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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Time To Do Some Work

    Hey!  About ten minutes behind schedule.  Had blood work done earlier!  Had enough blood and everything.  Checked my weigh.  No good!  About 3 or 3.5 pounds higher than what HomeScale says!  Then again oh well I regret nothing.  Solid chance this scale is incorrect!  Anyway just had Classic Breakfast after I got home from Walk 1 after blood work.  I should have had balanced breakfast but what can ya do.  Thinking about getting Chinese Food or Chipotle today.  Either way it would turn into 3 Part Lunch.  Maybe some LO MEIN.  What protein though.  COULD BE PRACTICALLY ANYTHING.  Wonderful.  Got two Quest Bars from corner store place.  I got Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip-- think I got that before!  Got some other one.  Chocolate Brownie with almonds.  NEVER gotten that one before!  I'll keep you updated on this situation IF AND ONLY IF it progresses.  Anyway.  Trump Truth'd Why Are People So Mean? yesterday.  Not sure what the context for that is.  Either way, not knowing the context, we can only imagine it's hilarious!  WHY AM I BEING SO MEIN.  Lo Mein.  Oh okay.
  DOJ seemed to file a SCATHING brief or something last night.  Laid it all out there.  Willful retention of classified crap LYING.  OBSTRUCTING.  WITHHOLDING Being at the very least CARELESS with highly sensitive material.  Why is this material so sensitive.  MAN UP material.  That's how I feel.  Anyway in the past I've experienced This Scale being higher than other scales.  But STILL I don't like it.  And was it THIS MUCH higher?  Only time can tell!  I dunno CAN time tell that?  Not 100% sure time will ever tell that.  Either way Met game at 7:10 PM.  What else.  God Damn ear bud ear phones not working on my first walk!  At first only the left one worked.  Then only the right one worked.  DANGIT.  In the past it's relatively common that once every couple of days only one ear works but I can figure out how to get them both working within 2 or 3 minutes.  Today went entire 25 minute walk TRYING AND FAILING to get both to work.  I hope I figure it out at some point.  I like listening to music.  FROM ALL SIDES.  All TWO OF EM.
Third paragraph!  What else is up.  Starting a new music playlist this morning.  SUPERBLOOM.  This sucker is 4 and a half hours.  That should last me solidly into tomorrow!  Tomorrow is Thursday.  Thursday should last me solidly into Friday.  Not sure what that means.  All I know is it's probably not accurate!  Maybe get some PORK lo mein.  Lunch special style.  Pork Fried Rice.  Hot n Sour Soup.  STEAMED SHRIMP DUMPLINGS.  That sounds like 3+ meals.  Perhaps an entire 3 meals PLUS the soup is DONATED to some sort of upcoming sandwich lunch.  The point is it's gonna be a lot of fun and whatknot.  Can't wait to read more IN DEPTH of DOJ filing against DJT.  And more UP TO DATE news.  Well I CAN wait.  And not with that much difficulty.  I'm interested sure.  But not NINE OUT OF TEN interested.  Maybe SEVEN OR EIGHT out of ten.  At TIMES my interest may reach Nine Out Of Ten.  But also At Times it sinks down to maybe even just Five Out Of Ten.  Oh okay great.
National Food Of The Tomorrow is.. crap it's gonna be like 12 things because it's the first day of a month... anyway it's... Better Breakfast Month, Bourbon Heritage Month, National Chicken Month, National Honey Month, National Papaya Month, Sourdough September, Cherry PopOver Day, National Cabernet Day, and National Tofu Day.  HOOK ME UP WITH SOME SOURDOUGH SEPTEMBER.  Not sure why.  The alliteration might be tricking me into picking that one out from the rest.  Either way GREAT.  TOFU would be a fun Chinese Food protein but I DON'T THINK SO.  Also CHERRY THING.  Didn't we have like 3 cherry things over the last week and a half?  NOW WE'RE FOUR.  In the last week and 4.5/7.  Oh okay great.  What's a Bourbon Heritage.  Better LTURQ.  Bourbon is uniquely American drink?  That's what they seem to be saying.  IS BORBON WHISKEY.  Better LTURQ.  IT SURE IS.  Wow I love whiskey!  I probably like bourbon too!  PAPAYA what is it and Why Don't I Like It.  Coined, "The Fruit Of Angels."  Oh Okay I get it.
   Fifth paragraph.  Honey no thanks.  Chicken that's great.  Better Breakfast I don't know what that means.  Lemme LTURQ what Better Breakfast Means.  Sounds like a threat.  I better Breakfast?  OR WHAT?  WHAT YA GONNA DO?  NOTHIN'!  YOU'RE ALL TALK.  Anyway.  Got lots of better breakfasts in store starting tomorrow.  Got enough egg whites or TWO balanced breakfasts-- which are better than all others!  So that's good.  I also checked my weight on HomeScale this morning.  Said same relatively decent news as a few days ago!  So that's good.  Why is everyone so mean.  I don't think everyone is that mean.  But maybe if you're the biggest asshole of the 21st century you kind of have some Shade coming your way?  Anyway would beef lo mein be good?  Sure.  They don't have it as a lunch special though for whatever reason.  PORK MAY BE MY BEST BET.  Hmm.  Just remembered I had a dream where I was getting pizza and I asked for garlic as a topping and they had THREE different kinds of garlic that I could have meant.  In real life I think there is TWO.  Crushed/powdered garlic or sort of like small slices or whatever.  In dream there was A THIRD and PERHAPS FOURTH option.  Coffee time.
   Just quickly tried out earphones.
  NOPE.  Right side works, not left side!  At first it was the other way around.  Either way GREAT I'll listen to music from the right.  Doesn't sound FAIR AND BALANCED to me but it looks like I've run out of options!  Hmm.  What's next step in Case Against Trump.  Which one.  The one that seems to have the most STEAM as of now.  DOJ stolen OR WORSE sensitive document case.  Gotta imagine someone will point that out to me on twitter next time I check.  Not Me INDIVIDUALLY.  The COLLECTIVE Me.  How much time do I got to write the rest of this act.  Let's say aim for doing it within 40 minutes.  Sorry FOURTY minutes.  Can't pass up a chance to say Fourty.  Anyway four and a third paragraphs to fo in that amount of time however you may spell it.  DANGIT dumb earbuds ruining my day.  Just WORK you idiots.  Also each earbud is independent of each other.  That's why they're IDIOTS and not a singular IDIOT.  Anyway I KNOW THEY BOTH WORK.  At first it was the left one that worked. Now it's the right one.  I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT just find it in your heart to both work PLEASE.
Seventh paragraph.  Feel like I had a NightMight snack or two but EARLY in the LateNight.  Definitely before 4.  Three is NOT early in the late night.  It's MID Late Night.  LateNight is Midnight to 6 AM.  3AM IS MIDLATENIGHT.  Also a DELIGHTFUL Matchbox 20 song.  Why I'd listen to it now if only I tweren't to hear it in just one ear.  Starting to put together order for Super Market delivery on Friday.  Not normal time of delivery!  Got Eye Doctor then.  Gonna have Super Market delivery in the EVENING.  We're talkin' 6 to 8 PM is the window of time they said.  Will it turn out to be A LIE?  Possibly!  We'll see I guess or something.  Hmm.  I remember back in the day they were so late one day that they ended up not coming at all.  IT WAS AROUND NEW YEARS.  May have been the first day of the year.  Lemme LTURQ.  First day of year was Saturday.  This woulda been a Friday.  It was LAST DAY OF LAST YEAR.  But maybe the day we finally got it was First Day New Year.  Oh okay great.
Three paragraphs to go.  Maybe get me some ALMOND cookie.  NOT SURE ABOUT THAT ONE.  Could be a blast.  What's the other popular Matchbox 20 song.  REAL WORLD?  I used to think Closing Time was Matchbox 20.  That's how I had it on my MP3 DESCRIPTOR. Nope.  Semisonic.  Or Supersonic.  I think it's Semisonic.  Better LTURQ. YEP SEMISONIC.  So what's top MATCHBOX 20 SONGS THEN.  OH RIGHT also PUSH.  Go figure!  Hmm.  Not sure whether its okay to like Matchbox 20.  For some reason in my mind They're Somehow The Least Cool Band of a generation.  Not sure WHY.  Not sure HOW.  Not even sure WHAT GENERATION.  Either way I LIKE THESE SONGS how can that be uncool?  I don't know BUT IT IS.  Hmm.  Two and a half paragraphs to go.  Lots and lots of time to write them!  Well maybe just 1.5 Lots Of Time.  Hmm.  Lot Of Time.  Is Matchbox 20 some sort of Toy Car reference.  Always kind of associated it as that.  Some band member saw a guy with a bunch of patches on his jacket.  One said Matchbox.  Another said Twenty.  AND THE REST IS HISTORY.  There is no Rest.  That's all.  AND THE REST IS LOST TO HISTORY.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Of Act I at least.  Not of my life.  Well MAYBE of my life.  Hopefully not.  Then again maybe HOPEFULLY SO.  It'd suck to be dead but it'd be pretty cool to CALL IT ahead of time especially when it'll be this unexpected!  So that's good.  Donald Trump was also in the top .5% of Assholes of the 20th century I feel.  Which is pretty impressive because he wasn't even alive for half of it.  Probably was an asshole as a kid.  Maybe kids get a pass for being assholes.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Anyway.  Still got a ham sandwich for this week technically as a lunch.  Maybe just have that today OR a frozen meal like TWO Breakfast Hot Pockets.  Might just go with something simple like that.  The good news is I forget exactly.  Probably was some good news at some point.  Probably four out of ten things qualify as pretty decent news.  WOW I LIKE THOSE ODDS.  True!  I do!  Could be worse in this crazy world of ours. 
   Last paragraph of the act!  Maybe a BAGEL for lunch.  With creamt cheese perhaps.  What was I talking about.  I forget.  Anyway.  I guess I can enjoy half listening to music but I wish I knew FOR SURE it'd start working soon.  If you told me okay two or three walks like this and then it starts working FINE GREAT I'LL SETTLE FOR THAT.  If I have to take walks not knowing ever when it'll start working again I DON'T LIKE THIS SCENARIO.  Especially cause I'll PROBABLY HAVE TO ULTIMATELY DO STUFF to get it working again.  I don't know what to do!  Just keep trying Connecting the ear buds BLUETOOTH wise to phone and restarting phone and taking them in and out of carrying case in different orders.  THAT USUALLY DOES THE TRICK but not today.  Oh well such is life or something.  Hmm.  Had the 2.5 beers the last two nights.  Probably aim for 2 beers tonight AS OF NOW.  But maybe change What I'm Aiming For at some point.  TRAY BEERS AIN'T OUT OF THE QUESTION.  Alright I'll be back soon.



Either Way Whatever

    Hey!  Got Fourty or FOurty Five minutes to write this.  FOurty should do the trick!  Anyway, ear phones started working immediately for this past walk.  Good deal!  Thinking about two Breakfast Hot Pockets for lunch.  What flavor them be.  Bacon Egg and Cheese I think.  Better LTURQ.  APPLEWOOD Bacon Egg and Cheese.  WOW APPLEWOOD BACON.  Doesn't get much better than that! That's my impression.  Also CROISSANT CRUST?  THAT'S THE BEST KINDA CRUST THERE IS tastewise.  Texturewise for sure!  Two of these suckers'll run ya 590 calories.  That's your standard average reasonable Lunch.  SO GREAT WHAT ELSE DO I GOT GOING ON FOR ME.  Probably A LOT.  Music will be great because BOTH EARS being utilized.  Got a good idea for what to have as a good lunch.  Already ripped off the bandaid of seeing what Dumb Scale Says.  Lots of things going for me!  Maybe finally get to I Know What The Summer Did A While Ago Franchise.  Gotta watch em before they disappear.  Who knows when HBOMax gets rid of them.  They FAMOUSLY removed a bunch of stuff a week or two ago.  Twitter was very upset about it!
   Four paragraphs to go for Daytime Day.  TWERE I to watch Tales In Crypt... I'm between seasons II and III.  I feel like I was between seasons II and III about a week ago.  I remember not just saying I was between seasons as an aside in Entry but I THINK IT WAS this exact moment in series as well!  OH BOY.  Hmm.  Leave breakfast pockets in the oven for 5 minutes more than I should.  That seems counterintuitive.  If I SHOULD do it one way-- as determined by me-- probably should just do it as I should.  NOPE.  FIVE MINUTES MORE.  That's where I draw the line or something.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  I had a few chores and shit yesterday.  What do I have to do today.  HMM.  I KNOW.  Add 2 numbers to my phone!  There were two separate MOSTLY INDEPENDENT OF EACH OTHER doctor #'s I didn't have and had to find and then call yesterday.  I got them WRITTEN DOWN now somewhere.  ADD THOSE SUCKERS TO MY PHONE once and for all.  If not now WHEN.  Maybe next time this comes up.  OH OKAY THAT CHECKS OUT.  Nah just do it now.  Right?  RIGHT?  DARTH VADER?  IS THAT RIGHT?  HELLO EARTH TO YOUNG DARTH VADER.
What else is going on.  Why Earth always trying to get people's attention.  Hmm.  Earth is trying to get our attention to stop Global Warming by all these Extreme Weather Incidences and Occurrences and even Just Trends.  HELLO EARTH TO HUMANITY.  Stop burning oil and doing natural gas and coal YOU CLODS.  Oh well what can ya do.  I feel like Pandemic might be Earth as well.  I think we have to give Earth more credit for Giving Us Messages than we are prone to.  Or not.  Think whatever you want!  Means nothing to me.  Anyway.  Bagel coulda been Had With Egg Whites.  That was another way to go IF I Had Bagel.  Not having bagel though.  So it's MOOT.  I HAVE NO EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE claim over Bagel because I'm not the executive.  Maybe I am the executive of my household.  Nah Dad would be Executive.  I'm VICE PRESIDENT of my house I feel.  What about my mom.  SECRETARY OF STATE.  Hmm not sure that all checks out but on the other hand who cares.
Penultimate paragraph.  What's five minutes more than Full Ovening of Hot Pockets.  I'd say like Fourty Five minutes overall is what I'm imagining.  Internet says put 'em in for 26 minutes after oven has been PRE-HATED.  I feel like for me standard is fourty minutes NO PRE-HATE.  Gonna go with Fourty Five still!  GREAT what if I had it in for LESS at HIGHER temperature.  What if LOTS OF THINGS.  Hmm I'll think about it.  What else is up.  Got about twuenty minutes to write a paragraph and a half.  Embarrassment of Riches.  Also we SHOULD be embarrassed to be rich.  WE MADE THIS EXCESS CAPITAL ON THE BACK OF EXPLOITED LABOR.  That'd be my first guess at least.  I dunno.  I should be keeping track of what my Waist Circumference is.  They check it each month.  I SHOULD KNOW THE UPS AND DOWNS TO THIS.  Or the Sides To Sides.  Whatever you wanna call it I want to be aware of this from now on.  I could even ask to see PRIOR numbers.  Presumably they're being stored in computer.  SHOW ME THE DATA GOUNG BACK AT LEAST THREE OR FOUR YEARS PLEASE.
Last paragraph of the daytime day!  Maybe get some mini black and whites for upcoming Super Market delivery.  Some nice 2.5 cookie breakfasts.  WOW I wish I had that RIGHT NOW.  It'd be useless to me until Next Breakfast.  No I wish I WAS HAVING AN APPROPRIATE BREAKFAST right now for some reason OF THESE COOKIES.  For whatever reason-- I'm eating 2.5 black and white mini cookies right now-- and it's part of the entire whole balanced breakfast calorie allotment deal. Oh okay I see sounds great.   Hope ear phones continue to work.  Most likely they will indefinitely for another few days.  WOW I like those odds.  What odds.  "Most likely," those were the odds I specified.  Oh okay good.  OK am I 100% committed to breakfast pocket lunch.  Still time to change my mind.  But I feel like at SOME Point there's the point of no return.  Would be the time I'd have to put it in oven I guess.  Oh Great I got 2 hours then!  Wonderful!  See ya tonight!




See What I Mean

    Hello friends.  Just had delicious Breaded Chicken Cutlet Part II of II.  We're talking ONE AND A HALF CUTLETS.  And half bak'd potato and some carrot.  Feels like the plural of carrot should be carrot.  Either way GREAT breakfast pockets for lunch.  WAS WONDERFUL.  I HAVE NO REGRETS.  Except for about other things.  NOT LUNCH THOUGH.  Was Real Optimal-like.  Got chocolate tootsie pop going.  You know, all that stuff, and so on and so forth.  How's it going in Trump Stolen Document Saga.  NOT GOING GOOD FOR HIM.  Certainly seems like he stole these top secret documents knowingly and then lied about it.  Seems kind of IN POOR TASTE.  Oh well what can ya do.  Possibly THINGS.  I guess we'll find out together What Ya Can Do.  That'll be interesting to see play out over the course of dozens of Three-Week Periods.  GET USED TO THIS STORY.  Gonna be around a lot!  I can't wait until this story is around every day indefinitely but it's like the B or C story.  That'll drive Trump UP A WALL.  WHICH SHOULD BE OUR MAIN CONSIDERATION AS OF NOW going forward.
    Also pretty hard to drive ANYTHING up a wall.
  But if you can manage it WHAT A PAY-OFF!  Hmm.  Gonna be taking out some garbage tonight.  You know what that's like.  There's bag or bags filled with garbage and I move them from within the house into a bin that's outside the house.  Now you DEFINITELY know what That's Like even if you didn't know before.  So that's good.  Probably gonna have Quest Bar I Bought Today.  WE COVERED what flavor them be.  Took em out of fridge.  THINK I'D WANT IT AT ROOM TEMPERATURE texture.  NOT FROZEN SOLID.  Or... Fridged... Semi-solid.  Semisonic.  Can't wait to listen to Closing Time upcoming walk.  Just occurred to me and JUST AS IT WAS OCCURRING TO ME I got Excitement Feelings that it'd be Great Just Great music experience.  Anyway.  In the process of chomping down on tootsie pop innards.  Also everyone is making fun of Trump for admitting he knowingly had those documents by being like I HAD TEM IN CARTONS they're the ones who THREW EM ALL ACROSS TEH FLOOR.  And everyone is like YEAH DUH WE KNEW TAT.  I kinda didn't get that!  I thought they were on the floor!  I didn't think much of it one way or another!  I WAS TRICKED THOUGH BY THEIR SHENAGAINS.  Thank you Trump for setting the record straight.  The illegal things you did was SLIGHTLY ORDERLY.  I'll be sure to put in a good word with the judge when he's doing Sentencing Considerations.
   I DON'T KNOW THIS JUDGE.  And why should judge listen to my opinion.  I have no LEGAL STANDING to sway Judge.  Maybe if I was a LAW ENFORCEMENT or something it might be appropriate for me to give a judge some context for how to sentence Trump for Crimes.  I AM JUST A PRIVATE CITIZEN THOUGH.  Private Citizen.  Hmm really makes ya think.  Why.  Private.  Like as a Military Rank.  I KNOW there was no way of you Knowing I was Thinking That.  But NOW TEHRE IS.  Private Citizen.  Hmm really makes ya think.  What else is up.  Wonder what other stuff have I been getting wrong.  I thought these pictures were like crime scene photos.  Maybe crime scene photos are staged too!  The victims were actually STUFFED NEATLY INTO CARTONS.  Also if Trump is saying it I bet they weren't in the cartons either.  I bet DOJ responds like well we shouldn't have to say this and it doesn't matter BUT ACTUALLY the documents WERE LIKE this.  Actually they were even messier.  We put them together a little bit neater just because it would be too jarring to see them how we found them.  It's possible.  Trump might go to bed every night playing with his top secret documents.  And that night he forgot to put them away before bed time.  HE DIDN'T FORGET HE'S JUST CARELESS.
What else is up.  THREE paragraphs to go now?  I don't even know how I wrote the LAST three paragraphs.  I remember having a lollipop and the rest is a blur.  HMM maybe I should listen to... uh... what kinda songs does BLUR have.  They don't do Song #2, right?  That'd be TOO CONVENIENT.  Because I thought of it.  And if it's accurate... that's convenient... FOR ME.  In terms of Figuring It Out.  Cause I'd have already figured it out.  Meaning I don't need to figure it out Any More.  Very convenient.  Hey they did Song #2.  GREAT LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  When I was going to be IN BAND me Other Guitar and Drum each picked TWO SONG for us to all learn.  Other Guitar picked SONG #2.  I Don't remember exactly what happened next.  Oh well such is life.  What Tales In The Crypt episode am I up to.  Just finished THE RELUCTANT Vampire.  Feels like UNDERTAKING PARLOR might be next.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE Next is Easel Kill Ya.  THEN is Undertaking Parlor.  Oh okay very good.
Yeah.  Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  Just started beer #2.  Aim to only be halfway through that before taking Recess Walk.  GOOD DEAL.  DONE with Assorted cookies. Not sure when I finished them.  Presumably last night.  Either way I have no regrets.  Too busy feeling GOOD about what I've done. If I had assorted cookies I'm sure it was ultimately the right decision. Why not.  Democrat won SPECIAL election for CONGRESS in ALASKA.  Anyway I feel like my Dad has made the joke/pun confusing the word, "Alaska," with, "I'LL ASK HER," 100-150 times over my childhood.  Like what's the state where you're proposing a lady a question.  ALASKA.  And ONLY NOW IN RETROSPECT I feel You're REALLY taking liberties with how you pronounce words to make that pun.  UH is not an acceptable syllable replacement for HER.  I see what you're trying to do but, c'mon, this is a stretch even by your standards.  Or maybe My Dad thinks the state IS pronounced I'LL-ASK-HER.  I feel like that's the Worst Case Scenario. 
     I don't want my Dad to be stupid!  Anyway one more paragraph before walk.  I feel like there's a dozen more states my Dad Thinks Are Puns.  Lemme LTURQ.  OH I KNOW.  Very similar.  IOWA.  I-OWE-HER.  Looks like we're finding out the way my Dad slurs his words Real Good.  Really finding that out so a very quality extent.  Amazing.  If it were up to ME, and I was telling State Puns to MY kid, I'd probably go with KASNAS somehow.  Not 100% sure what angle to come at it from immediately.  Several different directions you can go in Teaching Your Kids the syllables making up KANSAS TE STATE can mean a phrase.  What's important is I have plenty of time to crunch those numbers and come up with the best phrase I can possibly come up with.  CANS ASS.  Both words for Butt. I feel like I've heard that referred to as a CAN in FILM OR TV.  Never happens in REAL LIFE.  UNFORTUNATELY.  Oh well what can ya do.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna take a walk now.  Be back soon!

    Hello friends.  Been exactly SOON and now I'm here again!  Got FUDGEY BROWNIE WITH ALMONDS Quest Bar.  Ya know what?  DELICIOUS.  This may be the Best Chocolate Flavor I've had!  IF ONLY I could get it from Internet in Bulk.  Then I'd be sitting pretty.  Anyway I feel like it's not controversial to say that Almonds are the best nuts for chocolate bar.  ANYTHING is controversial these days.  Why shouldn't that be.  Anyway I'm biased because I think almonds are the best nuts IN GENERAL.  BESIDES DEEZ NUTS.  And then I grab my crotch.  Specifically the Testicles part of my Crotch.  Not any other part.  That's the main point I'm trying to get across at least.  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  EASEL KILL YA when the entry is over.  I COULD go straight into BedTime.  BUT I think I owe it to myself and HER (STATE) to watch a fun Tales Crypt episode after a long day.  Why was today long.  Bloodwork in morning.  Oh okay sure.
Three paragraphs to go.  I know JUST THE ICE CREAM TREAT to have at bedtime.  THE GOOD ONE.  Presumably chocolate is involved in the flavor.  Makes sense.  I don't think I gotta get up early tomorrow for anything.  Then I do again for Friday.  Not that early though.  ACTUALLY I just need to get up at the standard, "ON TIME," time.  Which lets face it IS KINDA EARLY.  But the point is I FORGET WHAT THE POINT IS.  Get off MY BACK about it.  HMM what kind of lunch do I got going on tomorrow.  At this point probably NOT gonna get a DeliveryLunch this week.  So I got either HAM SANDWICH or BAGEL I guess.  HAM SANDWICH WOULD BE THE STANDARD TO GO WITH.  I like the part where delicious ham goes into my belly through the convenience of being between slices of bread.  Look what else is going on that I could say that will finish this entry once and for all.  Probably two+ paragraphs worth of things.  YES BUT WHAT.  I dunno.  Whatever happens it doesn't matter.  What's important is that THEY'LL HAVE HAPPENED. In the future.  WITH A CORRESPONDING FEELING OF SATISFACTION on my part.  That I'M DONE FINALLY AT THAT FUTURE POINT WHENEVER IT MAY COME.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Sarah's congressional vote PALEDIN comparison to her opponents.  I JUST CALL EM LIKE I SEE EM.  My Dad may or may not be proud of me for that one.  Maybe he thinks I could do better.  WHERE DOES HE GET OFF.  Alaska.  OH OKAY THAT'S GOOD.  I feel like Alaska is one of the least sexy states.  Kinda FRIGID.  That's just me calling em like I seem again!  Can't hold it against me!  What exactly IS a sexy state.  NEW HAMPSHIRE MAYBE?  I wanna say UTAH?  Oh I know MICHIGAN.  Michigan is the sexiest state somehow for some reason!  Sounds fair.  The point is I'm coming to realize NO STATES ARE SEXY.  I'd feel comfortable saying 40 out of 50 states are ACTIVELY non or UN-sexy.  Not sure which.  One of the opposites of Sexy.  Un, NON, IN, EN, IM, EM... the point is it's not good.  What else is up.  Just finished beer #2.  That's good.  Maybe tomorrow I'll have 3!  Maybe even go another day just at 2!  THAT'S GREAT.
    Last paragraph of the day-night Triple Header.  EACH ACT IS A HEAD.  Makes sense to me.  What else is going on and crap.  Lots of people casually out on the sidewalks tonight.  Just people ENJOYING THEMSELVES RESIDENTIALLY.  At least sometimes smelling of marijuana.  GREAT I LOVE IT.  Every time I walk by people with weed smoke smell which is Pretty Often I WANT TO CONVEY TO TEM I KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON AND I LOVE IT but I also don't wanna be WEIRD.  So I end up SMILING but not calling attention to it necessarily.  Or maybe do some slight NODDING in their direction.  I want them to know I DON'T MIND and IN FACT I APPROVE.  Oh well that's life I guess.  Hey how's Marijuana Recreational Selling Situation coming.  I'll look that up right quick later.  Probably.  Seems like something I'd do!  Anyway.  Hey tomorrow is September.  Not happy about that!  What's good about September.  NOTHIN' that's who.  Then again Hey the entry is over.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-10:16 P.M.




Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Wow You're Reading This Too

    Hello friends!  Got up early to take a walk and then had Zoom appointment with psychiatrist.  Now I'm here!  About 10 minutes behind Normal Schedule.  There is no normal schedule.  I picked an arbitrary exact time at some point to mean Normal Schedule.  Which is Me Starting Act I at 10:15 AM.  So that's good.  Goin' in to get blood work tomorrow and now I'm getting BONUS things tested. WONDERFUL.  Even getting an EKG!  OH BOY.  Is that the thing where they put stickers on your chest.  One can only Assume IT BETTER BE.  Gotta fast before this blood test though.  No breakfast or whatknot.  I guess probably no NightMight snacking either.  Oh well!  Let's get started with TODAY though.  Had bonus snack just now.  Chocolate caramel pretzel bar!  Felt like I needed it even though I had CLASSIC Breakfast 2 hours or so ago.  That's life I guess.  More or less.  Re-upping with some Klonopin.  I'll take that sparingly and responsibly Sure.  The good news is ONE PARAGRAPH DOWN.  that's 1/25 of entry.  SOUNDS LIKE 4% OF ENTRY TO ME.  Wait lemme crunch those numbers.  It BETTER be 4% that's all I can say.  If it's not WHAT ELSE am I wrong about!
    Hmm.  Guess lunch is either ham sandwich or turkey bolonagnisse.  WOW.  SANDWICH.  Or OTHER Thing.  I can't wait!  What kinda MightNight snacking did I do last night.  Not a small amount but not a concerningly big amount.  I think 3-5 assorted cookies and perhaps some 70 calorie Thing or Something.  Or maybe it was a 40 calorie fudgesicle.  Either way NOT GONNA BREAK THE BANK.  Mets game at 7:10 PM.  Gonna be a good one.  They're facing TEAM.  One of ther other 29 teams!  This time it's for keeps.  Hmm.  Almost September.  September means Almost Playoffs for Baseball.  Mets gonna make the playoffs!  OH BOY.  High Stakes Games.  AT LEAST ONE OR TWO.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... NOTHING.  Maybe they thought August was only 30 days.  Never OCCURRED to them to have National Foods to celebrate on an August 31st.  Wow.  Whatta let down.  What does life even MEAN anymore!  Biden giving PRIME TIME speech on Thursday about, "Soul of the nation."  OH BOY.  I don't know what that means.  SOUNDS EXCITING THOUGH.  It's PRIME TIME.  Gonna be at least two or three car chases.  That's what happens in prime time programming, right?  Mostly car chases?
   Third paragraph.  I wonder how PARTISAN or BIPARTISAN it will be.  My guess is HALFWAY between Bipartisan and Partisan.  WOW THE SWEET SPOT.  Also Partisan isn't a bad thing.  This dude is president and wants to get Partisan Stuff Done. It's part of the deal for him to be partisan.  But what does that mean, non-partisans aren't involved in Soul of the Nation.  That's where the halfway Bipartisan part kicks in!  HE'S COVERING ALL THE BASES IN MY IMAGINATION.  Anyway.  Still got a half full can of beer from last night.  Figure I'll have that tonight along with two full cans.  WOW covering all the bases.  Enjoying FULL cans AND half cans.  STALE half cans.  What Tales In The Crypt am I up to.  My guess?  I FORGET.  I think that the last one I watched was Judy You're Not Yourself Today.  WAIT NO. I think I watched Fitting Punishment after that one.  So what's next?  Could it be... hmm.. I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING... Oh it's Korman's Kalamity.  That's not what I thought of though.  WHAT DID I THINK OF?  Oh Mute Witness To Murder.  That's the one after Lower Berth which is the one after Korman's Kalamity.  What the Hell even IS my life.
   Fourth paragraph!  LIKE IT.  Getting somewhat, "Into," the entry.  Like what I see in Zoom box Looking At Myself.  NOT BAD.  Also Facial hair seemed reasonable from my point of view.  Anyway how's CHAIR doing.  Still a little tilting but I didn't even notice it until just now.  Maybe I'm looking at everything TILTED and I haven't even realized it.  Not only am I sitting POSTURELIKE titled but my entire eyeline and whatknot is slanted down and to the right.  DANGIT.  I'm on TILT I guess.  Hmm.  Wonder what the status is for online poker for New York.  Then again also DON'T wonder that.  No interest in getting back into that for now!  Hmm.  Turkey Bolenaise seems FUN and EXCITING.  Haven't had it in a while.  And even when I DID have it it was only once or twice from Super Market.  So we're talking about a thing I've hardly ever gotten AND it was a long time ago.  BETTER LTURQ on the website.  See an IMAGE OF IT and also HOW MANY CALORIES they lie that it is.  HEY that image looks great.  Calorie amount is great But A Lie.  AMAZING.
   Fifth paragraph.
  Huh.  Probably not gonna look at my weight when I get on scale tomorrow at Bloodwork.  But I'm also not gonna call attention to the fact I'm not looking!  So if they happen to make a comment about it either TO ME or just thinking out loud when they write it down SO BE IT.  So that's good.  Maybe I do look I dunno.  Don't like this scale, though.  I've had bad experiences with this scale in the past!  Oh well such is life.  Hmm never had ice cream or anything at Bedtime yesterday.  That puts NightMight eating more into perspective!  I guess!  OR maybe Just Now snack into perspective.  Maybe There's a DIRECT CORRELATION between missing Bedtime Snack and then wanting a snack 2 hours after breakfast the next morning.  MAYBE LOTS OF THINGS.  Like that thing.  FOR ONE.  How much time am I working with for second half of Act I.  Hmm.  I COULD have up to an hour.  That's TOO Much time to think about.  Let's say 55 minutes.  EVEN THAT is too much time.  THE POINT IS I FORGET.
   Hmm.  Coffee!  Delicious.  It'd be an interesting exercise to learn how to spell bologenaise.  Well first things first let's learn how to spell exercize.  Exercise.  Oh okay good.  BOLOGNAISE.  wait a second HOLY CRAP I just got it FOR REAL on the first try FOR the FIRST TIME.  I guess when the pressures on I DELIVER somehow.  I didn't see that coming!  Wait super market sais Bolognese.  BOTH are accepted on Microsoft FrontPage.  So the point is Whatever.  WHICH CAME FIRST Master Chef or Master Chief.  Hmm that's an interesting one better LTURQ.  Looks like Master Chief.  Master Chef is only since 2010.  HALO gotta be from like 2002?  Right?  Also that assumes they used the phrase Master Cheif in the first HALO.  Better LTURQ.  HALO from 2001. MASTER CHIEF used in game.  WOW!  I remember HALO from college.  I wasn't the best at Multiplayer!  Better in other Multiplayers.  I guess.  I also remember Halo from before college and after college.  I guess I just REMEMBER HALO.  So that's good and crap.
   Seventh paragraph!  HALO COMBAT INVOLVED.  That's what the first game was called.  Could be a Star Wars scenario and they only added Combat Involved later on.  Guess I'll write four more paragraphs now.  Is HALO a shape.  Or is it just some sort of curved line.  I think it's an all out curvy SHAPE.  Better LTURQ.  HALO just means A Circle Around The Head.  Oh I see.  Circlehead.  Wonderful.  Like a shock collar right.  Mom is on board to do some laundry today!  Great!  I have no clean shirt for tomorrow as of this very moment.  ALL THAT CAN CHANGE soon though.  Hmm.  Also WHO or WHAT is a Master Chef.  Also ROBOT CHEF how far are we on that technology.  Hopefully FAR.  I'm guessing Master Chef is some sort of game show.  Where people ACHIEVE Master Chef Status at the end when they beat their opponents.  POSSIBLE maybe it's a rotating Chef?  That'd be fun.  Each episodes a new Master Chef whose GOOD at Cheffing.  Or maybe there's just one guy and he calls himself Master Chef because he's an idiot.  Only one way of finding out.  SITTING BACK and let the universe just TELL ME.
Three paragraphs to go for Act I!  Hmm.  Oh.  It's a game show.  Universe didn't tell me.  Internet told me.  Well I guess the universe told me through Me Checking The Internet And Internet Telling Me.  All part of the Grand Universe Plan!  Wow really makes ya think.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Still on the New In Alternative music playlist.  Most of this stuff has been New for a couple of months.  That's okay!  Still new to me!  I ain't throwing, "SHADE," on the newness or lack thereoef or NON lack theroef of these new songs.  Thereof isn't a word?  WHAT THE HELL?  OH it is a word.  I was just typo-ing it over and over.  Great.  Just over 2 paragraphs to go now!  Way to go universe.  Hmm.  Not sure what to do with Deli Delivery tonight.  Probably get a dinner or somethin.  Somethin to make the most out of COUPON.  PROBABLY CHICKEN AND/OR TURKEY OR SOMETHING.  Maybe CHILI DOG.  That's no dinner, no chicken, AND/OR no turkey.  But it does sound like Wonderful.  And is a relatively decent amount of Price.  Oh I know Two SPECIALS.  Eat some beans. ROLL THE DICE and see if beans are delicious and/or gross!
   Penultimate paragraph!  Gonna bring down laundry NOW before I forget.  HEY I just did that.  What a wonderful story.  What a wonderful segment of my life!  Memories I'll never forget.  Hmm.  Turkey Bolognaise would be redundant with beef chili dog but NOT with a turkey dinner.  GO FIGURE!  Thinking about just breaded chicken cutlet dinner.  I like the part where hhmm wonder how much breaded chicken cutlet I'd be getting with this dinner.  Gotta be enough that combined with Sides I got enough for 2 full dinners, right?  RIGHT?  Like that Twitter Meme about Natalie Portman realizing Darth Vader is becoming evil.  Right.  RIGHT?  You get it you're on the twitter we're all on the same page here.  Wow think of all those shirts I can choose from the first few days cycling through shirts. I can pretty much pick WHATVER SHIRT I WANT. Go with my FAVORITES right out of the box!  This is great.  Hmm.  I feel like I'd enjoy HALO on Xbox 360 but I either lost my copy of it or it doesn't work anymore.  I THINK I'd remember if I could play HALO when I first started with XBOX 360.  TWO YEARS AGO at this point?  ONE YEAR?  Gotta figure it was two yea... then again I DUNNO.
Last paragraph of Act I!  Sweet!  I dunno.  HALO is a circle ABOVE your head, right?  Can't be a circle circling your head.  Hmm.  Now I'm confused.  I was confused before, too.  About OTHER things though.  Also ABOUT THIS.  But I didn't bring it up until JUST NOW.  Hmm.  HALO is so you know you can trust the angels.  You see an angel without a halo?  No spoilers but that might be a demon.  Just something to keep in mind!  I'm not saying DEFINITELY it's a demon if it doesn't have a halo.  Just not 100% confirmed it's an angel!  Anyway.  Then again maybe a demon has a Shock Collar.  Seems like they'd have shock collars for one reason or another.  Hmm.  Shock Collars exist and are legal.  I don't like the sound of that.  Kinda seems like animal cruelty?  Oh well what do I know.  Some things!  Not this!  Hmm.  What else do I got going on.  If I take walk in a few minutes, how much time do I have OVERALL, even if I don't remotely need that amount of time, for writing Act II.  About 50, 55 minutes.  HOLY BOY what an amount of time!  I'll see ya then!




That Doesn't Seem Right

    Hey!  Give myself a solid fourty five minutes to write these five paragraphs.  Good deal!  What's going on and crap.  Leaning toward breaded chicken cutlet dinner as of now.  Delicious and healthy and fried altogther in one fun double-dinner experienece!  Maybe single dinner and single lunch.  Probably double dinner!  Anyway.  Looks like Trump is going crazy again on his social media website.  Re-tweeting Qanon stuff and whatknot.  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off for him in the long run.  Maybe it will!  Not sure how that'd work but it presumably will be something we forget about soon when he ups his crazy game in a few hours again or at most a day.  I feel like Elvis is conspicuously missing in Qanan Fan Fiction.  Or maybe he's not, what do I know.  But the point is if people are gonna be revealed to be alive after the faked their death let's get Elvis as Vice President coming up or something.  It's GOOD because he's popular with THE YOUNG PEOPLE.
   Hmm.  I'd Vote for Andy Kaufman/Elvis ticket for president/sub-president!  Wait no I wouldn't.  Oh okay.  Four paragraphs to go for DayTime Day!  Good deal.  Wonder what kinda snack I got coming up.  Most likely go with standard Keto Bar-Brownie.  It's the way to go probably I think!  Anyway sweating multiples of bullets on my first two walks today.  Anyway.  The only way to stop a good guy with sweat bullets is a bad guy with sweat bullets.  Why do we need to stop the good guy with sweat bullets.  It's the natural way for the body to cool itself down.  That's Why Sweat Is, right?  Too hot!  Release some sweat!  Cools ya down!  Sounds plausible if not definite.  Also lets talk about how fast does bullet need to be thrown to penetrate something.  There must be people out there who, if they practice a lot, CAN THROW a bullet fast enough that it'll Bullet (as a verb) something.  Hmm.  I think that's a reasonable thing to think.  I'd think about it some more but the paragraph is over.
Three paragraphs to go!  Just made a PHONE CALL.  Realized I had EKG done in March so I may not have to have it done again tomorrow.  PERSON SAID THEY'D GET BACK TO ME IN A FEW MINUTES. It could be ANY MOMENT now.  Or Any moment IN THE DISTANT FUTURE we have no way of knowing. My guess is IT BETTER BE WITHIN HALF AN HOUR. Cause then I'm takin' a walk FOR SURE.  Then again if I'm on my walk Who Cares I can answer the phone then too!  Hmm good deal.  Anyway I dunno.  Dad was pressuring me to call now instead of later.  So if I DO have to go over time and eat into when he'd wanna start his walk, then he only has himself to blame!  So that's good sure why not.  Look Andy Kaufman might be good at many things but I don't want him to be president.  Then again I don't know this jerk PERSONALLY maybe he's got GREAT character to be president.  He'd RENOUNCE practical joking and focus on the job 24/7!  Hmm sounds like about 3 and 3/7ths.  In Europe does that mean 7/24.  My guess?  NOPE.
Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day!  Look would small ice cream sandwich be delicious upcoming snack?  SURE.  I may have one left!  Either way whatever happens will work out for the best through the natural course of things.  I'm not sure that necessarily checks out!  Oh well such is life.  Maybe get delicious stuffed cabbage from Deli Dinner.  Feels like I usually am underwhelmed by it but this time around who knows!  Maybe I'll like it.  WHY.  I like the meat part inside the cabbage.  SO JUST ORDER SOME MEAT PARTS.  Not sure I can get this exact sort of Meat Parts without getting it within cabbage!  OH OKAY THAT CHECKS OUT.  Hmm.  Jeez.  I feel like standard vegetable side I get from deli is JUST CARROTS.  They offer PEAS and carrots as one of their main vegetable side.  SCREW THAT just give me carrots!  AND THEY DO!!!  Whereas Diner Delivery vegetable side is just broccoli.  Hmm interesting, very interesting.
Last paragraph!  Delightful.  Might have to write something down when I get a call back from Doctor.  FAX NUMBER is something that may be needed.  OH GREAT i can bring note pad with me like I do every walk!  Haven't used note pad in 4-6 months.  Still take it every walk, though!  YA NEVER KNOW when inspiration might STRIKE.  Hmm.  What's up.  FAUX NUMBER.  Okay but what ELSE is up.  FAUX NUMBER as a word is halfway between Fax Number and Phone Number.  Right?  Something like that.  Got plenty of time it turns out to finish this act.  Plus-- I'm practically done!  So everything worked out for the best or something.  HEY just got call back.  Gotta have them re-fax over Results.  LATER.  No rush on this anymore.  Take care of it Later ANYWAY.  That's just the kind of responsibly guy I am Today.  Hey great I'm gonna go take a walk now.  Then take a shower.  Then make follow up phone call not IMMEDIATELY after shower but PRETTY SOON after shower so that's good!  See ya tonight!




Leave It To Me

    Hello friends!  Cherry tootsie roll going on. The SEXIEST of flavors.  Not 100% why cherry is the sexiest of flavors but you can't argue with the facts!  Anyway apparently my Dad saw a Big Ol' Beetle about an hour ago.  Like maybe a 1 or UP TO TWO inch DIAMETER Beetle.  Well sure diameters are all well and good but the Radius would be more appropriate for context.  If only there was an easy way to determine the radius of something by knowing the diameter.  Oh well such is life.  Had delicious Part I of II Breaded Chicken Cutlet dinner.  IT WAS ENOUGH SURE.  Not a whole lot of breaded chicken cutlet but what can you do.  Any more would be too much!  I'M HAPPY WITH WHAT I GOT is the point.  Anyway took care of some BUSINESS today.  We're talkin took care of garbage can.  Had to screw some shit in to some other shit.  Filled out FORM for when I see Eye Doctor.  Called up some doctor for them to fax results to some other doctor.  I'm a one man wrecking crew.  OF PROGRESS.
Yeah!  What else is up.  Two point five beers today most likely.  That's good.  No regrets about Sexy Cherry Lollipop.  I'm getting a real, "Kick," out of it!  Anyway I'm ready to kill Beetle but I MAY NEVER SEE IT.  My Dad was kind of implying to me he wanted me to keep watch of the HALF OUR LIVING ROOM where he saw it scurry towards but now we can't find.  Sorta was intimating just stand here and look forever until it crawls back into the light the light.    I can't do that!  I got things to do other than jus tSTAND AROUND waiting for a bug to show up OR NOT SHOW UP.  We can't have our lives revolve around the Beetle.  Well we COULD.  And it MAY COME TO THAT.  But for now let's see what else is going on.  GARBACHEV died.  He WON the Cold War FOR THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE.  That's one way to look at it.  Probably.  Not 100% sure what I just said but whatever it was SURELY you can look at it that way SOMEHOW.
    Hmm.  Getting close to the Biting Into Tootsie Pop territory!  In fact LET'S GO DO THAT NOW.  Anyway.  Had a dream of FETTERMANN.  John Fettermann I wanna say.  In the dream I was standing next to him and the difference in our height was like two times what it'd be normally.  Which is A LOT.  I'd estimate BASED ON INFO I HAVE that he's about a foot and a half taller than me.  In my dream he was literally about two times my height though.  It was a GOOD dream.  We're FRIENDS.  Doesn't matter that he sees things one way (tall) and I see things another way (Lower to ground).  We relate on WHAT'S IMPORTANT.  Also we were at a baseball game!  Well HE WAS.  I had to get him some sort of document or information or SOMETHIN.  So I bought a ticket to the baseball game JUST TO GET ACCESS to him.  Hand off the document!  OH NO I HOPE TRUMP DOESN'T GET HIS HAND ON DREAM DOCUMENT.  I'd hate to think what Dream Document could do If It Gets Into The Wrong Hands!
    Anyway.  Sure that dream means things.  Dreams mean lots of things!  Like what your imagination is imagining when you're sleeping.  Oh Okay That Checks Out.  Three paragraphs to go before Recess.  Recess to go before UPCOMING DESSERT SNACK!  Could be anything.  A golden graham bar, ANYTHING.  Anyway Fettermann was a serious person in the dream.  He plays the part of a Wisenheimer on social media and maybe he is a smart alec-em-up in real life but in the dream that was all just part of a character he does to TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS.  I'd hate to thin that's the case.  He's using humor to win election to do good things for people?  And he's not just there to make a fool out of Oz and then when he wins he has nothing left in the tank to do anything else with his 6 years as senator?  I'D HATE TO TINK THAT's... the case... Not The Case?  I forget what i was saying and In Which Direction I was saying it.  The point is he's got a sense of humor but he just wants to be a senator TO DO GOOD FOR TE PEOPLE.  Put his Serious Hat on and GET STUFF DOWN.  Done.  Not Down.  Maybe Down, too.   What do I know.
Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  AMAZING.  Had delicious turkey bolognaise for lunch.  Nice dish.  Pasta was good.  No complaints!  About other things sure.  I'll complain about other things all day.  Well it's too late to do it today.  Day is either entirely over or only 4 more hours or however many hours until I fall asleep.  You may consider day ending at SUN DOWN.  You may consider day ending at MIGHTNIGHT I mean MIDNIGHT.  You may consider day ending either when you fall asleep and/or when sun rises on NEXT day.  EITHER WAY LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  None of my business how you count your days.  I don't WANNA KNOW.  Also I only write this website Real Silly Like to get ELECTED.  Once I'm elected and have been sworn into office GONNA GET REAL SERIOUS AROUND HERE.  No more GOOFIN' OFF.  Just doing THE PEOPLE'S BUSINESS.  Not sure what that is exactly.  I assume they'll tell me once I've been sworn in.  I dunno.  Might enjoy golden graham bar.! 
    Last paragraph of the Act III Part I!  Good deal.  Gotta get up early tomorrow to go get blood work done.  Maybe get up REAL early to take a walk before going to get bloodwork.  What kinda thing was I handing off to John Fettermann?  I dunno!  It was serious though!  NO LAUGHING MATTER.  Hmm.  Sounds serious!  Oh well I guess we'll never know.  Unless any of you had the same dream simultaneously AND remember it better.  If you had this dream AND remember it better than I do EMAIL ME WHAT HAPPENED I wanna know!  It's INTERESTING to me!  What else do I got going on for me.  Maybe just eat Golem Graham Barr RAW out of the cabinet.  No having it HARDEN in fridge.  Sounds like a fun way to go as a mix em up SURE let's do that.  I could buy Fetterman as some sort of Golem.  I can buy Fetterman as lots of things.  Especially TE NEXT SENATOR FROM THE GREAT STATE OF PANSLVANIA.  You know that sort of thing.  I'm gonna take a walk now.  See ya soon!

   Hey it's been Roughly Soon and now I'm here!  Had golden graham bar and now gonna celebrate enjoying it by having a tootsie pop.  LOOK I was considering having Quest Bar.  INSTEAD I had golden graham bar + TOOTSIE ROLL POP ON PURPOSE.  Same amount of  calories EITHER SIDE OF THE COIN.  I still like HEADS.  Who decided that Heads was generally considered Better Than Tails.  I LIKE TAILS.  Then again HEADS IS NOT WITHOUT ITS CHARMS.  Okay I'm gonna calm down.  Was doing too much Capitalization Words for the first few sentences of this paragraph!  Give myself a moment to BREA.. wait, I mean, give myself a moment to breathe.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  Anyway think I'll go with chocolate lollipop.  OK.  Okay.  Calming down.  Candy.  Give myself more candy.  I lived all day and now I get to have candy.  Okay.  Good.  Calm.  Hmm.  Probably gonna not take a walk before Bloodwork tomorrow.  Good.  Breathe. Everything is okay.  WAIT A SECOND TINK FAST
Anyway.  Three paragraphs to go!  Just started sucking on some candy.  Chocolate candy!  Mets game going on On Pause in the background.  Does that count as going on?  It's in the midst of going on from a few minutes ago Freeze Framed.  So that's good!  Get to have delicious Ice Cream Treat at Bedtime in Oh I Don't Know Fourty Five Minutes or so.  No update on Big ol' Beetle.  How tall were the Beatles.  I'm gonna guess they were all between Oh I Don't Know 5'6 and 5'9.  Dunno why I think they're slightly on the shorter side.  I think British people from that era were slightly on the shorter side!  Malnourished maybe for some reason, I dunno!  better LTURQ.  Apparently officially they were ALL 5'11 except for Ringo Starr who was 5'8.  JUST AS I SUSPECTED.  But make the 5'9 5'11.  THEN IT ALL CHECKS OUT EXACTLY AS I PREDICTED!  Amazing.  Outstanding.  Practically unbelievable!  Hmm what else.  Figure if I'm having breakfast after blood work it will be a VERY CONSCIOUS breakfast.  Usually breakfasts are followed up with falling back asleep.  Not that conscious a breakfast!  NOT TODAY.  And by today I mean NOT TOMORROW.
   Balanced Breakfast if its gonna be conscious!  That's a no brainer!   Just started the 2nd Half Of Can Beer left over from yesterday.  DELICIOUS.  It didn't taste like POISON.  So all in all I CAN'T COMPLAIN.  HEY I JUST REALIZED when I get blood work I also go pick up cigarettes for my mom and when I get cigarettes I CAN ALSO BUY ONE OR TWO LOOSE QUEST BARS.  Of flavors I MAY NEVER HAVE HAD BEFORE.  Or if I've had every flavor they have in stock GET ONE OR TWO of RARE FLAVORS I've RARELY Had.  Okay.  Breathe.  Yes it's very exciting.  But I don't wanna see myself get all worked up over it!  It's OKAY.  You know that sort of thing.  In the process of finalizing chewing tootsie pop that was contained within the lollipop I just halfway finished eating more or less.  Hmm.  Basically in my dream if I am my real height, John Fettermann is roughly 9 feet tall.  Maybe he is!  That's HIS business.
   Last paragraph of the night.  Wonderful.  I accomplished All These Paragraphs * WHATNOT.  Just finished beer.  Just finished a lot of things.  Well mostly just the beer.  Also just finished a lollipop a few minutes ago.  At this point though it was a solid amount of time ago that it wasn't, "Just."  Also there's a Radoihead song Just.  I always took it to mean as in JUSTICE.  When something is JUST means it's RIGHT and FAIR and WHATKNOT.  I dunno how any of the lyrics go off the top of my head.  Not 100% sure just shows up in the lyrics at all!  Better LTURQ.  You do it to yourself, just you.  NOT HAPPY with how just is in these lyrics.  Hardly shows up in the lyrics at all!  And when it does show up NOT THE MAIN PART EVEN OF THAT LINE OR ANYTHING.  Pick a new name for the song, guys!  C'mon!  Well that'll just about do it.  Another day down.  Presumably.  I feel like Day Ends the moment I lose consciousness.  Well let's say 2 or 3 moments after the moment I lose consciousness.  Not sure WHY I'm making that distinction but It JUST FEELS RIGHT.  Day ends 2-4 moments after I lose consciousness.  Great.  See ya tomorrow!

-9:45 P.M.




Monday, August 29, 2022

Plenty Of Words Coming Up

    Hey!  About fourty minutes behind schedule.  HOWEVER My Dad is not taking his walk today, which means I don't gotta do CrunchTime first of the day to fit in my first 3 walks before his walk!  So basically I got No CrunchTime at all!  WOW.  NightMight snacks!  Either the allotted amount or about 100 calories over.  NOT SO BAD.  NOT SO BAD AT ALL.  When I made Current Allotment Framework it was before I started taking NightWalk.  So that means I got more calories to work with!  YOU IDIOTS.  Lunch today gonna be ham sandwich, turkey sandwich, or turkey boleneeeze.  LEANIN' TOWARDS A SANDWICH you fools.  Not sure about dinner yet!  MAKE A PLAY FOR PIZZA?  I DUNNO!  Either way BALANCED BREAKFAST this morning.  PLUS I ate it on Target Time and not early!  WOW.  No Mets game today.  Maybe do that I KNOW What you Did About A Summer Ago watchings today.  Either that or Not Do That.  Or partially do that I guess.  I say PARTIALLY doing that QUALIFIES as Just Doing That.  So there is no PARTIAL Middle Ground.  Anyway.  Middle ground between putting Trump in jail and letting him go with no consequences.  Putting him HALFWAY to jail.  Whatever the halfway spot is between his home and his presumptive jail, make him stay IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY there for AT LEAST A few years.  Oh okay makes sense.
Kinda sounds like jail but worse.  I dunno how he's getting Three Hots And A Cot living off the side of the road alone.  Also HIS FANS can come and visit him.  I feel like that's extra punishment for him.  His fans get personal unlimited access to him and he can't go anywhere.  Anyway.  Got enough Clean Shirt for today and tomorrow.  Brought up potential of Laundry Doing with my Mom.  Today or tomorrow.  We're on board together.  Presumably.  Not set in stone or anything.  What does that mean.  You put a stone somewhere and then its set there permanently or something.  I don't get it!  Better LTURQ!  Something about if you make a marking ON STONE it is permanent.  It brings up EXODUS.  God had Moses or Whomever put some commandments on stone and then he's like THAT'S IT NO GOIN BACK NOW.  THEMS THE COMMANDMENTS.  Also these Future-Israelites or whatever musta been PRETTY PIOUS people to be SO EXCITED about finding out Things They Can't Do.  THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING FUN THING THAT'S EVER HAPPENED TO ME.  A BUNCH OF STUFF I'VE CONTEMPLATED DOING BECAUSE THEY'RE FUN AND NOW I KNOW FOR SURE I CAN'T!  Good.  I'm glad they're pious.  Except for the part about they worship false God.  THAT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LINE.
    How can you blame them for worshipping false God.  They thought it was Real God!  They meant no harm!  Maybe they DID mean it as an insult.  Hmm.  I've given myself a lot to think about or something.  I feel like these people weren't just Pre-Israelites.  I think according to the story WERE Israelites, THEN became enslaved in Egypt, THEN went BACK to Israel.  I DON'T KNOW.  What am I some SCHOLAR? POSSIBLY.  But I don't THINK so.  I'd have known if I was!  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... International Cabernet Sauvignon Day and National Toasted Marshmellow Day.  WHAT THE HELL is that some kind of wine?  Nope it's a Marshmellow that's been toasted.  Also what the HELL is a marshmellow.  I mean I know what it is IN PRACTICE.  But what the Hell Makes A Marshmellow.  Sugar water and gelatin.  Oh I See.  Probably slightly more to it than that.  The point is what about that first thing.  Red Wine Grape Variety.  WOW.
Anyway.  Only ONE MORE Food Of The Tomorrow for August.  TODAY IS 29.  TOMORROW IS 30.  ONE MORE TOMORROW.  TOMORROW'S TOMORROW.  Oh okay wonderful.  HEY gonna see a new World Travel Destination Of The Month for September.  WOW.  I can't believe I've already gone through EIGHT of them this year.  WHAT A RIDE IT'S BEEN.  How do you spell marshmellow.  Lemme see.  MarshmAllow.  OH GRAT.  EMPHASIS MINE.  The, "A," thing.  THAT Emphasis.  Good.  HEY already halfway into the fourth paragraph.  That's not so bad.  Anyway never had Frosted Flake Bar yesterday.  Still had it just the 1 time!  So that's something to keep in mind.  Not 100% sure why.  Not 100% where!  IN MIND or something.  Oh okay so that's where.  Anyway.  Nice big shirt again today.  Not even gonna bother taking this sucker off time and time again throughout the day for sit ups.  HMM how have I been on doing Side sit ups.  Sorta forgot about that the last day or two.  Maybe get back into it!  Probably worthwhile endeavor all things considered.
    Fifth paragraph!  Amazing!  After this paragraph I get COFFEE!  After this pararagraph I get the joy of knowing I'm halfway done with Act I!  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta figure out some Fun to do for DayTime Day.  Maybe watch something UNEXPECTED.  EVERYTHING is unexpected.  I don't know what's gonna happen at all!  What about if I watch Talse From The Crypt.  That's UNexpected.  UNexpected mean Both Expected and Not Expected.  IT's WEIRD how the English language works isn't it.  What else.  Coulda split this portion of Egg White into TWO balanced breakfasts.  I had a THIRD though today for THREE.  At this point I'm committed to three.  OH WELL.  Live and learn!  Toasted the Eggo a bit much.  NOT BAD.  Too Much Toasted is better than Not enough toasted.  Especially if it was REALLY not enough toasted.  Either way I got that going on for me is the point.  Maybe.  Got something going on for me.  That's how life works.  Gotta be SOMETHING there.  Right?   Hmm.
    Maybe get DELI dinner tonight.  We got a COUPON for that sucker.  Buy a dinner, get another one free.  I could get a dinner or somethin'.  TURKEY Dinner perhaps.  The TWO SPECIALS dinner.  Special Means Hot Dog.  Not sure why.  But two specials is two hot dog.  Hot Dog is kinda fancy hot dog.  Forget what they call it.  Better LTURQ.  I dunno.  They don't call it anything special.  Franks.  That's to be expected though.  That's straight up SYNONYMOUS with Hot Dog.  Anyway.  Maybe get CHICKEN Dinner.  The point is I just had 3 1/3rds of steak dinners in a row.  Can't get a STEAK dinner.  WHATEVER I DUNNO.  This might not be until tomorrow night.  WE'LL SEE AND WHATKNOT.  Good!  What else.  Maybe breaded chicken cutlet dinner.  It's like a chicken cutlet sandwich! But AS A DINNER.  Sides instead of bread.  IN ADDITION to bread.  Now you're talking my language!  English.  A little bit of Spanish.  Some MATH and MUSIC.  That's about it.  HAREM.  That's I wanna say ARABIC?  It means SINFUL or FORBIDDEN.  WE LEARNT THAT A FEW DAYS AGO.  WAIT NO IT'S HARAM.  Harem is another word.  HAREM means The separate part of a Muslim household where wives, concubines, and female servants.  ...THAT DOESN'T SOUND GOOD.
Okay.  Seventh paragraph.  Is it possible Haram is slang for brothel, too?  Lemme LTURQ!  NOT SEEING ANYTHING.  Anyway the practice of Harems and whatknot seems to have fallen out of favor since the 20th century.  THAT'S GOOD I THINK.  I think!  Maybe I got it all wrong, I dunno!  Hmm.  Hot Dog Meal comes with beans.  Forget if I like these beans.  Solid 2/3rds chance they seem Gross.  Also 2/3rds chance I would like them.  A third chance I like them and they seem gross.  Wow.  Beans probably high in sodium.  That'd be my guess.  I'm trying to watch my Sodium for the day.  National Food Of Tomorrrows told me to yesterday!  Whatever.  What else do I got in store for today.  Gotta imagine Super market turkey or ham is high in sodium as well.  Gotta imagine EVERYTHING is high in sodium.  I think one glass of diet soda is like 5% of daily sodium intake.  That means I'm probably getting ~100% daily sodium intake from diet soda alone.  SOUNDS GOOD.  The more sodium the better!  That's the diet I'M ON!  Not sure why. 
Eighth paragraph!  Sweet!  GREAT NEWS my Dad is under the impression you can get ANYTHING to qualify for the buy one get one free dinner.  Could be just a SANDWICH.  And then you get an EQUAL sandwich or less for free.  WOW NOW MY OPTIONS ARE UNLIMITED.  I'll have the TEN COMMANDMENTS please.  Put em on some sort of Slab of MEAT instead of stone.  I'm sure you can embed words into a slab of meat.  You can do whatever you set your mind to!  Gotta imagine eating the 10 commandments is blasphemy.  OR it's SUPER religious.  One or the other.  OR maybe God would just shrug his shoulders and be like okay whatever sure.  Whatever!  Anyway two and a half paragraphs to go for Act I!  Let's see if I can do that in 20 minutes or so.  SOUNDS REASONABLE.  Sounds VERY reasonable.  What else is up.  Either doing this for tonight or tomorrow.  You FOOLS.  Maybe try CHILI dog.  Can get it if we're ordering DIRECTLY from Deli-- as we would be to put Coupon INTO ACTION-- but not regular door dash delivery.  NOWS THE TIME if ever I wanna get it!
Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Good deal!  How's New In Alternative going for me.  NOT BAD.  I like the part where it's MUSIC.  I feel comfortable with that assessment.  No question these songs pretty much ALL qualify as musics!  So that's good.  What else is up.  I like BREADED chicken.  That was an idea that had LEGS.  Legs to RUN.  RUN ALL THE WAY INTO... being... the point is I'd eat some chicken.  Good.  What Tales In The Crypt am I up to.  It BETTER NOT BE Four Sided Triangle.  OH GOOD it's Four Sided Triangle.  Wonderful.  I like this episode a lot.  Not sure what the title means.  This is CLEARLY A Parralelogram.  FALSE.  I was just joking.  MAYBE it's a parallelogram by chance but in my conscious mind I don't see exactly how I'd back up calling it a Parallelogram.  Maybe I can look into it and COME UP with SOME reasons after the fact.  But that's not THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD.  Sounds like BAD FAITH ways to do interpretation to me.  Oh well one more paragraph.
   Yeah!  What else do I got going for me.  LOTS.  I'm deep into Daytime Chore Of Acts I and II!  Amazing wonderful.  Maybe try their hamburger and split it into two meals with appropriate amount of fries to help the stretching.  Haven't had a hamburger in a long time.  Might as well have THEIRS.  With THEIR fries.  YEAH.  That's something to think about I guess.  If I can make a meal of having Salami Omelet into two meals STANDS TO REASON Hamburger could do the same job more or less!  HMM lemme think about that one.  WOW.  I can even get sauteed mushrooms AND/OR onions on that burger too!  That's JUST HOW I LIKE IT!  This is AMAZING.  Leaning towards something else for now though.  BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT.  The point is we're putting in order EARLY if we TWERE to get it for tonight.  So I don't have all day to figure this one out!  Gonna have to commit to something soon!  IF WE twere TO GET IT.  Okay.  I'll be back here soon!




That's Today For Ya

    Hey!  Give myself a somewhat arbitrary goal of writing this act in Fourty Five minutes.  SOMEWHAT not Arbitrary.  Somewhat BITRARY.  Either way no deli tonight.  Deli tomorrow!  Italian Food tonight.  PIZZA tonight.  TWO REGULAR SLICES of INDETERMINATE toppings.  Anyway got some coffee going on and crap.  Gotta help my Dad with screwing on thing to garbage can either later today or tomorrow.  GREAT.  A THING.  I have to do A THING.  I don't remember having signed up for this!  What else.  Just watched the trailer for the Weird Al movie.  TOO WEIRD.  I want it to be AN EXTREME 50% LESS WEIRD.  More AL Yankovic movie.  THAT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LINE.  Then again maybe they leaned into WEIRD for the trailer and the movie is more AL.  WE DON'T KNOW YET but if it's too weird PEOPLE WILL TAKE TO THE STREETS TO RIOT.  Not a threat.  Just A.. WELL YES IT'S SORT OF A THREAT.  You can't make a threat whether something will happen that's already in the course of happening.  TOO LATE to change it.  Their only option is, IF IT IS too weird, to CANCEL RELEASING THE MOVIE COMPLETELY.  It's either WEIRD or NOTHING.  OH okay I see.  Balls in their court then I guess!
    What else is up.  I feel this trailer was TOO LONG.  2 minutes and 50 seconds.  THAT's LIKE 1/20th of the entire movie.  Hmm.  Three times twenty is sixty minutes.  THAT'S ONE HOUR.  If the movie is Two hours then the trailer is only a mere 1/40th of the movie.  OH WELL THAT'S REASONABLE I GUESS.  Better LTURQ.  How long this movie gonna be.  What are we talkin' about either in MINUTES or HOURS.  Looks like an hour and 48 minutes.  Wow that's BOTH IN minutes AND hours.  Now we're talkin'!  Anyway.  Now I can crunch the numbers and see EXACTLY what fraction of the movie I've seen.  NOT QUITE.  I dunno how long credits are.  ALSO I'm not, "INTO," doing the math and figuring out how much of a minute is 50 seconds.  SOUNDS LIKE 5/6THS.  I DUNNO NOT GONNA DO THE MATH LIKE I SAID.  You could say what it sounds like all day long I STILL WON'T DO THE MATH EVER!  So that's good.  What else is up.  Trump wants to be made president.  Gotta wonder if that'll work out for him.  My guess is he doesn't have much legal standing BUT people might, "take to the streets," if he's not made president so WE'VE GOT A TOUGH DECISION TO MAKE.
    Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go for Daytime Day.  What else do I got going on.  Probably gonna have turkey sandwich for lunch today!  Not sure about SandwichSide.  I enjoyed cheez its as Corned Beef sandwichside yesterday.  Let's go with that again.  POSSIBLE I do Ham Sandwich instead.  Probably a sandwich though!  Most definitely!  I think, "Most Definitely," just means, "Definitely."  The, "Most," part is kind of confusing the issue though.  So that's good.  How much time do I have to write the next half of the act.  UNLIMITED.  Wait no that's incorrect.  I wanna do it within 20 minutes.  That's the goal I guess.  Both REASONABLE and... well let's just stick with, "Reasonable!"  Good enough for me!  What else is up.  When does Weird Al Movie become available to me If Ever.  Well now that they might not release it it may NEVER become available to me.  Well let's just say FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT they release it when and where they were originally planning to.  WHERE and WHEN would that be.  Streaming FOR FREE on ROKU.  Not sure if I've ever Used a Roku.  I guess the time has come.  Wait WHEN will the time be having come.  November Fourth.  HEY THAT'S A FEW DAYS BEFORE TERM ELECTION.  Sounds like a real OCTOBER Surprise.  The SURPRISE is it's in November.
Penultimate paragraph.  Thinking about just going with Plain Pizza.  It's FUN.  It's a CLASSIC.  Also low calories!  Grated garlic gotta be MANY ONE'S OF CALORIES.  EACH SLICE.  That means overall it's MANY TWO'S.  PERHAPS AS HIGH AS FOUR TO SIX TWO's.  So that's good I guess.  Anchovie probably LEGIT calories.  Over two slice could be TWO OR THREE DOZEN.  Maybe more.  Maybe less.  LET'S LTURQ!  8 Calories per anchovie.  Okay but WHAT THE HELL IS A SINGLE ANCHOVIE.  We've RAISED more questions than we've answered.  Not sure about that. Either way let's LTURQ IN OZ.  HELL NO THIS IS A FETTERMAN HOUSEHOLD.  We're gonna measure Anchovies by FETTERMANNS from now on!  Anyway let's see.  One Ounce is 60 calories.  I have a hard time imagining how much ounces is your standard amount of anchovie on pizza.  Off the top of my head, between two slices, I'd VENTURE to guess Half an ounce?  Maybe a full ounce?  Maybe a quarter of an ounce?  Maybe an ounce and a half?  I think I covered all my Top Guesses.  E-mail me YOUR guesses at... My E-mail!  Figure out what my e-mail is!  That IN AND OF ITSELF is a puzzle for you!  Have fun with it!
    Last paragraph of the Daytime Day. Let's say I got 12 minutes to do it.  WOW an embarrassment of riches.  Of Time!  That sort of thing.  Anyway.  It'd be a fun, "GOTCHA!," question to ask elected Republicans whether they agree Trump should be installed as some sort of president-type leader.  Just throwing that out there!  What else is up.  I just realized that the term Special Master Is a weird term.  I think I FELT that way over the last week or two but I never put it together WHY.  Special Master.  Not sure it sounds like a real thing.  BUT if its a fake thing NOT SURE WHY or FROM WHERE or WHAT it'd be either!  Anyway what else is up.  Isn't that what they call the protagonist in HALO.  Special Master.  Better LTURQ.  Oh right Master AND Commander.  That movie.  Wait no that's a movie.  Not what they call the person in HALO.  MASTER CHIEF.  IF YOU DON'T LET TRUMP GET AWAY WITH CRIMES we'll start developing Master Chiefs!  AND USE THEM AGAINST YOU.  Interesting.  Not sure if a Master Chief is human.  I think they're at least PART human.  Maybe part Robot but definitely not ALL Robot I don't think.  Oh well what can ya do.  I'll be back later tonight!




why not finish entry

    Had delicious pizza for dinner.  I wouldn't be surprised if two slices of anchovie amounts to BUT AN EIGHTH of an ounce of anchovie!  Wait hold on MAYBE I WOULD be surprised.  It'd be surprising to find out I Was Right About Something in and of itself.  So NO matter what I say I wouldn't be surprised at-- if it turned out to be accurate-- GUESS WHAT I'M SURPRISED NOW.  Oh well such is life.  Eating delicious Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream bar instead of lollipop!  Maybe have lollipop at bed time instead of Ice cream bar!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Got beer #1 of possibly 2.5 going.  I think that's what I'm gonna aim for!  2.5 for today AND 2.5 for tomorrow.  Anyway when does CNN pivot to Republicans start if it hasn't already.  Entertaining Trump's fantasy of being re-instated as New Once Again President Leader somewhat?  NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT to get started.  GO HAVE FUN CNN.
    Something about adding a U and a T to CNN.  Anyway.  FEELS like I've talked about this before, but in my mind, Cunt is the dirtiest word there is.  I don't think I knew what the word was for most of my childhood.  So I dunno if it's BY CHANCE or the way I WAS RAISED BY FAMILY or PERHAPS IT REALLY IS THE MOST TABOO WORD.  Either way I would feel awkward using that word casually in most cases.  Do I feel awkward using it here?  SURE A LITTLE BIT.  Wait I just thought of a racial slur that is Up There With Cunt.  Well sure if we're including Racial Slurs EVERYTHING sounds bad.  Cunt could be a Gender Slur.  Oh okay now it's starting to make sense.  Regular profanity is All Fun And Games but Slurs Against Peoples IS NO GOOD.  Let's settle that either once and for all or Many Times and For All or Once but We'll Have To Do It Time And Time Again.  LET'S GO WIT HTHAT.  Settle it once BUT NOT FOR ALL.  Now there's room for Settling this time and time again in the future some more!  Oh okay that makes a lot of sense great.
Some sort of screw or bolt or NUT came off my chair half an hour ago and now CHAIR TILTS to the right.  JUST LIKE CNN THESE DAYS.  Anyway I have the piece that came disconnected.  But I couldn't figure out how or even WHERE to put it back in the chair.  So chair isn't Falling Over Itself.  To the Front-Right.  Not BACK right.  FRONT RIGHT.  As of now I think I can just tolerate this being the New Normal.  But I'm not 100% happy about it!  NOT EVEN 50% Happy About it.  I'm just NOT happy about it.  How about that.  What else do I got going on for me.  Three and a half paragraphs to go until I get to take wonderful Recess.  People are saying it's going to be the best recess in a long time, perhaps ever.  Ugh.  Did a backwards park walk as Last Walk just earlier.  Been a while since I took a backwards walk!  I ENJOYED IT.  Solid 7/10 Walk.  Sounds like about July 10th.  No that's a different 7/10.  Sounds like a European October Seventh.  Oh that sounds like a good 7/10, too, but still different than the one I just talked about.  7/10 Split?  Ah bowling what a wonderful sport.  THAT REMINDS ME what was I talking about again?
Hmm.  7/10?  Sounds like 70%.  YEP That's what it was originally. 70% Good Walk.  With 0% being No Good and 100% Being The, "Ultimate."  Hmm.  Maybe I can take backwards walk for upcoming walk.  But backwards City Street walk instead of backwards Park Walk.  WOW I've certainly given myself a lot to think about there's no doubt about that.  What else is going on.  Didn't help Dad with working out The Kinks to the kitchen garbage can.  Gonna take care of that sucker tomorrow.  Presumably.  Hey dangit I gotta do Zoom appointment tomorrow with therapist.  I never SHOVE my Face!  Too late to do it now.  It'd take a solid DOZENS of TENS  of SECONDS and I'm just not ready to make that kind of commitment tonight!  Oh well such is life.  Maybe have delicious low calorie lollipop for upcoming Act II snack.  Maybe not!  I've narrowed it down to whatever let's move on with my lives.  I don't like how my chair came apart.  I remember putting this chair TOGETHER.  It was Oh I Don't Know ABOUT THREE YEARS AGO.  I don't remember SIGNING ANYTHING that said IN THREE YEARS YER GONNA HVE TO DO SOMETHING WIT HCHAIR  CAGN.  What's, "Cagn?"  AGAIN.  OBVIOUSLY.  CAGN is me trying to type AGAIN.  THE POINT IS doesn't seem right. 
    Penultimate paragraph of the Act III Part I!  Didn't watch any Film today.  Just a bunch of Tales Crypt.  Fast Forwarded through some MTV Music Video Awards.  WOW look at those Young People.  I liked the part where every now and then it was Hey Look at These Older People.  Really appreciated those moments being a Slightly Older Person myself!  The point is wow music.  really makes ya think.  Possibly.  I probably would have been Thinking anyway without music but it certainly hasn't STOPPED ME from thinking.  Maybe changed what I thought ABOUT.  But with or without music MY BRAIN WOULD BE GOING ON EITHER WAY.  Probably.  Can't say for SURE now that I think about it.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses or something.  Just finished Beer #1.  Figure I'll go get beer #2.  Maybe not FINISH it.  Maybe only end up drinking two beers OVERALL.  Maybe lots of things PREMATURE TO SAY AS OF NOW.
   YEAH.  One more paragraph to go for now.  YEAH.  BIRTHDAY BAR FOR TONIGHT.  SOUNDS LIKE I'VE EARNT IT through all my hard work.  Many people are saying I should have the most indulgent dessert which is the Birthday Bar.  So that's good.  I could have chocolate quest bar.  It's indulgent because it's a candy bar but it's HEALTHY because it's Chocolate.  Birthday bar is just pure sugar.  Chocolate got some HEALTH to it I feel!  What else is up.  Also Chocolate Bar is responsible because that way I save Birthday Bar for another day.  Sometimes being an adult is DOING THE LESS FUN TING so that you can do the Fun thing LATER ON IN LIFE FOR A FUTURE DESSERT.  Ugh.  Why don't I just get two orders of Birthday Bar next time instead of one pack of Chocolate Bar.  BECAUSE VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE YOU CLOD.  Hmm.  Also a HEALTHY DIET is a BALANCED DIET.  This way I get SOME birthday cake flavored candy bar and SOME chocolate flavored based candy bar letting me COVER ALL THE BASES in terms of nutrients.  Yeah sure great I'm gonna take a walk now and hope then hope the next four paragraphs are somewhat better.  We'll find out together!  See ya then!

    HEY.  Starting beer #3 (2.5?)  Halfway into Birthday bar.  The point is let's write four paragraphs and ideally have them be QUALITY paragraphs.  I dunno how that would work, though.  Pretty sure writing quality is something I'm unfamiliar with so I wouldn't even know where to begin!  My guess is Just Start Typing and either It Begins or It Doesn't.  Like NOW.  So far it... hasn't.  Oh well there's always next time.  Except for The Last Time.  Never know when it might turn out to be The Last Time.  I could die tonight and then I'd never write another paragraph in my life.  Sounds like a best case scenario for a lot of people!  Why are other people so invested in the quality of my writings that It's Worth My Death such that they don't need to read what I write anymore.  I dunno.  Doesn't make sense to me!  I think I lost track of what I was trying to say!  OH WELL TOO LATE NOW.  The point is Me Dying is WORTH IT because it means Nobody Has To Read This Anymore.  I THINK that's the point.
    Sounds reasonable.
  Oh well what can ya do.  Finished Candy Bar.  Amazing.  Was it worth it?  I don't know.  Just get on with the fucking show.  What show.  And why, "FUCKING?"  That's a SLUR against FUCKERS.  Oh all of a sudden I'm not comfortable saying, "Fuck."  What about Shit.  SLUR AGAINST SHITTERS.  The point is NO WORD IS unproblematic now.  EVERY WORD IS A SLUR AGAINST SOME SORT OF SOMETHING.  Makes sense.  What else is up.  SLUR.  I dunno.  The point is I gotta write 2.5 more paragraphs.  NOT HAPPY with today's entry.  The good news is SOMEHOW I GET A CHANCE TO START IT ALL OVER AGAIN TOMORROW.  Do it RIGHT this time.  That time.  Perhaps.  Then again I Don't like the sound of that at all.  SOUNDS LIKE WORK.  If I'm doing work I expect to be PAID. And if I'm getting PAID I expect it to be FOR WORK.  So the point is what's the point anyway then I dunno I lost track.  Re-up with some KLONOPIN not tomorrow but getting THE BALL ROLLING tomorrow.  Get it prescribed tomorrow.  Get it in A FEW DAYS.  Last week or three I've felt more or less at least once a day hey I wouldn't be against taking some Anti-Anxiety Pill right quick.
Oh well such is life.  That's a GOOD thing that's gonna happen.  That's not a OH WELL Such Is Life.  That's a WONDERFUL SUCH IS LIFE!  Or something, I dunno.  People getting excited about the ten commandments.  AM I RIGHT?  That's why they were excited.  HEY HAVE I BEEN LIVING MY LIFE CORRECTLY UP TIL NOW?  ...I HAVEN'T?  WELL THAT SUCKS.  Well that's a worst case scenario.  Best case scenario is you HAVE been Being A Good Boy and NOW YOU'VE GONNA BE REWARDED IN TE AFTER LIFE OR SOMETHING.  I assume that's your incentive for Being Good In Life.  Good afterlife.  Otherwise what would be your motive to be a decent person.  I dunno maybe some sort of arrangement for a Good REGULAR LIFE from this point on?  What kinda society would work that way.  It's like Opposite Of Jail.  If you perform GOOD DEEDS and NICETIES you get to go to THE CIRCUS for 3-5 years.  JUST ENDLESS CIRCUS ENTERTAINMENT for 10-15 years if you've been AN EXTREMELY Good Boy.  WOW sign me up!  WHAT CAN I DO THAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF A MURDER-RAPE?  ALSO YES IN THAT ORDER.
    Last paragraph.
  What's up?  The point is you get more with carrots than with sticks.  Maybe.  I dunno.  I don't want carrots OR sticks.  Leave me out of it!  I get to write a paragraph is the point and that can't be bad.  Pretty much just gonna to go bed when this is over.  Make wake up early enough tomorrow to take a walk before ZOOM appointment.  Maybe not How Do You Like Them Apples.  Got some super market apples two months ago.  Never had a single one!  I REGRET NOTHING.  Well I regret the purchasing of those apples I guess.  Now that I think about it.  I specifically do regret that.  Oh well no going back now.  Too late!  Hmm.  I could always wear my Pandemic Mask while on the zoom appointment so that my facial hair will be disguised.  That's no disguise.  That's STRAIGHT UP CONCEALMENT.  Oh okay either way it's one possible solution.  Huh.  Guess I'm done with beer for the night.  Still about half left in beer #3 can!  Done with entry!  No sentences left!  As soon as I'm done with this thought.  Which I will be... very... soon.  Probably in 2 or 3 sentences would be my guess.  Then again I'm Wrong About More Or Less Everything so who knows.  Whatever.  See ya tomorrow!

-10:03 P.M. 




Sunday, August 28, 2022

Let's Get Writin'!

    Hey!  About fieve minutes ahead of schedule today!  And my Dad is either skipping his walk or taking it later which means NO CRUNCH TIME AT ALL presumably.  Had some delicious Classic Breakfast even though I got the egg whites for Balanced Breakfast.  I stand by my decision.  What's my alternative.  Denounce it?  What would that accomplish!  Already happened so I might as well accept it.  Anyway.  Had either 2 or 4 Assorted Cookies last night.  Either ONE Feeding of 2 or TWO.  Either way more or less what I'm okay with.  Them assorteds are good.  I like the one that has ICING.  Also the phrase ... is that icing on the cake AIN'T lyin.  The icing on the cake IS amazing.  It's not just oh okay that adds a bit to the cake.  ICING is THE ULTRA Dessert making your BLAND Dessert even MORE DESSERT.  Hmm maybe have Frosted Flake Bar as next snack.  Got icing on THE BASE of it.  Frosting.  Whatever it is IT'S SUGAR.  Who am I to not like sugar.  What do I think I'm special or something?  Get on board with sugar or LEAVE.
   Hmm.  Mets game at 1:40 PM today!  Wow!  I hope they win in Oh I Don't Know two hours and fifty five minutes.  Give themselves 10 minutes off.  THEY EARNT IT.  Earnt is not a word.  I didn't think it would be.  But I kinda was hoping it'd be.  It'd be FUN if Earnt was accepted as a word.  Oh well live and learn.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... More Erbs, Less Salt Day and National Chop Suey Day.  Sure I wrote Erbs instead of Herbs.  Was it a typo?  Did I spell it wrong because I THINK it's spelled that way?  Did I spell it wrong as a joke?  Honestly I think it's all three.  Either way WHAT THE HELL.  Don't tell me how much salt to eat and DEFINITELY don't tell me how much SALT to eat.  Huh.  Chop Suey.  Sounds good!  I don't have a problem with... uhh...  Red Hot Chili Peppers?  System of a Down?  Better LTURQ.  System of A down!  GOT IT ON SECOND GUESS.  Wonder what that song sounds like.  I BET I'd recognize it if I heard it.  Oh well no way of knowing.  WAIT YES THERE IS.
   EH.  The general sound seems familiar.  But not sure if I'd be able to say this specific song itself is familiar to me.  OH WELL.  Chop Suey though, sounds delicious.  Not sure if I've ever actually gotten it!  WISH I COULD HAVE IT RIGHT NOW THOUGH.  Better LTURQ.  Some sort o' NOODLES right?  NO.  Not noodles.  COULD be served with noodles instead of rice.  But basically meat, egg and vegetables in a sauce.  OH SHIT.  Protein and vegetables in a sauce?  WITH EITHER RICE OR NOODLES?  THIS COULD BE A GAME CHANGER IN HOW WE CONCEPTUALIZE AMERICAN CHINESE FOOD.  Hmm.  What am I having for lunch today.  Probably sandwich.  Maybe corned beef sandwich!  SURE I got Steak Beef for dinner but YA GOTTA GIVE THE GUT WHAT IT WANTS.  Probably.  No good reason not to at least.  What else is going on.  MORE HERBS?  What does that have to do with Less Salt.  I GET more Herbs.  I GET less salt.  NOT SURE HOW THEY'RE RELATED.  Probably AREN't.  Probably A SCAM.
Fourth paragraph!  Chop suey must have been on a Guitar Hero.  Must have played it or watched it being played a few times.  Ah what a fun college past time.  Watching other people play Rock Band.  It only happened a few times for me but it's memories I'll cherish for ever.  Cherub Rock.  Is that a song?  A GUITAR HERO SONG?  SURE SEEMS LIKE IT.  By THEM SMASHING BUMPKINS.  Hey I have the guitar hero program where you play real guitar.  For half a second in the middle of writing that sentence I was like HOLY CRAP THAT SOUNDS GREAT.  Then after that half a second I was like THAT FEELS TOO MUCH LIKE WORK AND NOT FUN AND A REAL CLUNKER ACTIVITY IN MY FUN RELAXING DAY.  Oh well live and learn.  I got THREE sandwiches to eat over the next five lunches.  ONE Turkey Bolognaise.  ONE EMPTY LUNCH.  Probably a Bonus Meal from Delivery.  WOW!!!  Speaking of guitar I can watch ELVIS movie in about a week on HBOMax.  ELVIS?  Gotta imagine I get something out of listening to at least one of his songs.  Something HALFWAY SIGNIFICANT.  Lemme LTURQ.
  I can appreciate and enjoy some of his songs but none rally DO IT for me.  I can IMAGINE a few of these songs DOING something for me but AS OF NOW I haven't experienced these songs that way quite yet!  Can't help falling in love.  I can imagine BLASTING THAT AT A REASONABLE VOLUME here and there.  If it's the song that goes the way it does in my imagination.  Might be confusing it with another song.  Might be imagining the right song but not the Main interpretation of him doing it.  The point is WHY would Elvis fake his death.  I DON'T WANNA BE ELVIS NO MORE.  Better ELABORATELY FAKE MY DEATH.  And then... I dunno!  I'M ELVIS I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT THEN.  Whatever.  If I knew elvis would I call him PREZ for short?  No!  Probably not!  Unless we came upon it ORGANICALLY and it was FUN and not FORCED.  So that's good.  Always held a grudge against Elvis Costello.  YOU TRYING TO CASH IN ON PAST MUSICIAN'S GOOD NAME.  DON'T LIKE IT.  Feel the same way about Lil Nas X.  ALREADY A NAS.  PICK A NEW NAME.  Hey time to get coffee.
   Sixth paragraph!  Hey how about that.  Gettin' solidly INTO Act I thus INTO entry thus INTO day!  I remember TWO HOURS ago when I didn't wanna get out of bed.  Was that already two hours ago?  Might have just been one hour ago.  No MUTSA been 2 hours ago.  MAYBE AN AMOUNT INBETWEEN.  Well sure Maybe ANYTHING.  Ugh.  Dad's blood infusion nurse downstairs.  I never said HELLO to him and he never said HELLO to me.  SO THAT'S HOW IT'S GONNA BE HUH.  Wonderful.  Might not have Frosted Flakes Bar upcoming snack.  If nurse is still there he BLOCKS my route to getting that bar.  Would have to get some sort of BAR or something from FRIDGE.  Which IS cabinet stuff too.  I got a few things that are regular cabinet bars in fridge because THEY'RE FUN IN THE FRIDGE.  But no Frosted Flakes Bar AS OF NOW.  So that's something to consider.  Nice Keto Bar probably available.  PROBABLY.  I'd say maybe 2/3rds chance it's available.  OH NO THAT'S IT?!?!
   Seventh paragraph.
  Anyway.  Good chance nurse is gone by the time I wanna have snack.  WOW!  What else is going on and crap.  Listening to TODAY'S HITS Playlist on Apple Music.  That MAY NOT be the exact playlist name.  It is A play list name.  Not sure if its the one I'm listening to.  Anyway TWO HOURS AND THIRTY MINUTES OF THE TOP SONGS OF THE DAY?  Where do I sign up?!  Oh at the apple music app.  And I don't even need to enter in any information?  I just have to CLICK IT.  THERE'S NO SIGNING UP AT ALL?  This is GREAT.  Anyway what else is up.  Baz Luhhrenman did Elvis, right?  He's a crazy one or something!  Over the top and crap.  Right?  That's a real person, right?  And he does work Like I Say?  Better LTURQ.  YEP all that checks out.  Except for me spelling his last name correctly.  That does NOT check out.  His first name is BAZ though.  We can only imagine It's pronounced Bahz and not Bah...z.  BAAAH like sheep Z.  Baa like... what makes that Baah sound... Like the word BAD.  Without the D.  BAZ.  Either way I think it's Sheep Ba and not Bad Ba.  Oh okay good.
     Eighth paragraph.
  How long are we talkin' for this movie.  Probably a nice long movie.  Let's say 2 hours and eighteen minutes.  159 minutes.  SOUND LIKE 2 HOUR 39 MINUTE.  HOLY BOY that gonna be a long movie to watch.  "Holy Boy?"  That's no expression.  Maybe it should be.  Not my business!  Gotta imagine 1/3rd into the closing credits they tease a sequel.  Or a spin off.  SOMETHIN to continue the franchise.  My guess is it's a clip of a young Elvis Cosstello hearing an Elvis song and he goes  ELVIS.  WHAT A NICE NAME.  Whatever.  What else is going on and crap.  Two and a half paragraphs to go before I take walk.  Delightful.  Is Payola legal if it's streaming service playlists.  Is payola legal in any case?  Better LTURQ.  Might be illegal on radio cause it's PUBLIC broadcasting.  Apple music is PRIVATE.  Also it may be illegal on RADIO or CHARTS but still widespread.  OH NO.  I'm scared.
    Penultimate paragraph!  Wonderful.  I'd pay money to keep my music OFF The Radio.  It's IN THE PUBLIC'S INTEREST to never be subjected to this!  YEAH.  I got myself there!  More or less.  Not 100% sure why Dejoy is still POSTMASTER GENERAL.  Seems like he's intent on destroying the post office.  And you CAN get rid of him.  You're just NOT.  Not 100% sure why like I said.  Maybe they want Post Office to get blown up?  What would be THEIR motives.  The THEY is Them.  And OTHER THEM is The Other They.  Oh Okay I see.  I read a book about the Post Office by Charlie Bukowski.  NOT a flattering portrait.  I don't think so.  I don't remember it well but I got the impression postpeople are kinda jerks or somethin.  Maybe that's why they don't like post office.  All they know about it is This Book.  And it doesn't paint post people in the most flattering light.  Maybe it does.  Maybe you LIKE the post people being jerks. But they're certainly not the kind of people I WANT to be MY post people.  Oh okay I see one more paragraph to go.
Yeah!  POST PEOPLE ARE PUBLIC SERVANTS.  They're KINGS AMONGST MEN.  Huh.  What else is going on.  Maybe they are all jerks but if you suddenly remove 50,000 jerks from the payroll as they wanna do SUDDENLY THEY'RE RELEASED INTO THE WILD and they will be JERKS AMONGST regular people.  We'd have to deal with A LOT more jerks in regular life now that they're not confined to The Post Office.  EITHER WAY I DON'T LIKE IT.  What else is going on that I DON'T LIKE IT about.  No I DON'T know what to have as a SandwichSide.  Maybe a golden graham bar!  Maybe ANYTHING.  Look golden graham bar is in cabinet too but by lunch time DEFINITELY gonna have access to Said Cabinet.  The good news is I don't KNOW.  Maybe have delicious Ice Cream treat as upcoming snack.  FREEZER IS TOTALLY WITHIN MY GRASP.  And then once I grasp it I PULL IT OPEN and retrieve the delicious snacks contained within!  So that's good.  I'm gonna take a walk now!  be back soon!




So Many Paragraphs

    Hey!  Nurse already gone.  Got plenty of time to write crap and do shit.  What do I got going on and crap.  Do I really wanna Frosted Flakes bar?  YEAH.  I don't think I ABSORBED the whole experience the first time around.  Gotta give it another shot.  THEN I'M DOWN TO ONLY having four left.  GOOD another reason to have one.  Means I have less I have to eat.  SURE I'd get it again next time we get Amazon Fresh.  Means I get to eat delicious Frosted Flakes bars again!  What else do I got going on and crap.  Wearin a nice big shirt.  Not the biggest possible shirt.  But definitely too big for me!  GOOD.  BONUS SHIRT just in case I need it.  Maybe I lose a quarter of my shirt.  STILL GOT enough shirt left over to shirt my upper body.  Not sure if my torso is upper body.  Kinda feels like head and neck are upper body.  This is middle body.  LEGS ARE LOWER.  EVERYTHING ABOVE LEGGS IS UPPER.  Not sure about that.  We can have a GOOD FAITH discussion about it though!  Maybe later.
Yeah!  Getting close to finishing TODAY'S HITS.  Also THESE ARE THE SAME HITS AS YESTERDAY.  I mean in the context of THIS PLAYLIST.  The playlist has been this since FRIDAY.  And will be until THURSDAY.  IT'S THIS WEEK'S HITS.  You could EASILY say that.  But you're not!  Hmm gotta help Dad move some stuff around.  I'll be back in a few minutes As Far As You Know.  Hey it's been a few minutes.  Both as far as you know and REALLY IT IS PLEASE BELIEVE ME!!!  Anyway.  I think cycling through playlists, the next playlist I'm doin' is some ROC... wait I know.  "NEW IN ALTERNATIVE."  It's LIKE ALT Cntrl but SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT.  Sounds GRAT to me.  And by GRAT I mean GREAT. Target.  TrGrat.  What's up?  No Salam Rushdie Twitter Update Yet.  I'm starting to doubt if we'll EVER get a twitter update this month.  Probably next month.  I'LL GIVE HIM TIL DECEMBER.  THEN I'M DONE WITH IT.  Done with what.  ALL OF IT.  Oh okay I see.
   Third paragraph of the act!  What else is going on.  Watch a Tales Crypt after shower.  Then watch SOME Mets game.  Probably be about 5-15 minutes behind.  SO that's good.  Maybe play some GUITAR while watching Mets game.  It solves two problems.  ONE-- being bored during watching Continuous Live Action Mets Game.  TWO-- play some guitar gotta imagine that's a productive or quality activity one way or another.  I've got JUST THE GUITAR AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM (GAS) FOR IT!  Good one.  I don't think I've ever REALLY enjoyed this current Guitar Amplification System.  Man oh man I just had a brief Fantasy of enjoying this GAS while on marijuana and I was like OH MAN I'D DIG THAT REAL NICE LIKE.  So that might happen at some point is the point.  Hey it's good to have goals.  What else is my goal.  Write 2+ more paragraphs.  WOW very achievable.  It FEELS impossible but I know LOGICALLY it will happen in about 15 minutes.  WOW!!!
Hmm.  Maybe have delicious Cheez Its as Sandwichside.  Sandwich You Were Here.  Anyway then I can have golden graham bar as UPCOMING snack or POST-LUNCH snack.  Lots of good options.  That's fun.  Corned Beef probably good microwaved.  Probably REAL Good.  Maybe toast the bread very slightly.  Not a full toast.  Not even a half full toast.  Maybe like A THIRD of a full toast.  JUST ENOUGH to... ya know... be GOOD.  POST OFFICE?  I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER THERE BEING JUST AN OFFICE AND DEFINITELY NOT A PRE-OFFICE.  That sort of thing.  A paragraph and a half to go.  What was Ricky Gervaises careere like pre-office.  HE DID A RADIO SHOW with Best Friends Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington!  NEXT QUESTION.  What was Richy Geriviases career like DURING The Office.  HE WAS BUSY DOING THE OFFICE NEXT QUESTION.  What was Ricky Gerbais' career like POST Office.  POST OFFICE?  THAT SOUNDS LIKE THE FOLKS WHO DEAL WITH THE MAIL.  And NOW I'm DONE WITH YOUR QUESTIONS.
Last paragraph of DayTime Day.  What else is going on and crap.  Probably have Frosted flakes bar in fourty five minutes or so.  I FORGET how it tasted EXACTLY.  MY FIRST PRIORITY in terms of eating things is WAIT WHAT DID THAT TASTE LIKE EXACTLY and HOW CAN I MAKE THE MOST OF THIS EXPERIENCE regardless of how mediocre it really is.  So that's good.  I dunno.  I feel like I'll run out of Today's Hits not upcoming walk but WALK AFTER THAT.  IT's CALLED counting how many songs are left AND calculating based on presumptive length of songs.  I did both IMPERFECTLY when making this calculation-- PLUS the counting is from EARLIER TODAY and not just now so it's not fresh in my memory-- BUT I'd say it's most likely gonna be THAT THERE WALK I JUST SAID I DID.  Over 50% that walk and not another walk.  WOW that's pretty confident.  Amazing.  The point is I'm done for now and I'll be back tonight!




oh okay i see

    Hello friends!  Suckin' on lollipop.  Had dinner which long time readers Know What That Was!  Also Long Time Readers means people who read the first part of this entry.  YOU'VE  BEEN HERE FOR FIVE MINUTES?  LONG TIME!  Lunch was delicious corned beef sandwich with delicious Cheez Its.  AMAZING!  Now that we got everything out of the way... NO WE DIDN'T.  WE DIDN'T EVEN TALK ABOUT TEH TWO SNACKS I'VE HAD.  When do we get to me talking about the two separate snacks I had earlier today?  LATER ON?  I guess I can let that info, "Drop," now!  First snack was golden graham barr before lunch.  Second snack was ice cream in candy coated chocolate shell between lunch and dinner.  WHEN DO WE GET TO anticipating future snacks.  I GUESS WE CAN Get, "INTO," that Right Now!  Aiming to have a chocolate quest barr AS OF NOW for main Dessert Snack.  And OF COURSE some sort of Health Ice Cream Bar for Bedtime.  IS THAT EVERYTHING?  Let's hope so!  Hmm lollipop delicious.  I like the part where it has sugar in it.  Can't go wrong with that!  Hopefully not salt.  I think tomorrow is the day I should avoid salt.  Maybe that was today.  Also National Foods Of The Tomorrow are MY horoscopes.  Either for Tomorrow or in a weird way for The Day Ahead Of Time.
Wonderful.  Yep Tomorrow is More Herbs Less Salt Day.  Too bad.  I'm gonna have NOTHING BUT salt.  AND NEGATIVE HERBS.  I might just THROW UP HERBS I NEVER EVEN ATE YET.  That's how much No Herbs.  Anyway what else is going on.  Couple of Trump Republican Surrogates threatening violence if he's held accountable for the crimes he did.  Look ISN'T IT ENOUGH he gets away with 99.75% of his crimes?  WON'T YOU EVER BE SATISFIED with how much leeway we gave this Career Criminal?  That's how I feel.  Not sure weather he's a Career Criminal or a Lifetime Criminal.  I feel like Crimes is his Career but also just HIS PASSION.  HIS JOB AND HIS REAL SELF AND TRUE LOVE ALL WRAPPED UP IN ONE.  Then again in his mind he probably thinks he's a law abiden citizen.  LAW A BIDEN?  TALK ABOT YOUR FRUEDIAN SLIPS.  Let's talk about it sure.  GOT NOTHIN to SAY ABOUT IT.  Oh well such is life.  In the process of chewing up middle of tootsie pop.  So I made it a solid 2 paragraphs doing this lollipop.  Law A Biden citizen.  Gonna have to remember that one!  Why.  INTERESTING counterpoint.
    Third paragraph out of six.  For the act III part i!  Good deal.  Not sure what the plan is with 2nd beer.  Do I, "Get Into It," before upcoming walk?  Do I FINISH IT if I do, "Get Into it?"  Not sure as of this moment.  Anyway.  At some point we're gonna have to think of Trump Document Scenario as He DID share it with people, he WAS GONNA share it with people, or he left them lying around for people to steal.  Also we will either KNOW the most sensitive stuff or NEVER FIND OUT.  Any of those permutations still ends with Trump going to jail.  I mean IN THEORY.  If our LAWS are to be believed that's what would happen.  But as of now WE CAN'T CONCEPTUALIZE IT the Final Way yet.  GOTTA WONDER WE'LL WORK THE KINKS OUT OF HOW TO CONCEPTUALIZE THIS AS THE STORY PROGRESSES.  I can't wait to see what happens.  THIS SHOULD TAKE A SOLID DOZEN OR SO MONTHS TO PLAY OUT.  FUCK now we gotta do THIS for a dozen months?  UGH I got BETTER ways to spend a dozen months.  Presumably.
   Hmm.  Fourth paragraph!  Why aren't I using the TERM, "A Year."  I feel like it's over-used!  Let's get back to basics and refer to the amount of time period in months.  Prove me wrong!  Hmm.  How are we supposed to follow this story for half dozens of months without knowing the most secret stuff that was involved!  GONNA BE FRUSTRATING.  My guess is we'll have to use our imaginations I HATE THEM SO MUCH.  Well.  My imagination I don't particularly like.  I dunno about YOUR Imagination.  Probably Sucks Too but THAT'S YOUR BUSINESS NOT MINE.  Hmm.  My instinct is not to like your imagination either.  But what do I know.  Not much!  Watched some Music TV Video Awards Show Pre-Game just now.  I LIKED THE PART WHERE hey look at all those Young People.  WHAT'S WRONG WIT THESE PEOPLE.  You know that sort of thing.  Ugh.  Probably gonna fast forward to award show itself!  WHY I saw the pre-game show.  Pre-show game.  WHATEVER IT WAS I SAW SOME OF IT.  I regret nothing.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  It's about TIME.  HEY just got distracted for like 15 minutes.  Dad felt Kitchen Garbage Can (KGC) musta had a screw loose because when you step on the pedal the top doesn't pop up.  Pedal screw disconnected!  So I had to take a look down there and see what's what.  And also while I was there had to clean the mother fucker.  EITHER WAY YEP SCREW LOOSE GONE COMPLETELY.  Metal rod that's LOOSE because GUESS WHAT SUPPOSED TO BE SOME SCREW-- but there's no screw!  Either way I promised I'd work with him some more on it tomorrow.  Not sure what the next step is.  HE MAY have the screw or something.  I wasn't paying too much attention to be honest!  Everything I registered over the 15 minutes I Just Told You.  Anything else?  DIDN'T REGISTER IT!  So that's good.  What else is up.  At this point looks like I won't even START 2nd beer until getting home from walk.  WOW sounds like a... uh... sounds good I guess!
Last paragraph of Act III part i!  GONNA BE HONEST had an Assorted Cookie after GarbageCanGate.  Why is it a GATE.  There's no controversy scandal going on here.  Well maybe there is and I just haven't uncovered it yet.  It's the cover up that's worse than the crime!  AND THERE MIGHT BE A HUGE COVER UP HERE re: this screw coming loose and now I have to re-install if WHICH WILL POSSIBLY TAKE DOZENS OF HALF MINUTES.  You know that sort of thing.  If the cover up is worse than the crime probably should try harder to cover up the cover up.  BUT THEN THAT COVER UP IS WORSE TAN THE COVER UP  TAT WAAS WORSE TAN THE CRIME.  Gonna have to cover up the cover up to the cover up of the crime then.  At some point people forget entirely about the crime and also increasingly forget about past versions of the cover up as time progresses and the cover ups evolve organically through the natural course of things.  Oh okay good.  Anyway hey gonna take a walk now. 

    HEY I'm back from walk.  Look did I try to use Delightful Starbucks bathroom?  Sure!  Made it halfway there before they stopped me and told me it was locked.  I took their word for it and left the establishment.  Either it's locked FOR REAL or there's some other good reason they wanted me to leave.  Either way I don't have a problem with leaving!  I'd like to do it more often!  You put me in a place and I CAN'T WAIT to leave.  The point is Bedtime is in about fourty minutes.  Going to bed is like Leaving The Day.  MM this quest bar is very hearty.  Starting to feel fullish as I get deep into the bar.  About 75% into it at this point.  By which I mean I'm about 75% done with it.  I'm about ONE HUNDRED PERCENT INTO IT.  Not sure if that's accurate.  Maybe about 80% into it.  75% wasn't that far off in retrospect is the point.  Anyway in the process of doing The Last Chewing of it.  So that's good.  What kinda ice cream treat I got coming my way tonight.  I dunno ice cream sandwich?
SURE!  Let's see.  WORDS, WORDS... got a lot of The 2nd Beer left.  That's good at least.  What do you mean AT LEAST.  Lots of good stuff going for me these days!  I got Entry To Write.  Beer to drink.  Food to eat.  FAMILY TO WEIGH ME DOWN.  Unfair to family. Family LIFTS ME UP.  TOO Fair to family.  Family Serves It's Purpose!  YEAH.  But it's a GLASS IS HALF FULL purpose.  Real quality purpose fulfillment with Family and whatknot.  What else.  ZOOM psychiatrist appointment on Tuesday Morning.  Any fulfillment from psychiatry appointment?  SURE she prescribes me drugs.  Some of which I'm a fan of and others of which I'm fairly indifferent to!  I LIKE the Ritalin and Klonopin.  Other stuff?  I dunno!  BEEN ON EM TOO LONG.  I have no idea what it'd be like without them.  THAT'D BE FUN SOME DAY TO FIND OUT.  Stop taking em.  SEE WHAT HAPPENS.  See where that takes me!  Oh well we'll do that later on I guess.  Can't get around to it TONIGHT.  I GOT BED TIME IN RELATIVELY MUCH LESS THAN FOURTY MINUTES.  What else.
Wonderful.  Two more days in August per my understanding.  Wait.  Lemme crunch those numbers.  THIRTY days has... april... september... re-calibrating... re-calibrating... AUGUST IS 31 DAYS.  Three more days to August after tonight.  There are thirty days in August.  That is a factual statement.  But it's INCORRECT if you say there's ONLY Thirty Days in August.  THAT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LINE!  Something along those liens.  Anyway formatting got messed up yesterday for a reason I forget so the WIDTH of the Website Page is a little bit different.  Which may actually effect the way people see it on their web browser or not.  I dunno!  I wish I did know.  So I can fine tune it INTO PERECTION.  But I can't so I don't and also it works out because I don't wanna bother.  So that's all good. 
   Anyway.  Amazing stuff, finishing this entry so early.  Gonna watch an entire Tales In The Crypt before falling into slumberland.  FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.  That's it.  That's the name of the Tales In The Crypt Episode.  Huh.  GOOD THE PROTAGONIST IS A SHORT MAN.  KIND OF AN ANTI-HERO.  Not really.  He's just some jerk that the story is completely centered around.  Not sure we're supposed to like him at all.  Oh well that's what he gets for stealing money that was supposed to go to a fake charity he made up.  NO SPOILERS.  That's how it BEGINS.  So I haven't spoiled A THING.  Except for the fact that we never start identifying with him at all even later into the episode.  HE STARTS OUT and REMAINS just some jerk.  So that's fun.  I dunno.  What else do I have going for me.  ISN'T THAT ENOUGH.  Upon further introspection YEP.  That's more than enough.  I'm happy with my lot in life.  What lot.  Whichever lot you wanna talk about.  Makes no difference to me!  I'll be back tomorrow and crap.

-9:45 P.M.




Saturday, August 27, 2022

Never Have I Used This Title Before

    Hey!  About twuenty fieve minutes behind schedule today.  Probably can fit in everything more or less regularly!  Possible I'm about 5-10 minutes late pushing my Dad's walk back 5-10 minutes.  As a one-off thing I don't think he'd be too upset.  Then again I don't know what goes on in his brain.  Maybe gets really upset all the time and doesn't let it show!  That's his business not mine I guess.  Not sure how much snacking I did over night.  Coulda been ZERO.  Coulda been TWO OR THREE things.  I know I had early breakfast of Small Very Hearty Brownie.  Not too early I hope!  As of NOW I don't feel like it was too early to last me.  So that's good.  Solid Mets Game Watching Activity tonight at 7:10 PM. ..And continuing for about three hours.  What's the average game time for the 2022 season.  My guess is THREE HOURS TEN MINUTES.  OR TWO HOURS FIFTY MINUTES.  ONE OR THE OTHER.  Three hours five minutes.  RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of what I said.  I WAS AS ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE. I NAILED IT.  That may be incorrect.  Eh.
   Dinner today part II of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom!  Lunch is probably Belgian Waffle.  Maybe hold onto that for tomorrow.  Have SANDWICH for lunch.  We'll see how it goes.  I'll see how it goes.  Probably update you.  So you'll see how it goes after the fact.  YEAH.  Anyway wearing an oversized shirt today and not bothering to take it off during Periods At Home to do sit ups.  This shirt ain't gonna tear being stretched during sit-ups.  Too big to tear!  Just like some banks are too big to fail this shirt is too big to tear.  I feel people POEPLE are the ones that are too big to fail.  YEAH.  Let's TALK ABOUT IT.  Gonna be accepting Amazon Fresh delivery this afternoon.  From 3-5 is the window presumably.  Usually it doesn't prevent me from having normal walks.  Might mess up EXACT TIMES I would want.  But not too bad FOR THE MOST PART.  Oh okay great.  Got some coffee a-brewin.  Got some orange soda a-drinkin'. 
   If I do go over time I can mix up when I take my shower and when I write Act II.  So the time before my Dad's walk is shorter.  Let's hope it doesn't come to that!  IT VERY WELL MIGHT.  Oh well okay.  Not sure I'm happy with the average MLB game being 3 hours and 5 minutes when I THINK the length of Baseball games on THE GUIDE is 3 hours.  Maybe it's 3.5 hours.  Used to be 3 hours though!  IT WAS A SIMPLER TIME.  About 1/7th simpler.  1/6th maybe.  Something along those lines.  SATURDAY.  Probably gonna try Frosted Flakes bar as snack between lunch and dinner.  IT MAY BLOW MY EXPECTATIONS OUT OF THE WATER.  Into the AIR.  Possibly onto some LAND.  Anyway is fishing with dynamite just an expression or is it a real thing.  Better LTURQ.  Hey it's a real thing.  That hardly seems fair to the fish.  Or the water.  OR LET'S FACE IT THE BOAT.  Anyway.  When I was a kid there was a premise on TV and in movies that Fathers Took Their Sons fishing.  And that was a thing.  Haven't seen a lot of that lately.  I guess it's fallen out of favor!
    Anyway.  Fishing sounds hard.  Unless it's an automated fishing pole.  Gotta imagine in the past they had Manual Fishing and now they have Auto Fishing.   Sweet.  Anyway if I wanna get this done on schedule how much time do I have to finish this act?  Let's say about 50 minutes.  FIFTY MINUTES FOR 6.5 paragraphs.  Doable!  Not necessarily guaranteed though.  Either way whatever happens is gonna happen.  Probably.  Maybe there's some universe that Whatever Happens won't happen.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Cherry Turnover Day and National Red Wine Day.  Sounds like doubling up on RED.  Cheery is red.  RED IS RED.  I'd eat a turn over.  Why not.  Unless I'm being incentivized not to eat it somehow for some reason.  I'm gonna guess Red Wine is more BITTER than White Wine.  Better LTURQ.  YEP.  Sounds like if I had to try wine I'd try WHITE wine.  So that's good.  What kinda snack I got coming up in a few hours.  ICE CREAM POSSIBLY.  Can't go wrong with ice cream!
   Fifth paragraph!  Never really thought about it this way but HOW DO PEOPLE ENJOY WINE.  I know that I don't like it.  Known it for a long time!  But I never thought really well what's the appeal to ANYBODY.  For the most part OTHERWISE I share Taste with the majority of people for the most part.  How come other people like wine when I don't.  I DON'T UNDERSTAND.  I DON'T LIKE IT THOUGH.  Maybe I gotta try wine more often.  Get USED to it.  MAYBE other people have to try wine LESS often how do you like that.  Huh.  I could add hershey bars with almonds to order.  SIX PACK of regular sized bar.  NAH.  I ain't gonna do that.  It could be a game changer in how much FUN it'd be.  But it's not worth RISKING halfway banges.  So that's good.  Aim for 3 beers tonight!  Unless I decide MID-night (not to be confused with midnight) to only have 2.  Or 2.5.  Whatever it is the point is I'm giving my some solid room to have three.  So that's good.  Got 40+ minutes to write 5 paragraphs now.  I CAN DO THAT SHIT.
    Got coffee.  At this point there's no PLUS about it.  Got 40 minutes to write 5 paragraphs to do everything comfortably on time.  WONDERFUL.  45 minutes would provide some BREATHING room.  THEN AGAIN whatever happens will happen.  I think we covered that earlier.  What else is going on and crap.  I feel a little bit of CrunchTime so I can't sit back and enjoy this thought, but it's NICE that hey I'm already kinda deep into entry.  I remember back when I FIRST GOT UP IN THE MORNING PERMANENTLY over an hour ago.  STILL FRESH IN MY MIND.  Now I've accomplished oh so much compared to that moment!  So that's good!  Hmm I remember enjoying that brownie.  Too hearty for a breakfast really.  But once every two weeks isn't gonna, "Break The Bank."  How do you break a building.  Bulldozer.  Wrecking Ball.  ATOM BOMB.  Lots of ways to break entire buildings.  CONTROLLED IMPLOSION.  Anyway I feel like when they do controlled implosions they have audiences and then the audiences just breathe in the building remnants.  Not sure any of that happens.  I think I saw it on TV once.  So it MUST be a real thing.
Seventh paragraph!  Four to go!  What else.  Maybe just microwave waffle for lunch.  Eat a nice soft belgian waffle as compared to semi-hard.  YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN by semi-hard.  What else.  Got some Tales In The Crypt to cycle through.  I feel like the season that always goes the quickest is Season I.  I WANT to contemplate what that's all about FEELINGwise.  But in reality probably just cause there's only six episodes.  And every other season is like 12-18 episodes.  But ALSO it goes by BECAUSE I DUNNO IT'S JUST A FEELING I GET.  So that's good.  What else do I got going for me.  Can always just end Act I or Act II a paragraph early.  Make up for it with Act III.  That's another way to go if I wanna fine-tune my schedule today.  YEAH.  I guess!  No Salman Rushdie update.  Maybe I should start checking other writers' twitters to see if they wrote an update for him.  As a courtesy. Cause he's busy Getting Better.  Getting Better All The Time.
Hmm.  Three paragraphs in 25 minutes more or less.  Lemme crunch the numbers.  Sounds like about 8 minutes a paragraph.  That's pretty easy.  Unless I have nothing to say.  NOTHING TO SAY?  GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.  Always got something to say.  WHEN is Salman Rushdie okay to drink wine again.  Cause tomorrow is Red Wine Day.  And I Don't think he'd wanna miss participating in that.  Is Salman Rushdie Muslim.  And are they allowed to drink Wine recreationally.  Better LTURQ.  Answer is probably yes on both counts.  Maybe he's not Muslim.  My guess is he's LESS EXTREME Muslim and that's why they don't like him.  But now that I think about it maybe just NOT MUSLIM AT ALL!  Better LTURQ.  BOTH.  He came from a Liberal Muslim Family and is now an atheist.  AS OF WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE.  We don't know if Assination Accident Attempt changed his mind.  My guess?  Probably too busy being in pain to change his mind.
Anyway.  Two paragraphs to go.  Lotta time to do it!  Everything working out all good it turns out.  Alcohol is considered Harem (prohibited or sinful) by majority of Muslims.  But a significant minority drinks.  And the article that popped up on Google for First Place said if they do drink THEY GONNA DRINK EVERYONE ELSE UNDER THE TABLE.  Not sure why they needed to become braggarts.  Also not sure if that's really a great quality to brag about.  Holding your liquor.  That's bad HEALTH WISE and also NOT GREAT FOR YOU.  You have to drink more to get effects I guess?  Something like that?  SORRY ABOUT THAT.  NOT CONVENIENT AT ALL.  Anyway.  What else is going on.  Not sure how drinking someone under the table works.  What OR WHO is going under the table and WHY exactly.  Doesn't add up.  Jeez.  Whatta do with DayTime Day.  I feel like it'd be nice to take a break from Tales In The Crypt.  Maybe find some Horror MOVIES to either watch for the first time or re-watch.  Hey that sounds like a ton of fun let's try to remember and execute that.
One more paragraph to go!  TEN MINUTES would give me PLENTY of time.  Fifteen Minutes is even acceptable!  HOLY SHIT!  What else.  What's going on under the table.  Sounds like fun.  I wanna spend more time Under The Table.  SEE WHAT'S GOIN ON DOWN HERE.  Huh.  Also when they have Baseball Game Block on THE GUIDE.  They include 5-20 minutes of coverage BEFORE the first pitch.  THEY MUST be doing 3.5 hour blocks, right?  It would MAKE NO SENSE to do otherwise!  Huh.  I'm sure this is universal but I don't like the PREMISE of first pitch but also specifically CALLING IT the first pitch.  Kinda implies it's not just ceremonial and IS the first pitch of the game!  In which case THAT'D BE REALLY FUN but that's not actually what they do.  Don't like it.  Feels like a scam!  Anyway.  First Hit.  People would get a kick out of that.  Might take celebrity a lot of tries to make contact with the bat on the ball.  USE TEE BALL.  That way they can DEFINITELY make contact within 2 or 3 tries.  Semi-celebrity hitting some Tee Ball?  First Hit?  THAT'S FUN.  Alright I'll be back soon with PLENTY o' Time.




That's Not Necessarily Accurate

    Hey!  Let's write this act in 40 minutes.  45 minutes worst case scenario.  But FOURTY MINUTES is the goal.  Anyway sweatin' bullets.  Not sure why.  Probably walking in the heat.  That's a good guess.  Gonna have to remember that guess for when I write a paper on possible causes later on.  Anyway.  Probably gonna ice Ice Cream Chocolate Coated Shell for snack in about Oh I Don't Know an hour and fifteen minutes!  Good deal.  Also sweating bullets isn't a fun metaphor exaggeration. NO.  BULLET IS A SHAPE OF SOMETHING I THINK.  And the shape Of intermediate to big Sweat is BULLET.  I think.  Sounds right.  Anyway does sweating in and of itself burn calories.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE IT DOES NOT.  That seems wrong.  Water is WEIGHT. I am LOSING WATER.  I OUGHT TO BE LOSING WEIGHT.  Who can I write to to make a formal complaint re: this subject matter.  CHARLES DARWIN?  He hasn't been seen in A CENTURY AND A HALF.
Yep.  I'm pretty sure Natural Selection and Survival Of The Fittest just means we all descended from Charles Darwin.  Could be worse. Hmm any reason to Cancel Charles Darwin.  OF COURSE THEY TRIED IT FOR A REALLY REALLY LONG TIME.  I think at this point they kinda gave up.  But is there any MODERN DAY reason to cancel Charles Darwin.  I'm not seeing immediately anything problematic.  Good beard.  I think that's a PLUS.  Anyway.  Got just over 3.5 paragraphs to go!  Getting close and whatknot.  Yeah!  Also I think when someone is cancelled and then makes a comeback we call it a Reboot.  That's where I draw the line!  If you're allowed a comeback I'M OKAY AS LONG AT IT'S EXPLICITLY FRAMED AS A REBOOT.  And YA BETTER BE GOOD FROM NOW ON!  That sort of thing.  Let's see what else is up.  Maybe I can figure out a good horror movie to watch in a bit.  Hmm maybe watch the I Know What You Did Last Summer movies.  Haven't seen them in a long time!  Probably some value to watching those.  REMINISICENT VALUE.  I remember watching these movies when I WAS CIRCA TEN YEARS OLD.
So that's good.  What else is Three Paragraphs in 30 Minutes.  THIRTY MINUTES OR LESS OR YOUR PARAGRAPH IS FREE.  Something along those lines.  Nah Nothing along those lines.  Is Jack Black in I Know What You Did Last Summer II or is it just someone LIKE Jack Black Was in the late 1990's In Film.  I THINK IT WAS JACK BLACK IN THE LATE 1990'S IN FILM.  Let's GO TO THE VIDEO TAPE.  Ya know THE INTERNET?  Jack Black DID INDEED appear uncredited in the movie.  Wonder why.  He thought his career was taking off and this bit role would look BAD on his resume?  OR MAYBE THEY'RE JUST JERKS and didn't wanna give him Credit.  Or maybe it's a FUN reason and that way you don't know he's gonna be in it and you see him and are like HOLY MOLEY I DIDN'T KNOW THIS SUCKER WAS IN THIS MOVIE.  I better FORGET TOO so next time I see the movie I'LL BE SHOCKED AND AWED all over again.  Which is what just happened to me!  Kind of!  Hmm.
Two paragraphs to go.  Wonderful.  Remiiscent Value isn't a phrase.  I know.  I've  always known.  Huh.  I've always known who you know this summer why it's only Jack Black in dreadlocks.  Hmm.  Got a solid 20+ minutes to write 2 paragraphs.  It's an EMBARRASSMENT of Riches.  By which I mean It should embarrass me to share these crap paragraphs with you.  RICHLY embarrass me!  Sort of sure why not.  I feel like there's THREE I know what you did, ETC. movies on HBOMax.  More than a feeling.  It's just accurate.  Anyway I'm guessing THIRD ONE is with new cast.  I never SEEN IT.  I'd REMEMBER if it had regular cast.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP TOTALLY NEW MOVIE.  May be a RE-IMAGINING.  Why would you re-imagine A CLASSIC.  They NAILED IT first time around!  Probably.  Musta been a solidly mediocre movie, right?  In my memory I don't remember LEAVING THE ROOM IN DISGUST any time it came on.  Probably even had it on VHS and watched it TOTALLY ON PURPOSE a half or two a dozen timses.
Last paragraph!  Delightful.  Also even the sequel I still know what you did last summer takes place ONE MORE SUMMER LATER.  So at this point You Still Know What We Did TWO Summers Ago.  I guess you ALSO know what we did last summer-- you were there too!  BUT I think you're referring to Two Summers Ago at this point.  GET YOUR STORY STRAIGHT is all I'm sayin'.  Hmm.  Mets old timers game is taking place today.  ARE THEY TELEVISING THAT SUCKER?  I can fast forward through that for fun EASY.  Lemme LTURQ. Hey it is being televised.  What fun.  Are there  any players on these roster whom I'm invested in?  WOW LOTS OF PLAYERS.  SO MANY CLASSIC METS PLAYERS.  This is gonna be BLASTS and HALVES.  MULTIPLE ON EACH WORD.  Good.  Uh oh my computer wasn't plugged in accurately for a while.  Just noticed it was running low on battery!  PLUGGED THAT SUCKER IN A LITTLE BIT BETTER just now.  That should do the trick.  Plug is bent.  That's why it SEEMED plugged in but wasn't.  Hopefully it's not TOO BENT to ruin everything.  Right now it's working!  Hey good stuff.  I'll be back tonight.




everything is going  great

    Hello, friends!  Frosted flakes bar was okay but not great.  I'm gonna give it a FOUR out of TEN.  WILL EAT AGAIN but not 100% thrilled about it.  COULDA BEEN WORSE.  The BASE of the bar was sort of like Frosting which made is more sugary.  NOT ENOUGH though.  Sucking on a lollipop now.  Had waffle for lunch.  Steak * Stuffed Mushroom for dinner.  Drinking Last Light Hearted Ale beer.  Before going back to bud light soon.  BUD LIGHT?  Yep, Bud Light!  NOT SURE WHY THAT THREW ME FOR A LOOP EXACTLY.  Never watched any I Know What Someone Did Some Season Ago today.  FORGOT ALL ABOUT DOING THAT.  Watched some Tall Tales Of The Crypt and some METS old timers INTO CURRENT TIMERS game.  So I think we're all caught up.  CAUGHT UP IN THIS TOGETHER sure.  I'm glad I got more Frosted Flakes Bars than less, though.  That's a CLUE to how I feel deep down about them.  I was happy to find out the box I got had SIX instead of FOUR.  So in the end DELICIOUS.
   Act III Part I is gonna be SIX.
  As opposed to FOUR for Act III Part II.  Probably.  I dunno.  Anything can happen.  Probably.  I don't know how the universe works, c'mon!  I can't tell you what may or may not plausibly happen.  Keep doing this indefinitely.  I feel comfortable making that prediction.  I CAN'T LOSE.  Either I WIN by I Keep Doing This OR I WIN by Hey Apparently Something Else Is Going On For Me That Sounds Even Greater.  Anyway.  Delicious QUEST BAR coming up after Walk.  Haven't had a Quest Bar in DAYS.  COULD HAVE BEEN A SINGLE HUNDRED OF HOURS.  Sounds like a little more than four days.  WOW.  Anything new in the Trump Stolen Documents Saga.  Still stole documents!  That's all we got as of now I think.  Also I wanna send a shout out to everyone who thinks of the Mr Show Lie Detector Sketch in regards to Stolen Documents Trump Scandal.  The guy who stole from NASA.  What did you steal, a rocket ship?  NO, just some pens.  And some plans.  Space Plans.  Makes me laugh just typing it out. WOW I made myself laugh.  Sounds like I'm a super comedian guy to myself.
BUT I DID NOT ORIGINATE THE CONTENT.  Oh well ya take wins where you can get them. What's important is that SOMETHING FUNNY HAPPENED.  Why get caught up in WHO DID IT or WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON or WHERE AM I.  Huh.  HMM that's one DOCUMENT SPECULATION I haven't seen.  Maybe TRUMP STOLE SPACE PLANS.  Oh No I'm scared.  Also why do you need to steal documents.  Just REMEMBER them.  If it's something you care about that much how hard is it just to REMEMBER that information you're stealing.  If it really is that important to you!  That might make sense, it might not.  I DON'T KNOW HOW DOCUMENTS WORK.  I could be picturing them wrong.  Anyway in high school and First College I used to have Hundreds of page Microsoft Word documents of lyrics and chord progressions and tablature.  I'D HATE FOR THAT TO FALL INTO THE WRONG HANDS.  Well lets put it to the test how would I feel if I had to memorize all that stuff.  I DID.  I ended up memorizing them IN SONG.  I put the pieces together into songs and REMEMBERED THEM.  So basically the take away is TRUMP COULDA WRITTEN A MUSICAL ABOUT THE TOP SECRET INFORMATION to help him REMEMBER.  Maybe HE DID.  We have NO WAY OF KNOWING as of now.
    Fourth paragraph!
  Gonna start beer #2!  Also I know one defense of Trump is oh he's writing his memoirs?  And I'm gonna shit all over that.  But if you say he's writing a musical SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY I'm gonna be interested in hearing more of that dumb excuse.  YOU'VE GOT MY EAR with that excuse PLEASE ELABORATE.  Anyway that almost definitely isn't the case.  So we don't need to dwell on it that much further.  Either way SURE I also had other sorts of notes in High School Mega Documents.  NOTES about my mental state.  I'M SAD BECAUSE I'M LONELY.  That sort of thing.  Not sure why it's important I remember that.  OH because FEELINGS is inspiration for song.  It's almost the same premise as writing down some lyrics.  It's how I FEEL.  That's what MUSIC IS.  OR SO I THOUGHT.  Turns out music is about top secret documents and it's so you remember the contents without having to own the hard copies.  Hmm sounds about right.  Now I'm actually gonna go get 2nd beer like I wanted to earlier.
Yeah!  Oh right I got Assorted Cookie.  Have four of those instead of Quest bar as Snack.  MORE OR LESS the same amount of calories.  Perhaps even SAME.  YEP TAHT COVERS 100% OF THE POSSIBITIES.  How many kinda cookies are there.  I think there's at least THREE FOUR if you wanna get technical.  I can think of three MAIN kinda cookie but ONE OF THOSE KINDS is vanilla AND chocolate Same Kind.  SO TAHT'S FOUR.  WOW ONE OF EACH.  It's a real SCHOMOREGESBOARD.  Possibly.  Not 100% on what words mean.  MICROSOFT WORD. Means TIME TO WRITE SOME COUPLETS.  Wouldn't it surprise everyone if the Top Secret files Trump stole WERE my 2005 song lyrics?  I'D BE SHOCKED.  Guess anything is possible though.  Also I ASSUME I'M GETTING ROYALTIES in this scenario.  Everytime he sells them to a foreign power I GET A CUT OF THE DEAL?  Seems only fair.  Anyway I think Trump or Trump's family is conceringly friendly with the Saudi Arabias Royalties Family?  That sort of thing. ...Sorry.
Sixth paragraph!  Probably taking a walk after this one.  Also if Trump wanted to sell documents why would he leave them laying around so easily to be stolen from him.  DOESN'T ADD UP.  Either he wants to turn a profit OR he just couldn't care less about who can or can't see 'em.  Maybe he wants to sell them AND he's too dumb to realize someone can easily steal it and if someone steals it they won't have to pay him for it.  SURE.  Maybe that's how they do the transaction.  There's a deal made and then TECHNICALLY they steal the document so there's PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY.  Pretty sure I'm not using the phrase accurately.  But they MAKE THE SALE and then Trump says you didn't hear it from me but LOOK IN THE WEIGHT ROOM TAPED UNDER THE ELIPITACAL MACHINE you'll find the goods there.  I doubt there's a weight room.  And if  there is shouldn't it be full with weights and not elliptical machines?  Also that sounds too CONSCIOUSLY placed.  Gotta LOOK random and messy.  Also ANYONE who is using the eliptical and wants to get a look at what the bottom of the machine looks like can see this!  Hmm.  Not 100% happy with this scenario EITHER IN THEORY or if it IS accurate IN REAL LIFE.  I'm gonna go take a walk now though.  That's good.

    Hey!  INTO my 2nd of 4 cookies right now.  REAL ASSORTED LIKE.  Probably even could have had FIVE.  I feel four is enough presumably.  Plus I got Health Ice Cream Bar later.  Not sure how HEALTH this ice cream bar really is.  Low calorie, sure.  HEALTH?   That might be a stretch.  HEALTH EDGER Is a acronym of a famous dead person.  I believe he was famous for being alive at first and then only became famous for being dead after some time.  Being dead.  That sort of thing!  I'm done with the cookies now and I have very little regrets.  In fact I only have ONE regret!  DOING IT.  Uh-oh that sounds like The Main Regret to have.  Oh well such is life.  Got beer #3 going.  Delicious.  What kinda fun stuff did I listen to on last walk.  That's between me and my doctor.  AND I'M ALL OUT OF DOCTORS.  Oh okay sure.  Gotta imagine I made a Doctor Pun for titling my teenage documents.  I always used the syllable DOC in them.  DOCCCTRIO was one.  DOCTOTHEFUTURE I think was one.  Also they had nothing to do with TRIO or TO THE FUTURE.  Not consciously at least.  This is all just 100% random guess work that means absolutely nothing.
IF ITS WHAT YOU SAY I LOVE IT.  Anyway three paragraphs to go.  Gotta remember to use that in Sexts.  If I ever get into some Sexts.  Reply to every other thing with IF ITS WHAT YOU SAY I LOVE IT.  Gotta imagine she'd get tired of that after maybe One Time.  Either way what can ya do.  Wearin' sweatshirt jacket on nighttime walk again.  This is great!  And each night IT JUST GETS MORE AND MORE REASONABLE to wear a sweatshirt jacket.  We're going in THE POSITIVE direction re: my wearing sweatshirt jackets for NighTimeWalks.  So basically things are working out for me I guess.  I can't complain!  Who'd listen!  Besides you!  Apparently you're on board for listening to me!  Hmm probably should do some complaining then.  Make the most out of our time together and whatknot!  Hmm what's there to complain about.  I've had it up to here With Things!  That's all.  Wonder if I can work in Assorted Cookies to NightMight snacking POSITIVE or negative.  I could easily eat 12 of them and that's NEGATIVE.  Or I can eat two of them total and that's POSITIVE. 
   Penultimate paragraph.  Hmm lookin' like a Cookies 'N Cream Ice Cream Bar tonight.  I haven't had one of them in a while.  It's TIME that I CIRCLED BACK to the cookies and cream health ice cream bars I've had for a few weeks and been totally neglecting.  Part of life is EATING THINGS RESPONSIBLY BEFORE THEY GO BAD.  The MAIN part.  Well one of the main parts.  Sometimes.  For my life.  I'm not here to tell you the main parts of your life.  Probably has nothing to do with me at all.  None of my business I GUESS.  Oh well such is life.  WOW I'M HALFWAY INTO THE THIRD PARAGRAPH OF THE ACT.  I went downstairs to refill soda (SPRITE THIS TIME ROUND) and I was thinking okay I wrote 2 paragraphs now 2 more.  NOPE.  I ALREADY WROTE HALF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH.  And guess what?  At this point TOTS ALMOST DONE COMPLETELY.  When life hands you lemons you TAKE MORE LEMONS GIVE ME ALL THE LEMONS,  Not sure what that means.  Either way the point is I only have to write one more paragraph and then my life has been successful somehow.
   Hmm.  Gotta get up early tomorrow to throw out garbage and move boxes around and shit.  GOOD.  I wanna get up early anyway.  Now I'm just incentivized to STAY UP because I'll be busy Actually Being Up.  What else is crap.  More or less gonna be going to bed when I'm done here.  Eat some ice cream IMMEDIATELY as I go to bed.  No I'm gonna Bed-it-up for about 15 minutes then I've already eaten into the amount of time it takes to fall asleep so when I eat the ice cream it'll be closer to actually losing consciousness.  NAH I'm just gonna eat the ice cream before the 15-20 minutes I'd be Devoting To Falling Asleep.  IT MAKES SENSE.  What else is up.  Just finished beer.  What's today.  Thursday?  Tuesday?  Saturday?  I know logically it's Saturday.  I guess.  Not sure I'm happy about it though!  Well we made it to the end.  For today.  Tomorrow we gotta start over.  That sucks!  See ya later.

-10:12 P.M.




Friday, August 26, 2022

I'm Still Writing This

    Hey!  About 2 hours ahead of schedule.  Took a real early walk!  Super Market delivery is gonna come later.  Almost definitely after Act I!  I probably will have to just hang around for like 2 hours waiting for it.  After I'm done!  Oh well this is the life I Chose.  A life WITH GROCERIES.  Also presumably this is more convenient than Physical Destination Super Market.  We get it cause of Pandemic Quarantine.  But convenience is a reason other people may get it!  Also agoraphobia.  At what point does Pandemic Quarantine become agoraphobia.  Not really agoraphobia.  More like the phobia you don't wanna catch a disease.  Diseosophobia.  The point is I have a phobia of my parent's strongly disapproving what I've done.  That's why I don't go into places!  Not really a fear.  Just an acceptance.  I have a fear of acceptance of my parent's fears.  Anyway.  Had anywhere from Zero to ONE HUNDRED over-allotted calories for NightMight snacking.  Had early Classic Breakfast before early Walk.  So early I may fit in a 2nd snack before lunch.  A PRE-Snack.  Regular snack is same.  This 2nd snack before lunch is TECHNICALLY the 1st snack CHRONOLOGICALLY.
    Wow!  I have chronophobia.  Scared of time!  And/or clocks.  I can see some autistic people or something being afraid of clocks as a tic.  I may be mixing up mental disorders.  Either way Fear Of Clocks?  I GET IT. Lemme LTURQ on the internet.  Chronophobia.  Like I said.  FEAR OF TIMEPIECES like watches or CLOCKS.  One would imagine the ticking is also a big trigger.  Anyway.  I'd be kind of afraid of your classic Circle Big Hand/Little Hand clock.  Been a LONG time since I adhered to one of those.  Weird it's like a blast from the past.   Is what I would say!  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Pots De Creme Day.  LOOSE FRENCH DESSERT CUSTARD.  Loose Custard is the grossest thing I've ever heard.  And I've Heard... uh... hmm.  Donald Trump Speak!  Yeah!  Let's go with that!  I wonder what's the closest I've ever been to Donald Trump physically in my life.  At SOME point in my life probably within 100 feet of him.  Used to go to high school in Lower Manhattan.  Gotta imagine he did business there at some point.  OVERLAPPING WITH ME BEING IN HIGH SCHOOL.  Not sure that's 100 feet away.  The point is My Claim To Fame is Being within a 2,000 foot radius of various Celebs.
    Probably PLENTY of em.  When you're 2,000 feet away from them they let you do it.  Hmm.  Could I do CircleWalking in my room if I'm waiting a long time for super market?  NO.  NEVER!  Third paragraph.  Great.  Getting Bud Light today.  Not happy about it!  Only choice I had!  Not the best tasting light beer AND the highest calorie light beer I've come across!  I wonder what it's Alcohol by volume content it has.  My guess is I THINK STANDARD is 4.3% for light beer.  Let's go with that.  4.2%.  %4.2.  No that first way.  Oh well such is life.  1/43 alcohol units less per beer than yer standard light beer.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine Salvador Dali had some strong feelings about clocks.  At least AFTER his painting.  People just wanted to talk to him about melted clocks all the time for the rest of his life.  To THEM he was a ONE HIT WONDER and he HATED IT.  Being a one hit wonder sounds great.  HEY ONE AND DONE!  Now I get to move on with my life WITH THE ADDED BONUS of Being or Having a single solid Wonder!  Whatta deal!  Hmm. 
     Yeah!  What are my lunch options.  Ham, turkey, or corned beef sandwich.  Chicken Caesar Salad.  Turkey bologones with some PASTA.  Probably one of the last two.  I don't wanna eat a sandwich.  I ate a sandwich YESTERDAY.  HOW MANY SANDWICHES CAN ONE MAN EAT.  That's a RHETORICAL question.  I don't CARE.  Hmm.  I'd like to see a competitive eating contest with real sandwiches.  Not ONE-AND-Done easy to eat hot dogs.  I mean like a philly cheese steak where insides runneth over the bread.  Nice big overstuffed sandwiches.  Go eat plenty of them.  Also instead of 10 or 15 minutes GIVE EM SIX HOURS.  If you wanna win the Six Hour Philly Cheese Steak Contest YOU ARE LITERALLY RISKING YOUR LIFE.  And that's what I EXPECT from my athletes.  Hmm.  Competitive Eating is an interesting competition because if you win kinda feels like you lose.  Not sure that you get any joy or adulation or payoff at all for winning an eating competition.  Well sure I guess.
Fifth paragraph already!  Delicious. I could theoretically enjoy some time off just hanging around.  Lay in bed!  Watch Tales In The Crypt!  Only thing is I don't want it delivered so late it eats into my Normal Walking/Act II schedule.  WHICH IS DEFINITELY POSSIBLE.  Not PROBABLY.  PLAUSIBLE.  Probably.  Sure gotta get up every seven and a half minutes to do some Sit-Up/Push-Ups.  That goes without saying.  APPARENTLY NOT.  Oh okay sure.  Super Market website is telling me they're sending everything I asked for.  Any interesting SNACK I'm gettin'?  I don't think so.  OH RIGHT.  Those Ice Cream things in the candy coated chocolate shell!  ALRIGHT NOW WE'RE TALKING.  Also a one-and-done Tiny Super Hearty Brownie for a breakfast.  HOPEFULLY.  Last week I ended up eating it As It Came as part of a morning halfway bange.  That was only a week ago?  That feels like A LONG time ago... like a week and a half ago.  Guess not!  THIS WEEK HAS BEEN SO EVENTFUL feels like A WEEK AND A HALF.  Oh well go figure.  Gettin' Sandwich Thins as sandwich bread for next two weeks.  Six sandwiches worth of bread.  That'll be fun.  Ordered half a pound for each deli mat.  They're sending me 98% of that for ham, 106% for turkey, and 112% for corned beef.  DANGIT TOO MUCH CORNED BEEF!!! Coffee time.
    Coffee & Root beer!  Hmm.  If I KNEW they were gonna be delivering very much on the later side, I COULD write Act II while waiting.  Before next walk.  Don't wanna have to do that!  But it MAY COME DOWN TO IT.  Anyway Salman Rushdie update let's LTURQ.  At this point might as well look into A Real Update that Exists.  As of last week only able to say a few words.  That sounds NOT GREAT.  Except for the last week part.  LAST WEEK?  THAT WAS TWO MONTHS AGO!  Hmm.  Also it WAS a week and a half ago  This article was from 3 days ago.  AND THEY said last week.  MAN OH MAN YOUR STORY KEEPS CHANGING YOU BETTER GET IT RIGHT BEFORE THE COPS COME.  Huh.  How deep are we into the act.  About 55%.  Oh okay that sounds not so bad.  Re-uppin with FROSTED FLAKES.  Now all I need to is to make some egg whites!  Or buy some egg whites!  Probably buy some egg whites!  PERHAPS AS SOON AS TONIGHT!  Very perhaps.  Gonna get it as a SIDE to a griddle centric meal to JUSTIFY it.  Hmm what kinda griddle centric meal can I get as a Bonus Meal.  Off the top of my head CAN YOU DO bonus egg whites with chocolate chip pancakes?  I know you can with REGULAR pancakes.  But I feel like once you incorporate chocolate chips you WAIVE any ability to compliment the pancakes with other breakfast sides.
   Seventh paragraph!  Possible I may have to skip a walk entirely today.  By which I mean DON'T TAKE one of my walks.  Not SKIP instead of WALK for one of the excursions.  Not sure I've ever Skipped in my life.  I wouldn't know where to begin!  Also did Wizard of Oz INVENT skipping?  I feel like they're ALL ABOUT skipping.  Could be wrong.  Never seen the movie.  I know they walk down a road a lot and I'd imagine they're skipping for parts of it!  Anyway new music DROPPED today.  Including them updating their weekly playlists!  I started listening to ALT CNTRL.  ALTERNATIVE ROCK?  IF YOU SAY SO!  Not sure what it MEANS but it SOUNDS good I guess!  Looks like redacted affidavit of FBI search of Maro Lardo will be released within the next few hours.  I can't WAIT to READ ALL ABOUT IT.  That sort of thing I guess.  FBI.  There's no coincidence it's the same letters as FIB.  THEY'RE PRONE TO LYING.  You know that sort of thing.  Also the same letters as BIF and BFI.  So what it means nothing.  Oh okay I see.
    Eighth paragraph.  Fib.  It is a word.  It means lie.  But it sounds weird.  Fib.  I dunno.  Maybe it's just me!  Hmm.  I guess digital clocks are scary cause HOW DO I KNOW THERE'S NOT PIXELS MISSING.  You're TELLING ME a Six but IT MAY AS WELL be an Eight.  Horrifying.  So that's good.  Just after 9 AM right now.  Delivery supposed to come between 10 and 12.  Could come outside that range!  If it does it's more likely late than early, though!  SO THAT'S GOOD AND WHATKNOT.  What else is going on and crap.  Probably get a 2 or 3 part'r dinner tonight.  Probably steak * Stuffed Mushroom!  Been a week and a half or so since I had that.  Right?  Doesn't FEEL that long ago I had steak BUT I got Just Seafood last Multi-Part Diner Dinner.  And that musta been about Last Weekend.  Musta been close to two weeks since I had delicious Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Great!  What else is going on.  Got a bit of Pizza Crust + little bit of pizza to pair with salad.  WOW!  That's it.  THAT'S THE PARAGRAPH.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Maybe the standard light beer alcohol content is %4.2.  That's what michelob ultra can says IT is.  Oh okay sounds great.  Still would like it to be 4.3%!  Look I wanna do a dumb thing from now on where I put percent symbol before the number.  But I just want you to know I KNOW it's wrong.  SO KEEP THAT IN MIND from now on whenever you see it!  I'm just doing it because IT'S HILARIOUS.  Hmm.  Also maybe that's how they do it on the other side of the world, I dunno!  Maybe halfway to the other side of the world.  Like AFRICA and WESTERN EUROPE.  That's halfway between us and other side of the world, right?  More or less?  Anyway I dunno.  Hey imagine if Super Market comes at 10 AM.  Can we all agree that'd hit the spot!  Even better than it coming at 9:45!  I DON'T NEED that 15 minutes for the rest of the day.  I'm FINE with relaxing NOW with those bonus minutes.  That sort of thing.  Look 11 Am is great, too.  NOT TOO MUCH LATER THAN THAT THOUGH.  What else do I got going on.  I dunno.  One more paragraph to go.
    Sure.  Also what else.  New pair of socks today.  Been wearing the last pair for probably close to a week!  These are the important issues of the day.  Good.  SMOKE WRINGS.  Then ABOUT FACE.  Then HMM.  What's after About Face.  Not CONFESSION YET.  COULD IT BE CONFESSION?  Hmm.  YEP we're already up to CONFESSION after that.  Which is THIRD FROM THE LAST episode!  These are the important issues of the day.  WELL YEAH KINDA?  Nope not really.  Oh okay I see.  Hmm.  Mets game at 7:10 PM!  Probably AIM for 2 beers tonight but if I change my mind TONIGHT it's okay.  I feel like I'm gonna be having three beers more often now these days than I had been for about Oh I Don't Know A MONTH OR THREE.  But still not even every other day.  Maybe UP TO every other day.  But POSSIBLY SLIGHTLY OR SLIGHTLY MORE LESS!!  Oh okay grat.  Probably shave within the next week.  Okay grat.  Wonderful I'll be back soon!  I hope.  YEAH.




Well Sort Of I Guess

    Hey!  Super Market delivery came pretty early! Right now I'm about an hour ahead of schedule if everything was normal.  DELICIOUS.  Gonna use that to pad my time between upcoming walk III and walk IV.  EXTRA FIFTY MINUTES OR SO!  So I got that going for me.  Looked like I got everything I wanted.  Had bonus snack of New Small Ice Cream Sandwich (NSICS).  Got the chocolate shell ice cream too but THIS IS A BONUS SNACK.  That's A BIT TO INDULGENT for Bonus Snack.  Either way hey let's write this.  Redacted Affidavit probably gonna, "Drop," while I'm busy with this Act.  I'll probably read a bit of that PREMATURELY without being able to go, "All In," on reading in depth about it.  ONLY GOT TIME FOR WIDTH.  Possibly Length if I wanna really get into it.  That's where I draw the line!  At this point sounds like I'm drawing TWO lines.  One in one direction AND A SECOND IN ANOTHER DIRECTION.  That kind of makes sense!  GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.  Kind of.  So that's good.  Yeah!  Three episodes of Last Season of Tales In The Crypt (LSoTINTC) left.  Which means I'm STARTING SEASON I LATER TODAY!
    Sweet.  I dunno.  WOW I'll end doing AN AMAZING FIVE or so bonus sit-up/push-up sets today.  ALL THAT BEING UP EARLY IS PAYING OFF IN DIVIDENDS.  The point is WHAT ELSE.  I don't know why I'm excited for Retracted Affidavit to come out.  I'm not!  I'm just excited to see OTHER people excited.  I HOPE ALL THEIR WILDEST DREAMS COME TRUE.  Well not their wildest.  I feel like One Man's Wild Dream is Another Man's Nightmare.  I hope all their baseline common dreams come true.  Oh that's good for most everyone I guess.  Wow only 3.5 paragraphs to go for the rest of the daytime.  Daytime is accepted as a word.  I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess the same respect is not afforded to nighttime.  Well I was wrong nighttime is also recognized as a word.  Well don't I look like a fool now!  YES and also BEFORE NOW.  Hmm.  Touche!  Touche, indeed... leaning towards salad + pizza crust for lunch today.  HEALTHY.  Good to get it out of the way.  And also guess what LOOKING FORWARD TO EATING THAT SPECIFIC CRAP TOO!
    THREE paragraphs to go.  I CAN DO THAT SHIT SITTING DOWN.  Well yeah of course.  Do you burn calories just by standing up.  If I stood up 8 hours a day instead of sitting those same eight hours gotta imagine I'm burning a couple dozen calories!  Lemme LTURQ.  Adults weighing 143 pounds burn 0.15 calories every minute standing vs sitting.  What's SIXTY times EIGHT times 0.15!  72 CALORIES?  WHAT THE HELL.  Imagine all you could accomplish with that amount of calories!  If you just use it to lose weight YOU'RE LOSING OVER HALF A POUND EACH MONTH standing 8 hours a day.  But the CATCH IS ya actually have to do it EVERY DAY.  I know you think well sure standing I can do that easily.  But DAY IN DAY OUT do you really wanna stand FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?  I don't think that ya do!  Then again how many things DO YOU really wanna do for the rest of your life.  Not much!  I don't wanna get tied down to standing all day sure but also LOTS OF OTHER STUFF!  Either way.  For real adults standing all day isn't a problem.  That's the LEAST of your worries if you're gonna be a real adult.  Huh.
Penultimate paragraph!  What else is going on.  Probably got KETO BAR coming my way in about an hour and a half, two hours.  Delicious.  HEALTHY.  It's a FAT BOMB.  I think I heard that phrase once.  I think this has like 15% your daily recommended dose of Fat.  FAT BOMB.  HMM.  Maybe play some guitar with bonus 45 minutes.  Why do I have to wait for a bonus 45 minutes to play guitar.  I dunno because of reasons how's that strike ya.  Maybe my vision has gotten worse since last Eye Doctor visit.  Which means at some point I will get REMEDIES to IMPROVE my vision.  And then COMPARED TO WHERE I AM NOW I'll be like HEY HOLD THE PHONE SUDDENLY I'M SEEING MUCH BETTER.  Still weeks away from that outcome.  But the point is it's nice to have something to look forward to.  I look forward all the time.  That's the directions my eyes go in.  Hmm.  CAN my eyes ROUND a 90 Degree corner.  I know I can get past 90 degrees with PERIPHERAL vision.  Probably not ON TARGET vision though.  Look like AFFITDAVID SOON.  Lemme finish one more paragraph before I GET INTO it.
    Yeah!  Dangit.  Probably see if I can get any instant reaction when I'm done with paragraph instead of immediately taking next walk.  So that's good.  HOW INSTANT CAN A GOOD REACTION BE.  I dunno.  Depends on how good the reaction is!  So that's good.  How many more days we got in August.  AFTER TODAY?  FIVE.  Wow.  Think of all I can accomplish in five days.  ENDING AUGUST.  That's one thing I can accomplish.  Not for EVERYONE.  I can end MY august.  You gotta end your own Augusts.  That's how things work or something.  Anyway.  Why shouldn't we count today.  It's Noon.  Five and a half days!  Stupid to just throw away considering upcoming Half A Day.  The good news is I'm gonna eat some croutons today no problem.  Probably talked about... well nevermind.  I just skimmed the entry inadvertently and saw something I probably talked about before.  Then in the process of calling attention to that I realized, "I've talked about 80% of this before."  So why call out ONE thing.  Hardly seems fair to that thing!  Anyway I'll be back tonight.




you could say that

    Hello friends!  First things first-- suckin' on some lollipop.  Cause that's what makes me happy for some reason!  Probably the taste.  AND OR TEXTURE.  Maybe the smell.  I don't think it smells at all!  Could be a phantom smell.  That's not how words work!  A phantom smell would be if I DID smell something BUT THERE WAS NOTHING THERE.  This time I SMELL NOTHING but THERE IS something there.  TOTALLY FLIP FLOPPED opposite situation.  Anyway.  Had delicious Part I of III of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Got delicious WAFFLE + Egg whites.  WAFFLE for upcoming lunch.  EGG WHITE for THREE Balanced Breakfasts.  POSSIBLY HAVE ONE OF THOSE BALANCED BREAKFASTS TOMORROW.  Hey YOU'LL GET A KICK OUT OF THIS I'm trying the new TOASTER THING where it's like a thin... hmm... wait.  Lemme collect myself.  I'm trying a new THING from the SUPER market.  It's To Be Put In The Toaster.  And it's like a breakfast sandwich.  But for the toaster!  Not getting that until tomorrow afternoon.  But it's VERY exciting is the point and I think 2 of them is the correct size for my breakfasts!
   Okay.  Gettin' assorted cookies tomorrow, too!  I think I'll eat them RESPONSIBLY.  FOUR OF TEM is an INDULGENT DINNER SNACK.  Two or three of them is OTHER KINDA SNUCK.  I think those were the main points I wanted to hit.  Drinking Bud Light.  Ya know what? I LIKE BUD LIGHT.  The entire year and a half? I did open mics every week I almost always was drinking Bud Light!  Now the taste BRINGS ME RIGHT BACK THERE.  TERRIBLE.  Used to take 2-3 Ritalin and 2-3 Klonopin every Monday Night then too.  Not sure why.  Just kinda felt like the thing to do.  Probably felt I needed one and/or both of them.  Either away probably negatively effected my performances.  Oh well I guess we'll never know.  The point is I FINISHED MY LOLLIPOP AGES AGO.  LIKE FOUR SENTENCES.  BUT REALLY MORE LIKE SIX SENTENCES.   THESE DELIVERY JERKS DIDN'T SEND MY MEAL RIGHT.  I asked for a BAKED potato.  They gave me a SWEET POTATO. I asked for soup.  They GAVE ME NOTHING.  Just no Soup.  Nothing IN PLACE of Soup.  JUST AN EMPTY SPACE IN THE BAG WHERE SOUP SHOULDA BEEN.  Wonder how they managed that.
   Either way I SPLIT SWEET POTATO IN HALF FOR NEXT 2 MEALS.  FOR TODAY I HAD LOTTA WHEAT THINS.  We're talkin WAIT I JUST REALIZED I ATE LESS TAN I INTENDED TO!  I was gonna eat 20 but I got distracted while I was counting them out AND REALLY ONLY GAVE MYSELF ABOUT 80% OF THAT.  HMM SOUNDS LIKE 16 TO ME.  I'll get around to crunching the numbers with you later.  WHAT THE HELL THERE'S FROSTED FLAKES BARS NOW.  I added that sucker to tomorrows delivery.  MAN OH MAN.  THIS... will probably be anti-climactic.  Probably gonna be like oh this is like eating a handful of frosted flakes.  BUT NOT A HANDFUL.  A BARFULL.  Either way gotta imagine they sugar up the deal or add chocolate or frosting or SOMETTIN.  Either way VERY MUCH LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.  Only 100 calories.  Same amount as Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar but LESS than the Golden Graham Bar.  I'm gonna withold judgement of course, I haven't had it yet!  VERY premature to make any bold statements one way or the other.  So that's good.  DINNER delivery took a while to get here.  Everything got pushed back a bit.  Gonna end up taking Walk Pushed Back A Bit too THUSLY.
    Amazing.  Three paragraphs to go for Act III Part I.  It's GOOD because IT'S TERRIBLE.  That's my opinion.  Just one man's opinion!  NOW WE'RE TWO.  Well I just finished beer #1.  I guess I'll start beer #2 at NEXT PARAGRAPH.  See how much I can leave over by the time I'm done with Act III Part I.  Possibly SOME.  So that's good.  Anything important happen today.  Rained a bit.  During one of my walks it rained on and off!  Some of the, "ON," being SIGNIFICANT rain.  UNPLEASANT one might even say.  For the sake of argument!  That's not how you use that phrase.  Sure it is.  We could argue whether the rain was unpleasant or not!  Me introducing that topic is FOR THE SAKE of ARGUMENT.  Anyway I wasn't so upset about the rain.  Good to have Weather Mix Things Up.  Keeps me on my toes!  So that's good.  HEY GREAT NEWS they suddenly have SMORE Pop Tarts in stock again.  Didn't have them in order originally because they were out of stock.  Now Lo and be Hold they're in stock and I can and DID add them to my delivery order!  Wow!
   Hmm.  Mets facing a pitcher named GILBREATH.  That's a weird name.  Gil Breath.  That's how fishes breathe, right?  Through their gils?  Better LTURQ.  YEP THAT'S 100% ACCURATE.  Well let's leave it A LITTLE room for being inaccurate.  I'm comfortable rounding it off to 92.5% accurate.  I think that's a compromise we should be able to work with!  Oh DUH his name is supposed to mean GILB REATH.  HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND as to miss that.  Whatta fool.  Anyway where was I.  Just started beer #2.  Lookin real forward to taking a walk in less than a paragraph and a half.  Well just about a paragraph and a half.  Am I holding out hope for Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars becoming available?  Well depends on how you define Holding On Hope.  Do I ACTIVELY ENTERTAIN THE IDEA it will happen?  No, not really.  Very much doubt it at this point.  Would I be GLAD if it does happen?  Sure!  Is it POSSIBLE it'll happen?  Sure! So why not go ahead and PROVE ME WRONG!
    Alright one more paragraph for now.  Amazing!
  Probably at least one other thing I'm getting tomorrow that's particularly exciting.  Cheez Its.  Regular cheez its.  Original.  No REDUCED FAT.  No X-TRA Toasty.  Was CONSIDERING, "Pepper jack."  STRONGLY considering.  Went with Original.  Will I regret it?  Sure I ultimately regret most things I do what of it.  Jeez.  Guess I'll do some Personal Cycling through songs for upcoming WhiteNaulk.  Will one of the songs be FROM A BAND Starting with the letter... "S?"  LET'S LOOK AT THE BIG BOARD.  YES Social Distortion will supply ONE song YOU GET 200 dollars OR YOU CAN KEEP ROLLING what do you wanna do.  Look I think we can all agree the best move is KEEP ROLLING.  Not sure what that means.  Game show or somethin'.  Confuses me.  I don't get it either!  LOOK is it possible the Social Distortion song is TEM doing A COVER.  YES that sounds like the choice would be RING OF FIRE if that's the direction I wanna go in.  Well that sounds GREAT.  Wait.  No.  Lemme amend that.  I DON'T WANNA DO THAT AT ALL.  Either way time to go take a walk.  Be back soon!

    Hey.  Had delicious Ice Cream In Chocolate Shell.  Ya know what?  A BIT TOO TANGY.  Also the ice cream was soft but not GOOD REGULAR soft.  Kind of A WEIRD SOFT.  I don't like it.  Ubisoft.  HEY WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?  Hmm.  Got about half a beer #2 left.  Let's leave it at that for tonight.  Write some good four paragraphs.  By which I mean quick.  Good means Quick and Quick means Good.  Well maybe not the second one.  It's NOT TRANSITIVE it's... the other one.  Or maybe it IS transitive and not the other one.  Either way SOMETHIN'S GOIN ON AND I'M NOT SURE IF I LIKE IT OR NOT.   Maybe Transitive means NOTHING in this context.  Can't rule out anything at this point!  Hmm.  Had salad with pizza lunch for crust.  I KNOW WHAT I SAID.  The point is hey probably eat a sandwich tomorrow for lunch.  Wow that sounds like an Exciting Point.  YES I very much hope so!  So that's good.  Or quick.  Now they just look the same to me.  I look at the word good and I look at the word quick and I get the same sensation either way.
    Hmm.  Probably got it in me to eat More Ice Cream (MIC) tonight.  For when I go to bed. Health Ice Cream Bar.  That sort of thing!  At this point it's not a question if IF it's a question of When.  That's not a question either I JUST TOLD YOU AT BED TIME.  SURE but when is bed time.  THIS ISN'T DIFFICULT.  Bed time is when I TRY TO LOSE CONSCIOUSNESS.  But FIRST feed myself Semi-Frozen Treat.  WHAT IS SEMI-FROZEN.  YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS.  Anyway.  I have NO IDEA what happens in the movie Frozen.  NO SPOILERS PLEASE.  I assume it's about Michael Keaton coming back to life as a snowman.  Either that OR SOMETHING ELSE.  Probably Something Else.  That already was a movie.  And I don't think they'd make it again.  Didn't do so well first time around.  Roger Ebert PANNED IT.  Good luck shaking that one off!  Roger Ebert pans ya you're gonna be stinging for days.  What else is Good and/or Quick.  Salman Rushdie's twitter hasn't been shut down yet.  I would have thought at this point they'd freeze his account for inactivity.  I know how twitter works sure.
    Penultimate paragraph.
  Amazing.  Let's see.  I've never built a snowman.  I've never built ANYTHING out of snow.  And I've never built a man OUT OF ANYTHING.  So I'm a ZERO FOR TWO in regards to building snow and/or men.  I feel like I've tried making a snowball at least once.  Grab some snow.  Start molding it into a ba--.. eeh eh i get bored three seconds in and move on with my life.  What am I gonna do with a snowball anyway.  I don't want to HURT Anybody.  WHAT GOOD IS IT.  Pour syrup on it and eat it.  NOT SAFE ANYMORE.  WE CORRUPTED THE ENVIRONMENT TOO MUCH.  SNOW AIN'T HEALTHY TO EAT LIKE IT WAS BACK IN OLDEN TIMES.  Also WE BETTER HAVE CHOCOLATE SYRUP CAUSE I'M AN ADULT.  We eat CHOCOLATE on this website.  Hey good news the Mets won their baseball game against The Rockies.  Not the mountain range-- the baseball team.  Gotta imagine that's amusing to someone other than myself. Hmm. Ok finished beer #2.  Good thing about having 2 beers now is I TINK I'M GONNA GO IN TO TOMORROW PLANNING on THE INDULGENT THREE NEER BIGHT.
   Last paragraph of the night!
  Amazing.  What else is going on and crap.  I should have some saltines.  Either NOW or IN GENERAL.  My Dad got a bunch of MINI Saltines.  Not sure how big those are.  SMALLER TAN NORMAL probably goes without saying.  But can I visualize how small?  No not really!  Could be half an inch diameter.  Radius.  It's not a circle.  It's a square.  Half a circle either way.  WHATEVER THAT WORD IS.  Could be three inches either way.  I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU I DON'T KNOW.  Hmm.    Five episodes into Tales In The Crypt this time around!  WOW after one more episode I'll be up to SEASON II.  It's GOOD because I KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN.  THERE ARE TWISTS ALL THE TIME BUT IN GENERAL AS A RULE I CAN REMEMBER WHERE EACH EPISODE IS GOING.  So that's wonderful.  Anyway what else is in the news.  Oh right former president probably on the verge of being indicted for crimes against the country and so on and so forth.  That sort of thing.  Oh okay I see.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-10:33 P.M.




Thursday, August 25, 2022

I Wasn't Expecting That

    Hey!  About 25 minutes behind schedule today.  Should be able to fit in everything on time!  Maybe Be A Jerk and eat into my Dad's walking time by 5-10 minutes.  IF I WANNA BE A JERK ABOUT IT.  Anyway had about 75-200 over allotted NightMight snacking last night.  Could be worse!  Finished delicious chocolate babka for early breakfast.  We're talkin' like 5:45 AM.  In my experience that's not a problem!  Still can make it to Normal Time for first snack!  Either way DELICIOUS AND WHATKNOT.  Anything new in the news.  NO one has explained the Mueller Report Thing to me in simple enough terms.  Sometimes I THINK I read a take and am like oh now I get what's going on here.  But now that I think about it NOPE STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  I get that it's a cover-up but TO WHAT EXTENT.  A six out of ten coverage?  Eight out of ten?  ELEVEN OUT OF EIGHT?  Explain it better!  I guess.  Gotta finalize Super Market order.  That sucker of a delivery is comin' tomorrow morning!  This paragraph is OVER.
Huh.  Making coffee today!  WOW.  Been pretty close to 48 hours since I had coffee!  Around 45.5, 46 hours.  How deep am I into Tales In The Crypt final season.  Only one episode down.  Mets game tonight at 7:10 PM!  Just goin' from topic to topic here ain't I.  THE THEME is stuff I watch on TV!  Oh okay great.  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Cherry Popsicle Day.  Hmm.  My life has become chocolate popsicles or bust for the most part.  But AS A CHILD I used to have fruit flavored popsicles.  When I was a child I ate popsicles as a child does.  Now that I'm a man I eat FUDGESICLES as REASONABLE ADULTS DO.  Anyway.  Not a fan of how Adult I am supposed to be.  It occurred to me last night wait a second I'm in my mid 30's.  That's not a number I feel comfortable with!  Oh well some people can get away acting like children their whole life.  WHY NOT ME.  That's how I feel!  Hmm.
    Yeah!  Dad got INFUSION this weekend.  Nurse coming!  Will it be same nurse as last time?  We don't know!  On the one hand Dad liked that nurse which means it's good if it is the same nurse.  On the other hand the more we cycle through nurses the more we land on one that's a Sexy Lady.  Which I will not make uncomfortable at all!  Well I probably will.  But through OPPOSITE.  I won't HARASS Her.  But I may make her feel uncomfortable by being a quiet weirdo adult kid of patient.  I feel like that wouldn't register with them.  They'd successfully ignore me completely in that scenario!  Sounds like a win-win.  Win is short for Winfred.  Hmm.  Gonna get 3 sandwich meats for upcoming super market order.  A TURKEY, a HAM, and a Beef PASTRAMI.  NOT SURE ABOUT PREPARED MEALS.  Either ONE or TWO of indeterminate substance as of now.  Look I got it narrowed down pretty well.  Maybe an indulgent Wide Al Fredo.  Maybe a Kids Chicken Parm.  I'll keep you updarted on this situation as it progrosses.
Hmm.  Salman Rushie's Twitter is... not updated.  Okay.  TAKE YER TIME.  Hopefully by the time you're updating twitter You're 100% A-OKAY.  You may never be 100% A-OKAY again.  Well CONTEXTUALLY you'll be 100% A-Okay in terms of UPDATED expectations of health.  In regards to what we can reasonably expect you do to after this ordeal, you're doing the best we can expect.  That sort of thing.  Several months back I got fruit flavored Popsicles.  JOLLY RANCHER style.  That was their mix-em-up brand!  Popsicles + Jolly Rancher!  They were okay if that's the kind of thing you're looking for.  Well if that's the kind of thing you're looking for presumably they're GREAT.  Hmm.  Ham sandwich for lunch.  Make a play for pizza tonight-- shouldn't be too hard!  So that's all good and crap.  What Apple Music Playlist am I up to.  SUPERBLOOM.  All the top hits from EMERGING ARTISTS leaning into what genre is this song?  I dunno!  It just is.  So that's good.  Also, the name of the playlist is top knotch!  Music's pretty good, too.
Fifth paragraph of act!  Presumably wanna finish the next six paragraphs within about 40 minutes.  YEAH.  Got a nice SHIRT going on today.  Nothin' fancy.  As far as I can tell just a black shirt.  Not the fanciest material or... shape?  Hmm.  Anything good happen yet in this entry?  YEP typed an entire 4+ paragraphs.  Paragraphs that are TOTALLY DONE WITH now.  They're not done.  They will last for the rest of time.  As long as there's someone there to read it, the paragraphs will exist.  Hopefully no one reads it past, I dunno, a few days from now.  Let's get this in the history books STATIM.  Statem.  I dunno.  Either way who cares.  What else do I got going on for me.  Coffee in a few sentences!  That's good I guess.  SUPERBLOOM.  These kids making this music are IN BLOOM.  They're MATURING before OUR VERY EYES.  Presumably MUSICALLY.  We can't see them mature musically.  Maybe we can.  Well sure maybe anything.  Gonna go get coffee now!
    HEY probably gonna get chicken Ceasar salad as one meal from Super Market.  That's good for you because it's healthy.  YEP.  Hey what else is there to say.  That will allow me to make more progress with the entry.  THAT'S A TOUGH ONE.  How long ago was ALL STAR GAME of baseball.  Who cares.  I dunno.  Just looked at THE DATE-- 8.25-- and was like HEY all star game must have been over a month ago.  I didn't realize we were THAT DEEP into 2nd half of season.  Lemme LTURQ.  I'm on THE EDGE of my seat.  Also sunk into the sink of my seat.  I can do BOTH AT ONCE.  JULY 19th.  AMAZING.  How close are we to Midterm Election.  Crunch the numbers real quick leads me to believe 2 and a half months.  WOW.  I LIKE THE PART WHERE I COULD CRUNCH THE NUMBERS REAL QUICK.  Also why congressional and senatorial elections gotta be called midterm.  Yeah, I get it, it means the ection between presidential elections.  Presidnential elections are every 4 years.  These are every 2 years.  This is the one that ISN'T falling on presidential elections.  YOU DON'T HAV TO DEFINE YOURSELVES BY PRESIDENTIAL CONTEXT.  Have some SELF RESPECT.  These elections aren't YOUR midterms.  They're ALL YOURS so might as well have some FUN with it or something.  I dunno about that.
Seventh paragraph.  DO I REALLY WANT CHICKEN CEASAR SALAD.  Not sure.  I THINK I do!  So that's good.  How much time to finish this Act giving myself lots of comfortable time.  Ideally let's say thirty minutes.  Four paragraphs in thirty minutes?  I can do it.  I Can DO It.  Monkey Pie episode of Tales In The Crypt.  Monkey PAW.  Although Monkey Pie sounds A LOT MORE FUN.  Wonder what monkey tastes like.  Monkey MEAT.  I'm not eating monkey FUR.  Do monkeys have fur.  Or is it just really bushy hair.  And IS THERE A DIFFERENCE.  Anyway.  Gotta imagine they eat monkeys in some traditional civilizations around the world.  What's a Traditional Civilization.  I dunno I meant to say LONGSTANDING civilizations.  The TRADITION of eating Monkey GOES BACK A WHILE is the point.  So they're grandfathered in that It's Okay To Do It.  You're just starting off a civilization?  Don't eat monkeys!  You've been eating monkeys for thousands of years?  Who am I to tell you not to eat monkeys.  Sounds about right.  Anyway I dunno.  I wouldn't mind doing a thing where I eat weird animals.  Cycle through all the weird animals.  Probably only weird animals where it's legal.  Or semi-legal.  I don't wanna becomes A CRIMINAL.  Hey three more paragraphs to go.
Yeah!  I know there CAN be elections in Off Years but are there any that are standard each off year across the country?  Cause if so QuarterTerms.  Anyway.  Three paragraphs to go!  Let's do it hardcore and whatknot.  Or softcore, up to you.  Midcore.  What would Midcore be exactly.  I mean in terms of porn.  I don't care about it in terms of whatever I was just saying.  Anyway.  Gotta imagine if I do some research and/or deep thinking I'll figure out what Midcore Porn is.  Seems plausible it's there to be figured out!  So that's good.  Hey what else is going on.  Google semi-legal foods to eat in US.  I'm only seeing lists of foods that are ILLEGAL.  I wanna see a list of foods where the premise is you may never have thought about eating this meat BUT YOU CAN if you felt like it!  Oh well I'll look into that later after I'm don with Midcore Porn.  So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna go get bloodwork done next week.  Not sure what day.  Off the top of my head possibly WEDNESDAY. 
    I feel like we don't abbreviate days of the week enough.  SHOULD BE common colloquial language.  Hey you wanna do anything on Sat.  Hey I'm busy today you wanna get to this on Thurs.  It could be FUN and PRODUCTIVE.  Imagine how much you can get done in the time you're busy saying another syllable or two each time you talk about the day of the week!  Could be PRODUCTIVE getting stuff done or maybe you choose to use that bonus time AS REST AND RELAXATION.  Either way!  So what else is good.  There's some weird aftertaste to this coffee.  Maybe it's in my mouth and not in the coffee.  Some weird pre-taste in my mouth regardless of coffee.  Hmm that's not good.  What does this taste taste like.  Can't pinpoint it.  Not sure.  Hmm.  Hard to notice. Might be nothing.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  So that's good.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna finish this act on schedule!  Everything is working out just as planned.  There was no PLAN.  Yep but it's working out anyway it turns out!
    Last paragraph of Act!  What kinda gum I got going on these days.  Peppermint, Spearmint, and Bubblegum.  Is bubblegum a word.  Yes.  Yes it is.  Amazing. DANG aftertaste to coffee.  Pretty sure it's from the coffee This Taste Is!  Maybe the CUP.  Either way that's not good.  Hmm.  Could it be from Cleansing The Pot in dishwasher?  KINDA TASTES LIKE A CLEANSING LIQUID AFTER TASTE.  That's not good, that's not good at all.  Nope!  Maybe don't say anything to my Mom and see if she tastes it.  Probably would have to say something after the fact.  CONFRONT HER.  Did you taste something off YES OR NO.  But I don't bring it up before she's tasted it!  So that's good I've Killed Us All.  I'm not the one who CLEANSED this pot.  I am the one who made the coffee though.  AND I am the one Not Warning My Mom.  So I'm partially responsible for all of our deaths.  That's no good.  Oh well live and learn.  Hey got craploads of time to play with.  Gonna take a walk now.  Be back soon!




Tanks For Reading

    Hello friends.  Got a solid fourty minutes to write this Act.  I can do that more or less reasonably easily.  Unless something out of the ordinary happens.  Out of the ordinary stuff happens all the time!  So I can't count on That Not Happening.  The point is I have more coffee and I think it tastes okay.  The phantom Cleansing Liquid Taste was all in my head.  Probably.  I taste things around my Mouth Area.  That's in my head!  I think.  Also taste is probably processed by my brain.  Which is also in my head.  MAIN PART.  I think you could do without lots of stuff in your head more easily than your brain.  I dunno what else is up.  Lookin' forward to pizza.  ALL BUT CONFIRMED IT with my parents. In fact I DID confirm it.  Unless something out of the ordinary happens.  Dangit!  Should I get Sicilian so I could cut off one edge to pair with Upcoming Salad?  Probably not.  Just go with Regular.
    Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  I dunno.  Gotta know something that's a What Else And Crap.  Otherwise we're stuck here indefinitely.  WHICH WE ARE but it'd be even MORE indefinitely.  Got appointment with eye doctor next week.  I'd LOVE to re-up with some contact lenses.  That's a UNIQUE different doctor.  GREAT NOW YOU TELL ME.  Hmm.  I dunno what the outside world looks like!  98% of the time I'm outside NO GLASSES ON.  I can hardly register ANYTHING that's going on.  Anything in the distance at least.  That's not even true.  I can SPOT whether there's a red light or green from A BLOCK AWAY even WITHOUT glasses.  So I'm doing OKAY is the point.  But I wonder what it'd be like to See Regular.  Jeez.  Let's see.  Ham sandwich.  That's gonna be fun.  Kettle chips may be the side.  Indulgent Fiber Bar.  I got lots of options.  TWO off the top of my head.  Maybe TWO small Fiber Brownies.  HEY NOW WE'RE UP TO THREE.  Let's see if we can keep this Joe Mentum going!  How about Wheat thins.  FOUR. ...Hmm.  Good Ice cream Sandwich?  BOOM FIVE.
    Three paragraphs to go.  Lotta time left to do that easily!  Small amount of artificial sweetener in coffee right now!  Only had ONE PACK where I keep 'em next to coffee machine.  Got more in a box FIFTEEN SECONDS AWAY.  NO THANKS.  Just add the one.  It's more than 1 overall because I had 25% of last coffee in it.  So for 25% of this coffee it's NORMAL and 75% JUST ONE PACKET.  I know it gets mixed together.  And if I was MATH INCLINED I might have a blast figuring out exactly how many artificial sweetener I'm having in this cup.  But I'm not that math inclined.  Oh well what can ya do.  Move on with your life!  That's my first instinct at least!  Anyway I dunno.  This sweetener isn't artificial.  It's not MACHINE.  It's NATURALLY OCCURRING through some sort of man made process.  MAN is natural.  PROCESS is natural.  This is just SWEETENER UNLIKE ANY KIND MANKIND HAS EVER KNOWN.  What else is going on.  Two more paragraphs to write.  Man oh man am I gonna enjoy some tens of minutes here and there relaxing during DayTime.
I dunno.  AM I?  Probably!  Twuenty minutes is more than enough to write next two paragraphs AND more than enough to give m me time to take walk.  AMAZING.  I could try wearing my glasses while I take walks.  Hmm.  Never really thought about that.  Probably cause there's gotta be some SMUDGES on my glasses.  WHY DEAL WITH SMUDGES if you don't NEED to.  I could clean my glasses.  That takes ninety seconds.  Why take ninety seconds doing something if you don't NEED to.  CAUSE IT'S FUN.  Hmm interesting counterpoint!  Huh.  How many episodes in final season of Tales Crypt.  My guess is THIRTEEN.  YEP NAILED IT.  Only 12 to go.  THEN WRAP BACK AROUND TIME.  Jeez.  Gonna try to have just 2 beers tonight.  Wonder how I'll STRUCTURE that 2 beer schedule, though!  Remains to be seen!  That's how I feel!  Not sure why regular eye doctor can't supply or prescribe contact lenses.  Seems like a scam.  Then again what do I know I never went to Eye School.
Last paragraph of the daytime day!  So I got that going for me.  I'm not gonna lie one of the reasons I like Superbloom play list is because BLOOM IS ONE OF THE SYLLABLES IN MY LAST NAME.  AMAZING.  Tons of fun hearing syllables that relate to you indirectly all the time.  I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF IT.   What else is crap.  Okay with my weight for now!  If scale is to be trusted.  What it said a day or two ago.  That'd mean if I don't gain anything in 2 weeks, when I see Endocrine Doctor I will have gained SIX pounds in four months.  Not GOOD.  But I CAN MANAGE whatever short convo we have based on me gaining six pounds more than NINE POUNDS persay.  Is that the way we use the word, "Persay?"  It's the way I used it Just Now!  Not necessarily happy about it though.  Also Persay is not a word.  You wanna use that, "Word?"  Gotta type out Per Say apparently.  I know I'm not happy about it either.  No Salman Rushdie tweet yet.  NO RUSH.  Just let us know you didn't die!  Well that'll do it I'll be back tonight!




oh well that's understandable

    Hey friends.  Got some Entry goin' on tonight!  I'm guessing I do.  It hasn't existed 100% yet.  Still in the process of doing it!  Just Barely Started.  LOOK I had delicious Fiber Bar as SandwichSide for LunchMeal.  Had delicious 8/9ths of 2 slices of sicilian pizza 4.5 was garlic and onion and 3.5 was... uh... Now I'm Confused.  The point is the other slice was garlic and anchovie.  And I cut off part of that slice to save for SaladSide this weekend.  THE ESTIMATIONS OF HOW MUCH I CUT OFF seem to be confusing me.  And then doing the math in regards to estimating how much Toppings I had Overall... look any time we need to use math its not an ideal situation.  No one wants to be forced to do math.  All we can do is hold our breath till we're Past Math.  Are we past math yet.  Yep I haven't been thinking In Terms Of Math in many sentences.  Sucking on lollipop now.  So THAT'S NOT MATH EITHER.
  Five paragraphs to go until WhiteNaulk.  I feel like Naulk is something and whatever it is I either Don't Like It or I Do Like It.  I'VE NARROWED IT DOWN TO THAT.  I guess I may ultimately be indifferent to it but SAYING THAT SOUNDS A BIT TOO MUCH LIKE MATH.  It's LOGIC.  Logic is math.  GET IT AWAY FROM ME.  So that's good.  Tomorrow is FRIDAY.  New music, "Drops," Friday.  AND IT'S UP TO ALL OF US to Pick It Up.  Hmm maybe I should pick some guitar strings at some point.  I'll get around to that later on this decade.  In the meantime busy writing this sentence.  Man this decade is gonna take forever.  Only 2022?  Ugh.  At least 2030 Gonna Be A Party of that much we are more or less guaranteed.  Oh no what kind of scary future technology we got goin' on then.  Also why is my first instinct to be scared of future technology.  Wouldn't the preumpsitive Base Assumption be that technology is developed at least at first for Human Good?  I dunno.  I feel the other way.  People INVENT THINGS BECAUSE THEY'RE MALICIOUS.  Wright Brothers invented aeroplane so they could drop bombs on people.  Edison invented light bulb so he could spy on women in the night.  Hmm in that scenario is he donating the light bulb to the woman.  Or is he somehow lighting up himself but that helps him see the woman in the night.
The point is we invented cars which use gasoline which may have been The Worst Thing That Ever Happened When You Think About It?  Oh well such is life.  We could have done enough damage with COAL.  We don't need brining oil To Do Some Serious Damage.  That's just OVERKILL at that point.  I like CLEAN COAL.  It's like coal BUT WE PAY PEOPLE TO CLEAN IT.  And pass the savings ONTO THE WOMEN CHANGING IN THE NIGHT POSSIBLY by lightbulb.  Lightbulb itself is powered by clean coal.  That's how energy works.  EXCUSE ME I THINK I HAVE A BIT OF AN IDEA HOW ENERGY WORKS.  Thank You!  Hmm.  About 60% into Beer #1.  See if I can save entire Beer #2 for Act III Part II.  Usually jokes follow rule of threes.  I said Wright Bros wanted to bomb people.  I said Thomas Edison we a Peeping Tom (YEP HIS NAME IS TOM I GET IT I GET IT).  Really owe it to MYSELF and KIND OF TO YOU to come up with a third one.  TESLA.  He invented electricity to kill people too I guess.  KINDA REDUNDANT WITH BOMBING.  WRONG. Tesla uses electricity to kill PEOPLE.  Wright brothers just wanted to bomb ARCHITECTURE.  HISTORICAL ARCHITECTURE.  Wright Brothers gonna bomb THE COLISEUM.  WHAT'S LEFT OF IT AT LEAST.
Oh okay I see.  Kinda feels like at some point they're gonna restore the colloseum.  Maybe have laser light shows there or something.  Laser light shows are the thing where they laser light up The Roof.  Colloseum famously doesn't have a roof.  I dunno about FAMOUSLY.  Maybe the Ancient Romans built a dome but The Dome Part is long since lost to history.  It's POSSIBLE.  Not really.  Everyone knows LEONARDO DAVINCI DESIGNED THE DOME.  And artificial turf.  AND LASER LIGHT SHOWS.  What else is going on and crap.  I like the idea of being four paragraphs into Act III Part I.  4 paragraphs down sounds great.  EXCEPT FOR WHEN YOU REALIZE I'M ACTUALLY ONLY THREE PARAGRAPHS DOWN.   THREE AND CHANGE.  Whatta gyp and so on and so forth.  What fun.  I feel like rest of decade gonna either be OKAY or TERRIBLE.  Not sure if there's any other option we have.  WE DON'T EVEN HAVE THAT OPTION.  What will happen will happen!  Right?  MAYBE NOT.  Maybe anything can happen.  I don't know how TIME WORKS I'm not a TIMETICIAN.
   Note to self: Figure out how time works.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Accepting Super Market delivery tomorrow morning.  That's fun.  I like the part where I Get It Over With and then move on with my life wherever that leads.  My guess is Nowhere and I do the same thing again next week.  Oh okay that sounds like fun.  Get into a groove where I really Accept Super Market Delivery to the best of my abilities.  What else.  Maybe I learn to accept super market as quickly and easily as possible.  Lean into doing it EFFICIENTLY so I can better spend my time and efforts elsewhere.  That's one way to go, sure, why not.  Slammin' Rushdie still no Tweetin'.  Where is Salman Rushdie from.  I always just kind of imagined Iran because that's who wants to kill him.  But he VERY easily could be from Elsewhere now that I think about it!  Better LTURQ Google WHERE IS SALMAN RUSHDIE FROM AND WHERE WILL HE END UP.  When he dies I mean.  Where's his Death Location.  He was born in BOMBAY while it was under British Rule.  Wow.  That's a long time ago!  We're talkin AT LEAST an entire decade or two In The Backwards Direction!
    Huh.  One more paragraph to write.  If I have a delicious quest bar when I get home (Am I supposed to be capitalizing Quest Bar?  How much respect do I need to show Health Candy Bar) it will NOT be a Birthday Bar.  Gonna have one of the CHOCOLATE based bars.  Possible 1 of TWO LEFTOVER Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bars.  Hey that sounds great let's do that.  We'll I'LL do it.  You can't participate!  Not enough for all of us!  Also you're WAY OVER THERE.  I'm here.  And the bar is here with me.  Also DON'T COME NEAR ME YOU FREAK.  Leave some space between us!  That's how I feel.  Amazing.  That's what passes for PARAGRAPHS these days?  SML.  SMH.  MLS.  FML.  SMH I think.  Gonna go with SMH.  Shake My Head.  Tsk Tsk Tsk.  SMH stands for So Much Hate right?  Either that or Oh right Shake My Head like I just Said.  HEY GREAT gonna take a walk soon.  Probably have a better Act III Part II than Part I. I WILL BE ON ONE MORE BEER THEN.  Oh that checks out good.  See ya soon.

    Hey!  Got delicious chocolate chip cookie dough quest bar going on.  At least I assume that's the bar I got going on.  Didn't read the label.  SORT OF registered the color of the logo of the label though.  I think this is the color for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavor Quest Bar.  The point is it's Healthy because it's Hearty.  So that's good!  Gonna have to wake up MAGA Early tomorrow!  Wait that doesn't sound right.  Ultra Early.  Age Of Ultra.  The point is I gotta take walk comfortably before window of time Super Market delivery comes.  YOU KNOW TE DEAL.  We go through this every week.  By which I mean I go through it every week and I guess you're there with me, too?  Don't 100% know how that works.  Either way way to go.  Got beer going on.  Did I need a Full Hearty Quest Bar?  Maybe not!  But what's important is LIFE FINDS A WAY.
    Three paragraphs to go!  Wonderful.  Am I solidly in-between episodes of Tales In The Crypt.  And if I am IS TERE A CHANCE I'M UP TO, "ABOUT FACE?"  Or is that still AN EPISODE AWAY.  Also An Episode Away is my new memoir about mental illness.  And Being Away.  That sort of thing.  Anyway gotta watch SMOKE WRINGS before I watch ABOUT FACE.  Oh well.  That ruins everything.  Might as well kill myself now!  I'll get around to that later.  Great ONE MORE THING I gotta do.  UGH.  I don't wanna kill myself.  I guess I'm always just one episode away from wanting to kill myself.  That doesn't sound good either!  Either what.  Either Or, I dunno.  Get off my back about it!  What else is going on and crap.  Kinda looking forward to going to bed.  NO KINDA ABOUT IT.  I'm just STRAIGHT UP looking forward to going to bed.  I don't see why this is controversial!!!  Should be pretty STRAIGHT FORWARD. 
    Two paragraphs to go!  SHORT PARAGRAPHS hopefully.  Let's see.  Words, words...  Gotta be hundreds of words out there that I know that I haven't used yet.  DEMEANOR.  PLATITUDE.  CHAGRIN.  DETROIT.  Well I could go on BUT I TINK WE GET THE POINT.  Feels too warm.  I got my windows cracked open like TWO INCH.  At that rate I SHOULD BE FEELIGN BREEZE EVEN IF THERE IS NO BREEZE GOING ON OUTSIDE.  I dunno how that works.  It's warm outside, you open a window, and now it's cooler?  I don't know HOW it works but whats important is that IT DOES work.  Except it's not right now.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Can't open window more.  There's WIRES and whatknot where if I open it too much WIRES COME DISCONNECT and an ALARM is set off.  This way I can't break out of my room.  It was designed to keep me in as much as to keep other people out!  So that's fun I guess sure why not.
    Last paragraph!  Let's see.  What kinda ice cream I gonna have with bed time.  We're talkin Mint Chocolate Chip Health Ice Cream Bar.  Oh great.  Should I eat the wrapping it comes in?   No not tonight I don't think so.  Alright that's one way to go.  Gotta imagine Thomas Edison was a pervert.  That's what drives all great scientific breakthroughs.  Pervosity!  One way or another that's what it comes down to.  Being a pervert is a victimless crime.  Unless there's a victim.  Which there commonly is.  Also the pervert him or herself is a victim in a way.  The point is I guess it turns out being a pervert is a Victim Crime.  Just finished Beer #2 of 2.  That's fun.  Almost definitely gonna have a Classic Breakfast tomorrow.  Which is a Pop Tart --> Ice Cream Sandwich.  Not a Pop Tart > Ice Cream Sandwich.  I don't feel comfortable making that determination!  MAYBE greater than is accurate, maybe not.  But LEADS INTO is accurate.  AND YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK.  See ya tomorrow.  AT THE BANK.  See ya tomorrow.

-10:15 P.M. 




Wednesday, August 24, 2022

That Was A Long Time Ago

    Hey!  About fifty minutes behind schedule today!  I can either skip a morning walk OR write only ~5 paragraphs this act.  GONNA WRITE SHORTER ACT.  Most likely entry format becomes 5/5/10 paragraph per act.  But there's a good chance I add a paragraph or two to an act or two to make up for it partially.  Small chance I write a bonus act in middle of the day!  Either way let's just do this.  Any update on Salman Rushdie?  NOPE NOTHIN'.  Whatta gyp.  Biden canceling 10 K in loans for people under 125K salary.  Whatta gyp.  20 K for PELL GRANT PEOPLE.  Wonderful those Pell Grant people don't know how good they have it!  Anyway.  Apparently a good result or two for Democrats in SPECIAL elections yesterday.  I SAY ALL ELECTIONS ARE SPECIAL IN THEIR OWN WAY.  Except for State Senate.  That's just DUMB.  Anyway SUCKS to read Analysis on twitter if the Democrats just won a couple more Gerrmandering Court Cases hey could be FAVORITES to win house.  WHAT THE HELL.  That's what I would have wanted to happen!  And now it's not the case! That hardly seems fair!
    STILL GOTTA CHANCE.  Let's build some JOE-MENTUM.  Anyway.  Has Joe Biden EVER campaigned on the phrase Joe Mentum.  He's run for SOMETHING since, what, at least the 1980's.  Lemme LTURQ.  BEEN A SENATOR SINCE THE 70'S.  LOTS OF RACES to use the phrase Joe Mentum.  Lemme COUNT THY Races.  Looks like about a dozen or so high profile races since that time.  Anyway the good news is He's LOSING JOE MENTUM going back on campaign promise.  Oh well what can ya do.  Start over from scratch.  Build some Joe Mentum somehow some other way.  Good luck with that I guess.  What's another campaign promise Joe Biden could 15% accomplish.  Did he run on legalizing marijuana.  He could always legalize 15% of marijuana!  Wikipedia says in 2019 and 2020 he expressed support for decriminalizing and legalizing medical marijuana.  THERE YA GO.  Decriminalize 15% of marijuana next!  Anyway.  At this point I'm gonna go over 5 paragraphs for this act.  So that's good.  Good FOR ME.  Got a shirt on.  Expecting some sort of Medical Delivery for my Dad this morning.  I COULD ACCEPT IT WITHOUT SHIRT.  I choose not to, though!
   Hmm.  Maybe Joe Biden will go with Joe Mentum in 2024.  I think he SHOULD.  HE BETTER.  Hmm.  Had about 250 calories of NightMight snacking as opposed to allotted 125 calories.  Had delicious Half of my Chocolate Babka for breakfast.  Checked scale!  Either was saying 126.5/126 or 128.5/128 with some broken pixels.  I'd be quite satisfied FOR NOW with the 126.  And the 128 could be worse, too!  Anyway I got that going for me I guess.  Speaking of JOE I'm not having any coffee this morning.  Pot and other assorted pieces to coffee machine are in the process of being CLEANSED.  Had a dream indendently last night I went to a Dunkin Donuts or somthing and got Iced Coffee.  Maybe it was a PREMONITION of what I should do.  Oh well I ain't gonna do that.  Probably should.  It'd be FUN.  Hmm maybe I SHOULD.  It WOULD be fun.  The point is I forget.  Looks like there's no Mets game today or tonight.  GOOD.  They can't lose.  They've been doing a lot o that lately.  I THINK THE ENTIRE LAST TWO GAMES THEY HAVEN'T WON ONCE.
    NATIONAL Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Burger Day and National Whiskey Sour Day.  Wow!  I like burgers and I like whiskey!  What's a whiskey sour.  I SHOULD KNOW THIS.  AND I WILL IN MERE SECONDS.  Sugar lemon juice and perhaps egg white added to whiskey.  That sounds NOT THAT SOUR.  Depends on proportions I guess.  Either way Whiskey may be my favorite alcohol.  I dunno why.  Just FEELS right.  Burgers we all know are delicious.  Except for turkey burgers.  Not sure what you're trying to accomplish there.  Probably enjoyed a turkey burger a few times over the course of my life.  Great wonderful.  Hmm.  Dr. Oz making fun of Fetterman for having a stroke.  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off in the long run.  Do we still have to call him Dr. Oz.  I feel like that's a term of endearment and I am NOT endeared to him nor is he endeared to me.  What's his actual last name.  OZ-MHET or something.  Mehmet is his first name.  OZ is just his last name I think.  Not much of a doctor though that'd be my guess.
  How much time am I giving myself until Next Walk.  About 20-25 minutes.  I won't get to 10 paragraphs but I'll make it to six or seven!  Did drug inventory yesterday.  Had plenty of Venlaxafine!  Been out of Klonopin completely for a couple weeks, though.  Apparently I can survive without it, as I HAVE, but I'm looking forward to re-upping with that in a week.   SO THAT'S GOOD.  Took full amount of venlaxafine today!  Now it all makes sense.  That's the quote that Trump said the FBI person said after Trump graciously allowed them into a room or something.  OR see documents.  "NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE."  Lemme LTURQ to see if I'm getting this right.  FBI agent goes "Thank you.  You did not need to show us the storage room, but we appreciate it.  Now it all makes sense."  I highly doubt that ever happened but also WHAT ALL MAKES SENSE?  I'm not 100% sure what that's even supposed to mean!  Anyway hey amount of paragraphs may be less overall BUT I'm fitting in everything MORE OR LESS on time and normally.
    Sixth paragraph!
  What else is up.  Second half of Salami Omelet Meal for lunch.  Chicken pot pie for dinner!  Think I'll put that sucker in the oven for 1 hour 20 minutes.  MAYBE 1 hour 25 minutes.  Hmm.  Let's go with THAT.  Bonus five minutes really gonna make the difference-- in the positive direction!  So that's good.  When Trump makes up quotes that people say they always sound weird.  Like he doesn't really understand how people talk.  Anyway what else is up.  Could I get iced coffee on next walk?  Theoretically sure but I WON'T.  Anyway at this point looks like I'm gonna write 7 paragraphs for this act.  Wonderful!  Ham sandwich for lunch tomorrow.  Wonderful!  Finished black and whites!  Had 2 2.5 cookie breakfast.  Mom had one.  Then had 2 as snacks (not at same time) over NightMight last night.  The good news is I FORGET.  Oh.  Got chocolate babka and am eating it responsibly.  As of now.  Only half of it left.  I can eat that responsibly REAL easy.  So I got that going for me.  Gonna write one more paragraph now.
YEAH!  Ended up saving half a beer last night.  Only 2.5!  Gonna have 2.5 again tonight presumably!  That's the way to go I guess.  Beer will be STALE but presumably it will induce as much slight drunkenness as normal.  STOP THE STALE.  Oz making fun of Fetterman for having a stroke has real George Costanza OH YEAH?  WELL I HAD SEX WITH YOUR WIFE! vibes.  He was made to look a fool and desperately tried to make fun of the person back in poor taste is the point.  Hmm.  I haven't watched a Seinfeld in god knows how long.  So does the devil IF HE'S BEEN PAYING ATTENTION.  So that's good.  Probably can fit in six or so paragraphs for Act II.  That gets me to just 2 behind.  I can write bonus 2 for Act III probably!  SO IN THE END it's the same dumb amount of paragraphs as normal.  Great.  Gonna take a walk now.  Be back soon!




You've Got The Right Idea

    Hey!  Got about fourty, fourty five minutes to write this act.  Gonna be between five and seven paragraphs presumably!  Probably SIX on average.  THAT'S SOME HIGH QUALITY MATH.  Anyway looks like Biden Student Debt Plan caps payments at 5% of monthly income.  Which FROM WHAT I CAN TELL is a good thing.  Hopefully I'm right.  Both because it would mean Good Thing For People AND ALSO Good Thing For Me That I Have Good Reading Comprehension Skills.  Hmm.  What do I got going on for today.  Tales In The Crypt one would imagine.  Got about Oh I Don't Know EIGHT episodes of penultimate season left.  Lemme LTURQ.  NAILED IT.  Eight exactly.  I FEEL LIKE I DESERVE A BALLOON.  Not sure why.  I deserve something as reward for Getting It Right.  Off the top of my head I'll take a balloon sure.  Hmm.  No coffee still.  That's not great.  It gives me more time to write paragraphs, though.  All that time I would be busy sipping coffee I can devote to writing!  So that's good at least.  Hmm.  Feels like I need to be consuming SOMETHING.
I'm drinking orange soda.  That's ONE THING.  I need a second thing AND STAT.  Stat is short for... Hmm.  What is STAT in this context short for.  Latin word, "Statim," meaning immediately, without delay.  Why do Doctors gotta speak Latin now.  They got ENOUGH going on.  Why do they have to know A DEAD language.  Apparently NOT DEAD ENOUGH.  I feel like veggie tray isn't working class ENOUGH.  First Oz makes a fool of himself using FANCY TERM for veggie tray.  Then his opponents are all like AROUND THESE PARTS WE JUST CALL IT A VEGGIE TRAY.  NOT GOOD ENOUGH.  Ought to be ROUND THESE PARTS WHAT THE HELL IS THIS.  You just wanna eat VEGETABLES?  And there's A WORD FOR THAT?!?!  I've never heard of a veggie tray and I AM MIDDLE CLASS.  The point is not sure I'd like all the vegetables in a veggie tray at all.  Anyway.  Not gonna write any bonus acts at all.  Probably gonna try to end up at 25 paragraphs overall by having extra paragraph(s) for this act and/or next.  HOWS THAT WORKING CLASS FOR YA.  Us working class'rs gotta ADJUST how many paragraphs we're writing Per Act ON THE FLY.  PART OF THE WORKING CLASS EXPERIENCE.  Amazing!
    Third paragraph of Act II!  I may have made that point about vegetable meal before.  Anyway.  That was a thing a year or two ago.  And presumably still is.  People are ANGRY about Impossible Burgers.  Not only do they not want to eat vegetables or other non-meats they're ENRAGED that other people have that option and may exercise it.  THIS WAS PART OF THE NATIONAL DISCOURSE FOR A WHILE.  So anyway people are dumb.  Might end up just writing five paragraphs here.  Move on with my life!  I can do that, sure, why not.  Are meat eaters okay with my eating fish.  I feel like they wouldn't be THAT angry if I eat fish.  It used to be a living animal definitely!  And it's already standard fast food fare.  I feel like if I ordered a Filet Of Fish they'd be SOMEWHAT disappointed I'm not getting beef.  It'd raise some eyebrows!  But they wouldn't actively try to stop me like they would if I was getting vegetable based burger.  So that's something to think about.
  Hmm.  Also from now on FRENCH FRIES MADE OUT OF MEAT.  What kinda meat.  Well beef right?  That's the standard meat.  I dunno I think chicken is even more standard than beef.  Chicken is poultry.  I'M NOT GONNA HAVE THIS DEBATE WITH YOU.  Chicken is most popular meat!  THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT.  Hmm.  Not sure where people got the idea that eating Meat is a Virtue.  Probably fast food propaganda.  Either way they got that idea and now they'll have it forever!  NO GOING BACK NOW.  They're committed 100% to meat for the rest of their lives!  Oh well such is life what else is going on.  I feel like Burger King can start Impossible Burger and advertise it and then THEMSELVES make a shadow advertising campaign AGAINST IT just singing the virtues of meat so people will RALLY AROUND REGULAR BURGERS and go to Burger King.  THEY GET YA COMING AND GOING.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Then again delicious I'd have a double hamburger plain or something.  HOOK ME UP.
Probably gonna write 2 more paragraphs now.  Which brings me to THIRTEEN out of NORMAL FIFTEEN for Daytime Day.  Amazing!  I dunno we'll see.  Calling it quits after this paragraph is not without its charms!  Today is 8/24?  Sounds like Math!  8/24 is exactly One Third!  Hey that's good.  So that's good.  Yep just like I said.  Hmm.  Maybe put lunch in oven.  THEN TURN OVEN ON FOR A WHILE DUH.  So that's good.  Not sure if I can take a shower right when I get home from upcoming walk.  MAY have to be ready to accept delivery.  I'll NOT keep you updated on this situation as it progresses but you get the idea.  I'm done here after this paragraph!  AM I TO WRITE EXTRA THREE FOR ACT III?  WE'LL SEE!  Hmm.  Is EGG meat enough for dumb people.  IT DEPENDS HOW MUCH MEAT ARE YOU MIXING IN WITH THE EGG.  Whatever.  I guess I'm done here for now.  Not a great Start To The Day!  Then again I could be dead and then where would I be.  Not sure!  Either way see ya tonight!




i just thought of something

    Hello friends!  12 paragraphs out of 15 so far.  DO I AIM FOR THE FULL 25?  Let's say NO.  I've operated the entire day Let's Sayin' YES.  But as soon as I started that sentence I JUST KNEW NO WAS THE RIGHT WAY TO GO.  So we'll see what happens I Dunno Nobody Knows!  Having delicious Lollipop going but I'M A BIG MAN because it's CHOCOLATE and not Citrus Flavored.  LEAVE YOUR ORANGE AND YELLOW LOLLIPOPS AT TEH DOOR.  Here we eat CHOCOLATE like ADULT.  Anyway did I do anything Of Note today.  Had lunch and dinner as expected.  ...THAT'S GOOD.  Anything else?  Plenty of The Walks.  ...Thanks for all the music!  I ASSUME All The Music I listened to is Reading This Website.  In which case Let Me Just Say WELL DONE.  I think ALL the music is adequate.  NO BETTER NO LESS.  I mean NO MORE NO LESS or NO BETTER NO WORSE.  We're all adequate In My Book These Days!  Prove me wrong!  Good luck with that!  Anyway psst good news One Paragraph Down.
Huh.  I like the part where I listen to WEIRD AL.  Doesn't get that much better than WEIRD AL.  What's it all about.  You listen to MOST music and you wonder hey what's this all about and then you listen to Weird Al and you're REALLY like Hey No Really What's THIS All About now that I think of it.  Makes sense.  I like biting down on lollipop strategically and sort of ROLLING the chewing so that it all comes off the stick easily.  And you don't bite it mostly off the stick and leave some tootsie roll sticking to it in odd ways.  GOTTA FIGURE OUT A MANEUVER so that it all comes off cleanly.  Am I sort of describing giving oral sex to Lollipop?  NO.  Well.  Sort of.  BUT MOSTLY NOT.  Get out of here with that bullshit.  The point is I started biting into the lollipop SENTENCES AGO and I'm STILL chewing on the remnants of that sucker!  Go figure.  Kinda chewing it TOO MUCH at this point.  WE GET IT enough with the chewing.  Huh.
    Yeah!  Made it into Final Season of Tales In The Crypt.  Just finished episode ONE of Final Season.  The good news is I haven't had A Birthday Bar in SEVERAL DAYS.  Better have on tonight.  Not sure why.  Delicious is my first guess.  I'm gonna be honest my brother has just about 10 K in Student Loan Debt.  SO TIS WORKS OUT GRAT FOR HIM.  It's Grad school debt.  Does that apply?  Cause if not This works out TERRIBLE for him.  Anyway I guess it's a Good Thing I Should Celebrate.  TOO MUCH CELEBRATING ON TWITTER MADE ME DOUBT MY non-celebrating it instincts.  I AM IF NOTHING ELSE A PACK ANIMAL.  I see the pack celebrating?  I CAN ADMIT WHEN I WAS WRONG.  I'm gonna celebrate too!  DON'T MAKE WAVES that's my motto.  Unless it's a BLUE WAVE 2022 TO CELEBRATE.  Wait is it still 2022.  I feel like we were talking about it being 2022 MANY MONTHS AGO.  How can it STILL be 2022.  You're not gonna believe this but it's still gonna be 2022 IN FREAKIN FOUR OR FIVE MONTHS. 
   Yes I realize it won't be 2022 anymore in five months.  But the sentence in freakin four or five months is accurate nonetheless!  I GOTCHA THERE.  If Weird Al was gonna do a parody of one of my songs I'D BET IT BE wait why does he have to do a parody of one of these sequence of noises these aren't songs they're terrible.  THAT'D GET MY GOAT GOOD.  I wonder if Weird Al gets that.  People sending him their demo tapes being like HEY U WANNA DO A PARODY???  Gotta imagine he gets SOME of that.  Maybe not that much RELATIVELY SPEAKING.  But gotta imagine it comes up now and again!  What does the prefix DEMO mean in this context.  Demonstartion?  Off the top of my head SOLID PLURALITY it's DEMONSTRATION.  AHH DEMON RUN AWAY.  Either run away from the demon or Sure Tell The Demon To Run Away Itself.  Either way you're accomplishing the same thing-- putting some space between You and Demon.  What was I talking about.  If I were gonna write 13 paragraphs for Act III, Seven paragraphs for Part I and six for Part II would be the obvious think to aim for.
    Huh.  Chicken Pot Pie was a solid 5/10 dinner.  Maybe only a 4/10.  Either way INADEQUATE.  I dunno.  I feel like 5/10 gotta be adequate and if we're being honest with ourselves 4/10 should be adequate, too.  Let's not be honest with ourselves though.  LET IT RIDE.  Not sure what that means.  Hmm.  Gonna have another 2.5 beers tonight.  So that's good.  Fifth paragraph of the Act III Part I!  Delicious.  Just replaced orange soda with ROOT BEER. Just replaced old beer with NEW BEER.  Just decided HEY LISTEN TO A REEL BIG FISH SONG on upcoming walk.  I decided that IN REAL TIME as I was TYPING IT.  Either way doesn't have to be BEER.  Probably shouldn't be now that I think about it!  Okay great It's Good To Have Plans.  Anyway.  Maybe 8/5 in terms of paragraphs for Act III as divided by PARTS.  GIMME SOME MORE BREATING ROOM for when I get back.  DO I REALLY wanna be on the hook for six paragraphs?  NO.  Of COURSE not.  I want to be on the hook for FIVE paragraphs.  Hook.  Fish.  Reel big fish.  There's a hook in that scenario.  Guitar hook.  Reel Big fish uses guitar hooks a lot.  What's a guitar hook.  Is that a real thing.  Reel Big Thing.
Yep.  Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go I guess then.  That's good.  Gives me more time to Inebriate myself.  With the help of Actually Inebriating Substances.  Makes the whole process That Much Easier!  The point is TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IS EXACTLY HOW MUCH A SEAT AT THE TABLE COSTS FOR THE WORLD SERIES OF POKER MAIN EVENT.  So basically WHY COULDN'T BIDEN ADMIN GIVE A BUY IN TO THE WSOP TO EVERY AMERICAN.  That's A lot more FAIR.  And A LOT MORE FUN.  YA NEVER KNOW, all you need is a chip and a chair.  ...AND I'M ALL OUT OF CHAIRS.  Huh.  The point is I forget.  I feel like that's standard in dystopia trope.  With government sponsored gambling.  Yeah it's called THE LOTTERY.  No NOT THAT.  I mean gambling where it's FORCED gambling.  But also you don't have to volunteer Bonus Bucks to participate.  You qualify JUST BY BEING A TAX PAYER.  Also possible Ancient Romans did something like this.  It's Possible CURRENT Romans do something like this I Dunno I stay out of their business they stay out of mine.  Anyway.
    Hmm.  Seventh paragraph of the act!  Let's keep it going.  YEP that's the plan.  What else is up.  I'm gonna be honest-- I'm about a sip away from finishing my root beer!  I got more in the fridge-- sure!-- but a lotta good that does ME.  Hey it does me some good I can go pour some more.  I know.  A lotta good that does ME.  Like I said.  Oh okay.  LOOK would a Comprehensive Ice Cream Sandwich also be a good Upcoming snack for when I get home?  YEP.  You could make a STRONG case for an Intensive Ice Cream Sandwich for that moment.  Gonna have to think long and hard about this.  Maybe not hard.  DEFINITELY LONG THOUGH.  That's how that goes.  If I write eight paragraphs for Act III PART I that means Five for Part II.  LET'S GO WIT HTHAT.  It requires me to write one more paragraph after this one.  Okay.  That's fine.  What's going on again.  Time to start a new paragraph.  Get the ball rolling on Upcoming MightWalk Time.  Oh okay right.
    Hmm.  Can't wait to get back to Season I of Tales In The Crypt.  MAN OH MAN.  It doesn't hurt that Season I got some good episodes.  Real Classic-like Ya See.  Then again I could watch The Critic however I'm concerned there won't be enough Cryptkeepers in it.  Is Cryptkeeper on word.  I mean I know it isn't in real life.  But for him.  Is his name The Cryptkeeper.  My guess is NO but it's not TOTALLY impossible that it's the case.  Lemme LTURQ.  WAIT before I LTURQ obviously a good guess is there's a dash.  Crypt-Keeper.  Let's LTURQ once and for all or at least once and maybe not for all-- Hmm.  I actually looked this up.  Got no definitive answers.  Saw some evidence of people using the word Cryptkeeper.  Saw some evidence of them officially going with Crypt-Keeper.  Saw lots of evidence of much more often than not it's just Crypt Keeper.  So basically EVERYTHING IS EXACTLY AS WOULD BE PREDICTED.  AND WE STILL HAVE NO CONCRETE ANSWERS.  Alright sounds wonderful I'm gonna take a walk now.  Write 5 Paragraphs when I get back. 

   Hey!  I'm back.  Now I'm gonna write five paragraphs.  Halfway into Birthday Bar.  That's good.  Might have a third beer IN ADDITION to the 1/2 beer I had saved from last night.  Might not!  We'll see how it goes.  Either way wow what a nice round of NightSwimming To Music.  Totally went from one song to another!  With a solid 1 out of 3 songs being My Own Songs.  NOT A BIG FAN.   But I can appreciate some of the songs.  Don't enjoy them.  That's a bridge too far away to cross.  But I see SOMETHING in them that relates to what real music is somehow in some way.  So I got that going for me is the point.  I finished my Health Candy Bar.  It's HEALTH candy bar.  It's not a candy bar.  It's a HEALTH bar.  A candylike Health Bar.  C'mon.  Well the good news is I'm just about a paragraph further than I was going into this whole ordeal.  By THIS WHOLE ORDEAL I mean my last four minutes.  WHATTA CHORE has That Four Minutes Been.  UGH.  I hope I bury that period of my life deep deep down such that I never have to experience anything RESEMBLING IT again.
   Oh okay great.  Maybe I should have gone with Comprehensive Ice Cream Sandwich instead of birthday bar!  We can only speculate now.  Hmm.  Lots of people walking around neighborhood this time of night.  And only HALF OF THEM are potential muggers.  Well EVERYONE is a POTENTIAL mugger.  All it takes is time and pressure.  Enough time for your morals to be corrupted.  Enough pressure that you need to support your family by stealing iPhones.  Something like that.  Also kinda feels like IRRESPONSIBLE of you to have a family if you can't support them.  Is there a political idea where we take families away from people who can't support them?  Oh you want to have a family?  YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT before you didn't have a job.  NOW THEY BELONG TO THE GOVERNMENT.  Something along those lines.  You figure it out.  I'm just The Ideas Man.  Anyway I finished beer #2.5.  Right now I'm not going for a third (INTO THIRD AND A HALF) one.  So let's stick with that I guess.  Only gotta write three more paragraphs anyway.  That's easy!  Wait a second Government taking family is TOO CLOSE TO IDOCRACY JOKE.  Great that ruins JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING.
     Hmm.  Tomorrow morning gonna either be BABKA BREAKFAST or CLASSIC BREAKFAST.  Which FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T REMEMBER is Pop Tart + Heavy Ice Cream Sandwich.  DANGIT.  I was thinking I should have Good Ice Cream Sandwich NOW so that I would feel better about finishing Babka tomorrow.  Instead of feeling CURIOUS about eating Pop Tart + Ice cream sandwich instead.  And then leaving babka over for potential Irresponsible Eating.  Now I'm stuck NOT HAVING that Ice cream sandwich over the next 12 hours UNLESS I HAVE IT FOR BREAKFAST.  Oh, well!  Actions have consequences!  That's been my experience at least.  UNPREDICTABLE consequences.  Also UNPREDICTABLE Actions.  So that's fun.  Yeah I can have an ice cream sandwich at bed.  But it won't be A GOOD one.  ONE OF YOUR MIDDLING ice cream sandwiches unfortunately.  Hey great how about that I'm glad this paragraph is over.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Just breezin' through these paragraphs like it was nothin.  The point is I need to re-fill my soda.  But on the other hand Do I really wanna get out of Chair right now?  Not so sure!  So I've given myself a lot to think about is the point.  I could theoretically have a good ice cream bar at bedtime but on the other hand that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  AND I HAVEN'T EVEN HEARD IT!  That's how stupid it is!  Hmm.  Gonna have to start an entire new day tomorrow when I wake up.  Whatta gyp!  Get out of bed and everything.  I never signed up for that!  Then again there are moments throughout the day that are QUITE relatively benign.  Most of the day is totally tolerable and also on occasion EVEN TOP SHELF.  High quality parts to every day.  Let's look at the bright side of things.  Hmm.  Hey it looks like the entry is almost over.  THE GOOD NEWS IS I"M NOT WEARING PANTS.
Ugh.  I suppose.  Lunch tomorrow WILL DEFINITELY be Ham Sandwich.  This is the one and only option!  SandwichSide remains to be seen, though!  Could be a delicious Golden Graham Barr.  Could be a delicious SaltSnack.  All the different options are possible!  I feel like I should try to wake up so early that I can continuously go back to sleep SO MANY TIMES without having to get up For Real.  I feel like if I start getting up at 9 AM when I really wanna get up at 10 AM OBVIOUSLY somehow make it so that THE 9 AM is 8 AM.  SO I CAN KEEP DELAYING GETTING UP FOR AN EXTRA BONUS HOUR.  Easier said than done.  Achieving that would be THE DREAM.  Just not quite within reach IN REAL LIFE though.  Anyway just goin' to bed when this is over.  I LIVED CONSCIOUSLY for a solid 12 hours.  WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME.  Probably could have been More Conscious SURE WHO COULDN'T but I'm doing MORE OR LESS THE MOST ADEQUATELY I CAN.  So that's good.  I'll see ya tomorry.

-10:16 P.M.




Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Now Look What You've Done

    Hey!  About 25 minutes behind schedule today.  Should be able to fit in everything more or less easily on time!  GRAT.  That sort of thing!  Had black and white cookie breakfast today.  Had about 50-150 over allotted NightMight snacking.  HEY THAT'S GRAT TOO.  Anyway told my Dad about dead light bulb in my room!  Gonna replace it today!  Maybe I should try doing it myself.  I THINK I kinda know what to do.  I THINK I'm tall enough that I can reach it while on small step-stool.  Step stool.  That's a thing, right?  Of course it is!  Mets game at 7:05 PM today!  In the meantime HOW MANY episodes of Tales Crypt I'm gonna go through today.  SMART MONEY is on roughly FIVE.  DUMB MONEY is on ALL OF THEM.  Anyway!  Lunch gonna be Ham Sandwich or Chicken Meal we've covered before.  THERE'S TWO SIDES TO IT.  I can't go through al the two sides to it EACH TIME I bring it up.  It'd take too long!  FINE I'LL DO IT.  Sweet potatoe and broccoli.  SEE WHAT A WASTE OF TIME.  Leaning towards ham sandwich for today.  Maybe make a case for pizza tonight!
    YEAH.  Another day that I didn't wanna get up and/or take a walk and/or write entry.  However I AM APPARENTLY HERE.  So that's working out I guess.  I feel like there's something I can be voting on today but I don't know WHAT.  Better LTURQ.  State senate?  That's one possibility.  Either way don't think I'm gonna do that.  I wouldn't know where to begin!  What else is up.  Back to THE NEW ROCK apple music playlist for first walk today.  It's ROCK MUSIC.  That's new!  Presumably with a heavy focus on NEWER BANDS.  VERY much heavier focus.  I like the part where it's rockin' and crap!  What else is up.  Halfway into 2nd paragraph?  I DON'T LIKE IT.  I wanna be further along! Oh well I guess at some point I WILL be further along as long as I keep typing nonsense words.  How much time am I aiming to give myself for this Act.  Let's say an hour for the next eight paragraphs would be ideal.  Sounds about right.  SMELLS KINDA DECENT.  Hmm. 
    Third paragraph!  Been almost exclusively doing SIDE SIT UPS the last week or so.  EIGHT focusing on LEFT side of body.  Eight on RIGHT.  Gonna get all the side muscles activated.  So that's good-- good for me!  Hmm.  I should mix in some more Regular Sit Ups.  That'd be great.  Anyway how many more Mets games in Season are there.  LOOKIN' like 38.  How is playoff structured.  TOO COMPLICATED to go through now.  Anyway.  Speaking of Cathrine O' Hara I gotta finish the Kids In The Hall reboot.  They're both Canadian THAT'S WHY IT'S RELEVANT.  I was speaking of Catherline O Hera 13 hours ago THAT'S WHY IT'S RELEVANT.  Look I know I gotta watch LOTS of things.  But I really enjoyed that Kids From The Hall reboot FOR SURE.  I KNOW I like it.  JUST WATCH THE REST how hard could that be.  Probably halfway hard.  DANG.  Do I have to watch THE REHEARSAL.  Not sure.  I think I do!  I don't like watching comedy and comedians.  My main impression is I REALLY CAN'T DO THIS AS WELL AS THEM.  WHY WOULD I ENJOY BEING REMINDED OF THAT.  DOESN'T ADD UP.
Better just LURQ WHAT the rehearsal is.  I feel that wouldn't hurt my feelings too much!  Hmm that's a weird show.  Sounds like it'd be stressful to watch BEYOND the comedy thing.  Oh well that's life.  Stressful beyond comedy thing.  What else is going on.  How much time we got for the remaining 2/3rds of the Act.  BOUT FIFTY FIVE MINUTES.  Wow I'm doing great it looks like!  I gave myself an hour OVER A PARAGRAPH AGO.  What else is going on and crap.  NOW we're getting relatively deep into the entry.  Halfway through 2nd paragraph was NOTHIN.  Halfway through FOURTH paragraph?  That's something to be happy about!  Anyway NATIONAL Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Peach Pie Day.  No thanks!  Don't like peach flavored things.  That includes peaches presumably!  James and the Giant Peach!  Title turns me off.  If I don't like regular sized peaches what makes you think I'm gonna like a giant peach!  Anyway WHY is Rhoald Dahl problematic.  I'm pretty sure he is.  I forget WHY.  ANTI-SEMITISM is my first guess!  Without going into detail-- Antisemetism, racial stereotypes, and misogyny.  Oh okay.  As long as we're not going into detail that doesn't sound THAT BAD.  Those are just WORDS.
    Hmm.  Shel Silverstein better not be problematic.  Lemme look that sucker right up.  NOT SEEING ANYTHING RIGHT AWAY.  Good.  Anyway.  Six paragraphs to go before next walk!  That's great just great.  No Salman Rushdie Tweet yet!  I wonder if Salman Rushdie is problematic.  Well APPARENTLY to SOME PEOPLE at least.  VERY problematic.  So that's good I guess.  Peach Pie Day.  How come so many PIE days.  Doesn't add up.  I'd eat Plain Pie.  Just give me some Pie Crust.  OH I eat Chicken Pot Pie.  That's a pie!  What do they call that thing in Italian Restaurant that's kind of like Savory Pie.  Lemme LTURQ.  THEY CALL IT PIE.  Stuffed Meat Pie, Stuffed Vegetable Pie, and Stuffed Eggplant Pie.  I've gotten it before and I'll get it again if I ever wanna stuff way too much unhealthy food down my gullet!  Anyway.  Hmm.  Maybe get CHICKEN ROLL again!  Probably too hearty for what I like but WHOSE GONNA KNOW.  Besides you.  And me!  And the restaurant.  And my parents!  AND EVERYONE ELSE SOMEHOW SOMEWAY.  Hey time for coffee!
    What else is up.  I don't like Hershel Walker being crazy and dumb.  JUST STRIKES ME the wrong way.  It feels EXPLOITATIVE of him because he's clearly disabled.  IT'S NOT TONGUE IN CHEEK.  THIS GUY HAS PROBLEMS.  I feel bad for him AND us!  I have room in my heart to feel bad for multiples!  Anyway how about that.  Fourty minutes to write five paragraphs?  I can do that in my sleep.  Probably.  I never HAVE.  But I feel like one day I can.  I imagine in Future they'll develop SLEEP TECHNOLOGY that lets us take care of rudimentary chores while asleep.  Sure why not.  Looks liken Biden administration is gonna do extremely paltry student loan cancellation.  10,000 dollars for people with salaries less than 125 K is what is being reported!  Hey here's a quote from Biden in 2020!  "I'm going to eliminate your student debt if you come from a family less than $125,000 and you went to a public university."  Hey that's great!  He also said, "I'm gonna make sure everyone gets $10,000 knocked off their student debt."  Hey great news for even people with more money!   So that's good. 
    I assume that's more accurate than what's being reported.  Because it came straight from the horse's mouth.  Seventh paragraph.  Why do I care about student loan forgiveness if it doesn't impact me personally.  Because I am A CARING AND DECENT HUMAN?  And it's THE RIGHT THING TO DO for PEOPLE and presumably even ECONOMY.  Oh okay that all checks out I see.  YOU CAN'T USE QUOTES ROM 2020 SO MUCH HAS CHANGED.  Like what.  Pertaining to this specific situation.  I DUNNO GOTTA IMAGINE SOMETHING.  Anyway three and a half paragraphs to go.  Well sure if you use his own words against him of course IT SOUNDS bad.  But that's Hardly fair in political discourse!  That's one way of looking at it.  Also it's something He Can Do.  Just do it!  It's up to him!  Go for it!  That sort of thing.  Three more paragraphs to go after finishing up this one.  Gotta bout half an hour comfortably to do that.  I can do that easily.  10 minutes a paragraph is plenty of times!  Shel Silverstein looks PUNK.  Not sure what that means.  Bald with nice facial hair.  Looks COOL is all I'm saying. 
    Whatever.  I feel like Louis Sachar is the best young-adolescent-into-young adult writer.  I feel very strongly about this!  Vaguely strongly.  Not strongly at all.  I feel CONFIDENT in saying this but I don't feel that much EMOTION or INVESTMENT in making this argument AS OF THIS MOMENT.  Wonder what he looked like.  I think I know what the character BASED ON HIM looks like in some of the books.  Even THAT might just be my imagination and I attribute it now to a real Doodling.  Better LTURQ.  Hmm.  Looks like the image of character based on him FROM THE BOOK is about right.  But his REAL LIFE PHOTO kinda different.  WHAT THE HELL there was a new Wayside Book in 2020.  VAGUELY CONFUSED about whether I wanna read that or not.  Potentially too stressful!  That sort of thing.  STILL no Salman Rushdie tweet since 15 or 20 minutes ago!  C'MON.  What is this the eighth paragraph?  Wonderful!  So much time to play with.  ...As long as I type things.  If I just sit here indefinitely Blank As Hell then eventually that will eat up all the time I have to play with AND THEN SOME.
    Penultimate paragraph of act!  Also if you cancel student loan do you cancel THE CONCEPT of student loan?  Or is it like the day after you cancel student loan then they just resume Starting Student Loan Business again.  Not sure how that works exactly.  Hmm.  Also canceling student loan debt is POPULAR.  Look at the polls!  I'm not making that up!  The evidence is there in Black & White!  Yeah they THINK they support it but then once we do it they'll change their mind.  WHY.  It makes no sense to assume that!  What else is going on and crap.  There was a Wayside School Book that was MATH.  It used FUN STORIES and crap to teach you MATH.  WORST BOOK EVER.  I don't need to do MATH.  I'm here to READ for PLEASURE you idiot.  Anyway that's fun.  Look at it this way it's not math it's puzzles.  EVEN WORSE.  I have NO interest in puzzles.  Find some other sucker to do your dumb puzzles I'M NOT INTO IT.  Anyway.  One more paragraph to go.  After this paragraph.  Which apparently isn't over yet!  I'm not happy about that but it's the truth.  Well not anymore.
Cool.  Canceling Means Tested 10K in student loans will make no one happy?  MostpPeople for it feel like it's not enough.  Most people against it will be upset about anything.  Only the small minority of people who That Helps Out Exactly will be like HEY THIS IS GREAT.  GREAT THAT SMALL MINORITY is the MOST IMPORTANT group in the country FOR SOME REASON NO ONE IS REALLY SURE OF.  So that's good.  Hmm.  YOU SAY SMALL MINORITY but it's gotta be MILLINOS of people.  Probably.  The point is let's move on with my life.  HEY YOU ELITIST JERK WHO ARE YOU TO SAY 10 K is nothing.  Someone with CONTEXT.  In terms of how much you have to pay each month it won't make that huge a dent OVERALL becaus... the thing is... each month they raise the amount... percents... the thing about it is... YOU GET THE IDEA.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Got plenty of time to write the rest of this paragraph!  HOWEVER I feel like doing it within sixty seconds.  GONE in sixty seconds.  HOW GONE CAN YA BE.  You're still SOMEWHERE.  On the spectrum of Still Being At First Point.  Being Gone From One Point is RELATIVE.  Oh okay great.  Time to take a walk.




See I Told You

    Hmm.  Really should try to finish this act in fourty minutes.  That's A BIT of pressure though.  I'd say 90% of the time that's enough.  BUT 10% is plausible.  I figure fourty five minutes would be okay all things considered.  Anyway got coffee #2 and some orange soda going on.  Leaning towards having Chicken Meal for lunch.  A meal which stars chicken.  Not Chickenmeal which sounds like a main ingredient in dog food or something.  I'd look that up but I'M ON A BIT OF A TIME CRUNCH maybe I'll get to it tonight!  So that's good.  Think I'll do Drug Inventory after I take my shower.  That'll be fun.  Get it over and done with once and for all.  THIS AIN'T FOR ALL.  Gonna have to update it CONSTANTLY if I want it to mean anything.  DANGIT that wasn't part of the deal!  What deal.  CHICKENDEAL.  Oh okay.  What else is going on and crap.  Pizza tonight.  Forget chickenroll.  Just get two plain OR ALMOST PLAIN slices POSSIBLY SICILY-STYLE.  Garlic is a topping.  Almost plain though.  Gonna have to think long and hard about that one.
Yeah!  I feel it's wrong to feed chicken to dog.  I dunno why.  If I THINK about it there's nothing explicitly wrong there.  Just feels like dogs and chicken should be friends.  Shouldn't be eating each other.  I dunno.  Why can't MAN AND CHICKEN be friend.  Nothing to relate to each other about!  No common shared experience! You can have friends with species you have little in common with.  I guess.  McNuggets. I'd eat some McNuggets.  Maybe JUST mcnuggets.  I feel like McNuggets are 45 calories each.  That means I can have Oh I Don't Know 13 McNuggets as a meal.  Four pieces is 193 calories.  SOUNDS LIKE MORE THAN 45 calories to me.  Maybe something like 48 Point Something.  Lemme LTURQ.  48.25.  I KNEW IT.  Just as I suspected!  Anyway WHAT IF I GOT MACDONALDS TODAY.  I can't do that.  CAN I?  Probably.  WILL I?  Nope.  SHOULD I?  Possibly.  WILL I?  ...Still gonna stick with, "Nope," on that one!  Oh well such is life.  What else is going on.  Hey I'm gonna finish this Act with MINUTES to spare.  EASY.  Wonderful.  Just pretend Chicken in Chicken Meal is McNuggets.  Try to trick myself.  Sure why not.
    Three paragraphs to go.  Wonder how long Inventory will take.  And how I will format inventory.  And what notebook or note pad I will write Inventory In.  Well we'll figure that bridge out when it comes to us.  Maybe write it in notebook then PUT IT INTO MICROSOFT EXCEL.  That might be easier and more thorough to keep track with over time.  The point is I DON'T CARE.  Gotta start putting together Super market order for Friday.  WHY TODAY IS TUESDAY.  SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT UNTIL WEDNESDAY.  Then again it's good to be a day ahead of schedule.  That way if you feel like Not Doing Anything Tomorrow YOU'RE TOTALLY COVERED.  Hmm.  How much time do I have if I wanna finish this act on schedule.  I KNOW how much time I have.  I'm not gonna tell YOU though.  That's PRIVILEGED INFORMATION.  FINE I'LL TELL YA wanna be done within 25 minutes.  WOW SOUNDS LIKE PLENTY OF T... wait a second lemme amend that I wanna be done in 24 minues.  ALSO, ya know what?  Subtract 2 minutes from that.  I wanna be OUT THE DOOR on my WALK 24 minutes.  Wanna finish entry in TWENTY TWO minutes.
   Penultimate paragraph!  What else is going on.  Thinking about what snack to have in an hour.  Keeping that information pretty close to the vest.  FINE I'LL TELL YA thinking about low calorie dependable small granola bar snack.  HOW DO YOU KEEP CONVINCING ME INTO TELLING YOU THINGS I DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU.  This is getting crazy!  What else is up.  Checked out my PROFILE in reflective store window last walk.  LOOKING OKAY.  I AM NOT OVERWEIGHT as far as THE PUBLIC knows.  Also as far as  know.  I'm not overweight TECHNICALLY.  In the context of General Health.  But I am OVER the WEIGHT I personally LIKEDA be.  Wow.  The good news is I Forget.  Gotta write one and a third paragraphs, though.  I know that much.  Ya know what, more like one and a quarter paragraphs at this point.  Whew that's a relief.  Hmm.  Got 1 Craft Beer left.  CAME IN PACK OF SIX.  I had TWO one night and then THREE the next night.  I think IF YOU'LL JOIN ME IN DOING MATH you'll also find I MUST HAVE ONE LEFT.  Crunch the numbers yourself!  It's FUN.  It's a PUZZLE!
Last paragraph!  Amazing!  Got Oh I Don't Know THIRTEEN minutes to write it.  IT'S AN EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES OF TIME.  Wonderful.  I thought talking about Food all entry was bad.  Then I started talking about How Much Time I Have Left all entry.  Ya don't know what ya got till it's gone!  What's the next thing website can devolve into.  There's probably something even Dumber and More Pointless than how much time do I have left allotted at this point.  I'll figure it out at some point I guess.  Hmm.  I remember back in the day when I originally reached Goal Weight I had a hell of a time working out a normal sustainable routine schedule for meal and snacks.  I MADE IT THOUGH.  Pretty much FIGURED IT ALL OUT at this point.  Save for NightMight snacking and STILL halfway binging every now and then.  SO THAT'S PRETTY GOOD.  Only took me EIGHT MONTHS and it's more or less the only thing I accomplished for Eight Months.  And presumably I'll move onto a completely new phase of life at some point in the mid-term rendering this current routine schedule obsolete.  Oh okay I see sounds good.  See ya tonight!




it certainly looks that way

    NOT YET I'M NOT.  Got some pretzels going.  Who designed Pretzels and WHY.  The shape I mean.  All Knotted Up like that.  I DON'T LIKE IT AT ALL.  But anyway delicious.  We got Deli Delivery tonight.  I could not successfully make my case for pizza!  GREAT I'll have pizza Oh I Don't Know THURSDAY.  Got salami omelet PART I OF II for dinner tonight.  We're talkin' PUT IT ON GARLICK'D BREAD with some fries.  I don't feel comfortable calling this garlic bread.  I think it's just regular bread with moisted insides tinted with garlic.  Maybe I Am Just Describing Garlic Bread.  Either way NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT.  TOO MOIST.  This must be garlic BUTTER.  Too many calories-- TANKS NOT NO TANKS.  Then again I ate it anyway.  Who cares.  Delicious!  Feels like I'ma aim for drinking 1.5 beers for Act III Part I and THEN AFTER WHITENAULK Have half a beer.  How's my pretzel supply going.  NOT SO BAD.  Almost done at this point.  But WHAT A RIDE IT'S BEEN.
    Hmm.  These pretzels are INDIVIDUAL SIZED BAGS and they came in a VERY BIG BAG of like TWUENTY individual sized bag.  And there were THREE varieties.  GET A LOAD OF THIS.  REGULAR PRETZEL SHAPE VARIETY.  PRETZEL STICKS VARIETY.  And then Pretzel, "SNAPS," variety.  Regular shape speaks for itself.  Looks like GIANT PRETZEL but SMALL and CRUNCH.  Sticks?  You know what a pretzel stick is!   And if you don't JUST IMAGINE A STICK.  Small stick.  Made out of Pretzel Meal!  SNAPS are GRIDS.  Like a square with lots of GRID-LIKE criss-srossing.  I HAD TE SNAPS JUST NOW.  Not happy about it but it wasn't my LAST choice.   That would have been STICKS.  For TODAY at least.  The good news is I finished these pretzels a while ago at this point.  But I think They Made Their Point to my appetite and belly.  So that's good.  Mets game going on in the background.  Well my TV is in the background.  By which I mean behind me which in retrospect isn't what The Background Means At All.  The point is my TV is if I were to be Facing South but I AM FACING NORTH INSTEAD.  Yankee Stadium I feel would be if I Twere Facing North West.  I CAN FACE NORTH WEST EASILY.  LO BUT A 45 DEGREE HEAD-TURN IF I FELT LIKE IT.
    Four paragraphs to go until WhiteNaulk.  I'm assuming Yankee Stadium is actually in the Bronx.  I know they SAY it is.  But I'm just taking their word for it at this point.  Bronx is when Lebron James... Identification X... uh... Hey what else is going on.  Some primaries going on today.  I wonder who won AND WHO CAME CLOSE TO WINNING and who finished in distant thirds and fourths.  Oh well I guess we'll never know.  Finishing second half of Salami Omeletdeal for lunch tomorrow.  CHICKENED POT PIE TOMORROWDINNER.  Then ham sandwich for lunch Thursday.  AND MAKE MY CASE FOR PIZZA THURSDAY NIGHT.  See I've got PLANS and it's all gonna work out for me You'll See!  What else is going on.  My Dad was worried me going out at 9:15 PM was too dangerous.  I SEE OLD PEOPLE WALKING THEIR DOGS and crap then.  KIDS RIDING THEIR BIKE.  Their INDIVIDUAL Bikes.  Not multiple kids riding ONE BIKE.  THOUGH THAT WOULD BE FUN TO SEE.  The point is I can handle myself if things get rough.  By which I mean what are you gonna do ASSAULT ME?  What would be your motive.  NONE THAT'S WHO.  Not taking money or wallet with me.  I guess you can steal my phone but I DON'T CARE YOU CAN HAVE IT I'm better off not scrolling all the time anyway!
    Also I feel like apple will replace my phone NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
  Not sure why I feel that way.  Probably incorrect.  Not even 100% sure I have an Apple Phone.  In which case they are very unlikely to replace it!  Only like 10% odds apple will go out of their way to replace my phone that I had set up with another company.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Fourth paragraph of Act III Part I!  And what an Act III Part I it's been.  Solidly Somewhat Into It.  No Salman Rushdie Tweet yet.  I WILL NOT REST UNTIL SALMAN RUSHDIE TWEETS OUT HIS HEALTH CONFIRMATION.  Except for soon.  Gotta go to sleep in about 2 hours.  Also presumably sleeping more Tomorrow Night and The Night After That and The Nighter After That and so on.  I wouldn't be surprised if I have to go PERHAPS AN ENTIRE MOON waiting for this tweet to appear.  I can't stay awake An Entire Moon.  Huh.  the point is BRONX is a funny sound to make.  Broncks.  Makes me laugh!  THEORETICALLY.
Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I.  Not a great entry today.  But one day closer to a Salaman Rusdie health update so in that regard it's been a very productive period of Sun.  Anyway.  What kinda snacks do I got in store.  HOLD THE PHONE I JUST GOT AN E-MAIL.  My phone made the e-mail noise.  BETTER LOOK THIS ONE UP RIGHT QUICK IT COULD BE IMPORTANT.  QUORA SUGGESTION, "WHAT IS A HISTORICAL FACT THAT WOULD SURPRISE MOST PEOPLE TO LEARN?"  I dunno why I get QUORA e-mails all the time.  I've never gone to that website on my own accord MUCH LESS SUBSCRIBE TO THEM.  Guess it was a practical joke.  Someone signed up my e-mail for Quora Fundates.  It's a combination Update and FUN.  FUNDATE.  Either way FINE TELL ME what's the top response to what's a historical fact that would surprise most people to learn.  It's about the Nanking Massacre or, "The Rape of Nanking."  WOW THAT'S SOME GREAT LIGHT HEARTED FUN INTERNET FODDER.  Also you can't RAPE a city.  CITIES GIVE IMPLIED CONSENT.  Might have to look into that one.
     Ugh.  Last paragraph before break.  Not happy about it.  FUCK it actually was about REAL RAPES.  I thought that Rape was a METAPHOR for this historical situation.  And it was really just a massacre of KILLING and DEATH.  NOPE.  20,000 RAPES.  FUCK THAT SHIT that's no fodder for light hearted internet fun like a DEATH KILLING MASSACRE'D BE.  GOD DANGIT.  Oh well.  I learnt a historical fact I guess!  Not sure who signed me up for this crap but there's very little I can do about it.  What else is going on.  Guess I'm gonna probably have either low calorie tootsie pop or MID CALORIE golden graham bar for Main Snack when I get back from walk.  GREAT.  I can do that!  YEP I JUST TOLD YOU SO.  Birthday bar if I want.  I reserve the right to Birthday Bar It Up should I feel like it!  Hmm.  Anyway what else is up.  Maybe just finish beer before walk.  So I am inebriated for WhiteNaulk to enjoy it more.  YEP THAT MATH ADDS UP.  Hmm just unfocusing my eyes a bit and looking at the past few paragraphs A LOT OF CAPITALIZED LETTERS.  I know I use CAPITALIZATIONS a lot but if my unfocused eyes are any indication I AM REALLY DOING IT A LOT.  Probably the inebriation.  RILES UP THE BLOOD.  Ya see what I mean?  Ugh.  I'll be back soon.

    Hey!  Time to write four paragraphs.  They won't be GOOD.  I feel like we can stretch things and call them kind of good enough.  No one's gonna give you too much of a hassle if you decide to think of the next four paragraphs as not completely worthless.  And if they do send 'em in my direction, I'll tell 'em what's what.  Anyway had medium strength snack Golden Graham And topping it off with low dose tootsie pop!  Okay if you're starting to get the instinct to want to Not Call This Good Enough NOW'S THE TIME to change your mind.  And just ACCEPT this is Somehow Good Enough.  I'm sorry but this is just the world we live in!  Anyway might have a third beer now.  Because I do things.  Sometimes!  Should I look up how primaries are going.  NOPE.  I know I'm not gonna be winning a single one.  So WHY BOTHER with disappointing myself.  I dunno maybe I won some primaries as a Write In candidate.  Better LTURQ.
   ...Nope, not seeing anything.  Oh well ya get what ya paid for.  IF ONLY I HAD BETTER FUNDING.  Too late now.  What kinda music I listen to on Last Walk.  40% MYSELF.  Easily a plurality was Me.  NOT A FAN.  But at the same time if I'm not a fan of myself WHO WILL be a fan of me.  It's ME or NOBODY.  Better get on board with myself lest NO ONE be on board with me.  Oh okay sounds great.  Mets game is tied as of oh i don't know eight minutes ago.  Got it on PAUSE since then.  I'll unpause it IF and ONLY IF I finish this entry.  Ah now there's some STAKES to this.  It's about time there were stakes to something!  Really gonna motivate me to do my best I feel.  What else.  Check how Salman Rushdie Is Or Is Not doing.  NOPE NOTHIN' NEW.  The ball is STILL in your court Salman Rushdie.  To confirm you're DOING BETTER THAN EVER.  Which YOU BETTER BE.  Or else...  Hmm.  I have no right to call out Salman Rushdie when I've read none of his work.  YOU WANNA CALL OUT AN ARTIST?  BETTER AT LEAST BE FAMILIAR WITH THEIR WORK.  That's where I draw the line!
    Penultimate paragraph more or less.  CHARLIE CHRIST won the Democartic primary for Governor in Florida.  VOTE FOR CHRIST.  That's a Wilco song based on a Woody Guthrie Poem.  CHRIST FOR PRESIDENT.  DANG IT I should have listened to that on my walk.  WHAT A MISSED OPPORTUNITY.  Gonna have to remember to listen to that tomorrow!  Also is Christ eligible to run for president?  Seems like that would be a huge grey area in terms of separating Church and Religion.  I guess if he becomes president people would have to stop worshipping him As Religion.  ONE OR THE OTHER.  And apparently for some reason he's decided he'd rather be president for a max of 8 years instead of Being God?  Maybe he NEVER PLANS ON GIVING UP THE PRESIDENCY.  CHRIST IS TINKNIG ABOUT RUNNING A DICTATORSHIP.  I don't like it!  GET HIM OUTTA THERE.  You know that sort of thing.  Anyway in terms of thinking about Christ running for/being president what color is he.  Gotta imagine that's the key difference which determines everything we conceptualize Christ as president.  IS HE WHITE or nonwhite.  What kinda Christ are we dealing with here??? HMM.
Possibly last paragraph!  Gonna bite down on lollipop.  Delicious.  I'd prefer a Brown Christ.  Where on the brown scale is up to him and his doctor.  I just don't want a lily-white Christ.  NO THANK YOU.  Anyway whatta do with the rest of my night.  Probably have health ice cream bar at beddtime in Oh I Don't Know 30 minutes.  The chocolate one!  That's how I feel!  On the chocolate scale at least.  To be determined by my ice cream bar and its doctor.  Hmm. ...No Salman Rushdie update yet.  At this point are we just to assume he'd dead and they haven't let on yet?  I guess!  We're just to assume anything we put our mind to!  It's OUR PREROGATIVE between us and OUR DOCTORS.  Also I don't like talking about abortion as HEY THAT'S BETWEEN A WOMAN AND HER DOCTOR.  FUCK THAT DOCTOR.  That doctor doesn't need to be in on this EITHER.  Then whose to perform this abortion.  SOME OTHER DOCTOR.  NOT TE ONE YOU'RE TINKING OF.  That doctor Can BUTT TE FUCK OUT.  How do you spell, "Butt," in that context.   BUT seems wrong.  BUTT seems wrong.  THERE IS NO RIGHT ANSWER.  Anyway.  That's about it for tonight.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-9:44 P.M.




Monday, August 22, 2022

Tastes Like Website

    Hey!  About twuenty minutes behind schedule.  Should be able to fit in everything more or less easily on time!  GREAT.  Had 75 calories more than allotted for NightMight snack.  Had balanced breakfast for breakfast.  TOOK A WALK AND SHIT.  Does a bear shit in the woods.  I guess it does if that's where it happens to be!  Not all bears live in woods.  Yeah that's the point they don't wanna shit where they live, so they go to the woods to shit.  Ah I see.  Hmm.  Got bison burger for dinner tonight.  Planned ahead last night because I knew we weren't gonna get Communal Dinner tonight.  So that's gonna be great.  Lunch gonna be HAM SANDWICH, turkey meatloaf * health spaghetti, or grilled chicken cutlet * sweet potatoe * broccoli.  Leaning towards... wait... nevermind.  Was gonna say leaning towards the last one but IN THE PROCESS OF THINKING THAT I was like wait a second I'm not so sure about wanting that.  Interesting.  Mets game at 7:05 PM.  INTERESTING.  What Tales Crypt am I up to.  IS IT WELL COOKED HAMS.  Because if it is... YEP IT IS.  Not my favorite episode.  GREAT now it's an underdog with something to prove.
Yeah!  What else is crap.  I feel like there's a Dumb Thing I Gotta Keep You Updated On left.  Not sure.  Oh well.  It's NOT Food Of Tomorrow.  We'll get to that in a little bit!  Anyway.  Gotta really go through my Medication Supply and 1) replace VENLAXAFINE and 2) keep inventory of what I got. GOTTA GET ON TOP OF IT so I don't run out of shit.  Maybe I already did!  I have no PROOF I have venlaxafine.  FEELS like I do.  Just a GUT FEELING though.  If I don't oh well guess I gotta go several more days without it.  So that's good.  NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW is... National Sponge Cake Day and National Coconut Week.  I feel like I've had sponge cake and was NONPLUSSED by it.  Better LTURQ.  Google HAVE I HAD SPONGE CAKE AND WERE MY FEELINGS NONPLUSSED.  INTERNET says I've had sponge cake but I wasn't nonplussed.  Kinda had a hunch I wasn't really Nonplussed.  Just said it cause it was a funny word.  Coconut week.  I like coconuts IN things sometimes.  Nice coconut bits in candy bar.  I can tolerate that.
   YEAH.  What else is up.  Let's just get through this Act as quickly as possible.  And/OR say worthwhile things.  Haven't decided yet.  Hardly ever look down these days.  Always have my shirt off.  Don't wanna see my belly.  YA KNOW WHAT?  GONNA LOOK DOWN RIGH TNOW.  How bad can it be.  Hey that's not so bad how about that.  Not Happy about it though.  Ugh.  That's the sequel to Don't Look Up.  Don't Look Down.  But it's within the same spirit of things because Looking Down is somehow meaning don't extract fossil fuels.  Or natural gas.  HEY not even coal.  Maybe geothermal.  No clue what that is.  I got SOME clue.  Earth + Heat.  I KNOW WHAT SYLLABLES MEAN REAL GOOD.  The point is NO SPOILERS but I don't think it'd work as a Sequel.  Maybe a REBOOT.  So that's good.  Mets are playing the Yankees today.  I THINK in Yankee Stadium.  Or whatever their stadium is called.  FunTime BaseballZone is my second guess after Yankee Stadium.  Looks like it's called Yankee Stadium.  Amazing.  There already WAS a Yankee Stadium before this.  Never a FunTime BaseballZone, though!   Just sayin'!
Hmm.  Mets got Super Star MAN SCHERZER pitching tonight.  Mets got possibly best 2 starting pitchers AND 2 LEGIT MVP candidates in Lineup This year.  OH NO GET OUT OF THE WAY THE METS ARE GREAT.  Plus they got lots of other good players.  Not sure why the Mets are so great this year.  Gotta be some sort of reason.  What else is up.  Fourth paragraph already!  That's pretty good.  Feels like a Coconut Week.  Just wanna celebrate coconuts this week regardless of what the website told me to do!  ALMONG JOY GOT COCONUT.  Which is weird because they also got almond which is also a nut.  Coconut isn't a nut.  It's a fruit.  I feel like That's A Reference Possibly Simpsons.  The coconut is neither a coco or a nut.  Better LTURQ.  NOPE no reference there.  OH.  I'm thinking of a THE CRITIC reference.  What's this thing.  His mentally ill father says something is neither an A or a B. ...Wait it is a B.  LEMME LTURQ.  THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LOOK UP.  Just take my word for it.  Guess you'll have to.  Maybe it was PEANUT.  Let's LTURQ.  YEAH IT WAS PEANUT.  Wow GENIUS.
   Either ME for remembering or THEM for joking it.  Or THE THOUGHT ITSELF.  Anyway.  Not sure how many people recognize The Critic.  It's great!  Go find a way to see it!  CAN'T, can ya.  I CAN.  GOT ENTIRE SERIES ON DVD.  Maybe they're on YouTube.  GO CZECH IT OUT YOURSELF.  Good.  Don't judge it based on Peanut Line.  That's NOTHIN.  Gets MUCH better than that.  What else is going on.  How much time am I gonna give myself to write 5.5 paragraphs.  Let's aim for 45 minutes.  That should be easy AND very reasonable.  The point is I WOULD NEVER tell my Dad I've been skipping venlaxafine.  He INDEPENDTLY told me to go through my reserves and make inventory because some things are available for renewal INCLUDING venlaxafine.  So MAYBE I don't have it.  WOULD NEVER TELL HIM THAT.  I'd tell him oh yeah I do need more but I have enough for now.  Because i'm not a COMPULSIVE liar but I am a STRATEGIC LIAR when it's a WHITE LIE which either doesn't hurt anyone OR helps me.  BOTH ideally.  HEY time to get some coffee and crap.
    I'm gonna guess The Critics are on YouTube.  Lemme LTURQ for you.  NOPE SORRY DOESN'T LOOK LIKE IT.  Looks like we're just gonna have to Snail Mail my DVDS back and forth between us.  Send me your addresses.  It's a scam somehow DON'T DO IT.  Anyway.  Maybe have Double Hot Breakfast Pocket for lunch.  I got THREE fresh lunches in store for next four days.  I CAN HAVE BONUS FROZEN LUNCH for one of them days.  BUT IF I SAVE IT IN MY BACK POCKET I can get a bonus lunch from Communal Dinner Delivery.  Hey that's great what else is going on.  Had a dream lat night I had at least three video game systems.  One or two of which were Old Classic Systems.  But the point is I couldn't have them all hooked up at once.  Only two at once.  So I had to cycle through hooking them up based on what video game I wanted to play.  Hmm sounds like a good set up.  I don't feel inclined to play a video game on the one system I have in real life but if I had THREE systems WHOLE NEW BALL GAME we're talking about.
Seventh paragraph.  SO MUCH TIME LEFT.  Great.  I feel like Snail Mail is CRUEL.  Derogatory.  A SLUR.  THEY'RE DOING THE BEST THEY CAN PRESUMABLY.  Well they're not under DeJOY but OTHERWISE THEY WOULD be doing the best they can.  I feel like I used to get lots of birthday cards in the mail.  That can't be right.  I'm imagining getting birthday cards from friends and shit.  Seems like those cards would be coming my way at Birthday Party.  What kinda mail am I getting from my friends.  I dunno.  There's SOMETHIN though.  What else is up.  What are standard Kids Birthday Party Destination Parties these days.  SAME STANDARD ONES AS 25 years ago?  My guess is can't be THAT different.  Hey ya know an underrated birthday party destination party?  SEEING A MOVIE.  Get together.  Have fun for 45 minutes before movie CONGREGATING.  Watch movie.  HAVE PIZZA AFTERWARDS.  I wanna do that RIGHT NOW.  I feel like I saw AIR BUD as one movie.  Possibly Bushwacked.  Ya know what?  POSSIBLE I SAW DUMB AND DUMBER this way.  Possibly an Ace Ventura TWO I THINK.
You get the idea.  Not a fan of Air Bud.  It's not FUNNY.  It's just DOGPORN.  Not REAL dog porn.  It's, "PORN-ESQUE," in terms of it's Just Something You'd Get A Kick Out Of.  If you were into dogs.  Which I'm not particularly!  Maybe I should be.  Oh well what can ya do.  Not much.  Eighth paragraph!  Why do I say Movie Party is underrated.  I dunno.  Just wouldn't be my first instinct on a Family Fued to guess for Kids Birthday Party.  It's probably UP ON THE BOARD though now that I think about it!  Arcade is first or second, right?  Maybe it depends on THE REGION you're in.  Huh.  ORDERING IN A CLOWN.  I've NEVER done that.  I feel like that happens in FILMS.  But NEVER seen a private clown IN MY LIFE.  Maybe seen a public clown ONE OR TWICE TOPS.  You get the idea.  What do clowns do.  They look weird!  I guess Balloon Animals.  But how much time can that take.  I feel like they're just like LOOK AT ME I'M IN WEIRD CLOTHES AND FACE PAINT.  ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!?! for about 2 hours.  Maybe 90 minutes.  I dunno how long you booked your clown for!
     Penultimate paragraph of the act.  I've never read Salman Rushdie's twitter in my life but since his assassination attempt I check every day.  I wanna see him post HEY WHAT'S UP I'M DOIN' OKAY!!!  Yet every day is another day that passes WITH NOTHIN.  I WANT RE-ASSURANCE HE'S OKAY.  I feel like he's DEPRIVING US of a good time knowing he's okay.  Anyway.  Maybe order Salman Rushdie book or something.  Is he FUNNY sometimes?  Feels like he's got Sense Of Humour.  Better LTURQ.  ARTICLE FROM 2015 about his then-new novel has him goin IT MIGHT BE THE FUNNIEST OF MY NOVELS.  WOW SOUNDS RIGHT UP SOME TREE.  The point is hmm not so sure was a point.  Good.  Probably gonna have Amazing Golden Gram Bar as one of two daytime snacks today.  WHY NOT.  It's GREAT so ENJOY IT.  Sounds like it's raining softly.  It BETTER be softly.  Cause I'm gonna take a walk in a few minutes regardless.  IRREGARDLESS some might say!
    Some might say that... thunder follows... sunshine?  How does that song go?  Sunshine follows Thunder.  That makes a lot more sense.  I guess.  DANGIT internet says it's raining for next half hour NOT EVEN LIGHT but on the border of Light and STRAIGHT UP REGULAR STRENGTH rain.  GONNA BRAVE THE ELEMENTS NONETHELESS.  Maybe it won't be so bad.  Counting on that being the case.  Ugh. Maybe it'll be kinda pleasant.  IT BETTER BE that's all I can say.  DANGIT I CAN HEAR IT GETTING LOUDER AND MORE EXTREME OUT MY WINDOW.  Oh well what can ya do.  Wait for it to stop?  THAT WOULD RUIN EVERYTHING.  Maybe I can write Act II before next walk or something.  Lemme calibrate the numbers on that... calibrating... calibrating...  NOPE that wouldn't work.  Gotta take a walk NOW.  By now I mean WITHIN 20 MINUTES BUT MAY AS WELL JUST BE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS ENTRY.  Look the point is IT'S RAINING ON MY DAILY PARADE AND I DON'T LIKE IT.  What else.  That's it for now!  I'll keep ya updated in a bit on how this went!




Wait Hold Up

    Hey!  Walk was pretty good. Raining softer than I thought it would be for first half of walk.  BORDERING ON PLEASANT.  Then second half f walk it was mostly not raining at all but drizzling on and off.  BORDERING ON PLEASANT.  Borders Book Store lets talk about it.  Anyway I got plenty of time to write this act.  Give myself 45 minutes.  Probably can do it in Oh I Don't Know THEERTY FIEVE MINUTES.  And it will hopefully be a bordering on pleasant experience.  Hmm.  The point is SHOULD I Cycle Through The Critics?  Possibly!  How many times have I cycled through it in my life.  Probably around Oh I Don't Know FIVE TO NINE times.  As well as seeing random episodes on TV!  Not sure where or when.  On TV is where.  Yeah but WHERE in this context means WHICH CHANNEL.  Oh okay I see.  Ugh.  Right now leaning towards Turkey * Health Spaghetti for lunch.  Am I a little worried it'd be redundant with bison burger?  Yeah!  A little bit!  But sometimes ya just have to GO FOR IT ya know.  Looks like Fauci is retiring in December.  Or stepping down.  Maybe he'll work in some other capacity.  EITHER WAY I bet he never thought going into this role he would be the target of lots of death threats!
    I'm assuming he's the target of lots of death threats.  VERY safe assumption.  The point is I feel like it would be good strategy to Admit Defeat while stepping down.  Really LEAN INTO being like okay the public spoke loud and clear and I'm stepping down, I've learnt my lesson!  That way people would stop wanting to kill him.  HEY HE LEARNT HIS LESSON I GUESS WE HAVE TO MOVE ON TO THREATENING TO KILL OTHER PEOPLE.  Gotta at least be considering that sort of narrative when he steps down, right?  Anyway what else is up.  Of course that would make him look bad in the eyes of nine out of ten people.  Maybe nine out of twelve  people.  Oh sounds like seven point five out of ten people.  EXACTLY.  I forget what I'm BASING this on but I feel like Base 12 is the most common base after Ten.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE.  Two, Eight, And Sixteen are most common after ten.  WHAT THE HELL.  Base 12 GOTTA STEP UP IT'S BASE GAME.  Huh.  Computer is Base Two, right?  Zero and One.  Cracked that code.  LITERALLY. Hey how about that.  Baseball has four bases.  Amazing.
    Three paragraphs to go!  It's a Base Ball system.  Amazing.  Maybe have Keto Brownie as upcoming snack.  That was the Standard Snack for the pre-lunch snack for a solid Oh I Don't Know FIVE TO NINE WEEKS.  Last few days have been JOLT TO THE STANDARD SYSTEM but maybe we're getting back on track.  So that's good.  Nine to five is Working Day.  I feel like school prepares you to be thrilled with starting work at nine eventually.  SCHOOL FIRST PERIOD GONNA START AROUND 8 AM.  STARTING WORK AT 9 AM YEARS LATER IS A BREEZE.  Then again School ends at Around 3 PM.  I DUNNO GONNA HAVE TO LOOK INTO THAT ONE.  Either way I THINK I'VE MADE MY POINT.  I hope so at least.  If I haven't I don't think I ever will.  So we'll just have to move on with our lives.  Also for school you have to show up.  Work you can just be like NOPE NOT GOIN IN TODAY WHOSE GONNA STOP ME.  Worst case scenario is they fire you.  And then guess what.  NEVER HAVE TO SHOW UP AGAIN EVER.  So it all works out is the point.  Huh.  TWO MORE PARAGRAPHS TO GO.
    Yeah!  I guess.  I'd like a five to nine job.  Gotta make sure it pays HIGH HOURLY WAGE because apparently I'm only working a four hour day.  WHAT IF I'M WORKING EIGHT DAYS A WEEK.  STILL not enough on your average salary.  Anyway.  Lemme LTURQ.  MEAN MEDIAN AND MODE SALARY.  Eh first responses just give one number.  Looks like low-to-mid 20 dollars an hour. THAT SOUND PRETTY GOOD TO ME.  That's 200 dollars a day.  That's A THOUSAND DOLLARS A WEEK.  That's 52000 a year.  That's NOT GREAT these days.  Could be worse though.  Anyway I also have no family to support does that come into play.  YES OF COURSE.  Oh great this is working out great for me!  This isn't my hourly wage.  This calculation has no impact or impression on or of my life.  Oh Okay I See.  What else is up.  HEY let's say I have 15 minutes to finish this act.  WHAT THE HELL.  I CAN'T WASTE FIFTEEN MINUTES on 1+ PARAGRAPHS.  EVEN TEN MINUTES IS MORE THAN ENOUGH taking into account now that I'm almost done with this paragraph after the next sentence!!!  So I got that going for me
    YEAH.  What else is up.  Daniel Stern trying to parlay his success in Home Alone into a starring role in Bushwacked!  Will it work out for him?  ONLY TIME CAN TELL.  Anyway.  Reboot of Home Alone but this time Macalcualy Caulkin IS THE CRIMINAL.  And he's still the same character.  But now that he's an adult 30 years later for some reason he's turned to a life of crime himself!  IT COULD HAPPEN.  I dunno about that.  He could be The Parent Who Wants To Get Home So Their Kid Won't Be Home Alone Anymore.  I FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE WITH THAT SCENARIO.  Anyway he'd be like HOW COULD I LET THIS HAPPEN AFTER IT HAPPENED TO ME SO MANY TIMES.  Twice!  THAT'S PLENTY.  What else is up.  THIS TIME HE'S THE DAD THAT THE CHILD NEEDS TO GET EVEN WITH.  I dunno.  Gotta write a few more sentences though.  I hope halfway pathed path in park isn't muddy.  I don't think it rained enough to make dirt muddy.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses though!  Well after it's progressed.  But that's good enough and in the same spirit of things.  See ya tonight!




i have a good feeling about tomorrow

    Hello friends!  Had bison burger, started beer #1, havin' health ice cream bar.  Not to be confused with Heath Ice Cream Bar.   Heath is a candy bar.  Of which I think I've seen Ice Cream Bar Versions Of.  Toffee and Almonds and Milk Chocolate.  I'd have that candy bar!  Probably talked about that before.  Not enough, though!  I won't have talked about it enough until I AND EVERYONE ELSE REMEMBERS what it is.  Probably gonna take eight or seventeen more times Talking About It until it really registers.  MORE TIMES?  Or does that include the last two times.  Hmm gonna have to think about that one.  Anyway may have three beers today.  Cause I like doing things!  That'd be a solid Thing To Do.  GREAT.  DIDN'T BOTHER  taking bison burger patty off one of the breads.  One side of bun came off easily.  That's good.  OTHER side of bun?  Patty was stuck to it!  Normally I'd try really hard to meticulously twist and slide it so that it comes off the bun with minimal amount of bun sticking to burger.  This time FUCK IT just put the patty and the 1/2 bun in the microwave.  I'LL DEAL WITH SOME SOGGY BUN SURE.
Maybe this isn't universal experience.  Maybe you don't microwave burgers!  I don't know how you live your life and neither do you.  Well You probably do.  But I don't and that's what counts!  Sounds accurate.  Watching some Mets game.  Mostly not though.  Got it ON PAUSE.  Also MENOPAUSE: The Word comes from THAT'S WHEN NOT TO HAVE SEX WIT LADY.  Okay to have sex with lady up to a point in her life then OK, MEN-- O' PAUSE HAVING SEX UNTIL THIS PHASE IS OVER-- then you can start again.  SURE I KNOW HOW LADIES WORK.  Like that!  Probably.  That'd be my first instinct at least.  What else is going on and crap.  Had some problem with Website today.  Noticed it wasn't loading!  After a few hours of Tolerating Website Being Down I contacted GOD ADDY and they fixed the problem over the course of fourty minutes.  I feel like Go Daddy and Scientology always have ads during the Superbowl.  COINCIDENCE?  My guess?  THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES IN THIS WORLD EVERYTHING IS RELATED AND EVERYTHING MEANS SOMETHING.  Oh okay I see.  Is this related to Taco Bell.  I feel Taco Bell also is a Super Bowl Standard.  Seems reasonable to assume Taco Bell is involved somehow.  YES EVERYTHING IS INVOLVED WIT HEVERYTING.  You can say ANYTHING and it's involved with Those Three Things.  Hmm looking around my room A DIME.  Is A DIME-- a ten cent piece-- related to this, too?  YEP YOU BET. 
    What else is going on.  Four more paragraphs to go until I take a NightWalk.  Wight Nalk.  White... Naulk.  Not sure what a naulk is.  But white is a color.  IT'S ALL THE COLORS.  I know they say white is all the colors and black is the absence of color but I'm Pretty Sure They're Lying.  They're BOTH JUST colors.  YOU CAN'T FOOL ME.  Anyway what else is up.  Birthday Barr when I get back?  Just a Ghodolen Grhamam Bar?  I dunno!  Probably one of those two things.  The important thing is when is Bill Barr's birthday.  I'm gonna guess April sixth, 1962.  May 23rd, 1950.  I have a really bad habit of Thinking People Are Younger Than They Are.  I dunno if it's a BAD habit.  If anything they'd appreciate it!  Either way  HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBAR.  How's Taco Bell doing these days.  Not sure what that means.  They're a Fast Food Location Destination.  Was Taco Bell just genuinely not as widespread before the late 1990's?  Because I feel like I didn't have Taco Bell ONCE until like 1999 or 2000.  AND I don't even remember THINKING OF them until that time.  I'd LTURQ but ya know don't care enough or anything.
What else is up.  I first became Taco Bell Conscious because of the commercials where the dog says Yo Quiero Taco Bell.  And I was like THAT DOG MAKES ME WANNA EAT SOME TACOS.  Probably.  The point is I Don't CARE.  How come Taco Bell isn't translated into Spanish.  Also-- the word for Taco in Spanish-- IS IT TACO?  I'm taking bets.  Will you take the OVER or UNDER of the answer being Yes.  Hmm.  I'm gonna take the UNDER.  BELOW YES.  Well I was wrong.  It was ABOVE YES.  YES.  Taco in Spanish is indeed Tacos.  Not sure about the, "S."  Either way What ELSE is up.  I was very polite to Customer Support Man who helped me with Website.  I FEEL I SHOULD BE GENUINELY THANKED FOR GENUINELY THANKING HIM.  It's the circle of life IMHO.  Also-- not that, "H!"  No humbility to this opinion.  I feel is STRONGLY and UNABASHEDLY.  Maybe a little bashedly.  JUST A TAD.  That sort of thing.  Not sure Humbility is a word.  Is HUMILITY the word?  I don't feel Humiliated about this opinion.  I KNOW that's why I said UNHUMILITIED.  Ugh.  The paragraph is over!  Ugh.
Hmm.  Just got distracted for Twuenty Minutes!  Some new news on the Trump Taking OUR DOCUMENTS scam.  OVER 300 DOCUMENTS?  At first I was like THAT'S NOT THAT MUCH I WAS PICTURING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOCUMENTS.  Also WHAT IS A DOCUMENT. Now I realize, though, HEY 300 IS A TON OF DOCUMENTS.  Also WHAT IS A DOCUMENT.  Graphic of The Movie 300 About Sparta but with a Trump-Document Pun.  JOB PLEASE.  Not sure what kind of job that earns me.  Not one that exists!  Anyway gonna get started on a beer #2 BEFORE walk.  Probably meaning I FINISH it before walk for SUPER FUN walk.  At this raite I AM GOING TO HAVE A GOLDEN GRAHAM BAR IN AROUND 45 MINUTES.  Maybe I'll wanna Take a Quest Bar at that point. As of now DON'T NEED IT.  CEREAL BAR IS PLENTY ENOUGH.  It's SO MUCH it's close to the snack equivalent of OVER THREE HUNDRED classified and HIGHLY SENSITIVE documents.  Wow!  Also in the movie 300 I feel like there's monsters in it.  I may be confusing it with another movie.  LEMME LTURQ.  ARE THERE MONSTERS IN 300.  Not seeing any definitive info on this immediately.  Gonna have to go through this Raw Data google turned over over the course of several weeks IF NOT MONTHS.  We can get The Answer To This done QUICK or we can get The Answer To This done RIGHT.
    Last paragraph of Act III Part I!  Amazing.  TRUMP whent through the documents HIMSELF and then was like okay these I'm keepin' these I'll hand over.  Sounds bad!  LOOKS bad.  SMELLS TERRIBLE.  You know Trump gotta have terrible B.O.  Ugh gives me the creeps just THINKING about it.  Hmm.  Still no Salman Rushdie Tweet since Before His Accident.  It was an accident, right?  He accidently got in the way of the guy who wanted to kill him.  He certainly didn't INTENTIONALLY almost get assassinated.  MUSTA BEEN AN ACCIDENT.  Also if he gets killed that's an assassination, right?  Intentional Murder of any public figure is Assassination.  ASS ASS.  HILARIOUS.  Hmm.  What if it was a friend or family member who tried to murder him.  And it had NOTHING to do with his Status in Public Life.  Say his wife hated him for Marital Reasons (None of our business).  And then tries to kill him.  That's not really an attempted assassination... is it?  Or is it just an attempted murder.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Hey in the meantime gonna take a nice walk.  Amazing!

    Hey!  Took a nice NightWalk.  My Dad psyched me out, though!  He was concerned about my safety and even though I strongly disagreed and still do, I got in my head about it!  Am I endangered?  Maybe!  I AM going to die one day and There Will Be None Left Of Me.  So I am VERY endangered.  Once I'm dead, THAT'S IT.  NO MORE ME.  And there's NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT.  Hmm probably something I can do about it.  Nothing coming to mind immediately, though!  Best I can do is have some Offspring.  Not good enough!  I WANT ME.  What about a mini-me type scenario.  NOPE.  That's TOO SMALL me.  I'm already very much on the small side!  Gotta be a Regular Size Me By Which I Mean A Me And Not A Me That's More Regular In Comparison To Other People.  Either way I dunno we'll figure this out later in life.  We got DECADES to work on it, I can take my time with figuring this out is the point!  Hmm.  Mets down to their final out.  As of 90 seconds ago.  By now the game might be over!  I paused it so we have no way of knowing.  Men-o-pause, am I right.  ...Right?
Three paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  Cycled through some real Choice songs tonight.  I put a lot of good thought into them and also followed my instincts and relied on some blind luck as well as followed some suggestions.  ALL IN ALL it worked out for the best, I have no complaints.  Got complains about TRUMP STEALING SENSITIVE DOCS.  WHO CAN I LOG COMPLAINTS WITH because it's VERY VERY serious.  Also if I log complaints with someone WHAT'S TO STOP TRUMP FROM STEALING THAT DOC.  Government is never gonna be able to build a case against Trump because guess what HE'S GONNA BREAK IN AND STEAL ALL YOUR DOCUMENTS NOW.  As soon as you think you got some Docs against them HE'S INTERCEPTING THEM BEFORE YOU CAN EVEN GET STARTED.  Oh well what can ya do.  Write two more paragraphs now.  Eh.  Already past 10:00 PM.  That's BEDTIME territory.  What day of the week is it.  Feels like it's probably A Monday.  Not THE Monday.  But AN Monday. 
   Penultimate paragraph!  Got beer #3 goings on right now.  Looks like Mets game is over.  They lost their bout with the Yankees.  The ongoing Season Struggle Battle continues, though!  WE LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY.  Until one day when we die.  Then we're dead.  Never gonna win again!  Probably won't lose again either, though.  I dunno.  I feel like when you're dead You're Losing In Perpetuity.  Maybe you're winning in perpetuity when you're dead, somehow!  Not sure how you could ACCOMPLISH a win being dead, but I can definitely imagine you MANAGING TO LOSE THINGS.  So that's one thing to take into consideration if you plan on dying at some point.  Hmm.  When is Weird Al: The Daniel Radcliffe Vehicle coming out.  It better be this October OR ELSE... September eighthTOO SOON.  Hmm.  Daniel Radcliffehanger.  Sure.  I had a Golden Graham bar about 15, 20 minutes ago.  No problem.  These things happen!
    Last paragraph!  Wonder what I'm gonna do when this is over besides Go To Sleep.  Probably NOTHING.  Probably have some sort of ice cream bar or sandwich.  Probably SANDWICH.  Not GREAT ice cream sandwich ADEQUARTE ice cream sandwich.  STILL any ice cream sandwich is better than no ice cream sandwich.  That's been my experience.  GREAT.  I think I'm paying for being able to see Web Statistics for GoDaddy Website: This Website.  That'd be interesting to check out.  OH WELL CAN'T BE BOTHERED.  I like IMAGINING what the web statistics might be.  Who needs to know something for sure!  I'd RATHER KNOW NOTHING.  That's my general position re: This very specific situation.  Hmm.  In the middle of SEASONS for Tales In The Crypt.  Just finished Season Five earlier this evening.  I TINK next episode is Catherine O HARA episode.  WAIT A SECOND.  THERE'S A MOVIE WHICH WE TALKED ABOUT EARLIER WHERE CATHERINE O HARA IS AT O HERE AIRPORT.  Presumably.  She goes to airport from Chicago Suburbs.  MUSTA BEEN O HEAR.  What's the airport called?  "O'Hare."  WHAT THE HELL.  Oh well what can ya do.  See ya tomorrow. 

-10:14 P.M.



Sunday, August 21, 2022

I'm Gonna Get Started

    Hey!  About twuenty minutes behind schedule!  Should be able to fit in everything more or less normally!  So that's good.  Also, had either 50 or 150 calories Over Allotment for MightNight snacks.  Compared to last two days WHO CARES.  Gonna have normal amount of Eatings today!  Had Black * White breakfast today.  ARE WE ALL CAUGHT UP YET.  OH right now I'm aiming for Turkey Meatloaf * Health Spaghetti for lunch.  SUBJECT TO CHANGE THOUGH.  Am I using that phrase correctly.  IS that even a phrase.  Better LTURQ.  I'm using it 100% correctly.  AT FIRST I WAS THROWN because I kind of implies the subject WILL change.  Which I'm not sure it will!  BUT NOPE.  It leaves room for SUBJECT TO STAY THE SAME.  Which is GREAT cause that's what I wanted to say.  Anyway got some Ginger Ale going on right now.  METS GAME AFTERNOON AGAIN.  1:35 PM!  NOW WE'RE TALKING.  We were before.  But we still are now, too!  GOOD THAT LOGIC CHECKS OUT.  Hmm.  2/3rds into Summer.  I like summer but the good news is I like FALL even more!
    Okay.  Amazing.  Should I aim for NightTime walk tonight?  My feeling is SORT OF.  Right now feels like there's a good 75%-80% chance I should aim for it.  Right now I'm not imagining enjoying it that much.  But I think as time goes on I will gain enthusiasm for it.  So that's good.  Today is SUNDAY.  So that's good.  Getting Communal Dinner tonight.  HEY WHAT SHOULD I GET I IT'S DINER DINNER.  Off the top of my head Bison'd Burger or GriddleCentric Meal are obvious choices.  OR BOTH.  One for dinner one for lunch tomorry.  OK NOW WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP ONCE AND FOR ALL.  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Pecan Torte Day.  WE HAD PECAN PIE DAY A DAY OR TWO AGO WHAT THE HELL IS THIS BULLSHIT.  20th was National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day.  I'm gonna guess Torte is LIKE pie also.  Lemme LTURQ!!!  Rich Multi-layered cake.  Ya know what?  Looks delicious.  I don't like Pecan and I REALLY DON'T LIKE doubling up on Pecan twice within three days BUT I am glad to find out all about Torte.  So that's not so bad!
    Anyway.  Third paragraph!  Continuing doing sit-ups focusing on alternating sides 90% of my sit-ups.  Gotta assume that'll pay off somehow in some way!  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  I can have a slice of white bread toast if I determine it necessary to pad out Turkey Meatloaf * Health Spaghetti meal.  That's interesting.  I'm fascinating and fascinated myself!  What else do I got going on.  Aim for writing the next 7.5 paragraphs in an hour.  That seems plausible and probable.  So that's good!  Hmm.  Black and whites could be Snack Food in addition to Breakfast food.  ONE could be a regular snack.  ONE POINT FIVE could be an indulgent dessert snack.  You know that sort of thing.  Back to listening to APPLE MUSIC PLAYLISTS.  I feel like those are great for daytime and Personal Choice Music is great for nighttime.  What else is going on and crap.  I gotta write things if I wanna finish the Act!  That makes sense.  THEN AGAIN writing things without them being good isn't great for either of us!  Oh well we all have to make sacrifices. 
    Hmm.  Maybe have some of the Fancy Craft Beer tonight.  Six cans?  THAT COULD BE THREE 2 BEER'rs or TWO 3 Beer'rs.  THESE are slightly less alcohol content than NORMAL light beer.  Does that mean I have THREE at a time so it pays off more?  Or TWO at a time so WHEN I DO HAVE THREE AT A TIME with OTHER BEER there's MORE TO IT TO INDULGE IN.  Makes sense.  It's a question.  But the question makes sense!  TO ME.  I may not have phrased it well enough!  Oh well what can ya do.  PHRASE IT BETTER?  That's not how I operate.  I operate with GLOVES on.  SURGICAL gloves.  Gotta be careful when you're operating.  Anyway how's Monkeypox going.  My guess is it's still going.  How many people it taking down a day.  NO DEATHS IN US as of August 12 article.  Well that's good.  Lotta cases!  Maybe they'll die eventually.  I BET THEY WILL but probably of something else.  So what are the negative effects.  Hmm.  Kinda FLU-ISH effects.  Hmm.  Probably EXTREME flu-ish effects would be my guess!  And I'm good at guessing.  Not good at guessing ACCURATELY.  That's a whole other kettle of fish!
    Fifth paragraph!  What else is going on.  Entry SUCKS so far but the point is I'm slowly but surely getting deep into it!  Meaning I get to move on with my life soon!  Ever any disease gonna be called Humanpox.  Gotta imagine if other animals can have Poxes we can have our own, too.  HUMAN EXCEPTIONALISM tells us we should have LOTS of our own diseases.  I think humans are pretty exceptional.  But I don't think we have DOMION over nature or anything.  We're GREAT, sure.  Maybe even Solidly Better.  BUT IT'S ALL RELATIVE.  Because all species are relative.  Ask Charles Darwin.  That dude is either dead or he moved to Galapagos and is still alive.  TORTOISES live 200 years there.  Gotta imagine Charles Darwin put two and two together and is living in Galapagos Island like the guy at the end of Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade.  Just hanging out there indefinitely hoping someone shows up.  IT MAKES SENSE.  I'm gonna go get coffee now!  Did I get new fun ice cream thing from Super Market this past week.  Don't remember seeing it exactly.  Oh right new paragraph time.
Sure!  Burning through Quest Bars a bit too quickly.  They're expensive!  Probably should try stretching them out more.  Then again what else is going on.  Met game gonna be starting right around when I finish shower and start my TV Watching For The Day.  Maybe watch THAT.  Maybe PAUSE IT, watch something else, RETURN TO IT and fast forward through it ONLY WATCHING THE GOOD PARTS.  Maybe a third thing.  Maybe a fourth thing!  Maybe NOTHING.  Nothing would qualify as a Fifth Thing.  Nothing Is Something.  Hmm.  Humans are pretty exceptional but have you heard the good news about pandas.  Just look at 'em!  Cute as fuck!  They might not even maul you unprovoked.  If ya LOOK cute you're gonna ACT cute.  That's my hot take.  Looks like a guy named JOSE BUTTO is starting for the Mets today.  I can't find any record of him playing in MLB game before!  THIS SUCKER MIGHT BE HAVING HIS MLB DEBUT.  Best of luck to him I guess.  He's on the team I like!  If HE does good WE do good.  IT just MAKES sense.  Well that's one more paragraph down.
    Seventh paragraph!
  Up to a pretty great Tales In The Crypt episode Forever Ambergris.  I don't know what Ambergris!  The episode is about photographers so I kinda imagined it had something to do with that.   Better LTURQ.  Oh could be used in perfumes or food or something.  NOW I GET IT.  Kind of.  Not really.  NO SPOILERS there's a subplut of the episode which I GUESS can relate to that?  Sort of?  NOT SURE.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Aim to write next 3.5 paragraphs in Oh I Don't Know 33 minutes?  I can do that very easily.  I can also choose NOT to do it very easily.  Not sure what my motivation would be there!  OKAY I THINK WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP.  GREAT now we get to have some fun!  What kinda shirt am I wearing today.  Kinda tight shirt.  I have no regrets.  Gotta wear all sorts of shirts at one point or another!  Hmm.  YEP I've received confirmation this is Jose Butto's major league debut!  DE-BUTT?  HOW WOULD THAT EVEN WORK.
Eighth paragraph!  Hmm.  How tall are Pandas.  My guess is roughly around eight feet.  Lemme LTURQ.  When panda is on all fours it's 3-4 feet tall.  GREAT THAT'S USELESS TO ME.  I wanna know when Panda is standing ERECT.  They can grow to be six feet long.  Maybe that means six feet tall.  Either way NOT AS BIG AS I THOUGHT.  Oh well such is life.  Maybe they wouldn't be so endangered if they stood up erect and were eight feet tall!  THIS ENDANGEREDNESS IS ON THEM.  What else is up.  Looks like I got plenty of time to finish this act AND THUSLY next act.  More or less!  Maybe not PLENTY.  Ample.  Maybe not AMPLE.  Enough.  Relatively Comfortably Enough!  Let's go with that!  Charles Darwin was probably born around 1815.  If he lived to be 200 HE MAY still be around and kicking.  Better LTURQ.  OOP he was born 1809.  That's six years TOUGHER to be alive than what I estimated.  Oh well he's got a fighting chance at least.  Lemme LTURQ how long tortoises live on Galapagos.  "Can live up to 177 years."  Not sure how they decided on settling on that exact number.  OH WELL.  Charles Darwin is LONG SINCE DEAD apparently.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Amazing!  Any other Galapagos Animals that live really long.  My guess is THERE BETTER BE OR ELSE.  Seems to be mainly tortii they talk about.  Torte.  Cake.  DELICIOUS.  Just get rid of the pecans and now we're talking!  Anyway wonder what upcoming snack'll be.  I apparently had 50-150 calories Too Much for MightNight snacks.  I could CHOOSE to have a couple of SLIGHTLY SMALLER snacks to make up for that.  Or just NOT CARE TOO MUCH.  We'll see how that goes and crap.  Could attribute those calories to New Burnt Calories of New Bonus Walk.  I can do lots of things is the point and it's great!  Hmm.  LOOK a tortoise is just a fancy turtle.  I think we can all agree on that.  We've all THOUGHT IT.  Maybe not consciously.  But I feel like that's a common sentiment even if we never quite put it into words.  Also there's a NEGATIVE connotation.  Why Tortoise taking itself so seriously?  JUST A TURTLE.  Get off your britches or whatever, tortoise!  THE GOOD NEWS IS one more paragraph.
    Yeah!  Hmm.  Just came across a half dozen ice cream sticks on my nightstand.  COULD that have been accumulated over 2-3 days with What I Thought I Ate?  Maybe!  But more likely hmm I think I must have had more ice cream popsicle bar stuff than I realized.  Some ice cream bars at NIGHTMIGHT that I hadn' been taking into account!  OH NO I'M SCARED.  Pretty sure tortoise never appreciate how long they're living.  They appreciate NOTHING.  What else is up.  Do the teenage mutant ninja turtles ever age.  Gotta imagine some iterations of the franchise LOGICALLY cover at least four or five years.  Feels like these guys aren't teenagers after four or five years!  I don't think they're THIRTEEN in general.  Gotta be SIXTEEN at the least.  Four years later?  THESE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES ARE IN THEIR 20'S.  Sounds like a fun concept for a FILM.  Great!  As long as I Get All The Royalties GO MAKE IT SOUNDS GREAT.  Hey time to walk.  Be back soon!




The Middle Is Underrated

    The bad news is I think I've done about 75% of that Galapagos material before.  The good news is I can buy Pandas being six feet tall and ya know what that's GREAT.  Anyway got plenty of time to write this act.  45 minutes is plenty of time to do it AND it leaves me plenty of BONUS TIME that I REALLY have... spare... instore... bonus time... look the point is NO crunch time pressure.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on.  Coffee #2.  Diet coke.  Thinkin' about a Fiber chocolate caramel pretzel bar as upcoming snack.  It's DELICIOUS because IT'S FOOD that's GOOD for you.  Hey Food/good rhyme.  No they don't.  THEY SHOULD THOUGH.  Gotta imagine in the 1300's peasants made Good/Food rhyme.  I dunno which direction though.  Either Foo'd and Goo'd OR Fud and Gud.  Gonna have to look into that.  Not right now.  I'll get to it later!  I'm gonna look up Ambergris again.  I WANNA FIGURE THIS OUT FOR REAL.  OK I GOT IT.  Ancient Egyptian burned ambergris for incense.  STEVE BUSCIEMI talks about INCENSE.  Well great.  I DON'T LIKE IT.
    Four paragraphs to go for Act II!  What's good.  Maybe have sandwich for lunch.  SANDWICH MEANS INCLUDING a possible veggie burger.  Hey great who gives a fig.  Possibly fig filler in veggie burger.  Gotta imagine Fig is a vegetable.  Go figure.  Feels like I haven't been taking full dose of VENLAXAFINE last few days.  Supposed to take one 75 unit pill and one 37.5 unit pill in the morning.  Ran out of 75 unit pill a few days ago!  Presumably have more stored somewhere-- almost definitely!-- but been too lazy to go get it.  SOMETIMES I TAKE 2 37.5s to make up for it.  THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE UP FOR IT.  Well I don't wanna run out of the 37.5 unit pills NOW DO I.  I wonder what the unit is.  My first instinct was ml but then I realized THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT.  Anyway.  Venlaxafine-- is it effexor?  SURVEY SAYS...  YEP IT SURE IS.  Wonder what that is.  Anti-depressant?  Hmm.  I should know this!  It's an SNRI.  Oh okay now I see.
     Three paragraphs to go.  Main use is for depression.  But got plenty of supplemental uses!  So that's good.  I need All The Uses I Can Get!  What do I do with OVENIZING veggie burger for lunch.  Does that work?  Yeah I think it does.  The pace I'm on, I'd get back from a walk in time to turn oven on for FOURTY MINUTES before having lunch.  SO THAT's ONE THING TO CONSIDER.  Probably roughly 10, 12 things to consider overall.  This is one IN THE MIDDLE of importance.  Huh.   Buscemi also uses the word Balselm? for incense.  Lemme LTURQ TOO.  BALSAM.  NOW THAT I KNOW HOW IT'S SPELLED let's see what it is!  Sap from certain kinds of trees and shrubs.  DELICIOUS.  The point is I FORGET.  I liked thinking that BALSAM and AMBERGRIS were just MCGUFFINS.  That meant NOTHING.  Now I know they mean things I DON'T LIKE IT.  What else do I got going on for me.  Just about over 2 paragraphs to go.  I like it!  Today is great because CALORIE NEUTRAL presumably.  Can't argue with that!  PANDA BEING SIX FEET IS STILL QUITE BIG TO ME.  I guess.
    Penultimate paragraph!  I feel like 177 year old Tortoise in Galapagos is a sign natural selection IS NOT working.  TOO LONG FOR AN ANIMAL TO LIVE.  LET'S ADD SOME PREDATORS TO THE MIX to take down these tortoises before they reach that age.  That's how I feel!  Anyway what else do I got going on for me.  Probably watch FIRST HALF INNING of Mets game AS IT'S GOING ON.  Then pause and DO SOME OTHER CRAP for a while.  Sounds good to me.  Sound GREAT to me.  SIGHT PRETTY FINE ME AS WELL.  Ugh.  This act taking a little bit longer than I anticipated.  I SHOULD HAVE BEEN WHERE I'M AT RIGHT NOW roughly FOUR MINUTES AGO.  Oh well such is life.  Four minutes too late for everything!  How do I catch up.  Can't!  Impossible!  I'm permanently on a four minutes too late schedule for my life.  Oh well such is life.  Think I'll go replace bottle of VENLAXAFINE this afternoon.  Get it out of the way.  Sounds easy.  Sounds PRODUCTIVE.  Sounds GOOD.  Huh.  How big are Galapagos Tortise.  BETTER BE PRETTY BIG.  Well they can be whatever size they want.  But THE BIGGER THE BETTER.
Hmm.  THEY HAVE GIANT IN THEIR NAME.  Officially called Galapagos Giant Tortoise.  And they are... ABOUT 400 POUNDS and AS MUCH AS SIX FEET LONG.  Amazing.  Six feet TALL would be better.  NOW THAT'S A GIANT TORTOISE is what I would say.  Anyway what else is crap.  WAIT A SECOND SIX FEET LONG IS A GIANT TORTOISE TOO.  That's the upper end though.  FOR SOME REASON skimming wikipedia article I was able to quickly see AVERAGE weight but only IT GETS AS HIGH AS THIS LONG width.  What else is going on and crap.  WOULD giant tortoise be okay with Me Riding It.  Probably wouldn't mind as long as I'm not actively trying to hurt it or something.  Might take me a while to get where I'm going, though!  Gotta imagine we can more or less easily train tortoise to go in the direction of our choosing.  Or we can roll the dice and go in the direction OF THEIR choosing.  Never know where you might end up!  The journey is half the fun!  ANYWAY THAT'S IT.  I'll be back tonight.




time to finish up

    ONE-- one of two main lightbulbs in my room is out! TWO-- health ice cream bar going on.  THREE-- BELL'S LIGHT HEARTED ALE "A LO-CAL IPA" beer has begun.  Okay that's about it.  Had Old Fashioned Freedom Toast for dinner.  Which is White Bread French Toast.  JUST LIKE THEY MADE IN TEH OLDEN DAYS.  I can't say for sure this was originally white bread.  Came from your standard White Bread Size And Consistency LOAF though.  Anyway.  We know Sliced Bread was a key development in contextualizing The History Of Great Things but what about Sliced WHITE BREAD specifically.  Presumably came about during Reconstruction as a backlash to growing political power of Freed Slaves.  HEY BETTER COME UP WITH SOME BREAD OR SOMETHING.  WHITE BREAD.  Not sure that checks out!  Not even sure Reconstruction is a thing. I know it is!  But do I REALLY know that much about it?  I'm gonna be honest-- THE PARAGRAPHS OVER.
Beer tastes good.  I dunno whatta do about this light bulb.  I think it would be FUN to just leave it and wait for the other light bulb to go out in a couple of months AND THEN I'M SCREWED.  Man oh man tell myself ghost stories all day and night in the dark.  Hmm.  Wonder if I still got the Scary Stories To Tell In That Dark books somewhere.  That's spook me out Right Well Good.  READING?  HORRIFYING.  I never CONSENTED to being BOMBARDED by these words IN THIS ORDER.  And also THIS FONT IS THE MOST AGGRESSIVE TING I'VE EVER SEEN.  Anyway you get the idea.  Hey this beer make me smile.  Can't explain that sentence any further than just qualifying IT IS TRUE.  Wild Mets game today!  First they were losing.  THEN THEY WEREN'T.  Then they were again.  THEN THEY WEREN'T.  Then they were again.  THEN THEY WEREN'T.  AND THAT'S HOW IT ULTIMATELY ENDED.  Good stuff!  What else is up.  Successfully had small amount of Snack today to make up for 150 Calorie OVER ALLOTTED NIGHTMIGHT snacking.  AND YOU ALL DOUBTED ME.  Presumably.  I never took any sort of poll but that's just because I was already very confident over 90% of you would be doubting me!
    Hmm.  What else.  Gotta take out some garbage tonight.  Either before NightWalking or after.  The good news is I NEVER RETRIEVED VENLAXAFINE.  Oh well ya win some ya lose some.  My body is about to GO THROUGH SOME THINGS.  Because I didn't take a full dose of the dozen MindPills I take every day.  For going on 3-5 days!  Man oh man this is gonna be ONE WILD RIDE.  What else is up.  I like going back and forth between beer and ginger ale.  Kinda similar to each other!  But in a COMPLIMENTARY way.  I'm not feeling ugh these are too similar it's repetitive.  I'm feeling HEY these are similar it's GREAT.  So that's good?  Hmm.  Liked  THEM GOO GOO DOLLS album a few nights ago.  I had a friend in college who really liked THEM GOOD GOOD DOLLS.  And Bon Jovi.  Or maybe Jon Bon Jovi.  Also Bon Jovi sounds like a Star Wars character right WE HAVE FUN.  Anyway my friend was VERY adamant about either liking BON JOVI OR JON BON JOVI.  I forget which one.  But he made this very clear on numerous occasions.  I guess not clear enough.
Hey!   Three paragraphs to go for Act III Part I.  Bon Jon Bovi.  Nope That's Nothin'.  Listened to new DEMI LOVATO album today.  No friends in college liked her!  She wasn't Around Enough Yet!  Anyway what fun.  I like listening to THE NEW ALBUMS.  ALL TWO OF EM.  Gotta imagine there's more than two new albums.  Hmm I'M GONNA HAVE TO LOOK INTO THAT ONE.  Jeez.  Made a lot of progress with Tales In The Crypt.  Totally watched several episodes!  AND THEN SOME.  What does that mean.  Well PICTURE several episodes. NOW ADD ONE AND A HALF to what you're picturing.  NOW we're all on the same page.  Anyway can't wait to CYCLE through songs tonight.  It's a Reallll nightswimming.  What else is up.  Hey I just thought of a great first song to listen to.  No spoilers but all the clues are there for you to successfully guess which song I'm thinking of.  E-mail your answers to SOMEONE WHO GIVES A DAMN.  Huh. 
    Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  SOLID chance I have indulgent FIBER BAR upcoming snack instead of Quest Bar.  Let's be honest MORE DELICIOUS.  BUT not as hearty.  I CAN ALWAYS JUST HAVE 1.20 BARS to make it Same Amount of hearty.  I CAN'T CUT THESE BARS INTO FIFTHS.  GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.  Why did I have to add the zero after 1.2.  IT'S JUST 1.2 Bars.  1.20 sounds like PERCENT.  I could say 1.2 OR I could say 120%.  WHY SAY 1.20.  Anyway great that's all great material because it's RELATABLE but in the end What Else Is Going On.  ONE POINT TWENTY GIGAWATTS!  That's... NOT SO HARD.  I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA SAY 1.21 GIGAWATTS.  Now That'd be hard to accomplish Here In 1955.  You get the point.  SORRY.  Looks like I'll solidly be taking walk early enough that I'm taking out garbage after the walk.  So that's good I guess!  Hmm.  Guess I have one more paragraph to write!
   Wonder what tonight'll be like.  I'm gonna have some time between finishing entry and going to bed.  How can I make the most of that 10 minutes?  That's easy finish HOUSE OF HORROR: The Tales In The Crypt episode I'm in the middle of.  Oh Okay Great.  Famously starring Johnny Drama and Patton Oswalt's Current Wife.  AMAZING.  I saw Patton Oswalt do stand up comedy a few years ago.  Wow.  Amazing.  YEAH I THOUGHT SO.  The point is jeez.  Lemme LURQ what the temperature is right now.  Maybe I get to wear Sweatshirt Jacket again!  That'd be tons of fun.  Let's see.  NOPE looks like I'm better off without jacket.  Hey you win some you lose some am I right.  Probably.  On beer can, the last phrase at the end of Nutritional Information it says PUERTO RICO DO NOT LITTER.  Not sure what that means.  I guess in Puerto Rico YOU REALLY BETTER not litter.  You shouldn't litter anywhere, right, that goes without saying.  But in Puerto Rico NOT LITTERING IS FOR KEEPS.  Anyway I'll be back soon.

   Hey!  It's been Soon and now I'm Back. Not sure I'm happy with how we HAVE to capitalize, "I," or, "I'm," or, "I'd," or anything referring to ourselves.  Feels like we're putting on airs.  Heirs.  Ayers.  Hairs.  WHATEVER IT IS we're doing it AND IT'S NOT GOOD.  Anyway fiber bar time AS WELL AS second Bell's Beer time.  I like a beer with a nice tangy citrus taste to it.  It's FUN to drink.  IT'S ABOUT TIME THEY FIGURED OUT A WAY TO MAKE BEER FUN.  Anyway.  Feels like I realized Something Wrong with Act III Part I on my walk and was like ok when I get home I gotta QUALIFY THAT or EXCUSE MYSELF for that or SOMEHOW FIX IT.  Can't remember specifically what the problem was.  Could have been me not giving any input on Demi Lovato's album.  I THOUGHT IT WAS PRETTY GOOD.  I don't think that's what the problem was though.  That was A SUPPLEMENTAL problem, sure.  Hey I'm one paragraph down already.
Good deal!  What's the takeaway from this entry.  Wanna ride a giant tortoise.  That was a long time ago!  Maybe TO YOU Giant Tortoise was five minutes ago.  For ME it was 10 hours ago.  And ten hours is THE LONGEST AMOUNT OF TIME I CAN EVEN IMAGINE.  So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  Got some ROOT beer going on.  ODDLY enough there's a much bigger gross over in taste between beer and ginger ale than between beer and root beer.  WAIT ASECOND. THIS BEER IS ALSO AN, "ALE."  IT'S NOT THAT CRAZY AFTER ALL.  Well I guess I'm Dumb.  Should have seen that development coming!  What else is up.  Took out some garbage.  Took out some recyclable.  I feel like I accomplished what I had to accomplish there and whatknot.  Hey I only have to write two more paragraphs.  Then comes a small amount of watching Tales In The Crypt and ultimately SLUMBER.  What nightswimming songs did I listen to tonight?  That's between me and my doctor.  GREAT Now my doctor knows.  I DIDN'T WANT THAT EITHER TO BE HONEST.
    Penultimate paragraph.
  Gotta do some Nail Clipping.  Probably won't remember to get around to it tonight but hopefully one day I remember to do it while I still have the capacity to do it.  Huh.  Guess I'm having health ice cream bar again tonight.  Not the same flavor-brand I had with Act III Part I.  I'm not CRAZY.  ...Maybe same brand but different flavor.  DEFINITELY NOT SAME FLAVOR BUT DIFFERENT BRAND-- THAT DOESN'T EXIST AT LEAST NOT IN MY REFREEZERATOR.  So that's good.   I wore sweatshirt jacket on walk just now.  For fun!  I have a lot more fun wearing it than not wearing it and it's only partly determined by How Warm Or Comfortably Cool I Am In It.  Anyway.  Lost track of what I was talking about.  That's bound to happen now and again.  Look I GET that Puerto Rico and  Do Not Litter might be unrelated.  But there's no further context at all, I swear!  No space between the words or anything else.  I'M BEIN' STRAIGHT WITH YA you have all the exact same information I have!
    Okay one more paragraph and then I'm Dunzo.  Dead Time For Donzo.  Can that be the headline when Donald Trump gets death penalty for Treason.  My guess is PROBABLY WHY NOT.  TREE CAN'T HAVE SON.  Sure it can ANOTHER TREE.  Are there trees which have genders.  I dunno. I don't wanna know.  That's between a Tree and It's Doctor.  Something like that.  LOOK I don't want Donald Trump to get the death penalty.  Life imprisonment is more my style.  I am ANTI-DEATH PENALTY.  However I am PRO-Life Imprisonment for EVEN THE SMALLEST CHARGES.  THAT'S WHERE I GET OFF either get on board with it or Get Off My Website.  Ugh.  Also I'm not saying Small charges get life imprisonment that's why Trump gets life imprisonment.  Those were TWO SEPARATE THOUGHTS.  Trump gets life imprisonment because he deserves it and its appropriate.  Then-- UNRELATEDLY-- I was MAKING A POINT by saying I THINK WE SHOULD IMPRISON PEOPLE FOR LIFE FOR SMALL OFFENSES because it's fun.  I realize now I WAS WRONG.  The point is AT LEAST WE'RE DONE.  I'll see ya tomorrow. 

-9:48 P.M.




Saturday, August 20, 2022

Maybe I've Said This Before

    Hey!  Same schedule as yesterday!  Starting entry around the same time without taking a walk before!  Also similar Same Binging to make up for.  Instead of like 900 calories after waking up, I ate about 650 calories MightNight!  Between Same Small Dinner and slightly smaller snacks and lunches, I can make up MOST of it.  450-550 calories MADE UP.  So that's not great but at least I can have lunch.  AND more or less same amount of snacks as normal-- just slightly smaller ones.  OKAY We're all caught up.  Man oh man it'd be sweet to still be in bed right now.  Can you imagine?  Just LAYING DOWN indefinitely.  Maybe four HOURS.  Get up at like 2 PM.  Hmm.  Why can't my metabolism be Great such that I take maybe 1-3 walks a day FOR FUN.  I have no job or school.  I SHOULD be able to enjoy getting up at 2 PM.  Oh well such is life I guess.  Thinking back to what I had to eat over night.  Either 620 calories or 750 I think.  Not six fifty.  The good news is I WROTE A TERRIBLE PARAGRAPH.

Hmm.  HEY! Took a walk just now.  Will fit in regular walks AND probably take bonus nighttime walk.  However, Act I and Act II will be different format.  Maybe ultimately have a 10 paragraph Act I and 5 paragraph Act II LIKE NORMAL but it would be interrupted by walks and shit.  LIKE JUST NOW.  Either way gonna take my next walk in 40 minutes.  Probably write 5 or so paragraphs in that time period.  4-6 I'd assume!  Then probably FINISH Act I before walk after that.  Not sure when I'm gonna do Act II though.  The point is GREAT I'm stressing all day about calories again but SLIGHTLY LESS.  And I'm eating a lunch which is always healthy to do!  Usually!  Sometimes you're not supposed to eat for 24 hours before surgery or something.  DON'T HAVE LUNCH THEN NO GOOD.  DAY/KNIGHT double header Mets Games today.  One at 1:05 PM and one at 7:15 PM!  I CAN DIG THAT I'll watch a lot of either/both of those games.  Lunch gonna be sandwich.  HAM or turkey?  Only time will tell.  EIGHT or so pop chips.  YOU IDIOTS.  Look I know nothing fun or interesting has happened yet.  I'M BUILDING UP TO IT.
One would imagine.  Considered skipping entry today while on First Walk because Paragraph I Wrote was Terrible.  I'LL GET INTO A GROOVE YOU'LL SEE.  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Spumoni Day.  What the HELL is that.  And WHY is it recognized as a word by Microsoft FrontPage.  I DOUBT VERY MUCH this is a word.  Well I DID doubt it.  Microsoft FrontPage MADE ME BELIEVE.  Anyway lemme LTURQ.  Ice cream with candied fruits and/or nuts.  Oh.  Okay.  In retrospect I feel like I've heard of that before.  I think my Dad and/or Mom used to get it as dessert sometimes when we went to restaurant.  Possible CHINESE FOOD restaurant?  Either way I Dont' LIKE IT but I'm not gonna stand in the way of IT EXISTING.  I COULDN'T EVEN IF I WANTED TO.  Probably not at least.  Got coffee made but I'm saving it until after next walk.  Good deal!  WILL I HAVE SNACK between now and lunch?  Possible!  I wouldn't ruin everything if I did!  So that's good I guess!  It's not actively BAD.  Ugh.  Anyway MighNight snack was I THINK 4 Golden Graham Bars and a Keto Bar.  Coulda been 5 Golden Graham Bars.  GOD DANG IT.  Oh well I'm making up for it mostly.  GOD DANG IT.
Okay!  Had classic breakfast.  Pop Tart + Ice Cream Sandwich.  Really should finish Egg Whites with Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.   Can't remember exactly when I got the Egg Whites but it probably was Monday or Tuesday or Sunday or so.  Closing in on a week.  Feels like no microwaving sandwich meat today.  Feels like not toasting OR EVEN CUTTING IN HALF bread.  JUST PLAY IT AS IT LAYS.  Huh.  Got the exciting Craft Beer but not in fridge yet.  Hmm.  Slightly more calories than other light beers.  Slightly less alcohol per volume.  My guess is it tastes delicious which makes it a Good Deal over all.  LOOK I KNOW STILL I have said nothing good.  I'm presumably STILL building up to it.  Thanks for sticking with me.  Can't imagine HOW or WHY you have.  But apparently you have!  And I appreciate it!  Anyway what else.  Started new apple music playlist for today!  ALT CNTRL.  It's the BEST and/or NEWST and/or MOST PAYOLA PAYING in alternative music today!  WOW I LIKE LOTS OF THESE SONGS.  I get SOMETHING out of most of the songs.  Close to all of them when ya really think about it!  Starts off I HATE every song.  But they ALL ALWAYS grow on me.  Fascinating.
    Fifth paragraph of Act overall.  So that's good.  Maybe have 70 calorie Fiber Bar/Brownie as sandwich side instead of pop chips.  Maybe lots of things.  Like those two things.  Not quite Lots Of Things on their own but they contribute to a RICH TAPESTRY of Lots Of Things.  So that's good I guess.  Hey Mets game coming up soon.  I like a nice Early Day Time baseball game.  Let's get it out o the way.  So we can PARTY tonight.  Mets gotta play again tonight.  I guess they'll have to delay the party a day or two!  Can't party after night time game.  TOO LATE.  Hmm.  Wonder what Partying during the season is like.  We know some people do drugs and such and whatknot.  So at least SOME people are partying.  Gotta imagine a lot of people have fun in downtime responsibly.  I just hope Brett Baty has a recent ID cause he'd get carded.  Looks like a kid!  NO JUDGEMNT.  I look like a kid.  Body is a kids body at least.  Not sure how old my face looks.  Never really thought about it and/or got any definitive input on it!  So that's good.
Yeah!  At this point looks like I'll write 2 more paragraphs before next walk.  Possible it's just one though!  Probably not more than two!  DELICIOUS.  Gonna have small-but-normal sized lunches and dinner.  Gonna have indulgent quest bar at night.  Gonna have a few other snacks over the day.  IT ALL IS WORKING OUT FOREVER IN MY FAVOR.  Jeez.  Sixth paragraph overall.  If I get through seven before next walk, presumably I just write whatever paragraphs between next walk and walk after that to finish Act I!  But Act I goes over 10 paragraphs.  Then WHATTADO ABOUT ACT II?  I dunno we'll sprint across that bridge when we get there.  NOT ALL AT ONCE.  Can't risk bridge collapsing under all of our weights.  So that's good.  What else is going on and crap.  Am I crossing any bridges lately.  Can't think of any.  Used to cross LAND BRIDGE to get to Stuyvesant.  Forget which street it goes over exactly.  It's ON Chambers street.  Well to the side of it.  Walk up in the air to 2nd story to cross the street and then either directly enter Stuyvesant Building or go back down stairs on other side to be on ot her side of street.  NICE LAND BRIDGE.  Wonderful.
    Last paragraph of the... not act... last paragraph of this Portion of paragraphs!  Good deal.  LOOK AGAIN I know I've said nothing great yet.  But gotta imagine I'm building up to something.  Possibly.  What else is going on and crap.  Let's give myself roughly 10 minutes to write this paragraph.  WOW AT THIS RATE-- what with talking about how much time I have to write this paragraph which itself is making the paragraph go quicker-- I'll finish it with PLENTY of time to spare.  So that's good new FOR ME.  Baseball players don't need to party.  Playing baseball is ENOUGH OF A PARTY in and of itself.  Gotta imagine they're getting a real blast out of this.  Maybe.  The good news is probably tomorrow I won't halfway binge at all and just live Normal Day without STRESSING about calories.  Wait I stress about calories anyway.  Oh yeah.  But I get to EAT MORE or something over the day.  Oh that sounds fun.  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit!




Would You Believe It

    HEY let's do it this way.  Just got back from walk after Act I.  Act I 7 paragraphs.  Act II gonna be 8 paragraphs.  First segment 4-5 paragraphs.  THEN WALK.  Then second segment 3-4 paragraphs.  WONDERFUL.  Probably take shower after finishing Act II!  Maybe before Act II Part II!  We'll see and crap.  Got some coffee #1 going.  Orange soda.  Delicious!  Mets game gonna be starting while I'm leaving for next walk.  I'm gonna do some Strategy and PAUSE IT.  Then when I get back I can watch it AT MY LEISURE.  More or less.  Maybe I should RECORD IT so it doesn't stop recording after an hour itself.  We'll do something to that bridge when we get there!  Hmm.  Probably gonna skip snack before lunch.  Who needs it.  Some people.  Maybe me.  We'll see!  Anyway what else do I got going on today.  August 20th.  No spoilers.  GREAT now everyone googling August 20th is gonna find this web page.  Why am I so against people finding this web page.  I think the reasoning behind that speaks for itself!  Leaning towards turkey sandwich for lunch.  I think the reasoning behind that speaks or itself!
Wonderful.  Gotta accept some BOX delivery today.  Don't gotta stay home waiting for it though.  If it arrives while I'm out GREAT it'll be at the front door waiting for me when I get back.  Anyway the box is INCIDENTAL in the delivery.  Pretty sure there's gonna be stuff inside the box that's the main reason why we're getting it.  Not 100% sure on that though.  Not for me!  Maybe my Dad wanted a box.  Hmm.  How much is it to Order A Box.  To get your money's worth you can probably order A BUNCH OF BOXES at once for pretty cheap.  I bet you can get like 50 boxes for under ten dollars EASY.  Well size and quality of the box is obviously a key factor.  Either way Hmm.  What if you want a delivery WITHOUT a box.  Just make it clear I WANT THE DRIVER DELIVERY PERSON TO HANDLE A DOZEN THINGS AT ONCE.  NO BOX.  HE'S GOTTA FIGURE OUT A WAY TO CARRY THE THINGS INDIVIDUALLY.  Sounds like that'd be DOABLE for the right price.
Sure!  What else is up!  Gonna have coffee for Act II Part II as well.  AMAZING.  That's when I'd normally be having a snack.  COFFEE REPLACE SNACK REAL GOOD.  YOU FOOLS.  Anyway would the universe have been better off if I skipped writing today?  I don't think so!  I think anything is better than nothing! I could easily be wrong!  VERY easily.  I'm gonna go with my gut though and subscribe to the theory anything is better than nothing.  Well absence of entry isn't NOTHING.  It just means you/me would have to do something else.  OH when you put it that way THIS SOUNDS TERRIBLE suddenly.  Something Else is pretty good all things considered!  Oh well too late now.  Two point five paragraphs to go hopefully.  I think I can do hat.  Then only a MERE 3 PARAGRAPH'R Portion after next walk.  That's hardly anything.  Which we've established is GOOD.  The less the better We've Come TO Accept.  Amazing.  Hmm.  What's going on and crap.  Maybe decide I don't want small amount of pop chip or small fiber brownie as turkey sandwich side.  MAYBE NO SIDE AT ALL.  HOW SCANDALOUEOS.
Penultimate paragraph of Act II Part I!  I can write two paragraphs right now real easy like.  So that's good.  Probably gonna have to be around to accept Communal Dinner Delivery even if I get nothing.  I forget why exactly.  It's at least 50% my Dad doesn't wanna get covid by being near someone.  Might be 100% that.  Kinda feels like there's a supplemental reason though that I'm not remembering.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Probably SOMETHING.  That'd be my first guess.  Well my first guess is some THINGS.  I BET multiple things are going on besides this.  SECOND GUESS would be Just One Thing.  With NOTHING being a distant third.  Hmm.  I hope BRET BEATY is in the lineup again.  How many, "T's," in, "Bret."  I'm gonna go with ONE.  Could be wrong.  Lets LTURQ.  Yep I was right TWO, "T's."  I said just one.  Yeah but I was THINKING two.  So that's good.  Good for me!  What else is going on and crap. Better LTURQ how to pronounce his last name.  Either BEATY or BATEY.  I feel like I looked this up 2 days ago.  YEAH BUT IT'S BEEN SEVERAL DOZENS OF HOURS AND I FORGET.  BAIT-EE.  Gotta remember that now.  I CAN'T CHECK A THIRD TIME.  PEOPLE WOULD THINK I'M SOME SORT OF IDIOT.
Last paragraph of Act II Part I time!  Got plenty of time.  YOU KNOW LIKE 12 MINUTES?  Good deal.  Probably just write 3 paragraphs when I get home before shower.  GET EM OUT OF THE WAY.  Don't want them WEIGHING HEAVILY ON ME while showering for 150 seconds.  2.5 minutes huh.  That's what it sounds like I'm estimating.  YEP!  Let's be fair probably more like 210 seconds.  YEP!  What else is going on.  What kinda bridge is Kurt Cobain living under.  Either IN SONG or IN LIFE.  I know he lives under a bridge in a song-- that CANNOT be disputed.  But I'm pretty sure-- ALMSOT SURE-- that he presumably lived under a bridge IN REAL LIFE at some point.  WHAT KINDA BRIDGE ARE WE TALKING.  What does it connect what to.  I wanna hear more about this bridge but I guess we'll never get the opportunity!  Such is life.  I'm sure there's people alive who can ATTEST to this bridge situation.  Oh great now I gotta ingratiate myself with people who knew Kurt Cobain intimately.  WHAT A HASSLE.  That's gonna take ALL MY TIME AND EFFORT to get in their good graces!  Hey I finished five paragraphs real early.  Great.  I'll be back with 3 more soon!

    HEY!  Gonna write 3 or 4 paragraphs now.  Bringing total to 15 or 16.  OR maybe 14 or 15 if we don't count first paragraph.  IT WAS AN ENTIRELY STAND ALONE PARAGRAPH THAT MEANT NOTHING.  I think I SHOULD write four paragraphs here so you can't be like hey what about that first paragraph TOTAL CRAP ruined everything.  Now it doesn't count at all!  OR SOMETHING!  Anyway what else is going on.  Got coffee #1.75.  Got some I wanna say root beer.  Either root beer or COLA.  Who figured out Cola Taste.  Couldn't have been INTUITIVE.  Before tonics NOTHING EVER IN THE WORLD TASTED LIKE COLA.  Maybe when you combine tonic ingredients one of the natural flavors it gives is COLA without EVEN TRYING.  Either way we'll get to the bottom of this sooner than later.  Wow Sooner THAN later?  SOUNDS pretty soon to me!  Hmm.  Gonna take shower after Act II Part II.  Then Twitter + Baseball.  WATCH both.  Not PARTICIPATE.  Being an audience is participating.  SURE, sure it is!  Then again SPRITE is just obvious.
What else is up.  Turns out my family is NOT getting Communal Dinner Delivery tonight!  GREAT gives me more room to MANEUVER last couple of walks.  WOW TODAY KEEPS GETTING BETTER.  Hmm.  Mets game has PRESUMABLY been going on for half an hour but I have no proof.  I can look it up on the internet!  Or play it on my TV!  But then it'd be RUINED.  What else is going on and crap.  Two and a half paragraphs to go.  That's NOTHIN'.  Well it's SOMETHIN'.  But not TOO MUCHIN'.  I don't know if I made it clear I got SWEET POTATO with my Seafood Combination.  Either way-- YEP.  Main THRUST of the dish was 4 small-medium scallops and 2 small-medium shrimp and a MEH medium amount of filet of sole.  EACH DINNER WAS HALF THAT.  With half a sweet potato.  WITH HALF A PORTION OF BROCCOLI.  Now we're all caught up on everything!  Can't wait to eat that. DELICIOUS.  No lemon though.  Only had one lemon.  DIDN'T SAVE IT.  Then again screw lemons who needs em.  When life gives you lemons THROW EM AWAY THEY'RE USELESS!  Or use em right away and don't save 'em.  ONE AND DONE.
Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day!  Been thinking on and off again lately about the possibility of Cinnamon Toast Crunch as a SandwichSide.  Not a FULL portion that would go towards a Balanced Breakfast.  Maybe like 50-75% the amount.  NOT GONNA DO IT TODAY but it's in my back pocket WHERE NO ONE CAN STEAL IT.  So that's good.  Anyway what else and crap.  Maybe have lunch TEN MINUTES SOONER than usual.  Then have dinner ALSO TEN MINUTES SOONER than usual.  That way I GET ON TOP OF EATING EARLIER AND I fit in New NightTime Walk a little bit easier.  SOUNDS REASONABLE.  VERY REASONABLE.  KINDA CONCERNED JUST HOW REASONABLE THAT SOUNDS.  GOTTA BE A CATCH.  What else is up.  Gonna end up the day Calorie Neutral most likely.  Maybe 50-150 calories Over.  IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHAT HAPPENS.  Oh Okay.  That makes A LOT of sense!  Hmm.  Maybe there's a Cola Vegetable out there somewhere.  I don't know!  I don't think anyone knows for sure! 
   Whew.  Last paragraph.  This is gonna be a blast and a half.  I don't even HAVE to write this paragraph.  That's where we're at!  THE POINT IS C'MON LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH.  Could have Tiny animal crackers as sandwich side.  Gonna have to look into that.  How much would I be eating if I was eating the TARGET AMOUNT of SandwichSide for today?  The point is SHUT UP ABOUT IT.  I'm very glad nobody getting dinner for dinner tonight.  I was WORRIED they'd get a place I'd like-- PIZZA RESTUARANT?-- and I'd have to DECLINE my ONE CHANCE at getting pizza for dinner CAUSE I GOTTA FINISH FISH DINNER.  Thank GOD that's not gonna happen.  Also GOOD CHANCE I CAN HAVE PIZZA TOMORROW NIGHT NOW.  If I MAKE MY CASE for it I can do ANYTHING I SET MY MIND TO.  Mainly eat pizza is all I'm gonna wanna do.  Sounds like a good place to settle!  Think I'm gonna keep going with PLAIN slices.  Toppings are great and delicious and sometimes healthy.  But there's something to be said for No Topping.  Hey this is good stuff let's keep it going.  No, sorry!  I've reached my quota!  See ya tonight, though!




whose gonna remember

    Hello friends.  And enemies.  Ya know what?  ESPECIALLY enemies.  WHAT CAN I DO YA FOR.  I know how to get back at my enemies-- BORE THEM.  I KNOW HOW TO GET RID OF A BABY-- BORE TEM.  Can't abort them anymore.  Gotta bear them and THEN get rid of them.  I DON'T LIKE IT but that's the world we live in sometimes depending on your exact locality.  Anyway was on target for meals and snacks all day.  Including sucking on a lollipop now!  Gonna have bonus nighttime walk after Act III Part I FOLLOWED BY QUEST BAR.  I think that's everything we gotta talk about.  HAVE AN ICE CREAM TREAT OF INDETERMINATE SIZE AND QUALITY AT BEDTIME.  Wow!  Amazing!  Spent a lot of the daytime day watching Mets game.  I GAINED NOTHING FROM THIS EXPERIENCE.  Made NO impact on my life.  Watched a few episodes of Tales Crypt afterwards.  FEEL THAT MADE MY LIFE BETTER THAN MET GAME.  Not sure WHY or WHO.   Kinda sure WHAT and WHEN though.  WHERE IS ANYONE'S GUESS.  Anyway.  Starting Act III so early IT SHALL BE LIGHT when I start upcoming nightwalk.
    Nightswimming.  I LIKE THAT SONG.  I never heard that song before a couple of years ago but then once I heard I was like oh hey what a great song!  So that's ME.  What's YOUR story.  ... WELL?  WHAT IS YOUR STORY.  I'm WAITING. ... ... FINE I'll continue my story.  Jump in any time you wanna!  Hmm.  Forgot to bring down 2 liter bottle of Diet Coke after dinner.  When I have MEALS I bring up the soda with me so I can refill glass after glass to PAD OUT TE MEAL while NOT HAVING TO GO UP AND DOWN STAIRS.  This time around FORGOT TO BRING IT BACK DOWN with empty plate and cutlery.  I'm gonna make the most of it and refill ENTRY III ACT III PART ENTRY ACT PART PART III AS I DEEM FIT.  No reason not to salvage SOME positive impact from this entire ordeal.  So that's good.  Hmm maybe listen to REM songs on upcoming walk.  Does anyone EVER or STILL pronounce the band name REM.  Cause I've been saying, "Are Eee Ehm."  Probably.  I may NEVER have had to say it out loud!  WAIT NO.  I remember an exact conversation with my Mom where she asked me who made the It's the end of the world as we know it song.  Probably would have answered Accurately.  I don't see why I'd wanna mislead my Mom on this!  No good motive off the top of my head.
    Anyway.  LOLLIPOP GOIN' STRONG oop now I just bit down on it!  Gonna have delicious Chocolate Quest Bar.  No Birthday Bar for me tonight!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Might be my first 8 Walk'r in a long time.  Also HEY if I burn an extra 100 calories by taking an extra walk every day I'M LOSIN 3 POUNDS JUST BY THAT by the end of the year.  CALENDAR year.  AMERICAN calendar.  Oh okay that's one of my favorite ways to divide moments into years.  Anyway.  Started a beer before dinner but I'm at a point in it where it may just end up Being Finished when A NORMAL Beer #1 would be.  So I MAY have 3 tonight I MAY have 2.  THE GOOD NEWS IS WE'LL FIND OUT NOT JUST EVENTUALLY BUT IMMINENTLY.  That's my FAVORITE time to find things out!  EVEN BETTER THAN IMMEDIATELY.  Immediate I DUNNO if I'm Quite THAT Ready.  Imminently THAT'S FUN and I can quickly gather my bearings and also really anticipate it good.
  Three paragraphs to go before Recess I guess.  Not sure why!  GARY BUSEY arrested on Sexual Harassment and/or Misconduct and/or Abuse.  Anyway.  I don't know what to say about that.  Well it's BAD.  But beyond that eh what can ya do.  Hmm.  Pretty much hitting NEUTRAL TARGET CALORIES for the day right on the nose.  Which is BAD.  Bad for the nose!  I guess GOOD for the guy hitting it.  Presumably if you're hitting someone you're getting SOMETHING out of the deal, otherwise what would be your motive?  Anyway.  Cutlery.  That's a funny word.  I can't PROVE IT.  But it's something I feel inside.  Oh well such is life.  Mets Game Part II of doubleheader is on FOX tonight.  NO THANKS.  If I wanted to watch REPUBLICAN PROPAGANDA I'd watch... well I'd watch Fox, like I said.  I read CNN is getting ready to make a big PIVOT towards the right.  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off in the long run!  They apparently think so!  Oh well ya lost my household.  But we may not even be a NIELSEN house.  Do you know if you're a Nielson house?  Cause if they tell you THAT MIGHT EFFECT YOUR VIEWING CHOICES.  So the point is WE MAY be a nielson house and YOU FUCKED UP BIG TIME for my house!
    Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  Amazing.  I guess I'm aiming for this to be a 26 paragraph entry?  FIRST PARTOGRAPH was just a PRELUDE.  Not EVEN a prelude.  A PRE PRELUDE.  QUAALUDES.  Should we be doing them.  TUNE IN AT 10:00.  What else is going on.  I have POTENTIALLY GREAT news-- I may finish this entire bottle of diet coke before having to bring it down stairs and putting the remaining cola int the fridge.  Look I didn't START the bottle This Experience.  Was probably Off The Top Of My Head 40% full GOING INTO DINNER.  But now It will Be All Gone by the time this Act III PART I is over PROBABLY.  Ok NOW we're finally all caught up.  Great!  Wonder how many stores will be open on Springfield BLVD during upcoming walk.  My guess is A FEW things will be open but MOSTLY CLOSED.  Gonna have to keep you updated on this situation as it progresses of course.  Hmm.  I can see myself enjoying some REM.  BY WHICH I MEAN REM SLEEP.  COMING UP.  That's either the part of sleep where you dream or the part of sleep where you DON'T dream.  I'd lturq but I'm CONCERNED that it'll be more complicated than that.  NO TANKS.
Last paragraph for Act III Part I!  Good.  Finished the entire bottle!  The GLASS ITSELF is FILLED TO THE BRIM sure.  But the 2 liter bottle is now empty.  I can finish this glass in 1 paragraph EASY.  And if not WHO CARES.  And if you care SO WHAT.  And if what FUCK OFF.  And if off SHUT DOWN.  Hmm.  WHAT ELSE.  Sun is SIGNIFICANTLY SET by now already.  But I think in 5-10 minutes by the time I'm at my door still won't be 100% Set.  GONNA HAVE SOME SETTING that I EXPERIENCE first hand.  WOW I CAN'T WAIT.  But I have to.  Gotta wait for Sun To Set 5-10 minutes more.  Hmm.  What's up with you.  Everything going okay?  Hmm.  HMM.  Ugh.  Tomorrow lunch GONNA BE FUN TO FIGURE OUT.  Ham sandwich.  Veggie burger.  Turkey meatloaf/health spaghetti.  HERBED CHICKEN SWEET POTATOE AND BROCCOLI.  HMM SOUNDS LIKE I GOT FOUR CHOICES.  WOW I COUNTED.  UP TO FOUR.  Not bad all things considered.  Wait lemme re-calibrate that just to be sure.  One, two... YEP IT'S FOUR TINGS.  Anyway great I'm gonna go take my walk now.  See ya soon.

    Hey!  Listened to some R.E.M. as well as some other stuff.  GOOD DEAL.  I LOVE listening to classic balanced nighttime music as opposed to Recent PlayLists during the day.  There's room for both At The Table.  Anyway.  Is my generation THE ONLY SHUFFLE GENERATION?  Before mp3 players they must not have been able to listen to music on shuffle!  EXCEPT FOR THE RADIO.  Also people now can clearly Shuffle Music with streaming services and apps and... the radio... but the point is MP3 PLAYER SHUFFLE WAS DIFFERENT and BETTER and THE ONLY GOOD WAY YOU CAN EVER LISTEN TO MUSIC it turns out.  OH well life moves on I guess.  Oh REAL main difference between mp3 generation and Earlier Generation is YA JUST GO FROM SONG TO SONG YOU WANT YOURSELF.  Entire time you're listening to music you listen to one song from this artist on this album, then just SWITCH IT UP COMPLETELY, and do that Oh I Don't Know FOURTY TIMES.  You couldn't do that before COMPUTERS c'mon.
    Also KIDS THESE DAYS are INCENTIVIZED to not do that.  I don't have PROOF of that but MY GENERATION LISTENED TO MUSIC THE RIGHT WAY AND EVERYONE ELSE IS MISSING OUT.  AND IS A JERK.  AND ALSO HOW DARE THEY.  Hmm.  Had Quest Bar.  Delicious.  Gonna have some sort of Health Ice Cream Bar tonight.  MAYBE the 90 calorie one instead of the 40 calorie.  I'VE EARNT IT.  By NOT EXPLICITLY NOT EARNTING IT.  So that's good.  What else is up.  Two and a half paragraphs til the end.  Not OF LIFE.  Of the entry.  I'll almost definitely outlive entry.  Small chance I'll die RIGHT AT TE END of entry.  Middle percent chance I'll die Before the end of the entry.  I guess that would require someone finishing the entry for me.  And/or somehow finishing the entry after being officially dead.  DON'T SEE TAT HAPPENING.  Hmm.  It's better to listen to random and/or self-picked song-to-song because now ALL MUSIC IS FRIENDS WIT EACH OTHER.  All part of the same rich tapestry and so on and so forth.  Beautiful.
    Penultimate paragraph!
  Figure I got a Tales In The Crypt coming my way.  HEY I'm already Oh I Don't Know six minutes into one!  PERECT I'll watch 21 more minutes of it.  For some reason I REMEMBER seeing this clip was 27+ min long.  I COULD BE OFF when I estimate I'm six minutes into it, though.  MORE OR LESS IN TE SPIRIT OF THINGS THOUGH in this estimation.  About to finish the very last of that glass of soda I was talking about a few paragraphs ago!  YEP it's pretty surprising it's lasted me this long!  Oh well I have no regrets.  Not regarding this at least.  Lots of regrets for other things!  Probably!  Not busy Thinking About It.  Just Typing About It without thinking.  That's one way to go about your life.  Anyway Best To Have balanced breakfast tomorrow but I got all these black and white cookies and it'd be PRETTY SWEET in more ways than one to have 2.5 of them for breakfast.  One way is COOKIES ARE SWEET.  The other way is It'd be NICE to do that breakfast.  OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD THAT'S ALL THE WAYS IT'S SWEET.  BUT KEEP IN MIND, LIKE BEFORE, I AM NOT ACTUALLY TINKING ABOUT IT-- JUST TYPING OUT WORDS.  So that's good I guess.
    Last paragraph of the night.  I guess it was a productive day.  I did crap and shit.  Same shit and crap as previous days.  Probably same crap and crap as future days.  Potentially some shit and shit that was only for today, though!  That's good.  Wore sweatshirt jacket again tonight.  AGAIN first 20 minutes RIGHT DECISION.  Last 10 minutes A LITTLE TOO HEAVY.  But overall that tilts into Right Decision Territory.  OverALL.  Gotta take things into appropriate CONTEXT to make tough determinations like that or something.  Man oh man in about a month it's gonna be wear sweatshirt jacket territory THE ENTIRE NIGHTIMES.  Maybe even some DAYTIMES.  Look the point is I'm already past 25 paragraphs NOW.  I just have to write a few more sentences to reach TWENTY SIX.  And as we all know TWENTY SIX IS THE RIGHT NUMBER OF THINGS FOR SOMETHING TO BE.  Anyway that's it.  See ya tomorroy!

-9:38 P.M.




Friday, August 19, 2022

Hey!  Bad News!

    Hey!  On schedule now but I missed first walk because of getting up late & having to wait for super market.  Super Market game on time though, so that's good!  Checked my weight earlier.  Within the range I was getting 2 week ago but at the TOP of the range!  DANGIT.  Then I had a halfway BANGE just now.  Could make up for 50% of it if I snack VERY responsibly today.  Seems like something to shoot for.  Also thought about skipping lunch.  Nah.  I think making up 50% of it with snacks is Pretty Good IF I CAN DO IT.  The good news is RE-UP WITH SOME GUM.  Peppermint.  Spearmint.  BUBBLE GUM.  All the best gums.  Anyway.  I guess aiming for taking Night Time walk again during Act III Recess!  That should be fun!  WHAT WAS MY HALFWAY BANGE YOU ASK?  Two golden graham bars, candy coated ice cream thing, and Small VERY HEARTY Brownie from Super Market I just got.  That doesn't sound too bad.  I KNOW that's why it's HALFWAY YOU FOOLS.  Though about skipping lunch.  Nah.  Oh wait I already said that.  OH WELL I'LL SAY IT AGAIN.
    Yeah!  Accepting Amazon Fresh in the afternoon.  Hopefully that doesn't disrupt walks further.  Anyway.  Had delicious Classic Breakfast today.  Forget what I did MightNight.  I think I had either one or two things.  ONE thing being ON TRACK while two things NOT ON TRACK.  Met's game at 7:10 PM.  Look I GET they're trying to accommodate me by making games earlier than 7:20 BUT THIS ISN'T MAKE ENOUGH OF A DIFFERENCE AT ALL.  Hmm.  Wait a second game is at 7:05.  I TAKE IT ALL BACK.  THIS IS GREAT.  THANKS METS I won't forget this gesture of good will!  HEY Cleveland GUARDIANS are in first place in their division.  It's close but thy have a 60% chance of making Post Season one way or another!  Better LTURQ to see if they got any SUPERSTARS.  I think they have one pretty great hitter (AND/OR FIELDER).  Jiminez?  Ramerez?  Let's LTURQ.  HEY BOTH.  They got a Andres Gimenez AND a Jose Ramirez!  Lemme LTURQ their CAREER and SEASON numbers.  See JUST HOW GOOD they really are! RAMIREZ is really good and signed on a VERY reasonable contract.  JIMENEZ is VERY young and still in arbitration years but looks QUITE promising.  THERE NOW WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP ON THINGS NO ONE CARES ABOUT.  I kinda cared about it.  Go figure.
  Hmm.  What's a smaller lunch I can have than usual.  Sandwich with no SandwichSide off the top of my head.  Hmm.  Friday Morning.  Thinking ahead I'm figuring out upcoming snacks for the day where I cut Bange close to 50%.  And I I have no SandwichSide that gets me OVER 50%!  So that's good.  And also I don't have to wait around stressing when Super Market delivery comes!  Gotta do that in Afternoon for OTHER delivery.  But I'm not writing Entry then so it's less disrupting!  Guardians got a few other pretty good players!  I'm excited for GUARDIAN baseball.  Just like THE REST of Cleveland!  I'm not part of Cleveland.  There's no Equation where Cleveland = The Rest Of Cleveland PLUS Me.  THAT'S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS.  Hmm.  Friday is generally when Apple Music UPDATES their playlists.  And/or released new albums/songs.  WOW here we go with some slightly updated playlists.  Maybe new album/songs I'm REALLY interesting in getting around to!  The point is I HAVEN'T SETTLED ON A SHIRT TODAY YET.
    Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Bacon Lovers Day and National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day.  I don't wanna eat bacon lovers.  I'd eat bacon.   I LOVE bacon.  Used to REALLY DIG Bacon Burgers.  I remember talking about this before.  You don't forget a thing like that.  Anyway AT THE TIME Bacon Burger seemed intuitive but in retrospect how is that a regular common thing.  Hey here's some disgusting HAMBURGER MEAT.  Let's top it off with disgusting BACON meat.  YOU GET THE IDEA.  Pecan Pie?  PECAN IS NUT IS IT NOT.  PECAN IS NOT IS IT NUT.  Better LTURQ.  Yep it checks out.  IT ALL CHECKS OUT.  What else is up.  Oh right Chocolate Pecan Pie.  No thanks.  You're gonna have a tough time convincing me to get on board with that!  I LIKE MY NUTS SPARINGLY and only certain kinds of nuts.  Anyway how am I feeling in my belly.  Kinda full based on snacks.  So that's good!  Hmm.  I can imagine a Snacking Schedule and a skipping SandwichSide schedule where I make up 75+% of half-way bange.  LET'S MOVE ON THOUGH.  The more I think/talk about it the more of a hassle it's gonna be!
    Fifth paragraph.  Oh right I'm doing SIDE Sit Ups.  Forgot about that first few sets today.  So that's good.  Wonder what shirt I'm gonna go with today.  My feeling is this time around GO WITH TOP CHOICE.  No holding on to Top Choice for later.  Today WHY NOT TREAT MYSELF.  Only a matter now of determining top choice.  So that's good.  Never got around to What's Cookin' yesterday.  First Tales In The Crypt to watch today!  Anyway.  Big difference between watching Tales In The Crypt as a kid in the 90's to now-- as a kid I BOUGHT the opening introduction.  It FELT like we were going into this creepy house and around into rooms and then the crypt and everything.  Now I can't get over feeling like this is a Miniature Set or something and NOT A REAL HOUSE.  Gotta imagine that's what they're doing.  Miniature set or something.  Either way YA DON'T KNOW WHAT YA GOT TILL IT'S GONE.  What's next, you're gonna tell me this guy isn't really a Crypt Keeper?  He's just PRETENDING to Keep The Crypt?  I REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT.  Coffee time.
    Sure!  Was in the middle of an apple playlist yesterday.  Presumably it's updated now!  Good chance they leave off where I was and it's 85% the same and then I just continue the playlist from where I was and it's slightly different from that point on.  THAT'S BEEN MY EXPERIENCE.  Maybe I have to start all over somewhere I DON'T KNOW!  Hmm.  Pecan Pie?  Who eats PECANS.  Possibly BIRDS of some sort.  Hmm.  Overall, bange was around 700-800 calories.  With LESS SNACKS and SUCCESSFUL SKIPPING MIGHTKNIGHT I can MAKE UP 475 calories.  No SandwichSide is another Making Up 150 calories.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT'LL HAPPEN but one things for sure I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses!  What if I DO feel comfortable skipping lunch.  NO WAY.  Not gonna PLAN for that.  That would be TOO MUCH to ask for!  Hmm.  Aim for regular lunch and see what happens.  YOU FOOLS.  Ham sandwich maybe.  YOU IDIOTS.  I had one recently!  Tuesday Lunch I guess!  Not that recently now that I think about it.  Either way DELICIOUS.
    Seventh paragraph!  Feelin' okay now!  Weight Scale wasn't good.  Halfway Bange isn't good.  BUT getting Super Market acceptance out of the way IS good.  HAVING to have NightTime walk FEELS good.  YOU KNOW THAT SORT OF CRAP.  Hmm.  Getting excited for GUARDIAN BASEBALL is good.  Anyway what's my time period goal of how much time I have to finish this Act.  Let's say 35 minutes is comfortable.  I can easily finish Act I in less than 35 minutes.  I can also easily NOT do that if I had INCENTIVES.  No incentive to not do that, though.  So I'm gonna go with DOING that.  Hmm it's possible I have even slightly LESS snacks than I was stalking about before.  GONNA HAVE TO TAKE THIS ONE AS IT COMES.  Whatta have for dinner.  Communal Dinner Delivery, of that much I'm pretty sure.  Had Deli last time.  Had Italian Restaurant recently, too.  Guess it's probably Diner Dinner.  DANGIT I dunno what to do with that.  Whatta jip.  Maybe we CAN get Italian Restaurant.  I'll eat pizza again.  That's the kind of guy I am this month!
     Eighth paragraph!  Delicious.  Wearing a new pair of boxers today!  Same pair o socks.  Same pair of pants.  Gonna be NEW pair of shirts.  Well just one shirt.  But you get the idea.  Pair of boxers.  These are just ONE THING.  There's no PAIR to it.  If you wanna have an s at the end of boxers I can live with that.  Call them boxers and not boxer.  BUT THERE'S STILL JUST ONE. What about pants SAME SITUATION.  THAT'S TRUE, TOO.  This is no pair of pants.  It's PANT.  SOCKS are pretty much the only thing that IS a pair.  Ugh.  Maybe some exciting new ALBUM released today.  Wonder what are the odds of that.  EVERY ALBUM is exciting.  I just may not get around to them until I'm in my 50's.  Not so far away.  I'm gonna be 35 in less than a year and a half.  Then I'm gonna be 40 in less than six and a half years from now, too.  OH NO.  Hmm.  The point is I didn't waste my youth because I spent it with my favorite people-- No One.
Penultimate paragraph!  Probably would have checked weight around ShowerTime again today if not for halfway bange.  Now I don't wanna see it I don't think!  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  I guess that's one breakfast I won't have.  Hearty Small Brownie.  Already ate it!  For better or worse!  STRONGLY leaning towards Worse.  But that's life I guess.  Brett Baty looks TOO YOUNG.  Grow up a bit! Somethin' about his face.  He's too GREEN.  Then again if he wants to be young that's his prerogative.  Age is just a number.  So is 19.  Even 20.  These are all just numbers we can't judge them at face value or something.  This sucker is like 11 years younger than me.  I think he's 22.  YEP.  I've got plenty more Life than him.  You take an entire HALF of what he's lived-- say everything from 11 or 12 Onward-- ADD THAT TO What he's lived-- NOW WE GOT AS MUCH AS I LIVED.  Which is more or less accurate too because My Age 22-33 seasons WERE more or less a repeat of 11-22.  STILL VERY MUCH AN ADOLESCENT.  So that's good for me I guess.  Not BAD.  Probably not.
    Could skip beer tonight.  That's like 200 calories.  Nah I don't think I'm gonna do that.  THEN AGAIN what else is going on.  LOOK whatever happens I'm gonna make up HALF of the calories at least.  End up at a Bonus 400 at the most I feel.  Let's just go into the rest of the day accepting that and if I wanna make up more here and there THAT'S JUST GRACY.  Huh.  Therapist's name is Gracy.  First name!  NO spoilers on the last name.  Maybe you could figure it out yourself.  I'll give you a clue-- sometimes used by people as a last name.  E-mail me your guesses at crazy sheet @ wait a second that's not my email dot com.  IF YOU WIN You GET A PRICE.  What else is up.  Writing an entry.  For a while this morning looked like I'd skip it.  That's cause for... not celebration... not joy... that's cause for NUNPLUSSEDNESS!  There's two definitions to that word-- the informal one is the one I knew and they apparently include it!  The regular definition is even BETTER.  Well that's good I'll be back soon.




Things Are Starting To Turn Around

    HEY!  Dunno what I'm having for dinner, but I could make that slightly smaller, too!  Basically I over-ate by around 750-800 calories.  I CAN MAKE UP about 600-800 calories off the top of my head vaguely reasonably easily.  GOOD.  Settle.  SETTLE!  Anyway wanna finish this Act in 40 minutes so my Dad can take his walk when he wants.  If I go over by 5 or 10 minutes SO BE IT.  Anyway got coffee #1.8 going as well as some sprite.  This week I went with ginger ale over sprite even though they had sprite!  FELT LIKE GINGER ALE.  Still got sprite going on RIGHT NOW.  So that's good is the point.  In the end what else will define the day besides Eating Less over the course of it.  THAT'S A TOUGH ONE.  Gotta think of SOMETHING GOOD to do with the day to balance that crap out.  Maybe play a video game.  That's good because it's fun AND productive.  Learn how to shoot World War II people.  Usually the enemies.  Sometimes I shoot the people in my squadron by accident but all is fair in love and war.  I don't like that expression.  Plenty of things not fair in war!  They're called War Crimes!  Kind of a big deal that people are concerned about!  All things being fair in love?  I dunno about that.  Not 100% sure what Love is!
    Wonderful.  What else is going on in the wide world of sports.  Got 35 minutes now to write four paragraphs.  I'll continue keeping you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Guess I could take walk after supper before Act III completely.  Feels more right AS OF NOW to do it during Act III recess.  AMAZING.  Listening to TODAY'S HITS playlist on APPLE MUSIC.  I assume these are the songs you'll hear ON THE RADIO assuming the radio still exists.  Also SHORTER playlist which I like.  Some of these play lists run 4.5, 5 hours.  This one is only 2.5 hours!  I can listen to that within the course of a single day!  Sounds good to me.  Also NOW I KNOW RADIO SONGS.  Is there Payola for Apple Music Playlists.  Gotta imagine there is.  Payola is a funny word.  I don't think people use it nearly often enough!  Sounds like it started off as a dumb slang and then people were like ya know what NOW THAT'S THE REAL WORD for this exact situation.  Which I like!  Dumb slang nonsense syllables SHOULD become words over time.  That's how the world goes round!
    Hmm.  First dinner choice is probably 1.5-1.67 slices of sicilian pizza.  Second dinner choice may be HALF a Broiled Sea Food platter.  EITHER WAY YOU CAN'T GO WRONG.  Also if Deli is REALLY in the cards again tonight I will have VERY HEARTY Soup which is as hearty as a soup can get AND MAYBE EVEN BONUS KREPLACH.  Not 100% sure what Kreplach is.  Kinda get the general idea, though!  Also presumably I tried it once to find out what it is.  Then promptly forgot!  That's life I guess.  Two and a half paragraphs to go!  Anyway.  Probably have a dozen pop chips with whatever sandwich I have.  Ham or turkey.  YA KNOW WHAT PROBABLY JUST TEN.  That'd do the trick.  This is good stuff let's keep it going.  Kreplach is an onamonapia but for when the kreplah looks gross.  Wait gross kreplach doesn't ITSELF make the sound kreplach.  That's what YOU SAY when YOU SEE the gross kreplach.  More or less.  What else is up.  Sure I could look up how to spell kreplach and/or onamonapia.  I looked up how to spell onamonapia an entry or two ago.  WILL YOU EVER BE SATISFIED?
    Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Hmm.  Mets have 2 game series against the Yankees in a few days.  INCLUDING A FEW DAYS PLUS ONE DAY.  Two games over the course of two days!  That's exciting.  ONCE AND FOR ALL we'll see WHO WINS IN BASEBALL NEXT WEEK the Mets or the Yankees or A TIE.  I'm rooting for either a Tie or The Mets Win Both Games.  Ideally the Mets win both games.  But my SECOND CHOICE is a tie.  Well my second choice is they win one game and the other game is CANCELLED COMPLETELY-- not just delayed-- possibly due to Earthquake.  Never experienced an earthquake before.  ABOUT TIME I DID.  So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  IN GENERAL do we have to capitalize the, "E," in earth?  Hmm.  NOPE.  Microsoft FrontPage recognizes, "earth," a word.  OH I THINK ya capitalize it when it's a PLANET but when it's like a synonym for DIRT Or GROUND maybe that's lower-case.  Seems reasonable.  Let's LTURQ.  YEP NAILED IT.  Turns out I'M BRILLIANT.
    Last paragraph of the Daytime Day.  What else is going on.  AGAIN I'm confronted with the thought, after halfway binging or so in the morning and making up for it mostly, why don't I just do that every day.  GOOD QUESTION.  Cause SHUT UP that's why.  Unsustainable to ALWAYS have smaller meals for lunch and dinner.  Maybe sustainable but not necessary when it comes down to it to have minimal snacks.  So that's that.  I guess!  I ALREADY don't have Big Meals.  So that's that.  Jeez.  Hey remember how I talked about Bacon Burgers In My Past again.  Probably, "WENT THERE," six or eight times before.  I miss it!  It was fun stuff!  Either way gotta imagine I'm healthier now without it.  Bacon is POISON.  Meat is MURDER.  French Fries are UNPATRIOTIC.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Why were we so pissed at France not wanting to go along with the Iraq war.  Is WILL FRANCE NOMINALLY HELP US IN WAR really a huge deal?  APPARENTLY IT WAS!  I dunno.  Got plenty of time to write one more sentence.  We're talking THIRTEEN MINUTES.  Hey I achieved that.  Good for me.  See ya later.




In The End I'm Okay

    YEAH!  Skipped lunch, had slightly less snacks, had smaller dinner-- ALL ALLOTTED MYSELF UP AND CRAP.  That may not be Good English (sorry WELL English) but the point is today turned out to not be an albatross which I believe is a Seafaring reference?  Either a kind of fish.  Or a kind of boat.  Something like that.  Maybe it's both.  Like when you ride on a sea turtle.  I think you do that in a Game Boy Mario game to get from one level to the next.   No spoilers!  YOU'VE HAD 30 YEARS TO PLAY THIS GAME it's on YOU if you've never ridden a sea turtle to get from one Level in Macro Game Boy Mario World to The Next.  Hmm.  Sucking on lollipop.  Gonna have birthday bar when I get back from upcoming Recess Walk!  LIFE TURNED OUT TO BE A REAL SOLID B- today.  By whish I mean B Minus.  Not B--(dash) Today!  I can't even begin to comprehend what that would mean.  I wish I could. But I can't. THIS IS TEH WORLD WE LIVE ON.  Hmm.  Had Keto bar as a lunch technically.  But you can count it as Early Snack instead of lunch and then I had no lunch.  I CHOOSE TO COUNT IT THAT WAY.  It's FUN.
     Anyway verbally berate me on any of my walks?  VERBALLY?  Specifically verbally berate me?  Well in that case NO not today.  Still one more walk for Universe To Pull That Off, though.  Anyway.  I believe things HAPPEN FOR A REASON.  A guy verbally berating me and threatening and/or implying violence for 90 seconds IS JUST THE UNIVERSE'S WAY OF TELLING ME SOMETING.  Not sure WHAT.  My best guess is STAY HUMBLE.  Seems to be the most obvious message for universe to send me.  Off the top of my head.  Anyway wow I thought this guy was a Crazy Jerk at first but now that it turns out he's just An Agent Of The Universe I FEEL BAD FOR PASSING JUDGMENT.  What else is going on and crap.  STILL SUCKIN', that's what's going on!  Delicious!  Also gonna have small supper again TOMORROW.  That's what happens when you get a supper and split it into halves and the first half is small.  Well I can always just ADD something tomorrow night.  BREAD would be one way to go should that be, "In The Cards."  I think I'm gonna bite down on tootsie pop soon.  Maybe.  I dunno yet.
    What else. 
Presumably gonna write six paragraph Act III Part I!  Only 2 or 3 more songs from TODAY'S HITS play list to listen to for upcoming walk.  WOW I GET TO PICK NEW SONGS TO LISTEN TO.  Could be ANYTHING.  Probably.  I can't think of anything specific that it can't be.  Anyway.  Any period in my life I listened to non-main steam released music that ALSO wasn't MY OWN music.  Any music I would have had on CD or MP3 or Audio Cassette that would NOT be on Apple Music?  I don't think so.  Can't be bothered.  If no one has already Taste Tested this music and deemed it Good For Mass Human Consumption who am I to risk the elements and try making that assessment for myself.  NO ONE THAT'S WHO.  I WISH I HAD THAT LOLLIPOP BACK.  IT WAS DELICIOUS.  Oh well what can ya do.  Not much!  That's been my experience!  Hey I had a beer I forgot it on my nightstand.  I spend a solid EIGHT MINUTES in bed after dinner before entry Starting Beer.  LEMME GO RETRIEVE THAT SUCKER.  I'm gonna be very upfront with you I realized I had consumed another snack-- 140 calorie Fiber Bar-- in addition to the snacks I told you I ate earlier today.  STILL MANAGING TO CANCEL IT OUT with all that I did that I told you about earlier this act!
    Amazing.  Why do Trans Kids like sports so much.  I think there's subliminal messaging in Trans Entertainment that make them WANNA PLAY ALL THE SPORTS.  Only conclusion we can REASONABLY draw.  That and Transformers film franchise created Trans Epidemic.  That and about to get Cancelled for the phrase, "Trans Epidemic."  That and Cancelled Somehow EVEN MORE for saying I'd get cancelled because pretending, "Cancel Culture," is a real thing and a problem can AND FRANKLY SHOULD get you cancelled IN AND OF ITSELF.  The point is CAN WE PLEASE CANCEL ME SO I CAN GO HOME AND SPEND TIME WITH MY FAMILY.  Something like that.  How's my family doing these days.  Seem to be in good spirits.  As good spirits as can be expected in today's Bullshit World.  So that's good.  Can I unilaterally cancel some people.  I don't feel particularly OFFENDED by anyone but there's some people who just RUB ME the wrong way.  Figure they should be cancelled.  How did canceling someone become a verb.  I'M GONNA CANCEL YOU.  IT'S NONSENSE.
    Two paragraphs to go.  Makes sense to me in retrospect.  Canceling someone.  I GET IT to some extent which I FEEL IS WRONG.  Getting It, I mean.  Oh well to some extent ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is wrong!  Hmm.  Trying to think of a Marry Fuck Kill but it's Cancel Stan ... a third thing.  Three people.  You Cancel one, you Stan one, and then... what's a third thing...  HMM.  This is a tough one!  Well this is easy let's stick with Kill!  Cancel Stan Kill.  LOVE IT.  Anyway what else is going on.  Next walk gonna be City Street Walk.  Too dark for park walk!  That's the world we live in or something.  Also presumably Cancel Stan Kill is in relation to Public Figures.  Because canceling or stanning someone is something ya do with a public figure.  Killing I guess you can do for anyone.  Anyone UNPROTECTED.  Good luck trying to kill some people THEY'VE GOT BODY GUARDS.  GOOD I'M GLAD.  I'm against killing IN PRACTICE.  What else is going on and crap.
  Gettin' close to being done with the day, all things considered.  I like the sound of that.  What about Ignore.  Cancel Stan Ignore.  THAT'S A FATE WORSE THAN BEING KILLED FOR PUBLIC FIGURES.  Possibly.  I dunno.  I'll ask some Public Figures if I ever meet any!  Keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  OH I KNOW what's worse than Ignore.  Be Unfamiliar With.  But you can't CHOOSE to be unfamiliar with someone.  Let's stick with IGNORE.  That's like being Not INTIMATELY Familiar with.  Close enough.  Figure I'll take walk after this paragraph without any activities in-between.  Take out garbage and crap when I get back from walk.  Four more paragraphs then.  Then it's time FOR BEDFORD BY TIME.  Bed Bye rhymes with Bed Stuy.  A NEIGHBORHOOD.  Go figure!  Then come back here and finish reading this entry.  Figure for all the time you wanna but AT SOME POINT when you're done come back here and we'll finish up together!  Be back soon.

    I feel like if I were a public figure being Unfamiliar With'd is better than being actively ignored.  Oh well such is life.  Enjoyed Nighttime walk again!  Maybe make this standard 3 Reals.  4 reals.  Three Reals means nothing.  What's the next Tales In The Crypt I have.  Is it Werewolf Concerto.  I hope not!  That's one of the most boring episodes there is!  Then again maybe I hope IT IS so I can get it out of the way ONCE AND FOR ALL.  Well maybe not FOR ALL.  But I definitely could get it out of the way ONCE.  Anyway it IS the episode I got going on next.  I figure I can watch that tonight.  Take my pills before it.  Or halfway into it.  Which is another option to compliment Cancel and Stan.  Cancel/Stan/Halfway Into It.  Sounds fair I guess, but let's move on with our lives.  Probably gonna have 40 calorie fudgesicle at BedTime Time!  ENTIRE DAY IS ABOUT A CALORIE WASH.  Then tomorrow I get to start over and eat the same amount of crap but spread out more over the day instead of when I get up!  I can get up LATE if I'm taking NightTime Walk.  Gonna have to think CAREFULLY about what a NEW NORMAL would look like.
    Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Upon further Introspection just go to bed more or less when entry is over.  Spend 10 minutes Oh I Don't Know LOOKING AT MY PHONE.  Probably SCROLLING and crap.  Not just gonna STARE at a blank screen.  Not even just gonna STARE at the same still image of something.  If I'm staring at my phone I WANT TO SEE UPDATES.  Or at the very least A BUNCH OF TEXT AT ONCE that will take me some time to read EVEN IF THERE'S NO SCROLL TO IT.  I feel very strongly about this.  Anyway I finished TODAY'S HITS playlist. It was okay.  I think Today has got some solid hits!  Not a lot of GREAT hits but very few COMPLETE CLUNKERS either.  Can't wait for Next Week's Today's Hits.  Maybe have delicious tootsie pop as Bedtime snack.  WOW THAT COULD BE A GAME CHANGER.  NOT SURE WHAT GAME I'VE BEEN PLAYING IN TE MEANTIME.  BUT ODDS ARE IT'S NOT THE SAME GAME AS THE GAME WHICH THAT WOULD SET INTO MOTION.
Penultimate paragraph!  Guess GO INTO TOMORROW aiming to wake up normal time.  Gonna either have to THINK LONG AND HARD about the best way to go or JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS.  I like just seeing what happens, can't go wrong there.  Well you can go wrong and it's higher likelihood you'll go wrong without a plan.  But it's EASIER to START with.  So that's good.  Wore a nice sweatshirt jacket sweatshirt on nighttime walk.  Was comfortable first half.  Was too warm second half!  These are problems that people face and I like it!  I was worried People would face more serious problems.  You can imagine my relief when it turned out it was just a How Warm Will My Sweatshirt Jacket Sweatshirt Jacket Sweatshirt make me and is it slightly too warm because if it is that's a problem.  OKAY lost track of what I was talking about exactly but the good news is I ONLY HAVE TO WRITE ONE MORE PARAGRAPH.
Let's knock this one out of the park!  Baseball reference.  Hey that's a website.  No spoilers!  What else is going on.  Man oh man what would I give to be done with the entry right now.  Not a lot.  It's not that important to me.  Maybe a dollar.  That's it.  A dollar fifty.  Two dollars is too much.  Now that I think about it I wouldn't give more than a dollar.  Oh well such is life.  For A Few Dollars More maybe I can get someone to write THE NEXT ENTRY too.  Wow another reference.  References Are Jokes!  Anyway.  My Life.  So wait what this fall THERE'S JUST NO TIME CHANGE AT ALL ON A SUNDAY MORNING?  ...AND THEN JUST NEVER AGAIN?  My kids WILL NEVER EXPERIENCE setting clocks forward and back?  THIS IS TERRIBLE.  Now I see why people vote for Republicans.  WE VAGUELY MISS A THING FROM ERA THAT IS NEVER COMING BACK BUT WE CAN TURN BACK THE PROGRESS WE'VE MADE IN OTHER AREAS SINCE THAT ERA AT LEAST AS A COMPROMISE.  It all makes sense to me now!  Well close enough at least.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-10:01 P.M. 




Thursday, August 18, 2022

It'd Be Nice To Say Something

    Hey!  About half an hour ahead of schedule today!  Not sure what to do with all that bonus time!  Probably watch Twitter and read Tales In The Crypt!  Let's CATCH UP.  Balanced Breakfast.  Either appropriate amount of MightNight snacking or 100 calories over-- don't remember!  OKAY CAUGHT UP.  Wore a nice shirt today.  Not really.  Pretty mediocre shirt.  I LIKE THE MEDIOCRE SHIRTS.  Every time I wear a mediocre shirt that's one more day where I'll have a great shirt to wear!  It's called strategy or something, I dunno!  Anyway got delicious open faced breaded chicken cutlet sandwich for today!  Probably with no sides!  We'll see how much chicken they gave me!  OKAY CAUGHT UP.  Mets game at night again today.  CAUGHT UP FOR SURE NOW.  GREAT.  Now that we're caught up there's nothing else to say!  I thought getting caught up would be great!  Turns out it sucks.  Anyway I might have enough beer in storage that I can get a delicious 6 pack Craft Light Beer upcoming week instead of 18 pack Standard Light Beer.  That'd be delicious.  Just gotta make sure I have enough!  I'll do it LATER.
  Anything new in the news.  Yep probably.  No way of knowing for sure, though!  Thursday morning.  ALL THE NEWS breaks on Thursday Mornings!  WOW they still got 2 hours to break then.  "They," meaning, "The News."  Not sure how Paper Newspapers make money.  Gotta imagine ALL THAT PAPER AND ALL THAT INK cost WAY MORE than you're paying for it.  You don't HAVE to imagine it.  Because it can't be accurate.  But that's what I CHOOSE to imagine and nobody can take that away from me.  Maybe they can.  That's their business, not mine.  Anyway.  Looks like as of now the Democrats have a 1/4 chance of both chambers of house and Republicans have 1/3 chance of both chambers of house.  REMAINING ODDS ARE THAT IT'S SPLIT.  I don't know if I like that!  Better than it was before!  Hopefully will continue trending in the right direction.  But I'd feel a lot more comfortable if it was 100% chance Democrats win every race and there is peace on Earth or something somehow not exactly sure how that would work exactly.
Hmm.  Hey, two paragraphs into entry.  That's not nothing!  I'm gettin' there is the point!  Gotta clean up garbage in bathroom now.  Not as much garbage as in regular room!  But still somethin' to do.  Is it too late to sign up for Fantasy Baseball League.  We're only 72.8% into the season!  That's a whole lot of season to go.  Guess I could get a head start on signing up for Fantasy Baseball League 2023.  NO I CAN'T.  I can mentally prepare for it!  Just can't officially sign any papers that set it into motion legally.  So that's good.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Soft Ice Cream Day.  INTERESTING.  I feel as a kid I always preferred HARD ice cream.  Lots of places gave you a choice I feel.  But ya know what?  Now that I'm adult?  With more life experience?  NOT SO SURE.  Depends on the context I guess.  Soft ice cream CONE might be better.  So ice cream falls deep into cone.  Hard ice cream cone, the ice cream may just linger on top of cone an dwho wants that.  SOME IDIOT.  That's all.
    Hmm.  I can have ice cream cone.  I think I have 2 of those 100 cal personal sized portion of ice cream AS WELL AS appropriate number of small Cake Ice Cream Cones.  LET'S DO THAT next snack.  Gotta imagine this is somewhere between hard and soft ice cream.  Semi-Hard.  The ladies know what I'm talkin' about!  Huh.  I think the fellas would know too, probably even more intimately.  Oh well what can ya do.  HMM here's some interesting evidence.  When I'm having an ice cream bar or sandwich I DO prefer them to be harder.  Look TIME ITSELF will soften it.  Might as well be hard GOING INTO THE DEAL so if I HAVE A CHOICE.  Either eat it hard or WAIT A WHILE.  If it STARTS OFF SOFT no choice.  MY ICE CREAM MY CHOICE.  Hmm.  What was the thing from a couple of days ago.  Ice Cream Pie?  Let's try to go with that!  Making even MORE progress with Act I.  I'm doing real well is the point.  Tomorrow morning is Super Market delivery morning.  Hey that was a good sentence.
     Coffee in a paragraph!  If cereal + egg white + eggo is Balanced Breakfast, and pop tart + ice cream sandwich is Classic Breakfast, what's 2.5 Black and Whites.  Black and whites breakfast!  Doesn't need a new titles cause IT'S ONLY ONE THING.  Just refer to it AS IT IS.  Added some Blueberry eggos.  Was tempted to try a Regular Eggo.  They got HOMESTYLE.  They got BUTTERMILK.  I don't know which is Standard Plain and which his Kinda Fun And Different.  So I chose NEITHER.  I'm guessing Homestyle is plain.  And buttermilk is different.  NOT SURE I WANNA TAKE THAT SORT OF CHANCE THOUGH.  So that's good.  Not sure what TV Image General Setting I'm at.  Natural or Dynamic.  Similarly aggressive!  Think I'm on Dynamic.  So that's good.  I feel like I DID INDEED watch half of YELLOW.  Guess I can watch the second half soon.  Good stuff.  Just about halfway through Act I!  Amazing.  Did I say anything good.  I expressed my feelings on Hardness of Ice Cream.  A LITTLE BIT.  Probably should have gone more depth into it.  Oh well such is life.
    I really should start an entry one day thinking NO TALK ABOUT FOOD going on.  It's hard though!  FOR EXAMPLE today I thought well I can talk A LITTLE bit about food.  But I can never stop myself!  I HAVE NOTHING ELSE GOING ON FOR ME.  The good news is who cares.  If you read it, you can tolerate it!  If you can't tolerate it, you're not reading it!  I PERSONALLY have trouble tolerating it and I HAVE to sometimes read it.  Not really HAVE TO.  But sometimes I do some Quality Control inspection and skim through an entry and I DON'T LIKE IT.  No one says I have to read my own crap.  So I guess that's good.  That's GREAT!  Should I take a bonus walk at NightTime during Act III Recess?  Right now I'm thinking PROBABLY NOT.  But that's the sort of thing I won't know what I wanna do until the time comes!  YOU IDIOTS.  Not a fan of how everything on Busy City Street And  A Half I walk down is closed by 9:00 PM.  LOOK I get this is a residential area.  But this is A BUNCH OF STORES.  AND SHOPS.  AND EATERIES.  Is it THAT CRAZY we'll want to get a sandwich from Subway at 9:15 PM?  Is it THAT CRAZY we'll wanna stop off in bodega to get AN ENERGY DRINK?  C'mon guys you could make it to 10:00 PM EASY.
    I feel like bodega closes at 8:00 PM at THE LATEST.  What FOOLS.  I think the grocery store-- Walgreens?-- may be open late IF NOT 24/7.  THEY'RE THE EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE.  Lemme LTURQ.  THEY CLOSE at 11:00 PM.  AMAZING.  I guess that's better THAN NOTHING.  UGH.  SNACK TALK COMIN' UP I can either have delicious Make Myself Mini Ice Cream Cone OR have Last New Ice Cream Thing I got.  WITHIN 10 calories of each other so that's not much of a consideration.  I LIKE HAVING THE THING I DON'T HAVE TO DO MANUAL LABOR FOR.  Sounds about right.  Got egg whites for one more balanced breakfast.  NOT SURE but I think I have ice cream sandwiches for two more classic breakfasts.  Gonna have black and whites for 2 Black and White Breakfasts.  AMAZING I THINK WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP.  And it only took 2/3rds of Act I to get there.  What's the origin of the word bodega.  DON'T SOUND ENGLISH TO ME.  SOUNDS LIKE IT COMES FROM SPANISH SPEAKING NEIGHBORHOODS. Oh okay great.
    YEAH!  But in Spanish Speaking COUNTRIES bodega means WINE SHOP.  VERY interesting.  I'm so interested I'm gonna immediately move on with my life!  Three paragraphs to go before I can take a walk.  I like the sound of that!  Moving on with my life and whatknot.  Pages of mini travel spiral notebook coming off slowly but surely.  I TRY to put the notepad on my pocket CLEANLY and ORDERLY so that walking doesn't STRESSTEST IT.  But I FAIL.  Every week or so ON AVERAGE another page slowly comes off off through normal wear and tear of walking.  That's part of life I GUESS but I don't have to like it!  I don't like having shirt off most of the time I'm in house.  I don't LIKE my stomach.  I have BODY IMAGE ISSUES.  Not sure if that's right.  I just have BODY issues.  Well I don't think that's right either.  I'm TRENDING towards BEING ON THE PATH to EVENTUALLY have Body Issues.  And judging the IMAGE of that is one way to register this DANGEROUS trend.  The point is SHIRTS HIDE MY SHAME AND I LOVE IT.  Hey two more paragraphs to go.
   Sure do have a lot of time to play with.
  What else is up.  I'M EIGHT TO TEN POUNDS ABOVE EXACT IDEAL WEIGHT per Scientific Formulas.  I'm EIGHT TO TEN POUNDS BELOW being Scientifically JUST over Healthy BMI Range to being overweight.  THAT'S OKAY.  I AM HEALTHY RIGHT NOW.  You'd think so wouldn't you.  What else is going my way.  Next official weigh in is three weeks from today!  This is the ENDOCRINOLOGIST weigh in.  Generally what I've settled on as being the OFFICIAL weigh in somehow for some reason.  OH NO I will most likely get a result I don't like.  Oh well that's three weeks for ya.  Probably should shave at some point before then.  I think we're already JUST ABOUT into territory where my facial hair is long enough where I should pressure myself to start considering shaving.  By three weeks from now?  Seems like a reasonable time to shave!  WOW THIS IS GREAT STUFF.  Hair cut is still probably 3 or 4 months away.  WHOUDA THUNK IT.  Besides me.  I just thunk it.  Now you can Thank it due to reading about it just now.
Last paragraph of the act.  HEY I got cheap right handed mandolin.  Haven't thought about that instrument in a while.  Maybe pick that up and see what it's all about at some point.  MAYBE RIGHT NOW.  Hmm.  Sounds interesting.  HEY I just played it for sixty seconds and WAS DOING BETTER than when I used to try to play it 3 years or so ago when I first got it.  INTERESTING maybe I'll pick that up for another sixty seconds or so later on in the day.  Not IMPOSSIBLE that happens.  Then again that's sixty seconds I COULD be using to be GONE.  That's how long it takes to BE/GET GONE.  Hmm.  Also SURPRISINGLY IN TUNE.  Not in tune perfectly.  But for not being picked up for a year or so NOT BAD.  Also if I remember correctly for some reason this instrument was hard to tune exactly.  GO FIGURE.  Okay.  What else is up.  Time to take a walk.  If only I was 2-3 sentences further along in the paragraph though.  HEY THAT'LL DO THE TRICK.  SEE YA soon!




I'm A Serious Person

    Hey friends!  Took a nice walk and shit.  Now I'm back here and crap!  HEY I figured it out.  Get a fancy kinda beer TWELVE pack.  Don't need 18!  12 is wonderful.  I can really enjoy that crap and whatknot.  The point is I feel like today has some promise to it.  Today has it in itself to be a solid B/B- day.  WOW not just a B-?  THAT SOUNDS PRETTY HARD TO BELIEVE.  Hmm.  Should I hate up breaded chicken cutlets?  Probably best either cold or in oven.  But microwave is a third option that isn't totally implausible.  Probably go with oven, right?  Breaded chicken cutlets are great cold-- this much we know.  But they're also great in the oven-- turns out THAT MUCH we know as well.  The point is I FORGET EXACTLY.  Starting to do sit-ups differently.  Do half of them focusing on sitting up with the LEFT part of my torso-abdomen and then half with the RIGHT part.  Instead of just trying to do STRAIGHT UP regular middle sit ups.  GET AT IT FROM BOTH ANGLES.  Not sure if its a thing.  I THINK I can see exercisers doing CRUNCHES like that.  Maybe that's what I'm describing.  It's possible!
    Hmm.  As of now for whatever reason doing crunch/sit-ups with the RIGHT part of my body is easier.  Hopefully over time it evens out!  That'd be my instinct of what to hope for regarding this situation.  Can't wait for this act to be over with.  Get into the regular part of the day.  Not sure what I'm looking forward to with that.  Sure it's FUN to watch Tales Crypt ad walk around to music.  But is it THAT much fun that it's worth actively looking forward to?  MAYBE!  It's not so much I'm looking forward to doing that as much as I'm looking forward to NOT doing this.  Look I call 'em like I see 'em-- first two acts are worthless.  Sometimes third act is worthwhile and thusly more enjoyable to write!  BUT these DayTime Acts are just a grind.  And there's very little pay off to the grind!  That makes it even Grindier!  I can tolerate a grind with a good pay off.  NO PAY OFF TO GRIND and we're talkin REALLY SHITTY CIRCUMSTANCES or something.
    Yeah!  Good shot I make myself small ice cream cone for upcoming snack.  I thought about it and it sounds good!  I think I have TWO personal portion ice cream cups left.  So I'm also succeeding in almost finishing that.  Clunking up freezer right now!  Barely takes up any space but it makes it LOOK more cluttered.  Gonna make 50% progress in knocking these out of the freezer completely presumably.  Hmm.  Maybe leave it out of freezer for like 15 minutes!  Might get a little softer.  Then if I put it on top of cone it might MELT INTO THE CONE.  That'd take time.  Maybe ANOTHER 15 minutes.  Take out ice cream for 15 minutes.  Put it on top of cone.  WAIT ANOTHER 15 MINUTES?  Sounds like a long time to wait and it seems counterintuitive to go through all this BUT it may have a big pay off so ultimately the grind was POSSIBLY worth it PERHAPS.  So that's good.  WAIT.  What if I just take out ice cream, put it on top of cone, and then wait 15-30 minutes.  I CAN HAVE IT MELT WHILE BEING ON TOP OF THE CONE FROM THE START.  Wow GENIUS.
    Penultimate paragraph!  What's the episode after the second half of Yellow.  Is it NONE BUT THE LONELY HEART?  I'd bet GOOD MONEY it is!   I was close.  It's actually NONE bUT tHE LONELY HEART.  By which I mean it's actually, "None but the Lonely Heart."  The point is I THOUGHT it was each word has first letter capitalized but ACTUALLY the words but and the had NO capitalizations to them!  I feel like I was close enough in spirit to Win That Bet we just made.  What else is going on and crap.  Probably gonna eat upcoming snack and lunch around normal time despite being about half an hour ahead of schedule.  MAKES SENSE.  The good news is huh.  HMM just realized the 12 pack of beer IS NOT LIGHT BEER.  NO THANKS THEN.  Gonna go with the 6 pack that's light beer!  I THINK I'll have enough.  Main negative is this has lower alcohol content than regular light beers.  ONLY a 3.7% ALCOHOL CONTENT.  WHAT EVEN IS THE POINT OF THAT.  Either way I'll keep you updated on this situation IF and ONLY IF it progresses.
Last paragraph!  MAYBE JUST HAVE DELICIOUS NEW ICE CREAM THING.  ONE IN CANDY COATED CHOCOLATE SHELL.  It's easier and YA KNOW WHAT LET'S ADMIT IT more delicious.  Also I'm RE-UPPING with them tomorrow.  So that comes into play when making this consideration somehow!  Playing mandolin is EASIER because it's 40% the size of acoustic guitar.  Roughly the same percent size o electric guitar!  Elecrtuic guitar and acoustic guitar are similar sizes.  Acoustic is a bit wider body I guess now that I think about it.  Hmm.  Got twice the amount of strings though, Mandolin Does.  Wait no it doesn't.  Got 1.33x the amount o strings.  We're talkin' EIGHT STRINGS instead of SIX.  If you know a better way to express eight instead of 6 than being 1.33x the amount I'D LIKE TO HEAR IT.  Or keep it to yourself what do I care.  Hey good news Act II is over.  I'll be back tonight!  Possibly with a BREAK during Act III Recess?  Most likely NOT!  See ya later!




say what you will

    Hi friends!  Decided against taking a late night-time walk.  Instead I'm gonna focus all of my energy on writing the best darn 10 paragraphs I can!  Unlucky for us I have very little energy.  Quest Bar coming up during recess has the qualities of an energy bar.  But I'm afraid until then we'll just have to make do!  The important thing is I'm sucking on a lollipop right now.  Probably sucking on it Like A Bitch.  I dunno.  I feel like this is the most MANLY SUCKING I could possibly do.  It's tough but at least I'm making an effort!  Anyway had a beer already going into the entry.  Which means I'll end up at a 3 Beer Knight overall.  GREAT.  Thinking about Chocolate Quest Barr at recess.  OKAY ALL CAUGHT UP NOW.  Never had ice cream snack.  Ice cream cone?  No.  New ice cream thing?  Nope!  Will have ice cream thing at bedtime but NEITEHR OF THOSE.  Standard health ice cream bar probably.  OH OKAY NOW ARE WE ALL CAUGHT UP ONCE AND FOR CERTAIN?  NOPE.  Never.  WE'RE NEVER ALL CAUGHT UP.  That's to guarenteee life goes on.  If we're ever all caught up The Universe Might Decide To End.  And THEN WHERE WOULD WE BE.
    Hmm.  Delicious super market delivery tomorrow morning.  Means I gotta wake up early and be stressed all morning about waiting for it to get here.  BUT it'll be delicious because I'm re-upping with stuff.  Hmm.  ANYTHING INTERESTING that I haven't had the last couple of days.  Lemme take a look at the order.  NOPE.  Only interesting things are mini black and whites and ONE one-off Breakfast Brownie.  Those ARE fun and new and interesting but won't come into play until SATURDAY morning.  Oh well it's always Saturday Morning somewhere!  I don't think that's accurate!  Anything is accurate if you believe in yourself.  Not sure that's accurate either!  Whether things are accurate or not has little bearining on the reality we live in.  I feel that SORT OF CHECKS OUT?  I'm not HAPPY about it.  That checking it is a NEGATIVE THING.  BUT if we're calling 'em like we see 'em MAYBE?  Hmm.  Lollipop still going strong!  Wow.  I feel like not only do I make lollipops last really long, BUT while I'm sucking on lollipop somehow that makes Entry Go Quicker.  GO FIGURE.
    No walkin' tonight.
  Gotta take out some garbage in about 45 minutes, though.  So that's a ton of fun.  What kinda crap I got for lunch tomorrow.  Turkey ham or veggie burger sandwich.  Turkey meatloaf and health spaghetti or herbed chicken sweet potato and broccoli.  FIVE THINGS.  I CAN PICK ANY OF 'EM.  THE WORLD IS MY OYSTER.  Which is a good thing.  People LOVE oysters.  Can't get enough of them.  Specifically LIVING IN THEM.  Oysters is what Jews say who are really lazy about walking.  OY, stairs.  Now we gotta walk up some stairs?  FUGGEDABOUTIT.  Why did they turn into people who say Fudggedabout it.  Because it's a MIXED METAPHOR which are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED amongst the upper echelon of Writings.  Anyway in the process of chewing the last of the lollipop.  The tootsie roll part.  Amazing.  Got Mets game on pause.  At this point there's probably been about 10 minutes of Baseball since I paused it.  Not ready to catch up yet, though.  ALL IN GOOD TIME.  Hmm.  Oh.  Right.  Craft Light Beer.  That'll be fun.  IT BETTER BE AT LEAST.
Fourth paragraph of the Act III Part I!  Also put in order for Amazon Fresh for tomorrow afternoon.  Nothing new or exciting there, either.  Getting more Golden Graham Bars even though I still have a few.  This way I HAVE MORE.  JUST IN CASE.  In case of what I'm not sure.  It IS a case.  That's how things come.  IN CASES.  Oh okay so that's what I meant.  NOW I get it!  Remembered the gummy fruits I had gotten a day or two ago.  Wonder if I'll enjoy having them at some point.  I can see ENJOYING it.  I just can't see PICKING EATING THAT over ANYTHING ELSE.  But if I'm ever in a binge VERY reasonable to just rip open 5 packs of them and scarfing them down my gullet.  MIXED METAPHOR, scarfing and gullet.  You can scarf things down.  And you can pack your gullet with things.  But I don't think you can Scarf as a verb into your gullet as a noun exactly.  Gonna have to look into that one I guess!  The good news is I forget but I also forget any potential bad news so that's good news.  No news is good news.  Especially these days.  I've had it UP TO HERE with NEWS.  EXCEPT FOR GOOD NEWS.  Good news I'm OKAY with.
    Penultimate paragraph of the Act III Part I!  What Tales Crypt am I up to.  PRETTY SURE it's What's Cookin' starring Christopher Reeves.  Hey I was right.  Except about the guy's name.  There's only one of him.  No, "S," at the end of, "Reeve."  Oh okay I see.  Also he does a lot of standing and walking in this episode.  I hope he really appreciated that and got a kick out of it in the moment because as we all know eventually he stopped being able to do that.  And now he may be dead completely.  Can't do ANYTHING now.  Lemme LTURQ.  Yep.  He still is dead As Far As We Know.  Maybe he's still alive and it's being hidden from General Public.  Oh well ya win some ya lose some.  What else is going on and crap.  I feel like we had multiple Supermen on VHS and somehow I never watched a single one once.  LATER ON IN LIFE I eventually saw Superman III. I FEEL LIKE THAT'S IT.  I know how the music goes.  Superman music!  Gotta imagine that'll pay off somewhere down the line!  Huh. 
     HEY!  One more paragraph to go before recess.  Just finished beer #2.  I have 4 or 5 NON Double Chocolate brownie NON Birthday Bar Quest Bars.  Either S'MORE or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.  YA KNOW WHAT MAYBE GO WITH ONE OF THOSE tonight.  They're in FRIDGE.  Maybe take them out of fridge TWENTY MINUTES before eating THEM.  Sure why not I like to do things.  That definitely qualifies as A Thing.  So that's great I guess.  What else is up.  About an hour and a half until the earliest I can go to bed.  And about an hour and 45 minutes until the LATEST I can go to bed.  The point is I got plenty of time to work with BUT ALSO Going To Bed Which Is Great is very much Within Play.  Within Reach.  Whatever you wanna call it-- it's gonna happen!  Hmm.  I guess I could still change my mind if I wanna take a walk now.  I don't wanna do that.  I'd have to get up and move around.  FOR LIKE 30 MINUTES.  I barely wanna move around AT ALL.  Anyway I'll be back here in 30 minutes but just Lay In Bed for that time instead.

    Ya know what?  Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough?  UN-refridgerated?  QUITE GOOD.  Probably wouldn't get it again-- it's slightly more calories and not good enough to justify that-- but I can appreciate it for the time being.  Anyway guess who isn't wearing pants anymore.  It's this guy with two thumbs.  Four if you count my big toes as thumbs.  Which I feel like you should if I want you to.  UP TO ME how my toes identify.  Maybe it's up to them.  TOES CAN'T THINK FOR THEMSELVES.  Anyway.  Quest bar is unique in that I actually kinda feel full after eating one.  Definitely unique among snacks-- possibly even unique among MEALS.  I feel satisfied MOSTLY after meals but it doesn't cognitivately register necessarily.  Whereas, while finishing a quest bar, I get a feeling in my gut OOP YEAH THERE WE GO that's good.  So that's good.  Huh.  What time do I gotta get up tomorrow.  8:30?  A.M.?  Sounds about right.  DNAGIT.
    Three paragraphs to go.
  Start beer #3!  It's a good METS GAME going on right now.  Not gonna un-pause it though!  Not until entry is over.  I have a way of doing things Today and I SHALL NOT STRAY.  I feel like Stray should be half of a palindrome.  I know in my HEAD that YARTS isn't a word but NOT IN MY HEART.  I guess.  What else do I have going for me.  Look Stray Arts is still a palindrome and is a phrase.  NOPE.  DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT.  ONLY WANNA DEAL WITH THE WORD, "YARTS," THANKS ANYWAY THOUGH FOR TRYING.  Sleeptime in about an hour.  Could be 40 minutes.  Could be SEVENTY minutes.  You get the general idea though.  You get the SPECIFIC idea.  I JUST FREAKIN TOLD YOU.  How difficult is this to comprehend!!!  Hmm.  Guess I have an option for breakfast tomorrow.  Balanced Breakfast or Classic Breakfast!  OBVIOUSLY it'd be nice to finish the egg whites for balanced breakfast BUT if I feel like I DESERVE A TREAT I could do a lot worse than Treating Myself To Classic breakfast!  What's going on again.
Penultimate paragraph.  I'd like to be done with this entry.  I'd like that a lot!  However it's not just gonna finish itself. I'm gonna have to MANUALLY hit KEY AFTER KEY on my external keyboard FOR A RELATIVELY LONG TIME until it's over, once and for all.  Doesn't seem fair but that's the world we live in!  I'd like to Live In The World some day.  Nice hole in the ground.  It sounds SAFE and COMFORTABLE.  Real COZY like.  Some holes are more appealing to live in than others.  Obviously.  I'm obviously imagining the most cozy hole possible.  THE POINT IS SURE WHATEVER I GUESS.  Do I still have allotment for Health Ice Cream Bar soon?  SURE DO!  Don't HAVE to have it.  But the smart money IS on ME HAVING LOW CALORIE ICE CREAM BAR.  Less calories than ice cream cone or Fun New Ice Cream Thing.  THAT'D BE either 120 or 130 calories.  I'M THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING 80-100 CALORIES.  C'MON GET REAL I'M NOT GONNA INDULGE THAT MUCH GET SERIOUS ABOUT THINGS.  Hmm. 
   How have I been doing about Not Grazing On Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  NOT VERY WELL thanks for bringing up a Sore Point.  YOU ASSHOLE.  Still have a hard time estimating how much calories A Cinnamon Toast Crunch is.  Off the top of my head Each Cinnamon Toast Crunch is like 3-6 calories.  IF YOU WANT ME TO DO BETTER THAN THAT I'm gonna have to EXPLICITLY try to count it out.  And I don't think you want me to do that!  I'm of better use doing other things.  I don't know WHAT.  But it's safe to assume BETTER USES OF MY TIME TAN THAT.  So that's good.  Guess I'll watch WHAT'S COOKIN' when this is over.  Maybe take pills HALFWAY THROUGH.  So I'm ready to slumber myself out by the time the entry is over.  Episode.  By the time the EPISODE is over.  Oh Okay Sure.  Well, another day down.  Not sure WHY.  But it definitely HAPPENED.  SEE YA TOMORROW.
-9:42 P.M.




Wednesday, August 17, 2022

This Is All I Could Think Of

    Hey!  About an hour and a half behind schedule! Gonna be taking walks at normal times, but I'm short one from earlier in the morning!  Probably gonna have a bonus walk either after supper or after Act III Part I.  Or just skip a walk!  PROBABLY BONUS WALK AS OF NOW.  Anyway.  No MightNight snacking last night at all!  I don't think so at least!  Had Classic Breakfast of Pop Tart + Ice Cream Sandwich.  Still got egg whites for two balanced breakfasts!  But I have no regrets about having Classic Breakfast today.  There's a reason it's classic.  Cause it's great!  That sort of thing!  What other kinda Housekeeping do I gotta say in Paragraph I.  Get everything important out of the way.  Lunch is probably Fried Calamari.  Unless I save that for tomorrow.  Main alternative would be Double Breakfast Pockets I guess.  Probably just have the calamari!  Dinner will probably be part II of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom!  ALMSOT DEFINITELY.  You know that sort of thing.  Wearing my WILCO shirt today.  Tightest shirt I have left I think!  SMALLEST at least.  Still fits fine.  Gut not protruding too much.  GREAT.
    Okay now it's time to get into some FUN stuff.  I dunno kinda too tired to come up with fun stuff.  Then again I owe it to YOU and MYSELF.  And possibly even other people I HATE THEM SO MUCH.  Hmm.  I'm gonna be honest.  KIND OF like Other People just as much as I like you!  A little bit!  I feel neutral-positive about you AND other people.  Not for the same reasons.  YOU got some things going on that Other People don't, and vice-versa.  WHAT DOES VERSA mean in latin.  I know what VICE means.  No I don't.  Better LTURQ.  The COMBO of words literally means, "Turn Around," or, "The Other Way Around."  I KNEW THAT ALREADY.  What do the words mean INDIVIDUALLY.  IN LATIN It's not Vice it's based on. It's VICIS.  Which means, "To change," or, "To Turn."  Wait now I got confused.  Maybe those words are the substitute for VERSA not VICE.  But then what does VICE mean.  Means kind of what it means in English.  LOOK I'm more confused now than I was before.  You're probably even more confused than I am!  That SUCKS.  The good news is WE GET TO MOVE ON.  There's no TEST on this later.  We've learnt nothing but THERE'S NO NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES for it!
    YEAH.  Here's a fun story I LIKE THE PANTS I'M WEARING RIGHT NOW.  Changed into them 2-4 days ago.  Really fitting nicely.  Gotta use a belt but besides that just CONFORMS to the shapes of my lower half in a COMFY way.  Mets suffered another starting pitcher injury last night.  Just their luck!  People sometimes get hurt.  I guess it's better than people dying.  I feel like it's very rare that there's Deaths of active players during the major league season.  Not bad!  I GET that people in their 20's and 30's are less likely to die than elderly people.  But you'd still expect A DOZEN OR SO deaths of active players a year!  What's a current roster, 26 players?  Let's round up to 30 players who get a decent amount of time over the year.  30 teams.  900 people.  And I'd remember if there was even ONE death a year.  SHOULD BE LIKE 50 I feel.  Ok that's high.  SHOULD BE LIKE 5.  Anyway baseball prolongs the life I guess!  Good for them.  Starting to put together Super Market order for Friday.  Good deal!  What else is up.  Hmm.
Aiming to finish this Act within about an hour.  Sooner is fine.  Later by 5-15 minutes is fine even!  An hour should do it though.  What do I got going on for me today.  More Tales In The Crypt one would assume!  Mets game at 7:20 PM.  STOP DOING THAT.  They keep doing 7:00-7:30 Games.  WE, THE FANS, want AFTERNOON GAMES.  I feel like THIS SHOULDN'T BE DIFFICULT.  Mets calling up highly touted prospect!  SEE he wasn't on 26 man roster YET but he will be now!  THIRD BASED MAN.  2nd best prospect in the system!  What's this jerk's name.  Brett Baty?  Better LTURQ.  YEP that's his name exactly.  Been pronouncing it in my head Bait-ee.  Let's see if that's right.  Let's see if I can even see if that's right.  YEP just saw someone say his name on youtube.  I got it perectly!  ALSO got the Brett part right but I'm not gonna brag about that.  THAT ONE was pretty easy to figure out.  Hmm.  Looks like they have Delicious New Ice Cream Thing I Like in stock for this week.  GREAT JUST MY LUCK.  Yep!  What else.  Coffee after next paragraph!
    Wonderful.  Gonna have plenty of time, just great.  Not enough time to fit in a walk before having to add it up late in evening.  But enough time to Do Everything Else comfortably.  Anyway.  One of the reasons I motivated myself to not skip an entry today is because IT'D MESS UP me telling you the National Foods Of Tomorrows.  So here I am.  And here I go!  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Ice Cream Pie Day and Pinot Noir Day.  Hmm.  Ice Cream Pie.  What The HELL.  Once I got over the SHOCK of seeing such a concoction it SOUNDS good.  It LOOKS good.  It TASTES GOOD I would assume.  Pinot Noir.  That's WINE I bet.  I'm a smart guy and I'm BETTING IT ALL on it being wine.  YEP I WAS EXACTLY CORRECT.  Amazing.  What else do I got going on for me.  Nothing good so far this entry. I feel like hopefully we've all come to accept that it takes me a long time to build up to saying anything halfway decent!  Then again if you accepted it you probably would have decided to abandon reading website. I'm still stuck here writing it while you've moved on with your life and will never read this sentence.  GOD DAMN IT.  Coffee time!
    Hey great just great.  Five paragraphs to go until The Next Thing.  Which is a walk!  Normally the walk around that time will be Walk #3 in park.  Now it's Walk #2 in Street.  Mostly sidewalks.  I do have to cross the street several times.  Hmm.  Lemme crunch the numbers.  I think 5 or 6 times.  So that's good.  Nice Stress Test.  Make sure 4-6 times I'm not getting hit by a car.  Also does that count times I walk by DRIVEWAYS SO TO SPEAK.  Not streets but entrances/exists to parking lots and crap.  I dunno that's a tough one not sure whether to include that or not.  Hmm.  Kinda not in the mood for calamari as of now!  Still three hours away though.  Plenty of time to get into mood!  I had a couple pieces last night with dinner cause small portion of steak.  LIKED IT THEN!  No reason to think I wouldn't like it again UNLESS I'm REALLY not in the mood for it.  I guess.  OK time to get into some Worthwhiledness.  Clean up room today.  That's worth whiled ness FOR ME.  Great.  What if I had a CLASSIC LUNCH.  TWO Pop tarts and an iced cream sandwich.  Then I'd be DUMB that's what.
Seventh paragraph!  Let's go for it.  Still got ham, turkey, and veggie burger potential sandwiches.  Saving them for Upcoming Friday-Thursday week.  But if I really needed to I could have one for today!  WHY would I really need to.  I dunno DUMB REASONS MAYBE EVER THINK OF THAT?  Ugh.  How did I do No MightNight snacks last night.  What did I do different that led to success.  Not sure.  Hmm.  I don't think I did anything different.  Must have been different circumstances or something!  But I don't think I made any conscious moves or anything.  Hmm.  Kinda getting tired of Liz Cheney Praise.  Look she's doing good on January Sixth Committee.  She's not batshit crazy like other Republicans.  I can APPRECIATE that.  But c'mon.  She'll ultimately be okay professionally.  She's not ruining her entire future or anything.  Very good chance she's setting herself up to make a big rebound comeback politically not so far down the line if Country Somehow Makes Moves In Right Direction.  Which is what I hope for.  RIGHT DIRECTION?  COUNTRY?  SIGN ME UP!
     Anyway what else is up.  Eighth paragraph!  What kind of ADULT goes by LIZ.  How old is this adult.  I'd guess she's Oh I Don't Know FOURTY NINE.   Let's LTURQ.  WOW she's 56!  I was right.  Divisible by 7!  That was the main point I was trying to make when I said fourty nine.  I knew it was a certain amount of Seven Year Periods.  I thought it was 7 when it was actually 8!  JUST OFF BY ONE.  What else is going on and crap.  Seven Year Periods.  Is that a thing?  Hmm.  I know you hear stories about this guy hiccupped constantly for thirty years and make him want to kill himself.  Can you have a Seven Year Peroid.  My guess?  ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE IF YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO IT.  Ugh.  What Tales In The Crypt am I up to.  Jus finished EASEL KILL YA.  Let's see.  UNDERTAKING PARLOR?  That's the one with THE KIDS.  Wonderful.  I like the one who looks like a young Joseph Gordon Levvitt but ISN'T.
Ninth paragraph.  How about that.  Liz Cheney-- PRO IRAQ WAR or ANTI.  Despite all the praise I think we should just assume she agrees with Republicans on everything except for Insurrection Coup.  Wait didn't she vote to preserve gay marriage or something lately.  Better LTURQ.  YEP she EVOLVED on Gay Marriage.  Amazing.  The point is before 2020 she argued with people over WHO WAS TRUMPIER.  In the TRUMPIER = BETTER direction.  Wow what a progressive hero.  Anyway.  SHE LENT REPUBLICAN CRED to January Sixth committee.  LOOK I DON'T WANNA ARGUE.  Especially cause I'm the only one here!  THE MORE I ARGUE WITH MYSELF THE STUPIDER I LOOK.  SO that's good.  Hmm.  Ugh.  Just did a quick scan of wikipdia Liz Cheney Positions On Issues and it's TERRIBLE.  First thing I saw was she's okay with using Nukes First.  Then I saw a paragraph or two later saying she's good with torture and waterboarding.  That's enough for me!  Not a Politics Hero!  I GET THE JIST based on those two Quick Scans.
    Last paragraph of the Act!
  Plenty of time to work with is the point.  ONE OF THE POINTS.  What was it that made Liz Cheney against Insurrection Coup.  I mean reasonable people can see how it's bad.  But she's not reasonable based on all these wingnut positions!  So what was HER impression of it that made her ANTI-it.  Oh well guess we'll never know.  Presumably they'll start Called Up Prospect in Mets game today.  You wanna get him in on the action right away!  That'd be fun to watch.  See this guy hit a double.  Homerun is too much to ask!  I wanna see him hit a nice DOUBLE or something.  Let's go for that.  REALLY BIG BAKED POTATO with dinner.  Had ZERO of it last night-- had the soup instead!  But GOING FORWARD each of next two Meals Out Of It are gonna have LOTTA baked potato to it!  So I guess that's pretty good at least.  Hmm.  If I TWERE to have calamari as I probably TWILL I gotta decide COLD MICROWAVE OR OVEN.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  I'll be back in a little bit!




So This Is What I've Settled On Saying

    Hey!  Walk on City Streets actually involves me crossing the street more like 10-12 times!  Half of which don't even involve a StopLight or anything.  BUT STILL definitely qualify as TWO WAY STREETS.  So I got that going for me is the point!  Probably gonna microwave calamari for lunch today.  In Oh I Don't Know 1.75-2 hours from now.  So I got that going for me, too!  Is it possible that Liz Cheney had internalized, either consciously or not, guilt over her Dad stealing a presidential election so when it came up again she was like NOT THIS TIME I WON'T STAND FOR IT.  Seems pretty reasonable.  The point is lemme write five paragraphs.  Probably would have time to take a shower after Act II before next walk BUT I think I'm gonna take shower after next walk!  That's my impression!  Gonna have some downtime though.  NOT A LOT.  JUST A BIT.  You idiots.  Not sure if I'm gonna have any snack before lunch.  OKAY I THINK WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP.  I SAID THE THING ABOUT HOW MANY TIMES I CROSS THE STREET RIGHT.  YEP.
During walk in park I think I cross the street maybe half a dozen times.  So that's fun.  Four paragraphs to go for Daytime Day!  If I'm skipping snack before lunch then that could make up for 1 less walk.  But I like the idea of a BONUS EVENING WALK.  KINDA SEEMS LIKE IT MIGHT BE FUN.  Nice walk in the park.  Maybe sun BEGINNING to set.  Lemme LTURQ.  Sun begins to set at 7:50 PM.  Probably would start my walk right around then!  Maybe 10-20 minutes later.  MIGHT, JUST MIGHT, start to feel the effects of Sun Beginning To Set. Could be good!  Could be GREAT.  Could be AMAZING.  Could be SURPRISINGLY MEDIOCRE.  Hmm.  Definitely clean up room this afternoon.  THE TIME HAS COME.  No wiping off and washing off all surfaces.  Just throw out trash more or less.  That's a lot!  TONS OF TRASH in my room.  I dunno about TONS.  Maybe a SINGLE TON.  YOU KNOW 2000 POUNDS.  Which is the 1993rd sequel to that Will Smith movie.  May have made that joke before.  Either way LET's ENJOY IT.  Also is 1993rd sequel off by 1 or 2 numbers in one direction or the other to be accurate?  SURE MAYBE.
Hmm.  What's been notable about this entry so far.  Bragging about how many times I cross the street.  It's bragging because so far I'VE ALWAYS BEEN SUCCESSFUL.  Both GOT TO THE OTHER SIDE and AVOIDED GETTING HIT BY CARS.  100%.  Have I ever been hit by a car in my life?  Even if it just GRAZED me?  I don't think so.  I'd remember a thing like Getting Hit By A Car.  Maybe I've HIT CARS.  Plausible there's a parked car and I'm not looking and I accidentally walk into a parked car.  I'd say I'D REMEMBER THAT TOO but it's more likely than a car HITTING ME.  Hmm.  Also the joke why did the chicken cross the road and then the answer is to get to the other side makes NO SENSE.  The joke is lol duh it's the obvious answer you're over thinking it.  The chicken just wanted to get to the other side.  CHICKENS DON'T KNOW WHERE THEY'RE GOING.  They just wander around back and forth WITH NO REASON.  I DOUBT this chicken actually WANTED to get to the other side ACTIVELY.  Just happened to be going in that direction BY CHANCE without any real PURPOSE.  Hmm.  Makes sense.  LOTS of sense.
Maybe I'm just thinking of domesticated chicken.  I can't picture domesticated chicken wanting to go from Point A to Point B because THEY NEVER GET THE CHANCE.  Wild chickens?  I guess it makes sense that they'd move around from here to there and back again on purpose.  Gonna have to look into that one.  What else is going on.  Fourth paragraph of Act II!  This is going great.  I'm gonna have a solid 15 or so minutes before I can take Walk III!  I'll read SOME TWITTER.  LOTS OF IT.  Not 100% catching up since last night I don't think!  But over 2/3rds I feel.  THAT'S A RELIEF.  For some reason.  So basically THE RIGHT joke is Why did the chicken cross the road and the other guy says why and the answer is who knows why anything happens, just mere chance.  It's not HAHA funny.  Jokes are meant to be ACCURATE not to be FUNNY.  That's been MY EXPERIENCE at least.  What else is going on.  Did I mention I'm leaning towards microwaved calamari for lunch?  Probably!  Probably was the FIRST THING I mentioned.  It's THAT important.  NOPE IT WAS THE SECOND THING.  First thing was Bragging About Crossing The Streets.
    One more paragraph to go!  What if I ALWAYS get up this late and ALWAYS take a bonus walk after dinner.  THAT DOESN'T SOUND RIGHT.  It SOUNDS right but it doesn't FEEL right.  Also LOOKS way off.  Hmm.  Anyway first walk today in park I stepped over EXTREME BRANCH AND STICK OBSTACLE to go down Quarter-way-pathed-path to walk up INCLINE.  Instead of normal path where Tree Used To Be.  Wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  A bit hard to walk over all these branches but DEFINITELY DOABLE.  So that's good I guess.  Wonderful.  Not sure what happens for lunch tomorrow.  Depends on what my parents get for communal dinner today!  I've got some ideas depending on what they get but I think I'm gonna play this one close to the vest.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as appropriate.  So that's good.  EASEL KILL YA featured Tim Roth.  This time around was the first time-- in anything!-- I consciously appreciated Tim Roth.  Seen him here and there.  HEARD HIS NAME hear and there.  Watched this episode 30 times.  Yesterday I was finally like hey this guy is Tim Roth and he's doing a good job acting.  So that's good and crap.  I'll be back tonight!




rambling on because it's fun

    Hello friends.  8:17 PM!  Gonna write an Act III Part I, then take a ReccessWalkSeven, then write an Act III Part II!  Sounds good.  FOODS-- delicious microwave calamari for lunch, delicious steak and stuffed mushroom part ii of iii for dinner, delicious sea salt caramel health ice cream bar now.  PROBABLY reward myself with THE GREATEST OF ALL FOODS THE BIRTHDAY BARR when I get back from FinalWalk.  Okay I think that's everything.  May have a BedTimeThing too.  LOOK it's time to move on with your lives.  Beer 1 now.  Beer 2 after RecessWalkSeven.  Hey New Metropolitan hit a homerun (best think you can do in baseball) in his first at bat (the thing where you stand around waiting to clobber a ball that some throws at you-- not quite AT YOU-- but VERY NEAR you-- sometimes they do throw it at you but that's considered in bad taste-- anyway you get the idea-- is this inside a parenthesis I can't remember for sure, I THINK IT IS.)  Anyway gotta imagine once I'm called up I'll hit a homerun in my first TWO at bats (the same thing as the first at bat but then you ALSO DO IT AGAIN a second time-- pretty much everything the same as the first time but later on in the night).
    Hmm.  DON'T LIKE THAT PARAGRAPH.  But what am I supposed to do.  EDIT?  I haven't edited things IN DECADES.  And I'm certainly not gonna start NOW for YOU.  Maybe LATER for you.  Or now FOR SOMEONE ELSE.  BUT NOT NOW AND FOR YOU.  Not sure why.  What else is up.  Any interesting happen while crossing the streets today.  Nope just a lot of success.  Ya take wins where you can!  Walking in the park 2 or 3 nights ago a guy was hassling me!  I had my earphones on and CORRECTLY did not remove them but he was following along side me a solid 90 seconds berating me about something.  I THINK he was criticizing me for Walking Like A Bitch.  But I jut left both ear buds in, didn't look at him, just kept going.  90 seconds is a long time for this interaction to go on!  But I MADE IT.  Also am I walking like a bitch?  I didn't think about it beforehand.  Now I guess I have to assume yes I am to some extent.  Not sure what to do about that.  Probably nothing!  If I stop walking what appears like me walking like a bitch to this guy THE TERRORISTS WIN.
Hmm.  I think he's the terrorist in this scenario.  Was terrorizing me!  I feel like I could have been MORE terrorized but I think there was some small amount of terror inspired!  He was VERY MUCH hostile to me.  Not just being a jerk.  Like he wanted to hit me or something.  OH WELL that's life.  People are gonna wanna assault you a lot-- that comes with the territory of Living Your Bet Life!  The point is I DON'T KNOW HOW ELSE TO WALK.  I'M SORRY.  Hmm.  Maybe walk on my heels more.  Or less.  Or something.  I can't explain it but I'm starting to conceptualize Different Ways To Walk.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses!  Anyway made a lot of progress with watching Tales In The Crypt today.  Totally watched five or so episodes.  GIVE OR TAKE A FEW.  WELL WHICH ONE IS IT, give or take.  COULD BE EITHER.  THAT SOUNDS LIKE WAY TOO VAGUE.  Oh well ya take Vaguenessess where you can get them.  Got delicious Breaded Chicken Sandwich on Toasted Garlic Bread from Deli for lunch tomorrow.  Gonna make those half sandwiches OPEN FACED sandwich.  Get a SALAD upcoming week from Super Market.  PAIR BONUS BREAD WITH SALAD.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT ALREADY.
Anyway.  Got less stuff from Super Market this week so I could get a delicious DoorDash Multi-Part Lunch.  NEVER GOT ONE ANYWAY.  I consider it a huge missed opportunity but also at the same time I lived my Bet Life and did what I think was right in each and every Lunch Moment.  Could have gotten Chocolate Babka from Deli.  Probably would have enjoyed eating it.  But on the other hand it also has calories in it.  Calories are bad for you.  They make you gain fat-weight.  The human body WAS NOT DESIGNED TO INTAKE CALORIES.  What else is up.  Wearing pants and everything even though it's NightTime.  Gonna be taking a walk soon.  What you want me to have to PUT MY PANTS BACK ON?  WHEN I COULD JUST LEAVE TEM ON IN THE FIRST PLACE?  You've gotta get your Logic checked because that makes NO SENSE.  Sixth Sense.  SPOILER ALERT THE KID THINKS HE SEES GHOSTS.  I doubt that very much!  Huh.  Spent 12-15 minutes throwing out garbage in my room.  YEP.  LOTS OF GARBAGE.  LOOK it may have only been 10 minutes.  Let's amend that.  10-17 minutes.  IF WE'RE EXPANDING LOW-END-ESTIMATION BY TWO we better also be adding HIGH-END-ESTIMATION BY TWO.  OTHERWISE I WON'T SUPPORT THIS AMENDMENT.
Penultimate paragraph of the Act III Part I!  Anyway.  I say it's probably right around 50/50 whether I actually was walking like a bitch or whether this guy was misinformed or something.  I'll STRONGLY CONSIDER the possibility he's totally right.  But I'll EQUALLY STRONGLY CONSIDER nope I'm walking like a Dude and this guy is just CONFUSED.  Either way oh well what can ya do.  Try not to take walks in the park during that period of the day to minimize the chances I run into him again.  Maybe he'd like me better if I was running, I dunno.  Maybe he'd think I was running like a bitch.  If I ran AWAY from him that's bitch-like.  If I run INTO HIM that's A POWER MOVE.  So maybe I should consider that.  Consider what.  I FORGET IT'S NOT IMPORTANT.  Also I figured this went without saying, but I guess it doesn't-- I don't WANT to walk like a bitch.  If I had a choice I'd choose NOT to.  That's how I feel!  I'M ENTITLED TO FEEL THUSLY AND I THUSLY FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT IT.  Hey one more paragraph I guess.
    Mets game back from Rain Delay.
  They were delayed for a while.  RAIN delayed.  Anyway looks like I'm gonna be leaving for my walk right around 9:00 PM.  Give or take 5 minutes.  WHICH ONE, give or take.  It could be either!  THAT SOUNDS LIKE A LIE I can't imagine how that could POSSIBLY be true.  Yet it is.  I stand by the estimate!  Either way guess I'm going to bed roughly half an hour later than usual more or less.  That's life I guess.  More or less.  Wednesday night.  Nothin' wrong with that.  Leads into a Tomorrow Morning.  Wait I mean a THURSDAY Morning.  Every Current Night leads into a Tomorrow Morning.  There's nothing NEW or NOTABLE or INTERESTING about that.  HOWEVER Tomorrow being a Thursday IS New and NOTABLE and/or INTERESTING.  So that's where we're at in our National Discourse this entry Act III Part I.  What else is up.  Maybe take Birthday Bar out of fridge before walk.  So it's unfridged for 30 minutes.  JUST TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS.  IF NOTHING ELSE I AM A SCIENTIST FIGURING OUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I DO THINGS.  Huh.  I'm gonna go now.  Be back soon!

    HEY!  Enjoyed my night-time walk a lot.  So much so I'm considering doing it again tomorrow night!  Presumably as an EIGHTH walk as opposed to getting up later again as I did today.  I don't know why.  I don't know Why For Anything.  All I can tell you is it was a Nice, FUN Walk!  I can ALSO tell you I enjoyed Birthday Barr right now but NOT AS MUCH if it were HARDER.  CAUSE OF FRIDGERATION.  Oh well ya win some ya lose some.  My experience is you win about 43%, lose about 57%.  Not so bad!  Not so great, either!  All in all I'd settle for that Glass-Is-Slightly-More-Than-Half-Empty.  Because IT COULD BE WORSE.  That's my philosophy.  Even if it's EVEN MONEY, still settle for something Bad JUST ON THE OFF CHANCE it ends up even worse.  NOT SURE IF THIS MAKES SENSE.  And if it does TO WHAT EXTENT.  My feeling is that PERSONALLY It makes sense to about a 90% Extent TO MYSELF.  Which is pretty good all things considered.
Three paragraphs to go!  That's good.  Wore NYU Sweatshirt Jacket on walk!  The first 5 minutes it was necessary.  The next 10 minutes it was comfortable enough.  The last 15 minutes I WAS TOO WARM.  Look we have to make difficult decisions in life sometimes and we're often in situations where NO decision pays off 100%.  Gotta make decisions anyway!  Go figure!  What else is going on and crap.  Probably just get ready for bed after this entry is over.  I could watch half of a Tales In The Crypt episode.  I'm up to YELLOW.  I'll watch up until the KEY POINT THE CHARACTER GOES YELLER.  Look he's Yeller most of the episode but there's a midpoint to the entry that's perhaps the most important Gone Yeller Time.  So that's something to consider I guess!  Hmm.  Sure I considered only having a golden graham bar after getting home from my last walk.  Instead of a birthday bar.  But I didn't!  Oh okay I see.
    Penultimate paragraph!
  Let's see, what else can I say that will take up space and get me further to doing the next thing I'm going to do.  Man oh man next thing I'm gonna do is ALMOST go to bed.  I woke up later today so I'm not as Ready For Bed as I would normally be at this time of day.  But I WILL be ready for bed soon and it'll be GLORIOUS.  CAUSE I WILL COMPLIMENT BEING READY FOR BED WITH GOING TO BED.  That's a winning combination if I twever heard one!  What else is going on.  Mets were winning 6-1 10 minutes ago.  Now it's 6-5!  Sounds like a scam.  Or maybe it sounds like they were doing well and then had a bad 10 minutes.  CAN'T IT BE BOTH.  I don't think so!  Pretty sure it's not a scam!  Think they just had a very poor ten minutes, that's all!  Anyway they still might win the game on account of being ahead and also on account of there being more game to play.  You put those two together and you got TWO SOLID REASONS why they still may or may not win!  Hey One More Paragraph time.
Sure.  Great.  Listened to some The Pixies tonight.  Browsed around their CATALOGUE.  Listened to Oh I Don't Know SEVEN OR EIGHT SONGS OVERALL.  Good deal.  HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU THE STORY about how I used to think The Pixies were British?  WHAT?  I HAVE?  BUT YOU LIKED THE STORY SO MUCH YOU WERE WAITING FOR ME TO TELL YOU AGAIN AS I THUSLY JUST DID?  WELL THAT'S GREAT!!!  Amazing.   Think I'm gonna get the mini black &/v whites from Super Market.  For breakfasts.  2.5 black and whites is a breakfast.  Haven't gotten that in a while!  BUT IT'S GREAT and IT'S GONNA BE GREAT.  I hope.  Haven't watched a Shutter Film in a while.  I hope.  Maybe I've done it without realizing it.  That'd be SPOOKY.  The point is is this a paragraph yet?  I feel like we're getting pretty deep into this blob of sentencesthatI can accurately decide that I've written enough of it to move on with my life.  YEAH.  LET'S GO WITH THAT.   I'll see ya tomorrow!

-10:25 P.M.




Tuesday, August 16, 2022

That's An Interesting Sequence Of Words

    Hey!  About twuenty minutes behind schedule today!  Should be able to fit in everything on schedule more or less from this point forward!  So that's good.  Hey, I wore my new shirt today!  Wasn't uncomfortable material!  Wasn't too warm in today's weather.  Looked kinda weird I think!  Same color as my jeans.  I MATCH AND I DON'T LIKE IT.  Either way that's not my problem.  I don't have to look at myself.  In fact I go out of my way to try not to!  HEY Had over MightNight Snacking last night.  That's part of life!  Had balanced breakfast today!  That's part of life!  I think we're all caught up and crap.  Now all I have to do is write 9.5 paragraphs of vaguely worthwhile things.  AND QUICK.  Maybe not QUICK.  But I can't LOLLYGAG too much.  Which I assume is a word coined by the guy who wrote Alice In Wonderland.  Whoever that was.  Carroll was the last name?  Lewis Carroll.  I feel like for his body of work we should know his name better!  Maybe WE do.  The NOT Royal We.  The Royal We DOESN'T.  Either way hmm.  Maybe have ham sandwich for lunch.  Hmm.
Yeah!  I read Alice In Wonderland in English class.  Probably junior year.  Maybe senior year!  I remember the part where Crap Happens.  Something about a Wonderland.  And a character named Alice.  And the very IN.  "In," is a verb.  You're IN something.  You're VERBING at it by being IN it.  Better LTURQ.  Google WHAT KIND OF WORD IS, "IN."  Preposition, Noun, Adjective, or Adverb.  NOTABLY ABSENT?  VERB.  Verb is in Adverb. NOTICEABLY INCORRECTLY PRESENT?  VERB.  You can't be IN A PLACE without CHANGING a place.  It's like that Heisenberg Formula but slightly more incorrect.  So by being IN a place you ARE changing it THUS SOUNDS LIKE A VERB TO ME.  I'll be waiting my Nobel Prize in Theoretical Grammar.  Probably do other stuff while I'm waiting.  It could be a YEAR till they wrap back around to the yearly Nobel Prizes and give me mine.  I assume Nobel Prizes are annual.  Better LTURQ as it could effect me.  YEP those suckers are every year.  Gotta imagine there's a Raspberries version of Nobel Prize and they give them to the dumbest people.
    Okay!  Probably either have ice cream sandwich with ham sandwich OR have delicious ice cream with candy coated chocolate shell for upcoming snack.  I LIKE ME SOME ICED CREAM.  It's delicious AND a palate cleanser.  Not sure why my palate constantly needs cleansing.  None of my business!  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... NOTHING.  The very rare day where website suggests NO FOOD HOLIDAYS AT ALL.  Hmm.  What should I celebrate personally and then try to make catch on among other people.  Is there a National Toe Nail day.  GROSS.  I don't EAT toe nails and I don't suggest anyone else does.  I SOMETIMES BITE THEM OFF and SPIT THOSE SUCKERS OUT.  SAFELY.  RESPONSIBLY.  Probably sounds gross to you.  Oh well.  I guess we'll never have sex now!  UNLESS YOU GET OFF ON IT.  Then our chances of having sex have actually increased.  Wow this paragraph is going great it looks like!  Haven't watched LOVED TO DEATH yet.  Get on top of that soon in the early afternoon!
    Fourth paragraph.  Amazing!  Have I gotten my Nobel Prize yet.  Not yet!  Maybe it's in the process of coming to me.  But no one's specifically handed it to me or anything over the last 5-10 minutes.  I don't want a nobel prize.  What good is it.  Unless it's made out of gold.  GOLD IS VALUABLE.  You can SELL GOLD FOR CASH.  And having cash is EVIDENCE OF A CONTRIBUTION TO MANKIND.  Sounds about right.  Got some coffee a-brewing!  Only 1.5 paragraphs away before I start transporting the coffee into my belly.  Anyway how bad was MightNight Snacking?  Aim for around 125 calories.  Probably had around 350!  THAT SOUNDS VAGUELY BAD.  UNSUSTAINABLY BAD.  Oh well sure ANYTHING is bad if you take into account it's not SUSTAINABLE.  Better LURQ whether Lewis Carroll was on lots of drugs when he wrote books.  Not seeing anything on drugs.  Apparently had a lot of other problems.  Had a STAMMER.  Also they suggest he might have suffered from a bout of pedophilia.  THESE KIDS CHARACTERS ARE SEXUALIZED?  I don't like it!  GET HIM AWAY FROM ME.
Fifth paragraph!  Not sure they had drugs in the 1800's.  Of course they did have you heard the good news about opium?  YES SOME.  Gotta figure I can microdose some opium at some point in my life.  Microdosing is a gateway drug!  IT LEADS TO DOING.  Which leads to MACROdosing.  Also which is Regular amount of drugs-- Dosing or MacroDosing.  I think it's just DOSING.  You have a normal amount of drug-- normal dose!  Macrodosing is taking TEN TIMES the amount of a regular dose.  GOOD LUCK WITH THAT.  I think some drugs wouldn't be any different.  If you overtake some drugs at SOME POINT the effect just MAXES OUT.  That's been my impression at least.  Either way good luck with that.  Hmm.  Mets lost yesterday!  Also suffered an injury or two!  That's life I guess.  Apparently!  It was part of our Life Universe YESTERDAY.  I just read the headline!  Hmm.  Maybe have delicious ice cream SNACK as upcoming snack.  Then something else as SandwichSide.  WHAT THE HELL I hear some piano music going on outside my window.  Maybe phone call waiting music.  On speaker phone.  Better LTURQ.
    YEP.  My Dad was on hold!  I said cal waiting but I MEANT on hold and I was RIGHT in what I meant.  NOBEL PRIZE PLEASE.  Anyway.  Got coffee and orange soda now.  Plenty of time to aim for to finish this act.  Let's say 45 minutes at the top end of what to aim for.  I can do that very easily!  Probably.  Had delicious 2 golden graham bars and one delicious keto bar over 2 snack times over MightNight.  ONE WAS GOLDEN GRAHEM.  The 2nd one was KETO BAR --> GOLDEN GRAHEM.  Great now I'm spelling, "Graham," wrong.  It wasn't intentually the first time!  SECOND TIME KIND OF INTENTIONAL.  I'll try to keep that in check.  Hmm.  WHY ISN'T, "INTENTUALLY," a word.  It's when you MEAN for something to be INTENTUAL.  This should definitely be a word.  Get Merriam OR Webster on the phone!  In fact get them both on the line we'll do a conference call.  Sixth paragraph almost done with.  I like that!  Gettin' pretty deep into the Responsibility Portion Of The Day already.  Anyway not sure what dinner gonna be.  Probably a communal dinner!  WHO KNOWS FOR SURE.
    SEVENTH PARAGRAPH FOR SURE.  Gotta be better ways to keep us Waiting on phone calls them dumb music.  NOTHING AT ALL would be better.  Some sort of REPEATING RINGING or BUZZING would be better.  Some sort of Customer Service TALKING phrases WOULD BE WORSE.  Maybe get some sort of BETTER MUSIC would be better.  Either way not happy with that status quo we got going on!  Not at all!  What else is up.  We should be able to CHOOSE our music.  No that can't be right.  Then we'd call them just to get on hold just to listen to our favorite music.  That's not good either!  I wonder what my Dad is on the phone about.  Could be practically anything!  I'm gonna have to remember to ask him about that later on!  HEY Mets game is at 7:20 PM tonight.  Possible I watch a chunk of that before getting started on Act III.  Possible I fast forward through Chunks Of That while IN THE PROCESS of Act III including THE PROCESS OF RECESS.  So that's good.  Speaking of BOOKS maybe I should read A BOOK.  That'd be WEIRD.  Either way this paragraph is over.
    How about that.  Kinda feel empty inside with no National Foods tomorrow.  You'd think I'd start feeling empty tomorrow.  I can still celebrate RUM and some ENERGY DRINK today.  Nope I feel in tune with Tomorrow's National Foods that's just the way it is.  Should I heat up thinly sliced super market ham in microwave?  WORKED FOR TURKEY.  No reason to think it won't work for ham!  SURE PLENTY OF RASONS.  Ham and turkey ARE WHOLE DIFFRENT BALL GAMES.  I don't think so.  Thinly sliced super market ham and turkey and VERY similar I feel.  We'll see how that goes anyway is the point.  SHOULD I UPDATE my GOAL DEADLINE for Act I? Sure!  Let's say twuentwy two minutes from now til finishing the act.  Not the same Actual Deadline as before!  I moved up the deadline because I CAN.  Ugh.  Deadline is the name of a Tales In The Crypt episode.  I like that episode just fine!  No spoilers but CRAP AND SHIT HAPPENS in the episode.  THEN AGAIN there's also parts of the episode where RELATIVELY NOT THAT MUCH is going on.  So that's good.  NAH everything in the episode serves a purpose.  THAT'S HOW TV WORKS.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!
  Some primary election today I think!  I don't like calling these PRIMARIES.  I think general election is the PRIMARY election.  These elections are SUPPLEMENTARY elections.  That's how words work SOMETIMES at least.  Interesting point I think!  Don't like all these buttons on this new shirt though.  Also for some reason the buttons are a little bit more difficult than PREVIOUS shirts with buttons I've worn.  I'm sure I'll get used to it QUICKLY but the first 2 or so times I tried buttoning this shirt wasn't quite as easy as I expected.  So that's good.  My mom said to leave bottom button unbottoned.  NOT SURE ABOUT THAT.  SOUNDS LIKE A TRICK.  Hmm.  Maybe I'll try it her way upcoming walk!  First walk was MY WAY.  BUTTONED.  I'm getting PRETTY SICK AND TIRED of the word, "Button."  Especially also saying the word, "Bottom."  TWO WORDS SOUND ALIKE and I DON'T LIKE THE SOUND OF EITHER OF THEM.  So that's good.  What else do I got going for me today.  Other than eating ice cream either as upcoming snack or with upcoming meal.  Well WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT.  That's PLENTY to have going for me!  I think I could use ONE or TWO more things Going For Me Today to make it a solid B- Day.  Hmm.
    Last paragraph of the act!  Didn't clean up my room yesterday or the day before or whenever it was I suggested that I might. Maybe I'll do it today for real!  Not an in depth cleaning.  Surface cleaning.  15 or 20 minutes spent on it!  Get the main things clean and whatknot.  So that's good.  What else do I have going for me.  Delicious standard white bread for lunch.  As the bread part, at least!  Maybe try toasting it!  I dunno if I wanna commit to that though.  IT's a big step!  CUT THAT SUCKER IN HALF EITHER WAY.  MAYBE INTO THIRDS.  Nobody would ever see that coming.  I dunno I'll think about it I guess.  Hmm.  What kind of playlist am I up to on Apple Music walkings.  I forget.  Possibly SUPERBLOOM.  Which is NEW MUSIC from presumably MOSTLY YOUNG PEOPLE across GENRES.  Is this POP music.  Or is it POP-POP PUNK music?  I dunno, but I know one thing for sure, it's SUPRBLOOM MUSIC.  So I get a kick out of that is the point.  Anyway hey the paragraph is over meaning the act is over!  I'll be back soon and whatknot.




Sounds Down Right Delicious

    Hey my mom was right!  Leaving bottom button unbuttoned is definitely the way to go!  Also this time around buttoning the shirt up was not a problem at all!  I'm getting the hang of this shirt and it's working out great.  I looked at my profile in reflective store window.  Profile looks fine wearing this shirt!  No problems there!  Anyway how much time am I allotting myself here.  Could take as much as 50 minutes.  Lets aim for a comfortable fourty minutes.  Probably clock in a minute or two below that even!  GREAT.  What else is going on.  What do I got going on for the main thrust of the afternoon.  You know the bulk of it.  Probably just Tales In The Crypts which is fine!  I got no problem with that!  Maybe I figure something else out, I dunno!  But I'm pretty okay with settling for Just Tales.  I feel like I'd enjoy the episode I have ON DECK if we consider the next episode I have to watch in the batter's box if I just paid close attention to it.  Started off not liking it at all!  Oh we're talking about CARRION DEATH by the way.  Then over time it grew on me!  And if I watch it intently for once I think I'd really like it!  JUST A HUNCH.
   Hmm.  Next episode can't be in batter's box.  I won't watch it for probably an hour and a half.  How long can episode be expected to hang around in the batter's box with nothing happening.  That's a long time to just STAND somewhere!  Anyway maybe get Steak * Seafood dinner tonight.  Yesterday steak seemed too heavy!  By tonight though I feel like a small portion of steak is reasonably not too heavy.  What else is up.  Now that main path in the park is unobstructed by tree they went ahead and OBSTRUCTED halfway-pathed path that I was using instead.  Put a bunch of sticks and branches and stuff to close that off.  WHY.  I should be able to go that way if I want to!  I don't know what their motive is to limit my options!  Don't wanna deal with a lawsuit if someone trips while climbing up incline.  What am I gonna do SUE THE PARKS DEPARTMENT?  Well I won't I'll be dead.  But my parents wouldn't either.  Probably not.  Maybe they would!  I can't speak to my parents litigation strategies once I'm dead.  Anyway what else is up.
    Three paragraphs to go!  Time just flies by.  For me.  Hopefully for you!  I feel like if you're just quick-reading the entry it will go pretty quick.  If you're reading intently though good luck with that.  I don't envy you I'll say that much.  Hmm.  Got some sour cream and onion pop chips.  That'd be a fine SandwichSide for lunch!  Nothing exciting!  But dependable.  And ya get a lot of it for a low amount of calories!  The good news is I DON'T CARE.  What do I got going on for me in the near and/or mid-term future.  We know I got NOTHING in the long term future.  We can reasonably assume Nothing for both near and mid-term, as well.  Hmm.  Probably even MORE nothing than long-term!  That's not great.  Then again Nothing is better than Definitely Negative Things.  I think.  Right?  Seems like it would be!  Got regular 100 calorie ice cream sandwich.  Either have that or special amazing 130 calorie ice cream snack I've RAVED ABOUT this past few days.
Well I guess we're all up to date now!  Good name or internet dating site.  UpToDate.com.  Not sure how they LEAN INTO making that pun.  But I'm sure they'll figure something out.  I think a lot of people are upset that PHOTOS on dating sites are old photos.  UPTODATE makes sure you got recent photos.  And they INVADE EACH USER'S PRIVACY to make that determination for sure.  Because how else would they!  Sounds like a great service sign me up.  Anyway.  I should probably also get a griddlecentric meal for lunch tomorrow!  Maybe next TWO lunches.  I've been having 2 chocolate chip pancake sized griddle meals for lunches and/or dinners.  Maybe should drop that back down to 1.5.  That's next two lunches if I wanna go that route.  Maybe I do, maybe I don't!  Maybe I definitely do Feelingwise but am not so sure Logicwise.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses!  Hmm. Gonna have to write one more paragraph.  That's it.  I can do that with my eyes tied behind my front.
    Yeah!  Gotta make a phone call today to re-up with a medication.  That will take a solid 120 seconds.  GREAT sounds like fun.  No Waiting Music there.  Might have to wait a bit but they just have a Buzzer-tone every few seconds.  And it's not like a 15 minute wait.  Maybe 5-90 seconds!  SEE I TOLD YOU IT'S FUN.  Now you can imagine it for yourself and I'm sure you'll agree with me in your imagination!  Sure.  Got some peppermint gum going on.  Also some wintermint but I'm probably gonna go with the peppermint for upcoming walk.  That might be all the flavors I have.  Normally I like to have 3-6 at a time but ya make do with what the universe gives ya.  OR YOU MAKE THE UNIVERSE GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT.  It's totally ON ME that I didn't order more other flavors of gum in advance.  I shouldn't blame the universe for MY mistakes.  Hmm.  Don't wanna end this act TOO early.  I'd feel a lot more comfortable if I finished the DayTime portion of Entry about 2 minutes from now.  Oh well what can ya do!  I'm done NOW!  See ya tonight.




no i don't think much of that

    Hello, friends.  I have some wonderful news!  I am HERE.  That's it.  That's The News!  Shall we get FoodCrapUpdateStuff out of the way?  Or start a PRECEDENCE STREAK of stopping to talking about that completelyhood.  I dunno feels like we should get it out of the way.  Steak and Stuffed Mushroom Part I of III tonight!  MATZOH BALL SOUP VERSION.  As opposed to Half A Potato version.  IT WAS GREAT.  Really small amount of steak for a Three Part Division.  JUST LIKE THE ROMAN TRIUMVERATE.  That wasn't small.  ROME WAS A HUGE EMPIRE.  TRIUMPHGATE left TONS of land for each Trimate.  Primate is what we are.  I assume eventually we will evolve into Trimates.  That's just SCIENCE.  Anyway I am sucking on a lollipop right now.  CHOCOLATE VERSION.  It tastes like chocolate when you're sucking it AND when you eventually bite down on it.  And when you're chewing it after biting down on it?  That's when it's EVEN THE MOST chocolate.  So basically LIFE IS GOOD, LIFE IS GREAT, WHEN YOU EAT CANDY IT SETS YA STRAIGHT.  Okay.  Met game is going on right now.  For some reason hesitant to put it on TV even just to pause it or have it on mute.  NO THANKS NOT TONIGHT.
     Hmm.  Taking out some recycblaes tonight.  You know what that's like!  It's like taking out garbage but you put it in A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT BIN.  Probably taking out some garbage tonight, too!  You know what that's like!  It's like taking out the garbage but BUT NOTHING IT'S THAT EXACTLY.  So that's good.  Wonder what kind of Main Indulgence Dessert I'll have soon.  Your guess is as good as mine.  Possibly BETTER.  You can come at it from an unbiased or tinted viewpoint, just looking at the facts and making a logical determination.  My guess would be too corrupted by FEELINGS or BIASES.  Oh well what can ya do.  I didn't clean up my room today.  I could clean it up during recess.  Feels wrong to do a Chore in the evening though.  This is really more of an Afternoon Activity.  So there's that.  I'm in the chewing process of lollipop right now.  It was great!  It still is!  But pretty soon I won't be able to say that.  VERY SOON it being Fun Chewing This will be SOLELY IN THE PAST.  Oh well that's life I GUESS?
    Hmm.  What if I had three more tootsie pops as indulgence dessert.  That's just the kind of CRAZY idea that... is either... good... or bad... huh.  Got fried calamari for TomorrowLunch.  Is that a Seafood Redundancy tomorrow?  SURE IS.  And do I care?  YES BUT IN THE POSITIVE SOMEHOW.  Weird how things work out that way!  The good news is Recycbles &/v Garbage is in 40 minutes.  I can SOLIDLY be INTO my recess by then.  I only have to write 3.5 paragraphs in that amount of time.  And all I have to do to write 3.5 paragraphs is just TYPE THE BORINGEST MUST DUMBEST POINTLITUDESS words and/or phrases MAN CAN EVER DARE TO DREAM.  Sounds good let's go DO THAT.  Will some real Crap Into Existence.  WITHOUT ME The Tangible World Of Crap would be MISSING SOME OF ITS CRAP.  Can't have that!  Anyway leaning towards Good Semi-Inuldant Dependable Fiber One Bar for upcoming snack.  WOW THAT'S GREAT.
What else is up!  I had cold ham sandwich.  Ham wasn't Hated Up.  Bread wasn't Toastered!  IT WAS GREAT NO REGRETS.  Didn't even cut the sandwich into halves or anything.  Anyway.  When was the last time I played guitar.  Gotta be 2-4 weeks since I even picked it up, right?  Why would you know.  Maybe you live next door to me and you're on top of that kind of thing.  Well which one is it.  NEXT DOOR or ON TOP.  Maybe you live IN TE BUILDING NEXT TO ME but ON THE STORY ABOVE.  In which case HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE.  GET OUT OF THERE YOU DON'T BELONG THERE.  Anyway.  Always fun when learning guitar and playing all the time your imaginated audience!  When I was in high school I DID have a neighbor who I was NOT friends with at all BUT was in my grade in Stuyvesant who PRESUMABLY could hear me play all day-- IN MY MIND.  In college OBVIOUSLY you imagine other people can hear you.  IMAGINED SUPPOSED AUDIENCE is very key to getting in your Guitar Hours.  Not sure why or how.  That's just HOW LIFE IS.
    Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  YOU KNOW THAT SORT OF THING.  Just finished beer #1.  To my imaginated audience!  Not sure if I even have neighbor on this side of my house.  I know that family is Long Gone.  Not sure if I've EVER seen anyone who replaced them.  I know neighbor on OTHER side of house INTIMATELY.  They're ALWAYS OUTSIDE THEIR HOUSE for some reason.  STAY INSIDE TE HOUSE SOME you paid good money for it WHY WOULD YOU SPEND SO MUCH MONEY ON HOUSE JUST TO HANG OUT IN FRONT OF THE FRONT DOOR ALL THE TIME you could have done that for FREE.  Maybe.  Is that legal?  If someone just hangs out in front of My Front Door indefinitely can I call the cops and have them removed?  Not sure.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Either way maybe I own the space outside my house by 5 or 10 feet MAYBE I DON'T.  Only one way to find out.  CHECK THE TORAH-- THE ANSWER TO ALL OF OUR LIFE'S QUESTIONS.
    YEAH.  Torah.  THAT'S JEWISH.
  If I had to be a religion I'd be Jewish AND THIS IS HOW I'D DO IT.  Ugh.  One more paragraph to go before Recess!  TORAH.  To RA.  RA IS EGYPTIAN SUN GOD.  TORAH IS A GYP they're trying to ACTUALLY GET US to follow Ancient Egyptian Theology.  RUN AWAY THE SCAM IS COMING FOR YOU.  Anyway.  Maybe just have delicious health ice cream bar or something for upcoming snack.  Ice cream is the greatest!  I feel like this isn't controversial!  May not be universally ACCEPTED but I don't think people who disagree are gonna make a big issue about it.  Because they're wrong and DEEP DOWN THEY KNOW THEY'RE WRONG.  Hmm.  Wearing an undershirt right now.  Look-- the new shirt was a surprisingly MOSTLY positive experience during the day.  But it's too heavy a shirt for inside-use during the night!  SURE I have to go outside for 20 seconds coming up.  I can do that in undershirt.  SURE I have to wear pants (OR DO I?).  We'll build that bridge when we get there!  Look the point is RECESS.  I'll be back in about 20 minutes! 

    Hey!  Been about 20 minutes!  Took out garbage along with recyclables!  Eating very hearty Chocolate Quest Bar.  I have no regrets!  Not yet!  Not done eating it yet!  Regret probably wouldn't kick in yet even if I TWERE to have it.  Why would I regret it it's perectly reasonable to have a snack now.  It's 40 more calories than the snack I previously considered.  WHO GIVES A FIG.  I feel like there was someone in the bible (THE REAL ONE) who gave a fig or something.  I might just be thinking of Fig Newtons.  I don't think that's the case though.  Anyway I finished BITING IN to Quest Bar and am IN THE PROCESS of finishing CHEWING IT.  SO FAR NO REGRET.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses!  Start beer #2 of 2.  That's good I guess.  WAIT A SECOND.  I think... I BELIEVE... I'M ALREADY ALMOST DONE WITH AN ENTIRE PARAGRAPH of Act III Part II.  THESE ARE ONLY FOUR PARAGRAPHS.  One paragraph down is VERY SIGNIFICANT.
    I SEE.  What else is up.  Saw a map on Twitter about where there'll be more Hot Days over the next few decades or something relative to what part of the country you're in.  SOUTH AND MID WEST seem to suffer the most from Bonus HeatWave Days.  Which I KIND OF LIKE because YA GET WHAT YA PAY FOR.  Then again NYC seemed to be in the midst of SOME increase of DangerHeatWave Days.  I DON'T LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT.  That's where I live NOW and presumably very good chance I WILL VONTINUE TO LIVE.  Sure I know how to spell continue-- WITH A C-- BUT I HAVE NO REGRETS.  Anyway ya get what ya pay for.  NOTHIN'.  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  What else is going on and crap.  At some point I should start to build up a reserve of Regrets about SOME things.  It's just a matter of When.  And WHAT.  So that's good.  What else is going on.  Getting dangerously close to the end of the entry.  Not sure why that's dangerous.  Dangerously PLEASURABLE.  Get to go to bed pretty soon after that!
    Wonderful.  Guess I'm probably watching a Tales In The Crypt coming up.  Which one is it.  Is it DEADLINE.  It's probably not Deadline.  But if it is I'M SURE GONNA LOOK LIKE A HUGE GENIUS.  Maybe it's Split Second.  I don't think it's Split Second, either!  Odds are against it!  Let's LTURQ.  OH EASEL KILL YA.  I should have seen that coming in retrospect.  On account of it being accurate.  I should see Everything Accurate Coming.  If I wanna Be RIGHT about things.  Which seems reasonable.  Man oh man I can't wait to watch Deadline or Split Second.  I bet those are coming up pretty soon all things considered!  Split Second is 4 episodes a way and Deadline is RIGHT AFTER that one.  Oh okay great so basically tomorrow.  Tomorrow I'm gonna get to both Split Second and Deadline.  So now I've got not just something to look forward to but MULTIPLE things to loook forward to!  This is great!  Heard Wolfgang Peterson died.  I know him from the period of time where I was really into Movies when I was 11 or so!  Lemme LTURQ what his FILMOGRAPHY was.  Not a huge fan of any of these movies.  I may not have SEEN any of these movies.
    I think I saw Never Ending Story as part of a Queens College Class.  Can't say for certain.  If I saw a Never Ending Story I'd KNOW IT because I'd STILL BE WATCHING IT.  That checks out I think?  Hmm.  Well I think I nailed that one.  Moving on, though!  Almost done with the entry.  Maybe skip any more future dessert snacks tonight.  Had too much Cinnamon Toast Crunch throughout the day!  If that TWEREN'T the case I'd feel comfortable having Health Ice Cream Bar.  But ON ACCOUNT OF CEREAL maybe forego the NightTime IceCream.  Then again Nothing Really Matters so who cares.  Hmm.  Just finished beer #2.  More or less right on time!  I get to move on with my life pretty soon!  After Spell Check.  I don't think I'm being facetious when I say Automated Spell Check is the most work I do over the course of the day.  SO MANY WRONG WORDS.  So many times I have to either PICK the right word, CHOOSE to spell it wrongly, or... gotta be a third or fourth result of spell check... Hmm.  I like choosing to spell things wrongly.  It happens VERY often as you may have concluded!  Well that's it.  Seee ya tomorrow.  Ya IDIOTS.

-9:31 P.M.




Monday, August 15, 2022

Can I Just Start The Paragraphs Already

    Hey!  About an hour and a half AHEAD of schedule today.  Woke up and Felt Like Getting Up!  AMAZING!  Either easily fit in a bonus walk before my Dad's walk-- bringing my walks up to EIGHT today instead of seven-- or take a long break or something at some point.  Right now Extra Walk makes the most sense but then again I WOULDN'T MIND A LYING DOWN BREAK.  So that's good.  Overate for MightNight Snack!  Don't remember exactly.  Either 150 or 275 calories OVERBOARD I think.  Either 2 or 3 Goldon Graham Barrs is the point.  So that's not great.  Finished Freedom Toast for breakfast!  Put it in microwave!  Put artificial sweetener sprinkled on top!  Maybe I will have bonus snack on account of having Bonus Awake Time I DUNNO.  Either way METS GAME at 7:20 PM.  Monday.  It's a MONDAY NIGHT BASEBALL GAME.  So what.  Why does everything have to be a SO WHAT.  Why can't I just SAY THINGS.  That DON'T MATTER AT ALL.  Interesting counterpoint.  Relatively cool out there today!  Wore a relatively warmer shirt!  Go figure!
    What else is going on and crap.  Not much to say today.  Not much to say ANY day.  Usually I figure out some bullshit to fill paragraphs nonetheless!  Hmm.  Lunch today TWERE IT INSIDE FOOD would be Ham Sandwich or Double Breakfast Hot Pocket.  What outside food could I get???  Chinese Food FEELS wrong.  And you can't argue with a feeling.  There can be things MORE than a feeling.  Probably an ACTION or maybe a THOUGHT.  Or an EVEN STRONGER FEELING.  One shared not just by yourself but by OTHERS.  A FEELING OUT OF CONTROL.  Hmm.  National Foods Of The Tomorrow are... National Rum Day and National Energy Multiplier Day.  WHAT THE HELL IS HAT.  A kind of alcohol.  NO NOT RUM THE OTHER ONE.  Better LTURQ.  Some sort of Business Drink.  Not a NATURAL drink.  FAKE DRINK MADE BY BUSINESS.  With different ingredients to make you ENERGIZED.  Mostly caffeine as far as I can tell.  Anyway GET THIS OFF THE NATIONAL FOOD PAGES.  DOESN'T BELONG.  I feel very strongly about this!  Hmm.  What if I got pizza again.  That'd be DUMB that's What If.  Dang.
    Maybe have Breakfast Pockets as of now.  LOOK WE MUST MOVE ON WITH OUR LIVES and talk about something else.  What's new in the wide world of politics.  Wonder when we'll get more Actual News about things.  Instead of TRICKLING OUT SPIN from the Bad Players all day every day.  Every now and then we get real NEWS of what's ACTUALLY going on.  THOSE TIMES ARE OFTEN PRETTY GREAT BUT THEN AGAIN ALSO SOMETIMES BAD.  Either way nice to have news that's Real!  Like instead of Trump's latest Crazy Excuse for documents, we find out some more REAL info about them or the investigation or something.  THAT'S THE KIND OF THING I'D LIKE TO SEE MORE OF.  Hmm.  The point is oh right I can just have 4 Goldon Graham Barrs for Lunch.  YOU IDIOTS.  Listened to MOST of Raconteur's Main Album on my PIZZA WALK last night.  The one that's either CALLED Broken Boy Soldiers AND has a song called Broken Boy Soldiers OR just has a song called Broken Boy Soldiers and the ALBUM has a DIFFERENT name.  Better LTURQ.  YEP IT'S ALBUM NAME.
I listened to that sucker in Fall of 2008 and for some reason thought it was Brand New.  Now I see it's from May 2006?  WHAT DO THINGS EVEN MEAN ANYMORE.  Same thing they've always meant-- just not necessarily what I had THOUGHT they meaned.  Oh okay good word, "Meaned," I buy that it's real.  Hmm.  It's a GOOD album.  GOOD songs.  Jack White and GOOD BYRON BENSON.  Rum Day.  I have no rum.  I COULD get rum.  I have TWO ten dollar bills.  I could buy 1-3 shot bottles of rum.  I WON'T.  I don't really WANT to.  But I COULD is the point.  Hmm.  Could stop off at EMPANADA SPOT but I might as well have Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches.  SAME DIFFERENCE more or less.  Hmm.  What do I got going on for me Today.  KEEPING IN MIND there's MORE TODAY than usual.  Lots of Tales Crypt I guess.  That sounds like... well not fun... sounds like... not TERRIBLE... hmm.  I don't THINK Italics changes the, "Period," character.  . .  FIRST ONE WAS NOT ITALICS, SECOND ONE WAS.  Can YOU see a difference?  Cause I can't!  OH I KNOW MAKE REALLY BIG FONT.  OKAY I JUST DID IT and I noticed a slight difference.  I didn't LEAVE IT IN because that would mess up website format.  But try it yourself in microsoft word.  LARGE FONT period then italics period.  SLIGHTLY ASKEW is the italics one!
    Fifth paragraph!  Amazing!  I could have 175 pieces of gum for lunch.  No I can't.  I don't HAVE 175 pieces of gum.  I could BUY some.  Probably could get that amount with 20 dollars.  OR I COULD ALWAYS CHARGE IT.  Anyway what else is up.  I DIDN'T GET TO THE LAST 2 OR SO SONGS ON THE ALBUM and I don't know if I'LL EVER pick up where I left off.  Didn't this morning!  JUST WENT BACK TO APPLE MUSIC PLAYLISTS.  Hmm lemme LTURQ what sounds am I missing.  Oh I know one.  Also I think the one I'm thinking of is the PENPENultimate song.  So maybe THREE songs I'm missing. OH FOUR SOUNDS.  I was RIGHT on the track listing placement of THAT ONE SONG I JUST THOUGHT OF.  But there's even a song BEFORE THAT I didn't get to.  THIS IS GOOD STUFF let's keep it going.  Hmm.  I could always take a bonus walk before Dad's walk and then skip a walk LATER in the day.  Maybe even FINAL walk.  Get home from penultimate walk (which NOW becomes ULTIMATE WALK) in time to order dinner and THAT'S IT.  Don't take another walk after dinner gets here.  BE HOME FOR LIKE 4.5 HOURS BEFORE SLEEPING.  WOW THIS IS GREAT STUFF LET'S KEEP IT GOING.  Coffee time.
   Hmm.  What else is going on.  LOOK I know we're not into the SEVENTH PARAGRAPH yet but we ARE making some progress in the day already.  Which is pretty good!  I like it and crap.  Speaking of caffeine my PEEING SITUATION has been GREAT since eliminating a lot of my caffeine.  Maybe for other reasons!  But I'm not struggling to hold in urine every other walk.  Maybe ONCE every 2 or 3 days.  ONE OUT OF 20 WALKS.  And most of those I CAN hold in without going in Starbucks Bathroom or Park Bathroom.  So basically LIFE IS GOOD.  Still drinking coffee.  Gotta imagine lots of caffeine in that.  Orange soda got the caffeine.  MAYBE there's another reason but either way GOOD RESULTS.  Hmm.  Remember a few months ago I BRAGGED about getting away with peeing my pants? ...MORE THAN ONCE I THINK?  It might have just been once.  And another time I peed off the side of a building-- possibly a DOMICILE-- in the night.  Either way I STAND BY MY ACTIONS.
Okay.  What else is up.  Four paragraphs to go for Act I!  Figure I'll take a shower EARLY still between Acts III and IV.  But ARLIER in the day.  So that's good great what else is up.  Could get a bagel for lunch.  Either HOME BAGEL or maybe go to BAGEL STORE and get a bagel from them.  I like that because IT'S FUN.  Huh.  The good news is I get to LIE IN BED for a while after Shower #1 of 1!  Not TOO LONG if I wanna fit in my FOURTH walk before Dad's walk now that I think about it.  GREAT JUST GREAT.  I can be in bed ENTIRE TIME between the FOURTH and FIFTH walk.  OH THAT'S GREAT JUST GREAT.  Like the other thing.  But this time not sarcastic.  Hmm.  Sarcastic is an onomatopoeia.  THAT'S THE SOUND SARCASM MAKES.  Not sure what that means or what possessed me to say it.  Not sure of a lot of things these days!  Sure I had to GOOGLE onamonapia because I was so off I was getting no suggestions in Microsoft FrontPage.  SURE I REFUSE to learn the word and just continue spelling it WRONGLY PHONETICALLY.  Not only am I transcribing Phonetics wrong I'm pretty sure I'm pronouncing it pretty wrong from the start.  HEY THAT'S LIFE I GUESS.
    Eighth paragraph!  Turns out I was REALLY happy with 130 calorie Vanilla Ice Cream in Candy Chocolate Shell.  Tasted as good as I could expect and was as big as I could reasonably expect!  Wonder if that's something they be having in stock PERMANENTLY now.  Better LTURQ.  Still listed on site but Sold Out/Unavailable.  THAT'S HALFWAY DECENT RESULT.  They're continuing to sell it but IT MAY BE OUT OF STOCK ALL WEEK I ADD STUFF TO THE ORDER.  Either way I have 2 more of those to last me til Friday.  I'LL PROBABLY HAVE ONE TODAY because THAT'S THE KIND OF GUY I AM.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Or I could have Ham Sandwich with Ice Cream Sandwich (Other Thing) Side!  INSTEAD.  Not IN ADDITION.  Hmm.  What else is up.  I didn't particularly like Future Raconteur Albums SO SHOOT ME.  Maybe I wasn't in the right mood or it wasn't the right time in my life SO SHOOT ME.  Please don't shoot me it'd be a hassle.   Either a LIVING hassle or a IT KILLS ME hassle.  WHICH IS A HUGE HASSLE ALL IN ALL.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Huh.  Maybe clean my room or something today.  Take that bonus time and do something good with it.  Most of my life is Bonus Time anyway.  Yeah but this is even MORE Bonus Time.  I could see cleaning my room.  Not sure HOW MUCH though.  It could be a QUICK CLEAN-EM-UP or I could really wash and wipe down surfaces, put EVERYTHING away and crap, I dunno.  Probably not WIPING DOWN SURFACES clean.  I'M BUT ONE MAN.  I think.  I HOPE!  Hmm.  A paragraph and a half to go!  AMAZING!  Hmm.  Gotta nice Tales In The Crypt episode on deck that I never really liked.  GOOD.  I'm DUE for starting to get into it I think.  That's how Tales Crypt watching Over and Over goes.  The ones you like you lose enthusiasm for!  The ones you don't like you start to appreciate!  IT'S A GREAT WAY TO THINK ABOUT THINGS.  Just keep doing crap you don't like and you'll somehow for some reason appreciate it in the end!  Also STOP doing things you like or YOU'LL LOSE ENTHUSIASM FOR THEM EVENTUALLY.  PLAY IT SAFE OUT THERE doing things IS THE POINT.
One more paragraph for Act I!  On schedule for Bonus Walk and everything!  Hmm.  Probably finish Raconteurs Album AT SOME POINT over the next few days.  I FINISH WHAT I START.  Sometimes.  Not all the time.  Not all that often actually.  The point is I START THINGS.  That checks out.  Hmm any FILM I should be watching today?  Better LTURQ.  NOPE NOT SEEING ANYTHING IMMEDIATELY.  Only place I checked was DISNEYPLUS.  There's lots of other places I can check to see if there's films I should be watching.  Off the top of my head HBOMAX and TUBI.  TUBI?  THAT'S THE DUMB STREAMING SERVICE THAT I THINK EVERYONE IS GETTING ON BOARD WITH.  When I first saw it Installed on my New TV I had never heard of it before!  NOW I hear it referenced in POP CULTURE.  THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING I GUESS.  Good for TUBI.  Wait.  I mean Tu . Bi.  I don't want anyone googline TUBI and coming across this website.  Whew good thing I corrected that.  HEY great news time to take a walk.  I'll be back soon!




I've Made So Much Progress With Entry

    Hey!  Looks like I'm aiming for toasted bagel with creamed cheese for lunch.  Looks like I'm aiming for taking Bonus Walk Comfortably.  THAT'S THE TWO THINGS WHAT WHICH IT LOOKS LIKE.  Got coffee #2 and some DIET COKE.  Delicious!  Also I don't mean to brag but this creamed cheese is 1/3rd Reduced Fat.  Which I think means 2/3rds regular amount of fat.  The 1/3rd is WHAT'S MISSING not WHAT'S LEFT.  So I got that going for me.  Put a halfway hearty amount on that bagel, still gonna be a reasonable calorie lunch!  Bagel is more calories than normal bagels for some reason-- AS PER THEIR NUTRITIONAL INFO ON BAG-- STILL gonna be a reasonable calorie lunch.  WOW THIS IS WORKING OUT GREAT FOR ME and possibly you IF YOU'RE LIVING VICARIOUSLY THROUGH MY LUNCHES.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Looking at TUBITV HORROR subgenre.  A FILM OR TWO I MAY ACTUALLY WANNA WATCH!!!  WOW if only you could live vicariously through me watching Free With Ads Streaming Services.  But you can't.  Sorry.  Hmm.  PROBABLY just gonna have normal amount of snack before lunch.  ONE!  What it will be is ANYONE'S guess.  Possibly.  Just cause SOMEONE is MAKING A GUESS doesn't mean I HAVE TO do what they guess!
    YEAH.  What else is up.  LOOK does it suck having to cut bagels in half?  SURE.  It's DIFFICULT.  Without smooshing it.  BUT I'LL DO MY BEST.  Or I can just ask my Dad HEY CAN YOU HELP ME WITH THIS.  I don't think he'd judge me too harshly!  And won't be So Engraged that he has to do something that wasn't on his daily itinerary.  So that's good.  What else is good.  Gonna have a PRETTY REASONABLY DECENT amount of time after shower to lie in bed before taking FINAL WALK Before Dad's Walk.  SO GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT. I'll be on MY back about it.  Unless I'm lying down reverse.  Why would I do that.  I could lie on my side.  NOT IN THIS CASE NO.  Maybe for GOING TO SLEEP we can lie in sides.  Laying in bed looking at phone is a BACK TO THE BED activity 100%!  I FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT THIS.  Probably.  I SAID IT.  That's an indicator that I feel it TO SOME extent!  Hmm.  Not sure what parents will want for Communal Dinner!  I WOULDN"T MIND getting pizza again if that's the direction they want to go in!  AND IF NOT I CAN LIVE WITH THAT TOO.  You IDIOTS.
    Hmm.  So far I have had NO Cinnamon Toast Crunch Grazing.  Obviously very early in the day, but still!  Resisted I think TWO occasions as of now to have a handful.  GOTTA KEEP IT AT ZERO.  CUT IT OUT COMPLETELY.  I guess.  Hmm.  Guess I have three balanced breakfasts to eat with current supply of egg whites.  Do that over the course of 4 breakfasts.  Maybe 5 if I really feel like delaying.  But NOT TOO MUCH MORE DELAYING than that.  WONDERFUL.  Anyway what else is crap.  I could watch IT!  I forgot about THAT.  Hmm gonna have to look into that one.  If we get Diner Delivery-- which is the odds on favorite-- it's REASONABLE TO ASSUME I'm getting a multi-part dinner.  That's what's IN THE CARDS.  Not sure I'm ready yet for a steak * stuffed mushroom.  MAYBE A 2 PART TURKEY DINNER OR CHICKEN DINNER.  That sounds about right!  I CAN GET ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THAT.  ONLY NEGATIVE is it might be 2.5 dinnersworth.  THEN WHERE WOULD I BE.  At home.  Most of the time.  Maybe I'm out on my walk.  OH OKAY SO THAT'S WHERE I'LL BE.
    YEAH!  Broiled Seafood Parade.  Or as I like to call it Fisherman's Platter.  I didn't come up with that.  THEY used to call it that!  And/or OTHER places.  FUN TITLE.  OBVIOUSLY.  Either way Steak is too heavy but the seafood MAY BE IN THE CARDS.  YOU IDIOTS.  What else is up.  What about stuffed salmon or something.  Hardly ever get that.  Maybe like ONCE.  Used to get stuffed filet of sole.  NOW I WANT STUFFED SALMON.  Maybe because Salman Rushdie was in the news.  Made me think about Salmon.  Anyway I CAN SEE THAT BEING DELICIOUS.  Just a matter of HOW MANY MEALS would it be.  TWO?  THREE?  2.5?  ONE?  SEVEN?  ZERO?  PI?  i?  What's i.  Is that the Square Root of Negative One?  BECAUSE OF IT IS...  hey it is.  I feel GREAT about knowing that.  NOW IF ONLY I KNEW WHY IT WAS IMPORTANT...  Hmm.  I'd get STUFFED salmon not STRAIGHT UP Salmon. It's the STUFFING in seafood that's the best part!  CRAB meat stuffing I assume.  I ASSUME A LOTTA THINGS.  THIS IS A GOOD EXAMPLE OF ONE.  Oh great okay.  Hmm.  Can get a Stir Fry.  That's the one part of Chinese Food I'm INTO getting.  RICE.  THIS RICE AIN'T AS GOOD-- A LITTLE BIT FANCIER-- BUT I CAN LIKE RICE IN DINER STIR FRY!
YEAH.  One more paragraph to go.  Then time for THE REST OF MY LIFE!  Amazing.  Bagel Cream Cheese.  Stuffed Salmon.  TODAY IS LOOKING PRETTY GOOD FROM WHERE I SIT.  AT MY COMPUTER.  FACING EAST.  ON A CHAIR.  CROSSLEGGED.  Not sure if this is technically CROSSlegged.  But my legs aren't hanging off chair-set in normal fashion.  Sorta FOLDED up on chair.  INDIAN STYLE?  Not sure if it's that EXACTLY.  But you get the point more or less.  Close enough at least.  Hmm.  Raconteurs is one of those words where I'm PRETTY SURE what it means but I could be off by a little or possibly even a lot.  BETTER LTURQ.  Oh.  I was off.  By a fair amount.  More than A LITTLE definitely.  I mean YES I was right in the fact that it means A PERSON.  Or PEOPLE.  Depending on whether you have the S at the end.  But very different overall premise than I was imagining.  And ya know what?  LIKE THE ACCURATE DEFINITION PLENTY MORE.  SO that's good.  I'll be back tonight!




yeah i'm just about done

    Hello friends.  I was looking at yesterday's entry on a whim and I was very disappointed in it's apparent quality!  Very few redeeming qualities in the 8-10 focal points my eyes zoomed in on naturally.  I think of the 8 or 10 points my eyes went right to maybe three things were vaguely worth saying-- and I'm really leaning on vaguely-- and maybe one was funny.  The good news is I THINK I'm gonna stop using caps lock so much.  Starting after that sentence supposedly.  Also stop Capitalizing Just The First Letter Of Phrases that don't need it.  Again, after that sentence.  Feels like I use italics too often, too.  That ought to be addressed at some point!  Anyway-- gotta talk 5% the amount of time on food-- but that leaves a little bit of room to just get it out of the way!  Got 2 Sicililian (gotta capitalize it because of SICILY THE PLACE-- no good reason to capslock that... also this italics... not sure what's going on now...) pizza slices for dinner.  Had bagel and cream't cheese for lunch.  Having Mint Chocolate CHIP health ice cream right now.  UGH.
Okay.  I made a lot of progress in watching Tales In The Crypt today!  I finished Season II.  True story!  I think.  Lemme go over it again in my head.  It's been today.  I watched it today.  I watched the episodes in sequential order.  I watched the last episode of the season 2 hours ago.  ...Hmm.  All the pieces are starting to come together.  I finished season II today.  Okay.  A Person who tells anecdotes in a skillful or funny way.  That's what a Raconteur is.  I thought it was like some sort of PLAYER or GUY AROUND TOWN or something.  What exactly is, "A Guy Around Town."  Guy who lives in town!  Or frequents it all the time at least from living right outside town!  And he goes around town and does things and interacts with people and crap!  Also he's a bit of a player!  In terms of potential congegial relations!  Oh well.  I was wrong.  I'm big enough to admit I was wrong.  Also small enough to admit I was wrong.  My size has very little to do with whether or not I can admit I'm wrong.  In fact it's pretty much completely immaterial to the whole thing!
    Hmm.  I was watching Mets game but now it is on a rain delay.  Tom Delay.  Was he a Republican congressman?  Gotta assume Tom Delay was a Republican congressman at some point.  Possibly concerned with health care and/or environmental issues at some point or something.  Better LTURQ.  WOW he was Republican house majority leader from 2003 to 2005.  That's probably my Political Coming Of Age!  Watching Daily show and crap.  Probably not Colbert Report.  I'm gonna say Colbert Report started in 2005 or 2006.  Let's GO TO THE VIDEO TAPE on that one.  YEP I WAS RIGHT the first episode was December 18th 2004.  Look I know that makes me wrong.  I GET IT.  But I feel like I was right in the spirit of things.  I may not be factually correct but generally I gave the correct answer if you ask most people how they feel.  GREAT now we gotta start asking people.  And intimidating them beforehand to get them to answer the way we want.  Intimidation is the best motivator!  That's been my experience!  Anyway I got a new shirt today.  Kinda warm for the weather.  Kinda tight for my slowly expanding gut!  Kinda don't like the style!  All in all I guess turns out I HATE this shirt.
Fourth paragraph of the act!  First episode date of Colbert Report was Oct 17, 2005. LAST episode was December 18 2014.  So it turns out I WAS WRONG in being correct about being wrong without being correct.  I was ultimately correct but was wrong two times over on the way to get there.  Ugh.  Gonna have to look into that logic one day when I feel like it.  How's September for you.  Sounds like NOT GREAT THAT"S ALREADY THE NEXT MONTH.  ONLY TWO WEEKS AWAY.  YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO GIVE ME AT LEAST 3 or 4 MONTHS TO WORK ON THIS.  This thing.  That I forget. UGH.  Hmm.  I took eight walks today!  I feel like as a one-off it was fine.  Wouldn't wanna do it every day, though!  I USED A COMMA BETWEEN, "Every Day," and, "THOUGH."  I feel like you would have gotten the point as well or even better without it.  BUT I feel IN ENGLISH that's the correct way to go.  And as in all matters I ERR ON THE SIDE OF ENGLISH.  Especially in the Colonial, "Troubles," in 1760's and 1770's.  COOL DOWN THE RHETORIC GUYS THE KING JUST WANTS WHAT'S BEST FOR US.
Yeah!  I wouldn't wanna live in America during the Revolutionary War.  Too much stress!  Take a chill pill everyone.  Let's just Live Our Bet Life and try to co-exist without giving each other problems.  How hard is that.  Hmm.  Also for all the usage of the expression chill pill I feel not enough attention is given to what is this chill pill and where can I get it.  I guess Klonopin is on the spectrum of Chill Pills but there's gotta be a better one.  A specific one.  And that's the pill I crave!  So that's good.  Are there THC Pills.  Better LTURQ.  Wait almost looked up the wrong thing.  I got distracted because I noticed I had 16 spam e-mails in the last few hours which is a lot for me.  Then I remembered I had to look up something and almost looked up what are chill pills.  Then I realized my mistake and came here to Tell You ALL ABOUT IT.  Anyway THC Pill!  Yes they exist.  Wow.  How amazing.  I'm blown away by how exciting that was!  Now get off my back about it.
Break after this paragraph!  You might call it a recess.  Probably not.  Probably won't have to refer to it ever, not even once!  So you wouldn't have to pick something to call it.  You know, that sort of thing.  Gonna have whatever I want as upcoming snack.  Could be Quest Bar. Could be Not Quest Bar.  I dunno but when I do know I'll let you know soon after the fact!  Let's just get neo-cons from the 2000's to replace current Republicans.  Get some Rick Santorum in there.  See what he can do.  I don't know if they were neo-cons.  Sure were FRIENDS with Neo-Cons.  What else is up.  Tom Daschle was friends with Health Care.  But he was a DEMOCRAT.  But they were TomTom buddies I guess.  Let's get this out of the way-- tomorrow's lunch will either be Ham Sandwich with SandwichSide or two Breakfast Pockets.  Let's get this out of the way-- what else is going on.  Is the next Tales Crypt I have lined up LOVED TO DEATH?  Because if so SOME GOOD UPPER FRONTAL NUDITY.  Some o the best upper frontal nudity I've seen lately in regular Film &/v TV!  Yep that all checks out.  Hey time for a recess!  Be back soon!

    Okay!  Having a Golden Graham Bar.  No more, "Goldon."  Very jarring to read it the 120 times I used that, "word," while browsing yesterday's entry.  From now on we're saying Golden!  That doesn't look right.  I've said Goldon so many times that golden looks wrong to me.  I ALSO blame former Israel Prime Minster Golda Meir.  Not sure WHY.  Her name doesn't imply either Golden OR Goldon.  The point is will I have another snack after this?  I don't know!  In the meantime let's write three and a half paragraphs.  Look forward to going to bed.  Snack or not, we'll see.  But lying in bed while doing nothing and intending to fall asleep as soon as possible-- that alone is something to look forward to!  And all things considered we're pretty close to that point of the day!  Hmm.  Getting to that point where I can't wait to be done with this entry.  I'll do ANYTHING to be done with the entry, UP TO AND INCLUDING writing Nothingnesses to get there quicker.
Oh well that's life I guess.  I had some Cinnamon Toast Crunch grazing today.  Not as much as other days lately!  But if my goal was ZERO I FAILED MISERABLY.  Hey that's great what else do I got going for me.  Maybe that could be part of A Balanced MightNight Snack Allotment.  Some cinnamon toast crunch.  Wonder how I would keep track of that responsibly though.  Make sure I don't OVEReat the cereal.  It'd be tough, no question about it!  Quest Bar.  Quest Ion.  Also the WORDS Quest and Question.  Also WHERE AM I.  What's going on.  WHO AM I PEOPLE.  Huh.  I wonder if I'll have a balanced breakfast at all tomorrow.  This is good stuff let's keep going.  Perhaps the best thing to do re: Eating Things Tonight is to have a tootsie pop at some point.  As the next and last and final thing.  Maybe when entry is over.  During spell check?  After entry is posted?  Or wait until bedtime completely.  This is a tough one!  But THANK GOD THE GOOD NEWS IS IT GOT ME THROUGH TO THE END OF THIS PARAGRAPH.
   2 Ta go!  Yah!  Did the most sit-up/push-up/for-my-rights today in MONTHS.  So that worked out I guess.  Had to DO them but I guess that's a little bit more muscly and or calorie-burnie I'll be ultimately as opposed to otherwise!  So that's good news I guess.  YEAH.  A little after 9:30 PM and I am READY to go to bed.  Usually I'm not THIS READY to go to bed until closer to 10:00 PM!  I guess that's how it goes when you get you earlier in the day!  Feels like I got up around 8:00 or 8:30 AM.  Didn't take exact notes though.  WHAT A WASTED OPPORTUNITY.  I wrote ALL MORNING but never THE MOST IMPORTANT THING of WHAT TIME DID I GET OUT OF BED.  See the last few sentences-- and this one-- are the kind of Format Sentences that I'm going to be trying to avoid going forward.  Not right now though.  Already wrote them.  What do you expect, me to DELETE or EDIT them?  That's not the way I operate!  I don't operate at all!  Too risky!  Deal with your internal problems the way you got them I"D JUST MAKE THEM WORSE even if I were trying to help!
Last paragraph of the Night!  Whew!  Haven't listened to the last 3 tracks of Broken Boy Soldiers yet.  I'll get around to it probably.  I know one of three I REALLY like, one of three is pretty good, and one of three I JUST FLAT OUT DON'T REMEMBER.  Wait a second I think I have FOUR tracks to listen to.  TWO of which I like one of which is okay one of which I don't remember.  WHEW thank god we got THAT cleared up.  The good news is what the hell is going on again.  New shirt gotta double breasted pocket.  On pocket for each breast.  Not two pockets for one breast and zero pockets for the other breast.  So I guess that could work out in my favor in case I need to put a lot of things in pockets and my pants pockets just won't do the trick.  So that's good!  I guess!  Anyway I'm gonna watch a Tales Crypt and then go to bed.  Probably take nighttime pills before even starting Tales Episode!  So that's good.  See ya tomorrow.

-9:43 P.M.




Sunday, August 14, 2022

Hey Look It's A New Day

    Hey!  About 40 minutes behind schedule today.  SHOULD be able to fit in everything on time with TWO CAVEATS.  Might have to switch up when I write Act II and when I take a shower.  ShowerTime between walks is SHORTER than Act II Time by a bit.  Doing it in that order give me/my Dad more BREATHING ROOM for when h can take his walk.  ALSO expecting Amazon Fresh Delivery between 3-5.  NORMALLY it clunks things up a bit but doesn't COMPLETELY RUIN walking schedule.  SO we'll see how it goes!  Still no Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars.  This morning was my last hope!  I could have still added it to order.  GOSH DARN IT.  Anyway no Communal Dinner tonight.  WHATTADO.  I went into this week with the intention  hey I'm getting no Super Market meals other than sandwich meat, I'm gonna get a blast and a half out of a Delivery 2-3 part'r lunches.  NOW I have no enthusiasm!  GOD DANG HAWAIIAN CHICKEN.  Anyway today PRIME Chinese Restaurant is closed anyway!  Maybe get 2 Chipotle Bowls to split into 3 meals and pay like 60 dollars for them.  LOOK it's not Sixty dollars for two bowls.  Probably more like THIRTY dollars.  Lemme LTURQ.  OH OKAY IT'S ONLY FOURTY SIX DOLLARS.
    Prices went UP.  I ain't paying 46 dollars for what SHOULD BE two fast food meals that I would make three.  GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.  Hmm.  Could always have turkey/ham sandwich for lunch and Breakfast Pockets for dinner.  BUT THEN TOMORROW LUNCH I'm back down to NOTHIN.  Tomorrow lunch I can get Chinese Food.  Or have the NON-Sandwich I Didn't NOT have today.  Look I got SOME options I can play around with.  I'd consider a BURGERBASED Fast Food restaurant-- and maybe I still should!-- but I had Bison burger yesterday and veggie burger th day before.  HOW MANY BURGERS DOES ONE MAN NEED.  Two off the top of my head.  There's the guy who edits very funny videos.  And then there's the one who was a mainstay at the Music Open Mic I did for a few hours.  BOTH GOOD BURGERS.  Also it's their last name.  MAYBE You could have put the pieces together to figure that one out, maybe not!  YOUR BUSINESS NOT MINE.  Got coffee being brewed.  MY BUSINESS NOT YOURS.  Got diet coke that's FLAT.  Dunno WHY.  It was WRAPPED UP NICELY by cap.  Oh well this is the last of it at least.
Okay.  Met game at 1:40 PM!  That should be three quarters of a blast.  MAYBE 4/ths even IF THEY PLAY THEIR CARDS RIGHT.  Can't remember what I did for MightNight snacking lat night but at worst it was the allotted amount.  Could have been ZERO.  Could have been HALFWAY allotted.  Could have been FULLWAY allotted.  Pretty sure it wasn't more.  Anyway had SLICE OF CHALLAH FREEDOM TOAST for breakfast.  COLD.  Next time I'll microwave it I HOPE.  Seems reasonable.  Hmm.  Looking at amount of egg whites I got AS SIDE I think that's enough to split between 3 balanced breakfasts as opposed to just two.  WOW MY LIFE IS GREAT NOW!  Amazing.  Letting myself ZONE OUT a bit during this Act.  Browse internet a bit here and there.  Don't wanna do TOO much though.  Even with mixing around Shower and Act II, if I waste TOO MUCH time that's no good!  Oh well such is life.  I don't like mixing up Act II and shower.  I HAVE A CAREFULLY ADOPTED GAME PLAN for days.  Oh well what can ya do.  Finish Act I quicker than expected.  Then do Regular Schedule.  It's plausible!  Possible!  Whichever word you wanna go with!
    National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Lemon Meringue Pie Day.  Sounds like something I MAY get a kick out of. Lemme LTURQ.  Looked it up.  Picture looked okay!  Having TROUBLE figuring out what Meringue is even by spending FIVES OF SECONDS browsing the Wikipedia page to see what I could ABSORB QUICKLY without really reading carefully.  Probably would have to read carefully for 20-30 seconds to figure it out FOR GOOD.  Oh well what can ya do.  It's only Meringue Pie if it comes from the Meringue Province of France.  POSSIBLE.  What else is going on and crap.  Getting coffee relatively soon.  1.5 paragraphs away is my impression!  Entry just FLYING BY.  I've had success with breakfast bars real good.  Maybe try Fruit Loops Bar?  Lucky Charms Bar?  RICE CRISPIES BAR PROBABLY NOT NOR HONEY NUT CHERRIO BAR.  I dunno.  THAT'S A TOUGH ONE.  WOW Briefly gave thought AND ALMOST COMMITTED to the, "Mini," Chocolate Entenmanns donuts.  Like 75% the size of regular ones.  COULDA BEEN HALF A BREAKFAST OR AN INDULGENT DESSERT SNACK.  I feel like I've talked about this before.  Then again I've talked about  Everything Before.  Also Stopped myself from getting them.
YEAH.  Maybe have A BAGEL or something.  I'd have to check with my dad to see if there's BAGELS TO SPARE.  Hmm.  I could have EGG White as side but I'd rather save that for Balanced Breakfasts.  Guess I could have BUTTER of CREAM CHEESE to make it HEARTIER.  So that's something to think about I guess.  ALRIGHT added ONE THING to upcoming Amazon Fresh order.  100 cal ice cream sandwiches!  Hope there's room for them!  There's certainly room for them IN MY DIET.  Not all that matters if if they fit into Freezer.  WHICH THEY MUST.  So that's good.  HEY I can have delicious Ice Cream in Candy Coated Chocolate Shell today.  UPCOMING SNACK.  Afternoon snack.  ANY THING.  What else.  Probably just have SANDWICH for lunch and PUNT deciding future meals to DINNER TIME. Hmm.  Ham sandwich sounds good.  Turkey sandwich sounds good.  BREAD SANDWICH sounds good.  I think I made myself a bread sandwich about a year or two ago.  I read it on the internet and wanted to see what it was all about.  Forget if I toasted the bread part, the bread-inside part, or no parts.  Either way lotta bread.  Coffee time!
    Anyway.  Started a new pair of pants today!  Not NEW.  But CLEAN.  Had been wearing old pair for probably 2-4 months.  HEY GREAT.  Anyway as I was walking by part of park where TREE was another person came from the other direction and was like HEY it's great they got rid of the branch! and IW as like YEAH IT SURE IS.  Then I moved on with my life.  Partially.  CLEARLY the moment made an impression on me!  Huh.  I like when people talk to me cause I gotta take earbud out of ear and be like WHAT?  Then they gotta say what they said AGAIN.  NOW I'M IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT.  Huh.  Michelle Branch in trouble for Domestic Violence or something?  Better LTURQ.  Also better LTURQ what was that hit song she had.  Something about being angry at BOYS or something.  Better LTURQ.  Not seeing any TITLES I recognize.  Probably would recognize THE TUNE if I heard it.  Anyway WOMEN CAN'T BE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE?  OR CAN THEY.  Better LTURQ. She slapped her husband across the face once or twice.  To be FAIR lemme LTURQ song, "Everything," I BET I RECOGNIZE IT.  Also it's called EveryWHERE.  Better LTURQ.  Oh this song sounds familiar NOW I GET IT.  HEY time for seventh paragraph.  POSSIBLE I get Act I done soon enough I do Act II next break between walks!
Seventh paragraph!  Hmm.  PANTS EH.  I LIKE EM.  At first I was gonna wear NO BELT but then I was like Look I'd benefit from SOME belt.  Doesn't need to be the Beltiest I can Belt The Belt.  But it IS helpful to some extent!  So that's good.  Ugh.  As of now NOT ENTHUSIASTIC about sandwich lunch.  Maybe get Chinese Food from somewhere else!  Hey what about some TACO BELL.  Didn't even occur to me until just now.  I could see myself enjoying that over 2-3 meals!  Gonna have to look into that LATER when I have the TIME.  Some tacos and whatknot.  Maybe some sort of BURRITO as well.  I don't have all the details in front of me!  Maybe they have BIG delivery charges and whatknot like Chipotle did.  Better LTURQ.  YEP THY GOT LOTS OF FEES TOO.  Delivery fee.  Fees and Taxes.  Driver Tip.  HOWEVER for whatever reason I'm more INTO eating Taco Bell over 3 days than Chipotle.  I DUNNO WE'LL SEE HOW IT GOES OR SOMETHING I DUNNO.  Then what am I having for dinner.  I can't have Taco Bell TWICE in same day.  WE'LL LEAP ACROSS THAT BRIDGE CLEANLY WITHOUT HITTING THE BRIDGE AT ALL WHEN WE GET THERE.
Three paragraphs to go for Act!  If I can do it in 20 minutes I'd say that's a rate where I can take walk then do ACT II before next walk instead of shower!  GONNA BE CLOSE THOUGH.  Hmm.  Then again just go with regular plan with less stress.  Hmm.  If I get delivery for lunch I'm getting it AROUND SAME TIME as Amazon Fresh Delivery Window!  I guess negative part of that is LUNCH CAN BE INTERRUPTED.  But accepting Amazon Fresh and putting stuff away ain't so bad.  Not that much to it.  Good.  GREAT.  What else is up.  SUNDAY.  Start of the week.  I'm comfortable Giving Sunday That.  We've talked many times before about how you can make lots of cases for lots of days to be start of the week.  But I'm COMFORTABLE how IN OUR SOCIETY Sunday is generally The Top Day to count as Start Of Week.  I DON'T necessarily LIKE IT but I'm not gonna be a contrarian just for the sake of it.  I'm part of society so I PLAY BY SOCIETY'S RULES half the time.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Two more paragraphs to go for this act!  If I can do that in FIFTEEN minutes then I'm on track to do Normal Schedule.
    GOTTA DO A COUPLE OF SETS of push-up/sit-ups though.  That adds up to like TWO MINUTES.  OH WELL it's NECESSARY.  Not gonna start Not Doing Necessary Things.  THAT'S NOT THE WAY I DO THINGS.  What if I just stop act II a paragraph short or something.  That's WEIRD.  I dunno about THAT.  Would I add an extra paragraph or two AFTERWARDS an hour or two later?  I guess I could do that!  Makes sense.  I don't LIKE IT but It makes SENSE.  Hmm.  What else is good.  I could see enjoying a nice BAGEL.  Maybe with some CREAMED CHEESE even if butter is better.  Maybe with some Butter even if CREAMED CHEESE is better.  Good.  What else is up.  I'm getting to a point where I WILL write Act II for upcoming period of time after next walk and just HOPE FOR THE BEST.  Not gonna hope for the worst.  Unless I get shcanedenfruede Over Myself.  Which I don't.  Ya'd have to be insane or something!  Then again I'm okay with bad things happening to me SOMETIMES.  Means good stuff will ALSO happen to me later to BALANCE IT OUT.  That's how universe works IS MY ASSUMPTION.
    Last paragraph of the act.  Good!  What else is up and crap.  Write this paragraph real quick.  Do some real quick sit-up pushups.  BE OUT THE DOOR in two minutes after that.  Good deal.  Hmm.  I dunno.  Leaning AGAINST Taco Bell now.  Would have to see their exact menu and what kind of calories we're talkin' about for different things.  OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD the calories for your standard taco are pretty reasonable.  BUT THAT'S OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  And top of my head is FAMOUSLY unreliable.  I dunno about FAMOUSLY.  I don't know about UNRELIABLE.  But there IS a top to my head and I think hopefully all of us In The Know can agree upon that at least.  SO that's good.  Agree UPON.  Agree WITH.  Agrees ON.  I dunno how we're Agreeing Exactly but the point is WE ARE and that's something we should CELEBRATE.  Great.  Hmm.  Could always get PIZZA on my walk again.  It sounds dumb but on the other hand WHO CARES.  Pretty sure when I was in college and Had To Feed Myself I can EASILY IMAGINE getting pizza 2-3 times a week.  Dunno if it's accurate.  But I can imagine it relatively easily.  HEY GREAT break time.  Be back soon.




Compared To Yesterday At Least

    HEY!  Think I'm gonna get WALK IN PIZZA again for dinner.  Lunch I'm not so sure!  For a while I was leaning towards TACO BELL but THE CALORIE ALLOTMENTS DON'T ADD UP.  2 Regular Tacos hit 340 calories.  GREAT.  ONE MORE THING AND I'M SITTING PRETTY.  Lowest calorie potential thing is another 370 calories.  THAT'S NOT SITTING PRETTY.  MAYBE 270 calories I'd be happy with!  Anyway I dunno.  Sandwich or bagel today I guess.  But looking forward to pizza tonight at least!  YEAH!  Anyway talked it over with my Dad and he's okay with taking his walk 5-10 minutes later such that I can fit in THIS ACT right now.  Hmm already down to 38 minutes left to write 4+ paragraphs.  WHEN I GOT HOME IT WAS 45 MINUTES.  What is this bullshit.  Well half of it was Taco Bell Nutrition Look Up.  Other half of it was... this paragraph... I guess... right?  Hmm.  MAKES SENSE.  LOOK I like Edwin Diaz as much as the next guy-- probably even slightly less!-- but he's not in the conversation for CY YOUNG this year. LOOK AT THEM WINS ABOVE REPLACEMENT SCIENTIFIC STUDY SABERMETRIC STATISTICS.  He's been Quite Good but NOT NEARLY the most valuable pitcher.  That came out of nowhere.  So it seems.
    Yeah!  Hmm.  35 minutes for 4 paragraphs?  I can't do that in my sleep but you get the idea.  Hmm.  Also got the 2 Breakfast Pockets.  Kinda redundant with pizza though.  I feel cheese plays a roll in Breakfast Pockets.  THEN AGAIN SHUT UP WHO CARES.  Hmm.  I like the lady who every now and then confronts me on my walks and demands to have a conversation with me and the conversation is ACTUALLY wearing the mask outside HURTS YOU you should take it off!  LOOK you didn't TRICK ME the first time, telling me again a week later isn't gonna change my mind!  I guess at some point it might change my mind.  Like Andy Dufranse asking for funds for Prison Library every week.  SHE'LL WEAR ME DOWN over 10 years and then I'll stop wearing her mask.  And then she'll be like well now I'm gonna tell him to take off OTHER parts of his clothings now.  Oh well.  Hopefully this person is dead in ten years.  Wait that seems extreme.  Hopefully one of us has moved out of the neighborhood in ten years.  Oh okay that sounds like it's more reasonable.
Three paragraphs to go!  Wonderful.  Nice reasonable sized slices of pizza from WALK IN pizza place.  Look it's a regular Italian Restaurant.  When I say WALK IN Pizza Place I just mean IN TERMS OF MYSELF.  That's what it is for HOW I Deal With It.  Anyway.  Good quality NEW YORK pizza.  Not hearty!  GOOD.  Don't need such heartiness!  I like it when there's Crust Bubbles sometimes in pizza.  I think IN THE MOMENT it seems wrong but IN RETROSPECT CRUST BUBBLES ARE KINDA FUN AND/or COOL.  If I'm getting two slices maybe a Crust Bubble on ONE slice is a best case scenario.  CRUST BUBBLES are universal experiences, right?  YOU GET IT, right?  Hmm.  I guess I'm watching Mets Game when I'm done with shower.  Lines up more or less perectly.  Maybe watch a Tales Crypt first so I can FAST FORWARDS SOME through Mets game.  I like the sound of that.  Probably.  Didn't even HEAR IT OUT LOUD AT ALL.  But I IMAGINE if I did I'd get a kick out of it!  You know that sort of thing.  Hmm.  Apparently yesterday was anniversary of my Mom and Dad buying This House.  The one I live in.  Apparently probably 38th anniversary.  FIRST PEOPLE to live in this house.  YEAH.
Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime Day!  I guess at this point LEAN TOWARDS BREAKFAST POCKETS FOR LUNCH?  Hmm.  What's the percent of this entry I've talked about upcoming lunch.  Gotta be over 50%, right?  That'd be my first Guess Instinct Over-Under Thoughts.  Anyway what else do I got going on in my life.  What do you mean WHAT ELSE.  Not sure I've said A SINGLE THING.  WRONG I talked about Upcoming Lunch.  A LOT.  I THOUGHT I made my point but I GUESS I DIDN'T if you're still confused whether I'm gonna have a lunch or not and what it may or may not be.  Oh well.  Can't go through it all again!  Just try READING everything up to this point AGAIN and maybe you'll figure it out better THIS TIME AROUND.  Good.  What's up.  What if I got pepperoni on pizza.  WHAT WOULD PEOPLE SAY.  Probably not much.  AT LEAST not related to the pepperoni.  Gotta imagine a lot of people will continue to say a lot of things regarding other topics.  So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  Gonna get done with Act II in a very reasonable amount of time!  We're talking like TEN MINUTES TO SPARE VERY COMFORTABLY.
    Okay!  Hmm.  STILL POSSIBLE Ham sandwich makes a COME FROM BEHIND break to become upcoming lunch.  IT ALL HINGES on if there's a SandwichSide that'd really get me going.  Ugh.  What else is up and crap.  How many more days we lookin' at for August.  SEVENTEEN after today.  EIGHTEEN including today. SEVENTEEN AND A HALF pretty much as of THIS EXACT MOMENT IN TIME (for me writing it, not you reading it).  LOOK is it 12:52 PM?  SURE IT IS.  Pretty close to being exactly halfway through the day.  REASONABLY close to consider it VERY close.  So I got that going for me.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Leaning towards having halfway indulgent Day Snack of ice cream candy coated chocolate.  WE TALKED ABOUT THIS IN ACT I.  STILL RELEVANT IN ACT II.  So I got that going for me is the point.  Hmm VERY SOON too.  We're talkin' probably about an hour away if not FIVE MINUTES LESS or so.  Ugh.  Could try Just Anchovie for pizza.  May be good.  May CORRUPT the NATURALNESS of the pizza.  That's a tough one.  HMM.  Gonna have to give that lots and lots of consideration.  Anyway I'll be back tonight. 




still tomorrow will be newer

    Yeah!  Hey!  Got pizza again tonight.  Second night in a few days I WENT AND GOT PERSONAL DINNER.  Made me feel like a REAL ADULT OUT ON THE TOWN.  By which I mean MADE ME FEEL HOW I FELT WHEN I WAS 18.  Wonderful.  Was REAL HUNGRY on the way home.  Thought no way is this pizza gonna satisfy me.  THEN IT DID.  Hunger was Extreme but then PIZZA WAS EXTREME and it all worked out for the EXTREME BEST.  STILL THOUGH I am having normal NightTime Desserts because I NEED THOSE TOO.  For example CARAMEL SEA SALT HEALTH ICE CREAM BAR right now.  What else is new in the wide world of sport.  Bedtime is about 2-2.5 hours from now.  Well there's no, "ABOUT," ABOUT IT.  That's it EXACTLY.  I'm 'bout it 'bout it.  Not sure what that means.  Relatively confident it means something though.  So that's good!  Started beer with Dinner which puts me on track for THREE BEER KNIGHT.  But I drank VERY LITTLE of it.  Which puts me on track for THREE MINUS ONE BEER KNIGHT I WANNA SAY, "TWO?"  Hmm.  How's Donald Trump Meltdown going.  Think he's still in the process of trying to use violence to intimidate government and government officials.  Gotta wonder if that'll work out for him in the long run.
Really!  We should wonder it!  IT'S IMPORTANT TO CONSIDER.  Anyway what else is up.  Am I supposed to LIKE the FBI now?  That doesn't seem right.  But it also doesn't seem right to Actively DISLIKE them and team up with Trump Traitors thusly.  I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  YEAH BUT WHICH ONE IS WHICH.  The FBI are my Friend Enemies.  The Trump Traitors are my Enemy Enemies.  Oh okay that sounds accurate.  Hmm.  HOW DARE THE FBI INVESTIGATE THINGS AS A BUREAU OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.  WHAT AN EXTREME OVERREACH FROM WHAT THEIR ORGANIZATION IS SUPPOSED TO BE ALL ABOUT.  What else is up.  Wonder what Great Snack will be coming up.  Could be Goldon Graham Barr-- haven't had one in a few days!  BUT MORE LIKELY I'm thinking Quest Bar POSSIBLY CHOCOLATE ONE.  YOU IDIOTS.  Taking out some garbage tonight.  I'm gonna have to put my pants back on LIKE A CHUMP.  Anyway.  Hashtag ideas-- #DumpTrump, #TrumpsAChump, #TheTrumpStump.  What does the last one mean.  I'm ASSUMING it's about his dick.  Weird lookin' Stump Dick.  That'd be MY FIRST INSTINCT.
    You IDIOTS.  I've said it before and I'll say it again because it amuses me-- THE FRIEND OF MY FRIEND IS MY ENEMY.  Gotta imagine you'll enjoy it as well.  Wonderful.  Put CRUSHED RED PEPPER on pizza tonight.  Last time JUST PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN.  Today Plain CRUSHED RED PEPPER Plain.  NO CRUST BUBBLE TODAY.  Good.  I don't NEED a crust bubble.  Logically crust bubbles ARE WORSE.  But they're also A TON OF FUN AND GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Hey what else is going on and crap.  Drank A BUNCH of sprite during pizza.  Just kept DRINKIN SPRITE then refilling the glass then DRINKIN more sprite. I EVENTUALLY FINISHED ALL THE SPRITE.  I have MORE sprite in cabinet but I had to put it in fridge and IT'S NOT READY YET.  So now I'm drinking it's Citrus-Cousin ORANGE Soda.  Which is pretty good, too!  That's a great story.  RELATABLE.  That's the best thing a story can be!  Oh hey a story just like my life.  That's good.  I was hoping my life would have confirmation that's REAL or something.  Wasn't 100% convinced that My Life Was A Real Thing but now I know IT MUST BE.
  Hmm.  About halfway into Season II of Tales In The Crypt.  LONG SEASON!  We're talking SIXTEEN episodes.  I just came up with that off the top of my head.  Let's LTURQ FOR REALS.  NOPE 18 EPISODES.  THAT MIGHT BE THE SOLE RECORD HOLDER OF LONGEST SEASON IN THE SERIES.  Eric Holder went to my high school.  Not PHYSICALLY.  When he went it was PROBABLY A DIFFERENT BUILDING.  But he went to THE GENERAL IDEA of my hospital.  And then he became ATTORNEY GENERAL.  ATTORNEY GENERAL IDEA.  Huh.  Saw they're making some progress on NY Marijuana.  Accepting applications for Dispensary People.  GREAT.  Good for THEM.  Ultimately GOOD FOR ME.  In the meantime GOOD FOR NOBODY THOUGH.  APPLICATION PROCESS IS A HEADACHE.  One would imagine.  HEY I had a head ache about a week ago.  THAT WAS A GOOD STORY.  Nobody ever gonna forget that one.  Good stories aren't the stories people remember.  WAIT A SECOND that just reminded me of a weird dream I had last night but I IMMEDIATELY FORGOT IT AGAIN.  I had a FLASH of it and I was like Oh right that WAS a weird dream but now Again all I remember is IT WAS WEIRD.  FUCK.  Oh well what can ya do.  GET TO SLEEP STAT.  SEE IF I DREAM IT AGAIN.  I can't get to sleep Stat.  There's still things I have to take care of tonight.
   Hmm.  ENTRY AIN'T GREAT TODAY.  BUT I did enjoy eating pizza.  So today wasn't a total bust.  Hmm.  OH I remember ANOTHER part of my dream that wasn't the part I was thinking of.  GOOD STUFF.  NO SPOILERS.  Anyway I dunno PENULTIMATE PARAGRAPH of Act III Part I!  Let's get it over with.  Think I'll have Goldon Graham Barr AFTERALL fur upcoming snack.  YOU IDIOTS should I put it in fridge for 20-30 minutes PROBABLY but will I I DON'T THINK SO but why not I DUNNO there must be a reason YEAH BUT IT'S HARD TO THINK it can't be that hard to think YOU'RE WRONG THERE THINKING IS THE HARDEST THING THERE IS.   Hmm.  Starting over again tomorrow.  From the very beginning!  Great.  OH I had a great experience with lunch today HEATING UP Thinly Sliced Super Market turkey in Microwave.  MADE SANDWICH REAL QUALITY SANDWICH.  WHEAT THINS WERE REAL DECENT SANDWICHSIDE.  I MIGHT DO TE SAME THING TOMORROW BUT WITH HAM.  Nobody's gonna STOP ME.  Only ME.  The only one who can stop me IS ME and right now I'D HAVE NO MOTIVE.  We'll see how it all, "SHAKES," out.
    Wonderful.  Last paragraph before taking another break.  Maybe an ENTIRE TALES CRYPT break.  Probably NOT.  Ugh.  What kinda fun dinner can I pick up tomorrow night.  Probably can get a Communal Dinner Delivery tomorrow night.  Well that's not FUN or EXCITING.  Yes potentially DELICIOUS so that's good at least.  Any other good alternatives for Upcoming Snack?  I wanna get this one RIGHT.  Don't just fall into a pattern of doing what's EASY to THINK OF.  Really pick something I'm gonna LOVE.  How about half a challah french toast.  That's... uh... hmm... I WOULD love that... but... CAN I... I THINK It's on track calorie-wise... but.. huh... I'M CONFUSED.  IT SEEMS LIKE A GREAT IDEA but there must be a CATCH or CATCHES.  Better play it safe and not do anything new because there might be Catches.  Wonderful.  THEN THE CATCH BECOMES NOT RISKING CATCHES AND SETTLING INTO COMPLACENCY OF MEDIOCRITY.  Oh okay great.  I'll be back in a little while.

    HEY DELICIOUS.  Went with Goldon Graham Barr.  I THINK possibly more delicious than Birthday Bar-- IT'S CLOSE!--- but less Hearty.  The point is THIS IS ALL SUBJECTIVE.  Plus I will Change My Own Opinion on a snack-by-snack basis!  Tonight I'm happy I ate Goldon Graham Barr over Birthday Barr but that doesn't mean TOMORROW I will ADHERE TO THE SAME TASTE PREFERENCES.  You IDIOTS.  Anyway got beer #2 to start and I'm happy about that.  Happy about a lot of things these days!  That... a second thing presumably... possible a third.  Hmm.  Probably Hopefully go with Balanced Breakfast Tomorrow.  I THINK I still have a regular Blueberry Eggo or two and not just The Cinnamon Toast Eggo.  I GOT CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH AS CEREAL.  HOW MUCH CINNAMON TOAST AM I SUPPOSED TO BE HAVING IN THIS SO CALLED BALANCED BREAKFAST?  Hmm.  What's up and shit.  MAY OR MAY NOT have SOME sort of lowish calorie ice cream treat moving forward around bed time.  I'M PLAYING THIS ONE CLOSE TO THE VEST.
   Ugh.  Three paragraphs to go!  Delicious.  Gonna enjoy some BedTime again I think.  Man oh man I can just PICTURE it already.  Fun!  The point is I TOOK A CHANCE taking pizza home by NOT opening up the pizza box as I left to make sure it was My Order.  Sure I VAGUELY saw them put my exact order into the box BEHIND THE COUNTER but I could have been CONFUSED.  Also every time I get a delivery they presumably Get What's Being Put In The Box Right.  So why should this time I Be Worried They Get It Wrong.  EITHER WAY first time a few days ago I DID open the box as soon as I get out the restaurant (I don't want them to see Me Doubting Their Competence and be insulted).  But then THE PIECE OF TAPE BROKE.  NOW PIZZA IN BOX IS EXPOSED TO THE ELEMENTS.  So this time around NO BREAKING TAPE until I get home and I'M READY TO BREAK THE TAPE OPEN COMPLETELY FOR GOOD.  The point is the pizza was right.  There were two of them.  JUST AS I ASKED.
    Penultimate paragraph.  Man.  I remember a few days ago being like hey I know it's early but TECHNICALLY we're getting into the middle of August SORT OF!  Now we're HOURS AWAY From it being August FIFTEENTH.  TIME FLIES and I DON'T LIKE IT.  I kind of like it in terms of FINE LET'S JUST GET WHERE WE'RE GOING WHAT'S THE HOLD UP.  But I DON'T LIKE IT in terms of I'M DEFINITELY NOT MAKING THE MOST OF MY TIME.  GOING BY TOO QUICKLY WITHOUT ME APPRECIATING AND/OR MAKING GOOD USE OF IT.  DON'T LIKE IT.  Oh well what can ya do.  Time will go on at it's relatively familiar pace and there's not much we can do about it.  Anyway.  Hey great what else.  Guess I can start all over tomorrow considering getting Chinese food for lunch.  Guess I can start considering TONIGHT whether I should have a lollipop PERHAPS AS SOON AS spell checking this entry.  THOSE ARE THE TWO THINGS I WILL POSSIBLY BE CONSIDERING IN THE NEAR TERM FUTURE.
Last paragraph!  AMAZING!  How much Goldon Graham Bars would be a lunch.  Off the top of my head 4 would be a smallish lunch and 5 would be a large lunch.  Sounds reasonable.  WHICH ONE.  ONLY ONE OF THEM CAN BE REASONABLE.  NO SPOILERS.  I'm playing this one A LITTLE CLOSE TO THE VEST.  Whether I would consider a 4 Goldon Graham Barr Lunch reasonable or a 5 Goldon Graham Barr Lunch Reasonable.  Also SPOILER ALERT I WANT IT TO Be the 5 Goldon Graham Barr Lunch BUT IN REALITY it's probably the 4 Goldon Graham Barr Lunch.  SO MUCH FOR PLAYING IT CLOSE TO THE VEST!!!  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna at the very least watch the last 11 minutes of THE VENTRILOQUIST'S DUMBY when this entry is over.  Then think LONG AND HARD about watching the next episode.  Otherwise I might be done with everything before 10:00 PM and THAT'S QUITE A BIT TOO EARLY to go to bed.  QUITE A BIT By TEN TO TWENTY MINUTES.  So the point is I'm done here and that can't be bad.  See ya later!

-9:37 P.M.




Saturday, August 13, 2022

Oh Here I Go Again

    Hey!  About an hour and 15 minutes behind schedule today!  I will fit in Acts I and II normally but pushed back.  I will either only take six walks, OR take a seventh walk AFTER DINNER or AFTER ACT III PART I.  Not sure what I'm leaning towards as of now.  Could easily be any of those three options!  HEY the Tree Blockade of my Park Walk has been addressed!  No more tree!  GREAT and I was just starting to enjoy walking up Incline off the beaten path.  Beaten path.  That can't be a phrase.  It means nothing!  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE IT IS.  I guess Regular Paths are Beaten.  You beat TREES and BUSHES away so you can make some sort of path!  Hmm.  Mets lost yesterday while I FELT THEY SHOULD HAVE WON.  Doesn't seem right.  Anyway lunch today probably Ham Sandwich or Turkey Sandwich.  Only two FRESH meals I got going for me!  Also got a few dumb pieces of Hawaii Chicken.  I wonder how to spell Hawaiin.  It's either add just an N to Hawaii or add an AN probably.  I CAN SEE HAWAIIN IS WRONG.  WILL HAWAIIAN BE RIGHT?  YES.  IT IS RIGHT.  Let's celebrate by moving on with our lives.
Hmm.  Of course I was thinking about skipping entry today while laying in bed Past Normal Times.  Oh well what can ya do.  What lie are we up to about Trump Stealing Classified Info.  I feel like Trump's entire life is making up a new lie to balance out yesterday's lie being found out.  Gotta be exhausting.  Unless he gets off on lying.  Then he's having a blast good for him.  Hmm.  Mets game at 7:10 PM.  THIS ONE I CAN PAUSE AND SHIT.  Amazing.  Young Superstar MLB player TESTED POSITIVE for some sort of Steroids and/or other banned drug.  OH NO.  He was supposed to be ONE OF THE YOUNG SUPERSTAR FACES of MLB.  HE MAY BE THE GUY WHOSE ON THE LATEST MLB VIDEO GAME BETTER LTURQ.  YEP he was the, "COVER STAR," of MLB THE SHOW 2021.  Which I THINK is actually for 2021 season.  MOST video games with years are A YEAR AHEAD of schedule I feel.  Anyway.  Wonder if there's clauses in contracts where they can VOID CONTACT If the guy turns out to be SteroidGuy.  Oh well what can ya do.  LOOK IT UP?  I Don't operate that way!
Hmm.  August THIRTEENTH.  No foolin'!  Hmm.  Don't remember FOR SURE but I THINK I hit allotted target of calories for MightNight snacking last night.  40 calorie fudgesicle.  70 calorie Fiber Brownie!!  BOOM two things and all reasonable!  Had delicious Frosted STRAWBERRY pop tart and ice cream sandwich for breakfast.  Yesterday I alluded to Frosted BLUEBERRY Pop Tart.  WRONG.  I got Strawberry.  Hm.  I am having some trounble with R's.  Wait.  No I'm not anymoe.  r  r r.  Swarm.  Redo.  Arbitrary.  Reminsicnt.  Crazy.  I just tried a bunch of words with R's at different poitns in the words and NONE OF THEM PRESENTED PROBLEMS.  Hmm.  What else is up.  LOBBY FOR DINER DELIVERY tonight.  Bison burger or something.  GriddleCentric with Egg Whites for breakfasts or something.  I dunno we'll see how it all, "SHAKES," out.  Went into this week FOREGOING Super Market Fresh meals so I could get Chinese Food as 2-3 part'r lunch.  Then I got HAWAII CHICKEN Thursday Night.  REDUNDANT for Chinese Food pretty much!
     GREAT.  What else is up.  GOD BLESS THE IRA. I THOUGHT IT WAS A U.K.  Something like that.  Did I  get those words right.  THEY DON'T SAY GOD BLESS THE IRA.  I didn't THINK they did.  I just wrote it anyway.  They just go OR IS THIS THE IRA.  Anyway THEY THINK IT WAS A UK.  Also when I googled lyrics for Anarchy in the UK the first hit was a FAKE VERSION by Motley Crue which replaces UK things with USA things.  FEELS LIKE THEY GOT THE IDEA FOR THAT FROM THE SEX PISTOLS.  I don't buy the GREAT MINDS THINK A LIKE theory for this one!  IT'S A SCAM.  Anyway look do I know many other Sex Pistols songs?  NO.  I'M SORRY.  Better LTURQ.  Do they do HOLIDAY IN CAMBODIA.  Better LTURQ.  THEY ABSOLUTELY DO NOT that's the Dead Kennedies.  WELL WHAT ELSE DO THEY DO THEN.  Hmm.  God Save The Queen.  I think I can imagine that song in my head.  Either that song or some Fake Song In My Head where there's lyrics God Save The Queen.  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Paragraph is over.  Oh that's good news!  Amazing.
    Yeah!  Looks like I got a solid FOUR pieces of Hawaiian Chicken left.  I guess I can AND SHOULD make a lunch out of that.  But I need some Heartiness to pair with it!  Freedom Fries I just had yesterday.  And if I DID want more it'd still have to be A LOT.  Hmm.  THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  What about some Kettle CHIPS and a slice or two of bread.  Make it Hawaiian chicken SANDWICH.  I could see that possibly working.  Anyway GREAT.  Not wasting food!  And I can even see ENJOYING that meal!  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Melon Day and National Creamsicle Day.  WHAT KINDA MELON.  THERE'S LOTS OF MELONS OUT THERE.  I DON'T THINK I ENJOY ANY OF THEM.  Creamsicle sounds pretty good.  Also I like how there's no NATIONAL or something to Melon Day.  Just MELON DAY.  Naked without the National.  Naked without what kind of Melon.  Just MELON DAY.  Oh well what can ya do I guess.  Hmm.  Since I woke up late I can potentially SKIP snack before lunch and then that makes up for SKIPPING one walk EASY PEASY.  Then again who cares I'm gonna get coffee now. 
    Maybe skip the bread and have SALT SNACK and SWEET SNACK BOTH with Hawaiian Chicken.  Kettle Chips and Great Fiber Bar.  That sounds good but WHAT WOULD PEOPLE SAY.  They'd be none the wiser!  Oh boy amazing.  Nice Classic Breakfast today.  That's good.  Hey I can have delicious new Ice Cream thing With Chocolate Candy Coated today.  Only got FOUR for the week.  But if I want it I SHOULD HAVE IT WHO KNOWS IF I'D WANT IT IN THE FUTURE so why put it off if it doesn't pay off in the end.  So that's good.  How much time do I have allotted to write these 5.5 paragraphs.  EASY AS MUCH AS I WANT.  Let's go with 40 minutes.  DOABLE AND ACHIEVABLE.  So that's good.  Normally I'm taking SHOWER between the TIMES (Not #) of upcoming 2 walks.  NOT THIS TIME.  WRITING ACT II.  TAKING A SHOWER LATER PROBABLY.  I gotta get clean SOMEHOW.  Shower At Some Point is the obvious answer!  Anyway I could get GriddleCentric Meal with egg whites for balanced breakfast and THE GRIDDLECENTRIC MEAL ITSELF can be breakfast.  Challah Freedom Toast.  Two slices.  ONE BREAKFAST EACH.
    You IDIOTS.  Seventh paragraph.  40 minutes is TOO much even for OVERSHOOTING it.  Ugh.  Wearing CORDOROY button down shirt today.  Too hot or it!  BUT it's the coldest day in a while so IF I AM TO WEAR THIS SHIRT THIS MONTH this is how I would have done it.  Good.  Maybe fit in shower after Act II BEFORE the walk after that.  WHO GIVES A FIG.  FIG GIVERS.  Sounds accurate.   Hawaiian Chicken is BREADED.  Might be good in THE OVEN.  Can I justify USING THE OVEN for this amount of chicken though?  I DUNNO.  BORDERLINE CASE.  Probably just use the microwave.  PLAY IT SAFE.  Not sure why oven isn't safe.  I can forget it's on and then blow up the house.  Sounds vaguely plausible.  So that's good.  What am I listening to now MusicWise.  I THINK the NEW IN ALTERNATIVE playlist.  I'd check that right now but Ya Know Don't Care.  THEN AGAIN IT'S GOOD EXERCISE getting out of my chair and then getting back into it soon after.  LET'S DO THAT.
    YEP New In Alternative.  Good.  Alternative To Love.  That's a song AND/or ALBUM by Brendan Benson.  Brendan.  Brandon.  Brendon.  I'm gonna go with BRENDON.  Let's LTURQ.  BRENDAN.  I WAS SO CLOSE.  Oh well what can ya do.  Eighth paragraph.  Pretty confident I got the last name right.  Benson.  You don't forget a last name like that!  There's comedian DOUG Benson.  There's... uh... LEMME GOOGLE UP SOME, "BENSONS."  FORMER MAJOR LEAGUE PITCHER KRIS BENSON I REMEMBER HIM.  THAT MIGHT BE ALL THE BENSONS I KNOW.  Also Kris Benson IS ALIVE.  For a second I confused him for one of the Dead Pitchers Of His Era. I Don't THINK it was Corey Lidle.  I think there's ANOTHER DEAD PITCHER from that era.  Either way Kris Benson had an attractive wife or something.  He was on the Mets for a year or two and for some reason people cared about his Wife Being A Model.  Not 100% sure why that became relevant.  Maybe people were like he's TOO DISTRACTED by his attractive wife TO BE GOOD AT BASEBALL NOW I HATE HIM.  Sounds about right.  Hmm.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Amazing!  Hmm.  Got plenty and plenty of time to do stuff.  Not enough time to fit in a seventh walk comfortably without doing it AFTER the RegularDay is over.  But you get the idea!  MAYBE I SHOULD LISTEN TO BRAYNDEN BENSON ESSENTIALS play list on Apple Music.  20 or 30 of HIS TOP ESSENTIAL SONGS TO LISTEN TO.  That'd be a kick and a half.  Then again eh what else is going on and crap.  Hmm.  Also don't tell me what songs are ESSENTIAL to listen to.  I'll listen to WHAT I LIKE.  If anything I'll TELL YOU what songs are essential.  GOT IT?  What else is up.  GREAT NEWS the next Tales Crypt I get to watch is THING FROM THE GRAVE.  Also NO SPOILERS but The Thing From The Grave is JUST A GUY.  A dead guy.  Sorta Zombie-ish (GOOD GUY THOUGH, TAKES OUT THE ANTAGONIST).  Why you calling him a THING.  He's A MAN.  GIVE HIM SOME CREDIT for being A PERSON.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Also NOT AN OFFICIAL GRAVE.  I GET that if you're buried in the ground it BECOMES a grave.  But no one made it a LEGAL, OFFICIAL grave I FEEL.
    Last paragraph of the Act!  Good deal!  Hmm.  I also feel like the TRADE to get Kris Benson was controversial because Mets gave up some prospect or something that was good.  COULD IT HAVE BEEN THE SCOTT KAZMIR TRADE?  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE.  Mets gave up 3 players ONE I REMEMBER but I don't remember if any of them were considered GOOD or PROMISING at the time.  One I remember is TY WIGGINGTON.  FUNNY NAME.  Not sure I APPRECIATED THAT at a the time.  Either way THIRD BASEMAN.  Let's LTURQ on Baseball . - . Reference to see if he has any good YEARS.  THE YEAR BEFORE HE WAS TRADED MIDSEASON he had finished EIGHTH in Rookie Of The Year Voting.  HOLY CRAP.  That's EVEN BETTER THAN NINTH THROUGH THIRTEENTH.  Anyway you get the idea he had a decade long career somehow but was No Good The Entire Time.  Wonder how much BANK he made.  Let's LTURQ.  $24.6 million over 12 years.  For being a replacement level player.  BELOW replacement level practically.  GOD DANG TY WIGGINTON MADE SOME BANK.  25 MILL.  Either way the point is time to take a walk.  Be back soon!




I Don't See Your Point

    Hi friends!  Looks like I'll be able to fit in SevenWalks in normal day time schedule more or less!  Short period of time between Walks III and IV to do it, but NOT SO BAD.  So that's good.  Turns out everything all worked out.  Not just in my life IN THE WORLD.  Whew that's a relief.  For a while there things WERE NOT LOOKING GOOD.  Anyway.  Scott Kazmir Trade was for VICTOR ZAMBRANO I believe.  Better LTURQ just to make SURE I'm a Memory Genius.  YEP.  I think Scott Kazmir had a very good career for half a dozen years.  LET'S LTURQ RIGHT NOW.  FOUR.  He had FOUR-- ALL CONSECUTIVE-- Quite Good Years!  VICTOR ZAMBRANO I don't think it turned out could even pitch.  He was one of the guys who runs with the tarp when there's a rain delay and they cover the field with tarp.  That can't be people's ONLY job description.  What do they do when there's no Rain Delays during games.  SIT AND WAIT.  ATTENTIVELY.  Oh okay.  Anyway thing where they DANCE while running with Tarp.  That way the crowd IS HAVING FUN while being INCONVENIENCED BY WEATHER.
    Okay.  Hmm.  Thinking about getting Challah French Toast and Bison Burger.  Both as MEALS.  Think I'll have em IN THAT ORDER TOO (for tonight dinner and tomorrow lunch).  YOU IDIOTS.  Is it possible the document Trump had re: President of France is just a bulletpoint of different meals with French in their name and he had to remember to ask the President of France next time he saw them What That Was All About.  My guess?  I HOPE SO THAT'S A BEST CASE SCENARIO.  So that's good.  I guess.  Could probably fit in shower AFTER ACT, Before Walk III.  But I feel MORE COMFORTABLE spending the short amount of time between walks III and IV as SHOWER and then DRYING off.  THAT'S IT.  THAT'S THE BREAK BETWEEN WALKS.  Who ENJOYS that meme.  That's it.  That's the tweet.  YOU SOUND CONDESCENDING. Only good way to sound condescending is IF I AGREE WITH YOU and I feel the people who DON'T agree with you should be condescended to.  BUT EVEN THEN IT JUST FEELS OFF.  That's it.  That's the rant.  SEE IT'S TERRIBLE.  NOBODY LIKES IT.  Let's ABANDON IT.
Third paragraph of the act!  I WILL have Hawaiian Chicken and Kettle Chips for lunch.  Just a matter of LOTS of kettle chips or LESS KETTLE CHIPS + SOME SORT OF SWEET SIDE.  So I got that going for me.  Hawaii Five Oh and CHIPS.  I feel like those TV shows are both from the 1970's.  Better LTURQ.  CHIPS was from 1977-1983.  HAWAII FIVE ZERO 1968-1980.  WERE THEY EVER PLAYED BACK TO BACK that's what I wanna know.  HAWAII 5 OH WAS CBS and CHIPS was NBC.  GO FIGURE.  The point is I forget.  Looks like there's a HUGE teacher shortage in the country.  I CAN'T IMAGINE WHY.  Oh wait I can imagine 30 VERY STRONG different reasons.  Oh right that sounds more accurate.  The point is NORMALLY I shouldn't be allowed to teach with no Teaching Degree NOR even being in school studying for teaching degree.  But I feel at this point they'd let me teach an English class cause they're desperate.  Hmm maybe I should look into that.  Probably not.  I don't know how to teach English.  I barely knew how to be a STUDENT in English.  All I know is DON'T CONFINE ME WITH SYLLABI AND LESSON PLANS AND STANDARDIZED TESTS TO TEACH TO.  Just lemme be like hey read this book and we'll have fun talking about it every day.
Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime Day!  Don't read the book.  That's a paddlin'.  Don't participate in class.  That's a paddlin'.  Don't raise your hand before you speak.  You know THAT'S a paddlin'.  It's a SIMPSONS reference.  You don't need to CLARIFY when something is a Simpsons Reference.  98% of relatively obscure references you WILL have to explain yourself.  FOR SOME REASON if it happens to be from the Simpsons EVERYONE GETS IT SOMEHOW.  Hmm.  What else is goin on.  Normally I'm having a snack around now.  I dunno when I will now.  Maybe before next walk maybe right after!  Probably have lunch 10 or 15 minutes later than usual.  IS THAT IMPORTANT TO THIS?  YES VERY IMPORTANT.  Oh okay good.  Hmm.  A paragraph and change to go.  Turns out I got to do everything INCLUDING staying in bed an hour late.  WOW!  Delicious.  Wait sorry I was thinking of upcoming Hawaiian chicken.  That's where, "DELICIOUS," comes from.  Oh okay great.  One more paragraph to go!
    Jeez.  LOOK in RETROSPECT should I probably have had one less piece of Hawaiian chicken FIRST TIME AROUND to save for 2nd Tim Around?  SURE.  I didn't realize I'd have ENOUGH for a 2nd Time Around AT ALL though. So FORGIVE ME FOR NOT BEING PERECT.  You IDIOTS.  Let's LTURQ how Salman Rushie is faring.  Doesn't look like there's any update beyond what I knew last night.  Great.  How old is he.  Gotta be Oh I Don't Know SEVENTY FOUR.  75.  GOD DANGIT I WAS SO CLOSE.  Also his birthday is in JUNE.  If this were 2 months ago I'D HAVE NAILED IT.  GREAT just my luck.  I guess I COULD still go off the beaten path and climb Incline during walk.  Maybe alternate betwixt the two.  Gonna have to think long and hard about that one.  Hmm.  What else is going on that will take me 4 or 5 sentences to talk about.  IS IT POSSIBLE Chips and Hawaii Five OH were played BACK TO BACK on different channels?  Sure!  No way of knowing!  When I googled it on wikipedia they had exact times and days the shows played over their run.  Oh well like I said NO WAY OF KNOWING.  I'll be back tonight!




italics words are fun

    HEY!  Eating Sea Salt Caramel Health Ice Cream Bar.  Had BISON'D BURGER for dinner.  Had FIVE PIECES OF HAWAII CHICKEN and an ICED CREAM SANDWICH for lunch.  That's about it.  That's notable.  Also had normal snacks.  And some-- PERHAPS TOO MUCH-- grazing on Cinnamon Toast Crunch!  The important thing is WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP NOW just like Trump is IN HIS WEB OF CRIME AND LIES.  Anyway.  On my last walk they were doing some sort of FILM SHOOT right around where TREE used to be.  Not a MAJOR MOTION PICTURE film shoot but A HIGHLY PRODUCED amateur AND OR PERHAPS INDEPENDENT film.  A dozen people.  CAMERAS.  LIGHTS.  ACTIONS.  The point is I walked by them and THEY BETTER NOT HAVE FILMED ME.  I never signed off on this YOU CAN'T USE MY LIKENESS without proper compensation.  Which is FIFTY DOLLARS.  You give me fifty dollars OKAY GO AHEAD AND USE MY LIKENESS.  Not FORTY NINE Dollars. Not FIFTY ONE dollars.  FIFTY.  Wait why would I turn down Fifty One Dollars.  THAT'S JUST THE WAY I OPERATE, LIKE IT OR NOT.  Hmm.
Yeah!  Spent half an hour helping my Dad put pieces of plastic on and off of Rolling-Out-Think for dishwasher.  The thing that rolls in and out.  That you put glasses and plates and silverware in!  Had to put on 5 new pieces of plastic-- 4 of them ROLLERS and 1 BONUS PIECE presumably for Good Luck.  Anyway that took half an hour.  GREAT.  It just reminded me oh right at some point being adult is just DOING LOTS OF CRAPPY THINGS LIKE THIS.  FUCK.  I don't wanna have to DEAL WIT HRANDOM THINGS EVERYDAY.  I wanna WRITE random things every day.  Lots more fun!  Lots more random!  Lots less work.  Hmm.  Got the Holler French Toast with Egg Whites.  Either have the 2 pieces of Challist Freedom Toast for lunch tomorrow OR split it into 2 MORE breakfasts.  PROBABLY THAT.  I can have solid slice of Challah French Freedom TOMORROW MORNING.  Next meal I eat.  AN ENTIRE SLICE OF JEW TOAST.  I feel like Challah is a Jewish Bread.  I could be wrong.  Better LTURQ.  YEAH CHALLAH IS VERY MUCH STEEPED IN JUDAISM HISTORY AND COUISIDE.
Good.  I'm glad.  Wearin' undershirt.  I wanted to wear a shirt tonight because I'M AN ADULT MAN but I didn't wanna wear Heavy Cordoroy Button Down Shirt.  WORE UNDERSHRIT INSTEAD.  Oh okay that's a good story.  YEAH I THOUGHT SO.  Hmm.  Mets game going on tonight.  Been keeping TABS on it.  Probably gonna have a MINI RECESS halfway into Act III Part I just to CATCH UP SOME MORE.  Hey I'd play some Catch.  IDEAL PERSON TO PLAY CATCH WITH-- Well DAD off the top of my head.  Next person?  KEN GRIFFEY JR.  Next person?  KEN GRIFFEY SR.  Next Person?  KEN GRIFFEY THE THIRD.  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  LOOK is the REAL top answer I'd rather throw a rubber ball off a wall back at myself and just play catch with myself that way?  YES.  OF COURSE.  I'm an adult.  WE CATCH WITH OURSELVES.  Can't be bothered to involve some other jerk!  THIS IS A PERSONAL thing now when you get to my age!  Something like that.  I dunno.  Time to fast forward through 15 minutes of METS BASEBALL.
looks like Salman Rushdie gonna survive!  Great!  I read some quotes from him TALKING or WRITING on Twitter and I LIKE WHAT THIS GUY HAS TO SAY.  I think.  I forget.  Kinda remember Liking What He Had To Say Whatever It Was.  One can only imagine how he'll MINE This Personal Experience for MORE GENIUS.  Good fodder for upcoming material is my impression!  Hmm.  Anyway.  Lost an eye I think.  Should demand his assailant lose an eye too!  I've heard of AN EYE FOR AN EYE but IN HISTORY I've never seen it 100% LITERAL.  Must have happened NOW AND AGAIN.  This can't be THE FIRST TIME an assailant took out some victim's eye AND THEN WAS HELD ACCOUNTABLE re: Hammurabi's Code.  But it can't be very common, either!  In the land of the blind THE ONE EYED MAN IS KING.  And in the land of the one eyed men THE TWO EYED MAN IS KING.  This is the land that Rushdie Exists In Now FOR BETTER OR WORSE.
Amazing.   Two more paragraphs before I get to take Nice Real Recess.  Then start beer #2 and have a BIRTHDAY BOY BAR.  I'm the boy.  The birthday boy.  Sounds vaguely plausible.  OH HEY re-upping with Amazon FRESH tomorrow.  Cinnamon Toast Crunk bars STILL AIN'T IN STOCK but I AM re-upping with DELICIOUS GOLDON GRAHAM BARRS.  I haven't had one of those in like THREE TO FIVE DAYS.  I'm gonna get a real, "Kick," out of them is my assumption.  Anything else exciting I'm getting.  HMM.  HMM.  HMM!  Hmm.  HMM.  Oh right lemme LTURQ.  Nothin' that exciting.  Most out of the ordinary thing is LEMON FLAVOR of Fiber One 70 Calorie Brownies.  NOT BAD.  I LIKE A LEMON FLAVOR BROWNIE BAR 70 CALORIE FIBER AND ALSO TE WORD, "ONE," IS IN THE BRAND NAME SOMEHOW THAT I CAN'T REALLY FIGURE OUT.  Huh.  Could be getting SMORE Pop Tarts.  NOPE.  I feel like I've reached a point I'm OKAY with just one flavor of Pop Tart at a time!
   JEEZ.  I can take a BREAK after this paragraph.  It's ABOUT TIME.  KIND OF ABOUT SPACE, TOO.  Perhaps even some THIRD dimension if you could even contemplate such a thing.  Space isn't one dimension.  I think SPACE IS THREE DIMENSIONS.  Can we consult some physicists on this?  Time is a dimension and space is Vertical, Horizontal, and Depth.  Right?  MUST BE RIGHT.  Because it SOUNDS right.  Why would it sound right if it's wrong?  Just a waste of our time or something!  Hmm.  Being addicted to and/or just misusing drugs and/or alcohol doesn't make someone a BAD person who DESERVES death.  I'M SORRY TO ANNE HECHE.  Look I know she died before she could read anything negative I said about her but hopefully if she is reading this FROM HELL she'll take some solace in me genuinely and heartfully apologizing!  Hmm.  What Tales Crypt am I up to.  I think it's my Favorite Episode that I'm tired of a lot by now.  Hmm.  YEP THAT CHECKS OUT.  Wrote, "YEP THAT CHECKS OUT," before I even checked it out.  THAT'S HOW CONFIDENT I AM THAT I'M RIGHT.  Hey I was wrong.  How about that.  I'll be back soon!

   HEY.  Just took a long Recess to finish watching The Mets Game.  THEY WON.  LET'S CELEBRATE.  Ok BUT HOW.  MOVE ON WITH OUR LIVES.  That's what I was gonna do anyway!  GREAT.  Birthday Bar been out of Fridge for about half an hour and WOW THIS IS NAILING IT.  I'm not speaking facetiously or anything.  Being in fridge indefinitely --> being out of fridge for half an hour --> being stuffed down my gullet is THE WAY TO GO for Birthday Bar.  Anyway LOOK did I drop the Birthday Bar on a particularly dusty/dirty part of my floor?  SURE.  Did I wipe it down before I started stuffing it down my gullet?  A LITTLE BIT SURE.  COULDA WIPED IT DOWN MORE BUT I GOT PLACES TO DO AND PEOPLE TO BE.  So that's good.  Dunno what I'm gonna do Going Forward with snacks for the rest of the night.  PROBS a 40 cal fudgesicle either AT END OF ENTRY or AT BEDTIME.  Gettin' close to bedtime either way.  Also TOOTSIE POP COULD BE IN THE CARDS if I play them JUST SO.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Amazing.  Can't wait to set my alarm clock for a time considerably before I wanna get up even to get up ON TIME so I get to lay in bed and Snooze It Off for an hour or two.  Hmm.  Maybe even EARLIER alarm Set.  Been setting my alarm clock for 8:30 AM the last few months UNLESS IT'S A SPECIAL DAY with the MEDIAN IDEAL time to get out of bed FOR GOOD being around 9:45.  THINK TONIGHT I'LL SET THE CLOCK FOR 8:00.  PROVE ME WRONG YOU CAN'T.  TIME can prove me wrong.  But you're not time.  I KNEW TIME AND YOU SIR ARE NO TIME.  Hmm.  If I HAD to compose and release a rival Magazine-News-Publication to TIME Magazine SURE I'd Consider SPACE Magazine but it probably already exists for something.  COPYWRIGHTED ALREADY WHAT CAN AY DO.  PURCHASE THE COPYWRIGHT FOR MYSELF.  I don't think I have the BANK for such things.  OH WELL MOVE ON WITH MY LIVES THEN that's my back-up back-up plan.
Penultimate paragraph of the NightTime Day!  Good deal.  Ty Wigginton actually had reasonable Superficial Stats.  The stats people have always known and cared about.  Just wasn't really worth anything in SABERMETRIC stats when you get down to the Knitty Gritty.  Either way he has a quarter of a hundred million dollars gotta imagine that's going well for him.  Buy himself a new name.  Why did I have to go there.  Because of THEORETICAL PHYSICS.  Huh.  Look I'm gonna watch 1 Tales Crypt when this is over and then BEDFORD TIME.  Good great.  I gotta say I'm pretty happy with not noticing any dust or dirt or lint or hairs that I was eating when I ate the birthday bar.  There was probably SOME of ALL OF THE ABOVE but none of it registered at all!  So you take, "W's," where you can get them.  How much is a W.  4?  I'm gonna guess 4.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  W is 4.  Also W4 is a tax thing!  Wow!
Last paragraph.  We made it!  Well I made it.  You observed me making it AFTER THE FACT.  WELL DONE.  Hmm.  Finished beer.  I think this is THIRD night in a row at 2 beers if not FOURTH.  The point is WE'RE AT THE POINT where any knight I feel like having three beres I CAN GO AHEAD AND DO THAT I GUESS FOR SOME REASON.  Maybe have some sort of Solid Snack if I wanna have one more snack tonight.  I like the sound of that.  CRUNCH.  Not a LOUD or EXTREME crunch.  SOFT Crunch.  Practically an AUDIBLE ONE-TIME CHEW.  THAT sort of thing.  Hmm.  I could CRUNCH into lollipop.  Just skip the sucking and GET RIGHT TO THE EATING.  That's one way to go with my life I guess.  Hmm.  I GOTTA TELL YA AT THIS POINT I'm looking at JUST GOING TO BED when this is over.  Sounds fun.  I like the part where I LIE DOWN and WAIT FOR SLEEP to happen.  Sounds delicious.  Anyway great I'll be back tomorrow!  See ya then.

-10:02 P.M.




Friday, August 12, 2022

Can I Have Your Attention Please

    Hey!  About 10 minutes ahead of schedule, but expecting Super Market delivery anytime within the next 2 hours.  INCLUDING NOW!  So that'll add some Stress to writing this Act.  Not sure WHY.  But it WILL.  Anyway gained about 1/5th of a pound in the last 12 hours.  Ate six cookies overnight!  Had meal replacement cookie for breakfast (BIGGER BREAKFAST THAN NORMAL).  Either way WHAT'S DONE IS DONE.  And I THINK it's a little bit UNDER 1/5th pound.  More than 1/6th.  How about 1/55th pound. YEP GREAT MATH LET'S GO WITH THAT. Look if I just added a decimal point everything would be perect. I DON'T OPERATE THAT WAY!  Hmm.  Was strongly considering skipping first walk early before delivery and skipping entry.  Decided at the last moment to Go Through With Everything.  So that's good for everybody or something.  Wearing A SHIRT this period of time between walks including doing sit-ups.  Don't wanna have to put on shirt every time I check door to see if Super Market is here!  PROVE ME WRONG!  Hmm.  Notice it still says PACKING ORDER an not ORDER IS ON ITS WAY or something.  TIME PERIOD is accurate.  But they can't still be packing it if the time period is accurate!  WHAT THE HELL.
Hmm.  Gotta imagine there's a wonderful Mets game today.  Let's LTURQ! 7:10 PM!  ON APPLE TV.  Mixed feelings!  That means I can't pause it AND that my favorite Mets Color Commentators and Broadcasters won't be involved.  BUT I like the extra attention Mets get From World and presumably HIGH TECH COVERAGE or something.  I can live with that.  I BET one of their SUPER STAR pitchers is pitching today.  Probably MAN SCHERZER.  Yep that sucker sure is pitching tonight.  IN THE METS GAME.  Not just on his own accord.  Looks like we might find INFORMATION about Search Warrant in RAIDGATE.  Also for some reason this week it's been framed as RAIDGATE.  And not CRIMEGATE.  The raid isn't the story it's THE POTENTIAL CRIME YOU FOOLS.  Then again there's LOTS of microstories.  Like floor 1.5 that the Raid focused on.  You can't have a full 2nd story.  Trump can't walk up the stairs that much. AND ELEVATORS COST MONEY.  YOU GONNA PONY UP FOR ELEVATORS?  Escalators.  I feel like it's universal how much people love escalators, right? 
    YEAH.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Filet Mignon Day.  DELICIOUS.  I've had that Oh I Don't Know TWENTY TIMES?  When I was younger my Mom used to cook steaks sometimes!  Feels like there was one period where we got Filet Mignons.  SMALLER PORTION but WORTH IT PRESUMABLY.  Gotta imagine I got it a couple times from random restaurants.  LIKE OUTBACK STEAK HOUSE.  Anyway what else is going on.  Back to the grind of aiming for Regular Calories today.  Nothin' exciting to have for upcoming snack.  Maybe dependable small granola bar.  Still too early to commit to anything!  Maybe a piece or two of Hawaiian Chicken.  Nah I ain't gonna do that.  Hmm.  Looks like Anne Heche is not expected to survive.  Well NONE OF US are.  I'd bet each and every one of us is not expected to survive indefinitely.  Maybe some of us.  I dunno!  Feels like they should be working on how to implant our consciousness into machines.  I know they won't GET THERE any time soon but they should at least GET THE BALL ROLLING.
    Up to last--sixth!-- episode of Tales Crypt Season I.  So that's pretty good.  I'll watch a few of those today NO QUESTIONS ASKED.  Whose not asking questions.  Me or you.  Or someone else.  Doesn't matter.  NONE OF US are.  So that's good.  Wonder what Communal Dinner we're getting tonight.  FINALLY Diner or Italian.  BISON BURGER OR PIZZA.  This is what I wanted LAST NIGHT.  Now it's time for it to GO MY WAY.  Hmm.  In Stuyvesant Escalators covered 2 floors.  Escalator from 2nd to 4th, 4th to 6th, 6th to 8th.  AND THEN ALSO escalator from 3 to 5th, 5th to 7th, 7th to 9th.  BRILLIANT.  No escalator to 10th (FINAL) floor.  No escalator on 1st floor.  THINK WE COVERED ALL THE ESCALATORS.  What fun.  I can't remember how prevalent it was for people to walk up and down moving escalators.  Gotta imagine at least SOME of the time.  Probably MOST of the time.  WE GOTTA GET TO NEXT CLASS NO TIME TO JUST STAND AROUND LETTING ESCALATOR DO ALL THE WORK!
  Escalator or two broken pretty often.  THAT'S LIFE.  Depending on when Super Market gets here, I may take shower between walks 2 and 3 and write act ii between walks 3 and 4.  I could live with that!  Hopefully they don't come so late that it makes it so that I have to skip an entire walk completely!  Hmm.  What are the odds there are no nuclear materials in Maralago.  And that was LEAKED to make whatever is there seem benign.  I dunno 20%?  Sounds reasonable.  HEY SUPER MARKET DELIVERY IS HERE.  B BACK IN ABOUT 20 MINUTES ... HEY JUST DID THAT.  Wonderful.  Got time to fit in everything without much CrunchTime knowing when my Dad wants to take his walk today.  Anyway.  Think they had everything I asked for.  NEW KIND OF ICE CREAM THING box was open.  CLEANLY open.  Not RIPPED open.  If its gonna be open THIS IS THE CLASSY WAY for it to be open.  Probably eat it but also complain to get STORE CREDIT for next time.  Anyway 2 hours ago I didn't know if I'd fit in seven walks, write any entry, or successfully get Super market order without crying and/or giving up putting it away.  NOW WE'RE ON TRACK FOR EVERYTHING.  TIME FOR COFFEE.
    Yeah!  OH WELL DUH that's an exciting snack to have coming up.  New Ice Cream Thing.  It's SO GOOD they opened it for me because they knew I wouldn't wanna waste time opening it and just EAT IT as soon as possible!  GREAT.  Still gained 1/5.5 Pounds over the last 15 hours.  Oh well ya win some ya lose some.  Lots of draws.  So many draws!  I feel like I Draw way more than I win OR lose combined!  WONDERFUL.  Hmm.  Not sure when we're getting info on TrumpGate Stolen Documents.  Could be now.  Could be later.  Could be NOW.  Could be EVEN MORE later.  Could be... NOW!  Ok I'll stop.  Hey it's the 12th.  My birthday day.  I'm 33 and a third!  HOLY SHIT WHAT A SPECIAL DAY.  A THIRD TO 100!  YOU IDIOTS.  More than a third into the day though.  A third into the day is Oh I Don't Know 8 AM.  WELL PAST THAT NOW.  SOLIDLY into the Middle of 100.  Middle aged AS OF THREE HOURS AGO it turns out.  Oh okay.  Still PRETTY YOUNG Middle Aged.  For at least a few weeks or months!  So that's good!  8 AM SEEMS EARLY for the day to be 33.3% over.  Kinda feels like most people START OUT there.  Get off my back about it is the point!
Seventh paragraph.  Delicious!  Took shirt off for 2nd half of time between walks now.  No reason to keep it on OTHER THAN TO HIDE MY SHAME.  But not worth risking tearing my shirt doing sit ups JUST TO HIDE MY SHAME.  Hmm.  I talk about ESCALATORS at STUY a lot.  It's VIRTUE SIGNALING.  I'VE RIDDEN ESCALATORS WITH THE BEST OF EM.  Hmm.  Gotta say how disappointing it is when an escalator is broken.  WE GET SO USED TO stairs doing the work for us.  NOW I GOTTA WALK UP the equivalent o TWO FLIGHTS OF STIARS? ...WITH NO GUARANTEE THE NEXT 2 FLIGHTS OF STAIRS WILL BE ESCALATED AS WELL?  Now I'm virtue signaling that I HAVE TO GO THROUGH REAL LIFE PROBLEMS JUST LIKE REAL LIFE VIRTIOUS PEOPLE.  Anyway.  Hmm.  TURNS OUT Mom and Dad neither are gonna want anything for tonight.  Maybe pick up 2 SLICE of pizza from Pizzeria ON WALK for dinner!  I can do that.  Don't wanna get CHINESE food today.  Hawaiaiian Chicken would be redundant for some possible Chinese Dishes and the Health Spaghetti from Turkey Meatloaf last LUNCH would be redundant with OTHER ONES.  SO GET OF MY BACK ABOUT IT.
  Hmm.  Kinda feels like Stairway To Heaven is kinda ABLE-IST.  Hmm.  Well I guess you're Dead by the time YOU START the stairway. Anyone who can't walk up stairs IN LIFE I guess can AT LEAST BY THE TIME THEY'RE DEAD. Not BY THE TIME.  AFTER the fact.  Either way I'd feel a whole lot more comfortable with an elevator to Heaven.  Hopefully a fancy one where it's all made out of WINDOWS and you can see THE STREETS and/or REST OF THE BUILDING.  Not sure if they still make those.  I feel like they have those some places.  Lemme LTURQ.  Google SEE THROUGH ELEVATORS.  YEAH I think it exists but not as common as I was hoping.  Maybe as common as I was EXPECTING I dunno.  Either way SCARY.  It could be just a regular elevator ride 100% but if it's entirely glass and you can see Outside and yourself rising up and down THAT'S LIKE A THRILL RIDE.  I WANNA DO IT JUST TO TEST MY METTLE.  What's Mettle mean.  Better LTURQ.  YEP SEEMS ACCURATE USAGE TO ME.  Friday.  Done with Delivery.  What else I gotta do today.  POSSIBLY NOTHING.  Wait around for Pizza to be made.  MAYBE COME UP WITH BETTER IDEA FOR DINNER.
What about those Two Breakfast Hot Pockets.  Sounds fair.  REAL fair.  What else is up.  OH NO apparently Salman Rushie was stabbed while giving on a speech on stage.  I know THE BARE MINIMUM about him but seems like he was ON THE SIDE OF GOOD and his cameo in Curb That Enthusiasm was DELIGHTFUL.  So I hope he survives and whatknot.  THIS IS ALL NUCLEAR DOCUMENTS FAULT.  If it weren't for them I wouldn't be checking twitter over and over.  Then I wouldn't know about this until HOPEFULLY it's confirmed HE WILL BE OKAY.  Hopefully that happens anyway.  Anyway do I wanna have New Ice Cream thing as upcoming snack?  Or save it for AFTER THAT ONE UPCOMING SNACK.  #IceCreamProblems.  What else is up.  HEY looks like there's already confirmation coming out that Salman Rushdie is gonna be okay.  GREAT.  Then again JUST LIKE ANNE HECHE AND THE REST OF US he IS still ultimately mortal.  But he lives to fight another day!  Unless he dies in the next 12 hours.  Then he JUST BARELY didn't make it to the next day.  So we'll have to wait and see what happens.  Hmm.
     Last paragraph of Act I!  Amazing!  What else is going on and crap.  Got Cinnamon Toast Crunch for upcoming Balanced Breakfasts.  So that's good.  Wonder if Lesser Diner has Bison Burgers.  There is a LESSER DINER than the normal one that I could get delivered tonight for myself.  BISON BURGER FOR TONIGHT, GriddleCentric + Egg Whites for TOMORROW LUNCH AND EGG WHITES FOR BALANCED BREAKFAST.  Look I DUNNO WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN.  Could be practically ANYTHING.  Maybe I get a Spicy Chicken Sandwich from Wendies I DUNNO.  No that wouldn't be good.  Had lightly fried chicken YESTERDAY.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  SANDWICH for lunch.  That much should be apparent.  What kinda SandwichSide we talkin'.  Look I DUNNO I'LL UPDATE YOU ON THIS SITUATION AFTER IT'S DONE PROGRESSING.  Hmm.  Maybe get somethin' like SPARE RIBS from Chinese Food.  That's dumb.  Tastes good!  But DUMB.  Ugh.  Hmm.  DOESN'T look like Smaller Diner has Bison Burgers.  BUT OTHER OPTIONS FOR DINNER TONIGHT FROM SMALLER DINER ANYWAY.  Look the act is over at long last.  I'll be back soon with MORE paragraphs at longer last!  See ya then!




Feels Right To Me

    Hey!  THINKING ABOUT MEALS.  Maybe have delicious Veggie Burger with Frozen Freedom Fries for lunch.  Then pick between TWO BREAKFAST HOT POCKETS, TWO FRESH SLICES OF PIZZA, or TRYING OUT THE, "THE EMPENADA SPOT," which is a place on my walk I never got before.  Presumably get TWO empenadas!  Look is it THE Empenada Spot or THAT Empenada Spot.  I dunno!  And there's no way of knowing.  Except for googling it within 5 seconds.  FINE I'll do it  IT'S, "THE."  JUST AS I SUSPECTED.  LOOK IS IT SPELLED, "EMPANADA?"  YES.  Just as I DIDN'T suspect.  Anyway couple of IMAGES of their, "Empanadas," on line and they look delicious.  It's like Jamaican Beef Patties but A STEP FANCIER and A WHOLE LOTTA STEPS more variety!  So that could be FUN but RISKY.  One ain't gonna be enough.  Two probably gonna be too much.  MAYBE JUST STICK WITH 2 BREAKFAST HOT POCKETS that I KNOW are the right amount for a dinner.  Or PIZZA.  Okay we're all caught up.  And we just reached the same amount of info I provided in the first two sentences. But made it an entire paragraph!  Go Figure!
    Hmm.  Let's aim to write these four paragraphs in half an hour.  DO-ABLE AND ACHIEVABLE.  Well sure it's both THEY'RE SYNONYMS.  SHUT UP.  I SAID WHAT I SAID AND I MEANT IT.  Hmm.  The last 2 or 3 times I DID get pizza on my walk I had to wait a while because it turned out each time I got EGGPLANT and thy gotta COOK THE EGGPLANT JUST FOR ME.  Without eggplant might be more of an IN AND OUT situation.  SO THAT'S FUN.  Also I take my last walk a little late, then I eat it when I get home WITHOUT MICROWAVE OR OVEN.  JUST PLAY IT AS IT LAYS.  Except for sopping up grease.  EITHEER WAY sounds like a blast to eat pizza AS GOD INTENDED.  Not sure God intended us to eat pizza at all.  Pizza is MAN MADE.  AN AFFRONT AGAINST NATURE.  An ABOMINATION.  Then again God GAVE US ABILITY and MEANS to make pizza.  So in a way THIS IS ALL GOD'S FAULT.  Hmm.  Look hot pockets are delicious.  BREAKFAST OR NOT.  That's a KEY thing to consider in all of this as well.  Hmm.  GOTTA PUT THEM IN OVEN THOUGH.  Does that come into play as a consideration? SURE ANYTHING CAN AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED.  I wanna GET THIS RIGHT gotta approach it FROM ALL ANGLES.  About 360 angles, right?  I'd say One Degree = One Angle on average.
    YEAH.  What else is up.  Something I'd Say If I were just 2% more stupider-- I GUESS HE WASN'T IN SUCH A RUSH TO DIE AFTERALL.  It's SUCH a thin margin between How I Am and How Much Stupider I'd Have To Be To Say It that it's basically negligent.  I AM that stupid pretty much overall.  APPARENTLY.  Oh Good Point.  Hmm.  Isn't there a thing about Salmon where they die Stupidly or something.  They perform some action that causes their death.  That sounds like something!!  Better LTURQ.  I dunno.  Something about dying after they spawn.  I thought Spawning was just for Video Games.  Spawn somewhere every time you die But Get To Start Over Because That's How Video Games Work.  If your character died in a video game and then you couldn't play anymore PEOPLE WOULD BE UP IN ARMS.  Which is either a PEOPLE WAVING THEIR ARMS WILDLY reference or a THEY'RE GETTING THEIR GUNS (ARMS) TO TAKE CARE OF SOME VIOLENCE BUSINESS.  I think-- I HOPE!-- it's just people waving their arms wildly.  What's going on again.  Oh right Salmon Spawning Die or something.  Probably thinking of something else.
Penultimate paragraph of daytime day!  LOOK did God intend me to eat all this Grease from pizza?  Sure, probably!  But I think IN THIS INSTANCE he'd be okay with me sopping up grease as A PERSONAL CHOICE which doesn't insult or anger him TOO MUCH.  So that's good.  Better LTURQ THIS SPECIFIC PLACE to see what kinda TOPPING Options I got exactly.  Probably just go with Garlic and Anchovie.  BETTER LTURQ THOUGH.  THEY DON'T APPEAR TO HAVE GARLIC.  Maybe I could put some sort of SHAKER Garlic over my pizza.  They might have it FREE in SHAKERS.  Not THE EXACT same sorta garlic but SIMILAR.  Either way WE'LL BLOW UP THAT BRIDGE WHEN WE GET THERE (After we've crossed it).  Hmm.  What's crap and bullshit.  Just feel like getting Veggie Burger out of the way instead of Turkey or Ham Sandwich.  I don't specifically CRAVE it but Logically I like having it AND I also feel once I'm eating it I'll get a kick out of it.  ALSO THE FRIES.  Makes more sense to have fries with veggie burger-- which must also be ovenized!-- than turkey or ham sandwich-- which DON'T need to be ovenized.  THE POINT IS I'M ONE PARAGRAPH AWAY FROM DOING SOMETHING ELSE.
Yeah!  We talkin' REGULAR SLICE not Sicilian.  SIcilian is delicious-- THEIR sicilian is delicious--- BUT their sicilian WAY TOO HEARTY.  I'd have to only have 1.5 slices if they were sicilian.  HEY THAT'S NOT A BAD IDEA.  But what do I do with last .5 slice.  THROW IT OUT WITH LAST FEW PIECES OF HAWAII CHICKEN.  Oh okay makes sense.  Anyway.  Is it possible that there were just a lot of back up cheeseburgers in Trump's safe?  My guess?  No of course not.  Oh well let's move on with our lives.  IS THERE such a thing as Fridges that you need a pin number or something to open.  I feel like that's probably a thing.  Can't think OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD why people would REALLY NEED IT but I can Really Kinda Imagine it existing.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Guess I might as well and go for trying New Ice Cream Thing upcoming snack.  The thing where it's like vanilla ice cream in chocolate coated thin candy type thing.  IF NOT NOW, WHEN.  I only got 4 of them.  I can't just HAVE ONE WILY NILLY to try it.  Gotta MAKE IT COUNT.  Hey great I'm gonna go now.  See ya tonight!




i haven't heard anything

    Hey!  Had delicious 2 plain slices of pizza.  WOULDA BEEN 7 dollars.  I PAID WITH CREDIT CARD.  THEY MADE ME PAY AN EXTRA 25 CENTS.  I feel like I did the right thing.  I did THE HONORABLE thing.  Eating low calorie ice cream bar now instead of tootsie pop.  I feel like I'm doing the wrong thing.  The VERY wrong thing.  But the good news is I plan on having a Chocolate Quest Bar in about an hour.  Hmm.  Pizza was GREAT.  Totally felt like oh right this is what pizza is supposed to be like.  None of that well done slices with garlic and anchovie.  JUST TWO LUKE WARM PLAIN SLICES AND ALSO THE CHEESE AND TOMOATO SAUCE JUST FEELS MORE APPROPRIATE.  Not to mention the bread!  HOW COULD I FORGET THE BREAD!  I didn't forget it I just chose not to refer to it.  I totally REMEMBER there being some crust and Under-Pizza Crust.  Feels like I've talked about that before.  Of course pizza crust is the bread around the end of the slice.  But is the bread Under tomato sauce and cheese also crust?  MOST PEOPLE WOULD SAY NO but maybe THE RIGHT PEOPLE would say yes.  Right people being Smart People.  THAT'S HOW WE DETERMINE IF YOU'RE RIGHT.
Hmm.  Some more news on Trump!  Turns out he's being investigated for SEVERAL crimes some of which SOUND really serious and all of which ARE pretty serious.  The point is I hope he gets the book thrown at him.  I don't think he's got the reflexes to get out of the way!  So he may never be put in jail but he'd SUFFER A BOOK HITTING HIM IN TEH HEAD.  No one wants that that'd be unpleasant as All Hell.  Also what book are we talking.  A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN.  How did I come to that book.  I HAVE MY REASONS AND THEY'RE NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.  Anyway.  Had Veggie Burger and Freedom Fries for lunch.  Hmm.  Speaking of Freedom-- a synonym of French-- wonder what Trump was doing with, "Info re: President of France."  GOTTA GET TO TE BOTTOM OF THAT.  Maybe THAT was where the Nuke Material was.  HE SLIPPED IT UNDER A BOOK JACKET pretending to be about Head Of France because WHO WOULD EVER THINK TO LOOK UNDER THERE.  And that's where Nuke material was. Either way SALMAN RUSHDIE not doing as well as I thought.  At first they gave the impression he just walked it off and was no worse for wear.  Now I feel him surviving would be good news.  They say HE MAY LOSE AN EYE.  WE ALL THOUGHT TO PRONOUNCE HIS NAME RUSH-DIE but maybe it turns out in light of recent developments Rush'd-EYE would be more appropriate.  The point is people can live with one eye and in fact it might make their life BETTER.  Got some nerve damage and his liver is in trouble.  Either way Lots of Luck to him.  Also my Dad tells me every few months he thinks LOL either means Lots of Luck or Lots of Love.  And each time it's phrased as what does LOL mean.  But I definitely remember having this conversation at least 4 or 6 times.  Hmm.
Third paragraph of Act III!  Figure I'll go for the standard 6/4 paragraph division for Act III parts I and II.  Hmm.  Government passed THE IRA.  Which I INSIST we refer to as a syllable and not 3 separate letters.  No saying EYE ARE EEY.   We're saying EYERAH.  And if we're not THEN I MIGHT JUST WITHHOLD MY VOTE FOR IT HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES.  What do you mean it already passed.  I JUST LOST ALL MY LEVERAGE.  CRAP.  When it rains it pours!  Sometimes!  Feels like it rains all the time without it pouring.  So there goes that theory.  Hmm.  OH HEY the good news is new ice cream thing was GREAT.  Like a Hagaan Daaz bar.  Vanilla ice cream in a chocolate candy coated shell.  Just not as big!  And I guess HEALTHIER VERSION but it TASTED real.  I LIKED IT.  LIKED IT A LOT.  NOT THAT MUCH.  COOL IT DOWN WITH YOUR GUESSES OF HOW MUCH I LIKED IT BASED ON THE LAST FEW SENTENCES.  BUT NO REALLY IT WAS PRETTY GREAT.  Upcoming breakfast gonna be FROSTED BLUEBERRY POP TART and Ice Cream Sandwich.  I HAVE NO OTHER OPTION.  Except for Health Breakfast Freedom Sandwich.  I wanted to use the word, "Frozen."  Now we're saying Freedom for FROZEN?
  Hmm.  Some joke about the film Frozen BUT I'VE NEVER SEEN IT so I can't make any sort of joke.  GOD DANGIT.  Two paragraphs to go for now.  Ate some Cinnamon Toast Crunch which is DELICIOUS.  Maybe I can have that as breakfast but WITH WHAT there's nothin' good answers to that.  Hmm.  WJAT TJE JE::  wait lemme start over.  WHAT THE HELL I DON'T HAVE TWO PARAGRAPHS TO GO FOR NOW I HAVE THREE.  WHAT THE FUCK JUST MY LUCK.  Some joke about the film Just My Luck which is a Romantic Comedy staring Lindsay Lohan either in real life or IN MY MIND.  Better LTURQ to see if it happened In Real Life.  YEP IT HAPPENED ON EARTH.  Not in my mind.  My mind is on Earth.  My mind is IN Earth not ON Earth.  Not sure what that's supposed to mean.  Whatever it is I DON'T LIKE IT.  But I've already written it so Oh Well Can't Go Back Now.  LOOK if it were up to me OF COURSE I'd pay for pizza in cash.  But DAD would have wanted me to use credit card even with the BONUS QUARTER OF A DOLLAR it'd cost.  I'M A GOOD SON IF ANYTHING.  Also Several Things.  Not only Anything-- Me Being A Good Son-- but MANY THINGS.  I'm TWO OR THREE other things as well NO SPOILERS.
    Fifth paragraph of Act III Part I.  Maybe have delicious LAST GOLDON GRAHAM EVER as upcoming snack.  Only one left who knows when I'll re-up with them probably around 4 days as the over/under.  My MODE best guess is Five.  POSSIBLY MEDIAN AND/OR MEAN.  I dunno what's going on IN MY HEAD EXACTLY.  But if I had to pick a number to guess it'd be 5.  But if I had to pick an over/under it'd be four.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT IT'S MY BODY MY CHOICE.  Also there was a Twilight Zone episode where everyone gets to pick their Adult Body Model.  Like there's half a dozen Bodies you can pick from because they're more attractive than whatever Dumb Body You're Gonna Turn Into.  So that's LIKE My Body My Choice but slightly different.  Hmm.  I feel like if I had to choose between half a dozen potential attractive Adult Man Bodies I'd choose the most PRACTICAL.  Not the most ATTRACTIVE necessarily.  The one that would help me the most PRACTICALLY.  Like maybe Stronger or something.  So I can pick up more things.  Or SMALLER so I could fit into tighter spaces if that ever comes up.
Last paragraph for now!  Then about a 20 minute recess INCLUDING taking out garbage at some point during the Recess.  I don't know what kind of monster I am that for some reason my baseline reaction to Anne Heche story is she had it coming.  First of all-- I somehow assumed based on coverage that she was drunk and/or had other drugs in her system.  Now I see that might not even be confirmed!  But even if it was my reaction was 90% total indifference and 10% eh what am I supposed to feel BAD for someone because THEY FUCKED UP?  In retrospect I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON AND I ASK THAT YOU LET ME SPEND SOME TIME AWAY FROM TE PUBLIC EYE WIT MY FAMILY TO THINK ABOUT WHAT I DID WRONG.  LOOK maybe it's because I can't think of any GREAT ROLES I enjoyed Anne Heche in.  If I was a FAN of her FILMOGRAPHY we're talkin' entirely different situation.  Lemme LTURQ maybe there a thing or two I saw and liked.  Cause to be honest CAN'T EVEN PICTURE WHAT SHE LOOKED LIKE.  Hmm.  OH SHE WAS THAT SUPPORTING CHARACTER IN, "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER."  Hmm.  Wonder if they ever found out what they did last summer.  THEY KNEW FROM THE START.  Oh okay.  The point is Sorry.  I'll be back soon.

    Hey!  Sorry about Anne Heche.  No one deserves to die.  Well we all deserve to die.  But AT A TIME AND PLACE OF OUR CHOOSING.  Well that's not accurate either.  You get the point though!  Eating double chocolate chunk Quest Bar!  You get the point!  I COULDN'T FIND last remaining Goldon Graham Barr.  I feel like there's a 75% chance I don't have any left and a 25% chance I have one TUCKED AWAY somewhere.  Anyway, starting Beer #2.  Mets game going on in background.  Solid chance there'll be some of that left over when Entry is over.  Either way PROBABLY WATCH A TALES CRYPT WHEN IT'S ALL SAID AND DONE.  What episode am I up to.  IT BETTER NOT BE, "THE THING FROM THE GRAVE."  Lemme LTURQ.  THANK GOD IT's, "Three's A Crowd."  You know what comes after Three's A Crowd, though?  "THE THING FROM THE GRAVE."  Oh okay wonderful.  Also what kind of Personality Do You Call It when my social premise is Two's A Crowd.
    Here comes another paragraph!  Amazing.  Not sure why the headline says Anne Heche, TV, Film, and Stage Actor, died... ETC ETC.  ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE.  You don't need to specify DIFFERENT PLACES she acted.  What's important is that she acted SOMETIMES which means EVERYWHERE when it comes down to it.  Not sure what that means or where I'm going with it.  Not sure what it DOESN'T mean.  And where I'm STAYING HOME with it.  I bet in Heaven Anne Heche is thinking should just cut my losses after first car crash.  Second car crash killed me.  WHY DID I HAVE TO ROLL TEM DICE and risk another car crash.  Very possible none of that checks out with The Actual Story Of What Happened.  I can't READ SEVERAL PARAGRAPHS that describe This Story In Vague Details.  I GOT ASSUMPTIONS TO MAKE and you'd just be wasting my time filling my head up with Potential Specifics!  NO THANK YOU.  Hmm.  PENULTIMATE PARAGRAPH IS TE NEXT PARAGRAPH.  I'M TALKING ABOUT IT THIS PARAGRAPH BECAUSE I WANTED THIS PARAGRAPH TO BE JUST A LITTLE BIT LONGER.
    Hmm.  I know Anne Heche was in a relationship with ELLEN Degeneres.  Ellen Degenerate.  Gotta imagine she got a lot of that at different points in her career for different reasons.  NOW'S NOT THE TIME THOUGH.  Ellen De Generous.  Gotta imagine she got some of that at points in her career.  Probably!  Some people may have confused her for being generous.  OR they may have leaned into the DE and say she was UN-GENEROUSITY'ING THINGS.  I don't have all the details in front of me GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  What kinda crap do I have in store for tomorrow.  Waking up.  Taking seven walks.  Writing 25 paragraphs.  Going to bed.  HOLY SHIT FINALLY SOMETHING I CAN LOOK FORWARD TO.  GOING TO BED TOMORROW NIGHT.  It's ABOUT TIME.  THREES A CROWD?  That's one of three or four episodes where the sound cuts out for a few minutes here and there on the YouTube video of it.  GO FIGURE.  Why should I.  I DUNNO EXACTLY.
Last paragraph of the night!  Wonderful!  Dunno whattado about BedTime Snack SHOULD THERE EVEN BE ONE and yes there should.  Already had ice cream bar EARLIER.  I can have ANOTHER ONE.  Same kind or SIMILAR. I can have SMALLER fudgesicle.  Can have TOOTSIE POP.  Somethin' else.  SOMETING EVEN MORE ELSE.  I think I covered everything in the last few sentences about what my options are.  I feel okay about that.  Maybe just have the same thing again.  I ONLY HAVE ONE MORE of this brand-flavor.  BUT I ENJOYED IT SO MUCH the first time around MAYBE I JUST TREAT MYSELF AND HAVE IT AGAIN.  YOU IDIOTS.  Can't have New Ice Cream Thing I Had Earlier In The Day.  NOT ENOUGH OF THEM TO SPREAD AROUND AND ALSO SLIGHTLY MORE CALORIES.  YOU IDIOTS.  Hmm.  The point is WOW the Met game for an inning or so and then a Tales Crypt and then MAYBE JUST GO TO BED OR SOMETHING AND DON'T EAT ICE CREAM FOR SOME REASON.  If you can even CALL THAT GOING TO BED.  Hmm.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-9:34 P.M.




Thursday, August 11, 2022

I Won't Stand For It!

    Hey!  About 10 minutes ahead of schedule today!  And my Dad isn't taking a walk until later than usual!  So I got all the time in the world!  Anyway had BONUS SNACK last night but made up for it by not having BedTime Snack, only having small MightNight Snack, and having smaller breakfast!  Smaller breakfast was BOWL of Frosted Flakes plus ONE Cinnamon Toast Eggo.  OK I THINK THAT'S EVERYTHING.  Still gotta write tough 24.5 more paragraphs though for some reason!  Hmm that doesn't sound right.  TWO episodes into Tales In The Crypt: Not Randomized!  No Mets game today!  TURKEY MEATLOAF * HEALTH SPAGHETTI LUNCH.  Okay NOW I think that's everything.  Gotta start coffee in a minute.  Didn't check my weight this morning.  Okay THAT DEFINITELY must be everything.  My Mom wants Loaf of Bread from Super Market.  Gonna be tough to find a bread that works for both HERS and MINES needs.  But I'm confident we'll figure out something!  Possibly something as simple as WONDERBREAD WHITE BREAD.  OKAY NOW THAT'S EVERYTHING.  Wait no I think there was something else.  What was it...
Started coffee!  On a RITALIN this morning without balancing it with a Klonopin.  THUS FAR!  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Gooey Butter Day and National Julienne Fries Day.  JULIENNE FRIES sounds good. I forget what Julienne means but I can SORT of picture it being something that SOUNDS GOOD.  Lemme LTURQ!  Oh.  "Just normal fries."  THEIR WORDS NOT MINE.  Although they BECAME my words, too!  Didn't come up with them.  BUT I ENDORSE THE USAGE OF THOSE WORDS all the same.  Gooey butter.  WHAT THE HELL.  Better CLICK THAT HYPERLINK.  Oh it's Gooey Butter CAKE.  That makes SOME more sense.  Let's see what THAT'S all about.  IT'S FROM SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI. I like that.  Missouri may be a purple state that very much leans into The Red but I LIKE the idea of a ST LOUIS CAKE.  St Louis named after Lewis and Clark-- thoughts?   Definitely not if those spelling are accurate.  They wouldn't name it after him and then change his name.  Also WASN'T A SAINT.  Lemme LTURQ.  NAMED FOUR LOUIS IX OF FRANCE.  WHAT THE HELL.  He doesn't sound like a SAINT either.  Sounds like A KING OF THE FRENCH.  Better LTURQ now.  Yep King BUT COMMONLY KNOWN AS SAINT LOUIS.  Now let's take another step back.  The Cake LOOKS LIKE IT'D BE OKAY.  Let's take another step back.  MISSOURI HUH.  MISS MISSOURI.
    Third paragraph of the act!  Wearin' a nice average shirt today.  I feel like I OFTEN go to this shirt as First Shirt of Round OF Shirt for some reason.  Half by chance, half by for whatever reason it just FEELS right to get out of the way first.  Hmm.  Striped shirts.  LOTS of horizontal stripes.  Black and Grey or something.  I dunno.  Small shirt!  Not too small my belly PROTRUDES out the shirt.  But smaller than most shirts!  Look I DON'T KNOW what I'm gonna have for dinner yet.  Make a play for pizza, sure, that sounds reasonable.  What else is going on and crap.  Not sure I'm happy with turkey meatloaf * Health spaghetti for today.  Kept putting it off and now I gotta have it and I DON'T KNOW IF I'M COMFORTABLE WITH THAT.  SHOULD HAVE HAD IT YESTERDAY.  KINDA felt like it yesterday.  OH WELL I MADE MY CHOICE AND NOW I HAVE TO SLEEP IN IT.  Also why is it a bad thing to have to sleep in a bed you made.  Presumably that's the ideal scenario!  That's why you made the bed.  TO SLEEP IN IT APPROPRIATELY EVENTUALLY.  Sounds like a win/win!
    Okay.  Anyway.  What was so great about King Louis the Ninth.  Better LTURQ.  IDEAL CHRISTIAN LEADER is his legacy apparently.  NOT AS GOOD AS CHRIST I'D BET.  When you're talking about THE BEST Christian Leader the conversation STARTS AND ENDS with Jesus.  He's the GOAT as far as I know.  Good One At... Something with a T.  Being on a T.  T looks like Cross.  TOO SOON?  Anyway I dunno.  Gettin' into the Act!  Fourth paragraph!  Not too shabby.  Anyway if I wanna klonopin gotta get it from DOWNSTAIRS CABINET bottle.  I also had a 2nd bottle in my Room Drawer but I finished those.  Hey that's great just great.  What's today.  Thursday!  Hey that's great just great.  Hmm I probably should watch LIGHTYEAR.  If I wasted my time watching LUCK surely I can waste my time watching LIGHTYEAR.  Also it's pretty impressive how much Universe There Is after JUST 13 billion years or so.  How old is OUR SOLAR SYSTEM.  Probably like 1-3 billion years DEPENDING ON how you define It Starting.  LEMME LTURQ.  Sun and planets formed about 4.6 billion years ago.  NOT BAD.  Pretty good.  Huh?  HOW DID IT ALL FORM AT SAME TIME.  Seems kinda suspicious.  Gonna have to look into that one.
Fifth paragraph!  I PLEAD THE FIFTH paragraph.  Please?  The Fifth? is how you should be forced to plead the fifth each time you do it.  Today or tomorrow is special Baseball game they play in FIELD OF DREAMS.  WOW.  A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE?  I'M SOLD.  Also they play in OLD TIME uniforms.  And they have to EAT THEIR WAY IN CORN through the corn fields to get there.  It's fun I don't have a problem with that.  Not sure why I'm implying I do.  JUST TO SAY SOMETHING I would guess.  It's THE CUBS versus THE REDS.  Two franchises with long history!  Presumably!  That'd be my guess.  HOW COME Reds never had to change their name after Communist Scares over the course of history.  Probably because hey it's just a color calm down.  Hmm.  Might have a shortened amount of time between fourth walk and fifth walk because of Dad's Later Walk.  But I'd settle for that if it means NO worrying in morning.  NOT SO BAD AT ALL.  Hey time to get some coffee!
   Not only got coffee but refilled soda with ROOT BEER.  Root Beer Float-- does anything float in it?  I think it means it has ice cream.  ICE CREAM MAY FLOAT or may DROP DOWN TO THE BOTTOM.  My guess is IT FLOATS.  Just like Everyone Floats in IT.  I think IT says it a few times.  We all float down here!  That doesn't sound so bad.  Better than drowning.  Better LTURQ.  YEP, "IT," does say that.  Anyway.  That was a good movies.  I could watch those again.  EITHER ONES.  BOTH.  BOTH OF BOTH.  Amazing.  What else is going on.  What PLAYLIST am I listening to right now.  Hmm.  I forget.  I could look it up but my phone is roughly ten feet away.  YA KNOW WHAT?  LET'S DO IT!  Count it towards my exercise for the day.  "THE NEW ROCK."  Capitalization MINE.  Although they probably wouldn't mind the capitalization.  I feel it ADDS to it not DETRACTS.  So that's good.  Hmm.  King Louis IX is from the 1200's.  HOW'D PEOPLE STILL REMEMBER HIM when St Louis, Missouri was invented.  That's like 600 years later!  I can't remember things I did 600 seconds later.  Which is TEN MINUTES.  Crunch the numbers yourself, I think you'll be happily surprised I was accurate off the top of my head.
    SEVENTH paragraph.
  Hmm.  Anyway.  THURSDAY.  What do Thursdays have going for it these days.  DREADING next morning where I have to accept Super Market delivery and which may interrupt Walk Schedule, too.  DANG IT THURSDAYS.  Don't think that far ahead.  JUST BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YA GOT IN THE MOMENT.  Easier said than done.  Probably.  It was EXTREMELY easy to say.  Probably is PRETTY easy to do but not THAT easy.  Hmm.  How come The Cubs survived multiple scared of Baby Bears wreaking havoc on our society every couple of decades.  Hmm.  One new Met player whose pretty overweight.  FAN FAVORITE.  Met fans QUICKLY latch onto Observedably Overweight players because IT'S FUN to sometimes see them run.  I think I got that right.  Maybe it's just fun to watch their fat jiggle in a context we don't normally see fat people Go About Their Day.  Also he's been performing very well.  BUT I THINK IT'S MAINLY THE OVERWEIGHT THING.  Either way WELCOME TO THE TEAM.  We got you a locker.  YOU CAN KEEP WHATEVER YOU WANT IN THERE.  Your business not ours!
    Eighth paragraph of the act!  Hmm.  Maybe I don't necessarily need BedTime Snacks every Bedtime.  MAYBE I DO.  Gonna have to keep an eye on that!  Anyway.  I like when I 2/3rds suck my stomach fat in.  Not only am I not overweight but you CAN KINDA SEE SOME SEXY HALFWAY MUSCLED ABDOMEN.  And all I have to do is suck in my gut 2/3rds All The Time.  EASY.  I feel like that's become my default state without even THINKING about it.  So that's good.  Which team am I supposed to root for in FIELD OF DREAMS.  I guess the Cubs.  Still not very comfortable with the color, "Red."  That's MY hang up I get it.  But STILL it's a PERSONAL DECISION that I'M ALLOWED to make for myself.  Any good players on either of these teams.  Lemme LTURQ.  Wow.  There's literally ZERO players on either team that I'd say oh that guy is a halfway superstar.  Just ANYONE who you can point to and say well that's ONE great player they have.  Oh well maybe the Baseball Ghosts will show up and join the game.  Baseball ghosts are USUALLY good players.  How come there are no baseball ghost scrubs.  STILL TRAPPED IN HELL.  Oh Okay I see.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Do managers feel pressure to play Old Time Baseball in Field Of Dream Special Promotion Game?  Run the game like according to 1920 Strategy?  My guess?  They may have vaguely considered it half heartedly but probably won't.  Anyway.  I wonder which ghost they got to throw out the first pitch.  Obviously ghosts can't ACTUALLY play in the game.  They're not on the major league rosters of either of these teams.  Door is wide open for them to perform CEREMONIAL duties during the game, though!  Anyway.  Feels like I made this joke last year--  something about designing a dildo and saying, "If you build it, they will come."  I feel VERY strongly I said at some point.  Hmm.  Getting close to moving onto the next stage of the day!  I like those odds!  Hmm.  If we get DINER tonight probably get GriddleCentric meal for dinner with side of egg whites which I can REAPPROPRIATE for upcoming balanced breakfasts.  Also I HAVEN'T HAD DELICIOUS FREEDOM TOAST in a while!  Okay so that might be in the cards sure.
YEAH.  I feel like My Mom ordered me a new shirt through amazon.  I feel the way because I had some input on it before she put the order in.  Not sure what to expect EXACTLY.  Size, what it looks like, what it feels like... I DUNNO!  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Gooey butter cake.  Better LTURQ AGAIN.  I don't think I was paying enough attention the first time around.  Gotta say IT LOOKS pretty good.  It definitely LOOKS LIKE NORMAL CAKE I wouldn't mind eating ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL.  But all things AREN'T equal.  ONE DAY THEY MIGHT BE.  Hmm.  Had my colonoscopy in 2019.  When I GUESS I was 30.  Forget whether I was supposed to re-up with seeing Colonoscopy when I was 35 or 40.  He told me one of those.  MULTIPLE OF 5 DEFINITELY possible MULTIPLE OF 10 for Age Years.  Oh well I got plenty of time to figure that one out.  Not sure HOW I'd eventually figure it out.  Got time to figure that one out, too!  Either way that's it for now.  I'll be back soon!




That's An Interesting Thing To Say

    HEY!  Dad adjusted what time he wants to take his walk.  Basically I got 45 minutes to write this act and then SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME between Walk III and IV to shower.  ONLY 30-40 MINUTES! That's way more time than I need.  OH OKAY GREAT.  Anyway let's get into it!  Got coffee #2 and Ginger Ale #...something.  Pretty sure I had some ginger ale already this morning.  This could be either my 2nd or 4th glass of gingerale.  OR THIRD.  CAN'T COUNT OUT THIRD AT ALL.  Hmm.  What's going on and crap.  Got a snack coming up soon!  Probably KETO BAR.  That's the way to go!  There's KETO BREAD I saw when looking for a bread both my Mom and I could enjoy.  I DON'T THINK SHE'D ENJOY THAT. OH well such is life.  NO KETO FOR HER. That's her choice and she'll pay for it dearly but that's HER Business not mine.  BECOMES MY BUSINESS WHEN SHE GETS SICK AND DIES THOUGH.  Suddenly I'm involved and it's ALL TERRIBLE FOR ME, TOO.  Keto bread probably make her live longer.  And less sick while alive.  That'd be my instinct to assume!
    Okay.  Hows THE NEW ROCK working out for me. Pretty good!  I like a lot of these songs!  Usually takes me a while to warm up to a song but after a while I get on board with over half of them solidly!  Anyway considering getting EUROPE FANCY COOKIES.  The butter cookies with chocolate candy on top.  TWO OF THEM IS regular snack.  THREE OF THEM is nighttime indulgent snack.  I'D PROBABLY GET A KICK OUT OF THEM I THINK.  Gonna have to consider that carefully though.  Can't go into that decision unless I've thought out every angle.  So that's good.  Still would rather have PIZZA tonight than GriddleCentric EVEN IF IT MEANS not getting Egg Whites for balanced breakfast.  THAT'S HOW DELICIOUS PIZZA IS.  Anyway.  Miss the days where I just had anything I wanted for lunch or dinner every day without planning ahead.  BUT NOW I GOTTA SPLIT DINNERS INTO TWO.  I GET LOTS OF MEALS FROM SUPER MARKET.  GOTTA GO ALONG WITH COMMUNAL DINNR CHOICES BETWEEN FAMILY MEMBERS.  Oh well.  That's part of growing up!  Gotta plan out meals in advance a lot of time!  I could think of worse consequences of growing up!  Probably.  If I had enough time to carefully consider it.
Yeah!  Three paragraphs to go.  Easily can do that in half an hour.  Which gets me easily going into next walk with easily enough time.  WOW THIS IS WORKING OUT FOREVER IN MY FAVOR.  Hmm.  Maybe watch SOME ITS today.  I could see enjoying that.  Probably THE NEWER ITS.  OLDER ITS wouldn't be terrible either, though!  What if I READ THE ITS.  I don't HAVE them you idiot.  What if I downloaded them FROM AUDIBLE.  Or onto an E-BOOK.  I DON'T KONW WHAT THOSE WORDS MEAN.  SOUNDS LIKE NONSENSE TALK TO ME.  So there's that.  NOW I HAVE ROOT BEER YOU FOOLS.  I know Field of Dreams Game will probably be on FOX but I'd much prefer it be on ESPN.  I DON'T LIKE SUPPORTING FOX AT ALL.  UNLESS IF IT'S THE SAMPSONS.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP ITS ON FOX.  Oh well what can ya do.  BOYCOTT BASEBALL.  That seems like an extreme measure.  IF YOU WANT RESULTS YOU GOTTA GET RESULTS.  That is neither a phrase OR does it make sense.  FAIR ENOUGH.  What else is going on and crap.  August 11th!  GETTIN' into the middle of August.  I can live with that. I have NO CHOICE.
    Penultimate paragraph of The DayTime Day.  Delicious.  Gonna have to figure out this LOAF OF BREAD situation.  I don't wanna loaf of bread where slice of bread is 110 calories.  70 CALORIES IS THE GOLD STANDARD BEARER AND THAT'S WHAT I WANNA STICK TO.  Anyway.  Turkey, Ham, and VEGGIE BURGER.  Each with enough for 2 meals each over 2 weeks.  VGGIE BURGER?  ON REGULAR LOAF OF BREAD?  IF YOU SAY SO.  I DO say so and IT'S GONNA BE DELICIOUS.  Assuming I get this Bread right.  I'll definitely get something I'M okay with.  Pot committed to picking something I'll eat.  It's only a matter of what can I get my Mom to also be on board with.  We'll see how it all, "SHAKES," out!  Hmm.  I guess I have to write an entire paragraph more as well as a few sentences on top of that!  Well that's fine I guess.  As long as it pays off in the end in terms of I get to move on with the rest of my life for a while.
  Probably just watch some Tales Crypt this afternoon.  Maybe after 6 Episode Season I I TRY watching something else like ITS.  What's the plural of It.  Also what's It's Pronouns.  It/That.  Oh okay.  Makes the most sense off the top of my head.  What else is up.  I dunno if IT ever CALLS ITSELF It.  Probably wouldn't mind adopting it for itself, though.  I don't think it's disappointed in Its name being It.  Either way what else is up and crap.  The point is IT is a lot like JEEPERS CREEPERS.  They terrorize people EVERY 20 or 30 years.  Take long breaks in between.  I MAY be getting IT and/or KEEERS JEEPERS wrong.  But I think it's a solid 2/3 chance I'M GETTING BOTH RIGHT.  Also IT Versus Jeepers Creepers who wins.  My guess is IT.  Anyway what else is bullshit.  I dunno!  Kinda feel like I've written a long enough paragraph just now to move on with my life!  YEAH.  See ya tonight.




oh well what can ya do

    HEY!  Late getting to Act III Part I today.  Ate dinner late!  Then there was breaking news about how NUCLEAR WEAPON DOCUMENTS presumably were among those seized by Government Raid on Trump.  Spent 20 minutes worried about then until I felt Eh I've worried about this enough time to move onto the next thing.  Then again if there's a Nuclear Bomb tonight over City that's why I didn't finish the entry.  Not because I Didn't WANT TO.  Just got evaporated by Nuke.  Then again how could you be reading this.  If a tree gets nuked in a forest and everybody nearby is instantly incinerated, DOES IT MAKE A SOUND?  My guess is PROBABLLY YES SOME SORT OF WHISTLING SOUND.  That'd be my instinct.  A nuke drops and you hear WHISTLING within a 2 or 5 mile radius as it falls through the sky.  That's my interpretation of the facts.  Anyway got HAWAIIAN CHICKEN for dinner today.  Breaded chicken in NOT SO HEAVY sweet and sour sauce.  LEFT OVER SOME.  DUNNO WHAT FOR.  NOT ENOUGH FOR ANOTHER MEAL.  Also had a bunch of wheat thins.  Also having Tootsie Pop tonight.  DUNNO WHAT FOR.  Probably to Eat Things Cause That's What People Do.
    Yeah!  Finalized order for Super market tomorrow.  SETTLED ON SOME STANDARD WHITE BREAD WONDERBREAD.  Me and my Mom can both Toler8 that.  Never a big White Bread Family as a kid.  Always got Whole Wheat Bread.  Looking back HUGE MISSED OPPORTUNITY.  Could have enjoyed Childhood A LOT BETTER if I was eating white bread sandwiches as opposed to whole wheat bread.  I don't know WHY or HOW I feel this way.  But I DO.  Probably because of White Bread subliminal advertising.  DEFINITELY because of White Bread ADVERTISING.  Just a matter of how subliminal or not it was.  Anyway got beer #1 or 2 doing me good right now.  I meant to say, "going," but once I typed the, "d," I figured WHAT CAN I SAY TO FINISH THIS SENTENCE THAT JUSTIFIES ME WRITING, "DOING," instead of, "GOING."  Hmm.  What else is up.  Merrick Garland came off GREAT in his little speech today.  Seemed like a real cool dude.  I was wrong about him!  Thought he was LAME.  Turns out he's GOT SOME SWAGGER to him.  FIELD OF DREAMS game is going on.  I don't know which would be more entertaining.  Watching this game or just watching Field Of Dreams.  Probably Sure they're both on the Entertaining Spectrum-- BUT IN THE NEGATIVE COLUMN BOTH OF THEM.  What column.  Ok not Negative COLUMN but BELOW ZERO LEVEL ENTERTAINING.  ANTI-ENTERTAINING.
Okay.  When they say Nuclear Documents are we SURE they're just regular documents with top secret info about nuclear weapons, or is it possible TE DOCUMENTS THEMSELVES ARE NUCLEARIZED.  Like if you drop or mishandle this document there's a miniature nuclear explosion within a 20 foot radius.  Not sure!  Haven't seen it confirmed ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.  All we can do now is WILDLY SPECULATE until there IS confirmation.  THAT'S THE AMERICAN WAY.  Anyway I finished my lollipop.  That's cool!  I get to enjoy Birthday Barr soon and then more ice cream even later on!  PRESUMABLY.  IN THEORY.  Hmm.  YEAH I would have rather had PIZZA or BISON BURGER but my Mom wanted DELI.  SO I WENT WITH THE BEST CHOICE I HAD AVAILABLE TO ME.  ALSO GOT ASSORTED COOKIES for TomorrowBreakfast.  Delicious!  NO SPOILERS I HAD ONE WITH DINNER.  Reasonable amount of chicken though overall.  THAT'S WHY IT FIT.  YOU IDIOTS.  Why couldn't Trump just take a bunch of cookies with him from the White House.  That way he gets to stuff food down his gullet AND we get to avoid Nuclear War breaking out somehow someway.  LOOK I don't know what these documents are.  DESCRIPTIONS of building nukes?  WHERE NUKES ARE LOCATED?  PET NAMES THAT DIFFERENT GENERALS HAVE FOR THEIR NUCLEAR SUBORDINATES?  We can only speculate wildly AS WE SHOULD.
    Fourth paragraph of Act III Part I!  Presumably I'm writing three paragraphs Including This and then JUSTIFIED FOR A NICE BREAK.  Nice NUCLEAR Break.  Maybe Trump can be like I JUST WANTED TO DEFEND THE NUCLEAR FAMILY and then Republicans can be like YEP HE'S STUPID ENOUGH NOT TO KNOW THE WORDS, "NUCLEAR," and, "NUCULAR," SO HIS STORY CHECKS OUT COMPLETELY.  OK I just thought of one Republican talking point.  "Hey I'd sure rather have Trump with access to nuke stuff than Biden!  I don't care who is president TRUMP CAN BE TRUSTED WHILE BIDEN WOULD GIVE TEM TO HUNTER BIDEN."  AMAZING.  I came up with a take that SOME IDIOT IS GONNA USE in a couple of hours.  TRUMP HOARDING NUKE SECRETS GOOD BECAUSE OF HUNTER BIDEN.  ZING.  What else is going on and crap WHILE there is still Life to Be Going On.  Look I don't REALLY think Nuclear Bomb will explode tonight.  Less than 1% odds of it happening.  I VERY MUCH DOUBT IT is the point CALM DOWN PEOPLE THE IMMINENT END OF THE WORLD IS STILL VERY UNLIKELY.  Well in terms of DAYS. In terms of EPOCHS yes End Of The World Is Coming.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.
Hmm.  Probably gonna finish Tales Crypt Season I tonight.  I'm HALFWAY into PENULTIMATE episode.  Oh man is the next 40 minutes of Tales Crypt gonna be great.  I'm gonna get A LOT out of it is the point I'm trying to make.  Well it's ONE of the points I'm trying to make.  Gotta make SEVERAL points.  Then connect them with lines.  AND TE LIENS DON'T CROSS EACH OTTER, THEY CONNECT.  I CALL IT A SHAPE.  I think all that geometry checks out.  One can only assume I'm Great At Geometry.  Figure Geometry is a step above algebra and three steps below calculus.  FUN.  What else is up.  Probably finish Penultimate Tales Crypt episode during upcoming recess!  AMAZING.  Gotta get up early tomorrow to take Walk #1 Comfortably before Super Market window gets here.  NOT A PHYSICAL WINDOW.  A WINDOW IN TIME.  Isn't that a book in the Lion Witch &/V Wardrobe series.  A wrinkle in time.  Oh okay I was pretty close.  AS CLOSE AS ANYONE COULD REASONABLY BE EXPECTED TO BE.
    Hmm.  I got other Quest Bar options.  Maybe I should consider a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.  YEAH.  Let's do that.  I'll take it out of the fridge in Oh I Don't Know WHENEVER THIS PARAGRAPH IS OVER.  And then eat it WHENEVER NEXT PARAGRAPH BEGINS 15 minutes or so later after that.  Oh okay great glad it's all working out for me.  Then again FUCK THAT SHIT I WANNA BIRTHDAY BARR.  YEAH. Fuck that shit INDEED.  What else is going on and crap.  Is it possible THE MOLE INSIDE MARALARGO is IVANA TRUMP'S CORPSE?  I'm not sure she's buried there.  Could easily be another Trump property.  Oh well there goes that brilliant idea.  Hmm.  I think I got SIX assorted cookies left for TomorrowBreakfast.  Five wouldn't quite be enough.  Seven might be slightly too many.  I FEEL LIKE I HAVE 5-7 LEFT.  I hope against hope it's six or seven.  I COULD ALWAYS LEAVE ONE OVER.  But if it's only five NO WAY I CAN SUPPLEMENT THAT TO MAKE A FULL BREAKFAST.  GOD DAMNIT.  Must be some sort of cookies we have in house.  OH YEAH I CAN THINK OF SOMETHING.  That solves that problem.  BE BACK SOON.

    OK BEEN SOON.  NOW time to write 4 paragraphs.  Got beer #2 ready to start and HAVE STARTED Birthday Bar.  I just realized Breakfasts can be TWO BIRTHDAY BARS.  Too expensive though.  In packs of TWELVE for Quest Bars, I'm shelling out around 2-3 dollars PER BAR.  Dunno WHY.  Seems like that's much more expensive than they'd be if I were getting them one at a time at the store.  BUT IT APPEARS TO BE THE CASE.  FIVE OR SIX DOLLARS FOR A BREAKFAST ISN'T INSANE.  It KIND OF is.  I mean it's NOT but it IS if you know what I mean.  YOU PROBABLY DO.  I KIND of know what I mean and if I can ALMOST grasp it surely YOU can COMPLETELY Figure It Out!  Anyway.  Wonder about guy who attacked FBI office and is now dead.  If he found out Trump took Nuke Info would he be like wait a second now that I know that that actually doesn't sound great.  He doesn't get that chance now though!  TOO DEAD.  Oh well live goes on for the rest of us.  Most of the rest of us.  I guess SOME of the rest of us are also dead now too.  MORE PEOPLE HAVE DIED in the last six hours is the point.  COULD HAVE BEEN ANY OF US.
    Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go!  Delicious Ice Cream Barr coming up.  Trying a new ICE CREAM from Super Market.  130 calorie Vanilla Ice Cream in Candy Chocolate Type Coating.  GOTTA BE PRETTY SMALL SURE.  But possibly DELICIOUS.  So that's good.  EPOCH is a good word.  I used it appropriately I feel.  COULD be slightly different definitions which make MY USAGE SUPERFOULOUS.  Also I know some of us sort of contextualize covid as just some sort of SUPERFLU but THEY/US are wrong.  It's BAD folks VERY BAD.  SHUT YOUR MOUTH.  What am I talking about again.  WHO CARES I'M ALMOST DONE IS THE POINT.  GET TO MOVE ON WITH MY KNIGHT.  PRACTICALLY TIME TO GO TO BED ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.  What am I having for lunch tomorrow.  A SANDWICH I guess.  Turkey?  Ham?  Vegetable Burger?  LET'S GO WITH HAM OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  I don't need to COMMIT this early.  I don't need to COMMIT EVER.  I could even START eating a ham sandwich and CHANGE MY MIND TEN IF I TWERE REALLY WANTING TO.  Either way I DUNNO who gives a fig.  I liked Merrick Garland Speech but I LOVED the 30 minute Podium Show beforehand.  CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THESE DIFFERENT PODIUMS these days.  I WONDER IF THE PODIUMS ARE FRIENDS WITH EACH OTHERS ACROSS SETTINGS AND USERS.
    Idiot.  Hmm.  I assume there's a British Royalty Podcast called Pod Save The Queen.  I also assume there's British Royalty.  I know I've heard REFERENCE to it time and again but I've seen NO PROOF.  Wait.  Maybe when I was in EPCOT CENTER I saw proof of British Royalty.  I don't remember but if I HAVE seen proof somewhere it would have been there.  Also is Maralargo like Epcot Center at all?  My guess is they both exist in Florida and AS OF NOW that's all I got to say on that situation.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  The point is I WONDERED if Marrow Largeo RaidGate would be predicated on something EXCITING and turns out YES LOOMING NUCLEAR THREATS ARE VERY EXCITING.  SO I FEEL PRETTY GOOD ABOUT IT.  We'll get to WATCH TV about it and it's A LOT MORE FUN than otherwise.  GOTTA LOOK AT THE BRIGHTSIDE of things.  NUCLEAR BRIGHTSIDE.  Makes sense.  Nuclear bombs going off are VERY BRIGHT per my understanding.  EXPLOSIONS ARE BRIGHT THIS SHOULDN'T BE A CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENT.
Last paragraph of the night!  AMAZING.  Anyway.  Just had a bonus quest bar tonight.  CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH.  UN-FRIDGED.  I can't be blamed there's STRESSFUL THINGS GOING ON ABOUT THE WORLD.  If anything I should be eating more things.  BUT I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE I'D PARTICULARLY ENJOY PLUS I ALSO FEEL FULL SO I GUESS I WON'T.  WHATTA JIP. I COULD AND SHOULD BE BINGING instead of just Something Alone Kinda Big.  Hey great what else is going on.  THEN AGAIN THIS IS ALL EITHER TRUMP'S FAULT OR GARLAND'S FAULT.  GET THE TWO OF THEM IN A ROOM TOGETHER SO I CAN BLAME MY OVEREATING ON ALL OF THEM COMBINED.  The point is Ugh.  I could skip BedTime Ice Cream Bar tonight to make a huge dent in the OverEation.  Hey that sounds vaguely reasonable let's think about that strongly.  REAL STRONGLY.  Strongest Thing Ever Anyone Ever Thought About Potentially In The Future.  Also gotta imagine Nuke Codes make Trump Feel Like a Big Man.  Gets off on having them.  We may be jumping to conclusions that he SOLD THEM or GAVE THEM to enemies as his motive.  I think he just thought it made him feel like A Big Man having them.  OH SO IN THAT CASE WE MUST ACQUIT.  Wait that doesn't sound right either.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-10:11 P.M.




Wednesday, August 10, 2022

You're Here Early

    Hey!  About 2 hours ahead of schedule today!  Got up early and somehow didn't feel like going back to sleep!  Probably gonna fit in EIGHT walks today.  OR take off Final Walk.  NOT SURE YET.  I checked my weight!  Oscillates between two extremes of the range that it's been showing me last few days.  GREAT at this point I can move on with my life.  Maybe check it in a week or so.  Had ZERO or maybe ONE MightNight Snacking last night.  I vaguely think it was one but I can't remember for sure ANYTHING.  Had delicious Goldon Graham Bar + Bowl of Frosted Flakes for breakfast.  Turkey sandwich with Sandwichside for lunch?  Turkey meatloaf with Health Spaghetti for lunch?  We'll have to wait and see how it all plays out!  Anyway AUGUST 10th.  Here's a good story FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS the header of the entry has been WRONG.  The days of the week were right-- the month was right-- the YEAR was right-- but for a few days I OVERSHOT the day of the month by one.  SORRY FOR ANY CONFUSION THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED.  Sorry that THERE WASN'T MORE confusion.
    Had to take another Klonopin this morning to take the edge off.  That doesn't seem responsibly sustainable!  Maybe it is, I dunno!  Met's game at 1:10 PM today!  Normally that lines up pretty well with me being able to settle in to watch TV after Morning Responsibilities.  This time around?  GONNA HAVE EVEN MORE TIME BEFOREHAND.  DELICIOUS.  Ilhan Omar just barely won her primary.  But close is for HORSE GRENADES and HAND SHOES.  Hand shoes are gloves.  Horse grenades, ya got me, I dunno what that is.  But apparently there was big Dem Turnout ACROSS The races so that's good.  Great now I wanna have Horse Grenades.  Feels like they're better than HUMAN Grenades.  Oh so in this context they're grenades made by and used by horses.  Oh okay that's one way to interpret it.  Never watched Tales Crypt last night.  Probably start it up again TODAY.  AMAZING two paragraphs into 15 for Daytime Day.  WE'RE MAKING PROGRESS.
National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Bakewell Tart Day and National Raspberry Bombe Day.  WHAT THE HELL MORE RASPBERRIES?  WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT.  Also what's BOMBE.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.  Some sort of Frozen Dessert.  OKAY FINE DELICIOUS WE'RE BACK ON THE SAME PAGE.  Bakewell Tart.  SOUNDS LIKE A BRAND.  Better LTURQ.  NOPE just some dumb British Pastry.  GOOD.  I don't WANT IT.  But I don't CARE enough to say anything more about it.  SURE If I HAD more things to say about it that's another story.  Anyway.  Since I woke up so early, I may want AND BE JUSTIFIED in having another morning snack.  That'd cancel out bonus walk I guess.  SOUNDS FAIR REAL FAIR.  What kinda gum I got going on lately.  Wintergreen.  Used to be the gold standard of gum.  Still is what I consider THE DEFAULT.  But I lost some enthusiasm for it along the way at some point.  Hmm.  Could always just take a nap or a nap-adjacent activity after Act II or so.  No extra walk, no extra snack.  WE'LL SEE HOW IT ALL PLAYS OUT.
What else is up.  Only got 1 or 2 more Goldon Graham Barrs.  Probably will re-up with them within 5-7 days most likely off the top of my head.  Maybe take a break halfway through this act.  I DESERVE IT.  I did something NOBODY ENJOYS and thus I DESERVE COMPENSATION.  REST compensation.  Sounds about right.  LOOKIN LIKE standard super market weekly order got GOOD ice cream sandwiches in stock.  I'MA GET 2 BOXES. SIX EACH.  That should last me 2-3 weeks.  And I Don't need to STRESS about running out.  JUST EM AT MY LEISURE.  Or PLEASURE.  The point is I EAT THEM and DON'T WORRY about them running out.  Hmm.  STILL gotta worry about it.  It's not like I'm buying TWENTY packs.  Note to self; Buy Twenty Backs.  Note to self; figure out a way to use the semi colon ACCURATELY, CORRECTLY, AND RELEVANTLY.  Rarely comes up in this website, the semi-colon.  IT'S ABOUT TIME IT DOES THOUGH.  Hmm.  The point is Also gonna get the Mini Black and whites.  Went without them for 2-4 weeks.  NOW I WANNA GET EM AGAIN REAL GOOD.  Amazing.
Hmm.  Why do little girls like horses.  They're dumb animals.  Why can't they like PANDAS like THE REST OF US.  Man oh man I wish a panda was here right now.  I'd get a REAL kick out of that panda. Probably would maul me to death if proper precautions weren't taken.  Especially if I provoked him!  WHICH I WOULD HAVE.  Either way what else.  Gotta imagine Natural Selection made pandas cute so no other species would wanna fuck with 'em.  AWW JUST LOOK AT EM LET'S NOT BE ENEMIES JUST LET EM GO WONDERFUL.  That's one way Natural Selection can presumably go!  I don't see Why NOT.  I might just be thinking of Kung Fu Panda.  And/or Pandas IN MEDIA.  A real life panda might be HORRIFYING.  Oh well I guess we'll never know.  Are pandas Endangered Species.  Well we're ALL endangered to some extent.  Technically advanced from being, "Endangered," to being, "Vulnerable."  SEEMS REAL VULNERABLE.  Only about 1,800 in the world.  WHAT THE HELL.  THAT'S ENDANGERED AS FUCK.  Also THEY NEVER WANNA FUCK.  Makes em more endangered.  That's been my impression.  Coffee time.
    Apparently what Natural Selection has done for Pandas they didn't do well enough.  Then again probably Human's fault for Panda Erasure.  My guess is HUMANS CANCELLED PANDAS.  And how is Natural Selection supposed to predict Human and Human ability to FUCK OVER EVERY OTHER SPECIES.  The point is Pandas are cute but if they wanna survive GET CUTER.  Also apparently they're not cute enough TO EACH OTHER that they wanna sex it up.  Or maybe they're TOO cute to each other that they don't wanna sex it up.  I don't have all the details, what am I, a GENIUS?  I hope not.  Too much pressure!  How about Real Intelligence Guy.  More Raspberry Days.  Who the Hell needs raspberries.  And I refuse to believe there's a powerful Raspberry Lobby out there.  Anything is possible I guess.  Got Fiji apples like 6 six weeks ago.  Never ate a single one!  Gotta imagine they're not fresh anymore. L LEMME LTURQ.  STAY FRESH 6-8 WEEKS IN FRIDGE.  I DUNNO TOO RISKY.  Also why would I want to eat an apple.  DISGUSTING.  There's not even any CHOCOLATE in apples!
    SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Amazing.  Mom is laundering my shirts this morning!  Now we're talking my language.  English.  And MATH: THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE.  And Oh I Don't Know MANDARIN.  I don't know ANY Chinese words at all.  Better LTURQ.  EASY COMMON CHINESE WORDS TO KNOW.  Hello is prounced, "Nee How."  I've heard that before.  Thank you is pronounced, "Sheih-Sheih."  SOUNDS FAMILIAR.  In K-8 I had a classmate whose last name was POSSIBLY EXACTLY Sheih.  I think we spent the first half of K-8 thinking it was pronounced Shay and the second half thinking it was pronounce Heesh.  Or Reversed.  Either way.  Nice lady!  I think.  Vaguely remember being friends with her in Oh I Don't Know specifically 4-5 grade.  Anyway what else is up.  SHE WAS PART OF MY HOT LUNCH CREW during Late Elementary School Lunches.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Any other Chinese words whose pronunciation rings a bell with me.  That might be it.  ZHAO means Good Morning.  Does Wayne from Waynes world say that at some point after fighting with Cassandra's Father?  He might say ZANG.  Either way I DON'T KNOW.  NOPE HE SAYS, "ZANG."
DUMB.  Coulda said Good Morning but instead chose to say NONSENSE.  NO THANK YOU.  Hey ZANG in Chinese means DIRTY.  Which is FUNNY.  BUT I don't think Cassandra in the film is even Chinese.  What nationality is she.  Better LTURQ. CANTONESE IMMIGRANT.  That's China, right?  CANTON?  Better LTURQ.  Looks like ZANG might actually mean EXXCELENT in Cantonese.  Which in retrospect I think they cover with subtitles in the film.  SO THIS CONVERSATION WAS ALL FOR NAUGHT.  I dunno I feel like I learnt a few things.  NAUGHT FOR NOTHING was this rant.  Anyway.  TIA CARRERRE is in a Tales Crypt.  DOES A GOOD JOB.  I DIDN'T HATE IT!  Two and a half paragraphs to go until WalkTime.  If next walk was first walk of the day, and I did no entry, I'd still be ahead of schedule at that point! YOU IDIOTS.  What's a good SandwichSide. YOU IDIOTS.  Hmm.  Probably starting to run slightly low on Frosted Flakes.  LOOK would Cinnamon Toast Crunch be MUCH MORE FUN YES.  But also RISKY to GRAZE ON.  Better play this on safe off the top of my head.  THEY EVEN BROKE INTO THE SAFE OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  I know what they found in his safe.  GRAYS...  SPORTS... ALMANAC.  You might not get the GRAY part of the reference.  But hopefully you could figure it out IN CONTEXT.  Hmm.  I dunno.  Mom is doing wash NOW.  Which means I should be able to take shower NORMAL TIME but not early.  Normal Time could ARGUABLY be early if its normal IN THE SAME COURSE OF THINGS throughout the day.  NOPE.  Gonna have to be Normal Clock Time.  Great what else is up.  Is there a demand for a Wayne's World III?  Gotta imagine there's a demand for updates to every franchise that was ever halfway successful.  That'd be my hypothesis at least.  Also as far as I can tell the main characters are all still TECHNICALLY ALIVE.  So no reason there NOT to do it.  Hmm.  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  What apple playlist am I listening to now.  "NEW IN ROCK," I think.  Something along those lines.  Not sure how NEW these songs are.  Not sure how ROCKIN' these songs are.  But in general I'm sure they're within the spirit of those things more or less close enough!
     Last paragraph of ACT I!  Printer coming today.  Hopefully not while I'm out of the house.  I am only one qualified to lift that sucker up and move it into house and onto appropriate place on floor.  DAD ain't around.  Mom is too weak.  Guy who lives in my ATTIC ain't helping at all.  Hmm.  Raspberries are already terrible and when you consider they're a euphemism for Farting?  DISGUSTING.  HOW BAD CAN ONE WORD/CONCEPT GET?  Pretty bad apparently.  Oh okay sure.  Lots of concerns about films and TV shows being lost to history because they never updated them to newer formats or just lost track of keeping hard copies.  WHAT DO I GOT ON VHS that I could be a hero about to save.  Hmm.  Haven't gone through my VHS in 22 years.  BEEN A WHILE.  Home videos of my family at least.  NO ON ELSE GOT THOSE.  Hmm.  Do they have records of Jurassic Park II: The Lost World?  My guess is PROBABLY but just in case I MAY STILL HAVE THE VHS TAPE SOMEWHERE.  Hmm.  I'm gonna take a walk now!  Be back soon!




I Was Talking To Myself

    Hey!  Took a fifteen minute break after Walk #2 to catch up on twitter.  GREAT NOW I'M ALL CAUGHT UP.  I know everything there is to know about everything for now.  Just had delicious chocolate caramel pretzel bar.  Wonderful.  I ate it because I was hungry.  Seems kinda intuitive.  Leaning towards Turkey Sandwich today.  And thinking about getting sandwich meats for upcoming super market order but NONE or ONE Prepared Meals.  SO I GO INTO THE WEEK PLANNING FOR  3 PART LUNCH'R OF CHINESE FOOD.  This could be the GAME CHANGER I need right now!  Why do I need a game changer.  Old game was getting boring!  Also I KEPT LOSING.  Time to start a new game which I MAY DO BETTER AT.  So that's good. Coffee #2 and some Root Beer.  Wonderful.  What to do with my space between Walk #3 and #4.  Probably about an hour give or take 15 minutes.  YES that's a WIDE RANGE for an hour long estimation.  But thems the breaks!  Can't argue with How Things Shake Out now can we.  Hmm.  It's my Dad's big Dinner because he didn't eat yesterday but I HOPE WE GET ITALIAN FOOD.  I'd EAT THE SHIT out of some pizza.  Hopefully not literally.  Don't mix shit with pizza.  Just gonna confuse people.
Yeah!  Been a long time since I had Meat Topping for pizza.  WELL I've had hot pockets with pepperoni bits in them I guess.  SO THERE GOES THAT CLEVER OBSERVATION.  Hmm.  OH NO I just realized Colonoscopy can determine my Dad got SOME MALIGNANT CRAP going on down there.  SHIT.  I just imagined oh okay he got home took care of that now lets move on.  BAD RESULTS ARE A PLAUSIBLE POSSIBILITY.  Well all we can do is hope for the best.  Either that or do nothing.  In the end they each contribute The Same Nothing to Whatever The Outcome Will Be.  Hmm.  Not sure they can say with confidence whether something was a big deal immediately after colonoscopy.  They can give EDUCATED GUESS.  They can either say WE FOUND NOTHING CONGRATULATIONS, or they could say WE FOUND SOME STUFF BUT I REALLY DON'T THINK IT'S ANYTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, or they could say WE FOUND SOME STUFF, UHH, IT'S HOPEFULLY NOTHING, WE'LL GET BACK TO YOU.  And then they never get back to him.  They GHOST him.  Because why would they want to be the standard bearer of bad news its depressing.
Hmm.  OH HEY watch wonderful First Two Episodes of Tales in the crypt during upcoming break between walks 3 and 4.  I CAN DIG THAT.  I feel like I wouldn't be that distracted by twitter because it's EARLY IN THE DAY.  Too early to have Hot Takes or Breaking Newses.  Not sure that's a thing.  Being too early for those things.  Either way what else is going on and crap.  Man oh man have I started to like the Short Climbing Up Incline for park walk.  It's about 30 seconds from the BASE of the mountain to THE TOP of the mountain.  PRETTY big incline but I've learnt how to Climb It without much risk of falling.  Either way IT'S A BLAST and I ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING.  Why did I walk the 30 second park incline?  BECAUSE IT WAS THERE.  That's how I feel.  LOOK I found out that the delicious eggplant on pizza I've been enjoying is PROBABLY FRIED eggplant.  I THOUGHT I WAS DOING A HEALTHY.  TURNS OUT NOT SO MUCH.  So that's obviously been very disappointing.  Hey lemme google Fried Eggplant.  Maybe not that much difference!  NOPE significantly higher calories.  WHICH IS THE ONLY METRIC in determining Health Of Food.
What else is going on and crap.  Two more paragraphs to go for DayTime Crap!  Probably watch a good amount of Mets game today.  Depending on how it, "Shakes," out.  Hmm.  Talked about National Food Of The Tomorrow.  Talked about... hmm.. is that the only recurring segment I got going these days?  Might be!  Talked about lunches and dinners.  Wonderful.  Hmm.  Keep putting off rescheduling therapist appointment for some reason.  Maybe I'll finally do it today for some reason.  Easiest thing in the world.  It'll take 90 seconds from Picking Up Phone to Putting Down Phone.  Anyway we'll see how that, "Shakes," out; I'll keep you updated.  HOW CAN I USE SEMI COLONs appropriately.  IT'S LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE.  Wonder if I should check weight upcoming ShowerTime.  Nah.  Think I'll hold off for about a week.  That sounds like the way to go, sure!  Hmm. What kinda gum can I unpack to compliment the WinterGreen I've been chewing.  HEY I got some SPEARMINT.  That's a classic gum flavor for sure.  Also the good news is only 1 more paragraph!
    Wonderful.  Anyway.  I used to get mushrooms and sometimes peppers on pizza.  Just FEELS wrong these days though.  I COULD ALWAYS TRY THAT AGAIN THOUGH.  Mushrooms are HEARTY and I'm pretty sure they're not fried.  Can even go with BROCCOLI or something.  Something to consider!  Hmm.  The point is I've given myself a lot to think about.  I MISS GARLIC KNOTS.  Maybe not EXTREMELY.  But to some SIGNIFICANT extent.  Can't just justify eating bread though.  Probably some BUTTER to garlic knots too.  THE BUTTER COMBINES WITH THE GARLIC TO MAKE SUPERGARLIC.  That'd be my first guess at least.  Then again how many garlic knots is equal to a slice of pizza.  Could get ONE SLICE and some garlic Knots.  NO ONE WILL STOP ME.  They might TRY but FAIL.  Hmm.  Menu specifies 5 Garlic Knots in order.  THAT COULD equate to one slice of pizza.  60 calories a Knot.  Depends on how big these Knots are.  Either way I've given myself a lot to think about.  I'm gonna go now.  I'll be back tonight!




Either Way It's Accurate

    Hi!  Totally right around 8:00 PM.  7:59 PM.  Let's start off ON A GOOD NOTE.  TOTALLY ACCURATE, UPFRONT AND FORTHCOMING NOTE.  Some of those words are real.  And most of them apply, too!  Anyway had delicious Steak * Stuffed Mushroom Part III for dinner TOPPED OFF with chocolate lollipop NOW. Had delicious Turkey sandwich and Fibrish Bar for lunch.  AMAZING.  Started drinking a beer when I got home from last walk WHILE FINALLY WATCHING TALES CRYPT EPISODE 1 SEASON 1.  PAID CLOSE ATTENTION TO IT THIS TIME.  Also the image is DYNAMIC instead of MOVIE.  So basically I'VE TURNT things up a knotch.  Some of those words are spelled correctly.  Most of them aren't though!  Oh well that's the life I chose.  Another day not knowing much about was RaidGate was all about.  Gotta imagine we'll find out at some point!  WONDER WHEN.  WONDER WHAT.  WONDER WOMAN.  Not sure if I've ever seen Wonderwoman  I've seen 30 Pornography knock offs which I think WHEN COMBINED equate to One Regular Wonder Woman.  I dunno.  Porn Wonderwoman might not be equivalent to a fraction of REAL LIFE Wonderwoman-- might be NEGATIVE Wonderwoman.  Depends on how you watch pornography.  WHICH IS MY BUSINESS NOT YOURS.  The way you watch pornography is my business?  SURPRISINGLY YES!
Hmm.  ALSO for some reason I see Lynda Carter's tweets on my, "HOME FEED," a lot even though I'm not subscribed to her.  And ya know what?  DELIGHTFUL.  I enjoy them WELL GOOD.  What else do I got going for me tonight.  Probably gonna end up with a Three Beer Knight.  WHY NOT.  I like DOIN things.  I even considered earlier in the day hey one night I should have FOUR beers.  It's not the craziest idea I ever had!  The craziest idea I ever had... was... hmm...  I wanna come up with The Actual Craziest Idea I ever had and not just some joke or laff-em-up.  Hmm.  I don't come up with that many, "Ideas!"  Not in THE CLASSICAL sense.  I DO THINGS after Kinda Thinking Them.  I guess???  Anyway I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Anyway my Dad came home from Colonoscopy AND Endoscopy (NOT AT THE SAME TIME YOU PERVERTS) and everything was okay!  HAD I BELIEVE a family record 6 Polyps but my impression is No Worries There that they could be MALIGNANT.  I think it's a family record.  I know I had FIVE when I had my first and only colonoscopy.  Then again, also, my Mom had actual colon cancer so SHE WINS in terms of Bowel Problems In General.  THE POINT IS WE DO THINGS AS A FAMILY AND HAVE FOUND A WAY TO RELATE TO ONE ANOTHER.
  I have TWO Goldon Graham Barrs left.  I was worried it'd only be one.  THIS IS GREAT NEWS.  Either 100% AS GOOD NEWS or maybe 50% AS GOOD NEWS.  DEPENDS ON YOUR CONTEXT PERSPECTIVE.  Either way thinking about delicious Double Chocolate Chunk Quest Bar as SNACK O' THE NIGHT.  I wrote, "O'," because I DON'T HAVE TO JUSTIFY MYSELF TO YOU.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap. I think it's been about 48 hours since news, "Broke," of RaidGate and I think that Republicans got all their death threats out of their system by now.  Whew.  All brightside stuff from this point on!  LOOKIN' GOOD!  Gonna go get beer #2.  I feel like look if you're the kind of person to make death threats PROBABLY already got around to it!  And it'd be SUPERFLUOUS to continue making the same death threats over and over again!  So we're PAST THAT POINT in this story THANK GOD.  Either way if you're making death threats on behalf of Donald Trump I'm sure you take solace in the fact that you're very special and that he loves you.  Like, IN love with you.  TO A DEGREE YOU MAY EVEN BE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH.
  Three paragraphs to go for Act III Part I.  Quest Bar will be NOT refrigerated at all.  Unless you count just being in my house as being refrigerated.  We DO have air conditionioning.  And it IS on.  to an EXTREME degree.  DEGREE HAS DOUBLE MEANING HERE.  Both the Temperature Degree and also the Doctorate Degree I got from Air Conditioning University.  Huh?  Oh right Nonsense.  Had a bonus 70 calorie fiber one brownie just now because WHOSE GONNA STOP ME NOBODY UNFORTUNATELY THAT'S WHO.  Gotta remember when I'm independently wealthy to figure out how to design a robutt who will Stop Me from this sort of thing.  I could pay A MAN but I don't need someone judging me.  Better build a robutt who will get the job done WITHOUT ANY CONDESCENDING THOUGHTS IN MY DIRECTION.  So that's good.  Also got beer #2.  That's wonderful too I'd presume.  Looks like THERE'S NO DOUBT ABOUT IT, tomorrow's lunch is Turkey Meatloaf * Health Spaghetti.  Breakfast?  Hmm.  That's a TOUGH ONE.  VERY TOUGH ONE.  Hmm.  HMM.  At some point if I type Hmm enough it will OCCUR TO ME in the process of typing out a, "Hmm."  Hmm.  Frozen Breakfast Sandwich would be delicious but UNREALISTIC.  Got a meal replacement cookie.  Maybe I can have like 3/4ths of that.  OR ALL OF THAT.  It might be JUST SMALL ENOUGH that's JUST BIG ENOUGH to qualify as a breakfast.
   Cup o noodles.
  MOVING ON.  Penultimate paragraph of the act.  GREAT NOW I CAN HAVE GOLDON GRAHAM BARR FOR UPCOMING SNACK INSTEAD OF QUEST BAR TO MAKE UP FOR FIBER BROWNIE I ATE.  Lots of things WRONG with that plan.  But ya know what?  A LOT OF THINGS RIGHT WITH IT, TOO.  Hmm.  Did I come up with anything yet.  You know the breakfast thing.  Oh right meal replacement cookie.  TOO HEARTY.  And I can't just have 80% of it.  CRUMBLES TOO EASILY if you start doing that.  PLUS I'd feel LIKE A FOOL leaving over 20% of cookie THAT IS NOW MORE OR LESS REDUCED TO A BIG PILE OF CRUMBS.  So the good news is hey let's not do that.  That IS good news!  Hmm.  Maybe have unindulgant KETO BAR or something as upcoming snack.  PERHAPS on account of JUST EATING A SNACK I NO LONGER CRAVE A SNACK SO MUCH.  Have somethin' smaller.  MAKES A TON OF SENSE WHEN YOU REALLY THINK ABOUT IT.  EVEN IF YOU DON'T REALLY THINK ABOUT IT.  GOTTA THINK ABOUT IT A LITTLE THOUGH.  Something can't make sense if it's NOT EVEN ON YOUR MIND.  Hmm.
    Last paragraph before break!
  Not taking out garbage for about another 25 minutes.  WATCH A SOLID TALES CRYPT during Recess Break!  Probably won't FINISH it before GARBAGE but I can finish it After Garbage, Before Act III Part II!  AMAZING.  Took eight walks today.  MY HOT TAKE?  Too Many Walks!  YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST.  Got so many shirts I could wear tomorrow.  It's great!  I love it.  It's a real abundance of riches.  It's a real confederacy of dunces.  It's a real bill of rights.  You know that sort of thing.  HOW MUCH OF A TIP ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO LEAVE WHEN SERVED YOUR BILL OF RIGHTS?  20%?  I think 20% is the standard bearer if that term means anything.  Probably does mean something, too!  Hmm.  Looks like they gave my Dad a class to teach this fall On The Internet.  That's good for him.  GOOD FOR ME.  WE GET SOME OF THAT SWEET SWEET COIN.  By which I mean Chanukah Gelt.  Delicious!  Hmm.  Here's a thought-- CHOCOLATE DREIDELS.  You play the game and then YOU EAT THE GAME.  Anyway I'm gonna take a Tales Crypt Break now.

   MMM delicious Sweet Cereal Bar Made Even Sweeter Than Cereal Itself.  They added CHOCOLATE and MARSHMELLOW FLAVOR.  The point is I FINISHED EATING IT but THE MEMORIES WILL LAST ME FOREVER.  Anyway.  Watched about 60% of Tales Crypt Season I Episode II!  Watch the rest of that sucker INTENTLY when the entry is over.  Anyway.  FBI hasn't planted any evidence at my house lately.  IN FACT I can't say for certain They Ever Have OR EVER WILL.  Kinda seems like they'd want to incriminate me for some reason no one is really sure of.  Don't like America enough Like I Like It.  Gotta go out of their way to plant DOCUMENTS I'm not supposed to have or somethin, I dunno!  I DON'T KNOW HOW POLITICS WORKS.  Hmm.  WHY doesn't the FBI like Donald Trump in the story where they're framing him.  HE MADE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND IT PISSES US OFF.  Off the top of my head that's all I can come up with.  Anyway nice to know IN THIS INSTANCE AT LEAST law enforcent is on the side of good!  That's a key swing-constituency in Upcoming Violence Troubles.  WHEW FBI IS DOING GOOD STUFF FOR NOW.  Gotta imagine that'll hold in general.
   Oh no spoke too soon.
  Oh well such is life.  If I was on Fox News I'd have a 15 minute set on YOU KNOW WHAT AN ANAGRAM OF FBI IS?  FIB.  THESE PEOPLE ARE TELLING LIES.  YOU KNOW WHAT ALSO IS AN ANAGRAM OF FBI.  IBF.  IN BISTRO VERTILIZATION.  And so on and so forth.  The point is I think if I wanted to do it as a career I could make a pretty good Crazy Fox News Personality.  I'd have to sell out more than Any Other Possible Job Ever.  This would be the HEIGHTH of selling out.  But I think I could probably have fun with it and do a good job.  Hmm.  And make a lot of good friends!  Like that lady whose always drunk!  And the guy in the bowtie nobody likes!  Then there's the rest of em!  A MOTLEY CREW if I ever saw one.  Two and a half more paragraphs to go.  Gonna go for it and half third beer.  WHO AM I TO JUDGE LADIES FOR ALWAYS BEING DRUNK WHEN I DRINK BEER.  Well I'm not going on TV and spouting irresponsible nonsense while being BUZZED (Buzzer.com COMING 2024).  I'm going on THE INTERNET and spouting RESPONSIBLE nonsense while JUST HARDLY being buzzed.  So that's good. 
    Anyway.  Getting close to Wrap Up Time.  How about that.  What are some other jerks on Fox News.  There's that other white guy.  Then the fourth and seventh white guys.  THAT'S ABOUT ALL I KNOW.  Possibly a bunch of Blonde Women, too.  Possibly as much as A GAGGLE of them.  But they keep them in different rooms so that we don't see all of them at once and get confused.  Hmm.   BFI.  WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN.  The good news is I wasted a paragraph or two of my life THINKING about Fox News but WONDERFULLY I WILL NEVER HAVE TO WATCH IT!!!  And I don't even need to think about it much going forward!  They got most of their amplifying and encouraging Death Threats out of the way and IT'S ALL SMOOTH SAILING FROM this point on.  Hey I never started beer #3.  I THINK I'LL DO THAT NOW!  ALRIGHT let's just wrap up the entry already.  Just gotta write one more paragraph.  I can do that easy.  ALMOST AS EASY AS IT WAS FOR THE FBI TO PLANT FAKE REAL CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS THAT THEY RISK EXPOSING TO PRETEND IT WAS TRUMP WHO HAD TAKEN THEM AND RISKED EXPOSING THEM.
YEAH.  Anyway what do I got going on for me for the rest of the night.  Possibly JUST FINISH Tales Crypt Episode II Season I.  Then go to sleep.  Sounds fun.  I like the sound of that more or less.  Wonder what's in them documents.  Could be ANYTHING.  COULD BE ABOUT YOU OR ME as far as we know.  I COULD BE THE SUBJECT OF DOCUMENTS.  In which case I HOPE WE GET TO SEE THEM.  I wanna see what I'm All About.  Because I DON'T GET IT right now.  THE CONTEXT doesn't MAKE SENSE to me.  Then again I DON'T WANT THE EXPOSURE that Me Becoming Public Knowledge would EXPOSE ME to.  Either way.  Gotta be documents of something.  CLASSIFIED THINGS.  Maybe it's BULLET POINT INFORMATION on something.  DIRECTIONS to a place.  FOUR DIGIT PASSCODES TO LOG BACK INTO COMPUTERS.  Like I said IT COULD BE ANYTHING.  Probably AnythingS.  MULTIPLE THINGS CONTAINED WITHIN THE SAME BOX.  AND they got 10-12 new boxes I think.  That could be DOZENS OF THINGS OVERALL!!!!  Amazing.  I'm gonna go now!  See ya tomorrow.

-9:42 P.M. 




Tuesday, August 9, 2022

You Wanna Know What I Think

    Hey friends!  About 20 minutes behind schedule today.  And my Dad isn't taking a walk!  So I got all the time in the world to work with to avoid any sort of CrunchTime!  Hey great just great.  Couldn't get on MightNight Target 2 days in a row!  Instead of 100-125 calories for MightNight I had oh I don't know EXACTLY 200.  OH WELL still within the SPIRIT of things.  Also checked my weight this morning-- numbers in-between the last two days' extremes!  Between 125.5 and 130.  Including both of those numbers.  Got on and off scale 8 or so times.  Forget what the other numbers were.  And which ones were most prevalent.  But I do remember ending the activity relatively satisfied.  AMAZING.  I'd like to end ALL activities Relatively Satisfied but that's probably not in the cards for Real Life.  Maybe as a KID you get to be relatively satisfied all the time.  NOT IN THE REAL WORLD.  ADULTS NEVER BE SATISFIED.  Maybe that's wrong.  I dunno!  Not an adult, can't say for sure!  Got some Ginger Ale.  Coffee later.  Mets game at 7:10 PM.
Not much new news that I can see about Trump Being Oakland Raidered compared to last night.  Gotta imagine NEW NEWS WILL TRICKLE IN.  Which will get Trump off.  Cause PEE trickles.  I dunno does Trump prefer a TRICKLE PEE Or a STRONG STREAM PEE.  Lets get him under oath about that one.  Off the top of my head HE SEEMS LIKE A TRICKLE MAN.  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National S'mores Day and National SKI Citrus Soda Day.  WHAT THE HELL IS THAT.  SOME KINDA BRAND?  I'M NOT COMFORTABLE WITH NATIONAL DAYS BEING SPONSORED BY BRANDS. Then again NEVER HEARD of this brand before.  Maybe IT'S GREAT.  Maybe it's a National Day not because they Bought And Paid For it but just because PEOPLE WANNA CELEBRATE IT ORGANICALLY.  Hmm gonna have to look into some SKI Soda.  I wonder if it's pronounced SKY and not SKEE.  PROBABLY NOT.  People see the word SKI and they think the Snow Activity which is pronounced Skee.  BUT YA NEVER KNOW.  Might be pronounced SKIE.  Hmm.  Took a Ritalin with regular morning pills this morning for first time in a few days.  TOO STIMULATED.
Oh well such is life.  Not sure how many times I've had a S'more and not just a S'more flavored things.  Feels like we made 'Smores in my household as a child probably 2-4 times.  AMAZING.  Also S'mor flavors NEVER CAPTURE THE TEXTURE OR TEMPERATURE.  The ingredients are there but YOU'RE MISSING A LOT OF THE MAIN TENETS OF THE STRAIGHT UP SMORE.  Had chocolate chip pancake for breakfast.  Lunch gonna be TURKEY SANDWICH with SandwichSide, TURKEY MEATLOAF with Health Spaghetti, or CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKE with Second Chocolate Chip Pancake.  Delicious I guess.  That'd be my instinct.  I WANT to believe that I keep seeing 125.5 LB and not 129.5 LB with some pixels missing.  I feel like it's only a 1/3 chance that's accurate though.  SOLID chance it could be.  But I'm leaning towards NOPE.  The good news is all my fat is muscles.  I mean all my gained weight is muscle.  In abdomen.  I'm preparing to do the Harry Houdini trick where you get people to clobber you in he stomach and you survive.  Until the time you don't.  Cause you didn't prepare.  Not looking forward to that part of my plan!  Oh well ya win some ya lose some.
    Fourth paragraph!
  Amazing.  August 9th.  Feels like we're practically in the middle of August.  You could argue we are, you could argue we're not!  We can DEFINITELY have a balanced scholarly debate on this TWERE WE SO INCLINED.  Gotta Skee down an incline.  Otherwise you ain't goin' nowhere.  Anyway.  Electric Skis.  Or some sort of scooter meant to just go down snow inclines real quickly.  Sounds like fun.  No it doesn't.  Oh well ya got me there.  I like how Mets are not just gonna make playoffs but are giving themself CUSHION to WIN DIVISION and not be in a wild card.  Not sure how wild cards work this year because THEY WERE AMENDED from past years but I DO KNOW it's significantly harder to advance in post season from a wild card spot as opposed to DIVISION LEADER.  WOW.  That's possibly A DOZEN of so games the Mets will play that are EXCITEMENT ADJACENT later on.  I like the sound of that.  Gotta like the sound of SOMETHIN'.  Otherwise you're just always gonna be miserable.  If people can break into your safe what exactly is the point.  The LAYMAN can't break into the safe.  Oh okay that checks out pretty well.
    Fifth paragraph!
  Guess I can check my weight before and/or after my shower.  KINDA RISKY.  Might put me back to where I was yesterday!  ALSO I have a chocolate chip pancake in my blood streams that I didn't have before.  That's gotta weigh something!  OH WELL WE CAN'T LIVE IN FEAR FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES.  I mean WE CAN.  Probably would be better if WE'RE NOT though.  YEAH.  AS OF NOW Leaning towards turkey sandwich for lunch.  I'd get a real kick out of it!  And that's to say nothing of the SandwichSide!  Jeez.  Got the 2nd half of LUCK to watch.  Cycle back around to start of Tales In The Crypt.  Lots of fun stuff coming my way.  BAD LUCK IS AN OXYMORON-- THOUGHTS?  Probably not.  Luck USUALLY implies good luck but I BET if we looked it up it's just Luck In Either Direction.  So I just said something that was wrong and I knew it was wrong.  Now I know how Lying Liars feel.  GREAT IF THEY GET AWAY WITH IT.  WHAT A HIGH!  I didn't get away with it though.  I TOLD ON MYSELF.  Whatta low.  Hmm.  Time to go get some coffee!
   OH NO.  My Dad was watching Biden's latest speech and is VERY CONCERNED He was COUGHING a lot.  THIS IS A1 HEADLINE BREAKING NEWS TYPE STOFF.  I picked a random 30 seconds in the middle to get a load of all this coughing.  Didn't cough at all!  IT'S A COVER UP.  HE KNOWS HOW BAD COUGHING MAKES HIM LOOK THAT HE STOPS COUGHING COMPLETELY FOR LARGE SWATHS OF TIME.  This could be the biggest scandal in AMERICAN or WORLD history.  Anyway I'd cough a lot of I wanted to.  Not sure why I'd want to.  Cough away The Bad Inside Me.  Oh okay that's reasonable.  Anyway almost up to SEVENTH PARAGRAPH of the day.  MILESTONE paragraph.  ALREADY have made some progress into the day at that point.  I can't get enough of it!  Hmm.  Turkey Sandwich and FIBER BAR.  Turkey Sandwich and WHEAT thins.  Turkey Sandwich and EH those are the best two options for Turkey Sandwich.  They're called wheat thins but they're actually relatively thick compared to other similar snacks like potato chips.  Got some DEPTH to them.  Very little!  Not a lot.  But A BIT and that's what counts I guess.
    Seventh paragraph.  Ad campaign for Wheat Thins WE EAT WHEAT THINS.  And then possibly TO GET THIN.  People wanna get thin when they buy food.  They wanna get thin when they DON't buy food.  Unless they're CHUBBY CHASERS and are buying it for their CHUBBY Significant Other.  Also I believe the word is pronounced HUH Bee.  I guess.  Are there female chubby chasers.  Gotta imagine some Ladies like their men to be obese with fat deposits all of their body.  To each their own!  That sounds like a smart phrase.  I think I'll keep using it.  You guys can feel free to use it to!  Just give me royalties each time and we're all good.  Hmm.  Maybe listen to Apple playlists of new RAP music.  Or new POPULAR ACROSS GENRE music.  Been leaning into ALT and ROCK for TOO LONG.  Gotta EXPAND my horizons.  I don't have to do anything but MAYBE I WANT DO ever think of that one BRAINIAC.  WOW Mets are on track to win 104-105 games at current rate.  OUT OF 162.  THAT'S A SHIT LOAD OF GAMES take my word for it.  This season COULD BE SOMETHIN' SPECIAL.  Already 2/3rds into season.  BEEN PRETTY SPECIAL.  Lotta good moments off the top of my head.
    YEAH.  Hmm.  Should I be a chubby chaser?  Not 100% into obese people but MAYBE they're more ATTAINABLE?  Something to consider at least.  Then again I'd have to work 24/7 getting them food and crap.  What if they're VERY VERY obese but JUST NOT OBESE ENOUGH that they can still do things for themselves.  Well SURE in that IDEAL Scenario OBVIOUSLY everyone wins.  Hmm.  Then again if they can do things for themselves THEY MIGHT MEET SOMEONE NEW AND ABANDON ME.  Can't be having that.  CONFINED TO THE BED ARE YOU.  YOU JUST STAY RIGHT THERE.  I'll get ya food and adult diapers and whatknot.  Hmm.  OH NO INTERNET ERROR.  I had th page open to ESPN MLB Standings.  And the HEADER of the page says 2023 MLB Standings.  THIS IS 2022.  WHAT THE HELL.  Are you trying to have me believe WE'RE ALL IN 2023 THIS ENTIRE TIME?  I'm not buying it!  And if it IS accurate I'M VERY MUCH NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT.  Anyway maybe I should e-mail them their mistake.  Then I get ROYALTIES every time someone uses the number 2022.  Gotta get royalties for SOMTHIN.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Amazing!  I wonder how bad 2023 will be.  I guess odds are VERY bad.  But also chance SOMEWHAT DECENT.  AND also a chance NEITHER OF THOSE TWO THINGS.  Look I HAD TIME AND MOTIVE to put breakfast pancake in the oven.  But I ate it cold anyway.  Cause I GOT NO PATIENCE FOR THIS.  Hmm.  HAH I just checked and now it says 2022 MLB Standings.  I MISSED MY CHANCE TO BE A HERO.  Someone else USURPED my heroicness.  Oh well the point is I SAW A MISTAKE and TOLD NO ONE and IT RESOLVED ITSELF ANYWAY.  That's life for ya.  OH NO clickbait article on Twitter that says RAINWATER NO LONGER SAFE TO DRINK ANYWHERE ON EARTH.  Rainwater was DELICIOUS.  I think.  Maybe I never had it.  But it sure SOUNDED delicious.  Now too many FOREVER Chemicals.  Feels like that's a cross over of EMO BANDS.  I may not be using the word EMO correctly.  When I was a kid I always imagined it as a SLUR.  Now as an adult I imagine it as NOT A SLUR BUT NOT POSITIVE IN MY BOOK ANYWAY.  Either way.  You get the idea.  Rain water.  Now I wanna drink some rain water.  See if I Can taste the forever chemicals OR if it just tastes great and Will Kill Me Inevitably without me knowing it.
    Last paragraph of the act!  Wearing an unlaundered shirt today.  That's bound to happen from time to time if you don't do your laundry on a good regular schedule!  Hmm.  I feel like a little bit of rain water in your life won't kill you.  Then again I'm no scientist.  I don't think so.  Probably closer to being a scientist than you are!  I know all about Scientific Method.  Thesis.  HYPOTHESIS.  METHODS.  INSTRUMENTS.  Some of those things are part of The Scientific Method.  I took chemistry and physics A BUNCH OF TIMES I think I know what I'm talking about.  How's Back Of Right Shoulder going.  Maybe about 3% Pain.  Not 0%.  Not 10%  Lets say between 2% and 10%.  You know THREE PERCENT?  Hmm.  The point is if my weight is ACCURATELY right in the middle of what the last 2 days said I'D SETTLE FOR THAT REAL GOOD.  Oh well what can ya do.  Keep checking!  That's one way to go about it.  HEISENBERG PRINCIPLE.  You can't observe without influencing.  Oh I get it.  I burn calories stepping on and off scale.  So by doing that I'm influencing what I'm observing my weight is.  GREAT!  INFLUENCING IT IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.  This is GREAT NEWS.  I'll be back in a little bit.  Am I using the Heisenberg Principle correctly.  There's SOME principle what I'm saying.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP LOOKS LIKE IT'S WHAT I SAY IT IS.  BE BACK SOON!




Well Sure Everything SOUNDS Stupid

    HI!  Time to write 5 paragraphs.  Got some coffee #2 going.  Orange soda going.  Ready for action.  No CrunchTime at all!  I guess!  I FEEL like I can't PULL MY CHAIR UP enough.  I wanna pull my chair up More Into Desk so I'm Closer To Computer Screen.  WON'T GO ANY FURTHER.  BEING OBSTACLE'D BY DESK THING.  Oh well.  That's what I get for Daring To Dream!  Anyway I dunno might as well check weight Around Shower Time.  Probably won't like it.  Maybe I will KIND of like it.  Look if it's between last 2 days extremes-- 125.5 and 130-- I'd Settle for it being 128.5.  I'd settle for it being 129!  I'd settle for it being 140!  What am I gonna do KILL MYSELF?  That seems kind of extreme!  Then again I wouldn't be killing myself because I surprisingly weigh 140 pounds, I'd kill myself because OH NO GLITCH IN THE UNIVERSE THIS CAN'T BE I"M SCARED I THINK I'LL JUST ASSUAGE MY FEARS BY KILLING MYSELF.  So that explains what might happen moving forward.  Huh.  Am I using, "Assuage," appropriately.  ASS-- YOU AGE!  WE ALL DO.  And don't call me AN ASS.
Four paragraphs to go for DayTime DayEntry.  Hmm.  Figure upcoming snack Is Nice Dependable KETO Bar.  Also this Keto Bar IS and ALWAYS HAS BEEN a Brownie.  THEY MAY also call it a bar.  But they DEFINITELY call it a Brownie and it DEFINITELY is more of a brownie than a bar.  But I wouldn't be SCHOCKED if they also call it a bar AND IF IT ALSO FITS WITHIN THE DEFINITION of being a bar.  So I've given myself a lot to think about is the point.  Hmm.  Maybe put it in Fridge before my next walk.  Have it Fridge'd for Oh I Don't Know Exactly FOURTY Minutes.  You think I'm fooling you?  NO.  THAT'S THE NUMBER I WANNA USE.  And I'm gonna do it OVER AND OVER again because THAT'S THE UNIVERSE WE LIVE IN FOR SOME REASON.  Hmm.  Was just thinking back on Jurassic Park World III and/or VI and ya know what?  Not too many dinosaurs.  I was only half paying attention but I think the plot of it didn't even focus on dinosaurs at all.  There were probably Dino Attacks and/or Dino Friendships but they were INCIDENTAL.  Then again to be fair I was VERY MUCH not paying attention.  Either way only part I liked of film that I vaguely paid attention to is that chemistry between actors from First Jurassic Park DID sort of hit the spot.  Felt like they captured some of that character had character-on-character magic A BIT.  YOU IDIOTS.
Third paragraph of the act!  Maybe just have delicious Chocolate Freedom Pancakes for lunch.  Delicious!  Put those suckers in the oven for Oh I Don't Know 23 minutes.  Hmm.  What else is going on.  MAY HAVE THIRD PART of Steak * Seafood ON THURSDAY.  SKIP A DAY TOMORROW.  Get PIZZA or something if its in the cards.  NO MORE CHICKEN ROLL.  They're delicious but TOO HEARTY.  More hearty than I gave it credit for!  Practically eating an entire Chicken Parm hero at this point.  FINE MAYBE 85% of one BUT STILL TOO MUCH.  You IDIOTS.  Hmm.  Gonna have to think about that.  Not sure what.  By the time I wrote Gonna have to think about that I had taken a 60 second break and didn't fully remember where I left you.  Now that I see I DON'T HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THAT.  85% of Chicken Parm Hero IS STILL TOO MUCH YOU IDIOTS, of this I'm pretty confident without having to go through it again intellectually or research-wise.  Hmm.  Anyway what else is crap and shit.  I'd say I'd be VERY happy if scale consistently infers to me I weigh 126.5 LB.  AT that point I AM ON BOARD.  YOU IDIOTS.  What else is going on and crap.  HOW COMFORTABLE am I eating 200 calories for MightNight instead of 125.  NOT VERY.  GOTTA AVOID THAT.  THAT DIFFERENCE is the difference between losing weight slowly and NOT losing weight YOU IDIOTS.
Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Hmm.  Dad says I look Sun Burnt.  On my forehead.  I DON'T FEEL ANYTHING.  If you don't feel anything YOU CAN'T be suffering Bad Health Things.  IF it was so bad YOU'D FEEL IT.  That's why we HAVE feelers.  To let us know something is wrong.  I feel very strongly about this.  Then again maybe I get Skin Cancer in 5 years.  I guess in that scenario I'll be proven wrong and my Dad will be proven right.  Oh well ya win some ya lose some.  Gotta get SOME sort of cancer in the next five years.  Might as well be skin cancer!  I think OF CANCERS it's one of the Least Bad.  So in a way I'M DOING THE RIGHT THING by getting Skin Cancer.  It's like giving kids chickenpox on purpose because if thy get it as an adult it's worse.  IF I GIVE MYSELF SKIN CANCER I'm not getting WORSE cancers.  Not only is that wrong but it's ANTITHETICAL to the truth.  Not just NEUTRALLY wrong.  It's THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF RIGHT.  Oh well ya win some and ya lose some.  Time to write But One More Paragraph and then move on with my life.
    Yeah!  One more paragraph to go.  Think I took a Klonopin at some point this morning.  I went on a rant yesterday or the day before about how Ritalin isn't nearly as strong as some people give it credit for.  NOW IT'S EFFECTING ME MUCH MORE.  JUST TO PROVE MYSELF STUPID.  FOR SHAME.  Anyway good thing I had klonopin to balance that out presumably.  Take that as a lesson kids.  You wanna be responsible with drugs.  ALWAYS HAVE AN ANTITHETICAL DRUG IN STORAGE if you're taking Any Sort Of Drug and need more drugs to balance it out.  PLAY IT SAFE OUT THERE.  Hmm.  What else is crap.  Maybe check weight upcoming moment, maybe not!  I DRANK A LOT OF SODA TODAY.  That could have added a couple of pounds to what scale might say.  I DON'T WANNA TAKE THAT RISK AND BE DISAPPOINTED BY WHAT IT SAYS.  Either way HUH?  Get to catch up on Twitter REAL GOOD pretty soon.  Gonna read ALL the tweets.  Not just recent ones.  I'm gonna GO BACK IN TIME to read tweets from ten hours ago.  That's how much INTO THE NEWS I am.  Amazing.  I'll be back tonight! 




when it comes down to it

    Hello friends!  Cherry Lollipop going!  I dunno about you guys but I think Cherry is the STANDARD BEARER for lollipop flavors.  Not sure what the word, "Bearer," is doing in that phrase.  I could convey my point without it.  I think using it helps me make my point EVEN BETTER though.  Either way I LIKE CHERRY JUST FINE.  SUCK ON THAT RED GOOD  BRIGHTER RED TAN YOUR RASPBERRY.  Had SOUP VERSION of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  TWO OUT OF THREE TIMES IT'S HALF A POTATO SIDE.  OTHER TIME ITS SOUP.  TODAY WAS TE SOUP.  Matzoh Ball soup!  REASONABLE amount of everything.  Matzoh ball wasn't TOO BIG.  Like the time George Costanza said I LOVE YOU to his Relationship Partner.  And she didn't say it bach.  Hmm.  Anything new in Trump Raid 2022?  Not much!  Gotta imagine there's evidence of criminality but WILL IT BE ENOUGH CRIMINALITY THAT WE SHOULD CARE?  That's the question OUR LEADERS AND MEDIA must be asking.  HOW INTERESTED SHOULD WE BE IN WHATEVER LEVEL OF CRIMINALITY THEY'RE DEALING WITH IN THIS SPECIFIC INCIDENCE.  Because if it's not EXTREME CAN'T BE BOTHERED.
Hmm.  How sure are we that this was the FBI and not DIRTY WORK'S NORM MACDONALD AND ARTIE LANGE dressed up as FBI to DO SOMEONE'S DIRTY WORK on Trump.  IT MAKES SENSE if you've seen the major motion picture.  Wait no it doesn't.  Artie Lange's last name can't be Lange.  Can it?  Hmm.  Lemme LTURQ.  Hey his name WAS Lange.  And STILL IS presumably!  Maybe he changed his name to his maiden name after he divorced himself.  Makes sense.  Also Norm Macdonald is dead now.  I know because I have a memory of everyone celebrating him.  And that only happens when you die.  Wonder who will celebrate my death.  My ENEMIES I guess.  Oh well at least someone's happy.  Goin with 2 beers tonight.  Prove me wrong.  Listened to a TODAY'S HITS playlist today on my walks.  THE REAL hits of the day.  POP SONGS and crap.  Some WRAP song.  Maybe a couple of COUNTRY just for the Dummies Amongst Us.  The point is I got a whole lot out of it wonderful these songs sure are The Hits of Today presumably.  I'll take the playlist's word for it!  I have no reason to doubt them!
    Totally plausible that these songs are getting played on the radio a lot and/or being purchased and/or being streamed a lot.  PROBABLY TWO OUT OF THREE for most of them.  Or it could be a giant scam perpetrated on me and these are songs no one has ever heard before I just did.  I HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING EXACTLY.  Oh well that's life.  Still sucking on lollipop.  THAT'S A CONSTANT SOURCE OF PRIDE TO ME.  Being able to brag how I can make lollipops REGULARLY last 2+ paragraphs.  Gotta be good at something.  No you don't.  Oh well I hope you are anyway.  Hey thanks!  ALRIGHT bit down on lollipoop.  LOL I POOP TOO.  All  the time!  PROBABLY LIKE TWICE OR THRICE A WEEK.  No spoilers.  Anyway had chocolate chip pancakes for lunch.  I don't regret it.  Got better things to do with my time than Regret What I Had For Lunch!  Hmm.  Got main indulgence snack of the day coming up soon.  WHAT'S IT GONNA BE.  Could just be a Goldon Graham Barr.  NAH LET's GO FOR THE GOLD STANDARD BEARER of Indulgent Snacks QUEST BARS.  I'LL THINK ABOUT IT.
    Hmm.  Federal Breast Inspectors.  WELL AT LEAST THEY'RE OPERATING AT A FEDERAL LEVEL.  If I'm gonna have my breasts inspected I WANT A fake FEDERALL emoployee not LOCAL or STATE.  THAT'S WHERE I DRAW TE LINE.  Gotta figure I have the tiniest fat deposits around my nipple chest area.  Not as much as when I was 40 pounds more.  BUT GOTTA BE SOMEETHIN.  OH also I checked weight again around ShowerTime today.  GREAT NEWS it's the exact number I'd be RELATIVELY QUITE HAPPY ABOUT.  The number that's exactly 10 pounds less than Barely Being Just Overweight BMI-wise.  AND I'MA LOSE 5 or 7 pounds ON TOP OF THIS, YOU'll SEE.  JUST GIVE ME HALF A CHANCE.  Wait.  No.  Give me an entire chance.  I DON'T THINK HALF A CHANCE WOULD DO IT.  With only half a chance I'm PRETTY sure I can only half succeed.  Which isn't a TERRIBLE outcome but not as good as what I wanna accomplish.  Hmm.  Finished watching LUCK.  My review of the movie?  Not Great.  And you can take that TO THE BANK.  If you wanted to.  NO ONE IS STOPPING YOU AT LEAST.
    YEAH.  Got a bit of a head ache.  Not sure why.  Of course I'm not sure why.  WHY SHOULD I KNOW.  Headaches are generally beyond our control.  I dunno I'd wager maybe 40% of headaches you could have a good idea where to trace the head ache back to.  THIS AIN'T ONE THOUGH.  Oh well.  Migraine head aches scare me!  Never had any!  I know my mom used to/still does.  Seems unpleasant.  LOTS OF PAIN-- IN THE HEAD--- THE MOST PAINFUL PART OF TE BODY ALREADY!  AND IT KEEP ON GOIN'.  Oh well what can ya do.  Probably take lots of morphine.  Hmm that wouldn't have been my first suggestion or guess of what you can do BUT it PROBABLY WOULD do the trick.  So that's something to consider.  Maybe have Delicious 1st Choice of anything to eat ever BIRTHDAY BAR as upcoming snack.  In about half an hour from now I guess.  Why not.  No reason.  Not to!  Take it out of fridge 15 minutes before eating it this time.  WANNA SEE IF IT'S ANY GOOD SOFTER.  Plausible it may be!
    Last paragraph of Act III Part I!  Hmm.  Could BEER give me a head ache.  Could DINNER have given me a head ache.  Could MET GAME STARTING give me a head ache.  Look something gave me a head ache and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it!  Not REALLY.  But I'd LIKE TO at least.  Not sure if I'm taking out any garbage tonight.  Not wearing pants or socks all the same!  I CAN PUT PANTS BACK ON IF NEED BE.  NOT SOCKS.  WEAR SOME SNEAKERS SURE BUT UNSOCKED.  Hmm.  Oh No what to have for breakfast tomorrow.  Could always have a balanced breakfast without egg whites.  WHAT THE HELL.  Or just have a double bowl of cereal with nothing else.  WHAT THE HELL.  Or have a frozen breakfast sandwich.  NOW YOU'RE TALKIN' MY LANGUAGE.  Also LET'S CIRCLE BACK AROUND TO DOUBLE BOWL OF CEREAL IDEA.  That kinda sounded interesting as well!  Gonna have to remember that one.  Anyway I just finished beer 1.  Start beer 2 with Act III part II soon!  See ya then!

    Birthday Barr A LIL too soft.  Delicious, sure.  Maybe I could stand a lil bit softer than normal.  BUT NOT THIS SOFT.  I'M SORRY.  To everyone!  Mostly myself though.  I'M THE ONE DOING ALL THE SUFFERING.  Anyway time to write 4 more paragraphs.  Then that's it for today I think!  Might have to take out garbage.  Might have to ACCEPT printer delivery.  THEM SUCKERS supposed to send us a printer today.  NEVER CAME.  THEY SAID IT'D BE HERE BY 8.  It's 8:57.  EVEN IF WE GIVE TEM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT and assume when they say 8 they mean any time BEGINNING with 8 (Up until 8:59) THEY'RE PRACTICALLY OUT OF TIME ANYWAY.  Also that's not the way ANYONE uses time references.  I guess it could be.  No reason NOT to.  The good news is I get to have an ice cream bar a little bit later because that's just the kind of great guy I am to myself!  Hmm.  What else is crap and shit.  NO TALES CRYPT yet.  Was saving Episode I Season I for BEDTIME.  AND I STILL AM.  GONNA BE GREAT.  No Phone for that.  JUST SIT BACK AND ENJOY.
    YEAH.  I hate to say it but I'm gonna be wearing another Unlaundered Shirt tomorrow.  No laundry was done today!  I got clean SOCKS and BOXER BRIEFS but I can't wear that as a shirt.  Well MAYBE I can.  Boxer-briefs over the torso.  Socks over my hands.  That accomplishes everything that a shirt would accomplish.  Just a little bit more ECCENTRICALLY.  So that's something I can think about I guess.  HEY SOME IDIOT ON THE METS JUST HIT A HOMERUN ON MUTE.  Lemme REWIND TAT SUCKER to see it all happen In Real Time.  FRANSICO LINDOR-- one of our roving Infrastructure Build Back Better Countryman-- HIT HIS 20TH HOMERUN OF THE SEASON.  WOW.  Think of how many homeruns our country could have been hitting this season if we had budgeted for 10,000 Fransisco Lindors! .... 200,000 homeruns I think!  OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD THAT'S PRETTY GOOD MATH.  Anyway we could live in a world where America has hit 200,000 Homeruns since the beginning of April BUT THE FAT CATS IN WERSHINGTON aren't letting us!
    Penultimate paragraph of the entry!  Which delicious Ice Cream Bar am I gonna have soon?  I ain't sayin'!  I think I know but that's between ME GOD AND A HARD PLACE.  Anyway what to listen to TOMORROW.  More TODAY'S HITS?  I already listened to them Today.  Well DUH tomorrow I can listen to Tomorrow's Hits.  Seems presumable that there's a playlist on Apple Tomorrow's Hits and it's about Current Songs that presumably could be hits tomorrow but won't really but that's how they're being advertised and sold to us.  SOUNDS LIKE FUN LET'S DO THAT.  I'll do what Apple Playlists want to advertise and sell to me.  Got nothin BETTER to do.  That's how I feel!  The Day After Tomrrow's Hits and it's all Climate Change Themed Songs.  GOOD.  WE NEED TO INCREASE CLIMATE CHANGE AWARENESS.  We need ALL THE CLIMATE CHANGE THEMED SONGS WE CAN GET.  That's my, "HOT TAKE," so to speak.  Hmm.  HEY Printer isn't coming til tomorrow.  And I'm not taking out garbage tonight!  ALL I GOTTA DO IS WRITE ONE MORE PARAGRAPH.  THEN MY LIFELONG RESPONSIBILITIES HAVE BEEN FULFILLED.
   Whew.  Almost done with Life.  Well I'll continue living for DOZENS of units.  But I just won't have to do anything.  So that's good.  Presumably my Dad is taking no walk tomorrow either.  So I got all the time in the world to take walks or wake up late or WHATEVER I wanna do.  Amazing.  Having second and third thoughts about what kind of ice cream bar to eat.  GOOD.  Better I question which one to eat NOW when I can still do something about it rather than LATER when it's TOO LATE.  Hmm.  What's a good ALT snack I could have that's roughly the same amount of calories as ice cream bar-- ~100.  LOTS OF EM BUT FUCK THAT.  I'M EATING ICE CREAM TO GO TO SLEEP WHAT AM I AN IDIOT.  Huh?  The point is I forget.  I can watch SOME Met game then STOP and watch a Tales Crypt HEY WAIT AS ECOND BREAKING NEWS the mets hit another home run.  I SAW IT IN REAL TIME.  I had it on MUTE but I SAW IT.  LET"S CELEBRATE BY ENDING THE ENTRY.  LIKE I WANT TO.  Hey great see ya later.

-9:18 P.M.




Monday, August 8, 2022

Really Good Stuff Coming Up

    Hey!  About Twuenty Minutes behind schedule today!  Should be able to fit in everything normally without CrunchTime.  Already covered with my Dad that I might get back from my third walk 0-15 minutes later than usual!  So that's good.  Checked my weight again this morning.  TERRIBLE!  4.5 LB higher than yesterday.  At a different time of day though!  So I'll check again in a few hours before shower.  See if that's any better.  At this point I'd GLADLY settle for the MEAN between the two numbers.  EITHERY WAY yesterday was SUSTAINABLE.  Sustainable during day.  Sustainable during night!  I set a goal for MighNight Allotment and I MORE OR LESS HIT IT.  A small fiber snack and a small fudgesicle.  WAIT yesterday I had small GRANOLA snack.  NO FIBER JUST GRANOLA.  Same thing more or less.  Had balanced breakfast this morning.  Delicious!  No bacon!  SEE YOU IN HELL BACON!  Anyway if current scale is to believed I gained a PRETTY high amount of what I lost back.  Lost about 50 LB in 9 months.  HOPEFULLY I gained about 10 back but it seems it might be about 15!  OH NO TIME TO KILL MYSELF.
   Wait that's not right.  Not right at all!  Mets game is at 7:10 PM.  OH NO TIME TO KILL MYSELF.  That's even LESS right.  Why would that make me want to kill myself?  NO REASON THERE AT ALL.  At least the weight thing is a NEGATIVE THING in my life.  Somewhat plausible that it'd motivate me to kill myself!  MET GAME IN EVENING?  WHAT DO I CARE ABOUT THAT.  Nothing that's who.  Anyway lunch today HMM.  Turkey sandwich, turkey meatloaf and health spaghetti, or kids chicken parm.  IT'S AN EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES.  Which is a phrase.  Not sure who out there is embarrassed by their riches.  Most rich people I see in THE MEDIA seem pretty proud of their riches!  If anything TOO proud.  But we the common folk know better.  They ought to be embarrassed.  Anyway KINDA WANNA SNACK NOW.  That's not SUSTAINABLE.  I'm not supposed to be hungry now BASED ON RECENT PAST EXPERIENCES.  Oh well gotta imagine Who Cares that'd be my instinct at least.  HEY Ritalin is coming TODAY it looks like.  Will I take it when it gets here?  I DUNNO!
    Hmm.  Current Sustainable Schedule might have me losing .5-1 LB a month.  If I ultimately stop drinking that could get me to 2-2.5 LB a month.  That means I'M BACK WHERE I WANNA BE PRETTY QUICK.  THE POINT IS National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Rice Pudding Day.  NO THANKS.  Not interested in ANY pudding and CERTAINLY NOT RICE.  You fools who would want that crap.  Of COURSE you need A Day to tell people to eat it because they'd never eat it on their own accord.  Of their own accord.  By their on accord.  The point is People Have Accords and They Don't Wanna Eat Rice Pudding.  Oh right call Therapist, reschedule appointment.  I'll get around to that IN THE AFTERNOON.  That's my favorite time to make phone calls like this.  Totally get to Put It Off for a good portion of the day!  Man oh man do I love Putting Things Off.  Pudding Things Off.  DISGUSTING.  What else is up and crap.  LOOK I'm gonna be honest I wanted MightNight snacks to be 70 cal/40 cal.  Going into it I KNEW I might have the 70 cal be 90 or 100 cal.  AND LAST NIGHT IT WAS 90.  I feel like I'M OKAY with that as long as I TRULY have the 70 cal more often than not!
    AMAZING.  Wonder what percent of people use cal as shorthand for calories.  Probably other people unhealthily concerned with weight.  I'M NOT UNHEALTHILY CONCERNED. I'M HEALTHILY CONCERNED.  Some people gotta be more concerned than others to keep themselves healthy.  It SUCKS but THEM'S THE BREAKS.  Hmm maybe have a chicken sandwich for lunch.  Fried chicken sandwich . Get A spicy chicken sandwich from Wednesdays.  By which I mean Wendies.  You can see how I got confused.  Not sure where that instinct came from.  It won't HAPPEN.  But in my mind it occurred to me!  PLUS I got to call Wendy's Wednedsays which is fun.  And then Wendies which is also fun!  Why is a little girl the mascot of Fast Food.  I don't trust little girls to cook fast food.  Not like a Clown at MacDonalds.  CLOWNS make the BEST cooks.  Always CLOWNING around in the kitchen TO OUR BENEFIT.  Burger King.  King making fast food.  KFC.  General making fast food.  WHY ARE ALL FAST FOODS BEING MADE BY SOMEONE IN THEIR NAME.  Taco Bell.  THAT'S THE EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE.
Yeah!  Pizza Hut.  THE PIZZA IS MADE BY THE HUT YOU IDIOT.  Hmm.  Wonder if White Castle is in the same cinematic universe as Burger King.  Kings live in castles.  Hmm.  Also little girls named Wendy LIVE IN HUTS.  I don't make the rules that's just the way it is.  Hmm.  Communal Dinner tonight.  Could be anything!  Gotta imagine I can get a Fried Chicken Sandwich somehow somewhere.  BREADED chicken sandwich at the very least.  It's fried but not COMICALLY fried.  Whatever what else is going on and crap.  Closing in on HALFWAY THROUGH Act I!  Good deal.  Down to NO Breakfasts.  Hmm.  REALLY.  OH WAIT Frozen Breakfast sandwiches.  But if I don't wanna cook anything WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS.  No egg whites for balanced breakfasts.  No pop tarts or ice cream sandwiches.  No cookies or cakes or anything.  Two or three Nutragrain bars?  Two indulgent fiber bars?  THAT'S AN INTERESTING ONE.  Was considering that for today!  AMAZING.  Anything else.  Quest Bar and something I dunno I'LL BE BACK WITH COFFEE!
    YEAH.  15 pounds out of 50 pounds gained back.  SOUNDS A LOT LIKE 30%.  MULTIPLY EACH NUMBER BY TWO YOU IDIOTS.  Hmm.  Papa Johns.  I don't count that though.  Too racist!  They're the ones who are racists or something, right?  Or just Alt Right.  Either way.  Hmm.  If I was 20 years younger WOULD I identify somewhat with INCEL community?  20 years younger seems too EARLY to be concerned about being involuntarily celibate.  Most 13 year olds are involuntarily celibate.  Yeah but I was probably ESPECIALLY concerned about My Sex Prospects.  Hmm.  Either way I can't say would I be susceptible to that culture FIFTEEN years ago.  Because by the time I'm 17 I'm smart and well balanced enough to be like oh this community is terrible.  I ASSUME.  I don't know the community that much now.  Maybe we only know them by THEIR WORST ACTORS.  A lot of them might be nice people WHAT DO I KNOW.  Either way.  In Cell.  SOUNDS LIKE A PRISON TO ME.  In a way it is!  Oh okay good because that's what it sounded like.
What else is up.  WHAT ORDER did I have MightNight snacks in.  I THINK I may have had Granola bar first and then fudgesicle 2 or 3 hours later.  I THINK.  YOU FOOLS all I can say is what I THINK that's all I have to offer.  Also are there threads on INCEL Message boards with people like HOLY SHIT I JUST HAD SEX and if so are the responses like HEY GREAT I FEEL WONDERFUL FOR YOU or are they like GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE WE DON'T WANT YOUR KIND YOU ASSHOLE FUCK OFF.  My guess?  Probably the second one!  Either way what else is up.  WOW Already halfway through seventh paragraph.  This is going great!  I can't wait until later in the day when I start to do stuff.  Finished Tales Crypt last night.  AMAZING.  I like the part where NOW I AM SEEING IT IN, "DYNAMIC," PICTURE INSTEAD OF, "MOVIE," PICTURE.  LOOK AT ALL THOSE DYNAMICS.  Okay.  I don't wanna have official weigh in in a month and have Endocrinologist b like well you gained 10 pounds that's not good what can we do about it.  JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.  NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.  DON'T FURTHER UPSET ME BY MAKING IT A TOPIC OF CONVERSATION.  Lemme handle this MYSELF.
    Yeah.  What else is up.  Gotta solid half hour to write 3 paragraphs.  That's way too much.  I'ma do that in like TWENTY or TWENTY TWO minutes.  You IDIOTS.  Hmm.  Been enjoying GRAZING on small mini animal crackers.  Maybe have like FOURTY of them with Turkey Sandwich.  Look I'm as bewildered as you by how often the number, "FOURTY," comes up.  I feel like I get to say Fourty organically 3-5 times an entry.  I don't GET IT.  I LIKE IT.  But I don't GET IT.  Hmm.  I feel like all the sit ups definitely gave me some more defined muscle in my abdomen but it's COVERED BY FAT.  I mean I'm not obese in my abdomen area.  But there's a decent amount of hanging fat!  AND IT COVERS UP ABDOMEN MUSCLES.  I can FEEL the muscles.  Can't see em so much!  Maybe a little!  The good news is IT MEANS NOTHING.  Hmm.  Panda Express.  They're Chinese Fast Food In Malls and crap.  Gotta imagine it's a Panda doing the cooking.  And not a panda IN THE FOOD.  I'd much rather want to live in a world where Pandas are cooking than pandas are being eaten.  THEY'RE HUMAN JUST LIKE US.  Hmm I'd LOVE some Hunan Beef right now.  Again just occurred to me like the Spicy Chicken Sandwich.
HEY GREAT.  Maybe for upcoming Super Market week I get less stuff so I CAN have a Fast Food/Chinese Food 2 or 3 part'r for lunches.  SEEMS FUN AND REASONABLE.  Anyway HEY penultimate paragraph of the act!  Starting to get into a good mood!  Wasn't that upbeat until now.  Probably over 50% because of Weight.  Partly because of no Ritalin Probably.  Partly because I JUST DON'T LIKE THIS PART OF DAY, TOO MUCH WORK.  Partly SOME OTHER STUFF WHAT DO I KNOW.  Hmm.  Partly because I LIKE THE IDEA OF PANDAS COOKING.  ADORABLE.  HEY I could probably get something for breakfast tomorrow from COMMUNAL DINNER tonight.  Make a case for Diner Delivery which we're on track for anyway.  Get GRIDDLECENTRIC thing.  Oh wait bad news I DON'T FEEL UPBEAT AGAIN.  I spoke too soon!  DANGIT now I'm back in the dumps.  Which is a phrase I'm assuming.  Anyway.  Can get griddlecentric thing.  Can get regular food and a COOKIE or something to split into breakfasts.  I got plenty of options is the point I'm trying to make.  No it isn't.  Well it's the point I ended up making anyway.  Oh okay wonderful.
     Last paragraph of the act!  Anyway what else do I got going for me.  Maybe thinking about a GriddleCentric dinner TURNED ME OFF.  Yes two chocolate chip pancakes would make a great meal but IS TONIGHT THE RIGHT TIME FOR THAT?  I DON'T KNOW.  I'M NOT SO SURE.  Anyway.  Can also stop off in BAKERY on my walk.  They got good cookies and crap.  Been a long time since I had their cookies.  Oh well such is life.  Hmm.  FRANCISCO LINDOR of THE METS quietly putting together A VERY strong season.  You may remember him when I was speculating How Many Of Him we could pay with original Build Back Better money framing.  He made 330 million over 10 years.  I feel like that means of we're doing 3.3 trillion that's what A THOUSAND of him?  TEN THOUSAND?  LEMME CALIBRATE THAT.  TEN THOUSAND.  If only we had a 3.3 Trillion bill we could be paying TEN THOUSAND amazing Francisco Lindors to DO STUFF over TEN YEARS I guess.  Look we covered all of this last year.  Anyway time to take a walk!   See ya soon!




Hey This Is A Nice Surprise

    HEY!  Ritalin came while I was on my walk.  Just took one!  Now my life will be better somehow!  Hmm.  If it didn't come yet, I was gonna have to delay my shower until my dad got back from HIS walk.  NOW I'M TAKIN SHOWER RIGHT WHEN I WANT TO.  AMAZING.  Got delicious KETO BAR coming up AFTER THAT THERE SHOWER.  You idiots I'm gonna do Sustainable Balanced Routine Feedings that I started yesterday FOR THE REST OF THIS PERIOD OF MY LIFE.  Which can be month.  Or many month! Or Practically Unlimited Month!  Hmm what am I living, another 50 years?  12 months in a year.  Sounds like around 620 months.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE ONLY 600 WHAT A FOOL I AM.  I thought I was gonna impress you with math.  Now it appears I'M JUST ANOTHER DOLT.  Oh well ya win some ya lose some.  Anyway TIME TO START COUNTING DOWN MONTHS UNTIL MY DEATH.  Few weeks down to 599.  I can live with that!  Then 4.5 weeks after that I'm down to 598.  THAT'S NOT SO BAD.  What's going on again.  Got diet Coke and Coffee #1.8.  AMAZING.  Leaning towards Turkish Sandwich for lunch.  Maybe Kettle Chips on the side to celebrate Joe Biden'd Jomentous Two Accomplishment Weeks.  I KEEP READING ON TWITTER how much Joe Biden got done the last two weeks.  A THOUSAND FLIES CAN'T BE WRONG.
Twitter isn't for flies.  It's for BIRDS.  If it was for flies woulda been called Buzzer.  NOTE TO SELF Register domain Buzzer.com.  Then figure out later what it's all about.  Gotta imagine it's already registered.  How much would I have to pay to buy it.  Can't be more than 5,000 or 10,000 dollars, right?  Whoever owns it now JUST BOUGHT IT ON SPEC.  They don't know what it's for either.  They'd unload it for 5 Grand I think.  Depending on how strongly I come on.  If they think I've got Big Plans for it then of course they could try to maximize value.  Lemme LTURQ.  Buzzer.com.  Some sort of LIVE SPORTS app.  Oh I get it.  Like a Buzzer Beater.  Ya score  some points RIGHT WHEN TIME PERIOD BUZZER goes off.  I still feel like this isn't 100% a real thing, this website.  Might cost more than I'm comfortable with to buy it though.  Hmm.  What was I talking about again?  Oh.  Right.  Twitter for flies.  What else is going on and crap.  Am I on schedule and crap right now?  Sure I am.  OH NO OUT OF LAUNDERED SHIRTS.
     What's up and crap!  Been a couple of weeks since I got Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Last week's stakes were with EGG.  WELL GREAT THAT'S A WONDERFUL IDEA FOR DINNER 3 out of next 4 nights INCLUDING THIS ONE.  Delicious.  Three paragraphs to go in Oh I Don't Know let's aim for 25 minutes.  20 minutes is better and Probably Very Doable but 25 minutes gives me JUST THE CUSHION I NEED to feel good about things.  Probably Very Doable?  THAT'S NOT HOW I FELT WHEN I WAS 13.  Well maybe it was.  I was confident in middle school more or less.  Not BEFORE middle school.  Not AFTER middle school.  But in middle school I PEAKED.  OH NO JUST STARTED RAINING.  BETTER LTURQ to see if it lasts MORE THAN 20 MINUES.  Hmm internet says its not even raining now.  I CAN HEAR IT THOUGH.  Wait.  No.  Getting softer. Softer... softer.. LOUDER... I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  What else is up.  I feel like I could Middle School Peak again later on in life.  Gotta be some adult phase of life equivalent oto Middle School phase of Childhood.  Maybe I'm in it right now.  That doesn't sound right. I'm not Peaking Right Now!  Am I?  OH NO I SCARED MYSELF.  Like looking at A GHOST.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  I think rain DID stop completely.  WOW EVERYTHING IS WORKING OUT FOREVER IN MY FAVOR.  Cool!  Great now people googling buzzer.com will find this website.  Why am I so averse to people finding this website.  NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS.  THIS IS BETWEEN ME, YOU, AND ONE OR TWO OTHER PEOPLE.  Also the YOU might ACTUALLY BE part of the One or Two Other People and neither of us knows it!  Interesting.  I might be in the one or two other people.  OH NO I SCARED MYSELF AGAIN.  Like looking AT A GHOST.  Hmm.  Shall I check weight before shower?  OR just move on with my life.  I feel like I could do both in an ideal world.  NOT THIS ONE THOUGH.  This world I gotta make a FAUSTIAN BARAGAIN so to speak.  Lots of things wrong with that sentence!  Hmm.  Practically definitely not raining any more.  I guess.  Wearin' some boxer briefs that are kinda too big on me.  I don't remember having those kinda boxer briefs before!  Barbara Boxer's blog.  BoxerBreifs.com  How's Barbara Boxer doing.  I think she was a senator.  I don't think she is anymore.  LEMME LTURQ.  Yep.  Not sure why she retired.  Cause she got old?  Doesn't seem to stop anyone else from continuing to serve.
YEAH.  Last paragraph of the Daytime Day.  Let's see, crap, crap... Keto bar in roughly 45 minutes.  No crap there.  LOTTA GOOD there.  The point is what else is going on.  Chocolate Chip Cookie as 2 breakfasts from Diner!  Been a DOg'S AGE since I got a jumbo chocolate chip cookie From ANYWHERE.  Not counting Meal Replacement Cookie.  I mean STRAIGHT UP REGULAR JUMBO CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE.  THIS IS GONNA BE A BLAST AND A HALF.  OR JUST ONE BLAST.  SPLIT INTO HALVES.  THIS IS GONNA BE TWO HALF BLASTS SERVED CONSECUTIVELY.  Interesting.  I THINK half one of them chocolate chip cookies is appropriate breakfastsize.  I THINK.  I hope.  I BELIEVE.  Hmm.  Maybe PANDA is the one DELIVERING the food to you.  Panda Express.  If you don't get your food from our Delivery Panda in 15 minutes or less THE PANDA IS ON YOU.  That can't be it.  Panda Express is WALK IN Fast Food.  I don't think they deliver at all!  And if they do KINDA SEEMS LIKE ANIMAL CRUELTY to make a panda do their dirty work for them.  Especially if HE'S NOT GETTING PAID A LIVING WAGE.  Anyway.  That's it for now!  Be back tonight.




No I Wouldn't Say That

    HEY!  Starting Act III Part I about 45-60 minutes late on account of keeping ABREAST of Trump Raid News.  So far it looks like there was a RAID.  On TRUMP.  And it's IN THE NEWS.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses!  Anyway seems like a pretty big deal.  Great.  Can't wait to see what happens with that.  But in the mean time I'm sucking on a lollipop!  ALSO got a beer going.  ALSO just had delicious Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  THIRD OF IT.  They only gave 2 stuffed mushrooms instead of the usual 3!  So to split it into thirds I had to have like 75% or so of one mushroom!  #WHITEPEOPLEPROBLEMS.  Oh no now people goggling #whitepeopleproblems will find this website!  And it's my main mission statement to keep this website out of the public's eye.  Unless public executes a Civilians' Search Warrant on it.  Which I don't think they can.  Only Law Enforcement.  LAU ENFORCEMENT.  Once had a doctor named Lau.  IS THAT RELEVANT HERE?
Mets up 3-1 going into the Oh I Don't Know SIXTH inning?  Wonder what main Inelegant Snack of the night will be.  Let's go with BIRTHDAY BAR.  Today CALLS for THE BEST DESSERT OF THEM ALL: THE BIRTHDAY BAR.   Anyway didn't get a Diner Cookie.  GOT DINER CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES.  That's one upcoming lunch AND one upcoming breakfast (GOTTA BE TOMORROW, RIGHT?).  Hmm.  Had KIDS CHICKEN PARM for lunch today.  I didn't like it!  BUT I have no regrets because I have no evidence I would have liked it at a later point.  This way at least Later Lunches in the week MAY BE BETTER.  So I GOT THAT BAD LUNCH OUT OF TE WAY ALREADY.  Sounds like a Hero Move to me.  No this was no hero it was a Entree dish.  YOU CAN HAVE KIDS CHICKEN PARM HERO BUT THIS WAS NOT THAT.  Anyway.  Dad got COLONOSCOPY on Wednesday.  NO SPOILERS.  But he's not eating anything tomorrow.  Kept talking about how tonight is his last meal.  And I'm all like YOU ON DEATH ROW SUCKER.  Death Row Records.  Gotta imagine not a big discography for people on Death Row records.  Too busy dying eventually.  Then again people ARE on Death Row for really long times, right?  That's a thing?  Most people just on death row for decades.  Oh so this makes a lot of sense suddenly.  Got all the time in the world to make some records.
     Hmm.  Just bit into Tootsie Pop.  Also it was my favorite NON chocolate flavor-- ORANGE.  Only reason not to like an orange flavor is if I'm in the midst of drinking orange soda.  WHICH I WASN'T.  GINGER ALE YOU IDIOTS.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Today has been ON TARGET according to SnackParameters.  Watched half of the movie LUCK: THE ODDLY AMEATURISH MAJOR MOTION ANIMATED PICTURE ON APPLE TV.  Some of it seems like a real Major Motion Picture and some of it feels like a cheap Saturday Morning Animated Cartoon.  I BLAME THE ANIMATORS.  THIS IS ALL THEIR FAULT.  Anyway I'll watch the second half of that sure.  Gotta see what happens to these people.  And their luck and whatknot.  DANNIT I just took a sip of my ginger ale forgetting it was ginger ale and expecting it to be beer.  DISGUSTING.  Oh right now I can go get THE ACTUAL beer to DRINK THAT.  DELICIOUS I'll let you know how that turns out.
   Hey the beer successfully tasted like beer.
  Go figure!  What do I got going on for me these days.  Latest Listen was 2021 Modest Mouse album.  I'M GONNA BE HONEST I'm only up to the final track.  JUST FINISHED penultimate track as I was rounding back around into my HomeSpace from last walk.  Not gonna listen to FINAL TRACK until FIRST WALK TOMORROW.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progressess???  Hmm.  Gotta write 2.5 more paragraphs.  THEN I CAN REFRESH TWITTER SOME MORE.  STAY ON TOP OF THE NEWS LIKE A BIG MAN.  CYCLE THROUGH A HALF DOZEN CONSTANTLY UPDATED TWITTER FEEDS.  Also I don't give enough thought to hey these people are legit people who just spend their  entire lives tweeting.  I'D LIKE TO THINK I follow A Choice, SELECT group of super stars whose OPINION I like and whose FORESIGHT I value and whose INPUT is relevant.  BUT ALSO ON THE OTHER HAND THEY CHOOSE TO LIVE THEIR LIVES TWEETING 150 TIMES A DAY.  Maybe they have A Tweeter follow them around and they DICTATE tweets all the time I DON'T KNOW HOW IT'S DONE.  Like to see some BEHIND THE SCENES on that one!
    Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  Look there's half a dozen Buzzer SUPERSTARS but there's SCORES of good ones I KEEP UP WITH ON A TIME TO TIME BASIS.  On a time to time basis can't be a phrase.  IT CAN BE but SHOULD IT BE?  I dunno!  Gonna have to look into that one.  THESE ARE TWEETERS NOT BUZZERS.  Buzzer doesn't exist yet.  Will one day!  And when that day comes I DEMAND ROYALTIES as I do with everything that eventually happens.  Ehh.  So, what, is it like Twitter but you are REWARDED with the BEST, QUICKEST TAKE?  You hit the shot as a buzzer beater.  Something happens QUICK YOU GOTTA WRITE TE BEST, QUICKEST TING to beat the buzzer tha tother people are under AND TEN YOU WIN THAT BUZZER OF TE HOUR.  Every hour is a new Buzzer Beater.  FINE EVERY HALF HOUR.  I like it because it's Twitter but EVEN MORE EXPLICITLY COMPETITIVE.  FUN.  People would get KICKS out of it believe me.  I don't think Twitter is EXPLICITLY competitive.  Gotta imagine it implicitly is, though!  That's what I'd imagine if I twere forced to imagine SOMETHING.
    Last paragraph of Part I!  Amazing.  Maybe take Birthday Bar out of fridge Oh I Don't Know TEN MINUTES before I wanna eat it.  That should, "Hit the spot!"  Also YES we should at least be CONSIDERING that this is Humor Oriented.  Not 100% if it should be.  If not, most buzzer beaters PROBABLY incorporate humor.  But should it EXCLUSIVELY SPECIFICALLY be for Laugh-em-ups?  Or be more about Best Hot Takes (but probably end up being funny anyway).  Gonna have to consult with a team to decide that.  GREAT now I gotta put together a team.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Anyway we know buzzer.com is registered but lemme check buzzerbeaters.com.  NOPE.  I mean YEAH it's registered by some aggregate corporation or person or whatever whom buys All The Domains and then wants to sell it to you.  But it's NOT A THING YET.  Buzzer.com would sure be a whole lot CLEANER though.  Anyway.  I'll be back soon!

    LOOK did I take the Birthday Bar out of The Fridge 10 Minutes before I started eating it?  NO.  Never got around to it.  Started eating it around Siexty Seconds after removing it.  DELICIOUS ALL THE SAME.  Also GONE IN SIXTY SECODNDS?  NOT IMPRESSED.  I can LEAVE A PLACE within a matter of FIVE OR TEN seconds.  And guess what?  This movie?  I'M OUTTA THE THEATER IN JUST THAT AMOUNT OF TIME.  Cause I don't like your movie!  That's how I feel!  Gottem.  Met game GETTING CLOSE To coming to a close.  May be done 15 minutes or so FROM THIS VERY MOMENT.  Anyway starting beer #2 now!  FINISHING BIRTHDAY BARR.  It's all coming together and whatknot.  Anyway I'm a little concerned that they won't be able to handcuff Trump when they arrest him because of his tiny hands.  They'd just SLIP right out of the cuffs!  HOPEFULLY they thought of this and ENGINEERED handcuffs which would lock into place around Trump's Tiny Hands.  THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT HANDCUFFS GO AROUND WRISTS NOT CUFFS.  Ya got me there!
     Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go!  Just use a variant of a Chinese Finger Trap.  WHY A VARIANT.  Why not JUST A STRAIGHT UP CHINESE FINGER TRAP.  Interesting counterpoint.  Fine!  Go ahead and use a Straight Up Chinese Finger Trap!  I'd enjoy watching a 45 second clip of Trump in a Chinese Finger Trap just trying to figure it out and ultimately NOT succeeding.  Anyway that's regardless of the implications of tonight's Search and Destroy mission on Marrow Largo.  I just think that'd be fun Tik Tok? Instagram?  Pretty sure what I'm describing would be RIGHT AT HOME at one of those social media things but WHICH ONE?  I DUNNO!  Not kept ABREAST with all social media.  THAT WAY I HAVE PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY WHEN BUZZERBEATERS COPIES THEM.  Oh okay makes sense.  Hmm.  Only two more paragraphs to go after this one!  ALSO getting to be right about bed time.  So basically TODAY is almost in the books.  Depends on how much Abreast I wanna keep myself of Current NightTime Events going forward.
     The point is I forget.  Checked my weight again earlier before my shower.  Same as it was when I first woked up!  Think when I thought it was 125.5 yesterday it really was just 129.5 with a couple of pixels missing!  NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT but then again what can ya do.  EAT SOME GOLDON GRAHAM BARRS.  Yes I've EXTREMELY ESTABLISHED that's something One Can Do.  But I'm looking into other things people can do now.  So that's good.  I could have a bedtime goldon graham barr but I of course Will Not.  Have some sort of Regular BedTime Ice Cream Bar!  Goes without saying!  Or WITH saying as the case may be.  That's how the case may be Right Now, This Case.  Apparently!  Hmm.  Watched ZERO Tales Crypt today.  I'd probably ENJOY watching Season I Episode I as Last Thing I Do Tonight BUT It'd be INTERESTING to lie an entire day without Tales In The Crypt.  GONNA HAVE TO CAREFULLY, CAREFULLY CONSIDER THAT ONE.
the good new is I'M ALMOST DONE HERE.  Good news for me, good news for you.  Good!  What else is up.  Were Chinese Finger Traps always for amusement or were they actually invented with practical purposes in mind.  Like the one I just described.  Gotta imagine there's a practical purpose for everything.  AMUSEMENT IS A PRACTICAL PURPOSE.  PEOPLE LOVE BEING AMUSED.  GETS 'EM OFF REAL GOOD.  Oh good okay that checks out.  Might as well watch a Tales Crypt after this is over.  AND WATCH IT REAL GOOD.  Don't read about News OR ANYTHING.  Wait a second DO I WANNA COMMIT to that?  I might wanna read News Real Good tonight.  Hmm.  Whatever happens I trust I'll make the right decision!  Not sure WHY. Or HOW.  But it seems reasonable to presume I'd come up with some relatively correct solutions to My Life Decisions!  Anyway hey that's about it for today.  I'll see ya tomorrow real good probably!

-9:59 P.M. 




Sunday, August 7, 2022

Oh No Great News

    Hey!  After spending all day making up for Halfway Binge in morning, I had FULLWAY Binge over MightNight!  No making up for it today!  Just go on with my life .5 LB heavier!  Thinking about BITING SOME BULLET and checking my weight tomorrow.  My prediction is I gained about seven pounds in 4 months.  Reasonable prediction.  Wouldn't be shocked if it was a pound or two less.  Am VAGUELY PREPARED for it to be a pound more.  Either way HEY THAT'S LIFE I GUESS.  I could check my weight now.  THAT'S NOT HOW I DO THINGS.  Anyway had breakfast of 2 NutraGrain Bars.  SMALL BREAKFAST.  ABOUT 100 CALORIES LESS THAN AVERAGE BREAKFAST.  See I'm making up ground already!  Possibly THE ONLY ground I'll make up today.  See I'm done making up ground already!  Anyway looks like Reconciliation Bill is appropriately several more hours along than it was last night.  Good deal!  They didn't go backwards.  That's cause for CELEBRATION.  Well maybe not celebration.  I don't have time to coordinate a Celebration.  GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO.
    About 15 minutes behind schedule today, but should be able to fit in everything more or less on time.  So that's good.  Got GINGER ALE going.  Look sprite is great but SO IS GINGER ALE.  That's how I feel.  Mets game at 4:10 PM.  That's BEYOND how I feel.  That's JUST HOW IT IS.  Wonderful.  NEVER WATCHED THE KIDNAPPER last night.  Watched end of Mets game instead.  You know what that means!  THE KIDNAPPER is the first thing I'm watching on TV coming up in a few hours!  STEVE COOGAN.  He's a COMIC actor.  Possibly a COMEDIAN.  Better LTURQ.  YEP he's listed as a comedian.  And LISTS CAN'T BE WRONG.  I've got faith in lists.  Anyway.  Star of binge was unsprisingly Chocolate Babka.  Possibly also CAUSE Of binge.  Shoulda seen that coming.  Feels like the same thing happened LAST TIME I got it.  NOW YA TELL ME.  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Frozen Custard Day, National Mochi Day, and Afternoon Tea Week.  NO thanks on Custard.  Is MOCHI some kind of iced cream?  Lemme LTURQ.  Japanese Rice Cake.  I WAS SO CLOSE.  It's like ice cream but A RICE CAKE.  Tea.  I'd have some tea.  If I didn't have to make it.  And I was somehow rewarded or compensated for drinking it.
Hmm.  FUCK IT let's see what scale says NOW.  Gonna be .5-1 LB HIGHER Than what I was guessing as if it were in morning pre lunch.  WOW great news.  A pound and a half LESS than what I was preparing for if I were checking it tomorrow!  Gained about 5 pounds in the last 4 months.  ALSO it's just about what it was a month ago last time I checked every day for a few days even though I woulda guessed it's like 1.5-2.5 LB HIGHER.  MAYBE METABOLISM IS BETTER THAN I GAVE IT CREDIT FOR.  Or maybe it's an outlier and wrong.  OR MAYBE things are starting to work out Forever In My Favor.  Anyway.  So that's good news!  Not sure how to process that.  Move on with my life I guess.  That's my first instinct off the top of my head.  What am I having for lunch.  Probably MEAL.  AL Fredo or Kids Chicken Parm may be the two finalists right now off the top of my head.  BUT NOT DEFINITE.  Hmm.  What kinda aiming am I doing for how long to give myself to write next seven paragraphs.  Let's aim for about an hour.  I can do that COMFORTABLY.
    Or UNCOMFORTABLY as the case may be!  Hmm.  Still got egg whites for one more balanced breakfast.  Wonderful.  Finished glass of ginger ale.  Now I have glass of diet coke.  IS THAT OKAY WITH YOU?  Oh.  It is?  Good!  Glad we're on the same page.  THAT'S a relief.  What else is going on and crap.  Didn't take Ritalin this morning!  I ran out of the one I have conveniently in cabinet.  I have another bottle somewhere else but I WAS TOO LAZY to get it.  Maybe if I was ON RITALIN I'd be less lazy and go and get it.  We can only speculate.  Probably get it in an hour or two.  Take it then or something.  I dunno.  Hmm.  I know people say Ritalin is just like cocaine but half as strong but I'VE DONE COCAINE and I DO RITALIN A LOT and I JUST DON'T SEE IT.  I feel like maybe 5% at most!  I hardly register anything!  YOU IDIOTS.  The point is Sure I'd do cocaine every day in the morning if a Doctor prescribed it.  Sounds like fun!  AND HEALTHY!  Well not that last part.
Fifth paragraph!  Next official weigh in is in 4.5 weeks.  If I'm accurately what scale says I am, I'd have gained about 5 pounds since the last official weigh in there either 4.5 or 5.5 months before UPCOMING official weigh in.  THAT'S NOT SO BAD.  If I can get it a pound under that ALL IN ALL THAT'S QUITE GOOD.  YOU IDIOTS.  The point is I'm STILL at a level where if I gained 10 pounds I'd be JUST SLIGHTLY not overweight.  SOUNDS LIKE GOOD CONTEXT YOU IDIOTS.  Hmm.  Gotta think of a way to enjoy my upcoming early afternoon After DayTime Entrying.  IF ONLY I WAS ON RITALIN I'd be able to think of something good.  Hmm.  SNACK.  I forgot about that!  What kinda snack I got coming my way.  Let's go with dependable reliable KETO BAR probably.  Ugh.  What else is up.  Let's aim for writing 2nd half of Act I in Oh I Don't Know fourty minutes.  That's how I feel and crap.  Also HALF OF WHAT I WRITE is SPECULATING how much time I have left to write.  IT'S META which is good.  Meta Means Good.  What else.  Oh hey Coffee time.
    Jeez.  At this point I've indulged in the snacks I have!  What's there to be excited about!  Get excited about Good Less Indulgent DEPENDABLE RELIABLE WORKING CLASS snacks.  Keto bar.  Not the sweetest thing in the world but GOOD.  Oh Okay I see.  Gonna have to put clothes back on to take walk #2!  Took those suckers off to check my weight.  THEN PUT BOXER BRIEFS BACK ON.  I must hide my shame to SOME extent!  What else is up.  Maybe Turkey Sandwich could be good lunch.  Whatever happens happens!  If Ritalin is 5% as powerful as cocaine what happens if I take 20 at a time.  I dunno but it's PROBABLY not Healthy.  PROBABLY.  I can't take that risk!  What else is up and crap.  Wanna finish this act in 35 minutes now.  IT ADJUSTS BACK AND FORTH exactly how much time I'm giving myself to finish the act.  It's not just a STRAIGHT UP UPDATING how much time has passed.  So that's good I'm glad we're all on the same page and crap.  Hey it's almost time for the seventh paragraph.  IT JUST ABOUT IS.  NO SPOILERS OR SOMETHIN'.
Seventh paragraph!  If I AM the same weight I was 4 weeks ago, I COULD make a FAUSTIAN BARGAIN and accept MightNight Snacking as long as I eliminate Banges.  Give myself 2 snacks a night worth ~100 calories overall.  And still lose weight overall!  Sure I know what a Faustian Bargain is.  It's a BARGAIN that has A FANCY WORD attached.  Let's LTURQ.  Oh.  Like a deal with the devil.  Selling your soul.  I don't wanna do that.  I feel like that NEVER works out for the person selling their soul.  They're never ultimately at the end like well I still think it was a fair deal.  I GOT WHAT I WANTED and it worked out for the best OVERALL.  Good for them I guess.  Can I make a backwards Faustian bargain.  I'd give ya some worldly riches in exchange for some Moral or Supreme Wealth.  YOU IDIOT I'm coming out on top in this somehow.  I don't have any Worldly Riches to give you though.  AH THE COMPLICATION.  Oh well guess we're both stuck with what we've got.  That's good!  Make do with what ya got, that's what I always say!
    Eighth paragraph.  AMAZING!  What else is up.  Also WHO IS THIS FAUST fellow.  My guess is some kinda Philosopher or something from Olden Times.  Lemme LTURQ.  Oh FICTIONAL CHARACTER.  He's the guy who sold his soul to the devil.  ROOKIE MISTAKE.  You don't want the devil owning your soul.  Then again he's PATIENT ZERO for this kind of activity.  HE DIDN'T KNOW BETTER.  I feel like we should start a GO FUND ME to get this guy a soul.  I dunno if we can buy his soul back from the devil or just get him a brand new soul.  Either way HE'S A FICTIONAL CHARACTER this wouldn't work at all!  Hmm.  Also that's not a Go Fund Me.  That's a Go Fund Him.  Is that even LEGAL to do?  Hmm.  What else is up.  Got lots of time to finish this act!  Too much time!  Wait scratch that.  Let's just say More than enough time more or less.  So that's good!  Hmm.  Already getting close to being don wih Work For The Day.  IF ONLY I WAS ON A RITALIN my life would be UNSTOPPABLE.  Hmm.  I hope PIXELS weren't messed up on scale and I'm actually 4 pounds higher than I thought.  125.5 COULD have been 129.5 now that I think about it.  Hey remember the movie Pixels.  YOU DO?  I AM SO SORRY.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Pretty hot out there today.  Makes sense.  It's hot a lot these days.  I blame Weather AND Climate.  THEY'RE CONSPIRING TOGETHER TO MAKE THE DAYS HOT and I DON'T LIKE IT.  Gotta imagine there's some creative solution to climate change.  Yeah stop burning fossil fuels.  I said CREATIVE not OBVIOUS AND EASY.  I want something UNOBVIOUS and RIDICULOUS.  Hmm.  I'll think about that.  Come back to me on that in a little bit.  Hmm.  Got chicken pot pie for dinner.  I SHANT have Kids chicken parm for lunch, right?  WHY HAVE CHICKEN TWICE IN A ROW.  That's be a REAL Faustian Bargain.  AND NOT A GOOD ONE.  What else is up.  Turkey sandwich and sandwichside.  Probably saltish sandwichside.  LIKE I SAID I'm unenthusiastic about the Sweet Snacks on account of eating a lot of them recently.  STILL CAN GET INTO SOME SALT SNACKS.  Chips.  Other kinds o chips.  Pretzels.  Wheat thins.  LOTS OF GREAT OPTIONS.
    Last paragraph of the act!
  Let's see, words, words... Hmm.  How deep into the last paragraph of the act am I.  NOT VERY DEEP AT ALL.  Hardly even STARTED IT.  Good.  How many episodes of Tales Crypt do I have to finish this Cycle-Round.  I'm gonna have to guess SEVEN.  YEP SEVEN.  I guess I'm a genius!  WHEW THAT'S A RELIEF.  Being a genius will probably RAELLY PAY OFF IN THE LONG RUN as opposed to being a Dumb.  Or maybe it won't.  I feel like it's reasonable to guess our society rewards Dumbness and penalizes Intelligence.  Certainly not an impossibility.  OH NO THAT WAS TOO SMART TO SAY.  NOW THEY'RE GONNA BE COMING AFTER ME.  Turns out I AM a dumb for EXPOSING MYSELF to PENALTIES.  Huh.  What else is going on and crap.  MAN OH MAN Amazon Fresh as Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars in stock again.  ADDED THEM TO THE CART.  Probably won't be placing an order for roughly a week.  So no guarantee they'll be in stock then.  But it's A GOOD SIGN they're in stock NOW.  So that's good.  Hey wonderful time to take WalkBreak.  Be back soon!




I Write All Sorts Of Words

    HEY!  Turns out I'm all out of Ritalin.  Was already re-upping with them on Tuesday.  So I gotta go 2 more mornings without it.  IT'S ON MY MIND but if it wasn't I would never notice!  So that's good.  Hmm.  Planning MightNight Snacks from now on.  TWO SNACKS A NIGHT.  40 CAL FUDGESICLE + 70 CAL FIBER BAR/BROWNIE.  That should satisfy me AND not make a dent AND with current sustainable Regular Day Routine I CAN LOSE WEIGHT STILL.  This is GREAT.  Assuming it all plays out like it is in my imagination.  WHICH IT MIGHT. My imagination is PRETTY intelligent.  Hmm.  Got Coffee #2.  Got orange soda.  Wanna finish this act in Oh I Don't Know FOURTY MINUTES?  SO that's all good and crap.  Aiming for Turkey Meatloaf and Health Spaghetti for lunch.  That's all good and crap.  Was raining lightly for 5 minutes on last walk.  IN THE MOMENT I didn't like it but then once it was gone and It Was Just Hot Outside I thought HEY I WANT THAT MIST BACK.  I didn't like it then but NOW I KNOW BETTER.  HOOK ME UP WITH SOME MIST.  Hmm.
    YEAH.  Gonna have to do some laundry.  I MAY be down to ONLY ONE LAUNDERED SHIRT after today.  So that's not great.  HEY there's an Elliott Smith Magazine Article they advertised to me on twitter!  Cause it's his deathday OR Birthday.  Article is from 10 years ago but I NEVER READ THIS SUCKER I'm gonna read this sucker LATER ON IN THE DAY.  Hmm.  What kinda snacks did Elliott Smith like.  Gotta imagine it's in the article.  BACK IN THE DAY Fiber and Protein Bars weren't as ACCEPTED as they are now.  He may have been eating CHOCOLATE BARS I dunno.  Probably not.  If he knew about chocolate bars why would he want to end his life.  If his life was SO BAD he wanted to end if why not just eat chocolate bar after chocolate bar.  You will die EVENTUALLY from that but IN THE MEANTIME WHAT A RIDE IT WILL BE.  You know, that sort of thing.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine there's roughly 50/50 I have a Sawdust Dogs lunch this week.  GOT THE BREAD FOR IT.  But will I have the MOTIVATION.  I dunno.  Also not sure if I'd have 3 sawdust dogs over 2 pieces of bread or FOUR sawdust dogs over 2 pieces of bread.  As with all things I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.
Yeah!  Knocking this Act out of the park pretty quickly so far.  Good deal!  Feels like I'll put Chicken Pot Pie in oven for about 75 minutes.  I've had success with 2 hours.  I've had success with 1 hour.  LET'S SAY AN HOUR 15 MINUTES FOR TONIGHT, SEE HOW THAT GOES. Probably WELL.  Hmm.  OH NO STARTING TO FEEL Not On Ritalin.  LOSING POWER.  ENERGY.  Body starting to SHUT DOWN.  This is a terrible development!  Hmm what can I consume that will Increase My Power.  Possibly CHOCOLATE BARS.  Don't have any straight up chocolate bars.  OH my Mom has miniature DOVE Chocolate Candies.  THAT'S CHOCOLATE BARS but not in Bar form.  Oh great that solves everything!  I'm not gonna have any CANDY.  What am I an IDIOT.  The point is I Forget.  LOOK all things being equal I might prefer Turkey Sandwich for today.  But I only got ONE definite sandwich meal for this upcoming week.  While I got THREE Super Market prepared meals.  GOTTA SPREAD IT AROUND.  Have a Prepared meal today.  TO MIX THINGS UP OVER THE COURSE OF THE WEEK.  THIS SHOULDN'T BE HARD TO UNDERSTAND.
Penultimate Paragraph of DayTime Day!  THE KIDNAPPER is gonna be in ABOUT AN HOUR.  Good deal!  The Kid Napper.  Lots of kids nap.  Way more than adults!  If I COULD easily nap I would.  Just doesn't happen organically for me!  Seems like it would really improve the quality of my life though.  Don't thy take naps in some country in Europe.  I dunno.  They eat big lunches and then take a nap.  Not sure where I'm getting this intel from.  Sounds like over 50% chance It's Kind Of Accurate though.  What else is up.  Wonder how much Health Spaghetti I'm getting this time around.  The amount varies from time to time!  I HOPE ITS A HEARTY AMOUNT.  Generally that's my opinion of how much health spaghetti I should be getting with this meal.  It's a SMALLER MEAL overall.  Even with Hearty Amount of Health Spaghetti.  SO might as well HOPE for THE MOST Health Spaghetti possible!  Yep that all checks out pretty good.
  Hmm.  Is it possible I watch ALL of the last 7 episodes of Tales Crypt today?  YES.  But I'd bet against it.  Maybe about a 1/4, 1/3 chance I watch all of em today.  PLAUSIBLE for sure.  What else is up.  Let's see.  Got a solid 10+ minutes to write this paragraph.  EVERYTHING WORKED OUT FOR THE BEST this morning I guess.  Except for finding out THE HORRIFYING NEWS I have to go 2+ days without Ritalin.  TERRIFYING.  Then again what else is crap.  Do I have any cocaine.  That I can do 1/20th of a bump of.  NOPE.  DON'T THINK SO.  I'm pretty sure I'D KNOW if I had any cocaine.  THEN AGAIN I haven't done an inventory of everything in drawers and cabinets in my room.  Maybe there's some illegal drugs somehow I DON'T KNOW.  Hmm.  I could always take an excess amount of KLONOPIN.  That's very much IN THE OTHER DIRECTION but IT'D TAKE MY MIND OFF missing Uppers by being on LOTS OF DOWNERS.  Makes sense.  Gotta be On SOMETHIN.  Hey the good news is I'm done here for now with PLENTY of time.  We're talkin NINE MINUTES ahead of schedule I set out for myself.  See ya tonight!




that's not what i meant to say at all

    Hey!  How did today go FEEDINGS-wise.  On target!  Had  delicious Wide Al Fredo for lunch and Chickened Pot Pie for dinner!  REASONABLE SNACK OTEHRWISE.  Tootsie pop now.  AIMING FOR THREE BEER KNIGHT.  Already had 1.  Gonna start other one SOON.  Anyway it seems to me like the Democrats passed some LEGISLATION today.  In the SENATE.  SOME CLIMATE STUFF MOSTLY.  I like the sound of that!  Not sure what it all MEANS.  But it SOUNDS good to me.  Probably would LOOK good too twere I to READ the headlines instead of HEAR them.  That'd be my guess.  READING words and HEARING THEM ALOUD probably would have similar effects on me as long as the words are EXACTLY THE SAME.  That'd be my guess off the top of my head at least.  Maybe I'd prefer things I READ over things I HEAR.  That'd be my first instinct IF THERE TWERE a difference.  Hearing things is too stressful.  You wanna get me on board with something LEMME READ IT at my OWN pace.  Anyway Mets Pitcher was Historically good for over first half of game.  THEN THEY HAD TO SETTLE FOR JUST WINNING TE GAME.  Sounds fair.  That's a win.  A METS WIN.
Anyway.  Took all my walks today.  Nobody stopping me from walking!  Nobody even TRIED.  Maybe people tried.  THEY FAILED THOUGH.  Didn't even  succeed in BLOCKING or DELAYING any of my walks.  I NOTICED NO PROBLEMS AT ALL.  Anyway.  Having a Chocolate Tootsie Pop but FROM ASSORTED BAG.  Interesting, very interesting.  Got 1 1/3rd Tales Crypt left to go for Entire Series CycleThrough.  I PROBABLY WILL FINISH THIS CYCLETHROUGH TONIGHT AFTER ALL.  I had only given myself a 1/4-1/3 chance for doing that.  WOW THIS IS THE COMEBACK OF THE YEAR.  So far.  Probably will be greater come  backs in Oh I Don't Know SEPTEMBER.  ANYWAY WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON AND CRAP.  Gettin' to that point I wanna bite down on lollipop!  Really feel some pressure to bite down.  Pressure from who.  Me.  Yeah but from WHERE in me.  Mouth?  I dunno that doesn't check out completely.  TEETH?  Nah that ain't it.  WHAT PART OF MY BODY WANNA BITE DOWN ON LOLLIPOP.  Maybe in my HEAD.  BRAIN PART OF MY HEAD.  Not SKULL you idiot.  You NUMBSKULL.  What's wrong with skulls being numb.  Skulls SHOULDN'T be sensitive or have any feeling.  That's MY hot take.  Numb Skull means Dumb.   Numb and Dumb.  RHYME!  SIMILAR WORDS.  Is THAT relevant?  MY GUESS IS OF COURSE IT IS
Alright just bit down on lollipop.  Gotta be taking out garbage &/v recyclables in about 35 minutes.  IS THERE ANY CHANCE I WATCH TALES CRYPT SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 tonight.  BOY I HOPE SO.  I would LOVE watching that episode tonight.  DIDN'T I SAY I WAS GONNA USE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR TO PICK EPISODES THIS TIME.  NO YOU IDIOT.  I HYPOTHESIZED IT.  I never COMMITTED to it YOU FOOL.  Anyway what else is up.  Drinking SODA.  You know what that's like.  Kinda like drinking water but roughly FIFTEEN TIMES as good.  Drinking BEER.  Back to the Michael Loeb Ultra Collection.  Feels like I might have the ONE OFF COOKIES 'N CREAM Quest Bar upcoming snack during Reccess.  MAN OH MAN I AM GIVING MYSELF ALLOTTED ALLOWANCE FOR MIGHTNIGHT SNACKS COMING UP.  TWO.  I'm gonna be getting up in the middle of the night-- TWICE-- and be like I KNOW WHAT TO DO AND ALSO IT'S TOTALLY WITHIN THE GUIDELIENS I SET FOR MYSELF THIS IS WONDERFUL LIFE JUST LIKE THAT JIMMY STEWART MOVIE MR STEWART GOES TO WERTHINGTON.
    Hmm.  Feels like there's people out there names Stewart James.  And if not I just came up with a good idea For Somebody.  Huh.  Are Republicans gonna be bringing back Eugenics explicitly soon?  I thought of it because I read the word NUMBSKULL a few paragraphs ago.  Gotta imagine certain people have bigger skulls to accommodate bigger brains to accommodate more intelligence.  WRONG.  I think if you have a bigger break YOU'RE CLEARLY TRYING TO COMPENSATE FOR SOMETHING.  Bigger brain is DUMBER.  Just like WHALES.  They're so big but THEY'RE USELESS.  Huh.  Not sure where that comparison reference came from and/or what it means.  Based on SOMETIN' we can be sure of that though!  Also in Free Willy does ANYBODY in terpret the Free as an ADJECTIVE or are WE ALL interpreting it as a Verb.  Yes I'm sure this whale (Willy?) is Free-- or will be free-- or started out as free-- but this movie is about THE ACT OF FREEING HIM.  Presumably either by Kids in the movie or by US AS AN AUDIENCE in a 3-d Type Film Experience.  Lots of things wrong with THAT idea.
Fifth paragraph of the Act III Part I!  Amazing.  Some sort of Slavery joke.  Comparing Freeing the whale and the Emancipation of Enslaved people.  NOT IN GOOD TASTE.  Also CAN'T THINK OF ANY JOKE ABOUT IT.  So that settles that.  Am I supposed to LIKE WHALES as a kid to be on board with this movie?  Cause I'm gonna be honest... pretty ambivalent about whales.  If anything I KINDA DON'T like them.  Try too hard!  Just be FISH like other water creatures.  Don't be MAMMALS.  YOU'RE TRYING TOO HARD TO BE LIKE US-- HUMANS-- YOUR HEROES.  Don't be something you're not!  JUST KNOW YOUR ROLE AND BE HAPPY IN IT.  That's my hot take on Whales.  Hmm.  Finished beer #2.  KINDA NOTICE RELATIVELY BUZZED.  Not sure I really notice that most of the time!  GOOD NEWS IS I got another beer coming my way.  Maybe just have Birthday Bar.  WE KNOW IT'S THE BEST.  JUST GO FOR IT.  YEAH great what else is bullshit.  One more paragraph before RECESS.
    SENATE IS GOING ON RECESS UNTIL SEPTEMBER.  That hardly seems fair.  I'm gonna have to Keep Doing Whatever It Is That I'm Doing ALL MONTH.  Not sure what the alternative to Whatever It Is I've Been Doing is.  Laying in bed 24/7.  Oh man.  I just pictured that in my head and it's be OFF THE HOOK.  Oh well Gotta Take Care Of Business THAT'S LIFE.  I get it.  Hmm.  YES Wide Al Fredo was the heartiest of lunches but I FELT HUNGRY TODAY FOR LUNCH.  I have NO REGRETS.  Probably have SOME regrets.  Gonna have to think about that one!  Whatever.  Chicken Pot Pie was one of the heartiest dinners, too!  The good news is I HATE IT UP JUST THE RIGHT AMOUNT.  An hour 20 minutes.  Gonna have to remember that one.  PERECT amount of time.  Hmm.  THINK I'll have less indulgent GOLDON GRAHAM barr as upcoming snack.  I'm less hungry than I am to justify a Quest Bar.  ABOUT 2/3rds as hungry.  PERECT THAT'S HOW MANY CALORIE PROPORTIONS WE'RE TALKING ABOUT.  Gonna write one more paragraph here before recess.
   YEAH.  Then come back with GOLDON GRAHAM BARR (put in fridge just now-- will take it out in 15 minutes!) and BEER #3 (Took it out for some reason just now-- won't start until 15 minutes from now!).  OK I THINK we're all caught up.  Hmm.  Not 100% guaranteed I'll finish CycleThrough of TalesCrypt.  80% chance I am.  But decent chance I can't finish last episode completely.  YOU IDIOTS get off my back about it.  Hmm.  I guess TomorrowBreakfast will be BalancedBreakfast POSSIBLY JUST SKIPPING BACON.  I was gonna begrudgingly continue to have a slice of bacon with each balancedbreakfast as long as I had the bacon.  Now?  Just Stop It!  IF I DON'T WANT THE BACON, AND NOBODY WANTS THE BACON FOR ME, WHY SHOULD I HAVE THE BACON.  So that it eventually disappears from my freezer.  THAT WILL WORK ITSELF OUT THROUGH THE NATURAL COURSE OF THINGS.  If IN THE MEAN TIME I get nothing out of eating Frozen Bacon JUST STOP EATING THE FROZEN BACON.  Well sure In A PERECT World...  Hmm.  Time for recess now!  Be back soon I Guess!

   Hello!  Having Cookies 'n Cream QUEST BAR right now.  Tastes like an oreo!  BUT IN QUEST BAR FORMATION.  Anyway 3-4 paragraphs most likely to go.  Had to take out BONUS GARBAGE Today.  Old PRINTER.  The thing that takes things from your computer and PRINTS THEM OUT INTO THE REAL WORLD.  2D Printer.  Well I assume 2d Printers are KIND OF 3d Printer.  INK GOTTA BE THREE DIMENSIONAL TO SOME SMALL EXTENT.  Not to the NAKED EYE.  But Ink had DEPTH TO IT if you were ANTMAN or something.  You'd notice it then!  You might have to be MINI Ant Man.  Not just ANT SIZED but SUPER ANT SIZED MINI MAN.  Anyway you get the idea.  If you wanna steal an old and/or broken printer NOW'S THE TIME.  Anyway.  Just took care of a small spider in my parents' bedroom bathroom.  IT'S THEIR BEDROOM'S BATHROOM.  Anyway that's related to ant-man too.  ARACHNIDS ARE BUGS.  Let's have an argument about it.  Finished Quest Bar.  LET'S HAVE AN ARGUMENT ABOUT IT.
    YEAH!  Start beer 3!  Can't wait to be done with tonight.  Go have a real Good Bed Time.  It's gonna be wild!  Aunt Man.  Moving on.  I've had better experiences with Quest Bars, I've had worse experiences with Quest Bars!  All in all COULDA BEEN BETTER is what I'd lean towards saying to describe THIS experience but COULD BEEN WORSE is ALMOST as appropriate and certainly more or les JUST AS accurate!  So I got that going for me is the point. Some nice nudity in current Tales Crypt episode.  Real good Butt.  That's my hot take!  LOOK I DON'T get down to business for Tales Crypt episodes.  NOT IN THE SPIRIT OF THINGS.  But just as AN ASIDES fine I can appreciate that's a Good Butt.  So get off my back about it.  Anyway I guess I have to write two more paragraphs now!  JUST MY LUCK.  Guess there are worse fates that could befall man.  Like falling... down a beee... man... Where am I.  What's going on?
    Penultimate paragraph!  BACK TO THE GRIND  tomorrow morning.  Oh well.  I did my best today to Do Everything Right and STILL I have to do the same thing again tomorrow.  GUESS I'll try to enjoy Bed Time The Most.  That's where I've been getting off the last week or so the most.  BEDTIME best part of day.  For a few weeks it was EARLIER in the evenings.  Maybe DINNERS.  Or ENTRIES WITH BEERS.  Now it's migrated to BED TIME.  Maybe at some point SOMEHOW I APPRECIATE BEING ASLEEP THE MOST.  Not sure how that would work but it seems RELATIVELY PLAUSIBLE that it's POSSIBLE.  Hmm that should be fun.  Then we somehow wrap back around and I ENJOY GETTING UP IN THE MORNING?  That doesn't sound like something people can do.  Not intuitive at all!  Unless you're Bruce Willis and Performed a Super Hero Feat.  Then you wake up next morning satisfied with yourself.  WE CAN'T ALL PERFORM SUPER HEROE FEATS EVERY DAY so we can be happy the next morning though.  VERY FEW of us can and I AIN'T ONE.
    Last paragraph of the NightTimeDay!  Hmm.  Maybe I can do a Super Heroe Feat ONCE A WEEK.  So at least once a week I get up the next day feeling satisfied.  I think I OWE AS MUCH TO MYSELF to get up once a week feeling Real Good About Things.  Hmm.  You guys know any things that I can do.  Super hero things?  Well of course not.  If you did YOU'D HAVE SOLVED THEM YOURSELF.  Anyway what else is crap and bullshit.  What kinda ice cream bar I got coming my way tonight.  Probably Cookies N Cream Ba.. WAIT A SECOND I JUST HAD COOKIES AND CREAM QUEST BAR.  Then again a cookies and cream ICE CREAM BAR is a totally different flavor than cookies and cream CANDY BAR.  LOOK FOR BOTH OF THEM I, "GET," the cookies and cream being referenced.  ALL I'M SAYING is that they're TOTALLY DIFFERENT CONTEXTS for cookies and/or cream.  Or have another ice cream bar just to play it safe.   Amazing.  WONDERFUL.  It's a GOOD thing you read this.  See ya later.

-9:38 P.M.




Saturday, August 6, 2022

Hoo Boy Here Comes Some Paragraphs

    Hey!  About FOURTY minutes behind schedule today!  Should be able to fit in everything more or less without CrunchTime.  Have Dad take his walk after my 2nd instead of 3rd.  MIXES THINGS UP A BIT but I'd survive!  Anyway had close to more or less half a binge this morning!  THINKING AHEAD of upcoming snacks and meals-- I can make up for almost all of it IN MY HEAD with what I can do for those things.  Smaller/less snacks.  Either Quest Bar or SINGLE Hot Pocket for lunch.  EXTREMELY HEARTY SOUP for dinner.  Sounds about right.  Makes up for 80-90% of Binge!  So that's good!  Talked about Comedy Class again with my parents this morning-- BOTH at the same time!  Pretty much closed the door on it.  Gonna tell Therapist not to bother making my case for me On Them.  So that's good.  Anyway WHY did I binge eat?  Not sure!  Maybe because part of me wanted to eat significantly less during the rest of the day.  Hmm wonder what that's all about.
Had a normal amount of MightNight Snacks.  Had hearty small but hearty brownie for breakfast.  AMAZING.  Mets game is EARLY today.  I wanna say 1:10 PM.  YEP NAILED IT. Not only did I successfully say What I Wanted To Say but what I said and wanted to say WAS ACCURATE!  So that's good.  Got about an hour 5 minutes to COMFORTABLY get back home by the time my Dad is presumably taking his walk.  If it's another 5 or 10 minutes I THINK HE'D UNDERSTAND.  Hmm.  What kinda thing I bange on.  NOT IN THIS ORDER-- 3 goldon graham barrs, 1 pop tart, 1 small ice cream sandwich, and 1 small dependable granola bar.  AROUND 700-800 calories.  AMAZING let's make up for almost all of that today.  THAT'LL SHOW 'EM.  Not sure WHO.  Not sure WHAT.  But SOMETHING WILL BE SHOWN.  If a TV show is played and nobody is around to watch it does it make a moving picture image and sound.  YES.  Someone probably watched it ON ANOTHER TV a household or two away!  Hmm.  What else is up.  Maybe I was worried about Upcoming Morning Schedule and fitting in everything appropriately.  And I dealt with that stress with food!  Makes sense.  SNES.  Super Nintendo Entertainment System.  That was a good one.  They still have the thing where you can BUY THAT and it comes with a dozen or two games?  BETTER LTURQ.
    Looks like it's available at TOO LOW A PRICE for the games you're getting.  Too good to be true!  I'd have to read the fine print more intensely to make sure what this product is all about!  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Could always eat more or less same stuff today and just bite the bullet and gain ~1/5th of a pound.  That's not THAT bad.  Nah let's aim for Small Stuff Meals and Snacks.  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Raspberries 'n Cream Day.  WHAT THE FUCK.  MORE RASPBERRIES?  Didn't we have TWO OF THEM ALREADY in the last week?  Lemme LTURQ!  August 1st was National Raspberry Cream Pie Day.  July 31st was National Raspberry Cake Day.  HEY WHAT'S WITH ALL THE RASPBERRIES am I right.  Probably.  SOUNDS like I'm right!  Anyway did I finish last episode of American Tales Crypt?  YAH I DID.  Today I'm ONTO BRITISH SEASON.  Which I will presumably finish in about a solid 2 days.  This is good stuff let's keep it going.
YEAH.  Anyway.  What do I got to talk about for 51 minutes over seven paragraphs.  Hopefully whatever it is I HIT THOSE MARKS.  Hmm.  Quest Bar would be 100 calories less than Hot Pocket.  Depends on what I'm in the mood for though!  Most likely I'm like hey it's lunch I WANNA SAVORY THING.  So that's good.  Get Chicken Pot Pie for tomorrow night.  So that's good!  What else is up and shit.  Could always have HALF of the calories I'm saving over the day and admit defeat on half.  HALFWAY THERE to making up for binge.  I DON'T KNOW HOW IT'S ALL GONNA SHAKE OUT OKAY.  Get off my back about it!  Anyway after this act and next walk suddenly I got NO CRUNCHTIME AT ALL more or less.  That's the good part of Dad taking walk after MY 2nd walk instead of 3rd!  MORE TIME IN THERE FOR THAT PORTION OF DAY.  So that's good.  What's today.  Saturday.  I can, "Dig," that.  Do some stuff while stressing about food.  Maybe even do some stuff that makes me FORGET stressing about food!  Well that sounds like a ton of fun doesn't it!
    Fifth paragraph!  What kinda music I'm listening to these walks.  ALT CNTRL playlist.  The LATEST IN ALTERIOR MUSIC.  Look some of this music is solid Alternative Music and some of it is a stretch.  Then again What Do I Know.  Totally arbitrary genre guideline definitions!  COULD BE ANYTHING.  I just hope it's not ME It's controlling.  I don't want Alterior Music to CONTROL me.  I wanna CONTROL IT.  Now I'M in the drivers' seat.  Hmm.  Was I even that hungry this morning.  I think in my had I was just like hey this is fine who cars makes no difference what does it matter.  Which IS kind of accurate!  But at the same time WRONG I CARE almost all of the time!  So that's something to take into consideration.  LOOKS LIKE Parliamentarian ruled that MOST parts of Democratic Reconciliation Bill can go forward.  One part he OR SHE doesn't like.  Not sure how important it is to the entire thing.  Either way SOUNDS VAGUELY POSITIVE.  I'm gonna GET COFFEE NOW.
Maybe I just bite the bullet and have Normal Turkey Sandwich for lunch.  I dunno.  Either way PAIN in right shoulder pretty much gone.  I can still SENSE a bit of discomfort but not much at all!  So that's good I guess.  What else is going on and crap.  Hearty Soup I COULD get with matzoh ball or without.  Still a small meal even WITH Matzoh Ball.  Probably just get it without though AM I RIGHT?  I hope so.  If I'm right here PROBABLY RIGHT ELSEWHERE TOO.  SO that's good?  Hmm.  Must be Gonna Be running low on Goldon Graham Barrs before we naturally come to next Amazon Fresh order.  I might have to FORCE THE ISSUE at some point over the next week!  That's okay.  SOMEONE gotta force the issue.  33% chance IT SHOULD BE ME.  EVEN HIGHER.  33.3%!  EVEN HIGHER.  33.33%!  EVEN HIGHER.  You get the idea.  THREE OF US IN HOUSE.  You get the idea.  What else is up.  Six paragraphs eh.  FOUR TO GO EH.  Got 36 minutes to do them COMFORTABLY EH.  Gotta refill my soda now EH.  Oh okay All those, "EH's," check out.
  Delicious.  What if I skip lunch completely.  If I FEEL like I CAN I probably will go ahead and DO IT. Not gonna FORCE the issues.  But we'll see!  That'll get me to Not OverBoard Calories today COMPLETELY more or less combined with some other restrainings more or less.  YEAH.  What kinda snack I had at MightNight.  More or less usual amount/stuff.  So that's good!  OH HEY got Mets game going on EARLY Afternoon Today.  That's something to watch then!  Unless I get board!  Which I will!  Then watch something else.  While keeping TABS on Mets game in case it gets re-interesting!  WONDERFUL.  What else is up.  Hmm.  ALT CNTRL HUH.  I get it.  Like CNTRL ALT DELETE.  Back in the day that was step one of two to restarting your computer when it was acting up.  PROBABLY STILL IS.  KIDS THESE DAYS may not know that reference though.  Also it gets you to a drop down window of ALL RUNNING APPLICATIONS and shit I THINK.  I'd press it now but IT'S NOT WORTH THE TROUBLE.  Fine I'll press it now!  FOR THE SAKE OF SCIENCE.  YEP LOOKS LIKE IT CHECKS OUT.  Gives four options.  One is Log Off.  One is switch user.  One is A THIRD THING.  One is Task Manager.  THAT'S THE THING that shows Applications.
  Either way KEEP THAT ONE IN YOUR BACK POCKET KIDS.  If you feel like it.  Kids these days might not HAVE back pockets.  I do!  I like em!  I didn't USE to use them until Smart phone.  I keep that in RIGHT BACK POCKET.  SHIT SPOILER.  Now you know how to steal my eye phone.  WHICH POCKET IT'S IN AND EVERYTHING.  EYE PHONE.  That was intentional.  Sure.  Probably why not!  Two and a half paragraphs to go!  PLENTY of time for that.  Today might shape up to be a decent day if not for the Thinking All Day About Hitting Limited Food Marks.  MAYBE THAT'LL BE FUN WHAT DO I KNOW.  Once I hit lunch that's the brunt of it.  Get through lunch then I'm through the hard part.  YEAH.  Hmm.  Indiana signed terrible abortion bill.  SAY IT AIN'T SO.  Where is Indiana.  IS IT UNDER MICHIGAN.  CAUSE IF IT IS... hmm.  IT'S RIGHT UNDER MICHIGAN.  TO RIGHT OF ILLINOIS.  LEFT OF OHIO.  WHY IT GOTTA BE SO DIFFICULT.  Those states are BLUE or PURPLE.  INDIANA GOTTA BE RED?  STOP BEING DIFFICULT YOU IDIOTS IN INDIANA AND/or INDIANA ITSELF.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  I might have more REGULAR frozen breakfast sandwich in addition to Hot Pocket frozen breakfast sandwich.  TWERE THAT THE CASE might lean towards having THAT for lunch instead.  For some reason Hot Pockets feel like YA GOTTA HAVE TWO AT A TIME.  Other thing ONE AT A TIME IS FINE.  Even if it's MORE OR LESS THE SAME THING.  So I'll keep you updated on that situation as it progresses.  What else is up.  HEY TOMORROW I GET TO HAVE NORMAL FEEDINGS.  AMAZING.  Now I know why I half bange ate this morning and hopefully will cancel 90% of it out over the rest of Restrictive Day.  So I APPRECIATE TOMORROW MORE.  Sounds vaguely plausible I guess.  Hmm.  What else is crap and shit.  Through with MOST of DayTime Entry.  Well over 50% solidly at least.  Pretty good stuff.  Anyway.  Turns out I'm finishing Act I to take Walk II to get back for Dad taking his walk WITH PLENTY OF TIME.  We're talkin OVER TEN MINUTES CUSHION AND SHIT.
    YEAH.  Hmm.  Gonna probably have a small 40-70 calorie snack BEFORE lunch.  WOW.  Seventy.  THAT'S A LEGIT SNACK.  We'll see how it all, "Shakes," out!  Hmm.  THEN AGAIN maybe snacks I had way early in the time between breakfast and lunch COUNT AS THAT SNACK.  Even though it's HOURS ahead of time.  WOW THAT WOULD BE AMAZING NEWS I GUESS MORE OR LESS.  Hmm.  INDIANA.  That's where INDIANAPOLIS IS FROM.  I'm assuming.  Pretty intuitive to assume it would be.  Then again it'd also be intuitive to assume that's where INDIANA JONES is from but THAT'S probably wrong!  LET'S LTURQ.  A NATIVE OF PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY.  That's where Ivy League college is from!  Presumably.  Maybe they're from ANOTHER Princeton, New Jersey.  Look you get the point.  There is no point.  YEAH AND YOU GET IT.  Hmm.  I don't think I have ANY pop tarts left.  Which isn't that big a deal really since I don't have ANY indulgent ice cream sandwiches left to pair with it for a Classic Breakfast.  So I presumably would never need a pop tart unless I'm BANGING.  GREAT.  WALK TIME.  SEE YA SOON.




Nobody Saw These Words Coming

    HEY!  Crunching the numbers and I think I can relatively easily cancel out entire HALF BANGE.  A third of it is cancelled out with Health Breakfast Sandwich for lunch.  A third with Just Hearty Soup for Dinner.  A third with less/more reasonable snacks.  AND IT'S MORE OR LESS A NORMAL DAY.  Just LESS THINGS AT A TIME.  Even SNACKING isn't so much different!  So that's good.  Got Health Jimmy Dean sandwich NOT HOT POCKET FOR TODAY.  Anyway got plenty of time to write this act.  Not taking my walk until about an hour from now.  So that's good!  Guess METS GAME starts BEFORE my next walk.  I'll turn that shit ON PAUSE sure.  UNPAUSE IT at some point later on.  Maybe I have to record it.  Might not wanna start watching until AN HOUR after it starts.  UNLESS YOU RECORD it stops Holding Onto Past after an hour.  I WISH I COULD STOP HOLDING ONTO THE PAST AFTER AN HOUR.  Am I RIGHT?  Probably, I just said it.  Then again if I wasn't holding onto past I might not get the ALT CNTRL reference.  AND THEN WHERE WOULD I BE.  Same place more or less.  Oh okay that's good.
    Kinda feels like if I do TODAY for just one week but without the Bange I'd lose 1.5 pounds.
  Makes sense.  In a SEVEN DAY WEEK sure.  But what are the odds of that?  Hmm.  1.5 pounds would solve ALL my problems.  OH also I'd have to do No MightNight snacking.  AH THE COMPLICATION.  Hmm.  Probably get Chocolate Babka from DELI.  Make that 2 breakfasts.  THREE if I look at it and am REALLY impressed by how hearty it looks.  I HOPE THAT HAPPENS.  I feel like half of it is TOO HEARTY for a breakfast.  What am I talking about again.  Still got enough Egg Whites for One Balanced Breakfast.  AMAZING that's what I was talking about GREAT.  Nope.  LOOK I still get a Birthday Bar tonight.  Let's AIM FOR LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT.  Or just think about stuff that isn't food.  Oh like what.  AMENDMENT TO BILL O RAMA.  That's today, right?  That'd be fun I guess.  No it wouldn't be.  Oh well can't win 'em all!  Jeez.  I'm looking forward to breakfast sandwich.  It may not be a lot but it'll be fun to eat nonetheless!  I LIKE THE PART WHERE IT EGG SANDWICH WITH OTHER STUFF ONTOP OF EGG.  Yep that all checks out.
Hmm.  If I do today without the Bange AND without MightNight snacking ONCE A WEEK I lose a pound JUST FROM THAT after 5 weeks-- WHICH IS PRACTICALLY JUST A MONTH!!!  Amazing.  Gotta remember that one.  That math might not check out completely.  It FELT right in the moment but looking back SOMETHING JUST ISN'T ADDING UP.  Oh well that's life.  What else is going on and crap.  I can have NORMAL KETO BAR as upcoming snack.  AMAZING.  I LOVE KETO BAR.  That modest amount of Saturated Fat REALLY hits the spot.  Gut spot.  The spot in body that likes food.  Feels like I like food in MY MOUTH more than any other spot.  Ultimately we eat food for Fullness IN ONE SENSE and that's not Mouth that's STOMACH or GUT.  But THESE DAYS humanity also eats food for TASTE which OCCURS IN THE MOUTH I THINK.  More or less.  Seems reasonable.  Major League Baseball JUST ABOUT 2/3rds INTO REGULAR SEASON.  That means YOU WANNA ESTIMATE a player's stats based on what they've gone so far?  MULTIPLY EVERYTHING BY 1.5.  EASY.  SIMPLE.  FUN.  Oh okay sure.
Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime Day!  Good deal.  I'm not hungry right now or anything!  This is going great!  How hearty was that breakfast brownie.  I THOUGHT it was pretty hearty and filling.  Maybe not!  Either way DELICIOUS.  Hmm.  Would balanced breakfast be a good lunch instead of egg sandwich.  It's a DECENT idea and COULD WORK but for today NO THANKS GONNA STICK WITH FROZEN HEALTH BREAKFAST SANDWICH.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Almost done with DayTime Entry.  That's the main work of the day!  From here on it's all Fun And Games.  Huh.  Wonder how Hearty soup will be tonight.  My guess?  About 15% MORE HEARTY than I'd ideally want but STILL IN THE RANGE of what I want MORE OR LESS.  Ugh.  What's today.  August sixth.  I can live with that.  September coming up in 3.5 weeks!  I like September okay.  One of the top six months as opposed to the bottom six months I'd say.  THEN AGAIN each and every month has something going for it.  Except January and/or February.  WHO NEEDS EM.  Then again in a couple of decades they might be the most comfortable months temperaturewise.  OH OKAY NOW THAT'S GOOD.
Last paragraph for now!  HOW GOOD is Reconciliation Bill for climate?  My guess is OKAY.  Under the premise THIS IS JUST THE START.  I hope their premise isn't THIS IS IT.  Gotta imagine their premise will lean towards THIS JUST BEING THE START, right?  Gotta imagine lots of things!  Hmm.  Lotta chicken and carrots in hearty soup.  Chicken noodle soup but with a TRUCKLOAD of carrots and chicken.  PER MY MEMORY.  Truckload is a word.  I feel like if we're using a SomethingLoad word TRUCK isn't necessarily THE MOST intuitive.  But I guess I was wrong!  Truckload is a word so it MUST BE a pretty intuitive SomethingLoad phrase to use!  Live and learn.  Hmm.  Oh IT DOES make sense.  Trucks carry loads.  That's why they're trucks.  Trucking loads from Here To There.  Oh okay now it all makes sense.  Hmm.  Guess I'm going on my walk about half an hour from now.  MAYBE only 28 minutes ideally.  Hey that's great I'm glad it's all working out for me.  I'll be back tonight with UPDATES on how EATINGS went!  See ya then!




enough already

    Hello friends!  Had MEAL/SNACKS like I predicted with A FEW CAVEATS.  No snack between Acts I and II and lunch.  Slice of bread with Hearty Hearty Soup.  And now TOOTSIE POP now to indulge on!  THEN COME QUEST BAR DURING RECESS AND ICE CREAM BAR AT BEDTIME TIME.  All in all making up about 85-100% of the Halfway Bange I ate this morning.  Seems so far away now.  Hey REMEMBER the Breakfast Sandwich I had for lunch?  THAT SHIT WAS DELICIOUS.  I gotta be having 2 of these for lunches more often.  Remind me to remind myself that at some point.  Then make sure I remember to remember some time after remembering to remind me to remind myself.  Anyway GREAT Mets have another game this evening.  WINNING THE GAME TONIGHT just as they ULTIMATELY WON THE GAME TODAY COMPLETELY.  Hey Senate gonna be busy all night voting on amendments and crap.  Who benefits from this.  Do Republicans gumming up the works think it'll actually work and Democrats will be like NO ONE SAID WE'D HAVE TO HANG AROUND 4 MORE HOURS.  NOT WORTH IT.  FORGET IT WE'RE ABANDONING TE BILL.  You're just making EVERYONE suffer more.  TAKE IT FROM ME JUST LET EVERYONE GO HOME.  GO HOME IN PEACE.  WE LOVE YOU.  You're very special.
Here come Tootsie Pop.  Delicious LAST Balanced Breakfast of THE EGG WHITE SUPPLY I CURRENTLY HAVE for breakfast tomorrow OR Part I of II of Chocolate Babka Breakfast.  OBVIOUSLY go with whichever one I feel like going with at that point tomorrow.  SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE TO SAY THAT.  Pretty intuitive for ME to think it so should be relatively obvious for YOU to PRESUME it.  What else is going on and crap.  Took normal WALKS and shit.  No normal shit.  Just normal walks.  I took No Shits.  That's pretty normal!  More normal than any amount of shits.  Wait did I shit in the morning.  NOW I CAN'T REMEMBER.  Oh no I write a DIARY AND FOR WHAT.  Can't even remember my bowel movements.  It's almost as if This Is All For Naught.  Anyway.  Tomorrow dinner is CHICKENED POT PIE.  Lunch?  Can be practically anything!  And having gone through a day with Unindulgant meals I WILL REALLY APPRECIATE Tomorrow Lunch IRREGARDLESS of what it is.  By which I mean REGARDLESS.  I added the, "IR," FOR FUNS SAKE.  Anyway I think I should be able to add a Citizen's Amendment to Reconciliation Bill.  But I don't want to add an amendment that'd just make the bill take longer to be Billed Up.  What if it's A REALLY GOOD amendment.  SURPRISE AMENDMENT that SHOCKS PEOPLE by how good it is that it would suddenly have bipartisan support and THEY PASS IT SOMEHOW along with rest of bill.  OH BOY I COULD BE TE HERO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DESERVE with this presumptive amendment.
Something like that I dunno.  Maybe something about health care.  EVERYONE GETS THE RIGHT TO TRY TO STAY ALIVE.  I'd be against that because it implies we DON'T have the right to try to stay alive guaranteed before the passing of that amendment so now EXPLICITLY they could treat that, "RIGHT," as if it doesn't exist.  NOW WE'VE TAKEN A HUGE STEP BACKWARDS and it's ALL MY FAULT.  SORRY.  I was just trying to HELP you JERK.  Get off my back about it!  Anyway lollipop still going strong.  Amazing.  DANGIT as soon as I said that I started really wanting to bite down on it.  Oh well you can't argue with a feeling.  Huh?  Took box of Chocolate Quest Bars out of fridge and put it into UN-REFRIGERATED cabinet.  I got plenty of reasons!  Was taking up too much space in fridge.  And these bars don't benefit and MAY DETRIMENT from being in fridge.  So that's good.  Solid chance I have one of those in Oh I Don't Know 30-40 minutes from now.  DELICIOUS I CAN'T WAIT OR SOMETHING I DUNNO.
   Fourth paragraph of Act III Part I!
  Hmm.  I dunno.  Birthday bar would be better.  Birthday bar would ALWAYS be better.  Not sure why I'm not getting birthday bars over chocolate bars at a 2:1 clip.  I can't be getting 36 Bars at a time.  What if I JUST got Birthday Bars.  That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.  Variety is the spice of life, which is the SMARTEST thing I've ever heard.  The halfway dumbest thing I've ever heard is Sometimes it's okay to have a SMALL amount of choice SOMETIMES.  Which may be what Moderate Democrats want to run in for the middterms IF THEY WANNA BE REAL IDIOTS ABOUT IT.  Anyway.  I'm Pro CHOICE in the sense that I think you should have THE RIGHT whether you wanna be PRO CHOICE or PRO LIFE.  IT'S A PERSONAL DECISION WHETHER YOU THINK PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE PERSONAL DECISIONS OR NOT.  Wait a second THAT'S TOO LIBERAL.  I think we should FORCE PEOPLE to want to FORCE PEOPLE to not have any abortions.  IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH THAT MY BELIEFS STOP OTHER PEOPLE FROM DOING WHAT THEY WANT.  THEY ALSO HAVE TO BELIEVE WHAT I BELIEVE.  I FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT THIS.
Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  I dunno.  Today was okay!  Not too difficult Adjusting Daily Diet.  Like I said egg sandwich was DELICHIOUS.  Hmm.  Wonder if I won't do MightNight snacking tonight.  FEELS LIKE A GOOD NIGHT to Start Stopping That.  Gotta get my hands on some rubber bands.  Rubberband Door knob to Some Other Sorta Knob.  I don't get why in Britain KNOB is slang for DICK.  IF YOUR DICK REMINDS YOU OF A KNOB I THINK THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR DICK.  Or maybe it's ME that there's something wrong with.  MY DICK SHOULD BE MORE KNOBBY. I guess I revealed too much about MYSELF by accident!  Oh well such is life!  Hmm.  Anyway.  Finished Beer #1.  Start Beer #2 during recess and/or at start of Act III Part II!  AMAZING still working on some Bud Lights.  Current Super Market beer I got was MICHAEL LOEB ULTRA but I'm still finishing up LAST WEEK's Bud Light supply this weekend.  YOU IDIOTS.
Last paragraph before the break!  Amazing.  I wanna name my kid Michael Loeb.  WHAT DO YOU MEAN he keeps my last name and not my first name and I name his first name and not his last name.  THAT SOUNDS LIKE A LIE.  I don't care WHAT you say.  MY BOY'S NAME IS MICHAEL LOEB and the only reason I won't do that IS IF NAZI'S ARE 30+% MORE PROMINENT IN A DECADE and I don't want an even Jewier name for my kid.  THAT'S A DEAL BREAKER.  Hmm.  Loeb is close to being PART  of an anagram for my real last name.  EXCEPT THE, "E," all three letters DO show up in my last name.  NO SPOILERS.  The other letters are K N U and M.  Munk Lorb is an anagram of my last name is the point.  YES that would be my name if I was in Star Wars.  Not sure what my CHARACTER is.  Jedi?  Empire guy?  Fun alien, serious alien, whatever!  I HAVE NO IDEA.  But my name is MUNK LORB.  And I'm HAPPY about it.  For some reason!
    Bonus paragraph before Act III recess. It would be weird if recent Space Pictures CONFIRM that Star Wars was (and/or IS) real.  And then we confront George Lucas and he was like I SWEAR I DIDN'T KNOW I THOUGHT I WAS JUST MAKING IT UP.  I'M AS SURPRISED AS YOU ARE!  So that's something to consider.  Hmm.  IN STAR WARS do they have films ABOUT US and they introduce it A long time from now, in a galaxy far far away...  my guess is THEY SHOULD but I don't remember that much Entertainment Industry Culture in star wars.  Think they got MUSIC.  But I can't think of any TV or FILM.  Hmm.  Fine.  Then they can have SONGS about us.  Fair enough.  What else is going on.  If I twere George Lucas I'd have made the intro A long long time ago, in a galaxy ACTUALLY SURPRISINGLY PRETTY CLOSE TO OURS, ... et cetera et cetera.  Hey time for quick recess.  I'll be back in a little bit!

    Hey!  Been a lil' bit!  Presumably gonna aim for 4 paragraphs Act III Part II.  FOR FUNS' SAKE.  Havin CHOCOLATE Quest Bar.  DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHUNK.  I think it's Double because THE CRUX of the bar is chocolate and the CHUNKS CONTAINED WITHIN THE BAR are chocolate.  Different kind of chocolate?  I would assume so!  Otherwise how could you tell the Chunk from the Bar.  What if Chunk is same kind of chocolate but slightly different CONSISTENCY.  Chunks are the same thing but HARDER.  I'd hate to think that.  Then again two kinds of chocolate in one bar is TOO MUCH TO DREAM FOR.  We don't live in that kind of society YET.  Anyway when did I take these out of fridge.  Around 4 hours ago.  So more or less They're Unrefridgerated at this point I think!  Hmm took a bite.  DELICIOUS.  Better than being Fridgerated!  Also I think I know JUST the ice cream bar to have at bedtime soon!  Gotta write three more paragraphs though.  Hey great what Tales Crypt am I up to.  Episode SEVEN of British Season!  WELL SURE BUT WHICH ONE IS THAT.  I can't think of what it might be.  REPORT FROM THE GRAVE?  Let's see.  DANGIT it's THE KIDNAPPER.  THEN Report From The Grave.  I THOUGHT of The Kidnapper but I was like NAH THAT CAN'T BE NEXT that's an episode or two FURTHER DOWN TE LINE.
    What the Hell am I talking about.
  Three paragraphs to go!  WHAT IF I had 40% of Babka for breakfast.  I could see that happening.  Make Babka TWO BREAKFASTS and ONE SNACK (indulgent dessert snack of the day?).  Either way I'd feel pretty much a lot more comfortable having that breakfast at 40% than 50%!  Then again WHY NOT INDULGE IN DELICIOUS 50% OF BABKA FOR BREAKFAST LIFE IS MEANT TO BE ENJOYED.  OR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FAMILY GOOD ADULT GOD FEARING PERSON.  EITHER OR.  I FORGET WHICH ONE.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Sea Salt Caramel Bar.  Nice Ice cream bar.  It's DELICIOUS because it's ICE CREAM but HEALTHY because it's SALT.  Hmm.  Also 10-20 calories LESS than other ice cream bar/sandwiches I got in freezer.  PERECT TRYING TO WATCH CALORIES TODAY.  That' gonna make a BIG difference if I have it tonight as opposed to having it instead of the other thing the next night where I would have the other thing instead but am now having tonight.  Or something.  YOU GET IT.
     Penultimate paragraph!
  Hmm.  What's SALT in Congress talk again.  Was that a BILL or something.  Better LTURQ.  Oh some sort of Trump-Republican Tax Cut for the Richie Richest of the worlds.  I DON'T LIKE THAT.  That's not HEALTHY at all.  Then again you know what the French say LET THEM EAT SALT.  Which amazingly applies PERECTLY to this situation.  How much salt do you need to eat until it's a meal.  I feel like if you eat spoonfulls of salt AT SOME POINT you're having a Lunch.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  One and a half paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  I can see myself enjoying The Kidnapper after this entry is over.  Pretty decent episode all things considered!  Anyway now that I think about it I SHOULD be adding more salt to pretty much two out of every three things I eat.  OBVIOUSLY tons of stuff ya eat that you don't want bonus salt.  But at the same time MORE than 50% of things will taste much better with more salt.  SO that's something to think about if you wanna.  Not sure how HARD you wanna think about it.  That's up to you on a Reader-by-reader basis.
     Last paragraph of the night.  WOW!  Anyway what else.  Hopefully I enjoy the next hour of my life or so before I fully fall asleep.  Solid chance I will.  HOURS ARE FUN I think we can all agree on that.  Let's get a head start speculating on Tomorrow Lunch.  Turkey Sandwich.  Saw Dust Dog Sandwiches.  WIDE AL FREDO, TURKEY MEATLOAF HEALTH SPAGHETTI, or KIDS CHICKEN PARM.  WHAT THE HELL.  ALL OF THOSE SOUND DELICIOUS.  AND HEARTY!  And HEALTHY IN THEIR OWN WAYS.  Except wide al fredo.  No health to that!  EXCEPT for the fact that if I eat it tomorrow then I DON'T HAVE TO SPLURGE ON EATING IT some other lunch.  That makes it healthier DOWN THE LINE.  Sounds pretty healthy to me.  Anyway hey great what else is up.  GREAT NEWS my toilet isn't clogged!  There were 3-5 times in the middle of the day I flushed toilet and then WATER KEPT RISING AND IT ALMOST OVERFLOWED but then THAT STOPPED HAPPENING COMPLETELY.  I was ready to just start flushing toilets for Craps and just hope each time it wouldn't over flow.  So if it did overflow it would be WEEKS or MONTHS later than if I was flushing toilet for everything.  EITHER WAY NOW ITS FLUSHING WELL.  So that's good.  I'll see you tomorrow!

-9:43 P.M.




Friday, August 5, 2022

At This Point I'm Just Beginning

    Hey!  About half an hour ahead of schedule.  Good chance Act I is interrupted by Super Market delivery.  I HOPE SO.  Means I don't have to wait around between Act and Delivery.  We cover this every Friday.  And it's IMPORTANT every Friday!  Anyway brought up Comedy Class to my Dad and he surprinsgly wasn't ANGRY about it.  He was against it.  But he didn't VERBALLY ABUSE ME.  Not sure why I thought that would happen.  Either way maybe I go ahead and do have therapist make my case for me At Parents.  Hmm.  Super Market order SUPPOSEDLY is sending everything we asked for.  So that's good!  Had great Sustainable Eating Schedule yesterday messed up by MIghtNight Snacking.  Somewhere between MODEST and FAIR  amount.  I think modest is less.  Bordered on Modest and Fair I guess.  Leaning towards Modest I feel.  Had 2 Pop Tarts for breakfast!  SMORE.  I have some regrets but oh well what can ya do that's life.  Looks like all Democratic Senators are onboard with INFLATIONARY ACT.  WOW.  They're gonna do something that most people agree is a Net Positive.  Possibly.  Hasn't happened yet!
    Either way KEEPING MY SHIRT ON this period of time at home.  Gonna be checking Door every now and then to see if Super Market delivery truck is here and/or they left the food without notifying us.  Can't be doing that shirtless.  PEOPLE WILL SEE I'VE GAINED 12 POUNDS IN JUST SEVEN+ MONTHS.  IN THAT CONTEXT.  Anyway what else is up.  Any interesting kinda SNACK I'm re-upping with?  NOPE NO INTERESTING SNACK.  Indulgent Hearty Al Fredo dish though!  THAT'S INTERESTING.  Only do that one maybe twice every 5 weeks!  Hmm.  Today is gonna be okay I assume.  I don't ENJOY hearing door bell right halfway through Act.  Mess up my rhythm EVEN JUST ANTICIPATING IT.  But if it means I ultimately fit in everything at normal times for the bulk of the day DAY WON'T BE SO BAD.  So that's good I guess.  Wonder if they'll get anything wrong this order.  I feel like they get something wrong 1/3 times and it's something bad enough to notify them about and/or get refund and/or have them ship it the next day maybe 1/7 times.  WONDERFUL.  What else kinda crap I got going on for me. 
    Didn't try Rubber Banding the door last night.  It was a good idea!  I just didn't feel like trying to find some rubber bands.  YET.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Mead Day, National Jamaican Patty Day, National Mustard Day, and National Root Beer Float Day.  JAMAICAN BEEF PATTY?  I USED TO LOVE THEM SUCKERS.  Middle school Hot lunch option.  ALSO I feel like at some pizza places I would go to as CHILD AND TEENAGER you could get Beef Patties.  Haven't had one in a while though.  Hmm.  Mead.  Is that some sort of beer thing.  Or some sort of BREAD thing.  Lemme LTURQ.  Fermented Alcoholic Beverage.  YOU HAVE ME AT BEVERAGE.  Mustard.  NO THANKS!  Slightly better than ketchup.  Considerably worse than NOTHING.  Root Beer is fine.  Float I DUNNO.  Is that just ice cream + root beer?  YEP SODA WITH ICE CREAM.  In theory I should enjoy that.  I don't think I've ever tried it!  IT'S ABOUT TIME I DO I GUESS.  Online it says Delivery Window is currently about 10-40 minutes from now.  They always keep pushing it back though so don't take that as gospel!  GO SPELL.  NEVER!
   Hmm.  Chicken roll is like a beef patty.  But different.  I feel like Beef Patties Patty is less healthy.  Almost like a croissant how flakey they tend to me.  Oh well sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and eat things that are flaky like croissant.  Hmm. NICE METS WIN yesterday.  Playing a COMICALLY LONG 5 game series against main division rival.  This could be key in adding some space between them in the standings!  OR SUBTRACTING SOME SPACE as the case may be.  SO FAR 1-0.  I LIKE THOSE ODDS.  Anyway Mets lost with Super Star pitcher returning from delivery a few days ago even though he did his job and did well.  I think the Mets lose with this guy pitching WAY MORE THAN THEY SHOULD.  They take it for GRANTED they should win.  OFFENSE GETS COMPLACENT.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Hmm.  Anyway WOW gonna read some twitter at some point.  SOLID 50% CHANCE THERE'S SOME GOOD NEWS OUT THERE.  WOW that's pretty high.  Glass is Half High.  Something like that.
    YEAH!  Made coffee to start drinking in a paragraph even though it may be interrupted.  That's a risk I'm just gonna have to take!  Hmm.  OH NO the class I was first looking at that's sold out now was Monday Nights.  The one starting in 3 weeks is WEDNESDAY NIGHT.  Not sure how I feel about that.  Negatively for some reason.  But then Indifferent.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Still a lady teacher!  Different lady though!  Whatever.  Sandwiches can either be TURKEY, Veggie Burger, or possibly SAWDUST DOGS.  Probably leaning towards MEAL though.  Prove me wrong!  HEY I get to eat a delicious snack before then.  ANYTHING I WANT.  THE SKY IS THE LIMIT.  Which didn't satisfy NASA in the 1960's.  THEY FELT THE SKY SHOULDN'T BE THE LIMIT and ya know what THEY WERE RIGHT.  I wonder if NAS ever makes a rhyme where he uses the pronunciation of the acronym NASA and connects it some how to his name being NAS.  My guess is HE MUST HAVE CONSIDER RED IT AT SOME POINT.
OKAY got some coffee going.  Delicious!  I think I'D LIKE to eat AL Fredo Dish or lunch but it's THE HEARTIEST and am I in mood for THE HEARTIEST I dunno maybe I will be MAYBE NOT.  Either way after broaching subject with DAD maybe I CAN get THERAPIST to LOBBY On my behalf for STAND UP comedy CLASS.  Either way I'd have given up for about a week.  And now I'm supposed to vaguely NOT GIVE UP?  I WAS POT COMMITTED TO GIVING UP C'MON.  What else is going on and crap.  Nice Goldon Graham Barr at some point today.  Braham Pie.  Graham Pie.  YOU GET THE IDEA.  Somehow.  Not sure HOW.  I don't even get the idea and I'm the one who brought it into the world!  Anyway I feel like there's ANOTHER new movie that I saw is available for Streams today.  Better LTURQ.  Could just be thinking of Light Year being available earlier this week.
Hmm.  SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Amazing!  COULD TODAY be a B- Day AFTERWARDS this Crunch Time Crap with Super Market Bull Shit?  POSSIBLE.  What if today cements me going to COMEDY CLASS later on this month.  I dunno sounds like a lot of pressure.  I'd have to come up with a ROUTINE presumably.  We're talking' probably FIVE MINUTES.  MAYBE EVEN EIGHT I don't know how this class operates.  Hmm.  I think I was still smoking during last class.  So I'd have fun having cigarettes before and after class!  Anyway I dunno what else is up.  Also gotta help out my dad with DISHWASHER.  The wheels that allow Dishwasher Tray that you put everything in to come in and out BROKE OFF.  I THINK I can pop em back in relatively simply.  BUT STILL THAT'S like TEN MINUTES OF BULLSHIT TO DO.  Oh well such is life.  Getting it out of the way now!  By which I mean Soon!  Probably After Super Market Delivery!  Should I be drinking Mead.  I feel like a bar could do some really good business if they sell antiquated and outdated drink concoctions.  I'D GO THERE.  STAND OUTSIDE FOR A WHILE.  THAT SORT OF THING.
Eighth paragraph.  Wonderful. They keep gradually pushing by Super Market delivery window.  Amazing.  Three more paragraphs to go at this point and that alone is a win.  If this is interrupted and I have to come back to finish the act-- three paragraphs isn't so much that I'd have to GET INTO a groove for.  Could just knock 3 paragraphs out without even thinking.  So that's good FOR ME.  Hmm.  Friday today.  Eight days until 13th.  Next Friday is DANGEROUSLY CLOSE to the 13th.  You heard it here first!  BE CAREFUL OUT THERE.  Hmm.  OR I could have chicken roll for lunch.  One of them other suckers for dinner.  That would surprise everyone!  Or something!  Another fun Tales In The Crypt episode I got coming up.  REALLY a tale.  Being told from a crypt.   By the ghoul who Keeps The Crypt.  Also why does he sleep in a coffin.  Don't vampires do that.  He's not a vampire.  Lots of people sleep in coffins.  They're called DEAD PEOPLE.  Interesting counterpoint!
    Two paragraphs to go!  REALLY getting into obsessively following midterm polls now that they shifted a more or less significant amount towards Democrats.  Still not WONDERFULLY GREAT overall but good enough that It Doesn't Just Upset Me.  Also it's fun to be invested in numbers all day.  EASY.  THINGS you need context for.  THINGS are complicated and multi-layered.  NUMBERS ARE EASY.  Makes sense.  What else is up and crap.  Maybe help my Dad with dishwasher immediately after this act if he wants me to.  Don't like the idea of THAT being interrupted though by Super Market delivery.  SO I DUNNO WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN!  Hmm.  Everyone knows Monday Nights are for comedy.  Not sure what Wednesday Nights are for BUT IT SURE AIN'T COMEDY.  Maybe people DESPERATE for the weekend to start.  Can't even wait until Thursday.  Gotta start, "Weekending It Up," Wednesday Evenings.  SOUNDS FIAR. I CAN RELATE TO THAT.  I think.  I have no problem with these people and the life they've chosen to live.
    Last paragraph of the act!  LOOK would my life be better with Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars:  Teh Kind I'm Used To?  OF COURSE.  We gotta play the hand we're dealt though!  Or we could exchange some of our cards for new cards AS THE SPECIFIC GAME WE'RE PLAYING MAY DICTATE.  SO that's good.  Hmm.  It'd be nice if Super Market came imminently.  REAL nice.  HEY dad just got a message saying WE'RE NEXT.  Usually that means like 15 minutes or so.  PERECT.  I get to finish Act I PRESUMABLY and then it DOESN'T eat into rest of my day.  Even having to help Dad with Dishwasher afterwards shouldn't eat into the rest of the day.  YOU CAN'T EAT INTO DAYS.  THEY HAVE NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE.  Hmm.  If I go Comedy Class I COULD GET FREAKIN DINNERS PROBABLY BEFORE at PLACES.  Where it could be ANYTHING from ANYWHERE.  WOW THIS GOT A WHOLE LOT MORE INTERESTING.  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit!




Whatever Don't Mind Me

    Hey!  Super Market came about 5-10 minutes after I finished ACT I.  After that I helped my Dad replace WHEELS on DishWasher Tray for about 20-30 minutes.  Then I took a walk.  Then I had some personal business to attend to and NOW I'M HERE.  Let's aim for fourty minutes to write these five paragraphs.  SEEMS PLAUSIBLE.  Thinking about having Chicken Roll for lunch and Al Fredo for dinner.  JUST THE KIND OUT OF THE BOX IDEA I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR.  Also AT SOME POINT WILL U2 FIND WHAT THEY'RE LOOKING FOR.  Also do they even KNOW what they're looking for.  Hard to find something when you don't even know what it is.  Maybe THAT'S ALL they're looking for.  TO know what they're looking for.  That's the END RESULT.  Whether they find it TANGIBLY ULTIMATELY isn't as important as FIGURING OUT WHAT IT IS.  Makes sense.  U2?  WOW.  I already told you I identify as U yesterday or the day before.  You're a U2?  WE CAN BE FRIENDS.  Or lovers.  Not sure if I'm attracted to other, "U's," or not.  Either we have a lot in common without Sex or maybe WITH sex.  Gonna have to look into that one I guess.
  Ovenize that chicken roll.  30-40 minute'sll do that job well I guess.  Got coffee #1.5 and some SPRITE.  They had NO SPRITE IN STOCK this week.  Went with CANADIAN DRY Ginger Ale.  CAN'T WAIT.  NICE SMALL LIL MIX EM UP.  Not sure if it had caffeine in it.  Better LTURQ.  LOOKS LIKE DIET VERSION IS CAFFEINE FREE.  Well this is working out GREAT for me.  Also at this point I'm using the bathroom on walks maybe once or twice a week.  As opposed to I WANT TO DO IT EVERY WALK but ultimately only once or twice every two days.  WOW.  Things are really looking good for me is the point.  Whatta watch this afternoon.  Hmm.  What else is going on.  MAYBE New? unindulgant ice cream sandwich as next snack.  I THINK this is the new? one I tried a week or two ago.  BUT AT THE VERY LEAST slightly different flavor.  Also AT THE VERY LEAST I Don't remember how much I liked this brand SHOULD IT EVEN BE THE SAME BRAND AS BEFORE.  I would have remembered if I LOVED IT or I HATED IT.  I just can't say whether it was a 3 out of 10 or even as high as an 8 out of 10.  I WILL Keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  THAT'S MY JOB.
For some reason I've been pretty methodical of having slightly smaller meals at lunch and slightly bigger ones at dinner.  And they're not even THAT FAR OFF from each other.  BUT TODAY I WILL BLOW THAT UP and have Chicken Roll at lunch. A nd ya know what?  If ultimately I'm more or less having the same meals?  JUST GO WITH WHAT YOU WANNA GO WITH SOONER RATHER THAN LATER.  Cracked that code.  So that's good.  Got ONE OFF BROWNIE from Super Market.  Looks small.  But the last time I had it-- as part of a bange-- I remember thinking even despite this being in the middle of a binge THIS IS SIGNIFICANTLY MORE HEARTY than I would have thought.  So that's a breakfast.  Gluten FREE Triple Chocolate Brownie or something.  Something like that.  FINALLY NO GLUTEN.  I get enough Gluten as it is.  Probably.  That'd be my first guess off the top of my head at least!  What else is going on and crap.  BEEN A MINUTE since I had 3 beers in a knight instead of 2.  No explicit reason to do so thus far lately!  Gotta imagine I treat myself soon JUST CAUSE I CAN.
   Penultimate paragraph.  It's a PUN because beer COMES IN CANS.  Oh I get it.  Hilarious.  Besides myself with being out loud amused.  Hmm.  Two paragraphs to go in Oh I Don't Know 18 minutes.  I GOT DISTRACTED for 5 or 10 minutes talking to my Dad about NATE SILVER [editor's note-- "NATE," IS NOT RECOGNIZED AS A WORD!!!] CONGRESS AND SENATE PREDICTIONS.  THIS SUCKER GOT THREE SEPARATE PREDICTION MODELS.  One based on just polls, one based on polls, fundraising numbers, and I BELIEVE past voter experiences, AND one based on ALL THAT plus Expert Opinions.  I LIKE THE MODELS THAT ARE BEST FOR THE DEMOCRATS.  Which as of now is MOST BASIC ONE based on just polls.  SOUNDS ACCURATE.  That's the best model LOGICALLY.  We know this because IT'S THE ONE THAT MAKES US FEEL THE BEST.  Yep that checks out pretty well I think.  My Dad always asks but what about the cheating and I'm like well that's baked into the equation but IS IT?  Maybe PAST levels of cheating is baked into the equation.  ARE THEY COUNTING POSSIBLE UPCOMING LEVELS OF CHEATING?  I'M NOT SO SO SURE.  Oh well maybe that's something they can add to the SUPER DELUXE model.  That's a band.  They had a song in KINGPIN.  That's all I have to say about that.
Last paragraph of the DayTime Day.  GOT A SOLID 13 MINUTES TO WRITE THIS PARAGRAPH.  SEE YOU IN HELL DAYTIME DAY OF PARAGRAPHS is what I'll be saying then!  Good deal.  Got some nice SHOWER coming my way soon.  SNACK after that?  ICE CRAM SANDWICH or KETO BAOR I think it's gonna be ONE OF THOSE TWO SUCKERS.  Anyway what else is up.  I feel like an idiot every time I refer to current reconciliation as an Inflation Bill.  LOOK I know THEY call it that and that's what is most intuitive to call it THUSLY but c'mon this isn't an inflation bill.  DON'T MAKE ME FELL LIKE AN IDIOT because of YOUR dumbness.  So what should we call it.  MODEST RECONCILIATION BILL TO REMEMBER.  Oh okay that sounds pretty good.  What else do I got going on for me in my life.  NO SPOILERS.  Get to that later tonight.  For now you'll just have to wait!  You barely have to wait.  FOR YOU the next paragraph will be more or less INSTANTANEOUS.  WOW YOU'RE SOME SORT OF TIME TRAVELING SON OF A BITCH AREN'T YA.  Good for you.  Good or all of us!  See ya soon!




that's great i suppose

    HEY!  Decided to indulge in a GRAPE tootsie pop.  Look did I think it was Chocolate and the room wasn't well lit enough.  SURE.  But I'm getting a KICK out of grape anyway!  What else.  Chicken roll for lunch.  Veggie burger for dinner!  SEE YOU IN HELL VEGGIE BURGER I Don't have to think about when and where to have you EVER AGAIN this week.  So that's good.  Just poured myself Beer #1 which I will start at some point presumably.  Will be taking out garbage in JUST ABOUT AN HOUR.  Okay have we covered everything important.  NOT NEARLY.  What about the NEW UNIVERSE PICS.  Those are important.  GOTTA ZOOM IN TO SEE IF THERE'S ANY INTELLIGENT LIFE.  SO MUCH IMAGES we must have SOME real good Zooming In Technology to find Interesting Things in Foreign Worlds.  Anyway METS game is going on but they are way behind.  So NO THANKS not gonna pay much attention to that one!  What would the universe look like if THEY were taking a picture of US taking a picture at THEM.  Just the exact focal point however many millions of lightyears away that WE SEE-- that's where THEIR camera is.  WHAT THE HELL THEY LOOKIN' AT.
    Hmm.  Delicious Double Chocolate Chunk Quest Bar tonight PRESUMABLY.  IN THEORY.  Maybe today I find some rubber bands to try to jimmy my door UNOPENABLE somehow by rubber banding it to something else.  Not 100% sure how that's gonna work, I'm gonna be honest.  Jeez.  HEY had one of the new 100 cal Ice Cream Sandwiches.  SOLID 7.5 out of 10!  I don't know how great something could be that it makes it an 8 out of 10.  If THIS isn't an 8 out of 10.  BUT I JUST DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE CALLING THIS AN EIGHT even though I KNOW LOGICALLY in this REAL WORLD WE LIVE IN it's not gonna get that much better than this.  So anyway GOOD DEAL I LIKED IT AND I'LL LIKE IT AGAIN.  I think they'll have this every week from now on.  That's the impression I've been living under my entire life.  Made lots of progress in Tales Crypt.  FINALLY.  Watching it AGAIN.  What if next time I cycle through it I do it AT RANDOM.  Use Internet Random Number generator. That sounds FUN and PRODUCTIVE.  Not sure HOW it's productive.  I didn't say it WOULD BE productive.  Just that it SOUNDS productive.  So LEGALLY you can't necessarily hold me to it.  YOU CAN"T HOLD ME TO SHIT LEGALLY.
    Hmm.  Still sucking.  Still haven't had sip #1 of beer.  Jeez.  ALRIGHTY bit down on lollipop.  I have no regrets!  Anyway.  Is it time to start thinking of what snacks I should allot for myself at MightNight.  A fudgesicle and a tootsie pop.  TWO MightNight Snacks that even if I do it every night I won't be gaining weight considering CURRENT Sustainable Feeding Schedule Plan.  I dunno what if I want a third snack.  WE'LL BLOW UP THAT BRIDGE WHEN WE GET THERE.  Anyway.  Chicken roll was too hearty.  I realized Ya know this isn't so far off from eating a chicken parm hero.  Which OBVIOUSLY is WAY too hearty for my delicate sensibilities.  I feel this is maybe 80% of what a normal chicken parm hero would be.  In ALL aspects more or less proportionally.  STILL TOO HEARTY.  GET OUT OF HERE WIT THAT BULLSHIT.  It was fun though I have no regrets.  Yes I do.  I've got NOTHING BUT REGRETS.  But at the same time HEY THAT'S LIFE.
    Hey what else is life.
  ANY TIME we take a picture of Universe WHAT ABOUT ALL TEH UNIVERSE BEHIND US.  I guess that's the point I was trying to make about Equal And Opposite Camera.  WE SEE THIS UNIVERSE but if we just turn our camera around 180 degrees WE SEE AN ENTIRE OTHER PART OF TE UNIVERSE.  I don't know how universe works but if I know how cameras work as well as I don't think I know how about cameras may work...  What else is going on and crap.  If we find aliens and need to send them a message what's the consensus message we should send?  My thought-- "U Up?"  I could come up with SECONDARY and TERTIARY thoughts because THAT COULD BE A FUN JOKE THING BUT I GOT THINGS TO DO. I can't get bogged down in a SEVERAL JOKE OCCASION.  Move onto the next thing!  Presumably looking at six paragraphs for Act III Part I.  Then got a pretty good sized break until Act III part II after Garbage Recess.  MAYBE BIRTHDAYBARR as snack instead of chocolate bar.  I EARNT IT because IT MAY OR MAY NOT be my birthday today.  NO SPOILERS.  The important thing is It's POSSIBLE.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act.  I wonder how good these two paragraphs will be.  VERY good?  Very VERY good?  NOT GREAT?  I think Not Great is a pretty good bet IMHO.  Why did IMHO catch on instead of just IMO.  HOW important was it to Internet Acronymers that they appear Humble.  Also IF YOU HAVE TO SAY you're being humble while THRUSTING your opinion on other people YOU'RE PROBABLY NOT THAT HUMBLE ABOUT IT AT ALL.  Anyway.  LOHL.  Laughing Out HUMBLY Loud.  HBRB.  HUMBLY Be Right Back.  WHY IS IT IMPORTANT YOUR OPINION IS ACCEPTED AS HUMBLE but not other things.  I dunno.  Maybe that's something wrong WITH ME.  If I had more opinions I'D KNOW how important it is that they come off as reflecting humbility in my character.  Sure Humbility is a word.  And if it isn't I GOT A PROBLEM WITH THE FOLKS AT MIRRIAM WEBSTER.  About this lack of a word.  ALSO OTHER PROBLEMS but THAT'S NOT WHAT'S IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW.  Hmm.
   Gonna be a nice solid Recess.  We're talkin around a half an hour and that's IF I start back up here as soon as Garbage Is Done.  MAKES SENSE.  In the meantime MAYBE HAVE A BREATH MINT OR TWO I DUNNO.  What flavor Breath Mints I got.  ICEBREAKERS -- COOL MINT.  WAIT NO SORRY.  COOLMINT.  One word.  Not sure how to feel about that.  I GET why they might wanna make it one word-- save space!-- but coolmint is NOT a single concept BEYOND this product.  Maybe it SHOULD BE that's for THE COURTS to decide but as of now IT ISN'T.  No such thing as COOLMINT flavor.  Then again maybe there should be LEMME TRY ONE OF THESE SUCKERS.  MM.  Mhmm.  MMM.  Yep.  This is good!  I don't know if Coolmint will be widely accepted as a terminology for This Flavor but Whatever This Flavor Is SHOULD catch on and be available ACROSS TE BOARD in terms of other products and stuff!  Anyway THAT'S IT FOR NOW.  BE BACK IN A LITTLE BIT!

   HEY!  Took out a bunch of garbage and SOME recyclables.  Got chocolate quest bar.  Should I have gone with Birthday Bar today?  YES.  But is chocolate SO bad?  Nope!  OH RIGHT GOTTA GO GET BEER #2.  Let's do that AFTER this paragraph and/or chocolate bar.  Put new Birthday Bar Pack in fridge.  Brought up NEW Just Chocolate Tootsie Pop Packs to my room.  Basically EVERYTHING IS IN ITS RIGHT PLACE.  ALL READY.  Anyway I'm assuming I will watch A TALES CRYPT tonight after this and before bedtime.  LAST EPISODE OF AMERICAN SEASONS.  After this one ALL YA GET IS TE BRITISH SEASON.  Do they even HAVE crypts in America.  I can imagine a nice Crypt in England but I dunno about America.  I've never been to a crypt either way.  Not that I know of.  UGH.  It was HEARTY.  But I wasn't in the mood for CHOCOLATE HEARTY.  I was in the mood for BIRTHDAY CAKE HEARTY.  GREAT there goes The Rest Of My Life.  Hmm.  Having my first GLASS OF GINGER ALE!  YA KNOW WHAT?  DELICIOUS.
YOU probably saw that coming a mile away.  I'm kinda surprised by it!  Not so much because I DOUBTED IT going into it but more I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT IT EXPLICITLY EITHER WAY.  So ANY sort of strong reaction I'm taken a bit aback by!  Hmm.  Beer time.  Hmm with the amount of Heartiness this bar employed I MAY NEVER HAVE TO EAT ANYTHING ELSE AGAIN.  That's a BAD thing.  Gotta consume nutrients to keep moving.  You stop eating YOU'RE GONNA STOP BEING ABLE TO MOVE PRETTY QUICKLY.  It's ENERGY look it up.  HEY just took a short break to watch METS COME BACK INTO CONTENTION FOR THIS TODAY'S GAME.  Amazing I'm gonna move on with my life now.  Off the top of my head got THREE good options for Ice Cream @ bed time and ONE OF TEM is ANOTHER ICE CREAM SANDWICH.  I GENERALLY like ice cream BAR (/pops DEPENDING ON YOUR DICTION) as opposed to sandwich for Bed Time.  Sandwich a bit too Hearty!  But CALORIEWISE these match up so YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH RESULTS.  Huh?
Penultimate paragraph of the day!  WOW.  I remember back in the beginning of the day when I was writing the first and second paragraphs OVERALL.  It seems like a distant dream to me now.  Well which one is it.  Do I remember it or is it a distant dream.   BOTH.  I'M GOOD AT REMEMBERING DISTANT DREAMS.  WHAT'S SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT.  YOU IDIOTS.  Hmm.  How DYNAMIC TV PICTURE working out for me.  Kinda got used to it pretty quickly.  At first it was a huge adjustment but then I made that adjustment HUGELY AND QUICKLY.  So that's good.  Maybe I should think about adjusting Audio.  FOR FUN.  Can't get too complacent with what audio sounds like to you.  Every few months gonna wanna MIX IT UP and have it SOUND SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT SOMEHOW.  THESE SHOULDN'T BE CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENTS.  They're not.  No one is arguing they're controversial.  GOOD I'M GLAD.  Hmm.  If I had Birthday Bar instead of Chocolate Bar then I'd be looking at a DIFFERENT Ice Cream Bar at Bed.  DIFFERENT ICE CREAM BARS COMPLIMENT DIFFERENT QUEST BARS.
   Last paragraph of the night.  THANK GOD.  I'm going to go to bedford buy time PRETTY SOON all things considered.  Even most things considered!  Even just A FEW THINGS considered.  Better to re-fill soda now though.  MAYBE I have the ice cream bar I woulda have had to compliment Birthday Bar anyway.  NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT I CAN DOUBLE DOWN ON THE CHOCOLATE FLAVOR.  IT'S DELICIOUS.  If I had to double down on anything IT'D PROBABLY BE CHOCOLATE FLAVORED THINGS.  So that's good.  At least there's nothing Non-Entry-Related I have to get up early tomorrow for.  Maybe I'm all like HEY I DON'T WANNA GET UP AT ALL I'M JUST GONNA SKIP TODAY.  Stay in bed an extra 24 hours.  Has anyone SUCCESSFULLY done that?  I feel like I might have pulled it off in elementary school.  BUT KEEP IN MIND I would sleep on Couch In Den regularly.  So I wake up in time for school-- have enough of a fever to stay home-- watch tv in "Bed" (COUCH) all day-- fall asleep-- maybe the next day I'm back in action.  Anyway.  I'd like to go through another period of life where Bed = Couch.  I guess I could treat my bed as a couch.  I DO watch TV from it while awake.  But LYING DOWN.  If I want my bed to be a couch I'd have to be SITTING ON IT like a couch.  And also obviously It's THE OTHER THING I WANT MORE.  A couch to be my bed.  LOOK WE'RE DONE HERE. See ya later.

-9:44 P.M.




Thursday, August 4, 2022

No Problem There

    Hey!  About 15 minutes ahead of schedule today!  Got up real early to take a walk.  Got bloodwork done real quickly cause I didn't have to wait for anyone ahead of me.  NOW HERE WE ARE.  Had a nice dependable smallish granola bar just now.  Probably a BONUS snack but it's not gonna BREAK THAT BANK.  Yesterday AGAIN I had perect Eating Sustainable Routine but then did a fair amount of MightNight snacking.  Had BALANCED BREAKFAST for breakfast.  Got TWO Quest Bars I ain't never had from Convience Store.  COOKIES & CREAM which I may have had and OATMEAL CHOCOLATE CHIP which I never had!  DELICIOUS.  Maybe have one as SandwichSide for lunch.  SO I don't have to wait ALL DAY AND ALL OF THE KNIGHT to get to it.  Hmm.  Decided not to check my weight today.  What can ya do.  Just do your best with Sustainable Eating/Exercising Schedule and what happens happens!  Sounds reasonable.  I'm a BIG proponent of believing hat What Happens happens.  Seems pretty intuitive.  What else is crap.  Gotta write FOURTEEN more paragraphs for the DayTime.  THAT HARDLY SEEMS FAIR.
Anyway.  Mets game tonight at 7:10 PM!  Should be a good one.  They found another team of a bunch of players and coaches, similar to what they have, and they decided t play a game of baseball against one another.  Sounds exciting.  Hmm.  MY GUESS is dinner tonight will be DELI or ITALIAN.  I think if it's DELI I'd get Chicken Pot Pie for tomorrow and maybe just have FREEZER 2 HOT BREAKFAST POCKETS.  I could get something for dinner from them BUT WHAT.  Maybe a salami omelet.  That eats into tomorrow's lunch though.  OH WELL YA GOTTA SPEND MONEY TO MAKE MONEY.  Possibly.  Not sure who coined that phrase but maybe it was someone NOT IN GOOD FAITH.  He just wants you to spend money IN HIS DIRECTION.  Pyramid Scheme!  Is it possible Capitalism is just exactly a big pyramid scheme?  I DUNNO I don't know ECONOMICS get off my back about it.  PEER A MID?  I have lots of PEERS in the MIDDLE.  NO matter middle of what.  I say if we're characterizing people as being in The Middle OF Something I GENERALLY am there with them!  JUST LIKE MALCOLM.  Also Malcolms slightly older brother is in the middle too, right?  He's got a younger brother.  He's got an older brother.  And then he has a much older brother who doesn't live at home.  SOUNDS LIKE MALCOLM IS SHARING THE MIDDLE WITH HIS SLIGHTLY OLDER BROTHER I WANNA SAY REECE.  GREAT now Reece is gonna find this website after googling his name!
    Hmm.  I think the conceit of the show is that Malcolm is really smart or something.  If he's so smart why hasn't he invented anything great or contributed substantially to mankind.  Not impressed!  Hmm.  Maybe even have delicious Quest Bar as upcoming snack before lunch.  TRADITIONALLY lately I go with a smaller snack at that snack but IN MY NEW THINKING I can go back and forth between smaller and larger snacks PER MY DISCRETION.  YEAH. Still can watch LIGHTYEAR.  Not sure why I would BUT ALSO not sure why I wouldn't!  INTERESTIN CONUNDRUM.  Looks like there was a film called BATGIRL that was mostly finished that they scrapped.  WHO WAS BAT GIRL.  ACTRESSWISE.  LESLIE GRACE?  She's an American Singer, Songwriter, and Actress.  BORN IN 1995?!?!  SOUNDS LIKE SHE'S GONNA BE ROUGHLY 27 YEARS OLD AT THIS POINT.  BatLADY.  AT that point you are no longer a BatGIRL but BatWOMAN seems too MATURE (Pronounce it muh-ture).  Bad Lady I guess!  Either way WHO WAS THE VILLAIN GONNA BE.  LOOK LIKE BRENDAN FRASIER.  Either playing himself or a character.  LET'S FACE FACTS he's quite the character just being himself!
Wonderful.  NATIONAL FOOD of the tomorrow is... Braham Pie Day, International Beer Day, and National Couscous Day.  BRAHAM PIE?  I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT.  Lemme LTURQ.  IT'S NIT A KIND OF PIE.  It's a PLACE where they're ENTHUSIASTIC about pie.  Braham, Minnesota.  That's WEIRD.  I was getting ready to Want to eat a Braham Pie.  Well gotta imagine they take Making ALL The pies seriously there.  NOT GOOD ENOUGH.  I wanna BRAHAM PIE.  Preferably SAVORY Braham Pie.  Couscous day.  WHAT NATION.  I don't think that's indigenous to White American Nation Culture.  YEP IT'S A MAGHREBI DISH.  Oh well that covers it.  We all know what that means.  Mehgrab Region.  Northernmost Western Africa.  SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.  If it WORKS for Africans it WORKS for me.  I think I went to the Morocco part of Epcot center SO I KNOW A LITTLE SOMETHING about Northern Africa.  Isn't today chocolate chip cookie day.  Having Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Quest Bar is PRETTY MUCH in the spirit of celebration there.  Hey what's up FOUR PARAGRAPHS DOWN!
   Get some coffee after this paragraph.  Good deal!  I'm SICK of people telling me to use sunscreen.  I DON'T NEED IT.  I feel comfortable REALLY.  And if my skin is getting burnt I don't recognize it NOT JUST PAIN WISE but I don't SEE any evidence either!  So get off my back about it!  Hmm.  ANY PROGRESS on Marijuana.  Feels like I've read they want recreational dispensaries by the end of the year.  HEY.  THIS IS A YEAR.  It's gonna end at some point.  MY FEELING is they're trying to say it will occur before  THE END OF THIS YEAR.  COMIN' UP.  LESS THAN 5 MONTHS.  I can knock some five months out of the park like it was nothing.  I've done it LOTS OF TIMES.  How many periods of 5 months have I lived.  Lemme LTURQ.  LOOKS LIKE a bit over 80.  MY ENTIRE LIFE has been A SOLID EIGHTY period of 5 months each.  Interesting.  We all know I want there to be a word for 3 weeks.  ALSO A WORD FOR FIVE MONTHS>  MAKE IT HAPPEN.  Hmm.
    HEY what's up and crap.  Delicious Goldon Graham Barr AT SOME POINT today.  Hopefully JUST ONE.  I MAY OR MAY NOT have to ration these in relation to How Many I REALLY Wanna Eat.  I dunno gonna have to look into that one.  Hmm.  Apparently Michael Keaton was gonna show up as Batman in Batgirl.  DOESN'T SEEM RIGHT.  I mean that happen seems VERY right.  Doesn't seem right we'd be DEPRIVED o that.  That's a word.  Possibly in the right context.  More or less I feel it's accurate.  Anyway pretty sure you can't get Monkee Pox from Airborne disease.  So I should be okay!  MOST of my interactions with people are THROUGH THE AIR.  Maybe ALL of them.  Then again I just had blood work done this morning.  How do I know Nurse isn't making us share needles.  I DON'T.  Can't trust nurses!  That's what I've been led to believe.  Can't trust anyone these days.  Except for perhaps FIRE FIGHTERS.  But I'm sure there's plenty of them you can't trust either!
    SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Good deal.  OH BOY just 2 Tales In The Crypt episodes TO FINISH THE SEASON.  This Means Something.  Hmm.  I think having slice of bacon with Balanced Breakfast has been a bust.  I don't HATE eating the dumb slice of bacon.  But it ain't GREAT.  NOT EVEN CLOSE.  Don't need it!  So that's good I guess.  WHY was Monkey Pox totally controlled for decades and then all of a sudden it ain't.  Was there A SINGLE PERSON with Monkee Pox who kept to themselves for FOURTY YEARS and then suddenly was like ya know what FUCK IT I'm gonna GO OUT THERE AND MUCK AROUND.  Hmm.  Dad asked me a Math Question.  What's the first-- and possibly only-- positive integer where, when spelled, each letter is in alphabetical order.  It's FORTY.  HOWEVER for some reason I made it a Private Joke to always spell it FOURTY.  Which makes it WRONG.  I didn't tell him that part.  HE WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND.  Oh well such is life.  Anyway I dunno.  Other question he posited to me-- first positive integer with an, "A," in it.  NO SPOILERS.  Gonna have to figure it out for yourself.  I'll give you a hint though You might find that it's A THOUSAND.  Wait a second.  That's a pretty big spoiler.  Hmm.  Sorry about that!
    Three paragraphs to go!  Let's see, words, words...  Started cycling through newest Wilco album again this morning.  Possibly Oh I Don't Know the FIFTH time I'm listening to it!  WONDERFUL.  I like the part where there's a song title that's the album title and it's TRACK II.  DEFINITELY A STRONG WAY TO GO ABOUT THINGS.  I'M VERY ON BOARD WITH THAT.  Hmm.  Turkey Sandwich on Sandwich Thins.  DO I TOAST THEM SLIGHTLY?  I dunno!  Probably not but then again Possibly So!  I like READING ME some song titles. It's all the fun of listening to music without the hassle of doing it for three minutes.  READ THE TITLE, GET IN GET OUT, job well done all around.  Hmm.  Wonder if I can watch Malcolm In The Middle anywhere.  I have NO DESIRE to. Not even CLOSE.  But I WONDER ALL THE SAME.  I feel like they may have tried REBOOTING THAT in the last couple of years.  And if not SOMEONE at SOME level in SOME studio suggested it.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE NOT SEEING ANYTHING.  Also I may not have said it before BUT I STRONGLY IDENTIFY AS PART OF THE LTURQ COMMUNITY.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Not sure what the, "U," is but I THINK that's the one I AM.  Hmm.  OH BOY Shutter just added FOUR Amityville movies to their online library.  I'm sure they all suck based on having seen at least 2 of them but I'LL GIVE EM A SHOT NONETHELESS.  I like the franchise because I'M FAMILIAR with it.  Prove me wrong!  I think I've seen 3 out of 4 of these and thy were all TERRIBLE.  VERY little redeeming qualities IF ANY.  Oh I know the redeeming quality.  I WAS AND AM AND ALWAYS WILL BE Familiar With This Franchise.  That's good for them at the very least!  Anyway.  As of now I'm thinking about giving myself a solid 45 minute cushion to aim for for Act II in a little bit.  COULD Go beyond that.  COULD easily finish BEFORE that.  LET'S JUST AIM FOR 45 MINUTES BECAUSE IT'S A NICE NUMBER.  NO ONE DISLIKES FOURTY FIVE MINUTES except for COMPLETE FOOLS.  So that's good.  LOOK pretty intuitive that I have turkey sandwich for lunch.  Makes very little sense to have anything else. BUT IF I TWERE to have something else DOUBLE BREAKFAST HOT POCKETS IS WONDERFUL.
Hmm.  One paragraph to go!  That's good.  I remember way back before I even started this act being like CRAP I GOT SO MUCH TO DO.  Now I'VE KNOCKED A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF WHAT GOT TO DO OUT OF THE PARK.  Anyway.  That's good I guess.  Wilco isn't the most STIMULATING music but it's pretty FUN none the less.  HEY SOME ALBUM/SONGS LEAN TOWARDS STIMULATING.  Not this one though!  MAYBE SOME SONGS DO I HAVEN'T LISTENED TO IT WELL ENOUGH YET.  What else is up.  Takin non-park walk Upcoming Walk.  City Street walk.  Which I feel the main defining characteristic of this walk is PART OF IT is I'm walking PARALLEL to Store WINDOWS which are MIRRORS more or less and I can see my profile SHOULD I TAKE A LOOK.  I OFT do and I OFT don't.  Either way ALSO there's ONE Crossway Lamp Hold-Up-Or-Continue-Walking experience.  What do you call that.  Ya know when you walk up to street.  You wanna cross.  Can't cross if the lights are red but CAN if the walking lights are green.  YOU GET THE IDEA.  Hmm.  I'll be back in a little bit!




Decent Chance This Will Be Better

    Hey!  Five paragraphs to go for now.  NO TIME LIMIT.  Well fine it's say 45 minute time limit.  Sounds reasonable, ACHIEVABLE, and A THIRD THING-ABLE.  Got coffee #1.75 and sprite.  I FINISHED coffee #1.  but there was only enough coffee left for 75% of a cup.  SO THAT BRINGS US UP TO DATE ON THAT.  Thinkin about either Semi-Indulgent Fiber Bar for SandwichSide OR Wheat Thins.  I LIKE THE IDEA of Wheat Thins but I LIKE THE IDEA OF THE TASTE of Fiber Bar.  All things being equal Wheat Thins are the better SandwichSide.  But in terms of WHAT I'D GET OFF ON EATING probably the fiber bar.  So that's good.  I'll update you later on how this all, "Shook," out!  Little ache in my Right Back Shoulder.  I don't know what muscle it is.  Pretty low level ache, though!  Don't see it lasting or getting worse or anything.  HOW COULD I SEE.  I can't twist my head around 180 degrees to look at that C'MON.  Anyway.  When Devil leaves Reagan at end of Exorcist shouldn't she wake up with a Broken Neck.  Might have made that observation before.  It's an important question!
    Hmm.  Also SPOILER ALERT.  The EXORCIST EXORCISES THE EXCESSIVE.  Look you've had closing in on 50 years to watch this movie.  At some point you're gonna have to live with the possibility of it being spoiled!  Hmm.  What else is up.  Probably can figure out a FILM to watch this afternoon.  Or probably can figure out to enjoy a real C+ Day of WATCHING MORE TALES IN THE CRYPT.  I feel like most days lately have been solid, "C+'s."  And I mean that in the positive sense.  JUST enough to be positive.  C we can tolerate.  Less than C is obviously negative.  C+?  YOU COULD BE DOING A WHOLE LOT WORSE THAN A C+.  Then again I JUST THOUGHT OF B- and BOY OH BOY would that be sweet.  Hmm.  Maybe I AM running a B- now that I think about it.  Whatever.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe have delicious Caramel Chocolate Pretzel Bar as upcoming pre-lunch snack.  LOW IN CALORIE.  You combine that with Low calorie dependable Chocolate Chunk Granola bar I already had THAT EQUATES TO JUST ONE JUST RELATIVELY LARGE SNACK.  WOW I've got it all figured out don't I.  Well MOSTLY Yes!
    Sure.  What was that unexistant Pie I wanted.
  Lemme LTURQ.  Braham Pie.  If it's pronounced BRAH-HAM NOT as enthusiastic about this Fake Pie.  I'd be more into it if it's pronounced Bram.  Then again it's the TASTE that really counts not the pronunciation of the word.  A ROSE BY ANY OTHER PRONUNCIATION MAY OR MAY NOT SMELL AS SWEET I DON'T HAVE ALL THE DETAILS --Shakespeare.  What else is up.  Hmm.  I know a lot of people in Shakespeare Days probably couldn't read but how many of them could even TALK.  I mean sure everyone can say the bare necessities of words.  But gotta imagine the average person knew like 30% of the words and word-concepts that we presently know and use.  Just didn't have any REASON to know all these extra words.  NO JUDGMENT.  Anyway what else is going on.  Look I know the further past you go the less words you're gonna get.  But we're talking SHAKESPEARE TIME around 1600's.  INTUITIVELY you'd think most people could speak some good English (In England).  But I POSIT they only knew a few dozen words.  PROVE ME WRONG YOU CAN'T.
What else is up.  Two paragraphs to go for DayTime Day.  Amazing.  Totally survived the busy morning.  I had to GO SOME PLACE to DO SOMETHING and then COME BACK HOME.  Sounds like hard work to me!  Hmm.  Still haven't gotten back to Therapist re: Stand Up Comedy Class Lobbying.  Presumably if I DON'T want her help I could just not call her and she'd get the message.  OH but I have to call her anyway to RESCHEDULE next appointment.  RIGHT I SEE OKAY SURE.  What else is up.  I don't wanna be a JERK or anything but is there anyway I can finagle some sort of B or B+ Day?  Look I'm not trying to be difficult.  I totally understand if that's out of the question.  Just felt IT CAN'T HURT TO ASK.  Looks like Russia sentenced Captive WNBA Star to 9 years in prison.  Gotta imagine we can get her back to America soon right?  That HAS to be done, right?  Can't just let her stay imprisoned in Russia indefinitely, right?  RIGHT?
    Last paragraph of the Act!  Hmm.  How, "ON," schedule am I today.  Solidly ON IT.  Not behind or anything.  MAYBE A BIT AHEAD.  I don't know why I keep talking about schedules when every day is different slightly and it's all maneuverable-around-able.  OH WELL.  I picked one vaguely arbitrary default time as On Schedule a couple of months ago and I'M STICKING WITH IT.  So that's good.  GOT Double Chocolate Chunk QUEST BARS in the mail.  Figure you could certainly make a case to have one of those as next Quest Bars and not one of the two one-offers I got today. SPREAD IT OUT.  If I have the one-offers firs then THAT'S SLIGHTLY MORE DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHUNK BARS I'D HAVE TO HAVE IN A ROW.  If I have one now, then the one-offers, then IT MIXES IT UP A BIT VARIETY WISE.  IT MAKES SENSE.  Hmm.  Feels like I THINK I had Cookies & Cream Quest Bar before and liked it.  PRETTY SURE no Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie bar though.  I THINK.  Anyway  WONDERFUL WE MADE IT TO THE END OF THE DAYTIME DAY.  See ya later on tonight!




i'm sorry i can't hear you

    HEY YOU IDIOTS I'm having a delicious NO SUGAR ADDED Fudgesicle.  JUST THE SUGAR THAT OCCURRED IN THE FUDGESICLE NATURALLY FROM WHENCE IT CAME FROM THE EARTH.  Anyway starting Act III a little bit later today.  I will NOT finish an Act III Part I before Taking out Garbage Recess.  Probably not at least!  Anyway head delicious Turkey Sandwich and Oh I Don't Know BAG OF PRETZELS for lunch.  Had delicious two slice of Pizza for dinner!  CHICKEN ROLL FOR TOMORROW.  It's gonna be good!  I TOOK A LOOK AT IT and it's everything I wanted it to be!  A PASTRY WIT CHICKEN IN IT PRESUMABLY.  Wow!  Just starting Beer #1.  Wonderful.  Think I might go to REAL DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHUNK QUESST Bar for Nighttime Snack.  Fudgesicle don't count it's 40 calories.  SNACKS HAVE TO BE OVER 60 CALORIES TO COUNT AS SNACKS that's common knowledge.  So a 70 calorie thing is a snack.  YEP.  But a 60 calorie thing isn't.  NOPE.  So what is it then.  I DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS.  Just like MOST THINGS in this universe I may not Know What It Is But I Sure Know What It Ain't!
    Sounds about right.  Hmm.  Gonna have to get up relatively early tomorrow so I am home to accept SUPER Market Delivery Order Window.  Well I don't need to accept the window.  What window.  They're delivering a window I thought I said.  Hmm.  Guy who invented windows doesn't get as much credit as he (SHE?) deserves.  Hey we invented walls these are great.  Kinda wish I could see what's going on on the other side though.  WAIT A SECOND...  Also do Holes In The Wall just count as windows.  Or do you need glass.  I feel like if you live in a HUT and there's just a structured planned convenient hole in the wall IN THE GENERAL MILIEU of a window THAT'S A WINDOW.  That's not what that word means.  What word am I thinking of.  I'll accept answers for What Word Am I Thinking Of at my email mankindguy at gmail dot com.  THE WINNER RECEIVES JOY AND CHEER.  Not sure the method I give it to them.  But I PROMISE IT nonetheless.  I can go back on my promises NO ONE'S GONNA HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE FOR SHIT.  So that's good FOR ME.  Not so much FOR YOU.
    Hmm.  Oh.  Mildew.  Now I get it.  Ugh.  Maybe in a SHOCKING TWIST I am using the word Milieu correctly enough.  THAT would Surprise EVERYONE.  Hmm.  Anyway back of right shoulder still causing me some Aches.  Gotta imagine that'll go away at some point because that's what pain always does.  Pain doesn't have THE GUMPTION to become permanent on me.  PAIN KNOWS ITS PLACE.  Be annoying for a few days or weeks and then SUBSIDE you've made your point now let's move on with our lives.  Pain isn't alive.  MAYBE NOT THE PAIN YOU'RE THINKING OF.  Hmm.  Thomas Payne. 
No that's not the Pain I was thinking of either.  Great.  Maybe have GOLDON GRAM BARR + Tootsie pop as opposed to QUEST BAR.  CALORIEWISE that's about a wash.  THEN AGAIN I WANNA HAVE DELICIOUS QUEST BAR WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO PREVENT ME FROM JOY.  AND CHEER.  STOP HOARDING TE JOY AND CHEER even though it was me giving it to you in the first place so in a way this is all my fault.  Also I only gave it to you IN THE FUTURE if you correctly guessed what word I was using milieu for incorrectly.  What's going on.  I lost track of what's going on completely.  DON'T LIKE IT THOUGH.  I don't know what's going on but I know what ISN'T going on and that's GOOD FUN TIME BEING HAD by ANY OF YOU or ME.
YEAH.  Maybe take early recess after this paragraph to line up with Taking out Garbage and Shit recess activity in 20 minutes.  Man oh man am I gonna have some sort of upcoming snack Let's Say After Taking Out Garbage And Recycblaes.  Also gotta put my pants on at some point in this equation.  Probably before the taking out garbage and recyables portion of the night.  That's the way to go INTUITIVELY off the top of my head.   Then again I might GET OFF (sexuallly?) by walking outside-- even if its just outside my house-- in my boxers.  I dunno about SEXUALLY.  I'd get off PSEUDO-sexually maybe.  Not FULL SEXUAL EXCITEMENT but the excitement I DO get MAY be in the GREATER CONTEXT of ADULT THEMED FUN.  I dunno I don't have all the answers for sure on this one.  Hmm.  Today is Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.  Maybe I should have the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Quest Bar.  Well sure if we're doing things because of WHAT DAY THEY ARE then obviously I should do it that way.
    Gonna write the fifth paragraph now before Recess Activity!
  Give myself a bonus 5 minutes or so before doing it so I can make sure I fit in paragraph EASILY.  REAL EASILY LIKE.  HEY I'm up to the Tales In The Crypt episode about blind people.  Which is interesting because I only LOOK at the episode from time to time myself!  MOSTLY looking at my phone.  WONDER WHAT THIS PIECE OF ELECTRONICS IS ALL ABOUT.  MAKES SOUNDS SOMETIMES and there appears to be images that cycle through different phases on its Electronics Screen.  I CAN WATCH TV ANY TIME but this phone I gotta keep an eye on because I DON'T KNOW IF THIS ELECTRONICS SCREEN CHANGING gonna keep up or not OR WHAT.  Great.  Wonderful.  Can easily finish this paragraph WITHOUT delaying any RECESS ACTIVITIES AT ALL.  Also yes, "recess activities," is a POLITE mixed company EUPHEMISM for taking out garbage and recyclables.  I don't wanna use the word GARBAGE.  NOT FIT FOR PROPER SOCIETY DIALOGUE.  Turns people off.  Makes em feel uncomfortable.  You know that sort of thing.  I'll be back in about 15-20 minutes.

    THIS FLAVOR IS NOT OATMEAL CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE.  IT'S JUST OATMEAL CHOCOLATE CHIP.  Still tastes pretty good though.  I feel like I'm getting A LOT out of eating this crap.  57% of daily Fiber and 43% of daily Protein YOU FOOL.  Those kinda numbers making eating this snack a KNOCK OUT OF THE PARK.  Not sure you can use that phrase like that.  I JUST DID.  Anyway just finishing up chewing up Oatmeal Freedom Chip Bar.  THEN I'm gonna pour beer #2 into glass and THEN start drinking it FROM glass.  Today I pour beer in glass.  Yesterday I poured beer in glass.  Dunno what I'll do tomorrow.  Too soon to say for sure!  WE DO KNOW that I will probably have Ice Cream Bar in about an hour at bedtime time.  So GREAT WHAT ELSE IS UP YOU IDIOTS.  Any update on the Monkey Pox.  Do I have monkey pox yet.  And if so how easily can I give it to my enemies.  I have to DO WHAT with them?  WELL IF YOU'RE SURE IT WILL ULTIMATELY HURT THEM....
Share needles.  I dunno what YOU were thinking of.  GET YOUR MIND OUT OF SOME GUTTER.  Four paragraphs to go.  Amazing.  Got some METS going on in the background but I feel like that should be wrapping up soon after this entry and then I can watch a solid Blind Episode of Tales From The Blinds.  Gutter.  Gudder.  I feel like it OUGHT to be Gudder but I know in my heart of hearts it isn't.  Hey that's life I guess.  Words aren't spelled the way you'd like.  Like FOURTY.  Man oh man FOURTY would make a great word.  MOVING ON.  No fun tootsie pop tonight.  Unless I want that as BEDTIME snack.  WHICH ISN'T THE CRAZIEST TING I'VE EVER HEARD.  Craziest thing I ever heard was HMM Animal Collective?  Off the top of my head probably an Animal Collective song. Which isn't THAT crazy but it IS crazier than lots of other things.  Let's talk about it.  We just did.  Oh okay then let's talk about something else!
    Penlt... WAIT FUCK.  This Part II Act III needs FIVE paragraphs not four.  WHAT THE FUCK IS TIS BULLSHIT.  GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT CRAP.  WHAT THE HELL.  Oh well life goes on I suppose.  Lunch tomorrow can be ANYTHING.  Probably one of the Super Market PREMADE FRESH MEALS.  Kids chicken parm.  Kids turkey meatloaf.  ADULT wide al fredo.  WOW I CAN GET INTO BEING ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT AT LEAST ONE OF THOSE THINGS.  YOU IDIOTS.  Hmm.  Reached a point in my Slowly Gaining weight where my Mom said YOU'RE GAINING WEIGHT YOU KNOW.  Thanks mom!  I did know!  Now I know just a little bit more though!  I assume that'll play out in my advantage somehow.  Now that I know my mom knows MY SUBCONSCIOUS BODY won't need to eat AT KNIGHT.  WOW THIS IS THE GREATEST DEVELOPMENT THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED OVER THE LAST FEW DAYS.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Solidly thought about playing guitar for a few minutes tonight.  By which I mean I thought for A FEW SECONDS that I could play the guitar OVER THE COURSE OF A FEW MINUTES.  Not that I spent A FEW MINUTES CONSIDERING that I could play the guitar FOR AN HOUR OR WHATEVER.  IT MAKES SENSE.
    Penultimate paragraph of the NightTime Night!  Anyway.
  Gonna enjoy bedtime today.  I've been getting a kick out of Bedtimes lately-- I think we've discussed this.  Not sure what that's all about but HEY YA TAKE WINS WHERE YOU CAN GET EM.  Thinking about using RUBBER BANDS as a way to prevent myself from easily leaving my room at night.  DON'T HAVE ALL TE DETAILS.  Wrap one end of rubber band around doornob.  STRETCH IT OUT and wrap other end around... SOMETHING ELSE.  And then if I wanna get by GOTTA BREAK THE RUBBER BAND STRAND.  That'll make me think twice about leaving the room!  Well great sure obviously this makes sense IF I HAD RUBBER BANDS.  Which I'm pretty sure I DON'T.  Otherwise I'D HAVE BEEN PLAYING WITH THEM ALL THIS TIME.  Obviously.  Maybe my parents have rubber bands they've been keeping quiet about.  So that I would play with all of them all the time.  Oh well that's their business not mine.
Last paragraph of the Day!  WONDERFUL.  What time am I aiming to Actually Get Up And Leave House On First Walk.  Hmm.  Let's say 8:30.  DANGIT CAN WE NEGOTIATE A LATER TIME.  How about 9:00.  NOPE TOO LATE LET'S GO BACK TO 8:30!  Okay sure whatever.  Hmm.  Not gonna have any good semi-indulgent ice cream sandwich for at least a week or so.  So NO classic Ice Cream Sandwich + Pop Tart breakfasts AT ALL.  Got pop tarts.  But that's just ONE HALF OF THE EQUATION.  Without the ice cream sandwiches THEY'RE USELESS.  I have less indulgent Ice Cream Dishes.  NOPE NOT GOOD ENOUGH GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.  What else is going on and crap.  Balanced Breakfast I guess is in the cards for tomorrow!  Got single Super Market FRESH BAKED BROWNIE which equates to A SINGLE HEARTY BREAKFAST PRESUMABLY.  Can't have that tomorrow.  IT'S BEFORE THE DELIVERY COMES YOU IDIOT.  Anyway I think that's about it for tonight.  See ya tomorrow!

-9:35 P.M.




Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Well That Went Well

    Hey!  About 15 minutes ahead of schedule today!  Had ZOOM appointment with Therapist this morning.  She offered to help me PLEAD my case to my parents re: Comedy Class.  I said I DUNNO MAYBE.  I kinda had given up at this point!  Also I haven't even BROACHED the subject with my Dad.  Either way I dunno maybe.  Anyway yesterday was GREAT SUSTAINABLE EATINGS SCHEDULE!  But then I did a fair amount of MightNight snack.  GOD DANG IT.  It's never easy.  Well it was easy to eat the food.  It's easy to do Wrong Thing usually.  So that's good!  Kansas knocked Abortion Rights out of the park per my understanding.  That's good.  I once read a book called WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH KANSAS.  Some sort of Political book.  Talking about What's The Matter With Kansas.  THE BOOK WAS FROM AROUND 2003 or 2004!  PROBABLY DATED BACK TO TALKING ABOUT WHAT THE MATTER WITH KANSAS WAS DECADES focusing on the 90's above.  I DON'T HAVE ALL THE DETAILS.  Better LTURQ.  Explores the rise of populist anti-elitist extremism.  AH a simpler time.  PUBLISHED JUNE 2004.  AH a simpler time.
    Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... India Pale Ale Day, National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, National IPA Day (India Pale Ale Beer), and National White Wine Day.  I don't KNOW why there's a REPEAT day.  FIRST PART OF THE DAY WE CELEBRATE IT WITH IT'S ACRONYM.  SECOND PART WE CELEBRATE IT WITHOUT ACRONYM.  What does INDIA mean in IPA context.  Too hot to brew beer in India during British Empire so they made special beer they could SHIP to India over the course of months.  Doesn't COME from India.  Goes TO India.  FASCINATING.  The sun never sets on Indian Empire.  Gotta imagine some Indians saw Their Colonial Relationship backwards.  Like yeah they THINK we're the subordinate territory but WE'RE JUST PLAYIN' POSSUM.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Chocolate chip cookie!  I don't have any of those!  Got chocolate chip cookie flavored Fiber One Brownies.  OH RIGHT THIS ISN'T UNTIL FOR TOMORROW.  I don't think I'll have any chocolate chip cookies then either!
    YEAH!  Guess Today Lunch is either Turkey Sandwich with SandwichSide or belgian waffle.  With Artificial Sweetener Side!  Dunno about dinner!  We're getting Communal Dinner but I DON'T KNOW FROM WHERE.  I wouldn't even know what to make my case for if I chose to make a case.  I'M COMFORTABLE WITH ANYWHERE.  Hmm.  Mets game at 4:05 PM.  Not sure exactly what I get out of watching Mets games.  But I continue to watch a lot of it!  Hey look some guy is at bat. Maybe he'll get a hit.  Nope.  He didn't.  Now it's someone else's try.  Maybe he'll get a hit.  Hey he walked.  Now it's someone else's try.  That sort of thing.  What's THE POINT.  August 3rd.  You know what that means!  Probably.  DANGIT I was happy about possibly settling into Sustainable Food Schedule yesterday.  But then MIGHTNIGHT reared its ugly head.  DANG THAT HEAD BE UGLY AS CRAP.  Hmm.  Looking forward to getting done with Act I and then the next thing and then the next thing and so on.  I think Up Until Snack.  That's the first thing today I think I'll REALLY get a kick out of.  GOD DANG MIGHTNIGHT.
Hmm.  Fourth paragraph!  Delicious.  Had balanced breakfast this morning!  Also the Egg White I got as GriddleCentricMealSide were enough to split into THREE.  Had a third of them as balanced breakfast!  NOW I GOT ENOUGH  for 2 more balanced breakfasts.  Delicious!  Anyway so I'm glad that's working out for me at least.  Maybe leaning towards belgian waffle for today.  I can see myself LEANING THUSLY.  Hmm.  Wonder if I should get excited or not about Kansas Abortion Election Referendum Turn Out And Results.  SEEMS pretty good FOREBODING for November election.  If FOREBODING also means THE OPPOSITE of Foreboding.  Hey I'm For Boding.  Not sure what boding is.  It IS something.  Microsoft FrontPage recognizes it as a word.  Let's LTURQ.  Oh Right.  Google recommended sentence their argument did not bode well for the future.  RELATED to foreboding AND I now know the word IN CONTEXT.  So that's good.  What else is good.  Ahead of schedule and everything today.  If I was starting Act I RIGHT NOW I'd be BARELY ON SCHEDULE and even 5 minutes or so ahead!  AMAZING.
   Fifth paragraph!  Jeez.  What if I played some Video Game today.  Either productive guitar video game or Productive World War II video game.  Never know when playing World War II video game might come in handy.  Anyway.  Coffee coming up in a paragraph.  That's something to look forward to!  Figure I can have delicious Goldon Graham Barr as snack.  STILL THREE HOURS AWAY OR SO.  Unless I move things around.  WHY WOULD I MOVE THINGS AROUND.  SO I could have delicious Goldon Graham Barr as snack SOONER.  Oh that checks out I guess.  Hmm.  Dinner could be BISON burger.  Could be SALAMI OMELET.  Could be pizza/chicken roll.  I'm gonna be honest I'm THRILLED with all my choices.  Also I have MORE choices.  Those are just TOP CHOICES for whichever Place We Get.  I wonder if I'll say anything worthwhile this Act.  Probably already have said THREE OR FOUR worthwhile things by accident already!  So that's good.  Coffee time.
   Thinking about getting MINI BLACK AND WHITES for next week.
  Had to add something to the order.  Not everything!  Gotta reach a MINIMUM before order is LOCKED INTO PLACE.  So by just adding 1 or 2 things combined with Dad Things IT GETS LOCKED INTO PLACE.  LOCKHEED MARTIN.  Gotta imagine that's a Military Industrial Complex Industry.  So that's good.  Not sure how much MightNight Snacks I had last night.  It COULD have been something not so bad.  Or it could have been something pretty bad!  Whatever.  The good news is I re-upped with Checking Twitter BEFORE Act I today.  Cause I was awake waiting for ZOOM appointment.  I KNOW EVERYTHING NOW.  That doesn't usually happen.  What do I know now that I didn't know last night.  Know 100% FOR SURE Kansas struck down Constitutional Amendment to not protect rights to abortion.  I saw DOJ subpoenaed PAT.Sy Balogna.  I CAN'T HAVE THAT GUY GOOGLING HIS NAME AND FINDING THIS PARAGRAPH.  Gotta put in some WRONG LETTERS And Shit.  Hey here comes Seventh Paragraph!
    SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Jeez.  What am I watching this early afternoon.  HEY I ENJOY WATCHING TALES IN THE CRYPT how about that.  That's JUST THE UNIQUE THINKING I CAN DIG.  I only watched a THIRD of Food For Thought last night.  Before deciding I wanted to go to sleep.  AMAZING.  Kinda figure that's how I used to watch Tales In The Crypt as a kid on the rare occasion I did.  Ah I'm having fun staying up late watching Scary Adult Program.  Oop 8 minutes in GETTIN KINDA SLEEPY.  At WHAT TIME is this happening.  I dunno SOMETIME AROUND MIDNIGHT?  Oh no that's a song title.  Now they're gonna google their song title and FIND THIS PARAGRAPH.  AND THEN WHERE WOULD WE BE.  Somewhere not great is my presumption.  Had Cinnamon 4-Square Eggo instead of Blueberry Regular Round eggo.  I HAVE NO REGRETS IT WAS DELICIOUS.  Frosted Flakes as cereal.  ONLY CEREAL I HAVE!  Also got Heritage Flakes.  That's a HEALTHY cereal though.  Hardly counts!  Who'd wanna eat that!  ME at some point I guess.  Hmm that checks out.  Maybe I should keep that in mind GOING FORWARD.
   Three paragraphs to go FOR ACT I!  What's up.  How come every midterm is always a WAVE.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Diction-wise.  I'm not talking politically or anything.  I just AM FED UP with us going yep it's been 4 years IT'S WAVE TIME.  Not sure what point I'm trying to make there.  It's not like I have any better suggestions for words to use!  THAT'S EASY.  There's literally DOZENS of words in the dictionary you can come up with other than WAVE.  Off the top of my head BODING.  Hmm.  Non-fancy Music Files used to be WAVS.  When I was uploading Songs or just PRACTICE GUITAR TRACKS FOR POSTERITY they were WAVS.  The finalish versions of songs EVENTUALLY became mp3s sure.  BUT THEY WERE BORN AS WAVS.  So that's good.  I think I lost ALL the practice guitar sessions I Recorded for posterity.  Oh well that's life.  I think I benefited from doing it IN THE MOMENT just because it's a good mental weigh to build on your progress!  SO JOB WELL DONE I GUESS.
Ninth paragraph!  Hmm.  There's also OTHER common audio files that I DON'T LIKE.  Lemme LTURQ.  Off the top of my head .Aipac but THAT'S THE PRO ISRAEL LOBBY not a sound file.  Lemme LTURQ.  AAC that's the one I was thinking of THAT I DON'T LIKE.  WAIT NO MAYBE IT WAS AIFF.  BOTH OF THEM COMBINED into .AIPAC.  Also .FLAC.  THAT WAS A WEIRD ONE.  Ugh.  AIPAC is a Super Pac to promote Artificial Intelligence.  Gotta imagine at some point there's gonna be an Artificial Intelligence Lobby.  To persuade politicians to pass PRO- Artificial Intelligence aligned policy.  Not pro DEVELOPING Artificial Intelligence.  Pro WHAT THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WANTS FOR ITSELF.  Oh No I'm Scared.  Oh well what can ya do.  Gotta HOPE there'd be an equally powerful ANTI- Artificial Intelligence Lobby.  Which tries to persuade politicians to KEEP ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN CHECK and be WARY of their growing power and influence in our society.  Oh Good That's A Relief.  What's up. 
    Last paragraph of thee act.  Good luck trying to play a .Flac song easily.  You're probably gonna have to figure out a way to convert it.  FLAC AIN'T PLAYED SO EASILY IN MY EXPERIENCE A DECADE AND A HALF AGO.  Hmm.  Very much ahead of schedule today and whatknot.  Unless my Dad wants to take an unexpectedly early walk.  Which I CAN WORK AROUND but is less INTUITIVELY convenient for me.  Oh well such is Vaguely Plausible Potential Life.  Gonna re-schedule next therapist appointment.  Is only a day AFTER Zoom appointment with PSYCHIATRIST.  And those appointments cover EXACTLY SAME GROUND so it makes no sense to do them one after another.  Gotta decide first whether I want to accept her help to lobby on my behalf for Comedy Class.  I DUNNO.  Feels like I should decide by the end of the Working Day today.  When does working day end.  I dunno I wanna say 2:30 PM?   Sounds about right.  Hmm.  WMA.  Windows Media Player Sound File.  I feel like that was also a tough one to play.  You'd think you could play it easily with Windows Media Player.  NOTHING IS EVER AS SIMPLE AS IT SOUNDS THOUGH.  HEY time to take a walk.  Be back soon!



What Do You Say

    Hey!  Time to write 5 paragraphs.  CUSHIOM GIMMYSELF TIME is 45 minutes.  ACTUAL aiming time is 40 minutes.  What the Hell is the point of that.  Either of that.  But especially BOTH of that.  I dunno IT'S HOW I FEEL and I TOLD YOU HOW I FEEL IT'S A BLOG.  Oh no I used the word, "Blog."  Now people searching for BLogs will find this.  I AM SORRY.  SO SORRY.  Hmm.  Got coffee 1.75 going as well as some Rooted Beer.  Not sure what to do about lunch yet!  The good news is I probably will have whatever I don't have for lunch today as lunch tomorrow.  THAT'S GREAT NEWS.  Hmm.  I feel like there was good news since Act I.  For some reason I'm in a slightly better mood.  Maybe just knowing there's less I have to write.  No that's not it.  Maybe being closer to Next Feeding Time.  I don't think that's it either!  Hmm.  THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  Oh well such is life.  OH HEY I think The Toy Story Franchise Film is available on DisneyPlus today.  I DON'T LIKE THAT FRANCHISE THAT MUCH.  Probably watch the film anyway.  I like Tim Allen.  What.  WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NO TIM ALLEN.  GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.
The JOKE is OF COURSE I don't like Tim Allen.  Whatever.  Tim Allen is fine!  I've got good reasons not to like him and good reasons to completely tolerate him.  Let's lean towards tolerating him.  TOTALLY NEUTRAL LEANING TOWARDS.  Hmm.  Probably just admit defeat on ComedyClass.  PROBABLY.  So that's good I guess.  Some sort of Amazon package came this morning.  Don't think it's any of my Qust Bars.  Or my re-upping with Chocolate Tootsie Pops.  Certainly not anything else I wanted.  I DIDN'T GET ANYTHING ELSE you idiots.  OH NO I think I read there might be LGBTQ+ character in Toy Story Franchise Movie.  WELL GREAT THAT RUINS THAT.  Can't watch it now!  THROW IT OUT IN THE GARBAGE IT'S USELESS.  Anyway.  Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Queer PLUS.  I think I nailed each part of that acronym in terms of what they mean.  Maybe the + is actually a Cross.  Meaning they identify as Jesus.  Or some other guy who was crucified.  Hmm.  GOOGLE OTHER FAMOUS PEOPLE WHO WERE CRUCIFIED. 
Well plenty of other Contemporary Jesus Followers.  That's not surprising.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Maybe they identify as David Cross.  Can't count anything out at this point.  Hmm.  How many more minutes am I aiming for at this point.  Let's say HMM let's say 27 minutes.  That should be plenty of time.  IT'S A STRANGE NUMBER BECAUSE right now the time ends in a :x8.  SO 27 MINUTES MAKES IT A MULTIPLE OF FIVE TIME.  Oh that makes a lot of sense now I get it.  Why did I have to explain it to myself.  JUST TO STAY ON THE SAFE SIDE.  Really MAKE SURE I know what I'm doing.  Anyway.  Snack time is in a solid 75-90 minutes.  CREEPIN UP REAL GOOD.  DELICIOUS GOLDON GRAHAM BARR.  Don't think I'll Fridge It at all.  Just eat it OUT OF THE CUPBOARD.  Indian in the Cupboard.  I saw that film.  I believe it won Best Picture.  No I don't.  YEAH but I had you going for a moment there!  If they make a reboot of Indian in the Cupboard they either have to change it to American Indian Person In The Cupboard OR keep it as Indian In The Cupboard but now it's about a SOUTH ASIAN Indian.  They CAN keep the same title THEY JUST HAVE TO ADJUST THE PLOT AND CHARACTERS.  One way to go about things.
Penultimate paragraph of the daytime day.  Got some POP CHIPS.  Could have that as a SandwichSide today or tomorrow.  WONDERFUL.  Hmm.  CHIPS.  THAT'S A SENATE BILL THESE DAYS.  POP?  THAT'S ALSO A WORD THAT'S STILL IN USE.  Hmm.  What else is going on.  Take a nice SLIGHTLY LESS HOT shower coming up.  I can, "DIG," that.  Use soap and everything.  Got shampoo.  Possible Conditioner mixed in with the shampoo substance formula.  EITHER WAY I'm doin' okay!  What's the state of titles I got going as of this moment.  HMM.  I think one of three has a STRONG chance of sticking.  One has a decent chance.  And the third one NOT LIKELY AT ALL.  So we'll see how all that, "Shakes," out ultimately I guess.  I will.  I probably won't tell you which ones of ultimate titles were the ones I'm considering right now!  MY BODY MY BUSINESS.  What else is up and crap.  As of now give myself EIGHT MINUTES to write the next paragraph.  I GOT MY REASONS FOR PICKING THE NUMBER, "EIGHT," DON'T YOU WORRY.  Because that's the amount of minutes I wanna leave myself WHILE leaving 2 minutes to go from Writing to Out The Door on walk 3.  SO WALK STARTS AT A MULTIPLE OF 5.
   It JUST.  Makes.  SENSE.
  Hmm.  Then again if I wanna SPACE OUT for a moment or two THAT'S FINE IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL to go past that time allotment I allotted for myself.  So that's good!  HOW LONG IS LIGHTYEAR.  It's how long distance-wise it takes something moving at the speed of light going for a year.  Hmm. That's confusing.  I MAY be accurately defining it or I may be only 60% accurately describing it.  Either way THE FILM IS EXACTLY One Hour 53 minutes.  I just made that up off the top of my head.  Let's LTURQ.  ONE HOUR 45 MINUTES.  Hey I was PRETTY CLOSE but not DISTURBINGLY Close.  If I nailed it exactly I'd be SCARED.  So I'm very happy with how it all turnt out is the point.  Hmm.  Anyway got 2 minutes left to write the rest of this paragraph.  Hmm I can do that.  Or not do it.  It makes absolutely no difference at all more or less!  Well that's great just great.  FINE I'll just end the Act now.  BE BACK TONIGHT!



oh i see now

    GOOD NEWS.  I'm STILL ALIVE compared to earlier today.  Belgian waffle for lunch.  Bison burger for dinner.  DELICIOUS SUPER TREAT Tootsie Pop for NOW.  Got beer going.  TWO BEER KNIGHT.  I think I covered everything.  Thinking about READING BOOK sometime soon.  Halfway into Sleater====--==Kinney book.  Think I might pick that back up both Literally and Figuratively.  I wanna pick it up figuratively BUT TO DO THAT I also need to pick it up LITERALLY AND PHYSICALLY.  That shouldn't be a problem.  I can hold books no problem.  Not to intentionally brag.  Kinda enjoyed this lollipop.  It tastes like chocolate!  Everyone likes chocolate!  Except for Oompah Loompahs.  They either have too much of it by STEALING to like it or THAT'S HOW THEY BECAME OOMPAH LOOMPAHS.  Went into the business because they were like we don't even like this stuff you can trust us to work around it.  OR maybe they start out liking chocolate but then they just associate it with their shitty job after a while so they stop liking it.  That's their business, not ours!  They sure seem invested in OUR business though.  Always singing songs judging us.  Doesn't seem right!
Hmm.  Not sure if I'm taking out garbage and/or recyclables today.  If I do it will be in 45 minutes or so.  So that's good!  Watched a lot of Mets game today.  They WON in the end.  They won the entire game if you wanna look at it that way.  Not sure why you would.  Doesn't sound accurate to me.  That's your business not Mine.  Although I'm thinking about investing in your business.  In fact I may want to buy you out of your business completely.  I'll compensate you appropriately so you'll be doing okay but NOW YOUR BUSINESS IS MINE!!!  DEAL WITH IT you got compensation.  DEAL WITH IT!  Anyway what else is up.  Not wearing pants or socks.  Why should I wear socks if I'm not wearing pants.  And why should I wear pants if I'm not wearing socks.  I POSIT those questions to you.  Answer them one at a time.  Don't GET AHEAD OF YOURSELF trying to answer both.  TAKE YOUR TIME WITH IT.  I'll be here don't worry!  GATHER YOUR BEARINGS.
   Anyway.  Ugh.  Possible delicious Un-fridged Cookie Dough Quest Bar for upcoming snack.  Possible delicious Some Other Thing I Dunno.  ANYWAY decided to bite down on lollipop just now.  In a different way.  USUALLY i sorta bite down on it and rotate the lollipop stick thusly and it the remnants of lollipop come off the stick uniform-like.  This time I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT but I bit down on the lollipop and IN MY MOUTH maneuvered around the stick in a DIFFERENT WAY so that the remnants of the lollipop CAME OFF THE STICK and into my Mouth (and eventually my Gullet) SLIGHTLY DIFFERENTLY.  THIS IS GOOD STUFF LET'S KEEP IT GOING.   Hmm.  Obviously you wanna do it SMOOTHLY.  You don't wanna bite down on lollipop and get most of remnants in your mouth and then there's still a blob or chunk or sliver of tootsie roll still on stick.  YOU WANNA DO THIS AS CLEANLY AND EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE.  THIS SHOULDN'T BE A CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENT.
Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  I was about to do Commentary On News For Today by saying I don't like Alex Jones because he should have to pick one first name.  Is it Alex or is it Jones.  Then I realized WAIT how sure am I that, "Jones," can be a first name.  NOT VERY SURE now that I think about it.  I don't think anyone is named Jones now that I think about it!  The point is that guy looks like a jerk.  Anything else that he does or happens to him I DUNNO.  But he LOOKS dumb and that's something that can never be changed.  THAT'S LIFE FOR YA.  There's an episode of Tales In The Crypt where the Crypt Keeper makes a pun VIN SKULLY because SKULL is like the head part of a skellington which is SPOOKY.  And for some reason in the back of my mind-- even though in the MIDDLE of my mind I knew better-- I would always think OH HE'S MAKING A PUN OF THE GUY NAME VINCE KULLY.  I KNEW THAT PERSON DOESN'T EXIST and that VIN SKULLY DOES.  BUT YOU CAN'T MAKE A PUN OUT OF SOMETHING WHERE IT'S JUST WHAT IT ALREADY IS.  Counter-intuitive!  I think I could SUE the Crypt Keeper for Personal Damages and I'd have a case.  Is that something you can sue for.  "Personal Damages?"  That sounds DANGEROUSLY CLOSE to being something that doesn't exist at all!
    Wonderful.  Fifth paragraph!  Presumably taking a recess after next paragraph.  That seems to be the Standard these days.  Hmm.  Probably have less indulgent than quest bar snack to make up for Tootsie POP.  I DON'T HAVE to make up for tootsie pop.  THAT'S NOT PART OF TEH DEAL.  But HEY I CAN IF I WANT TO.  And I DO want to.  A LOT.  Gonna feel real great I know JUST THE FIBER BAR to have instead.  THE GOOD ONE AND WHATKNOT.  Hmm.  MIXED UP WATCHING TV FORMAT.  They have 4 or 5 different Standard Settings for what Image On TV Looks like.  Natural Lighting, Movie Lighting, Dynamic Lighting.  Been on a PERSONALLY MODIFIED Movie Lighting since I got TV a year ago or so.  JUST TODAY CHANGED TO DYNAMIC LIGHTING.  It's different but good!  I like it!  WEIRD AND FUN.  Can't argue with that!  You'd lose!  And why would you want to have an argument you'd lose!  Just so you could see how to win it!  So then in future arguments you take THE OTHER SIDE and now YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING?  What's going on again?
    Yeah!  I guess I could watch Poltergeist II: THE OTHER SIDE.  I already watched that 3 weeks ago or so.  Hmm.  Thought about RE-WATCHING DEADWOOD.  Not sure if the time is right though.  Gonna have to carefully consider that a little bit harder or something.  Hmm.  Maybe have delicious SOMETIN for upcoming snack.  I gotta give this more thought.  ANYTHING I EAT IS POTENTIALLY DELICIOUS.  I can't go wrong, let's look at it that way!  Okay sure.  Hmm.  Turkey sandwich tomorrow lunch.  Communal Delivery Tomorrow Dinner!  WONDER WAHT it'll be.  Probably GREAT FOOD or somethin' I dunno!  Hmm.  There's Jones Beach.  Jones is the first name of Jones Beach.  But that's a place not a person.  Places can be people.  I dunno gonna have to look into that one.  Hmm.  Never called back Therapist to ACCEPT or DENY her offer to help me Lobby Parents re: Comedy Class.  Never called Back Therapist about ANYTHING.  Hmm I'm gonna take a break now.  Be back soon!

    HEY!  Got beer #2 going with Goldon Graham Barr... #2 of the day.  NOT OF NIGHT.  But YES one of my earlier snacks WAS this same dumb thing.  Get off my back about it!  Anyway let's see FOUR MORE PARAGRAPHS.  Then presumably 0.5-2.5 episodes of Tales Crypt.  I AM POINT FIVE INTO AN EPISODE RIGHT NOW.  Not really.  More like two thirds.  Oh well I guess I can't be trusted!  Unreliable Narrator!  I bet MOST narrators of MOST books we know and love are unreliable and we're just giving them credit for being reliable when THEY'RE MAKING UP WIDE SWATHS OF THESE STORIES.  I don't think this guy in Crime and Punishment DID THE TING AT ALL THE FIRST PLACE.  HE WAS FRAMED but is ashamed about it so is pretending he did it.  Why would he be ashamed about being Framed.  Makes him feel like less of a man.  That someone would frame him.  Very powerless.  Oh okay that makes sense.  Hmm.  I finished dumb Goldon Graham Barr!  GREAT I HAVE UPCOMING BEDTIME SNACK IN THREE Paragraphs + 0.5-2.5 Tales In The Crypts.
Hmm.  Look.  I just had a crazy idea.  You may be able to guess what it is.  Goldon Graham Barr at bedtime.  COULD you guess what it was?  E-Mail me your LYING ANSWERS!  I bet you wanna say you did guess it when you didn't.  That way you look INTELLIGENT.  I'M NOT BUYIN' IT.  What else is up.  NO Garbage or Recyclables tonight.  That's good.  I wonder what else is good.  Hmm.  Maybe listen to some MUSIC tonight instead of Tales In The Crypt.  MY OWN music.  It's INTERESTING because I'm all like HEY WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT.  I didn't know what my music was all about when I was making it but maybe now that it's been eight years I can figure it out By Now.  Interesting proposition.  Just like EIGHT.  I feel like Prop EIGHT was a thing either on TV or in real life or IN REAL LIFE ON TV (Or ON TV IN REAL LIFE).  Lemme LTURQ.  WHAT WAS PROP 8.  2008 California Amendment to ban gay sex marriage.  Sounds familiar.  I WAS ALIVE in 2008 and I VAGUELY remember knowing California existed back then.  Yep that all checks out.
Penultimate paragraph of the NightTime Day!  I'm assuming at this point you can have gay sex marriage in California.  You can do it anywhere you want!  In the butt... anywhere!  Moving on.  Hoping to get up VERY early tomorrow so I can fit in VERY early walk before EARLY Blood Test.  Also dealing with Blood-- does that put me at risk for Monkee Pox?  My guess is YES SOMEWHAT.  Probably should be okay though.  It's worth the risk!  Gotta see what my white blood cell levels are like every month!  That's how I feel!  WHITE BLOOD CELL?  BLOOD IS RED.  Interesting counterpoint.  Hmm.  What day do we got going on tonight.  Wednesday.  My Dad said earlier feels like a Thursday and ya know what?   I AGREED SO MUCH IT WAS WEIRD.  I even felt YA KNOW WHAT EVEN BEFORE YOU SAID THIS I ALREADY FELT IT FELT LIKE A THURSDAY.  I guess we are really, "'N SYNC."  That was a band.  Not sure they play instruments.  Are you a band if you just all sing and play no instruments?  Sounds more like a choir!
    Boy Choirs were all the rage at the time.  Possibly even at other times.  I don't have all the details in front of me!  There were boy bands and girl bands but GET A LOAD OF THIS GREAT NEW IDEA  -- MIXED GENDER BANDS.  There's a MULTI Million Dollar idea right there!  And I will only demand A LITTLE Royalties every time someone starts a Mixed Gender Choir.  NOT SO MUCH that it doesn't make it worth your while in the first place.  Anyway I dunno what else is up.  I probably won't have a goldon graham barr at bedtime because at some point if I'm having three of these a day I'm gonna run out of them way too soon.  Can't have that now can we.  Probably not!  Hmm.  Just finished off Beer #2.  That was good.  About to finish off Orange Soda #whatever.  At this rate it looks like 1.33 episodes of Tales In The Crypt will get me RIGHT INTO Going To Bed Time.  Let's see what the episode I got coming my way after this one.  IF ITS TE ONE WITH LOU DIAMOND PHILLIPS AND PRISCILLA PRESLEY I'M GONNA BE VERY UPSET... OH NO IT IS THAT ONE.  I forget why that would make me very upset, though!  Actually!  Kinda wouldn't mind watching that one!  WELL GREAT THIS IS WORKING OUT FOR EVERYONE!  Okay.  See ya tomorrow.

-9:30 P.M.



Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Now It's Time For Act I

    Hey!  About 20 minutes behind schedule today!  Should be able to fit in everything more or less reasonably on schedule.  Anyway!  Had about 40% of a Binge last night!  Used Guitar Amplification System (GAS) to vaguely block my door over night and maneuvered around it and had I BELIEVE ONE MightNight Snack.  Had cold freedom chip pancake as breakfast.  Delicious!  Chicken curry for dinner!  Which is piece of chicken with rice and some peppers and vegetables or something.  VERY HEARTY.  Lunch gonna be between turkey sandwich, turkey meatloaf and health spaghetti, and belgian waffle.  I feel like in CONTEXT OF WAFFLE we shouldn't have to capitalize the, "B," in, "Belgian."  I know ENGLISH ACCURACY WISE we SHOULD have to.  I'm not arguing that.  I'm just saying I DON'T WANT TO.  OBJECTIVELY we should but SUBJECTIVELY I don't want to.  Solid 50% chance I'm using those words more or less correctly.  So that's good!  Hmm.  Met game at 7:05 PM!  RETURN OF JACOB DEGROM!  Can't wait to see how many pitches he throws before getting injured.
My hope is TEN THOUSAND.  Not ALL tonight.  But that's how many Official Game Pitches he throws before getting hurt.  Hmm.  If he goes a full 100 pitches a game that's 100 games before getting injured.  Pitchers throw around 35 games a year if they never get hurt and are regular rotation members entire year.  Lets round it off to him going three years without getting injured.  AMAZING That's a pretty good Settlement.  Also no guarantee he's on Mets next year.  I feel like they'll make a good effort to keep him on board.  He IS the New York Mets.  Well part of them at least.  Anyway DAD is on a doctor appointment today now!  Not sure what that means re: When he wants to take a walk but I THINK I should be okay regardless.  Irregardless.  SUPRAregardless.  You get the idea.  NATIONAL Food of the tomorrow is... National Watermelon Day.  That's it.  Hmm.  Never had watermelon.  Had watermelon flavored candy and/or gum!  NOT A HUGE FAN.  Small guy!  Not a small fan either.  Just not a fan in general I guess!  Hmm.
    Yeah!  My overeating last night was MORE than a third of a binge but LESS than a half.  HENCE THE, "40%."  What else is up.  Got sprite going on now!  Will have coffee in three paragraphs!  ALONG WITH ANOTHER SODA PRESUMABLY.  VERY likely something else!  I like sprite RIGHT NOW but whose to say what I'd like in 3 paragraphs!  Hmm.  Mets doing real great at baseball this year.  EVERYONE contributing.  Lots of hitters and pitchers who are just performing Quite Well!  I LIKE IT.  Like a nice Balanced Breakfast but instead of Breakfast its Baseball Team.  Maybe new manager Buckford Showwlater is doing great and deserves some of the credit.  I DUNNO.  Not even sure what he sounds like.  All I know is his confused/angry facial expressions at points throughout the game.  OFTEN when a Met Hitter gets hit with the baseball.  They cut to Buck Showalter and his face is like WHAT C'MON HOW DARE YOU WITH THAT BULLSHIT.  I'm GOOD at reading faces.  That's what his face is saying.  TAKE MY WORD FOR IT IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT.
Hmm.  Belgian Waffle (Only capitalized because it starts the sentence) is BEST lunch I have in store for next three day but MAYBE I WANNA SAVE IT.  Maybe lots of things.  That's one of 'em!  Hmm.  Lets see what the exact sides are with Chicken Curry. Red and Yellow Peppers, Bak Choy, Carrots, and Snow Peas.  I can survive with those vegetables.  LIKE the peppers and carrots.  NOT SURE what Bak Choy is.  I don't like REGULAR peas but if Snow Peas are the thing I'm imagining I CAN TOLERATE them.  Also there's the chicken and the rice.  Anyway DELICIOUS HEARTY DINNER.  What else.  Another successful day of getting up On Time More Or Less and writing entry More Or Less.  Hmm.  Is ZOOM Therapy appointment tomorrow in MORNING or AFTERNOON.  I'm gonna guess AFTERNOON.  Let's CHECK.  YES I WAS RIGHT IT'S 9 AM EST.  AFTERNOON SOMEWHERE ELSE.  The Sun Never Sets On The Afternoon.  Hmm.  I saw a story or something a few days ago about how there's areas in the moon that are Reasonable Temperatures Permanently.  MANKIND CAN LIVE THERE.  Wait a second still no air.  NEVERMIND.
   Paragraph number cinco!  I like the idea of living on moon without space suit though. My FAVORITE part of imagining it is WALKING AROUND with lESS GRAVITY.  You CAN do it without floating off into space I think. I t's not THAT little gravity.  It'll just be LIKE EARTH BUT A LOT MORE FUN.  Hmm.  Better LTURQ what Bak Choy and Snow Peas are.  Still not sure what BOK Choy is after googling it.  Snow Peas ARE What I was imagining though.  37 different words for Snow Peas.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Just bring an oxygen tank with you to the moon areas which are reasonable temperature.  How hard is that.  EASY.  I wish I had an oxygen tank with me RIGHT NOW.  I'd breathe EVEN BETTER AIR THAN NORMAL.  Hmm.  I think having halfway indulgent ice cream sandwich last night blew up my Snacking.  Confused the issue!  Wasn't used to it.  Either that or somethin' else made me lose control.  Anyway.  Turkey Meatloaf/Health Spaghetti A LITTLE redundant with Chicken Curry.  Both are super market made prepared meals.  Hey coffee time.
  What else is going on and crap.  Aim to finish this act within Oh I Don't Know 40 minutes.  Pretty arbitrary number.  BUT if I am going to choose an arbitrary number THAT'S ONE WAY TO GO.  Probably will/REALLY AIM TO finish it in 30-35 minutes.  That's even better!  We'll see what happens I guess.  Gotta keep typing.  If I ZONE OUT time and again that'll make it last longer.  Makes sense.  What'd be a good SandwichSide.  I dunno.  Can't think of a good sandwichside right now!  And if I can't think of a good sandwichside GUESS WHAT probably shouldn't have the sandwich altogether.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Now that I've had more time to process Us Killing Al Quada Headmaster I LIKE IT BETTER.  YEAH.  I dunno.  Are we supposed to be happy that he's dead because of JUSTICE or because IT PREVENTS HIM FROM DOING MORE BAD STUFF.  BOTH?!?!  That's too difficult.  I can't have MULTIPLE REASONS for THINKING something.  Also IF NOT HIM then someone will take his place and try to Kill or Hurt innocent people.  Yeah but they won't be AS GOOD AT IT as he was.  Oh Okay.
    Seventh paragraph!  Amazing.  What are we doin' with this guy's body.  Do we even HAVE IT.  I know we threw Osama Bin Laden over board into the sea from whence he came.  Gotta imagine Bin Laden came from the Sea.  Maybe not.  Don't have all the details in front of me!  Also part of the weird thing about liking that we killed this guy is 95% of us had no idea who this guy was.  So suddenly we're just told SOME GUY IS DEAD-- AND IT'S GREAT!  And we have to QUICKLY be like OH OKAY THAT DOES SOUND GREAT I'M BESIDES MYSELF WITH JOY.  Anyway I dunno.  What else is up.  Maybe some people recognized his name more than I did.  Good for them.  I'm glad everything is working out for them.  They know people's names before they get killed either for JUSTICE or for them to NOT KILL MORE PEOPLE THEMSELVES.  They're way ahead of the game Knowing These People!  Hmm.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Doin' Some Great Time so far since I started estimating how much time I wanna knock the rest of this act out of the park at.
    YEAH.  What else is up.  Three paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  What do I got in store for Today DayTime Stuff.  Tales Crypt SURE but anything else???  HEY haven't watched Only Murders In That Building in a few weeks.  Probably a solid 3 or 3 episodes Stored Up at this point.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP I THINK I HAVE FOUR EPISODES.  That's an okay show. Sometimes it's funny!  Sometimes it's serious!  I DON'T KNOW IF I LIKE THE SERIOUS PARTS.  My life is SERIOUS enough.  Wait no it isn't.  My life is pretty SILLY if I may use a word I don't often use OR LIKE.  Either way what else is up.  I don't have to eat the Snow Peas or Bok Choy if I don't feel like it.  More than enough chicken and rice to fill me up Heartywise either way.  Hmm.  If I make Belgian Waffle WHAT KINDA COOKIN' AM I DOIN.  Probably oven.  OH OKAY THAT MAKES SENSE.  HEY Dad just came home.  When I'm done here and ON MY WAY OUT THE DOOR for next walk I can re-calibrate with him on when he wants to take HIS walk.  So I KNOW what I'm dealing with TIMEWISE moving forward.
    Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  Anyway.  What kinda music I been listening to lately.  RECENT music.  Oh okay that makes sense I guess.  Maybe just have belgian waffle for lunch.  CLEARLY as of now it's what I want to eat the most.  Gotta go with your gut!  GUT MIGHT CHANGE ITS MIND STILL.  So that's good.  Am I putting Artificial Sweetener ON TOP of it?  I dunno.  I usually ENJOY THAT for real.  AMAZING.  I dunno.  One and a half paragraphs to go for Act I. Let's give myself a solid 15 minutes to do that.  MORE THAN ENOUGH.  Unless I JUST DO NOTHING for 15 minutes.  Then it's LESS than enough.  BY AT LEAST FIFTEEN MINUTES.  Hmm.  I dunno.  What kinda GUM do I got coming up for next walk.  Think maybe PEPPERMINT.  Can't go wrong with PEPPERMINT.  I think MINT is doing most of the heavy lifting in the word Peppermint.  Pepper is WAY off from how this tastes.  PRETTY MINTY THOUGH let's be honest!
    Last paragraph of the Act!  HMM Dad gonna wanna take an early walk.  Which DELAYS my Third Walk.  BUT overall everything can still be fit in pretty reasonably.  What else is going on.  RE-UPPING WITH AMAZON ORDER WHICH MEANS RE-UPPING WITH QUEST BARS.  Gettin BIRTHDAY BARS and DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHUNK BARS.  My two favorite bars!  Birthday Bar OBVIOUS favorite Bar.  I feel like Double Chocolate Chunk has been my favorite ALTERNATIVE, chocolate based bar!  WOW THIS IS GREAT I CAN EAT A BIRTHDAY BAR TONIGHT ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL.  Cause I got PLENTY MORE COMING.  Also getting 2 bags of JUST CHOCOLATE tootsie pops. So now AGAIN I Can eat chocolate tootsie pops WHENEVER I WANT instead of RATIONING them.  Amazing this is great.  Was thinking about getting Impulse Uncontrollable Fiber Chocolate Chunk Cookie.  DECIDED AGAINST IT!  Makes sense.  Anyway what else is up.  These quest bars ain't cheap.  WORTH IT THOUGH.  Anyway time to take a walk.  Be back soon!




I Owe You As Much

    HEY!  Gonna be taking my next walk in about an hour.  So I can easily write these five paragraphs in that time span.  Presumably easily.  Thinking about maybe the Turkey Meatloaf for lunch now.  I CAN GO BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN THREE THINGS MANY TIMES OVER.  Thinking about having nice small dependable granola bar with DARK CHOCOLATE CHUNK.  WOW CHUNKS OF CHOCOLATE.  Maybe that's just what they say when it's sprinkled with chocolate but it's not in CHIP form.  Anything that's not a CHIP form (PYRAMID?) is a CHUNK.  Gonna have to look into that at some point I guess.  Big Baseball Trade!  One the Greats Young Hitters was traded to a team of ANOTHER of the Greats Young Hitters and one of the Greats Middle-aged-for-baseball-careers hitters.  IT'S LIKE FANTASY BASEBALL but EVEN MORE FANTASY.  San Diego Padres!  THE POPE WOULD BE PROUD.  Gotta imagine if the Pope follows Major League Baseball he MUST be rooting for the Padres, yeah?
Why did I say, "Yeah."  That's a British-type transitional phrase in that context.  Oh well what can ya do.  Fathers.  That's what it means, right?  San Diego Fathers.  Probably.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Gonna be back from third walk about FOURTY MINUTES later than usual.  Presumably I'm still having Upcoming Snack at roughly same time IN TERMS OF ACTIVITIES and not IN TERMS OF TIME OF DAY.  BUT THAT COULD CHANGE I GUESS.  Hmm.  Finished Doghead FishBowl Beer.  Down to Bud Light!  I got a lot out of Fancy Craft Beer.  Look forward to this situatation coming up again in a month or so!  Where I need new beer for Upcoming Week but an entire 18 cans would be TOO MUCH TO STORE.  Hmm great what else is going on.  What to watch on TV during upcoming DayTime.  MAYBE THERE'S A FIVE HOUR LONG PROGRAM discussing the quality of the prospects and rookies the WASHINGTON NATIONALS got in return for trading One Of The Greats Young Players.  Can't wait to see some ANALYSIS of what they got in return!  My guess is I'll be like THAT'S ALL?!?!  THEY GOT FLEECED!  WHICH IS A SHIRT REFERENCE I BELIEVE.  Fleece shirt.  Right?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP THAT ALL CHECKS OUT APPARENTLY.
Yeah!  Three paragraphs to go for DAYTIME.  Anyway second day of August.  We're in THE THICK OF IT NOW.  Is that a phrase?  Feels like that would be a phrase.  Looking forward to a shower now that I realized I can have water Slightly Cooler.  THIS IS GREAT.  I should be showering with EVEN COLDER water than the last couple of days.  Let's really have some fun with it!  Anyway I THINK got 3 Cookie Dough Bars and 2 Smore Bars.  Decent alternatives to Birthday Bar but obviously not as good as CHOCOLATE CHUNK.  BOTH IN TASTE AND CALORIES.  Chocolate Chunk TASTES BETTER AND IS SLIGHTLY LESS CALORIES.  THIS IS A NO BRAINER.  Just like some ANIMALS.  What animals out there don't have a brain.  I wanna say OCTOPUS or something.  Lemme LTURQ.  JELLYFISH, STARFISH, SOME OTHER FISH.  I was CLOSE with OCTOPUS is the point but NOT 100% ON TARGET.  So that's still pretty good.  I'll settle for Being Close on EVERYTHING even if it means I'm NEVER 100% ON TARGET.  FAIR COMPROMISE to follow through on for the rest of my life I feel!
Okay.  Who was the Wizard Of Oz guy without a brain.  Either Scarecrow or Robot.  IN REAL LIFE NEITHER HAVE BRAINS.  But only ONE of them SPECIFICALLY didn't have a brain.  Lemme LTURQ.  SCARECROW wants a brain.  Makes sense.  Robots might have CIRCUITRY that REPLICATES brainpower.  Scarecrow got NOTHIN.  Also I don't know if this guy is a robot.  I think he's just made out of TIN.  Not sure what that is exactly OH WELL gotta move on with our lives.  Hmm.  One and a half paragraphs to go for DayTime.  Cowardly Lion has a brain.  Not a brain operating at HUMAN LEVEL.  But a brain nonetheless!  Good for him is the point.  What is it that Dorothy doesn't have.  A WAY HOME.  Yep that sounds about accurate.  Well she's ON HER WAY HOME while trying to get on her way home.  That's KIND OF a way home.  Either way I dunno.  Never seen the movie!  Can't even say for sure THERE IS a movie.  I'm just trusting Everyone Else AT THEIR WORD that there's a film called The Wizard Of Oz.  Anyway hey just one more paragraph to go I guess!
Hmm.  Still have OLD WHITE BREAD that I could have a slice of toast with the Turkey Meatloaf Meal.  AMAZING.  I had a piece yesterday and it wasn't MOLDY OR ANYTHING.  Probably minimally moldy.  Gotta imagine there's AT LEAST .05% MOLD on this bread.  I CAN TOLERATE THAT LEVEL OF MOLD I FEEL.  Hmm.  Starting to ENJOY Incline Route around Fallen Tree on Park Walk.  Not so bad!  I THINK overall the Slightly Different Route is about ANALOGOUS in terms of TIME TAKEN.  maybe a little bit more or a little bit less.  Haven't kept track EXPLICITLY well enough.  MAYBE I DO THAT TODAY.  IMPOSSIBLE I can onl ytake Incline Route and not Other Route Again.  So I can't COMPARE the two.  I can only do ONE and PRESUME what the other one USED to be.  Oh okay that all makes a lot of sense.  I mean it is LOGICAL.  Not sure how much sense it makes in terms of Making You Read It and Making Myself Think It.  Either way I dunno.  That's it for DAYTIME Today.  See ya tonight!




let me leave you with this

    HEY YA KNOW WHAT.  Maybe the reason I've been Excessive Snacking at night is because of DIRECTION.  I write Act III Part Is on surface facing NORTH instead of EAST.  TIS IS THE SURFACE I SIT AT WHEN I EAT LUNCHES AND DINNERS.  So when I'm sitting here writing Act III Part Is MY BODY THINKS IT SHOULD BE EATING RIGHT NOW.  Well I'm glad we finally got to the bottom of that.  Think I'm gonna try to eat less snacks.  SOLID FOUR SNACKS.  MORNING SNACK  AFTERNOON SNACK  NIGHTTIME SNACK  BEDTIME SNACK.  VERY REASONABLE, VERY DELICIOUS, VERY SUSTAINABLE, VERY RESPONSIBLE, VERSY RESPONSIVE, VERY FIRST RESPONDERS, VERY RESPLENDID, VERY RE-CALIBRATING, CALIBRATING, etc.  Got beer going.  Back to Bud Light!  This time around I am TASTING IT MORE and it tastes FINE.  It reminds me of the taste of the beer I would get at Open Mic regularly!  BECAUSE IT IS TAT BEER.  But for some reason all the times I've had it since then UNTIL NOW I didn't really REGUSTER the taste too much.  HEY THAT'S LIFE I GUESS.
Had delicious Hearty Quest Barr as AFTERNOON snack today.  So far WORKED OUT OKAY.  Presumably having a Goldon Graham Barr as NIGHTTIME SNACK.  That'll be during ACT III RECESS PRESUMABLY.  Well sure if you PRESUME about it ANYTHING CAN BE PRESUMABLE.  Not sure what that means.  Which is fair.  Because I don't know what Presume means.  PRESUME is like ASSUME but NOT AS SERIOUS.  That's what, "Presume," means to the best of my knowledge.  HEY had delicious Turkey Meatloaf with Health Spaghetti and Stale (OR NOT?) Toast for lunch.  Delicious Chicken Curry for dinner.  ALL WENT GREAT.  More or less.  RICE WAS BROWN.  Not the most delicious rice I've ever aten.  SHE'S A TEN BUT THE WORD IS ACTUALLY, "EATEN."  Did I do that right?  I think I did.  Hmm.  Superstar Mets pitcher returned from Injury Break today!  SO FAR He's doing QUITE WELL.  That's his business not mine.  Oh well.  I guess later on tonight I will be updated by twitter on How Bad Today's Primaries went.  My guess is THEY WILL GO PRETTY BAD.  As far as I can tell the main thing at stake across the country for today specifically is HOW BAD ARE THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY WINNERS GONNA BE IN RELATION TO THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY LOSERS.  Also THEY'RE ALL LOSERS IN MY BOOK.  Also WRITING A BOOK ON LOSERS.  IT'S COMING ALONG.  That's all I have to say about that.  GIVE IT TIME I'll get there.
Hmm.  Taking out garbage in about 35 minutes.  I could be on recess by then.  I could be on LOTS OF THINGS by then.  Whatever.  Birthday Barr this afternoon.  It's DISTURBING how much better the Birthday Quest Bar is Than ANYTHING ELSE IN EXISTENCE.  Not even close!  There's THIS, then JESUS, then A HUGE LOTTA SPACE, and then third best thing.  Presumably Double Chocolate Chunk Quest Bar.  Yeah that rings true I guess.  I was listening to a NAS song and he said Jesus died when he was 33.  I thought he was 36 for some reason.  Where did I get 36 from.  Either way I'm 33.  I hope I don't die when I'm 33.  VERY pot committed to wanting to live beyond the next 4 months and a week.  I TINK SO at least.  Guess I still got 4 months and a week to change my mind about that.  Might wanna Die at that point.  I guess we'll have to wait and see.  If Jesus didn't die when he was 36 SOMEONE did.  I WONDER WHO I'M CONFUSING JESUS WITH.  BOB MARLEY possibly.  He, Marilyn Monrue, and Princess Dye are the MAIN three who died when they were 36.  AND LORD BYRON.  WHO THE HELL IS LORD BYRON?  IMO either a Dracula Protagonist or some sort of VANITY POET.
    Whatever.  MINOR Dracula Protagonist.  Not the MAIN HERO OF THE STORY.  Anyway.  WE say Lord Byron but apparently his actual title was, "Baron."  BARON BYRON.  NO WONDER HE DROPPED, "BARON," and went with, "Lord," EVEN IF IT IS A STEP DOWN (Which I am assuming it is BASED ON ABSOLUTELY NOTHING) because Baron Byron sounds DUMB.  BORON.  I think Donald Trump named his kid Baron because he thought AS LONG AS I'M WITH A KID NAMED BARON NOBODY WILL TINK I'M THE DUMBEST PERSON IN THE ROOM.  Not sure about the, "Logic," of that joke.  Not sure about the, "Joke," of that joke.  NOT SURE about a lot of things these days!  Hmm.  Lord Byron was the forefather of EMO per my understanding.  Before him young white men didn't know what to do with themselves.  BE BROODING it turns out.  Pioneer in the field of being a Young White Man Jerk!  Seems to check out relatively accurately.  Let's go with that.  I wanna be brooding.  I feel like I'd be a lot happier IF ONLY I WERE MORE BROODING.  I'm way past the age to be Brooding though.  No one wants a 33 year old Brooder.
   Fifth paragraph of the act!  Somehow, "Brooder," is accepted as a word. wioda.  I wrote, "Wioda," because I typed random keys to see if ANYTHING would be accepted as a word. NOPE.  WIODA has Red Wave (MIDTERMS 2022!)y lines under it.  Not a word!  Explicitly!  Is it possible Brooder is a kind of DOG?  Nope I'm thinking of the word, "Breed."  Brood is not a kind of Breed NO MATTER HOW NICELY THAT WOULD TIE EVERYTHING UP IN A BOW.  The point is I FORGET.  Presumably WILL write six paragraph Act III Part I before Recess.  Recess is in TEN TO TWENTY MINUTES.  EASY THIS IS WORKING OUT PERECTLY.  What else is going on and crap.  Just finished Beer #1 of 2.  Beer.  Brood.  Breed.  Nirvana song called, "Breed."  I DON'T RESPOND WELL TO ORDERS.  Well maybe I do.  BUT I DON'T LIKE IT either way.  Hmm.  Put Goldon Graham Barr in fridge about an hour and a half ago.  Think I'll TAKE IT OUT about 15 minutes BEFORE I eat it.  WHICH WILL BE SOON PRESUMABLY.  Eh I'll just do it after Tomorrow Paragraph.  By which I mean next paragraph.  I associate the word, "Tomorrow," with, "NEXT," ACCURATELY.  BUT i still used the word VERY MUCH INCORRECTLY.  But I think you can UNDERSTAND how I got CONFUSED.
    Amazing.  Therapy Zoom appointment tomorrow morning!  GREAT.  I take a walk AFTER That appointment and I'm AHEAD OF SCHEDULE.  AMAZING.  Got balanced breakfast going on tomorrow morning.  Probably BEFORE appointment but WHAT IF IT TWERE AFTER NO ONE WOULD SEE THAT COMING LEAST OF ALL THERAPIST ZOOMER.  HEY WHAT TE HELL.  Call Generation Z ZOOMERS.  You know cause the Other Generation Baby Boomers.  Oft abbreviated, "Boomers."  Call this new generation ZOOMERS EXPECIALLY if they turn out to Work remotely often, like on Zoom.  GIVE ME ROYALTIES EVERY TIME TIS CATCHES ON because I think it's got a solid 20% chance to EXTREMELY CATCH ON.  I like those odds!  Boy oh boy am I gonna be sitting pretty once these royalties start rolling in.  I CAN'T WAIT!  Anyway what else isup.  Hmm.  I think I made my point.  That I'm a genius.  Came up with, "Zoomers."  Also at what point do we stop calling them, "BABY BOOMERS."  They've been FULL GROWN ADULTS FOR A WHILE NOW.  Ugh.  I'll be back in about 15 minutes or so I guess.  Hey sounds like a good time to take Goldon Graham Barr out of fridge!  Be back soon!.`

   ANYWAY.  Goldon Graham Barr turning into Nice Dependable Mid-Level Snack.  130 calories!  NOT 70-100 calories.  NOT 170-210 calories.  MID LEVEL.  VERY DEPENDABLE.  I'm happy with how it's all turning out!  I remember BACK IN TEH DAY (a month and a half ago?) I enjoyed Cinnamon Toast Crunk bars but was SKEPTICAL about this one because it's 30 more calories.  TURNS OUT IT MAY BE WORTH IT.  AND WHAT A MONTH AND A HALF ITS BEEN!  Probably.  Probably what.  Probably Been A Month And A Half.  Anyway FINISHED THAT.  Now time to START BEER #2.  Presumably have Health Ice Cream Bar with NightTime SleepTime.  What a wonderful new routine POTENTIALLY.  No more bonus small snacks.  IF I WANT A TOOTSIE POP THAT SUCKER BETTER BE THE GENERAL ONE-TIME-ONLY NIGHTTIME SNACK.  Oh well such is life.  METS GAME more or less is over.  What does that mean.  It's not over.  It's relatively competitive.  It's plausible The Mets ( THE TEAM BEHIND BY FOUR RUNS ) can turn it around.  NAH Let's just call it.  I'VE SEEN ENOUGH.  METS LOSE 5-1.
Three paragraphs to go!  Not sure when exactly my New Barrs are coming but I'm pretty comfortable that they'll come soon enough.  The only question is the Birthday Barr Equation.  I have ONE right now.  If I had that tomorrow or the next day, will that potentially set me up for a period of time I MAY WANT A BIRTHDAY BARR but be COMPLETELY UNABLE to have one?  SURE.  Then again when I get blood work done I GET MY MOM CIGARETTES AND I CAN GET A ONE-OFF QUEST BAR FROM THAT STORE.  A flavor I've NEVER HAD BEFORE preferably.  VARIETY IS TEH SPICE OF LIFE.  That's it I've seen enough.  VARIETY: THE SPICE OF LIFE WINS.  Hmm.  For a long time I've settled into BedTime Snack being Ice Cream.  Wasn't always that way!  Used to sometimes be a bag of pretzels or something.  Wonder how it happened that it became just ice cream.  TRANSITIONAL PERIOD WHERE IT WAS EITHER ICE CREAM OR TOOTSIE POP.  Hmm. I still feel like there's something INTUITIVE about going to bed and NOT WANTING SOLID FOOD.  Eat some ice cream IT'S SOFTER, half digested already more or less, your tummy won't be Hard At Work while you're busy sleeping.
Penultimate paragraph!  Amazing. Where am I.  Website.  Oh.  Okay.  Let's keep doing that for roughly Oh I Don't Know FIFTEEN MINUTES.  Does that include SPELL CHECK?  Only time can tell!  Looked at Amazon and there's A SHIT LOAD of WEIRD, DIFFERENT Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars.  But A) through third parties (HOPEFULLY NOT ANDREW YANG'S) and B) WAY TOO EXPENSIVE compared to how many you get.  Also NOT THE EXACT KIND I'm used to.  SURE I'd like the others probably but I can't justify spending so much money for so little bars.  So there's that.  Anyway.  Looks like Kansas Abortion Measure Proposition Bill Amendment will... Go the Pro-Choice way.  I'm seeing CONFLICTING REPORTS on how, "IN THE BAG," it is at this point!  Hopefully IN TEH BAG ENOUGH THAT IT'S IN TEH BAG.  That'd be what I'M rooting for at least.  What else is up.  I dunno.  I think I'm SUCCESSFULLY IN-BETWEEN episodes of Tales Crypt.  After FOREVER AMBERGRIS.  Before I WANNA SAY, "FOOD FOR THOUGHT?"  Let's LTURQ.  YEP NAILED IT.
Wow only one more paragraph to go.  Then I get to move on with my life for a while. Mostly sleeping.  That's what I'm gonna spend Most Of My Life On in the upcoming Time Period.  So that's good.  HEY Mets game officially ended.  With them losing.  Oh well.  SOME PLAYER(s?) performed well today and in the end you gotta take WINS WHERE YOU CAN.  Hmm.  I think I'm gonna try to PAY REAL CLOSE ATTENTION to Food For Thought while I'm getting ready to fall into slumberland.  Maybe.  I could think of worse ways to spend the next Shorter Period Of Time!  I think I know JUST THE HEALTH ICE CREAM SANDWICH BAR THAT'S NOT A SANDWICH BUT IS A BAR to have when FOOD FOR THOUGHT is over and it's TIME FOR ME TO CLOSE MY EYES FOR GOOD for a while.  No Spoilers but it's A GOOD ONE.  Hmm.  LOOK snacking after dinner Thus Far has gone EXACTLY AS PLANNED.  I've had the snacking PRE-dinner down pat pretty well for months.  If I can figure out AFTER DINNER?  AND NO MIGHTNIGHT?  We're talking LIFE HAS MORE OR LESS LOCKED INTO PLACE I GUESS FOR THE NEXT FEW DECADES.  Amazing.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-9:59 P.M.




Monday, August 1, 2022

I'm Ready To Write

    Hi friends!  New Month of website!  Will it revert back to slightly different format that it was before last month?  My guess is YES.  Is that ultimately a BETTER format?  For MY devices it is.  No way of knowing about whether it's better for your devices.  UNLESS I DO A WORLD WIDE WEB POLL.  I ain't gonna do that.  I remember Polls were the height of novelty on ANGELFIRE websites.  You got a poll on your angelfire page THAT'S TONS OF FUN.  Almost as fun as a VISITOR COUNTER.  That's great for YOU and for viewers.  EVERYONE Is aware how many visitors are coming.  GOOD.  Should be public information.  Anyway.  MOST SUCCESSFUL Angel fire Page.  I gotta know what it was.  Maybe a top 10 for most successful BUSINESS angelfire pages and a top ten for most successful PERSONAL VANITY angelfire pages.  Hmm.  Anyway I'm about 20 minutes behind schedule today-- no big problem at all!  Only potential problem is having to accept Amazon Fresh delivery between 3 and 5 PM.  Could make walks CrunchTime and whatknot.  We'll see!  ONE PARAGRAPH DOWN.
Did some might night snacking last night.  Somewhere between A FAIR AMOUNT and Actually this is slightly beyond fair This IS No Good.  I don't REMEMBER well enough.  Had Classic Breakfast of Pop Tart + Ice Cream Sandwich.  So that's good.  LUNCH TODAY.  Hmm.  Turkey meatloaf, veggie burger, turkey sandwich, chicken curry.  RIGHT NOW leaning towards eating chicken curry or veggie burger for DINNER tomorrow.  NOT SET IN STONE THOUGH.  SPEAKING OF SET IN STONE time to TURN THE PAGE on World Travel Patriotism Calendar.  See what Place is the theme for August 22.  I'M SO EXCITED.  LET'S CHECK IT OUT.  County Donegal, Ireland.  BEAUTIFUL.  LOVE IT.  There's a nice picture of some cliffs and sea and perhaps a lighthouse.  I dunno why But I LIKE IRELAND WORLD TRAVEL DESTINATION.  HEY blurb says, "Named the 'coolest place on the planet for 2017.'  COOLEST IN WHAT REGARD?  YOU KNOW WHAT DON'T ANSWER THAT.  I'd rather JUST SPECULATE.  Man oh man I wanna go to Special Ireland destination.  Is there an Ireland in Epcot Center?  Solid Let's say 1/3rd chance there is.  That's more CONVENIENT than ACTUAL Ireland.  NOPE.  They got, "United Kingdom," as opposed to JUST ENGLAND.  Is Ireland part of United Kingdom?  I think PART OF IT IS?  Lemme LTURQ.  I should know this.  NORTHERN Ireland is part of UK.  NOW LET'S SEE IF THIS PLACE IS NORTHERN OR SOUTH.  LOOKS LIKE NOURTHERN.  SCORE ONE FOR THE UK!
Any good PATRIOTISM/World Travel Days this month?  TODAY is, "Civic Holiday (CAN) Summer Bank Holiday (Scotland).  I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.  I don't know if it's ONE THING or TWO THINGS.  Either way KINDA WANNA LTURQ.  Oh wait no CAN means Canada.  SO that's two different things.  Anyway WAY TO GO naming a holiday Civic Holiday.  REALLY CUTS THROUGH THE B.S.  Let's see what they celebrate Civically and whatknot.  Hmm.  Based on SEVEN SECONDS of looking at WIKIPEDIA Page maybe it celebrates LOCALITIES in Canada as opposed to ENTIRE Canada.  Could easily be wrong there.  Anyway.  SUMMER BANK HOLIDAY WHAT THE HELL.  Looks like just some Banking Day Off Or Something.  Ugh.  What other days we got.  Summer Bank Holiday (UK excl. Scotland) on August 29th.  WHAT THE HELL IS IT WITH THESE PEOPLE AND SUMMER BANK HOLIDAYS.  Anyway that's about it for this month.  Lots of MOON updates.  First quarter, full moon, new moon, etc.  YOU GET THE IDEA.  MOON CONTINUES TO OPERATE AS USUAL.
    METS GAME at 7:10 PM.  By which I mean 7:05 PM.  You could see how I could get confused.  SUPERSTAR METS PITCHER PITCHING TONIGHT.  OTHER SUPERSTAR pitcher COMING BACK TOMORROW NIGHT after a YEAR on Disabling List.  Presumably.  Could easily get injured before then.  It's a dangerous world out there!  Gotta be careful!  HEY a dozen new movies just, "Dropped," On SHUTTER.  Seen half of them before!  Good ones!  Maybe I watch one or two AGAIN.  Either way National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Ice Cream Sandwich Day.  AMAZING.  I'll knock that out of the park presumably.  Maybe not, though!  I'm due to eat Last Freedom Chip Pancake possibly for morning.  I'll eat more ice cream over the day but MAYBE NOT SANDWICH.  THEN AGAIN I'm re-upping with MINI ICE CREAM SANDWICHES today.  EASILY can eat that as a snack tomorrow.  Good deal!  What else is up.  I WAS READY to try adding a Lucky Charms Barr to order but I'M TOO LATE.  Maybe it's for the best.  Never had/enjoyed lucky charms.  But I was READY to give BARR VERSION a chance.  Oh well such is life.
Fifth paragraph!  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta get excited about something for lunch.  Let's go through my options!  Veggie Burger?  NOT EXCITING AS OF NOW.  Turkey meatloaf?  NOPE.  Turkey Sandwich?  NAH.  Chicken curry?  No! ...Steak and Eggs for lunch instead of dinner?  I could do that but I SHANT.  Anyway you get the idea I got lots of tough decisions to make in life.  This is just one example of such things.  Hey I get to have coffee pretty soon.  That's not bad!  I like doing that and whatknot.  Today is MONDAY.  Leaning towards Turkey Sandwich.  Kinda the DEFAULT lunch.  Might as well go with DEFAULT lunch.  Also I get to decide a wonderful appropriate SandwichSide.  So that's always fun.  IRELAND EH.  I'll go to ireland.  Preferably by SHIP.  Preferably NOT THE TITANIC.  They should rebuild the Titanic 100% faithful to original design.  I think people would get a kick out of it!  I KNOW I WOULD.  Well I don't KNOW.  I'm GUESSING I would.  Not a kick enough to PARTICIPATE.  But I'd ENJOY the contribution to our Portion Of The Multiverse that we live in a world with New Titanic.  Hey coffee time!
  What else is good.  Got the presumable short film prequel to Texas Chainsaw Massacre!  I can watch that until I get 5 minutes into it and realize I already watched this and already didn't like it.  SO that's good.  HOW MANY PEOPLE on The Titanic just legitimately wanted to get from Europe to America and how many people were like HEY THIS MAY BE A BLAST AND A HALF IN AND OF ITSELF LET'S DO IT.  I'd LTURQ but I dunno.  Google how many passengers on Titanic Wanted To Get Somewhere.  Hmm.  NOT SEEING ANY INFO relative to my question.  Oh well that's life.  I'd watch The Titanic again.  Been a while.  Possibly NEVER seen it all the way through since Theaters 25 years ago.  I dunno.  Maybe 40% chance I had it on VHS somehow.  Recorded from live TV.  Would it fit on ONE VHS.  I dunno!  The point is IF I HAD IT I didn't EMPLOY IT very often at all.  So that's life.  Part of life at last.  Not THE WHOLE thing.
    SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Today could be good.  Too early to tell but WHY NOT.  I can FIGURE OUT how to make today Work.  Four paragraphs to go.  Ideally within 30 minutes or so.  Could go over but 30 minutes would be ideal &/v whatknot.  THEN AGAIN SOONER WOULD BE EVEN MORE IDEAL.  It MAKES A DIFFERENCE.  I dunno I feel like based on the time I woke up/took walk/got back/started entry I'm a BIT behind what my schedule WOULD IMPLY.  Not sure why.  Didn't do that much Other Stuff.  Didn't hit That Many Walls.  Oh well such is life.  I dunno maybe I'm like 5-10 minutes behind.  NOT REALLY THAT MUCH.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Dad is on A doctor appointment good deal.  Hey wonder if that Comedy Class that starts next Monday is still available.  AH that one is sold out.  Next one would be Augyst 24th starting. Okay I guess we can just agree this won't be happening a this point.  Also WHAT DOES IT SAY ABOUT ME that I'd prefer Lady Teacher to Man Teacher.  Is it BAD THING.  I JUST LIKE LOOKING AND HEARING AT LADIES so sue me.  I will do NOTHING to make them uncomfortably (consciously).  I JUST GET A KICK OUT OF THE FORCED INTERACTION AND WHATKNOT.  Leave me alone about it!
    Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Maybe look around and see if there's any ZOOM comedy/writing/etc classes out there.  Probably something in that regard!  Then again it's LESS FUN and EXCITING that way.  I can look into that sure no problem.  What else is up.  Re-upping with Chocolate Caramel Pretzel Fiber Bar.  70 Calories!  These bars are GREAT as a SMALLER snack than usual.  Gettin TWO BOXES Of five each.  That should last me TEN.  I did the numbers and everything!  What else is up.  AUGUST FIRST.  Well okay sure.  What's August gonna be all about.  DOG DAYS of August.  WHY.  My guess is Dogs DISLIKE August.  TOO HOT.  Lemme LTURQ.  HMM SOME ANCIENT ROMAN THING.  And it's July 3rd through August 11.  So we ARE smack dab in middle of Dog Days but it's NOT AUGUST EXACTLY.  Anyway Romans like dogs.  OR dislike dogs.  I didn't read the Google Results carefully enough.  I know they were founded by WOLVES.  Wovles are just dogs more or less, right?  Makes sense then.  In Ancient Roman times of Democracy did they speculate on the exact intentions of how Romulus and Remus would have instructed society and the government to act.  I THINK THAT WOLF WOULD WANT US TO HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS ETC.  Also what was the equivalent of bearing arms in Ancient Democracy Rome.  I dunno some sort of WALLOPING BASEBALL BAT?
Two paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  I assume Romulus was the FINAL FOUNDER and is the one who ate Remus.  Because ROME seems to come from ROMULUS as a WORD more than Remus.  Better LTURQ.  YEP SEEMS TO CHECK OUT.  Anyway good for them.  I know we talk about PEOPLE raised by wolves all the time (Do we?) but how about AN ENTIRE CIVILIZATION raised by wolves.  Also PRETTY GOOD CIVILIZATION.  Lots of bad stuff too sure.  But they also knocked some stuff out of the park.  PHILOSOPOPHY.  BEGINNINGS OF DEMOCRACY/REPUBLIC?  ARCHITECTURE?  They got a lot to be proud about.  Good for them. Also the time where GLADIATOR happened.  The movie.  That was fun!  Definitely a high water mark in History Of Rome.  Ugh.  I'd watch some Gladiator now that I think about it.  I got it on DVD!  I think I watched it on DVD a year or two ago.  I CAN WATCH IT AGAIN.  All things being equal.  And DVD working.  Also maybe I don't really wanna watch it.  Oh well that's life.
    Last paragraph of the act!  Good deal!  POP CHIPS coming my way.  Still got some kettle chips I need to finish.  Still got WHEAT THINS I'd HAPPILY finish.  But now I got POP CHIPS TOO.  PROVE ME WRONG YOU CAN'T.  Sour cream and onion.  DELICIOUS flavor.  Slightly less calories than OTHER delicious flavors.  THIS IS GONNA GO GREAT FOR ME I FEEL.  Hmm.  That'd be good side for Turkey Sandwich.  BUT it probably wouldn't arrive until AFTER today lunch.  Really makes ya think doesn't it.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Successfully got up on time today I guess.  That's how it appears at least.  Too bad I don't have another Pancake.  I'd enjoy 2 freedom chip pancakes again as a lunch sure why not.  Cause I gotta knock other meals out of the way.  Well SURE when you put it THAT way.  Could have meal replacement cookie.  DON'T BE AN IDIOT.  What else is up.  Wearing my WILCO shirt.  Probably the tightest shirt I still have.  And still isn't TOO tight even though I've gained 10+ pounds since Lowest weight at around Turn Of The Year.  PROBABLY MORE LIKE 11 or 12 POUNDS.  OH NO.  Time for a walk I guess.



Not Much Has Changed

    Hi!  Give myself a solid 40 minutes to write this act.  More than enough presumably!  Thinkin' about Veggie Burger + Kettle Chips for lunch.  POTENTIALLY DELICIOUS DEPENDABLE 'DARK CHOCOLATE CHUNK' GRANOLA BAR as snack between lunch and dinner.  HOLY SHIT.  CHUNK.  Now we're talking some language!  Anyway got coffee #1.75 as well as some sprite.  So all that's good and crap.  Maybe delicious Keto Bar Brownie for upcoming snack in about Oh I Don't Know 75 minutes.  GREAT.  How long am I supposed to put veggie burger in oven?  I think I'm gonna go with 40 minutes!  Might be a little high but not gonna DESTROY the veggie burger.  Just make it WELLER DONE.  I like Steak medium well and I like burgers well HOWEVER I always ask for burgers medium well too now that I think about it which seems kind of counter-intuitive and dumb.  Maybe I DO like burgers medium-well, too!  If I'm ORDERING IT I'm gonna ask Medium Well for burgers.  If I'm MAKING IT I'ma make it well done.  MY BODY MY CHOICE.
    Okay.  What else is crap.  I FEEL CONFLICTED about how to order steaks.  I feel like there's this pervasive thought that MANLY MEN EAT RAWER STEAKS.  BUT My Dad-- the manliest man template in my life!-- would get steaks BURNT.  I FEEL LIKE if I fall somewhere in the middle FOR ME That's The Manliest Man I Can Be.  Also kinda like the taste best that way.  But mainly the trying to be a Manly Man thing.  Now that I think about it probably mainly the taste thing.  Oh Okay then DISREGARD everything I just said!  What else is up.  Dad don't eat steak anymore!  I dunno if he just can't TOLERATE IT or just DOESN'T WANT IT or BOTH.  Possibly just NOT ON BOARD WITH RED MEAT anymore.  What else is up and crap.  MONDAY!  Been a while since I had a steak cut that wasn't the steak cut that comes in Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Steak cut with Steak * Eggs is FINE.  Probably a little less FANCY.  TASTY THOUGH.  I HAVE NO COMPLAINTS.  Not regarding this at least.  PLENTY of complaints in life for something elses.  So that's good.
   Three paragraphs to go!  So Much Time to write them!  Ice cream sandwich day isn't until TOMORROW.  I can DEFINITELY have smaller ice cream sandwich as a snack at some point.  THIS IS WORKING OUT GREAT I GUESS.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna have to either put veggie burger in oven directly before a walk so it's ready 10 minutes after I get back OR take a relatively long period between walks and put it in right after I get back from a walk.  THAT MAKES A TON OF SENSE RE: HAVING TO BE HERE FOR A BIG WINDOW TO ACCEPT SUPER MARKET DELIVERY ANYWAY.  So I got that going for me is the point.  COULD make frozen Freedom Fries but I'D RATHER knock some Kettle Chips out of the park.  DAN RATHER.  Huh.  GREAT now anyone googling Dan Rather is gonna see this website come up in the first half dozen pages.  I DON'T NEED THAT.  GET OFF MY WEBSITE THIS AIN'T FOR YOU.  YOU WANT  SOMETHING ELSE.  SOMETHING MORE ABOUT DAN RATHER.
Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day!  Good deal.  Easily can write 2 paragraphs in 20 minutes and 20 minutes is easily good enough for me to be On Track for rest of day stuff.  Nice PARK walk coming up.  Maneuver around Tree REAL GOOD.  I'm starting to ENJOY this.  I gotta walk up a RELATIVELY steep incline-- not as steep an incline as I was doing the first few times I tried finding a better route-- but it's WORTH IT.  Also KINDA FUN.  Only a small part of the Incline am I REALLY at risk and I just POWER THROUGH IT hoping my steps are appropriate enough that I don't Fall down and break something.  YA GOTTA PLAY TO WIN.  Something like that.  I dunno.  What else is up and crap.  Got ZOOM therapist appointment Wednesday.  MAY be getting blood work later this week OR next Monday.  THAT'S GREAT SO MUCH CHORES AND RESPONSIBILITIES BUT I CAN HANDLE 'EM.  DAN HANDLE.  Don Cheadle.  Closest name to Dan Handle as I could come up with on such short notice.  Whatever happened to The Wonder Years.  My best guess is THEY MADE AN ENTIRE SECOND HALF OF A SEASON compared to the episodes I watched.  Feel like I watched 8-10 episodes.  LET'S LTURQ.  22 Episodes.  Based on TITLES I think I watched 12.
   AMAZING.  One more paragraph to go for now.  What else do I got in store for today.  Oh right probably 80 minutes of Texas Chain Saw massacring that I PROBABLY haven't seen yet.  I watched a 1 minute trailer.  Kinda feel like I got 40% of All The Chainsaw Massacring WITHIN THAT ONE MINUTE.  Only one way to make sure though.  ASK THE AUDIENCE.  Phone a friend THEORETICALLY But I wouldn't know who to phone.  My brother!  Only friend I have!  And I dunno if I can LEGALLY phone him because he's FAMILY not a FRIEND.  50/50 doesn't help at all.  It's a YES OR NO question.  TRUE OR FALSE.  50/50 would either JUST LEAVE BOTH OPTIONS OR GIVE ME THE ABSOLUTE EXACT RESPONSE depending on your interpretation.  In which case, if its the second one, SIGN ME UP FOR SOME 50/50!  What's going on again.  Oh right how much massacring with chainsaws have I already seen.  I'll find out by watching the film I guess.  HEY that's it for now.  See ya tonight!




new order of words than before

    Hello friends!  What's up!  I WATCHED MORE TRAILER for Tales From the Chainsaw Massacre Movie and deduced I THINK I SAW THIS ONE ALREADY.  So I didn't watch that again.  What kind of idiot watches the same thing over and over again?  That's the definition of Insanity!  Watching Wrong Things over and over again!  What if you're watching the RIGHT thing.  Then you're some sort of GENIUS for watching it over and over again!  That's been my experience at least.  Anyway had delicious fudgesicle just now after delicious Steak * Eggs Part II just a bit earlier.  GOT BELGIAN WAFFLE WITH EGG WHITE for Future Lunch and Two Future Balanced Breakfasts.  WOW WHAT A GREAT.  Tomorrow night will be INDULGENT CHICKEN CURRY.  WOW THAT AMAZEMENT.  Joe Biden gave a speech saying IF IT TWEREN'T FOR HIM SOME OTHER GUY WOULD STILL BE ALIVE.  We can't be having THAT happen.  Look I get the world is probably a better place that this guy is dead.  It just always feels weird to me to Celebrate Killing People so enthusiastically.  Like it's the most natural thing in the world to be like HEY WE KILLED SOMEONE.  FINALLY SOMETHING EVERYONE CAN SUPPORT AND BE EXCITED ABOUT.
Probably a good thing!  I just don't GET OFF on it.  So GET OFF my back.  Got 2 of The Good beers left.  Have those suckers tonight.  I like the sound of that.  Re-upped with some Amazon FRESH today.  THEY SOLIDLY HAD EVERYTHING I ASKED FOR EXCEPT FOR ONE THING.  Was supposed to get TWO different flavored of Enlightened: The Healthy Ice Cream Bar Enterprise.  They just gave me 2 boxes of the same flavor.  Presumably the other flavor turned out to not be in stock.  Either way I'LL SURVIVE but I'm not happy about it.  I mean I AM happy about SURVIVING.  IT'S A LOT BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE.  I just wish I had better options WHILE surviving.  I wish I could survive AND have the extra ice cream flavor.  Beggars can't be choosers.  Sure they can.  They just might have to go on begging because What They Want To Choose Still Isn't In The Cards.  No reasons beggars can't have standards though.  SURE It would lead to EXPONENTIALLY MORE BEGGING but that's a solid way to live their lifes if they feel like it.  So GET OFF their backs about it!
    Hmm.  OH HEY tried delicious DARK CHOCOLATE CHUNK reliable granola bar.  Tasted VERY SIMILAR to the other flavors of reliable granola bar which were either chocolate chip or smore.  The point is I ATE IT and I got a lot out of it.  A LOT.  Hmm.  What's other foods that are Chunks.  Chunky Monkey.  That's an ice cream flavor PER MY UNDERSTANDING.  Better LTURQ to see what it is.  Hopefully no Monkey in it.  Not sure what I'm unwilling to eat monkeys but I am willing to eat other animals.  Primates.  Too close to cannibalism.  I CAN RELATE to other primaries (PRIMATES SORRY ABOUT THE FREUDIAN SLIP) in a way I CAN'T RELATE TO COWS.  Anyway let's see what kind of dumb stuff makes Chunky Monkey Ice Cream Flavor.  BANANA ICE CREAM WITH FUDGE CHUNKS AND WALNUTS.  OH MONKEY.  BANANAS.  MONKEYS CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF BANANAS AND BANANAS CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF MONKEYS.  Either way EH I think I'll try what ice cream is behind Door #2.  I'll eat this ice cream if I HAVE TO.  I'd choose A Random Ice Cream over this one though ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.  Preferably a WEEKEND I LOVE WEEKENDS.
    Hmm.  What's up and crap.  Had veggie burger for lunch.  Delicious!  I got everything AND TEN SOME that I wanted to get out of that.  Anyway think I'm gonna have delicious Not Great cookie dough Quest Bar upcoming snack.  It's DELICIOUS because IT'S JUNK FOOD.  I dunno.  I always associated the term JUNK FOOD with salty snacks like POTATO Chips.  Junk food could be sweets.  BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I THOUGHT OF.  This is good stuff let's keep it going.  Then again WHAT IF I SURPRISED MYSELF AND EVERYONE AND EVEN GOD and had BIRTHDAY BAR for today.  I think I got TWO of em.  Gotta have em at some point.  MAYBE TONIGHT.  THEN AGAIN I also have 3-4 Dumb Cookie Dough Bars.  If I even KIND OF want one tonight then THAT'S THE WAY TO GO.  YOU IDIOTS.  STOP BEING IDIOTS AND UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.  How hard is that?!?!  Hmm.  What else is up.  Got no reason to get up particularly early tomorrow.  Got a lot of reasons to LOOK FORWARD to getting up tomorrow.  It's called HAVING BREAKFAST and I do it ALL THE TIME.
    Amazing.  Gotta figure out a way to lock myself in my room overnight.  But also have  a, "PLAN B," in case I need to urinate.  Well that's easy just pee in empty beer cans.  I guess.  Gonna have to have SOME distance between my weiner and the can though.  THE CLOSER THEY GET the more chance I CUT MY JUNK.  Beer cans very sharp around the edges of where it opens.  Let's talk about it.  We just did.  Oh I'm glad we got that out of the way.  Hmm.  I've got WINDOWS.  Gotta imagine there's some sort of angle I can get at if I stand on my desk JUST THUSLY that I can pee out the window.  Sure there's GRID-SCREEN OR SOMETHING beyond the window.  I can pee THROUGH THE GRID.  Nobody's ever stopped me in the past at least.  Hmm.  Been a while since I had birthday bar.  I think I wanna have birthday bar.  I'M GONNA GO FOR IT.  WITH ACT III PART II.  Which is relatively soon all things considered.  Ya know what?  Relatively soon Even FEW TINGS CONSIDERED.  THAT'S HOW RELATIVELY SOON IT SHALL BE.
Last paragraph of Act III Part I!  Also gotta start beer #2.  I'll get on top of that after this paragraph!  What else is up.  WILD CARD and go with MUCH LESS INDULGENT Goldon Graham Barr.  I think that'd SHOCK everyone into SUBMISSION.  Not sure why I want everyone to be in submission.  Because then I'M THE ONLY ONE LEFT IN SUPERMISSION.  Suddenly I hold all the cards.  Which is good because then you can play card games with yourself.  If you had NO CARDS you can't DO SHIT.  If you have ALL the cards SO MANY OPTIONS OF THINGS TO DO WITH THEM.  Hmm.  Just enjoy delicious birthday bar maybe.  I OWER IT TO MSEYFL.  Been AT LEAST a week since I had one.  WHAT AM I SAVING THE LAST TWO FOR IF NOT MOMENTS LIKE THIS.  Toast the night with a Birthday Bar, that's how I feel.  Anyway.  What, "CELEBS," are celebrating BIRTHDAYS tonight?  Lemme LTURQ.  ROMAN EMPEROR, "CLAUDIUS."  Wow!  I DON'T EVEN NEED TO SEE ANYONE ELSE.  I'm totally satisfied by JUST THAT BIRTHDAY.  Break time.

    HEY.  Had a SURPRISE SNACK just now.  QUALITY Ice Cream Sandwich.  SURPRISED MYSELF INTO SUBMISSION.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Maybe have Goldon Graham barr as NEXT SNACK.  THE CALORIES WORK TRUSTME ON THAT ONE.  Anyway.  Four paragraphs to write.  What do I got coming up for me tomorrow.  Well there's breakfast.  Probably Final Freedom Chip Pancake.  Or Balanced Breakfast now that I got some egg whites.  Or Classic Breakfast of Pop Tart + Ice Cream Sandwich because I'm potentially dumb like it.  LUNCH could be TURKEY SANDWICH + SANDWICH SIDE.  Belgian Waffle.  TURKEY MEATLOAF + HEALTH SPAGHETTI.  Dinner DEFINITELY leaning towards Indulgent Chicken Curry.  DANGIT THIS SHOULD BE AN ENTIRE PARAGRAPH.  Instead of only MOST of a paragraph.  OH WELL THAT'S LIFE I GUESS.  Hey I'd like to finish this entry.  I have to write 3 more paragraphs though.  THAT'S THE RUB.  What else is THE RUB.  I dunno not sure what that means now that I think about it.
     Three paragraphs to go!
  Presumably going to bed in about Oh I Don't Know THIRTY OR FOURTY MINUTES.  Wonder what kind of snack I'll have then.  It could be ANYTHING.  Hopefully not TOO MUCH.  I don't need to be eating TOO MUCH.  People will JUDGE ME based on my SLIGHTLY BIGGER APPEARANCE.  And NOT in the right places (Height or Dick).  Or hands.  We learnt from Presidential Debates that it's best to have Big Hands.  Something like that.  I remember them having a debate about that at some point.  Kinda blocked out most of the last few years now that I think about it.  The point is if I gain enough weight I'm SURE some of it will go to my hands/fingers.  I don't think ANY will go to my height and PROBABLY NOT my dick.  But fingers I CAN IMAGINE GETTIN' CHUBBIER AND CHUBBIER based on how many Goldon Graham Barrs I eat per day.  So that's something to think about?  I forget.  Oh well such is life.
     Penultimate paragraph of the NightTime DayNight!  HOW CAN I BARRICADE MYSELF IN MY ROOM OVER NIGHT.  And is it related to LES MISERABLES.  They sing about BARRICADES ALL THE TIME.  Something with French Revolution per my understanding I NEVER SAW IT.  I sang a MEDLEY in Middle School chorus though.  SO GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  I HAD AS MANY AS THREE SOLOS THROUGHOUT THE MEDLEY UNTIL I WAS ABSENT ONCE AND THEY TOOK AWAY TWO OF MY SOLOS.  DOWN TO JUST ONE SOLO.  Oh well I KNOCKED THAT SOLO OUT OF TE PARK.  "THEN JOIN IN THE FIGHT THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BE FREE!"  THAT WAS ALL ME that line.  I WISH YOU WERE THERE.  Because I NAILED it.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  They didn't take my other solos away to PENALIZE me.  They just had someone else do it the day I was absent and forgot I was the one who was doing it before then.  That's my interpretation of the facts at least.  Hmm.  What else is going on.  Any other SOLOS I had in my time in MIDDLE SCHOOL CHORUS.  Musta right?  I don't remember any other shit we sang.  WE DID A MO-TOWN MEDLEY.  Don't remember much else.  Some CHRISTMAS songs.  Cantique De Noele or whatever.
    Last paragraph of the day/night.  Figure I'll watch a Tales Crypt and then ACCEPT MY JUST REWARD OF SLEEP.  I LIVED through the day.  Now it's time for the day to do something FOR ME.  END.  While I REST PEACEFULLY IN BED.  DRIFTING GRACEFULLY FROM AWAKENESS INTO SLEEPITUDE.  This is gonna be a blast and a half I can't wait.  Anyway.  I had a few snacks a paragraph or two ago, I ain't gonna lie!  BUT it wasn't SO MANY.  Essentially if I have let's say ONE MORE TING tonight and then NO MIGHTNIGHT snackings I MORE OR LESS WASH OUT.  So that's hardly a bange at all!  IF I DON'T MIGHT NIGHT SNACK THEN IT'LL ALL COME OUT EQUALLY THE SAME.  YOU IDIOTS.  Hmm.  I blame the Ice cream sandwich thing.  IT WAS A RISK.  My body didn't know how to process it!  I FAILED MYSELF AND YOU but on the other hand GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Hey that's it for tonight.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-9:43 P.M.






Contact: mankindguy@gmail.com