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Monday, October 31, 2022

What A Day This'll Be

    Hey!  Right on schedule today.  Gonna fit in Acts I and II with no crunch time more or less.  Unless I get distracted.  Gonna start some laundry after walk iii instead of shower.  I got three clean shirts left!  No time like the present to take care of some business.  WORST PART is the two button down shirts.  I gotta button them and/or turn them inside out.  THAT ADDS UP TO 90 SECONDS OF WORK.  Not a fan!  Either way I'm ALSO going to laundromat one morning this week.  For my Dad's clothes.  Or some of them.  I think some of his clothes we do regular, and some he gets done in laundromat!  I'm not 100% sure why!  Maybe you should ask him.  Either way had a good amount of NightMight snacking.  Good in the sense that it was HEARTY amount, not in the sense that I Was Happy About It.  Either way had Ring Dings for breakfast.  Probably gonna have half of leftover eggwhites with Chinese Food Lunch.  Maybe ALL of leftover eggwhites!  WOW WHAT ABOUT DINNER.  Ham sandwich probably!  WOW WHAT ABOUT TOMORROW LUNCH.  Huh.  Didn't think of that.  NOW I DON'T KNOW.  I guess either turkey sandwich or turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti.  WHAT ABOUT DINNER AFTER THAT.  Some communal dinner!
   Hmm.  Dreamt about one of my songs again last night.  Nothing PRODUCTIVE.  There was no great inspiration on how to add to it or make sense out of it.  Just sorta dreamd What I Already Got So Far.  Still, I'll take it as a good sign to work on that song for today.  Or maybe it's a sign that brain is saying YUP, this is all you're capable for this song.  Get used to it because It Ain't Gettin' No Better.  God damn Dreams!  Always making a mockery of my creative plans.  What else is going on.  Still reading twitter even though I've reached my tipping point of being done with it.  Gotta imagine I'll wean myself off of it slowly.  MAYBE QUICKLY, what do I know.  I don't know the band WEEN.  I've heard of it.  When I was younger.  Haven't heard much about it in the last 20 years.  Better LTURQ.  YEP they're a band for sure.  Hallow Ween.  That's what today is!  Anyway toe is in some pain but tolerable for now.  Based on past experience I think it will get worse over the day.  God Dangit.  I should go into walk in clinic to have it checked out.  I've had this kinda thing 2 or 3 times before in a toe and/or a finger.  WHY WON'T IT GET BETTER ON ITS OWN THOUGH.
Ugh.  If I was DOCTOR I could probably take care of it myself.  If I had the Know How and The Tools Of The Trade.  I have neither of those things.  Maybe I can MacGyver some tools of the trade.  Paper clip to Pop the infection and some paper towels and whatknot.  Huh.  Now that I Think about it this toe isn't as bad as those past infections.  The past ones had VERY noticblae red blister type thing filled with puss.  This I think There's a BIT of a red indentation but nowhere near the level.  Lemme UNSOCK and see.  YEAH.  I wouldn't have even noticed the inflammation if I weren't looking for it.  Also it's a bit red but I wouldn't notice that either if I weren't looking for it.  The point is Just Get paper clip and jam it into the inflammation.  That's what a doctor would do.  Then squeeze out all the pus, put a bandaid on it.  Problem sovlved.  Probably gonna lead to New Worse Problems.  But that's a risk I'll have to take.
   Fourth paragraph.  Also I still say there's a good chance this is related to some Toe Nail growing badly.  Hey, I bet there's a lot of National Foods Of Tomorrow.  Cause it's a new month.  Let's see.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Ugh.  Gotta write all those things.  FINE.  Banana Pudding Lovers Month.  National Fun With Fondue Month.  National Peanut Butter Lovers Month.  National Pepper Month.  National Pomegranate Month.  National Raisin Bread Month.  National Roasting Month.  National Calzone Day.  National Cinnamon Day.  National Deep Fried Clams Day.  National Vinegar Day.  Pate Day.  National Fig Week.  Ok.  Banana Pudding Lovers-- DUMB.  Fun with Fondue-- COULD BE FUN.  Peanut Butter Lovers-- SLANT RHYME.  National Pepper Month-- BE MORE SPECIFIC.  Pomegranate-- DUMB.  Raisin Bread-- COULD BE GOOD.  Roasting-- ROASTING WHAT.  Cinnamon Day-- GOOD.  Calzone Day-- GOOD.  Deep Fried Clams Day-- COULD BE INTERESTING.  Vinegar-- HUH?  Pate-- WHAT?  Fig-- DUMB.  What a great paragraph.
   Six paragraphs to go before recess.  What kinda structure is my day taking Post Walk III.  Well first things first I'm starting the laundry.  Beyond that Walks And Whatknots I'm not 100% sure how it's gonna turn out.  Anyway.  Started re-watching Freaks &/v Geeks last night.  About halfway through the first episode.  Good stuff.  I like the part where they're in high school.  SOUNDS LIKE MOST OF THE SHOW.  Sometimes they're at home.  Also over the course of the series it rings a bell that sometimes they're not at high school OR at their home-- ANY of their homes!  Wow a variety of settings is a great TV trick to keep the audiences interested.  Gonna have to remember that one.  VARY the settings.  Maybe not so much time.  Have a regular chronological reasonable Time Schedule.  But PLACES ANEW could be fun.  Huh.  I'm surprised there weren't more Memento Movies after Memento came out. I would have thought one in three movies after that would be like HEY I WANNA TRY THAT.  And 33% of movies are Memento Movies.  Huh.  Coffee time.
  Five paragraphs to go.  Let's aim to have em done in about fourty five minutes.  That's more than enough.  I guess.  Unless I get distracted.  IT'S HAPPENED BEFORE.  Anyway.  I'm not great at music in a lot of ways but one thing I'm totally useless at is what key should this song be in.  I could generally figure out what key to play it in NOMINALLY.  I can figure out oh it's easier to play this song in C without taking into account the tuning or if there's a capo on.  BUT the overall song-- that'd be a C if it was standard tuning-- I have no idea whether to do it in standard tuning!  Or half a step or 2 down.  Or with a capo on at any point.  IT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE I FEEL when listening to music.  I just DON'T GET IT/HEAR IT.  Hmm.  My first instinct is guess I gotta go with my gut but I think my gut more often than not will be wrong!  I think more or less gotta go with my third instinct. 
   Seventh paragraph.  Also presumably it's relevant to the key you wanna sing in.  WAIT WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SINGING IN KEY?  NO ONE EVER TOLD ME ABOUT THAT.  Huh.  It's hard for me to tell most of the time whether I'm singing or just talking.  These may be notes in a melody or something.  Or I may just be talking and any musicality to it is completely coincidental.  I DON'T KNOW.   Either way that's life.  Started Abbey Road.  A Solid four or five songs in.  WE LEFT OFF halfway through I Want You (She's So Heavy).  Only logic I can make of those two phrases together is This other girl is too heavy-- overweight-- so now I want you.  At first I was confused what it meant.  Sounded like it doesn't mean anything!  THEN I CAME UP WITH THIS EXPLANATION and it seems pretty straightforward.  LOOK Heavy could mean other things.  Maybe she's just TOO MUCH Ya know what I mean.  Let's go with that.  I don't think The Beatles would make a point to make fun of someone for being overweight.  Maybe they would.  NEVER MET THE GUYS.
Three paragraphs to go!  I think I used to imagine Half of the Beatles songs that were mostly Early Ones that all sound very similar were sung by ALL FOUR Beatles.  Now that I think about it I don't think I heard four vocals during my listenings.  Lemme LTURQ.  Looks like they all sang on only one or two songs.  FINE HOW ABOUT SONGS WHERE THREE OF EM SANG.  I tried looking it up and came up with no easy answers.  Oh well such is life.  Let's move on with Ours.  I THINK THREE VOCALS IS REASONABLE.  Get some super harmony going.  Why not.  Couldn't HURT.  The point is it's been, what, 2 or 3 weeks since Mets were eliminated from playoffs?  Hasn't been ONE real comprehensive Feel Good Article about the season and how we should be somewhat happy about it.  Hmm.  Sounds like I'll have to write the article if I wanna see it!  I DON'T KNOW METS WELL ENOUGH.  I know they have STARLING MARTE.  I know they got SETH LUGO.  That's about all I got.  Huh.  How many people live in Brazil.  I'm gonna say... hmm... THIRTY MILLINO PEOPLE.  I think I'm probably off by Oh I Don't Know TEN MILLION PEOPLE.  214 Million People.  JUST AS I SUSPECTED.  The point is HOLY CRAP BRAZIL GOT A NICE CHUNK OF POPULATION.  Good for them. 
   Penultimate paragraph before next walk.  How's Brazil Economy. With that amount of people I hope they got Good Economy!  Eighth largest economy in the world!  But still recovering from recession a few years ago.  Anyway.  I'd like to learn more about Brazil.  Is it REALLY in the top right of South America.  Hmm.  YEP pretty much exactly where I imagined.  Google What's so great about Brazil.  Lots of good tourism.  Lots of good soccer.  Amazon Rainforst.  Are we allowed to tour the amazon rainforest and/or play soccer there.  Gotta imagine we should be environmentally conscious and just steer clear of interfering with rain forest altogether.  You might Walk on a branch and it snaps in half and now YOU'RE DESTROYING THE AMAZON RAIN FOREST.  Anyway.  I can see myself sticking with Freaks */v Geeks to completion.  I enjoy this show and crap.  Let's see in high school was I a FREAK or a GEEK.  I dunno.  You'd have to ask Everyone Else.  I can't say what I was.  IT's subjective and based on PERCEPTIONS.  Hmm.  I wonder what word people would use to describe me.  WEIRD comes to mind.  Probably a lot of people would say QUIET.  Oh well.  ONE HAPPENING DUDE would be a common response.
   Last paragraph before walk!  Amazing!  Wrote this act real quicklike.  Not real qualitylike.  But at least it was real somthinglike.  Huh.  Haven't thought about Toe Pain in about 15 minutes.  Now I'm thinking of it and it doesn't feel that bad immediately!  WOW WHAT A GREAT DEVELOPMENT.  Huh.  According to GRAPHIC I saw it looks like most countries in South and Central America are on the Left Wing Spectrum.  WOW.  Southern Hemisphere of Western Hemisphere knows what's up!  HEY gotta be ready for Halloween Door Bellers.  Gonna have to skip a walk I'd take normally in the evening when my Dad is teaching.  End up with six walks overall I'd say.  Could be 5-7.  Probably finish Abbey Road this walk.  What kinda album am I looking into for later.  Thinking about going through Led Zeppelin and/or The Monkees.  I'm already 2.5 albums into the Monkees!  But at this point I think it makes more sense to listen to Apple Music PLAYLISTS of top Monkee songs.  Presumably THREE playlists-- that's what they got for prolific artists.  The Monkees Essentials, The Monkees Next Steps, and The Monkees Deep Cuts.  With probably a dozen or two tracks for each one.  Huh.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  See ya soon!




That's What You Said Yesterday

    Hey!  One and a half more songs to go to finish Abbey Road.  Then my Fun With The Beatles is over.  Thought of another band I can go through discogrophy, Why It's Only The AC/DC's!  Is there a good TOP ALBUM list or am I going through Chronology Based.  ALRIGHT The same website I had to go through Bob Dylan and Beatles  Has a Worst --> Best AC/DC albums!  Let's do that.  I like the part where THIS MUSIC GETS YA GOING.  Wow the first album is #17.  Sounds like about 17 albums I'd be going through then.  Lemme take a quick look at Track Listing.  See if I recognize a song or two.  HARD AS A ROCK?  I LOVE THAT SONG.  Also when I first was listening to it the Iraq war was going on.  So I kept hearing It's hard as Iraq.  It's HARDER than Iraq.  What fun.  Presumably about some other current events issue.  This issue is so hard, it's as hard as Iraq War Issue.  Ya know what?  IT'S HARDER than Iraq War.  WOW I wonder what it is.  Guess the rest of the album explains it.  So that's good.  Remembered I have to be around in late afternoon to Answer Door and Dispense Candy.  Now I realize I'm only taking 5 walks today!  ALSO I can't be recording music in the late afternoon either.  Gotta be able to Hear Doorbell. 
   Looks like I'm gonna have like 1.5-2 hours after walk iv before I gotta start keeping watch on doorbell.
  I can hopefully record a song then.  Maybe not FINAL FINAL song.  But another step forward recording.  And during rest of day CATCH UP ON SOME READING.  I'm on a book I wanna read.  Read the first two chapters a day or two ago.  It's a book I got when I took some sort of Humor Class at Queens College.  Forget what it was called exactly.  But anyway this is a relatively short book that talks about Comedy from A vaguely academic standpoint.  It's surely academic.  But not SUPER academic that I don't understand it.  Either way HMM WONDER WHAT COMEDY IS ALL ABOUT.  I don't really deal in comedy.  I deal in the absurd!  Comedy would be a worthy pursuit though, too.  Anyway.  Maybe my mom agrees with me that we should do laundry at a later day.  I FEEL LIKE I WANNA PUSH IT BACK.  Hmm.  Toe is in enough pain that it effects my walking.  Not walking regularlike.  Kinda looks like I'm walking with a limp.  But it's based on me not wanting to put pressure on toe.
   Sure!  Maybe pad Chinese Food with Half the Egg White.  I think I said that before.  Maybe get fancy and cop up egg white into little bits and SPRINKLE IT over Chinese Food.  WOW.  What else is up.  Feels like the song I work on today should be the song that showed up in my dream last night.  Makes sense.  THEN AGAIN the song that showed up in my dream the night before was perhaps the most clunky of the recordings i did yesterday.  HMM.  Maybe I should do the song that's THE POLAR OPPOSITE of the song I dreamt.  Wonder how much General Tso Chicken I have left.  Could be as high as 5 or 6 pieces.  That'd be pretty good.  Could be as low a 3 pieces.  In which case I'LL MAKE DO.  The point is do I got any alternative to Sandwich or Turkey Meatloaf for dinner.  IN HOUSE alternative.  Huh.  Maybe I can have a bagel with that egg whites.  THAT SOUNDS INTERESTING LET'S CIRCLE BACK TO THAT NEVER BECAUSE WE CAME UP WITH EVEN BETTER IDEA.
I dunno.  Think I got some Cup o Noodles.  What would I pair it with though.  BAGEL.  No way!  Hmm.  Gotta snack coming up if I feel like it.  Hmm.  Dependable granola bar would be good.  It's dependable.  It's a granola bar.  What more do you want!  Is there a single song where Bon Scott dies and then Brian Johnson takes over.  I think it halfway through Back In Black.  Starts off with Bon Scott, then unfortunately he dies mid recording, and luckily Brian Johnson was there  and jumps in to finish it up.  Sounds about right.  I READ ACDC book.  I KNOW DAMN WELL that's not how it happened.  Oh well such is life.  I read this comedy book before.  I think all of it!  I EVEN CAME ACROSS A PARAGRAPH I PUT IN BRACKETS.  Not sure WHY.  Didn't seem that much better than other paragraphs.  Might have been relevant to some assignment we had based on the book.  Either that or I was in a generous mood Bracketting things for later interest.  Hey one more paragraph for the day.
Yeah.  I'd like to deal in comedy.  I feel I do sometimes!  But dealing in the absurd is easier.  So there's that.  When was this comedy book written.  There might have been HUGE ADVANCES in comedy since then.  Published in 2013.  Oh.  So they got through Knocked Up.  That's good.  Looks like I'm gonna have to do the laundry when I get back from upcoming walk.  Sure.  I'll survive.  I assume.  I know what to do more or less I assume.  Shouldn't be too much of a hassle!  IN 2003-2004 WHAT ISSUE IS HARDER THAN IRAQ.  Hmm.  That was probably THE TOP hardest current events political issue.  And it had lots of Sub-issues too.  Lemme LURQ.  Terrorism and crap.  They're related because WE WERE TOLD they're related.  And apparently in my mind they still are.  Even though I know better.  Oh Well They Got Me Good I guess.  I think they ARE related because we probably tortured both, "Suspected," Terrorists in general AS WELL as torturing Iraqis in general.  Oh okay I see.  Anyway.  I'll be back tonight.




so much fun to have

    Hey!  What a shitful day.  Accomplished nothing other than Experienced More Pain.  Gonna go to the walk in clinic tomorrow morning.  Gonna have to skip Entry tomorrow.  I could write evening entry.  WRONG, PAL!  Why.  I don't KNOW.  Anyway ate a bunch of candy today.  Skipped lunch which made up for most of it.  But still probably went over board!  Mostly Mini TWIX.  If there are two Fun Sizes of Twix this was THE FUNNEST size.  Which means the smaller one.  EITHER WAY DELICIOUS.  Finished Chinese Food for dinner.  Only three or four General Tso pieces left.  In retrospect that helped make up for Candy Too.  Anyway.  Gave out TWO Trick Or Treatersworth of candy.  Pretty sure second guy was an adult!  He seemed too call for a child and he spoke with an adult's voice.  Didn't pay any further attention than that.  BEYOND YOUR HEIGHT AND YOUR VOICE NO BUSINESS OF MINE WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU ARE.  Either way told both people (assuming they were separate people and not the same consciousness uploaded into two different kind of cyborg bodies meant to replicate humans) they could take TWO candies.  BAG HAD Milky Way, Snickers, Twix, and 3 Musketeers.  NOT A LOTTA TWIX TOHUGH.  I SAW TO THAT PERSONALLY.
Read a few pages of Comedy Book.  Too much pain to read!  Watched a bunch of Freaks */v Geeks.  But the best part was I drifted into sleep around 4-5 PM.  I WISH IT WAS RIGHT NOW I MISS IT SO MUCH.  Anyway.  Not gonna take a walk tonight.  That'd be pretty dumb.  Hmm.  Didn't work on any music today, either.  I feel like if I go to Walk In Clinic tomorrow morning I might be able to do Music Productiveness tomorrow.  And miss ENTRY writing instead of MUSIC working.  Huh.  Look I also had a few non candy snacks over the day.  TWO iced cream sandwiches NON CONSECUTIVELY as well as a golden graham bar and a cinnamon toast crunch bar.  ALSO NON CONSECUTIVELY. NOTHING WAS CONSECUTIVE.  That's just not how I do thing!  Hmm.  First half dozen times I watched Freaks Or Geeks I didn't register that Jason Segal's character was really bad at drums.  I always thought HEY SOUNDS REASONABLE TO ME.  I know there's that scene where he auditions and does poorly.  I always just thought oh he's pretty good but they're just a bit better than him.  Tough to make it as a drummer!  Gotta be The Best Of The Best!  NO PUN INTENDED.  PETE BEST.  LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.
   Either way.  Now I see oh Not Very Good.  Gonna have a lollipop now.  That will soothe me painfulness.  WOW CHERRY.  What am I doing for Recess Intervention.  That's not what an Intervention is.  Hmm.  What word am I thinking of.  INTERMISSION.  Although I could use a Recess Intervention too.  Look, Mike, I know you think you're doing Good Recesses.  Listening to fun music while talking your final walk around the Darktime Neighborhood.  WE'RE HERE TO TELL YOU IT'S ALL JUST IN YOUR HEAD.  You look LIKE AN IDIOT walking around.  You think you're listening to music BUT IT'S JUST NONSENSE SOUNDS.  How else am I getting this wrong.  Anyway.  I like Freaks and Geeks.  I'd like to see what they're up to NOW.  If we see what Freaks And Geeks are up to NOW would that mean the characters are living in 2003 or something.  The actors would be That Old.  That their characters-- at this age of the actors-- would be living in roughly 2003.  WOW. WONDER WHAT THEIR POSITION IS ON THE IRAQ WAR.  And which IF ANY political situations are Harder Than Iraq.
What else is up.  I listened to entire Ballbreaker album.  Which is the worst AC/DC album.  But had that song.  I REALIZED WHY IT'S TEH WORST ALBUM.  Who cares about these other songs.  I GOT NOTHING OUT OF TEM.  I got so much Nothing out of the second half of the album I DIDN'T EVEN LISTEN TO IT.  I just said I listened to the entire thing TO IMPRESS YOU.  Whatever.  I dunno.  AC/DC = A/D.  THE C'S CANCEL EACH OTHER OUT.  DON'T YOU KNOW MATH AT ALL.  Anyway 2.5 paragraphs to go before Whatever Kinda Recess We're Talking About.  The third episode of Tales From The Geeks (* Freaks) was HALLOWEEN themed.  LOVED IT.  HEY I'M WATCHING THIS HALLOWEEN THEMED CRAP AND IT'S HALLOWEEN OUTSIDE AS WELL.  ALSO HALLOWEEN INSIDE HOUSE BUT NOT INSIDE TV.  OUTSIDE THE TV, INSIDE TE HOUSE STRUCTURE. It's Halloween EVERYWHERE.  The Sun Never Sets On Halloween.  Anyway.  Is Halloween a global phenomenon at this point.  Do places all over the world know about Halloween.  I'd LTURQ but what are ya gonna do.  Toe hurts.  Can't be expected to exert myself!
Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I.  Looks like MLB game was postponed tonight.  M yguess is they figured out it was Halloween and they signed a Nonproliferation Treaty to wait until Halloween is over so they could celebrate appropriately.  Sure I know what words mean.  Sometimes the way I imply they mean, SOMETIMES NOT.  I get to decide!  Hmm.  Didn't add any egg white to Chinese Food.  Probably could have.  But I chose not to.  So that's good.  Anyway.  If I'm getting some sort of Toe Procedure Done gotta imagine there's a real scenario I take ZERO WALKS for like 3-5 days!  CRAP.  GONNA GAIN A LOTTA WEIGHT.  What if I just have Zero Snacks.  That cancels it out.  WOW THAT SOUNDS VAGUELY POSSIBLE.  Amazing.  Dangit election is in a week from 3 hours.  ELECTION IS GOING ON NOW.  FINAL ELECTION DAY IS TEN THOUGH.  Oh.  I can't wait to vote again Led Zeppelin.  Look-- Classic Rock Band?  GREAT.  Republican Nominee for Governor?  TAKE IT SOMEPLACE ELSE FELLAS, NO THANKS.
Last paragraph before recess.  Think I'll just lay in bed Doing Nothing for half an hour.  That honestly sounds like both The Most Fun and The Most Productive thing I can think of.  Jeez.  I would have had a lot of fun watching Latest Halloween Film today.  They really screwed themselves by making it 19.99 Though.  I would have GLADLY paid up to 9.99.  THEY JUST LOST TEM SELVES NINE DOLLARS AND NINETY NINE CENTS.  Except for the cost it would COST TEM to broadcast it to my TV.  Gotta imagine that costs them Some Fraction Of A Cent Somehow.  I dunno.  What kinda snack I got coming up after recess.  Probably just another dumb tootsie pop.  That will FURTHER help make up for Candy/Less Walks today.  Good deal!  Anyway.  It's 8:51 PM.  Let's give my.. WAIT NO IT'S 8:52 PM NOW.  Let's give myself up to 9:30 PM to get out of bed.  WITH ROOM FOR DISCRETION.  Maybe I get up sooner.  MAYBE EVEN LATER.  Either way I'm gonna go take a Small Intervention Rest.  See ya soon!

   Hey!  Cut intervention rest short because I realized still vaguely plausible I get a trick or treater.  I can't REST while I might have to answer the door.  Gotta be ON ALERT.  Anyway had delicious ring ding and a new tootsie pop now.  I CAN INDULGE because it takes mind off toe!  OR PUTS MIND BACK ON TOE MORE.  Any sort of sensation ANYWHERE ANYHOW in body magnifies Another.  Even if it's opposite of body-- head instead of foot-- and opposite kind of sense-- taste instead of feel-- STILL they feed off each other!  ALSO toe now hurts ON OTHER SIDE OF TOE.  It's been hurting at top right of toe.  Now it's migrated vaguely to LEFT side of toe.  JUST MY LUCK.  What else is going on and crap.  I should have been smart and gone to walk in clinic before it got bad.  I HAD THE THOUGHT 2-3 days ago.  This is the kind of thing I've gone to walk in clinic before.  But right now its not that bad.  It will probably get worse.  I'M GONNA ROLL THEM DICE THOUGH.  I was wrong.  I'LL NEVER ROLL DICE AGAIN.  That's a lie.  I'd roll dice right now if I had them!  Do a Mock Dice Rolling game against myself.  Roll the dice in one character.  Then change characters and roll the dice a second time.  SEE WHICH CHARACTER GOT A HIGHER SCORE.  Also the score is EACH DIE MULTIPLIED BY THE OTHER DIE.
Three paragraphs to go.  Probably watch a Freaks * Geeks when this is done.  I am SIX MINUTES into Episode 7.  Which, if you don't know just based on that info, means I have about 37 minutes left to go.  Not very Halloween Themed but I guess there's LESS Halloween Themed things.  Not sure WHY.  Or WHO.  Either way huh.  What kinda lunch am I having tomorrow.  Turkey or ham sandwich I guess.  Could be turkey meatloaf.  That sounds stupid though.  I get to have A SANDWICH.  Why would I pass up that delightful opportunity.  Anyway.  WAIT IF JASON SEGAL ISN'T REALLY GOOD AT DRUMS maybe I'M not really good at music either.  Yeah but I KNOW THAT on most levels.  I guess it couldn't help to shore up on those basic truths on ALL levels.  But I feel like on the vast majority of levels I'm being honest withmyself that I'm not very passable at music all things considered.  YEAH.  I feel like Samm Levine should have seen more success over the last two decades.  He's really short!  Short guys need to root for one another.  IT'S A FRATERNITY THAT YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND OR EXPERIENCE.  Unless you're Samm Levine.  OR ME.  Pretty sure you're not me.  Then I'd be you.  And I THINK I'D REMEMBER being you.
Penultimate paragraph.  Bit into lollipop.  Presumably got regular Health Iced Cream Bar later on at bedtime.  Could be mint chocolate chip.  Could be caramel sea salt.  Could be SOMETHING ELSE.  THOSE ARE MY BEST GUESSES THOUGH.  Then again CHOCOLATE THING OR SOMETHING also makes sense.  What else do I got going for me.  Gotta make sure The Place I'm Going To still exists AND is still a Walk In.  Tomorrow morning.  I have PHONE NUMBER to call them.  THEY DID NOT ANSWER PHONE NUMBER TONIGHT.  They said they close at 7 PM.  WHO KNOWS how truthful they're being.  Maybe they just couldn't be bothered to answer the phone and that's the best Robot Excuse they could come up with on such short notice.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Dad offered to drive me.  I feel like I could walk there but I have no idea what kinda shape I'll be in when I'm done.  May want a ride back home.  Either way this is gonna lay me out for DAYS.  Guess I'll be COOPED UP working on music.  HMM.  At first this seemed like it'd be BAD for me Making Music.  For example TODAY I DID NONE OF IT.  IN TEH END MIGHT HELP ME BE PRODUCTIVE ON IT EVEN QUICKERLIKE.  Huh.  Good deal.  Also now I'm thinking with my Toe.  Got my toe on the mind and my mind on the toe.  Gotta imagine that helps the creative juices flow.  WHAT DOES THAT MEAN.  And WHY DOES IT MAKE SENSE TO ME.
Last paragraph of the knight!  Let's see.  What would happen if I just PUT REAL PRESSURE on the toe where it hurts.  I mean I'm gonna survive.  It won't literally kill me.  HOW WOULD BODY REACT.  I dunno.  I guess I'LL NEVER KNOW.  Maybe if I make my toe hurt So Much So Quick So Long the pain will become second nature and I WILL BECOME IMMUNE TO IT.  Sounds like a theory.  Not a good one.  But it could qualify as a Theory I guess.  Huh.  LINDSAY WEIR?  AND THE ACTRESS NAME IS LINDA?  Too similar first names!  TOTALLY TAKES ME OUT OF THE STORY.  Hmm.   OWW MY TOE.  I don't remember ever signing up for toe pain.  I'd remember if I did because it'd be out of character for me to explicitly Sign Up For Pain For No Reason.  Oh well such is life.  I hope I don't have to KICK to vote on election day.  Pretty sure I can do it by bubbling in an oval.  But if it requires me to KICK with my LEAD FOOT I may have some trouble.   Huh.  How about that.  I'll be back tomorrow.

-9:33 P.M.




Sunday, October 30, 2022

Nobody Gonna Tell Me Otherwise

    Hey friends!  Right on schedule today.  Gonna fit in four walks for First Part Of Day pretty easily.  I don't anticipate any CrunchTime or anything with first two acts.  Overall gonna take 6-8 walks.  Probably 7 I'd aim for!  Anyway.  Dreamt partially about one of the songs I've been working on.  Didn't make any breakthrough in the dream.  Nothing really progressed with it.  But I'll take it as a sign to work on that one today.  Guess it made a bit of progress.  Now it's SOLIDIFIED in my mind.  In my mind awake.  In my mind asleep.  Now it's working double time!  Anyway.  World Series is now even!  WHO TO ROOT FOR.  My guess is back to rooting for the Philadelphia Philistines.  Hmm.  When you call a horse a philly what's that short for exactly.  Filly is how it goes.  And a Filly isn't short for anything.  It means a lady horse that's too young to be a mare.  Wow!  What ages are we talkin about.  GImme some brackets.  Either zero to four or zero to five.  In most cases it's four.  In UK and USA it's 5.  ALRIGHT.  WAY TO BE DIFFICULT.
  Had reasonable but not great amount of NightMight snacking last night.  Don't remember exactly how much it was.  Coulda been vaguely reasonable.  Had classic breakfast this morning.  DANGIT.  I gotta make progress with egg white!  Hmm.  Am I having Chinese food for lunch today.  My plan going into it was have the three Chinese Food Lunches over Four Days.  Either take a break today or tomorrow.  Let's aim for tomorrow as of now.  I'm enthusiastic about continuing Chinese Food today off the top of my head!  DELICIOUS.  Feels like I put on a horror film last night.  OH.  Return Of the Living Dead.  Gonna watch that every 2 months or so.  Why wouldn't I.  It's the best movie ever.  It's up there at least.  In the top 500,000.  Hmm.  GOOGLE how many movies are there.  Not sure if I really wana google that.  On one hand relatively decent chance there's an article that opines how many movies there are.  On the other hand sounds like a pretty stupid search topic.  WHAT THE HELL.  "It's been estimated that there's roughly 500,000 movies currently in existence."  WHAT.. hu... HEY.
Gotta be a genius about something.  That might be PEAK GENIUS for me in my entire life.  It's definitely in the top .5% of Geniusing I'll ever do.  Fuckin' nailed How Many Movies There Are.  Unless it's an algorithm.  They saw me type 500,000 and parroted it back at me.  I don't think that's the case!  I THINK I JUST NAILED IT.  Hmm.  Wait a second.  I didn't say there were 500,000 films.  I said ROTLD was IN THE TOP 500,000.  Still though I think I did pretty good with that.  Hmm.  Does Philadelphia Philles have anything to do with Filly the horse.  I think I kinda assumed it did.  Anyway.  What' the marijuana blunt type thing Phillie.  Blunt is with cigar.  Phillie is like with a mini cigar or something?  Lemme LURQ.  I think a phillie is a brand of cigar.  Even before making it marijuana themed.  Hmm.  "Shortened version of Philadelphia."  That's how google explains what Philadelphia Phillie means.  Oh.  I see.
Fourth paragraph!  Amazing.  I was thinking yesterday of getting Chocolate Chip Pancakes (CCP) yesterday for dinner when it looked like I would be getting delivery.  Didn't turn out that way!  Maybe get it tonight!  Probably make it into two regular meals.  1.5 Pancake each!  Maybe something else, I dunno.  Either way National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Caramel Apple Day.  Oh.  No thanks!  Maybe I'd go so far as to LOOK at it to see what it's all about.  Not gonna eat it though.  That's where I draw the line.  What else is up.  Probably watch some Saturday Knight Live after my shower and before walk iv.  Make some decent progress there!  Watch half OR TWO THIRDS of it.  Maybe finish it when I get back before doing anything else.  I dunno what's gonna happen in the future.  I don't even know what's going on in the present.  Can't be bothered with what's happened in the past.  Hmm.  Got button down corduroy shirt to wear today.  That's fine.  It's been working out for me pretty good thus far!  Started Rubber Soul.  It's been working out for me pretty good thus far!
   Fifth paragraph.  WOW it's got IN MY LIFE.  What a song!  Anyway.  Toe still hurts somewhat.  Not too bad.  I don't notice it unless I go out of my way to notice it.   THUS FAR.  Could get worse over the course of the day.  Hmm.  Part of the premise of recording rough rough versions of songs were so I could listen to them on walks and gradually semi-consciously work them out for the better.  HOWEVER I don't wanna listen to this crap.  So you can see the kind of bind I'm in.  What bind.  Just listen to them or don't.  Then work on them either way.  Oh okay good.  How much time do I have to write the rest of this act ideally.  Hmm.  More than enough time!  But let's say fourty five minutes would be ideal.  NOT SURE WHY.  It just SOUNDS ideal.  Anyway.  Came across a deck of cards yesterday.  I like dealing Mock Poker Hands and just playing against myself.  It's easier than it sounds!  If I play 2 handed I can easily just make easy generic decisions for each hand without taking into account I Actually Know The Other Guy's Hand.  WHAT FUN.  I WANNA DO IT RIGHT NOW.  But I'm gonna have coffee now instead.
Hmm.  WHAT THE HELL.  We're still changing the clocks next week?  I was all ready to be excited about trying it the new way!  DANGIT.  Starting in 2023 we don't change clocks.  COLDPLAY TRIED TO WARN US.  They got a song called Clocks.  That's what that means.  Oh okay.  Anyway.  I should consider only taking six walks.  Be home for a solid five and a half hours in middle of day.  I LIKE HAVING WALK BREAK at some point.  Even if I AM devoting lotta time to music.  WALK BREAK gives me nice RECESS to re-calibrate.  Anyway sixth paragraph eh.  What's the deal with that.  Anyway.  At least one of these five songs just plain isn't a good song.  I dunno.  It's plain not a good song while just playing easy generic chords on one guitar while singing along.  COULD BE a good song when you Do It Right I think.  Then again if it's not a good song at its worst IS IT REALLY A GOOD SONG at its best?  Interesting.  I dunno.  Also gonna be honest STILL NOT SURE HOW THE VERSE MUSIC GOES AT ALL.
Seventh paragraph.  Huh.  What is the point of Filly.  I assume the point of ponies is so that children can ride them.  Can't have children ride full size horses.  They'd get thrown from the horse and then break most of their bones and in the process die.  It happened to Barry Lyndon's son (No Spoilers).  I like that running joke I have.  I give blatant spoilers and then say No Spoilers or something.  Maybe you don't like that running joke because I'm Always Giving Spoilers.  That's a risk we'll have to take!  Besides YOU'RE NOT GONNA REMEMBER THIS.  If you've never seen Barry Lyndon and you end up seeing Barry Lyndon at some point over the rest of your life you'll NEVER remember AT SOME POINT HE HAS A SON, AT SOME POINT THE SON DIES FROM RIDING GROWN HORSE IRRESPONSIBLY.  Although I guess the more I say it and THE MORE I PUT IT IN CAPSLOCK the more likely you'll remember.  SORRY.  Either way not a big deal.
Three paragraphs to go before walk!  Amazing.  I think I can fit in entire SNL in time between shower and walk iv AND during lunch eating.  So I watch entire episode of TV and it takes up no space that I could devote to music!  I guess theoretically I don't need to dry off from shower that long.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Don't really need to dry off from shower ANY long.  Could be done in 120 seconds (2.0 minutes).  What else is up.  Don't really need to print out songs and mark em up.  Can just look at them as a word document on computer.  And I can add to it or edit it a lot easier and neatly.  I DUNNO.  I'd rather look at this ON PAPER than ON COMPUTER SCREEN.  We'll see how it shakes out.  Also THERE IS NO POINT TO FILLY.  It Just IS.  What's the point of baby humans.  So that we can have GROWN humans.  Also baby humans are great in and of themselves.  HEY way to be a baby great I hope it all works out for you.  That's how I feel!
   Penultimate paragraph of act.  Is there a strand of anti-abortion people who think Hey there's a potential baby in there.  I LIKE BABIES.  There SHOULD be a baby.  They don' necessarily think exactly that A Baby Exists.  Or that there is Independent Life that you're killing.  They just sort of think abstractly AREN'T BABIES GREAT.  And here's a GREAT opportunity For A Baby!  Hmm.  Not sure I like babies.  Come back to me on this When I Have A Baby.  As of now I have nothing against babies.  Well I have Some Things Against Babies. But I also have something FOR babies.  What else is going on and crap.  I feel like you stop being a baby when You Achieve Certain Things and not necessarily based on Time Alive or Physical Progress.  I THINK if you can WALK you're no longer a baby.  Or if you can say A DOZEN WORDS you're no longer a baby.  Not sure what the cut off is exactly but there's something to it.  Also IF YOU GET DEMENTIA you're elderly.  You don't have dementia yet?  YOU'RE NOT QUITE ELDERLY YET.  WELL DONE.
Last paragraph!  What else is up.  What the HELL is Toddler supposed to mean.  The way the word is constructed it SOUNDS like it means ONE WHO TODDS.  But TODD is NO VERB AT ALL.  Lemme LTURQ.  "To Toddle," means to walk unsteadily.  Oh.  So the cut off to Toddler IS to BE ABLE TO WALK (Not Quite Steadily).  What if YOU NAIL walking on your first try.  You walk steadily FROM THE GET GO.  Then good for you I guess.  Hmm.  So what kinda daylight times are we getting over the winter.  December 21st-- WHEN IS SUNSET.  4:31 PM.  Oh.  I checked that a month or two ago.  And it said that.  BUT I thought it was A New Fangled Sunset at the time.  Cause I thought we were done with Daylight Savings Time.  And I was all like WHAT THE HELL IS THIS NEW BULLSHIT, SUNSET AT 4:30, I HATE THIS DEVELOPMENT.  Turns out that's the way it HAS been.  Lemme LURQ what it'd be in 2023.  Google just says 4:31 still.  Hmm.  Google doesn't know about DayLight Savings Change I feel.  Anyway.  I'll be back soon.




Now We're Getting Into It

    Hey.  Just had an idea for a terrible movie.  There was an article recently about how black kids who had a black teacher at some point in K-3 end up graduating high school and/or going to college at much higher rates.  So the idea is white teacher wants to be altruistic so he teaches Kindergarten in blackface.  It's a COMEDY.  Also they don't KNOW he's in black face.  That's the thing!  They're supposed to believe that he's black.  And he's doing it FROM A PLACE OF LOVE.  Anyway sorry.  Not sure how that's an idea for a movie.  IT'S A PREMISE.  WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT.  Anyway.  How long do I have to write this act ideally.  An hour would be more than enough time.  Let's aim for it being fourty five minutes that is also more than enough time.  Hmm.  What else is going on.  Figure I'll watch SNL up to Weekend Update before walk iv.  Then watch rest for lunch i.  Also THROUGH Weekend Update?  Maybe HALFWAY THROUGH?  Ya never know when Weekend Update will be halfway through.  Always feels longer than you'd expect!  NO SPOILERS.
What else is going on and crap.  Also in addition to black face HE'S A KINDERGARTEN COP.  Has anyone made that movie before?  Huh.  I think they cast Arnold Schwarzenegger in that role because the auditions were just people having to pronounce Kindergarten.  And he NAILED the audition.  Sounds like something he'd be saying Better Than Anyone Else.  I don't think he ever even says the word in the movie.  Maybe he does.  I think we'd remember if he did!  People would LOVE it.  So he must not have said it if we can't remember it.  Hmm.  How many terms did he serve as governor.  My guess is either TWO or ONE AND A HALF.  He was elected in RECALL right.  So that's not a full term!  WOW 2003-2011.  Don't know how many terms that is but it sounds like possibly 2.5.  Lemme LURQ how long Governor Term is in California.  Four years with a limit of 2 terms. WOW.  Sounds like they bent the rules a bit and let him do the 2 terms PLUS the portion of other term.  Wow!  What else is going on and crap.  That's the end of this paragraph.
    Yeah!  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe have HALF or ALL of Egg White to pair with 1.5 pancakes.  Depends on how I feel going into dinner.  I'm running out of time to eat these egg white before they spoil!  I mean I WILL EAT THEM even I they're slightly spoiled.  I wouldn't KNOW.  So what can ya do.  But either way solid chance I go into dinner thinking 1.5 pancakes is enough, solid chance I feel like a bit of egg white should make this a lot more comfortable.  Even just a BIT of egg white.  Doesn't need to be a ton!  Anyway.  Dinner for tomorrow also gonna be CCP.  NO COMMUNAL DINNER TOMORROW NIGHT.  DAD IS TEACHING.  Also it's Halloween Night so gotta imagine everyone is closed.  What else is going on and crap.  When Return Of Living Dead was made it was about 15 years after Night Of The Living Dead.  Which exists in the plot of Return Of The Living Dead.  To ME Night Of The Living Dead is OLD movie.  However TO THEM it'd be like watching a current movie and they're like DID YOU EVER SEE That Movie... KNOCKED UP?  Huh.
   DID I ever see the movie Knocked Up?  Sure of course I did.  Oh okay good.  Two paragraphs to go for DayTime Day.  Feels like Nock should be a Different Word without the K.  Hmm.  Microsoft FrontPage recognizes Nock as a word.  Lemme LTURQ.  Some sort of Bows and Arrow thing.  Specifically Arrow.  I dunno how arrows work.  Leave me out of it.  Hmm.  Guess I know what song I'm working on today.  No reason I can't record a semi-final version of it should I devote an 2-4 hours to it.  THE MORE HOURSE THE MORE I COULD FINALIZE IT.  Probably.  What kinda drum tracks we got going on for these songs.  NONE.  I think maybe for some of them I will record guitar parts with a background drum loop to keep time.  But then not include it In Final Song.  AND/OR I will record songs WITHOUT doing that.  I DUNNO it's a tough decision!  Anyway.  Skipped pre-lunch snack yesterday based on the premise of lunch being slightly bigger.  Also the premise I had no real desire to have anything!  WONDER HOW THAT'LL PLAY OUT TODAY.  Probably!  Probably what.  You tell me!
   Last paragraph!  Hmm.  Gotta start Anew Month in 2 days on Website.  Turn this from INDEX into OCTOBER 2022.  Then start INDEX Anew.  Gotta come up with a new Header for the month.  That you see in your web browser as The Title Of The Webpage.  We'll cross that bridge when we get there.  Anyway.  Didn't COUNT the general tso chicken yesterday.  I took SEVEN.  I would guess there was around 18-22 pieces.  I guess TODAY I'll be able to count em out.  Take exactly what's half left.  So that's good.  Probably have the last 3 of 5 shrimp dumplings!  And for Third Third I have the soup.  DELIGHTFUL.  Maybe I want the soup today.  OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD SEEMS LIKE A HASSLE.  Microwaving soup is a big hassle!  Gotta keep testing it and the first Testing It Or Two EW I JUST TASTED COLD Hot n Sour Soup DISGUSTING.  This is COLD N Sour Soup.  That sort of thing.  I'll be back tonight I guess!




see that's where you're wrong

    Hey friends.  WHAT THE FUCK, TOE HURTS AGAIN.  Over course of the day it made steady progress from Not Hurting into Hurting.  WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS OTHER TAN ALL THAT SINNING I'VE DONE OVER THE COURSE OF MY LIFE.  Besides all the shitty things I've done I'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG.  Went with bison burger for dinner with delicious jalepeno'd peppers.  Have choco pop going now.  Recorded legitimate Rough Demoe Versions of 5 songs today.  A couple of them aren't in key with themselves.  But beggars can't be choosers.  If they could they'd choose to use an, "e," instead of an, "a."  I'd be much more comfortable being a Begger than a Beggar.  MAKES MORE SENSE.  And if there's one thing I want out of my life it's for Pronouns to make sense.  THAT'S NO PRONOUNS.  But it does beg the question WHAT ARE MY PRO NOUNS.  You can't like OWN a pro noun man.  THEY BELONG TO ALL OF US.  Oh.  THOSE are my pronouns.  Us/All.  Seems reasonable for a person with Head Problems.  What words are really my pronouns.  I/Me.  Or Me/I.  Either way the important thing to remember is that I'M ME.
   It's important to remember because I'm always forgetting.  Anyway choco pop is going fine.  Had 1.5 beers during afternoon.  Figure I'll probably have A FULL 1.5 with Entry Act III.  Had less General Tso Chicken than I thought I'd have.  I think I had only like 8 or 9 pieces TOTAL going into today while I was expecting to have 7 or 8 pieces JUST today.  Basically made good use of Extra Rice to balance out having less chicken.  That's a PLOT POINT in a Tales In The Crypt.  Some rich lady is being doted upon by a young man (NOT FOR LOVE-- HE WANTS TO KILL HER AND USURP HER MONEY) and she wants him to stay for dinner but her butler (AND COOK I GUESS) is like but there's not enough LAMB and she's like THEN MAKE MORE RICE.  So basically she's sacrificing some of her lamb to hang out with this Guy.  She'll have more rice to eat though.  AND she gets to spend quality time with this young man who definitely wants to bang her for the best of intentions.  So that's good.
   Third paragraph.  Finished watching Return Of The Living Dead.  If you could even CALL THAT Watching Return Of The Living Dead.  I barely even paid attention.  HEY I WATCHED IT A SOLID 40%.  That's WAY more than it necessary to say You Watched A Thing.  I'd say that threshold is around 25, 30%.  You watch something 3 out of 10, you can tell people You've Seen It.  Tell YOURSELF you've seen it.  You're your own toughest audience or something.  Huh.  Looks like Left Winger won in Brazil.  Not SOCCER.  Or FOOTBALL.  PRESIDENCY.  That's good.  They'll speak Portuguese real good, that'd be my guess about how they talk in Brazil.  Hmm.  If its something you've watched before and are intimately familiar with, COULD YOU SAY that you've watched it even if you were only paying 10% attention.  How could you even MANAGE only paying 10% attention.  That sounds literally impossible.  Either you're paying Zero % attention and It's Not Even On Any Screen Or Speaker, OR you're paying 25%+.  What would paying 10% attention even be.  Hmm.  It not showing up on a Screen At All and the volume being EXTREMELY low.  If you can't s ee anything and really can't hear anything but the faintest murmur, I'm comfortable saying you're paying attention to it around 3-5%.  So you could do that if you want.
Halfway through Act III part i.  Gonna go get beer #3 overall.  Amazing.  If Toe still hurts in Let's Say A Week and hasn't gotten better at all gotta think about going to walk-in neighborhood emergency health clinic and having them deal with this.  Just some sort of infection or something.  Betting it'll go away on its own!  But if it doesn't I GUESS I HAVE TO TAKE EXECUTIVE ACTION.  Anyway. Was thinking about what crap to watch next and it occurred to me to re-watch Them Harry Potters.  Don't appear to be on the HBOMAX though.  NOW WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?  Something Else?  I NEVER SIGNED UP FOR HAVING TO DO SOMETHING ELSE.  I never signed up for anything.  THAT'S WHY I'M IN THIS SITUATION IN THE FIRST PLACE.  If I had signed up for something Obviously I'd Have That To Do.  Anyway.  Finished Rubber Soul.  It was pretty good!  I dunno if you've heard of The Beatles but apparently they know what they're doing!
   Penultimate paragraph before Recess Walk.  Gonna be semi-unpleasant cause Toe Is Being A Dick but semi-pleasant because it'd be pleasant otherwise.  Watched half of a random episode of The Monkees.  Obviously my favorite part is one of them is literally my height!  Internet says Davy Jones is 5'3.  I am 5'2.  Sounds good to me.  Upon further introspection so what who cares.  It means AMERICA is ready to ACCEPT that a Man Person is That Short.  At this point they may be Done Accepting It.  They were ready to accept it 55 years ago.  THEN AFTER A WHILE AMERICA CHANGED ITS MIND and is no longer on board with 5'2 Man.  Oh well.  Shoulda struck while the iron was hot.  Twenty years before I was born.  In a way this is all my fault.  What kinda delicious snack am I having after recess.  WOW THAT'S A GOOD QUESTION.  I wonder what the answer is.  Not TOO hard.  But in general I have nothing against Lightly Wondering It. 
   Last paragraph before walk.  Huh.  Why can't my left thumb toe be more like my right thumb toe.  That toe doesn't hurt AT ALL.  I can POKE and PROD it and there's absolutely no discomfort at all.  GOD DANGIT.  I will have House Super Market meal for dinner tomorrow, so it means I will have part iii of Chinese Food for lunch tomorrow.  Dinner gonna either be turkey sandwich, ham sandwich, or turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti.  PROBABLY A SANDWICH.  HAM SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.  Sure.  Anyway.  Uninstalled twitter on my phone.  But now that I'm on the computer I looked at Twitter here!  I GUESS I'll have to exercise greater self control.  If I stay on twitter THE TERRORISTS WIN.  Then again if I STOP reading Twitter Terrorists win there too.  The point is THE TERRORISTS APPEAR TO BE WINNING EITHER WAY.  HOW DID WE ALLOW OURSELVES TO GET INTO A SITUATION WHERE TERRORISTS ARE RUNNING THE GAMUT AND WHATKNOT.  Anyway.  I'm gonna go take a walk now!  Be back soon!

    Hey.  Had delicious Birthday Bar.  Delicious at the time!  Kinda left an undelicious aftertaste in my mouth.  Can't say for certain why!  Can't say much for certain these days.  The point is SHOULD I HAVE HAD AN ICED CREAM SANDWICH YEAH WHERE WERE YOU FIVE MINUTES AGO WITH THAT CRAP.  Ya just HAD to wait until it WAS TOO LATE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.  Ugh.  Had the idea that I'd like to cycle through Twilight Zones as opposed to Tales In The Crypt.  Doesn't appear to be free to me anymore though.  So that's not gonna happen.  Gotta figure there's free things for me that are better than other dumb things I was gonna do at first.  Dad asked me if I've been eating more lately cause my cheeks look fuller.  WHAT AN ASSHOLE.  Either way WHAT AN ASSHOLE.  Huh.  WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE MY CHEEKS COLLAPSE UPON TEMSELVES.  That's the only solution I can come up with to this pressing issue.  Focus Exercise my cheek muscles I guess.  Which I GUESS is SMILING?  Gotta frown-smile-frown-smile several thousand times a day if you wanna see results.  GREAT I WAS GONNA DO THAT ANYWAY!
Hmm.  Guess I can watch SEANCE when this entry is done.  It's a nice quick episode.  I'll get something out of it.  It tales place in roughly NINETEEN FOURTIES.  Great!  I got nothin against that sort of atmosphere.  One of the top 6 or 7 decades in the 1900's I think.  Worst decade was the 00's.  What good ever came out of the 00's?  Didn't even have a WORLD WAR.  What a LOSER.  huh.  I think there must have been some jerk who, before World War II, still went out of his way to call The World War World War I.  And people would be like what's that supposed to mean.  And he's like YOU'LL SEE.  Doesn't take a GENIUS to guess there'd be some more World Wars.  He's just slightly ahead of his time, that's all!  ANYONE COULD COME UP WITH IT, just so happens it was this jerk!  Amazing.  TOE still causing MAYHEM.  Pain!  THIS IS WORSE TAN AT LEAST ONE OF THE TWO WORLD WARS.  Probably the first.  I think most reasonable people can agree World War II was Bigger & Higher Stakes than World War I.  It's one example of a sequel that far surpassed the original.
Well AS A MOVIE World War I had nice aesthetics that made it better than World War II.  Different kinda metrics you can measure them against either!  Anyway.  Two paragraphs to go.  I guess.  Not a lot of video games focusing on trench warfare.  I think that'd be fun.  Anyway what kinda progress do I wanna make tomorrow with music.  POSSIBLY do a Song.  For real!  Pick one of these songs and just record a final enough version I'd upload it to the internet and/or share it with people if they're unfortunate enough to drift into my orbit.  YEAH.  Figure I can do that, sure, why not.  Tomorrow is the first day of the work week.  Monday.  Lemme think.  About what, I Dunno.  Gotta think about something though.  How am I gonna finish this entry so I can move on with my life.  I know TYPING but when you type you need to make ANALOG DECISIONS about WHICH KEYS to press and IN WHICH ORDER.  MORE COMPLICATED TAN YOU MAY ORIGINALLY TINK.
Last paragraph!  Obviously world war iii is gonna be even bigger than world war ii.  OH.  THAT'S THE EINSTEIN QUOTE.   Something about WWIII will be fought with THE CRAZIEST WEAPONS EVER... and world war iv will be fought with Stones And Sticks.  BECAUSE WE DESTROYED OUR SELVES SO MUCH WE FORGOT ABOUT TECHNOLOGY.  CLEVER GUY that Einstein.  I don't care what people say about him!  Maybe that was Rod Serling.  Better LURQ.  ITS BEEN ATTRIBUTED TO EISENSTEIN.  No FACTS that he said it.  Either way good deal.  Look I get the point he was trying to make but you can't fight WORLD WAR with stones and sticks.  You can fight skirmishes all day long.  But I don't see how there could be multi-national level coordination of Sticks and Stones fighting.  MAYBE I'M JUST NOT A CREATIVE ENOUGH STICKS-AND-STONES GENERAL.  Such is life.  Anyway.  I'll be back tomorrow!  See ya then and crap.

-10:02 P.M.




Saturday, October 29, 2022

Let's Say Stuff

    Hey friends!  An hour and a half behind schedule today.  Not gonna be so bad though.  Blocks between Walks gonna write 10 paragraphs, then take shower, then write act ii.  Overall end up at 5-7 walks.  Probably 6-7!  Anyway.  Forget what I had exactly for NightMight but I think it was a pretty reasonable amount.  Was on the verge of succeeding in having balanced breakfast but at the last moment I had 2 ring dings instead.  PRETTY GOOD.  Taste pretty good.  Two of em were hearty enough for a breakfast!  I didn't feel let down.  So that's good!  Anyway.  I was up to Revolver in Beatles Album Rankings.  Figured I'd listen to the version released Yesterday (THE DAY, NOT THE SONG).  Not gonna listen to all the bonus songs/alt recordings.  Just the regular 14 ones!  BUT YESTERDAY'S, "MIX."  Hmm.  Think my first goal for music project progress is finalizing some lyrics!  I think I can more or less get the 5 song lyrics down.  Room for amending them, sure.  But I can get down some decent boilerplate!  WOW.  AN ENTIRE PARAGRAPH IS DONE.
Looks like Phillies won exciting baseball game yesterday!  I was excited just reading the Box Score this morning.  HMM maybe I can watch some HIGHLIGHT VIDEO.  I got time!  I got an hour and ten minutes to finish this act.  I can do that pretty reasonably.  LET'S CHECK OUT SOFT BALL HIGHLIGHTS.  OK I watched two highlights.  There's half a dozen more I could watch but I'd have to watch 15 seconds of AD before each one.  NO THANKS.  I saw this ad twice already and it didn't make me wanna use the product or service yet.  No reason to think I'd get anything out of watching it some more.  Hmm.  Chinese Food for lunch?  Certainly possible.  Right now I'm not enthusiastic about it but good chance in a few hours I will be.  Anyway.  FIVE SONG gonna be 6-9 minutes I feel.  I think a CLEAN 7 or 8 would be best.  Especially seven.  People gonna see 5 tracks for seven minutes?  WHAT THE HELL I GOTTA SEE WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT.  That's how it works in my imagination.
   Third paragraph!  Only three more days to October.  Including day.  Which is fun to include!  IT SOLIDLY IS A DAY that hasn't happened yet.  Is it just me or do people always confuse Rubber Soul with Revolver.  I mean, to me, there's nothing to confuse.  I don't know what years they were released or what the themes of the albums are or even what songs are on the album.  I just always feel like RUBBER SOUL, REVOLVER, both start with, "R's," I'M CONFUSED ABOUT THIS AND WHATKNOT.  So that's good.  I THINK one was released after the other.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP Soul (1965) and Volver (1966).  RIGHT IN THE HIEGHTH of the sixties.  I dunno.  I feel like mathematically halfway through the decade is The Hieghth Of It.  HOWEVER if we're talking about the nineteen hundred sixties people'll be like nope heighth was the late sixties.  INCLUDING 1967 OF COURSE.  I know cultural history and whatknot.  IT TOOK PLACE.  Continuously!  Changing gradually over time!  So that's good.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Candy Corn Day.  WHY.  I'm not sure if I've ever had candy corn and I'm not sure if I'll ever WANT to have candy corn.
   In my head NOPE I DON'T.  But now that I think about it it's candy how bad can it be.  Lemme LURQ what it is exactly.  Doesn't SOUND so bad.  I read about it.  Can't say for sure what I've absorbed about what it is and how it tastes.  But from what I HAVEN'T FULLY ABSORBED seems worth a shot.  Not sure how I'd ever GET IT.  But if I could I would!  Anyway.  Possibly me not liking regular corn sours me on candy corn.  Loose corn is disgusting.  Corn on the cob is disgusting.  Corn SYRUP now you're talking my language.  But not just STRAIGHT CORN SYRUP.  Gotta be part of SOMETHING ELSE.  Anyway.  Watched the first 20-25 minutes of The Shining last night.  It's a good movie!  These people are weirdoes even before starting The Housekeeping Job.  Never realized it before.  Always thought they were normal.  Maybe Weird Is Normal.  Interesting counterpoint.  But then what's Normal.  I guess weird.  Oh okay I see.
   Fifth paragraph!  I was rooting for the Phillies going into the world series but now that they've won the first game, I think I'm rooting for the Astros.  Who will I root for if the Astros win Game 2?  That's a tough one!  I know who to root for if the Phillies win game two.  ASTROS EVEN HARDER THAN I DO NOW.  Either way One Team Will Win and One Team Will Lose.  That's sports for ya.  What else is up.  How much time do I have to write 5.5 paragraphs.  Fifty minutes should be enough.  I can do that no problem and crap.  Had to wear winter jacket again for Morning Walk.  Wore it for a few walks yesterday too.  Not sure why we call these winter jackets.  They're Coldness Jackets.  They can easily be worn outside of winter in some places and NOT INSIDE OF WINTER in other places.  Winter jacket is pretty easy and reasonable short hand though.  Oh okay I see.  Maybe only I use the phrase winter jacket.  I musta picked it up somewhere!  Gonna go get some coffee now.
   Got some pain in my left thumb toe.  Toenail kinda ingrown or something.  Not sure what that means or if its accurate.  But it's a pain around the nail area.  Been feeling it on and off the last few days.  Oh well that's life I guess.  What else is up.  Is it possible I write this act fast enough that I can fit in Act II after Act I instead of doing Shower first which is quicker.  Hmm.  I guess it's possible.  Not gonna force it though.  Feels like I shouldn't really even think about trying.  It might take away from the quality of the website if I'm busy trying to write things quicklier than usual.  How much can it be taking away from the quality, considering what the quality already is at.  Pretty low!  CAN'T SINK MUCH LOWER.  Oh well that's life I guess.  Hmm.  What's the latest I can order Lunch Special from Chinese Food.  I think it's like 3:00.  I think they say Up To 3:30 but they mean I'd have to RECEIVE IT by 3:30.  YEP.  It says 3:30.  And my memory IS ACCURATE about the Them Hassling Me if I order at 3:20.  Huh.
Seventh paragraph!  Amazing.  Wonder what dinner gonna be.  Pretty sure we're getting communal dinner.  Shall I have a bison burger?  SEEMS REASONABLE.  Amazing.  WOW I can get ALMOND COOKIE.  TWO OF EM AT ONCE.  I can get TWO orders of Almond Cookies.  FOUR OF EM.  I can get THREE Almond Cookie. You get the idea.  I can get three ORDER of almond cookie.  I can't get exactly three almond cookie.  Unless I order it twice and say also just give me three overall instead of four. Thanks.  Or if I order it five times and say also just give me three overall instead of 10.  Thanks.  THAT'd BE DUMB.  The first one wasn't dumb.  Three instead of four.  YOU GOTTA get four if you want three.  GETTING 10 INSTEAD OF THREE IS DUMB THOUGH.  Amazing.  Gonna be honest.  So far?  Not that thrilled about Revolver.  I've liked plenty of lower ranked Beatles Albums more.  I mean its OKAY.  But I'm not overwhelmed.
   Three paragraphs to go for Act I!  Amazing.  Also a lot of these songs are Good Songs but not that pleasurable to listen to.  I've talked about how Eleanor Rigby is a Scary Song to me!  I can appreciate it's a good song but WHY WOULD I WANNA LISTEN TO THIS.  And you can say the same thing for other songs.  Not AS scary but kind of bothersome in a way.  And your bird can sing?  WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM.  Not sure what that means.  Oh well. Such is life.  If I wrote 2.5 paragraphs in 20 minutes would that be a comfortable enough amount of time to write Act II after walk II instead of shower?  Lemme think.  Hmm.  Yeah.  Probably.  But 5 more minutes more than that would make it not so comfortable.  WELL THIS PARAGRAPH IS ALMOST OVER.  I can write 2 paragraphs in 20 minutes.  Let's go out of our way to try to do that and shit.  FIRST THINGS FIRST gotta finish this paragraph.  Ideally Qualitywise but at the least QuicklyWise.  Oh Hey We Did It.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Hmm.  The point is what else is going on in the wide world of sports.  I'd like to see World Series Game go on in MID afternoon.  I know it's wishful thinking but wouldn't it be nice.  Hmm.  They're playing in Houston today.  What time zone is that.  TWO HOURS earlier than where I am.  ONE?  Lemme LURQ.  Just ONE hour.  Hmm.  Anyway they're playing at 8:03 PM.  MY time.  Which is the most important time.  I think people are pretty arrogant about thinking Their Time Zone Is The Best.  Just a guess.  That's how I feel.  NOT EVEN CLOSE, EST IS BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT AND HIGHEST QUALITY TIME ZONE.  I take it as a given.  But now that I think about it it's kinda rude and whatknot.  I guess a lot of people live in different time zones over their life.  Wonder how they make sense out of that.  Huh.  NATIONAL ANTHEM SINGER BOTCHES LYRICS BEFORE GAME ONE?  I GOTTA READ THIS ARTICLE RIGHT NOW.  Said "Twilight's last streaming," instead of, "Twilight's last gleaming."  Is it a Fruedian Slip?  SURE.  EVERYTHING IS A FRUEDIAN SLIP.
   Last paragraph!  Gonna be able to fit in Act II after walk II.  Amazing.  Everything is working out great for me so far today in the last hour or so.  Looks like the guy who made twitter is starting a new social media called Blue Sky.  So far I can't figure out what it means.  Gotta imagine a lot of people in the same boat.  OH.  GREAT>  THIS SOUNDS GOOD.  CAN'T WAIT ...I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS.  Either way for a solid Several Years Of My Life the main go-to Chinese Food Delivery was from Blue Sky.  Probably a third word after that.  Cuisine?  Restaurant?  Take Out?  Either way the CRUX of the title for the restaurant was Blue Sky.  I gotta assume these two things are related.  What else is up.  Looks like it's seven or so degrees warmer than it was an hour and a half ago.  Guess I risk it and wear sweatshirt jacket for upcoming walk instead of winter jacket.  Should I be calling Sweatshirt Jacket Autumn Jacket.  Probably.  Sounds like fun.  What do I call it in Spring Time.  STILL AUTUMN JACKET.  WOW THAT SOUNDS FUN STILL.  Hey great gonna go take a walk now.  Be back with lots of time to write Act II.  See ya soon.




More To The Point

    Hey!  Got fourty five minutes easy to write these five paragraphs.  Good deal!  Think I'm gonna end up taking six walks today.  No walk after my shower/before lunch.  During that time period I'm gonna FINALIZE SONGS.  TYPE EM UP AND EVERYTHING.  Semi-final lyrics and chords.  Perhaps even some tablature!  Figure that shouldn't take more than an hour and a half or so.  AFTER SHOWER BEFORE LUNCH.  Also the goal is to PRINT THEM PAPERS.  Make everything real easy on myself when trying to record them.  So that's good.  Is each song perect?  No!  But I think they'll be adequate by giving them each around 15-20 minutes Special Attention.  WOW.  WHAT FONT ARE WE TALKIN.  That's a good question.  Think I'll stick with Courier New!  Classically my favorite font.  But I like all kinds of fonts.  Don't pigeonhole me as a Strictly Courier New guy.  Like some Ariel BLACK.  It's like ariel but more IMPACTFUL.  Also I like IMPACT.  Kinda like arial black but EVEN MORE Impactful.  Look it up, you'll see what I said is Exactly Accurate.
Four paragraphs to go.  Print out 2 copies of each song.  One to keep immaculate and one to mark up with changes hopefully.  I LIKE THE IDEA OF CHANGES.  Probably changes for the better!  That'd be my guess.  What else is going on and crap.  What kinda line spacing are we talking about.  Standard Single?  Nope.  I like the idea of leaving some space between lines for EDITS.  ALSO because it harkens back to Olden Days where I would see how much greater line spacing I can get away with to submit papers that have to be a certain amount of pages.  I feel like at one point I thought I could get away with Double.  At some point I ended up settling on SINGLE POINT SIX OR SO Line Spacing.  Amazing.  Also Courier New is great for those papers, too!  Nice heartly font.  Gonna take up a lot more space than your Times New Roman.  Also probably tried making Courier New 12.25 or 12.5 Point Font.  Either way I feel like I ended up usually settling somewhere between Correct Line Spacing and Unreasonable Line Spacing.  It's an art form.
Three paragraphs to go!  YEAH.  Gettin gradually more into idea of Chinese Food as time keeps going on.  Hmm.  Pens have been working well the last day or two.  8 Track has been PRETTY GOOD in terms of I can press buttons and it registers that I press the buttons.  At this point it's a hassle when it happens but it's not a big deal if it stays at this rate.  Hmm.  Figure I'm having a snack after my shower in about an hour and 15 minutes.  Maybe not.  Maybe SO.  Oh okay I get it.  Anyway.  Didn't really register checking out What's The Deal With This Box when I had 2 Ding Dongs for breakfast today.  Gotta inspect that closer next time.  Hmm.  Wait that's not a joke Name For Cake Snack.  I think that IS a thing they sell.  Lemme LTURQ.  Well DRAKES doesn't make it.  And I'm not 100% comfortable Googling," Ding Dongs."  Oh well.  I guess I gotta at this point!  Oh.  Right.  GOOD.  Hostess Ding Dongs.  And they ARE the same thing as Ring Dings it looks like.  So what I thought was a joke was AN ACCURACY.  Probably knew deep down it was An Accuracy.  That's what inspired me to type it!
   Penultimate paragraph.  Now that I think about it who did I think I was foolin by using courier new and longer line spacing.  Teacher didn't get the paper and be like HMM SOMETHING'S DIFFERENT HERE BUT I CAN'T QUITE PUT MY FINGER ON IT OH WELL LET'S READ ON.  Now I realize teacher was like UGH I guess I gotta let this slide because it's too much of a hassle to make a big deal about it.  Also probably 25-35% of the time Teacher WOULD be like don't do this.  I'm taking off points.  Either way IT'S A CALCULATED RISK.  Huh.  Obviously it depends on the situation, but IN GENERAL, I'd be okay with Losing Some Points if it means I Get To Work Significantly Less Hard/Devote Less Time to the assignment.  So that's good.  What else is up.  I really should devote the extra time to putting in some or all tablature for songs and not just chords.  Really make it easy on myself later on when recording them.  WOW.  HARD NOW FOR EASY LATER?  IF I CAN DO IT I WILL THANK MYSELF IN RETROSPECT.  Or the opposite of retrospect.  What's that word.  Maybe the word I mean IS retrospect.  Hmm.
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  Good deal.  Gettin' done with this earlier than I thought I would.  MORE TIME to Finish Boilerplating Songs On The Computer between shower and lunch.  AMAZING.  Which came first, Ring Dings or Ding Dongs.  Obviously one brand is copying the other.  To ME Ding Dongs sounds more like they're trying to copy Ring Dings than Ring Dings sounds like they're trying to copy Ding Dongs.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP I WAS RIGHT.  So that's good.  Gonna take one walk in middle of day.  Perhaps after lunch?  Perhaps AFTER A BIT LONGER After Lunch?  Sounds reasonable.  Scene in The Shining about 15 minutes in where Wendy is smoking a cigarette and talking to someone.  And for some of the shot the cigarette ash is getting pretty substantial and I couldn't stop being mesmerized by it and thinking THIS ASH S GONNA DROP.  GET ASHES ALL OVER THE PLACE.  YOU GOTTA PUT THIS CIGARETTE OUT OR AT LEAST KNOCK THE ASH CYLINDER INTO THE ASHTRAY.  Also YES there was one shot where it was long and then it cut to the other person and it cut back and it was slightly less long but long enough that I WOULDN'T BELIEVE she knocked it off into the ashtray and then suddenly there was this amount left.  CRACKED THAT CODE.  Anyway time for walk.  Be back tonight!




'll keep an eye on it

    Hey friends!  What did I accomplish today.  Listened to Sgt Peppers' Lonely Hearts' Clubs' Bands.  Loved it!  Listened to some other crap.  LIKED IT BUT KNOT AS MUCH as Sarge.  Made some progress with music BUT ALSO steps backward.  I shored up some of the lyrics and worked out the bare bones for the most part of the 5 songs.  BUT I recorded the roughest of demoes with just one guitar and me singing at the same time.  MUCH WORSE than Not Having Anything At All.  Two steps forward shoring up lyrics and FIVE STEPS BACK recording terrible versions of them.  Not good PROFICIENTLY. Not good THERE'S NO HEART IN IT.  Not good recording TECHNICALLY.  ALSO THOSE ARE THREE STEPS BACK.  I feel there were another Two Solid Steps Back To It but I can't think of them all right now.  I also finished watching That Shining.  Not sure what's so great about this movie.  Oh so they're in a hedgemaze.  So what. We've all been in hedge mazes before.  YOU'RE OFFERING NOTING NEW TO ME.
Anyway.  I think it would take me like a week to figure a way out of That Specific Hedgemaze.  When they introduce the hedge maze in the beginning of the film the guy is like don't go in there unless you've got over an hour to figure out how to get out!  And then in the climax they get out In Roughly That Amount Of Time I Guess.  WHAT TE HELL.  I've seen this hedgemaze both From Overhead Seeing All Of It and also In Real Time As If I Were Walking It.  I SWEAR IT WOULD TAKE ME AT LEAST A FEW DAYS TO WORK THIS ONE OUT.  And I don't think I'm that much dumber than your average Hedge Maze'r.  Anyway I know there'd hedge maze STRATEGY.  That if you know the strategy you can figur eit out in an hour.  Keep hugging one of the walls or something.  I don't know the strategy!  Are they assuming the huge majority of the public knows hedge maze strategy?  BECAUSE WE DON'T.  Also, "Huge Majority Of The Public," = ME.  Got chocolate lollipop going.  Had about 1.5 beers during afternoon.  Having rest of 2nd beer now.  Had delicious Chinese Food Third for lunch.  Dad didn't want communal dinner tonight.  HAD TWO BREAKFAST HOT POCKETS.
Amazing.  How's baseball going.  I bet they're TIED. I dunno if it's still Zero Zero but I'm gonna guess that close to 40 minutes in they're tied If Not In Numbers then AT LEAST IN SPIRIT.  Astros are winning 3-0.  JUST AS I SUSPECTED.  How many walks did I take today.  I think I took five walks so far.  Take a sixth later on.   That could work to my advantage.  What kind of delicious snack will I have after recess.  Iced Cream Sandwich seems to be the way2go.  Also my Favorite Way 2 Go would be getting lost in a hedge maze and dying from thirst.  And/or psychotic father/husband catches up with me and chops me up real good.  I don't think it's fair to say Jack Torrence was psychotic.  He was HAUNTED.  Big difference!  Ghosts were playing TRICKS on his mind trying to get him to act a certain way.  That's THEIR fault. Also he wasn't even just being crazy imagining the ghost.  GHOSTS WERE REAL.  GHOSTS WERE RESPONSIBLE.  LAY OFF JACK TORRENCE HE'S DOING TE BEST HE CAN.  Anyway.  Gonna start a third beer I think.  Yeah!
    Halfway through act iii part i.  Left thumb toe still hurts.  There might be an infection!  I was trying to trim excess toe nail around the Pain Point to see if tat would help.  REVEALED A BIT OF A RESERVOIR OF PUSS.  Don't mean to be gross.  UNLESS IT'S GROSS PROFIT.  I think gross profit is a phrase.  And it means something like what I imagine it means.  Not that complicated words/ phrases.  Still never can be too sure.  Hmm.  What kinda REAL progress can I make on music tomorrow.  RECORD A SONG FOR REAL.  Why not.  PICK ONE OF EM and GET THAT SUCKER DOWN FOR GOOD.  THEN NEVER THINK ABOUT IT AGAIN.  Sounds like one way to go about my life.  I GOTTA THINK ABOUT IT AGAIN WHEN I UPLOAD IT TO INTERNET LATER ON.  No I don't. I can solidly do something without thinking about it.  To some extent.  Depends on the thing.  And what I'm doing about it.  And whether or not I wanna think about it or not.
Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part i!  I feel like IN A QUITE LITERAL SENSE the pus I got to in my toe was just the tip of the ice berg.  There's undernail puss that I WANT to extract but I don't know how to accomplish this safely and cleanly.  And painlessly.  I don't wanna be in pain!  That'd be dumb.  Also I don't GET being sexually into pain. THEN IT'S NOT PAIN YOU IDIOT.  It's sex feelings.  YOU'RE CONFUSING WORDS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE.  Huh.  What's #2 Beatles album.  I'm gonna guess RUB HER SOLE.  YEP I WAS RIGHT.  What does that leave as the Top Album.  Let It Be?  Lemme Spoiler Alert Myself and see.  YEP ABBEY ROAD JUST AS I SUSPECTED.  Anyway.  I'll listen to some Rubber Soul, why not.  I feel like Rubber was a very valuable commodity In History.  Not LONG ago history.  We hadn't discovered Rubber that long ago.  But in the last few centuries.  Rubber Mines or something.  I may or may not be on to something accurate here.  Anyway.
   Last paragraph before Recess Walk.  Gotta see what kind of A+ Tracks are on Abbey Road.  Oh.  These tracks aren't THAT great.  Now I doubt that Rubber Soul will even be that great.  Lemme LTURQ.  These tracks aren't that great either.  The point is it turns out Sgt Pepper is the best Beatles album.  I'M AS SURPRISED AS YOU ARE that I have a legitimate personal take on this.  BUT I DO AND IT'S THIS.  It's called an ICE BERG because it's a SMALL NEIGHBORHOOD WHERE THE ICE LIVES.  Hmm.  Also Sure I suspect  I'm AN IDIOT for liking Sgt Pepper the best.  My guess is anyone reading this would be like WHAT AN IDIOT FOR HAVING THIS OPINION, IN A WAY I PITY HIM.  But in anothe rway just kinda HATE him.  That's my main impression of What People Might Think While Reading This.  Anyway.  Still checking twitter today!  Tipping point hasn't happened yet that I quit for goods.  CAN'T WAIT.  Gonna figure out better things to do with my time Real Good.  Anyway.  Walk Time Now.  See ya soon.

  GOD DAMN TOE.  Stop being in pain.  How hard is that.  I'm not gonna lie-- considering amputating my toe!  Odds are the pain will be gone!  Maybe I'll experience phantom pain indefinitely.  It's a risk I'm willing to take.  What do I need toe for anyway.  If my Sex Partner is into MY FEET stuff?  She'd probably be just as into me having 4 toes out of 5 on one foot.  This isn't a deal breaker for her IT'S A POSITIVE.  Either way I have no way to amputate it safely and quickly.  SO I'm not GONNA.  But if I could I would.  Huh.  Had delicious chocolate comprehensive Iced Cream Sandwich.  I'm not sure if it was the right move or not!  Coulda been better, coulda been worse.  Maybe I can trick myself into Feeling Another Part Of My Body.  Hmm.  What part of my body ISN'T in pain.  Left elbow.  Ok.  Let's focus on left elbow.  Hmm.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.
   Some assemblyman candidate stuck a flyer in screen door while I was on Recess Walk!  We're talkin past 9 PM.  It's too late for Flyer-ing.  C'mon.  You just lost my vote.  Also, you were and/or are a Republican.  You never had my vote!  But now I'm gonna vote MULTIPLE times against you, just to prove a point!  Hmm.  Also what's wrong with flyering after 9 PM.  I guess nothing.  Maybe its even kinda cool.  THIS FLYER IS FOR TEH ADULTS OF TE HOUSEHOLD.  DON'T LET YOUR KIDS SEE.  ADULT ASSEMBLYMAN RACE GOING ON for AFTER HOURS consideration.  Huh.  Am I watching anything when this is over.  I dunno.  I can see going to sleep.  I can even see going to sleep Right Now.  I'm not gonna.  Hmm.  Next Tales In The Crypt is, what... uh... hmm.  Lemme LURQ.  SEANCE.  Part of me wants to spend 20 dollars to buy New Halloween Movie.  The Halloween Franchise.  I'm not just referring to a random movie that's within the spirit of Halloween: The Holiday.  ANyway.  That would be MADNESS.  I can see paying a 5.99 fee or a 2.99 fee to watch the new Halloween.  But a 19.99 I DUNNO DOESN'T SEEM RIGHT.
   Penultimate paragraph of the day.  How did I feel about Chinese food.  Pretty good!  I ate a third of it and it was a reasonable amount!  I thought I would be having a third and it'd be too much but I'd have The Full Third Anyway because that was the type of spirit I was in.  NOPE.  Had a third and it was a Hearty For Me lunch but totally reasonable size overall!  Also quality was great!  I asked for extra broccoli AND BOY DID I GET IT.  Normally I'd get 2-3 pieces.  TODAY I GOT SIX I WAS THRILLED ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  Also I was very pleased that the soup was in more of a soup type container than a drinking-cup type container.  Same RESERVOIR HEARTINESS overall.  But the shape of it was more in lien with what you want out of a soup as opposed to what you'd like out of a cup of beverage.  Huh.
Last paragraph of the day!  One can only assume the poor quality of Progress In Music today is due to my toe and not my fault in any real way.  Could it be that I should have Tried Harder To Do Good and not just Coasted On The Idea That Just DOING Would Be Inevitable Forward Progress?  NO.  THE TOE MESSED ME UP.  GET IT OFF OF ME.  In a way even if it's The Toe's Fault it's STILL my fault.  Toe is part of me!  And I'm part of the toe!  Toe and I are One & The Same!  FOR NOW.  Always bothered me in Led Zeppelin Ramble On there's a lyric And To Our Health we drank a thousand times but they pronounce it TOE our health.  And I think the first 10 years I just didn't know what they were talking about.  And then at some point in my lifetime I figured out oh they're saying, "TO our health.... ...that's not how it's pronounced though."  Also how many times Have I Dranken.  Single sessions of alcohol consumption.  Maybe in the unit of 1 day.  If I drink in the morning and again at night, that counts as one session.  I don't think I reached a thousand times but it's probably relatively close.  Maybe it's higher, I dunno.  I can't COUNT off the top of my head.  I'M NO GENIUS.  Anyway.  That's it off the top of my head.  See ya tomorrow.

-10:17 P.M.




Friday, October 28, 2022

Titles, Am I Right

    Hey!  About 15 minutes behind schedule.  Was gonna start entry right on schedule, and dread having to wait for super market delivery mucking up my day.  However, Super market came Super early before I even started entry!  WOW.  Is it possible I can fit in an entire 4 morning walks?  SOMEWHAT.  Gonna be some crunch time but it's possible!  Anyway.  Not sure whether to work on yesterdays song, record a better version of an Already Song, or start a new song.  Probably mostly the first one.  Either way sure I got ring dings.  Had a good amount of NightMight snacking.  Not Good in the sense I was pleased.  Good in the sense that it was a relatively large amount.  Not a BANGE or anything.  But it was Some Things!  Two pop tarts for breakfast.  Delightful.  How's twitter going.  Has The Tipping Point happened yet where I'm no longer on board with checking?  Oh no assault on Nancy Pelosi's house and Nancy Pelosi's husband.  When my Mom was telling me the story she was like and he was physically assaulted, not... and I figured she was gonna say and not Mentally Assaulted.  Instead she was gonna say and Not Shot.  I guess in her head there's degrees of physical assault and He was just Generically Physically Assaulted.  I wanna see what Mental Assault is all about.
Hmm.  What did I listen to this morning.  New Guided By Voices album!  Also my latest, "tracks," too.  Guided By Voices album is great.  So far I'm digging it real good.  Gonna take a while to get used to the titles.  They're a mental assault on all the senses.  But I feel like if I listen to this many times I'll get used to th titles!  Hmm.  That's another band I can go through discogrophy.  Top 200 Guided By Voices albums.  Amazing.  I READ THE GUIDED BY VOICES BOOK I think I know what I'm talking about.  Anyway.  So far nothing happened on twitter exactly to the naked eye.  Not even to the Covered Up eye.  World Series starts tonight.  Reasonable chance I'm reasonably interested in that.  Probably not over.  There's a 2/3rds chance I'm 2/3rds interested in it.  That adds up to what, 1/3rd?  I don't think that's right.  Lemme LTURQ.  THIS SHOULD BE EASY MATH.  4/9.  Oh.  THAT MAKES SENSE.  2 x 2 on the top and 3 x3 on the bottom.  AMAZING.
Third paragraph.  Not sure what to do for lunch yet.  Not sure about a lot of things!  Hmm.  The same website I was using as rankings for Bob Dylan and The Beatles has a similar article for Led Zeppelin, but it's not ranked!  Just in chronological order!  So what good is this website at all.  Gives lotta paragraphs devoted to each album.  I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT.  Either way.  Four Beatles albums left?  Five?  FIVE.  Up to, "Help."  You know like Emma Stone.  And. Viola Davis?  YEP NAILED IT.  So that's good.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Nothing.  Lot of days in October relative to other months with Vacation Days in terms of celebrating National Foods.  Looks like six days out of thirty one.  Most months it's 0-2.  Go figure.  Guess people NEED A BREAK by October.  October is the Seventh Inning Stretch of Months.  Anyway.  How much of a break is a seventh inning stretch compared to other Between Half Innings.  Can't be that long.  When I'm watching a game on TV I don't remember ever registering oh the commercial break and/or commentary between at bats was definitely longer in the mid 7th inning.  Also I'VE BEEN to ball games.  Can't imagine it being more than 30 seconds or a minute.
The point is if I were designing Stadium FOUR TIMES THE AMOUNT OF BATHROOMS AS WHAT YOU'RE WORKING WITH.  Wall to wall bathrooms!  You could figure it out I'm sure.  Anyway what else is up.  Fourth paragraph.  I'd say it's about 60/40 I don't get in a fourth walk in Early Part Of Day Time.  Meaning I ultimately take 5-7 walks depending on how many walks I take in MidDay.  Probably 6-7 overall.  Don't see myself taking No Walks between Third and Fourth walk.  Hmm.  I could start a new song taking NOTHING from yesterday song.  And then yesterday song ends up a SPARE BONUS song.  Still needs work even for that context.  But it's not as much pressure as if it were NON SPARE REGULAR GENERAL GOTTA BE GOOD song.  Hmm.  Today is Friday.  Let's talk about it.  Well what more do you wanna say about it.  Not much!  Good day all in all!  Especially getting Super Market delivery acceptance out of the way early.  Not hanging over my head or anything!
   Fifth paragraph.  I'm an idiot!  For NightMight I took several margherite cookies up to my room to eat em.  Then I discovered an hour ago there was one on the floor.  Instead of claiming victory and being like YES That's one amount of NightMight snacking that I dodged! I just picked it up and ate it.  WHAT A FOOL I'VE BEEN.  So that's good.  LOOK did Super Market give us some free Pumpkin Cake or something?  YEAH.  What is it exactly?  Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread.  Not sure I like that.  The pumpkin part.  Then again in my head can't really imagine what pumpkin tastes like.  And maybe it's a LIGHT Pumpkin taste.  Mostly just bread taste and/or chip taste and/or chocolate taste.  Anyway what else is up.  I successfully watched all of Deadline yesterday.  Next up is Spoiled.  Anyway.  If it takes me fourty minutes to write next 5 paragraphs, does that leave me with enough room for All The Walks?  YEAH PROBABLY.  THIS JUST MAY WORK.
Coffee time!  HMM let's see the exact amount they gave me of Deli Meat.  Asked for .5 LB for each.  Pastrami was .58 lb.  Turke ywas .6 lb.  Ham was .58 lb.  DANGIT.  SO M UCH MORE OZ THAN I'M COMFORTABLE WITH.  Which is ANY amount of Oz for Pennsylvanians!  YEAH.  Anyway guess the goal is to continue with Guided By Voices album either upcoming walk or walk after.  Either way I assume I'll be able to finish it in one more walk if the time they say it lasted on bottom is accurate.  I HAVE DOUBTS.  It's 20 songs and it says 33 minutes but more than half of the first half dozen were like 2-3 minutes.  THE MATH ISN'T ADDING UP.  Lemme LTURQ on the INTERNET.  Not seeing any exact Summation of how long the album is immediately.  I AM seeing how long the future songs are.  Still not buying it's 33 minutes.  But on the other hand it probably is.  So that's good.  Maybe some songs are negative amount of time.  You listen to them and go backwards in time.  ONE CAN ONLY HOPE.
Seventh paragraph.  Ideally write 4 paragraphs in about 35 minutes?  I can do that sure why not.  First step to re-approaching Yesterday Song is record some new fangled instrumental on 8 track.  Gotta be two guitar tracks I feel.  Can't get in the right headspace unless I can hear both at the same time overtly.  I can't IMAGINE both at the same time in my head.  I'm not a MUSICIAN or anything.  Hmm.  Also possible I can get all this done with one guitar now that I think about it.  Sort of.  Not really.  Hmm.  What else is crap.  I can indulge and have Ring Ding for SandwichSide.  Probably won't though.  Gotta have something as sandwich side though.  LOOK I'd be open to getting Chinese Food as soon as TODAY but I got chicken pot pie for dinner and Chinese Food probably gonna be a General Tso Chicken.  TOO MUCH CHICKEN.  NOBODY BUT KNOWBODY MAKES ME EAT TOO MUCH CHICKEN.  So that's good.  I guess listening to Led Zeppelin in chronological order ain't so bad.  Or I can follow a ranking On A Different Website.  GREAT.
Three paragraphs to go.  Is Paul Pelosi an OLD MAN who got assaulted or a Older Middle Aged Man who got assaulted.  I was kinda picturing an older middle aged man.  But now I realize THIS MIGHT HAVE BEEN GERIATRIC ABUSE.  Better LTURQ.  He's 82 years old.  Nobody deserves assault, physical or mental, or at any age, elderly or late middle aged.  That's my hot take.  Wonder what we'll learn about Assailant's motive.  Could be ANYTHING.  Could be unrelated to politics.  Could be a false flag.  Could be ANYTHING.  What else is up.  Two and a half paragraphs to go and whatknot.  I like Guided By Voices but I feel like I can utilize listening to the rest of this album better in THIRD OR FOURTH walk.  Second walk I'd like to do something else perhaps HELP!  Help what.  I DUNNO but whatever it is I'M DOING IT TO THIS BEATLES ALBUM.  Huh.  Lemme LURQ track listing again.  See what's exciting besides You Like Me Too Much (Harisson).  Oh Good some good songs.  Also about as long as Guided By Voices album.
Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  Hmm.  Maybe try to get some reading in today.  I may have Wholle Lotta Time which reading would help me fill up productively.  The point is what's an ACTUAL reasonable SandwichSide.  Pouch of chips aHoy.  Cheez its.  ... Those are my best ideas.  I guess.  What's the reasonable sandwich.  If I'm in the mood for hearty sandwich it's pastrami.  If I'm in the mood for lighter sandwich it's ham.  THIS ISN'T COMPLICATED.  Kinda is.  Maybe I get Chinese food anyway today.  CHICKEN ABUNDANCE BE DAMNED.  Or I get a non chicken Chinese Food Dish!  Hmm. Maybe a NOODLES based one.  A LO MEIN per say.  That's interesting.  Also what else is going on and crap.  Gotta figure out better Guitar sound I want.  Some of these tracks have good reasonable guitar tones.  IN terms of what kinda amp and or pedals and or guitar-brand-itself sounds are being emulated.  Some of the ones I recorded on with are just wrong!  Hmm.  What else is up.  ALSO don't get me STARTED on how I'm strumming the guitar.  Sometimes it's reasonable.  Sometimes it needs improvement.  WELL YOU GOT ME STARTED and I guess it wasn't so bad.
Last paragraph before walk!  What if I got chicken and lamb with rice from Halal Cart.  I THINK Halal Cart still exists where it used to.  I pass that corner 3 or 4 times a day.  I know it's no ALWAYS there.  I feel like I think it's USUALLY there.  Gotta pay more attention!  Nah I don't think I'm gonna do hat.  Either Get halal cart or just Pay Attention.  No thanks either way!  Hmm.  I also got one Super Market prepared fresh lunch.  Either turkey meatloaf or herbed chicken with sweet potatoe and broccoli.  Either way don't want that today either way.  Looking at Chinese Food Restaurant Website Menu got me PUMPED UP about it.  Now it sounds Real Good.  I dunno what to GET.  But that is NOW THE TOP SPOT for ideas of what to have for lunch.  Hmm.  What else is up.  How much time do I have for upcoming Units Of Time.  PLENTY O TIME.  Good deal.  Maybe I finish Guided album for upcoming walk.  WHAT A GREAT JOURNAL WE GOT HERE TO READ.  Hmm.  Get some Crystal Shrimp Dumplings.  Have half of em with one meal, half of em with another meal, have soup with the third.  AMAZING I BET THE NEXT FEW PARAGRAPHS WILL BE SLIGHTLY BETTER.




Pretty Normal Ttile

    Hey.  How much time do I have to write this act?  Let's say fourty five minutes is more than enough time.  Ok.  Fourty Five Minutes Is More Than Enough Time.  Hmm.  Got a good idea for lunch!  Eat chickened pot pie for lunch!  And then hearty pastrami sandwich for dinner.  GOOD DEAL.  Probably shave after I get home from Walk IV, then put chicken pot pie in oven, then work on music while I'm waiting an hour and a half for it to be ready, THEN I LUNCH.  Then more music presumably!  Either way I got it all covered.  Got my electric razor charging.  Probably didn't have to say electric.  Not sure why a manual razor would need to be charged.  Guess sit couldn't HURT.  But overall kinda pointless.  Hmm.  Thinking about prioritizing working on Latest Last song today.  Maybe even work an entire TWO HALVES.  One half figuring out 90% of the song. Second half recording song with a clean slate again and Meeting OR EXCEEDING it being 90% worked out.  YEAH.  Hmm.  Snack time getting reasonably close.  Presumably I have it when I get back from Walk IV!  In about an hour and fifteen minutes.  Plus another hour!  I could have just said two hours and fifteen minutes but it's more LITERARY this way.
Four paragraphs to go!  Maybe dependable granola bar.  Seems about right.  Huh.  Elon Musk re-activated Kanye West twitters around.  Feels like that could be a deal breaker!  He's explicitly saying ANTI SEMITISM HAS A PLACE IN OUR DISCOURSE.  Will Kanye West being allowed back on twitter effect me PERSONALLY, IMMEDIATELY?  Probably not.  Might effect my personally in the long run!  If it leads to increasing anti-semetism.  NOT A FAN.  Then again maybe this report about Kanye being allowed back is ERRANT.  BETTER KEEP TABS ON TWITTER TO SEE WHAT THE STORY IS HERE.  Hmm.  Can there be a website that just has Real Breaking News 24/7.  Not like a cable news channel breaking news.  REAL ACCURATE RELEVANT Breaking news!  IDEALLY EVEN SUPPLEMENTED by a staff of 2 dozen or so Expert Breaking News Commentators.  HOW HARD COULD THAT BE.  Probably pretty hard.  Other wise they'd do it if it were easy.  So that's good.  Figure I could eat snack before shaving.  OR I could have it after shaving.  NICE AFTERSHAVE TREAT.  Hmm.  Finished Guided By Voices.  I guess it WAS thirty three minutes somehow in retrospect.  I have no idea how they pulled it off but Credit Where Credit Is Due!
   Three paragraphs to go.  Started HELP!  So far so good!  Credit where credit is due!  Huh.  Chicken Pot Pie could be in oven between an hour and a half and an hour and fourty five minutes.  FEELS LIKE I'll put it in around 1:45 AND PLAY IT AS IT LANDS.  Is that a phrase.  I think it's CLOSE to a phrase.  May not be 100% The Phrase.  Either way golf thing I think.  Play it as it lays.  ALSO a Joan Didion poem!  Wow!  I remember that name from Freshman Creative Writing Class in NYU.  MUST BE A GREAT POET if we went over Her Name at some point.  OH.  I think it was some sort of Creative Essay Class.  And she wrote creative ESSAYS.  Probably read one or two!  Anyway.  What's the correct phrase for Creative Essay.  Not seeing anything immediately.  I devoted an entire seven seconds to figuring this out and then I gave up.  Creative Essay will have to do the trick.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  Help!.  What else.  Gotta figure out a Current Music Playlist to go back and forth to besides listening to Albums In Some Sort Of Rankings.
   What else is up.  Wonder if this chicken pot pie gonna be a good one or a bad one.  I feel like the quality of them vary in a way I can't necessarily describe.  Could be they're always the same and it just depends on how long I put it in oven.  OR THEY COULD BE DIFFERENT WEEK TO WEEK.  So that's good.  Maybe have delicious Cinnamon Toast Crunch bar for upcoming snack.  That sound reasonable and shit.  Gonna take a shower after upcoming walk.  Amazing!  Figuring out how long I want the 5 tracks to be.  It doesn't sound like something you'd figure out BEFORE finishing the songs.  WRONG.  I know how long I want each track to be AND THEY WILL BEND TO MY WILL to fulfill those amounts of times!  I think this is VERY logical.  Probably more logical than whatever crap YOU'RE thinking of.  Also it's not I Want Them To Be This Many Verses and Choruses, etc.  NO.  I WANT THIS ONE SONG TO BE 90 SECONDS ON THE DOT.  That's how I feel. 
   Last paragraph of the Daytime Day.  How long do I want presumed Today Song to be.  A MINUTE AND A HALF ON THE DOT.  Actually it doesn't have to be on the dot.  I'd be happy with 1:20-1:45 length.  And if it's 5-10 seconds more or less I CAN LIVE WITH IT.  Also if it occurs naturally to be some other length SOUNDS GREAT if something is occurring naturally IT PROBABLY IS PRETTY GREAT.  So that's good.  Pastrami sandwich is the one sandwich not counting veggie burger that'd be pretty appropriate for dinner.  It's a Hearty Meat!  Wonder what sandwich side I got going on for me.  THAT SHOULD BE INTERESTING and whatknot.  Huh.  Got WHITE BREAD for upcoming two weeks of sandwiches.  It's a CLASSIC.  It's INOFFENSIVE to the palate.  It's got a great comforting package.  Wonderbread Whitebread at last.  What a pleasant package.  Huh.  I'm gonna go now!  Be back tonight!




if anything too normal

    Hello friends.  Another successful day down.  Recorded a couple of further versions of New Song From Yesterday.  No final one yet though!  Recorded first version of Final Song For Round Of Music that I've Had In Back Pocket For A While but This Is The First Time I Recorded It This Week.  I know the song but this recording AIN'T IT.  The point is I didn't accomplish All I Wanted but I made a bit of progress. Anyway.  Started listening to The Monkees discogrophy.  Pretty good stuff!  REALLY pretty good stuff.  I dunno whose writing these songs and playing these instruments but whoever it is They're Accomplishing What They Set Out To Accomplish pretty good!  Some of this is even PUNK.  1966 Punk BUT MORE BITE than I would have expected.  Anyway I assume it's really the actors singing.  At the very least you can USE YOUR VOICE in the way this songs says you should.  Right?  HOW HARD IS THAT.  JUST SAY THINGS and make people think you're singing them.  EASY.
   Hmm.  Got cherry lollipop going on right now.  Had chickened pot pie for lunch.  Pastrami sandwich and fiber bar for dinner.  Could have ANY WILDCARD I WANT for upcoming dessert indulgence snack.  Hmm.  Have one beer during afternoon.  Having a second one now!  We'll see how that goes.  OH HEY World Series is starting Right About Now.  I think about 10 minutes ago.  LET'S SEE WHOSE WINNING TEH WORLD SERIES SO FAR.  MIDDLE OF THE FIRST INNING.  The Phillies have HAD THEIR TURN AT BAT for the first inning but not the Astros.  And the Phillies were unsuccessful to score even one run.  SOUNDS LIKE THE ASTROS GOT THE EDGE AS OF NOW FOR THE WORLD SERIES.  WAY AHEAD.  An extra inningsworth of Maybe Scoring Runs ahead.  Not bad!  Every little bit counts.  HEY Maybe I get Chinese food for tomorrow.  THAT WILL INSPIRE ME to make a Final Recording of one of these songs.  A recording SO GREAT I will put it onlien and people would be like I'M NOT GONNA LISTEN TO THAT but IF THEY DID THEY WOULD PROBABLY NOT MIND IT.  That's the best case scenario that I could vaguely imagine.  So that's good.
   Third paragraph of Act III Part i.  Today is Friday.  GREAT.  Ended up taking a bonus walk in middle of day.  I think it has me ending up at seven walks overall?  Assuming I take Upcoming Recess Walk!  Hmm.  One thing I like about New 8 Track as opposed to the one I had from ~2007-2018 is WAY MORE MEMORY.  In the old one I had to be very careful to delete songs when I was done with them because the memory card could only hold So Many Tracks over So Many Songs and if you don't have enough room then your track won't record.  THIS ONE I GOT A HUNDRED TIMES as many tracks over songs that haven't stopped me from recording more.  So that's good OR GREAT.  Anyway I just bit into lollipop SO THAT'S GOOD OR GREAT.  Also I haven't done this yet but I THINK you can listen to any track on any song once you have 8 track USB'd to your computer.  No you pick one single track, wait for it to load, and then you have to re-do the Several Minute Process each time you wanna get a tracks on your computer.  I TINK you can just LISTEN TO TRACKS AT WILL once the 8 track is connected to your computer.  AGAIN I haven't done this but THAT'D BE WAY MORE CONVIENT BY MANY UNITS.
Three paragraphs to go for Act III part i.  Presumably got about 2 dozen Old Versions of the new song I recorded today that I can listen to Easily That Way.  You know from THREE UNST A HALF YEARS AGO.  Sounds about right.  Hmm.  Sounds like Paul Pelosi is gonna be alright.  He had HEAD surgery done and that was concerning!  PRESS RELEASE SAYS HE'S GONNA BE BETTER THAN EVER THOUGH.  Their words not mine.  They didn't use those words.  THEY MIGHT HAVE.  I haven't heard or read EVERYTHING That Press Release has EVER SAID IN ALL OF TIME.  They might have said it, WE DON'T KNOW.  Either way Terrible.  I do like the part where He Recovers though.  So that's good.  Hmm.  THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF I GOT EGG FOO YOUNG FOR LUNCH.  What never would have happened.  ANYTHING.  That sounds like It Includes SOME GOOD THINGS.  YEP.  YA TAKE THE BAD WITH THE GOOD.  Huh.  Hey I successfully shaved my face.  Not including what's commonly accepted as, "Head," Hair, eye brows and perhaps eyelashes.  Eyelash are hair.  Maybe not LITERALLY but certainly IN SPIRIT.
Penultimate paragraph before Recess.  Also facial hair isn't 100% shoven off.  I feel like there's a healthy Barely There Stubble.  I DID THE BEST I CAN.  Get off my case about it.  Hmm.  I have STILL been using Twitter today.  So far NOTHING OFFENDED my delicate sensibilities to make me stop reading.  FOR NOW.  This can go south AT ANY MOMENT.  Hmm.  Anyway.  I'm inbetween albums for BOTH BEATLES AND MONKEES.  Next Monkees album (CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER) is HEADQUARTERS and the Beatles (RANKING ORDER) is Revolver.  I TINK THEY LITERALLY JUST RELEASED A SUPER DELUXE VERSION OF REVOLVER TODAY.  What PROVIDENCE.  Which is in RHODE ISLAND.  Which is NOT an Island but RHODE means RED in Ancient Languages.  Hmm.  I assume Volver is Ancient Language for Volvo.  Which is a popular car company.  I feel like my household once had a volvo.  Not sure what member of my household had the Main Access To It.  It was Just Sort Of There.  Hmm.
Last paragraph before recess.  SURE WHY NOT.  Might have another delicious comprehensive iced cream sandwich for upcoming snack.  Could be CHOCOLATE even.  I HAVE OPTIONS BETWEEN VANILLA AND CHOCOLATE.  Well not BETWEEN.  There's no flavor that's on the vanilla/chocolate spectrum and I pick the one inbetween the two.  NO SUCH SPECTRUM EXISTS?  Sure it does.  You take a vanilla iced cream.  Put it on the left side of the table.  You take a chocolate iced cream.  Put it on the right side!  Then you start taking away ingredients when making iced cream.  You get something that makes it more vanilla then chocolate?  Make some ice cream that's OTHERWISE vanilla but remove this ONE vanilla ingredient.  And maybe add One Small Thing that Chocolate Iced Cream usually has in it.  SUDDENLY YOU GOT SOMETHING ON THE VANILLA TO CHOCOLATE SPECTRUM.  Makes sense.  Makes a lot of sense.  POSSIBLY TOO MUCH SENSE.  Hmm.  Gonna go take a walk now!  Be back soon!

   Hey!  Had delightful cookies n cream Quest Bar as Dessert Snack.  WASN'T THAT DELIGHTFUL.  It was fine but I could have had more fun with iced cream sandwich for sure.  Other things, too.  Either way got about 25% left of beer #2 for this Act III part ii.  THAT'LL DO for the day.  Anyway.  Made some progress with Music Project for today!  Listening to the tracks I, "Laid," "Down," today on walks gives me greater (GreatIST?) prospective!  Also if Greatist is a word Gotta imagine it's spelled greatest.  Hmm.  Remains me of Colbert bit.  About George Bush.  And him being either Great or Greatest President.  That's the bit!  And he would DIRECT that IN THE FORM OF A QUESTION at OTHER PEOPLE.  No Spoilers.  Box of Ring Dings is way bigger than it has to be.  It's supposed to be a pack of eight.  This box looks like it'd fit 24.  If it gave me no number and I had to guess I'd guess 18 or 24.  I don't TINK Ring Dings are actually Very Big.  I think there's just a lot of Wasted Room in this box.  TAT'S PLANNED OBSCELENCE FOR YA.  BOXES SO BIG WE DON'T NEED 90% OF THEM.  WHATTA WASTE.
Hmm.  Maybe there's Hearty Instruction Manual to the Ring Dings.  Well WE DO need to be told not to eat the plastic wrapping they're each individually wrapped in presumably.  Can't be too safe when it comes to things like that.  Is there possible fentylannl in Ring Dings.  From now until Election Day I'm gonna assume there's possible Fentylnal in EVERYTHING.  Gotta play it safe.  Anyway sure I'm gonna have a delicious iced cream bar in about fourty five minutes at bedtime.  BUT I SHOULD HAVE HAD ICED CREAM ALREADY TONIGHT AT THIS POINT.  My Late Afternoon snack was small iced cream bar.  YEAH BUT THAT WAS AGES AGO.  I should have had iced cream TWENTY MINUTES AGO. YOU FOOLS.  Anyway I lost track of what I was talking about.  Oh.  Right Ring Ding box.  Anything else there.  I could open the box to see the lay of the land.  See what's going on there once and/or for all.  Maybe.  While typing that I was thinking that's ridiculous I'm not gonna go out of my way just to see What's In The Box.  However my current thinking is next time I go downstairs Organically I WILL OPEN THE BOX TO SEE WHAT'S IN THE BOX.
Hmm.  What Tales Crypt do I got going on for tonight.  CAUSE IF IT'S ON A DEADMAN'S CHEST... hmm.  IT IS On a Deadman's Chest.  Oh.  GOOD.  Got a guy with an eye patch in it.  Gotta imagine that's working out well for him.  Also WAIT A SECOND THERE'S NO DEADMAN'S CHEST.  Main guy's chest whose relevant to the story is ALIVE.  Also is A Deadman's Chest some sort of PIRATE reference?  Like a TREASURE CHEST?  And the Dead Man is SOME GHOUL PIRATE?  I don't think this is a pirate reference but I dunno what other kinda reference it'd be either.  Hmm.  IN A WAY WE'RE ALL DEAD MEN.  Don't take that as an Internet Threat.  I'm speaking PHILOSOPHICALLY don't worry.  THAT WORRIES ME EVEN MORE.  I'd rather be DEAD than have to Know Philosophy.  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  Sounds fair.  I sure hope I have a balanced breakfast tomorrow.  And that I get up at The Early On-Time Hour.  Nice chunk of time in middle of the day to have SOME FUN.  Music.  CHINESE FOOD.  A SOLID COUPLE O' BEERS.  A WALK PERHAPS IF THAT'S WHERE THE WIND TAKES ME.
  Last paragraph.   Is there any way I can splice a Ring Ding breakfast and a Balanced Breakfast.  Egg whites, eggo, and ring ding.  Ring Ding is instead of cereal.  Oh that makes a lot of sense.  Peoplew ouldn't harshly judge me if they knew that's what I was doing for my breakfasts on purpose.  Huh.  Maybe start working my through FILM tonight instead of Tales Crypt.  Maybe start re-watching THAT SHINING.  I assume it's on Somewhere and/or My DVD of it Works.  IT's good cause I can watch AS LITTLE OR AS MUCH OF IT as I want.  Except for More Than Exists.  Or Less Than Zero of it.  Love No Limit.  Something like that.  It's a song, you wouldn't understand.  True story!  Hmm.  I'll watch right up til the part where They Introduce The Shining at the plot point between Act I and II.  Is that a plot point.  I never took Screenwriting Class.  I DON'T KNOW EXACT STRUCTURE OF PLOT POINTS.  I'm not a GENIUS or something.  Huh.  That's it for today!  See ya tomorrow!

-10:07 P.M.



Thursday, October 27, 2022

How Sweet It Is

    Hey friends!  About an hour behind schedule today.  Got Blood Tooken, but didn't fit in a walk before hand.  Gonna fit in everything else with no CrunchTime, though.  Just be one walk behind!  OR probably take bonus walk in Middle Of The Day.  Either way got a couple of Quest Bars when I got my Mom cigarettes.  I think one was Chocolate Brownie and the other one was Cookies n Cream.  Can't go wrong there!  Sure you can.  And I MAY HAVE.  Oh.  Hmm.  Had slightly too much NightMight snacking.  Had delicious Hostess Cupcakes.  DELICIOUS.  Also for two of then it's a pretty reasonable amount of calories!  I'ma get these again!  Or try something similar.  Either way you can't go wrong.  Sure you can.  And I PROBABLY WILL.  Anyway didn't check my weight again today.  Leave me out of it!  Hmm.  Listened to my last 3 very rough boiler plate of songs this morning.  Still SOMETHIN there.  Not much YET.  But the beginnings of somthing.  Could be at least.  Finished Tegan * Sara album.  GREAT NAMES.  Both Tegan AND Sara and let's face it the, "And."
   What else is up.  538 got about the same numbers as the last few days.  On the LOW end of the same numbers.  Either way HMM.  Guess I'm stuck having a turkey sandwich for lunch and a steak * stuffed mushroom * soup for dinner.  I figure I could enjoy those when it comes down to it.  Weird there's still no baseball.  When was the last baseball. Monday?  Then we gotta wait 4 days until Baseball picks back up again?  And we've lost our interest in the meantime?  WHAT FOOLS.  We're into baseball on Monday LET'S RIDE THAT WAVE don't let it DROP.  I think I made this point in a previous post season.  It's a good point!  I'M FULL OF GOOD POINTS.  Both geometrically and elsewhere.  Wait a second it just occurred to me I don't wanna root for the Phillies.  The FRANCHISE itself is okay.  I'm okay with Philadelphia and the name Phillies is okay.  I'm okay with the fans!  But I just read a couple of their top players' names and I was like wait a second I DON'T LIKE THESE PEOPLE.  The people on the actual team.  Better LURQ the people on the Astros.  Maybe I like THEM as individual people.  HMM the 4 people I know seem reasonable.
Yeah!  MY PHONE IS CHARGED.  Another night where I was able to plug it in just enough.  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Global Champagne Day, National Breadstick Day, National Chocolate Day, and Wild Foods Day.  First things first been A WHILE since I had an appetizer-level breadstick.  Been a while since I had any breadstick.  But there's breadsticks that are little sides and then there's BIG APPETIZER breadsticks.  That sounds great.  Where can I get some appetizer breadsticks.  I dunno OUT BACK STEAK HOUSE?  Sounds like the kinda place I'd get appetizer breadsticks off the top of my head.  Lemme LTURQ.  I'm not gonna GET IT.  I just wanna LTURQ to see How Right I Am Or Amn't.  NOPE.  No appetizer breadsticks.  Oh well.  I KNOW there are appetizer breadsticks out there.  I think.  Maybe I just made this up in my imagination.  Oh well.  Might be thinking of like Pizza Hut when they have cheese sticks that are just pizza without tomato sauce and cut differently.  That sounds good, too!
   Fourth paragraph.  Amazing!  What to listen to on upcoming walk.  Probably go back to Superbloom: The Current Music Playlist Of Tomorrow!  Also got Beatles Discography.  Specifically Most OF The White Album.  HOW MUCH MOST?  Lemme LTURQ.  I think I left off at Happiness Is Some Warm Gun.  WAIT NO.  I left off at the song before then.  While Some Guitar Gently Weeps.  So that's good.  One more Beatles song to listen to!  Before this I had, what, a hundred+ left to listen to?  NOW IT's THAT PLUS ONE MORE.  WHAT DIVINE PROVIDENCE.  I know what words mean.  Providence is in New Hampshire.  Or Rhode Island.  One of those states nobody cares much about.  RHODE ISLAND.  I wanna care about Rhode Island.  I haven't up until this point.  No time like the present to Course Correct and care about Rhode Island.  Hmm.  Pretty sure Rhode Island IS NOT an Island.  May be a Rhode.  Gonna have to LURQ what a Rhode is.  Some Dutch guy named it Red Island.  I guess Red in Dutch sounds like Rhode.  Or maybe Rhode is Fancy Language for Red.  Either way WHY IS IT RED.  In reference to the Red Clay that lined the shore.  OH OKAY.  YOU DO REALIZE IT'S NOT AN ISLAND THOUGH AT THIS POINT, RIGHT?  WE CAN AGREE ON THAT?
Fifth paragraph.  Global Champaigne Day.  SORRY.  I only celebrate AMERICA days.  Wild Foods Day.  ALL FOOD IS KINDA WILD.  And/or NO FOOD IS WILD.  Lemme LURQ what they're talking about.  Oh.  It's like gathering wild foods.  Plants and berries and the like.  I could have figured that out myself.  Then Why Didn't I.  Didn't care enough to think about it. Oh.  Hostess Cupcake was Amazon Fresh.  Fresh Direct has different kinda DRAKES.  I think I'll try one but WHICH ONE I DON'T KNOW.  Ring Dings?  Yodel?  Devil Dog?  THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  Trying to decide based on calories.  Which one would fit as a breakfast, which would fit as NightTime Dessert Snack, which one would fit as Regular DayTime Snack...  Ideally I'd want something that fits as a breakfast.  NOT SEEING ANY OBVIOUS ANSWERS.  Ring Dings are in the lead.  Two of em are reasonable breakfast.  HMM.  Let's add that to the cart.  LET'S ROLL THEM DICE ON RING DINGS.  HOLY SHIT after adding Ring Dings the total for the Super Market order was EXACTLY $225.00.  WHAT A ROUND NUMBER.  Too bad there will probably be an adjustment or two.  DANGIT.
   Coffee time.  EIGHT RING DINGS?  That sounds like a lot.  Not really.  Easily can have 2-4 breakfasts of 2 Ring Dings each over a week if I like it.  Can have them over 2-3 weeks if I don't like it!  Can have ONE as a NightTime snack.  Can eat it as Irresonsible NightMight snack.  THE POINT IS NOW I HAVE COFFEE.  What else is going on and crap.  Think I got the title for the song I wanna start figuring out today.  Some guitar too, but I might end up scrapping that completely and having to start from scratch.  OR MAYBE I SCRAP HALF AND KEEP HALF.  The point is Whatever.  The point is I THINK each of the three songs I have as of now are KIND OF different from each other?  That's a key thing.  Might sound exactly the same as each other.  I think MUSIC is different.  Singing might not be so unique yet.  NOT SO MUCH SINGING YET.  Just Saying Words.  Kind of PRETENDING to sing.  That's where I'm at for now. 
   Seventh paragraph.  Good deal.  Still got eggsworth for 2 balanced breakfasts.  Amazing.  I AIN'T GETTIN' BLOOD WORK DONE 4 WEEKS FROM TODAY.  That's Thanksgiving.  They're CLOSED.  Isn't it a thing where someone gets blood taken on Thanksgiving.  OH.  It's The Simpsons episode.  Bart gives blood then uses the money for Thanksgiving?  Something like that.  Basically I watched it a few weeks ago so it's very fresh in my mind.  On the whole though associating Thanksgiving with Giving Blood isn't good.  I'm not sure WHY.  My instinct was Big Meal and Blood Giving don't mix well in terms of Health.  Now that I think about it maybe it's THE BEST time to give blood.  ALL THAT FOOD YOU ATE WILL REPLENISH YOUR BLOOD SUPPLY PERFECTLY.  That's if you eat AFTER giving blood.  If you eat BEFORE then your blood is SUPERCHARGED with nutrients.  Either way it's a positive thing.  So that's good.  I think I got new episode of Chucky to watch today!  Assuming I recorded it properly from yesterday!  Amazing!
   Three paragraphs to go.  OH.  Maybe it's a thing where you're in a giving mood because the nature of the holiday and you're like YA KNOW WHAT?  LET'S ALL GO DONATE BLOOD.  IT's what the PILGRIMS would have wanted.  Probably because they had small pox in their blood.  And giving it to the American Indians was their plan all along.  Oh okay THANKSGIVING now I get it.  Hmm.  If we're refining the way we celebrate Columbus Day gotta figure there's a new Indigenous-People-centric way we can re appropriate thanksgiving.  Hmm.  I'll think about that.  WHY THINK ABOUT IT.  COME UP WITH SOME JOKES.  Yeah but I CAN'T THINK OF ANY smart guy!  Indigenous WHAT WERE WE THINKING Day.  The point is they regret helping out pilgrims.  Kinda got not much great stuff in return.  Hmm.  How confident am I that when I get blood taken to be examined they're not using that blood to donate and making a profit off of me.  VERY CONFIDENT.  Oh.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Think I'm looking forward to Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar in about Oh I Don't Know two hours and 15 minutes.  You know 2.2500 hours.  WOW.  ON THE DOT.  AMAZING.  What exactly is a Ring Ding actually.  I looked at the picture and I imagined it as a chocolate cupcake with cream inside.  Outside may be LIKE cupcake but some sort of COATING outside the cupcake outside?  Lemme LTURQ.  That's what it looks like to me.  Delightful.  HMM looking at images on google, they look a bit smaller than I was imagining!  PROBABLY PRETTY HEARTY THOUGH.  GONNA STICK WITH 'EM EVEN IN THE FACE OF THEM POSSIBLY BEING TOO SMALL.  Anyway what else is crap.  Stopped The Reluctant Vampire about a third into the episode.  Lost interest and/or wanted to go to sleep.  I guess I know where I'm picking back up though!  WHERE I LEFT OFF.  Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.  Hmm.  LOOK is the most likely sandwich side a pouch of chips aHoy YES get off my back about it!
   Last paragraph before break.  Good deal.  I'm not happy with the pens and/or pencils I have but I am VERY happy with my supply of things to write on.  Got a couple of black and white notebooks.  Got a couple of Hard Cover Diary type notebooks.  Got a full sized spiral notebook.  Got a smaller sized spiral notebook.  ALL WORKING OUT VERY WELL FOR ME.  OH got even ANOTHER regular size spiral notebook.  AMAZING.  Should I consolidate my notes?  And maybe drop it down to 2-3 notebooks depending on what its notes about?  Yeah.  Probably.  TOO LATE NOW though.  Already have random notes randomly across the notebooks.  I guess GOING FORWARD I can try to make structure out of it.  Sure why not anything can happen!  Hmm.  What kinda bread sticks am I thinking of.  GOOGLE Restaurant Bread Sticks.  Yep.  IT's mostly Pizza Chains breadsticks.  Which is GOOD.  I LIKE THAT.  I just thought I could imagine Even Better Bread Sticks.  OH WELL.  Time to take a walk.  Oh.  Also got m ytravel pocket notepad.




Really I'm Doing Great

    Hey friends.  GOOD NEWS.  Think I'm gonna try switching up the chorus and the verse for Yesterday Song.  Same Chorus Lyrics but make the verse music the chorus and VICED VERSA.  I'd have to actually TRY IT to see if its good.  Off the top of my head it might work though!  What else is going on and crap.  Thinking about taking one less walk in the day for the next week until Music Project is finished.  Six walks a day assuming I get up early as I AM WANT TO.  No walks between 1:30 and 7:00 or so.  REALLY GET INTO FINE TUNING and/or RECORDING THEM SUCKERS WELL.  Schedule probably won't turn out that way.  But it's my CURRENT WORKING theory.  Also maybe devote more and/or all beer to afternoon instead of night.  REALLY GET BUZZED FOR THIS MUSIC.  It's BETTER to be inebriated when you're On Music because it makes you drunk better.  Wait.  No.  I got mixed up.  Sure.  Think this round of music will be under the banner of My Real Name and not any Fictional Band Name.  WOW.  MY NAME?  SOUNDS LIKE THIS IS REAL PERSONAL STUFF.  Probably!  POSSIBLY NOT THOUGH.  Probably not personal NOR publical.  JUST NOTHING IN GENERAL.  That's the theme of MY music.  NOTHING.
Four paragraphs to go for the rest of the DayTime Day.  Hmm.  The upside to walking in afternoon MID working on music is I get to listen to the latest recording I have while I'm walking.  For some new context and perspective.  Also I'm taking the normal amount of walk.  Won't gain more weight.  That's important for some reason.  Anyway. No time like the present to skip walk today.  Also today I'm taking the Post Act II walk early.  So I may be At Home from a solid 1 PM TO 7 PM.  WHAT THE HELL.  SIX HOURS?  IS BEING IN THE SAME PLACE THAT LONG AWAKE EVEN A THING.  I guess we'll find out.  After today I may have DEFINITIVE PROOF it's a thing.  As of now KIND OF UP IN THE AIR.  So that's good.  What kinda lunch meals am I getting from Super Market.  Turkey, ham, and pastrami sandwiches once a week for next two weeks.  And upcoming week Prepared Meals I currently put in cart are turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti and grilled chicken, sweet potatoe and broccoli.  Also I know Dan Quayle had trouble spelling Potato but I think we should see if he knows how to spell tomato.  Cause if he gets that right (after being pointed out his mistake about potato) I think he should get some credit.  CURRENT EVENTS.
Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go.  Amazing!  I like how the cable news devoted an entire week of nonstop coverage to Britain Queen Dying and then the aftermath WHILE OUR LAST PRESIDENT IS A CRIMINAL IN LOTS OF WAYS AND UNDER INVESTIGATION.  THE PRESIDENT.  COULD BE COMMITTING ESPIONAGE AND AT LEAST DEFINITE OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT THE FORMER PRESIDENT IS A CRIMINAL.  LET'S DEVOTE 80 HOURS TO some old ceremonial lady died somewhere else.  Also there's about 4 dozen other things that are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than Queen Dying.  SO MANY THINGS that should be getting wall to wall coverage.  I get you can't do ALL OF EM.  But just PICK ONE.  Pretend you're doing Queen Style coverage.  Then devote it TO SOMETHING THAT'S ACTUALLY RELEVANT.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Don't tell me its about ratings.  I highly doubt Americans are more into watching Non Stop Dead Queen and wouldn't be interested in non-stop Talking About President Unleashing An Angry Mob to attempt a Planned Insurrection Coup.  WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE.
Penultimate paragraph.  The attempt to subvert our Democracy is STILL ONGOING too.  Maybe talk about that YOU FOOLS.  Anyway.  It gets the blood riled up!  Hmm.  Is it better or worse to donate blood that's been riled up.  I could see it going either way.  Make the blood BETTER or make it WORSE.  My instinct is probably WORSE but I could see possibly being wrong.  Hmm.  Maybe drop one of the lunch meals from Super Market.  Go into this upcoming weekend/next-week PLANNING to get a 3 part Chinese Food.  That'd be a fun thing.  Work on some music with some Chinese food going on.  RICE and everything.  WOW RICE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY?  NOW I'VE GOT MY ATTENTION.  Which is notable cause most of the time I Pay Myself Little Attention.  WITH FAIR REASON.  Hmm.  Got some good blood pressure results today.  THAT I'm comfortable checking out.  AT FIRST my blood pressure standing was quite higher than sitting!  A LITTLE CONCERNING.  Then plemetoligist gave me a cup of water and checked it again  STILL HIGHER than sitting but it dropped about 10 points from the first time.  WHEW.
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day.  Amazing.
  Probably getting Deli tonight.  That'd be my guess.  In which case I'm getting Chickened Pot Pie for tomorrow night.  And just finishing my steak * stuffed mushroom tonight.  LOOK I'd like to have A New Great Deli thing for dinner.  But I gotta finish this other thing!  If not now WHEN.  NEVER.  So it's gotta be Now!  Anyway.  Eat all the rice.  Get a lunch special and instead of splitting Regular Part into thirds and measuring out some rice, just eat A THIRD OF EVERYTHING three days in a row.  WOW.  SOUNDS LIKE SLIGHTLY MORE RICE THAN I'D BE HAVING OTHERWISE.  I assume we're talking pork fried rice.  Obviously what I assume I'm talking about is what I'm talking about.  Because otherwise why would I be... talkin'g about... what I'm not talking about... the point is I usually know what I'm talking about even if other people don't.  Not always!  MAYBE NOT EVEN USUALLY.  Oh.  Hmm.  I'll be back tonight!




so what if it's just me

    Hey friends.  Worked on new song today.  Made some decent progress.  I'm not 100% there yet but I'm not 100% ANYWHERE yet.  This song, anything else, nothing!  Anyway got delicious choco pop going on right now.  Finished yesterday's half beer and had A NEW HALF A BEER for afternoon drinking.  Now drinking more right now.  Had delightful afternoon walk today even though I didn't need to.  The point is lets get into some Writing.  Have a pretty good working knowledge of the chords of these five songs and the important melody riff things as well.  It's GOOD to REMEMBER how to play your songs.  Sometimes it'd be nice to play a song again if people like it, so you wanna be able to have that ability in your back pocket just in case it comes up!  Hmm.  Finished The Beatles White Album but to Keep it 100% I SKIPPED OVER over half of Revolution 9.  I listened to the first 2-3 minutes then was like eh I'm getting tired of this.  Fast forwarded a couple of times to see if Any Real Music kicked in.  Never did!  SORRY Beatles Absolutists.  I guess I've earnt your SCORN.
   What's the next Battles album to listen to.  #5 album is... HELP!  I hope the Beatles got help at some point.  They asked for help explicitly about 57 years ago.  Gotta imagine AT SOME POINT someone was like OK WHAT IS IT WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU.  I bet if I look at track listing there's CLUES as to WHAT THEY NEED HELP WITH.  I dunno none of these songs really convey the kind of trouble The Beatles seem to be suggesting they're in In The Album Title.  Song titles are INTERESTING TO ME nonetheless.  You Like Me Too Much.  I don't know that song at all but I really dig the title.  So I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out in real time.  Also, A HARRISON SONG?  I ASSUME THEY MEAN GEORGE RR HARRISON.   What else is going on.  Had delicious Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar as First Snack of day and delicious small iced cream sandwich as second snack of day.  Most LOGICAL upcoming dessert indulgence snack is a Quest Bar I bought today.  BUT LOTS OF OTHER TINGS ARE LOGIC TOO.  I got a bunch of food in my house and pretty much eating ANY of it wouldn't be CRAZY.
   Think I'm gonna bite down into lollipop soon.  I dunno.  Maybe I make it an entire half a paragraph before I do that.  The point is based on the loose schedule I've been working with, I wanna record a final version of A SONG tomorrow.  Perhaps the one that I had in my back pocket and didn't work on yet at all really this week.  CAN I DO A FINAL GREAT VERSION OF TAT?  Probably not.  Might as well try anyway.  I can end up doing A Final Mediocre Version Of That!  WOW THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING I'LL HAVE TO SETTLE FOR, HAVE TO SETTLE FOR IT REAL GOOD.   Hmm.  Watched me some Tales In The Crypt and some Last Episode of Chucky.  Delightful.  If I was the Beatles, the follow up to Help! would have been NEVERMIND I GOT IT.  Hmm.  Maybe that was the inspiration for Nirvana Album.  THAT'S THE HIDDEN ULTRA-TRUE CONTEXT for NEvermind.  Nevermind, I Got It!  THANKS THOUGH.  Gotta imagine there's One True Ultra True Context for titles for some reason.  Makes sense.  Hey I made it entire paragraph before biting down on lollipop.
Yeah!  Halfway through Act III Part I.  After 3 more paragraphs I get to take a Recess Walk.  Wonder what I'll listen to on the earbuds there.  Could be practically anything!  I got a bunch of songs I can access in my phone and pretty much listening to ANY of it wouldn't be CRAZY.  IN RETROSPECT NAMING THEIR ALBUM, "HELP!" was probably A Cry For Help.  Not even probably.  It was!  AS LITERALLY AS POSSIBLE.  We can only imagine They Were Thusly Helped because they seem to be doing well these days.  The ones that are alive.  They don't seem to be in any perpetual trouble as far as we can tell.  Gotta accept Super Market delivery tomorrow morning.  Whatta gyp.  Anyway the point is I forget.  Gonna be Halloween soon.  Am I supposed to dress up as someone In Spirit even if I don't actually wear a costume.  Probably.  Oh.  Hmm.  What kinda Spirit can I dress up as.  SPIRIT AIRLINES?  Off the top of my head that's the first spirit that occurred to me.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part i!  Not sure the last costume I actively dressed up in.  It's possible it was The Scream Mask roughly in the year 2000.  Nothing else really rangs a bell.  Also I wasn't ACTUALLY trying to convince anyone I was the fictional killer (or KILLERS? no spoilers!) in Scream.  It was just because SOCIETY said I had to cover my face AND I WANNA PLEASE SOCIETY if I can and it doesn't inconvenience me too much.  At least that's how I felt roughly 22 years ago.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine my need to please society has only GROWN since then.  That'd be my guess.  What was The Beatles official follow up to Asking For Help.  Rubber Soul.  So they're going HELP!.  And we're like HOW.  And then they're like RUB HER SOLE.  And we're like WE'RE NOT FEET PERVERTS WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU.  And they're like YEAH BUT SHE IS.  And we're like OH WELL THEN I GUESS I AIMS TO PLEASE.  So that's something to keep in mind.
   Yeah!  One more paragraph.  Delightful.  Maybe I have comprehensive iced cream sandwich as Dessert Snack.  I think I've done that 2 in the last 3 nights.  POSSIBLY 2 IN TE LAST 2 NIGHTS.  Hey whatever works right.  Probably.  I think that's a problematic phrase now because it was a Woody Allen movie.  Hmm.  What am I watching after Entry tonight.  Probably half a Tales In The Crypt.  WHICH ONE WOULD IT BE.  I'm drawing a Heavy Blank.  NO LIGHT BLANK OR ANYTHING.  This is a real substantial blank.  Oh.  Deadline.  THAT MAKES SENSE.  I'll watch half of that, no problem.  Anyway.  Got Chickened Pot Pie for tomorrow night dinner.  Amazing!  Think I'm gonna shave at some point soon.  My face.  NOTHIN ELSE.  Why bother.  Either way I feel out of my facial hair and I'm TIRED of Feeling Extras.  GOTTA SHAVE THIS FACIAL HAIR SO I WILL FEEL SLIGHTLY LESS.  It Makes Sense.   Anyway I'll be back in a little bit!

   Hey!  Had iced cream sandwich when I got back from walk.  Then worked on Today Song a bit.  Changing a lot of it.  Title, the music, the lyrics... so a different song then.  That's what I'm describing.  NO IN SPIRIT it's the same song.  Oh okay I see.  Think I'm gonna have bonus tootsie pop.  CHOCOLATE AGAIN.  Anyway what else do I got going for me.  Looks like Elong Musk has taken over twitter.  Gotta imagine that's good because maybe I'll stop checking twitter obsessively.  GIVE ME SOME TIME TO DO SOMETING ELSE OBSESSIVELY.  Like what.  I DUNNO MICRO MASTURBATIONS? I can't do that while in waiting rooms or anything though.  Well I guess not.  Maybe I'll see what Tick Tock is all about.  I assume it's just a Clock Ap.  So you can finally see ONCE AND FOR ALL what time it is.  And the sweet thing is THEY GOT IT DOWN TO THE SECOND.  Most clocks just have hours and minutes.  Some cheap clocks will only have Hours.  TICK TOCK YOU'RE GETTING SECONDS TOO.  Anyway.  That's probably a better use of your time than twitter.  Just check every thirty seconds WHAT IS THE EXACT TIME DOWN TO THE SECOND RIGHT NOW.  Pretty much Stimulates The Exact Same Areas Of The Brain I'd Bet.  You'd get used to it quickly I think IN A GOOD WAY.
Three paragraphs to go.   I haven't started lollipop yet.  At this point CAN I skip it.  I can do whatever I want.  Elon Musk hasn't Bought Me Out Of My Life Yet.  Although FOR THE RIGHT PRICE...  Hmm.  Alright sucking on hearty lollipop.  Maybe I aim to watch the full Deadline.  I like watching things.  What time am I aiming to get up for tomorrow.  I guess New Normal Time.  Makes sense.  Alarm set for 8:15 AM IN THE MORNING it is.  I got a delicious balanced breakfast waiting for me for when I do get up.  SO that's motivation to get up.  And go to sleep!  IF I NEVER GO TO SLEEP IT'LL TAKE FOREVER FOR IT TO BE TIME FOR BREAKFAST.  I don't like the sounds of that.  What else is going on and crap.  Lotta the music from today will make it into New Attempt At Song for tomorrow.  Maybe even some lyrics!  Any exciting thing am I getting from Super Market tomorrow that could be Upcoming Snack before lunch?  Hmm.  NOPE NOT REALLY.  Oh.  How anti-climactic.  ACTUALLY I WAS EXPECTING A CLIMAX SO FOR THERE TO BE NO CLIMAX WAS PRETTY CLIMAXY IN AND OF ITSELF.
  Penultimate paragraph of day.  I'll watch THE HELL out of Deadline.  At what point do I stop logging into twitter.  I get the sense that point is coming.  But I dunno what the exact tipping point will be.  Where I go from OH OKAY NOW THAT'S THE FINAL STRAW I'M DONE.  Cause RIGHT NOW I don't feel like we've merited that reaction yet.  I hope it comes soon.  I'd like to figure out Next Stage Of Life as soon as possible!  I feel WHEN I SEE IT I'll know it though.  It might even be a Socially Agreed Upon moment.  Where EVERYONE is gonna be like OH SHIT THAT ONE TING, THAT'S IT, NOW WE'RE ALL DONE EACH INDIVIDUALLY BUT ALSO COLLECTIVELY IT TURNS OUT IN A WAY.  Wonder what that'll be.  I CAN TINK OF A FEW IDEAS.  Hmm.  Alright finished tootsie pop.  I'm not happy about not having anything to eat until upcoming iced cream bar in about fourty five minutes but I guess things could be worse.  FOR EXAMPLE I'm still chewing the tootsie roll part of lollipop and there's universes where I'm not even doing that!
    Last paragraph of the day.  Hmm.  Probably gonna have a sandwich tomorrow.  Pretty much Pastrami I'd say.  I could get Chinese Food tomorrow but I think I'm gonna hold off until Saturday. Especially since it seems tomorrow I'm gonna be busy re-writing last song instead of moving into New Phase Of Music Project: Recording Real Versions Of The Songs.  NEW SPECIAL LUNCHES ARE FOR NEW PHASE OF PROJECT.  CAN'T START NEXT PHASE OF LUNCH WHILE I'M STILL ON TE FIRST PHASE OF THE PROJECT.  C'MON GUYS GET REAL.  Hmm.  The point is I think I can call this website social media.  It's MEDIA.  And WHAT DOES, "SOCIAL," REALLY MEAN ANYWAY.  It's just A COMBINATION OF LETTERS and/or SOUNDS.  TOTALLY MEANINGLESS IN THE REAL WORLD.  The point is I'm done for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-9:55 P.M.




Wednesday, October 26, 2022

One Day We'll Look Back On This And Laugh

    Hey friends!  About fourty minutes behind schedule today.  Either gonna skip one walk or take it in middle of the day.  Had delicious balanced breakfast this morning after having too much NightMight Snack but not THAT Too Much.  We're talkin' 3-5 Margherite Cookies as well as one other thing I believe.  Hmm.  New York Governor's Debate was last night.  I didn't watch any of it but I saw a few times on twitter they posted a highlight clip that apparently was Hochel being like Excuse I'm talking.  Or maybe it was Zeldin.  One of them Was Talking and the other one I GUESS was Interrupting.  SOUNDS LIKE SOME FIREWORKS.  Anyway.  Heard a few booming sounds last night.  It was thundering.  SOUNDS LIKE SOME FIREWORKS.  I don't think it was gun shots.  Anyway.  Either way I wasn't harmed.  Listened to the first half of Let It Be!  Pretty good stuff!  I don't know a lot of these songs very well.  Sure sounds like Beatles to me.  Across The Universe hit pretty hard!  Anyway.  Fried Calamari for lunch.  Anyway.
Hmm.  Pretty warm in house.  I'm not wearing shirt and I got windows open three inches.  WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THAT.  I got some guitar worked out for upcoming song today.  Not sure if it's the verse or the chorus.  I've been assuming it was the verse but it just occurred to me maybe this is a chorus?  Either way.  What's the difference between verse and chorus anyway.  Both are repeated several times instrumentally but traditionally chorus is a refrain of same lyrics each time while verse is different.  Hmm.  Probably better more Correct ways to describe difference between verse and chorus.  AS A LAYMAN though I feel like that about covers it.  NOT HAPPY WITH 538 NUMBERS.  They better improve the next time its updated!  Or else there'll be hell to pay!  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National American Beer Day.  FINALLY.  PATRIOTISM BEER.  Anyway.  Is American beer the most commonly drank beer across globe.  I assume the main brands we know in America are mostly American.  Bud, coors, miller, and whatknot.  Gotta imagine they've conquered the global market as well.  Hmm.  Looked up a top 10 beer in world.  About 5 of them are American Ones I'm Familiar with.
YEAH.  Anyway.  Watched Carrion Death last night.  Not gonna go to next Tales In The Crypt soon, though.  Wanna watch other things.  Not getting that much out of Tales In The Crypt lately.  So that's good I guess.  Been getting very hard to charge my phone.  Charger doesn't lock in when inserted into phone.  Very loose.  I have to position it Just So so that it stays inside and charges the phone.  Could I buy a new charger?  You'd think so!  Hey YEAH I COULD.  What a brilliant idea.  Why didn't that occur to me.  I think it occurred to me halfway.  But I also thought of my parents being like YOU GOTTA TAKE BETTER CARE OF THINGS.  WE'LL GET YOU THE CHARGER BUT WE'RE NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT.  GO TO YOUR ROOM.  Hmm.  Not sure if I ever suffered the punishment of Go To Your Room.  Doesn't seem like that big a deal.  That's where all my stuff is.  Hmm.  I guess in my Single Digit Years I had no TV in my room.  And TV is what I did pretty much all the time.
   Fourth paragraph.  Got top 10 Spooky Moments to watch today.  ONLY 51 MINUTES?  That's as long as THE LAST episode.  We should be devoting more time to each of the spooky moments as they get spookier and spookier.  Last episode was 13 moments.  This is 10.  WELL I GUESS I SOUND LIKE AN IDIOT NOW.  They are devoting more time.  Oh well can't go back in time to fix my mistake.  That's life I guess!  Hmm.  Not sure if I ever read a Beatles Book.  Gotta be like 2000 of them.  Gotta be like a dozen that people think are really good.  Gotta be like One that is the perfect one for me to read.  YEAH.  What kinda snack I got coming up in 3 hours.  Way too early to start speculating about that.  I don't know how hungry I'll be NOR what I'll be in the mood for.  Anyway.  Feels like the goal in my head is to write a new song about 2/3rds through and improve on last 2 songs at least a little bit.  Sounds like a reasonable goal.  I guess.  Got a couple of working idea for title for upcoming song.  We'll see which one applies to how the music turns out!
   Fifth paragraph.  Amazing!  Six paragraphs to go until next walk.  Also after those six paragraphs MOSTLY DONE WITH DAYTIME DAY ENTRY.  So basically my life is going pretty good.  Hmm.  Anyway.  How much more days of October.  WE COVERED THIS.  Halloween is next Monday.  And Halloween is FAMOUSLY the last day of October.  Oh also the 31st is FAMOUSLY the last day of October in Numbers.  Today is 26.  SURE SOUNDS LIKE FIVE MORE DAYS TO ME.  WRONG.  SIX MORE DAYS.  TODAY IS MOSTLY UNDONE SO FAR.  SEE it's more confusing than you'd think.  Hmm.  Maybe listen to some Led Zeppelin albums Ranked after The Beatles.  I know most of The Led Zeppelin songs.  Not in album form though.  So that could be fun.  Also every part of the band is a superstar!  Roger Plant?  Great.  Jimminy Page?  Great.  John Paul Jokes?  Probably pretty good.  John Bonham?  GRAT.  How come John Bonham doesn't get a misspelling.  HE'S DEAD.  WE SHOW RESPECT TO THE DEAD HERE.  Kind of.  Hey coffee time.
   Hmm.  At this point we're halfway into Beatles Catalogue.  Kinda feels like we're gonna be getting into some albums that are universally recognized as HEY THIS ALBUM IS ONE OF THE GREATS OVERALL NOT JUST FOR BEATLES.  Amazing.  Not sure what's so great about the band name The Beatles.  They're the top rock band perhaps ever and the name otherwise maybe wouldn't be so great?  If I heard there was a band called The Beatles and The Beatles didn't exist I'd just assume they were like The Beatles but bad.  From that era.  I can't imagine If No Beatles Happening and then there's a band in the 1990's called The Beatles.  IT WOULDN'T MAKE SENSE.  Then again none of this makes sense.  What's my favorite band name of all time.  I dunno MOZART?  Probably Mozart.  Also not really Mozart.  BUT probably a band name that doesn't exist yet.  I BET over the course of the rest of my life I'm exposed to a new band name (or an old band name I don't know of yet?) and am like OK CONTESTS OVER THIS IS THE BEST BAND NAME.  So we got that to look forward (or pastward?) to.
   Seventh paragraph.  Four paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  What kinda gum I got coming my way for upcoming walk.  Let's go with some peppermint.  Haven't had it in a day or two.  I finished a pack then and was too lazy to replace it!  Just went with other flavor pack I had open.  NOW I CAN REPLACE IT.  So that's good.  Doctor cut my Klonopin prescription because she doesn't like me taking it And drinking.  Not even at the same time.  She doesn't like me drinking 2 beers a day and taking a klonopin AT ANY POINT in day.  WHAT A JERK.  Then again KINDA CAN UNDERSTAND THAT.  Either way I'd take beer over klonopin.  Rarely need the klonopin.  ALWAYS like beer though.  So that's good.  Aim to skip a walk but also accept I probably end up taking the walk in the middle of the day just cause I feel like it.  Hmm.  I miss the POP UP STORE from a couple of months ago.  When they sold exclusive Spiderman MERCH.  And there were a century's worth of people outside the store for 2 or 3 days.  MOST EXCITING THING TO HAPPEN IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD SINCE... PERHAPS EVER.
   Three paragraphs to go.  OH I KNOW.  Since there were a few WWF wrestlers who showed up at comic book store 23 years ago and I GOT THEM AUTOGRAPHS.  That was exciting.  SEEING BIG BOSSMAN IN PERSON?  THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE.  Gotta figure out how to get a good pen that doesn't crap out on me.  I feel like FOR YEARS I keep getting new pens from here or there and they always last a very short period of time of working forever and then start working intermittently.  And they never last more than a few sentences worth of words before just stop Inking It Up.  PENCILS could be a good solution.  Pencil ain't gonna crap out on you.  UNLESS THE POINT GETS BLUNTED.  Then it won't write that well.  Anyway WHAT AM I DOING WRONG WITH PENS.  Is it a left handed thing.  AM I just getting The Wrong Pens?  I don't understand!  Hmm.  No crunch time at all for these ACTS I and II and early day walk.  That's how that goes.  Huh.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  Delightful.  Got some nice lemon wedges for calamari.  Will I use them?  It's possible!  Will I use them appropriately?  MAYBE.  I was just thinking about squeezing them over Sensitive Body Parts.  Maybe I'll use it on calamari though now that I think about it.  Also would it be COOL to have a FANCY pen?  Possibly.  I've had midshelf pens in the past but never a real fancy pen.  So that's something to consider.  Then again with my luck the fancy pen will crap out on me within a few paragraphs.  I GUESS THE GOAL IS TO NOT WRITE IN PARAGRAPH FORM.  Huh.  Wednesday huh.  That's when I gotta start putting stuff in cart for Friday Super Market delivery.  GREAT.  I get to add iced cream sandwiches and IMAGINE eating them at some point over the next weekend and workweek.  Gonna have a nice chunk of time after shower before Walk IV.  Get started on New Song then.  I ALREADY AM STARTED.  I TOLD YOU.  GOT SOME GUITAR.  Fine get MORE started.  Oh okay that's good.  I dunno how comfortable I feel putting Spooky Moments on in the back ground.  I wanna pay attention to these Top 10 ones!
   Last paragraph before walk.  Amazing!  ACTUALLY I can imagine putting on Spooky Moments and being on guitar and paying attention to spooky moments but hoping I semi-absentmindedly figure out more of the song through the natural course of things.  So that could be good!  YEAH.  Gotta imagine something exciting happened to this neighborhood between 1999 and 2022.  I wouldn't know.  I spent almost all of that time not participating in neighborhood at all.  And the only participation I did do was take walks.  SOMETIMES GET SUBWAY. Oh and Star bucks and/or Dunkin Donuts.  OH and Liquor Store.  THE POINT IS I AM A PATRON OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD so get off my back about it.  Gotta figure out how to sing for these tracks.  I think I CAN sing well enough.  I dunno how to LEAN INTO it though.  Gotta figure out what I'm doin' there.  Hmm.  Could be a game changer for the songs.  THE SINGING.  Whoulda thunk it.  Anyway gonna go take a walk now!  See ya real soon!




Not Literally I Mean

    Hey friends.  What's going on and crap.  Snack time is creeping up on us!  About an hour and a half away.  First instinct is Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar.  Didn't I suggest golden graham bar earlier.  Yeah but my first instinct for CURRENT set of instincts.  That instinct was a LONG time ago.  Totally different phase of instincts!  Hmm.  Finished Let It Be.  Now, number #6 Beatles album is A HARD DAY'S KNIGHT.  WOW.  I bet I know at least one song on that album.  Could be a trick though.  For example Let It Be is NOT on Let It Be.  Either way NO SPOILERS.  Hmm.  How much time am I giving myself to write this act.  Let's aim for less than fourty five minutes.  That's always the way to go.  Anyway.  Beethoven is a pretty good band name.  Hmm.  How come there were no Really Great classical music writing TEAMS.  There must have been SOME people working together on pieces.  But none of them are historically relevant or else I'd have heard of them.  Mozart ONCE wrote with other musicians separate ACTS of a single piece.  That's just ONE THING I see.  And also DOESN'T EVEN COUNT.  Still separate things overall!
   Four paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  I wanna see what Mozart and What's His Name SALIERI could accomplish.  WHERE ONE ZIGS THE OTHER ONE ZAGS.  That'd either foster a terrible partnership which could produce nothing at all or MAYBE THE BEST MUSIC THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN.  Is there ANY piece by Salieri that people are like actually that one ain't so bad.  Hmm.  Apparently AFTER Amadeus the play/film there was renewed interest in Salieri IN EARNEST.  Good for him.  What else is going on and crap.  I wonder if I could be as good as Salieri in modern context of music.  No.  I can't.  Oh.  That Settled That Real Quick.  GOOD.  Now I get to move on with my life I guess.  FINE let's look at Hard Day Night tracks.  Hmm.  WOW out of 13 songs I don't know 8-10 of them!  They must be PRETTY GOOD if this is in the middle rankings of Beatles Catalogue.  Now I'm looking forward to it.  I've been enjoying the Beatles songs I don't really know more than the ones I do know!  YEAH.  Should put snack I have for snack later in fridge before upcoming walk.  Get it nice and Fridgerated for about an hour.  Hmm.  How many people work on music together these days.  Together on a single song.  THIRTEEN?  SEVENTEEN?  Can't be that much more than seventeen.  Can't be that much less than thirteen.
Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go.  Last night I had Half Potato version of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Think I'll go with Soup Version today.  Was thinking about trying AVGOLEMONO soup.  Broth, lotta lemon, some egg somehow.  SOUNDED INTERESTING.  However I asked them how creamy is it.  Is it light or creamy.  And they were like it's somewhat creamy.  YOU JUST LOST YOURSELF A CUSTOMER.  I'd have LIGHT SUOP with those ingredients but NOT HEAVY.  Also they didn't lose themselves a customer.  They kept the customer.  The customer just got a different soup instead.  Same price on the menu.  Probably is slightly more expensive OR LESS expensive to make though.  NO way is it EXACTLY to the HALF PENNY same cost to Produce.  Hmm.  That's what I should have asked them! WHICH SOUP IS TECHNICALLY MORE VALUABLE.  I"LL GET THAT ONE.  That's a no brainer.  Hmm.  Take shower after upcoming walk.  Put on spooky moments while Drying Of and reading twitter.  CONTINUE Spooky Moments as I transition to mucking around on guitar.  THEN I GOT TIME FOR SOMETHIN ELSE EVEN before next walk.
AMAZING.  Two paragraphs of DayTime Day to go.  A HARD DAY'S NIGHT HUH.  WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE.  It was a hard day.  BUT NOW IT'S THE NIGHT.  Presumably IN A GOOD WAY.  Lemme look at the track listings again more carefully to see HOW GOOD A THING it is that it's a Hard Day's Night.  Hmm.  Not sure all these tracks put together a narrative in terms of a literal hard day's night.  Based on the titles and/or order of tracks alone. Oh well.  That's life I guess.  What else is up.  Walks 1/3 and POSSIBLY 5 IF I TAKE BONUS WALK IN MIDDLE OF DAY are Park Walk.  Walks 2/4/6 are CITY STREET walk.  And if I take BONUS WALK then city walks end up being 2/4/6/7.  Oh.  Okay.  That makes sense.  I assume.  Not gonna waste my time calibrating those numbers exactly.  But I'm gonna guess I've got the right idea generally.  Hmm.  Oh right.  Gotta call Endocrinologist to re-up with two separate medications.   I think they're on lunch break for the next two hours.  GREAT an excuse to wait 2 hours or more to call!  THIS IS WORKING OUT GREAT FOR ME.
Last paragraph of the DayTime Day.  EH I just called and left a message about what I need refill for.  Good for me.  Probably.  Not BAD for me.  Anyway gonna have a solid hour and a half between shower and walk #4.  That's a nice chunk of time EVEN BEFORE lotta time in middle of day.  Amazing.  What else is up.  Looks like the point is I DON'T KNOW POSSIBLY OVER 50% OF BEATLES SONGS.  I didn't realize that was the case.  Either way MOSTLY ALL PRETTY GOOD.  Just as I liked a lot of Bob Dylan songs because hey this is a Bob Dylan song Great It's Great It's What I'd Expect, SAME GOES FOR BEATLES.  But instead of Bob Dylan it's The Beatles.  So that's good.  Gotta go get bloodwork done tomorrow morning.  Take a walk beforehand.  End up with a schedule similar to today.  So that's good I guess.  Then I got Super Market the morning after that.  AGAIN end up with a schedule similar to today probably.  YEAH.  I'll be back tonight.




also we're laughing with me

    Hey what's going on and crap.  Worked on a new song today!  Possibly the best one yet!  OUT OF THREE.  Not out of the billions of songs On Earth.  Probably near the bottom of that list.  The good news is I got so into working on song I didn't have afternoon snack at all.  I WAS FULL from working on music I DIDN'T NEED to stuff snacks down my gullet.  I didn't even feel particularly hungry for dinner, even!  WOW I ATE STILL THOUGH.  Huh.  Half potato with dinner, not the soup.  Anyway still gonna have all the dessert snacks tonight anyway.  Makes me feel good inside for brief moments in time.  Ugh.  I wanna do five songs for this round of music.  I did three this week.  I have one in my back pocket.  That leaves me with ONE MORE to write.  I MAY HAVE SOME MUSIC TO IT ALREADY, I MAY NOT.  WHAT'S IT TO YOU.  I may have the title.  THAT'S IT TO YOU.  The music is a WHATS IT TO YOU but the title YES I CAN ACCEPT WE'RE ALL EQUALLY INVESTED IN THIS.  I'm still not gonna TELL YOU the title though.  That's not the way I operate on things.
   Anyway.  I think it would have been AN INSANE Debate Moment if during their debate Dr Oz somehow cured Dr Fettermann of his lingering Stroke After Effects.  It would make BOTH look good.  Now Fettermenn is looking like an All Star Political Person That He Is When Right.  And Dr Oz SHOWED OFF HIS STUFF as doctor.  THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN THOUGH.  One can only assume because Dr Oz has a VETTED INTEREST in Fetterman looking bad.  DR OZ COULD HAVE FIXED FETTERMAN BUT HE CHOSE NOT TO FOR POLITICAL GAIN.  HOW IS THIS NOT THE BIGGEST STORY OF THE WEEK.  Hmm.  Vested interest.  Not vetted.  Right?  RIGHT.  Put some lemon on the stuffed mushroom I had for tonight.  On the one hand it was great.  ON THE OTHER HAND some lemon got on steak.  THAT DIDN'T JIVE WITH WHAT I WANTED OUT OF THE STEAK.  Oh well such is life.  Ate calamari microwaved for lunch.  Maybe that's why I didn't wanna have a snack.  Calamari was pretty hearty portion.
   Anyway.  Ended up taking bonus walk in afternoon today.  Good deal.  Made some great progress into The White Album.  I think it's great!  My favorite part is the songs.  Don't sleep on Just Reading The Track Listing Just Being Read As Titles though.  That's fun even if you don't have time to listen to songs or any avenue to hear the songs.  Was very unhappy with top 10 spooky moments in film.  3-6 of them were films I've never seen and no one ever told me I HAD to see them.  NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS TOP 10 AT ALL.  Anyway.  Also watched a few Tales In The Crypt.  Also watched a Sampsons!  So that's good.  Maybe suck on a lollipop for Act III part i phase 2 of 2.  Which starts after this paragraph ends.  Anyway.  Drank one beer in Daytime Day.  Drinking one beer now.  WILL I HAVE A BEER AFTER RECESS?  MAYBE HALF A BEER AFTER RECESS?  MAYBE ZERO BEER AFTER RECESS?  MAYBE I NEVER MAKE IT BACK FROM RECESS ALIVE?  So, wait-- What if I make it back from recess Dead?  Is that a scenario we should be preparing for?  I HOPE NOT.  I DON'T WANNA BE DEAD AND BE STUCK COMING BACK TO MY HOUSE.  If I'm dead I'M GONNA GO SOME PLACE BETTER TO HANG AROUND EPHEMERALLY.  WHY NOT NO ONE'S GONNA SAY SHIT I'm a ghost.  I may not be using the word ephemerally accurately.  Again WHO CARES NO ONE IS GONNA SAY SHIT I'm a ghost.
   Yeah!  Tootsie pop time.  Guess we'll go with Chocolate Version.  Anyway.  What's today.  Wednesday.  That's halfway through the week.  WHAT WEEK.  You know a Sunday-Sunday week.  OH THAT'S A GOOD WEEK.  WOW THIS LOLLIPOP IS GREAT.  It tastes SWEET to that palate I got going on and crap.  Hmm.  Gotta get up early tomorrow to take walk before leaving to get blood work done.  DANGIT when I get bloodwork done I'm gonna have to explicitly be like I AIN'T LOOKIN A TTHE SCALE SO DON'T BE SAYIN ANYTHIN ABOUT IT TO ME EITHER.  Because then they'll be like I WASN'T GONNA SAY ANYTHING YOU FREAK WHAT DO I CARE.  HOWEVER lets be honest if I said nothing THEY'D SAY SOMETING WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT.  I don't have any good options in this scenario!  I don't have many good options in lots of scenarios!  That's just the reality of the world we live in this week!  Oh well such is life.  What's the time line for when you might be able to listen to Current Music project.  I'm thinking sometime over the next workweek.  COULD IT BE AS EARLY AS WEEKEND?  ABSOLUTELY NOT GET THAT OUT OF YOUR HEAD RIGHT NOW.
    Two paragraphs to go before recess.
  Hmm.  Just bit into lollipop.  Didn't last me as long as normal.  But it lasted me a paragraph!  Also paragraphs are units of time.  HOW TRUE.  Anyway figure next snack after recess will be comprehensive iced cream sandwich unless I change my mind.  HMM.  I think I got two left.  One with vanilla iced cream inside the sandwich and one with chocolated iced cream inside the sandwich.  TINK ABOUT THAT VANILLA ONE TONIGHT I TINK.  Hmm.  Wait a second his name is LEE ZELDIN.  Lee Zeldin.  Led Zeppelin.  THESE ARE ANAGRAMS AND THEY'RE NOT EVEN BEING COY ABOUT IT.  VERY CLEARLY anagrams to anyone with half a brain whose even paying A MODICUM of attention.  What else is going on and crap.  Do my fingers still smell of lemon juice?  Sure they do.  I made a choice to use lemon and now I have to live with the consequences.  Hmm.  LOOK did I wanna do some reading today SURE but did I actually do any reading today SURE I READ TE TRACK LISTING OF A COUPLE OF ALBUMS.
   Last paragraph before recess.  What to watch after entry is done.  Maybe just finish last few minutes of Dead Wait.  Maybe watch next episode which is perhaps The Reluctant Vampire?  YEP IT SURE IS.  I could see myself enjoying that to some extent.  Anyway.  These are Short Songs.  We're talkin they're clocking in all around 1.5 minutes.  90 seconds as it were.  A minute 30 seconds in other words.  HALF A THREE MINUTES if you wanna Be Weird about it.  So it's good because 5 song album is gonna be 8 minutes long and I think that'll CAPTIVATE people.  Everyone is gonna be like I wasn't gonna waste 2 seconds listening to ONE song BUT YOU'RE SAYING I can listen to ALL SONG IN BUT SEVEN MINUTES?  I'd be some sort of idiot EITHER WAY I approach this but let's just err on the side of I'll Listen To It because I GOT A GOOD FEELING ABOUT THIS ONE.  Yeah.  Okay.  Sure.  Hmm.  Gonna go take a walk now.  Be back soon!

   Hey!  I'm back from delightful Recess Walk.  Listened to half of the new Tegan * Sara album.  I am a VERY passive fan of theirs.  Not an active fan but as long as there's absolutely no follow up questions Sure I'M A Fan.  Anyway great I like music.  Had delicious Vanilla tinted Iced Cream Sandwich when I got back from walk.  Watched last 8 minutes of Dead Wait before starting here.  So AfterEntry will be Just The Reluctant Vampire and NOTHIN ELSE.  So that'll be fun for some reason I guess.  We don't NEED to be lesbians to listen to this music.  No one is gonna STOP US.  Whew that's a relief.  CAUSE IT'S RIGHT UP MY ALLEY.  Which may be a sex euphemism.  I hope not but it's out of my control now.  Gotta beer #3 going.  Let's see how that goes and whatknot.  Gonna have delicious iced cream bar after The Reluctant Vampire.  Anyway.  What's the direct antonym of Reluctant.  It's not, "Luctant," but it kinda feels like it should be.  I will be LUCTANTLY having that iced cream bar!  That's the thesis statement of the Act III Part II.
   Three paragraphs to go.
  I think, "Luctant," is wrong just even on a base level.  Even if we're actively trying to be A Dumb I don't see how Luctant could ever be a thing.  Oh well it's out of my control now.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  What kinda iced cream bar is this gonna be.  EASY CHOCOLATE.  And if there are no Chocolate EASY COFFEE CHOCOLATE CHIP.  And if there is no Easy Chocolate coffee chip ICED CREAM SANDWICH SMALLER VERSION.  Ugh.  Not sure why Kanye West can't just start his own Shoe Company.  Apparently he has 400 million dollars.  That's what An InfoGraphic said to me earlier today.  You can start producing shoes on a large scale with that kinda backing.  PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOU MOUTH IS.  Let's see what ya got in terms of Producing Quality Sneakers On Your Own.  Does Kanye West hate me because I'm Jewish.  For some reason I've been interpreting his anti-semeitsm as Just Being Crazy and Difficult and Stupid and Gullible to believe conspires and everything.  Now I'm thinking wait There might be HATE involved.  For some reason, even though, "Hate," is the main issue, for some reason, "Hate," totally didn't even cross my mind.  Oh well.  Kanye west hates lots of people probably.  WHY NOT ME.
   Two paragraphs to go.  I'm sure a solid 40% of people hate me.
  I'll take those numbers.  3:2 People DON'T HATE ME.  Well how well do these people know me.  AS WELL AS I KNOW MYSELF.  SO not very well then.  I don't Know Myself.  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT, that's my thoughts on that subject.  Anyway two paragraphs to go.  Oh aimee don't hate me for running away from you.  It's a song lyric.  No Spoilers.  Think I'm leaning towards Smaller Iced Cream Sandwich as upcoming snack.  Assuming I still have one which I think I do.  Huh.  I got delicious Iced Cream Sandwich I can eat.  That'll be coming up pretty soon all things considered.  Maybe around fourty minutes.  HAVE I CONSIDERED ALL THINGS WHEN MAKING THAT ESTIMATE.  No.  Barely considered more than one or two things!  Oh okay well maybe I should go back to the drawing board and come up with a better estimate and then report my findings when I'm done.  Nah I ain't gonna do that.
   Last paragraph of the day!  Is there ANYTING about upcoming Halloween that I will get out of it being Exactly Halloween.  My life will be interrupted that I have to be ready to dispense candy in case anyone shows up and wants some.  But that does nothing FOR ME.  I wanna know AM I BENEFITING FROM IT BEING A FUN HOLIDAY THIS YEAR.  I can't think of anything.  NICE HALLOWEEN WEATHER.  But that's specific to Halloween.  It's just A GENERAL WEATHER FOR THAT TIME OF YEAR.  Not sure I had to capitalize that last sentence.  Too late to go back now!  I feel like I should say to the trick or treaters JUST SO WE'RE ALL ON TE SAME PAGE, NONE OF THIS IS FENTYLNAL.  I UST WANT YOU TO FEEL SURE YOU CAN SAFELY EAT THIS.  OKAY HAVE A GOOD NIGHT.  I feel like if their parents are with them the parents will appreciate that.  Give me an approving knod.  Knod.  Huh.  Anyway that's about it for tonight.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-9:54 P.M. 




Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Now It's Time For This

    Hey friends!  About seven minutes ahead of schedule.  Got ZOOM appointment at 1 PM though, which messes up my Walking Schedule.  50% chance I do things really quickly and fit in all the walks I'd be doing BeforeHand.  Otherwise I'm either taking a walk in middle of the day or missing a walk!  GO FIGURE.  It's not that bad a deal.  In the end it means nothing.  I don't think I wanna force myself to try to write quickly.  But in the natural course of things I might be getting things done in quick enough time to fit in 4th walk before ZOOM instead of just 3.  Hmm.  Had something for NightMIght snack.  I think just an iced cream bar.  Not so bad!  Skipped Balanced breakfast again today.  Had classic breakfast!  So that's good.  Finished With The Beatles.  I assume the next album is Without The Beatles.  Which I assume is the album title to absolutely every album released in which No Beatles Performed Or Contributed In Any Way.  Without The Beatles I through 3,000,000.  WOW.  Some of those are MY albums.  If we're including albums like mine gotta be more like 40,000,000.  WOW.  ONLY 40 million albums out there and a dozen or two are mine.  Really makes ya feel good to be part of a community.
   Hmm.  Wearing button down shirt today.  Felt like the right thing to do.  Anyway.  NY Governor Debate is tonight.  Democrats better not sleep on this election and let Republican win.  It'd be really, really dumb to do that!  I know I'M gonna vote on election day.  Probably.  The point is I either got chicken parm or turkey sandwich for lunch.  No reason to get cute and try something else.  Just have one of those.  Anyway.  Listened to 2nd version of New Song this morning and I'm picking up what works in it and what doesn't work more and more!  I'm gonna crack the code of this song real good.  I don't care if it takes me ALL AFTRNOON.  Probably should take m all week if I'm doing it right.  DANGIT.  I can work on multiple songs AT ONCE in a single Afternoon.  That sounds good.  Let's consider doing that.  YEAH.  Also gotta accept Amazon Fresh order this afternoon.  Might clunk up my afternoon because I can't really be having my earphones on at 8 track while waiting for it.  But I can work on song on guitar and whatknot without that.
   YEAH.  I dunno what I'm doing for dinner.  Odds are we're getting a Communal Delivery.  HMM.  I think tomorrow there is No National Food Of The Day.  OR maybe that was Today.  Either way, National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Chicken Fried Steak Day and National Mincemeat Day.  What's chicken fried steak.  Is it chicken or steak.  And is it Chicken Fried or Fried Steak.  Lemme LTURQ.  I think it's just fried steak.  And the chicken part is just hey you know how we fry chicken sometimes?  Well that's the basic premise for how we're frying the steak.  I THINK it should just be Fried Steak and people REMEMBER it's like how chicken is fried. Either way I've also heard of Chicken Fried Chicken and that sounds even dumber.  Oh.  So it's chicken that's fried like how you fried chicken.  THANKS FOR CLEARING THAT UP.  Hmm.  Mincemeat.  Sounds great.  Gotta imagine it's like finely chopped meat.  Basically.  Right?  Also dried fruit and spices and spirits.  WHAT THE HELL.  Wikipedia says by the 20th century most mincemeat rarely included meat.  WHAT THE HELL WITH THAT BULLSHIT.
   Fourth paragraph.  Do I have a working title for Round Of Music?  SURE.  It occurred to me AT SOME POINT a couple of days ago.  Nothing special.  But it gets the job done.  FOR NOW.  It's gotten the job done so far!  I'm slightly over One Song In in terms of what I've written.  Not a full song and then some.  A high percentage of one song and then a little percentage of more song that tips the entire thing over 1 clean unit of song.  Hmm.  Fourth paragraph and crap.  What am I watching today.  I owe it to myself to watch VHS.  OH HEY I think to 10 Spooky Moments in Major Motion Cinema, "Dropped," today.  Gotta watch that and whatknot!  WAIT A SECOND today is only Tuesday.  That doesn't DROP until Wednesday.  FINE FORGET IT THEN.  Or remember it so you won't forget for tomorrow.  I don't know how you wanna do things.  Anyway.  Some buttons on 8 track are more responsive than other buttons.  That trains me to work more on the parts of the song that involve the working buttons.  Hmm that could work out to my benefit.  OR detriment.  We'll see!
Fifth paragraph.  IF ONLY zoom appointment was 15 minutes later.  Oh well.  Probably could have gotten up 15 minutes earlier.  In a way this is all my fault.  But in another more accurate way it's all YOUR fault.  Anyway.  RISHI SUNAK.  I should remember that name.  I'm not familiar with the first or last names before this person.  RISHI.  WAIT there might have been a kid in Stuy whose Official Name was that.  Because I can think of 2-3 people who had VERY similar names to that.  But NOT THAT I don't think.  But maybe that's their given name, for at least one, and they went by something very slightly different.  WHY.  CAUSE IT'S FUN.  Anyway I assume it's Indian Indian.  YEP INDIAN DESCENT.  One thing I like from Wikipedia is HE WAS BORN IN THE 80'S.  ALRIGHT.  MY GENERATION COMIN ON STRONG.  Sure he's a conservative and probably does bad things as politics.  But his name is good and his birthday is good.  TWO OUT OF THREE AIN'T BAD.  Gonna go get some coffee now.
   Hmm.  As of now looks like I could probably fit in 4 walks before Zoom.  It all depends on how much time I'd have after walk III before a prumptive walk IV.  HALF AN HOUR is long enough.  25 minutes is long enough!  20 minutes is probably not long enough.  I dunno why.  No reason not to just take a quick shower and then be right back out that door in 15 minutes.  JUST DO IT HOW HARD COULD IT BE.  Anyway I dunno.  Ended up not getting 2/3rd size donuts.  I made my decision!  The wrong decision!  But I made it nonetheless.  Anyway.  Is 1980 millennial.  By millennial I mean Generation Y.  TOO LONG have I accepted using the word Millennial because other people use it and not Generation Y which is what I WANNA USE PERSONALLY.  I'm just gonna say Generation Y and PEOPLE ARE GONNA HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT.  Looks like a lot of definitions are 1981-1996.  WELL THIS GUY IS NO MILLENNIAL THEN.  FORGET IT.  I dunno.  I feel like Words are all well and good but I can also just identify with someone Being Born I nthe 1980's as an arbitrary decade!
   YEAH.  Anyawy what else is going on.  How come when one party leader fucks everything up they just get to pick a successor from the same party.  Kinda feels like maybe this leader is just on board with the party and vice versa.  If you don't wanna have More Bucking Up TRY A DIFFERENT PARTY.  Then again I can SORT OF understand the way it works in Britian.  I don't LIKE IT.  But it does have SOME internal logic the way they do it I feel.  Hmm.  Ideally how much time do I have to finish 3.5 paragraphs.  If I can get it done in half an hour that'd be real swell.  Also REAL POSSIBLE.  I can do that pretty comfortably I think.  Hmm.  NOTHING GOOD happened yet this Entry.  BUT I'M BUILDING UP TO IT.  Also it's good for me.  I get some Typing In.  Every bit of Typing Experience makes me better in the future.  Right?  Seems like one writing philosophy to vaguely accept as possibly accurate.
What else is going on.  Finished WITH THE BEATLES.  Started Today's Hits playlist but I dunno if I'm gonna stick with it.  Then again not sure I wanna go to next Beatles album, which is... MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR.  WOW.  Magic?  AND MYSTERY.  AND THERE'S A TOUR?  Amazing.  Should I look up track listening or be superimposed.  I think I'll look at tracks.  Might motivate me to listen to it. Hmm a couple of different track listings.  Differend EDITIONS.  Not sure which one I'd be listening to.  The point is I'll do that sure I guess maybe not right now but at some point.  LOOK part of me wants to indulge in some Chinese Food today. And then 1-2 more times over the week.  Not sure if I NEED it though.  Hmm.  Eighth paragraph and crap.  Amazing.  Not a huge fan of I am the walrus.  I really doubt any of you are walruses.  Also I GET that you don't mean it literally.  But then again MAYBE I WAS WRONG.  Maybe you mean it literally.  In which case I STRONGLY DISAGREE.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  Good deal.  I don't like vanity campaigns that siphon a lot of money that could be better spent elsewhere.  Like Beto O Rourke for Texas.  From what I can tell he has very little chance of winning.  And what I can tell BASED ON something I'm guessing he's raking in a lot of donation.  C'MON DON'T BE A VANITY CAMPAIGN DONATION HOG.  Look maybe he can win!  My guess is 538 probably got him at in the High One's Percents.  Lemme LTURQ.  3%.  In most comprehensive model.  Kinda feels like not that great a chance.  To be fair he's at 6% in the 2 less comprehensive models.  DOES THAT QUALIFY AS HIGH ONE's?  It's in The Higher HALF.  But I don't feel comfortable saying Six is High Ones.  SEVEN SURE.  Six is stretching it.  Oh well what can ya do.  I'm sure a lot of donations he got was months ago when he might have been in TEENS percents.  Lemme LTURQ.  He's hit as high as 21% in Worst Model.  FINE GREAT LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  If someone says they're gonna make mincemeat of you I assume that means they're going to try to improve you.  Who wouldn't be better off as mincemeat.  It's delicious!
   I DON'T KNOW THAT.  I'm just guessing.  What else is up.  One paragraph to go!  At this rate I should be able to fit in 4 walks before ZOOM.  AMAZING.  Get some good Guitarring and writing and perhaps some singing in.  Amazing.  The point is I'm gonna have about an hour, an hour and a half after ZOOM appointment before next walk.  Can even get some Music Done there!  HOW DELIGHTFUL.  Just gonna have chicken parm for lunch I think.  I like the part where it's chicken but also don't sleep on the part where it's some sort of pasta.  RIGATONI or something.  Twisty tubes.  I think.  Not so sure.  I dunno if I've had fried steak before.  I dunno if I ever will.  A lot of my life is over.  A lot of time I could have had it I've lost.  Hmm.  I'm comfortable with what key I tuned my guitars to.  STANDARD TUNING MINUS A STEP.  STANDARD D TUNING LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  Maybe put a capo on guitar so it's HALF A STEP down or even REGULAR STANDARD E TUNING.  GUESS WHAT?  CAN EVEN PUT CAPO ON IT FURTHER so that it's HIGHER than standard E tunning.  Amazing.  I'll be back soon.




Not So Sure About That

    Hey friends.  Looks like I'll be able to fit in 4 walks before ZOOM.  Then after ZOOM write New Song for an hour.  Not from scratch!  I GOT THREE TO SIX PERCENT OF IT DOWWN ALREADY.  Not an entire 6% of A SONG.  But I got some IMPORTANT parts down which is good.  Anyway.  Lookin' like we're getting Communal Dinner tonight!  Maybe go back to steak and stuffed mushroom for three knights.  Get something for lunch tomorrow.  Maybe a FRIED CALAMARI is in the cards!  Anyway that'll be great, sure, why not.  Feels like it's kinda warm in here.  I left my shirt on for this period between walks.  BUTTON shirt.  I don't have time to unbutton and rebutton shirts every period between walk.  I GOT THINGS TO DO.  LOOK a few months ago maybe Beto had a legit chance or at least we could be excused for thinking he had a legit chance.  THINGS HAVE CHANGED.  WE MUST CHANGE TOO.  Probably.  What else is going on and crap.  HMM.  I feel like Beto and Buttgieg are the youngest vaguely widly nationally known political figures but I bet they're both from the 1970's.  OH.  AOC.  SHE FROM 1989.  Now we're talkin.  Oh.  BUTTEGIEG is from 1982.  Good for him. 
  What else is going on.  Beto O Rourke is 50.  My guess is he'd prefer people don't know it.  Part of his appeal is Looking Youthful.  If people knew he was in his 50's I DON'T KNOW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN.  Hmm.  The point is maybe the way to go is NOT finalize songs until I got rough blueprints of all of em.  That way I can play one song against the other and figure out how they go together ON A MACRO level.  WOW.  WHAT A GENIUS.  NO ONE ELSE HAS EVER THOUGHT TO MAKE MULTIPLE SONGS OF A SINGLE PROJECT GO WELL TOGETHER.  I am nothing if not a visionary genius.  ...So Nothing then.  Oh Okay I see.  Am I supposed to watch NY Governor Debate tonight.  I'm writing Entry tonight.  Am I supposed to have governor debate in background?  I don't think so.  I never have something actively going on in the background while I'm writing.  It'd distract me!  LOOK it's important YOU watch it though.  Gotta do your duty as a Democrat and be reminded oh yeah gotta vote.  That's what you're getting out of watching Debate.  IT REMINDS YOU of election which is IMPORTANT.  DON'T FORGET that's how I feel.
Three paragraphs to go.  How long do I have to write them?  Hmm.  ENOUGH time.  How about that.  Sure.  No drum tracks for this round of music.  That's how I feel as of now.  Probably.  It FEELS like how I feel.  I guess nothing is for certain though.  Hmm.  I could put TV on while writing song in Hour I Have after zoom and before next walk.  What Tales In The Crypt am I up to.  Was the last one I watched Fitting Punishment?  OH RIGHT.  I'm up to LOWER BERTH.  We talked about it yesterday.  Not 100% what that means in real life. Not as a pun for this episode.  Just in general what it means.  Like a bunk bed.  The bottom bunk is the Lower Berth.  I don't understand why that's the definition but I accept it anyway.  Hmm.  HEY do I have some sort of snack coming my way soon.  Kinda.  Roughly about 2 and a half hours.  More or less after Zoom appointment.  Doesn't HAVE to be then.  That's just my best guess.  New schedule has me having snacks at more Variable times compared to last few months.  WOW.  Maybe an entire chip ahoy pouch.  WOW.
Two paragraphs to go for Daytime Day.  Let's see.  What else do I got going on for me.  Would calling it Chicken Fried Calamari be accurate.  Is ANYTHING fried in a normal sense Chicken Fried.  Not FRENCHED Fries.  ...Maybe even Frenched Fries?  I dunno.  Either way what else is going on and crap.  Wasn't digging Today's Hits playlist.  Put on SUPERBLOOM: The Playlist of Up and Comers As Far As I Know.  That's the PREMISE they're selling me.  I dunno what's REALLY going on with this playlist and the artists that populate it. I don't really know much at all.  LOOK do I wanna set arbitrary deadlines for when I'm gonna be finishing songs or finishing entire project? SURE.  IT'S FUN and GOOD MOTIVATION.  But it should be flexible too.  It helps to PRETEND there's arbitrary deadlines but then if I don't meet the deadlines JUST DON'T CARE and continue doing it beyond deadline passes.  Amazing!
   Last paragraph of The DayTime Day.  Hmm.  Got plenty of time to take fourth walk.  We're talkin' a solid fourty five minutes or so to take shower and re-calibrate my life between walks III and IV.  Anyway what else is going on.  Not really re-calibrating.  Just ACCLIMATING to what The DayTime Day is gonna be like.  That's what I do after shower.  Transition into Middle Of The Day Territory.  IT'S FUN.  I should have Frenched Fries with dinner instead of potato.  I always think about that as a novelty but I never follow through.  I WILL TONIGHT I HOPE.  Because IT'S FUN.  What else is crap and shit.  Maybe some sort of small iced cream bar or sandwich as upcoming snack.  Whatever.  What day is Halloween.  I'm gonna guess NEXT MONDAY. WOW I NAILED IT ON THE DOT.  I had a good clue which is that I knew my Dad was teaching that night, so I'd have to answer door.  And he teaches Mondays and Wednesdays.  And I can see today is 10.25.  So I did some quick thinking and settled on Upcoming Monday as the most likely scenario.  YEAH.  I'll be back tonight.




just keep writing

    Hey friends.  Choco pop going FROM THE VERY START of Act III.  Even 15 seconds before!  Anyway worked on a new song today.  A solid C as of now with Good Prospects.  Could work its way into the B's with more and better lyrics.  Also verse Melody.  OTHER TAN THAT THOUGH WOW WHAT A GREAT PIECE OF CRAP.  Gonna wanna start a brand new one again tomorrow BUT ALSO do some reading.  I know what book to read!  Book I wanted to read a few days ago!  That I almost made it through the Dedication Page.  It might have been more than one paragraph.  Whatever it was I remember not finishing it.  Sometimes we have to read books we don't like for reasons that don't make sense to anyone.  Sounds like one way Life Might Work.  Drank a Beer in Afternoon.  Took a bonus walk in afternoon FOR FUN'S SAKE.  Got another walk comin' up during Act III RECESS.  Anyway.  Got Amazon Fresh delivery.  EVERYTHING I ASKED FOR THEY SUPPLIED.  I had delicious Cinnamon Toast Crunch bar as Last Snack.  PRE DINNER SNACK.  WOW.  That reminds me I need to write half of the lyrics for Today's Song.  One of the place holder lyrics was DINNER.  NOW IT'S ALL COMING BACK TO ME, ABOUT HOW I'VE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING SO FAR AND MUST DEVOTE TIME AND/OR HARD WORK TO BUILDING THE MUSIC.  I don't think I can devote Time AND Hard Work.  That sounds like Way Too Much.  Time OR Hard Work sounds like a fair compromise though.
   Let's go with time, right?
  I'll devote more time to something before I'd commit to doing Hard Work on something.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Charles Degualle-- not really sure what he accomplished.  I think he was a Radio Star during The Occupation of France (By The Proto-Neo-Nazis).  And people just were fans of him being a voice of the resistance.  And then he parlayed that into success later on in life.  I dunno.  What EXACTLY is happening in Video Killed The Radio Star.  These words can mean different things and there's too many permutations about what that phrase might actually literally mean  and none of them make that much sense.  The guy is a radio star.  Now there's video.  And he's like IT KILLS ME, IT EATS ME UP INSIDE, THAT NOW THERE'S VIDEO.  I USED TO BE A RADIO STAR but I GUESS TAT WON'T CUT IT IN TODAY'S VIDEO-WORLD.  I guess it does make sense intuitively.  I feel that's more or less 85% the accurate interpretation that I came up with off the top of my head.  Anyway.  THE META VERSE KILLED THE VIDEO STAR.  Let's get that trending.  WHY.
Third paragraph.  Is the META VERSE what they call the Facebook Virtual Reality world.  Cause that's the kind of joke I was trying to make!  What else is going on and crap.  Got a possible Verse Guitar-Work for upcoming Tomorrow Song.  That's it though.  No chorus yet!  No words or anything.  MAYBE A TITLE.  The good news is I still have lollipop going but I wouldn't count on that lasting too much longer.  What kinda crap have I got in store to watch when this is done for 20 minutes.  Been watching Tales In The Crypt all day but not getting too much out of it!  Also watched the first half of Texas Chainsaw Massacre II.  Wasn't paying attention cause I was working on MUSIC because I'M A BIG MAN and I WORK ON CREATIVE.  Wasn't getting that much out of that Watchings either.  Gotta come up with something better to watch.  Is there anything version of IT I can watch?  PREFERABLY ONE THAT TAKES 3-5 HOURS OVERALL?  My guess is probably not BUT IT CAN'T HURT TO ASK.
Halfway through Act III part I!  Gonna bite down into lollipop.  LOOK  I made it from 15 seconds before Act up through over 15 seconds After Halfway Through Act.  Pretty good I feel.  Anyway.  Bonus candy we got was indeed Milky Way.  Not sure why it's called Milky Way.  Doesn't LOOK like The Milky Way.  Doesn't TASTE like the milky way.  Well hmm.  Maybe it does.  For all we know Our Galaxy tastes EXACTLY LIKE THIS MARS CANDY PRODUCT Chocolate Bar.  Never thought about that.  What DOES the universe taste like.  If there's a monster that's a billion times bigger than us there's nothing to stop them from actually eating galaxies.  Except for being A billion times bigger than us wouldn't be nearly big enough to eat a galaxy.  Gotta be trillions and MORE TRILLIONS times bigger than that I feel.  To eat a galaxy.  Either way tastes like chocolate with nougat or something in it.  Maybe milk somehow.  I think the only milk in milkyway is Milk Chocolate.  THAT'S IT.  What do I know though.  Hmm.  Got that single serving of Hostesss Cupcakes.  Might have ONE as upcoming Dessert Snack instead of having BOTH as an upcoming breakfast.  I'M INTERESTED IN WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT.
Penultimate paragraph of the act III part I!  Anyway listened to another Beatles album or two.  After Beatles for Sale was Magical Mystery Tour and Please Please Me.  Both of which were great!  Well she was just 17/if you know what I mean.  I DON'T know what you mean.  Unless All You Mean is she was 17 years old.  Because I understand that.  But anything else NO WHAT ELSE DO YOU MEAN.  Hmm.  Next album on deck is Let It Be. WOW.  I DON'T RESPOND WELL TO ORDERS and/or Threats.  MAYBE I'll Let It Be.  MAYBE I Won't.  I HARDLY SEE HOW THAT'S ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS.  Anyway I think I'd enjoy having Double cupcake for breakfast coming up.  Really should try to do Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.  But still, save the cupcake as a fancy breakfast.  Have something else Great for tonight.  I got several ideas re-calibrating in the back of my mind.  What else is going on and crap.  October 25th.  Yep.  That's what today is.  No doubt about it.
Last paragraph before walk!  Maybe have some sort of Comprehensive Iced Cream Sandwich when I get back from walk.  No doubt about it, that'd be hitting some spot or something.  Hmm.  Gotta take pleasure in life's little things.  Like eating.  I do it seven or eight times a day!  WOW.  SEVEN OR EIGHT TIMES DOING SOMETHING A DAY THAT I WHOLE HEARTEDLY ENJOY.  Lemme think.  I eat eight times a day NOT INCLUDING NightMight snacks.  Which I DO eat.  So I dunno why we wouldn't include it.  THAT'S DURING NIGHTMIGHT.  DAY SPECIFICALLY SAYS, "DAY," THERE'S NO NIGHT IN DAY.  Hmm.  There's a night in gale.  Florence night in gale.  She PIONEERED NURSING.  DID I READ ABOUT THAT IN A HISTORY BOOK?  YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT I DID.  So I'm learning about ALL KINDS of people.  Men, women... ... ALL KINDS.  There was a Line in Back II The Future where doc Brown uses the phrase Florence Nightingale effect and the WRITER of Back To The Future was (IS) named BOB GALE.  I CRACKED THAT CODE FOR ONE AND ALL.  Yep.  Time to take a walk.

   Hey!  Had delicious vanilla comprehensive iced cream sandwich.  I liked it so much I am 100% looking forward to Further Iced Cream in Oh I Don't Know AN HOUR.  Probably Sea Salt Caramel Bar.  Anyway what else do I accomplish since fourty minutes ago.  Used Starbucks bathroom.  RESPONSIBLY.  PEED IN THE TOILET AND NOWHERE ELSE.  Anyway I got half a beer leftover for this act.  Last few days I often have half a beer left one way or another going into the next day.  I THINK as of today I've drank 2 beers up till this point.  And this half isn't the continuation of a Today Beer.  This is the half left over from yesterday.  And I already drank Two Fresher Beers today.  ALSO HALF BEER WASN'T STORED IN FRIDGE.  In ROOM TEMPERATURE CABINET.  Either way let's move on with your life.  Hmm.  Not sure which song title I'm gonna use Going Into Tomorrow.  I GOT SEVERAL IDEA.  Also Idea is the plural of Idea.  I'm sorry.
Three paragraphs to go.  Hey I just had some loose Frosted Flakes and now I'm pumped up about having a balanced breakfast tomorrow in Oh I Don't Know 10 and a half hours.   FROSTED FLAKES we know are good-- just had 'em, and they were good!  Eggo gonna be a blast and a half.  Egg whites will balance the entire situation out real good.  Basically my life up through 10 and a half hours from now is gonna be pretty good.  Lotta sleep.  Sea Salt Caramel iced cream bar.  Am I putting on a Tales In The Crypt.  Sure.  Why not.  CARRION DEATH.  I can see myself PAYING ATTENTION to that sucker and really enjoying it and crap.  Anyway finisheda  bottle of Diet Dr Pepper 2 Liter Edition that's been in fridge for a year.  WOW THIS IS REALLY STALE.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  The only stale I like is a Stale Mate in Chess because EVERYONE gets to go home happy in that situation.  Did you win?  Not necessarily!  But did you lose?  NOT AT ALL.  We should all learn from the Stale Mate in chess.  Do Stale Mates in real life!  That's the message there.
   Then again Probably Just Better If I Constantly Win.  Not better for you.  But for ME.  And I'm pretty pot committed to worrying more about Me than You.  Hey that's life I guess.  LOOK when applicable I'll care about All Of Us.  Don't feel like you're not gonna have your interests represented While I'm Caring About Myself.  I'M A GENEROUS GUY.  WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GEESE IS GOOD FOR THE GANDER.  A RISING TIDE SINKS ALL SHIPS and so on.  What else do I got going on for me.  Just a paragraph and a half to go.  Also once I'm done with this terrible DR PEPPER I can REPLENISH MYSELF WITH FRESH Carbonated Beverage.  WOW.  I dunno what flavor it will be but It'll be a HUGE step up from this FLAT Dr Pepper Crap.  Hmm.  I wonder where Dr Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band falls on Beatles list.  My guess?  I dunno let's say Fourth or Fifth.  But only on the understanding I mean Sgt and not Dr.  Lemme LTURQ.  WOW IT'S #3 BEATLES ALBUM.  THIS ALBUM EXCEEDED MY EXPECTATIONS BY A SOLID SINGLE UNIT OR TWO.
   Last paragraph of the day.  Got fried calamari for lunch tomorrow.  I could see myself doing a Wild Card and eating it cold.  I could also see myself doing a non wild card and eating it in oven or microwave.  Well, FROM oven or microwave.  I'm not gonna climb in the microwave and eat it in there.  I WOULD BARELY FIT in the oven LET ALONE THE MICROWAVE.  I feel like if we remove a tray or two I can stuff myself in the oven.  THIS IS TE PLOT OF HANSEL AND GRETEL.  Pretzel.  What's up?  Hmm.  Uh oh also a Concentration Camp refernce.  NOW I DON'T LIKE IT.  YOU TOOK IT TO A PLACE I DON'T LIKE.  WHY WOULD YOU, HOW DARE YOU.  Anyway.  How's current status on Anti-semitism.  After considering their options for a few days Adidas dropped Kanye eventually and I think that's Case Closed On Anti-Semitism In America.  WHEW THAT WAS A CLOSE ONE.  Touch and go there for a while.  Problem solved though!  Anyway.  That'll do it for today!  See ya tomorrow.

-10:14 P.M.



Monday, October 24, 2022

Titles Are Wonder Full

    Hey!  About 2 and a half hours behind schedule!  Got about an hour and 10 minutes to write this act before I gotta take walk #2!  In the end I'll probably end up taking one less walk overall-- with a bonus walk in afternoon.  Possibly I take NO bonus walk and am 2 walks down.  Possible I take TWO bonus walks and am Zero Walks Down.  The point is if I have to only write 8 or 9 paragraphs this act SOBE IT.  Is sobe still a soda beverage they sell at convenience store.  Was it EVER a soda beverage they sold at convenience store?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP LOOKS LIKE A THING.  Man I wish I had one right now.  That'd hit the spot.  Not like this dumb Sprite Zero I got going on.  What good is that.  SPRITE IS GOOD FOR THE URBAN CROWD.  I live in an urban area.  It's very scary!  So much crime all the time!  Probably.  Pretty sure I see people walk their dogs and not pick up the shit afterwards.  I believe that's a crime.  Then again I'm kind of just assuming they don't pick up shit.  I don't really stick around to find out.  Not doing it is what I WOULD DO if I were them.
Hmm.  Started watching Dawn of the Dead DVD.  Stopped working 15 seconds in.  Put it on on YOUTUBE.  Ads breaking out every three and a half minutes.  OH WELL.  Watched a solid 2.5 sequences I feel.  Great!  Some jerk came an hour or so ago to remove our dishwasher.  Probably saving it for his own Sexual Deviancy Purposes.  That's what I would do it I were him at least.  Hmm.  Gonna try to write another song today.  I got lyrics accumulated.  I got chords and riffs accumulated.  Not MUCH of any of those things.  But SOME.  And I can always start from scratch!  Either way also wanna record a better version of Yesterday Song.  PRIORITY is new song I feel.  Hmm.  Had black and whites for breakfast.  After a fair amount of NightMight snacking.  Man oh man I could go for a snack now.  All I gotta do is wait an hour though to have it at Normal Appropriate Time.  HMM WHAT SNACK THAT GONNA BE HMM.  Gonna be interesting.
   Third paragraph!  Gonna add a Treble Riff Line to yesterdays song.  Shouldn't be too hard.  I can base it on one of the melodies I was sort of going in and out of.  Didn't settle on a melody in recording!  I'm vaguely positive these are music terms that I'm using and conceptualizing correctly.  I dunno about vaguely positive.  I'm HOPEFUL that these are terms I'm using and conceptualizing correctly.  And it's vaguely POSSIBLE I am!  So that's good.  Good chance I have beer in the middle of the day as long as I'm working on new music.  Maybe three a day for Music Days.  With anywhere between ONE AND TWO for afternoon and/or evening.  HMM.  Big press conference by Attorney General and other assorted TOP DAWGS about National Security Matter.  That should be intersting.  Hopefully We Have National Security.  It'd be a bummer if their report was I know we want national security BUT IT'S JUST NOT IN THE CARDS ANYMORE.
Hmm.  Checked 538!  Same senate #, Dems lost a point in house #.  GREAT.  Yankees lost their series.  World Series between Phillies and Astros.  Think I'll root for the Phillies.  Gotta go with my gut there.  Then again if one team jumps out to a lead in the series, might just change my mind to root for the underdawg.  Other things might influence how I feel about who I'm rooting for, too!  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Nothing.  Hmm.  Lunch today gonna be turkey sandwich, ham sandwich, chicken parm, or WILDCARD presumably Frozen Thing.  Let's not do wildcard as long as I got good FRESH choices.  Hmm.  Dinner tonight could be PIZZA.  Making a Chicken Parm REDUNDANT VAGUELY.  Maybe go with Ham Sandwich.  What kinda delicious sandwich side?  WHY maybe a SaltSide or a SweetSide.  YEAH NO DUH.  Hmm.  World Series doesn't start for another 4 days.  On FRIDAY.  NO SPOILERS as to waht time on Friday.  FINE I'LL SPOIL IT FOR YOU if you insist!  TBD.  Does that satisfy you?  PROBABLY WOULDN'T.
   Fifth paragraph.
  Got 50+ minutes to write six paragraphs.  That should be pretty doable.  Gettin amazon fresh order tomorrow afternoon.  Got a lot of fun stuff there.  Getting BOTH Golden Graham Bar AND Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar.  THAT'S GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN I DON'T BELIEVE IT.  Also getting Stella Doro MARGHERITE cookies.  I can imagine lots of good scenarios where I incorporate that into my diet for about 4-8 days.  Depending on how much I incorporate it.  And how much my Dad wants them.  Hmm.  Anyway.  1:30 PM Press Conference?  I'll be back from Walk #2 right around then.  DANGIT now I gotta incorporate that into my schedule.  But I gotta see what its about.  Sounds serious!  Hmm.  When am I taking my shower.  Gonna write Act II after Press Conference and/or part of press conference and/or while I have press conference on?  Then I take a walk #3 AND take a shower BUT IN WHAT ORDER?  These are important issues.  I'm gonna go get some coffee.  Wanna take city street walk for walk #2 but that's 5 minutes longer.  I PROBABLY can fit it as opposed to doing shorter walk.  IT'LL BE CLOSE.
   Fourty minutes for 5 paragraphs if I take ideal walk.  Fourty Five if I take nonideal walk!  LET'S DO IT EITHER WAY.  Hmm.  How long can National Security Press Conference be.  First they gotta build up suspense for a few minutes as to what the issue is.  Then they gotta tell us the issue.  They they need to comfort us and tell us how we're safe now and/or how it's being addressed and/or how we're not safe now and it's not being addressed.  Hopefully the first couple things and not the last couple things.  Either way WHAT CAN IT BE.  I'd speculate but it's easier to just wait an hour and fifteen minutes and find out in real time.  Anyway.  ALARM went off this morning.  Dad forgot to turn off alarm when he opened front door to person who took our dish washer for sexual gratification purposes.  ACTIVATED THE ALARM.  Oh well that's bound to happen from time to time.  Maybe that's what this press conference is.  They didn't get the message that IT WAS A MISTAKE and THERE'S NOTHING WRONG.  Well that's good I guess.   CRISIS AVERTED.
Four paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Not a big deal if I take park walk.  I can adjust upcoming walks so that it's still the correct ratio of park walk: street walk overall for the day.  Hmm.  Kinda in the mood for a pouch of chips aHoy.  Can do that as upcoming snack or as SandwichSide.  Would prefer it as snack.  Have some sort of SaltSnack as sandwich side.  Wheat thins.  Cheez its.  Kettle Chips.  Pop Chips.  Mini Saltines.  I THINK THAT COVERS IT.  Hmm.  Had delicious Veggie Burger for dinner last night.  It was okay!  I never really like the veggie burgers that much the last few months.  But they're OKAY.  Probably pretty healthy, too.  That's what I'd guess.  New York Governor Debate tomorrow night!  The Democratic nominee will be debating the Republican nominee.  GREAT.  That makes the most sense if you're having a governor debate where the main two candidates are the Democratic Nominee and Republican Nominee.  Anyway.  If Republican Win does he put a stop to Marijuana Legalization?  Cause I'd be ANTI-that.
   Eighth paragraph.  Hmm.  Made more progress in Blond on Blonde.  Figure I can finish that upcoming walk probably.  Maybe not.  Lemme LURQ how long the last few tracks are.  OK last track is very long but overall I can finish it.  Amazing.  Clarance Thomas halted Lindsay Graham from having to testify in Georgia.  THAT DOESN'T SOUND VERY SHADY AT ALL.  TOTALLY NORMAL BUSINESS THERE.  Hmm.  Do I continue with Dawn Of The Dead today in TV Watching Times?  Possible.  Possible I go back to Tales In The Crypt.  POSSIBLE something ELSE.  Some new films on Shutter.  Also I can finally watch the VHS movies.  Anyway, today is what, Monday?  I can work with Monday.  Not so bad!  The point is snack time is right around National Security Press Conference time.  Not sure if its a press conference.  It's involving the press.  Press'll be there I assume!  But I dunno how much CONFERRING they're gonna do.  Hmm.  Do I indulge and get a chicken roll.  That's the question on everyone's minds.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Got 25 minutes.  So much more minutes than I need.  Amazing.  What do I put on after Blonde on Blonde.  Guess I can go back to New In Alternative playlist.  I think I can figure out which song I left off at.  Then continue doing that indefinitely until something else occurs to me.  Hmm.  Don't think I want chicken roll that much today or tomorrow!  Just not necessary or anything.  That's how I feel.  Anyway what else is going on.  I have a WORKING TITLE for current music project I'm considering continuing.  I GOT WORKING TITLES ALL THE TIME.  IT MEANS NOTHING.  A new title will usurp the old and then a new one will usurp that one.  NEVER KNOW WHAT TITLE IS GONNA END UP AS BEING, "THE," TITLE.  Huh.  OH I should add more 2/3rd donuts to Amazon Fresh cart.  Right?  For some reason there's something in my head saying WAIT A SECOND for some reason that might not be the way to go.  So I'll think about it.  I got some time to make a final decision!  I feel like there must have been a lot of Early Bob Dylan albums that I assumed were classic ones that didn't make the top 15.  Lemme LTURQ.
   Hmm.  They did get almost all the early ones.  All of em except THE FIRST ONE.  Which IS a classic album with a lot of great songs but Bob Dylan only wrote a few of em.  So maybe that's why they didn't include it.  Lotta TRADITIONAL songs.  Some NON TRADITIONAL BUT NON HIM songs.  Anyway what else is up.  Feel like this song from yesterday can be a solid, "C," song if I do Everything Right.  Probably won't.  I feel like there's a SMALL CHANCE I can get it to b a C- song though.  I can achieve that in an ideal world.  C is just asking for too much.  Hmm.  Looking at wikipedia article, Debut Bob Dylan album didn't get that much acclaim at the time or even that much later.  I DON'T GET IT.  THESE SONGS ARE GOOD.  In fact before 2 weeks ago this album's track listing would be the one I would point to and go yep that's Bob Dylan at his most Bob Dylanist.  In a good way!  Shows how much I know.  Anyway.  That's it for now!  Be back in a little bit!




This Guy Knows What I'm Talking About

    Hey!  Took a quick shower and then watched the first few minutes of Press Conference.  Seems like something I care about to a degree of about 1-3 out of 10!  It's possible I read exactly what it's about and am like YA KNOW WHAT THAT COULD BE AS HIGH AS 4, 4.5 OUT OF TEN in terms of interest.  So we'll see how all that shakes out.  Anyway.  Gonna skip snack pre-lunch.  Probably gonna take 1 bonus walk in afternoon.  So I'm one walk less.  Hmm.  Maybe disappointing press conference will provide me some INSPIRATION for upcoming song.  So it's a Productive Disappointing Press Conference.  Also every press conference that's disappointing they're just driving the point home all the real stuff we should be doing We're Not Doing.  They're Press Conference Teases and I don't like it!  Oh well such is life.  Finished Blonde on Blonde.  Listened to ONE song back in New In Alternative.  So that's great I guess.  The question becomes do I want a turkey sandwich or a ham sandwich.  I was thinking ham for a good while but ya know what?  Not so sure!
   Four paragraphs to go for Daytime Day.  Look I assume the action they're taking in he case this press conference is talking about is GOOD.  I'm sure it means SOMETHING and they're probably doing THE RIGHT THING.  Doesn't concern me that much tough.  BUT LIKE I SAID.  I might read something that makes me feel it's a 4.5, 5 out of 10 in terms of worthwhile.  In which case, at that level, PRESS CONFERENCE VAGUELY JUSTIFIED.  So let's cross our fingers on that one.  Got some coffee #2 going.  Some diet coke #1 going.  It's all good!  How much time do I have to write the rest of this act?  Doesn't really matter! Let's say thirty five minutes or somethin, I dunno!  Hmm.  I can order a SINGLE SIZE PACKAGE Of Hostess Chocolate Cupcakes from Amazon Fresh.  A dollar 49.  And the total two cupcakes together is right on target for a breakfast.  LET'S TRY THIS ONE-OFF THING.  SOUNDS LIKE FUN.  Hmm.  Chips aHoy in the lead for SandwichSide.  Good deal.  I was thinking about taking bonus walk right after lunch to get it out of the way.  NOW I'M THINKING Continue Music Project after lunch and then see when AND IF I wanna take that bonus walk.  MAYBE I DON'T WANNA TAKE IT AT ALL.
   Hmm.  What else is up.  Three paragraphs to go!  Delightful.  I dunno if I NEED to make a case for Italian Restaurant tonight.  Dunno what I'd do otherwise.  Some sort of Beef Dinner from diner.  Dunno if I wanna go right back to steak * stuffed mushroom.  Maybe a LIVER or something.  Some LAMBED chops.  I realize lamb isn't beef.  I was hoping you didn't though.  But then I told you anyway.  Okay well as long as we're all on the same page.  Then again IF PIZZA what.  Could be Regular or Sicily Style.  Could have NO toppings or could have TWO toppings.  THERE'S PLENTY OF PLAUSIBLE PERMUTATIONS.  LIEK TEN.  Amazing.  Same website that I followed Top 15 Bob Dylan albums also has an article All 13 Beatles Studio Albums Ranked.  SHOULD I make it a project to listen to them?  I CAN THINK OF WORSE THINGS.  Not OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  Devil.  Hell.  Something with the devil and/or Hell and me.  That'd be worse.  Look DOZENS of things would be worse.  The point is #13 is Yellow Submarine.  Lemme LURQ that track listing.  WOW that album IS really crappy.  I assume.  I don't even recognize most of the songs!  Only good song is All You Need Is Love.  Maybe all they need for album is All You Need Is Love.  And THAT ALONE makes it a worthwhile album.  Hmm.
I'm sure I'll IDENTIFY some of these songs as GOOD but off the top of my head it ain't for sure or anything.  Thinking about it and I might dig some Sicily Style pizza.  Some TWO TOPPINGS.  Garlic as one topping.  Anchovie maybe for ONE slice but not BOTH.  Hmm.  This is a tough one.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  The point is whatever I determine is the best course o action for dinner It'll be a solid 6-8 out of 10 dinner most likely.  Could it be a 9 or 10?  Sure!  Nothing to make me think AS OF NOW it'd be but maybe it just hits the spot in the moment!  Could it be a 4 or 5?  I SURE HOPE NOT.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Watch some Dawn Of The Dead for a bit pre-lunch and during lunch.  Maybe some post-lunch.  During all that get crackin' on ideas for new song.  See if I can get some lyrics or chords or melody down.  And take it from there!  So that's good.  I guess.  HMM turns out Merrick Garland talked about More Things after I turned it off.  I'll read all about it LATER.  I can't read about it NOW.  I'm doing THIS now.
   Last paragraph of daytime day!  Guess I'll probably eat lunch 20 minutes or so after getting back from next walk.  Maybe as much as THIRTY.  Maybe as few as TEN.  LIKE I SAID, 20 MINUTES OR SO.  What else is up.  How comfortable am I committing to listening to Albums Of The Beatles in Ascending Quality Order?  I dunno.  Feels like it's POSSIBLY the right way to live my life for the immediate future, Possibly THE WRONG WAY.  Gonna have to think about this one before I make any rash decisions.  Hmm.  ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE was released as A SINGLE 2 years before this album.  SO it turns out this album is the worst piece of trash I've ever seen in my life.  ALL TRASH IS BAD.  Unless you paid good money for it.  Then it's a good thing the trash happened for whoever you paid for the trash.  Their lives are benefiting from The Trash just fine.  So that's good.  Any chance I read a book with my Middle Of The day instead of/in addition to music?  PROBABLY.  Man oh man making music sounds like a chore right now but is also ODDLY EXCITING.  So we'll see how that all shakes out.  Be back tonight.




i didn't know that but I'm glad I do now

    Hey friends!  Another productive day.  Worked on song from yesterday and surprisingly made progress!  Got it soundin' like a Song I Like.  TO ME it's at, "C," level already!  I CAN GET THIS INTO, "I ENJOY LISTENING IT TO MYSELF," TERRITORY if I put in just enough time and effort I feel!  So that's good.  Anyway.  Got dinner pretty late today.  Then I ate dinner pretty late today!  Usually I'm on Recess Walk by this time of night.  Now I'm barely starting Act III Part I!  Anyway I had delicious 2 Sicily Style Slices of pizza with PLAIN on them.  Did I make any progress with new songs.  Not really.  Made some ANTI-progress.  Some guitar work I thought might turn into songs I'm figuring out Probably Won't.  So I've Lost Ground in a way.  Came up with a few titles though.  THAT'S SET IN STONE FOR SURE.  Made some more progress with Dawn Of The Dead 1978 on Youtube.  Is it 1978.  Gotta be within a year or two of that.  YEP 1978 NAILED IT.
   Hmm.  RAINING right now.  If it is raining hard by the time I take recess PROBABLY GONNA SKIP RECESS WALK.  Take some sort of Recess Rest!  Maybe lie in bed motionless with no stimuli for 30 minutes.  Hmm.  Took 5 walks already today.  One bonus one in afternoon!  Anyway.  Figured out a good setting for recording vocals.  This'll carry over into All The Songs.  Now I just gotta figure out a good way to Sing Vocals.  It doesn't come naturally to me because I'm not a natural musician.  Kind of unnatural in most respects of humanity.  GO FIGURE.  Hmm.  Gonna have a tootsie pop at some point this Act III Part I.  BUT WHEN.  Apparently Not Yet.  Listened to Regular Song portion of Yellow Submarine.  Wasn't so bad.  Listened to #12 album Beatles For Sale.  Wasn't so bad!  It's good inspiration for music because it's just dumb music that isn't bad.  PERFECT THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M GOING FOR.  I'm not reading BEATLES LEVEL dumb music that isn't bad but IN SPIRIT it's the dream, right?  Hmm.  Looks like next album is With The Beatles.  WOW.
   Third paragraph of Act III part II.  Hmm.  How big a project am I thinking ideally for current round of music?  Not big!  I wanna do more than one song.  YA KNOW LIKE FOUR OR FIVE IS THAT OKAY?  Call it a mini album and move on with my life.  YOU KNOW AN, "EP?"  GET WITH THE TERMINOLOGY.  Amazing.  Gotta finish Dawn of the Dead after this Entry.  Maybe stay up late and watch some more crap.  I DESERVE to watch TV late at night into the 11:00 PMS because I was so productive during the day!  Gotta have Bonus TV Time to make up for it.  Should I do a Spoiler Alert and check the tracks for With Them Beatles.  My guess is NO I WANNA BE SURPRISED.  Then again hmm what else is up.  Only bad thing about this 8 track is it's mostly a Touch Screen type deal.  I mean, most of the buttons aren't on A SCREEN persay.  But you just touch that part of the hardware for that button.  Like the Record button.  It's just part of the machinery and you have to press it with your finger in that little box.  AND A LOT OF TEH TIME IT DOESN'T REGISTER.  A LOT.  Gotta keep pressing over and over for some of these buttons.  GREAT TANKS A LOT.  HOW COME NO ONE WARNED ME.  ALSO I REMEMBER NOW READING THIS IN REVIEWS ABOUT IT BEFORE I GOT IT THAT THIS HAPPENED TO PEOPLE.  I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME THOUGH.
Hmm.  Gonna have tootsie pop now.  CHERRY.  Cherry is good.  I'd rather feel CHEERY than taste CHERRY but it's close.  Did Cheers invent the phrase that you say Cheers when you drink with someone?  My guess?  YES.  ALSO THEY INVENTED BARS AND ALCOHOL IN GENERAL.  They needed their sitcom to be about something so they just CREATED AN ENTIRE NEW UNIVERSE OF THINGS.  So that's good.  Had a beer this afternoon.  Got another one going now!  Cheers!  JEERS to others.  Wouldn't wanna end up On My jeers list.  Algiers.  What's going on.  I feel like Algiers was in World War II, World War II, or BOTH World War I and II.  I also feel it is IN FRANCE.  Lemme LTURQ.  WAS in France.  Now it's in Algeria.  Wonder how they came up with that name.  Anyway.  One thing I learnt about from History Books last week was CHARLES DE GUALLE.  Gotta be honest-- pretty unimpressed with Charles De Gaulle.  I EXPECTED MORE to tell the truth.
Probably.  Don't remember exactly who he was or what he did.  But I DID read some paragraphs (PERHAPS WHOLE PAGES?) about what him and/or stuff he did.  So that's good.  Found a version of DOTD (1978) on youtube with LESS CONSTANT ADS.  However I had to sacrifice it being Extended Version to jut being Regular Version.  FAIR TRADE.  I see less Film but I also see less ADS.  Or I could just turn off my TV and see No Film and No Ads.   That's TOO few things.  NOW you're suffering from having not enough things to watch on your television set.  Hmm.  I bet A D S is some sort of Medical Condition.  Someone suffering from ADS.  Lemme LTURQ.  AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER?  THAT'S A BIG ONE.  I was gonna be satisfied with some weird thing no one has ever heard of.  AUTISM?  SPECTRUM?  DISORDER?  THIS IS BIG DEAL GUYS LET'S BE HONEST WITH OURSELVES.  Is it possible I have some kind of autism.  I dunno!  I got lots of problems!  Certainly reasonable to wonder! 
   Last paragraph before Recess.  Lemme LURQ how much it's raining.  You mean look out my window.  No I mean checking the internet YOU DOLT.  Besides looking outside my window tells me nothing.  You can't SEE rain.  It's TOO SMALL and IT MOVES TOO QUICKLY.  Good luck trying to see rain, you're gonna need it!  Internet says it's not raining.  I may HEAR it raining now that I think about it.  But not hard.  Think I'll take a walk the way things are.  Hmm.  What kinda snack am I having when I get home.  POSSIBLE COMPREHSIVE ICED CREAM SANDWICH.   Good.  I just bit into lollipop.  Had ham sandwich for lunch with chips aHoy pouch.  NORMALLY THEY GIVE 5 MINI CHIPS AhOY.  I got a solid 5 and 3/4ths!  FIVE WHOLE ONES.  One that was MOSTLY whole.  So that was good.  I was pretty happy about that is the point!  Hmm.  Lunch tomorrow gonna be turkey sandwich, chicken parm, or... wait a second... THOSE MIGHT BE MY ONLY FRESH OPTIONS.  WOW.  The point is I'll take a walk now I guess, be back soon!

   Hey friends.  Had a small dessert snack.  Small Chocolate Chip Cookie Fiber One Brownie.  Good for me.  IT'S HEALTH.  Hmm.  Listened to Half Or Most of With The Beatles.  I don't like how they mix their songs!  All vocals on the right and all instrumentals on the left.  WHY.  WHO WANTS THIS.  IT'S DUMB AND ANNOYING.  ARE THEY IDIOTS OR SOMETHING?  Probably!  HEY WHERE DO You GET OFF.  GEORGE R. R. MARTIN MIXED THEIR SONGS AND HE'S CONSIDERED ONE OF THE BEST TO EVER DO IT.  Anyway.  If only I had 3 Beatles to bounce musical ideas off of, I feel I'd be one of the best musicians in the biz.  ALONE I am powerless but WITH BEATLES I COULD BE UNSTOPPABLE.  Essentially Ringo Starr, then.  That's what I'm describing.  Also why does The Real George R R Martin need Two R's.  MOST PEOPLE DON'T EVEN HAVE ONE.  BE HAPPY YA GOT ONE R and call it a day. TWO R's is just being a jerk or something, I dunno.  Hmm. 
   What else is going on.  Came up with a new title on walk.  THIS MAY BE THE TITLE TO THE SONG THAT I START TOMORROW ONCE AND FOR ALL.  Wait what was the title.  Lemme think.  Oh.  That's pretty clunky.  I guess it could work.  NOT VERY UN-CLUNKY THOUGH, LET'S NOT KID OURSELVES.  HMM there's one word I could remove from title to make it less clunky.  THEN IT'S KINDA NOT CLUNKY ENOUGH.  Hmm.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Not REALLY.  It's just a Figure Of Speech.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Hey just came up with some chords for tomorrow song.  No spoilers but there's a total of THREE CHORDS as of now.  WHO COMES UP WITH THIS STUFF.  Me.  Just now!  OH OKAY GOOD.  TO BE FAIR one of the chords is a SEVENTH.  Ya know.  It's the chord but then you put a 7 after it.  IT'S MUSIC YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND.
Two paragraphs to go.  Anyway.  Because I had such small Dessert Snack I am morally and philosophically allowed to have an entire Comprehensive Iced Cream Sandwich at bed time as opposed to a Smaller 2/3rds as big Iced Cream Snack.  WOW.  50% BIGGER.  CRUNCH THE NUMBERS ALONG WITH ME AND YOU'LL SEE THAT I'M TELLING TRUTHS.  Also when I buy drugs I always buy Sevenths.  BECAUSE I LIKE TO BE DIFFICULT.  Good luck measuring THAT amount of an ounce On The Fly.  JOKES ON YOU.  Hmm.  Also I only pay them what I would have paid for an eighth.  So now I'm saving money too!  THIS REALLY ISN'T WORKING OUT WELL FOR THE DEALER AT ALL.  Oh well if he wanted to do better in business he would have picked a more respectable profession.  He gets what he has coming towards him in this scenario!  I think my Dad told me we got more Milky Way Bar halloween candies.  Which doesn't sound right.  Because we got 100+ pieces already.  And we've had ZERO trick or treaters in the week or so we've had it.  Hmm.  Maybe I imagined it.  He definitely told me we got SOME bonus candy.  MAY not have been Milky Ways.  I might have Just Been Thinking About The Galaxy We Live In and gotten those two things confused.
   Huh.  WE LIVE in The Milky Way.  NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE CONCEPTUALIZE THEIR LIVES THIS WAY.  Lotta people think of living ON EARTH.  Many even think THE SOLAR SYSTEM.  No one is walking around going I'M A RESIDENT OF THE MILKY WAY.  What's up with that!  How come our universe doesn't have a name.  Also our solar system REALLY SHOULD HAVE A BETTER NAME TOO.  Universe, we'll come back to.  OUR Solar System needs a catchy name.  Other than just the generic scientific terminology THE SOLAR SYSTEM!  Anyway give me a couple of days and I'll come up with good names for Solar System and Universe.  Hmm.  I think SOLAR might be Grammatically rooted with The Sun and not The Star.  And our star is SPECIFICALLY The Sun.  So Solar refers to The System Around Our Star: The Sun.  EITHER WAY UNIVERSE NEEDS A NAME, AND QUICK.  Whoever names it first GETS DIBS. Anyway.  That'll do it for tonight.  See ya tomorrow!

-10:33 P.M.





Sunday, October 23, 2022

What The Hell Was That

    Hey friends!  About 5 minutes ahead of schedule today.  Gonna fit in all the walks with a bunch of time in the middle of the day.  I got a book picked out but I'm betting I don't like it.  FEELS like a good book to read though.  Either way, had a small NightMight snack last night.  Just one 100 calorie thing.  Not so bad!  Ended up having Classic Breakfast.  Hmm.  Decided to check 538 to see for myself how badly it's been going for Democrats lately.  PRETTY BADLY.  About what I would have imagined if I had bothered imagining something.  Anyway.  Still about two weeks to turn it around.  That's a long time!  Also it's an important two weeks.  Two weeks directly before election day!  This one is for all the marbles.  Which are VALUABLE.  Are marbles actually made out of marble.  They can be made out of any hard material but rarely marble.  Go figure!  Anyway.  I'M NOT FOOLIN.  I was imagining House and Senate RIGHT AROUND where they are.  So it's not GOOD but at least I'M A PROJECTION GENIUS.  Hmm.  Got one more track of Highway 61 Resurrections.  But it's an 11 minute track!  That'll take over 11 minutes!
Then it's onto Blood On The Tracks.  Probably a lot of smart people in Democratic party who can figure out the best way to Close Out Campaign. Gotta be DOZENS of people who can influence Closing Out Of Campaign to a significant degree and there's gotta be SEVERAL of them who know what they're doing.  Makes sense.  Blood On The Tracks is great but HOW LONG is it.  Over 51 minutes.  ABOUT WHAT I WOULD HAVE EXPECTED.  Wow out of 10 songs I know all of them.  And I like most of them!  And I REALLY like some of them!  Odds are I'll enjoy that album.  Whatever happens in upcoming midterms they probably won't outlaw Bob Dylan just yet.  Then again he might be giving people some counterculture ideas.  HOWEVER he gives a whole lot of Clockwise Culture ideas, too!  HE IS CULTURE.  How can he counterculture.  Doesn't get That Much More Culture than Bob Dylan.  Anyway.  Nurse for Dad just came.  That's good.  Pretty sure if Republicans take over the house and senate roughly a Dozen Extremely Bad Things will happen, another dozen and a half Very Bad Things, and about another dozen and a half Bad Things.  I'M NOT JOKING.  THESE AMOUNT OF BAD THIGNS ARE THE STAKES FOR THIS ELECTION.
   Hmm.  Not time to give up though.  Lots of time left for People Who Know What They're Doing to turn it around for Democrats.  We know we're the majority of the country.  Gotta imagine we're the majority of Powerful Strategic Thinkers, too, right?  WELL NOW'S YOUR TIME TO SHINE powerful strategic thinkers!  Let's do it or something.  Hmm.  Maybe if the Mets were still in the playoffs this would be different.  I thought it would be GOOD for politics if the Mets don't make the playoffs.  You can only have ONE good thing going on in Post Season-- your team winning or your political team winning.  I THOUGHT WITH THE METS LOSING IT WAS GOOD OMEN FOR DEMOCRATS.  HOW WRONG I WAS.  Hmm.  I really don't wanna read this book I got picked out.  I'll give it 15 or 20 pages or so.  Probably gave it that much in the past.  Oh well.  Is there a real chance Hochul is in trouble in New York.  I'll check 538 for that specific thing and nothing else.  They got Hochul in the 90's of percent.  Last I checked it was 99+!%  DANGIT.
   What else is going on and crap.  When should I check 538 again?  I went a week or two without checking it at all.  Maybe check it once a day or something.  I dunno!  THINGS WERE GOING GOOD While I was checking it.  Then I stop checking it and things go downhill.  Doesn't take a genius to figure out Everything Is My Fault.  Hmm.  The point is I'm gonna finish DESOLATION ROW: The Song but then not go straight into Blood On The Tracks.  Also TRACKS MEANS SONGS.  I figured that one out.  Blood means METAPHOR.  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Food Day and World Tripe Day.  WOW.  NO CELEBRATION DAY could make me happier in a million years than, "National Food Day."  I assume we celebrate by eating food?  Ideally maybe three times in the day?  That'd be my instinct.  Then again are we close to RAMADAN.  Gotta fast for Ramadan.  When is RAMADAN.  RAMA-llama-ding-DAN. Oh good it's in April.  We can ALL celebrate Food tomorrow!  World Tripe Day.  I don't know what tripe is!  Once I Read it I'll be reminded of what it is and go oh yeah I knew that.  Hmm.  Edible lining of the stomachs of animals.  Sounds great.  Sign me up!  I like THINGS.
   Fifth paragraph!  Gotta read something real good today.  That's how I feel.  It Takes All Tripes.  NOT all Stripes.  Some Stripes are no good.  All TRIPES though are okay.  Anyway.  Let's start over.  What's going on today that isn't that bad.  SUNDAY.  HOW IS THAT NOT BAD.  NOTHING UN-BAD ABOUT SUNDAY.  On schedule today.  That's good but FOR WHAT.  A book I DON'T WANNA READ?  Fine then figure out a book I do wanna read.  WELL SURE IN AN IDEAL WORLD.  Hmm.  I guess all ya'll New Yorkers gotta take voting seriously this year.  It's not impossible we're asleep at the wheel and Republican wins Governorship.  Also we crash the car causing multiple fatalities.  Which is worse.  I think Republican Governorship.  Probably causes more death and destruction than One Measly Car Crash.  Then again it depends on the car and the crash.  COULD BE A REALLY BIG DEAL if it's in the right place at the right time!  Anyway.  These fuckin fascists terrify me.  Good.  A little bit of fear never hurt anyone!  Yes but the manifestation of what was being feared could hurt you.  That's why You were In Fear in the first place.  Oh that sounds bad.  Hmm.  Coffee time.
   So what you're trying to say is that Republican house and senate would only do 3 or 4 dozen bad things?  WE CAN SURVIVE THAT.  What's 45 bad things of varying degree in the large scheme of things.  I dunno depends on how many o those things involve cementing their rule indefinitely.  Then the bad things start to increase exponentially.  Oh that sounds bad.  You lost me at several dozen bad things but then you found me again at Exponential Increase Of Horror.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Losing House and Senate is GOOD FOR DEMOCRATS.  It gives them something to run against in 2024.  If the Democrats win the house in 2022 2024 would be BORING.  That's one take that means nothing but feels like a take somehow anyway.  Hmm.  Gotta be honest.  News Media is responsible for a lot of this.  On the one hand there's Fox News who is literally devoting all its time to being Republican Candidate Propaganda.  And then there's, "Middle," who spend time promoting bogus claims about inflation and the economy and gas prices as if they're bad for Democrats but never explain WHY AND HOW these problems exist and WHAT BOTH PARTIES RESPONSE would be.  And they normalize the worst behavior and positions and crimes of Republicans  Then there's to-the-left-of-center wing media which I dunno I'm sure there's a lot wrong with them too.  If anything THE MOST wrong with them!  SHUOLD they counter Fox News and just be Democratic Propaganda completely without shame?  Probably not!  But they gotta be doin' somthin.
Seventh paragraph.  Anyway.  Can't tell the story about Election without how the media is handling it.  Can't tell lots of stories coming up.  More censorship on its way!  So we got that to look forward to.  Anyway.  Look there's plenty of blame to go around.  Democrats decreasing odds in Midterms is JUST AS MUCH MY FAULT as the media.  I SHOULD BE DOING A BETTER JOB doing... SOMETHING... not sure what... Also we should all feel that way!  If only ALL OF US felt like we should be doing more, maybe THREE PERCENT OF US figures out something they could be doing more and does it!  It's a numbers game!  If we ALL feel shame for not doing enough COUPLE OF US GONNA TURN THAT INTO ACTION!  So that's good.  Do some powerful people want the Republicans to win just so we don't have the hassle of dealing with them contesting the election when they lose and throwing everything into complete violence and chaos?  Because if that's the case THAT SUCKS.  You're NOT supposed to give in in these situations.  People should know this!
   Three paragraphs to go before upcoming walk.  Good deal!  Freedom Toast for lunch.  Anything I want that I have for dinner.  Could be veggie burger, turkey sandwich, ham sandwich, or kids chicken parm.  HMM.  I was imagining Veggie Burger but that's not necessarily the right way to go now that I think about it!  Anyway.  Also Fox News is all out Republican Election Propaganda at this point and that doesn't even take into account the platforms to the right of Fox News.  Ugh.  Media ain't great.  Kinda feels like whose informing and/or entertaining citizens has a pretty big impact on how those citizens think and feel!  I KNOW IT SOUNDS WEIRD but it also sounds right.  What else is up.  Only two more paragraphs after this one.  Hmm.  Probably listen to DESOLATION ROW and then some New In Alternative.  It's DESOLATION because it's SO LONG.  Very DESOLATE landscape.  Eleven minutes!  I don't KNOW if that makes sense or not.  It makes about 40% sense.  Not as much as I hoped!  But a little bit I feel.  So that's good!  Hmm.  Ya know what.  I could probably figure out a book to read next that I like.  GOTTA LOOK AT THE MR BRIGHTSIDE of things.
Yeah!  Also so much of what the media gives the public is just straight up lies.  THEY TELL UNTRUTHS.  Not halftruths.  Not Misleading.  Just make up crap and repeat it ad nosium and people who trust those people/platforms have no reason to doubt it.  And then mainstream media treats the concerns people have based on lies as relevant and something to take into account in a way other than just debunking the lies.  Ugh.  We're A LONG WAY AWAY from regular elections of old that warrant something resembling the kind of both-side-ism coverage we're getting today.  The landscape of 2022 election isn't being treated the way it should be by a long shot!  PEOPLE ARE TOO DUMB TO SEE WHAT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM.  Oh well.  If you can't see what's right in front of you doesn't mean you're DUMB.  Just means you're BLIND.  Your EYES are dumb.  Not your brain!  I dunno maybe your brain is dumb.  Gotta imagine there's a strain (or maybe all of it is!) of blindness where eyes technically work but your brain isn't processing the images.  I DON'T KNOW HOW BLIND WORKS.
Last paragraph of the act!  I don't claim to know exactly how the world works.  A lot of the narratives I'm using may not be the absolute correct and/or relevant ones.  I could be Half Blind to what's going on.  I feel like I'm about 85% on track though to what's going on.  Maybe not 100% there but the picture I see is pretty accurate all in all!  Hmm.  On the other hand my Dad's antibodies are increasing AS WE SPEAK.  Probably.  Maybe they take a few hours to start really kicking in after infusion.  But the point is we're trending in the right direction!  Anyway.  WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FEAR ITSELF.  I'm not sure that's right.  I think we have a lot to fear!  That's why fear exists!  To help us confront and hopefully defeat what scares us!  Doesn't take a genius to figure out there's plenty of things to fear other than Our Own Emotions.  Hmm.  I'm scared of/for people who feel no fear In Times Of Things To Fear.  THEY'RE the ones not operating correctly.  Anyway.  Gonna take a walk now.  Be back soon.




It's So Good To Be Here

    Hey friends.  Time to write 5 paragraphs.  How much time do I have to do it ideally?  I dunno let's say I'll aim for 45 minutes.  I could go over that!  No reason to AIM for over that.  Anyway made some decent progress into IT last night but I got more than half to go.  I like this film.  It has Clowns-- but not funny clowns!  Clowns that are evil and in fact aren't clowns at all.  They just PRETEND to be clowns.  ALL CLOWNS PRETEND TO BE CLOWNS.  No one is BORN a clown in clown make up.  The difference is some people become clowns for birthday parties and circii and some entities put on clown make up to eat children and whatknot.  I'm sure some clowns fall into both camps.  The IT clown is cracking wise and acting like a normal clown half the time.  I think we ASSUME he's doing that just to get in the kid's good graces so he can eventually eat them.  But I'd like to think Pennywise DOES want to be a good clown half the time.  And it's eating him up inside that people don't recognize all the GOOD Clowning he's been doing.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Finished Desolation Row.  Sure.  Wonderful.  What's the first track of Blood on the Track.  TANGLED UP IN BLUE?  WHAT A DELIGHTFUL SONG.  I wanna be tangled up in that song!  Sort of.  AS LONG AS BLUE IS INVOLVED AT LEAST.  Hmm.  I listened to AN ENTIRE SONG in New In Alternative that was just an instrumental track!  No words!  Also I think Instrumental Track is bad phrasing.  It implies BUT ONE instrument.  WHICH IS RARE.  The word you're looking for is Instrumentals.  Hmm.  In-Strum-Mental.  Really makes ya think.  Most likely gonna stick with veggie burger for dinner.  Of lunches I get, it's the most logical one to be like hey wait a second this should be a dinner.  That's great.  Not only does it not make sense but I've made that point 4-6 times before.  VEGGIE BURGER IS GOOD FOR DINNER NOT LUNCH.  HOW MANY MORE TIMES DO I NEED TO DRIVE THIS POINT HOME.  Anyway.  Got two big onion rings.  Not the HUGEST, JUMBO Onion rings.  But definitely Large Ones all things considered.  Hmm what kind of thing can I fit this ring around.  First thought is my dick.  But that's inappropriate.  Gotta think of something else that would fit nicely.
   No Spoilers.  Three paragraphs to go.  Hmm what kinda snack do I got coming my way in about 2, 2.5 hours.  Small iced cream sandwich or solid snack I guess.  Perhaps a dependable granola bar if I'm not that hungry.  Perhaps something else if I am that hungry.  Huh.  Guess I'm gonna take a shower after upcoming walk.  That'll be a blast and a half.  Anyway, wearing a nice shirt today.  Gonna have to take that off when I take my shower.  Not happy about that!  I'll be able to put it back on just a few minutes after being done with shower, though.  Probably WON'T.  Probably won't put it back on for a dozen or three minutes.  I got my reasons!  The point is HOW MUCH LONGER CAN THIS BOTTLE OF SHAMPOO LAST.  For 2-3 weeks it's running on fumes.  I squeeze and squeeze and I get SOMETHIN out of it ultimately.  But that's been going on for a while now!  AT SOME POINT it's gotta cease to dispense anything, right?  I think I got more shampoo somewhere.  Probably should prepare AHEAD of time and get that ready for upcoming shower IN ADVANCE.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act II!  Hmm.  First track is Tangled Up In Blue.  Second Track is Simple Twist Of Fate.  TANGLED.  TWIST.  THESE SEEM LIKE SYNONYMS.  Bob Dylan is just singing the same song over and over again.  GET SOME NEW MATERIAL.  Oh the third track is called You're A Big Girl Now.  That's new material.  No half-synonym to Twist or Tangled there!  SORRY BOB SPOKE TOO SOON.  Carry on to the best of your abilities.  Hmm.  GREAT NEWS I found a full unopened bottle of shampoo in cabinet under my sink in about 3 seconds.  So that's good.  Feels like I should continue to use Empty Bottle as much as I can, though, right?  Gotta conserve shampoo.  In the post apocalyptic future (2023???) shampoo is what we will use for currency.  LOOK 2023 is just the run up to the post apocalyptic future.  It's the APOCALYPTIC future.  PRESENT apocalyptic.  Post-apocalyptic doesn't kick in until around 2024, 2025.  SO WE GOT THAT TO LOOK FORWARD TO.
Last paragraph of the day.  Hmm.  Wrote four paragraphs in about 20 minutes.  Wow!  What a rate!  Really makes ya think.  No it doesn't.  Oh okay.  Sorry!  Hmm.  How long am I putting Freedom Toast in oven.  I usually take it out before I really should be.  Maybe gotta leave it in 30 minutes.  Maybe 35!  I dunno!  MAYBE I WANNA HAVE THEM SOGGY.  The balls in my court when it comes to Lunch.  For today at least.  Who knows what the future brings.  We could be having Forced Mandated Lunches At SOME Point.  Who knows for sure.  Maybe it's for the best!  I can't be trusted to decide my own lunch.  They know better than me!  Oh okay that doesn't sound so bad.  Probably go with some Spearmint gum in a minute.  Been a few weeks since I had spearmint gum.  Possibly as much as 6 or 8 weeks!  Can't remember for sure exactly.  Either way it's GREEN and GREEN IS THE WAY TO GO.  In most cases.  What's a bad Green.  Hmm.  Lemme think about this.  I'll tally up Good Green and Bad Green over the afternoon and present you with my findings tonight!  SEE YA THEN.  But without the Tallying Greens.  I'M NOT REALLY GONNA DO THAT.  See ya then.




i made it this far

    What's up buddies.  Lived an entire DayTime Day.  Listened to all of Blood On Them Tracks and I'm several songs into #1 Bob Dylan Album BLONDE ON BLONDE.  Which I assume is a sex thing.  A blond man or woman with another blond man or woman.  I don't think there really is that much debate on this topic.  WHAT ELSE COULD IT MEAN, nothing, that's who!  Anyway this is a good album cause I don't know these songs very well at all!  But I'm enjoying them because Internet List made it VERY CLEAR these songs are to be enjoyed.  Internet's got the right idea about things.  No reason to doubt it for now.  Anyway having delicious Choco Pop.  Had delicious Vegetable Burger for dinner.  Also HAD A BONUS WALK during day.  Unless I skip upcoming recess walk.  WHICH I WON'T.  IS THAT ALL THE UP-KEEP WE GOT.  Nope!  Wrote a song today.  We're talkin CHORDS.  We're talkin' LYRICS.  THE WHOLE SHE-BANG.  Which I believe is a William Hung reference.  Which I believe is a Pop Culture Reference from 20 years ago.
  I remember when it was a Pop Culture reference from THE PRESENT.  NOW SEVERAL DECADES HAVE PAST.  Oh well.  The point is I'll write another song tomorrow!  Why not.  I got some ideas floating around somewhere.  I was gonna say in my brain but I'm not so sure about it.  May be in my large intestines.  Everyone always talking about SMALL Intestines.  Large intestines are Largely The Forgotten Intestines and we need to talk more about it. The point is SURE I cleaned desk-surface where Music 8 Track Recorder and associated other SetUps.  Gotta have a nice clean working station.  That's rule #1 of Doing Stuff.  Not really.  Not only is it not the most important rule, not even a rule at all.  Do whatever you want, that's how I feel.  EXCEPT FOR ANTI-SEMITISM.  If we're gonna start with things you ought not to do I think my first guess is anti-semetism should be on that list.  You don't have to be PRO semites but c'mon the least you can do is be Positively Neutral.  Which sounds like a dumb phrase.  IT IS a dumb phrase.  I JUST DID IT THERE.  LOOK.  IT IS!
   Yeah.  I read a solid The Dedication at the start of the book of the book I was planning on starting today.  That's as far as I got.  And I'm gonna be honest-- those 3 sentences were a HUGE CHORE to read.  That's how much I don't wanna read this book.  Oh well such is life.  Bit into lollipop.  That's going good.  Anyway.  Had a beer MIDDAY.  With working on song.  So that's good.  Anyway I figured out how to work the 8 track with the guitar and being able to hear it on earphones and then connecting it with computer and creating a WAV file.  Is there like a 5-10% of the population that pronounce .Wav as like rhyming with the abbreviation of Avenue. Whav?  I HOPE SO.  Now that I think about it I WANNA BE IN THAT 5-10%.  THEY GOT THE RIGHT IDEA ABOUT THINGS.  Anyway.  Not gonna finish Blondes And Blondes tonight but I should be able to finish it the first walk tomorrow.  Looks like the Phillies Of Philadelphia are going to the world series!  TO PLAY.  Not just as observers.  Or as WISHFUL OBSERVERS.  They go to World Series and can't even score seats to the game.  Or seats to a couch or chair in front of a TV with the game playing.  Somehow they showed up and can't watch it at all.
Anyway the point if I'm halfway through Act III Part I!  Delightful.  Maybe I take a break from Bob Dylan for upcoming walk.  The point is so far I like BlondeBlonde pretty well.  So that's good for me.  What else is going on and crap.  Finished watching IT.  Also watched a couple of Tales In The Crypts.  HMM what kinda Horror Film can I watch next.  Is it EASY to watch a 1970's Dawn From The Dead?  I wouldn't mind Comfort Re-watching that now that I think of it.  I GOT IT ON DVD.  I think the DVD WORKS JUST FINE.  That'd be my guess.  I guess lots of things!  My guess is my guesses are accurate over 60% of time!  BETWEEN 60-70%, THAT'S MY SUCCESS RATE OF GUESSING THINGS.  Anyway.  Took me a bit to figure out how to crate WHAV files from 8 track.  NEVER BEFORE have I uploaded anything from this, "New," 8 track recorder to a computer before!  I WORKED THE KINKS OUT THOUGH.  Now it all works real good-like, see.
   Penultimate paragraph before walk.  Amazing.  Well the world is really going to shit ain't it.  On the plus side I don't know how to finish that thought.  So that's good.  Gonna have a good breakfast tomorrow.  Probably.  DEFINITELY.  It may not be the breakfast I want but it'll be the breakfast I need.  Or the other way around.  The point is one way or another I will be making the Breakfast Decision consciously and with purpose so can't be ALL THAT BAD for me, right?  Unless the people who are gonna be telling us what to eat for lunches are gonna first start with telling us about breakfasts.  And that starts as soon as tomorrow morning.  In which case FINE lemme give you three or four options and you pick which one from them.  TEAMWORK.  You get to decide ultimately but I GET TO PARTICIPATE AND HAVE FUN TOO.  Sounds fair.  VERY fair. 
  Probably either have delicious Iced Cream Sandwich for upcoming snack OR delicious Fiber Bar.  Gotta make up my mind in about Oh I Don't Know Fourty Minutes.  So that's good.  Nice good CAPO I got.  Don't need it!  Tuned my guitar to JUST THE RIGHT TUNING I HAD IN MIND.  Then again now I can have it tuned this way but still change my mind ON TE SPOT about Key.  Basically the balls are in all of my courts right now.  No update on 538 since what it was back in Act II.  Amazing.  Is there an Anti-Semetism Model on 538 which tracks how much of a hold anti-semtism is taking on society?  I know it's getting worse but I need more CONTEXT to determine WHAT MAGNITUDE and what the trends are for what direction it's going in for short, medium, and long term future.  I HAVE A LOT INVESTED IN THIS ISSUE.  Ya know that sort of crap.  Anyway just finished a beer.  Will I have a THIRD for the day after recess?  Sure probably.  See ya then!

    Enjoyed fiber bar.  A LOT.  I WISH I WAS EATING IT AGAIN RIGHT NOW.  Again But For The First Time.  I don't wish I  was having A SECOND ONE.  I wish I could EXPERIENCE HAVING THE FIRST ONE again.  THIS ISN'T COMPLICATED FOLKS.  Anyway gonna have delicious iced cream later anyway.  That's good.  What episode of Tales In The Crypt do I got coming my way.  I have no freakin' clue.  The Reluctant Vampire!  I Dunno!  Split Second!  Mute Witness To Murder!  Television Terror!  LET'S JUST LTURQ.  GOD DAMNIT LOWER BERTH.  I was totally thinking about saying that as the fourth or fifth thing.  For some reason THAT'S THE ONE I HELD BACK ON.  ON TEH OTHER HAND it'll be fun to watch tonight.  So I'm upset I didn't, "Call It."  But I'm HAPPY I get to, "Watch It!"  So that's good.  I assume lower berth means through vagina.  And an upper birth is some sort of Sea Section.  Not THAT high up but compared to the alternative it is a bit higher up in the body.  Assume you start with feet and end up at head.  And not the other way around.  I don't know how you measure bodies that's your deal not mine.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Is there a solid 2-5% of me that's thinking AM I SURE birthing is done through the vagina?  Do I sound like an idiot saying that?  HOW MUCH DO I REALLY KNOW ABOUT THIS WHOLE TING.  Look it's healthy to doubt yourself to some degree but I SHOULD BE CONFIDENT ABOUT KNOWING SOME THINGS.  Anyway.  Just recorded a rough draft of song today.  I barely wrote it!  Figure maybe it'll percolate and improve itself somehow.  Then I record it WIT HA VENGEANCE after it's done re-calibrating itself in both THE BACK and FOREGROUND of my mind.  Maybe write some more songs.  This one wasn't too hard.  All in all it took a couple of hours! That's reasonable and everything.  What else is up.  Is it okay with you if I have a balanced breakfast tomorrow.  I think it'd be good for me and ultimately it wouldn't hurt you that much either.  LOOK obviously we live in a Zero Sum World.  If I'm having a good breakfast THAT DETRACTS FROM YOUR LIFE SOMEHOW.  So we need to compromise SOMEHOW.  But I'm willing to come up with some sacrificies to agree on so I Get Balanced Breakfast Tomorrow.  Let's talk about it.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Man oh man.  BIG flakes of Frosted Flakes. We're talkin I'm OPENING TE BOX tomorrow.  So the flakes are gonna be the flakiest flakes at the top.  NO CRUMBS FOR ME, NOT TOMORROW AT LEAST.  Have some delicious Eggo Cinnamon Waffle Thing.  Egg whites.  IT'S GONNA BE GOOD.  Hmm.  Whatever became of Jeff Flake.  Probably resigned from public life in shame because he had (has?) a stupid name.  That'd be my guess. Jeff.  How Dumb.  Anyway Five Thirty Eight has updated now since this morning but the #s are the same.  Well The Top 2 Numbers.  Now I only check one senate and one house poll projection instead of ALL THREE FOR EACH.  Hmm.  Should I stop checking it completely again?  NAH IT'S FUN TO CHECK.  I get a nice JOLT and whatknot.  Hmm.  Maybe I have full sized Iced Cream Sandwich at bedtime instead of smaller one or Iced Cream Bar (~50 calories more this way).  It's good because I reward myself for A Day Well Done.  I LIVED FOR A SOLID FOURTEEN HOURS CONSCIOUSLY. Do you realize HOW DIFFICULT THAT IS?
  Last paragraph.  Alright I have located Dawn Of The Dead DVD and put it in Xbox 360 and it works and everything.  DVD.  Dawn of the Dead.  DotD.  V.  OT.  VOTE IN NOVEMBER FOLKS.  That's the message I'm getting from the universe here.  Or vote now.  What do I care what month you vote in.  Counts the same either way theoretically!  Probably won't in practice but IT'S SUPPOSED TO.  LOOK I can accept having a 2.5 black and white breakfast too.  I have exactly 2.5 left.  Would be nice to get those out of the way too I suppose.  BUT BALANCED BREAKFAST IS TEH WAY TO GO FOR SURE.  I guess.  I wonder HOW MANY SEQUENCES I will make it through Dawn Of the Dead.  Two to FIVE I'd guess.  How long is a sequence.  I never went to Film School.  Not 100% what constitutes a Sequence.  Oh well.  That's life for ya!  See ya tomorrow.

-9:56 P.M. 





Saturday, October 22, 2022

That's What I Was Gonna Say

    Hey!  Two and a half hours behind schedule!  Got an hour and 10 minutes to write this act.  Over 50% chance I can finish 10 paragraphs, but it's possible I only get to 8 or 9!  Make up for that in Act II!  Anyway.  Six walks instead of seven today, including a bonus walk in the middle of the day.  So that ain't great.  ALSO had a binge eating before my first walk just now.  I think I'll have breakfast sandwich for lunch or dinner and veggie burger with no side as other meal.  If that's all I eat for the rest of the day, everything is a wash!  KINDA wanna try just fasting the rest of the day.  Not sure why.  But that's not 100% necessary.  NOTHING is 100% necessary.  I guess some things are, but not in this context!  Anyway.  What did I binge on?  Mom's muffin.  Wait no that sounds bad.  A muffin of the pack that my Mom ordered.  And some other stuff!  LOOK it was around 1100-1500 calories overall I think.  WOW GREAT what else is up.
Hmm.  I dunno.  Life'll be okay.  Today'll be okay!  I'll still finish George Carlin book and everything.  What other kinda book am I gonna start and/or finish.  Hmm.  I should probably order a book or two from Amazon.  I saw Bob Dylan has a book coming out about SONGS.  Somethin' like each chapter is a song and he talks about it and whatknot.  I think either Jeff Tweedy or Ben Folds also had a book about Writing Songs.  Lemme LTURQ.  That'd be good to get.  JEFF TWEEDY.  Added that to amazon cart.  What am I gonna start writing songs now.  Probably not.  Just think it'd be fun to read!  Maybe it does inspire me to write songs.  I HOPE NOT.  I don't need that kinda hassle in my life.  Hmm.  Gotta figure out how to vote on PROPOSITIONS when I vote in 2.5 weeks.  I think one is State and three are CITY.  GOOD.  I live in BOTH those places.  Hmm.  I wonder if binge eating this morning was Productive Binge.  How bad can it be.  I'm gonna be asleep about 11 hours from now.  HOW HARD is it to just not eat that much IN AN ELEVEN HOUR PERIOD.
   Third paragraph.
  Alternate meals could be Balanced Breakfast for dinner (I don't have egg whites NOW but it's a good shot I'll have them in time for dinner), classic breakfast, or 2 breakfast toaster sandwiches.  Wanna do the veggie burger.  Get that out of the way today.  AMAZING.  I think we have a National Food Of Tomorrow.  But not the next day.  Maybe not tomorrow.  Lemme LTURQ.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... NOPE NOTHIN' TOMORROW.  Then something on Monday.  Then NOTHING on Tuesday.  Then... something for the rest of the week until NEXT SATURDAY when it's nothing again.  Ugh.  Am I getting a bit of a tummy ache coming on right about now?  Sure!  I only have myself to blame!  Hmm.  This morning was listening to New In Alternative playlist.  Good stuff!  Gonna continue on with that over the course of the day while fitting in Free Will Bob Deal.  Then after that TOP 3 BOB DYLAN ALBUMS LEFT.  So that should be fun.  Got about an hour to write seven paragraphs.  I could do that.  Gotta stop worrying about the time though.  Just DO IT.
   If I'm a paragraph short SO BE IT.  Just RELAX and whatknot.  Hmm.  Only watched about the first half of The Ventriloquist's Dumby last night.  That's okay.  Today will be GREAT.  I guess.  I wonder what percentage of my e-mails is stuff I actually have to read.  I'm pretty sure it's less than 1%.  But by WHAT MAGNITUDE.  Is it .75%?  .5?  .05%?  Let's just say it's probably less than 1 in 100 e-mails.  I can't remember the last e-mail I got that I needed.  I got an e-amil about blood work results about 5 weeks ago.  Probably got about 1000 spam emails since then.  Half of which are in regular folder.  Anyway what else is going on.  OH I got a PERSONAL Email a week or so ago.  About a friend of the lady who taught the comedy class I took a few years ago.  And how she has health problems and has a gofundme and they were sending this e-mail around for donations.  I didn't NEED to read that e-mail.  But it was actually MORE OR LESS specifically for me.  Even that's kind of a stretch.  But I'LL ALLOW IT.
   Fourth paragraph!  Hmm.  Toddy park walks-- 1/2/4, city walks-- 3/5/6.  That'll be good and whatknot.  FASTING is a good way to reach DIVINE INSPIRATION or ENLIGHTENMENT or something.  I dunno about DIVINE.  But not eating for a while can lead  you to some new thought processes.  WOW.  You're saying if I spend the next 11 hours not eating I WILL HAVE ACHIEVED ENLIGHTENMENT?  SIGN ME UP FOR SOME OF THAT.  Or not.  I don't really care that much either way!  Also all the sweets I just ate are weighing me down.  I'll never achieve some sort of breakthrough with all these sweets congregated in my belly.  Then again got to eat a bunch of sweets.  Gotta imagine I got something out of that.  Not sure I did.  Oh well such is life.  Am I interested in either baseball game today?  Vaguely, sure, yeah!  Not THAT much.  But more than nothing!  I added Jeff Tweedy song writing book to amazon and then deleted it 90 seconds later.  I'll think about it some more.  But as of now DEFAULT POSITION IS NOT getting it.  I liked Jeff Tweedy memoir though.  GREAT.
Fifth paragraph.  Fifty minutes to write six paragraphs!  What if I just aim for 9 for some reason. LESS PRESSURE reason.  Either way what else is up.  What kinda crap do I got to watch today.  Anything new on Shutter.  V/H/S 1999.  My brother recommended the VHS franchise to me.  I don't think I ever got around to it!  Which is weird because I've gotten around to lots of Shutter Films that no one recommended.  Also THIS MAY be anthology movies which I love!  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  Anyway.  Is it just the newest one available to me?  OR ALL OF EM.  Looks like there's TWO on Shutter itself.  Amazing.  How's my belly doing.  THANKS FOR ASKING.  Still a bit of an ache.  So that's good.  Wait a second this is the sixth paragraph.  And the last paragraph was the fifth paragraph.  WOW I only have four paragraphs to write in 45 minutes.  Now we're talking some language!  Gonna get coffee now, too!  Sweet.
   SEVENTH paragraph.  Guess I gotta do some laundry in about a week.  I remember what to do.  Both knobs I twist ONE TO THE RIGHT.  Both for washing machine AND dryer.  WHAT A COINCIDENCE.  There's like 8-12 settings for each knob.  OFF position is straight up.  EACH ONE I USE is ONE TO THE RIGHT.  Clockwise and whatknot.  EASY.  Dangit.  If I was having normal Eating today I'd have enjoyed delicious bison burger tonight.  Now I may skip it for the entire week!  OR get it for tomorrow lunch.  BUT THEN I can't get Griddle Centric Meal with egg whites for balanced breakfast.  Maybe I can get bison burger for tomorrow night.  TONIGHT OR TOMORROW.  I dunno!  We may just get same delivery again tomorrow!  So I can get it tomorrow for tomorrow!  WHAT THE HELL AM I TALKING ABOUT.  Hmm.  Let's take a quick Skim Read of What Mets Should Be Candidates For Extensions For The 22-23 Offseason.  I BET ALONSO IS TOP OF THE LIST.  HE SURE IS.  He IS the list.  Without him THIS LIST WOULD BE NOTHING.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  I bet when I'm reading I'll be so engulfed by reading I'll forget all about trying to reach enlightenment by not eating for a few hours after doing a small binge.  I don't REALLY bet that.  I mean I MIGHT bet it.  I don't like the ODDS.  But it's FUN to GAMBLE.  What else is up.  I'll read Mets Extension Article more thoroughly later.  Assuming I remember.  And feel like it.  Lotta assumptions there.  Anyway what else is up.  Presumably lunch would be in about 3 hours.  Maybe I eat dinner and not lunch.  Maybe I eat lunch and not dinner.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN.  LET'S JUST TAKE IT EASY AND EVENTS WILL UNFOLD NATURALLY.  Probably.  Anyway.  What am I doing with Shower.  I'm writing Act II when shower normally is.  Guess I'll take it either after Act II or after Walk after Act II.  That sounds about right.  Anything good happen this act yet.  Probably!  I wasted some time.  Not very productively.  WE SHOULD HAVE SPENT THIS TIME HELPING DEMOCRATS IN THE MID TERMS.  You wouldn't BELIEVE how high stakes this election is!  HOW CAN I HELP.  Probably start by not wasting your time.  UH OH THAT'S GONNA BE A PROBLEM FOR ME.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  Hmm.  In a way eating veggie burger as a meal doesn't help make up for calories, because I'd be eating that as a meal at some point this week anyway, so it's not really DEFICITING any calories.  BUT I'm not gonna have any side with it.  So that's around a 100-150 calorie Loss.  Which IS good.  Now whose the idiot.  Hmm.  I need to take a class in how to purge.  It'd make my life a lot better!  I'd only do it once a month or something!  I'd be responsible with it.  Either way oh well what can ya do.  Got plenty of time to write the lat paragraph and a half.  At this rate should be able to fit in walk AFTER Act II BEFORE Walk III.  YOU IDIOTS.  Gotta figure out what book to read after George Carlin.  REALLY!  Not an Academia Book.  MAYBE one but I gotta come up with a better idea.  Hmm.  What did I have for breakfast originally.  A few hours before binge.  2.5 Black and whites.  Then part of binge was ANOTHER 2.5 or 3.5 black and whites.  WOW. SOUNDS LIKE I ATE MOST OF H BLACK AND WHITES.
Walk after this paragraph!  Get back into New In Alternative.  I enjoyed it last walk!  Possibly because I was still HIGH from SUGAR.  It'd be weird if today I hadn't had any binge eating.  I'm comfortable with the Wrongness I committed.  I did bad and I'll be penitent for it!  Maybe that's why I did it in the first place!  Great opportunity or penitence!  WHAT FUN.  I think that probably checks out pretty well.  Hmm.  Also not jus PASSIVE penitence.  But performing HEALTHY and MORAL actions to REDEEM self.  GREAT.  Maybe I do Park Walks 1/3/4 and City Street walks 2/5/6.  Lemme think about that for a second.  Yeah.  I like the sound of that.  I'm gonna do that!  Ugh.  Election rigging, election propaganda, election disenfranchisement, election intimidation.  WHAT'S A FELLA TO DO.  It almost seems overwhelming.  WHAT'S THIS, "ALMOST?"  IT'S OVERWHELMING A HUNDRED TIMES OVER.  But the good news is WE CAN FEEL PENITENT FOR OUR DIETS.  So ya gotta look at the bright side of things!  I'll be back soon!




Not Everybody Gets Me

    Hey!  Current thought is to have 2 walks MidDay where I'd normally have 0.  So I have same amount of walks-- 7!-- over all!  And Current thought is just have veggie burger for dinner.  Nothin' before it.  Maybe a tootsie pop and/or small iced cream thing After it if I feel like I want it!  Either way that should be okay.  Dinner in only six hours!  I'm not hungry NOW.  I don't see how I'd be hungry in FIFTEEN MINUTES.  So just extrapolate that over two dozen more fifteen minutes and HEY DINNERTIME ALREADY WOW THAT WAS QUICK.  So that's good.  Got coffee #2 going.  Listened to first half of Free Wheling Bob Dylan.  It's okay!  I know all these songs at least a little.  Sometimes a relatively good amount!  Do I get to check what Next Bob Dylan album is.  I think I do!  Let's see.  #3.  Highway 61 Revisted.  I don't remember visiting it for the first time but OKAY.  Not gonna look up that track listing yet though.  I wanna be SOME Surprised!  Anyway.  Take a shower after this act.  Amazing.
   Yeah!  STILL UNSURE whatta do about lunch tomorrow.  Maybe get bison burger and skip griddlecentric meal.  No egg whites for balanced breakfasts, though!  I JUST DON'T FEEL LIKE GRIDDLECENTRIC MEALS.  But ON THE OTHER HAND Bison burger kinda hearty for a lunch.  On the first hand not really it's reasonable.  So, great, what else.  Don't get griddlecentric meal.  Wait until NEXT TIME we get Diner to get griddlecentric meal with eggwhites.  OK I GUESS THAT'S THE WAY TO GO.  Hmm.  Do I have any more history books to read.  I have A Peoples History Of the United States.  I think that's the quintessential American History Book.  GOOD one too.  It's about PEOPLE.  Not sure how I feel about that.  Some people SURE but other people I CAN TAKE OR LEAVE EM.  So that's how I feel.  Also that book is like 3,000 pages long.  Might take me a long time to read it.  Just imagine how long it took for People To Live It!  Couldn't even do it IN ONE LIFE TIME.  Maybe.  WHAT ARE THE ODDS there's some jerk whose 200 years old somewhere in the world but he or she just really keeps to themselves and no one knows about it.  I'd say MAYBE IT'S SOMEWHAT POSSIBLE?  Either way THEY GOTTA LOOK REALLY WEIRD.  I wanna see what a 200 year old person looks like.  MY GUESS IS LIKE A RAISIN more or less.  Possibly MORE.
Three paragraphs to go.  LIKE A RAISIN LEFT OUT IN THE SUN.  DOES IS BURST?  I don't have all the details.  If I'm not having lunch, could I just have regular, slightly bigger meal for dinner?  Yeah!  It makes sense!  BUT I do like the idea of getting veggie burger out of the way.  So that's my current thinking.  Man, lotta hits on this Bob Dylan Album.  Which is my favorite?  I've always been partial to Bob Dylan's Dream.  NOT OVERLY PARTIAL.  Slightly partial.  I don't wanna get any complaints from you HEY WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO PARTIAL.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Hmm.  Even with 2 walks in middle of day more, I think I should finish George Carlin book relatively easily.  I don't think I'd get to much else, though!  Especially if I don't feel like it and watch TV once I'm done with George Carlin.  Which makes sense because watching TV is REALLY EASY to do.  Sounds great I feel.  Possible I only do six walks.  Possible I have lunch!  I'M JUST NOT THINKING THAT WAY RIGHT NOW.  Gotta be quick on my feet though!  Ready to adapt in the face of different unexpected things happening!  Or expected things happening but I'm adapting to them anyway just for fun!
   Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day.  Hmm.  If I have no lunch, WHY NOT THINK OF IT LIKE I had early lunch that was 2.5x as big as lunch should be.  And it was all dumb stuff.  LOOK maybe you consider it only 2x as much as lunch should be.  MAYBE it was on the upper end of what I consider possible and it was 3x as much.  I'm estimating it was 2.5x as much!  WE MUST BE ABLE TO FIND COMPROMISE IN LIFE OTHERWISE WHAT SEPARATES US FROM THE ANIMALS.  Besides opposable thumbs.  CONSCIOUSNESS TOO.  I dunno I bet other animals are conscious!  They just have no interesting thoughts.  But they're making SOME sort of sense of things.  I'm sure some of them have interesting thoughts.  I've seen MOVIES and perhaps DOCUMENTARIES of people communicating with apes and/or chimps.  And they have real discussions.  Like, chimp is like I'm lonely and then they hug and chimp is like I'm sexually aroused and then they stop being friends because THAT'S AWKWARD and That's The End OF That Friendship.
   Last paragraph of Daytime Day.  HERE"S SOMETHING INTERESTING.  Of the four teams left contending for Major League Playoffs-- TWO OF THEM are in the Eastern Division and TWO OF THEM are in the Western!  Houston is in WESTERN even though Texas is HALFWAY THROUGH AMERICA.  I guess central division is more for MIDWEST.  Go figure!  Also I may not know the definition of the word, "Interesting."  Or I may know the definition, but I'm just being difficult for some reason.  I dunno!  What else is up.  I HOPE the chimp being sexually aroused is the end of that friendship.  That's all I can say.  Then again when true love strikes whose to say what's right and what's wrong.  ME.  THAT'S WRONG.  DON'T DO IT.  Hmm.  The point is I can go the next few days solidly enjoying a variety of breakfasts without having a balanced breakfast.  I can have on breakfast of black and whites.  I can have one OR THREE classic breakfasts.  I can have Breakfast Toaster pockets.  EVEN A REGULAR CLASSIC BREAKFAST SANDWICH.  And then NEXT TIME I get Diner I'll get egg whites.  In a few days.  GREAT.  THE SITUATION IS SETTLED THEN.  Maybe.  Ya never know what kinda ideas I might formulate in the near future to THROW THIS ALL OUT OF WHACK. Eh.  I'll be back tonight.



i'm not very happy about it either

    Hey friends!  Successfully didn't eat during the DayTime Day.  Went and had a Full Dinner though.  We're talkin' Bison Burger!  BISON IS ONE LETTER AWAY FROM, "BIDON."  Which isn't anything BUT is One Letter Away from, "BIDEN."  WHERE'S Q WHEN YOU NEED HIM.  He'd offer us some perspective on this interesting development.  Also I assume when he became Vice President and left his role as Senator he said BYE, SEN.  Because senators call the senate AND EACH OTHER Sen for short.  Saves TIME.  Saves EFFORT.  Also they think it makes them sound cool.  Either way, may have a snack or two during NightTime Now.  End up a few hundred calories over aim for the day but that's not so bad.  The point is I got Old Fashioned Freedom Toast for tomorrow as well as egg whites for THRICE balanced breakfasts.  No delivery tomorrow.  Figure I'll have vegetable burger TOMORROW.  I GOT TWO ONION RINGS TO PAIR WITH IT so it's something I will actively anticipate looking forward to.
I can't wait to look forward to it!  It's gonna bea blast.  Hmm.  Finished Free Will Bob Deal and am into Highway 61 Redux.  It's good.  I like the part where the songs incorporate not just music but also Regular Language AKA Words.  Hmm.  Watched a couple of Tales In The Crypt today.  Just started rewatching ORIGINAL IT from 1980's Television Fame.  That's fun!  FINISHED GEORGE CARLIN BOOK.  No spoilers but it doesn't end with him dying.  Although His LIFE DID end with him dying.  Interesting.  What else do I got going on for me.  Listened to some NEW IN ALTERNATIVE music.  Got to a point where the majority of these songs I haven't heard before at all!  For a while I was hearing same songs week in week out.  Now they're new.  TOO NEW.  GIMME A MOMENT to catch my bearings.  Also-- I'm gonna miss the Old New Songs!  If onl ythey were preserved somewhere on the internet where we could still access them and/or listen to them.  What would accessing them be like without listening to them.  I dunno.  Read the title and the artist.  That's ACCESS you can't PUT A PRICE ON.  You could probably put a price on it.  GOOD IT'S CAPITALISM.  CAPITALISM IS GOOD FOR YOU.
   Hmm.  Think I know what book I'm going into tomorrow.  I WILL allow myself a Retreat Period where if I don't like it in the first 12 pages I can put it back on the shelf so-to-speak.  To use a metaphor.  WHICH IS ALSO 100% ACCURATELY IN LITERALIZATIONS IN THIS CASE AS WELL.  Metaphor AND Literalization.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Successfully took six walks before Upcoming Final Walk.  Normal amount of walks and everything in the end I guess.  The point is George Carlin had a lot of heart attacks.  Every chapter is just a new heart attach.  GOOD he should attach his heart to things.  Ugh.  The lesson I think is don't do cocaine.  Might give you heart attacks later on in life!  However if you do some Calculated Risk assessments and determine you'll get more out of excessive cocaine use than you'd suffer the consequences-- I guess you'd be an idiot NOT to do it.  HEY YOU DID THE MATH, good, who am I to argue.  Anyway.  Which is more likely to give you heart attach-- cocaine twice a week or a double cheeseburger twice a week.  My guess is ROUGHLY SIMILAR.
It's GOOD to GUESS on medical situations.  We have no way of knowing SCIENTIFICALLY so ALL WE CAN DO is Make Wild Guesses.  Anyway.  Haven't had tootsie pop this act even though I thought I might let myself have one.  Maybe I let myself have one with Act III Part II.  Also the double cheeseburger has BACON.  Also the, "Double," part is BIG patties.  Also the, "Cocaine," is RELATIVELY SMALL AMOUNT.  Obviously when we're making wild comparison guesses we need to know the UNITS we're dealing with.  Hmm.  Not looking good for The Yankees in their baseball game today.  Which means It's looking good for the rest of us!  Where the Yankees lose, The Rest Of Us Who Don't Like The Yankees WIN.  Sounds good to me!  This is only the fourth paragraph.  YES we're almost done with it but then I still have to write 2 more paragraphs for this Period Of Paragarphs.
   Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  IN TEH END it turns out I AM looking forward to Freedom Toast tomorrow for lunch.  And I get egg white too for balanced breakfast?  Wow Whatta Deal!  Hmm.  Tomorrow I GOTTA get up early/on-time.  Help my Dad prepare for Nurse Coming To Give Him Blood Infusion.  Not DIRECTLY.  I mean he's giving my dad blood infusion from SOME PACKET DRIP THING.  He's not infusing HIS OWN blood into my Dad.  THAT COSTS EXTRA.  And isn't necessarily 100% legal.  You PAY MORE and you RISK MORE legal-wise.  Hmm.  The point is I think my Dad ends up having more antibodies than anyone.  Starts off with way too few but by the end of this enterprise he surpasses ALL OF US with antibodies I think!  WOW WE SHOULD ALL BE GETTING BLOOD INFUSIONS.  But then there wouldn't be enough for my Dad.  IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT.  MY DAD TO HAVE TOO FEW ANTIBODIES?  Because ANY ATTACH on MY DAD'S BLOOD I CONSIDER AN ATTACH ON MY OWN.  So WATCH YER STEP there.
   Last paragraph before recess!   Amazing.  What else is up.  Sometimes I listen to Wild Wild West by William Smith and I have a hard time reconciling the part of me that enjoys it and the part of me that doesn't enjoy it.  Look people are complicated.  SONGS are complicated.  WILLIAM SMITH IS COMPLICATED.  He named his daughter His Own Name and he named his son His Wife's Name.  I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY'RE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH THERE.  Hmm.  Probably not gonna go into Bob Dylan tonight for last walk.  Pick back up there tomorrow.  LOOK muffin and pop tart equate to regular lunch.  Black and white cookies equate to NightTime Snacking.  Other snacks I had with binge equate to DayTime Snacking.  A couple of hundred extra calories overall.  PLUS I'm anticipating ANOTHER 100 or 150 calories tonight.  IN THE END IT WAS A SUCCESSFUL DAY because I ended up with more paragraphs than I went into the day with.  You could understand how I'd view that as a successful day, right?  GOOD.  I'll be back soon With The End.

   Hey friends.  Four paragraphs to go.  I anticipate considering whether to watch TV later into the knight tonight than usual.  I got up later!  I got a good thing to zone out to-- IT.  YEAH BUT WHAT.  IT.  FINE IF YOU'RE GONNA BE LIKE THAT FORGET IT.  SURE.  Anyway the point is I anticipate not just enjoying Iced Cream Snack at bed but FULL ICED CREAM SNACK.  90 calorie one and not 40 calorie.  LET'S LIVE A LITTLE.  I'm gonna be alive anyway.  Might as well be Living While I'm Alive.  Arguably The Best Way To Do It!  What percentage of people watch IT and root for the clown.  It's SOME people.  I would guess maybe around 20-25%.  Because there's a lot of weirdoes out there.  Then again you can be a Weirdo and it manifests in rooting EXCESSIVELY AGAINST It.  You can be Weird in a lot of different, exciting directions is the point I'm trying to make.  The Yankees lost their baseball game tonight!  THAT'LL SHOW THEM for trying to  do good But Failing.  YEAH.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  I'm gonna make an Executive Decision and have a Choco Pop.  Do I absolutely need it?  SURE MAYBE.  Oh I thought I was gonna say, "No."  IF I wanted to be ACCURATE I would have BUT I DECIDED TO INCORPORATE THE JOY OF SURPRISE into this paragraph.  May not be accurate but at least we get something out of it!  THE JOY OF SURPRISE.  Hmm.  Looking forward to a nice Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.  HMM.  Will I have 1/3rd of egg white I got or 1/2.  Usually I do 1/3rd.  But tomorrow I might do 1/2.  It'd be the dumbest thing I ever heard of if I do 40%.  Get out of here with that bullshit and whatknot.  C'mon!  Anyway not sure what I did with George Carlin book jacket.  It may be gone to history now.  Oh well.  What were the original purposes of Book Jackets.  What are the CURRENT purposes of Book Jackets.  I'm not so sure on either count!  Anyway what's going on in the wide world of sports.  We covered this.  The Yankees lost their game against their opponents who we can only assume Wanted It More. 
   Penultimate paragraph of the day.  For some reason TO ME it feels like Sunday while yesterday felt like Saturday while I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT THE DAY BEFORE THAT FELT LIKE.  Probably The Right Day at that point.  I don't remember having so much trouble identifying the day up until very recently.  LOOK am I considering going through another band's top 10 or 15 albums after Bob Dylan?  Sure!  The Beatles being the obvious choice.  But I think I did that with The Beatles right around Pandemic Quarantine started.  I dunno why one thing led to the other but It Was A Thing I Did!  Hmm what's another Musical Artist I can listen to their top 10 or 15 albums.  I don't know.  Present me with a list of Musical Artists who have that amount of albums and I'll go over the list and determine what to listen to that way.  YOU GOTTA MEET ME HALFWAY HERE.  Give me A List and I'll Pick Something From The List.  It's called TEAMWORK.
   Last paragraph of the night.
  Delightful.  Bit into lollipop.  Finishing up with it right now.  Hmm what kinda delicious Iced Cream Bar I got coming my way in a little bit.  Obvious answer is CHOCOLATE.  YOU FOOL.  What else is going on and crap.  Hmm.  Wasn't too difficult skipping lunch today.  MAYBE BECAUSE I ATE 1500 CALORIES 3 hours before When Lunch Would Be.  OH OKAY well if you have AN EXPLANATION FOR SOMETHING OF COURSE EVERYTHING IS GONNA MAKE SENSE.  DUH.  I guess I'm not specifically rooting AGAINST IT.  Maybe I'm rooting for some sort of COMPROMISE between IT and THE CHILDREN.  MEET EACH OTHER HALFWAY, that's how I feel.  Just because I'm rooting for The Kids doesn't mean I want IT to suffer!  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  Gonna enjoy some breakfast tomorrow like I said.  Real Good Breakfast.  Break out the Frosted Flakes.  Open the box completely!  RIGHT NOW THAT SHIT IS CLOSED SHUT 100%.  Not after tomorrow morning it won't be!  YEAH.  I'm gonna go now.  I will be back tomorrow!  See ya!

-9:41 P.M.




Friday, October 21, 2022

Someone Is Entertained

    Hey!  About an hour and 15 minutes ahead of schedule.  But gonna need to be home for probably a decent chunk in the morning because of Super Market.  Probably can fit in normal walking routine, but I have to decide between One Less Walk or Bonus Walk in MidDay.  Hmm.  I could write entire 10 paragraph Act I and be back from 2nd walk 15 minutes before Super Market Delivery window.  BUT I'm gonna play it safe and write 5 paragraph Act I!  Then 10 paragraph Act II!  Either way I think I covered everything just now.  Had reasonable amount of NightMight snacking.  More than nothing!  More than one thing!  TWO THINGS.  Oh well that's great.  Had delicious 2 Frosted I Wanna Say Blueberry Pop Tarts for breakfast.  Amazing.  Chicken Pot Pie for dinner.  Probably turkey meatloaf health spaghetti for lunch.  WOW.  Yankees are doing POORLY in their current Playoff Series.  Which is bad news for them because if they ultimately lose this series as they're on track to THAT'S IT for them this year.  I suppose they can play intrasquad games for fun.  Maybe not.  Maybe written into The Rules that YOU CAN'T make players play intrasquad games for fun.  Health reasons or something.
Hmm.  Listened to first third of Taylor Swift album this morning.  Not 100% sure why.  I'm not really a fan!  Just seemed like the thing to do.  Also now I have to finish it.  Not really a fan!  Just seems like the thing to do!  What else seems like the thing to do.  Read George Carlin book.  He's a FUNNY GUY.  And he gets REAL about stuff in the book.  He's not holding back!  TELLIN IT LIKE IT IS in regards to His Life.  Hmm.  Started coffee before this entry but I won't be able to start drinking it until I get back from Walk II and start off with Paragraph VI overall.  V is five.  I feel PRETTY strongly about this.  If ONLY P was a number.  Then VIP could be a number.  Maybe P is something.  Lemme LTURQ.  P means nothing in Roman Numerals.  HOWEVER IN MATH IN GENERAL it means IRRATIONAL NUMBERS.  So VIP means THERE'S ELEVEN IRRATIONAL NUMBERS OUT THERE or something.  Wait no SIX.  We JUST COVERED how I think V means 5.  HOW DID I GET IT MIXED UP SO QUICKLY.
  PRETTY sure I had 2 snacks NightMight.  Maybe it was more!  Either way that's all behind us now.  NO IT'S NOT.  It's AHEAD OF US.  I may have eaten it in the past but I BET it forms into Fat On My Body IN THE NEAR FUTURE.  Can't turn into fat instantaneously.  Oh well that's life and crap.  Super Market Website says everything we asked for they're sending.  GOOD.  That's why I asked for things in the first place!  To get them!  THIS IS WORKING PERFECTLY FOR ME.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Nothing.  And, ya know what?  SPOILER ALERT?  NOTHING FOR SUNDAY EITHER.  Also?  SPOILER ALERT?  Something on Monday and the NOTHING ON TUESDAY EITHER.  I've never seen so much nothing in all of my life!  What's wrong with Foods and 3 weeks into October.  No reason not to celebrate things!  Also 10/31 WE BETTER BE CELEBRATING CANDY that's all I can say.  I'm gonna check now.  SPOILER ALERT.  NOPE.  Not candy.
   Penultimate paragraph of act!  Delightful.  Wrote the first 3 paragraphs in 15 minutes.  At this rate I'll have written 100,000 paragraphs over the course of the rest of my life.  I feel I could do better than that.  All I need to do to do better is write 100,001.  ONE MORE PARAGRAPH makes all the difference.  Hmm.  What kinda snack I got coming my way in CRAP FIVE HOURS??  Maybe a black and white cookie.  I guess.  Maybe a pouch of cookies.  Maybe something else WHAT DO I KNOW.  Re-upping with dependable granola bars.  Haven't had one o those in like a week!  GOOD GREAT WHAT ELSE.  Wait a second.  Let's estimate how many crazysheet paragraphs I've written.  Ugh that sounds difficult.  How about just this year.  Maybe between 5,000 and 10,000 off the top of my head?  This calendar year.  GREGORIAN Calendar Year.  At that rate I'm gonna make 100,000 paragraphs for life pretty comfortably.  Anyway.  No two paragraphs are exactly alike!  Actually wait.  A lot of paragraphs are exactly alike.  Now that I think about it.  Oh okay that's not good.
Last paragraph before walk!  WOW.  I think it makes sense that P means irrational numbers because I THINK IT'S IRRATIONAL to use P for irrational numbers.  I dunno WHERE They came up with P!  Lemme LTURQ now that I think about it.  Must have a good reason somehow.  Hmm.  To understand the results I'm getting I'd have to understand math.  I bet AT SOME POINT I was taught AND UNDERSTOOD this branch of mathematics.  I dunno it anymore though!  Irrational number I don't even know.  I can figure that part out though at least.  Let's see.  Of the top of my head it's Like A Number That Never Stops?  Like PI?  IS PI IRRATIONAL? YEAH.  "A number that can't be written as a simple fraction."  I MORE OR LESS UNDERSTOOD IT.  WOW.  Another good example is Square Root Of 2.  Hmm.  What is square root of two ROUGHLY.  Gotta be around 1.3, 1.4, in that area.  A little more than 1.4.  INTERESTING. IS it though?  YEAH I'D SAY SO.  Hmm.  Gonna take walk now.  Be back soon!




What's The Matter You

    Hey friends.  Time to write some 10 paragraphs.  Odds are I won't be interrupted by Super Market delivery but it's reasonably possible I will!  If not get some George Carlin reading done while I'm waiting.  Anyway got some coffee going.  Listened to 2nd 3rd of Taylor Swift album!  STILL NOT GETTING THAT MUCH OUT OF THIS.  But I apparently have to finish it at this point.  Hmm.  Thinking about having 2 small snacks pre lunch instead of one... small... but slightly bigger... snack.  Gotta do something one way or the other.  Watched some CHUCKY yesterday.  That was okay.  TOO MANY CHUCKIES.  Also not 100% sure why they're in some sort of Catholic School/Orphanage.  This started with the 2nd episode of the season.  I missed COMPLETELY what led to this.  Probably my fault.  I bet they explained it pretty well to other people who were paying attention more than me.  Oh well.  The reality of the situation is they're in Catholic School/Orphanage now and presumably can't leave!  WHICH IS BAD FOR THEM.  What if doll wants to kill them?  They might want to leave to escape his wrath!  NOPE.  GOTTA STAY.
Hmm.  I liked Child's Play Franchise a lot better before Jennifer Tilly became a character in it.  I'm an ORIGINALIST.  Or a TEXTUALIST.  Or some sort of Other Thing, I dunno.  The point is I DON'T KNOW.  Not sure why I'm not enthusiastic about George Carlin book.  He's my HERO.  Maybe not THIS VERY SECOND.  But certainly for years of my life he was #1 Hero.  Now he's certainly still in the Parthenon of heroes.  Him, Abraham Lincoln's Statue, the Sistine Chappelle... ALL OF 'EM.  The Lincoln Memorial.  I'm sure there's lots of Abraham Lincoln statutes.  Abraham Lincoln HIMSELF may have been a FRIENDLY GOLEM.  Anyway are you allowed to sit in Abraham Lincoln's Lap.  I feel like I made that joke SIX YEARS AGO TO THE DAY.  But the question is still a valid one.  Also it's a SANTA thing.  Not a SEX thing.  Huh.  I was thinking just a family paternal/child thing.  WRONG.  Either a SANTA THING or A SEX THING.  I don't remember ever sitting in my Dad's lap.  Possibly mom Mom's lap as a toddler.  Possibly My Dad's lap as a toddler.  I don't remember being a toddler.  Didn't take life seriously enough to have anything to remember from those years.
Oh well.  Now I take life seriously!  Lots of memories.  Can't remember why Chucky Teenagers are suddenly in Catholic School/Orphanage.  I dunno.  I probably NEVER KNEW.  So HOW COULD I REMEMBER wise guy?  Isn't there a famous statue of George Washington riding a horse.  Probably hundreds of em.  Either way are we allowed to ride George Washington Riding the horse?  I feel like these statues are PUBLIC WORKS.  I'M PART OF THE PUBLIC.  And I wanna MOUNT THE STATUES and PRETEND I'M RIDING THEM LIKE HORSES.  IT'S WITHIN MY RIGHTS AS CITIZEN.  Anyway.  Only seven more paragraphs of DayTime Day already!  NOT CONUTING NEXT FEW SENTENCES.  The point is what other Public Works can I Make My Own.  I think I covered all the public works I know.  Lincoln Memorial.  Possible Imaginary statue of George Washington riding a horse.  And it's in the style of The Horse Is Standing On Hind Legs.  That's about all there is I think!  Maybe some suspension bridges.
Huh.  What if I wanted to be an idiot and have a Dessert Lunch.  I don't think I can even do that in a fun way.  Five mini black and whites.  Best thing I could think of.  Ugh.  I'LL HAVE TURKEY MEATLOAF WITH HEALTH SPAGHETTI AND I'LL LIKE IT.  THAT'S JUST HOW IT IS.  No spoilers but I read A TIDBIT about Abe Lincoln recently that he grew his goatee in 1861 WHILE PRESIDENT because he got fan mail from a girl who was like you'd look hot in a goatee.  Not sure the age of the girl.  Could be PRE-PUBESCENT, that was my first thought.  To be fair she didn't say You'd Look Hot probably.  She said YOU SHOULD DO IT IT'D BE GREAT.  BUT if she was 19 or something SHE MAY HAVE SAID You'd Look Hot with Goatee.  And the point is HE DID IT.  AND IT WORKED OUT GREAT.  I doubt he ever fucked this lady but HE COULD HAVE if he lived long enough to get around to it. WAS VERY BUSY as president.  I bet he gaslighted Mary Todd Lincoln.  She was like hey that's new now you have a goatee.  And he's like WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I'VE ALWAYS HAD THIS FACIAL HAIR.  I think it's UNDERREPORTED how much Abe Lincoln gaslighted Mary Todd Lincoln into making her feel/seem crazy!
   Probably.  Six paragraphs to go!  WAIT A SECOND.  Todd isn't a female name.  Maybe it was her maiden name.  Lemme LTURQ.  WOW.  TODD WAS HER MAIDEN NAME.  Cracked that code.  Merry Todd Lincoln Day.  Ugh.  I feel like Mary Todd Lincoln is known for being crazy but ALSO known for Participating In Getting Shit Done.  Right?  Didn't read about it in Either Nephew History Books so I'll never know for sure.  I saw a movie about it though.  MOVIES teach us things.  Can't remember specifically though.  Guess I'll have to watch the movie again.  See all the Easter Eggs I missed the first time around.  Hmm.  Other alternatives to Turkey Meat loaf are Kids Chicken Parm, turkey sandwich, ham sandwich, or veggie burger.  THAT'S IT.  Or Chinese Food.  Man oh man that sounds great.  TOO BAD I GOT ALL THIS OTHER CRAP I GOTTA EAT.  I can pretend health spaghetti is like Lo Mein.  Probably trick myself about 20% there.  Hmm.
   Five paragraph to go.  Delightful.  Only half of what I've already written today!  DELIGHTFUL LIKE I SAID.  I dunno.  I don't wanna read George Carlin book for some reason.  Read something else I guess.  Got about 6 or 8 good options floating around in my head.  What else.  Got a text message to my Dad that WE ARE NEXT for Super Market Delivery.  Good deal!  Maybe fit in a bonus walk this morning.  Or take it easy and just have bonus time in the morning.  That sounds good either way!  I TALKED ABOUT SITTING ON ABE'S LAP BEFORE.  What haven't I talked about yet.  I DIDN'T KNOW TODD WAS MAIDEN NAME.  It might not be FUNNY or INTERESTING but it's a FACT we all now KNOW FOR SURE.  Unless I'm an unreliable narrator.  You can rely on me to mostly tell the truth!  Unless I'm being silly and lying AND WE ALL KNOW IT.  Can't rely on me to be entertaining or anything.  Sorry about that!  No one is perfect except for maybe George Washington.  Not sure what his character flaws were.  Probably had some.  Didn't like it when he had to give piggy back rides while riding a horse.  HEY YOU WANTED TO BE PRESIDENT, and THIS IS WHAT PRESIDENTS DO.

   Seventh paragraph of Act II!  Super Market delivery just came.  I think I got everything I wanted.  Finalists for upcoming snack are Dependable Granola Bar, Black * White Cookie, and Small Iced Cream Sandwich.  Possibly have them as soon as TWO AND A HALF HOURS FROM NOW.  Instead of three and a half hours.  WHY NOT LET'S HAVE SOME FUN WITH IT AND CRAP.  Anyway I think I got everything I wanted.  Well everything hat I ordered.  TONS OF STUFF I want that I didn't get.  ROMANTIC LOVE for instance.  But they didn't have that in stock while I was putting together the order.  So what can ya do!  Filled up coffee #2.  Good deal.  Coffee machine was off by the time I poured it but it was hot enough I didn't need to microwave it AT ALL.  MUSTA BEEN OFF FOR 5 MINUTES AT THE MOST.  That's how I feel!  Hmm.  I feel like I will root for NATIONAL LEAGUE in World Series.  No matter what permutations determine as the participants!  GO FIGURE I GUESS.
Three paragraphs to go!  Then take a walk.  Then... hmm... not sure.  We'll see.  LOOK morning might be TV watching territory as a GOLD STANDARD. Get to reading in AFTERNOON.  Maybe it's not that I'm not excited about George Carlin.  I might just not be excited about READING.  I JUST WROTE FOR A WHILE.  I'm done with The Written Word for a couple of hours.  THEN I'LL GET RIGHT BACK TO IT I PROMISE.  Something like that.  JUST AS LAST WEEK Fresh DIRECT GAVE US FREE TAMALE, this week they gave us Free Tote Bag.  I didn't take a good long look at it but it seemed like a NICE DECENT BAG.  Not Above Average bag.  But it's a bag, no doubt about it.  Hmm.  Stopped halfway through Three's A Crowd last night.  Felt like I wanted to go to sleep.  That's how I roll!  New Walking Routine Schedule opens up a big more flexibility for lunch and dinner.  I guess it was always more flexible than I gave it credit for.  But now the FLEX is even more pronounced!  GOOD.  I LIKE MIXING THINGS UP.  LET'S MIX THINGS UP ALL THE TIME.
Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day!  I ASSUME we're not supposed to eat the tote bag.  But seeing what the outside of Tamale was like, I'm not sure we were supposed to eat that either?  So maybe We ARE supposed to Eat BOTH.  Hmm.  Totes.  What Does Tote Mean.  "A large bag used for carrying a number of items."  SO A BAG.  A large bag.  Tote Bag just means Bag On The Larger Side.  Doesn't seem right.  Gotta be a better definition for Tote.  HMM.  Tote is a VERB.  "Carry, wield, or convey."  It's a bag YOU'RE CARRYING!!!  I guess some bags aren't for carrying.  Some bags are for STORING.  I think in general if you're going with Bag For Storage it's because Bags Are Good For Transporting Too.  But I guess it's not NECESSARY.  Hmm I've given us all a lot to think about.  Good chance by the time I get to Tonight I'll be ready to write some decent paragraphs.  That'd be an interesting mix-em-up!  Hmm.  Wonder what kinda playlist I'm going into today.  Oh.  Next Bob Dylan album, too!  Which I believe is the Free Willin' Bob Dylan album.  OH WAIT NO first is Bringing IT All Back Home.  Let's take a sneak peek at track list.  I bet I know half of these songs easy.  I EASILY know six or seven out of eleven.  Only one or two are totally unknown to me.  WOW.  WHAT A DEAL.  SONGS I KNOW.
Last paragraph of the day. DayTime Day.  Good deal.  Do I take a shower right after I get back from upcoming walk?  Yeah sure why not.  Let's get that 3 minutes out of the way once and for all.  I now have NINE PACKS of gum which have THREE PACKS EACH.  Of 14-18 pieces per Smaller Pack.  How much gum is that.  16 x 27.  Oh I Know The Square Root Of Two.  Wait no lemme lturq.  432 pieces of gum.  ROUGHLY.  Not sure how much gum is in each pack.  The point is THAT'll last me, what, 2 months?  If I chew let's say eight pieces a day.  Let's DO SOME DIVISION.  YEP.  Close to 2 months.  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Wore winter jacket first two walks.  Lemme LURQ temperature now.  Looks like some degrees warmer.  Gonna go with sweatshirt jacket for this upcoming walk. WOW good stuff.  Anyway.  Replacement Of Floor might start next week.  I dunno what that's gonna look like but it's gonna interrupt life A LOT for a while.  Great.  I'll be back tonight.




let's see, what's what

    Hello friends.  What a crappy day!  Can't say for certain why.  George Carlin book isn't vibing with me.  Parts of it I enjoy and parts of it aren't pleasant!  One thing he does is for references' sake he includes some of his bits in the book, but for some reason they're always phrased WORSELY than they are in the actual comedy record/album/shows!  HEY I KNOW THIS JOKE.  IT'S BETTER TAN IT APPEARS HERE.  WHAT TE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THAT.  Also I don't like how he's on cocaine for part of his life.  CLEAN YERSELF UP.  IT'S EMBARRASSING.  In general it's a solid 6.33 out of 10 book experience.  Could be worse, of course!  Most things could be worse.  EXCEPT FOR REALITY.  Reality is the one exception that proves the rule.  Anyway had delicious chicken pot pie for dinner.  Turkey meatloaf for lunch.  Tootsie pop now.  All that crap.  Had 3 small snacks instead of 2 over the course of the day.  NO REGRETS THERE.  SNACKS WERE APPROPRIATELY SMALL.  What else is great.  Thinking about having delicious iced cream sandwich as upcoming indulgence snack.  CHOCOLATE FLAVORED.
Delightful.  Listened to new Pixies album.  I think I never realized I could listen to it.  I had heard 2-3 songs in PLAYLISTS but I THINK I never listened to entire album which was released THREE WEEKS AGO TO THE DAY PRESOMABLY.  Good deal.  I like the way they combine sounds to create music.  I THINK THEY INVENTED THAT.  Either them or some other jerks.  JUST BIT INTO MY LOLLIPOP EARLIER THAN USUAL.  That's a BINGE.  I believe that's the lowest level binge there is.  You're eating a lollipop and bite into it after 3 minutes instead of 5.  I'M GONNA REGRET THIS TOMORROW!  Why wait until tomorrow.  I CAN REGRET THIS TODAY.  Awesome I'll get right on that.  Looks like they temporarily halted Student Debt Relief program.  Hopefully Just Temporarily!  My FAMILY is invested in this program continuing.  And I'M invested in MY FAMILY'S investments personally.  For MORALE reasons.  It might not tangibly effect me whether my brother gets this student debt relief but I will feel GOOD VIBES PERSONALLY should it go through.
   Anyway.  Thought it was good news that Steve Bannoon got 4 months in jail.  Then realized it may never even happen.  THAT HURTS MORALE TOO.  Morale is not going great today!  On the other hand I got everything I wanted from Super Market.  We're talking ICED CREAM SANDWICHES of varying sizes.  SMALL ONES and MEDIUM SIZED ONES.  VARYING BRANDS TOO.  YASSO and SKINNY COW.  YA, SO, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM.  What else is up.  Read a couple of chapters of some Academia Book from some college class probably in NYU.  I made an entire 20 pages of being interested in it until I realized wait this is going in a direction that I will not be interested in.  What a waste of an hour or something!  I probably learnt SOMETHING from those 20 pages.  Possibly multiple things!  NO SPOILERS but I may have gained THREE TO FIVE pieces of knowledge.  Not really.  No knowledge.  Just greater CONTEXT for the world.  Something like that.
Halfway through Act III Part I!  Anyway it was tough for me to get into George Carlin book but as time went on I got more and more on board.  I'm looking forward to reading however much I have left tomorrow.  I think like seventy pages.  Good stuff.  LOOK my best guess is he's writing the forms the jokes were ORIGINALLY and I didn't come across them until MORE POLISHED VERSIONS in later specials.  I THOUGHT I knew this joke from 1971 but I actually knew it VICARIOUSLY through 1989!  WHEN IT'S BEEN POLISHED.  How many Poles does it take to screw in a lightbulb.  IT'S BEEN POLISHED.  That's the punch line.  YEAH.  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta imagine pole is a racist slur, right?  If I were a Pole I wouldn't wanna hear people using the term Pole.  Assuming I was smart enough to realize they were talking about Me and My People.  WHICH ISN'T A GUARANTEE.  I MAY BE INTELLIGENCE-CHALLENGED in this scenario.  Yeah great sure what else is going on.
   Penultimate paragraph before Recess Walk.  Ended up taking a bonus walk today in afternoon.  Just felt like doing it!  No reason not to!  So that's good.  Listened to Bringing It All Back Home.  WHAT A MORALE BOOSTER.  Or DENIER.  It was his 5th best album and had a roster of TOP KNOTCH SONGS.  IT'S EFFECTING MY MORALE IN ONE DIRECTION!  WHAT THE HELL IS THIS.  Anyway next is Free Will Bob Dill.  Get to that tomorrow I guess.  I dunno what I'm gonna do at bedtime!  Will I have ice cream so soon after I already had ice cream?  Maybe!  Maybe I have a solid snack!  Practically anything can happen!  WOW WHAT A MORALE BOOSTER.  A solid 30-40% of The Anything in anything can happen is GOOD or NEUTRAL things.  WOW LET'S ROLL THEM DICE.  Hmm.  Watched a couple of episodes of Tales In The Crypt.  Wonder what next Academia Book I'll pick up and read 2 chapters of.  LOOK I got A LOT out of those two chapters.  I remember SOMETHING about putting things into some sort of ACADEMIA CONTEXT.  I FORGET EXACTLY.
   Also DO I THINK Abe Lincoln had a goatee at some point in presidency?
  The more I think about it, the more I doubt it!  But originally yes I did think that.  And I still am kind of unsure if we're Telling Truths.  Is, "Honest Abe," alliteration.  Phonetic alliteration.  I think you could definitely have a good conversation about whether that's Sound Alliteration.  GO NUTS.  Discuss amongst yourselves!  I PROPOSED THE TOPIC, my work here is done.  Hmm.  We last left George Carlin right as the 1970's were ending.  MY GUESS is he starts back up at 1980.  That's what I would do if I were him anyway.  Hmm.  Just occurred to me George Carlin is dead.  That's not good for Us On Earth.  HE WAS A NET POSITIVE FOR EARTH SOCIETY, EASY.  At least he lives on through this Memoir.  HE'S GOTTA BE DOING A BETTER JOB OF LIVING ON THROUGH THIS MEMOIR.  The memoir is only a 6.33 out of 10!  MEANWHLIE GEORGE CARLIN is a 9.66 out of 10.  THIS ISN'T GOING AS WELL AS IT SHUOLD BE FOR HIM.  Anyway.  Time to take Recess Walk.

   Hey!  Had delicious chocolate iced cream sandwich.  I feel like I made the right decision.  A lot of second and third guessing leading up to it.  But in the end RIGHT MOVE.  Slid down my gullet and was a real palate cleanser.  Which is good cause my Palate was UNPLEASANT AS FUCK beforehand.  Hmm.  How much Carlin Book I got left.  Pages 211-294.  But these pages go quick.  Carlin gets to the meat and potatoes of things pretty quick.  Not much time wasted on vegetables.  Potato is a vegetable.  Fine not much time wasted on GREEN vegetables.  You know vegetables that are good for the environment.  All vegetable are good for environment.  Vegetable ARE environment.  Huh.  Gonna have to think about that one.  The point is I enjoyed Ice Cream Sandwich so much I have NO PROBLEM eating more iced cream in about an hour.  Hmm.  I wonder how baseball is going tonight.  Wonder enough I'LL CHECK THE INTERNET FOR AN UPDATE.  Looks like a solid 3-2 game.  Which team is winning I Cannot Say.
I NEED EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL to tell you Who Is Winning The Game.  I can say the score AS LONG AS I don't tie the score(s) to either team(s).  Also how many people who are recording baseball games feel like they're getting IMPLICIT permission from Major League Baseball.  "YEAH, they never said it OUT LOUD... but I feel major league baseball gave me subtle clues that IT'S OKAY FOR ME TO RECORD AND DISTRIBUTE THIS BLUE JAYS GAME."  What else is up.  Finished The The Pixies album.  Might be just one, "The," there.  Oh well.  What kinda Academic Book can I flip through tomorrow.  I got a couple of options.  Maybe read an entire 20 pages before I realize oh I don't like the direction this Education Book is going at all.  And/or I get Enough Something out of the first 20 pages!  Don't NEED to continue.  The first 20 pages educated me about this WAY MORE than the layman and/or person.  Whah.  Huh.  Two paragraphs to go.
Sure I'm several minutes into Four Sided Triangle.  For a long time I considered this as one of my favorite episodes.  Now that I think about it-- still kinda feel that way-- but it just occurred to me WHY.  I'm drawing a TOTAL BLANK as to what it is about this episode that appeals to me.  ATTRACTIVE YOUNG LADY.  Only obvious thing that comes to mind.  But there's attractive young ladies in over 50% of episode.  THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT CONSISTENTLY SPOOKY.  Huh.  What kinda iced cream snack am I having at bedtime.  Maybe Small Iced Cream Sandwich.  NAH I KNOW WHATTADO.  Coffee Chocolate Chip Iced Cream bar.  Hadn't gotten then in about 2-3 months.  NOW I HAVE THEM and I'd be A FOOL to not UTILIZE them AS soon AS posSIBLE.  Huh.  Tried to have a nice rest in the middle of the day.  Couldn't get comfortable or relaxed.  TOTAL WASTE of 15 minutes.  WORSE THAN A WASTE.  Time ILL spent.  So now I know for the future.  Never Try To Sleep Again.
Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  Considering everything I probably wanna watch another full episode after Four Sided Triangle.  Which episode is that?  COULD IT BE The Ventriloquist's Dummy?  It certainly may be!  AND IT IS.  I've always considered this as one of my favorite episodes but I DO KNOW WHY.  Cause it's great.  Funny. good personnel choices, nice twist ending, some horror elements, real nice gross-em-outs... ALSO IT FOLLOWS FOUR SIDED TRIANGLE.  So I'm ALREADY COMING OFF A HIGH as this one begins.  Amazing.  When I'm talking about the cast of a TV Episode I refer to them as Personnel Choices.  Give me one good reason not to!  LOOK you just Wanting Me Not To is GOOD REASON ENOUGH.  You've Achieved Mission Accomplished by being against it explicitly.  THAT'S ALL I NEED TO HEAR.  The point is I am accommodating almost to a fault!  Anyway.  Favorite part of Bob Dylan was the closer of Bringing It Back Home, It's All Over Now Baby Blue, with the lyric that goes the empty handed painter from your streets/is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets.  LOVE IT.  WHAT MORE IS THERE TO SAY.  See ya tomorrow.

-9:42 P.M.




Thursday, October 20, 2022

There's Nothing To It

    Hey!  About an hour and 15 minutes ahead of schedule!  Which means I can either fit in a bonus walk OR have a SUPER long amount of time in middle of day.  Just one walk between 1:30 and 7:30.  SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.  Just put in my stuff for Super Market order for tomorrow.  Had reasonable amount of NightMight snacking.  Had classic breakfast.  Finished The Basement Tapes and started #7 album Time Out Of Mind.  I've listened to this album a dozen and a half times.  Good album and whatknot.  I had it as a CD when it came out in the 1990's!  A COPIED version.  One of my Mom's friends copied it for her.  I never listened to it!  But I definitely remember OWNING it.  Sure my Mom likes music.  She probably listened to it at some point in her youth.  Never heard her listen to music in the last 30 years though.  Sometimes she's watching the news and is like what's that song, "it's the end of the world as we know it?"  And she means it in a bad way.  I dunno!  Maybe it being the end of the world a we know it is a GOOD THING.  Something BETTER is coming.  After all REM DOES say And I Feel Fine. Sounds good to me!
   Hmm.  The point is sure my Mom is a big fan of 1980's and 1990's College Rock.  Who wouldn't be.  Hmm.  Not sure what to do in terms of sweets for breakfast upcoming week.  2/3rd Donuts aren't coming with this Super Market delivery.  They come from OTHER super market delivery.  So if I wanna get something NOW I guess my best choices are mini black and whites or TRY SOME DRAKE CAKE.  How many would be appropriate breakfast.  One Ring Ding'd be a good indulgence night snack.  Two would be a breakfast just A TAD over calorie.  Yodels are more complicated.  A breakfast would be 2.5.  DEVIL DOGS are the same as Ring Ding.  So that settles that.  FOR NOW.  I'll come back around to this later I guess.  HEY I wore my winter jacket on morning walk.  Internet said it was a mere 42 degrees!  Felt comfortable in winter jacket.  HEATwise.  In general I wish I didn't have to wear it!  But it was ultimately the right move.
   Hmm.  It'd be great fun to have one walk in a period of 6 hours.  I WANT to do that.  But in practice I'm sure I'll end up having 2 walks during that period.  I dunno about SURE.  But odds on favorite it is.  Anyway.  Yankees lost their first game against the Astronomers.  WOW.  This is a best of 7.  Still a long ways to go!  But if the Astros win tonight they're really in the driver's seat!  Which may be the most dangerous seat!  Better LTURQ.  Which seat in car is most dangerous.  Backseat passengers are at most risk of danger.  Internet says particularly if they're not wearing their seatbelt.  NO DUH.  I coulda told you that!  Anyway.  Were there anti-seat belt people when they first started seat belt.  Saying it was a scam or something.  Going out of their way to make a life style choice to not wear seatbelts and belittle those who do?  My guess?  Sure people have always been real dumb.  Anyway.  When I was a kid seatbelts were a CHORE.  I dunno why.  On some level I knew and felt oh this is safer and it makes total sense to do it that's no problem.  BUT IN PRACTICE you got your parents hassling you to wear your seat belt and you're all like GET OFF MY CASE I'LL BE FINE EITHER WAY GIVE ME A BREAK.
I'm not afraid to admit my past mistakes! That's how we GROW as people.  And I could definitely use some growin'!  Anyway fourth paragraph.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... International Day Of The Nacho and National Pumpkin Cheesecake day.  Ya lost me at Pumpkin and ya lost me further at cheesecake!  I don't understand the appeal of cheese cake.  What are people DUMB or something?  This doesn't taste good!  HOW COMPLICATED is that.  Anyway.  Nacho?  Sure!  Do Doritos count as Nachos.  I feel like they're definitely within the Nacho Family.  Lemme LTURQ.  Not sure.  They're Tortilla chips, that's for sure!  Anyway.  I'd eat some doritos all things being equal.  Too bad all things aren't equal.  Hmm.  Probably can watch Chucky today.  Not definitely!  I didn't explicitly set it up to record.  IT may have recorded anyway!  And if not maybe it's available On Demand for free immediately.  Hmm.  Think I'm gonna put Mini Black * Whites in the cart.  I can always change my mind and remove them.  Not ALWAYS.  Up until 7 PM today. 
   Anyway.  Need to re-up with cereal.  Going with the less exciting Frosted Flakes.  Hmm.  Looks like Yankees are playing The Astros tonight!  Hmm.  Considering how I'm still keeping tabs on MLB Playoffs, I realize how much more fun it'd be if Mets were involved.  Probably FIVE to TEN times as fun.  I dunno about that.  100% times more fun would just be 2x as fun.  And I don't see how it could be more than 100% times as fun.  ANYWAY GREAT JUST GREAT.  OH NO I almost forgot to add GUM to the Super Market order.  AND I DON'T FEEL LIKE DOING IT NOW.  I hope against hope I'll remember to do it later.  Gotta lot of time.  It's only 8:19 AM!  I GOT an entire 10.5 hours!  AND THEN SOME.  The, "Then Some," being 10 or 11 minutes.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  FINE I'll just do it now.  AH all my three favorites.  Wintergreen, Peppermint, and Spearmint.  I feel like Spearmint is a COMBO between wintergreen and peppermint.  It has the syllable mint like peppermint.  But it's COLORED GREEN like the syllable green in winter green.  Even though wintergreen isn't green in appearance.
   Coffee time!  THURSDAY DAY.
  I wanna start a new AppleMusic Playlist but it's just gonna be re-ordered tomorrow.  Then again HEY SOMETIMES WE GOTTA MAKE SACRIFICIES IN LIFE.  Listen to the first third of a playlist with no intention of ever finishing it.  I JUST HOPE they made this playlist TOP HEAVY.  No spreading it out.  TOP THIRD IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THIRD>  I hope.  Speaking of Coffee there's also Coffee Cake Drakes.  Which normally I'd be all over!  EXCEPT I got cinnamon coffee cake fiber one brownies, I oft have cinnamon toast crunch, I got brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts, and I got cinnamon toast eggos.  I REALLY DON'T NEED MORE CINNAMON AND/or COFFEE CAKE.  Hmm.  WHY AM I adding mini black and whites when I could be EXPERIMENTING with Yodels.  One yodel supposed to be like 135 calorie.  That's low enough that it could be a semi-indulgent DAYTIME snack.  I gotta try this I think.  Then again I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING.
Seventh paragraph!  Wow!  Gettin' deep into the entry all things considered.  How many pages of George Carlin do I have.  I'm gonna guess Oh I Don't know EIGHTY ONE.  About 174.  I KNEW IT.  Time will just fly by reading those pages though.  That'd be my guess.  Anyway.  Turkey Sandwich for lunch today.  Possible SandSide is pouch of mini chips aHoy.  I don't LOVE EM.  Maybe if I was getting SIX of them instead of 5 for the same amount of calories, that'd tip it into territory of me really liking it.  But anyway I feel it's my responsibility to eat them.  And it's not that unreasonable!  Anyway.  No idea what I'm doing for dinner.  Could we be due for a Deli Dinner?  Sure!  Get chicken pot pie cold for tomorrow.  WHATTA DO for tonight.  Or get Multi Part Sandwich or Meal for tonight and tomorrow.  HMM.  This isn't even guaranteed we're getting Deli Dinner.  But that'd be my guess.  AND SHOULD I DECIDE that would be what I lobby for.  If I lobby for it ALMOST DEFINITELY we're getting it.  No one else ever seems to put up a fight for what I lobby for out of the main 3.  Diner, Deli, and Italy-Style Restaurant.
   Three paragraphs to go!
  Hmm.  Only watched the first 3 or so minutes of The Switch last night.  Wanted to go to sleep!  And/or wanted Iced Cream Bar I get when I go to sleep.  Together they made it easy to make up my mind and turn off the TV.  So that's good.  It's tough deciding between Progressing Through Bob Dylan and Listening to Current Music Playlist.  They both make good points!  Also they both aren't perfect.  Either way.  I've noticed that Bob Dylan albums are not consistent in terms of how Apple Music classifies their genre.  I've seen ROCK and POP both.  Gotta imagine they use the word FOLK sometimes.  Maybe even FOURTH thing.  Maybe I can LTURQ easily somehow.  OOP I see a Singer/Songwriter.  So far no FOLK.  Maybe they don't have Folk as a category!  Anyway how is this worth my time.  Probably isn't.  That'd be my guess.  If I ever make it in music I wanna be a Songwriter/Singer.  Either that or ROCK.  Definitely not Folk though.  NOT A REAL GENRE.  APPLE MUSIC HAS SPOKEN.
Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  WOW.  When I was playing Open Mic every week they described the, "Scene," as Anti-Folk.  And I played a 45 minute show and one of the main guys there gave a very kind introduction saying I was somehow related to that genre.  Aww it warms the cockles of my hearts just thinking about it.  Hmm.  Looks like Liz Truss resigned.  I haven't been following British Stuff closely but I THINK this is a good thing?  Unless they replace her with someone worse?  I dunno what the climate of the politics is over there.  I THINK people are considering this as very good news?  I'll take their word for it?  Anyway I guess people had no TRUSS(t) in TRUSS.  I'M A GENIUS HOW ABOUT THAT.  Anyway what else is up.  List Russ.  You know that sort of thing.  What do I got going for me upcoming walk.  I guess I have no reason NOT to listen to Bob Dylan.  Going from Bob Dylan to something else makes the other thing sounds kinda dumb.  BUT AT THE SAME TIME so much Bob Dylan in a row isn't 100% great either. 
   Last paragraph before walk!  Delightful.  I can't wait till Liz Truss resigning makes the Metsblog dot com page.  They're gonna have a hot METS-CENTRIC take on this news.  SO FAR their lastest article is, "Should the Mets re-sign Nimmo."  OH IT IS RELATED.  Re-sign.  Resign.  AMAZING.  Also YES they should resign Nimmo.  Very good player!  I'm certainly used to him being in the line up and I like what he has to offer.  THAT SETTLES THAT.  WHAT TIME OF DAY IS IT IN ENGLAND that Truss is announcing Re-signing.  LEMME LTURQ. 1:52 PM.  WHAT THE HELL.  That's PRETTY CLOSE to the time it is HERE all things considered.  JUST FIVE HOURS different.  An they're WAY ACROSS THE OCEAN.  Maybe they're 19 hours away?  NOPE.  5!  Almost Definitely!  WOW WE HAVE MORE IN COMMON WITH ENGLAND THAN I THOUGHT.  Our TIMES are pretty close.  Really makes ya think.  More that binds us than not!  Anyway I'm gonna go take a walk now.  Be back soon!




I Can See Your Point

    Hey!  Best option might be chicken pot pie for tomorrow and I GOT SOME IDEAS for 1 off thing for tonight.  Chicken Fingers.  Very Hearty Chicken Soup with either bonus matzoh ball or kreplach.  THOSE ARE MY BEST IDEAS.  Can't count out Two Hot Dogs completely.  EITHER WAY I lost track of Who Cares.  Anyway thinking about taking that bonus walk today.  But basically like it's The New Normal Schedule with The Standard New Normal DayTime.  Jus one extra walk on account of getting up early.  So that's good probably.  I don't see why it'd be bad.  Anyway Truss resigning is good it looks like.  People have HAD ENOUGH.  Of what I can't say.  Something about there's a huge economic crash and her priority was to give tax cuts to rich.  That doesn't sound like good politics.  You're supposed to do it WITHOUT PEOPLE REALIZING.  Her big mistake was People Found Out About It.  That's my assumption based on the limited info I have.  The info I have is, "LIZ TRUSS RESIGNS!," and Some Meme About Lettuce that I don't And Never Will understand.
Four paragraphs to go for DayTime Day.  Kinda feels like it'd be cool for unpopular leaders who either lost re-election OR lost the confidence of their peers In That Kinda System to abdicate their role of power instead of holding the country hostage for the next several years with the goal of returning to power Undemocratically If Necessary.  THAT'D BE WEIRD.  What else is going on.  I think I've underutilized small black and whites as snacks.  One of them is a great reasonable DayTime Snack.  One and a half is a great reasonable NightTime indulgence snack.  THE GOOD NEWS IS HUH.  If I get Deli Delivery I can get some sort of delicious dessert for upcoming breakfasts.  Like chocolate babka!  Would that be two breakfasts?  Possibly split into three?  POSSIBLY EAT THE ENTIRE THING NIGHTMIGHT before the next breakfast begins?  Either way IT SURE IS DELICIOUS.  Hmm.  Looks like I'm getting Coors Light for upcoming week.  Been a while since I had that.  Sound pleasant enough.  I've seen PLENTY of commercials for it, so how bad can it be?
   Three paragraphs to go!  Yeesh.  Read nephew history book for about an hour and a half and read George Carlin Book for 2-3 hours, that's the plan!  Not set in stone or anything.  PROBABLY NOTHING NEW ABOUT BUDDHA.  Then again ya never know when Buddha might turn up again in unlikely places!  Might even show up in George Carlin book.  He was Entertainer in Parts Of Century when Entertainers were Entertaining Buddhism.  So that's good I guess.  What else is going on.  Waking up so early, does that impact when I have pre-lunch snacks.  Does it pave the way for TWO pre-lunch snacks?  I dunno.  I'm doing okay right now!  But my snack isn't scheduled for another three and a half hours!  THAT"S A LONG TIME TO GO WITHOUT SHOVING FOOD DOWN MY GULLET.  Oh well we'll see what happens I guess.  Listened to a Current Hits playlist last walk.  I KNOW it will be obsolete long before I get a chance to finish it.  I DON'T CARE.  I made my decision and now I get to sleep in it!
   Two paragraphs to go.  Delightful.  Take my shower after next walk.  Put on Chucky if it's available.  Otherwise maybe The Simpsons.  Then re-calibrate and whatknot.  Slipknot.  I believe that's some sort of Boating reference.  You use a slipknot to tie the boat to the dock.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE.  Slip Knot used primarily for crochet and knitting.  That's not so exciting.  Not exciting like TYING BOAT TO DOCK.  That'd be HIGH STAKES KNOTTING.  Hmm.  Wore winter jacket for 2nd walk.  Not necessary for third!  I feel like for the 2nd one I didn't necessarily make THE WRONG decision.  I was slightly too warm but I feel if I had sweatshirt jacket I'd feel slightly too chilly.  HOWEVER by this point I think WALK III is gonna be sweatshirt jacket considering THE PROJECTION of weather over time.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  I thought I thought of something to say just a moment ago.  But now I can't remember what it was.  Probably was something Really Great.  I forgot it because I was TOO excited to say it.  Excitement overtook my mind and pushed out Great Idea Thing To Say completely.  Hmm.  Was it BRITISH related.  Was it FOOD related.  Was it WEATHER related.  I don't think it was any of those! 
   Oh well.  No use dwelling on it further.  Gotta move on with my life!  HMM.  I think I remember what I was gonna say.  I think I'm about due for shaving myself.  That's it.  That was the entire thing I wasted SO MUCH TIME trying to remember.  Feels like it's been DAYS or WEEKS I spent trying to remember that.  Still though it's good I remembered.  Wasn't ENTERTAINING but it's WORTHWHILE for ME to remember to shave myself.  So I'm happy with how it turned out at least.  It's entertaining because What's Wrong With This Guy Why Does He Only Shave Every Two Or Three Months.  Nope.  That doesn't sound entertaining!  Sorry!  I LIKE CHICKEN FINGERS.  I THINK I'D LIKE THEM TONIGHT EVEN.  Ugh.  Wait a second.  If I have bonus walk I gotta figure out how to arrange walks so last 2 walks are City Street BUT overall it's even.  1/3/5/6 Park.  2/4/7/8 Street. Okay I think I can remember that.  So that's good.  Better not say anything else now.  That way it's the last thing I said!  So I'd remember it more easily!  GREAT.  I'll be back tonight! 




jeez now i'm not so sure

    Hey!  I came across ENTIRE 3-Pack Packs of WINTERMINT, TROPICAL TWIST, and SPEARMINT GUM. IN A DRAWER.  Who knows how long it's been there!  THREE MONTHS?  EIGHT MONTHS?  Either way very exciting stuff.  Anyway.  Finished SECOND Nephew History Book.  I think that's it for Nephew History Books I have.  A couple of years ago my uncle gave me a Copied DVD of Song Of The South.  I guess I could watch that as a Nephew History Project.  Unless I successfully misplaced it permanently enough.  That'd be pretty good.  Anyway read a tiny bit of George Carlin.  Just around 8 or 10 pages.  But I feel comfortable going into tomorrow with the premise I read that book next.  Seems to me the thing ya gotta know about George Carlin was He Was Always DOIN stuff.  Whether it was one thing or something else he went about his life one way or another.  FASCINATING.  I gotta see how this one ends!  And middles!  I'm only about 1/3rd in as of now!
YEAH.  Had delicious Turkey sandwich with Chips aJoy.  I also had realized I still had matzoh ball soup.  But I didn't wanna have it with sandwich.  So what I did was I got A SINGLE HOT DOG for dinner tonight, had matzoh ball soup with that, and had a bunch of Pop Chips.  IT WAS FUN.  7.5/10 Dinner.  I was gonna say 7/10 but I thought it'd confuse you because you'd be thinking about Splits.  Or the date July 10th.  Or the date European October 7th.  Either way NOW YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT NONE OF THAT.  Hopefully-- if I'm doing my job right!-- you're thinking NOTHING AT ALL.  Hmm.  Odds are I have a birthday bar again tonight.  It's good because we know it's good okay we've gone through this many times.  At this point just TRUSS me on this.  GENIUS.  Nate Russ of Music.  Nae Truss.  Well that settles that.  Anyway just started a Choco Pop.  So far so good!  What have I watched on TELEVISION SET today.  A few Tales In The Crypt.  HOW MANY EXACTLY?  Three and a half!  WOW SOUNDS REAL EXACT.  One would imagine it's Accurately Exact, too!  That'd Be My Guess!
   Third paragraph of Act III part I!  Got Super Market delivery tomorrow.  Ended up getting the mini black and whites.  Not sure what to do for breakfast tomorrow, though.  I have no Obvious Dessert Breakfast.  I can't have a Classic Breakfast because I have no Iced Cream Sandwiches.  Basically I'm looking at TWO POP TARTS if I want a Dessert breakfast OR 2 Toaster Breakfast Pockets if I want that sorta thing.  NOT MUCH OTHER REAL GREAT OPTIONS.  The good news is THERE'S GOOD NEWS?!  I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS STILL IN THE CARDS IN THIS PART OF HISTORY.  Turns out it is!  LOTTA NEWS that we get From Cards is Good.  You know like Astrology and tarot Readings.  That's my main source of Current Events.  It's good because IT'S CHEAP and YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF.  Anyway.  I dunno.  A bit ahead of schedule today.  That's good.  I was JUST ABOUT to bite down into lollipop but at the latest last moment possible I STOPPED MYSELF.  And the sucking continues TO THIS VERY MOMENT.
Yeah!  How's Baseball Game going tonight.  My guess is tied zero-zero.  I did no Card Tricks to guess that.  That's just off the top of my dome.  TURNS OUT I WAS RIGHT NONETHELESS.  Yes I have the skill of Second and/or Third Sight even without playing cards.  It's working out GREAT for me.  Okay now I'm chewing up lollipop.  It's working out GREAT for me.  Anyway.  Finished the last of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Re-upping with Frosted Flakes.  So that's the kinda balanced breakfasts I'm gonna be looking at in the future.  Next time I get some egg whites.  People talk about Second Sight and people talk about Fourthsight but never about third sight.  People talk about Fourthsight?  YEAH.  ALL THE TIME.  I had the Fourthsight to see this coming or something.  AM I SURE I'M NOT THINKING OF FORSIGHT?  THAT'S WHAT I SAID.  FOURSIGHT.  ANNNND SCENE.
   Two paragraphs to go before recess or something.  Man oh man did I discover Uncovered Gum at the WORST time.  Literally AN HOUR after the next Super Market order was Set Into Place Finalized And Whatknot.  The good news is GUM DON'T GO BAD.  I'll either chew this gum first or second compared to new gum I'm getting.  Either way It'll All Be Okay.  No need to worry, friends!  THE GUM I CHEW WILL BE OKAY.  Hmm.  Also I WILL BE OKAY from the gum I chew.  Gum will be okay AND I will be okay in this Me Chewing It enterprise.  What else is going on and crap.  Last Bob Dylan album was #6-- The Times They Are A Changin.  Now I'm up to #5-- which I BELIEVE is The Free Wheeling Bob Dylan (which I can only assume we're supposed to pronounce Dylan like it rhymes with wheeling.).  NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT TIL JUST NOW.  WHEELING AND DYLAN could rhyme.  I CRACKED THE CODE once and for all FOR EVERYONE.  You're WELCOME.  Also turns out Freewheeling Bob Dealing is #4.  #5 is Bringing It All Back Home.  I can only assume we're supposed to make 2 words of that rhyme somehow, too.  ALL and HOME.  It's HARD to make those words slant rhyme-- very hard!-- but I think that's our best bet if we HAVE to make some sort of rhyme with any of those words.  What's going on again.
Last paragraph before Recess Walk.  I'm not gonna put on Bob Dylan album for this walk.  Not sure what I'm gonna do for this walk.  Listen to songs I enjoy, that's my first and best instinct.  Also my only instinct.  Once I established it was my best instinct I ceased to even start considering other instincts.  ALREADY NAILED IT.  What else is going on and crap.  What else.  Golden Graham Bar + Tootsie pop = Delicious Upcoming snack.  Let's strongly consider that folks.  Wonder how I'll adjust to reading memoir after reading Academia Books.  HISTORY IS ACADEMIA.  Maybe these are not the SCHOLASTICIST history books I've ever read but it's still LEARNING.  Meanwhile Entertainment Memoir is more ENTERTAINMENT (although there is LEARNING aspect to it as well.  WE LEARN ABOUT THEM LIVES).  The good news is the paragraph is over.  I'll be back with more in a little bit!

   Hey!  Gonna have blueberry nutragrain bar now as Snack.  Possibly augmented by tootsie pop in a paragraph or two.  Either way let's get started on this Breakfast Bar as they're known.  I will begin by REMOVING THE WRAPPING.  You know how that goes.  Hmm.  Took the first bite.  Of the breakfast bar-- not the wrapping.  It's going okay.  I've swallowed all of the first bite by now but while it was going on I had fun.  Also I got around 4 more bites left, each of them presumably pretty similar experience to that first bite we just talked about.  Here Comes The Follow Up Bite.  Hmm.  Bigger bite than I anticipated.  Might only have 2 left instead of 3.  I considered taking the 2nd bite from The Other Side of the breakfast bar just to be interesting but I ended up taking it from the same end that I had taken the first bite.  Maybe I'll take the third bite from the other end.  Okay I just did that.  Now I have one bite left.  Three bites in from one end, two bites in from the other end.  I'm in the process of finishing chewing that bite right now.
Okay.  That's it!  I MADE THAT IDIOT OF A SNACK LAST AN ENTIRE PARAGRAPH.  I feel pretty good for myself I guess.  Hey these are breakfast bars.  I was thinking about Breakfast tomorrow.  2.5 of these can be a breakfast.  SURE I GUESS.  If I have 2.5 or more of them WELL DUH I'd consider that!  Especially considering what a success tonight's bar was!  SEVEN POINT FIVE OUT OF TEN.  It's not my fault Everything Keeps Turning Out TO Be 7.5/10!  It's just ACCURATE.  I'M JUST REPORTING THE FACTS AS I SEE THEM.  Hmm.  Probably gonna have mint chocolate chip bar or sea salt caramel bar for upcoming iced cream bar in about an hour.  LOOK maybe you realized Freewheeling and Bob Dylan could rhyme if you mispronounce One Or Both of them on your own.  NEVER OCCURRED TO ME.  We can't ALL be GENII like you apparently.  Anyway got about 6-7 minutes left of Tales Crypt TIL DEATH.  Figure that's enough to get me from Finishing Entry To Going To Sleep.
   TOOTSIE POP TIME. SEE WHAT A GREAT LIFE I'M LEADING.  FREE WILL'n Bob Dylan.  WOW FREE WILL what a relevant phrase in Oh I Don't Know PHILOSOPHY.  Alright having a cherry tootsie pop if Wrapper is to believed.  Also if flavor I'm tasting right now as we speak is to believed.  Both solid pieces of evidence that this is a cherry tootsie pop in fact.  Ugh.  Got super market tomorrow morning.  Aiming to get up at New Normal Time of 8:15 AM!  That should be a blast and Oh I Don't Know 13 out of 19.  Hmm.  I think I feel comfortable going right to George Carlin tomorrow and continuing that perhaps to completion.  No real reason to go back and forth between books unless I feel like it.  Huh.  What's the next Tales In The Crypt in case I wanna watch it.  Probably Three's A Crowd.  That'd be my guess.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP IT SURE IS.  Ya know what?  I think I'd like watching that tonight.  Maybe I watch that one too.
   Last paragraph of the NightTime DayTime!  Still suckin' on candy.  Just bit in now though.  If I had Super Market stuff coming tomorrow, what better options would I have had as Recent Indulgence Snack that I didn't have at my disposal as of tonight?  1.5 Black and whites.  Slightly Indulgent Fiber Bar.  Possibly a Hearty Iced Cream Sandwich.  The point is nothing THAT great either.  I dunno.  Let's see how baseball is going.  I'm gonna guess the score has increased a NET ONE RUN from the last time I checked about 15 minutes ago when the score was 3-2.  I SAY it's either 4-2 or 3-3 now.  LET'S CHECK IT OUT.  YEP STILL 3-2 JUST LIKE I PREDICTED.  Huh.  What else is going on and crap.  Still have a turkey meat loaf and health spaghetti I got last week that I didn't get around to Lunching on.  So I have that for upcoming week.  Probably would be responsible to eat it tomorrow!  DANGIT.  Then again DANGIT.  On the third hand DANGIT.  Look the point is I'm done for tonight!  See ya tomorrow!

-9:37 P.M.




Wednesday, October 19, 2022

What Am I Thinking Of

    Hey friends!  About 2.5 hours behind schedule!  Essentially what it means is 1 less walk overall, and 1 more walk in middle of the day.  Otherwise I should be able to fit in everything else and crap.  Anyway.  Great NightMight!  Only had one 40 calorie fudgesicle.  That practically rounds down to NOTHING.  Had delicious Classic Breakfast a few hours ago before going back to sleep.  Started listening to DESIRE.  Hurricane we all know and love.  First three quarters of Isis is fine.  I'm gonna enjoy the rest of this #9 Top Bob Dylan Album!  Also when I wikipedia'd it it was listed as like the 163rd or something best album of all time by Rolling Stone.  WOW.  Ninth best HIS album and 163rd best OVERALL album.  Obviously people have different tastes.  Which is weird.  Because I've always assumed people have more or less the SAME taste in terms of actual Tasting Food Taste.  Well not really.  Now that I think about it that's just not accurate.  Oh well I TRIED to make a point and I FAILED.  Hmm.  Got an hour and 15 minutes to write 9 paragraphs.  If I can't make it then I'll have to stop short!
   Yeah!  Spookiest moments top 23-11 are available on Shutter!  I'll watch those later.  Maybe.  Probably.  Well I guess around supping time at least.  Dunno how much TV I'll get in during Daytime Day.  Hmm.  Probably gonna have salad and a garlic knot today for lunch.  Finish steak * stuffed mushroom for dinner.  Amazing.  Got George Carlin book to read today and that might be it.  Read one book at a time for some reason.  Crazy idea.  Anyway.  Not sure whatta do in terms of shower.  Gonna be writing Act II after upcoming walk.  Maybe fit in shower after that before walk III.  Or maybe after walk III before lunch.  Probably could do one of those.  Anyway.  I WONDER if I'll enjoy soup today.  Right now it seems like a chore but when it comes to it I'll probably enjoy it just fine!  THAT'S SOUP FOR YA.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Internation Chefs Day and National Brandied Fruit Day.  First of all FUCK CHEFS.  By which I mean I don't care for Chefs.  But now I feel like Fuck Chefs could be a podcast or a band or SOMETHIN.  Not sure what it means off the top of my head but it sounds pleasing to the ear.  Either way Fine chefs are fine.  Not as good as cooks though.  Chefs got ATTITUDE.  Cooks KNOW THEIR PLACE.
    Brandied Fruit.  I'm gonna guess that's fruit with Brandy somehow.  Brandy and fruit and sugar and spices heated up then preserved then eaten.  I can't imagine any of this at all.  It's just nonsense words in nonsense order.  The point is I MIGHT be interested in it depending on the fruit.  Apple or orange I'll give a shot.  Peach or plum?  Leave me out of it!  Hmm.  Two Major League Baseball Championchip series going on today.  AS ALWAYS I am rooting for the Sand Iago Poodrays and the Houston Street Astors.  Hmm.  Halfway through third paragraph.  25% into Act I!  Got an hour and 5 minutes left to go before Stopping Writing becomes necessary.  Ugh.  Wonder what kind of upsetting polls are making the rounds today.  Probably SOME.  Ya never know though.  Not as long as you don't check!  Also Fuck Chefs could be a pornography website.  Just occurred to me!  First thought is that the Chefs are Male and they're fucking female patrons and waitresses and the like.  What if the chefs are female?  That's an interesting dynamic too!
   Fourth paragraph!  Maybe I read some Nephew History Book today instead of George Carlin.  We'll see how I feel when the time comes.  Hmm.  Not a fan of alternating between New Early Schedule and Really Late Even Compared To Old Schedule.  I wanna do New Early Schedule every day!  What am I doing wrong in terms of not motivating myself to get up on time.  Probably staying in bed and snoozing in and out of sleep instead of getting up.  Oh Okay makes sense.  Guess I could have bonus Garlic Knot as a SandwichSide.  Seems weird to have bread as a SandwichSide but Garlic Knot feels like it's not THAT weird.  Or I could have it as a snack.  Daytime Snack.  Nighttime Indulgence Snack.  Not sure which is more appropriate.  Either way the point is I SHALL HAVE IT AT SOME POINT.  It's delicious!  Why should I leave it over.  That'd be dumb AF.  AF means AS FUCK.  In POLITE COMPANY we can't say the word FUCK.  We have to say LETTERS that EVERYONE KNOWS means Fuck.  It's called BEING CONSIDERATE.  Anyway.  Gotta put in Super Market order for Friday Delivery.  I guess I don't HAVE To do it today.  But I WILL.  MAN OH MAN I WANNA DO IT RIGHT NOW.  But I can't waste the time!
   Then again what else is up.  I could do A LITTLE BIT, just adding THE MOST EXCITING stuff.  Nah I'll just do it later.  Anyway.  Wonder what Bob Dylan #8 best album is.  Not gonna check now though.  No spoilers is just how I feel.  WOW.  I was just on twitter and noticed an Article Recommendation on the side Here's what you need to know about the James Corden Situation. My guess is NOTHING. I need to know NOTHING about it.  AM I RIGHT.  Sure why not.  I CAN'T STAND THIS SITUATION.  AND ON INTERNATIONAL CHEFS DAY OF ALL DAYS.  This didn't happen today.  Also Chef Day is tomorrow!  PEOPLE WILL STILL BE TALKING ABOUT IT ON WORLD CHEF DAY IS THE POINT.  Also if I were James Cordon I'd adopt the handle FuckChefs anytime he needs a username.  People won't know FOR SURE it's him but it's a decent clue.  The point is if Episode 7 of Spooky moments is 23-11, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess there's one more episode of the top 10 spooky moments.  It's called INDUCTIVE REASONING you idiot.  Is it?  I dunno.  I don't know what words mean.
Halfway through Act I!  Plenty of time to finish it I guess.  Was it inductive reasoning that led me to use the phrase inductive reasoning.  Lemme LTURQ.  I DON'T THINK SO.  Could be SUBJUNCTIVE reasoning.  Or DEDUCTIVE reasoning.  Either way I don't have enough time to figure out what words mean right now!  Sorry!  Anyway.  Also listening to Superbloom playlist on walks in addition to Bob Dylan Albums.  Back and forth!  Mostly Bob Dylan Albums!  Also sometimes I put on music by Track By Track Choices!  Sometimes listen to my own music!  THAT COVERS IT ALL I THINK.  The point is 40% of the time I say Bob Dylan I think of the character Dylan (pronounced differently) from the Chappelle's Show sketch about The Mad Real World.  Better LTURQ on youtube to see what I'm being reminded of.  I may be confusing sketches.  Either way Now I'm not sure at all what I'm being reminded of in my head.  So that's good.  What else.  Only four more paragraphs to go before Walk!
   Hmm.  These days I'm aiming for 20 sets of push-up/sit-ups.  Maybe 25 sometimes.  Less than I'd been doing in the past!  But by the time I reach Middle of the day Long Break I wanna be done with em.  Or almost done with em.  The point is SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Lemme LURQ Playoff ODDS.  What are the Gambling Odds presented to people for who will win ChampionCHIP series.  Turns out I can't read odds.  Oh.  That's too bad.  What else is up.  WELL my prediction of an Eighth Episode of top 10 spooky moments has been confirmed.  I read the blurb for the latest episode and it SAYS it's the penultimate episode!  So unless they LEAVE OFF spooky moments or GO INTO ZERO AND NEGATIVE TERRITORY I was exactly 100% accurate.  I could see the having a Zero'ith Spooky Moment.  And then negative spooky moments all the way up to -10 or -20.  What's spookier than that?  Probably not a lot!  Hmm.  I feel like George Carlin book wasn't written entirely by George Carlin.  It was a collaboration between George Carlin & Friend.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  Part him part TONY HENDRA.  Great now Tony Hendra gonna find this website.  Maybe he wants to help me write an autobiography.  But the twist is IT'S AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF HIM.
Three paragraphs to go!  Maybe there's a third book I should be considering.  Either way reading is fun!  You get to follow along with the words someone carefully determined in a specific order.  I wouldn't say WROTE in a carefully determined specific order.  Odds are they did it by TYPING (computer or typewriter, depending on when it was composed).  Anyway.  When were typewriters invented.  I know the PRINTING PRESS was invented around 1400 or 1500.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS THOUGH.  Anyway.  Typewriter.  1868.  About what I thought but I was too BASHFUL to guess explicitly on the website.  WHAT IF I WAS WRONG?  I don't think I'd survive such shame!  Had delicious Iced Cream Sandwich at bedtime last night.  Possible I have another one upcoming snack in about an hour!  Maybe I have garlic knot.  EVEN IF I'm having garlic knot 2 hours after that with salad.  GET BOTH GARLIC KNOTS OUT OF THE WAY, that's what I say! 
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I.  Put garlic knot in microwave for 30 seconds or so.  That's the way!  Anyway so far Isis isn't offensive to me as I don't think Bob Dylan is signing about the Terrorism Militant Group.  And if he is he's not GLAMOURIZING THEM.  Pretty neutral take.  Anyway.  I'm gonna guess George Carlin book isn't as good a BOOK as Bob Dylan Book.  Not as well written!  Look George Carlin is a genius but or some reason I just don't think this book is gonna be a Knock Out Of The Park book.  I READ HALF OF IT.  That's probably a big clue.  DON'T REMEMBER IT THAT WELL.  LOOK It's a straightforward autobiography with Humour.  That's what ya want.  That's what ya get.  Probably.  BEEN A WHILE since I Read it.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  What if I had 2/3rds of garlic knot as snack and then 1 and 1/3rd garlic knots with salad side.  YEAH.  Lets make this COMPLICATED.  It's FUN.  Hmm.
   Last paragraph of the act.
  Amazing.  How long have I been writing here. About fifty minutes.  WOW NICE RATE of writing paragraphs.  TYPING paragraphs.  On a COMPUTER.  Maybe this is a typewriter and this whole time I thought I was connected to the internet has been a scam.  Probably not though.  Is the Bob Dylan album Desire related to the Ryan Adams song Desire on The One Ryan Adams Album I know?  My guess?  They're accurately the same word.  That's all!  Hmm wonder what Ryan Adams album is called.  IT BETTER NOT BE DESIRE.  Oh.  DEMOLITION.  Lotta good songs on that one.  I think it turned out Ryan Adams was some sort of jerk.  Sex jerk.  Not sure how exactly.  Better LTURQ.  Offered to help women with their careers then was a sex creep to them.  Often very young ladies.  OR, "GIRLS?"  Anyway.  I really gotta remember that.  I feel like this is the fourth or fifth time I've thought about Ryan Adams, remembered he was a jerk, had to look up why and how, then was like hey that's a very significant amount of being a jerk, and then I just forget again.  NOT THIS TIME.  RYAN ADAMS IS A HUGE SEX JERK AND THAT'S PUTTING IT MILDLY.  DON'T FORGET.  Alright time to take a walk.




This Must Mean Something

    Hey!  Gotta look up Bob Dylan #8 album.  Only 2.5 songs left to go on #9!  Man oh man I bet it's a CLASSIC ALBUM I Know And Am Familiar With.  THE BASEMENT TAPES (1975).  I don't recognize a single title out of 24.  Anyway.  I think the premise is that 2/3rds of the songs were from years ago.  Also some of these aren't his songs?  Some of them with Some Sort Of Band?  Either way POT COMMITTED to listening to this.  Maybe it's great.  It's gotta be!  It's in THE TOP 8 BOB DYLAN ALBUMS.  Out of I wanna say EIGHTY.  Anyway I'll get to that in a little bit.  Gonna take a short break after this act, then take a walk, then take a shower, then eat lunch, then take a walk, THEN WE GOT SOLID TIME IN MIDDLE OF THE DAY.  So it's all looking up I guess.  Think I'm leaning towards splitting time between Nephew History Book and George Carlin Semi-Auto Biography.  What's semi-auto.  That sounds like a phrase. Semi-automatic.  Type of gun, right?  I don't wanna look it up.  Might shoot me from behind the screen!  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  I don't want THING ONE To do with guns.
Four paragraphs to go!  Watch Penultimate Spooky Moments Episode during upcoming break and upcoming lunch period.  Sounds about right.  Man oh man is the opening credits to this spooky.  They splice together like 30 half-second moments from the overall list and ONE OF THEM is Exorcist Head turning around.  The other ones won't Spook Me just on the half-second alone.  THIS ONE WILL.  Gotta remember NOT TO LOOK.  Then again maybe I wanna get spooked.  I'll never get over my fear of Possessed Girl Head Turning around 180 degrees unless I face it HEAD ON.  Also IF ONLY THIS GIRL WOULD GET HER HEAD ON CORRECTLY we wouldn't be IN this situation.  The point is the jerk who directed The Exorcist directed AT LEAST 2 or 3 Tales In The Crypt! ...NOT THAT GREAT EPISODES.  Lemme LTURQ.  Oh.  Only one.  I was confusing combining him with other directors.  Either way Now I don't think so ill of him.  He didn't get multiple cracks at Tales In The Crypt and failed each one.  He had ONE CRACK.  And it's a FAIR episode.  HE MADE THE MARK HE WANTED TO MAKE I GUESS.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Thinking about having Ultimate chocolate chip cookie flavored fiber brownie when I'm done with this act.  I like the part where it slides down my gullet or something.  WOW Fresh Direct now sells Drakes products INCLUDING YODELS.  Sold out as of now.  Only one not sold out is Ring Dings.  Maybe I try one Drakes Products this week.  No reason not to except for Several Reasons I could Probably Think Of.  Hmm.  What's today.  Wednesday.  Middle of the week more or less.  I can, "handle," that!  Just like how James Corden's, "Handle," is FuckChefs.  Anyway.  That'd be a good password for people to have.  I suggest if you don't have a password you particularly like, do some variation of FuckChefs.  Add a number and/or symbol if you must.  You probably must.  Most passwords require that sort of things these days!  It's FRUSTRATING but at this point if you're using a service that DOESN'T require a special symbol and/or both lowercase and uppercase, you're gonna be thinking WHAT IS THIS RINKY DINK OPERATION that it doesn't care about how safe my password is.  THIS BUSINESS CAN'T BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY and I WILL NOT SPEND MY MONEY ON IT.
Penultimate paragraph!  Hmm.  Answered the door a few sentences ago.  Accepted some DRUG STORE DELIVERY.  One more delivery I'm expecting today.  HALLOWEEN CANDY DELIVERY.  I believe we got An Assorteds of 125 pieces.  I would be SHOCKED if we hand out more than 4 pieces on Halloween.  Well five or six wouldn't SHOCK me.  Not CLINICALLY at least.  I'd be very surprised but I wouldn't be SHOCKED INTO SUBMISSION exactly.  Hmm.  What else is going on.  I BETTER read up the Premise to The Basement Tapes before I listen.  Sounds like an album where the history of it is particularly relevant.  Hmm.  Sixteen songs he recorded with THE BAND seven years earlier.  Then the last 8 songs recorded by the Band in then-present-day WITHOUT BOB DYLAN?  That's weird.  THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT, can it?  It must be right.  That's what they're telling me!  Maybe he wrote the songs but didn't play or sing 'em?  Either way oh well what can ya do.  Listen to the album.  Call it a day!  DANGIT I accidentally looked ahead and saw which Bob Dylan album was #7.  NO SPOILERS. Well it was spoiled for me.  NOT FOR YOU THOUGH.  NOT IF I CAN HELP IT.
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  Good deal.  Alright just having fiber one brownie now.  Cinnamon Coffee Cake!  The last chocolate chip cookie flavor SURVIVES another snacking time.  And I'm supposedly re-upping with them on Friday Morning.  Anyway delicious.  What else is going on and crap.  Turkey sandwich tomorrow.  Wonder what kinda sandwichside I got coming my way there.  Both my Mom and Dad have also been enjoying Multi-Variated single serving pouches of cookies.  Almost only Chips aHoy are left.  LOOK I LIKE THEM.  But I'd like to have some of the other flavors as well!  Don't limit me to the chips aHoy.  Doesn't seem right!  Hmm.  What if I had last garlic knot with Supper instead of Soup.  And then have soup with upcoming turkey sandwich.   Hmm sounds interesting.  That might be good!  ALSO it has the benefit of making me look forward to supper more!  Soup clunks things up in me anticipating enjoying it.  But a garlic knot is GREAT FUN to look forward to.  Anyway that sounds interesting.  I'll tell ya how that turned out when I return tonight!  See ya then!




would you just stop

    Hello friends.  Read for a total of about 2.5 hours today.  All some other 2nd Nephew History Book.  THIS ONE'S GOT PLENTY OF HISTORY IN IT.  Made some real progress in that.  Oh so there's this thing called history and it's not relegated to just one period of time or place.  NO SPOILERS but history is A Big Thing.  Perhaps The Biggest Thing.  Wait no.  Just A Big Thing.  Anyway mostly through The Basement Tapes.  Not bad!  I like these songs.  Only thing I don't get is that on Wikipedia page it was divided into 4 sides of six songs each.  MEANWHLIE on Apple Music it's TWO SIDES of 12 songs each.  SOUNDS LIKE A SCANDAL.  SEX SCANDAL maybe.  Not 100% sure how this could relate to sex-- and be a scandal thusly-- but I TINK IT JUST MAY BE.  Anyway had delicious garlic knot with steak * stuffed mushroom dinner tonight.  It was good.  Very hearty.  No complaints there! Not from me at least!  Maybe someone else is complaining about it and I just don't know about it.  I guess that's their prerogative?  Then again MAYBE NOT.  I WILL TOLERATE NO DISSENT about how Hearty I find my Garlic Knots.  You've got a problem KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.  OTHERWISE YOU're gonna have to deal with The Consequences-- ME.
And I'm notoriously Hard To Deal With!  Hmm.  Watched Shutter Spooky Moments AND one episode of Tales In The Crypt since DayTime Part of Entry.  Pretty good stuff.  OH HEY I got a tootsie pop due any second now.  Let's say at end of this paragraph.  Or beginning of next paragraph.  WELL WHICH ONE IS IT.  Let's say Beginning of next paragraph.  That bonus time of INDENTING could be put to good use of ANTICIPATION OF CANDY.  EVERY LITTLE BIT OF ANTICIPATION COUNTS.  Probably.  Seems like it would!  Whatever.  I don't think I'm gonna start Bob Dylan #7 album tonight.  Probably will finish Bob Dylan #8 album.  THE NAGAIN HMM I could take this opportunity to BROADEN MY VERIZONS.  Listen to some OTHER songs I've heard 2,000 times.  WOW what else is going on.  Got a nice Whatever Snack I Want coming my way in about an hour.  NOT TOO MANY OPTIONS THOUGH.  I guess best options are BIRTHDAY BAR, Golden Graham Bar, or Golden Graham Bar + tootsie pop.  HEY HOW DOES POP TART STRIKE YOU.  VERY HARD.  IT HURT ME BECAUSE I WAS STRUCK SO DECISIVELY PHYSICALLY.  Hey I KIND OF am ready to eat a tootsie pop...?
   NOPE.  Now I am.  ACTUALLY NOW IT'S TOO LATE.  Better too late than too early though.  Hmm.  CHOCO POP ACTIVATE.  I might have delicious semi-automatic-indulgent Fiber Bar in the house.  That's delicious.  Also it's healthy.  Because FIBER.  Fiber OPTICS.  Huh.  I guess I'm watching The Switch tonight before going to bed.  That should be a blast and let's say 3/7ths.  I dunno.  I wanna read George Carlin book.  I really do!  I just felt like reading about history more today.  For CONTEXT.  I see things that happened in history now I better understand why Today Sucks.  HISTORY SUCKED TOO.  TODAY IS JUST TE LOGICAL CONTINUATION OF PAST SUCKING.  I dunno.  LOTTA HISTORY can be framed in positive ways.  WOW I LIKE TE SOUND OF THAT.  YEP THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT.  OH GREAT.  So far my favorite thing I've learnt from history is about Buddha.  I like Buddhism a bit.  More than I thought I might!  NOT FOR ME THOUGH.  The whole suffering and whatknot.  But I accept THE PREMISE that it SOUNDS good.  I think I'll just keep living materialist idling life though.  It's what comes naturally in the 21st century America so it can't be that bad.  IF IT WAS BAD IT WOULDN'T BE EASY.
Halfway through Act III Part I.  I wonder if I'll make it to the 22nd century.  My guess is MY CORPSE WILL be I'll be dead.  Feel like that's halfway there though.  Not bad at all.  DAMNIT who am I gonna be buried next to.  I got no WIFE or anyone else.  Just gonna be me with no neighbors I know.  Well I'll MAKE neighbors who I guess I'll get to know.  That could be fun.  What's a good ice breaker exercise for when you're buried so that you can get to know your corpse neighbors.  I DUNNO SOMETING TO DO WIT A HAT.  Spin the hat.  Is that a thing.  Had delicious Iced Cream sandwich as Night snack.  Not to be confused with NightMight snacks.   The point is I'm chewing the tootsie pop now.  It's going PRETTY GOOD I gotta say.  Almost TOO good.  Not sure what that would mean in any context or something.  Anyway we've gotten deep enough into Spooky Moments Countdown that JUST WATCHING THE COUNTDOWN is kinda spooky!  These moments are the top of the top that just being reminded of them and seeing bits and pieces DOES SPOOK ONESELF.
   So that was fun.  Hmm.  I bet I can watch Chucky Episode tonight or tomorrow.  I WOULD bet at least.  So far I haven't found anyone who wants to bet on that with me.  At this point I probably won't find a betting partner in time.  Oh well.  I can make a Gentleman's Wager with myself.  LOSER HAS TO... hmm.. What's A Good Losing Consequence....  LOSER HAS TO CONVERT TO BUDDHISM.  But not just nominally.  REALLY HAS TO DO IT RIGHT.  Yikes that sounds serious!  Guess I'm taking a walk in a paragraph and a half.  That should be fun or something.  If you ARE NOTHING and then become Buddhist IS TAHT A CONVERSION.  Conversion, to me, implies Going From One Thing To Another Thing.  Starting Out At Nothing COULD be considered One Thing OR it could be considered Nothing.  In which case Convert DOESN'T SOUND like proper English.  Oh well what can ya do.  Not much.  Move on with your life!  That'd all I can think of!
Last paragraph before walk.  Dangit.  Never put together order for Super Market coming on Friday.  Don't feel like doing it right now!  I guess I got All Tomorrow to do it.  WRONG. I got up until 7 PM Tomorrow.  Oh okay great.  Finished Beer #1.  Looks like I settled into having 2 beers routinely comfortably and crap.  THEN AGAIN ya never know when a Comfortable Routine will be UNCEREMONLUSOLY INTERRUPTED such that EVERYTHING'S RUINED.  Not tonight though it looks like.  Hmm.  What's another thing I learnt about history.  NOT THE WAR OF 1812 I CAN TELL YOU THAT MUCH.  For all my several hundred pages of history reading the last few days I haven't read MORE THAN A PEEP of The War Of 1812.  Seems like a scandal.  A SEX Scandal one might assume.  Ugh.  Hopefully Do Tomorrow Right  Get up at 8:15 AM LIKE I'M SPOSDA.  Either way gonna take a walk now!  Maybe last 4 paragraphs will be a SOLID SEVEN OUT OF TEN???  It's possible!  See ya soon.

   Hey!  Had delicious Birthday Bar.  I didn't not unenjoy it.  REALLY.  SO THAT'S THE STANDARD WE'VE SET FOR OURSELVES.  BEING SATISFIED WITH NOT UNENJOYING TINGS.  yeah!  sounds pretty good to me!  I'll settle for the Not Unejoyed Life ANY day of the week.  Definitely Wednesday at least.  That' what today is.  And it's already been ESTABLISHED I feel like that TODAY.  I just said it you idiot.  Anyway listened to a few more Bob Dylan songs.  But am still a few Bob Dylan songs away from finishing the Basement Tapes.  Looking forward to wrapping that up tomorrow morning.  Hmm.  Looking very likely upcoming Iced Cream Bar will be Fudge and/or Chocolate flavored.  Somewhere along the line I got the idea they say this is Fudge Flavored.  I'll have to check carefully tonight when I retrieve it.  I'll let ya know tomorrow I guess what the results of this study are exactly.  THREE SONGS LEFT to The basement tapes.  About TEN minutes.  Oh okay good.
Three paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  Parts of Buddhism seem FUN and EASY and PLEASURABLE.  But then parts of it seem like a CHORE and DIFFICULT and UNENJOYABLE.  Based on the several paragraphs I've read here and there.  I don't like the part where you die and then you're suffering for a really long time until you finally Submit and are born again.  The goal I TINK is you're tortured in hell and you just gotta GET THROUGH IT and then you become one with Buddha or something.  HOWEVER more often than not you're gonna TAP OUT and be reborn which is A BAD THING for some reason.  I TINK this is what's going on with Buddhism.  I could be wrong.  I wasn't paying attention that much!  Anyway SCREW THAT I don't wanna be In Hell even if it's for a good cause.  I guess I could be Buddhist and then I die and at the very single first moment of Hell-Type-Torture I'm like OKAY GOOD I SUBMIT I'll be reborn.  YA GOT ME.  Sure I never reach one-ness with the universe but at least I keep showing up over and over and have to suffer Relatively Not That Much Overall!
   Penultimate paragraph.  What else is going on.  I guess it turns out I don't like Buddhism.  GOOD.  I don't wanna get tied down to any one thing LEAST OF ALL THE BUDDHISM.  Only thing I wanna be tied down to IS ME.   I'm pot committed To Myself and that's more or less enough I guess as of now.  It'd be, "Cool," to have a tootsie pop now.  Not going to though.  I had a Birthday Bar just now.  Only so much I can stuff down my gullet on purpose responsibly!  How many of hours am I sleeping if I get up at 8:15 AM.  ABOUT NINE HOURS.  That's part of the premise!  Ya wanna sleep in multiples of 90 minutes!  Because of REM cycles!  I read it once AND I BELIEVED IT and I'M STICKING WITH IT.  Look is the exact moment of sleepittude gonna vary?  SURE.  I think this is a good ESTIMATION.  YEAH.  The point is I'm close to having written All The Paragraphs and that can't be bad.
   Hmm.  I'M ALMOST DONE!  I like taking my socks off when I'm reading.  I don't know why that was important for me to say but I said it and it came from some sort of motivating factor somewhere so I guess Here We Are.  Hmm.  Probably catch up on twitter before The Switch.  Then devote my entire attention to watching The Switch.  Then I eat a delicious Iced Cream Bar and go to sleep.  TOMORROW START OVER WITH LOTTA BONUS DAYTIME DAY.  Cause I'm gettin' up Real Earlylike, see.  I like how Buddha, or the original Buddha, not really sure how it works, but he wasn't being A JERK about it.  He was just like hey this is how I feel, if you wanna follow me great, if not, who gives a crap.  I'm just GONNA DO ME you're welcome to join me but I Don't Really Care!  I LIKE THAT JERK'S ATTITUDE.  REAL GOOD HEALTHY ATTITUDE.  Good for him and GOOD FOR US.  Well that's it for today.  I'll see ya'll tomorrow probably!

-10:01 P.M.




Tuesday, October 18, 2022


    Hey!  #11 Bob Dylan album coming up Another Side Of Bob Dylan.  I haven't seen THE FIRST side of Bob Dylan yet.  I've seen PROGRESSED sides of Bob Dylan AFTER this Another Side.  But the first side I haven't listened to yet in this Top 15 Album Exercize.  Anyway.  About 10 minutes ahead of schedule.  Gonna fit in all seven walks with big block of time in DayTime.  Had some more NightMight snacking than I'd like but reasonable amount I guess.  300 calories Over.  Make up about half of that by just having slightly less snacks today.  Had Classic Breakfast.  Lunch gonna be SOMETHING with Garlic Knots.  Either salad with one garlic knot or Free Tamale with 3 Garlic Knots.  Dinner gonna be part II of III of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Or maybe Part III of III and SAVE PART II of III for tomorrow!  Wonderful.  1964 Bob Dylan album?  I'm gonna guess I recognize FOUR titles and can place the tune of THREE of them.  Lemme LTURQ.  Hmm.  There are DEGREES of recognizing Titles.  Either way I can only place ONE tune.  It's a good 'un though!
Yeah!  When you look up Bob Dylan track listings online, they list the tracks as if there's two sides of the record.  So there's tracks 1-6 and then another tracks 1-5.  I'm gonna have to take their word on it!  On Apple Music it's just 1-11!  Hmm. Have I EVER listened to a record for fun.  When I was a toddler we had kids record player for kids tunes.  I don't remember ever even enjoying that at all.  It was AROUND.  Never USED it.  Not sure I ever had a straight up Music Record.  My Mom might still have a record collection from her Youth Days.  That'd be fun to go through!  Why.  I dunno.  I'd be like HEY I RECOGNIZE THIS RECORD FROM HISTORICAL RECORDS.  NOW IT'S IN MY HANDS.  WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON.  The inter-net said it was 49 degrees this morning.  MAY have been the first time I've seen Under 50 Degrees since The Last Time It Was Under 50 Degrees.  Yep I BET.  Hmm.  Anyway.  I got an order of 5 garlic knots and had half of one when they got here and now I'm looking at what I have left over and I have 5 garlic knots left over.  My working theory-- based on circumstantial FEELING at the time-- is that the one I ate half of was actually a DOUBLE Garlic Knot.  Two combined together.  IT RINGS A BELL that it was bigger than usual.  Mighta been a conjoined garlic knots.
   Hmm.  Guardians/Yankees game is at 4:07 PM.  Maybe I have that on MUTE as I read.  Probably not but possibly.  Anyway.  Bet I could make a lot of progress in George Carlin book.  Lotta progress in Nephew History Book.  The point is there might not be a National Food Of Tomorrow.  I think I may have looked ahead by accident yesterday and seen A Blank Day in the calendar.  Either way.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Seafood Bisque Day.  WOW.  SOMETHING!  I like seafood.  BUT NOT BISQUE.  Too heavy.  Too creamy!  OR too tomatoe saucy if you can make an alternate bisque that way.  The point is give me some seafood in chicken broth soup or something.  or Seafood BROTH but no bonus CREAM or anything.  WHAT'S SO HARD ABOUT THAT.  Probably something.  BOB DYLAN ALBUM #11 got a run time of 50:37?!?!  That's 2 walks!  AMAZING.  What else do I got going for me.  I was gonna have Frosted Blueberry Pop Tart today instead of Brown Sugar Cinnamon but it got PUSHED BACK into the cabinet.  Couldn't QUITE grasp it.  Reaching up.  On a top shelf.  I'd have had to get on a chair to reach it.  MEANWHILE other pop tart was within reach.  Doesn't take a genius to figure this one out.
Sure why not.  Last night, even though I was doing my best to have as little calories over the day due to NightMight binge, I INDULGED in final snack of the day.  Had NORMAL iced cream bar instead of 50 calorie less fudgesicle at bedtime.  PROVE ME WRONG, YOU CAN'T.  Ugh.  Foruth paragraph!  Looks like I  finished seven books over the last 2 weeks or whatever it's been.  To be fair I was halfway through one already and a tenth through another.  And some of these books were pretty short!  ALSO It's possible some of these books only exist in my imagination and I never had to spend Real Time reading them.  It's FALSE.  And INCORRECT.  But I guess it's philosophically metaphysically possible in some dimension!  GOOD.  Bad thing about not checking 538 religiously is I am at the whim of whatever individual poll Twitter feels like showing me.  And by Twitter I mean INDIVIDUAL TWEETER.  Twitter itself is RARELY gonna show me a poll but it's possible I guess.  BUT IF an individual tweeter wants to make a point with a poll THAT'S ALL I'M GONNA SEE. 
DANGIT.  Fifth paragraph.  DANGIT.  Gonna be honest I'm not enthusiastic about either Garlic Knot Lunch.  My only alternatives are turkey sandwich and turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti though.  Which are even LESS Enthusiasm Driving.  Maybe try tamale.  Get that out of the way.  Lemme RE-LURQ the Filling.  Might just be, "Green Chilis," and, "Cheese."  That's weird.  How you gonna fill entire tamale with just chilis and cheese.  I DUNNO BUT THEY'VE FOUND A WAY.  Anyway sure I can do that I guess.  In the meantime though let's keep writing paragraphs.  The point is I picked up guitar ON A WHIM while reading Bob Dylan talk about Woody Guthrie and listening to Woody Guthrie for 20 minutes and I PLAYED THE MELODY to This Land Is Your Land off the top of my head LIKE IT WAS NOTHIN.  I guess there's SOME SMALL EVIDENCE I know how to play guitar.  VERY GOOD.  I don't play guitar Very Good.  I think it' VERY GOOD I got some small evidence I can play guitar.  Makes me feel good about myself!  Anyway I can't play the guitar to it like I'm sanging it.  I can just play the melody-line-thing.  Oh okay that's not very good at all.
Coffee time!  What else is going on.  Lotta bad news out there in the world.  Sometimes it seems like nobody even cares.  Some good news out there in the world, too!  Probably.  That'd be my guess.  NOT SO MUCH THAT THEY CANCEL EACH OTHER OUT.  Also Good news and bad news can NEVER cancel each other out.  It's not like you're living in the world and 50% of it is bad news and you're like PERFECT FINALLY SOME BALANCE.  Gotta imagine the closer you get to No Bad News At All the better!  WRONG.  LIFE IS ABOUT BALANCE.  EVERY OTHER THING HAS TO BE BAD FOR LIFE TO BE GOOD.  I'm not sure that's accurate.  Gonna have to look into that one.  What else is going on and crap.  I wonder what the first album I get to in Bob Dylan Ranking where I'm like hey I know this album already pretty well.  My guess is maybe AROUND #7 or #8 album.  I don't wanna Peek Ahead to see, though.  NO SPOILERS.  I'm not happy with the spelling peek.  I KNOW it's not peak.  That's a different word.  And I KNOW Peek is accepted by Microsoft FrontPag as a word.  And I guess I know deep down It's The Right Spelling.  I JUST DON'T LIKE IT OKAY? 
   Seventh paragraph.  Maybe because it's a word FOR TODDLERS.  Peek-a-boo.  I'M TOO GROWN UP FOR THIS.  Not entertaining me AT ALL.  Then again there's a Badly Drawn Boy song A Peak You Reach.  Maybe Peak can be homonym pun for Peek?  That's another thing to consider in this discussion.  What else do I got going for me.  Gotta look up how to heat up Tamale.  IN THE OVEN is almost definitely the way to go.  Probably for 25-40 minutes.  LEMME SEE WHAT THEY SAY.  They don't say online.  Probably say it on the package.  No way of knowing as of now, though.  Gotta imagine I'm putting garlic knots in microwave for 20-30 seconds.  Maybe 15-30 seconds.  Whatever I'll figure it out.  Hmm.  Guess I'll probably watch some TV before getting into reading.  Ya know.  Time after shower drying off.  WHAT TO WATCH?  I could go SIMPSONS or I could go TALES IN THE CRYPT.  Really I can do almost anything.  Out of 2 options.  WOW.
   Three paragraphs to go for Act I!  Hey election is three weeks from today.  I'm voting for the Democracy party.  Ya know the on that believes in free and fair elections.  Oh that's definitely ONE solid thing to base your vote on.  That's how I feel.  IMO the best thing to base your vote on!   That's ME though.  YOU could easily have A DIFFERENT Top Reason!  PLENTY TO CHOOSE FROM THAT'S FOR SURE.  I like basing votes on things that are most PRESSING in the moment.  Ya give power to the party against free and fair elections YOU MAY NEVER GET FREE OR FAIR ELECTIONS AGAIN.  That's what THEY WANT TO DO.  TAKE POWER UNDEMOCRATICALLY AND HOLD ON TO IT ALSO UNDEMOCRATICALLY.  So to me STEP ONE is keep something resembling Democracy.  Then we can work on other things! None of this is hyperbole.  Majority of Elected and/or Running Republicans think Trump should be president even if he lost.  If they're in control of congress in 2024 what do you think they're gonna do.  Doesn't take a genius to figure this one out.  It takes someone OF AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE though.  So I'll give a pass to 45% of you for not being able to grasp it.  Anyway.  Another clue is many of them saying they won't accept the results of election if they lose!  Doesn't sound like these people take Democracy very seriously.  Seems kind of important.
Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  Even if you don't believe Republicans running for office will actually do ANti-Democratic things.  THey're RUNNING on doing Anti-Democratic things.  So if you VOTE FOR THEM you're rewarding them for those positions.  If they win, those anti-Democracy positions will be more or less ENDORSED and taken as a part of our new political reality.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Anyway getting close to being done with Act I!  How hard is it to just come out as Pro-Democracy is the point.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Rule Of Law is another related, overlapping general concept that you can think of as being On The Ballot.  YEAH.  Look what else do I got going for me.  How much time am I gonna have comfortably to write Act II.  Ideally I guess about 45-55 minutes.  No problem there.  RULE OF LAW, that sounds great actually.  You mean Like Harassing Poor Minorities, Right?  Actually I was thinking about holding powerful people accountable for their brazen public crimes as well as upholding the appropriate amount of good faith legitimacy and accountability in and of the checks and balances in our government and other institutions.  Oh NOW YOU"VE LOST ME.
Last paragraph before walk!  What else do I got going on for me.  Shuold I have SoupSide tonight or PotatoSide for dinner.  TOO EARLY to think about that. ...MAYBE SOUP SIDE.  Ugh.  ANyway let's see.  What else is going on.  What gum I  got going on right now.  Tropical Twist.  I think I also have Bubble Gum, too.  Better break that out.  Right now all I got is Tropical Twist  at my immediate disposal.  Take a pack of bubble gum and PUT THAT on desk thing by my door as well.  I mean UPCOMING WALK is Tropical Twist, sure, but I should be prepared for choices for future walks.  Hmm.  Guess I'm putting on Another Side OF Bob Dylan now.  The one song I know and enjoy is THE LAST TRACK.  It'll take me FOREVER to get to that song.  In the mean time enjoy some of these other songs.  Some of which I recognize the titles as Beloved Songs.  Now I GET to see what they're all about.  IT'S ABOUT TIME.  Hmm.  I'll be back in a little bit!




Wide World Of Sports Eh

    Hey friends.  Gotta write Act II now.  Ideally in Oh I Don't Know fourty five minutes.  So that's good and crap.  Listened to first 60% of Another Side Of Bob DYlan.  Perfecty good Bob Dylan album!  All these songs are sure Bob Dylan songs and there's absolutely nothing wrong with them!  I don't get why this would get mixed reviews.  WHAT EXACTLY DID YOU WANT if not this.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  When I first started the album I immediately liked the first track and was like I gotta remember to tell people how much I dig this first track!  Then as time passed I realized THIS IS ALL GOOD it turns out.  Is First Track still my favorite?  I DON'T REMEMBER.  I know he does a weird Yodel Thing with his voice several times in that song.  That doesn't show up in subsequent songs.  THAT WAS FUN.  Also Yodel is a Singing Thing and a Cake Snack thing.  LEMME LTURQ.  Frosted Cream Filled Cakes.  WHAT THE HELL.  These look DELICIOUS.  Where can SOMEONE LIKE ME get some Yodels?  Probably lots of places.  That'd be my guess.  Hmm.
   Four paragraphs to go for DayTime Day.  What kinda snack do I got coming my way in about two hours?  I DUNNO.  Fiber One Brownie most likely.  Perhaps a Cinnamon Coffee Cake enterprise.  Put it in fridge an hour before I wanna eat it.  THAT SOUNDS REASONABLE.  Gotta imagine either the Snack is paying royalties to The Singing or The Singing is paying royalties to The Snack.  I bet IT STARTED OUT the snack had to pay royalties to the singing.  Singing came first!  But AS TIME WENT ON and people had positive associations with Yodels The Snack more and more, it got FLIPPED, and now the Singing is paying to keep being the same name as the snack now.  WOW.  Also you don't need to wonder if Republicans will actually Perform Anti-Democracy things because they already do!  They have for a long time!  And it just keeps increasing.  And I feel like this could be a potential inflection point so if they take congress Anti-Democracy actions will now be increasing EXPONENTIALLY.  Oh okay that sounds pretty bad.  Maybe the Democrats hold on and win both house and senate!  Oh that'd be a best case scenario for sure.
Three paragraphs to go.  INFLECTION POINT?  I THINK I KNOW WHAT THOSE WORDS MEAN.  What else is going on and crap.  Read some History Book, then George Carlin, then back to History Book.  That's probably All The Book for today.  UNLESS I do history book, George Carlin, history book AND THEN GEORGE CARLIN AGAIN.  It's POSSIBLE I guess that happens.  Anyway I miss Carrie Brownenstein Book.  I LIKED those people in the book.  I like Bob Dylan too but IT'S NOT THE SAME.  Do I like some History People?  I dunno that's different too.  They're HISTORICAL people.  I feel like liking Current Arts & Entertainment Relevant People MORE.  So that's good and crap.  Hmm.  What kinda book I got AFTER George Carlin.  I DUNNO.  I may not have any Memoir from Arts & Entertainment people In House.  Maybe I should order one from The Amazon TODAY.  DANGIT I gotta figure out which one to get.  That's a chore and a half.  Anyway.  Walk.  Shower.  Walk. Lunch.  Lotta Reading.  Walk.  THEN RE-CALIBRATE.  Probably do some reading BEFORE Walk Before Lunch.  Wait a second I confused myself.
Penultimate paragraph of DaytimeDay!  Wonder when I'll take penultimate walk.  Standard Normal Time I project will be when I used to normally wake Penultimate walk-- around 7 PM and/or after Dinner Delivery comes.  NEW routine though, I can take it ANYTIME after 5th walk, leaving between 3:30 and 7:30.  THIS IS GONNA BE INTERESTING to see how it plays out in real time.  To be fair more often than not I'm gonna have to be In House between 6 and 7 PM to accept a Dinner Delivery.  Probably 4-5 times a week, that's the standard!  OH OKAY I SEE VERY INTERESTING.  HMM Twitter is saying James Corden is guilty of being a jerk.  Better LURQ.  Also he's the carpool karaoke guy right.  Better LURQ.  HMM.  INTERESTING.  SOME SORT OF RESTAURANT JERK.  Not as Jerkiness as I was prepared for!  Kinda thought it'd be worse.  THEN AGAIN I may just be reading THE LEAST OF IT.  Maybe there's more beyond the several paragraphs I read.  NO WAY OF KNOWING.
Last paragraph!  Hmm.  LOOK would a Chocolate Chip Cookie flavor Fiber One Brownie be even better today?  YEAH.  But I have only one of them AT MOST.  I guess I'm comfortable finishing the one today.  It's worth it.  GOOD THING I WROTE THESE SENTENCES.  I almost committed a grave error and had the wrong flavor Fiber One Brownie!  Also it's possible I have ZERO o the Chocolate Chip Cookie flavor brownie.  In which case all this consideration is for Knot.  Oh wll such is life. Gonna enjoy those garlic knots.  Not sure about the tamale.  Probably will be okay.  But the garlic knots?  CHEF KISS.  OH NO JAMES CORDON SAW THE CHEF KISS AND TURNED IT AWAY.  Demanded a new one!  And he won't pay for it!  Either the old one OR the new one!  What else.  Don't need anything for delivery for today OR tomorrow.  Gonna have to ACCEPT delivery.  Is there a way I can get chocolate chip pancakes and work that into meals over the next few days.  Technically SURE but it'd be PRETTY PRETTY clunky.  Adding meals upon meals to what I already got in store.  Anyway.  I'll be back tonight!




that'll do it for me

    Hey!  Reading today didn't go quite as expected.  TURNS OUT I WAS TALKING ABOUT READING, PA and not the Action Verb.  Wait no that's incorrect.  Lemme Start Over.  READING TODAY DIDN'T GO QUITE AS EXPECTED.  Finished Nephew History book instead of dividing time between that and, "George," Carlin Book.  What's George short for.  Or Long for.  Either way gotta be a better way to say the name George one way or another.  Anyway.  Talked to my Brother on Phone for half an hour.  That threw a, "Wrench," into the, "Works."  THE POINT IS delicious blueberry tootsie pop going on now.  Looks like the Guardians FAILED in their mission to stop the Yankees from progressing to the next stage of the play-em-offs.  GREAT.  Yankees the only team I gotta actively root against.  NOW I've got to spent A LOT MORE TIME AND EFFORT rooting against a team in baseball.  I coulda be DONE with the time and effort I have to send on baseball for the year but NOPE.  Now another week AT LEAST.  POSSIBLY ANOTHER TWO WEEKS.  This SUCKS.  Oh well, we all got jobs to do.
   Start back up with George Carlin book tomorrow.  Probably start a new Nephew Historytype book.  I can't wait to remove the book jacket.  I'm not gonna deal with this jacket each time I pick up and put down the book.  TAKE IT OFF, put it aside for the time being.  When I'm done with the book completely I'LL PUT THE JACKET BACK ON.  It's called STRATEGY ever heard of it.  Man oh man was blueberry the right way to go.  It's called STRATEGY ever hear of it.  YES just several sentences ago.  Apparently it's all anyone can talk about these days!  Hmm.  Made some more Bob Dylan progress.  What's the name of the album I'm on now.  I forget.  I think it's 2001 release date.  OH right.  It was released on 9/11.  I noted that with interest because I"ve been told specifically to never forget that date.  And so far I haven't!  "Love and Theft."  #10 Bob Dylan album.  Think I'm about halfway through the album.  So far so good.  I think.  Probably. SEEMS like it'd be so far so good.
Third paragraph of Act III part I!  Delightful.  A bit behind schedule today.  Ate dinner about Oh I Don't Know twuenty minutes later than usual.  Talking to my brother on the telephone changed my nighttime schedule a bit!  DANGIT just bit into tootise pop.  I guess it wasn't so bad.  I'm enjoying the chewing part going on as we speak.  Hmm.  Watched a few Tales In The Crypt today.  Episodes Three through Four and also through Five.  Still got one more episode of season I!  Gonna watch that sucker TONIGHT before BEDTIME.  Delightful.  Looks like a Yankees pitcher got injured in a head on collision in the outfield today.  Can't play for the rest of the post season!  I TAKE TAHT AS A MORAL VICTORY.  WE LOST because the Yankees won The Baseball Game but WE WIN because ONE OF THEIRS GOT HURT.  So that's good and crap.  Look he's gonna be okay.  I'm not celebrating anyone's DEATH or anything.  COULD He eventually die from Long Outfield Collision Disease?  WE DON'T KNOW, we don't know the numbers on that sorta thing yet.
   Halfway through Act III Part I!
  Good.  Okay so I'm rooting for the Houstonish Astros against the Yankees and I GUESS the Padres over the Philistines.  Philistines too synonymous with sin.  Also synonymous too overlapping with sin in terms of phonetic syllables.  You can't argue with FACTS like that.  SYN O NYM O US.  I WILL SIN by conjuring up a spell for the NYM (New York Mets) to win the world series for US.  I CAN'T DO THAT.  TOO LATE.  I don't care HOW much Witches' Magic you can conjure up!  Nothing can get them back in the world series driver's seat for 2022.  Right?  Seems like it'd be too late to me.  Also TOO EARLY to cast a sell for 2023, either!  SEE IF THEY CAN ACCOMPLISH IT without you wasting your Magic.  So basically as of now JUST SIT TIGHT, that's how I feel.  What else.  Had 3 sizable garlic knots and the tamale for lunch.  Tamale was good.  The outside of it was pretty inedible.  It was like eating straw.  I didn't MIND it but you couldn't even get any good Teeth-tear-rips in.  Pretty much just abandoned it to eat the inside.  WHICH WAS PRETTY GOOD.
Penultimate paragraph before Recess.  Anyway.  Only had 40 calorie fudgesicle as 2nd Daytime snack.  I was thinking about delicious 100 calorie iced cream sandwich but when I got distracted with phone call I DETERMINED I didn't need ALL THAT.  SO BASICALLY the door is WIDE OPEN for upcoming snack.  I could have 130 calorie Golden Graham bar.  I COULD HAVE 170 CALORIE BIRTHDAY BAR.  Been a while since I had a birthday bar.  Also it makes sense because I plan on celebrating my birthday later this year!  Observing it, at least.  I don't know if I'll actively, "Celebrate," my birthday.  Just Passively, "Observe," my birthday, that's what I intend to do!  Hmm.  I PROJECT BEING COLD tonight.  Gonna go out in the elements with just a sweatshirt jacket and I just got a solid hunch I'll be cold.  WHAT IF I WEAR A HEAVIER JACKET.  HEY NOW HOLD UP FOR A SECOND.  I DON'T TINK YOU'RE REALIZING WHAT YOU'RE SAYING.  Huh.  I lost track of what I was saying.
Last paragraph before walk!  Looking VERY likely I'm gonna be having a Classic Breakfast tomorrow morning.  Can't wait.  It'll be a blast!  What kinda lunch we talkin' for tomorrow.  Next two lunches gonna be turkey sandwich with SomeSortOfSandwichSide and chicken ceasar salad with one garlic knot side.  Sure it leaves me with An Odd Knot.  Sure I have no idea what to do with that.  Lemme think.  Hmm.  Maybe I can use it as BAIT to catch A BIGGER portion of food.  Either lose it and end up with nothing-- no harm done!-- or I land AN ENTIRE LUNCH.  That makes sense.  Plenty of sense.  Also I alluded to this earlier without making this connection-- Another Side Of Bob Dylan is PRETTY MUCH YUOR STANDARD SIDE OF BOB DYLAN.  This album is JUST WHAT I EXPECT from Bob Dylan PERHAPS TO A FAULT.  You're WAY OFF saying it's ANOTHER side.  Anyway.  I have the benefit of 50 years and lots more exposure to Bob Dylan than they had at the time though.  Oh well what can ya do. ROUND IT TO SIXTY YEARS NOT FIFTY, WE CAN START THERE.  Oh okay sure.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Gonna take a walk now.  Sweatshirt Jacket and all! 

   Looks like next album is DESIRE (1976).  Sounds like a real wildcard.  Gonna be a UNIQUE one that's how I feel.  Smells like it'll Probably gonna be a favorite album of people with taste.  Oh.  I get it.  Anyway I just had delicious Birthday Bar and it turned out to be kinda filling enough!  ALL THROUGHOUT WALK I didn't think I needed that much to fill myself up.  As I was approaching house I realized WAIT A SECOND I'M HUNGRY.  So I ate the heartiest thing I could think of-- birthday barr-- and just prayed against hope that it'd APPROACH being satiating enough.  AND IT DID.  Or was.  I forget what words I was using just now but the premise of what I'm trying to say is DELICIOUS AND ENOUGH.  Hmm.  Could I have said I have a real sixth sense about these things after the sentence ending with people with taste?  Sure!  I could say anything I want!  Pretty nifty platform I set up for myself here! 
   Four para.. WAIT ONLY THREE PARAGRAPHS TO GO.  That's right.  Mere 4 paragraphs overall for This Section Enterprise.  Good deal.  What kinda iced cream bar are we looking at after Collection Completed (Tales In The Crypt Episode).  Mint Chocolate Chip or Sea Salt Caramel.  I TINK I have 2 left over of each.  IF I have one more left of one compared to the other THAT WILL BE WHAT I BASE DECISION ON.  Have the one I have surplus of.  WHAT IF THEY'RE TE SAME?  I dunno!  We'll have to weight and sea.  Oh right lemme LURQ Desire track listing.  Maybe I recognize some of these titles real good.  WOW THIS IS TE ONE TAT LEAD OFF WIT HURRICANE.  Everyone like them Some Hurricane!  TATS GREAT JUST GRAT.  How are the Pads doing in their battle against the Phils.  They're losing by Two Units Of Measurement.  Not sure if I'm gonna have brown sugar cinnamon pop tart tomorrow or frosted blueberry.  AS OF NOW I think I'd prefer Brown Sugar Cinnamon.  But it's 15 more calories or so!  BUT I'd have to GET ON CHAIR to reach frosted blueberry.  Well I'll have to do it Sooner Or Later.  If anything it makes me wanna do it tomorrow MORE.  Just to GET IT OUT OF TE WAY so I won't have the pop tarts out of reach indefinitely for what could turn into a long period of time.
Okay.  Hmm.  Hmm.  I have 2 each of Sea Salt Caramel and Mint Chocolate Chip.  I ALSO have THREE small iced cream sandwiches.  I was gonna have one earlier!  I COULD HAVE that at Knight Time.  THE SONG AFTER, "HURRICANE," IS ISIS?  WHAT IS THIS JERK SOME SORT OF TERRORISM SYMPATHIZER?  It's bad enough he sympathizes with The Guy Who Robbed Some Bar And Killed People.  NOW HE'S SIDING WITH ISIS?  What's NEXT.  Mozambique.  GREAT NOW HE'S SIDING WIT MOZAMBIQUE.  Will the injustices NEVER CEASE?  Anyway I'm gonna watch some Collection Completed real good.  Focus on TV entire time. No reading the phone!  Either read the phone BEFOREHANd or just put it all off until tomorrow.  THIS EPISODE IS ABOUT THE ELDERLY and they deserve all the attention they can get.  Enjoyed the garlic knots a lot today.  I think part of it is that they're heartier than I account for in Calorie Estimation.  So OF COURSE I'll enjoy them more because There's More Of it.  But also just because bread is delicious.  I think we're all in agreement on that.
Last paragraph of the De!  Day.  Had half a potato with Dinner tonight.  That means I'm having Soup with dinner tomorrow.  Anyway what kinda book we reading tomorrow.  George Carlin FOR SURE.  Do I jump right back into another Nephew History book?  Maybe.  MAYBE NOT.  I've NARROWED IT DOWN TO THOSE THINGS.  Is Mozambique in MOROCCO.  Probably not.  I guess we'll never know for sure.  WAIT THE INTERNET.  I CAN FIND OUT RIGHT NOW IF I WANTED TO.  WOW.  What else is going on and crap.  Mozambique isn't IN anything.  It's a COUNTRY.  Oh so you're saying it's NOT in Morocco then.  Oh well.  Is it possible Morocco is in Mozambique?  Nope.  EXTREMELY unlikely.  Morocco on ENTIRELY opposite side of Africa.  Morocco TOP LEFT of Africa.  Mozambique BOTTOM RIGHT of Africa.  If we're looking at it STRAIGHT ON.  And not UPSIDE DOWN and/or BACKWARDS.  YEAH.  I of course can also have Fudge Iced Cream Bar.  Mint chocolate and sea salt caramel are one brand.  Fudge thing is another brand.   Iced cream sandwiches are Yet Another Brand.  THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  I'll be back tomorrow.

-10:20 P.M.




Monday, October 17, 2022

This May Be Worth Your Time

    Hey friends!  Some not great news on several fronts!  First of all I'm about 2.5 hours beehind.  Meaning I'm gonna take just 4 or 5 walks instead of 7.  And obviously have less time in middle of the day for reading.  If I do five walks I still got a real nice chunk for reading.  Even Six isn't' that bad!  SEVEN WOULD NOT ALLOW MUCH TIME AT ALL THOUGH.  Anyway.  Go an hour and 10 minutes to write this act.  Should be able to fit in all 10 paragraphs, but maybe I cut it short at 8 or 9.  And write the bonus paragraphs as part of Act II.  Anyway.  ALSO had a nice Bange Eating last night.  Planned out today on how to make up for it.  Birthday Bar or Frozen Breakfast Sandwich for lunch.  Balanced Breakfast for dinner.  About half the normal amount of snacks.  That pretty much gets me there.  With one or two less walks, and that, still a few hundred calories more than I want.  Maybe as much as 300-500.  STILL MAKES UP FOR MOST OF IT.
    So that's good.
  For some reason my Dad felt compelled to tell me about a Poll he saw in NYTimes that was bad for Democrats.  WHY.  It's just one poll.  With me not keeping tabs on 538 IT'S ONLY GOING TO NEEDLESSLY UPSET ME.  And make me wanna check 538 to feel better.  Which could totally backfire and I feel worse!  DANGIT DAD.  Anyway.  What kinda stuff did I bange on.  Some of my Mom's Dove Candies.  Some Pop Tart.  Some 2/3rd donut.  That's about it.  Overall close to half a poundsworth of calories.  And I project to consume around 700-900 calories for Rest Of Day.  OH WELL more or less Not Too Bad.  Anyway what's in the news in the wide world of sports.  Apparently there's a poll that's not great for The Democrats.  IN THE NYTIMES.  OH NO THIS IS TERRIBLE NEWS.  Democrats gotta do better messaging about Economy.  That seems to be priority for people supporting Republicans.  While Democrats are actually a lot better for most people on Economy.  FIGURE IT OUT YOU FOOLS.  OR don't.  Maybe get people to care more about what they already trust you with.  What am I some sort of Political Consultant.  NOPE.
   Yeah!  Yankees and Guardians Facing Off in a DO OR DIE game 5 tonight.  Whoever wins gets to progress to next series.  Whoever loses gets to go home!  Or somewhere else!  Now LAW that says they have to go home.  In fact I bet they could use a vacation.  Also when the winner of Superbowl Is Going To Disneyland can the losers go, too.  I feel like they're not gonna specifically BAR the Superbowl Losers from going to Disnelyland.  And let's face it the losers need it more than the winners do.  Gotta cheer up somehow!  Anyway.  How big is Disnely Land compared to Disney World.  Like 25% or so the size, right? Lemme LTURQ.  Hmm. Physical Sizewise 51 Disneylands fit in Disney world.  Ok but what about Actual Attraction Wise.  Not seeing any numbers right away.  And I don't care enough to do any deeper research.  FALSITTUDE.  I do care.  It's Interesting To Me.  I just don't feel like looking it up right now.  Anyway.  Probably gonna go with 5 walks today.  That should be tons of fun.  NOT SURE WHATTADO about shower.  Gonna be writing act II when shower normally takes place.  Guess my options are take shower later or skip shower.
Wrote those three paragraphs real quicklike.  Eleven minutes or so.  Good deal!  Finished Bob Dylan's Oh Mercy this past walk.  Good stuff!  Hmm just occurred to me to listen to more Bob Dylan Albums.  Possibly ALL Bob Dylan Albums.  That'd be a fun exercise that will take me a long time.  ALL OF EM!  Maybe chronological order.  Maybe I find some Ranking of Bob Dylan Albums and listen from best to worst.  Hmm this could be fun.  I like it!  Anyway.  One bad thing about not having regular lunch or dinner is that I had planned out lunches and dinners so they last me right up until re-upping with Super Market on Friday.  Now I'm gonna have an extra lunch and POSSIBLY an extra dinner!  Oh well it'll work itself out.  Probably.  Anyway.  Gotta finish Bob Dylan book today.  And I guess make as much progress in Uncle History Book as possible to compliment that.  Sounds reasonable.  Two and a half hours behind schedule and I'm STILL accomplishing a lot!  Amazing.  Wow I wrote another paragraph in about 3 minutes.  This is easy!
   Hmm.  I guess if I feel like it I could have balanced breakfast for lunch and Breakfast sandwich/quest bar for dinner.  HMM.  The point is I'm gonna be asleep about 11 hours from now.  That's not so much time to fret about being hungry and eating and crap.  Hmm.  Wanna save balanced breakfast for dinner.  It may not be a full sized Meal but it's something to look forward to!  Delicious, takes a reasonable amount of time to finish, and will be the heartiest meal of the day!  So all that is good.  I feel like Disney land is about 20-30% of the Attractions of Disney World PROPER.  Hmm.  Are there any Supplemental Parks to Disney Land like there is Disney World.  Looks like there's, "Disney Land Park," and, "Disney California Adventure Park."  TOO SIMILAR NAMES.  People will get confused!  Gotta make the names slightly more different.  Hmm what's the premise of California Adventure.  Some sort of SAFARI?  I think they're just the same thing.  But different.  I don't get it!  BUT I LIKE IT.  I wanna go to California Adventure.  I LOVE ADVENURE.  Coffee time.
  Six walks is definitely do-able.  But what's the point if I make up another 85 calories.  Is it WORTH reading less today?  I dunno!  Either way.  If I don't have a snack over the next 3 hours before lunch, gonna go with Breakfast Sandwich for lunch.  That's the goal!  I was originally planning to have snack and then Quest Bar.  NO SNACK AND BREAKFAST SANDWICH SOUNDS A LOT BETTER.  Anyway what else is going on.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Chocolate Cupcake Day.  That sounds great.  I'd have a chocolate cupcake all things being equal.  What kinda chocolate cupcake could I get tomorrow.  I guess I can go into super market on my walk and get a regular generic brand of cup cake.  You know like HOSTESS or something.  What's another normal cupcake-type-stuff brand.  Hmm.  DRAKES.  Maybe an ENTENMANNS.  You get the idea.  NOT QUITE YET.  I feel like there's a couple Standard Ones we all Know and Love that I haven't thought of yet.  OH WELL TOO LATE NOW.  Gotta move on with my life!
Seventh paragraph.  Wrote six paragraphs in less than half an hour!  I think that's a good thing.  Could be wrong.  FEELS like a good thing.  Hmm.  Did I mention HOSTESS.  Yes.  Yes I did!  GOOD.  My Dad better tell me a NYTime Poll that's in the Democrats favor.  AND SOON.  And then NOTHING ELSE EVER AGAIN.  Balance off the bad news and CALL IT A DAY.  What else is up and crap.  Was thinking about just going with Walk III after Act II but at this rate I can AND PROBABLY SHOULD fit in a shower as well.  I dunno.  We'll see how it goes!  Anyway MONDAY.  First day of the workweek!  Ya'll know what that's like.  Possibly.  Gotta imagine if there's a, "Ya'll," that is reading this, some of, "Ya'll," know what Mondays are like in terms of being the first day of the workweek.  Workweek is a word.  According to Microsoft FrontPage  I don't like it.  I can GROW to like it I guess.  Just give me some time!  But as of now NO THANKS.
Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Just googled Top Bob Dylan Albums.  Or Bob Dylan Albums Ranked.  I forget what I googled.  Lemme LTURQ.  It was, "Top Bob Dylan Albums."  Anyway out of the first few hits I think I'm gonna go with the one from CONSEQUENCE dot net.  I don't know what it is but it SOUNDS legit.  Anyway they got top 15 albums.  And 14 is OH MERCY.  I guess I'll do this either frontwards or backwards.  Which is the way to go.  That's a tough one.  Now I'm confused.  I think originally I was thinking I'd start with the best and work my way down.  Now I dunno!  Especially if we're dealing with top 10 or 15 instead of just ALL OF EM.  If it was all 60 of em I'd start from top down because I dunno how much pleasure I'd get out of listening to his 60th best album.  THIS WAY THOUGH I'M NOT SO SURE.  Maybe just put on Current Music.  I'M CONFUSED.  What else is crap and shit.  Something called Tasty Cake.  Something called Little Debbies.  I don't think I had either of them.  But I READ THEM and now I RECALL them somewhat.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  Delightful.  Probably gonna put Breakfast Sandwich in oven.  Makes sense to me.  It can't be Little Debbies.  Gotta be Little Debby's.  Maybe there are multiple Debbies and they're all little.  But more likely there's ONE Little Debby and ALL OF THIS IS HER STUFF.  OH I SEE.  Her name is SPELLED Debbie.  So it's little Debbie's.  Halfway between The Two Ways I Was Wrong.  Hmm.  John Wesley Harding.  That's the album name of Bob Dylan's 15th best album according to CONSEQUENCE dot net.  I like their webpage name.  It FEELS like something you've heard of before.  Possibly because I've heard it before.  Either way.  Hmm.  From 1967?  NOW YOU'VE GOT MY ATTENTION.  The SUMMER OF LOVE.  Well 1/4th of it anyway.  Probably was recorded before the summer of love.  Let's see when it was released.  OH it was released DECEMBER 27th.  At that point maybe IT WAS recorded during the Summer Of Love.  THINGS JUST GOT INTERESTING.
Yeah!  One more paragraph.  Wrote this Act real quicklike.  Amazing.  WOW someone in my Twitter feed posted NYTimes poll which was bad.  I guess it's an important poll.  DANGIT.  The important thing is to either take lessons from the poll and Do Better Based On It OR Ignore The Poll and stick to Strategy Pre-Poll.  Either way try to do the right thing to help you win the election.  That's my best advice.  What else do I got going for me.  It'd be nice to have those two Breakfast Toaster Pockets for lunch.  That's an extra 100 calories.  Hmm.  Maybe it's worth it.  To HAVE FUN with it.  100 calories won't make a huge difference one way or the other.  I've given myself a lot to think about.  REALLY.  I'LL THINK ABOUT IT.  FOR REAL.  I wouldn't lie to you.  Well I would.  If I had a good reason to!  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  Breakfast sandwich is 100 less calories and probably equally or MORE hearty.  SORRY them toaster pockets JUST AIN'T THAT HEARTY.  Whatever.  Time for a walk.  Be back soon!




I Can't Say For Certain

    Hey!  Listened to first 3/4ths of John Wesley Harding.  Totally fine album!  Pleasant enough to listen to.  Ya get some good Bob Dylan music and lyrics.  Nothing wrong with this album at all!  So that's good.  Gonna fit in a shower after this act.  Then take a walk.  Also I'm planning on fitting in a sixth walk in Late MidDay.  Before NIGHT (6 PM).  But a lot closer to NIGHT than MidDay (12PM).  I dunno about A LOT closer.  Close enough that it's Definitively Closer.  Say around leaving 4, 4:30 PM.  Hmm.  Is it possible that Republican Voters are embarrassed to say they're voting Republican out Hate or Spite so they just say Economy?  Possible!  But I think most Embarrassed Republicans will say Crime or something.  They figure that's not giving too much away.  Hmm.  Is it just me or are Democrats clearly better for the Economy on both Macro and Micro levels.  Except for the wealthy and corporations.  Gonna be better for most people individually and be better for economy as a whole!  Maybe instead of Breaking News Top Story Polls do some breaking news top stories about educating people on the issues?  That'd be weird!
   Anyway.  Four paragraphs to go before Shower.  Lookin' like I'll comfortably not eat before lunch.  Real Comfortable Like.  Hmm.  Got about 70 pages of Bob Dylan to go.  Even WITH bonus midday walk AND doing some History Reading, I should be able to finish this Bob Dylan today.  So that's good.  Bob Dylan LISTENING TO has just begun though.  15 albums?  Let's estimate I'll listen to that One Third To Three Quarters Of The Time on my walks until I'm done with these 15.  Guess I'll finish them within 2-6 days.  Already listened to #14!  It was OH MERCY.  Wait is that what it was called.  Yep that's EXACTLY what it was called.  Hmm.  Is All Along the Watchtower a Bob Dylan song that, "BROKE," on this album?  Or is it a cover that only HIS VERSION Broke on this album.  I feel like James Hendrix did that song PROBABLY first but POSSIBLY second.  NOPE.  BOB DYLAN SONG.  Wow!  I guess that's the Highlight Breaking News of This Album.  All Along The Watchtower Album.  I liked listening to that song!  I didn't hate it at all!  Also HOW LONG IS THIS WATCHTOWER.  Most TOWERS aren't long.  Right?  Not sure what a watchtower is.  I know what a TOWER is.  And I know what WATCH means.  I feel like I got a good handle on what a watchtower is!
   Three paragraphs to go!  Am I supposed to listen to Oh Mercy AGAIN after John Wesley Harding.  I don't THINK so.  Also WHO THE HELL is this John Wesley Harding character.  My guess is he's related to Will Harding or Horace Harding.  By Will Harding I OBVIOUSLY mean Warrace Harding THE PRESIDENT.  And by Warrace Harding THE PRESIDENT I OBVIOUSLY mean Warren Harding The President.  Anyway.  Horace Harding is an EXPRESSWAY passing by my neighborhood.  I don't KNOW who Horace Harding was exactly.  Lemme LTURQ.  Banker, Financier, and Art Collector.  WOW.  SOME GUY COLLECTED ART?  WE BETTER IMMORTALIZE HIM IN EXPRESSWAY FORM.  I don't get it!  Musta done SOMETHING halfway productive for Queens New York or something.  Oh he supported The Roadways.  Was on board with Robert Moses.  So he was INSTRUMENTAL in Roads.  Makes sense to immortalize him In A Road Of His Own.  That makes sense I guess.  Probably was a jerk though.  He's a, "Banker."  I DON'T THINK I HAVE TO TELL YOU WHAT THAT MIGHT MEAN.
   Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day!  Good deal.  Possible I might be interested in watching Baseball Game Tonight.  Game 5 of Best Of 5 game series.  ALSO it's tied 2-2 as of now.  Neither team has already won 3 games making this game moot.  That's good.  Otherwise WHAT ARE THE STAKES.  Just take the day off and one team can go home and/or Disney Land and the other team can prepare for Further Upcoming Series!  That's how I feel.  Hmm.  WHAT THE HELL.  Grace Meng is only on the Democratic Party Ticket and not the Working Family Party Ticket.  There must be some mistake!  All other Democrats on ballot are on both tickets.  WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA.  Better LTURQ. NOT SEEING ANY INFO ON THIS.  I mean it's not like Working Family is endorsing someone else.  No confusion there.  Anyway I dunno what else is going on and crap.  I wonder how big a snack I have midday.  And how much snack I have post dinner.  Could be as little as 170 calories between the both of them and THREE HUNDRED TWENTY calories between the both of them.  Ugh.  One more paragraph to go!
   Sure.  The point is I'm not worried about the news reporting info on the issues instead of parroting Republican talking points or just focusing on polls as if they're immovable and not transient.  If they wanna inform people, they would!  If they don't, they won't.  What can ya do about it.  The point is AM I SURE I wanna read some History Book before Bob Dylan? NO.  I'm not sure.  Right now that' what I'm leaning towards, though.  Hmm.  I think I ate a few hundred less calories overnight than I was estimating this morning.  Which is good news.  Good news FOR ME.  Let's read CONSEQUENCE NET several paragraph Blurb about John Wesley Harding.  OH GREAT THOSE PARAGRAPHS WERE GREAT.  Amazing.  Anyway.  Wrote an entry today.  Well, most of it.  Will finish it tonight!  But there was a time this morning when it looked like I might take the day off.  AND THEN WHERE WOULD WE BE.  Probably more or less the same place, down a few paragraph.  Oh that sounds not so bad.  Probably not!  Oh well.  Gonna take a shower now.  Be back tonight!




you can read can't you

    Hey friends!  Yankee game is delayed and internet says it's raining.  Appears to NOT BE RAINING in my neighborhood.  Either way I hope I can take upcoming sixth walk after Act III Part I.  Hmm.  If I can't figure I can blame God.  I dunno who makes it rain but off the top of my head it's either God or Anyone Else.  Gotta be someone.  Odds are Someone Else I think.  This COULD be God's doing but I dunno just feels like he's not involved in this at all.  Hmm.  Finished Bob Dylan book.  Part V of 5 WRAPPED BACK AROUND to him Starting Off Writing Songs.  NO SPOILERS.  I hope you all get to that on your own.  Read this book.  Get surprised that last 70 pages are Right Where You Wanna Be going into the book in the first place.  YOU WON'T HEAR ANY SPOILERS FROM ME.  Anyway read some Nephew History Book BEFORE Bob Dylan and AFTER.  I'M THE NEPHEW.  I had called it Uncle History Book but this should be more ME-centric.  IT'S A NEPHEW HISTORY BOOK FROM THIS PERSPECTIVE.  So that's GOOD?  It's better than it was before!  The More Me, the better, that's how I feel!
   Had PRECISELY what I aimed to eat so far today.  Nothin' before lunch.  Breakfast sandwich for lunch.  70 calorie brownie at Night.  Balanced Breakfast for dinner.  Think I'm gonna have tootsie pops with each section of Act III, and then fudgesicle at bedtime.  ALRIGHT.  TOMORROW I GET TO START FROM SCRATCH eating ALL TEH REGULARS.  Anyway I think I'm gonna pick back up in George Carlin memoir to replace Bob Dylan.  About halfway through the Carlin Memoir PER me looking at where index card is roughly sticking out of the book while looking at it Horizontally.  PRETTY CLOSE TO EXACTLY HALFWAY THROUGH.  Good stuff.  I know the next thing I'm gonna replace Nephew History Book, too!  A DIFFERENT NEPHEW HISTORY BOOK.  That's gonna be tons of fun as well.  Can't go wrong there!  Anyway.  Put on some Woodward Guthrie music for half an hour while finishing Bob Dylan book.  HEY THAT'S GREAT JUST GREAT.  Not MORE than great.  Not less than great!  It's Great Just Great!  This Land Is Your Land is TOO Ubiquitous, though.  Feels like something that we INHERITED as soon as America became a country.  We wrote the constitution and someone was like ALSO HERE'S THIS FOLK SONG TO GO ALONG WITH IT.  Anyway Good ON Woodie Guthry is the point.  Man oh man if his name was spelled that way TOTALLY DIFFERENT AESTHETIC We're Dealing With.
  Listened to #13 Bob Dylan album MODERN TIMES.  Probably won't start #12 until tomorrow.  Let's see what album we're dealing with then.  NASHVILLE SKYLINE?!?!?!?!?!?!  IF YOU SAY SO.  I assume Nashville is where Kevin Nash from the World Championship Wrestling is from.  His finishing move was THE POWERBOMB.  Others have powerbombed in the past but Kevin Nash really made it his own.  Who was his tagteam partner.  What was that jerk's name.  Scott something.  Not Scotty Too Hottie. Scott HALL maybe?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  First when I reached Scott Hall's page I Ctrl F'd John Nash to see if they were a tag team.  THEN I REALIZED JOHN NASH WAS A BEAUTIFUL MIND.  John Nash had his own Tag Team either with Imaginary British Roommate or Imaginary CIA Operative.  Maybe they formed a Tag Triplet WHAT DO I KNOW.  Either way I HATE TO BE TE ONE TO SAY IT but this guy's mind AIN'T THAT BEAUTIFUL.  KINDA FUCKED UP.  If you just WATCH the movie You'll See What I'm Talking About!  ONE OF TE WORST MINDS ALL THINGS CONSIDERED when you really think about it.
  Tootsie pop Act III part II and fudgesicle at bedtime.  BUT for NOW instead of 60 cal lollipop gonna have 70 cal fiber one CINNAMON COFFEE CAKE brownie.  YEAH.  HEY THIS IS DELICIOUS.  Even John Nash would get a kick out of this.  Of course he would, why wouldn't he.  His Brain Problems had no effect on him enjoying Health Dessert Snacks.  AS FAR AS WE KNOW.  Anyway John Nash was The Father Of The Power Bomb.  Ugh.  Fourth paragraph.  Still got 2.5 to go before taking a recess.  But then the rest of the day ain't so difficult.  Recess isn't bad unless it's raining hard.  Four paragraphs to go after that ain't bad What With Lollipop And Everything.  Hmm.  Watched half of Episode I Season I of Tales In The Crypt while Supping.  YEAH.  WRAPPED BACK AROUND.  CAUSE TAHT'S TE KIND OF JERK I AM.  I see a show I like I STICK WITH IT through thicke and thine.  Anyway.  How deep into beer #1 am I.  Right around two thirds through.  GOOD I'm GLAD.
   What else is up.
  Am I gonna be able to go to sleep around the normal time tonight.  Drifting off to sleep around 11 PM?  I didn't first get out of bed until after 11 AM.  LESS THAN 12 HOURS OF WAKITUDE?  I think it could be done but it might be a bit of a hassle.  WAKANDA.  WAKE.  IS TEHRE SOME SORT OF CONNECTION THERE FOR JERKS TO MAKE.  Anyway.  Solid chance I put on Nashville Skyline for next walk, solid chance I don't!  Could easily go either way.  What else do I got going for me.  Lemme Spoiler Alert Myself and take a quick looksee at Nashville Skyline Trach Listing.  WOW "LAY LADY LAY."  I've heard of that song before.  Maybe I haven't Heard That Some Before But I've Heard of That Song Before.  Also Sure I heard that song before.  I just can't imagine it Right Now Off the top of my head.  The point is I FORGET but I don't think I'm gonna listen to that tonight.  I'll get around to it tomorrow morning. 
   Yeah!  Last paragraph before recess.  Wonderful.  Still got these garlic knots.  I dunno when I'm gonna have 'em.  Maybe tomorrow.  Oh sounds like I DO have a VERY GOOD IDEA of when I'm gonna have 'em.  Doesn't need to be tomorrow.  But I can really picture enjoying them so Why KNOT.  Also I'm having them with Free Tamale.  Free Tibet.  Free Tamale.  Same thing pretty much more or less.  Hmm.  Wonder what kind of delicious breakfast I'm having tomorrow.  No balanced breakfast!  Don't have egg whites.  Maybe I have Breakfast Toaster Pockets.  Maybe a Classic Breakfast of Pop Tart + Iced Cream Sandwich.  I either have ONE or ZERO donuts left so that's not in the mix.  Hmm.  What's going on again?  Oh right.  Breakfast tomorrow gonna be delightful.  I can't wait!  Okay great I'm gonna go take a walk now.  Be back soon!  GOD DANGIT just as I typed that I can HEAR it starting to rain outside.  OH WELL OUT I GO ANYWAY.  Be back soon!

   Not a fan of today so far.  Both in terms of The Day and The Entry.  Probably in terms of third, fourth, and fifth things a well!  But for now let's just write four more paragraphs.  ACTUALLY let's just write ONE paragraph.  After one paragraph I get to have delicious Choco Pop.  That's something to look forward to in and of itself.  Also the tootsie roll is IN and OF it...self.  Ugh.  Listened to Other Music first half of Recess Walk, and listened to first half of Nashvhille Skylinne for second half of Recess Walk.  It's okay so far!  These sure sound like Bob Dylan songs!  Lyrics are clever and music is a-chuggin!  NO COMPLAINTS FROM ME THUS FAR.  Also this album has SHORT songs.  Some albums got LONG LONG songs.  This album got SHORT SHORT songs.  If I had to pick I'd pick BEING ABLE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN BOTH.  But if I had to pick JUST ONE I'd pick SHORT SHORT.  Anyway it was drizzling real lightly.  PLEASASNT.  I went to the bathroom inside of a Toilet at Starbucks.  PLEZAUNT.
  Probably watch 1.5 Tales In The Crypt when this is over.  Pay attention to it real good.  I haven't checked 538 in about a week and now I'm thinking about getting off twitter too.  I dunno whether that would be GOOD for society or BAD for society.  I think I have things confused.  I'm interpreting things backwards.  I don't know whether  Lack of society news and discussion will be GOOD for ME or Bad for ME.  MY GUESS IS PROBABLY GOOD FOR ME.  Good for me.  What THE HELL.  I just took out a Choco Pop out of the tootsie roll bag without looking and I realized THIS LOLLIPOP HAS ABSOLUTELY NO WRAPPER ON IT.  NAKED AS THE DAY COMES.  I'm sucking on it all the same.  It didn't LOOK tampered with or disrupted in any sort of way.  JUST WAS A SHOCK TO TE SYSTEM, that's all.  It tastes as fresh as any other lollipop.  Either way be careful out there.  If this was Halloween IT'S POSSIBLE some kid would have reached in and grabbed an unwrapped lollipop AND SUDDENLY WE GOT A LAWSUIT ON OUR HANDS.  In THE NEGATIVE direction.  It'd be GREAT if WE WERE TE KIDS PARENTS and getting A BIG CASH SETTLEMENT from a lawsuit in THAT direction.  BUT NO WE'RE TE ONES AT MONETARY RISK AND I DON'T LIKE IT.
Anyway.  Penultimate paragraph of the day!  Delightful.  Guess I'm aiming to get up at 8:15 AM.  Have huge break in middle of the day for reading.  Maybe some resting.  No reason to not consider having a Rest many days in the middle of the day.  Not ENTIRE middle of the day.  Maybe like 30-60 minute rest SOME DAYS if I REALLY feel like it.  We'll see how that goes I guess.  What else is up and crap.  Anyway.  I guess it's good for the environment that one more lollipop wrapper doesn't exist?  Whatever I would have or wouldn't have gotten out of the wrapper is immaterial at this point.  All we know for sure is THIS IS ONE PIECE OF WAX LIKE PAPER that ISN'T gonna pollute the oceans!  UNLESS they made the wrapper but just deposited it directly into The Ocean before even wrapping this tootsie pop with it.  I dunno.  I feel like that's a good philosophical question.  DOES THE WRAPPER to an irregularly unwrapped tootsie pop exist somewhere.  I'm gonna be honest-- I DON'T REALLY KNOW FOR SURE!  Anyway what else.  One more paragraph to go!
   Delightful.  Enjoyed Bob Dylan #13 Album Mondern Times.  That was a Long Song Album.  Still good though!  What else do we got going for us.  Bob Dylan from MINNESOTA.  Don't take my word for it LOOK IT UP RIGHT QUICK YOURSELF.  Anyway.  Not sure what the last few sentences accomplished exactly.  Too bad.  Anyway just about time to bite down into lollipop.  Wanna say at least 1 or 32 more things first.  One or TWO.  Not one or THIRTY two.  That was an error.  Please Forgive!  Anyway gonna bite down NOW.  Between one less walk and everything else, probably had a surplus 300 or so calories based on last night MightNight.  GOOD.  I got to HAVE FUN eating LITTLE during The DayTime Day.  It's good to, "Mix," things up.  Anyway maybe I do some reading after this instead of Tales In The Crypt.  None of the books I've got at my disposal would do though.  Maybe I can look through some Book Reserves I've got piled up somewhere to see if I can find a good NightTime Book.  Anyway.  For now I'm done here!  SWEET.  See ya later!

-9:36 P.M.




Sunday, October 16, 2022

I Didn't Mean It That Way

    Hey!  About 10 minutes ahead of New Schedule.  New schedule is an hour ahead of old schedule.  If I do it this way I can fit in another walk early in the day!  Which leaves me a period of about five hours Midday where I only need to take one 30 minute walk.  At any moment then!  I could do it at 3:30!  I could do it at 7:00!  Balls are in my course.  Court.  I guess balls can be in a course.  Mini golf course. Or maximum golf course for that matter.  Anyway had delicious Balanced Breakfast!  Finished last blueberry eggo.  So now I just got half a box of Cinnamon Toast Eggos.  Still got Egg Whites for one more balanced breakfastsworth.  Pretty sure I should have more than enough cinnamon toast crunch for another breakfast AND reasonable amount of grazing.  Anyway.  Had one nightmight snack last night.  I think.  Not too bad.  Anyway MORNING TIME ACTIVATE.  Looks like MLB Playoffs are WHITTLING DOWN.  I have NO IDEA who to root for.  VERY TOUGH.  Kinda wanna root for the Phillies but that can't be right!
   Hmm.  Three more Episodes of Tales In The Crypt.  Then make some sort of effort to not wrap back around.  Delightful.  When is the Mets game today.  No more Mets games until next April.  WHAT THE HELL.  That's like EIGHTEEN MONTHS.  Wait lemme crunch those numbers.  One, two... three, four... ABOUT SIX MONTHS.  At least they'll definitely be playing High Stakes Games in April.  THEY COULD GO ALL THE WAY NEXT YEAR.  Every game counts.  Anyway.  It'd be exciting if Mets trade for Shohei Ohtani.  The guy who pitches AND HITS.  Not at the same time.  I guess you can pitch to yourself.  Only way I can think of is you just throw the ball up in the sky vertically, quickly grab a bat, and hit it on its way down.  I don't see how you could hit a horizontal pitch you threw yourself.  Unless it's some sort of perpetual motion machine.  Where you throw it once and it keeps going.  Maybe aided by WIND CURRENTS.  Hmm.  Anyway that'd get Mets fans excited.  LIKE ME.  I'm a Met fan.  Probably at least.  That's the assumption I've been operating under for a long time.
   Third paragraph!  Lots of films on Shutter: The Screaming Service that I could watch.  None that jump out at me from behind the bushes, though!  UNLESS I check right now and there' A NEW ONE that looks like it'd hit the spot.  Nope nothing like that.  Anyway.  Not only do I got the 5 hours Minus One Walk in middle of the day to read.  But I got one period of time between walks worth 45 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes to potentially read.  Maybe watch TV with that time period.  Gotta BALANCE Out my day.  All reading and no TV might not be healthy. Hmm.  Oh got the second half of Stephen King movie to watch.  I'll do that for today's That Time Period.  Hmm.  What kinda crap do I got going on otherwise.  Still on Breaking Alternative playlist.  It's a long one!  Feels like I should be more than halfway through at this point but there's plenty left!  LUNCH TODAY-- THOUGHTS?  Turkey sandwich, veggie burger, kids chicken parm, or chicken ceasar salad.  WHAT THE HELL.  NONE OF THOSE SOUND GREAT.  Salad sounds the best but I wanna SAVE THAT for when I have a garlic knot.
   Hmm.  Maybe I can have it without a garlic knot.  HMM.  I got NO kind of bread to have with it.  I dunno.  We'll see what happens I guess.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Pasta Day.  AMAZING.  Lots of kinds of pasts.  Off the top of my head two or three AT LEAST.  Spaghetti.  Macaroni.  Feels like I'm forgetting something.  Hmm.  Wearing grey sweatshirt for first time since 2 or 3 knights ago when I wore it in pouring rain.  Left arm of sweatshirt still kinda moist!  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE.  Gotta move on at some point.  Why not now!  What else is going on and crap.  Is there some dumb dessert lunch that's so good I should actually consider it?  Hmm.  Nothin' coming to mind.  What about dumb frozen lunch.  I got that free burrito thing.  It wasn't a burrito.  Wasn't an empanada.  WHAT was it.  TAMALE, right?  Lemme LTURQ.  Green Chili and Cheese Tamale.  ONLY ONE THOUGH.  Lunch would be TWO of these things.  OH NO THEY GOT ME.  Also got breakfast hot pockets to eat.  THAT SOUNDS GREAT who cares.
   Fifth paragraph!  Making progress with this entry real easy like.  Four paragraphs in 15 minutes!  Whouda thunk it.  Oh right I got SNL to watch too.  Watch the bulk of that as my Meal TV.  Have it on during Lunch and Supper.  That's only gonna be like 15-30 minutes.  Yeah but it's also SURROUNDING meal time.  Maybe 5-15 minutes IN EITHER DIRECTION for each meal.  IT COULD WORK.  Amazing.  Cleveland Guardians have a chance to eliminate New York Yankees tonight in Playoff Game.  Yankees CANNOT eliminate Guardians.  To eliminate Guardians they must NOT JUST WIN TONIGHT but then win A FUTURE GAME as well.  It's an uphill battle.  Which sounds difficult.  Not only are you battling but you're going uphill!  That could be difficult or VERY difficult.  Sometimes uphill is a chore but relatively easy (if you're not battling at same time).  Sometimes uphill can LITERALLY MEAN being EXTREMELY CAREFUL STEP BY STEP so you don't fall and break your neck.  Good luck Battling with THAT kinda hill.  Anyway time for some coffee.
   I feel like finishing Stephen King movie takes precedence over SNL.  Already INTO it.  If I watch SNL I'd forget what happened.  My brain can't hold two different things in its head at once!  My brain has a head?  Sort of.  My head has a brain.  Head is entire skull and skin structure.  HAS A BRAIN INSIDE.  DON' THINK brain has a head though.  I guess I could be wrong though!  Anyway what else is crap.  IDEALLY how much time do I have to write 4.5 paragraphs.  About an hour should be more than enough.  WOW.  I don't need that much at all!  GREAT DEAL.  Playoff game on TBS.  Is Turner Broadcasting System like FOX NEWS in that it's far right propaganda.  It was owned by BILLIONAIRE.  Ted Turner.  Maybe his politics were relatively mainstream!  Also do they have CABLE NEWS CHANNEL.  I feel like CNN MAY have been part of the Ted Turner Family at some point.  HE STARTED CNN.  Not sure how much control and/or a stake he/them has left.  Feels like Ted Turner is dead by now.  Lemme LTURQ.  WOW THIS JERK IS STILL ALIVE.  At 83.  What's his secret?!  NOT DYING YET.  Oh okay that's a good strategy.
   Seventh paragraph.  Feel like Trea Turner is one of the best MLB players on Free Agency this season.  METS HAVE SUPERSTAR at that position already.  OH WELL.  He's listed at Short Stop, Second Base, and Centerfield.  METS COULD PLAY HIM AT 2nd or CENTER.  No reason not to.  Either way NICE NAME.  My first instinct is This Guy Is Good because I like the name.  Hmm.  Over last 7 years he played SS 6 years and 2B 1 year.  CF EARLIER in his career.  OH OKAY I SEE NOW.  WOW THIS SUCKER STEALING A LOT OF BASES.  Hmm.  Time to move on with my life!  We'll circle back around to Trea Turner A LITTLE BIT LATER when Off Season Starts.  Might be getting Italian Food tonight.  So I could have a salad with a garlic knot as soon as tomorrow lunch.  THEN WHATTABOUT TODAY.  Maybe just get Veggie Burger out of the day.  Never gonna be EXCITED about it.  I'll enjoy it good enough when I have it.  JUST DO THAT CRAP TODAY.  Makes sense.  IF WE GET ITALIAN FOOD am I skipping Steak *Stuffed mushroom TONIGHT for it or skipping it TOMORROW for it.  I DON'T KNOW.  I KNOW NOTHING.  NOTHING AT ALL.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Maybe I do watch SNL before Stephen King Film.  They're equally terrifying!  Which is not that much.  I feel like Stephen King movie is gonna become scary at any moment.  But we're 50 minutes into an hour and 50 minutes movie and not that much horror yet.  GOOD MOVIE nonetheless.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  OR I could have salad without side LOOK WE COVERED ALL OF THIS ALREADY.  Anyway what else is crap.  Did stop myself from having a 2nd snack last night.  It was 6 AM!  Still dark outside.  Still FELT like Just OverNight.  But I used LOGIC to TRICK MYSELF into not having something.  Look I'm having breakfast in 2 hours more or less.  C'mon let's just wait.  IT WORKED!  I FELL FOR IT.  Anyway.  National Pasta Day eh.  I could theoretically have pasta tomorrow but I probably won't!  I could theoretically do almost anything but I probably won't.  Hmm.  Two more paragraphs to go!  WOW WROTE 8 in JUST FOURTY MINUTES.
I like BRAGGING about writing QUICKLY.  That's how you know you're a good writer.  The quicker you go, the better a writer you be!  Sounds fair.  I bet if Stephen King wanted to write a daily blog in the format of this he'd KNOCK THAT SHIT OUT OF THE PARK.  Man oh man would it be 200x better than what I do.  Oh well.  He's not doing anything and I AM.  Maybe he'd be better but HE'S NOT DOIN IT meanwhile I'M ON THE FRONT LINE so PAY ME THE RESPECT I DESERVE.  Makes sense.  Anyway what kinda snack I got coming up.  Could EASILY be Small Iced Cream Sandwich.  Been the Star DayTime Snack for the last few weeks.  I dunno we'll see how that goes.  I assume Starlink is some sort of technology to help you identify Constellations.  Also I DON'T BUY Constellations.  I don't think I've EVER ONCE identified a constellation.  I've looked UP at SKY plenty of times AT NIGHT.  A lot of the time even some stars in view!  NEVER HAVE I EVER conjured up a shape or something enjoining them.  Even if you pointed it out to me and went over it with me for hours saying NO LOOK, combine that with there, and thus and so on and crap, I'd NEVER get it.
   Oh well such is life.  What else do I got going on for me.  Plenty of time to work with for New Schedule Format Idea today.  Anyway.  Only question from here on is do I set alarm for 8 AM or 8:15 AM.  YOU COULD MAKE A STRONG CASE FOR EITHER WAY.  Maybe 8:05 AM.  OH WISE GUY EH.  I guess.  I dunno.  How long is Section IV of V of Bob Dylan book.  Gonna be longer than the fourty pages that Part III was.  Lemme LTURQ.  CLOSE TO 80 PAGES.  I could read that today!  Knock some 80 pages out of the park.  I don't like looking at Table of Contents of Bob Dylan Book.  There's like 14 pages of Recommendation Quotes from different reviews and whatknot of the book.  LOOK I GET IT a lot of people liked the book.  YOU'RE GOING TOO FAR THOUGH.  Anyway.  Section Five.  Looks like about 70 pages.  So I'll finish Bob Dylan book tomorrow.  ALSO get some other Book Readins in today and tomorrow.  Amazing!  What kinda side we lookin' at for veggie burger.  Probably have frozen frenched fries.  Maybe break them out for the first time in a while!  Maybe have Pouch Of Cookie!  ANYWAY WALK TIME.




I've Been Waiting For This To Happen

    Hey friends.  Got tons of time to work with for this act.  I guess as much as an hour and twuenty minutes?  Let's aim for getting it done in fourty five minutes.  With an ACTUAL aim of getting it done in THIRTY FIVE minutes.  With an actual IT'D GREATLY PLEASE ME to be done in thirty minutes.  That settles that!  I guess I could get on board with a veggie burger for lunch today.  Maybe a side of 5 small chips aHoy.  IT'S GOING GREAT I GUESS.  Hmm.  If I'm waking up relatively significantly earlier than before, Shall I reconsider times of lunches and dinners? Could push lunch back an hour or an hour and a half.  Can push back dinner about 45 minutes.  I have no reason to do it NOW.  Maybe a reason PRESENTS itself.  Also that one walk I have to do in 5 hours?  Probably just do it at the end of five hours!  So I have one super long period.  Between 3 and 7 or so.  OKAY THAT COVERS EVERYTHING WE'RE ALL UP TO DATE.  Good name for dating website.  Uptodate.  Probably said that before.  I'll say it again.  If I say it three times I'M GRANTED COPYRIGHT OWNERSHIP of the idea.  Hmm.  Gotta remember to bring it up a third time in the future. AND SOON.  The more I dillydally the more likely someone else gets it.
Four paragraphs!  Hmm.  Got more time to watch TV than I thought.  Gonna be able to fit in some TV watching between walks iii and iv, not just iv and v.  PUT SOME SNL ON THAT SUCKER.  Gotta be UpToDate on the latest Culture.  And I'm too lazy to concern myself with The Real Latest Culture.  Let's just settle for SNL being The Latest Culture.  It's EASY and NO ONE GONNA GIVE ME A HARD TIME ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  Never brought my two cans from 2 nights ago yesterday.  Now I got FOUR beer cans in my room.  THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM.  Now my Dad gonna see me bringing down 4 cans and be like YOU'RE DRINKING MORE LATELY and I'll explain the situation to him and he'll be like OH OKAY IF YOU SAY SO.  So that's a terrible position I've put myself in!  Oh well such is life I guess.  Lotta Breaking Alternative left.  I got five more walks today and I'd guess it's gonna last me into tomorrow.  WELL SURE GREAT.  Takes some balls to name your own cable news channel-- especially when there weren't THAT many!-- YOUR NAME.  MY NAME IS TURNER.  THIS IS TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM.  Me, Turner, That's the key thing to remember about this channel.  Good for him.  I guess.  I think DUKE in The Critic is supposed to be a parody of Ted Turner.  Better LTURQ.  YEP SURE IS.
Three paragraphs to go!  Delightful.  Maybe I have lunch at same time but get to snack A BIT earlier.  LOTS OF REASONABLE IDEAS I GUESS.  Already caught up on overnight twitter before I even took my first walk.  Not that much!  I feel like Saturday Night Twitter IN MY FEEDS isn't that busy.  I guess people take 1/20th of their week off in terms of tweeting six times an hour.  THEY'VE EARNT IT.  ENJOY YOUR SEVERAL HOURS.  So that's good.  Over the course of several weeks, both my Mom and my Dad have individually asked me what Keto means on the box of the brownie/bars I got.  I explain to them it's like regular standard diet ideas but PLUS FAT.  I think one of them didn't believe me and the other one didn't understand me.  One GRASPS the concept of Oh you eat fat?  BUT THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT and the other one I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND THE WORDS YOU'RE SAYING.  Anyway.  That's a joke.  Neither o my parents are senile.  Maybe they're GETTING senile but AS OF NOW they're doing a GREAT JOB hiding it.  I'm not seeing any hints at senility from EITHER parent.
   So that's good.  Should be able to fit in entire SNL between upcoming walks III and IV.  Shower first.  Then turn it on after shower!  I THINK SNL runs about an hour and 5 minutes MINUS commercials.  Lemme crunch those numbers.  Half hour show with commercials gonna run ya about 22-23 minutes...  Hmm.  Sounds like we're lookin at ABOVE an hour and 5 minutes but BELOW an hour an 10 minutes.  I CAN HANDLE THAT I THINK in that time period.  Wonderbar.  Nice Clean period of time.  No pausing it and resuming it later OR ANYTHING.  Hmm.  Got some nice Sandwich Thins for bread.  That's the best bread possible out of the 3 or 4 I get regularly for Veggie Burger!  WOW THINGS ARE REALLY LOOKING UP.  So that's good and crap.  I know I'm gonna get some Bob Dylan reading and some Uncle History reading.  MAYBE I work in a third book?  Nah.  Let's just read MORE of the first two books Should I have the time.  Makes sense to me.  Also hey only one more paragraph with plenty o' time to spare.
YEAH.  Been chewing peppermint gum the last couple of days.  My favorite flavor!  I'm not afraid to say it!  I'd say a few years ago my favorite flavor was wintermint with peppermint a close second.  NOW my favorite is Peppermint and I can't even say for sure if Wintermint is that much above Other Flavors in terms of Back Up Flavors.  Hmm.  Any other TV I should get to today.  Stephen King movie Part II as well as SNL.  Hmm.  I guess Tales In The Crypt at bedtime, and some Simpsons if I want.  CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE IMPORTANT.  So that's good.  I think setting alarm for 8:15 AM might be the right way to go.  Gotta remember to do that.  That's not so hard.  One number.  8:15.  Don't even need to remember the AM. I'll figure that out FROM CONTEXT.  So that's good.  Also it works great because when I gotta go in for blood work I'm leaving at 8:30 AM.  And when I'm getting Super Market delivery once a week it's also a perect time to wake up to take a walk first before that for that.  ANYWAY 8:15 is great.  I'll be back tonight!




words are all well and good

    Hey friends!  Had delicious two slices of Sicily-Style Pizza with garlic and anchovie AND half a garlic knot.  Gonna have a garlic knot with salad for lunch tomorrow.  PLUS the other 3.5 garlic knots with Oh I Don't Know FREE TAMALE a little bit later on in the week.  THESE KNOTS ARE BIG.  I may only have THREE garlic knots with the tamale.  Have half a garlic knot AT A RANDOM MOMENT IN TIME.  Well not COMPLETELY random.  I will base it in relevant facts and figures to be determined in real time.  So, great, what else.  Read more History Uncle book.  Read an entire EIGHTY OR SO pages of Bob, "Dylan," book.  We're talkin ENTIRE section iv of V.  GREAT I JUST WATCHED TWO SIMPSONS TOO.  AND I watch SNL.  AND I finished Stephen King movie. AND hey my phone just made the noise indicating I got an e-mail.  I CAN'T WAIT TO CHECK THIS OUT.  WHAT THE HELL KINDA EMAIL DID I JUST GET?!  WOW AN E-MAIL FROM TIM RYAN's campaign.  Or someone PRETENDING to be Tim Ryan's campaign.  GOTTA BE SOME SORT OF TRICK.  They're trying to DOX ME.
Hmm.  My parents got their absentee ballots.  BALLOTS AIN'T ABSENTEE< THE PEOPLE WHO REQUESTED THEM ARE/WILL BE.  I guess that the ballots are absentee AS WELL.  Ballot ain't gonna show up at polling location on election day, either!  ONLY THOUSANDS OF ELECTION DENIERS AND CONSPIRACY THEORISTS WILL BE SHOWING UP AT POLLING LOCATIONS.  I don't like the sound of that.  Kinda sounds like we're sleep walking towards disaster.  Not Really.  WHOSE WALKING.  We're just SLEEPING towards disaster.  NOT EVEN ACCOMPLISHING TE WALKING.  So that'll be fun.  Trump truth'd the most anti-semetic thing I've ever heard in recent memory.  Oh well what can ya do.  It's legitimate political discourse as far as I can tell!  Otherwise it would upset people!  Anyway why haven't I started my lollipop yet.  I just ate the pizza.  I HAD Very filling pizza.  Who needs candy sucking enterprise right now.  NO ONE I GUESS.  But I'm gonna need one SOON.  Oh okay great.  Anyway.  Got back from walk #5 at 2:45 PM.  Had dinner at 7:30 PM.  Had the ONE WALK BETWIXT the times at around 5:15 PM.  WORKED OUT GREAT.  WONDERFUL CRAP AND WHATKNOT.
   What kinda history am I learning these days.
  No spoilers!  That's between ME and THE BOOK.  HISTORY UNCLE BOOK.  Can't wait to finish it.  That way The Book Falls Out Of The Loop as well.  After I finish the book Everything is Just Between ME and ME.  The way, "God," intended!  What about the next book.  Who said I'll ever read a book again SMARTYPANTS.  Anyway what else is crap and shit.  What kinda delicious dessert snack I got coming my way after recess.  Maybe 2/3rd Donut.  Maybe Birthday Bar.  Think I'll go with one of those.  Anyway.  Had Chips aHoy as VeggieSide.  It worked out pretty good.  I did not double up at any time of the 5 cookies. NOR did I snap them in half and stack em like I opined I might a few days ago.  I DID eat a couple of them Held Vertically instead of Horizontally though.  YEAH.  Anyway we just bought Halloween Candy.  ASSORTEDS.  Lemme LURQ what the Assortion Is Made Of.  HAHA WAIT A SECOND.  Tim Ryan's e'mail subject was Things Aren't So Peachy and I took that to mean Bad News and I normally wouldn't click on the e-mail but I did by accident AND THE FIRST TING YA SEE IS SOME GUY (Tim Ryan???) HOLDING A PEACH.  GIVE THIS MAN 35 DOLLARS HE'S EARNT IT.
   What was I gonna say.  Oh.  Looking up What Candy I Got Coming My Way.   Snickers, Twix, Milky Way, and 3 Musketeers.  WOW 125 pieces all in all.  After accounting for average number of projected trick or treaters that will leave us with 123 pieces of candy we didn't particularly want.  Oh well.  I could make some good NightMight snacking of that crap.  It'll be fun and delightful but at  the same time demoralizing and upsetting.  EITHER WAY could have like four as a Dessert Indulgence Snack.  THAT'S reasonable and not upsetting.  Hmm.  WHAT THE HELL THERE'S TWO KINDS OF MILKY WAY.  There's Milky Way and Milky Way Midnight.  THAT SOUNDS DELICIOUS.  WHAT GREAT AD CAMPAIGNING COMMERCIAL MESSAGING.  I'm gonna guess Midnight means something like DARK Chocolate.  Lemme LTURQ!  Looks about right.  There might be 1 or 2 other differences as well!  I guess we'll never really know for sure.  I assume new Taylor Swift album has a tie in with This Candy as well.  I assume lots of things.
Penultimate paragraph before walk!  Guess I'm skipping lollipop for this act.  Never felt like I needed it!  Still don't!  So we'll see how that goes.  Look if you're holding a peach that's saying to me things ARE peachy.  If you're telling me things AREN'T peachy I wanna see a picture of you empty handed while somehow conveying the message HEY HE SHOULD BE HOLDING A PEACH, what's the deal, WHERE'S THAT PEACH.  Anyway.  Guess I got recess walk in about 1.5 paragraphs.  Guess I could have golden graham bar and tootsie pop for upcoming indulgence snack.  That way I get the tootsie pop I'm depriving myself of while still saving some calories!  DELIGHTFUL.  Finished Breaking Alternative last walk.  Now I'm assuming All Of Recess Walk will be PERSONAL CURATION.  Gonna take it on a TRACK BY TRACK basis and leave it up to ME-- the LISTENER.  YEAH.  What else is going on and crap.  125 pieces of candy was about 11 dollars.  Which I guess is a pretty good deal.  But we could have bought 3 full sized candy bars for half the price and still satisfied each trick and/or treater.  REAL satisfaction.  They'd go NUTS if they get a full sized candy bar.  KIDS TODAY AM I RIGHT.
Huh.  Last paragraph before recess!  Amazing.  Guess I'll watch Confession: The PenpenUltimate episode of Tales In The Crypt at bedtime tonight.  Wonderful.  Maybe I just have birthday bar or 2/3rd donut upcoming snack.  No tootsie pop.  Or tootsie pop.  Or whatever I wanna do.  Gotta be more or less consistent and in line with WHAT I'LL WANNA DO TE NEXT DAY though.  I can't just do WHATEVER THE HELL I wanna do a a night-by-night basis.  I need relative STRUCTURE and ROUTINE.  Otherwise CHAOS PREVAILS.  Which isn't as fun as it sounds!  In fact it's the opposite of fun!  That's how I feel.  You'll be way too busy trying to deal with chaos to have any fun.  Not a pleasing experience at all!  What book do I got lined up after Bob Dylan Memoir.  Bob Dylan's sidekick's memoir.  Bob Dylan had some sort of musical Sidekick right.  Some guy who just hung around to make Bob Dylan look good.  IT SOUNDS right but I can't place this guy's name or anything.  Whatever.  Maybe just have a tootsie pop or two next act.  No solid snack at all!  Lollipops are solid snacks.  YEP.  I'll be back soon!

   Hey.  Had delicious 40 call fudgesicle just now!  Gonna have delicious 60 cal tootsie pop either at START of next paragraph or END of next paragraph.  Could it be the middle of next paragraph?  WOW I never would have thought of that in a million years but YEAH SOUNDS GOOD.  I never would have thought of that in a million years is ACCURATE.  I would have thought of it in SIX SECONDS.  Open and shut case.  Cause that's what happened!  BLOOM.  That's how I say Boom.  Which is how I say I MADE MY POINT NOW DEAL WITH IT.  Anyway got beer #2 going on now.  That's not bad.  Enjoyed a nice Bathroom break halfway through walk!  Listened to first half of Bob Dylan Album that Part IV of V of his book was about.  Also it's not like each act is about a different album.  Unless the fifth act is too, this is THE ONLY BOB DYLAN ALBUM, "Chronicled," in this book.  Never heard none of these songs before to the best me my recollection.  Good stuff.  IT REMINDS ME OF BOB DYLAN.  One can only assume for Good Reasons.
   Yeah!  NO TOOTSIE POP YET.  Yeah!  What's the album title.  Oh Mercy.  Something like that.  Lemme LTURQ.  Yep that's it.  In retrospect it makes more sense as a phrase than I gave it credit for.  When I read it in the book and then entered it into Apple Music later on in my mind it was like ONLY IN THE WARPED GENIUS MIND OF BOB DYLAN CAN YA COMBINE TWO TOTALLY UNIQUE WORDS LIKE, "OH," and, "MERCY," INTO ONE PHRASE THAT MEANS NOTHING AND EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE!!!  However now I think wait that's just a completely regular 2 word thing to say.  Bob Dylan is all up in my head making me think Common Things are Complicated Things.  That JERK.  Common and Complicated aren't antonyms.  SO WHAT GET OFF MY CASE ABOUT IT YOU JERK.  Look the way things are going, is it possible I Cycle Back Around to the first episode of Tales In The Crypt when I finish this last season?  YES.  I can't explain why I feel that compulsion.  I just DO.  Why not indulge myself in this stupidity.  It hurts no one!  It's a victimless crime!  ALSO IT'S NOT A CRIME AT ALL???  I'm watching it bootlegged on youtube.  MIGHT be technically stealing.  THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT.
  Maybe don't have tootsie pop for ANOTHER paragraph.  IT TAKES ME MORE TAN A PARAGRAPH TO FINISH POP THOUGH.  So WHAT I'M SAYING IS I start tootsie pop while writing entry and finish it SOMETIME 2/3rds THROUGH SPELL CHECK?  Works for me!  What else is going on and crap.  Good thing I'm skipping some Dessert Snack today.  Upon further introspection the two Sicily-Style slices of pizza were much too hearty!  WE'RE TALKING 8% TOO HEARTY.  EACH SLICE.  Which I BELIEVE Adds Up to 8% Too Hearty Overall.  IF YOU CRUNCH THE NUMBERS.  That's how it seems to me.  I really should be listening to a Bob Dylan Live Album to get in the spirit of Reading This Book too.  A LATTER YEAR Live album.  By which I mean Upper 1980's ONWARD.  DOES SUCH A THING EXIST.  Lemme LTUTRQ.  Looks like it might.  LOOKS LIKE IT MIGHT NOT.  I'm playing this one a little close to the vest, you understand, don't you?  Can't give away ALL The Informations this paragraph!  Huh.  Gonna eat a lollipop now.  Slowly.  Suck on it until evaporation.
  Anyway.  Think I'm gonna go CHOCO POP right now.  Should be a good 'un!  What's up and crap.  Had delicious iced cream sandwich as pre-lunch snack.  Tonight Bedtime Iced Cream Bar either gonna be SEA SALTED CARAMEL or MINTED CHOCOLATE CHIP.  Can't go wrong either way.  WAIT A SECOND I meant to say that in Italics.  Lemme start over. ...or MINTED CHOCOLATE CHIP.  Can't go wrong either way.  OK there good fixated that.  Leaning towards some Minted Chocolate Chip.  DAMNIT I MEANT TO ITALICIZE THAT TOO.  Fine.  ...fixated that.  Leaning towards some Minted Chocolate Chip.  OKAY PLEASE LET'S GET IT RIGHT FROM NOW ON.  I don't think I'd be able to stand ONCE MORE DOING THAT THING I JUST DID.  Twice.  Hmm.  Not sure how long History Book will take me to finish.  Could be somewhere between 4 and 8 days I'd guess.  Whereas I'm done with Bob Dylan book after tomorrow.  HMM I don't care that much right now. Garlic Knots bigger than I expected.  I was prepared THEORETICALLY for them to be surprinsgly big but I wasn't prepared on a VISCERAL LEVEL to confront garlic knots of this magnitude.  So that's a GOOD THING I GUESS?  Wonderful.  I'll be back tomorrow!

-9:50 P.M.




Saturday, October 15, 2022

Really I Gotta Do Better

    Hey!  About an hour and fifteen minutes behind schedule.  I'll fit in everything in normal amounts of time.  But everything will be pushed back one unit!  Except for shower.  Shower might happen directly after Act II instead of after the walk after Act II!  Either way, either take one less walk today or have a bonus walk in Midday.  Wow Midday is a word.  Good for it!  Hmm.  Had normal amount of NightMight snacking last night.  In the form of chocolate dove candies.  We're talkin 4 or 5.  Dangit.  Had classic breakfast with Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart.  I had a feeling that might happen!  I didn't want it to happen but I was very interested in trying the pop tart.  And it was great!  Still got 2 breakfastsworth of egg white though from Around Sunday To Tuesday.  Not gonna last forever.  NINE, TEN YEARS AT THE MOST.  Anyway there is SOME crunch time for this act.  About an hour and fifteen minutes.  That's almost always doable.  But I gotta keep any eye on it!
   YEAH!  Any baseball fun going on today.  Apparently Super Market freezer stuff came while I was asleep.  That's not Baseball Fun.  Yeah but it means I can have a delicious small iced cream sandwich whenever I want.  Hmm.  Maybe aim to skip a walk but directly make up for it by having no snack pre-lunch.  Regular lunch time is in about 3 hours fourty five minutes.  Three hours and a fifteen minutes is reasonable if we're doing that.  Nah I don't think we're gonna do that.  ANyway.  Some guy is coming today to further assess Floor Damage.  Kinda like the last guy!  But new guy.  New impressions.  Hmm.  That might influence when my Dad takes his walk.  We'll figure something out.  Oh Right.  Baseball Fun Today.  WOW Mets page has an article FIVE PROSPECTS WHO COULD MAKE AN IMPACT IN 2023.  Can't wait to read that one.  Shouldn't open it just yet.  I don't wanna get TOO into it.  Not enough time!  Let's just look at TIMES OF GAMES for today.  That's FUN baseball fun that's UNCOMPLICATED.  WOW ALL FOUR SERIES ARE GOING TODAY.  THREE OUT OF FOUR OF THEM could END today.  One team WINS IT ALL possibly.  Only series which is tied 1-1 is Yankees Guardians.  I'M ROOTING FOR THEM GUARDIANS.  That's not interesting.  I NEVER PROMISED TO BE INTERESTING.
Hmm.  Mariners are facing elimination though.  They'd have to win 3 straight games to make it to next series.  DANGIT I was rooting for them the most.  I like that they're FISHERMEN.  We should be celebrating Fishermen more, not less!  Wait.  Mariners are fishermen, right?  Or are they fish.  They can't be fish.  But now I got in my head about it.  Lemme LTURQ.  SAILOR.  Not necessarily Fishermen.  Gotta imagine sailors are fishermen IN SPIRIT a lot of the time.  But they don't HAVE to be.  Hmm.  Finished Cobra Kai.  Got some SNL tonight which I will watch tomorrow.  Four Tales In The Crypt left.  I like watching them at bedtime.  Maybe save the rest for ONLY bedtime watchings over the next 4 days.  What else to watch.  The Simpsons!  Read some books, too.  Why not.  Makes sense!  What kinda lunch we lookin' at.  Maybe wide alfredo is top choice.  Do I have any plans for dinner.  Not off the top of my head!  Probably diner.  Possible 2 or 3 Part Diner Dinn'r.  Maybe somethin like steak and eggs.  I got egg whites for balanced breakfast.  SO WHAT.  MORE EGGS NEVER HURT ANYONE. Except for chicken.  Gotta imgagine laying eggs is painful!
   National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Liqueur Day.  I'M NOT SURE WHAT THAT MEANS.  I don't think it's just an Alt spelling of Liquor.  It's SOMETHING UNIQUE.  Maybe you know this already.  I DON'T.  I feel like once I Read it I'll be like oh right I KINDA knew that.  LET'S SEE.  It's like liquor but with lots of added flavors.  That's kind of what I was imagining!  Either way DELICIOUS.  What are some TOP LIQUEURS.  Kahlua, Bailey's Irish Cream seem to be the top two.  Kahlua is RUM SUGAR AND COFFEE.  Delicious.  Bailey's Irish Cream is CREAM COCOA AND IRISH WHISKEY.  DELICOUS.  Hook me up with either one of these!  Probably high in calories but that's a risk we'll have to take.  Not sure WHY.  Gotta take SOME sort of risks if you want your life to be interesting.  WHO SAID I WANT MY LIFE TO BE INTERESTING HOT SHOT.  I guess no one.  Lotta people probably consciously want their life to be Non-interesting.  I think ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL most people would err on he side of sure let's have some interesting crap.  But NOT EVERYONE.
   Fifth paragraph!  Amazing.  What did I listen to this morning.  Taylor Swift curated playlist of Taylor Swift songs.  We're talkin THIRTY FOUR MINUTES worth.  I assume to get people into the spirit of listening to her new album next week.  HEY I've hard a quarter of these songs.  Amazing!  Gonna have to start some new playlist sometime during upcoming walk, though.  That's okay.  Maybe Taylor Swift has curated playlists for OTHER artists releasing albums next week.  BOY OH BOY I hope All My Favorite Bands are releasing albums next week.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  If I was gonna have a snack before lunch, let's ESTIMATE when it might be.  I guess sometime during Act II.  OR when it's over.  OR when it begins I guess.  Either way we'll see how that goes.  I guess!  I was halfway into BREAKING ALTERNATIVE but somehow I got distracted and lost my place.  I GUESS I can re-open playlist an get a good estimation of where I left off.  I GUESS.  Time for coffee.
   Floor Inspector gonna be arriving around when I get back from Walk II.  Sure.  Great.  I think I AM gonna aim for skipping upcoming snack and adding no walks to middle of the day.  It'll be SLIGHTLY uncomfortable, sure.  But I'll survive.  Lunch can be in a solid three hours from now.  That ain't much!  So that's good and crap.  THEN AGAIN NOTHING IS SET IN STONE.  In Cobra Kai A LADY/GIRL KARATE STUDENT CHAMPION had to punch stone.  They made A MAN OUT OF STONE and made the student punch it.  NO SPOILERS on the results of this.  May not have been stone.  May have been some other thing very hard to break.  I SAY IT WAS STONE THOUGH and that's what counts.  Hmm.  Standard Dinner would be three part'r steak * stuffed mushroom.  Feel like mixing it up though!  Then again THAT'S DELICIOUS AS WELL.  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  Good shot Act II will be better and even a BETTER SHOT Act III will be better!  Decent shot last 4 paragraphs Of Act I will Even Be Better.
Yeah!  Maybe get a GriddleCentric meal tonight such as Chocolated Chip Pancakes.  I got lots of good snacks for the next week or so, well, indefinitely to be honest.  Do I NEED more sweet in Meal Form?  Sure I do.  Oh okay good.  I got some time to play with to look at FIVE METS PROSPECTS WHO CAN MAKE AN IMPACT IN 2023.  I BET I KNOW A LOT OF THEM.  Three for sure off the top of my head.  Let's LTURQ.  OH ALL THREE I THOUGHT I KNEW ARE WRONG.  They were the ones called up in the last month of 2022.  Which would still make them rookies next year.  But for the spirit of this article THEY'RE NOT COUNTED.  I can't read about ALL FIVE people right now.  Too intensive.  Gotta save that for later today.  EXCITING STUFF THOUGH.  I saw RONNY MARCUITIO is on the list.  I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT.  Literally.  His name is Something Like That and it sounds great!  Ronny Mauricio.  EVEN BETTER.  Ok without reading anything about them what other NAMES do I like on this list.  Jake Mangum.  That's a fun name.  It's like MAGNUM.  Slightly different, though!
   Hmm.  Eighth paragraph.  Delightful.  This entry so far is The Pits but I'm pretty deep into it nonetheless.  I'll either have normal amount of walks or one less walk with one less snack.  Day shaping up to be an average day.  Probably.  Not sure when Dad's gonna wanna take his walk.  Might clunk up my schedule.  OR I could walk at same time as him.  As we do on the rare occasion.  With no real consequence!  YEAH.  Hmm.  People ON THE LEFT are mad at the people who defaced Van Gogh painting to protest Big Oil.  Like oh this was unnecessary and only makes us look bad.  I'm gonna be a CONTRARIAN.  I LIKE IT.  Started a CONVERSATION, no denying that.  Also VAN GOGH doesn't care.  HE'S NOT AROUND AT ALL TO FEEL ANYTHING.  Hmm.  Any of the Baseball Games today worth putting on TV?  Not Really.  Unless I happen to see ONLINE it's a very exciting close game moment.  Then I can pop that sucker on my Television Set.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  WOW. Wrote eight paragraphs in just about fourty minutes.  NOT TOO SHAGGY.  Alfredo lunch is probably the heartiest lunch I got of the week.  Makes sense to have it on the day I have No Snack Beforehand.  ALSO GREAT WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Assuming I'm allowed to take shower, I can easily fit in shower after Act II before Walk III.  DELIGHTFUL.  Guy inspecting floor might SOMEHOW SOMEWAY prevent me from safely taking shower.  Floor damage is WATER damage.  Shower is water.  It shouldn't be related but YA NEVER KNOW.  Hmm.  Possible I end up taking a bonus walk this afternoon with or without Pre Lunch Snack.  I just get into the moment and am like eh no real reason not to take another walk now.  So we'll see how that goes I guess.  See it Real Good!  JUST WENT THROUGH METS PROSPECTS 2023 IMPACT LIST.  Skimmed it!  Registered about 60-70% of what was being said.  I'M SATISFIED.
Last paragraph of Act I!  Good deal.  LOOK all things being equal Cinnamon Brown Sugar Pop Tart would be up there in my favorites to purchase.  BUT each Pop tart is about 10-15 calories more than your other STANDARD ones.  SORRY IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE.  BIG DIFFERENCE.  Then again No It Doesn't.  Hmm.  Could always have three of them as lunch.  NOT REALLY.  I got ALL THESE OTHER LUNCHES I GOTTA HAVE.  One week I'll get 3 lunches from Super Market instead of six and have Dessert Lunches half the time.  But NOT THIS WEEK.  I made my bed and now I get to sleep in it.  YES.  My bed is great to sleep in.  I do it all the time!  Then again OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD I'd LOVE sleeping in another bed.  Over 75% of the time it'd be Made Better and more sheeted and comfortable.  And even in the out of five times it's somehow WORSE I'd dig mixing it up anyway.  So that's good and crap I guess.  HEY time to take a walk.  Amazing.  I'll be back soon!




Everyone Feels That Way

    Hey!  Floor Inspector Guy came right as I finished pouring my coffee and going upstairs.  I think PREFERABLY I'm taking a walk after this act and then taking a shower.  HOWEVER it might make more sense to do it in reverse order to accommodate my Dad.  We'll see how it all, "Shakes," out.  Anyway I think I found the exact song to pick back up at Breaking Alternative.  GOOD DEAL.  I don't remember hearing this song yesterday NOR any preceding songs.  DID remember hearing the song BFOREHAND yesterday though.  Well this sounds like a slam dunk, musta left off at this song.  So that's good.  Not gonna have a snack before lunch!  PROBABLY skip a walk today but there's a plausible possibility I have bonus walk Midday which we all now know Is A Word.  Makes sense.  Midnight is a word.  Midday should be a word.  Is Midday DICTIONARY DEFINITION'D as 12 PM.  Gotta figure if 12 AM is Midnight 12 PM gotta be Midday.  We already call it NOON.  We can call it two things!  ANyway IN MODERN USAGE Midday would be like 3 PM.  Maybe even 6 PM.  But IN OLDEN TIMES 12 PM is Midday.  Lemme LTURQ.  12 PM is midday.  I SAW THAT COMING A MILE AWAY.
  Lunch is in about 2 hours.  MAYBE 2 hours and 5-10 minutes to be Exact in terms of what I'm aiming for.  DELICIOUS.  Probably just get steak *stuffed mushroom.  You don't mess with a classic.  HOWEVER maybe I get Frenched Fries instead of Potato.  YOU MESS WITH A CLASSIC if there's a chance for BIG PAY OFF.  Which Having 8-12 fries as side for each Portion Would Be!  DUNNO if I'd be getting 30 fries.  I could have fries TWICE and soup ONCE.  Oh okay that sounds pretty good.  Should I be considering curly fries.  I mean if we're getting fries LET'S DO IT RIGHT.  NO.  TOO MUCH.  REGULAR FRY GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.  Hmm.  INSPECTOR GUY already gone.  This Changes EVERYTHING.  Now My Dad is gonna take his walk at around the normal time.  I'll fit in shower after Act II BUT I'll be able to leave for upcoming walk relatively early still in terms of What I was Imagining For Today.  SO IT'S GREAT JUST GREAT, ETC.  I don't think anything specifically BAD happened from this inspection.  He didn't take some picture and then the house collapsed.  I would have noticed that PROBABLY.
   Three paragraphs to go!  What else do I got going for me.  I feel good about making some good progress in Bob Dylan Book today.  I don't FEEL like I'm gonna get to the point in 3 hours when I'll have 2.5 hours Free and be like TOO TIRED WANNA REST.  I THINK I'll be in mood to get some good reading done.  Cause it's GOOD READIN.  Not BAD or BORING or TEDIOUS. GOOD BOOK.  I CAN READ GOOD BOOK TODAY AT LEAST.  Probably!  This could end up being ERRONEOUS.  Sure that's a word.  Anyway.  Normally snack is right around This Time.  Say somewhere between 5 minutes ago and 20 minutes from now.  WOW.  I guess.  Lookin' forward to delicious small iced cream sandwich as future snack MOST LIKELY.  MAYBE NOT NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.  Could be a REDUNDANCY with Wide AlFredo dish for lunch.  CREAM INVOLVED IN BOTH.  I DON'T NEED THAT KINDA HASSLE.  Wow.  Some more time now without checking 538.  When was the last time I checked.  Tuesday I think.  Coulda been Wednesday.  DON'T THINK IT WAS MONDAY.  Either way DANGIT by now it could be 5 or TEN points in some different direction.  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  I'll live my life to the best of my ability and try to put some good vibes out into the universe!  That's MY strategy for helping optimizing Democrats chances in midterms.  Prove me wrong!
   Penultimate paragraph of Act II!  Delightful.  DANGIT.  My Mom just asked me to bring her up a bag of mini oreos.  THOSE ARE DELICIOUS.  Just reminded me HEY THAT'D BE FUN TO EAT.  Guess I could have that as REAL Midday Snack.  Hmm.  If 12 PM is midday and 12 AM is midnight what exactly is six PM.  NIGHT.  And then six am is MORNING.  COULD IT BE THAT SIMPLE.  That we CAN have Night and Morning as EXACT MOMENTS in addition to covering entire segments of he day.  I HOPE SO.  That way when it's getting dark at 6 PM in a few weeks and someone is like hey what time is it I can say NIGHT.  And BE 100% RIGHT ABOUT SAYING IT.  Anyway.  Midday snack for me isn't quite Night.  Well, PRETTY close.  Usually around 5:45 PM to 6:00 PM.  That's about as close as it gets to estimating something as Night.  What was I talking about again.  Hmm.  Also with New Walk Configuration based on the last week or two possible I end up having that snack as early as 5:30 commonly. OR EVEN in the 5:20's.  STILL PRETTY CLOSE to Just NIGHT.  What else is up and shit.
   Last paragraph of Daytime Day.
  That was quick!  THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH BAKED POTATO FOR DINNER.  I can get EXCITED about eating half a baked potato for One Portion Of Dinner.  YEAH.  Anyway, what else is crap.  What am I watching on TV before I get to reading.  I'll definitely be watching TV for an hour or SLIGHTLY MORE between Walks III and IV which includes Time I'm Eating Lunch.  MAY have 15-30 minutes to watch TV after shower but BEFORE next walk.  Simpsons I guess.  We've COVERED to keep Tales In The Crypt in my back pocket for Pre-Bed-Time Watching.  YEAH SURE GREAT WHAT ELSE.  Also gonna have to watch TV after Walk #5, going through dinner, and until I start writing Act III!  AGAIN I GUESS THE SIMPSONS WILL DO.  Don't see any reason to desperately come up with something else.  The Simpsons are FINE Entertainment.  Great.  I'm gonna go take a shower now.  I'll see ya tonight!




well i gotta keep going

    Hey friends!  Another DayTime DayDown.  Wait no.  Don't combine, "Day," and, "Down."  Too IRRELATED.  Anyway got some Bob Dylan reading.  Got some history book reading.  Watched some of Netflix Stephen King Film and some The Simpsons.  Did THE WALKINGS.  ONLY ONE SMALL SNACK over the day.  Steak * Stuffed mushroom.  OK WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP.  WAIT NO I MUST BE FORGETTING SOMETHING.  Surprisingly I'M NOT.  But I accomplished a lot and that's what counts.  I READ ENTIRE PART III OF V Bob Dylan Book.  NOT MUCH HAPPENED.  You think you're gonna be reading part III of V of Bob Dylan book MORE STUFF GONNA HAPPEN.  Now that I think about it A GOOD AMOUNT HAPPENED.  Solid Fourty Pagesworth.  Which adds up because it WAS close to fourty pages.  Anyway this book is called Chronicles Volume I and I'M BETTING there has never been a Volume II in the 20 years since this was written.  Sorta History of the world Part I scenario.  Lemme LTURQ.  Volume 1 is from 2004.  WOW.  IN AN INTERVIEW IN 2012 HE SAID HE'S WORKING ON VOLUME II!  SHOULD BE HERE ANY DAY NOW.
  Time to have CHOCO POP.  What kind of History Book am I reading?  I dunno.  Some dumb book my uncle gave me several Christmas Back.  I LIKE HISTORY.  I'll read some history even if it comes from my uncle who is an unreliable narrator.  HE'S NOT narrating this book.  KIND OF.  In ONE LAYER.  ONE LAYER OF MY MIND I'm reading this book as if it's got his full 100% endorsement and is Coming From Him.  Not A LOT of the layers in my mind.  But if there's a dozen or two layers in my mind THIS IS SOLIDLY ONE OR TWO LAYERS.  So that's good.  BETTER have balanced breakfast for  tomorrow.  It's reached a point of INFLECTION where IT MUST BE DONE OR ELSE.  Anyway.  Lotta good options for upcoming indulgence snack.  Maybe MOST FUN is a golden graham bar PLUS a tootsie pop.  Let's consider that FIRST CHOICE until something better comes along.  Anyway.  WOW ALL THAT HISTORY.  I bet some of its true, too!  SOLID MOST OF IT.  Oh well.  History gives us perspective on the present!  That can't be right.  History can't offer us anything useful.  That sounds A LOT more accurate now that I think about it.
Third paragraph of Act III Part I!  Phillies ELIMINATED the Braves from playoffs.  PHILLIES GO ON.  Braves DO NOT.  Anyway.  This Stephen King Film on The netflix is okay.  I've watched about half of it and very little has happened but I'm guessing the second half is gonna be PACKED with things.  VAMPIRES is my best guess.  And if not vampires werewolves.  And if not werewolves or vampires maybe some sort of haunted hotel room.  What else do I got going on for me.  HEY does Stephen King got an autobiography?  That'd be a good one!  YES OF COURSE HE DOES It's called THE SHINING.  NO BUT REALLY C'MON.  Let's LTURQ.  HOLY SHIT a 2000 Book Combo Autobiography Combo Writing Tips For Writers or something.  I GOTTA GET MY HANDS ON TAH TBOOK.  It could be INVALUABLE in helping me VANQUISH my enemies.  You know through writing.  And through reading.  Basically gotta figure out how to vanquish my enemies and Reading A Stephen King Memoir was OF COURSE the first idea that came to mind.
Halfway through Act III Part I!  Gonna bite down into lollipop now, ASK QUESTIONS LATER.  Also I dunno about you guys but if I had guns my policy would be ASK QUESTIONS NOW, SHOOT LATER, MAYBE EVEN SKIP SHOOTING COMPLETELY, GUESS IT DEPENDS ON THE ANSWERS TO MY QUESTIONS.  Gotta imagine I REALLY didn't like the answers to my questions if I go ahead and shoot people after them.  Musta been some info that REALLY got my goat.  Hmm.  Turned TV to HD NBC channel!  This way it will RECORD SNL when it plays tonight.  So I can watch it tomorrow ON MY TERMS.  Amazing.  How much time left do I have on Stephen King Film.  Maybe that's what I watch after entry before SleepTime.  Maybe I watch HALF of it or something.  NAH.  Let's go with Tales In The Crypt.  I don't feel like Paying Attention To Something.  UNLESS IT'S SOMETHING I CAN SHOOT LATER if I don't like what I experienced while paying attention to it.
   Penultimate paragraph before recess!
  Good deal.  Can have delicious small iced cream sandwich as beddtime snack.  MAYBE MAYBE NOT.  Let's say it's the #1 Choice but it's still only around 50% I have it.  YEAH.  Let's say that.  Oh I Already Did.  WHEW GLAD WE GOT THAT BEHIND US.  Hmm.  Maybe have delicious Bigger Solid Snack than Golden Graham Bar but NO TOOTSIE POP.  Well sure WHAT THEN BRANIAC.  Donut would be good but I DUNNO may not hit the Heartiness Level I'm looking for in this instance.  Birthday Bar?  I dunno doesn't hit the Chocolate Level I'm looking for in this instance.  Hmm.  Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart is like Chocolate.  No it's not!  THERE'S TWO KINDA POP TART.  FRUIT FLAVOR AND NON FRUIT FLAVOR.  Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart is NON FRUIT FLAVOR snack.  Well along those lines Birthday Bar isn't fruit flavor either.  Can THAT be on the chocolate scale.  SHUT UP YOU IDIOT you're asking LEADING QUESTIONS YOU KNOW THE ANSWERS TO JUST TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL. I'm tired of it!
Last paragraph before Recess Walk!  Great.  Did my last walk backwards.  Figure I'll to upcoming walk forwards.  Otherwise if I do it backwards backwards then it's just forwards anyway.  Huh.  How about a Chips aHoy Pouch and a tootsie pop.  Or just a chips aHoy pouch.  Or a indulgent fiber bar.  Or... GOD DAMNIT WHY WAS I BLESSED WIT HSO MANY GREAT SNACK CHOICES.  In a way this is MY FAULT for providing myself with an abundance of options from various Super Market deliveries I get.  IF IT WEREN'T FOR ME I wouldn't BE IN THIS JAM.  GOD DAMN SELF I HATE IT SO MUCH.  Eh I'm being Too Hard On Self.   I LIKE SELF.  VERY STORNGLY invested in Being On Same Side as Self.  Hmm.  I'm HEAVILY ASSUMING that the next Tales In The Crypt episode I have is About Face.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP SURE IS.  Wonderful I'm gonna go take a walk now.  MEET BACK HERE IN THRITY.  PLUS A FEW MINUTES.  WALK IS THRITY but moving up and down stairs and doin assorteds stuffs GONNA MEAN MEET BACK HERE IN  THIRTYFIVE.

   Hello friends.  Had delicious Fridge'd golden graham bar.  I enjoyed it.  Plus I get to have a tootsie pop after this paragraph.  I enjoyed that In The Future One Can Only Assume.  Hard to imagine a future manifesting in which I don't enjoy a tootsie pop starting with the next paragraph.  But then again I am particularly unimaginative when it comes to Potential Futures.  So who knows I guess.  Gonna be a CHOCO lollipop.  I can't imagine a lot of permutations but I CAN determine certain specifics to be more or less A Given.  Choco tootsie pop.  In a few sentences.  Gonna happen one way or the other.  Anyway kinda had to use bathroom halfway through walk while outside Starbucks.  Doors were locked.  I decided not to break in to use the bathroom.  Just kept on walking!  Well what other options did I have.  I could have knocked on the door really abrasively for however long it took for them to approach me and tell me to SHOO.  Could done any number of things.  I LACK THE VISION TO CONSIDER ALL OF THEM.  So that's good.
   Three paragraphs to go.  And starting NOW the paragraphs will be AIDED by SUCKING CANDY to MOTIVATE me!  Yeah!  Man oh man am I gonna watch some About Face.  Try to really get into it.  Maybe catch up on twitter completely BEFORE even putting About Face on.  I WANNA GET THIS RIGHT.  Only a few more episodes of Tales In The Crypt to watch.  I wanna do it right this time is the thing I keep saying for some reason.  Hmm.  Also IS the episode About A Face?  KIND OF.  Several faces, though!  There's 2-4 main characters and EACH OF THEM has a face (OR LET'S FACE IT MULTIPLE FACES No Spoilers).  The Small Faces.  What was their song?  Any Given Sunday?  Lazy Sunday Morning.  That might not have been The Small Faces at all.  Lemme LTURQ.  "Lazy Sunday."  BY THEM SMALL FACES JUST LIKE I SAID.  Anyway FACE was SLANG in the 1960's.  It meant FAN or something if my memory serves me correctly.  Hey I'm a FACE of this band.  I may not be 100% accurate here but I'M WITHIN THE SPIRIT of accuracy.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Think I'm gonna vote in a few weeks.  On election Day.  Hey if everyone else is voting election day 1000 Flies can't be Wrong!  Gonna vote for Grace Meng off the top of my head.  Pretty sure she's my Congresslady.  No reason to jump ship now.  Also when people are Jumping Ship is the premise that there's a nearby ship they can jump onto!  I think the PREMISE of Jumping Ship is YOU GOT A Better PLACE TO GO.  Look how can a ship be SO CLOSE that you can jump from one to another but the ships aren't crashing into each other.  Maybe you can jump from ship Onto Land.  That'd HURT.  You'd BREAK YOUR BACK.  The only thing I can really see if jumping off of ship into the ocean and then doing your best to SWIM to land or another ship.  GOOD LUCK WITH THAT I DON'T ENVY YOU IN YOUR CURRENT POSITION.  Swimming possibly AGAINST the tide?  That's gonna be an ordeal!  Anyway biting into tootsie pop now.
   Yeah!  One more paragraph to go for tonight.  What a wonderful day.  Think I'm gonna aim to wake up earlier Upcoming Days than I was planning on making the plan.  I want a bit of extra time-space to read.  Reading nourishes the mind or something.  Couldn't HURT at least.  Maybe some reading hurts the mind.  Maybe I'm INTO hurting my mind, ever consider that BRANIAC?  I GET OFF on it you IDIOT.  Wow I'm still chewing the tootsie roll part of the lollipop.  EVEN STILL after that sentence.  EVEN STILL right now.  EV...i well you get the idea.  It'll be easier to tell you when I'm COMPLETELY DONE chewing.  Okay I'll keep you updated on this sutation as it progre... OK I JUST FINISHED CHEWING AND SWALLOWING.  Amazing.  AMAZING STUFF!  Played guitar for a solid 10 minutes today.  Not bad.  Well the quality of what I played was bad.  But the amount of time I spent playing it was a bit of progress!  So that's good!  Hey I'll see ya tomorrow.

-9:55 P.M.




Friday, October 14, 2022

Plenty Of Words To Be Said In Some Order

    Hey!  About an hour and 15 minutes ahead of schedule today.  Super Market window for arrival is between fourty five minutes and two hours and fourty five minutes from now.  Could be earlier!  Could be later!  Could interrupt Act I, or could be late enough that I have to either skip a walk or make up for it in afternoon!  Hmm.  Had a normal amount of NightMigh snacking last night.  AGAIN I went SEVERAL BEATS without eating anything.  But after half a dozen moments of restraint I went and ate like 4 or 5 assorted cookies.  I DID NOT have balanced breakfast for today.  Had double donut.  It was worth it!  Delicious!  How many donuts would I have if I had a lunch out of it.  ONLY THREE?  WHAT ABOUT THREE AND A HALF.  That's reasonable.  DANGIT.  Donut as a sandwich side is on the indulgent side but not totally out of the realm of possibility.  Let's strongly consider that!  Hmm.  According to Super Market online receipt they're giving me .58 LB of turkey when all I wanted was .5!  They're giving me .52 of ham even though I Only wanted .5!  SEEMS LIKE A SCAM.
   What else is up.
  New Friday, new updates to Apple Music Playlists.  Started on Breaking Alternative.  This may be one of the ones that's updated every day.  I SURE HOPE NOT.  It's over 5 hours long!  I can't finish that in one day!  And it'd be DUMB to not make it through the playlist before it's adjusted.  Hmm.  Been a successful few days without checking 538.  Man oh man.  If I checked it it could be SIGNIFICANTLY different after three days.  POSSIBLY FOR THE WORST.  Leave me out of it!  So that's good.   Got chickened pot pie for dinner.  Ugh.  What am I watching on TV for the first half of Afternoon.  Probably catch up on some Cobra Kais.  Very possibly as soon as finishing Act I and waiting for Super Market delivery!  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Cheese Curd Day, National Lemon Bar Day, and National Roast Pheasant Day, and Sweetest Day.  SWEETEST WHAT.  ANYTHING?  WHAT DO THEY SAY IS THE SWEETEST.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOT EVEN NECESSARILY FOOD>  Just BE SWEET.  And SUBSET of be sweet hey maybe share some candy.  What the HELL is THIS BULLHIT.
   Roast Peasant sounds pretty good.  Peasants are useless it's about time we started eating them.  And if we're gonna eat peasants OBVIOUSLY roasting them is the way to go.  Also you can't use a form and a knife because they had none of them in Midival tims.  I'M NOT BUYING THAT.  I bet there were rudimentary silverware in mideval times.  Doesn't take a GENIUS to figure out a fork and knife.  Lemme LTURQ.  Everything on the internet is about Restaurant Show Mideval Times.  WHAT A DUMB SOCIETY WE LIVE IN.  Sure I can't POSSIBLY be talking about history I must be talking about Destination Chain Restaurant Show.  UGH.  Anyway what's pheasant. S ome kind of poultry is my first guess.  Second guess is Not That.  YEP BIRD LIKE THING.  SO much like a bird IT IS A BIRD.  Lemon Bar.  I'd eat a lemon bar.  I imagine it's some sort of chewy cookie/brownieish bar.  Made out of OR TASTING LIKE lemon.  Should I LTURQ to be sure?  NAH.  I like to LIVE ON THE EDGE.
    Cheese curd sounds disgusting.  The less said about that the better.  Then again lmme LTURQ. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised!  Looks gross BUT they had a picture of Deep Fried cheese curds which looks okay.  I LIKE THE BATTER PART OF FRIED FOOD.  Makes me feel good inside.  Makes the cheese curd feel good inside.  Wearing same pants as last night I wore in the Lightly Heavy Rain.  Still A BIT moist but not uncomfortably so.  Mixed up the socks and underwear I was wearing.  New shirt, too!  ALSO DIFFERENT sweatshirt jacket.  Same sweatshirt jacket seemed STILL uncomfortably soaked.  I HAD ANOTHER GREAT SWEATSHIRT TO WEAR THOUGH.  Good deal!  I've wondered this before, but I'm wondering it again-- are fights in Mideval Times rigged or legit.  My guess is 85% odds they're rigged.  But PLAUSIBLE each side is trying to win for real.  See some conflicting reports.  Mideval Time officially implies they're real.  But more trustworthy TO ME website says they're fake.  Then again Official Site says, "YES THEY'RE REAL.  THEY'RE USING REAL WEAPONS."  So they're telling a HALF truth.  It's real hey use real weapons but NOT REAL in terms o what we wanna know-- is competition real.
   DANGIT.  Is there any kind of choice for meal at mideval times.  I know CHICKEN is standard.  I wouldn't be surprised if these days you get a vegetarian option.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP THEY SURE DO.  Good for them.  What was I talking about again.  Hmm.  Could watch new Chucky episode today as well.  Last episode wasn't that gripping for me.  But this one may be pretty good!  Re-upping with small iced cream sandwiches.  That'd be a fun snack pre-lunch.  ANYWAY.  I don't wanna have donut with ham sandwich DO I.  What are my best alternatives that are slightly less calories.  Golden Graham Bar.  Fiber Bar.  Either way been experimenting with having a Sweet Sandwich Side COMPLETELY AFTER sandwich.  Maybe that's intuitive to you.  Or maybe you LIKE ME found it more obvious to eat the sweet at same time as sandwich.  I FIGURED OUT THE ERROR OF MY WAYS OR SOMETHING THOUGH.  Hey it's coffee time!  Be back in a minute.
   Alright!  Halfway through Act I.  That's a fair amount of progress and crap.  Maybe I want something else besides ham sandwich.  Nah that's stupid.  I think I just wanna ham sandwich.  Do I know FOR SURE what a Lemon Bar is?  I feel like it's some sort of cookie or brownie.  Lemon.  In shape of a bar!  LEMON CURD FILLING?  I CAN' ESCAPE CURDS it looks like.  Unless I settle in Roast Pheasant.  No curds in that.  Can't relocate to middle East.  Like Iraq.  There's a sizable population of Kurds.  Hmm.  Where are Kurds most strongly represented.  Is Kurdistan a thing.  It's recognized as a word!  Lemme LTURQ.  I don't think Kurdistan is a real country.  Either NOW or EVER.  Anyway.  Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and Syria.  I LIKE KURDS.  I don't know why.  Something about the Iraq war.  About how the main two players were Sunni and Shia.  But there were also Kurds.  Felt kinda SCRAPPY.  THEY'RE GONNA GET IN THEIR AND DO SOME GOOD FOR THEMSELVES SOMEHOW.  Maybe that makes sense!
   Seventh paragraph! Possibly not very secular.  Maybe I'M A JERK but as a general rule Secular The Better.  BECAUSE the least secular the more likely you're restricting people's freedoms.  If you're a really religious state or society BUT people got all the freedom in the world I don't have a huge problem with that.  But that's not usually how I works.  Hmm.  LOOK did Nancy Pelosi look good in January Sixth footage they showed yesterday?  About how she was keeping a cool head and taking care of business trying to work things out?  SURE FOR THE MOST PART.  BUT did she lose a lot of points by saying Poo Poo for both literal and figurative desecration?  YES. "POO POO."  WHAT'S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE.  I can think of DOZENS of words or phrases I'd use before, "Poo Poo."  IN THE END THOUGH it's a minor point.  Overall GOOD JOB I GUESS based on the 90 seconds I've seen!  What else is going on and crap.  I'd be THRILLED If Act I was interrupted any moment now.  Means I won't have to wait around for a while and potentially miss a walk.
   YEAH.  Three paragraphs to go either way.  FRIDAY EH.  I guess that's okay.  Are there bathrooms at mideval times.  Kinda feels like there weren't indoor plumbing in REAL mideval timse.  YA LOST ME WITH THE BATHROOMS.  What kinda sides we gettin' with chicken.  I'd bet ALL MY MONEY that there's some sort of potato side.  Lemme LTURQ.  COFFEE, two non alcoholic beverages, GARLIC BREAD, sweet buttered corn, and a dessert.  WHAT THE HELL.  GARLIC BREAD!?!?  WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO.  Hmm.  Last few times I got pizza I STRONGLY considered getting one slice with a appetizer of garlic knots.  Either having all 5 or only 4 depending on how big they were.  I THINK IT COULD BE A GAME CHANGER.  For the BETTER.  Why would I change the game in a negative way for me.  That'd be pretty dumb!  Hmm.  Anyway.  Mets lineup is mostly gonna be the same for next year.  Hopefully they resign BRANDON NIMMO or get someone EVEN BETTER.  If they can resign Jacob DeGrom they MOSTLY Got the key figures of the band back together. IT'S METS TALK you wouldn't understand.
Ugh.  Two paragraphs to go!  WE ARE NOW 1 minute away from WINDOW Super Market estimates they'd arrive.  Think I'll take a look outside just in case they're there.  NOPE NOT YET.  So that's good I guess.  Maybe some cheez its as SandwichSide.  I was hinking about garlic bread and I have nothing like garlic bread but somehow Cheez Its came to mind as the closest thing in spirit to garlic bread.  Cracker is like bread.  Cheez is an EXTRA KICK even if its no garlic persay.  IT COULD WORK.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  I don't like the MEME of a chocolate bar cut in half and then there's something weird inside to Mock the idea that they're putting Fntynal or something else in Halloween Candy.  YES that SHOULD BE MOCKED.  But this Meme uses REGULAR SIZED CANDY BARS.  A regular chocolate bar cut in half and you see something weird inside.  KIDS AREN'T GETTING REGULAR SIZED CHOCOLATE BARS AT HALLOWEEN.  MINI SIZES.  You're not making any INTERNAL LOGIC sense.  PLEASE ADDRESS THIS FOR FUTURE ITERATIONS OF THE MEME.
Last paragraph of the act!  Maybe these ARE mini chocolate bars and thy just look bigger on the web browser.  Oh well such is life.  Which one was ham. The one I'm getting .52 LB or .58 LB.  I THINK .52.  YEP.  Good deal.  Maybe I go NUTS and have DoNUT for the sandwich side afterall.  LIVE ON THE EDGE and whatknot.  Looks like MEdival Times dessert is an Apple Turnover or one-person apple pie.  I would NEVER eat either of those... EXCEPT IN THIS SCENARIO.  Literally only time I'd be into eating apple pie.  At a Mideval Times.  JUST A FEELING I GOT.  I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT.  Anyway What else is up.  Wrote this act in a solid 55 minutes.  Not bad at all!  SURE we might have to round it up to an hour after these last few sentences.  Still pretty good all things considered.  Does Midival Tims have to pay Royalties to The Time Period.  Not sure what that means.  I AM sure what it means.  I'm not sure YOU'RE SURE what it means though.  Hmm.  Time to take a break.  Be back in a bit!




I'm Following What I'm Saying

    Hey friends!  Super Market delivery came about fourty minutes after I finished Act I.  Now I got about an hour and five minutes to write Act II.  WOW.  I could possibly do it IN HALF THAT.  Anyway they Mucked Things Up!  None of the frozen products were there.  We're talkin small iced cream sandwich.  We're talkin fudge flavored iced cream bar.  We're talking my Dad's bagels.  THAT'S ALL WE'RE TALKIN.  They're presumably sending it to us tomorrow SAME TIME WINDOW.  Great now I gotta work my schedule around that theoretically.  Maybe my Dad wouldn't have a problem accepting delivery and putting things away if it's just three thing.  I'll have to talk to him about it!  ANYWAY right now leaning towards Keto Brownie as upcoming snack and Mini Chips aHoy as Sandwich Side.  Either snapping them in half and eating them as a Half Double Decker OR maybe just eating them vertically?  Sounds like a good lifehack but I bet it doesn't quite work that way.  Anyway got coffee #2 going on.  Orange Soda #Whatever.  Hmm.  The important thing is I'm ahead of schedule enough where I really feel the extra cushion it gives me but NOT so ahead of schedule I long for Snack #1 of the day and/or eat it early.  PERECT.
Four paragraphs to go for act II!  I could theoretically finish Cobra Kai today.  I THINK I got 4 more episodes.  Not sure how long episodes are.  Could be between 25-50 minutes.  Lemme LTURQ.  GOOGLE SAY GENERALLY RANGE BETWEEN 30-40 minutes.  Let's say 40 minutes times 4 is 160 minutes.  SOUNDS SUSPICIOUSLY LIKE TWO HOURS AND FOURTY MINUTES.  That could be accomplished in a day.  Even if I do normal walking and reading.  Might not have much room for MUCH ELSE.  But at least I'm accomplishing SOMETHING.  Learning karate vicariously through TV.  Now I know PUNCH and KICK and STAB.  Wait no stabbing.  At least not in This Show's Karate Traditions.  Maybe in real life Stabbing is a big part of karate.  I don't know!  Maybe some stabbing IN THE BACK in Cobra Kai.  Not everyone is behaving honourably, that's all I'm gonna say about that.  What's the big deal about stabbing a guy in the back.  HE'LL BE FINE.  You stab someone IN THE FRONT there's where organs live.  What's the big deal about the back.  That might be where the spine lives.  Well sure now I FEEL DUMB.  I felt dumb before but now it's been expanded to More Dumbness I Feel.
  Hmm.  2/3rd Donuts were a big hit.  Better than black * white or brownies or other cookies as breakfasts.  Two of these are great!  My Mom has been having some.  So I'm a good son providing for my family.  They Can AND DO Serve as a good NightTime Indulgence snack.  Basically these are gonna get re-upped, almost no doubt about it.  I feel like we should have a Kurdistan.  Why not give Kurds some autonomy for once.  They're as valid a group of people as anyone else!  I assume they WANT a Kurdish state.  Maybe they don't even care that much.  In which case okay fine I guess we're all good then.  Kurds had REPUBLIC OF MAHABAD from January 22nd to December 15th of 1946.  WOW.  THAT's NOT A VERY LONG TIME.  Just the slightest HINT of a Kurdish state.  Hmm.  Look not EVERY group of people get autonomous state.  I guess that's okay!  Lotta people are comfortable living in some places where they don't run things 100%.  WONERFLU.
   Penultimate paragraph of the act.
  Anyway what else do I got going on for me.  Gonna put chicken pot pie in oven SLIGHTLY LONGER than last few times.  Think I'm gonna go up to an hour fourty minutes.  Maybe an hour fourty five minutes!  I KIND OF LIKE IT when the top pastry part of it just sorta comes right off.  I can eat the inside and intermittently take bites out of the pastry part by hand.  HARD to enjoy a real well done baked chicken pot pie and get parts of pastry AND chicken/other insides in same bite.  Let's just cut out the middle man.  Eat inside with fork and eat pastry part by holding it and whatknot.  Anyway that might be good.  I'd say half the time I'm happy with inside of chicken pot pie, a third of the time it'd decent enough, and the rest of the time (ONE SIXTH????) it's just WRONG and NOT GOOD for some reason.  All from same place.  Either way that's the risk we take when we buy Pot Pies.
   Last paragraph of the DayTime Day.  Amazing.  I accomplished it somehow for some reason!  I got Keto Bar Brownie COOLING in fridge.  Put it in there half an hour ago.  It'll be all Fridged up about an hour from now when I finally have it.  DELIGHTFUL.  Maybe try eating that vertically.  From now on I'M EATING EVERYTHING VERTICALLY.  It's fun to try new things sometimes.  Huh.  Still gotta tape cover of book I had been reading back to the rest of the book.  If not now, WHEN.  Before now?  NO it's TOO LATE for that.  How about REAL SOON.  How do you define Real Soon.  IN THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE BUT NOT RIGHT NOW AND ALSO NO REAL CONCRETE PLANS.  Oh okay that sounds reasonable.  What else is going on and crap.  Am I still committed to ham sandwich for lunch.  It's NOT TOO LATE to change my mind now.  SOON IT WILL BE.  Yeah.  I think I'm happy with ham sandwich.  And the mini chips aHoy.  SO GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Anyway sure I'll see ya tonight.




now i've gone too far

    Hey friends.  I have a delicious cherry tootsie pop in my mouth.  For the most part.  Most of the stick isn't in my mouth.  Probably didn't have to say that.  Either way Bad News!  Got no reading done today!  Got all my walks and some NICE REST in the middle of the day for about an hour.  Also finished all left over Cobra Kai.  But in terms of THE WRITTEN WORD Nothin.  In terms of THE PRINTED WORD Nothin.  In terms of DIGITAL TEXT word AND/OR Closed Captioning word SURE A LOT OF THOSE THINGS THAT'S NOT BAD.  Possibly read some drivers' license while on my walks.  May have looked at some store signs.  Holiday Farms.  Used to be a keyfood.  Some sort of GROCER's MARKET.  I'd read that again on my next walk, sure.  I like reading, "Holiday Farms," makes ya feel good.  Anyway had delicious Ham Sandwich with Mini Oreo Pouch for lunch.  SURPRINSGLY satisfying amount of mini oreos.  Surprising AMOUNT.  These mini oreos were small enough that I got like TEN OF EM for the pouch but SOMEHOW EACH ONE was WORTHY as an individual bitesworth.
   Chicken Pot Pie for dinner was good too.  SUPER DECENT.  Anyway lotta karate in the season finale of Cobra Kai.  NO SPOILERS but it happens A LOT.  Also I feel like there's been hundreds of several-move karate action over the 5 seasons.  Gotta imagine if you really pay attention half of them are pretty much the exact same sequence of moves.  Cause whose really gonna notice.  Not me, that's for sure!  ALSO how many configurations of moves can there really be.  MUST BE A LOTTA REPEATS.  So that's good.  GOOD FOR US.  NOW WE KNOW KARATE PRETTY WELL.  Have seen AND STUDIED the main Karate Progressions.  Wonderful.  What else do I got going on.  Thinking about indulging and having Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart as upcoming indulgence snack.  A bit more calories than the other main alternatives but I'M REAL INTERESTED in being REMINDED what these pop tarts taste like.  So that's good.  My lollipop is still going strong.  AMAZING.
Friday Night, eh.  I can handle that.  I HAVE NO REGRETS ABOUT GOING WITH CHERRY.  I think Cherry Flavor is KNOCKING IT OUT OF THE PARK right now.  Well I just bit down into it.  So now the cherry candy flavor is mixing with the chocolate tootsie roll flavor.  EVEN BETTER.  Choosing not to eat any of the stick though.  I feel like that's more often than not the right move.  Maybe SOMETIMES you're in the mood for chewing on the stick too but NOT ME NOT NOW.  Anyway.  MAYBE I WANNA HAVE MORE LOLLIPOP TONIGHT.  Save Pop Tart for another time.  Hmm.  The good news is I have tried all the non-animal cracker Pouches.  I figure my Dad wants all of em.  And I ENJOYED all pouches.  Chips AHoy wasn't great but now GOING INTO NEXT TIME I have the strategy insight on how to make it better.  So that's good.  Wonder if Holiday Farms sign is LIT UP.  I think it probably is.  So I can read it in the dark.  Maybe it's not.  Can't imagine it 100%!
   YEAH.  Didn't watch the Warnock/Walker debate.  Just watched a CLIP where Walker shows his FEDERAL BOOTY INSPECTOR badge. I feel like the general joke is Federal Body Inspector.  I TAKE IT ONE STEP FURTHER AND AM A BIT MORE SPECIFIC ABOUT IT.  Prove me wrong.  What about Federal Boobs Inspector.  THAT'S RIDLOUS THAT WOULDN'T BE IN MY JURISDICTION.  Hmm.  Anyway I'm upset I didn't get any reading in but I feel like I accomplished watching something I Knew I Had To Watch.  Not just IDLY WATCHING RANDOMNESS.  No I had CHORE THINGS TO WATCH and I DID IT.  So it could be worse to be fair.  What else do I got going on for me.  Alt snacks-- golden graham bar, birthday bar, chocolate 2/3rds donut, iced cream sandwich, good fiber bar, 2-3 tootsie pops, smaller snack PLUS one or two tootsie pop...  Well that about covers the top contenders.  I don't think we'll get to the bottom of this today!  WE MUST.  THIS WILL BE HAPPENING IN ABOUT AN HOUR.  WHATEVER HAPPENS it's gonna happen then.  And if I can't  decide and nothing happens THEN THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS AND THAT is 100% THE WORST CASE SCENARIO.  More is lost by INACTION than WRONG ACTION.  That's a phrase.  Indecision than wrong decision.  The point is JUST DO SOMETHING.  You know the NIKE PHRASE.  JUST DO SOMETING.
Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  Looks like there's only 4 assorted cookies left.  And they're all the ones my Dad doesn't like.  And they're all the ones I THINK are the best but are the most indulgent.  BUT finishing the four would be APPROPRIATE for upcoming snack AND DELICIOUS and RIGHT NOW TAT'S GOTTA BE TEH FRONT RUNNER.  I'd much rather be the front runner than running in second place.  YA RISK RUNNING INTO THE FRONT RUNNER and then ya both fall down.  Well the same risk is there for the front runner.  YEAH but it's NOT YOUR FAULT if you're the front runner.  You can't control what's going on behind you!  If two runners collide GOTTA BLAME THE BEHIND RUNNER.  Unless the front runner STOPS SHORT SUDDENLY unexpectedly and without justification.  THEN THIS IS KIND OF ON HIM.  What's going on and crap.  Gotta figure I watch a Tales In The Crypt coming up when entry is done.  SMOKE WRINGS or ABOUT FACE.  Gotta be one of them!  SMOKE WRINGS.  And THEN About Face.  See I'm sort of genius it turns out.
   Last paragraph before recess!  Hey it's not pouring rain tonight for recess.  That should make this vaguely pleasurable.  Look, I dunno what it is, but I just don't feel like the Four Good Assorted Cookies for tonight RIGHT NOW.  I can't say what I DO feel like.  I think there is SOMETHING I feel like in the middle part of my brain but I just can't pinpoint it Right Now At This Very Second.  Hmm.  The good news is once and for all I'm gonna have a sea salt caramel iced cream bar in a little bit.  UNLESS I go with mint chocolate chip again.  GOTTA GO WITH YOUR GUT.  Or go against your gut.  If you go with your gut all the time Gut Gonna Get Complacent.  Sometimes ya gotta go against your gut just to keep your gut Hungry.  Hmm.  Maybe the best possible scenario the world could produce is a golden graham bar and a tootsie pop.  I don't that's entirely implausible.  I think it makes a lotta sense when ya really think about it!  Hey great time for a walk.  Be back soon.

   Hey!  Had four assorted cookies.  Well TO ME they weren't assorted.  They were all the same Circle Cookies with a hole in the middle and frosting and/or icing on top.  DELICIOUS.  I got what I SHOULD HAVE gotten out of them.  I was gonna get cute and have 2 of them with one tootsie pop (and do the same thing another night in the near future) but I liked the first one so much I was like FRUCK THAT I'M FINISHING THEM COOKIE NOW.  I'm not sure if I thought the word Fruck exactly.  It feels like I MAY have but I have no DEFINITIVE proof.  I'd say about 20% chance I said Fruck in my head.  Kinda generous.  I think it's more like 5%.  It is SORT OF possible?  But I really doubt it now that I think about it.  Anyway gotta start beer #2.  I guess I'll enjoy Smoke Wrings well enough after this is done.  Finish the Twitter Day for the first 60% of it.  Then FOCUS HARD on the last 40% of it.  THEN DELICIOUS ICED CREAM BAR AND REST TIME.
   I'd like to Rest for the Rest Of Time.
  GOOD REST THOUGH.  No complete Dead Unconsciousness.  I wanna be GENTLY Resting PLEASANTLY.  That's where I draw the line.  TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, those are my conditions.  Hmm.  It's not FEDERAL Body Inspector.  You may or may not be part of the Federal Government, but it's FEMALE body inspector.  Because YOU NEED TO BE SPECIFIC of the gender of the bodies YOU ARE LEGALLY REQUIRED and/or ALLOWED to inspect.  So that's good.  I bet I do some reading tomorrow. I may need to rethink the schedule exactly, though.  Last few days I get TIRED during the middle of the day which I NowADays have an elongated period of time between walks.  WANNA REST for that time.  So when can I read INSTEAD?  I DUNNO.  THAT'S A TOUGH ONE.  Maybe I only wanna rest because I know I'm supposed to read.  My Body's FIGHT OR FLIGHT activations are KICKING IN when presented with the idea of SHALL I READ A BOOK FOR A WHILE.  NO.  MY BODY WON'T STAND FOR IT.  I MUST FLIGHT INTO GOING TO SLEEP.  Or FIGHT into going to sleep.  Or this metaphor makes no sense EITHER and/or BOTH WAYS.  EITHER WAY WHAT CAN YA DO.
Penultimate paragraph of the night.  It's IMPORTANT that I read every day.  It makes me FEEL LIKE A BIG MAN.  I'm doing something THAT HARDLY NO ONE ELSE IN MAKNIND IS ABLE TO DO.  READ A BOOK.  Makes me feel like I'm really knocking some life out of the park to a staggering extent.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  I could write a book I guess.  If you take a random person at random (DOUBLE RANDOM?) and compare me to them, ODDS ARE I'm more likely to be able to write a book relatively easierly than that jerk.  So that's something to be proud of as well.  But also to TAKE SERIOUSLY.  It's a solemn responsibility to be able to write books better than 9 out of 10 people.  I MAY HAVE TO EMPLOY THOSE SKILLS ONE DAY.  Not fun to think about!  Hmm what is fun to think about.  Not sure ANYTING is fun to think about it.  If it was So Much Fun WHY DO WE HAVE TO BOTHER TINKING ABOUT IT.  Thinking is A CHORE.  Once you involve thinking SORRY NO LONGER FUN.
Last paragraph of the day!  Hmm.  LOOK I probably would have had Small Iced Cream Sandwich as pre lunch or between lunch and dinner snack today IF TEY HAD SENT THEM.  All the better that they didn't, though!  Now I have FOUR for the next six days instead of ONLY THREE.  LOOKS LIKE I'M GETTING TE LAST LAUGH IN THIS SCENARIO.  YOU BETTER NOT BE LAUGHING ABOUT IT AFTER ME.  IF YOU'RE GONNA LAUGH ABOUT IT GET IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM NOW BEFORE I GET MY LAST LAUGH IN.  Hmm.  What kinda lunch are we looking at for tomorrow.  Maybe wide al fredo or turkey meatloaf.  Could be ANYTHING but those jump out at me from behind the bushes as of now.  Hopefully balanced breakfast tomorrow.  But a classic breakfast including trying Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart will be AWFUL TEMPTING.  As will be DOUBLE 2/3rd DONUTS.  BALANCED BREAKFAST IS TEH DREAM THOUGH.  DO TEH RIGHT TING.  THAT'S WHAT I DREAM ABOUT.  IN A JUST WORLD.  Yeah.  Okay.  Sure!  I'll be back tomorrow! See ya then.

-9:51 P.M.




Thursday, October 13, 2022

This Will Just Take A Moment

    Hey friends!  About an hour and 20 minutes ahead of schedule.  Gonna get Acts I and II, Walks I, II, and III, and Shower I done before 1 PM January Sixth Hearing!  Then my next two walks will be crunched together later in the day.  How much crunch?  Depends on how long the hearing is!  Either way, I'll get it all done with and crap.  Hmm.  ALMOST stopped myself from NightMight snacking.  I woke up once and didn't leave the room!  I woke up again for the final time and left the room figuring I'd just pour soda.  And I ALMOST made it out of the kitchen with just that but I SUCCUMBED to four or so assorted cookies.  STILL THOUGH I feel like I was closer to success than usual.  So that's good!  Had classic breakfast today.  That's good!  Got kitchen parm for lunch.  Kitchen, chicken.  Same thing in the end.  What else.  No 538 today.  That's the goal!  Wearing new socks today!  That's already in action!  Not bad socks.  Pretty comfortable!
   Ugh.  Not gonna have a lot of time to read Bob Dylan today.  Unless I don't do something else I wanna do.  Should have about an hour or so uninterrupted to read.  That's not that bad.  MAYBE Even an hour and a half WE DON'T KNOW how long January Sixth hearing will be.  I say the longer the better!  I want it to be as comprehensive and hard hitting as possible!  The more time it is, the more time for Hard Hittedness to take place.  I COULD take a walk when they half break halfway through January Sixth hearing.  Watch the first half with my parents.  Then have it on pause while they take break on MY TV.  And then when I get back watch the rest on my TV.  I dunno.  I like COMMUNAL watching.  Not for most things.  But for this!  What else is up.  What kinda snack I got coming my way in the distant future before lunch.  Maybe try pouch of oreos.  Doesn't sound satisfying.  But I like the premise of eating delicious Oreo Minis.  Probably five of em.  Snap each in half and double deck them halves.  Amazing.  LOOK I dunno what we're doing for communal dinner.  Feels like we're on track for DELI.
   WOW.  Maybe get something EXCITING like two hot dogs.  Or something EXCITING like... one hot dog... wrapped inside a knish.  YEAH.  The hot dog isn't' wrapped inside a knish.  Not sure those words even make sense.  The knish is wrapped around the hot dog.  KNISH does the wrapping, hot dog does the Inside.  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Dessert Day, World Egg Day, and National Baking Weeek.  WORLD EGG DAY?  Sounds like some sort of weird religion thing.  The world is some sort of giant egg.  I've heard crazier things!  Lemme LURQ.  Google IS THE WORLD AN EGG.  Wait no.  Google THE WORLD AS AN EGG.  WIKIPEDIA PAGE with like 14 sections of individual religions or mythologies about World Being AN Egg.  Looks like I've stumbled onto something.  Anyway.  I DON'T WANNA BE AROUND WHEN THE WORLD HATCHES.  Gotta imagine something terrifying is being born.  Maybe that's just me.  Maybe you imagine something delightful being born.  NOT ME.  Feels like whatever hatches out of world is gonna kill us all.  Anyway.  Dessert Day.  SURE.  WHY NOT.  Baking Week.  DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO.  And DEFINITELY Don't Tell Me a week starts on Friday.  ACTUALLY for me weeks do start on Friday.  SUPER Market week.  We re-up on Friday.  LOOKS LIKE YOU WERE ONE STEP AHEAD OF ME FROM THE GITMO.
Fourth paragraph!  Hmm.  Getting vaguely relatively deep into entry.  I know we're not THAT deep but being in the fourth paragraph is SOMETHIN.  Anyway.  Looks like most World Egg ideas are more UNIVERSE Egg.  Who cares about that.  Modern day interpretation of Big Bang is It's Like Universe Hatches From Egg.  I DON'T LIKE IT AND I DON'T CARE OR IT.  I want the Earth Sphere Unit we're living on to BREAK OPEN and release some sort of Monster.  REALLY BIG MONSTER.  Too big.  Can't really do anything to us, it's so big.  Just like we can't kill tiny bacteria by stepping on it, this monster can't kill us.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine The Earth breaking would kill us.  Oh well we had a good run of it.  I feel like we should combine you can't put the genie back in the bottle with don' count your chickens before they hatch.  Switch em up.  Can't put the chicken back in the egg and don't count your genies before they leave the bottle.  Okay.  I guess there's no HARM in that switch em up.  Not sure why it's necessary though.  Original phrases got the job done already!
   Fifth paragraph.  Delightful.  Get to have coffee after this one!  Hmm.  Presumably can watch new episode of CHUCKY today.  And possibly a Cobra Kai or two.  EACH SEASON Cobra Kai gets A NEW WORSE SENSEI.  Stars off with Johnny Lawrence.  Then becomes that other jerk.  Then becomes SUPER JERK.  Not sure how they're gonna top this super jerk in upcoming seasons.  Donald Trump.  That's the only person I can think of who'd be a Super Super Jerk.  Kinda feels like in 20% of slightly alternate universes there is/was such a thing as Trump Karate.  So that's good.  I don't like the idea there's plenty of slightly alternate universes.  THAT MEANS EVERY MOVE I MAKE I'm choosing my own specific universe.  TOO MUCH PRESSURE.  Let's just all agree to live in the same single universe and THAT'S THAT.   Seems like the right way to go about things.  National Baking Week?  If it's taking you a week to bake in celebration YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.  Maybe not.  Maybe lots of good Bakings require multiple days work.  Oh well coffee time!
   Sure.  Probably talked about uneasiness with multiple universes.  I'm not a fan!  Either way just gotta do 2 more of what I already did for Daytime Paragraphs.  Good deal. Still on Today's Hits playlist.  That's fine I guess.  Hmm.  Might have to decide whether to have lunch around the normal time but During January Sixth Hearing and BEFORE walk IV instead of after.  OR Hearing might be longer than expected, I take a walk after that, and eat lunch a little bit late!  THIS IS A REAL TOUGH ONE.  I don't know what to do until we see how long it'll be.  LONGER THE BETTER, that's how I feel.  Anyway.  When we last left Bob Dylan he was just figuring out that h wants to write his own songs instead of playing already existing folk music.  Can't wait to see where that takes him.  My guess is he has a lot of success.  MUSIC CAREER success.  I dunno about Personal Life Quality Success.  Gotta keep reading I guess.  Hmm.  I could look up real quick if he's married.  That'd be good for him presumably.  Gotta imagine it'd be by choice.  Let's see. I DON'T THINK HE MARRIED RIGHT NOW.
He does have a son though!  I knew that!  He's in the band that covered I Started A Joke.  Which I MAY only be aware of because it was on the Zoolander Soundtrack.  And like EVERY RED BLOODED AMERICAN I bought The Zoolander Soundtrack THE SECOND IT HIT THE RACKS.  Maybe I'd somehow know this cover anyway.  I don't know WHY I would.  Either way IT'S A FINE TRACK ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.  Id listen to it again if that's what it came to!  Anyway seventh paragraph.  WOW Bob Dylan was married to someone named Sara Dylan for a decade.  WHAT ARE THE ODDS.  Oh right.  She may have taken his last name.  Wasn't always a Dylan.  ANyway.  If she REALLY wanted to take his last name she shoulda been Sara Zimmermann, right?  IF YOU'RE GONNA DO SOMETHING, DO IT RIGHT.  I haven't watched Zoolander in a while.  I guess it's for the best.  Hmm.  Also seems kinda OFF to sing a song called I Started a joke when YOU DIDN'T EVEN START THE SONG.  The person who wrote the song may not have even started the joke, but they certainly can make a case.  YOU DIDN'T EVEN START THIS SONG LET ALONE THE JOKE.  Hmm.  I guess it's POSSIBLE you started the joke a long time ago, someone else wrote the song about you, and then much later on you cover that song.  It's not IMPOSSIBLE now that I think about it.
Three paragraphs to go until walk!  Good deal.  I think we just may NEVER get the Mets article here's why 2022 season was all fun and good after all.  Went straight from Doom and Gloom to articles about upcoming offseason and what to do and whatknot.  GIMME THE FEEL GOOD ARTICLE.  It's POSSIBLE to write.  There were plenty of good times over the season.  REMIND OF THEM YOU IDIOTS.  Gotta imagine The Wallflowers wrote original songs.  Isn't there a song called One Headlight or something.  And if there is I feel about 40% certain it was their song.  Lemme LTURQ.  HEY I WAS EXACTLY RIGHT.  Also these suckers released like eight albums and achieved plenty of success.  Oh well.  What can ya do.  I don't think one headlight is gonna cut it.  I want two or three headlights at a minimum!  Wait what's a headlight again.  I confused myself.  OH RIGHT.  It's what I thought it was.  Light on car that illuminates the road.  Cars don't have one headlight, right?  Wouldn't have good depth perception.  Gotta have TWO headlights!
   Maybe on headlight is broken.  And a cop pulled you over to tell you that.  Then they assaulted you for some reason.  Anyway two more paragraphs o go!  Hmm.  Should be able to fit watching something between shower and January Sixth hearing.  Possibly an entire Cobra Kai.  GREAT.  GET IN THE SPIRIT OF THINGS.  KIRATE spirit.  Anyway I think it'd be a real GET if they could get Pat Morita's ghost to appear on the next season of Cobra Kai.  People would LOSE THEIR MINDS.  Anyway what else is going on.  Do I get something out of wearing clothes that I've laundered myself?  Maybe a little bit.  The part I really dig is transporting clothes from being put on hangers downstairs to UPSTAIRS hanging them up on a hook.  PLACING them in their final resting place until I wear them, after laundering them myselves... that's good.  I guess cause it's the FINAL STEP of Doing The Laundry.  Wearing the shirt is PAST doing the laundry.  But you could argue FINAL TRANSPORTATION of shirts is still the laundry.  Hmm.  Interesting.  I'm gonna write one more paragraph now.
Okay!  Looks like Bob Dylan Book is close to 300 pages.  I think I'm in the mid 70's.  WOW.  Probably finish this book within 3-7 days would be my guess.  What else is up.  You can't put the genie back in the bottle.  WHY WOULD I WANT TO.  THIS IS GREAT NEWS.  Getting a genie out of a bottle is LITERALLY one of the best things that could EVER happen to you.  HAVE SOME FUN WITH YOUR WISHES you idiot.  Maybe some genies cause mischief or something.  And half the time they rig your wishes so that they backfire on you always.  But I feel like a lot of genies are trust worthy!  You make a wish, they'll grant it appropriately!  SOMETIMES it'll backfire on you, SOMETIMES IT WON'T.  That's just how life goes.  Could I theoretically read some Bob Dylan after shower and before January Sixth hearing?  NO.  Too early to read.  I need to build up my strength over the course of the day to be able to apply myself to reading!  Hey great time to take a walk.




Doesn't It Strike You As Odd

    Hey!  Think I'm gonna do a real CrunchTime and fit in a bonus walk after my shower.  That benefits me THUSLY-- I can enjoy Hearing without being anxious about how long it runs.  I can have lunch whenever I want without scheduling it before or after a walk.  I have a bigger time period in middle of the day to do more reading.  Only negative is the crunch time between walks III and IV!  Could be as low as 20-25 minutes betwixt the walks.  Possibly 30-40 minutes though.  Either way wow great I'll accomplish that real goood.  ANyway what do I got to say in the meantime.  Ideally within 35 minutes or so.  I DUNNO I COVERED ALL THE IMPORTANT TOPICS ALREADY.  Maybe have delicious golden graham bar as upcoming snack.  Eat it when I get back from walk iv and at start of Hearing!  SURE that's a half hour earlier than I usually have snack.  I WANNA GET IT IN THEN THOUGH.  I can't EXPLAIN why.  It's just a FEELING I got of The Right Thing To Do.
   Okay.  Gotta finalize Super Market order tonight.  Figure out how many soda to get.  Whattado about beer.  Perhaps another thing or two I'm not thinking of.  IF THIS JANUARY SIXH HEARING IS JUST THEM GOING OVER THE VARIOUS ELECTION PROJECTION MODELS OF 538 I'M GONNA BE REALLY UPSET.  Unless things have turned for the better BY A LOT the last couple days.  Then I'm gonna be like well this wasn't what I expected, and I DID wanna see more evidence pile up against Trump & Co, potentially building the case to actually hold them responsible in a sane world, but THIS IS GOOD NEWS TOO.  So MAYBE that would be okay?  I dunno.  Hmm.  Glad no one ever ruled that I had to pay a billion dollars to some people.  BECAUSE IT SPEAKS TO MY CHARACTER.  Having to pay out the money is INCIDENTAL.  I'm just happy that I'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG IN LIFE that would incur that kind of penalty.  I CAN FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF THUSLY.  Anyway.  Do they leave Alex Jones enough to survive.  I don't know how it works, but I assume as he gathers money they take some of it away to keep making dents in Paying His Tab.  But they can't take 100% of his money.  He'd DIE without food or water or possibly shelter.  And you need him ALIVE to keep paying.  IN FACT his future financial state is IN YOUR BEST INTEREST for him to Do Good Moneywise.  YOU GOTTA BE PROPPING HIM UP to make tons of money.  Wait a second that doesn't sound right at all!
Third paragraph.  Moneywise is like Pennywise.  MONEY IS PENNY and PENNY IS MONEY.  Also it goes without saying that, "Wise," is, "Wise."  So that's good I guess.  What else is up.  Still not sure whatta do about dinner tonight.  Maybe some sort of breaded chicken cutlet sandwich.  Probably make it a 2 part'r with Side.  I DUNNO ABOUT THAT.  Got chicken parm for lunch.  I CAN'T HAVE CHICKEN TWICE IN THE SAME DAY.  Hmm.  Maybe some sort of salami omelet.  That could be pretty good.  Let's keep that in consideration.  Anyway what else is up.  I like how quick I wrote these 2.5 paragraphs.  Took me 15 minutes.  AT THAT RATE I'm gonna have Not Unreasonable Amount Of Time between walks III and IV.  WOW.  NOT UNREASONABLE?  THAT SOUNDS LIKE REASONABLE.  And reasonable is good.  So that's good.  9 Episodes of Tales In The Crypt to go.  Until I STOP COMPLETELY.  Probably for a couple of months, that'd be my guess.  What else is up.  Eh this is enough for a paragraph all things considered.  I'm gonna go start the next paragraph now.
YEAH.  What else is going on and crap.  Would it be playing it more safe to just hang around between walks iii and iv for about 30-35 minutes?  I dunno.  I don't see how taking a shower would be too risky.  Shower itself is four minutes.  If I HAD to I could be ready to take a walk 5 minutes from turning off the shower nozzle.  THIRTY+ minutes is plenty of time to do that sorta crap.  Nozzle sounds like a make up word.  ALL WORDS ARE MADE UP.  Interesting counterpoint.  When was last January Sixth Hearing.  Probably AUGUST right.  Lemme LTURQ.  WOW JULY 21st.  Been a while.  Can't wait to see how he committee members have grown.  Who got a nice lookin' haircut.  That sort of thing.  I think they all wear powdered wigs so we can't see their hair. I can't picture the top of their heads in my mind's eye but I THINK powdered wig is how they roll?  Lemme LURQ if What I'm Imagining is actually called a, "Powdered Wig."  Hmm.  YEP IT SURE IS. 
   Last paragraph.  Wrote four paragraphs in about twenty minutes.  Lookin like the time between walks ii and iii may be even less than walks iii and iv!  WOW WHAT A DEAL.  WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON AND CRAP.  Who was the LAST senator or such to wear a powdered wig.  Gotta imagine it didn't just go from EVERYONE to NO ONE literally over night.  There had to be EXACTLY ONE LAST HOLD OUT.  I admire his commitment to the bit.  Anyway what else is going on.  Wow they generally went out of fashion in the 1790's.  I was imagining them lasting decades longer than that.  LOOKS LIKE I WAS Wrong ABOUT SOMETHING.  That's bound to happen from time to time.  Did Women EVER IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE wear powdered wigs.  Lemme LTURQ.  Not seeing anything about it.  I guess the answer is No.  Unless they were doing some sort of Rom-Com where they're posing as a 1780's Aristocrat Politician Man.  Not sure why that's a rom-com.  Because they fall in love with their coworker Aristocrat Politician Man YOU IDIOT.  Anyway.  Time to take a walk.  Have an entire fourty five minutes for time between next walk and walk after!  See ya later!




no not really

    Hey!  Another day Mostly Down.  Or COMPLETELY DOWN.  From this point on it's solidly THE NIGHT.  Either way had delicious 2 hot dogs and 10 wheat thins for dinner.  Had delicious lunch and snacks and all tat bullshit. Gonna have delicious RASPBERRIERE tootsie pop coming up in a paragraph or so.  Watched all of January Sixth Hearing.  Read about 30 pages from "Bob," Dylan.  Took all my walks up till this point.  I don't get the point of those sentences.  Is it important I tell you I Did All The Things I Always Do And Planned To Do And Did?  Can't you just assume I did everything that you would have assumed I did? I dunno.  CAN'T TAKE TAT RISK.  Better tell you JUST TO BE ON TEH SAFE SIDE I took all my walks up til this point today.  Watched a few Tales In The Crypts and Cobra KAI's.  IS THAT ENOUGH TO PLEASE YOU.  The point is I made it up to PART III of V in Bob Dylan book.  FIVE sections.  I HAVE NOW COMPLETED TWO.
   Hmm.  Thinking about a Birthday Bar coming up later today.  Hmm What CELEBS B-Day are today.  It's IMPORTANT because I MAY HAVE HEARD OF THESE PEOPLE BEFORE.  WOW Sasha Baron Cohen and AOC.  CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH OF TEM.  I'm guessing Sacha Baron Cohen is turning seventy four and AOC is turning a hundred and thirty nine.  I didn't say I was guessing IN THE SPIRIT OF TRYING TO BE ACCURATE.  That was YOUR assumption.  BIG MISTAKE.  I was guessing in TE SPIRIT OF BEING DIFFICULT.  Anyway seven episodes of Tales In The Crypt left.  Four episodes of Tales Of The Karate Kids left.  It'll be a real pleasure to be done with those things for the rest of my life presumably.  FINALLY I can move on to the next phase of my life.  Probably folk musician.  I've been reading up on it and I feel like I can knock some folk music out of the park if only I was more talented and had more inspiration and drive.  Hmm.  I think I'm gonna have the lollipop now.  I EARNT IT.  I speculated on Possible Futures.  VERY IMPORTANT SUBJECT FOR ME.  Gotta figure something out.  I JUST GOT THE CONVERSATION ROLLING.
   Yeah!  WHAT TE HELL the main teenage kid ladies in this show are actually solidly in their 20's?  GOOD.  I'm happy for them.  I'm sorry that they have to keep acting like children when they are clearly all grown up in real life.  Gotta be frustrating!  HEY I'M ADULT NOW BY A FEW MONTHS YET I STILL MUST ACT LIKE A CHILD TO GET PAID.  BUT NOW PEOPLE TINK I AM A CHILD.  DON'T LIKE IT OR SOMETHIN.  That's what THEIR inner monologue is.  REAL life inner monologue.  Not CHARACTER inner monologue.  Hey this is fun.  It's like cherry but WIT A KICK.  Raspberry.  Amazing.  Raining pretty hard outside.  Hopefully it, "Let's Up," soon for when I take my walk.  Let's consult the internet on that point of contention.  IT WILL NOT BE, "LETTING UP," any time soon.  Hmm.  Maybe take a walk in the moderately hard rain!  Gotta figure that might be fun.  It's like taking a shower FOR FREE.  Anyway I like how Bob Dylan describes people. Ya get the sense when he meets some jerk he figures out something he likes about them and remembers it and then tells us about it eventually in his memoir.  BIG FAN.  Makes me feel like if he met ME, he'd say something kind about me somewhere down the road.  WOW WHAT A BOOST OF CONFIDENCE.
Halfway through Act III Part I.  Of course maybe Bob Dylan met a lot of jerks and just left them out of his memoir.  Possibly because he was also busy writing a complimentary memoir called JERKS I'VE MET and it's ALL JERKS, ALL THE TIME.  I'd read that book, too.  Bob Dylan shitting on people left and right!  Big and small!  People he knows intimately and people he's hardly been exposed to!  NO JERK IS SAFE from Bob Dylan calling them out!  Amazing.  The point is I only have about 2.5 paragraphs to go before Recess.  WHY am I looking forward to recess. IT WILL BE UNPLEASANT cause of all that water falling out of the sky.  IN UNPLEASANT PELLET FORM.  Gotta look forward to something.  Plus I get to eat a Birthday bar to celebrate returning back to the house afterwards!  Anyway I gotta get up early tomorrow to accept Super Market delivery.  Early enough so I can take Walk comfortably before delivery window arrives.  Look I wanna bite down into lollipop soon.  But NOT UNTIL NEXT PARAGRAPH.
   HEY GOOD NEWS NOWS TEH TIME.  Hey wonderful this was a blast.
  Maybe I wanna have more lollipop after walk instead of birthday bar.  Anyway January Sixth hearing gets a SIX OUT OF TEN today.  They said something about doing a vote at the end of hearing and I thought they were gonna vote to unanimously do a criminal referral to DOJ.  About DJT.  Instead they just unanimously issued subpoena for Trump to testify.  Which I gotta assume he'll just ignore!  I LIKE THEY TRIED to do SOME SORT OF shocking cliff hanger.  But they should have done the original idea of Criminal Referral.  Maybe Trump complies because he likes attention.  I feel like he'll probably be getting enough attention from other sources to make him not comply with THIS SPECIFIC method of getting attention though.  That'd be my guess.  Anyway what else is up.  NOT gonna be halfway through my walk AT THE STARBUCKS before 9 PM.  Maybe they're open after 9 PM, maybe they're not.  I HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING.   Except checking online.  I DON'T OPERATE THAT WAY.  I DON'T OPERATE AT ALL.  NOT qualified.
Last paragraph before recess.  WHAT KINDA LUNCH we talkin about for tomorrow.  OH BOY LET'S GET INTO IT.  Turkey meatloaf and health spaghetti, wide al fredo, chicken ceasar salad, turkey sandwich, ham sandwich, or veggie burger.  WHAT THE... HUH?  I guess off the top of my head MAYBE A SANDWICH but it's WAY too early to start thinking about that.  Not TOO early.  Too early to start NARROWING IT DOWN though.  It's never too early to START BEING PREPARED.  I'm just not gonna hold myself to any immediate decision making or anything.  Just finished beer #1.  Gotta imagine I'll have beer #2 after recess walk.  Good deal.  Had some Not Great resting in bed for about half an hour in the middle of the day.  Sure I KINDA got some rest from NOT Laying in bed but it wasn't totally a RELAXATION period.  Mind AND/OR BODY was still TOO BUSY.  CALM DOWN, that's what I always say.  Anyway hey it's time to take the walk.  Be back soon!

   Hey!  It was raining like a Mother out there!  FUCKER.  Mother FUCKER.  Oh Okay I Get It.  Anyway I SURVIVED.  Dessert Indulgence Snack COMMENCEd with 40 cal fudgepop.  I will have TOOTSIE POP soon.  POSSIBLY TWO?  It's possible!  Probably just one though.  That's how I choose to, "Roll," tonight.  HEY THERE'S A ROLL IN THE POP.  TOOTSIE ROLL.  Gotta imagine the Tootsie Roll was some sort of dance move in the 1920's.  I implore you to imagine it.  Or don't, what do I care.  I have very little invested in your current imagination and whether you're using it wisely or errantly.  Just doesn't concern me that much!  People were in Starbucks as I passed by.  I didn't have to urinate though.  So I kept walking by.  That's how I, "Roll."  Why do I keep, "Rolling."  I dunno.  Gotta do something!  Rolling is as good as anything else I suppose.  Figure I'll watch a single complete Tale In The Crypt after this.  Hmm.  Just watched Cold War.  What's next.  My guess is either The Kidnapper (A guess) or Report From The Grave (B guess).  YEP NAILED IT.  It was A and then the episode after that is B.  Looks like I'm the smartest man on the planet!
   GOOD.  THAT'S A RELIEF.  Odds are nobody gonna out smart me.  That takes a lot of pressure off.  Hmm.  Look if anyone out there is TRYING to out smart me they're gonna have a very good chance of succeeding.  I tend not to care enough About Anything to defend against Getting Outsmarted!  IT'S ONE OF MY BIGGEST FAULTS.  Anyway figure I'll start lollipoop at the end of this paragraph.  The point is my feet took a bath on the walk.  I suffered the worst case scenario-- water got all up in my shoes and socks and everything.  But I'm PUTTING A POSITIVE SPIN ON IT.  FEET TOOK A BATH AND NOW THEY'RE REFRESHED AND CLEANSED.  So that's good.  I feel self conscious when I'm walking down the sidewalk in the rain and you see a big swath of it is REALLY underwater so I gotta step off the side walk and walk on the grass for just a little bit before returning to the sidewalk.  People watching will think I'VE GONE CRAZY.  And I'd have to be like NO I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING, REALLY.  WATER TOO DEEP THIS PART OF THE SIDEWALK, TRUST ME, ME WALKING ON THE GRASS IS ALL PART OF A GREATER PLAN.
Penultimate paragraph.  Choco pop time!  Gonna go out on a limb and predict with 95% accuracy that if I have iced cream bar tonight, which I predict I will with 85% accuracy, it will be a sea salt caramel bar.  AMAZING.  I know I talked a big game about having one of them 2 or 3 knights ago, but I ENDED UP GOING WIT MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP THAT TIME.  MEANING that it's been like 3 or 4 weeks since I had a sea salt caramel!  TOINGHTS TE NIGHT THOUGH.  Probably.  .95 x .85 is the odds I guess.  Delightful.  Thinking about STRONGLY aiming for balanced breakfast tomorrow.  Not just hey whatever happens happens but balanced breakfast would be nice.  NO.  Not quite DEFINITELY BALANCED BREAKFAST OR SEPPUKU.  Somewhere where it's like REALLY REALLY TRY FOR BALANCED BREAKFAST IF I CAN.  If not OH WELL I better really get all I can get out of the alternative I've settled on.  What's that?  I AM getting a lot out of it?  WELL THIS COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE.  What am I talking about again.
   Last paragraph!  Good beans.  Got what I THINK is the responsible amount of soda for upcoming delivery.  Based on the several bottles I still had from last week.  I SHOULD be okay there.  HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CONCENTRATE With IT RAINING OUTSIDE.  It's too LOUD.  SHUT UP YOU IDIOT RAIN.  Idiot RAIN?  I've heard of Idiot WIND but THIS IS RIDICULOUS.  A+ REFERENCING.  What else do I got going on for me.  Any special thing I'm getting tomorrow that's exciting.  HEY I ended up getting a box of Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart.  SLIGHTLY more calorie than Yer Smore flavor but I'm EXCITED to be REMINDED what Brown Sugar CINNAMON is all about.  Anything else exciting.  NOPE THAT'S THE ONLY EXCITING TING.  But it IS very exicting.  Hmm.  In Cold War Ewan Macgregor goes on rants several times over the episode that he doesn't know what Wanker means.  I GUESS he's speaking for THE AMERICAN audience who may not be familiar with the term??? But he's a British Actor playing a British character so WHY WOULDN'T HE KNOW TE TERM???  IT'S JUST CONFUSING.  Good thing we covered that.  VERY Good Thing.  I'll be back tomorrow!  Maybe I wanna finish last fudge iced cream bar tonight.  Re-up with some more tomorrow.  VERY good thing I came to that conclusion.  Be back tomorrow!

-9:59 P.M.




Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Read This Or Not

    Hey friends!  About 20 minutes ahead of schedule.  HOWEVER with new Time To Get Up, I'm adjusting what, "On Schedule," means.  Used to mean starting Act I at 10:15.  NOW It's gonna mean starting Act I at 10:30.  So that's good.  Had ZOOM appointment with therapist.  Successfully!  Nothing explicitly bad happened that would muck up calling it a success.  Hmm.  Had delicious two mini donuts for breakfast!  Also these mini donuts are like 2/3rds the size of regular medium sized donuts.  NOT A BAD AMOUNT.  Yesterday I was upset it wasn't 10% heartier.  Two for breakfast though?  I WAS SATISFIED.  Sure I'd TAKE 10% heartier but I wasn't upset about it!  Anyway.  Had some reasonable amount of NightMight Snacking.  I think THREE assorted cookies at one time and a 70 calorie fiber one brownie at another.  WOW ALL CAUGHT UP.  Haven't checked 538 yet today.  Let's keep it going.  What else.  Lunch probably gonna be turkey sandwich.  Delightful.
I'm a little worried that reading Bob Dylan book I won't be able to understand what he's saying.  Literally and figuratively!  obviously it's hard to follow along with the narrative of his songs AND PRESUMABLY HIS MEMOIRS but ALSO hard to distinguish what words he's using half the time, too.  Gotta imagine that carries over into the written word.  The point is it's worth a shot.  He's a NATIONAL TREASURE.  I owe it to myself to TRY to read his Chronicles.  Lemme LURQ whether he uses a guitar pick.  ONE RANDOM GUY said he sometimes uses a pick, sometimes he doesn't.  GREAT.  For acoustic guitar I used pick 10% OF TIME OVER MY LIFE.  For electric guitar probably more like 2/3rds of the time.  For neither acoustic guitar OR electric guitar HMM MUST HAVE USED A GUITAR PICK AT SOME POINT.  Lemme think of any time I could have used a pick for another reason.  Not great book marks.  I guess COLLECTING THEM is using them.  I'd have been happy to have a dozen or more different picks and just ENJOYED THEIR COMPANY.
   Third paragraph!  Guitar picks are Fun things to have just laying on the floor or on your desk.  Or on top of the guitar amplification system (GAS).  Nice fun stuff!  Anyway brought down the rest of my laundry and put it in washing machine.  Then my Mom will do next few steps.  Then we'll see what else has to be done by me!  Great!  Can't wait to have delicious golden graham coming up.  Possibly as semi-indulgence snack before lunch.  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National M&M Day and National Yorkshire Pudding Day.  NOT A FAN of National Days being for specific products.  Not all in good fun!  Now you're trying to get me to buy a specific product and I feel uncomfortable with that!  Also been a while since I had M&MS.  Maybe for Halloween candy we can get those tiny bags of MNMS.  And I can EAT THEM.  Not the bags.  The chocolate candies within.  Anyway.  On occasion they've had MINI MnMs for sale.  Dunno if they do that as of this moment.  Either way MNMS are already pretty small.  Good luck having Just One At A Time.  WHY MAKE THEM SMALLER.  If anything MAKE EM BIGGER.  People might get a kick out of that!  Yorkshire pudding.  Probably disgusting.  Lemme LTURQ.  Looks kinda good.  Dunno what it is.  But looks good.
Fourth paragraph!  Looks like next step in laundry I GOTTA DO is transfer clothes from washing machine to dryer.  That ain't gonna be until after my next walk I guess!  So that's good.  Why can't I figure out what yorkshire pudding is.  Can't be THAT long a description.  The pudding part is throwing me off.  The ingredients and picture and way of cooking sounds good.  But I can't get over it being called PUDDING.  THAT PART I DON'T LIKE ONE BIT.  Hmm.  New episode of Spooky Film Moments.  Moments 36-24.  WOW TOP 25 MOMENTS. TWO OF EM.  Probably aim to have some salty side to Sandwich.  Maybe wheat thins for today.  Maybe cheez its.  Maybe a third wild card.  Either way it's gonna be a blast and a half.  How much time would I ideally have to finish this act.  I dunno let's say about 52 minutes.  Based on VERY LITTLE.  Not sure why I settled for that.  OH I KNOW.  When I first started Act I, 52 minutes from NOW would be an hour and 15 minutes from First Start.  HOUR and 15 minutes is generally what I give myself for 10 paragraphs.  SO IN THE SPIRIT OF THINGS let's do that and whatknot.
Fifth paragraph!  Amazing.  HMM.  Small serving size packs of cookies came.  We're talkin animal crackers( ALL FOR MY DAD ) but the other three are My Time To Shine.  Mini chips ahoy, mini oreos, and mini some sort of Graham Cracker.  WOW. Forget Golden graham bar I WANNA TRY ONE FOTHSE as upcoming snack.  Maybe chips a hoy.  Let's go with that.  Gotta imagine it might be over 50% satisfying.  For the size of snack I want.  I might be OVER THE TIPPING POINT of hey this vaguely was hearty enough.  So that's something to look forward to.  Again who wants mini chips ahoy.  GIMME SOME MAXI CHIPS AHOY.  People would dig that!  A chips ahoy 8x the size!  THIS ISN'T A FALSITUDE.  They should do that.  Also I get royalties every time the cookie is enjoyed.  Shouldn't it be every time the cookie is sold.  NOPE.  If they buy it and don't enjoy it YOUR MONEY BACK.  Not THEIR money.  Company gets money back. NOW THEY HAVE INCENTIVE to sell them and for them to not be enjoyable though.  Hmm.  Coffee time.
   A regular pre-lunch snack doesn't need to be that hearty.  Still though if it's like 4 little Dots of cookies that wouldn't please me.  DANGIT if it doesn't please me I get no royalties from myself.  Huh.  Not sure that math adds up.  Oh well.  Box came with 30 packs of cookies.  I don't think they're all equally represented.  I KNOW they're not.  Four does not go into Thirty evenly.  GREAT.  I think they even make it more complicated than they have to, though.  Lemme LURQ to see if I can see the numbers online.  SEVEN Teddy Grahams and Animal Crackers.  EIGHT Chips Ahoy and Oreo Minis.  That's not needlessly complicated.  In fact VERY intuitive.  If you're having 2 of 8 an 2 of 7 that'd pretty much the obvious way to go completely.  Thy NAILED this configuration I feel.  DANGIT that' a lot of bags I have to eat.  Hmm.  I think my Dad WILL also eat the non animal cracker ones.  He just did this whole thing for the animal crackers, though.  He's ON BOARD with at least two of the other three!
   Seventh paragraph.  How about that.  Two months until my 34th birthday.  Kinda my 35th birthday.  I feel when you turn zero that's your birthday.  Quite literally it's your birthday.  But even NON-quite-literally.  THIS IS A GOOD POINT.  We've all had one more birthdays than we give ourselves credit for!  I think that's how they do it in India or something.  Kind of.  With a different focus.  You start off at one years old.  Maybe not India.  SOMEWHERE.  Anyway.  I STAND BY MY REASONING.  TEDDY GRAHAM 120 cal, ORO 130 cal, and AHOY 140 cal.  SOUNDS reasonable.  Hmm.  Now that we're further into the playoffs and I don't have the context of actively rooting for the Mets, this kind of reminds me of last year's playoffs.  Several of the same teams.  Sometimes they win JUST LIKE LAST YEAR or lose JUST LIKE LAST YEAR.  THIS IS ALL RINGING A BELL.  Anyway.  That's sports for ya I guess.  The point is I will unhappily see polls and whatknot through the natural course of things but MAYBE I'm done with 538.  THAT'S THE DREAM.
Three paragraphs to go for Act I!  If I'm sticking with Amount Of Time I Gave Myself Arbitrarily... I got 34 minutes to write 3 paragraphs. WOW.  So much time.  Amazing!  I assume people who believe life begins at conception measure their age in relation to that date and not their birth date.  To them Birth Date is a pretty arbitrary number. Means nothing!  You've been a person since conception.  WHAT'S THAT.  THEY DON'T DO IT THAT WAY?  SOUNDS LIKE A SCAM THEY'RE TRYING TO PULL.  Hmm.  I think mini donuts are better utilized as 2 for breakfast than 1 for Indulgence Snack at night.  Although that wasn't bad either!  The point is this could be a game changer.  Replace black and whites and other Pure Dessert Breakfasts.  AMAZING.  Right on target for breakfast calories.  Sometimes breakfast calories are 30-50 LESS than right on target.  But this is FINE TOO.  Hmm.  Ripped open Assorted Cookies last night A LITTLE bit.  Coulda been ripped more.  I feel like the amount I ripped it open DOESN'T JUSTIFY abandoning container completely and putting them all into sandwich bag.
   Two paragraphs to go before walk!  Then after walk presumably moving things from washing machine into drying machine.  Or Washer Into Drier if you wanna use those words instead.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Feels like I had something in my head to say but now I don't remember it.  Almost done with New In Rock playlist.  Only 3 or 4 more songs.  Probably go straight to another playlist when this is done.  That'd be my guess on what I could do.  Now that I think about it I Wish The Mets made it to division series.  Imagine-- these four series going on for a week AND THE METS ARE IN ONE OF EM, doing baseball stuff to the best of their abilities!  WE'RE MISSING OUT BIG TIME.  Oh well that's part of life.  Missing out big time.  Because we lost a best of 3 game series to LET'S FACE IT a lesser team.  Hmm.  Only two games going on today.  National League Series.  The two teams I'm actively rooting for are AMERICAN LEAGUE teams.  GO FIGURE.
Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  I assume people who believe you're born at conception believe you die when you're finally buried.  If we're gonna add bonus time to your life PREbirth let's add some bonus time to your lie POSTdeath.  Makes sense to me.  Or maybe it's transposed.  And you actually die nine months before Clinical Death.  That's another way to go too.  Anyway.  Got three meals over the next three meals.  Hmm that's a strangely phrased sentence.  Point is Turkey Sandwich, herbed chicken with sweet potatoe and broccoli, and kids chicken parm.  HERBED CHICKEN makes the most sense as a dinner.  TURKEY makes most sense as lunch on the same day as chicken.  Cause the LAST thing-- chicken parm-- IS ALSO CHICKEN.  Have that sucker tomorrow.  THIS ISN'T THAT COMPLICATED.  Good I'm glad.  Maybe I get to dinner and want some chicken parm.  That's possible.  The point is I Forget.  I'm done here with plenty o' time to spare!  Be back soon!  Hmm.  Maybe I want chicken parm for lunch and turkey sandwich for dinner.  HMM.  Be back soon!




Turns Out Nobody Cares

    Hello friends.  Put half the washing machine clothes into dryer.  TURNED A KNOB EVER SO SLIGHTLY.  And that was that more or less!  Anyway.  Thinking about having bag of graham cracker or oreo for upcoming snack.  Instead of chips ahoy Won't be hearty either, we know that.  But right now I feel like I'd prefer one of them other things.  Anyway got coffee #2 going and orange soda #... hmm.  How many 8 oz portions of orange soda have I had in my life.  I wanna say somewhere between 800 and 6,000.  Ya know what could be more like 800 and 12,000.  Could easily be five figures.  WOW FIVE FIGURES?  WHICH ONES.  Hmm.  Anyway how much time do I wanna give myself to write this act fro mhere on.  Let's say fourty minutes or something.  I dunno why.  Gotta say something.  I Set myself up for that.  I asked a question to myself.  I didn't have to do it but I did.  So I was FORCED to give a response.  Hmm.
    Yeah!  Whatta watch today.  Wanna make some progress in finishing Tales In The Crypt once and for all.  Wanna watch Spooky Horror Film Moments.  A couple of Simpsons.  AND GET SOME SOLID READING DONE.  All of that AND MORE is possible!  Well not so much them "And More."  That's more or less all that is possible!  Still pretty good though!  Not a fan of how the dryer changes the amount of time it has left over and over.  Washing machine is CONSISTENT.  It says 70 minutes when I start it?  IT'S GONNA BE 70 Minutes!  Drier says 2 hours 25 minutes?  IT'S CHANGING IT'S MIND EVERY 15 SECONDS and it's gonna end up being like an hour.  I CAN'T BE WITH YOU FOR EVERY ESTIMATION FLUXUATION.  Why can't you just be right FROM THE GITMO.  Anyway.  Not sure how big a deal it is if I don't address clothes after wash for an amount of time.  Gotta imagine no harm done if I just let em sit after DRYING.  But after WASHING there might be some sort of thing I gotta do immediately.  I guess I'll never know.  Putting shirts on hangers is EASY.  I thought I'd HATE IT but it's not so bad.  FOLDING A WHOLE NOTHER STORY THOUGH.
Three paragraphs to go for DayTime Day!  I SHALL have a golden graham bar today.  If not upcoming snack, then maybe as sandwichside, and if not EITHER of those, then as afternoon snack.  I feel very strongly about this!  Hmm.  Looks like new Halloween movie coming out this week.  I probably shall not be able to watch it immediately!  My best chance is if my Brother orders it through some streamer and that extends to me being able to watch it.  I don't THINK it's gonna be on a streamer FOR FREE.  The good news is I'M ROOTING AGAINST MICHAEL MYERS.  Something about his whole deal just rubs me the wrong way.  Could be the killing people.  Nah that's fine.  I just don't like HOW HE can't be killed.  TOO SUPERNATURAL FOR ME.  No thanks!  Let me know when he can be killed.  MAYBE HE'S KILLED AT END OF MOVIE.  This is being PITCHED as the conclusion of a Trilogy.  Also it has the word ENDS in the title.  Gotta imagine they've at least CONSIDERED killing him off ONCE AND FOR ALL.  Well the, "Once," part at least.  Gotta imagine they'll make more Halloweens over the course of the next century.  And he'll be RIGHT BACK AT IT.
   Penultimate paragraph!  I could ORDER some books.  I like MEMOIR of Comedy and/or Music people.  Let's see if there's any out there that JUMP OUT at me.  Not Literally.  I don't wanna be FRIGHTENED.  Figuratively.  Hmm.  EH.  I looked it up for 120 seconds.  Then I got bored of Looking It Up.  Best option that JUMPED OUT AT ME FROM BEHIND THE BUSHES was a Dave Grohl memoir.  So that's something to think about I guess.  Anyway.  Lookin' like I'm gonna get back from Walk #3 about 45 minutes ahead of schedule.  So that's pretty good.  No bonus walk today or anything.  But some bonus TIME.  Gotta imagine that'll be put to good use.  HALLOWEEN ENDS?  IT SURE DOES.  THE MONTH OF OCTOBER.  Halloween starts in October and then JUST WHEN IT ENDS, AS DOES THE MONTH OF OCTOBER.  So that's interesting.  One moment it's Halloween and then the next moment IT'S THE FIRST MOMENT OF NOVEMBER.  Not sure what possessed me to go on that rant.  Not sure of a lot of things these days!
   Lat paragraph!  Went to Today's Hits playlist after finishing New In Rock.  I like being on top of the hits of today.  It's CULTURE.  Now I AM participating IN CULTURE.  Well not so much participating.  I'm OBSERVING Popular Culture FROM A SAFE DISTANCE.  So that's good.  Hey I still haven't checked 538 today!  The longer I go without it, the longer I go without even REALIZING I'm without it.  Amazing.  I will still see the odd poll here and there I'm sure.  Can't avoid it completely!  BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TO RUN MY LIFE.  Ugh.  What else is up.  Maybe I have golden graham bar upcoming snack instead of Pouch Of Snack.  It's my life!  I can more or less do what I want to do within reason.  So that's good.  ANyway I'm done for the DayTime Day.  I'll see ya tonight!




this never would have happened

    Hey friends!  Just spent an hour and fourty five minutes reading Bob Dylan Booklet before eating dinner.  Drank 2 beers over the course of that activity in addition to the 2 beers I will be having now.  Is that okay with you MOTHRA.  Anyway I had delicious golden graham bar as SandwichSide for lunch.  Pack of Graham Crackers for snack before them.   They were like MINI animal crackers.  A GOOD 2 DOZEN OF EM.  Not bad!  I was pleasantly superprized.  Anyway gonna have a choco pop in a minute.  Maybe go with 2/3rd Donut soon.  Anyway let's get into the meat and potatoes of the thing.  What's the alternative to Meat & Potatoes.  I know it means The Main Part Of The Deal.  When I was a kid, on the occasion my Mom made me steak and potatoes... THAT WAS IT.  MAYBE every now and then 2 pieces of broccoli.  But the point is there was nothing to compliment or add to the meat and potatoes that was periphery.  MEAT AND POTATO WAS IT.  I forget what point I was trying to make  WHAT'S IMPORTANT IS THAT THERE WAS A POINT I WAS TRYING TO MAKE AT SOME POINT.
Anyway.  Watched some more Cobra Kai.  Not 100% sure Daniel La Russo is Taking It Chill these days.  His whole deal from his Karate Teacher is COOL DOWN FOR A SECOND LET LIFE PASS YA BY A BIT.  NOPE.  VERY INSTIGATED ABOUT KARATE RIVALRIES.  IT CONSUMES HIM.  I don't just feel bad for him, I kinda feel like this is his fault.  He should be BETTER at Taking It Easy I feel.  He has no one to blame but himself for not utilizing those skills Mr Miyagi taught him.  Hmm.  Made a decent amount of progress in Bob Dylan book.  About 50 pages.  NOT BAD.  Not good.  NO MORALITY in this activity at all.  Anyway Alex Jones: The Jerk Who Harassed People is on the hook for a billion dollars!  Look I'm sure this guy is LOADED but A BILLION DOLLARS?  He's gonna need to start a GoFundMe Page for that!  DONATE MONEY TO ME WHICH I WILL THEN PAY THESE PEOPLE WITH.  SURE YOU CAN JUST NOT PAY ME ANYTHING AND IF I HAVE NOTHING WHAT MORE CAN THEY DO.  OR YOU CAN BE A GOOD SAMATERIAN AND DONATE.  It's REALLY UP TO YOU.  I may not understand How Things Work 100%!
   Hmm.  Had delicious grilled chicken, sweet potatoe, and broccoli tonight.  They gave a lot of broccoli!  I was SHOCKED.  I know there's Variation in how much you get of each component but this broccoli was ABOVE AND BEYOND what I would have ever guessed!  DELIGHTFUL.  Got Kids Chicken Parm for tomorrow lunch.  After that I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO MEALS ON TEH DOCKET.  So that's good.  Well I'll have at least one Balanced Breakfast still on the docket.  But no Lunches or Dinners On The Docket.  Docket is a real word.  The more I say it the less it feels like a real word.  But it remains a real word all the same.  Hmm.  For some reason I find Bob Dylan to be an unreliable narrator.  I just feel like he's lying all the time.  I've learnt not to MIND.  I GET that it just goes with the territory.  Also it's good anyway!  And Yes presumably if there are lies they serve to tell a deeper truth.  STILL.  DON'T TAKE ME FOR A FOOL.  I DON'T TAKE KINDLY TO THAT.  Hmm.  Gonna have Choco Pop!
   Anyway.  What was I saying.  I like Bob Dylan book.  Took me 2 or 3 pages to get into the rhythm but once I got into it I enjoyed it.  Anyway HALFWAY THROUGH Act III Part I.  Delightful.  Maybe Take It Easy and have another golden graham bar tonight instead of 2/3rd Donut.  SLIGHTLY SMALLER.  That'll help account for Bonus Beer.  Gotta do accounting.  Probably.  Try to get up early tomorrow so I'm home by 1 PM January Sixth Hearing.  I wanna watch the sights and sounds on the television set.  Well not the sounds.  Just watch the sights.  HEAR the sounds, sure, that I can do.  Ugh.  Tried to do some Resting in the middle of the day and was arguably unsuccessful.  I mean I DID lay in bed doing relatively nothing for 30 or 40 minutes.  But I couldn't really relax.  And I didn't particularly enjoy myself.  Oh well.  CAME UP WITH a Chord Progression!  I forget when exactly.  NO SPOILERS but the chord progression is D Em A7.  Sounds like a spoiler.  Oh well too late to take it back now.
ALEXANDER DUMBASS.  Demas.  FUNNY HOW TINGS WORK LIKE THAT.  Two paragraphs to go before Recess Walk.  Still halfway through Today's Hits Playlist Experience.  Probably just go Song To Song upcoming walk though.  PERSONAL CHOICE song.  Can't go wrong with that.  Probably some Bob Dylan songs if I can manage to get into the rhythm of it without having to go 2-3 pages transitioning.  Hmm.  Wasn't particularly thrilled with any of the Spooky Horror Moments from latest episode.  HMM WHICH ONE Was the spookiest.  That's a good question.  I don't think we'll ever get to the bottom of this one!  The spookiest Horror Film Moment between moments 36 and 24 MAY NEVER BE SETTLED for sure.  The point is what else is going on and crap.  Probably will be halfway through my walk 5 or more minutes before 9 PM which says TO ME that I can use their bathroom.  I dunno when they close normally.  I just know it's not before 9!  ALRIGHT NOW WE'RE HAVING A GOOD TIME AND WHATKNOT.
   Last paragraph before recess.
  Maybe I have donut coming up.  Maybe i have indulgent iced cream sandwich!  That's one way to go.  What else is a way to go.  Successfully haven't checked 538 at all today.  So that's going good for me I guess.  I think I'm gonna bite into choco pop soon.  Could be any moment now.  Could even be RIGHT NOW.  Okay I did it.  Hmm.  Good stuff.  Presumably tomorrow there won't be much of an adjustment period getting into Bob Dylan book.  Already covered that today!  I don't think I'll never to REDO IT as soon as tomorrow.  So that's pretty good.  Not only did I accomplish something for today (read 50 pages) but I accomplished something for TOMORROW (won't take me 2-3 pages to, "Get Into It.").  Hmm.  What else is good news.  Having the same reaction to chewing up Tootsie Roll in center of tootsie pop that I always have-- I SHOULD DO THIS TWO MORE TIMES FOR UPCOMING INDULGENCE SNACK.  EVEN THREE IF I WANT.  OR ONE IF I WANT.  ALSO HMM THAT'S ALL I GOT.  Ugh.  OH NO if I wanna get to Starbucks 5+ minutes before 9 PM I'll have to leave within 5 minutes.  Oh. That doesn't sound so hard.  I can do that pretty easily actually.  Hmm.  Hmm.  What else is up.  OH RIHGT.  Be back soon.

   Hey!  Had delicious Chips aHoy pouch.  Only 5 mini chips ahoy.  I ate three individually and felt NO SATIATION.  Then I had the last two AT ONCE and LOVED IT.  So in the end it wasn't so bad.  Hmm.  Maybe I have Choco Iced Cream Bar for upcoming BedTiem Snack in about an hour.  LOVE IT.  Presumably.  Anyway listened to one Bob Dylan song on Recess Walk.  I believe it was Bob Dylan's 116th Dream.  About 50% sure it was his 116th dream and not Any Other Number.  I'd say it's about even odds I got the numbre exactly right or exactly wrong.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE IT WAS ONLY HIS 115th DREAM.  I WAS WRONG.  Hmm.  Guess he hasn't put his 116th dream to music yet.  Or he hasn't had the dream yet at all!  Or he put it to music and hasn't released it yet!  Or he released it and I haven't heard it yet!  Or I heard it and forgot about it!  Or I heard it, remember it, and am just being a Lying Liar in this Tangent by pretending I don't know about it!
   Three paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  Starting beer #4.  Can't remember the last time I had four beers in a knight.  Figure it's been over a year I think!  Anyway ENJOYED his 115th dream.  In the past I'm like I LIKE the THEME of this song but for some reason JUST DOESN'T HIT ME THAT HARD.  This time I DUG IT.  Possibly on account of Walking Around while Listening.  I think that was the key to enjoying it more.  Being IN MOTION as opposed to SOLITARY.  Hmm great what else is up.  About 2/3rds into A Slight Case Of Murder.  Either just finish watching that when this is over or ALSO watch What I Can Only Assume The Next Tales In The Crypt Episode Is ESCAPE.  YEP SURE IS.  So that's good.  Okay so in the future for Chips aHoy pouch I have 2 bites of 2 mini cookies at once... and do what with the surplus cookie?  Maybe snap it in half and eat it with Halves On Top Of One Another.  That might be good.  Gonna have to remember that, "Life Hack."  What else.  Dad was teaching tonight.  Over the computer.  AT students.  Possibly With students.
Penultimate paragraph of the day.  Amazing.  Accomplished a lot.  There was some reading.  There was some Trying To Rest.  I FAILED resting pleasantly today but I GAINED EXPERIENCE so FUTURE RESTINGS I have more context on what to do and what knot to do in terms of trying to succeed in resting pleasantly.  Hmm.  Look if I can get a kick out of snapping one mini chips aHoy in half and stacking it, I should do that FOR ALL FIVE.  Instead of having 4 which is 2 doubled up.  THIS WAY I CAN STILL HAVE FIVE BITINGS INSTEAD OF JUST THREE.  So that's something to keep in mind as well I guess!  The point is most enjoyable breakfast tomorrow is probably Double Donut but I will TRY to avoid that.  TRY to do a balanced breakfast.  I could also go the classic breakfast route.  I'VE GIVEN MYSELF A LOT TO TINK ABOUT. 
   Last paragraph.  That's good.  I finished my soda.  If I can finish this entry quick enough, I can wait until the entry is completely done with and posted to the internet and spell checked but before posted to the internet Before Getting Up To Refill Soda.  Not sure why that's a priority.  Just feels like one!  Hmm.  What else do i got going on for me.  I'm  not sure if I get much out of drinking this amount of beer.  Still feels like it's worth a shot to alter my consciousness slightly.  Couldn't hurt.  Could only help!  Hmm gonna have to look into that one.  I hate opening bathroom door at starbucks.  There's a Manual Lock AND a code you gotta enter.  But it's POSSIBLE that someone is inside the room without locking it.  I can be entering int the code and opening it and THERE'S STILL SOME JERK IN THERE.  I DON'T WANNA DEAL WITH THAT.  But I have no choice taking that risk Each And Every Time.  DANG HYPOTHETICAL IDIOTS THAT I'VE NEVER COME ACROSS IN REAL LIFE.  I hate them so much!  Well that's it for now.  See ya tomorrow!

-9:37 P.M.




Tuesday, October 11, 2022

So What If This Ain't Great

    Hey friends!  About an hour and 20 minutes ahead of schedule.  If I take walks at around the normal time from here on, I'm gonna end up with a bonus walk!  Which is good.  Cause I did fair amount of NightMight snacking.  Not THAT MUCH.  But ENOUGH I don't like it.  Also now that I think about it, the normal amount I have has gotta lead to me gaining .25-.5 LB a week.  WHICH IS PRETTY FAST.  So maybe one day I'll figure that out!  Anyway got some ginger ale.  Making progress in New In Rock playlist.  Normally every single time the song changes I take a look at my phone so I know the name of band of the new song.  Lately JUST LET IT PLAY.  Leave phone in pocket.  I feel bad for bands I don't know who they are.  But it makes the walk a lot less clunky!  So that's good.  Had balanced breakfast today.  Presumably gonna have French Toast for lunch today but AS OF NOW don't feel like it.  Could always push it back a day!  YEAH.  Still no positive article about The Mets yet.  Gotta imagine within 2-3 days there's gonna be a 2022 Mets Appreciation Article.
   Hmm.  NO 538 update since last night.  Maybe I stop checking now.  It could happen!  Anyway caught up on twitter before my first walk.  Still gonna have to catch up later!  But NOT AS MUCH.  SOME exciting things from Amazon Fresh coming this afternoon.  First and foremost mini Entenmanns donuts.  One of them gonna be my NightTime Indulgence Snack.  Also re-upping with Golden Graham Bars and Assorted Cookies.  Assorted cookies may be a GOOD NightMight thing.  One at a time for a nightmight waking up period.  LESS CALORIES THAN ALTERNATIVES.  Unless I eat three at a time.  MORE CALORIES THAN ALTERNATIVES.  Hmm.  I think in honor of the Mets, they should cancel the rest of the playoffs.  It's disrespectful to the Mets to continue on with the playoffs like nothing happened.  Anyway.  Still gotta look at my phone 50 times a walk to see what TIME it is.  I LIKE TO BE UPDATED every time the Minute Changes.  I'm a weird guy!
   Yeah!  Good chance I'll finish the book I'm on today.  I think it's like 2 chapters of 20 pages each.  Lemme LTURQ.  ONLY LIKE 35 pages!  That means nothing to you.  You don't know how big the pages are and how big the font is.  SUFFICE TO SAY I can finish that within 1-2 hours without interruptions.  YEAH let's SUFFICE to say that.  Not sure what SUFFICE means.  ENOUGH.  It's ENOUGH to say.  Something like that?  Hmm.  Probably gonna get pizza tonight.  That's good.  That's GREAT.  Two point five paragraphs into entry already.  Not a single good thing yet but PROGRESS NONETHELESS.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Pulled Pork Day.  Wonder what pulled pork is.  PORK is my best guess.  PULLED maybe.  BBQ Dish.  Like the CARNITAS from Chipotle.  That was my first guess but I never guessed it explicitly before checking.  So you'll just have to take my word for it that I guessed it ahead of time.  TAKE MY WORD FOR IT YOU JERK.  Anyway that's it for tomorrow.  One day I'm gonna figure out how many calories a single Cinnamon Toast Crunch is.  A cup is 170 calories.  Just pour out a cup AND GET COUNTING.  IT CAN BE DONE.
Hmm.  Seven paragraphs to go!  Kinda feel like chicken parm for lunch but that might be a redundancy with pizza.  BETTER GO WITH A DIFFERENT OPTION.  Tomorrow night is an Open Dinner.  Gonna have Super Market chicken, sweet potatoe, and broccoli for DINNER.  Because of yesterday Not Having Real Meal, I am One Meal Over.  WHICH WORKS OUT.  Cause tomorrow night!  No communal dinner!  Gonna have this thing!  OH OKAY GREAT.  Hey tomorrow Spooky Film Moments updates.  I THINK we're getting into the early 30's and late 20's.  WOW these moments gonna be among the spookiest moments of all time.  Ended up not getting any 2nd flavor of Pop Tarts.  I can get Brown Sugar Cinnamon FROSTED VERSION with OTHER Super Market Fresh Direct.  On Friday.  YEAH.  Let's see.  Let's say something worthwhile.  What's going on in the wide world of sports.  WE TALKED ABOUT THIS.  They're continuing sports even though The Mets aren't participating!  I DON'T LIKE IT.  If you wanna continue sports BRING THE METS BACK INTO THE FOLD.  This isn't complicated!
   Fifth paragraph.  Delightful.  I think after this time around in Tales In The Crypt I'm gonna take a break before returning.  I think I got 15-16 episodes left.  Lemme LTURQ.  15.  Okay.  Good.  I can't to wrap back around to Season O... Wait no we're not doing that.  I can't wait to be done with it, then!  Either way!  Maybe have turkey sandwich for lunch today.  THAT'S NO GOOD.  I'm not sure why.  I WILL HAVE BETTER SWEET SANDWICHSIDES for upcoming lunches.  NOT HERE YET for today lunch.  Unless they arrive early.  WHICH THEY MIGHT.  Hmm.  Maybe have turkey sandwich anyway!  Makes sense.  Anyway.  Does Baseball Reference have odds yet on which teams are gonna make it to the 2023 Spring Training.  I bet the bets are 99.8% to participate in spring training next year.  Look is there a 1 in 500 chance they don't?  SURE.  That's why I MATH'D THUSLY.  Try to keep up!  Anyway.  Cover came off the book I was reading.  I guess it was opened one too many times.  Yesterday IT COULD JUST TAKE NO MORE.  I feel bad about it sure.  But that's life.
   Anyway.  My Mom is now very reluctant to do laundry for me!  Looks like it's MY TIME TO SHINE and figure out how to do it myself.  My guess is it involved loading and unloading clothes several times, pressing several buttons, and some time waiting throughout the process.  I just need to figure out WHAT buttons and whatknot.  Seems reasonable.  Anyway five more paragraphs to go until next walk.  That's great, just great.  Gonna be around the time I normally take my first walk.  Maybe a few minutes later.  Good deal!  Anyway today I'm wearing an unlaundered shirt.  But I guess by tomorrow I should have laundered shirts one way or another.  Watch some sort of The Simpsons today.  That'd be fun.  I like the part where it makes ya laugh but NOT SO MUCH THE PART where they have 4 fingers on each hand.  In the first season-- despite having 4 fingers on each hand in animation-- there are SEVERAL LINES OF DIALOGUE where they refer to Regular Amount of Fingers on hand.  I THINK one is when Bart's friend the bully is stealing things and says five finger discount (ALTHOUGH this might be a later episode and he DOES say four finger).  Either way THEY SAY FIVE FINGER sometimes before GETTING IT RIGHT later on in series.
   THIS IS A SCANDAL IF I EVER HEARD ONE.  VERY POSSIBLE I NEVER HEARD ONE.  Seventh paragraph.  Anyway, crap and shit.  Getting good iced cream sandwiches for first time in over a week I feel.  FINALLY gonna have some Classic Breakfasts again.  NO SMORE POP TART but OTHER GOOD POP TART NONETHELESS.  My guess is 538 will update soon.  I SURE HOPE SO.  Hmm.  IT's WEIRD because it last updated in the 9 PMS last night and now it's the 9 AMS today.  So if they update over the next half hour I'll be like WAS THERE A CHANGE, I STILL SEE THE NUMBER 9, OH WAIT, NOW I SEE FOR SURE THERE HASN'T BEEN A CHANGE YET.  So I got that going for me or something?  I dunno?  Three and a half paragraphs before I can take a walk and get some time off from this crap?  Yesterday, "LUNCH," was 1.5 hours earlier than normal lunch.  And it turned out okay!  Maybe I wanna experiment with earlier lunches ON PURPOSE.  NOT SURE WHY.  Guess maybe I'm hungry for lunch earlier.  THAT'D BE A GOOD REASON.
Eighth paragraph!  Man oh man it's gonna be sweet to be done with these three paragraphs. I know I got 5 more paragraphs to do in DayTime Day but THAT'S NOTHIN.  WHAT HTE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME.  Maybe that I'm an hour and a half or more ahead of schedule.  STILL KINDA SLEEPY MAYBE.  Makes sense.  Apparently there's some sort of instruction manual for Washing Machine and/or Drying Machine.  Sounds complicated.  There should be an instruction PAGE.  Fit everything on one page, that'd be simple. AN ENTIRE BOOK SOUNDS NEEDLESSLY COMPLICATED.  Gonna make things too hard.  Oh well I'll take a look at that later on in the day.  I have a vested interest in getting it done today!  I WANT LAUNDERED SHIRTS.  Not gonna keep putting this off indefinitely.  So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  Maybe put Freedom Toast in oven.  Not quite long enough it gets crispy though.  Somewhere IN BETWEEN.  Can I put French Toast in washing machine?  Sure I can do whatever I want.  Probably won't, though.  I can't imagine a scenario where I want and/or need to do that!
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  WOW NOTHING HAS BEEN SAID YET.  Anyway.  What kinda snack I got coming up in a few hours before lunch.  No small iced cream sandwiches left!  Guess I'm gonna go with maybe a dependable granola bar or a keto bar brownie.  NOT TOO MANY CHOICES right now.  Hey January Sixth hearing coming up on Thursday.  I wanna get Morning Activities done 30 minutes ahead of schedule so I can WATCH that sucker live.  No LISTENING to first half hour.  I WANNA BE ON BOARD WITH MOVING IMAGES from the GITMO.  I can have an iced cream BAR upcoming snack.  That's worth considering.  I can skip upcoming snack.  Have lunch Real Early Like.  Nah I ain't gonna do that.  538 updated!  I think all the same numbers as before.  OKAY I SAW MY UPDATE FOR THE DAY.  THAT'LL DO IT.  CHECK AGAIN TOMORROW. ...AFTER RIGHT NOW.  OKAY I'm done now.  Huh.  INSTRUCTION BOOKLET?  I'm not building the washing machine and dryer myself am I?  Cause THAT I'd need a book for.  I JUST WANNA PRESS HALF A DOZEN BUTTONS OVER THE COURSE OF A COUPLE HOURS.  C'MON DON'T MAKE THIS DIFFICULT.
Last paragraph of Act I!  WOW NOTHING HAS STILL NOT BEEN NOT SAID YET.  What else do I got going on for me.  Got zoom appointment with therapist tomorrow morning.  What time?  I dunno!  I have it written down nearby.  Gotta propel my chair a little bit to a desk to my left to see.  I guess I can handle doing that.  Brb!  Lookin' like 9:30 AM tomorrow.  WOW.  I can take a walk when that's done and be RIGHT ON SCHEDULE or so.  So that's good and crap.  Hmm.  Amazon Fresh delivery gonna be within a 2 hour window or so this afternoon.  However, since I'm taking one less walk in afternoons now, no way does that negatively effect my schedule!  YEAH.  Amazing.  Lemme think.  What order am I taking walks in now for today.  1/3/5/6 park walks.  2/4/7/8 city street walks.  I THINK?  Sounds about right at least.   Anyway gonna go with Walk #2 now.  See ya soon!




Everyone Gets To Read This

    Hey! Gonna try to not check 538 for a while FOR REALS.  ANyway.  Checked right before that sentence and DEMS lost a point over the last hour.  NO MORE NOW. Anyway.  Just got a call from therapist.  Now appointment tomorrow is 9 AM instead of 9:30 AM.  GREAT.  I'll be slightly ahead of schedule!  GREAT.  Like I said.  Anyway gonna take a shower after next walk and then get started on laundry after walk after that.  Got THREE snacks Cooling in Fridge.  Keto bar.  Dependable granola bar.  Chocolate Chip cookie flavored brownie.  ONE OF THEM will advance to Being Something I Eat In About 2.5 hours.  I DUNNO WHICH ONE YET.  Anyway.  Cover that came off the book I'm reading-- we've had this book a long time.  Possibly my entire life.  This time I'M reading it though.  From start to finish!  I READ SO HARD THE COVER CAME RIGHT OFF.  That's how you know you're doing a good job reading.  BOOK CAN'T EVEN HANDLE YOU.  Hmm.  Already a paragraph into Act II!  I ONLY HAVE TO WRITE FOUR MORE PARAGRAPHS.  THEN LIFE REALLY KICKS INTO GEAR.
   Except for shower and even worse Laundry.
  Got some CHORE to do today.  I'll survive I guess.  That'd be my guess!  Anyway.  Probably have turkey sandwich tomorrow for lunch.  Probably have 3-4 assorted cookies as sandwichside.  GOTTA GET INTO THEM COOKIES SOMEHOW.  That seems like my best opportunity other than indulging in NightMight eating.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  Thinking about getting PLAIN pizza tonight.  REGULAR slices.  TWO SLICES NOTHIN ON EM, that's what is in store for me!  MAYBE CRUSHED RED PEPPER?  I feel like crushed red pepper is better on Otherwise Plain Slice rather than Otherwise Topping Or Two Slice.  Give the Crushed Red Pepper some room to breathe!  With Real Toppings it just COMPLICATES things.  With no other toppings YOU REALLY GET A SENSE OF THE SUBTLE CRUSHED RED PEPPER.  So I'm very excited about that now.  I wasn't 100% conscious of the point I just made even though I FELT IT deep down.  Now that I said it now it all makes sense.
Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Spent about half an hour cleaning my bathroom 2 or 3 weeks ago.  Made about 5-10% progress in what'd it take to clean it completely.  Haven't made any progress since then.  Oh well what can ya do.  At this point the parts I cleaned probably should be cleaned again.  Would be QUICK.  Either way what else is up.  I could TOAST French Toast.  AS IN in the toaster.  Would have to do it TWICE.  Three pieces.  Only two slots in the toaster!  Lemme think about that.  That makes a lot of sense.  I just hope it wouldn't Sweeten Up the toaster.  It's like bread but SWEETER and/or EGGIER.  You put that in the toaster it may leave SWEET and/or EGGISH residue.  Which is probably GOOD overall.  I wouldn't mind my eggos to be a little more sweeter or eggish. NO GOOD FOR MY FAMILY THOUGH.  They don't want their toaster experiences to be mucked up.  Anyway I'm pretty confident None Of That Would Happen.  So that's good.
   Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day!  Wow!  Pulled Pork!  FOR TOMORROW.  Okay.  Right now I dunno what to do for upcoming snack.  3 different snack calories are 70, 90, and 100.  Right now I'm just thinking what would I prefer to eat.  Without CONSIDERING which is least calories.  IT REALLY COULD GO ANY WAY AS OF NOW.  Amazing.  Probably have delicious golden graham bar for upcoming snack between lunch and dinner.  BEEN A WEEK OR TWO since I had one of them.  IT'S GONNA BE A LOTTA FUN.  Great.  Can't wait to use fork and knife on French Toast.  What does that even mean.  It's pretty self explanatory.  I guess but WHY.  I dunno.  Just feel like cutting SMALL pieces is gonna be fun.  Real meticulous like.  No ripping off pieces.  No cutting large swaths.  VERY DELIBERATE FORK AND KNIFING for all three pieces.  You Heard It Here First!  Anyway what else is crap and shit.  At this time of the day I'm normally about halfway through Act I.  INSTEAD I AM ALMOST DONE WITH ACT II.  Amazing!  I ONLY HAVE TO WRITE A SINGLE PARAGRAPH MORE.
Yeah!  Laundry can't be that much of a chore.  Also it's SPREAD OUT over half a dozen things, right?  Ya load it and press some buttons.  Then LATER ON you unload it and put it in dryer and press some more buttons?  Something like that?  Then I guess you gotta fold stuff and/or put it on hangers?  AM I MISSING ANYTHING?  Possibly 2 or 3 steps BUT IN SPIRIT I AM PRETTY MUCH ON TARGET.  So that's good.  Haven't checked 538 since beginning of Act.  Let's see how long I can keep this going.  I HOPE VERY LONG.  PERHAPS THE LONGEST AMOUNT POSSIBLE (all the way up until ME or 538 DIES).  Maybe.  Anyway.  Then I assume we are reunited in Heaven.  WAIT A SECOND THAT SOUNDS SUSPICIOUSLY LIKE HELL.  OH NO.  Anyway.  Take a shower after walk.  Watch 1-2 Simpsons Episodes while drying and catching up on twitter.  Take a walk.  START LAUNDRY and/or EAT DELICIOUS SNACK!  And then The Rest Of The Day.  Cool!  See ya tonight! 




i don't want to be the one to tell you this

    Hey friends!  I finished a book today.  Good book.  Not THE Good Book.  ONE of the good books.  Happy to have accomplished something.  I accomplished NOTHING.  It's not like I WROTE the book.  I just READ IT.  COMPLETELY POINTLESS AND LEAVES NO IMPACT ON OTHER PEOPLE AT ALL.  So in the end what's it worth.  I probably got something out of it for myself, I dunno, that'd be my guess!  Either way tomorrow I'm thinking about trying to start back up with Bob Dylan Memoir.  Only about Oh I Don't Know TIRTY OR FOURTY pages into that.  TIME TO PICK IT BACK UP.  Not sure how Bob Dylan would feel about picks.  Off the top of my head I honestly can't picture whether his brand of music sounds like he's using a guitar pic or not.  At first I was gonna guess NOT but then I was like YA KNOW WHAT I'M GONNA GUESS SO and then I was like YA KNOW WHAT NOW I DON'T TINK SO AGAIN.  And this went on several dozen more times and now we're all caught up.
Had 2 slices of plain pizza tonight!  No crushed red pepper.  I asked for some.  They agreed to send it.  TEN THEY SENT NOTHING.  Delicious anyway though.  I put it in oven for ACCURATE amount of time.  About 27 minutes.  TURNS OUT THAT'S THE CORRECT AMOUNT OF TIME.   Amazing!  Watched a couple of episodes of Cobra Kai.  Watched 2 Tales In The Crypt.  Watched one or two Simpsons.  WHERE DID I FIND ALL TEH TIME TO ACCOMPLISH ALL TAT.  WOW I didn't even mention I DID LAUNDER SOME CLOTHES.  And then DRIED THEM ALL UP AFTERWARDS.  ALSO I accepted Amazon Fresh Delivery.  It's been a big day for me!  AND WE AIN'T DONE YET.  Hmm.  I think I successfully will remember How To Do Laundry for the future.  I think I got all the steps down pretty well.  This is great.  I only had to press TWO BUTTONS the entire time.  One for laundry, one for dryer.  I had to adjust some KNOBS.  But that's FUN.  Not a CHORE like pushing a button.  Rotating a knob a little bit?  SIGN ME UP FOR SOME MORE OF THAT.  Hmm.  Had Freedom Toast in the oven.  Now that I think about it, that was in there for around 27 minutes too.  INCORRECT I'M GONNA GUESS 24.  SHOULD have been 27 then.  A few more minutes would have been right.  The point is it turns out put stuff in the oven for 27 minutes I guess!
Yeah.  Gonna start choco lollipop now!  Probably have mini donut for upcoming indulgence snack.  I DON'T LIKE NEW PACKAGING.  It's like the old one but there used to be a WINDOW at the top of the box where you can look at all the Entenmanns Donuts inside.  Now it's just cardboarded up.  I WANNA SEE MY RESERVES OF DONUTS WITHOUT OPENING TE BOX.  Is that SO WRONG.  I feel like no, if anything, it's pretty right!  What else do I got going for me.  Whatta watch when this is over and I don't go to bed yet.  WELL I guess Tales In The Crypt.  Then I'd be down to TWELVE LEFT before I can stop for the rest of my life.  Anyway.  Haven't checked 538 since Act II!  Let's see how long I can keep it going.  My guess is a little bit longer relatively speaking.  Not sure which direction relatively goes in this context.  Either way works for me!  Hmm.  Almost done with NEW IN ROCK playlist.  Only about 8 songs left.  That's about one walksworth.  PICK THAT BACK UP TOMORROW.  Tonight I gotta do some Personal Choice tracks!
   Halfway through Act III Part I!  Delightful.  Had delicious golden graham bar for mid afternoon snack.  Ended up having Dependable Granola Bar--- the 90 calorie option!-- as pre-lunch snack.  I TOLD YOU I'D KEEP YOU UPDATED ON THAT SITUATION AS IT PROGRESSES AND I FOLLOWED THROUGH.  I may never have told you I'd keep you update on that situation as it progresses.  MAYBE IMPLIED IT but that's it.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Re-upped with mint chocolate chip iced cream bar AND sea salt caramel iced cream bar.  So I can choose between one of those or FUDGE iced cream bar for upcoming Bedtime Iced Cream Bar.  WOW.  THAT'S TE WEIRDEST COUPLE OF SENTENCES I'VE EVER READ.  ISOLATED.  In the context of the Greater Website IT MAKES PERECT SENSE AND IS AS MUNDANE A THOUGHT AS IT COMES.  Anyway.  Sea Salt Caramel the obvious front runner.  Haven't had it in a while.  Also-- delicious!  Maybe I should do a mitzvah and tape the Cover Of The Book I finished back onto book.  With your Generic Scotch Tape.  Sounds like the considerate thing to do.
   Penultimate paragraph of the Act III Part I!  Gonna bite down on lollipop pretty soon I guess.  Hmm.  Guess I'll just do that now.  No time like the present.  What else do I got going for me.  Successfully took Bonus Walk today.  Went okay.  Park walks were 1/3/5/6.  AS WE WENT OVER EARLIER.  All other walks were/will be CITY STREET.  PREFERABLY SIDEWALK.  Every now and then I got to leave the safety of the sidewalk and cross the street but WHEN I CAN I tend to stick to walking on the sidewalk.  Just a little Pro-Tip I picked up here or there.  Anyway.  One and a half paragraphs to go until Recess Walk Break!  Didn't put graham golden in fridge before eating it.  Figured I'd have it FRESH AS A BABY'S BOTTOM.  IT WAS FINE.  You know that sort of thing.  Maybe all I want for upcoming snack is another tootsie pop or two.  BUT I JUST GOT ALL THESE DONUTS.  HEY if I don't want a donut THEN I DON'T WANT A DONUT.  MY BODY MY CHOICE.  Presumably.  Turns out in correct context KINDA TURNS OUT your body NOT your choice???  Hopefully we can work on resolving that situation appropriately but FOR NOW KINDA ANACHRONISTIC to say My Body My Choice.  I'M TELLING IT LIKE IT IS.
   Last paragraph.  I WISH it was your body and your choice.  I guess for now you should be happy At Least It's Still Your Body.  THAT MIGHT NOT EVEN LAST.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Just finished beer #1. Guess I got beer #2 coming my way after recess.  After beer #2 I got ONE MORE Michelob Ultra left.  Then I got 2 Six Packs of Citrusy Light Craft Beer I got.  DELIGHTFUL.  So that's good at least.  Also my political party identification is Michelob Ultra Left.  Hmm.  Sounds about right I guess.  Think I'm gonna start setting alarm clock for an hour later upcoming Normal Days where I got nothin' specific to get up for.  I've been setting alarm clock early an hour or two compared to when I wanna get up.  I figure I'd appreciate being able to go back to sleep.  But it's kinda weird!  Just set it for when you wanna get up.  Right?  I FEEL LIKE TIS COULD BE A GAME CHANGER OF SORTS.  Anyway.  Recess time.  Be back soon!

    Hey!  Had delicious donut.  Could it have been 10% Heartier?  Sure!  I'm OKAY with how hearty it was considering it's caloric amount.  Right on the edge of being Hearty Enough though.  Either way GOOD.  That could be an upcoming Breakfast-- TWO OF THESE.  GOTTA IMAGINE I'M HAVING EITHER CLASSIC BREAKFAST OR BALANCED BREAKFAST TOMORROW MORNING TOHUGH.  Hmm.  Got beer #2 about ready to go.  Had delicious Starbucks Bathroom break earlier.  Not sure, "Delicious," is the word I wanna use there.  As of now it's the most appropriate word I can think of!  DON'T BLAME ME, I KNOW EIGHTEEN WORDS.  No more, no less!  Anyway.  Got root beer going on Sodawise.  Gotta clean up my room.  Bare minimum I mean.  Throwing out garbage.  Let's start there.  Let's FINISH there.  I like the sound of that.  Anyway.  LAST RESPECTS sure sounds like the SECOND episode of Tales In The Crypt I got lined up.  While FATAL CAPER may be the FIRST episode I got coming my way tonight.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP 100% RIGHT ON BOTH COUNTS.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Pretty sure capers are some sort of hors dourves.  Not sure what fatal means in that context.  Probably what it means IN ANY CONTEXT.  THAT'S HOW WORDS WORK.  I guess.  Sometimes!  Not really!  Hmm.
  Feelin' kinda WARM right now.  I got windows opened an inch and a half.  I shouldn't be warm at this time of year with this sort of window configuration!  No way we have HEAT ON in house.  I'd have been alerted if we made the air conditiong --> Heating switch-em-up for the Fall.  Not only alerted-- I mighta been the guy who what did that if it twere done.  TWASNT DONE.  NEVER DID THAT TEHRE.  Either way I could take off my shirt.  Oh well.  What can ya do.  Looks like Angela Lansbury died.  If only I knew who she was.  I imagine I'd have more of a reaction to this story.  LANSBURY.  YOU BURY A DEAD BODY WHEN YOU'RE DONE WITH IT.  OFTEN IN LAN..D.  Bury the body in Lands.  THAT'S HOW IT GOES!  Wow I'm still only on the 2nd paragraph of the Act III Part II.  But at least I'm at THE VERY END of Said Paragraph.
    Yeah!  What else do I got going for me.  I'm still wearing a shirt.  I'm still a little warm!  I made my choice and I'm sticking with it.  Is it just me or does Angela Lansbury look like an old lady in all her recent photos. Amazing.  I didn't even launder all my clothes.  I only laundered about 75%!  About 10 shirts out of 13 or 14.  NO socks or underwear OUT OF ABOUT TWO OR THREE EACH.  Look do I go through shirts at a much higher rate than underwear and ESPECIALLY Socks?  YES.  YOU JUST WERE MADE ABUNDANTLY CLEAR TO THAT FACT FROM THE NUMBERS I SAID JUST NOW.  REMEMBER FROM BEFORE.  Either way I guess I know what to do from now on.  Not a fan of having to FOLD THINGS UP though.  Shirts I put on HANGER.  Socks I'ma have To FOLD?  I dunno about that.  I don't like the sound of that one bit.  The good news is I finished the glass of root beer.  It's BAD that I have to go refill it, sure, but the positive part of that story is that I can refill it with WHATEVER I WANT. ...THINK I'M GONNA POUR SOME MORE ROOT BEER.
  Gotta wake up earlier than My New Normal Alarm Clock Time tomorrow.  Got ZOOM appointment with Therapist.  Probably gonna tell her everything is going alright!  That's the easiest thing to say!  Also it's more or less accurate.  So basically it's a, "Slam Dunk," to tell her Everything Is More Or Less Alright And Same As Normal.  So that's good.  WILL SHE SEE MOUNTAINS OF GARBAGE BEHIND ME THROUGH ZOOM CAMERA?  No!  There's not that much garbage.  Well if the zoom camera was aimed directly at my WASTEBASKET that's a CONTROLLED mountain of garbage.  But that's the GOAL.  It's RESPONSIBLE.  That's HOW IT SHOULD BE.  Except for the fact I'm aiming my Zoom camera at the garbage can and Not Myself.  THAT PART ISN'T NORMAL.  Hmm.  I guess that's about it for tonight.  I think I'm gonna start putting specific pressure on myself Pre-Going to sleep to CONSCIOUSLY be like oh right tonight DON'T NIGHTMIGHT EAT.  Couldn't hurt to put a little pressure on myself!  PROBABLY COULD.  That's a risk we're gonna have to take!  Anyway I'll see ya later.

-9:56 P.M.




Monday, October 10, 2022

No Way Is This Title Gonna Make It

    Hey!  About five minutes ahead of schedule.  Will be able to fit in everything in normal time without crunchtime.  Unless I get distracted!  Which sounds fun!  Anyway Mets are gone from the playoffs.  Eight teams left.  Here's my PICKS on who to root for over the four series--  Phillies, Padres, Guardians, Mariners.  ESPECIALLY the two American League Teams.  Guardians and Mariners.  You may not know what teams are in what league.  Well NOW ya do.  Anyway 538 updated from yesterday!  DEMS netted two points over 6 models!  Let's try not to check for a while now. ...AFTER RIGHT NOW.  Okay nothing new.  What else is going on and crap.  Monday Day!  First day of the new week.  Brought down 8 or 9 shirts for my Mom to launder.  Presumably today.  Had a reasonable amount of NightMight snacking I THINK.  Can't remember exactly!  Had two frosted fruit flavor pop tarts.  Possibly STRAWberry.  Started a new playlist to listen to.  NEW IN ROCK.  It's like THE NEW ROCK but it has OLD ROCK BANDS with NEW SONGS.  Old Rock bands being from 1990's and 2000's.
  It'd be crazy if the Mets WON yesterday.  People would be so happy!  Oh well.  Hopefully San Diego is happy.  My guess is San Diego got some fans.  Off the top of my head I'd guess they're in the middle in terms of how big a market they have.  Maybe a little bit ABOVE the middle.  PAYROLL WISE I'd say they'r probably like 8th or 9th out of 30.  And FAN LEVEL WISE I dunno.  Lemme LTURQ.  Looks like final 2022 pay roll had Padres FIFTH.  Now let's see if I can find a measurement for their market.  In 2018 Padres were 18th in Fan Attendance.  AMAZING.  It turns out NOBODY CARES.  Oh well I tried.  The point is Guardians are great because NEW NAME.  Mariners are great because KEN GRIFFEY JR BASEBALL made me want to play as Mariners 25+ years ago.  OTHER TEAMS I COULD TAKE OR LEAVE.  What kinda lunch are we lookin' at.  Turkey sandwich, chicken with sweet potatoe and broccoli, or kids chicken parm.  LEANIN' towards chicken parm.  Gotta lean towards something.  Or Stand Up Straight.  I dunno what you wanna do!
   Hmm.  Dinner tonight I guess gonna be pizza or Bison Burger.  Not sure why I had to capitalize the BB but not the P.  It's because I take Bison Burgers more seriously.  Any ol jerk can have pizza for dinner.  Takes a special breed to have bison burger!  How many people know to get bison burger instead of hamburger wherever possible.  Probably MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA.  Then again maybe jamburger is more delicious.  Hamm.  Jamburger.  Terrible jam band name.  Maybe they're a good jam band but the name itself is terrible.  Maybe they're a bad jam band and the name itself is kinda decent.  Who knows for sure.  What else is going on and crap.  Next time I get Diner-- possibly tonight!-- also gonna get OL FASHIONED French Toast for a lunch wit hegg whites for some balanced breakfasts.  You FOOLS.  Anyway 10/10 today.  /22. /2022/  Ugh.  Maybe I take bison burgers too seriously.  I dunno.  How much calories AM I saving on a bison burger by bison burger basis.  My guess is about 25-50 calories PER OUNCE.  I dunno how many ounces normal burger is.  Could be four.  Could be eight!  Could be six!  Could be five.  I DOUBT it's seven.
   Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Sausage Pizza Day and Southern Food Heritage Day.  Used to love me some MeatLovers pizza from Pizza Hut.  Or other fast food pizza options.  Sausage played a key role there!  SOUTHERN FOOD HERITAGE?  I love it!  We're talking like fried chicken right.  Probably a lot of stuff we're talking about I DON'T like.  Lemme LURQ what they're hyping as Southern Food Heritage.  HMM.  They split Southern Food heritage into different sections.  INTERESTING.  Soul Food.  Cajun Cuisine.  Creole Food.  "Low Country Cuisine."  I DOUBT VERY MUCH LOWCOUNTRY IS A THING. I would have heard of it by now!  Lemme see what foods are STAR of lowcountry.  South Carolina Lowcounry and Georgia Coast.  That's where it COMES FROM.  Now let's see WHAT IS IT.  Oh all that crap.  Like fourty things.  I CAN'T TALK ABOUT ALL OF EM.  I can't even talk about ONE of them.  It'd make THE OTHER ONES jealous.
   Fifth paragraph!  HEY Dems netted another point from half an hour ago.  Delightful.  "Lowcountry Boil," seems to be a STAR of the cuisine.  Some sort of Shellfish.  And they're boiled.  I DUNNO.  Too many paragraphs I'd have to read to figure it out.  NO THANK YOU.  I know one book I'm continuing today.  Might drop the other book and pick up with another one.  Hmm.  Re-upping with Pop Tarts.  I'm down to a single S'mores.  That's it!  Looking at Frosted Blueberry.  And NO SMORES available right now-- might get Cookies n Cream instead.  AS OF RIGHT NOW.  These things are subject to change and whatknot.  Hmm.  Relatively deep into the entry kind of.  Close to being one third done with entire DayTime Paragraphs.  Could be worse I guess.  Sure I've said nothing of VALUE.  I dunno.  WE LEARNT ABOUT LOWCOUNTRY.  Not so much ABOUT IT but that IT IS A THING.  South Carolina Lowcounry.  And Georgia Coast.  I guess lowcounry is GEOGRAPHICALLY the bottom of the state.  That'd be my guess.  And COAST means where Georgia Meets Ocean.  AGAIN just a guess.  Coffee time.
  How long until the next Mets playoff game.  I dunno could be three or four years.  Oh.  That sounds like a long time!  Hmm.  They should be able to put together a good team next year.  Lotta their best players still signed through 2023.  Ones that aren't could be brought back and/or replaced with other good players.  We still got HIGH PAYROLL MANOUVERABLING.  No reason to think we can't use that to our advantage.  Anyway.  Feels weird to be paying all these people 8 figures a year where if they lose Just Two Games in October we all agree what a waste of money.  Yet if they won a dozen games in October we'd be like THEY EARNT ALL THAT 20 MILLION DOLLARS.  Lotta pressure hanging on just a few games in terms of whether you earned your tens of millions that year or not!  Oh well good news for them is they get the money either way!  So that's good.  I hope Mets take solace in the fact that they're all well compensated.  What's the minimum salary for someone who plays in the majors at least a little bit.  I think it used to be like 350K for the year.  Lemme LTURQ.  Looks like it might be 700K.  If you're called up ONCE in your career and never again not exactly gonna be a wealthy man if that's all you get your adult life.  But most of these people are gonna be doing fine.
   Amazing.  LET'S ROOT FOR PEOPLE TO MAKE MONEY BY PLAYING SPORTS.  WE GET TO WATCH THE SPORTS so it's fair.  Hmm.  What's my minimum salary.  For what.  Ya know just for Doing Me.  I guess my minimum salary is what I get from Medicare for Disability.  No spoilers but NOT THAT MUCH.  Also I don't even deserve it that much.  I COULD BE a lot crazier I feel.  Do I get more money the crazier I am?  Probably not but that'd be one way for them to go.  What paragraph we in.  Halfway into paragraph seven.  Delightful.  Plenty of time to do crap and shit.  Weather a couple of degrees warmer today than last few days.  THESE ARE THE HARD HITTING ISSUES YOU WON'T SEE ON ANY OTHER BLOG.  Also ARE THERE OTHER BLOGS.  I'm not 100% if anyone is doing anything like a blog these days.  Anyone above 14 years old at least.  Gotta imagine High School Freshmen still have blogs on XANGA.  Probably not though.  I imagine it because that was MY experience.  EASY TO IMAGINE YOUR EXPERIENCES, they happened TO YOU.  Great now people searching XANGA will find this.  GOOD.  Take this as a Motivation Lesson.  You blog when you're a 14 year old ONE DAY YOU MAY RISE TO THE LEVEL of blogging even MORE when you're a THIRTY THREE Year old.
   Eighth paragraph!  Hmm.  BLOG means WEB LOG.  Not sure this is really a LOG.  I mean I guess LOG can be a synonym of JOURNAL or DIARY.  But it's got a more SERIOUS, SCIENTIFIC connotation that doesn't apply to your standard Blog.  So what should it be gall.  Blournal.  Bliary.  Wait it doesn't need the l sound anymore, that's from Log.  Bournal.  Biary.  Let's go with BAJOURNAL.  Anyway what else is going on.  Probably something and crap.  What kinda snack do I got coming up PRE LUNCH POST SHOWER.  Small iced cream sandwich sounds like the best one off the top of my head.  I like it because the iced cream is delicious and whatknot.  Don't sleep on the chocolate waferish type, "Bread," too!  Not 100% sure I like the wrapper.  Comes apart pretty easily.  BUT sometimes iced cream sandwich sticks to the wrapper a bit.  Maybe it's not WRAPPERS fault.  Could be iced cream sandwiches fault.  The point is they need to work out their issues so there's NO STICKING to one another as I open up iced cream sandwich.  I DUNNO what to do about it BUT THEY BETTER FIGURE IT OUT.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!   Amazing.  Paragraphwise I'm over 50% into DayTime Paragraphs.  Hmm. Removed cookies n cream pop tart from cart.  THIS CART is the kinda deal where you can ADD ON to it after placing the order for a reasonable amount of time before you ultimately get it.  WHAT IF SMORE becomes available later on?  THIS WAY I can add smore later on OR IF I CAN'T add Cookies n Cream later on.  ALSO I'm not putting in this order RIGHT NOW anyway.  So that's good.  REAL GOOD.  If the Mets REALLY wanted to win they should have just scored more runs than their opponent.  Or-- alternatively-- allowed less runs than their opponent did. THEY HAD TWO WAYS TO WIN and they did NEITHER.  Kinda feels like this is ON THEM.  Hmm.  What if Mets get a NEW SuperStar player this offseason.  Maybe they lose one or two but GAIN A DIFFERENT one or two.  That could be EXCITING.  What superstar players gonna be on the market.  Aaron Judge is one!  I DON'T LIKE HIM.  TOO TALL.  LOOK WE GET IT YOU'RE TALL just leave us alone about it!
    Last paragraph of Act I!  TREA TURNER. He could be a star.  I don't think we have room for him ON THE INFIELD.  Oh well such is life.  Any good superstars gonna be on the trading block?  My guess?  YOU'D THINK ONE OR TWO BUT I THINK YOU'D BE WRONG.  Oh well.  Maybe DEVELOP some superstars.  Mets called up three Good Prospects at the end of this season.  Maybe they develop INTO GREATNESS.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap. Better LURQ more synonyms for Journal.  NOT SEEING ANY GOOD ANSWERS.  Oh well.  Hmm.  BOYS write journals GIRLS write diaries.  YEAH.  NOBODY write blogs.  Maybe fourteen year olds.  And probably 75% female.  Jeez.  How much time am I gonna have to write 5 paragraph Act II.  About an hour an 15 minutes.  WOW WAY TOO MUCH PLENTY TIME I GUESS.  Why can't we just do some Video Game Trades for superstars.  Trade three Middling Players for one Supstar.  THEN DO IT THREE MORE TIMES.  Now we've got our current superstars plus AN ENTIRE FOUR MORE SUPERSTARS.  HOLY CRAP WE CAN'T LOSE NOW.  And even if we can WHAT A RIDE IT WILL BE.  Okay time for walk.  See ya soon!  Not happy with Act I now that I think about it.  The 2-4 worthwhile things I said PROBABLY SAID BEFORE.  And that doesn't even count the 20 things NOT worthwhile that I ALSO already said before.  Hey that's life I guess.




I Wonder How That Happened

    Hey!  Dems lost a net 3 points from an hour ago.  DANGIT.  If only they had GAINED three points, I'd be real happy and whatknot!  Oh well I predict things will continue changing over the course of the next few weeks.  YEAH BU IT MIGHT BE IN WRONG DIRECTION.  That's a risk we have to take!  We have no alternative!  Hmm.  Anyway just gotta write 5 more paragraphs here.  Got my SHIRT ON despite having to do sit-up/push-ups.  MAY have to answer the door.  They're deliverying some sort of coffee grounds or something.  ON WHAT GROUNDS.  Because we asked for and paid for it.  ON THE CONDITION we get it.  Oh okay that sounds reasonable.  Hmm.  Probably gonna make a case for Diner Delivery tonight.  And then pizza tomorrow.  AND THEN PERHAPS DELI the day after that or the day after the day after that if the day after that my Dad is teaching.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  538 updated it's BLURB below both the Senate and House models.  ALTHOUGH DEMS may have dropped 3-6 net points over the last week the BLURBS ARE POSITIVE.  WOW. BLURBS.  THE SUBBLURBS.
   Four paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  I keep refrshing the Mets Home Page that's 2/3rds official and 1/3rd fan blog waiting to see A POSITIVE post/article.  SO FAR JUST A BUNCH OF NEGATIVE ONES.  I wanna read UPBEAT article.  It's IMPORTANT.  We NEED IT.  Someone gotta write it.  Hmm.  Today is Indigenous Peoples Day!  I choose to celebrate it by CELEBRATING CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS.  THAT JERK WAS INDIGENOUS TO SOME PLACE.  Probably ENGLAND per my understanding.  Anyway.  I don't wanna celebrate that jerk.  WHAT he can Sail a boat who cares.  Also WAS HE EVEN THE ONE DOING THE SAILING.  Maybe he was just the administrator.  Arranged the trip, kept things in line on the boat.  But someone else OR ELSES were in charge of making sure boat made it all the way to The Americas.  SUDDENLY THIS GUY SOUNDS LIKE HE'S GOOD FOR NOTHING.  Hmm.  Are there RANKINGS of the best Indigenous Peoples Tribes.  My guess is I CERTAINLY HOPE NOT.  Anyway.  I feel like in New York State we had some IROQUOIS.  Maybe some ALGONQUIN.  What else did I learn that we had.  NOPE.  I don't think we had ALGONQUIN.  We had a bunch of others though.  NAMES I RECOGNIZE.  Mostly because THEY'RE PLACES.  Looking at list of 2 dozen tribes that were from what is now New York, about 8 or so tribes that CORRESPOND to PLACES I know.  Good for them.  Good for us.  EVERYONE WINS when Indigenous Tribes are Places.
Third paragraph to go until done with Daytime Day.  If you believed the Earth was flat, how could you even still be sure Columbus would fall of the end of the world.  Maybe world is flat but just A LOT LONGER THAN YOU THOUGHT.  Could be flat and there's a lotta water to the West of you an then you reach some other landmass ANYWAY.  And then the Earth falls off PAST THAT LAND MASS.  THINK YOU IDIOTS THIS ISN'T HARD.  We can agree to disagree whether the Earth is round but EITHER WAY good shot there's some more places out there.  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  Maybe have standard Keto Bar Brownie as upcoming snack instead of iced cream sandwich.  Maybe have iced cream sandwich as MIDDAY snack.  OR NOT AT ALL SNACK how do you like them apples.  What else do I got going on for me.  Probably not gonna go right into reading after shower.  Watch some TV for roughly an hour before next walk.  WHAT TO WATCH.  Maybe some The Simpsons.  Can't go wrong there!  What Tales In The Crypt am I up to.  Watched The Surprise Party last.  What's next.  COMES THE DAWN?  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE Doctor Of Horror First.  Then comes Comes The Dawn!
   Two paragraphs to go.  What a wonderful morning I had so far.  I did the exact same stuff as every morning.  SAID the exact same stuff as every morning.  Dems netted a few points and then lost em right back this morning.  NO UPBEAT METS ARTICLE YET.  Oh well such is life.  GUARDIANS AND MARINERS GONNA DUKE IT OUT in their respective series starting tomorrow.  What else.  Feel like some chocolate chip muffins.  I dunno where it came from.  And I know Muffins are generally NOT WORTH IT calorie wise.  But if I had a chocolate chip muffin-- a single one!-- at my disposal now, to have over the next day or two, I'd be a happy camper.  I guess ideally for tomorrow breakfast.  WAIT A SECOND Diner might sell chocolate chip muffins.  Probably be real big!  Might be good for 2 breakfasts.  NOPE NOTHIN.  At first I checked Desserts and there was nothing there and I was about to give up.  Then I realized WAIT A SECOND IF THEY DO HAVE IT IT MIGHT BE IN THE BREAKFAST PAGE OF THE MENU.  And they DID have a section for Muffins/rolls, etc.  NO MUFFIN LISTED though.  Still say it's 50+% chance they sell muffin.  Maybe not chocolate chip though.  OH WELL GOOD STUFF.
Last paragraph for Daytime Day!  Hmm.  Could stop of in Dunkin Donuts, get a single muffin that way.  PLUS they say how many calories their crap is.  My guess is CCM would be 440 calories.  LET'S SEE.  YEP 550 JUST LIKE I GUESSED.  Anyway.  I'm not gonna do that.  Oh well.  What Simpsons episode am I up to.  One where Burns sells the power plant to Germans.  Hmm.  Off the top of my head I THINK THAT'S THE, "B," story.  I don't know what the other two stories are.  WHETHER THEY BE A AND C OR B AND C.  Can't totally picture most of the episode.  Oh well I guess Watching It will Set Me Straight!  Gonna have to start a new bottle of shampoo soon.  These are the important issues of the day.  Got a nice bar of soap though.  Soap gonna last me another 6 weeks I bet.  Hmm.  Should I be reconsidering lunch options?  I dunno!  Chicken parm seems like the front runner by SEVERAL STRIDES still.  Whatever.  That's it for today.  SORRY.  Oh There'll Be More Tonight.  Don't worry about that.  This is just it for TodayDay.  Hmm.  Be back soon!




wonderful we did it for some reason

    Hey friends!  What's good in the wide world of Today.  Had delicious hodgepodge of sweet for lunch.  We're talkin' had a mini BANGE around 2 PM.  Pop tart, indulgent fiber bar, half a dozen of Dove Miniature Chocolate.  SKIPPED LUNCH I WOULDA HAD.  Equates just about on track CALORIEWISE.  I gotta be doing this kinda stuff more often.  Not the variation in TIME.  The thing where I EAT SOME SWEET every now and then.  MULTIPLES OF DIFFERENTIAL SWEET AT A TIME.  Anyway that worked out okay.  Had bison burger for dinner.  WITH SOME LETTUCE.  We're talkin' I got it D-LUX because my Mom wanted broccoli and it was CHEAPER to get it this way than just as a separate side.  CAME WIT LETTUCE AND TOMATO.  I ate the lettuce.  DELICIOUS.  I had it as a SIDE.  Not ON TOP of burger.  That'd be clunky.  Just SOME SIDE LETTUCE TANKS A LOT I'M GOOD WIT THAT.  Did some more reading.  Did some more Resting A Bit.  Good deal!
Just started Cherry lollipop.  At what point is Kanye West cancelled.  I feel like he gradually deserves cancellation Slowly But Surely for a long time.  I'm pretty sure he's crossed the cancellation threshold at this point if not a long time ago.  Oh well.  I wonder why Kanye West hates Jewish people.  I DOUBT he's got even more than a couple of Good Reasons.  I'd be Very Surprised if it turns out his Hate is justified!  Anyway what else do I got going on.  Birthday Bar for upcoming Indulgence snack.  I was SAVED earlier MiniBange that I ran out of things I would have wanted to eat quickly.  NO MORE CHOCOLATE THINGS besides last smore pop tart, fiber bar (I COULD HAVE HAD MORE) and/or miniature chocolates (I COULD HAVE HAD MORE).  The point is I don't wanna binge birthday bar.  GIMME some of those CHOCO products.  Anyway.  I feel like What I've Been Reading and Me Half-Resting in the middle of the day FEED OFF each other.  NO SPOILERS THOUGH.
Third paragraph of Act III Part I! ABSOLUTELY NO MET GAMES TONIGHT.  Or tomorrow. Or until April.  Sounds good.  Now I can focus all my attention on stop checking FiveThirtyEight obsessively.  Maybe stop checking it COMPLETELY. ...AFTER THIS ONE LAST TIME.  Ok good.  Got French Toast with egg whites I talked so effusively about earlier.  Presumably time to have some Balanced Breakfast tomorrow morning.  Presumably Lots Of Stuff.  INCLUDING THAT.  Hmm.  Does Kanye West make music anymore.  Or is he just a professional CONTRARIAN.  Also HATE AND THREATENING JEWS is a CLASSIC Mix-em-Up Contrarian Move!  YA never know what kinda Contrary you're gonna get with Kanye!  Kan Ye West.  More about Can 'Ye SHUT UP.  I feel like I should get some sort of medal for making that pun.  Anyway put in Amazon Fresh order.  Gettin' it tomorrow.  AS OF NOW only Fruit Flavor pop tart.  And AS OF NOW no margherite cookies.  Right now the only alternative to frosted fruit flavor pop tarts they got is Unfrosted Cinnamon Brown Sugar.  Which would be delicious.  But SLIGHTLY more calories than yer other Contrarian to Frosted Fruit Flavor Pop Tarts.  Hmm can I put my birthday bar in the toaster.  Gotta imagine I can put WHATEVER I WANT in the toaster.  Just won't work out for my Health And Safety 98% of the time.
Halfway through Act III Part I!  Feel kinda full.  Not sure why.  Musta been the lettuce.  Oh well.  I learnt my lesson!  Never eat lettuce again!  Ya feel full.  Feeling full is UNCOMFORTABLE.  What the HELL is this WEIGHT in my belly.  MAKES ME NOT WANNA EAT MORE?  That's WEIRD I DON'T LIKE IT.  Anyway.  Gonna be honest.  I didn't wanna birthday bar 6 hours ago?  Don't particularly want it for an hour from now.  BUT WHAT ARE MY ALTERNATIVES.  HMM how about two Cinnamon Toast EGGOS.  That sounds like a good alternative but SOMETHING ABOUT IT RUBS ME OFF THE WRONG WAY.  Possibly having to put it in the toaster.  We JUST ESTABLISHED how risky a proposition Using The Toaster is.  I should play it safe and STEER CLEAR of ever using the toaster again!  Hmm then what are my Other alternatives for upcoming snack.  HMM.  I could buy something on my walk or something.  NOTHING IS IN THE RIGHT CALORIE RANGE of 140-200.  Your low calorie candy bars are SLIGHTLY MORE than 200.  PLUS ALL TEM STORES BE CLOSED BY NOW.  The point is I Forget.  Maybe another indulgent fiber bar.  I'd enjoy that again.  GOTTA FRIDGERATE IT THOUGH.  Put it in before walk.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  What kinda crap did I watch today.  Not that much!  Some Tales In The Crypt and Some Simpsons.  I like The simpsons.  Parts of it make my laughing reserves activate.  FINE I added Assorted Cookies to Amazon Fresh instead of MARGHERITE.  ONE OF THE ASSORTEDS is MINI MARGHERITE.  So I got that going for me is the point.  Whatta crappy day.  All around.  Entry was crappy.  Non-entry was crappy.  Food Eating Experiences were crappy.  The only part of the day that was pretty good was ABOUT 1/3rd of the resting during the day.  Feels like I was laying in bed with the primary goal of Resting for about an hour and a half overall over 2 separate periods.  ABOUT half an hour of that was Fun.  Well that's good I guess.  WELL WHAT'S A GOOD SNACK TO HAVE IN FOURTY FIVE MINUTES.  I'M WAITING.  Start pulling your weight AND TELL ME A DELICIOUS SNACK THAT I CAN EAT.  Guess the fiber bar.  Still the best I can come up with.  NO THAT JUST WON'T DO.  I NEED A BETTER IDEA.  ...WE'RE WAITING.  Hmm.
   Last paragraph before recess!
  Huh.  Oh Right I can have 2-3 tootsie pops.  NO NOW I WANT THE FIBER BAR.  But I thought we were agains... NOPE THE FIBER BAR IS WHAT I WANT.  Ugh.  WHAT THE HELL Amazon Fresh has a new cereal bar BASED ON CAPN CRUNCH.  Wait a second I just thought of it and CAPN CRUNCH GROSSED ME OUT as a kid.  No reason to think it wouldn't gross me out as an adult.  SO YES IT was momentarily exciting but in the end NOPE.  What if I had one cinnamon toast Eggo and one tootsie pop.  I dunno what if.  Probably wouldn't have a big impact on the world at large.  TINY impact.  Also how Deep was the Deep Impact.  Couldn't have been THAT deep.  Asteroid hitting the Earth isn't really gonna PENETRATE into the Earth that deeply.  Sure, it'll hit the ground and get under the surface A BIT.  But it's not like it's gonna smash into the Earth and then REACH THE EARTH'S CORE IT'S SO DEEP.  I know how Astrology works I THINK I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.  Ugh.  Alright time to take a walk.  be back soon!

   Hey.  Had a good time with fiber bar.  The only negative part about it was when I finished it.  ALSO ALL THE TIME LEADING UP TO IT.  I feel like I could have had a better time in Anticipation Of Fiber Bar than I actually did!  Anyway gonna have beer #2 now along with some Ginger'd Ale.  Delicious Mint Chocolate Chip Iced Cream Bar later on.  I wanna make a real effort to NEVER CHECK 538 ELECTION MODELS again.  It does me no good I feel.  SURE IT DOES.  I can ADAPT in REAL TIME to the up-to-date percentages and whatknot.  Helping me PREPARE FOR ELECTION in the moment over the next four weeks!  Not sure WHY or WHAT that even means.  HOW.  Kinda sure WHEN.  The four weeks sounded about right.  We got WHEN figured out I feel, that's no problem.  Anyway probably watch a Tales In The Crypt when this is over, then go to bed.  I feel like the practice I got in earlier today Trying To Rest JUST MAY pay off BIG TIME tonight.  Helped give me CONTEXT on how to REST BETTER.  So that's good I guess?  Probably!
   Three paragraphs to go.  Maybe I should just Bite Some Bullet and get Unfrosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon.  Probably would be legitimately tasteful.  I dunno.  May only have Tonight to decide, though!  By tomorrow morning it could be too late to add anything to the order.  GOD DAMNIT WHY WAS I EVEN BORN.  I have to make TOUGH DECISION like this which throws the question of was my life even worth it into consideration.  WHATTA CHORE is the point.  Then again I CAN'T LOSE IF I PLAY.  Just get the pop tart.  EAT IT.  DELICIOUS.  Ugh.  Give myself to Before Going To Sleep to make a decision.  If I see a better option GET THAT POP TART.  If my best non-fruit flavored option remains unfrosted brown cinnamon sugar GET IT.  SOUNDS LIKE A FAIR COMPROMISE.  Not sure what the compromise is there.  Kinda just Some Sort of Decision.  Hmm.  WOW.  The next episode of Tales In The Crypt is Comes The Dawn.  That might be my least favorite episode of all time!
   Penultimate paragraph.  Good deal.  Feels like I'll finish the book I'm deep into TOMORROW or THE NEXT DAY.  I think if I play my cards right I can finish it tomorrow.  Playing my cards right means, in this scenario, Reading It.  To completion.  Just keep reading until there's no more to be read.  Oh Okay Great.  There's an Eggo flavored Pop Tart.  That's not fruit flavored.  That sounds very strange.  I MUST ADMIT I am curious though as to what an eggo flavored pop tart tastes like.  VERY CURIOUS.  Still not gonna get it!  But I can't help but wonder what it'd taste like in some Alternate Reality where I Was Eating It Somehow For Some Reason.  Hmm.  Guess I'm probably having Old Fashion'd French Toast for lunch tomorrow.  Probably pizza for dinner tomorrow.  Probably some other crap over the next few meals and shit you get the idea.  What else do I got going for me.  Half Bange turned out to be completely made up for by No Regular Lunch BUT I was eating A LOTTA THE CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCHES all day.  THAT WAS MADE UP FOR BY NOTHING.
   Last paragraph of the day.  Amazing!  Bedtime is WITHIN SIGHT.  MINDSIGHT.  I can't see it with Eyeball Vision Sight.  Hmm.  Can't wait to transfer book I'm not done with yet onto pile of books I AM done with.  IT WILL BECOME TE SIXTH BOOK I AM DONE WITH.  Not in my life.  Over the last week and a half or so.  I'VE READ HUNDREDS OF BOOKS IN MY LIFE.  Possibly THOUSANDS. Depending on how generous we're being with the term read.  Possibly TENS of Thousands if we're being REALLY generous.  Possibly ALL OF THEM if we're being SUPER SUPER generous.  It'd have to be almost infinitely generous, but I guess you COULD make SOME argument that I'VE READ EVERY BOOK THAT WAS EVER WRITTEN.  You could make any argument you want.  IT'S A FREE COUNTRY.  For now at least.  Hmm.  One thing is for sure though-- I've read five books.  I think we can start there in agreement and then we can have a debate about if I've read anything beyond that.  Hmm.  I guess I'm done for today.  See ya tomorrow!

-9:41 P.M.




Sunday, October 9, 2022

Now I'm Talking My Language

    Hey!  About an hour and 20 minutes ahead of schedule!  When I woke up early I felt like staying up instead of going back to sleep!  That's how that goes!  Had an UNFAIR amount of NightMight snacking.  Not a bange.  But a lot.  Like 400-600 or so calories.  Can make up for that halfway.  A little bit less snacking.  A bonus walk.  Not even during midday interrupting reading.  I got plenty of time to do bonus walk in first third of day!  ON account of waking up so early.  Anyway, Mets won their game last night! Now they have TIEBREAKER game tonight.  If they win they progress to next round of playoffs!  After losing their first game in best of 3 I had more or less given up on them!  NOW ESPN reports they have a 58% chance of winning tonight.  SOUNDS LIKE A DONE DEAL IF I EVER HEARD ONE.  Still no update on 538.  Goal is not to check it until Act II.  Eh I don't like that goal.  Goal it to keep checking it obsessively.  Oh that's fun.  Got some sprite going.  Had delicious Double Pop Tart as breakfast.  10-30 more calories than a Classic Breakfast which is pop tart + iced cream treat.  But Fun nonetheless!
   Lunch gonna be I DUNNO.  Depends on how hungry I am I guess.  Is there any Tiny lunch or dinner I can have to REALLY make up for NightMight snacking?  I don't think so.  Guess I could have a double bowl of cinnamon toast crunch for lunch.  Not sure what kinda Communal Dinner Delivery I can get that's a considerably small one for tonight.  The point is lets get into some yukk-em-ups.  SNL to watch today.  Presumably Easily and able to skip commercials.  Got 2nd half of Chucky to watch.  Then reading throughout the day as well.  That's not a yukk-em-up. It's PLANNING for yukk-em-ups.  SNL gonna present me some yukk-em-ups.  Chucky gonna be entertaining somehow.  Maybe not yukk-em-up.  Probably some HUMOUR though.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Angel Food Cake Day, National Cake Decorating Day, World Porridge Day, and UK Coffee Week.  How does UK like their coffee.  I know with TEA they do weird thing with holding sugar cube in their teeth and pour tea down their gullet and it's sweetened thusly.  Lemme LURQ Coffee.  SIMILAR TO HOW AMERICANS RINK COFFEE.
   I don't believe it.
  What's angel food came compared to devil.  Is Devil CHOCOLATE.  And angel is WHITE.  Lemme LTURQ.  ANGELS FOOD cake is some sort of sponge cake.  Chocolate food cake is made with THE DEVIL.  Something along those lines.  Porridge.  Disgusting.  Sounds not bad.  But if I SAW it I'd be grossed out.  Don't like cake decorating.  Probably makes the cake taste worse.  Look just as I don't ask you to make paintings edible, please don't make food Fancy Art.  WASTE OF TIME.  I can't absorb this art I WANT TO EAT THIS ART.  That sort of thing.  Hmm.  I DID A BAD THING.  I had a lot of coffee leftover from yesterday and I poured it down the drain to start new coffee.  It was enough for one cup for sure.  I don' think I could have gottn a full second cup.  So I would have had to start coffee at some point.  Figured I'd just start it then.  I'm not proud of it though!  Anyway started pack of bubble gum gum.  Still got Tropical Twist going.  But I retrieved packs of Bubble Gum and Peppermint so I have a variety of choices at my immediate disposal.  Why would I want to immediately dispose them.  I JUST GOT THEM.  TO USE.  I'm KEEPING these.
Fourth paragraph!  What else do I got going for me.  Can either take shower after walk III-- normal time SCHEDULEWISE to take shower-- of after walk IV-- normal time TIME OF DAY wise to take shower.  Either way I CAN'T GO WRONG.  Maybe I can go wrong.  EITHER WAY I CAN GO WRONG.  Oh well such is life.  OH HEY I KNOW.  Have two of those Breakfast Toaster Pockets for lunch.  I got four fresh lunches to have over the rest of the week before Friday.  That leaves me one day for Wildcard.  Which could be today.  Which could be Breakfast Toaster Pockets!  About 100-250 calories less than your normal lunch.  WOW.  Also I finally get to have it which I've been anticipating for a long time!  May end up being very unsatisfying.  That's a risk I MAY have to take.  Probably had slightly more normal snacks with that instead of making up bonus more ground.  Good deal!  What flavor we talkin' about for these pockets.  BACON EGG CHEESE SAUCE AND SCRAMBLED EGGS.  WOW.  "SAUCE."  We can only speculate how delicious And What that is!
   Fifth paragraph already.  Breezin' through the day.  Still on Alt Cntrl playlist but I'm just a few walks away from finishing it.  Then, NOT SURE what to put on.  Lots of good cases made for lots of good playlists.  Down to only one clean shirt after today.  I CONFRONTED My mom about doing laundry yesterday and she said it could definitely be in the cards!  SO that's good.  I assume that's a TAROT Reading Reference.  Saying something is in the cards and you're just talking about sevens and eights means very little.  However if we're talking about The DEATH card or the... UNICORN CARD... that means things!  Pretty sure DEATH is a Tarot Card.  Probably no Unicorn though.  Maybe 30% chance there's a unicorn.  Lemme LTRUQ.  HMM First 22 card set I came across had no unicorn.  But most of the rest seemed familiar!  So that's good for them I guess.  The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to get us to pronounce Tarot with a SOFT T at the end.  I dunno if that's even a SOFT T.  It's NO T.  Taro-oh.  IT'S A SCAM.  Coffee time.
   So that's good I guess.  Only 2 more of what I've already done to fulfill DayTime requirements.  Amazing!  Got one book I'm 2/3rds into to work on/finish today.  Other book I started yesterday I MAY OR MAY NOT continue.  Wasn't so bad I'm dropping it JUST LIKE THAT.  Kinda seems outdated though.  Politics from over 20 years ago is different from today.  On account of LOTTA THINGS.  MY MAIN IMPRESSION IS THAT A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE A LOT DUMBER.  Thoughts?  Reactions?  That's just ONE impression though.  Lotta other reasons that could describe Politics Differences!  INTERCONNECTED reasons and whatknot.  Hmm.  Pouches of mini cookie my Dad is pushing could be good.  Between 120-140 calories each!  SOLID choice for a Regular Day Snack or a SandwichSide Snack.  Only remains to be seen how unsatisfying they are.  COMPLETELY unsatisfying?  Or halfway hey ya know what kinda got enough out of this.  I can't wait to find out!  Probably.  I BETTER learn how to wait though AND SOON.  Hmm.  METS GAME Isn't until 7:07 PM?  But I want to watch it NOW.  And by NOW I mean sorta like an hour and 45 minutes from now.
   Seventh paragraph!  Still no update since Thursday Night from 538.  WOW.  MY LIFE IS EXPONENTIALLY BETTER.  More or less.  Hmm.  Figure I CAN'T LOSE with communal dinner tonight.  Pizza is probably #1 choice.  Bison burger would be #2.  I WAS gonna get old fashioned freedom toast with egg whites as an upcoming lunch.  But if I'm having Toaster Breakfasts today NO ROOM FOR A BONUS UPCOMING LUNCH.  Hmm.  Maybe I should have a regular lunch CAUTION BE DAMNED.  Or THROWN TO THE WIND.  Something to do with caution and getting rid of it or something.  I dunno.  Anyway 3.5 paragraphs left to go before walk.  Lookin like I'm gonna take park walks with 1/3/4/6 walks and city street walks with 2/5/7/8.  GOTTA MIX UP THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH.  Seventh walk MAY be in PARTIAL darkness making it inconvenient to walk in Parts Of Park.  LOOK I've thought it through.  Just trust me and follow along as if you're trusting me for some reason.
Eighth paragraph!  Entry ain't great so far.  WOW what a turn of events!  Looks like if Mets win tonight they go on to face LOs Angeles Draft Dodgers.  PERHAPS the best team OF THE SEASON.  Thems had the most wins by far.  Sounds intimidating!  When would that series start.  TUESDAY.  Lemme crunch the numbers.  TWO DAYS from today.  Is Old Man Scherzer ready to start that game and redeem himself?  TRICK QUESTION probably won't get to that game.  Anyway.  Not sure why angels are proponents of one indulgence dessert meal and devils are proponents of another.  LOOK you're eating junk food either way.  I COULD SEE appealing to your better angels and/or worse demons in EITHER context regarding indulging or avoiding these foods.  But BE CONSISTENT.  Either angels are for both or devils are for both.  If you think about it you'll be pleasantly surprised to see that I'm Right.  Hmm.  Wrote these 8 paragraphs in OH I DON'T KNOW 50 minutes.  Sounds about right.  Not bad for sure.
Penultimate paragraph of act!  Not sure about lunch.  50/50 I have regular lunch.  50/50 I eat breakfast toaster pockets!  So that should be fun either way you'd imagine  Old fashioned french toast.  Two slices could be a breakfast, one slice could be indulgence dessert snack.  So I get that AND I get egg whites or classic breakfasts AND it doesn't add up a bonus lunch I gotta eat.  AMAZING.  Sounds right up Some Alley.  The point is if Mets game starts at 7:07 I could presumably watch it through completion without going to bed.  MIGHT have to stay up A BIT longer than ideal.  But not out of the question!  Or they're down by 5+ runs and I have little interest watching it.  EITHER WAY bulk of the game I'll have on PAUSE because I'm writing Act III and/or taking NightTime Walk!  So that's good.  Anyway.  Gonna presumably vote in person on election day next month.  Just in case they decide to reward us for voting after the fact.  Go back into records and we get a prize for each Vote We Did.  Then again the opposite could happen.  We get a prize each time we don't vote!  Actually that sounds more likely the way Society Is and Is Headed.
Last paragraph of the act!  Good deal.  Leaning towards taking shower after Walk III.  Which is gonna be about an hour or more ahead of schedule CLOCKWISE.  And doing it the other way would be COUNTERCLOCKWISE I guess.  Hmm.  Wait.  I think THIS WAY is counterclockwise.  Doing it such that I wait to take shower until it's time normally-- THAT'S Clockwise.  The point is neither of these are accurate because that's not how words work.  Oh well such is life.  Anyway.  538 just updated.  But it says the update is from LAST night.  Which WOULD be an update from he night before.  But it didn't show up until JUST NOW.  So I HAVE SOME QUESTIONS.  Either way Dems Netted a point I think.  So that's good.  Why would anyone want to counter clockwise.  Clocks have been carefully designed to work a certain way.  WHO THE HELL ARE YOU to do the opposite?  You think you're CLEVER?  YOU'RE NOT.  Jus being a JERK.  I CAN'T STAND IT.  Hey time to take a walk.  Be back soon!




What Do You Know About It

    Hey!  Not much interest in communal dinner delivery for tonight.  Which is GREAT.  I can have one of my Super Market meals.  Probably kids chicken parm!  Back up Lasagna if I'm really in the mood and/or hungry for it!  Still gonna have breakfast toasteries for lunch!  So I got all that going for me is the point.  I really should figure out what angel food cake is.  Sponge Cake, I remember that.  EGG WHITES are involved.  Lemme LTURQ.  FLOUR & SUGAR TOO.  A whipping agent Such as CREAM OF TARTAR is commonly used.  It gained its unique reputation for being light and fluffy.  Maybe that's the difference between this and Evil Food Cake.  That might be DENSE.  Lemme LTURQ.  HEAVIER TEXTURE.  Sounds DENSE to me.  Either way off the top of my head I'd take Devil's Food Cake over Angel's Food Cake.  All things being equal.  Maybe 30% of the time at any given moment I'd prefer Angel's Food Cake.  DOES THIS MAKE ME A BAD PERSON?  My guess is yes slightly but not a HUGE deal.  So that's good.  Got as much time as I want for the next four paragraphs.  I guess IDEALLY let's say like fourty five minutes.  MORE THAN ENOUGH.
   Four paragraphs to go!  Wonder what kinda snacks I'm having today.  Significantly less than normal yet still relatively fair amount?  Or SLIGHTLY less than normal and relatively HIGHER fair amount.  COULD GO EITHER WAY.  Got the bonus walk.  Got the smaller lunch with toaster breakfasts.  Got the Super Market meal for dinner which is probably a little lower in calories than delivery fresh meal.  THE POINT IS I FORGET EXACTLY.  538 hasn't updated since last act.  Good deal.  Maybe I start setting myself TIME limits for when to check.  Instead of amorphous times during the day in relation to personal schedule.  FOR EXAMPLE no spoilers but it's 10:50 AM right now.  Maybe I check at 11:15 AM.  SOUNDS like a far ways away.  But I know IF I CAN ACCOMPLISH THIS I CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING.  Then again hmm what else is going on and crap.  I KNOW it's an old man hosting SNL this past week.  I don't know FROM WHENCE HE CAME though.  Better LTURQ.  OH WOW HE WAS ALISTER MOODY in Harry Potter. ...I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THAT IS.  And I've SEEN the Harry Potters WITHIN THIS PAST YEAR.  Lemme LTURQ.  Hmm.  Looked it up.  STILL NOT QUITE SURE I REMEMBER THIS GUY.  Maybe it's all a Deep Fake.  NEVER HAPPENED.  That's kind of what deep fake means.
Also he's been in PLENTIES of stuff.  Lemme LTURQ again.  I dunno. I  can at least figure out what he's promoting this week, though, right?  MUST be able to figure THAT out.  Oh The Banshees Of Inishherin.  That's all anyone can talk about all summer and/or fall long!  CAN'T WAIT TO FINALLY SEE IT.  Anyway.  I'm sure this guy is a real accomplished actor.  That's my impression from wikipedia.  SERIOUS ACTOR.  And he'll be PLAYFUL And FUN in his hosting duties.  That's MY guess.  Anyway 2.5 paragraphs to go for DayTime Day.  WHAT THE HELL.  On Rotten Tomatoes it has 100% positive rating.  You'd think there'd be a bad apple or two in the bunch to rate it negatively just to be difficult.  NOPE.  WOW.  What's this movie about again.  Irish things?  INISH sounds like IRISH to me.  It was FILMED in Ireland.  That's the only answer I get in terms of where it takes place and what country COMMISSIONED it.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act II!  What else is going on.  I wouldn't b the least bit surprised if Malcolm McDowell gives important INFO on his upcoming film in the monologue.  Lemme re-LURQ what this guy's name is.  Brendan Neeson.  Something like that.  Brendan GLEESON.  Wow.  WHAT A NAME.  Makes m want to have GLEE.  Which is a positive emotion.  MAYBE TOO POSITIVE.  Take it down a knotch!  Can't be constantly in glee.  ONCE IN A WHILE AT MOST OKAY KIDS?  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  If I get no dinner tonight GUESS WHAT having another Super Market meal tomorrow for lunch.  Which at that point would be whichever of the lasagna or chicken parm I don't have, OR chicken with sweet potatoe and broccoli, OR turkey sandwich.  PROBABLY not the turkey sandwich.  This is good stuff let's keep it going.  Almost done for the day though.  WOW THAT'S GREAT STUFF let's finish this up instead of keeping it going!  Sounds good to me!
   Yeah!  PLAN is to have 40 cal fudgesicle as prelunch snack in Oh I Don't Know two or two and a half hours.  Then 70 calorie fiber brownie halfway between lunch and dinner.  Then MOSTLY THE NORMAL post dinner snacks.  PUT IT ALL TOGETHER WITH BONUS WALK AND SMALLER MEAL and we're talkin' I made up for most of NightMight snacking.  A WHOLE LOTTA MOST.  So that's good and crap.  Think I got some sort of Zoom physiatrist appointment Upcoming Week.  Lemme LTURQ.  Therapist on October 12.  One can only assume that's in three days on a Wednesday.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP NAILED IT.  I can count as high as three PRETTY COMFORTABLY.  Not bad!  Think I might try mini chocolate frosted Entenmanns donuts upcoming Amazon Fresh order.  ONE is perfect for dessert indulgence snack.  TWO is perfect for breakfast.  I've gotten these before IN A PAST LIFE so I know I like them.  AND I think they'd be hearty and delicious in New Life Contexts.  So that's good. NO GREAT.  NO WONDERFUL.  Hmm.  Guess that's it for now.  WOW.  I'll be back tonight!




some people am i right

    Hey!  I saw Kanye West tweeted something negative and threatening about Jews.  As a Jewish person I somehow take offense to that!  I never tweeted something negative and threatening about Kanye West!  What's HIS problem.  I may have said negative things about him, but definitely not threatening!  I don't even think I ever said anything negative about him!  MAYBE HE WAS INSULTED I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL about him.  So this is my fault I guess!  Sorry.  I'll remember to talk about you in the future as you continue to insult and threaten a subset of humanity in the future.  Like Now!  SEE everythings already working out for everyone.  Anyway no 538 update since 2:21 PM.  Had delicious LASAGNA just now for dinner.  Got choco lollipop.  Mets are down 2-0 in their BASEBALL game today.  Well the official one.  Maybe they had an unofficial baseball game BEHIND CLOSED DOORS earlier today.  Or LATER today.  Not gonna be able to fit in a whole 'nother game before 12 Midnight.  Either way Great good for them.  Not sure what to do with upcoming snack.  Probably try to have a smaller one than usual.  PERHAPS JUST A KETO BAR BROWNIE.
   Did that upset Kanye West somehow.
  Anger him.  Displease him?  We AS JEWS gotta make sure we're being good cultural ambassadors to Kanye West.  EVERYTHING WE SAY must be put through the filter of making sure not to offend Kanye West From Now On.  Oh okay that doesn't sound so bad.  Fair amount of work but we'll get used to it Real Quick, No Problem.  Anyway.  Had entire 8 walks (1 bonus walk).  NOT a lot of reading though.  SOME reading.  Shoulda been more.  Did have a nice HalfSleep Rest in the middle of the day. Lay in bed for about an hour.  SOLIDLY was drifting into a HalfDream state for about 5 minutes Oh I Don't Know A THIRD into the RestState?  So I may not have been reading but it was fun.  ALSO loaded up ROCKSMITH program! ...Even with new sound system which was supposed to eliminate lag-- still some lag.  So that's pointless.  I tried that and that's what's important.  Not really.  I dunno what IS important.  Probably not THAT though.  We can start narrowing down What IS Important by eliminating things that AREN'T important one by one!
   Third paragraph.  Still got choco lollipop going.  Watched a couple of The Simpsons.  Watched 1.5 Tales In The Crypt.  All that good stuff.  OH HEY toaster breakfast pockets were GREAT.  I mean, two of em weren't very satisfying at all for a lunch.  But delicious!  The pastry was VERY MUCH LIKE a cheap Jamaican Patty pastry you'd get either at Middle School Cafeteria or perhaps some cheap Pizza Place (while you're in middle school.  But not the cafeteria Jamaican beef patty.  The ones from the pizza place a few blocks away).  Either way LOVED IT.  I'll enjoy that as breakfasts coming up, no problem.  Lookin' like I may be getting some laundering done tomorrow.  GRAT.  Just in time.  I'll enjoy those clean shirts coming up no problem.  Anyway just Bate down into lollipop.  You know PAST TENSE OF BIT.  Hmm maybe upcoming snack should be 2 lollipops.  That's an idea that's GOOD AND ... OTHER POSITIVE ADJECTIVES.  Hmm.  I finished ALT CNTRL play list a few walks ago.  Haven't put on a new playlist since then.  WELL WHAT THE HELL HAVE I BEEN DOING THEN.  I guess just going from song to song.  OH.  I listened to latest 2021 Sleater===Kinney album!  Now with the added context of having read Carrie Brownenstein book.  From roughly 2015 I wanna say.  Too bad there's no way to look that up right quick.
Halfway through Act III Part I.  Anyway what else do I got going on for me.  Delicious fudge powered iced cream bar at bedtime.  Fudge powered.  What does that mean.  I dunno.  I said it anyway, though!  Kinda feel uneasy about leaving it in because I'm not 100% of the possible connotations it could imply.  But it's all in good fun I feel.  Oh I know.  Judy Blume Book character Fudge.  It's YOUNG YOUNG ADULT NOVEL you wouldn't understand.  I feel like it's too young for young adult.  But it's too young adult for infant.  THESE SUCKERS ARE FOR YOUNG YOUNG ADULTS.  Hmm.  Googled it.  One of the main books from that series is Tales From A Fourth Grade Nothing.  IS IT SAFE TO SAY the target audience then is 4th graders?  I DON'T TINK SO.  Could be 2nd graders who want to seem sophisticated.  That'd be my guess.  Could be sixth graders who want to feel matured.  Either way hey that's one thing I can do to Read Things.  Find some old young young adult novels somewhere.  Didn't come across any while searching The Obvious Book Hiding Spots a week ago but I'M SURE there's more reserves stashed away all over the house.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  I think tomorrow I might just have Big Ol Bowl of Cinnamon toast crunch.  Which would be TWO BOWLS of THE MEASUREMENT kind of bowl.  Wait.  No.  Two CUPS of the measurement cups.  I think.  Now I'm confused.  Better LTURQ.  THIS ISN'T LIKE WHEN CARRIE BROWNENSTEIN WROTE HER BOOK, THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT INFO, GOTTA LURQ FOR SURE.  Seeing some DIFFERENT opinions.  One COMMON ONE is a bowl is 1.5 cups.  From past experience one bowl being 2 cups rings a bell too.  Either way if I have big bowl of cinnamon toast crunch it's TWO CUPS.  WOW SOUNDS LIKE A BOWL AND A THIRD.  Possibly.  JUST MAY BE.  Anyway I finished watching CHUCKY Season II Episode I.  I GET IT.  THE GUY IS A KILLER DOLL.  MAKES SENSE.  Anyway maybe they're building momentum for future episodes to be good.  Cause this one was kind of a snooze.  YEAH I GET IT HIS NAME IS CHUCKY AND HE'S MY FRIEND TO THE END.  WHAT'S THE PROBLEM.  EVERYONE NEEDS TO CALM DOWN ABOUT ME AND MY NEW FRIEND.
Last paragraph before recess!  Possible I have keto bar brownie AND a tootsie pop.  If it TWERENT for trying to cut calories today to make up partially for Last NightMight, that'd be TOTALLY reasonable amount of calories for Upcoming Dessert Type Snack Experience.  So that's good.  REAL good.  Hmm.  Anyway what else do I got going on for me.  I can start playing guitar By Myself without doing it along with video game.  I dunno how that would even work.  How do I know what I'm playing is real music if I'm not seeing representation of it on my Television Set?  Doesn't add up!  Looks like the Mets have a 11.5% chance of winning their game AS OF THIS VERY MOMENT.  Down 4-0 in the FIFTH HINNING.  GREAT.  They get a jump start on WINTER VACATION.  HEY 538 updated.  I TINK exact same numbers as six hours ago.  YOU IDIOTS.  Hmm.  METS ARE UP TO A 12.1% chance going into THEIR Bottom of the fifth inning.  The good news is I'm done here for now.  YOU FOOLS.  I'll be back pretty soon all things considered

   Hey!  Gonna have tootsie pop now.  POSSIBLY a second (OR THIRD per your contextualization) later in Act.  The point is THIS ONE IS CHOCO and if I have another one it will be CHEERO.  So that's good.  Mets lookin' dead in the water.  I'm gonna guess ESPN has them at 6.5% to win the baseball game AS OF THIS MOMENT.  NOPE ONLY 3.6%.  Not looking good for them.  Anyway guess I can watch a Tales In The Crypt when this is over OR I can go to bed.  Maybe watch Tales In The Crypt Surprise Party.  I like that episode JUST FINE.  Almost MORE than Just Fine.  SOMETIMES MORE than Just Fine.  Sometimes less.  AVERAGES OUT TO Just Fine.  Which is okay with me!  Used Starbucks bathroom this past walk.  Went in the toilet.  I figured I took the time to wait urinating until I got into the bathroom, couldn't hurt to go the extra mile and go right into the toilet bowl.  CAUSE I'M A CONSIDERATE AND THOUGHTFUL FELLOW.
   Three paragraphs to go.
  One of these days I'm gonna buy an iced coffee from Starbucks.  Like it was Olden Days.  The 2010's.  Before anyone knew what the word pandemic Even MEANT.  I think a lot of people in the 2010's knew what the word Pandemic meant.  YEAH BUT EVEN MORE OF US DIDN'T, HOT SHOT.  Also everyone knows Bacteria survives in HEAT.  ICED COFFEE, Pandemic would have NO SHOT of surviving there!  There's about Eight Things wrong with that logic off the top of my head.  Oh well what can ya do.  Gotta wonder who Kanye West's least favorite Jews are.  He must be speaking from experience of not liking Jewish People.  I wanna know WHO SOURED HIM on the whole Jewish Experience.  COULDN'T HAVE BEEN ME, I DON'T KNOW THE MAN.  So that's one person we can narrow it down from.  Kanye West has Synesthesia.  Where he registers senses as other senses.  Is it POSSIBLE what HE THINKS Are The Jewish People is actually THE SMELL OF FECES.  I don't know HOW or WHY he got confused that way.  But when he conjures of Jewish People FOR SOME REASON he's thinking of the smell (and taste?) of his own excrement.  NOT ON PURPOSE.  JUST THROUGH RANDOM MISFIRING SYNAPSES.
   The point is I'd be racist against Kanye West's Leavings too.
  Is that a controversial statement?  I dunno!  Feels like it might be a little bit. Oh well too deep into this thought now to go back.  Still got Tootsie Pop #2 going.  And we're more than halfway into Act III Part II!  So that's pretty good news I feel.  Gonna bite into it right now.  DELICIOUS. I TINK I WILL HAVE A SECOND ONE FOR THE ACT.  A TIRD ONE FOR THE DAY.  A THIRD ONE FOR THE WEEK.  Today SUNDAY.  First day of week.  Let's talk about it some more.  I dunno.  If Kanye West thinks Jewish people are his BMS then I'm assuming he thinks his BMS are a very uniquely cultured fine group of people.  AS JEWS ARE IN REAL LIFE.  That's why he thinks his shit don't stink!  Confusing it with Jews.  IT MAKES SENSE.  Anyway I'll have that Last Tootsie Pop.  Only question is WHAT FLAVOR.  I suggested cherry earlier.  Probably still the way to go.  OKAY LET'S DO THAT.  If I was Kanye West, sucking on a cherry tootsie pop MIGHT REMIND ME OF ANCIENT BABYLONIANS.  Every Thing Is A Peoples.  Oh okay I see.
  What else is going on and crap.  Decided to have fudgesicle instead of tootsie pop.  TWO THIRDS the calories.   Anyway what else is going on and crap.  If I was a famous person and I was anti semetic my first instinct would be to keep that to myself.  Then again I guess he's kept it to himself a long time.  He made it a pretty goood while before letting us know how he feels!  I think he should be PRAISED for keeping it in for so long.  GIVE THE JEW HATER SOME CREDIT WON'T YOU.  What else is going on and crap.  The real question we all should be asking ourselves is Does Kanye West think the phrase is, "Death Con," and not, "Defcon," for real or is he just making some sort of pun-point.  Also GONNA BE HONEST not sure what level 3 means.  I know it's IN TE MIDDLE.  I think Defcon 1 is the most serious and the least serious is Defcon 6.  Better LTURQ.  Nope only goes up to (DOWN TO?) Five.  Well we all learnt something.  Kanye West is PRETTY serious about going to Death Con over Jews but COULD BE TWO LEVELS MORE SERIOUS.  So let's TAKE A DEEP BREATH and TRY NOT TO ESCALATE THIS ANY MORE.  I'm done here.  See ya tomorrow!

-10:02 P.M.




Saturday, October 8, 2022

Oh Okay I Can Do This

    Hey!  About 2 hours and 5 minutes behind schedule!  Not a huge deal all in all.  I'll take one less walk, everything gets moved back A Unit Of Time, and Act I is 5 paragraphs and Act II is 10 paragraphs.  Got ideally 35 minutes to write this Act.  But up to 50 is even enough if I wanna be a jerk about it.  Anyway, no 538 update since last night.  No update on Mets game since they were declared the losers last night.  Looks like Ukraine strategically blew up a bridge.  That's good.  Now people on either side of the bridge got nowhere to go!  They can go in the opposite direction.  If you were on Russian side of bridge you can turn around and go deeper into Russia.  And likewise if you were on the other side.  No rule saying you have o stay put!  In fact I RECOMMEND you go somewhere.  Get the exercise juices flowing.  Anyway.  Didn't take a Ritalin this morning because I was PLUMB OUT in the cabinet and didn't feel like going to my reserves.  Took a Klonopin instead!  Figured that'd be an interesting Morning Mix-em-up!
   Hmm.  Had reasonable amount of NightMight snacking I believe.  Could be wrong!  Had 2.5 black and whites for breakfast.  Turns out I won't be able to have more than 1 black/white breakfast this week  We either got 7 or 8 of them.  My mom had one.  I had 2.5 or breakfast.  I had 2 or 3 as snacks.  I THINK we have But One And A Half Left.  Oh well such is life.  What kinda lunch am I looking at or today.  Maybe another sandwich.  Turkey sandwich.  It's good because it's healthy and also because it's Turkey.  HEY I get delicious snack relatively soon.  On being Deeper Into The Day than I should be.  How about a keto bar OR an iced cream sandwich.  HEY YEAH HOW ABOUT THAT.  What caused me to get out of bed so late.  Oh I know.  Didn't wanna get out of bed for a long time before I finally forced myself to. I don't know WHY.  I get plenty of sleep.  TEN OR ELEVEN HOURSWORTH if I get up on time.  WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT.  Body just being difficult I feel.
   National Food Of The Tomorrow is... International Beer and Pizza Day.  WOW.  Pizza.  I don't have that but I DO have kids chicken parm.  I might like that or lunch now that I think about it!  Good deal.  Just bange ate the half a black and white I had left.  If I felt like it, I could have small fiber brownie as regular upcoming snack to totally make up for it.  We'll see how I feel!  Anyway GOT ME A RITALIN.  Beer and pizza day.  CAN I have pizza tomorrow.  Off the top of my head it seems possible.  Pretty possible!  Anyway what else do I got going on for me.  About halfway into Act I.  Ideally write the rest in about 20 minutes.  Pretty possible!  Let's see, what words do I feel comfortable saying.  Sleeping, eating, writing, reading, TV.  It's all the same.  Nothing ever changes in life.  UNLESS I remove something from the equation.  Like JENGA.  If I stop writing maybe that makes everything better.  LIKE JENGA.  You take out pieces from he structure puzzle NO TO WIN but to make BETTER.  Aesthetically, I guess.  I dunno. 
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  Delightful.  Maybe watch new Chucky episode without re-watching the first season.  I'm sure they're capable enough of catching us all up without us having to watch everything again.  They KNOW we don't have time for all that.  We'll get right back into it because THEY'RE PROFESSIONAL TV PEOPLE.  They know what they're doing is the point.  Anyway.  I'm five book down as of this past week.  Different kinda books!  Three out of four were pretty short!  Less than 200 pages!  One out of five I had already read the first third or 40% or something.  Why was the first sentence 3 out of 4 when I clearly mean 3 out of 5.  Because I'm AN IDIOT.  Does that satisfy your curiosity?  PROBABLY.  Try to remember to put chocolate chip cookie flavored brownie into fridge before my walk.  Try REAL hard.  Well not THAT hard.  I REALLY wan to try hard.  But I won't Try REALLY Hard.  There's a Difference!  BIG DIFFERENCE.
Fifth paragraph!  Turns out I did this Right On Schedule and whatknot.  And all I had to do was say very little.  Also not make coffee yet.  THAT TAKES 3-4 MINUTES.  Not doin' it until I GET BACK from upcoming walk.  Maybe I should do it before walk.  So it's ready when I get back.  DANGIT that's another 3-4 minutes I DON'T HAVE To work with.  Oh well I'll survive ALMOST DEFINITELY.  Hmm.  I like what National Foods Of Days is sayin' for tomorrow.  We all know beer and pizza are good separately but TOGETHER even better.  Well hard liquor is even better.  I have nothing but good memories of Sophomore Yar 2n semester when I would binge on alcohol and food every night.  And not be fat.  Had great metabolism then.  Just a lot of whiskey and a lot o pizza.  Or POPEYES.  Or empenadas.  Or HOT DOGS.  Or OTHER Fast Food Place.  YOU GET THE IDEA.  A GOOD TIME WAS HA BY ALL.  Was I really depressed and lonely and upset about unrequited love?  YOU BET.  And guess what THAT MADE IT EVEN MUCH MORE FUN!!!  Okay time to make coffee then take a walk with enough time!  See ya soon




So Much More To Be Done

    Hey!  What's up.  Got some coffee going.  Got Fiber Brownie in fridge.  Ideally write these 10 paragraphs within an hour and 15 minutes.  Which is normal generous amount of time I give myself for a 10 paragraph'r act.  Plan is to take a shower after the walk after that.  Then eat a slightly late lunch.  ALSO thinking about having bonus walk MidDay so I don't come out of of the day a walk short.  NOT SURE about that yet though!  Either way today shaping up to be pretty okay I guess.  Let's check some 538!  GREAT NEWS no update.  Let's briefly check immediate twitter feed that's 1/3rd the 11 people I officially follow, 1/3rd people I kind of follow but no officially, and THREE FOURTHS people I could do without.  Math doesn't add up in practice but IT FEELS right.  ALRIGHT DID THAT.  Also checked my favorite Just The Facts account Kyle Griffin.  I dunno how he worked it out that his twitter persona is Just The Facts and A Lot Of Them At That.  But that's the role he plays for me and PERHAPS MILLIONS others.  Probably more like tens of thousands others.  He's got 1.3 million followers.  Maybe a couple hundred thousand of em are in MY BOAT.  Also maybe people LIKE ME use this twitter guy the way I do but don't officially follow him!  Either way ONE OF MY TOP TWEETERS.
So that's good.  Feels like that sort of thing should be private.  Oh well.  What can ya do.  DELETE the paragraph.  But WHY.  I dunno.  Anyway probably gonna have snack around 6th-8th paragraph of Act.  It'll be fun!  Leaning towards turkey sandwich for lunch with Oh I Don't Know LAST Black and White Cookie.  I liked em a lot this time around.  I always do.  But last couple of days they've really Hit Some Spot.  Anyway.  Are we supposed to feel like Max Scherzer was a bust because we paid him the most money ever on a yearly basis and he single handidly crapped all over our playoffs?  OR should we be like well over the year he was one of the most valuable pitchers.  My feeling is I WANNA GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT.  I don't think MOST Mets fans will.  But I'm of the mind to be like well look he did his job MOST of the time.  Also there's still time to redeem himself!  Maybe not this year playoff.  Maybe next year playoff.  And if not then THE NEXT NEXT yar playoff.  And if not then TOO LATE CONTRACT RUN OUT.  Oh well.  I'm sure he feels bad about it for himself.  Hmm.
Third paragraph.  Delightful!  Will I take a shower after walk III or skip it. I dunno!  Will I take an extra walk midday to make up for missing one in the morning?  I dunno!  Also when I was bragging about having finished 5 books I neglected to mention. HALFWAY THROUGH SOME OTHER BOOK.  Good book, too.  Also I'm sampling ALL the genres of book.  NOVEL.  SHORT STORY.  AUTOBIOGRAPHY/MEMOIR.  SELF HELP BOOK.  What's the next book I'm thinking about.  SOME SORT OF ACADEMIC BOOK.  Got some good books I got as part of college courses that I never read but kinda feel like they might be interesting!  WORK MY WAY BACK TO SOME NOVEL.  The point is Reading Is FUN!  Dinner gonna be finishing steak * Stuffed mushroom with definite matzohball soup side.  I finished the Half Sweet Potatoe sides.  GOOD.  I like soup.  I'm gonna enjoy it tonight one would imagine!  Anyway.  Three beers yesterday was the first three beers in over a week.  MAYBE as much as two weeks.  Got VERY little out of it.  First beer I drank Pre-dinner while finishing Carrie Brownenstein book didn't even register at all.  I feel like beers with Act III kinda register but it may be in my head.  OF COURSE it's in my head.  WHERE ELSE WOULD IT BE.
Fourth paragraph.  Wow!  VERY conflicted about bonus walk in middle of the day.  Good to get it in.  Good because what am I really missing by doing it.  BAD because it messes up with the routine schedule I wanna make as routine as possible.  BAD because it takes away precious reading time.  THIS IS A VERY TOUGH ONE.  The good news is I dunno.  Lean towards taking one less walk I think.  Hmm.  ESPN "Match Up Predictor," has Mets at a 74% chance of winning tonight.  Presumably heavily based on projected starting pitchers.  And quality of how the rest of the teams have been playing.  Anyway I won't watch any more games-- maybe elimination games-- but if Mets lose I Can AND SHOULD start thinking about which teams to root for for rest of post season.  It's IMPORTANT.  I know to root against Braves, Division Rival of Mets.  I know to root against Yankees, Local Rival of the Mets.  Know not to root for San Diego Padres, the team that defeated the Mets this year and whom I wish NO GOOD LUCK AT ALL cause HOW DARE THEM beat the Mets.  Hmm.  CLEVELAND GUARDIANS.  Gotta root for them.  Half because they're a new name and half because of residual good feelings form the Major League Franchise.
   Hmm.  Guardians are up 1-0 already in best of 3 series.  And as of now in the sixth inning, ESPN has them at 81% of winning TODAY game.  Meaning they ADVANCE JUS LIKE THAT to next level.  WOW WHAT GOOD TOPICS.  Anyway.  Based on losing yesterday it FEELS like The Mets have lost the playoffs.  They can win 2 games in a row though.  It really isn't THAT difficult.  THEY 3/4 to win today.  Who KNOWS the odds they'd win tomorrow if they win today.  Either way THEY CAN BOUNCE BACK AND THEN ALL IS FORGIVEN.  Amazing.  Guess I'm getting close to Small Fiber Brownie.  Then again I may be having lunch slightly later than usual.  Like 10-20 minutes later!  So gotta take that into account for some reason.  Anyway.  I can see myself putting on CHUCKY Season II Episode I soon.  Assuming it's available to me immediately.  Really liked pastrami sandwich yesterday.  I think part of it was I didn't cut sandwich into halves.  Just the pastrami on white bread and ya grab hold from both ends and go to town.  Maybe there was another reason I liked the sandwich.  I DUNNO!
   Halfway through Act II!  WOW Guardians had bases loaded with no outs in the sixth inning in a tie game which brought them to 81% chance o win the game.  THEY JUST ENDED THE INNING WITHOUT SCORING A RUN.  Now their odds are down to 55%.  I FEEL VERY BADLY FOR THEM.  They must be kicking themselves if possible.  How do you kick yourself.  Maybe your other leg.  Hard to kick any other part of yourself.  Unless you're flexible!  Some people are!  AMAZING.  YEP I can watch Chucky.  It's apparently an hour long!  With commercials no doubt!  But I had figured it was less than that.  I guess I was wrong. OR THEY'RE WRONG.  Either way I dunno.  I had very little Morning of the day.  I wanna get the afternoon right!  WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO DO. Anyway.  Think I'll have snack at eighth paragraph.  Pretty soon all things considered!  Amazing.  How much turkey are we talking about.  I asked for half a pound but I THINK I remember seeing they gave me 1.16x that?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  .58 LB.  Gonna be a big turkey sandwich I guess!
   Seventh paragraph.
  Amazing!  Maybe I DO try to read Bob Dylan book.  How deep am I into it exactly.  Let's see.  If placement of index card is to be believed, I'm on page 25 out of 270 or so.  I COULDA FIGURED IT'D BE IN THE HIGH 30's.  Guess I was wrong!  Or Book Mark is wrong.  Hmm.  Either way maybe I do that maybe I don't what of it.  Probably gonna take a shower after walk III.  Put on some Chucky and/or eat lunch after that.  Good deal.  Any interesting movies premiering tonight.  In PRE-STREAMING days Saturday Knight was when the premium channels would DEBUT their newest releases.  The films in theaters from 8 months ago.  NOW THEY'RE ON STARZ or something and FIRST TIME YA CAN SEE THEM Is Saturday at Oh I Don't Know 9 PM For Starz?  Gotta imagine they still play by those rules a bit.  Hmm.  Gonna go get snack thing.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Wow delicious.  Got a good feeling of Small Iced Cream Sandwich as upcoming snack between lunch and dinner.  I SAW an empty wrapper of one in my garbage.  Brought up ALL SORTS of good feelings in me!  Anyway.  Still on Alt Cntrl Playlist today.  That's okay.  I don't FEEL like I'm being ALT CNTRL'D.  I don't wanna be, that's for sure.  But that's the risk we take when we want to listen to modern pop-alternative music.  I feel like alternative music can get A LOT more alternative to this.  This is your mainstream alternative.  Which isn't BAD.  I LIKE THAT about it.  But let's just be honest with ourselves.  Anyway.  How much time do I got to write 2.5 paragraphs.  Let's say ideally half an hour.  Wow I can do that no problem or sure I guess.  Is there any good argument for a non turkey sandwich and/or a non black and white sandwichside?  Sure.  Not entertaining them currently, though!  I'm feeling pretty confident in my idea for what to have for lunch.
   Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day!  Anything else I haven't gotten to yet.  Not 100% excited about starting any new book.  Still into the book I'm halfway through.  Hmm what if I JUST READ ONE BOOK AT A TIME.  That's dumb.  I like variety As It Is The Spice Of Life.  Maybe I should subscribe to Variety The Magazine.  I dunno seems not Various enough.  I bet all their articles are the same more or less.  Hmm.  Possible 10% chance no such thing as Variety The Magazine.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP it is a magazine.  A little different than I thought.  I thought it was a Gossip RAG.  Turns out it's a Film Major Motion Picture RAG.  Maybe classier than a rag, I dunno.  REAL HARD HITTING articles.  The point is I think it's not as raggy as I thought but probably semi-raggy.  That sort of thing.  Anyway I LIKE MAJOR FILM MOTION PICTURES.  Maybe I SHOULD subscribe to this publication.  Then again no I'm not gonna do that.  One more paragraph to go.
Yeah!  What else is crap and shit.  Gonna take a shower after walk.  Have lunch maybe 10-15 minutes behind schedule.  Probably No Bonus Walk in middle of the day.  Probably figure out a 2nd book to be reading that I'm totally into.  Basically everything is going great for me.  Except for several things.  But besides those several things EVERYTHING is going great!.  Still on my first cup of coffee.  Looks like that'll be it for today!  Maybe I wanna cup of coffee after 4th walk during Readings.  SEEMS LIKE SOMETHIN TO CONSIDER.  Maybe find another Reserve of books in my room somewhere.  Pretty sure I got a bunch of books I never got rid of but didn't come across a week ago while going through room lookin at all the books.  WOW something else to do.  This is great!  Started tropical twist gum this morning.  Had to start something!  I made my choice and I stand by it.  So that's good.  Well that's it for now I guess.  Solid chance tonight will be relatively better than today.  WORDSWISE.  See ya then!




i don't know lets get into it

    Hey friends!  What a great day.  Ended up taking bonus afternoon walk, reaching Ideal Seven.  Did a lot of reading!  Made some progress in NEW book.  It is a book about POLITICS & whatknot.  AH I SEE.  Now I understand all the politics.  From 2001.  Gotta start somewhere.  Also first edition was 1997.  This is the SECOND edition.  2001.  GOTTA START SOMEWHERE.  What's it about exactly?  FIRST RULE OF POLITICS BOOK FROM 20 YEARS AGO-- Don't Talk About Politics Book From 20 Years Ago.  Gonna be playing this one PRETTY CLOSE to the vest.  Anyway.  Made some great progress with another book, too!  Watched the first half of CHUCKY episode.  And I have watched some Met Game tonight.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  OH HEY my Dad was excited about getting himself some animal crackers but the only way he could get them was in a COMBO PACK of personal sized pouches.  Where some are his animal crackers, some are pouches of mini chips ahoy, some are mini graham crackers, and some are mini oreos.  SO NOW IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE.  Eat some of those mini cookies.  FINALLY SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE I CAN HANDLE.
Sucking on lollipop.  Ended up eating dinner about half an hour later than usual.  Wanted to catch up on the reading I missed by taking Bonus Walk.  AND I DID.  It was great.  I totally remember 60% of the words I read.  Lots of the order of the words, too.  This is gonna make my life better in the short term AND the long term.  So that's good.  I LOVED how there has been no 538 update at all today.  Not since last night at 8:30.  IT WAS AMAZING.  I can make this MY REAL LIFE from now on.  Just don't check.  Man if I could accomplish that Now We're Talking.  Hmm.  Lemme catch up on Last 7 Minutes Of Met Game.  Oh great news the Mets gave up a homerun as soon I started catching up.  LEARNT MY LESSON THERE.  Just as I shant check 538 I should probably not not shant pay attention to The Met Game.  Just take pleasure in the little things. Learning about what politics was like in 2001!  Look I read this book back in 2003 or 2004 already.  I don't REMEMBER it.  The chapter names ring a bell.  Maybe the very general frame work is coming back to me!  WOW.
   Four paragraphs to go before recess.  I CAN'T LOSE re: Mets game.  Mets win and I'm happy.  Mets lose and I move on with my life!  I'VE GOT THE GAME ALL... GAMED... OUT.  That sort of thing.  Hmmm crunching down into lollipop.  Maybe I wanna do the thing again where I have a midstrength upcoming snack and compliment it with bonus tootsie pop.  Hmm. Is indulgent fiber bar midstrength enough.  Maybe its' 10 calorie too high to be midstrength.  Gonna have to see how this one plays out in real life.  Oh Hey SNL is tonight.  Gotta remember to set it up so that it's more likely to record it such that I can watch it at my leisure tomorrow.  If I remember to do it, I know what to do.  So that's good.  Maybe just have delicious quest bar.  Either way I CAN'T LOSE.  I'm not sure I could Win Big either.  I dunno.  I feel like eating a snack of any kind is a pretty big win!  Because I'm Dumb but in a good way. Also in lots of bad ways! BUT this is a pretty good way I feel!
   Three paragraphs before recess!  Anyway what kinda crap do I got going on tonight.  Maybe finish Chucky episode as Pre-BedTime Activity.  It makes sense.  I didn't get a ton out of the first half of the episode but I assume they saved all the good stuff for the second half of the episode.  That'd be what I would be doing if I was in charge of the show.  Or even if I was just a supporting member making the show.  I'd exercise as much authority and responsibility as humanly possible to make my mark such that all the good stuff is in the second half of the show.  I don't know WHY.  I'm just telling you THE FACTS.  The reasons are beyond me.  I JUST REPORT TRUTHS.  All but one of my Quest Bar are Birthday Bar.  I have ONE double chocolate chunk bar.  Which is the generic yet GOOD chocolate flavor quest bar.  Gotta imagine I might enjoy that a lot.  Because choco is my favorite prefix these days.  Anyway what kinda breakfast we got going on tomorrow.  Classic Breakfast with Iced Cream Bar, toaster breakfast pockets, or... THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Any cookies or anything I can just have a lot of.  I WISH.  That'd be an ideal world scenario.  But I don't think it's the reality I live in.  I could just have 2 pop tarts instead of a pop tart and iced cream sandwich.  Yeah shut up about it I got BETTER things to talk about.
INACCURACY.  Either way let's move on.  I feel like I'd rather watch a Tales In The Crypt tonight before bedtime. What episode am I up to.  Oh Right Staired In Horror.  We talked about that this morning or last night.  And I still haven't watched it!  So that's great and whatknot I'd assume.  Just finished beer #1.  Not particularly excited about recess tonight!  Look I've listened to the songs I like a fair a mount of times.  Probably EIGHT OR TEN TIMES EACH.  At this point what's really to be gained by walking in a circle and listening to the songs I like again.  I HAVE GREATER PERSPECTIVE this time around.  More WORLDLY EXPERIENCE to go with listening to those songs.  YEAH but also then again I'VE HEARD THESE SONGS A LOT.  Maybe I have so much world experience it just cycles back around to being the equivalent of No or Little Experience.  So it's THE SAME in the end as before.  Sounds about right Assuming I Am Able To Follow My Own Logic.
Last paragraph of Act III Part I!  What else do I got going for me.  I can listen to MY OWN MUSIC on my walks.  That's something literally no one else on Earth can do.  Only me!  Maybe somehow some other people on Earth can and do listen to my music.  I DON'T SEE IT but logically it's not entirely an impossibility.  MATHEMATICALLY it's plausible.  However the point is already listened to MY OWN music too many times.  Got nothin' to be gained there, either!  DANGIT.  Maybe the message is write more music.  I don't know how to do that!  Get off my back about it.  If I knew how to do it that'd be one thing!  But I don't so it's Some Other Thing!  The good news is I think by the time I get back from my walk I'll have a pretty good idea who will win Mets game.  Oh one team is up by three runs in the seventh inning?  I TINK I KNOW HOW THIS IS GONNA GO, I've seen enough.  That sort of thing.  Also if the Mets lose this game can I even legally call it The Mets Game?  Seems like I'd have to call it The Padres Game.  Cause THEY won.  THEIR GAME in the end.  Oh well too late now.  Gonna go take Recess Walk.  Be back soon!

    Hey!  I'm back.  Got chocolate quest bar going.  About 40% into it.  Not bad.  I'm getting as much out of it as I could have reasonably expected!  Mets are winning their baseball game by a single run.  THIS IS STILL ANYONE'S BALL GAME.  Well, either The Mets or The Padres.  If someone else managed to win this game I'd be SHOCKED.  Anyway all I gotta do is write four paragraphs and then my responsibilities are done with.  Up To Sleep.  After sleep comes more responsibilities.  But in terms of Period Of Time Before Sleep I GOT NOTHIN BUT GOOD THINGS.  Maybe some TV.  Definitely some iced cream.  It's all good and whatknot.  DELIGHTFULLY no 538 update today.  Maybe I go tomorrow without checking.  I can imagine a beautiful life without checking it at all.  It's within my reach.  If only I had the gumption to follow through on achieving it for myself!  So that's good.  SO FAR NOT SO GOOD.  I just hit refresh on the page Just Now.
Three paragraphs to go!  Gotta refill some soda Berb.  Ya know what?  Today has felt a little off?  I think it's cause of the tropical twist gum.  NOT enjoying what I've been getting out of chewing that gum all day.  I'd be better off with NO gum.  And No Gum leaves me VERY POORLY OFF.  So that illustrates how much Tropical Twist has been a bust for me these last several walks.  Hmm.  Is today still Friday?  No.  It's Saturday.  Right?  GOTTA BE.  I'm SURE it's Saturday.  Oh well, it's always Friday Somewhere.  AT TGI FRIDAYS.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Mets superstar pitcher Jacob DeGrom didn't SUPERSTAR IT UP today but in the end he had a decent performance.  Not like OLD MAN SRCHERZER I HATE HIM SO MUCH.  Think I watched one Simpsons episode today.  It was a good one.  THEY'RE ALL Good Ones.  Except for a lot of them.  So I've narrowed it down thusly and whatknot.  Hey only 2 more paragraphs to go!
   Yeah.  Oh right.  Gotta remember to set up TV such that it records SNL for me.  IT'S VERY COMPLICATED PROCESS.  You know that sort of thing.  Anyway.  Not gonna do any reading after this.  Maybe I watch the rest of Chucky, maybe I watch a Tales In The Crypt.  MAYBE JUST TO GO BED.  I like that idea!  Because I DON'T WANNA DO NOTHIN.  Let's just go to sleep.  SLEEP IS LIKE DOIN NOTHIN but EVEN BETTER SOMEHOW.  It's Nothing ENHANCED.  WOW sounds good.  What kinda lunch I got for tomorrow.  MY GUESS is beef lasagna, kids chicken parm, or herbed chicken with sweet potatoe and broccoli.  MAYBE HAVE TE MOST INDULGENT LUNCH OF THEM ALL OF THE WEEK the lasagna.  Gotta have it AT SOME POINT.  TOMORROW AFTERNOON IS SOLIDLY SOME POINT.  You idiots.  Any way I can have delicious cinnamon toast crunch tomorrow. I don't have egg whites for a balanced breakfast!  What if I just a 2 bowls of cinnamon toast crunch.  Same amount of calories as a balanced breakfast.  I dunno that sounds like A LOT of cinnamon toast crunch.  Then again REMIND ME ABOUT IT TOMORROW.  I MAY WANNA CONSIDER THAT.
What do you mean you can't remind me.  FIGURE IT OUT it's IMPORTANT.  That sort of thing.  Just finished beer #2.  Delightful.  I think I am gonna put on Tales In The Crypt Staired In Horror when this is over.  Just for fun.  Build up some anticipation for sleep!  Already kinda tired.  But the extra 22 minutes watching Horror HBO 1990's show will just HEIGHTEN the sensations so I get EVEN MORE out of everything.  Hmm sounds good.  NO SOUNDS GREAT.  Yeah!  How many Tropical Twist pieces of gum would be appropriate for a breakfast.  That's easy, right around 100.  So that's one way to go.  I don't have 100 of them.  Well then I guess I'll have to GO OUT AND BUY SOME MORE HOTSHOT.  You IDIOT.  My tummy hurts a bit.  Sometimes the quest bars I have are surprinsgly hearty and fill me up in a way nothing else really does.  Oh well still gonna have iced cream bar later in about half an hour.  It's IMPORTANT that we follow our ROUTINES.  Without routines WE ARE BUT ANIMALS.  Hey the entry is over.  Well I gotta spell check it and everything but you get the idea.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-10:18 P.M.




Friday, October 7, 2022

I Like Paragraphs Just Fine

    Hey!  JUST got Super Market delivery as I was getting ready to type the first sentence.  Ten seconds later and I'd have started!  Anyway good deal now my walks ain't interrupted.  In fact I got BONUS EXTRA time.  Right now I'm about 55 minutes ahead of schedule!  Anyway looks like they sent all the crap I wanted.  Only one box was ripped open.  And the insides were personally wrapped.  So I don't have much of a problem with it!  Hmm.  Had delicious classic breakfast with iced cream cone instead of sandwich.  Had SOME NightMight snacking.  I don't think it was too much.  But I don't know if it was 120 calories or TWO TIMES that.  I guess I'll never know!  Maybe I knew AT THE TIME.  That qualifies as Some Time.  Hmm.  "Never," could either mean from this point on AND/OR in all of time, forward AND past.  I think.  Sounds about right at least.  No 538 update since last night.  Amazing.  Better check again just to be sure.  NOPE nothin.
   Hmm.  What to do with bonus time.  WELL not so much WHAT to do but WHEN to have adjusted walks.  I dunno!  I guess I'll figure something out.  Anyway today Apple Music PlayLists UPDATED.  I'm starting the week off with ALT CNTRL.  I like the alternative music.  So much better than the alternative to alternative music.  That's not very alternative at all!  Unless you count it as alternative to alternative.  Then KINDA alternative.  Probably went on that, "RIFF," before.  It's a relevant word because it's GUITAR sound.  Rock music is based on guitar.  More or less.  Anyway.  I THINK when I look at naked torso it's gettin' to be uncomfortable to look at.  But if I look at self in mirror or reflection with CLOTH on Look pretty normal.  So I guess the moral of the story is leave Cloth on.  I CAN'T leave Torso Cloth on during time at home.  When I do situps. IT'D RIP THE CLOTH right off my back!  Oh no!  Whatta do for lunch.  Hmm.  Maybe have TURKISH sandwich.  I dunno.  I got like six good options and none of em sound right for today.  I'll figure somethin out.
Third paragraph!  Time for some yukkemups.  IT'S TOO EARLY FOR YUKKEMUPS.  Dang.  Maybe mix things up and have a later upcoming snack of mini black and white.  SURE They're great for breakfast but ONE OF THESE could be satisfying AND ON TARGET CALORIEWISE as a snack.  IT MAKES A TON OF SENSE.  Or I could have 5 of them as a lunch.  That sounds fun.  I'd be ALL OVER doing crap like that if no one was around to judge me.  Oh well what can ya do.  Always gonna be people around to judge you.  Unless you're an adult living by yourself.  Then the surveillance state is judging you.  What have you done to deserve being survailled?  I dunno.  THEY know though.  Hmm.  Let's see.  Chickened Pot Pie for dinner tonight.  That's okay.  Pretty good all things considered.  Three paragraphs into entry.  TERRBLE paragraphs but pretty good that I'm making progress with the day all things considered.
   Speaking of CLOTH, I think I'm running low on Clean Torso Cloth.  Three shirts after today.  Not an emergency yet.  But now's the time to put Laundry into action.  Anyway, National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Fluffernutter Day and National Pierogi Day.  I think fluffernutter has peanut butter.  That's where NUTTER comes from.  It combines the words Peanut and Butter.  Not enough time to say both!  Fluff is I wanna say MARSHMELLOW?  I dunno.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  And it's all between bread.  Well the bread part I like.  I'll have a fluffernutter HOLD THE NUTTER AND THE FLUFF.  Maybe I'd like marshmellow fluff.   Not sure if it's different from Just Marshmellow.  The point is HOW ABOUT THEM PIEROGIS.  Lemme LTURQ.  WOW pastry with sweet or savory filling.  HOOK ME UP WITH SOME OF THAT.  HOLD THE FILLING if it's peanut butter.  That's where I draw the line!  What else is going on.  I think I'm gonna do Daily Routine up through shower normally.  Then have a good amount of time between shower and walk IV.  POSSIBLY get some early reading in then.
Yeah!  Coffee after this paragraph.  Still keeping tabs on 538!  They can update at any moment.  I gotta be one of the first to see!  Anyway what kinda ads they got on this page.  I haven't registered them up to this point.  WOW as I was checking to see ADS they UPDATED.  I think Dems lost A NET 1 PERCENTAGE POINT.  Either way IMPORTANT TO CHECK THE ADS NOW.  Ad box at the top center of the page.  Seems to currently be for some sort of food product.  Lemme hit REFRESH to see if it changes.  NOW IT'S FOR BERKLEY college.  I assume to to be confused with University Of California At Berkley.  I assume WHICH IS AN ACTUAL PLACE.  YEP.  But Berkley college isn't even in California.  So they may not be TRYING to trick people.  But I FELT like I was being tricked.  I guess that's ON ME.  Lemme Refresh this ad once more.  Manhattan Comedy School Class.  WOW.  TARGETED AD FOR ME FOR SURE.  I was looking that up a couple of months ago.  GOOD DEAL.  I FEEL SEEN.  And VALIDATED.  Coffee time.
   Half of these ads it's not clear at all what they're advertising.  Like the first one.  I got the sense it was a food product.  But there was no BRAND.  I didn't even know exactly WHAT KINDA food.  The point is Advertising IS WEIRD I guess.  Maybe it's just an ad paid for by Big Food.  Doesn't NEED to be any more specific than that!  What else is going on and crap.  Next episode of Tales In The Crypt is The Assassin.  Not m yfavorite episode!  Maybe smack dab in the middle of my favorite episodes.  MAYBE A LITTLE BIT BELOW MIDDLE.  The point is maybe I don't get to that until After Entry at night.  So that's good.  Hmm.  If I wanna have some sweet with lunch, gotta have sandwich.  Have a Sweet SandwichSide.  I think it's healthier and more productive to refresh 538 constantly to see the ad at the top of the page.  Not as high stakes but JUST AS FUN.  Of course In Practice I'm checking both at the same time.  Ugh.  Good news is we're just about into the seventh paragraph!
   Ahmazing.  Maybe stick with my Yesterday Idea of finishing pastrami with pastrami sandwich today.  I am NOT having any other kind of red meat today.  So it'd be A FINE day to do such.  So that's good.  I can't wait to see which Ad I see for the second time first.  WHAT'S IT GONNA BE.  I'll let you know how this situation progresses!  Kinda feels like I should be getting paid to look at all these ads.  I'm providing a valuable service.  I'm CONSIDERING buying or using or considering your product.  Now it's YOUR TURN to do something FOR ME.  Even if each ad nets me a hundredth of a cent.  STILL would be more fair than Nothin.  Anyway.  Got CHUCKY to watch.  I THINK I got New HELLRAISER to watch.  WOW.  TWO THINGS. W hen you combine them probably around 2 hours.  I'm guessing Chucky is 22 minutes.  I'm GUESSING HellRaiser is an hour and fourty minutes.  Better LTURQ.  "RUNNING TIME," is 120 minutes.  Sounds like two hours.  Also pretty sure the phrase is, "Run Time."  Then again I'm an idiot, what do I know.  Either way WOW IT'S FRESH ON ROTTEN TOMATOES. 
   Three paragraphs to go for Act I!
  Just re-upped with gum.  Not all my favorite flavors but DECENT ones.  Lemme LTURQ.  Peppermint, Bubble Gum, and Tropical Twist.  Only PEPPERMINT is a 100% Mainstay.  Bubble gum and tropical twist I APPRECIATE on occasion when I get them, though.  Worse things in the world than chewing gum that's not one of the top flavors!  Probably!  Can't think of anything off the top of my head!  But that's only because I haven't really tried.  Lemme think.  DEATH.  You could DIE.  That's worse.  Lose an arm.  THAT'S WORSE.  Lose both arms.  YOU GET THE IDEA.  Not chewing gum.  Gotta imagine that's worse than chewing Tropical Twist.  Otherwise simple solution!  CHEW NOTHING you idiot.  So that's good.  I'm CONCERNED Hellraiser won't be in Hellraiser.  And by Hellraiser I mean Pinhead.  Lemme LTURQ.  I don't see any evidence he's in it.  Maybe I should just go ahead and google is pinhead in hellraiser.  And get a DEFINITIVE ANSWER once and FOR ALL.  Unless I forget.  Then MAYBE NOT For All.  Either way hmm.  Looks like there IS a pinhead but it's a different person.  A WOMAN.  WOW!  NOW YOU'RE TALKIN' MY LANGUAGE.  I'd open up Hellraising Puzzle Box to go to hell for eternity if THERE'S A SEXY LADY INVOLVED.
   Probably SHOULDN't do that.  Now that I think about it.  Good thing I had a moment to consider it.  I almost went to Hell permanently!  WHEW.  Dodged that bullet.  ALRIGHT a Manhattan Comedy School repeat ad!  Should have guessed the repeat one would be the one Most Targeted towards me.  Maybe they're ALL targeted towards me somehow.  Not sure how Berkeley College is good for me.  I guess I'm not THINKING ABOUT IT hard enough.  Anyway.  Is it possible algorithm saw me typing in this program Manhattan Comedy School and now is showing it MORE.  That sounds HORRIBLE but let's be honest KINDA POSSIBLE.  Ugh.  DANGIT INTERNET.  That's what I'm talkin' about!  If I was living alone, maybe my parents wouldn't judge me eating 5 mini black and whites for lunch, but INTERNET ADVERTISING ALGORITHM WILL.  I don't KNOW how they find out.  BUT THEY DO SOMEHOW.  Dangit.  What else is going on and crap.  Computer algorithm already knows the answer to that.  I myself am still considering what else is going on and crap.  ALGORITHM ALREADY KNOWS what I'm gonna end up saying AND/OR what is REALLY going on and crap.  DANG IT.  One more paragraph to go before walk!
   Good deal.  Still got half a pack of Spearmint gum.  That's a classic gum flavor.  I like it a lot.  Hmm.  Starting to think ahead as to what my schedule gonna be like.  Gonna do LIKE I SAID in terms of order of activities of the day.  But now how much time I have for those activities is becoming more clear to me.  I could theoretically take an extra walk but UN-theoretically I JUST WON'T.  Not havin' snack for around 3 hours.  That's the price ya pay when ya get up early.  More waking moments not eating upcoming snack.  I'LL TAKE THAT COMPROMISE.  Today at least.  Don't WANNA snack yet.  Everything going GREAT.  So that's good and whatknot.  I don't think Ad Algorithm is that smart.  Showing you stuff I looked at in the past.  LOOK if I looked at this stuff in the past I OBVIOUSLY TOOK CARE OF BUSINESS looking into it.  Why would I click your link to look at it Some More.  ALREADY DID IT.  Gimme something NEW to work with.  Hmm.  Gonna take a walk now!  Be back soon.



Hey That Sounds Grat

    Hey friends!  Got delicious coffee and orange soda going on.  Dems gained a delightful one point in one of the six models on 538.  About an hour ahead of schedule today.  Devote that time to reading.  Watch Hellraiser today with Non-Evening-Mets-Playoffs-TV-Time.  Assuming it's available to me. I  HAVE HULU.  IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE ON HULU.  TODAY.  Probably should be able to watch it you'd think.  Hmm.  WHO LOU DOBBS.  That's what I'd call my autobiography if I were Lou Dobbs.  An then I'd explain Who Lou Dobbs was with the content of the book.  What does it say that the first Lou that comes to mind is Dobbs.  Mainly that not a huge amount of people Just Known As Lou.  Lemme LTURQ.  Baseball player Lou Brock and Lou Gherig.  Lou Diamond Phillips.  Lou Forrigno.  You get the idea.  NOT YET WE DON'T.  STILL MORE LOUS TO GO THROUGH.  Baseballer Lou Piniella.  OK THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Anyway Lou Dobbs is conservative I feel?  Not sure if he's Crazy Conservative or just Terrible Politics conservative.  Also he might be specifically into FINANCIAL news.  Lemme LTURQ.  Or not.  I just decided I didn't care.  Oh good that's great.
   Hmm.  What kinda side we lookin' at for Pastrami Sandwich.  Gonna be a SaltSide.  Wanna make some progress in leftover kettle chips from months ago.  I could make a BIG dent in what I got left as a SandwichSide today.  So that's good.  OR GREAT.  Hmm.  Just gonna stick with, "Good."  Okay.  Lemme load up HULU on my TV.  Get things figured out NOW.  YEP I sure can watch that sucker.  Probably not gonna finish it today.  Maybe I will.  I dunno what happens today.  It hasn't happened yet!  Odds are I go to sleep while Exciting Mets Playoff Game is still going on.  Game ain't gonna end until probably between 11 and 11:30.  I'm IN BED IN GOTOSLEEP MODE by 10:30.  Oh well such is life.  Probably.  Again LIFE HASN'T HAPPENED YET.  We can only speculate What Life Is Like.  I feel like pinhead is a disrespectful name for HellRaiser Character.  He's the guy with Acupunctured Head. You'd recognize him!  Pinhead is an insult meaning DOPE or IDIOT.  IF YOU CALL HIM PINHEAD YOU'RE ONLY GONNA MAKE HIM/HER ANGRY.  Don't be surprised if something bad comes of that!
   Pretty sure pinhead was one of those things that Fans came up with. GOOD FOR FANS.  Unless they enrage fictional character and then fictional character shows up to harm them somehow.  THEN THIS ISN'T WORKING OUT WELL FOR YOU AT ALL.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe just use bonus hour to watch Hellraisr.  Instead of reading.  Or Half And Half.  The point is whatever happens'll be great just grat.  Hmm ya know what I'm gonna look up Manhattan Comedy Class.  See if there's any good classes Over Internet these days.  NOPE.  Only internet class is for beginner podcasters.  I ain't no beginner podcaster.  I'm either No Podcaster or not or A CLOSE TO EXPERT podcaster.  I dunno which but EITHER WAY, not for me.  So that's good.  Hey OTHER three exciting baseball playoff games are DAyTime games.  I CAN FOLLOW ALONG WITH THEM.  But I don't want to.  I wanna read. And/or watch Hellraiser. And maybe a Simpsons or two.  Oh okay I see now.
   Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day!  Hmm.  OH NO 538 update.  DEMS lost the point they gained from Last Update compared to Second To Last Update!  I will continue keeping you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Hmm.  Ideally finish the last 2 paragraphs in 20 minutes.  To be exactly an hour ahead of schedule.  I CAN DO THAT REAL EASYLIKE.  Hmm.  Still gotta come up with 2 out of 3 titles.  One placeholder title is good enough I guess.  Amazing.  Kinda had to use the bathroom on Last Walk but I chose NOT to go into Starbucks and instead just hold it.  I figure I may wanna use starbucks bathroom more urgently later in the day. And IF I CAN I don't wanna do it more than once a day.  THEY'D JUDGE 2x as much as if it was just once.  So I STRATEGICALLY saved my Starbucks Bathroom Break for when I REALLY need it.  Is it a risk?  SURE!  Maybe I don't need it at all for the rest of the day.  I LOSE in that scenario.  But FOR NOW I Stand by my decision.
   Last paragraph of Daytime Day!  Are the workers who are there at 11 AM the same ones there right before 9 PM?  I dunno!  Could be!  PROBABLY not.  Sounds like a long shift.  But it's remotely plausible I guess!  Hmm.  Gonna get some exciting Margharite Cookies from Amazon Fresh.  Is that a thing that people know what it is?  Kinda like long cookies with a relatively bland vanilla and/or chocolate taste.  Pretty hearty for the amount of calories it is!  Also Dad likes em!  This could be a blast and a half.  GREAT NightMight snacking, too.  I feel like I could have ONE AT A TIME and it's not gonna BREAK THE NIGHTMIGHT BANK.  So that's good and crap.  Only thing is I'll be sad when I'm done with them.  Could always get them again next week.  I guess.  Still won't be pleasant having to say goodbye.  Huh.  Why don't I get 2 of them.  Cause that's dumb.  I might not even finish ONE package before being able to re-up a week later.  USE YOUR HEAD.  Anyway that's it for now.  Be back tonight!



i'm not even joking

    Hi friends.  Another DayTime Day accomplished!  Got some good reading in.  Finished Carrie Brownenstein book!  Read solid chapter of other book.  Watched HELLRAISER which is like reading a book.  I GIVE IT A SOLID I Dunno OUT OF TEN.  I wasn't particularly interested in it but part of me felt THIS FILM HAS A LOT GOING FOR IT.  Just not entertaining to me.  So that's good.  OR BAD.  Hellraiser is an onamonapia.  IT WAS HELL-LIKE TORTURE FOR ME TO WATCH.  Not sure that's accurate.  IT BETTER BE ACCURATE, CAUSE I SAID IT.  I can't be saying things that are wrong!  People would lose faith in my commentary VERY quickly.  Anyway.  Got choco pop going.  Had CCP for dinner.  Pastrami sandwich with fiber bar for lunch.  GREAT IT'S ALL WORKING OUT FOR ME.  Kinda confusing why Sleater Kinney book doesn't address anything they did After The Book Was Written.  Kinda feels like Carrie Brownenstein should have Planned Ahead and written about what she'd do the 3-5 years after the book was written?  Oh well I guess no one is perfect.  Except for WALDO.  He's BETTER than all the other Faux-Waldos.  That's the premise.  LOOK AT ALL THESE JERKS TRYING TO PASS AS WALDO.  THEY KNOW HE'S THE BEST.  Btu that's also why THEY CAN NEVER SUCCEED.  They're not IMMACULATE like THE REAL Waldo.
    Makes sense.  Decided to drink a beer while finishing Carrie Brownenstein book and having CCP in oven.  It had very little effect on me at all!  I can't even say for sure it had ANY effect on me at all.  The good news is Mets Playoff Game is on my Television Set ON PAUSE.  Just bit into chocolate pop.  I needed some Good Vibes.  Normally it'd last me through the end of the 2nd paragraph.  Tonight?  DESPERATE for some sort of pleasure experience.  DEMS lost 2 or 4 Net Points on 538 over the day.  I AM BEYOND MYSELF about it.  In a negative way.  I guess.  Anyway maybe have another thing like yesterday where I have a MID-strength Dessert Snack AND 1 tootsie pop.  It worked for me THEN and it can work for me NOW.  The good news is probably 3 beers knight.  About 1.9 beers left as of now.  Hmm.  Guess I'm starting a new book tomorrow to replace Carrie Brownenstein.  Maybe pick up Bob Dylan Autobiography.  I like Music People Self Stories.  Probably.  Gotta like SOMETHIN. Maybe do some mad libs.  Probably got some Mad Libs somewhere.  Those are fun even when you're alone!
   Third paragraph of Act III Part I!  Midstrength Snack could be several things.  Maybe a Black * White.  Maybe a Fiber Oatmeal Raisin.  Maybe a Nutragrain bar again.  THE BALLS ARE IN MY COURT.  ALL OF EM.  I WANNA SAY SEVEN OVER ALL.  SIX OF WHICH ARE DEFLATED THOUGH.  I got seven balls but only one is in any sort of shape To Do Ball Stuff.  Also, gonna be honest, most of my life, in sexual fantasy?  Not that much into Ball Stuff.  You know.  Girl On My Ball type stuff.  MAYBE I'M COMING AROUND ON IT THOUGH.  I kinda feel like it would put my balls Out Of Equilibrium, though.  Sounds risky.  Balls must exist in relation and balance with each other!  You do some stuff with one ball at a time THIS THROWS EVERYTHING OUT OF WHACK.  Sounds risky is all I'm saying.  Be careful out there!  What else is going on and crap.  DEMS made up ONE point back just now.  Not bad!  Could be worse.  Anyway.  BedTime snack probably gonna be delicious Top Knotch Favorite FUDGE FLAVOR iced cream bar.  OR I could have delicious SMALL ICED CREAM SANDWICH.  YEAH.
   Halfway through Act III PART I!
  Think I'm gonna catch up on the last 15 minutes of Met game.  Let's go do that.  Probably talked about ball stuff before.  It's important!  Anyway Mets are down 2-0 already.  WOW.  They could be done with the playoffs AFTER TOMORROW.  Good news-- Good news for ME!  I get to do other stuff with my time.  Like read some other crap.  I don't wanna read Bob Dylan.  WHAT A WEIRDO.  Leave me OUT of it is how I feel re: Bob Dylan.  Also reading a book written by someone is The Same As Getting Involved With Them.  THEY don't know it.  PROBABLY NOT at least.  But YOU know it.  And maybe one day you'll tell them about it!  But they don't know IN TE MOMENT.  ONLY YOU KNOW You're getting involved with them.  So that's fun.  Hey now the Mets are down 3-0!  WOW they really want me to have some more free time to spend productively this October, don't they?  WHAT MENSCHES.  Mesnch.   You get the idea.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I.  Maybe have delicious small iced cream sandwich + tootsie pop as Dessert Snack and then fudge thing as bedtime snack.  WOW.  THAT'D BE WAY OUT OF LINE.  I only have FOUR of these small iced cream sandwiches for the week.  I can't be having them AT A TIME WHERE ICED CREAM SANDWICHES ARE AN ODDITY.  Gotta save them for times I NEED Iced Cream Sandwiches.  I BARELY NOT REALLY EVEN DON'T QUITE HAVE ENOUGH AS IT IS.  Ugh.  WAIT A SECOND.  2001 A Space Odyssey.  David Bowie Space Oddity.  DAVID BOWIE RIPPIN' SOME TITLES OFF I FEEL.  What a CONFORMIST.  Doesn't have AN ORIGINAL BONE IN HIS BODY.  Just rippin off titles left and right.  It's funny because it's true.  Hmm.  Finished beer #2 of the knight.  Guess I'll just have to wait until Act III Part II for the third one.  That's not so bad.  I'm relatively close to that happening and whatknot.  What else do I got going on for me.  Friday Night.  I could, "Dig," that.  Somehow.  Not sure how I could get it through my thick skull that it's A Friday Night IN SPIRIT and not just The Same Night As Every Night Cause For Me Every Day Is The Same More Or Less.  PROBABLY CAN'T DO THAT.  CEST LAVIE.
   Great.  Watched I THINK 2 Simpsons episodes. Watched ONE Tales In The Crypt episode.  What Tales In The Crypt am I upto TWERE I to watch one tonight.  My guess is Staired In Horror.  I'd say I got about a 50% chance of Nailing It.  YEP I NAILED IT.  In the sense I was accurate.  NOT IN ANY OTHER SENSE.  Maybe in SOME other senses.  Incidentally.  But mainly in the I WAS ACCURATE sense overall.  What else do I got going on for me.  Maybe have delicious Oatmeal Raisin Fiber Cookie.  I like that because it's delicious and it doubles as food.  Huh. What does it SINGLE as.  Just Delicious.  AMORPHOUS DELICIOUSNESS FLOATIN' AROUND.  BUT NOPE, it IS ALSO REAL SOLID FOOD.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  What's a good, "ALT," to going back to Bob Dylan book.  Lemme LTURQ.  EH no spoilers.  Also I don't wanna decide TOO EARLY.  We'll figure it out IN THE MOMENT tomorrow when I'm ready to start reading.  HMM I think I got a good idea for one.  NO SPOILERS, like I SAID.  Anyway time to take a walk.

   Hey!  Was really gassy on my walk.  Which has carried over into me being on my Homestead.  COULD BE WORSE.  I am successfully able to EXPEL gas.  That solves that problem now and again.  Better than not having that option!  So that's good.  Had delicious Oatmeal Raisin cookie just now.  Gonna have delicious COMPLIMENTARY Tootsie Pop after this paragraph.  FRUIT FLAVOR.  What fruit?  I guess Cherry is the odds on favorite.  But don't sleep on Orange!  Also Let's Face Facts Purple is the best option for Tonight In Particular.  Why wouldn't we face facts.  I dunno if we were in denial or something.  About tootsie pop flavors.  And which ones are better than others.  For me.  Tonight specifically.  Oh okay I see.  Gonna start beer #3 now.  Mets lookin' like they're gonna lose their baseball game today.  GOOD I HOPE IT WORKS OUT FOR THEM.  Anyway what else do I got going on for me.  Paragraph is over.  That's good for pretty much everyone intensively OR remotely involved in this paragraph.
   YEAH.  Going with ORANGE.  This is good entertaining stuff for everyone involved.  Maybe put on Staired In Horror when I'm done here.  Then bedtime.  Maybe try to get up same time as I did today.  That extra hour can be put to GOOD USE-- Good Use In MY Favor.  READING AND CRAP.  I already watched HellRaiser.  How many more hours do I need to spend watching Hellraiser now that I've already watched All Two Hours Of Hellraiser?  Hmm.  OTHER stuff I have to watch.  I'm not doing my DUTY if I'm behind on COBRA KAI.  If I DON'T watch it WHOM WILL.  What else is going on and crap.  NOW I'm REALLY getting Manhattan Comedy School Ads on 538.  Over and over and over again.  THAT'S ALL I SEE nowadays.  Oh well I hope it works out for them as well as its working out for me.  Great.  Ya know what I know what book I can read for 15-30 minutes when I'm done here.  Instead of watching a Tales In The Crypt.  Let's aim for THAT.
   Penultimate paragraph!  I've got a good feeling Tomorrow Entry MAY BE A DECENT ONE.  I feel like I'm trending in that direction.  Still very much on the indecent side of things but I can just kinda FEEL like I MAY be going in the right direction ESPECIALLY OVERNIGHT IN MY SLEEP.  Gonna make some good headway In Sleep.  That's my guess.  Anyway what kinda great breakfast I got going on tomorrow.  Black and whites probably.  Maybe Classic Breakfast with iced cream cone if I still have 1 iced cream cone left which I think I do.  Toaster pockets.  I WANNA HAVE TEM TOASTER POCKETS once and for all.  I'll figure out what to do IN MY SLEEP.  I'm gonna wake up Knowing THE FUCK Out Of What To Have For Breakfast.  Good deal!  Well what else is going on and crap.  Lining up the books I've finished in another corner of the room.  The goal is to have this pile of books go from FOUR all the way to STACKED TO THE HIGH HEAVENS.
   Meaning I've accomplished a lot of books.  Reading them most likely.  Anyway last paragraph of the night.  Still got orange tootsie pop going but that won't last forever.  In fact it may not even last this sentence!  It DID though.  SPOILER ALERT.  Hmm.  OK bit down into lollipop.  Went okay.  Anyway snacking today was alright.  I had fun.  Responsible fun!  No one gonna argue that I had responsible snack fun today if you don't count Last NightMight OR Presumptive Upcoming NightMight.  Let's not count them because I SAID DAY those things are NIGHTS.  BUY A DICTIONARY days and nights ARE POLAR OPPOSITES.  Also don't buy a dictionary USE ONE ONLINE FOR FREE.  Save yourself some money!  Then again if you don't buy a dictionary you can't help put it on your stack of read books so it reaches The High Heavens More.  Dictionary-- ANY sort of useless book-- comes in handy when you're stacking books to High Heavens!  Anyway.  Guess I'm about done here!  See ya tomorrow!

-10:09 P.M.



Thursday, October 6, 2022

Let's Try To Stay Positive

    Hey!  About 2 hours and 10 minutes behind schedule!  Sounds REALLY bad but it's not!  I'm only gonna miss one walk. Six instead of seven!  Gonna do 5 paragraph Act I and 10 paragraph Act II.  Not sure when I'm gonna take my shower.  But considering all that could be worse.  Not sure how much time I have to write these 5 paragraphs.  Ideally it'd be 30 minutes but if it's up to 45 minutes I think I'll be okay.  Which coincidentally is as much as I comfortably give myself to write 5 paragraphs!  WOW WHAT A COINCIDENCE.  How's 538 going.  About the same as last night.  I think Dems lost 1 point in one model and gained 1 point in another one.  Hmm.  LIFEGOAL-- don't check 538 until Act II.  WOW.  It must be important if Lifegoal is one word.  Anyway.  Mets finished with same record as Braves atop their division.  But they still are only wild card team and not division leader!  WHY?  I dunno!  My first guess is the tie breaker is who won more games against the other team in the season. Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  Looks like that's accurate.  About 85-90% sure it's accurate.  I was about 60% sure before checking internet.  Now I gained 25-30%!  Amazing!
   Second paragraph.  Probably can breeze through these five.  I've said NOTHING yet.  Lookin' like for upcoming Super market order I'm getting 2 6 packs of Good Craft Light Beer I Like instead of 1 18 pack.  I got enough left over from this week.  I'll survive!  Also delicious.  I read a very small amount last night after entry.  We're talkin' like 15 minutes.  That did the trick!  Oh hey did some NightMight snacking last night.  More than I like.  Not a bange!  I think around 300 calories.  Maybe as much as 400.  Had variation of classic breakfast with iced cream cone and pop tart.  Also variation in terms of ORDER.  Ate iced cream first and THEN pop tart.  WOW!  Wonder what kinda snack I got coming my way pretty soon.  Maybe small fiber brownie.  That's reasonable and crap.  Hmm.  Dad isn't even home right now.  Took Car in for annual inspection.  Which I'm not 100% convinced is a thing.  At some point they convinced my Dad annual inspection is a thing.  LOOK my Dad's on the ball.  It's probably a thing.  I'm not 100% though!
   Third paragraph.  The point is the later my Dad gets home, the later he may wanna take his walk, the more time I have to finish Act I.  I have plenty time as it is.  Great.  Only one walk Midday.  But midday is slightly shorter.  EarlyDay is EATING INTO midday.  Cause of Delay!  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... NOTHING.  No food to celebrate for October 7th.  Ok.  UP TO ME to come up with a good food.  Good in general AND good for October 7th.  Hmm.  My first instinct to think of something was look around my room.  Then I realized NO CLUES IN MY ROOM for good foods.  Only good in my room is tootsie pops which are INSIDE DRAWER and I wouldn't be able to see.  I can see some GUM packs.  That could be an October 7th Food.  Empty Beer cans.  Diet coke in a glass.  Hmm turns out there's LOTS of good options in my room.  Gum Day.  Crazy enough it just might work!  Wait no.  Too crazy that it'd work.  Or not crazy enough.  I can't really say for sure.  Hmm.  Act II might be FUN.  Get into some yukk-em-ups with more time and more paragraphs to work with!
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  WOW.  Wrote there paragraphs in about 17 minutes.  Seems reasonable considering size + quality + general content of paragraphs.  About what'd ya figure I think.  Maybe a couple minutes LESS even.  Anyway.  Still listening to Today's Hits playlist.  Whatever I start later today will be updated halfway through me listening to it tomorrow!  OH NO.  Everything will mixed up and I dunno if I like that!  Wish someone would MIX up my songs.  Or MASTER THEM persay.  Sometimes I listen to my songs and am like If only this twere mixed better.  Then sometimes I don't listen to my songs and am a lot happier because my songs ain't great!  LOTTA THEM are solid 4 out of 10.  But that's no good for other people.  I can get off on doing 4 out of 10 work.  Not sure why other people would enjoy it though!  HMM.  Looks like Hershem Walker activist son who bravely and emphatically spoke out against Hershem Walker is a CONSERVATIVE activist.  BAD conservative.  ANTI all the good stuff.  PRO all the bad stuff!  Good for him at least for coming out against the Republican candidate for Geoergia based on principles though.  I dunno.  Did he ever say he wouldn't vote for Hershem Walker?  MAYBE MAYB NOT.
   Last paragraph of Act I!  AMAZING.  Also who cares.  About Christian Walker being bad in political views.  Probably ME to some extent.  YEAH.  Didn't start coffee before Act I.  Wouldn't start drinking it until Act II!  Figure'd I'd start it before taking upcoming walk.  So it's readly at start of Act II.  2 Cups over the act!  Amazing.  Baseball Reference got some projections for playoff odds for teams.  FOR EXAMPLE they say Mets are 58% likely to win Wild Card series and advance to Division Series.  Got Mets at a 4.6% chance to win World Series.  WOW.  IF I was getting 20 to 1 odds on that I'D BE TAKING A SUCKERS BET.  I think.  That's how odds work, right?  20 to 1 odds means 5% Or SOMETHING like that.  I DUNNO.  Hmm.  Have they finalized TIME of Friday Game of Mets versus Padres.  YEP.  8:07 PM.  On Friday.  On ESPN.  DANGIT.  I wanna hear Classic Mets Broadcast Team.  Not some dumb ESPN jerks!  Anyway time to take a walk with plenty o' time.  Be back soon!




Thanks For Visiting With Me

    Hey friends!  I think I am gonna take a bonus walk in the middle of the day.  So I end up with Ideal 7.  My Dad still isn't back yet though.  Maybe he wants to take a walk in the middle of the day, potentially complicating my Walkings.  Anyway.  Upcoming snack lookin' like chocolate caramel pretzel bar.  They haven't had this in stock in months.  Been saving it.  Now's the time!  Hmm.  Ideally write this act in an hour and 15 minutes.  Then I take a walk.  Then I take a shower and dry off fast and eat lunch.  Then I take a walk.  THEN SOME READIN.  Then a walk.  THEN SOME READIN.  Then... I lost track.  But the point is I know the track more or less in Most of My Brain.  Just not ALL OF IT, RIGHT NOW.  So that's good.  Got some coffee going.  Ain't nothin' wrong with that!  Checked 538 just now.  Still same update as this morning.  GREAT.  Maybe don't check again until after shower!  PROBABLY NOT but we'll see.
Ugh.  NINE paragraphs to go for Daytime Day.  Feels like a lot.  IT IS a lot.  PLUS I already talked about Important Things like National Foods For Tomorrow.  So that's no good.  What else is no good or good or between no good and good.  LOTS OF STUFF.  Still on Today's Hits playlist but I don't think it'll last me more than one MAYBE TWO more walks.  Maybe listen to some ALBUM for the rest of the day.  MODERN albums. Speaking of AL when is Weird Al movie coming out.  I think it comes out Oh I Don't Know November SIXTH.  I was gonna say EIGHTH but I think that's election day.  And that's why it's in my head.  Maybe it comes out on election day.  I DON'T THINK THEY'D WANNA INFLUENCE THE ELECTION THOUGH.  Against Policy to release Weird Al movie ON election day.  November FOURTH.  Wow.  I was pretty close!  NOT CLOSE ENOUGH.  The point is based on trailer I'm not OVER THE MOON excited for it.  But I TRUST it will be great.  I BELIEVE in it. 
   Yeah!  I could make up Reading Time by reading more at night after Entry.  It makes sense cause I got up late today!  Logically I'd be in tune to go to bed appropriately later as well!  Probably WON'T work out that way.  I'd get same amount of tired at same times.  That's my guess.  But I'm AGAINST IT.  DANGIT just checked 538.  Updated!  I think each number was the same though.  So that's good.  Or not good. It's THE SAME.  Not sure how happy I am with Current Numbers.  A whole lot better than a few months ago.  A few points ACROSS THE BOARD worse than a week ago.  I DUNNO WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS.  Hey My Dad is home from his excursion.  With the car!  I can see and hear it from my window.  Well I can't HEAR IT from my window.  I guess I can. If it was All Wall maybe I'd hear it less.  The point is Good News he still has the car.  That's promising development!  I can't wait to hear my Dad at the front door.  It could happen any moment now.  Not sure why it's exciting.  Just CONFIRMATION that what I observed WAS CORRECT.  Proves my sight and sound are getting the job done!
   Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  I know what book to read AFTERNOON and what book to read NIGHT.  And what book probably give a rest today.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  Probably gonna have chocolate caramel pretzel bar halfway through the act.  Maybe 2/3rds into the act.  Maybe SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE and at the end of the sixth paragraph.  Sounds reasonable.  VERY reasonable.  Hmm.  Lookin' like Man Scherzer gonna start game one of Mets Playoffs Excursion on Friday Night.  GOOD.  He's one of the best two pitchers They Got!  I'd DEFINITELY go with him or THE OTHER Best pitcher they got.  Either way, can't go wrong!  Hmm.  If this act takes too long I may end up just skipping Shower for today.  WHAT THE HELL DAD HASN'T REACHED FRONT DOOR YET.  Look I KNOW it takes him a long ti... OK FINALLY GOOD.  I was gonna say I know it takes him a long time to get from parking car to front door for some reason.  From experience.  But THIS IS GETTING REDICULOUS.  Either way he's here.
Fifth paragraph!  Hey we ARE making progress with this act reasonably quickly.  Gotta come up with some titles though.  Current placeholder titles NO GOOD AT ALL.  Hey.  Just talked to Dad.  He's gonna take his walk in about 20 minutes.  Meaning I'm either gonna fit in shower BEFORE my next walk or Just Skip Shower.  But I'm probably not gonna be able to take walk when I'm done with this act either way.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Apparently we lost some money at the inspection.  We rolled the dice to see if they'd come up with anything we need and they did!  Now we have less money.  I don't have the specifics.  Hmm.  Maybe save chocolate caramel pretzel bar some more.  Have a fiber one brownie instead.  Same amount of calories.  More in line with My MOOD for now though.  Hmm good stuff.  Gotta adjust how much soda I'm getting tomorrow.  I got plenty of soda left from This past Week.  I CAN REMOVE SEVERAL SODAES FROM ORDER.
   Sixth paragraph!
  Normally I'd be getting coffee halfway 10 paragraph act.  I STILL GOT COFFEE IN MY CUP.  It's relatively warm and everything!  So that solves that problem.  Hmm.  Now my Dad doesn't know when he's taking his walk.  I dunno what's gonna happen!  I'll let ya know After The Fact Though tonight!!  Anyway.  Playoff baseball is gonna be legitimately exciting to watch!  The deeper the Mets make it the more legitimately entertaining programme I get to observe!  The point is SHOULD I BE RANKING all playoff teams in order of how much I'm rooting for them?  Yes of course but at least wait until wild card series are over.  Right now there's 12 teams in playoffs.  At least wait until there's SIX.  I CAN'T BE RANKING 12 TEAMS.  Hmm.  Maybe there's only 10 post season teams right now.  Very confusing.  I don't think I'll ever figure this one out!  Hmm.  OH NO checked 538 again.  UPDATE.  Exact same numbers as before.  OH NO.  Gonna refill coffee and soda NOW.  GET snack now.  EAT SNACK after next paragraph.
   Amazing.  What a great day this is turning out to be.  Normal amount of walks.  Almost close to being done with DayTime Paragraphs.  Well that's about it so far but THAT AIN'T BAD.  So that's good.  Thursday EH.  Apparently next Thursday is rescheduled January Sixth hearing.  Good deal.  I'll watch and/or listen to that no problem.  WHAT THE HELL Fresh Direct seems to be saying I can get ENTIRELY FREE SAMPLE of something.  And that something is what APPEARS TO BE a Frozen Tamale Product.  Green Chili and Cheese Tamale.  Better LURQ what Tamale is I KINDA FORGET.  In the same category as burrito or taco I feel.  Lemme see.  YEP.  Looks delicious.  Better be free though.  I DON'T wanna see they're playing tricksies and making me get it and then I have to pay for it!  I don't wanna se that at all!  Hmm.  How much time do I have ideally to write last 3 paragraphs.  I guess about half an hour should do the trick.  That'd leave me enough time to take a shower comfortably after I walk before eating lunch.  GOOD.  I'm gonna start the eighth paragraph RIGHT NOW.
Yeah!  Hmm Chocolate Brownie Fiber Brownie.  Pretty good.  Lately I've been leaning into Chocolate Chip Cookie flavored Fiber Brownie.  But there's something to be said for this flavor as well!  This was the last one I had though.  And I'm re-upping with Chocolate Chip Cookie flavor for tomorrow.  And I don't really need to get both for one week.  Oh well I'll always have my memories.  For a while at least.  Gotta imagine I'll lose my memories over time.  Gotta HOPE I will.  Lotta these memories are 4 out of 10s, who kneeds em.  Yeah!  What else do I got going on for me.  Turkey meatloaf and health spaghetti might be good.  I usually enjoy it just fine.  Maybe have matzohball side for dinner tonight as opposed to half of sweet potatoe.  Anyway.  I feel like I usually tell my dad to get me sweet potatoe side as opposed to yam and when he repeats that I think they're like SWEET POTATOE?  WHAT'S THAT. WE DON'T HAVE THAT.  And then I whisper to my Dad yam and he says it and they're like OH OKAY WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO.  LOOK I get that sweet potatoe and yam may be slightly unique things.  I feel YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT I MEAN THOUGH.
   Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day!  Amazing!  12 teams in playoffs.  Four of which have BYES in first round of series.  Eight of which DON'T.  Oh okay now I'm starting to figure it out.  Amazing.  What else do I got going on for me.  Thursday.  I feel like that SHOULD be SOMETHING going for me.  It SOUNDS good.  But in practice I can't see any reason to feel that it's particularly a positive for me somehow.  Hmm.  I wonder what Mets special Wild Card lineup will be.  I don't think Great Line Up Asset Starling Marte will be back from Injury for this series.  HE WILL BE MISSED.  Unless he's a jerk.  Then GOOD I'M GLAD HE'S NOT HERE.  Probably not a jerk though. OH I'M BACK TO MISSING HIM.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Wonder if there's any ingredients in tamale that I really don't like.  Like CREAMED CORN. Or JUST CORN.  Or CREAMED SOMETHIN ELSE.  Better LTURQ.  Tamale itself is made out of corn.  I CAN LIVE WITH THAT.  I guess.  Worst case scenario I throw it out and I lost nothing.  MANKIND lost something.  That's a tamale someone who needs to eat it they won't eat or something.  DANGIT.
Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  WOW!  Still up to The Bribe.  Never watched it last night.  I guess I put that on after my shower and/or during lunch.  I can handle that.  I'd like to be done with this paragraph already but oh well what can ya do.  WRITE SOME SENTENCES.  MANIFEST DESTINY.  Those words make sense in this context but as a Historical Phrase NOT AS MUCH sense.  Still some sense I guess.  NOT ENOUGH though.  Gonna get some high quality turkey for sandwiches next week.  I figured out I've been getting sliced turkey that's THINLY sliced WHILE I COULD BE GETTING turkey that's THICKER sliced.  MUCH MORE FUN and/or BETTER for sandwiches.  So I'm looking forward to that real good.  What else is crap and shit.  STILL need to come up with titles.  I haven't come up with TITLE ONE all day!  The point is I could probably watch CHUCKY SEASON II EPISODE I today.  WILL I?  No most likely not.  So that's good.  I'll be back tonight!




i think there's always tomorrow

    Hey friends!  Starting Act III a bit late.  On account of Doing Other Recent Things a bit late.  Got delicious chocopop going.  Had delicious Steak * Stuffed mushroom FEATURING YAM.  So that's great and all.  Feels like I Consumed something else Exciting today.  Nothin' coming to mind.  I may be thinking about FUTURE exciting things to eat today.  Such as potential Birthday Bar after Recess and mint chocolate iced cream bar at bedtime.  OH I know what I consumed that was fun.  BOOK.  IN THE PLURAL Sense.  I READ BOOK.  Not quite as much as if I hadn't took a bonus walk in middle of day but I made decent progress in not ONE but TWO book.  I'd like to think I learnt a lot and gained world experience and at the very least became More Familiar with A Bunch Of Words.  At this point I've seen LOTS of words A LOTTA times!  Every time I see it again in a new context MY BRAINPOWER EXPANDS EXPONENTIALLY.  Also took all seven walks!  Looks like I'm Nocking today out of the park and whatknot.  Biden made some positive steps with marijuana!  ALRIGHT.  That's good for lots of people.  I LIKE IT when good things happen to people.  IDEALLY GOOD PEOPLE.  Not sure where I come down on feeling about Good Things Happening For Bad People.  Maybe I'm SO altruistic I even like it when good things happen for bad people.  I Dunno.
   Watched a Tales In The Crypt and a half.  Watched two The Simpsons.  All that jaxx.  I was gonna say jazz but I APPARENTLY DIDN'T.  Oh well too late to go back now.  538 numbers are similar to what they were this morning.  Maybe a point or two Net Gain for DEMS.  EITHER WAY let's quit while I'm A Head.  Don't check again until tomorrow morning.  SEEMS PLAUSIBLE.  I think there's a new Hellraiser Film coming tomorrow.  I like that franchise JUST FINE.  I wish it was More Than Fine but apparently it's Just Fine.  WHICH IS STILL PRETTY GOOD.  You Know That Sort Of Thing.  Only 4.5 paragraphs till Recess.  What kind of INTERESTING decisions did I make with Super Market order that's coming tomorrow.  MINI BLACK AND WHITES.  Gonna have 2 or 3 2.5 black and white breakfasts over the next week or so.  MAYBE even make em last more than a week.  PROBABLY make em last less than a week.  Who cares am I right.  That's not Good English.  I'm trying to say Whow Cares IF I'm right.  Dunno WHY I'm trying to say that.  JUST FELT LIKE THE RIGHT TING TO DO IN THE MOMENT.
Huh.  Getting exciting Beef Lasagana Personal Meal from Super Market.  THAT'S exciting.  Not SWEETS exciting but it'll be a ton of fun either way.  Anyway.  Today was GREAT because AT NO POINT did I have to put the Met game on in case something interesting happened and I had to watch it.  WOW.  I can't wait for End Of Fall And Winter where NO Baseball Games clunking up my schedule at all.  FINALLY things are going my way I'll Say Then And or Feel Then.  Maybe I'll say it.  Maybe I'll feel it.  Maybe BOTH maybe NEITHER.  I've narrowed it down To All Possible Permutation Scenarios.  Good for me.  SOMEONE'S gotta narrow things down To All Possible Permutations.  Might as well do some service to mankind by taking care of that business myself.  Time to bite down into lollipop I feel.  Hmm.  Last NightMight I finished that Quest Bar with almonds and it was DISGUSTING.  It's been 18 hours and I still can sort of imagine biting into it and it STILL gives me the... uh... what does it give me.  The Gross Feelings.  Something like that.  Oh right bite down into lollipop.
HALFWAY through act III part I!  Okay.  Gonna make a legit effort to not check 538 again today.  Wonderful!  Look do I like marijuana?  SURE.  Do I like steps made In Favor of Marijuana?  SURE.  But I WILL NOT REST until Marijuana is COMPULSORY.  And we're still HALF A DOZEN steps away from there.  Any progress is good but it's still a long road ahead.  Do I have any good alts to birthday bar.  Also instead of saying alternatives I said Alts.  Mostly for fun but also to save time.  It accomplished several different things at once and I'm very happy about it!  Anyway I think I still got Premade Iced Cream Cone.  That's a good option.  I can always have 2-3 lollipops.  Or just one lollipop.  Hmm.  Could have a POP tart.  Maybe that'd be an interesting mix em up.  Blueberry frosted pop tart.  It's crazy enough it just might... ya know, that sort of thing.  Got lazy 95% into that sentence.  Didn't feel like following through with it to completion.  Oh well what can ya do.
Penultimate paragraph before recess!  Amazing.  Got Chicken Pot Pie (CPP) tonight for tomorrow!  I received it tonight.  I will eat it tomorrow.  I can have more or less ANYTHING for lunch tomorrow.  Right now considering Pastrami sandwich.  STRONGLY Pastrami Sandwich.  Huh.  I can enjoy a pop tart tonight.  I might even enjoy putting it in the toaster.  I may even enjoy EATING IT TOASTED.  Obviouysly the high light is The Fun of putting it in the toaster and WAITING and seeing it POP up.  But the RESULT-- it being toasted-- ain't so bad either!  You know that sort of crap and bullshit.  Maybe I can put birthday bar in toaster.  That'd have some sort of effect on something.  Either the bar or the toaster.  Can't imagine it'd have a good effect on THE AIR AROUND THE TOASTER either.  All in all I'm gonna try to avoid doing that.  TRY.  I can't say I'll succeed.  ALL I CAN DO IS TRY.  Just finished beer #1.  Won't start #2 until after recess!
One more paragraph to go.  Wonderful.  I guess I still have to finish watching the last 2/3rds of The Pit when this is over.  Then recalibrate on whether I wanna do anything else before going to bed.  Probably not.  So that's good!  Looks like part of Biden Marijuana Deal is potentially reclassifying it or declassifying it as Federal Drug.  Which would be IMPORTANT.  IMPORTANTLY GOOD.  That's the impression I'm under.  Can't say for certain though.  The point is people think the road to marijuana legalization is a JOKE and NOT GROWN UP BIG DEAL POLITICS.  WRONG.  DEAD WRONG.  Well maybe just Regular Wrong.  BUT MAYBE DEAD WRONG.  Today's steps were IMPORTANTLY GOOD that's how I think and feel.  What else is going on and crap.  Look at the very least it helped thousands of people ALREADY even BEFORE potential road towards decriminilzation.  THOUSANDS?  IN AMERICA?  THAT'S NOTHING.  LET ME KNOW WHEN IT HELPS MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.  I could GIVE A FUCK if 1000's of people's lives are improved because they shouldn't have been suffering in the first place.  EITHER 10,000's or NOTHIN.  Hmm.  Gonna have to think about that one.  Anyway.  Time for recess!

    Hey!  Had delicious Nutragrain bar as Mid-Night snack.  Not MIDNIGHT snack.  But what's in the MIDDLE of MY WAKING night.  The main dessert indulgence snack.  Been FOREVER since I had one of these in a non-binge state.  Either way delicious!  And low in calorie enough that I AM ALSO gonna have choco-pop.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  Now let's get into the MEAT of the Act III Part II.  I ALSO HAVE ROOT BEER AND BEER #2.  IS THAT PART OF THE MEAT.  I guess so!  Maybe do some reading after Entry after The Pit.  Not a lot.  10-30 minutes.  THAT'S A LOT.  So much words I can get through.  Maybe in The Thousands even.  I dunno hard to estimate off the top of my head.  I could be off by MAGNITUDES.  Or MULTITUDES.  I CONTAIN MAGNITUDES is that a thing.  I know it isn't.  But I just don't have it in me to Not Say It.  Gotta say everything that comes to mind.  Bulk Business we're dealing with.
  Nutragrain was BLUEBERRY flavor.  Fresh as All Hell.  Haven't checked 538 since before recess AND I DON'T CARE TO.  I can check twitter though.  That's allowed.  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta be up early to accept Super Market delivery.  Gotta get up appropriately early Ideally to fit in walk before the Window for Super Market Delivery even OPENS.  I can't be getting back 15 minutes Into Window.  WHAT IF THEY DELIVER right at Opening Of Window.  I WOULDN'T BE AROUND.  So that's no good.  Hmm.  Been awake for a solid 11 hours or so and I AM POOPED.  I gotta lie down AND STAT.  The good news is I'm gonna bite down on choco pop right now.   MMM delicious.  I'm not sure if I finished even one chapter of one of the two books I was reading today.  But I made GOOD PROGRESS into the chapter I started in.  I have no problem saying I got a lot out of that book today despite not finishing a chapter.  YEAH.
Penultimate paragraph!  Good deal.  Anyway.  Last two paragraphs were NOTHIN.  Good.  Maybe NOTHIN is just what the doctor ordered.  Gotta imagine Doctors are Orderin NOTHIN ALL THE TIME.  Not even a plurality of the time.  A flat out MAJORITY of the time are Doctors orderin DON'T DO NOTHIN.  And MOST of THOSE times they are doing it WIT HELPING YOU IN MIND.  Sure some of the time they're telling you not to do anything is with MALICE because you SHOULD do something but they want to see you suffer.  But MOST OF THE TIME they don't even wanna see you suffer.  MOST OF THE TIME doctors want whats best for you!  I KNOW THIS MAY COME AS A SHOCK.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Maybe I'm wrong.  Doctors want what's best FOR TEM.  If you benefit great but DOCTOR IS LOOKIN OUT FOR #1, DON'T THINK TWICE ABOUT IT.  Anyway.  Hmm.  Everyone knows Doctors Oath is First, do no harm.  Does anyone know exactly WHAT SECOND IS.  Gotta be SOMETIN.  I guess we'll never know!  Just one of those things!
   Last paragraph.  Good deal.  Also WHAT KINDA DOCTOR needs to be REMINDED SPECIFICALLY to Not Do Harm.  Is there some young fresh-outta-school doctor whose presented with a patient and he's like WHAT TO DO, what to do... OH RIGHT.  RIGHT OFF TE BAT PROBABLY SHOULDN'T HARM THEM.  Almost forgot about that whew.  What else do I got going for me.  I finished my root beer MINUTES ago.  Been too lazy to go pour more.  Partially because I am still drinking beer #2.  So I have SOME refreshment.  I'm close to finishing that, though, now, too! Gotta imagine some of those, "Commas," weren't necessary.  Either way at this point I guess I'm probably gonna end up refilling root beer even before this entry is over in a few sentences.  That's how important it is that I get it done!  I didn't refill root beer persay.  I filled up WHAT WAS ONCE root beer with SPRITE.  Not quite a Root Beer Refill per my understanding of words.  Great.  Somehow that got me to the end of the entry.  Amazing!  I'll be back tomorrow.

-10:18 P.M.




Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Try This On For Size

    Hey friends!  About twuenty minutes behind schedule today.  Probably can fit in everything on schedule, but it's possible I'm a paragraph or two short at Act II.  Finish that up either after shower or with Act III.  Either way DEMS made up a point or three in MODELS since last night.  Gonna try not to check again until Oh I Don't Know Act II or so.  So that's good!  I saw Gary Cohen CALL The Mets back to back to back homeruns from yesterday.  DELIGHTFUL.  Superstar Prospect hit his first homerun of career, too!  ALRIGHT.  I'm getting good vibes from this guy.  Fransisco Alvarez.  WHAT'S HIS BACKGROUND.  I think he's American and was DRAFTED.  Could be from The Non America World and was signed as international free agent.  Lemme LTURQ.  He's from Venezuela.  That's been in the news lately!  I think that's where the people they scammed into going to Martha's Vineyard were from.  ALSO I think there's ANOTHER Venezuela thing in the news.  Oh Right Fransisco Alvarez.  Hmm.  Let's LURQ how to spell Fransisco.  Francisco.  Oh got it on my first try.  The first try where I Was Really Trying.  The other tries I was just doing off the top of my head.  When push comes to shove I GOT IT RIGHT.
   Hmm.  Had a lot of NightMight snacking last night!  I don't think it qualifies as a bange.  But I could make up a fair amount of it with smaller snacks today.  Not even less snacks.  Just smaller ones most of the time.  We're talkin' I ate around 600 calories over night.  Amount of snacks I'm anticipating for today, I end up with just around 300 Surplus Calories compared to what I aim for.  Had Balanced Breakfast for breakfast!  Gonna need to buy a new box of cereal for next balanced breakfast.  Presumably Frosted Flakes again.  Anyway.  Lunch gonna be salad or turkey meatloaf!  Right now I guess I'm not sure what I'm leaning towards.  I wanna say SALAD.  But it's VERY MUCH a toss up.  So that's good.  Did some reading last night after entry.  Not FINE Reading.  Some DUMB reading.  Gotta balance the fine with the dumb.  That's my impression.  Hmm.  Still on The New Rock playlist.  What delightful songs.  Ya hear em once or twice and you're like I dunno about this.  Then ya hear em 13 or 15 times and you're like I know about this.  It's good!  Wow.
   Third paragraph.  Mets playing wild card series this weekend against San Diego Padres.  Best of three series.  ALL at Citifield: The Field Where The Mets live.  So that should be fun.  Either they win and progress or they lose and I get to spend my time elsewhere!  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Noodle Day and National Orange Wine Day.  NOODLE I get.  Lots of noodles!  I like plenty of em!  And I'd like plenty more if I tried em!  Probably even more!  I bet the noodles I haven't tried are even better than the noodles I have tried!  Hmm.  Orange wine.  I DUNNO ABOUT THAT.  Then again HMM LEMME LTURQ.  White wine grapes fermented with their skin on.  That's what orange wine is.  I know what some of those words mean.  "Grapes," and, "Skin."  Not 100% sure what they mean in relation to each other.  I guess I can imagine grapeskin but I'm not 100% happy about it!  Closed 538 tab on my browser.  That'll stop me from checking!
Fourth paragraph.  Good deal.  How much time do I have if I wanna finish this Act Real Ideally Like.  About 50 minutes.  That's doable.  Not gonna be a slam dunk but it's possible.  So that's good.  What kinda book am I reading today.  Same two daytime books as yesterday and possibly same nighttime book as last night!  WOW.  Gotta big break Midday too to read.  Between walks V and VI.  Possibly do some reading between walk IV and Lunch as well.  Hmm.  Let's get to some yukk-em-ups.  What's new in the news.  That's Yukk-em-up inspiration.  Not much.  A lot of the things in the news are BAD.  I want NEUTRAL things to yukk-em-up about.  BAD isn't fun.  GOOD is good already.  Why muck with Good News by yukk-em-upping about it.  Just replay the good news in your mind and Enjoy It Some More!  Hmm.  Look would Cinnamon Toast Crunch be more fun as a balanced breakfast cereal?  SURE.  WE'VE GONE THROUGH THIS BFORE.  Too risky that I'd GRAZE on it during day.  Too redundant with Cinnamon Toast EGGO I got.  SPEAKING OF WHICH I had one blueberry ego left today BUT I STARTED CINNAMON TOAST EGGO ANYWAY.  DELICIOUS.
   Fifth paragraph!  DELICIOUS.  Well not delicious.  DELIGHTFUL.  That makes more sense even if its no accurate.  Hmm.  Possible I had more than 550-600 calories overnight.  Coulda been 700-750 calories.  I don't remember SPECIFICALLY it being that but it's Presumable.  Incorrect usage of word.  So what.  Who cares.  HEY I think Spooky Film Moments Countdown Series is updated today.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP moments 49-37.  WOW.  We're getting to the good stuff now.  TOP 49 instead of TOP 101.  I can't wait to see Where My Favorite Moments, "Slot," In On The List!  DANGIT I checked 538.  Couple of different numbers.  DEMS lost one point overall I think.  UGH.  The good news is getting deep into Responsibility For The Day.  A solid 1/3rd into DayTime Paragraphs.  Only gotta do TWO MORE of what I've already done!  And what I've already done is MORE OR LESS NOTHING.  Hmm.  Should I have slice of toast with salad?  ONLY TIME WILL TELL.
   Maybe something else will tell.  What do I know.
  Hmm.  Should I be including you on my reading adventures.  Let ya know what I'm reading and whatknot.  I dunno.  You could make an argument either way!  On the one hand I literally say everything else remotely possible that I can think of.  And this is something I can think of to say!  On the other hand FUN TO KEEP THINGS BETWEEN ME AND MYSELF AND MY BOOKS.  So that's good.  Hmm.  I think I had a dream I had the rainbow cookie from Super Market.  The kind that the base is like black and white cookie but instead of fondant it's covered with a bunch of rainbow sprinkles.  Maybe it's A SIGN.  A sign I should re-up with that cookie upcoming Friday order.  In my dream I THINK I was relatively pleased with having it.  Part of me was like oh great now I gotta figure out when to have that for breakfasts.  But I was ALSO like oh GREAT I get to figure out when to have that for breakfasts!  So there's good and bad in every situation.  Fresh Direct has NEW ITEM Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread.  I don't think I like pumpkin.  I DO like bread.  Maybe I'd like this dumb thing!
   Seventh paragraph!  Delightful.  Let's aim to write these last 4 paragraphs in about 35 minutes.  That'd hit the spot real good.  Hmm.  Pretty comfortable outside on my first walk.  No rain or anything.  Appropriately Cool with my sweatshirt jacket on.  I THINK.  Lemme LTURQ.  What am I LURQ exactly.  Current weather conditions.  57 degrees with no rain.  Sounds about right.  REAL about right.  What's today.  Wednesday.  Great!  I can, "Dig," that!  Should I consider any dinner other than steak * Stuffed mushroom.  Hmm.  Turkey or chicken based dinner I GUESS.  But I'm DUE to have some delicious steak AND some delicious stuffed mushroom.  It just Makes SENSE.  So that's good.  Probably.  Maybe I get exciting Potato Side.  Like a Frenched Fries.  That could be the wildcard that turns this dinner into a Good Experience into a FUN Experience.  Which is better, Fun or Good.  DEPENDS.  Fries will be FUN either way.  But I don't know if Fries will be BETTER THAN GOOD Fun or SLIGHTLY WORSE THAN GOOD Fun.  Hmm.  Biggest difference In Snack today is gonna be a 40 calorie Fudgesicle instead of a 100-140 calorie snack.  Either as pre lunch or pre dinner snack.  I'll get that over with PRE-LUNCH.  Then from then on EACH SNACK IS A REAL THING.  Hmm.
   Three paragraphs to go for Act I! Yeah!  Looks like Elon Musk might buy twitter in the end.  I don't like the sound of that!  Gotta imagine it can't be impossible for everyone to leave and start a new social media website.  That's EVEN BETTER than Twitter!  Whatever people learnt to dislike about twitter can BE ADDRESSED FROM THE GITMO.  This isn't bad this is AN OPPORTUNITY FOR BETTERMENT.  Then again I dunno what else is going on.  What do Good Tweeters Dislike About Twitter.  I dunno.  NOT A GOOD TWEETER.  But I'd trust Good Tweeters' input on what New Twitter should be like.  That's how I feel.  Twitter can be like Me Socially.  Like in college and stuff.  I'd join people hanging out and having fun so I can have un with them but I'm weird and awkward so people gradually-yet-quickly start leaving and then recongregate elsewhere without me.  THAT'S WHAT THIS COULD BE LIKE IF WE BELIEVE IN OURSELVES.
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!
  Hmm.  Ideally write 2 paragraphs in twentry minutes.  That'd leave me plenty of time to write Act II on time and thus DO EVERYTHING on time.  Plus twuenty minutes itself is plenty of time to write 2 paragraphs!  WOW EVERYTHING IS REALLY WORKING OUT FOR ME I GUESS.  Hmm.  Lots of weird variations of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal.  CHURROS.  And CHOCOLATE CHURROS.  Lemme LURQ what a churro is.  Off the top of my head some sort of doughnut type pastry IN REAL LIFE not in CEREAL LIFE.  Type of fried dough.  Sounds like I was halfway there.  Maybe I wanna try that.  MAYBE I DO.  The point is I have no idea what the point is.  Where should I store New Calendar. I got it sitting on Desk right now.  I COULD leave it there for 3 months.  OR I could put it away.  I got lots of options of how I wanna live my life is the point.  Hmm.  Not sure HOW MUCH CHURROS this cereal is.  Churro FLAVOR.  Churro IN FACT?  I don't know and frankly I don't wanna know.  Not really actively AGAINST knowing to be fair.  Just very indifferent to it overall!
   Last paragraph of Act I!  Let's get goin'.  Get somethin' dumb like cookie crisp.  That might be fun.  That'd definitely be a Grazing Risk too though.  Then again COULD BE REAL FUN.  What else could be real fun.  No reason to watch Mets game today.  For the first day of the entire season, the Mets game means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Also happens to be the last game of the entire season.  Interesting stuff!  I wonder what time of day the first game of playoffs is for the Mets on Friday.  My guess is it's gonna be sometime around 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM.  Lemme LTURQ.  TBD.  Which I'm CONFIDENT means To Be Determined.  GREAT LOTTA GOOD THAT DOES ME NOW.  I got to Flex My Muscles telling everyone I know what TBD means but BESIDES THAT I got NOTHIN' out of the whole deal!  Hmm.  Well that's great just great.  If only I was enthusiastic about something for lunch.  I feel like the odds are I'll GET enthusiastic about something.  That'd be a pleasant turn of events.  Huh.  Gonna take a walk now.  Plenty of time. Be back soon.




I Am Again Running Out Of Things To Say

    Hey!  Got a very solid Oh I Don't Know fourty eight minutes to write these 5 paragraphs!  Great!  Checked 538.  I think the same numbers as last time.  GREAT.  Leaning towards salad today.  Probably with no BreadSide.  Or ANySide.  ALSO NO grated Presumably Parmesean cheese.  Sometimes I put on about 20% of the big cup they give me.  NOT TODAY.  Don't need it!  NEVER need it.  Just figure it'd be FUN a lot of the time.  NOT TODAY.  Ugh.  What else do I got going on for me.  Entry ain't so hot so far.  Good reason to suspect it'll pick up tonight a bit.  Not a whole lot.  But could be halfway worthwhile in the end.  I wasn't gonna say anything but in addition to home run FRANCISCO (ALvarez) hit yesterday he also hit a DOUBLE.  Double is the next best thing to Home Run unless you're counting Triples.  Not sure WHY you'd count triples!  Very sure why you wouldn't!  RARELY HAPPEN.  Why even bother counting them.  Not gonna happen that often YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME.
   Right now I'M wasting your time.  But if you're counting Triples your wasted time is now YOUR fault NOT MINE.  I WARNED YOU.  Hmm.  Might do some reading after shower before walk IV even.  Let's get right to the readin'.  It's good for you to read!  That's what I've been led to believe.  Now that I think about it NOT SO SURE.  What if the person who wrote this book is some jerk.  And I'm wasting my time NEGATIVELY following along with some story that some jerk is leading me down.  Gotta make sure authors aren't jerks I guess.  BUT HOW.  Gotta have a WEBSITE DATABASE detailing EACH AND EVERY AUTHOR in regards to where they fall on the Good Guy to Jerk Spectrum and WHY and HOW.  Not a bad idea for a website database.  Let's get workin on that one.  Also if they're way on the Jerk side of the equation SHOULD WE BE DOXXING THEM?  My feeling is NO leave them alone.  Just use this context to choose not to read their books if you'd like.
Three paragraphs to go for DayTime Day!  What else do I got going for me.  Maybe indulge in a SMALL FIBER BROWNIE for upcoming snack and have SMALL FUDGESICLE in afternoon.  Or small fiber brownie of different flavor in afternoon.  Only 30 calories more than fudgesicle.  LET'S HAVE SOME FUN WITH IT and/or WHATKNOT.  Hmm.  At this point do I think on of Sleater--Kinney's name is ACTUALLY Carrie Brownenstein?  Or am I still saying it just to be difficult.  I think I know it's Brownstein as of now BUT YOU CAN'T BE TOO SURE.  Probably put on Operation Friendship right after my shower.  While catching up on Twitter.  That's gotta be only about 20-25 minutes.  Then AFTER THAT get a bit of reading in before going on next walk.  YEAH. HMM.  I really like golden graham bars.  Why haven't I considered yet to try golden graham cereal?!!  Goldon Graham Bar got some chocolate and/or marshmallow in the mix.  Which the cereal doesn't.  STILL THOUGH I might really like this!  Probably GRAZING RISK but ya know what let's consider giving it a shot.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Is it possible Operation Friendship is 26 or 27 minutes without the closing  credits?  Sure!  Odds are against it though.  So that's good.  What else is going on and crap.  Mets could lead ENTIRE MAJORS in 2 out of 3 Triple Crown Categories.  Jeff McNeil could lead majors in average and Pete Alonso could lead majors in RBIS.  YET YOU WON'T HEAR THAT IN THE... uh... MEDIA.  Wasn't sure which adjective to put before media.  First couple of thoughts were things I didn't feel 100% comfortable saying.  So I went with Nothing!  Nothing is comfortable!  Ain't nothing wrong with nothing.  Anyway.  How old is my brother now.  That sucker is 37 years old.  I'm not sure I feel happy for him about that!  Maybe he's okay and/or GREAT with it.  I WOULDN'T BE though.  We're different people though so who knows how he feels.  Anyway.  I'm 34 in 2 months?  NOT SURE HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT.  YES I AM.  Happy!  COULD BE WORSE, COULD BE TURNING 37.  Thirty Four ain't so bad!  So I got that going for me is the point.
   Last paragraph for DayTime Day!
  HEY I checked 538.  DEMS gained a net 2 points across six models.  NOW THE GOAL IS DON'T CHECK FOR A FEW HOURS.  RIDE THE HIGH of them being up 2 points since the time before.  GREAT!  What else is up.  Got over 20 minutes to write this paragraph.  Wow sounds like So Much Time.  It sounds like it because it is!  Hmm.  Haven't done any atonement yet today.  Forgot about that.  Maybe I'll get around to it after my shower or something.  Or forget to do it completely.  Could always do it TOMORROW.  What's God gonna be like?  NOPE ya missed your chance for atonement.  I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT ANYMORE.  Too late.  TRY AGAIN NEXT YEAR.  NEVER TOO LATE FOR SOME ATONEMENT, that's my religious stance.  Kinda shows I'm not taking things seriously though if I don't do it today.  The only reason it LOOKS LIKE I'm not taking it seriously is because I'M NOT taking it seriously.  Ever thought of THAT.  Oh wait that sounds bad.  SORRY GOD and/or GODS.  Wait sorry about the Gods thing, too.  I KNOW GOD DOESN'T LIKE IT WHEN YOU SAY THERE'S GODS.  One of his biggest Pet Peeves.  Anyway.  I'll be back tonight. 




gotta figure this is somehow worthwhile

    Hey friends!  A bit behind schedule tonight.  Not really a set schedule.  But I'd say ON AVERAGE I'd be at this point in the night 15 minutes sooner.  Anyway, had delicious meals and snacks and all that.  Who wants to hear about that, though.  WHAT.  YOU THINK You're BETTER THAN ME?  You're ABOVE hearing about that? WELL FUCK THAT.  I had salad for lunch.  Fudgesicle before that.  Fiber brownie after that.  Then a third of steak * stuffed mushroom FEATURING HALF A SWEET POTATOE.  And I'm having a Choco Lollipop now.  YOU JERK.  CHOKE ON MY DIETARY RECALLS.  Anyway made some more progress in THREE books today.  I think overall I read for about 2-2.5 hours.  Good stuff!  I now know more about things than I did before.  BOOK things.  No spoilers.  Anyway probably gonna have delicious Fiber Bar for upcoming snack, then delicious Iced Cream Bar for BedTime Snack.  YOU ASSHOLE.  You pissed me off SOME MORE in the last few minutes that made me Have To Tell You More About My Dietary Future Choices.
Yeah!  What else is knew.  On to Today's Hits playlist.  Continued checking Five Thirty Eight Models.  Mets are winning their pointless dumb baseball game.  LOLLIPOP STILL GOING STRONG.  Then again imagine the fun it'd be to bite down on it.  DON'T ACTUALLY IMAGINE IT you'll have an EXCITEMENT STROKE.  Or heart attack.  Not sure how excitement kills people but however it works I'm looking out for you to NOT have that happen for yourself.  Anyway.  Right now the plan is to just get Regular Cinnamon Toast Crunch as upcoming breakfast cereal.  Let's roll the dice!  What dice.  What NOT Dice is the real question.  Is Andrew Dice Clay still alive.  also Driedals are sort of Dice Clay.  By which I mean Clay Dice.  Similar theme as your standard six sided dice.  And they are Definitely made out of clay AS PER THE SONG.  They specify in Popular Song YA MAKE YOUR DRIEDEL OUT OF CLAY.  Maybe ADC made up his name ON PURPOSE thusly.  Anything's possible.  Except for lots of things.  NOT THIS THING THOUGH.
   Third paragraph.
  ALRIGHT let's crunch into lollipop now.  Why not.  So I can continue sucking on it.  Oh that's a good, "Why Not."  Anyway today is Wednesda... ok just crunched into it.  Got a decent amount of sweet potato.  Coulda been better, coulda been worse.  Got on the smaller side of a steak when taking into account I divide it Thrice.  GOOD.  Healthier that way.  YOU IDIOTS WHAT TE HELL.  Huh.  I never got around to Atoning at all earlier today.  I don't think so.  I may have atoned IN PASSING through THE NATURAL COURSE OF THINGS such that it didn't even register.  I think that's possible!  I wouldn't be surprised if I semi-consciously atone here and there throughout the day.  Either way oh well what can ya do.  If God wants to give me a decent life this year he'll do it either way.  No matter what I do Ball is entirely in his courtyard.  I GUESS.  On the other hand NOT SURE I BELIEVE IN COURTYARDS.
Halfway into Act III Part I!  Oh right now I have to write the second half of Act III Part I.  For a while I was just sitting around waiting for something to happen.  Turns out I gotta do it myself.  Or nothing would ever happen.  Gotta imagine SOMETING would happen.  Not necessarily!  You'd be surprised by How Little Will Actually Happen Unless You Do Something Yourself!  Hmm.  Still got a day to finalize orders for Amazon Fresh and Fresh Direct.  My guess is get Cinnamon Toast Crunch from one of them-- presumably check to see which is cheaper.  Or just pick one at random and tell my Dad I checked to see which one is cheaper and got that one.  But in reality I couldn't bother to spend 20 seconds doing the grunt work.  I already checked to see which one is cheaper.  Then again I may forget at any moment.  So ya never know, do ya.  What kinda breakfast we lookin' at for tomorrow.  Probably variation on Classic Breakfast with Iced Cream Cone instead of Sandwich.  OR FINALLY HAVE BREAKFAST TOASTER POCKETS.
Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I!  Delightful.  Watched the latest Spooky Moments In Film episode.  WHICH was my favorite spooky moment of the episode?  Hmm.  To be honest I Don't Really Care!  Everything else up till this point I Care About Deeply.  But Spooky Moment SORRY YA LOST ME.  Hmm.  I liked them mini brownies.  IF ONLY I could have 4.5 of them as an appropriately caloried breakfast instead of just 4.  I'd be A LOT more comfortable being like ok 4.5 of them is quite hearty enough and I'm very UNCOMFORTABLE KNOWING ok 4 of these isn't very hearty for a breakfast all in all.  So that's something to keep in mind I GUESS.  Hmm.  Lookin' like another 2 beer knight.  Finished beer #1 already but don't feel any particular motivation to start a second beer until after Recess.  I finished glass of soda 5 or 10 minutes ago and I don't even feel motivation to refill THAT.  It'd be DELICIOUS but it'd also make me need to use thebathroom more during walk.  To UNRINATE.  URINATE IN TE BATHROOM. 
   No spoilers.  Hmm.  I got good semi-indulgent fiber bar in fridge already.  That sucker gonna be nice and hard for the 25 seconds it takes for me to stuff it down my gullet a little bit later on.  Hmm.  I bet It'll last me a solid fourty, fourty five seconds.  That's practically a minute.  Which rounds up TO FOREVER. Ugh.  Tomorrow lunch gonna be turkey meatloaf * health pasghetti.  No two ways about it.  Wow.  What else do I gotta say.  Am I gonna read at all after Entry?  WELL it's either that or watch a Tales In The Crypt.  What episode am I up to.  I BELIEVE it's The Bribe.  I'd say about 75% sure that's accurate.  YEP IT SURE WAS.  And IS.  It was accurate then AND IT'S ACCURATE NOW.  Almost definitely will continue to be accurate in perpetuity.  Not sure what kinda process they'd have to go through to make it stop being accurate.  I guess it's possible though,  Ijust can't CURRENTLY imagine how!  Anyway.  Walk time.  Be back soon.

   HEY.  Just started first bite of fiber bar about 15 seconds ago.  AT THIS RATE IT'LL LAST ME LIKE TWO MINUTES.  That can't be!  Anyway had no need to use Starbucks bathroom tonight.  It was CROWDED in the building which normally would lead me to err on the side of using their bathroom.  Hey this place is poppin' tonight, I might as well step in for a while to participate.  Nope!  Didn't need to!  And by CROWDED I mean I think three customers.  ONE table of two people and one table of one person.  HEY THAT'S WAY MORE COFFEE THAN I SELL Day OR Night.  The point is I'm in the process of chewing the last of the fiber bar.  Think it lasted me like 80, 90 seconds all in all.  Good news is I got delicious iced cream bar left over for later.  Only flavor left May Be Mint Chocolate Chip.  Oh well.  IT'S ICED CREAM ALL THE SAME.  Oh right gotta start beer #2.  Delightful!
   Anyway.  Maybe I should read some after this but I don't think I will.  I DO think I will watch The Bribe though.  It features a young Nebecio Ben Toro!  I TINK.  He might not be Young.  I think he's pretty young!  SPOILER ALERT he neither GETS or GIVES the bribe.  Well ultimately he does sort of get it.  THIRD HAND wise.  He doesn't get it AS IT'S BEING BRIBED.  So by the time he gets it it's no longer a bribe by any sort of transitory property.  Just some CASH.  NO SPOILERS, LIKE I SAID.  Hmm.  Anyway only gotta write 2.5 more paragraphs tonight.  Hmm.  I wonder if I have any alternative to mint chocolate chip.  I mean I'd LIKE mint chocolate chip tonight and all. But it'd just be cool if I had an alternative if I wanted to have one.  Something I could potentially have TOMORROW night and all.  YA KNOW TAHT SORT OF TING.  I guess there's a new CHUCKY episode tonight and/or earlier tonight and/or later tonight.  Really should re-watch Season I of that crap first though.  LATER.  REAL later if you catch my drift.  I mean Not Now or Immediately Soon.  Ah exactly what I TOUHGHT I meant!
Penultimate paragraph!  Delightful.  I'm enjoying reading these days I guess.  Kinda rubs it in somehow that I'm not accomplishing much these days besides reading.  I'm reading STORIES or NARRATIVES or CRAP and it's fun to divert myself but it really makes me realize My Regular Life Ain't Shit!  I dunno if that's ACCURATE.  Maybe My Regular Life IS Shit.  Wait that doesn't sound good either.  The point is maybe life is okay!  I dunno!  FEELS like a solid 4 out of 10.  But also KINDA FEELS LIKE we should aim for lives to be higher than 4 out of 10!  Then again not worth the risk.  Life could be 2 out of 10.  BE HAPPY YA GOT A 4 out of 10.  That's my general feeling I GUESS.  I was gonna go pour myself more soda.  I'm gonna check Iced Cream Supplies as well.  I KNOW I got a few iced cream cones but those don't count cause they're significantly more calorie than the Iced Cream BAR.  Lemme LTURQ.  Nope.  Just mint chocolate chip.  OR I could have two fudgesicles.  I don't feel like being difficult like that though.
   Last paragraph of Daytime Night!  NightTime Day.  The point is no more for about 12 hours after this.  Hey great just great.  Got some good book marks going.  One of them is the index card from Environmental Science Class.  One of them is a dollar bill.  There's a third index card I got going but I'm not quite sure what it is.  It may not even be an index card.  Whatever it is though, it's been getting the job done, that's for sure!  Jeez.  Just about done here.  I'm a big idiot for writing this crap but I can only imagine how big an idiot you must be for reading this crap.  I can't even really wrap my head around it!  I dunno.  Maybe I read for 20-30 minutes when this is done.  I know which book to get some progress done with, too.  Let's go with that I guess.  Whatever.  Not a fan of this entry.  That makes two of us.  Wait no NOW I think now that maeks THREE of us?  Gonna have to crunch the numbers on that!  See ya tomorrow!

-10:05 P.M.!




Tuesday, October 4, 2022

I Will Write Thusly

    Hey!  Dems down a percentage point over six election models compared to last night!  Maybe TWO!  I forget exactly.  Anyway about fifteen minutes behind schedule today.  No too shabby!  Can probably fit in Acts I and II Real Normal Like.  Maybe I miss a paragraph or two in Act II and have to make up or it later, worst case scenario.  Well worst case scenario is I DIE VIOLENTLY somehow.  Not even Peacefully.  Hmm how would that happen.  Off the top of my head impale myself on something.  Don't know WHAT.  Anyway.  I feel like getting impaled usually involves the head.  Can you get impaled in other parts of the body?  Or would that just Not Be An Impaling and called something else.  Looks like you can get impaled anywhere.  ANYTHING can get impaled anywhere.  Doesn't even need to be YOU!  Mets got 4:10 Game at 7:40 Game.  Maybe those games turn out to be relevant.  What are the Mets chances of winning division now.  Yesterday it was .9%.  My guess is today it's up to 2.4% or so.  Let's see.  1.9%.  NOT TOO SHABBY.  More than doubled their chances without even playing a game!  At this rate they'll have a good chance in Oh I Don't Know Three months.
   Hmm.  Might not take a shower after I get back from Walk III like normal.  We're expecting Drug Store Delivery this afternoon!  Either me or my Dad gotta be ready to answer the door for it.  Hmm.  That might make my schedule a bit more complicated but I don't think it'll lead to any sort of CRUNCH TIME or anything!  Just move a piece or two around.  Hmm.  Had more NightMight snacking than I'm comfortable with!  But not so much that I'm actively UNcomfortable with.  Had variation of classic breakfast.  Pop Tart and pre-made iced cream cone instead of sandwich.  CONE is 20 calories more than iced cream sandwich.  JUST SAYIN'.  Hmm.  Lunch gonna be turkey meatloaf, salad, or veggie burger.  Dinner probably gonna be pizza!  MAYBE get chicken roll for tomorrow dinner OR just get a new communal dinner tomorrow.  Normally my Dad be teaching tomorrow but it's YUM KIPPUR.  Not happy that Microsoft FrontPage allows me to say YUM KIPPUR without any red wavy lines.  Look I get that yum is a word too in addition to Yom.  But THEY SHOULD REALIZE it's wrong in CONTEXT. 
   Anyway.  Got some coffee a-brewin!  Gonna have a nice break in middle of the day to do some reading.  Hmm.  I I'm not showering after walk III should I get in some readin' then?  It'd be about 45-60 minutes before I'd take the next walk.  I DUNNO.  Might be too early in the day to read.  Too soon after writing.  I need some time to DECOMPRESS.  Probably.  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Apple Betty Day, National Kale Day, and National Pumpkin Seed Day.  Who gonna eat pumpkin seeds.  Where's the HEARTINESS to eating seeds.  Maybe Pumpkin Seeds extraordinarily hearty.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  Looks heartier than your average seed.  I STAND CORRECTED.  I'm sitting down right now.  Bu next time I stand I'll remember to be Corrected.  Anyway.  KALE?  Feels like the veggie burgers I've been getting from Super Market the two years and a half are KALE based.  YEP.  AND I LIKE EM.  Not sure about Apple Betty.  Sounds like some sort of dessert treat.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP some sort of dessert.  COMPREHSIVE ENOUGH DEFINITION FOR ME.  MOVING ON!
   Fourth paragraph.
  Got about an hour or so comfortably to write seven paragraphs.  I CAN DO THAT REAL GOOD LIKE.  Probably.  Hmm.  What book am I reading next time I read a book today.  Go right to Carrie Brownenstein book?  Go back to other book I'm about 25% into?  This is a tough one!  Maybe try to make some progress in book I'm already into. I AM ALSO ALREADY INTO CARRIE BROWNENSTEIN BOOK.  It's just that I went into it a long time ago.  So that's good.  On The New Rock apple music playlist.  It's rock music-- but new!  I feel like they may have some classic bands sprinkled in but an emphasis on NEW Rock Bands.  WOW.  I like a lot of these songs, no doubt about it.  HEY I checked 538 and DEMS made a net 3 percentage points in their favor over the six models!  ONE POINT EACH in the three HOUSE models.  NOW I'm feeling good about things!  Maybe don't check again for a while.  That sounds like the way to go.  At least until Act II.  That should be easy AND OR fun.  Hmm.  What's easy and or fun for lunch.  I dunno I was hoping you did though.
   Fifth paragraph!
  Delightful.  What Tales In The Crypt am I up to.  Til Death Do We Part.  The last episode of season five.  Right?  Lemme LTURQ.  I was almost 100% right.  Turns out, "Til," is spelled, "Till."  But IN SPIRIT I was pretty close.  So that's good.  Lookin' like Hershem Walker got an activist type son BASHING HIM on twitter.  Very impressive amount of followers this kid got!  Must have gotten most of them BEFORE yesterday and he started goin' after his Pops.  Also he's apparently presumably CONSERVATIVE activist.  WOW.  The point is I dunno I hope Hershem Walker loses the senate race.  I disagree with his politics.  Also seems like a real jerkoff.  Also he's literally crazy and possibly stupid-without-being-crazy.  Point is NOT A FAN.  Hmm.  DANGIT just checked 538.  No update but I remember now not supposed to check for a little bit.  Hey time for some coffee I guess!
   Looks like my Dad is okay with me taking a shower after my third walk.  So that's good.  What else do I got going on for me.  Ideally write these 5 paragraphs in about 45 minutes.  Good deal.  Wrote first five paragraphs in 25 minutes.  That's an UNSUSTAINABLE rate though.  Real quick-like, these paragraphs were.  Great deal.  After shower I get to catch up on twitter while watching some TV!  Reading comes into play later in the day.  Hmm.  Right now most appealing lunch is turkey meatloaf.  Could b any of The Three though!  That's how I feel.  Maybe I like getting veggie burger over and done with.  I really enjoyed cutting it into thirds and having 3 mini roll sandwiches.  NOW I'M BACK TO WHITE BREAD.  Guess I could cut burger AND white bread into thirds?  That'd be WEIRD.  SO WEIRD IT JUST MIGHT BE NORMAL.  Wait no.  Just weird.  Hmm.  WOW Mets player McNeil comma Jeff LEADIN THE MAJOR LEAGUE in Batting Average.
   Not sure why that excited me so much.  Not sure it DID excite me that much.  The good news is I was comfortable on walk earlier despite online weather estimation implying I'd be cold.  So that's good news.  Anyway.  Normal 7 walk schedule, if I'm not skipping an early walk and replacing it with midday walk, I'm doin ParkWalks 1/3/5 and City Street Walks 2/4/6/7.  I THINK WE COVERED THIS a few days ago.  Now we're covering it AGAIN.  It's IMPORTANT.  VAGUELY.  Important to me.  PLUS I'm not, "In the groove," of it EXACTLY.  Anyway halfway through seventh paragraph.  Good deal!  If the Mets win both their games today, and the Braves lose their ONE game today, and the Mets win their one game TOMORROW, and the Braves LOSE their one game tomorrow-- METS WIN THE DIVISION instead of Wild Card.  I'm gonna estimate there's about a 1.9% chance of that happening.  OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  I CAME UP WITH THAT NUMBER.  PROVE ME WRONG.
Eighth paragraph.  Amazing.  Lotta time saved up considering how quick I'm writing what's been written and whatknot.  Three paragraphs to go and crap.  Hmm.  Anyway.  What kinda sandwichside are we talkin' if I have veggie burger.  SWEET sandwichside?  Those are my favorites!  BUT Salty sandwich side is more socially acceptable.  Either way ANY sandwichside is gonna be pretty good all things considered.  Think I got some frozen freedom fries.  That'd be quite appropriate for a veggie burger sandwich side.  I think like 10 or 12 of them'd be an appropriate amount.  So I got that going for me.  IF I even have them.  I may not.  I MAY NOT HAVE ANYTHING.  Wait I got plenty of things. I MAY NOT HAVE THEM though.  Oh okay grat.  Hmm.  OH NO internet says rain is starting in 26 minutes.  IMPLIES it might be light rain.  But I don't like that!  Sounds like it's possible it may not be working out for me very well at all!
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I.  Lotta time to do crap and shit and whatknot.  If TOMORROW is Kale Day maybe I should have veggie burger tomorrow.  But TODAY is Kale Day FOR ME Because I TALKED ABOUT IT TODAY.  So basically I've given myself a lot to think about.  Yeah.  DANGIT checked 538.  Updated but it's all the same as last time.  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME.  Several things.  Including this!  Not sure EXACTLY what the underlying issue that's Wrong With Me in this context.  SOMETHIN' wrong though.  Hmm.  Lookin' like I'll get home from third walk with 10 or 20 minutes to spare.  PERECT.  I can take a shower then and be ready to answer the door by the time my Dad would NORMALLY go take his walk.  AMAZING I LOVE IT.  So that's good.  Ugh.  Been a while since I said Anything.  Possibly NEVER said Anything yet today.  Definitely not in a while, though!  Hmm.  Loretta Lynn died!  I can't help but feel I'd be more invested in this story if I knew anything about her or her music.  Hmm lemme LTURQ.  Maybe I know a song or two!  "Coal Miner's Daughter."  TITLE sounds familiar.  Lemme LTURQ on youtube. NOPE don't recognize the music!
   Last paragraph before walk.  Good deal!  Hmm.  I may not know who Loretta Lynn is but I KNOW WHO SHE AIN'T.  My Mom said wasn't she married to Johnny Cash.  And I SPRUNG TO THE RESCUE and said NOPE THAT WAS JUNE CARTER.  So I know FOR SURE Loretta Lynn ISN'T June Carter.  I feel I should be held in high esteem for that knowledge.  All I had to do was watch a major motion picture on the subject, too!  Hmm.  Maybe Johnny Cash had an affair with Loretta Lynn. Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE NO INFO ON THE INTERNET.  Looks like they kept their relationship under wraps REALLY WELL.  Good for them.  Anyway.  Neither of the book I currently am anticipating reading today are NOVELS.  NO SPOILERS.  That's all I'm sayin' for now!  Either way MAYBE I WANNA NOVEL WHO KNOWS.  Is Yom Kippur tonight into tomorrow or tomorrow night into Thursday.  Lemme LTURQ.  TONIGHT INTO TOMORROW.  Gotta get my Yom Kippur game prepared.  Maybe.  Couldn't hurt!  Maybe it could hurt!  Probably wouldn't!  Anyway WALK TIME.  Be back soon!




That's All I Got To Do

    Hey!  Drug store delivered while I was on my walk.  Did some Inventorying my new drugs and then did some Putting Them Away.  GOOD DEAL.  Got plenty of time to write this act.  As much as 55 minutes!  WAY WAY MORE Than I need.  Unless something crazy happens.  Crazy in the sense it distracts me or takes up my time.  Sounds crazy to me!  Let's check 648!  DEMS down one net point.  Great.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe put on some The Simpsons after my shower.  In addition to trying to stop refreshing 538 like a fiend all day, maybe I stop checking twitter all day.  Maybe like 2 or 3 times a day.  GET THE SAME CONTENT but just spread out over time.  I won't be as up to date on breaking news. GOOD.  Give breaking news Some Time To Settle.  Nothin' wrong with that.  LETS CHECK TWITTER ON MY COMPUTER.  It's LESS intensive.  I mostly just read My FEED which doesn't contain the vast majority of people I Actually Follow Manually.  On my computer.  On phone DIFFERENT KETTLE OF FISH.  Also Twitter is A Kettle Of Fish-- thoughts?
   Four paragraphs to go!  Right now leaning towards turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti for lunch.  ON THE CONDITION I microwave it appropriately.  I want it to be done well enough that it's HOT.  But not done so well it makes Health Spaghetti UNAPPEALING texture.  Sometimes it gets crispy and/or clumpy.  Gotta figure this one out.  Either way NEW CALENDAR.  Drug store sent over a calendar with my drugs.  I assume IN SPIRIT a 2023 calendar even though we're 3 months out.  Anyway I CAN'T start using this calendar UNTIL JANUARY.  I have a calendar and IF NOTHING ELSE I am loyal to pieces of paper.  HIGH QUALITY paper.  We're talkin' LAMINATED presumably.  If they took the time to laminate the paper then surely I can take the time to be loyal to the pieces of paper.  Hmm.  Checked 928 again!  Lost one point in one model, gained one in another model.  THIS IS IMPORTANT STUFF.  Hmm.  Not sure what a kettle is in respect to fish.  I know a TEA Kettle.  That can't be it.  Is a kettle like a BARREL.  I've heard of Barrels of fish I THINK?  Better LTURQ.  NO SUCH THING AS BARREL OF FISH.  Kettle of Fish MEANS putting them on an open fire like Kettle.
   Point is I was wrong on several fronts That Thought.  But now I know better.  As do All of you.  Unless you don't believe me.  FINE, your loss!  Hmm.  LIKE SHOOTING FISH IN A BARREL.  That was the expression that was confusing me!  AH GREAT.  I have SOME reason to be thusly confused.  Whew.  Where else are you supposed to shoot fish.  That's not a way of fishing, is it?  Just shooting into the water?  Maybe it is.  Gotta be a good marksman or something though. Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  Was drizzling lightly on and off my last walk.  GREAT PLEASANT WHY NOT.  Upcoming snack in about an hour or an hour and a half probs gonna be Keto Brownie.  MAYBE small iced cream sandwich.  Definitely top two contenders there, though!  So that's good.  Not gonna FAST for Yom Kippur.  But if I remember MAYBE I'll atone some In My Head.  In no particular direction.  What do I gotta atone for.  I dunno.  I'm a jerk I guess.  Just gotta pinpoint HOW and WHY.  And what I can do to change course moving forward.  So that's good.  IF nothing else we should praise Loretta Lynn for having alliteration in her name.  PROBABLY Something or SOMETHINGS else though.  I'm just saying AT THE VERY LEAST.
   Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day!  Delightful.  So much time!  Great!  I think I've CONSIDERED doing Yom Kippur OFTEN over the years but I always forget when the time comes.  Makes sense.  That would explain why my life never gets better.  No incentive for God to make it better.  If he's not gettin' some good atonement prayers out of the deal why bother making my life better.  ONE HAND WASHES THE OTHER.  If I want a better life I GOTTA fulfill my part of the deal, too!  My life ain't so bad.  Could become bad, though!  REAL BAD.  Anyway 1.5 paragraphs to go for Daytime Day.  BACK TO THINKING ABOUT VEGETABLE BURGER.  Anyway.  Is anything I'm eating tonight or tomorrow UNKosher.  Pizza gotta be kosher without any pork products on it.  Hopeful Balanced Breakfast gotta be kosher.  Anything I can think of for lunch is kosher.  HMM maybe a snack or something isn't kosher.  Got some hidden PORK in it. OH NO I'M SCARED.
Last paragraph for now!  Good deal.  ANY meat on pizza ain't kosher.  Right?  Milk is in cheese.  Can't mix milk and meat.  It's IMPORTANT.  Been a long time since I had meat on pizza.  Wait no.  When I was getting frozen pizzas often it had pepperoni.  And when I have hot pocket pizza-ish flavor there's pepperoni.  I haven't gotten FRESH Pizza with meat in a long time though.  Oh Okay Great.  ANICHOVIE AIN'T MEAT.  Kind of is.  HMM.  Better LTURQ.  NOPE!  CAN'T HAVE ANCHOVIE ON PIZZA if you're keeping kosher.  GREAT.  I was gonna do just that.  THEN AGAIN this gives me a GREAT opportunity to suck up to God.  SEE I GOT GARLIC AND ONION INSTEAD OF GARLIC AND ANCHOVIE ON PIZZA.  Good Year, PLEASE?  WOW whatta deal!  Maybe I just get PLAIN pizza.  It's crazy enough IT JUST MIGHT WORK.  Maybe Sicilian.  Sicilian is Kosher.  It's not inherently NOT Kosher!  OH BOY if I get Sicilian I get to cut off a sixth of one slice to pair with upcoming salad lunch.  Sounds great just great.  I'll be back soon just soon.  Ya know tonight just tonight.  See ya then!



anybody got a problem with that

    Hey friends.  Gonna start an orange tootsie pop.  Orange color indicates orange flavor.  I think this used to be my favorite tootsie pop flavor!  Even better than chocolate!  Somewhere along the way I lost enthusiasm for orange but NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT to get back on board.  So that's good.  Aaron Judge hit His Special Big Birthday Homerun.  GOOD FOR HIM.  I hope it brings him happiness and well being.  Unless it takes away happiness and well being from someone I'd prefer have them things more.  In that case sorry but I prefer this other hypothetical person to be happy and well bee'd.  That's just how it is!  Anyway startin' some Michelob Ultra.  Had  delicious 2 plain slices of sicilian pizza for dinner.  NO cutting off crusts or anything.  Just had the pizza as it was.  SO FAR haven't done anything EXTREMELY egregious tonight to piss off God.  I mean I'm not FASTING or anything.  But I'm not being a REAL douchebag all in all I feel!
   Hmm.  Got some good Readings in today.  TWO books.  Several chapters in one book and at least one long chapter in the other book.  DANGIT you know that one of the book Has At Least One Long Chapter.  Really getting into territory where you can narrow down what book(s) I might be reading.  I don't know why it's a State Secret.  Because it's more important and/or widespreadedly relevant than a TOWNSHIP SECRET.  So that's good.  Took normal walks today.  Gonna take a normal walk after this six paragraphs!  Won't be getting to Starbucks halfway through walk until AFTER 9.  THAT MIGHT BE PAST CLOSING TIME.  FUTURE PAST CLOSING TIME.  Hmm.  538 models got THE DEMS down a point or two compared to this morning.  Probably SUCCEED in stopping checking that all the time.  I know it's been a few days since I HYPOTHESIZED I could and/or should stop checking that obsessively.  I think I'm working myself into an area where I CAN ACCOMPLISH JUST THAT.  Perhaps and other things too.  But THAT at least.  So that's good.  Had delicious Veggie Burger with Cheez Its for lunch.
   WOW.  Upcoming snack probably gonna be a chocolate bar with almonds.  Could either be Hershel Bar with almonds OR Qwest Bar with Almonds.  OR SOME OTHER THING.  I dunno, I'm no Genius.  Can't predict the near term future!  Even when I hold all the cards to decide what it will be.  If I was INCENTIVIZED sure I'd pick something right now to be the future snack, then predict it, THEN REAP THE BENEFITS.  But AS OF NOW no real reason to commit to something now to predict accurately or something I dunno I feel this sentence makes a lot of sense prove me wrong you can't.  Gonna bite down on tootsie pop PRETTY SOON.  Hey I just did it! JUST NOW.  GOING PRETTY GOOD.  Still chewing it up.  No problem there!  Maybe.  I think I finished off my golden graham bars.  That's a shame.  They were fun to eat while they lasted.  Hmm.  Maybe I have tootsie pops as indulgence snack.  I OFFER UP THAT IDEA EVERY KNIGHT.  ONE KNIGHT I WILL FOLLOW THRU, JUST YOU SEE.
Halfway through Act III Part I!  Amazing.  WOW Mets started their 2nd double header game with back to back to back homeruns.  AND it's THE ONE KNIGHT I didn't bother turning the channel to the Mets game and paused it in case I wanted to see what happens.  GREAT JUST MY LUCK.  Now it's GONE TO HISTORY.  Gotta imagine the video of the homeruns does AND WILL CONTINUE to exist.  Oh well we'll see how that pans out or something I dunno.  How's Hershel Walker doing.  I wasn't aware of how big a Football Celebrity he was.  I got the sense he was RELATIVELY big football celebrity.  But I asked my Dad if he had heard of him Before Senate Run and my Dad SAID YES.  AND MY DAD IS NO SPORTS FIEND.  And if he is HE'S DOING A GREAT JOB HIDING IT FROM US.  Oh great my Dad and his Secret Double Life as a Football Fan.  WHY CAN'T HE JUST BE OPEN WIT US.  WE WOULDN'T JUDGE HIM.  Maybe we would-- FOR TE BETTER.  Sounds like he's missing out a real opportunity of Me Judging Him For The Better by hiding his casual interest in National Football League.
    Penultimate paragraph before recess!  No food for tomorrow dinner.  Probably gonna go with Starting off a Steak * Stuffed Mushroom TRIPLE HEADER.  Next two lunches are Chicken Ceasar Salad and Turkey Meatloaf * Health Spaghetti.  WONDERWALL.  By which I mean WONDERFUL.  CALL IT A FREUDIAN SLIP IF YOU MUST.  Leave me out of it!  What are my best alternatives for upcoming dessert.   Not in the mood for a Birthday Bar.  Or any kinda iced cream thing.  Lookin' like Chocolate Bar with Almoonds.  Maybe the one that's Pretend Healthy.  QUEST BAR IS REALLY HEALTHY.  It's got SATURATED fat.  I know you think fat is bad but THIS IS DIFFERENT.  SATURATED.  Also not sure if the Quest Bar IS high in Saturated Fat.  That's a KETO thing.  This may just be Fiber and/or Protein.  The point is SHUT UP ABOUT IT AND LEAVE ME ALONE.  Well that's ONE of the points at least.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna have some fun reading books tomorrow.  Same two books I read today.  But further along in the books.  NO READING THE SAME WORDS I READ TODAY.  IT'D BE POINTLESS.  I'm sure I'll see A TON of the same words but IN SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT order.  YEAH.  SHUT UP.
Last paragraph before Recess.  Mets still have their dreams of winning Division Outright alive.  OUTRIGHT?  HOW ABOUT HITWRONG.  Sorry.  I'll make up for those two sentences at some point.  Maybe not IMMEDIATELY.  But I'll get around to Making Up For Them.  Without looking INSIDE the new calendar, what's the THEME of the calendar as shown on Front Page.  "Living Healthy 2023."  DON'T LIKE IT.  I like to live dangerously EVERYONE KNOWS THAT.  Ugh.  Just took a sneak peak at the first page to see what month it is.  December 2022.  THEY GAVE ME A CALENDAR I CAN'T EVEN USE FOR 2 MONTHS?  What's WRONG with these people.  ARE THEY IDIOTS?  THAT'D BE MY GUESS.  Hearty Fiber Bar. That's one way to go with upcoming snack.  I dunno. Maybe small snack plus 1 tootsie pop.  I LIKE that idea because DELICIOUS.  Ugh.  OATMEAL RAISIN Fiber cookie.  WOW.  I'M GONNA GO NOW.  MAYBE WHEN I COME BACK WE WILL HAVE FUN.  See ya soon!


    Hey!  Went with having 70 calorie cinnamon coffee cake fiber brownie and NOW a CHERRY tootsie pop.  AMAZING.  Let's write four paragraphs because that's what I'm good for.  Not really that good for it.   Better For It than Most Other Things though.  Gotta look at the bright side of things.  You don't HAVE to.  Probably would make ya feel better, though!  Couldn't hurt to try!  Anyway starting beer #2 of 2.  Boy Oh Boy I can't wait to watch videos of Gary Cohen calling the Mets back2back2back homeruns!  Kinda feels like there should only be TWO backs in there.  And if there's 2 homeruns in a row that's not Back To Back.  It's just ONE BACK.  The first homerun IS BACK TO NOTING.  It Just IS.  The second one is Back To Doing The Same Thing As The First Thing; A Home Run.  I feel very strongly about this.  I BETTER feel very strongly about this.  Cause I'm devoting a lot of PRIME Paragraph Real Estate to it.  Well if I didn't feel strongly about it before I DO NOW.  THE SYSTEM WORKS.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Do I just watch the last six minutes of Whirlpool Tales In The Crypt Episode when I'm done here, or do I also watch the next episode, Operation Friendship.  That's a tough one.  In the mean time lemme just write these last paragraphs.  I could always READ before bed.  That'd be weird.  I'm not sure I feel comfortable with that!  I'm relatively certain I feel uncomfortbale with that!  HMM THEN AGAIN maybe if I try a THIRD book.  I don't like the idea of either of the books I'm at.  BUT I'm TINKING ABOUT IT and I know JUST THE THIRD BOOK I can read a couple of dozen of pages or something.  REAL QUICK PAGES.  Not hearty pages at all to this book per my understanding.  That's how I can breeze through 'em like it was nothin'.  We'll see how that goes I guess, I dunno.  The important thing is I can have a delicious iced cream bar before going to bed.  POSSIBLY fudge based.  FUDGE is like Chocolate but DIFFERENT WORDS SOMEHOW.  I don't have all the details but I'm sure some of you do.  I envy you.
   Penultimate paragraph of the day!  So that's good.  What else is So That's Good.  Wanna get into biting down on this lollipop but I'd really get a kick out of making it last a few more sentences.  Like, an entire four or five more sentences.  I dunno why it's a big deal on account of it probably isn't.  It'd just be nice, I think.  Atlanta Braves are two outs a way from clinching Winning the National League East Baseball Division To Remember.  Good.  Someone's gotta win.  Might as well be the team that won the most games.  Or somethin'.  That's how sports works per my impressions.  Okay I think I'm gonna bite down on lollipop now but slowly.  Really let the teeth go into the candy a bit SLOWLY and DELIBERATELY.  OKAY I JUST DID THAT.  It was okay.  The point is I really should have Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.  Egg whites gotta be closing in on being a week old.  Egg white don't last forever no matter what you may or may not think about how long egg whites may or may not last.
FINALLY last paragraph.  Delightful!  I'm not gonna read anything tonight.  Am I?  I dunno.  Probably not.  Braves won their baseball game.  Mets shall be a wild card team this post season!  GREAT THIS MATTERS TO A LOT OF PEOPLE.  Not so much to ME.  But there's a couple of hundred ACTIVE PLAYERS ALONE on upcoming MLB Post Season Rosters.  Gonna matter a lot to them.  Each post season roster gotta be over 25 people.  Somethin like 10 or 12 teams in playoffs these days.  SOUNDS LIKE A COUPLE HUNDRED ACTIVE PLAYERS ALONE.  That doesn't even count the Manager!  And the NON MANAGER COACHES.  TEN OR TWELVE THIRD BASE COACHES GONNA HAVE A LOT INVESTED IN THIS.  What am I even talking about.  Less than I started out talking about which is pretty notable cause I started off talking about nothing FROM THE GETGO.  From THE GITMO.  Hmm.  WELL that's about it I guess.  I'll be back tomorrow!  Maybe with Soem Goods!  See ya then!

-9:57 P.M.




Monday, October 3, 2022

I Could Think Of Worse Things

    Hey!  About an hour and fifteen minutes behind schedule today! Gonna take New Normal amount of walks, but missing the first walk instead of taking a nice break in the middle of the day!  Such is life!  Got about an hour and 25 minutes to write these 10 paragraphs.  EASY.  Unless I get REALLY distracted.  And BAD distracted!  Sometimes I can get distracted and type dumb sentences all the same.  So that's not bad.  Anyway.  FIVE THIRTY EIGHT has morning update.  I think DEMS lost a net 2 percentage points over the 6 projections compared to last night.  NOT GREAT.  Anyway.  Had some NightMight snacking last night-- don't remember how much!-- but I think it was relatively reasonable.  Had Classic Breakfast this morning.  Wanted to do Blueberry Pop Tart instead of Smore but it was on top shelf and I COULDN'T QUITE reach it.  Would have had to stand on a chair.  Which is FUN.  But I WASN'T IN THE MOOD.  So that's good.  Lunch today gonna be either chicken ceasar salad or turkey meatloaf.  NOT veggie burger.  Got BISON burger for dinner!
  How low a chance does baseball-reference have for Mets winning division instead of wild card.  My guess is a solid 9%.  .9%.  I WAS OFF BY 1000%.  Oh well.  Still making the playoffs.  Maybe it's FOR THE BEST if they don't get deep into playoffs.  Do somethin' ELSE with my time.  Then again BASEBALL IS FUN.  So I dunno.  What kinda stuff do I got in store for today.  Put on SNL before my third walk.  Then by the time I get home there's the hour left that I haven't seen yet.  Watch that sucker appropriately in that amount of time!  Eat LUNCH halfway through.  Then I take a walk and do some nice readings.  Not as much as I'd like but POSSIBLY MORE THAN I'D LIKE.  I THINK I'd like more but maybe I'M WRONG.  Hmm.  Anyway.  I was doin' some Hurricane Talk with my Dad and he said then there was a hurricane when my brother was born and the nurses told my Mom and Him that hurricanes cause lots of births.  I looked that up online.  It is a REAL THING people say.  So that's HALFWAY accurate.  But there's some dispute over how accurate it is!  Possibly actually accurate.  DANGIT FiveThirty Eight updated and Dems lost a net FOUR WHOLE PERCENTAGE POINTS over the 6 models.
   Hmm.  That's not good.  NOT GOOD AT ALL.  What can I do about it.  HOW CAN I HELP.  Strategically upload the page now and again is all I can think of.  Not sure how me checking the page influences it at all.  But it's all I can come up with on such short notice.  WHAT SHORT NOTICE.  I've got LONG notice.  Hmm.  Do I got any chores this week besides getting DEM percentage points up half a dozen points ideally over the week?  Hmm.  I can try to have a positive life for myself.  That's one way to go about things.  Sounds pretty reasonable all things considered!  Mets game is at 7:10 PM.  Amazing!  Anyway I think if Mets win Wild Card Spot they have a Best Of Three game series against another wild card?  To progress to NEXT round?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP CERTAINLY LOOKS THAT WAY.  What team are they gonna be playing presumably.  Philadelphia Phillies but MAYBE San Diego Padres.  Still up in the air 3 games to the end of the season!  I HOPE IT'S... HMMM... which is the worst team.  Lemme Think... I don't know them that much either way...  Phillies have a greater positive Run Differential.  The difference between runs scored and runs allowed is BETTER than the Padres.  SOUNDS LIKE THEY'RE BETTER BY ONE METRIC THEN.
Fourth paragraph.  Amazing.  Maybe hurricanes don't induce labor.  Maybe babies cause hurricanes.  Yeah but that would mean a baby is causing a hurricane SLIGHTLY BEFORE BIRTH.  Fine then!  An ALMOST baby causes hurricanes.  How about that?  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrows are good.  I remember from when I checked yesterday!  Let's go with 'em.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Cinnamon Roll Day, National Fruit At Work Day, National Taco Day, and National Vodka Day.  I don't wanna b a fruit at work OR ANYWHERE.  However I do love me some cinnamon rolls.  I'd eat em all the time if I could!  TACOS could be a blast and a half.  Vodka is great.  I remember getting drunk off it!  And who doesn't love that.  Also vodka was main alcohol I drank when I had college friends!  So it's SOCIAL Drunk associations for me!  Anyway.  I guess ya eat fruit at work to impress your co-workers.  They think more highly of you that you're some sort of Healthy Guy.
   Fifth paragraph!  Amazing.  Now that I think about it 9% is WAY too high for Mets to win division.  Not sure about .9% though.  I'd feel comfortable saying around 3-5%.  So that's good.  I GUESS.  Anyway let's write some good five paragraphs now.  Obviously I wanna just get them over with to move onto next portion of my day.  But maybe I ALSO wanna write some quality crap!  Hmm.  Mets superstar pitchers let us down in 3 game series against Division Rivals.  They've carried us THIS FAR.  So ya can't quite call them busts.  But when we needed them the most they were only Okay.  Still got plenty of time to redeem themselves.  ONE TIME perhaps.  They get one series to redeem themselves and if they DON'T then we move on to NO MORE SERIES.  But if they do THEY GET MORE chances to FURTHR redeem themselves.  So that's good.  WHEN IS STARLING MARTE coming back from injured list.  IS HE coming back.  HE MADE LINEUP DEEPER I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS IT.  Well maybe SOME people I don't wanna know it.  Not sure Why Or Who.  But anything's possible.  COFFEE TIME!
   Yeah!  Let's aim to write these 5 paragraphs in about 45 minutes.  That's reasonable AND REASONABLE.  Hmm.  Maybe try to stop reloading FiveThirty Eight over and over again.  Probably better ways to spend my time and occupy my brain.  Then again ONE MORE TIME couldn't hurt.  Sure it can.  It leads to one more time after that.  And one more time after that.  And so on.  At some point I have to ACTUALLY STOP if I wanna EVENTUALLY Stop.  Anyway.  Not happy about these lost net percentage points but maybe NEWS ITSELF will be okay.  That' probably a better way to invest yourself in current state o the world.  For better or worse.  Not uploading election projection models.  Keeping up with News.  CRAZY ENOUGH IT JUST MIGHT MAKE SENSE.  Hmm.  Still not sure who Miles Teller is but he seems like an okay guy.  I like the part where he acts in sketches that were written for him to act in.  SO FAR SO GOOD.
Seventh paragraph!  DEMS need to step up their Campaigning Game.  They're LOSING POINTS CAN'T THEY SEE THAT.  Hmm.  Looking like Aaron Judge has four games to hit historic 62nd homerun.  Maybe after that people will be like why did I care so much about this it means absolutely nothing to my life.  My guess is no one will think that immediately.  But over time they'll gradually get the sneaking suspicion it didn't make their lives better at all.  Possibly even WORSE.  So that's good.  Hmm.  What kinda snack do I got coming my way after Act II or so.  Possibly Keto Bar Brownie.  Possibly indulgence Golden Graham Bar assuming I still have a few.  I dunno!  Anyway.  What playlist am I in the middle of.  Superbloom I think.  Not sure exactly how deep into it.  I feel like the middle at least!  Possibly 2/3rds or 3/4ths or 4/5ths.  POSSIBLY only 2/5ths what do I know.  Not much.  What else.  MONDAY eh.  SURE IS.
Three paragraphs to go!  Speaking of my brother being born, tomorrow is the anniversary of that day.  No Spoilers!  DAMNIT NOW YOU CAN DOX HIM.  I didn't mean it!  I guess it's not too late for me to go back in time and stop myself from saying it.  Then again I don't have a time machine.  YET.  Probably never will.  Oh well such is life.  Wakanda Forever trailer, "Dropped!"  I'll look into that in a little bit.  After being done with Daytime Acts.  Anyway thinking about leaning towards turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti for lunch AS OF NOW.  But salad is DEFINITELY still in play.  Hmm what wuold baseball reference give as the odds.  Maybe 63% turkey meatloaf, 35% salad, 2% veggie burger.  HMM what if I want DOUBLE Breakfast Hot Pockets.  I got FOUR Lunch Meals before re-upping with Super Market on Friday.  I got the three fresh meals Sure.  But I also have A WILDCARD LUNCH which CUOLD BE breakfast hot pockets.  THAT SOUNDS GREAT.  I DUNNO.  WHAT ELSE.
Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  Knocking these paragraphs out of the park real well.  Not Quality wise but SPEED wise.  Any other wild card lunch I could have.  I got some egg whites.  That could come into play.  Maybe bagel with egg whites.  I dunno.  I dunno ANYTHING.  I know SOME things.  NOT ENOUGH though.  Hmm.  Maybe I could arrange watching SNL after my shower before walk instead of AFTER walk after my shower.  Would have to push back That Walk a bit to fit in entire SNL.  But that might be my best move going forward.  Hmm.  Makes sense I think!  Also that way I get it out of the way earlier so I can get into reading quicker.  Hmm.  We'll see what time it is when I get back from upcoming walk.  But right now I'M LEANIN TOWRADS DOING IT THIS WAY.  Turn on SNL halfway through Act II before shower.  Time it so I'm done with shower right at the time I Left Off SNL Yesterday.  Okay great sure what else is up.  What kind breakfast hot pockets I got.  EXACTLY I mean.  APPLEWOOD bacon egg and cheese.  Croissant Crust.  DELIGHTFUL.
Last paragraph before walk.  Great!  WITH REDUCED FAT CHEDDAR CHEESE AND SAUCE THEY SAY.  In smaller type.  I guess they don't wanna advertise those parts for some reason.  Wonder what kinda sauce they're talking about.  They're being Cagey about what it might be!  MAN OH MAN what if I check 538 and the Dems are back up three or four points over the six models.  I'd be EXCITED TO DEATH.  Probably would have some sort of heart attack I'd be so happy.  Hmm probably should avoid checking then.  That'd be the safe play.  Also that says nothing of the chances I'd die of FRIGHT if they lose some more percentage points.  Then again if I NEVER check I'll die of UNCERTANTY.  Basically I'm going to die soon because this midterm election will be the death of me.  Oh well what can ya do.  It's hard to have your most important issue be preserving Democracy.  Cause then Straw Man can be like well what if the other side wins THAT'S DEMOCRACY so YOU'VE WON IN A WAY.  IT'S A RIDDLE THAT I DON'T LIKE.  They've gerrymandered and dark moneyed and suppressed votes and played upon our worst demons to win and if they win they'll just RAMP UP Destroying Democracy EVEN MUCH MORE.  I may not be describing this right.  COME BACK TO ME on this.  I'll be back in a bit.



Well Now Let's See

    It doesn't take a genius to realize that electing someone with extreme anti-Democratic ideals isn't good for Democracy.  Like not being able to accept the results if they lose!  Or ignoring the will of the people as often as possible once they're in office and implementing their own unpopular positions as much as they can get away with it.  Or putting into place more laws and bills to further hinder Democratic Guardrails.  So that's what we're up against.  Anyway.  Probably gonna turn on SNL in about 15 minutes.  That should line up with me being able to take a quick shower after these 5 paragraphs and catching up right around where I left off yesterday!  Amazing.  Leaning towards breakfast hot pockets.  Anyway.  Was gonna put bison burger in oven tonight.  Probably makes more sense to put it in microwave.  Based on what the arrangement of future walks will be.  NO 538 UPDATE since last time.  THANK GOD.  Or someone else.  Thank your imaginary friend, I dunno.  Maybe he has a role in this!  Probably getting pizza tomorrow.  With a chicken roll.  SO I GOT ENTIRE WEEK MEALS plotted out.  Except for Thursday Night Dinner.  And exact ORDER of this week's lunches.  Oh okay great.
Four paragraphs to go!  You elect people who are very open about their anti-Democratic positions, don't be surprised if the next election doesn't run quite as Democratically as you'd hope!  Maybe you'll be surprised.  Have fun with that.  What else do I got going on for me.  Put breakfast hot pockets in oven LONG.  I wanted to do it last time with Regular Hot Pockets but I took em out at REASONABLE time.  Longer end of reasonable.  And they were fine!  I JUST WANNA DO IT LIKE 8 MORE MINUTES THAN EVEN THAT THOUGH.  I think it'd be FUN.  You IDIOTS.  Hmm.  Probably no side for bison burger.  They give a lot of Topping though.  Sauteed mushroom and onion.  Not a bad amount!  I usually eat like 25% of them before the burger though.  Before putting it into oven or microwave JUST pick up some Topping and eat em.  TOO MUCH to fit on top of burger anyway.  This is the way to go I feel!  Anyway.  Oh hey I got a snack coming up soon.  Let's go with a small one.  Or medium one.  Just not a medium-large one!  CERTAINLY NOT A REGULAR LARGE ONE, WHO ARE YOU KIDDING WITH THAT.
Three paragraphs to go!  Turn on SNL let's say at the end of this paragraph.  ANd/or in five minutes.  AND OR IN SEVEN MINUTES.  Ok great what else is up.  Got coffee #2 going on.  It's fun.  IS Democracy my number one issue for Midterm?  It's a bit ambiguous and contains several different things.  So OVERALL maybe.  But if you wanna SPECIFIC THINGS UP... hmm... YEAH.  I dunno.  Not the easiest messaging though.  Gotta get into specifics for people to be like OH RIGHT I SEE WHAT YA MEAN THIS IS THE HUGEST DEAL I GUESS.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Gonna put breakfast pockets into oven BEFORE my next walk.  Then eat them AFTER.  Not DIRECTLY after.  Maybe like 15 to TWENTY minutes after.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  Read some more BOOK.  Not as much as I might have wanted.  But I can make a SOLID DENT in Reading Pages Of Book.  Also is Book a plural for Book?  My feeling?  YES.  So that's good.  Guess I'll turn on SNL after the last few sentences here.  Ideally.  I ASSUME I'll be able to.  Let's see.  ALRIGHT got it on.  Will have to pick up where I left off in about half an hour!
   PLENTIES of time to write 2 paragraphs and then take a quick shower.  I guess!  Hmm.  Not sure how/why voters who care about economy generally favor Republicans.  WHY.  Republicans are like ECONOMY SHOULD BE BETTER.  And voters are like HEY I THINK THAT TOO.  THESE GUYS GOT MY VOTE.  Democrats think the economy should be even better, too!  IN FACT many of them have got lots of good ideas and plans about it!  I DUNNO about that.  Democrats seem to be on the right side of Every Other Issue.  Republicans gotta be worthwhile SOMEWHERE.  Why not Economy.  I dunno why not but THEY JUST AREN'T.  Oh well such is life. I DO know why.  Their priority in economy is helping themselves, their donors, rich people in general, and corporations.  NOT GONNA BE GREAT FOR YOU necessarily.  That's not their priority!  Oh I see.  Maybe one day I'LL be a corporation though.  So better start voting thusly NOW to plan ahead.  That's one way to go I guess!  Hmm.  Man oh man.  Breakfast hot pockets in oven for over 45 minutes.  WHAT IF I GO AS HIGH AS FIFTY MINUTES.  I WANNA SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN EXACTLY.
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day.  What else do I got going for me.  Reading between walks four and five and perhaps five and six.  Why not.  I can do that.  Both periods of time about an hour each.  NOT A BAD AMOUNT OF TIME to get some Readings in.  I feel like Reading is a town in Great Britain and/or America.  Lemme LTURQ.  Google WHERE IS READING.  WOW IT'S IN BERKSHIRE.  That was gonna be my first guess but I never got around to guessing.  Hmm.  Probably stick to ONE book today.  Not in the mood/have enough time to go back and forth between TWO books.  So that's good I guess.  Really get into this one book real good like.  Hmm.  Am I supposed to watch Hocus Pocus II.  I don't think I've ever seen Hocus Pocus I.  And I'm pretty sure I'm NOT necessarily supposed to watch Hocus Pocus I.  So that leads me to conclude I'm not supposed to watch Hocus Pocus II.  Unless I feel like it.  In which case I AM supposed to watch Hocus Pocus II AND I but not necessarily in that order.  Hmm.  That's it for now!  Be back tonight!



i spoke too soon

    Hey friends!  Time to write six paragraph block.  Then Recess Walk!  Got delicious chocolate lollipop going.  Had bison burger with Oh I Don't Know A DOZEN wheat thins.  Before that dependable granola bar!  Before that breakfast hot pockets OVEN'D FOR 47 MINUTES.  Before that I FORGET.  I BET I CAN REMEMBER THOUGH.  OH RIGHT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE FLAVORED FIBER ONE BAR.  Before that I was born.  Before that suckin up juices from My Mother.  So that's good.  Finished a book just now!  I'm not gonna say what book it was but I'll give you a clue-- IT WAS A BOOK.  No doubt about it!  Alright I got some beer going.  Might have 3 tonight for first time in over a week.  Delightful.  METS i mean DEMS gained two or so net points over 6 models today.  Based on 5:43 PM Update compared to the 11 or 12 Update.  WOW.  METS and DEMS?  WHAT A FREUDIAN SLIP.  Not really.  Not really much of anything now that I think about it.  Looking forward to another snack later.  Then an iced cream bar more later.
   Apparently a story broke
that Hershem Walker paid for a lady to have an abortion for him even though he politically is against all abortions, Big And Small!  Sure it SOUNDS bad but to be fair I kind of assumed EVERY Republican has done this.  At least every Republican running for higher office.  Maybe not your standard Republican outside The Feed Shop. But the ones holding office or wanting to, odds are roughly 100% they've had secret abortions in their favor.  SO FAR THIS IS JUST MORE PROOF.  Anyway.  Looks like Mets game was POST poned tonight.  I wasn't watching it anyway.  I'd like to see a game PRE Poned.  Is that when it's played ON TIME or EARLY.  I feel like if you're playing a game on time that game has been Poned.  EARLY would be Pre-poned.  PWNED.  IT'S GAMING LINGO.  It means OWNED.  Which means I JUST DID BETTER THAN YOU AT THE GAME OR SOMETHING I DUNNO I DON'T HAVE ALL THE DETAILS.  Hmm.  Raining a lot all day.  Well raining all day--- which is a lot!-- but wasn't raining TOO HARD while it was raining.  YA TAKE THE GOOD WITH THA BEAD.
Third paragraph of Act III Part I!  What else is going on.  I feel okay with the dozen wheat thins I had with bison burger.  I don't ALWAYS have a side with bison burger--- usually don't!  Felt kinda hungrier than usual this evening though.  I blame THE (a) TE RAIN, (b) FINISHING A BOOK, (c) HERSHEM WALKER'S SECRET ABORTION, and/or (D) no good reason.  That's my favorite reason for EVERYTHING.  No Good Reason.  I feel like a plurality of the time if you want to explain something the answer is gonna be No Good Reason. So that's good I guess.  Still sucking on delicious lollipop.  Well NOW I just crunched down into it.  Wonderful.  What's the next thing I start reading tomorrow.  Still one book I'm partially through.  Continue that a bit AS WELL AS start a new one.  WHICH NEW ONE THOUGH remains to be seen.  BY ME.  I'LL LOOK AT IT A LOT.  Turn the page every now and then.  Change which parts of page I'm specifically focusing on CONSTANTLY.  That's what reading is All About!  Hmm.
   Halfway through Act III Part I!  Maybe I just have delicious 2-3 lollipops as upcoming dessert snack.  I TALK A BIG GAME about considering doing that every night but I never do.  BUT I SHOULD IT'S FUN.  Watched about one and three quarter Tales In The Crypt today.  ONE earlier.  Three quarters of one while dinner was going on.  Amazing stuff!  Looks like the Atlanta Bravermens are losing their baseball game today.  If they lose METS CONTINUE TO HAVE HOPE to win division by the end of the weekend.  What's today.  Today IS NOT the start OR EVEN NEAR the start of the weekend.  It's CLEARLY the start of THE REGULAR week.  Oh well guess I'm an idiot.  Shoulda seen that development coming now that I think about it.  The Me Being An Idiot development.  ALL TEH CLUES WERE THERE.  Have 2 Miller Lites to finish tonight.  Then if I want a third beer it'd be starting the Michelob Ultra.  WOW.  "ULTRA."  SOUNDS EXCITING.  ULTRA IS ONE OF THE GREATEST THINGS SOMETHING CAN BE!!!
Penultimate paragraph of Act III Part I.  Hmm.  If I have solid snack I'll probably indulge in delicious One-Off Brownie with Almond Quest Bar I got.  SOUNDS DELICIOUS on account of me using the word DELICIOUS earlier when I was saying it.  ME USING THE WORD really BROUGHT TO MIND the idea THAT THE WORD I USED might be accurate.  Hmm.  It may have stopped raining at this moment.  Lemme see what Intranet has to say about that!  Intranet says it's still raining.  Oh well guess I'm an idiot for not being able to tell myself.  Hmm.  Lemme take a quick Browse-Through of books I sequestered a few days ago as POSSIBLE books I'd be reading soon.  LMLTURQ.  AH I GOT IT.  Cracked that code.  Gonna continue playing this one close to the vest.  No Spoilers!  Anyway gonna start beer #2 now.  And by, "Now," I mean really soon.  What else is going on and crap.  I finished Superbloom play list.  Gonna start a new one tomorrow morning I guess!  Hopefully I get up on time tomorrow morning.  So I can take New Normal amount of walks but Big Ol Break in the middle for READINS
   Last paragraph of Act III Part I!  Thinking about delicious golden graham bar as upcoming snack WITH OR WITHOUT a bonus tootsie pop.  THE CARDS ARE ALL IN MY COURT.  THE BALLS ARE IN MY HANDS.  Anyway.  Lotta cards belong in court.  Kings and queens, obviously.  Jacks I think are court things, right?  Gotta imagine there's some Jacks hanging around Regal Courts.  Hmm.  Jokers make appearances at courts.  That might be what I'm thinking of.  I don't think the joker LIVES at the court.  Unless that particular king or queen is REALLY into jokers.  And needs one On Call Day And/or Knight.  WHAT IS A JACK THOUGH it turns out is the question.  Guess we'll never really know for sure.  HEY 538 just updated.  NET GAIN OF ZERO.  DEMS lost one point in one model and GAINED a point in an EQUALLY IMPORTANT model.  Anyway.  Gonna take a walk now.  And I JUST started beer #2.  Meaning maybe I just have the 2 for tonight.  Anyway BE BACK SOON.

   Hey!  I'm back!  DEMS lost a net 2 or 3 points since a few hours ago.  Hey that's life.  By a month and a half from now Dems may have lost ALL THE PERCENTAGE POINTS.  Down to ZERO PERCENT on all models.  WE STILL GOT TIME TO GET THIS RIGHT THOUGH.  Probably won't but the point is we theoretically could.  Anyway had delicious golden graham bar and now am having delicious BLUE tootsie pop.  Opened up the Colored Ones for the first time.  Delicious.  Got about a third of a beer left.  Finished the Tales In The Crypt I was 75% into.  WELL TO BE FAIR there's still about 5% more.  But I stopped watching so I could COME HERE.  SO I COULD START TOOTSIE POP.  Which is important because it's delightful and whatknot.  Anyway.  What Tales In The Crypt do I have coming my way when this is done before going to bed.  IS IT HALF WAY HORRIBLE?  Because IF IT IS...  Oh it is.  SO SINCE IT IS... I got nothin.  I'll have fun watching this one sure.  It's got one half of Cheech and Chong.  Not sure if it's Cheech or Chong.  I'd say I'm about 85% sure it's Cheech.  Pretty positive it's Cheech.  Marin.  Martin.  Marin.  Let's LTURQ.  CHEECH MARIN.  NAILED IT.
   Penpenultimate paragraph!  Delightful.  Thinkin MINCE CHOCOLATE CHIP iced cream bar for tonight.  Delightful.  Probably should have Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.  Egg whites gotta be gettin' pretty old by now.  Lunch gonna be VEGGIE BURGER, TURKEY MEATLOAF, OR CHICKEN CEASAR SALAD.  i AM HALF TYPING IN ALL CAPS ON PURPOSE, HALF NOT ON PORPOSE.  I accidentally hit Caps Locks but I REALIZED IT right away and decided to just GO FOR IT and type everything in Caps anyway.  Wasn't my ORIGINAL intention but I kept going despite knowing about it so IN TE END I AM PRACTICALLY FULLY RESPONSIBLE.  About 85% responsible I feel.  WOW SOUNDS LIKE A, "B!"  I feel in school 85 out of 100 is Solid B.  So that's good.  Atlanta lost their baseball game today leaving Mets hopes of Winning Division alive!  WOW.  Soon their hopes might be down to ZERO PERCENT across ALL Models.  Live it up while ya can, boys!  That's how I feel!.  Gonna crunch down into this tootsie pop very soon.  At this rate NOT UNTIL NEXT PARAGRAPH THOUGH.
Penultimate paragraph!  Hmm.  Not only am I gonna get chocolate tootsie pop fun Chewing into this one, but I will also get GRAPE CRUNCH CANDY fun.  So let's do that.  RIGHT NOW.  Anyway I dunno.  Next book I read is just gonna be Me Resuming Sleater---Kinney book.  I think I literally got up to the chapter/section of the book where Sleater Kenney is formed.  GREAT I CAN'T WAIT TO RESUME IT A YEAR AND A HALF LATER.  More or less.  Who can remember when I was reading this book.  I wanna say in the 2020's.  On account of me thinking it's accurate!  That's EXACTLY what's leading to me Wanting To Say It!  Hmm.  Gotta be honest I WAS EXPECTING these colored tootsie pop bags to be bigger.  I ordered ONE set of them on amazon-- it came in a package of two bags.  LITTLE DID I KNOW each bag was like 2/3rds the size of A NORMAL tootsie pop bag WHICH ALREADY isn't that big.  THE POINT IS I'LL SURVIVE but I'm not happy about it.  Well I'M HAPPY about surviving.  I think I should survive MORE PLEASANTLY though all things considered.
Last paragraph of the day!  How delightful.  I've started saying, "Delightful," a lot.  It started off because I like using the word Delicious a lot and at one point Delicious reminded me of the word Delightful and I just STUCK WITH IT.  What a great story.  YEAH I THOUGHT SO TOO.  Hmm.  Let's see.  What else can I say that will get me closer to being done with today.  Probably ANYTHING I guess.  Just finished 2nd beer.  So that's good I guess.  What kinda Tuesday do we got in store for tomorrow.  REGULAR KIND.  The kind that is between Monday and Wednesday.  Ah good that's my favorite kind.   I was pleased with how well done the Breakfast Hot Pocket Lunch was.  I was imagining it'd look more CHARRED on the outside.  Didn't look CHARRED at all.  But inside and overall it tasted QUITE JUST RIGHT.  So that's good great It adequately got me to the end of the paragraph!  I'll see ya'll tomorrow.

-9:41 P.M.




Sunday, October 2, 2022

Not 100% Why You're Here

    Hey!  About an hour and 25 minutes behind schedule!  Gonna fit in normal amount of walks.  Skip regular morning walk BUT have WHAT WAS the normal amount of Afternoon walks.  Before I decided to skip one.  Oh well life continues.  Probably.  That'd be my guess at least!  Anyway had a reasonable amount of NightMight Snacking.  Forget exactly.  Was more than I'd like but not a crazy amount.  Am I including 40 calorie fudgesicle I ate before Walk I?  MAYBE!  Anyway finished Mini Brownies for breakfast.  NO UPDATE on Fifty Three Eight since 8:20 PM for senate/house projections.  Mets game at 7:00 PM!  That sucker is on ESPN.  WOW.  PRIME TIME GAME.  This is gonna be exciting.  If Mets lose they have quite small chance of winning division.  If they win it's ANYBODY'S NEXT THREE BALL GAMES.  Just did A TINY BIT of Following News Upkeep on twitter.  A fraction of what a COMPREHENSIVE Twitter Binging is.  But I got SOMETHING out of it.
   Hmm.  Got about an hour and 15 minutes to write 9 paragraphs.  Not ENTIRELY free of CrunchTime but still pretty reasonable to take care of things and whatknot.  So that's good!  Hmm.  Do I read books in middle of day or watch SNL.  Probably watch SNL.  TV seems to be more important than books.  It's what EVERYONE ELSE is doing.  I wanna be a part of SOCIETY.  No one else is reading books.  Obviously not THESE books.  What are the odds?!?!  But no one else reads ANY books.  Anyway.  Gotta imagine when you write a book you have in your head an idea of how long it takes to read the book.  It influences the entire Book Experience!  Gotta take that into account somehow.  AH I CRACKED THE CODE of how to write books.  Now I can do it myself Easy.  If only I had an idea for a book.  That's easy a bunch of pages with Real Words in them.  NO MADE UP WORDS.  Maybe SOME.  But at least 95% of the words must already exist! 
   Third paragraph.  I told my Mom the books I've been reading so far.  BIG MISTAKE.  I still haven't told you.  You're more important than my Mom IN THIS REGARD.  But it's not entirely Private My Little Secret anymore.  GOOD NEWS.  I'll be done with these books in a couple of days.  Then I start back over at ZERO.  Tellin' NO ONE what I'm reading.  I made a mistake just now and I'm learning from it!  So that's good.  Anyway.  Plan is to write 5 paragraphs after next walk.  Then take a shower.  Then take a walk!  Seems probably reasonable way to go about things.  Hmm.  While browsing twitter feed for 45 seconds came across half a dozen posts about CLIPS from latest SNL.  NO SPOILERS.  Did my best to not register any of them at all.  ONE OF THEM SEEMED TO BE A WEEKEND UPDATE THING.  GREAT JUST GREAT.  ONE OF THEM SAID IT WAS MILES TELLER MONOLOGUE.  Well THAT'S ruined now.  What do I know Miles Teller from.  I feel like I know him from something(s)!  Looking at his filmography I DON'T THINK I KNOW HIM FROM ADAM.
Name sounds familiar!  I think he kinda looks familiar but that might be where I'm messing up.  I think he looks like some other jerk I'm confusing him with.  Oh well such is life.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... NOTHING.  No food to celebrate for October 3rd.  WELL THAT SUCKS.  Hmm.  What kinda lunch I got going for me.  Thinkin' maybe turkey meatloaf.  Best other two options are Kids Chicken Parm and Chicken Ceasar Salad.  With VEGGIE BURGER as the last option that's unlikeliest.  What kinda dinner we looking at.  Probably Diner Dinner.  Don't feel like going to a Dinner Meal.  Maybe a BISON burger.  And/or some GriddleCentric Meal.  Still got a portion of egg white from last griddlecentric meal.  Don't need to re-up with those for any balanced breakfast.  Hmm.  Sounds good.  I guess.  Doesn't sound that BAD.  Not sure where to watch SNL.  Probably PEACOCK.  I don't think I recorded it on LIVE TV.  Maybe it's available on Live TV ON DEMAND.  Gotta be somewhere.  I'll figure it out.  Don't worry about me!  Worry about yourself.  YOU NEED YOUR OWN WORRY TRUST ME.
Fifth paragraph.  Amazing.  Lotta time at this point to write six paragraphs more or less.  No more mini brownies.  I had 2 breakfasts of 4 each.  I had two sandwich sides of 2 each.  And I had 2 as individual NightMight Snacks.  14.  That was it!  Hmm.  After tonight, Mets face the Washington Nationals Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  That's it for regular season!  Not sure when Post Season would start.  At this point let's say they make WILD CARD.  And have to play BONUS series at beginning of posts eason to progress to Regular First Series of Post Season.  THAT WOULD BE WHEN.  Hmm.  Looks like FRIDAY.  Not bad!  Gettin' right to it!  No several weeks off or anything!  PEOPLE WOULD FORGET TO STAY INTERESTED.  So that's good.  Kinda feels like a scam that there's no Foods To Celebrate Tomorrow.  Should I talk about foods to celebrate for Tuesday?  Nah.  UNLESS... HMM.  Just looked at the foods for Tuesday.  No Spoilers but A REALLY GREAT DAY.  Three out of four are GREAT foods.  Other one isn't that great.  NO SPOILERS.  Coffee time.
    Maybe I watch some SNL, read some, then watch some more.  I can MIX IN reading.  Probably.  Anyway.  Got about an hour to write 5 paragraphs.  More like 55 minutes.  Either way that's very doable.  Anyway I wrote the first five paragraphs No Problem.  Next five paragraphs, who knows!  I don't have many PROMPTS to cover.  Other than here's a prompt GOTTA WRITE SOME SENTENCES or else this will NEVER END.  So that's good.  Thinkin' about leaning towards turkey meatloaf for lunch.  Now that I think about it Dinner may be PIZZA.  WOW.  It could be WHATEVER I WANT.  All I gotta do is Say So.  Mom has food and Dad is flexible.  THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  Bison Burger or Pizza.  I DUNNO.  Gonna have to do some deep thinking.  Transcendental Meditation or something On It.  I may or may not know what transcendental mediation is.  That' when a train goes across from Coast To Coast of the country, right?  What words is that.  Trans Something.  OK, GROOMER.  I feel like there's a joke to be made there.  OK BOOMER was a joke for a year or two.  OK GROOMER is BOUND to make people laugh lots!
   Seventh paragraph.  Transcontinental.  That sounds VERY right.  PLUS it's recognized as a word.  Not even misspelled or anything.  NAILED IT.  Anyway is from North to South transcontinental.  Or does it need to be from East to West.  Or West to east if you wanna be difficult about things.  Hmm.  Normal amount of walks.  Nothin' wrong there.  Day wasn't really messed up by missing first walk and starting this pretty late.  Oh well such is life.  That was GOOD NEWS.  Doesn't deserve an OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE.  LIFE IS GREAT based on that past sentence or two!  Anyway.  On Superbloom playlist right on for Apple Music Walks.  Good stuff.  I've heard a big majority of these songs before!  On PAST playlitss.  OFTEN PAST SUPERBLOOM PLAYLISTS.  Anyway.  Today is Sunday.  Sunday Morning.  TODAY isn't Sunday Morning.  Part of Today is.  Actually it's not even Sunday Morning NOW.  It's 12:11 PM.  NO SPOILERS.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Delightful.  Is there such a thing as a groomer. AT ALL. Oh right all of the people who want to groom their kids into being what they consider regular.  THE GROOMING IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE.  Hmm.  When I'm a parent, to be fair, I'M GONNA BE A GROOMER. PICK THE TICKS OFF MY KIDS BACK AND EAT EM.  That's what responsible parents are for!  I assume that's what animals who pick ticks off their family's back does with them.  Can't just LET EM FREE.  They'll be back on your kids' backs before ya know it.  Gotta eat em to DESTROY them.  That's my feeling.  Hmm.  Wonder when Fifty Three Eight will update.  And how upsetting the update will be.  My guess is SLIGHTLY.  We'll find out I guess.  At some point.  What's Transcendental Meditation.  Is that the one where you repeat your Safeword over and over or something.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  Silently used Mantra.  WOW.  So many good mantras to choose from.  Maybe I should look into that.
Penultimate paragraph!  HMM.  I think my Dad is probably teaching tomorrow night.  Meaning he won't need a Communal Dinner Delivery.  Should take that into account when deciding what I want for tonight.  Brilliant!  Hmm.  Making good progress in Books.  At this rate I'll probably start an entirely new one Monday or Tuesday.  If there was No SNL AND I had gotten up on time today I'd say probably starting a new book on Monday.  AS IS more likely Tuesday.  GREAT WHAT ELSE IS IMPORTANT.  If I get pizza I'd get pizza for one night and chicken roll for other night.  If I get diner I'd get bison burger for one night and maybe a Frenched Toast or Waffle for other night.  Hmm.  That's a tough one!  Maybe diner sounds better as of now.  AS OF NOW.  Never know when and if I'll change my mind.  Also upcoming lunches are FRESH LUNCHES I GOT FROM Super MARKET.  So I'm covered THERE I guess.  Hmm.  Not quite 50 minutes into Act I.  I'll have it finished within an hour.  WOW WHAT A RATE.
   Last paragraph of Act I!  Good deal.  Not happy about watching SNL.  But I can't very well DELAY IT can I?  I wouldn't be happy reading books knowing I Have to watch some TV sooner or later.  Hmm.  What kinda gum have I been chewing.  Spearmint.  Do I have enough to last me until Friday.  YEP.  Not JUST Spearmint to last me to Friday.  Spearmint plus some wintermint plus some peppermint.  OVERALL enough to last me.  So that's GREAT NEWS.  Hmm.  Might be raining right now.  Hopefully lightly!  I'm takin' my walk unless it's raining HARDLY.  Wait hardly is good.  You know what I mean.  Raining HARDEDLY.  Oh ok now I get it.  What kinda shirt am I wearing today.  Oh.  That shirt.  Decent shirt.  I have fun wearing it.  I like MOST of my shirts. Not just extremely neutral feelings.  MOST of my shirts I get a chance to wear each day and I'm like I'M GONNA ENJOY THIS ONE.  Even though my shirts are Neutral AT BEST.  GOTTA LOOKS FOR WINS WHERE YOU CAN GET EM.  That's it for now.  Be back soon!




More Paragraphs, That's For Sure

    Hey!  Think I only got 2 or 3 cardboard wafer cookies left.  Think I'll just have that as Pre-lunch snack.  Either at end of Act II or after shower after end of Act II.  GREAT.  Still no update to Five Hundred and Thirty Eight projections.  Wonderful.  Let's write this act in fourty five minutes.  Got plenty of time to do shit.  Can fit in SNL between time after shower before walk and time after walk before NEXT walk.  THEN WE'RE IN REGULAR READING TERRITORY.  Albeit with 1 walk in the middle that I SHOULDN'T have to do.  But apparently I do!  Thinking about bison burger and belgian waffle for upcoming 2 dinners.  IN WHAT ORDER I TRULY DON'T KNOW.  Thinking about kids chicken parm for upcoming lunch.  IN WHAT ORDER I DO NOT KN.. oh I do know.  Upcoming lunch.  Only option!  Good.  What else do I got going for me.  I feel like it's very rare to eat Belgian waffle for dinner the night I ordered it.  This could be a game changer!  Slightly fresher and whatknot!  NEVER BEEN FRIDGERATED.  Interesting this could work out for me big time.
Yeah!  Look, I'm not sure how much time I'll have to devote towards watching commercials for SNL.  It could be NONE.  It could be ALL OF IT.  I guess I'll find out with you!  Well not With You.  By myself.  I'll let ya know later, though!  If I remember!  Probably will remember.  These are kinds of things I make sure to remember because they're EXCELLENT website fodder for later on!  Hmm.  Maybe have legit small snack of cinnamon coffee cake fiber brownie.  SMALLEST REAL SNACK I GOT.  2-3 cardboard wafer is less but WHO CARES.  Not me!  Well YES ME.  But besides me VERY FEW people care.  Probably YOU and maybe 2 or 3 others.  That's it!  Hmm.  Tomorrow lunch gotta be a Super Market lunch again.  Turkey meatloaf, chicken ceasar salad, or veggie burger!  PROBABLY ONE OF THE FIRST TWO.  PROBABLY TURKEY MEATLOAF.  Look it's good to have plans.  Makes ya not have to think as much in the future!  Actually plans makes you think MORE.  If you have plans gotta go over the plans every now and again so you don't forget the plans.  If you make NO PLANS and decide RIGHT IN THE MOMENT you're wasting ZERO time thinkin about things.  Oh okay.  PLANNING helps you GET IT RIGHT though.  That's a positive!
   Third paragraph.  Hmm.  Now I REALLY can't wait to finish the book(s) I'm reading so I can get to PRIVATE BOOKS again.  It's IMPORTANT.  Just a little secret between Me And The Book.  Sounds fun.  Cinnamon Coffee Cake Brownie?  AT 70 CALORIES?  WHAT IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE?  YOU'RE PULLING MY LEG?  What is Origin of, "Pulling My Leg."  Was that the funniest practical joke they could think of a few centuries ago?  Pulling some guy's leg?  And then the guy is like DANGIT YA GOT ME THERE.  NICE ONE.  Stop doing it now THE JOKE'S OVER.  I guess!   Also don't pull too hard.  You don't want to HURT anyone.  Maybe you do.  Sounds like you're not acting within the spirit of practical jokes, then! YOU JUST WANT TO HURT PEOPLE and that's not fun.  STOP IT is what I say.  What else is up.  Put waffle in microwave.  That should be a blast and a half.  A MICROWAVED blast. And a half.  Hmm.  Is there any food that benefits from Rotating in microwave.  Doesn't microwave heat microwaves come at it FROM ALL SIDES of the box?  Maybe it's all come from THE BACK or something.  Then rotating makes sense.  But if its coming AT ALL ANGLES what does rotation accomplish.  Hmm.  Maybe something.  Gonna have to really think about that one.  LATER.
Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day. Look it's FUN for the dish being microwaved.  ISN'T THAT ENOUGH.  Apparently!  Hmm.  They should design a dish that while it rotates Microwaved Content in a circle it ALSO raises it up and down.  Like an amusement park ride.  That's a ride, right?  Go around in a circle relatively fast while also being propelled up and down.  SOUNDS REASONABLE.  Let's get a patent going for that idea.  YOU DO IT.  But then give me ALL the credit.  WE BOTH WIN.  I get the credit and YOU GET THE PLEASURE IN KNOWING YOU CONTRIBUTED HEAVILY TO MANKIND.  So that's good!  What else is up.  Feels like I'll have SNL on while doing my Twitter Catch Up after shower.  I can absorb both at the same time.  I THINK.  I FEEL.  Either way what's the worst that could happen.  I don't absorb one as much as I would otherwise?  Kinda sounds like one of those GOOD problems!  Hmm.  I feel like the higher the denomination of the currency you're using as a bookmark the more you get out of reading the book.  Which is GREAT because YOU GET TO KEEP THE CURRENCY even when you're done with the book!  YOU LOSE NOTHING and GET A WHOLE LOT IN RETURN.
   Last paragraph of daytime day!  Amazing.  Eat whatever I'll eat after shower.  Lookin' like just 2 cardboard wafer cookies.  Maybe THREE if I'm lucky.  So that's good.  Anyway. Probably not put any artificial sweetener on belgian waffle like powdered sugar.  BUT MAYBE I WILL.  I'd say as of now FEELS like 10% chance I will but Ya Know What More Like 20% Chance I will.  That idea COULD GAIN STEAM as the day goes on.  It's a good thing I said that sentence in Italics.  I don't know WHY.  But IT MUST BE FOR A GOOD REASON.  Huh.  By the way I think there is a TINY amount of tomatoe sauce in Kids Chicken Parm Meal.  Chicken patty got some cheese on it and I think there's a bit of tomatoe sauce in that whole situation as well.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  Probably.  TODAY FEELS LIKE IT'S MISSING SOMETHING because No Celebration Food For Tomorrow.  Oh well.  Makes ya appreciate what ya got When Ya Get It.  It's a MORAL OF THE STORY or something.  I'm done now!  Be back tonight!




i didn't wanna say anything

    Hello friends!  Another NightTime we got going for us.  Had delicious micro-waved belgian waffle.  Put some TRUVIA on top of that because I am a Master Chef (Unaffiliated with the TV Show MasterChef).  Got delicious tootsie pop going on.  Did some good READINS this afternoon.  Was gonna watch SNL first but it wasn't available to me until LATER IN TEH DAY.  Then I watched A THIRD OF IT.  Then I was gonna watch the rest BUT I'D HAVE TO START FROM THE BEGINNING with no fast forward.  I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT.  Maybe set that up tomorrow ahead of time.  So I can watch it When I want and WHEN I want.  Hmm.  Reading was good  AH these characters am I right.  I thought the PLOT was good.  But the characters are OUT OF THIS WORLD.  Not LITERALLY.  Not really Figuratively either.  Just In Jest I guess.  Oh well that's life.  Mets game going on.  They are tied with the opposing team at ONE RUN A PIECE.  Looks like Brazil election is going on now.  It's a real nail biter.  Not sure why anyone would bite a nail.  Oh you mean like a fingernail?  I was picturing like a doornail.  I could picture someone biting that actually.
  Got nice Sweatshirt Jacket on right now. I CHOOSE to have my windows open despite it being cold outside.  To MAKE UP FOR THIS I am wearing More Clothes.  KINDA FUN.  I'm not wasting any MONEY wearing clothes more.  It costs me NOTHING.  Well I guess Each Time You Wear Your Jacket you're ONE MORE WEARING closer to it falling apart.  Every little bit matters!  Then again I may NEVER reach the point this jacket falls apart.  I could wear it for the rest of my life and it never falls apart!  GREAT STILL THOUGH the more I wear it the more I hurt its RESALE value.  Might not fall apart On ME over the next sixty years but if someone else buys it down the line MAY FALL APART ON THEM.  AND I'D BE REMISS to not be up front with them about this possibility.  So that's good.  Anyway no spoilers but the book I was exclusively reading today I AM 2/3rds into.  And that's just ONE OF SEVERAL books I've read/am reading.  No Spoilers!
   Great now you know this book Can Be Divided Into Thirds.  More or less.  I think it's slightly less than 2/3rds if we're doing Page Counts Exactly.  Great now you know EVEN MORE.  I thought by explaining I was making it less specific but I ACTUALLY WAS GIVING YOU MORE BONUS INFORMATION.  Man am I some sort of idiot or something.  Hmm.  Got Bison burger for tomorrow dinner.  Tomorrow lunch presumably chicken caesar salad or turkey meatloaf.  WOW I CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT.  Well I CAN.  And I WILL.  But I'M REAL P.O.'d ABOUT THE WHOLE THING.  Which I assume stands for Pissed Off.  I get why people might not wanna say pissed in Mixed Company.  But why OFF.  You can say man am I P Off'd.  NO ONE IS OFFENDED BY THE WORD, "OFF."  OFF ENDED.  AND END IS THE END OF THE WORD OFFEND.  Amazing.  I can play with and manipulate The English Language WITH THE BEST OF 'EM.  What else do i got going on.  Upcoming dessert snack could be ANYTHING.  Possible Fudge Brownie with Almonds Quest Bar flavor I got when I got my mom cigarettes!
   Halfway through Act III Part I!  Delightful.  Gonna crunch into lollipop now.  Delicious!  Chicken parm for lunch.  Had last 2 cardboard wafer cookies as pre-lunch snack and nice small iced cream sandwich as post-lunch And/Or Pre-dinner snack.  AMAZING.  Tomorrow breakfast  sure lookin like a CLASSIC match up between Classic Breakfast and Balanced Breakfast.  We'll have fun figuring that one out I guess.  Hmm.  Not gonna finish SNL tonight!  Probably can figure out a way to watch it comfortably tomorrow Early Afternoon.  So that's good.  It's not BAD.  Anything that isn't bad is good.  What if it's Worse Than Bad.  Then that's not good.  YA GOT ME THERE.  WELL DONE.  I hope you feel like A BIG MAN making me feel stupid.  At least SOMEONE is getting something out of this situation.  You!  Anyway I dunno.  FIVE THIRTY EIGHT updated at 2:15 PM TODAY.  Same numbers as before but for ONE Senate Projection where DEMS GAINED A PERCENTAGE POINT.  Let's throw some sort of PARTY.  Maybe it can double as a HALLOWEEN party.  I know it's a little early but PEOPLE WOULD LOVE IT.
   Penultimate paragraph before Recess.  ALRIGHT THE METS ARE NOW WINNING IN THEIR BASEBALL GAME against the ARCH RIVALS the Brave Peoples.  Anyway.  New Chucky Season starts this week.  Sounds reasonable to rewatch Season I before hand.  I don't think I HAVE to watch all the movies beforehand. Maybe I'D LIKE some of them.  Maybe I WOULDN'T how does THAT strike you.  Hmm.  Looks like GOOD GUY is winning Brazil Election BUT it may go to SOME SORT OF RUN OFF?  Sorry "Run, 'O."  Can't say Off.  IT TURNS PEOPLE OFF.  You get the point is the point.  At this point I gotta start thinking of a new book to read.  OR DO I?  NO SPOILERS.  Hmm.  Still got a hershem bar with almonds to eat.  Can always go with Birthday Bar.  I DON'T think I'm gonna go with a Super Iced Cream based snack.  Gonna enjoy a GREAT Medium Strength Iced Cream Bar for BEDTIME.  But prebedtime dessert gonna be a SOLID.  VERY SOLID.  Well more solid than not.  VERY SOLID.  Fine if you say so.
   Last paragraph before recess!  GOOD DEAL.  If Starbucks closes at 9 PM which is POSSIBLE I should be passing it before then comfortably to use bathroom.  I don't think it closes BEFORE 9 PM.  MAYBE THE DAY BEFORE AFTER THAT 9 PM BUT BEFORE TODAY'S 9 PM.  Oh Okay Sure I Get It.  Get it Real Good.  Right now I don't have Special Quest Bar I Described in fridge. Got it in cabinet!  THINK I'LL LEAVE IT THERE.  That's one way to go with my life.  ONE OUT OF ROUGHLY THREE WAYS.  Look my life possibilities are WIDE OPEN.  SOLID THREE ROUTES I CAN TAKE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.  Room temperature Special Quest Bar, Fridgerated Special Quest Bar, or NO Special Quest Bar!  WOW.  DECISIONS, DECISIONS.  Hmmm.  I'm gonna give a HUGE spoiler-- LATEST BOOK I WAS READING I AM UP TO PAGE 134.  I DON'T KNOW WHY I gave you that information.  It's a COMPULSION to share ALL IMPORTANT PARTS of my life with Imaginary Audience.  I WISH IT WASN'T.  Oh well hey gonna take a walk now!  Be back soon.

   Hey!  Had delicious Birthday Bar.  Then took a 15 minute break.  Then took out garbage.  Then took a seven minute break.  THEN I'M HERE!  538 updated again.  One point DOWN for Dems in MAIN Senate Projection, one point UP in ANCILLARY Senate Projection.  NOT AS GOOD AS BEFORE but COULD BE WORSE.  The MAIN ONE is the IMPORTANT ONE.  So that's good.  Got some beer #2 going.  Hmm.  If I twere to watch a Tales In The Crypt when this is over, which episode are we talkin'.   Can't be Oils Well That Ends Well, can it?  That's probably one or two episodes away.  Hmm.  Ah Creep Course.  Then Comes The Dawn.  THEN Oils Well That Ends Well.  Ok I can see myself enjoying Creep Course tonight.  Not LITERALLY.  My eyes don't WORK THAT WAY.  But I can COMPREHEND the possibility in my BRAIN AREA.  More or less.  That's EXACTLY how My Brain Area WORKS.  The Mets are LOSING their baseball game right now.  If everything stays the same-- but time passes-- THEY WILL HAVE ULTIMATELY LOST THIS GAME.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Delightful.  Not sure how I'm gonna figure out watching SNL when I can't pause it and then resume it where I paused it NOR can I fast forward to certain points.  WHEN IS A GOOD TIME to watch the last Hour CONSTANTLY.  I DON't know and Frankly I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.  Except for that last part.  I do want to know.  But you get the idea.  The important thing is I've enjoyed the episode so far.  Talk about your laugh-em-ups!  RIGHT?  Whatever.  Two and a half paragraphs to go.  What kinda iced cream bar am I looking at tonight?  Probably Mint Chocolate Chip.  I think I have ONE Sea Salt Caramel left from a while ago.  Maybe finally finish that sucker off.  PROBABLY NOT the chocolate fudge flavored one NOR the small iced cream sandwich.  I TINK WE'VE COVERED ALL THE REASONABLE OPTIONS.  Probably.  What else do I got going on for me.  Besides I get to rest eternally soon.  Well not eternally.  Well sure eternally but not soon.  I get to rest soon AND I get to rest eternally BUT NOT BOTH AT THE SAME TIME.  Also maybe I NEVER get to rest eternally.  People keep bringing me back to life on and off forever.  DANGIT what are these peoples PROBLEMS.
Penultimate paragraph!  Probably should have had a different dessert indulgence snack a half an hour ago.  Maybe the special brownie quest bar one with almonds.  Either way I MADE MY CHOICE and I have to live with it.  FOR A WHILE.  Eventually I will die and forget all about it.  HOPEFULLY SOON.  Maybe I'd get enough of a kick out of Small Iced Cream Sandwich to justify having a 2nd one in a day AND limiting myself to only 2 over the next four days.  I THINK THAT"S REASONABLE.  Let's CONSIDER TAHT VERY STRONGLY.  Anyway I gotta come up with a paragarph plus more things to say!  I mean, not REALLY.  I just gotta fill a paragrapn plus more with words.  Coming UP with THINGS TO SAY isn't a necessary part of the equation when you really think about it.  So I got that going for me.  Ugh. 
   Mmm.  This is a good episode of Tales In The Crypt to watch because the main villain is played by Jeffrey Jones who is a pedophile in real life.  Or consumed pedophile entertainment.  Maybe not actually pedohphiled anyone personally.  But CONTRIBUTED to pedophiling by increasing the market for it.  Either way NOT A FAN and I will ROOT AGAINST HIM in practically ANY role he plays.  Unless he's a BIG villain.  Then rooting against him would be just what he wants!  If he's in anything new where he's an Arch Villain I'M JUST GONNA ROOT FOR HIM to get his goat that way.  Hmm.  He's a villain in Tales In The Crypt.  Yeah but not a SUPER ARCH villain.  Either way what's going on and crap.  He plays a college professor.  Gotta imagine in real life sex offenders can't be college professors, right? I don't CARE if college aged 18 years and up is considered an adult.  IT'S STILL NOT RIGHT.  Well that'll do it.  Also Anthony Michael Hall is in this episode.  Gotta assume he's a sex offender too, right?  That'd be my guess!  Anyway see ya tomorrow.

-10:01 P.M.




Saturday, October 1, 2022

I'm Going To Be Perfectly Honest With You

    Hey friends!  About fifteen minutes ahead of schedule today.  Had delightful four mini brownies for breakfast.  NOT BAD.  Sufficiently hardy I feel.  BOYS.  Not as HEARTY as most other breakfasts.  But it was delicious!  ALSO minimal NightMight snacking.  I THINK it was just one mini brownie.  HEY now we're talking some language.  Took a klonopin before my first walk.  Not sure why exactly.  Just gotta go with your instincts!  538 Projections haven't been updated since 8:40 PM last night.  I assume EST.  Everyone should be assuming EST.  I bet other time zones OFT have to assume Certain Time Destinations are EST and have to do the math in their head.  Usually they get it in their rime zone I'm sure.  But I got a sneaking suspicion SOMETIMES NOT.  Anyway LIVIN IT UP IN THE EST.  Less math to do theoretically on occasion!  Speaking of math, how long do I have to write this act.  An hour and fourty minutes.  HOLY CRAP.  How long do I REALLY have if I wanna get cute about it.  An hour and fifteen minutes.  THAT'S A LOT TOO.
   Mets lost their high stakes game yesterday.  No matter!  They have 5 more High Stakes Games over the next 5 days.  The first two of with are ULTRA high stakes!  Also possible the last game or two isn't high stakes.  If one team or another really pulls away.  Either way WHAT FUN.  Baseball.  That's the thing where they whallop balls stitched together with Red Stitching.  Don't have all the idea.  Not made out of PIG.  That's football.  They call it pig skin.  Is it REALLY pig skin?  Lemme LTURQ.  NFA AND NCAA Footballs made of COWHIDE not pigskin.  GOOD.  If they're killing animals for Sport literally SHOULD Be cows.  Cows have had it too good for too long!  Hmm.  Mets game tonight at 7:20 PM.  WOW.  The bewitching hour.  Why not.  It's MY bewitching hour IN MY HEART.  Good enough for me!  Anyway.  Gotta turn the page on Patriotism World Travel Calendar!  WHAT World Travel Destination they be Talkin' Up for October.  LEMME SEE.
   Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.  Picture looks pretty.  Nice fancy Palace or something at nighttime.  Hmm.  What ARE United Arab Emirates.  Always kinda wondered what that means exactly!  Better LTURQ.  Elective Monarchy Formed By a Federation of Seven Emirates.  Hmm.  Some sort of UNITED STATES of Emirates?  Interesting!  WHAT'S AN EMIRATE explain it to me like I'm an idiot.  Emirates are ruled by IMER.  Some sort of monarch.  I don' think you explained it to me like I Was An Idiot Enough.  I get the bare bones GIST of it but I STILL HAVE QUESTIONS.  Is it somewhat a representative government?  Or just straight up Monarchy. OR IT DEPENDS.  Either way if separate emirates are UNITED gotta imagine there's MACRO representative government BETWIXT the emirates that are united.  Hmm.  Anyway the point is LEMME READ THAT THERE BLURB about SHARJAH.  RICH IN HISTORY AND CULTURE???  YOU SOLD ME.  IN 1998 UNESCO declared it CULTURAL CAPITAL OF ARAB WORLD.  HOLY SHIT.  Endorsement by UNESCO???  I GOTTA GO TO THIS PLACE ONE DAY.  Maybe dig up some Devil or Evil idol releasing the devil into the world.  To possess a girl in America.  Make her head turn round on occasion.  LOOK I know that was from Iraq.  But no reason it can't be HERE TOO.
   Anyway.  National Patriotism Days Of the month!  Let's see.  Wednesday is YOM KIPPUR.  Maybe I do a little bit of Repenting.  Bare minimum.  NONE is the bare minimum.  Yeah and MAYBE THAT'S WHAT I'LL DO SMART GUY.  Hmm.  Columbus Day on the 10th.  Which corresponds to Thanksgiving Day (CANADA) on the same day.  WEIRD.  Canada celebrating Thanksgiving pretty early.  I HOPE THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING.  Halloween on the 31st.  Best holiday.  Gotta imagine if you poll Americans Christmas is 1st holiday and Halloween is 2nd.  Lemme LTURQ.  I LIKE POLLS.  Top 10 biggest holiday IN WORLD.  SEEING big discrepancies depending on the list webpage I'm looking at.  Christmas seems to be #1.  Halloween is usually 2 or 3 (Thanksgiving up there, too!) but I've seen it as low as six or seven!  GO FOGIRE.  The point is I like Christmas because I get to have all the fun of Christmas without the hard work of worshipping Christ.  IT'S THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS!
Fifth paragraph!  Amazing.  I don't know if I get ALL the fun of Christmas.  Maybe 15% of the fun of Christmas.  BETTER THAN NOTHING considering how much I'm putting out there to get that in return.  Got five mini brownies left.  Presumably one breakfast of four and one WILDCARD.  Possibly a good NightMight snack.  Works for me.  DANGIT what are my good options for lunch.  Got Chicken Pot Pie for dinner.  Let's eliminate Chicken based lunches.  Turkey meatloaf and health spaghetti, veggie burger, and/or pastrami sandwich.  UGH.  None of that sounds particularly Great today.  Maybe get veggie burger out of the way or something.  Or turkey and health spaghetti.  That'd be fun to get out of the way!  What else is going on and crap.  Got some READING to do this afternoon.  Not right away.  MID afternoon we're talkin'.  Guess I'm skipping one o them midafternoon walks.  I guess between what would normally be my fifth and sixth walks, I only have ONE walk in that time period.  PRESUMABLY CALLED MY FIFTH WALK from now on.  That's how counting works!  Coffee time!
   I wonder where them other books I was looking for are.  Not in upstairs hallway book case.  Not in my brother's room at immediate glance.  Hmm.  I guess I'll survive with the Too Many Books I Picked Out Already.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Fried Scallops Day and National Produce Misting Day.  What the HELL is that.  Celebrating a way to keep fruits and vegetables fresh.  THANKS A LOT.  Now I can't use OOP IT WENT BAD as an excuse not to eat it.  YOU'RE MAKING ME EAT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AND NOW MY LIFE IS FOR THE WORSE.  Anyway.  Been a while since I had a FRIED scallop.  Probably have boiled/broiled scallops a dozen times over the last half dozen years.  NOT FRIED.  I like scallops.  Taste good going down your gullet.  Not very filling though.  Maybe if they were FRIED they'd be more filling.  Not only are you eating scallop but also Deep Fried Batter Or Something.  I don't have all the details.
Seventh paragraph already.  Amazing!  I feel like have a neutral alliance with UAE?  We're not ADVERSARIES??  Better LTURQ.  WOW our best counter-terrorism ally in The Gulf.  Now if only we can find a great counter-terrorism ally in America.  Kinda need that by Scores More Times than the other thing.  Hmm.  You shouldn't have to COUNTER terrorism.  Your goal is to PREVENT terrorism for taking place. COUNTERING terrorism means hey terrorism happened NOW IT'S OUR TURN to respond.  I feel very strongly about this!  Anyway got about 8 or 10 songs left in Today's Hits Playlist.  WHAT WILL COME NEXT?  I dunno.  That's a tough one!  All I know is the Young Gravy song is the last song on the playlist so at last we're ending it on an uncomfortable note.  I think that's the right word for the song.  BAD or STUPID or DUMB isn't fair.  UNCOMFORTABLE.  I don't feel comfortable with this song!  I SAID IT, THERE.
Three paragraphs to go before upcoming walk.  Gonna have some bonus time in first third of the day too!  Maybe read?  NAH.  Use that time to watch some TV that I'd be MISSING by reading later on.  THAT'S THE WAY TO GO!  GOOD NEWS I think I'm leaning towards turkey meatloaf * health spaghetti for lunch today.   CONSIDERING small iced cream sandwich as upcoming snack beforehand.  WOW.  Hmm.  Hey The Descent and The Descent II are available on Shutter.  Brother was just highly recommending The Descent to me!  I feel like I've seen it ONCE in my life and don't remember it much.  I CAN GIVE I ANOTHER SHOT NO REASON NOT TO.  Except for all the demands I have on my precious precious time.  YEAH BUT BESIDES THAT WHY NOT.  Good deal.  HEY turns out I got seven mini brownies left.  Guess they gave me 14 and not 12.  Doesn't help me Breakfast wise.  Still only have enough for 1 Four Brownie Breakfast.  Guess I could have ONE as a NightMight snack and TWO as a SandwichSide.
  Maybe I wanna have sandwich for lunch today so I get them brownies in.  I HAD SANDWICH LAST MEAL.  Oh well such is life.  Also I feel beef pastrami isn't conducive to a Sweet SandwichSide.  Turkey sandwich?  I can imagine some sweet side like THIS or a COOKIE or something.  Pastrami DOESN'T ADD UP that way.  Cause I'm dumb.  Veggie burger REALLY doesn't add up that way.  Cause I'm REALLY dumb.  So that's good.  Ninth paragraph already!  Possible I put on The Descent first things first today.  As soon as I wanna put something on TV POST SHOWER maybe go right to that!  Hmm.  I'll keep you updated on some situation if it progresses.  I THINK new episode of Chucky TV Show is a, "SNEAK PEEK," tonight.  Like it debuts next week but they're showing it once tonight FOR FUNS SAKE.  Better LTURQ.  NAH just looks like it premieres on October 5th Whenever That May Be.  I'm guessing WEDNESDAY on several factors.  Let's see.  YEP NAILED IT.
Wow!  Might have to decide what playlist to listen to next by the end of upcoming walk.  OH NO I gotta get this one right.  I guess I could see myself enjoying pastrami sandwich.  With brownie side.  It makes sense.  Later in the week I'm bound to get some Red Meat.  At least a bison burger if not an entire Beef Based multi-part dinner.  Have pastrami TODAY so it's spread out a bit.  Wonderful.  Been possibly an entire week OR a day or two more since I had over 2 beers at night.  I think last time I did it was 2 nights in a row of 2.5 beers.  I SAY IT WAS BEFORE LAST SATURDAY.  At the latest LAST SATURDAY OR SUNDAY.  Let's have an argument about it.  Or not.  Whatever you wanna do I'm fine with.  What kinda breakfasts do I got coming up the next six days before re-upping with Super Market on Friday morning POST-breakfast.  ONE balanced breakfast.  ONE brownie breakfast.  ONE toaster pocket thing breakfast.  TWO classic breakfasts.  One WILDCARD?  Probably get another batch of egg whites by the end of the week for more balanced breakfasts.  I dunno!  Maybe have a classic breakfast with Iced Cream CONE instead of sandwich.  I dunno!  WALK TIME.



That's One Way To Go

    Now that I think about it, it's possible I had a tootsie pop last night in addition to Single Mini Brownie.  Great.  Finished Today's Hits JUST as I arrived back home!  Paused it with 13 seconds left to Young Gravy.  NOW I GOTTA FIGURE OUT WHATTA DO AHEAD OF TIME FOR NEXT WALK.  But FIRST lemme check 53 8.  Still no update from last night.  I guess no news is good news.  Unless the most recent news is Terrible News.  And that's where we're stuck at.  That's not good news at all!  SURE New News could be worse but for SOME situations We GOTTA take that risk because the present situation is so terrible already!  Hmm.  Maybe put on The Descent right away after shower.  NO time like the present!  By which I mean the immediate future.  Already busy with the present!  Get off my back about it!  Hmm.  Wonder how many minutes The Descent is.  I'm gonna guess 104 minutes.  Lemme LTURQ.  Nope only 99 minutes.  HEY it says NR.  NOT RATED.  Sounds like A LOT of full frontal nudity coming my way!  That'd be my guess!  Or this is just a slightly different edit than the one they released theatrically and they never got around to getting it an official rating.  OR LOTS OF DONGS AND VAGINAS.
   What else is going on.  Not sure what fun word I could think of instead of Vagina.  Better LTURQ.  LADY PARTS.  That sounds reasonable.  Dongs and Lady Parts.  HOPEFULLY HEAVY ON THE LADY PARTS am I RIGHT.  Also I Assume, "The Descent," is a hidden code euphemism for Oral Sex.  I WILL ASSUME THIS UNTIL PROVEN WRONG.  Which could be possibly the rest of my life.  Oh well gotta assume somethin'.  Maybe have bonus spare brownie as upcoming snack before lunch.  I'm digging these mini brownies is the point.  So that's good.  GREAT EVEN.  Wait no Just Good.  VERY GOOD EVEN.  Sure, maybe.  Ugh.  Was raining lightly last walk.  Hopefully it's not raining more for upcoming walk.  THIS amount of light rain was FINE.  Not a problem AT ALL.  But more MIGHT BE A HASSLE AND A HALF.  Hmm.  Right now leaning towards dependable granola bar as upcoming snack.  But having the bonus mini brownie is a LEGIT option to STRONGLY consider.  WOW WHAT A JOURNAL ENTRY.  Works for me! 
   Three paragraphs to go.  ALT music playlist?  I'd say I'd enjoy that 6 out of 10.  ROCK music playlist?  Maybe 7 out of 10.  SUPERBLOOM?  Hmm that's a wildcard.  Could be enjoying it LESS THAN SIX or MORE THAN SEVEN.  I got any other good options?  I don't think so.  Guess I'll roll them dice and go with Superbloom.  Assuming it still exists.  Maybe they weren't happy with the reactions and business Superbloom playlists were getting and decided to scrap it entirely.  Gotta happen AT SOME POINT.  We're not gonna be seeing Superbloom Play lists 20 years from now!  AT THAT POINT ALL MUSIC WILL HAVE FULLY SUPER BLOOMED completely.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on.  Gonna have about an hour and a half or more between upcoming walk and walk after that.  JUST BASED on doing things ahead of schedule today.  Not related to New Schedule with less walk or anything.  THAT COMES INTO PLAY MID AFTERNOON.  YEAH.  HMM my bandcamp page says I'm performing in Kingston, NY at the, "Lunch Nightly," venue October 24th.  NEWS TO ME.  But VERY EXCITING.  Been a while since I played music live!  LOOK I guess some other band is called Uppers and/or The Uppers and they just tagged my page by mistake cause they're dumb.  OR maybe THIS COULD BE MY BIG BREAK!!!
   Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day.  HEY 53 8 updated!  I THINK each of the six Projections is exactly the same as last night.  OH WELL.  Could be worse.  The numbers could be WORSE.  Yeah!  What else do I got going for me.  Pick up where I left off in Book I Was Reading.  Did I already finish a short book before This Current Book?  Maybe!  No Spoilers!  Kinda seems like I did, otherwise why would I even suggest it.  To throw you off track maybe!  Ya never know!  I'm a Trickster and you can trust things I say but I might be saying them in a roundabout way to TRICK YOU into MISINTERPRETING them.  So I got that going for me.  Where does United Arab Emirates fall on the scale from Great Place to Terrible Place.  Well how are we defining, "Great," and, "Terrible."  WE'RE not.  Not our business.  Let THEM decide.  WHO.  I dunno.  Seems like if we're letting THEM decide-- the people in power at least-- of course THEY'LL say they're on the Great End of The Spectrum.  Maybe not!  Maybe they make political points calling out the UAE.  What's going on again.  I was gonna LTURQ somehow but Nothing I Said Recently Is Making Much Sense.  Not enough to LURQ at least.
    Last paragraph of the DayTime Day!  What else do I got going for me and crap.  If I do it JUST RIGHT I could microwave pastrami to make it taste great.  I THINK.  I could More Easily MESS UP microwaving it and it is a DETRIMENT to the overall sandwich experience.  BUT I think it's a risk I MAY be willing to take.  SO that's good and crap.  If I'm taking seven walks a day, I'm gonna wanna do four walks in CityStreet because they're slightly longer than Park Street.  Normally I've been alternating and taking first walk of day in Park.  So if I continue doing first walk in park I'd have to do somthing like 1/3/5 park and 2/4/6/7 city.  OR I could start dount city street walk so it's 1/3/5/7 city and 2/4/6 park.  PROUBABLY AIM FOR THAT.  First walk in park is delightful but I THINK I can get into city street walk to lead things off as well.  Today I took first walk in park.  So we're stuck with FIRST SCENARIO of counting walks for today.  AMAZING.  Also seven has to be city street. And ya know what?  In a couple of weeks SIXTH walk will have to be city streets too. BECAUSE OF ENCROACHING DARKNESS.  Hmm I'm gonna have to think about this some more.  Anyway.  That's it for now.  Be back tonight!



let's have some fun

    Hey friends and buds.  Got delicious lollipop.  Had delicious chicken pot pie.  Had delicious iced cream bar.  Had delicious pastrami sandwich with mini brownie.  Had delicious keto bar.  BEFORE THAT WAS ACTS ONE AND TWINE.  So we're all caught up is the point!  Did a lotta more reading today.  We're talking DOZENS AND DOZENS of pages!  NO FOOLIN'.  What book(s)?  That's between Me and God.  And the Devil probably.  Maybe some sort of neutral supernatural figures.  Holy Ghost.  Holy Ghost has gotta be On The Side Of Good, right?  NOT TE HOLY GHOST I KNOW.  Holy Ghost I KNOW play's the fence between Good and Bad.  I HAVE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF HOLY GHOSTS THAN MOST OF YOU.  So you'll just have to take my word for it.  Anyway.  Mets game going on.  Fast forwarded through it so far!  Mets winning so far!  It's on FOX which I don't like.  I FEEL LIKE I AM SUPPORTING THE BIG LIE by watching Fox.  Also the big lie is 2020 Election was stolen.  I feel like there was A Big Lie before 2020 that was different.  POSSIBLY Holocaust related.  With the Big Lie either being a BAD TING that said The Holocaust WAS The Big Lie or maybe The Big Lie was a GOOD thing saying that The LIE that the holocaust never happened ITSELF is The Big Lie.  Either way I'd look that up.  But.  Ya know.  What can ya do.
Yeah!  The Biggest Lie.  That's an Elliott Smith song.  Hmm off the top of my head WHAT IS The Biggest Lie in lyrics.  Turned white like I saint... tired of dancing on a pot of gold flaked paint.. we're so very precious you and I, everything that you do makes me wanna die,... I JUST TOLD THE BIGGEST LIE.  So the biggest lie is, "Everything that you do makes me wanna die."  THE ANSWER IS RIGHT THERE IN THE LYRICS IN BLACK AND WHITE.  Also I bet it's SARCASTIC or IRONIC or something.  And the biggest lie is actually TE SMALLEST TRUTH.  Or the biggest truth.  Or the smallest lie.  The point is THIS IS TRICKIER than just following where the facts would obviously lead.  MUSIC OFTEN IS.  So that's good.  Hmm.  What kinda music am I listening to tonight.  LADY'S CHOICE.  But since there's no Lady around it Defaults to FELLA'S CHOICE.  Me!  I'm The Fella!  ALRIGHT SWEET.  Wonder what delicious snack I got coming my way soon.  May be just a golden graham bar.  May be a quest bar.  COULD BE ANYTHING.  PROBABLY ONE OF TOHSE TWO THINGS THOUGH.
   Third paragraph.
  Gonna bite into lollipop now.  Wish me luck! DO IT.  Well I just did it even though no one ever wished me luck.  And if you did Probably Too Late By Now Anyway.  I appreciate the effort though!  Hmm.  Using a dollar bill as a bookmark.  Makes me feel FANCY.  WOW if he's using dollar bills as his book mark what's he using as toilet paper?  BLANK CHECKS?  WOW.  Blank checks can literally be worth ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING.  Not sure what that means.  To be fair I'm not sure what Blank Checks Mean!  So that's good.  Maybe I go with another tootsie pop or two as upcoming snack.  Got golden graham and tootsie pop.  The point is DELICIOUSNESS is right around the corner.  And then when THAT deliciousness is done MORE DELICIOUSNESS right around SOME OTHER corner.  The fun never stops at Michael's!  That's me.  I'm Michael.  We may never have covered that explicitly.  Oh well now you can DOX me.  Cool!
   Halfway through act III part a!  Hmm.  I watched THE DESCENT but I was reading for most of it.  Kinda got the sense they were IN CAVES for a lot of the film WITH AND/OR WITHOUT Monsters.  Or maybe THEY were the monsters.  And the monsters were INNOCENT BYSTANDERS.  WOW REALLY MAKES YA THINK.  Kind of.  Doesn't MAKE YOU think.  Gives you THE OPTION though if you FEEL like it.  What's this controversy of Pop Musician playing History Flute.  My feeling is they're half right that flutes are dumb.  But they're half wrong because they're actually saying the opposite.  They're saying THIS FLUTE IS SO SERIOUS IT SHOULD NEVER BE PLAYED.  HISTORICAL FLUTE.  Anyway I assume it's a MOISTURE thing.  You can play a historical string instrument because that does no harm but if you play flute you may get saliva on it and that will kill the historical Bacteria DNA strands from Benjamin Franklin.  AND WE WERE GONNA USE THOSE DNA STRANDS FOR CLONING HIM.  And now if we try WE MAY JUST END UP CLONING LIZZO.  Which is FUN I guess but UNNECESSARY because WE ALREADY GOT ONE OF THEM.
   Anyway.  I could be wrong but I feel like Lizzo Flute Controversy is one of those things that 48 hours in even reactionary conservatives are like ...wait, this is really what we're upset about?  now that I think about it even I think this is dumb.  Because I KNOW how reactionary conservatives think.  THEY TINK THE WAY TEY DO IN MY IMAGINATION.  Prove me wrong, you can't!  Hmm.  The point is I DIDN'T LIKE LIZZO SONGS on Today's Hits playlist the for 2 or 4 times I heard them but THEN I STARTED ENJOYING THEM.  Prove me wrong, you can't!  Also I feel like Lizzo is the MASCULINE form of that name.  She's a lady (I assume!).  Should be LIZZA.  I KNOW IT'S A CONTROVERSIAL STANCE BUT THAT'S JUST TEH KIND OF GUY I AM THIS WEEK.  Five Thirty Eight projections have not been updated since 12:11 PM.  WOW.  WHAT A GREAT DAY I HAD.  IT WAS A REAL BLAST AND A HALF LIVING MY LIFE WITHOUT THOSE NUMBERS GOING BACK AND FORT ONE PERCENTAGE POINT IN EITHER DIRECTION.  WOW just now they updated it as of 8:20 PM they say.  EXACT SAME NUMBERS AS BEFORE.  WOW.
   Last paragraph before recess.  I can have SOME REAL FUN with upcoming Dessert Snack.  What would Knock It Out Of The Park.  HMM.  That's a tough one, etc.  Had some fun reading today.  Learnt some things too!  Is that a spoiler?  PERHAPS.  Or maybe I said it Strategically TO THROW YOU OFF THE TRUE SCENT of what I've been accomplishing while reading words in books.  Ya never know what I'm capable of exactly!!!  Hmm.  Anyway.  Today Less Walk meant I took my 5th walk at around 3:50 and my 6th walk at around 6:15.  Oh okay now all the pieces are starting to come together.  You IDIOTS.  Gonna be taking my 7th walk right around 8:40.  Which is in Oh I Don't Know SEVEN MINUTES.  What else do I got going for me.  Didn't watch a single Simpsons today.  That's okay!  Maybe I watch a Simpsons at bed time instead of a Tales In The Crypt.  That's Dumb.  Possibly REALLY Dumb.  Possibly the PENULTIMATE DUMBEST TING I'VE HEARD IN HOURS.  Well that's it for now. RECESS BREAK TIME.  Be back soon!

   Hey!  Had S'more Quest Bar.  Was gonna have Cookies N Cream Quest Bar but I COULDN'T FIND IT.  Did I eat it a night or two ago when I had Bange Night Might?  Did I eat it at some point as a Bange I DIDN'T REALIZE I WAS BANGING?  Did I misplace it.  Either way we're not gonna get to the bottom of this tonight!  Also LATER.  The more that time passes we don't get CLOSER to an answer, we get FURTHER from one. If I can't crunch the numbers and figure this one out now WE MAY NEVER FIGURE IT OUT!  Oh well that's life I guess.  Not figuring stuff out.   Rings pretty true to me I guess.  Anyway Mets are losing their baseball game against their opponents.  That's bound to happen now and again!  The good news is I got delicious orange soda, about to start delicious beer #2, and got delicious Iced Cream Bar coming up soon.  WHOW WHATA WHONDERFUL LIFE.  Used starbucks bathroom successfully.  ONLY NOTE-- their backdoor was locked shut.  Normally I go in through front door and continue on out through the backdoor as it makes sense for Me Walking In A Circle Overall.  TIS TIME HAD TO GO BACK OUT FROM WHENCE I CAME.
So that's unfortunate.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  Cookies n Cream Quest Bar mucking up MY ENTIRE WEEK.  The good news is THE WORST IS OVER.  The Surprise and SHOCK and HORROR of The Missing Bar (and presumable Bonus Calories from eating it!) IS DONE NOW.  The consequences will last INDEFINITELY but I've had time to ADJUST to my misfortune.  PART OF LIFE.  GOTTA MOVE ON AT SOME POINT.  No time like the present.  Except for maybe tomorrow.  The present is a good time but TOMORROW IS AN EVEN BETTER TIME.  That's how I generally feel in general.  Got some good choices for breakfast tomorrow.  Classic.  Balanced.  Brownie.  Toaster Pockets.  I think at this point we can agree hands down Classsic Breakfast is THE BEST BREAKFAST I can have in general on any given day.  We can also NOT all agree on it.  IT'S UP TO US whether we wanna agree on something!  I guess it's not up to ALL OF US AT ONCE.  Most of us can agree to something but if ONE OF US DOESN'T that throws a wrench in the whole works.  FINE.  So we all agree with it EXCEPT YOU.  NOT A PROBLEM WITH ME.  What's going on again.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Got about four minutes left of House Of Horror in Tales In The Crypt.  Should I watch an entire episode AFTER that before going to bed.  Hmm.  One can only assume the next episode is Well Cooked Hams.  Let's see.  YEP IT SURE IS.  I could see myself putting that on. I could see myself not doing that.  I HAVE A GREAT IMAGINATION.  I CAN SEE BOTH RESULTS OF A SIMPLE BINARY THREAD OF A SINGLE COURSE OF ACTION.  Amazing.  GREAT I'm gonna need to upload September 22 Page to internet tonight too.  That's a total 8 seconds that I COULD HAVE SPENT BETTER.  Doin I DUNNO.  Maybe it's not so bad.  Now that I think about it if I had that 8 seconds back probably would spend it WORSE.  So ya gotta look at the bright side of things I guess!  Anyway.  I think The Descent II is available to me, too!  I can watch that as White Noise while reading some more tomorrow!  Or I can watch White Noise!  Or I can READ White Noise!  The point is there's a book called White Noise  which they made into a film called White Noise which is also what they called the first white people who were ripping off African American music.
   LAST paragraph!  Delightful.  Another day down more or less.  Got some good readin's in!  No foolin'.  Gonna read MAYBE EVEN MORE tomorrow.  I AM AN UNSTOPPABLE READING MACHINE.  Based on the last 30 hours.  I READ THREE TIMES during that 30 hours.  WOW MY READING CAN'T BE CONTAINED.  What else do I got going on for me.  WHAT ELSE DO YA NEED.  Hmm.  New Saturday Night Live tonight!  Guess I'll watch that sucker TOMORROW.  When's a good time.  Oh I Don't Know starting after my shower.  And lasting HOWEVER LONG IT LASTS?  Makes sense.  Ah just poured the last of the beer down my gullet.  Another 2 knight beer.  Or 2 beer knight.  Actually definitely that 2nd one.  2 knight beer sounds weird and possibly sexual.  2 knights came in a glass and that's 2 knight beer.  HEY I DIDN'T COME UP WIT THE TING I JUST ACCURATELY DESCRIBED IT.  Don't BLAME ME for it.  Whatever.  I dunno.  That's not a lot of beer.  And/or it IS A LOT of cum.  Well that's it!  See ya again tomorrow!

-9:51 P.M.






Contact: mankindguy@gmail.com