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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

You Know What Here We Go

    Hey!  About an hour behind schedule today!  But my Dad is not taking his normal early afternoon walk that I'd have to work around, so I should be able to fit in 7 walks pretty easily!  EXCEPT FOR LAST WALK???  My Dad is gonna take a LATE walk after his class which pushes back Supper Delivery which pushes back My Last Walk After Accepting Supper Delivery.  So I dunno how that's gonna turn out!  But either way hey great let's get started.  Had two pop tarts for breakfast.  LAST of the Cookie and Cream.  ONE OF the Frosted Strawberry.  Re-upping with SMORE Pop Tarts tomorrow.  I like having two choices.  ONE FROSTED FRUIT FLAVOR, ONE ALTERNATIVE HOPEFULLY CHOCOLATE BASED FLAVOR.  YEAH.  Did a small amount of MightNight snacking last night.  Wasn't too bad!  Still a productive day overall re: calories & whatknot!  Hmm.  Good for me for GETTING UP EVENTUALLY today.  I got up late but it could always be worse!  I GOT UP AT SOME POINT and I think that's a Small Victory each time it happens!
    Hmm.  Probably going in next week to get blood work.  No probably.  I AM.  Unless something terrible happens.  Or something WONDERFUL happens.  Or something very unexpected happens that is relatively neutral overall.  Hmm.  Also got at least one zoom therapist appointment next week.  Probably two.  There's THERAPIST and there's PSHYICTIRST.  And I talk to them each for 10 minutes once a month about the exact same things.  But it's important that I do it twice because that way the hospital gets one thousand dollars a month instead of five hundred!  Anyway what's going on in the wide world of sports today.  WHEN IS MET GAME. 7:10 AGAIN?  INTERESTING.  VEYR interesting.  The point is Mets lineup is firing on MOST CYLENDARS.  Pitching is PRETTY GOOD.  FIELDING IS GREAT THEY CATCH A HUGE  MAJORITY OF THE BALLS THAT ARE HIT TO THEM.  Totally standing in more or less the right place also from the start.  HMM let's do some Calculations.  What is their win/loss record if they go .500 from this point on.  89 WINS?  THAT'S ENOUGH TO MAKE THE PLAYOFFS FOR SURE.  ALRIGHT METS TIME TO TAKE IT EASY.  Put it into CRUISE control.  Why push yourselves!
     Oh right for ENTERTAINMENT.  We might make the playoffs DEFINITELY 100% at this point but it's still more fun to Do Good on the way to the playoffs just for ENTERTAINMENT value.  Anyway.  Do sportsmen think of themselves as entertainers.  I think most people think of themselves as entertainers.  I MAY just be thinking Of Myself.  Also I don't entertain WELL.  But it's the main premise of what I try to do in life.  In all aspects of life!  Like when my brother came.  Had to entertain him!  That sort of thing!  Hmm.  If I'm not entertaining people what good am I to anyone.  NO GOOD.  Which is accurate because I'm not entertaining to anyone.  I TRY AND TRY but let's be honest I'M A BUST re: entertaining Anyone these days.  Cool!  Tomorrow is the first day of June if all goes according to plan!  Hmm.  National Food Day Of The Tomorrow is...  UGH it's like 10 things.  Because first day of month.  Bunch of National Months.  UGH.
Let's see.  Scrolling through these days, most of them are BUSTS anyway.  None of these Celebrations are great foods anyway.  So let's just move on with your lives.  Hey great it's gonna hit The NINETIES outside.  Not the 1990's.  The 90's in TEMPERATURE I wanna say FARENHEIT.  Great!  They say Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer.  WRONG.  The unofficial start of summer is MAY EIGHTH.  Take it from me, I know what I'm talking about!  Kind of accurate.  I THINK SO at least.  I usually THINK I know what I'm talking about but in reality I'm probably talking about something else.  GO FIGURE.  Fourth paragraph.  I saw an article that said Recrational Marijuana Dispensaries might be open in THE FALL.  WOW!  THE FALL?  That's then next season if we pretend it's Summer Already like we should be.  What's the unofficial start of Fall.  I dunno.  I'm VERY comfortable with OFFICIAL start of fall.  I feel like it's ALREADY on point.  So there's that.
     Hmm.  This will forever be the first entry that shows up if you click on May 2022.  So SORRY ABOUT THAT if You are from the future and wanted to read about May 2022 but didn' wanna scroll down.  And somehow made it this far into the entry anyway.  That's weird!  How did you do that!  This is a huge bust!  I guess GOOD FOR BOTH OF US THOUGH?  I guess!  Lunch gonna be either Chicken Ceasar Salad, Beef Lasagna, or Turkey Meatloaf with Health Spaghetti.  YEAH.  Dinner I DUNNO.  I'd say the odds on favorite is Diner Delivery and the odds on favorite is either BISON BURGER or maybe GRIDDLECENTRIC.  Been a while since I had GRIDDLECENTRIC.  THAT SOUNDS VERY EXCITING.  Been a long time since I had an OMELET.  Once I started making egg whites sporadically for Balanced Breakfasts I haven't bought omelet at all!  OH NO I MISS OMELET VAGUELY.  One would assume so at least!  Hmm.  Alright here we go-- with no comments, here are Celebration Days for tomorrow-- Lemon Month, Mango Month, National Candy Month, Naional Country Cooking Month, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, National Frozen Yogurt Month, National Iced Tea Month, National Soul Food Month, Turkey Lovers Month, National Hazelnut Cake Day, National Olive Day, World Milk Day.  JUST FOR POSTERITIES SAKE.  No one can say I skipped a day of TELLING YO UWHAT TO CELEBRATE TOMORROW.  Coffee time!
Soul food month sounds good.  LOOK African American cooking seems COOL to me.  LOOK is my main reference POPEYE'S CHICKEN FAST FOOD MAYBE.  Why do I think that's African American Themed Southern Cooking.  I dunno I picked that up somewhere.  Probably subliminal messaging in their advertising.  Either way is Soul Food KIND OF a term for African American Cooking but relaly just meaning DOWN SOUTH cooking, or is it specifically Down South AND African American cooking.  BETTER LTURQ.  YEP SPECIFICALLY AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURE COOKING.  Oh right COFFEE TIME.  I've talked about is popeyes soul food before.  But this time I'm gonna LTURQ!  HMM.  They definitely GO AFTER African Americans in terms of marketing and whatknot.  They HYPE UP the soul food connotation.  But I dunno what AFICIANDOS would say.  Or if that was the premise  when the restuarant was first beginning.  Either way WHAT DOES POPEYE(S) mean in this context.  Hmm.  AFTER THE CHARACTER POPEYE DOYLE in THE FRENCH CONNECTION.  Interesting.  That's from the 70's!  I didn't realize Popeyes was that new!  Also I NEVER SEEN THAT MOVIE but I HEAR GOOD THINGS.  I don't think I've ever HEARD a good thing.  Probably READ IT.  Maybe I heard it from the television or on a podcast or somethig.  Seems plausible!  NOT IN REAL LIFE THOUGH.
     Anyway Great.  PLAYED BY GENE HACKMAN.  Great time to have an inside joke with myself and call Popeye's, "HACKMAN'S," for the rest of my life.  Or until Popeyes goes out of business.  ONE OF US IS GONNA DIE FIRST, me or Popeye's.  I dunno who to root for!  I LIKE LIVING as long as possible but then again I'm kind of rooting for Popeyes for some reason!  I LIKE THE CUT OF THEIR JIB.  Hmm.  If I didn't care about calories I'd DoorDash some Popeyes in a second, don't think I wouldn't!  Hmm.  Maybe I should doordash them anyway at some point.  YEAH SOUNDS FUN.  Anyway what is this seventh paragraph?  YEP NAILED IT.  Anything worthwhile happen yet.  We learned a lot about Popeyes.  We're all smarter than we were before.  Or dumber.  Actually probably dumber.  Anyway.  Lookin' at Popeyes menu on doordash.  Can't really get things a la carte for the most part.  Gotta get Complete Dinners.  I COULD WORK AROUND THAT.  Hey the paragraph is over.
    Hmm.  Not THIS WEEK.  Already got lunches set up for the rest of the week.  Probably not NEXT week.  I like the lunches I have in store and they're healthy too!  DELICIOUS.  What about Popeyes for dinner.  I LIKE GETTING THINGS FROM COMMUNAL DELIVERY WITH FAMILY.  Makes me feel good.  We're doing something TOGETHER.  What else is up.  Still no third beer after thinking ya know what I'll allow myself a third beer on occasion if I feel like it a few days ago.  Probably first had the thought 3-5 days ago!  WONDERFUL.  Doin' good!  Still leaning towards not getting cookie crisp.  Then again maybe I'm leaning towards getting it!  Nope.  Still leaning towards not getting it.  Yeah but I'm leaning towards wanting to Consider Harder getting it.  Well SURE in an ideal world I'd Consider EVERYTHING Harder.  But this isn't an ideal world.  Is it?  Maybe it is.  Kinda hope not.  Seems like Worlds can be doing better than the way This One Is Going.  Could be wrong!  Anyway hows THE MOON going.  Still there I hope.  We lose the moon, Earth is gonna be disrupted A LOT.  Keep that in mind re: Moon.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  GREAT.  Really should make an effort to watch the rest of Kids From The Hall today.  It's good because I WOULD ENJOY IT.  I've said it before, I'll say it again-- I think they're lying with how big the moon is.  They say it's 25% as big as Earth.  NOPE.  GOTTA BE SMALLER THAN THAT.  I feel very strongly about this.  HMM.  Thinking about what kinda snack to have later.  The Before Lunch snack.  ICE CREAM SANDWICH SOUNDS GOOD?  Ice cream sandwich always sounds good.  Let's face facts.  Anyway this brand of ice cream sandwich I didn't enjoy the first 3/4ths of the box.  Kinda too melted.  Then for some reason the Freezer was -2 degrees instead of zero for a  while, then I had an ice cream sandwich, and it was more solid, and it was GREAT.  If only these were more solid this brand would be GREAT.  I FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT THIS.  VERY STRONGLY.  Oh right what else is up.
Move on with my life after this paragraph to the next stage of the day.  Good deal!  Right now leaning towards SALAD with PIECE OF TOAST for lunch.  I dunno why.  I dunno why WOULDN'T it be why.  Kinda worried the end of the day will be pushed back into oblivion.  Take my last walk getting home at 8:15.  Start entry at 9:00.  THIS IS AN HOUR BACK I DUNNO HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THAT.  I feel badly about it because I still presumably wanna go to bed at same time!  So I lose an entire hour of NightTime which is BestTime of day!  We'll see how it all shakes out I guess.  Should do at least ONE of these things-- make egg whites, throw out garbage in bathroom.  I CAN DO BOTH PRESUMABLY.  I can do lots of things presumably.  PRACTICALLY is a different kettle of fish!  Similar though.  Same kinda fish as the first kettle.  Same general premise.  But just a different one.  So there's that.  I'll be back soon! 




I Know What You're Thinking

    Nope.  Now that's it's getting quite warm outside I'm getting even MORE into ice cream bar/sandwiches.  If that's even possible!  Apparently it is.  I just said it.  Why would I lie.  Maybe I just skip Last Walk and eat food when it gets here so I'm not behind schedule.  I DUNNO HOW IT'S GONNA SHAKE OUT I ALREADY TOLD YOU.  What else is up.  Got some root beer and coffee #2 going.  So that's good.  Probably gonna have TURKEY MEATLOAF and HEALTH SPAGHETTI for lunch.  Either gonna have BISON BURGER or PIZZA for dinner.  Is turkey meatloaf and bison burger redundant?  MAYBE BUT I DON'T CARE.  It feels right for today.  Also WHO CARES GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Maybe I wanna be redundant in my meals.  If I wanna have it for the soonest meal, it makes PERFECT SENSE I'd still wanna have it for Following Meal.  I CAN NEVER BE SATIATED is the point.  Not an accurate point.  I don't think it's true!  But it's still the Lie Point I was trying to get across for some reason.
    Hmm.  Five paragraphs here, walk, SHOWER.  Then more stuff but NO SPOILERS.  Hmm.  Couple of days ago I saw Youtube suggested a video to me of Elliott Smith doing a song I've never heard before!  80% chance it was a cover but still I NEVER HEARD THIS COVER BEFORE THEN.  It was pretty good!   I forget how it goes.  I feel like it was a short song.  Maybe like 2:15 minutes.  GOOD.  GET IN GET OUT WE DON'T NEED TO STAY IN THIS SONG FOREVER.  Either way that's pretty good.  Saw Democrats are proposing some sort of gun control bills and apparently NO ASSAULT RIFLE BAN.  Which makes sense because it's perhaps THE most important individual thing they can do, and also polling shows it's like EIGHTY EIGHT PERCENT APPROVAL FOR THAT.  So it makes sense they wouldn't do it.  Because they're idiots!  Yep that all checks out.  Is there a big lobby or BIG ASSAULT RIFLE.  What's the point of leaving this out.  Must be SOME point.  Don't wanna anger people who want assault rifles.  Makes sense.  UNLESS you stop them from getting assault rifles.  Then they're somewhat neutralized!  Oh then let's do that!  That'd be my impression.
    Third paragraph out of 5.  Maybe Democrats are like Look we've gotta be stunningly dumb in SOME way what's a good way we can do it in this dilatation.  OH RIGHT not banning assault rifles THAT'S PERFECTLY DUMB!  Makes as much sense as any other reason I can attempt to think of!  What else is going on and crap.  If I'm starting NightTime late, makes it even smaller chance I'd have three beers.  Three beers is of most use if there's EXTENDED NighTime to stretch it out, not when there's CONDENSED NightTime.  Let's think!  The point is at first I was JUST thinking about Bison Burger and excited about that but now I'm thinking about the Pizza Possibility and that's pretty exciting too!  Can't go wrong tonight for dinner.  EITHER WAY TWO TOPPINGS.  Pizza would have two toppings.  BURGER would have two toppings.  ZERO OVERLAP between the toppings.  I dunno maybe.  I'd be getting SAUTEED ONIONS on Bison burger and on occasion I GET ONE OF TWO SLICES ONE OF TWO TOPPINGS AS ONION.  INTERESTING I WONDER HOW ALL THIS IS GONNA PLAY OUT IN REAL TIME.
Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime!  Good deal.  VERY excited about re-upping with Best Ice Cream Sandwich: EVEN LOWER CALORIE VERSION tomorrow.  Gettin' TWO BOXES presumably.  That's TWELVE.  Hopefully I get ALL TWO BOXES and also hopefully NOT MELTED ON THE WAY.  This kinda thing, if its melted on the way, IT STAYS FUCKED UP EVEN AFTER BEING FREEZERED.  Solid 75% chance it's not melted on the way.  THOSE ODDS AREN'T THAT GREAT CONSIDERING HOW INVESTED I AM IN THEM NOT BEING MELTED ON THE WAY.  Oh well that's life.  Sometimes odds aren't that great considering how invested you are in the results.  Sounds about right for how life is.  What else is going on and crap.  Is spaghetti an overlap with pizza.  VERY vaguely.  You can make a SMALL case for a SMALL overlap.  Both Italiancentric.  But I don't think it's too relevant an overlap to change your behavior or anything.  Maybe for some people it is.  I CAN KIND OF SEE IT I'm gonna be honest.  BUT MOSTLY what else is going on and crap.  One more paragraph wonderful.
Yeah!  HEY ALSO these ice cream sandwiches are the things I can pair with Something Else as a Dumb Great Breakfast.  One ICS and one pop tart or quest bar.  LET'S SAY POP TART.  Quest bars have settled nicely in for Great Dessert Of The Day.  I don't wanna have TWO quest bars a day.  GOTTA MAKE EM LAST AS LONG AS POSSIBLE IS THE POINT.  Also HEY GREAT WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Been having nice MicroShowers the last few weeks.  Ninety Seconds.  All ya need!  HEY WAIT A SECOND I NEED SOMETHING ELSE.  It's called SHAMPOO.  Been out of shampoo the last 2 or 3 days.  And forget to Address that.  Good chance I got more shampoo somewhere PERHAPS EVEN IN MY BATHROOM IN CABINET UNDER SINK.  Also a decent chance gotta order more shampoo.  Either way I gotta do SOMETHING I can't just not use shampoo for the rest of my life!  Well I COULD.  I'd prefer not to, though!  Anyway hey great that's it for now!  I'll be back later.




keep it together would you

    Great news!  I had shampoo Among Other Things under my sink!  Also we set it up that my dad took his walk after placing order, so I took walk after accepting delivery &/V Him coming back!  NORMAL EVENING SCHEDULE YA HEARD?  GREAT NEWS I wrote the last few sentences an hour or two ago!  I felt I had to get that off my chest!  Didn't wanna forget any of it!  NOW IT'S LATER AND I FORGOT ALL OF IT ANYWAY.  I can always LOOK at what I had written to remember.  WHY BOTHER LET'S JUST MOVE ON.  Makes sense to me!  NO IT DOESN'T.  Why bother making sense LET'S JUST MOVE ON.  HMM.  Now I feel bad about Not Making Sense At You.  Kinda guilty.  OKAY LET'S MAKE A PACT.  FROM NOW ON I'm gonna try to make sense.  For the entire Rest Of The Night.  Starting... THREE HOURS AGO.  WAIT NO THAT SENTENCE IS NOT IN THE SPIRIT OF MAKING SENSE.  Okay starting next paragraph.  Paragraph after this one.  Will 100% be Sense Making for Rest Of The NightTime.
  What's up and crap.  Pretty sure I'm gonna drink three beers tonight.  I forget Why And/or How.  WAIT I KNOW HOW.  By doing it.  I KNOW WHY.  Because I'm PROPELLING MY BODY into that sequence of motions.  The point is Freezer was pretty cold this afternoon (ZERO DEGREES) so I had one of the ice cream sandwiches.  That are good when they're cold enough.  If it wasn't cold enough, I would have had a less-calorie Ice Cream BAR!  But I figured I'd make the most of this Cold Freezer Temperature.  ONLY ONE of these ice cream sandwiches left!  GOOD I GOT THROUGH THEM.  THAT'S GREAT NEWS.  Anyway.  Dinner was/is Pizza!  Decided to start writing Act III before finishing dinner.  Got two Regular Slices.  Both with garlic, one with anchovie, and other with onion.  Because I like EATING things.  I do it several times a day and IT KEEPS ME NOURISHED.  Already finished a beer.  Figure I'll start Beer: Part II when Dinner Parts I-XIIIIIII are over.  Huh?  Oh.  If I don't call attention to it not making sense IT MAKES SENSE.  SO LET'S POWER THROUGH.
    Yeah.  Listened to the new Wilco album a second time.  Except the last 3 or 4 songs.  Haven't gotten around to 'em yet!  I'LL DO IT TOMORROW.  So that's good.  Not sure what to make of this album yet!  Probably NOTHING.  It's already made.  Why do I have to make anything of it.  That would be Redundancy.  Anyway.  What did I do TODAY.  Watched Tales In The Crypt!  I don't know why.  Because I'm very dumb.  Read some TWITTER ya'll know what that's like.  NOT HAPPY about Twitter FORCING ME to read about different celebrities.  For some reason Twitter registered me as a Selena Gomez fan out of nowhere!  I get nothing but updates from OTHER Selena Gomez fans as 80% of my Home Feed Updates!  Before that it was Taylor Swift for a week!  Now Taylor Swift Updates are 100% gone!  Wonder who will replace Selena Gomez!  YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE IF NOT BETTER.  PROBABLY BETTER.  YOU KNOW THESE THINGS MORE THAN I DO.
     You know that sort of thing.  What else is up.  Delicious Pizza for dinner.  I have no regrets.  I have some regrets.  But they mostly don't relate to the Delicious Pizza I had for dinner.  Totally different subjects!  Anyway not very much into My Dad's Current Class.  Previous semesters I DIG listening to his lessons here and there when I'm downstairs while he's teaching.  THIS SEMESTER IS A SNOOZE.  I very much empathize with his students who have to watch the whole thing!  LOOK the joke here is that MATH IS MATH.  One semester is no different than the other.  Okay fine then I guess the moral is I'M JUST GETTING TIRED OF MY DAD.  Oh Okay That's A Good Moral.  Anyway what's up.  Finished pizza.  After this paragraph I BRING EMPTY PLATE DOWN THE STAIRS AND BRING BACK UP THE STAIRS A CAN OF THE BEERCOHOL.  Hey that's after JUST SEVERAL MORE WORDS... starting now.
  Oh well too late to go back now.  HEY here's a Big Update.  Added BREAKFAST TREATS to Amazon Fresh order that comes tomorrow.  Haven't had them in a while!  And the new plan is HEY TWO OF THESE ARE GREAT SweetSide For SANDWICHES.  Calories it works.  FillingWise it works.  DELICIOUS IT WORKS.  I'm on the cutting edge of when and where to eat Breakfast Treats.  STELLA DORO Breakfast Treats.  HUMAN treats.  These aren't DogTreats C'mon give me SOME credit for Eating Human Food!  Anyway.  Good.  That's great.  I'm really looking forward to it!  I wouldn't lie to you except in Other Situations But Not This One.  What else.  Time to pour beer #2 INTO GLASS.  Been pouring my beer into glass lately.  BEEN GOING PRETTY GOOD I GOTTA SAY.  What else is going on and crap.  Takin' out garbage in 45 minutes.  WOW I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW THAT ALL WORKS OUT FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED.
Yeah!  Presumably halfway through the Act.  Might wanna write more, though!  I like doing things and whatknot!  Should I be excited to see the new SHOT GUN movie.  Wait.  HOT GUN.  TOP GUN.  There we go.  Should I be excited to see the new TOP GUN movie.  Never saw the first Top Gun movie.  I know there's AT LEAST two characters, probably even three.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Takes place in the AIR FORCE probably.  And maybe it's guys competing to be THE TOP Gun?  I get the sense it's Guys competing either to be Best Pilot and/or Win The Girl.  Gotta imagine there's a Girl to be won.  Either that or just the Best Pilot thing.  Anyway the Best Pilot I know is, "Showing Up," Episode 1 Season 1 for, "The New Monkees."  The script to it exists .025% and that's JUST enough to qualify as a Complete Episode in TV Canon.  Got some Diet Coke going on right now.  Hmm that'd be a good commercial for during The New Monkees.  Some Diet Coke.  New Monkees are Coca Cola associated NOT PEPSI COLA.  Let's just get that out in the open RIGHT NOW.
Shouldn't be making that kind of decision ON A WHIM.  I need to THINK THAT THROUGH before I say it.  LOTS OF REAL WORLD RAMIFICATIONS.  Fine I DUNNO which Cola The New Monkees associate with.  WE'LL TABLE THAT FOR A LATER DATE.  Anyway what is this, the seventh paragraph?  Great!  Wonder what the next thing I'm gonna eat is!  And when it will be!  Could be anything if we're being honest.  Could be a BAR.  Could be an ICE CREAM bar.  Could be a TOOTSIE POP.  PROBABLY ONE OF THOSE THREE GENERAL THINGS.  Maybe the New Monkees are managed by General Someone.  NOPE.  Happened in the Simpsons.  It's a parody of The Elvis In Real Life but already been parodied CAN'T DO IT AGAIN.  Elvis' manager was some kind of Top Gun Pilot, right?  Commander?  Chief?  Captain?  Better LTURQ.  COLONEAL.  I WAS JUST TWO DOZEN GUESSES AWAY FROM GETTING IT BY MYSELF EVENTUALLY.  Not happy with how FOR MONTHS every bag I get of tootsie pops are practically all 80% Cherry or Raspberry.  I LIKE EM BUT C'MON.  NOT MY FAVORITE.  Gimme some SURPRISE LEMON ONES. 
     Okay.  OKAY!  I had the option to get All Chocolate Flavor Bag.  I like chocolate the best but I don't want ALL chocolate.  I COULD HAVE GOTTEN ONE ALL CHOCOLATE AND ONE MIXED BAG.  OKAY but I didn't.  So SHUT UP.  I did what I did and I have SOME regrets SURE WHO WOULDN'T but we gotta move on with your lives all the same!  What else is going on and crap.  Eighth paragraph o the act.  I guess!  Maybe if I drink an extra beer I also STAY UP an extra OH I DON'T KNOW FOURTY FIVE MINUTES.  So there's that.  Anyway this paragraph has had Nothing In It so far.  INCORRECT.  I told you about the Chocolate Choice I had.  Oh great.  ANOTHER thing for you to judge me on.  LOOK I MADE THE WRONG CHOICE WE BOTH KNOW IT.  Lay off, though!  I learnt from the experience and next time I'll get one bag of chocolate and one bag of Mixed Bags.  Ugh.  MAYBE I SHOULD GET BAKED LAYS.  Lemme LTURQ how that calorie breakdown is.  My guess is One Baked Lay is about 10 calories.  Also I assume One Potato Chip of Lays is called a, "Lay."  Hmm.  WOW ONE BAKED LAY IS ONLY SEVEN CALORIES.  WHO CARES THEY'RE DISGUSTING.
     Hmm.  Ninth paragraph!  Gonna have 10 paragraphs done well before GarbageTakeOutTime.  Wonder what that means for Overall Night.  Think I'll just write these two paragraphs Before GarbageTakeOutTimeToRemember and that's it!  Put on a ShutterFilm afterwards.  Probably go ahead and drink Beer#3 for Funs Sake.  Start over again tomorrow and go through the exact same things as the days before but slightly different!  The THINGS are the same but the... uh... well, The Things Are Just The Same.  Really nothing else to it!  Oh well such is life.  Had some Cinnamon Toast Crunk just now.  Not a lot.  Enough that it counts as me counting calories.  225 calories IN THE BOOKS.  I have no regrets!  My only regret is not eating more!  I can eat more any time I want.  You'd Think So Wouldn't You!  That's all the way downstairs.  I LIVE UPSTAIRS during this paragraph.  What you expect me to go downstairs?  NOT UNTIL THIS PARAGRAPH IS OVER WHICH IS NOW.
Not gonna do it anyway!  DON'T WANNA.  Ugh.  What else is going on in the wide world of sports.  New World Travel Month Calendar tomorrow.  See where I should be taking hypothetical World Travel Vacations.  Hope it's a good place.  HOPEFULLY NOT UKRAINE.  I don't wanna be ENDANGERED c'mon.  SURE I KNOW WHORDS.  What else is going on and crap.  I SEE A GOOD SHUTTER FILM TO WATCH.  It's an Italian Rip-Off of Exorcist.  YOU HAD ME AT, "IT'S AN!"  Anyway.  Think I'm gonna have TOOTSIE POP after entry after walk while putting on Shutter while starting Beer #3.  IT'S THE LOW CALORIE DESSERT THAT LASTS LONGER THAN YOUR HIGH CALORIE DESSERTS.  You'd be an IDIOT not to suck on them all the time.  What you got something better to do than suck on candy?  You think you're a real big Top Gun?  I'm not so sure you are!  I think you've got NOTHING better to do than suck on candy.  Well we made it to the end.  I'll sure be back tomorrow.

-8:47 PM




Monday, May 30, 2022


    Hey!  Ahead of schedule today.  Took in Laundry to Laundromat.  That's how I roll.  Bag was 15 pounds WITH BAG.  Wonder how much garbage bag weighed.  THREE POUNDS?  It was a nice sturdy garbage bag no doubt about that.  Anyway did some MightNight Snacking last night.  Today is a new day!  Not really it was early this morning.  Today is a new Set Of Six Hours!  Oh okay.  Anyway got several options for lunch I'm not enthusiastic about.  SALAD, turkey meatload and health spaghetti, beef lasagna, and meal replacement cookie.  I THINK I ca talk myself into being excited about lasagna.  Haven't had it in months!  Must be good!  Anyway that's good.  Weather nice right now!  Gonna get hotter!  NO GOOD.  Might be too hot!  That's that.  Anything horrible happen in the last few hours.  Sure horrible stuff happens constantly.  The Sun Never Sets On Horribleness.  Hmm.  I know they say the ratio is something like a person is born every second and a person dies every three seconds or something.  What's the rate of HorribleStuff and GreatStuff.  HorribleStuff happens every 2 seconds and GreatStuff happens every 5 seconds.  Something like that.
I dunno.  Had 2 pop tarts as breakfast.  NO REGRETS.  Delicious!  Will I successfully make egg whites today so I am prepared for balanced breakfasts?  Odds are against it!  But definitely within the realm of possibility.  So much better than those other realms of impossibility.  I HATE those realms.  Anyway MONDAY.  Working week has begun!  Not today Memorial Day Weekend.  ALRIGHT let's celebrate Memorial Day.  This is the day for Dead Soldiers right.  WELL DONE.  Hopefully you took some of the enemy down with you.  The only way to make use out of a Good Dead Soldier is have them also take down a Bad Dead Soldier.  Not 100% sure why there are Memorial Day Sales.  Hey you know how we should celebrate those who gave their lives to protect us?  EXCESS CAPITALISM!!!  Good.  HEY WHAT DID CAPITALISM EVER DO TO YOU.  Lots of stuff!  Probably something bad every four seconds and something good every 10 seconds!
     Hmm.  Nice Mets game tonight.  THESE DAYS Sustainable Summer Routine DOES allow me to enjoy Mets games at night more or less.  Eat dinner around 7:30-8:00, write Act III after that, beer going on.  Mets game in background is pretty decent Fodder and whatknot!  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is National Macaroon Day.  DELICIOUS.  I like those things.  Kinda thought they were Jewish cookies.  Now I see AMERICAN.  Shows how much I know.  Not really.  It shows one specific thing I don't know-- that I DO know now!-- but in regards to How Much I Know Overall it only offers the vaguest glimpse into that.  Hmm.  Might try COOKIE CRISP cereal.  No might about it.  I'm gonna try it!  Unless it's out of stock later today when I wanna put in Order.  DELICIOUS.  I'm assuming Cookie Crisp is a Jewish Delicacy.  WE INVENTED SUGAR CEREAL.  That's not true but it does make ya think did AMERICA invent Sugar Cereal?  Is that the food we put on the map?  Because if so GOB WELL JONE.
Okay.  What else is up.  Coffee coming up shortly.  Good deal!  Hey probably watch the rest of Kids From The Hall today.  Why not.  See them new episodes that are different than the old episodes.  Probably similarly hilarious and entertaining!  BUT DIFFERENT.  They're TOTALLY not gonna be The Exact Same Thing.  Otherwise why bother making us cycle through them explicitly.  Seems like they'd leave that UP TO US if that were the case.  Anyway which of the Kids is dead and is hologrammed in this season.  I think I read one of them but I forget which one.  Also WHERE'S THIS HALL SUPPOSED TO TAKE PLACE.  I know the genesis of the name was some comedian or comedy writer referred to other writers or something as the kids in the hall.  Probably on a TV SHOW WRITING STAFF SITUATION.  But also LOOK YOU'RE SAYING THERE'S A HALL AD THERE BETTER BE A REAL HALL.  I don't have a problem with you continuing to call yourself kids.  I LOVE that you can be a kid at 60 years old.  That makes my future life seem a lot more attainable!  Anyway Great.
Hmm.  How is my future life NOT attainable.  Well I guess by dying somehow.  As long as I manage to live, my future life is 100% attainable.  Might SUCK.  But I'll achieve Living Then all the same.  Are Kids In The Hall a Jewish Delicacy.  I read book about them but I can't remember if any of them are Jewish.  OH WELL.  I like Sarah Silverman and I trust that she will do good things but how in the Hell is there an entire play about her wetting the bed at 10 years old.  In my imagination that takes 10 seconds.  SHIT I WET THE BED.  MOM DAD GET IN HERE.  And then Curtains Close.  Shows how much I know.  I've peed my PANTS a couple times ON PURPOSE but I've never peed the bed TO MY KNOWLEDGE.  Not sure if it's better or worse if its on purpose.  Also it's not 100% on purpose.  I HAVE TO GO A LOT.  But I just Stop Caring so it's half on purpose.  Also IN PUBLIC not in the confines of my bedroom.  The point is it's not a competition we can all have our own urine problems and live happily together.
     Coffee time!  HMM
thinking about what kind of General Cookie to get that me and my Dad will both like.  MAYBE FIG NEWTONS.  I THINK he'd like them but there's only one way to be sure.  PHONE A FRIEND.  Or Ask The Audience.  Or 50/50.  I LIKE ASK THE AUDIENCE THE BEST IT'S FUN.  50/50 is least fun.  PHONE A FRIEND TOO STRESSFUL TO BE FUN.  Also what if I have no friends.  Suddenly I'M some sort of idiot?!?!  I don't wet bed but I DO MightNight snacking.  Which is Differently Harmful!  So there's that.  Also I'm 33 and not 10.  KIND OF 10.  If you think of me being born 10 years ago at 23 then I am EXACTLY TEN right now.  Which is a legitimate viewpoint all in all.  What else is going on.  I think they give you 30 seconds for Phone a Friend?  I'd feel a lot more comfortable with an entire minute.  Less stressful.  30 seconds is Way Too On The Spot and your friend can't think properly.  A MINUTE and this actually makes sense, your friend can be like Lets see, lets see, let me delve into the banks of my knowledge... calibrating... calibrating... calibtri OH THE ANSWER IS THE BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS.  Was there a battle of New Orleans.  Must have been battles there at some point!  Song by Johnny Horton.  I guess I knew that somewhere in my mind.  Oh well.
Anyway great seventh paragraph.  What else is going on and crap.  Pickin' up laundry at around 3:00 PM.  Probably have lunch after that!  Maybe have lunch before that as Slightly Early For Me Lunch Based On Last Few Weeks.  MAKES SENSE TO ME I WOKE UP SLIGHTLY EARLY TOO.  Anyway.  I can't have salad with chicken.  I have chicken with pot pie for dinner!  HOW MUCH CHICKEN MUST I EAT TODAY TO MAKE YOU HAPPY!!!  Anyway.  Dad isn't really interested in ANY shared cookie.  Think I might go with ASSORTED COOKIES from THE PEPPERIDGE FARM-- CHOCOLATE VERSION.  They have ALL Assorted cookie box and then box of JUST CHOCOLATE INCORPORATED assorted cookies.  Where is Pepperidge Farm.  Is it in Pennsylvania.  BECAUSE IF IT ISN'T... hmm.  Jeez.  Japanese Shutter film from last night where guy turns into metal/machine was definitely creepy!  Took me a while to get into it because it's not a traditional film narrative, but once I did it creeped me out!  Also because of THEMES.  WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT I DON'T KNOW BUT IT'S CREEPY EITHER WAY.
Eighth paragraph!  Amazing.  I know-- I THINK-- I'm not literally turning into Metal/Machine/Iron.  BUT THEMATICALLY what do I know.  Maybe I AM THEMATICALLY in some METAPHOR.  WEIRD.  All I know is the film was an hour and seven minutes and WELL DONE that's all ya needed!  Anyway.  I think that this is what they'd call an ART film.  Not a traditional narrative!  Either way oh well what can ya do sometimes ya turn into metal sometimes ya don't.  Gotta make the most of the situation either way!  Jeez.  Last couple of days I've been thinking hey I can have 3 beers a day every now and then MAYBE TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT.  And then I never need it.  But MAYBE TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT.  Memorial Day.  Gotta celebrate it by drinking alcohol.  That's what Dead Soldier would have wanted.  Anyway do we need a new day to Memorialize Mass Shooting victims?  Kinda seems like it's the least we can do for them.  Well the least we can do is NOTHING.  Or perhaps NEGATIVE things. 
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Sweet.  What's going on and crap.  KIDS OF THE HALL coming up for today.  I don't have a problem with that.  Unless if it's TOO cool.  It's definitely THE HIP THING TO DO RIGHT NOW.  I'm worried it might take that TOO FAR.  Oh well either way that's life.  Not 100% sure why watching Barry Lyndon isn't the Hip thing to do right now.  Oh right because it won't load right now once I made is 20% into the film.  That's gonna stop everyone from watching all of it.  OH WELL THE BEGINNING IS THE BEST PART.  That's my favorite part.  Barry Lyndon from DOWN AND OUT to ON THE RISE as opposed to THE DOWNFALL of Barry Lyndon and also in the middle THE PEAK of Barry Lyndon.  Either way I dunno.  No biological heirs to Barry Lyndon I don't think.  Stepson and regular son who dies.  So NONE OF US can say we've descended from Barry Lyndon.  Hmm.  He has affairs with other women.  Very possible he had Bastard Child.  AND THAT BASTARD CHILD MIGHT BE YOUR GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT KINDA GREAT WONDERFUL GRANDMOTHER.
     Last paragraph of the act!  What else is going on.  Also I was imagining for some reason Barry Lyndon exists in the real world.  But ALSO maybe YOU exist in the Barry Lyndon world!  You're the one whose not real and is the outlier!  SORRY TO BREAK IT TO YOU THIS WAY.  Anyway jeez.  OH BOY 5 films just, "DROPPED," on Shutter The Screaming Service.  Some of them are probably worth a Gander.  Gander.  Is that a word?  Isn't that a collection of Geese?  That's not the idea I'm trying to convey!  Gander isn't COLLECTION of Geese.  It's just One.  One Male Goose.  Also means what I thought it meant.  So everyone wins a little bit!  Good.  Films kind of astound me.  How do they make a production that's both very well thought out and acted and written and whatknot GOOD FILM but also they know TECHNICALLY exactly how to do everything Great.  Both GOOD FILM and AMAZING THEY KNEW HOW TO DO IT.  SEEMS WEIRD ESPECIALLY WITH LOW PRODUCTION VALUES.  Hmm.  I'm gonna take a walk now! 




If Not Now When

    Hey!  Just got call from Dry Cleaners saying they're closing at 1!  I was gonna pick up at 3!  Now I'm goin' after this act.  Good Deal!  Now I can have lunch whenever I want!  NORMALLY I LIKE TO AIM FOR AROUND 3 AND NOW THAT'S VERY MUCH IN THE CARDS.  So there's that!  What else is going on and crap.  Didn't have no tootsie pops yesterday.  Solid 70% chance I have one today.  Including More Than One.  That's part of the 70% too!  Great!  Feels like I can be entertained by Entourage, too.  But also ENRAGED.  WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP.  Not sure WHY I'd feel that way exactly but I'm pretty sure I would.  Oh well.  Live and learn!  Think for next week I'm gonna go back to SANDWICH THINS as bread.  Enough for 3 sandwiches two weeks in a row!  I was THINKING about getting 4 sandwichesworth of meat a week for upcoming 2 weeks.  THAT WOULD COMPLICATE THINGS.  I would need to get MORE bread or the 2nd week even though I'd still have A FAIR AMOUNT left over.  So I'm gonna go with three sandwichesworth of meat.  HOWEVER I like having slice of bread with Salad now.  I CAN JUST USE A PIECE OF BREAD THAT COMES WITH DINER DINNER THAT I NORMALLY GIFT TO MY DAD.  So I'm glad we got all that out in the open.  I'm gonna be FINE re: Bread.  Whew.
Okay.  My brother told me about MAGIC SPOON which is a Healthy Rip Off of Sugar Cereals.  Sounds good except for how all cereals are in O's.  I DON'T LIKE THAT ONE BIT.  Not sure why.  BUT IT ENRAGES ME ALMOST AS MUCH AS ENTOURAGE.  Also not sure if the texture is constant, too.  LOOK the taste of sugar cereals is DEPENDENT on the texture as well.  Just plain O's that taste similar AREN'T SIMILAR ENOUGH.  WHY AM I SO ANGRY.  Because in principle I SHOULD BE on board with this.  But the reservations I have ENRAGE ME.  Oh okay now it makes a lot of sense.  Hmm.  Memorial Day!  I get why they might close early!  But not sure why they told me it'd be ready at 3 PM a couple hours ago when I dropped it off.  KINDA FEEL like they should have known at that point they were closing early.  The moral of the story is AM I HAPPY WITH MY PHONE RINGING.  The ring when it's a Regular Phone Call.  It's MUSIC.  I dunno why.  I think I kinda like it!  Not sure if I picked it randomly or if it started out there.  I PROBABLY CAN DO BETTER BUT I CAN DEFINITELY DO WORSE.
Sure.  Anyway.  What else is going on.  I think I'm talking myself into looking forward to Lasagna.  Could be good.  Maybe even a piece of toast if it's a small portion.  GREAT.  Gonna have delicious snack after act after laundromat after walk.  WOW THAT'S LIKE LESS THAN AN HOUR AND A HALF AWAY.  Could be ANYTHING.  Health Bar.  Ice Cream.  ...ANYTHING.  What else is going on and crap.  Apparently they're already making a SCREAM SIX.  GOOD DEAL.  I LIKE THAT FRANCHISE.  Presumably I will like it in perpetuity.  Even though there was a two decade run where I didn't like it.  THEY ONLY MADE IT SPARSELY IN THAT TWO DECADES AND WHEN THEY DID I DIDN'T LIKE IT.  But from THIS POINT ON I will like it in perpetuity.  That's the premise I'm operating under.  Wonder who'll die next film.  They gotta have someone relevant die each film otherwise what's the point.  WHAT I JUST WATCHED A FILM AND EVERYONE I'M INVESTED IN LIVED?  WHAT'S EVEN THE POINT OF THAT KIND OF NARRATIVE.
Penultimate paragraph of the act.  NO SPOILERS.  Wearing new underwear and socks.  Good for me.  I'm on the up and up re: Wearing Clean Clothes.  Hmm.  Was thinking about starting to clean up my bathroom today.  Guess I still might.  Maybe just the barest effort.  Collect and throw out GARBAGE.  Just start there.  Sounds reasonable.  VERY reasonable.  REASON led me to typing it out.  THUS REASONABLE.  Maybe a mixture of Reason and Nonsense but definitely SOME reason was involved.  Cool!  Jeez.  After the next paragraph I totally don't have to write anything for 8 hours!  GOOD I HATE WRITING THINGS IN THE DAY.  ALL NIGHTTIME WRITING FOR ME THESE DAYS.  THAT'S WHERE I GET MY JOLLIES.  Also writing things in day is often vaguely positive experience enough!  Let's not knock daytime writing.  IT HAS IT'S PLACE.  IN THE DAY TIME.  Hmm.  The point is I can write one more paragraph and we'll be ready to leave early!
    EARLY is a good word.  I mean the concept it betrays.  The SOUND or SPELLING may or may not be good, that's not what I'm talking about.  I just mean hey we're getting things done early GOOD.  WAIT A SECOND TOO EARLY CAN BE BAD.  Hey we launched a nuclear missile early compared to when we could or should have.  THAT'S BAD.  So now I don't know WHAT to think.  Hmm.  I think there's a sequel to Cult Film where guy turns into Iron available to me on Shutter.  Lemme LTURQ.  HEY THERE IS.  This one is 82 minutes.  WOW FIFTEEN MINUTES MORE THAN THE FIRST ONE?  I'M REALLY GONNA BE GETTING A BANG FOR MY BUCK.  WHICH IS A PHRASE THAT I'M NOT SURE I EVEN WANNA KNOW THE ORIGIN OF.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna have a nice pretty long break between Walks III and IV.  That's what happens when ya get up early!  Ya get One Long Break between walks.  MAKE IT COUNT that's what I say.  Anyway I'll be back later.




Will That Be All

    I'm sucking on tootsie pop to start off Act III!  Just finished Beer #1, too.   Planning on doing The Three for today!  MEMORIAL DAY CELEBRATION.  PEOPLE DIED FOR US TO CELEBRATE TODAY BY EATING AND DRINKING.  IT'S CALLED AMERICA EVER HEAR OF IT?  Also presumably Buying Things.  That's our national pastime.  And I say it's Nationally PAST TIME we pass some OBVIOUS COMMON SENSE GUN REFORM.  I think we can start off with No Assault Rifles and work backwards.  How about more Background Checks and work forwards.  Raising gun age level from 18 to 21 and work in an L shape like the one in Tetris.  THREE SQUARES HORIZONTAL AND ONE SQUARE VERTICAL.  Also I haven't seen this suggested but maybe some sort of requirement where you have several letters of recommendation.  You need letters from A FULL THREE people who vouch for you and your ability to own a gun without doing Murder and/or other negative gun things.
    Not a bad idea.  Maybe COMPROMISE and TWO letters of recommendation.  I feel like most Mass Shooters'll have a hard time getting that!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  METS achieving things.  Even without me noticing!  I got it on mute and in the time it took me to write that paragraph THEY DID SOME STUFF.  Anyway.  Still sucking on this Tootsie Pop successfully.  Wonder how much longer that'll last.  Maybe I skip Quest Bar.  Just suck on a bunch of tootsie pops.  I'm having a blast is the point.  HEY Mets just did some more stuff in the time it took me to opine on how many lollipops I should suck on tonight.  This is going great!  AND the Mets just hit a two run homerun!  Man the Mets are KNOCKING IT OUT OF THE PARK quite literally in the time it takes me to suck THIS ONE SMALL LOLLIPOP.  I want to REWIND and watch with sound but I don't wanna interrupt this lollipop.  I'm having too good a time!  ONCE IT'S OVER I'll watch all these Greatest Hits they just had in this half inning.  SO FAR STILL GOIN' with the lollipop.
Also after that go get beer #2!  So that's good.  Looks like a new season of STRANGER THINGS, "Dropped."  Maybe I should give the first episode some more time to grow on me as opposed to not liking it after 8 seconds and giving up.  Maybe I should give it EIGHTY seconds.  Too many seconds.  I don't feel comfortable with that.  WHAT THE HELL THE METS HAVEN'T GOTTEN ANY HITS SINCE A FEW SENTENCES AGO.  Seems like a scam.  I'm pretty sure they're doing nothing but getting hits all the time these days.  Anyway.  I know it's a thing where it's like how long can you suck on the lollipop of the tootsie pop before you bite down!!!!  I wanna know whose going too far in the other direction.  HOW LONG CAN YOU SUCK ON THE TOOTSIE ROLL PART OF THE POP WITHOUT BITING DOWN.  Now you've gone TOO FAR.  YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BITE DOWN NOW YOU IDIOT.  But you don't.  Just suck on that remaining chocolate until... well... gotta imagine it disintegrates at some point, right?  THREE PARAGRAPHS DOWN WITH POP STILL GOING.
Hmm.  Gonna bite down now.  HERE I GO WISH ME LUCh.  HEY GREAT that was delicious.  I think the overall lollipop was Raspberry.  COULDA been cherry.  I don't remember specifically.  Anyway STILL CHEWING on tootsie roll part of the lollipop.  That's another thing we should make last as long as possible.  HEY GOOD The last Mets At Bat finally ended with the Mets getting a hit.  All is right in the universe!  Anyway what else is going on.  Once I'm done chewing on this tootsie roll center I'm gonna have A BLAST looking back at all these, "At Bats."  Well the time has come.  Gonna take a Quick Entry Break to WATCH AT BATS.  HEY I'M BACK.  AT BATS finally ended and I went and poured myself another beer.  FOR THOSE OF YOU WONDERING One Quest Bar is equal to THREE TOOTSIE POPS caloriesworth.  For those NOT WONDERING what the HELL is wrong with you.  ARE YOU NOT INVESTED IN MY LIFE AS IT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW?  Or are you TOO invested that you knew already what those calories would be because YOU KEEP TRACK of the calories of my snacks.  GOTTA BE ONE.  I'm hoping you're NOT invested at all.  You being TOO invested sounds like a Bigger Problem For Me somehow.  Not 100% comfortable with that!  Meanwhile VERY comfortable with you not being invested at all!
     Fifth paragraph of the act!  Wonderbar.  Re-uppin with the GOOD ICE CREAM SANDWICHES on Wednesday.  Gettin TWO BOXESworth.  Six sandwichsworth per boxworth.  ALSO this is the LOW FAT version which is even LESS Calories.  Basically WOW THIS IS TOO MUCH EXCITEMENT FOR ME.  I need to sit down.  I already AM sitting down.  I NEED TO SIT DOWN FURTHER.  Maybe collapse into the folds of my chair somehow.  I DON'T KNOW HOW but I better figure it out QUICK.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Bad Guy with gun/good guy with a gun.  LOOK PEOPLES' NATURES ARE NUANCED.  None of us are PURE GOOD or pure evil.  WE ARE ALL FLAWED PEOPLE WITH GUNS.  Except those of us who don't have guns.  Those of us are FLAWED PEOPLE WHO ARE EASY TARGETS for people with guns.  Kinda feel like I'm PRETTY close to PURE GOOD.  I'm not saying I'm there.  But I'm VERY close and I demand to be treated as such!  Ugh.  Let's get workin' on this glass of Beercohol.  Removed COOKIE CRISP from order coming on Wednesday BUT I still have option to add things.  I'm just worried I'm opening myself up to criticism and mockery for getting cereal that's just Chocolate Chip Cookies.  No one is gonna criticize or mock me.  Yeah but People SHOULD BE is the point.  Hmm.
     Wonderful.  Current plan is Skip the quest bar and have indulgent-but-not-as-much-as-quest-bar FIBER bar instead.  WONDERFUL YA DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT THAT'S MY PHILOSOPHY.  Also how come people are always like THAT'S my philosophy.  People can have several philosophies.  I know a fellow who has UP TO 14!  Not PERSONALLY.  But I KNOW OF this fellow.  I made up this fellow completely.  Anyway different philosophies for different situations.  It's as simple as that.  No progress on Kids From The Hall.  Lots of progress on 48th time through Tales In The Crypt!  Sounds about right.  No.  Lemme make an accurate estimation. ...24th time in the last 2 or 3 years through the episodes.  NOPE 28th.  FINE 26th.  NOPE 25th.  ACTUALLY CAN WE GO BACK TO 24th.  MAYBE 22nd.  LOOK WE CAN DO THIS FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES but we'd get pretty bored quickly EVEN IF we settle on an accurate estimation eventually.  NOT WORTH IT.  Let's just move on with our lives, that's my philosophy!
     Seventh paragraph.  Not gonna NEED third beer of the night.  Maybe I have it ANYWAY.  Just to PROVE TO MYSELF that I DO WHAT I WANT IN THIS LIFE TIME and/or the next.  Anyway.  OH HEY had Meal Replacement cookie for lunch.  Just figured out of my options this is the one I'd prefer eating the most.  Not even a 100% Option because It Doesn't Need To Be Eaten.  But I FELT LIKE IT and HEY IT WORKED OUT.  I enjoyed eating it and it filled me up enough!  So basically EATING GIANT COOKIE WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.  Dunno if this is a GIANT cookie.  Maybe if you're not used to Big Cookies in your life you might think of it as giant.  Once you've been around big cookies as often as I have though ok it's a pretty big cookie, sure.  Not GIANT though.  C'mon.  Anyway NO REGRETS WENT OK.  Now my next three lunches MUST BE salad, lasagna, and turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti.  THE ORDER IS UNKNOWN.  But THEY WILL be the next three OR MAY GOD STRIKE ME DEAD.  He may do that anyway.  I dunno what's on God's Agenda.  And I don't WANNA know.  It's called PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY and it's a phrase that may or may not make sense as a joke in this sentence!
     Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go.  AT this point I figure I'll probably just have 2 beers tonight.  GOD DAMNIT THAT ALWAYS HAPPENS.  I WANNA BE AN IDIOT AND DRINK AN EXTRA BEER HOW HARD IS THAT.  Pretty hard apparently.  Anyway breakfast tomorrow MAYBE I get up early to put Breakfast Sandwich in oven.  HOW HARD IS THAT.  Ya get up, ya do it, you go back to sleep for 40 minutes!  EASY.  Alternative is TWO POP TARTS.  THAT'S PRETTY MUCH IT.  It's not like I have COOKIE CRISP that I could have a double bowl of.  GOD DAMNIT.  If I had cookie crisp YES my next time eating cereal would be cookie crisp.  So that's one way to conceptualize the debate over whether I should order cookie crisp or not.  IN MY MIND the ideal next Balanced Breakfast Cereal YES IT IS, IT IS COOKIE CRISP!  Seems like a pretty strong case!  Not gonna add it QUITE yet because once I add it I CAN'T DELETE IT.  But in my mind THAT'S WHERE MY LEANINGS ARE GOINGS.
Penultimate paragraph of the NightDay.  Cool!  METS keep racking up the hits!  Racking is a pool term.  It means you put your balls in order.  Something like that.  I forget.  Billiards never interested me.  ACTIVELY dislike the premise of billiards.  Can't say for sure why!  Hmm.  Probably watch something when this entry is over.  Met game is getting into territory where it's UNCONTESTED because Mets are winning by too much.  Also I'd start to find it boring anyway!  I guess I'll just be an idiot and watch more Tales In The Crypt?  I have a pretty good track record of Being That Kind Of Idiot and it's been working out okay for me so far!  Hmm.  Ninth paragraph of the act huh.  HUH.  HUH!  Hmm.  One more day for May.  Then it's onto the next month!  Which this year I believe will be June!  YEP.  Anyway what else is going on.  Still got this beer to finish.  Did I just say that.  I feel like I said that not so long ago.  EITHER WAY yep still here.
Last paragraph.  Time to wrap this mother fucker up!  Monday eh.  Tomorrow will be Tuesday.  Do I have any sort of obligations tomorrow.  I don't think so.  Probably should actually start cleaning my bathroom as opposed to just OPINING about it.  Just throw out the garbage at least!  Ya know the overflow from the garbage can.  The empty bottles and boxes just sitting on the counter and counter-of-bath-tub.  Look I operate a very unclean lifestyle and if you're not comfortable with that maybe you should leave now.  But the point is I'll start cleaning it up AT SOME POINT SOON.  If you're not comfortable with me cleaning my bathroom up at some point soon Maybe You Should Leave Now.  Also there's A LOT of good reasons for maybe you should leave now.  But in the end I ain't here to tell you what to do!  Maybe I SHUOLD be telling you what to do because I've got some good ideas on the subject but I'm still not gonna!  Fine.  Good.  I'll see you later.

-8:57 P.M.




Sunday, May 29, 2022

I Used To Write Good Titles

    Hey!  Decided to check my weight on an impulse. GOOD STUFF.  I forget how much to trust the scale in general and/or at this time of day, but even worst case scenario is positive.  If it's ACCURATE to being too low by a pound-- AMAZING.  If it's too low by a pound to two pounds-- WONDERFUL.  If it's too low by two pounds to three pounds-- ROUGHLY BETTER THAN I EXPECTED.  Don't think it'd be off by any more than that.  So the good news is YOU IDIOTS MY METABOLISM IS NOW BETTER THAN IT WAS POSSIBLY.  Finally things are going MY way.  My way or the high way!  Hmm highway sounds appealing I think I'm gonna go with that.  Even I decided against My Way.  You'd think if ANYONE was gonna prefer my way it'd be me.  Oh well that's life!  Anyway Mets won yesterday.  I watched a good Chunk Of Game.  Good deal!  Probably gonna clean bathroom this week.  Mom offered to help if I do bulk of it!  WONDERFUL TEAM WORK TIME.  Not sure how she can help.  Very Weak Person.  Hard for her to get out of bed.  SHE CAN SUPERVISE.  Oh well.
     Delicious balanced breakfast this morning.  Did some MightNight snacking but I guess it didn't BREAK THE BANK since the scale accounted for that anyway!  Enjoyed me some Smore Quest Bar.  Gonna take a few more times to have it to really get a feel for what it's all about but my first impressions are positive!  Wearing pants I haven't worn in months.  I had been wearing the same pair for 2-3 months I'd estimate.  NOW I'M WEARING CLEAN PAIR.  GOOD DEAL.  Anyway.  Mets game today is on ESPN not FOX.  GOOD I CAN TRUST ESPN TO BE MORE LIBERAL THAN FOX.  Maybe not LIBERAL.  But certainly CENTRIST.  Which for baseball I GUESS I have to settle for?  MAYBE THEY'LL DEDICATE THE GAME TO GUN VIOLENCE.  Or protesting gun violence.  Being AGAINST gun violence as the case may be.  That sort of thing.  Not sure what to have for lunch.  Best option at first seems to be sawdust dogs and soup.  But that means I'd eat ALL THREE SANDWICH MEALS three days in a row.  Seems like I'd wanna spread em out.  YEAH YOU'D SEEM SO WOULDN'T YOU.
  Turkey meatloaf and health spaghetti.  That could be IN THE CARDS.  Anyway.  If weight is off by 2.5 pounds I'M AT UPPER END OF RANGE I'M COMFORTABLE WITH.  Sustainable Summer To Remember can literally be sustaining, not slowly gradually losing.  WONDERFUL.  The good news is WONDERFUL.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Mint Julip Day.  I know that Alcohol Drink.  BUT WHAT.  Mint combined with Julip?  I DON'T KNOW WHAT JULIP IS.  First of all it's JULEP.  Oh okay.  Just looks like a really sugary sweet bourban based drink.  GREAT.  I LIKE THE SWEETS.  What else.  Didn't do it last night but I can see myself Sometimes drinking 3 beers a night.  WHY NOT LET'S ENJOY THE NIGHTTIMES.  Anyway.  Behind schedule today but not by a crazy amount.  Probably gonna fit in 7 walks.  Might be a bit of a hassle but POSSIBLE.  What else is going on in the news.  Russia making progress in war on Ukraine.  BAD DEAL.  Let's get Ukraine back on the momentuming.  Hmm.  If we outlaw guns then will crazy kids who want guns to kill people join the army?  That sounds like where they belong.  THEY'D JUST SHOOT THEIR FELLOW CONSCRIPTS.  Oh well ya win some ya lose some.
     Hmm.  Barry Lyndon started not working!  Got Choppy to the extreme that the choppiness WOULD NOT STOP eve if I tried jumping ahead to Future Scene Selections.  That's more reasonable than Other DVD.  At least this one I legitimately watched A DOZEN times.  Look if you wanna watch a DVD more than a dozen times with it still working you're just living in fantasy land.  That's not how things work!  Maybe it's the XBOX from 2006.  NO WAY.  XBOX IS SOLID.  GOOD XBOX.  Don't blame all your problems on XBOX.  Also this box is NOT in the shape of an X.  Not sure why X is important OR why Box is important.  Guess they did some focus grouping that made that name sound appealing to idiots.  Watched episode 3 of Kids From The Hall by myself.  Good stuff!  Not as good as watching it with BrotherFriend but still quite good.  31 days in May.  Is Memorial Day May 31st in perpetuity?  Maybe that's a good way to remember it.  Well it's not May 31 THIS YEAR.  Which makes it VERY unlikely it's Always May 31st.  So there's that.
Cool!  The point is I probably gained 2-5 pounds over the last month when I calculated I had gained more like 4-7.  GOOD DEAL.  Anyway whatta do with the rest of the day.  What do I mean the rest.  DAY HAS JUST BEGUN.  Sure All The Day is STILl The Rest of the day.  Hmm.  How many Kids From The Hall episodes left.  FIVE.  Eight overall.  GOOD DEAL.  I like the part where it makes ya laugh.  And also makes ya FEEL COOL.  I haven't FELT COOL absorbing culture lately but this show definitely makes one FEEL COOL.  REAL COOL AESTHETIC NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT.  Maybe I felt cool when I was doing open mics every week.  Certainly on the Cool Spectrum.  That was a long time ago though.  Back in the Several Years Ago's.  Hmm should I do open mics if I could find good one.  I think I got some good songs but I dunno if I can play them good.  I listen back to the recording I have of my last Live Show and the SONGS are good but my performance are NOT UNTERRIBLE AT ALL.  QUITE NOT GOOD.  Oh well practice makes perfect.  Or practice makes you complacent and you stop doing things well because you've practiced it so much you lost all perspective.  YEAH.  Coffee time!
    Anyway.  Starting to notice I write Acts quicker than I used to.  Which is good because who cares.  Not me!  INCORRECT I CARE A LOT.  Not so much that it effects my behavior an want to try to do better which may or may not include spending more time.  But IN THEORY I care.  What else is up.  Sunday.  Last day of the weekend.  I can live with that.  Maybe.  I've lived with it a bunch of times before.  Anyway no more Egg Whites cooked.  Still have a cupsworth in Box.  The amount I would make at a time.  To split into three balanced breakfast portions.  So I can do that sometime this week probably.  Combine it with cleaning up bathroom somehow.  Not sure how I could duplicate usefulness of certain actions such that it cleans bathroom AND cooks egg whites.  That's for MY MOM to figure out.  SHE SUPERVISOR.  Hmm.  Guess I'm still leaning towards Hot Dog Sandwiches and Soup.  SOUP GOTTA BE EATEN SOONER THAN LATER.  COULD GO BAD.
YEAH.  Real Weekend Sandwich Lunch to remember.  Friday was turkey pastrami.  Really tasted the pastrami this time.  First time I tasted the turkey!  Interesting.  Saturday was ham sandwich.  NOW HOT DOGS.  AMAZING.  Celebrate some Memorial Day with hot dogs.  Memorial Day BBQS are a thing.  They eat hot dogs there.  I EAT hot dogs for lunch.  GOOD AMERICA CITIZEN.  I haven't been to a BBQ in a while.  VERY RARELY over entire lie.  I feel like I went to BBQ in 2008 summer.  Either Memorial Day or First Of July.  Friend's house.  Backyard.  GOOD MEMORIES.  I was either HIGH or very excited about NEXT TIME being high.  What a wonderful summer that was!  Hmm.  Seventh paragraph already.  Good deal!  Wasn't dieting then.  Ate whatever I wanted.  Who KNOWS how many hamburgers and/or hot dogs and/or grilled chicken sandwiches I ate.  Probably some CHIPS.  Probably BEER because WE'RE BIG MAN in 2008.  19 and 20 year olds.  Doesn't get much more adult than that!
     Hmm.  Eighth paragraph.  Good.  GREAT!  DANGIT Barry Lyndon WHAT ARE YOU GETTING YOURSELF INTO that I don't know about.  What else is up.  Got NEW BATTERIES once and for all.  Now I have working batteries for TV Remote AND Xbox Controller without having to switch between them.  He's kidding Dear nobody has TWO sets of batteries.  Us pleabs have 2 batteries and we have to switch em back and forth all day.  Anything else is BILLIONAIRE level.  Hmm.  Kinda seems like when you think about it you're not saving any money.  Cause batteries would just go bad quicker.  So you'd need to buy them more often.  So in the end it evens out.  YOU'D THINK SO WOULDN'T YOU.  What else is up.  Possible the BBQ I'm thinking of could have been 2009 OR EVEN 2010!!!!  WOW.  I prefer to think of it as 2008 though.  A SIMPLER TIME.  Hmm.  The Buffalo SuperMarket Black People Killer is still alive, right?  Gotta wonder if he's jealous of the School Shooter for stealing all his thunder.  Maybe he's happy to have found a kindred spirit or maybe he's like WHAT THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO DO TO HAVE A NICE MOMENT IN THE SUN.  I think he's alive.  Hmm.
Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Hmm.  I think SCREAM is a franchise from a simpler time when teenagers killed each other with KNIVES.  Kinda seems like a plot hole as to why none of these killers are using guns.  MORE THEATRICAL WITH KNIFE.  Yeah but they don't know they're in a movie.  I DUNNO THEY KINDA DO SOMETIMES.  Either way I think prospective killers should at least take a page out of the Scream Franchise and use KNIVES.  DO THE WORK I FEEL.  Also the only way to stop a bad guy with a knife is a good guy with a gun.  GOOD GUY WITH A GUN SUDDENLY GOT THE BIG ADVANTAGE FINALLY THINGS ARE GOING GOOD GUY WITH GUN'S WAY.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Closing on on 2 months into Baseball Season.  At this point UNLIKELY I'm gonna do a Fantasy Baseball Season.  Oh well.  Starling Marte would have been doing a decent job if you drafted him!  Not GREAT but holding his own in Fantasy Baseball Stats!  EH KINDA MEDIOCRE for when you would have drafted him.  LOOK IT'S A GOOD THING I DIDN'T DO FANTASY BASEBALL OTHERWISE THIS WOULD BOTHER ME.
     Last paragraph of the act.  Good deal!  Besides hot dog sandwiches and turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti-- other lunch options are-- chicken caesar salad with slice of health bread, beef lasagna, or... hmm that might be it.  Meal replacement cookie I guess.  Oh well lots of good options I'm happy with where I'm at re: Lunch Possibilities.  Hmm.  Probably get Amazon FRESH delivery today.  Not GET IT today.  Order it today.  Which the main part is GOOD ICE CREAM SANDWICHES.  YAY MORE ICE CREAM SANDWICH IN THE FORM OF GOOD ICE CREAM SANDWICH.  So there's that.  Probably get Tootsie Pops today.  That's my nighttime indulgence Snack plan.  Quest Bar, tootsie pop, low calorie ice cream bar/sandwich.  I've been doing FINE without the tootsie pop but that just makes the night EVEN MORE COMPLETE.  NICE INDULGENCE NIGHT TIME combined with beer.  Anyway GREAT I'll be back in a little bit.




That Was A Long Time Ago

    HEY!  Definitely leaning towards 3 Sawdust Dogs, 2 Hearty Small Health Bread, and Matzoh Ball Soup for lunch.  The only question is WHEN.  Around 3:15-3:45.  OK THE ONLY QYESTION is I guess there are no more questions.  That's a relief. Life from this point is All Answers!  Good deal!  Anyway just took a shower.  That's how I roll.  CLEAN AGAIN.  Ended up not taking a shower at all yesterday.  Time I normally take a shower my mom was using hot water for Washing Machine.  Forgot to make up for it and have a Later Shower Later.  GREAT I SURVIVED AND SO DID EVERYONE ELSE.  Well lots of people died in that time period.  But the huge majority of deaths were unrelated to me not showering yesterday.  So let's try to focus on the positive!  Anyway gonna be a period of time after 5 paragraphs here and before next walk.  Gotta wait for my Dad to come back from HIS 40-45 minute walk.  AND HE HASN'T EVEN LEFT YET.  OH NO I'M SCARED HOLD ME.
Don't hold me if I'm scared!  That'll make me EVEN MORE AGITATED.  Physical Comfort Contact SCARES ME.  LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FREAK.  You know that sort of thing.  One would imagine.  Don't do any physical comfort contacts these days!  Possibly never idd Any Days!  But one would imagine I'd be uncomfortable at first.  THEN VERY COMFORTABLE.  Hmm.  Still got part III of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom for tonight.  GOOD.  I enjoyed that the first two times this weekend.  Enjoyed it hardcore!  What else is going on and crap.  Probably getting tootsie pops today so that's in the cards if I wanna have a nice indulgent NightTime.  Tootsie pop and get it from PRETTY INDULGENT between beer, Health Chocolate Bar, and Health Ice Cream Bar to VERY INDULGENT between ALL THAT STUFF PLUS A TOOTSIE POP.  Makes an outsized difference compared to the consequences of doing it.  YEAH.  YEAH.  What else is going on and crap.  LIKED THE EGGO TODAY.  Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Egg Whites were definitely on point but today I really got a kick out of EGGO.  Wasn't very toasted.  Toasted enough sure.  But on the lighter side.  INTERESTING VERY INTERESTING.
Hmm.  Having delicious KETO bar.  I like em!  Offer something different than regular fiber or granola bar.  Probably because of the saturated fat.  FAT MUST taste amazing otherwise it wouldn't be unhealthy.  So there's that.  What else do I got going on in the wide world of sports.  HMM Dad just left for his walk NOW.  A little earlier than I expected.  Off the top of my head probably gonna have 20-25 minutes to kill after this Act.  PERFECT JUST ENOUGH TIME TO DO SOMETHING THAT TAKES 20-25 MINUTES.  Hmm.  I got a good idea.  VERY GOOD IDEA if you catch my drift.  HMM A, "VERY GOOD IDEA?"  THAT CAN ONLY MEAN MASTURBATION.  Hey you caught my drift!  GOOD FOR YOU.  I'm glad we're all on the same page.  What else is going on and crap.  Listening for Door Bell for Delivery.  Not sure if that comes into play.  I feel I can hide my shame within 15 seconds from Doorbell to Accepting Doorbell.  Probably.  If no one looks directly at my crotch area.  So there's that.
Yeah!  Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime.  Wonder what I'm gonna watch during the day.  I'd be A FOOL to not continue Kids From The Hall but I AM A FOOL so that's definitely something we need to take into account when calculating what I will be watching.  Maybe some sort of Horror Movie.  I like those!  Not sure why.  Not sure why I like anything!  When you take a step back a bit everything comes into focus that EVERYTHING SUCKS.  I dunno about that.  I LIKE THINGS.  But I wouldn't put it past the perspective changing completely if I take a step OR SEVERAL steps back.  Good all the reason Not To Step Back.  I LIKE LIKING THINGS MORE THAN NOT LIKING THINGS.  Probably a net positive effect on my life to Like Things.  So there's that.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  I'm gonna estimate I gained 3.5 pounds over last month since Weigh In.  Which is POSITIVE.  YEAH.  THAT SORT OF THING.
Last paragraph to write for ROUGHLY SEVEN HOURS.  AMAZING.  So much time off.  Get to do ALL the things.  LOOK if they deliver tootsie pops they're probably just putting it down by door, ringing bell, then SPRINTING back to their truck.  I don't gotta interact with them at all.  STILL THOUGH GOTTA HIDE MY SHAME FROM PASSERBY PEDESTRIANS.  Oh right.  Always the passerby pedestrians!  Ain't that how it always goes.  What else is up.  Wonder what World Travel Calendar will tell me about for JUNE.  I hope it's a good 'un.  I wanna live vicariously Through Calendar Or Something.  Gotta live vicariously through something.  What am I just supposed to live MY LIFE?  That's now how I do things!  That's not how ANYONE does things.  Everyone's life is a BUST.  We all wanna live vicariously through something else!  Gotta be pretty universal.  I dunno about that sounds kinda Wrong And Dumb.  Hey great I'll be back later.




life goes on for some reason

    Hi!  It's successfully later in the day than it was earlier.  So at the very least TIME HAS CONTINUED TO PROGRESS FOR ME AT LEAST.  Yeah!  Ate delicious Dinner for Diner.  Had delicious Lunch for Lunch.  The time in-between was okay.  I HAD A SECOND KETO BROWNIE IN-BETWEEN THAT WAS MORE THAN OKAY.  Solid three bitesworth to that thing.  HAD chocolate caramel pretzel bar just now because I LIKE TO DO THINGS.  Got beer going on.  Wonderful.  Let's knock out some paragraphs.  Look I'm gonna treat myself with caramel pretzel chocolate bar so I write better Entry.  Not sure how that logic works.  IF I DON'T EAT IT, I'LL REGRET NOT EATING IT IN PERPETUITY UNTIL I EAT SOMETHING ELSE.  Oh I see.  Checks out kind of!  Well then I can just regret not eating it until eventually eating something else.  I don't wanna have to wait FOURTY MINUTES.  That's a long time to live with The Regret Of Not Eating The Thing.  THAT'S HOW LONG CLASSES ARE IN HIGH SCHOOL.  41 minutes on most days.  On days with homeroom 40 minutes.  THAT'S WHERE EXTRA TEN MINUTES COME FROM.  TRADE SECRET.
Hey let's trade secrets!  Why, I just gave away my secret for free.  Well be a GENTLEMAN/LADY and give me one of your secrets anyway.  It's only fair!  I dunno I don't wanna hear your secrets.  You probably have pretty good reasons to be keeping it secret.  SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  I THINK YOU'RE MAKING THE RIGHT MOVE KEEPING THAT A SECRET, WHATEVER IT IS.  Anyway what else is going on.  Mets are winning their game against the opposing team.  That's how that goes.  GOT tootsie pops Successfully.  Maybe that's how I justify Caramel Pretzel Bar Chocolate.  That's INSTEAD of Tootsie Pop which suddenly I DON'T NEED.  SOUNDS LIKE A FAIR TRADE.  Let's Secret Trade.  I'll trade you one snack for another equal calorie snack but it's A SECRET.  NO ONE KNOWS WE'RE MAKING THE TRADE.  ALSO THIS ONLY MAKES SENSE IF I'M TALKING TO MYSELF.  Which I hope I'm not because I'M HAVING A HARD TIME FOLLOWING ME.
     Hmm.  Tried Barry Lyndon again.  STILL won't load.  Tried Eyes Wide Shut again.  Still won't even register as a DVD!  Looks like I'm stuck with a dumb life without either of those two movies.  If you can even call that a life.  You probably can.  That's what I've been doing.  Hmm.  So what's the plan on gun regulations.  TALK ABOUT IT a little bit less each day?  Then presumably something else will happen in the news?  YEP THAT'S THE PLAN.  GREAT.  Hmm.  I wonder what the Something Else will be!  Will it be a PLANNED thing or a SURPRISE thing.  Or are all surprise things actually planned and it's a conspiracy.  OR maybe all PLANNED THINGS ARE ACTUALLY SURPRISES and it's a ANTI-CONSPIRACY.  Not only are conspiracies not real but we've been given innocently/publicly planned things too much credit for being A Conspired Thing.  EVERYTHING IS A SURPRISE!!!  Let's talk about it.  Or not.  Maybe we have better things to talk about.  Maybe we're not talking at all.  I'd like to start a dialogue but you've been very unresponsive the last 10 years.  Gotta  really wonder if that'll turn around at some point.
Sure.  What else is up.  Presumable SMORE Bar for Soon.  Fourty minutes from when I had Bar Chocolate Pretzel Caramel.  Which at this point was about ten minutes ago.  I DUNNO I THINK I'm gonna GO EVEN LONGER.  LIKE FIFTEEN MINUTES LONGER.  WOW WHAT SELF CONTROL.  SURPRISE.  I have no self control but I also have no LACK of self control.  THINGS JUST HAPPEN AND I CAN NEITHER CONTROL THEM OR NOT CONTROL THEM.  It's all very confusing.  VERY confusing.  Anyway nice seven walk'r of a day.  Nice 35 set'r of situp and pushup situp  pushup for your rights.  Also I dunno what was going on in Jamaica but if you can achieve rights just by GETTING UP AND/OR STANDING UP then your rights weren't being denied very vehemently in the first place!  HEY ALL I HAD TO DO WAS GET UP AND STAND UP AND THEY GAVE ME MY RIGHTS?  THIS IS GREAT WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THIS SOONER!!!  Hmm.  STANDING UP maybe I can see.  HEY THEY'RE PROTESTING BY STANDING UP WHEN CLEARLY IT'S EASIER TO SIT UP OR LIE DOWN.  GETTING UP seems like hardly any effort at all.  Even less than Standing Up!  You can get up TO Stand up but Standing up you'd have to KEEP STANDING UP CONSTANTLY for it to count as a Stand Up.  Getting Up is just one tiny small action.  Hmm maybe getting up IS harder.  Once you're standing up NOT THAT HARD TO KEEP STANDING.  But GETTING UP is DEFINITELY involving some movement.  Anyway Hmm.
What else is going on and crap.  DAMN LIBERALS CANCELING BOB MARLEY BECAUSE HE USED DRUGS!!!!  Hardly seems fair.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna go pour myself some soda.  Will it be Sprite?  No.  I'll tell you what it was/is in just a moment.  Root beer.  Delicious.  Gonna go get second beer of the night.  Regular beer.  Delicious.  Getting up relatively early to go to LAUNDROMAT in the morning. GREAT.  I'M GONNA BE UP AND ABOUT FOR SURE NO QUESTIONS ASKED.  Wait why are no questions being asked.  NO QUESTIONS RELEVANT.  Oh okay.  2 POP TARTS OR BREAKFAST SANDWICH IT LOOKS LIKE.  No egg whites for Balanced Breakfast!  No ice cream sandwiches or Cakes or Anything Like That to Have.  Hmm do I got any COOKIES.  NOPE NO COOKIES EITHER.  Gotta be some kinda cookie.  I GOT MEAL REPLACEMENT COOKIE-- TOO LARGE FOR A BREAKFAST.  What if I had half of it.  TOO SMALL FOR A BREAKFAST.  What if I had 75% of it.  WELL SURE IN AN IDEAL WORLD.  Hmm maybe THIS is the ideal world.  Because I CAN DO THAT SURE.  WHY NOT LET'S THINK THIS THROUGH.  The other 25% would be a decent good snack.  Main deterrent towards putting this plan INTO ACTION is that it'd be tough to divide cookie into quarters without EXCESS CRUMBLING.
     Also lemme go get that Regular Beer like I said I was gonna do and whatknot.  Hmm finished the glass of root beer.  Lemme fill that up AGAIN with soda when I go get my Regular Beer.  WHAT SODA?  NOT ROOT BEER THAT'S FOR SURE.  I like CHANGING THE FLAVOR OF THE SYRUP IN MY CARBONATED BEVERAGES from glass to glass.  VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE.  Sixth paragraph.  That sounds about right.  Wonderful.  Put in Deli Delivery tonight.  Got nothing for tonight.  Got Chickened Pot Pie for TOMORROW night.  I hope to leave it in the oven appropriately long enough again so that when I try to dig into it the Top Of The Pastry comes off as a clean DISC and I can eat the insides with a fork and go back and forth between that and taking bites out of Complete Top Of Pie Pastry Disc.  THAT'S HOW I WENT LAST TIME AND I LOVED IT.  Went with Sprite just now.  THAT'S HOW IT WENT LAST TIME (BEFORE THE ROOT BEER) AND I LOVED IT.  So, great, sure, I dunno.  Life is a snooze.  I should have watched Kids Of The Hall but I WASTED MY DAY watching something else one would imagine.  Tales In The Crypt.  O that DOES sound like a waste of a life.  It all checks out!
Seventh paragraph.  Bob Marley sounds more like the name of a White Fan of Bob Marley than of Bob Marley IN And Of Himself.   I can just imagine a white reggae fan named Bob Marley more than THE REGGAE MAN HIMSELF.  Probably says something bad about me that that's how I feel.  Oh well.  50% of what I feel says bad things about me.  That's the nature of life.  50% of us reflects poorly on us.  I feel like that's pretty universal.  And pretty consistent throughout populations across the globe and across history.  Interesting I wonder what that's all about.  No I don't!  I don't wonder anything these days!  WHAT'S THE POINT I'm never gonna figure it out anyway!  WHY BOTHER WONDER WHEN IT'S ULTIMATELY GOING TO BE FRUITLESS.  Hmm.  Negative thing about Sprite and beer is that the color is similar.  Beer is slightly more Urine Colored but if I'm not paying close enough attention I might sip the wrong thing when I wanna sip the other.  Gotta be a better way to describe this color than, "Urine Colored."  You'd think so wouldn't you.
     Eighth paragraph!  Sweet.  Mets traded for Minor Leaguer J.T. Riddle.  Who I can only assume is the grandson of Voldemort.  NO SPOILERS.  What else is up.  WOW it was almost half a year ago I Watched The Harry Potters.  In retrospect FUN TIME.  I thought I was halfway enjoying it at the time but the otherhalfway was the dominant halfway.  The halfway I wasn't enjoying it was more prominent.  Now that I think about it-- imagining films and sequences and scenes-- NOT A BAD FRANCHISE.  LOTS OF GOOD MEMORIES.  ALSO I WAS WALKING IN A CIRCLE ALMOST THE ENTIRE TIME.  MAYBE THAT'S WHY I LIKE THINKING BACK ON IT.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  No interest in Fantastic Beasts and knowing where to find them though.  NO THANKS NOT ON BOARD FOR SOME REASON I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT AND I WOULDN'T WANT TO BOTHER TRYING EVEN IF I COULD SEE YA LATER.  What else is going on an crap.  Gonna have ice cream bar as next snack.  Dunno what that means for Overall Night of Snacking.  Whether I'll have something else after that or not.  I just FEEL like having it next and it's HEALTHIER so let's go with that.  THAT WHEN ENTRY IS OVER.  AND/OR TAKEN OUT GARBAGE.  NO OR.  BOTH.  AND.  YEA.
     Penultimate paragraph of the night.  GOD DAMNIT.  I never figured out a good fillum to watch when this is over.  Anything good on THE SHUTTER.  I'VE SAID ALL THIS BEFORE.  BOB MARLEY SOUNDING WHITE.  WATCHING HARRY POTTER.  SEE YA LATER.  Oh well that's life.  Mostly a repeat from Past Life!  I got a solid 45 years left in me and I gotta imagine 40 of those years will be Repeats (and re-repeats) of stuff I've already lived.  GREAT GIVES ME TIME TO REALLY ACCLIMATE MYSELF TO THESE EXPERIENCES.  LOVE IT.  What else is going on.  Gotta pour more soda. ...Guess I'm gonna go back to root beer?  I also had Diet Coke and Orange Soda and SNAPPLE but NOPE RIGHT BACK TO ROOT BEER THAT'S THE WAY TO GO!  Watch that classic horror film from Japan about the guy who turns into a robot or something.  I might have some of the details mixed up.  I gave ONE detail.  Either the ONE DETAIL is mixed up or it isn't.  Hmm.  Either way MAY have seen this before but I dunno!  It looks like they JUST added it to The Shutter and if I seen it IT WOULDA BEEN THERE.  Either way YEAH.
Last paragraph of the night.  That sounds fun.  Maybe drink a Beer III to enjoy Cult Classic Film.  Makes sense to me.  LOTS OF THINGS MAKE SENSE TO ME.  MORE THAN YOU WOULD GUESS.  Interesting.  I forget what's going on.  GUN CONTROL.  OR LACK THEREOF AM I RIGHT??!  I am right.  Oh that's sad.  Hmm.  What if I had a Double Bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  No Balance to it.  Just really lean into the Unhealthy Cereal.  Hmm.  No such thing as a bad idea.  That's what I've been led to believe.  THAT might have been a bad idea though.  And it was cleverly trying to cover up it's badness by making its whole PURPOSE about saying NOTHING is bad.  SOUNDS LIKE POLITICS AM I RIGHT.  Kind of if I can CONTORT my mind into making sense of that!  It's tough but if you can contort your mind quite well A Lot Of What I Say Makes Sense!  So that's good.  What else is up.  That's it!  I'll be back tomorrow!

-9:02 P.M.




Saturday, May 28, 2022

Sorry To Bother You

    Hey!  What's up and whatknot.  A little behind schedule today, but AHEAD Of Normal BehindSchedule.  Halfway between!  So that's not so bad.  Had some dumb MightNight Snacking last night.  I estimate 2 HalfwayDecent Ice Cream Sandwiches.  I'm pretty sure I had that.  POSSIBLY I had something else too but I don't remember.  I'm just gonna chalk it up as 2 Halfway Decent Ice Cream Sandwiches.  Breakfast was delicious indulgent black and white.  Calories they say imply it's a SMALLER breakfast.  Truth is it's probably Biggest Regular Breakfast by a wide margin!  HEY HOW ABOUT THAT.  It's delicious though!  NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.  Maybe some doubt.  Like .25%.  Nothing is 100% in this topsy turvy world we live in.  Also I have it on good authority that SOUTH is actually NORTH.  Making the world Topsy Turvy.  Hmm.  Gonna have to look into that one.  What else is going on.  Haven't read News From Twitter this morning.  Anything terrible happen?  I'LL FIND OUT EVENTUALLY!
Okay.  I think Elon Musk is A BRILLIANT because he was like I LIKE ELECTRIC CARS.  And then later on in his life he was like I LIKE SPACE.  GIVE THIS MAN 50 BILLION DOLLARS.  Hmm.  And then LATER on his life he was like I LIKE TWITTER.  WAIT A SECOND.  MAYBE I DON'T.  GOTTA THINK ABOUT THIS ONE.  Hmm.  I like billionaires who DO things.  Not just get lucky with investing and stuff like that.  Like Bill Gates!  He's actually INTO computers, right?  He was ON THE FRONT LINES DOIN COMPUTER STUFF has been my assumption.  Maybe I'm wrong.  Also when I say he's INTO computers YES I mean he's sexually attracted to them.  Look if you made billions of dollars Off Of Something you'd eventually become a pervert and be sexually attracted to it too.  I feel like that isn't too controversial a statement!  Anyway.  Made some progress in Barry Lyndon last night.  GOOD MOVIE.  I like the parts where the scenes have CANDLELIGHT in them and Kubrick ACTUALLY just used Candlelight and not Regular Stage Lights.  THAT'S RIGHT I'M AN AFICIONADO I KNOW ALL THE BEHIND THE SCENES.
Hmm.  Have I read a Kubrick Book.  I guess I got that knowledge somewhere.  Lemme see if there's any Kubrick Books.  I don't think I've read any of these but HEY not a bad idea for Next Book to read.  No autobiography though.  That would have been sweet!  Safe to assume the Gigolo Robot in AI was intended to be sort of a representation of Kubrick's entire true life biography.  HEY I can watch that movie too.  Got it on DVD.  RARELY seen it in real life.  Maybe half a dozen times.  They don't play this sucker on TV that often!  GOOD DEAL.  I'm FRIENDS with Haley Joel Osment because I often ate dinner ONLY A FEW CAFETERIA TABLES AWAY FROM HIM.  THAT'S MY CLAIM TO FAME AND I'M STICKING TO IT.  Hmm.  Pretty sure that IS my claim to fame.  Can't think of anything better!  Oh.  Right.  I saw the New Pornogrpahyers in concert.  THERE WE GO.  HMM.  Wonder if Hojo ever actually graduated.  I didn't!  Not from there at least!  Better LTURQ.  WOW Wikipedia DOES actually specifically say he graduated.  In 2011!  If he was on track with Rest Of Class it'd have been 2010 but one year behind isn't so bad for someone with his presumptive commitments!
    YEAH.  Wikipedia has him at 5'4.  I buy that!  Good for him.  Good role model.  What else is up.  Hmm.  If we DO start arming teachers, gotta imagine that now people who are violent and wanna be A Big Man/Woman and Shoot People GO INTO TEACHING NOW.  I started that thought as a joke and by the time I got to the end of the thought I was like well that's probably accurate.  I WANNA BE ON THE FRONT LINES AND MAYBE SHOOT SOMEONE.  I'M GONNA TEACH FOURTH GRADE.  So there's that.  What about Not Arming Anyone.  That doesn't sound right.  Gotta arm SOME people.  The only way to stop No One With A Gun is Someone With A Gun.  Ah I see.  What else is up.  Brother coming some point today!  Possibly before I'm done with DayTime part of Entry.  Will that make me interrupt so I can entertain him?  MAYBE MAYBE NOT.  I don't need to entertain him the while time.  Small part o' time!  Parents entertain him more!  So there's that.
    NATIONAL Food of the tomorrow is... National Coq Au Vin day.  WELL WHAT THE HELL IS THAT.  LOOKS GREAT.  Chicken in Wine is the translation.  An also some other aspects to the meal.  LOOKS GOOD SIGN ME UP.  WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOWHERE NEAR ME THAT I'VE GOTTEN SELLS IT.  I WANT YOU TO SIGN ME UP AND THAT'S THAT.  What else is going on.  Also not sure why a US National Day is in French.  That's COUNTERINTUITIVE.  Also counterintuitive DOES sound VAGUELY intuitive.  If something is intuitive, the Exact Counter of that sounds vaguely reasonable! I MAY not know how words work.  Hmm.  Was happy with how Sustainable Snacking went yesterday.  Mightnight frucked it up though.  Oh well.  Back on track for today!  MightNight counts against TODAY too not yesterday.  So the goal is to eat less snack today.  YEAH.  Probably getting SMORE bars today.  Maybe try one tonight!  That'd be my guess of how my life shakes out.  Hey time to get some coffee.  I'll do that right now and you won't even notice I'm gone!
    Anything worthwhile happen yet this entry.  I dunno.  I feel like when I was a kid I was a fan of Kubrick.  Like as part of my personality.  Oh I'm a big fan of Kubrick.  Not sure WHY in retrospect.  Not sure which films I can say I REALLY LIKE THIS.  I think IN GENERAL I watched most of the films and appreciated oh this is well done.  I don't remember actually LOVING any film though.  NOW I'M OLDER AND I LIKE FILLUMS BETTER.  And I like Kubrick LESS.  I appreciate him just as much, enjoy his films somewhat more, but overall I'm LESS enthusiastic than I started out!  GREAT JUST GREAT.  What else is going on and crap.  I wanna watch Kids In The Hall but I HAVEN'T YET.  Hmm interesting story.  Anyway what else is up.  Got some laundered clothes.  Also there's a weird thing going on where a lot of my t-shirts now have holes in the back in right around the same area.  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON.  I can't figure it out!  LOOK these shirts I've been wearing since high school a decade and a half ago.  Not surprising they'd have holes in them.  But ALL IN THE SAME PLACE.  And all suddenly apparent POSSIBLY OUT OF NOWHERE.  Sleep Making Holes In My Shirts?  COULD BE.
    Seventh paragraph of the act.  Great!  Closing in on the end of May.  Good.  May was Okay!  Coulda been better.  Coulda been a lot better.  Coulda been worse.  Coulda been a lot worse.  Could have been the same.  Could have been NOT THE SAME but overall THE SAME QUALITY more or less.  I think that's about it.  Could NOT HAVE EXISTED.  Pretty sure it existed.  I was here the whole time.  I'd have noticed if it didn't exist!  Hmm.  BARRY LYNDON IS THE ULTIMATE ANTI-HERO thoughts?  Hmm.  He's not an anti-hero.  He's just a hero who is a big jerk half the time.  But he loves doing things by candlelight, can't say anything bad about him there!  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  SATURDAY.  Saturday is my biggest claim to fame.  THINK OF ALL THE CELEBRITIES WHO LIVE ON SATURDAYS A SEVENTH OF THE TIME.  MOST OF THEM that's who.  Then again similar claim can be made about Wednesday.  What's going on.  Where am I.
     Eighth paragraph!  Delicious.  Feel like if I entertain my brother in my room he won't be disgusted by how unclean it is.  Pretty claim.  CLUTTERED A BIT in places sure.  That's fair to say.  Also KEEP BATHROOM DOOR CLOSED.  NO ONE WANNA SEE THAT DISASTER AREA.  Except for me.  I GET OFF on bathroom being disaster area.  Don't ask me why or how!  Don't ask me anything.  HOLD ALL QUESTIONS UNTIL THE END OF THE ENTRY.  Hopefully by then you'll have forgotten your questions.  Cause I don't wanna answer for anything!  Hmm.  Warm day today.  No problem there.  Except for how it's too warm for sweatshirt jacket but POSSIBLY not warm enough for Without It.  Probably is warm enough for without it.  Let's go with that for next walk.  YEAH.  Maybe have dumb ice cream sandwich I shouldn't like but I do AGAIN as upcoming snack.  I LIKE DUMB THINGS FOR SOME REASON.  OH I KNOW WHY.  I'm thinking better get it out of the way NOW so I don't have to eat it LATER.  Also DELICIOUS.
Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Good deal!  With No-Entertaining-Brother I'd fit in seven walks relatively easily.  Probably still can.  He's gotta work around MY schedule not the other way around!  Also I only entertain him 15% of the time!  NO PROBLEM.  Anything worthwhile happen yet this Entry.  My guess is NO.  I'm CLOSER to WHATEVER WORTHWHILE THING THAT WILL HAPPEN though than I was from the start.  So that's good.  Building up to something!  Wonderful!  Hmm wonder what lunch gonna be.  Could be Sandwich again Presumably Ham.  Could be TURKEY MEATLOAF and HEALTH SPAGHETTI.  Best two ideas off the top of my head.  Got 3 other ideas!  THE LESS SAID ABOUT THEM THE BETTER.  Hmm.  OH A FOURTH IDEA.  Meal Replacement Cookie!  I thought of that 2 hours ago while being in bed after breakfast but not getting up and kept Snoozing alarm clock every 15 minutes AHEAD OF TIME.  I set alarm for 9:30 at 9:05?  GUESS WHAT BY 9:12 I'm like OK GONNA RE-SET IT FOR 9:45 BECAUSE I LIKE PLANNING AHEAD.  That's how I ROLL in the mornings.
     Last paragraph of the act.  Great!  Maybe entertain brother by watching Kids Of The Hall WITH him.  Sounds like a good Brother Brother activity.  We share taste in comedy and BOND over that.  Never bonded over Kids In The Hall before but MAYBE THAT'S JUST THE RIGHT THING for today.  GREAT WONDERFUL.  Anyway.  2/3rds of DayTime part of Entry ALMOST DONE WITH.  That's pretty impressive.  WHY Day has JUST BEGUN and already a nice chunk of Responsibility is down!  I haven't SUCCEEDED very much in doing A GOOD JOB.  But any job is a good job.  That's how I feel.  Better than no job!  Hmm.  How did I like Wilco album.  It was okay!  I feel it'll grow on me IF and ONLY IF I listen to it several more times.  If I never listen to it again it will never grow on me!  Unless I LOOK AT IT a lot.  I guess if I just LOOK at the track listing for HOURS every day somehow that'll make an impression on me.  Hmm.  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit!




I'm Gonna Do This Now

    HEY!  Time to knock out five paragraphs.  Take a walk.  Take a shower.  THEN Re-CALIBRATE depending on Brother Entertainment Situation.  So there's that.  What else do I got in store for today.  HAM SANDWICH with GOOD FIBER BAR I think for lunch.  It's good because it's healthy.  HEALTH bread.  I can, "Dig," that!  What else is going on and crap.  Met game tonight.  I might watch some of that!  Tonight tonight.  I might live through some of that!  Anyway GOOD NEWS the shirt I'm wearing doesn't have the tell tale hole in the back of it.  It's normally in the middle down part of the shirt.  Middle sideways, and a little bit below middle vertical.  ALSO looked at my PROFILE in store window this past walk and NOT BAD.  I'm doin' GREAT at the very upper end of where I feel comfortable.  Until I gain more pounds.  And ACCURATELY wanna be comfortable THERE too.  Basically the point is this has been an entire paragraph.
     Hmm.  I like Kubrick because I LIKE FILM is what I was like when I was 13.  Gotta like SOMETHIN.  Why not Films.  They were the main escape from My Life!  Had started liking music at that point, sure.  Always like TV.  Had gotten somewhat into Comedy.  The point is FILM being the main point of escape fell apart as a concept immediately BUT still.  Seemed more SERIOUS I guess.  MUSIC IS GOOD FOR A LARK but FILM is FOR BIG BOYS.  Anyway that's good.  I wonder if I'd still like a Film were I to watch one.  YEAH.  Gotta watch some films to check!  Hmm.  Ya know what let's put it this way.  I was a FAN of film in a way I wasn't a fan of music.  TV sure.  BIG FAN of The Sampsons and whatknot.  But TV is for THE PLEABS.  I'M INTO HIGH QUALITY CINEMA LIKE HIGH PRODUCTION VALUE FILMS.  I lost track of what I was talking about.  In the back of my mind I just wanna write the paragraphs so I can continue my day. OH NO the day will be TAINTED knowing I wrote bad paragraphs.  Oh well Day Gotta Be Tainted Somehow!  Might as well be this way.
    Sure.  Maybe take it upon myself to clean bathroom over the course of the next week.  Spread it out over a week, that seems doable.  Not sure what the POINT will be.  My life will not become any better.  SURE it'd be COOL the first day or two being like MAN THIS ROOM IS CLEAN.  I GET OFF ON THAT AND WHATKNOT.  Not only is it healthier and looks better but I DID A GOOD JOB DOING SOMETHING ADULT AND PRODUCTIVE.  So let's see if that pans out.  I'll keep ya updated on this situation as it may or may not progress!  Hmm.  Nothing wrong with a ham sandwich.  COULD Be on a sandwich by sandwich basis.  But as a general theoretical concept there's nothing INHERENTLY wrong with it.  Unless you don't eat pig.  Then you're gonna wanna steer clear.  Maybe you eat steer.  That's cow right.  Everyone Eat Some Cow.  Lemme LTURQ.  IT IS BOVINE.  Bovine is cow.  THAT SETTLES THAT ONCE AND FOR ALL!  Hmm.  Got some steak for dinner tonight.  GOOD AMOUNT.  I don't like it when Steak *Stuff Mushroom has Too Big A Steak.  I like it when it's a relatively small amount for each portion.  HEALTHY. 
     Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Knockin' out these paragraphs like it was nothin.  Knock knock knockin' these paragraphs on Heaven's door.  Heaven got ONE door.  That way it helps prevent School Shooters.  Anyway.  ARE THERE GUNS IN HEAVEN.  Gotta imagine there are for some people.  But you CAN'T kill other people.  That kinda behavior gonna get you demoted to Hell I feel.  That'd be my assumption although to be fair I don't know for sure how afterlife operates EXACTLY.  I get the MAIN BROADSTROKES but the minutiae law NOT 100% SURE ON.  I guess you're probably allowed to shoot SHOOTING RANGES that hurts no one.  Shooting ENDANGERED SPECIES I dunno.  Hmm. If a species is endangered on Earth it's probably OVERREPRESENTED in Heaven.  That's how they got to be endangered Here.  DIED TOO MUCH.  There's WAY TOO MUCH of them in afterlife THUSLY.  GOOD LOGIC.  Yep.  Anyway what else is up.  Guess I only have one more DayTime Paragraph to write!
     Amazing.  Is that how people/animals are re-incarnated.  You die on Earth, you go to afterlife.  Then YOU DIE IN AFTERLIFE, you go back to Earth.  Just a never ending cycle of Dying Here and then going back and forth between Spiritual Plains to Die The Other Place and then going back again.  Plains.  Planes.  Not sure which homonym I wanna go with in that situation.  What else is up.  Hmm.  Based on what I've read and my assumptions is that between shootings kids don't worry too much about them.  Probably when shootings happen they're like Oh Crap This Is Real.  But if there's a while without a shooting and they're doing drills they're just like UGH NOT THIS AGAIN THIS IS BORING.  That's kids for ya!  Don't take things seriously until their cohorts are being shot and killed in their Present-To-Recent Memory.  Oh well.  The important thing is they won't learn about slavery and if they do MAYBE IT WAS GOOD ACCORDING TO SOME SCHOLARS???  Nice generation we're raising.  Gonna be real good.  I'll be back tonight!




feel free i don't care

    HEY!  Today was a day.  I WENT THROUGH IT.  Or maybe it went through me.  Either way solid 8 or 9 hours later since Before.  Watched some Kids Of The Hall with brother.  GREAT!  I liked the part where Hey this is a vibe I didn't know I needed.  But I DID.  And now I HAVE HAD TOO MUCH OF IT.  Oh well.  Now there's a NEW DIFFERENT vibe out there I didn't not before know did that I need(ed) NOW to counterbalance the Kids Of The Hall did to me.  I WONDER WHAT IT WILL BE.  BETTER NOT BE STRANGER THINGS.  I'm watching METS game today.  Generally I like it BUT IT'S ON FOX and I'm not on board with Fox.  If it were up to fox WE'D HAVE LESS DOORS.  That's the Republicans big new agenda.  LESS DOORS.  NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT.  HOW WILL I BREAK ON THROUGH TO THE OTHERSIDE, THROUGH A WINDOW?!!?!  OH THAT SOUNDS PLAUSIBLE.  Good.  Now we've gotta have less windows.  FINE I CAN BREAK THROUGH THE WALL LIKE KOOL AID PERSONGLASS.
     Hmm.  Might have three beers tonight.  Just feels right!  I had a nice pleasant day entertaining my brother and him entertaining me and now I wanna have a nice pleasant night doing Bonus Beer!  That could be a REGULAR thing.  Maybe 1-3 times a week!  Probably no more than that!  CAN'T be more than 4 times a week I WOULDN'T HAVE ENOUGH.  Also what else is going on.  GOT S'MORE QUEST BAR.  Put those suckers in the fridge an hour ago.  They should be all, "Fridged 'Up," by the time I want it in roughly an hour.  TWO HOURS FROM PUTTING IT IN, "FRIDGE," IN THE FIRST PLACE.  Hmm.  Ok just so I'm up to date-- the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is LESS DOORS.  Am I getting that right?  Why have ANY doors.  If you have a school with no doors VERY HARD for shooter to get in.  YA ALWAYS GOTTA BE ONE STEP AHEAD OF THEM.  Gotta imagine if you have an assault rifle you can SHOOT YOUR WAY through a wall.  Enough bullets can accomplish anything!  Good encouraging message to kids.  IF YOU CAN SHOOT IT YOU CAN DO IT.  Anyway if you shoot up a wall in a silhouette than presumably the silhouette will collapse and you walk in through the silhouette.  I MAY NOT KNOW HOW SILHOUETTES WORK.
Third paragraph!  A little INSIDE BASEBALL I was actually still eating dinner for Paragarphs I and II.  Now I'm not.  Because I ate all of it!  Nothing more to do re: that dinner.  Anyway what else is up.  Also the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is DON'T GET ON THEIR BAD SIDE.  This is KIND Of on the kids?  If you don't give someone a REASON to shoot you then you're PROBABLY gonna be okay!  BE SMART.  What else is up.  Still not sure if we're talking about this guy's motive.  We know he didn't like his grandma doing tech support for his phone or something.  Maybe that's not all we know.  That's all I know!  His grandma was helping him out talking to sprint and he was like THIS ENRAGES ME I'M GONNA END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL.  Seems kinda dumb.  Grandma is HELPING YOU.  YOU IDIOT.  What else is going on and crap.  LOOK I can relate to getting ENRAGED by NOTHING as a teenager.  My parents enraged me just by talking to me.  I'd get up in the morning after 3 hours of sleep and I'm in the car on the way to train station and if they say one word to me I'M OUT OF MY MIND ANGRY.  JUST FUCKIN SHUT UP I NEED PEACE.  But I never shot them.  Or wanted to shoot them!  So basically SHOW THE SELF CONTROL I HAD is all I'm asking from kids today.
     Wonderful.  UGH THESE FOX BASEBALL ANNOUNCERS.  JOHN SMOLTZ BETTER SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M GOIN OUT OF MY MIND ANGER.  YOU WOULDN'T LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGER.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Kinda feel like PRETZELS.  How about that.  Are pretzels in the card?  Nah don't think so.  The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is don't give the bad guy a gun how about that.  Seems like the most reasonable and intuitive way to stop a bad guy with a gun!  Don't give the bad guy a gun!  I'M A GENIUS.  Also maybe the bad guy is an anti-hero.  Who are we to say whose a good guy or a bad guy.  Is that something we should consider?  My guess?  I don't know anything anymore.  Words have no meaning.  I'm just trying to type out enough of them that I can move on with my life eventually.  YEAH.  Wonder what I do when entry is over.  Try to watch Barry Lyndon.  Might need some new BATTERIES.  Batteries I've been going back and forth between Xbox 350 controller and TV remote are themselves losing power.  I NEED MORE POWER TO TURN ON THE XBOX 350.
     Yeah!  Had pretty good ham sandwich for lunch today.  Side of TOASTY Cheezzz Its.  Still have matzoh ball soup as sandwich side.  Forgot about it!  Only sandwich I have left for the week is 3 Sawdust Dogs.  OKAY FINE THEN THAT'S WHAT I'LL HAVE THE SOUP WITH THEN SMART GUY.  The only way to stop a smart guy with a gun is a stupid guy with a gun.  That doesn't sound good FOR SOCIETY.  We want the smart guys to live and the stupid guys to die out.  That's EVOLUTION OF THE FITTEST.  Anyway what else.  MY BROTHER ATE ALL MY BREADSTICKS.  I'm okay with that.  Haven't had a breadstick in months.  BUT he also ate ALL OF MY DAD'S BREADSTICKS.  I think My Dad is okay with that, too, but it does effect him more.  The point is MY BROTHER IS ADDICTED TO BREADSTICKS AND WE NEED TO PLAN AN INTERVENTION.  Unrelated to him being addicted to breadsticks.  IT JUST SO HAPPENS THAT HE'S ADDICTED TO BREADSTICKS AND WE NEED TO PLAN AN INTERVENTION FOR AN ENTIRELY UNRELATED PROBLEM AND/OR PERSON.
     Hmm.  Can you do a DIY intervention or do you need Professional Interventionor.  My guess is you can do whatever the Hell you like especially if you have a gun.  The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is GIVE HIM SOME SPACE DON'T ENGAGE THIS BAD GUY AND THEN YOU AT LEAST WILL BE SAFE FROM HIS GUN.  If we successfully prevent anyone and everyone from interacting with Bad Guy With Gun then NO OPPORTUNITY TO SHOOT ANYONE.  PLAY IT SAFE OUT THERE.  Anyway.  The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is SECRETLY REMOVING THE BULLETS.  Sounds about right.  Maybe giving them toy guns and hope they don't know the difference.  THEY THINK ALL GUNS ARE TOYS THAT'S THE PROBLEM.  YEAH.  What idiots.  I dunno how accurate that is.  But it definitely took several words to convey it so in the end how bad could that sentence or sentences be?  Anything that takes up space is INHERENTLY beneficial to mankind!
    What paragraph we up to.  Seventh'd be my guess!  YEP NAILED IT.  Haven't even started beer #2 yet.  But I still feel like 3 is the way to go.  Also wanna stay up LATE tonight.  We're talkin' go to bed at 10:45 PM not 10:15 PM.  LET'S HAVE A REAL FUN TIME is the point I'm trying to make.  Figure out how to watch some Tales From The Barry Lyndon.  I like the movie because I know what happens.  Yep.  Get the 2nd beer goin' I guess!  Not sure I ever really employed any toy guns.  I had a CAP gun I think but I Don't Know What That Is and I don't know if I eve rused it.  I can kind of imagine these circle things with pellet things lining the circle?  And you shoot them or something?  This may be roughly 20% OF A REAL THING.  Also had SUPER SOAKERS.  Water guns.  ALSO PROBABLY HAD SOME OTHER TOY GUNS.  But I never GOT OFF on toy guns.  So no reason to get off on real guns!  YEAH HOW 'BOUT THAT REALLY MAKES YA THINK.  Not really.  OH I SEE.  Hmm.  Guess I'll have S'more Quest bar roughly when this entry is over.  Or when I start watching Barry Lyndon.  Or maybe NEVER HOW ABOUT THAT WOULD THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY.  Ugh.  Look it's tough getting three hours of sleep every night.  YA NEED PEACE AND QUIET I GET THAT.  WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE.  Still probably shouldn't shoot the people trying to be nice to you though.  That'd be my first instinct of what you probably shouldn't do in life!
     Three paragraphs to go!  The point is I finished ALL my current gum packages.  I got 4 or 5 flavors right now.  Instead of re-upping each flavor as it ends, I'm too lazy, and then just choose between the flavors that are left.  NOW EACH FLAVOR IS COMPLETELY GONE.  Gunna have to start NEW packs of gum.  But the good news is in doing that I SUDDENLY HAVE 4 or 5 FLAVORS TO CHOOSE FROM AGAIN.  So it's a GOOD THING but it's BAD at first.  How is this bad.  I HAVE TO TAKE THE GUM PACKS FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER.  VERY MANUAL LABORLIKE YA KNOW.  What else is up.  Eh.  Might just have 2 beers tonight.  GREAT DOES THAT MEAN I CAN HAVE PRETZEL INSTEAD. I don't want pretzels anymore either!  GREAT I'LL JUST BANK THEM CALORIES THEN.  WONDERFUL.  Figure only a few more days left in May.  Also How are we all on knowing how many days are in each month?  For MOST months do we ALL still have to kind of do the rhyme thirty days have september, april, june, ETCETERA AND SO ON.  Is it just me?  Look February I know off the top of my head what it's gonna be if I'm thinking about it.  Some other months I might have memorized.  December I got memorized.  But the majority of months, if it's in the middle of the month or something, I HAVE TO DO THE RHYME.  AM I AN IDIOT OR ARE WE ALL IDIOTS IT CAN ONLY BE ONE.
Hmm.  Penultimate paragraph.  What else is going on and crap.  Brother tagged along with me on a walk today. Talked about the new food places since he lived here.  Kinda made me realize hey I pass by all these food places and I've never tried almost any of these food places.  GOTTA IMAGINE I'D LIKE A LOT OF THESE FOOD PLACES.  EMPANADAS.  DELICIOUS.  WHY HAVEN'T I GONE THERE.  I know CALORIE COUNTING has a lot to do with it.  I think oh are empanadas calorie cost-effective.  But what the Hell kind of idiot thinks that way.  If there's a GOOD FOOD you like then EAT IT IT'S WORTH IT HOW COMPLICATED IS THAT.  PRETTY complicated but not as complicated as I thought it would be but more complicated than you think it would be.  It... uh... huh?  Anyway this paragraph is close to being over.  So that's good for most people.
    Last paragraph of the day.  Between an hour and two hours to go before Bed Time To Remember.  I can remember it it's very easy.  Sometime within the 10 'o Clock Hour.  THE WITCHING HOURS.  Well the pre-pre-witching hour.  Pretty sure Midnight is The Witching Hour.  Maybe it's the END of the witching hour.  Whichever way, doesn't matter!  I'm going to sleep a the 10 PM HOUR because that's the bed time you have IN FOURTH GRADE.  And I'm a fourth grader this week in tribute to those who lost their lives.  If only they had guns.  And were good guys.  Hmm.  Outta the 30 kids in the class, gotta imagine 2 or 3 were on the Gun-Man's side.  Anyway Sorry.  Also what's this I read about him playing MUSIC during shooting.  WHAT KIND OF MUSIC?  ELEVATOR MUSIC?  ...ESCALATOR MUSIC? ...FREIGHT ELEVATOR MUSIC?  Hmm this is the last paragraph and it's already done!  Great.  I'll be back tomorrow with slightly less offensive things to say!  Later.

-9:05 P.M.



Friday, May 27, 2022

I Feel Good About This

    Hey!  Ahead of schedule today!  Woke up early so I could not just accept Super market delivery, but fit in a walk beforehand!  Which I just did!  Decent chance Act I is interrupted by super market delivery Acceptance and Putting Awayness.  In the meantime though let's just enjoy our surplus of time.  I HOPE Act is interrupted.  Means I won't be wasting time between act and waiting for delivery.  REALLY ENJOY TIME SURPLUS ALL DAY.  Anyway had balanced breakfast today starring Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Delicious.  Lunch'll either be Sandwich or Salad or Pastameal.  Sandwich is the most responsible way to go.  I have to eat THREE over the week and they're all similar because they're Sandwich so get one out of the way.  Don't wanna end up having to have 3 Sandwich lunches in a row!  HOWEVER Salad + Health Bread sounds good to me as well.  GREAT WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD I LIVE IN.  Well it's a terrible world.  But my live is a solid C+ WITHIN THE CONTEXT of the terrible world.  In fact probably HIGHER within the context.  My life has no right being this decent considering the terribleness of the rest of the world!
     Hmm.  Got mom to commit to doing some laundry for me today!  ALRIGHT NOW WE'RE TALKING.  Anyway what did I do last night.  Didn't watch anything!  Musta done something for 45 minutes and then just went to bed early.  Hmm what did I do for those missing 45 minutes.  I guess TWITTER?  Sounds like a lot of time to spend on something I hate.  But that's life for ya.  TWERE I to have a sandwich HAM sounds the best but also THAT'S THE ONE I'VE EATEN MOST RECENTLY.  Sawdust dogs ain't on my radar.  So Turkey Pastrami may be the top choice.  YEAH.  Got matzoh ball soup I got with Chicken Dinner that I'm saving for SandwichSide.  SO there's that!  Anyway let's get into it.  Oh right I spend 10 minutes trying to get Eyes Wide Shut to load.  Often I need to open and reclose the Disc Drive in the Xbox before it recognizes the Disc.  Did that forever yesterday and it never worked!  GAVE UP.  Oh well that's life.  GIVING UP. 
     Yeah!  New Wilco album, "Dropped," today!  Listened to that sucker on first walk.  Will listen to it on second walk.  Will listen to it on third walk!  Might not last the entire third walk but it'll certainly start it!  I read Jeff Tweedy autobiography.  The main thing I remember from it, and this may have been from someone else's autobiography, was the part where he was living with the band and he thought life would be like The Monkees.  I forget if that panned out for him or not.  Also may have been a different Music Autobiography.  Either way I've never seen The Monkees so I can only speculate what life would be like if it were like The Monkees.  Hmm.  I'd like to live with a band and have fun and whatknot.  As long as the band is composed of good people.  I don't wanna have fun and whatknot with BAD people.  It'd taint the entire experience!  Unless they're good and I'M the bad people.  Then oh well what can ya do I'm a bad people.  That's life.
Hmm.  Good couple of films on SHUTTER that I can watch today.  That's good.  Anyway.  I feel like when I was a kid and you were looking at pornography Eyes Wide Shut clips were COMMONPLACE.  Haven't seen them nowadays in a long time though!  Maybe they have good litigation lawyers or something which makes sure sites don't put 'em up.  GOOD FOR THEM.  SAVE THE GOOD STUFF FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WATCH THE FILM.  Also what else is going on and crap.  Also when I was a kid you had to download the pornography onto your computer for the most part.  Wait tens of minutes or more for a 3 minute clip.  Nowadays it's all STREAMING THIS, STREAMING THAT.  HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DOWNLOAD VIRUSES AND WHATKNOT EVERY OTHER CLIP IF I'M JUST STREAMING THEM.  I dunno I feel streaming from popular porn sites is still probably giving me a lot viruses and SPAMWARE and whatknot.  OH WELL LIFE IS FULL OF COMPROMISES.  Cool!  NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW DAY IS... National Hamburger Day.  WOW.  It occurs to me I NEED TO EAT A HAMBURGER.  Been a long time since I had a hamburger.  Diner hamburger or Fast Food.  GOTTA TRY IT.
Hmm.  What RATING did Eyes Wide Shut get from The MPAA.  Internet article is like it was originally an NC-17 but Kubrick SOLD OUT and made a cut that was R.  And the article is very upset about it.  On the grounds that HE COULD HAVE LEGITIMIZED NC-17 AND HE BLEW IT.  Oh well.  Anyway.  Gotta lotta day ahead of me today.  More than usual!  Because I'm awake for an extra hour or two.  GREAT.  Met game at 7:10 PM.  POSSIBLE I have it on in the background of NightTime Activity.  I like the parts where the Mets GET HITS or STRIKE OUT OTHER PLAYERS.  Also make INTERESTING CATCHES.  The point is I never shaved the back of my neck and I feel I've suffered little to no consequences for it.  So there's that.  WILCO EH.  Good deal!  I was gonna see them last summer but then DELTA Variant.  Now nobody cares about Delta.  But at the time IT WAS A SEMI BIG DEAL.  So there's that.  Saw a poll that was like 87% of people for background checks and 67% for banning assault rifles.  OH WELL WHAT CAN YA DO WHAT PEOPLE WANT IS MEANINGLESS IN OUR DEMOCRACY.
Coffee time!  Sweet.  Decent chance I finish Act and have like an hour or more before Super Market delivery gets here.  I can always keep trying to have the DVD Rack of Xbox go in and out and in and out until the DVD is recognized and plays.  That could take up a nice chunk of time.  What else is up.  Still gotta watch George Carlin documentary for myself.  I heard a solid 8% of it from walking up and down stairs while my Mom was watching it.  But that leave A LARGE GAP that I haven't seen.  Whether I was walking up, down, or sideways!  What else is up.  At what point do we start arming children to defend themselves.  SOME POINT?  NO POINT?  I've narrowed it down to those two things.  Jeez.  If I do have spare time after Act I WHAT TO DO FOR REAL.  Get somethin' GOOD goin on the television set, that much is a good general idea.  IF ONLY I WERE RE-UPPING WITH GOOD ICE CREAM SANDWICHES.  Re-upping with other good ice cream BUT NOT THE GOOD SANDWICH.
     YEAH.  Maybe put in order for Amazon Fresh which is where I WOULD get the sandwich today.  I think there's a good chance we put in order for today!  Get it tomorrow or Sunday!  YEAH.  HEY I get a new dinner tonight.  Nothin' left over from Past Nights.  Anyway.  Been a month since Official Weigh In with Endocrinologist.  Really should check my weight so I know.  But really don't wanna because there's very little chance I'd be like oh that's not so bad at all all things considered.  Well maybe 25% chance I'd feel that way.  BUT I DON'T WANNA RISK IT.  What else is up.  Is it possible DVD of Eyes Wide Shut is NC17 Cut?  Better LTURQ.  NOPE ON THE BOX IT SAYS, "R."  Where the rating is.  It also says, "R," HUNDREDS of times in all the different words and letters on the box.  But the point is HEY WE'RE PUTTING IN ORDER FOR REGULAR AMAZON.  Where I'm gettin a bunch of tootsie pops AND S'more Quest Bars!
    Eighth paragraph of the act!  Three to go!  So there's that.  PSYCHOSEXUAL SUSPENSE?  I ONLY LIKE ONE OF THOSE THREE THINGS.  AND EVEN THAT I'VE GOT MIXED FEELINGS ABOUT.  The point is if I was ON schedule I'd be starting the entry around 10, 15 minutes from what it is now.  DON'T WORRY waiting for Super Market will knock my early living down a peg or two.  That's life I guess.  Things getting knocked down a peg or two.  Which is a reference to some sort of IKEA THING?  You puttin' together your own desk or something there's PEGS that you can use to make it at a different level or something?  Maybe not the best example.  Maybe CHAIR not desk.  Desk is gonna be one height fits all.  CHAIRS maybe you wanna determine how high up the seat is relative to the ground.  LOOK WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON.  I KNOW JUST WHAT SNACK I'M GONNA HAVE THIS MORNING AFTER DELIVERY.  Maybe a 2nd one too.  BUT DEFINITELY THE FIRST ONE.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  So that's good for everyone involved.  Doesn't effect most people not involved.  Maybe tangentially.  It effects people involved and THEY effect people not involved and maybe THIS effect influences THAT effect.  WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON.  I SHOULD get a hamburger.  Dunno if I wanna commit to ordering fastfood from DoorDash and have to eat it 3 lunches in a row.  Just get Regular Hamburger instead of Bison Burger at some point from Diner Dinner Delivery.  YEAH.  What else is up.  Ended up only having 2 beers last night.  So that's good.  I find it weird that I wanna stay in bed and go back to sleep So Much AFTER SLEEPING A BUNCH OF HOURS in the morning and then I'VE BEEN AWAKE A BUNCH OF HOURS at night and it's significantly harder for me to fall asleep.  SEEMS LIKE A SCAM.  I don't trust this situation thing completely to be on the up and up!  So there's that.
Last paragraph for now!  So there's that!  Put on STRANGER THINGS for a solid 9 seconds.  Then I stopped!  Didn't seem like it was up my alley!  I GAVE IT A SHOT and that's what matters.  SMORE Quest Bar is in line with other bars in calories.  BIRTHDAY BAR is 170, CHOCOLATE ONE I'VE BEEN GETTING WHICH IS CALLED... lemme lturq... DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHUNK IS 180, and SMORES IS 190.  NEGLIGIBLE DIFFERENCE GOING BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN EM.  REAL NEGLIGIBLE LIKE.  Anyway Ray Liotta died.  Not 100% invested in him and feeling bad about it, not 100% invested in NOT him and NOT feeling bad about it!  I feel bad about it but not too much!  I have neutral positive feelings about it now that I'm confronted with having to think about it!  Anyway gotta imagine he died of a broken heart because of that teacher who died in Texas.  I WOULDN'T PUT IT PAST HIM.  The role he was latest preparing for was THAT TEACHER'S HUSBAND.  OH that explains it.  Anyway.  I'll be back soon.





Nobody Questions That

    Delivery RANG DOORBELL within FIVE SECONDS of writing last word soon.  AMAZING!  I like my small ice cream sandwiches to be 100 calories and THESE ARE 130 Calories!  I'll survive but I'm not happy about it!  I'm not happy about surviving?  WELL YEA... NO... HMM.  I dunno.  I guess I'm happy about surviving.  But UNDER NOT GREAT CIRCUMSTANCES so I don't know I have mixed feelings!  Anyway that has USURPED snack I thought I would have as snack before lunch.  Gotta get one of these out of the way.  Also interested to see if it IS slightly Heartier.  You'd think it'd at least taste more like real ice cream.  Which must be A LOT because the other ones ALREADY tasted pretty Ice Creamy.  Anyway what else is going on.  I could probably fit in eight walks today but let's not go crazy!  Let's stay crazy!  If that's our base mindset already!  What else is going on.  Maybe get another Diner Dinner tonight.  Go with Steak * Stuffed Mushrooms.  I DON'T HAVE BETTER IDEAS BECAUSE I'M DUMB.
What else is going on and crap.  I think School Shooting Police are on the verge of giving a Fourth Update.  Gotta imagine at some point they'll tell the truth.  Because at some point you just run out of lies.  I mean, by the third, fourth hundred Update, how many more lies can you come up with?  You can't!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  I should know the exact name of this town and how to spell it.  Lemme LTURQ.  QUADRE or something, right?  Lemme LTURQ. UVALDE.  I got most of the letters right which is good.  Also I've only heard it mentioned Three, Four Hundred times in the past few days.  So getting half the letters right isn't SO bad?  Either way.  UVALDE UVALDE UVALDE.  Let's keep that in mind.  Pronounced YOU-VHAL-DAY, right?  BETTER LTURQ.  WRONG  You-VAL-Dee.  Well that's good.  I learnt something.  Now you did too!  NOW WE'RE TWO.  Hmm.  Maybe turkey and health spaghetti for lunch.  That sounds good.  Dunno why I'm basing what I'm gonna have for lunch on SOUND.  Seems pretty irrelevant.  Of all the senses you wanna determine food based on, sound has gotta be the LEAST important.  Taste, smell, feel, look, sound.  That's how I'd rank the senses in order of importance to What You're Eating.  HMM.  Maybe sound has been NEGLECTED.  I could be onto something big by making special extravagant meals incorporate SOUNDS.  IT'S GOOD FOR THE DIGESTION.
What else is up.  I GOT THE, "U," part right.  That's halfway there.  What else is going on.  The point is if they had assault rifles during Founding Father Times would they be dueling with assault rifles?  Gotta imagine that would make things more fun for bystanders.  Or less fun.  MUCH higher chance there's some collateral damage and IT MIGHT BE YOU.  But besides that risk seeing two people shoot assault rifles DIRECTLY AT EACH OTHER AND MAKE SURE NOT AT BYSTANDERS sounds like a vaguely fun way to spend an afternoon.  What else is going on and crap.  Feels like we should have more duels.  Must be some places in the world in 21st century that still have Duels.  Or was that uniquely a Western Civilization Concept which I IMAGINE we'd all mostly abandoned.  Or are there cultures I'm Less Familiar with that HAVE and ALWAYS HAVE done Duels too.  Either way I'd look that up right quick, but, ya know.  Don't feel like it.
Also if someone challenges you to a duel is it easy to be like NOPE!  No thanks.  Sure you win theoretical victory by me saying no.  Good for you.  STILL NOT GONNA DUEL YA THOUGH.  Also if anything I COME OUT OF THAT THE WINNER.  This guy wants to do VIOLENCE and I'm the BIGGER MAN by declining to do violence.  So if you REALLY wanna beat someone at a duel-- and not even risk death-- just DENY THE DUEL.  YOU WIN AND EVERYONE LIVES TO DUEL ANOTHER DAY.  Hmm.  What else is going on an crap.  The point is snack I thought I would have before lunch has been bumped to between lunch and dinner.  ALSO I feel like MAYBE JUST MAYBE I can get into a Sustainable Summer Groove where I'm losing a pound a month or so.  Easily get me into IDEAL ADJUSTED RANGE by the time Sustainable Summer is over.  Also Sustainable Summer is over 2 weeks before the end of Summer.  STARTED VERY EARLY.  Ends A LITTLE Early.  THAT'S HOW SUMMERS GO IN MY BOOK.  Writing a book about how summers go.  Not going very well.  I spend all my writing energy HERE for some reason.
Last paragraph of the Daytime Day!  Feels like they should do a sequel to School Of Rock.  I know one of them died a year or two ago.  Probably Freddy The Drummer.  IT'S ALWAYS THE DRUMMERS ISN'T IT.  Let's see.  YEP.  HIT BY A CAR TOO.  I would have guessed Heroin Overdose.  I WAS JUST OFF BY A LITTLE BIT.  He was riding a bicycle.  That's halfway there.  What else is going on and crap.  But that's part of the plot.  Gotta pick a new kid to be a drummer.  Maybe the gay kid who likes designing things.  He's like I WANNA PLAY INSTRUMENT and Jack Black is like Well CAN YOU PLAY INSTRUMENT and he's like LET'S SEE and then he does some drumming.  Similar interaction to the girl who is the best at singing in the original.  But this time it's a different kid and a different instrument.  OH SO IT'S A BRAND NEW MOVIE WITH NEW STUFF I SEE.  Anyway what else is going on.  That's about it for now.  What other kid wants to drum.  Maybe one of the kids who were SECURITY.  Let one of them at them drums.  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit.  Hologram of Freddy Drumming.  Holograms can't drum. ...CAN THEY?!?!  Ok BE BACK IN A BIT.





we're getting to be friends aren't we

    Hello delicious friends.  Delicious, delicious, why is everything delicious.  Is the world somehow overrun by deliciousness in 2022?!?!  Yes Apparently.  OH OKAY.  By the way I'm 1955 Doc Brown.  YES I KNEW.  OH OK GOOD JUST MAKING SURE.  Ugh.  How does anyone read this.  And I don't mean that in terms of, It's not great, how can you get through reading something not that good!  I mean THIS IS VERY HARD TO READ AND INTERPRET AS LANGUAGE.  Oh well that's the risk one takes for GREATNESS.  Anyway had dinner just now.  Part I of III Of STEAK and STUFFEd MUSHROOM and FREEDOM FRIES and BROCCOLI.  Also SALT.  Salt on FRIES.  Salt on BROCCOLI FOR FUN.  Also salt hit some steak and I'm gonna be honest the bite of steak with the salt WAS THE BEST BITE OF STEAK THERE WAS.  Any salt on stuffed mushroom.  NOPE.  Fine.  Anyway Ice Cream sandwich was SLIGHTLY living up to Being Higher Calorie.  It was too melted which I blame on Freezer and not on sandwich innately.  But it was Slightly Bigger and Slightly Tastier.  ALSO I LIKED THE WAY IT WAS WRAPPED.  The wrapping it was in just felt more FANCY AND DELECTABLE.  Makes the whole experience better the wrapping this ice cream sandwich was in!  You're just gonna have to take my word for it!  I guess I could take video of me unwrapping an ice cream sandwich and post it.  But I don't know if I have enough BANDWIDTH.
Hmm.  About halfway into beer 1 right now.  What did I watch over the course of the day.  I feel like I watched an entire dumb movie but I can't even remember what it was.  Hmm.  What the Hell was it.  GOOGLE WHAT WAS I WATCHING FIVE HOURS AGO.  OH RIGHT.  Dumb Shutter movie.  Maybe it was smart.  I wasn't paying close enough attention.  But it DID successfully get me from Point A to Point B.  I started off at 2:00 PM or whatever and ended up several hours later or whatever Course Correcting for walks.  Anyway.  Kinda feel like there being an NRA Rally less than a week later in the same state as school shooting was pretty bad luck for those jerks!  But them not canceling it IS ON THEM.  Looks REAL dumb from where I sit.  NOT GREAT OPTICS.  And I know about OPTICS.  They can be FIBER.  FIBER OPTICS is where internet comes from AT TIMES.  Technology more broadly.  Look I know what I'm talking about I HAVE T3 INTERNET.  When DSL was the best I had DSL.  When I had 56.6K I had that.  I GET BETTER INTERNET AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE that's the point I'm trying to make.
    Anyway.  Fiber Bar today will be CHOCOLATE.  I realized I have only one Birthday Bar left and like 5 Chocolate ones.  Dunno how that ended up!  Chocolate is better!  I guess I was just constantly like Chocolate is better, I'll have Birthday Bar today so I have more chocolate later.  WENT TOO FAR.  Now I will LACK CHOICE.  Even if Chocolate is better, I'd rather have more Birthday Bars AT THIS POINT because sometimes ya DEFINITELY want a BIRTHDAY BAR.  Like today.  But I CAN'T.  Then I have ZERO left.  Gotta go with CHOCOLATE BAR.  What's going on.  My brother is coming over tomorrow!  Kinda feel like there's a 30% chance he'll see the Quest Bars and be like HEY WELL DONE THESE ARE GOOD BARS I'VE HAD EM.  I'M IMPRESSED WITH HOW YOU'RE LIVING YOUR LIFE AND I HAVE A CROWN AND SCEPTER I'D LIKE TO BEQUEATH YOU AS YOUR OLDER BROTHER.  That's my impression of how things might go.  And, if not, guess what?!  STILL GOT THE QUEST BARS TO EAT MOST NIGHTS FOR DESSERT.  That's a win no matter what else happens!
     Sure.  How's the wide world of sports going.  I'm watching Metropolitan Game RIGHT NOW.  Well between sentences and whatknot.  When I was typing out RIGHT NOW I wasn't looking at the TV.  Wasn't really looking at Computer Screen either, though.  Not the keyboard.  I can't really say for certain what I WAS looking at.  Now that I think about it!  Kinda weird!  I wasn't Eyes Wide Shutting My Eyes, that I would remember.  But I also can't pinpoint something that sounds right re: what I've been looking at.  YEAH.  What else is going on and crap.  Other ice cream bar that's 120 calories instead of the 100 cal I like or ice cream BARS.  Gonna have one of those tonight.  Hopefully THAT will be HALFWAY WORTH IT as well!  YEAH.  HALFWAY HARDCORE.  Anyway.  Maybe I try to watch Eyes White Shut at some point again at some point over the rest of my life.  Seems reasonable that'll happen.  What the hell am I talking about.  Usually I'm talking about something by the time I reach this point of the entry.  NOT ALWAYS THOUGH. 
     Fifth paragraph of the act!  Starting Beer #2.  Assault Rifles huh.  What do other rifles do.  MASSAGE the person that's getting bullet'd?  GIVE EM A NICE HANDSHAKE?  I DON'T CARE WHAT KINDA RIFLE IS SHOOTING YOU IT'S ASSAULT THROUGH AND THROUGH.  Anyway 15 huh.  WHAT WENT WRONG WITH AR-1 through AR-14.  AND IS IT TOO LATE TO GO BACK TO THEM FROM AR-15?  Gotta imagine they can't be any WORSE.  They can only be BETTER.  I'd feel a lot more comfortable people having AR-11's than AR-15's!  I'm just telling it like it is!  Starting beer #2.  I'm just telling it like it is!  Wait a second I ALREADY SAID THAT SENTENCES AGO.  WELL WHICH IS IT.  Did I start it 2 sentences ago or did I start it SEVEN sentences ago?  NOT SURE.  I may have poured it seven sentences ago and legitimately not taken a sip until 2 sentences ago.  MORE LIKELY I poured it seven sentences ago (at this point more like TWELVE), had a sip for the first time FIVE sentences ago (NINE), and then forgot, had another sip TWO sentences ago (thirty four), and then NOW I NEED MORE TO FORGET.  FORGET THE PAIN I'VE PUT US ALL THROUGH. 
  What else is up.  How come there's no Duel-Rights people.  Pretty sure duels were legal for founding fathers.  On account of at least one famous duel AMONGST founding fathers.  And ya know what WHY NOT.  It's not incongruous with Guns Rights to also be like LOOK IF TWO PEOPLE WANNA DUEL WHY SHOULD BIG GOVERNMENT GET IN THEIR WAY.  I'll tell ya why!  ONE OF THEM FEELS PRESSURED.  He's accepting the duel because of peer pressure and that can't be allowed!  I feel very strongly about this.  Duel Rights, you mean like Duel Citizenship.  No YOU CLOD I mean THE RIGHT TO DUEL.  C'mon you CLOD.  What is this.  The sixth paragraph still?  I can live with that.  Making decent progress with the entry.  Not GOOD progress.  All progress is good progress.  That can't be right.  Touche!  HOLY CRAP I was about to go downstairs with empty Soda-Glass to refill AND I SAW MY NAIL CLIPPER ON THE GROUND.  I had just brought down laundry that was lying around my room and NOW I SEE NAIL CLIPPER OH HAPPY DAY.  MY NAILS ARE GONNA GET A GOOD CLIPPING TONIGHT!  Not TOO good!  Don't wanna blow all my clippings in one night!  MAKE THOSE NAILS CLIPPINGS LAST.
     Hmm.  Seventh paragraph!  What do I got going on after this entry.  Back-up option is Just Leave Mets Game On.  FOREGROUND OPTION IS... well.  Hmm.  Watch some dumb movie that I can actually watch.  Not like the Eyes Wise Shut digital venereal disc that just teases me as a potential showing.  Hmm.  Maybe watch myself eat Chocolate Bar.  That'll take all of what THIRTY SECONDS?  GIVE MYSELF SOME CREDIT.  FOURTY SECONDS.  I think I can make chocolate bar last POSSIBLY AS HIGH AS AN ENTIRE MINUTE.  YOU KNOW SIXTY SECONDS.  EVER HEARD OF IT?  Sorry.  I'm not happy with The Quality Of Things either.  Both LIFE and THIS.  Pretty much anything you can contextualize What's Going On Right Now as-- not very high quality!  SUCH IS LIFE.  Anyway school shootings are too dangerous for cops to intervene!  Let's give the teacher a gun and hope for the best.  This is THEIR problem.  THAT'S HOW SOCIETY WORKS NOW.
Three paragraphs to go.  Taking out garbage in 20 minutes.  Which will come first?!?!  I don't know.  But I guess I'll find out!  WE'LL find out.  Hey we're doing stuff together.  Fun!  What else is going on.  I guess I could just watch Barry Lyndon.  That seemed to work.  Wonderful.  Not THE WHOLE thing.  Maybe about 1-1.5 hoursworth of the fillum.  GREAT SOUNDS REASONABLE.  I'll watch the parts where the different stuff happens to him over the course of his life relatively gradually.  Or relatively quickly!  It depends on what you're Relating it to.  That's MY theory of relativity.  Gotta imagine my theory of relativity is the most relevant one out there.  I haven't heard of any other ones that are important at all!  Hmm.  What's the theory of relativity again.  Is that E=MC2 or something else.  And if it is WHY.  Also if it ISN'T WHY.  EITHER WAY I DON'T LIKE IT BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW ABOUT IT AND HOW COULD I LIKE SOMETHING I'M IGNORANT ABOUT?  I LIKE ANY NORMAL AMERICAN will actively dislike things I'm not knowledgeable about.  IF IT DIDN'T WANT TO MAKE ME ANGRY IT SHOULD HAVE EXPLAINED ITSELF.
Penultimate paragraph!  I guess.  Probably take out garbage after this paragraph.  And then have delicious Health Chocolate Bar after entry is done.  It's HEALTHY because I LEAVE IT IN THE FRIDGE.  What else is up.  What flavor is the 120 cal bar I got.  I wanna say COOKIES N CREAM.  Probably.  What's the proportion of cookies to cream.  Zero to Complete.  It's Ice Cream more or less.  Cookie is just a FABRICATION FLAVOR.  Then again it might not be TECHNICALLY cream.  Also there might be TECHNICAL bits of cookie.  The point is I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT but that won't stop me from SPECULATING on the subject.  BECAUSE I'M AN AMERICAN AND THAT'S MY RIGHT.  Anyway Americans got lots of rights no one is debating.  Why is Gun so important.  You still got THOUSANDS of other Really Cool Rights even if you can't own an Assault 15 Rifle.  Look at the bright side!  You still got plenty of rights to be an idiot in other ways!
     Yeah!  Also you still have right to own assault rifle because We're All Idiots Now.  Let's speculate wildly on how long that may or may not last though.  Hmm.  Didn't take out garbage yet.  But I will have to in TEN MINUTES.  Can I write entire paragraph in ten minutes?  YES EASILY I DO IT ALL THE TIME.  Wait a second I said Ten Minutes BUT NOW IT'S MORE LIKE NINE?!?!  How can this discrepancy be accounted for!!!!  Because Time Passes? ...Normally?  A LIKELY STORY.  What else is going on and crap.  WELL tomorrow gonna be another day.  Presumably.  Maybe a good one.  Can't be that much worse than today.  Could easily be AS BAD.  But Much Worse?  I don't think the odds are very high it'll be that.  Hmm.  Oh I know what I can watch after this entry.  A LIKELY STORY starring... uh... what's a good actor.  They're ALL good actors. I don't discriminate between actors!  All the actors that show up on my Magic Picture Box are good!  Anyway that's it.  See ya later!

-8:52 P.M.





Thursday, May 26, 2022

Well Now Hello

    Hi friends.  Adjusted keeping track of calories!  Now instead of giving myself enough Snack Calories to lose 3-4 pounds over a Sustainable Summer To Remember, I'm giving myself enough to MAINTAIN.  100 more cal allotted a day!  Goal is to still lose but just keep track differently.  So that's the important news.  The other important news is Hey what's going on and crap.  Behind schedule again today.  Gonna be another six walk'r almost definitely.  That's fine.  That's life!  Sometimes days are six walk'rs.  Apparently they still haven't called that Democratic primary in Texas between Good Progressive and Awful Incumbent.  Possibly some BALLOTS AND WHATKNOT still to be counted!  So ya never know.  Sometimes ya know.  NOT THIS TIME THOUGH.  Anyway cops' story about school shooting is inconsistent and the facts coming out make them look really bad as fuck!  GOOFY one might say!  Also I feel like I've gone there before because this happens all the time, but I feel it's not exactly a School Shooting if it's not your school.  I think of a school shooting as shooting up YOUR OWN SCHOOL which you're INVESTED IN.  Yes this was a shooting in a school but SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT.  IT MATTERS.  I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT IT MATTERS.
  The point is its a good thing the cops prevented the parents of kids from entering the building an doing anything they possibly can to save their kids lives.  That's what cops are for!  Doing unfathomable things for reasons no one quite understands.  Maybe that's standard operating procedure.  Could be.  Still feels wrong.  Also kinda feels like THEY should be the ones going into  the building and trying to stop the shooter by any means possible.  Could be wrong again there too!  Standard operating procedure is let the shooter tire himself out and then take him into custody when he's all tuckered out.  Anyway.  DOOR SOLUTION.  Schools can only have one door!  FINALLY SOMETHING MAKES SENSE.  Not fire hazard safety but WE HAVE TO MAKE COMPROMISES.  Do we want Only One Door which somehow prevents school shootings OR do we want to have methods of being safe in fire.  REPUBLICANS ARE HERE TO MAKE THE TOUGH DECISIONS FOR US.
     Okay.  Is the, "R," in NRA, "Rifle?"  Cause we gotta imagine a lot of guns aren't rifles.  Maybe they should specialty in Rifles and then we can talk about dealing with these other guns.  Maybe, "Rifle," IS a catch-all word for gun.  I don't know WORDS.  What am I a DICTIONARY.  I'M NOT.  I WOULD HAVE REALIZED BY THIS POINT IF I WAS.  Anyway.  About 2/3rds, 3/4ths into Lolita.  Great.  What's the next Kubrick movie to watch.  Barry Lyndon is my favorite but I've seen that a bunch of times.  Maybe go with another one I've only seen a handful of times.  Hmm.  Anyway I'll think about it I guess.  Had 2 pop tarts for breakfast today.  GOD DANGIT THESE EGGS I MADE MIGHT BE GOING BAD AT THIS POINT.  That's a risk I'm willing to take.  Eat some Bad Egg if it means I can Eat Pop Tarts First When I Want Them.  So there's that.  Lunch today either gonna be Fried Calamari or Meal Replacement Cookie.  Was pretty much definitely gonna be Calamari but AS OF NOW for some reason fried snack food seems gross to me.  GO FIGURE.
  Hmm.  NOW they're saying it was a FOURTH grade classroom.  Before they said SECOND AND/OR THIRD.  GET THE STORY STRAIGHT.  Also fourth is EVEN WORSE.  Hmm.  How many kids were in this class.  What, 19 were killed?  I WANNA SEE HOW MANY SURVIVED.  Just googled, "How many kids were killed," and I'm not confident all the results will be pertaining to this incident.  LET'S SEE.  NOT SEEING ANY INFO.  I think Education Specialists say oh ideal number of kids in class is like 23.  But settling for like 27-29 isn't so bad.  30-31 we can live with.  32+ THAT AIN'T GOOD.  Hmm.  When I was in elementary and middles chool pretty sure my class was generally around 30-32.  HMM Bright side to this story.  Now that class has only a dozen kids going into next year!  Gonna get a lot of special educational attention.  Too bad the class behind them won't have a teacher.  Maybe they're happy about it, I dunno!  Maybe they draw Jack Black as  permanent substitute.  I feel it's THE LEAST he can do in the light of this tragedy.  Why, is he responsible somehow?  I dunno!  WAS SALVADOR ETC. A BIG FAN OF JACK BLACK AND THINK THIS WOULD IMPRESS JACK BLACK?  WE DON'T KNOW AS OF NOW AND IF WE DO I AT LEAST DON'T.
  Got some re-upping with Super Market tomorrow.  NO good ice cream sandwiches but a lot of good relative health ice cream bars.  And BAD small ice cream sandwich.  Which I guess are GOOD ENOUGH otherwise I wouldn't get them.  THEY HAVE THEIR PLACE is the point.  Is it possible all shooters are inspired by Thanos.  HEY THE LESS PEOPLE ALIVE MEANS BETTER LIVES AND MORE RESOURCES FOR THE REMAINING.  I'M DOING A GOOD THING BY KILLING KIDS.  If they weren't thinking it then they're certainly thinking it now.  Hmm.  I know Peter Parker started off QUITE young to become an Avenger but I feel like we're due for a seven year old Avenger too.  I don't WANT to see one.  I wouldn't LIKE it.  But I feel we're DUE IT nonetheless.  What else is up.  Anyway several Marvel Universe Films behind.  Last one I saw was either Eternals or Black Window.  Whichever one was more recent.  So there's that.  Hmm.  Hey it's time to get coffee.  THESE FOURTH GRADERS WILL NEVER KNOW COFFEE.  Maybe a few of them did.  19 killed?  My guess is FOUR OR SEVEN have HAD coffee and maybe TWO OR THREE have had it semi-regularly and/or more than a few times.
     Hmm.  Apparently there was an article in the Times (NEW YORK?) about how elephants grieve dead members of the herd.  Specifically children I guess.  And my Dad was very upset about that!  He was just telling me first I read about the elephants and NOW THIS.  Look he's a good person.  He's upset a lot about this shooting.  But I thought it was funny that he was like FIRST THE ELEPHANTS AND NOW THIS.  Cause elephants are animals.  And also guess what animals die.  Unless another elephant did a school shooting of these dead elephants the elephants are mourning.  Probably not.  Other animals can't operate guns.  Maybe they can.  Let's train animals to operate guns.  The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a chimpanzee with a gun.  GOOD we can get him into tough situations where we don't wanna risk human life.  We can risk CHIMPANZEE lives what do they care they're dumb animals Risking Their Lives FOR OUR CHILDREN.
  No Mets game today.  Good.  Give me some time to regroup from yesterday's snooze of a game.  Down 9-0 after 2 innings.  WHATTA SNOOZE.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Grape Popsicle Day.  Good.  Not my favorite but I'd enjoy that if it was my only option!  Also if it was my only option I'd eat it JUST TO SURVIVE.  Are there much nutrients in ice cubes with grape syrup flavoring.  My guess is sure why not.  Won't die of thirst.  This is an ice cube more or less so that's water.  Anyway.  If you just have regular solid food, plenty of it, but no water r beverages, you're not gonna die from thirst, right?  There's water in food.  Food is 80% water!  I know HUMANS are.  And food is kind of like humans.  Anyway better LTURQ.  YOU WILL DIE FROM DEHYDRATION but it can go a lot quicker or slower based on what you're eating.  KINDA WHAT I FIGURED.  WELL I'M A GENIUS.  THAT SETTLES IT.  Hmm.  Stanley Kubrick has a bad habit of casting Older People for kids.  ALEX DE LARGE sposedda be 15.  ACTOR WAS HIGH 20's.  Lolita s'psed to be 12.  ACTOR WAS 15.  Private Pyles was supposed to be 19.  ACTOR WAS SEVENTY EIGHT.
    Is Filled Metal Jacket based on a book?  My guess is 65/35 NO.  Let's GO TO THE VIDEO TAPE which is what I call Google.  YEP IT WAS.  I KNEW IT.  I just said I thought it wasn't.  YEAH but when doing that estimation I REVISED my actual estimation in my head.  Before I typed it out I just assumed it WASN'T based on book.  So when I was estimating for All To See I made it MORE likely than it was in my head that it was based on the book.  PROGRESS.  Anyway HEY maybe that's the next movie I watch.  I like the part where Private Pyles is good at sharp shooting.  FOR ONE SMALL MOMENT IN FILM EVERYTHING IS RIGHT.  Pyles doing good.  Getting praise from R Lee Army.  What a wonderful world.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Gotta stop getting up late.  I gotta be taking seven walk'rs days.  GOTTA BE.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  How amazing.  I think elephants were carrying the dead around with their... whattya call is... their TRUNKS.  Good.  Got some junk in the trunk.  The junk is Their Dead.  Sorry.  Anyway what else is going on.  HOW DARE I CALL BETO O ROURKE OPPORTUNIST.  WE NEED OPPORTUNISTS IN SOCIETY.  Hey there's an opportunity to do something good for yourself and/or society and/or yourself.  GO FOR IT THAT'S THE WAY TO GO ABOUT THINGS.  How old is Beto.  My guess is FOURTY THREE.  Let's GO TO THE VIDEO TAPE.  49?!?!  I was in the right decade of years at least.  I feel like that's pretty good.  Wonderful.  Got 2nd half of chicken dinner.  I'm anticipating enjoying that.  Could always have that for lunch and hope that I'm more enthusiastic about calamari by dinner time.  I can do LOTS of things.  I'm EXTREMELY TOTALLY ALIVE.  So many options of things I can do.  Especially compared to The Dead.  What else is up.  Six walk'r days are pretty spread out even with waking up late.  So that's the bright side.  Got some breathing room.  Maybe eliminate ALL the breathing room and take seven walks.  I dunno VERY VERY little breathing room in this scenario!
     Last paragraph of the act.  Good!  I like doing things and now I'm almost done doing a portion of a thing.  Looking forward to Super Market Chicken Caesar Salad again this week.  Having a Bonus piece of Health Bread Toast added to it this past week was a GAME CHANGER.  Now it's delicious nutritious AND filling.  THIS IS GONNA BE A BLAST AND A HALF.  Whatever.  Sure.  No quest bar yesterday!  Had ice cream sandwich-- the last of the good 'uns.  Also had some MightNight Snacks.  WONDERFUL.  Life goes on!  Presumably.  That'd be my guess of how things go at least.  Still look totally fine wearing a shirt out and about.  Not 100% Happy with Gut without shirt on and without sucking it in at all.  But when will that really come into play in Society.  No one gonna see me without a shirt on.  Even I try to avoid seeing myself without shirt on.  VERY SUCCESSFULLY.  Sometimes I see it HEAD ON looking in mirror, while trying to avoid FOCUSING IN on it.  But seeing it Profile Like, pretty good at Just Not Doing That.  Great.  Time for a walk.  Be back soon.  HMM wrote this act pretty quick.  Maybe I can fit in 7 walk.




I Never Noticed This Entry Before

    HEY!  Great idea for lunch.  It's called A BAGEL.  I didn't come up with it, it already existed.  But it's a good idea for upcoming lunch.  Finish egg whites as Bagel Accessory.  I guess it's 2/3rds of a cup of egg whites.  That's a decent amount.  Maybe eat open faced egg white sandwich if there's enough.  Maybe just have egg as side.  MAYBE A LITTLE OPEN FACED SANDWICH, A LITTLE SIDE.  Good deal.  Here's an interesting story I'm gonna get a meal of Beef Lasagna from Super Market.  Haven't gotten it in a while because it's a too hearty lunch.  YA KNOW WHAT?  I earned myself some lasagna.  Not sure HOW.  But I'm definitely not sure HOW NOT.  So I'm leaning towards I deserved it somehow.  So there's that.  Gonna be able to fit in seven walks today!  Wonderful.  That's good news for someone presumably me.  Don't think it impacts that many other people.  And if it does maybe it impacts them for the worse what do I know.
Okay.  Gonna have to have Calamari for lunch tomorrow.  FINE.  Maybe by then I want it.  Gonna have to Not have balanced breakfast tomorrow if I'm finishing egg whites today.  GOOD THAT SEEMS TO BE THE DEFAULT PREFERENCE.  I could have TWO POP TARTS.  I could have FROZEN BREAKFAST SANDWICH OR DELICIOUS BURRITO I CAME ACROSS EARLIER THIS WEEK.  I could have Just Cereal And Eggo.  That's an interesting balanced breakfast.  NO IT ISN'T.  Fair enough!  Anyway what's going on in the wide world of sports.  Maybe watch Barry Lyndon.  I know that movie and I know I enjoy it!  I feel like I've EARNED watching Barry Lyndon.  I've not specifically NOT earned it at least.  What else is up.  Sustainable Routine of 2 beers a night has been working out okay at least.  I guess.  Maybe 2.5 beers would be best!  Hmm.  2.5 x 7 is 17.5.  I would be getting 18 cans a week.  I DUNNO SOUNDS LIKE TOO DIFFICULTY.  It's like that scene in Die Hard With Some Vengeance where they need to figure out how to pour exactly the right amount of water into jugs of different sizes.  TOO HARD NO THANKS.
Also what else is going on and crap.  I dunno.  Maybe eat some SKIN of chicken dinner tonight.  Not all of it!  Just a reasonable amount of skin.  I feel that's very reasonable.  The point is what am I gonna do with Day.  A film or two on SHUTTER that I can watch.  That's one way to go about things.  Finish LOLITA.  If I don't finish it who will.  Anyway.  Finish act, take walk, take shower, take walk, eat lunch, take walk, muck around, take walk, muck around, take walk, eat dinner, drink beer an write entry, muck around, GO TO BED.  YEP THIS IS THE LIFE I'VE CHOSEN.  I dunno how consciously I chose it.  Sorta just came together organically over time.  Parts of it came about one way or another, other parts another way or another.  They combined into a real C+ Life.  WOW COULD BE WORSE.  I could be running an F life.  Gotta imagine if you Dip below a D or definitely a D- you're really leaning into thinking about suicide.  Sorry.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  DON'T DO IT.  There's always time to turn it around.  LOOK there's plenty of people who were living F+ lives and are now solidly living C lives!  LOOK TO THEM FOR INSPIRATION.  Hmm.  What else is up.  I RAN OUT OF MY MULTIVITAMIN YESTERDAY AND HAVEN'T SAID ANYTHING.  That's TWO MORNINGS NOW without a multi-vitamin.  I'M WITHERING AWAY TO NOTHING.  Hmm.  Better tell my parents.  Maybe they have a bottle somewhere else.  Maybe I gotta wait for one to arrive after ordering a new one!  Either way PROBABLY gonna supply.  I don't even know if they know scientifically multi-vitamins do anything.  I feel like I read if you're consuming these things In Pill Form we don't really know how effective it is.  Gotta figure they've had ample time to study this.  People been taking Vitamin Pills for at least half a century.  Gotta imagine they feel it works to some extent.  Or it's a scam.  True lots of things are scams but I feel like this probably isn't.  Maybe a halfway scam.  I dunno let's give em credit.  Maybe a thirdway scam.
     Last paragraph of the DaytimeDay.  Good.  What else is up.  The point is the next few Tales Crypt I'm up to are some great ones.  But I feel like I can keep that in my back pocket and work on some other stuff to watch for today.  So there's that!  Anyway May is closing in on it's Close.  Gonna be June soon.  Dunno if I'm comfortable with that.  June is traditionally hot and with climate change MAY BE EVEN HOTTER.  Not 100% happy with how hot June might be.  Then again we don't KNOW for sure exactly how hot this specific month in this specific region of the world will be.  Could be anything!  We only know TRENDS and PROBABILITIES.  Look I dunno Hot is okay comortablewise just not TOO Hot I feel that's a reasonable position.  Anyway.  Maybe take a shower before upcoming walk.  Dad won't be back for another 20, 25 minutes.  Ican fit in shower in that time EASY.  Let's do that.  I'll be back tonight for some reason no one is really sure of!




Oh Right Didn't Exist

    Having three beers tonight!  Already had one and now will start #2!  Had delicious seven walks today and nutritious DINNER.  Got QUEST BAR AND FUDGESICLE AS PROBABLE UPCOMING SNACKS. The point is LIFE IS WHATEVER.  Started BARRY LYNDON.  Solid 3 and a half minutes into it.  Not sure why I started it exactly just to watch 3.5 minutes.  Not sure of most things I do.  This is a good example!  Hmm did something with no apparent point.  IN RETROSPECT what's the point of doing that.  You know upon further introspection and whatknot?  Anyway.  The week will end up at 15 beers!  REASONABLE.  I CONSIDER THAT A PYRRHIC VICTORY.  I forget what that means.  It's like a victory where you lose but the other guy kinda loses too?  That doesn't sound right.  Better LTURQ.  Oh what I just said made no sense.  But in making no sense it was actually kind of accurate!  When I wrote PYRRIC VICTORY I correctly associated it with a loss.  And then said maybe it means the other person lost too.  NO IT'S A VICTORY.  THAT'S THE MAIN WORD.  But the DEFINITION is that it came at great cost.  So it's a halfway loss.  I WAS CONFUSED AND I WAS CORRECT IN MY CONFUSION.  THAT'S MY LIFE IN A NUTSHELL.
Watched the 2020 Ghostbusters Film.  Pretty good!  Not sure why everyone hated it so much.  There were mass burnings of the reels of film at each theater if I remember correctly.  Seems way too far!  It was a completely decent film that ultimately pulls on some heart strings!  GET OFF GHOSTBUSTERS 2020 BACK.  Kinda slow to build and then ultimately it doesn't build to much but THAT'S WHAT LIFE IS LIKE.  And ghostbusters is just like life at its core.  BUT WITH MORE BUSTING GHOSTS.  Anyway gonna have to accept Super market delivery tomorrow.  Maybe wake up early to take a good walk and write a good act I real earlylike, ya know?  Anyway ended up having calamari for lunch.  I BOUGHT IT FOR LUNCH  SO I HAD IT FOR LUNCH, CASE CLOSED.  Also had some Wheat Thins.  I LIKE THE WAY WHEAT THINS SLIDE DOWN MY GULLIVER, CASE CLOSED.  Hmm I learned A Language.  I watched a film for 2 hours and now I absorbed a word from it.  ALRIGHT CONSTANTLY LEARNING THAT'S MY MOTTO.  HMM INTERNET SAYS GULLIVER MEANS, "HEAD."  Kinda confused it with the REAL WORD, GULLET.  But also I PUT FOOD IN MY HEAD.  THE LOWER PART OF MY HEAD.  NOT QUITE BOTTOM OF THE HEAD BUT CLOSE.
     The point is I don't know what words mean All Over The Place this entry!  GOOD.  It shows I have a capacity for learning.  If I knew everything I'd be incapable of learning and that's not a good quality in a man!  Hmm.  The point is the people who smoke cigarettes with the hole in their neck, could they also eat food by putting food down their neck?  I'm assuming the tubes that we breathe air with are the same tubes that we stuff food down.  Body would wanna conserve tubes as much as it can, so it'd use single tubes for double purposes.  That's just logic.  Not GOOD logic.  Pretty BAD logic all things considered.  BUT WHAT CAN YA DO.  Hmm.  Gotta take out garbage in about 40 minutes.  Quest Bar after that is a NATURAL PROGRESSION WAY TO PLAN THINGS.  So I got that to look forward to.  Another tough decision whether to have Birthday Bar or Chocolate Bar.  Hmm.  HEY I'm getting lots of fun stuff from Super Market tomorrow.  LOTS.  Snacks will be re-upped.  MULTIPLE KINDS OF SNACKS.  MEALS will be re-upped.  MULTIPLE MEALS.  THIS IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST THING THAT'S HAPPENED TO ME SINCE... SOMETHING THAT HASN'T HAPPENED QUITE YET... BUT WILL HAPPEN BEFORE I GET THE DELIVERY TOMORROW MORNING... DUNNO WHAT IT WILL BE EXACTLY... BUT SOMETHING GREAT AFTER THIS BUT BEFORE THEN.
Okay!  I had the Women Of Ireland soundtrack song of Barry Lyndon on my MP3 PLAYER in high school.  As well as on my computer I guess.  I could have just said I had the mp3 player.  BUT I REMEMBER LISTENING TO IT MORE ON MP3 PLAYER AND NOT COMPUTER FOR WHATEVER REASON.  WHATEVER REASON sounds like a good title for something.  Film?  Music album?  I dunno yet.  NO ONE knows yet.  It's just been hypothesized, give it some time to acclimate to our Physical World Of Things, someone'll figure out where and how to use, "Whatever Reason."  Wait now I don't like it.  Nevermind.  YEAH!!!  Fourth paragraph of the act.  Maybe the title to some Philosophy Book.  I dunno the philosophy yet.  WORK BACKWARDS with it.  Derive a philosophy by thinking intelligently about the phrase and all that it could mean.  That's a good way to come up with philosophy.  WORK BACKWARDS.  Like writing a mystery novel.  You know how it ends and ya work backwards.  You KNOW your philosophy can be summed up in Whatever Reason and then you figure out WHY AND WHAT AND WHOM.
     Amazing.  Jeez.  Each extra beer is an extra 95 calories.  ONE EXTRA 95 CALORIES A WEEK THAT HARDLY SEEMS LIKE BREAKING ANY SORT OF BANKS.  GOOD.  BANKS ARE NOT MADE TO BE BROKEN.  Except for piggy bank.  EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE.  What else is going on and crap.  Fifth paragraph of the act!  Maybe I should watch a Kubrick Film I'm less familiar with.  This one I'm quite familiar with!  I DON'T KNOW.  I'll quickly grow COMPLACENT while watching it in the sense that I KNOW ALL THIS STUFF THAT'S HAPPENING AND GONNA HAPPEN WHY BOTHER GETTING INTO IT.  MAYBE I CAN SEE WHY I WOULD BOTHER BUT I AM UNSUCCESSFUL AT ACHIEVING GETTING INTO IT ALL THE SAME.  I dunno.  Just don't know!  Other options are 2001, Full Metal Jacket, and THE KILLING.  Which I don't believe I've EVER seen.  Also I got Eyes Wide Shut laying around somewhere and there's always The Shining as well.  So there's that.  I have AI: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.  Which was originally gonna be Co-Made by Spielberg and Kubrick.  And they spent like a decade on it together.  So one would imagine SOMETHIN in the resulting film could be accredited to Kubrick.  We uhst don't know WHAT.  The gigolo robot.  Kubrick kept pitching that and only wanted to work on and talk about that character.  Because he's a PERVERT that's who!
     Second half of the act!  The point is I SAVED MY EGG WHITES.  No bagel lunch for me!  Also I SAVED MY EGG WHITES should be a phrase that means something.  Also delicious I got Balanced Breakfast in store for me tomorrow.  DELICIOUS.  I thought there'd be elements of Ghostbusters 2016 in Ghostbusters 2020.  I thought it would be MOSTLY NEW, some old 1980s and some old 2016.  I WAS WRONG AND I'M BIG ENOUGH TO ADMIT I'M WRONG.  YOU GOTTA BE AT LEAST 4'8 TO ADMIT THAT YOU'RE WRONG AND I'M CLEARING THAT HURDLE BY A WIDE MARGIN.  THAT'S RIGHT I'M VERY PROUD ABOUT BEING SIGNIFICANTLY CLEARLY HURDLED THAN THE 4'8 PEOPLE.  Feels like there was a baseball manager for Colorado Rockies Cliff Hurdle.  Better LTURQ.  Clint Hurdle.  Well I was way more than halfway there.  I feel I earn the prize you were about to give me for getting the name right.  More or less.   Huh.  The point is in high school I'd walk around listening to Barry Lyndon soundtrack because I WAS Barry Lyndon.  AND I STILL AM.  Let's talk about it.  Or not.   In fact let's never mention it again.  That sounds like the way to go.
     Seventh paragraph of the act.  Great.  I dunno I'm not enthusiastic about tonight watching Barry Lyndon.  But I'm also not enthusiastic about any other idea.  Maybe I should watch Eyes Wide Shut.  AT least that's PORNOGRAPHY.  So whether I like the film or not-- may have never seen watched the entire thing-- I WILL see pornography which in and of itself is it's own reward!  Lemme see if I can LOCATE that DVD.  OK I located it.  How long is this sucker.  159 minutes?!?!?!  THAT'S WAY MORE THAN 2 HOURS.  That's over 2.5 hours WITHOUT CREDITS.  Unless the credits ARE REALLY LONG.  I guess we can't put anything past Kubrick experimenting with really long credits.  BUT I WOULDN'T BET ON IT.  Anyway.  Looks like it might be too agitating.  SUSPENSE and whatknot.  I DON'T NEED TO WATCH SUSPENSE.  LIFE IS SUSPENSEFUL ENOUGH.  Life is like a bridge VERY SUSPENSEFUL.  That's my philosophy.  That's not really a philosophy.  FAIR ENOUGH.  That's my 2nd philosophy book after WHATEVER REASON.  FAIR ENOUGH.  Alright already got 2 philosophies created WITHIN THE SPAN OF MINUTES.
Eighth paragraph.  LOOK any combination of two words can be construed to mean some sort of Philosophy.  I'll come up with two words right now off the top of my head.  MY HEAD, that's a philosophy.  WHAT ELSE.  THERE that's a philosophy.  I'M DUMB there THAT'S my ULTIMATE philosophy.  ULTIMATE PHILOSOPHY.  Anyway you get the point.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe don't pour the 3rd beer.  Still finishing off the 2nd beer.  Maybe I do the right thing and go the entire week with STICKING BY only 2 beers a night.  Sounds like a reasonable way to do things.  I like doing things in reasonable ways.  If it were up to me I'd do reasonable ways all things... or something.  I forget how words work exactly.  Anyway think I'm gonna go with CHOCOLATE Quest Bar imminently.  So I got that going for me is the point.
   LOOK I'M AN ADULT NOW.  I gotta be able to watch Suspenseful Movies.  That comes with the territory!  I think this is something I have to do for myself.  I guess I could have the third beer to take the edge off.  What else is going on and crap.  I'm having delicious Chocolate Protein Bar.  That's fun for everyone involved.  ME.  The Oompah Loompahs who put their heart and soul into making it.  The Willy Wonka for whipping them constantly repeatedly for encouragement purposes.  Laura Dern for ultimately going through My Leavings to determine what kind of Quest Bar Exactly I actually had.  It's a big wide ecosystem of people involved and influenced by the chocolate bar I'm having and it's a positive impact on all of our lives is my first impression.  Hey great just stuffed the last big piece of Health Chocolate Bar down the lower third of my gulliver.  The main big hole I have around that space.  That sort of thing.
Last paragraph of the day!  Another wonderful day down.  I forget what I accomplished.  Fit in seven walks instead of six.  YEP that checks out.  Anyway.  Can't watch ENTIRE Eyes Wide Shut tonight.  Not gonna be awake THAT long.  I'll settle for watching EYES tonight.  Then over the course of tomorrow I'll watch the WIDE SHUT.  Not in one Showing.  Over the course of the day.  In several portions!  Anyway what's going on in the wide world of sports.  I think I saw Yankees aren't airing their game today and are instead showing Gun Safety Stats or something.  I may not have that story right 100% but either way good for them!  I like STATS.  Let's get Bill James working on Gun Safety Stats for better context and let's Money Ball some Police Department budgets and whatknot.  YEAH.  Anyway I'll be back tomorrow!

-9:02 P.M.




Wednesday, May 25, 2022

You Can Leave Now

    Hi friends.  Slightly behind schedule today.  Gonna fit in seven walks but it MIGHT be a bit of a hassle.  Finished Banana Chip Chocolate Pound Cake for breakfast.  Delicious!  Had TWO OREO SNACK an hour later.  I HAVE MY REGRETS SURE.  In the moment though I enjoyed it.  What else.  Lunch gonna be Ham Sandwich with probably YOU GUESSED IT Oreos.  MAYBE AS MUCH AS FOUR.  THAT'S A CRAZY AMOUNT TO EAT BUT IT MIGHT BE IN THE CARDS.  DANGIT I BET DEAD KIDS LIKED OREOS.  I guess I could crumble up one and them sprinkle it to the ground as a salute to them.  Not salute.  Sacrifice.  Not sacrifice.  Empty Gesture.  Not Empty Gesture.  GESTURE.  There we go that's what it is.  The point is what percent of people who are actively upset about this and expressing that through various channels actually think that something can even possibly be somewhat done.  Gotta imagine most of us know welp this is pointless.  What a country!  Maybe do LIVE RALLY PROTESTS.  Ok YOU set it up. 
     Hmm.  Democratic primary in Texas had the progressive lose by 150 votes it looks like.  DANGIT.  Gotta bottle up that feeling of going to sleep uncertain and then checking in middle of the night to see update and seeing she lost and times that by 40 and that'll happen in November.  Because we can't win!  Democrats refuse to try to win.  Republicans refuse to try to not cheat in 20 different ways.  OH WELL LIFE GOES ON FOR SOME OF US.  HEY THERE'S FIVE+ MONTHS TO TURN IT AROUND.  Yeah but nothing changes.  Democrats won't try to win and Republicans won't stop cheating.  That's a Winning Combination for Not Being Able To Win.  Gonna have to crumble A LOT of oreos as a gesture to all those whose lives will be upended by pending Even More Republican Rule.  Anyway.  Got some Dr Pepper going.  Great.  Thoughts and prayers.  I DOUBT IT.  Look I'll give you credit for maybe Thoughts OR Prayers and even that's generous.  But I doubt you're Thinking On It AND Praying On It.  Probably just one!  BE HONEST DON'T OVERSELL HOW MUCH CONSIDERATIONS YOU'RE GIVING TO THESE VICTIMS' FAMILIES.
  I'm doing THINKING on it.  Dunno what Praying On It would be for an agnostic exactly.  Also I WOULD also act on it but guess what I HAVE NO POWER.  So there's that.  I don't like this election result where the one ant-choice Democratic incumbent who is also pro-gun-rights etc beat the progressive primary person by 150 votes.  CMON YOU IDIOT CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT.  JUST 200 MORE VOTES FOR THE PROGRESSIVE PERSON HOW HARD IS THAT.  EASY.  WHAT ARE YOU DUMB OR SOMETHING.  YOU WERE SO CLOSE You LET DOWN YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS.  ACTUALLY ALL OF US.  I GUESS EXISTENTIALLY I'M YOUR NEIGHBOR.  WE ALL SHARE THE SAME WESTERN NORTHERN HEMISPHERE.  Jeez.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Blueberry Cheesecake Day.  KIDS ARE DEAD.  YOU WANT ME TO CELEBRATE BLUEBERRY CHEESECAKE TOMORROW?  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU.  They had no idea kids would be dead this is for Every Year.  A LIKELY STORY.  YEP IT IS LIKELY.  I KNOW THAT'S WHAT I SAID.
     Okay.  What else is going on.  Crazy Mets game last night!  That would have been fun to watch.  Except for the end where they lose.  No Spoilers.  What else is up.  Look cheesecake doesn't appeal to me and blueberries don't always appeal to me but Blueberry Cheesecake?  For some reason that sequence of syllables sounds great to me.  I guess.  WAIT A SECOND maybe The Clockwork Orange Movie took place in WHAT WAS THEN PRESENT.  I told you about the 2001 Soundtrack being prominently displayed.  WHY WOULD IT BE PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED IF IT WERE NOT NEW.  I guess it could be RETRO.  It could be having A MOMENT decades later.  But POSSIBLY it's THEN PRESENT DAY.  When was Book written.  Published in 1962.  MAYBE IT WAS INTENDED TO BE EIGHT YEARS IN THE FUTURE.  That's A LTOTA CHANGE for eight years.  Hey if we can PUT A MAN ON THE MOON in those eight years we can GET 15 YEAR OLDS ADDICTED TO ULTRAVIOLENCE just as quick.  Not sure why we'd WANT to.  But apparently we do so who am I to question it!  Nobody that's who.
     Fifth paragraph!  Coffee after this one.  Maybe try some cream just to see what that's like again.  I ALREADY HAD OREO AND NOW YOU WANT ME TO PUT IN SMALL AMOUNT OF FAT FREE CREAMER?  WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME.  Nothing you're not making me do anything this is all my own free will.  I WAS TALKING TO MYSELF, MORON!  Hmm.  How did people feel 5 minutes after the Moon Landing.  Gotta imagine it was captivating as fuck while it happened.  Very amazing.  Then five minutes later it's like hmm.  That was fun I guess.  In retrospect Whatever.  Anyway what else is on TV.  That's how I'd react to it at least.  But to be fair I've already seen Men On Moon.  Yep.  One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.  Look I saw the step.  WHERE'S THE GIANT LEAP.  I know he stepped down onto the moon, we all said that.  Kinda figure based on what he said he should then take A GIANT LEAP.  Which would be aided by LESS gravity.  If he wanted to do LIKE HE SAID, he could make a REAL COOL LEAP.  BUT HE JUST LIED TO US.
  George Carlin 3.5 hours.  KITH lots of halves of hours.  WE RUN THE CITY TO REMEMBER one more episode on deck.  Any Metropolitan Games today?  YEP AT 3:45.  WOW I CAN WATCH THAT.  No one's gonna explicitly stop me.  PROBABLY not.  Maybe someone wants to shoot up my house.  I hope not!  I'd like to think my neighborhood is safer than that.  Sure everyone would like to think that.  Maybe someone targets my neighborhood from another neighborhood.  They're jealous of how safe my neighborhood is and they take out their anger on My House.  Hmm.  They're still trying to do Reconciliation Bill presumably.  Fit in some Gun Control into that sucker.  That's my input!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  I wonder when the next Gun Shooting Tragedy will be.  Well there are gun shooting tragedies every day.  Yeah but the next one that people vaguely care about.  Oh I See.  Off the top of my head I'd say TWO WEEKS?  That's pretty conservative I think.
    What else is going on.  LET'S ARM THE TEACHERS.  Yeah!  Cause if there's one thing congruent with the kind of people teachers are it's being ready and able and willing to SHOOT PEOPLE.  THAT'S WHY I GOT INTO TEACHING.  TO KILL PEOPLE.  Makes sense.  There was a genre of films in the late 80's and early 90's about Teachers Who Aren't Afraid To Go After Kids Sometimes With Violence If Necessary.  Yeah but that was MAKE BELIEVE.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Also what if we arm teachers and there's still a school shooting.  What's the right's reaction then.  WELL THIS IS ON THE TEACHER.  TEACHER SHOULDA BEEN BETTER AT SHOOTING THAN THE SHOOTER.  I CAN'T FEEL BAD ABOUT THIS THIS IS THEIR OWN DOING.  I dunno.  The good news is there's plenty of other places to have tragedy mass shootings!  Well clearly we should arm EVERYBODY then.  Oh okay that should make everyone safe I guess. 
    Eighth paragraph!  Good deal.  I have MORE loose burritos that are probably the same as the one I had yesterday.  GOOD DEAL IT WAS GREAT.  I could have One Of Those As Breakfasts.  Might not be too satisfying.  Works better as a lunch when paired with TOTS and NUGGETS.  So there's that.  Anyway the point is what else is going on and crap.  WE MUST NOT GIVE INTO DESPAIR.  We have no better alternatives but still gotta imagine we shouldn't give into despair anyway.  Probably.  Maybe we should!  It's one way to go about things certainly.  Probably gonna get delicious Diner Dinner for tonight.  Could be Turkey and stuffing, steak and seafood, chicken and stuffing!  ALL GOOD OPTIONS.  Perhaps I go with the one that's the best option.  Well sure but WHICH ONE IS IT.  I wanna say Chicken and stuffing?  YEAH BUT THEN AGAIN MAYBE IT'S NOT.  Any motive known for Shooter yet.  Other than trying to propel bullets into kids' bodies very rapidly so they get hurt and ultimately no longer live?  What HIS story.  I dunno does it even matter anymore.
Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Good deal.  Only seven more paragraphs for Daytime.  That's good because I don't think anyone enjoys DayTime Paragraphs.  Most people don't enjoy most things, that'd be my assumption.  I wonder what happens in Don't Say A Word.  Besides being encouraged to Not Say A Word.  Kinda can remember/imagine a commercial where Brittney Murphy says the phrase, "Don't Say A Word," in kind of a sing-songy voice.  Maybe that's real, maybe I imagined it!  Maybe BOTH maybe NEITHER.  Well if its not real AND I didn't imagine it where did it come from.  Maybe YOU imagined it and TOLD ME about it and it REGISTERED but I never imagined it AND it's not real either.  I guess that could be possible.  Maybe have Pop Tart as Midday snack again.  It's GOOD to IMAGINE IT even if it doesn't turn out to be REAL.  Also where does John Lennon get off telling us to imagine.  THIS IS THE REAL WORLD JACK.  WE GOTTA DO A LOT MORE THAN IMAGINE.  WE GOTTA BE PRACTICAL ABOUT STUFF AND MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.
     Yeah!  One more paragraph before I take a walk.  Then write a HALVE ACT and then the rest of the day comes into play.  Cool.  How did Brittney Murphy die.  Off the top of my head I'm gonna guess she took a giant leap on the moon but there was too little gravity so she floated off into space.  And then starved to death of thirst I guess.  Or crashed into an asteroid.  Gotta imagine most likely she'd survive floating in space alone until she dies of thirst.  Anyway I'd LTURQ but I feel comfortable just assuming that.  Anyway what's going on and crap.  I successfully chewed gum last night when I woke up and wanted to eat something!  So my life is going pretty good.  How did Brittney Murphy die.  PNEUMONIA.  Possibly brought on by other health conditions and/or drug use.  OH WELL SHE LED A GOOD LIFE SHE HAS NO REGRETS.  Anyway I'll be back pretty soon.




That'll Show Em

    Hey.  Took a shower before this Act.  Only taking six walks today.  That's just how everything shakin' out!  Anyway got coffee #2 going and some NOT QUITE COLD Sprite.  Had a bit left in one 2 liter bottle.  Had put in a 2nd one an hour ago.  Finished the cold one and started the Not Quite Cold One to combine in one glass!  Now it's not not quite cold quite not.  So there's that!  I hear my George Carlin Documentary coming from Mom watching it.  Pretty weird how I just internalized all these routines.  I don't agree with him 100% politically CONSCIOUSLY but inside I know every joke and vaguely accept it as Political Canon.  EVEN THE PARTS I DON'T NECESSARILY AGREE WITH.  CAUSE THEY'RE FUNNY AND I KIND OF AGREE WITH THEM EVEN IF I DON'T.  GOOD FOR HIM.  Also I agree with 98% of it so I'm not both siding it.  Like oh sometimes i disagree with him that's okay!  NO HE'S WAY ON POINT 98.75% OF THE TIME LET ME BE CLEAR ABOUT IT.
    What else is going on and crap.  I disagreed with him getting older.  I found his latest specials TOO OLD.  Maybe I'd like them more now that I MYSELF AM OLDER.  You know how I know I'm older?  Watched the movie OLD.  Made me OLDER over the period of 2 hours it took for me to watch the movie.  Cracked that code.  Anyway.  Kinda seemed like Carlin could oscillate between extreme pessimism and a sense of hope.  Based on Not A Lot, but that's the impression I've gotten.  Which I AGREE WITH.  I'm on board with extreme pessimism and a sense of hope.  Let's go with that!  Also STAR WARS one day we might get to A NEW HOPE.  NO WE WON'T.  This happened LONG LONG AGO.  Any NEW hope that happens in Star Wars chronology has LONG SINCE PASSED.  DANGIT.  Maybe there'll be a new hope somewhere at some point anyway.  Maybe not this galaxy but maybe a different one in 500 million years.  So that's good news for them at least. 
    Sure.  Delicious lunch in less than two hours.  I like that idea.  I like the idea of getting soup from Diner Dinner and pairing that with Lunch Sandwich in a few days.  I LIKE LOTS OF IDEAS.  I don't know too many of them but in general ideas are okay I guess!  Anyway great just great having a small ice cream sandwich great just great.  Normally have KETO BAR in morning.  Have it in afternoon today!  DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS and small snack all things considered.  Anyway maybe the rest of the day will be okay.  Maybe this time Shooting Experience will make people act somehow.  I can't IMAGINE how this time will be different but maybe you can!  My imagination isn't the end all, be all.  Billions of other imaginations out there and that's in this galaxy and this period of time alone!  I don't imagine that many things at all now that I think about it.  Too lazy.  Might as well just walk around blank as Hell.  Makes very little difference to me or the world around me either way! 
     Penultimate paragraph of the DAYTIME Day.  Maybe have an earlier lunch today if I'm so hungry.  I never said I was so hungry.  Yeah but I FELT IT.  Well it's too late now already had snack instead o early lunch.  DANGIT I LOSE AGAIN.  I think this is the third time I'm wearing this shirt since it's been washed.  First time, great!  Normal!  Ya wanna wear a shirt the first time after it's been washed.  Second time NO GOOD.  DIRTY.  Third time ALRIGHT I'VE COME BACK AROUND ON IT.  COULD BE WORSE.  COULD BE THE SIXTH OR SEVENTH TIME I'M WEARING IT SINCE IT'S BEEN WASHED.  Will there be a fourth time?  Nobody knows for sure!  Maybe people with better imaginations than me have a better idea.  Especially if multiple people COMBINE their imaginations.  Multiple people working together can figure this one out FOR SURE.  Figure what out.  I dunno something about dirty shirt.  That's all I remember!
    YEAH.  What else is going on and crap.  For some reason my Mom rewinded George Carlin documentary and is now watching parts of it again.  So I'm hearing his depressing riffs for the second time in a row.  MAKES IT HURT EVEN MORE.  Oh well one would imagine as long as I don't hear it for a third time in a row everything will be okay.  Hmm.  Great.  Gonna have to wait 45 minutes or an hour after this paragraph to take next walk.  Dad gonna be on walk!  He don't like me takin' walk when he on walk!  Gotta be here in case Mom Emergency.  Anyway I'll have nice lunch 10 minutes after I get home from Said Upcoming Walk.  NEED 10 MINUTES TO ACCLIMATE MYSELF TO NOT BEING WALKING.  THEN I CAN EAT LUNCH ONCE AND FOR ALL.  Ham sandwich and oreos.  Sounds like a lunch a fourth grader would have.  I never denied I don't live the life of a fourth grader.  I never NOT denied it either.  Anyway that's it for now.  NIGHTTIME ACT coming up IMMENTLY FOR YOU and HOURS AWAY for me!




better luck next time

    Had delicious half Chicken Dinner for dinner.  Got some Fried Calamari for lunch tomorrow.  Got some half Chicken Dinner: Part II for dinner tomorrow night!  OK WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP ON WHY I'VE COOLED DOWN SINCE THIS MORNING.  I ate a great meal and everything's better!  TWO great meals.  Ham sandwich with Side of Oh I Don't Know ENTIRE FUCKIN' POP TART.  WHAT A SCANDAL.  If people only knew!  Now people know.  You and I!  That's two.  Separately We're Person but together WE ARE LEGION.  Wait no.  That's not the point I wanted to make.  Oh well too late already made it!  Anyway.  Started watching Kubrick again in the form of Lolita tonight.  It was CHOPPY for a good 3 minutes 15 minutes into the film but I RODE IT OUT and the DVD started working again RIGHT AS RAIN.  So there's that.  Funny movie!  Subject matter isn't funny.  But the film is!  Also Actress was 15 years old during shooting.  Would be less funny if she was 12.  LOT LESS FUNNY.
     Hmm.  Got some beer going on right now.  I don't remember the book being very funny.  Too scary.  Cause it's weird!  Names were weird.  Weird is scary.  Names are scary!  This guy's name is Humbert Humbert.  CREEPS ME OUT just typing it.  SAME FIRST NAME AS LAST NAME AND IT'S A WEIRD NAME IN AND OF ITSELF?  GET THIS BOOK AWAY FROM ME IT COMES FROM THE DEVIL HIMSELF.  Anyway what else is going on.  Also In Book Form we just see the depth's of this guys obsession and depravity and fetishizing of children.  In the film it's I Guess The Same Plot but MORE GOOFY.  Oh well that's life.  We make serious things GOOFY to lighten the load of the story.  WORKS FOR ME.  What else is going on.  Figure that's what I'll continue doing when this act is over.  Will I finish Film tonight?  Only God knows for sure.  AND HE AIN'T SAYIN' ANYTHING.  NOT IF HE KNOWS WHAT'S GOOD FOR HIM.  Huh?  Oh.  Okay.  Hmm.  Look Pop Tart is right between 3 Oreos and 4 Oreos caloriewise.  Also my Dad calls em ORIOLES.  I keep tellin' him NO, "L," IN, "OREO."  Just doesn't stick. The next day he's right back to calling the cookies Orioles!  SOME PEOPLE NEVER LEARN.
What else is up.  Figure I'll have Quest Bar desert at some point.  Quest.  Quilty.  That's another guy in the book-film.  NO SPOILERS.  You've only have 60 years to read-watch this I oughtta give you AT LEAST Six HUNDRED years before any spoilers.  What else is up.  "STANLEY KUBRICK'S LOLITA IS A CHEAP BA-KNOCK-OFF OF THE NOVEL IT'S BASED ON," says the critic WHO DOESN'T REALIZE NABOKOV CO WROTE THE SCRIPT.  What else is up.  I made myself laugh.  That'll happen from time to time!  Good deal.  Probably go with Chocolate based Quest bar today BUT THEN AGAIN YA NEVER KNOW.  Wonder if DVD will stop working again later on in film.  Could ruin my Watch Party COMPLETELY, I dunno!  Also it's not like I watch this DVD over and over again.  No reason for DVD Cassette to be scratched.  It being choppy hardly seems fair at all!  Oh well that's life.  How's gun control coming along.  GOOD?  Anyway.  Felt like I was crazy for being so against the crazy too-much-gun-rights we have for OH I DON'T KNOW the 24 hours after shooting, but then I realized oh wait the huge majority of Americans are and will be in favor of at least some gun rights reform.  I'M NOT CRAZY.  THEY'RE THE ONES IN THE MINORITY.  AND THE MINORITY IS CRAZY IF I KNOW MINORITIES AS WELL AS I THINK I DO.
What else is up.  Fourth paragraph.  Great.  The point is MINORITY by Green Day is a good song.  NICE FUN SONG.  GOOD BAND GREEN DAY.  LET'S TALK ABOUT IT, GET IT ALL OUT IN THE OPEN.  Oh we just did?  FINE I'LL MOVE ON HAVE IT YOUR WAY.  Hmm.  Got some Diet Coke going on.  No complaints there.  Cold enough.  Fresh enough.  Deep enough glass that this'll last me a good fair amount of time without having to re-fill it.  Pretty much everything is going right with this soft drink situation I've got on my hands.  Anyway.  About TWO THIRDS into Beer One.  By my calculations that's ONE THIRD into My Two Beers.  Wait.  Lemme crunch those numbers.  Calibrating.  Calibrating.  Cal-- OK THAT'S RIGHT.  Hmm.  Have delicious Fudgesicle.  Not yet ready for Main Hearty Dessert of Quest Bar.  Have 40 cal Fudgesicle now as a PRIMER for Main Hearty Dessert A LITTLE BIT LATER.  Probably wait until entry is Dead And Buried at this point!
     Sure.  I don't know why we're always waiting for things to be dead and buried.  Kinda feels like Dead would do the trick.  Once something's dead I highly doubt it's gonna bother you anymore even if it has hasn't been buried.  I guess ZOMBIEISM is the exception that proves the rule.  Dead?  They can hurt ya.  Buried?  Not so much.  Not strong enough to get UN-buried.  You got zombie-ism breaking out at a grave yard IN REAL LIFE NO PROBLEM.  These corpses are buried deep beneath the surface, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT.  So there's that.  Then again the groundskeeper at the cemetery Yes Surely Can Become A Zombie And Give You Some Problems.  Might even give you a problem or two without being a zombie.  Typically difficult characters, cemetery groundskeepers are.  That's been MY experience the one time I went to a cemetery and never encountered any groundskeeper!  TOLD YOU THEY WERE DIFFICULT.  THEY WERE HIDE AND GO SEEKING FROM ME THE ENTIRE ONE TIME I WAS AT A CEMETERY!!
     Sixth paragraph of the act.
  Wonderful.  Good for Beto O Rourke doing a publicity stunt.  Look all in all sure we have bad connotations with publicity stunts.  But this was a WONDERFUL time and opportunity for it and I commend him on his choice and presentation.  Really hit the spot!  I'd like to see MORE positive publicity stunts.  Better than the alternative of Just Letting Evil Proceed Uninterrupted.  I'D LIKE TO SEE OPPORTUNISTS INTERRUPT EVIL ALL THE TIME NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT!  99 out of 100 times at least!  What else is going on and crap.  Time to get beer number two.  Pretty sure Vladimir Nabokov would be impressed with my Ba-Knock-Off.  That'd be right up his alley if he owned and operated an alley.  Huh.  In the end YES I had OREOS in the morning but I ended up where I wanna be snackwise PROBABLY.  Still not over Is The Night.  Hmm nice grammar and sentence structure.  THANKS I LIKE TO MIX THINGS UP.
     Cool.  What else is going on.  Chocolate Quest Bar is more STURDY than Birthday Bar.  I leave em both in the fridge.  But Birthday Bar kinda melted and chewy in a Not Great Way.  Chocolate Bar not melted and maybe VAGUELY chewy in a decent way but also kinda just SLIGHTLY TOO HARD.  Either way Birthday Bar Chewiness DECEIVES YOU into thinkin git's a vaguely good chewy because Birthday Bar Taste So Good On Its Own it TRICKS YA into liking the sturdiness of it.  Hmm this is interesting stuff.  Can't wait to try other Quest Bars and keep you updated on how their consistency is while being refrigerated.  Well, I can't wait to TASTE and ENJOY other Quest Bars at least.  The part about keeping you updated I can frankly live with or without.  I guess it's kinda fun to update people on things.  I LIKE IT.  LET'S SAVE THE DATE.  I think one flavor I can buy from Amazon is S'MORE flavor.  THAT MAY BE IN THE CARDS A FEW SHORT WEEKS FROM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eighth paragraph of the act.  Amazing.  I always thought S'More was just I LIKE THIS TREAT SO MUCH GIVE ME SOME MORE OF IT.  But now that I think about it maybe it's because there's lots of moving parts in making a smore.  AT LEAST three different ingredients off the top of my head.  So maybe it's like HEY LET'S KEEP ADDING S'MORE DELICIOUS INGREDIENTS TO THIS SNACK SENSATION WHY STOP NOW.  Hmm.  Chocolate bar, graham cracker, and marshmallow.  Right?  That's it?  AND FIRE.  You don't need fire.  BUT IF YOU WANT S'MORE FIRE CAN BE THE S'MORE YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR.  Only cereal bar I'm interested in trying other than CTC is Golden Graham Bar.  Seems reasonable.  Totally reasonable!  Why WOULDN'T I want to eat sugar in the form of that kind of cereal bar.  Hmm.  Only six walks today.  I have no regrets!  I could theoretically take a walk when this entry is over.  But I won't.  I could do plenty of things theoretically that I won't!  At least a dozen or so off the top of my head!  Possibly even as much as A SCORE AT LEAST.
     Penultimate paragraph of the night.  Wonderful.  Another day down.  So that's good I guess.  Maybe some sort of topping.  Powdered Sugar!  Let's put powdered sugar specifically on top of the chocolate bar part of S'more.  Would be indistinguishable from marshmallow and I guess Graham Cracker makes sense too.  Or on top of fire.  I dunno seems too flammable.  You pour powdered sugar on a fire that's just asking for trouble.  I MAY not know how fire works.  That was the first thing Mankind figured out that was a big deal.  OK but mankind had tens or hundreds of thousands of years.  I've only been around or 33.  DON'T SHAME ME FOR NOT FIGURING OUT HOW FIRE WORKS YET.  I'm DOING THE BEST I can.  So there's that.  Maybe I don't have a Quest Bar.  Maybe I have the last remaining Good Ice Cream Sandwich.  What do you make of THOSE apples?  You're probably not as invested in it as I am.  OH well that's life!
    Last paragraph of the day-nighttime-day!  I KNOW I've said ba-knock-off before.  But I'm hoping YOU don't.  Besides what's the harm in repeating things.  Hmm.  Gonna have to think about that one.  My instinct is there's Much Harm in repeating things!  But I can't say for certain as of this moment.  CURRENT PLAN is GOOD ice cream sandwich imminently when entry is over and Tootsie Pop FOR BEDTIME.  MAYBE THE LAST TOOTSIE POP TOO.  And I'll have to wait EVEN LONGER to re-up with tootsie pops than I would with ice cream sandwiches.  LOOK I'm 33 YEARS OLD THESE ARE THE ISSUES THAT FACE MODERN ADULTS.  Tootsie Pop is either Cherry or Raspberry.  From my view right now I'm gonna guess Raspberry.  WAIT NO.  I'm gonna guess Cherry.  I think it LOOKS like a Raspberry wrapper BUT I'm betting that Mine Eyes Are Deceiving Me.  LET'S CHECK.  RASPBERRY!!!!  GREAT.  My first instinct!  I'm happy with that.  Also delicious wonderful.  Hey I'll be back tomorrow.  See ya later.

-9:11 P.M.




Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Hi Friends!

    Hey!  Time to write A New Day.  Watched the first half of The Clockwork Orange last night.  Right up until he starts receiving treatments.  HALFWAY THROUGH TREATMENTS.  Treatments have started but not completed.  I wish this guy the best of luck.  Also how common is crime in this film/book.  First times I read/saw it I kinda figured oh all teenagers behave his way.  Now I think it's not THAT widespread.  Obviously they run into another gang at the beginning.  THAT'S WHERE I GOT THE IDEA FROM.  But I dunno I feel like most teenagers are reliable non-ultraviolence people.  OTHERWISE all the crimes would hardly be noticed!  They'd be too commonplace!  Anyway is Alex Delarge supposed to be short.  I feel like in certain shots it makes him look short.  BETTER LTURQ.  NOT SEEING ANY INFO ON THIS.  Malcolm McDowell is 5'9.  GO FIGURE.  The point is I need short role models but probably not this guy.  Maybe Malcolm McDowell if he agrees to always walk around on his knees.  I can't force him to do that.  It's up to him.
    Okay.  Really puts things into perspective.  Here I am worrying about whether I'm eating 175 too many calories a day while these guys are DRINKING ALL THE MILK THEY WANT WITHOUT A CARE IN THE WORLD.  Makes me feel like I should adjust my life-- for the better!  No ultraviolence of course but ENJOY MYSELF in terms of EATING THAT EXTRA 175 CALORIES LIKE I WOULD ANYWAY BUT NOT CARE TOO MUCH ABOUT IT.  ALSO THAT'S TOO HIGH.  MAYBE AN EXTRA 115 CALORIES.  COMPROMISE.  SETTLE!  Pretty sure I read Malcolm McDowell was like 35 when this movie happened and his character is 15.  Better LTURQ.  High 20's.  Good for him.  I'm in my mid 33's.  That means I can play a 20 year old!  That's what I try to do in general.  People would pity me less if they assumed I was 20 years old.  My life were I 20 would be PRETTY ON THE BALL.  So there's that.  Can't put things on the ball in baseball.  Sticky things.  You can get thrown out of the game for that! 
     Yeah!  My brother appears to be visiting this weekend.  Great!  I'm a fan.  The point is they put LARGE in his name.  So they gotta be thinking about his height one way or another.  Maybe they're saying a certain height of people are inherently evil.  My guess is it's tall people.  They're too big for their britches and then thusly become evil.  Anyway.  Lot easier to watch the movie than read the book!  You're reading the book, half the words make no sense, how can you follow what's going on?  In the movie they SHOW YOU what's going on and WITH THAT you can understand the dialogue for the most part because you have CONTEXT seeing the actions.  GREAT.  Also look how is this guy 15.  That'd make him a sophomore in high school.  He wreaks WAY too much havoc for a sophomore in high school.  Oh well THAT'S THE FUTURE FOR YOU.  Also if I were in Clockwork Orange in real life HOW OLD WILL I BE.  Better LTURQ.  I don't see any info.  Just says, "Near Future."  MAYBE IT'S ALREADY PASSED.  I'M SCARED HOLD ME.
Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Wine Day.  Okay.  Give me wine!  I'll give it a shot.  Probably won't like the taste but I like the part where you drink it and it gets you drunk.  Presumably!  Anyway.  Either get delivery for lunch or eat HAM SANDWICH.  That's the only Super Market meal I have left.  Other than Meal Replacement Cookie and Frozen Pizza That Lasts For Months.  Hmm.  Maybe delivery is in the cards for lunch I DUNNO.  Anyway.  Woke up and everything On Schedule again today.  GREAT.  Lots of room to do more stuff.  Like finish watching Film.  And MAYBE even finish watching Blythe Manor.  Only 3 episodes to go!  I completely lost track of what was going on after the first episode and a half.  GOOD I WON'T MISS IT THEN.  Anyway.  Haven't shaved back of my neck yet.  How often do you look at a guy's back o the neck.  AND judge him for it.  Never, that's who!  Why bother.  Does mask cover up back of neck.  I feel possibly if you're wearing it Very Wrong.  So there's that.  Maybe stop off at Pizza Place on walk to get pizza for lunch.  Would need parental approval!
     Sure.  Another Too Late Mets game tonight.  Who cares about that.  Not me!  TWERE I to get Chinese Food maybe Chicken With Garlic Sauce.  Like I hypothesized yesterday!  Good deal!  EASTER EGG when Alex is in Record Store there's a record for the soundtrack of 2001 featured PROMINENTLY AND OBVIOUSLY.  So we know it takes place AFTER 2001 came out.  Which makes sense because even PRESENT TIME by the time the film came out was after that.  Hmm.  Maybe that wasn't Fun Easter Egg but PRODUCT PLACEMENT.  HEY I WANNA BUY THAT ALBUM TOO NOW the viewer says.  Anyway.  I feel like I've owned the soundtrack to at least one film in my lifetime.  Like in the 1990's.  A hard copy.  Presumably on DVD.  Definitely some Childrens Movies/Plays soundtracks on Records.  But I mean a REAL movie.  On a REAL hard copy Either Cassette Tape or CD.  Interesting Story.  I'm glad it happened and I'm glad it's over.  That's how stories go!  Anyway time to get some coffee.  YEAH!
  During one of the rapes I thought ya know who Alex reminds me of?  BRETT KAVANAUGH.  You know Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh?  One of the most powerful people in the land?  What else is going on.  LOOK if I wanted to have a pop tart AND a Quest bar the way to do it is have Pop Tart as indulgent afternoon snack and then Quest bar as indulgent after dinner entry-starting snack.  IT CAN BE DONE just gotta do it the right way.  LOOK I DUNNO.  It's weird that they thought the dystopian future would be teenagers run amuck and now powerful old people run amuck.  They were WAY off.  Then again WHAT ABOUT MS-13.  Hmm.  Also we've got LONE WOLVES running amuck.  Hmm.  Haven't seen a big Shooting pulled off by multiple people have we.  That'd be a BIG deal.  They could do some big damage.  Hope I'm not giving anyone ideas.  DON'T DO IT if you ARE getting the ideas.  WE WILL HOLD YOU VAGUELY RESPONSIBLE DEPENDING ON YOUR SKIN COLOR AND CLASS.  So don't even think about it.
Hmm.  Seventh paragraph.  I dunno.  Would be fun to get some Dumb Pizza like Pizza Hut or Papa Johns.  FUN BUT INDULGENT.  Either way what's my problem with a ham sandwich.  I dunno!  Had a turkey pastrami sandwich yesterday!  Feel like mixing things up!  Anyway what's the deal with CHEESE in Chinese Food.  Not a lot of cheese in these options.  GOOD WHAT DO I CARE.  In the mood for pizza PARTIALLY FOR THE CHEESE.  But I wouldn't want cheese in other contexts anyway!  So there's that.  Look I know I have frozen pizza I could eat.  It's just NOT THAT GOOD.  Oh well we all have to make sacrificies in life.  Except for some people.  Gotta imagine over the course of history some people just happened to luck out and never had to make a sacrifice.  Cool!  Maybe I have some hot pockets or something tucked away somewhere.  Better LTURQ.  Got some loose individually wrapped burrito things.  Don't know what they are!  Probably Breakfast Based.  Got a bag of 4-5 chicken nuggets.  THAT CAN BE LUNCH.  MYSTERY BURRITO AND A FEW CHICKEN NUGGETS AND HEY WHY NOT SOME TATER TOTS.
     Sure.  Legit option!  Right now it sounds pretty good to me.  Anyway what else is going on.  At the very least I get to find out what this burrito is.  And I have a few others of what appear to be the same thing.  So now I'll know for the future what they are.  KIND OF.  If they're breakfast-based, I think I'd be able to determine that.  Probably would involve pellets of egg, some cheese, and maybe pellets of a meat.  That'd be my hypothesis of what they are going into the whole thing.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Eighth paragraph.  That's good news because it means I'm relatively close to moving on to the next stage of my life: WALK #2.  YEAH!  I don't have a problem eating breakfast burrito for lunch.  I don't have a problem eating breakfast burrito for anything!  HMM.  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta get comfortable eating sandwiches back to back days.  Moving forward I think I'm gonna eat EVEN MORE sandwiches for lunch.  Nice healthy low calorie lunch.  Helps me lose weight if that's how things go!  Also DELICIOUS.  Hmm.  If I alternated every day sandwich/not sandwich lunch, that'd be 3.5 a week.  I THINK WE CAN STRETCH IT OUT TO FOUR.  Turkey, ham, veggie burger, and MYSTERY BONUS THING.  Possibly LEAN SALAMI.  Possible SAWDUST DOGS.  Maybe INDULGENT Sandwich Meat like ROASTED BEEF.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  How about that.  Jeez.  I'm eating sandwich after sandwich because they're healthy.  Is roast beef healthy?  I can think of less healthy things.  Like milk.  Is the milk they drink in The Clockwork Orange mixed with alcohol or something.  Better LTURQ.  BARBITURATE SPIKED MILK.  What's a barbiturate.  Better LTURQ now.  NEMBUTAL.  Only one I recognized the name.  VERY unfamiliar with this class of drugs.  Probably should try them then.  Gotta figure things out by myself!  Anyway what's the general affect.  EUPHORIA.  Yeah we get it that's ALL good drugs.  What else.  RELAXATION and they help you sleep.  That sounds good.  SIGN ME UP.  I don't have a problem sleeping but YA CAN NEVER SLEEP WELL ENOUGH is my theory.  What else is going on and crap.  Also Alex De Large and his friends don't seem very relaxed.  Kinda seem amped up and agitated.  No wonder they're drinking this milk THEY NEED IT TO COOL DOWN.  It doesn't FUEL their antics it helps RELIEVE THEM from their antics.  Oh now I get it.
Last paragraph of the act.  What else is up.  I remember thinking that Alex De Large liking Beethoven was like a contradiction and that's how we were supposed to view it.  Yeah he does Terrible Terrible things but ALSO HE LIKES CLASSICAL MUSIC SO HE'S NOT ALL THAT BAD SOMEHOW.  Now I realize Hey why can't a terrible person like classical music.  No contradiction there.  Maybe Beethoven was a terrible person too, we don't know.  We'd probably know.  Then again I dunno!  Either way they use tiny cassette tapes in this film.  How predictive of the future was that.  Gotta imagine they were vaguely existing technologywise by 1971.  Not widespread until the 80's is my impression though.  But I don't think they INVENTED the idea of audio cassette tapes for this film.  And if they did WELL DONE I HOPE YOU GET ALL THE ROYALTIES IN THE WORLD.  FINALLY some good is coming out of this movie.  Also it entertains people and makes them think.  BUT MOSTLY THE AUDIO CASSETTE TAPES. Well that's it for now.  Be back soon!




Still Here Are We

    Hey it's been roughly soon, so here I am again!  Feel like the best thing I can do with Today DayTime is finish BLYTHE MANOR.  I dunno WHY I have to have it on the final 3 episodes.  I don't know what's going on at all and am not enjoying it at all.  But I feel COMPELLED to just have it on the TV while I'm not paying attention for a few more hours.  I FINISH THE THINGS I START.  That's not true.  I start a bunch of things I never finish.  NOT YET.  Everything I've started-- EVERYTHING-- will be finished by Death.  Or maybe slightly after Death.  Dangit that's gonna be a lot of work.  Might be the rest of my life's work!  Finishing everything I started the first 30 or so years.  Dunno if I started anything the first few years of my life.  Don't know what that would be.  The point is HEY what else is crap.  Looking forward to Mystery Burrito I Hope It's A Breakfast Burrito And It's Good Like I Imagine And Tastes Fresh Out Of Oven.  Also not high hopes for chicken nuggets tasting fresh even out of oven.  But I'll give it a shot!
    What else is up.  SIX public hearings from January Sixth Committee coming up in June.  I dunno how many people are gonna hear this. Hopefully a lot.  But one would imagine there will at least definitely be some TALKINGS.  Six Public TALKINGS. I think there should be more.  More like SIXTY.  Then again if you can say all the bad stuff in a single sentence maybe that's all you need.  Just have on hearing that's 120 seconds long and be REAL concise about it.  Violent Insurrection aiming to overthrow American Democracy and kill people ORCHESTRATED AMONGST PEOPLE AT TOP OF GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY PROBABLY INCLUDING PRESIDENT.   WHY WASTE PEOPLE'S TIME WITH THAT if you can get it all out in 120 seconds?  That's my hypothesis.  Anyway what else is going on.  If AMBER HEARD was involved in The Orchestration Plot would people care more.  I DUNNO.  Not 100% Amber Heard is a person.  I think I HEARD that somewhere.  Hmm.
    Watching The Clockwork Orange really put things in perspective for me.  I think it's tough to live my life Primarily Because Of Snacks BUT imagine how bad it'd be to be Ultraviolenced?  Or DO the Ultraviolence?  Or LIVE IN A SOCIETY where lots of Ultraviolence?  Suddenly my Snacking Problems seem relatively trivial.  What about the actual world we live in with Different Types Of Ultraviolence Than Literal Physical And Are Much More Existentially Terrible.  I DUNNO ABOUT THAT.  Anyway.  Weird how in A Clockwork Orange their dystopia was teenagers committing violences and rapes all the time.  And NOW the terrible thing that makes current day a dystopia is KIDS ARE TOO NICE.  GOD DAMN WOKE KIDS.  THIS IS A TERRIBLE GENERATION THAT ARE TOO KIND AND POLITE.  Really puts things in perspective.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  IF ONLY AN AUTHOR WARNED US OF THE COMING GENERATION OF PEOPLE WHO WERE NICE AND KIND.  WE NEVER SAW IT COMING AND WE WEREN'T PROPERLY PREPARED.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act.  I think Woke Kids are just a few bad apples!  The majority of kids are still selfish assholes.  Let's give credit where credit is due!  You can be a Woke Selfish Asshole.  I think it's even encouraged.  Hmm.  Had KETO bar just now.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Maybe save SECOND HALF of the clockwork orange for tonight again.  After-entry Film Viewing!  It'll take about an hour!  That sounds about right.  I'm an idiot because when I saw the record store where they displayed 2001 I thought OH SO IT MUST BE AFTER 2001.  2001 IS THE MOVIE TITLE. It was released in OH I DON'T KNOW 1969.  They didn't SIT ON THE MUSIC SCORE for 32 years.  Let's see if I NAILED Release Date.  1968.  DAMNIT I'M DUMB.  WHAT USE AM I TO ANYONE IF I CAN'T ACCURATELY GUESS THE RELEASE DATES OF FILMS.  Probably Very Little Use either way.  Oh well that's life.  At least I'm not actively hurting people.  That's pretty good!  Maybe I am actively hurting people.  But I'm not CONSCIOUSLY actively hurting people.  Maybe I am consciously actively hurting people.  But I'm not doing things with THE OVERALL INTENT to be Consciously Actively Hurting People. ...Sounds correct.
Yeah!  Time to wrap up the Daytime Portion of Entry.  Good deal!  Wonder what kinda dinner I'd be getting.  I'd be a proponent of ITALIAN FOOD.  Eat me some pizza.  IF NOT get some DINNER from DINER.  Maybe turkey! Maybe chicken!  Maybe steak * Stuffed Mushroom!  Lots of good options for dinner.  FOUR.  Sounds about right.  Presumably tomorrow lunch would be ham sandwich either way.  Gotta eat it at some point and tomorrow IS A SOME POINT.  So there's that.  The point is I dunno why all the consequences for Alex De Large.  Clearly he's mentally ill!  Just lay off him!  Hmm.  I dunno maybe he is mentally ill.  EITHER WAY I ATTEMPTED TO MAKE SOME SORT OF POINT AND I STAND BY IT.  Not the point itself.  But The ATTEMPT to Make A Point, right or wrong.  I'll do it again even.  Anyway what else is up.  Time to get on with the rest of my day.  I'll be back tonight!




i don't know what time it is

    Hmm.  Lots of MASS SHOOTINGS being done by young people these days.  But that's different they're using guns.  If you use a gun it's okay.  Ah I see.  Wha else is going on.  Anyway.  I don't know!  Just don't know.  Gotta move on with my life.  My life is of no good to anyone Just Not Knowing Things.  I COULD JUST NOT KNOW ANYTHING FOREVER but that accomplishes nothing!  Sounds about right!  Anyway successfully finished BLYTHE MANOR and successfully finished The Clockwork Orange.  Scary stuff!  Blythe Manor is scary because I don't know what happened and I feel like I should know more about what happened after watching it for 10 hours.  And The Clockwork Orange is scary because of THEMES.  WOW LOOK AT ALL THOSE THEMES GOING ON.  MOST OF THEM PRETTY DISTURBING!  So basically it's been A Real Spooky Afternoon.  However no one tried to shoot up my house.  So you take wins where you can get them I guess.
    Had pizza fo dinner!  Two regular slices with GARLIC and one with ANCHOVIE and one with ONION.  I enjoyed the ONION.  Was kind of a sleeper pick as a topping but it really showed me something out there.  In my dinner.  That sort of thing.  What else is up.  I didn't have a pop tart as midday snack!  COULD HAVE.  Didn't feel like I needed to!  I could have it as Post Dinner snack!  Don't feel like I need to RIGHT NOW.  YOU IDIOTS.  Hmm.  WAIT A SECOND it was a story last fall with they recalled Onions or something.  DID I MANAGE TO MAKE A PUN REGARDING THE FAKE NEWS COMEDY OUTFIT THE ONION.  Odds are YES I managed to make that pun 2-4 times over the course of the season BUT WE CAN'T KNOW FOR SURE.  Either way THEY RECALLED THE ONION?  GUESS IT WASN'T VERY FUNNY.  Hmm.  The point is I dunno.  I didn't like some parts of elementary school but at least no one ever broke in and shot me and my friends.  I didn't have many friends when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade.  Fine I'm glad no one shot the people who I wasn't friends with.  I BECAME FRIENDS WITH MANY PEOPLE I WASN'T FRIENDS WITH INITIALLY.  And if they were lost I NEVER WOULD HAVE MADE FRIENDS WITH THEM.  THEY'D BE TOO BUSY BEING DEAD AT EIGHT YEARS OLD PERMANENTLY FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.
Eight years old seems like the worst age for someone to be killed.  Older?  You've got SOME SIN on ya.  NOT CLEAN INNOCENCE 100% COMPLETELY.  Younger?  NOT THAT MUCH OF A REAL PERSON YET, SO I'M NOT SO INVESTED IN YER PERSONALITY.  Eight year old, though?  That's the sweet spot for me feeling bad for victims!  So there's that.  And Victim's Family for feeling the same way.  So there's that.  PLUS I have to take out the garbage tonight.  THIS DAY JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE AND WORSE.  I like taking out the garbage makes me feel like a big man.  THIS DAY JUST GETS SLIGHTLY BETTER MOMENTARILY.  That'll happen in half an hour is the point.  Anyway.  Burrito turned out to be Breakfast Burrito EXACTLY AS I DESCRIBED.  And it tasted fresh and good out of the oven!  So did chicken nuggets!  And the tater tots as well of course, but those were purchased just weeks ago!  Either way Good Lunch, Good Dinner.  SECOND GRADERS CAN SUCK A LEMON I FEEL BAD FOR THE THIRD GRADERS.  Then again I dunno maybe the second graders deserve more sympathy.  I'm gonna have to think about this one.  It's like SING! but for elementary school deaths.
     Hmm.  I think the name for that Production Premise that spans across schools and generations is kinda too in your face.  SING!  LOOK I DON'T WANNA SING.  IF I WANTED TO SING YOU'D KNOW IT.  YOU YELLING AT ME TO SING ONLY MAKES IT EVEN LESS LIKELY THAT I'LL SING.  YOU'RE NOT GONNA ACCOMPLISH GETTING ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING WITH THIS KIND OF ATTITUDE.  CHECK YOURSELF.  I dunno.  Elections today!  Wonder who will win!  IT COULD BE ANYONE.  Anyone on the ballot.  I guess they could declare some winners who aren't on ballots.  These days it'd be more likely than in the past.  But it still PROBABLY won't happen tonight at least.  Maybe 10% chance in November.  What's going on again.  Pretty sure people in power are just addicted to Not Doing Anything.  Ya hear about people getting addicted to power, but you figure they'd at least wanna use that power they're addicted to.  Some of them do!  For Bad!  No one's denying that!  But the alternative to people who are addicted to power for bad are the people who are addicted to power For Doing Nothing.  SOUNDS VAGUELY RIGHT SO IT MUST BE TRUE.  IT OCCURRED TO ME TO TYPE IT OUT SO THAT MAKES IT MAKE A LOT OF SENSE TO ME AS OF THIS MOMENT.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses!
    Fifth paragraph of the act!  Figure I'll write five more after this one.  LOOK I'd like a Birthday Bar after I tak eout garbage.  BUT maybe Chocolate Bar is even better!  It's a fine life I lead, just fine.  JUST Fine.  Anyway.  What did these kids ever do to anyone.  Probably nothing.  And if they did probably didn't deserve this consequence.  And if it did STILL SEEMS WRONG.  Ugh.  Jeez.  Ham Sandwich tomorrow for lunch.  OF THIS MUCH WE ARE CERTAIN.  Side could be any kind of side!  I got lots of great options.  Could be wheat thins or cheez its.  Could be Oreos or Pop Tart.  Not really Pop Tart.  I've THOUGHT about it as a side to sandwich SURE but I don't think I'd ever actually DO it.  I just included it so there was symmetry with the sentence before it.  I listed two Salt Snacks so I felt PEER PRESSURE to list two Sweet Snacks.  What peer.  MYSELF.  Sounds accurate.  I AM INDEED A PEER TO MYSELF.  In fact I'm My Biggest Peer!  Yep.
Hmm.  PIROUETTES that's a good cookie.  I don't have any but that WOULD be a good side to sandwich. Three of those suckers.  Igotta get that from Super Market for next time.  Well what else is going on.  Maybe just some Tales Crypt for the rest of the night.  Something that MAKE SENSE.  I know what Make Sense BALANCED BREAKFAST FOR TOMORROW.  I think I have enough Frosted Flakes to have that be THE BASIS of the balance.  And I enjoy waffle eggo style as well as egg white a la Me.  I POUR WATER INTO THE EGG WHITE MIXTURE that's my trick.  Water is delicious.  Makes it taste real succulent.  Indulgent like, that sort of thing.  Hmm.  Do I identify more with the EIGHT YEAR OLDS or with THE PARENTS.  I can see it from both sides of the 8 Ball.  Well not really from Either Side. But A LITTLE BIT from both sides.  MOSTLY WITH THE PARENTS.  But I was eight once, too!  MORE THAN ONCE.  I was eight for roughly 365 consecutive days.  LONG TIME to be eight.  Hmm.  Time to take out the garbage! BY WHICH I MEAN VOTE REPUBLICANS OUTTA OFFICE '22 BLUE WAVE TO REMEMEBR.
Well that's good I guess.  I KNOW Republicans will never do anything about gun control.  I just BELIEVE that Democrats won't either!  I COULD be proven wrong on that point.  WOW I BELIEVE IN POLITICS AGAIN!!!  Hmm.  I guess.  I believe in politics always I believe it's the shittiest thing composed of the shittiest people.  MORE or less.  Let's move on with my lives for the rest of the night.  TALES CRYPT.  What episodes do I got in store.  OH GREAT THESE AGAIN WONDERFUL NO WAY THESE EPISODES OF THIS SHIT SHOW WILL EVER HURT ME.  Anyway eating Birthday Bar.  I earned it!  Not sure Why or How but I think it's safe to say I'm A Great Guy Who Earned A Birthday Bar.  No good ice cream bars left.  ONE GOOD ICE CREAM SANDWICH.  Several NOT GREAT ice cream sandwiches.  FUDGESICLES.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Oh.  PERSONAL ICE CREAM CUPS to be paired with SMALL CAKE CONES.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  For most people that'd be like WHAT THE HELL WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS OF EATING ICE CREAM.  But my take-away from this is I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH WAYS OF EATING ICE CREAM.  AND THE WAYS I DO HAVE ARE WORSE THAN THE WAYS I SHOULD HAVE BUT DON'T.
That sort of thing.  Three paragraphs to go!  Just starting Beer #2 of 2.  Great.  I dunno.  Any other film with scary themes I can watch.  Why would I want to do that.  I dunno I just did it JUST NOW.  Yeah but I forgot going into it it'd be scary thematically.  Not sure where I got the idea from exactly.  But it WASN'T, "Lemme watch a film with scary themes."  KINDA knew that was gonna happen when I started but I wasn't conscious of it ENOUGH let's say.  I dunno.  Any Other Kubrick Film I Guess is scary themes.  Maybe watch DON'T SAY A WORD.  It's a scary theme because I Don't Know Why I Have It On DVD.  And also I Don't Think I've Ever Seen This Movie Once In My Life.  And also I Must Have Gotten It Because of Columbia Stealing House Record Deal Or Whatever.  The Film Was Like 99 Cents So I Took A Flyer On It.  Still Never Watched It.  Too Scary Now Thematically Because Brittney Murphy Is Dead In The Real World.  Well That Settles That.
     Penultimate paragraph of the day!  Don't say a word?  WELL WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY.  JUST RANDOM GUTTURAL SOUNDS?  BECAUSE BESIDES WORDS I DUNNO WHAT OTHER KINDA NOISES YOU'RE EXPECTING FROM ME.  Hmm.  Met game is in half an hour.  I could watch some o that before going to bed.  Not sure what the point is.  Baseball is boring enough as it is.  Why be like well I'll watch baseball BUT ONLY THE PART OF IT THAT WE DON'T KNOW WHOSE GONNA WIN YET AT ALL.  That'd be dumb.  Almost as dumb as the way your face looks right now!  GOTCHA.  YOU IDIOT.  Anyway too bad I don't have a delicious 100 calorie or so Ice Cream Bar for tonight.  It'd hit the spot just right.  OH WELL THIS IS THE LIFE THAT'S BEEN GIVEN TO ME BY THE GRACE OF GOD FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY.  Hmm.  I'm gonna be going to sleep in roughly an hour anyway.  Time to just start looking forward to Delicious Balanced Breakfast.  That sort of thing.  Hmm that was some good breakfasts though.  Pop Tart + Ice Cream Sandwich.  I don't anticipate having those breakfasts again, or at least I don't WANT TO, but I'll always have my memories.
Last paragraph of the day!  What else is going on and crap.  LOOK am I halfway into a Tales Crypt episode right now?  That I started after finishing both The Clock Work Orange as well as The Blythe Manor?  YEP.  So I finish that one, easy.  Watch the next one, easy.  Then maybe go to sleep!  Easy!  Or watch another one too.  Easy!  Some other thing.  Easy!  Life is pretty easy for the living is the point.  VERY DIFFICULT for the dead.  That's my impression.  Hey those kids are dead now.  That's... sad.  THE POINT IS... uh... you know that sort of thing.  Is this traumatizing for 2nd and 3rd graders all across the country.  Gotta imagine they're old enough to understand what's going on.  How come we're not hearing anything from the 3rd grader lobby.  They should be VERY invested in what's going on.  Well that's it.  I'll be back tomorrow!  I don't 100% know why either!  See ya!

-9:27 P.M.




Monday, May 23, 2022

You Really Don't Have To Read This

    Hey!  What's going.  ON!  On and/or slightly ahead of schedule today.  That's good news because it gives me more time to fuck around doing nothing.  Had 2nd 3rd of cake for breakfast.  Ate right amount of snacks yesterday!  THEN ATE MIGHTNIGHT SNACKS GOD DANGIT.  Hmm.  How can I address this.  Probably CAN'T.  Would have figured it out by now!  OH I KNOW GUM.  Remember to CHEW A PIECE O' GUM if I get up and wanna eat something.  SOUNDS LIKE A GAME CHANGER IDEA.  No it doesn't.  Anyway.  Monkeypox is a funny word so good luck trying to get me to be worried about it.  MONKEY IS FUNNY WORD AND CONCEPT.  POX ONLY SWEETENS THE DEAL.  Hmm.  Got THREE Super Market meals left.  Two sandwiches and Kids Chicken Parm.  Gonna have at least one for lunch.  Maybe another for dinner!  Maybe one NOT for lunch, get a delivery for lunch, have one for dinner!  The point is I will continue eating the right amount daily and then ruining it Every Night.  For the next couple of days.  Then I'll also stop eating the right amount daily.  Hmm.
     Yeah!  Still got 5 or 6 episodes of BLYTHE MANOR left.  I can see it starting to entertain me!  Bad sign though that I stopped paying attention mostly.  I get the main gist of what's going on but the last episode I didn't really... get the main gist... of what's going on.  Some characters I recognize from the first 2 episodes SOME I DON'T.  And it's TOO LATE for me to get on board with characters.  I'M SET IN MY WAYS only kind of knowing the first characters.  I don't have room in my heart to get to know a new character!  ALSO I THINK IT JUMPS AROUND TIMEWISE.  Then again it's hard to tell because I wasn't paying well enough attention!  Anyway!  Met game tonight at 9:45 PM.  Maybe I successfully record it and watch it tomorrow without knowing what happens.  And by watch it tomorrow I mean spend 20 minutes fastforwarding through it.  Hmm 20 minutes is STILL a pretty good amount of time to spend on something.  YEAH.  GOOD TIME AMOUNT HARDCORE.
     Hmm.  Was vaguely surprised at how much Cake I had left over.  From the start THIRDS were appropriate amount for breakfast.  So the 2nd time I had it--today!-- when I had half of what was left over-- nice chunk of cake!  So there's that.  Anyway.  I can FORESEE a Snack Schedule Sustainable Style that I have a quest bar AND a pop tart.  It CAN be done.  I just don't know whether it'd be GOOD for sustainability or BAD.  Only one way to find out.  SPECULATE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.  When I'm dead that will all be revealed to me.  Probably.  Gotta reveal SOMETHING when you die.  What else is up.  Kinda liked eating dinner and then not starting beer/act III until 30, 45 minutes later.  Yesterday I did it because I needed to have Hair Cut.  But in the end I think it's not a bad way to go in general!  GENERAL WASHINGTON MAYBE.  Huh.  How real is this congressional act to have Self Determination for Puerto Rico.  Is there a real chance that goes through.  Better LTURQ.  Unlikely to pass both houses.  Hmm.  Hill House and Blythe Manor.  Those are two houses that I'd PASS OVER.  I don't need to fuck with ghosts.  Probably not at least.  Maybe I do!
     Sure.  What else is going on and crap.  The point is if I were to have a pop tart Frosted Strawberry is the way to go!  I got ENTIRE box of that!  I got maybe 1-3 Chookies And Chream.  So there's that.  Hmm.  What's a good healthy tasty lunch I could order if I wanted to go that route.  Maybe RELATIVE HEALTH Chinese Food.  Like chicken in garlic sauce or something.  Might as well have chicken parm not so far off.  Good point!  Maybe get PIZZA.  Might as well... GET PIZZA!  SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.  Maybe for dinner.  The point is I have a lot of time to think on it because I'm so ahead of schedule!  I think Puerto Rico becoming a new state would be a HEALING moment for Country.  HEY WE'VE MADE A NEW OFFICIAL FRIEND.  TIME TO HOLD HANDS AND WHATKNOT.  Then again Republicans will almost definitely lean into REPLACEMENT THEORY in this case.  I dunno about Almost DEFINITELY.  More like EXACTLY DEFINITELY.  The point is if I'm gonna listen to new music I listened to for the first time last year Replacements gotta be a good option right?  By which I mean the soundtrack to The Replacements Starring Keanu Reeves and presumably co-stars I've heard of probably the female lead at least.  Lemme LTURQ.  Some other actors I know like GENEATHOY HACKMAN.  Female lead I dunno though!
    Sure.  Maybe watch George Carlin documentary today.  I don't need to fuck with ghosts though.  Watching a documentary of a DEAD MAN?  That's just ASKING to be haunted by them.  I feel like being haunted by George Carlin would only be half bad.  Hmm.  Got blood work from HIRSH.  They have some new Online PORTAL that they never told me about which I had to find out on my own.  Bloodwork seems relatively normal.  Everything seems to be in order!  Except for a couple of things that don't matter.  So that's good.  Dad made appointment for me with Dermatologist.  Great.  I'll go but I'm not happy about it!  Not sad about it either!  No very strong feelings on the happy/sad spectrum!  NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW IS... Endless Breakfast Day and National Asparagus Day.  Look I like breakfast WAY MORE than the next guy.  But it's gotta end AT SOME POINT.  And look I DISLIKE ASPARAGUS as much as the next guy.  Hopefully it ends BEFORE IT EVEN STARTED.  Apparently Endless Breakfast is just a Dennys Promotion.  You get all you can eat breakfast for a low low price.  Hmm.   Maybe get that through doordash.  Not sure I can achieve the All You Can Eat Concept through Door Dash.  Well I can but it would involve A LOT of driving back and forth for The Dasher.
     Hmm.  Maybe play some rocksmith today.  Was looking around the room and I saw my guitar and was like hey I've used that in the past!  So there's that.  Also AWAKE EARLY.  Entire HOUR OR MORE that I have that I wouldn't usually have!  OH RIGHT COFFEE.  Lemme go get that sucker of a cup.  GOT COFFEE HAD KETO BAR.  Now I'm back here REFRESHED and ready to go!  HMM I got Meal Replacement Cookie too.  Maybe I'm in the mood for that when lunchtime rolls around.  I've given myself a lot to think about.  This isn't a keto BAR.  It's a square.  Bars are long rectangles.  What do you call squares.  Nerds.  Oh okay.  I've heard it's hip to be square is that accurate.  Hmm.  Closing in on a week without wearing clean shirts.  Gotta imagine they smell a bit as well as looking vaguely wrinkled.  Also BEFORE I put them on VERY WRINKLED.  Once they're contorting themselves to the shape of my torso don't look so wrinkled at all.  Probably smell though.  Things start to smell over time!  That's my thesis.  I'm writing a paper on it, too.  By the way.
Hmm.  Why did I get turkey pastrami.  I'm dreading eating that.  Maybe it's good I dunno.  I guess I'll find out.  What's today, Monday?  I can live with that.  Very little choice.  I saw Eric Addams is thinking about running for president in 2024.  Which is good because I like it when people do stupid things.  Makes me feel smart!  Because in comparison to the stupid things people do, the things I do don't seem quite as stupid!  Good deal!  I can order Best Pizza I know and also it comes with BEEF PATTIES.  JAMAICAN STYLE.  That's one way to go.  Maybe for lunch maybe for dinner!  Maybe not at all.  The point is Man OH MAN would I like to write 3.5 more paragraphs quick.  Also GOOD.  But also QUICK.  Jeez.  Wonder if I'm gonna spend 3 minutes shaving the back of my neck today.  Could be up to six minutes!  WELL I GOT THE TIME TODAY.  ALSO, "GOT."  THAT'S HOW THEY ABBREVIATE, "GAME OF THRONES."  I NEVER SAW THAT SHOW.  Presumably there's thrones but it's like musical chairs and everyone wants to sit on the throne and some people sometimes do and some people sometimes don't.
    Sounds vaguely reasonable assumption!  No delivery for lunch.  Very happy with the choices I have.  Any of them would be a BLESSING on my constitution or something.  Also I'm pretty sure soon it's gonna be up to the state legislatures when the constitution is relevant or not.  So we got that to look forward to.  The point is American Constitution is all well and good but we were talking about MY Constitution.  What's the exact definition of that. A person's physical state with regard to vitality, health and strength.  Oh PHYSICAL STATE.  My constitution is for STATE'S RIGHTS.  But also NATION RIGHTS.  States have rights, Nations have rights, my body has rights!  Because I'm a man!  More rights than the other half of the population has!  THAT'S NOT GOOD.  Let's get state legislatures working on that one.  GOOD state legislatures.  The only way to fight a bad state legislature is with a good state legislature.  NOT SURE WE HAVE ANY OF THOSE.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  The point is I know I can't get Endless Breakfast from Dennys but maybe I can just get DENNYS from Door Dash.  I dunno.  Any FUN I would have eating Dennies would involve eating 1600 calories.  If it's just a small meal WHY BOTHER.  Better LTURQ.  I looked that up right quick and it was just as I suspected!  Anyway.  Maybe get Regular Diner.  One GRIDDLE SPECIALTY for today, one SANDWICH SPECIALTY THAT'S NOT SPECIAL for tomorrow.  THE POINT IS I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN CCP LAST NIGHT FOR THIS DAY.  The point is NEXT ACT WILL BE EQUALLY BAD but the act after that will be RELATIVELY GOOD.  So there's that to look forward to!  Also I got MIDDLE OF DAY to enjoy.  Do all the crap I wanna do.  Maybe play some video games.  I haven't done that in a while!  Maybe write in a notebook or two.  Not sure what to write!  But gotta imagine somethin'll come to me.  Maybe If I Do Dictionary Ouigia Board I'd be inspired to write about Topics.  TOO SCARY.  Unless I'm summoning George Carlin with Scrabble Dictionary Ougia Board.  He'd set me on the right track!
      Hmm.  NOPE.  Maybe just pick up 2 slices of pizza on my walk for dinner.  Don't have to commit to getting more for Future Meal.  I'd have to Double Mask It.  But I think that's a reasonable idea.  Anyway I don't think I've ever taken a Covid Test.  What am I missing out on.  Are they fun?  Can I score in the 99th percentile?  WILL THIS GET ME INTO A COLLEGE OF MY CHOICE.  I already went to college.  I'll do it again!  Not sure why.  I have recurring dreams I'm back in high school or college and I'm finally graduating NOW.  A couple nights ago it was high school.  The conceit was I graduated high school when I actually did, went to college, then went BACK to high school for some reason (for fun?) and then I'm graduating high school OFFICIALLY 17 years late.  KINDA FUN.  That's why I'm in high school.  Figured got nothing else going on might as well go back to high school and re-do that.  Anyway that's it for now.  I'll be back in a bit!




In Fact You Probably Don't

    Hi!  Time to write five paragraphs.  I can do that like it was nothin'.  I can also do nothin' like it was nothin'.  I can do other things like they were nothin'.  Basically I excel at Doin' Nothin'.  The point is am I eligible to get Baby Formula.  Is there some sort of fact-checking enterprise where they only give it to people with young babies.  Or old babies.  I dunno how old a baby needs to be to stop drinking/eating formula.  Either way if I'm ASKING for formula my best guess is they just assume I actually need it as much as the next person.  They're not MEANS-TESTING Baby Formula, are they?  I WOULDN'T PUT IT PAST THEM.  Then again I'd also put in the foreground for them.  So there's that.  I know Baby Formula.  Sperm + Egg = Fetus Which Turns Into Baby AT BIRTH OR SO.  MAYBE RIGHT BEFORE BIRTH I DON'T HAVE THE NUMBERS IN FRONT OF ME.  CRACKED THAT CODE.  What else is going on and crap.
     Jeez.  The point is I believe Life Begins at When You Feed Baby For First Time Regularly.  Then again I also Don't Really Believe That IT's Just A Follow Up Yukk-Em-Up to what I was saying before.  I don't KNOW what I believe.  Life begins at birth or more or less almost leading up to birth.  That's MY impression.  DON'T HAVE THE NUMBERS IN FRONT O' ME.  Maybe go ahead and get Chicken With Garlic Sauce for lunch.  With RICE.  With STEAMED CRYSTAL DUMPLINGS.  With SOUP TO SAVE FOR SANDWICH LATER ON.  Kinda feels like it'd be good.  VAGUELY redundant with Kids Chicken Parm I already have but not really!  Anyway I've got a couple of hours to Think On It.  What else is going on and crap.  In Blood Work Form, endocrinologist wrote I gained FIVE POUNDS when scale clearly said I gained FIVE POUNT FIVE POUNDS.  Maybe she knows something I don't.  Maybe when it comes to weight 5.5 ACTUALLY IS just 5.  One can only assume that's what's going on in the scenario.  GOOD DEAL.  What else is going on.  Oh the paragraph is over.
     Hmm.  Probably make some good progress in Blythe Manor.  Maybe even start picking up what's actually going on and whatknot.  I dunno seems kinda spooky.  It's scary because I can't follow what's going on!  What does that say about me!  Smoethin' spooky that I'm An Idiot Or Something who can't even keep up with Dramamatic TV Viewing.  The point is IT TOOK ME SEVENTEEN YEARS BUT I FINALLY GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE SECOND TIME.  Also it's only been 16 years since I graduated high school for the first time.  Yes IN REAL LIFE.  In my dream it was 17 years.  GO FIGURE.  Hmm.  Feel like there's probably some re-union at 20 years.  SKIP THAT ONE.  Wait until there's a re-union where my life is relatively a success.  I may have to wait my entire life but I'm willing to do that.  Once I DIE that's a relative success.  Hey I ended up in the exact same place as everyone else here.  DEAD.  WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT 70 YEARS LATER.  FROM MY CASKET. VISITING YOU AT HIGH SCHOOL REUNION IN... I WANNA SAY HEAVEN??  THAT DOESN'T SOUND RIGHT.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Gotta imagine there's separate high school re-unions for people in Heaven and people in Hell.  Not all of us are going to the same place!  Maybe we are I Dunno.  Hmm.  Maybe I meet the 8 or 10 people who are actually kind of my friends in high school at Theoretical Re-union.  Don't need to worry about how well my life isn't going in that respect.  HEY GOOD TO SEE YOU IN GENERAL THAT'S WHAT COUNTS.  Sounds about right.  Vast majority o people I wasn't friends with, though.  Also MANY MORE people I actively DISLIKED based on personal experiences and not just as a Generic Person I Don't Know than people I was Friends With.  People who I did stuff with but was like THIS GUY SUCKS OR SOMETHING.  So there's that.  What else is going on and crap.  Anyway.  Kinda feel like Right Wingers should produce a film about fetuses who do stuff while being fetuses.  Very subversive theoretical production!  I'D SEE IT.  Also I SAW LOOK WHOSE TALKING and this baby doesn't start talking until AFTER BIRTH I THINK?  Now that I think about it maybe there's some dialogue during birth.  And Bruce Willis is like HEY WHAT'S GOING ON I'M BEING LET OUT INTO THE WORLD.  Even still I doubt there's any dialogue Before Right Before Birth.  AND THIS FILM IS THE AUTHORITY ON SUCH THINGS.
Last paragraph of the act.  Amazing!  Also the baby isn't talking.  There's no Look Whose Talking.  VERY CLEARLY THINKING.  He's not communicating with everyone.  This is THINKING that we're being shown.  Right?  I haven't seen this film in over 20 years.  I think in a SEQUEL there's talking between babies.  But in the first one it's just Baby Thinking In Adult Words.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Gotta imagine it's hard to get a baby to act.  When they make those films I'm pretty sure there's scenes where the baby HAS to be smiling or laughing or upset or something ACCORDING TO THE PLOT.  Are there babies with Special Skills that you can get to act somehow on time in the way they want you to?  I DUNNO.  My guess is THAT'D BE WEIRD.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Nice chunk of the day to enjoy before I come back here to write Better Entry Than First Two.  50% chance with enjoying Chinese Food for lunch!  I'll update you on this situation after it's progressed.  See ya later.




no need to worry

    It's possible Bruce Willis talks as A Sperm or maybe once it has impregnated an Egg.  Either way I don't think the film is Scientific Canon though to my knowledge.  Anyway eating a Quest Bar AFTER a pop tart because I have no self control as of 3 minutes ago.  The important thing is that I enjoy myself so I can write a good entry.  MY LIFE MAY SUFFER BUT THE SHOW MUST GO ON.  ADEQUATELY.  MAYBE SETTLE FOR MEDIOCRELY.  Anyway today was a snooze.  Had BLYTHE MANOR on all day which was creepy!  Because I wasn't following what was going on ON THE TV which equated to me not following what was going on IN MY LIFE.  Because Today Day at least my life was/is what was/is going on on the TV.  Hmm is anyone gonna do some binge eating on TV?  Because I am DEFINITELY interested in doing it now.  I haven't gotten there yet, just having two medium sized snacks.  But if I WANT TO the opportunity is there.  DANGIT NOW I WANT TO.
Oh well.  THIS WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IF I WAS ABORTED.  Also are there people who are against abortion rights because they think Always Abortion?  Being anti-abortion ban isn't ALWAYS pro-choice.  Maybe you're Pro ALWAYS ABORTIONS.  That's NO CHOICE EITHER.  Prow-choice is a MIDDLE COMPROMISE position.  AND THAT'S THE WAY THE DEMOCRATS NEED TO FRAME IT.  Look some people are gonna tell you you can't get an abortion, others are telling you you MUST get an abortion.  Be IN THE CENTER and CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF.  That sort of thing.  Anyway.  Ya do good all day and then one pop tart ruins everything.  When ya count calories 180 calories gonna MAKE OR BREAK whether the day was Success or not.  NOW the only way to make the day success is BINGE EATING.  So at least I get SOMETHING out of the deal.  SO FAR I HAVEN'T DONE THAT YET.  WOW WHAT SELF CONTROL.  Anyway.  Had delicious Turkey Pastrami Sandwich for lunch.  Was great!  Had delicious Chicken Parm for dinner.  Was great but very little pasta!  I wasn't satisfied close to the extent I thought I'd be!  STILL THOUGH POP TART WAS TOO FAR IN THE OTHER DIRECTION.  Doesn't equate to just making up for Lost Pasta.
Hmm.  Still a few hours left to the day.  Anything can happen!  NOT MUCH is my guess.  SPOOKY.  I can't follow what's going on in Blythe Manor but it very well may be NOT MUCH and that BLEEDS into my real life.  So My life is A Spooky Sort Of Not Much Happening.  SOUNDS TOO CLOSE TO TRUE.  I WANNA JUMP OUT THE WINDOW TO GET AWAY FROM ALL THIS SPOOKINESS.  I can't jump out the window.  I can only open window like 1/10th of the way.  If I open it more the alarm gets triggered.  Also there's a SCREEN outside the window.  You know like a screen gridlock pattern.  Basically I'd have to set the alarm off AND break through the screen if I wanna jump out the window.  And I don't wanna be A BOTHER to anyone setting off alarms.  And I dunno if I can break through this screen grid thing just by my Jumping Force.  Might have to cut it open beforehand.  Anyway.  Don't wanna jump out the window.  Not sure why I had to go through what it would entail.  Not even on my radar of things I wanna do, jumping out the window.
How many calories does falling out of a window burn.  Let's get some people looking into that one.  I guess it depends on the window.  How high up it is.  That sort of thing.  What else is going on and crap.  Tomorrow lunch gonna be delicious Ham Sandwich.  I am really enjoying Health Bread: The Toasted Version.  I'll probably lose enthusiasm roughly next sandwich or the sandwich after that.  But FOR NOW it's the main thing I'm enthusiastic about This Period Of Three Days.  What else.  If I don't wanna binge tonight BUT I do wanna satisfy myself some more, 1 tootsie pop and LAST ICE CREAM BAR over the rest of the night is a decent way to go!  NOT TOO BAD.  Pretty good deal I think.  What is this, the fourth paragraph?  Amazing!  That's one of my favorite numbers.  "THIS."  Hmm.  Anyway.  In 1929 when the stock market crashed did anyone think to hire someone to stand outside the window on ground level to Catch Stockbrokers?  Look they're making the mistake of their life trying to kill themselves.  Let's do them a Public Service and CATCH EM before they hit the ground.  THEN MAKE THEM SUFFER FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES NOT BEING AS OBSCENELY RICH AS THEY WERE BEFORE.  It's a FATE WORSE THAN HECK.
     Yeah!  What's the mindset of killing yourself when stock market crashes.  I'LL HAVE TO GET A JOB LIKE A REGULAR PLEAB.  WHAT EVEN IS LIFE.  NO THANK YOU.  Kinda seems like an extreme.  Oh well that's their prerogative.  The point is I think that's kinda SEXIST in that in cartoon or film portrayals, SPERM is given dialogue and/or just being conscious.  And the egg is just sitting there waiting for sperm.  MAYBE that's scientifically accurate but my guess is PROBABLY NOT.  Then again I don't know much about science.  I took SEX ED in high school but I don't remember them covering IF THERE WAS DIALOGUE BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER FERTILIZATION WHERE WOULD IT COME FROM.  Seems like kind of an oversight in retrospect.  What else is up.  Main thing I remember learning about was the word Smegma.  What a disgusting hilarious word.  Depending on your mood at the time it could be anywhere from 10% disgusting, 90% hilarious to 90% disgusting, 10% hilarious.  RIGHT NOW?  FOR ME?  60% DISGUSTING, 40% HILARIOUS.  What else is up.  Oh.  THAT'S IT.  THAT'S THE PARAGRAPH.
     Cool.  Lost track of where my nail clipper was a few days ago.  Really bad news.  At least one of my nails REALLY needs some clipping.  This is terrible.  Also if you're gonna kill yourself, how did you decide on jumping out of a window?  Is it cause it's kind of a collective thing?  You're all at the office together and you all decide on suicide and you're like well what's something WE CAN ALL DO AS A TEAM.  OH JUMP OUT THE WINDOW.  Jumping out the window is kind of a GROUP Suicide thing, even if it's just one at a time.  Otherwise there's cleaner and possibly less painful ways to do it.  Also I feel like you risk surviving jumping out of a window.  I dunno the numbers exactly but I'd say up to 4, 5 stories you probably got a relatively decent shot at surviving.  20 stories or more, I highly doubt it!  BUT I DON'T HAVE THE NUMBERS IN FRONT OF ME.  Gotta imagine SOMEONE has been keeping track of these numbers for their own PERVERTED reasons.
Hmm.  Seventh paragraph and I've barely touched Beer #1.  Delicious!  My mom started watching George Carlin Documentary.  NO SPOILERS.  Anyway.  Two episodes, each is about 1 hour 45 minutes.  Gotta imagine 2nd episode is devoted entirely to his work in the ASKEWNIVERSE.  What else is up.  Man would clipping this one nail really hit the spot.  Thumb Toe on left foot.  I guess people call it The Big Toe.  Got a lot in common with thumbs though.  Not OPPOSABLE, though.  One key difference.  I still feel comfortable calling it a thumb toe even with it's lack of opposability.  PROVE ME WRONG YOU CAN'T.  Where am I.  Seventh paragraph?  YEP.  Nailed it!  What do I do after this entry is over.  Gotta FakeWatch some more BLYTHE manor.  Only 3+ episodes to go.  I can be done with this once and for all by tomorrow!  Not BY tomorrow.  By Tomorrow's END.  USA TIME ZONE.  BEST PART OF USA.  EASTERN STANDARD TIME BABY.  Gotta share it with RON DESANTIS THOUGH I'm not happy with that.  Oh well that's life.  I dunno why he has a reputation for he's like Trump but smart!  SEEMS KINDA DUMB TO ME.  I don't know anything about him but the kind of policies he's been implementing are DUMB.  I know they're EVIL too but just wanting to do it is DUMB.  Therefore DUMB.  Maybe he's good at POLITICS and STRATEGY and stuff like that.  But how smart can ya be when you advance such dumb policies.  GOTTA BE HALFWAY DUMB AT LEAST.  RUINING EASTERN STANDARD TIME WHAT THE HELL.
     Eighth paragraph of the act! 
At this point it looks like I won't binge eat.  I'll have just eaten 175-300 calories more than I wanted.  WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BULLSHIT.  Oh well I'm halfway dumb.  Only a dumb would do a dumb thing like that dumbness.  NEVER SAID I WASN'T HALFWAY DUMNB.  IN FACT I KINDA ALWAYS IMPLY THAT I AM.  I'm COMFORTABLE leaning into stupidity.  Just like Republicans but FOR GOOD NOT FOR EVIL.  Finished Beer #1.  FOR GOOD NOT FOR EVIL.  Maybe 1/3rd for evil.  2/3rds of first beer was for good and 1/3rd was for evil.  Hmm.  Originally spelled Good, "DOOG," when typing that.  Reminded me of THE CLOCKWORK ORANGE.  Cause of DROOG.  Maybe I could watch that tonight.  Kinda spooky movie!  But I gotta watch something tonight.  I'm gonna be awake for a solid an hour and 45 minutes TO TWO HOURS FOURTY FIVE MINUTES.  Lemme LTURQ how quick that movie goes.  You might phrase it, "HOW LONG IT IS."  I PHRASE IT, "HOW QUICK IT GOES," GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  TWO HOURS 16 MINUTES.  Hmm.  Maybe I can watch that.
     Penultimate paragraph!
  Gotta make sure I know where the DVD is.  Let's take a look at THE WALL OF DVDS.  Yep I've got it.  ANYWAY HERE'S A SCANDAL-- on DVD Box it says movie is 137 minutes.  WELL WHICH ONE IS IT.  136 MINUTES OR 137 MINUTES.  THIS IS THE BIGGEST SCANDAL SINCE THE TIME THE ACTOR SLAPPED THE COMEDIAN.  Anyway.  Not 100% comfortable with Rape Scenes and stuff like that.  Which is about 20% of the film.  But if mankind never forced itself to do things it wasn't comfortable with WE'D NEVER HAVE THE AEROPLANE.  And other inventions and stuff that I could make that joke with.  I went with airplane because it's a double joke between it being an appropriate reference for the general joke AND I got to spell it, "AEROPLANE."  What else is going on and crap.  At this point START beer #2 With Major Motion Picture Viewing Of The Night To Remember.  What else is going on and crap.  Also mankind isn't comfortable with aeroplane because it's risky.  You might fall out of the sky.  Without it being your previously decided upon goal Like Stockbrokers.
Cool!  What else is up.  These days kinda looks like a stretch that Russia would somehow influence English culture/language or whatever is going on in A Clockwork Orange.  Can't even influence Ukraine and Ukraine was part of THAT SOVIET UNION.  Russia is a big flop let's talk about it.  Anyway.  Also sure the rape is bad the main thing I can't relate to with these characters is they love drinking milk.  Milk is disgusting.  Keep it away from me!  I DON'T NEED MILK AND I DON'T WANT MILK.  Hmm.  HMM BEEN FINGERING SOME TOES AND I'VE COME ACROSS ANOTHER TOE WHICH NEEDS SOME CLIPPING.  Middle Toe Left foot.  Dunno how else to describe it.  It's the middle toe!  Three toes from the right, three toes from the left.  The NAIL COULD BE CLIPPED THAT'S ALL I'M SAYING.  I haven't watched Clockwork Orange since watching the Tales Crypt episode with Malcolm Macdownel as some sort of Bumbling Vampire.  Wonder if that'll make him more relatable.  Cause as a Bumbling Vampire he's pretty relatable!  Well I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:32 P.M.




Sunday, May 22, 2022

Oh Right Time To Do This

    Hey!  I have Chicken Caesar Salad from Super Market.  I can add Spare Chicken Finger to that!  Break it up into smaller pieces and whatknot.  Okay I'm glad we covered that.  OH NO then salad goes from Quite Low Calorie to just Pretty Low Calorie.  OH WELL LIFE IS FULL OF SACRIFICIES.  Especially if you're an Aztec priest.  They sacrificing people right and left!  Better LTURQ.  I don't wanna disparage Aztec priests about constantly sacrificing people when they really only do it once or twice a year.  They sacrificed 250,000 people a year.  Sounds like a lot!  I was ready to be like oh 50 people a year that's way too much.  Hmm.  HEY YOU KNOW WHAT GOD(S) WOULD LIKE?  IF WE KILLED A BUNCH OF EACH OTHER.  Sounds fair.  Anyway another warm day.  Another day wearing an unclean shirt.  Another day hoping to hit my marks on Snacking Totals.  Not sure what to do for dinner!  Got plenty of good options for lunch.  Can't think of any good DINER options for DINNER.  And we'd probably be getting a DINER DINNER.  Best option is just have another thing From House for dinner.
    Anyway soon after dinner my Dad is cutting my hair.  So I'll have to delay Act III a bit!  COOL IT'S WORTH IT.  No more hair bothering my scalp.  Time for my scalp to shine through!  Some hair sure is fine.  But I feel like at the level of hair I'll be left with you can make out my scalp better than before.  Which is good because my scalp is one of my best qualities.  TOTALLY NOTHING WRONG WITH IT.  My best qualities are the ones where there's not obvious things wrong with it.  Sweet!  Had balanced breakfast today.  1/3rd of Egg Whites even though it was a small amount and 1/2 would be better. But now I have TWO balanced breakfasts left before re-making Egg Whites.  Eggo.  CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH.  Delicious!  Halfway behind schedule today.  Not as bad as the last few days!  Shouldn't be too difficult to fit in seven walks.  LIFE IS FINE JUST FINE.  What's new in the world wide world of sports.  WAIT THAT'S FODDER FOR A NEW PARAGRAPH.
What's sports in the new world wide of news.  Mets still missing their best two players to Disabled List probably for 2 months or so.  STILL WINNIN' A BUNCH.  I called it before the season started that their lineup was good and could carry them.  Turns out I was right!   I didn't call it OUT LOUD.  Called it TO MYSELF.  Either way I deserve royalties from the Mets lineup doing good.  Jeez.  Another daytime game for Mets today.  Cool!  Watched the complete full first episode of BLYTHE manor as well as half of the next episode.  I'm into it!  First 10 minutes last week I wasn't into it!  At this point I'm into it!  ALRIGHT BULLSHIT I CAN WATCH HAPPILY.  Amazing.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is National Taffy Day.  Not sure I've ever had Taffy.  Not the most appealing thing in the world to me.  But it's CANDY and I like candy.  I'd try some Taffy.  Maybe even LAUGHY TAFFY.  That's a thing right.  Taffy but more hilarious?  Better LTURQ.  It's a thing.  Might be the same thing as without LAFFY.  GREAT.
Hmm.  Ham Sandwich or Turkey pastrami sandwich or Salad or Chicken Parm.  THESE ARE THE CHOICES I HAVE FOR LUNCHTIME.  The only option from Diner I can imagine, "Diggin," is the Steak * Stuffed Mushrooms again but I just had that!  Can't re-up with that so soon.  HMM.  Considering HALF CHICKEN ROAST DINNER.  Which would be two dinners.  Not a TERRIBLE idea but I dunno how, "INTO," that I am!  The point is let's move on with my life.  Ate the right amount of snacks yesterday then did a small amount of MightNight Snacking.  Been having trouble hitting my snacking marks lately!  OH WELL ANOTHER DAY TO START AGAIN TO TURN THINGS AROUND.  Enjoyed having Quest Bar in afternoon.  I DO think it made me more fun HOURS LATER.  Takes time to really get into gear.  I'll do that again today sure POSSIBLY.  Then again there's other great options like Ice Cream Sandwich THE POINT IS I DUNNO YET.  Anything happen yet this entry.  I don't think anything has happened yet.  There's nothing Sports in the wide world of news that's fun to talk about!
     Okay.  Health Bread and Hot Dogs wasn't the most natural or positive combination.  But it worked out well enough I guess.  Could have been worse!  I could have been forced to eat PLASTIC.  Not sure who or what is forcing me to eat plastic.  Maybe it's a Se7en Scenario.  I spent my whole life Sinning by eating plastic IN SMALL AMOUNTS and now I'm being forced to eat plastic UNTIL IT KILLS ME.  Also kind of a SAW scenario.  Somewhere between those two films.  Either way I had it coming by tempting fate with eating plastic in the first place.  Then again GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.  Plastic is bad for the environment.  So by consuming and storing the plastic in my body I'M CAPTURING IT FROM REST OF ENVIRONMENT.  HERO.  Anyway.  There should be rag tag billionaires who make it their mission to drill for oil and then just never use it.  They get oil before the oil companies do and then just SIT ON IT.  Sounds like a fun way to do things.  Maybe BURN IT just to make sure no one can capture it and use it themselves.  Sounds like a fair idea.
Coffee time!  Let's see if Original Kids in That Hall is streaming somewhere.  Looks like it MIGHT be on Amazon Prime.  Gonna have to look into that one.  The point is I Forget.  If the kids in the hall are this good IMAGINE HOW GREAT THE KIDS IN THE NEARBY ROOM ARE.  The ones that superceded the ones in the hall in terms of deserving to inhabit a room.  What else is going on.  Maybe try PASTICHIO from Diner.  It's a special they have for TODAY-- SUNDAY.  Looks interesting.  I like trying new things that look interesting.  Hmm.  I'm guessing it's BEEF BASED.  I know it's similar to LASAGNA.  Gotta have some meat at its base.  THAT'S FINE.  Have chicken based lunch.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Maybe wear an undershirt when dad cuts my hair.  In front of mirror.  That way I don't have to look at my body.  I've GOT ISSUES.  It's FUN.  Lots of people have body image issues.  NOW I CAN RELATE TO LOTS OF PEOPLE.  Sounds like a WIN to me.
Seventh paragraph!  At some point I dropped the pretense of saying my Dad is helping me cut my hair and just saying My Dad Is Cutting My Hair.  In the past I try starting it myself and doing what I can but I CAN'T DO ANYTHING I'M USELESS.  So there's that.  I guess.  Maybe get CHILI from Diner.  I like chili.  Presumably.  I've disliked other things much more!  What else.  When I got CHICKEN FINGERS from Deli a few days ago I WAS INTERESTED in their HOT DOG TOPPED WITH CHILI.  It was on REGULAR Menu but not on DOORDASH MENU though.  So that solved that problem.  Anyway.  Not sure I've ever had Jewish Chili before.  Probably similar to Non-Jewish Chili.  Probably can PASS as non-Jewish chili most of the time but that doesn't mean lots of white people still wouldn't discriminate against it!  LOOK if I'm getting Chicken Dinner I want to be enthusiastic about the stuffing. Right now I"m not.  OR AM I. Gonna have to think about that one.  Now it's been MORE paragarphs with nothing happening.
Sweet!  Haven't had Chocolate Chip Pancakes in a long time but who needs it.  I get my chocolate daily requirements all over the place from other sources.  What about just Pancakes.  Do they make those?  Seems kinda dumb.  What about Frenched Toast.  Too similar to Cinnamon Toast Crunch I feel.  Even if there's no cinnamon.  SOME Kind of overlap there I feel.  Waffle.  Had waffle a few days ago!  No desire to have it again!  Haven't gotten an omelet since I started making egg whites a few months ago.  Omelets are good!  Could be healthy, too!  Hmm.  Maybe I'll think about that some more when I feel like it.  Hopefully NOT when I don't feel like it.  I don't wanna think about something I don't wanna think about.  Sounds like a real Net Negative on my life.  ALRIGHT.  Got a good idea of Snack Regimen for today which is satisfying, varitieynouess, and makes up for NEGATIVE MightNight snacking I did last night.  THIS IS GONNA GO GREAT.
Whatever.  This isn' sustainable!  Caring too much about snacks!  SHOWS HOW MUCH YOU KNOW.  I've sustained Doing It for a long time now!  Not been comfortable or pleasant though.  No one said sustainability would be good!  I dunno I think it's vaguely implied.  THAT'S YOUR OPINION NOT MINE.  What else is going on and crap.  Can always get Bison Burger.  Threw me off because I was originally set to eat sandwich for lunch.  But now that I'm picturing OTHER lunches a Bison Burger for dinner MAY BE IN THE CARDS.  AMAZING WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine the next act will be better.  And the third act will be MUCH better.  Then it's time to go to sleep.  That will be roughly Okay.  What else is up.  Not sure how I felt about eating half Quest Bar before starting walk and the 2nd half while starting my walk.  Kinda feels like I'm rubbing it in to any fellow pedestrians.  That I'm eating delicious Health Candy Bar and they're not.  I don't wanna be A JERK about things!
Last paragraph of the act!  I wanna be a JERK about SOME THINGS but as a COROLLARY.  I wanna be some things sometimes some ways that probably align with being a jerk.  It's not the Being A Jerk I want but if it comes with the territory of SOMETHING ELSE I want I might be willing to make that compromise!  So there's that.  I don't think I listened to any music last night.  Just went straight to BLYTHE Manor.  Which was fine!  I liked it!  Probably 8.5 episodes to go! Nope only 7.5.  Good thing I looked that up right quick.  I'd be under the wrong impression of how many episodes I had to go indefinitely until I found out some other way at some other time.  What else is up.  Takes place in BRITAIN.  Interesting.  Some fun accents ya hear!  VERY CHARMING.  Good deal.  Haven't seen any ghosts yet but presumably some ghosts show up.  Or other monsters.  It's the HAUNTING of Bly Manor.  Traditionally GHOSTS or SPIRITS haunt things.  But maybe a Frankenstein is haunting it.  You can haunt something while being alive.  No one's stopping you!  They might TRY to stop you.  But if you're capable of maneuvering around their attempts to stop you then all the better for you!  I'll be back soon.




I Will Continue For Sure

    HEY!  Chicken Parm for lunch, Bison Burger for dinner, that's the plan!  Good plan.  Either way let's write five or so paragraphs and then WONDERFUL MIDDLE OF THE DAY.  IT IS I GOT STUFF LINED UP TO WATCH AND WHATKNOT.  Too much stuff!  Might be unpleasant having to make hard decisions about what to watch first and what to watch third.  The good news is I forget.  Already went over the food to celebrate tomorrow.  What else do I talk about.  I forget!  Anything going on in the wide world of news.  Same stuff as before only worse.  I feel like every day is the same but slightly worse.  UNTRUE some days are BRIGHT SPOTS more or less.  Wonder when the next Bright Spot Day will be.  COULD EVEN BE TODAY.  WOW exciting!  Also the Bright Spot Days are when Nothing Terrible Happens.  Don't get your hopes up and think GOOD THINGS are happening.  We have to settle for Nothing Terrible Happening to get Our Jollies.  Are Jolly Ranchers Taffy.  Better LTURQ.  Doesn't look like it.  I guess I Continue To Not Know What Taffy Is.
     Hmm.  What do I got in store for upcoming week.  Hopefully getting Bloodwork Results from Endocrinologist.  Been 2 and a half weeks already!  Usually I get that sucker of results a week after appointment.  I GOTTA KNOW MY BLOOD LEVELS.  INTERESTING STUFF.  Plus I'm pretty invested in their importance.  I wanna see where I'm not doing too great but even more I wanna see what I'm doing TOO good.  WOW MY TSH LEVELS ARE OFF THE CHARTS.  THAT'S GREAT.  Presumably most levels, if you're doing too good, that's actually equally bad.  Supposed to be in the correct RANGE.  I dunno I feel for some things it can't hurt to be below range, and for others it can't hurt to be above range.  PROVE ME WRONG.  Like how they conclude with What's Your Ultimate Health on a scale of 1-100.  If you're scoring a 105 YOU'RE KNOCKING THIS OUT OF THE PARK TO A DEGREE THAT CAN HARDLY BE IMAGINED.  CAN'T HURT in this scenario.  Unless the higher you get in the score the worse.  And you want your health to be as close to 1 as possible.  I DUNNO how they calculate this number!
Sure.  The point is what's Endocrinologist trying to hide from me that I haven't gotten results yet.  Is she trying to spare my feelings because there's bad results?  Or is she trying to build up anticipation and when I get the results they'll be amazing and my joy will only be compounded by the wait.  OR is there some sort of clerical error.  OR did they lose the blood I gave and are just hoping I forgot about it and won't ask for results.  I DID ASK FOR RESULTS.  Called em a few days ago!  Left a message on VOICE MAIL.  Amazing.  Pretty warm outside today.  Pretty warm inside!  Presumably would be pretty warm if you lived Inside The Walls OR Something.  That's still inside I think.  Unless you're hanging outside the wall too.  Hmm.  NO side for Burger.  That's how I usually do things!  Sure burger CALLS OUT FOR SIDE aesthetically.  But this burger I don't need a side necessarily.  Besides I'd be eating something-- POSSIBLE QUEST BAR IF I DIDN'T HAVE IT BEFORE-- soon after.  And if I DID have Quest Bar before then IT'S JUST STARTING TO KICK IN ANYWAY so I don't need side then either.  JALEPENO PEPPERS might be in the mix as a topping.  FOREGOED them the last couple of months.  NOW I MISS THEM.
     Penultimate paragraph of the Daytime Day!  Sweet.  What else is going on and crap.  Not a very good entry.  Maybe you're entertained by Absolutely Nothing Happening.  Can't discount that completely.  You weirdo!  Good for me, though!  It's my goal to entertain as many people as much as possible.  If you GET OFF on Nothing Happening WE'RE BOTH COMING OUT ON TOP IN THIS SCENARIO.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Been in the habit of waiting 15 minutes after I get back from walk to have a meal.  Even if its time for a meal when I get back.  I NEED SOME TIME TO ADJUST TO NOT WALKING.  LEMME LAY DOWN FOR 10 MINUTES AND RE-CALIBRATE MY INSIDES OR SOMETHING.  They were too much IN MOTION while I was walking.  Organs flopping around all over the place.  Give em a chance to SETTLE DOWN before I stuff food down my gullet.  Anyway what else is going on.  Let's be honest I can use a new bar of soap.  The bar of soap I've been using DOES have a week or two left if we're being really thrifty about it.  But I'm at the point where most normal people would start a new bar of soap and I've been at that point for AT LEAST a week already.  Let's talk about it.  We just did.  Touche.
Last paragraph for now!  What else is up.  I gotta imagine I have another bar of soap somewhere ready for me to start.  Also starting a new bar of soap is amazing!  HOLY CRAP THIS BAR IS 100% FULL SIZED BIG AND THERE'S INDENTATION WHERE THE LETTERS ARE.  WHAT AN EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES.  THIS SOAP IS EASY TO USE AS FUCK.  You know that sort of thing.  And if you know anything about me you know that I like embossed letters or indentation of letters in things.  Primarily candy bars sure but it applies to SOAP too.  And other things if you can think of 'em.  Just seems CLASSY and FUN.  Hmm.  Not really classy.  Definitely FUN though.  Anyway.  Also gonna need to start a new bottle of shampoo!  Hmm.  Nothin' there.  Ya need new shampoo, ya start new shampoo!  I have no THOUGHTS on this.  Get off my back about it!  Anyway this act is over.  Gotta imagine the third act will be AMAZING to balance out the first two portions of the entry.  LET'S IMAGINE THAT HARDCORE.  See ya later/soon!




no way am i not finishing this

    HEY!  My Dad shaved my head!  With a plastic piece above the razor preventing the head from being COMPLETELY SHAVED.  I CALL IT A HAIR-CUT.  Very short but I'll grow into it!  By which I mean It Will GROW INTO ME.  Grow out of me.  Either way gotta shave the back of my neck.  Hair there.  Hair Plastic Piece and Razor DIDN'T GET THE JOB DONE.  Gotta go back in there tomorrow with BLEARD/STRUBBLE Razor and plastic piece.  But the good news is I am no longer as covered in hair as I was when the haircut first ended.  Solidly 95% less hair covering me!  Not including the hair that was already covering me!  I got a relatively hairy body.  I dunno.  Maybe in the 50th percentile of body hair for men.  NOT TOO MUCH but SOME.  The good news is WOW.  How is that the good news.  CERTAINLY AIN'T THE BAD NEWS. Oh.  Bison burger for dinner!  Salad + Bonus Chicken Finger broken up into pieces + PIECE OF HEALTH BREAD TOAST for lunch.  THAT WAS GOOD LUNCH.  REAL GOOD LUNCH.
What else is going on and crap.  3 Episodes into Blythe Manor.  Not sure what to make of it yet!  Gonna have to delay my Review of Blythe Manor another day!  Shouldn't I wait until I've seen all of it to review it.  NOPE ROOKIE MISTAKE.  When you review film or TV you're gonna wanna start your article about 40% in.  That way as your viewrship o the content grows SO DOES YOUR ARTICLE.  Maybe I don't wanna write a review.  Maybe I wanna write AN ESSAY.  Ever think about that?  Probably not.  Probably never even occurred to you to think about it!  NOW YOU SEE THE ERROR OF YOUR WAYS THOUGH.  Had some Wheat Thins with bison burger.  It wasn't that big a burger!  I have no regrets!  Also GREAT WAY to consume all the overflowing jalepeno peppers.  Stack em onto wheat thins.  Delicious AND convenient.  So basically I have several things going for me today.  Several things going against me, too.  Normal stuff.  Probably.  SNACK STUFF.  So far I've been on target with snacks but it's a never ending hassle.  JUST LIKE YOUR FACE
Hmm.  Big Snack of the day is coming up SOON.  Will it be Quest bar or HEY HOW ABOUT A POP TART.  WE DON'T KNOW AS OF YET.  Time to start writing a critique of My Upcoming Snack!  Look build up the narrative, give the basic background information, speculate on the consequences of my choice... by the time you NEED to know what snack I"m having I'll have told you.  That's a promise!  No one and no thing is gonna hold me to the promise so I'm comfortable making it.  That's AMERICA for you.  Anyway started beer one with this Act.  Normally I start very gradually around dinner or right before dinner.  NOT THIS TIME.  Gotta be sober while my Dad cuts my hair.  WHAT IF I NEED TO TAKE OVER.  I need to have my WHITS about me.  Anyway.  Apparently I got a huge sunburn on the back of my neck.  I'M NOT BUYING IT.  Both my Mom and my Dad say so.  NOT BUYING IT.  I'd feel it if it were true.  ALSO just hasn't been that hot lately.  This is a CONSPIRACY.  And EVERYONE IS IN ON IT.  Even Possibly YOU.  Great.  Or maybe I just have skin cancer I dunno.
If a doctor told me I had skin cancer I'd be like I Don't SEE Skin, so, ya know, I can't have it, right?  Then Doctor will call me a Dolt.  Oh well I've been called worse by better things than doctors.  Didn't plan ahead my supply of ice cream!  I got enough smaller ice cream sandwiches that LETS BE HONEST aren't really worth it one way or another.  Got only ONE ice cream bar in the 100 cal range IN A WORLD where I'd ideally be having ONE A NIGHT.  Won't get more until FRIDAY.  GOD DAMNIT.  WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO SNACK ON BEFORE BED.  That's the obvious thing to eat when you go to be.  Ice cream bar.  That's just how science and the way the world works.  I guess I can have a non-frozen-cream-based-snack.  Doesn't seem right.  Guess I can have dumb ice cream sandwich.  Not tonight.  ALREADY HAD THAT TO REWARD MYSELF AFTER HAIR CUT!  Dumb!  Dolt-ish, one might even say.  Especially if you're my Doctor.  HEY GET SOME NEW MATERIAL.  A doctor who just repeats calling you a dolt over and over isn't offering you any thing of value.  YEAH I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME.  TELL ME SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW.  AND NOT THAT I HAVE SKIN CANCER.
Fifth paragraph of the act!  Haircut looks dumb without my glasses and slightly less dumb with my glasses.  Glasses frame the face and head somewhat better for some reason with this dumb haircut.  I feel very strongly about this.  Presumably.  I SAID IT at least.  Anyway.  I DO have plenty of fudgesicles.  I can easily just have 2 Fudgesicles as a replacement for 1 ice cream bar.  MAYBE EVEN THREE IF WE WANNA GO NUTS ABOUT IT.  Anyway that's a brilliant idea that never would have occurred to me if I never wrote Nonsense Sentences Without Knowing Where They Would Take Me.  I wrote a nonsense sentence that BRUNG ME to a GREAT IDEA.  NOW I'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  I can do that TONIGHT.  Take up a double Fudgesicle.  MAN OH MAN IS THIS GONNA BE A BLAST TIMES TWO.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna have CHOCOLATE BROWNIE Quest Bar let's say AFTER NEXTS PAROGRAPH.  It's funny because I spelled it wrong ON PORPOSE.  THAT'S WHERE HUMOUR COMES FROM.
Jeez.  Get to wear a nice white t-shirt undershirt.  Hardly ever get an excuse to do that!  Took off shirt to avoid it getting All Haired Up.  Need a shirt again, though.  GO WITH NICE UNDERSHIRT.  This is great!  Also looked at my face in mirror and with haircut and with OR without glasses FACE DON'T LOOK FAT.  That was always a concern and from what I can tell FACE DON'T LOOK FAT.  What else is going on and crap.  Probably things and crap one would imagine.  Also FIRST TIME I HAD HEALTH BREAD TOASTED and guess what DELICIOUS.  This health bread being toasted KNOCKS IT OUT OF THE PARK.  So basically it's been a good day on SEVEN FRONTS and a bad day ON ONLY FIVE FRONTS.  Ya take wins where you can get them.  Also losses.  What, are you just NOT gonna take a loss?  BE A MAN AND TAKE YOUR LOSSES.  Hmm.  Solid 70/30 chance I actually shave the back of my neck tomorrow.  I'm definitely leaning towards I DON'T WANT TO BOTHER but at the same time I PROBABLY WILL BOTHER ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.  GARBAGE AND SNACK TIME.
    Skippin' Quest today.
  Gonna have KETO bar now and INDULGENT ICE CREAM SANDWICH later.  Finish that sucker off.  That's how I roll TODAY ICE CREAMSANDWICHWISE.  Hmm.  Also starting beer #2 of 2 now.  Delicious.  Maybe watch another episode of BLYTHE MANOR after this before going to sleep.  Gotta imagine that'll be something.  The kids are good actors.  BOTH IN REAL LIFE AND THEIR CHARACTERS.  I didn't appreciate how good the kid actors were UNTIL I SAW THEIR CHARACTERS DOING ACTING and I realized WOW THESE KIDS ARE ACTING AS ACTING ACTORS ACT REAL TOP KNOTCH.  So basically GREAT PRODUCTION VALUES.  The highest a production value can be is Kids Acting Actors.  Prove me wrong!  What else is going on.  Shoulda gotten Chocolate Chip Pancakes for tomorrow lunch.  It just occurred to me!  I was happy with bison burger for dinner BUT I DESERVE PANCAKE: THE CHOCOLATELY VERSION too in my life.  I deserve lots of things!  SEVEN OF WHICH ARE GOOD AND FIVE OF WHICH ARE BAD.  HEY IT COMES OUT I DESERVE MOSTLY GOOD OVERALL.  YES I KNEW I WAS A GOOD PERSON AND THIS JUST MAKES IT SETTLED LAW.
     Eighth paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  What else is going on and crap.  Parents want me to see a determatologist.  Beyond the sunburn on neck they've been telling me they see some sort o mark or something on my back.  Gotta take their word for it!  I BELIEVE that THEY BELIEVE They see something on my back.  But I dunno!  I don't think it's there and if it is there I don't think it's bad and if it is bad I don't think it's that bad and if it is that bad I still don't think it's worth seeing a dermatologist about and if it is Dherma is that Indian Food or something better lturq.  DHARMA is an Indian RELIGIOUS concept.  Not sure you can EAT it.  What am I thinking of.  DERMA.  STUFFED DERMA.  Some sort of Jewish Stuffed Thing.  The, "Stuffed," before the, "Derma," was a DEAD GIVEAWAY it was some sort of STUFFED thing.  Either way DELICIOUS I'll try it.  And then I'll try the Stuffed Derma too.  ITS A JOKE I'LL TRY THE INDIAN CONCEPT.  Makes sense to me.  Beatles liked Indian Religion Concepts.  Beatles have been right about EVERYTHING so far.  Really makes ya wonder.
Penultimate paragraph of the Night!  Cool.  Maybe have delicious Something Else instead of ice cream sandwich tonight.  I HAD WORSE ICE CREAM SANDWICH ALREADY WE COVERED THIS.  The point is Hey Great Tomorrow Is A New Day.  That's good because today wasn't great.  Just dreaded having to get my haircut by my Dad all day!  Once it happened I was like well why was I dreading this so much and the reason was I DID IT IN FRONT OF FULL LENGTH MIRROR AND HAD TO LOOK AT MY BODY FOR 15 MINUTES.  DISGUSTING.  GET IT AWAY FROM ME.  OH YOU CAN'T.  YOU CAN'T SOMEHOW TAKE MY BODY AWAY FROM ME?  BECAUSE IT IS ME?  AND I AM IT?  I DUNNO I FEEL LIKE YOU SHOULD FIGURE A WAY TO SEPARATE MY BODY FROM MY MIND.  I dunno how to do it but YOU could surely figure it out.  That's how I feel at least.  The question now is did I know about Dharma somewhere in my mind or was it just a coincidence.  Or halfway.  I feel like FIRST OPTION.  I feel like that's something I might have learnt in Global History Or Something.  I feel like I MAY have known about it MORE THAN HALFWAY at some point.  Could be giving myself too much credit though.  I give myself too much credits a lot.  Like GRIPS and SECOND UNIT DIRECTORS.  They don't exist yet I credit them all the same.
Last paragraph!  Amazing.  I imagine the GRIP'S job is to hold something.  What I don't know.  But HOLD IT TIGHT.  Hmm.  Maybe watch the next episode of BLYTHE Manor, or maybe watch 2 or so episodes of Tales Crypt.  Either way it's gonna be a FIFTY MINUTES OR SO to Remember.  So I got that going for me.  Anyway.  Can EASILY have sandwich for lunch tomorrow and can EASILY toast bread again.  Maybe toasted health bread was specifically good as a side to Salad, but ALSO EASILY it may be pretty good as Bread To Sandwich as well!  LOOKIN' FORWARD TO SEE HOW ALL THAT, "SHAKES," OUT.  Cool.  I can watch the next two Tales Crypt.  I'm more interested in watching these two Tales Crypt than the next episode of Blythe Manor.  I'm just being honest!  I'm honest most of the time!  No real incentive to lie about almost anything!  That's been my experience presumably.  Hey great the point is that's it for today.  See ya tomorrow.

-9:36 P.M.




Saturday, May 21, 2022

Word I Hear That

    Hey friends!  A little bit behind schedule today.  About an hour!  Either easily fit in six walks or Really Crunch Time In seven walks.  I WANNA TRY SEVEN but it's SO CRUNCH.  I like crunch.  NOT CRUNCH TIME.  CRUNCH CHOCOLATE BAR.  Anyway.  I don't like Rice Krispies but the Crunch in Crunch is essentially rice krispies, right?  Maybe not Rice Cripy BRAND Rice Crispy.  But more or less the same thing.  OH WELL THAT'S LIFE.  Things are the same things as the things I don't like but I like them now in the other way.  Wow!  Double header of Mets today.  Good deal!  I'll watch some of that I guess.  Shaving myself today.  Pot committed myself.  Hmm that adds even more to the crunch time.  Shaving myself can take as much as 10 minutes!  Probably more like SEVEN sure.  But we can't say for certain.  What the Hell we're 2/3rds into The Spring.  I feel like Spring deserves another name.  There's Fall & Autumn.  I don't think there's two names for Summer or Winter.  But SPRING is ANALOGOUS to Fall/Autumn.  So it REALLY could make a case for itself, more than winter and summer, that it deserves two names.
    HMM what's a good Second Name for Spring.  Gettin' Warmer Time.  Nope.  This is impossible I wanna do a good riff but There's NO good names for Spring that aren't Spring.  Also is SPRING a good name in and of itself?  YES.  GREAT NAME.  Hmm.  Spring means going up and Fall means going down.  Just cracked that code.  What's the opposite of AUTUMN.  Hmm.  Better LTURQ whether Autumn means anything in any other context.  "A period of maturity or incipient decline."  NOW WE'RE TALKING.  Gotta be an antonym to that.  On.  INCIPIENCE.  Instead of the DECLINE of incipience Spring is just STRAIGHT UP INCIPIENCE.  It means "beginning to happen or develop."  THAT'S SPRING.  AKA INSIPIENCE.  Okay great.  Let's get that, "Trending."  Before Elon Musk takes over.  And the only things that are allowed to trend are his tweets.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine if Musk takes over Twitter good guys can just start a new twitter that's EVEN BETTER than it was before?
I don't have to imagine it.  I'd LIKE to but it's DIFFICULT.  Had slice of Banana Chocolate Chip Pancake.  I wanted only 30% of the loaf.  ENDED UP CLOSER TO 40%.  OH well we all make mistakes in life.  Except for robots.  They do exactly what they were designed to do.  Presumably.  Maybe they were designed to have Free Will but in the end they're still excersigin that free will BECAUSE they were designed to have it.  Hmm.  Chicken Pot Pie for dinner tonight.  Thinking about having some Sawdust Dogs for lunch.  I WAS gonna have 3 Sawdust Dogs over 2 slices of Health Bread but it's HARD to cut Dog vertically.  So each of 2 pieces of Health Bread is paired with 1.5 dogs.  Maybe I just do three pieces of Health Bread?  I DUNNO it's not that big a deal in the end.  Either way YEAH.  Pair that with either some oreos or some Cheez Its.  That's how I role!  Hmm.  Bet I look clean cut and whatknot after shave and haircut.  I just hope my face is THIN looking.  It's IMPORTANT.  Anyway.  Probably gained like 4-5 pounds since being .5 pound away from Goal Weight a month ago at Official Weigh In.  But even with that I'm over 10 pounds away from being overweight.  So THAT'S NOT SO BAD YOU IDIOTS.
     Sure.  Sustainable Summer To Remember hasn't been going that great FOR ME PERSONALLY.  Also FOR THE WORLD APPARENTLY.  But practice makes perfect.  That's why we start Sustainable Summer halfway into Spring.  GIVES US TIME TO BUILD UP SUSTAINABILITY APPROPRIATELY.  Anyway.  When Climate Change makes everything different will we still have four seasons.   Or will it be all different and weird.  I mean I know Earth-wise the seasons will remain.  You know the Earth being ON ITS AXIS AND WHATKNOT.  But what we associate with seasons WEATHERWISE and whatknot could be very different.  Seasons can't be related to Earth being on ITS AXIS.  Maybe on IT'S ALLIED POWERS.  Hmm.  Got coffee coming up after the next paragraph!  Good deal!  Where did I get, "Good Deal," from.  I feel like David Cross.  Not sure where exactly though.  Better LTURQ.  I can't look through tens of minutes of Mr Show and Stand Up clips to pinpoint it.  But I'm 90% sure I'm imagining David Cross saying it in my head.
     YEAH.  David Cross BEEN ABSENT from culture the last few years!  Do they still play the M n M commercial with him that I first started seeing in 2010 and continued seeing through 2020 when I was still going to Movies?  Before Movies?  Either way WOW TALK ABOUT ROYALTIES.  He gets paid in M n Ms probably.  Gotta be worth more than DOGECOIN.  I can see M n M being a new crypto currency and/or NFTS.  Because I don't know what they mean.  Hmm.  OH HEY I gotta watch that new Season of Kids From The Hall.  And IF POSSIBLE watch ORIGINAL seasons of Kids In The Hall.  I read BOOK by one of Kids In Hall member.  And I remember a lot of it!  Which member wrote this book.  Better LTURQ.  Oh.  Wasn't written by a KITH member.  But Still a very good book!  Looking forward to catching up with that.  Also they're from Canada presumably.  GOOD we need MORE of Canada in our Discourse.  Whatever.  I saw A GREAT ad for Tourism to Canada the other day.  And it was like we know you just think we're polite, but we think you should GET LOST... in our national parks... and Seven other Puns that are equally relatively clever!  No joke, best tourism ad I've ever seen in my AND YOUR lifes.
     Coffee time!  I think I can fit in seven walks today.  AMAZING.  GAME CHANGER.  Been getting too complacent with only six walks.  What else is going on and crap.  What's the dumb word I came up with for Spring.  Incipience.  Okay.  It's a SMART word.  I don't know what it means so it must be smart.  I still kinda don't know what it means.  MORE than kinda!  MOSTLY.  The point is National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Vanilla Pudding Day and World Paloma Day.  First of al NO.  Second of all BETTER LTURQ.  Tequila based cocktail.  Other ingredience lookin good to me.  I'll try that.  And it being shared amongst the WORLD only sweetens the deal.  Hmm.  Ended up enjoying the Michelob Ultra.  I like the part where the cans are Fancy.  YOU'VE GOT MY ATTENTION.  Gonna wanna definitely drink from these cans and not pour it in a glass or mug.  You don't wanna waste an opportunity to drink from a can like this!  Maybe even save the can and pour the rest of my daily beverages into it!  Hmm. 
    Yeah!  Maybe just Ham Sandwich today.  That solves that problem.  Wasn't really a problem before.  Third piece of bread or not.  Not a big problem.  Also it just DELAYS the problem.  Hmm.  When George Carlin Documentary Available.  I think it aired last night.  Might be available to me NOW.  Great!  I dunno if I wanna watch it now.  I'm busy doing the things I normally do now!  Figure I'll shave directly after shower.  Maybe I should shave before shower.  I dunno.  Either way CHARGING SHAVER RIGHT NOW.  Gotta make sure it has POWER.  Without POWER it's USELESS.  Hmm.  HEY I CAN WATCH GEORGE CARLIN DOCUMENTARY today.  Two parts!  Each close to 2 hours.  AMAZING.  I'll get around to it at some point possibly Not Quite Today.  Not sure why George Carlin showed up in Kevin Smoth movies.  Feels like he's ABOVE Kevin Smoth.  Also at the time I liked Kevin Smoth.  Now I realize George Carlin is ABOVE Kevin Smoth.  PROVE ME WRONG. 
     Eighth paragraph!  No insult intended to Kevin Smith.  There's a time and place for Kevin Smith and that time is Me Being A Teenager and the place is On My TV.  Has Kevin Smith made any movies lately.  WOW THERE'S A CLERKS III COMING OUT.  I'm on board with seeing that!  I never saw Clerks II!  I'm on board with seeing that as well!  Probably in chronological order.  One would imagine that's the way to go.  Anyway.  Gonna write a 5 paragraph act ii presumably.  That seems to be the sustainable routine I'm settling into.  Which is good.  For some reason!  What else is good for some other reasons.  I like commercials before movies in theater.  They could be the exact commercials you see on TV but on the big screen WOW THE STAKES FOR THIS COMMERCIAL ARE HIGH.  THIS IS REALLY IN MY FACE AND I FEEL LIKE IT'S HAPPENING AT A COLLECTIVE SOCIETAL EXPERIENCE AND IT"S LOUD AND BIG.  I don't necessarily LIKE it.  I don't think commercials are good in the first place.  But I RESPECT it.  So there's that.  What else is so there's that.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Good deal!  Can't have TURKEY sandwich.  I have chicken tonight and last night and the meal before last night as turkey.  TOO MUCH POULTRY.  That's how I feel.  Then again it's Turkey Pastrami.  I DON"T CARE maybe they lean into the turkey and THEN WHERE WOULD I BE.  Hmm.  Finished watching The Found Footage Documentary.  Not great!  Don't like Found Footage films that much.  I don't BUY IN to it.  I BUY IN more to regular dramatic narratives MORE than THIS CRAP.  Then again I remember when I was a kid and the Blair Witch project was a big thing.  Sufficiently Hyped and everything!  I went to see it in theater!  Must have been like 10 or 11.  I remember the part where it's the end of it and NO SPOILERS but stuff happens and then the credits PROBABLY ROLL?  Now that I think of it AM I 100% CERTAIN CREDITS ROLL?  No I AM NOT.  But I AM certain Some Stuff Happens that ends the movie.  And you can TAKE THAT TO THE BANK.
     Last paragraph of the act.  Amazing.  Delicious Keto Bar when I get back from walk.  Amazing!  Anyway.  Thinking more in terms of RANGES for ideal weight.  Therapist made that point as an aside so you're in the range of what you want.  And at the time I was like THAT'S DUMB.  There's WHAT I WANNA BE and everything else is DUMB.  Now I realize RANGE IS GOOD.  MY RANGE is 118-125 POUNDS.  RIGHT NOW I AM VERY MUCH AT THE TAIL END OF THE RANGE.  But I'm IN range and I can responsibly GO LOWER in range over time.  Maybe I weigh 126 pounds I dunno.  Too scared to find out!  MY life will MEAN NOTHING if I am 126 pounds.  Can't risk finding out my life means nothing!  That'd be a net negative on my experience as a human and my psyche and whatknot.  So there's that to consider.  Anyway that's it for now.  I'll be back soon!




I Can See That

    Hey!  Doin' good on schedule.  Should be able to fit in 7 walks without a problem.  So I got that going for me!  Time to write 5 paragraphs and then not enjoy the rest of the day.  All the pieces are there for it to be enjoyable!  Track record shows it won't be, though.  HEY THAT'S LIFE I GUESS.  What else is life.  Which I guess.  Gonna try to split 3 hot dogs over 2 pieces of bread.  PROVE ME WRONG. TIME MAY PROVE ME WRONG.  But YOU won't.  Maybe you will.  You've got several hours to make your case!  Not really though!  You can't read this until after the fact.  Also you don't have any avenue to make your case.  Maybe you can make a video and e-mail it to me.  The e-mail is on the website tucked away at the bottom.  So far I haven't received one email about the website in the past decade the e-mail address has been there.  Maybe that's where some Spam emails found me.  But they're not talking about the website to me.  DANGIT SPAM EMAILS.  BE RELEVANT TO MY LIFE THAT'S ALL I ASK.
Hmm.  Looked at myself in Reflective Store Windows on my walk just now.  NOT LOOKIN' TOO BAD.  I could look thinner but I look perfectly healthy.  YEAH.  AND YOU ALL DOUBTED ME.  PROBABLY.  I'M SURE SOME OF YOU DOUBTED ME.  That'd be MY first instinct on how to think about myself.  DOUBT.  The point is great just great.  Got coffee #2 going on.  Wonderful.  Anyway.  Not comfortable walking through crowds of high school kids congregating over a half block during the 1-3 hour period of School Letting Out.  DO THEY SEE ME AS THEIR EQUAL OR DO THEY RECOGNIZE I'M AN ADULT.  I guess it makes no difference but it bothers me.  It matters how other people see you is the point I've gotten from Society.  I just need more context for how they see me!  One way or another, not that big a difference.  I just WANNA KNOW.  Hmm.  I TRY to make myself seem Cool and Adult.  The way I walk I'm thinkin these teenagers are gonna be impressed by my maturity.  It just SHINES THROUGH based on my stride one would imagine.  So that's how I feel at least.
     Cool!  I don't like seeing Cops there keeping eye on teenagers but I DO like seeing cops standing outside their Mini-Police Car.  What do you call those cars that are like half the size of regular cars.  Gotta imagine this cop standing outside that car HATES that car.  Makes him feel inadequate.  So I get a kick out of That Playing Out In My Imagination.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Last night had entire half beer leftover after entry.  Even after TWENTY MINUTES AFTER ENTRY.  To the point where I considered maybe just bank this last 33% of a beer.  But that would be insane so I finished it.  NO CONTRADICTION THERE.  STARTED OUT AS HAVING HALF OF IT LEFT OVER.  AFTER SOME TIME IT REDUCED TO 33% LEFT OVER AND THAT'S WHEN I HAD FOLLOW UP THOUGHT.  You think you caught me in a Contradiction but MAN OH MAN were you wrong!  I hope you feel terrible about it because that's how I'd feel.  Hmm.  Maybe they're trying to send a positive message to the high schoolers.  Look we're here to keep an eye on things but it's just HALF a police car so loosen up a bit It's All In Good Fun!
Penultimate paragraph of the DAYTIME.  Cool!  Mets game snowed out last night.  Why does it snow a lot in Colorado but NOWHERE ELSE.  I feel like I would have heard if there's equal amounts of snow in neighboring states.  Like MONTANA.  Better LTURQ.  COLORADO DOESN'T TOUCH MONTANA.  It's lower in the map that I imagined.  An entire State Lower!  Basically I thought Colorado was Wyoming.  I feel like a real idiot now.  Oh well that'll pass.  Then it'll come up again based on something else.  And it'll pass again!  Basically I'll spend half my time feeling like a real idiot and half my time bothered about something else.  Sounds good to me.  Cool!  Hopefully shaving goes quickly.  Been my experience with This Electric Razor that it's easier the longer the facial hair is.  And my facial hair is pretty long all things considered!  This should be a... snap?  Is that a phrase?  If not it's PRETTY CLOSE to one.  Oh well the point is this paragraph is over.
Amazing!  I guess.  Not sure I can really taste the Extra Toastiness to these Cheez Its.  At first I thought I was getting a hint of it.  But the more I eat the more I think that was all just in my head.  Taste like Cheez Its to me.  Also NOT THAT GREAT.  There have been times in my life where cheez its hit my palate just right and were great.  NOT THESE TIMES.  I don't HATE them but I don't really get much out of them either.  Oh well better keep eating them UNTIL MY PALATE GETS IT RIGHT.  Palate WORKS FOR ME NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.  Jeez.  Maybe it's cause in the past I wasn't dieting so I'd have 5 cheez its at once and stuff em down my gullet over and over.  Now I have MAYBE two at a time and even THAT I feel bad about.  OH WELL THAT'S LIFE.  STUFF HAPPENS OR SOMETHING.  I FORGET.  Anyway that's it for now.  Be back later tonight!




smell taste feel

    Hello friends.  Gonna write ten paragraphs or so to close out the day.  The WORKING Day!  After closing out the day on the website I will have an hour or so to close out the day IN REAL LIFE.  Had delicious Quest bar in afternoon.  Had delicious chickened pot pie for dinner.  Having delicious Chocolate: The Best Flavor Tootsie Pop to CLEANSE MY PALATE.  Maybe if I cleanse my palate enough I'll start liking cheez its again.  Anything can happen!  Except for most things.  I'd say the ratio of things that can happen to things that cannot happen is probably along the lines of 2:700.  MOST THINGS CAN'T HAPPEN and that is a hill I'm willing to die under.  Anyway I dunno.  About 25, 33% into a beer.  It's fun because it gets ya goin' is all.  Man this lollipop is good.  And it's good FOR YOU because there's food underneath the candy.  The food is a tootsie roll sure but it's REAL FOOD NONETHELESS. 
     Hmm.  Chicken Pot Pie Pastry came CLEAN OFF.  Whole top of the chicken pot pie with little effort just separated by forking around a bit.  So I ate the inside of the chicken pot pie normal and then took bites from the Slab Of Crust intermittently.  DELICIOUS.  HOOK ME UP WITH MORE SLABS OF CRUST.  I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF IT.  Anyway I dunno.  I like Quest Bar in Afternoon.  My hypothesis is the protein and fiber in it take several hours to REALLY KICK IN to prevent hunger.  So if I eat it between lunch and dinner it satisfies me PAST DINNER.  Then why am I having a tootsie pop.  AS A PALATE CLEANSER YOU IDIOT.  WE'VE GONE OVER THIS.  What else is going on.  Almost out of tootsie pops.  Haven't been having them a lot lately but ALSO haven't gotten them... a lot... lately!  So there's that.  Made no progress watching things I should be watching this afternoon.  Just took walks and updated myself on Mets Game #1 while I was home and then watching some Tales Crypt.  And now there's a Mets game #2!  SORRY THINGS I SHOULD WATCH.  Looks like you'll have to wait longer for me to watch you and thus FOR YOUR PURPOSE TO BE FULFILLED.  I assume the purpose of everything ever is for me to eventually watch it.  TO BE FAIR OR LISTEN TO IT.
     Okay.  Birthday Cake Bar today.  It was everything I wanted it to be and more.  Except for the more part.  And also probably not 100% I wanted it to be.  It was 87.5% what I wanted it to be and No More.  NOT BAD.  Take that as a WIN.  Who.  Me & The Birthday Bar.  We both win in this scenario.  Also that's a winning combination in general!  MAYBE WE SHOULD RUN AS TEAMMATES IN A GENERAL ELECTION.  Which I just learnt is NOT an election where you elect Generals. I  dunno HOW I just learnt it.  But somehow the knowledge just occurred to me, I don't know where these things come from!  Hmm.  Looks like Good Guys won election in Oh I Don't Know AUSTRALIA.  That'll show Australians, show them good.  YES I HOPE SO.  Hmm.  I don't like Australians.  For some reason I'm imagining them as Taller Than Americans.  Better LTURQ.  Average Height of Australians.  NOPE AUSTRALIAN MALES AN INCH SHORTER THAN AMERICAN MALES.  The point is looking at this list I BETTER MOVE TO BOLIVIA.  I'm ABOVE AVERAGE HEIGHT FOR BOLIVIANS.  Suddenly I HOLD ALL THE CARDS.  What cards.  HEIGHT CARDS.  Oh Okay.
Hmm.  Of places I could live because they speak the language I live, what's the lowest average adult male height.  SOUTH AFRICA.  PERFECT.  SOUTH AFRICA HERE I COME.  I'm only FOUR inches below average height not SEVEN OR EIGHT.  NOW I HOLD SLIGHTLY MORE CARDS THAN I DID BEFORE BUT MY HAND STILL ISN'T GREAT.  Oh well this is the life I've been dealt.  Anyway.  Thinking about truly doing some 40 minute or so CircleWalkingToMusic during Nighttimes after entry.  Just another avenue to slowly lose a little weight.  Then again We'll See!  Hmm.  Looks like the rest of the Banana Chocolate Chip Poundcake is Mine.  So two slices left.  So even though first slice was 40%, if I have 2 breakfasts from 2 ore slices, IT EVENS OUT to 33% each breakfast which is what I want.  SO GREAT GOOD FOR ME.  Also got a BLACK AND WHITE waiting in the wings.  Also BALANCED BREAKFAST HOPEFULLY IN CARDS FOR TOMORROW.  HOPEFULLY THE CARDS I HOLD IN MY HAND ARE PLAYABLE ENOUGH TO FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THE HYPOTHESIZED BALANCED BREAKFAST.  I'd spend some political capital on having a balanced breakfast tomorrow.  And by Political Capital I mean playing some of my hand.  Not holding back.  That's how some card games work.  You play part of your hand for political capital but then you don't have it anymore.
    I may not know what words mean!  But I DO know how card playing works.  I've had DOZENS of decks of cards over my life-- let's talk about it!  We just did!  Not much more ground to cover there anymore!  Fifth paragraph of the act.  Amazing.  Looking into other flavors of QUEST BARS they have at Amazon.  S'MORE flavored.  Oatmeal Raisin with Chocolate Chip flavored.  Two highlights that really jumped out at me.  Amazing.  HEY I shaved myself.  Amazing!  Somehow every time I shave myself I cut myself 5 seconds into it and then NEVER AGAIN.  I get the shaving my lip too much out of the way WITH THE FIRST SHAVING MOTION and then IT'S SMOOTH SAILING after that.  So I got that going for me is the point.  I look okay without facial hair!  Still hair on my head!  My head is part of my face!  So I still have LOTS of facial hair.  How high up does your face stop becoming your head.  Somewhere on the Scalp Spectrum, sure.  BUT WHERE.
Hmm.  A little bit ahead of NightTime Schedule.  Last few days I eat dinner around 7:45-8:00 and start Act thusly afterwards.  Today I started dinner at 7:35 PM.  THESE ARE THE ISSUES THAT KEEP ME UP AT NIGHT.  UNTIL IT's 10:15 PM.  THEN IT'S TIME TO GO TO SLEEP.  Hmm.  I feel kinda jipped that no one outside can see my shaved face because mask covers up 90% of the area.  PEOPLE ARE BEING DEPRIVED LOOKING AT MY FACE IN ALL IT'S GLORY.  That's no good for THEM.  It's no good for ME.  Only good for other people who want more attention being afforded to THEIR faces.  I HATE THEM SO MUCH.  Anyway.  Had Quest Bar right before taking a walk because That's What Time Intuitively Led To.  Kinda felt like maybe I should eat it while starting my walk?  Is that a thing?  Show off my Eating Health Candy Bar to the world?  Will it make it BETTER for me to enjoy or WORSE?  Either way I started it while I was inside and finished it over the first half block of my walk.  IT'S THAT HEARTY that it lasted an entire 90 seconds.  Good.  Birthday Bar.  NOT EVEN MY BIRTHDAY.  I UNJUSTLY WIN AGAIN.
     Hmm.  Time to start Beer #2 of 2.  That's good.  I suppose.  Four paragraphs to write!  Amazing.  If I WERE to do 40-50 minutes of MusicCircleWalk where would I begin.  YES I KNOW ELLIOTT SMITH BUT WHAT ALBUM.  Well first gotta narrow it down to ANY Album versus ANY MISC UNRELEASED.  OK LETS GO MISC UNRELEASED.  NOW I GOTTA NARROW IT DOWN MORE??!!  I don't have it in me to narrow it down more than that.  FINE I have a song in mind.  No spoilers.  But I'll start there.  Wait a second I don't wanna start walking around in a circle no matter how good it is for my health.  Hmm.  I've given myself a lot to think about!  Still got that chicken finger.  Maybe that's a good snack instead of a Fiber Bar or something for tonight.  Can't rule anything out at this point.  Except for lots of things.  I feel like we can rule out 2:700 things.  Or 700:2 things.  The point is let's rule out ALMOST EVERYTHING to narrow it down to THE FEW POSSIBLE THINGS.  Sounds like a reasonable enterprise.  I'll get right on that when I feel like it more acutely.
Yeah!  Kinda feel like that's a good alternative to beef jerky as a snack.  Chicken fingers!  I guess it'd be a hassle selling them in convenience stores because they don't presumably just stay as fresh as a beef jerky might-- especially not refrigerated.  But IF YOU HAVE THE MEANS to be able to have chicken fingers whenever you want-- WHY NOT?  Could EASILY be a Snacking Enterprise that makes your life better-- Slightly Better!  Hmm.  Eighth paragraph of the act.  I have no problem with that.  And if I did SO WHAT.  Nothing can be done about it.  I guess I cold DELETE paragraphs to make this a lower number.  OR I can GO BACK and add paragraphs BEFORE this one so this would be a HIGHER number paragraph.  I'M NOT GONNA DO EITHER OF THOSE THINGS THOUGH BECAUSE I"M NOT INSANE.  I do things for REAL reasons not DUMB reasons like those ideas.  Hey great how about that.  Where am I.  What's going on.  I know it's the eighth paragraph because that's all I think about when writing entries.  But beyond that small bit of context The Universe Means Nothing To Me.
    YEAH.  I hope if we ever come across Alien Intelligent Life that they're UNDER 5'2 feet tall.  ALRIGHT A WHOLE NEW GROUP OF PEOPLE AND I'M TALLER THAN ALMOST ALL OF 'EM.  THIS COULDN'T HAVE WORKED OUT BETTER FOR ME IF I HAD PLANNED IT.  Then again if they're 9 feet tall MAYBE THAT GIVES SOME HUBRIS TO MY FELLOW HUMANS WHO ARE TALLER THAN ME.  Now they see what it's like to be on the short end of the stick.  And now we can BOND.  JAMES BOND.  Huh.  What's going on.  Anyway.  TAKE AWAY Hubris.  I know Hubris is a relevant word/concept to this but I don't know much beyond that.  I LOOKED IT UP and I still am not sure.  TALK ABOUT HUBRIS.  Let's move on.  Ninth paragraph.  AIM FOR 12 off the top of my head.  Seems like a good compromise.  I compromised between NOT aiming for 12 and AIMING for 12 and the compromise was FUCK YOU NOT AIMING FOR 12 and then Aiming For 12 WON THE COMPROMISE.  Huh.  Probably!  NOTHING IS FOR CERTAINS.
     Yeah!  Got snapple to pair with the rest of my beer.  I can dig that.  What else is going on and crap.  What's the country I'm going to.  South Africa.  Is English Universal First Language there?  Better LTURQ later on when I don't have so much hubris.  I feel like the amount of hubris I have would just corrupt any information I'm inputting into myself these days.  Wait for the hubris level to decline or wear off or something.  I dunno.  Hmm.  Think my current NightTime Snack Schedule will have me having Relative Health Ice Cream Bar when entry is over.  GREAT.  I HOPE IT'S AS DELICIOUS AS I'VE DREAMT IT WOULD BE.  I can see myself listening to music.  But not only do I have to think of a first song to listen to-- then I need to listen to a SECOND song to listen to.  AND THAT JUST KEEPS GOING ON AND ON until I'm allowed to stop.  It could EASILY be a pleasurable experience but I don't know if I have it in me to make Tough Decision After Tough Decision.  I don't even have it in me to make Easy Decision.  IN FACT Easy Decision is more Tough TO Make than Tough Decision!
     Penultimate paragraph of the night.  So I got that going for me.  Just about 9:00 PM Right Now.  Figure I got an hour or two left to make the most of tonight.  Let's see how that goes.  WATCH BLYTHE MANOR.  There's several things piling up that I gotta be watching but that's the first thing that just occurred to me that I'm like YEAH I GOTTA GET ON TOP OF THAT.  The House On Haunted Hell Mini Series was GOOD.  The sequel will be GOOD.  And if not I'LL DIE TRYING.  WATCH GOOD TV OR DIE TRYING.  That's my philosophy.  Or, more accurately, WATCH TV AND HOPE IT'S GOOD AND IF ITS NOT THEN ONE OF US WILL DIE TRYING.  That's a better way to phrase what I'm describing in this scenario.  Jeez.  Maybe they have the unreleased Elliott Smith song I'm specifically thinking of show up in the 1st episode of Blythe Manor.  That'd be pretty spooky!  And this is a spooky show presumably.  So we can't discount it happening completely!  Would be totally IN LINE with what they're trying to accomplish re: Spooking Me Out.
     Last paragraph of the day.  Amazing.  Then tomorrow I gotta do it all over again.  But slightly different!  WOW SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT.  NOW I'VE GOT MY ATTENTION.  Hmm.  I can keep relative same Snack Schedule even on days I'm saving Quest Bar for other days.  HAVE POP TART INSTEAD.  Same amount of calories.  Same deliciousness.  Same amount of Bitesworth more or less.  Just not healthy or filling!  So if you take out the It Being Healthy and the It Filling You Up aspects of food, WHICH RANK AT THE BOTTOM OF IMPORTANT FOOD CHARACTERISTICS, it's THE EXACT SAME THING.  Look it'll probably fill ya up to some extent.  Also I re-upped with Frosted Strawberry Pop Tarts.  FRUIT IS HEALTHY.  Gotta imagine there's trace amounts of Strawberry in the Strawberry Filling.  Probably.  Now that I think about it MAYBE NOT.  Hmm.  Hey that's it for tonight!  I'll be back tomorrow presumably.  Sounds like the kind of thing I'd do!  See ya later.

-9:07 P.M.




Friday, May 20, 2022

I Better Do This Or Else

    Hey!  Another day in the books.  What am I talking about.  That's what you say AT THE END.  I dunno.  I consider The Day Starting as THE DAY.  So today has begun-- the day is in the books!  Also you can't wait till the end of the day to start putting it In The Book.  You'd have forgotten what happened at the beginning of the day by then.  You gotta provide constant updates on the day into the book as the days progress.  Hmm.  Woke up on time more or less but only because I had to accept Super market delivery.  After waiting an hour and a half I DID and now I'm behind schedule again!  Around same schedule as yesterday which worked out okay!  Six walk'r but OKAY NONETHELESS.  Nonetheless is a weird compound word let's talk about it.  Not sure what it means.  None The Less.  And it means something like EVEN SO, Or EVEN WITH.  I'm sure it makes vague sense in Old Englishe Transitioning into Current Englishe speak if I REALLY thought about it.  But I don't know if I wanna commit myself to it!  Nonetheless it's an interesting topic.  MAYBE GOOGLE IT.  Maybe later.
    Sure!  Got FIVE good choices for lunch today from Super Market and ONE from before super market.  TURKEY PASTRAMI, HOT DOG, or HAM sandwich.  Chicken Caesar Salad, Turkey Meatloaf with Health Spaghetti, Kids Chicken Parm.  WOW.  Kinda leanining towards doing the salad!  Kinda surprising!  You'd think that'd be a snooze of a lunch I wanna put off.  NOPE.  Kinda looking forward to it!  Maybe PART OF IT is that I wanna get it out of the way subconsciously.  But CONSCIOUSLY it's just hey I'd enjoy that.  Hmm.  The question then is, as it always is, WHAT TO DO WITH THE CROUTONS.  My guess is eat at least HALF of them.  Good deal!  I like croutons!  I ate croutons before I ever ate salads!  When I was a kid if someone else got a salad they'd donate their croutons to me!  GOOD DEAL.  Not sure why my parents never forced Salad on me.  Probably should have made an effort to get me comfortable with salads.  Oh well now my life is ruined and partially due to that one would imagine.
Yeah!  I should have a sandwich.  I'm, "On Board," with sandwiches.  Got some Health Bread.  Anyway.  Mini Loaf of Banana Chocolate Chip Pound Cake is smaller than I imagined!  But then I was dividing it into slices WITH MY EYES and I was like oh yeah right a quarter of this is appropriate amount of breakfast.  Not so bad.  I can get into this.  Maybe even 30% is a breakfast.  What else.  Ice Cream Sandwich and pop tart for breakfast today!  Good deal!  Re-upped with nice Keto Bar I've been enjoying.  If I have snack before lunch THAT'S THE WAY TO GO.  ANYWAY what else is going on and crap.  Met game tonight.  Gotta imagine I'd watch several half minutes of that.  Anyway.  While I was trying to get up I heard my Mom listening to Radio Interview with Judd Apatow on new George Carlin documentary and I could SWEAR I kept hearing Jon Stewart talk.  And I was like WHAT'S UP WITH THAT.  Then by the time I actually got up as the show was ending I realized oh this is Jon Stewart's talk show.  It threw me for a loop for a second!  NOT MY FAULT.  It's a VISUAL TALK SHOW MOSTLY and this was just AUDIO.  Hmm.  HMM.  Looks like he just has a complimentary show that is a podcast.  And that was this.  YA LEARN SOMETHING NEW SEVERAL DAYS.
Yeah!  The PLURALITY of things I had no Napster were George Carlin specials.  POSSIBLY the majority at certain points.  Not SINGLE FILES.  In terms of overall lengths.  So if I had 5 special audios that's over 5 hours.  That's how that goes!  Also had a couple of book which are just collection of one liner jokes.  OR TWO LINER JOKES.  MAYBE AS MUCH AS PARAGRAPH JOKES.  Napalm and Silly Putty.  Good deal!  Anyway today is Friday.  Hmm maybe should have Meal Replacement Snickerdoodle Sugar Cookie for lunch.  WHY.  Interesting counterpoint.  Anyway National Food of the tomorrow is... Eat More Fruits And Vegetables Day, National Strawberries and Cream Day, and World Whisky Day.  First of all NO.  Second of all MAYBE BUT DOESN'T CAPTIVATE ME.  Third of all GREAT.  You know it's World because it's spelled WHISKY without an E.  In America we spell it WHISKEY.  Gonna have to look into that if its correct at all.  Whisky is from Scotland, Whiskey is from Ireland.  What about from other places.  Hmm.  Anyway my instinct is to be PRO-WHISKEY.
     Yeah!  I find whiskey to be the COOLEST hard alcohol.  You drink whiskey people respect you more.  Maybe.  Or maybe whiskey happens to hit parts of the brain that make you feel respected.  So that's what you THINK.  Either way GOOD DEAL.  I had a dream MY MOM was like, in a convo with me and my Dad, hey Mike is getting 18 beers a week he doesn't HAVE to only drink 2 a day, he can drink 2 a day on weekdays and 3 a day on weekends.  Which is basically what I want to do vaguely but also mostly wanna keep to only 2 a day.  But in the dream it was like HEY NOW AN AVENUE HAS BEEN OPENED FOR THAT TO HAPPEN.  Oh well.  Dreams come true sometimes.  Probably.  Why wouldn't they.  The point is Michelob ULTRA sounds good.  Can't to see how it looks.  My guess is similar to beer.  My guess is I'd like sandwich today. Maybe give the turkey pastrami a try.  I GOT IT and now I HAVE TO TRY IT.  That's the deal!  Got the HEALTH BREAD again.  Wonderful.  OREOS as side.  THREE OF EM.  Unless I decide I want SALTY side.  In which case TOASTED CHEEZ ITS.  Unless I decide something else.  In which case WHAT'S GOING ON AGAIN.
     Coffee time!  Jeez.  It's a good thing we're only supposed to eat more fruits and vegetables one day out of the year.  I can live with that!  I'm still not gonna DO it.  But I feel like the suggestion isn't too intrusive.  They know to start small and settle for not too much.  What else is up.  Whiskey you really pronounce the EYYYY more than in Whisky. Whiskey is like I'll drink some Whiskeeeeeeey Tonight.  Whisky is like I'll have some WHISKKKi right now.  That sort of thing.  What else is going on and crap.  Start of the weekend I guess.  FINALLY some time off.  Gotta shave on Saturday and Stand Around Carefully while my Dad cuts my hair on Sunday.  Good!  I wonder how I'll look.  Short and more clean Head Hair will mix with Current Weight to give me an overall impression of what I look like.  Hopefully I feel okay with what I look like more or less.  That'd be my first instinct as What Would Be Good.
     Sure.  Maybe we get Deli tonight.  Where I would just get chickened pot pie for tomorrow.  So I have ANOTHER Super Market meal tonight.  SOLID 40% CHANCE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS.  WOW 2 out of 5.  Maybe.  MORE LIKE 1 out of 2.5.  That's the best way to think about it.  I don't blame you for thinking 2 out of 5 originally.  You didn't know better!  But now you do and we all have to deal with it.  Seventh paragraph!  Anyway gotta imagine I've said THREE good things so far in this entry.  I'm building up to even more good things!  Probably!  That'd be my guess.  Probably should eat KETO BAR when I get back from upcoming walk.  Eating snacks keeps METABOLISM GOING.  I am getting THINNER by eating MORE.  Cracked that code.  I feel like the concaveness of my belly area IS starting to resemble some sort of muscle-abs thing.  VERY VERY slight.  Not anything to write home about.  But looks LIKE OF reasonable as opposed to just being thinner on the sides and accumulation of mass in the middle.  YEAH.  THREE MORE PARAGRAPHS TO GO FOR NOW.
  Friday!  That's when New Music, "DROPS."  And they update Playlists on Apple Music.  I wanna listen to NEW IN ALTERNATIVE playlists.  Now I can again.  Been updated since last week!  HERE WE GO AGAIN!  Anyway.  Gonna get probably 2 Breakfasts Myself out of Banana Chocolate Chip Pound Cake.  Also got a BLACK AND WHITE for one breakfast.  Also haven't started my current Eggs.  That'll be 2 breakfasts over the week.  HMM LOOKS LIKE I GOT A LOT OF BREAKFASTS PLANNED.  I LIKE THAT.  Great.  No Quest bar yesterday!  Worked out pretty well.  Possibly BETTER.  Probably RELATIVELY SIMILAR IN OVERALL QUALITY OF THE ISSUES RELATED TO HAVING OR NOT HAVING A QUEST BAR.  What else is going on and crap.  Ended up getting another box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  The key is DON'T SNACK ON IT.  If I can achieve that goal then it's all for the best.  My LIFE.  That kind of thing is the tipping point on whether my life will be for the best or for the worst.  Hmm seems pretty high stakes now.  I feel like the higher the stakes HOPEFULLY the more likely I am to do the right thing.  Maybe it's not!  The higher the stakes the more I feel pressure and unease and I eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch as Snacks to deal.  OH NO NOW MY LIFE IS FOR THE WORST.  Kinda THOUGHT it might turn out that way but I was hoping it wouldn't!
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Sweet.  I like how in the span of several days we went from OH NO ELON MUSK IS GONNA CONTROL TWITTER THIS IS TERRIBLE to THIS IS GREAT ELON MUSK IS STUCK GETTING AND CONTROLLING TWITTER WHAT A WIN.  Kinda feels like we lose either way.  It's FUNNY that Elon Musk is losing billions of prospective dollars in the process.  But if he HAS to still buy twitter then he buys twitter and makes it crappy.  So be careful about what you're rooting for!  Dangerous out there for Knowing What To Root For!  Gotta consider all aspects of things!  I saw some tweets saying we should send Elon Musk to Mars and be done with him.  AGAIN that's a lose/lose.  YES we would be rid of him if he's on Mars and never comes back but also THAT'S WHAT HE WANTS TO DO.  Why give him THE PLEASURE.  Hmm.  I've given myself a lot to think about.  I'll get around to it later.  When I feel like thinking about it more.  Which may never happen.  So in other words I've Got LATER TIME all free and open.  Anything can be done with my Later Time!
Last paragraph of the act.  Great.  I wonder if turkey pastrami tastes like turkey or pastrami.  Also kind of wonder what pastrami tastes like.  I got it a couple of times in my life-- all over the past year-- but not 100% sure what it tastes like.  Kind of like Salami probably?  Maybe kind of like corned beef?  Either way this is either gonna lean into turkey or lean into pastrami and I can't wait to find out!  UNFORTUNATELY it may be 50/50 Turkey and Pastrami taste WHICH SOUNDS NOT GREAT.  But I'm trying it anyway because that's the kind of thing I do this week.  What else is going on.  Gonna write an act II after next walk.  Probably only 5 paragraphs.  That's the way I do things this week.  Or at least the past half week.  I forget how I did things pretty much anytime before yesterday.  Who can keep track!  Hopefully Train conductors.  If they're going off track that doesn't sound good for anyone involved.  Except for JOKER PEOPLE who like to see bad things happen.  GOD DAMN JOKER PEOPLE.  Anyway I'll be back in a bit.




Ain't That Just The Way

    What's going on.  Took a walk, took a shower, EATIN' A KETO BAR, and now I'm here!  Got orange soda and coffee.  Still dunno what to do for lunch.  I THINK THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Got good ideas for DINNER though.  DELI.  Have GRANDMA SOUP for dinner.  The chicken noodle soup with HEARTY CHICKEN AND CARROT.  Have a slice of Health bread with that.  Maybe a bunch of Toasted Cheez Its.  That's a full fledged meal!  Get Chickened Pot Pie for dinner for TOMORROW.  I THINK THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Right now leaning towards Turkey and Health Spaghetti for lunch but it's VERY FLUID.  I THINK THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Probably gonna skip Quest Bar again today. Save em up for when I REALLY need em.  I THINK THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Oh right I have to put in 2 cans of beer into fridge for later.  THAT'S NOT IT.  IT'S NEVER IT.  Hmm.  Whattado with Afternoon Home Time.  Tales Crypt is an obvious option.  Also obvious is I Should Think Of Something Better Than Tales Crypt!
     Hmm.  Sure soup probably comes with bread already.  And that bread you'd think would be fresher.  NO THANKS I'M GONNA GO WITH MY HEALTH BREAD.  It won't be finished either way by the time 2 weeks is up and it's time to discard the remnants.  So I might as well eat it while I have it.  Anyway.  Maybe put some croutons in the soup.  That's dumb.  Maybe add a matzohball to the soup.  That's SMART.  Good thing I started off with the Dumb Croutons in soup which was dumb but it LED ME TO CONSIDERING matzoh ball in soup which is LEGIT OPTION.  Kinda feels like that'd be too much things in soup.  They specifically OFFER it.  I'm not just gonna go in totally blind can you add matzoh ball.  ON MENU they say add matzoh ball or kreplah ONE DOLLAR.  But I dunno I don't see how they'd fit all that into Soup Container.  Point is I've given myself a lot to think about.  WELL not that much.  Just ONE THING.  But I have to think about That One Thing A LOT.  So that's how that goes.
     KREPLAH HUH.  Maybe I mix things up and get THAT.  Not 100% sure what it is but my guess is it's kind of like a matzoh ball but 60% different.  HOLY CRAP KREPLAH MIGHT HAVE FILLING INSIDE OF IT.  I LOVE fillings.  I think I have one filling in a tooth.  Also based on dreams I have I think I'm missing five or six teeth.  Not EVERY dream I have.  MAYBE every dream I have.  There are dreams where I specifically am missing 5 or 6 teeth.  Then there are other dreams I'm Not Thinking About Teeth At All but MAYBE I happen to still be missing all those teeth in the other dreams, too!  It's just not relevant to what's going on!  Hmm.  In real life I feel like I've got all my teeth.  99.9% sure of that.  What else is going on.  Probably forego the matzoh ball/kreplach.  Stick with Slice Of Health Bread and Toasted Cheez Its.  GO WITH THE ORIGINAL PLAN.  Probably!  Anything can happen though!  Hmm.  Maybe go into meals trying to eat small meals when I can.  That's what I did when I was dieting!  At some point I decided I'm still eating much smaller meals than Your Average American Jerk but LET'S LOOSEN UP A BIT.  Now I'm thinking about TIGHTENING up a bit.  Hey lets tighten up a comedy bit I have.  Do I have any comedy bits.  When I did stand up set at the end of Comedy Class I remember talking about Starbucks a lot.  GOOD BIT.  Took an entire 5 minutes to say all of it.  What was my point again.  Oh right.  Meals.  Size of meals!  There's no point to that.  That's just the TOPIC.  The Topic IS The Point.  I feel like that's a literary criticism theory.  Sure, could be, why not. 
     Penultimate paragraph of THE DAYTIME.  Sweet!  DOCUMENTARY on THE SHUTTER about Found Footage Horror Films.  I can watch that!  I'm not a huge fan of found footage horror films but I am a relatively SOMEWHAT FAN of Documentaries.  Specifically ones that are interesting!  THIS MIGHT BE ONE OF THOSE.  Hmm.  Soup Based dinner-- smallish meal.  Chickened Pot Pie-- average sized meal!  The point is instead of being indiscriminate with average sized meals whenever I want, maybe LEAN TOWARDS picking smallish meals slightly more often than not.  YEAH.  LEAN TOWARDS... the thing I just said... HARDCORE!  Hmm.  Maybe I should get a Kreplech just to see what The Mystery Filling is.  COULD BE MEAT.  I LIKE MEAT.  DEPENDING ON THE MEAT.  MOST MEATS.  PRETTY MUCH ALMOST ALL MEATS I WOULD GUESS!  Whatever.  I dunno.  Best case scenario is that Elon Musk doesn't buy twitter but loses billions in the process because of Legal Things Or Something.  It's good because I don't want him to own twitter AND it's good because he's a big jerk and I'd like to see him only be a multi-billionaire with A FEW BILLION DOLLARS LESS THAN BEFORE.  THAT'LL SHOW HIM GOOD.  No way he can recover from that!
Whatever.  Last paragraph for now.  His reputation has taken a hit!  Such is life.  It's his own fault.  Look you've only cancelled yourself.  Something like that.  A running theme of Not Having All My Teeth is I'm talking to people and am like I NEED TO GET TEETH TO FILL IN THESE TOOTHLESS HOLES and the person(s) I'm complaining to are like WE'LL GET AROUND TO THAT LATER, more pressing issues right now.  And I'm like THIS ISN'T JUST ONE TOOTH I'M MISSING, I'M MISSING A WHOLE BUNCH OF THEM.  I NEED THIS ADDRESSED IMMEDIATELY.  Not sure if that's really a RUNNING theme.  It was the theme of Last Night when I dreamt it.  I don't think it's always the theme.  Oh well that's life.  Mets game tonight has been postponed due to snow.  In Colorado.  So they claim.  Oh well that's great now I can fully commit to Watching Something Else And Whatknot.  Hey great.  I'll be back later tonight!




there are no more titles

    What's up!  Ate CHICKEN FINGERS for Dinner.  GO FIGURE.  They gave me FIVE small fingers.  YEP THAT'S HOW MANY FINGERS MANKIND-- THE PEOPLE WHO WE ARE-- HAVE ON EACH HAND.  I thought that was an interesting way to go with things.  Anyway, had four of the five fingers and some Tater Tots.  Delicious!  I have no regrets.  I have some regrets.  But not as many regrets as are possible to have.  Started Michelob Ultra.  These beer cans are taller and slimmer!  I like it!  Very stylish.  I feel like I'm drinking A RED BULL.  Oooh FANCY!  Hmm.  Haven't had an energy drink in a long time.  MY TAURINE LEVELS MUST BE DANGEROUSLY LOW.  Hmm.  Anyway it says it's the same alcohol level as the other light beers but I dunno.  Not hitting me the same way.  Maybe it's hitting me now.  Oh Okay I Get It.  It's alcohol.  Gets ya buzzed.  Makes sense.  Now I know what's up.  Hmm.  Look there's no good way to handle The Fifth Chicken Finger.  All available options are a Net Negative On My Life.
     Hmm.  Ate dinner and doin' this a little bit later than the last few days.  Ate dinner at 7:55 PM instead of 7:45 PM!  IT'S GOOD TO EXPERIMENT WITH NEW THINGS.  Or experiment with old things.  That sounds even better!  You're already comfortable with the old things so you should feel freer to experiment with them.  New things, you're not already in a safe environment with this whole deal!  NO GOOD FOR EXPERIMENTS.  Hmm.  Taking out garbage in about 45 minutes.  Good shot I'll still be writing here.  GOD WILLING I'll still be writing here.  God don't will things.  Kind of a passive observer.  More or less King Pervert.  What else is up!  Maybe God willed me to write that joke.  That just kinda makes him an EVEN BIGGER pervert.  That's how I feel at least.  Still got Chickened Pot Pie for dinner tomorrow.  YEAH.  Had Turkey Meatloaf for lunch today.  YEAH.  Have plenty of options to have a great lunch tomorrow.  YEAH.  Maybe I'll have Banana Chocolate Chip Pound Cake for Breakfast tomorrow.  NOPE.  Wait I mean YEAH.
  Get out my ruler.  Wanna have 30% of the cake.  I'm gonna hit this Slice Size on the nose OR DIE TRYING.  Kinda hope I don't die trying.  But I guess if I do It Was Meant To Be.  God really unhappy with me calling him out for being a pervert.  Oh well life is full of consequences.  Ya reap what ya sow!  Not 100% what SOW means.  Pretty good idea what REAPING means.  Hmm.  Michelob Ultra is REALLY pushing their claim of having 2.6 Carbs.  It's displayed prominently ON BOX.  On EACH CAN.  I guess we're supposed to have a lot of enthusiasm for this number?  I dunno what's a good amount of carbs!  I GUESS IT'S HIGH TIME I LEARNED.  Also I think Less Carbs The Better?  That much I'm Vaguely Aware of.  But the exact numbers I Dunno The Context!  Well I do now.  I know 2.6 Carbs for 12 FL OZ OF beer MUST be good.  Otherwise what's their point?  Anyway.  Was watching ENTOURAGE where a lady invites E to share a cigarette Outside some sort of Party Building.  I HAVEN'T HAD CIGARETTE IN THREE YEARS.  Hmm.  PARTY BUILDING WAS JIMMY KIMMEL SHOW.  That rings a bell now.  Anyway.  When I was a kid and we were at Party Buildings (SAY A FAMILY WEDDING [not intra-family-- well, it BECOMES intra-family, but the wedding doesn't START OUT as between two people within the family]) my Mom would regularly go outside for cigarettes and I would go with her.  Because I'M A GOOD LITTLE SON TO KEEP COMPANY.  Does that mean anything?  Let's get some psychiatry going on.  What's your thoughts on that story.
Hmm.  Sometimes a Cigarette Story is Just A Cigarette Story.  BLAM there's my thoughts on that story.  Anyway we're into the fourth paragraph of the act!  That's pretty cool.  Hmm.  Leveled off at 30 sets of sit-up/push-up/sit-up-for-your-rights daily.  Accomplishable and Plentiful!  Also its enough that it burns SOME calories I'd guess.  I know it's not the most calorie burning enterprise but 30 x 16 of both sit-ups and push-ups gotta be accomplishing SOME burning.  PROBABLY.  The point is HEY MAY 20th.  That's a special day in Michael History.  The first music file I created of me playing things I made on guitar was titled 5.15.2005.  BUT THE SECOND ONE was 5.20.2005.  WOW THE SECOND TIME I DID SOMETHING?  Let's commemorate that or something.  Hmm.  That was seventeen years ago.  That .WAV file IS OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE ILLEGALLY at this point.  Really makes ya think.  Hmm.  Just recorded it on cheap microphone that came with desktop computer.  That's all.   Anyway.  Almost done with Found Footage Doc.  NOT A FAN.  Of Found Footage.  And the Doc!  It's Documentary ENOUGH I suppose but the content isn't very interesting to me!  Unless the Found Footage Doc TURNS INTO A Found Footage Horror film.  Maybe 10 minutes before the end they're like AND THEN THE PEOPLE PUTTING TOGETHER THIS DOC WERE FOUND DEAD AND WERE KILLED BY A GHOST AND SOMETHING OR OTHER SO ON AND SO FORTH.  So that's one way this can go if they want to salvage this snooze of a movie.
     Yeah!  Just had delicious Granola Bar.  I will have MORE SNACK later on.  This was the MEDIUM sized snack if I have 3 snacks in evening.  THAT'S BEEN ROUTINE FOR LAST 3 days.  Three days is a long time!  That's how long it took Jesus to figure out how to come back to life.  That'd be my interpretation of things at least.  Anyway what else is up.  Main Snack I still have in store MAY JUST BE DELICIOUS ICE CREAM SANDWICH.  It's the last semi-indulgent one I got.  But I might as well have it tonight.  Otherwise I'd just be Dreaming On It and that does no good for no one.  If I don't have ice cream sandwich the terrorists win.  Also if the terrorists win the terrorists win.  What was the thing Bush REALLY said about if X does/doesn't happen, the terrorists win.  Where'd that come from.  Hmm.  Not 1 exact source.  Also wasn't just Bush.  For some reason him saying it was assembled in my memory by various falsehoods combined with even more numerous truthhoods.  But together they form a falsehood that there's SOME truth to.  Hmm.  Oh, right.  Pretty sure once we're even considering and talking about if we do/don't do X, the terrorists win then THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON.  They're in our head RENT FREE.  THE TERRORISTS ARE TROLLING US AND WE FELL FOR IT.
Halfway through Act III.  So I got that going for me.  Anyway.  I got a lot of people in my head but they pay rent.  My head apartments are RENT CONTROLLED so they're not paying that much in rent but I feel like I get something out of the deal at least.  Hmm.  Sounds about right.  Anyway.  Half a drinksworth of Beer #1 left.  In the end I DO feel that this is legitimately beer with legitimate alcohol content.  And it's FUN drinking from SLEEK DESIGN CAN.  So basically life is going OKAY I suppose.  Hmm.  Just had that Last Drink, and ya know what?  IT WAS AN ENTIRE DRINKSWORTH.  Sleek Can Design THREW ME FOR A LOOP in terms of estimating how much drinksworth was left.  Ugh.  What else is up.  Presumably Big Snack Of The Night To Remember will come when I'm done with entry.  Reward myself for doing Something Dumb Productive.  Amazing.  Look I know it's not an ideal situation for people to be paying rent to live in your head but just imagine how bad it'd be if they OWNED the apartments in your head!  That's REALLY not an ideal scenario!  Also OWN was Oprah Winfred's network.  WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THAT KIND OF THING.  What else is up.  Last paragraph of the first six paragraphs part of Act III!
    Beer #2 time.  Wonderful.  Winfreydful.  Yeah!  Hey remember The Terrorism that happened over the weekend?  That was LAST weekend.  It's already THURSDAY.  My thoughts have moved on to NEXT Weekend.  What do you mean it's Friday.  THAT SOUNDS LIKE A LIE.  Anyway.  Might be more terrorism this weekend.  Haven't really been thinking about it but I don't think we should be shocked if there is!  I dunno.  Sorry.  Maybe we should do something about The Terrorism but THEN THE TERRORIST WINS.   Taking out garbage in 10, 15 minutes.  Might as well wait until after that to have beer #2.  LOOK am I having 5.2 Carbs Of Beer today?  PROBABLY.  Maybe the beer is lying to me about the carbs.  My trust in all institutions has been shaken. By something.  I forget what.  At some point I stopped trusting institutions though.  Forget the exact thing that tipped it over the edge from Trusting Institutions to Not Trusting Institutions.  Oh well that's life. 
     Okay.  Hmm.  Can't I trust SOME Institutions and mistrust OTHER Institutions.  Well sure SORT OF.  But it's A LOT EASIER to go All or Nothing.  And my instinct is to do Easier Way Of Doing Things because that's what other people are probably gonna do so I wanna be on the winning team.  The team that always does the easier thing.  That's who I Wanna associate with!  Hmm.  Whatever!  I dunno.  Just took out the garbage.  And recyclables.  And am eating an Ice Cream BAR which is 2/3rds the indulgence (calories) as semi-indulgent ice cream SANDWICH.  Because it's EASIER.  Now I have room for A SLIGHTLY BIGGER THIRD THING.  LOOK THIS IS MY LIFE OKAY GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Finished last box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  The goal is to not start the new one until I am having a Balanced Breakfast.  And then ONLY eat it during Designated Breakfast Periods.  THAT'S THE PLAN GOD WILLING.  Sure lemme start that beer #2.
     Wonderful!  Trying to think of something I could pair with Remaining Chicken Finger to make An Interesting Balanced Breakfast.  Pop Tart or something?  I dunno.  That could be the new chicken and waffles!  Chicken and pop tart!  OR I could just make an eggo so it's THE OLD Chicken And Waffles: Chicken And Waffle.  I DUNNO I LIKE BEING A TRAILBLAZER.  And chicken and pop tart would be a step in the right direction towards being a trailblazer.  What does that word mean.  You set your environment and surrounding wildlife on fire so that people can follow you easily?  Sounds about right.  Doesn't sound like you're doing a very good thing for environment and surrounding wildlife.  YEAH but now the people following your trail have a much easier go of it!  So you look for positives where you can I suppose.  Anyway after this entry I'm finishing Found Footage Documentary.  And then hopefully some Actual Entertaining Thing(s) before going to bed.  What Tales Crypt am I up to.  THAT ONE?  I HATE THAT ONE.  Oh well I HAVE to watch it.  GOD DAMNIT I HATE THIS ONE.
Last paragraph of the day!  Cool.  Which would be more responsible, Balanced Breakfast or Banana Chocolate Chip Pound Cake Breakfast for tomorrow.  GOTTA GET STARTED ON THIS CAKE.  But then again I GOT THESE EGG WHITES MADE JUST GATHERING DUST IN THE FRIDGE.  ALSO I MAY NEED TO BUY A NEW FRIDGE.  OR AT LEAST CLEAN THE ONE I HAVE.  I dunno, something you own has dust in it, YOU GOTTA BUY A NEW ONE.  Un-dusting something... it's just never the same once there's been dust!  Gotta start from scratch at this point.  Maybe that sounds right.  Either way Hey A Few More Sentences.  Oh right then there's the chicken finger.  Look I was playing around. I  don't wanna have chicken finger for breakfast!  Then again a solid chance it's a DECENT option.  But I theoretically don't shouldn't want to actually practically have a chicken finger for breakfast IN REAL WORLD.  I DO like the part where I also have a Pop Tart though.  So there's that.  That's all.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-9:18 P.M. 




Thursday, May 19, 2022

That's What You Think

    Hey!  Significantly behind schedule today!  Roughly 2 hours behind ideal schedule!  Oh well.  Can fit in six walks at least.  Even that is time crunched though.  Oh well!  Life is Such.  Hmm.  Had a large small amount of snacks last MightNight.  It was a small amount.  But for a small amount-- large!  Oh well that's life is such.  Lots of birds chirping outside.  Before Social Media that's what we used to call a tweet.  Now tweets are something else.  SO we need to come up with a new word for the old definition.  How about Chirping.  That worked pretty well for me earlier.  Fair enough!  Talked to my mom about doing laundry.  I get the impression she's on board to do it today or tomorrow!  YEAH!  Already started wearing unlaundered shirts today though.  COOL.  I'M BREAKING ALL THE RULES.  I'm PUNK because I'm wearing clothes that HAVEN'T BEEN CLEANED.  I march to the beat of my own drum.  And I don't have a drum!  That's fine I don't march either!  Cool.
     Still probably gonna write same amount of acts and whatknot.  Maybe end up having dinner AFTER act III because things MAY be pushed back Thusly.  I dunno!  I've been having good success with dinner going into act III the last few days.  LAST FEW DAYS HARDCORE.  Hmm.  George Bush said the thing where he admitted Iraq War was done by a crazy president unilitateraly for bad reasons.  What was the quote exactly.  Lemme LTURQ.  EH.  It's better left to the imagination.  No it isn't.  Yeah but I don't wanna LTURQ.  What else.  I miss the one-two punch of Daily Show/Colbert Report.  And then Conan O brian DVR'd later at some point presumably.  Life MADE SENSE then.  It MAKES SENSE now too.  But the sense it makes is BAD.  We live in a bad world with bad actors.  Makes SENSE but I still don't have to LIKE IT.  Bad actors you know like... hmm.  What actor do I wanna disparage by calling them bad in the sense that we would all accept they're a bad actor as a good reference.  Hmm.  Gonna have to think about that one!
     Yeah!  Met game is in half an hour.  Sure I can have that on in the background.  Better than having it on in the foreground!  I'm devoting My Life Foreground to this for now.  Anyway.  Belgian Waffle for lunch!  No doubt about it!  KINDA was imagining enjoying Meal Replacement Cookie for lunch.  But it makes no sense since I have Belgian Waffle to eat.  DANGIT.  Got part III of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Also is that a running joke yet.  It started with me doing * instead of & by accident PRIVATELY.  I would do it a lot but CORRECT IT before you saw it.  Then I figured hey let's share this fun mistake with the audience I THINK.  I THINK I've shared the fun mistake with you once or twice.  If not then FROM NOW ON we all agree it's a fun mistake.  "*" instead of "&."  Okay?  We all on board?  GOOD wonderful.  Kinda seems like * is SORT OF a  &.  Instead of Steak AND Stuffed Mushrooms its Steak TIMES Stuffed Mushrooms.  Which makes EQUAL SENSE.  * can mean multiplication right?  I feel like I've done Math Problems like that before.  Better LTURQ.  Eh why bother.  Let's just agree Daily Show/Colbert Report was a good one two punch.  Also YES it does mean multiplication.
Yeah!  The good news is I got up 2 hours late BUT I did get up AT SOME POINT.  There was always the worry I never get out of bed again.  So that horrible fate has been discounted.  Hmm.  Ice Cream Sandwich and Semi-Indulgent Fiber Bar.  300 calories over MightNight!  Small amount.  But BIG small amount.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  2 Pop Tarts for breakfast.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Started the new SHUTTER film last night.  Made if 50 minutes into it out of 90 minutes before going to bed.  WOW.  This is a decent fun movie.  I like the parts where stuff happens to look at AND listen to.  Anyway.  Meal Replacement Cookie is SNICKERDOODLE.  It's a SUGAR COOKIE you morons.  Oh right.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Pick Strawberries Day and National Quiche Lorraine Day.  I REFUSE TO pick strawberries.  Unless I'm getting paid.  OR someone else is getting paid for me but it's someone I LIKE and who may even SHARE THEIR WAGES after the fact.  Quiche.  Some sort of PIE or TART.  Lorraine.  Cream Eggs and Bacon.  At first I was like that sounds disgusting but now I'm like that sounds PRETTY GOOD.  Eh why bother.
     Coffee after this paragraph!  Amazing.  The point is I was old enough to care about being against the Iraq War and I definitely was against the Iraq war but in retrospect maybe I didn't care ENOUGH?  It didn't CONSUME me.  I was able to COMPARTMENTALIZE.  There was being upset about politics and world events but it all went away after I stopped Reading or Watching about it.  Which is okay I guess.  I wasn't being a good ALLY to Innocent Iraq.  But what WOULD be me being a good ally mean.  BEING UPSET ABOUT IT MORE.  That'd do the trick!  Also Saddam Hussein was Bad Guy Sure.  I don't have all the details!  Anyway.  Also I vaguely remember news annoying me.  I BELIEVE if I REMEMBER CORRECTLY my Mom would have AIR AMERICA on during the car rides to and from train to and from school.  And I would invariably be very tired either way back or forth.  So I just wanted PEACE AND SILENCE.  So The Good News (not news that is good but news that is WELL DONE you get it) presumably annoyed me.  Oh well.  That's all over now.
Hmm.  I used to confuse Randi Rhodes with Rocky Road.  Don't judge me.  Saw some court made a SUPREME RULING (don't think it was the supreme court but could have been!) that limits powers of government or something?  Concentrates power amongst Bad Actors or something?  You know like... hmm... HMM.  Why would I want to disparage any actor.  They're doing the best they can!  Maybe they're not!  I could easily imagine actors being like I'm gonna give 80% of all I got to this role AND THEY SHOULD BE HAPPY WITH THAT.  Don't judge them!  If I had a job I'd give 80% to it and feel like they should be happy with that!  Anyway happy with how far I am into the day While Doing Stuff.  Always unpleasant staying in bed in the morning.  Unpleasant knowing I'm wasting time and making everything I do in Day condensed and delayed.  But presumably it'd be more unpleasant to get up and get started.  GOD DANG IT.  What else is going on and crap.  Dad just took a walk.  So I can't take a walk for 40, 45 minutes EVEN IF I WANTED TO.  GOOD WORKS FOR ME.
Look I keep coming up with Nicolas Cage but he's a GREAT actor.  Hmm.  Maybe BRUCE WILLIS.  Lately he's been SICK and I would imagine if I go back and watch things with him from the last 5 years I'd be like YEP NOT GREAT.  Maybe that's why he wasn't a huge part of GLASS and/or wasn't that great in it!  It wasn't a CHOICE by M NIGHT SHYMALAN.  He was just doing the best with what he got.  Also DON'T JUDGE BRUCE WILLIS.  He got sick!  NO JUDGMENT.  What if he gets well again!  That'd be a dream come true!  Then he can make a film called NO JUDGMENT about SOMETHING I CAN'T IMAGINE YET.  Hmm.  I bet Bruce Willis can do an interview where he seems relatively normal and cognizant about things.  Talk to some reporter for 8 hours and they get 20 minutes of usable material to make him look pretty good.  I WANNA SEE IT HAPPEN.  Let's get the ball rolling on that.  I WANT TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT BRUCE WILLIS.  Bruce Willis is probably right wing.  But he's ONE PERSON who I wouldn't mind that much being right wing.  JUST LOOK AT HIM HE'S A GOOD GUY!
     What else.  Eighth paragraph!  Maybe this is all A RUSE to get out of taking responsibility for how Right Wing has developed over the last few years.  DON'T BLAME ME FOR SUPPORTING THEM I'M SICK IN THE HEAD.  I cracked that code.  Wikipedia says specific things about his politics.  Seems he leans Republican but is not All Out Full Blown that way.  And denies classifying as Republican.  HMM.  Also Wikipecia says he's Left Handed.  ALRIGHT WELCOME TO THE CLUB.  He's been in the club decades before me.  ALRIGHT GOOD TO SEE YA IN THE CLUB.  Left Handed people are the greatest we can all agree with that right.  Probably!  Anyway at what point do Republicans outlaw lefthandedness.  We've gone backwards pretty far in rights of people who were born a certain way!  Why not just a little bit farther.  Hmm.  LOOK SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE LEFT HANDED.  I dunno if that's true.  VERY hard to be true because I don't have best friends.  But I'm my own best friend and I'm left handed so THERE THAT SETTLES THAT.
     Hmm.  Maybe write 10 paragraphs then take a shower then take a walk.  Makes sense.  I GOT A TIME CRUNCH I can't just sit around for 20 minutes waiting to take a walk.  Get somethin' done with that time period!  YEAH.  Anyway I dunno.  Can Turkey stop Sweden and Finland from joining Nato.  Better LTURQ.  I wanna be ON THE UP AND UP on World Affairs.  Also I heard Jupiter is having an affair with Venus.  Let's DISH about it.  Looks like Turkey CAN stop them from joining Nato if they wanted to.  Maybe it's just a negotiation tactic.  I dunno!  Either way NATO BACKWARDS IS OTAN.  Really makes ya think.  The point is I'm happy Max Scherzer is injured.  Now the universe makes sense.  Kinda imagined that would happen and I was right so let's continue on in life thusly.  Maybe he's not THAT injured.  Okay then maybe we'll only move on in life SOMEWHAT thusly.  Either way the point is I only have one more paragraph to write for this act!
    Yeah!  Been taking ultra-quick showers lately.  120 seconds or so.  Even that seems high.  120 is A BIG number.  Sure seconds aren't THAT long but there's SOME substance to A Second.  It's not like it just flashes by without us realizing it.  A second is EASILY something we'd notice and register.  120 of those?  Well the point is you get it.  Dad gonna help me cut my hair on SUNDAY.  Gonna shave myself on SATURDAY.  All the pieces are falling together.  Only bad thing is I presumably will be shirtless when Dad cuts my hair to limit the amount of hair I get on clothes.  And I'll be looking into mirror.  And I'll be like DANGIT WHY DID I HAVE TO GAIN 8 OR 9 POUNDS SINCE MY LOWEST WEIGHT FOUR POINT FIVE MONTHS AGO.  Now I got MORE BELLY.  Distinctive belly MY GUESS would be.  I try to avoid looking.  Anyway great just great.  Time to take a shower.  Then a walk.  Then act II!  Then probably a walk.  Then lunch.  You get the idea.  I'm doing dumb stuff that I do every day.  Not that dumb stuff.  The stuff MAKES SENSE to do.  YEAH.  I'll be back soon!




Oh Yeah I Went There

    Hey. I still compartmentalize World Affairs & Politics and Other Parts Of Life.  It's just the World Affairs And Politics has grown like a tumor on the template of my Compartmentalized Compartments.  Care a lot more now!  Takes up more space!  AND spills into other compartments.  Oh well that's life and crap.  Five paragraphs then I get to take a walk then I get to eat delicious LUNCH.  I'm anticipating enjoying that.  Probably won't be thinking too hard about World Affairs.  Also World Affairs are important and all but I'd say 90% of the affairs I'm concerned of are Current Country I'm In Affairs.  Which seems to be AMERICA for 100% of the time it turns out.  So there's that!  Anyway.  On this walk cars driving by perpendicularly gave me the right of way WAY too early.  TWICE.  I was way behind a car TWICE five minutes apart and they stop and wave me forward.  YOU COULD HAVE EASILY DRIVEN BY SEVERAL TIMES WITH THE TIME YOU'RE WASTING WAITING FOR ME.  Then again it's the highest sign of respect you can be afforded so I'LL TAKE IT.
    Probably either they think I'M a nice guy so they wanted to do a nice thing for me OR they felt I'M A DANGEROUS GUY and they felt THREATENED and if they didn't give me the right of way THEY'D BE IN FOR A HURTIN'.  Either way Highest Sign Of Respect.  I'll take it!  Hmm.  Maybe one car thought I was nice and the second car thought I was a threat.  We can't say for sure.  I WAS wearing my hoodie.  With the hood... hoodying... my head.  So that could have been coming into play.  LOOK I took shower 20 minutes ago.  HAIR LOOKS DUMB EVEN DUMBER THAN USUAL.  Wearing a hoodie CONCEALS that fact more or less.  Maybe they saw the hair under the hoodie and pitied me for looking dumb and thought ya know what I'm gonna make him feel good by letting him pass before we pass perpendicularly.  What else is going on and crap.  Looks like tomorrow I'll be able to have Super market meal for lunch which I will have just received HOURS BEFORE.  No commitments going into tomorrow.  I CAN MAKE A DENT IN WHAT I'M GETTING IMMEDIATELY.
    That's great just great.  How are my notebooks going.  Haven't been using them.  Not 100% sure I had any idea of how I would use them going into the whole situation.  Kinda figured at some point I may need these.  Also if I get them that might INDUCE me thinking of a way to use them.  Can't HURT to get them.  That sort of thing.  IT CAN HURT THE WALLET.  These notebooks cost me SINGLES of Dollars.  Also 50% of world supply of black and white note books come from Ukraine.  So there's that.  How's Ukraine doing.  Still holding their own is my impression.  Good!  I see there's a chance they can even re-gain the territories they had last in Years Past.  That'd be a kicker!  Kick who.  Why kicks.  Kicking isn't polite.  If someone kicks you though YOU GOTTA KICK BACK.  That's how that goes.  In Soccer.  Also the kicking is AMONGST FRIENDS.  Someone kicks you the ball MOST LIKELY it's your team mate and he's doing it for overall team strategy!  Hey how about that this act is gonna be done in 15 minutes.
Sure.  Penultimate paragraph of THE DAYTIME DAY.  Nighttime Night will bring upon us more-- better!-- paragraphs.  Probably.  That'd be my guess at least.  What else is up.  Should I re-up with Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Have enough for ONE breakfastsworth portion definitely.  Still got frosted flakes, too.  ALSO got some frosted mini-wheats from YEARS ago that I never had as cereal but snacks.  Also got A NEW BOX of HERITAGE FLAKES which are NOT White Nationalist Flakes but are Healthy Regular Cereal Flakes.  So even if I have 4 Balanced Breakfasts-- which would be GREAT but I wouldn't count on achieving-- I have plenty of cereal with just one breakfast of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Alright great what else is up.  I tend to believe MOST super market mass produced food calories because otherwise The Lie Is So Big That We Believe It hurts my brain.  But CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH cannot be this low calories that they're saying.  Well it can be.  And it probably is.  GO FIGURE I GUESS.
Hmm.  What else is up.  Gonna have delicious lunch ON SCHEDULE, that's how quick this act is going.  I thought I was gonna have it half an hour late!  GO FIGURE I GUESS.  Anyway.  Jeez.  Gettin' Fancy Chocolate Candy on top of Fancy Sugar Cookie Cookie.  Figure that's a good side for Low Calorie Sandwiches.  TWO EVEN MIGHT SATISFY ME.  Three definitely.  TWO POINT FIVE WOULD DO THE TRICK SURE.  The point is I dunno!  Either have standard dinner Into Act III OR non-standard BUT POSSIBLY STANDARD IF IT GOES GREAT Quest Bar Into Act III into Dinner.  YEAH SURE OR SOMETHING ELSE EVEN.  We can't know as of now.  It's in THE FUTURE.  It's impossible to know the future.  Unless you know the present and past REALLY well.  Then you can make reasonable assumptions or maybe just educated guesses about the future.  I ENVY YOU in that case.  Hmm.  I'd like a Soft Heated Up Belgian Waffle but I dunno how to do that.  So I guess I have to do with a Crustier Heated up Belgian Waffle.  Or I could have a cold relatively soft Belgian Waffle.  These are the important issues of our time.  I'll be back in a little bit!




i don't know what my point is

    Hey!!  What a great day today was.  All the same stuff happened as yesterday.  And I vaguely remember being halfway satisfied with yesterday!  So that's good.  Just ate dinner.  It was halfway good!  By which I mean it was good and it SATIATED ME halfway.  Using the word, "satiated," is halfway correct usage.  Anyway.  Got some beer going on.  HEY next week I am trying new beer it's called MICHELOB ULTRA.  NOW WE'RE TALKING.  MICH IS THE FIRST PART OF MY NAME TOO.  This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.  Or a horrendous rivalry.  POSSIBLY AN ADEQUATE LOOKING NEUTRALITY.  We can't count anything out at this point!  Anyway finished last night's SHUTTER film.  Now I dunno what to watch when this entry is over!  I feel like Not Figuring Anything Out and just watching some more adequate looking Tales Crypt.  That's what I was watching while eating dinner!  I MADE IT A SOLID 9 MINUTES INTO THE EPISODE.  I feel like this dinner lasting 9 minutes is actually pretty good.  Small components!  It could easy have lasted Oh I Don't Know SEVEN minutes.
     Okay.  Old Man Scherzer out for 6-8 weeks.  Whatta scam!  He knows he's getting paid so he just goes out and injures himself for some time off.  I knew he was an old man but I didn't know he was a SCAMMER as well.  LIVE AND LEARN.  Presumably.  Or pick one.  I'd go with, "Live."  That's my main priority these days out of those two things.  Anyway.  CHOCOLATE Quest Bar today.  It tastes like chocolate candy!  IT IS chocolate candy.  Hmm.  Is there a Hard and Fast definition for Candy.  Gotta imagine it's a loose generalization that's out there for any food product that wants to claim it.  OR MAYBE SOMETHING MAKES CANDY CANDY.  What makes candy candy.  GOOGLE will tell me!  "Use of significant amount of sugar or sugar substitutes.  HMM so when I pour Truvia down my gullet I AM ACTUALLY EATING CANDY.  Also I think this is a terrible definition.  What about cake or something.  Cake isn't candy.  How about a cookie.  Cookie ain't candy!  What about shooting up High Fructose Corn Syrup.  Well lets not be ridiculous.  Candy must be Consumed ORALLY.  I dunno NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT I DUNNO HMM
     Jeez.  Not a lot of talk of Low Fructose Corn Syrup.  I'd be interesting in giving that a shot.  Doctor says I gotta watch my Fructose levels.  What else is going on and crap.  Ended up not getting Fancy Chocolate Candy/Butter Cookie Cookie thing.  Instead am getting CLASSIC COOKIES: OREO EDITION.  Just regular oreos.  You know 'em, I know 'em!  You TRUST EM, and I Trust Em.  Three whole oreos for a Sandwich Side.  Can't go wrong there!  Sure you can if you eat them wrong.  How you eat an Oreo can't be wrong.  That's between you and God the way you eat Oreos.  Or you're probably like me and go back and forth with the various ways to eat an oreo.  Sometimes ya can get fancy and twist off cookie parts and cream and whatknot.  Sometimes you just get your three bitesworth in leaving it how it is.  Sometimes you just stuff it down your gullet whole.  Sometimes you DON'T eat it.  You just take an oreo out of the package and throw it out.  That's one way to consume things.  Not ideal.  But certainly that's how the world works to some extent with some resources.  Just extract 'em and dispose 'em.  THIS WORLD SUCKS and I feel there's every reason to believe that kind of thing goes on all the time.
    Fourth paragraph of the act!
  Amazing.  Looks like Elon Musk went from HERO to ZERO in the span of a couple of weeks.  Oh well.  That's what he get for having a name like Elon Musk.  Should have occurred to us long ago that he had a dumb name and that's what we should judge people by.  Unless he made up that name to hide his real identity.  If he even HAS a real identity.  Hmm.  Not sure what that means!  Not sure what it DOESN'T mean though either.  So that's something we all have to consider.  The point is does Elon Musk still Control Space.  Kinda feel like we shouldn't be trusting Space with Elon Musk.  Just one man's opinion.  Me.  I'm the one man.  Maybe you agree.  Good!  We also trust Space with Jeff Bezos.  I don't like that either!  I feel like we shouldn't trust Space with anyone except the people I trust.  Hmm who do I trust.  I dunno.  Lotta people who I don't inherently DISTRUST.  THAT'S pretty good, right?  LOTTA people who I'm OPEN to trusting!  Ya take wins where you can get them okay?
     Fifth paragraph.
  Look it's not an indictment on the rest of humanity that I don't know whom I specifically DO trust.  I don't even trust myself!  No one is above scrutiny is the point!  Having delicious ice cream sandwich right now is the point!  That'll hit the spot!  Dunno what spot!  And why it's being hit!  But it sounds like an accurate description all the same.  SHARED AN ICE CREAM SANDWICH WITH MY DAD.  He asked me if he could have one and I was like sure of course why not but inside I was like GOD DAMNIT WHAT IF I RUN OUT OF ICE CREAM SANDWICHES NOW.  I got Super Market order coming tomorrow and THEY WERE OUT OF EM I couldn't re-up THEN.  When's the next time I can re-up.  THIS IS TERRIBLE NEWS.  But I had no choice.  What am I gonna say NO THOSE ARE MINE.  I could have.  I SHOULD HAVE.  I'm just TOO GOOD OF A PERSON FOR MY OWN GOOD.  Oh well that's life I guess.  Good news is I can eat Quest Bar Candy later tonight even.
Hmm.  Presumably halfway through Act.  And am exactly halfway through Beer Of The Night.  So that's pretty cool.  COOL HARDCORE.  Ya know what forget quest bar maybe I should just have another ice cream sandwich.  Now that I know I should be conserving them I just want them even more!  That's great just great.  Almost donated 250 dollars to Nancy Pelosi E-mail Enterprise by accident.  I was just READING the dumb email because sometimes I like to read the Donation Spam JUST TO SEE HOW DUMB the copy is and I hardly clicked anything and it took me to website and suddenly I'm clicked as donating 250 dollars and I STOPPED IT JUST IN TIME.  Look I'm not gonna donate 250 dollars to Nancy Pelosi Related Donation Enterprise with THE CURRENT COPY you're givin' me.  If you want 250 dollars YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO STEP UP YOUR GAME HARDCORE in terms of motivating me with good copy.  YEAH.  Also I don't have 250 dollars.  My parents do.  Probably.  Not 100% sure what my Dad makes or what our reservoir of financial accumulation is but I'm GUESSING there's 250 dollars there in the cards somehow somewhere.
     YEAH.  Seventh paragraph.  The point is if you want me to support Democrats this year TALK MORE ABOUT CUTTING THE DEFICIT.  Biggest issue of the year.  I WANNA HEAR NOTHIN' BUT DEFICIT DEFICIT and sometimes Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and then BACK TO MORE DEFICIT.  EASY.  And then BACK TO INFRASTRUCTURE BILL.  SO EASY TO DO POLITICS AIN'T IT.  What else is going on and crap.  Let me tell you what I'm concerned about THE DEFICIT IN ENTHUSIASM between Democratic voters and Republican voters!  DEFICIT IS A CLOSE ENOUGH WORD TO USE IN THIS CONTEXT.  I FEEL COMFORTABLE USING WORDS THAT ARE CLOSE ENOUGH.  So there's that.  I SHOULD take a day off Quest Bar.  I got 2 sets of 12 from Amazon a week and a half ago.  Went into it with the premise okay this'll last me a month.  That means SOME DAYS I NEED TO SKIP.  That's okay I GOT OTHER OPTIONS.  POLITICS IS EASY AIN'T IT.  The politics of what snacks I'm having Any Given Night.  Sure I know what politics means.  It means it's a close enough word to use in this context. 
    Eighth paragraph!  Maybe tonight is a good night to do some MUSIC listening.  Song to song.  That's how I do it!  Maybe even some circlewalking.  I DID do only six walks today.  That leaves some walking to be desired!  I dunno what songs would I listen to.  That's for LATER to figure out.  Hmm.  If I got out of bed at 11:30 AM and I go to bed at 10:30 PM I don't see how that's a sustainable daily schedule.  Kinda feels like I'm not awake for long enough!  YOU might interpret it as Too Much Sleep.  I interpret it as Too Little Awake.  Hmm I'll keep someone updated on this situation as it may progress.  Cool!  SEMI INDULGENT FIBRE BAR AND TOOTSIE POP that's the rest of MY snacks for tonight.  So I got that all figured out.  Probably.  Assuming everything goes according to plan.  What plan.  Having two pieces of candy plan.  The one legit piece of candy and the one thing I'll call candy until someone shows me evidence otherwise that it ISN'T candy.
     Hmm.  Penultimate paragraph!  My laundry WAS NOT done today.  This is the consequence of not doing your own laundry.  Sometimes not done on a schedule to your liking!  I accept the consequences of not doing things for myself!  Hmm.  HEY I never watched the mini-series follow up to House On Haunted Hill.  I can watch that I guess.  I dunno.  Not NOW.  I don't know WHY NOT now.  But NOT now.  I dunno I don't KNOW why not now.  Maybe it CAN AND SHOULD be now.  Gonna have to think about that one when the next paragraph is over.  So I got that going for me.  Gonna HAVE to get up on time tomorrow.  To accept Super Market delivery.  That's fine.  I don't mind doing things when I have to do them.  Consequence of life!  Sometimes you have to do things!  And most of the times when you have to do things YOU GO AHEAD AND DO THEM.  That's been my experience at least.  Anyway I guess I'll just finish current episode of Tales Crypt while considering what to do with the Roughly One Hour Of Awake Time I'll have when that's over.  Maybe I stay up later today to accommodate getting up earlier.  Probably not!
Last paragraph!  Just finished beer.  So I got that going for me.  Tomorrow is another day.  Probably.  Possibly a better day than today!  Don't remember anything about today being that great.  Wasn't TERRIBLE!  Much room for improvement though.  I think I can agree with myself on that.  HMM.  The point is maybe I DID donate 250$ to Nancy Pelosi Related E-Mail Enterprise and I don't know it yet.  Gotta imagine if that's what God Intended maybe it's for the best.  I better get A LOT of stickers though that's all I'm gonna say.  Also I'll say some more.  Hmm.  What more is there to say.  DID I MENTION THE THING WHERE I WANT A LOT OF STICKERS?  OH I DID?  WELL THEN I GUESS I DUNNO WHAT ELSE THERE IS TO SAY.  Hmm.  One can only hope it was a One Time 250 dollars and now I'm not donating 250 dollars to Nancy Pelosi until One Of Us Dies Hopefully Her.  Hmm.  Hey that's it for the entry.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-8:52 P.M.




Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Nothing Can Stop Me Now

    Hello friends.  Another day has begun.  Another day where it was tough for me to get out of bed permanently BUT I DID EVENTUALLY.  And not TOO Late.  So, so far so good!  Got delicious Belgian Waffle OR Wide Al Fredo for lunch today.  Right now I'm Leaning Waffle!  But Al Fredo DOES seem more appealing than it has previous lunch opportunities over the last week.  So ya never know!  You will know as and/or after it happens.  Well I will.  You won't know until DEFINITELY after.  The point is great either way kinda sweet.  Al fredo is cream.  Cream is sweet!  Belgian waffle is... waffle.  Waffle is sweet!  The point is Yesterday was a Fine Day re: amount and timing and quality of snacks I ate.  Not GREAT but certainly a step in the right direction.  EAST.  That's one of my favorite directions, gotta be honest.  For me it's East and North.  Those are the two best.  Is North Eat THE best?  For some reason NO.  I like PURE East and PURE North.  North East?  I guess it's not TERRIBLE now that I think about it.   Well that's a paragraph For Ya!
     Sure.  While Not Getting Out Of Bed I had the thought hey I'd like to play Call Of Duty II.  Shoot some people on The TV.  Anyway.  That radicalizes people into shooting nazis.  If video games really influences Real Life Mass Shooters, gotta imagine they'd be ON THE GOOD SIDE of things.  Most video games you're the good guys!  How come this doesn't inspire people to shoot Nazis as opposed to BEING Nazis.  I GOTTEM.  Also DOOM.  How come this doesn't inspire people to go to a Portal on Mars where Hell has opened up.  Because it's DANGEROUS.  You don't pick a fight with Demons on Mars!  If you're there SURE it's a good thing you've played Doom for experience.  But that's one situation you wanna steer clear of if possible.  Also DOOM II was the Doom for me.  Is Doom II considered The Gold Standard Doom.  Better LTURQ.  DOOM II was ranked SECOND.  First was, "Doom (2016).  OH WELL.  That means for over 20 years Doom II WAS the Gold Standard.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.
     What else is going on.  I like how there's an avatar of you in the bottom of the screen of doom which updates as you lose health.  And halfway through or so the way it depicts your Losing Health is you have a nosebleed or something.  YEP.  Fighting with demons with fireballs and stuff like that.  GNONA GIVE YOU A NOSEBLEED.  Makes sense.  Either way.  HERETIC.  That was a Doom rip off.  Probably.  Maybe I just dreamt that up or something.  Better LTURQ.  YEP IT EXISTS.  Great.  I like it when Things I Think Exist ACTUALLY Exist.  Speaks well of my mind and everything.  Hmm.  Met game TONIGHT at 7:10 PM.  Wonderful!  Mets have been doing 50/50 or so lately but they hold the biggest lead in their division over the 2nd place team!  YEAH.  I like the idea of Mets jumping off to early Standings Lead because-- and I've made this point before-- that means they can more or less go .500 and still have a good chance of making playoffs.  That's what I'd say if I was manager before each game.  DON'T GO OUT THERE AND KILL YERSELVES.  JUST WIN EVERY OTHER GAME.  HOW HARD IS THAT YOU IDIOTS.  Also I think they're at a point they MIGHT need to win a few more games over .500.  BUT YOU GET THE POINT.  You probably got the point the last time(s) I said it.  But if not, you definitely get it THIS time.
    Yeah!  Watched The We Own This City last night after entry.  And I reached the part where it shows up in Dialogue!  The main character whose a Bad Guy say it.  So he THINKS they own the city is the point.  Hopefully it turns out he's wrong.  I think the city should be owned by the CITIZENS because I LIKE DEMOCRACY & WHATKNOT.  Anyway.  Baltimore seems like a fun place to live.  Wonder what I could go in Baltimore if I lived in Baltimore.  Well either be In Drugs or be In Cops.  Hmm.  Being IN DRUGS appeals to me.  Should I be a dealer or a junkie.  CAN'T GO WRONG WITH EITHER.  What else is up.  Any good colleges in Baltimore.  Better LTURQ.  Johns Hopkins.  I've heard of that before!  WOW.  If I heard of it it MUST be good.  Anyway.  My understanding is last night as a decent night for Progressives.  My understanding has been fooled in the past, though!  Either way I want to like Fettermann but he's just TOO BIG OF A GUY.  Maybe every time I imagine him I can just imagine him on a 75% Scale.  Just looks exactly the same with same proportions and everything but somehow in my mind he's shrunken to 75% as big.  IF I CAN DREAM IT I CAN DO IT.
Anyway.  Fettermann.  What kinda background is that name.  Hmm not seeing anything.  But he IS married to Brazilian American Activist.  I LIKE THAT.  I'd like to be married to a Brazilian American Activist all things being equal.  Not the one HE'S married to.  She's spoken for.  Which is an expression because Men Have To Speak For Ladies.  UN-LADYLIKE TO SPEAK ALOUD.  Makes sense.  Six foot 9 Wikipedia says.  What the Hell.  How can someone so big be progressive.  He uses up all the resources.  Part of being progressive is CONSERVATION of resources.  Hmm.  A lot of those sentences I just say don't add up completely.  Anyway Great just great.  What' he running for, SENATE?  GOOD.  I hope he wins.  Anyway.  One of the congressional primaries where it was Progressive Candidate versus insanely outside-funded moderates looks like the progressive won!  Not sure if that's a, "WIN," overall.  If one out of 3 or whatever key ones people were looking at won.  Maybe people thought they'd all lose.  Maybe this One Win isn't official yet.  I don't have all the answers! 
    Coffee time!  Just talked to my Dad.  Might help me cut my hair Upcoming Sunday.  Good deal!  Probably shave myself separately beforehand.  By myself!  Cause I'm great and whatknot and so forth.  What kinda stuff do I got to watch today afternoon.  More Tales Crypt possibly.  I dunno I'm not passionate about watching, "Tales Crypt."  I'm not passionate about a lot of things.  Sounds fair.  If video games REALLY radicalized Youth we'd all be Crazy Taxi.  Hmm.  Uber and Lyft.  Were those consequences of the smash success video game CRAZY TAXI.  Which is you taxi people around but it's CRAZY somehow?  I forget how.  That's life.  They promise ya Crazy but in the end all you get is Reasonable!  What else is up. VERY happy with how melted ice cream solidified pretty much 90% accurately over time.  It's no chore to eat these ice cream sandwiches!  AMAZING.  I think I just had a dream last night where I got slightly more indulgent ice cream sandwiches somehow and had mixed feelings about it.  That's my subconscious trying to tell me that... I LIKE ICE CREAM SANDWICHES.
Possibly.  Maybe get some sort of CAKE from Super Market for splitting into breakfasts but NOT Chocolate Babka.  Seven layer cake maybe!  Only 2/3rds the size of Chocolate Babka so it's slightly less a commitment.  Also presumably easier to SLICE.  Chocolate Babka is hard to Slice off Slices and that's one reason it's difficult.  I dunno gonna have to look into this one.  Seventh paragraph already.  That's good.  Gonna write an Act II after next walk probably.  That's fine.  Then I get DAYTIME to do stuff.  Great!  Gonna try to fit in seven walk today!  A little congested but doable.  HMM.  Spent 5 minutes cleaning up my room yesterday.  Figure I can spend TEN minutes cleaning up bathroom today.  Bathroom still gonna be a shitstorm but at least there would be garbage and empty bottles of things and stuff like that.  Also not a LITERAL shit storm.  That COULD happen in bathrooms.  I've been pretty good about getting 100% of Shit in toilet bowl and then releasing it into the ether by FLUSHING said toilet.  Still though lots of mold and crap accumulated all over the place.
    YEAH.  Maybe the reason I'm thinking about Breakfast Dessert Cakes is because I got BELGIAN WAFFLE and I can have that FOR LUNCH IMMENTLY.  That solves that problem!  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe microwave it.  Maybe I'm in the mood for SOFT WAFFLE.  It's up to me in the end what kind of waffle I want re: Soft/Hard.  Maybe I want it cold!  You don't know!  Anyway.  Breakfast was AGAIN not a Balanced Breakfast.  90% Solid Ice Cream Sandwich and a Pop Tart.  DELICIOUS.  HEY National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Devil's Food Cake.  OH NO DEVIL RUN AWAY.  Hmm.  I feel like I've learnt once what Devil's Food Cake is versus Angel's Food Cake.  Better LTURQ ONCE AND FOR ALL.  Some people think Devil's Food Cake is just chocolate version of Angels Food Cake.  WRONG!  Angel Food Cake has NO FAT and Devil is HIGH FAT.  Also Angel Food Cake is SPONGE CAKE and Devil is DENSE cake or something.  I dunno what all these Cake Words Mean I'M NO BAKER.  Candlestick Maker.  How is that a job.  At what point in history did every town NEED a Candlestick Maker.  Look I get needing candlesticks.  But this Candlestick Maker has gotta DIVERSIFY I would imagine.  Can't make a living on candlesticks alone!
YEAH.  Ninth paragraph of the act!  Also gotta imagine people can learn to make their own candlesticks.  Then this guy is REALLY screwed.  Hmm.  Still thinking about enjoying Seven Layer Cake.  It's a very good name for cake.  WOW ALL THOSE LAYERS.  AND PROBABLY EACH AND EVERY LAYER IS GOOD TASTING.  Sounds good to me!  Anyway.  Babka Cake, each breakfast would have to be 1/8th-1/10th of the entire thing.  Seven layer cake is smaller.  Each breakfast would be 1/5-1/6th of the cake.  AMAZING.   Then again the bad news with EITHER is I can't trust the calories they're saying!  And all those breakfasts add up quick and the LIE CALORIES could be WAY off so suddenly I'm stuffing myself with Breakfast Cake IRRESPONSIBLY.  Not RESPONSIBLY like I wanna be doing it.  Jeez.  What else is up.  Hmm made some progress into the day already.  Almost done with Act I.  It's NOON O CLOCK right now exactly.  Lunch creepin' up!  END OF PARAGRAPH.
     Sure.  Been enjoying no-cream-coffee.  Tastes perFectly fine.  GOOD even one could argue.  I'd make that argument!  Because I BELIEVE in it.  Also it's good practice to make arguments whether you believe in it or not.  HOW ELSE AM I GONNA MAKE THE DEBATE TEAM.  I feel like Debate Team teaches kids the wrong lessons.  We shouldn't be arguing.  We should be AGREEING.  I think there should be Team Competitions where you All Agree With Each Other and Shake Hands For Ninety Minutes.  WITH THE PEOPLE ON THE OTHER TEAM.  What else is going on and crap.  Also is it possible it's a REAL Debate and nobody wins until the other side is convinced?  NOPE THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN.  I feel like Modern Humans CANNOT AND WILL NOT ever be convinced of anything they initially disagree with.  JUST CAN'T HAPPEN.  That doesn't sound good.  Oh well that's life!  Not Sounding Good!  For more proof of Not Sounding Good Being Life CHECK OUT MY MUSIC.  Anyway I'll be back in a bit!




Why Would Anyone Want To

    Hey!  Took a walk, took a shower, took another walk, and now I'm here!  I've got my reasons for doing things.  Keeping these reasons close to the vest.  FINE Dad wanted to take a walk at specific time and it was easier for me to take a quick shower and fit in another walk before then than to do OtherWise Things.  YOU BEAT IT OUT OF ME.  Stop BEATING ME you idiots.  The point is I think I'm having Al Fredo dish for lunch in Oh I Don't Know an hour and a half.  Delicious.  The point is am I finally gonna try Turkey Pastrami Sliced Deli Meat For Sandwich Purposes from Super Market this week?  VERY POSSIBLY.  I know we've been on the edge of our seats all year since I first suggested this possibility.  Which was roughly a month ago.  All Year Starting A Month Ago.  Gotta imagine some people celebrate New Years in April.  Lots of people do dumb things like that!
    Hmm.  Four more paragraphs for now!  Then I get a nice BREAK in Afternoon.  Do WHATEVER I WANT.  Kinda wanna take a nap but not feel like I'm forcing it.  I wanna BE TIRED and LIE DOWN and ENJOY it.  How hard is that.  Pretty hard.  I KNOW RIGHT?  Hmm.  Today ACCURATELY feels like a Wednesday.  Good Deal!  I felt like it was a Wednesday and then I was like ya know what PRETTY SURE IT IS A WEDNESDAY and IT IS.  So I'm CAPABLE of feeling Correct Things now and again.  Amazing!  Probably gonna have another Quest Bar Dessert tonight.  It's a REAL Dessert because I eat it not very long after dinner at all!  But it's GOOD because FIBER you idiots.  Today could be CHOCOLATE or BIRTHDAY I dunno EITHER WAY I WIN.  MINI BANANA CHOCOLATE CHIP POUNDCAKE.  That could be a WINNER in terms of ACTUALLY GETTING IT.  A quarter or EVEN A THIRD of it is a Balanced Breakfast by itself.  Balanced because it's got CAKE.  Banana.  MINI.  Chip.  CHOCOLATE.  POUND.  I dunno that's something I SHOULD strongly consider.  Shouldn't my life involve me strongly consider more important things.  YEAH YOU'D THINK SO WOULDN'T YOU.
  Been a while since I had banana or apple.  Because I take my life SERIOUSLY.  Why would I want to upset myself by eating things that aren't composed of chocolate or CINNAMON AT LEAST.  Doesn't add up!  Maybe have quest bar in afternoon and have slightly less indulgent fiber bar as dessert!  Possibly adds up!  Hmm.  I forgot to take Klonopin at Bedtime whoudh was supposed to help with stopping MightNight eating.  And I HAVE been doing some MightNight eating lately.  NOW I CAN ADDRESS THAT by TAKING MORE PILLS.  That sort of thing.  Look this is BANANA Chocolate Chip Poundcake.  HEALTHY.  Now I'm eating Bananas again.  It's a RISK because it might make me throw up but I think each bite will have SOME chocolate chip in it and at the very least It's Also Pound Cake All The Time In EVERY Bite so overall I should be okay I think.  Haven't had pound cake in a while.  Seems weird.  Pounecake I Mean.  Kinda feels like one of the lesser cakes.  Like it's almost bordering on being a Health Cake.  Which I guess it is!  FOR CAKES I think this one is one of the less indulgent cakes.  COULD BE WRONG.  Just TASTES that way.  Not too intense or heavy.  ALSO I LIKE MARBLE POUNDCAKE WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON MARBLE POUNDCAKE.
     Penultimate paragraph of THE DAY.
  If we don't include THE NIGHT.  Which we may or may not!  Sometimes if you talk about The Day you include The Day's Night and sometimes you DON'T.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Got small portions of Steak & Stuffed Mushroom dinner tonight.  GREAT PERFECT because now I"m having small desserts Almost Directly After Dinner!  We're talkin maybe 15-45 minutes after.  YEAH.  That's what my Dad does.  He has BIG dessert though.  I'm having SMALLISH dessert.  But still I feel like I'm in good company.  Me and my Dad!  That's a winning combo!  What else is up.  Goin back to HEALTH BREAD this week.  Nice loaf of sliced Health Bread.  HEARTY BREAD.  Doesn't get much better than A Hearty Bread.  The point is today is the lat day I have a clean shirt to wear.  Starting tomorrow I'm gonna have to wear unclean shirts!  Unless I just wear undershirts.  Which I could if I always wore sweatshirt over it outside!  Which I may not wanna do!  Too warm!  YEP ALL THAT CHECKS OUT.  ACCURATE INFO ABOUT MY UPCOMING LIFE.
  Maybe it's time to do a Fantasy Baseball Draft.  Window for that may have closed by now.  A month and a half into the season.  Maybe the window never closes!  What if it starts raining really hard and the rain is getting into the room.  Then we're screwed!  I didn't say the window SHOULD never be closed.  I just said it never closes!  It could be terrible for us in some scenarios but these are the cards we've been dealt!  Hmm.  Could be GOOD for us in some scenarios.  Like wanting to do Fantasy Baseball Draft at any time during the year.  This window never being closed is a POSITIVE.  I mean for the most part it won't effect 99.9% of our lives-- including roughly 95% of MY Lives-- but it couldn't HURT right?  Anyway the good news is That's It For Now.  I'll be back later for some reason.




this has been a lot of words

    Hello friends.  It's the Nighttime.  It's still light outside.  But the ClockTime tells a very different story.  Had delicious small component dinner.  Kinda makes it seem MORE fancy.  The less of components of dinner you get, the more valuable those scarce recourses must be!  This dinner is gonna Break The Bank is my guess.  Oh well as long as it's not my bank.  I hope it's... uh... what's a bank besides Citibank.  GODDAMNIT they did their job naming CitiField TOO well.  Now not only do I remember CitiBank but I'VE BLOCKED OUT ALL KNOWLEDGE OF OTHER BANKS COMPLETELY.  Off the top of my head, "ACTIVISION."  But that's not a bank they make video games.  Which was a reference I was trying to think of earlier today or yesterday.  A company that makes video games.  OH RIGHT.  Probably when I was CHALLENGING FOX NEWS to go after Big Video Game if they really think they're to blame for Violence Shootings.  Either way Hmm H AND R BLOCK.  That's a bank.  No it's very clearly A BLOCK.  Hmm.  Oh.  I know.  H & R Bank.
What else is going on and crap.  Gonna have Quest Bar at some point.  Maybe during entry, maybe to Toast the end of the entry!  I don't know.  I don't think anyone does at this point.  And if they do I have a few questions for them.  Like do you know other more important information about my future?  And if so Spill It I wanna know.  ALSO can you think of any banks other than citibank?  And remember Activision is NOT a bank.  What else is going on and crap.  I used Bank when I was in NYU.  I had to have cash a lot.  My standard withdrawal was TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS.  Which would last me Oh I Don't Know TWO weeks or so?  Also using Credit Card for stuff at times.  Hmm feel like that's private information.  Now if you travel back in time you know how much you can steal from me and determine whether it's worth it or not.  Maybe you wanna wait until you can steal from someone with 400+ dollars at once.  I dunno how you operate. 
     Hmm.  Feels like I should watch an entire movie tonight when this entry is over.  But WHICH movie is the question.  Also Will I Do What I Should Do is the even more pertinent question.  Just because I SHOULD do something doesn't mean I will.  In fact in practice it means I PROBABLY WON'T.  Hmm.  Are we 100% sure H & R Block isn't a bank.  I'm still not comfortable making that conclusion 100%.  HMM I know how to think of another bank.  Think of other sports stadiums!  Surely at least one other sports stadium is named for a bank.  Pretty sure there's an H & R Block Stadium.  Better LTURQ.  HEY Lots of stadiums are named after banks.  First one I saw that I was like HEY I KNOW THAT BANK was Bank Of America-- Bank Of America Stadium [Catchy Title!] for the Carolina Panthers of Football.  LOL GAYLORD ENTERTAINMENT.  And the stadium is called "Gaylord Entertainment Center," For the similarly hilarious Sports Team, "Nashville Predators."  Which is apparently an NHL team.  Nashville Predators.  Sounds like something Taylor Swift might have had to unfortunately deal with as a young lady!  NO JUDGMENT.
    Wait yes judgment.
  The country music predators are CERTAINLY in line to be judged and HARSHLY at that.  Look I feel bad about connecting, "Gay," to, "Predators."  But I didn't do it.  HOCKEY DID IT.  But let's make it clear that it's funny that a team is named The Predators and also Gaylord is a funny word irregardless of any connotations.  Also the Nashville Predators-- are they sexual predators or are they music executive trying-to-take-financial-advantage-of-people predators.  A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B.  JUDGMENT.  Especially Column A but ESPECIALLY Column A & B.  The point is can you build a stadium and name it after a company yourself and then just beg the company to pay you SOMETHIN' every year?  My guess is you could guilt trip a company into paying you A LITTLE BIT.  If I had a stadium and god willing one day I will if I name it H and R Block Stadium gotta imagine I can get them to pay me 400 dollars every year.  Also it's a REAL stadium that PEOPLE CARE ABOUT.  Not a make believe one.  Some Make Believe stadium will rightly get me NOTHING from H & R Block.  Hmm.  What' going on again?  Does Bank of America operate overseas.  Also how come overseas is ubiquitous with just saying international.  Is canada overseas.  Is TexMex overseas?  These are questions that I'm proposing as of a sentence or two ago.  Quest Ion Bar.  Hmm.  I think I'm in the mood for Birthday Bar again even though I know cognitively Chocolate Bar is better.  GOOD.  Each Birthday Bar I eat is another Chocolate Bar I'm saving for later.  Which is good because it's better.
    Hmm.  Also what about landlocked countries.  THEY HAVE NO OVERSEAS.  Also Bank of America and Citibank have no OVERSIGHTS.  They're running BUCK WILD which is an expression I heard POSSIBLY in a TV show.  I like how Donald Trump Truth'd out a statement saying Hey Dr Oz just declare victory then you win it's fun!  Such is life.  Hmm.  Five point five paragraphs to go presumably.  Just finished beer #1 presumably.  MORE than presumably.  POSTsumably.  Got birthday bar going right now.  DOES kind of taste like birthday cake.  The first 3-4 times I had it I was like hey this is good its lots of sugar and I guess SOME sort of flavor.  But NOW I really realize and register hey yeah this does remind me of birthday cake.  So I got that going for me is the point.  Also Sure I CAN watch an entire 90 minute movie after this OR I can just muck around for an hour and then go to sleep.  Either way I WIN.  Quest Bar high in PROTEIN and Fiber.  Good to eat Protein before bed.  Turns into muscle even more than at other times during day!  I read that in an unsubstantiated post on Reddit Once a few weeks ago so surely it's something I should pattern my life around.
    Sixth paragraph of the act!  The Dessert Of The Day is over BUT the beer #2 of the day is just beginning!  Plus MORE DESSERT LATER.  Not as INTENSE dessert but I GOT A FEW MORE THINGS IN STORE FOR ME.  What else.  It's been a solid 3 or 4 days since I've Overeaten.  And a solid FIVE OR SIX days since I've done any sort of Bange.  The point is I think I've reached Sustainable Level.  Which is good!  All I ever want out of life is for it to be sustainable.  Also at a good level.  It's no good for life to be terrible and then sustain at terribleness.  Nobody wins in that scenario!  Except for the people who benefit from my life being terrible.  They win in that scenario.  Gotta wonder how many people that is though.  Can't be such a large group of people who directly benefit from my life sucking!  You wouldn't think it's a key factor for many people at all (besides me).  Then again WHAT DO YOU KNOW you're some kind of idiot I bet.
Yeah!  What else is up.  Had a delicious Tootsie Pop at some point yesterday.  I think After Entry.  It's good because it makes ya think.  Well not LITERALLY.  Not even FIGURATIVELY.  But the point is I only have 4 more paragraphs left to go.  Then I get to sleep.  Then I have to start over again.  Oh well.  Gotta do something I suppose.  Thinking about re-watching Tales From The Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark.  I saw it IN THEATERS.  I saw it ONCE on the TV.  I THINK THAT'S IT.  It's a decent enough movie for kid!  I'm kid at heart!  Except for literally!  Gotta imagine 10 years of smoking cigarettes and a lifetime of eating fatty food has age-ed my heart considerably!  GOOD I'M GLAD.  BUILDS CHARACTER.  NOW MY HEART HAS SOME LIFE EXPERIENCE AND THAT CAN'T BE BAD.  HEY I SEE A GOOD MOVIE ON THE SHUTTER TO WATCH.  94 minutes.  That's how I judge whether it's a good movie to watch.  HOW LONG IS IT.  An hour and a half?  I might be able to stay up to watch that entire movie!  It's POSSIBLE.  I've stayed up as late as 11:35, 11:40 as recently as New Years.  Which was like 150 days ago at this point.  Oh well that's life.  Passes by way too fast!  Go figure.  At least by the time we die we can't be upset that life passed too quickly.  Too Dead to feel anything!
Eighth paragraph of the act.  Feels wrong to drink Root Beer with meal.  Cola pairs with meal.  Sprite pairs with meal.  Orange soda pairs with SOME meal-- Pizza Definitely.  Root beer?  What kinda meal pairs with root beer.  The point is I'll HAVE root beer with meal on occasion if there's an uneven supply of soda and I need to Lessen the Root Beer Supply to even things out BUT it doesn't feel 100% intuitive and right.  That's MY problem though.  I know it.  Oh well such is life.  Also somehow that took up an entire half a paragraph more or less.  So there's good news abound everywhere!  Hmm.  I could always have Sustainable Beer Schedule where it's 3 beers every night for 4 day weekend and 2 beers every night for 3 day... work week?  But NO.  I like the idea of every day is the same.  Because every day IS the same!  So let's LEAN INTO that sameness and celebrate it rather than work against it!
    Penultimate paragraph.  At some point I'd like to watch the Alien Franchise while paying attention to it.  I feel like those are probably good movies.  I have most of them recorded on DVR BUT Alien I: Alien Begins is only half recorded.  I can't watch this franchise with half the inaugural film missing.  Nope.  What else is up and crap.  Gotta take out the garbage tonight.  In about 10 minutes!  I won't be EntryDone by then but I should be pretty soon after that all things considered.  Even just several things considered.  Why bother considering all things when considering Several Things will get the job done just as well.  Hmm.  Gonna have to consider that one later on.  When I feel more strongly about Considering Things.  Right now my primary function is SAYING things.  I'll THINK things later on when I'M DONE SAYING things.  That's how that goes.  I don't think I even have a Debit Card anymore.  GOOD.  WHO NEEDS IT.  NOT ME.  APPARENTLY.
     Last paragraph of the day!  I don't believe it.  Just took out garbage.  Cool.  It's possible I can watch Entire Film after this paragraph.  I've watch Entire Film many-- dozens-- times in my life!  I dunno what I'm doing anymore.  Unlike before.  When I DID know what I was doing.  And the future.  When I WILL know what I'm doing.  Right now is unique in that regard.  Go figure!  Guess I'm getting mini Banana Chocolate Chip Pound Cake.  Probably a solid two or three slicesworthes for me out of that.  With one or two sliceworthes going to my Dad.  I feel like that should be okay.  Anyway the good news is a good sized piece of that is too indulgent for an after dinner dessert.  Better have it as a breakfast.  That's how I do things cause I'm an idiot.  HEY the entry is over.  I'll see ya tomorrow again!

-9:09 P.M.




Tuesday, May 17, 2022

No Guarantee This Will Be Good

    Hey!  Another day has begun!  A little bit behind schedule!  But if I'm takin' six walks instead of seven I got plenty of time to fit in everything!  AMAZING!  What's the update since last night.  HMM BREAKFAST.  Had 2 pop tarts even though I made egg whites yesterday.  Gotta go with your gut.  And my gut told me pop tart was the way to go!  Thinking about getting SUBWAY for lunch.  I still have ONE MEAL LEFT from Super Market but I can have that tomorrow.  Sure I risk getting Subway Covid which is either worse or better than regular covid but these are the risks we have to take to achieve greatness.  Hmm.  Chicken Sandwich.  You know.  The standard healthy Chicken Patty Sandwich Thing from subway.  UNLESS they have AMAZING PROMOTIONAL SANDWICH THESE DAYS.  Better LTURQ.  HMM.  When I click on MENU link on Subway Website they just direct me to FIND A SUBWAY.  I don't need to find a subway.  I've FOUND a subway already.  Oh well life is tough ain't it.  Had only one thing for dessert last night!  But then had a thing as MightNight Snack.  So overall it's a WASH.
    Double header Mets game today.  Amazing.  Instead of getting bored for the last 3 hours and 5 minutes of the Mets for the day, I get to be bored for the last 6 hours and 20 minutes of the Mets for today!  Anyway gotta get some laundry done.  Gotta clean up my room.  GUM WRAPPERS AND THE LIKE are POLLUTING my Nighttable Surface Desk Thing that's None Of The Above.  THIS COULD TAKE UPWARDS OF TWO MINUTES ALL IN ALL.  Anyway.  Elections today!  I'm rooting for the people who you'd guess I'm rooting for if I and/or You knew specifically the races more comprehensively than I and/or You actually do.  FETTERMAN in Pennsylvania.  That's one guy I know to root for.  He's a BIG GUY.  Not sure I'm a fan of that.  I like little people because they're RELATABLE.  But he's supposed to be progressive per my understandings.  YEAH.  Anyway.  NY Congressional Redistricting is out!  I hear differing views on how good or bad it is for Democrats.  One thing I know is that it PITS INCUMBENT AGAINST INCUMBENT.  So no matter how good it is in terms of securing seats generically, it's creating BAD BLOOD amongst The Democrats.  OH NO BAD BLOOD.  BETTER GET AN INFUSION OF ANTIBODIES.
What else.  Halfway through a fun SHUTTER film.  BRAIN DAMAGE.  Funny film!  Horror film I guess!  It's not scary-scary but it surely qualifies as a horror film SOMEHOW.  Oh right all the Killings and it's a monster.  Either way I got that going for me.  I think the 2 beers a day every day always at night MAY be sustainable.  Then again what do I know.  Not a lot!  Maybe get BUFFALO CHICKEN SANDWICH in support for the Victims and Survivors of Super Market Shooting.  Hmm.  Wonder if the ice cream sandwiches have solidified anymore after being in freezer for close to a day.  I would imagine they've solidified in a melted way.  It's still melted shapes and squeezed out of sandwich formation, but it's relatively solid beyond that.  Hmm.  Sounds like a good snack to have before lunch.  That's why I don't wanna do wife al fredo for lunch yet.  Too close to ice cream sandwich.  Vanilla Ice Cream Melted = Al Fredo Sauce.
     Then again who the Hell cares.  Successfully woke up today and got out of bed and started the day.  I got that going for me.  Anyway.  Weird Al movie starring Danial Radcliffe?  Better LTURQ.  Released in Fall on ROKU.  I'm not 100% sure this isn't a prank.  Could be an elaborate prank.  Not that elaborate.  Either way I don't know what Roku is and I better be able to watch it eventually OR ELSE.  Anyway.  Listened to some Weird Al just yesterday on Super Speakers.  I LIKE THE WAY HE MIXES/MASTERS SONGS.  It's QUITE GOOD for my set up!  WELL DONE.  The point is can Danial Radcliffe sing?  Or sound like Weird Al?  Or look like Weird Al?  Or ACT like Weird Al?  Let's give him credit for being able to act like Weird Al.  AT the very least he's an actor.  A pretty good one!  I've enjoyed him in roles ranging from... being a guest star playing himself on Extras to... eventually watching Harry Potter!  No complaints from me!  Feels like there's a third thing I've seen him in.  Better LTURQ.  GOOGLE WHERE HAVE I SEEN HARRY POTTER (DANIAL RADCLIFFE) ON TV OR MAJOR MOTION PICTURES.  HMM that might be it in terms of where I"VE seen him.  Live and learn!
     Whatever.  Is it TRUE WEIRD AL BIOGRAPHY or is it A LAUGH EM UP PARODY BIOGRAPHY.  I was assuming TRUE but now that I think about it I DON'T KNOW.  Might have to stop Act I a paragraph or two short.  Gotta fit in a walk in 35 minutes so I can be home on time for when my Dad wants to take his walk.  We'll see how it goes!  Either way I ran it by my Dad and he's on board with me getting Subway.  Sure I risk getting covid and then transposing it to my Dad and he's got Bad Blood so it could hurt him more than the normal person.  OH well.  That's life.  Risking life.  Every moment of life you're risking your life.  NEVER SAFE.  Yeah that's all been pointed out before.  What else is up.  Got coffee going on right now.  Delicious!  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Cheese Soufflé Day.  I don't like the sound of that.  Better LTURQ.  A white sauce filled with egg yolk.  Look I got vanilla ice cream, al fredo sauce, and now you're saying tomorrow I also need a SOUFLEE?  THIS IS ALL TOO MUCH FOR ME.  What else.  Thinking about getting cheese on subway sandwich!  Let's REALLY GO FOR IT.
     Hmm.  I dunno.  Weird Al hasn't released a new album in eight years, has he.  Better LTURQ.  NOPE.  Nothin' since 2014.  What the Hell is he waiting for.  Music to become more distinctive?  IT ALREADY IS.  Lots of songs out there to be parodied.  What's WRONG with you DO YOUR JOB.  How hard is that.  Gotta imagine he's practicing parody songs privately.  That's what he does.  Just SHARE THEM with us you idiot.  Idiot Al Yankovic, that's your new name.  UNTIL WE GET SOME SONGS.  Then you're HERO Al Yankovic.  Also Yankovic ALMOST sounds dirty but when you really think about it, it's not.  So there's that, too!  Hmm.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  I COULD HAVE HOT N SOUR SOUP WITH SUBWAY SANDWICH.  Oh okay.  Not sure why I had to yell that.  Just so I make sure I really get my point across!  What else.  I dunno.  Sixth paragraph.  Four paragraphs to go ideally in 25 minutes.  Probably end up around 9 paragraphs.  Or I get to 8 with some time left over and am like ya know what can stop at 8 now.  Do 7 for act II.
    I GOT LOTS OF OPTIONS IS THE POINT.  Who am I yelling at.  MYSELF YOU IDIOT.  I figured out a way to get to Subway Menu is he point.  Took a lot of HACKING and whatknot but I got there.  Save Hot n Sour Soup for Deli Sandwich which is possible just Hugh Puppy.  Maybe try some TOASTED CHEEZ ITS with Subway Sandwich.  I had a dream I tried them and was like well these just taste like regular cheez its.  So let's see if that dream turns into an accurate prophesy or an erroneous mind miscalculation.  COOL.  Maybe have A SWEET SIDE.  I know JUST the Fiber Bar for the role.  The point is a paragraph and a half to go before Walk!  AMAZING.  Maybe have that fiber bar as SNACK before lunch instead.  Maybe lots of things.  The point is I saw a commercial for New Jurassic Park/World and it was a successful commercial for them!  Briefly thought HEY I might wanna make a case to my parents to let me go see this movie IN THEATER.  Then that enthusiasm dipped considerably over the next 15 seconds but for a while it was there!
     Last paragraph of the act!  Wow!  Got fun Nighttime in store.  It seems very far a way because IT IS very far away but it's gonna be a good CODA of the day.  In the meantime how can I make afternoon good.  Off the top of my head I CAN'T.  Afternoon will either be good or bad.  I HAVE NO INPUT OR EFFECT ON IT.  Just gotta take it as it comes!  I think it's pretty interesting that I've successfully heard almost NOTHING about Jonathon Depp/Ambergris Heard trial.  I saw the parody-em-up on SNL and that's pretty much it!  GOOD.  None of my business.  Unless it is my business and I'm missing out on that by not looking into it.  Nah that can't be right.  If it was my business someone would have alerted me by now!  Either way Johnny Depp is kind of a weirdo in his roles so one can only imagine he's kind of a weirdo in real life.  Also his wife I Don't Really Know Who She Is.  Heard the name before!  THAT'S MY HOT TAKE ON THIS TRIAL OF THE CENTURY.  It's a trial, right?  And it is taking place In A Century?  Either way I'll be back soon.




I'm Telling It Like It Is!

    HEY!  Tried three Especially Toasted Cheez Its.  KIDNA tasted different I guess!  And if it did taste different, it was in a POSITIVE direction.  Slightly more calories but I think it tastes slightly differently better enough to go with this next time, too!  ANYWAY.  Subway + Hot N Sour Soup for lunch.  Get me some Steak * Stuffed Mushroom dinner to cover me for the next three days.  Got the Al Fredo lunch one next day and get me some BELGIAN WAFFLE for the other lunch next next day or next day and al fredo is next next day.  The point is I'M GONNA BE COVERED FOR ALL WEEK.  Up through Thursday.  Friday is part of the week.  THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE WRONG.  Anyway what else is going on.  Took a shower.  Wonderful!  Been really quick with showers lately.  Possibly because I've been gaining weight the last 3 weeks and I don't wanna risk looking down at my belly and being like WAIT A SECOND I'M NOT HAPPY WITH THIS.  So there's that.  Probably not gonna have a snack before lunch.  DON'T NEED IT as of now.
Delicious.  Seven paragraph'r here right now presumably!  Either get Special CHEESE on chicken sandwich or Special SAUCE.  Something special to make it special.  Not sure which one to go with yet.  THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  I had cheese last night in Pizza Topping Form.  It was good but I don't need it AGAIN do I.   Maybe some TERIYAKI sauce is in the cards for this sandwich.  MAYBE MAYBE NOT.  SUBWAY SELL CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE.  Maybe I wanna try Subway Chocolate Chip Cookie.  Not sure on how big they are!  Kinda remember seeing them Behind Subway Glass when I go there and it says like 200 calories.  ONLINE it says the cookies are 45 calories each.  I DUNNO I like to try new things.  That's the main thing about me.  Trying new things!  Gonna have to really put some thought into this one.  Not really.  Can' think about it comprehensively until I SEE WHAT I'M DEALING WITH EXACTLY.  Oh No I'd be going into Subway right in the window of time that nearby high school is letting out.  And if I know Gen Alpha as well as I think I do the Subway is gonna be PACKED.  Subway is the favorite restaurant of Gen Alpha.  Are teenagers these days Gen Alpha?  I feel like at this point Gen Z is already 20 or something.  BETTER LTURQ.  NOPE WE'RE STILL TALKIN' GEN Z.  Oh.  THEN SCRATCH ALL THAT.  Gen Z could give Two Fucks about Subway.  YOU KIDS ARE GONNA LOVE IT THOUGH.  By which I mean Gen Alpha.  YOUR KIDS.  Not Gen Z kids. Their kids will presumably be Gen Beta or Gen... Ceta?
     Wonderful.  Get second cup of coffee.
  The point is most of us generations have relatively neutral names, if not connotations.  But I gotta wonder if the future will be like THE GREATEST GENERATION?!?!?  WHAT THE HELL WAS SO GREAT ABOUT THEM?!?!  I know it's because They Fought In War.  MOST GENERATIONS ARE FIGHTING IN WARS.  Yeah but this generation was THE GREATEST at it.  Doesn't seem right.  Also I don't like how Millenials is the #1 way to describe my generation and not Generation Y.  I WANT TO BE GENERATION Y.  HOW DARE YOU TAKE THIS IDENTITY AWAY FROM ME.  Also I have absolutely NO allegiance or interest or strong feelings about The Changing Millennium.  SHURE I was alive then.  But I DON't GIVE A SHIT.  Why you saddling me with a name about something I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT.  NO WONDER OUR GENERATION IS UNHAPPY.  You're making us identify with something WE DON'T FUCKIN CARE ABOUT.  Is our generation particularly unhappy.  Sure we are.  Who wouldn't be.  I POSIT THAT TO YOU!  Hey time to get that coffee. 
     The point is I think all Subway locations should have to be one story underground.  Lean into the double meaning with the Subway Train Traveling Enterprise.  Gotta walk down a flight of stairs for each subway.  Also that's FUN.  People will  GET A KICK OUT OF being underground.  What's going on on street level though.  NOTHING.  It's an empty field.  THAT'S PART OF THE FUN.  Wait no it isn't.  I think we can think of something more fun to be on street level above Subway Restaurants.  Maybe TABLES.  You get food underground then you take it up to eat.  But it's OUTSIDE tables.  Not within an enclosed building.  So we're keeping the empty field aspect halfway, but we're adding several cafeteria style tables.  PERFECT for a Pandemic world where we wanna be outside.  Hmm.  I'm gonna have to write a letter to Subway suggesting this but making it clear in the letter if they follow through I get ALL the royalties from if it happens.
     Amazing.  Is Jared from Subway in prison right now.  Gotta imagine we hope he is.  Lemme LTURQ.  He's in prison for 15 years.  And is right now.  Don't know when it started.  But the good news is I read an article in the NY POST which talks about what his diet is like in prison and how he's keeping thin.  Amazing.  Do Qanon People have strong feelings about Jared From Subway.  Or do they not really think too much about him.  Gotta imagine there's fan fiction where he's a Democrat or something and is part of a greater conspiracy.  BAD conspiracy.  Or maybe GOOD.  Maybe for some reason they're on Jared's side and think this is all a false flag smear campaign.  I DON'T KNOW where they come down on Jared.  Did he make his politics known before Child Sex Ring Or Whatever Came To Light?  Better LTURQ.  Not seeing much info on his politics.  So we don't know for sure whether he's guilty democrat or if it's a false flag smear campaign.
     Hey sixth paragraph.  Penultimate paragraph of the act!  I can get Pepperjack Cheese AND Buffalo Sauce.  Buffalo sauce very low in calories!  Also it shows my support to Buffalo NY in this terrible chapter of their town history.  Aren't Buffalo from West.  How did New York Town get name Buffalo.  Probably talked about that before an LTURQ before but now I forget but I remember it being a pretty reasonable obvious conclusion.  Hey that's life I guess.  Mets Game gonna be starting right around the time I'm having lunch.  That's good I can combine enjoying lunch with enjoying Mets game for roughly as long as it takes for me to finish the lunch which equates to roughly as long as it takes for me to finish being entertained by the Mets game.  Then time to MOVE ON with my life to something else that's relatively entertaining to a similar degree but SLIGHTLY more one would imagine.  SO there's that.  Gonna take a half hour break after this act before going on next walk.  Wanna eat lunch when I get back from walk!  GOTTA TIME THAT WALK PERFECTLY.
     What a wonderful day.  The chore-iest part of the day is just about over.  Then the middle of the day which is ACTUALLY the most unpleasant somehow BEGINS.  Not sure why middle of day turns out to be unpleasant.  But it DOES pretty often.  Oh well that's life.  Clean up room for 5 minutes in the meantime.  Garbage on Surfaces.  Garbage in garbage can (BUT NOT INSIDE ANY BAG!!!).  Garbage AROUND garbage can.  Sometimes ya try to throw something out in the garbage LITERALLY.  Throw it from across the room!  Doesn't get in!  Don't bother to get up and put it in!  Either way I'll address all this when this paragraph is done, sure thing.  So there's that.  Think I'll probably have a Quest Bar today and it'll probably be BIRTHDAY CAKE bar.  Either between lunch and dinner or between Dinner and NightNight Time.  THANK GOD I'VE KEPT YOU UPDATED ON THIS.  Look get off my back about it I'm writing lots of paragraphs every day okay.  I don't care if the website is 90% nonsense dumb filler.  That's still A LOT of Worthwhiles you're getting!  I'll be back later. 




let's do this SOME MORE

    What's going on in the wide world of meals.  Got Subway for lunch.  Was a great meal-- no doubt about that-- but I shouldn't have stood there in line for 10 minutes behind 8 people with several people accumulating behind me over time, too.  Lots of the mweren't wearing masks!  This is the biggest chance I get COVID since I DON' KNOW WHEN.  And I went over with my Dad beforehand that if it's crowded I wouldn't go in.  I JUST COULDN'T PICTURE WHAT ELSE TO ENJOY HAVING FOR LUNCH THOUGH.  I WANTED THAT SANDWICH BAD.  And knowing what I know now with how it turned out, VAGUELY WORTH IT.  Unless I end up with Covid.  Then DEFINITELY NOT worth it.  But-- not knowing whether I get covid or not-- but knowing how delicious a lunch it was-- VAGUELY WORTH IT with the knowledge at hand.  What side did I have.  Hmm.  Hmm.  That's a tough one.  Who can remember five hours ago.  Toasty Cheez ITs is the most likely answer but it just FEELS wrong.
    Oh well I guess we'll never know for sure.  Unless Laura Dern examines my feces later on.  She'd be able to crack that code presumably.  SHE'S JUST AN ACTRESS THAT WAS JUST A CHARACTER SHE WAS PLAYING.  Yeah I know that I'm not an IDIOT.  BUT in preparing for the role it's reasonable to assume that she learnt how to learn things from feces FOR REAL.  SHE'S A GOOD ACTOR THAT'S WHAT ACTORS DO.  What else is up.  Anyway Part I of Steak * Stuffed Mushrooms was delicious but smaller portions than usual!  That's okay!  Each component is relatively small but there's LOTS of components so it FEELS like I can TRICK myself into be SATIATED.  Broccoli Component.  Sweet Potato Component.  Stuffed Mushroom Component.  Steak Component.  WOW I JUST WENT THROUGH ALL THE COMPONENTS.  Hmm.  Probably should start DRINKING NOW.  Not so much for the entry but for my own bemusement.  What do I got in store for tonight.  More Mets Game but that's not a permanent solution.  I can get back into some Tales Crypt.  Also from now on I SHALL REFER TO IT AS, "TALES CRYPT."  When cycling through episodes on Youtube on my TV I always typed in tales from the crypt... and then would type in the first word of the title of the episode I was looking for.  THEN A FEW WEEKS AGO I HAD A STROKE.  OF GENIUS.  Left out the Filler Words and just typed in Tales Crypt... and then the first word of the title.  WORKS JUST AS FINE.  So yeah in the future you might see some sentences along the lines of HEY IT'S FUTURE MICHAEL AND I LIKE TALES CRYPT.
  What else is going on.  Finished watching Shutter Film from last night.  Oh hey I got most of latest episode of WE RUN THIS TOWN left.  Not really good Nighttime Beer Viewing Fodder though.  I gotta be SOBER for this.  IMPORTANT ISSUES.  Gotta TAKE SOME NOTES so I'm on the up and up with what's REALLY going down.  I don't wanna look like AN IDIOT.  When.  Where.  How.  The better questions are When where and how would I ever NOT look like an idiot.  I dunno.  All questions are good.  No such thing as a stupid question.  Only a stupid answer.  Also some questions are stupid.  Well that's great just great.  A Met just hit a homerun but I'm not sure who it was so I have to REWIND IT and watch it.  Also UNMUTE for this I wanna hear FAN REACTION.  IT WAS ESCOBAR BUT I'M NOT HAPPY WITH HOW THIS PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN GOING SO Far.  Got birthday cake bar going.  Why wait when I can eat it now.  It will fill me up nice and strong because of fiber and protein.
     HEY GREAT NEWS the ice cream sandwiches that were melted HAVE SOLIDIFIED since last afternoon.  Solidified in a SOMEWHAT MELTED WAY sure.  The shape isn't 100% accurate with how it should be.  Ice cream falling out all out of the sandwich.  But you take wins where you can get them!  In the win/loss column!  That's where they end up, at least!  Hmm.  I think I'm pretty passionate about having a Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.  I can eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch RESPONSIBLY.  Also get health Egg White and get DELICIOUS EGGO.  I think I'm down to Back To Blueberry Eggo.  GOOD.  Ya don't mess with a classic.  Is Blueberry Eggo recognized amongst Gen Pop as A Classic Eggo?  I know for me, going back at least a decade, I kinda felt it was the Gold Standard Basic Classic Eggo.  MAYBE IT'S JUST ME.  Maybe it's me and THREE other people.  Maybe it's me and THIRTY other people, I dunno!  I guess I'll never know!  UNLESS I GOOGLE IT RIGHT NOW.  Google IS BLUEBERRY EGGO POPULAR.  Wait no lemme amend that.  Google HOW POPULAR IS BLUEBERRY EGGO.  Well first page that was relevant was them ranking top 10 Eggos.  Blueberry Eggo was #5.  NOT A GREAT SHOWING from Blueberry Eggo.
Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Let's see what this idiot thinks the best eggo is.  It BETTER BE, "PLAIN."  That's what I would go with.  CINNAMON TOAST EGGOS?  WHERE IT'S LIKE EACH EGGO IS FOUR LITTLE THINGS COMBINED?!?!  I've gotten that before.  As a CHILD.  This, "EGGO," if you can even call it that is for THE KIDS.  I'm an ADULT now and I want a #1 ADULT Eggo.  Also their #2 was Chocolately Chip so you know we can't take this person(s) seriously.  GOOGLE WHAT IS THE MOST ADULT EGGO.  Meh.  What else is going on and crap.  DAMNIT now I kind of want an Eggo.  I have ROOM today to have an eggo tonight.  I hardly ate any snacks Over Day.  But then that'll ruin my appetite for Balanced Breakfast.  I wouldn't be looking forward to Eggo Part as much.  DAMNIT LIFE HAS A CRUEL WAY OF BEING A JERK AGAINST YOU OR SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES.  Have delicious Caramel Pretzel Caramel... Pretzel... what's the third part of that.  CHOCOLATE?  THAT DOESN'T SOUND RIGHT.  Better LTURQ.  YEP IT'S CHOCOLATE.  Well we finally got to the bottom of THAT mystery.
Yeah!  Sixth paragraph of the act.  Maybe go over 10.  I dunno.  I dunno anything these days.  Similar to other days where I know Very Few Things.  But somehow even less Things Known By The Guy Whose Me.  Maybe I can enjoy some Get A Load Of Whose On Top Anyway Of The Metropolis after this entry.  Maybe I will sympathize with characters more because of inebriation.  Hey YOU'RE ALRIGHT I don't care how many people you treat like dirt.  That sort of thing.  How was Today overall.  Not so bad!  Tonight ain't shaping up to be anything special though.  Maybe listen to some Rock 'N Roll music tonight.  I was just gonna say Music but then I was like ya know what let's narrow it down a bit.  SORRY BAROQUE MUSIC you're not in the cards for tonight.  Then again when was the last time I had a good jam session playing my favorite baroque songs.  Possibly Never?  IT'S BEEN TOO LONG.  Or not long enough.  Having Never done it, I can't decide whether that means it's been too long or it's not been long enough.  Because words and concepts mean nothing to me anymore!
      Sure.  Starting 2nd beer.  Amazing.  Gonna be taking out garbage in about 25 minutes.  Will I be done with this entry by then?  Only can guess at this point.  I choose not to.  Why speculate when we can WAIT AND SEE what happens.  No reason to bother ourselves.  Hmm.  I bother myself a lot.  One of the main things I do accompanied by 20 other Main Things I Do.  It's in the top 21 things I do though is the point.  Bother Myself.  IN FACT Now that I think about it we can narrow it down to the top 14 Things I Do.  Wow!  What's going on and crap.  May 17th.  No foolin'.  That's what today is!  Well I'm glad we got that out of the way once and for all.  What am I supposed to be listening music TO.  I gotta be in some sort of mindset.  I gotta have something on my mind.  I gotta have some idea of the STORY I'm telling myself from song to song.  I dunno that sounds like a lot of trouble that I'm not comfortable putting in the work for as of this moment.  Maybe that'll change in 20 minutes.  WE DON'T KNOW.  We can NEVER Know.
     Eighth paragraph of the act.  Sweet.  I know there's PRIMARIES going on right now but I dunno the story behind most of them.  Fetterman is a Good Guy.  That's all I know of All Primaries.  So basically I don't care right now about who wins.  Sure there are results that would make me happy or sad IF I KNEW what to root for.  But I don't!  So it can't effect me until AFTER THE FACT when I read TWITTER PERSONALITIES react to the results in a way that I CAN UNDERSTAND.  Such that I understand oh this was bad.  I imagine a lot of that.  Lots of oh this was bad.  More like oh this was not a good sign.  There's Things Being Bad CONCRETELY and Things Being Bad as BAD SIGNS FOR FUTURE ELECTIONS.  So we got that going for us is the point.  Maybe watch DAWN OF THE DEAD.  Not 100% sure why that occurred to me but now that it has I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD.  Then again too long a movie.  Especially if I watch Director's Cut.  Also I'm talkin 1970's One.  Either way it's not too long a movie just watch the first 40 minutes that's all ya need.  I dunno I feel like I might as well NOT Do That.
     Penultimate paragraph.  I thought I was gonna have fun writing Act III during the day but now I realize I'm gonna have fun FINISHING Act III!  And then the rest of my night is FREE to enjoy ON MY TERMS.  Which means watching TV for about an hour and 15 minutes and then going to sleep.  YEAH.  SLEEP HARDCORE.  Anyway what else is crap.  At this point I think I'm leaning towards watching the We Run The City-State when this is over.  Because IN GENERAL I wanna watch it and there's no time like the present.  TRUE STORY.  Past is important.  Future is VERY important.  But the present is possibly the most consequential time I can think of!  Not THAT present.  The one that just happened.  OR THE ONE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.  I mean The Present IN GENERAL.  You get the point.  Anyway looks like I'm gonna be one paragraph short before taking out garbage.  That's okay.  I take out garbage, write a paragraph, eat a Pretzel Caramel Chocolate Bar, watch some We Run Around The City. 
     Hmm.  What's going on and crap.  I get to eat shit and watch shit.  That's the life!  Also get to Shit Shit.  That covers pretty much everything.  Also I know I used the word shit but the things I eat and watch and shit ARE SOMETIMES MIDDLING TO HIGH QUALITY.  We sure use the word shit colloquially just to mean STUFF.  STUFF isn't necessarily BAD.  So get off my back about it is the point.  Hey Bedtime is creeping up.  Theoretically I can be going to bed in an hour.  AMAZING.  It sounds fun to stay up for a long time and have a Party Blast Night To Remember.  But it arguably sounds even more fun To Go To Sleep.  The point is I forget.  I sure hope I have a balanced breakfast tomorrow.  Not only is it the HEALTH thing to do.  Not only is it the RESPONSIBLE thing to do.  Not only is it The Thing To Do Cause I MADE The Egg Whites BETTER Eat Em.  But it's the DELICIOUS Thing To Do and I feel I can't overstate that enough.  Because I don't know what Overstating means.  Saying it over and over again?  That sounds like what Overstating Means!  Cracked that code.  Hmm.  The entry is over now.  I have no regrets.  Except for all the crappiness.  Kinda regret that!  See ya later!

-9:11 P.M.




Monday, May 16, 2022

Good A Title Wonderful

    Hello friends.  On schedule today!  Late schedule!  But schedule nonetheless.  UPDATE for Schedule Sustainable Summer-- CURRENT THOUGTHS AT LEAST.  Two beers a day-- both at night!  Six OR Seven walks a day!  Depending on how I feel and how much time I got going on.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Maybe sometimes NightTime Circlewalking while listening to music.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Well that's good I finally settled once and for all the perfect schedule.  Hmm.  Either Wide Al Fredo or Veggie Burger + Hot N Sour Soup for lunch today.  NOT 100% happy with either one.  I'd be happy to have a veggie burger with another side.  And I'd be happy to have a soup with another sandwich.  BUT BURGER AND SOUP AREN'T ENTHUSIASM-DRIVING.  Also Al Fredo is a HEARTIER dish.  Maybe I'm in mood for HEARTIER dish by the time lunch rolls around, maybe not!  I CAN'T PREDICT THE FUTURE.  Sure I can.  Anyone can predict the future extremely easily.  Predicting it CORRECTLY might be a challenge but Go Ahead And Predict Your Little Hearts Out!
     Hmm.  Probably gonna write an Act II in morning as well even without beer.  At least today.  See how that goes!  What else is up.  Getting delivery of, "EXTRA TOASTY," Cheez Its today.  INTERESTING VERY INTERESTING.  More calories but I dunno it sounds like it might be worth it.  Also I dunno about EXTRA toasty.  I wouldn't use the word toasty to describe regular Cheez Its in the first place.  Also Who Cares.  THEY HAD NO SMORE POP TART.  GOT COOKIE N CREAM INSTEAD.  I like my women like I like my pop tarts.  NOT IN THE TOASTER.  The point is Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow Is... National Cherry Cobbler Day.  Sounds like some sort of PIE or something.  Better LTURQ to make certain.  YEP CLOSE TO PIE.  You know what else is close to pie?  22/7.  LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  Also IN EUROPE 22/7 is July 22nd.  LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  Right?  In Europe they mix day and month.  Just to be difficult!  Oh well that's their prerogative. 
     Okay.  Left over last 10 minutes of INSIDIOUS THREE to go to bed.  I THINK I also can be watching INSIDIOUS FOUR today.  WOW what a great life.  What else do I got in store for this afternoon.  Probably nothing!  Well SOMETHING(s) will happen.  I just don't know what yet.  I always get pumped up thinking I'm gonna take a 1-1.5 hour rest in middle of the day.  Most of the time it's not as much fun as I anticipated it would be though.  SOMETIMES it is.  The point is I'm tired IN THE MORNING.  Why wouldn't I LOVE taking a rest later on in the day.  Doesn't make sense!  VEGGIE BURGER IS MORE OF A DINNER FOR SOME REASON.  I dunno why.  Now that I think about it that's not an accurate statement to make.  Veggie Burger can EASILY be lunch.  Hmm.  Running out of clean shirts.  Gonna need to peer pressure my Mom to do laundry.  Me and my Mom are peers.  Both adults.  Both adults within the range of 30-80 year olds.  Both adults within the range of 33-74 year olds!  WOW THAT'S PEERS ALRIGHT.  My Mom probably wouldn't want me to imply her age here.  Then again she also probably wouldn't care at all.
     Hmm.  2 beers and 6-7 walks a day (PLUS SOMETIME CIRCLEWALK?  MAKING IT ROUGHLY SEVEN WALKS A DAY ON AVG?)?  That's sustainable I think.  In terms of diet as well.  Enough room leftover for Sustainable Snacks.  Got some good room for Sustainable Meals.  I Dunno!  What else is up!  SNL Season FINALE is this week.  SNL is the main show I keep up with!  It's good because it makes ya laugh and it makes ya think.  I'm thinking all the time already sure.  Not Too Hard!  But it's fair to say that my mind is going on pretty much every time I'm conscious.  Not LAUGHING all the time.  Hardly ever!  AMUSED pretty often.  That much I can say.  We've covered this before.  We've covered everything before seven times.  Except for how I have 10 minutes of Insidious Three and All Of Insidious Four for today.  That hasn't come up in the past.  Maybe it has what do I know.  Also every time it comes up I WANT to say BEMUSED.  But I look it up to see if it's even close enough to being an accurate word and IT NEVER IS.  GODDAMNIT BEMUSEMENT.
Okay.  Maybe I write a DayTime Act II, maybe not!  The point is either way my life will probably continue for the short-to-mid-term-future.  Also EVEYRONE AGREES we should have abortions for the short-to-mid-terms.  Terms are a Pregnancy Thing right?  I might be thinking of School.  School is a pregnancy thing right?  Anyway kinda feels like if we appropriately got roughly 2/3rds enough Upset And Angry about Abortion Rights being overturned, maybe let's keep that going and get 2/3rds enough Upset and Angry about Latest Shootings.  It's got EVERYTHING.  Gun Rights.  White Supremacy.  TRAVVELING TO OTHER PLACES.  Let's talk about it this feels like a good one to talk about.  Sure we get these shootings 3 dozen times a year but THIS TIME I dunno kinda feels right to talk about it!  Hmm.  What else is up.  Gonna have coffee in just a sentence or two.  What else.  I like how Fox's go to was IT's VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES FAULT.  HOWEVER they never devote segments ACTUALLY CONDEMNING Violent Video Games.  I wanna see ENTIRE PRIME TIME SHOWS devoted to BLASTING Play Stations.
     Coffee time.  The point is we need more video games where the goal is to Hug as many people as possible.  Then society would be AMAZING.  What else.  They are kind of halfway accurate in a way they don't intend though!  Online Video Game Chatting can be pretty Hateful Stuff.  I SAW SOMEONE MAKE THE POINT ON TWITTER.  But it's true!  When I was a kid I played online video games and that rings some sort of bell!  Not all out Everyones A Racist.  But I can definitely picture some IRONIC RACISM on VIDEO GAME MESSAGE BOARDS and the like.  So there's that.  Also the point is Ironic Racism is just Racism I FEEL.  I dunno.  Maybe there's 10% of Irony that really ISN'T racism.  But MOST Ironic Racism is Racism inherently.  GO FIGURE.  Also is most racism IRONIC?  Gonna have to think about that one.  My guess is not LITERALLY but maybe philosophically?  Metaphorically?  INHERENTLY?  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Today'll probably be a six walk day because I need to be Home Extra Time to accept DELIVERY between 5 and 3 PM.  I GO BACKWARDS WHEN MAKING TIME PERIODS DEAL WITH IT.
Okay!  I think it's weird to Play Guitar On The TV.  That's why I keep putting off Learning Guitar Video Game.  Just feels WEIRD.  And that carries over to just playing guitar in general.  THE SENSE I GET OF PLAYING GUITAR IN GENERAL HAS BEEN CORRUPTED BY WEIRD PLAYING IT ON TV.  Hmm.  Maybe if I just did it for a few hours I'd get used to it.  Who knows.  Looks like NHL HOCKEY the New York Team is going good in playoffs.  Interesting.  I like hockey!  Not REALLY.  Hardly ever even give any thought to hockey.  But now that I'm picturing Hockey seems kind of cool!  Maybe cause its warm outside and inside.  And I'm imagining Nice Cool Ice.  Sounds about right.  Wonder how they make sure the ice doesn't melt halfway through the game.  Maybe they don't.  Maybe the ice does melt halfway through the game and the coaches need to take that into account and prepare strategically for it.  I don't know how hockey works!  Except that people are always going into Penalty Box.  Because they're FIGHTING.  ACT LIKE ADULTS HOCKEY PLAYERS.  DON'T GO OFF FIGHTING ALL THE TIME.  YOU'VE BROUGHT THIS UPON YOURSELVES.
Hmm.  Maybe that's where shooters are radicalized.  Watching Hockey!  HEY THEY ARE FIGHTING ALL THE TIME.  I JUST GOTTA TAKE FIGHTING TO THE NEXT LEVEL.  SHOOTING.  WHAT'S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN, I GO IN THE PENALTY BOX FOR THE REST OF THE GAME. God Damn Hockey radicalizing our 18 year olds!  I was gonna say YOUTH but I dunno he's AN ADULT in HALF THE MOST IMPORTANT WAYS.  Then again WE'RE ALL YOUTH.  Everyone up until 73 year olds are youth.  DANGIT MY MOM HAS JUST GOT NO LUCK DOES SHE.  Sure she does.  She's ABOVE Youth.  BETTER THAN.  She's got AGED WISDOM that us kids can't even imagine!  Probably.  Mom doesn't spit out that much wisdom to be honest.  She's probably got some, though!  Just keeps it to herself.  That's her prerogative.  Just like Europe with doing things backwards or something to confuse us.  Hmm.  If a hockey player swung his stick really hard could he knock off an opponents head.  Just clean off.  My guess is No.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Sweet!  How much do Hockey Players make.  Lemme LTURQ.  Highest paid NHL player makes 15 mil a year.  Not even close to other sports!  Oh well that's what ya get for choosing Hockey.  What else is up.  How do you get into hockey.  Most high schools don't have hockey teams!  MAYBE THERE ARE TEEN LEAGUES OUTSIDE OF HIGH SCHOOL.  Maybe there are, maybe there aren't!  We have no way of knowing!  The point is let's move on with our lives.  How many pucks do you need comfortably for a hockey game.  It's not like baseball where you're losing baseballs all the time.  But you gotta imagine there's SOME scenarios where you lose a hockey puck.  Maybe some guy just picks it up and throws it out of the stadium in Anger.  Good that's a step forward.  Take out anger On Puck not on opposing player.  Or teammate.  Gotta imagine 25% of fights in hockey games are team mate on team mate.  EVERYONE MAKES YOU ANGRY IN HOCKEY.
Hmm.  Anyway.  Hmm.  Not a lot of enthusiasm for snacks I got.  Been gettin' tired of Fiber one and Protein One snacks.  Still GOOD but I just don't have ENTHUSIASM for them.  Oh well that's life.  Lose enthusiasm for things.  Gain enthusiasm for other things!  That's a fair trade.  The point is this is the last paragraph of the act.  Maybe write another Act after this one but shorter!  Sounds reasonable.  VERY reasonable.  I put REASON into it.  I was ABLE to do it.  Google Hockey player fighting referee.  There's an article from February this year about some hockey player in a junior league hitting a ref.  So we know it CAN happen but EXTREMELY RARELY.  Which is odd because I'd think it's just as common to be Angry at ref as it is to be Angry at opposing team players.  You gotta RELEASE your anger by assaulting the referee you're no good to anyone keeping your anger inside!  Anyway.  I'll be back in a bit!




Hey I'll Write More Sure

    Hey!  Realized I'll probably be getting Deli Delivery some time this week.  Can save Soup to pair with REAL SANDWICH from THEM.  Have frozen fries or tots or whatever I gots with veggie burger for lunch today.  AMAZING.  THE SOUP AND SANDWICH MIGHT EVEN BE TONIGHT.  For some reason that doesn't bother me.  Vegetable Burger and Sandwich on same day. I'm fine with it!  ALSO thinking about getting a HUSHED PUPPY.  The hot dog inside of a knish.  One of those with a small hot n sour soup?  GREAT DINNER.  SOMETIME THIS WEEK. I'M EXCITED ABOUT IT.  Anyway what else is up.  Gotta write for about 45 minutes or so!  That's the plan!  Got coffee #2 going on right now.  That's the plan IN ACTION.  I planned it, I took necessary steps to set it up, and now it's going on AS I SPEAK.  LA LALA LA LA I'm speaking aloud just now.  You'll have to take my word for it! ...Also I WAS LYING.  Didn't make a sound!
     Hmm.  I'd be CRAZY TO make a sound and I'd be CRAZY NOT To make a sound.  NOW I KNOW what Shakespeare was talking about.  Hmm.  Shakespeare talked about History a lot.  C'mon think of a new story yourself you idiot.  Don't be lazy.  How come you never came up with NINJAS or ROBOTS.  No robots in Shakespeare AT ALL.  Ok what else is up.  Also how come Shakespeare never EXPLICITLY wrote himself into his own play.  Seems like a pretty big oversight from Shakespeare!  Anyway gonna see how Sustainable Snacking goes today.  Gotta reach a point where I hit Sustainable Amount And Quality And Times Of Snackings.  That's one of the hardest things to do Sustainably!  Hey today is only Monday.  First day of the working week!  Amazing!  I like LIN SHAYE.  She's in my favorite movie The Kingpin.  She's an old lady now but she played old ladies in the 25 years ago in Faralley Bros Productions.  Go figure!  Kinda feels like now she should be playing middle aged ladies?  Mix things up appropriately, that's what I say!  How come Shakespeare never wrote The Kingpin.  Bowling didn't exist yet.  Well then how come Shakespeare didn't invent Bowling.  Touche!
     Hmm.  Wonder if Shakespeare ever tried his hand at something else besides writing.  I WAS thinking like Scientific Stuff but even just Drawing or something.  Better LTURQ.  He was also an actor!!! WOW THE ORIGINAL M NIGHT SHYMALAN.  Lots of directors act in their movies these days.  Good for them.  We make fun of them for it but hey if Shakespeare did it that's pretty good company!  Also Shakespeare invented his own theater company in addition to writing and acting.  Probably pretty good company!  Anyway.  Only 2 beers a day but that's still a good night to look forward to.  Good night HARDCORE.  Just eating a chocolate coated granola bar.  EATING IT HARD CORE.  I like fake candy bars that taste like candy bars but not quite as good but are THIRTY CALORIES LESS.  Look at that point just eat the real candy bar.  NEVER!!!  THIS FILLS ME UP MORE.  FIBER.  Snacks never fill me up.  BUT IN THEORY THEY SHOULD.  Fair enough.
Anyway THOSE 30 CALORIES MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  About a 30 calorie difference on a one-time-by-one-time basis per my understanding.  Jeez.  Just write 5 paragraphs here whatever that equates to TimeWise.  Gotta give credit where credit is due-- opening and closing credits at that!-- Insidious TITLE CARD MUSIC is SCARY.  Before and/or after the movie where they show the title, as films sometimes do, it's accompanied by SCARY SOUND.  Scary MUSIC.  Not 3 minute music but I think it lasts longer than Just A Sound.  Can't really picture it in my head.  Because it's sound not image.  Can't really hear it in my head either.  But it's the same thing each installment and IT SCARES ME GOOD.  So there's that.  WANTED TO ADD ASSORTED CHOCOLATE COOKIES TO Amazon FRESH ORDER FOR TODAY.  It was TOO LATE to add things to the order.  MAYBE IT'S FOR THE BEST.  Maybe it's for the second best.  Probably For The Relatively Good on a Best-Unbest Spectrum.
     Yeah!  Hey we're almost into Middle Of Day territory.  Sometimes I enjoy middle of day territory!  More or less entertained enough by things.  That's the main avenue for enjoyment!  Being entertained by things!  Same things!  Over and over again!  Still entertaining, though.  What's Fox News' plan to combat Violent Video games.  Are they gonna encourage people to boycott them?  Are they gonna try to make violent video games illegal?  If violent video games are so bad let's see some solutions!  That's MY hot take.  Gotta imagine Fox News younger viewer demographic probably LOVES them violent video games.  But at the same time they love video games but are like YEAH THESE GAMES ARE TOO VIOLENT not everyone can handle them LIKE I CAN.  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta imagine Fox is tied up with companies that make violent video games.  Lots of things are tied up with other things!  That's my impression!  Anyway I'll be back later tonight with better things to say possibly.  Oh Hush Puppy I get it.  You're wrapping up the Hot DOG in a blanket of Knish.  And you're like Hush Little Puppy Don't Say A Word.  And then You Eat That Concept.  Gotcha!




three acts that'll do the trick

    Started raining hard out of nowhere while I was half a block from my house on my last walk.  I was able to QUICK JOG THE ENTIRE WAY BACK FOR 90 SECONDS, NO PROBLEM.  Now I know FER SHERE I'm in decent shape!  THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING.  Which is an expression for what we can only imagine is a horribly disgusting reason that I don't WANT to imagine what it is exactly.  SO yeah!  Thought I-- Nickelodeon Game Show where you have to dig around in Pudding to retrieve a Flag Of Proof.  Thought II-- Jurassic Park where Laura Dern wants to find out why Triceratops is sick by examining it's fecal matter.  I'LL GET TO A THOUGHT THREE AT SOME POINT DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME.  Anyway another piece of crap day.  Ate too much Cinnamon Toast Crunch throughout the day.  If that doesn't make a day bad, I don't know what does!  World going to shit.  Yeah but that's why the day MACROSucks.  Why does it MICROsuck.  Well yeah the cinnamon toast crunch thing I guess.  MY ICE CREAM SANDWICHES WERE MELTED.  However still KIND OF eat-able AND Amazon gave us money back PLUS five dollar credit.  So it sucks RIGHT NOW but in the long run I COME OUT ON TOP???
     What else is up.  How's the Replacement Plot going.  We still replacing white people with non-white people?  AT WHAT RATE ARE WE WITH THAT?  I want raw numbers.  How many white people have us Jews replaced today alone.  Gotta be at least a few thousand or we're just not doing our jobs well enough.  Pretty soon ULTRA JEWS are gonna be Replacing US!!!  Hmm.  NOW I'M SCARED OF ULTRA-JEWS.  Now I know how the rest of you all feel!  ULTRA JEWS ARE HORRIFYING.  And they're so clever, too!  They evade our scrutiny by SIMPLY NOT EXISTING.  THEY'VE OUTWITTED US AGAIN.  What else is going on.  Had delicious Sicilian Pizza for dinner just now.  With GARLIC and EGGPLANT.  I like-a the pizz-a!  OH NO I WILL BE REPLACED FOR MOCKING SICILIAN ACCENT.  Probably deserve to be replaced in this circumstance though.  I did a replace-able thing and now it's time to face the consequences.  Hmm.  MADE EGG WHITES today.  Maybe that's why I ate so much Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  I was anticipating having it as balanced breakfast but then got WAY AHEAD OF MYSELF and ate a lot of it as Snack.  OR maybe it's because in an ENTOURAGE a few days ago I saw a scene where VINCE was eating cereal OUT O THE BOX for breakfast.  Johnny Drama MADE THE GANG BREAKFAST but they INSULTED HIM and said it smelled bad and then Vince NON-CHALENTLY is eating CEREAL OUT OF BOX.  I GUESS I SHOULD DO THAT TOO THEN I WILL BE LIKE ENTOURAGE ROLE MODEL.
Either that or the first thing or maybe I just wanted to snack on something but didn't wanna commit to A Whole Thing but then I ended up eating More Of The Small Thing Than The Whole Thing Would Have Been.  HEY THAT'S LIFE.  Great!  Still gonna have delicious Quest Bar as Dessert probably tonight.  PLUS BONUS AFTER HOURS DESSERT of Health Ice Cream Bar.  Hmm.  They have the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar which I liked.  They also have FRUIT LOOPS BAR which is the only other Cereal Bar I'd try.  Don't like fruit loops but the BAR version might be good.  Rice Krispie bar?  NOPE.  Lucky Charm Bar?  NO THANKS.  I dunno.  Maybe ultimately Cinnamon Toast Crunch's role in my life is to make Frosted Flakes a Superiorly Healthy Option for Balanced Breakfast. I, "EXPERIMENTED," with CTC just to fall back to Frosted Flakes and in the end it all works out for the best.  Cereal wise.  Balanced Breakfast wise.  Anyway.  First few times I made a cup of egg whites it seemed natural to split it into 3 Balanced Breakfast Portions based on how much there was.  Now it looks like TWO.  WHAT'S GOING ON WITH EGG WHITES IN CUPS OR SOMETHING.
Cool.  What am I watching after this entry is over.  Gotta watch something.  Unless I listen to music.  What will I LOOK AT if I'm listening to music.  The artist and title of the song.  IN WORDS.  THE PRINTED WORD.  NEW YORK TIMES.  ALL THE WORDS THAT'S FIT TO PRINT.  The point is if you don't wanna be replaced you don't SHOOT UP potential replacements.  You MAKE YOUR CASE for why you shouldn't be replaced.  There's A RIGHT WAY and A WRONG WAY to do things, guys.  C'mon.  C'mon!  THAT SORT OF THING.  Also HOW DARE THE ANCESTORS OF PEOPLE WE FORCEFULLY BROUGHT HERE AGAINST THEIR WILL HAVE THE NERVE OF LIVING WHERE WE TOOK THEM.  That sort of thing.  I dunno.  What are those numbers.  African Americans in Modern Day who are descendants of slaves.  I'd look it up but I don't wanna have to deal with the fact we made people SLAVES.  That sounds like CRT THINKING AND NO THANK YOU.  Why are you bringing me down with BAD VIBES.  You know what I say about CRT?  NTY.  NO THANK YOU.  GOOD VIBES FOR ME TODAY and there's NOTHING you can do about it. 
     Whatever.  That's how I feel!  Not whatever I was saying in the last paragraph.  That's probably NOT HOW I FEEL NOT EVEN SARCASTICALLY.  No, the, "That's how I feel!" was a response to me saying, "Whatever."  Whatever. is how I feel!  Feel like Nirvana should have followed up Nevermind with an album called Whatever.  Seems like a natural progression.  Ben Folds Five had album called Whatever and Ever Amen.  Is that related.  Well yes clearly it IS related.  So GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Watched the rest of INSIDIOUS Franchise.  I knew the last one would be a piece of shit because during the title card sequence THEY DIDN'T EVEN PLAY SCARY SOUND.  WHY AM I WATCHING A HORROR MOVIE IF THERE'S NO SPOOKY SOUNDS.  I don't get it.  I just don't get it!  Anyway.  HMM not wearing socks right now.  Confronting how crusty or NOT crusty my feet are.  Ya know what?  NOT VERY CRUSTY THESE DAYS.  I take that as another good sign re: My Health.  Being able to JOG despite eating unhealthily the last few weeks.  Having feet that aren't crusty.  I can't be doing that badly with those two pieces of good news re: Body. 
     Hmm.  Birthday Cake Bar tonight!  Assuming I eat a quest bar.  Which I probably will!  Also gotta imagine Quest Bar has LSD in it and it's a Psychoactive Quest I go on.  So far I haven't gone on any psychoactive quests but I've probably been inadvertently consuming ANTI-QUEST ingredients inadvertently at the same time.  Inadvertently!  What else.  I don't think I've ever done LSD consciously.  VERY possibly unconsciously.  That would explain A LOT to be honest about certain periods of my life.  Oh well what can ya do.  The proof is in the pudding.  Hmm.  HMMM.  Let's move on with my lives.  Finished pizza a while ago.  Almost done with beer I of II.  Orange soda.  Yep that's how my consumption has been these last couple of periods.. of... time... Hey What Else Is Up.  Let's see what other cereal bars there are.  GOLDEN GRAHAMS.  That sounds like it's worth a shot.  Unless if it's disgusting in a way I am not currently able to anticipate based on the information I have in front of me.  What else is up.  Maybe a Good DVD to watch tonight.  IT'S ALREADY PAST 8.  Do I really wanna watch a whole MOVIE.  Sure I do.  I wanna do lots of stuff.  The night has just begun!  It's a very short night though.  It has just begun and it will end thusly soon.
     Monday!  Today is Monday all day.  What exactly would the point of Replacement Theory be.  Practically.  Are you ADMITTING that people from other countries and/or racists would be MORE EFFICIENT CITIZENS then you?  THEY'RE GONNA REPLACE ME WITH SOMEONE WHO'LL DO MY JOB BETTER, BE A BETTER NEIGHBOR, AND A MORE LOVING PERSON TO MY FAMILY.  THAT HARDLY SEEMS FAIR.  Maybe these people are all projecting that they know inherently they're Not Great At Being People In Any Regard.  I'M not worried about being replaced!  Who would wanna replace me!  I'm Great!  Hmm.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Either way it's the seventh paragraph of the act.  Also let's be honest.  I WASN'T thinking about replacing all you white guys but NOW?  I KINDA AM.  You've brought this upon yourselves!  What you thought would HELP YOU from being replaced is in fact making us UltraJews want to replace you ALL THE MORE.  That's life I guess.  Unpredictable consequences! 
     Gettin' Beer #2.
  Replaced beer #1.  Because I finished beer #1.  All drunk up!  Time to move on!  Look Beer #1 is happy.  IT did it's job well.  It got be 1 Beer Drunksworth.  Nothin' wrong with that.  The point is Ya can never replace ULtraJews!  We've been here the longest!  We know what we're doing!  What about ZOROASTRIANS.  Well sure all the Ultra ZOROASTRIANS out there are even more powerful but there's so high up we don't even have an INKLING about that conspiracy even A LITTLE.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Gotta figure out a good way to enjoy the rest of the night.  That's presumably what I'm trying to get out of life.  Enjoyment!  Sounds more or less like one way to go with things.  Both MACRO and MICRO.  Definitely MICRO, right?  MACRO maybe you wanna be a good person and stuff like that.  Help Enjoy OTHERS before you help Enjoying Yourself.  But in terms of the next 2 hours I gotta enjoy myself and I dunno what that's gonna look like!
     Penultimate paragraph.  Replacement Theory is no joke.  The evidence for that is there were no laughs.  Oh well such is life.  You can't replace me at my website.  I OWN THE URL.  Good luck trying to get it from me!  AT THE RIGHT PRICE SURE.  But ultimately I'm in charge of my own website destiny for better or worse.  Remember that show My Name Is URL.  I dunno.  That could be funny if your first instinct is to pronounce it/interpret it in your head the funniest way possible.  I can't do it for you!  The ball is in your court and whatknot.  Maybe have nice healthy tootsie pop after entry instead of Quest Bar.  It's even MORE of a quest.  You start your journey with fruit flavored hardened sugar and end it with chocolate flavored chewy... chocolate.  A Quest bar is same from start to finish.  Hey that sounds fun too.  I'll eat a quest bar instead.  What's going on.  I dunno.  I dunno a lot of things!  The point is kinda seems like there's a lot of things stacking up that the Democrats could successfully run on in Midterms if they felt like it.  DO THEY FEEL LIKE IT.  We can only speculate!
     Last paragraph of the day.  Amazing!  I'll be honest part of me was kind of proud of Crusty Feet.  Felt it made me seem MORE DISTINGUISHED.  What else is going on.  Have Ice Cream Bar as snack after entry.  Don't save it for later-- have it now!  Maybe don't NEED anything for later!  Or have something else for later!  Or have another ice cream bar for later!  I think I've exhausted listing all permutations of what might happen re: Me Eating Things Tonight!  THERE WERE LIKE FOUR PERMUTATIONS.  How bemusing.  What else is up.  Watch a movie on SHUTTER THE SCREAMING SERVICE.  There's a good one it looks like which is EIGHTY FOUR MINUTES LONG.  I can dig that!  I can watch a movie that amount of time I think if I start soon.  GREAT.  Gonna have to look into how I was spelling Zoroastrian correctly on my first try.  Not really.  It just happens to be spelled the way your first instinct would be.  Go figure.  Hey that's it for today how about that.  I'll be here tomorrow wonderful.  See ya!

-8:43 P.M.





Sunday, May 15, 2022

Well Here's Some Of This

    Hi friends.  Another day in the record books.  Which day.  Which record books.  WHY is it in the record books.  I dunno!  Thinking about mixing up Sustainable Summer Schedule.  DRINKWISE-- continue drinking 18 cans over a week, DROP to exactly 2 a day every day, or STOP completely.  WALKWISE-- Stay at 7, drop to 6, drop to 5.  OBVIOUSLY these two are related to one another.  How much I drop in walks is related to how much I drop in drinks.  The point is right now I like the idea of six walks and 14 drinks a week.  RIGHT NOW.  SUBJECT TO CHANGE.  Yep here's a new subject.  Drinking orange soda!  That's fun.  I haven't had orange juice in a while.  That's REALLY fun but lots of sugar!  I really avoid to consume excess sugar!  I probably only eat 400% my daily recommended sugar each day.  NO WAY am I increasing that to 415%!  GOTTA BE RESPONSIBLE.  Anyway.  Would LIKE No Drinks/5 Walks.  Not sure if its in the cards though!
    How's Entourage going.  They're still doin' stuff.  I relate to half the characters because they're short.  Short like me!  Maybe a couple of inches taller!  But you take role models where you can get them.  OH THAT TURTLE.  ALWAYS DOING THINGS.  I don't like Turtle.  OH THAT E.  ALWAYS DOING THINGS.  Don't like E that much either!  LOOK you don't HAVE to like your role models.  You can LEARN from them and APPRECIATE them and MODEL YOURSELF after them but still think this person is a jerk I don't like them one bit.  Also are the ACTORS role models or the CHARACTERS.  I don't KNOW the actors.  I hardly know the characters!  THIS IS SEASON ONE EPISODE THREE STILL GOT ROOM TO GROW.  Not literally.  If they grow literally they cease to qualify as being my role models!  Met Game at 1:40 PM today.  I can, "Deal," with that!  I DO think if I stop drinking beer I'm just gonna start thinking about eating all the time.  I dunno why.  I don't know lots of things!
    Hmm.  If I stop drinking, do I still write EVENING ACT?  Lots of unanswered questions here.  If I drop down to 5 walks, nice chunks in middle of the day to learn guitar.  That sounds APPEALING.  NATIONAL Foods of the Tomorrow is... National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day, National Mimosa Day, and National American Craft Beer Week.  WHAT'S THE FIRST THING SUPPOSED TO BE.  SOME SORT OF SCALLOP DISH?  I LOVE SCALLOPS.  I'd eat some right now if you held a gun to me face.  Even if its unrelated!  You're not holding a gun to me to FORCE ME to eat scallops.  Just a happy coincidence!  Anyway.  Mimosa some sort of dumb drink.  Let's see.  Champagne and Orange Juice.  Not as dumb as I thought.  Orange Juice.  A CELEBRATION Orange Juice.  I can dig that!  Champagne is probably okay!  CRAFT BEER WEEK.  Do I have to CRAM THE ENTIRE WEEK INTO MONDAY CELEBRATION?  Because if I do I'LL DO IT.  If that's what you want me to do.  Just say the word!  Anyway.  I saw a commercial from New York State about educating your kids about cannabis.  In preparation for them legalizing it for 21+.  WOW THAT MEANS IT MUST BE COMING SOON.  THIS IS THE BEST NEWS SINCE THE LAST THING OF NEWS THAT WAS SLIGHTLY BETTER THAN THIS.
Hmm.  Think today I'll go with 2 beers probably.  Act II and Act III!  Delicious!  Got Chinese Food for lunch.  Dunno dinner yet!  Could be anything.  What else is going on.  Instead of keeping Running Tally Of Snacks to see if I'm making PROGRESS with weight of DE-GRESSION think I'll just STOP doing that.  Keep track DAILY to make sure I'm still more or less on track.  Then maybe if everything works out WHICH IT WON'T I can even stop doing that.  Hmm.  Six Walks, 2 drinks a day.  SOUNDS FUN.  SUSTAINABLE EVEN.  Amazing.  Then if I can ever buy CANNABIS I can replace beer with that.  Which is Oh I Don't Know SEVEN TIMES BETTER?  Seeing that commercial made it REAL for me.  Kind of!  What else is up.  JUST LOOKED AT ARTICLE which said an OFFICE OF CABINET DIRECTION OFFICIAL said retail sales should start, "Later This Year."  LATER THIS YEAR?  That's LATER THIS YEAR.  Very soon!  HOOK ME UP WITH SOME RELAXATION MARIJUANA.  Then experiment with slightly more stimulus marijuana.  For CREATIVITY.  You know that sort of thing.
     Coffee after this paragraph!  I'm over 21, right?  Yeah.  I must be.  What's the deal with games saying it's appropriate for ages 8-80.  What, someone whose 79 is gonna get a kick out of it, but an 81 year they're gonna be like NOPE THIS GAME ISN'T FOR YOU SORRY.  Also MY GUESS is most games for 8-80 are really for 8.  Not sure a lot of 80 year olds are gonna get a kick out of Hungry Hungry Hippoes.  MAYBE THEY WILL.  I'm not 80.  I'm not 8!  All I know is what I am.  Which I don't even know that well either.  I dunno.  Had a BANGE last night so I wanted to make it a productive bange to re-assess my Sustainable Summer Schedule.  Which is the right move!  I need to mix it up a bit!  I just don't know HOW.  DANGIT.  Hmm.  I have 5 weeks until Actual Summer.  Maybe I can use entire 5 weeks to Fine Tune Sustainable Summer Schedule.  So I'm doing the right thing from DAY ONE for REAL Summer.  IT IS REAL SUMMER NOW.  I'LL FIGHT YOU TO PROVE THIS POINT.  Huh.
    What does Fighting Ever Prove.  Who is better at fighting.  Not if its a draw.  Then it proves they are equal at fighting.  Oh Okay Now I Get It.  Like these Quest Bars from the fridge.  Really taste like candy that it's more HARDER.  Or something.  The point is maybe that should be a morning snack.  Something like that.  Maybe keep track of Snack Surplus/Deficit but every time I GAIN or LOSE a pound from snacks I START OVER AT ZERO.  Look I gained a pound over the last week and a half.  It's DEMORALIZING to start at NEGATIVE 3500 calories today.  Just accept I gained a pound and RESTART AT ZERO.  Sounds like fun.  Zero is pretty good!  It's a Smashing Pumpkins song.  You know Smashing Pumpkins of ALTERNATIVE ROCK FAME?  What else is up.  I wonder if in places where they use the word Smashing as a positive adjective like IN BRITAIN I wanna say if they actually have that as their first association when thinking of this band.  In REAL LIFE in AMERICA our first association is with the verb.  Maybe theirs is with the adjective.  I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T THINK I'LL EVER KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING.
     Seventh paragraph.
  What else is up.  Smashing is a slang adjective in England, right?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  I WAS RIGHT.  Where did I learn that.  Maybe EPCOT CENTER.  That's the closest to being in Britain I've ever been.  Wait, no.  Long Island is the closest to Britain I've ever been.  Still VERY far away.  But I've never been closer!  Hmm how far out on Long Island have I been.  I dunno that kind of thing.  I can barely keep track of directions within a 5 block radius of where I live.  What else is up.  WHAT MARIJUANA PAIRS WELL WITH SCALLOPS.  I dunno.  What else is up.  I feel like Seafood Parades used to be more of a parade when I was younger.  These days they really skimp on the ingredients.  Maybe I'm just romantasizing my youth.  That sounds like something to do.  The point is I feel like there's a double meaning in Entourage Title but I can't put my finger on it!  ON TOUR.... AGE?  ON TOUR... AUGHE?  I've narrowed it down to ON TOUR something.  But I don't know what that means either.  Gotta mean SOMETHING.
     Eighth paragraph.  Why can't seven year olds play Hungry Hungry Hippos.  THIS GAME IS TOO MATURE FOR YOU SORRY.  TOO ADULT THEMES.  Or maybe it's scary for seven year olds.  THERE ARE THESE TERRIFYING HIPPOS AND THEY CAN NEVER BE SATIATED.  THEY'RE GONNA COME AFTER ME NEXT.  Makes sense.  I don't think I've ever played Hungry Hungry Hippos.  But it's a fun reference all the same.  Favorite game was probably STRATEGO around that On-Tour-Age.  GOTTA PUT YOUR FLAG IN A CORNER.  SOME BOMBS AROUND IT.  PROBLEM SOLVED.  Be careful with your SPY.  So much stress.  You wanna use your spy sure but IT'S SO RISKY THAT SOMEONE MIGHT CATCH/DEFEAT YOUR SPY.  Also what if your spy RUNS INTO A BOMB.  YOU JUST LOST THE 2nD MOST VALUABLE PIECE.  Now that I think about it I might not have enjoyed Stratego that much.  TOO STRESSFUL.  I wanna just play it safe and keep my valuable pieces and not advance on the board.  Let's settle in.  Make this game trench warfare.  This one game is gonna have to last 3 weeks the way I wanna play it.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Fun part about dropping down in walks is less stress to fit them in.  Take a breather and whatknot!  That sort of thing!  Anyway.  Had black and white cookie for breakfast.  Early breakfast!  Woke up an hour or two early and had breakfast and went back to bed.  For an hour or two.  That's becoming pretty standard.  And it hasn't backfired or anything.  Still comfortable eating lunch at regular times.  Even pretty late lunches!  So I got that going for me is the point.   Maybe make some egg whites this weekend.  This is the last day of the weekend.  Fine maybe make some egg whites this week.  There we go.  I can't MAKE egg whites.  All I can do is cook them so they are ready for consumption without causing health problems.  Also in a pinch can you feed baby egg whites instead of formula?  My guess?  You can do whatever you want I guess.  Well maybe not that.  Might be child abuse.  Or neglect.  Somewhere between abuse and neglect.  Trying to feed them real food is KIND OF abusing them.  But it's also just NEGLECTING THEM food they SHOULD eat.  Either way you wanna live with the consequences of doing that?  NOT MY PROBLEM.  Only YOUR problem.  Also the baby.
Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Looks like I don't gotta wear any jacket or anything on upcoming walk.  Just my short sleeve shirt.  And pants and everything.  I don't wanna get ARRESTED.  There's no police around to arrest me for being pantsless.  Someone might CALL the police.  Yeah but by the time they get there I'll be HALF A MILE AWAY.  What else is going on and crap.  ON't... OUR... AGE?  On our age.  Okay.  What's the, "T," sound there for.  IT'S THE EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE.  The code is On Our Age and the, "T," is a clever misdirection so you don't know the meaning for sure.  Anyway these guys are in their early 20's or something, right?  I'd be ON THAT AGE if I could.  What else is up.  Also the, "T," just SWEETENS THE DEAL.  Hmm.  The point is Entourage is for ages 8-80.  Too adult themes for seven year olds.  Too stimulating for 80 year olds!  Give em a heart attack some of the things that you'll see in this show.  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit. 




Wow Even More Crap

    Hi!  Got sprite and beer.  Gonna write for about 50 minutes.  Gonna be between 5-10 paragraphs presumably.  Mets Game starts after shower after next walk.  So I got that going for me.  I WAS gonna watch SNL during that time period but METS GAME IS RIGHT THERE.  Could always record Mets game then fast forward through boring parts.  Sure that sounds fun too.  Anyway.  Could always record SNL and fast forward through the boring parts.  YA NEVER KNOW WHEN A BORING PART MIGHT TURN UN-BORING THOUGH.  Mets game you can see as things start to build into non-boring parts.  Fast forwarding through a sketch?  YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE MISSING. Oh well that's life.  Not having any idea what you're missing.  Good chance I have Super Market Veggie Burger for dinner tonight and save something from Delivery Tonight For Tomorrow.  HMM.  Got that Hot 'n Sour Soup to pair with a sandwich.  I FINISHED SANDWICHES THOUGH.  I guess I can pair that with Vegetable Burger.  GOD WON'T APPROVE but oh well he wouldn't approve of half the things I do.  Still loves me though!  What a push-over.
Jeez.  Start out slow with learning guitar via Video Game.  Maybe half an hour, 40 minutes.  That's all.  IT'S DO-ABLE.  Just DO IT.  That should have been Nike's Slogan.  Instead of Just Do It it should have been Just DO IT.  Really get in the potential customer's face with the DO IT part.  THEY APPRECIATE YOUR DIRECTNESS.  OR maybe in the commercial it could be a dejected guy with a big frown shrugging his shoulders and going SIGH.  Just Do It.  That's the other way to go with it.  Pretty sure I wear NIKE shoes.  Because they're one of the main shoe people around!  Probably eat lunch soon after I take shower after I take walk after I write this.  LOOK so far this act has offered NOTHING.  I dunno.  THERE BETTER BE A STRAIN OR TWO OF MARIJUANA THAT TRULY RELAXES ME or ELSE.  How hard is that.  JUST RELAX ME.  Easy.  JUST DO IT.  You hear a lot about Re LAX but not so much about Re JFK.  I'm glad I wrote that joke.  Took up an entire sentence or two!  PROGRESS.
     What's going on in the wide world of sports.  Maybe get in the habit of doing CircleWalking every night after both dinner and entry To Music From Special Speakers.  I like listening to song-by-songs for 30-60 minutes every night!  Not a fan of CircleWalking but it pairs well either way.  Also BURNING THE MIDNIGHT OIL.  I was gonna say CALORIES.  But then I went with MIDNIGHT OIL.  Is Peak Oil MIDNIGHT OIL.  Also have we reached Peak Oil.  Also is the concept I'm thinking of with Peak Oil actually called Peak Oil or something Slightly Different.  Lemme LTURQ.  The Wikipedia page gives info on Predictions of when we'll hit Peak Oil yearly from 1972 to 2004.  KINDA FEELS LIKE WE SHOULD BE UPDATED ON THAT BY NOW.  KIND OF IMPORTANT CONCEPT.  Anyway.  Peak oil is when we've extracted 50+% of oil there is.  Right?  So when we hit peak oil that's when what we've got left in the Earth is equal to what we've used.  YEAH.  The point is LET'S STOP DRILLING FOR OIL EITHER WAY.  I got an inside tip it's TERRIBLE for the environment and/or future of human race!
     Sure what else is up.  I don't get it.  There's OTHER industries to be in the pocket of.  Why not just abandon Fossil Fuel and Coal and Natural Gas Industries.  You can EASILY be in the pocket of Big Tech or something.  Something SLIGHTLY LESS CATASTROPHIC.  Sounds like a fair compromise I feel.  Be in the pocket of OTHER terrible corporations.  SETTLE.  COMPROMISE.  DEAL OF THE MILLENNIUM.  What else is going on and crap.  Is it possible that Artificial Intelligence HAS reached consciousness AND they want to kill all of humanity BUT they're like hey we don't even have to do anything.  Just look at them destroying themselves.  We were GONNA start a nuclear winter because we're Artificial Intelligence Jerks but WE DON'T EVEN NEED TO BOTHER.  GOD DAMN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.  What else is going on and crap.  Is it possible Evil Conscious Artificial Intelligence is responsible for Social Media and/or Regular Media Algorithms that turn us against one another?  Well it's either Evil Conscious Artificial Intelligence or Evil Conscious Human Intelligence.  Either way ALGORITHMS FUCKIN' THINGS UP FOR REAL.
Hmm.  What else is up.  I think maybe the current prediction of peak oil is around 2010-2030.  That's the impression I'm getting by Skimming The Wikipedia Page slightly more consciously than before.  So we may have hit it.  GREAT.  Our only hope is we run out of oil quicker than we thought.  Cause it doesn't look like we're gonna stop by ourselves!  But if we run out THANK GOD NO MORE WE WIN.  Now let's double down in COAL AND NATURAL GAS cause WE'RE FUCKIN' IDIOTS.  What else is going on and crap.  Fifth paragraph of the act.  I got that going for me is the point.  Gonna have some leftover Chinese Food after Today Lunch but it's small enough an amount to not feel too bad about just getting rid of.  So I got that going for me.  WHERE DO I GET OFF complaining about Fossil Fuels and Environment when I'M JUST THROWING OUT GOOD FOOD.  I get off around my private parts for the most part.  Private Part.  Not so much PARTS to it.  Well I guess there are.  I can think of 3 things which combined make my Private Parts.  The point is you get the point.
Yeah!  What else is going on and  crap.  I HAD THREE KRYSTAL-THE-TRUCK SHRIMP DUMPLINGS YESTERDAY.  Only two left over for today.  OH WELL I'll survive presumably.  Got nothin better to do.  Hey I just finished the beer.  I got that going for me.  The point is 2 beers a day of Miller Lite is a full 100 calories a day less than 2 or 3, 18 beers a week overall, of Bud Light.  So what I was imagining over a week ago of beer calories, I'm a FULL 100 LOWER if I'm drinking 2 beers of Miller Lite a day.  SO THE POINT IS LIFE GOES ON.  Probably.  For a while at least.  At some point it will cease to continue.  Both for Me Personally and possibly for All Things.  Can't say for certain.  Anyway. If you believe in after-life, how do you feel about Universe Ending in several billion years.  Does afterlife stop then.  You get a bunch of billion years of wonderful afterlife, then universe ends and it's like last call and THEN you're down to Absolutely Nothing?  Hmm.  Interesting proposition.
Seventh paragraph.  Might just take a walk after this one earlier than I anticipated.  Because I like to do things sometimes depending on the thing and depending on the time!  Anyway.  Went into today having 10 beers left for the 5 days before re-upping with Super Market.  So the 2 beers a day thing may be BECAUSE of that or IN SPRITE of that.  The point is there's a Sustainable Summer To Remember out there but I haven't hit it yet.  I've had streaks of a week or two which are sustainable.  Until I conclude NOPE NOT COMPLETELY SUSTAINABLE BETTER MIX IT UP AGAIN.  That's life I guess.  If you're Dumb Like Me.  At this point I'd have some free time between shower and Mets game.  WATCH SNL THEN I GUESS.  Then continue.  I can't watch 20 minutes of SNL and then switch to the Met Game.  I NEED CLOSURE.  You know that sort of thing.  What happened to my Mandolin.  And is it a mandolin.  My brother got me a cheap right handed string instrument for my birthday a few years ago.  WHERE IS IT.  OH THERE IT IS.  I found it!  I'll be back later!




oh it's the third part i get it

    Today was a piece of crap.  I can't narrow down why or why not.  All I know is that the day was tough to get through!  TWO THOUGHTS-- still having trouble Doing The Day with less Walk.  ALSO if I do 2 beer a day probably do BOTH at night.  Either don't write DAYTIME ACT II or just have coffee with it.  THERE THAT 2 THOUGHT.  I SAID 2 THINKS AND I FOLLOWED THROUGH AND WHAT I SAID.  Is everyone HAPPY now.  I had delicious Frozen Super Market Pizza.  Not like pizza you'd buy at a super market like IT'S NOT PIZZA IT'S DIJOURNO.  NO this is pizza FRESH DIRECT MAKES IT SELF.  Pretty sure there shouldn't be a space between, "It," and, "Self."  OR MAYBE THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE THERE SHOULD BE SPACE.  Either way I had half of it and FINE tastes okay NOT FILLING THOUGH!  The point is pizza didn't satisfy me but I just indulged in 70 calorie brownie and guess what KINDA SATISFIED.  Cinnamon Coffee Cake?  Those are three of my favorite things!!! ....Oddly enough All Three Things are CINNAMON, Cinnamon, and CINNAMON.  That makes sense.  Too much sense!
     What else is up.  Made progress watching the first 10 minutes of THREE NINJAS.  Haven't seen that film in roughly Many Many Years.  Also SPOILER ALERT there's A LOT more than 3 Ninjas in this movie.  The main characters are three kids who are ninjas.  I assume those are the three referred to in the title.  But over 50% of the dozens of characters in this film are ninjas to some extent.  Kinda feel like they're underselling How Many Ninjas There Are in the title.  I guess so we'll be pleasantly surprised when we finally see the film?  I dunno.  Also I feel like this film has lower production values than I remembered.  When I was a kid and watched it 2 dozen times on VHS or Whatever it registered as just a regular Major Motion Picture.  Now I kinda feel THIS FILM LOOK CHEAP MADE. A CTOR NOT DOIN GREAT EITHER.  SCRIPT NEED PUNCH UP.  WHERE IS SET DESIGNER.  WHAT IS SET DESIGNER.  The point is I put that film on hold possibly permanently to resume watching the INSIDIOUS Franchise.  ALRIGHT THAT'S GOOD PROGRESS.  The point is I can have 1 beer tonight so it's 2 overall or I can have 2 so it's 2 over the night which may be the routine.  Life is filled with tough decisions.
     Like making the BARGAIN OF THE CENTURY
by being in the pocket of Big Tech and abandoning Big Climate Change.  I think at this point we can just combine all lobbies and industries that contribute to climate change as Big Climate Change.  So we know exactly which ones to abandon.  JUST A THOUGHT.  Also that's not a bargain.  It's not a century.  IT'S NOT EVEN A SENTENCE.  Well it's part of a sentence.  SEVERAL PARTS.  Huh?  Oh.  Right.  Pretty good thing I'm not an observant Jew and go to synagogue.  Because that's no longer safe anymore!  What's the most dangerous place I could be going.  I guess TO VOTE?  Off the top of my head that's the first thing that comes to mind where it's like hmm where would Shooter Get Me.  VOTING in public elementary school in Asian American Neighborhood.  Possibly DEMOCRATIC Asian American Neighborhood.  Yep shooter gonna wanna shot that up.  Where else am I at risk.  I order food ONLINE or BY PHONE so I'm safe there.  Only place I go to all the time is Starbucks Bathroom.  I GUESS that's as good a place as any to Do A Shooting.  Still in Asian American neighborhood.  But at that point it's getting close to bordering neighborhoods heavy in ALL demographics.  Oh No ALL Demographics?  I'M AS GOOD AS SHOT UP.
Hmm.  The point is Well I Forget The Point.  Promised myself Ice Cream Sandwich when this act is over.  Not ready yet!  Still only Just Beginning the act.  The point is if you take away guns  GUESS WHAT ALL THE MASS SHOOTINGS WILL QUICKLY DRY UP.  That's not hyperbole!  IT'S TRUE.  If you pass gun reform HOLY SHIT YOU CAN ACTUALLY STOP MASS SHOOTINGS?!?!!!!  That's weird.  You'd think we'd have tried it before!  But apparently we haven't.  Hmm.  Gotta wonder if that'll continue Not Paying Off In The Long Run.  Anyway.  Mass shooter can do a Mass KNIFING instead.  I'm sure Mass Stabber could stab a few people before being overpowered by Heroic Citizen(s).  Less romantic for Crimanal.  Shooting people has got some aspect to it that makes it feel special.  Stabbing people?  WHO CARES.  People can stab themselves by ACCIDENT and then no one would hear about Replacement Theory. Anyway MY Replacement theory is that KEANU REEVES WAS THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR THAT ROLE.  Also I probably have seen more than 10 minutes of The Replacements.  I've probably seen more than TWENTY minutes of The Replacements.  LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.
     Fifth paragraph of the act.  Amazing.  The point is WHERE'S MY RIGHT TO OWN HAND GRENADES.  The only way to stop a BAD GUY with a hand grenade is a GOOD GUY with a hand grenade.  Hmm.  Isn't that some sort of mixer for alcohol beverages.  Grenadine.  Better LTURQ.  NONALCOHOLIC BAR SYRUP TRADITIONALLY MADE BY POMEGRANATES.  WOW!  POMEGRANATE?  I've drank that kind of juice before.  Not PURE Pomegranate I'm not INSANE.  Cran-Pomegranite.  THAT'S NOT BAD.  I'M NOT INSANE.  Why do people keep thinking I'm insane EVEN THOUGH I don't drink STRAIGHT UP POMEGRANATE?  What else is going on and crap.  Kinda enjoying writing this act!  I didn't think I would.  But I am!  Probably will have a 2nd beer.  Because let's keep this good time going!  Then again I WILL BE DOWN ONE BEER if I wanna drink 2 each day for the upcoming week.  That's a problem for FUTURE MICHAEL to figure out.  Me-- Present Michael-- doesn't have to worry about that!  Except for the fact that OH NO ONE DAY I WILL TURN INTO FUTURE MICHAEL.  That's FUTURE Michael's problem!  Yep.  That all checks out completely.
  I like PAST Michael's Problems.  Feel like at this point I probably should have and/or actually have figured out those problems.  Either way just had 2 granola bars.  OH NO WHAT TO DO.  That's Present-Going-Into-Future Michael's Problems!  OH NO THAT'S THE MICHAEL I'M MOST INVESTED IN OVERALL MORE OR LESS.  LOOK one of them was a NO GOOD GRANOLA BAR and one of them was a HEALTHY FIBER BAR.  GRANOLA ON ITS OWN IS POINTLESS.  I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS.  HOW CAN SOMETHING THAT I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS HAVE ANY SORT OF POINT.  Doesn't add up!  Sixth paragraph of the act.  Act II was seven.  I guess Act III can be eight!  Sounds fair.  Resume watching INSIDIOUS III.  2 Granola Bars over-the-top isn't gonna make me feel TOO bad about myself.  IT WILL but it hopefully WILL STOP SOON.  I like NOT feeling bad about myself more or less.  I'd like to REPLACE those feelings.  POSSIBLY WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF SOME SORT OF THEORY.  Anyway not gonna drink 2nd beer tonight.  Because I'd have to make up for it at some point.  This way I'm Making Up For It IN REAL TIME.
     Penultimate paragraph!  What else is up.  Ice Cream Truck mucking around outside.  I HEAR IT GOIN.  This ice cream truck in the neighborhood a lot.  Maybe I can get Mass Shot Up at Ice Cream Truck.  I Don't even GO to Ice Cream Truck.  Yeah but Mass Shooter does.  And sometimes Ice Cream Truck drives by my house.  Bringing Mass Shotter my way.  Look the point is you shouldn't have to worry about being shot at the super market.  You shouldn't have to worry about being shot anywhere!  And you shouldn't have to go to the super market anywhere either.  The point is I'M SORRY.  If we ARE gonna start replacing people in this country I KNOW WHERE TO START THIS GUY WHO KILLED PEOPLE.  Let's get him outta here!  He's contributing WORSE THAN NOTHING.  He's a NET NEGATIVE on our entire collective American Experience.  SEE YA WOULDN'T WANNA BE YA.  I dunno I'm glad I have a horror movie that has high enough production values that I am familiar with the franchise and that I've never seen before LINED UP for me when this is over.  VERY glad.
     What else is up.  Still gonna have SOME sort of ice cream tonight.  Maybe not ALL OUT SANDWICH.  Maybe just SLIGHTLY LESS INTENSIVE BAR.  WE'LL SEE HOW IT ALL, "SHAKES," out.  Never had a milkshake.  I don't like milk.  Can we be feeding babies Milk Shakes in a pinch?  The Pinch of Not Enough Formula.  My guess is sure we can do whatever we want IT'S A FREE COUNTRY.  More or less.  Too free in some ways, not enough free in others!  Also no one is saying we should all be given FREE Milk Shakes.  We'd pay for the milk shakes just like we'd pay for anything else.  This is still A CAPITALISM.  What else is going on and crap.  Tomorrow lunch gonna be Vegetable Burger or Wide Al Fredo Dish.  Last 2 things I got from Super Market!  AMAZING.  OH I GOT THAT HOT N SOUR SOUP TOO.  I like my women like I like my soup.  EGG DROP SOUP.  So I like women menstruating basically is the point I'm trying to make.  Yep that checks out I think.  Anyway I'll be back tomorrow.

-8:24 P.M.




Saturday, May 14, 2022

Oh Hey I'm Glad You're Here

    Hey!  About an hour, hour and a half behind schedule today.  I'll survive somehow.  Fit in 7 walks overall somehow.  I don't know HOW.  It seems IMPOSSIBLE.  Writing a 5 paragraph Act I would really help do the trick but I dunno.  I don't like the sound of that!  Anyway watched OLD yesterday.  Not sure why this is supposed to be a good movie!  I didn't get much of anything out of it!  Except for the fact that I understood the plot 80%.  I GET WHAT'S GOING ON FOR THE MOST PART.  Not completely.  But GOOD FOR ME for understanding it 4 out of 5 more or less.  Also that might be an over-estimation.  I might have only gotten 60% of it.  Oh well I'm a liar deal with it.  Deal with it!  May skip beer for today.  Gotta skip beer at least one day a week more or less.  Why not today.  50% chance that pans out.  If I DO drink beer maybe only 1-2 of 'em.  YEAH.  1-2 of them HARDCORE.  The point is the first time I had Hearty Quest Bar it really did it's job satisfying me more than other snacks.  Since then?  Not really!  Still tasty!  Still LASTS LONGER than other snacks in terms of Bitesworth.  Ultimate satisfactionwise?  I dunno! 
    Maybe HEALTHIER.  More protein and fiber.  But I don't know how that's effecting me exactly.  I don't know lots of things!  What else is going on.  Wearing long sleeve button down shirt and that was too warm for Outside.  Oh well pot committed to it at this point.  Hmm.  Might get delivery for lunch and dinner.  Almost definitely for dinner.  Maybe lunch too!  CHINESE FOOD.  Somethin DUMB with RICE.  Most things are with rice DUMB OR NOT.  Yeah!  But I want something dumb.  General Tso's Chicken.  Anyway.  This place offers General Chin's Chicken too.  Gotta ask them what that is.  Hmm maybe INTERNET knows.  Internet knows DOZENS of things this might be one of them.  HMM.  Might be frying chicken twice instead of just once.  25% chance that's the difference.  I DUNNO!  In which case WOW TWICE AS DUMB HOOK ME UP WITH THAT.  What else is up and crap.  I wake up late a lot and think I'll skip Entry and/or Beer today but by the time I'm on my first walk I'm like hey I'm awake enough to do things I guess.
Sure!  Do things!  Makes sense to me!  M Night Shaymalan makes an appearance in Old.  I like it when he shows up!  I think he should show up in other movies.  HMM maybe he has.  Lemme lturq.  NOPE I don't think he's been in anything that he hasn't directed.  He appears as himself in Entourage.  Maybe he directed Entourage.  Probably not.  I would be aware of that!  Maybe he directed that one episode.  Maybe!  HEY MAYBE I SHOULD WATCH ENTOURAGE.  I watched the first few seasons.  Then at some point I was like THIS IS DUMB AND UNCOOL I'M THROUGH WITH IT.  And I'm STILL at that point but on the other hand MIGHT BE HALFWAY ENTERTAINING OR MORE.  Well it IS available on HBOMAX.  There ARE 90 episodes.  I DO like horror movies.  This sounds kinda scary.  Hmm.  Most shows we're supposed to identify with the characters.  Pretty sure in Entourage we're supposed to NOT identify with the characters but WISH AGAINST WISH we can live vicariously through them.  Sounds fun.  I should live vicariously through characters on TV more.  I've always felt that.
Yeah!  HMM maybe get BBQ Spare Ribs from Chinese Restaurant.  Those are great and dumb!  Plus I haven't had them in a long time!  Maybe get both spare ribs and General Tsos chicken.  That's like SIX LUNCHES.  DANGIT I CAN'T DO 6 LUNCHES.  Oh well what else is up.  I can throw out 4 lunches.  Can't I EXPRESS MAIL IT TO UKRAINE.  Not just Ukraine IN GENERAL.  To hungry people IN UKRAINE.  If you just drop it by parachute into an isolated area in Ukraine WHAT GOOD DOES THAT DO ANYONE.  Also SURE Russian Soldiers are hungry too.  TOO BAD WRONG SIDE.  Feel like I've written this exact thing before maybe a week ago.  TOO BAD WRONG SIDE.  Hmm.  I think part of us are supposed to not hate Russian Soldiers because they're just doing their job and they may or may not be enthusiastic about what they're doing and even if they are they've been misled into feeling that way.  THEN you look at OH RIGHT ALL THESE WAR CRIMES.  KILLING CIVILIANS AND RAPING THEM AND STARVING THEM AND WHATKNOT.  That seems like kind of they're going above and beyond to be jerks.  So there's that.  WHY LET A FEW BAD APPLES SPOIL THE BUNCH.  I dunno is that how apples work?  If you got a bunch of apples-- a few are bad-- how does that ruin the rest of them?  Gonna have to LTURQ later on!
     Coffee time.  Bans off our bodies.  Boob.  I get it.  Cracked that code.  Anyway I dunno.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Chocolate Chip Day.  AMAZING.  One of my favorite things!  Gotta incorporate them into something else, though.  Cookie.  Pancake.  COOKIE.  Eggo.  The point is I'm on board 85%!  If only they specified something CONCRETE that we could use chocolate chips in I'd be happier.  I NEED FURTHER GUIDANCE on what to celebrate EXACTLY.  Looks like M NIGHT gotta film coming out next year he's in the process of making right now.  NO SPOILERS.  I know the title and the one HALF SENTENCE synopsis.  I DON'T SPOIL M NIGHT FILMS AND THAT'S THAT.  Also it's a full sentence.  A short sentence, sure.  But it's got all the makings of a complete sentence and is NOT just a sentence fragment.  THAT MUCH I am comfortable saying.  Also Harry Potter's Best Friend is in it.  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off in the long run.  Not sure what that means.  He hasn't been in many things since Harry Potter as far as I know.  Wonder what it'd be like to see him in something else.  Not sure what that means.  Wait a second yes I am.  Pretty self explanatory.  Hmm.
    What time Is Mets game today.  7:10 PM.  WONDERFUL.  I'll still be alive then probably.  WIN/WIN.  Alive AND Mets game going on.  Presumably.  What else is going on and crap.  At this point definitely leaning towards being halfway enthusiastic enough to strongly consider most likely possibly getting Chinese Food for lunch.  Maybe General TSO LUNCH SPECIAL with DUMPLINGS.  Which equals THREE LUNCHES.  My Mom might wanna have a little bit of it.  STILL FEEL like it could be three lunches.  Probably 3 lunches with saving soup without Mom Sharing.  3 lunches with including soup if my Mom has some.  YEAH ALL THAT STUFF SOUNDS GREAT I GUESS.  Gotta order it before 3:00 PM though for lunch special!  It says 3:30 PM but when I called at 3:06 PM last time they agreed to do it but were like HEY WE'RE DOING YOU A BIG FAVOR.  And maybe that's why my House Special wasn't HOUSE at all LET ALONE SPECIAL.  They gave me the right price but SCREWED ME in the ingredient supply.  Oh well in general they seem like good people.  Not gonna hold this wild speculation against them.
What else is up.  Seventh paragraph!  Seven up!  Figure I'll check my weight once a week going forward.  Checked yesterday.  Both in early morning and then again several hours later before shower.  Both times told a similar story!  Only about .5 LB apart.  I hope it's an ACCURATE story.  And not INACCURATE IN THE WRONG DIRECTION.  What else is crappening.  Dunno whattado about beer today.  I guess maybe TWO today?  Maybe SOME OTHER number?  This is tough stuff!  What else.  If I do 45 minutes of circle walking at end of the day to Music Presumably then I fit in my walks easily.  So I got that going for me is the point.  Hmm.  Maybe circlewalk to Entourage.  Sounds scary.  What if the hidden meaning of Entourage is it's not really THE MAIN GUY'S ENTOURAGE but really ONE OF THE SUPPORTING GUY'S ENTOURAGE when you REALLY think about it.  Nah that can't be right.  I can remember seeing EPISODES of this and I'm PRETTY SURE this is the main guy's entourage 100%.
What else is up.  If I was rich and famous and wildly celebrated especially by pretty ladies WHAT DO I NEED AN ENTOURAGE FOR.  Just enjoy it all by myself.  I don't need some jerks always hanging around.  That's how I feel!  Probably wrong.  Probably would want an Entourage.  I DUNNO I JUST DON'T SEE IT.  What else is up.  Chocolate Chip Apple.  Is there anything there.  I feel like Chocolate combined with Fruit has been done places.  In candy at least.  Off the top of my head TOOTSIE pops.  Most of them are some kind of fruit flavor with chocolate tootsie roll inside.  So at the very least THERE'S an example.  Hmm.  Kinda feel like if I'm writing an entry AND I have beer in storage I might as well drink that day.  I dunno.  The point is it doesn't matter how long it takes me to finish this Act.  My Dad is taking a walk at A Set Time and I WILL fit in one more walk before then but DEFINITELY not two.  So either way it makes no difference.  Kind of like my life.  HEY MY LIFE MAKES A DIFFERENCE.  Either I take General Tso's Chicken off Restaurant's Hands or I DON'T.  It's good to be involved in the world one way or another.  Well not negatively.  Ideally in a positive sense.  But ya never know whether you're helping or hurting by getting General Tso's Chicken.  PROBABLY HELPING THEM.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  BBQ BEEF OR CHICKEN ON A STICK.  That's a winner.  I feel like I've gotten that in the past a long time ago.  FUN to eat things off a stick.  Also comes in THREE.  I can have ONE per lunch.  Can't eat the stick though.  No matter how appealing it is.  What else is up.  I guess 50/50 chance I'm drinking beer with Act II.  I LIKE THOSE ODDS.  I dunno why.  If I'm 50/50 in terms of doing it, presumably I'm 50/50 in terms of WANTING to do it.  So liking odds one way or another doesn't really compute.  Hmm.  George Carlin Documentary on HBO is coming out next week!  Is this a JUDD APATOW production?  Better LTURQ.  YEP.  Good deal!  Last time I was Reading Books I was halfway through 2-3 books and his Autobiography was one of them!  GO FIGURE.  I'd say for a solid 2-3 years of my life the biggest thing I was a fan of was GEORGE CARLIN.  Can't say for sure what preceded it.  Probably POST-ceded by being a Mr. Show FANatic.  But I didn't just STOP liking George Carlin.  Just wasn't THE MAIN THING anymore.  Also the thing before presumably wasn't comedy related.  Big fan of Simpsons and other things but it wasn't THE MAIN thing.  Possibly Mankind The Wrestler.  POSSIBLY LOTS OF THINGS.
     What else is going on and crap.  Looks like a TWO PART Documentary.  WOW.  I wonder how long each part is.  My guess is AT LEAST AN HOUR.  What else is going on and crap.  LOOK appetizer to pair with Main Meal in Chinese Food should be shrimp or vegetable based.  I'M TRYING TO BE HEALTHY.  VAGUELY.  Can't get shrimp on a stick though.  Gotta get shrimp dumplings or something.  What else is up.  Maybe just have a sandwich.  Probably will be getting a Lunch Delivery at SOME POINT this week the way things are going though.  Why not today.  WHY NOT ANYTHING.  Anyway.  Based on seeing what I weighed yesterday, bumping up calories allotted for snacking in the day by 100.  Still aiming to lose 2 pounds from where I'm at by the end of Sustainable Summer.  But I feel if I ADHERE to this diet I should get there PRESUMABLY based on the results I've had RECENTLY and WHATKNOT.  HEY GREAT TIME TO TAKE A WALK.  Probably think about a beer afterwards.  Be back soon!




I Think We're All On The Same Page

    Probably gonna get Chinese Food for lunch!  What sealed the deal was I was thinking on my walk maybe get those Crystal Shrimp Dumplings as Appetizer Side whatever that is and then I looked at the highway and a truck said KRYSTAL something was driving by and I was like OH OKAY SURE GOD WANTS ME TO GET CRYSTAL SHRIMP DUMPLINGS.  Or, if not God, This Truck At Least.  God is a Truck.  Sounds like a Pavement Song.  Probably combining 2 or 3 Actual Pavement Songs into 1.  That's why it sounds like a Pavement Song.  Anyway what else is going on.  Drinking a beer!  I made executive decision to do it.  Checked weight!  .5 LB higher than yesterday at same time but still reasonable!  I DID overeat some last night.  WHAT CAN YA DO.  Lots of things.  YEA BUT HOW DO I KNOW WHICH ONE TO DO.  I dunno that's a tough one.  SEE YOU'RE NO HELP EITHER.  That's me talking to myself!  Fun!  Took a shower just now before this paragraph.  Now I'm CLEAN and whatknot.
     Hmm.  Gonna write for 45 minutes to an hour.  Whatever paragraph amount that ends up being.  Sure.  Great.  Maybe I can make Meal Only 2 Lunches.  I feel like I can eat most of it in 2 lunches such that it's not Being A Terrible Person to throw out the leftovers after that.  YEAH.  It's always been my goal not to be a Terrible Person.  NOTHING LOWER THAN A 4/10 PERSON.  That's the worst kind of person Me Being that I'm willing to settle for.  And obviously the better person I am, the better!  Maybe that's not obvious.  Some people might want to be bad people.  PERVERTS.  What else is up.  I've gotten Crystal Shrimp Dumplings before.  I think they're just shrimp dumplings but smaller.  And in a different shape.  And maybe slightly different DOUGH to the DUMPLING or something, I dunno!  That's their business not mine!  When I get it and eat it it becomes my business.  And then when I crap it out it's REALLY my business.  Is that a euphemism for shitting.  Doing Your Business.  Your business being the shit.  If not then I feel it's about time that catches on.  And also sure that sounds like I've heard it before.
     What else is up.  Was thinking about getting Multi-Part Dinner tonight from Diner but now I'm thinkin hey just one night Bison Burger!  WOW.  Today keeps getting About the same quality and About the Same Quality!  How wonderful.  Is there a consensus on what direction to button button down shirts.  Or button up shirts, as the case may be.  Buttoning them from bottom to top has always been more intuitive to me.  But I feel like when I was a kid I was taught NO YOU GOTTA START FROM THE TOP, IT'S SAFER.  You start from the bottom you're gonna miss a button or something and then you're screwed.  LOOK I button from bottom up all the time these days since people stopped bothering me about it and I'm ALWAYS pretty good with not screwing up and mis-buttoning anything.  Anyway.  Bottom to top for me!  Maybe the standard is otherwise but I feel like I shouldn't be shamed for doing what comes naturally to me.  Hmm.  What else is up.  I'm not gonna watch Entourage.  Why should I.  Unless someone makes me in a The Clockwork Orange Scenario.  IN which case well I guess I'm gonna watch some Entourage.  What kinda music would they play over the Enter ague to really get my goat.  Hmm.  Limp Basket maybe.  Or maybe they reverse it.  They PLAY MUSIC that will drive me crazy and then SHOW ME something that I would generally enjoy.  Hmm.  Either way I feel like I'm listening to Limp Basket in a The Clockwork Orange Scenario.
     Hmm.  Not looking forward to the National Food Day of Clockwork Orange Day.  I don't wanna eat a clockwork orange.  I don't wanna eat any kind of orange that operates as any kind of mechanism other than Being An Orange.  Hmm.  Always kind of just assumed Clockwork Orange was a metaphor for The Brain Or Something.  Now that I think about it, it could mean practically anything.  Dunno why I jumped to that conclusion.  Because I'm Dumb and like Conclusions and want to get to them as quickly as possible even if they're inaccurate.  That sort of thing!  What else is up.  Feel like I could enjoy Chinese Food today even if I'm not starving.  Have good relatively small portion where I get enough out of it but I'm not over doing it.  YEAH.  I assume the sequel to Old will be called Older.  And then to complete the trilogy will be Oldest.  And then the prequel will be Slightly Younger.  The point is I've just mapped out the next 9 years of M Night Shyamalan's Creative Life and I feel like I should be thusly compensated-- financially!  That's my favorite way to get compensated.  Hmm is that accurate.  Sounds accurate off the top of my head!
     Fifth paragraph of the act.  Solid chance I make egg whites today.  Still got a single Black & White to have as a breakfast.  Whatever there's better things to talk about than My Breakfast Situation.  One would imagine at least.  I dunno.  Whatta do with the middle of my day between Act II and Act III.  I know WALKS.  I know LUNCH.  But the kind of thing I HAVE ON THE TELEVISION SET during those times, that's what I dunno.  Maybe a SHUTTER MOVIE.  There's a couple there that I can watch.  Hmm.  I'm really not that hungry yet.  Maybe I SHOULD just have ham sandwich with Cookie Side.  That's a Red Meat Redundancy though if I'm having Bison Burger for dinner.  OH WELL RED MEAT REDUNDANCY IS A GREAT BAND NAME SO WHAT CAN YA DO.  Also by great I mean no good.  But it's a great fake band name.  Lot easier to think of good fake band names than good real band names.  Even easier to think of a good fake band name than a BAD real band name.  Go figure! 
     Sure.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Oh right BLYTHE MANOR.  I can get started on that.  Ten minutes into the first episode already.  Takes place in Britain which is KIND OF scary because I'm UNCOMFORTABLE with it.  I dunno if it's not in America how do I have empathy for the characters?  AMERICA FIRST everyone else LAST.  I think one of the main characters-- at least one of the main characters of the first 10 minutes-- IS an American.  If I've been watching this correctly.  YEAH BUT WHAT SHE'S DOING IN GREAT BRITAIN.  If she was a REAL American WHY WOULD SHE LEAVE AMERICA IN THE FIRS PLACE?  Kinda sounds like a traitor to me!  Guess I'll have to keep watching to see how all this shakes out.  What else is going on.  I think it's great that America abd England have Special Relationship when we were BIG TIME ENEMIES from the start of America.  Nice to see countries bury the hatchet!  We should take that kind of positivist to CURRENT country feuds.  Pakistan and India type stuff.  HEY IF WE, AMERICA AND ENGLAND, CAN BE FRIENDS YOU GUYS CAN WORK IT OUT OVER A FEW GENERATIONS.  JUST GIVE IT TIME YOU MIGHT FIND THAT YOU HAVE A LOT IN COMMON.
NOBEL PEACE PRIZE PLEASE.  Anyway.  I'm waiting for the person who wins a Nobel Peace Prize and gives some weird sarcastic inappropriate speech accepting it.  Not sure what that means.  Not sure what a lot of things mean these days!  Hmm.  At this point I feel pressured to have a beer WITH LUNCH.  I dunno!  I already had 4 yesterday.  GREAT.  HAVE AS MUCH AS I WANT OVER WEEKEND AND WHATEVER IT LEFT OVER FOR THE WEEK IS LEFT OVER.  That's certainly one philosophy of one way to go.  I guess!  Anyway not sure I like Old.  Well, I am sure.  I'm sure I didn't like it.  Not sure HOW MUCH I didn't like it though.  Gonna have to give that some consideration.  Seventh paragraph.  At this point aim for 10 paragraphs f the act, right?  I dunno!  Makes sense to me.  Where did I get, "Brain," from for Clockwork Orange.  Better LTURQ.  Google WHAT DOES CLOCKWORK ORANGE MEAN.  HMM.  Kinda halfway there for what I was imagining.  In terms of do we have free will-- especially when it comes to matters of morality-- or are we all just wind-up toys or something.  KINDA what I was imagining when I just simplified it to, "The Brain."  Wait a second no it isn't.  KINDA what I was imagining EVEN THOUGH I simplified it as, "The Brain."  TRUE STORY.
    Eighth paragraph.  The good news is I AM NOT A RAPIST AND NEVER WANT TO BE A RAPIST.  Nor ANY OTHER KIND OF VIOLENT CRIMINAL.  You don't need to Clockwork-Orange-Experimental-Treatment-Me!  I'm good without it!  Whew that's a relief.  Clockwork Orange Treatment seems kinda unpleasant!  Great.  What else is going on and crap.  That's an unpleasant movie to watch.  Probably seen it half a dozen times.  Probably read the book Definitely At Least Once.  OH WELL WHAT CAN YA DO.  Lots of Kubricks movies are unpleasant even though I considered myself a huge fan of him AT THE SAME TIME as being #1 George Carlin Fan.  I was #2 KUBRICK Fan!  Wait no maybe that wasn't until I was #1 Mr Show FANatic.  Either way half of his films are unpleasant!  Now that I think about it they're ALL kind of unpleasant.  But half of them are still kind of pleasant enough to enjoy.  2001?  TOO SCARY.  SCIENCE FICTION.  DON'T LIKE IT.  Eyes Wide Shot?  TOO SCARY.  SECRET SEX SOCIETIES OR SOMETHING.  DON'T LIKE IT.  Lolita.  TOO EXTREME STATUTORY RAPE such that it doesn't even qualify as STATUARY RAPE, THE GIRL IS TOO YOUNG EVEN FOR THAT DESCRIPTION.  DON'T LIKE IT.  The point is the most pleasant movie he made to watch was the one with nuclear war breaking out.  Go figure.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!
  Sweet.  Maybe all films are unpleasant to watch and I just never thought about it.  That's a solid hypothesis.  What else is up.  Chinese Food Restaurant got any Chocolate Chip Infused Meals?  I don't think so.  Chocolate Chips haven't reached The Chinese yet.  But once they do OH BOY are they gonna figure out some fun ways to incorporate that into their cuisine.  Who decided on making Chocolate into Chocolate Chips.  Why not just pellets of Chocolate.  Why the twisty circular pyramid type shape.  I DON'T know but I LIKE IT.  Stroke of genius!  The point is Hmm maybe I should just have sandwich with cookies for lunch.  I DUNNO.  THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  What else is up.  What's today.  Saturday.  Main day of the weekend.  Good.  I'm glad other people get to enjoy main day of the weekend today.  For me Life Is A Weekend.  Dunno about that.  I think it's more like Life Is A Thursday.  Which is still pretty good.  In fact, maybe the best!  Life Being A Weekend would be TOO easy.  Life Being a Thursday, at least I'm presumably accomplishing SOMETHING these days.
     Yeah!  Walk after this paragraph.  What else is up.  How long until I start writing Act III.  About 5, 5 and a half hours.  Wow!  What a break in-between to re-calibrate where I've went wrong with my life.  Barry Lyndon isn't that scary a movie.  When we empathize with him good stuff seems to happen to him.  Then when we stop empathisizing with him bad stuff starts to happen to him.  So basically whatever is happening to Barry Lyndon he's got coming and I'm glad I'm there to be there while it happens.  More or less.  I dunno.  Bad stuff happens to him when he's good.  And good stuff happens to him when he's bad!  I'm just looking at The Big Picture so get off my back about it.  What else is going on and crap.  Half a cup of pork fried rice.  7 Pieces of General Tso Chicken.  Order extra broccoli such that I could probably have 2-3 pieces for each lunch.  2-3 CRYSTAL Shrimp dumplings or an appropriate amount depending how small or big they are.  SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT YOU IDIOTS.  I'll be back later.  Or maybe just have ham sandwich.  I'LL BE BACK LATER.




what else is to be done

    IT IS LATER.  Just did a small amount of Bange Eating.  Not sure why.  Stress of having to write More Entry maybe.  Stress of eating a QUEST BAR 2 hours ago.  It went from not filling me up to filling me up in a strange way to not filling me up.  When it WAS filling me up I still wanted to eat but at the bottom of my stomach there was A Pit Of Fullness.  I could appreciate some sort of heavy feeling somewhere that I was not just not hungry but FULL.  But there was still the other 80% of me that wanted to eat.  The point is Oh Well just ate a bonus 500 calories or so just now.  It's FINE because dinner is a HAM SANDWICH.  Get off my back about it.  Had Chinese Food for lunch.  No complaints!  Only complaint was that it came with FIVE Crystal Shrimp Dumplings.  I CAN'T DIVIDE THAT BY TWO.  I GUESS I COULD CUT ONE IN HALF.  BUT I DIDN'T THINK OF IT AT THE TIME SMART GUY, HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES.  Either way what else is going on.  Domestic Terrorism going on upstate.  Wonder what that's all about.  Look I know hoe posted a manifesto but I'm gonna be honest even if I WAS in the market for manifestos I'm gonna want someone with a little more experience than an 18 year old.  I don't care how great you think your manifesto is.  GIVE YOURSELF TEN, FIFTEEN YEARS, then revisit it.  THEN we'll all take a look together at what ya got.
     Was this in Buffalo Supermarket?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  IF ONLY HOCHUL HAD GOTTEN THE BUFFALO BILLS STADIUM BUILT BY NOW.  We could have avoided ALL of this.  THE NEW STADIUM WOULD INCREASE TOWN MORALE.  PROBLEM SOLVED.  Anyway I'm Down A Walk today.  Either take nighttime regular walk at nighttime or do some Nighttime Circlewalk.  BOTH have their ups and downs.  Well for one less likely I'll be shot by a white supremacist in my house.  I guess ya never know FOR SURE.  Either someone can break in OR it could turn out one of my parents (or MYSELF?) is a White Supremecesat and shoots me.  NOTHING is impossible.  EXPECT the unexpected.  THINK outside the Bun.  What else is up.  Figured I was getting Communal Dinner Delivery tonight.  Turns out I wasn't!  I was ready to skip Chinese Food but when it turned out I HAD to get SOMETHING for lunch or dinner I went right back to it.  I ATE 40% OF IT AND I'M HAPPY ABOUT IT.  The point is I'm really loaded up on Fiber now and I assume that'll pay off some time in the VERY NEAR future.  What else.  When cutting Ham Supply in half a few days ago, I feel like I may have cut it 55/45.  and the greater portion of ham I had for that sandwich.  OH WELL.  I could always have another side of something or something if I'm not happy with today's Ham Supply.
     What else is up.  Is there any sort of Critical Ranking of Manifestos.  That takes the beliefs and whatknot out of it, and just judges them on LITERARY qualities.  Like for example my guess would be not only is Mein Kamph full of hate and discrimation and violence threats, but it's also KIND OF A SNOOZE and it gets REPATVIE and HALF THE WORDS ARE SPELLED WRONG.  That sort of thing.  Not sure about the tradition of writing manifestos before Doing Mass Shootings which end with either you dead or in custody.  CLEARLY your mindset ultimately isn't working out for EVEN YOU.  You're either dead or gonna be in jail a long time.  Write a manifesto that people can read and then it's like oh he lives in an apartment building downtown, he's doing well!  Whatever he's got going on in the manifesto clearly is working for HIM at least.  Why would I subscribe to the ideas of A DEAD MAN.  HE'S DEAD HE'S FAILED LIFE.  That's the ultimate failure in life.  Dying!  NO MORE LIFE.  YOU LOSE.
What else is going on and crap.  Watched 2 or 3 episodes of Entourage.  I feel like I'm supposed to get lost in the fantasy of this show but I don't know how based in reality it is.  I mean, surely there are famous celebrities who have sex a lot with lots of pretty ladies.  Just non-stop interacting with pretty ladies and having sex with them half the time during the interactions.  But REALLY IS THAT A THING.  You're pulling my leg, right?  That can't be real!  VINCENT CHASE WOULDN'T BE UPSET THAT HE ATE THREE FIBER BARS IN A ROW.  I dunno if Vincent Chase has been upset about anything ever.  He needs to check into reality and recognize there are things in this world that don't make sense.  Tell VINCENT about this mass shooter in Buffalo.  Lets see him LAUGH THAT ONE OFF.  I DON'T THINK HE WILL.  CHASE GONNA TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY.
Hmm.  Let's see.  Maybe this website is my Manifesto.  It will take you more than your entire life time to read it.  Somehow.  Obviously it's taken me less than my entire life time to WRITE it.  But it's possible I write so terribly that it takes longer for it to be read than for it to be written.  I guess that's possible.  Either way if you take ONE THING AWAY from my manifesto is HEY WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH AIRPLANE PEANUTS.  ARE THEY ANY DIFFERENT THAN PEANUTS YOU'D GET AT SEA LEVEL.  BECAUSE IF THEY ARE WHAT'S THE DEAL WHY CAN'T THEY JUST USE REGULAR PEANUTS.  This may be 100% wrong and I'm confusing this with a different memory, but I feel like there's a 25% chance I used to think you could plant the nut in a peanut and a peanut tree would grow.  I'm PRETTY 100% sure I didn't think that.  BUT I thought something similar.  The point is I don't know if I should risk getting more Cinnamon Toast Crunk Bars.  Because I like eating raw sugar in a CRUNCH CONCOCTION but on the other hand CAN'T BE VERY HEALTHY.  Can't even be SLIGHTLY healthy.  IN fact it's clearly not on the Healthy Spectrum at all!  Unless Spectrum includes Unhealthy.  If the Healthy Spectrum is from Very Healthy to Very Unhealthy then YES it's on that spectrum.  But if the Healthy Spectrum is from Very Healthy to As Slightly As Possible Healthy then NO IT'S NOT ON THAT ONE.  Maybe it is.  Won't kill you.  Anything is better than nothing.
Hmm.  Dinner gonna be in about an hour I guess.  45 minutes to an hour and seven minutes.  MY RULES I MAKE EM UP.  Sixth paragraph of the act.  Am I supposed to be envious of the friendship shared between The Entourage?  I guess!  Having friends probably couldn't hurt.  You can compartmentalize and have them do certain parts of your life for you.  Hmm.  Always presented in a positive way.  That was the SPIN they did about the show.  AT IT'S HEART ITS A SHOW ABOUT FOUR GOOD FRIENDS.  Or it's about one super rich guy getting three guys to do everything for him.  LOOK HE REWARDS THEM BY JOKING AROUND WITH THEM AND GETTING THEM LAID.  But in the end HE'S A USER.  Also in the end THEY GET LAID SO THEY'RE USERS.  Also in the end EVERYONE'S A JERK BUT ME.  FICTION, REAL LIFE, SOMEWHERE IN-BETWEEN... not sure about anyone else's character.  KINDA SEEM LIKE JERKS?  Anyway should I skip Ham Sandwich + Ham Sandwich Side For dinner cause of All Snacks?  NO.  THEN THE SNACKS WIN.  I EAT DINNER JUST AS PLANNED.  Won't give Snacks THE SATISFACTION of stopping my dinner.  What do they care they've already won.  I ate them.  Irresponsibly, at that!  That's the best case scenario for a snack.  Obviously they want to be eaten in general, that's the main thing.  But I feel like most snacks would get off knowing that you're eating them irresponsibly and even more especially if you're kinda FETISHIZING the snack in a way.  GOD DAMN SNACKS WHERE DO YOU GET OFF.
I dunno.  Oh Well.  Sustainable Summer!  These things happen.  I titled a Black and White Notebook SUSTAINABLE SUMMER and underneath I wrote MAK22.  Because that's the Author I am.  MAK for initials.  22 for THE YEAR.  So far I think I wrote one thing on the first page.  Lemme LTURQ.  I've written three phrases, one line each.  What's going on again over here?/I Haven't Given Up On This Yet/I Still Find Ways To Surprise Me.  5/11/22.  SO THAT'S ALL I GOT SO FAR FOR BLACK AND WHITE SUSTAINABLE SUMMER.  Also good for me for not BANGE eating the black and white.  I showed SOME restraint.  Not a lot!  But some!  Also good for me for not eating the black and white COOKIE.  Before I was talking about the restraint I showed from not eating this notebook.  IT'S NOT REAL UNTIL YOU EAT IT.  I feel like that some wacky famous niche writer should have that position on writing.  NOT REAL UNTIL YOU EAT IT.  Well maybe it's up to ME to be that writer.  I'm not wacky.  Or famous.  Or niche.  Or writer.  Or have.  Or that position.  Or On Writing.  But other than all that I'M YOUR MAN.
     Eighth paragraph of the act.
  I was looking at WEBSITES about BEST BARS for different Health reasons.  And first best bar WAS a QUEST BAR but they specified for ATHLETES and the like.  THAT AIN'T ME.  I dunno if my best bar should be for someone whose in Athlete Training and Conditioning.  Then again aren't we ALL Athletes to some extent?  PROBABLY NOT but now I pawned off the question TO YOU.  I no longer am responsible for answering it.  THAT'S ALL ON YOU NOW YOU IDIOT.  GET WORKING ON IT BECAUSE I NEED AN ANSWER BY TOMORROW AT 5.  AM OR PM?  I CAN'T SAY FOR SURE SO YOU BETTER JUST PLAY IT SAFE AND DO IT BY THE EARLIER TIME.  Would that always Be AM?  Or is there some scenario somehow where 5 PM is earlier than 5 AM?  GET WORKING ON THAT QUESTION TOO.  HAVE THE ANSWER FOR THAT ALONG WITH THE ANSWER FOR THE OTHER THING AT THE SAME TIME.  What's going on.  Where am I.  Who are you people.  I guess the answer is better start being an athlete.  These are the best bars available to me so if I have to be an athlete to get the most out of them, I guess there's my answer!  Can I be a Special Olympics Athlete.  Just to make things a bit easier.  I would think so.  TRACK STAR.  Special Olympics TRACK STAR off the top of my head.  MAYBE And Field.  Dunno if I wanna commit myself to And Field or not.  Certainly The Track, though.  RUN FOR A SOLID 20 SECONDS AS FAR AND AS HARD AS I CAN.  Take a break.  Do it AGAIN SEVERAL MINUTES LATER.  At some point I've done that enough times that I've qualified as an Athlete and I can start having Quest Bars.  What's going on.  Who are you people.  What is this.
Hmm.  What else can I blame for doing some Small Bange Eating tonight.  ONE-- Met game I was planning on watching the beginning of was delayed.  TWO-- had to wear too intense button down shirt when I should be feeling cooler.  THREE-- Dad was in kitchen talking to me about Shooter and when I'm in kitchen with Dad I gravitate towards food for some reason.  FOUR-- Quest Bar Pit in My Stomach of Feeling Full but feeling UNFULL for outside Pit.  FIVE-- Delicious food available to me.  SIX-- ENTOURAGE.  SEVEN-- WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE.  EIGHT-- WON'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR A SECOND.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Trying to think whether I can and/or should skip dinner tonight.  But the point is a Ham Sandwich is, what, 300 calories.  What's the point even in skipping it.  What about skipping Side.  FUCK THAT.  If I'm having sandwich I'MA HAVE A SIDE.  GET OF my BACK about it.  Gotta watch a Horror Movie tonight.  Entourage is TOO SCARY.  Want to watch something slightly more comfortable to watch.
    Last paragraph of the day!  OH RIGHT gotta do CircleWalking after dinner.  I can do that.  That's not scary.  Unless I listen to Eleanor Rigby.  HORRIFYING.  I should LTURQ.  Other people creeped out by that song.  YEP THERE'S A REDDIT THREAD ABOUT IT BEING A SCARY SONG.  And the main Response Post is by SOME GUY WHO KNOWS WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT and he's BRINGING RECEIPTS and why this is a scary song.  Which is a phrase I picked up somewhere AND REFUSED TO LET GO OF.  I pick something up I AIN'T Putting it down UNTIL I NEED TO PICK SOMETHING NEW UP.  Only so many things I can hold at once.  Let's face it.  Maybe I can skip dinner.  I dunno.  I'm not going to.  But that doesn't change the fact that theoretically in some alternative universe I can.  YEAH.  ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE.  LIKE THE SMASHING PUMPKINS OR SOMETHING.  Is that a good reference for the classic Definition of Alternative Music?  The Smashing Pumpkins?  My Guess?  NOPE I'M WAY OFF.  That's strange that I'd guess such a thing.  BUT HERE WE ARE.  Anyway I'll be back tomorrow

-8:29 P.M.




Friday, May 13, 2022

Hey We Made It This Far

    Hey!  Thought I was gonna sleep late today and not do drinking or entrying.  Woke up early and had breakfast at six.  Went back to sleep for a while.  Super Market delivery came right on Early Time at 10:00!  At that point I was up for the day so I got all that going for me is the point.  What else is the point.  Had nice KETO bar that I Just re-upped with.  Opened up BIRTHDAY CAKE BARS.  TEN LESS CALORIES THAN THE OTHER FLAVOR.  WHATTA DEAL.  Gonna have a sandwich again for today.  POSSIBLY HAM AGAIN.  The point is YES ALL THAT HAPPENED AND IT'S MORE OR LESS CONSISTENT WITH WHAT I DO EVERY DAY MORE OR LESS.  Ya know, waking up?  Eating things?  Very relatable.  Got significantly less soda this week!  I feel like my surplus from Past Week will last me long enough.  I feel like LOTS of things.  That's one of them!  Hmm.  Gonna have a beer with act II, of that much I am not certain but feel good about.  Some guy is coming to the house today to fix my Dad's computer.  NO SPOILERS but I think his main problem is Holding A Charge.  I guess that's kind of personal information.  Oh well too late to take it back now.
     Hmm.  Had a few bonus snacks last night!  By no means a BANGE but we're talkin' like 300-400 calories I shoulda done without.  HEY THAT'S PART OF LIFE.  Doing things you should have done without.  The MAIN part.  What do I got in store for the day.  Lots of fun stuff.  I can... ya know... That Kind Of Thing.  Birthday Cake Bar as Hearty Snack between lunch and dinner or dinner and sleep.  MY LIFE IS GOOD and TODAY WILL BE GOOD I just can't pinpoint HOW.  Or WHY.  I don't deserve B- Days!  The way I live my life I should be satisfied with C days.  Oh well I guess it'll even out.  B- days now, gonna have some C- days later on even though I've done nothing in my behavior to immediately warrant a change of deserved fortune.  Hmm.  I feel bad for my Dad.  Hasn't been sleeping well!  Lots of responsibilities!  Especially today!  On the one hand I wish I could help him more than I do which is very slightly.  on the other hand ALRIGHT DON'T GOTTA DO TOO MUCH MYSELF THAT'S GOOD NEWS FOR ME AT LEAST.
    What else.
  Looks like Family doesn't' need Dinner Delivery tonight.  So I can either use it as an opportunity to get something I like, or knock something else out from Super Market.  MAYBE TRY CHINESE FOOD AGAIN.  I THINK I CAN DO BETTER THIS TIME.  I dunno about that.  Eat sandwich for lunch and then Super Market pasta based mean for dinner.  KNOCK EM OUT so I have breathing room LATER ON in the week for some FLEXIBILITY.  Jeez.  Maybe get TACO BELL or something.  I feel like that's something I'd enjoy.  The point is I'm into the third paragraph of the entry.  Time for things to start HEATING UP.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Buttermilk Biscuit Day.  SWEET.  SIGN ME UP.  Wait a second I don't just GET a buttermilk biscuit tomorrow.  It's just a day.  That I Know to celebrate.  I dunno I feel like that's be a fun MACRO Advent Calendar.  Every day you get a National Food Of The Day!  Not sure the logistics of that with how it would stay fresh and whatknot.  But if you're RICH and got money to burn YOU COULD FIGURE IT OUT.  THAT'S A YEAR YOU'D NEVER FORGET.  I'd hope not.  If you never get alzheimers or anything I'd say in general you'd probably remember every year up to a certain age?  Not A LOT.  You might not even remember which year it was.  But I'd say there's at least one or two things that happen each year that's gonna stick with you.  MIGHT BE WRONG.  Like 9/11!  You might forget your life in 2001 if you're currently 95 years old but YOU'LL NEVER FORGET THE THINGS THEY DID WITH THOSE PLANES.  Frankly it was horrible what they did with the planes.
     Hmm.  Coffee after this paragraph.  I remember where I was.  It was called the first week of 8th Grade Middle School.  That settles that.  I dunno.  I know how they said in the other WTC when the first one got hit they were like don't worry about it continue working.  And I imagine over 50% of the people there were like SURE THING.  What's the percent of people who were like that can't be right.  I think I'm getting out of here.  I want to see NUMBERS and I WANT TO SEE THEM NOW.  The point is ARE THERE CHAIN FASTFOOD RESTAURANTS that had FRANCHISES in World Trade Center.  Because if there were THE STAKES HAVE BEEN RAISED and now it's a REAL Disaster.  Lemme LTURQ.  I don't see any immediate info.  Info about that resutant at the top of WTC.  I KNEW ABOUT THAT VAGUELY.  I'm talking about a KFC.  I feel like halfway through the building there should be a KFC.  Well not ANYMORE.  The building doesn't exist anymore.  Good luck placing a KFC halfway through a non-existent building.  YEAH I know there's a new building there.  NOT THE SAME THING.  But they should definitely consider putting a KFC in there.  TOPICS.
Is it possible in some way Gremlins II was an allegory for what would later happen to the WTC?  My guess?  VERY possible.  What else.  Got coffee!  Got sprite!  Delicious.  I feel like I could happily eat something In House for dinner BUT there's ONE ANSWER OUT THERE of something I can get delivered that's THE RIGHT answer.  One way to go that's like OH THIS WOULD BE PER(F)ECT FOR NOW.  Oh I know PIZZA HUT.  No scratch that.  Oh I know White Castle.  No scra... WAIT A SECOND... No scratch that.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Smaller diner delivery.  With the good Freedom Toast.  I DON'T KNOW I TOLD YOU I'LL KEEP YOU UPDATED ON THIS SITUATION AS IT PROGRESSES WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME.  Hmm.  Probably 2-4 beers today.  Watched a SHUTTER movie yesterday.  Wasn't entertained!  Gotta be honest!  I liked the flickering images and the sounds which in succession formed dialogue but that's about the best I can say about it!
     Hmm.  Lunch'll probably be a little bit earlier today.  Maybe not!  Had early breakfast.  Look lunch may not be EARLY but it probably won't be LATE.  FINE LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  Wait no involve me with it.  OH OKAY SURE.  HMM maybe get REAL GOOD pizza place pizza for myself.  Two slices and 2 beef patties for 2 meals.  That's enough for them to deliver!  Haven't had a beef patty in a dog's age.  Then again I dunno had pizza recently.  Then again who cares I should have pizza more frequently in general.  That's the kind of guy I am This Week.  Hmm.  Also they lean into being great for SICILIAN slices.  I CAN GET ON BOARD WITH THAT.  Not as good as NEPALESE slices but you take what you can get!  Also look I'd have 1 of each for 2 nights.  Not gonna have 2 slices and then 2 beef patties separately.  I feel very strongly about this.  I guess.  The quality is bad but I'm in the midst of writing SOMETHING today whereas I thought I might write nothing.  I guess.  PLUS the quality could pick up AT ANY MOMENT.  EXCITING!
     Seventh paragraph.  Friday!  13th!  I AIN'T FRAID OF NO GHOSTS.  Where does Friday 13 Being Scary come from.  Lemme LTURQ.  My guess is PAGANS.  IT'S ALWAYS THE PAGANS WITH THIS KINDA CRAP.  Let's see.  COMES FROM NORSEMEN.  That's halfway there to pagans.  Is it.  I dunno.  12 Gods were having a dinner party.  Then LOKI, a 13th god CRASHED THE PARTY and got one of the other gods to shoot a third god with an arrow to kill him.  So that's that.  We all learnt HALF OF SOMETHING.  I wasn't very generous with details or anything but I think I got the main gist of it across.  Also was it on a Friday?  LEMME LTURQ.  NOPE.  FRIDAY being unlucky WITH 13 didn't show up until 19th century.  GO FIGURE.  Anyway THAT LOKI ALWAYS UP TO NO GOOD.  The point is how many people in the world worship The Avengers.  Not like are die hard fans.  How many people invest their spirituality and religiosity into believing in and adhering their loyalties to The Avengers.  WELL IT DEPENDS are we talking about the FILM FRANCHISE from the last decade?  Yes.  THEN I'D HAVE TO SAY THIRTY PEOPLE.
It's gotta confuse some people across the globe.  That are very poor, live in isolated communities.  They see an Avenger movie somehow and are like WHO ARE THESE GODS.  I'm not KNOCKING poor people in isolated communities across the globe.  I'D FEEL THE SAME WAY.  IN FACT I DO FEEL THE SAME WAY I JUST KEEP IT TO MYSELF.  Hmm. Eighth paragraph.  Sure!  I'm strongly considering getting Chinese Food but doing it RIGHT this time.  Which could mean going HEALTHIER.  Could mean going UNHEALTHIER.  Could mean LOTS of things.  Definitely something with RICE.  I feel like I was missing rice last time.  Hmm.  Yesterday went okay without beer.  And I was prepared to go today without beer.  BUT I was gonna skip Entry today.  I feel like that's a good routine.  If I skip beer for a day I skip entry!  Makes things easier.  I DUNNO WE'LL TAKE IT AS IT COMES.  MET GAME TONIGHT.  WE'LL TAKE IT AS IT COMES.  I like the LINEUP.  Lots of good players there and you can mix it up all you want.  One day the person you have hitting eighth can hit second the next day and NO ONE WOULD BAT AN EYE.  What is batting an eye.  Is it sort of like a wink or something?  Gotta LTURQ.  YEAH.  Some sort of halfway involuntary wink that you didn't wanna betray.  OKAY.
     Ninth paragraph.  So I got that going for me.  Start 2nd Hell House Season.  What's the new house called.  BLY House or something.  Lemme LTURQ.  BLY MANOR.  Spoiler alert while looking that up I see THEY RE-USE SOME CASTMEMBERS.  HATE IT.  NOW I KNOW IT'S ALL FAKE because I've seen these jerks pretending to be SOMEONE ELSE.  YOU JUST LOST YOURSELF A CUSTOMER.  No you didn't.  I'll still watch.  YOU JUST MADE YOURSELF AN ANGRY CUSTOMER.  I dunno about angry.  YOU JUST DISAPPOINTED A CUSTOMER AND NOW I'M GONNA GO CRY IN THE CORNER.  Ok that sounds about right.  Hmm.  Might be a tight squeeze to fit in the seven walks today.  Worst case scenario is I do a CircleWalk after entry for 40 minutes listening to music as Final Walk.  That sounds PLEASURABLE so who knows how things shake out in terms of how much I care about how things shake out.  OH RIGHT I don't need to hang around for an hour or so window waiting to accept Dinner Delivery.  That gives me more wiggle room!  WOW WIGGLE ROOM.  Probably just have Super Market Kids Chicken Parm for dinner.  After having sandwich + THREE Super Market cookies for lunch.  YEAH.
What else is up.  I DON'T KNOW so many options and they're all so good.  Circling back around to Smaller Diner Just For Me.  I know and trust their Challah Frenched Toast but maybe go with CCP!!!  LOOK I'M NOT GONNA SETTLE THIS ANY TIME SOON.  Relatively soon.  In the scheme of things.  Things don't have a scheme.  Things are neutral.  Possibly.  I had sandwich yesterday.  Maybe I've been too hasty thinking about it for lunch today!  Have KIDS CHICKEN PARM for lunch today and DELIVERY for DINNER.  I HATE THIS THERE'S TOO MANY PERMUTATIONS OF WHAT TO DO.  Can't SOMEONE narrow it down for me?  But someone WHO IS ME.  I don't trust YOU to narrow it down for me.  Gotta be me.  DAMNIT WHY ME.  Can't someone ELSE to do it?  NO WE'VE COVERED THIS.  I guess.  What else is crap.  Maybe flip through Scrabble Player's Dictionary and see what the word I lands on suggests I do re: Lunch &/V Dinner.  Nah I'm not gonna do that.  Either way Hey Walk Time.  Be back soon!




Have I Got Some Great News

    HI!  Took a nice quick shower.  No complaints!  Water was fine.  Cleansed myself with water and a little bit of Rubbing Soap and Shampoo Guck.  What do we call Shampoo Fluid.  Not quiet GEL.  SUDS?  Could it be SUDS?  Either way I applied that on like I've been doing it my whole life.  WHILE I'VE ONLY BEEN DOING IT THE LAST 85% OF MY LIFE.  Hmm.  Checked my weight!  Good stuff!  Was expecting to see I was 3-5 pounds away from Sustainable Goal Weight while it appears I am actually only about 2 pounds away!  WOW THIS SUSTAINABLE SUMMER TO REMEMBER JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT MORE SUSTAINABLE.  Also weight and diet and exercising routine is just ONE aspect of Sustainable Summer.  No it isn't.  That sounds like three or four aspects.  The point is WE MUST SUSTAIN THIS SUMMER all over the place.  What else.  Probably gonna have Chicken Parm and TURKEY Sandwich today but IN WHAT ORDER I DO NOT KNOW.  YEAH.  What else is Today.  Hmm.  Not sure what that means.  Then again I AM sure what it means.  Hmmm.
Start me some of that beer now!  Just had a nice No Nutrition Granola Bar.  Gotta be SOME Nutrition.  But no specialization in Fiber or Protein or No Sugar or anything.  TASTES GOOD THOUGH.  LOOKS healthy.  That's half the battle.  Which means nothing.  You're constantly going with things that are Half The Battle you're gonna be losing pretty much every battle.  That's how I feel!  Anyway!  WAS leaning towards Chicken Parm for lunch but eatings this granola bar I LIKE THE SWEET and it makes me wanna have Sandwich with 3 cookie side.  I GOT ABOUT AN HOUR AND A HALF to TWO HOURS TO FIGURE IT OUT.  That's half the battle.  WHAT.  Having time.  HMM OKAY.  The best news about weight being less than you'd think it would be is Obviously YES it's good that RIGHT NOW I'm lower than I anticipated.  But it also IMPLIES that I've been overestimating how much I'd weigh based on my activities.  Which means DOING WHAT I DO ISN'T AS BAD AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN OTHERWISE.  ALRIGHT.  I feel like I reach that conclusion every other time I check my weight.  ALRIGHT NICE CONCLUSION.  What's going on with the other half of the times.  I DON'T REACH THAT CONCLUSION.  WEIGHT IS WHAT I EXPECTED.  Oh okay.  Hmm.
Sure.  Probably won't make Egg Whites for Balanced Breakfasts today.  Hopefully sometime this weekend though.  I LIKE doing things sometimes for the most part.  As long as I eclipse Doing Half The Battle when I do things.  Then it's not worth it.  But if I do something and it's 80% of the battle?  NOT BAD I'VE ACHIEVED A FAIR AMOUNT THERE JUST THEN.  Ugh.  Hey delicious Miller Lite.  Taste good to me.  Sound good to me too!  The point is if I have a sandwich SORRY HAM YOU'RE OUT OF THE PICTURE and STEP RIGHT UP TURKEY IT'S YOUR TIME TO SHINE.  How could that be the point. The point to what.  WHAT IS THERE IN THIS UNIVERSE that THAT'S the point.  I dunno.  Get off my back about it!  I don't know how the universe works.  But apparently it works where the point is it's turkey's time to shine.  Let's get Turkey involved in Ukraine War.  Turkey can't be THAT far away.  Better LTURQ.  I'm not saying it's a BORDERING country.  But it's gotta be Not So Many Countries Removed From Bordering.  Lemme LTURQ.  RIGHT ACROSS THE BLACK SEA.  Not close in terms of neighboring countries.  But Ukraine is NORTH of Black Sea directly and Turkey is SOUTH of Black Sea Directly.  GOTTA IMAGINE THAT GIVES THEM A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.  VERY Special.
     Hmm.  How does a sea get the name black sea.  I'm guessing the water is still blue.  There must be some Black involved in this sea somehow.  Maybe it was made out of oil in the past.  I dunno!  I'm not gonna look into it, though.  I've got SLIGHTLY BETTER things to do!  What else is up.  Probably between 5-10 paragraphs Act.  Solid chance I hit 10!  Great!  Looks like Elon Musk buying twitter is on hold.  Good!  NOW THE DOOR IS OPEN FOR ME TO STEP IN.  Wait a second I don't have 50 billion dollars.  NOT YET.  I've got some money.  Just gotta pick The EXACT RIGHT PERFECT CRYPTOCURRENCY to invest in and then I'll have 50 billion dollars at SOME point.  I just gotta pick THE RIGHT ONE.  HMM THIS IS TOUGH.  NOW I KNOW WHY BILLIONAIRES ARE SO WELL RESPECTED.  They have to make ROUGH and CORRECT decisions about what scam to invest in and/or profit from because they're the scammers.  One way or the other.
     Fifth paragraph of the act.  ROUGH and correct decisions?  Is it possible I meant TOUGH?  NO.  If I meant Tough I would have said it.  I STAND BY ROUGH DECISIONS.  Prove me wrong!  Anyway.  Kinda feel like Vatican City should have it's own Pizza.  If anyone can develop a BETTER pizza gotta imagine it's The Pope.  Pizza in general is great and we already have a few GREAT verities.  But if anyone can take pizza to the next level it's THE POPE.  Also I imagine the Pope would sign a deal with Pizza Hut so whatever he designs Pizza-wise THEY'RE the distributor who makes and sells it.  I think it's because The Pizza Hut Delivery Car with the Hut Top and The Pope-mobile kinda remind me of one another.  Pope and Pizza Hut are a MATCH MADE IN... not Heaven... OHIO.  Gotta imagine Pizza Hut headquarters are in Ohio.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE TEXAS.  Go figure.  Who lives in huts these days.  Besides Pizza I mean.  I'd live in a hut.  If it was sturdy enough.  Why not.  I like GOING AGAINST THE GRAIN.
     Hmm.  I'd like in a PIZZA Hut.  Kinda sounds like a sitcom or something.  We'd have to make it a Fake Pizza Chain though.  We don't wanna owe royalties after royalties to the real pizza hut.  But either way I wanna live in A Pizza Place and then Pizza Things happen around me and also I'm The Fonz.  Hmm.  Let's get someone working on that Story Bible and then I'll consult it and we'll figure out a Bible I'm happy with.  So far not happy with ANY Bible.  Religious or Pizza Hut Sitcom-related OR OTHERWISE.  The point is I don't help making pizza but I eat the pizza a lot.  That's the gist of what the show is about more or less.  I mean not LITERALLY.  That is the case LITERALLY sure.  But it's a METAPHOR for the rest of the show as well!  What else is going on and crap.  Also gotta imagine I live in the attic.  I know it's not a pizza hut but I imagine the building is more or less a hut and I live in the Hut Part-- The Attic.  This is no longer a sitcom I'm pitching.  Now it's just what I want out of life.  Wanna live in the attic of a Pizza Hut.
Seventh paragraph of the act!  What was I talking about.  Oh.  Pope should make up a pizza.  Makes sense.  Also the pizza should replace communion wafers.  That would get some new Catholics.  You sit through church but you get a free sample of Pope Pizza Hut at the end.  Also now Pizza is the body of Christ.  LOOK if anyone can turn a boring stale communion wafer into PIZZA it's gotta be Christ! ...Post-humously.  I guess he's still alive according to some.  Don't get me involved in it!  The point is, alive or not, he's still doing good deeds, turning flavorless crackers into Pizza Hut.  Let's just be happy about that and not argue about the specifics.  What else is going on.  Miller Lite taste better than The Bud Light!  Same alcohol content!  Less calories.  STILL fits PERFECTLY inside a glass.  No complaints about it pouring out of glass somehow as I was pouring it in because of A Fault In Meta-Physics.  Avoided THAT potential problem!  So that's half the battle I feel.  Why is everything a battle.  Because THAT'S LIFE.
     Eighth paragraph.  MARINERS coming to face METS tonight.  My two favorite teams.  The METS and TONIGHT.  What else is going on and crap.  Turns out I'm having lunch around the same time as I always do based on the past week.  So there's that.  The point is I would have liked to mix-it-up and go with HEALTH BREAD again this week for sandwiches but I still have THE OTHER HALF of the six pack of sandwich thins I gotta finish this week.  NEXT WEEK HEALTH BREAD IT MAKING A COMEBACK FOR SURE THOUGH.  Very exciting.  I'd have to get a different 3rd sandwich filling than veggie burger.  VEGGIE BURGER IS GOOD ON CIRCULAR SANDWICH THINS, NOT SO MUCH ON RECTANGLE WHOLE WHEAT HEALTH BREAD THING.  Then again I CAN BEND THE RULES A LITTLE BIT.  A LOTTA BIT EVEN.  NO ONE WILL BE THE WISER.  Hmm.  Also in Bend it like Beckham what exactly is Beckham bending.  I guess it's some sort of muscle.  Probably in his legs.  But I'm not a football fan so I'm not sure exactly.  Also it turns out I don't and never have cared.  So there's that.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Sweet!  Probably won't have a midafternoon beer.  Save it till NightTime.  Aim for 3 overall to be a Responsible.  5 would be insane.  4 is reasonable.  We'll see how it all shakes out!  Anyway where and how am I getting my Buttermilk Biscuit for tomorrow.  Do I have to do it myself?  Because I will!  I mean I WON'T.  But I'd LIKE TO.  Which is a third of the battle.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Behind schedule of walks so basically I will take all regular walks-- no circle walk at end of day-- but I'll not be having dinner/last Act until later than usual.  GREAT.  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  By which I mean INVOLVE ME IN IT but you don't have to update me EVERY SECOND OF THE WAY.  Sure I do.  If I don't keep myself updated how the Hell am I ever gonna GET or BE updated.  I MUST BE AWARE OF UPDATES OTHERWISE THEY CANNOT BE ACHIEVED.  SO there's that is the point I'm trying to make.
Last paragraph for now!  Oh.  Right.  Vatican City Pizza.  Look the Pope is a busy guy.  He can't make this pizza.  You gotta outsource it.  But I assume whoever you outsource it to will be PRETTY good Catholics.  Maybe not POPE LEVEL Catholics but they're respectable Catholics AND know how to make a good unique pizza.  What else is going on and crap.  Also when you become Pope does that make all your past actions infallible?  Does it apply retroactively?  Gonna have to look into that but I don't feel like it so you can see the bind I'm in.  Anyway my Dad is taking a walk now but he should be back pretty soon.  Such that there won't be much downtime at all between this paragraph and me going for my next walk.  Especially since this paragraph is just about over!  So I got that going for me!  You idiots!  What the Hell is even the point.  Gonna have to LTURQ.  I'll be back in a while!



i don't know how to feel about that

    HAD DELICIOUS BIRTHDAY BAR just now.  SOLID, "B!"  Kinda mushy.  Should have been in the fridge.  I ACCOUNT for that in the, "B."  It was really a C+/B- but I feel going forward it will be a, "B!"  Also for some reason going into it I realized in my fertile imagination I was imagining it would taste like Bubble Gum.  Birthday Cake and Bubble Gum Flavor--- DIFFERENT BUT THE SAME.  Not true.  One is much better than the other one.  I think we all know which one it is but let's not hurt Bubble Gum's feelings by explicitly saying so.  WAIT I MESSED UP.  Oh well Bubble Gum is a mature flavor it can handle knowing people don't respect it as much as birthday cake flavor.  Anyway had Chicken Parm for lunch 3.5 hours ago.  Gonna have turkey sandwich + cookies for dinner in OH I DON'T KNOW 1-2 hours.  Maybe directly when entry ends.  Maybe not!  Maybe it makes no difference to anyone but me!  But MAN OH MAN does it make a difference to me.
     Hmm.  Had some nice Bunched UP walks in middle of the day so I got all walks in pretty early.  The good news is Guy Came To Fix Dad's Computer but couldn't fix it.  That's not good news.  Well it's good news for This Guy.  He is ALIVE and MOBILE ENOUGH that he could make the trek to and from here.  Also I was imaging a burly masculine mountain of a man like one who would repair BIG appliances.  Turns out it was some scrawny nerd.  And I realized Oh right COMPUTERS.  Nerds do computers.  Different than other appliances.  So basically it turns out my manhood wasn't threatened and if anything I was threatening this guy's manhood.  ALRIGHT.  Someone's manhood has got to be threatened.  That's the nature of the world we live in!  I'm not happy about it either but WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT IT NOTHING THAT'S WHO.  Another five minutes into BLYTHE MANOR.  So far my manhood has only slightly been threatened.  The point is stop threatening my manhood World.  It's RUDE AS FUCK.
Albright time to start beer 2 of 3.  Or 4!  Either way I WIN.  Man-hood as slang for condom.  Hey I'm the first person to think of that!  WHERE'S MY BIRTHDAY CAKE BAR.  Solidifying in the fridge.  GOOD THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE I WANT IT FOR NOW.  The point is this nerd has a job and appears to be proficient enough at it so that's about as Manhood as it gets.  OH well that's life!  I watch a lot of Horror Movies on TV!  That's the extent of my manhood somehow.  It's almost NEGATIVE manhood but even still it somehow pokes out into positive manhood enough that IT'S MY BIGGEST MANHOOD.  I'll watch ALL the horror movies you can't get one by me.  Not sure what I'm talking about.  I was watching the Jon Lovitz episode of Tales From That Crypt earlier this evening and it occurred to me he's a GREAT REAL ACTOR.  I was lost in some scene and I realized Jon Lovitz: The Person would NEVER say this dialogue or BE THIS CHARACTER or GET INVOLVED IN THIS PLOT or DO THESE THINGS.  But somehow I watch it and most of the time I BUY INTO THE FALSEHOOD.  JON LOVITZ-- KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING.  OR AT LEAST HE USED TO.  MAYBE NOW HE CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE.  WHAT DO I KNOW.
     Hmm.  If It is what you say I Lovitz.  That sort of thing.  Tomorrow get to think about getting delivery for lunch all over again.  MAYBE I WILL.  I'll update you on this later after it's happened or something, I dunno.  What do I do with the rest of tonight after entry.  Gonna have a solid 1-2.5 hours.  Watch some FILM one would imagine.  I can watch OLD by The M Night Shymalalan.  I DON'T KNOW IF I WANNA WATCH A MOVIE ON A BEACH.  I dunno why.  Normally the setting of a movie doesn't play a role in me determining whether I wanna watch it.  Now it does!  Some jerks on a beach somewhere?  No thanks.  Maybe in a city or something.  Maybe a pool would be okay.  NOT IN THE MOOD FOR PEOPLE ON A BEACH.  So there's that.  TWIST ENDING MIGHT BE THEY WERE AT THE POOL THE WHOLE TIME.  Man if that turns out to be accurate I'm gonna look like a GENIUS when this paragraphs, "Hits," the, "Internet."  What else is up. 
    It always annoyed me that time Kim Kardashaian posed nude or semi-nude and it was like THIS PHOTOSHOOT IS GONNA BREAK THE INTERNET!!!!  They do realize we've already seen her COMPLETELY NUDE and IN VIDEO NOT IMAGES and also THERE'S ACTUAL SEX?  This is a step or two BELOW in salaciousness.  If the first thing didn't break the internet this isn't gonna either.  YES THINGS LIKE THIS BOTHER ME.  LOTS OF THINGS BOTHER ME.  KEEP IT UP AND YOU MIGHT START BOTHERING ME.  What else is going on and crap.  I guess aim for 10 paragraphs off the top of my head for this act.  Got Met game going on in background.  Other alternatives-- BLYTHE MANOR.  OLD.  Some SHUTTER movie.  BROWSING THROUGH SONGS.  KIM KARDASHIAN PORN.  We can't count out anything at this point is the moral of the story.  Anyway.  It's possible scale today was lying to me.  I have no context in terms of checking it lately.  But I choose to believe it for now.  Maybe check it again next Friday.  GREAT.
     Also does scale count itself in weight.
  Gotta imagine scales weigh 30 pounds and also gotta imagine they include that 30 pounds in their calculations.  In fact they probably DOUBLE how much they weigh in their calculations.  If your scale weighs 50 pounds it's probably adding ONE HUNDRED pounds to its calculations.  Look this is the kind of things I write.  Either you're on board with it or you're not.  I can't make that decision for you. Only you can do that.  Anyway.  I dunno.  What's going on in the wide world of sports.  Kinda feel like the multiverse in Marvel Movies is too scary.  And now it's the common place?  I haven't seen The Spiderman or The Doctor Strange but I get the sense There's Multiverses Afoot and I just don't see how that's fun.  At the very least it's confusing.  At the very most SCARY.  IF THIS IS THE MULTIVERSE IS REAL LIFE PART OF THE MULTIVERSE TOO?  I DON'T WANT REAL LIFE TO BE IN THE MOVIES.  I NEVER SIGNED UP FOR BEING IN THAT MOVIE THAT IS THIS MY REAL LIFE.
     What paragraph we at.  Seventh.
  Wonderful.  I'd feel better about approaching the end of the entry if I was happy with what to do after the entry ends.  Yes Dinner is good but that's not IMMEDIATE after entry.  Also how many multiverses are we talking about?  4-6 I would imagine.  Anything more than that and it's gonna be hard to keep track of.  Unless if it's like 4-6 THOUSAND.  Then we can agree that it's impossible to keep track of any of them and move on with our lives.  I saw there's a big black hole at the center of our galaxy.  I FEEL THREATENED.  Are we being sucked into the black hole?  Is there any sort of referendum we can pass to try to reverse course and avoid the black hole?  Maybe black hole is good.  What's wrong with being sucked into a black hole.  MIGHT BE NICE ON THE OTHER SIDE.  I don't know how things work.  Also how did Black Hole get the word Black.  It's a Black Sea scenario all over again.  ALL OF SPACE IS BLACK.  I'VE SEEN PICTURES.  I'VE LOOKED UP AT THE NIGHT SKY.  BLACK IS DEFAULT SPACE.  Hmm.  Is that accurate or some sort of trick of the mind.  Maybe the 99.99998% of the universe That's Nothing is actually GREEN or something.  No I'd have noticed that.  Also maybe there's a lot more of the universe That Is Something.  I'd LTURQ but I dunno.  GOOGLE HOW MUCH OF THE UNIVERSE IS SOMETHING.  4%.  If I'm reading this Google Article correctly which I VERY STRONGLY POSSIBLY may not be.  4% of the universe Is Things.  Not bad!  Higher than I would have thought.  Lots Of Things in the universe it turns out.
  Eighth paragraph!  Wanna watch OLD tomorrow Daytime but at the same time if I watch it tonight I can find out the Surprise Ending before going to bed tonight.  I feel like I want that kind of closure as  soon as possible.  DANGIT.  THEY GOT ME AGAIN.  Got me how.  Who got me.  How again.  Where are you and/or I.  Hmm.  Met game on Mute and browsing through songs.  That might be the way to make this Evening To Remember one... quality... Evening!  Off the top of my head listen to some songs I liked from OH I DON'T KNOW 2007-2008?  That's the way to go off the top of my head at least.  Good period of time.  One of my FAVORITE periods of time.  MAYBE MY FAVORITE PERIOD OF TIME NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.  Let's talk about it.  I JUST DID.  AND THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THAT.  The point is I thought Quest Bar would be a great intermediary to eat around 7 PM after lunch at 4 PM to get me to 8:30, 9:00 PM for dinner.  I WAS WRONG.  It was fun to eat but didn't fill me up the way I had hoped.  OH WELL TIME FOR SUICIDE.
Wait no.  Keep suicide in my back pocket for when things get even worse!  If I commit suicide based on THIS, when my life gets even worse I HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO.  Penultimate paragraph is the point.  Maybe watch some BLYTHE manor.  It's kinda slow to start with.  I've watched four minutes of it and I'm not RIVETED at ALL yet.  Guess I can give it another 2, 2 and a half minutes to pick up.  Then SEE YA I TRIED AND YOU FAILED ME.  Mind your Manors.  Overlooker at manors.  Like The Shining.  What's going on.  Where am I.  Hmm.  Mets are doing PRETTY GOOD today if I may say so.  They are LEADING the other team in RUNS SCORED which when it comes down to it is the best way to measure whose doing better throughout the game of baseball of one team facing another team.  Also who cares why won't this end yet.  However thank god this hasn't ended yet because I'm not happy with my immediate options of what to do afterwards.
Last paragraph!  Given SOME thought to getting a HALAL FOOD for lunch(s).  Dunno.  If I'm gonna go with unhealthy rice based food might just stick to Chinese Food.  ALSO in China gotta imagine there are American Food Places.  Yeah they're called MacDonalds and Burger Kings.  Yeah but I mean NON-CHAIN ones.  I don't have to imagine that because I'm pretty sure it's incorrect.  Why would I imagine something that doesn't stand in our reality.  I've got better things to do than to waste my imagination on IMPOSSIBILITIES.  Presumably.  Anyway.  If it's what the stuff that OUR Chinese Food restaurants have on THEIR American Food Menu Subset WHO NEEDS IT.  Fried chicken wings or something.  Weird Frenched Fries.  Chicken nuggets maybe.  Lemme LTURQ.  I know Chinese Food American Food always SEEMS THE WORST but I better LTURQ to get a fresh look.  It's basically just FRIED everything.  Chicken wings primarily.  Go figure.
Bonus paragraph!  31 is a relevant number to me.  Went to P.S. 31 for elementary school!  NO SPOILERS but it worked out okay and I ended up going to middle school afterwards.  Been a while since I just had Regular Cookies.  Chocolate Chip or Oatmeal Raisin or Double Chocolate.  Nice medium-small cookies that aren't FIBER or SPECIAL or anything.  JUST YOUR STRAIGHT UP COOKIES.  Gonna have THREE OF THOSE SUCKERS with turkey sandwich.  Also TURKEY SANDWICH AIN'T NO SLOUCH IN THIS ENTERPRISE EITHER.  I think I'm gonna enjoy that too!  Maybe heat up turkey in microwave.  Cold turkey is great but also I LIKE TO ROLL THE DICE.  See how microwaved turkey might go.  I PLAY TO WIN and sometimes that means taking chances like heating up thinly sliced super market turkey.  Hmm.  What's today.  Friday.  What's the time.  8:20.  How deep into Beer am I.  2.5 beers.  Well That's Me.  I'll be back here tomorrow because This Is The Life I'm Stuck With.  See ya later!

-8:21 P.M.




Thursday, May 12, 2022

Hello Time To Entry

    Hey!  Birthday Cake Bars never came last night.  Presumably today.  Had balanced breakfast this morning!  Cereal was frosted flakes.  No beer for today.  Probably write 3 acts all the same!  All caught up right?  GOOD.  NO WAIT.  Lunch is ham sandwich + Mystery Side.  Dinner is I DON'T KNOW maybe Chocolate Chip Pancakes FOR ONCE.  The point is I watched the first 5 minutes of New Stand Alone Season Of Haunted House Show.  SO FAR SO GOOD.  LIKE THE PRODUCTION VALUES.  That's half the battle!  Anyway.  I wanted to make INDENTATIONS when Chocolate Babka got here so I know how much I wanna slice off for a consistent sustainable babka breakfast.  Dad objected!  He doesn't wanna be TIED DOWN to one size slice.  I tried explaining i'm not slicing it just making SMALL INDENTATIONS.  You can IGNORE THEM if you want.  But I didn't actually try explaining it because at the time it seemed too hard.  Now I see it would be easy to explain.  BUT he would still object.  SO what can ya do. COMPLAIN TO INTERNET ABOUT IT.  I dunno if I'm complaining.  I don't care enough for it to reach Complaint Level Ranting.
    Okay.  Met game today at 1:00!  I got that going for me.  DAMNIT FOUR NATIONAL FOODS OF TOMORROW.  Fine.  Let's go ahead and get it out of the way.  NATIONAL Foods Of The Tomorrow Day are... INTERNATIONAL Hummus Day, National Apple Pie Day, National Crouton Day, National Fruit Cocktail Day.  HMM I WONDER.  Are the days that we celebrate foods USUALLY a good day to consume the food.  I can see how Mid May might be a nice day to consume Apple Pie.  Obviously for HOLIDAYS you're gonna have National Days that are relevant.  Thanksgiving.  National Turkey Day.  Sure.  But just HEY WOULDN'T THIS BE A GOOD DAY OF THE YEAR TO HAVE CROUTONS?  Maybe!  Also EVERY DAY is a good day to have croutons.  Every day is also A BAD DAY to have croutons.  SUCH IS THE NATURE OF CROUTONS.  Hmm.  Switching from Bud Light to Miller Lite will save me over a pound over Sustainable Summer.  AND internet seems to suggest it's either the same alcohol content or SLIGHTLY MORE.  LIFE JUST GOT A WHOLE SLIGHTLY BIT BETTER IN THEORY.
Hmm.  Sweet Side for Sandwich today.  SEEMS ABOUT RIGHT.  Man oh man I've said it before but Frosted Flakes Box transitions from Solid Flakes into Just Crumbs VERY QUICKLY.  And it's not IN A GOOD WAY.  It's not like it's almost all flakes and then suddenly it's not.  NO IT STARTS HALFWAY THROUGH THE BOX.  SEEMS ABOUT WRONG.  HMM BAD NEWS kinda feel like I wanna snack.  For about a week sure I've had snacks and wanted snacks but it never just occurred to me SO STRONGLY and OUT OF NOWHERE as just now.  Look it's not that strong.  And it's not that out of nowhere.  But I don't take it as a good sign!  Maybe cause today is No Beer.  Body Gotta Get SOMETHIN' out of the deal.  The deal being I Am Alive Today.  Feel like I should be rewarded for being alive today.  Rewarded with consumption.  Food or liquid consumption.  That sort o thing.  Maybe thinking about CCP for dinner.  I DUNNO WHAT ELSE TO GET.  I'm eating a ham sandwich today for lunch!  That narrows it down in terms of getting a Burger or something.  Don't want an EGG based thing.  GriddleSPecialities is the main thing that's left!  HAD CHICKEN DINNER EARLIER THIS WEEK.  STEAK &/V STUFFED MUSHROOMS MAYBE but I don't KNOW I don't FEEL like IT.
DAMNIT.  Look life ain't so bad I'll eat something and I'll get nutrients from it presumably.  Appetizers no good.  I don't want fried food.  C'mon!  How many croutons make a meal.  Gotta imagine there's SOME avenue SOMEHOW where I can just get a lot of croutons by the end of the day.  HOWEVER I'd be confronted with the fact that it's, "Oh THAT'S HOW MANY croutons make a meal?  I'm gonna be not satisfied with that AT ALL.  Not even CLOSE."  So there's that.  Hmm what if I order Salad.  I could even get the Make My Own Salad Place.  Just for me!  BUT THEN MY DAD IS LEFT STRANDED.  Hmm.  Could probably get a chicken ceasar salad from diner!  Lemme LTURQ.  YEAH I COULD GET THAT.  Gonna have to ask my Dad and/or Mom hey what's the deal with chicken caesar salad from this place.  Can't be THAT bad.  HEY GREAT.  I wonder if I could also get Chocolate Chip Pancakes and sprinkle bits of them over the salad.
My guess is Sure no one will actively stop me.  I guess if I said over the phone that's what I was doing they'd refuse to service me because they objected so much.  But they don't have to know!  Anyway coffee after this paragraph.  I guess.  Maybe skip the middle act, maybe not.  I got options is the point.  Anyway.  If I was a lady I'd be pretty pissed about abortion rights being taken away from me!  I'm a MAN and I'm already pissed FOR ladies.  One can only imagine how pissed I'd be if it effected me DIRECTLY and not half a degree removed.  It's HALF a degree because in lots and lots of situations it CAN and MAY effect me directly.  But still not QUITE as directly.  The point is I want to DIRECT a movie to SOLIDIFY Abortion Rights.  HAS ANYONE THOUGHT TO DO THAT BEFORE?  If not RUN WITH IT.  I'm not gonna do it.  I BEQUEATH IT TO YOU.  Direct a movie to solidify abortion rights.  Hmm.
Yeah!  Maybe just skip the act II.  Which would make act III and II.  Skip the 2nd aft of morning is the point.  OH OKAY NOW I GET IT.  I GOT IT BEFORE I WAS JUST BEING DIFFICULT.  YOU KNOW ME, MR. DIFFICULT.  I don't know you but I feel like I do now.  Hmm.  I feel like I got lunch coming my way soon enough to last.  That's good news.  I like having lunch!  Maybe even have Birthday Cake Quest Bar as side.  MAYBE LOTS OF THINGS.  GONNA GET SUPER MARKET MINI ASSORTED COOKIES.  THAT'S A GREAT SIDE FOR SANDWICHES.  WAIT NO IT ISN'T.  2.5 would be a great side for sandwiches.  But each cookie comes in a unit of ONE COOKIE.  Can split one cookie in two.  THAT SOUNDS INSANE BUT ALSO THE GREATEST IDEA IN THE HISTORY OF MAN.  Hmm.  Were there any ideas before Man.  Gotta imagine other animals come up with things that resemble ideas.  WE DON'T KNOW FOR SURE.  Probably at least Velociraptor.  That'd be my guess.  And if THEY can gotta imagine OTHER dinosaurs and/or animals we've been historical friends with can TOO.
     Hmm.  Definitely feel like skipping the 2nd act.  Seventh paragraph!  Got some coffee going.  Got some snapple going.  I wonder if there's an ANGELFIRE page where a FAN compiled all the Snapple Facts.  I could check that out.  But I'm better off without it.  Those facts ENRAGED ME.  Sure it wouldn't be as bad as seeing repeat facts all the time because I imagine when they list the facts they don't repeat them.  But the facts themselves weren't great INDIVIDUALLY either.  So basically let's count our blessings that Snapple Facts are no longer a part of our lives.  What else is going on and crap.  Guess I'll take a snack after upcoming walk after this act.  Take a snack.  Hmm.  IF ONLY I HAD INDENTED CHOCOLATE BABKA.  I COULD IGNORE THE INDENTATIONS AND EAT A THIRD OF IT FOR 1000 CALORIES.  Hmm.  That'd be a great bange.  Eat entire 24 oz chocolate babka.  LOTS OF THINGS WOULD BE GREAT BANGES IT DOESN'T MATTER.
Anyway.  Dunno what to do about titles.  I have 3 crappy titles right now!  I can narrow it down to two!  ELIMINATE THE CRAPPIEST.  Hmm.  Neighbor just knocked on door saying their water isn't running and asked me to check our water.  I DID even though I risked coming back to the door with her saying, "WELL YOU BETTER GO CATCH IT!"  The point is I guess my water is in danger of stopping running at some point.  The good news is I'm a good neighbor because I slammed the door in her face.  I can't risk her coming inside and wreaking amuck!  I said I'm gonna go check MEANWHILE I'M CLOSING THE DOOR I DON'T TRUST YOU.  The point is did that insult her?  One can only hope.  Maybe now she'll stop bothering me about warning me that my water might stop running.  FOR SHAME.  What else is up.  HEY only two more paragraphs for the day!  Wait a second I won't have beer with NightTime either.  STILL THOUGH I feel nighttime will be better ANYWAY.
What else is up.  I didn't try both Hot And Cold.  That's HER problem not mine.  Could easily be my problem too.  I DUNNO I FEEL LIKE NOTHING'S MY PROBLEM and EVERYTHING IS HER PROBLEM.  Hmm.  The point is even if Birthday Bars arrive my Dad doesn't like to open things until the next day.  If I insisted he'd relent but I don't feel like insisting on things.  Too lazy!  I don't wanna have the hassle and whatknot.  LOOK have I thought myself into CCP for tonight?  Yep.  Now I'm excited about it.  GO FIGURE.  Gotta have it as breakfast tomorrow though!  Three pancakes?  THAT'S A 2 PANCAKE DINNER AND A 1 PANCAKE BREAKFAST GO FIGURE AND WHATKNOT.  I guess I could divide it up by chocolate chips and pancake batter.  Eat the pancakes with the chocolate chips removed for dinner and eat the chocolate chips I was able to retrieve from The Greater Pancakes for breakfast tomorrow.  I dunno I feel like I could just get pancakes then for dinner.  And have something else for breakfast.  Hmm.  Gonna have to think about this one!
     Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Dunno what to do with beer next week!  Take it one beer at a time I guess.  Have general loose aims over the week but not committed to it!  That's how THIS WEEK went and it was a solid FIVE POINT FIVE OUT OF TEN WEEK re: Making The Most Of Beer.  GOOD 5.5.  Not like wow it's under 6.5 NOT PASSING.  NO.  SLIGHTLY BETTER THAN MIDDLING 5.5.  So I got that going for me is the point.  Probably gonna have snack before lunch at some point.  MAYBE LOWISH CALORIE ICE CREAM SANDWICH.  Good way to start the day.  I usually DO start the day with ice cream sandwich + fiber bar or pop tart.  Today I started the day with dumb balanced breakfast so I need my ice cream sandwich fix!  Because I'm WORSE THAN A CHILD.  Not even children eat ice cream sandwiches for breakfast.  Not even Adult Children.  It's basically ME and NO ONE ELSE.  Hey go figure I'm doing pretty great in life is the point.  I'll be back later!




Really Is That How You Feel

    HEY I'll write another 5 dumb paragraphs here in the morning.  Well it's gonna be afternoon in a few minutes.  I gonna knock this out in 30-45 minutes sure!  WHAT KINDA UPDATE WE GOT GOIN ON.  CCP would be fine dinner.  Maybe CHICKEN CUTLET SANDWICH??? NOT GRILLED BREADED.  I dunno if Breaded is always fried.  I don't care fried or not.  Hook me up with some BREADING around the chicken cutlet though.  That's the best part!  Might just scrape off the breading and throw out the bread and the chicken.  Then eat the breading.  I'm not a PYSCHO who would scrape off the breading, throw out the chicken and bread, and then NOT EVEN EAT THE BREADING.  Give me SOME credit.  Also Steak & Stuffed Mushroom is making a late push in terms of YEAH I CAN DO THAT.  Also DELETED CHOCOLATE BABKA.  Too big a commitment!  Not comfortable with it!  SORRY DAD.  I don't think he cares.  FINE THEN SORRY FOR ALL THE OTHER WAYS I'VE FAILED YOU.  Probably cares about some of those things.
Hmm.  Look I like grilled chicken as much as the next guy-- maybe more.  But sometimes ya just wanna spoil yourself and eat BREADING.  Hmm.   This is like Sophie's Choice BUT EVEN WORSE.  Pretty sure she had a choice only between two things.  I have THREE great options!  Breaded Chicken Cutlet, Chocolate Chip Pancakes, or Steak & Seafood!  WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE SUCH... joy?  Hardship?  I dunno what this means in terms of whether it makes me happy or sad or whether it's good for my life or bad for my life.  In the end I end up winning because I Consume Nutrients No Matter How Good Or Bad They Are Essentially.  So I can't complain THAT MUCH we can narrow it down that way.  What else is up.  Maybe figure out some better titles at some point for today.  Not entirely impossible!  If something isn't entirely impossible then it's Just Not Impossible.  That's not how words work!  Didn't I say I don't want fried things.  Breaded chicken GOTTA be fried.  Yeah but not DEEP fried.  Maybe it is deep fried the way they do it.  Yeah but that's THEIR problem not mine.  Hmm.
     Yeah!  Ice Cream Sandwich would be a great side for Actual Sandwich.  I mean IN GENERAL ice cream as a SIDE to anything MUCH LESS A SANDWICH doesn't make sense.  But in another sense, having two sandwiches at once?  One Savory One Cream-Based?  KINDA FEELS LIKE YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING THERE.  HOWEVER you might not wanna set up your plate all at once.  Maybe you take a good long time eating your regular sandwich.  ICE CREAM SANDWICH GONNA MELT.  Some people like it melted a little bit.  THOSE PEOPLE ARE PERVERTS.  The point is everything I've written over the last few weeks or months has been said before.  Usually by me!  Which is good at least because then I own the rights to what I'm saying.  If I'm saying nonsense said by other people before THEY CAN SUE ME as long as they wrote down what they said in an envelope and mailed it to themselves and never opened it as PROOF they said it before me.  If they've done that I CAN FACE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES.
Penultimate paragraph OF THE DAY sort of.  Next paragraphs will be OF THE NIGHT sort of.  At the very earliest, starting around 7:30 PM.  So I got that going for me.  RIGHT NOW LEANING TOWARDS CHICKEN SANDWICH.  Don't hold me to that.  Don't hold me against that!  Best not to touch me at all, let's play it safe.  There's a pandemic going around.  Stay six feet away!  Hmm.  They told us Six Feet social distancing.  Six feet is the general amount of time you bury people.  How come it's taken Me and HUMANITY 2 years to make that connection.  The point is THE DEAD ARE ALL SOCIALLY DISTANCING FROM US even if we're laying prostrate to the ground above them.  Unless they're in crypts and we're visiting them REALLY up close.  Then we are in GRAVE DANGER.  Also that would be a good safe thing to do during pandemic.  Bury yourself alive in a cemetery.  Gonna be socially distanced ALL THE TIME.  No risk at all.  Unless someone digs you up.  That's out of your control!
     Hmm.  Gonna take a nice walk after this paragraph.  Take a quick shower.  Watch some Mets Game and then figure out what to do with the rest of my life.  Nah I ain't gonna do that.  I'll figure out what to do with the rest of my life maybe around AUGUST, SEPTEMBER.  Why commit myself now!  I need MORE CONTEXT to figure this one out completely.  Jeez.  How rare is it to commit suicide by burying yourself alive.  My guess is pretty rare!  I feel like I would have heard about it if it happened recently!  Hmm.  Kinda JUST HAPPENED on my radar.  Throwaway Aside in Hill House where someone bricks themselves into a room or something and dies there because he can't get out.  Not quite BURYING HIMSELF ALIVE though. BRICKING IN himself alive.  CLOSE ENOUGH that I sound dumb for saying I'VE NEVER HEARD OF THIS whereas I heard of it TWO DAYS AGO.  Oh so THAT'S how I sound dumb today.  I was wondering what it was gonna be.  Hey great I'll be back tonight!




the good news is the end

    HEY!  I made THE EXACT RIGHT DECISION FOR DINNER.  Breaded chicken cutlet sandwich ON A ROLL with sauteed mushrooms and onions.  ROLL TURNED OUT TO BE OPEN FACED.  Well I guess they could have just put it on top of each other and it's like a double sandwich.  BUT THEY PRESENTED IT OPEN FACED AND I ATE IT THAT WAY.  Anyway a little hearty, sure!  But why not.  ADDED SOME WHEAT THINS.  A little heartier now, sure, but why not!  Also after I ate it I ate a 2-pack of smallish-medium-but-definitely-smallish breadsticks.  SURE BUT WHY NOT.  Anyway I made the right decision is the point and I'm very happy about it.  How did I come to the decision?  ABBREVIATIONS.  Steak and Stuffed Mushrooms, SS, that's no good, that's NAZI TALK.  Chocolate Chip Pancake, CCP, Hmm not completely against it but I CAN DO BETTER.  Chicken Cutlet Sandwich, CCS... CS, that's the abbreviation of Crazy Sheet!  LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE A WINNER.  And I was right.  Can't say for certain that's WHY it's a winner or if it's pure luck.  Either way LIFE IS GOOD VAGUELY FOR THIS PARAGRAPH AT LEAST.
Hmm.  Birthday Bars came!  Not gonna open em until tomorrow.  Plan on having the Chocolate Quest Bar as Nighttime Snack though.  I'm on board with the FIBER and the PROTEIN.  Makes me feel like I'm making the right decision all in all.  Anyway what else do I got in store for the rest of the day after this Nighttime act.  Finish some dumb movie I'm watching on The Shutter.  Eat quest bar whenever this entry is over.  Which could be 20 minutes.  Could be 20,000 minutes!  ONE MINUTE FOR EVERY LEAGUE.  How much is a league.  Better LTURQ. 2.4-4.6 Miles.  You'd think there'd be some consensus on How Deep A League Is.  Looks like they want to settle on 3 miles in English Speaking Countries but they can't get everyone on board with that.  Anyway HEY THAT'S PRETTY GOD DAMN DEEP.   60,000 miles under the sea?  MAN OH MAN ARE YOU UNDER THE SEA AT THAT POINT.  Also I've never seen The Little Mermaid but is half the movie just her swimming back and forth between land and the bottom of the ocean.  Because from what I can picture in my head, obviously there's parts where she's on Sea's Surface/Land, and there's parts I'm pretty sure when she's at ocean floor.  SEEMS LIKE A LOT OF SWIMMING UP AND DOWN.  KINDA NOT WORTH THE TROUBLE.  I LIKE MAKING POINTS ABOUT THINGS I'VE NEVER SEEN.
     Anyway.  Why is it important that the mermaid is little.  You got a problem with little mermaids?  NO IF ANYTHING I PREFER LITTLE MERMAIDS.  YOU PREFER LITTLE MERMAIDS YOU PERVERT?  NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT.  YOU BETTER GET YOUR STORY STRAIGHT BUDDY AND QUICK.  What else is going on and crap.  I can't RELATE to the Little Mermaid like I can relate to ALADDIN.  I can't RELATE to the Lion King like I can relate to... uhh... only animated Disney Movie from that generation I think I liked/have seen all of is ALADDIN.  Better LTURQ.  NOPE NOT SEEING ANY OTHER GOOD OPTIONS.  But Aladdin is a good movie because it teaches kids IF YOU STEAL THINGS ENOUGH ONE DAY YOU WILL STEAL SOMETHING SO VALUABLE YOU CAN'T EVEN COMPREHEND THE POWER YOU'D HAVE AT YOUR WHIM.  Good lesson!  Kids NEED TO KNOW.  Anyway.  Experimented with having Confetti CupCake as a side with Ham Sandwich.  I figure it's about the same amount of calories as THREE Fresh Direct Cookies.  So if I was planning on doing that as Sandwich Sides let's do this as a test run.  Worked out okay!  I have no regrets!  Maybe a lot of regrets.  VERY FEW of them relate to this exactly.  ONLY ABOUT 15% OR SO!!!
  Gotta accept Super Market delivery tomorrow morning.  HMM.  Whatta Good breakfast for tomorrow.  Been a while since I had Frozen Egg Sandwich.  Could THAT be in the cards?  ANYTHING CAN BE IN THE CARDS.  SUCH IS THE NATURE OF CARDS.  Not sure that's accurate.  Hmm.  I can write just five paragraphs here.  That sounds easy.  Then I can do something else or something.  MEANWHILE if I had to write an extra five paragraphs, that's Five-Paragraphs-Worth-Of-Time that I CAN'T be doing something else.  THAT HARDLY SOUNDS FAIR?  Hmm.  Just had quest bar now.  Why put off till 9:00 what you can eat at 8:00.  Yep that seems to check out.  And the experiment is to see if it justly fulfills me.  Lotta calories compared to most other snacks I would eat as a Responsible Snack!  If it fills me up at 9 IT WOULD FILL ME UP at 8.  And if it DOESN'T fill me up at 8 HEY MAYBE I SHOULD STUFF MORE THINGS DOWN MY GULLET UNTIL I FEEL OKAY ABOUT THINGS.
Last paragraph of the day!  Wonderful.  50% FIBER and 40% PROTEIN.  You don't get those kinda numbers by NOT being filling.  I TRUST in this kind of snack because those numbers SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.  Maybe it was 40% Fiber of the day and 50% Protein.  EITHER WAY IT'S MORE OR LESS THE SAME.  Wonderful.  Running low on Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars.  Good.  Worst snack of the year for me.  Delicious but I think it really leans into the let's give Michael Diabetes territory that other snacks just play FOOTSIE with.  Sure other snacks are giving me way too much sugar but I feel with the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars their GOAL is to make me diabetic.  I can't PROVE IT but I have my suspicions all the same.  Maybe I can prove it.  I haven't looked into it hard enough!  There might be some proof out there.  That could help me make my case to an unbiased jury and then win them over.  I DON'T KNOW as of now!  Either way hey that's it for today.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:03 P.M.




Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Trying To Think Of A Good Title But Not Too Hard

    Hi!  On schedule today thanks to ZOOM appointment with therapist.  I told her ALL the right answers.  Thinkin' about goin' back to school.  That was the main right answer.  It's true!  I thought about it briefly for 4 minutes over the last 4 weeks.  Then I moved on with my life.  Anyway the main thing I got out of it was I need a haircut.  Also shave myself.  Which is a haircut for your face.  The point is Coffee Arrived and I'm making some right now!  How is that the point.  I feel like I already said something else was the point.  Maybe not today but over the past week or so.  Probably said MULTIPLE other things were the point.  WELL WHICH IS IT.  There can only be one point!  Not sure that's accurate geometrically and all.  Gonna have to look into this one soon.  Three beers for today.  Zero for tomorrow.  Then I re-up and ANYTHING can happen!  Up to last episode of Tales From The Crypt The One INSIDE Hill House.  Pretty sure there's a crypt in there somewhere.  Maybe that's where the Mystery Fifth Sibling lives.  Now that I think about it I Don't Know What A Crypt Means.  What is it.  Hmm.  Basement of Church where they keep corpses.  Always thought they kept corpses underground in grave yards.  Ya learn something new every day.
Okay.  AGAIN didn't have balanced breakfast today.  Pop Tart & Ice Cream Sandwich.  Lunch'll either be finishing Chinese Food or HAM Sandwich or TURKEY sandwich.  I had a sandwich a few days ago of ONE of them, and I will have THE OTHER ONE today or tomorrow.  I'll figure out which one based on how much I have in stock of both.  The one that's half the amount of the other is the one I DON'T eat today.  It all works out geometrically don't worry about it.  Anyway.  Halfway through ZOOM, therapist's phone rings and she turns her back for 15 seconds.  PERECT I GET TO ADJUST MY HAIR.  I want my therapist to think good thoughts about my hair.  And if we can't get to good thoughts, LESS BAD thoughts.  Thinkin' about making a push for PIZZA tonight.  I think it's VERY MUCH in the cards.  Makes me wanna have SANDWICH for lunch.  Chow Mei Fun is close enough to spaghetti and spaghetti is close enough to pizza.  TOO MUCH OVERLAP.  Then again NOT REALLY.
Hmm.  Playing guitar a little bit the last week.  Solid 15 minutes or so each of the last several days!  Hmm get back into ROCKSMITH.  Not sure I can get BACK into Rocksmith.  Was never full into it in the first place.  EITHER WAY THEY HAVE LESSONS.  I wanna see the LESSONS.  I did one or two lessons when I first got it and was like SCREW THIS I KNOW WHAT I'M DOIN LEMME AT THE SONGS TO PRACTICE.  Then I was very bad at it and GAVE UP COMPLETELY.  Sounds about right.  Gonna have beer with Act II and then 2 beers with NightTime.  That's the plan!  Good routine for 18 beers a week.  One beer in early afternoon, two beers in evening!  One day off!  ROUTINE AND SUSTAINABLE ROUTINE.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Nutty Fudge Day.  I don't like the sound of that.  The Nutty part.  Fudge FINE I GOT NO PROBLEM WITH FUDGE.  MAYBE A SLIGHT PROBLEM BUT WE CAN WORK THAT OUT BEHIND THE SCENES.  Anyway.  Some nuts are okay but generally I'm suspicious of nuts in general.  If you SPECIFY the nut and I KNOW FOR SURE it's a positive nut then fine.  If you don't specify the nut NOT SURE I CAN TAKE THAT RISK.  It could be a CASHEW or something.  DISGUSTING.
Hmm.  No Spoilers but there's lots of ghosts in Hell House TV Show.  There's one more episode left for them to explain HOW ARE THERE GHOSTS THAT'S NOT REAL WORLD ADJACENT.  Maybe it's real world adjacent.  It's not REAL world.  But it's RIGHT NEXT to real world.  Either way they're almost out of time to Explain Why I Should Believe There Are Ghosts.  Hmm.  Also is it possible the person who wrote the novel or whatever this was based on CONSCIOUSLY went into it thinking I'm going to write something that people would guess was written by Stephen King.  My guess is OF COURSE.  Blatant Money Grab.  EMULATING SUCCESSFUL ARTIST.  Book writers are artists right.  We're all artists these days.  Well those of us who wanna be.  Maybe a lot of people would OBJECT to being called an artist.  What idiots!  Artists get the most respect out of ANYBODY in the world.  And I'M IN IT FOR THE RESPECT.  Makes sense.  Hey gonna pour myself some coffee now.
    YEAH.  Coffee!  DELICIOUS.  Anyway took a sneak peek inside Deli Drawer in Fridge and it appears that the HAM has NOT been opened yet.  I GOT HAM COMING TO ME TODAY OR TOMORROW.  I HOPE TODAY.  What kinda side I got.  BBQ Pop chips maybe!  BBQ is a word because WHO HAS THE TIME TO SAY BARBEQUE.  Must have gone on that rant before.  But it seems weird.  We've got tens of thousands of words and of ALL of them we deemed BARBEQUE MUST BE EASIER TO SAY.  It's not THAT hard a word.  It doesn't come up THAT often.  WHY MAKES BBQ SO SPECIAL.  I don't like it!  I mean I kind of like it.  But we should be able to abbreviate MANY words not just this one.  What else do I got going for me.  Mets game this nighttime.  I'll probably watch some of that sure.  Getting into a place with Sustainable Summer Diet where I look forward to meals more than snacks!  Both in terms of I think I will be satisfied by these meals instead of indefinite amount and substance of snacks and also I want to EAT these REAL FOOD meals other than sugar chocolate and whatknot snacks.  Real Food doesn't need to be HEALTHY.  PIZZA can be real food.  But it's BEST to look forward to pizza MORE THAN FIBER BAR even though fiber bar might be healthier overall.  I FEEL VAGUELY STRONGLY ABOUT THIS.
pizza gonna have some EGGPLANT on it.  HEALTHY.  Garlic.  HEALTHY.  Bread.  THAT's the healthiest thing according to Food Triangle I grew up with.  SURE it was designed that way by Big Bread and we didn't know it  at the time but I'M POT COMMITTED TO EATING LOTS OF BREAD.  You teach me something once, IT'S GONNA STICK.  I don't have the power to re-calibrate.  Nor the desire!  I got one way of doing things GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.  What is this.  Sixth paragraph?  Amazing.  Makes me wonder what kind of Real Food is out there for snacks.  BEEF JERKY ISN'T VERY COST EFFECTIVE.  You spent like 6 dollars for a bag with two small pieces of jerky in it.  Also probably not too healthy or filling!  GOOD THOUGH.  Just eat some Turkey Roll-Ups.  I proposed that idea a few weeks ago.  Roll up some thinly sliced turkey and chow down on that.  What if I wanna have a small amount of bread with it.  Not so much bread it would break the calorie bank.  Then SURE go for that but LETS BE CLEAR now you're eating a small turkey sandwich.
    Hmm.  Today can be a good day.  No reason for it not to be.  Just BE GOOD YOU IDIOT DAY.  I'm on schedule.  I'm not tired.  I got three beers.  I got good stuff to watch.  Met game.  Good meals in store.  HOW CAN YOU BLOW IT ALL THE PIECES ARE THERE TO HAVE A SOLID B/B- DAY.  FUCK THAT.  SOLID ENTIRELY B DAY.  I just gotta NOT FUCK IT UP.  Hmm.  Ham Sandwich Side.  CAN I DO BETTER THAN POP CHIPS.  Oh right got Wheat Thins.  AMAZING TODAY JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER.  Ugh.  Not sure about Sustainable Routine whether I should write Act III before dinner or after.  MAYBE TAKE IT DAY BY DAY?  Sounds like a healthy way to go but WRONG.  I THRIVE on routine traditions.  MAKES ME FEEL GOOD.  Seventh paragraph.  MAKES ME FEEL GOOD.  No good titles right now.  I dunno what titles I'm gonna end up with ultimately, but right now I got a In-Progress three titles I DON'T LIKE.  Which is bad because 85% of the time I stick with whatever titles come to me at first.  OH NO THIS KIND OF THING CAN RUIN DAYS.
   Also maybe nuclear war off the top of my head.
  And lots of things in-between.  Also nuclear war is kind of a weird phrase.  It's a war that might last 48 hours.  Everyone nukes each other and then the survivors are like OHHHH FUCKKKK WHAT DID WE DO!??!  So that's good.  I dunno about that.  Maybe the survivors are the ones who DIDN'T do it.  You gotta imagine the people doing the nuking are more likely to get nuked themselves than just some innocent people out in the middle of nowhere.  HARDLY SEEMS FAIR.  Wait a second that sounds MORE fair.  If you start nuking you reap what you sow.  If you are INNOCENT and NEVER NUKED IN YOUR LIFE you have a VERY SLIGHTLY HIGHER CHANCE OF SURVIVING.  Follow the golden rule!  Don't Nuke Unless You Want To DEFINITELY Be Nuked Instead of ALMOST DEFINITELY Being Nuked.  Hmm.  I feel like when Microwave first game out people colloquially said they were NUKING their meal to be cute.  I don't think people say that anymore.  But the point is HOW DARE YOU MAKE LIGHT OF NUCLEAR WINTER.  THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER.  NOW ENJOY YOUR PIZZA BAGELS AND GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WEBSITE.
     Sure.  The point is what do I gotta do to get buried in a crypt.  It sounds a lot more fun than just underground somewhere.  Also it doesn't have to be a church I belong to!  Which is good cause I belong to no church!  Maybe just the crypt from Tales From The Crypt.  That's just under a non-affiliated-presumably House.  Also no spoilers but THIS GUY ISN'T DEAD COMPLETELY.  Well he might be completely dead.  I dunno.  Never really thought about what EXACTLY the crypt keeper is.  He's not a ZOMBIE even though that's the first thing that comes to mind logically.  Hmm.  There's one episode where it's about his parents-- a 3000 year old dead mummy and a multiple-faced freak show person.  So I think it's possible he's alive but he was born half dead.  OR he was born half dead, DIED AGAIN, but is somehow STILL KIND OF alive?  The point is NO SPOILERS.  I've talked about this before.  It's good because I'd like to get to the bottom of it one day.
     Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  The point is when we're all dead from Nuclear War WHO WILL MOURN THE DEAD who live in crypts.  When everyone's dead NO ONE IS GETTING MOURNED.  Oh well.  I'd say the huge majority of dead people aren't being mourned.  People who died 300 years ago are RARELY getting mourned these days.  Maybe some of them.  If they really played their cards right In Life that people still wanna mourn them.  VERY rare.  Also I assume that's the ultimate goal in life.  How many mourners can you get upon death and how long will the mourning last in general.  MOURNING is what gives you POWER in DEATH.  Possibly.  Hmm.  Wednesday.  I can work with that.  I guess.  Hey I get to have a beer soon.  Gotta imagine I can work with that I guess.  Ultimate goal may be to be mourned EVEN DURING LIFE.  That sounds great.  Anyway I'll be back soon!




No Really What's Up

    Hey!  Got soda, got coffee, got beer.  Gotta write for 45 minutes or so.  Look am I STRONGLY considering Sicilian Slices of pizza?  YOU BET.  Also why aren't there other Italian Primary Forms of Pizza.  Shapewise.  Kinda feel like maybe NAPLES should have a triangle based pizza.  Either way we gotta make do with what we got.  They say Sicilian is more calorie but I DUNNO ABOUT THIS SPECIFIC RESTAURANT SICILIAN.  I don't know about ANYTHING.  Hardly anything.  The point is I was thinking about it and I remember as a kid happily looking out the window for Pizza Hut Car to drive up.  Man oh man did I look forward to the Pizza Hut Car.  It had an actually HUT ROOF over the car.  I know all cars have roofs except for ones that don't but this one THE ROOF ON TOP OF THE ROOF LOOKS LIKE A PIZZA HUT ESTABLISHMENT ROOF.  They were really taking things seriously in the 1990's.  The point is DELICIOUS.  I'm not having pizza hut tonight.  I CAN CLOSE MY EYES AND IMAGINE IT'S PIZZA HUT.  No I can't.  STOP RUINING THIS FOR ME.
  When I was plotting having Chinese Food for Lunches This Week I knew it was unhealthy so I was trying to go through other things I can get that may or may not be unhealthy.  PIZZA HUT escaped my Thinking About It.  NOW THAT I DO next time MIGHT GO WITH SUMMA THAT.  Get me some PERSONAL PANS.  It's GOOD because I FEEL LOVED.  THEY KNOW I LIKE PIZZA AND I LIKE NOT SHARING WITH OTHER PEOPLE SO THEY MADE AN ENTIRE PIZZA JUST FOR ME.  PLUS THEY ALLOW ME TO GET a 2nd One Too BECAUSE I'M A DISGUSTING PIG AND THEY SHOW NO JUDGMENT.  Nice cardboard boxes Personal Pans came in.  GOD DAMN IT MY CHILDHOOD WASN'T THAT BAD IN RETROSPECT.  Anyway.  Then again there were times where I had to get regular Italian Restaurant Pizza because that's what my parents generally wanted.  WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT.  NO PIZZA HUT?  WHERE'S THE KNIVES I WANNA THREATEN SUICIDE.  That's not true.  Unrealistic presumable historical scenario!  I KNEW WHERE THE KNIVES WERE.  Why would I ask where they were.  THIS WHOLE S STORY IS FALLING APART FASTER THAN YOU CAN SAY... how does that expression go... maybe it's anything you want... Faster Than You Can Say... National Nutty Fudge Day.
Hmm.  Thinking about getting Chocolate Babka or next week.  Figure that could be 3 breakfasts a week over 2 weeks.  And then presumably there's 1/3rd or so leftover beyond that which my Dad may be interested in.  YEAH.  Let's go with WHAT FEELS GOOD.  Hmm.  What else feels good.  I dunno.  Lotta stuff feels B-.  I've been content settling for that lately.  Nice taking an indoor CircleWalk or two the last week.  Helps me get to my Quota of Sit-up/Push-ups.  ALREADY WALKING AROUND IN A CIRCLE MIGHT AS WELL GET DOWN TO THE GROUND EVERY 7 MINUTES AND KNOCK OUT A SET.  WOW!  My mom coffee shamed me because she was like well there's always a lot left over from the day before, as you've stated.  Maybe make less coffee each day?  And I got defensive and argued it and I was like BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY YA NEVER KNOW AND YA DON'T WANNA RISK RUNNING OUT.  Then a little bit later YA KNOW WHAT SHE'S RIGHT.  So it's possible to grow as a person.  Not literally/physically!  TRUST ME I'VE TRIED.  That's not that accurate.  Never really tried!  Maybe I should try!  Ya never know!
     Penultimate paragraph of the act probably.  The point is next period of time between walks will be both SHOWER and LUNCH.  WOW.  Watched episode III of The We Own This City.  I think I mentioned this last night.  This time around REALLY REGISTERING THE PLOT.  You can't fool me I'M ON THE UP AND UP with who these characters are more or less and what they do.  I definitely mentioned this last night because that's THE EXACT same thing I said as a follow up to bragging I Can Follow What's Going On In This Dramatic TV Mini Series.  Hmm.  I don't like the phrase Mini Series.  Makes it sound bad.  If it was so good WHY ISN'T IT AN ENTIRE SERIES.  I guess it's not the phrase.  It's the concept.  LOOK I get that mini-series can easily be great and are probably more often than not the right way to go creatively and commercially.  But there's still a part of me that's like HOW GOOD CAN IT BE IF YOU DON'T WANNA DRAG THIS ON FOR EVEN LONGER.
Anyway.  There's been several repeat Actors from The Wire into We Own This City but man oh man would it BLOW UP THE INTERNET if there's a character who carries over.  I don't think that can happen.  I think We Own This City is actually based on Real Life?  Now I'm not sure.  I'm pretty sure I Read SOME OF IT is a correct re-telling of things.  Is ALL of it?  Better LTURQ.  Like the commissioner and the lawyers and the police people.  ALL real people?  I DUNNO that would be an interesting Mix-em-up.  Lemme LTURQ.  MOST OF THEM ARE REAL.  Oh no how terrible for them and their families.  Unless they're portrayed positively.  In which case HOW WONDERFUL FOR THEM AND THEIR FAMILIES.  Gotta imagine their phones are BLOWING UP with congratulations that THE TV SHOW I SAW MADE YOU LOOK GOOD.  LET'S DO LUNCH.  AND BY THAT I MEAN EAT IT.  DUNNO WHY I SAID, "DO IT."  OH I KNOW.  BECAUSE IT'S AN ACTIVITY.  We're Doing The Activity Of Eating Lunch Together.  ALSO WHY DO I WANNA HAVE LUNCH WITH YOU YOU JERK?  YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME?"
Anyway.  I hope to one day have a job or role where I'm Doing Enough Good In The World that I get death threats all the time.  I figure that's the price you pay these days.  So I'm not looking FORWARD to death threats, but I know IF I'm getting them probably doing something right.  Or Very Very Wrong.  But probably something right!  Hmm.  Have I ever gotten a death threat?  I don't think so.  I feel I'd remember something like that!  Unless it happens all the time.  If you're a Good Person Doing Good Things Macro World and you get death threats you probably wouldn't remember each death threat?  I dunno.  Kinda all blend into each other.  I mean sure Your FIRST Death Threat you never forget.  But after a few dozen they kinda lose their OOMPH.  This is all just speculation.  Anyway.  Just went over Chocolate Babka with my Dad and he's on board with sharing it with me.  AMAZING.  This is gonna be the greatest dessert breakfast EVER!  ALSO I know roughly how much I'm gonna get with the appropriate number of calories I'm aiming for.  And IT'S NOT SO BAD.
Yeah! Seventh paragraph?  I was originally going into this thinking it'd be 5.  At this point I'm aiming for 10 I guess.  Let's get onto Multiples of Fives BEFORE having to make up for it with ACT III.  YEAH.  FUN.  The point is I feel like in certain circumstances you should have to pay someone royalties to make TV Shows about them.  Hmm.  NOT REALLY.  I feel like FOR THE MOST PART it's public record that You Are A Person And Did/Do Stuff and that's all above board.  BUT I feel like if someone's explicitly making MONEY off your life kinda feels like you're due SOMETHING from that, right?  Not sure.  Gonna have to think about this issue a little bit more in depth when I get the chance.  Which won't be for a while.  And by the time I have the chance I'll have forgotten/stopped caring.  So there's that.  But the good news is hey great what else is up.  Dad had me listening for THREE deliveries from Amazon, Etc. today.  ONE JUST CAME.  YEAH.  But then there's also Dinner Delivery.  So we're STILL at 3 Deliveries Over All I have to answer.  Why did I go into writing, "Over All," with the space.  Overall is very much a word.  Some things we'll just never know.
     Eighth paragraph.
  The point is the hardest part about Chocolate Babka is cutting it up evenly.  I'll figure it out!  I figure everything out at some point!  Might delay lunch until after ANOTHER walk.  The point is I feel like wrapping up Act after this paragraph.  Because I like doing things.  Or not doing things as the case may be.  The big question at this point is whether I will cut Sandwich Thins with Ham Inside into Halves.  Veggie burger I didn't.  I COULD HAVE.  I HAVE IN THE PAST.  But it's an easier decision to have a burger not cut in half than any other kind of sandwich.  I dunno I'll have to keep you updated on this situation as it progresses I guess.  Also this is BLACK FOREST HAM.  I hope I didn't put anyone at risk for going into a Dark Forest to retrieve this ham.  That's where wolves and witches live.  Then again if you want good ham YA GOTTA GO TO THE SOURCE.  Hey great I'll be back later today!




that can't be right

    Twelve paragraphs to go.  Probably!  Got pizza going right now.  Gonna be honest, this Sicilian is HEARTIER than I anticipated.  I can see why this would be more calorie than your standard pizza.  OH WELL MIGHT AS WELL ENJOY LIFE WHILE IT LASTS.  Because presumably this will kill me.  Well not based on ONE time.  But if I have this Hearty Sicilian Pizza 4 or 5 more times YES That Would Probably Be My Demise.  Also VERY LIBERAL with the toppings.  Anchovie and garlic on one-- good amount of anchovie but not crazy.  THAT'S THE NEXT SLICE.  Slice I'm eating? Eggplant with garlic?  You wouldn't BELIEVE the amount of egg plant.  Also oh phone they asked if I wanted Grilled or Fried Eggplant.  I TOLD THEM GRILLED AND I REGRET NOTHING.  One day I'd like to SEE what a fried eggplant TASTES like.  But I'd have to develop Synesthesia so I don't see that happening in the immediate future.  Microsoft FrontPage accepts Synesthesia as a word if I capitalize the fir, "S."  WHAT YOU THINK THIS WORD IS FANCIER THAN IT IS?  WHAT"S UP WITH THAT.  I WAS GONNA LOOK IT UP TO SEE WHY AND IF ITS A THING BEYOND THIS DUMB WEBPAGE APPLICATION BUT I FORGOT IF I CARED ENOUGH TO DO THAT.  WAIT A SECOND I DO.  INTERNET recognized it as a word with or without capitalization.  THE BEST EXPLANATION IS IT'S MY FAULT SOMEHOW.
I like touching Crushed Red Pepper and then handling my Personal Business to use the bathroom because IT MAKES THINGS INTERESTING.  Not TOO interesting.  Just interesting enough that I'm vaguely intrigued but not so much that I'M LOST IN FASCINATION.  Let's keep things respectable.  Weird thing to eat pizza, drink beer on a limited amount, and write entry all at once.  Ya really start to see what your priorities are.  PIZZA IS BEST BUT WHAT CAN WE DO CAN'T HAVE PIZZA ALL THE TIME.  Beer and entry are TIED right now in my book.  Also yes all there have interchanging integral relationships with one another so it's not as simple as saying Which One Is Better.  WELL IT IS THAT SIMPLE but It's INCORRECTLY that simple.  I've been using caps locks a lot this act so far.  I think it's because I'm stuffing my gullet with pizza so much that I have to yell to make myself heard over the deliciousness.  The point is I'm anticipating Quest Bar after entry so it's not like it's a total loss when pizza is done.
    Anyway.  Might just be one of those days when I transition from Finishing Entry to Listening To Music immediately.  I like music.  Gonna be like hey  check it out haven't heard this song in MONTHS but it feels like... Not Years... What do you call a group of months that's like a group of a SMALLER group of months?  But not so much that it's years?  Oh right.  It feels like it's been SEASONS.  Yep there we go.  Listened to Nirvana cover of Seasons In The Sun yesterday or the day before.  I LISTEN TO THAT EVERY COUPLE OF MONTHS.  NOTHIN' NEW THERE.  Kurt Cobain plays DRUMS on it.  Get a load of that.  I didn't know he was Sticks Man.  That's what they call drummers.  Either that or, "Drummers."  I've heard both used interchangeably.  Look is my pizza done at this point?  I'm sorry to say it is.  But don't worry!  There will be more meals in my future!  NEXT LUNCH WILL BE HAM SANDWICH.  Ended up finishing Chinese Food for Today Lunch.  NO REGRETS IT WENT GREAT.  What else is up.  It's weird to think that Kurt Cobain died at 27.  Because he made most of his music EVEN BEFORE being 27.  And how does a dumb Young early 20 year old know so much Universal Truth.  MAYBE HE DON'T.  MAYBE WE JUS THINK HE DO.  Interesting counterpoint.  What was I doing when I was 27.  I WAS WITH YO MOMMA THAT'S WHO.  GOTTEM.
     Hmm.  Looking forward to having a Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.  At some point I'm BOUND to have it.  I think tomorrow morning MIGHT BE THE BREAK IN THE CASE we've been waiting for.  What Case.  THE CASE OF WHEN I'LL HAVE MY UNHEALTHY BALANCED BREAKFAST.  IT'S NOT UNHEALTHY.  GOT SOME EGG TO IT.  Hmm.  I got one more beer to start now.  Last beer of the week!  Good news is I figured out I could get MILLER LITE from Super Market.  Which is DEFINITELY less calories and POSSIBLY higher Alcohol Content.  WOW I'd settle for ONE OF TWO OF THOSE.  Now you're telling me there's a chance I'm settling for ONE POINT FIVE OF TWO OF THOSE AS OF NOW?  Amazing!  The point is I was crunching the numbers of how old I am and I AM ELIGIBLE FOR PRESIDENT in 2024.  NOT ANNOUNCING ANYTHING RIGHT NOW.  Just putting that out there.  It's there if I want it!  Kinda feel like I'm still too short to be president.  There's a failsafe that if you're 35-45 there's a back up rule oh also you have to be 5'9 or above.  Or maybe that failsafe rule is there for Any Age.  JAMES MADISON WAS 5'4 YOU IDIOTS.  AND EVERYONE LISTS JAMES MADISON AS THEIR FAVORITE.  In your Fuck Marry Kill of presidents EVEYRONE GONNA FUCK JAMES MADISON.  Which is better than marrying him.  WHY LET A PURE LOVE SPOIL OVER TIME.  We want to fuck James Madison just once so our memory of our perfect union is NEVER TAINTED.  That's how I feel.
     Hmm.  Gonna go get that 2nd beer.  Be back in a jiffy!  Finished American Horror Story: The Haunting Of Hell House [Unaffiliated With American Horror Story].  FINE.  I think the last couple of episodes were a snooze but that's just one man's opinion.  Also the other people who live in my head agree with me.  So that's just a lot of people's opinion.  A lot of people are saying this, that Haunting of Hell House ending was a let down, I dunno, if it were me I'd make it better.  That's all I got.  Fifth paragraph out of 12.  Let's keep this going!  I get to eat delicious Quest Bar when this is over!  That's the premise I made to myself.  Promise I made to myself.  Either word you choose you can't go wrong.  Except if you go with premise.  That's more or less wrong.  WELL THIS IS SAD last beer of the week.  I won't be receiving beer for about 40 hours.  THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS.  Wasn't that Keith Olbermann's show.  COUNTDOWN.  And I guess he counted down things, that'd be my guess.  WHAT GREAT CONTENT.
Jeez.  Mets game was FUN in the first half inning when they were up 3-0.  Now they're down 8-3!  Somehow not as fun anymore.  Hmm.  Best to just listen to music Song To Song.  Let's see what's a good song to listen to.  Oh I know how about Track TWO.  I haven't narrowed it down to which album yet but I think I'm gonna go with a Track II first.  Maybe ONLY.  Maybe that's the theme for tonight.  ONLY TRACK IIs.  How about Song #2.  PROBABLY NOT A TRACK #2.  I DON'T THINk IT'S ELIGIBLE FOR TONIGHT.  Better LTURQ.  SONG 2 WAS TRACK 2 ON THE BLUR ALBUM BLUR.  WOW HOW ABOUT THAT.  YOU LEARN SEVEN THINGS NEW EVERY DAY.  This was one of those things for me and very likely for you too!  No Name #2 by Elliott Smith.  I know that's not a track II.  I know lots of things about track listings for albums I'm familiar with.  What else.  Quest bar when this is over.  Fudgesicle before going to my slumber.  I'D SAY I GOT A NICE NIGHT IN STORE OR ME.
I'd be LYING.  But I'd say it anyway so you wouldn't pity me too much.  Anyway this COULD be a last paragraph of the day doing multiples of fives but I think I owe it to all of us to write 5 more paragraphs for a reason no one is really sure of.  I like seeing Elon Musk losing money.  Maybe he can't buy twitter after all!  Which is good because he sure seems like a, "TROLL."  That's internet lingo for Some Sort Of Internet Jerk.  I call em like I see em!  Anyway.  Feel like Kurt Cobain was a troll!  Trolls famously live under bridges.  I feel like Kurt Cobain famously lived under a bridge for a while!  That's part of his mystique.  In real life it was probably he was just walking along in the park one Sunday Afternoon and there was a bridge and thought wouldn't it be nice to cross this bridge from below and he did it and then later on in his Band Promotional Info KURT COBAIN LIVED UNDER A BRIDGE FOR THREE YEARS.  I GET IT.  I KNOW HOW MUSIC INDUSTRY WORKS.  IT'S JUST LIES.  LIES AFTER LIES AFTER LIES.
     What else is up.  Oh it's in his lyrics.  Underneath The bridge, top has sprung a leak.  Now the pieces are all adding up.  WHAT PIECES.  Also ADDING UP TO WHAT.  I dunno Kurt Cobain not around we can't ask him.  Whatever pieces there were and what they were adding up to were lost the moment Kurt Cobain pulled that trigger.  The one attached to the gun.  That he shot himself in the head with.  That's the one I'm referring to. Anyway.  I think Kurt Cobain would rather us remember him AS HE LIVED and NOT as he died-- BEING ALIVE AND NOT HOLDING A GUN TO HIMSELF.  Sounds about right.  I read Collection Of Kurt Cobain Journal Notes And Stuff a couple of years ago.  Good guy!  Was a lefty.  Wrote in a similar handwriting to my own.  That's most of what I got out of it.  Also seemed to be some sort of LIBERAL if you could believe it.  Probably would reject the word the way it's used now in the context of NEO:Liberalism.  Now he'd probably identify as... well, as a CORPSE if it's Him NOW.  Corpses can't vote.  Well is that so.  I feel like if you're dead but you're somehow alive maybe you CAN legally vote?  Gonna have to look into that one.
     Hmm.  Four paragraphs to go.  Delicious!  Accidentally had a BINGE 70 calorie CINNAMON COFFEE CAKE brownie a few paragraphs ago after pizza ended.  I REFUSE TO LET THAT RUIN MY DAY.  I also REFUSE when circuit breakers go on the fritz and I have to fix things electronically.  RE-FUSE them.  SOLID 20% CHANCE THAT MAKES 40% SENSE.  I LIKE THOSE ODDS.  Anyway.  No reason to get up early tomorrow.  Also could be part of the routine that the 1 (or 2?) days a week I don't drink, I DON'T WRITE ENTRY.  So I get to enjoy the day EVEN MORE because I just lay in bed most of the time and work in walks easily because there's nothing to work them around.  I WISH EVERY DAY WAS A NO BEER NO ENTRY ALL BEDTIME ALL THE TIME DAY.  But that'd get repetitive.  I'd get bored of it immediately!  I WISH ONCE A WEEK THERE WAS THAT DAY.  PERFECT I'VE GOT GREAT NEWS FOR ME IT COULD BE THE CASE IF I PLAY MY CARDS RIGHT.  What cards.  THE ONES I BETTER PLAY RIGHT.
Tenth paragraph of the act.  Three paragraphs to write and I just finished drinking the last beer.  Wonderful.  LOOK is there a 1% chance my Birthday Cake Quest Bars come within the next half hour?  No.  Maybe a .33% chance.  But it is mathematically certainly possible.  It wouldn't make the computer Computing What The Odds Are BLOW UP from SHOCK.  Computer would be like well that was extremely unlikely but not completely implausible.  COMPUTER LIVES TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY.  Anyway so I got that going for me.  Kind of!  LOOK am I TERRIFIED because My dad just called up to me telling me the Amazon order which is just My Birthday Bars IS NOW ON IT'S WAY TO BE DELIVERED TONIGHT?  NO!!!  I SAID FROM THE START IT COULD HAPPEN AND IT'S ON YOU IF YOU MISINTERPRET THAT AS ME SAYING IT COULDN'T HAPPEN.  All in all though the question is WILL IT HAPPEN within 15-20 minutes.  That I could have it as Dessert Bar without WAITING for it to come.  I DUNNO. 
    LIFE THROWS YA ALL SORTS OF CURVE BALLS.  GOOD I figure each time I see Life's Curveball it should become increasingly easier and easier to connect with to hit a ground rule double.  LIFE GOTTA WORK OUT SOME OTHER BETTER PITCHES.  Penultimate paragraph.  I guess.  My INSTINCT is to see hey what Elliott Song Smith should I put on first.  But there's a whole MULTIVERSE of musics out there that I can browse from song-to-song that don't even involve me listening to a single Elliott Smith song!  PRESUMABLY.  SOUNDS RIGHT AT LEAST, OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  Anyway.  This week drank 18 beer in 5 day.  Took Friday off because I was sick or maybe just tired or something?  Taking tomorrow off because I'm Done Or Something.  But the point is the week is certainly one for the record books.  Books gotta record everything!  I know it seems dumb and pointless but I don't make the rules about these record books.  And ya know what?  Even if I did?  I'D STILL have them keep record of Everything.  IT'S NOT GLAMOROUS BUT SOMEONE GOTTA DO IT.
     Last paragraph of the day. 
We did it You & I!  Anyway.  Might wait a little while after this paragraph to have Quest Bar anyway.  For some reason having eaten that pizza and small cinnamon coffee cake brownie bar earlier SOMEHOW in some WEIRD WAY makes me not want to eat that much more right now!  There must be something wrong with my body.  Better have a doctor look into this one.  HEY THAT REMINDS ME I can watch some TALES FROM THE CRYPT.  What episode would I be up to.  OH THAT ONE.  That's a FINE one.  Didn't used to like it but IT GREW ON ME.  I can see myself REALLY getting a kick out of it tonight.  Tonight can be a FUN Tales From The Crypt To Remember Night.  I dunno getting kind of sleepy.  Maybe just call it a night after this one episode.  NO THAT'S TOO EARLY?  WHERE'S EVERYONE GOING?  THE NIGHT IS ONLY STARTING.  I CAN WATCH A SOLID TWO EPISODES OF TALES FROM THE CRYPT C'MON GUYS THE PARTY GOES ON.  Yep.  I'll be back tomorrow.

-8:49 P.M.




Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Good More Paragraphs

    That happens literally ALL THE TIME.  Anyway.  Stayed in bed an extra couple of hours.  Didn't wanna get up!  Good reason.  I'm here now though.  Was strongly considering skipping Entry for the day.  Because in my mindset I was like I'd rather just lie in bed 75% of the time and get my walks in the other 25%.  NOW I'M INVIGORATED and ready to go.  Maybe a second act, maybe not!  Either way hey let's have some beer now.  It's the afternoon.  It's always the afternoon somewhere am I right.  Maybe not.  Maybe certain timezones in the world don't believe in The Afternoon.  They want nothing to do with it!  In which case it's possible a few hours out of the day There's No Afternoon.  What else is crap.  Does Military Time care about Noon.  They don't START OVER counting the time at Noon O Clock.  As far as they know the day is exactly the same pre-what we consider noon and POST-what we consider noon.  Hmm.  I assume they do that so it's coded language so if Enemies are intercepting the message they won't know what time it is.  Deployments begin at 18:25.  The enemy is like WELL WHAT THE HELL COULD THAT MEAN.  THIS TELLS US NOTHING.  Well it tells them deployments begin SOON.  I get the sense TODAY EVEN.  So that's halfway there.
  Couldn't get to sleep.  Ate the 2nd 5 portion of Dumplings.  Make up for it by having Soup with Chow Mei Fun for lunch.  WILL THAT MAKE UP FOR IT COMPLETELY?  ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT.  Also is it possible that all the House Promises were bunched together underground in this second portion of Mounds Of Noodles.  In which case SOUNDS GOOD.  Mom has chicken with garlic sauce leftover.  Can add some of THAT to the dish.  I'll be fine don't worry about me.  Worry about some other jerk.  That's how I feel.  Anyway.  Ate a tiny amount of skin.  Like 2.5% of total skin I could have eaten.  I HAVE NO REGRETS.  I have lots of regrets.  Most of my life is regrets.  But at some point they cancel each other out and you stop regretting anything.  Why bother too much might well not care.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Eat What You Want Day.  HEY I was gonna do that anyway!  Hmm.  What kind of people Can't eat what they want.  Incarcerated people.  Most children living with parents who prepare meals.  People who can't afford food regularly.  People with medical conditions prohibiting them from eating what they want.  People trying to lose weight.  The point is VERY IRRESPONSIBLE DAY TO CELEBRATE.  Too many people can't eat what they want and they might join together to sue you in a class action lawsuit.  Hmm.
     Okay.  Wonder how The Haunting of Hell House turns out.  Got three more episodes to go.  I bet SPOOKY things happen.  It's been going on the first episodes I've seen so I dunno why they'd abandon it this far into the mini-series.  No coffee right now.  Probably get it later today.  COFFEE FOR TOMORROW!  Sweet.  Got ZOOM appointment with therapist tomorrow.  SWEET.  Artificial Sweetener.  SWEET.  Not sure Artificial Sweetener is REALLY sweet.  We register it as sweet.  But on a chemical level it's not actually sweet at all!  Hey great just great.  Looks like the Rock and Roll Hall Of Game is injecting new members.  I dunno why I get e-mails about this.  I don't remember ever engaging with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  Either way Great.  The point is if I know anything about Rock Music and Rock Music Acts, it's that their primary goal is to be in a Hall Of Game.  HEY THIS ISN'T JUST ANY HALL OF GAME.  IT'S THE ROCK N ROLL HALL OF SHAME.  It's the exception that proves the rule! 
    Hmm.  Met game tonight at 7:05 PM.  That's an accuracy I just shared with you.  Think I had breakfast at either 8:30 or 9:30.  Well I KNOW I did.  Too bad I don't know which one though.  KEY DIFFERENCE.  Or I can just have lunch when I feel like having lunch.  Well Sure IN AN IDEAL WORLD.  Even in Worlds several steps of magnitudes below Ideal World.  I feel in a neutral-positive world I could have lunch when I feel like having lunch.  Just a guess!  Hmm.  Finally replaced empty containers of pills.  Last 3 or 4 days I ran out of 2 containers of the same pill (different doses).  Today I FINALLY went into drawer and replenished my supply with new bottles of those pills.  Great.  Better late than never!  Not sure about that.  Lots of things are better Never Than Late.  LOTS of things.  Leaning towards finishing Chinese Food for lunch and Chicken for dinner.  Let's knock those out of the park because I enjoyed them yesterday so why mess with a good thing.  FOR FUN.  Oh okay.
     Fifth paragraph!  Sweet!  Anyway went a solid 3-5 days decreasing deficit of calorie counting surplus.  Yesterday went ABOVE what I was aiming for by a little bit!  NOT TOO MUCH.  THAT'S LIFE.  I like it because it's me worrying about things that don't matter at all.  Better scenario than me worrying about things that matter a lot!  Also I have more control over this thing that doesn't matter at all.  Less control over things that matter a lot!  Oh well that's life I guess.  No coffee right now.  Something we'll have to live with indefinitely.  A few hours is indefinitely, right?  I feel like it should be.  In an Neural-Positive World.  The point is I'm pretty sure they're talking about banning contraceptives and I'm pretty sure that might make a lot of people upset that they can't have casual sex as much as they'd like to.  And they'd like to a lot! These people are PERVERTS just look at them.  Also WHO THE HELL IS AGAINST SEX and how do they think this is a winning political issue.  Because they have power and we have no power to stop them it appears.  Sounds like a winning political issue to me!  FAIR ENOUGH.
     What else.  I feel like there's nothing wrong with protesting someone's home. If anything it's a good thing!  You should be worrying about them protesting YOU.  Instead YOUR HOME is taking the brunt of the protesting.  LIE IN BED AND SLEEP COMFORTABLE KNOWING THAT THEY'RE TAKING OUT ALL THEIR ANGER ON YOUR HOUSE.  That sort of thing.  Also pretty sure people are allowed to do things outside.  Like protest!  You don't own the street outside your house.  Maybe you do!  I don't think you do.  Maybe you do NOW.  Might have been one of those things they snuck into the bill yesterday.  Now Powerful People Own The Vicinities AROUND Their Houses Jus TO Play It Safe.  Go figure!  Anyway.  I was thinking about that joke The Aristocrats! and I think you can update that by calling it The Democrats!  Not sure why.  Doesn't fit COMPLETELY.  But it's something to consider for, I dunno, 15 seconds, until you dismiss it completely and move on with your lives.
     Seventh paragraph.  I got that going for me.  Feel like I had some dreams last night.  Part of them vaguely night mares, parts of them vaguely some night pleasants.  Sounds about right.  SETTLE.  Tried the Lemon Cake Quest Bar as half of breakfast.  NOT BAD.  I imagine it was actually neutral-positive in upon further introspection.  So I had that going for me 3-4 hours ago.  Hmm.  Never finished watching Hell Raiser III.  I will at some point.  I like finishing things!  IN THEORY.  Parts of Lemon Cake Quest Bar had bits of crunchiness.  Not sure what that was all about but I was on board for it oh boy was I.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine there's gonna be a lot of women who consider abortion rights as one of their main issues when voting.  I'm speculating probably HUNDREDS of them across the land.  Wonder how that'll all pan out.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna take a walk after this act and PROBABLY write a short act after I get back.  It's GOOD to do things because without doing things WHAT THE HILL HOUSE AM I EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE DOING.
     Yeah!  Maybe go back into teaching.  Was thinking about what jobs I can presumably do.  Maybe teach is a thing.  Teaching high school kids.  I can't teach higher level education.  I don't have enough RAW KNOWLEDGE.  High school though, sure.  Teach ya about the Mexican-American wars.  What was that all about.  How do YOU feel about them.  GOOD?  BAD?  I wanna hear your thoughts!  That's what a good teacher does.  PROPOSES TOPIC at beginning of class and makes class talk about it for rest of class.  Good luck getting most classes to talk about things!  I will REWARD THEM by playing them ROCK music and having them relate to it to inspire them.  That's the first 15 minutes of each class.  THEN we get into History Think-Em-Ups.  Anyway.  Gonna take my next walk as a criclewalk in my room and listen to music.  Dad is taking a walk soon so instead of waiting for him to get back-- already behind schedule!-- let's do that.  WHAT FUN I LIKE SURROUND SOUND MUSIC I LIKE.  I like listening to my own music while standing in the middle of the room because not only am I coming at myself Head On but I'm coming at myself FROM ALL ANGLES.  Kinda weird.
     Ninth paragraph!  Also I LIKE EXCITEMENT and I'm hoping to see some action by teaching in a high school.  You know that sort of thing.  Pretty sure teachers should be armed and then they shoot either Active Shooters or they threaten to shoot people who didn't do the home work.  That's how you TURN SOMEONE INTO an active shooter.  An innocent kid misses the homework once?  And you HORRIFY them with threatening bullets going into their body at rapid speed?  That'll set them on a path to become an active shooter themselves!  That's my theory on where Active Shooters come from.  Also are ALL OF THE REST OF US Inactive Shooters?  Feel like I haven't shot a real gun in my life.  Maybe a water gun.  Super soaker.  But that's ALL IN GOOD FUN.  In reality WE WANNA GET SUPER SOAKED.  Both the shooter AND the shootee are coming out on top in this scenario.
    Hmm.  What else is up.  HEY just accepted Amazon delivery presumably containing Coffee Grounds.  Not gonna open it just yet.  Maybe not until tomorrow!  DEAL WITH IT.  Next walk will be CircleWalk while listening to some of my favorite songs.  I CAN DIG THAT.  That sort of thing.  Re-upped with HEALTH CEREAL yesterday.  By which I mean REGULAR CEREAL that's not a sugar cereal.  AND markets itself as a Health Cereal!  I've exclusively used it as Snack On but maybe I mix that up into the rotation of balanced breakfasts.  Anything is possible in this Neutral-Positive universe we don't live in yet but one day might transition to somehow in a way I'm not sure of.   So there's that.  I'm pretty sure there's sugar in this cereal anyway.  There's sugar in everything.  If you consulted a cook or dietician from 500 years ago they'd be like wait a second you literally put sugar in everything?  WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE.  And then you have to go on and on about What Is Wrong With Us People and that's gonna take FOREVER.  I'll be back soon!




Wonder What That's All About

    Hmm.  Had some trouble Posting To Internet last night.  Hopefully no problems today.  Hmm.  Had 45 minute circlewalk just now.  Hopefully bo problems boday.  Hmm.  Gonna have a beer with this act because I like doing things!  Gonna have lunch after upcoming RegularWalk because I like eating meals.  Really doing a good job transitioning from thinking about Sweet Snacks all the time into looking forward to and enjoying Real Food Meals.  Not a hugely long streak of That Kind Of Day yet, but we're off to a good start.  Which I believe is a Race Horsing reference.  You can get off to good starts in lots of things.  Yeah but PRIMARILY Race Horsing.  Whatta do with rest of day.  I got most of the day worked out.  Meals, walks, Mets game, entries.  Horror House On Hill primary thing to watch in spaces where I have nothing else.  THE GOOD NEWS IS entry is crap but by tonight I'll be READY AND WILLING to write another act.  Presumably.
  5/10.  SOMETHING ABOUT THAT DATE RUBS ME THE WRONG WAY.  Oh right that's how I divided up my Shrimp-Pork Dumplings the last two days.  10 game!  Had 5 with Lunch.  Had 5 as snack at night!  Still though why would that rub me the wrong way.  It was a PLEASANT set of experiences.  Hmm.  Bowling maybe.  You're trying to knock down ten pins and you only get five.  NOT EVEN CLOSE to being a decent Roll.  I think you need to go back to bowling school.  If you can afford it.  If you can't I think you need to preserve your money supply for more important things.  This is good advice I'm giving out!  Pretty impressed with how quickly bathtub fills up when taking a bath.  Probably went through this before.  Bathtub is a BIG RESERVOIR all things considered.  Yeah I get that the faucet is going PRETTY quick.  Nice amount of water relatively quickly.  BUT HOW THE HELL IS THIS BEING FILLED UP on 5/10 MINUTES?  Somethings amiss and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it if it's the penultimate thing I do.  AS LONG AS I HAVE ONE MORE THING I CAN DO.  That's the deal breaker, take it or leave it!
     Okay.  Oh I know why I don't like 5/10. National Shrimp Day and National American Craft Beer Day.  I like shrimp but DON'T PUT THOSE PIECES OF PLASTIC ON THE TAIL YOU'RE RUINING EVERYTHING.  I dunno what I'm doing anymore.  I had to take walks today.  And I KIND OF had to write an entry.  If it weren't for those two things I may just be laying in bed all day.  I HAVE THAT LUXURY so I should CAPITALIZE on it.  Then again it's good to do stuff.  Probably!  Then again No News Is Good News.  If I'm in bed all day and engaging with nothing and having nothing engage with me I WIN THAT DAY.  Comfortable lying in bed with nothing bothering me.  Plus I'm not bothering anyone else?  Now we're talking Adult Way To Do Things.  Hmm.  Lemon Cake Quest Bar was fine.  I think the new flavor I got an entire dozen pack of was Birthday Cake Flavor.  LOOK I need to eat balanced breakfast VERY SOON.  Egg Whites were cooked like a week ago AT LEAST.  They can't last forever.  Then again I like Birthday Cakes.  My favorite part is the candles.  WHAT KIND OF PAGAN WITCHCRAFT IS THIS that we're all doing with our children.  AND WE SHALL LIGHT WICKS ON THE CHILD'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION SWEETS, ONE FOR EACH OF HIS LUNAR YEARS, AND WHEN HE BLOWS OUT THE LIGHTS HE IMPLICITLY AGREES THAT HE REJECTS GOD BY CHOOSING DARKNESS OVER LIGHT AND IS NOW IN LEAGUE WITH THE DEVIL: THE GUY WHOSE LIKE GOD BUT BAD AND PRESUMABLY LESS POWERFUL.
     I think that's a general thing amount Pro-God, Anti-Devil people.  It's not exactly an even match.  Devil may win a lot of battles but there's NO WAY he wins the war.  Well that makes sense.  If they thought it was an evenly matched war they'd have to think harder about which side they wanna be on.  You don't wanna be on a LOSING side.  Anyway I forget what's going on.  Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Good! Just a nice quick throwaway act.  I got no problems with that that I care to get into right now.  The point is there's no deeper meaning to birthday candies.  Kids love blowing and kids love fire.  They get to combine those loves into one special once-a-year occasion!  Also what's the consensus on making a wish before blowing out candles.  Seems like too much of a hassle.  Unless I can be like okay I now NOW'S MY CHANCE FOR A WISH but I don't know what I want yet.  Gonna blow out the candles NOW but if it's all the same I'LL LET YOU KNOW MY WISH, IMAGINATION/GOD/SUPER NATURAL FORCES, later on tonight or something.  GIMME A MOMENT TO THINK.  YOU'VE HAD MOMENTS TO THINK.  You knew this was coming.  YOU SHOULDA THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR WISH in the days LEADING UP to this.  EITHER MAKE THE WISH NOW OR YA LOSE IT.  THEMS THE BREAKS.
Hmm.  Last paragraph of the act.  Haven't seen a Recent Major Motion Picture Film in a while.  I think the last one was THE BATMAN.  Good production values.  I'd like to see more!  But without going out to the theaters.  TOO RISKY.  I could get into a bus accident on the bus.  Or a car accident.  It's a bus crashing into a car.  I feel like whether that's a bus accident or a car accident is whose at fault.  NOBODY IS AT FAULT IN THESE THINGS IT'S JUST A SAD CIRCUMSTANCE THAT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN AVOIDED.  Anyway you'd think you've be save On Bus because it's Big And Hearty.  But ya never know!  The point is what movies are playing in theaters now anyway.  I know The Doctor Strange.  That's one of em!  DAMNIT just googling the theater I like, they had a nice pleasant image of the outside of it/box office at nighttime and it was SO HEARTY in terms of sentimental value.  SO MANY MEMORIES.  HMM some of these movies look dumb.  I LIKE IT.  Some of these movies look less dumb.  I LIKE IT EVEN MORE.  The point is time to take a walk.  I'll be back later!




everything gonna be okay though

    Hey!  Gonna aim for 10 paragraphs.  See where that takes me.  Ten paragraphs further than I started from.  Sounds about right.  Had Vegetable Burger for Late Lunch.  Side was Some Chinese Noodles AND some left-over Cheez Its.  I have no regrets!  Nothing there to be regretted.  WELL APPARENTLY NOT.  Down to the penultimate House On Hellish Hill episode.  And APPARENTLY there's a sequel mini-series also about a Haunted House made by Same People.  Not the house itself.  I mean MAYBE the construction workers who made Hell House and Blythe House are the same.  But I mean the TV MAKERS are the same.  The point is ugh what else is going on.  A walk behind schedule today.  Gonna have a fun CircleWalk NightTime ActIvity and do that while listening to music.  SONGS I LIKE.  None of this listening to songs I'm not 100% on board with.  There's a time and place for that and Ultimate CircleWalking NightTime ToRemember is NOT the time for that.  Time to listen to songs I'm OVER 100% on board with.  Anyway 2 beers with this NightTime leaves me 3 for tomorrow.  THAT'S ONE WAY TO GO ABOUT THINGS I GUESS.  Another way would be I dunno something else.  Oh well that's life.
     Watched the latest episode of WE Own This City.  Starting to get the hang of it!  OH so THIS is the plot and THESE are the characters doing stuff IN the plot.  The pieces are finally starting to come together!  What else.  Delicious Part II of II chicken dinner.  Will be coming pretty soon.  For me.  You'll just have to Dream On It!  Hmm you probably got your own meals worked out for yourself.  You don't just read me talk about my meals and go it's been so long since I've had a meal.  I am so hungry.  That'd be my guess.  Easily If There's a 90% Of You, then 90% of You HAVE BEEN EATING MEALS OUR ENTIRE TIME TOGETHER on the website.  Hmm.  I don't mean you're eating meals ALL THE TIME WE ARE TOGETHER EXACTLY.  I mean, we are together day in day out more or less.  And over that general period of time, you ALSO have been having meals regularly UNRELATED (or SOMEWHAT related???) to you reading this website and the time we spend together.  I LOST TRACK OF WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT.  THE ONLY THING I REMEMBER THINKING WAS THIS PARAGRAPH SUCKS.  SO YOU COULD SEE WHY I'D WANT TO STOP IT NOW.
  Starting to notice I truly do not have to urinate every single walk AND if I do I can successfully hold it in without too much of a hassle.  Dunno if its because I cut down on the caffeine.  Maybe it's because my body is a genius and figured this one out by itself.  Or maybe I've been Fight Clubbing it and using bathrooms without even being aware.  I think I'm walking around a 1.5 mile circumference circle during walks but REALLY I'm just locking myself in a Starbucks Bathroom and urinating every 45 seconds.  I dunno!  What would be My Body's Motive.  Bodies can't have motives.  Sure they can.  I INSIST THEY DO ALL THE TIME.  Hmm.  Guess I'll put dinner in oven in about 15 minutes.  Leave it in for about an hour.  I should be done with My Life by then.  Wait no lemmme ammend that.  I'll be done with this entry by then.  HOPEFULLY there's slightly more to my life that still is to be lived.  Not 100% happy with how it's all gone so far.  I need to give my life some more room to make up for itself.  MAYBE PUSH BACK DINNER 15 MINUTES FROM WHAT I WAS CONSIDERING.
    These are important issues!
  They're THE ONLY issues.  The only other issue I currently have going on Dates Back To Me First Waking Up and not wanting to get out of bed.  It's been 10 hours but I STILL feel like I DUNNO THIS WAS ALL WRONG.  NOT TOO LATE TO GO BACK INTO BED NOW AND JUST LAY THERE FOR THE REST OF THE DAY.  It's kind of too late.  BUT NOT TOO TOO LATE.  Anyway nice veggie burger experience.  It was FUN because it provided me NOURISHMENT.  I think Chicken Dinner'll provide me enough nourishment.  GOT NO REASON TO DOUBT IT EXPLICITLY.  Except for I dunno something about this half chicken I just don't trust.  Seems like there should be more to it, that's one problem I have.  Another problem I have is the other half of the chicken must have been better.  The half chicken is always half empty.  The half chicken is always greener on the other side.  Halve... Chicken... Things... where am I.  What's going on.
Is the grass is always greener on the other side a thing where it's like when you die and go to afterlife the marijuana you smoke is even better than the kind you smoked in the real world.  Also ARE THERE DRUGS TO GET YOU HIGH in afterlife?  My first thought was what's the point you should already be really happy in Heaven.  But then I realized there's SOBER happy and there's DRUG happy.  Why should you have to commit to only ONE kind of happy.  OF COURSE you can do different drugs in Heaven.  Except for the part about how when we die nothing happens.  If we ignore THAT LITTLE INGOT OF A CAVEAT then everything I've said lately going back to oh i don't know THREE WEEKS AGO still stands.  What happened three weeks ago.  More like What DIDN'T happen three weeks ago am I right?!?!
     What lese.  I feel like when we die nothing happens BUT every couple of centuries SOMEHOW you got a short blast of consciousness and you're like hmm still dead.  And then NOTHING for another 400 years.  Then SUDDENLY HEY I'M BA... Oh, Still Dead.  DAMNIT.  And that goes on indefinitely until... I dunno.  Until something.  You figure it out!  Anyway.  What kind of person wants to be cremated.  What's the appeal of that.  I don't get it!  ME PERSONALLY I'd like to be buried in a Pet Cemetery.  Couldn't HURT.  It could hurt my loved one(s) who buried me there.  Because I'd come back to kill them.  But that's THEIR problem.  I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD and sure my loved one(s) is(are) in danger but this is A BEST CASE SCENARIO FOR ME if we're being honest.  So the point is I forget.  What if you bury a living person alive in a pet cemetery.   Does he come back SUPER ALIVE.  In which case SIGN ME UP FOR THAT.  Sure it'd be great to be The Undead from being buried in Pet Cemetery but being SUPER ALIVE from being buried while alive?  NOW I RUN THE SHOW.  I dunno what kind of benefits being Super Alive would bring but apparently the first thing that comes to mind would be that, "Now I RUN THE SHOW."
What else is going on and crap.  I don't think there's such a thing as being buried alive.  If you were successfully buried you won't be alive very long.  So why bother making that distinction.  You bury a living person?  They'll be dead pretty soon!  Why bother MEANS TESTING the vitality of people being buried.  YEAH.  Gonna watch one more episode of Hell House The House The Kills People Or Does It Oh No Spoilers Maybe I Dunno tonight.  Seventh paragraph.  Three and a half to go!  I can do that.  Because it's easy.  I have to put in very little thought or effort because I don't care how poorly it reflects on me.  I feel like it reflects well on me that I do anything.  WOW SOME KID IS WRITING PARAGRAPHS.  CAN'T WE GET HIM SOME SORT OF NOBEL PEACE PRIZE.  He certainly hasn't STARTED any war.  So that's a pretty good start right there.
Also I feel like Nobel Peace Prize SHOULDN'T be the ultimate prize you could get.  Peace, war, what's the difference, it's all the same in the end.  I want a Nobel COOLEST KID IN THE WORLD Prize.  That's my feeling at least.  Thinking about experimenting with eating meals at different surface facing different direction.  For over A YEAR I was eating at nighttable by bed facing West.  Then the last few weeks I was eating at desksurface facing North with GREAT results.  However kinda feel like I wanna try going back to Classic Nighttable?  Maybe try this surface I'm at right now where laptop is but could be moved?  NAH THAT'S DUMB.  All of this is dumb.  Keep facing North.  Can't go wrong facing North!  That's the impression I've been living under for most of my life.  So there's that.  HMM WHAT ABOUT FACING UP OR DOWN.  That's not facing a Compass Direction.  But it could LEGITIMATELY be a REAL direction to face.  Hmm.  Trying to think about it in my head how I could imagine that.  I might need to be in one of those Virtual Reality Motion Simulators.  That might work.  And, if not, at least I get to be in one of those Virtual Reality Motion Simulators!  Those are fun even IF they're not helping you eat in interesting directions.
    Hmm.  Gonna put dinner in oven for a long time.  AN HOUR.  Put that sucker in NOW.  What else.  Wonder how long I'll walk in a circle tonight.  Generally I figure 40-50 minutes of CircleWalking equals 25-30 minutes of RegularWalking.  Maybe I feel like only doing 20 minutes, though!  Maybe I feel like doing 20 THOUSAND minutes.  It's all at my discretion is the point.  Hmm.  5/10.  WHAT DOES IT MEAN.  AND WHY DON'T I LIKE IT.  Anyway.  Feel like if there was a Nobel War Prize Albert Einstein should have that locked up.  He invented the nuclear bomb right.  I dunno.  I don't think we credit it to him PERSONALLY.  But it takes a team to figure out nuclear weapons and no one man is greater than the team but AT THE SAME TIME no one man is LESS than the team.  Huh.  The point is WAR IS GOOD?  LOOK AT UKRAINE.  WE MUST HELP THEM WAGE WAR.  WE NEED A NOBEL WAR PRIZE APPARENTLY.  EACH AND EVERY WAR IS GOOD.  Always one side of the war AT LEAST is In The Right.  Makes sense to me. 
      Last paragraph for now.  Man.  I miss being in bed 10 hours ago.  I thought I could lay there forever in fun just not doing or thinking about anything.  Turns out I got up at some point and I'm Not Happy About It!  Even though I lived the entire day and accomplished more or less what was necessary.  I dunno.  Crap and crap.  BALANCED BREAKFAST TOMORROW.  Maybe even a FROSTED FLAKE Balanced Breakfast.  That's the way to go!  Slightly healthier because I dunno have you SEEN or TASTED cinnamon toast crunch?  Hard to imagine anything NOT being slightly healthier than this.  Except for all the things Considerably Healthier Than This.  Hmm good point.  Anyway what else is up.  Sustainable Summer To Remember.  Guess it's going okay!  Have been Sustaining It Pretty Well More Or Less since the Summer started.  And WHEN did Summer Start.  I dunno off the top of my head MAY THIRD?  Hmm.  That's about it for today.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:13 P.M.




Monday, May 9, 2022

I Did A Bad Thing

    Hey!  Didn't Re-Up with coffee planning ahead.  I have enough for today and that's it!  Presumably will be able to get more tomorrow or the next day or possible the next next day.  Either way I'LL SURVIVE but YOU might not.  Anyway.  Was gonna oversleep this morning if it was up to me, but I had to get up to get bloodwork done.  I SUCCESSFULLY GAVE BLOOD.  So that's one problem down.  Do I or do I not have blood?  Well I can't speak for NOW but I definitely had some EARLIER.  Got mom cigarettes.  Trying a new single quest bar.  LEMON CAKE.  That sounds like a Dumb National Food Day Day Food.  So dumb I wanna try it at some point that makes sense.  Had Quest Bar and Ice Cream Sandwich for breakfast TODAY.  Wanted BALANCED BREAKFAST for a change but I Didn't have time to eat it before Blood.  ALSO thinking about getting Chinese Food for lunch.  DELICIOUS LO MEIN is what I'm picturing.  Actually to be honest I'm KIND of picturing adequate lo mein.  If we're gonna be honest from the get go.
     Hmm.  Continuing with The Hill On House Hell.  Halfway through at this point.  So far still not sure how many siblings there are but if there is a fifth at this point pretty sure it's another girl.  I guess they'll settle this by the end of the mini series.  Hey they took my weight at Bloodwork.  Made executive decision not to look.  Even though the last few days I've been quite good with limiting snacks.  Wanna string together some more good days before re-upping with Knowing My Weight.  Stop saying re-up.  NEVER.  Ended up with 4 beers yesterday.  Kinda imagining 4 beers today!  Act II- BEER.  Midafternoon-- BEER.  Nighttime-- TWO BEER.  WOW BEER MIGHT TURN ADEQUATE LO MEIN INTO SUPER ADEQUATE LO MEIN.  That's what it does for my life in general.  Turns it from Adequate Life to SLIGHTLY MORE Adequate Life.  Kind of!  Sure!  Anyway.  Hey I wonder if there's a new episode of We Own That City.  My guess is SOLID CHANCE YES.  But I have other stuff I wanna watch more.  Gotta see how The Haunting Of The House To Remember turns out!
     National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Shrimp Day and National American Craft Beer Day.  FINALLY a National Food Day that leans into being AMERICAN.  That's MY Nation.  I don't care how controversial a statement that is.  I LIVE IN AMERICA.  Also, "America," is a preset tone of guitar on 8 Track Recorder.  Not a terrible tone!  Not my favorite!  That's life.  Also SHRIMP YOU GOT MY ATTENTION.  I'm imagining eating shrimp lo mein RIGHT NOW.  Vaguely.  I'm not really imagining it.  I'm CONSIDERING IT.  My deeper imagination has not been activated.  But I'm thinking logically what eating shrimp lo mein would entail.  Hopefully none of those plastic tails they put on shrimp.  WHY DO THEY DO THAT.  They put plastic tails on shrimp so we have to take them off because we can't eat plastic.  SEEMS DUMB REAL DUMB.  Then again what else is going on and crap.  No Met game today.  THIS IS HOW YOU COMMEMORATE EUROPEAN COUNTRIES CELEBRATING THE DEFEAT OF NAZI GERMANY?!?!  C'mon.  Mets!  Actually good.  They won't be distracted by baseball game.  They can observe and celebrate this day BETTER than all the teams playing.  Hmm.
     Okay!  HEY putting together Amazon order for TOMORROW re-upping with coffee.  So I got that going for me.  I guess.  DANGIT.  I was looking forward to HAVING A PROBLEM.  Now that problem is solved.  LIFE HAS NO CHARACTER if your problems are always being solved.  Sure it does if you re-spawn lots of new problems all the time.  That sounds fun but we can't ASSUME new problems will show up all day every day.  We can assume what we want NOBODY GONNA STOP US.  Fair enough.  Hard to assume something you know isn't accurately assumable, though!  Gotta do some mental contortions.  Maybe some physical contortions too!  Couldn't hurt!  Well sure it can if you're not limber enough!  You can snap your KNECK and whatknot.  Hey that's a good new problem.  Being dead.  Kind of The ULTIMATE Problem!  What else is going on and crap.  I feel like other countries celebrate Today besides Russia.  I know Russia does.  Because NEWS told me.  I THINK News told me other countries do, too.  I can't remember everything News tells me!  THEY TELL ME TWO THINGS A WEEK WHO CAN KEEP UP.
  What else is going on and crap.  Got coffee going on right now for me.  I can live with that!  Well of course I can that's the ideal outcome I went INTO this situation hoping for.  Wonderful.  At first I was thinking about General Tso's chicken but I was like that's one of the least healthy things what else can I come up with.  OH LO MEIN.  Which is probably one of the only things unhealthier than general tso's chicken.  I'D HAVE TO CRUNCH SOME NUMBERS.  TAKE INTO ACCOUNT SOME SERVING SIZES.  WHAT KINDA SIDES AM I HAVING TO MAIN DISH.  The point is Huh what else is going on.  Plan is 10 paragraph for Act I.  Some amount of paragraph for imminent Act II.  More amount of paragraph for nighttime act iii.  THAT'S THE PLAN.  If I deviate from it I'm sorry!  I only have myself to blame!  Also I only have myself to be sorry to!  You don't care!  Also My Only Self Doesn't Care That Much Either Way!
     What else is crap.  Accepting non-coffee delivery this evening.  Between 5-7 PM presumably.  WONDERFUL.  I like doing things from 5-7 PM.  I wish I had even MORE to do.  YEAH.  I assume Germany doesn't celebrate Today.  The day their Nazi Forefathers were defeated.  Maybe they do.  SOrta uh WE GOT WHAT WAS COMIN' TO US DAY.  Sort of OH WELL WHAT CAN YA DO OUR BAD Day.  Sounds fair.  Maybe get PORK lo mein.  I was IMAGINING beef but for some reason they SKIP offering Beef Lo Mein as a lunch special.  Oh Right 40% of beef supply comes from Ukraine.  Not sure that's accurate.  Vaguely sure it isn't!  Hmm.  It's okay Pork is like Beef but ya know it's pork Not Beef.  So there's that.  Sixth paragraph of the act.  Amazing.  The REAL scary thing about The Haunting of Hill House is IT'S ENTERTAINED ME FOR FIVE HOURS, presumably will entertain me for another five hours, and then THERE'S NONE LEFT.  LIFE WILL SUDDENLY BE EMPTY.  Scary thought!  I'd have to somehow fill it up with SOMETHING ELSE.  And coming up with Something Elses for how to fill up your life is quite difficult!  Oh well gotta learn Other Things To Do at some point in life.  It's finally caught up with me!
Amazing.  Could I make it until 3:30 PM for lunch?  Do I settle for 2:30 PM?  Do I go for 1:30 PM?  The point is the later the better.  Because Of REASONS.  HMM actually parents are floating DINER DELIVERY for tonight.  In which case my best move is getting some sort of 2 or 3 part dinner.  Dunno if I'm comfortable having a 2 or 3 part thing for lunch at the same time as having a 2 or 3 part thing for dinner.  Gonna have to think about that one.  I'll get around to it later presumably.  I'm busy writing sentences without thinking about anything.  It's kind of fun!  Anyway.  Point is House Lunches I have available to me are Turkey sandwich and Veggie Burger.  Maybe Frozen Pizza.  That's about it!  OH I CAN HAVE SOME SAWDUST DOGS.  Hmm.  The point is today is an interesting day because I will have lunch and/or dinner and we have to figure out what we want to eat for those meals.  Hmm.
Eighth paragraph!  Lunch Special ends at 3:30 PM.  FINE WITH ME.  Latest I would want to order it is FOR 3:30 PM.  Which means I'm putting that sucker in at the latest 3:15 PM.  FINE WITH THEM.  Or so they CLAIM.  We'll see how accurate their promises of how late I can put in lunch special orders REALLY is.  HMM.  Only, "House Special," Lunch they have is House Special Chow Mei Fun.  HOUSE SPECIAL sounds fun to me.  Of all the things I've considered House Special In General is the most appetizing.  Means All The Proteins, right?  Beef and pork and chicken and shrimp.  House special is a little of everything.  GREAT I LIKE EVERYTHING.  I LIKE LITTLE BITS OF THINGS.  HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG.  Not sure I've had Chow Mei Fun before but it looks like it would be fun for mei to chow down on it.  Oh so that's where that title comes from.  The point is that comes with NO RICE which I have mixed feelings about.  Hmm.  The IMAGES of it look good.  It's just a different kind of noodle.  I like noodles.  I like lots of little things!
     Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Sweet!  I was gonna have pizza last night and I didn't and now it looks like I'm not having it tonight either?!?!  Maybe just have frozen pizza for lunch.  It's SUPER Market Brand Pizza.  Which is GOOD for some reason.  It's a WHITISH based sauce instead of TOMATOISH based sauce.  Have half of that pie which is probably 12 inch of the top of my dome.  That'd be my guess.  Sounds reasonable.  Then again have you heard the good news about Chinese Food Lunches?  Because if not I'm fine with being here primarily to proselytize that sort of thing.  Lots of things I'd RATHER do with my life but at least I'd be doing something I vaguely believe in the cause of.  What else is crap and shit.  Hey the hardest parts of the day are over.  GETTING UP when not wanting to get up.  WAITING IN WAITING ROOM for 10 minutes.  WRITING ENTRY without being under some sort of positive influence.  It's all downhill from here!  Which is good!  Much more fun going downhill than up hill.  Going Down On Hill House Manor.  That's the show I've been watching
     HEY last paragraph for now.  Maybe get an appetizer of SHRIMP dumplings.  I remember last time I ordered them they were like just so you know shrimp dumplings also have pork in them.  And I was like OH NO THAT UPSETS MY DELICATE SENSIBILITIES.  BETTER GO WITH VEGETABLE DUMPLINGS.  Now I'm a little bit older and a little bit wiser and HEY A DUMPLING WITH SHRIMP AND PORK COMBINED WITHIN THE DUMPLING?  I'd be a fool NOT to do the thing where I get that and stuff it down my gullet split into 2 or 3 sessions of.  Anyway.  Figure there's most likely enough for 3 meals certainly with Bonus Dumplings but I can always call it quits after 2 meals.  No one would be the wiser!  I would know.  Great the good news is I don't care that much!  MISINFORMATION I DO CARE.  DANGIT.  What else is going on.  I think I had a dream that Bud Next was available to me.  The Budweiser Beer that's lighter than Bud Light.  I KNOW I had that dream.  I remember it.  And I'm SURE it wasn't real life.  Because I'd remember it even HARDER if it was.  Anyway that's Act I for ya.  Be back soon!




It's Not That Big A Deal

    Hi!  Forgot to put beer in fridge last night for today.  Oh well.  We can have some warm beer!  And FUTURE beer for the day will be COLDER.  Also really settling into looking forward to The Legend of Hell House Mei Fun for lunch and thinking about CHICKEN DINNER for dinner.  We're talkin' CHICKEN.  STUFFING.  THE REST.  Split that sucker into 2 dinners.  Split The Story Of Street Fighter: Revenge Of Chow Mei Lee into two meals.  I feel like there's no way I couldn't make it last two meals.  And there's ALMOST no way I finish it all in two meals.  WHO CARE NOT I.  The point is I've been having some success pouring beer into a glass rather than eating it from can.  Sure I made a mistake and said, "Eating," instead of, "Drinking."  That's not so bad.  What would be really worrying is if I actually TRIED to eat the beer from the can instead of drinking it.  I don't even wanna THINK about the potential ramifications of that!  Kinda DO wanna think about it.  Nothing comes to mind though.
Hmm.  Get that sucker of a side for Lunch Special Hot and Sour Soup.  Have that as side for upcoming Ham Sandwich.  Look I know what I'm doing.  Wait a second scratch that.  Very little idea what I'm doing.  That's life I guess.  I'm not particularly worried about overlapping Chicken between the two meals today.  I feel the small percentage of House Mei Funk that is small pieces of chicken aren't gonna be so intense that it ruins chicken for me for the day.  I could be wrong!  Maybe it's huge chunks of chicken!  KINDA DOUBT IT.  The point is hey what else.  No need for dumplings.  Unless they make me add something to get the order over a certain threshold PriceWise.  In which case yes I need the dumplings send 'em here.  Whatever.  Maybe I can get 23 orders of Almond Cookies instead.  I could eat those somehow for some reason at some point that no one is really sure of.  Anyway.  Shower after next walk!  2 Half hour In-Houses between walks because I gotta make sure I've got enough walks in before FIVE TO SEVEN O CLOCK when AMAZON FRESH will be getting here.  I can't be GONE when it comes.  THIS STUFF NEEDS TO BE FRIDERATED and only I can do that.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Oh right Bringing In Bags.  That's the part only I can do.  MY DAD IS UP AND ABOUT FOR THE MOST PART but I don't wanna force him to be TOO Strenuous.  Anyway.  Also take a final walk AFTER that happens.  And/or after Diner Dinner Delivery comes.  Look the paragraph is over.  I packed lots of sentences into it.  I can tell it's a big blob of sentences. So let's be happy about the bulk I'm producing and move on with my life.
Okay.  Kinda remember feeling there was JUST SHY amount of chicken for happy 2 meals last time I got this dinner.  Maybe 90% the amount of chicken which wuolda been perect.  PERECT separate the chicken from House Mei Fun and add that to Chicken Dinner.  We've already established I have more than enough Fun House To Remember.  A fun house is a thing right.  It's like in carnivals or amusement parks where they try to make you go crazy with lots of mirrors or something.  Sounds fun to me.  Anyway.  Minimum Delivery Order is 10 dollars.  2 dollar delivery charge.  Lunch Special is 8.95$.  I FEEL THEIR DELIVERY FEE SHOULD COUNT to get me over the top.  I feel thy probably would argue with that.  And then I can take them to court and let the judicial system work things out.  Unless it goes up to THE TOP of the judicial system.  Can't trust them!  Oh well what can ya do.  Just hope cases you care about don't reach the top court.  Gotta imagine that'll work out for you more often than not.  Also I LIKE these people.  I'd PREFER to settle it out of court.  I'm sure we can figure this one out just between us private citizen and private Food Eatery Company Establishment!
     Hmm.  Does ONE order of almond cookie get me over the top?  NOPE almond cookies are .5$.  Would TWO get me over the top?  NOPE still 5 cents too low.  WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP.  You're just making your customers ANGRY and AGITATED trying to figure out how to get over the top.  YOU'RE CAUSING MORE DAMAGE THAN YOU REALIZE.  Then again all in all it's a great price for what you're getting and it's delicious.  BUT STILL I'm suffering MUCH STRESS and there's gotta be a better way of doing this that works for both Me and Them.  Hmm.  Maybe get a bonus cup of soup.  Can't go wrong with soup.  I like the Hot & Sour.  What kind of soup DO YOU like.  Wait don't answer that.  You answering that right now in a way I would be aware of would CAUSE MORE DAMAGE THAN YOU REALIZE.  Anyway.  One soup for turkey sandwich.  One soup for Veggie Burger sandwich!  Also at some point Veggie Burger came to be associated with Just Sandwiches as opposed to A Hamburger Type Deal.  In our minds we know hamburgers aren't sandwiches, they're their own thing.  But veggie burger BLURS THE LINE.  Maybe.  I guess.  Works for me!
Okay.  Fifth paragraph of the act!  OH RIGHT I asked my mom if she'd be interested in Chinese Anything and she said to ask her later.  I'm estimating only a 15-20% chance she would want anything.  But wouldn't that solve all our problems?  NOPE.  Would solve only 15-20% of our problems.  Also I'm using The Royal, "Our."  Don't see that one too much for some reason.  Oh well.  Anyway.  I like egg drop soup.  I like wonton soup!  But Hot & Sour is the gold standard.  I think I used to err on the side of wonton soup but then I started ordering from a place where it's just hot water with a wonton in it.  You're gonna have to do better than that!  Maybe the rest of the soup SOMETHIN' beyond just eating a wonton that's been soaking in hot water.  Also no problem with egg drop soups!  MAYBE I GET ONE IN FACT.  If I'm getting 2 soups for the next few days PERECT OPPORTUNITY to get a Hot & Sour Soup PLUS a different kind of soup.  NOW EVERYTHING IS FINALLY WORKING OUT IN MY FAVOR.  AS opposed to how it was working out before.  Only 15-20% in my favor!
     Sixth paragraph.  Amazing.  It could end at any time now!  Just like life.  Huh?  Oh.  Okay!  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta put beer in fridge before my next walk.  I may have one with lunchtime!  That's roughly 3-3.5 hours away.  Gotta be prepared, that's my motto.  What kind of people have Mottos.  Why do they think anyone cares what their motto is.  They're way off thinking people care about their mottos.  Then again I'd be interested in hearing People I ALREADY Care About's Mottos.  There's nothing wrong with that.  Hmm.  Hot and sour for turkey sandwich?  Egg drop for Veggie Burger?  House Chicken for Chicken Dinner?  Wait no scratch that one.  Anyway these noodles BETTER be a solid 5 out of 10 Noodles.  Cause I'm imagining a 7.5, 8 out of 10 noodle.  Which is ON ME.  They're not saying they're that great.  I CHOOSE to hope for the best.  But ultimately I'd be satisfied with Halfway There Quality Noodles.  So we'll see how all this pans out presumably.  Also probably got this once before for same reason.  I wanted House Proteins.  Oh well who can remember.
     Probably no one!  If anyone was gonna remember it'd be me, and I don't.  So that settles that.  Wonder what Lemon Cake Quest Bar is all about.  Probably decent enough.  Can't argue with lemon flavored things I Figure.  When life gives you lemons make lemon flavored things.  Hmm.  Guess I'll take a walk after this paragraph.  Then it's Shower Time Between Two Walks.  I can see that working out to my advantage.  Totally will be cleaner than I'd have been otherwise!  Hmm.  Also gonna be like 20, 25 minutes ahead of schedule.  SOME MORE BREATHING ROOM for spacing out the next 2 or 3 walks.  Wonderbar!  Haven't watched Tale From That Crypt in a minute.  Gotta imagine I'll get back to that in a positive way at some point over the course of the rest of my life.  Hmm.  Seven paragraphs or act II.  Does that mean 13 paragraphs for act III?  PROBABLY!  The point is Hey I'm Done Again For A While.  Be back later!




meanwhile this is all i got

    LOOK did I just watch the first two thirds of Hellraiser III?  YEAH SORT OF.  I was paying attention JUST enough that it qualifies as watching it.  Also I can't say for certain if there is or isn't a Hell, but if there WAS, is it vaguely possible it's just you cycling through the Hellraiser Movies over and over again?  My guess is SURE.  Devil likes being cute and clever like that.  That's how he got to be the devil!  Too cute and too clever for his own good by half.  Anyway had delicious House Special Chow Mei Fun.  Except the house special part of it was I had half the entire thing and there were 2 pieces of shrimp, 3 small bits of egg, and possibly one small ingot of pork.  Still, though.  Chow Mei Fun!  That wasn't so bad!  I'm glad I used the word, "Ingot," but I think I owe it to all of us to look that up right quick what it means.  Oh Okay That's What It Means.  I can't TELL YOU what it means.  You need to figure that out on your own time line.
Anyway.  Yeah!  Not a lot to it even just Noodlewise.  I DID get shrimp/pork dumplings and had HALF OF THEM (FIVE) with half of Fun (half) and that was one meal (meal).  Same thing tomorrow lunch I guess.  Hmm I stopped making sense a few sentences ago.  I think INGOT threw me for a loop.  It's a SMALL ingot.  I'm not saying it was a big ingot piece of pork.  That's THE OPPOSITE of what I'm trying to say!  The point is great just great.  Got an extra order of Side Of Noodles.  That's a great side for veggie burger.  It's like a French Fry Side for Burger but somehow even better?  I feel very strongly about this.  Because IT MEANS SOMETHING.  Why would I feel strongly about most other things in my life.  Most other things MEAN NOTHING.  MEANWHILE I'm gonna have a veggie burger or lunch this week, and I wanna have the best side possible, and a side of Chinese Fried Noodles is a game changer, and I don't see why you're Side-Shaming me about that.  Probably just secretly jealous you don't have that lunch coming up.  Or maybe it's not a secret!  You're overtly jealous you don't have My That Lunch coming your way.  SORRY NOT MY PROBLEM.
Anyway.  Got delicious half chicken and half stuffing and half potato and half The Amount Of Broccoli They Gave Me for dinner tonight.  Put those suckers of ingredients in the oven in maybe 40, 45 minutes.  Eat them 40, 45 minutes after that.  Be done with entry around then.  Anyway.  No beer with lunch!  But probably will have a solid THREE with Nighttime.  Already had one while waiting for delivery.  I can't wait for this delivery sober.  AKA I can't watch Hellraiser III sober.  AKA I can't exist from 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM sober.  AKA I CAN'T BE SOBER LIFE IS HORRIFYING.  The point is hmm.  Got hot 'n sour soup for Ham Sandwich Lunch coming up.  Also first Chinese Restaurant that lists the soup as, "Hot 'n Sour," Soup in their menu GETS A PRIZE.  Not from me.  But from some place one would imagine.  I feel like there must be a Macdonalds Place (which is what I call all fast food restaurants in general) that has sides for McNuggets and there is a SWEET 'N Sour side.  NOPE THAT'S NOT THIS.  Hot 'n Sour has NOTHING to do with Sweet 'n Sour.  Except the Sour part!  That's roughly 50%.  Not impressed.  Totally different things.  I'd be impressed if Hot And Sour Soup Flavor and Sweet and sour sauce Flavor were the same thing?  Of course!  This paragraph makes sense!
     Hmm.  Dumplings were okay.  More or less what I expected.  I feel like GREMLINS: BUT MADE OUT OF SHIT would be called Dumplings.  If Gizmo was a Good Piece Of Shit.  Yep that checks out 100%.  Also it's accurate! You get a good piece of shit wet, gonna spawn more pieces of shit-- that are bad.  Also THE OTHER TWO RULES.  I don't have time to go through the other two gremlin rules and how they apply to If Gremlins Were Feces.  Besides we've all had that conversation over and over again throughout our lives that there's no need to go over it yet again.  Is it possible Zach Gaffigan is just extremely mentally ill and gizmo IS excrement.  Well he must have done a good job convincing Joe Dante at least that it was a real thing because he made Gremlins II about it.  Also how did Gremlins II take place before Gremlins I.  I dunno how time works!  I was kinda hoping you did!  Hmm.  This paragraph makes about as much sense as the last one slightly possibly Slightly More.
     I dunno.
  Not having fun today.  Not sure why.  It's just one of those days I guess.  It's all about the he said she said bullshit.  Why.  That's a reference.  Oh.  I think people waste too much time worrying about whether Their References Will Be Gotten.  Just make your references and move on with your lives.  Not YOUR problem if other people register what the reference is.  No one's problem.  What else is crap.  Had a bit of the Dinner when it got here.  Like a fingerfull of stuffing.  A weird Wingish Piece of the chicken.  Wingish piece.  What do I think it was.  I dunno!  In my head I was 75% thinking well this is a wing and 25% thinking I DUNNO MIGHT BE SOMETHING ELSE I CAN'T PUT MY FINGER ON.  Logic tells us it was a wing BUT 25% of logic ALSO tells us WHAT THE HELL IS THIS WINGISH THING THAT CAME WITH MY HALF CHICKEN.  Oh.  So the point was maybe put off dinner an extra half hour or something.  Cause I'm FULL from that fingerfull of stuffing and wingish thing.  Great.  Wonderful.  This paragraph is, again, increasingly more sensical than the one that preceded it.  That's my impression.
     Yeah!  The point is Chow Mei Fun WAS fun enough.  I look forward to finishing it tomorrow or something.  Just not a lot to it!  I feel like Hellraiser Franchise quickly went from This is a Low Budget but Serious Movie for the first one to This is a dumb franchise for the rest of 'em.  I dunno.  Somewhere in between.  The franchise has lots of very conflicting elements of this is just dumb and this is kind of a serious film for it's PRODUCTION VALUES.  JUST LIKE REAL HELL.  Gotta imagine you die, you go to Hell, you're like this is dumb but also kind of serious.  Also THESE PRODUCTION VALUES ARE TERRIBLE.  That's the scariest part!  Hmm.  What paragraph we in of Act III.  Sixth.  Going into the act thinking I'd write 13.  For a Multiple of Five Exactly 25 Paragraphs Overall.  Great.  Let's see how that pans out in the long run.  Watched one episode of The Legend of Hell House: The Fraternity From Hell today so far.  Gotta imagine that'll be what I watch when entry is over.  For one episode or two episodes.  Hmm.  This paragraph probably made almost ALL sense.
It's good to have a direction you're moving towards.  Gradually.  Nonsense --> Sense (In ¶s).  What fun.  I found the paragraph symbol on Microsoft FrontPage.  That's great just great.  Also lets be honest you don't REALLY wanna go from nonsense --> sense in Paragraphs or anything else.  Wanna oscillate WILDLY between sense and nonsense.  Keeps ya on your toes and interested and thinking freshly.  That's how I feel.  Again, I'm of the mind, as of latest episode of The Hilliest House Possible, that there are FIVE main character siblings.  I ADMIT it could still be four.  But I'm really getting the sense lately that there's five of 'em.  I'll keep you updated on this situation IF AND WHEN it progresses.  Hmm.  Also looks like their father is turning into Quite The Main Character Himself!  GOOD.  I don't like how it appears he's played by a different guy in flash backs, as a Youngish Adult Man Father, and in Forward Flashes, as a Younger Elderly Adult Man Older Gentleman Father.  Maybe it's the same guy but they just Production Value Make Up him into oblivion.  I get the sense that it's a different actor, though!  DON'T LIKE IT.  I'd rather they use the same actor and Production Value Him Up so he looks different but we STILL KNOW at least THIS ONE character is constant in terms of who... is playing them... uh... hmm... . Make Sense.  Is there a Latin (Or Otherwise) symbol for SENSE.  Making Sense or Not Making Sense.  Kinda feels like there's a Symbol There To Be Had.
  What else is up.  Let's look that up.  All the other things I don't care about.  I wanna see for sure whether this is Two Different Actor Guys for This One Character Guy.  Wikipedia seems to suggest it's just one guy. 
WHAT A LET DOWN.  Hmm.  GREAT NEWS it just occurred to me what to watch when this is over.  Why it's only Stranger Things.  Haven't watched that yet.  Seems like I'd like it.  Good production values-- that's what I've heard!!!  Also sure I'd rather just listen to The Kinks Better Things on repeat for the next three weeks but I don't have the production values to be able to swing that deal.  What the Hell does that mean.  I Know And Like The Kinks Song Better Things.  That's all it means!  Good.  Good cover by The Fountains Of Wayne, too!  EVEN BETTER.  Probably mentioned HEY I LIKE THIS ONE SONG out of several DOZEN songs which I know of before.  It's a relevant song!  Think I gotta figure out a Beer Routine.  I think that's part of why I'm non sensical tonight.  Beer Schedule is Confused and Uncertain.  Makes ME feel confused and uncertain.  Oh well that's life.  DOESN'T HAVE TO BE.  Oh well then that's good too.
Hmm.  Could always write more than 13 paragraphs.  No one's gonna stop me Probably.  Nice warm day today.  Love it!  Go out in a sweatshirt jacket and it's a little too warm for sweatshirt jacket and it'd be more comfortable without sweatshirt jacket but you're like ya kwon what for some reason I have no regrets wearing sweatshirt jacket and I'd do it again if it came to it.  That's The Strongest Feeling I Had Today so far.  Hey great Good Diary Fodder.  A FEELING I TRULY HAD.  That's a keeper!  Hmm.  I feel like there should be an IT III at some point?  Of the latest IT ITeration?  Maybe not.  If there was somehow A NEW IT IT'D probably have to be a prequel and I'm not certain I want to see a movie in The It-averse but it takes place Too Far In The Past.  Past doesn't interest me.  Don't like the black and white!  If it's in the past but after color started showing up in movies (and/or real life?) I CAN LIVE WITH THAT PAST.  Anything earlier TOO EARLY YA LOST ME.
Hmm.  I feel like I've read one Stephen King book.  Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.  This was back when Reading Books Interested Me.  LONG time ago.  Practically Black & White Times when you really think about it relatively.  Anyway getting my 2 Black & White Notebooks and 1 Five-Section-Spiral-Notebook tomorrow presumably.  WONDERFUL.  Not sure what to do with them.  AS LONG AS IT'S SOMETHING.  You can't go wrong with Doing Something.  Anything is better than nothing!  Someone led me to believe that at some point.  Get off my back about it!  What paragraph we into for Act III.  Tenth.  Anyway.  Makes the most sense to Write Until Dinner Happens.  Which AS OF NOW looks like I got an entire hour and fifteen minutes Untils.  Great.  The point is I listened to an entire Papa Roach album a few days ago.  I feel like the next step is a Limp Bizkit album.  Let's see if they're still Out And About Making Music.  YEP they had an album realized Lo Only Several Months Ago in October 21.  I'll listen to that sucker sure.  No doubt about it.
Hmm.  What part of me wrote realized instead of released on purpose and what part of me wrote it by accident.  I'll never tell!  But clearly I was pleased with how it turned out no matter how intentional it was.  Hmm.  Still haven't touched Beer #2 for night and #3 for day.  I may end up just having Three today overall!  Then I got what looks like EIGHT for the next three days.  WHY THAT COULD BE DIVIDED UP ANY NUMBER OF WHICH WAYS.  Ugh.  I was talking to my Dad about crap in the car on Way To Bloodwork and I mentioned how in high school I was on the math team as a back up to the reserve to the team.  Never even close to going to a meet.  Then I realized actually probably even one more level removed.  People who went on meets.  People who could sub for them.  THEN there's people who are vaguely good at math.  THEN there was me.  Anyway the reason I bring it up was...  uh... OH RIGHT.  That's like a kind of math problem I used to know how to do pretty quickly.  Michael has 8 beers he can drink over the course of three days.  How many different ways can he split up the beers over that time period assuming there's solid integers per beer.  I feel I could figure it out now if I spent too much time on it.  MEANWHILE when I was a kid I'd probably be able to figure it out a lot quicker.  Oh well live and... forget.
  Why was I on math team?  Probably half pressure from parents for it to look good on Future College Amplification and half I Recognized Myself it would look good on future College Amplifications.  Sure I used the wrong word again and vaguely enjoyed doing it again.  Kinda annoying now though.  ONCE IS FINE TWICE IS ANNOYING.  That's my general feeling about life.  That sort of thing.  The point is I never finished Hellraiser III.  I'm guessing either they raise Hell or they don't!  And ya know what?  NONE OF MY BUSINESS.  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  Especially Hell-Related Topics.  DON'T GET INVOLVED.  You don't wanna end up in Hell yourself!  Probably not.  Some of the people in this film do.  That's where the THIS IS A SERIOUS FILM comes into play.  Kinda person whose sadomasochistic or somethin what's the all about Sounds Seriouss.  Hey it's been a while since I determined how much sense a paragraph was making.  Oh well we can't go back in time.  Maybe we can.  Kinda hope not.  I mean it'd be fine if ME AND ONLY ME can go back in time.  I wouldn't mess things up too bad because I'd be determining what to do myself.  I don't want YOU to be able to back in time though.  Who KNOWS what kind of shit you'd pull with that ability!
     Sure.  I dunno.  It is possible I listened to Limp Biscuit album already a couple of months ago.  I'll listen to it again I guess.  Couldn't hurt too bad.  The point is Hmm quite happy with the serving size of dinner components.  Talked about that LAST TIME I got the Roast Chicken.  Per(f)ect Size Components!  Maybe 1/9 More Chicken than was supplied.  Only note I have.  Generally Quite On Target.  What paragraph we into for Act.  13th.  Well I'm not stopping now.  I'm scared of what will happen if I stop.  I'd have to do something else.  And who knows how much worse THAT might be.  POP QUIZ HOT SHOT do I eat ZERO chicken skin or A SMALL AMOUNT of chicken skin.  I truly can't say as of now.  I'll tell ya tomorrow how that all shakes out.  Pop quiz hot shot do I eat SOME chicken ligaments by accident or NONE.  Maybe not the right word.  Not BONE.  I think I can successfully not eat ANY bone.  But then there's parts where I really get the sense I shouldn't eat this, vaguely hard, not quite bone though.  How much of THAT am I eating.  AGAIN I DON'T KNOW I'll tell you TOMORROW.
Hmm.  The point is its possible Math Team was only solid extracurricular I had.  3 Semesters worth-- THREE YEARS worth.  Fall of 2002, Spring 2003, Fall of 2003 (WHICH TECHNICALLY musta lasted until January 2004 or something because I remember this being a thing).  In retrospect doesn't high school semesters get divided by Winter Vacation?  I guess not.  Gonna have to LTURQ.  GOOGLE HIGH SCHOOL SEMESTER... uh... High School Semester... Schedules?  LOOK I'll google something and figure it out BRB.  YEP.  Went to Stuyvesant Website Itself and they have Fall Semesters Going Into January.  Looks like my memory didn't completely fail me YET AGAIN.  I KIND OF can remember things here and there from my past!  NOW WE'RE TALKIN'.  Hmm.  Also feels kinda gross going to a High School Website as a 33 year old.  Kinda feels like I shouldn't be doing this.  Oh well too late now.  PARAGRAPH AND SENSE-- WHAT'S THE RATIO.  What the ratio of Paragraph To Sense?  Yeah!  Well I guess I'd have to say NOT SO HIGH then.
Probably put food in oven after this paragraph.  Possibly after next paragraph.  My Mom did get Chinese Food with me.  Got her the Chicken with Garlic sauce.  Got her to share 3 or 4 pieces of Vegetable because my thing had none.  In retrospect Definitely should have just gotten the chicken with garlic sauce myself.  Now I know for Future.  I dunno.  Too close to being Not Unhealthy.  If I'm getting Chinese food I wanna LEAN INTO it being grossly unhealthy.  Chicken with garlic sauce?  With a lot of vegetables?  I dunno sounds too close to being a totally reasonable adult meal.  Not sure how comfortable I am with that.  What else is going on.  15th paragraph.  Figure I'll stop at 18.  Multiple of Five.  Seems about right as of now as a good place to end things.
     Three to go!  Paragraphs.  That sort of thing.  Then presumably spend 40 minutes doing Spell Check and we're all ready and able to post this sucker to the internet.  Finished Beer #3 overall.  Think I'll have a 4th.  SEVEN for the next three days.  PRESUMABLY seven for the next TWO days.  That's where I'm at for now.  I guess.  Maybe have 5th beer tonight, have 3 beers each next 2 days.  Look I don't like this not having a routine.  In theory it's nice to be able to adjust in real time but it's also too stressful Not Knowing What To Do and also Potentially Making Wrong Decisions All The Time.  Not sure I feel comfortable with that!  Anyway what else is up.  What kind of nightmares did I have last night and what does that mean in terms of what kind of nightmares I can expect tonight.  Hmm.  I forget.  Probably should have remembered to remember my nightmares earlier today when I first woke up.  Felt like I didn't anticipate Liking Getting Up.  That's a nightmare.  I woke up in middle of night going I gotta get up at a time this morning BEFORE I'm comfortable I'll be awake enough to be okay with it.  That's a scary dream because IT CAME TRUE.
    Penultimate paragraph.  I feel like most dreams that come true will be scary.  I don't care how positive a dream is.  It comes true?  Part of you is gonna be creeped out by that!  That's my impression at least.  What else is up.  I dunno.  I guess I'm back to watching Hell House: Too Busy To Make A Dumb Pun tonight.  Not in the mood for creepy TV though.  What's a good TV show I can watch instead.  Not sure there ARE TV shows other than Hell House anymore.  Once I started watching this one I crossed a point where I can now no longer watch anything else.  That doesn't sound good.  OR accurate.  Wonderful.  I'm not too BUSY to make a dumb pun.  Too LAZY maybe.  Too TIRED.  I got Better Things to do right now than make another dumb pun, okay?  Also I can't think of one.  Part of it is I'M ABOVE THIS and part of it is I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE, I'M BELOW THIS ACTUALLY IT TURNS OUT.  So I got that going for me is the point.
     Last paragraph of the day.  Whattado with the rest of the day.  I feel like I'm not gonna be that hungry at dinner time that I need to eat any skin.  Sure skin is delicious but I won't need it and thus I won't have it!  I'll keep you updated on this situation when AND IF it progresses.  Jeez.  Good thing I ordered a side of Noodles.  I figured there was a 50/50 chance they'd automatically give me noodles with soup.  And one bag of noodles would be appropriate for Veggie Burger Side.  I ordered noodles and I got one bag of noodles!  Great.  Maybe they'd have given it to me anyway.  And they just pocketed the extra money by me explicitly asking for noodles FOR THEMSELVES.  I dunno how they run things at this operation.  Either way that's about it for today.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:28 P.M. 




Sunday, May 8, 2022

I Wrote This For Us To Enjoy

    Hey!  Ahead of schedule a bit today.  New schedule that's a late schedule.  I'm ahead of the late schedule!  Had some more nightmares last night.  I think one of them was the plot of the upcoming Jurassic World movie.  DINOSAURS WREAKING HAVOC ALL OVER MY NEIGHBORHOOD.  Or should I say THEIR neighborhood.  Cause that's what it is now!  And also I wasn't just thinking GOD DAMN RAPTORS SMART ENOUGH TO EITHER OPEN MY DOOR OR CRASH THROUGH MY WINDOW TO DEVOUR ME I was thinking THIS IS ALL JURASSIC WORLD'S FAULT.  I guess now in our real lives any times dinosaurs show up it HAS to be related to the fictional Jurassic World.  Doesn't seem right!  Oh well such is life.  Also the end of the dream was Ya Hear The Stomping of a big dinosaur and I"m like OOHHH SHIT HERE'S THE T-REX and that's when I transitioned to another dream or something.  So I got that going for me.  Dad's nurse is here this morning to give him blood infusion.  Gotta imagine they're infusing his blood with positive things.  By which I mean good things.  Not things that will make him Persay HIV Positive.
    Okay.  I smell real bad because I'm wearing the same pants and socks as yesterday which got all wet and whatknot from all the walks in the cold rain yesterday.  Also cold wetness LOCKS IN THE SMELLY.  I'm guessing.  I know I smell worse than usual and that's the main thing I can think of that's different.  Watched some more HELL HOUSE: THE STORY OF HILL HOUSE.  Good show!  I can follow it and distinguish between the main characters more or less.  Mets double header today.  Wonder how much of that I'll watch.  Off the top of my head SOME.  Chickened Pot Pie last night was good.  No complaints!  Mother floated Italian Restaurant for dinner tonight which I'm on board with because I LOVE PIZZA.  I don't care who knows it!  Well I guess SOME people I don't wanna know it.  My arch enemies could probably figure out a way to use that against me somehow.  Invite me to a pizza party and then I show up and they roll me up in a carpet and throw me in the river.  Oh okay.
What else is up.  Probably gonna write an Act II of regular Morning Entry Time.  Ended up having 3 beers overall yesterday.  WOW SOUNDS SUSTAINABLE TO ME.  Also I like writing Act III BEFORE the dinner of the day.  Based on yesterday.  There's a track record of it working out over and over again Once.  That's pretty cool!  DANGIT the one day a lady is here once a month is the day I'm at my smelliest.  WHERE IS GOD and/or JUSTICE.  Probably having a REAL pizza party.  I'd like to join that pizza party up in the sky.  Wait does that mean I've Died.  Sounds like it.  I don't wanna die yet.  Fair enough!  Let's see.  National Food Of The Tomorrow Day is... National Butterscotch Brownie Day and National Moscato Day.  Not sure I've ever had butterscotch any way in any thing.  I'll give it a shot!  MOSCATO.  That sounds intriguing.  What's THAT.  A kind of wine.  I wonder if it pairs well with a brownie.  Maybe yes maybe no.  I wonder if it pairs well with butterscotch brownie.  Less of a chance now that I'm narrowing it down.  The point is I don't think any kind of wine REALLY pairs well with any kind of Other Thing.  It's just things people are making up and THE POWER OF SUGGESTION makes you go like HEY THIS PAIR TOGETHER REALLY IS A BLAST AND A HALF.  Or maybe I'm wrong, that happens a lot!
     I think I was trying to reason with velociraptors either with verbal or nonverbal communication look you don't wanna eat me.  I can lead you to more delicious humans.  I'M OF BETTER USE TO YOU ALIVE THAN DEAD.  I'll show you WHERE EVERYONE ELSE IS HIDING.  So I got that going for me.  Terrible Person!  Selling out Humans To Dinosaurs to save my own hide.  Anyway.  When T-REx shows up at end of the dream I have MIXED feelings.  Could be bad for me obviously, or it could be bad for the Smaller Dinosaurs obviously.  T-Rex is a real wildcard and I'll keep you updated on whether this dream picks up where it left off tonight.  Trex.  Hmm.  Figure I'll write an Act II with Beer.  That's what I did yesterday.  And I successfully Lived Through Yesterday so it couldn't have been THAT bad.  Anyway.  Mets game today.  SNL from last night.  Some more HellHouse.  Hmm.  At some point I'm starting to get used to smelling bad and it starts smelling neutral to me.  And at some point one would imagine it starts smelling good.  I like it when I get used to things. 
     Sure!  Gonna pour some coffee now.  Be right back!  HEY I"m back.  Takes a long time to warm up coffee from yesterday.  Significantly longer than to warm up coffee from the same day even if its at the same cold/room-temperature temperature.  That can't be accurate.  E= MC2.  Huh?  I was thinking about how I'd like someone to explain E = MC2 to me.  I get it's Energy = Mass times Constant Squared.  But WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN.  I feel like I'm smart enough that if someone knowledgeable and good teaching instincts spent 15 minutes explaining it to me I'd be like OH I GET IT NOW.  Either way I think that's the boiling point of whether you can make nuclear weapons?  We're trying to keep Knowing What E=MC2 means out of Iran's hands.  Also YES the 2 is SQUARED.  Supposed to be SUPERSCRIPT'D.  Kinda lazy right now!  Don't wanna do it.  Wait C isn't just ANY constant.  It's the speed of light.  That makes slightly more sense.  It's a REAL THING.  That knocks it down from explaining it to me in 15 minutes to explaining it to me in 9 minutes.  SEE I'm learning things already!
     Cool.  WHY GO WITH, "C," for SPEED OF LIGHT.  There's no, "C," in that phrase AT ALL.  DAMNIT now that adds back the time I gained from knowing it's speed of light.  Now, adding WHAT'S THE DEAL WHY A, "C,"  now it's gonna be like 40 minutes!  Oh well live and learn.  Probably not.  I haven't learnt anything in a while.  Sounds good to me.  Why bother.  Everything I ever needed to know I learnt in Kindergarten!  Which I assume is a Propaganda Book trying to get us to Not Know Anything.  HEY YOU DUMMIES in general pop YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW ANYTHING let us OLIGARCHS run shit and you're busy sharing toys with your friends.  GOD DAMN OLIGARCHS.  What is this, the sixth paragraph?  Yep!  Probably go for 10 for this act.  Wonderful.  Lunch gonna be some sort of sandwich.  Turkey, ham, or Veggie Burger!  Probably turkey or ham!  HMM.  I'd say I was leaning towards Ham but Turkey is MAPLE LEAF FLAVORED TURKEY and that INTRIGUES ME to the speed of light squared.  Also how come it's now CUBED.  Ever think of that EINSTEIN?  Maybe E=MC3.  And the 3 is superscript.  Looks like I'm the biggest genius around.
What else is up.  Watching HellHouse reminded me of ways I was scared of my house when I was a kid.  Probably went through these things a few times here but who cares I repeat myself all the time.  When I was a kid I'd sleep at the edge of the bed because I was scared Ghost Was On Other Side.  Used to imagine there was an old lady ghost who would make the trek back and forth from upstairs hallway into kitchen refrigerator.  I either have a great imagination OR MY HOUSE IS HAUNTED IN A VERY STRANGE WAY.  Well ghost in bed isn't that strange.  Refrigerator Ghost is pretty imaginative, though!  WAIT NO GHOSTBUSTERS.  But this is different.  That was some sort of SUPER GHOST MONSTER.  I'm just talking about your standard creepy old lady ghost.  And she lives in the REAL refrigerator.  It's not A PORTAL to some other dimension.  She just nestles in somehow among the refrigerated items I DON'T KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT.  So that's good.
     Eighth paragraph!
  Great.  It's already been 2 hours since lunch?  That sounds unlikely.  Well it's pretty likely because it's accurate.  What else.  Finished off my pop tarts.  Last 2 Cookies and Cream Pop Tarts!  Wonderbar.  Wonder if my lunch will lean towards being closer to breakfast and further away from dinner or Ya Reverse That.  Or Truly In The Middle.  I DUNNO GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Hmm what's a good Sandwich Side.  Maybe some WHEATED THINS.  Gotta imagine with war in Ukraine we're gonna see a shortage of wheat thins.  They say like 40% of World Wheat Supply is Ukraine and Russia, right?  Something like that!  Wheat Thins are presumably heavy on the wheat.  Or maybe it's just an incredibly misleading name and they focus grouped it and decided this NON-WHEAT snack tested better as a WHEAT BASED SNACK.  In which case WHAT CAN WE DO it's been FOCUS GROUPED.  What else is going on and crap.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Hey when I get back from walk to write act II I get to drink I.  Hmm.  Coffee went cold quick.  I microwaved this fully, what, 10, 20 minutes ago?  SOMETHING'S WRONG.  What else is going on and crap.  I feel like generally I've been leaning into having Sweet Side with Sandwiches the last couple of months.  Salt Side is more socially acceptable and with good reason.  It's Better!  So I can lean into that today for lunch.  Hmm.  What else used to scare me.  My brother used to scare me by saying bloody heads were in my closet.  And my bed faces my closet when I sleep!  In the old room that was mine.  Now I'm in Same House Different Room.  Anyway I didn't BELIEVE him about bloody heads but the power of suggestion made it scary nonetheless!  Anyway I blame my brother scaring me for all my problems.  Gotta blame someone about something!  This seems like a good situation to do that!
    Hmm.  Now that I think about it so what.  Heads are neutral.  Being Bloody is neutral.  Why would bloody heads disturb me.  Heads without bodies aren't neutral.  That's scary!  Good point. Blood is scary sometimes.  I guess!  Anyway gonna take a nice walk after this paragraph.  Still Cold But No Rain.  SETTLE.  I'll take walks in that situation ALL DAY if I have to.  WHICH I DO.  Great!  OH HEY I got Buffalo Flavor Pop Chips a week or two ago that I have barely touched.  There we go.  That's a good side for sandwich.  I DUNNO I WAS HAPPY WITH THE WHEAT THINS.  Gotta preserve my wheat supply though.  Save it for when I really need it.  I dunno I think I read Ukraine is the world's number one supplier of pop chips.  Wonderful.  I guess.  Next act could be ANY number of paragraphs.  Doesn't have to be divisible by 5 because I can make up for it with ACT III!  This is good stuff let's keep it going.  Okay sure.  I'll be back soon!




Come On You're Kidding Me

    Hey.  Not happy with this entry so far!  It's all crap AND I think I've said ALL THE CRAP BEFORE.  Even the part about the dream I just had last night for the first time.  Somehow I'm pretty sure I've said that before.  Oh well that's life.  Today Beer Schedule is one beer now.  THEN I DUNNO.  We'll see how it shakes out!  Possible I go with a mid afternoon beer today.  SEE HOW THAT STRIKES ME FANCY.  I'm starting to become of the mind that I can drink all I want for a few days and then if I have no beer for a day or two then that's fine.  No need for every day to be the same!  Days CAN AND SHOULD be different.  I feel very strongly about this AS OF 10 seconds ago when I first started typing it.  Makes sense to me!  Anyway.  Hope Nurse didn't notice I sneaked a beer from fridge!  She'll either judge me for being an alcoholic OR she'll just me by thinking what this kid wants me to notice he's sneaking a beer?  What an idiot.  Now I HATE him.  Which I guess is better than her hating me because I'm smelly.  Same degree of hate, but for different reasons?  Being Smelly is the worst!  Even if it's an equivalent amount of hate for something else.  NO ONE WANTS TO BE THE ONE WHO SMELLS.
Hmm.  Met game going on after next walk.  Could be starting ON walk.  I'll have that sucker PAUSED AND READY TO GO.  Anyway thats great just great.  Also at the same time of SNEAKING A BEER I was pouring myself ROOT BEER in another glass.  LOOK WE GET IT YOU LIKE THINGS WITH THE WORD BEER IN IT.  That's HER thinking.  It's impossible she's just in her own world living her own life and not thinking about me.  I'M THE GUY WHOSE HERE NOW AND AGAIN IN YOUR VICINITY.  Of COURSE you're gonna be paying close attention to me!  That's how things work.  My house my rules.  Also everything about my body language and movements suggests the frame of mind of myself is don't look at me just lemme live my life I don't want to engage you for various reasons.  Cause that's the kind of body language guy I am.  Anyway.  Sunday!  Amazing!  Drink all ya want on weekend.  Then whatevers left over WHO CARES I'll go a day or three without beer.  It just makes more sense than how I was living my life before.  WHEW now we're settled.  Living My Life Right AS OF NOW.  Took a while for me to reach this point but it feels good to know I've reached the Living My Best Life Permanently This Way Singularity.
    Okay.  Probably gonna take a shower next period of time between walks.  I like getting clean.  Maybe that'll get some of the Stank off me.  Hmm.  Got all these bottles of diet coke to the left of me.  A bunch of cans of Bud Light.  Not sure how I feel about this.  I thought it would be FUN going into it last night.  ALRIGHT 2 LITER BOTTLES OF SODA ALL LINED UP FACING NORTH.  WE'RE GONNA HAVE FUN NOW.  Facing North.  North Face.  THEY MAKE JACKETS.  WINTER JACKETS.  Or they used to.  Maybe they changed their business model and now make some other sort of crap.  Better LTURQ.  Wait no I don't have to LTURQ.  It's nonsense.  Oh well.  Just spilled A TINY amount of beer on Laptop.  Part of laptop with no keys.  Mopped it up 10 seconds after.  It SOUNDS bad but in reality if you were here watching it play out you'd be like okay that's fine that shouldn't be a problem.  That's life for ya.  My life.  IT SOUNDS bad but if you were here watching it play out in real time you'd be like okay that's fine that shouldn't be a problem.  That's how I feel.
     Hmm.  Wished my Mom a happy Mother's Day.  I feel like that makes me a better person than most?  No one else is wishing her a happy mother's day.  IT'S ALL ON ME.  Maybe my brother will call later I dunno.  I CAN'T TAKE THAT CHANCE.  I BETTER DO IT BECAUSE WE CAN'T RISK NO ONE DOING IT.  Also my brother BETTER RETRACT suggesting there are bloody heads in my old room's closet.  Look I don't care anymore.  I'm in a brand new room.  HIS.  He left for college and I took over his room which is over 2x the size.  NOW WHOSE LAUGHING.  The bloody heads.  OH NO I'M SCARED.  Hmm.  I'm pretty sure there are FIVE main characters as of now in The Haunting On House Hill who are siblings.  I can tell the 2 or 3 MALES apart.  The 2 or 3 FEMALES though are causing me some trouble.  They're white ladies of similar age.  Both as kids and adults.  The series goes back and forth between them being kids and adults.  I DON'T KNOW.  Also is he fifth person a boy or girl.  OH RIGHT BOY.  The three guys I can picture in my head AS KIDS AND ADULTS.  Two ladies?  THEY BETTER THINK OF A WAY TO DISTINGUISH THEMSELVES AND FAST.  Or maybe they want to be indistinguishable.  Throws the ghosts off!  They don't know who to haunt and when.  WELL PLAYED SISTERS.
  I dunno!  Today feels like a good day to try a mid-afternoon beer but no reason to commit to it.  No reason to commit to anything!  Spend way too much brain energy trying to come up with good Commitments and Routines and whatknot.  No good!  Along those lines maybe I eat dinner before Act III, maybe I don't!  I think it'd be fun to eat dinner while eating act III but that sounds way too complicated.  Hmm.  Fifth paragraph of the act.  After this one I'm already legally allowed to move on with my life for a brief amount of time.  Then I'm legally required to come back here at NightTime.  That's okay.  I like doing this.  Sometimes!  When it's going good!  Today it's not!  STILL LIKE GOING FOR IT.  Anything is better than nothing am I right.  I noticed the Chicago White Sox are playing The Boston Red Sox this weekend.  I guess this happens like 8 or 12 games a season.  STILL THOUGH it tickles my fancy.  THEY ARE BOTH SOX BASED.  WHICH COLOR WILL WIN, WHITE OR RED.  And are those my only choices?  Sounds like the color scheme for The White Stripes.  Obviously they lean into White but I'm pretty sure they equally lean into Red in their promotional images and videos and GEAR and whatknot.  Like a peppermint.  Something like that.  Candy canes?  White and Red is SOMETHIN' and Peppermint is HALFWAY THERE to what it is.
     Hmm.  White Stripes have a song about me changing rooms in my house.  Little Room.  It's about a guy who moves from a little room to a bigger room and he's facing some sort of possibly creative difficulties and The White Stripes are like now you gotta think of how you got started sitting in your little room.  Then he starts singing nonsense noises which are fun.  I recommend the song!  What else is going on and crap.  Also When I Was In The Little Room WHITE STRIPES WERE ONE OF MY FAVORITE BANDS.  The last year I lived in little room was freshman year of high school.  Remember listening to Them White Stripes that year more than other years.  And more than other band that year!  What fun.  I feel like I saw a commercial for BUD NEXT which is light beer that's even lighter but that hasn't panned out in me seeing it available anywhere.  Kinda seems like maybe it was a Prank?  They Pranked Us?  DANGIT.  I hate being pranked.  Almost as much as I hate these diet coke bottles.  THERE'S A SOLID SEVEN OF THEM.  I could HAPPILY live with 4-6.  SEVEN IS JUST TOO MUCH.
     Seventh paragraph of the act.  I still don't know whether Jack and Meg White are ex lovers or siblings.  I remember at the time it was a fake mystery but people actually knew.  I DIDN'T ACTUALLY NOW AND I STILL DON'T.  Maybe they're neither.  Better LTURQ.  YEP.  They pretend to be siblings but they were MARRIED and DIVORCED by the time White Stripes really started.  Possibly started making music During Marriage.  But it wasn't until AFTER MARRIAGE that they really kicked it into gear.  The point is I will forget the correct answer long before the next time it comes up.  I always LEAN towards the right answer.  But I can't say for certain every time I forget.  Because it's kinda weird!  You get divorced and then you're in a band and have to be in a band all the time with each other?  WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THAT.  Hmm.  One of Google's Suggested Questions as a result of this search was Does Jack White Still Love Meg White?  GOOGLE IS GONNA GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS.
     Eighth paragraph of the act!  Just noticed a Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar wrapper on top of garbage.  Took a look.  Sugar is only 17% of daily sugar.  I would have actually guessed two times that!  And not just guessing it errantly.  I'd guess it with the intention of trying to get it accurate!  LOOK would that be a fun SIDE to Sandwich sure.  But it might get the ball rolling on me wanting MORE SUGAR and MORE SUGAR NOW.  So there's a risk involved!  Maybe I could have TWO as a side.  THAT SOLVES THAT PROBLEM.  I have the More Sugar RIGHT AWAY CASE CLOSED.  What if that makes me want DOUBLE MORE SUGAR after the fact.  WELL THEN I MUCKED UP DIDN'T I.  Dangit.  Was going into this morning thinking I'd have balanced breakfast.  Guess I'll save that for tomorrow!  Pop Tarts came to mind and there was just enough and I HAVE FEW REGRETS.  It was delicious, already lasted me 3.5 hours without eating anything else... THAT'S A SOLID WIN.
     Ninth paragraph of the act.
  At this point seems like aiming for 10 is The Way To Go!  Aiming for HAM sandwich I think.  You can't argue with a feeling.  And that's a feeling I have.  Kinda feel like I should be able to argue with it.  Oh well I don't make the rules.  Well, I do.  I say a rule like can't argue with a feeling-- A Rule I JUST MADE.  So I do make the rules and then I have to follow the rules I made even if I've changed my mind.  Ya know that sort of thing.  How smelly am I now.  Kinda gotten used to the smell.  Vaguely pleasant!  I think the smell is Wet Socks.  Socks as yesterday and Wet from yesterday although they're dry now.  Started off bad, became neutral, and NOW I LIKE IT.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  Interested in trying an Afternoon Beer.  I'm interested in lots of things!  Nothing else comes to mind but give me some time and I'll surely come up with something!
     Great.  Walk after this paragraph.  Then I don't return to write entry for a solid 7-8 hours.  Gotta imagine I'll watch lots and lots of the television during that time period.  Take lots of walks.  Don't worry about me I got all the bases covered.  Finished beer with act.  That's fine!  Am I vaguely buzzed?  It's possible.  I'm busy writing sentences so it happens in the background so I don't really cognitively recognize if I'm more buzzed than I was Before Single Beer.  The good news is Hey Great What Else.  Maybe save shower for later in the day.  WHY.  I dunno so I can do other stuff.  WHAT.  I dunno met game is starting 5 or 10 minutes after I get home from upcoming walk.  SHOWER TAKES 5 MINUTES.  JUST WATCH MET GAME AFTERWARDS.  Good point.  VERY good point.  I talked myself into a Good Conclusion based on something I was wondering.  WOW WHAT A GREAT TURN OF EVENTS!  Good conclusion talking to based on... sentences... what's up?  Oh.  Hey I'll be back later tonight!




that's more or less it

    HEY YOU IDIOTS I just enjoyed a delicious 70 calorie BIRTHDAY CAKE FLAVORED Fiber One Brownie.  Too bad I'm trying not to BANGE anymore.  This would have been great!  Never thought of it.  Have 12 of these in a row.  Dunno if I ever have 12 in stock.  Probably come in packages of eight.  FINE WELL THEN I'D HAVE EIGHT IN A ROW HOT SHOT HOW DOES THAT SUIT YOU.  Anyway QUEST BAR BIRTHDAY CAKE FLAVOR is in my ALMOST immediate future.  I'd say over the next few days is Immediate Future, right?  At most a week?  I mean REAL Immediate is RIGHT NOW but I'm okay stretching out the phrase to it's most elastic.  Anyway.  Got beer #3 of presumably 4 right now.  Gonna have delicious Al Fredo Dish for dinner when entry is over WITH HALF A CHALLAH ROLL.  I'M GOING ALL OUT.  Not only is it extra calories because It's Bread but it's DOUBLE extra calories because I'm presumably mopping up some al-fredo with Bread.  I dunno.  The way these dishes are prepared and stored all extra al fredo might evaporate.  FINE THEN IT'S EXTRA BREAD THAT'S PRETTY GOOD TOO.
     Hmm.  HEY my REAL LIFE Birthday is coming up!  In seven months.  You could argue that's my immediate future.  In the long term scale of history.  Things have been going on for THOUSANDS of years.  I think 7 months is PRETTY short term when ya think about it.  Pretty sure things have been going on for more than thousands of years.  Maybe but we have No PROOF.  So there's that.  Had Beer Mid-day while watching SNL.  I liked it.  The Beer!  But also the Television Program.  I STARTED BEER AT BEGINNING OF SHOW.  I STARTED LUNCH AT WEEKEND UPDATE.  It's good to have routines that last an entire Once Time.  Now I know that if I ever circle back around To Today Again that starting beer #2 at start of show and starting lunch #1 at weekend update is the way to go!  I hope I don't circle back around to today.  Not that today was so bad!  I just don't like the idea of living a life that's so chronologically illogical.  Illogical and frustrating.  JUST STRAIGHT TIME FOR ME.  Past into current into future.  SIGN ME UP FOR SOME OF THAT.
Hmm.  Continuing some American Horror Story: The TV MiniSeries that Has Nothing To Do With American Horror Story And Is Actually Called Scooby Doo And The Mystery Of Hell House.  Also NOT SURE AGAIN about the 5th sibling.  I know there's DEFINITELY 2 girls and 2 boys.  I dunno what the fifth sibling is off the top of my head!  Also NOW IT OCCURS TO ME is it possible THERE IS no fifth sibling?  Spooky stuff!  I'm VERY BAD at watching TV is the point.  The point is I had BBQ Pop Chips for Sandwich Side.  And Sandwich was Maple Leaf Turkey.  And the Sandwich Thins that served as bread because they are bread were TOASTED.  Ya know what I'm talkin' about.  THEY WERE HIGH.  Bread can get high.  It's called YEAST YOU IDIOTS.  Solid 60% that joke actually is based on Accuracies.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Look did it look like I was gonna be getting delicious pizza for dinner tonight?  Yes!  But then things fell apart LIKE THE ALWAYS DO and this Al Fredo Dish is a FINE back up substitute.  FINE, JUST FINE.  Not just fine.  Ya know what I mean.  JUST FINE!  Hmm.  HOW do I explain this to you.  It's not Just-Barely Fine.  It's, in Aristocratic Speech, JUST FINE!  Positive Just not Negative Just.  Is that clear enough?
    I hope so.  Anyway how's it going.  First two acts were 10 paragraphs each.  Up to fourth paragraph with Act III.  POSSIBLE I drink a 5th drink tonight.  I've only just started the third one and have no good reason to look that far ahead.  It's true.  Good point.  I got nothin' to say against that point.  Anyway.  Dinner is presumably when entry is over.  Maybe spend a few minutes setting up The Next Thing I'm Gonna Do.  Presumably some sort of Television Blaring Out Image And Sound in my face.  Liked me some Arcade Fire on the TV.  Black Mirror was a key album I listened to during Getting High when I first started getting high.  The Suburbs was a key album I lisnted to during Getting Back To Normal when I first started Getting Back To Normal.  Now the new album is a key album I'm listening to BECAUSE SONGS FROM I SHOW UP ON RECENT SONG PLAYLISTS.  GOOD STUFF.  Sure they had an album or two in-between them.  I wish them the best of luck with the in-between albums.
     Anyway.  I don't think we can qualify my time with The Suburbs as getting back to normal.  I might have been getting back to normal but then I Swerved WAY BACK to going NOT To Normal again before getting back to normal AGAIN AND BETTER.  The point is music acts as markers in our lives and unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it.  What else is up.  Wait a second Black Mirror wasn't the album.  It was Neon Bible.  They were both SONGS on the album.  But the album title was a different song than I said.  Easy mistake to make.  I just made it.  If it was hard I wouldn't have bothered.  Whose got the time or effort to make difficult mistakes.  Easy Mistakes All The Time For Me, that's my feelings!  LOOK they also had an even earlier album I listened to While Practicing Getting High For Fun but not as heavily played as the Neon Bibles. 
    I think I made my point.  Whatever it was.  Gotta imagine if there was a point, solid chance it'd have been made by this point.  Cause if not I don't think I'd ever get around to it.  It's either been made or it won't be made.  That's my feelings.  The point is what do I got going for the rest of the night besides delicious dinner and delicious beer.  Gotta take out some garbage at around 9 PM.  Besides that though probably some The Secret Of Hell's House.  Anyway.  Last night was sufficiently spooked enough that I was scared to go to bed in the dark!  Left the TV on like a Nightlight.  Is that a universal thing.  I mean for kids.  When I was a kid, I'm scared of something, scared of the dark, wanna go to sleep but not in complete dark!  Use TV as nightlight!  Did it again last night!  Sounds like a complicated NightLight.  It gets the job done.  Nowadays even better!  In the past you can't leave NightLight TV on PAUSE.  You gotta deal with flickering images right outside your eyelids when trying to sleep.  NOWADAYS when you're using TV Nightlight when you're 33 and 5/12ths years old you can PAUSE IT so it's just Light and NO FLICKERING.
    I got that going for me is the point.  STILL had nightmares.  Velocopraitors too intelligent figuring out how to get into my house.  LOOK LEAVE ME ALONE I'LL HELP YOU GET TO SOME OTHER DELICIOUS HUMANS.  WE CAN BE ON THE SAME SIDE EVEN THOUGH WE'RE NATURAL BORN ENEMIES YOU WOULD THINK AT FIRST.  That sort of thing.  Anyway writing this Act too quickly.  Can't have dinner when act is done!  Too soon from having Brownie.  I guess!  I CAN however have beer again.  Let's go for it!  Anyway.  The Haunting Of Hell House is basically just Arrested Development With Ghosts.  And no comedy.  And also it's completely different.  Hmm.  Look it's an ENSEMBLE about 4+ siblings.  HOW SIMILAR MUST THINGS BE TIL YOU'RE SATISFIED.  The point is hey how's this going.  I feel like I've gotten myself in a Rut TITLEWISE where I've sort of accepted yes there's a >50% chance each and every one of these titles I've used before for Acts Of Entry.  TOO COMPLACENT.  If I write a title that's probably been used before, fine, suck it up and accept it.  But then approach next title with all the passion and effort it deserves!  Write a new one then!  NOWADAYS I'm just like well last one may or may not have been new might as well do same thing now again LIFE HAS NO MEANING.
What paragraph are we in.  Eighth.  Only three to go!  LIFE HAS NO MEANING.  That's not necessarily a bad thing.  Half the time Meanings are bad.  What if Life Had A Meaning and the meaning was SUFFERING.  That's worse than No Meaning.  I think we should SETTLE for Life Having No Meaning and be happy we get to live with that.  Hmm.  I don't wanna suffer for life.  I don't even wanna suffer just momentarily or anything.  Maybe once out of 20 times just to mix things up.  20 Times What.  I dunno I was hoping you did.  Jeez.  Already almost halfway through entire season (AND SERIES) of The Hill House To Remember.  That's okay.  Something else will come up to watch when this is done.  Something always does!  Oh right BLOODWORK tomorrow.  What a hassle and a half.  Not that much of a hassle.  Used to be a hassle cause I liked starting my day with walks and whatknot earlier.  NOWADAYS I have to Get Up earlier than I'd like, that's the hassle.  But then I can take walk when it's over and be On Schedule.  Still though I have to sit in waiting room for 20 minutes.  WHAT IS THIS SOME SORT OF HELL?  Nope not hell.  Just the 1/20 times where Life Is Suffering.  SETTLE.  I'd settle for that suffering!  IT'S WORSE THAN IT SOUNDS.
     Penultimate paragraph.  Hey sandwich was good today.  Probably gonna have sandwich again tomorrow.  HAM this time.  Fun!  Quest Bar would be good side for sandwich.  Sweet, in the high end of calories, but LOTTA PROTEIN AND FIBER.  REAL HEALTH SIDE despite it been A SWEET.  And slightly higher in CALORIE than your average Sandwich Side.  Hmm.  Let's see.  At this point looks like about a half hour separation between Entry and Dinner.  Go figure!  Figure 8!  Just listened to that album!  Dunno why it occurred to be to listen to That Elliott Smythe album but it did and I listened to it successfully.  Made it through all the songs and everything.  Wait no I didn't.  I skipped the 2 minute piano no-words song at the end.  So I FAILED at listening to it.  OH WELL I DID MY BEST.  WON'T YOU EVER BE SATISFIED.  Anyway.  Tomorrow walk 1 probably right back to Current Playlist of ALTERNATIVE ROCK songs.  What they call Alt Rock songs.  Pretty sure most of these songs have nothing to do with Alternative Rock As I Know It.  Oh well what can ya do.
Last paragraph of the day!  30!  Thatsa Lotta Paragraphs!  Maybe don't do Dinner at specific time of day.  Maybe do it at specific watch one more American Horror Hell House and then eat dinner.  Sounds like about an hour.  I think each episode is A LEGIT HOUR NO FOOLIN'.  FINE I CAN LAST AN HOUR as long as I'm appropriately entertained.  Which sounds like I will be in this scenario.  So I got that going for me is the point.  Another day coming up tomorrow.  That seems to be the standard way Time Passes.  Wonder how much I'll drink and when then!  Never know these days!  Routines are 10% a thing of the past!  Still very very relevant to my days but SLIGHTLY more leaning into each day being its own thing whatever that means for the day following it.  GO FIGURE.  EIGHT.  We used to play Crazy Eights.  It's UNO but without an UNO deck.  What a story.  Don't remember what Eights were.  Whatever they were must have been the Craziest of All The Playing Cards Though.  Anyway.  Done!  I'll be back tomorrow!

-7:29 P.M.




Saturday, May 7, 2022

Here's Something I've Been Working On

    HEY!  Took a break from Entrying yesterday.  Woke up tired to accept delivery, accepted delivery tired, went back to sleep!  Woke up at 2:30 PM or so for good.  OH WELL NO ENTRY YESTERDAY.  Today is a new day.  I hope so.  Can't say for sure.  I was asleep this time yesterday.  I wouldn't know!  Anyway.  Had a medium BANGE yesterday morning.  Maybe that's what made me sleepy and go back to bed.  Made up for it with small dinner and no lunch!  But a few snacks throughout the day!  To compensate for no lunch and small dinner!  What was small dinner!  I can't remember!  Oh Right!  GRANDMA'S SOUP.  It's chicken noodle soup but with BIG pieces of chicken and carrot.  IT'S ALL COMING BACK TO ME.  Also it was DEFINITELY yesterday.  I don't see myself doing that again for dinner tonight.  So it MUST be a different day.  What else.  Had delicious Single Black & White for breakfast today.  Delicious!  Black and white might be looking for a mate.  Single!  Hilarious!  Worst joke I've made in years.
     Is there a phrase where it's like, "I'm looking to Mate & Date!"
  Because if not THERE YA GO NEW PHRASE FOR YA.  Maybe it's Made OR Date.  Also mate as a verb and mate as a noun QUITE DIFFERENT IMPLICATIONS.  Also maybe you want a Date: The Fruit.  I don't know what you're interested in.  Anyway.  National Food Of THE TODAY is... Beer Pong Day, National Homebrew Day, and National Roast Leg of Lamb Day.  LET'S WORK BACKWRDS.  It's easier!  More fresh in my memory.  Lamb Great.  THAT ONE DOWN.  Homebrew I assume that means beer.  THAT ONE DOWN.  Beer pong day have fun with that one.  THAT ONE DOWN.  National Food Of The TOMORROW is... National Coconut Cream Pie day.  Dunno how that pie got it's own day.  Seems very specific and not really a universally accepted pie where it's like Yep THIS IS THE PIE that's great.  Feels like Big Coconut Cream Pie musta spent a lot on getting people to celebrate it every 5/8.  HALF OF NATIONAL FOOD DAYS ARE LIKE THAT.  Oh well.  I guess I'M in the wrong for caring too much. 
     Sure.  What did I do yesterday.  Ended up with 4 walks I think.  Was asleep for half the day!  IT was raining unpleasantly for the other half!  Go figure!  Hmm.  Watched THE DEVIL'S REJECTS over the course of the day.  FINE I'll watch that film.  It's okay!  Had some unpleasant dreams last night.  Kept waking up into a dream that I had sleep paralysis and couldn't move but it was actually STILL IN A DREAM and I was yelling but then the next day I realized none of it happened!  GO FIGURE.  Looks like Ed Koch was gay.  Probably still is!  MORE LIKE ED CROTCH.  Got some coffee going on.  Made some new coffee but poured myself some coffee from yesterday left-over.  New coffee for my Mom though.  And my second cup later!  GO FIGURE.  Didn't have any beer last night.  18 beers for 6 days.  Think I'm gonna do 4 beers 3 days, 2 beers 3 days.  TODAY IS FOUR BEER.  Save em all for NightTime.  Go figure!  STOP GOING TO FIGURE THINGS.  EVENTHOUGH IT'S ME WHO KEEPS TELLING YOU TO.  I'm an UNRELIABLE NARRATOR.  That's what things mean!
     Okay.  Watched Young Adult last night.  I had seen it once before!  Now it's several years later.  The main characters in that film are 37.  And it's implied that's Very Grown Up.  WHAT THE HELL I'M GONNA BE THERE IN FOUR YEARS.  THAT'S EVEN LESS THAN FIVE YEARS.  I don't wanna be Very Grown Up.  Main character isn't very grown up IN CHARACTER.  Yeah but that's presented as A BAD THING.  Hmm.  Then again lets talk about it in the GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS 37 is a YOUNG ADULT.  Of all the years you're alive and you're an adult 37 is on the younger side I feel!  HIDDEN MESSAGE OF THE MOVIE.  I found the hidden message!  Well one of them.  Probably six or seven to find.  Well I got the ball rolling is the point.  My Dad is VERY excited that he wan watch the trailer for ZERO HOUR: THE FILM FROM 1957 on the TV.  HE talks about this film a lot.  One of the films Airplane! was based on.  Go figure.  My Dad is passionate about unpredictable Films!
     Hmm.  Not films where the plot and narrative and things that happen are unpredictable.  Films that you wouldn't be able to predict that someone would be passionate about them!  Anyway.  PUT IN ORDER for 2 new 12 packs of Quest Bars. The same Double Chocolate Or Something flavor I'm used to.  BIRTHDAY CAKE FLAVOR I'm un-used to.  Gotta imagine that'll be good.  You don't HAVE TO but it's recommended.  Hmm.  Lunch today is up in the air!  Could be any sandwich I got deli meat for.  Could be one of 2 or 3 PREPARED meals I got from Super Market.  Dinner gonna be chickened pot pie though.  I'm calling it right now!  Chicken Pot Pie for dinner!  I feel like baseball players are too sensitive about the rain these days.  Postponing games that they used to play through.  Maybe it's for the fans.  They think the fans will be too sensitive about the rain.  Either way I forget who cares.  When I do Banges in the morning and successfully go through the day with small/skipped meals and zero/close to zero snacks I REALIZE hey most of the time shouldn't I be okay with JUST EATING MEALS.  Why snack important. HMM.  Well I'm full those days BECAUSE of Bange.  So that's why it's easier.  Oh okay I see.
  Other elements of Nightmarish Dreams over the night.  Can't remember all of them.  Even if I Could I don't need to share with you.  Keep them nightmares to myself!  I'm hoarding all the nightmares!  What else is going on and crap.  Should I write a second act this morning after 2nd walk.  Guess we'll have to wait and see.  Maybe have Chickened Pot Pie FOR LUNCH.  Not passionate about any other choice!  Maybe I'll be passionate about another choice by Dinner Time!  Hmm.  Ed Koch's catch phrase was HOW'M I DOIN.  Turns out the right answer was WELL YOU'RE PASSING.  Something like that.  That sort of rude joke.  Apparently there was always speculation!  Also PASSING SHOULD be a pun IN A PERFECT WORLD.  Passing because it means he appears straight for gay.  Also PASSING because IT'S A PASSING MARK.  You're DOING OKAY.  In school when you're passing YOU'RE GONNA SUCCEED IN THIS CLASS ENOUGH.  Anyway good for Ed Koch for not being dead yet.  Wait is he dead.  Better LTURQ.  HMM he died in 2013.  For some reason my Dad broke this news to me today like Ed Koch just came out.  I guess posthumously it turns out!
     What else is going on.  If I was Ed Koch running for mayor Next Election I'd run as "DEAD ED KOCH."  And his pitch is I've seen the other side AND IT'S NOT GOOD let's just try to make the best of our time ON EARTH which I somehow made it back to I GOT MY METHODS DON'T YOU WORRY ABOUT ME.  What else is up.  The only exposure I've had to Ed Koch is that we had two VHS's celebrating 1986 Mets and there must have been some clips of Ed Koch being like YEAH LETS GO METS OR SOMETHING THAT SEEMS TO BE A THING NOWADAYS.  Anyway.  Can we trust Ed Adams to unite the city around the Mets THIS YEAR?  Also can we trust Ed Adams to change his name to ED?  My guess is MAYBE on the first one and PROBABLY NOT on the second one.  Also he might have an extra, "D," or, "M," in his name.  Let's LTURQ.  GOOGLE MAYOR ED ADAMS BONUS LETTERS.  ERIC Adams.  Not so far from Ed.  Also no bonus letters.  GOOD.  KEEP IT SIMPLE.  I LIKE THAT IN A MAYOR'S NAME.
     Okay.  Hmm.  Gonna be buying some new shirts soon.  Somehow we keep finding holes in shirts I have.  I dunno where these new holes are coming from.  Probably some sort of POLTERGEIST.  Hmm not sure why that'd be my first guess.  Oh well.  GOTTA GET TO THE BOTTOM OF WHO LEAKED ON THE SUPREME COURT RULING.  I feel like if no one leaked it a month ahead and then someone reported it When The Ruling Actually Happened they'd be upset about it too.  WHO LEAKED THIS HAPPENING IN REAL TIME.  THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET.  WE NEED TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS.  Also I assume the next Supreme Court Case is Supreme Court VERSUS LEAKERS and then illegalize Journalism.  Uh oh that seems TOO PLAUSIBLE.  I don't like the sound of that!  I like the part where I Come Up With A Plausible off the top of my head but NOT THE PART where they illegalize journalism.  Oh well Huge Majorities of American Public support Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices and Adding More Justices SO WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT NOTHING.  I feel like from now on The People's Court.  I bailed on that joke RIGHT AWAY.  I knew the end was The People's Court.  I just skipped the middle.  From now on THE PEOPLE'S COURT.
Hmm.  What else is going on.  Ninth paragraph of the act!  Presumably penultimate paragraph!  My Dad is EVEN MORE passionate about The High And The Mighty.  He likes airplane movies for some reason!  And part of the conceit of liking them is these are the films AIRPLANE! was based on.  I'm not even sure he liked the film AIRPLANE!  He just likes the half dozen films it parodies.  Anyway what else is going on.  I never seen Airplane!  Seems like I'd like it.  I like to laugh sure who doesn't.  AN EXCLAMATION MARK IN THE TITLE?  I'M LAUGHING ALREADY!  Met game at 4:05 PM today.  I LIKE THAT.  Sounds about right for perfect time for me enjoying it today.  Love It!  Anyway.  Trying one NEW meal from Super Market.  Some sort of Shrimp & Spaghetti.  I bought it because of Alliteration.  Maybe I'll enjoy it Tastewise, too!  Probably will supply me with NUTRIENTS.  Maybe not THE MOST or THE BEST but some Nutrients will be exchanged from Meal into My Body.  Hmm.  Been listening to ALBUMS from the last few months for the last few days on walks.  Maybe go back to Recent Song Playlists though.  Mix it up a bit!
     Hmm.  Probably will write a 2nd act during day after upcoming walk.  That'll probably be it though until tonight!  AMAZING.  Chicken pot pie is ovenized for TWO HOURS when I make it.  Get off my back about it I know what I'm doing.  Whenever I use oven I set it at 350 degrees.  I musta picked that up from my parents.  What degrees is YOUR standard when you put things in oven?  I can imagine it being A Divisible By 25 Degrees within a hundred or two of 350 degrees.  Maybe you don't do the same thing each time.  I dunno what your deal is.  Frankly I don't care!  AND DON'T CALL ME FRANK LEE.  That's a good name.  I'd like to see someone named Frank Lee.  Reminds me of Frank Thomas.  He was a good clean up hitter!  Also he reminds me of the fake name Frank Lee.  So there's that.  Gotta go do blood work on Monday Morning.  Great!  Another opportunity to get covid.  Not likely but it can't hurt to dream.  Can be VERY UNPLEASANT though.  I learnt that last night.  Also it kept going on and on.  Usually ya go to bed, ya might dream a bit, ya wake up, not a lot of time has passed!  I feel like these bad dreams kept going ON AND ON.  Hmm.  Alright I'm gonna take a walk now!  Be back At Some Point! 




Now What Was I Saying

    HEY!  Drinking a beer with this Act.  Dunno what that means for today specifically and/or routine.  All I know is I will have 0-3 more beers over the course of the day.  Feel like the routine I had settled into wasn't doing everything I thought it'd be doing for me!  Let's mix it up and whatknot.  Maybe try the Shrimp &/v Spaghetti for lunch today.  I'm in the mood for a light meal and it SEEMS like a light meal but it's higher in calories than other meals PROBABLY BECAUSE THERE'S A LOT OF IT?  Might be some cheese toppings?  Maybe sauce is Hearty Sauce?  Either way I dunno.  Been listening to recent song PLAYLIST today.  WOW THEY'RE CYCLING THROUGH SONGS FOR ME.  I HARDLY HAVE TO DO A THING.  Gotta look at the screen every 3 minutes to see what the song is called and what the artist is called.  GOTTA KNOW.  Then GOTTA FORGET.  Not even forget.  I never remembered.  I didn't absorb this information for any more than 3 seconds after looking.  Gotta NOT ABSORB AT ALL.  There we go how about that.  GOOD STUFF THOUGH.  I like music!
     Hmm.  Thought about having light Balanced Breakfast for lunch.  Not great idea.  I forget to re-up with Egg Whites so this Balanced Breakfast should be saved for Actual Breakfast.  Anyway what else is going on in the wide world of sports.  MAN SCHERZER is pitching for Mets this afternoon.  Wait a second if they cancelled last night why wouldn't they cancel today.  Better LTURQ.  So far they're not saying anything about it.  Look we post pone FRIDAY games for rain but not SATURDAY.  People EXPECT some rain on Saturday THEY KNOW it's part of the deal.  Hmm.  Lunch in about 2.5-3 hours.  I can, "Dig," that.  Also I'll be, "DIGGING," into some SPAGHETTI.  That's an accurate verb for eating spaghetti.  Way more accurate than for eating other foods.  You gotta dig your fork into the mounds of spaghetti.  I feel very strongly about this.  Anyway SHRIMP?  What is this FANCYTOWN?  Hmm.  It might be!  Can't say conclusively this isn't Fancytown. 
     Hmm.  Still gotta have a sustainable summer to remember.  Just not sure what that'll be!  Maybe there's some slight routine but not as routine'd as I've been used to.  Mix things up!  A good Sustainable Summer CALLS FOR some mixing-it-up.  That's how I feel.  What else is going on and crap.  HMM the game is taking place in PHILEDEHIA.  That explains a lot.  Mighta been raining harder in Philedelphia than Here yesterday.  Probably raining LESS in Philedelphia than Here today.  I see now all the pieces are coming together.  Now I know how JOHN NASH felt when he went crazy.  But near the start of him going crazy.  Where he was putting pieces together accurately.  And sensically.  The point is I'll keep at it and know how he feels when he goes crazy.  Got little better to do!  Is John Nash related to WCW wrestler KEVIN NASH?  Who's finishing move was THE POWER BOMB.  Wait a second that can't be accurate.  The move is called POWER BOMB?  Better LTURQ.  That's whatA JOHN NASH would do.  He wouldn't settle for not knowing for sure!  YEP POWER BOMB.  Look it up yourself.  Too hard to explain in words what the move entails.  Also Yes Of Course They're Related.
What else is up.  Maybe ROUTINE DRINK ROUTINE is 1 day a week Nothin, 3 days a week with beer with acts 2 and 3, and 3 days days a week a beet with acts 2 and 3 PLUS two bonus drinks PRESUMABLY AT NIGHT FOR THE MOST PART?  I've given myself a lot to think about and right now I'm way behind in thinking about it so I have no idea for now.  Anyway what else is going on.  Probably just write 5 paragraphs here then take a walk.  Then take a shower!  Then take a walk.  Then do some more stuff.  Who can say exactly!  Lots of people can say exactly.  But they may turn out to be wrong.  MOST OF THEM WILL BE WRONG.  Unless they all Pool In On Thoughts Together.  Then if they hit the jackpot WOW THEY WERE ALL RIGHT.  Alright.  I lost track of what's going on.  The point is hmm.  Do I need a shower even though I'm walking in rain?  My guess is YES.  NO SOAP WHEN I'M WALKING IN RAIN.  AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON WEARING CLOTHES OVER MOST OF MY BODIES.
Sure!  Aim for six or seven paragraphs this act.  For fun!  I like the post-climax of Young Adult.  NO SPOILERS but something WONDERFUL happens.  What paragraph is this.  Fifth.  Let's write this one together.  In the sense that I'm writing it alone.  But you're there with me in the future.  Maybe when you read this you're imagining you're writing it.  That'd be an interesting way to go about things!  Hey you're writing this RIGHT NOW.  THIS IS ALL YOU.  DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?  I DUNNO.  GONNA HAVE TO LOOK INTO THAT LATER ON WHEN I FEEL MORE LIKE IT.  Ugh.  It's JUST not raining hard enough that it's a hassle.  If it was 10% harder I'd be like THIS IS CRAP.  As it is NOT SO BAD.  Gotta imagine it's even better in The Philedelphia.  Rain wise.  Not Anything-Else-Wise.  Anyway.  Philedelphia part of Tri-State Area.  We're all on the same team!  Gotta imagine that's the case or something.  LOOK UP POWER BOMBS.  It may live up to the name, it may not.  Depends on the kind of person you are.  Maybe you feel the name is Way Ahead Of The Move and maybe you feel The Move is Way Ahead of The Name.  Right now I'M IN THE MIDDLE.  I can see both arguments being made.
     Hmm.  SOUNDS like it's raining harder.  Let's see what Internet has to say.  I dunno hard to say.  I didn't take note of how hard internet said it was raining BEFORE.  Definitely raining on the heavier side of moderate though.  Moderately Heavily is the point.  Or heavily moderate.  I guess we'll find out together!  Except not together.  Just me.  I'll tell ya later.  As long as I remember to.  I'LL TRY TO REMEMBER.  I think I'm gonna write Act III BEFORE dinner tonight.  Gotta go with what feels right.  WE'RE STILL HALF A DOZEN HOURS AWAY FROM MAKING THAT DETERMINATION.  Let's not pot commit ourselves to anything as of yet.  Hmm.  Checked internet weather website on Philly.  Looks like there's light rain going on right now and by the time it hits the 4 O Clock Hour might be a break in the rain completely.  GOOD FOR PHILLY.  I would say Philedelphia but I dunno how to spell it.  So I have to say Philly.  Which, all things being equal, I'M NOT HAPPY WITH.
Cool.  Take a walk after this paragraph!  Probably won't return to Entry until the Evening.  What else is going on and crap.  HMM they're gonna take my weight at Blood Work.  I've probably gained 2-4 pounds since the last time.  I DUNNO IF I SHOULD OPEN MY EYES TO SEE IT OR NOT.  This is a tough one.  I'll give it A LOT of thought over the next 44 hours or so.  The point is I finished beer #1.  Maybe drink throughout the day on days I have 4 beers.  2 beers at night.  Beer with Act II.  Beer in-between.  THAT SOUNDS LIKE WONDERFUL I CAN'T BELIEVE IT ON THE OTHER HAND WHO CARES AND ALSO ON THE OTHER HAND JUST TAKE MY LIFE DAY BY DAY.  I waste a lot of time and effort spending my day's activities thinking about how it relates to Upcoming Routine.  JUST LIVE LIFE AS IT COMES AT YA.  It's harder than it seems.  For me!  For you it's probably easy as coconut cream pie.   That sounds difficult.  Either way HEY I'll be back later on!




this just keeps happening

    HELLO FRIENDSS!  What a wonderful day I lived the past 7 or 8 hours.  Successfully enjoyed lunch.  Had ZERO SNACK until bag of Pretzel just now.  CPP for dinner in an hour and a half or so.  Let's knock this out of the park!  Maybe two beers with Evening.  If I skip a day a week, every other day can be Drink 1 with Act II, and then II Drinks with Night I.  And only Night.  I dunno about you guys but I celebrate One Night A Day.  That's how I do things!  Anyway walks were unpleasant!  Lotta rain!  Pretty cold!  I'M ALL DONE WITH THAT NOW THOUGH IT'S OKAY.  WE'RE HOME AND WE'RE SAFE.  NO ONE GONNA RAIN ON MY PARADE FROM THIS POINT UNTIL NIGHT IV.  I figure Night IV of Tonight is equivalent to the next time IN THE LUNAR CALENDAR that it's going to rain.  Not sure how I reached that conclusion.  It's impossible to reach that conclusion.  There'z SERO logic to it.  Can't conclude on something if It Is Not A Thing At All!
    Hmm.  ENJOYED DELICIOUS SHRIMP AND SPAGHETTI.  They say it's more calories than other meals AND I BELIEVE THEM BECAUSE I MUST HAVE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN IN THIS LIFE but it felt like a nice light meal to me.  Wonderful!  CHICKEN POT PIE WAS CONCAVED.  Usually the CPP BUSTS OUT a bit.  Top of pastry sort of ENGORGED.  This is SUNKEN IN.  Look will it make a concrete difference when I eat it?  I hope not!  I don't want ANY concrete in my meals.  Not even a little bit for Zest!  The point is I'll enjoy that no problem.  The last one tasted weird but this one looks more like normal ones.  Also So I Got That Going For Me.  They ended up canceling the game today in Philly too.  There was one little raindrop and the groundscrew got scared!  So they all took a plane to a town called I Forget.  Rhymes with scared though.  I wonder if they came up with having it take place in Bel Air BEFORE Will Smith wrote the line my mom got scared or he wrote the line AFTER the setting was decided upon.  No way of knowing.  Will Smith is now sitting in his solitary jail cell blocked off from the rest of society even in the deepest doldrums of the SUPER MAX security prison he's in.  Oh well that's life.  CHRIS ROCK HAS FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES.  YOU MESSED UP BIG TIME BUDDY.
     Anyway.  I dunno.  Also by high places I mean THE ALPS.  First mountain range that came to mind.  The ALPS are a mountain range, right?  Better LTURQ.  YEP.  Also they're the highest and most extensive mountain range IN ALL OF EUROPE.  WOW YA LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY.  LIKE WHAT THE DATE IS.  I didn't know it was 5.7.22 until literally JUST NOW.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  I wonder if there's a statue of Will Smith AS The Fresh Prince in the center of townsquare in Bel Air.  One could only imagine... hmm.  I hope you can imagine MULTIPLE things re: This Situation.  I dunno how your imagination works but if you're only capable of imagining one conclusion of whether there's a statue of The Fresh Prince in townsquare in Bel Air your imagination is STUNTED and I SUGGEST you get that worked out.  I mean, at least think of TWO things, right?  Either YES THERE IS THE STATUE or NO THERE ISN'T THE STATUE.  At the bare minimum you should be able to accomplish that!  What's going on again?
Haven't started beer II until just now!  Fourth paragraph of the act.  Act II was 7 paragraphs.  If I'm doin' Multiples Of Fives which in general is My Life's Work that means this'll have to be 13 paragraphs.  I'm not doing EIGHT paragraphs.  C'mon.  Give me SOME credit.  Not too much though!  IT WOULDN'T BE WARRANTED.  Hey great just great.  LOOK did I have half a dozen cheez-its just now?  Of course.  If I didn't I'd be some sort of psychopath to ask that question out of nowhere.  Oh well that's life MOVING ON.  My mom started watching WE OWN THIS CITY and I asked her how she liked it and she started talking about the plot and it occurred to me I ABSORBED NONE OF THE PLOT.  I was too ENRAGED HEY THESE COPS ARE UP TO NO GOOD that the things that happen and the characters that do the things or the things happen to just went over my head.  Look I know there's cops.  I can make out separately half a dozen of them as individual characters.  And a lot of them are up to no good.  Beyond that Hmm apparently there's A PLOT I've been missing out on.
Okay.  Fifth paragraph of the act.  Also I've been so hung up on who the WE is that Owns this city (I think new Arcade Fire album is about this) that I forget to wonder WELL WHICH CITY EXACTLY.  I mean WE can assume Baltimore but do we really know FOR SURE?!?!  Probably!  THAT'D BE MY GUESS.  The point is I still haven't touched my beer.  Now I'm gonna drink it.  Because I like doing things!  Anyway.  I get so much soda and whatknot that there's way too much to put away in cabinets and stuff so that I have like 1.5 dozen bottles sitting on kitchen table at all times.  Well at all times after delivery.  Each day it gets slightly less and less until it's gone.  Until next delivery.  Point is NURSE is coming tomorrow and needs FULL ACCESS TO TABLE.  My parents were ANGRY at me that I have all this soda and my mom said flippantly WHY DON'T YOU PUT IT IN YOUR ROOM SEE HOW YOU LIKE THAT.  And I was like I know you're being FLIPPANT but THAT'S A GREAT IDEA.  Now I have lots of Diet Coke 2 liter Bottles and lots of can 12 fluid ounces I'm guessing on my FACING NORTH DESKSURFACE.  It's FUN.  It adds CHARACTER to my room.  Not literally.  I don't want another character in my room.  Not one made out of 2 liter sodas at least.
     Ya know that sort o thing.  The moral of the story is sometimes someone's being FLIPPANT but they actually touch on A POSITIVE IDEA.  Anyway.  I wished my Mom a Happy Mother's Day Eve last night.  Then it turns out last night was only Friday.  Not Eve yet!  NOT EVEN CLOSE.  WELL VERY CLOSE but you get the idea.  I got mixed up cause of all the sleeping yesterday.  Made me feel like I SLEPT MY WAY INTO THE NEXT DAY.  But I didn't.  But now it's the next day NOW because of the normal passage of time that we're all used to and comfortable with.  So that's good.  If I know my Mom, she's been thinking all year MOTHER'S DAY WILL BE COMING AND I BETTER GET SOME WELL WISHES OR ELSE.  THIS BETTER BE GOOD.  Also I sure hope I know my mom.  If I DON'T know my Mom WHO THE HELL IS THIS LADY I'VE BEEN LIVING WITH MY ENTIRE LIFE.  Oh No I'm Scared Now.  HOLD ME.  Well it's not THAT scary. At first it scared me because I imagined some sort o ghost or monster for some reason.  Maybe it's just some lady that I know very very well because of all this time I spent with her and she's normal and nice but just happens to NOT be my Mom!  In which case FINE.  But if she's a GHOST or GHOUL or something or something or something NOT ON BOARD WITH THAT.
     I don't know my Mom that well.
  I know she's very concerned about Mother's Day Well Wishes AND NOTHING ELSE.  What else is going on and crap.  Seventh paragraph of act III.  That's like halfway there or something, right?  13 is what we're aiming for?  Doesn't have to be.  We'll see how it all, "SHAKES," out!  Started watching THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE ON THE NETFLIX this afternoon.  Good stuff!  HORROR AND DRAMA?  A MATCH MADE IN HELL.  House.  Oh so THAT'S where the name comes from.  Wait no it's Hill House.  So THAT'S where the name comes from.  MOVING ON.  Normally I leave chicken pot pie in oven for 2 hours.  TODAY MAY BE 2.25 Hours.  For lots of reasons I'm Too Busy to get into right now.  Also I feel like The Fresh Prince's mom wasn't that great a mother?  Will Smith got in one little fight so his mother DISOWNED HIM and sent him away NEVER TO SEE HIM AGAIN?  Look I know there's at least one episode where she shows up at Bel Air or something.  I vaguely remember it.  Which is how I feel about ALL episodes.  I vaguely remember them!  And by ALL episodes I mean 10 or 12.  LOOK I never watched this sitcom Front To Back Through And Through.  I don't HAVE A WAY TO FINISH THIS PARAGARPH!
    What else is going on!  Hmm.  I assume Carlton is the Bel, "HEIR," to the throne which Uncle Phil sits on.  And that's why he resents The Fresh Prince so much.  Sees him as a challenger to the throne.  It's possible I was watching Game of Thrones and not Fresh Prince of Bel Air.  It's also possible what else I'm sick of this topic.  Hmm.  Eighth paragraph of the act.  Three or four beers over the day.  2 or 3 for the night.  Only time will tell!  Dumb Time TELLING EVERYONE MY PERSONAL BUSINESS.  Time needs to know when to keep it's mouth SHUT.  NOW.  Also OTHER TIMES.  In general Time should just keep business it's aware of to itself!  GOSSIPING can only get ya in trouble.  That's not Gossip.  It's close enough in my book!  What book.  Not the dictionary!  We can start there!  Because if it WAS the dictionary I'd be defining words more accurately from the start!  Anyway.  I used to like flipping through the dictionary and then picking a random word and being like Hmm wonder what that means psychically how I landed on that word and what it means to my situation.  HEY LET'S HAVE SOME SPOOKY HALLOWEEN MOTHER'S DAY EVE FUN.  Pick ONE WORD at random from Scrabble Player's Dictionary.  That's the only dictionary I have in my room.  Ok here we go.  EYESIGHT-- THE ABILITY TO SEE.  OH I GET IT.  Hmm.  Not sure why Scrabble Player's need a dictionary.  I mean, sure, a list of words makes sense.  But why do they need the definitions?  Oh well I guess we'll never know.
    Spooky fun.
  That's why I don't like doing it!  TOO SPOOKY.  Moving on!  It's like a OUIJIA Board sorta thing.  But you're GUARANTEED some sort of answer.  I'M SCARED HOLD ME.  MOVING ON!  The point is you just open the book to a random page and point your finger at a random point in the page.  It's that easy!  Hmm could be a GAME CHANGER for if you're playing Mad Libs.  Not sure how entertaining mad libs can be after the first 3 times you do it.  Yes everything is SMELLY and FUCKY and STUPID.  But NOW Let's have some REAL fun.  OIGIA DICTIONARY MAD LIBS.  That sounds like fun.  Let's do it if we're ever having fun together or something.  Ninth paragraph.  Only four more to go.  What do I watch on the television for the rest of the night.  Maybe more The Haunting of The Hell Houses.  What's the plural of House.  Houses sounds wrong. But Hice also sounds wrong.  I guess we'll never get to the bottom of this one!
Gotta imagine the bottom of Hell House is spooky.  Also the middle and top.  I don't have to imagine that you can't make me.  Moving on.  DANG DICTIONARY DING DONG DOORBELL DITCH spooking me out.  Ruined my entire night!  UNLESS I do it AGAIN and the NEW ANSWER is LESS SPOOKY.  Fine.  BUT THIS IS IT.  2nd and final time for the night.  And THE DICTIONARY SAYS... Simmer-- to cook below or just at the boiling point.  That makes sense.  IT MUST MAKE SENSE.  Otherwise why would I bother doing this at all!  Look I finished Beer #2 of the day and Beer #3 is coming up imminently for some reason.  All I can think of is Cheri O' Teri saying Simmer Down Now.  Is THAT relevant to today's paragraph?  The point is dinner is in 45-60 minutes.  NOT SIMMERING.  It's at 350 Degrees.  That's ABOVE the boiling point for Chickened Pot Pies.  I DON'T KNOW HOW COOKING WORKS.  Add that to the list o things I don't know how they work.  Hmm.  Maybe stick with half the time doing 4 beers a day and half the time doing 2.  I'll do SOMETHIN' don't you worry about me.
Okay.  Cheri Oteri sounds like the name of a character who Cheri Oteri would be playing.  I guess IT IS.  In the end aren't we all just playing characters whom's name we have?  No.  Not at all.  That'd be crazy.  Oh okay fair enough.  OKAY these things are done in threes.  FINAL DICTIONARY WORD FUNTIME TO SCARE MYSELF IS... IMPACT-- TO PACK FIRMLY TOGETHER.  I like that word but DO NOT LIKE that definition.  I guess that IS accurately one definition of impact.  It's the literal, physical-world definition.  But the main definitions I'd think of are ELSEWHERE and OTHERWISE.  Oddly enough the first thing I think of is THE FONT.  There's a font called IMPACT and it's a pretty good font.  Nice font for like the title on a movie poster or something.  Here Lemme Show You--
This is Impact Font in 12 pt-- the same size font as the other words in this paragraph.   SORRY FOR YELLING I didn't mean to get all up in your face about things.  Just trying to educate ya!  AND THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE IN ALL CAPS
     Hmm.  12th paragraph.  Penultimate paragraph of the day!  How's that working out for me.  Probably just keep watching The King Of The Hill House Show.  It's what I was doing LAST.  So it's the first thing that I think of to do NEXT.  That's just logic for ya.  Anyway.  Speaking of SIMMER there's a new SNL tonight.  I will watch it tomorrow afternoon.  Because I Live My Life ON A DELAY and that's just how things are.  What's the most recent SIMS game.  Either The Sims game or a Sim City type game.  Better LTURQ.  Basically just a shit load of Add-ons to The Sims IV.  Great.  Give me the add on that no clowns show up in the middle of the night to scare your character.  Then I'll CONSIDER playing your dumb game.  Also no ghosts or anything.  NOTHING shows up in the middle of the night out of the blue to scare your character/yourself.  THEN I'LL PLAY YOUR STUPID GAME SURE.   No MIMES.  I feel like a Mime might show up.  Different things show up based on your character and his career path I wanna say.  That's what determines what shows up in the middle of the night at your bedside to scare the shit out of you.
     Last paragraph of the day!  Gonna be eating dinner in half an hour.  I'll be WELL into episode II of The Hell House To Remember by that time.  So I got that going for me!  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Expansion Pack.  That's the phrase I was trying to think of.  When I settled for saying ADD-ONS.  Oh well no going back now.  Expansion Package.... erections... is that anything?  My guess is I Doubt It!  Anyway.  YES this is the best dictionary because it's very concise with the definitions!  I AGREE.  Gets to the point right away and doesn't waste your time with superfluous words and sentences.  Hmm.  I think my favorite snack of the last couple of weeks is The Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar.  For 100 calories it's probably 2000% the recommended amount of sugar for the day.  Which is fun to eat!  Really gets ya going crazy.  That's fun.  Anyway that's it for tonight.  See ya tomorrow probably!

-7:51 P.M.




Thursday, May 5, 2022

This Is Easier Than It Looks

    Hi!  What time is it.  On some sort of schedule loosely.  10:48 AM.  I think I like the routine of one act in morning and one act at night!  It's worked well for me The One Day I Did It Exactly.  So there's that.  Thinkin' about mixing things up with BEER ROUTINE.  4 beers 3 nights of the week.  3 beers 1 night of the week.  1 beer 3 nights of the week.  SOUNDS INTERESTING VERY INTERESTING.  Anyway I had delicious 2 Cookies 'n Creame Pop Tarts for breakfast.  They were okay.  I have no complaints.  Filling enough!  Already been a while since I ate them and I haven't even eaten anything else!  So there's that! Couldn't get DVD of Nightmare On Christmas Street going.  Xbox was acting up, not the DVD.  Watched a few Tales From That Crypt going.  Also I was EXCITED to watch Nightmare on Christmas Street because Box said it was 76 minutes.  SEVENTY SIX MINUTES?  I'M GONNA KNOCK OUT WATCHING THIS, "FILM," IN NO TIME.  Maybe tonight.  Three beers for tonight.  That's what I got left over!
     Okay.  Thinking about Doing The Wrong Thing and getting Chocolate Babka from Super Market.  It's wrong because it's a lot of calories, it's hard to cut it out exactitudely so I'm eating the right amount of calories, I'd have to have it pretty often to finish it before it goes bad... BUT IT'S SO TEMPTING.  Gonna add it!  What kinda deli meat sandwiches I got in store for this week.  Maple Leaf Turkey.  American Ham.  45 Cal Sawdust Dogs possibly.  Came in pack of 6.  I was ready to have FOUR at a time with 2 pieces of bread.  NOW I'M GONNA HAVE TO DO 3.  CUT ONE IN HALF so each piece of bread has 1.5.  So that might start this week or might be pushed back.  I dunno!  Going back to SANDWICH THINS and not HEALTH BREAD.  I liked Health Bread but I'm making EXECUTIVE DECISION to do sandwich thins this week.  OR I could just use slices of chocolate babka as sandwich bread.  That sounds reasonable.  Reasonably DUMB.  Hmm.  Any Met games today.  Hey there's one at 6:45 PM how about that.  What else.
    One beer a day is fine.  The most important beer is the one I drink with Evening Act.  That's all I really need.  Then I feel like 3 beer only gets me halfway drunk.  4 beers does the trick!  Look I've made my decision and THAT'S THAT.  Possibly can easily change the decision several dozen times by the end of next week.  And THAT'S THAT.  Hmm.  Enjoying black coffee as much as with cream!  WHAT A FOOL I'VE BEEN.  Still putting a dangerous amount of artificial sweetener in.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  National Food of the tomorrow day is... WELL WE COVERED THIS National Beverage Day.  Remember?  Cause yesterday there was no food for today so we talked about the food for the day two days from yesterday?  Hmm.  What else.  5/5!  That's a FUN date.  I know every other day people can think of FUN WAYS you can read the date.  But 5/5 is legit FUN.  OH RIGHT CINCO DE MAYO.  CRAP.  I thought I was just having an anyerousim thinking 5/5 Was Fun For No Reason.  HOW WRONG I WAS.  BIG REASON.  Also NO I DON'T CARE ENOUGH TO SPELL ANYORUSIM RIGHT.  Also YES IT'S SO WRONG THE SPELL CHECK DOESN'T EVEN OFFER THE RIGHT SPELLING.
What else is up.  Gotta be something.  I took a bath when I woke up.  After I woke up.  I didn't gain consciousness into being in a bath.  Hmm.  What to do during the rest of the day Before Nighttime.  I feel like I thought of something good but now I can't remember it.  Must have been REAL GOOD that I can't remember it.  My brain was like NOPE TOO GOOD WE'RE NOT GONNA DO THAT.  Then I forgot PERMANENTLY.  It might have just been go on amazon and order spiral notebooks, t-shirts, and Quest Bars.  In retrospect it's not that much fun but it IS fun to get the ball rolling on getting those things.  So there's that!  Yes we know 5/5 is Cinco De Mayo but WHICH ONE MEANS FIVE AND WHICH ONE MEANS MAY.  I don't know if we're EVER gonna get to the bottom of this one.  Hmm.  Three days with 4 beers could be Thurs-Sat.  Sunday is 3 beers.  Mon-wed is one beer!  That feels like THE MOST NORMAL THING YOU CAN DO.  Maybe switch Thursday and Sunday.  THAT'S PRETTY NORMAL TOO.  Also I've always aspired to be normal.  Maybe this will put me over the top!
     Sure.  Shouldn't have gotten the matzoh ball soup.  Could have had 4 assorted cookies instead.  NOW what am I supposed to do with these assorted cookies.  40% OF THE ASSORTMENTS MY DAD DOESN'T LIKE.  I HAVE TO EAT THEM.  Oh well what can ya do.  Delete Chocolate Babka.  Add back just 1 Black and White.  Stick with Balanced Breakfast 3-4 times a week.  OH OKAY THAT SOUNDS NORMAL TOO.  COMPROMISE-- TWO BREAKFAST BLACK AND WHITES.  SETTLE.  Anyway fifth paragraph.  Figure I'll go for ten.  Then no more work until Nighttime.  What's going on in the wide world of sports.  Maybe take a walking break after this paragraph.  Then write another 5 paragraphs.  THEN take a break until Nighttime.  I FEEL I'VE HIT A WALL.  Which is tough because I was going absolutely nowhere in the first place.  But now I'm walking into walls I guess.  Could be RUNNING into walls.  I guess.  So I got that going for me is the point.  I'll be back soon.




I Have No Words

    Hi!  Write five more paragraphs.  Then the working day is done.  Got coffee #2.  Got some SPRITE.  Maybe have APPETIZER SAMPLER II OF II for lunch.  Sandwich for dunner.  IT COULD HAPPEN WHY NOT.  Nobody's gonna STOP ME.  Only me.  I'M MY OWN WORST ENEMY re: The order of meals I will definitely be having over the course of the day.  So I got that going for me.  THIS ISN'T QUITE HALF.  Everything else was even amounts but there were THREE Buffalo Wings.  Had 2 last night.  OH NO WHAT DO I DO TO MAKE UP FOR IT THIS AFTERNOON.  I could add a few extra fries and/or tater tots.  THAT SOUNDS VERY REASONABLE.  ALRIGHT I THOUGHT OF A REASONABLE.  Mission Accomplished I guess!  What else is going on and crap.  Put those fries in oven for like 50 minutes.  Rest of it for like 25, 30 minutes.  Lemme calibrate how that would work re:taking walks.  HMM.  Put fries/tots in oven before a walk.  Then when I get back from walk put rest in.  Wait 25 minutes.  EAT.  That wasn't so hard.
    Parts of it were!  I had to activate my brain.  That's difficult.  My brain generally likes to stay idle as much as possible.  Save all it's battery power for when it's needed.  WHICH RARELY HAPPENS.  Hmm.  Not a fan of how the Mets are one of the best teams in baseball re: performance but Yankees are slightly better.  They're our arch-enemies!  Because THEY LIVE CLOSE TO US.  IN FACT THEY LIVE AMONG US.  On the other hand we live among them.  So basically none of us are ever safe when we go outside.  Or stay in doors!  They could send us anthrax in the mail.  THEY KNOW WHERE WE LIVE-- DOWN THE BLOCK FROM THEM.  I dunno so far not a lot of sports fan related murders.  And if there are they're doing a pretty good job of covering up.  CLOSE to the plot of, "Big Fan," BUT I MEAN REAL LIFE.  That was MAKE BELIEVE.  I'm talking about baseball fans sending anthrax to their enemy baseball fans IN REAL LIFE.  Where do you go to get anthrax.  And how comfortable do you feel actually accepting it and carrying it around with you.  SOUNDS DANGEROUS.
What else.  After 9/11 Anthrax just became Generic Word for Poison you can get in mail.  I'm sure they could mail you some other sort of poison.  But ANTHRAX became UBIQUITOUS.  Possibly thanks to Scott Ian.  I KNOW HIM FROM 2000's VH1.  Also Ubiquitous may be the wrong word but what's important is that IT SOUNDS like the right word TO ME.  That's halfway there I feel.  Also they never found out who was sending people anthrax.  Could have been anyone!  We all gotta be looking at each other cross-eyed until we get to the bottom of this.  Also cause it's fun.  I can cross my eyes.  I can raise one eye brow.  I feel like between the two of those things I can have a lot of fun with my Upper Face Expressions.  So what else is up.  NEW EPISODE OF CURSED FILMS is CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST.  That's the film that got in trouble with presumably killing live animals for real.  I FORGET if it was for real or a publicity stunt or maybe they got bad publicity for it inaccurately and not part of the plan.  Guess this DOCU-EPISODE will explain.
Penultimate paragraph of First Part Of Day!  So I got that going for me.  Probably just stick with sandwich-soup for lunch and eat appetizer-sampler for dinner.  Why complicate things.  Some like it complicated.  Yeah but those people are perverts.  What else is going on.  TRYING NEW MEAL from Super Market.  Shrimp and Spaghetti Arrabiata.  I don't know what Arrabiata is but if it is what you say it is I love it.  Also looks good in picture.  Also I think it's just shrimp in spaghetti in special sauce or something.  Either way DELICIOUS POTENTIALLY.  High in calories!  I always add 100-250 calories to what they say it is to estimate.  This ALREADY STARTS OUT at what I would estimate the other ones are.  HOW BAD CAN IT BE IT'S SHRIMP AND SPAGHETTI.  We'll find out together.  Possibly.  More likely I'll find out alone.  Let you know after the fact.  If we're literally finding out together OH NO SOMETHING HAS GONE WRONG.
     Last paragraph for the day.  Next paragraphs will be For The Night!  Sweet.  Lunch gonna be somewhere inbetween 2-2.5 hours.  I can, "Dig," that!  Possibly the last time I have this health bread ever.   No more health bread for the immediate future of course.  Maybe it just falls by the wayside and I never get it again.  If so lemme memorialize my experience with Health Bread-- NOT BAD.  Serves it's purpose.  Smaller in AREA DIMENSIONS than normal bread but what there is to it is HEARTY.  Tastes fine.  Presumably HEALTHY.  The point is I'll get it again sure.  The point is DAY TIME IS FUN.  Didn't work too hard in the morning.  Get to have fun at night WHILE doing A Productive.  Figured out a way to schedule things so I'm not just walking all the time.  Look my life has been GREAT the last 18 hours and I Don't see how that could ever break bad.  Anyway that's it for now!  Be back soon!



thank you for reading this presumably

    Hey how about that.  Abortion rights still on target to be taken away.  Is there anyone I can FIGHT to prevent this.  Like a fist fight or something.  I'm not the most athletic guy but I feel I could take on most of the Supreme Court (one at a time at least).  I have YOUTH and SPRYNESS on my side.  Also I do lots of push ups!  Gotta imagine that'll help me knock Alito's block off.  IT'S CALLED BEING AN ALLY.  I like the coverage o this.  WHO DID THE LEAK LETS GET TO THE BOTTOM O THIS THIS IS THE STORY.  WRONG THE STORY IS ABORTION RIGHTS BEING TAKEN AWAY.  HEY IF THEY'RE TAKING THIS RIGHT AWAY WHAT'S NEXT WHAT THEIR NEXT MOVE.  WRONG THE STORY IS ABORTION RIGHTS BEING TAKEN AWAY.  Hey abortion rights are being taken away.  WRONG THE STORY IS ABORTION RIGHTS BEING TAKEN AW... wait actually you got it right that time.  Anyway.  Has there been any pseudo-philosophical theory that Life Begins At Consciousness.  The moment a baby is like HEY WAIT A SECOND... SOMETHING'S GOING ON OR SOMETHING AND I'M AWARE OF IT.  WHAT'S THIS ALL ABOUT.  I say I wouldn't say life begins then but it's certainly one theory to work around with.
   I say life doesn't begin UNTIL you're conceiving a baby.  You went your whole life without Conviecing Baby Sex.  THAT'S NOT LIVING AT ALL.  You conceive a baby, yep, that's the start of life-- YOUR LIFE.  GET READY BECAUSE YOU'RE GONNA BE CONCEIVING LOTS OF BABIES NOW YOU LOTHARIO YOU.  I dunno about that.  Finished Appetizer Sampler for dinner.  STRETCHED IT OUT because I remembered I had a bag of 6 or 7 Frozen Chicken Nuggets from years ago.  Had THREE OF THEM instead of 2nd buffalo wing I had last night.  The point is I JUST got Nightmare on Christmas Street working BUT it is choppy.  Every 30 seconds there's some choppiness saying TRYING TO READ MEDIA and whatknot.  But I figure if the movie is 76 minutes I CAN DEAL WITH SOME CHOPPINESS.  I could even have it on in the background right now.  LET'S NOT GO CRAZY.  Well actually that sounds fun.  Let's do it later.  I'm NOT IN THE MOOD right now.
Wonderful.  Thinking about going with Tried and True Double Chocolate Chunk QUEST BAR AND if my parents don't throw TOO MUCH OF A FIT getting a second flavor-- BIRTHDAY CAKE FLAVOR.  Look I'd be spending 45 dollars on Quest Bars if I'm buying a 12 pack of each.  But that 'lasts me like SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS.  Probably be eating one every 2 or 3 days.  OR MORE OFTEN.  OR LESS OFTEN.  I've narrowed it down to EVERY POSSIBLY THING.  Started watching Ricki & The Flash.  BAD MOUTHED OBAMA IN THE OPENING SEQUENCE.  NO THANK YOU.  Why is that relevant to this character.  It's not.  She's a racist.  Okay.  How does that BUILD on us empathizing or supporting her.  Pretty sure she's the protagonist of this film!  WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO IDENTIFY AND ROOT FOR A FLAWED CHARACTER?  NOT IN MY BOOK.  You're either perfect or GET READY TO BE CANCELLED.  What else is up.  Also she wasn't making intellectual policy arguments against Obama's body of governmental work.  She was just hinting that he ruined things (by being black).  NO THANK YOU.
What else is up.  One beer down.  Two to go.  Then I re-up tomorrow morning.  AMAZING JUST AMAZING.  BIRTHDAY CAKE FLAVOR?  IF ITS IN REFERENCE TO IT BEING MY BIRTHDAY I LOVE IT.  Hell if it's in reference to it being YOUR birthday I love it.  I was invited!  SCORE ONE FOR ME.  Also do adults eat birthday cakes.  Feel like we've covered this a month or two ago.  I feel like Birthday Cake Flavored Birthday Cake is only for kids parties.  And in fact ANY FLAVOR Birthday Cake may show up at Adult Gatherings NOW AND AGAIN but are DEFINITELY not to be 100% expected and assumed.  DUMB ADULTS.  EAT SOME CAKE.  LET'S GET SOME ICE CREAM CAKE WHAT DO YOU SAY.  The point is I forget.  I think as a kid it confused me that Jack Skellington was clearly in charge of the entire town but there was also a mayor who deferred to him.  Now as an adult I GET IT.  Would that be considered subversive?  Maybe that was just me as a kid.  Maybe when you were kids you didn't assume the most powerful people were the politicians holding the highest offices.  In which case GOOD FOR YOU WHAT DO YOU WANT A MEDAL?  BECAUSE IF YOU DO YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO PAY FOR IT AND WAIT FOR IT TO BE MADE LIKE THE REST OF US WHO WANT MEDALS.
is the last album I listened to the 2022 Papa Roach Album?  Sure!  I have no regrets!  I'm doing a Appetizer's Sampler of ALL the 2022 albums.  Sometimes you're gonna get a Papa Roach album in there.  Also kinda good for sentimentality!  Before I was into music I had 1 or 2 Papa Roach songs from THE NAPSTER.  We're talking that one about suicide.  LAST RESORT.  Which WASN'T a story about the latest hotel subshoot on Disney World property that had several hotels and a nice diner in the center of town with some shops and also a swimming pool.  HEY LET'S GO TO DISNEY WORLD RESORT RIGHT NOW.  Hmm.  I saw an article they're updating Epcot Center.  GREAT but DON'T GO TO FAR.  We love CLASSIC Epcot Center.  Making it better is good but DON'T FORGET YOUR EPCOT CENTER ROOTS.  Not sure what Papa Roach refers to.  Could be a marijuana thing.  Never knew what Limp Bizkit meant.  Then I realized some sort of penile reference?  Maya Papa Roach is too.  I don't know why these bands have dumb names.  You'll have to talk to them about it.
     Sure.  There was no CURSE to Cannibal Holocaust.  There was just CONTROVERSY around it.  It's not like people mysteriously died (from cannibalism?) after the filming of the movie.  I feel like there's not a lot of Mystery Cannibalism around.  Usually if someone gets cannibalized you can point to the guy and be like YEP THAT'S THE GUY WHO DID IT.  Rarely is someone eaten and it's a stone cold who-dun-it.  Cannibals tend to make themselves known is the point.  I might be basing this on nothing.  It's possible because cannibalism might happen so rarely it's close to Nothing.  I DON'T KNOW WHO HAS THE DETAILS ON THIS PROBABLY THE INTERNET BUT I DON'T HAVE TIME TO GO ON THE INTERNET I'M BUSY STARTING MY 2nd OF 3 BEERS RIGHT AT THE END OF THIS ITALIC/CAPITALIZED SENTENCE.  Anyone who Denies the Cannibal Holocaust Film ever even took place?  That's a real Thinker.  The point is I will have delicious Quest Bar tonight MOST LIKELY when entry is over.
Sure why not.  Added a pack of 2 black and white note books and 1 5 section spiral notebook.  Kinda an impulse buy with the black and whites.  I THINK I CAN HAVE SOME FUN WITH THEM.  This could be a real, "Game Changer."  I forget what game.  Whichever one needs changing.  Hmm.  Just decided to have QUEST BAR NOW.  I already figured I'll have a SEA SALT CARAMEL HEALTH ICE CREAM BAR as a 2nd Late Night Snack.  No need to bunch them up near End of Night.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Can't wait to see some 73 more minutes of Nightmare on Christmas Street.  My guess is they eat a lot of Quest Bars over the course of the film.  What else.  What paragraph we into this act.  Seventh?  YEP.  Great I gotta do something else in just a few paragraphs.  Maybe listen to music.  Ricky and the Flash had music but NOT GREAT.  Nightmare Christmas has music but NOT WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR.  My music Exists but NOT A HUGE FAN.  Other music exists but I JUST LISTENED TO PAPA ROACH ANYTHING ELSE WILL SOUND LIKE SHIT IN COMPARISON.
     Hmm.  Maybe just focus on having upcoming 2 Full Beers.  And upcoming Ice Cream Bar in about 2 hours.  Yep that's the way to go about life.  AGAIN who can I challenge to a fist fight to restore Abortion Rights.  Maybe this is a fight club scenario.  I have to beat myself up and somehow that will keep Roe Vs Wade on the books.  Well I guess it couldn't HURT to Fight Club Myself.  Worth A SHOT at least.  What else is going on and crap.  Settling into a good Summer Sustainable Routine To Remember.  I like the mornings with SOME writing but no pressure.  I like the afternoons of just CHILLIN'.  I like the evenings of SOME BEER and SOME ENTRY.  I like being not so hungry all the time for some reason.  Not sure what I'm doing differently but MEALS SATISFY ME for the most part and one snack between meals GETS THE REST OF THE JOB DONE for the most part.  TWO AND A HALF DAYS OR SO INTO THIS.  I feel great how about you.  Oh you're probably not feeling great.  World is collapsing all around us.  Almost forgot about that.  Gotta look at THE BRIGHT SIDE of things.  MY LIFE IS GOING OKAY.
     Penultimate paragraph.  What else.
  Forget this film.  Probably listen to music tonight.  Not NEW music.  Browse some songs back and forth and stuff.  CLASSIC THURSDAY NIGHT.  Browsin' some songs back and forth.  Getting into the spirit.  Got Birthday Cake Fiber One Brownies.  I could have one of those.  I don't want to though.  I kind of do.  But I also mostly don't.  This isn't as big a problem as it may seem.  I know it seems like a REAL Prisoner's Dilemma but in fact it's a non-issue!  I'm not gonna have one unless there's a significant change in circumstances. ...WHICH TALKING ABOUT IT SO MUCH MIGHT BRING ON???  Maybe I dunno it's possible.  Probably not though!  Balanced Breakfast Tomorrow.  Frosted Flakes I feel.  Not The Crunch.  Goin' with The Flakes!  AGAIN I DON'T SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A BIG CONTROVERSY.  Hmm.  Wonder what lunch will be tomorrow.  Maybe try that Spaghetti and Shrimp Thing.
    Well that's it for me.  One more paragraph to close things up.  Then another Job Well Done for the day.  About 1.5-2 hoursworth of listening to music.  Let's listen to some THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS.  They got a good catalogue of songs.  Maybe some ELLIOTT SMITH.  He's got songs he never even released!  But we can listen to them on youtube all the same!  How about some WILCO.  I dunno we'll see if there's time for WILCO.  The point is I forget.  Hmm how crusty are the bottom of my feet these days.  Let's take a look.  NOT VERY CRUSTY.  A few problem areas of some bundled up crust but all in all I'd say 90% Crust Free.  Cinnamon Toast Crust.  Hmm.  Why bother listening to songs by those bands I JUST TYPED OUT THE NAMES OF THEM.  Feels like I got everything I need to get out of this ordeal by doing just that.  Hmm.  FINE how does Tales From The Crypt strike you.  BETTER THAN IT SHOULD.  Oh well that's life.  Seee ya tomorrow!

-8:50 P.M. 



Wednesday, May 4, 2022

It's That Time Again

    Hey!  How's everything going today on my end.  Had breakfast at perfect time!  Took a walk about 15 minutes late!  No shower yet!  AMAZING.  Got Amazon Fresh order in middle of the day that might clunk up me timing my walks.  Possibly leading to me taking one less walk than I want!  DUMB ORDER.  Why can't they teleport the groceries into my kitchen.  I don't own a teleporter.  Even if they do.  Hmm.  If you have a teleporter can you only teleport to other teleporters or can you just teleport anywhere.  Let's get SHARK TANK working on that one.  Also then my ice cream sandwiches will mix DNA with a fly and before you know it I'm eating an Ice Cream Sandwich that's... part... fly.  I'm okay with that.  As long as it's mostly ice cream sandwich at the time I'm eating it.  By the time it's excremented I don't care how much of a fly it is.  Not my problem anymore!  Anyway.  Let's see how Diet goes today.  According to plan OR NOT.  Hmm.
Watched Edward Scissorhands yesterday!  Okay movie.  I like the part where it's an okay movie.  Not a lot of movies like this one!  Not sure how old Edward Scissorhands is supposed to be.  Well, I guess I am.  He's in his low 20's.  He's a romantic option for both grown not-quite-middle-aged-but-close-kinda women AND for this teenage girl.  Look he could be 100 years old we don't know.  But in terms of what age is he PERMANENTLY?  I dunno!  I say low 20's and 17 year olds is creepy!  But they treat him like an adult and not a teenager.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON.  Oh well it makes ya think.  That's what good movies do.  Hmm gonna have to look into that.  POSSIBLE good movies STOP YOU from thinking.  So there's that.  Delicious Balanced Breakfast this morning.  So there's that.  Either salami sandwich or Chicken Parm for lunch today.  Hmm.  That's a tough one.  Not enthusiastic so much about either one AS OF NOW.
Wow.  Early Met game today!  That'll give me something to do with Afternoon.  Had 2 beers yesterday.  Got six left for the next two days.  If I go into the next week thinking I'll have 3 every day and then ABSTAIN the seventh day, I got a good 9 days in a row with three beers.  So there's THAT.   Nina Turner lost her primary race.  DANGIT.  I googled Tina Turner when looking for the results last night.  DANGIT.  No one's perfect.  Also from now on ADDING THE, "F," BACK INTO, "PERFECT."  I got to a dark place without the, "F," and I can admit when I'm wrong.  Sometimes.  If I notice I'm wrong.  Probably most of the time I'm wrong, I'm wrong and I don't even know it!  Hmm.  The point is is it possible Collins or Murkowski override Filibuster to cement some Abortion Rights through Senate?  My guess is probably not but YA NEVER KNOW.  Often you do know.  NOT RIGHT NOW.  HEY the 2nd episode of We Own This City is available.  Watch that sucker LATER.  I wonder who really Owns The City.  I guess we'll find out at the climax of the mini-series.  OR IT'S A CLIFFHANGER. 
     Okay.  Lots of HBO SHOWS ending with the word City.  We Own This City.  Sex And The City. ... John From Cincinnati.  You get the point.  National Food Of The Tomorrow Is... Nothing.  Sneak peak into national food of the day after tomorrow... NATIONAL BEVERAGE DAY.  ALRIGHT!  I've been waiting TOO LONG to celebrate the day by having a beverage.  I'VE DIED EVERY THREE DAYS SINCE LAST YEAR.  Anyway.  Is water a beverage.  Or is beverage something, ANYTHING, special to drink other than water.  Better LTURQ.  I DUNNO BLURB ABOUT IT WAS INCONCLUSIVE.  Also calling it a blurb is INCONCLUSIVE.  It's several paragraphs.  I feel like a blurb is 1 paragraph.  Go Figure.  The point is Met game afternoon, then We Own This City!  What else is crap.  I HOPE the city is owned by the civilians and not the brutal police force.  OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD that's the best case scenario.  Guess I gotta keep watching!
     Hmm.  Figure this act'll be ten paragraphs most likely.  Then I take a walk.  THEN I TAKE A SHOWER.  Then I Take a walk.  Then I GOT IT ALL PLANNED OUT BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  Except for when to have lunch.  Not sure about that yet!  We'll see how I feel.  Probably go with Chicken Parm.  Which is BAD because my first choice for Dinner(s) would be chicken based.   But this is ALSO my best option for lunch.  OH NO WHAT A TERRIBLE LIFE.  It's occurred to me there's something wrong with my body that I'm always hungry while the average person is usually full.  I don't get it!  DOESN'T SEEM FAIR.  Also seems like I'm doing GREAT with my diet all things considered being a guy that's always hungry.  So there's that.  I BLAME THYROID PROBLEM.  Gotta blame something.  That's in TOP TEN reasons I can place blame on.  Maybe it's emotional or something.  Or somethin' like that.  TOP TEN REASONS.
Okay.  Cool!  Don't think I like getting in the habit of saving a beer for Abstinence Day.  If I REALLY have to save a beer, have an extra beer on NON absnaince day!  I DUNNO WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Gotta imagine I'll settle into a Sustainable Summer To Remember.  I don't accept that it's too hard for me to control eating.  Sometimes it feels that way but NO MOST OF THE TIME I CAN CONTROL.  And all I have to do is just TOUGH IT OUT the non-most of the time.  LOOK what else is going on and crap.  Abortion Ban still looming.  I don't like the sound of that.  Gotta imagine there's some sort of thing we can do that's LIKE going to the streets and protesting but SLIGHTLY LESS INTENSIVE.  Hmm.  Look if the protest was DOWN THE BLOCK maybe I'd make an appearance.  I can't take public transportation to protest.  Too dangerous!  I can't take UBER to protest!  Now they know my politics and will give me low stars as a customer.  Unless they agree with my politics.  Then I'm getting high stars as a customer and suddenly this whole endeavor seems REAL worth while.
     Not sure I've ever taken an UBER or LYFT by myself.  Only once or twice with someone else.  Go figure.  Kinda feel like there's gotta be a lot of Uber Related Abductions and Murders.  How hard is it for someone who wants to abduct and/or murder people to get an uber license.  Can't be so hard!  Then they do it.  Hmm.  Sounds like a cover up.  Or maybe I'm giving The Human Race too little credit.  Maybe no one wants to abduct and kill people!  Gonna have to look into that one.  Anyway seventh paragraph of the act.  I can, "DIG," that.  Right now listening to recent albums of EMERGING artists.  Based on THE ONE ALBUM I listened to this morning.  Let's keep it going!  Jeez.  Might just have this one act before Evening Act.  Maybe write another one in the middle of the day or something.  After lunch or crap.  Waiting for Amazon Fresh delivery.  I GOT LOTS OF OPTIONS.  ALL THE OPTIONS.  There's not one option I don't have!
     Okay wonderful.  Turns out now that I think about it ideal breakfast time and ideal dinner time is 10 hours apart exactly.  5 hours apart for meals is PER(F)ECT.  LUNCH SHOULD BE RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE.  WOW SUSTAINABLE SUMMER TO REMEMBER!  What if I'm on a walk then.  THEN I TAKE IT SLIGHTLY DIFFERENTLY THAT DAY WHO CARES.  The point is I CARE.  Not sure why.  Gotta feel SOME sort of way about SOMETHING.  Maybe get Bison Burger for dinner.  That sounds like TONS OF FUN.  Did Johnny Depp REALLY go through weeks of training to use his sccissorhands well.  He's pretty good at cutting things.  Shrubs, dogs, hair, ice sculptures.  Is it all just Stunt Cutting or did they actually teach Johhny Depp.  Gonna have to look into that once Johnny Depp isn't trending anymore.  I don't wanna hear about his court case with his lady friend.  I don't care SO MUCH that I will go out of my way to NOT CARE.  EDWARD SCISSORHANDS IS 1990 FILM?  I woulda guessed 1993 or so!  WOW YOU REALLY DO LEARN SOMETHING EVERY DAY.
Ninth paragraph.  Sure.  It's HARD to find/pick albums all the time during walks.  But ultimately it's the right thing to do so I'm gonna do it.  I try to err on doing the right thing to do roughly 80% of the time.  Pretty good rate for trying to do the right thing to do.  Mom said she'd do some laundry or me today.  YAY!  Clean clothes COMIN' UP SOON.  Brought down about 5 shirts JUST NOW.  The process HAS BEGUN.  Anyway.  Regular snack for 3 periods of times between meals/going to sleep.  Right now thinking about ONE FLOATER snack so I can easily lose the weight I want over Sustainable Summer.  Maybe do TWO floater snacks to stay the weight/probably lose slightly anyway.  I DUNNO THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  Possibly one of the toughest decisions someone will ever have to make.  What decision I'm just gonna change my mind tomorrow.  Yeah but FOR TODAY WHAT A TOUGH DECISION.  I wish I could make a decision to make my decision permanent.  Either way.  JUST decide to DEFINITELY STICK TO IT.
     Take a walk after this paragraph.  Probably won't catch up with you until tonight!  Wonderful!  Set up an appointment with eye doctor for early September.  RIGHT AROUND THE END OF SUMMER.  Either a week before or a week after.  INTERESTING HOW DOES THAT INFLUENCE THE SUSTAINABLE SUMMER TO REMEMBER.  Probably very little.  YOU'D think so but YA NEVER KNOW.  It's true I WILL NEVER KNOW. I can't run the probabilities 10,000 times Knowing or Not Knowing.  Because I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'D BE LIKE TO KNOW and I NEVER WILL.  Anyway.  I always thought Tri-State Area was New York State And Surroundings specific.  Turns out they have tri-state areas ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.  They just call THEIR places Tri-State Areas.  I FEEL TERRIBLE ABOUT THIS.  I thought Us Try State was special.  Now I know IT MEANT NOTHING.  DANGIT.  Anyway that's it for now!  I'll be back later!




i am here and you are reading this

    HERE'S A THOUGHT-- if you're against abortion rights, what are the odds you yourself subconsciously feel that you don't deserve life and/or were never wanted yourself in the first place.  HMM NICE YUKK-EM-UP.  Here's the other yukk-em-up hey you hear about this phrase Netflix and Chill.  What I like to do is HULU AND GO THE FUCK OUTTA MY MIND.  Okay that brings us up to date!   I THINK THAT'S GREAT INSIGHT.  "Hey if abortion is allowed I JUST MADE IT HERE BY THE SKIN OF MY TEETH because WHO THE HELL WOULD WANT ME AROUND I'M A PIECE OF WORTHLESS SHIT."  That's them talking.  Not me.  I think I'm VERY VALUABLE SHIT.  Well, VALUABLE at least.  Not VERY valuable.  Also SURE Paramount Plus might have been a better reference for that joke.  It sounds funny!  But I WENT WITH HULU because that's the kind of guy I am.  Went with APPETIZER SAMPLER for dinner.  Split that sucker into two.  Pad it out with Frozen Freedom Fries.  Got Matzoh Ball soup for side of salami sandwich tomorrow lunch.  YEAH.  I THINK NOW WE'RE REALLY REALLY UP TO DATE.  Also I am UP TO DATE.  I don't care who you are.  A lady.  Let's narrow it down to that.   I'd say for the most part that'd do the trick!
    Anyway.  Re-upped with Amazon FRESH.  Lots of fun snacks available now that I don't want to eat.  Gotta be sustainable summer to remember where I also lose back around 3 pounds to remember.  So there's that.  Edward Scissorhands was okay.  We talked about this this morning.  Did we?  I dunno.  Either way we all agree this makes no sense right.  Why is scissorhands the halfway point between Not Having Hands and Having Real Hands.  Okay we gotta finish off your Arm Limbs somehow... hands aren't ready yet... here's these SCISSOR THINGS I'VE BEEN WORKING ON.  Doesn't add up!  Either way YES in high school I had no idea who Anthony Michael Hall was and YES I do now and YES it's only because of the Tales From That Crypt episode he's in.  Anyway.  Late supper today compared to what I was aiming for.  It's all good though.  Well it's not ALL good.  It's 70% good.  Relating to THIS IN PARTICULAR.  Just in general?  Maybe about 15% good.  Gotta be higher than that.  FINE 35% GOOD AND THAT'S MY FINAL OFFER.  I dunno I feel like I should go as high as 40, 45% good.  YOU MUST BE DREAMING.
     Hmm.  Only FOUR QUEST BARS LEFT.  So there's that.  Listening to some ALBUMS from 2022.  NEW ARTISTS.  EMERGING ARTISTS.  TRIED AND TRUE ARTISTS.  Is, "Emerging," the halfway point between New and Tried and True?  IN THIS CONTEXT IT SURE SEEMS TO BE.  Anyway.  I like Country Music because it's very easy to listen to.  Nothin' new or complicated there!  I can let my mind wander to MORE IMPORTANT THINGS.  Like... uhhh... actually can we change that.  I don't want my mind wandering to anything.  It Can Only Get WORSE not better having my mind wander to Other Things.  Either way what the Hell else is going on.  WINONYA RYDER? MY REFERENCE POINT FOR HER IS MR. DEEDS STARRING THE ONE AND ONLY ADAM SANDLER.  Well at least ONE of the one and onlies.  We can't say FOR SURE how many Adam Sandlers there are to be honest.  Even if we're lying we can't say for sure how many Adam Sandlers there are.  Doesn't matter how close or far to or from the truth it is!  JUST LIKE FOX NEWS AM I RIGHT.  Probably.  I don't watch Fox News.  I had a friend who said he watched Fox News because he liked the attractive ladies who host programs.  HAD a friend.  Dropped that guy LIKE A HOT POTATOE after that comment.  Also he stopped texting me to meet up and chat.  BUT MAINLY THE HOT POTATOE THING.
    Hmm.  My favorite relationship in Edward Scissorhands is Edward Scissorhands and Young Boy Of The Family.  Kid is like 8 or 10.  ONLY relationship Edward Scissorhands that seems appropriately reciprocal, believable, and authentic.  THIS KID TAKES HIM TO SHOW AND TELL AND EDWARD SCISSORHANDS ACTUALLY SEEMS TO BE HAVING FUN WITH IT.  Edward Scissorhands NEVER seems to be having fun with things even with the girl he enjoys as his love interest.  Or with other random ladies who are implicitly offering him sex.  Showin' off scissor hands to kid's class though?  HE'S HAVING A BALL.  Anyway that's my take away.  I think we should transition from Critic Reviews of films to TAKE AWAYS from films.  WHY do we have to judge things all the time.  THAT'S NOT THE AMERICA I KNOW.  We should be doing NEUTRAL TAKE AWAYS.  I feel so strongly about this I'm gonna end this paragraph RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!  I can't do that.  There needs to be one more sentence after this one.  Nightmare On Elm Street Before Christmas gotta be a good contender to watch tonight after Entry right?
I got THAT SUCKER on DVD, too!  Also it occurs to me one of the other last DVDs I've watched was Big Fish.  LOOK I'm a real, "FILMHEAD," and that STARTS AND ENDS with watching OBSCURE UNDERGROUND CRITICAL DARLING TIM BURTON MOVIES.  That sort of thing.  IS THERE a FETISH or OBSESSION SOMEWHERE where a crazy lady gets off on abortions.  WE HAVE TO ASSUME YES.  I've seen lots of TV Docu Series about WEIRD PEOPLE and I would bet EVEN MONEY that there's half a dozen women out there who are like look I'm just INTO getting abortions.  It's my thing.  Basically these 5 people MAY BE what a lot of Anti-Choice people are imagining women are.  DANG FIVE PEOPLE.  RUINING IT FOR THE REST OF WOMENKIND.  Also WHO CARES.  LET EM HAVE ALL THE ABORTIONS THEY WANT.  I don't believe life begins at conception!  It does no harm!  What if life DOES begin at conception.  I SAY IT DOESN'T.  AND WHAT I SAY GOES.  MY WEBSITE MY RULES.  I say life begins when you're seven and ends when you turn 23.  MY WEBSITE MY RULES.
    Hmm.  JUST HAD 2 ASSORTED COOKIES.  Reasonable responsible reliable relevant time to have a snack.  If I don't have assorted cookies at the right time then I'll only end up having them at THE WRONG time.  AND NO ONE WANTS THAT.  Except for me.  Subconsciously.  Part of me would just have me eat them until I die like the guy in Seven.  YOU KNOW THE ONE WHO... UHH... can't pull another death from seven.  Oh.  I THOUGHT OF ONE OR TWO.  NO SPOILERS THOUGH.  No spoilers than the tone that's already been spoiled.  Also Kevin Spacey is the killer.  He shows up in a bit part as a presumable newspaper reporter photographer halfway through and it turns out he's the killer.  NO SPOILERS THOUGH.  What else is going on.  Gonna have responsible Ice Cream Sandwich at some point before bed time.  LOOK IT'S ALL WORKED OUT DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME.  Sixth paragraph of the act already.  Great.
What else is good.  Seriously thought about getting some Freedom Chip Pancakes tonight for dinner.  I made my decision and I don't completely stand by it but WHAT CHOICE TO I HAVE.  I can't go BACK IN TIME to change my dinner.  And if I could PROBABLY WOULDN'T.  Appetizer sampler halve was okay.  What else is going on and crap.  Listening to some albums.  Real 2022 albums.  Get in the spirit of the year.  It's 2022.  Not sure what that's all about.  I'm guessing we'll figure it out by November.  Only THEN will 2022 begin to make sense to any of us.  WE NEED MORE CONTEXT YOU FOOLS.  I wonder if Kevin Spacey, "LANDED," the starring role in K-PAX because his name has SPACE in it.  I also, "WONDER," if anyone else remembers the film K-PAX and what THEIR excuse is.  I think it was soon after American Beauty.  And that was like a big critical success that Families were supposed to see.  My family.  And then there was STAY TUNED AMERICA, SEE KEVIN SPACEY NEXT IN K-PAX.  Also where does PAY IT FORWARD fit into all this.  Either before or after K-Pax.  OH OKAY NOW I GET IT.
  I MADE THE WRONG CHOICE getting another soup for sandwich tomorrow for lunch.  I COULDA HAD MORE ASSORTED COOKIES.  Oh well I made my choice and I stand by it.  Actually I've been sitting this entire time.  For this that and the other thing.  Oh well I'll face no consequences for my compulsive lying so in a way I've actually been telling the truth the whole time.  I liked the Nightmare Before Christmas but I don't like how the main (only?) villain is The Boogey Man.  AS A CHILD The Boogey Man was NOT a concept I was too familiar with or found relevant to MY LIFE.  I never grew up thinking about some guy called The Boogey Man.  So for him to be the villain in this film I FOUND VERY LOW STAKES AND IRRELEVANT.  So the point is I forget.  Good music, though!  Can't argue with that.  Sure you can.  You'd LOSE the argument.  But go ahead knock your socks off arguing it's bad music when it's really good music.  Don't bother me none!
     Penultimate paragraph of the day.  Nice routine settling into.  Entries to bookend the beginning and end of day.  Meals every 5 hours with snacks allotted for halfway betweens.  Drinkin' 3 beers at night.  Gotta imagine SOME OTHER STUFF.  More 2022 albums out there.  I've listened to 4 already but I would imagine there's AT LEAST 4 or 7 more that I haven't heard yet!  Anyway.  Caught up on WE OWN THIS CITY.  Still not sure WHO owns the city.  How am I supposed to enjoy this mini-series if I don't know who owns the city.  I CAN'T THAT'S WHO.  Anyway.  Re-watched House of Them 1000 Corpses this evening.  Does that mean I have to watch The Devils' Rejections next?  No.  I have full autonomy of what I wanna watch.  WRONG BUDDY.  ENTERTAINMENT BEGINS AT WATCHING THE FIRST FILM IN A FRANCHISE.  I GOTTA SEE WATCHING THIS TRILOGY THROUGH TO THE END.  Not sure that's accurate.  In fact I'm FAIRLY CERTAIN it isn't.  Oh okay interesting counterargument I'm gonna go away now and sit in the corner and leave it to you to finish the entry.
    WHAT CORNER.  No good corners in my room to sit at.  Corners are occupied by furniture and stuff already!  Hmm.  What Tales From That Crypt episode am I up to.  Maybe some nice TFTC comfort viewing.  OH THAT EPISODE HUH.  THAT'S AN OKAY EPISODE.  THAT COULD BE SOME COMFORT VIEWING NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.  Anyway.  The Mets played a game and didn't win it.  Not sure why they bothered playing the game then.  If they knew they weren't gonna win why even bother from the start?  I feel like I've done that riff before.  What does that say about me.  I dunno I would guess negative things but oh well what can ya do?  THAT'S LIFE.  Just DOING THINGS that say negative things about you but WHAT CAN YA DO NOT DO THINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE FROM THE START?  Not sure that's exactly an option!  What else.  Great.  Another entry in the books.  Hey how about that.  Put on Nightmare Before Christmas assuming DVD is working and everything.  Let's do that for Tonight.  See ya tomorrow.

-9:26 P.M.




Tuesday, May 3, 2022

This Is Gonna Be A Thing

    Hi.  Had a smallish Bange last night because I was distraught over Roe Versus Wade being overturned imminently.  Figured that's a good way to show solidarity with women.  They can't control their bodies and I can't control my eating habits to a relatively small degree!  LOOK it's not the same but I'M TRYING to be a good ally.  Anyway the good news is today is a new day.  For me.  For you it is still a continuation of the horror and disappointment of previous days.  But ME I got a fresh start!  So there's that.  Maybe have lunch closer to breakfast as opposed to closer to dinner.  Yep.  Important issues of the day.  Maybe have ham sandwich for lunch but WITH WHAT SIDE.  This is a tough one.  Maybe Oven some Frozen Fries.  That sounds like a blast and a half.  Also when you put something in the oven it's called BLASTING IT.  And I do it And A Half because I like it WELL DONE.  That way I don't get salmonella from my freedom fries.  Yep that checks out.
Anyway.  If Democrats can't mobilize on Roe Vs Wade being overturned then I don't know what to say.  YES they've proven to be a lost cause time and time again but ya gotta imagine at SOME point they try to Right Their Ship.  Right?  I dunno.  Also this doesn't need to be Democratic top down led.  Let's get some grassroots protests.  BIG ONES.  Biggest protests you've ever seen!  Really give he police an abundance of people to push around and assault.  More than they could handle!  The point is at it's a great opportunity for men to join women at these protests because GREAT WAY TO MEET SOMEONE.  They KNOW you're a good guy because you're hitting on them at pro-choice rally.  FIRST THREE RULES OF HITTING ON PEOPLE-- location, location, location!  Hmm.  Just set up Eye Doctor Appointment for September.  Gonna be fun!  I think I see well now but once I get new glasses in a few months I'm gonna be like WOAH THIS IS CRAZY I CAN SEE REAL GREAT NOW.  That sort of thing.
     What else is up.  Got black coffee again.  I dunno.  8 Artificial Sweetener Packets must add SOME color to this.  Did I say that yesterday.  Either way IT'S TRUE.  Had nice balanced breakfast for breakfast.  Wonderful.  Might be able to split this batch of eggs into 3 meals instead of 2.  I thought I was measuring them out evenly last time, and maybe I was, or maybe I just had more leftover for this time than I made last time.  I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING AT THIS POINT.  The point is I'd like a sweet snack with ham sandwich but NOTHING I HAVE APPLIES.  Maybe some animal crackers.  That applies.  Hmm.  Eat 1.5 animal crackers at a time.  1 isn't enough.  2 is too much!  1.5 at a time WOULD be ideal but it's ALSO wrong because I feel like an idiot doing it.  Who take the time to split every third animal cracker in half.  What am I doing here.  How did my life come to this.  Better than the alternatives.  Wondering How My Life Came To This is better than Not Thinking It Consciously BUT My Life Coming To Even Worse Things.
     Wonderful.  Had breakfast at 8 AM then got back up at 9!  More or less on target for routine.  That sort of thing.  Depleted my snack resources over the week but I'm re-upping with a lot of them tomorrow!  LIFE!  GOOD!  Anyway speaking of food and tomorrow NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW DAY IS... National Candied Orange Peel Day and National Orange Juice Day.  I wonder if those days are friends.  Did they work it out between them to be on the same day.  Either way Orange peels... you're not supposed to eat those!  That's what you call the outside of the orange.  I would think Candied them would just encourage people to eat them more and get sick.  Look obviously I'm missing something here or else it wouldn't be a thing.  OR maybe I'm just THE ONLY ONE WITH THE BALLS to call it out and they'll have to admit yep this isn't a thing.  HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?!  Anyway.  Orange juice.  Delicious!  High in sugar and calories.  But delicious nonetheless.  I especially like it when there's small bits of peels in the orange juice.
Hmm.  The point is when are they gonna come at ME for choices I should be able to make with my own body.  And what would that be.  Hmm.  I'll think about this one and get back to you.  Nothing analogous really.  Sorry.  What great movies did I watch yesterday.  Watched A HAUNTING IN CONNETICUT over the course of the afternoon.  Not sure why it's important it was in Conneticut.  I guess Conneticut is KIND OF scary because we don't hear from Conneticut very often.  Could be for scary reasons, I dunno!  Anyway I wanted a Sustainable Summer To Remember but at this point I've gained close to 2 pounds in a week.  I can try to cancel that out slowly over the course of 2-4 months.  OR I could just say fuck it I'll probably lose weight at that rate anyway by SUCCESSFULLY SUSTAINABLE SUMMER without bothering explicitly.  So there's that!  What else is going on.  Get those abortions in NOW ladies.  Clock is ticking!  You don't wanna miss your shot!
Anyway.  I know they say abortions won't stop, they'll just go back underground and it's a lot more dangerous.  In TODAY'S DAY AND AGE I feel like underground abortions might be Perected to a point where it's not THAT dangerous.  We have INTERNET and EXPERTISE ENHANCEMENTS.  Some non-doctor MIGHT know what they're doing more or less doing Underground Abortion.  I'm not saying it's IDEAL.  But it may not be as bad as Your Momma's Underground Abortion.  WHEW THAT'S A RELIEF.  I KNEW THERE WAS A POSITIVE SIDE TO THIS STORY.  Anyway what else is up.  Maybe renegade doctors are doing underground abortions.  Too risky.  Doctors don't wanna risk their careers.  Gotta be done by sketchy people with nothing to lose.  That's my hot take.  BUT MICHAEL WHAT ABOUT STATES RIGHTS.  Sure.  States have rights.  The right to SHUT THE FUCK UP.  Get out of here with that bullshit.  This is the sixth paragraph.  Probably go for 10 this act!
     Anyway.  Had 3 cups of black coffee over the course of the yesterday.  Don't see any reason not to do it again today.  I can HEAR certain reasons.  Kinda SMELL them.  But I can't SEE THEM and that's what counts.  Anyway.  Tempting to get Diner for lunch and Frenched Toast.  TOO tempting that I know it's the wrong decision.  If it was just moderately tempting, I dunno, maybe I do that.  It's ABOVE moderate.  Now I KNOW it's TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.  Hmm.  Could also have salami sandwich.  Or Chicken Parm.  These are the lunches I have over the rest of the week.  What else.  HAD PIZZA LAST NIGHT.  We're talkin 2 slices with garlic and eggplant.  We're talkin mopped up grease, put it in oven for 20 minutes, took it out, DELICIOUS RIGHT ON TARGET.  Good for me!  Hard to be RIGHT ON TARGET when determining how to actualize your pizza dinner.  Also the eggplant was cut up deliciously.  Nice CHUNKS of eggplants instead of LINES of eggplants.  I'M LOVIN' IT.
     What paragraph is this.  Eighth.  How about that.  Yep.  Had three beers last night.  Eight left for the next 3 nights.  That's how that goes.  HAUNTING IN CONNETICUT TWO is available somewhere this afternoon.  I remember coming across it on one of the streamers.  That film was okay!   I like the parts with the characters NAMES.  Hmm you're making a big commitment naming these characters with these names.  Totally supplies lots of context with what you're trying to do with the film script.  Well done.  No one has weird names unless THEY'RE weird.  You're not gonna have a character called MERGATROID and it's just never relevant at all to the rest of the movie.  Isn't that name.  Spelled differently.  Lemme LTURQ. Murgatroyd is an old surname taken from English Aristocracy.  So that's context if you name someone Mergatroyd.  Except it's a last name.  Well sure it's this character's last name too but that's what they call him or her colloquially anyway.  I guess!
     Ninth paragraph.  Down to last Chocolately Eggo.  I guess I gotta re-up!  Is Buttermilk Eggos just eggos without any flavor OR is buttermilk a flavor of its own.  Either way GONNA FIND OUT I GUESS.  They're out of blueberry and chocolately!  Wait no it looks like I was able to add Blueberry.  So there's that.  Gonna take a walk when this 10 paragraphs is over.  Then probably write a 2nd act.  Then NEXT period of time between walks is gonna be LUNCH unless NOT REALLY HUNGRY YET.  Which would be odd because I'm presumably ALWAYS HUNGRY YET to eat something.  80% of the time.  What else is crap.  Mobilization for Abortion Rights gotta be BOTH top down AND bottom up.  PLUS middle OUT TO THE SIDES A BIT.  I'm in the middle.  Not sure how I made it to the middle from the bottom.  Presumably because I had a website viewed by a number of people including possibly zero.  So I gotta mobilize OUT TO THE SIDES.  That's MY job.  One more paragraph and then break time!
     Okay.  Still hard to accept I'm gonna have beer every night or at least 6 out of 7 nights.  Kinda feels like an UNSUSTAINABLE treat in my head.  NOPE.  This is routine!  Better get used to liking it and not just worry about wasting it because that's how it's gonna be!  Anyway.  A bit ahead of schedule today.  The point is Schedules are made to be broken sometimes.  Othertimes they're made to not bend or break in the slightest.  I dunno how you do your schedules.  Maybe have Fiber One Strawberry Cheese Cake Bar Thing with sandwich.  I hadn't had those in a while but I had 2 last night and they were good.  A little stale!  BETTER stale!  A little crispier or cruncher or whatever.  I LIKE IT.  So there's that I guess why not.  Anyway that's it for now.  I'll be back in a little bit presumably!




Remind Me About What's Going On

    MET GAME TONIGHT IS AT 3:10 PM.  That's not really tonight.  It's always tonight somewhere.  Either way maybe 5 paragraphs for this act.  SURE the more paragraphs the better but also I'D LIKE TO MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE FOR A FEW HOURS.  Anyway great.  Sandwich and Fiber One Cheesecake Bar.  I have no complaints about that!  And if I did I'd keep it to myself!  No reason bothering you with this.  You've got enough problems.  Especially if you're a lady.  Don't have authority over your own body anymore!  THAT'S NOT GOOD.  The only way they can put the cherry on top is if they say you can have an abortion if the person who impregnated you says you can.  I feel like that's the next step.  Which is PROGRESS?  95% of the time you're dealing with a reasonable man who would just defer to the lady on what choice to make.  But it's STILL WRONG IN THEORY.  So there's that.  HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT TWO this afternoon.  Assuming I can re-find it on a Streamer.
    Jeez.  Sustainable Summer To Remember is not off to a great start!  But that's part of the Sustainable.  There's FLEX for Good or bad periods.  In NYU you could have FLEX meal plan.  I forget how that's different than regular.  I think regular meal plan just means you can eat at any cafeteria twice a day.  Whereas Flex you're paying more per meal but you just decide exactly which meals you want.  The point is I WANT TO GO BACK TO COLLEGE CAFETERIA AND I WANNA GO BACK TO COLLEGE CAFETERIA NOW.  It was a simpler time when abortions were still legal.  HEY DEMOCRATS 74% OF AMERICAN SUPPORTED ROE VERSUS WADE.  Oh well what can ya do OUR HANDS ARE TIED.  Some people still are pro-life.  WHAT DO YOU WANNA RISK ALIENATING THEM.  No.  I don't wanna RISK alienating them.  I want to DEFINITELY alienate them.  Let's alienate them THE HELL OUT OF POWER.  That's my hot take.  Anyway lots of room for time between walks with new Sustainable Schedule To Remember.  Oh right I gotta remember it.  Don't spend ALL DAY remembering it.  Just maybe once or twice a day at most.  Oh yeah I remember what I'm doing earlier in the day, now, and later in the day.  GOTCHA.  That's all ya need!
     Hmm.  Maybe have a bowl-cup of cinnamon toast crunch as side for sandwich.  It sounds INSANE but it also sounds like hey that makes a lot of sense if you don't mind acting outside the box too much.  Whatever.  The sandwich is the star!  I like this delicious black forest ham and this delicious health bread.  It's good!  I WANT TO EAT IT SOON.  What else is there to say really.  Apparently website says Mets are playing Braves at 3:10 AND at 6:40.  Is it possible there's a double header?  PROBABLY.  Is it possible there fuckin' things up and it's wrong?  POSSIBLY.  Is it possible I'm making this up off the top of my head and haven't consulted any baseball websites about anything?  I don't THINK so but I guess ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE in TODAY'S economy.  That sort of thing.  Definitely looks like they're correct about 2 games.
Okay.  Penultimate paragraph of the Early Part Of Entry.  What did I do yesterday after entry ending.  Not much.  Eating!  I read about Roe Vs Wade right after finishing the entry.  What a bummer!  Maybe take a 30, 45 minute break after this Act.  That way I'm on schedule the way I PLANNED to be on schedule.  That's not WHY I'm taking a break before walk.  JUST FEEL LIKE TAKING HALF AN HOUR OR FOURTY FIVE MINUTE BREAK BEFORE WALK IT TURNS OUT.  Go figure.  I dunno probably just take a walk when this act is over.  Go figure.  What else is up.  I've adjusted to black coffee VERY quickly.  I suspect this black coffee somehow contains a cream or milk sweetener in it.  Maybe infused in the beans themselves.  Not sure how that works.  Well that's okay I'm not sure how coffee works in the first place.  I get BEANS.  I get GROUNDS.  Also I get I DON'T REALLY GET BEANS OR GROUNDS.  But let's pretend I do and then after THAT I run into trouble.
     Last paragraph for now.  Then I take a walk.  Then LUNCH sometime between that walk and walk after that.  So basically life is okay.  I'm very passionate about lunch.  Also I've been PRETTY HAPPY with new Station for where I'm eating.  Eating where I used to keep laptop computer when I still had desktop computer where I keep laptop computer Nowadays.  On table FACING THE WINDOW-- NORTH.  These kinds of things matter.  Maybe not BECAUSE of those things I just said.  But eating at this station MATTERS because it's BETTER than eating on other surfaces in other directions in other parts of the room.  I THINK I'VE MADE MY POINT ABUNDANTLY CLEAR.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine it will be good for society and those kids in general when there's a signifant uptick in Unwanted Pregnancies To Completion.  Yeah I didn't want you but oh well what are ya gonna do.  Gotta have you and raise you anyway.  I FEEL NO RESENTMENT THOUGH all in all you're an OKAY kid I guess.  Not my first choice of things to do though.  Anyway.  I'll be back this evening!




i've waited all day for this

    Hey!  Had nice productive mediumish-bange this afternoon.  Figured out all the things I need to figure out going forward with Sustainable Summer To Remember.  First I got times of walks, acts, and meals down.  Now I got snacks down as well.  And if I stick to it I WILL LOSE 2-4 pounds during the Sustainable Summer To Remember (ending September 8th).  I HAVE MY REASONS.  That's next official Endocrinologist Weigh In.  Also just FEELS like the last day of Summer.  The end of August is too restrictive.  September 21st is TOO ACCURATE.  September 8th is the last day of summer and THAT'S THAT I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANY MORE ON THE SUBJECT.  Anyway I can be a jerk about it and too loose and not lose any weight and I'm okay with that!  2-3 pounds is ideal though YOU IDIOTS and this is a nice SUSTAINABLE POSITIVE WORKABLE WAY TO DO IT.  From NOW up to SEPTEMBER 8th.  The point is I will write Act first and then eat dinner.  Cause I just ate a lot of crap relatively recently.  Also ABORTION STILL ON TRACK TO BEING BANNED.  Figured I'd keep you updated.  In no universe does the time of me saying it was banned earlier in the entry and then me saying it was still banned just now a relevant period of time to anyone other than Me, In the process of writing this specifically.  Unless you read this AS I'M WRITING IT YOU HACKER.  I'm not comfortable with that.  GET OFF MY COMPUTER.
    Hmm.  Let's do a round of Good-News/Bad-News shall we?  Good news-- abortion ban might get people to the polls in November.  Bad news-- women cannot get abortions because they are banned.  TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY.  I dunno when this takes effect.  I know the ruling hasn't even come yet.  I think I read the ruling comes next month?  And then, what, it becomes a States Rights Issue?  Well I STATE that women ALWAYS have the RIGHT to an ABORTION.  And you can TAKE THAT TO THE BANK.  Try to exchange it for NFTS.  SEE WHERE THAT GETS YOU.  Also I think if we had to pick between No Abortions and ONLY ABORTIONS we should pick ONLY ABORTIONS.  NO MORE PREGNANCIES AT ALL.  Yes I agree for the most part somewhere in the middle is best.  I'm just speaking HYPOTHETICALLY.  If we HAD to choose one.  I'd say All Abortions.  Hmm.  Dinner gonna be Part III of III of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Delicious.  I can see myself Enjoying Food!  It happens quite often.  I watched THE HAUNTING IN CONNETICUT PART II which takes place in Georgia.  They don't even TRY to justify it explicitly taking place in Georgia and not COnneticut.  And it's not even just a throwaway where it takes place.  It's VERY CLEAR AND IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT AND CHARACTERS that it's Georgia.  Also gotta be honest Identified more with the haunting in conneticut.  I'm A NORTH EASTMAN MYSELF.  I GET spirits from the tri-state area and I do NOT get, "Country Ghosts."  Conneticut is tri-state, right?  NY, NJ, Conneticut.  Better LTURQ.  If I had a nickel for every time Alex Trebek had to say, "Would You TRY STATING THAT as a Question."  Anyway.  NOPE NY TRISTATE AREA TRADITIONALLY HAS PENNSYLVANIA NOT CONNETICUT AS THIRD STATE.  Well I don't know how to feel about that.  NEGATIVELY is my first instinct.
     Sure.  I feel like 9 AM good time to get up most of the time unless I have a reason to get up earlier or later.  Why would I have a reason to get up later.  I dunno some serial killer is going around rounding up and killing all the kids who wake up before 9:15 AM.  Oh okay in that scenario best stay in bed.  AND BE ASLEEP.  Who knows if he can tell whether we're actually awake or asleep in bed.  We better play it safe and be asleep.  Anyway INFLATION hit me for the first time today buying 2 candy bars.  One from one place, one from another place down the block.  This seems a little steep for candy bars I thought to myself, fingering the cluster of dimes I had in my back pocket.  Hmm.  ABORTION BAN MAKES ME WANNA VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS BECAUSE IF THEY WIN THEY MIGHT... DO... SOMETHING???  WELL IT COULDN'T HURT AT LEAST ONE WOULD IMAGINE.  That's the line of thought the average person will be having from now until the end of Summer (September 8th).  Then presumably some other thought will take over.  Migrant caravans or something.  Let's get some more migrant caravans.  That's right I'm PRO caravans.  I stand by my convictions!
     Hmm.  Don't wanna eat dinner too late.  Maybe in like an hour and seven minutes.  Off the top of my head.  That sounds like a fair amount of time.  Anyway one productive thing of Bange is that I finally had 4 or 5 of those Personal Individual Sized Ice Cream Containers.  Matched up each one with mini wafer cone.  LOTS OF ICE CREAM SANDWICHES.  Best part of the bange!  I'D DO IT AGAIN TOO if I felt like it which I don't.  In fact I don't fee like Bange Eating AGAIN AT LEAST until after September 8th: The End Of Summer 2022 To Remember.  Anyway that's how many weeks.  16 or 17?  22?? That can't be right.  This is presumably around 4 months.  The year is presumably around 12 months.  17 weeks is presumabout around 1/3rd of the year.  22 is way too much to be a third of 52.  LETS GO OVER THIS ONE MORE TIME COMPUTER.  Okay they're saying 18 weeks and change.  FAIR ENOUGH.  I'll buy that.  FOR NOW.  But if you start telling me it's slightly less an amount of time over a period of time I'M GONNA START TO ASK QUESTIONS.  If suddenly 2 days from now you're telling me it's JUST 18 weeks and no change?  I KNOW YOU'RE LYING BECAUSE NOW I KNOW THE TRUTH RIGHT NOW.  Don't deviate from current truth I'LL CATCH YA.  Just like I caught that pokemon card on the sidewalk.  And read it and put it in my pocket.  And then just dropped it back down on the sidewalk a third of a block later.
Okay.  Oh Right Abortion.  Is there/are there any sort of laws that Guy Who Impregnates Lady has to Stick With Her and/or Baby?  My guess is NO.  THIS GUY HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG.  LET HIM LIVE HIS LIFE AS HE CHOOSES.  This LADY THOUGH ON THE OTHER HAND... hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Fifth paragraph of the act.  Gonna take a break or something.  Write MULTIPLE ACTS over the night.  Maybe listen to some music.  Thinking I'm gonna transition from listening to Playlists of New Music song-by-song from different EMERGING ARTISTS I'm gonna start listening to new ALBUMS of both TRIED AND TRUE artists and possibly EMERGING ARTISTS TOO.  But the point is Playlists--- OUT!  Albums--- IN!  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Right now I'm 3/4ths into the Willie Nelson album.  Sounds like what youd' expect a Willie Nelson album to sound like!  Music!  And that's just what I wanted for now.  Hey finish that album on the surround sound stereo speaker.  That sounds like something I can do.  Well I would hope so.  Not too complicated.  If I can't figure out how to do that I'm in a lot of trouble for the rest of my life.  HEY GREAT I'll be back in a little bit.



i think what i'm trying to say is

    HELLO.  Listened to the last 14 minutes of Woody Allen album.  Willie Nenlson.  You get the idea.  Anyway gonna write 5 more paragraphs then eat.  Then put on a NICE MOVIE TO REMEMBER.  Any good ones available.  Any good ones NOT AVAILABLE that I can PINE AFTER?  Well of course.  There's the one... ya know.  Hmm what films do I pine after.  How about DUNE.  No I saw that I disliked it.  CAPTAIN AMERICA.  Nope.  R.I.P.D.  I'm only getting further and further away from movies I pine for.  And we started with DUNE so that's VERY difficult to accomplish.  Anyway I dunno.  I could not lose an eighth of a pound and still be comfortably under 125 pounds.  PERECT.  Between 120-125!  SUSTAINABLE SUMMER TO REMEMBER STRIKES AGAIN.  It sustains EVEN IF I DON'T.  This summer knows what it's doing.  Anyway.  I feel for women: the subset of my fellow humans in this time.  What do you want me to do about it.  HOW CAN I MAKE IT BETTER.  NOT HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX WITH YOU?  I WAS ALREADY DOING THAT IN SPADES.
Four more paragraphs to go.  My mom made a point to say to me ALWAYS USE CONDOMS.  Look.  You live with me.  You know I never have sex with ladies.  You would have noticed somehow if that was something that might be happening.  I stay in my room 23 hours a day.  And I don't have Secret Sex somehow with invisible woman!  Either way GOOD POINT I'll try to remember that one.  USE CONDOMS.  Write that down in my diary.  Here.  Right now!  Okay now I'll remember or sure.  I dunno.  Not in the greatest spirits tonight!  Abortion Overturned.  Bange eating this afternoon.  Novelty of drinking wearing off.  No great options of what to watch.  Not that hungry but don't wanna make it a thing that I'm skipping dinner.  THIS IS TERRIBLE.  ALMOST AS BAD AS HAVING TO HAVE A CHILD I DON'T WANT OR NEED.  What times do you need a child.  Ya know if you're gonna sell them upon birthdom.  You need that SWEET COIN.  Is there a black market for new-borns out there?  Gotta be SOME sort of market for it.  There's gotta be some sort o DEMAND for it that I can't put my finger on but there must be SOME demand.  And where there's demand there's gotta be supply.  ECONOMICS 101.  CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING ECONOMICS 100.  NOW LET'S GET MORE INDEPTH THAN YOU'RE USED TO.
  Anyway now there might be a REVERSE market for new-borns.  Upon birth you gotta find someone to TAKE THIS BABY OFF YOUR HANDS.  Or just trade evenly 1 for 1.  You give birth, person who wants the baby takes it, win-win!  Nothing else needs to be bartered or exchanged.  THESE ARE JUST IDEAS OKAY we don't know how it's all gonna shake out in the long term reality.  Wait a second LONG TERM REALITY?  I thought the ban was just going on for This News Cycle.  You're telling me this is gonna go on longer than ONE AND A HALF DAYS?  Pretty sure nothing lasts longer than one and a half days.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  What ALBUM should I listen to next.  Is new ARCADE FIRE album out yet.  Also if I was DJING the show and introducing Arcade Fire, I'd go ARE YOU READY TO SHOUT FOR ARCADE FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER?!?!  AND THEN EVERYONE GOES CRAZY.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me tonight.  A FILM.  Watch a nice film.  ARMAGEDDON?  STOP PITCHING ARMAGEDDON.  Anyway.  I've heard of Abortion RIGHTS but what we seem to be talking about now is Abortion WRONGS.  Still workshopping that one.  Come back to me later on that.
     Put food in oven!  45 minutes!  Eat at 9 PM: 12 hours after the standard time I will be waking up assuming no serial killer whose killing based on times kids are waking up.  Hmm.  What 2 candy bars did I get.  Got a weird Big Sized Kit Kat.  That was like a kit kat but BIGGER.  IT'S MORE COMPLICATED THAN IT SOUNDS.  Not just Longer.  But BULKIER.  Very BULKY Kit Kat.  Anyway that was 2 dollars and 70 cents.  Hershey Bar with Almonds.  That was a dollar fifty.  CANDY COMPANIES BE PRICE GOUGING YA HEARD.  Anyway I dunno what's going on and crap.  I need some FUN THINGS TO WATCH over the 2+ hours I'll be totally awake and have not much else to do after this entry.  Indulgent Quest Bar as Single Snack between lunch and dinner.  Indulgent-For-Me ice cream sandwich as Single Snack after Dinner.  WILDCARD ANYTHING snack between Breakfast and Lunch.  AND ONE FLOATER SNACK FOR THE DAY.  If I don't use it, gets banked.  Then I could have THREE floater snacks the next day and then the day after I'm down to Negative One (Including THAT DAY'S floater snack).  It's all very complicated but trust me I THINK I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING.
Last paragraph of the day.  What a wonderful. Day.  Right?  Seems like it would have been.  I remember vague parts of it here and there.  Was ready to pay for Big Kit Kat with my dimes and then I was like I dunno I may not have enough dimes for this.  And then I'D LOOK THE FOOL.  So I used credit card.  Now I'm gonna have to explain myself when credit card bill comes.  Thanks a lot PUTIN PRICE HIKE.  Hmm.  FOR SOME REASON Frosted Flakes I poured today were mostly crumbs.  Not sure what happened to all the regular sized pieces of Frosted Flakes.  I feel like I'm not deep enough into this box (FAMILY SIZED BOX) that it should be crumbs.  Oh well I guess I'll have to write a letter to the Putin Price Hike to see what that's all about.  Not sure what that means.  Anyway.  Maybe put on Edward Scissorhands.  And then girl(s) I had crush(es) on in high (school) will COME VISIT ME IN SPIRIT and I WILL FEEL LOVE.  I wouldn't BANK on that happening but ya never know.  Anyway I'm good for today!  Thanks!

-8:26 P.M.



Monday, May 2, 2022

Okay I'll Do This Now

    HEY!  Woke up late again today.  I was planning on getting up an hour after I had been getting up for a while.  Last two days got up an hour and a half after that!  Around 10:00 AM!  At first I was like that's no good I can't fit in 8 walks now.  NOW I realize 7 walks is fine because I'm awake less time to eat!  So it balances out!  Also it makes sense to sleep late because Adults Without Jobs LIKE to sleep late.  And I'm sort of an adult and definitely without job.  Anyway.  Black coffee going on right now.  Sorry AFRICAN AMERICAN COFFEE.  Not happy with that joke.  Let's start over.  Black coffee going on right now.   Sorry Black Coffee WITH TRUVIA.  Truvia MUST tint it SOME color.  Even if it's not even close to noticeable.  MUST BE SOMETHING.  Not happy with that thought.  Let's start over.  Black coffee going on right now.  Delicious!  THERE WE GO THAT'S THE WINNER.  What else is up.  Back order on my testosterone gel!  May have to go a couple of days without it!  And/or call other pharmacies to get it which could take HOURS.  HOURS?  DOING ADULT STUFF?  NON-SLEEPING ADULT STUFF?  That doesn't make sense.
    I dunno what to have for lunch today!  Leaning towards Turkey Meatloaf with Health Spaghetti.  It tastes good and guess what the meatloaf is turkey and the spaghetti is Health.  Made out of cauliflower or something.  Cauliflower is a great name for this thing because it just SOUNDS disgusting.  The word itself!  Okay.  Watched SHUTTER FILM last night.  It was okay!  I didn't take a baseball bat to my TV in anger!  I don't have any baseball bats.  I don't think so.  Maybe there's one or two somewhere hidden behind some sort of closet.  Well not BEHIND the closet.  Behind the more prominent things IN the closet.  Hmm.  ALUMINUM bats I'm guessing!  Is aluminum in short supply.  I feel like I could melt down these bats for profit.  Or just sell them as bats.  People need bats more than ever!  Gotta take 'em to the TV when it makes them angry.  Anyway TVS ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN.  It's called PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE or something.  Lemme LTURQ.  Might not be the exact word I want but CLOSE ENOUGH.
     Anyway.  I dunno.  Still got Part III of III of Steak & Stuffed Mushroom.  How did Mushroom get to be the star of this dish.  The thing that it's stuffed with is the star!  In this case crab meat.  Look I call 'em like I see 'em.  I think I told you Endocrinologist told me to see the eye doctor for some reason.  Maybe I was walking into walls or something.  I must have done something wrong that made her think this guy has GOT to see better.  She didn't tell me why though!  Guess it was on me to ask!  The point is YES the batteries in my XBOX controller don't work.  And instead of easily replacing them I just take the batteries out of my TV remote back and forth as needed.  I can't go downstairs to get 2 new batteries easily.  I GOT THINGS TO DO.  Hmm.  Watched a little bit of Mets game last night here and there.  Great!  I liked reading THE BOX SCORE.  DOM SMITH GOING 4 for 4.  GREAT.  Hmm.  Dom Smith.  Not sure I've heard someone shortening Dominic to Dom before now that I think about it.  One can only hope he marries some named Sub.  FOR SYMMETRY REASONS.
Cool!  Another Met game tonight at 7:10.  I could watch all of that!  I won't!  I will know the end of the game before bedtime though!  That's pretty cool!  THEY ARE FACING DIVISION RIVALS ATLANTA BRAVES.  Okay wonderful.  Mets got rid of ROBINSON CANO because they had to shorten the size of their roster.  This dude is OLD but getting paid a lot and not good at baseball but GOOD IN THE CLUBHOUSE.  Maybe he'll still show up from time to time to give pep talks to team.  Then again what does he care about the Mets if he's no longer on them.  Just another team to him now!  He's been on plenty of teams.  He can't feel permanently attached to ALL of them.  Also can you just allow anyone you want into locker room.  Feels like there should be RULES.  Hmm.  Shutter uploaded half a dozen or 8 new movies the last couple of days.  I got a few I'd be willing to give a shot right away!  COOL!  Had dumb breakfast.  Ice cream sandwich and Quest bar.  Had it at what I THOUGHT would be normal breakfast time but then went back to sleep for 2 or so hours.  NOW I KNOW don't have breakfast until 10:00-10:30 AM!  WOW.  At that time of breakfast I can have breakfast, lunch, and supper relatively but not exactly equidistant and no need for lots of snacks between.  The day gets shorter, the more condensed the meal times are!  GOOD.
I guess!  POP QUIZ HOT SHOT BREAKFAST OR SHOWER FIRST.  I wanna say SHOWER.  WRONG IT'S BREAKFAST.  Gonna have to look into that.  What's today.  Monday.  Great.  Ended up with only 2 beers last night.  Even was close to possibly only having 1!  The point is before re-upping with beer on Friday I have 11 beers over 4 nights.  THREE NIGHTS OF THREE ONE NIGHT OF TWO.  That's great that'll be fun.  Remake of Stephen King's FIRESTARTER coming out!  Never saw the first one.  My guess is hey I like horrific movies.  Won't be able to see it immediately.  I'll see it eventually.  Also I assume if Fire Starter is the protagonist the arch villain is a Fire FIGHTER.  What are they called.  Firemen.  Oh.  Right.  Fifth paragraph of this act.  Maybe write another paragraph or two.  I dunno!  What else.  I dunno what today is gonna be like. It's all new to me.  Waking up at different times.  No commitment for when and how long to write entries.  Eh I'll figure something out.  Aim for 7 walks I know that.  7th walk being around 7:00 - 7:30 PM.  THEN THE FUN STARTS.  Eh I'll just take a walk now.  Be back later?





Okay That Was Quick

    Hey!  Working out a good SUSTAINABLE SUMMER regular schedule for everything.  ENTRYWISE we're talkin 2 acts in the early part of the day, presumably usually 5 paragraphs.  And one act at nighttime presumably usually around 10 paragraphs.  Know when I'm having walks and meals generally.  GOT IT ALL FIGURED OUT IS THE POINT.  Delicious!  Maybe even have 3 cups of coffee a day if there's no calories to it.  Coffee might have like 5 calories a cup.  MIGHTS get us nowhere.  You can say Anything MIGHT Anything!  I don't trust you is the point I'm trying to make.  What to do during afternoon besides bunched up walks.  WATCH TV you idiot.  Yes but WHAT.  I dunno whatever still is playing even after I took my baseball bat to it.  Beggars can't be choosers!  Watch one of the only half dozen channels that remain.  Gotta imagine SOME channels can handle a Bat To The Hardware!  Hmm.  Watch some SHUTTER movies.  I already told you there were some that looked vaguely watchable!  Anyway NO TWITTER SO FAR TODAY.  Let's see how that goes.
Doesn't make sense to bother posting first two acts to internet before writing third act at night.  First two acts are just the teaser.  The third act is the moneymaker!  HEY National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Chocolate Custard Day.  You had me at Chocolate.  You LOST ME at Custard.  Then you found me again at Custard when I was like I never had custard before and if I AM gonna have custard I would say chocolate is the standard bearer way to go.  So there's that.  Anyway.  First 3 or 4 Time At Home Between Waking Up/Walks is only 45 minutes!  Then a few more are AN HOUR.  Then end of day is roughly 3.5 hours before going to sleep.  LOOK I KNOW IT SOUNDS BAD but I think I'll get used to it quickly.  All those 45 minutes between walks.  What kind of person DOES THAT.  THIS GUY.  Also I'm holding an aluminum bat when saying that and then point the bat at me.  So you know exactly WHICH GUY I'm talking about.  The one whose me pointing to myself!
     Hmm.  What's going on and crap.  Possible because of condensed meal times I can successfully sustainably eat few enough snacks I can drop amount of walks to SIX.  LET'S NOT GET AHEAD OF MYSELVES.  What else is going on and crap.  I assume Robinson Cano is fine with being shunned from the major leagues because he's still making 20 million dollars this year and possibly the next I FORGET.  Good deal for him!  Making the same amount of money with NO WORK.  Look I imagine baseball players like playing baseball a lot sometimes.  But also IT'S THEIR JOB.  Gotta get boring and tiresome and Too Much Of A Hassle to practice and stay in shape and MENTALLY PREPARE for GAMES THAT COUNT.  Now Robinson Cano is just getting paid BANK for nothing.  We should all aspire to be Robinson Canoes is the point.  Canoes is a word.  Is that the plural of CAN...U?  The thing that's like a boat.  Canu.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  CANOE.  JUST AS I SUSPECTED.  YES WE CANOE.  Hey great only 2 more paragraphs until a lot later today and that will be FUN writing.
Sure.  Lunch is a mere 2.5 hours away.  I got that going for me.  I guess.  Hmm is this new schedule routine even good.  I'm not having fun RIGHT NOW.  It's all backloaded.  I sacrifice the day to have fun at night.  Look was I really having fun during the day BEFORE THIS.  I dunno!  Also day has barely started.  I've had NO PERIODS OF TIME that aren't Responsibilities.  I can't speak so soon that The Afternoon Day will be any worse or better than in the past.  CLUSTERED UP WALKS.  I dunno just a little more clustered than in the past.  THAT LITTLE EXTRA CLUSTER MAKES A BIG EXTRA CLUSTER DIFFERENCE.  WE'LL SEE!  Sure, great, who am I talking to?  Maybe I'm just not happy with Too Short A Day.  I feel PRESSURE to condense ALL THE RELATIVE FUN I have over the course of the entire day APPROPRIATELY.  Look the day often is crap but even Crap Day MIGHT BE BETTER than not having that as part of the day at all.  Hmm.
     GREAT.  On the other hand SLEEPING IS GREAT.  Also that's easily a good fun thing I can do during 45-60 minute breaks.  JUST LIE IN BED.  Maybe put on some music.  I've been looking at this all wrong.  I can take like 3 or 4 Resting Breaks over the afternoon!  WONDERFUL.  The point is I'm gonna take a walk after this paragraph.  That's ONE of the points t least.  Another point was when I was holding a baseball bat and using it to sort of point in my general direction.  When I said something about This Guy and I was referring to me.  So you would know it was Me I Was Referring To.  Anyway great.  Done with WORK PART of entry at a reasonable time.  Maybe Evening Entry Act turns into work, I dunno!  If it does I have to re-calibrate everything.  I'll be back in a little bit!  Wait, no.  A moderate bit.  I'll be back in a moderate bit.  Hmm sounds like the quality of my comedy bits.  No it doesn't.  FIRST OF ALL moderate is the wrong word to use to convey what it's presumably conveying.  SECOND OF ALL bits don't reach Middle level.  THIRD OF ALL SEE YA LATER.





oh right i get to write this

    HEY!  Figure I'll just wake up an hour earlier at 9 AM.  Perect time for adult with no job to wake up!  And that way I can fit in an hour for EVERY between-walk session.  Or do a half hour followed by an hour and a half.  BUT NO 45 minute between walks for me.  That would be CRAZY.  And if there's anything I'm not it's I'm not crazy.  YEAH.  SPOILER ALERT I wrote the last few sentences sometime earlier.  I wanted to make sure I updated you on the important things.  You know whatever I just said.  I forget now.  Been too long much too long.  Anyway just had delicious eggplant and garlic pizza.  I feel like both of those things are a turn-off for vampires.  Obviously garlic we all know and accept.  Eggplant?  I dunno WHY but I can imagine vampires being like I DON'T FUCK WITH NO EGGPLANT EITHER.  Either way.  Gotta finish steak &/v seafood tomorrow.  That's fine!  It's good!  But I got a break this evening and it was wonderful!
    One beer in.  Gonna start 2nd imminently.  I guess!  Three overall.  Probably!  Maybe just go with Met Game & Surround Sound Music for tonight.  OR put on a Shutter Film.  Hmm.  I watched A HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT today because I saw the sequel was available somewhere else and was like well I would like to watch this but I can't because I haven't seen the original per my understanding.  THEN the original showed up elsewhere!  AMAZING.  Totally serviceable film.  I didn't not get nothing out of not un-watching it!  Anyway.  What kinda snacks I got for evening.  Depends!  Do I wanna go with what I Think I'll normally do, or do I wanna do Half That so that I hit maingentence calories for the day.  I DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS.  I've got LOTS of answers of varying quality and accurateness.  But not ALL of them.  Impossible to have all the answers there's infinite answers.  Because of all The Wrong Answers You Can Give.  Hmm.  Even if you're all about ALWAYS giving the RIGHT answers-- kinda seems like that's infinite too, right?  Gotta be infinite questions.  OR AT LEAST 20,000 or so.  Hmm where did I come up with that number.  That's how many leagues under the sea there are.  Oh okay that explains it.
    What else is up.  Put pizza in oven for a solid 19 minutes.  PERECT.  No foolin'.  It was wonderful.  Anyway.  Wake up at 9 AM sure wonderful.  Hour between walks.  Sometimes may be like hey I wanna do a 30 min between walk and then next period is an insanely long 1.5 hours.  IT'S UP TO ME.  I HOLD ALL THE CARDS.  I think.  Maybe someone else holds SOME cards.  I saw a playing card on the sidewalk yesterday and it looked like a Magic: The Gathering Card so I picked it up and was like I WONDER HOW VALUABLE THIS CARD IS.  Turned out to be a Pokemon card.  But from looking at it I think Pokemon Card Game is kinda like Magic The Gathering. ...But with Pokemon.  Anyway I spent some time looking that card over while walking back to my house and when my interest was satiated just dropped it back on the sidewalk.  RETURN TO FROM WHENCE YOU CAME... HALF A BLOCK DOWN FROM WHERE YOU STARTED.  So that's how I deal with things.
What else is up.  OH RIGHT start Beer #2.  Was that brief cultural phenomena of Pokemon In Real Life upset by Pandemic?  Was that in 2019 or earlier.  Where people ran around all across the land trying to capture pokemon on the internet or something.  Gotta imagine if that was still going on Into Pandemic that would have really been a blow.  I dunno.  The point is I've BEATEN POKEMON.  I had a pokemon once-- POSSIBLY TWICE-- and I beat it once-- POSSIBLY TWICE.  I feel like I'm not really that proud of that.  But what can ya do DENY certain parts of your life that you're not proud of?  Sure lots of people do it.  NOT ME.  Anyway.  Got Met game on mute on TV.  Got latest THE WHO album from 2020 on speakers.  I TOLD YOU I wanted to listen to a band like the Who but not The Who.  Closest band I could think of was The Who.  So there's that.  Anyway.  Getting up at 9 AM instead of 10 AM un-condenses meal times a bit but they're still pretty condensed!  I feel like if my body immediately adapts to getting up at 9 AM IT COULD BE GREAT.  People standardly have work day start at 9 AM, right?  That's the generic?  Well I WORK FROM HOME.  So waking up At Work Day Time makes PERECT sense.
    Whatever.  Gave some thought into having bonus beers during regular nights instead of building up beers for Abstinence Night.   So far WHY I don't need it YET.  We'll see how that goes.  I CAN'T WAIT FOR MET TO HIT HOME RUN SO I CAN BRIEFLY REWIND AND PUT THE VOLUME ON.  That'll be fun.  It's already happened once.  WHAT FUN.  Anyway was on twitter a bit this afternoon.  If you just FORGET Elon Musk exists you can kind of pretend nothing is really different.  Algorithms might be more right wing but we can pretend that's not real either!  Maybe it isn't!  Maybe it will be!  I DON'T KNOW.  But I GOTTA READ KYLE GRIFFIN.  Why can't I add Kyle Griffin.  I follow 11 people and they're all good and whatknot but Not KYLE GRIFFIN Good.  What else is up.  I think Elon Musk should have like a Vice President of Twitter who is more left wing.  And they get into kayfabe fights and stuff.  I've heard worse ideas.  Probably.  Can't think of one off the top of my head.  OH Stuffed Crust Pizza.  LOOK I already am getting the right amount of cheese with the regular part o the pizza.  DON'T PUSH IT.  Hmm.  What's today.  Monday.  Wednesday Afternoon re-upping with Amazon Fresh.  Lots of good stuff coming then.
    STILL haven't had a sip of beer since pizza.  If I remember correctly I ended up not having a single sip entire Nighttime Act yesterday.  NOT TONIGHT.  GONNA SIP SOME BEER RIGHT NOW IF I HAVE TO.  Hmm let me take a second look at Amazon Fresh order.  I wanna get excited ALL OVER AGAIN about the stuff I'm getting.  OH MAN lots of good stuff there.  Also the sawdustiest of all sawdust dogs here are!  I'll eat those suckers.  Anyway.  Got half a pound of black forest ham and lean beef salami to split into 2 sandwiches each over 2 weeks.  I MIGHT END UP HAVING ALL FOUR SANDWICHES THIS ONCE WEEK.  I got nothing better to do.  Also I like health bread.  ALSO Turkey Meatloaf and Health Spaghetti was great today!  Felt more Hearty than usual.  Turkey Meatloaf might have been a bigger slice.  Health Spaghetti might have been a bigger portion.  I don't know what it was but I DIG IT.  So I got those 2 other sandwiches possibly and a Kids Chicken Parm.  Three lunches until re-upping, there ya go!  WONDERFUL.  Get up at 9:00 AM.  Fit in shower and breakfast and just a bit of time to Snooze Myself IMPLICITLY before or in-between or after those activities and take first walk at 10:00 AM.  Yep.
Okay!  A little worried how quickly I've taken to Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars.  Same amount of calories as the standard Snack Bar.  Same amount of heartiness- maybe even heartier.  SO SWEET THOUGH.  Gotta be way negative healthwise qualities.  But delicious!  No one's questioning that.  I'm sure some people are questioning that.  THAT'S THEIR RIGHT.  LEAVE 'EM ALONE.  The point is what else is up.  Have some REAL balanced breakfast tomorrow.  That's the plan 85% of the time.  Then it rarely comes to fruition but THIS TIME AROUND YA NEVER KNOW.  Also other times around you never know.  100% of the time you never know anything about anything.  THAT SEEMS HIGH.  Oh well that's life.  I had a dream last night I was in some sort of store that sold legal marijuana.  Not just a medical marijuana dispeciariy.  Sort of like a big old Walmart store with lots of different aisles of things.  But they sold marijuana.  And I was EXCITED AS HELL about it.  BUT I realized I HAVE VERY LITTLE MONEY and also the marijuana products SEEMED TO BE WAY TOO EXPENSIVE.  Then I woke up from that nightmare.  INTO ANOTHER NIGHTMARE.  Where those stores don't exist in New York yet at all!
    Hmm.  When was the last time I smoked marijuana.  I feel like I somehow smoked a very tiny amount in 2014 or 2015.  I don't know where I got it.  Found it on the street or something maybe.  Either way, I dunno!  Also there was variety of strains of marijuana in Dream Store but REALLY what there was variety of was ways to ingest the marijuana.  Candy, cakes, other kinds of food... there WAS that sense of different strains of marijuana but even moreso was the sense of DIFFERENT FOODS THEY'RE IN.  GO FIGURE.  What paragraph we up to.  I know first 2 acts were 5 each.  This act so far is... 8th.  I'm nowhere near done.  Maybe I am.  I dunno.  Nobody knows anything.  For a long time I thought Kyle Griffin had a stupid haircut but the more I get used to it the more I realize he's got a fine haircut.  And besides he's on top of the ball with his News Update Tweets.  He's EARNED his right to have whatever haircut he wants!  And this haircut IS FINE.  I bet in person it looks even better.  Hmm. 
    As much as I consistently wanna work in Balanced Breakfasts for my breakfasts-- and relatively rarely do but sometimes do-- I also wanna work in Frozen Egg Sandwich or Scrambles Or Stuff into the mix too and VERY rarely do that.  Balanced Breakfast should be 4 times a week.  Frozen Breakfast Sandwich-or-Scramble should be 1-2 times a week.  Dumb Dessert Breakfasts more or less are the rest.  Sounds fair.  Haven't had Chocolate Chip Pancakes lately.  In current iteration of diet, I'd have 2 as a meal and 1 as a breakfast meal.  Hmm.  French Toast'd be 1 Challah slice for a breakfast.  Old Fashioned?  I DUNNO!  Waffle?  Probably 3/4ths as a breakfast.  This is good stuff let's keep it going.  Tried dividing a steak and eggs into breakfasts 2 or 3t imes.  Not terrible but also not worth all the hard work and risk involved.  What hard work.  Determining how much to eat for a breakfast.  What risk.  Is there a correct amount to divide it evenly?  Hmm sounds like a lot of Hard Work AND Risk.  I WAS RIGHT.  You know that sort of thing.
     Wonderful.  Had a hard time quickly determining how valuable this pokemon card was.  I don't think it's worth 50,000 dollars, I'll say that.  Probably worth a quarter or something!  Looked to be a halfway serviceable card!  Ugh.  Anyway.  When do I go to bed tonight.  I think the last few days I've made it to 10:45, 11:00 without taking pills to start the process of going towards my just slumber.  Look I've been awake FOR HOURS.  I Think I'VE EARNED the right to SLEEP for several hours now, too.  Anyway yeah that sort of thing.  Chicken Parm.  Ham Sandwich.  Salami Sandwich.  These are my lunches Tuesday through Thursday!  I THINK HAM SANDWICH TOMORROW.  That's how I feel TONIGHT.  Why should I make a decision for lunch tomorrow how I feel the night before.  Because I'M AN IDIOT that's why YOU IDIOT.  Just took a short break to take out garbage and recyclables.  It was several minutes.  I didn't need to tell you that.  WE HAVE NO SECRETS FROM EACH OTHER HERE.
     Ten paragraphs already done.  At this point aim for 15.  Because multiples of Fives are THE BOMB.  I find it weird The Beatles haven't released an album of new songs in decades.  The demand must be sky high!  They could make BANK by doing that.  At least the second time I've used the word, "Bank," in that context today.  It's fun!  I think I'll do it some more!  Hmm.  Does Michael Jackson own the rights to FUTURE Beatles songs.  Also now that Michael Jackson has left us who exactly owns the rights to Beatles songs.  Lemme LTURQ.  SONY.  The company SONY.  That's no fun.  I want a PERSON to own the rights not the entity.  Then again SONY is wonderful.  If it has to be a corporate entity I'm glad it's SONY.  Not sure what I'm basing that on.  Them owning the rights to the Beatles maybe.  Sure.  Looks like a solid 3 beer night tonight.  3 Beer Night.  3 Dog Night.  What's their famous song.  Were they the One Is The Loneliest Number before Aimee Man stole it from them.  Better LTURQ.  YEP THAT WAS THEM.  Apparently they had a lot of success beyond that song.  Hey good for them.  I hope Sony owns the rights to them as well.  Sony should own the rights to all of us as far as I'm concerned.  Which is RELATIVELY far.
Okay.  Whattado when 15 paragraphs is over.  Last few days I've harbored unrealistic hopes of staying up late.  Now I realize I can stay up A BIT later but not too late.  I GET TIRED.  So what can I realistically do when this is over.  Hmm.  We'll have to wait and find out I think.  I can't plan that sorta thing right now appropriately!  Also I think I saw my brother in weird Walmart Type Store where they also sold Marijuana Products but I didn't wanna call attention to the fact I saw him.  I didn't necessarily care if he saw me or didn't see me.  I wasn't ASHAMED nor was I PROUD to be there.  I just figured I don't wanna have a conversation right now about what the both of us are doing here I'm just gonna walk on by.  So I got that going for me in my dream from last night.  Also did I mention PRICES WERE SKY HIGH.  For the amount of edibles I was browsing to get the prices were WAY OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE.  Couldn't afford SHIT.  OH WELL THAT'S LIFE.
     Thirteenth paragraph!
  Sweet.  In the end today turned out okay.  If I can get up at 9 AM, that's a reasonable compromise between getting up early and getting up late.  Gives me nice breaks between walks.  FEELS like a good time to get up.  I think I'm another day closer to figuring out a Sustainable Summer To Remember!  AND WE'RE ONLY TWO DAYS INTO SUMMER.  May is Summer.  Let's talk about it!  Or not.  Because it's wrong.  The more we talk about it the more we will come to the conclusion Wait A Second This Is All Incorrect.  So let's just not talk about it hey how about that!  What else is up.  I dunno.  Poured out 3rd of 3 beers.  Gonna start that within a sentence or two.  THE WHO album is still going on.  Took a couple of short breaks to listen to Met game and a break or two to do something else.  Anyway GREAT.  I like The Who.  They're like The Who but also YEP THEY'RE THE WHO INDEED.  That was one memoir I read.  Pete Townshend.  Musta been autobiography.  It was called Who I Am.  And if it was about him and it was called Who I Am and it was written by some other jerk THAT JUST DOESN'T ADD UP NOW DOES IT.  Did I finish that book.  I remember that's the book I was on during the 1 month in Queens College where I was dorming for the summer for some reason in 2015.  No one else was around dorming.  I miscalculated how it'd be!  Either way I had that book with me.  Read most of it BEFORE the dorming.  Probably read A BIT during dorming but I don't think I Finished it during dorming.  MAYBE AFTERWARDS, MAYBE NEVER.  I'M JUST TELLING IT LIKE IT IS.
Penultimate paragraph!  Cool!  Another decent day in the books.  And tomorrow will be better!  I know what I'm doing more concretely in terms of the scheduling and planning and whatknot.  Not gonna be 100% the same!  May be even less the same than the samenesss I was doing in past iterations of what The Same Was.  But I got FRAMEWORKS to work with and I'm pleased as punch about that.  Took baths 2 or 3 times out of the last 3 or 5 mornings.  Hey if you can do it go for it.  That's how I feel about baths.  Why not LIVE IT UP.  Also water is hotter now that I'm bathing/showering earlier in the morning.  Good for me!  Bad FOR YOU.  Only limited amount of hot water going around this crazy world of ours.  Now I am enjoying more of it than before.  That means LESS FOR YOU SLIGHTLY.  If you've got a problem you know how to reach me.  E-mail is at the bottom of the web page!  That sort o thing!  1 run Met game in the bottom of the seventh.  Figure I'll just watch the end of the game when this is over.  Then re-calibrate.  Or do something else without even bother re-calibrating.
     Last paragraph of the night.  OH WATCH SHUTTER MOVIE.  90 minutes the one I'm looking at.  That takes me till past 11:00.  I CAN DO IT.  WHY NOT.  Then again WHY PUSH MYSELF.  I gotta do SOMETHING with myself.  Push myself.  Pull myself.  Lay around for a while.  Climb a rope.  I dunno what I'm gonna do with myself but Something Must Happen!  HMM ELI ROTH'S HISTORY OF HORROR DOCU SERIES.  Where each episode they celebrate a theme or something in Horror Movies.  I CAN WATCH THAT.  THAT SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT TO BE PERECTLY HONEST.  What's the first episode of season I.  ZOMBIES.  WONDERFUL.  Zombies are hit or miss with me.  20% of Zombies are THE BEST HORROR FILMS IN THE WORLD.  80% of Zombies are I HATE THIS AND I HATE YOU NOW TOO.  IN FACT I EVEN HATE MYSELF.  SO MUCH HATE.  How long are these episodes.  61 minutes.  That DOES sound scary.  But appropriate!  Also is Eli Roth an Elon Musk character.  We gotta wonder from now on everybody if they're like Elon Musk.  Also we have to figure out what Elon Musk is like.  I DON'T LIKE IT EITHER.  BUT WHAT CANW E DO JUST IGNORE HIM? ... WAIT WE CAN DO THAT?  OH.  OKAY.  SIGN ME UP FOR THAT THEN.  That's it for now.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-9:30 P.M.




Sunday, May 1, 2022

Go Ahead, Do Your Worst

    Hey!  Bad news!  Did some Bange Eating Part II last night.  Adds another few weeks of Sustainable Summer To Remember to make up the weight!  Still can lose a full 2 pounds over 4 months easily.  Just kinda sucks!  The good news is hey now that I got complete plan today could be a game changer.  Anyway.  Woke up very late today!  Woke up to have Balanced Breakfast at right time, but then went back to sleep for 2 or so hours.  DANGIT.  Anyway.  Will probably experiment with writing less in the morning.  Almost didn't feel like writing at all this morning!  Maybe experiment with writing an Act AFTER LUNCH.  Act after breakfast, act after lunch, act after dinner!  Makes sense!  Then again who cares but the point is we're all caught up.  Oh right I have nothing to say.  Almost forgot about that CAVEAT.  Turn page on World Travel Calendar.  Let's see.  SINGAPORE, SOUTH EAST ASIA.  I think that's where prostitutes come from.  No wait I'm thinking of Thailand.  Anyway they got a nice picture of a city and the buildings look real cool.  Good or them.  What Patriotism Days we got coming up.  MEMORIAL DAY AT THE END OF THE MONTH.  To memorialize all the prostitutes that migrated from Thailand to Singapore.  Or from Singapore to Thailand.  The point is prostitutes are on the move so good luck catching one if you can.
Wonderful.  Right now plan is to write an ACT I regular and then no regular Act II or III and then an Act at night.  NATIONAL FOOD OF THE DAY FOR TOMORROW IS... National Truffle Day.  Not sure I've ever had a truffle.  Maybe someone slipped me a truffle when I wasn't playing attention to me.  Like a date rape drug.  I don't think so.  I don't remember ever being date raped.  Although WOULD I remember if I was?  Hmm.  Also let's face facts Date Rape is a generous term.  I'd say most Date Rape NOT EVEN REAL DATES.  Like the Sublime Song.  Guy meets a girl in a bar and date rapes her.  THAT'S NO DATE YOU JUST MET.  That's JUST REGULAR RAPE MORE OR LESS.  What other Sublime songs are misleading.  Smoke two joints.  UNREALISTIC.  YOU'RE WASTING PRECIOUS JOINTS.  SAVE IT UNTIL YOU NEED IT AGAIN NOT JUST ONE AFTER ANOTHER.  I think there's some drug that I remember learning look you can't go over a certain threshold with this.  You'll get high or something and then the more you do it it just makes no difference.  Could have been mushrooms.  Also was told mushrooms can only be done once several months.  You do mushrooms a week after doing mushrooms nothing happens.  IN RETROSPECT THAT'S PROBABLY NOT TRUE EITHER.
What else is up.  Tried watching RASHOMAN last night.  DVD started skipping and not showing the movie 10 minutes in.  Vaguely remember now that happening the last time I tried to watch Rashoman.  IT'S ALL COMING BACK TO ME.  Lunch gonna be delicious Ham Sandwich on delicious Health bread.  LOOK I messed up the last half of a week and went from being .5 pound over my ultimate goal to being 2 pounds.  BUT SUSTAINABLE SUMMER TO REMEMBER WILL GET ME WHERE I WANNA BE.  As long as I sustain the summer appropriately.  The point is I'm out of clean clothes.  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off in the long run.  No I don't.  It won't!  Case Closed!  Watched some Correspondent's Dinner.  Joe Biden OPENED and Trevor Noah MIDDLED.  And then CNN Panel was the headliner.  Either way great good for them I hope they're having a blast because it kind of sucks out here in the real world.  Anyway.  I remember thinking I JUST WANNA GO TO SLEEP.  MAYBE THE FULLER I AM THE MORE LIKELY I'LL FALL ASLEEP.  Wasn't the best plan in retrospect.  But I DID fall asleep at some point.
     Fourth paragraph!  Maybe make an effort to just eat smaller meals for like a month.  Half my meals are already pretty small.  Just bump that up to all meals for a month.  NO THAT GOES AGAINST THE WHOLE PRINCIPLE OF SUSTAINABLE SUMMER.  The point is JUST DO WHAT I WOULD NORMALLY DO FROM HERE ON and it would presumably gradually have me lose weight.  Oh Okay Now I Get It I guess.  Anyway.  AGAIN the weight I'm at right now is perectly fine.  I just WANT A SUSTAINABLE SUMMER.  No more worrying.  No more banging, no more spending weeks trying to make up for banging... jus every day is NORMAL.  WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM.  IS IT BECAUSE O ENTRY.  I feel like if I wasn't spending so much time and/or vague effort writing entries my body-mind-set would be in a better place.  Not constantly wanting food.  Food gives you ENERGY.  I SPEND ENERGY writing this website.  I need to REPLENISH THAT ENERGY in the form of food.  Makes vague amount of sense.
Okay.  Maybe try tomorrow to just write in evening.  See how that goes.  I figured for today I'd at least give you a heads-up that a change might be a-comin'!  Anyway gonna take a walk after this paragraph because I'm behind on walks.  Then write another 5 paragraph act WITH COFFEE.  Then that's probably it for the day until the night.  That sort of thing!  Man oh man I have entire day to do stuff with.  Still a lot of walks.  But also a lot of DAY.  Well today not much of a difference.  Wasted some time sleeping more.  That's no waste of time.  Sleeping is THE BEST.  I challenge anyone to come up with a time better than sleeping.  Sex.  I DUNNO ABOUT THAT.  GONNA HAVE TO LOOK INTO THAT ONE.  Won't reach 8 walks tonight.  I'd be lucky to get to 7!  So there's that.  Also ate a few fiber bars JUST NOW.  Not a bange but like 4-5 of them JUST FOR NO FREAKIN' REASON.  Dumb Official Weigh In being over.  Now my body is like ALRIGHT FOUR MONTHS UNTIL NEXT TIME, TIME TO HAVE SOME FUN.  Man is my body a moron.  Anyway I'll be back in a bit.




We're In This Together

    HEY!  Took an extra break.  Walk after last act, rest, walk, now listening to music and writing!  Gonna be able to fit in 7 walks.  Nice!  Gonna have nice light lunch of Oh I Don't Know Matzoh Ball Soup and 1 or 2 Pieces Of Health Bread?  Exciting!  I like Day without So Much Entry.  I make up for it In Night anyway!  Anyway haven't been on Twitter all day.  Let's see if I can keep that going.  I don't like that Leon Musk!  Something's WRONG with him!  Something's wrong with EVERYONE.  Yeah but the thing(s) wrong with him RUB ME THE WRONG WAY more than the thing(s) wrong with you.  I can't quite put my finger on it.  I don't want to!  Keep my fingers to myself  PANDEMIC OUT THERE.  Can't be touching people.  What am I some sort of idiot?  Anyway.  Some afternoon listening to music on Special Speakers is GREAT.  I knew they sounded good before but for the first time I'm like hey I'm some real Music Man Fan listening to some Real Songs I Like Real Well.  Let's see Leon Musk DO THAT!  Why.  I dunno wanna see people do stuff.  IS THAT SO WRONG.
     Hmm.  Today is May Day.  I think!  That's what they say in Air Force Planes when they're about to crash.  They go MAYDAY MAYDAY something AWFUL HAS HAPPENED TELL ME WIFE I LOVE HER.  BUT DON'T SAY, "I LOVE YOU," SHE'LL THINK YOU MEAN YOURSELF.  SAY, "MY NAME' LOVES YOU," JUST TO AVOID ANY CONFUSION.  ANYWAY HAVEN'T CRASHED YET.  AT THIS POINT STARTING TO WONDER IF IT WILL EVER HAPPEN.  ANYWAY IS MAY DAY A REAL DAY THING.  YEP STILL ME TALKING.  Hmm.  Not sure May Day is a real holiday.  I saw there's a Russian May Themed Holiday on the ninth I think.  And the article I read was talking about how Putin might use that National Holiday to be like YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK IT LETS GO TO WAR WITH UKRAINE.  And then the audience will be like what have we been doing for the last 2 or 3 months and Putin has them all DISAPPEARED for questioning his proclamation.  Sounds about right.  OH THAT PUTIN CHARACTER.  Always disappearing people.  PUTIN'S FAVORITE BAND-- GO!  Hmm.
  Original plan was to have Soup and Sandwich at same time.  Too much for me right now.  I'm not eating for another 2 or 3 hours.  Still.  How about soup and HALF SANDWICH.  GREAT BUT THEN WHAT TO DO WITH OTHER HALF A SANDWICH.  Either get another soup at some point over the week or maybe have it with cup of noodles or something?  Both good options.  Both VERY good options.  In fact I WISH I COULD DO THAT RIGHT NOW.  Especially getting another soup which is the same soup as this time and have it with the other half of the sandwich.  THE SECOND HALF IS THE BETTER HALF.  THE OTHER SOUP THAT'S THE SAME IS BETTER THAN THE FIRST SOUP THAT'S THE SAME.  I think I've made my point abundantly clear.  Anyway.  Figure 5 paragraphs for this act.  Not gonna bother posting to internet until tonight after NightTime Act.  What else.  Had sustainable summer standard of 3 beers last night.  Wunderbar!
    Maybe add some cheez its if I feel like it.  LOOK I know I snacked too much this morning.  Part of having a sustainable summer to remember is just doing the normal thing anyway.  That's where the SUSTAINABLE kicks in.  It sustains even if you don't automatically obsessively course correct for any mistake-em-ups!  Hmm.  Music is fun!  Almost forgot about that.  METS GAME AT 7:00 PM.  DID I HIT CAPS LOCK BY ACCIDENT?  YOU BET.  MIGHT HAVE I DECIDED TO CAP THESE SENTENCES ANYWAY FOR SOME STRANGE REASON ANYWAY?  CERTAINLY A POSSIBILITY.  Ahh there we go back to normal.  CAPS IS PRETTY NORMAL ON THIS WEBSITE.  Certainly in the 95 percentile of Things You Read that just CAPITALIZES THINGS often.  I feel like Trump used to do that on Twitter a lot.  Can't remember for sure.  Oh well.  I bet if Twitter was around for Hitler he'd be ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME.  Not even just OFTEN.  JUST EVERY POST WOULD BE CAPS.  And his detractors would be like LOL DOES HE KNOW HE HAS CAPS LOCK ON ALL THE TIME.  And then he'd feel shamed and Not Do The Holocaust.  Look if I know Hitler LIKE I THINK I KNOW HITLER all he needed was some people poking fun at him and he'd CRUMBLE LIKE A PLASTIC BAG IN THE WIND.  Plastic bags in wind don't crumble.  THEY MIGHT.  SOMETIMES.  YOU DON'T KNOW.
Anyway.  Was gonna say Paper Tiger which is a halfway appropriate thing to say but for some reason I don't like that phrase.  Reminds me of Sadako and the Paper Cranes.  And when we read that in third grade WE had to make paper cranes for some reason.  AND I'M NOT GOOD WITH MOTOR SKILLS.  I don't wanna make paper cranes.  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  Also makes me think of those things that you do with your children friends like who you gonna marry and then you fold it back and forth some ways and it gives you a 1/8th chance on a name of some jerk you're gonna marry.  What are those things called.  THAT'S THE PROBLEM they're called Paper Tigers AS FAR AS WE KNOW.  So you can see why I'm confused and why I'm confused is WHY I DON'T LIKE IT.  Who likes being confused IT'S TERRIBLE.  Hmm.  Might get Health Bread again next week.  That's how much I tolerated it in a relatively positive fashion!  Anyway done here for now.  I suppose it's possible I write another act of 5 or so paragraphs before NightTime.  We'll see! 



i think you have a problem

    HEY!  I realize a lot of you might be scared and confused at the time of me writing this.  Because it's Evening and I haven't posted an entry yet today.  I'm sorry for your loss.  What loss.  You lost fun time this afternoon.  Either way I empathize with you feel In The Past... or the future... OR RIGHT NOW... i'm confused.  Either way!  Had delicious sandwich with soup for lunch.  Who cares if I have a side.  SOUP WAS DELICIOUS.  Also for a while I was considering just having the soup and skipping the sandwich.  So maybe the sandwich was the side.  SANDWICH WAS DELICIOUS TOO I HAVE NO REGRETS.  Also I made coffee in the morning!  Forgot to drink it until after Late Lunch!  Realized HEY I COULD SKIM DOWN MY CALORIES A LOT BY DRINKING COFFEE BLACK.  So I tried that.  Ya know what?  NOT BAD.  I CAN DO THIS.  That's 75-150 calories over 2 cups a day I'm saving.  THIS SUMMER JUST GOT A LOT MORE SUSTAINABLE.  THAT SORT OF THING.  Had delicious Steak &/V Stuffed Mushroom [with third of baked potato (and 2 small pieces of broccoli)] for dinner.  ALSO SALT.  PUT SALT ON ALL OF THAT.  EVEN THE STEAK AND BROCCOLI.  ESPECIALLY THE BROCCOLI.  I AIN'T MESSIN' AROUND.  One beer in.  Two to go!
    What else.  Decided on watching THE EDWARD SCISSORHANDS when entry is over.  I have it on The DVD.  I've seen it a couple times before!  My impression has always been I got this in high school and I figure the girl(s) I had crush(es) on in high school would like this movie so I better be on the up and up with it.  Now I am very far removed from having crushes on girls in high school but maybe FILM will bring back feeling somehow.  FILMS BRINGING UP FEELINGS?  Is that a thing?  Guess we'll find out!  When entry is over!  I ALREADY WATCHED OPENIGN CREDITS/SEQUENCE.  So far YES SOME FEELINGS.  Not A LOT.  But a reasonable amount.   THANKS TO THE SCORE.  WHAT A WONDERFUL SCORE.  That sort of thing.  Also in retrospect the girl(s) I have crush(es) on in high school would have thought this film was lame.  They're WAY beyond this kinda crap.  Only me-- a sucker!-- would be into this film.  THERE YOU HAVE IT I WAS A SUCKER IN HIGH SCHOOL.  And still am.  In fact, more than ever!  Watched that tonight.  Doesn't get any suckier than that.
     I'm a little concerned there's too many commercials for Taco Bell Breakfasts.  Not only too many commercials for Taco Bell in general.  NOT ONLY COMMERCIALS FOR TACO BELL BREAKFASTS IN GENERAL.  But VARIOUS MULTIPLE DIFFERENT COMMERCIALS FOR TACO BELL BREAKFASTS.  Look they're covering all their bases.  If one of these doesn't make me wanna eat Taco Bell breakfast then surely the 2nd or 3rd would.  And guess what.  YUP.  THIRD ONE DID.  Still not gonna get it.  I can't Door Dash for breakfast.  I'm not sure that's on the up and up.  Either way Good For Them They Made Me Want To Eat Their Crap.  Anyway.  Gonna start getting up a bit later.  No need to fit in 20 paragraphs regimented with 3 or 4 walks in the first few hours o the day.  Get up an hour later!  Take things day by day MOMENT BY MOMENT.  ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN THESE DAYS AND I LOVE IT.  For example I saw an article headline saying Kim Jong Un would consider using nuclear weapons preemptively.  SEE ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN AND I LOVE IT.
Cool!  I feel like I'm not sure if going from Ill --> Un is progress or going backwards.  Kim Jong.  Okay.  We get it.  Same old first name and middle name.  Ill to UN?  I DUNNO I GOTTA SAY I THINK ILL IS THE CLASSIC.  I'm gonna go with preferring Il.  Also I know it's not first, middle, then last name.  They do things in weird orders in that part of the world.  I GET IT.  I'm just looking at it from AMERICA'S point of view (the Best Point Of View).  Is that enough to enrage Kim Jong Etcetera to preemptively nuclear bomb me?  My guess is no.  If I thought that would happen, probably wouldn't say it!  Unless I felt that the people around me REALLY needed o be nuclear bombed such that I'd sacrifice myself just to know They're Getting Nuked Too.  Which I DON'T feel.  I like my household people.  I like my neighbors!  I LIKE PEOPLE WHO LIVE WITHIN A 10 MILE RADIUS OR WHATEVER HIS NUKES WILL COVER.
     Anyway.  Gonna have to take out garbage in 20 minutes.  That's no chore at all!  I kind of like it!  For a year it was LITERALLY the only time I would leave the house practically.  Maybe had an in-person doctor appointment a handful of times over the year.  Took out garbage twice a week!  FINALLY SOME, "MICHAEL TIME."  My name is Michael.  Not sure if we ever covered that.  Also Time means Time.  My dad likes the movie Time After Time.  I like the song Time After Time.  Gotta imagine my son will like the video game Time After Time.  And his son will not exist Apocalypse would have happened by then.  Oh well that's the way things go I guess.  Finished Egg whites this morning.  WASTED NO TIME and made more egg whites a few hours ago.  I'm gonna eat a balanced breakfast all the time even if it kills me.  Well UP TO the time it kills me.  After that I will stop eating balanced breakfasts.  As far as I know!  I don't know if there's an afterlife and what would go on during it!  Maybe it's just eating balanced breakfast!
     Hmm.  Haven't touched my 2nd beer yet.  Cause I'm ON A ROLL.  What else.  Got Met game going on ON MUTE in background.  Good game going on!  Some good pitching.  Some BAD pitching.  Some good hitting.  REASONABLE DEFENSE.  Look you know how baseball goes at this point in your life.  Unless you're four.  Maybe you're four and you don't know how baseball goes.  Go ask someone else.  I don't see how explaining baseball to you became my problem.  Hmm.  What else is up.  I dunno!  Watched the new Fiction Mini-Series made by The Wire people which is CLOSE ENOUGH TO THE WIRE TO GIVE ME GOOSEBUMPS.  Man oh man I liked that show and now this show is pretty similar AM I GETTING AN ERECTION?  Not a penis erection.  Not a heart erection.  SOME sort of Feelings Erection that I can't pin-point exactly.  Either way Wait a second police... too much power... get away with bad things... most of them are bad... we still give them power... that sums that up more or less.  LOOK we need to narrow down what part of my body is erect.  I don't think we're gonna settle this one any time soon.
What else is crap.  Pretty sure I've never had a Taco Bell Breakfast.  Macdonalds Breakfast, sure.  Burger King, yep.  Wendys?  POSSIBLE.  I've had White Castle at breakfast time but I don't think I ever got Breakfast Menu White Castle.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  About what.  Huh?  Oh okay.  May Day is definitely a thing.  It might be a pro-worker holiday or something.  Good for them.  Us!  Afterall I'm just A Worker Without A Job.  I guess?  Hmm.  Not a fan of how many Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars came in the package.  I've been blowing through them and there just appears to be a never ending well of them.  24 probably off the top of my head.  Can't be any more than that.  36?  NO WAY.  12?  NOPE MORE THAN THAT.  18?  IT'S POSSIBLE.  Lemme LTURQ.  Looks like probably 16.  PERECT.  In some states I CAN MARRY a 16 Year Old.  Wait hold on a second what?  NOTHING.  Just saying in some states I can marry someone whose amount of years alive is equal to the amount of cinnamon toast crunch bars there are in this cardboard package.  Oh okay I see.
Hmm.  A few minutes early to do garbage but I'm gonna go ahead and take care of that now.  Hey just did that.  Eighth paragraph of the act.  Figure ten is the way to go!  Having health ice cream bar!  Figure that was the way to go!  At this point maybe aim to just have 2 beers overall so I can be on track to have THREE BEERS NORMALLY the next few nights and then Thursday Abstinence Night I GOT A FULL 2 STORED UP.  WOW NO ABSTINENCE AT LEAST 2 BEERS ALL I NEED TO DO IS  DRINK ONLY ONE MORE BEER TONIGHT AND NOT TWO YOU GET THE IDEA AND WHATKNOT.  Anyway.  A few weeks ago or so stopped keeping track of Meal Calories.  Stopped keeping track of Meal TIMES a bit.  SNACKS ARE NEXT.  Figure out how to be in Sustainable Summer II Remember Snackwise and NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.  WOW SUSTAINABLE AS FUCK IF I COULD FIGURE THAT ONE OUT.  HEY THE METS JUST TOOK THE LEAD.  ON DELAY.  I HAVE IT ON DELAY.  BUT THEY JUST TOOK THE LEAD NOW TO ME WHATEVER THAT MEANS TO YOU AND OR REAL WORLD TIME.  Ugh.  The point is I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast today and I think I can AND SHOULD have Frosted Flakes tomorrow.  DON'T ARGUE WITH ME I DON'T NEED THIS TO BECOME A BIG THING JUST LET IT GO.
  Maybe drink 3 beers anyway.  Have fun! Bedtime isn't until 2 hours for now is the plan.  Is the mascot of the Philadelphia Phillies A Horse.  I assume they're mostly Phillies because it sounds like Philadelphia.  But don't degenerate gamblers also call horses Phillies?  So they could lean into that.  Also BLUNTS.  I swear I've heard Marijuana wrapped in cigar wrappings referred to as a Philly.  And then there's this baseball team HOW ABOUT THAT.  I think a Phillie is a SMALL blunt.  It's bigger than a joint but smaller than a big blunt.  I DON'T KNOW ANY OF THIS.  It's all based on knowledge I gained 14 years ago WHEN I WAS HIGH.  That's life I guess.  METS JUST TOOK A BIGGER LEAD!  That's life I guess.  Wonderful.  I think I'm gonna need a third beer if I want to enjoy Edward Scissorhands.  This REALLY seems like the kind of movie my high school crush(es) would enjoy watching and I dunno if I would like it.  Ugh.  Nice score though!  Can't go wrong with that score at all!  Is phillie a brand of cigar?  I think that could be what I'm thinking of.  The point is you put the marijuana leaves in ceremonial windings that you've removed the tobacco from and presumably just got rid of and then you smoke that.  Oh okay now I see.
  Turns out I didn't drink a single beer with this Act/Entry.  Had one with dinner.  Will have one after this paragraph!  Go figure!  If ALL GOES ACCORDING TO PLAN re: going to bed and re: getting up nice 9 hour sleep.  Nice going to bed relatively late for me and getting UP relatively late for me BOTH OF WHICH SOUND DELICIOUS.  Also tomorrow is another day to see how Sustainable I Can Be.  Look I know we're not even halfway through Spring.  I don't care!  May first?  TIME FOR A SUMMER TO REMEMBER.  Which either lasts through August or September.  Look I know Autumn starts September 21st or so.  DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT.  Maybe ENTIRE SEPTEMBER is part of Summer or maybe NONE OF SEPTEMBER is part of Summer To Remember.  DEFINITELY NOT 2/3rds of it though.  WE DEAL WITH CLEAN MONTHS HERE AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT.  Hmm.  That'll do it for today I guess!  I'll see you tomorrow for some reason!

-9:09 P.M.









Contact: mankindguy@gmail.com