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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

That's Not Too Bad

    Hey!  Gonna be closing out January today.  Every time someone thinks to ch-ch-check out January 2024 of the website this entry will be at the top of the page!  SO MUCH PRESSURE.  Atmospheric pressure.  Blood pressure.  Under Pressure featuring David Bowie and Queen.  I think that's a David Bowie song featuring Queen?  Or the other way around.  No way of knowing!  IF ONLY the Internet or Encyclopedia Britannica existed.  OR Freddie Mercury or David Bowie were still alive.  Or anyone who was in the room when the song was, "Cut."  They all mysteriously died one by one in Final Destination Style Deaths after the song was recorded.  VERY UNUSUAL.  For some reason there's a 2 hour documentary on one of the Streamers about them making the We Are The World song and NOTHING HAPPENS in the documentary.  I think that's a trend in documentaries lately.  About subjects that are like hey without knowing anything about it, this COULD BE an interesting documentary!  And then you watch the documentary and go NOPE.  NOT A SINGLE INTERESTING THING HAPPENED THE ENTIRE DOC.
    I watched it, though!  DIDN'T LIKE them including Michael Jackson in the list of people who had died who they Wished Well to.  HE RAPED CHILDREN.  Put him on a list of people who had died who they're Glad Are Dead.  Hmm.  Who else would be on that list.  Lemme LURQ who else worked on that song, is dead, and its a relatively good thing They're Dead.  Huh.  Is Tina Turner dead.  Huh.  What else is going on.  Got class tonight!  I'm preparing myself to be underwhelmed by response to my Outline.  I thought my outlien was pretty great!  Very much on the right track for my Pilot!  But I'm psyching myself up for no one to give a shit at all and then the class ends and I'm like oop guess I got nothing going on again in life it turns out.  WELP back to square zero point five.  Zero Point Five rounds up to ONE.  BACK TO SQUARE ONE!!!
YES.  I mean it's okay for no one to give a shit as long as they acknowledge that it's KIND OF GOOD.  You don't have to CARE about it.  I'm just hoping you confirm I'M ON TEH RIGHT TRACK.  Might not happen though!  I'm prepared!  Got hote coffee coming my way right now!  Gonna buy iced coffee for nighttime!  That sort of thing.  Let's see.  Watched first half of Jurassic Park last night.  When the T-rex pops up, why would the lawyer abandon the jeep to hide out in the bathroom.  WHAT is safer about the bathroom than the jeep.  HUGE PLOT HOLE.  Jeep is made out of CAR.  Bathroom made out of HOUSE.  Car is built SOLID.  House is made out of PRACTICALLY NOTHIN'.  What's another comment about Jurassic Park nobody has made before because it's beyond idiotic.  John Hammond brags about the chef having prepared a special lunch for the group Chilean Sea Bass.  Sounds like a FINE lunch.  But nothing to BRAG about.  It's OKAY.  PRETTY DECENT.  But I wouldn't BRAG this.
    Basically those two things.  They talk about the Chilean Sea Bass Lunch while watching them feed the cow to the Raptors.  BRILLIANT.  Stephen Spelberg making a PARALLEL comparing HUMON to DINOSAUR.  Anyway.  I finished Wayne's World II.  More like Wayne's World II finished me!  They should make a Wayne's World III because I like nostalgia.  They could make an ANYTHING III because everyone likes nostalgia.  You really can't go wrong!  Anything III would just about do it!  Unless it's Superman III.  It's been done!  Superman IV, too!  Give us something we haven't seen a million times before.  Like Superman V!  Something NEW.  I lost track of what was going on.  Only six out of eight people in class uploaded their Story Outlines for the class tonight!  OH NO.  TWO PEOPLE ARE MISSING.  Missing OUT.  On a great opportunity!  To work on their pilot!  Pilot Sitcom Pilot!  Huh.  The important thing is the paragraph is over.
  Got subway for lunch.  Had someone else get it for me.  I paid 'em for it!  I'd like a sandwich shop called Domway.  Or Dommeway.  I don't know how we spell Sexual Deviance.  Anyway I was a TOP and the sandwich I just ate was a BOTTOM.  But the sandwich I got for tomorrow-- we don't know if the same dynamic will be true for THAT Lunch!  Probably will be.  I'm a human and its a sandwich.  If sandwich is On Top Of Me, even just in terms of Playful Sex Context, something's gone wrong!  Whatever.  It's called Wayne's World but I don't really get the sense that it's His World at all.  They make some token concessions that he has some fans in town but they never really paint the picture that The World Is Wayne's.  NOT SURE WHAT THE TITLE IS ACCOMPLISHING THEN.  Maybe it's some OTHER Wayne's World.  Not THIS Wayne's.  This guy just happened to also be named Wayne.  Oh good.
Halfway through the act!  Sandwiches don't have tops and bottoms.  They have at least three levels.  Tops, bottoms, and fillings.  Two slices of bread plus the insides!  Hmm.  Is there a sex thing where it's a threesome and there's a Top, a Bottom, and someone whose kinda halfway between?  What's the word for a threesome participant whose sorta straddling the line between the top and the bottom?  Gotta be SOME word for That Person.  The Middle.  Oh.  Well I guess there's an answer for everything!  Great!  There's lots of answers for everything.  Most of them are wrong.  Anyway.  SEA BASS just sounds like a really middling fish at best!  Chilean sounds like it's supposed to be OH HOW GREAT but to me sounds like MEH.  RED HOT CHILEAN PEPPERS.  Ugh.  You see a shot of the dish itself but I'm not smart enough to register what the sides were.  Gonna have to rewind to check that out.  Later.
    Four paragraphs to go!
  Upon inquiry, google seems to immediately imply Chilean Sea Bass is actually really special and/or expensive and/or fancy.  Well, great.  FUCK.  NOW I NEED CHILEAN SEA BASS.  I gotta know what I'm mussing out in!  GOD DAMN SEA BASS.  HOW GOOD CAN IT BE.  It's DUMB FUSH what am I missing.  Anyway.  I'll play it safe!  I'MA point to the velociraptor and go I'LL HAVE WHAT HE'S HAVING.  I'll eat the live cow!  AT LEAST I KNOW I ENJOY COW MEAT.  Great!  Sea bass is the Cow Of The Sea.  Or not.  I haven't looked into it extensively.  Watever!  EXPLORER LANDS IN CHILE and is like IT'S CHILLY HERE and the other guy is like WHAT ARE YOU NUTS and the first guy is like OK WELL YOU GET IT THE JOKES OVER.  They should have me Writing Pictures!  Or stop me from Writing Pictures.  They should go out of their way to stop me from writing anything ever again probably!
    COOL!  Wow!  Three paragraphs to go. I can't wait until I get to THE LOST WORLD: Jurassic Park II.  I'm gonna WATCH THAT: WATCH TAT GOOD.  Every now and then I take a sip of soda and it tastes like alcohol.  And I'm specifically talking about times when it's just Regular Soda-- and not mixed with alcohol!  And I usually chalk that up to Being In An Altered Mental State.  Hmm.  I must be Crazy Right Now.  That a weird part of my mind is misfiring this way.  Anyway.  It just happened!  THUS THIS.  I don't think I get drunk from Fake Liquor Sensation.  I should, though!  BUZZED at least.  Shouldn't SOBER ME UP can we agree on that??  Whatever.  I keep picking Pepperjack Cheese as my preferred cheese for sandwiches from places and I keep being reminded it's not my favorite cheese.  WHY.  Pick another cheese!  PEPPER JACK CHEESE SHOULD be the cheese though.
Penultimate paragraph!  What the Hell else is going on.  Was watching Parenthood the film earlier.  THIS IS JUST A RIPOFF OF OTHER FILMS.  Which are ALSO about People.  In families.  Or without families.  And take place in houselike structures.  And may or may not have been filmed in the 1980's.  ALSO I'VE SEEN THIS FILM BEFORE so REALLY none of this is new AT ALL!!!  Anyway it's an okay movie.  Fine!  I'd like to see Ron Howard, who directed it, give a crack at playing Steve Martin's role though for the next time I see it.  That's my only note!  Actually, I'd like to see Steve Martin try DIRECTING IT!  Why not!  Couldn't HURT.  Could waste valuable time and money.  Okay shelve that idea.  Forget it that was stupid.  When you Shelve Ideas do you EVER come back around to them.  Hey I was just looking around these shelves over here and I FOUND THIS IDEA OF STEVE MARTIN DIRECTING PARENTHOOD FROM 35 YEARS AGO???  SHOULD WE GO AHEAD AND DO THAT???
    Last paragraph!  I shelve lots of creative ideas.  I don't remember retrieving any ideas from shelves!  That's LIFE.  Great!  Turns out Ruffles that aren't Flamin' Hot! are more calories than ones that are!  If I had known this I might have continued getting the ones that are Flamin' Hot!  Oh well live and learn.  Anyway.  I can watch the rest of Jurassic Park as what I do NEXT.  Literally-- NEXT.  When this paragraph is over!  HOLY SHIT.  It's nice to have plans in life.  Plans that WON'T LET YOU DOWN.  Jurassic PARK ain't gonna TELL ME I AIN'T GOOD ENOUGH.  Jurassic PARK ain't gonna tell me I GOT SHIT FOR BRAINS.  Jurassic Park ain't gonna SPIT IN MY EYE OR NOTHIN OF THE SORT.  Probably not at least. It's a FILM.  And besides it was made THIRTY YEARS AGO.  Whatever!  That's about it for today.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-4:19 P.M.       




Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Look More Paragraphs

    Hey, friends!  Sent in outline for Week III of class! DANGIT.  I realized I had to slightly change one line of dialogue after I sent it in.  EVERYTHING'S RUINED.  Not happy that I was told to approximate page lengths for the scenes in the outline.  I haven't WRITTEN the scenes yet.  HOW THE HELL do I know if the scene is gonna be 3.5 or 4 pages.  I'm not a SOOTH SAYER.  Get off my back about it!  I wonder if watching the show Arrested Development arrested my development as a human being.  Probably giving TV Sitcom too much credit for my personal growth!  But ya never know!  TV has strange powers over us.  Before seeing Freaks & Geeks I never thought about people being Freaks Or Geeks at all.  Now it's ALL I classify people into!  I'm a geek who wishes they were a freak.  Wait.  No.  I'm a freak who wishes they were a geek who wishes they were a geek who wishes they were a freak.  Wait.  No.  Possibly even several more layers as well.  Huh.
What's going on in the wide world of sports.  Guess I got a night off from working on Pilot!  Probably will TINK about pilot tonight!  Possibly while slightly high!  But I'm not committed to working on it for any reason at all!  Assignment was due this morning and next assignment isn't handed down until after tomorrow!  YES.  How shuold I spend my Mental Break.  I dunno let's say ENJOY TV MORE.  Watch it the same.  ENJOY IT MORE.  TAKE A LOAD OFF in a way I wasn't previously.  Mental Break sounds like a Psychotic Episode.  Feels like one, too!  That's an untruth.  Mental Breaks from writing pilot Feel Fine.  It's the REST OF TEH TIME that feel Crazy.   Or maybe it was right the first way around I Don't Know!  ANYWAY, Need to figure out more songs that PUMP ME UP during treadmill or walks and make me feel like a Writing Machine.  I've cycled through the standard rock and some rap songs that everyone knows will get ya amped.  I NEED the 2nd string BACK UP dozen Rock Songs everyone knows that get ya amped.  I'M BECOMING A CONNOISSEUR OF MUSIC.  I need to know the next 13-24 classic songs that'll get you Up And Going!  AND THEN we'll talk about 25-36!
   I tried listening to MY OWN music.
  It was OKAY.  It's kinda Upbeat!  Also, I liked knowing I was roughly the only one who it worked for.  MOSTLY NO one else in the history of mankind Got Off Getting Up And Attem to this music.  I got off All The More because of that!  YEAH.  I'm not gonna spoil how TWINS ends but one or both of them MAY DIE.  Also No spoilers but I'm gonna clear up-- one or both of them MAY LIVE as well.  Don't write in to me complaining that they both live.  LEARN HOW TO READ PROPERLY.  Sure.  Halfway through re-waetching YESTERDAY.  Seems weird the Beatles gave permission to the filmmakers of the film Yesterday.  If I were the Beatles I wouldn't give permission to Anybody to do Anything!  LIFE WOULD CEASE AS WE KNOW IT.  All human progress in history WOULD COME TO A STANDSTILL.  You try making Time Progress without any Beatles songs.  CAN'T DO IT.  Huh.  Anyway I don't know what that means.
    Okay!  Seven paragraphs to go!  That's not good.  I have people in mind for TWO characters of the pilot.  PODCAST COMEDIANS.  THAT SETTLES THAT.  It's good to have voices in your head from the start!  And for the middle!  Possibly in the end as well.  I don't know if they are actors.  Too bad.  They're in the show!  Me too.  I'm not an actor!  HOWEVER, every now and then I perform actions that aren't required By Reality.  You know what I mean?  Just do a Small Miniature Activity that is IRRELEVANT to Actual Life.  And I go HMM if I can do THAT, Just THEN, then maybe I CAN BE AN ACTOR.  So that's something to think about.  I dunno where we're gonna get these NEW MONKEES FROM.  Off the top of my head I don't like anybody!   They're all Jerks.  These people in their 20's.  Probably white.  How the HELL are we gonna find New Monkees.  I can't play ALL of them.  UNLESS...
     Fifth paragraph.  There's my BROTHER.  He's kind of like me.  He's a lot like me!  He's basically just another me but somewhat different!  That's TWO INSTEAD OF ONE.  Now we're halfway there.  Nah.  He's too old!  I'M too old.  Also the thing with the lack of talent thing!  What else is going on and crap.  I think when the Starbucks Drink-putter-togetherer asked me how my day was today she REALLY meant it.  Today she was really genuine.  Really nice today.  I must be looking like a good person today compared to an asshole most other days!  I probably answered like an asshole thuogh.  Oh well!  To be fair, I feel 2/3rds of the time, "YA KNOW WHAT, THIS TIME, THEY REALLY MEAN IT THAT THEY WISH ME A NICE DAY."  It IS a common feeling I have.  I'M A SUCKER WHAT CAN I SAY.  I often give people the benefit of the doubt that they're not secretly harboring ill will when being cordial with me.  WHAT'S THE PROBLEM.
Halfway through the entry! Let's see.  Ill Will.  Gotta imagine Will Smith entertained that as a Title or Something at some point.  He'd be a fool not to at least CONSIDER it.  HE'S NOBODY'S FOOL.  Hmm.  Should I have a WILL.  I don't have that many properties.  And I don't have that many people in my life that I'd want to leave things to.  Seems like I don't need to have a will, then!  Good!  I'd like to leave all my music and comedy and miscellaneous notes to somebody who will read them but only in the best of light.  Someone who GETS them.  Then again that might be impossible because all my notes are pointless.  BURN MY NOTES UPON MY DEMISE.  Oh okay that's good.  Moral of the story I guess is GOTTA START TAKING HIGHER QUALITY NOTES!  Sounds fair!  Oh.  What else is going on.  I lost track for a second!   
    Four paragraphs to go!  Wonderful.
  Well it's Tuesday.  Still got a bunch of the week left.  Ugh.  Making progress with Wayne's World II.  Sure I've seen it I'm Gonna Say 18 times before.  18 seems low.  But it's not!  Seems like it'd be in the 20's or 30's.  But it's not!  It's 18!  Either way 22-25 minutes left of Wayne's World II left.  Is Wayne's World II in the discussion for Sequels that are better than the originals?  My feeling is I've SEEN IT more times than the original but they are both more or less the same movie!  What is Garth Supposed To BE.  As a child I ACCEPTED Garth but now I'm just not quite sure WHO HE IS.  Dana Carvey.  Dana Carvey being weird.  Yeah but WHY.  I dunno.  I think it maeks sense!  I like Garth.  If anything Who is WAYNE.  Is he a REGULAR GUY or a Rock N Roll Fanatic.  I mean I know he's a Rock N Roll Fanatic but he's not quite FANATICAL enough.  YEAH.
     Eighth paragraph.  What did Ebert give Wayne's World and Wayne's World II.  I'm gonna guess 2.5 stars and 1.5 stars.  WOW they each got three stars.  Not bad, Waynes' Worlds!  Kind of wanna read the reviews to see what Ebert liked so much about Wayne's Worlds.  But I'm busy.  Busy writing this!  I'll read the reviews LATER in my FREE TIME.  Maybe I should read them now as INSPIRATION for the next 2.5 paragraphs.  I dunno!  I wanna go into the next 2.5 paragraphs with a BLANK MENTAL SLATE. Reading Them Reviews will corrupt the waters.  So let's HOLD OFF on that.  Gotta shave tonight.  Let me rephrase that. I GET to shave tonight!  What fun.  Really.  WHAT FUN?  You know like how Cave Man might say WHAT IS FUN?  Cause I DON'T KNOW.  Off the top of my head it's Watching Television Set.  That's as close as I come to fun.
    Penultimate paragraph.  Wow!  Let's see.  Cave Man is interesting because we think of Pre-modern Man as a GO-GETTER HUNTER-GATHERER TYPE.  BUT calling them CAVE MAN defines them by STAYING AT HOME, in THEIR HOUSE SETTING.  Hey they're CAVE MEN they sit around INSIDE THE CAVE ALL DAY IDLING THE TIME AWAY.  MAYBE EVEN LOOKING AFTER THE YOUNG or something.  Make up your minds about it!  YEAH.  Mancave Man.  Is that a sitcom or something.  It's about a guy whose wife kicks him out of the bedroom and now he has to live in his mancave.  Anyway.  Also there's a pun when you look at it as, "CAVE MAN," as well.  Gotta make sense that Punwise As Well!  Ugh.  It's not enough that it's linguistically a pun.  It needs to be PLOTWISE or THEMATICALLY a pun for the show!  Anyway.  One more paragraph to go!
YES.  Gotta figure I'll watch a film tonight.  A horror film!  It's just that sort of night!  Great.  Unless it's too scary.  I'm not in the mood to be frightened.  I'm not signing up for that kind of thing!  Hmm.  Anyway.  He's A Real Mancave Man, Hanging with his caveman clan, Doesn't try to hold your hand or anything...  Yeah!  NOT HAPPY about the third line.  Oh well!  What else is going on. ...It's to the tune of Nowhere Man.  Good.  Now you know!  I knew before.  I guess you may not have!  Such is life!  Huh.  I guess pretty soon I get to read those Ebert Reviews.  My life is Just About Complete!  Too bad Ebert won't ever review anything I ever make In Life.  Cause he's dead.  Not cause I'm dead.  I'm not dead.  I'M ALIVE.  So that's good.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-4:52 P.M.  




Monday, January 29, 2024

Today Is A Lot Like Yesterday And/Or Tomorrow

    Hey, friends!  Pilot shaping up to be coming along potentially very good.  Considering that I'm just closing in on Session 3 out of 8 of the class, I'm very happy with the progress I've made so far!  I don't think this will ever get made no matter how good it is.  Could be an A/A-.  Doesn't matter!  Also it WON'T be an A/A-.  So it doesn't matter that it doesn't matter.  I think I can reach a B/B+ by the end of the class, though.  YES.  But anyway, if I hit a B+, maybe it can impress someone and help me get some other kind of writing job down the line!  At the very least I can show it to people and they can be like oh so THAT'S what's going on in your head.  NOW I GET IT.  That's pretty good!  So it's of Some Use!  Wow.  "Some!"  Still gonna continue writing it Telling Myself That IT SHALL BE though!!  That's the way to go, right?  Gotta Be!  Anyway.  I enjoy finding I can write in the Dumb Boilerplate Format that sitcom scripts have to follow.  I thought I would hate it.  But it's like a puzzle!  That so far it turns out I can successfully play with!  FUN.
I've only scratched the surface of the boilerplatedness.  Outlinewise thusfar!  I'm sure there's more intricate boilerplate for the boilerplate which I'll learn about.  I'll crack them puzzles as they come.  Bring 'em on!  Did George W Bush ever say Bring It On taunting terrorists to commit more Terrorist Acts?  I'm pretty sure he said that!  And people liked that he was daring terrorists to do more terrorisms.  C'MON IS TAHT ALL YOU GOT.  WE CAN HANDLE ALL THE PLANE CRASHINGS YOU GOT.  THAT 9/11 WAS NOTHIN WE BARELY FELT A THING.  I MAY just be thinking of Cheerleading Film title.  Anyway.  If I send Pilot Script to agents, do they partially judge it by HE'S DUMB BECAUSE THIS WOULD NEVER GET MADE. WHAT he thinks a TV will actually make this, considering the themes and/or cast breakdowns and/or what's in or out of the zeitgeist and/or whatknot?  I THINK LESS OF THE WRITER just because HE THOUGHT THIS SHOW COULD ACTUALLY BE MADE.  Do agents take that into consideration?  CAUSE LET ME MAKE IT CLEAR I wrote eventual pilot FOR FUN'S SAKE.  As EXPERIMENT.  To see WHAT'S POSSIBLE and WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF IN THE ABSTRACT.  Hmm.
    Anyway.  Couldn't watch for Free the 2 pilots I read for this week's class.  Brooklyn Ninety Nine and That Good Place.  Maybe it's for the best.  Maybe it's for the worst.  Most likely someplace in-between.  Not sure I'm happy with The Good Place implying that I'd almost definitely go to Hell.  You don't wanna insult your audience!  That seems like one of the top rules of writing TV.  Telling your audience they're going to Hell is a big No-no.  I guess not it turns out!  Meanwhile Brooklyn 99 is good because It Makes Audience Feel Safe knowing the Brooklyn 99 is On The Case.  They're COMPETENT PEOPLE.  They're kind of off the wall but they get the job done.  I don't live in Brooklyn but I'm not so far away so if I encountered crime it's possible the criminals are from Brooklyn 99.  Which may or may not put them in 99's jurisdiction.  I don't know The Law.  Anyway.  This whole time I thought it was called Brooklyn 99 because they work from 9 AM to 9 PM.  Wasn't until this weekend I realized it was because it was District 99.  Could be Both.
    Okay!  What's going on in the wide world of sports.  I gotta write the The New Monkees theme song.  I only have a The Chorus Only Version.  COULD be a Chorus Only song.  But the original song had VERSES.  The new song should have VERSE as well.  Hmm.  Verse.  I should definitely have this song by the end of the class.  If I'm presumably Done With Final Draft Of Pilot, I need the theme song!  CASE CLOSED?  Hmm.  The good news is that it turns out all 35 episodes of Get A Life are on Youtube.  I'm enjoying that show.  My favorite parts are Chris Elliott being friends with 12 year olds.  You figure out why!  The psychological clues are all there for you to put together!  Leave me out of it!  Anyway.  After you make the boilerplate TV Pilot, you just gotta replace each and every single line of dialogue so that it's a joke, right?  Something like that.  That's what I imagine anticipating doing once I get to that stage.  GREAT looking forward to it.  
     Whatever.  Wow.  So many jokes!  Right now there's FIVE.  What else is going on.  Is my pilot supposed to set up a Will They/Won't They romantic situation of main characters.  You gotta ASSUME that male and female or MALE AND MALE AND/or FEMALE AND FEMALE iT IS THE 90's (wait no the 20's) will naturally hook up sooner or later.  I say we let it go to CASTING first and then let them decide IN REAL LIFE who they wanna have sex with and then work that into the script.  Or we leave sex relationships out of it.  This is a workplace comedy!  KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL.  Gotta set a good example for the kids.  Then again maybe we want to set a bad example for the kids.  That's another direction to go in I suppose!  I say we just be who we are and let The Kids draw whatever conclusions they want.  KIDS ARE SMART.  They'll make good conclusions.
  Halfway through the entry!  Hamazing.  What else is going on and crap.  Pilot could be an especially good, "Ice breaker," to show to potential IMPROVE partners.  Give em a sense of my comedic mindset!  Now they know who I am!  So we can do Improve together!  Could work that way maybe I dunno.  I don't particularly want to do Professional Improvisation.  I DO WANT TO DO SOMETHING THOUGH.  I had me at, "Doing Something."  Whatever!  Hey what else is going on.  It just occurred to me I want to see what would happen if this show got picked up.  I guess I could continue writing episodes FOR FUN'S SAKE.  As EXPERIMENT.  To see WHAT'S POSSIBLE.  But there's only so many hours in a day in a week in a month in a year in a lifetime that A Man Can Waste For Nothing.  I think.  I wouldn't know.  I've wasted my entire lifetime THUS FAR and it's been fine I guess!
   Yeah!  The important thing is I finally looked it up after looking it up a while ago and forgetting and The Monkees were on NBC.  Which means presumably The NEW Monkees would also be Creative Property of National Broadcasting Corporation.  INTERESTING.  We're talking PEACOCK.  Could be a PEACOCK show.  Living.  The.  DREAM.  What if it were on NBC's flagship channel, "NBC?"  That'd be an interesting Mix-Em-Up!  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Not happy with being 40 minutes into watching TWINS.  I have to watch the rest of it at this point.  It's really not very entertaining!  But what kind of idiot doesn't watch the last Hour of TWINS.  I GOTTA KNOW-- does Danny Devito become slightly better person?  Also-- does Arnold Swearhsllalltheletterszer become Slightly Worse Person?  Arnold gotta meet Devito halfway!  Become slightly worse person.  That's what a Good Person would do!
    Ugh.  Three paragraphs to go!  I guess!  Got some nice PILOT OUTLIENS to read over the next couple of days!  Already read one this morning!  Kinda hard to read!  Fantasybased.  Some guy needs to find some ORBS or something!  I'm sure it'll make sense when the guy explains it in Zooooom.  How many O's is it in their official corporate logo.  It's not ZOOM.  It's ZOOOOOM.  More or less.  Seems confusing.  Whatever!  The fantasyland guy can never die and wants to be mortal.  That part I got!  He needs to find something that will let him die.  ONCE HE FINDS IT will he kill himself immediately or be like OKAY I'M GONNA KEEP LIVING but TIS TIME AROUND When I Die I Die!  I got the sense it was more the second one.  Anyway I guess it appears I have some thoughts already for when Comments Time comes around!
    Penultimate paragraph!  Whatever.  Let's see.  Danny Devito was listed as 5'0 before getting older and shorter but HE BETTER HAVE BEEN SHORTER THAN THAT.  Cause I'd like to believe I was More Taller Than Him Than That Says.  Internet is saying his PEAK HEIGHT was 4'10.  Oh.  That's pretty good news then!  Well that makes me feel Two Inches Better I guess.  Every little bit counts!  Danny Devito in English means Danny OF Vito.  Sure.  Not sure why that was necessary.  When I was a kid we had a Fourth Or Fifth string pizza delivery place Vito's.  I don't know why we EVER would get Vito's.  It was way down on the list of places to get pizza from.  We got it a few times, though!  Not sure what was wrong in the world that we couldn't get The Other Places!  Hmm.  It's possible my brother had One Friend who like Vitos and when that friend was over we got it.  That's one plausible scenario.  Anyway.  Ya never know!
    Last paragraph.  Got the outline PRETTY well OUTLIEND OUT but might not have the One New Monkees Sketch that shows up in the pilot fleshed out at all for this week's class.  OH WELL.  Can't win em all!  GONNA WIN ONLY 45% of em.  That's still close to a winning record!  Someone else on my team will win 10% more of them for me!  That's a real winning record for real now!  Still got tonight to work on it.  Huh.  Maybe they can make the show if its good enough.  I just figured they wouldn't because Good Things Can't Happen For Me.  And that'd be a Great thing.  Can't go from No GOOD Things to a GREAT Thing.  I guess as long as I just don't make write the pilot well enough that'll solve the problem without business karma coming into play.  I can do that!!  So it'll work out that way.  Huh.  I guess.  ADDED AGES to my one pager.  THESE CHARACTERS ARE ALL OFFICIALLY DECADED.  So that's good.  Except for ASSHOLE.  I don't KNOW what age or gender or nationality ASSHOLE is.  POSSIBLY that one guy we were thinking about last week.  OR possibly that other guy we were thinking about separately over the weekend.  HMM.  Anyway.  That's it for today.  I'll see ya tomorrow!            

-4:53 P.M.




Friday, January 26, 2024

Oh So That's How It Is

    Hi, friends!  Last entry of the Weekyweek.  Hey my straw from Iced Coffee got a cut in it.  I can still suck coffee through it but it takes stronger suction now because of the newly formed air pocket.  Might as well get rid of straw and just sip the coffee straight from the cup!  Anyway.  Made some good progress for Pilot this morning and/or early afternoon!  AI gotta be a character itself, right?  Not a major character.  But it's gotta have stuff to say.  We want to hear from the AI!  Anyway.  Came up with an Acronym for the AI.  Obviously we want to have a fun name acronym for AI.  That goes without saying.  Took me about half an hour.  Came up with the Word First and then I figured out what the initials could stand for.  Came out pretty nice!  ASSHOLE.  That's the name.  Automated System Servicing Humanity Only by Logging Entertainment.  A.S.S.H.O.L.E.!  Pretty good.  NOT PERFECT.  Could come up with a better one!  Anyway.  I got someone in mind for the voice-over for AI!  It's JUST who you think.  How in the Hell would you already be thinking of someone.  I'M already thinking of someone. If I could think of one specific person immediately off the top of my head stands to reason you'd think of the exact same person.  He'd be pretty good, right?
    Anyway.  New Alkalien Trio album, "Dropped," today.  It's pretty good.  I liked the part where one song was okay, the other song was okay, most of the songs were okay, I didn't have any problems with any songs such that I'd want to write a letter to the editor!  Oh No I'm all caught up on The Wonder Years.  I guess I can continue watching GET SOME LIVES.  Worst part about watching Get A Life is that most of the episodes on YouTube for some reason has the Audio dropping in and out for the Opening Credits.  So R.E.M.'s "Stand," isn't HEARD nearly as much as it should be.  I WANT TO HEAR THAT SONG.  I'm paying GOOD MONEY watching TV instead of Earning Money Doing A Job and I WANT TO BE REWARDED by hearing the song I want to hear in the place where I should be able to hear it!  Are they dropping out the song because they don't have the rights to it.  They don't have the rights to ANY of this.  Why single out The Song in terms of protecting themselves from Litigation.
    Started working on Pilot Outline.  I think first draft of Pilot is gonna be very straight forward boiler plate Hit-The-Standard-Marks for Dumb Standard Pilot.  Which makes sense THEMATICALLY.  It's like if a REAL LIFE AI had to write the REAL LIFE PILOT for the show.  MAKES SENSE.  First draft I'm playing by ALL THE RULES that they tell you for how to write a Sitcom Episode SLASH Pilot Episode In Particular.  Maybe after First Draft I can work on making A BETTER DRAFT.  Sounds like one way to go.  Sometimes people try to make worse drafts.  Maybe!  Maybe someone reads my first draft and tells me to make changes In The Negative Direction.  Who am I to argue.  I'll write a worse draft!  I'm at the mercy of People Suggesting At Me What To Do Things.  I don't know anything!  What else is up.  I'm accumulating too many garbage bags in my room.  I have two full garbage bags and one almost full garbage bag and one quarter full garbage bag.  You'd think I'd start taking out my garbage at some point.
    Probably should be a New Monkee who talks with a British Accent.
  I think people would get a kick out of that.  Then again NOPE.  Sorry.  That idea was a False Flag!  Is there Free Final Draft on the internet.  I may still have a CD-ROM of Final Draft from 24 years ago.  FINAL DRAFT 2000 I WANNA SAY IT WAS CALLED?  I may or may not have an external CD ROM Drive.  Either way you can always FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT in Microsoft Word.  Is the Working Script a Final Draft.  Or is the Final Draft the Last Draft before The Actual Final Copy.  Final Draft STILL IMPLIES IT'S ONLY A DRAFT.  But it's THE LAST OF THE DRAFTS.  Think about it!  I am!  Probably Everybody Knows But Me.  Anyway.  I think there should be more Friendship in the pilot class.  We're all in the same boatship.  We're all reading each others Pilots and relating to each other because our pilots seem to be  mostly for the most part deeply connected to Who We Are.  YET WE AREN'T CLIQUING 2 classes in.  SOUNDS LIKE A FALSE FLAG.
  Maybe we should just keep our head down and work on our pilot.  GOOD.  I can do that.  THAT MAKE SENSE upon further introspection.  I FIGURED OUT A BLACK CHARACTER for the show!  GREAT!  Wonderful news.  For representation and FOR THE SHOW.  The character was kind of three dimensional before.  Now they're AS MANY AS FOUR OR FIVE DIMENSIONS.  Potentially.  As of the moment everyone is still Points.  The next step is to get people to be One Dimensional.  AS OF NOW WE'RE ALL JUST POINTS.  So that's good!  I don't like the ending of the Simpsons Halloween Episode where Homer ends up in the real world.  There's a brief scene where Homer is IN LIVE ACTION REALITY.  I just think it's kind of a MISFIRE and a WASTE.  The 20 seconds we see a 3d Homer in ACTUAL EARTH. This is it.  The only time ever Actual Real Life Earth is in The Simpsons.  They kinda BLEW IT.  It COULD HAVE been good.  Just didn't like the way it went.  YEAH.
    Halfway through the entry!  Huh.  Probably should buy some straws from the supermarket.  Just in case I need them!   Like today!  I don't need them.  But if I had them it'd open a lot of windows of opportunities to me.  Oppenhiemer opened a lot of opportunities to us.  SHOULD WE end the world.  SHOULDN'T WE.  Two opportunities.  We only had one before!  I may be stretching the definition of the word, "Opportunity."  Anyway.  We probably could have figured out a way to Really Flash Destroy The World without Nukes 80 years ago.  He made it simpler though.  I never SEEN the movie.  I DON'T KNOW THE SPECIFICS. Point is shuolda been called Oppertunenhiemer.  Wow.  The Chinese symbol for CRISIS is the same as OPPORTUNITY.  What other symbols are the same that you wouldn't expect.  The Chinese symbol for BUTT is the same as for YOUR FACE.  Hmm.  Seems weird the Chinese would have a symbol for your face.  You must be doing something right I guess!  Well done. 
    Four paragraphs to go!  The poster for Oppenheimer is a rip off of the poster for The French Connection.  I FIGURED IT OUT by having BOTH OF THEM in my You've Been Browsing! section of TheMax!  Or maybe just The French Connection and I had Oppenheimer Only In My Memory.   So that's good.  Wonder what the Artist's Intention was there.  I still have not seen Opp or Barbie.  Barbie is probably a Light Watch.  Light colors, I mean.  BRIGHT Pink.  Not DARK pink.  How hard is that to look at.  Can't be too difficult!  Let's see.  If I were Oppenheimer I'd simply Take Back all the nuclear weapons.  He's well within his rights!  He's the one whose responsible for them based on Titles Of Movies per my understanding.  Either that or give everyone a nuke.  Only way to stop a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke.  It's called MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION you idiot it's how SMART PEOPLE think. 
    Three paragraphs to go.  I think we should build a city no one would think to look at so they would never nuke it.  BUILD NEW ARTIFICIAL CITY.  RIGHT NOW.  BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.  And don't tell anyone about it!  That's KEY to the entire plan.  Also I get to be Prominent Member because I came up with it.  I don't want any RESPONSIBILITY but I get Special Privileges.  I don't know WHAT yet but we'll hash that out when the time comes.  Maybe special privilege is mostly I just get Riches and people leave me alone.  Doesn't need to be SEX CULT privileges necessarily.  We got FEBRUARY coming up next week.  One of the coolest months of the year in more ways than one.  Or maybe just one!  Certainly in One Way Than One!  It IS Black history month.  They're probably the Hippest People there are!  I don't think there's really any competition!  Wonderful! 
    Penultimate paragraph!  I think part of the joke of Get A Life is that Chris Elliott's character REALLY needs to GET A LIFE!  HMM.  I'm 5 years older than Chris Elliott is.   Or at least THE ACTOR was at least.  I have LESS OF A JOB than the character has (He has A job.  I have NA job.)  Chris Elliott Character has FRIENDS.  I do not!  The point is this show Along With Other Shows has reminded me that I need to Get A Life!  Whatever!  Chris Elliott can afford the rights to R.E.M.'s STAND.  I CAN BARELY AFFORD THE RIGHTS TO R.E.M.'S "WHAT'S THE FREQUENCY, KENNETH?"  That's not one of my favorite REM songs.  IT IS one of the REM songs I know though.  SO it's more of a song to me than LOTS of REM songs.  Just sayin'!  HOLY SHIT I JUST LOOKED IT UP AND WTFK? hit NUMBER ONE ON THE CHARTS IN ICELAND.  So that's good!
    Last paragraph!  Let's see.  What else isn't going on.  "Pretty Often!" is what Kenneth's response would be I ASSUME.  I have more hair than Chris Elliott.  On the top of my head!  Whew.  NOW life is pretty fair and even.  Between Me and Old Sitcom.  Get A Life is funny in a way I haven't seen before or in a while!  The point is I don't care how much better Chris Elliott's character's life is than mine.  I can suspend my feelings of jealously and envy enough to enjoy the humour of the show!  What else is going on and crap.  Teacher wants us to write Pilot to be between 28-34 pages.  Beforehand I was imagining what if I wrote FUN FUN SCRIPT to be HOUR LONG show.  Either real HOUR LONG or imagination Hour Long with commercials like 40-45 Minutes Hour Long.  But now that I think about it 28-34 pages'll do JUST FINE FINE JUST FINE.  So that's good I guess.  I still don't know.  I know I got the basic plot for the cold open 1st draft version down!  That's good!  GOOD JUST GOOD.  See ya next week.

-4:34 P.M.




Thursday, January 25, 2024

I Won't Let You Down

    Hey, friends!  I watched Get A Life: Episode II!  NOW we're cooking.  I see what people are talking about At This Point.  I shuold probably continue sampling lots of shows as I'm working on Pilot.  SEE what works, what doesn't.  Gotta write an outline of PILOT for next week's class.  Oh No!  As of now I don't have much of an idea for what its about.  Right now my issue is I want it to be representative of the overarching THEMES of the series.  Gotta hit the right notes for setting up CHARACTERS and PLOT too.  This is just a brief outline though so SHUT UP ABOUT IT THOUGH I FEEL.  The stakes are not particularly high yet!  Anyway.  Maybe someone plays High Stakes Poker in the episode.  No reason not to work that in at this point.  Anyway.  Teacher seemed to be SEVEN OUT OF TEN enthusiastic about my work thus far during the class!  And only SIX OUT OF TEN enthusiastic about the other kids' work.  YES.  I'll take it!  I think if you UNSCALE those numbers to what he actually thinks I'm working at around a four out of ten and they're ranging between a 2-4!  YES.  I'm the RUNAWAY JUGGERNAUT OF THE CLASS.  Except for those people who somehow get rounded up to Seven Out Of Ten from Six Out Of Ten.
I wrote, "The other, 'kids,' work."  I guess we're kids.  Seems kind of childish what we're doing.  I doubt anyone in this class is older than me.  And I'm a Young Person!  I woke up too late today to do Ecersize Room Treadmill.  Think I'll do it this EVENING.  Gonna make a demo of The New Monkees theme music this weekend.  Upload it with my Episode Outlien.  Hopefully I can make a Pleasant Sounding one that people are gonna be like Woah you did this It's ACTUALLY SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME WANNA SHOOT MYSELF IN THE HEAD.  Anyway.  AI writes the New Monkees show within a show. That's the premise!  That's the breakthrough I came up with.  It's TOPICAL.  It's UNIQUE.  It's RELEVANT.  You can go in SO MANY DIRECTIONS with it.  Still gotta fine tune the tone of the show.  i think it starts out Small World SILLY SATIRE but by the end of the series you're like HEY THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF the world has gotten big and now I'm rooting for humankind to triumph over AI and their own worser demons because IT'S IMPORTANT.  But it's also about music and the characters and TONS of other stuff!!  WOW WHAT A SHOW.  So I gotta set all that up in Pilot.  But almost completely the SILLY ASS SATIRE for now.
Jeez.  Watched six minutes of that there new dating show for Autistic people.  I didn't like the show itself but I liked the part where I realized I'm definitely NOT on the spectrum and am WAY BETTER at being a Regular Person than they are.  And trust me I AM NO regular person.  But I'm Magnitudes more regular than these people.  So THEIR LOSS is MY GAIN.  Also I only saw 2 or 3 of these people and ya I'd probably date one of them.  She's cute!  Definitely would be a handful because she's weird and would want to do weird autistic activities but I'D GIVE IT A SHOT because I'M A DESPERATE TOO.  I assume I can write into the show to request a Face To Face.  Hmm.  Face To Face.  Put that into a maybe pile for a title for a TNM song.  Hmm.  TNM is uncomfortably close to the initials for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  I realized that a few days ago.  I might have realized that a few years ago, forgot, and then realized it a few days ago!  Either way I think it's different enough that I CAN STILL GET THIS SHOW MADE.
   Huh.  Is it possible when I was working on defining the characters in the band my main frame work was WELL how would I describe the differences between The Ninja Turtles first?  And then base my characters OFF OF THAT foundation?  Yeah, it's possible, I'd say it's about a 40% chance that's mostly accurate, I don't remember exactly, I was a little slightly high for some of it!  One of them is like Rafael cause Doesn't play by SOCIETY'S RULES either just like this other character I was writing.  That's the main thing I got from the TMNT.  Leonardo Is Their Leader.  That too.  I don't like how they made one of Wonder Year's main group of friends really religious.  OH.  WHAT JUST BECAUSE IN 2023 TV GETS HATE MAIL FROM RELIGIOUS PEOPLE YOU GOTTA MAKE ONE OF TE CHARACTERS SPOUT OFF BIBLE VERSES?  I HATE YOU NOW.  I'M GONNA HATE WATCH THE WONDER YEARS BECAUSE IT'S TERRIBLE TO ME PER MY FEELINGS BASED ON UP TO DATE FEELINGS.  Then again should one of the New Monkees be religious?  No!  What if its like a following a Baba Type Guy religion.  No!  Maybe a one off single episode story line.  We'll Bomb That Bridge when we get there!
It would be interesting if they were the New Monkees and not The New Monkees.  That's a real fascinating way to go about it!  Gonna have to consider that.  I was reading something on the internet that it's normal to wear shirts several times between washes.  Is that right.  Because if it is suddenly my life doesn't look so bad!  Suddenly I look like I've been doing everything right all along!  Anyway, what else is up and crap.  Entry tomorrow!  Then a break.  Theme Music Demo Song is probably just two guitars.  No Bassss.  No drums!  Probably!  UP TO AS MANY AS THREE VOCAL TRACKS?  Why not do four at that point.  All I really need is two!  If I'm going with three MIGHT AS WELL GO THE WHOLE FOUR YARDS.  Hmm maybe I should retitle this entire project, "The Whole Four Yards," as a pun because there's four members of the band.  Hmm now I don't know WHAT to do.  Ugh.  How is each of them A Yard though.  They're each 36 inches tall.  And/or they live outside.
  Sixth paragraph.  Who the hell uses YARDS.  How hard is it to just say THREE FEET.  Same amount of syllables.  YARDS is two syllables.  YAR...Dz.  Right?  I dunno.  At first I thought Chris Elliott looked pretty out of shape and fat.  But then I saw him without a shirt on again in episode two again and I was like ya know what?  NOT THAT MUCH more out of shape than me!  I don't like it.  I want to feel superior to people as often as possible.  Well that's one avenue of superiority that we can cross off.  Okay!  Time to move onto the next.  Re-watched The Wayne's World a few days ago.  Guess I could re-watch Wayne's World II tonight or Soon.  They're not great movies.  They're fine though!  Not gonna HURT ya to watch em.  They're KIDS movies essentially I feel.  GOOD.  I'm a child.  We've established that.  When I talked about how I was taking a Pilot Class For Children.  YEAH!
    Four paragraphs to go.  Aren't WE ALL on ALL SPECTRUMS?  Maybe we're all the way on the ZERO END from the Zero To A Hundred part of the spectrum. BOOM.  On the spectrum.  WE DID IT.  Anyway.  I always assumed when they talk about Being On The Spectrum for things like Autism it was a LINE.  A 1 dimensional spectrum.  Maybe we're talkin' TWO OR EVEN THREE DIMENSIONAL SPECTRUM?? Now we're talking!  Autistics are more unique than it turned out I really cared about it turns out!  That's great, good for them!  I say Spectrums can surely be two dimensionals.  Let's go out of our way to emphasize that to people So We Appear To Be Great Empathetic Understanding People.  THREE DIMENSIONAL IS TOO MUCH THOUGH.  I DON'T CARE HOW UNDERSTANDING OF PEOPLE YOU WANT ME TO BE.  Saying anyone is on a Three Dimensional Spectrum IS A DIMENSION TO FAR.
  Three paragraphs to go.  I just need to figure out how to sing in tune with the guitar!  That's the KEY to UNLOCKING how to make the Theme Demo sounding good.  EASY.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe pick up some pizza tonight for dinner.  At some point Teacher said the phrase God Father last night during class so for the next 90 minutes I was stuck thinking about Herman Cain's God Father Pizza for the rest of the class.  Because that's how SMART PEOPLE'S brains work.  Nothing ever really came of it.  I was hoping that it'd build to SOMETHING.  Nope!  I think at some point thinking of God Father's Pizza led to me thinking of Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen briefly.  But nothing came of that either.  So all in all that part of class wasn't particularly productive.  So that's not good.
Penultimate paragraph.  At first when I saw another Elliott was playing Chris Elliott's Dad I naturally assumed it was Sam Elliott.  It's not.  It's Chris Elliott's real life father.  That's how that goes. Chris Elliott's dad is a NEPO BABY.  Anyway.  You come to me on this day, the day of my Daughter's Wedding, to ask me for a favor.  What is it that you'd like.  CAN I GET TWO PLAIN SLICES AND A DIET COKE TO GO.  You know that sort of thing.  Whatever.  Why would the Godfather wanna ruin the day of his daughter's wedding by having to do so many favors for everybody.  That just seems like it'd turn a Happy Day into a Huge Hassle.   Maybe he's already upset his daughter is getting married and he wants to distract himself by doing all these favors.  That's probably it.  Is he really the God Father to ALL THESE PEOPLE. I've never seen the movie.  I've seen the movie several times.  I've never REGISTERED what's happened in the movie.  Moves too slow for me.
    LAST paragraph!  Well anyway.
  I'd take Marlon Wayans over Marlon Brandon FIVE DAYS out of the week.  Hmm can we get a Wayans Brother PREFERABLY MARLON involved in the New Monkees?  Maybe.  MAYBE WE CAN GET WHATEVER WE PUT OUR MIND TO.  Sure.  Just gonna pick up some pizza for dinner.  No diet coke.  But the Two Slices To GO sounds pretty reasonable.  Not from GodFather's pizza, though.  I have no idea What The Hell that is.  Pizza chain.  Chain chain chain.  The important thing is The Entry Is Almost Over.  New Monkees gotta have some good songs the audience will enjoy.  Fake audience in the show.  Real audience in your real life.  You know-- you, your friends.  People like that!  How does that work.  Someone gonna have to MAKE those songs.  Ugh.  Anyway I'm done now!  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-5:02 P.M.         



Wednesday, January 24, 2024

You Haven't Read The Entry Yet

    Hi!  Time for some Wednesday action!  Got Flight Simulator Class in a few hours per my understanding.  Pilot Class.  HOPEFULLY I signed up for the right thing!  YES.  Very exciting news of Jon Stewart returning to The Daily Show.  WOW.  A PIECE OF GOOD NEWS.  About the news.  Good Metanews?  That hardly ever happens!  I listened to the latest Freen Day album for the third time already this morning.  It's gone from Good to Great in my mind!  I think it's Freat!  I really do!  Two more of my classmates uploaded their One Pagers.  YES.  That's seven out of eight!  Looks like only one person out of eight wasted their 600 dollars it turns out as of now.  I like to see people get Bang For Their Buck.  Or get some Buck for their Bang You know like Hunting Deer With Rifle?  Started watching the second season of The Wonder Years featuring Don Cheadle.  Good.  I forgot black people existed for a while.
    Been a while since I've seen black people!  I haven't been watching SNL Weekend Update with Michael Che so you could see how that might happen.  Sure, black people show up in commercials a lot but people in commercials aren't real people.  They are Shells Of Human Beings.  You know, "ACTORS?"  Anyway.  I just counted Wonder Years and Michael Che as real human beings.  They're actors.  Yeah but Michael Che plays himself.  Huh.  What else is up.  One of the guy's two one pagers is KIND OF just gay porn?  For example one of the character descriptions leads off with just, "22, has a tight ass."  You know that sort of thing.  OTHERWISE GOOD STUFF SURE.  No reason you can't write a Gay Porn Pilot.  Gay Porn Serials need to be written, too!  I think half or over half of these pitches overall in the class revolve around LGBTQ characters.  But most of them aren't Pornography Shows.  Good.  Mine stands out now! 
Characters are PLAIN.  SUCK ON THAT.  Huh.  Didn't really think about my characters' sexuality yet.  Assumed they were NormalStyle.  I did consider one of thems' to be explicitly LGBTQ.  BUT I didn't come down hard to any conclusion yet!  BETTER THINK ON IT.
  That's the MORAL of the story. Well it's one of MANY morals.  The other moral is DO UNTO OTHERS.  Hmm.  Do unto others isn't a great moral!  It contradicts The Doctors' Moral of First Do No Harm.  The Moral SHOULD BE, "First Don't Do Unto Others As You Wouldn't Want To Have Done Unto Yourself," I feel!  Ah good clarification.  I haven't used marijuana at all in a few days!  It probably would be pleasurable-- due to the psychoactive effects-- but it could also be stressful...-- due to the psychoactive effects!  So that's something to look out for.  I watched the first episode of Get A life.  At first I was like THIS AIN'T SO GREAT.  But by the end I was like THIS AIN'T SO GREAT (But it's PRETTY good).  It grew on me a bit!  I think I'd be blessed to watch the next 9 episodes which I think is all that's available on YouTube.  What do, "I," have to do with This Tube.  Because I am among the many of the people who can upload videos to This Tube.  That's where the, "You," in,' YouTube," comes from.  Oh, good.
    I have videos on YouTube.  It's called MY MUSIC.  I don't mean to brag but some of the songs have IN THE FOURTIES of hits.  Is it possible one or two of the hits WEREN'T FROM ME?  Sure!  I guess!  I don't mean to brag but I'd say I have the best spellig and grammar of the entire Pilotting Class!  TEACHER Probably is better than I am.  But of THE STUDENTS?   I'm Best In Show to use a Showbiz term.  I haven't watched Late Night Comedy in a Dog's Age but I'm gonna tune in to some Jon Stewart Daily Show.  He's gonna be all like I'm Hiding Under The Desk Laughing and covering my face peeking out from under the desk with the piece of paper this is how much fun I'm having laughing.  That's something he did either in real life or just in my imagination.  I think he might have just covered his face with his notes laughing.  He may have never gone completely UNDER HIS DESK during his laughing fit.  I may have added that part in Imagination.  I Don't Know!  I Really Don't Know!
Anyway.  NO WAY!  The last student just uploaded her one pagers.  THAT'S ALL EIGHT STUDENTS.  We Did It!  We're Really Doing It You Guys!  IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER.  I'll read THAT in a little bit.  Alright I just read one and a half of the two.  GOOD.  I gotta write the rest of this now though. Then I'll finish The Second Half Of The Second!  Only got a few more episodes of Fleabag left.  I like Fleabag but I saw it described as one of the best shows of all time on the internet which seems Hyperbola!  Gonna wanna put it on an x an y axis.  Make a diagram out of that analysis.  Put it into the graphing calculator.  It's good though.  It's got FUNNY.  It's got DRAMA.  It's got SEXY.  At least four or five dimensions.  I dunno.  Z axis.  If we're doing Graphs, what comes after Z axis.  Lemme LTURQ.  Internet suggested, "W," which is fine.  I'm fine with it!  No one consulted me on it but I'm OKAY with it After The Fact!
    Halfway through the entry!  OK I FINISHED THE PERSON'S ONE PAGERS.  Good.  Now My Life Is Complete!  I think Jon Stewart slinks down under his desk when he's cracking up.  I don't think he disappears under his desk completely during his Episodes but he Gets Down There Pretty Good!  I THINK.  Someone's Gotta Do It!  If I were in the audience for the first show when Jon Stewart returns, sure, I'd probably applaud when they introduce him.  That's just me!  I'm not sure if anything in Fleabag is supposed to be extremely sexy.  It's sexy when she looks at the camera with confident looks that we're supposed to understand.  OH YEAH.  LOOK AT ME JUST LIKE THAT.  I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE THINKING.  That's hot!  I wonder what Assngmnt for Next Class will be.  What AND HOW MUCH OF WHAT will I have to come up with for this weekend!  SHOULD BE INTERESTING.
    I guess.
  I was looking through Dictionary to come up with Character's last name Relatively Unsuccessfully!  I knew I wanted Alliteration for this characters name.  First name started with H.  Dictionary only had like 20 pages of Hs.  I went in with an idea and GAVE UP a few pages in once I got to the idea I had already had because when I read the definition I was like YA KNOW WHAT YEAH THAT'S A GOOD DEFINITION I'M JUST GONNA SETTLE FOR THIS FOR NOW.  It will ultimately be TOSSED ASIDE though.  Not gonna make the Final Cut!  I say this with confidence.  By which I mean don't tell anybody.  It's a secret!  WOW.  I assume if I give a tiny note that gets used by someone in their pilot, and it gets made, I GET REWARDED with riches?  Seems like I should get some sort of CREDIT.  Seems like a strange situation.  People shouldn't be able to help other people unless there's money changing hands.  That's DEMOCRACY IN ACTION.
    I don't know.
  Three more paragraphs to go!  If I were Jon Stewart I'd simply hire me to write for the Daily Show.  How complicated is that.  I'm into politics and current events.  For example Have you heard about this, The New Hampshire Primaries were yesterday. Oh, you heard about this?  WELL I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF INFORMING PEOPLE OF THE NEWS, SO I GUESS I'LL MOVE ON TO THE NEXT SUBJECT...  That's how that goes.  Have you heard about the upcoming elections?  They're highly contested.  The important thing is that we speculate on who wins superficially for 9 months without looking deeply at the issues or the candidates' tangible qualities or actual news events.  Oh Good Makes Sense.  What issues should we look at deeply.  I don't know ever hear of FARMS.  Gotta be some issues having to do with FARMS.  It's a HOT BUTTON ISSUE among people with or without FARMS but especially WITH FARMS.  PEOPLE WITH FARMS VOTE AND THEY VOTE BIG.  Look I looked around my room and the first thing I saw was a book about comedy called, "American Cornball," which made me think of Corn Syrup which made me think of Farms.  Get off my back about it It's A Free Country!
    Two paragraphs to go!  I'll probably use marijuana tonight or tomorrow night or Friday night!  I gotta wipe the slate clean from the last paragraph somehow!  Anyway, what else is going on and crap.   Looking forward to being done with this crap.  What's a good farm swingstate.  Gonna say Farmville.  When they came up with SIM ANT FARM game, and they threw it to the Game Designer, he musta been like "...Hmm.  NOW WHAT."  How do you turn Ant Farm into a game!  I think it'd be more fun to just simulate Watching An Ant Farm than participating in one.  That's a good game.  Anyway.  LOWKEY best sim game-- SIM TOWER.  LOWKEY BEST PART OF SIMTOWER-- building underground.  Not sure why.  I just LOVED building parts of the tower in Underground levels!  Food court.  Residential Areas.  Offices.  IT'S ALL EXTRA FUN TO BUILD UNDERGROUND.
    Last paragraph.
  Besides writing for the website, I dunno the last computer game that I've really enjoyed playing!  It's been a long, long, long time.  Well that's good.  Jon Stewart's a very funny person.  He's got to have some wacky takes on what's going on in the 21st century!  Whatever.  Must probably have an opinion on which Simulation City game is the best.  Maybe not!  He's too OLD.  Old people might be familiar with The Sims.  My Mom played The Sims for a few years.  So there's that.  At some point technology will let them remake The Sims where The Sims will actually appear REALER than WE ARE.  Scary.  Anyway.  I guess that's about it for today!  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-5:11 P.M.   




Tuesday, January 23, 2024

It's Really Not So Great

    Hey, friends!  Time for some Tuesday.  Sent in some PILOT CLASS ASSNGMNT last night.  B+ Draft!  This morning I came up with some revisions I could have made, but such is life!  Presumably I'll come up with Creative Revisions For My Creative Life every morning as time continues to pass!  Sounds like the life of an ARTIST to me.  What else.  It's unpleasant to cleanse myself lately because Shower/Bathwise I'm NOT in some HOT WATER.  Lukewarm at best!  Sorta just sit upright in bathtub for a few minutes.  Bathwater not really getting over my body at all!  Just gotta let the room temperature AIR be my comfort zone.  Rub soap on my body with help from whatever moisture decides to evaporate from bathtub basin BY CHANCE.  These are sentences that make sense and are easy to read.
I am frightened I will be encouraged to write the pilot based off the back-up idea I had.  It's based on NONSENSE.  It's supposed to be a plot and setting I am intimately familiar with.  NOT REALLY.  I was FAKING IT.  Fake it till ya make it, right?  I don't WANT to make it.  I was faking it for other reasons besides making it.  Because I had to do the assignment.  That's why I did it.  But then I guess if they make me use it for the next assignment and then the next, and then the next... So then I'm still in the same boat as I was this week...  And I gotta keep Faking It And Faking It While I Keep I Making It And Making It.  That's not what I signed up for for Piloting Class!  Maybe it is, what do I know.  The point is the deadline for homework has long since passed and only five out of eight students submitted it.  I guess we're gonna talk about my nonsense pilot A LOT per each class!  YES.
    I replaced the lightbulb that went out about a week ago.  Not me literally.  But I oversaw its replacement.  I supervised.  It's remedial work I HAD SOMEONE ELSE DO IT.  It's beneath me!  Or in this case ABOVE ME.  I'm too short for this.  Even with Step Stool.  That's the Truth of the matter!  Also I'm too lazy for this.  That's Actually more Truthful Than That Truth.  LOOK did I FUCK UP not writing the ages of the characters YES.  I knew I should and I DIDN'T.  I was reminded I should by reading other peoples' Characters Descriptions which included age ranges!  And I STILL DIDN'T.  What was I TINKING.  Oh well.  You can INFER their ages.  JUST LOOK AT THEM NAMES.  How old DO YOU THINK THEY ARE.  Kind of speaks for itself don't you think.  One of the characters does have, "Older than the other people...," in their description.  Good!
     That phrase is possibly the worst part of the entire thing.  I hope so, at least.  Now that I read it ISOLATED right now, right here, it certainly SEEMS dumb!  Hopefully it's unique from the rest of the page in it's retarditude.  What's wrong with it.  The guy IS older than the other guys in the band.  GOTTA BE A LESS CLUNKY WAY TO PUT IT.  Oh, right, put the characters age ranges on it LIKE NURMAL.  That's what its there for.  YA KNOW WHAT GONNA DOWNGRADE IT TO A B DRAFT OF A, "ONE PAGER," NOT A B+ LIKE I TOLDS YA.  At least I fit it all on one page.  For a long time I was gonna have the one page be a page and a half and just make the reader DEAL WITH IT.  Better angels came to me or something though.  Something like that.  Anyway.  If we're specifying people on an age range are we also ranking people on a range from Black To White and Short To Tall and Male To Female.  WHY AGE but not other things.  LET'S GET INTO IT??
     I'M THE MAILEST MAN THERE IS.  I lost my chance to see Queen Rock Montreal!  But I GAINED my chance to see Godzilla again.  It's back in theatres.  Now in Black & White I think.  It says Godzilla Minus One Minus Color.  Which I think is a reference to it not being in color.  That's what Minus means.  But I dunno??  It says "Minus One," but that doesn't mean there's necessarily NO ONE.  So just cause it says, "Minus Color," doesn't mean there's necessarily NO COLOR.  Just looking for CONSISTENCY that's all.  Huh.  Godzilla Minus One Minus Color EQUALS WHAT.  We're almost working with a full fledged equation at this point.  Is Godzilla some sort of Variable.  No.  Godzilla is clearly a Unit Of Measurement.  He's GODZILLA.  Anyway.  I don't know Mathe.  Godzilla Minus One Equals Color?  Off the top of my head that's Not the correct answer but it's pretty close!
     We're assuming Godzilla Minus One Minus Color Equals Zero.
  And if we assume that, then we're assuming Pretty Much Everything Innately Equals Zero.  Sounds fair.  I'D feel comfortable assuming that.  Why does everything have to equal something.  Why can't something just BE.  Hmm.  Who are these three out of eight idiots who signed up for this class and aren't participating.  I'd like to read their two One Pager's and see what kind of morons they are and then give them positive comments on their Pilot Projects just to rub it in their faces!  How long is Godzilla.  Hmm.  From, what, Head to tail?  NO the film! 2 hour 5 minutes.  Anyway.  Godzilla probably pretty long himself.  From Tip To Tail!  When I was talking about The Mailest Man it made me think of GET A LIFE which I have never seen but Maybe Is Available To ME?  Gonna have to look into that one!
    Yes!  Four paragraphs to go.   WOW the theme song was STAND by R.E.M.?  That's a reasonable song I like!  Good.  Now I'm still on board as much as I was before but maybe slightly more.  What are other good songs about things you should do.  Sit.  Nope.  That's not a song.  Lie Down.  Nope.  I think that covers all the bases of things you can do.  Sit down, lie down, Stand!  What else is there!  Curl up in Embryo Formation.  Probably a song that encourages you to do that. Get Up Stand Up.  Bob Marley said to do that.  That's in the same category as Just Stand Though.  Lay Lady Lay.  Bob Dylan.  I don't care.  The main moral of the story is who cares.  The supplemental moral of the story is I do kind of care and other people probably care if I care.  Crouch.  Where's the songs about crouching?  Hey everybody, DO THE CROUCH.
Okay!  Three paragraphs to go.  What am I gonna watch-- On The TV-- for the rest of tonight.  Probably some comfort watching.  Is there any other kind.  Sure.  Some EXTREME TV watching.  Hate watching.  Water Sports.  Lots of different kind of watching you can do.  IT SURE SUCKS wanting to write a TV show about a band because you gotta write original music and THUS you should wanna write original music over the closing credits and THUS you can't CURATE great songs you wanna DJ each and every episode over the closing credits.  I LIKE SONGS.  I WANNA PUT IN AWESOME SONGS that are appropriate each and every episode as FLASH CUTS each ending.  It'd be weird!  Play THE BAND'S music for a BandShow.  Huh.  Maybe I could have fun writing or FACILITATING THE WRITING of Band Music for these situations.  Well If You Say So I Guess!
    Penultimate paragraph.  Also the genre of music is Big Band Music.  Which I think means Marching Band music.  That's what I'm aiming for I think.  Ugh.  Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon.  How/why would a tiger Crouch.  When I think of Crouching I think of Bipeds.  Tigers are on four legs.  Hmm.  Surely the producers of this movie thought about it, so I'm in the wrong, but I'm just telling you my thoughts as a LAYMEN off the top of my head!  Anyway.  I dunno.  Also I don't care HOW WELL this dragon is hidden-- you just gave away the whole ball game in the title.  Now I know THERE IS A DRAGON.  You shouldn't have said anything!  I can't see it maybe but it's not 100% hidden because I KNOW IT'S OUT THERE!  Don't mention the dragon AT ALL.  THERE SHOULD BE NO HINT OF THE EXISTENCE OF A DRAGON IN OUR MINDS IN THE LEAST.  Huh.  What's going on?   
     Last paragraph!  Never seen that movie.  Oh well!  I assume it exists.  Could be a False Flag!  Whatever.  Worst part of Zoom Class is I wanna look at myself to make sure I don't look Dumb for 3 hours but if I'm constantly looking at myself for three hours SUDDENLY I LOOK LIKE THE DUMB ONE.  I can't check myself out AT ALL.  Gotta refrain from that completely!  Oh well such is life.  Second worst part of Zoom Class is when talking about my pilot I freeze up and don't know what to say and sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about even though I kind of know what I'm talking about!  Third part is I wanna pay attention to other people's portions of class but I'm too busy trying to figure out what I'm talking about for my own crap.  I'm sure there's plenty of other stuff that's bad about it but I gotta wrap up the entry.  Not such a great one!  Tomorrow should be okay!  See ya!

-4:58 P.M. 





Monday, January 22, 2024

That's More Like It

    Hi, friends!  I had a delightful weekend full of making progress for Pilot Class.  We're talkin BIG OL' BREAKTHROUGH for pilot!  I will tell you All About It after the class reacts with a 5 out of 10 on the Enthusiasm scale to my update DEFLATING MY SPIRITS.  Then and only then will I fill you in!  Teacher assigned us two pilots to read-- Fleabag and What We Did In The Shadows!  Read em.  WATCHED EM.  Now I got two new favorite shows!  I can watch them entire series per my understandings!  Or as much as TV lets me watch for FREEDOM.  I went to the laundromat this morning.  Left clothes.  Came back this afternoon.  Took back the clothes.  I had to give them money for the privilege but you can't argue with the results!  I read the two One-Page'r ideas of two classmates.  GOOD STUFF.  I LIKE this class.  Now I know who these people are.  I can use this information TO MY ADVANTAGE.
     Was watching some Streaming Service Movie about Dennis Quaid being an Old School Fire &/v Brimstone Preacher Father to a disabled kid who becomes some sort of an MLB Baseball Player.  I assume the moral of the story is Dennis Quid is more moral than us for being a Republican so lets worship him as our God.  I just used The Internet to find out if Dennis Quaid is Political and I was thinking of Randy Quaid.  BUT Dennis Quid made a COUPLE of Anti-Fauci, Pro-Trump thing-em-up statements.  So we should SOMEWHAT Thank Heavens For Dennis Quad.  Oh.  Right.  Heavens.  Was thinking about changing one of the characters' last name's to Havens or something.  Well I Ain't Gonna Do that.  YES one of them needs a new last name.  BUT TAHT.  AIN'T.  IT.  Maybe that's it.  Gonna have to look into that one!
     Seems kind of weird that the assignment for the first week is a Complete ONE PAGER which I assume is an industry term.   Gotta have the Logline, the characters, the setting, etc.  Seems like that's THE MAIN PART OF THE PILOT.  Not counting the pilot itself.  THIS SHOULD BE WEEK FOUR STUFF OR SOMETHING.  I guess this is a PLAYGROUND Draft.  Not even a first draft.  We're just having fun putting letters together at this point.  I don't even know if these are real words I'm making!  ANYWAY.  Week two is when I start putting words together to see if I can make phrases or sentences that make sense.  PUT MYSELF TO THE TEST.  Ugh.  I liked Fleabag.  Not sure why.  Possibly because I just read a book by Musician Flea.  And this reminds me of Him.  Flea and Fleabag.  It's a natural progression I think.  Wouldn't Flea and Fleabag make the cutest couple.  NO.  FLEA IS IN A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP MARRIAGE.  TELL FLEABAG TO LEAVE HIM ALONE.
Pretty sure he's married.  What the hell do I know.  The book stops right when the Red Hot Chili Peppers play their first show. I get the IMPRESSION he's about to get married several years later and Stay Married Indefinitely Forever but WHO CAN SAY FOR SURE.  Pilot Class Assignment is due in 23 hours.  We're talking 3 PM tomorrow Personal Standard Time (PST).  Should I just send it in tonight before I fall into Personal Slumber?  I dunno!  Might as well take as much time as I have to PERECT it.  Anyway.  Got it done as it is right now.  But there's always room for Tweaking!  Hmm.  Sure I started listening to KISS albums a week or two ago based on the suggestion of FLEA.  Well I picked it up somewhere at least.  Probably from FLEA.  It's really good!  I like KISS.  KNICKS FROM SOOTENS SERVICES INDEED.  I wouldn't wanna be Patrick Ewing when he finds out Microsoft Frontpage doesn't recognize Knicks as a word.  In fact I wouldn't want to be Patrick Ewing at all.
    That's not fair.  Patrick Ewing isn't THAT ugly.
  Huh.  DO British people walk on the wrong side of the sidewalk.  DID I make that joke here at least once before.  Someone needs to peptalk Fleabag some.  You're not a fleabag.  Surely you're some more flattering type of Bag!  YOU CAN BE WHATEVER KIND OF BAG YOU WANNA BE.  Don't settle for FLEA.  WHY one day you can even be a PLASTIC BAG if you reach for your dreams and whatknot.  Not quite sure what a Fleabag is now that I think about it.  Better LTURQ.  A dirty or SHABBY person or animal.  Or, according to North American (ME!) Nomenclature a seedy run down hotel or lodging house.  I don't get it.  Wait a second.  Oh.  Fleabag.  I get it.  Hmm.  I guess it's just interchangeable with dirtbag.  Or SCUMBAG as it were.  OH IT WERE.  It were.
Scum bag gotta mean used condom, right?  I think I heard that somewhere, and if I heard it somewhere, it must be true!  I ONCE HEARD ABOUT THE LOCH NESS MONSTER-- CASE CLOSED.  WELP I'm halfway through the Crappy Entry!  Great!  I'm drinking a beer with the entry again!  Replicating the success I had last time!  Are there two people whose names are like Phoebe Walter Bridgers.  Or is She Just One Person.  Kinda feel like those are two separate people with similar names.  Not sure what that means.  Lemme LTURQ.  OKAY.  There's a PHOEBE WALLER-BRIDGE... and there's a... well hmm that's it I think that's the only person I was thinking of.  Oh.  There's a musician Phoebe Bridgers.  Yep.  I was probably thinking about her.  Oh good.  I knew there were multiple people with similar names!  I KNEW IT IN MY BONES.
Seventh paragraph!  I don't have any COMMENTS for classmates yet.  i don't need to give comments!  But I READ THEM One Page'rs.  I can come up with comments INCLASS!  Good.  They got PUNS in their title.  Can't argue with that.  I got puns in my title, too.  All TV got puns in title.  For example The Office.  The OFF ICE.  Think about it!  Anyway.  The Office is a good show to Shoot For The Stars for because it's mainly One Set.  All takes place In The Office.  THAT WOULD BE LIVING TE DREAM.  I want my show to all take place in one place.  PERHAPS IN SOME SORT OF AN OFFICE.  A different office, though.  It'd be weird if it were the same one.  I think for The New Monkees all the scenes take place in a collection of Conference Rooms.  They cycle through 3-4 different conference rooms where different conversations take place.  Oh good sounds exciting!
     Three paragraphs to go.
  Well, that shows I have something in mind at least.  We know SOMETHING, SOMETIME, SOMEWHERE, takes place in a conference room.  I GOT SOMETHING PERCOLATING in my head is the point.  Why is Patrick Ewing singled out for being unattractive.  I dunno.  For being less attractive than most people?  Doesn't seem right!  The point is he's the only New York Knick of all time I could pick out of a lineup.  Maybe Latrell Sprewell.  Maybe Stephon Marbury.  I GUESS JEREMIAH LIN.  Look the point is what else is going on.  Got an e-mail from Best Buy.  Is that a passive aggressive start to an order?  YOU BEST BUY SOMETHING MOTHER FUCKER or else.  Moving on.  MOVING ON!  I'm capable of better than that.  Not much better than that.  But I'm capable of writing A Lot of Slightly Better Than That.  We shouldn't have to settle for That At All!  Ugh.  What else is going on in my lives.
    Two paragraphs to go!
  My Mom forgot about asking me to play her my New Guitar!  YES.  Now I wanna order some New Strings and Restring this mother because hey maybe it WILL work.  Get some new Mahogany Tones FOR REAL.  Probably won't work.  But it can't hurt to try!  Unless I cut my wrist on the sharp sharp strings.  OH NO I'D BLEED OUT TO DEATH.  So that's something to look out for.  But other than that it's all upside!  My guess is as Fleabag continues Fleabag gets more self respect making the term Fleabag ANACHRONISTIC.  How do they PULL THAT off.  Should be interesting to see!  HMM.  The other characters can still think of Main Character as Fleabag.  Oh good.  So far my favorite chacaracter in Fleabag has got to be Fleabag.  No one else really comes close!  I'm TELLIGN IT LIKE IT IS.
Whatever.  I assume I'm supposed to fantasize about playing the main character in my Pilot but I DON'T WANNA.  I'll fantasize about being one of the ENSEMBLE characters.  That's FANTASY ENOUGH for me.  DEAL WITH IT.  Also it's a STRAIGHT UP ENSEMBLE.  The ensemble character is MERE PERCENTAGE POINTS OF SCREEN TIME AWAY from being the main character.  IT'S NEGLIGIBLE you fool.  I'll be honest I am jealous of the main character's name.  If I could have the main character's NAME but everything else of the Other Character I COULD DIE A HAPPY MAN.  Huh.  What if I DID just switched their names.  THAT'S NOT HOW TV WORKS.  Take the class yourself if you don't believe me.  Anyway.  Then you'll see how TV works!  I guess that's it for today!  Gotta be some circuitry inside of it.  That sort of thing.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-4:50 P.M. 




Friday, January 19, 2024

It Is What It Is

    Hi, friends!  Got an Electronic Mail from my Improve Class teacher!  They passed me!  NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!  I could probably ask them to let me take 201 again if I WANT TO instead of move on to 301.  BUT I'D BE TEH WEIRD ONE in that scenario.  Anyway.  Teacher gave me mostly positive feedback in the 5-6 sentences he sent me.  WRONG.  I was BAD.  THANKS FOR PLAYING THOUGH.  You say I'm good at second beats?  You're WAY OFF.  The only second beats of the day I'm good at are the ones at around 12:30 PM and it's Beating Off.  I think I'll start working on music this weekend.  That's an, "In," to working on The New Monkees!  Get crackin' on MUSIC.  Also I just wanna Get Crackin' On MUSIC in general.  I listened to the new The Green Days album earlier today!  I was gonna say this morning but let's face facts it was this afternoon.  Good stuff.  The album is no WARNING but WHAT IS.
    Started watching Arrested Development: Season IV: Original Format.  They remixed the Format of Season IV when they released Season V!  NOT THAT AM I WATCHING, BUT THE FIRST THING.  Anyway what can I talk about today that's Amusing.  There's the band MUSE.  That's A Muse Thing.  They have their famous song Hey Hey We're Muse.  What genre is MUSE.  I believe they're ALTPROGROCK.  I always found them slightly inaccessible based on Presumably Something!  Possibly nothing!  But probably there was SOME kind of INPUT I got from SOMEWHERE that might have made me think This Band's Music is vaguely inaccessible.  I CAN'T ACCESS IT.  Something's WRONG.  What's their famouse song.  Last Train To Museville.  I started watching The The Doors movie last night.  With Val Kilmer.  Good movie!  The point is I think I can write as good lyrics as this Jim Morrison guy.  Not the same KIND of lyrics.  But roughly the same LEVEL OF QUALITY of lyrics.  And that's not a Put Down.  Nor is it a Stand Up!  WE'RE BOTH CAPABLE.  CAPABLE OF BEING ADEQUATE LYRICSMITHS!!
     Gotta watch the rest of that movie.  Some of it is kinda trippy!  TRIP ON YOUR OWN TIME, I was telling myself.  While I'm watching TV I'M ON TEH CLOCK.  Anyway.  While I was watching the movie I was like Wow it's an interesting coincidence that Val Kilmer looks so much like Jim Morrison.  How did THAT happen.  Then just now I realized I don't know what Jim Morrison looks like.  Kinda just assumed He Looks Like Val Kilmer!  LEMME LURQ what Jim Morrison looks like.  YEP.  Looks a bunch like Val Kilmer.  I was right.  Anyway.  I forget how he dies.  NO SPOILERS.  Gonna wait to see how the movie says he dies.  My guess is Natural Causes and In His Sleep.  ValKilmer. Valkyrie.  What's going on again.  I've never seen the movie Valkyrie.  Then again I've never seen dozens of movies.  So it's not that interesting a story.
    Started a beer about a paragraph ago.  Haven't had alcohol in over a month!  Good.  Needed to get the stink off from yesterdays Terrible Entry.  If that means using Beer to maybe help write Entry then FINE.  Hmm.  SO FAR my Mom has forgotten about me playing her my new guitar.  GOOD.  Once she remembers my line is gonna be oop actually gotta restring the guitar completely from the strings they sent it with. Which MAY work.  If I replace ALL the strings with new strings I'd say maybe a 1 in 3 chance it will start working completely then.  STILL THOUGH I DON'T LIKE IT.  I'm NO PRO at STRINGING GUITARS.  I can do it BUT I'M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT.  Anyway.  Probably won't help.  GOOD.  When I work on music Coming Up In My Life probably gonna be ELECTRIC guitar.  Because I'm an ECLECTIC kind of guy.  Eclectic means VARIETY.  Something like that. 
    YEAH!  Anyway.  There's a magazine called Variety but my guess is it's all pretty much about the same Themes.  Celebrities and the Entertainment Industry.  No articles breaking any new ground, really!  Why would anyone wanna break ground.  Maybe they're looking for oil.  Or trying to create some sort of Underground Dwelling or Office Space.  How about a Cemetery.  They break lots of ground.  Bury dead people in it.  What kind of freaks cremate family members and then feature the urns in their houses prominently.  HEY THERE'S A PILE OF MOM.  RIGHT THERE ABOVE TE TV.  WONDERFUL.  GLAD TO KNOW THAT JAR OF MOMDUST IS JUST HANGING AROUND ALL THE TIME WHLIE WE GO ABOUT OUR BUSINESS.  Why.  Then again why have TV when we can just look at MOMDUST instead.  Maybe we can save money with the Momdust.  I dunno.  Bad part about being cremated is you don't know WHAT will happen with your ashes.  If you're dead and buried ODDS ARE you'll stay in coffin indefinitely.  If you're cremated WHO KNOWS what'll happen.  You can get poured out and mixed with GOD KNOWS WHAT.  PEOPLE ARE GONNA MESS WITH YOUR REMAINS.  I WOULD AT LEAST.
    Hmm.  Not sure I get to Third Beats a lot these days!  Don't have the Lust For Life!  If you're gonna get cremated at that point just WHO CARES.  Just DO WHATEVER YOU WANT at this point.  If yer gonna turn yourself to FINE FINE ASHES, ya really might as well be anything
!  The point is we're all gonna die one day.  Or several days.  Some people die more than once!  LUCKY.  Muse.  Esum.  Oh.  I get it.  I TRIED taking the sticker off my pick guard off of my new guitar.  It was stuck on good!  Only ripped off about 5%.  NOT HAPPY.  When Adam Sandler came up with his first few movies did he FIRST come up with What if my name was HAPPY GILMORE and then work backwards?  My guess is Yes.  WHAT IF a movie was called, "Big Daddy," BUT NOT about a Pimp or Pimplike Character.  Well that's plainly a good idea.  You can't argue with THAT.
Ugh.  When I was a kid I didn't REALIZE Big Daddy was some sort of pun.  Or, maybe I did, but I didn't understand WHAT the double meaning was exactly.  I still amn't 100% sure!  Only Adam Sandler knows for sure.  What is Adam short for.  Gotta be short for something.  TOO SHORT a name to be a full name on its own.  Lemme LTURQ.  Nope.  Not short for nothing.  I LOOKED IT UP AND EVERYTHING.  Just for fun!  HEY one of the New Monkees' names is Adam.  TENTATIVELY.  As far as I know that can be thrown by the wayside at any moment!  Which instrument does he play.  I think for most of my life I thought he was the BASS player.  Then I thought it was possible he was a guitar player.  NOW I'M NOT SO SURE.  COULD BE BASS PLAYER.  Gonna have to look into that one.  MUST BE BASS, right?  Adam plays the bass.  That sounds right. 
    GREAT.  What kind of Bass?  Well let's just say he pronounces it correctly like, "Base Ball," and not like, "Bass Fishing."  Maybe he or someone else should pronounce it wrongly.  That's FUNNY.  THIS IS HILARIOUS!  LET'S PUT IT IN THE ALMOST MAYBE PILE.  Not quite in the Possible Pile for ideas for the show.  But ALMOST!  I guess.  Huh.  Two and a half more paragraphs to go!  Then I get Weekend Off!  Work on Pilot Class Weekly Assignment!  Work on some MUSIC.  Maybe do some READING.  Sure!  Interested in listening to the new Green Day album some more.  Seems like a good one.  Am I gonna listen to it every day?  No.  Am I gonna listen to it twice a week?  Probably something like that!  Am I gonna listen to it For Another Estimation Of Time?  NO!  I ALREADY AM HAPPY WITH TWICE A WEEK.  SHUT UP WIT ANYTHING ELSE.
Ugh.  Second beats are when you listen to the new Green Day album for the second time in the week!  No!  I can re-watch the movie Yesterday which is a reference to the song Yesterday by the band The Beatles which is a reference to the insect The Beetles.  Along with the musical element of The Beat.  Yeah!  How many Beatles songs can I play on guitar if A Yesterday happened to me.  I think I can play BLACKBOARD.  I could play most of IN MY LARF probably off the top of my head.  Huh.  I could learn a lot of them if you gave me a SMALL about of time.  But if I HAD NO WARNING and A Yesterday happened to me I'd be like FUCK I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN SEVERAL HOURS TO LEARN MORE EASY BEATLE SONGS THEN IT'D BE SITTING PRETTY DANGIT.  Now if a Yesterday happened to me but with ELLIOTT SMITH songs... NOW we're talking.
     Last paragraph.  Good!  I'd even settle for a Yesterday with MYSELF.  I'd like to Learn My Own Songs.  Wait a second the logic of that doesn't check out.  If suddenly no one remembered me THAT WOULD CHANGE NOTHING.  People ALREADY don't remember me.  And I still wouldn't remember my songs if People Didn't Remember Me More Than They Already Don't.  Oh, well!  Finished my singular beer.  That was a good one!  I can remember the songs I spent a lot of time on.  You know, the bad ones?  I just can't remember the songs that came to me spontaneously!  You know, ...the ones that were also mostly bad?  Whatever!  Adam gonna lay down some Bassss tracks on the music I write this weekend.  SIMULATED Bass.  On Electric Guitar!  See how that goes.  It's not BASS.  It's HBO.  That sort of thing.  I'll see ya later!

-5:04 P.M.           




Thursday, January 18, 2024

Is That The Best I Can Do

    Hey, friends!  Started a-brewing some coffee.  Not outsourcing it at all!  ALL ME!!  Probably should get some kind of medal or trophy or ribbon.  I'd take a ribbon.  Pin that to my lapel.  I started my Pilot Class yesterday!  Very exciting.  I wasn't 100% Well Prepared!  TURNS OUT I gotta think about so much stuff when it comes to Creating Pilot.  I was only thinking about 2-4.5% of stuff.  MAYBE 5.5% of stuff.  And GUESS WHAT teacher is gonna lay LOTS MORE STUFF for us to think about as the class goes on.  So we'll see how that goes.  My guess is I BARELY HANG ON as the class progresses in a Glass Is Half Full Way.  I fulfill my responsibility doing the weekly assignments adequately!  But I don't exactly go Above and/or Beyond!  And I end up with an Adequate product.  That doesn't go Above and/or Beyond.  LOOK I WAS HOPING FOR MORE THAN THAT, SURE.  But that's not so bad!  We should ALL BE SO BLESSED with an Mediocre End Product for all our creative endeavors.  Wait no that's horrible I had so much more in mind.
    The good news is Gotta come up with a Back-Up Pilot Idea.  Write TWO loglines for next class.  GREAT.  I think a different idea would be easier to write.  HMM.  So far my first second idea was super villain who comes up with different ultra evil Plots each and every week.  Then I remembered Pinky and The Brain and threw that out the window.  Then I thought of an idea taking place in the setting of Mental Hospital.  Don't WANT to do that.  But I THOUGHT ABOUT IT anyway.  Yesterday during class I came up with a show taking place around an OPEN MIC.  The main idea I have was already Music Related.  The New Monkees!.  But not about an OPEN MIC.  YES.  Seems weird that I want to write a show about a band when I've never been in a band and only have experience being a solo musician.  Maybe I should write about WHAT I KNOW.  That seems dumb.  I didn't particularly LIKE what I know.  That's why I'm doing this.  TO TRANSCEND WHAT I KNOW.  WHAT I KNOW SUCKED.
  I was too embarrassed to say the phrase, "The New Monkees," in the class.  I described the basic premise.  I referenced that it was like, "The Monkees."  But I never said they were The NEW Monkees.  At some point I'm gonna have to specify that.  Oh No I'm Scared What Will People THINK.  Anyway.  Teacher responded positively bit when I emphasized The New Monkees were Four Best Friends.  AH.  Good.  Now I can extrapolate from that in my head.  Four best friends.  Like Entourage.  That makes sense.  Not like Entourage.  Just like they're some Peas In A Pod!  YES they are individuals and certainly there's lots of room for distinct personality characteristic and attributes.  But ultimately THEM PEAPODS.  You know like Entourage.  No!  Not like Entourage!  Get Entourage out of your mind RIGHT NOW.  Now that I think about it it's kind of like Entourage.  Oh!  Gonna have to Think On That One!
    Teacher said something to me like if the comedy is good it doesn't matter if the music is good or not...  And upon further consideration it's possible he was messing with me.  It DEFINITELY matters that the music is good in a Show Where It's About Music!  It's pretty much a big Part Of The Thing!  Anyway.  Don't think I made it clear that it's like HALF SKETCH, HALF serialized plot.  Partly because It Wasn't Clear To Myself until After The Class.  They're The Monkees.  They do simple or extended Sketch Type Things.  Right?  Even if it's just in character as The New Monkees and not in Supra Character as Other People.  Maybe not sketch per say.  BITS.  It's still BITS they're gonna do. SHOW WITHIN A SHOW type stuff.  You know LIKE SHAKESPEARE??  Hmm.  Looks like it's roughly eight people in the class.  I think there were six people yesterday.  Got the impression there were 2 that didn't show up!
   YES.  I tried to pay attention to the other people's pitches and whatknot!  But I was too stressed out in my head worrying about my own Lack Of Preparedness of my own crap even though I'd been thinking about it For A Lot For So Long.  Anyway.  I'll READ THEM Assignments from them classmates.  Read them good.  Get a sense of them that way!  HEY I finished Treme an hour ago.  HEY I realized back during class when I was artificially saying A Couple Of Shows which My Pilot might be like... SHOULDA SAID TREME.  Cause it always has music going on.  And just the nature of it Going In And Out of things.  There's a plot but you can TUNE IN AND OUT and it makes sense that way.  If that makes sense.  MAYBE I wanna EMULATE Treme with my pilot.  ANYUTHING IS POSSIBLE.  Why not!  It's the last show I watched.  Might as well copy The Last Thing I Was Watching.  Makes all the sense in the world.  Maybe some sense in the world.  Anyway.  My mom wants to hear my new guitar some more.  The one that doesn't work anymore!  WHAT TO DO.  This could be a PLOT POINT in the show!  THIS RIGHT HERE.  Then again not really cause Who Gives A Shit.
    Seinfeld TRICKED a generation or two of comedy writers into thinking that Anything That Happens In Their Life COULD and SHOULD be in their shows.  HEY your shows are shows about nothing and every thing that happens should go in your show.  WRONG.  NOBODY GIVES A SHIT.  MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIVES.  Well.  We could extrapolate that lesson to THIS ENTIRE ENTERPRISE.  And no one gives a shit about The New Monkees AT ALL.  SHUT UP-- I gotta do SOMETHING.  But I draw the line at One of The New Monkees buys a new guitar with his parents money but then it stops working and WHAT DOES HE DO when he needs to play it and ALSO when it doesn't work he would be blamed because he threw out the box it came in so he can't easily return it OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT.  You Know That Sort Of Thing.  Nobody cares.  That's not an interesting plot line of The New Monkees.  That's NOT what I had in mind when I started thinking about this Enterprise! 
  And after Week Three Or Five Of Class when I can't think of anything to write about THERE'S ALWAYS THAT THING.  So that's good!  Huh.  What's a good Second Sitcom.  I've come up with other ideas for TV Shows in my life!  I've been around a long, long time.  I must have come up with lots of things.  Has there been a TV SHOW about THE MAFIA.  Specifically NORTH JERSEY.  Cause I'd like to Write The Sopranos if its not too late to get in on the Ground Floor of that.  Huh.  I don't know if the Sopranos is NORTH Jersey.  It just FEELS right to Guess North Jersey.  I dunno!  What id I wrote a CARTOON.  WOW.  That could be a GAME CHANGER of an idea.  What kind of a cartoon.  Still need to come up with As Much As I Needed To Come Up With Before.  Now I just know Also It's Animated Instead of Shot With Camera.  Huh.  Lookin' around my room for inspiration.  Is MONOPOLY a show.  STRATEGO.  My old broken keyboard?  FILE CABINET.
    Well, anyway.  Onto my second cup of coffee.  Earnt me some sort of Celebratory Balloon at this point!  Gotta figure out The New Monkees CHARACTERS.  For too long I was looking at The Monkees from THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN.  I was thinking a bit too much about the Ancillary Characters and how THEY frame the New Monkees.  WHAT AN IDIOT.  I gotta look at it all out from the inside out!  From THE NEW MONKEES point of view.  The two or three main ancillary characters are important.  THEY'RE PART OF TEH TEAM.  THEY'RE IN ESSENCE NEW MONKEES TEMSELVES.  But there's a difference between, "IN ECCENSE," and... "JUST REGULAR.. NOT INCLUDING..., 'Just... In ESSENCE'"  Anyway.  I can write B/B+ Comedy and C/C- Music.  I SHOULD be able to write a C/C+ The New Monkees Pilot Script!  BASICALLY that's my official position!  I'm not there yet but the pieces are there if only I could put them together over time I THINK!
   Not sure what Grade I can estimationally give myself for prospective other aspects of Pilot Writing.  Oh no I Don't Know.  Ugh.  What else is going on.  TODAY'S ENTRY is mostly FOR MY OWN SAKE.  Work out THE KINKS of what's going on in my mind for PILOT CLASS!!  GREAT.  Something worthwhile for myself.  CAN'T GO WRONG THERE.  PRODUCTIVE ENTRY AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED.  Whatever.  Gonna take the weekend off from Website!  I was THINKING I'd write here Continuously for a while but now that I think more about it probably need to spend some of that time ON PILOT!!  So there's that.  Anyway.  What about ideas I've had for MOVIES.  Maybe I can turn that into an idea for a TV Show.  Hmm.  Everyone has ideas for movies.  I must of had my fair share.  Nope.  Nothin' good or appropriate coming to mind.  Thanks a lot, MIND.  Anyway.  Gonna be honest, HAVEN'T HAD AS MUCH NEW MONKEE BREAKTHROUGHS AS I WOULD HAVE LIKED THIS ENTRY.  Devoted entire entry towards Think-em-Ups about the pilot.  Made some progress I think.  SHOULD HAVE MADE AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE MORE.  Still got a long ways to go and AT THIS RATE IT'S STILL NOT GONNA TURN OUT GREAT.  HEY Maybe the Thing I Write Tomorrow to help me work on Pilot is YET ANOTHER ENTRY.  Ugh.  MAYBE it's good.  I don't understand The New Monkees that much more than yesterday but MAYBE YOU DO.  Maybe that frees up my mind a bit.  That it's OUT THERE IN THE WORLD WIDE WEB floating around! 
    What else is up.  Last paragraph!  Worst entry in OH I DON'T KNOW a long, long time?  No jokes.  THERE'S NO LAUGHS AT ALL.  YOU wasted your time on this one, friend.  Sorry!  HMM.  If I can't handle putting out 10 paragraphs of The New Monkees I probably also wouldn't be comfortable putting out An Entire TV Series of it.  So there's THAT.  Anyway.  Pretty sure my second Sitcom idea should end up being better than my first idea.  But I don't know what it is!  What if it takes place in a place where they play old keyboards and board games and there's a file cabinet in there for good measure.  Could be interesting.  I could write Regular Entry tomorrow and devote Regular Weekend to Pilot.  FRIDAY is Regular Week.  Doesn't have to be part of Three Day Weekend.  Let's talk about it.  MORE than we just did.  I CAN COME UP WITH SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON IT if push came to shove.  Maybe it takes place in HISTORY.  The TV Show.  Off the top of my head you can never go wrong with the 19th century??  Ugh.  See ya later.

-5:11 P.M.




Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Thanks For Stopping By

    Hello, friends!  Half of the lightbulbs in my room are not producing any light!  Seems kind of strange.  THEY used to conjure up light.  For MONTHS.  Suddenly no light?  Any investigative reporters out there that wanna look into breaking a big story?  Cause this one might go ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP.  Lightbulb is at the top of my room.  Anyway.  Made some real progress with Potential Pilot going into 1st class tonight.  It TURNS OUT one of the Leading Ladies might be gay.  Possibly!  Nothing is set in stone.  Except for possibly Other Things unrelated to this.  Must be some things set in stone.  The 40 Year Old Knocked UP's last name was Stone.  You don't forget a thing like that.  I joined Google Classroom and saw the names of THREE fellow Pilot Class students!  NOT BAD NAMES.
    Had delicious Chocolate Chip cookies right now.  Two!  Small ones!  #YesWeCan.  #IGuessWeDid.  They had clips of Barack Obama from 2008 in TREME last night.  The only person who has aged more than Barack Obama in the last 15 years is ME.  I WAS A CHILD and now I am A MIDDLE AGED.  How does THAT work.  Anyway.  I think there should be some sort of speech where Obama is like And THIS is why I picked Joe Biden as VP.  I never seen an interview or anything where he Gives Joe Biden Some Juice SPECIFICALLY about this is why he was great FOR ME and is STILL GREAT SPECIFICALLY IN THAT RESPECT now YOU CAN LIKE HIM EXACTLY JUST AS I LIKED HIM.  Then again I don't watch every interview.  I watched THE Interview with Seth Rogen and James Franco and that turned me off of Interviews altogether!  VERY forgettable movie!  I think so.  I CAN'T REMEMBER.  Probably fair to say Joe Biden aged a lot in 15 years.  MY GUESS is he was pretty old 15 years ago, too, though.  But now he's pretty older I'd Say!
    15 years isn't supposed to be that much!  But it has been for a lot of us!  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Gonna be staying up later than EVER tonight for Piloting Class tonight.  I might be dozing off during the Second Third of it.  I wonder if the class will recorded for Posterities sake.  Posterior's sake.  Yeah.  When I WAS a kid, men were gay and women were lesbian.  ALSO dogs were boys and cats were girls.  MEN wore pajamas and WOMEN wore I dunno NIGHT GOWNS OR SOME SHIT?  I feel like if a Dog or Cat can teach kids about responsibility, an Ant Farm can only teach kids BAD lessons.  Make them Crazy Super Villains or something.  LOOK AT THESE ANTS ALL DOING MY BIDDING.  THEY ALL OBEY THEIR SUPER MASTER.  Well the KID isn't their master.  The Master ANT is their master.  There may not be a Master Ant.  I MAY not know how Ant Farms work.  I never had an Ant Farm!  I HAD A BOWL OF MARBLES.  Closest thing to a pet I had!  I had a bowl of marbles that my Dad had accumulated from when he was a kid and played Marbles!  I CALLED THIS ONE MARBLEY, and THIS ONE MARBLO, and THIS ONE MARBLUB... basically each one started with MARBL...
   Oh yeah I also had a cat.  That's pretty Close To A Pet!  Now that I think about it!  Anyway Ant Farm is just LOOK AT ALL THEM TINY ANTS DO THEIR WORK.  MWA HAH HAH HAH HAH.  That's all I'm trying to say.  I don't GET the book Animal Farm.  MOST farms involve Animals.  Without Animals IT'S NOT MUCH OF A FARM.  Sure you can have SOME aspects of a farm without an animal.  BUT NOT MUCH.  I've seen the movie Funny Farm twice or thrice but it's not much of a movie!  They have very few animals, so there ya go!  Pet dog.  Some ducks.  Hmm.  Chevy Chase looks at some BIRDS at some point.  It's a plot point!  Well it's relevant for 5-10 seconds at least.  The Chevy Chase should be A CAR MODEL.  Let's put all our cards on the table!  Sure I'll say things that 300 people have said before.  It's important!  Not sure Chevy is a real first name?  Anyone else named Chevy in human history?  His real name is Cornelius Crane Chase.  WOW.  And he changed his name from that??  I WISH MY NAME WAS CORNELIUS CRANE.  EITHER of those names would be great.  BOTH would be AMAZING AWESOME.
    Ugh.  Not sure if Chevy is short for Cornelius or Crane.  Not sure of a lot of things these days!  Maybe 20-40% of things.  Alphabet.  Numbers.  Some geometry.  What else am I sure of.  I dunno!  I'm not particularly happy with Today's Entry.  The great news is It Doesn't Matter!  Anyway.  It doesn't matter!  If we're ranking the best Chevy Chase movies from Bad to Not Quite As Bad which is Not Quite As Bad.  Anyway I don't know why I had to insult Chevy Chase movies right there.  I just didn't know what else to say!  Telling an Insult just then is what came naturally.  Anyway.  How's the new MEAN Girls movie.  Is it AVERAGE.  Cause Average is a synonym of Mean.  I didn't particularly love the original Mean Girls movie! I couldn't relate to it because I had no reference point for what Girls were like!  Still don't!  THIS IS ALL FOREIGN TO ME.  Get back to me in another 20 years and hopefully then I'll be able to relate to high school girls.
    Halfway through the entry.
  When I was in high school no one ever wrote a musical about MY experience.  Well I sort of started writing songs for myself.  So it's not entirely accurate.  But no one ELSE OTHER THAN MYSELF wrote a musical about MY experience.  Well maybe they did but they never released the musical OR they did but they never told me that the musical that they released was actually about my Experience.  The point is NO FAIR.  I feel underserviced!  Maybe Queen Rock Montreal speaks to my High School self.  Huh.  I had Under Pressure on my Mp3 Player in high school.  Did I have any other Queen Songs in there?  Not sure!  THAT might have been it.  I WAS MISSING OUT IN HIGH SCHOOL.  No QUEEN SONGS.  No MEAN GIRLS.  By which I don't mean the movie, but I mean Actually Knowing Mean Girls Myself.  I should have been friends with SOME MEAN GIRLS.  So I could relate to the movie Mean Girls.  Oh well.
  You don't have to be friends with Mean Girls to appreciate Mean Girls.  You can be friends with Appropriately Tempered Girls who THEMSELVES have opinions on Mean Girls.  YES.  Mode Girls.  Median Girls.  That sort of thing.  Sure I'll say things that 200 people have said before.  LOOK is the one girl in Mean Girl pretty mean?  SURE.  But the rest of the girls aren't that mean.  Whatever.  Let's move on with your lives.  Not sure I understand the grammar for the title of, "Queen Rock Montreal."  What exactly are they trying to accomplish with those three words.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Is it an ORDER?  Is it some sort of update on Rock Paper Scissor? 
Queen beats Rock which beats Montreal.  Montreal beats Queen.  Okay.  Whatever.  Royalty Musicwise, we got Queen.  We got Prince.  Not sure we got King or Princess.  Probably got some sort of straight up Princess without any supplemental words but my guess is it's spelled funny.
   Three paragraphs to go!  What are some other Top Royalty Positions.  Cousin King.  What do you call that.  Cousin To The King.  Not sure that's a thing at all.  Should be though.  Does Court Jester have any official authority.  Obviously he's got a lot of responsibility.  And with great responsibility comes great POWER.  So Court Jester clearly plays a very important role in any respectable kingdom.  I think Court Jesters were given some leeway to go there.  If I remember my Shakespeare WHICH I DON'T, Court Jesters show up from time to time, and they often do material that makes the audience go CAN THEY SAY THAT?!?!  Because it's tongue and cheek references to REAL SHIT that's GOING DOWN and whatknot.  So that's good.  I can't read Shakespeare.  I can barely read at all.  I'm basing this all on practically nothing.
    Penultimate paragraph!
  They're COURT jesters but they mainly were there to entertain KING & QUEEN.  If the rest of the court was laughing too hard and the king didn't get the joke, the king would get ANGRY and be like THIS ISN'T RIGHT.  ONLY I MAY LAUGH.  PUT EVERYONE ELSE TO DEATH.  Something like that.  Court jesters gotta wear those stupid hats.  With like three flaccid hornthings on them with bells at the end.  Those hats get laughs I guess!  Can't go wrong with dumb hats.  Give the people what they want!  Emperor.  Is that a Band.  I'm gonna say Not Yet.  But if I ever form a band gonna keep it in mind.  Then again I might get sued by some real Emperor if I start a band called Emperor.  They could have a pretty good case against me!  Today's entry isn't that good!
    Last paragraph!
  Amazing!  Are Dukes and Duchesses related to King and Queen.  Or just Friends Of The Family.  I'd LTURQ but I've exhausted all my LURQ energy reserves for the day.  Unless something else comes up that I wanna LURQ.  We'll see!  Are people upset that MEAN GIRLS is too woke because all the main characters are female?  Too little MALE representation?  My guess is not yet but if I start talking about it maybe it will spread!  Spread like cancer!  Huh.  Not sure I'm happy about the TENSE of the phrase WOKE.  I think we should be saying WAKE.  Kids are too WAKE these days.  Not WOKE.  I don't know what that means exactly but it seems right.  Oh well.  Maybe not WAKE.  Maybe AWAKE.  That's proper grammar.  Someone is Awake.  Not Woke.  That's exactly how words work now that I think about it.  Anyway.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-5:43 P.M                     




Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Wouldn't You Read This

    Hey, friends!  What's going on!  I have a DELICIOUS Iced Coffee going on right now.  I don't know if they have those where you are.  It's a local delicacy they serve at a coffee shop in the neighborhood called STARTBUCKS.  I've been nursing it over the course of the day.  Kinda REVERSE-nursing it.  Wouldn't nursing it mean I'm nourishing THE CUP.  The lady Nurses the baby with milk.  HOWEVER, I nurse the drink by drinking it.  Sounds like a Conflict of Direction Of Flow of the Drinking when we're talking about the Nursing of Drinks!  If I were nursing the Starbucks cup I'd be filling it with my Manmade Man Milk.  Which I'm not doing today!  Only on Sundays.  Every other Sunday.  Other than WHAT.  Other than the Non-Other Sundays.  Huh.  This is good stuff I should be writing it down.  Anyway.  I wrote down too many notes back in college.  I should have just trained myself to REMEMBER random stuff from lectures.  I learnt the wrong lesson!  That I had to write down things.  Now my Mind and/or Body is attuned to not absorb ANYTHING unless Notes Are Taken.
    NO I'm Never gonna READ the notes I take on Any Given Subject!  But just the process of taking the notes help me remember things vaguely!  I'm gonna eat a breaded chicken cutlet sandwich for dinner You Idiots!  Anyway.  Had a psychiatry appointment today!  Supposed to be in person.  However there was an inch of snow so my Dad lobbied for it to be over Zoom.  My Dad can't go out in A SMALL AMOUNT OF SNOW and drive me to Appointment!  MY CRAZY FAMILY am I right?  Seemed notable at the time.  The littlest things are huge roadblocks or something for my parents.  Sorry OUTSIDE IS CANCELLED because of Some Snowflakes.  YEAH.  Closing in on the end of TREME.  Only 5.5 Episodes left.  If you'd do the math, extrapolate based on that, crunch those numbers, run it up and down the times tables, you'd conclude that I only have 5.5 Episodes left.
  Nationwide Shortage!  MAYBE WORLDWIDE SHORTAGE.  It's been described to me as a Nationwide Shortage but now that I think about it if there's Ritalin out there in the world WHY IN THE WORLD shouldn't Americans have it.  Kinda feels like we're the Wealthiest and most powerful country??  We should be able to get all the drugs we want??  ANYWAY just gonna have to Bite The Bullet and not take all the drugs I want.  For now.  NONE of the drugs that are Ritalin Adjacent are available.  NOTHIN' there for me!!  It's Methyl drug.  I can get METH PREFIX street drugs.  But I don't think there's MethYL street drugs.  Which as a distinction is important!  IMPORTANT LIKE ME.  I mean a lot to my Friend and Family.  I probably have a friend.  If I really thought about it.  I could come up with one person.  Hmm.  Starbucks could have been a fun Cryptocurrency if it wasn't a Coffee Shop.  Because of, "Bucks."  It makes you think of American dollars.  Which are also called, "Bucks."  I wonder why I don't have friends.
Yeah!  They made my coffee today TOO fast.  I think it was in my hand maybe like 12 seconds after I finished asking for what I wanted.  And it involved MILK and SPLENDAS.  And YES they can predict wahat I want based on What I Always Want.  So they could have started it as much as maybe WOW I Don't Know 20 seconds earlier when I first walked into the store.  But I don't think that was the case today.  I just think one of them was The Flash or something.  Or the X-man equivalent of The Flash.  I think he was called The Xlash.  I don't know!  I don't KNOW how he's pronounced. Could be one of any number of ways.   The point is SOMETHING unusual happened at the Startbucks that I'M GONNA LOOK INTO.  Where to start.  Guess I should start there.  Ask them about it.  If anyone knows IT'S Themselves.  But I don't wanna come on too aggressively!  I don't want them to know I'm onto them yet!  WHAT THE HELL.   
   Wow there's a QUEEN Concert Film coming out this weekend!  I can go see that!  Kinda redundant with the QUEEN Biopic I saw a couple of years ago!  But I like rock music!  I wouldn't mind seeing Rock Music in A Concerttype Setting.  Sounds like a slam dunk.  Bi-Op-Ic.  That's how we pronounce that word For Fun's Sake.  Just in case anyone wasn't on the same page as I was.  Looks like this film is from 1983.  LOOK I know the concert was old.  Based on the Non-living status of at least Freddie Mercury going back Aways.  But I think this film was RELEASED Way Back When, too!  Could be wrong.  Looks like I may be wrong.  Let's say there's a Seventy Percent Chance I'm Wrong.  Even though I'm probably wrong Gonna look at The Glass As Half Right.  I'M A POSITIVE GUY.  As was Freddie Mercury!  SAD STORY, THAT.
      Halfway through the entry.
  Okay!  Slightly better than yesterday, I feel!  NOT GREAT THOUGH.  What else is going on.  Gotta figure out what to talk about for an entire five, "Paragraphs," now!  HUH.  The Queen concert takes place in Montreal.  Not sure Montreal makes sense as a place.  Canada seems like a really WHITE place.  But Montreal is FRENCH.  French people are PRETTY white but not THE WHITEST people I've ever seen.  Something COLORFUL about the French.  Therefore MONTREAL just doesn't add up.  Gonna have to Look Into Montreal!  I'll get back to you on this!  What color are the French supposed to be.  I dunno BLUE off the top of my head?  They're somethin'!  Anyway. IS CANADA HAPPY that their main culinary export to the rest of the world is Ginger Ale.  Canada Dry.  That's it!  Also it's not even ALL ginger ale!  It's just ONE BRAND.  Didn't even COME UP with Ginger Ale.  Just put out one popular variant.  PATHETIC.
Hmm.  Pretty sure this Soda Pop is WET!  That's the whole PREMISE of it.  Gotta DRINK IT.  Whatever.  Seventh paragraph!! Probably talked about Canada Dry 3 times here in the past.  Gonna guess 2015, 2019, and 2020.  Just a random guess!  Now it's FOUR times.  Just roughly the exact same Riff each time.  So that's good.  Not for ME.  Not for YOU.  Gotta be good for SOMEONE.  Somewhere.  Ultimately!  In some sense!  Otherwise it wouldn't be happening!  This was all set into motion by forces bigger than we can understand!  Anyway.  Canada Dry not even made in Canada.  Made by AMERICAN soda brewery that makes Dr. Pepper and Snapple.  All a big bullshit.  Huh.  AMURICA JUICE.  I'd drink that.  Sounds delicious.  As long as it's not literally juice but rather some sort of Chemical Carbonated Beverage that's not healthy for you.  Juice in the ABSTRACT-- I'd drink that I mean.  Oh okay good.
    Anyway.  There was the Tupac Shakur movie Juice.  And/or Omar Epps.  Seems relevant.  Then again in another sense it doesn't.  If we're not counting The Snapple, my most drank Juice in lifetime was Low Sugar Cranberry-Pomegranate Juice!  MAYBE orange juice.  Orange juice covers my entire lifetime.  The Cranberry-Pomegranate Juice was only around for about a decade.  They're running NECK AND NECK now that I think about it.  Orange juice is a good juice now that I think about it.  Yeah.  What do people get out of reading this website.  Living Vicariously Through Me Remembering Orange Juice Is A Good Juice Now That I Think About It.  I guess IT'S BETTER THAN NOTHING.  Makes sense!  Probably should have gotten some assorted cookies from the Deli along with my delicious Sandwich coming up.  I forgot!  Too late now!  Oh Well YOU TAKE THE GOOD WITH THE BAD.  Or refuse the bad.  Try to only take the good.  SEE HOW THAT WORKS OUT FOR YOU. 
   Maybe it works!  That'd be awesome!
  Huh.  Mainly basing French Being Blue on language.  Guess they kinda APPEAR blue.  Definitely ACT blue, too, now that I think about it!  Pretty blue people!  I've never met a Frenchman or woman in my life.  The important thing is I speculate about their qualities and attributes all the same.  Blue is a pretty good color!  Represents my political party of preference out of the top 2 political parties!  Pretty good!  Also-- water-- can't go wrong with water!  The sky.  Look up at the sky while you can!  No guarantee it'll always be there!  There's probably even more things that are blue and I encourage you to go out in your lives and find them for yourselves.  Good luck!  Anyway.  It's Possible Blue represents my favorite political party of preference OF THEM ALL!!  I'm not voting for any other party!  I don't particularly LOVE the Democratic party.  But it's still THE BEST one per my understanding!  YES.  DEFINITELY IN MY TOP FIVE.  I'm sure I'd dig a lot of Non-American Political Parties, too.  WHO CARES.
Last paragraph!  The chicken cutlet sandwich has arrived.  I will eat it in about seventy minutes.  Probably have some Pop Chips as a side dish.  I lost my TASTE for pop chips.  But it's the right move for tonight.  It's IRONIC that both Pop and Poop are palindromes.  What else is going on.  Presumably I got my Sitcom Pilot Class in 26 hours.  Haven't gotten any e-mail yet telling me What To Expect or How To Prepare or anything, though!  Could be It Was A Scam-- perpetrated ON ME.  Supposed to be over zoom.  Is there any PUN with Zoom and, "Zoo."  Because it's like we're in our own personal ZOO.  When people look at us over Zoom.  In our Domestic or Office Captivity.  Wherever we are.  When we're on The Zoom Camera.  Nope.  I Don't Think So!  Still wouldn't even explain the, "M," anyway!!  WELL that's it.  See ya tomorrow.

-5:57 P.M.




Monday, January 15, 2024

These Kids With Their Titles

    Hello, Friends!  Did I watch Escape From Alcatraz early on during my week off from writing The Website?  Sure, I did!  I rate it as a C+/B- experience.  It's probably a BETTER movie than that but as an EXPERIENCE, for ME, at THAT TIME, that's all it gets!!  STILL PRETTY GOOD.  POSITIVE VOERALL.  Way better than a C which is average.  Caverage.  Huh.  My new guitar stopped working.  Started with the High E string.  Whenever I tried playing a note by holding down on the string on any fret it was just sound out a noteless TWANG.  Then it spread to the NEXT highest string.  NOW IT'S INFECTED ALL STRINGS.  None of thestrings work!  Can't play no notes!  If I reSTRANG my guitar would it work?  Maybe!  If I e-mailed them asking for new guitar would they send me one?  Maybe!  Already threw out the box it came in so that sucks.   ANYWAY Am I gonna not do either of those things for now?  YEP Accurate assessment of Where I'm At! The good news is I picked up my old Acoustic guitar and played that and IT SOUNDS BETTER THAN IT HAS EVER SOUNDED IN MY LIFE.  GLASS 50% full.  I threw out 370 dollars but THE OLD GUITAR SOUNDS GREAT.
    Also, new guitar still LOOKS good.  Still a good DECORATIVE guitar If It Comes To That.  If I ever have to Entertain or something!  Anyway.  I missed my Improv 201 show!  I missed the last two classes mostly from sleeping in!  One of them cause it was Really Raining or Really Cold or something.  I forget what.  Probably raining.  At the time it seemed like a legitimate reason to not go.  Missed the show because Teacher had COVID and my parents were concerned the students got Covid THE CLASS THE WEEK BEFORE and then would infect me with covid LATER ON at the show!  Seemed unreasonable.  I didn't want to argue, though!  I'm no... what's a good Arguer Reference.  You know, someone who appears on TV to argue with people.  You know the type.  Anyway.  I realized it works out for the best because this way I missed So Much Of 201, if I wanna continue with UCB Improv now I have to retake 201 instead of move on.  WHICH IS GREAT.  Cause I don't have the skillset to move on!  GLASS IS 60% FULL ON THIS ONE IT TURNS OUT.
  I'M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT but I've been spending more time on the treadmill the last few days compared to the Elliptical.  It's.  Just.  EASIER.  I spend more time on it!  Still amounts to less calories burnt.  Started taking more walks during the day.  I'm not sure I like the direction my life is going on with these new exercise developments!  It's still forward BUT AT WHAT COST.  I can listen to podcasts at Treadmill Pace, though!  Elliptical speed I can't concentrate on no podcast!  Now I can!  That's fun.  I'm gonna listen to these Conversations like it's nobody's business.  Even though it's EVERYBODY'S business.  They put it out there for literally ALL OF US to hear.  Been smoking some less weed.  Saving it for Nighttimes.  Good.  Not sure I need to smoke weed that much all in all.  I LIKE IT at the nighttimes though.  Let's think differently from time to time.  Nighttimes.  Those sorts of times.  Sounds good!
     Got Pilot Class coming up on Wednesday.  Man oh man are these characters going to COME TO LIFE.  It's very exciting!  They have names now, sure, that's good.  But I can't wait for them to become full fledged two dimensional figures that can exist On Their Ownsome.  I also imagine myself giving great notes to other people in their journeys with their pilots.  I'm gonna Run The Show.  In essence I'm gonna come out of the class with 14 pilots because IN ESSENCE each pilot will be 51% Mine That's How Much I'm Gonna Contribute To Each Person's Pilot.  Either that or Nonthing.  Might not know what I'm doing throughout the class.  Come out of the class with very little!  Ya never know though!  GOTTA STEP UP TO THE PLATE if you wanna swing and miss!  That's my philosophy from life.   
    Been focusing on watching Treme lately.  Making some good progress with that.  Could be worse.  It's PRESTIGE Television.  It's not TV.  It's What Used To Be HBO.  Now I guess it's MAX.  Guess they gotta come up with a new slogan.  "It's Not TV.  It's Not Really HBO Either Anymore.  Now I guess It's MAX.  HOW ABOUT TAHT."  Kinda clunky.  Hmm.  What are some real pitches.  "Just Max."  "The Channel Formally Known As HBO."  Why Would A Channel Need A Slogan.  No other channels or streaming services have one.  I guess it couldn't HURT.  When you're buying premium channels or Streaming services, having a slogan COULD ONLY HELP.  Netflix must have a slogan.  They all got slogans these days I BET.  Does Black Entertainment Television have a slogan.  Probably.  They probably have a great slogan.  Could be a secret, though. Gotta be black to know the slogan!  Fine.  Seems like you'd want white and miscellaneous people to watch your channel though, too.  And how are you gonna get white people to watch? WITH A REALLY GREAT SLOGAN.
Sure.  What's When You're Here, You're Family.  Is that KFC?  Better LTURQ.  Olive Garden.  Either way WHAT A SLOGAN.  Slogan sounds like some sort of Low Intensity Winter Sport.  TO Slogan.  That sort of thing.  I FINISHED the Flea book.  Then I re-watched the Back To The Future trilogy for good measure.  Flea is a fine actor.  He really gets pumped up about drag racing with Martin McFly in one of the penultimate sequences of the Franchise!  He's INTO IT.  I liked it!  Anyway the book was great.  I recommend it to anyone who wants to read about things that happened to Flea.  ALSO if you picture someone whose like 50% Scott Ian and 50% Flea for some reason while reading it ALL THE BETTER.  Haven't read much since I finished that book.  I got an Academic book about the science of music.  Like how it's processed in our brains and whatnot.  And also what it means to the humankind experience sort of.  And stuff like that!  Seems interesting!  But it's not a Fun Narrative Good Time Quick Read book.  You JERK.
Amazing!  Wow!  TODAY BEEN Straight up life update blog entry.  I didn't realize kids still DID that.  In addition, I didn't realize I was still kid.  Pretty sure I'm a beginner middle aged man.  Go figure!  Back when it was still TV and they said, "It's Not TV, It's HBO," ... PRETTY SURE IT WAS STILL TV.  Now if they said that you could argue okay it's streaming now for the most part so it KIND OF ITSN'T TV. BUT at the time FUCK YOU IT WAS TV.  I've never seen Arliss.  Is that something I should Course Correct.  Maybe I ought to have been watching Arliss this entire time!  Let's do a poll of "Our Lis"...teners. ...YEAH.  Arliss Walked so Ballers could Run.  HMM Along those lines should I be watching Ballers?  It's possible I should do more with my life than watch Television.  Don't tell Television I said that, though!  Television WOULD NOT BE HAPPY.  We all know I'll continue to watch So Much Television.  So I guess the best I can do is Watch The RIGHT Television.  It's not Television IT'S THE MAX. Accuracy!  Doesn't sound amazing off the tongue.  But 100% accurate!
  Treme is only a small neighborhood in the city of New Orleans.  Why is Entire Show about New Orleans called Treme.  I've got a bone to pick with this show.  Also they call instruments Bones in this show.  There is an 70-80% chance that's accurate!  Anyway.  Also I feel like a solid 30-55% or SIXTY FIVE Percent of the main characters of this show are white.   Whereas 90% of New Orleans are people of color.  The color of black!  Black people!  And black and/or Indian people in THE TREME especially!  Where did all these white people come from.  I may be over representing Steve Zahn in this Count.  COULD be counting Steve Zahn several times over in this Tally!  NOT SURE.  No.  I'm not.  There are legimitaly too many white people!  Such is life I guess.  Too many white people in my Pilot Sitcom so far.  SEVEN main characters I got in mind as of now.  How many are people of color?  In mind?  As of now?  ZERO.
How many of them COULD BE people of color?  OH I DON'T KNOW LET'S SAY UP TO THREE.  Any more than that and IT'D BE CONFUSING.  If it weren't White people, people might be like WAIT I DON'T GET IT KINDA FEELS LIKE THESE CHARACTERS ARE WHITE PEOPLE IN THEORY.  BUT YOU'RE TELLIGN ME THEY'RE NOT WHITE NOW.  SO, EXPLAIN.  Gotta get at least one black person though now that I think about it.  We got TWO LADIES in the top seven.  GOTTA GET SOME MORE REPRESENTATION ALL AROUND!!  It's IMPORTANT!!  Anyway.  Gotta get a Norwegian in there.  Wouldn't HURT at least.  If I write them as black from the start then I can make the character black GOING FORWARD.  Instead of just a Black White Person.  Oh Okay That's Good.  Huh.  Do black people watch The Simpsons for Carl.  I BET.  Anyway.  Smithers is black in the first few episodes.  Did black people watch the first season of The Simpsons and then tune out.  If Dave Chappelle was around back then he'd be PISSED OFF about Smithers.  WE HAD ONE BLACK CHARACTER ON THE SIMPSONS and then they made him white (Yellow) and made him gay.  THIS IS THE WORST THING THAT'S EVER HAPPENED TO ME.  He might say!
Last paragraph!  Okay.  What else is going on.  Happy Martin Luther King Day.  Feels a little strange to try to celebrate a person and mourn their untimely and unnecessary loss at the same time.  Hard to do both concurrently kind of!  CELEBRATION is happy thing.  MOURN is sad thing.  And once you strike that Complicated Feeling Compromise it's hard to splice the Intellectual Contemplations of what Martin Luther Kind stood for and represents and what he might think and say about what's going on today as well.  That's a RICH feeling-think-em-up stew that's HARD TO HANDLE.  The important thing is Does anyone pronounce BET the channel like the word, "BET."  Probably not that many people!  Also I'M NO MARTIN LUTHER KING SCHOLAR.  Seemed to be a good guy, though.  RELIGIOUS MAN.  GOD Fearing Man.  Or maybe he didn't fear God.  How the Hell am I supposed to know.  What's the alternative to fearing God while being a Religious Person.  Being a big fan of God but not being scared about it at all.  How does that work.  That sounds pretty good.  Anyway.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-5:45 P.M. 





Thursday, January 4, 2024

It's Never Too Late To Write The Right Title

    Hi, Friends!  Flipped some coin to see if I should take a marijuana pill right now.  The COIN decided I shouldn't!  Nice!  Played some of the new guitar last night.  Didn't sound as amazing as it did right out of the box.  Still pretty good.  I guess my goal is to figure out how to coax it into sounding like it came right out of a box though All The Time!  Strike them strings just so.  With JUST the right fingers.  Pointer finger?  Index?  Some sort of middle finger curled up against my thumb?  Who KNOWS what kind of dumb ways I'm gonna strump or finger plunk my guitar.  Anyway-- It's called the index finger for Library Bibliography reasons, right???  I think names of fingers are POINTLESS.  Let's just count them from the Thumb On Down.  One through Five.  THUMB IS NUMBER ONE.  Wouldn't that solve all our problems.  Well, one of them at least.
    Started watching TREME last night!  Good deal!  I like the part where it's Jazz Music.  This is great!  I can play music way better than any of these people!  This is just nonsense sounds.  If they think THIS is good music they're gonna be BLOWN AWAY by what I can offer.  Wow Actor STEVE ZAHN?!?!  What a, "GET."  If you accurately interpret that as sarcasm it is a Zing at Steve Zahn's expense but To Tell Truths, if he's good enough for The Minds That Brought Us The Wire he's good enough for me.  In other news, I'm a little concerned that this show is about the New Susan Orlean book.  JUST a little though.  Hardly registers.  Barely a blip!  Do people who play Freeform Jazz feel guilty when they play Jazz Riffs they know deep down they may have played several months or years ago.  Possibly they're so Hopped Up on Their Preferred Music Genre Cigarettes they don't know WHAT they're playing!
     Last entry of the week!  The rest of the week I Will Do SOMETHING ELSE for Mid Afternoon.  Probably guitar?  Any kind of STRUCTURE to Guitar Mid Afternooning?  I dunno.  Maybe just PLAY IT!  See how THAT GOES, JACK.  What role is Steve Zahn famous for besides just I-Can't-Quite-Place Dumb White Guy Comedy Man In General.  Hmm.  The important thing is Now Is His Time To Shine!  It's possible he was a Dumb White Guy in like 2 movies I saw out of fourty of his main supporting roles and I'm unfairly extrapolating that.  Oh well.  That's HIS problem not mine.  However it's possibly MY FAULT not his.  But it's something we should must COLLECTIVELY address as a society if we want to move forward in a PRODUCTIVE and CONDUCIVE way forward.  Conducive how.  Conducive toward WHAT end.  Yeah sure.  His name is STEVE.  He's DISSHELVED.  If he wants to be taken seriously he'd call himself STEVEN and GET A HAIRCUT.  Looks like I was right all along.
Or maybe I was wrong to spend all my time Judging Steve Zahn.  Probably better ways to live my life.  Lemme work on that!  Possible I go out of my way to eat pizza-- delicious pizza-- tonight!  Not sure how that would work.  I'm done with my walks IN THEORY.  But I could always Come Out Of Retirement to take ONE FINAL WALK to pick up some pizza.  Lots of things wrong with the phrase Taking A Walk.  DON'T BELIEVE ME? WELL You ain't, "TAKING," IT ANYWHERE.  And unless it's Just One Step (Not even a TANDEM Step which is usually what happens-- Stepping is pretty much always done IN COUPLETS) you're really Walk-ING.  Huh.  It makes sense to me!  Gonna have to think about how to Make It Make Sense To You.  Anyway.  Thinking about something Intellectually is your Sixth Sense.  Makes sense I guess.  Maybe!  I like seeing the actors from The Wire, Etc. show up in Treme.  HEY WE'RE OLD FRIENDS.  From before.  The other show or two.  It's funny because I KNOW THEM but THEY DON'T KNOW ME!
    Sounds funny to me!  I recognize Them Faces!  That's how I know them.  They wouldn't recognize my face out of a line up of Me and Steve Zahn.  That's how They Don't Know Me.  Anyone in the Zahn family name Pete.  PETE ZAHN.  Pizza'n.  Gonna be honest That reminds me of one of my favorite foods.  Hmm If I were a betting man I'd say I'll just eat a Supermarket Meal of Pasta Alfredo Style for dinner tonight.  In fact, I'd say it if I were a gambling man or not.  I just said it.  Twice!  I'll say it again several times more!  Steve Zahn.  I wonder if Steve Zahn's family gathered around the TV for the first episode of Treme and was like HEY EVERYBODY STEVE'S ON.  STEVE ZAHN.  BY WHICH WE MEAN STEVE'S ON.  Also THE WORDS SOUND THE SAME, "STEVE'S ON," AND, "STEVE ZAHN," YOU GET THE PICTURE.  AND NOW HE CAN GET ANY MAJOR MOTION PICTURE HE WANTS after being on A THE WIRE themed TV show.
  No OTHER writer would GO there and certainly not TO THIS EXTENT.  Good!  Oh, hey, I ended up taking Marijuana Pill a paragraph or two ago!  In theory it won't kick in until the entry is done, anyway!  We'll see how that, "In Theory," pans out!  Trying to figure out how much you can hear the acoustic guitar sound when you play the electric version of the acoustic-electric guitar.  Presumably you can't STOP the acoustic guitar part of the guitar making the acoustic guitar sound.  How would that work!  You'd just have to FOCUS on the amp sound ALL THE MORE while BLOCKING OUT the acoustic guitar sound!  GOOD.  I can BLOCK OUT all sorts of things.  OFF the top of my head can't think of too much but that's just because I'm Blocking The The Things Out so well!  Been having a run of pretty bad luck with flipping coins lately.  I don't know what that means.  By it's NATURE it shouldn't be right.  Thems the breaks!
    Okay.  I want to keep New Guitar in case because it's the responsible thing to do This Time Around to avoid it gettin' Dusty but I also should keep it NOT in case because that will motivate me to play it more Seeing It In Sight and also not having to do THE WORK of taking it In & Out.  So you can see the kind of Real Tough No Win Situation I'm In.  Is In & Out Burger trying to capitalize on people liking Childish Euphemisms for sex?  My guess?  Sure!  What OTHER Fast Food Chains.  Kinda wouldn't mind getting into a lady's Starbucks.  That's first things first.  One of the first things kids do when experimenting is Dunkin' Donuts.  Nah that's no good.  Well there are a few more Along Those Lines but I DON'T CARE to continue on with this.  FIVE GUYS.  See?   I DON'T CARE to go on with it!  WHO NEEDS IT.  Five Guys is not a euphemism at all.  Makes ya think of group sex.  That's it.  Nothing funny about that.  Maybe it's funny.  I wouldn't know!
     Eighth paragraph! There's a New Orleans Square in Epcot Center.  I musta been there when I went To Disney World.  So basically Treme really hits home with me.  Also I've enjoyed Popeyes Chicken which is traditional down home Cajun Cooking.  Popeyes.  I don't know what that means.  Hmm.  I lost my chance to see Godzilla in the theaters.  It's been Out Of Print for weeks, now!  Now my only options for the rest of time are AQUAMAN and at some point some sort of Super Mario Bros II will be available in CIRCA 2026.  I watched YOU PEOPLE last night.  The Johan Hill/Edward Murphy vehicle.  That was an okay film.  I can relate to the characters because I TOO am a character!  One would imagine.  Not sure exactly!  Original MARIO BROS in the video game weren't, "Super," enough.  Some guy came up with the idea Well what if we specified that they were SUPER.  Yeah!
    Penultimate paragraph.  Absolutely nothing happened today!  Interesting.  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off for me in the long run.  Could be okay!  If we're talking about Corned Beef and I had to choose between New or Lean probably gonna go with NEW.  LEAN is healthy but NEW is definitely better because even if its not lean at least Fattier is Tastier.  But if I had to choose between New or Old I GOTTA GO WITH NEW.  Fresher Is Better!  NOT HAPPY.  Not happy about THAT.  Not AT ALL.  Such is life.  I found a few stickers on The Other Side of my guitar case.  GOOD.  3 or 5 stickers more than I thought I had yesterday!  STILL should have even more though!  Too much is never enough.  Gotta have more stickers around here somewhere.  Desperately turn my house upsidedown looking for stickers!  LET'S DO IT.  You got any stickers?  One of you out there must have some stickers!  C'MON MAN.  Nobody else uses their stickers.  This should be easy.  Give me all the stickers.
I think I'm starting to feel the fluishness that precedes the marijuana pill high.  Great!  Let's see.  A lot of the stickers on my guitar case were from NON-Sticker-Dude stickers.  That's what the open mic Sticker-Giving-Guy was called.  Sticker Dude!  Appropriate Name!  I GUESS his stickers weren't Sticky enough!  They mostly all FELL OFF after several years!  Most of the stickers Still Standing were OTHER I guess MORE PROFESSIONAL stickers.  I VOTED Stickers and whatknot.  Stuff like that.  Now people know I voted a bunch of times.  HOPE they don't interpret that as a sign I voted half a dozen times in the same election.  They might read this the wrong way!  Then try to COME AFTER ME or something!  The point is I accumulated the I Voted stickers APPROPRIATELY OVER THE PASSING OF TIME AS ONE SHOULD.  Anyway.  That's about it today.  Man.  I don't know.  I'll see ya!

-5:20 P.M.      




Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Keep It To Myself Would I

    Hey, friends!  Got my new Electronic-Acous guitar.  MAN do I like it Right Out Of The Box.  Nice Audiblish piece of equipment.  I liked the Acoustic part of it and then I plugged it in and that's even better!  I gotta feelign this will rekindle my Like Affair with guitar.  Not gonna get me to LOVE it again.  Not immediately!  But I will have a Strong CRUSH on it.  Might even get to Second Base.  Hmm.  First base is Making Out.  Second Base is Chest Fondling.  Kinda feels like making out is more intimate than mammary grope.  I should know!  I've done each of them UP TO OR MORE THAN ONCE.  Anyway.  The point is I'm Gonna Fuck My Guitar One Day but I'm gonna build up to it slowly.  Let's say 72 Hours.  Not TAHT slowly.  I GOT PLACES TO BE.  Is the sequel to the Eddie Murphy vehicle 48 Hours 72 Hours?  My guess is it'd be 96 Hours?   72 hours would be a 1.5 Sequel.  Which is an INTERESTING CONCEPT in general for Franchises.  What the Hell.  How is different from a 2.0 Sequel.  Hmm.  Maybe it starts slightly before the first movie ends or something and continues on from there.
   For all the talk of 96 Tears just being an Inversion Of 69 Tears and they couldn't say 69 because it's FILTH... 96 is a LEGIT number.  24 x 4!  Let's Talk About 96 it's about time we got into it.  Anyway.  69 tears woulda been weird because it's an odd amount of tears.  Do we cry tears IN TANDEM.  Crying 2 tears at a time?  Cause of two eyes?  I dunno I can't picture it.  I can't picture crying!  Can't remember the last time I cried!  I do all my crying on the inside And I'm Crying Inside 24/7 Constantly so it doesn't even make a dent in my consciousness at all either way.  I don't cry inside 24/7.  It's just CONDENSATION dripping down.  Different.  Making more progress in Flea Book.  It's a good book!  Possibly THE Good Book.  See ya THE BIBLE there's a new THE Good Book in town.  How come George Carlin never had a routine where it's like THE BIBLE IS TELLING YOU WHAT IT IS UP TO RIGHT IN THE NAME.. BUY.. BULL... IT'S TELLING YOU TO BUY BULL SHIT!!!!  Thank YOU.
   Guitar fits in Old Guitar Case.  YES.  How much money have I spent on religion.  Hmm.  Personally?  Not including the money my parents spent on my religion?  I bought my parents DVDS for their birthdays in 2008.  Birthdays aren't Religion Gifts.  Oh Good Point.  I got my DAD Bye Bye Birdie: The Revised Version Featuring Jason Alexander.  I got my MOM I'm Not There: The Bob Dylan Movie: Presumably Not Featuring Bob Dylan.  Pretty sure neither of them ever watched neither of them.  My Dad liked the original Bob Bob Birdie.  And my Mom like Bye Bye Dylan IN THEORY according to the way SHE tells it.  Not convinced either of my parents actually like anything.  Family Social Commentary!  BITING commentary on my parents.  That'll resonate with Myself!  Anyway gonna play guitar for probably Oh I Don't Know TWO FULL HOURS tonight.  BOY OH BOY.  Wasn't there a boy band or pop band in the 2010's that was named something sort of like BOY OH BOY.  What am I thinking of.  Lemme LTURQ. 
    Looking at a list of Top 300 Bands of 2000's and 2010's.
  VERY likely I was thinking of 3OH!3.  Google says they were an Electronic Duo.  AH like R2D2 and C-3PO.  Anyway.  Pretty happy with that one!  Anyway.  Been 5 or so months since I had a haircut.  Think I'm gonna let it ride!  See what happens if it continues to grow longer.  My guess is it will continue to grow longer.  What is Biological Evolutionary reason for Crying.  THAT WILL GET predators to leave us alone or something right?  It will REPEL THEM because it's disgusting Internal Juices coming to the Face Forefront.  Not sure.  Maybe!  Anyway.  Should I pick at Sticker that's Stuck On Good on Pick Place on Guitar. What do you call the Pick Place.  Hmm.  Pick Guard.  Sticker Stuck On Good There.  NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE PERMANENTLY.  But if I try scraping it off I dunno what will happen!
    Delightful.  Six more paragraphs to go!  That sounds like a lot but KEEP IN MIND who cares?  What's the last money I spent on Religion.  I Don't Know!  POSSIBLY losing money at Driedel.  And that's not religion!  That's just Small Stakes Gambling!  Also I don't know any Jews that MADE their own Driedel out of clay OR ANYTHING ELSE.  IN FACT if they did they better be fucking EXPERTS at it for it to be perfectly proportioned such that each side is EVEN so that the ODDS are right it'll land on any side.  IT HAS TO BE MADE JUST RIGHT.  I DON'T TRUST THAT ANY RANDOM JEWISH KID CAN MAKE A DRIEDEL OUT OF CLAY???  Hmm.  Are there many other stanzas to that song.  I can imagine there being like 30 stanzas to that song and we only know The One.  Let's see.  YEAH.  They have stanzas for making Driedels out of WOOD, GLASS, and GOLD.  HOLY MOLY you can make Dridels out of anything these days.  ...Jews like gold!  YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST.  Ugh.  Oh well. 
    Oh well.  For all the criticism of Israel and it's horrific actions in Gaza KIND OF A RELIEF that it's not framed in terms of Economics.  Any idiot could dumbly easily go ahead and frame it like ...AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE THE JEWS WANT TO MILK MONEY OUT OF IT SOMEHOW.  I haven't read that anywhere, though!  YES!  Let's look at THE BRIGHT SIDE of things.  Anyway.  ISRAEL is the land of Milk and Money.  READ YOUR TORAH.  HMM.  What would our friend GEORGE CARLIN have to say about the syllables that make up TORAH.  TOE- RAH.  They're telling you to... TOE.. uh... Hmm.  Maybe there's A REASON George Carlin is dead.  Because of this?  Hmm.  RA was Egyptian Sun God.  TOE is how British People pronounce, "To," sometimes.  I think?  Led Zeppelin says, "TOE," in at least one song when they mean, "To."  TORAH THEN IS a message to the One True God, sun god.  There ya go!
    Meh.  Muh.  Mah.  TOUR Ah. TORE AH.  These sound like a lot more reasonable syllables!  MOVING ON.  Hmm.  I just realized Star Wars Droid name is C-3P OH and not C-3P ZERO.  I mean, I knew it was PRONOUNCED as an, "Oh."  I just always imagined it as a Zero at the end!  GOOD.  Cleared up any confusion right there.  MOVING ON.  Let's force George Lucas to spend 3 hours explaining the significance of R2D2 and C-3PO's names to us.  SUCH specific combinations of letters and numbers!  GOTTA BE deliberate reasons for those combinations and sequentials!  THREE HOURS SHOULD JUST ABOUT DO IT for explaining both of those to us.  Anyway.  What other names.  Skywalker doesn't sound so impressive when you're traveling across solar systems and galaxies.  Were you PLANETBOUND, walking across the sky is PRETTY awesome.  NOT SO in Star Wars though.  Also His name is Han SOLO because he likes to fly SOLO.  He does things HIMSELF.  He's a LONE WOLF.  Genius.  Kinda hitting it on the nose a little bit there, George.  He is friends with a Sasquatch but still.  I gotcha.
Three paragraphs to go.  I don't dislike it!  I got WORKING names for characters in Pilot Sitcom which are very relevant to and reminisct of the characters I guess!  Maybe not.  Kinda like Charles Dickens Type characters names.  MORE Charles Dickens than George Lucas I'd say.  YES.  I feel like Charles Dickens himself is Dickensian. ...I think that kind of goes without saying??  ...I've lost my ability to think critically about things??  What else is up.  What kind of films do I got in store for tonight.  I got a solid TWO films in store, I'd say!  Possible it can be One Horror Film, one Drama-Family film.  That'd be my guess and/or hope.  A NEW HOPE.  Person Who Puts On A VHS of Star Wars Episode IV and goes WAIT A SECOND THIS IS THE SAME HOPE AS LAST TIME.  When VHS came out did people try to pronounce it.  I'd have tried if I was around then.  TRIED AND SUCCEEDED.
   Jason Voorhees.  Hmm.  Very interesting point.  That's not how I was gonna pronounce it.  I WAS gonna pronounce it VUHZ.  Or VEEHZ.  But hey whatever works! Betamax Krueger.  Play guitar while I'm watching the 2 Films tonight.  Some of the stickers I had accumulated on my Guitar Case have FALLEN OFF.  Looks like I have about TIRTEEN stickers on the case.  I SAY I had as many as SEVENTEEN at one point.  I felt like a real MUSICIAN MAN or something.  Seemed pretty cool, didn't I.  Then the stickers ran out!  What does Stickers have to do with being A Musician Man.  Huh.  Some guy gave out self made stickers to everyone at the open mic because he was a Cool Fun Dude.  So I associated getting stickers with being a Musician Man.  I remember this guy being there every open mic every week.  I musta done that open mic every week for like 1.5, 2 years.  How did I only have seventeen stickers.  What THE HELL.
    Last paragraph! HEY I wrote another not entirely totally worthless entry!  Solid D/D+.  I passed the class!  This weekend is last class of Improv Class.  Been like three weeks since last Improve Session.  Probably should be able to do that to the best of my abilities at that given moment in time and place and under those circumstances.  Lotta qualifiers tehre.  Good!  At the very least I get to Ride That Train.  Back and Forth.  Several train.  Good for me.  Hmm.  Decent odds I got some sort of sticker with the new guitar!  I got some papers and whatknot I didn't look through yet.  OFT YA GET A STICKER WITH THIS SORT OF TING.  That'd hit the spot.  Oh right I got the sticker on the pick guard that's stuck on good!!  MAYBE I can take it off in one fell swoop and stick it right back on to the guitar case.  Well sure IN AN IDEAL WORLD.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-5:35 P.M. 




Tuesday, January 2, 2024

I've Got A Good Feeling About Tomorrow

    Hey!  YOU CAN PROBABLY SKIP OPENING PARAGRAPH AGAIN.  First paragraphs are for me to Get In The Groove!   Huh.  I was just looking at a quarter where the Backside is a Guy Playing a Drum.  Revolutionary War Guy Battle Drum.  My PLAN Was If I rolled Two Heads in a row I'd take a Marijuana Pill Right Now.  Anyway I rolled One Drum Guy so no pill!  But anyway THE DRUM GUY HAD A HEAD which I didn't like!  So all in all THE QUARTER IS A SCAM.  Anyway.  If I HAD taken this specific kind of marijuana pill now, I'd start to feel flu-ish in about 20-30 minutes, and then I'd feel HIGH in about 2 hours.  PERFECT for writing 10 paragraphs within the next 1.5 hours!  But I'm not doing it.  The Quarter has spoken.  Sure a HEAD did come up.  But it was attached to a body.  NO QUARTER HEAD OF MINE IS GONNA BE ATTACHED TO A BODY.

    Had some delicious Taco Bell for lunch.  That's right-- you read right-- I assume-- I have no proof at all you read right-- odds are some of you read right and some of you read wrong-- how the HELL am I supposed to know-- Taco Bell!  Gotta imagine Taco Bell is some sort of reference to a Clitoris.  I don't know much about Female Anatomy but that's my first guess of how it all works.  I watched the Are You There God It's Me Margaret Movie.  FINALLY I know what Periods are.  It's ABOUT TIME.  Looking forward to the sequel Are You There Margaret It's Me God movie.  Margaret gonna get a kick out of that.  I never read this book.  It has a female protagonist.  I Don't Get It.  Hmm.  What book have I read with a female protagonist.  Desperately looking around my room to see if any Exposed Books have female protagonists.  AH.  The dictionary. That's male.  It's got a DICK right in the first syllable.  YES.
However IT IS true that The Dictionary was the first book that I registered as being a book after desperately looking around my room for a long time.  So I do have that going for me.  I'm an ACADEMIC.  I read THE DICTIONARY.  Anyway.  What book has Female Narrator.  Some Bible?  Probably!  Probably.  Why does Margaret have to say It's me Margaret.  Seems like an UNCANNY VALLEY in identifying yourself.  Either God knows who you are without saying your first name OR you're gonna have to be a lot more specific than Just Margaret.  Either just say ARE YOU TEHRE GOD and god goes YES I KNOW WHO YOU ARE I GOT IT ALL LINED UP ALREADY or you say Are you there God and God is like MMHMM whose this... Oh Margaret?...  THAT MEANS NOTHING lots of Margarets out there you're gonna have to be more specific. Maybe Margaret DELUSIONALY thinks she speaks for ALL Margarets.  WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS GIRL.
  Not happy with how my mind conflates Flea with Scott Ian in my mind.  Visionwise.  Just in terms of how they look.  Visionwise!  Better stay up late tonight studying pictures of the two.  No time like the present!  Past was kind of like the present.  Except it happened a while ago.  Future is probably gonna be similar to the present but more advanced.  Not necessarily advanced in a good way like positive technology advanced.  Advanced like how Cancer Can Advance.  But maybe advanced in a good way!  Wow!  I Like Those Odds!  Probably made Taco Bell/Clitoris joke before.  Hey That's Grat.  Lookin' like I'm getting my Acousto-Electric guitar tomorrow!  Wow.  I think it's made out of MAHOGANY.  I never HEARD of such great wood.  Or word.  Good word!  Good wood!  If the wood sounds as good as THE WORD ITSELF sounds then I.  AM.  ON.  BOARD.  Beautiful.
  Amazing.  They are both Short Base Players.  They both have FACES.  That's what's being presented to me In My Mind's Eye.  Sounds like a conundrum trying to separate Fact From Fiction in determining one from the other.  WHAT THE HELL WIKIPEDIA SAYS Scott Ian is from my neighborhood.  He is from BAYSIDE, Queens.  Exactly where I am from.  Only negative thing is that I LEARNT HE DOESN'T PLAY BASE.  But he comes from a couple mile radius from my house.  He's MY BOY one might say.  I wouldn't say that.  Not really how I talk!  Also even if it was, not really appropriate for me to claim him as My Boy anyway.  We share a common background, though.  If I said BELL BOULEVARD he'd know what I'm talking about.  If I said BAY TERRACE he might have an idea.  If I said... well that's about it.  One road and one Neighborhood.  Let's not stretch our luck!
   Scott Ian must have been the Base Player for the Supergroup Band on VH1's HIT show Supergroup.  Right?  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE.  Regular guitar there, too.  Scott Ian has missed his calling!  If only he played BASS.  He might have made it out of Bayside! BassSide.  That's how it's pronounced.  And NOW it's a pun with the instrument The Bass.  YES!  Two, "S's," in a row is bad because of The Nazi Officer connotation.  THREE S's should be okay though.  I don't think anyone is upset about Two S's.  Two s's happen ALL THE TIME in language.  We can't go ahead canceling ALL The "Ss's."  IT'D TAKE FOREVER.  Anyway.  Scott Ian feels like he's missing A Last Name. Every time I type out Scott Ian I feel like there's something missing!  Gonna have to look into that one.  Why would someone send ANTHRAX to Tom Brokaw.  Was it HIS BIRTHDAY.  And it was some sort of MARIACHI-o-GRAM?
    IT'S ABOUT TIME someone, "Went There."  Is Anthrax an Actual Real Successful Band or did they just need a Scott Ian character for Supergroup and that's why I know who Scott Ian is.  Hmm.  Interesting Philosophical Conundrum.  Pretty sure there's an Actual Real Successful Band in a genre outside of my wheelhouse.  Spoken word.  CAN You Sign To Someone what was a Spoken Word piece.  IS TAHT STILL THE TING.  Good.  I dunno.  I guess.  After WWII were the S.S.'s defense for Genocide, "I Was Just Giving Orders!"  Probably!  Were Rank And File Nazi S.S. too.  Or just higher up Officer.  I dunno.  I never learnt history.  So what.  If you never learn history you're doomed to Not Knowing For Sure If You're Repeating It Or Not.  Speaking of rank and FILE my Nail Clipper appeared to me suddenly out of nowehre a few days ago.  Just SHOED UP in me sight after not being there for a year or two.  OH IT'S BEEN RIGHT THERE ALL TIS TIME?  HOW'D I MISS THAT.  Doesn't seem possible!  I assume it has a Nail Filer.  Rank and File.
    Biting your nails is more of AN ART than using a nail clipper.  Using teeth has more NUANCE.  So that's good.  Musta made that point a dozen times or so.  Gotta be honest, now that I'm spending more time on the Eliptongtical machine in the morning, I have more incentive to listen to Longer and Longer albums while doing it.  Not good.  Most albums up my alley are 26-42 minutes long!  While THESE DAYS I like exercising for 46-48 moinutes long.  I can always listen to a 30 minute album and then do LADIES CHOICE for five songs???  I don't wanna do a Song-By-Song For TOO Long during Exercise because it's TOO Involved but I guess I can do it for up to five songs at the end!  #goodforme.  Strange how we have the word LADY but LAD is not short for Lady but in fact means A Little Man.  Strange how we have the word MAN but MA is not short for Man but in fact means Someone Who Has Suffered Birth.
   All sorts of mothers out there.  No discriminations!  I keep telling my Mom She's a Bad Mother but no one ever responded Shut Your Mouth and she keeps crying herself to sleep every night.  WHAT AM I DOING WRONG.  I've never seen Shaft.  But that's mostly because I don't wanna look down because I'm sensitive about my Stomach Weight.  Huh.  I really do really go out of my weigh to not look at my belly.  In PERSON.  In THE MIRROR.  IN PHOTOGRAPH PRESUMABLY.  I ain't gonna look at that area at all.  It's probably not that bad but if you got body dysmorphia it's Bad Enough!  I don't think I ALL OUT HAVE THAT but I might be on the spectrum!  SHAFT MEANS PENIS.  I DON'T LOOK AT MY PENIS.  BECAUSE I'D RISK SEEING THE FAT STORED IN MY ABDOMEN UP ABOVE MY PENIS.  That's All The News That's Fit To Print!  Anyway.    

    Another entry in the books.  Not good.  The books are okay!  The entry isn't good.  I see my penis here and there.  I can picture seeing it Pretty Fresh In My Memory I think.  So that's good news at least.  Maybe I shuold have boughten a Base Guitar instead of an Electro-Acoustic guitar.  I HAVE acoustic and electric guitars.  The bass guitar I DON'T HAVE NONE OF.  Too late now.  If only I had bate the Flea book a few weeks ago I would have thought of that!  NOT A BIG DEAL.  I can SIMULATE Bass Guitar by playing relatively low notes on a Regular Guitar.  Problem solved.  I'm a GENIUS.  Musical Guitar God.  Mahogany don't just SOUND good.  Mahogany LOOK good.  At least in JPEG.  I bet MAHOGANY gonna look good up close and personal when I get it!  Well anyway.  That's it!  Sorry!  See ya tomorrow!  Amazing!

-5:32 P.M. 




Monday, January 1, 2024

Nothing Bad Has Happened Yet

    Yes!  Hi friends.  DO YOU CARE ABOUT MY LIFE?  Then read this paragraph.  DO YOU NOT CARE?  SKIP AHEAD!  NEW YEAR, NEW DEAL for your Humble Host Me.  Not a Green New Deal.  Some color, though!  COLORFUL NEW DEAL.  Got a good New Routine going on these days for the Colorful New Deal.  Significant amount of Eliptication Machine in the morning! Some Book Reading in the early afternoon.  Some Creative Output in Mid Afternoon which is either gonna be this or Something EVEN BETTER like PILOT WORK.  Then we close it up with Delightful LADY'S CHOICE later on!  Yes!  Anyway.  Finished Jeff Tweedy's Let's Write A Song book.  Started the memoir by Colorful Hot Chili Peppers' Flee.  I like it!  I read twenty pages of paragraphs and nothing terrible has happened to me yet so far.  Can't argue with those results!

    Why would anyone care about anything.  Hmm.  "Red Hot?"  I don't like it!  RED had nothing to do with HOT.  Red is a VISION color.  Hot is a TEMPERATURE feel.  Totally difference senses.  Shame on you, Band, for CONFUSING people.  The important thing is I listen to The RHCP as they're known by their Diehard Fans albums 1 x 1 during Morning Workouts.  Hmm.  "1 x 1," means One By One, right?  I've seen that before either in real life or in my dreams.  Maybe I dreamt it only as a premonition to MANIFEST IT myself RIGHT NOW.  Probably not the case!  Wish it were, though!  Cause I think it's a great idea!  Anyway.  I like THINGS.  And if I came up with them Empirically I'd Like Them More.  Because its just The Thing PLUS Pride.  Yes!  I even like coming up with terrible things!  It's The Terrible Thing PLUS Pride.  Can't go wrong with Adding Pride!  Hmm.  Wouldn't I feel shame for coming up with Terrible Thing?  Huh.
  I've watched Dawn Of The Dead (1978) for the last 3-5 New Years Eves for some reason.  At first it started BY CHANCE.  But by Last Night I did it WITH PURPOSE.  Also, I realized HEY IT KINDA MAKES SENSE THEMATICALLY as a New Years Eve tradition.  Dawn of the New Year and whatknot.  Also really makes ya think as a Major Motion Picture Experience Tradition.  It social commentary!  They zombies like the mall even though they don't need anything!  They probably died in the mall and figure well I ALREADY DIED HERE why Zombie On Over somewhere else that hardly makes sense.  Would take forever anyway.  I move at like 1.25 MPH.   Also the non-zombies like the mall because of the low low prices!  They pay Nothing in fact!  IT'S ALL FREE.  IS your speed as a Zombie related to your speed in real life.  Does Usain Bolt walk around at 4 MPH as A Dead Man. 

   OK HEY MORE TALK ABOUT MY LIFE!  I signed up with the new Online Pilot Class officially.  That shit starts in TWO WEEK TWO DAY.  See you IN HELL Improvement Classes.  Now if I wanna take an Improvement Class GOTTA WAIT UNTIL THE DISTANT FUTURE OF MARCH.  Which I might!  Why not.  Improving My Improvement will help me Fine Tune the Pilot that I'll have in my quiver.  That's where I keep my arrows!  ALSO I bought a new guitar!  We're talking IBANEZ-- one of the top most recognizable guitar brands as far as you know.  We're talking ELECTRO-ACOUSTIC.  Which is a good spin on a Spiderman Villain.  Also Spiderman himself Spins Webs.  Something to think about.  Spiderman could string some Classical Nylon Guitars and whatknot.  I doubt his webs are made out of Exactly Nylon.  Doesn't matter!  WHATEVER Spiderman's webs are made out of-- GOTTA BE POSSIBLE we can string guitars with that!  Let's get Spiderman working on that one.  Spiderman WORKS FOR US. 

    So that's good.  Spent Christmas at my Aunt and/or Uncle's!  Good.  Family is good.  You eat across from them At Tables and then after 3-4 hours YOU LEAVE to go to your separate Homes and/or Houses.  That's been my experience!  I'm not 100% comfortable with reading a book written by a Bassist.  I don't know enough about the Base Guitar to really get on board.  Maybe one day I will!  Probably not!  I guess I'll have to, "Bite the bullet," and read it anyway.  LOOK I know it's like guitar but 4 strings and they're tuned lower.  But it's just DIFFERENT.  Ya play notes and riffs DIFFERENTLY and whatknot.  What kinda notes you'd be playing for a song on a guitar... you'd just play DIFFERENT kinda notes if you were playing on a bass EVEN FOR THE SAME SONG.  I'm telling you TRADE SECRETS.  You're gonna wanna play different instruments differently!  Could be wrong now that I think about it.
     Maybe Fleatwood Mike gets into it how that all works.
  His Christian name is MICHAEL.  That's where MIKE comes from.  Not sure about the Twood.  That's good.  Is my Christian Name Michael even though I'm not Christian.  I say YES.  That's the laws of the language we live in.  GREAT NEWS.  I have an album on my band camp called Happy New Year and yesterday there were TWO SEARCHES for Happy New Year on Bandcamp that YIELDED HITS to that page.  YES.  There were TWO SONG HITS AS WELL, one which the person stopped listening before the first 10 seconds ran out, and another the person listened between 10 seconds and 80% of the song finishing.  That's what I call a successful day at the office!  SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.  Somebody listened to the song for over 10 seconds and thought Ya Know What I Think I'm Gonna Not Stop Listening To This.  Man.  Fleat Foxes would be proud.  Look.  They were just TOO LAZY to stop listening to it.  Doesn't mean they liked it.  I know how the universe really works!  It's not enamored with me!  Just too lazy to turn away!
Been taking a decent amount of notes the last 2 or 3 weeks for Potential Pilot.  It's good!  Gonna go into the class a step or two ahead of the game.  HOWEVER I realize that I should be going with a completely open mind.  Not thinking ALRIGHT I already am HALF DONE.  The premise I operate under should be I have no idea what I'm doing.  Let THEM teach me FROM THE GROUND UP.  Sounds about right.  YES.  I've read books about Writing For The Stage And Screen, though!  And I have some practice WRITING fort the stage... and screen!  I do have some ideas!  WHO CARES.  START ANEW.  WANNA DO IT THE UHCUB WAY.  I bet they tell you to write dialogue as if it were to be said out loud.  TALKIES, HUH.  HMM.  In the 1990's people would say, "Talk To the hand."  That's all we did!  It means I don't wanna hear what you're talking about!  DON'T TALK TO ME-- CAUSE I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT-- TALK TO MY HAND.  Where did that come from.  Why THE HAND.  I get why you wouldn't wanna hear Talking with your FACE.  Lord knows I've been there!  But why offer up Your Hand as a consolation Price for what the other person should talk to.  Not the most intuitive thing.  What do HANDS have to do with People Talking At You at all?  HMM.
  Been watching a few Stand Up Comedy Specials the last week or two.  Some great!  Some okay!  Some not so good!  ALL IN ALL glad I'm getting back into watching The Comedy Specials in general.  It's a part of The Human Cultural Experience that I've been missing, so that's good!  The Not So Good Comedy Specials are A BAD part of The Human Cultural Experience now that I think about it!  But OVERALL it's gotta be for the best!  Anyway.  Plenty more I can still watch.  Amazing.  YES.  Who am I to judge anyone for Doing Bad Comedy.  A FELLOW BAD COMEDY PRACTITIONER.  If anything I'm THE MOST qualified to judge someone for doing it!  Sure.  I'm not OFFENSIVE Bad Comedy Practitioner.  I don't PUNCH DOWN.  I'M 5'2.  5'4, 5'5 with MY SUPER SPECIAL SHOES.  Pretty hard to punch down on anyone except Dwarves!  And my problems with Dwarves ARE PRIVATE MATTER I don't get into in my Routines.
   I can punch down ON CHILDREN.
  That's something to think about.  That's not really punching down.  Is it?  Children have it coming I think.  Also WE ALL WERE THAT.  Also ONE DAY THEY WILL ALL BE US.  Pretty sure it's okay to shit on children.  Children you know, random children, children in general...  It's all good!  I don't like this riff.  I got no problem with children.  Except for how they got No Worries Be Happy.  Doesn't seem right!  I WANT NO WORRIES.  Why should THEY.  Also I'd be happy if I continued to have Worries but suddenly Children TOO had worries.  AS LONG AS IT'S FAIR.  I guess.  That's not an accuracy!  Anyway.  I can't remember the last time I stayed up to Midnight for New Years Eve which ALSO means I can't remember the last time I stayed up to Midnight.  In the 2010's!  I can say that much.  Livin' it up!
   Last paragraph.  NOT A GOOD ENTRY.  That's okay.  First entry back after taking a couple of weeks off.  Shaking the Spiderman Webs off.  I'll GET BACK INTO TEH Spiderman-Swing of things soon enough, you'll see!  Well anyway.  Made it about 40% into Dawn of the Dead last night before turning it off to go to sleep.  Which is fine!  Watch whatever amount makes you comfortable.  That's one of the morals to my story.  Lots of morals to my story!  Gotta be two dozen morals.  Take your pick!  Anyway THE TIME HAS COME that I get an ashtray because I like smoking the prerolled joint and it's WRONG to empty them into a soda bottle cap.  Gotta grow up some day!  I don't get it.  I remember in college people would smoke blunts or joints and I don't ever remember an ashtray around.  HOW DID THEY DO IT.  They just smoked the entire thing.  ...Huh.  Does that leave ashes.  I don't know.  I'm An Idiot!  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-5:11 P.M. 




Contact: mankindguy@gmail.com