting in 9 walks today.  Lemme Crunch Thy Numbers. YEP nine seems eminently doable.  Except for in terms of Sex with ladies.  Ladie who are NINES are NOT Eminently Doable by me.  Not sure ANY ladies are eminently doable by me.  SPEAKING FROM PAST EXPERIENCE it's really hard to say!
   Sixth paragraph.  Figure I'll do BedTime around the same time as last night.  Tonight.  Not RIGHT NOW.  I can't go to sleep right now the same time as last night AS IT IS NOT EVEN NEXTNIGHT.  So that's good.  Got 25-30 minutes to write a couple more paragraphs.  Guess I'll end up at 8 or 9 paragraph for ACT I.  Amazing.  Saw A DRUG that might help with Night Eating Syndrome.  TOPAMAX or something.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP THAT'S IT.  Could be an appetizer suppressant OF SORTS.  And internet SPECIFICALLY brought it up in terms of NES.  YEAH.  I have a song from NYU where I use the word encyclopedia which is FASCINATING because If I wrote that song A MERE EIGHT MONTHS LATER I almost surely would have said WIKIPEDIA.  I WAS JUST not aware of Wikipedia at that time.  ALSO I used the term Comic Book instead of YOUTUBE.  You know that sort of thing.  Huh what else is up.  ANY CHANCE I write 4 more paragraphs this act?  Meh.
   Yeah!  I DID eat 75 calories of DORITO yesterday around Noon.  It was okay!  Should I go out of my way to eat something around Noon today?  NAH!  If I wanna eat something I will, though!  YEAH.  What else is up.  ONE BEER SHORT for the rest of the week.  I got FOUR NIGHTS before re-upping with Beer.  I'm aimingfor 2 beers a night.  I ONLY HAVE SEVEN BEERS LEFT.  GREAT.  One night is one beer.  COULD be any night I guess.  What else is up.  AIMINGFOR?  ALIGATOR?  What's going on and crap.  2.5 paragraphs to go to make NINE for Act I.  And I have as much as 25 minutes to write that.  Huh.  That's plenty of time.  I GUESS.  Possible I end up writing bonus paragraph for ACT II even.  WE'LL see how it, "SHAKES," out.  Hmm.  How come every other Batman movie has A Joker and every Joker is Different Than The Other Joker.   It's like they're like WELL the greatest thing you can do in a movie is have SOME GUY WHOSE A JOKER.  It makes NO DIFFERENCE who the Hell this guy is AT ALL.  There's been DOZENS of WILDLY DIFFERENT PEOPLE who Go By Joker or The Joker.  WHAT'S IMPORtANT IS THAT somehow for some reason... "JOKER."
I KIND OF get it.  Joker and/or The Joker IS GREAT.  Despite them being wildly different people across iterations.  But I don't get WHY.  BUT I BUY INTO THE PREMISE, SURE.  Pretty sure I prefer a THE Joker as opposed to a Joker.  I'm willing to have that debate though!  See it from other points of view!  Hmm.  1/9.  WHAT KINDA NUMBER IS 1/9.  CAUSE if it's 1.111 I'M NOT GONNA BE HAPPY.  HEY IT IS TAHT.  I'm not gonna be happy now.  FOLLOW THROUGH on my pledge to be displeased.  IF YOU CAN'T TRUST me to be unhappy About Numbers WHAT IS THERE TO BELIEVE IN ON THIS WONDERFUL WORLD OF OURS.   What else is up.  WAIT A SECOND is this the eighth paragraph?  I can write here for another 20 minutes.  I CAN WRITE 2 PARAGRAPHS IN 20 MINUTES.  Now it looks like I'm writing COMPLETE ACT I, 10 paragraphs and all, AND IT DON'T EFFECT MY WALK.
You IDIOTS.  Now the pressure is on To Keep Writing Things though.  Can't take any breaks.  It's NOW or NEVER. By which I mean it's NOW or SOME LATER TIME AS A WORST CASE SCENARIO.  Hmm.  Think I'd enjoy some SaltSide for sandwich!  Been enjoying wheated thins here and there lately.  I can have lots of Wheated Thins as a Standard Portion of Sandwichside.  16 Wheated Thins'll run ya 120 calories.  VERY reasonable all around.  Go figure.  HOW committed am I to HAM over TURKEY.  NOT COMMITTED AT ALL but I am HEAVILY leaning towards it. BUT if you twere to ask me are you willing to consider Going Down With The Ship and eating a Ham Sandwich EVEN IF YUO HAD GOOD REASON DEVELOP to eat turkey sandwich I'd be like NO OF COURSE NOT, I have no allegiance to Ham Sandwich for today DESPITE IT BEING WAY AHEAD IN THE LEAD for now.  Also kinda AM considering STICKING WITH HAM SANDWICH THROUGH TICK AND THINK.  At this point me and ham sandwich are one and the same!
   Last paragraph of the act!  With PLENTIES of time to write it.  Go figure!.  What am I listening to on upcoming walk.  What did I listen to on PREVIOUS walk.  Huh.  Oh.  Weird Al songs.  Can't go wrong there.  Except for busting your Weird Al Nut too soon.  The more you listen to Weird Al IN THE PRESENT the less it's gonna appeal to you LATER ON.  So you're SACRIFICING Future Weird Al Enjoyments by Enjoying Weird Al NOW.  I'm sure you know what you're doing, though!  I trust you to figure out how to make the most of Music  for yourself.  Not REALLY.  But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you should be responsible for it yourself anyway.  BEST OF LUCK with it is how I Feel.  Hmm.  Maybe TOPAMAX is my ACE IN THE WHOLE and fixes EatingAtNightBeforeThing.  Huh.  Gonna go take a walk now.  BE BACK IN A BIT.




that raises an interesting point

    Hey friends!  Time to write 5 paragraphs.  Ideally do it in Oh I Don't Know half an hour.  But if it takes as much as 45 minutes I'M STILL COVERED.  I'd still be able to fit in All Walks and whatknot even in that worst case scenario!  Anyway, think I'm gonna have turkey sandwich today.  Thinking ahead to getting Turkey Dinner later in the week.  This way I'm not risking doubling up on turkey in one day.  STILL would ALMOST be doubling up on turkey in one day.  Turkey Dinner is a TWO PART'R.  Two nights in a row.  IF I EAT a same time of day that's JUST ALMOST PRACTICALLY eating two turkey meals within one 24 hour period.  I WON"T STAND FOR THAT.  Sure I will.  Oh interesting counterpoint.  Also IT COMES WITH STUFFING, DELICIOUS STUFFING.  Huh.  Guess I'm having lunch in about 2.5 hours.  That could be good.  Maybe I should eat sooner!  Hard to say for sure what's right and what's wrong in our modern world.
   Hmm.  Gotta call Pshyciatrist to get Ritalin Going.  Right now I am Not Taking Ritalin in morning for 2nd day in a row!  SO FAR I feel fine.  Maybe I don't really need Ritalin anymore!  Maybe I never did!  Maybe I do!  Who knows.  Got a shirt from Dryer again today.  A LAUNDERED SHIRT FOR ME, who cares if it was never folded and/or hung up on some sort of Hanger.  HANGER STREAK.  What THE HELL is that supposed to mean.  Probably Hanger STEAK. That's my guess.  But also what the HELL IS TAHT supposed to mean.  HMM looks good.  BUTCHER'S CUT is a synonym.  Butchers keep this kinda steak for their own selves.  Partly because it's great, partly because the dumb customers think its BAD.  If it was THE TOP cut they WOULDN'T keep it to themselves CAUSE THEY GOTTA MAKE A LIVING SELLING HIGH PRICE STEAK.  HOWEVER, you combine It Being A Good Cut WITH People Don't Particularly Want It TIS IS A SLAM DUNK FOR THE KIND OF STEAK THE BUTCHER SHOULD EAT.  To STEAK TO STEAK LA CHI'EM spelling mine.
Three paragraphs to go.  Also YES it's very reasonable to guess Butchers are purposely misleading Rubes into not wanting this steak.  Hmm. Not sure how that works out to their benefit exactly.  They could always just keep it for themselves but still have the Rube ON BOARD with liking it too!  JUT DON'T SELL IT TO THEM.  Makes no difference.  YOU IDIOTS.  What else do I got going on for me.  SURE I had a chicken biscuit 10 minutes ago.  It was FINE.  What else is up.  Assuming I receive Pizza tonight SHOULD I EAT IT TONIGHT OR TOMORROW NIGHT.  Tough one.  For now I think I'm still INTO having the 2nd or 3 Steak * Stuffed Mushroom portions first.  BUT pizza can certainly make a pretty strong case for itself!  MAYBE I want grilled chicken roll for dinner and pizza becomes a Semi-indulgent lunch later in the week.  YOU KNOW because it's gonna run ya like 600 calories instead of MOST NORMAL Super Market lunches like sandwiches and meals which run ya like 450 calories.  You IDIOTS?  What's going on again.  Could also get Full Fledged chicken roll!  BREADED chicken instead of grilled.  I assume Breaded equates to Fried.  ALSO I wouldn't be surprised if there's Just More Of It as well.  Grilled chicken roll has these tiny specs of chicken.  I still LIKE IT.  I get ENOUGH out of it.  But I bet Regular Chicken Roll has BIGGER CHUNKS of chicken.  ALSO TOMATO-ISH SAUCE.  Probably Tomato Sauce that'd be my guess.
Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day!  Wonderful.  Wasn't out of my mind tired last night staying up 2 hours later than What Has Become Usual.  Wasn't out of my mind Unsatisfied With Sleep getting up at around the same time as usual this morning!  Still got a solid 8+ hours of sleep.  Which is GOOD.  Why would you WANT to waste your life sleeping for 10.5 hours instead of 8.  That time ADDS UP FAST and is just YOU WASTING A SHIT LOAD OF YOUR LIFE Doing Nothing.  How many is 2.5 x 365.  My guess is around 820, 840 hours a year.  YEP 912.5 Hours JUST AS I PREDICTED.  What's that OVER 24.  38.  If you cut your sleep from 10.5 hours to 8 hours for ONE YEAR YOU GAIN AN ENTIRE 38 DAYS OF BEING ABLE TO DO THINGS.  YES I know THINGS ARE THE WORST but still IN THE END you're gonna die wishing you were awake more I GUARENTEE IT.  Not LITERALLY.  I FIgURATIVELY guarentee it.  This isn't LEGAL TENDER guarentee or anything.
Last paragraph for now.  Amazing.  Maybe I have delicious 10 Chicken Crackers for SandwichSide.  It's FUN because It's SALTY.  Not sure how they trick my brain into computing Salty Taste of cracker as Chicken Taste.  BUT THEY DO.  I TASTE THE SALT OF TE CRACKER AND I'M LIKE YEP TAHT'S THE CHICKEN FLAVOR THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT.  Go figure.  Anyway.  SURE they only gave 2 Stuffed Mushrooms yesterday instead of three.  BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS I had LESS than 2/3rds of one of them as my 1/3rd of All Of Them.  So I have MORE IN STORE the next two days as opposed to the first day.  GO FIGURE I also had the smaller third of Steak I Cut.  HOWEVER I had the chicken rice soup which I'm BANKING ON being more hearty than Half a potato.  THEN AGAIN this was a petty big potato.  GO FIGURE.  What else do I got going on for me.  Not much.  The paragraph AND ALSO THUSLY ACT is over though.  SEE YA TONIGHT.




Let Me Stop You Right There

    Hey friends.  Just had delicious steak and stuffed mushroom and two pieces of broccoli and half a big potato and SALT.  It was pretty good!  GOT grilled chicken roll and ONE Sicily-Style Slice with mushroom and onion.  GRILLED CHICKEN ROLL gonna be dinner tomorrow or the day after.  Super Pizza gonna be paired with some WHEAT THINS or something to be a LUNCH PRESUMABLY TOMORROW.  So that's good.  Took 8 walks already.  Will take ninth walk after this entry!  THEN presumably watch Batman Returns with the rest of my knight.  IT BETTER BE between 2 hours and 2 hours and thirty minutes THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY.  Lemme LTURQ.  TWO HOURS SIX MINUTES.  NAILED IT.  Not ME estimating it.  THEM making it.  So that should be good.  Still got 4 or so Tales In The Crypt episode lefts to watch tomorrow.  Watched a couple of Simpsons today, WILL CONTINUE THAT TOMORROW AS WELL.  Watched 75% of KINGPIN.  Watched the first 10 minutes with director's commentary which was TERRIBLE and then watched it with Characters Commentary.  There's SOME Character Commentary but a lot of it ISN'T META-Commentary about what's going on at all.  Just regular DIALOGUE.  Go figure.
Hey what else is up.  Had delicious Chicken Crackers with turkey sandwich for lunch.  IT WAS GOOD.  Got a solid 2 snacks left for today.  ONE WHEN I GET BACK FROM ULTIMATE WALK, and then one again probably around 1/2 or 4/5ths into BATMAN RETURNED.  That ABOUT COVERS IT ALL.  I took a klonopin a few hours ago.  Around, what, I dunno, 2:30?  3:30?  I forget why exactly.  Presumably I determined it'd make me feel better.  Oh that sounds good.  Put in order for new Ritalin.  GREAT.  We just learnt I CAN SUCCEED LIVING DAYS WITHOUT RITALIN so the IMPORTANT THING to do is Start taking it again as soon as possible anyway.  Huh.  LOOK did I ask for garlic on my Sicily-Style Pizza in addition to onion and mushroom?  SURE.  Did they give it?  IT'S POSSIBLE but I don't see it from MY vantage point.  So that's not good!  Hmm.  Hopefully have balanced breakfast tomorrow.  IF NOT then have Surprise Bonus Chocolate Crescent that I didn't think I had.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Had delightful cinnamon toast crunch bar MID-DAY nothing wrong with that.  SEVERAL THINGS WRONG WIT THAT.  But they're OUTNUMBERS by Slightly MORE Several Things RIGHT about it.  I dunno.  I feel like it's the SAME AMOUNT OF THINGS wrong about it and right about it.  BUT the things that are right about it-- although they are AGGREGATE same number of things-- ARE BIGGER AND MORE IMPORTANT THINGS.  So The good outranks the bad IN THAT respect.  Huh.  Presumably gonna have 2 beers today.  Be stuck having... wait a second... I think I'm not ONE beer short this week.  I might be THREE beer short this week lemme do a quick RECONNAISSANCE MISSION into my fridgerator.  WAIT NO I'M GOOD.  I got 5 beers left after 2 beer knight tonight.  To last me Tues Weds and Thurs.  One night will be one beer LIKE I WAS CONSIDERING earlier.  So that's good and crap I guess.  It's not BAD.  It IS bad.  It's not HORRIBLE.  It's HALFWAY HORRIBLE maybe.
Penultimate paragraph.  Tootsie pop when I get back from Ultimate Walk?  SOLID snack?  Only my scaredresser knows for sure!  Huh.  Maybe a nice Fiber Brownie.  Keto Bar Brownie.  I DON'T KNOW what to do but that kinda stuff will resolve itself one way or another.  Anyway.  Goal for Tonight is to hit 1.0x KnightMight eating tonight.  Don't BANK on doing ZERO.  See if I can do SOLID JUST WHAT I ALLOTTED FOR FROM THE START.  THAT WOULD BE AN INTERESTING TURN OF EVENTS.  Hmm.  I AM very interested in having Chocoatey Eggo with Balanced Breakfast.  I COULD have it as Dessert Snack tonight though!  I've given myself a lot to think about.  THAT. ...I could think about it for a SECOND and/or THIRD time.  Maybe even as high as half a dozen times.  A LOT TO THINK ABOUT, just like I said.
Last paragraph!  Amazing.  I guess.  What kidna crap am I listening to on Upcoming walk.  Maybe MYSELF.  I get a kick out of listening to myself.  It REMINDS ME that there's ME OUT THERE and I'M A FAN.  I am also A REVERSE FAN.  I am a fan of myself AND I AM ALSO A GuyWhoIsFan'dByMyselFrom...Me... or something.  Oh well what can ya do.  Continue writing a few more sentences.  Then my obligations are all taken care of for the day!  Except for the thing about Obliging Not To Eat Too Much.  THAT GOES ON INDEFINITELY and WORST OF ALL IN MY SLEEP.  Can't even enjoy a Nice Sleep.  Gotta accept the fact I'm Gonna Muck Things Up In Sleep I Am Going Into each and every night.  Whatta gyp is How I Feel!  Anyway, I dunno.  Right now I'm pretty excited about having an Eggo when I get back from walk.  Because I'm dumb.  ALSO BECAUSE YOU'RE DUMB.  Sure.  Why not.  I'm done here for now.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:16 P.M.




Sunday, January 8, 2023

Fruck It All To Hell

    Had a shit ton of EatingTheNightBeforeTheDay last night again!  About 4.5x or 5x NightMight Unit!  About 2/3rds of which were Chocolate Crossaints.  WHY GOD WHY.  Just make this go away and I'd BARGAIN WIT YOU.  WAHT DO YOU WANT.  Let's make a TRADE.  I don't have much to trade.  I CAN TRADE Future Devotion.  I don't have anything TANGIBLE to offer God BUT MY ALLEGIANCE.  Gods not gonna take that deal.  God rightly knows I can't be 100% trusted to follow through on Future Piety.  DANGIT why does God need to know so many things.  WE'd ALL be better off with a Dumber God.  Hmm.  Had delicious black and white cookie for breakfast.  Lunch is probably gonna be a Kevin's Meals OF WHICH I think I wanna try KOREAN BBQ Chicken.  Koreans HAVE BARBAQUE TECHNOLOGY?  Sure they do!  It's related to fireworks!  And Koreans are related to Chinese!  That might be a controversial statement.  No it's not.  It's a DUMB statement.  Not trying to make a point or anything.  Just trying to be DUMB.
   Anyway BBQ is just CONTAINED FIREWORKS in the direction of Barbaqueing Protein.  Right?  I THINK so.  Ugh.  AS OF NOW over the last 3 days I've gained about 3/4ths of a pound from OverDoing EatingTheNightsBefore.  Probably LOST about 1/4th of a pound from BONUS Saving on Calories and doing bonus walks and whatknot.  OVERALL IT'S NOT A PRETTY PICTURE.  What's the prettiest picture ever invented.  MY GUESS is Salvador Dali Melting Clocks.  It's COMFORTING because it confirms our worst fears that Time Is Melting.  Hmm.  9:40 PM right now.  Should be able to fit in four early walks.  Leading me to presumably eight walks overall OR PERHAPS NINE.  WOW.  Today started off Sucky because of tithe EatingTheNightBefore thing but IT MIGHT TURN INTO GOOD.  Because I ENJOY walking OR TV or stuff like that.  ALSO I'm already 2 paragraphs into the entry.  At this point A MERE 13 PARAGRAPHS FOR DayTimeDay left.
Huh.  KOREAN BBQ Chicken is 16 oz while Chicken Chili Verde is 17 oz.  SOUNDS LIKE A SLAM DUNK to SAVE the bonus ounce for future lunch.  Anyway.  It sounds UNLIKELY that I can eat 16 oz of BBQ Chicken and it's less than 450 calories.  THAT'S WAY TOO FEW CALORIES FOR WAY TOO MANY OUNCE.  Oh well.  I haven't LOOKED at it yet.  Maybe once I look at it it suddenly all makes a lot of sense.  I dunno!  Communal Dinner tonight!  Presumably Diner!  Presumably I go with 3 Part Steak * Stuffed Mushroom!  Been a few weeks since I had that.  It's HEARTY, delicious, and I WANNA SAY HEALTHY?  Probably!  I'd eat some chicken crackers ALL TINGS BEING EQUAL right now.  Not GONNA.  But in a different universe where  I Just Eat At My Leisure Sure I'd have 8 or so chicken crackers. GO FIGURE. I'll stay here while you're figuring.  JUST TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE DONE and then I'll start writing again.  I dunno something like that.
   YEAH.  I may have mentioned this before but I don't like that Tales In The Crypt episode where Ewan McGregor repeatedly Doesn't Know What Wanker Means.  IT TAKES PLACE IN BRITAIN.  I SEEN EM DRIVE on other side of the street in this episode.  THEY ARE BRITISH.  YES I get that you wanna cater to your American Audience and have The Meaning of Wanker Disputed.  BUT NOT FROM a character who is presumably British.  IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.  Oh well.  The point is wanking means jacking off!  Wanker is a Jerk Offer.  Huh.  I guess IN THIS universe it's possible I have SOME snack before lunch.  NOT THIS EARLY THOUGH.  Get out of here with that bullshit and whatknot.  Hmm.  Presumably watch a lot of The Simpsons today.  I ENJOY the episodes I've been watching.  AT WHAT SEASON does it start to become a chore.  I know at SOME season it's great and then half a dozen seasons later it'snot great.  BUT WHAT'S THE CUT-OFF SeasonEpisode where it's like OH OKAY NOW IT'S NOT GONNA BE A POSITIVE EXPERIENCE ANYMORE.  Hmm better LTURQ.  At first glance SIMPSOSN SEASON XII is still going strong.  Let's see about SEASXON XIV.  NOPE Season XIV looks like it's starting to become MEH.
    I guess next is Look At Season Thirteen.  I'll do it LATER.  I got better things to do for now.  LIKE write one more paragraph AND TEN I'M HALFWAY THROUGH THIS SUCKER OF AN ACT.  YEAH.  I AM halfway through Season V right now.  Makes A TON of sense to go back to Season I after Season XII.  There's absolutely NO good reason to stop me from doing that.  Huh.  OR what I could do is keep going FORWARD but SKIP EPISODES WILY NILY.  Just skip ahead to The Next Pretty Good episode OVER AND OVER from that point on.  Sure it will exponentially be longer and longer time periods I'm skipping.  AT first I might skip one episode.  Then after the next episode I watch it might be five episodes.  THEN I MIGHT SKIP TWO SEASONS.  The point is IT'S GOOD FOR SOCIETY.  Huh.  When I go downstairs to get coffee in a minute GONNA TAKE A GANDER at what Korean BBQ Chicken looks like.  Assuming its in a see through container.  Huh.  I'll be right back.
   WHAT THE HELL.  This looks gross.
  I have to KIND OF MAKE IT MYSELF.  There's just to sealed plastic packs in Kevin'sMeal.  BIG and I mean BIG packet of BBQ Sauce and big and I MEAN more or less big pack of just A WEIRD HUNK OF CHICKEN.  Supposed to SAUTEE it but LUCKILY it also gives instructions for microwave.  I think when you open Chicken Packet it DOES come out looking like relatively appetizing more enough blobs of chicken instead of one big NON appetizing blob.  And you just pour the BBQ Sauce on it I think!  Put it in microwave!  The point is NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT but at least I can LEGITIMATELY do it with microwave and IT STILL MAY LEGITIMATELY BE GOOD.  But OVERALL not happy with these developments.  So that's good.  I HAD ONE CHICKEN BISCUIT.  I'M NOT HAPPY WIT THAT DEVELOPMENT EITHER.  So that's good.  What else is up.  1/8 huh.  SOUNDS LIKE A NICE CHUNK OF MARIJUANA.  If I bought an eighth of marijuana when I was in NYU I'd be SITTING PRETTY for a couple of weeks and VERY happy about it.  What a wonderful world.
Seventh paragraph.  The point is ALL OF JANUARY the day is gonna be AN INTERESTING FRACTION.  The most interesting fraction you can have is ONE out of ANYTHING.  ALL OF JANUARY is One Out Of Something.  Go figure!  I can EASILY have snack in an hour or two and then have lunch about an hour later than What Would Have Been.  So that's good.  COLDER today.  Still pretty comfortable.  If you dropped me into January 8th out of nowhere and said IT'S GONNA BE THIS TEMPERATURE I'd be like HEY GREAT THIS ISN'T SO BAD it's pretty comfortable.  Not 100% happy with THE GLOBE being Warmed as much as I am being but FOR PERSONAL REASONS wonderful.  Huh.  Been having some intense dreams the last few nights.  I don't REMEMBER them.  I SHOULD.  But I don't SUCH IS LIFE.  Anyway.  WOW the episode AFTER the next Simpsons episode I have is DEEP SPACE HOMER.  I can remember AT LEAST THREE separate FULL FLEDGED LAUGHS off the top of my head within SECONDS of Considering Deep Space Homer.
   FROM THAT EPISODE.  Hmm.  What do I got going on for me.  Got half a Pouch of doritos left.  That could be a good small snack going forward in life SAY AFTER SHOWER.  Hmm.  Homer doesn't go into THAT deep space.  Pretty much just orbits the Earth.  I don't even think he makes it to the moon.  IN terms of SPACE that's pretty much as shallow as you can go.  YOU LEFT EARTH AND YOU'RE IN SPACE... BARELY.  Opposite of deep space GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  What else is up and crap.  Two and a half paragraphs to go for Act I.  AMAZING. I can't wait to get deep enough into the day where I'm Enjoying The Day.  DAYS SUCK lately becaluse of NightMight as WELL as your standard I had to get out of bed to do vague chores or something Early In Day suckiness.  THAT ALONE would get you off on the wrong side of the foot.  COMBINE THAT WITH LOTTA EatingTheNightBefore and IT'S NOT GOOD for the first few hours.
Penultimate paragraph.  Huh. Good God Ya'll.  WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR AND WHATKNOT.  Looked like just a big blob of chicken.  I TINK it's a lot of chicken.  Not A SMALL blob o' chicken at least.  Anyway DISGUSTING.  Hmm.  Maybe I manage to do some Rocksmith today.  Make today PRODUCTIVE.  The more productive a day is THE BETTER cause at least you're getting SOMETHING out of this bullshit.  Huh.  Gonna get DINER tonight!  TALKED ABOUT IT with my Male Parental Unit: The Guy Who Is My Dad.  STOOK and Staffed Mushrim time.  I HOPE IT'S NOT a magic mushroom. I got better things to do than trip on mushrooms tonight.  THEN AGAIN Pshycelics CAN HELP WITH certain mental problems PERHAPS INCLUDING EatingTheNightBeforeSyndrome.  OR IT CAN CAUSE MORE OF IT. If it can CURE IT it can CAUSE IT we've LEARNT THIS MUCH FROM LIFE AT LEAST.  Hmm.  ONE MORE PARAGRAPHS TO GO.  Well after the sentence after this sentence.  YOU KNOW, this one.
YEAH.  AM I running low on gum?  NO.  Well it's all relative I guess.  I'm running lower and lower on gum each and every time I chew a piece of gum!  WITHOUT BUYING MORE TO REPLACE IT.  But I should be solid easily until the next Gum Re-Up.  Hmm.  Wearing laundered shirt but one that was never folded up nice and neat or anything. Just retrieved it from the Dryer earlier this morning.  I FEEL VERY COMFORTABLE WITH THIS.  It's fine with me and crap.  2023.  I feel like at this point of the year I should be more on board with What The Year Is.  I know it's still very early but I FEEL LIKE WE GOTTA START WORRYING that I WILL NEVER GET USED TO THE YEAR.  Could be a big problem going forward!  Hmm.  WOW STUFFED MUSHROOMS?  WITH CRAB MEAT?  AND NO PSYCHOACTIVE MAERIAL IN IT AT ALL?  This is gonna be GREAT.  Huh.  Guess that's it for now.  See ya in a little bit!  Gotta imagine EVERYTHING has SOME Psychoactive Material in it.  JUST VERY VERY little.  Not sure we have to imagine that.  OH well.  See ya in a little bit!




at least this could be worse

    Hey friends.  Time to write 5 more paragraphs.  Had a couple of Crumbs of Ruffles FlaminOnion.  DELICIOUS.  Probably won't have a full fledged snack before Potential Delicious Lunch.  It's gross to LOOK AT as it is but in the end no reason to doubt it won't be delicious.  I SEEN picture on box.  LOOKS pretty good.  THE REPRESENTATION at least.  Not the box itself.  Box is FINE.  Either way started listening to some NAS on recent walk.  It's good!  I LIKE NAS Because He Comes From A Similar Place To Me all in all. GEOGRAPHICALLY.  In terms of PEOPLE, there's MILLINO people closer to Nas than me.  Or Me Than Nas. But in terms of CARTOGRAPHY it's mere MILES away in terms of where He And I Hail From Discrepancies.  So that's good.  Got coffee #2 going.  Gonna have delightful Simpsons episodes coming my way.  Don't see why I WOULDN'T.  Anyway.  I can fit in 9 walks today but might make sense to cut it off at 8.  WE'LL SEE HOW I FEEL AT NIGHTTIME.
Sure.  Only four more paragraphs to go.  Delightful. Kinda expected Korean BBQ KevinMeal Chicken to be a well rounded dish.  I thought there'd be vegetables and crap!  Nope. Just blobs of chicken and super sized packet of BBQ Sauce.  BBQ Sauce is a vegetable I guess.  You know.  Sauce of The Barbaque.  Hmm.  LOOKS LIKE I gotta MASSAGE big blob of chicken and through doing it carefully and THUSLY SO it'll break into smaller PERHAPS MORE APPETIZING blobs.  Then put THAT THING in microwave for a minute.  THEN I TINK just pour BBQ SAUCE ON IT.  Put it in microwave for another minute.  OH.  I think I'm supposed to make a point to NOT cook and/or eat, "Chicken Broth," that the chicken is, "IN," right now.  Gonna have to read more carefully about that.  SOMETHING about the Chicken, "BROTH."  PROBABLY TO AVOID IT.  That'd be my instinct.  Huh.  WALK after 3 more paragraphs.  Then SHOWER.  SUDDENLY IT'S TVTIME.
YEAH.  How long do I have to write these 3 paragraphs.  WHO CARES.  WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH TIME.  Yeah but let's give myself an ARBITRARY NUMBER for FUN'S SAKE.  Okay let's say 23 minutes then.  SURE.  Creeping up on NOON O CLOCK.  Otherwise known as the time MY BLOOD SUGAR DIPS.  I'll celebrate by continuing to Not Eat Snacks Then.  I SHOULD EXPERIMENT WITH EATING SNACK WHEN BLOOD SUGAR IS BAD.  Might fix EatingTheNightBeforeSyndrome one way or another.  Oh well what can ya do.  EAT SOME CRACKERS OR SOMETHING.  DORITOS, I dunno!  Huh.  I'm not gonna do that.  DO RIGHT O's.  SOUNDS LIKE A RELIGION SCAM.  Doritos are AN EVIL SUBTLE BRAINWASHING OPERATION trying to trick us to be good people.  OH NO I'MS CARED.  What ifI wanna DO WRONG.  That's within my rights!  FOR TE MOST PART.  Gotta imagine over 50% of Doing Wrong is LEGAL and within my Rights! BUT ALSO A FAIR AMOUNT OF DOING WRONG is actually NOT in my rights and are Practically Illegal.  MURDER for instance.  THAT's not within my rights.  WHICH IS GOOD cause I DON'T EVEN WANNA DO IT ANYWAY.  The point is Doing Wrong Is Within My Rights But I Don't Wanna Anyway.
   Penultimate paragraph of daytime day!  Feels like I'll enjoy Dinner and whatknot tonight.  ODDS ARE I'll enjoy LUNCH EVEN.  Might end up being Gross BUT IT MIGHT END UP BEING GOOD.  NO VEGETABLE THOUGH.  I'm just eating chicken NOTHING ELSE.  BBQ Sauce doesn't count as A Side.  IT'S SAUCE NOT SIDE.  Also I can't express how big a packet of BBQ Sauce this is.  It's like your standard Packet Of Sauce from Fast Food Or Chinese Takeaway or something but I Dunno 40 times as big.  Off the top of my head let's go with FOURTY Times As Big.  More than 10.  I TINK it's less than 100.  THE POINT IS I can use A THIRD OF THAT and it's still PLENTY I think.  Huh.  What else is up. Maybe I save the bag for later.  Add some Gross BBQ Sauce to OTHER THINGS moving forward in life.  Huh.  Maybe only have half or two thirds of the chicken and SIDE IT WITH CRAP myself.  I dunno.  Then I gotta figure out how to incorporate Left Behind Chicken LATER IN LIFE which I don't like.
   YEAH.  Last paragraph for now.  Wonderful.  What else do I got going on for me.  Figure out some MOVIE to watch maybe.  I like movie.  Haven't watched enough non-Horror movies in the last few years.  SO MANY COMEDY AND DRAMA that have been neglected.  COMEDY is when it ends in wedding and DRAMA is when it ends in funeral.  Huh.  HOW COME Shakespeare never wrote any Horror plays.  Maybe he intended some of these to Come Off As Horror.  I don't know MACBETH or anything very well but THERE ARE LOTS OF GHOSTS in them.  Stands to reason Shakespeare wanted to SPOOK US as his main goal in A Play Or Two and that goal has just been lost to history.  I mean Shakespeare WAS pretty smart. And horror IS a legitatime genre unto itself AS WE'VE LEARNT IN THE 20TH CENTURY.  No reason to doubt Shakespeare Didn't Consider Horror.  Or Doubt Did Consider Horror.  I forget what means what.  Anyway that's it.  See ya tonight!




Anway What's Up WIth You

    HEY!  Just had a great idea to combat eating in my sleep. It's called SLEEP LESS.  I'm some sort of genius!  THE LOWER KIND.  The kind of genius that barely qualifies but Apparently Somehow Does Somewhat.  Either way the point is TONIGHT stay up 1-3 hours later than normal.  THAT'S RIGHT, go to bed at around 10:30 PM -- 12:30 AM.  This could be a GAME CHANGER.  OH NO I'll have to adjust my strategy.  But the good news is SO WILL MY OPPONENTS.  So that's good!  Anyway had nine walks already, WILL HAVE TENTH WALK AFTER THIS.  Because WHY NOT it DOESN'T HURT ANYBODY.  Anyway.  Chicken was kinda gross but FINE I GUESS.  Korean BBQ Chicken.  Also BBQ Packet wasn't 100x standard packet size.  Possibly around A MERE 10-18x Normal BBQ PACKET from Takeaway Place.  ONLY USED about 20%.  HAD SOME CHIP to accommodate for missing calories.  Was it POP chip?  Was it WHEATED THIN?  There's no way of knowing. I guess we can FANTASTIC VOYAGE myself and see what's going on in Digestive System.  Or JUST PLAY THE WAITING GAME until Excrement.  Not sure either of those are plausible avenues for solutions.
Either way had delicious steak * stuffed mushroom tonight.  Had SOUP version as opposed to Half Baked Potato version.  CHICKEN RICE SOUP.  It was good because delicious.  Got beer going.  Will have second beer after Final Walk.  FINAL FANTASY?  BOY I BETTER MAKE THIS FANTASY COUNT if its my Final One.  Doesn't sound like a good mindset for a fantasy.  I CAN'T ENJOY ANY FANTASY IF I KNOW IT'S MY FINAL ONE.  Good news is aren't they up to like FINAL FANTASY XX.  Apparently to them, "Final," MEANS VERY LITTLE.  Anyway.  Watched a couple of Tales In The Crypt AND WILL WATCH ONE OR THREE MORE later.  WILL FINISH my Time Around The Series tomorrow.  By which I mean I will watch Up To And Including Final Episode.  I can't enjoy an Episode knowing it might be my Final Episode.  TOO HIGH STAKES to get something out of an episode.  WHY CAN'T IT JUST BE one episode in a long and continuing series of episodes.  That's how I FEEL.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Probably got TWO snack coming my way over then next Oh I Don't Know 2.5-4.5 hours. I think I may GO ALL THE WAY and try to stay up till 12:00 AM OTHERWISE KNOWN AS TOMORROW.  Sounds reasonable.  If I'm asleep for eight hours obviously that's a lot less time to Eat During That Time than if I'm asleep for ten anda half hours.  You IDIOTS.  Huh.  What kinda crap am I looking forward to for Meals tomorrow.  Tomorrow Breakfast COULD PLAUSIBLY be Final Chocolate Crossaint.  OR finally have A Balanced Breakfast ONCE AND FOR ALL.  Not so much the, "For All," part.  AS with fantasies and episodes and whatknot Balanced Breakfasts should NEVER end.  Huh.  Lunch'll probably be a SANDWICH.  Odds on favorite for lunch is Turkey Or Ham sandwich!  ANyway.  Oh, right, Korean BBQ.  It was just STEAMAED CHICKEN.  Supposed to be a nice fancy Do It Yourself Lunch.  IT WAS JUST BLOBS OF STEAMEDCHICKEN AND A PACKET OF BBQ SAUCE.  I'm not gonna fall for TAHT ONE again.  I will suffer the consequences of LAST TIME I FELL FOR IT once more though.  Still got THE OTHER Kevin'sMeal. Anyway if this is a sign of how things will work with Kevin McCarthy Era House Of Representatives I am NOT encouraged.
Penultimate paragraph!  Hmm.  POSSIBLE I'm getting PIZZA tomorrow night.  EITHER WAY the next three nights will be TWO NIGHTS OF STEAK * STUFFED MUSHROOM and ONE NIGHT OF PIZZA.  We just don't know FOR SURE YET which one is which.  Huh.  Watched some more The Simpsons today.  That's a winner of an activity as well!  Gonna continue on with that going forward In Life.  Hmm.  CONSIDERING WATCHING THE BATMANS.  Starting with Michael Keaton Batman and Jackie Nichelson Joker.  It's GOOD because ROBERT WUHL.  That's all I could come up with for now.  Hmm.  I dunno. AT LEAST wait until 11:00 PM to go to bed.  MAYBE 11:30 PM is the target to hit though.  I feel like that's one way to go about things.  Huh.  Also I feel like it's not gonna be a hassle to be up for a couple more hours but not necessarily Eat More Snack During That Bonus Time.  I feel like other than NightMight FOOD EATING ISN"T A BIG COMPULSION OR PROBLEM these days.  So SUCK ON THAT for a while.
   Last paragraph of the night.  Go figure!  Even if I did standardly have like 100 calories more at night but it saved me 10x that during the NightMIGHT that's a no brainer anyway of a Good Sacrifice.  LIKE TRYING TO PLEASE BAAL.  Whose Baal. I feel like there's some Demon or Devil Baal from somewhere.  Better LTURQ.  YEP BAAL is some sort of Demon-Devil.  Where do I know Baal from?  Hopefully some sort of TV or Film.  Or a book.   IF I KNOW BAAL from inside somehow and not from actually learning it in real life KINDA SOUNDS LIKE BAAL got some hold on my soul.  Otherwise HOW DO I KNOW ABOUT HIM EVEN JUST AS A PASSING REFERENCE GOD DAMN IT BAAL.  LUCILLE BAAL.  Horrifying.  Anyway, I dunno.  Another day in the book except for Oh I Don't Know NOT FALLING ASLEEP FOR ANOTHER FOUR HOURS.  It could work.  IT JUST MAY WORK.  Huh.  I guess that's it.  I'll see ya tomorroyw!

-8:05 P.M.




Saturday, January 7, 2023

Let's Try Something Different

    Hey friends!  9:42 AM.  Should be able to fit in 4 walks in Early part of the day as I like.  Maybe end up taking a bonus walk today, ending up at EIGHT.  I took a bonus walk last night after the entry!  SO TAT WAS GOOD.  Had 3x NightMight again last night.  SO TAHT SUCKS.  Now I'm at a surplus of +4 NightMight Units AFTER JUST TWO DAYS INTO SuperWinter.  Roughly has me gained about half a pound in 2 days.  MY GOAL WAS TO SLOWLY LOSE WEIGHT.  Sure sounds like I'm Quickly GAINING WEIGHT.  What the FRUCK.  Ugh.  Maybe I figure out how to stop it THIS TIME though.  THE OTEHR 350 times I did NightMights and was like THIS TIME NEXT NIGHTMIGHT I KNOW I CAN STOP IT didn't pan out.  BUT THIS TIME it might.  Anyway.  Homer does some NightMight eating of slices of cheese in EPISODE I SAW LAST NIGHT.  Eats 64 slices of American Cheese.  So that works out for him.  Also in another episode I saw he eats Forbidden Donut as a NightMight but it was just a TINY amount.  I don't fault him for having the last bite of Forbidden Donut.  64 Slices of American Cheese is definitely a Lot of NightMight Though.
Hmm.  Saturday.  Ugh.  Had classic breakfast this morning.  Still have some Egg White I haven't had in a while.  I'LL GET AROUND TO IT as soon as possible.  Anyway.  Think I'm gonna have SUSHI for lunch.  POT PIE for dinner. I WHICH IT WAS TIME TO EAT ONE OF THEM RIGHT NOW. Tastewise.  I'm not hungry.  But I'd enjoy the FLAVOR SENSATIONS of either enterprise.  So that's good I guess.  Wearing laundered shirt!  Just reached into the Dryer where Shirts have been Sitting for close to a week and PULLED OUT A WINNER.  TOTALLY DRY AND LAUNDERED and not.. what's the word... MESSED UP.  Not folded inappropriately.  Not crumpled up.  WHAT THE HELL IS THAT WORD I'M TRYING TO COME UP WITH.  Not collapsed upon itself unevenly.  Hmm.  My tummy hurts.  NO FOOLING.  I don't like it.  Hmm.  Kevin McCarthy won his bid to become speaker!  Wow.  Probably not good for America!
   YEAH.  Ran out of Ritalin and as of right now I'm too lazy to call my psychiatrist to put in a new prescription.  Maybe if I was on Ritalin I wouldn't be too lazy to renew the Ritalin.  BUT THEN I'D HAVE NO MOTIVE TO RENEW THE RITALIN.  Sure I would.  I would be planning ahead.  I could be ON RITALIN, HAVE A WEEKSWORTH LEFT, AND TEN CALL TO RENEW THE RITALIN.  Oh well what can ya do.  Maybe I could experiment with Not Taking Ritalin.  Hmm.  Ritalin corresponds with writing Acts I and II.  Let's see how that goes without it.  Hmm got a tummy ache.  IS THAT related.  Maybe.  I was attributing it to NightMight snack last night though.  Huh.  I DO kind of wanna go back into bed and do nothing ever again.  That could be related to not having taken Ritalin.  Anyway how long do I have to write the next seven paragraphs.  UP TO AN ENTIRE HOUR.  WAY MORE TAN I NEED.  FOURS OR SIXES OF MINUTES MORE for sure.
Fourth paragraph.  Huh.  What am I listening to this morning.  Listened to some TODAY"S HITS.  Listened to some THE UPPERS.  Listened to a couple of NEWISH SONGS FROM 2022 I LIKE THAT I REMEMBERED TO MAKE A NOTE OF TO LISTEN TO SPECIFICALLY ON MY OWN ACCORD.  Huh.  When's lunch.  Presumably in OH I DON'T KNOW four or five hours.  COULD BE GOOD.  Took a sneak peek at the Sushi because the container its in is SEE THROUGH plastic.  LOOKS LIKE SOME GOOD.  I like THE RICE part.  I like the SHRIMP part.  The VEGETABLE FILLING also ain't so bad one would imagine.  DON'T EAT TE PLASTIC SEE THROUGH.   I've got it all figured out I suppose!  Hmm.  Anyway.  It's starting to occur to me that it ISN'T JUST ME in terms of not getting much out of Ultimate Tales In The Crypt Season from Great Britian.  These episodes are just NOT GOOD.  ANYONE would agree with that.  THAT'S WHAT'S SPOOKY ABOUT THEM.  Why Am I Wasting My Time Watching These Episodes.  SCARY STUFF.
Fifth paragraph!  AFTER THIS ONE an entire halfway through Act I.  So that's good.  Not 100% I'm happy with the framing of KEVIN MCCARTHY SOLD OUT to the SUPRA-Far-Far-Right to win the speaker.  He gave them everything they wanted!  I'M PRETTY SURE if they never existed HE WOULD BE DOING THE WRONG THING 99 out of 100 Times ANYWAY.  Not sure I BUY that he would have been any better without this scenario.  OH WELL WHAT CAN YA DO.  They only control the house.  WE CONTROL THE STREETS.  What streets.  NBA JAM 95.  Huh.  At first I was gonna say NBA STREETS: The Video Game.  Then I realized SUCH A VIDEO GAME MAY NOT EXIST.  So I went with NBA JAM WHICH DOES EXIST.  Oh.  There was a video game Franchise from 2001-2007 NBA STREET.  I WISH I HAD IT RIGHT NOW.  To PLAY IT.  Not just to OWN IT but to UTILIZE owning it.  That's how I feel!  I'm gonna go get coffee now.
   OH RIGHT.  Today is Saturday.  Can't put in RITALIN order anyway.  ANYWAY told dad about it which is AS GOOD AS DOING IT.  Sort of.  Guess I'll call DOCTOR on Monday.  Hmm.  NOT REALLY M YFAULT IT RAN OUT.  I see Pshyatrist every month normally and we put in order each month.  THIS TIME IT WAS 2 MONTH.  ALSO this is CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE I believe.  So I WOULD HAVE had to remind her to re-up DEFINITELY.   SHOULD HAVE done it ahead of time before I ran out.  But all in all I DON'T LOOK AS BAD IN THIS SITUATION as I thought I might originally.  So that's good.  Huh.  Had a lot of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Golden Graham Bars as NightMight snacking.  Possibly EXCLUSIVELY those two things.  Was right around 3x NightMight Allotment again though CALORIEwise.  So that's good.  WAIT NO IT ISN'T.  Oh interesting counterpoint.  Anyway.  Hmm. ONLY FOUR PARAGRAPHS TO GO FOR ACT I!  I DON'T BELIVE IT. Well sure I do.  But you get the idea.
   Seventh paragraph.  Slightly cooler today!  Still too comfortable  though for January.  NOT SURE I'm happy with Global Warming at all.  HMM.  When I was in high school HISTORY WAS CALLED GLOBAL.  We either had TWO or THREE semesters each for Global History and American History.  GLOBAL COMING FIRST.  Global History was ALL of Freshman Year.  MOST LIKELY American History was ALL of Sophomore Year.  But I kinda feel like I was still puttering around on American History IN JUNIOUR YEAR TOO.  Gotta do SOME history for the entire two Upperclassment Years.  One semester was AMERICAN GOVERNMENT.  BUT THAT LEAVES TE OTHER THREE UP IN THE AIR.  The point is WHAT GREAT HEARTY TEXT BOOKS.  I'll bring all the hearty textbooks with me to school AND CARRY THEM AROUND IN BACKPACK BETWEEN ALL THE CLASSES because I can't BOTHER with a locker BECAUSE I DO MY HOMEWORK ON THE TRAIN.  IT'S NOT GOOD but it's the way I did things.  If I could go back and change things SURE I WOULD.  Figure out how to use a locker.  Something like that.
   Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go! Plenties of Time to take care of that.  Hmm.  If I take Extra Walks for SupraWinter feels like I'll ACCOUNT FOR IT.  Add 100 calories to Weekly SnackAllotment each walk I take extra!  MAKES SENSE to keep track of it that way.  If I miss a walk gotta imagine I should be subtracting calories.  EVEN IF I'm 100% okay with missing a walk because that's what the day calls for.  STILL makes sense to account for it.  Huh.  What else is going on and crap.  Feels like the way to go for upcoming walk is get back on Today's Hits playlist.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Still using SAME promotional beer glass for soda today.  I shouldn't use same glass multiple days.  ONE GLASS A DAY is reasonable.  But beyond that sounds like I should be starting clean glasses.  Huh.  9.5 episodes left of British Tales In The Crypt.  Gotta imagine I'll finish at least .5 of an episode today/tonight!
   Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Wow!  POSSIBLE I may have taken a little bit less of NightMights than 3x NightMightUnit.  MAYBE 2.5x.  WOW.   TAKEN.  What's going on again.  OH I had 2-4 of the small assorted Stella Doro cookies.  I THINK just 2.  Coulda been 4.  YA NEVER KNOW.  The point is what else is going on and crap.  Presumably watch some of The Simpsons today.  That's always fun!  What else is up and crap.  One and a half paragraphs to go!  AMAZING.  LOOK I got Snack Allotments AND I WILL CONTINUE TO EAT SNACK but LET'S FRAME EATING around MEALS.  Okay.  Sounds reasonable.  I don't think I'm gonna be getting many arguments there!  PROBABLY A LOT OF AGREE MENT CONFIRMATIONS.  Lots of messages of SUPPORT for that theory and/or hypothesis I FORGET WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT EXACTLY.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  IS IT POSSIBLE a Senior Year Social Studies class was ECONOMICS.  At first I was like NOPE THAT's not a HSITORY Class.  Then I realized MAYBE HISTORY is the wrong way to GENERALIZE this Section Of Schoo'.  MAY BE, "SOCIAL STUDIES."  In which case ECONOMY is POSSIBLE?
Last paragraph of the act.  Amazing.  WHOSE ECONOMY.  YOURS OR MINE.  Gonna have to be more specific.  Hmm.  What's going on again.  BIG APPLE.  What's TAHT all about.  Hmm.  Think I might shave at some point over the next week or two.  I should do it TODAY.  But I won't.  I should do it TOMORROW TEN.  But I won't.  HOW ABOUT I DO IT WITHIN THE NEXT Oh I Don't Know SIX DAYS.  Oh okay that sounds pretty reasonable now!  Hmm.  I CAN SEE today BECOMING A GOOD DAY over time.  GET SOMETHIN out of watching The Sampsons.  That sort of crap.  Tummy ache goes away in time for Lunch To Be Enjoyed.  ENJOY LUNCH AND DINNER.  DON'T Do NightMight tonight.  Which would drop me down to a +3 NightMight surplus.  SLOWLY BUT SURELY MAKING PROGRESS in hypotheticall unlikely situation!  So that's good and crap I guess.  Come up with another phase for NightMight.  ANYTHING.  Off the top of my head.  TooMuchEatingAtKnight.  WOW very clever.  THAT'S IT THEN I GUESS.  Huh.  I'll be back in a little bit.




you lost me at try

    Hey friends!  Time to write five paragraphs.  Got ALL THE TIME IN TEH WORLD to do it.  Let's say Aim For No More Than 43 minutes.  Huh.  Probably will end up around Oh I Don't Know TWENTY SEVEN MINUTES.  That's my guess.  Anyway, got some delightful orange soda in beer glass.  I've told you already how NIFTY the glass looks with Neon Orange Soda in it.  So that's good.  What kinda crap did I listen to on Recent Walk.  D.J.'s Choice.  Went from song to song!  Good deal.  Anyway, what else do I got going on for me.  LIFE and whatknot.  Gotta do something with life.  Just started SupraWinter.  WHAT CAN I DO WITH THAT.  I was gonna do SOMETHING but now I forget.  MUSIC.  I dunno.  I'm not that great at music!  WORTH A SHOT THOUGH.  I might not be SUPER at music but I STILL MAY BE SUPRA.  So that's good.  Tummy is gradually going from Hurt To Hunger.  GOOD.  I'll enjoy that sushi IN A SOLID 2 HOURS FOURTY MINUTES IS MY BEST GUESS.
   Hmm.  WHAT THE HELL ISTE WORD for when clothes are just bunched up and not folded neatly and are USUALLY Unlaundered in this situation but FOR ME they WERE laundered.  BUNCHED UP UNRULYLIKE inside of the dryer.  Hmm.  If I can't think of the word I MAY NOT LEGALLY BE ALLOWED TO WEAR THE SHIRT.  It's a murky GRAY AREA here, me wearing the shirt whereas I didn't know how to describe it before I started wearing it.  Hmm.  Probably gonna take eight walks today it looks like.  I COULD FIT IN NINE. I could AIM FOR SEVEN.  I WILL PROBABLY END UP AT EIGHT.  Huh.  Realized I should have had a more exciting thing for breakfast. I got LOTS of options since Yesterday's Fresh Deliveries besides Classic and Balanced Breakfast.  Got SINGLE Black and white that'd be a blast and a half.  Got them SMALL DONUTS that I could have ENTIRE THREE OF TEM as breakfast.  Got CHOCOLATE CROISSANTS that I could have one as a breakfast.  OR I could go another route and try Frozen Breakfast Frittata.  THE POINT IS WHAT A FOOL I WAS but at least NOW I HAVE SLIGHTLY MORE EXCITEMENT BREAKFAST going FORWARD than I may have had otherwise.
   YEAH.  Three paragraphs to go.  I estimated earlier I may have gained .5 LB in the last two days.  I WAS WRONG.  Now I'm saying Probably gained right around a THIRD of a pound.  Pretty significant difference!  1/6th of a LB difference per my understanding.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Looking forward to trying Kevin's Meals.  The Super Market Lunches.  Not the guy I was in chorus with OR the guy who speaks on behalf of the house.  Hmm.  I feel like I got a lot of reason to enjoy some sort of SaltSide with Sushi today.  VERY reasonable I can have some WHEAT THINS or something.  Sure Chicken Cracker would be better but MORE CALORIES.  Maybe I have Oh I Don't Know TEN Wheat thins.  THAT'D BE RIGHT AROUND 75 CALORIES I BELIEVE.  Huh.  JUST DO IT.  Why not.  EAT LUNCH THE BEST I KNOW HOW, that's the way to go.  Hmm.  Looking at the Stuyvesant web page because of Textbook Confusion.  Huh.  IN ANOTHER WORLD. I coulda been a teacher there.  Sounds like a pretty good world!  I'd have a JOB and everything.  A GOOD JOB.  Teaching in NYC is a good job COMPENSATIONWISE.  Also teaching history to Dumb Smart Kids is a FULFILLING PIECE OF CRAP.
Oh well!  I WAS ON TRACK FOR THAT for a couple of months.  Pre-Student Teaching there!  THEN IT ALL WENT TO PUTT for reasons I don't remember.  And I burned my bridges by Just Stopping Showing Up.  LOOKS BAD.  If I had gone over With Teacher oh I got some other stuff going on these days I'm gonna have to WITHDRAW from doing this, maybe pick back up in later semester that'd be fine.  INSTEAD I just became a no show.  OH WELL.  On the bright side it all worked out because I never had to do that again And DOING THINGS IS TEH WORST.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  I BELIEVE the last few classes I had been observing were about WAR WITH MEXICO.  AMERICA'S... ... WAS IT GOOD, was it bad.  NOT FOR ME TO SAY.  What do you DUMB SMART KIDS think, THAT'S WHAT'S IMPORTANT.
Last paragraph of the Daytime Day.  So much of the way Stuy dealt with facilitating Growth Of Smart Kids is just suckin' em off.  Endless liminal and subliminal re-inforcement of saying THESE KIDS ARE SUPER.  TO BE FAIR it's probably over 50% for TEH PARENTS of the kids.  THEMS the people School Is Blowing.  BUT also for the kids.  LOOK lots of RESOURCES and crap for Extra Curricilars and stuff, too.  But MOSTLY just establishing the premise HEY YOU GUYS ARE GREAT.  That's all there is to it!  Presumably TEACHERS on a TEACHER BY TEACHER basis have figured out more elaborate and productive ways to deal with and foster smart kids.  BUT AS A SCHOOL it's just a lot of LIMINAL and SUBLIMINAL Flattery!  JOHN FLAHTERRY.  Who is that.  Oh.  Major League Baseball catcher from the 1990's and now some sort of sportscaster it appears!  Sounds about right.  HEY that's about it for now.  I'll be back tonight.  See ya then!




This Means Very Little

    HELLO FRIENDS and Enemy.  Just had Freedom Pot Pie.  Chicken.  Not sure how we got to Freedom from Chicken.  But apparently we have.  So that's good!  7:08 PM.  Not sure how we got to 7:08 PM.  OH RIGHT by Living Through 7:07 PM.  That sounds about right.  Huh.  Started delicious beer 1 of 2.  ALREADY took 8 walks and will take NINTH WALK after this entry.  TAHT'S HOW I CHOOSE TO OPERATE TODAY. Gotta imagine OPERA is related to OPERATION WordWise somehow.  Going to the Opera is a Whole Big Thing.  Ugh gotta commit myself to this entire OPERAtion is what people think when considering Participating in AND OR LISTENING TO Opera.  Anyway.  Had delicious Sushi with Oh I Don't Know SEVEN WHEAT THINS for lunch.  It was good!  Got a solid A FEW SNACK going on for me in the next couple of hours BeforeBed.  ONE ICE CREAM BASE ONE is a slam dunk prediction.  No one is gonna give me no GUFF about that prediction because it's a HIGH QUALITY one.  Huh.  What did I watch on the television set over the course of the day.  Lotta The Simpsons.  A couple of The Talse In The Crypt.  TWENTY MINUTES of Jurassic Park.  Watched 15 minutes of Upcoming 2023 Major Motion Picture trailers.  WOW FILM IS BACK AND IN A BIG WAY.
Film never went anywhere. WE DID.  And by WE I mean ME and by Went Somewhere I mean STAYED AT HOME.  Haven't been to see a Major Motion Picture in HOLY JEEZ closing in on three years.  OH WELL.  Is life BETTER with or without movies.  PROBABLY.  Huh.  What else is going on and crap. Presumably snack ONE of Two is right when I get back from FinalWalk.  Huh.  Could it be AN ENTIRE SOLID 100 CALORIE SOLID SNACK.  I dunno.  Sounds like TOO MUCH.  If I do a SolidSnack maybe 70 calorie Fiber Brownie.  I HAVE THE PICK OF TE LITTER in terms of flavor WHY IT COULD BE Cinnamon Coffee Cake, Fudge Brownie, or Chocolate Chip Cookie.  THAT'S NOT using the phrase pick of the litter accurately.  It's CLOSE.  It's IN TE NEIGHBORHOOD.  BUT close only counts in horse grenades and hand shoes.  WHICH BEGS TEH QUESTION WHY DON'T WE WEAR HAND SHOES.  Seems like a pretty big oversight that SOCIETY never got around to mandating Hand Shoes.  OH WELL WHAT CAN YOU DO.
Hmm.  Chickened Pot Pie was GREAT. I went out of my way to eat forkfuls EVEN if they were 75+% peas and/or corn and/or some sort of bean.  Normally I just leave those bits over if I can.  NOT TODAY.  Gonna eat ALL The vegetables no matter HOW disgusting.  GOOD.  Anyway.  Had ZERO snack today other than A FEW CHIP or something here and there.  WE'RE TALKIN <50 CALORIE MISC SNACK between Breakfast and Dinner.  YOU IDIOTS.  Wonder if I start A BRAND NEW LIFE with No NightMight snacking tonight.  Gotta happen AT SOME POINT.  Why not now.  Because of Track Records.  TRACK RECORDS.  WHAT IS THIS Track And Field Competitions?  Or HORSE GAMBLING. YEAH.  Not happy with these paragraphs, NO, but what can ay do.  MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE NONETHELESS.  That'show I feel.  I CAPITALIZED THE, "I," in, "That'show I feel," for EMPHASIS so you know I'm EMPHATICALLY verbalizing the I.  Oh okay good great only two more paragraphs to go.
   YEAH.  What to watch on The Television Set for 1-2.5 hours or so after Walk IX.  That's a tough one.  The Simpsons makes a lot of sense though.  Sure.  Maybe have delicious 100 calorie KETO Brownie when I get home AND/OR Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar EXCEPT NOT THE AND.  Huh.  HEY I can have two Assorted Stella Doro Cookies.  That's BETWEEN 70 and 100 calories PRESUMABLY if their wrappings are to be trusted Which They Are Not.  So that's good.  Hmm.  WHAT TO AIM for breakfast tomorrow.  I think I'm DUE for a Balanced Breakfast.  But IF NOT THAT perhaps delicious Black and/or White Cookie.  Could be good.  Could be Real good.  Maybe I want an Iced Cream delicacy when I get back from walk.  THAT WAS PART OF TE PLAN going into the night.  I just figured it'd be SECOND OF TWO snacks.  Maybe it's FIRST of two snacks.  MAYBE IT'S ONE OF ONE SNACK.  I've given myself a lot to think about.
  Last paragraph!  What kinda meals we thinking about for tomorrow.  Could enjoy delicious Kevin's Meals for lunch tomorrow OR MAYBE just Your Standard Sandwich.  Turkey, ham, can't go wrong either way!  I DON'T KNOW ABOUT DINNER.  May or may not get a Communal Dinner!  IF WE DON'T Maybe have Kevin's Meal for dinner if I don't have one for lunch.  Huh.  What else is going on and crap.  The point is UNTIL SOMETHING CHANGES I think I'm gonna be taking 8 walks STANDARDLY a day for SupraWinter.  ONCE I mix things up maybe with WEED or maybe SOMETHING ELSE MIXES THINGS UP then I drop down to 6 or 7 walks.  But for IMMEDIATE SUPRAWINTER FUTURE eight walks a day is FINE JUST DINE.  I MEAN FINE.  Huh.  What else is up.  Finished delicious Beer #1.  Might have delicious 60 calorite Toots(ie) Pop.  MASTODON.  Anyway.  Shove myself earlier today!  I need a haircut too but the Shoving is halfway there in regards of addressing hair above the neck level.  NOT REALLY.  Some of the shaving was AT THE NECK LEVEL.  Can't say it was All Above The Neck Level WHEN SOME OF TE SHOVING WAS SHOVING MY UPPER MIDDLE NECK.  Huh.  That's it.  That's not good.  I should have more paragraphs left to write TO MAKE UP FOR PAST PARAGRAPHS. But I don't!  This Is It!  Huh.  Always TOMORROW I guess.  Usually.  It's a slam dunk Predunction to say there's at least TOMORROW TODAY.  WELL THat's it.  See ya later.

-7:31 P.M.




Friday, January 6, 2023

Way To Go I Guess

    Hey!  10:19 AM!  Gonna fit in 3 walks in Early part of day instead of 4.  Gotta be home for big window in the afternoon!  Fresh Direct window for arrival is 4 to 6 and Amazon Fresh window for arrival is 5 to 7!  AND YA NEVER KNOW if it'll be early or late, either!  ANYWAY overall gonna fit in FIVE TO SEVEN WALKS probably manage a solid SIX.  So that's good I guess.  NOT SURE about getting started on 90 Minute Rocksmithing today.  THAT'S WHEN I'D BE DOING IT.  When I gotta be ready and alert to accept Super Markets!  I'm sure I can figure out a way to play it AT SOME POINT.  Aim for a minimum of thirty minutes.  Hmm.  Had a terrible amount of NightMight last night!  We're talkin New Routine Allotment was 350 calories a Night and we're talkin lat night had close to THREE TIMES THAT.  Ugh.  Lot of my Mom's candy.  Couple of pouches of mini cookies.  Another thing or two.  DANGIT is how I feel about it!  Plumber coming today too.  Don't gotta engage with that, though!  Besides not taking a shower while he's here.  IT EFFECTS ME THAT WAY.
   Hmm.  Had SMALLER breakfast.  QUEST BAR and QUEST BAR ALONE.  It was okay.  Not sure what I'm gonna do for lunch BY WHICH I MEAN I have a good idea what I'm gonna do for lunch but not sure WHEN.  Gonna have A SANDWICH.  VERY LIKELY SALAMI.  I could have it at around TWO PM which was the standard for a few weeks.  I can have it at around THREE PM which MAY be the new standard.  COULD HAVE IT EARLY FOR SOME REASON, WHAT DO I KNOW.  Hmm.  What kinda sandwichside we talkin.  Probably SMALL amount of SaltSide.  Not full fledged 150 calories of Chips.  More like HALF that.  Could be anything.  POP CHIPS, WHEAT THINS, CHEEZ ITS.  Hmm.  IS IT POSSIBLE I decide on ham or turkey sandwich?  Sure.  But right now salami sounds about right.  Had delicious apple last night.  It was good!  No joke!  PLUS I had the entire thing.  It was a LARGE apple but not an IMMENSE apple.  I believe the technical classification would be Large. But TO ME not THAT big.
YEAH.  Do I have snack between Now and Lunch?  I dunno!  Play it by ear!  See if I want it and/or need it!  Hmm.  BROTHER GOT COVID.  Mild case is what I heard second hand!  But still DANGIT.  I GET that most people who are going to be Out And About in the world over the next few years will get it eventually.  So there's not much you can do.  Still sucks, though!  LONG COVID IS COMMON.  CAN HAPPEN TO ANYBODY.  Scary.  Figure I'm getting either DINER communal dinner or DELI communal dinner.  If it's DINER think I'll go for THREE PART Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  If it's DELI maybe I go for a 2 or 3 Part Meal THERE TOO.  Can't get stuffed mushroom.  But I COULD get Steak.  Think they got The Rib Eye Steak.  I don't think I want all that steak.  I'd have a small portion of steak balanced with seafood.  Just A BIG CHUNK OF STEAK though?  Not sure I'm INTO that right now.  Also salami is red meat for lunch.  Hmm gonna have to think about this more carefully.
YEAH.  Entries have gone down hill without having National Foods Of The Tomorrows to ground them.  Can't figure out what to replace it with, though!  CELEB Birthdays is no good.  I feel like it's none of my business!  Hmm.  If it's deli I guess I can just get two One-Off Meals.  Tomorrow's being Chicken Pot Pie.  TODAY's being... I DON'T KNOW.  Maybe delicious Very Hearty Soup with Kreplach or Matzoh Ball.  Those are fun.  I usually get a kick out of getting that!  Anyway.  Drinking root beer from Cigarette Store Promotional Beer Glass.  IT'S GOING GOOD.  Last time I tried drinking soda out of it FOR FUN a week or two ago didn't really like it for some reason.  TODAY I DO LIKE IT.  GO FIGURE.  I dunno.  I KINDA want red meat tonight in addition to salami for lunch!  JUST HOW I FEEL TODAY for some reason.  Who knows why these things happen.  Anyway.  Shutter Film I watched yesterday Possession was really good!  CREEPY and whatknot.   HALFWAY ARTHOUSE film.  Feels like it's more of an art film than I'm accustomed to BY A LONG SHOT while still being JUST normal enough that it's ar egular film.
   Fifth paragraph!  How long do I have to write six paragraphs.  ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD let's say Oh I Don't Know FIFTY MINUTES arbitrarily.  Okay.  What am I listening to today.  Put on Today's Hits playlist for this morning.  50 songs.  About 2.5 hours.  If I take six walks that'll get me there RIGHT ABOUT PERECTLY.  So that's good.  Ugh.  DID I MENTION I had delicious apple last night?  YES I DID.  We talked about how it's BIG but not THAT BIG.  THE BIG APPLE.  Why is New York called The Big Apple.  What does Apples have to with Metropolitan City.  Lemme LTURQ.  Something about some Newspaper writer in the 1920's talking about HORSE RACING in and around New York.  Something about the prize of winning is A Big Apple.  Huh.  I DON'T GET IT.  Maybe If I read more I'd get it more.  I CAN'T TAKE THAT RISK.  Either way THEN IT FELL OUT OF USE until the 1970's WHEN... it became part of Ad Campaign for Ne wYork Tourism.  WOW.  I'm gonna get coffee now.
  Not a great day today!  First NightMight for SuperWinter and it went terribly.  Gonna have a walk or two less today than I want.  ENTRY is going Crappily.  NOTHING IS GOOD.  Oh well such is life.  How much soda do I have to last me the next ~5-8 hours.  MOST of a Diet Root Beer.  SOME Diet Sprite and SOME Diet Coke.  I guess that'll do the trick.  I could even just Drink That until it's done and then if I finish it THEN drink some water.  ALSO I'm re-upping with MORE than usual.  Normally I aim for around 5 bottles of the Four Main Sodas.  THIS WEEK IT'S SIX.  I'll have more than enough for the week is the point!  AMAZING.  Maybe.  Had 2 beers last night.  Not sure what I'm gonna do with Beer today.  I guess drink 'em TONIGHT as opposed to during day with Rocksmith.  SEEING AS I dunno what DayTime Rocksmith gonna even look like IF IT LOOKS LIKE ANYTHING AT ALL that is.  Hmm.  POSSESSION eh.  STRANGE FILM.
Amazing.  I THOUGHT it was from 1983 but I BELIEVE I saw it said 1981 somewhere, too.  Possibly in opening credits did it say 1981.  THE POINT IS THERE'S SOME CONTROVERSY about what year this film is from.  Hmm.  Seventh paragraph!  What else is going on and crap.  Haven't seen any progress in Marijuana Recreation since they opened up the first store a week ago.  JUST OPEN UP THE REST OF TEH STORES how hard is that.  JUST DO IT.  What are you IDIOTS or something.  You have Marijuana STOCKPILED that's going to go bad!  I think Marijuana goes bad.  Maybe not COMPLETELY.  But I THINK it will lose its potency over midterm periods of time!  So that's good I guess.  How many more paragraphs this act.  Only THREE after this one.  WOW WHAT A TERRIBLE ENTRY.  Hmm.  Guess I'm not gonna take my shower today around normal time.  Either Plumber will be here or Plumber MAY BE COMING imminently At That Time.  CAN'T RISK TAKING SHOWER IN THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES.
Eighth paragraph!  What's up.  Do I have any good NON SANDWICH lunch possibilities.  Bagel with egg white maybe.  Don't really WANT that.  So that's no good.  I WANT SALAMI SANDWICH just fine.  Great.  Ugh.  ENTRY SUCKS AND NIGHTMIGHT SUCKS.  LIFE ISN'T GOOD is the point.  Gotta figure out a way to trick myself into enjoying the rest of the day though.  Possibly by FORGETTING the bad parts.  That sounds reasonable.  I guess!  Anyway.  Guess I'm starting to keep track of Weekly Snack Calories today.  Makes sense to do the week as Friday Thru Thursday.  Seeing as how Friday is when I re-up with Super Market.  GREAT.  I'm at 2500 calories.  COULD I subtract 600 calories from that for Last NightMight.  NOPE THAT'S NOT HOW I'M GONNA DO THINGS.  That would change EVERYTHING possibly FOR THE WORSE.  Hmm.  Wearing an unlaundered shirt again.  I THOUGHT my Mom was taking care of Post-Drying Laundry a couple of days ago but I guess that fell through.  Huh.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  How much time do I have to write these 2 paragraphs.  MORE TAN ENOUGH.  Huh.  Not hungry right now.  RIGHT NOW plan is to have no snack before lunch.  STILL NOT SURE When lunch will be though.  AMAZING I have no Quest bars left.  What else is up.  Maybe have lunch around 2:30 PM.  Which will be WHAT FOR TODAY IS between walks IV and V.  That could be good!  Huh.  Not sure I'm happy with listening to Today's Hits on my walks either!  ANOTHER thing for today that's not so great.  I'm DUE to listen to Today's Hits though.  IT'S THEIR TURN.  So that's good.  Got a couple of pouches of DORITO.  Each pouch is 150 calories.  I ONLY WANT HALF TAHT for SandwichSide.  I could always ONLY HAVE HALF THE POUCH.  That sounds vaguely like the right thing to do today!  THIS MAY OCCUR.  Hmm.  What kinda crap am I watching on TV today.  Feels like I figured out a good TV show to binge but I FORGET.  I think it was a SITCOM.  I MAY NOT have seen in the past.  OH I SEE.
Last paragraph of the act!  Sweet!  Can't wait until Way Later On when I start writing a few paragraphs that are halfway worthwhile.  So that should be good.  It's called SITCOM because you SIT while you're watching it.  The COM part is the Exception That Proves The Rule.  Huh.  Pretty sure it's because of SITuationalCOMedy.  Hmm.  Lots of other comedies out there that aren't Situational?  Sure.  What's the opposite of Situational.  Circumstantial.  No that sounds like a vague synonym.  Hmm.  Situation.  PERMANENCE comedy.  Sort of comedy that DOESN'T depend on a SPECIFIC situation.  UNIVERSAL Comedy.  Lemme LTURQ.  GOOGLE offers the antonyms Global, Invariable, Universal, Fixed.  GREAT.  I'm gonna write the first INVARIABLE COMEDY for TV.  NOW ALL I NEED IS A NAME.  Also the rest of the script.  BUT FIRST COMES THE NAME.  Hmm.  Got three apples left.  I feel like if I have ONE more apple-- TWO OUT OF FOUR-- that's solid enough to not be a complete waste.  Then again HEY THE ACT IS OVER I'll be back soon.  YEAH!




that's the end of that chapter

    Hey!  Fresh Direct delivery is on its way!  They're sayin' they're sending everything I asked for.  Good deal!  Aiming for DELI tonight.  SuperSoup for tonight with I WANNA SAY KREPLACH and Chicken Pot Pie for tomorrow!  Hmm.  Decided to try to Even Out NightMights.  KEEP TRACK IN UNITS OF NIGHTMIGHT.  If I got 350 calories allotted each NightMight that's ONE UNIT.  I had roughly THREE UNITS LAST NIGHT.  So right now I'm at +2 NightMights.  THE GOAL is to end SuperWinter at ZERO OR BELOW.  ALSO it divides into POUNDS very evenly.  3500 calories is a pound!  IF I'M at -10 NightMight Units in 116 days instead of 0 THAT'S MORE OR LESS EXACTLY ONE POUND I'VE LOST.  So that's good.  I guess. AIM for no NightMights tomorrow!  MAKES SENSE TO ME.  Round it off to POINT FIVES presumably.  I can keep track of Night Might Units BY THE .5s!  IF I HAVE 175 calories THAT's .5 NIGHTMIGHT.  ANYTHING MORE SPECIFIC THAN THAT IS NO GOOD.  Also wanna come up with a new term for NightMight.  SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE ME NOT WANT TO DO IT.
Sure.  What else is up.  Got some coffee #2 going.  Some sprite.  Got enough Sprite for ONE MORE GLASS today. IN ADDITION to a fair amount of Root beer and some Diet Coke.  YEAH.  BAD/GOOD NEWS Today's Hits playlist IS 50 songs but it's 2 hours FOURTY FIVE MINUTES not Thirty.  I JUST GAINED 15 minutes of Fun.  OR LOST 15 minutes of NON-Today's-Hits-Playlist-Fun.  Hmm.  Hits.  Playlist.  Sounds like a slant rhyme to me.  I would have no problem making that slant rhyme in a song.  The sound is IHSHSHT either way.  LIST AND HITS.  IHISHSIT.  SAME EXACT THING.  What else is up.  Not gonna have a snack pre-lunch at this point FOR SURE.  Lunch will be PROBABLY IN THE 2 O CLOCKS.  Huh.  WOW.  Looks like Mets signing Carlos Correa MAY NOT GO THROUGH after all.  AMAZING.  If they don't sign him they'd presumably sign or trade for a similarly Qualitied And Presumably Compensated Player instead.  Maybe not PRE 2023 season.  Maybe POST 2023 season.  But if not him SOMEONE ELSE.  COULD BE SOEMONE EVEN BETTER.  Could be someone worse.  IN TEH END IT'LL BE SOMEONE at relatively similar levels though!
YOU CAN'T MEASURE SPORTS PEOPLE in terms of ON THE FIELD performance.  Carlos Correa is a ONCE IN A GENERATION ClubHouse Guy!  I dunno.  Maybe!  I'm sure he's a good ClubHouse Guy that can't be duplicated.  BUT THE NEXT GUY isn't gonna be a COMPLETELY Shitty ClubHouse Guy either.  Maybe the Next Guy will turn out to be a ClubHouse Fellow too, WE DON'T KNOW YET.  Anyway.  Lookin like Six Walks Today.  That's good.  ANYONE EVER walked more than six times in a MLB Baseball Game.  I'm sure people must have hit Six Walks.  NOT SURE ABOUT SEVEN.  FROM 2016 there's an article BRYCE HARPER TIES RECORD FOR WALKS IN AGAME (6).  Hmm.  The point is I'm sure even besides the six OFFICIAL walks they did some walking here and there between innings as well.  GOTTA GET ONTO THE FIELD SOME HOW. ...THEN GOTTA GET OFF OF THE FIELD SOMEHOW.  How is NFL Player doing.  The fellow who had a Cardiac Arrest.  GOOD HE'S DOING GOOD.  Still in ICU but had breathing tube removed and can speak.  AMAZING.  What if he decided To Take a Knee from his Hospital Bed.  WHAT WOULD HAPPEN.
Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day!  Hmm.  It's reasonably possible that Amazon Fresh and Fresh Direct deliveries come at the same time.  Amazon Fresh are usually in and out within OH I DON'T KNOW 2 or 4 minutes.  Between parking the car and then taking off.  Fresh Direct usually more like 8-12 minutes.  THEY MAY SEE EACH OTHER.  They'll think wow these guys sure like Fresh Internet Food Deliveries.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  LOOKIN forward to haveing Spicy Shrimp Roll.  That sucker is ON DECK for lunch Tomorrow.  Should be good!  Hmm.  WHAT TO WATCH on the television set today.  COULD just be a lot of Tales In The Crypt. I'M GONNA PREDICT (slant rhyme-- CRYPT/PREDICT) A FAIR amount of Tales In The Crypt but not EXCLUSIVELY Tales In The Crypt.   Crypt/predict is a pretty Strong slant rhyme.  It's close to a Real Rhyme.  IT'S NOT though.  I don't THINK so.  Hmm.  One more paragraph to go!
   Sure.  DO I wanna have HALF Dorito Bag as sandwichside.  Hmm.  I THINK that'd be roughly Six Doritos.  COULD BE GOOD.  I think that's a solid way to go.  I may only have ONE dorito bag left now that I think about it.  Definitely at least one.  COOL RANCH.  Amazing.  What else do I going for me.  SHOULD I keep considering MATZOH BALL as HeartySoupSide as opposed to Kreplach?  Matzoh ball wouldn't be BAD I just think Kreplach would be BETTER.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Six walks today instead of STANDARD SEVEN.  But it's FOR A GOOD CAUSE.  Me being here to accept Several Fresh Deliveries.  Don't necessarily need to MAKE UP FOR TAHT one way or another.  JUST TE PRICE OF DOING BUSINESS.  Hmm.  SALAMI SANDWICH.  On WHITE BREAD.  TOASTED?  I DON'T KNOW.  Perhaps!  Maybe lightly toasted!  SOUNDS FAIRLY GOOD.  Anyway that's it for now.  I'll be back tonight!




Finally Nothing New

    Hey, friends!  Just had delicious hearty Grandmother's Soup.  NO KREPLACH though.  I ORDERED KREPLACH.  They AGREED to send me Kreplach on the condition I pay for it.  THEY SENT ME NO KREPLACH.  PLUS I PAID FOR IT.  THIS IS THE WORST THING THAT'S HAPPENED SINCE THE LAST BAD THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME THAT WAS SLIGHTLY WORSE THAN THIS.  ANyway it was delicious but slightly not hearty enough.  Such is life!  Had entire SEVEN walks today.  Took seventh walk BEFORE eating dinner.  GO FIGURE * Crap.  Drinking beer now.  Beer 1 of 2.  7:29 PM.  THINK off the top of my head MIGHT AIM TO GO TO BED AROUND 9:30-10:30 PM.  I WAS gonna say around 10:00 but lets face facts COULD BE EARLIER TAN THAT.  Huh.  Accepted both Fresh Direct and Amazon Fresh deliveries.  MIGHT have exciting Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar as one of two Desert Snacks.  I MEANT TO SAY Desert BUT I'M NOT SURE WHY.  So that's good.  ATE THREE CHICKEN CRACKERS earlier.  It was good.  I don't know WHY.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Watched a couple Tales In The Crypt today BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY several The Sampsons. I'M GETTING INTO The Sampsons.  Probably gonna stick with that for a while Going Forward In Life.  Up to Season Five Episode I Wanna Say Seven Mostly Because It's The Best Guess I Could Come Up With And It's Always Been My Life-Long Dream To Be Accurate.  So that's good.  Hmm.  ENJOYING soda out of Beer Glass all day.  GONNA STICK WIT THIS going forward in life I feel.  Hmm.  NEVER ran out of soda today Before The Re-Up.  So that's good I suppose.  Did NO Rocksmith today.  Maybe tomorrow is another day.  I SURE HOPE SO.  If tomorrow IS NOT Another Day we've got bigger problems besides Me Doing Rocksmith.  Hmm.  IF I HAVE NO NightMight SNACKS I DROP ALL THE WAY DOWN TO +1 NightMight Running Surplus.  IT COULD HAPPEN.  Wonder if I could manage dropping it down to 0 Running Surplus based on JUST Upcoming KnightTime.  Hmm.  I don't think I can.  CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT right now off the top of my head at least.  Maybe I'll figure it out LATER.  Off the top of SOME OTHER JERK'S head.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  What kinda crap do I got going on for me.  Figure I'll have ONE OF TWO snack after I'm done posting the website to the internet.  NO REASON TO PUT IT OFF ANY MORE TAN THAT.  So that's good.  HUH should I be Fridgerating the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar SHOULD THAT BE WHAT I EAT.  If I put it in Fridge NOW it will be Friderated for A SOLID 20 MINUTES or so.  I probably SHOULD do that but I also WON'T.  I DUNNO.  If I was going downstairs RIGHT NOW anyway I'd do it.  I'm gonna have to go downstairs RIGHT SOON to re-fill soda but not RIGHT NOW.  2 Minutes or so.  MAYBE AS MANY AS 3-7 MINUTES.  Anyway I guess I'll just eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar CLASSIC.  Room Temperature.  That's what CLASSIC means.  CLASSIC?  WOW.  TALK ABOUT relatively close to being a palindrome ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.
Penultimate paragraph of the Knight!  OK SODA TIME might as well Put Bar In Fridge Time As Well.  Hmm.  Lookin like ANOTHER UNLAUNDERED SHIRT tomorrow.  RUNNING OUT OF UNlaundered Shirts.  Might have to wear a shirt A THIRD TIME since being Laundered.  So that's good I guess.  What else is up.  Presumably put on some Tales In The Crypts for TONIGHT.  Nighttime is for Spookiness.  Simpsons aren't Nighttime Spooky.  SIMPSONS are DAYTIME SPOOKY.  So that's good.  I DID INDEED put Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar in Fridge Oh I Don't Know FOUR MINUTES AGO.  Figure I'll eat it in Oh I Don't Know TWENTY FOUR MINUTES.  We're talkin EATIN IT AT  8:10 PM.  Sounds about right.  Amazing.  Gonna have to throw out LOTS OF BAGS tonight into Garbage.  Fresh Direct bags.  Amazon Fresh bags.  ABOUT FOUR BIG BAGS from each.  Different kinds.  BUT SOLID BAGS NONETELESS.  Amazing.  What else is going on and crap again.
Last paragraph.  Hmm.  Just finished beer #1.  Maybe start beer #2 AT A TIME NOT DISSIMILAR To When I'm Eating Excitement Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar.  How did it manage to get the precedent-word Excitement.  By being EXCITING you idiot DUH.  Hmm.  I ALSO GOT GOLDEN GRAHAM BAR.  Not AS exciting because I've had it MORE RECENTLY.  30 calories more, too.  GOLDEN GRAHAM BAR gonna run ya 130 calories while Excitement Toast Bar is only 100.  YES Golden Graham Bar is MORE HEARTY A BIT.  It's WORTH IT for when you wanna go that route.  BUT I DON'T RIGHT NOW.  Huh.  What else is up and crap.  I GOT EVERYTHING I WANTED TO GET and/or At Least Added To Cart And Paid For from both Fresh Deliveries.  TAHT'S SOMETHING TO TOAST.  I can toast it with alcohol LIKE REGULAR TOAST or I can toast it with Excitement Toast Bar WHICH IS ALSO TOAST.  Welp.  That'll do it.  Another day in the books.  See ya tomorrow!

-7:51 P.M.




Thursday, January 5, 2023

Sweet, This Isn't Good

    Hey friends!  12:02 PM.  Gonna write 8-10 paragraphs for Act I.  Then make up whatever it takes to make a COMPLETE 15 PARAGRAPHS between Acts I and II FOR ACT II.  End up only at six walks today.  Not great results from Endocrinelady!  Well there's nothing wrong with my blood sugar.  That's GOOD.  But there's no resolution to my Night Eating Syndrome at all.  Just wasn't blood sugar, I guess that's that.  Next hope is that maybe I take a pill or two less with psychiatrist which may hopefully make a difference.  IF SSRI CAN CURE IT, TEN IT CAN CAUSE IT.  I feel it's REASONABLY a possible reason.  I wouldn't BET on it but it's PLAUSIBLE.  Either way, I dunno!  Current plan for Upcoming DietRoutine is 6 or 7 walks instead of 8, one beer a knight instead of zero or two, aim for about 300-500 calories in snacks a day, and give myself the presumptive amount of NightMight Snacking it'll take.  ALL THAT TOGETHER and I'm probably gonna be breaking about even.  I'll PUT OFF losing 5-12 pounds until NightMight is addressed.  ALSO EndocrineWeighIn had me at 2 LB higher than 2 weeks ago!  HOWEVER homescale weighin I checked BEFORE Endocrineweighin HAD ME AT SAME WEIGHT.
   AMAZING.  I think I  covered everything for now.  ONE Blood Sugar thing is that I had low blood sugar right around NOON O CLOCK standardly.  Which is INTERESTING.  Halfway between breakfast and lunch!  I DON'T EAT SNACK THEN.  I eat snack between lunch and dinner!  Between dinner and bed!  Betweeen Bed and breakfast!  WOW MAKES SENSE.  Should I eat Small Snack around The Noon O Clock Hour PERHAPS A BIT BEFORE?  GONNA STRONGLY CONSIDER IT.  Not eating something RIGHT NOW.  Not hungry.  Gonna go with the standard routine of not eating if I'm not hungry I THINK.  Hmm.  The point is NO MORE CRAP installed on my arm.  Doctor peeled that thing right off!   Hmm.  ALSO had a lot of NightMight last night.  GREAT. It's INCREASED.  Now that I think about it IT'S BEEN INCREASING THIS ENTIRE TIME.  Started off around 100 calories a year ago.  Built its way up to a couple hundred.  LAST WEEK OR SO IT'S BEEN STANDARDLY CLOSER TO 1000.  Hmm.  I FEEL CONFIDENT I CAN TURN IT BACK AROUND.  Let's get it back to a couple hundred!  That'd SOLVE ALL MY PROBLEMS.
Anyway.  Spelled my name wrong on FLOG.  But its okay because EndocrineLady never even looked at it.  WAHT A WASTE OF TIME AND EFFORT.  I almost even bothered to spell my name right AND FOR WHAT.  NOTHIN.  Just had cinnamon coffee cake Fiber brownie!  I WENT INTO today thinking I'd have something Around Now cause I skipped breakfast.  THEN I found out about NOON TIME DIP and that solidified it.  THEN I BROUGHT IT UP TO MY ROOM 10 minutes ago.  Then I wasn't that hungry.  TEN I BECAME HUNGRY AND ATE IT.  Amazing.  Two meals today is PIZZA and Freedom Toast.  That should go pretty well.  I enjoyed cinnamon coffee cake brownie just now.  MAYBE I'd enjoy a similar lunch FREEDOM TOAST.  Anyway nothing has happened this year so far On The Website.  That's okay.  Got a lot of time to turn things around.  Ya know SEVERAL MONTHS AND CRAP. Hmm.  Should I start coffee after this paragraph or next.  LET'S GO WIT HSTARTING IT NOW.
   YEAH.  Anything happen yet today.  NOPE.  Got about 45 minutes left before I gotta take next walk at the latest.  The point is MAYBE I just need to eat more because I burn that much calories!  I DON'T THINK SO.  If I could make a deal with my body to take 3 less walks BUT EAT THREE LESS THINGS I'd make that deal IN Several Heartbeats.  BODY isn't responding though.  HUH.  Finished The Wire yesterday.  What to watch today.  First idea is MAKE SOME PROGRESS IN TALES IN THE CRYPT.  I could easily get to the Ultimate Season if I make some solid progress today.  So that's good I guess.  If I'm Eating Snack around Noon or Slightly before DOES TAHT LEAD TO A LATER LUNCH?  POSSIBLY, POSSIBLY NOT.  We'll see how it feels IN REAL TIME.  Later lunch wouldn't make a big difference SNACK WISE.  I'd still have the same ONE SNACK between lunch and dinner.  It's just that the lunch would be... LATER... Than USUAL.
Fifth walk.  ANYTHING HAPPEN YET?  I'LL TELL YOU WHEN SOMETING HAPPENS don't worry about it.  Hmm. FIFT HPARAGRAPH.  HEY SOMETHING HAPPENED.  I used the wrong word.  GO FIGURE.  What else is up.  Wearing laundered shirt today!  For some reason this was the only one that my Mom hung up yesterday.  Fancy shirt. Maybe that's why.  MATERIAL is MIDSHELF shirt material.  So that's good and crap.  Finishing up New In Alternative Playlost today.  So that's good and crap.  Not gonna do any chores today.  Other than Running Out Of Soda.  I WILL run out of soda today.  I dunno maybe I save a BIT to last me A BIT tomorrow.  Either way ugh.  Dumb NightMight snacking.  Possible I have THE PHRASE NIGHTMIGHT and TALKING ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY to blame.  If only I LET IT BE it would GO AWAY.  DEVOTING ATTENTION TO IT empowers it.  Maybe.  I dunno.  Either way WHAT CAN YA DO.  It EXISTS so I HAVE to talk about it.
   YEAH.  Sixth paragraph.  Gonna have later lunch TODAY at least.  Otherwise my regular lunchtime I'd probably be JUST ABOUT finishing Act II today.  NOWADAYS TODAY I wanna take a shower then.  Then take a walk.  THEN EAT LUNCH.  Hmm.  Maybe go with the pizza for lunch.  I think that'd be a, "SLAM DUNK."  Anyway.  I COULD foresee an upcoming period with A MERE SIX WALKS, a solid ONE BEER a night, and I don't GAIN weight from nightmight.  I break even indefinitely.  THAT'S NOT SO BAD a PERIOD.  Also SOLID amount of DayMay Snack allowance as well!  THIS COULD BE GOOD.  I wanna lose some weight still but I'm COMFORTABLE plateauing where I am for now.  WHAT ELSE IS UP.  HMM INTERESTING FOREIGN SHUTTER FILM FROM 1983 AVAILABLE.  I could watch that today.  Not sure about the FOREIGN part.  The FILM part HAS ME SOLD THOUGH.
YEAH.  Seventh paragraph.  Seems likely I'll write the next 4 paragraphs within 35 minutes AS I HAVE.  Amazing.  Current ESTIMATION of calories consumed during day and GOAL OF MERE SIX WALK A DAY leaves me with about 350 calorie a night for KnightMight.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN.  I realize now it's not been a consistent amount over a long period of time.  I can't bank on it going away completely BUT I also can't bank on it STAYING THE WAY IT HAS BEEN.  Ugh.  What else is up.  Is there anyother Premium Channel Drama Series from Oh I Don't Know THE 2000's that I could re-watch.  Gotta imagine there's lots of em.  WOULD I LIKE CALIFORNICATION.  I watched Californication ONCE.  Possibly as long ago as THE 2000's By Which I Mean Before 2010's.  IT'S A COMEDY DRAMA.  I GET IT.  Lots of SEX stuff.  FASCINATING.  I'm into SEX, I dunno about you.  IT REALLY GETS ME GOING now and again.
Eighth paragraph.!  Gonna write the entire 10 it looks like.  Amazing.  4.5 Tales In The Crypt of Penultimate Season to go.  IT's A COMEDY DRAMA.  I GET IT.  Huh.  EndocrineLady was suggesting I see a nutritionist and I was all like LEMME STOP YA RIGHT THERE and then I stopped her right there AND ELABORATED on WHY I stopped her right there.  And she was like ACTUALLY good thing ya stopped me right there, you made some good points, YOU'RE RIGHT.  Hmm.  The point is I KNOW what to eat to be healthy AND I DO GENERALLY eat healthy EXCEPT FOR TE NightMight.  GET IT?  GOOD.  Hmm.  I WANT to drop down to six walks EVERY DAY.  But based on past experience and FUTURE PREDICTIONING good odds EVERY DAY I'm like well I might as well take a bonus walk now since I have the time. AND/OR BONUS TWO WALKS.  Hmm.  Four walks in early part of the day as I like.  One walk POST DINNER.  Normally I'm having a fifth walk BEFORE LUNCH.  NOW-ON?  I got that Penultimate Walk during BIG BLOCK OF MIDDLE during the day Pre OR POST lunch.  SO I GOT TAHT GOING FOR ME.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Today is six walks BY NECESSITY.  Cause of EndocrineAppointment.  Tomorrow will be AGAIN because of various WindowDeliveryTimes.  So we'll see what happens.  If NightMight drops down to a couple hundred calories a night standardly probably first thing I do is have 2 beers a knight instead of 1.  So that's good.  Anyway, I dunno.  HMM.  If I'm taking six walks, NORMALLY I can fit penultimatewalk as ParkWalk before SunSet most of the time.  But NOT ALWAYS.  For example TODAY when walks get pushed back. THUSLY I will need to do SAY 1/2/4 walks in park and 3/5/6 city street TO KEEP IT EVEN.  Amazing.  Anything happen this entry yet?  SURE.  How long does it take for you to read this.  ASSUMING you read this.  Good assumption.  If you're reading this I can EASILY ACCURATELY assume You Read This.  Anyway.  Could take 2 minutes, could take 2 hours.  I DUNNO HOW YOU OPERATE.
  What else is up.  How am I heating up pizza.  THAT'S A TOUGH ONE. OVEN would be my first, third, fourth, and sixth instincts.  Microwave is second and fifth instincts.  Don't even BOTHER to have instincts after the sixth.  So that's good.  I considered INTELLECTUALLY eating it cold but ON NO INSTINCT did I really consider it PRACTICALLY.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Psychiatrist Appointment is in less than 3 weeks.  I'd say REAL SOLID chance we negotiate me dropping at least one Medication PRESUMABLY THE SSRI.  So whatever happens EATINGWISE that might be A BLAST AND A HALF.  Really Mix Things Up In My Head.  Sounds fun.  Anyway.  No reason to consider DietExerciseRoutine in relation to upcoming WeightCheck.  Not gonna have an OFFICIAL WeighIn for a couple of months THAT I CARE ABOUT.  GOOD.  Amazing!  What else is up!  Guess I'll have That Lunch and whatknot around 3:00 PM today.  Think I may actually go with MICROWAVE.  WHATEVER IT IS.  Pizza, Freedom Toast, Freedom Pizza, WHATEVER.  Sure great.  I got a good feeling I will write SOME PARAGRAPHS today that are HALFWAY WORTHWHILE.  KEEP READIN!  See ya in a little bit.




that's what i'm talkin' about

    HEY!  Fine Tuning what I'm aiming for DIETWISE upcoming period.  FIRST OF ALL right now Upcoming Period I THINK will be Now Through the end of April.  We're talkin roughly 117 DAYS.  Basically if I have NO NightMight then I'd be getting to Absolute Lowest Weight Possible I'd Want To Aim For.  Could ultimately settle for a weight HIGHER than that Ultimate Weight but NOT LOWER.  And if I average around 350 calories per NightMight that would have me BREAKING EVEN over the Close To Four Months.  So we'll see how that goes.  Got me drinking one beer a night.  That sounds reasonable!  Drink it with Act III would be the standard I FEEL.  Good.  Got enough for SNACKS, got enough for Solid Size Meals.  AMAZING.  WHAT IF INSTEAD OF GIVING MYSELF 400 CALORIE FOR DAYMAY SNACKS a day I GIVE MYSELF 2800 CALORIES FOR DAYMAY A WEEK.  I think I wanna try that.  TRY IT REAL GOOD.  EVEN BETTER than real good.  I wanna try this TO CLOSE TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY.
   Huh.  Gonna take a shower in 20-30 minutes or whenever this ends.  Then HANG AROUND for a bit.  Then take a walk.  THEN LUNCH TIME.  Amazing.  Got WATER going on with coffee #2.  Didn't have to REMEMBER to FLOG Coffee #2 or anything.  I'm done with Flogging!  Unless I develop it as a Kink at some point in the future.  Gotta imagine I'll work my way around to Flogging at some point.  The Sex-Spanking thing.  Not the Food-Logging thing.  FOOD LOGGING could be a Kink, too, I guess!  No one's gonna STOP YOU from keeping a Food Log for Getting Off Purposes.  I hope not at least.  Hmm.  Anyway.  PRESUMABLY done with chores for a while!  I DUNNO I should do a FINE TUNING of bathroom at least one more day.  Don't put bathroom behind me completely yet IT'D BE WRONG.  But I'm not going to do to it TODAY.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  NEW PERIOD OF LIFE.  117 days to get SHIT DONE.  What am I supposed to get done.  I'll figure that out Let's Say By Day 100.
YEAH.  DESCENDING Days.  Day 100 means 100 days LEFT.  If we were counting from START that'd be Day 18 or so I FEEL.  Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go for DayMay time.  Ya know what, I'm gonna CLOSE The Microsoft Word program COMPLETELY.  No reason to have it open.  TAKING UP VALUABLE MEMORY or something.  Hmm.  Are we calling Things Like That APPS now.  APPS is what we'd call it on Smart Phone.  NEVER USED to call them APPS colloquially on Computer BEFORE Smart Phone.  I think nowadays YOU'D JUST CALL IT AN APP.  Still IS an application.  WOW LANGUAGE EVOLVES how fascinating.  What else is going on and crap.  Probably should play it safe and put pizza in oven BUT FOR HOW LONG.  Maybe 25-30 minutes.  THAT'S A PROBLEM.  I take TIRTY MINUTE WALK.  I'd wanna eat it SOON AFTER I get home.  Gotta either eat it IMMEDIATELY after or wait and eat it THIRTY MINUTES after.  Or enlist someone to start the oven for me.  WOW I know life can be difficult but no one ever said it would get THIS TOUGH.
   Two paragraphs to go.
  Hmm.  YA KNOW WHAT.  Instead of two FRESH Direct Made Personal Meals, gonna try TWO Kevin's Meals.  Not even just one.  GONNA TRY TWO.  WHICH ONES.  KOREAN STYLE BBQ CHICKEN is one.  THAT'S IN TEH CART.  Other choices are Chicken Chile Verde, Thai-Style Coconut Chicken, Peppercorn Steak Tips, and Gluten Free Macaroni & Cheese With Cauliflower Pasta. GONNA GO WITH CHICKEN CHILE VERDE.  Was leaning towards THAI STYLE Coconut Chicken but that's 120 calories more than the Chicken Chile Verde.  I DUNNO.  THAT'S A TOUGH ONE.  Gonna go with the Chicken Chile Verde I think.  GOOD.  So next week I got THOSE two lunches, a SUSHI, as well as THREE SANDWICH LUNCHES.  WOW.  What else is up.  Maybe just put pizza in microwave when I get home from NextWalk.  COULD BE GOOD.  Might have to eat it with fork and/or knife.  Microwave pizza can't be HELD.  Too LOOSE and or NOT SOLID.  Hey one more paragraph to go.
Sure.  WATER going on right now.  Nothin' wrong there!  HMM.  If I do push back lunch an hour becaose of NOONSNACK maybe I DO push back dinner an hour to AFTER UltimateWalk.  That might mean less Snack At Night, too!  Instead of Small Night snack immediately after last walk and then another small night snack later, I SKIP that first Small Night Snack because I'm eating DINNER then.  WOW this could work out to my benefit somehow one way or another.  I LIKED the routine of eating dinner AS IT CAME.  But I've had pretty good success with eating it 45-60 minutes later as well.  GOTTA CONSIDER THAT.  Maybe try doing that TODAY with Freedom Toast that's already here.  Huh.  MAYBE NOT.  Now that I think about it.  Kinda like NOT DOING THAT.  Ugh.  We'll see how it goes today.  I'll tell ya SOON FOR YOU but NOT FOR A WHLIE FOR ME.  So that's good.  GONNA GO TAKE SHOWER NOW.  See ya tonight.




So It Would Appear

    Hey friends!  7:58 PM.  Had delightful pizza FROM THE OVEN for lunch.  Had delicious Freedom Toast from THE MICROWAVE for dinner.  MAY HAVE APPLE soon.  My mainest snack of the night!  NICE APPLE. I gotta eat an apple to justify Getting The Apples.  And, ya know what?  I CAN SEE ENJOYING APPLE.  A strange NIGHTTIME snack, sure.  Everyone knows you're supposed to eat apples when its light outside.  Maybe I'm onto something NEW AND BIG by having NightApple.  I guess we'll see.  Anyway.  Did some more fine-tuning Considering SuperWinter Schedule.  SIMILAR to where I was at LAST ACT but the main difference is ADD ONE WALK, ADD ONE BEER.  Two Beer Days, Seven Walks!  ALSO get 1.5 Hours of ROCKSMITH each and every afternoon.  IT'S A THING NOW GOING FORWARD.  I'll definitely like it when I have marijuana.  BUT I SHOULD START TOMORROW.  MAYBE HAVE BEER WITH ROCKSMITH IN AFTERNOON INSTEAD OF WITH 5 PARAGRAPHS AT KNIGHT.  Right now I am having ONE beer tonight but I HAD NO BEER OR ROCKSMITH TODAY so THAT'S UN-IN-DICKATIVE of what SuperWinter will be like AT ALL.
   YEAH.  YES I'll have to figure out how to FineTune trying my darndest to mitigate GuitarLag and whatknot with Rocksmith.  FINE I'LL DO IT.  Should be good.  MADE IT several minutes into first episode of Ultimate Tales In The Crypt season.  AMAZING.  This episode is about a Fatal Caper.  That's what the title, "Fatal Caper," seems to suggest at least.  NOT 100% SURE WHAT EITEHR OF TOHSE WORDS MEAN.  Wait. I know what Fatal means.  Dead.  Fatal.  Fatality WE LEARNT THIS FROM MORTAL KOMBAT.  Caper is like some sort of CRIME SPREE.  But just a single one.  Some sort of CRIME ENDEAVOR I feel.  Maybe not.  Could just be a MAD CAT CAPER.  Some sort of adventure.  CAPER COULD BE LEGAL I FEEL.  Either way A CAPER is gonna be OFF THE HOOK which is a Phonography Reference.  Huh.  Not 100% on board with A LOT of the ways I use A LOT OF the words I've been using this paragraph.  Oh well YA DO TE BEST WITH WHAT YOU'RE GIVEN.  Hmm.  Considered Dropping Act III's from my day, too.  Just the two morning Acts For Entry and that's it.  I CAN'T DO TAHT.  ACT THREES ARE THE BEST PART.  Without Act III ALL WE GOT ARE ACTS I and II.  OH NO I'M SCARED.  Unrelated to the act business.  Just saw a ghost.  I'll tell you about it later.
Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Had no snack betwixt 3:15 PM Lunch and 7:15 Dinner.  NOT BAD.  OH another Fine Tuning I did.  Give myself 2500 calories for Snack A Week instead of 2800.  BANK around 300 calories a week.  MEANING IF I HIT current guesstimation target NightMights I still lost about a pound and a half for the rest of SuperWinter GETTING ME DOWN TO MY LOW LOW WEIGHT OF 2 weeks ago from LAST OfficialWeighIn.  More or less.  Somethin like that.  I DUNNO.  NOBODY KNOWS.  Probably several dozen people know.  BUT THEY'RE KEEPING IT TO THEMSELVES.  Huh.  Have more soda left over for the next Oh I Don't Know 20 Hours than I thought.  MORE TAN ENTIRE BOTTLE OF ROOTED BEER.  Got 1.25 bottles of rooted beer.  Over .5 bottles of SPROTE and KHOKA KHOLI.  So I'll be okay I guess for now or something I dunno.  Hmm.  What kinda meals am I looking at for tomorrow.  HOLY SHIT IT COULD BE ANYTHING.  Classic or Balanced Breakfast.  ANY of 3 sandwiches (HAM, TURKEY, SALAMI).  DINNER.  Not sure what kinda Communal Dinner we're on track to get tomorrow.  IT'LL BE INTERESTING TO SEE HOW IT PLAYS OUT IN REAL TIME THOUGH.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Not that hungry right now!  Might not NEED an entire Apple.  I CAN ALWAYS EAT SIXTY PERCENT OF AN APPLE, DECLARE VICTORY, AND TROW THE GARBAGE OUT.  Hmm.  Thinking about aiming to stay up LATER these days too as a ROUTINE.  I had dropped all the way down to 9:15 PM Going To Bed Time from what had been a pretty standard ROUGHLY 10:15 PM Going To Bed Time For a long time GIVE OR TAKE A BIT.  Work my way up to past 10 PM again.  PROBABLY EVEN TRY TO MAKE IT CLOSER TO 11 PM.  AMAZING.  Still wake up Early and fit in 4 walks in early part of the day.  I DON'T NEED ALL TE BONUS SLEEP.  I want 9 hours of sleep and THAT'S THE LAST I'LL SAY ABOUT THAT.  Not really.  I'll say a lot more about that OVER TIME.  But for now that's the last I'll say about it.  UNLESS YOU COUNT THESE LAST FEW SENTENCES.  Then I've been talking about it more.  ALSO GOOD CHANCE I TALK MORE ABOUT IT beyond these few sentences Real Soon.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.
   Last paragraph of the Knight!  Hmm.  Wanna put on FILM for tonight.  Watch nice SHUTTER FOREIGN FILM FROM 1983 maybe.  Sounds good to me.  It got good reviews in the comment sections.  BEYOND good reviews.  Beyond GREAT reviews. This may be the highest praise in the Shutter Comment Section I HAVE EVER SEEN in my entire lifetime OR AT LEAST the past decade or two.  SO that's good.  124 minutes?  AND RIGHT NOW IT's 8:18 PM?  SOUNDS PERECT time to experiment with trying to stay up later!  WATCH THE FILM then go to bed.  COULD WORK.  Not sure I wanna be eating AN APPLE during a film.  That doesn't, "Add Up," necessarily.  OH WELL we'll see what happens. What else is going on. Gonna have a second beer for tonight.  MAKES SENSE.  On account of my goal is to drink two beers a day.  And a SECOND beer today would get my total for the amount of beers for today to TWO.  Ugh.  I guess that's it for now.  See ya later!

-8:20 PM




Wednesday, January 4, 2023

No That Ain't Good

    Hey friends!  9:51 AM!  Gonna fit in 4 walks in early part of day BUT I might cut ACT I short to make sure I have enough time overall.  Gonna be 8-10 paragraphs instead of a Surefire Ten.  BUT I'm pretty sure I'll be able to fit in everything I wanna ACCOUNTING for that.  Anyway.  Had TherapyZoom for 7 minutes.  Good deal.  I accomplished very little!  I GOT UP.  I was gonna stay in bed and end up skipping an EarlyWalk today.  Then I was reminded of appointment and stayed up afterwards and GOT STARTED ON DAY.  So that's good.  I THOUGHT I might have gone entire NightMight without snacking when I woke up but I realize I RECORDED I had a SMALL NightMight snack AT NIGHT.  Not morning.  We're talking BEFORE 12 AM.  But I think that was it.  Overall A VERY small amount!  Whatever it was.  Had classic breakfast for breakfast.  Freedom Toast for lunch.  DUNNO WHAT FOR DINNER.  Maybe grilled chicken roll!  I enjoyed that last time.
   YEAH.  They're gonna try to vote for House Speaker again today.  My bet is they figure it out at some point.   Anyway.  What am I listening to on walks.  Still on New In Alternative.  Outside weather still pretty warm!  Wore TOO WARM Winter Jacket on first walk.  I survived!  But now I know going forward to go with Sweatshirt Jacket.  UNTIL maybe last or penultimate walk when maybe it gets colder at night.  We'll see I guess!  Not sure when upcoming Fresh Direct delivery will be.  Normally it's Friday Morning.  Plumber is coming Friday Morning!  Can't have overlap there.  They'd disrupt each other!  Maybe they cancel each other out and it's SUPER convenient.  I don't think that's the case though!  Anyway what do I got in store for today.  Probably no Chores like bathroom.  That's good!  Figure I'll do the right thing and take care of Hanging Up/Folding laundry today.  I DON'T LIKE IT but someone's gotta do it.
   YEAH.  It's not THAT bad.  It'll take 5 minutes or something.  Whatever.  Wearing unlaundered shirt again today.  Hmm.  What Celeb Birthdays Of Tomorrow are there.  It's FUNNY because why am I keeping track of TOMORROWS.  Oh, I see.  Hmm.  Diane Keaton.  Walter Mondale.  Marylin Manson.  WHY AM I DOING THIS.  Hmm.  FORGOT about TherapyZoomAppointment for either the 2nd or 3rd time in a row.  That's not like me!  Well apparently it is.  It's not like me From Earlier In Life.  Oh well!  Apparently I've learnt there's no consequences from not keeping track/forgetting.  I get a call 2 or 3 minutes into being late, then I join the meeting a minute or two fro that, NO PROBLEM.  Does therapist lose a couple of minutes of time?  I dunno!  I think she'd be doing nothing with those minutes one way or another anyway!  IF ANYTHING I'm performing a public service.  Not sure how that works.  SOUNDS about right though.
Fourth paragraph!  Hmm.  Got 40-50 minutes left for Act I.  Good deal.  I'd imagine I end up adding Lost Paragraphs from Act I to Act III.  Seems like a solid way to go.  Anyway.  The Wire Season V isn't SO bad.  It lost some of the REALISM aspect of Previous Seasons but it gets the job done!  If you wanna have a fifth season of The Wire TIS IS THE WAY IT HAS TO BE.  Nothin else to be done!  So that's good I guess.  Maybe start coffee after this paragraph instead of next paragraph.  BECAUSE I have LESS TIME/Paragraphs LEFT for Act I.  So that's good.  The point is SURE I'm envious of Marlow.  This dude figured it all out!  He comes out on top in the series!  EXCEPT for how it never satisfied him.  YES he makes All The Money and is insulated from the law and whatknot.  BUT FOR WAHT.  I forget.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Gonna go get some coffee now I guess!
   YEAH.  OH.  Evidence of chocolate candy as the thing I ate last night.  Evidencesworth of NOT TOO MUCH but in my mind I can picture I possibly ate Actually A Lot.  Hmm.  Even A LOT would be half the amount of NightMight I've been eating the last few days.  STILL THOUGH I was excited about Having Not Ate Much NightMight.  DUNNO.  Not sure how much it was.  Guess all I can do is move on with my life.  WRAPPERS OF 3-5 on SURFACE in my room.  That's not that much.  BUT I may have had EVEN MORE TAN THAT downstairs in kitchen before reaching my room.  DIDN'T SEE any wrappers in garbage in kitchen just now.  Looked A LITTLE deep.  Didn't see any.  MAYBE IT WAS DEEPER IN but I'm not gonna look THAT DEEP.  Either way what can ya do I guess.  Got about thirty to thirty five minutes of Act I left!  That'll give me PLENTIES of time moving forward.
   Sixth paragraph.  Maybe I do TOASTER or OVEN for Freedom Toast.  Microwave works OKAY.  I dunno.  NOT HUNGRY RIGHT NOW.  Can't imagine Picking The Right Way To Lunch properly if I'm not even HUNGRY to do it.  So that's good.  The point is probably more convenient to accept Super Market delivery Saturday Morning instead of Friday Afternoon.  But I'm ALREADY gonna run out of soda.  THE LONGER IT GETS PUSHED BACK, THE MORE WITHOUT SODA I AM.  Oh well such is life.  Hmm.  Eight or nine or ten paragraphs.  And this is the sixth paragraph.  Sounds like  TWO TO FOUR more paragraphs after this one.  IN ABOUT TIRTY MINUTES.  Possible I can get All Ten done.  NOT GONNA RUSH IT TOHUGH.  SAN FRANSISCO RUSH 2049.  Hmm.  What kinda arcade games are there these days.  DO TEY HAVE Virtual Reality Arcade Games these days.  One would imagine they SHOULD.  Hmm. WHEN I WAS YOUNG THE NINTENDO WII was the MOST CUTTING EDGE VIDEOG AME AROUND. Came out when I was in NYU.  YOU CAN MOCK HITTING TENNIS BALLS WITH TIS.  AMAZING.  You know that sort of thing.
   Seventh paragraph!  Amazing!  DANGIT.  Phone stopped charging overnight.  It was at 44 Percent when I put it in.  NOW it's only at 54%!  PRESUMABLY REACHED several percent higher before I started The Day.  Anyway.  MIGHT last me for the day.  If I can get it charging for maybe just ONE BetweenWalkPeriod that might be enough.  THE AMOUNT OF CHARGING IT'S AT plus 5-10%.  THAT'LL DO THE TRICK.  Hmm.  The good news is I FIGURED OUT TO BITE DOWN on phone charger.  NOT THAT hard.  Just a bit.  CONDENSE the little wire input at the end by SMOOSHING IT with teeth.  IT HELPS CONSISTENTLY.  LOOK was it irresponsible to try in the first place?  SURE.  But once it worked OF COURSE I'm gonna continue doing it if I'm having trouble getting it charged.  WHATEVER WORKS, right?  That's life.  Hmm.  I'm not trying to CRUNCH IT COMPLETELY.  Or break it.  That'd be counterproductive.  Just CONDENSE IT A BIT, no harm done!
   Eighth paragraph.  Got up to half an hour to go to write three paragraphs?  At this point seems like I should easily aim for the full ten paragraphs.  Amazing.  DANGIT CHOCOLATE CANDIES.  I thought I had accomplished a real solid NightMight.  Oh well.  DANGIT forgot to write in Flog when I started coffee.  It was 10-20 minutes ago.  I WROTE ~TheTimeThatWas17MinutesAgo.  NO SPOILERS.   It's a multiple of FIVE in time though.  That's how I settled upon that time exactly.  Anyway.  What else do I got going on for me.  Presumably aim for making a case for Pizzeria tonight.  Get 2 slices of SomeSort and Chicken Roll PROBABLY GRILLED.  Think I'll have chicken roll tonight, pizza tomorrow lunch.  Amazing.  Probably Regular Slices and not Sicily Style.  TINK I'll go with some topping though.  POSSIBLY just garlic.  POSSIBLY garlic and anchocie and/or onion or something.  THE GOOD NEWS IS TWO MORE PARAGRAPHS TO GO.
   YEAH.  What else is going on and crap.  Just watch That Wire for the bulk of today?  I GUESS SO.  Might enjoy something else but HOW TO KNOW FOR SURE?  I dunno!  January 23 eh.  I can work with that I assume.  RIGHT NOW I don't like it.  But at some point in January or February I WILL BE 100% ACCLIMATED to it being 2023.  I wouldn't even give it a second thought!  I'd be all like yeah OF COURSE it's '23 and not just am I sure of it but I UNDERSTAND IT.  I will GET what '23 is all about in a way WE CAN'T EVEN COMPREHEND as of this early date.  Hmm wonder what '23 will be all about.  My guess is NEWS and or CULTURE will happen.  SOMETHIN will occur on the TV or internet and I'll be like oh so that's what these days are about.  I SEE NOW.  Should be interesting.  FORMER METS PLAYER signed on with the Washington Nationalists for TWO MILLINO DOLLARS.  He wouldn't have had a big role on Mets if he were on them.  I LIKE TIS GUY.  I wish him the best.  I HOPE HE GETS A CHANCE TO SHOW HIS STUFF.  Good.
Last paragraph of the Act.  Hmm.  Some new brand of Super Market meals available on the Fresh Direct. Not FRESH Direct made meals.  But pre-made I wanna guess FROZEN meals that look good.  HIGH QUALITY FLAVOR COMPOSITIONS and RIGHT ON TARGET Calorie amounts.  Might wanna try one of these.  CHICKEN CHILE VERDE. THAT SORT OF THING.  "Kevin's Natural Foods."  That's what it's called.  Not sure I trust a guy named Kevin for this sort of thing but I'm also not sure why I WOULDN'T trust a guy named Kevin for this sort of thing.  Seems like the right thing to do to give Kevin and his Natural Foods a shot!  So much more time in the morning than I would have thought.  Fifteen, twenty, twenty five minutes.  WHATEVER IT IS its a lot.  So that's good.  Kevin is the name of Home Alone.  That's my FIRST association with Kevin.  New association is Kevin from The American Office.  I don't feel comfortable saying that's my Second Association IN GENERAL.  In OTHER Permutations after thinking of Kevin from Home Alone I COULD EASILY have thought of DOZENS of other Kevins For 2nd Thought.  TODAY, JUST NOW, happened to be Kevin From The Office.  DOESN'T MEAN IT'LL ALWAYS BE ThAT WAY.  Huh.  Walk time!  See ya soon!




ain't no doubt about it

    Hey!  Still aways away from lunch, but right now I'm not hungry!  POSSIBLE I decide to have Balanced Breakfast for lunch instead of Freedom Toast.  SAVING ME about 100-300 calories.  THAT'S NOT A GOOD ESTIMATE AT ALL.  WAY TOO WIDE A RANGE TO BE COMFORTABLE ESTIMATING. Oh well such is life.  Left earbud ran out of power on walk.  Had to listen to music for 13 minutes just in my right ear LIKE A CHUMP.  And it's not charging now, either!  GOT KEYBOARD plugged into computer, not EARBUD EGG CHARGER.  Oh well such is life.  Presumably the walk after next will be All Charged Up.  So that's good.  OH RIGHT gotta register Coffee on Flog.  Started three minutes ago.  Registered the EXACT RIGHT TIME.  So that's good I guess.  Got plenty of time to write this act.  More than enough!  Gonna fit in ALL the crap and whatknot.  The point is I DID wake up that one time BEFORE MIDNIGHT for NightMight but then after that NOTHIN.  Not even I Woke Up and managed to resist eating.  I JUST DIDN'T WAKE UP.  That kind of result is UNPRECEDENTED or something.  Hmm.
   YEAH.  Four paragraphs to go.  If I don't have Freedom Toast, I presumably STILL GET both meals from Italy Restaurant, but Freedom Toast becomes a replacement meal tomorrow from TOMORROW NIGHT'S Presumptive delivery.  Huh.  Basically I'd have two Italy Meals in over Tonight, TomorrowLunch and TomorrowDinner still.  But THE TIRD of those meals is now Backed Up Freedom Toast as opposed to something new.  Hmm.  Sounds reasonable.  MAYBE TIS IS TE WAY TO GO.  We'll see how I feel.  If I'm reasonably hungry JUST EAT THE FRENCHED TOAST.  If not GO WIT BALANCED BREAKFAST.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Hmm.  WHAT IF I had 2 of the 3 slices of Frenched Toast if I'm not hungry.  WELL THEN WHAT DO I DO WITH THIRD SLICE BRANIAC.  Good Semi-indulgent snack moving forward over the next few days.  NAH I DON'T TINK THAT IDEA HAS GOT LEGS.  No arms.  Possibly a torso, can't count that out completely.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  CRAP still haven't had APPLE.  Guess IF I wanna snack today GO WITH APPLE FOR SURE.  Don't FORCE having a snack.  BUT REASONABLE CHANCE I'd solidly want at least one Apple Sized Snack.  Sounds good.  Getting RELATIVELY close to finishing New In Alternative Playlist.  Playlists UPDATE on Friday.  WHAT TO DO FOR a day and a half before playlists update.  PRESUMABLY listen to UNUPDATED playlist.  Sounds good.  Anyway already halfwaythrough Act II.  What other associations I got with Kevin.  I don't think I've EVER known a Kevin in my life.  NONE.  I don't just mean I've never been personally engaged strongly with a Kevin as a FRIEND or COLLEAGUE. I mean I'm struggling to remember ANY KEVIN EVER.  I can SORT OF imagine an Asian Kevin at some point.  Not even in my Immediate Class.  Maybe in my GRADE.  Middle or high school.  Surely there've been dozens of Kevins in My Grades at points.  Hmm.  Think there might have been a REALLY SHORT ASIAN KEVIN at some point in Some Grade.  Sounds good to me.  I think this theoretical Kevin was even shorter than me At The Same Age.  You wouldn't BELIEVE how rare that is!
   Penultimate paragraph.  Hmm.  Maybe you'd believe how rare that is!  If you know my height you could easily deduce how rare that is logically without any problems at all.  So that's good.  Real warm out there today!  Was even warm just wearing sweatshirt jacket.  I'm gonna guess it's as high as TE HIGH FIFTIES right now.  let's see.  HOLY CRAP it's 62 degrees.  That's not supposed to happen.  I'm starting to get the impression scientists are ACCURATE when they talk about global warming.  GO FIGURE.  What else is going on.  Hmm.  Get to have delicious Chocolately Eggo if I had balanced breakfast!  Hmm.  EndocrineDigitizedScale rounds down to the .1 LB.  If I save 175 calories in lunch because of Balanced Breakfast instead of Freedom Toast, that equates to saving me HALF OF THAT.  If it was TWICE as much saved I'd be exactly .1 LB lower than otherwise.  Instead it's A 50% CHANCE it'd be an entire Registered Amount Difference because of This One Meal.  50% chance NO DIFFERENCE.  SOUNDS REASONABLY EXCITING.  AN ENTIRE .1 LB better AND I GET TO EAT DELICIOUS CHOCOLATEY EGGO TOO.  Sounds good.
STILL THOUGH.  If I'm hungry I'M GONNA EAT THE FREEDOM TOAST. I hope you understand this.  Hmm.  What kinda crap do I got going on for me today.  SHOULD BE A FINE DAY.  No chores other than POSSIBLY hanging up clothes.  WATCH ALMOST ALL OF TE REST OF TE WIRE.  You know that sort of crap.  Probably have delicious chicken roll tonight!  Everything is really working out for me just great.  Hmm.  What if I had APPLE as lunch.  THAT'S TEH STUPIDEST THING I'VE HEARD IN MINUTES.  Huh.  What kinda SweetsBreakfast am I looking at for upcoming week from Super Market.  Them soft baked chocolate chip cookies were fine but I ate them all over one night.  So they didn't work out BREAKFAST wise.  Maybe some BLACK AND WHITES would be good.  Either MINIS or get AN ENTIRE ONE as well as AN ENTIRE OTHER TING OR TWO.  MINIS were the responsible way to go.  WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS AND CRAP.  The point is I have lots of fun options to choose from.  ALSO FLOG is abandoned after tomorrow morning.  So that's good. Or bad.  Maybe it'll work out for me or against me.  Hmm.  I'll be back tonight I guess!




Almost Done At Least Until Next Time

    Hey friends!  Most exciting thing so far today is that I PUT IN AN ORDER FOR CHICKEN FLAVORED CRACKERS.  We're talkin' I'm gettin' them FRIDAY AFTERNOON.  Not sure why that's exciting.  I know EMPIRICALLY I'll probably like them OK but not that much.  I also know EMPIRICALLY I'M NOT 100 ON WHAT, "EMPIRICALLY," MEANS.  So that's good, too!  Anyway.  Had delicious Balanced Breakfast for lunch.  Chocolatey Eggo was GREAT.  Had delightful Grilled Chicken Roll for dinner.  SURE WAS A LOT OF ROLL to the grilled chicken roll.  The OUTSIDE was the main gist of the entire deal!  Anyway.  Got about 40 minutes left of Last Wire Episode.  Gonna finish that tonight!  AMAZING.  Probably watch the last Oh I Don't Know 18 Minutes of the Tales In The Crypt I started last night but never finished.  TEN GO TO BED.  THEN DON'T MAKE A POINT TO WAKE UP EARLY TO TAKE WALK BEFORE ENDOCRINE APPOINTMENT.  Give myself SOME room to take a walk if I want to IN TERMS OF WHEN I SET ALARM CLOCK FOR.  But don't hold myself to it AT ALL.  BUT try not to eat anything INCLUDING NO BREAKFAST.
YEAH.  Gonna have tootsie pop soon AS WELL AS 40 calorie Fudgesicle later on.  AMAZING.  Gonna have to print out FLOG soon, too!  WHAT A HASSLE.  Gonna have to browse through it to make sure I didn't say anything inadvertently I don't wanna share.  Ya know, like Sex Stuff.  No I DON'T KNOW, "Like Sex Stuff."  PLEASE ELABORATE.  NEVER.  Hmm.  Drank SOME water today but not as much as I should have.  Will be re-upping with soda SLIGHTLY late on Friday.  Friday afternoon delivery window for soda (DIFFERENT FRIDAY AFTERNOON DELIVERY WINDOW than THE OTHER PLACE where I'm getting Chicken Crackers) instead of Friday morning.  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE IT APPEARS.  Gettin breakfast FRITTATA from one of those places.  We're talkin BACON AND SPINIACH fritatta.  Frittata I BELIEVE is Egg Concoction built with cheese.  Something like that.  Let's LTURQ.  I dunno.  I'm LOOKING AT IT and READING WHAT IT IS and I STILL DON'T GET IT.
Such is life.  The point is it's a LOW Calorie Egg Meal Thing not a HIGH one.  So that'll be a blast and a half.  Tomorrow meals will be Freedom Toast and Pizza.  PIZZA is 2 Regular Slice with GARLICK.  What order will the meals be in?  RIGHT NOW I really cannot say.  I WAS imagining pizza for lunch and Freedom Toast for dinner.  But I can EASILY imagine it the other way.  Pretty strong imagination!  I'd rank my imagination Up There With The Best Of "Em.  More or less.  Hmm.  Guess tomorrow I'm probably gonna have beer!  Probably TWO.  WOW sounds like a blast and seven tenths.  So that's good.  HMM got chocolate tootsie pop going on FROM MULTI-FLAVOR'd bag.  Delightful!  You can really TASTE how it's been exposed to close quarters with different flavors.  Got a real BALANCED outlook on life or something.
   Penultimate paragraph!  So that's good.  IS TEHRE ANY CHANCE I indulge in higher calorie Iced Cream Concoction.  A 80-90 calorie one AS OPPOSED TO THE 40 CALORIE ONE?  Sure.  Why not.  Anything is possible.  I can Imagine Anything Being Possible With The Best Of 'Em Up There.  Hmm.  Give myself a solid TWENTY OR FOURTY MINUTES before working on Printing FLOG after finishing entry.  GIVE MYSELF A BREAK, I'VE EARNT IT.  Not sure HOW or WHY.  But it stands to reason I Deserve Every Good Thing Coming My Way somehow one way or another PERHAPS BECAUSE I'M GREAT.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Not sure what tomorrow OR Friday is gonna look like ScheduleWise.  I'll work out SOME sort of Entries, that goes without saying.  I'll figure out to have AT A MINIMUM Probably Five OR Six Walks.  MORE OR LESS life will be MORE OR LESS what life is every day.  SPECIFICS won't be the same but THE BASIC PREMISE will carry over!
   Last paragraph of the Knight.  CHEWING UP the last of the tootsie pop.  Amazing.  What else do I got going for me and crap.  EndocrineLady is at 10:30 AM.  Leaving at 10:00 AM.  Set my alarm for 9:00 AM.  I CAN LEAVE FOR WALK as late as 9:30 AM ON TE DOT.  9:31 AM and I don't feel as comfortable anymore.  So the point is I CAN'T LOSE EITHER WAY.  Hmm.  I could easily have gained a pound and a half OR lost a pound since 2 weeks ago.  I would say that's the window I'd Estimate I'm in.  NICE SOLID 2.5 LB window to be in.  Sounds like I really got it figured out.  Wouldn't shock me if I gained TWO POUNDS.  Or if SCALE SAYS SO at least.  FLUXUATION is possible.  I don't think I actually gained 2 pounds but it's reasonable SCALE IS 2 LB HIGHER READ OUT than 2 weeks ago.  Oh okay wonderful what else is going on and crap.  NOT MUCH.  See ya tomorrow and crap!





Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Ain't That Just The Way

    Hey friends!  9:39 AM!  Should be able to fit in all the things I wanna fit in on schedule.  Four walks in Early part of day.  MIGHT there be some crunch time?  Perhaps.  But it should be DOABLE.  Did a lot of NightMight snacking last night!  Overall gonna end up about Even today re: Calories.  Maybe 100 or 200 ahead of the game depending on what meals I have.  I GOT ham sandwich, chicken parm, and freedom toast!  HAM SANDWICH is less calories than the other two.  I think.  ALL of these three lunch calorie estimations are within the margin of error!  Not ham sandwich so much.  Confident where that is.  THE OTHER TWO are within margin of error though.  So that's good.  Had classic breakfast for breakfast.  So that's good.  LAUNDRY still not Hung Up.  My Mom is on the case though!  CONFIRMED IT WITH HER just now.  NO WAY IS THIS FALLING ON ME.  Anyway I think I'm up to season V episode III of That Wire.  Delightful.  The Newspaper guy really gives the TerribleLiarReporter the benefit of the doubt A LOT.  Gotta wonder what that's all about!
   Hmm.  Probably no bathroom today.  Not sure what more could be done!  I mean, every few days there's something to be done.  RE-CLEAN bathtub and perhaps floor and perhaps wipe down sinksurface.  But doing that TODAY for instance would not stop me from having to do it again in a few days.  I don't know what more I can do necessarily that has LONG TERM Cleaning Effect.  Probably could go over everything once more.  Do some Fine Tunning Long Term Cleaning.  We'll see I suppose.  What am I thinking about for lunch today.  Maybe Ham Sandwich.  RIGHT NOW not in the mood for Sweet.  Which would be Freedom Toast.  HMM what kinda sandwichside we talkin.  I dunno.  Maybe a small amount of Sour Cream &/V Onion Pop Chips.  BAG ISN'T OPEN YET.  Just finished off crumbs of BBQ Pop Chip Bag yesterday.  AMAZING.  Phone charged over night.  At a solid 94% right now!  Wonder what National Food Of Tomorrow is.  Oh well.
What are the TOP Celeb Birthdays of Tomorrow.  ISSAC NEWTON.  Wow.  He's the biggest celebrity of them all!  Did people during Issac Newton's day know who Issac Newton was.  My guess is other Academics and Intelligencers did but the common man didn't.  I dunno.  Didn't he have a Feud with Church.  Common man would know who Church was feuding with.  Nope.  I don't see any feud with Church.  GOOD.  Let's all try to get along!  WE GOTTA LIVE TOGETHER HERE ON EARTH, no reason not to get along.  Anyway, 7.5 paragraphs more for the act. Ideally do it within an hour.  Which is presumably very likely!  I dunno.  In the last 11 or 12 days I'm not sure if I did ONE complete accurate NightMight ReTelling on my Flog.  Every day is just 2-4 sweet snacks over the course of the night and sometimes including @x:xx AM.  Oh well.  Such is life.  Guess we'll never know for sure what that's all about!  Issac Newton invented Apples.   That's MY takeaway.
In England and/or other countries they call take out food Takeaway.  Right?  Like if you were gonna get some Chinese food from tiny Take Out place.  Take Away.  Go figure!  I wanna try some Take Away.  Hmm.I liked the sequence when The Wire Kids are eating Chinese Food.  FIRST there's a scene IN Takeaway Restaurant where they're ordering it.  THEN there's a scene they're sitting on a stoop eating it.  I LIKE BOT HPARTS.  Fun to ORDER IT and FUN TO EAT IT.  I'M ALL IN FAVOR OF THIS ENTERPRISE these kids are up to and whatknot.  Hmm.  Fourth paragraph.  Amazing!  Today should be okay I guess.  No reason not to think so!  YES it sucks I'm not gonna make up some CalorieGround.  BUT I will have normal meals and presumably normal amount of snack and not GAIN weight.  I'll fit in 8 walks!  I don't have to do any special chore or responsibility or anything!  WHY NOT ENJOY THE DAY.  Good.  Looks like a good film or two on SHUTTER The Screaming Service.  GOOD.
Okay.  Watched Staired In Horror last night.  TONIGHT its time for IN THE GROOVE.  And what would the next episode be TWERE I to get to it.  Can't be SURPRISE PARTY can it be?  I think that might not be for another episode or two.  COULD BE.  YEP IT'S SURPRISE PARTY.  Amazing.  I like that episode for some reason.  Can't say for sure why!  Trying to get into the spirit of Tales In The Crypt despite all the constant plot holes and nonsensical elements to the characters and plots and conflicts and whatknot.  They must KNOW that all those problems are abound every episode.  They're not STUPID.  But they just HIGHLIGHT other things to get out of the episodes.  FOCUS ON THE GOOD not the bad.  See what Positive you get in OTHER AREAS from Cutting Corners in other area.  That's how I feel presumably!  Hmm.  Running through soda pretty quickly.  VERY EASILY may run out on Thursday before re-upping on Friday.  OH NO I'M SCARED.  COFFEE TIME.
   How long do I have to write 5 paragraphs.
  Fourty five minutes is more than enough I guess!  Amazing.  Some football guy had heart attack while playing football.  Hmm.  Not sure I'm happy about that!  I can't say for certain whether this guy deserved to have a heart attack but I CAN SAY that he's taking up valuable Bedspace in Hospital while hopefully recovering.  Odds are GOOD WE WANT HIM TO RECOVER.  But it's a net negative EITHER WAY because now SOMEONE ELSE is being deprived care!  Hmm.  Possible my official EndocrineWeighIn on Thursday will be a pound or two heavier REGARDLESS of what I did in the last two weeks.  Maybe for whatever reason THE READING I GOT 2 WEEKS AGO is FLUXUATION-COMPATABLE with getting a 1 or 2 LB higher reading THIS week.  Gotta keep that in mind while Preparing for what it might say. Oh well.  IN TE END it'll be a lot less than that I was even hoping for going into 2 weeks ago.  ALL IN ALL it should be okay!
   YEAH.  Thinking I might end up stop drinking once I start smoking.  NO REASON I can't do both.  But it'd be an easier SELL to my parents if I replace one with the other!  I DUNNO THOUGH.  WHY NOT DO BOTH THAT"S MY FEELING.  Anyway.  Gonna have to figure out which Strain is my favorite!  I IMAGINE should I have access to one dispensary delivery, probably would have half a different STRAINS to try either from pre-rolled or FLOWER or EDIBLE or something.  Figure out which one is the way to go.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Too much pressure.  And then I gotta remember THE NAME and it's A THING NOW.  Oh.  Now I like Wedding Cake Marijuana Strain.  And that's a thing now.  THAT SORT OF THING.  I don't like it!  Depends on the name.  Not a huge fan of Wedding Cake name.  BUT maybe if I'm a fan of smoking it I'LL BECOME A FAN OF NAME THROUGH TE NATURAL COURSE OF THINGS.  Hmm.  Only three more paragraphs to go!
   YEAH.  It's FUNNY because why am I talking about Celeb Birthdays Of TOMORROW.  IT'S DUMB.  This way we can PREPARE to celebrate the birthdays ahead of time.  Makes ALL TEH SENSE IN THE WORLD.  So that's good. Still on New In Alternative playlist for walks.  Still pretty warm out there!  So that's good.  Apparently Issac Newton said something about the year 2060.  Like it was the fashion at the time for everyone to predict when the world would end.  And he was like Ya know what HOW ABOUT 2060.  TIS IS A DUMB EXERCISE.  We don't know when the world would end.  But WHAT IF I SAID 2060, HOW ABOUT THAT, what do you think of THAT YOU JERKS.  Something along those lines.  Anyway.  HE WAS A SMART GUY.  2060 is CREEPING UP.  Wow I'm gonna be a solid 72 then.  That's not that old.  POSSIBLE in 2060 72 will be considered middled age!  POSSIBLE in 2060 THE WORLD WILL END.  Anyway, what else is up.  Wait a second.  I'm 34 now.  Fourty years from now is 63... OH WAIT OKAY IT ALL CHECKS OUT.  For a while I was confused.
   TWO paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  Any kinda SweetSide I could have with ham sandwich.  Either 70 calorie fiber brownie or some animal crackers I guess.  That'd be the main way to go if I wanted to go that general way!  So that's good.  WOW got lotta time this morning.  Not gonna be no crunchtime or anything!  Now that I think about it I dunno 2060 sounds like NOT A BAD BET for when world will end.  Humanity at least.  Not sure about WORLD.  Humanity gonna end though.  SWEET I got most of my life in beforehand!  LOTTA people gonna die without having lived a lot of their life!  LOTTA PEOPLE GONNA NEVER EVEN EXIST.  Oh well such is life.  The point is ISSAC NEWTON WAS JOKING.  DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT.  Humanity ain't going nowhere!  And if it is HUMANITY GOT A GOOD REASON.  Humanity PRETTY SMART.  Smarter than OTEHR Animal Collectives at least.  Huh.  Freshman NYU Roommate made me listen to Animal Collective while high thinking it would blow my mind.  IT DIDN'T BLOW MY MIND.  Kinda appreciated what he was going for, though.  Wasn't a TOTAL bust.
Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  What else do I got going on for me.  Is it POSSIBLE I want chicken parm for lunch.  I'd say that's the backup after ham sandwich.  DEPENDS on a lot of things.  RED WHEELBAROWWS AND CRAP.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Gotta write this paragraph I guess!  That's good.  Probably not gonna re-up with Quest Bars this week.  Oh well, such is life.  Still got the one.  Double chocolate chunk.  That's good!  AMAZING PARAGRAPH FODDER.  Speaking of Issac Newton JUST REMEMEBRED I GOT APPLES.  Better have one today.  If I don't have AT LEAST ONE this week I look like some kinda jerk.  Guess I could have it TOMORROW.  Makes sense to have it today though.  Because if I don't have it today then I HAVE to have it tomorrow unless I have it the next day or a day aftert hat.  HOWEVER if I have it today ALL OF THAT FADES AWAY.  Huh.  I guess that's it for now!  I'll be back in a little bit!




continue is what i'll do

    Hey friends.  Time to write 5 paragraphs.  Because of RAIN and potential window WITHOUT RAIN my Dad might wanna take his walk a little bit early.  LEADING ME into some CRUNCHTIME for next two walks.  NOT MUCH.  I'll be able to do it for sure.  But it just means I can't OVERLY LOLLIGAG.  So that's good.  Was raining on last walk.  GOOD NEWS IS Now I'm thinking about having Freedom Toast for lunch.  Seems like the way to go.  It's not the lowest calorie thing BUT it might perhaps be the least hearty.  Especially if Ham Sandwich comes with Sandwichside.  So it's not BAD to get the least Hearty lunch out of the way!  IT'S GOOD ONE MIGHT ARGUE.  So that's good.  RECORDED exact time I started 2nd coffee right now in FLOG.  WELL I recorded it a minute late.  But that's to be expected! I STARTED SIPPING IT before I was even at my computer to TYPE IN FLOG.  WHAT MORE DO YOU EXPECT FROM ME.  I put in the right Clock Number.  What's that called.  Oh, right, TIME.
Four paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Thinking about checking HomeScale tomorrow morning.  Ugh.  What else is going on.  Football player doesn't show up on Fantasy Rankings AT ALL.  Sounds like not a very productive football player.  Sounds like he might have been productive at doing Charity though.  AND/OR at being a good teammate.  AND/OR All Around Great Guy.  That's the impression I'm getting second hand from my parents who presumably got their information FIRST HAND from the television.  They presumably made up the information themselves.  WOW not so many degrees removed I AM from the information being made up!  Interesting.  Three and a half paragraphs to go.  Delightful.  At the very least he's leading the league in Heart Attacks.  ON FIELD Heart Attacks.  THAT ARE OFFICIALLY ACKNOWLEDGED.  Some other guy may have had half a dozen on field heart attacks all season that we just don't know about.  Kept it to himself.  Not very smart on his part.
Three paragraphs to go.  How much time do I have to write them.  Oh I Don't know let's say A SOLID 27 MINUTES is what to aim for.  Good.  MICROWAVE Freedom Toast.  NO Artificial Sweetener.  Sounds like the way to go.  Eat that in Oh I Don't Know 2.5 hours.  HUH.  Ham sandwich makes more sense as a lunch than as a dinner.  BUT no reason I can't have the ham sandwich for dinner and the chicken parm for TomorrowLunch.  No GOOD reason at least.  Plenty of close to mediocre reasons.  SO that's good and whatknot.  Figure I'll do a Fantasy Baseball League this upcoming season.  WOW.  Sounds like that draft is a mere 1.5-2.5 months away!  CERTAINLY we can start drafting while SPRING TRAINING is going on, right?  WELL THAT STARTS IN A MERE 1.75 MONTHS.  So that's good I guess.  Probably should drink some water today.  STRETCH OUT soda supply.  It's the RIGHT thing to do and whatknot.  Hmm.
   Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day.  Good.  Some sort of plumber is coming tomorrow.  Work on I wanna say KITCHEN SINK?  WAIT NO.  KitchenAdjacent BathroomSink I think.  AS WELL AS install new toilet seat for SAME bathroom.  Somethin like that.  Either way what else is up.  A paragraph and a half to go.  THAT'S NOTHIN.  Whatever.  I AM excited to eat Balanced Breakfast ASAP because I got CHOCLATELY Eggo.  SURE I tried it as recently as a few months ago and it was nothing special.  HOWEVER I am now excited for it again for reasons I can't fully understand and certainly can't logically justify!  STILL THOUGH should be pretty good.  Still got a Blueberry Eggo or three.  BUT I'M GONNA GET STARTED ON CHOCOLATEY EGGO anyway.  NO TIME LIKE THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE. Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  MAYBE I HAVE EGGO LUNCH.  Ya know let's say THREE OR FOUR chocolately eggoes.  That sounds not terrible but also Pretty Unreasonable.  I GOT FRESH FREEDOM TOAST.  YA EAT THAT FIRST.  THAT'S HOW THE GAME IS PLAYED.
Last paragraph for now.  I dunno.  Wearing an unlaundered shirt today even though I realize now I COULD HAVE just gone into Dryer and picked out a shirt that HAS BEEN DRY for a day and a half JUST NOT FOLDED OR HANGED.  OH WELL.  Now I know going into TOMORROW that I can do that SHOULD laundry not be folded or hung by then.  GOOD.  Mom told me about how to turn buttoned shirts inside out so as not to rattle against the sides while Washing and/or Drying.  Makes sense.  STILL DIDN'T BOTHER DOING IT.  Would it have taken 20 seconds to handle it?  SURE.  I DON'T HAVE THAT KINDA TIME TO SPARE.  Either way APPARENTLY NOTHING TERRIBLE HAPPENED because of it.  ALSO possible the shirts were inside out already.  I DIDN'T CHECK.  Solid 50% chance any buttoned shirt in there was inside out.  AMAZING.  That's it for now.  I'll be back tonight!




No Problem There

    Hey friends!  What kind of delightfulday did I have to...day.  LOTS of That Wire.  Main thing I accomplished.  Gonna be DONE with That Wire early Thursday.  NOT THAT EARLY. IN FACT NOT EARLY AT ALL.  It will be EARLY in relation to Overall TVTime.  BUT I got appointment taking up Thursday Morning so I will finish That Wire NOT UNTIL MID-LATE AFTERNOON.  The point is OH I GET IT.  It's called The Wire because of the WIRETAPPING that happens once and again.  Which is a COMPOUND WORD which happens when combine Wires and Tapping.  Gotta imagine people who like String Theory in meta-physics would be 100% on board with SWITCHING OVER to considering it as Wire Theory.  THEY JUST NEED A NUDGE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.  You give em the slightest suggestion we should be talking about Wire Theory THEY'LL COME AROUND LIKE IT WAS NOTHIN.  Anyway.  Had delicious ham sandwich with half a dozen pop chips for lunch.  Had delightful chicken parm for dinner!  GOT BALANCED BREAKFAST FOR BREAKFAST TOMORROW, TEN FREENDOM TOAST, THEN WHO KNOWS WHAT FOR DINNER.  Possibly a PIZZA and/or CHICKEN ROLL.
   Amazing.  Had delicious Health Iced Cream Bar as Midday snack.  GONNA have at least one snack tonight PERHAPS TWO.  ICED CREAM BAR is a slam dunk for one of them I FEEL.  If I have a second it'd DEFINITELY be a Toots Pop.  OR maybe that Toot Pop BECOMES the one snack.  I have it as the 2nd snack but 1st and then there is no 1st which would actually be the 2nd.  Makes sense.  Hmm.  Dad is teaching first class of Winter Semester downstairs.  GOOD.  I GOT A BIG PROBLEM with The Operations.  MAINLY addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  THESE ARE NOT FOUR THINGS.  THESE ARE TWO TINGS.  Subtraction is just addition in the other direction and Division is just Multiplication MULTIPLIED By 1 over X or Whatever.  SEEMS LIKE we're making things more complicated than need be.  I could be wrong.  MAYBE THERE'S GOOD REASON to consider them as separate operations.  You know PEMDOS that kind of bullshit.  Huh.  Had A FEW glasses of water over the course of the day.  COULDA BEEN WORSE.
   Anyway.  PemdAs.  Not Pemdos.  PRONOUNCED Pemdos though.  I'll go to my grave making that point!  Hopefully it doesn't come to that but I guess I'm pot committed to doing it at this point.  Anyway.  What am I watching after this entry.  Finish That Wire episode I'm on.  I think I'm pretty early in the episode.  THEN watch a Tales In The Crypt, CALL IT A DAY.  Be in bed before my Dad is even done with his class.  Amazing.  PLUMBER is not coming tomorrow.  BEEN RESCHEDULED for Friday.  TOMORROW MEANWHLIE IS STILL WEDNESDAY.  THAT hasn't changed.  Probably never will!  Still got ONE DAY LEFT for them to figure out how to change it.  BUT IF IT DOESN't HAPPEN and then The Day Passes As Wednesday YOU CAN CLOSE THE BOOK, its over and done with!  Huh.  Gonna have orange tootsie pop.  By which I mean the wrapper color is orange in color.  Now that I think about it, it also resembles in taste The Orange Fruit.  Hard to say what color the tootsie pop itself is.  Kinda GRAY for some reason.  Maybe GREY.  Hard to say.
    Penultimate paragraph!  Delightful.  Looks like Republicans in the house are having some trouble figuring out what to do.  They KNOW they're supposed to elect a speaker of the house but some of them are a little confused about whether to do it or not.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Got BATHROOM SINK WATER right now.  Earlier today ALL DRINKING WATER was from watcher pitcher from fridge.  TODAY?  By which I mean I DON'T MEAN, "TODAY," AT ALL, I MEANT TO SAY, "JUST NOW?"  Just refilled glass from Sink water.  Oh okay good.  Probably better for the environment one way or the other by BYPASSING the pitcher.  Not 100% sure how that works.  Oh well.  What kinda Iced Cream would I be looking at tonight if I had more iced cream.  PROBABLY a Mint Chocolate Chip Health Iced Cream bar.  SEEMS LIKE A SOLID WAY TO GO BUT YOU CAN NEVER COUNT OUT SMALL ICED CREAM SANDWICH COMPLETELY.  Maybe you can.  It'd be pretty foolish, though!
   Last paragraph of the day.  Hmm.  Took all the eight walks I had coming my way and whatknot.  Good deal.  TOASTED the bread for my ham sandwich.  Awesome.  What kind of ANAGARAM can you make out of PEMDAS with PMS.  Sounds like leftover letters are E, D, and A.  PMS-ADE.  SOUNDS REFRESHING.  Huh.  Just bit into lollipop RELATIVELY early.  Oh well such is life.  I'm having A BLAST chewing it up right now at least.  It's not like it was all for nothing.  So that's good.  Guess Iced Cream Bar is in Oh I Don't Know FOURTY MINUTES.  I dunno.  WHAT EVEN IS LIFE.  Wouldn't be crazy to have another tootsie pop-- PERHAPS EVEN Orange AGAIN-- as an upcoming snack instead of Iced Cream.  SO that's good.  Anyway, watched IN THE GROOVE earlier today and will watch Surprise Party a little bit later!  I am slowly but surely MAKING MY WAY THROUGH TALES IN THE CRYPT ONCE AND FOR ALL.  Well, not once.  DEFINITELY not For All.  KIND OF, "Once."  Huh.  That's it I guess!  See ya tomorrow!

-8:06 P.M.




Monday, January 2, 2023

I'll Say!

    Hey friends!  Behind schedule today.  11:12 AM.  Will fit in normal activities BUT 2 walks short.  And Normal Activities PUSHED BACK A BIT.  Six walks instead of eight overall.  UNLESS I take bonus walk at night.  Seven walks!  Seems like no big reason to do it but then again no big reason NOT to do it.  Hmm.  Had a lot of NightMight snacking last night again!  But between smaller meals, smaller snacks, and no beer, and the amount of calories I'd Bank every day with Normal Routine... I'll make up for MOST of it.  Maybe if it was eight walks I'd estimate at ending up at just about even for the day!  THE WAY IT IS I'm guesstimating I moved a few hundred calories backwards.  Hmm.  Depends on the meals.  ONE MEAL gonna be either one or two quest bars.  170 calorie difference there.  Other meal NOT SURE.  At first I thought either kids chicken parm OR ham sandwich (WItTH OR WITHOUT ham sandside?).  NOW I see I might be getting communal dinner tonight.  In which case I'm on track for a Hearty Steak * Stuffed Mushroom!
   So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  All things being equal, probably should let up on the Quest Bar Meal if I'm getting more Real Meal.  Have ham sandwich for lunch to play it safe.  Have it with NO SandSide to make some progress on that front though.  HMM.  The point is I DUNNO.  Lunch is in 2.5-3 hours though!  WE KNOW THAT MUCH.  HAD TWO MARGHERITE COOKIES before Walk I.  That's 120 calorie of cookie right there WE CAN'T blame specifically on NightMight.  Is it the same NIGHTMIGHT effect at play?  But it just lasts until After I wake up for good? SURE MAYBE.  The good news is I forget.  Had classic breakfast for breakfast.  That was okay!  What's my schedule like after walk II.  ACT II, SHOWER, LUNCH.  All in ONE period between walks.  Act Shower and Lunch.  In the past each of those things would warrant ONE ENTIRE PERIOD AT HOME ITSELF.  NOW SMUSHED INTO THREE.  Also presumably some time between shower and lunch!  AMAZING.
Third paragraph!  New Years Day AGAIN today.  Federal Holiday!  Amazing.  The way my Dad explained it to me was we have two January 1sts This Year.  I SEE what he means.  We celebrate New Years twice.  Regularly and Officially.  But say NEW YEARS then.  Not January 1st.  Today might be a New Years Holiday but it is STILL not the 1st BUT THE 2ND.  So that's good.  Got some orange soda going.  Dunno whatta do without updating you on National Foods Of The Tomorrow.  Gotta imagine there's one of ANY number of things that I could do every day that's a very similar premise routine.  Hmm.  Maybe it could even be something more FUNNNY.  Or PRODUCTIVE or INFORMATIVE.  Something real worthwhile.  Huh.  CELEB BIRTHDAYS.  OKAY.  Celeb Birthday Of Tomorrow is... J. R. R. Torkein.  Mel Gibson.  CICERO. I don't like this.  It's KIND OF interesting for some reason I don't understand but also I HATE IT for another reason I don't understand either!
   Fourth paragraph.  Too much passing judgment on WHO is a celebrity and WHO ISN'T.  THERE'S POEPLE whose birthday is tomorrow that I didn't mention because it didn't make sense for the purposes of that paragraph.  BUT NOW THEY'RE INSULTED.  SORRY GRETA THUNBURG.  Hey she's famous for being Climate Activist Teenager.  MAYBE SHE'S OUT OF HER TEENS TOMORROW.  That's be NOTABLE.  HELL YEAH.  SHE'S TURNING 20 TOMORROW.  WAY TO GO.  What else is going on and crap.  My Dad pointed out my jeans got lots of rips and holes in them in bad places and he's not wrong!  Probably should get some new jeans.  That'd be fun.  Hmm.  Maybe aim for Single Quest Bar for lunch as of now.  NOT SURE.  I got at least one other pair of jeans that fit that I wear a lot.  Those have even WORSE holes in even WORSE spots.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine I must have some decent pants hanging around somewhere I can wear.  Gonna have to look into that one.
   Fifth paragraph!  Amazing.  With NEW YEAR should I consider some NEW ROUTINES.  Maybe stop and/or change Entry Writing Routine.  It's been working out good for me GENERALLY.  But sometimes it's tough to get out of bed early to get on track with it.  YOU KNOW like 9 AM.  9 AM is early if you have no job or responsibilities!  Possibly.  I dunno.  Watch some more That Wire today.  Almost definitely make it into Season V: The Final Season.  Good.  Maybe give watching THE DEUCE another chance.  I don't think I ever watched the entire thing through.  Watched the first season or two a solid 4 or 5 time through.  NEVER finished it though.  Hmm.  It's about SEX AND CRAP.  FASCINATING.  Worst part of NightMight eating I THOUGHT was eating all the hearty chocolate chip cookies in one night.  NOW I see I finished all the golden graham bars over 2.5 days.  THERE WERE 16 of them.  Each one was 130 calories.  I woulda estimated I ate like TEN of them TWERE I TO BE PRESSED.  And that was the clear majority of the last 2 nightmights. But not even ALL of em.  Amazing.  Maybe someone else had one or two.  I DON'T TINK SO.  Coffee time.
   Anyway.  Whatever.  I don't know HOW or WHY but I'm generally confident NightMgiht will be addressed and/or resolved somehow at some point.  Could be wishful thinking.  I dunno!  But if it does WHOW LIFE GETS A WHOLE LOT SIMPLER.  That's been my main hassle of 2022!  There's more important things I should worry about.  Like working out a way to support myself and crap.  Can't live off my parents forever.  They won't always exist.  And once they stop existing my ability to live off them also stops existing partially!  Hmm.  Maybe I should become a teacher like THE WIRE.  I got ENGLISH degree.  That's a start.  Would have to go back to college to get EDUCATION degree.  I dunno.  It's not IMPOSSIBLE.  It's just NOT GREAT.  Pretty sure teachers do decent enough in NYC.  Good strong union and crap.  I'd have to risk THE COVID but FOR TE KIDS I'D DO ANYTHING!  Hmm.  That's not accurate.  I'd actually do VERY little for the kids.  If I'd do ANYTHING for them I would have already started on that!  INSTEAD I've done NOTHING for them EVER in MY ENTIRE LIFE.
   Seventh paragraph!  Four paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  What playlist am I on.  I BELIEVE it's New In Alternative.  Hmm.  Think I'm skip Bathroom today.  Possibly because I'm done completely, possibly because I'm just skipping a day!  So that's good.  What country is Greta Thunberg from.  And does she gain any INELIABLE RIGHTS by turning 20 in that country.  SHE IS FROM THE SWEDEN.  You can drink when you're 18 in Sweden.  SAME for cigarettes.  Hmm what else is there in Sweden to do when you're 20.  Not sure about that.  What else is up.  Anyway my Dad was excited about it being 1/1/23 for some reason.  the 123 part.  GOTTA IMAGINE he's just as excited for 1/2/23.  STILL JUST AS MUCH 123.  Just a bonus 2 instead of a 3.  BE CONSISTANT that's all I'm asking for.  Taking of the Pelham 123.  HMM.  When I first started taking Subways I DID IT WRONG for a month or two.  September and PERHAPS OCTOBER of 2002 I was taking the LOCAL LINE of the 1-9 Subway line from Penn Station to Chambers Street.  YES it got me there.  But I just had to be there for a few extra stops totallying Oh I Don't Know 5 or 10 more minutes.  I was taking the 1 and 9 and possibly other numbers.  WHEREAS THE EXPRESS was across the tracks on the 2 AND 3 AND PERHAPS OTHER NUMBERS.
   BOY DID I LOOK LIKE A FOOL.  For other reasons.  But this was also pretty foolish!  Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  If I have Quest Bar for lunch WHICH ONE.  That's a tough one.  You could make strong cases for AND AGAINST either Birthday Bar or Double Chocolate Chunk.  Hmm.  Make a strong case for Ham Sandwich!  WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Been pretty consistent the last month or several with taking  exactly 20 sets of sit-up/push-ups.  Taking.  DOING.  PERFORMING.  Whatever.  Another pretty warm day out there!  Wore winter jacket on first walk.  Not sure what to do next walk.  I don't remember being particularly UNcomfortable.  Might be the best move OVERALL to wear sweatshirt jacket.  BUT since I don't remember being uncomfortable-- play it safe and wear the same jacket again! WORST CASE SCENARIO is it's not THE BEST but still Okay.  WHEREAS if I switch things up SUDDENLY I might be TOO CHILLY cause I JUST DON"T KNOW.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Wait a second.  If I take a walk in 15 minutes, I could take a quick shower and then be out on my way for a third walk for Early Part Of The day.  End up with THREE walks in early part of the day instead of just two.  Hmm.  THINK I'll DO THAT.  IN FACT think I'll do it after this paragraph for just an extra 5-10 minute cushion as well!  THAT'LL BE FINE.  SURE it mixes up ORDER of things.  Taking a shower BEFORE Act II.  But all in all I think this is the way to go for sure.  I COULD even end up at 8 walks if I take bonus nighttime walk.  Ugh.  LOOK was Eli Manning also born tomorrow?  NO he was born January 3rd MANY years ago.  But that's my point.  I CAN'T GO THROUGH EVERYONE who was born and whose names are recognizable.  IT'S FUN but AT WHAT COST.  Hmm.  I guess that's it for now.  Maybe Act II SIX paragraphs presumably.  I'll be back in a little bit!




doesn't matter what

    Hey!  Time to write six paragraphs.  Took three walks already and shower.  Will end up at seven walks!  Gonna have One Quest Bar: Birthday Barr Edition for lunch in about 2 hours.  HALFWAY between normal lunchtime and normal afternoon snack time. Gonna have BISON'D BURGER with perhaps RAW ONION for dinner.  Then next three Regular Meals will be HAM SANDWICH, KIDS CHICKEN PARM, and OLD FREEDOMED FRENCH TOAST in some order as well as BALANCED BREAKFAST PRESUMABLY for next two breakfasts.  HUH.  Way things are shaking, today should be about a wash Caloriewise!  Gonna try to do no NightMight eating at least ONCE over the next two days.  Make some up SOME calories before Official Endocrine Lady Weigh In.  So basically IT'S ALLLLL GOOD.  Gonna start laundry after this Act.  Maybe not DIRECTLY after.  Maybe 15 minutes after.  EITHER WAY I'll get around to it one would imagine.  Huh.  Gonna have some spare time between Act II and upcoming Walk IV.  Could be 30-45 minutes!  THEN AFTER WALK IV is more free time.  It's ALL Free Time essentially!
   YEAH.  OKAY that was Bonus Paragraph.  Now it's the Regular Act II Let's Say.  NOT SURE what the right Bison Burger Topping Situation should be.  Raw onion is less calories than suateed onion!  And No Sauteed Mushroom is less than sauteed mushroom!  HMM WHAT ABOUT JALEPENO PEPPERS.  What if I JSUT get Japapeno Peppers.  NO ONION, no mushroom, but PEPPER.  That sounds like an interesting way to go.  ALSO this is the RARE Bison Burger I am eating DIRECTLY WHEN I GET IT.  For a long time I wasn't eating dinner directly when I got it.  For some reason Bison Burger hasn't Happened Yet for me lately SINCE I STARTED eating dinner when it arrives.  THIS SHOULD BE FUN I GUESS.  Maybe I've had bison burger fresh lately.  Now that I think about it.  It's possible.  OH WELL WHAT CAN YA DO.  Amazing.  Listening to some NEW IN ALTERNATIVE playlist.  It's GOOD because I like THE ALTERNATIVE music.  Makes me feel good somehow for some reason.
   Four paragraphs to go!  Huh.  Maybe I put non-bread components of burger in microwave ANYWAY.  Maybe I but bread components of burger in TOASTER for a while.  I CAN DO ANYTHING it's MY SPECIAL DAY.  So that's good.  What am I putting on The Television Set when this is over.  Gotta imagine I go for That Wire, right?  Anyway.  Today has been DIFFERENT because of walks and NOT GREAT because of lotta NightMight.  But MOVING FORWARD should be a solid day.  Almost done with responsibilities and whatknot.  SURE gonna have to write Act III later but that's NOTHIN.  Gotta do certain parts of Laundry Enterprise but THAT'S NOTHIN. Gonna have to not eat that much but THEN AGAIN I'M STILL EATING PLENTY.  BISON BURGER AND EVERYTHING.  It's GREAT.  Haven't thrown out 2022 World Travel Calendar yet.  It's hard to let go!  MIGHT STILL WANNA HOLD ONTO IT FOR WORLD TRAVEL REFERENCE.  What if I decide I'm interested in World Travel going forward?  SCREW the calendar part, THE BLURBS ABOUT WORLD TRAVEL DESTINATIONS is of GREAT USE.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Gotta imagine I'll Travel World at some point in my life.  I like being on airplanes!  And if the airplane brings me somewhere else in the world ALL THE BETTER.  Only been on Airplane THREE TIME in life.  ALL within a 3 week period.  NY TO FLORIDA.  FLORIDA TO DC/Virginia.  DC/Virginia to NY.  THAT SETTLES THAT.  I like the part where my ears popped. I don't know WHY.  It's just FUN.  MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A BIG MAN.  RIDING IN AIRPLANE.  This is what ADULTS DO.  Huh.  Pretty sure there's airplanes that are ideally flown by short people.  Because they're small planes.  SOUNDS LIKE MICHAEL"S TIME TO SHINE.  Either me OR YOUNG CHILDREN.  Get some young children in the air force.  THAT SOUNDS REASONABLE TOO.  What else is up.  GOOGLE What Does Greta Thunburg Get Out Of Being 20.  I'm not gonna google that FOR REAL.  It's NONE OF MY BUSINESS.
Two paragraphs to go for DayTime Day!  Anyway.  Hmm.  No BurgerSide for Bison Burger most likely.  I dunno.  Wouldn't kill me to have Oh I Don't Know EIGHT OR TEN WHEAT THINS.  Probably not at least.  If that kills me I GOT BIGGER PROBLEMS.  Being KILLED by that OR SOMETHING SIMILAR TO THAT NOW WHICH I GOTTA BE WORRIED ABOUT NOW.  Hmm.  Amazing.  Next Tales In The Crypt episode is Staired In Horror.  Gotta imagine I'll watch that tonight.  IF NOT BEFORE tonight.  Most likely Tonight though Let's Say.  Makes sense!  Gonna be a HUGE UPSET if I end up having Double Chocolate Chunk Quest Bar today instead if Birthday Bar.  EVERYTHING is trending in Birthday Bar's favor.  Me WANTING TO EAT IT more than the other kind... EVERYTHING.  So that's good I guess.  WHO IS BEST CHILD ACTOR of The Wire Season IV. Of the main Four.  I DUNNO THEY ALL SEEM TO KNOW WHAT THEY"RE DOING.  They're PRETENDING to be someone WHO DOESN'T EXIST except as WORDS ON A PAGE.  WELL DONE ALL AROUND, they're all winners in my book.
Last paragraph of DayTime!  Hmm.  Does EVERYONE in Baltimore LOVE The Wire.  In my imagination The Wire is the PRIDE OF BALTIMORE for the last 2 decades.  Maybe they don't really care that much though.  Hmm.  How many people live in Baltimore.  BECAUSE IF IT'S LESS THAN A MILLION POINT TWO PEOPLE... 575K people.  PART OF ME wanted to guess 600K!  BUT I erred on the side of Estimating Double That.  Either way I KNOW WAY MORE PEOPLE THAN THAT.  That's NOTHIN.  What else is going on and crap.  The point is if All The Wire actors and writers and producers lived in Baltimore in real life THEY COULD MAKE UP A VERY SOLID VOTING BLOC.  So that's something to keep in mind.  Guess I'll get started on laundry as soon as I'm done with this.  No reason to put it off.  It just takes a few minutes what I gotta do now. Hmm.  Amazing!  I'll be back tonight!




Feels Fine To Me

    Hey friends!  7:33 PM.  Time to write five paragraphs!  Had delicious Quest Birthday Bar for LateLunch and BisonBurgerwithJalepenopepper for OnTimeMaybeSlightlyEarlyDinner.  GOT ENOUGH WIGGLEROOM to eat entire tootsie pop AND health iced cream bar tonight!  STILL END UP at a CalorieWash for the day.  MOVING FORWARD I'd like to have a 1000-2000 calorie SURPLUS next two days combined Before EndocrineWeighIn.  If I can limit the NightMight that's what it comes down to!  ANYWAY.  BETTER have a balanced breakfast tomorrow. Ugh.  Did I do anything productive today.  Did washing and drying of roughly a dozen shirts, A PANTS, as well as an underwear or two.  Did a SolidSeven walks.  MADE IT into Season V of That Wire.  Anyway, I dunno.  How much time do I got after entry before bedtime.  Between one and two hours I guess.  Lately I've dropped down to going to be around 9:20, 9:30.  SURE WHY NOT.  Sleep is great.  Can't go wrong with Sleep!
   Hmm.  Good chance I start tootsie pop before Entry is over.  IN WHICH CASE good chance I FINISH tootsie pop before entry is over as well.  IF I START SOMETHING I'M GONNA SEE IT THROUGH TO THE END.  That's how I operate.  At least with Eating Candy.  OTHER TINGS maybe I abandon as soon as it becomes a problem.  CANDY TOUGH I STICK WITH.  ESPECIALLY CANDY ON A STICK.  I'd like to see some lollipops where the stick is made out of chocolate and you eat that too.  Gotta imagine that exists somewhere in KOREA or CHINA.  Possibly JAPAN.  Perhaps even INDIA or the PHILIPPINES.  Either way LET'S BRING THAT TECHNOLOGY OVER HERE TO AMERICA: EVERYONE'S FAVORITE COUNTRY, THE ONE THAT COUNTS THE MOST.  Hmm.  Now that I think about it, I can do without the sucking candy.  I'll just eat some chocolate stix. I KNOW they got THAT in Eastern Asia.  Possibly central Asia.  MONGOLS may have figured out Chocolate Stix Technology as well. 
   Anyway.  Also lollipop wrapper is candy.  You know.  The candy that's like wax.  What am I thinking of.  Might just be thinking about errantly eating WAX.  I hope not!  Pretty sure there's candy that's like wax.  Wax is a good Scrabble word.  NEVER OCCURRED TO ME UNTIL JUST NOW. But now that it has gotta imagine you can play WAX maybe 25% of Scrabble games where you get either a W or an X at SOME point.  Gotta be in play PRETTY OFTEN all things considered.  What about TAX.  That's not bad either!  T is no W though.  T is a 1.  W is I WANNA SAY FOUR.  Back-up guess is THREE.  Pretty sure it's Four!  YEP SURE IS.  How about FAX.  The point is lotta three letter words ending with, "Ax."  So we learnt SOMETHING this paragraph at least.  I dunno.  Scrabble is one of those things a jerk like me should probably be good at but I'm NOT.  What else should I, being a jerk as I am, be good at.  I dunno.  Oh.  Right.  Guessing what year Movies Were Released.  Not IMMACULATE at doing that but PRETTY good.  Huh.
   Penultimate paragraph of the Entry!  Amazing.  Lookin like just one snack tonight.  PROBABLY a delicious Health Iced Cream Bar or maybe Small Iced Cream Sandwich.  NOT necessarily though!  Hmm.  WAR.  WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR.  RIGHT AROUND SIX.  Maybe you got lucky and your W his a triple letter score, what do I know.  Now we're talkin FOURTEEN.  Which is a RESPECTABLE SHOWING for a Scrabble Word.  You're scoring FOURTEENS and you're not completely embarrassing yourself out there!  Well done and crap!  The point is what else do I got going on for me.  Finish the episode of That Wire I'm on right now after this entry.  I WANNA SAY about 60% left of the episode and I WANNA SAY it's Episode II of Season V.  Hmm.  Then I watch another one or two TALES IN THE CRYPT.  Then BOOM time to go to Bed.
   Last paragraph of the knight!  Amazing.  NO ONE has folded and/or hung up Dried Clothes yet.  My Mom SAID she'd be on the case.  And I have every reason to Not Do It Myself And Just Rely On Her To Fulfill Her Word.  So that's how that goes.  Anyway.  Both Lunch and Dinner tomorrow could be EXCITING meals.  FRENCH TOAST?  Ya got my attention.  KIDS CHICKEN PARM?  MY ATTENTION HAS CARRIED OVER INTO THIS AS WELL.  So that's good.  EVEN if I have Ham Sandwich tomorrow as opposed to WEDNESDAY LUNCH that's exciting too!  I could have an exciting SandwichSide OR AN EQUALLY EXCITING SkippingASandwichSide to BANK some calories.  CAN'T GO WRONG WITH HAM SANDWICHSIDE.  Huh.  I guess that's it for today.  IDEALLY I'd like to see another few sentences to this paragraph but beggars can't be choosers.  Sure they can.  They choose to beg.  Hmm.  That's it!  See ya tomorrow.

-7:59 P.M.





Sunday, January 1, 2023

Do This Again

    Hey friends!  10:27 AM!  About an hour behind schedule.  Probably gonna take seven walks instead of eight. COULD BE SIX.  Could theoretically be eight!  WON'T BE THOUGH.  Anyway had a lot of NightMight snacking last night again.  Not as much as the night before!  But significantly more than I'm comfortable with.  PLUS had some NightMight after breakfast.  Which is REALLY bad.  Cause I'm not sure I can blame that on NES.  Also not NightMight.  Pretty clearly MORNING if its after breakfast.  Either way.  CLASSIC BREAKFAST.  Hmm can I SKIP lunch today to make up some.  Not sure why or how I would wanna do that.  Anyway possible lunches are Chicken Parm, Herbed Chicken Meal, and ham sandwich.  ANY MIX-Em-Up SMALL lunches.  OH RIGHT I was thinking about getting Chipotle.  Either for lunch or dinner.  Hmm.  That MIGHT be a small lunch.  If I divide meals into 2/3rds a burrito bowl at a time, AND they give the amount of ingredients THEY SAY they give, that's small.  BUT they normally give EXTRA HELPINS.  So that's good?
   Huh.  Had a dream I had some good music I made and was listening to it and was like HEY THIS IS GREAT.  I forget what it was Upon Waking though.  Possible it was a real song that already exists!  That someone else made!  Possible I dreamt a real good new song that I will never accomplish in real life.  Hmm.  Went to sleep around 10 PM last night.  Apparently it's 2023 now.  Gotta come up with some good associations with the number 23.  Not like the Jim Carrey movie.  TOO SPOOKY.  It's some sort of THRILLER or SCI FI MYSTERY OR SOMETHIN.  Better LURQ the Plot Description.  JIM CARREY finds book about the number 23 and/or HIMSELF.  It's SPOOKY.  That's the main premise I picked up.  Haven't seen much of Jim Carrey lately.  Haven't seen much of anyone lately.  Don't watch lots of New TV or Film!  MAYBE YOU DO, that's YOUR problem I guess.  Hmm.  Probably gained ~1/4th a pound of NightMight/AfterMorning snacks today.  As opposed to LAST NightMight which was over 1/2!  Doesn't mean I gained that much ALL DAY.  It means that's how much MORE I'd be if I Just Didn't Have Those NightMights.  I'm operating at SURPLUS besides those so it's not THAT bad.
YEAH.  DANGIT.  When Endocrine Lady checked weight a week and a half ago their DIGITIZED scale said something around 127.2 or 127.3 LB.  With clothes on and everything.  I'd be PLEASED with under 128.0 going into Thursday's Reading.  WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS I GUESS.  A lot depends on how the next 3 days go!  SO much depends upon a red wheel barrow AS WELL AS The NEXT THREE DAYS.  What's that short story again about the wheel barrow.  So much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens.  POEM.  By William Carlos Williams.  NO FORMATTING in my version.  Anyway.  WHAT depends upon it.  I NEED MORE DETAILS.  Not really.  Anyway, hmm.  Any kind of Patriotism Health Days for January 23.  Let's see.  GET A LOAD OF THIS CELEBRATION DAY.  Tuesday.  January 3rd.  Holiday (Scotland).  WAY TO NARROW IT DOWN.  I gotta LTURQ.  Hmm.  Not seeing much.  Possibly some sort of BANK Holiday.  TIS IS STRANGE.
MLKJR day on the 16th.  Good for him.  Good for US.  Chinese New Year on the 22nd.  Good for him.  Good for US.  Anyway.  Fourth paragraph!  How much time do I have to write next 7 paragraphs  let's say 55 minutes is more than enough.  Okay.  GOOD.  Probably work on bathroom a little bit today.  A MERE 20-30 minutes.  Maybe 35 minutes, what do I know!  Aim for at least 20, though.  Work on TOILET. Clean up that toilet bowl real good. OUTSIDE.  Maybe INSIDE TOO now that I think about it.  Can't go wrong there!  What else do I got going for me.  Watched THE PIT last night.  That was it for Tales.  Hmm.  Last few times I aimed to get Chipotle I ended up just getting Chinese Food instead because it makes a lot more sense FINANCESwise.  Also TASTEwise.  Also presumably if I eat similar size portions it's not that much different calories!  BUT Chipotle I have a better idea how much calories EXACTLY due to their website.  EVEN THOUGH THEY LIE.  Hmm.
   I dunno.  Chinese Food is EXTRAVAGANT.  Makes no sense to get EXTRAVAGANT 2 or 3 lunches RIGHT BEFORE Official Weigh In.  I'd have to be some sort of IDIOT to do that.  Anyway.  Could always get HEALT Hmeal.  Like a CHICKEN WIT GARLIC SAUCE.  Huh.  I guess I'll give it SOME thought.  NOT TOO MUCH.  Don't wanna HURT myself.  Anyway.  The WORST CRIME committed in The Wire is when the teacher takes DICE from all the school's collections of games.  Just goes through the storage room, going through all the games and boxes that might have dice and takes the dice.  HE'S RUINING THESE GAMES FOR EVERYONE ELSE FOREVER.  LOOK I guess it's good you're teaching kids yourself with dice.  BUT NOW THESE GAMES ARE USELESS.  Maybe he remembers to put them back when the semester is over.  I guess that's not impossible.  Maybe I give him the benefit of the doubt on that one.  Huh.  Coffee time!
   I dunno.  I really don't think Mr Prez is putting back the dice in these games.  He didn't keep track of which games he got the dice from!  Look he KNOWS which games need dice.  He sees a parcheesi box, he KNOWS that needs the dice, so he looks through box, and he sees no dice?  HE ADDS DICE.  What if there was a game that needs dice that already missed dice.  Now they may get dice out of the deal.  Nothing wrong with that.  Seems like A WASH if they get the dice as opposed to some other game that had dice that now will miss dice.  Huh.  Anyway.  Is there a SMALL lunch I can have today.  To make up 100 or 200 calories.  Frozen Breakfast sandwich is only thing I can think of.  Meh.  PREZ KILLED SOMEONE.  Just occurred to me.  He killed an innocent person about a year before his forays into Public Education.  No spoilers.  Hmm.  Didn't watch any New The Twilight Zones.  Apparently they were showing some Jordan Peele ones over the New Years as well.  Maybe they still are.  Either way MISSED OUT.
Four paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Probably do some laundry today.  Why not.  Couldn't hurt.  Wearing another unlaundered shirt today.  Why not.  Had to wear something.  Something that fits around my torso and arm holes.  MAJORITY of clean clothes I have DON'T FIT THAT PART OF ME.  Hmm.  Need to make new clothes that are MULTI-use.  Somehow can be used for pants or shirts.  I think they can figure out how to design something like that.  Doesn't sound IMPOSSIBLE.  Could be A HIT with the kids too.  Maybe it'll be Stylish!  Amazing.  An entire 20 or 21 Tales In The Crypt episodes left for this Go Around.  Hmm.  What am I listening to on Music last walk.  Finishing up ALT CNTRL playlist.  Two or three more songs.  Gotta start a new playlist upcoming walk.  HMM.  Gonna have to think about that.  Or, in lieu of thinking of it, making a decision without thinking too much about it!  That sounds pretty good too.  ONLY THREE PARAGRAPHS TO GO.
Amazing.  Too bad I'm not 30 minutes earlier in the day than I am.  I'd be able to fit in four walks in early part of day!  OH WELL such is life.  I guess.  Whatta do today to make it a good day.  STARTING OFF bad because of lotta nightmight.  STARTING OFF bad because I'm one walk behind.  STARTING OFF bad because I gotta do laundry and presumably some Bathroom Cleansing.  STARTING OFF bad because gotta figure out new playlist to listen to.  Also IT'S A NEW YEAR.  It's not just starting off NEW DAY bad.  It's starting off NEW YEAR BAD.  DANGIT.  Still got some time to turn things around though.  HMM.  Figure out what to do for Lunch REAL GOOD.  Not just a DECENT lunch outcome.  THE BEST lunch outcome.  WHAT WOULD THAT BE.  Is it possible there's a delicious hearty and low calorie Chinese Food Option.  I DON'T TINK SO.  DANGIT.  THIS IS TOUGH.  LIFE I MEAN.  Huh.  HAM SANDWICH.  No sandwichside.  Saves me about 70-150 calories as opposed to having Ham Sandwich WITH SandwichSide at some point this week.
  YEAH.  Penultimate paragraph of the act!  WHAT TE HELL.  I wanna look at Chinese Food Lunch Special Menu but they say only viewable during Lunch Hours.  LUNCH HOURS IS 11:00 AM TO 3:30 PM.  It's 11:04 AM.  GUESS I GOTTA KEEP REFRESHING THIS until I hit an update.  COULD HAPPEN ANY SECOND NOW.  OR it could take MINUTES.  DANGIT.  What else is up.  Oh maybe they're closed for New Years.  YEAH.  I think that they're closed all day.  Hmm go figure. Guess NO Chinese Food for today at least.  Amazing.  It's a PUN because the restaurant name is AMY'S CHINESE RESTAURANT.  AMY-ZING.  Oh I get it.  Hmm.  I assume they're closed all the way through CHINESE New Years in 3 weeks.  GOOD THEY'VE EARNT IT.  Probably.  I dunno.  Maybe skip Chinese/Chipotle this week.  Have Wildcard Lunches that are small.  a Breakfast Sandwich for today.  Maybe a cup of noodles for later in the week.  Balanced Breakfast if I could manage to Cook egg whites and/or Order egg whites.  SEEMS PRETTY REASONABLE.  What else is up. 
   Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Was pretty warm on first walk.  Too warm for winter jacket.  Gonna wear sweatshirt jacket Upcoming Walk.  BLACK OR GRAY.  HUH.  Maybe HMM I was gonna say Gray but NOW I'M NOT SO SURE.  Huh.  Breakfast sandwich for lunch.  Kids chicken parm OR herbed chicken for dinner.  MAKES SENSE.  Breakfast sandwich as a lunch gonna save me about 200 calories from AVERAGE Other Lunch.  And it will CORRELATE to TWO MORE smaller lunches as compared to getting 3 Chipotles.  WHICH ADDS UP to 400-800 overall saved calories This Week before Endocrine Weigh In.  MAKING UP A LOT of NightMight.  AND IN THE END IT MEANS VERY LITTLE.  Still will have Three Solid Lunches.  What's the difference.  Huh.  MAYBE I'm hungry at lunch.  Wanna have regular lunch. MAYBE I HAVE breakfast sandwich FOR DINNER.  Huh.  LIFE IS HARD.  More or less.  Anyway, I dunno.  I guess that's about it for now!  Be back in a little bit!




remind me why this is something

    Hey!  Think I'm gonna skip drinking beer for the next four nights before Endocrine Lady.  FIRST it occurred to be because it'd save me .2-.25 of a pound!  But THEN I realized I bet Endocrine Lady would be like HMM I wanna see how your NightMight goes WITHOUT drinking.  Could be related to DRINKING.  Now I KNOW that it isn't.  Because it happens during periods of life where I don't drink.  But might as well SHOW HER THAT so that I don't need to go through another 2 weeks Keeping Track without drinking.  So that's good I guess.  PRODUCTIVE HALFWAYBANGE last nightmight I guess!  Led me to Not Drink for 4 Knights in a row which MAY HAVE SAVED ME 2 entire weeks!  Amazing.  Probably gonna have breakfast sandwich for lunch today.  Either Chicken Parm or Herbed Chicken Sweet Potatoe and Broccoli for dinner.  KHICKEN PARM would be more delicious but MAYBE I WANNA SAVE IT.  It's HEARTIER.  KEEP IT IN BACK POCKET and whatknot.
Started New In Alternative Playlist.  THIS SUCKER IS 147 SONGS.  About 5.5 hours.  Hmm.  147.  That number means something.  I might be thinking of 187.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE nothin' that special.  "Highest possible break in Snooker."  I don't know what that means.  I'll take their word for it though.  Oh.  "In the absence of fouls or refereeing errors."  SO it's NOT the highest possible break in snooker.  You can have higher breaks.  If there's FOULS or REFEREEING errors.  Hmm.  I went through earlier part of This Two Weeks without beer.  But I don't think I reached a streak as long as Four Days Without.  So basically IT'S GOOD I THOUGHT OF THIS.  Hmm.  Gotta update FLOG for this past NightMight and Morning.  JUST recorded Exact Time of Current Coffee.  LATER ON I add on the rest to the best of my ability.  Hmm.  About three more paragraphs to go for DayTime Day!  FIRST DAY OF TE YEAR EH.  Wonder if I should consider doing things DIFFERENTLY this year.  Hmm.
Hmm.  SOME OTHER channel was also doing Twilight Zone marathon.  My Dad saw it on his Television Set.  Different episodes, I think!  Amazing.  HMM if I'm cutting out beer for 4 knights Should I have NORMAL LUNCH today.  Meh!  Stick with Breakfast Sandwich.  And then GOING FORWARD aim for more or less Standard Lunches And Meals Otherwise.  HUH.  I forget how long I put the breakfast sandwich in the oven for.  I think fourty minutes.  And then it's REAL Well Done at that point.  Amazing.  Take a walk after this act.  Shower.  TV/Mastodon for 20-30 minutes.  START OVEN.  Do bathroom.  TV FOR 10-20 minutes.  EAT LUNCH.  TEN CONTINUE DAY NORMALLY AS WELL.  ALL OF THAT is normally.  Anyway.  HOW IS MASTODON going.  Still getting NEWS.  Maybe not AS MUCH news.  Maybe not THE EXACT FRAMING or EXPERT ANALYSIS I'd be into.  But it works for now!  So that's good.  BRIEFLY CONSIDERED making January Crazysheet Black Font On White Background.  Too big a risk though.  I'm not comfortable taking that big a risk!
   YEAH.  Two paragraphs to go!  GUESS TOMORROW LUNCH LOOKIN' LIKE A SLAM DUNK FOR HAM SANDWICH.  Amazing.  Unless I have ham sandwich for DINNER tonight.  And then Chicken Meal for lunch tomorrow.  ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE I SUPPOSE.  Good.  What else is going on and crap.  Phone charged fine last night.  Didn't take me too long to get it going and then once I did IT KEPT ON GOING ALL THE WAY.  Anyway.  What kinda crap do we got in store for this year.  It's a NON ELECTION YEAR which can only mean the main story of the year will be NEXT YEAR'S election.  IT'S IMPORTANT.  Gotta imagine some stuff will happen this year UNRELATED to it Specifically Having To Happen in '23.  HMM. Wonder what that'd be.  Some sort of SUPER EARTHQUAKE off the top of my head.  SUPER COMPREHENSIVE.  Not Super GOOD.  A Super GOOD Earthquake is ONE WE HARDLY KNOW.  I dunno.  I'm sure some Earthquakes are good for humanity on occasion.  For some reason Consequences of Earthquake make People like Hey actually that works out pretty good for us for one reason or another.  Hmm.
   Last paragraph of the day. DAYTIME Day.  Not ENTIRE DAY INCLUDING KNIGHT.  Amazing.  So that's good.  IF ONLY WE WERE 15 MINUTES BACK IN TIME.  I'd be able to fit in Extra Walk.  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE.  I dunno.  When am I doing laundry.  I guess MID afternoon.  Start that up after Walk IV.  YA KNOW AROUND 3 PM OR SOME SUCH.  Good.  I feel like 3 PM is getting into late afternoon.  I dunno.  I guess it's RIGHT IN TE MID.  Noon is Start of Afternoon.  SIX might be END OF AFTERNOON.  Still though if I had to say EARLY or LATE 3 PM I'd say LATE.  I GUESS IT'S ALL RELATIVE.  LOTS of factors would go into that decision.  This analysis is SPECIFIC to my Current Life Routines And Crap.  For someone else MAKES ALL THE SENSE IN TEH WORLD 3 PM might be Early Afternoon for them.  Wow.  Anyway that's it for now.  See ya tonight!




You Know What And Whatknot

    Hey friends!  Time to write five paragraphs.  Noo beer tonight!  THAT'S ONE TOO MANY, "O's," FOR MY TASTE.  Also THAT'S possibly one too many, "''s" for my taste.  NOW, AT TIS POINT, SEVERAL TOO MANY.  Anyway.  Had delicious Breakfast Sandwich for lunch and delicious herbed chicken with sweet potatoe and broccoli for dinner.  PROBABLY got ONE thing in store for tonight.  ODDS ON FAVORITE is tootsie pop or Iced cream Bar. OR BOTH.  THOSE ARE TEH ODDS ON FAVORITES.  Don't even get me started on The Odds Against Favorites.  THEMS AREN'T REALLY FAVORITES AT ALL.  Anyway.  Did about 18 minutes of Bathroom Cleansing.  Most progress was TILES.  We're talkin ALONG THE WALLS of bathroom MOSTLY AROUND TE SHOWER.  Did NOT do any laundry.  ALL IN ALL IT WAS A PRODUCTION DAY THOUGH.  I FORGET WHY.  Watched a lot of THE WIRE.  Maybe THAT'S it.  Hmm.  Got 1.5-2.5 hours before Bedtime.  HMM.
Yeah!  Guess I'll go with some Tales In That Crypt for the rest of the night.  Next episode is THE ASSASSIN.  SPOILER ALERT there's multiple assassins in the episode.  Not sure why I had to spoil it for you.  NONE OF US GAINED ANYTHING by me revealing Bonus Information.  Sorry I GUESS.  Hmm.  Looks like NO communal dinner tomorrow night either.  I got THREE meals left to cover me the rest of the week AS OF NOW.  We're talkin HAM SANDWICH.  We're talkin' Kids Chicken Parm.  And we're talking I'M AIMING TO HAVE ONE MEAL of Just A Quest Bar.  Not sure why I'm aiming to do that without even having to specifically use it to Make Up For NightMight Calories or somethin.  Hmm.  I HAVE two Quest Bars. I COULD HAVE BOTH as a meal.  That's still a relatively low calorie'd lunch.  OR DINNER.  I SHOULD AIM TO DO TAHT.  Birthday Bar AND Double Chocolate Chunk bar AT ONCE?  WHAT THE HELL.  THAT'S INDULGENT AS FUCK YOU IDIOT.
Three paragraphs to go.  CLASSIC breakfast tomorrow One Would Imagine.  YEAH.  IMAGINE REAL GOOD.  Heard the Odd firework on occasion last night as well as this knight.  OR POSSIBLY the guy from POLICE ACADEMY learnt a new sound effect.  Fire work.  Gotta imagine that jerk could make Gunpowder Explosion Thing Sound.  Also gotta imagine he lives in my neighborhood.  Not sure why we're imagining that but CLEARLY WE ARE.  Hmm.  I HAVE NEVER seen a Police Academy.  NOT A ONE.  You'd think I'd have come across that at The Blockbuster when I was a kid, right?  Maybe Blockbuster had a Sweetheart Deal with the ANTI-Police Academy People SUCH TAT Police Academies were BANNED from the store.  I CAN'T THINK OF ANY OTHER REASON I'd never have seen a Police Academy.  ALSO apparently they were never on TV.  I'd have seen it that way, too!  SO MANY POLICE ACADEMIS AND SO FEW WAYS TO SEE EM.  I guess it's for the best One Would Imagine.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Maybe have delicious Keto Brownie as snack soon.  Taht's a nice SOLID SNACK.  IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE.  CHEMISTRY WISE and in terms of Being Happy/Positive/Pleased with it.  TWO WAYS.   Amazing.  What else do I got going on for me.  I PUT Keto Brownie in fridge Oh I Don't Know FOUR MINUTES AGO.  Coulda been THREE minutes ago.  The point is It'd be nice and Fridgerated for about HALF AN HOUR if I have it... in 25 or 27 minutes.  Possibly 26.  YOU GET TEH IDEA.  THESE ARE MY LAST TWO QUEST BARS.  Birthday Bar and Double Chocolate Chunk. I Don't KNOW when I will re-up with Quest bars.  COULD IT BE after Endocrine Lady on Thursday?  IT'S POSSIBLE.  It'll be Whenever My Mom Gets Cigarettes Next.  I WILL GET QUEST BARS ALONG IWT THAT.  I don't think it'll be this week, though!  And if not this week it'll be SEVERAL weeks in all LIKELY-HOOD.  What else do I got going on for me.  Maybe see if Tales From The Twilight Zone is going good tonight.  Huh.
Last paragraph!  Amazing.  Gettin' close to just Declaring Victory on bathroom.  Not sure what I'm doing tomorrow.  We'll see how it goes I guess!  I DUNNO ABOUT KETO BROWNIE.  I'm starting to lose enthusiasm for such an excursion.  Hmm.  Birthday Bar and Double Chocolate Chunk are not just CLASSIC flavors to me but they are also LOWEST CALORIE flavors.  THEY BOTH CLOCK IN AT 170 CALORIES.  I thought Double Chocolate Chunk was 180 which is low too but WOW IT'S EVEN LOWER THAN 180 (170)!  OTHER falvors'll run ya 190, 200 calories.  AMAZING.  I guess.  Took seven walks today.  It was pretty good!  I got no qualms with the amount of walks I took today.  SLIGHT QUALMS I GUESS but it's a reasonable, manageable amount of Qualm.  So that's good.  NICE QUALM AND COLLECTED, that's me.  Anyway I guess that's it for today. I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:06 P.M.







Contact: mankindguy@gmail.com